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  • Mark Olesen's avatar
    ENH: working version with 'autoWrite' functionality · d28c7542
    Mark Olesen authored
    - the basic idea is to automatically select all of the volume fields
      that have a "AUTO_WRITE" characteristic (which would normally be
      managed by the object registry) and do this for all regions.
      Works for multiRegionHeater without too many dictionary entries:
            type            adiosWrite;
            region          topAir;    // required for function-object to work
            writeInterval   5;
            autoWrite       true;
            functionObjectLibs  ( "" );
            // writeMethod     MPI;
            // writeParams     "";
    Additional fields are currently specified by the 'objectNames ( )'
    entry, but this will be streamlined in the future.
    ENH: rationalize naming for general and time values
    - /openfoam/... for general values
    - /time/... for time values
    Use leading '/' to ensure no clash with region or cloud names etc.