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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    fvPatchFields/derived/fixedProfile: New BC which applies the specified 1D profile · 7321a5ee
    Henry Weller authored
    This is useful when applying an experimentally obtained profile as an
    inlet condition:
        Example of the boundary condition specification:
            type            fixedProfile;
            profile    csvFile;
                nHeaderLine         0;          // Number of header lines
                refColumn           0;          // Reference column index
                componentColumns    (1 2 3);    // Component column indices
                separator           ",";        // Optional (defaults to ",")
                mergeSeparators     no;         // Merge multiple separators
                fileName            "Uprofile.csv";  // name of csv data file
                outOfBounds         clamp;      // Optional out-of-bounds handling
                interpolationScheme linear;     // Optional interpolation scheme
            direction        (0 1 0);
            origin           0;
    or a simple polynomial profile:
        Example setting a parabolic inlet profile for the PitzDaily case:
            type            fixedProfile;
            profile         polynomial
                ((1 0 0)        (0 0 0))
                ((-6200 0 0)    (2 0 0))
            direction       (0 1 0);
            origin          0.0127;
    Based on code provided by Hassan Kassem: