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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: make sourceInfo sub-dictionary optional for topoSet (#1060) · 5f556ffb
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - helps reduce clutter in the topoSetDict files.
      Caveats when using this.
      The older specification styles using "name" will conflict with the
      set name. Eg,
            name    f0
            type    faceSet;
            action  add;
            source  patchToFace;
                name   inlet;
        would flattened to the following
            name    f0
            type    faceSet;
            action  add;
            source  patchToFace;
            name   inlet;
        which overwrites the "name" used for the faceSet.
        The solution is to use the updated syntax:
            name    f0
            type    faceSet;
            action  add;
            source  patchToFace;
            patch   inlet;