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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    Standardized the selection of required and optional fields in BCs, fvOptions, functionObjects etc. · e22c65dd
    Henry Weller authored
    In most boundary conditions, fvOptions etc. required and optional fields
    to be looked-up from the objectRegistry are selected by setting the
    keyword corresponding to the standard field name in the BC etc. to the
    appropriate name in the objectRegistry.  Usually a default is provided
    with sets the field name to the keyword name, e.g. in the
    totalPressureFvPatchScalarField the velocity is selected by setting the
    keyword 'U' to the appropriate name which defaults to 'U':
            Property     | Description             | Required    | Default value
            U            | velocity field name     | no          | U
            phi          | flux field name         | no          | phi
    However, in some BCs and functionObjects and many fvOptions another
    convention is used in which the field name keyword is appended by 'Name'
            Property     | Description             | Required    | Default value
            pName        | pressure field name     | no          | p
            UName        | velocity field name     | no          | U
    This difference in convention is unnecessary and confusing, hinders code
    and dictionary reuse and complicates code maintenance.  In this commit
    the appended 'Name' is removed from the field selection keywords
    standardizing OpenFOAM on the first convention above.