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  • Mark Olesen's avatar
    ENH: mergedSurf helper class (fixes #104) · c79544b1
    Mark Olesen authored
    - For merging meshedSurf content from parallel sources.
      Ensures zoneIds are properly preserved for sampling in parallel.
    Current state
    Current producers of the region information:
     * sampledTriSurfaceMesh
    Current consumers of the region information:
     * nastran writer. The zone ids passed through as PSHELL Ids (with offset 1).
      The per-face region association is preserved, but the face/element
      sort order gets lost in reconstruction. Would need to attach
      additional information to the sampled surface and use that for
      sorting, but this would also imply that sampled values be written
      indirectly (or resorted) too to match the order. Zone ids are passed
      through, but not their names. After reconstruction, zone ids are no
      longer contiguous. Re-sorting (as mentioned above) would solve this
      too, but again at the cost of more complexity when writing.