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  • Mark Olesen's avatar
    BUG: avoid duplicate ensight surface mesh/geometries (issue #167) · a4f6836f
    Mark Olesen authored
    - ensight does supports geometry in a separate file, but for the
      surface writer we claim that this is not true. This allows
      the field writers to control where the mesh/case files land.
      With 'true', the uncollated output would incidentally create
      things like this:
      Previous (w/ fields)        | Now (w/ fields)
        0.05/            |
        0.05/surf.mesh            |
        0.05/p/          |  0.05/p/
        0.05/p/surf.mesh          |  0.05/p/surf.mesh
        0.05/p/surf.0000.p        |  0.05/p/surf.0000.p
      Previous (w/o fields)       | Now (w/o fields)
        0.05/            | 0.05/surf.mesh
        0.05/            | 0.05/surf.mesh
      Move the separateGeometry() flag to the *.C code, where it is less
      likely to be mistakenly altered.