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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Added new hydrostatic pressure function object · 1523160c
    Andrew Heather authored
    Calculates and outputs the pressure fields p_rgh and ph_rgh based on the
    option that was previously hard-coded in the fireFoam solver
        Example of function object specification to calculate hydrostatic pressure:
            type        hydrostaticPressure;
            libs        ("");
        Where the entries comprise:
            Property     | Description             | Required    | Default value
            log          | Log to standard output  | no          | yes
            p_rgh        | Name of p_rgh field     | no          | p_rgh
            ph_rgh       | Name of ph_rgh field    | no          | ph_rgh
            pRef         | Name of pressure ref field | no       | pRef
            rho          | Name of density field   | no          | rho
            U            | Name of velocity field  | no          | U
            gh           | Name of gravity*height volume field  | no | gh
            ghf          | Name of gravity*height surface field | no | ghf
            nCorrectors  | Number of correctors when solving ph_rgh | no | 5
        Calculates the hydrostatic pressure on construction/re-initialisation;
        the execute and write functions are not used.