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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: trap negative blockMesh expansions and treat as their inverse · 7da0b5be
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - A negative expansion ratio is geometrically invalid and will
      normally cause issues (FatalError).
      However, we can trap this type of input and interpret it as the
      inverse expansion ratio - ie, the expansion ratio in the opposite
      direction. This can be especially convenient when generating a blockMesh
      with a symmetrical expansion. It permits using the same expansion
      ratio (with a sign change) instead of providing the reciprocal values
    COMP: revert demand-driven point creation in blockMesh (db9b35b5)
    - appears to have caused a dangling reference on some systems
    ENH: add a lightweight ijkAddressing class
    - it can be used for an i-j-k to linear lookup of meshes or fields,
      where applicable.