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  • Andrew Heather's avatar
    ENH: Updated Curle function object · ceed5377
    Andrew Heather authored
    The function object now computes the acoustic pressure at a list of user
    specified locations, or from the face centres of a user-supplied surface.
    When operating on an input surface, the output can be written back to the
    surface or as a list of point values.
    Example of function object specification:
            type            Curle;
            libs            ("");
            patches         (surface1 surface2);
            c0              330;
            // Input - either points or surface
            input           points;
            observerPositions ((0 0 0)(1 0 0));
            //input           surface;
            //surface         "inputSurface.obj"
            // Output - either points or surface
            output          points;
            //output          surface;
            //surfaceType     ensight;
        Where the entries comprise:
            Property     | Description                  | Required | Default value
            type         | Type name: Curle             | yes      |
            p            | Pressure field name          | no       | p
            patches      | Sound generation patch names | yes      |
            c0           | Reference speed of sound     | yes      |
            input        | Input type                   | yes      |
            observerPositions | List of observer positions (x y z) | no      |
            surface      | Input surface file name      | no       |
            output       | Output type                  | yes      |
            surfaceType  | Output surface type          | no       |