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  • Kutalmış Berçin's avatar
    ENH: Digital-Filter Based Synthetic Turbulence Generation Method for LES/DES Inflows · 33ef139a
    Kutalmış Berçin authored
        Velocity boundary condition generating synthetic turbulence-alike
        time-series for LES and DES turbulent flow computations.
        To this end, two synthetic turbulence generators can be chosen:
        - Digital-filter method-based generator (DFM)
        Klein, M., Sadiki, A., and Janicka, J.
            A digital filter based generation of inflow data for spatially
            developing direct numerical or large eddy simulations,
            Journal of Computational Physics (2003) 186(2):652-665.
        - Forward-stepwise method-based generator (FSM)
        Xie, Z.-T., and Castro, I.
            Efficient generation of inflow conditions for large eddy simulation of
            street-scale flows, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (2008) 81(3):449-470
        In DFM or FSM, a random number set (mostly white noise), and a group
        of target statistics (mostly mean flow, Reynolds stress tensor profiles and
        length-scale sets) are fused into a new number set (stochastic time-series,
        yet consisting of the statistics) by a chain of mathematical operations
        whose characteristics are designated by the target statistics, so that the
        realised statistics of the new sets could match the target.
        Random number sets ---->-|
                             DFM or FSM ---> New stochastic time-series consisting
                                 |           turbulence statistics
        Turbulence statistics ->-|
        The main difference between DFM and FSM is that the latter replaces the
        streamwise convolution summation in DFM by a simpler and a quantitatively
        justified equivalent procedure in order to reduce computational costs.
        Accordingly, the latter potentially brings resource advantages for
        computations involving relatively large length-scale sets and small