diff --git a/src/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/metisDecomp.C b/src/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/metisDecomp.C
index d87619bd1d76383be70180600a941e7fe35c09fb..f16ddbd2fd998c87b8d1b40f8c888d791cf3118d 100644
--- a/src/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/metisDecomp.C
+++ b/src/parallel/decompose/metisDecomp/metisDecomp.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2015 OpenFOAM Foundation
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -61,18 +61,18 @@ Foam::label Foam::metisDecomp::decompose
     label numCells = xadj.size()-1;
-    // decomposition options
+    // Decomposition options
     List<label> options(METIS_NOPTIONS);
-    // processor weights initialised with no size, only used if specified in
+    // Processor weights initialised with no size, only used if specified in
     // a file
-    Field<scalar> processorWeights;
+    Field<floatScalar> processorWeights;
-    // cell weights (so on the vertices of the dual)
+    // Cell weights (so on the vertices of the dual)
     List<label> cellWeights;
-    // face weights (so on the edges of the dual)
+    // Face weights (so on the edges of the dual)
     List<label> faceWeights;
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::metisDecomp::decompose
                 << " does not equal number of cells " << numCells
                 << exit(FatalError);
         // Convert to integers.
         forAll(cellWeights, i)
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::metisDecomp::decompose
         const dictionary& metisCoeffs =
         word weightsFile;
         if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("method", method))
@@ -153,42 +155,15 @@ Foam::label Foam::metisDecomp::decompose
                     << exit(FatalError);
-        //if (metisCoeffs.readIfPresent("cellWeightsFile", weightsFile))
-        //{
-        //    Info<< "metisDecomp : Using cell-based weights." << endl;
-        //
-        //    IOList<label> cellIOWeights
-        //    (
-        //        IOobject
-        //        (
-        //            weightsFile,
-        //            mesh_.time().timeName(),
-        //            mesh_,
-        //            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-        //            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        //        )
-        //    );
-        //    cellWeights.transfer(cellIOWeights);
-        //
-        //    if (cellWeights.size() != xadj.size()-1)
-        //    {
-        //        FatalErrorInFunction
-        //            << "Number of cell weights " << cellWeights.size()
-        //            << " does not equal number of cells " << xadj.size()-1
-        //            << exit(FatalError);
-        //    }
-        //}
     label ncon = 1;
     label nProcs = nProcessors_;
-    // output: cell -> processor addressing
+    // Output: cell -> processor addressing
-    // output: number of cut edges
+    // Output: number of cut edges
     label edgeCut = 0;
     if (method == "recursive")
@@ -214,7 +189,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::metisDecomp::decompose
-            &numCells,         // num vertices in graph
+            &numCells,          // num vertices in graph
             &ncon,              // num balancing constraints
             const_cast<List<label>&>(xadj).begin(),   // indexing into adjncy
             const_cast<List<label>&>(adjncy).begin(), // neighbour info