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  • Mark Olesen's avatar
    ENH: ensure face, triFace and labelledTri all work consistently (issue #294) · a32eff4e
    Mark Olesen authored
    - triFace() now initialized with '-1', which makes it behave
      equivalently to face(label).
    - supply default region=0 for some labelledTri constructors.
      This allows labelledTri to work more like a triFace and makes it
      easier to use in templated methods and eases conversion from
      triFace to a labelledTri.
    - labelledTri(const labelUList&) can now be used when converting
      from a face. It can have 3 values (use default region)
      or 4 values (with region).
    - face, triFace, labelledTri now all support construction with
      initializer lists. This can be useful for certain types of code.
          triFace     f1{a, b, c};
          face        f2{a, b, c};
          labelledTri f3{a, b, c};
      Work without ambiguity.
      Also useful for templated methods:
          FaceType f{remap[a], remap[b], remap[c]};