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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: HashTable cfind() method returning a const_iterator · b8300759
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - This follows the same idea as cbegin/cend and is helpful when using
      C++11 auto to ensure we have unambiguous const-safe access.
        typename someLongClass::const_iterator iter = someTable.find(key);
        ... later on:
        *iter = value; // Oops, but caught by compiler.
      We can save some typing with auto, but it is uncertain what we get:
        auto iter = someTable.find(key);
            // iterator or const_iterator?
            // depends on someTable having const or non-const access.
        ... later on:
        *iter = value;  // Oops, but not caught by compiler.
      Using cfind instead, auto will deduce const_iterator as the type:
        auto iter = someTable.cfind(key);  // definitely const_iterator
        ... later on:
        *iter = value; // Oops, but caught by compiler.