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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: allow new patch names in subsetMesh (issue #1019) · d0da21fe
    Mark OLESEN authored
    Previously had 3 possibilities for handling exposed internal faces
      1. use default "oldInternalFaces"
      2. specify -patch, to use the specified (existing) patch
      3. specify -patches, to use the geometrically closest patches
    Now relaxed the restriction on -patch to allow specification of a new
    (not yet existing) patch name. This improves flexibility, but won't
    catch typing mistakes.
    Harmonize behaviour of -patches and -patch. When -patches is used to
    specify a single, non-regex patch name, it now behaves identically to
    -patch. Since the getList handling for options already allows special
    treatment for single parameter lists, the following will work
          subsetMesh -patch  patch0
          subsetMesh -patches patch0
          subsetMesh -patches '( patch0 )'
    In the future it might be reasonable to fully combine the behaviour of
    '-patch' and '-patches' and treat them as aliases for each other.
    ENH: support subsetMesh on a cellZone.
    - when the '-zone' option is specified, the command argument is treated
      as the name (or names) of cellZones to be selected instead of as the
      name of the cellSet.
      The command argument can be a single word, regex, or list of
          subsetMesh -zone -patch mypatch  mixer
          subsetMesh -zone -patch mypatch  '(mixer "moving.*" )'
    STYLE: simplify set handling and other code cleanup in subsetMesh