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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Added new columnAverage function object · 485523ea
    Andrew Heather authored
        Averages columns of cells for layered meshes.
        For each patch face, calculates the average value of all cells attached in
        the patch face normal direction, and then pushes the average value back
        to all cells in the column.
        Useful for channel-like cases where we want to average fields in the
        spanwise direction.
        Example of function object specification:
            type        columnAverage;
            libs        ("");
            patches     (front side);
            fields      (U p);
        Where the entries comprise:
            Property     | Description               | Required    | Default value
            type         | type name: fieldMinMax    | yes         |
            patches      | list of patches to collapse onto | yes  |
            fields       | list of fields to process | yes         |