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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: partial reorganization of HashTable internals (#1160) · 8eefc7b3
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - relocate the pair_entry (HashTable) and unary_entry (HashSet) into
      the Detail namespace and add output handling.
      The output handling at this level removes the reliance on zero::null
      output (HashSet) and allows direct support of pointers.
      This means that the following now works
          HashTable<T*> tbl;
          os << tbl;
      It also means that we don't need to overload operator<< for
      HashPtrTable anymore.
    - avoid delete/new when calling HashSet::set(). If the entry already
      exists there is no reason to remove it and add another one with the
      same content.
    STYLE: HashTable iterators now have a val() method
    - identical to the object() iterator method, but shorter to type.