diff --git a/README b/README
index 459dde3d321f1fcda48c50e2c0923adf7c4df266..390dd8edb581455cc4c7b1fa1ebfddbb58bb8bde 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
   section "Running OpenFOAM in 32-bit mode".
 *** Qt (from http://trolltech.com/products/qt)
-    The ParaView 3.6.1 visualisation package suggests that Qt version 4.3.x
-    be installed on the system.  The source may build against more recent
-    versions, but this is done at the user's own risk.  To check whether Qt4 is
-    installed, and the version, type:
+    The ParaView 3.6.1 visualisation package requires Qt to be installed on the
+    system.  ParaView's producers state that ParaView is only officially
+    supported on Qt version 4.3.x.  However, we have found in limited tests that
+    ParaView works satisfactorily with newer versions of Qt than 4.3.x.  To
+    check whether Qt4 is installed, and the version, type:
     + qmake --version
     Both 32-bit and 64-bit version of ParaView were compiled with Qt-4.4.3 (with
@@ -38,6 +39,7 @@
     The default versions of Qt used by some GNU/Linux releases are as follows.
     + ubuntu-7.10:   Version 4.3.2
     + ubuntu-8.04:   Version 4.3.4
+    + ubuntu-9.04:   Version 4.5.0
     + openSUSE-10.2: Version 4.2.1 - too old
     + openSUSE-10.3: Version 4.3.1
     + openSUSE-11.0: Version 4.4.0
@@ -59,14 +61,13 @@
   The environment variable settings are contained in files in an etc/ directory
   in the OpenFOAM release. e.g. in
-  + $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/
-  + where <VERSION> corresponds to the version 1.6, 1.7, ...
+  + $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/
   1) EITHER, if running bash or ksh (if in doubt type 'echo $SHELL'), source the
     etc/bashrc file by adding the following line to the end of your
     $HOME/.bashrc file:
-    + . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/bashrc
+    + . $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/bashrc
     Then update the environment variables by sourcing the $HOME/.bashrc file by
     typing in the terminal:
@@ -76,33 +77,33 @@
   2) OR, if running tcsh or csh, source the etc/cshrc file by adding the
     following line to the end of your $HOME/.cshrc file:
-    + source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/cshrc
+    + source $HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/cshrc
     Then update the environment variables by sourcing the $HOME/.cshrc file by
     typing in the terminal:
     + source $HOME/.cshrc
-** Installation in alternative locations
-   OpenFOAM may also be installed in alternative locations. However, the
-   installation directory should be network available (e.g., NFS) if parallel
-   calculations are planned.
+*** Installation in alternative locations
+    OpenFOAM may also be installed in alternative locations. However, the
+    installation directory should be network available (e.g., NFS) if parallel
+    calculations are planned.
-   The environment variable 'FOAM_INST_DIR' can be used to find and source the
-   appropriate resource file. Here is a bash/ksh/sh example:
+    The environment variable 'FOAM_INST_DIR' can be used to find and source the
+    appropriate resource file. Here is a bash/ksh/sh example:
-   + export FOAM_INST_DIR=/data/app/OpenFOAM
-   + foamDotFile=$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/bashrc
-   + [ -f $foamDotFile ] && . $foamDotFile
+    + export FOAM_INST_DIR=/data/app/OpenFOAM
+    + foamDotFile=$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/bashrc
+    + [ -f $foamDotFile ] && . $foamDotFile
-   and a csh/tcsh example:
+    and a csh/tcsh example:
-   + setenv FOAM_INST_DIR /data/app/OpenFOAM
-   + foamDotFile=$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-<VERSION>/etc/bashrc
-   + if ( -f $foamDotFile ) source $foamDotFile
+    + setenv FOAM_INST_DIR /data/app/OpenFOAM
+    + foamDotFile=$FOAM_INST_DIR/OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/bashrc
+    + if ( -f $foamDotFile ) source $foamDotFile
-   The value set in '$FOAM_INST_DIR' will be used to locate the remaining parts
-   of the OpenFOAM installation.
+    The value set in '$FOAM_INST_DIR' will be used to locate the remaining parts
+    of the OpenFOAM installation.
 * Building from Sources (Optional)
   If you cannot find an appropriate binary pack for your platform, you can build
@@ -135,28 +136,31 @@
 * Getting Started
   Create a project directory within the $HOME/OpenFOAM directory named
-  <USER>-<VERSION> (e.g. 'chris-1.6' for user chris and OpenFOAM version 1.6)
+  <USER>-1.6 (e.g. 'chris-1.6' for user chris and OpenFOAM version 1.6)
   and create a directory named 'run' within it, e.g. by typing:
-  + mkdir -p $HOME/OpenFOAM/${USER}-${WM_PROJECT_VERSION}/run
+  + mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN/run
   Copy the 'tutorial' examples directory in the OpenFOAM distribution to the
   'run' directory.  If the OpenFOAM environment variables are set correctly,
   then the following command will be correct:
-  + cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials
+  + cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials $FOAM_RUN
   Run the first example case of incompressible laminar flow in a cavity:
-  + cd $HOME/OpenFOAM/${USER}-${WM_PROJECT_VERSION}/run/tutorials/icoFoam/cavity
+  + cd $FOAM_RUN/tutorials/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity
   + blockMesh
   + icoFoam
   + paraFoam
+  Refer to the OpenFOAM User Guide at http://www.OpenFOAM.org/doc/user.html for
+  more information.
