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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Added a new function object to create a field relative to a field value · 091d8470
    Andrew Heather authored
        Calculates and outputs a field whose values are offset to a reference
        value obtained by sampling the field at a user-specified location.
        The field values are calculated using:
            f_c = s(f_{c,t} - f_p + f_{off})
            f_c     | field values at cell
            s       | optional scale factor (default = 1)
            f_{c,t} | current field values at cell at this time
            f_p     | field value at position
            f_{off} | offset field value (default = 0)
        Example of function object specification to calculate the reference
            type        reference;
            libs        ("");
            field       p;
            result      pRef;
            position    (0 0 0);
            scale       1.2;
            offset      100000;