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  • Henry Weller's avatar
    functionObjects::icoUncoupledKinematicCloud: tracks a uncoupled kinematic particle cloud · 947fdf84
    Henry Weller authored
        This Foam::functionObject tracks a uncoupled kinematic particle cloud in the
        specified velocity field of an incompressible flow (laminar, RANS or LES).
        It may be used in conjunction with any transient single-phase incompressible
        flow solver such as \c pisoFoam or \c pimpleFoam and tracks the particles or
        parcels without affecting the the flow-field.
        The \c kinematicCloud requires the the density of the fluid which is
        looked-up from \c constant/transportProperties dictionary and the
        acceleration due to gravity which is read from the \c constant/g file if
        present or defaults to zero.
        The \c kinematicCloud properties are read from the \c
        constant/kinematicCloudProperties dictionary in the usual manner.
        Example of function object specification:
                libs ("");
                type icoUncoupledKinematicCloud;
        \heading Function object usage
            Property | Description                     | Required   | Default value
            type     | Type name: icoUncoupledKinematicCloud | yes  |
            U        | Name of the velocity field       | no        | U
            kinematicCloud | Name of the kinematicCloud | no        | kinematicCloud