 * Compiling Paraview 3.6.1 and the PV3FoamReader module
-  A version of Qt 4.3.x must be installed to fully compile ParaView.  The
-  compilation is a fairly simple process using the makeParaView script
+  If there are problems encountered with ParaView, then it may be necessary to
+  compile ParaView from sources.  The compilation
+  is a fairly simple process using the makeParaView script
   (found in ThirdParty directory), which has worked in our tests with other
   packages supplied in the ThirdParty directory, namely cmake-2.6.4 and
   gcc-4.3.3.  Execute the following:
@@ -164,13 +168,27 @@
   + rm -rf paraview-3.6.1/platforms
   + ./makeParaView
   The PV3FoamReader module is an OpenFOAM utility that can be compiled in the
   usual manner as follows:
   + cd $FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader
   + ./Allwclean
   + ./Allwmake
+*** Compiling Paraview with a local version of Qt
+    If the user still encounters problems with ParaView, it may relate to the
+    version of Qt, in which case, it is recommended that the user first
+    downloads a supported version of Qt /e.g./ 4.3.5 as described in the section
+    on "Qt".  The user should unpack the source pack in the $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR.
+    Then the user can build Qt by executing from within $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR:
+    + makeQt
+    The user should then compile ParaView using the local version of Qt by
+    executing makeParaView with the -qmake option, giving the full path of the
+    newly built qmake as an argument:
+    + makeParaView -qmake <path_to_qmake>
+    The user must then recompile the PV3FoamReader module as normal (see above).
 * Documentation
@@ -186,4 +204,3 @@
   is the default mode on a 64-bit machine.  To use an installed 32-bit version,
   the user must set the environment variable WM_ARCH_OPTION to 32 before
   sourcing the etc/bashrc (or etc/cshrc) file.
diff --git a/bin/foamInstallationTest b/bin/foamInstallationTest
index 0175d026f7427083358df5bd9aab36b7ffd1346b..eacda19ccea72367443d72532d9685f17b2927b0 100755
--- a/bin/foamInstallationTest
+++ b/bin/foamInstallationTest
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ reportExecutable () {
             VERSION=`$1 -v 2>&1                  \
-                | grep 'version'                 \
+                | grep 'gcc version'                 \
                 | cut -d" " -f3`
             if [ ! "$VERSION" = "$SUPPLIED_VERSION_GCC" ]; then
                 echo "WARNING: gcc version does not match gcc supplied" \
@@ -523,32 +523,9 @@ reportExecutable icoFoam "${FOAM_APPBIN}/icoFoam"
-heading "Checking networking..."
-COL1=`fixlen "Action" 25`
-COL2=`fixlen "Result" 45`
-COL3=`fixlen "Crit" 5`
-echo "$COL1 $COL2 $COL3"
+heading "Summary"
-pingTest "$HOST_NAME" "yes"
-pingTest "localHost" "yes"
-if [ $SSHRSHOK -eq 1 ]; then
-    echo "(*) Only one of rsh or ssh is required by the OpenFOAM enviroment."
-elif [ $SSHRSHOK -gt 1  ]; then
-    echo "FATAL ERROR: No remote shell available."
-    echo "             OpenFOAM ${FOAM_VERSION} enviroment requires either ssh and/or rsh."
-    echo "             Contact your system administrator."
-    echo ""
-echo ""
-echo ""
 if [ $FATALERROR -gt 0 ] ; then
     echo "The system test has evoked $FATALERROR fatal error(s)."
diff --git a/etc/apps/paraview3/cshrc b/etc/apps/paraview3/cshrc
index 7da38cfaa51b1b210a48e02dde45ae67bcf580fa..9160edf0f89918b2294b404c9bf12395c0ccc213 100644
--- a/etc/apps/paraview3/cshrc
+++ b/etc/apps/paraview3/cshrc
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ foreach cmake ( cmake-2.6.4 cmake-2.6.2 cmake-2.4.6 )
-set paraviewMajor=paraview-3.6.1
-setenv ParaView_VERSION 3.6
+set paraviewMajor=paraview-3.6
+setenv ParaView_VERSION 3.6.1
 setenv ParaView_INST_DIR $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/paraview-$ParaView_VERSION
 setenv ParaView_DIR $ParaView_INST_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER