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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    TurbulenceModels::kOmegaSSTLM: New correlation-based turbulent transition model · 4ad0f529
    Henry Weller authored
        Langtry-Menter 4-equation transitional SST model
        based on the k-omega-SST RAS model.
            Langtry, R. B., & Menter, F. R. (2009).
            Correlation-based transition modeling for unstructured parallelized
            computational fluid dynamics codes.
            AIAA journal, 47(12), 2894-2906.
            Menter, F. R., Langtry, R., & Volker, S. (2006).
            Transition modelling for general purpose CFD codes.
            Flow, turbulence and combustion, 77(1-4), 277-303.
            Langtry, R. B. (2006).
            A correlation-based transition model using local variables for
            unstructured parallelized CFD codes.
            Phd. Thesis, Universität Stuttgart.
    Implemented by Henry G. Weller, CFD Direct in collaboration with Florian
    Schwertfirm, Kreuzinger und Manhart Turbulenz GmbH.