From 1b19e1dbc0f29e52bb8914925140201391f6f10e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: laurence <laurence>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 11:29:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: cvMesh: Initial code for required cell size in the style
 of required alignment

 .../conformalVoronoiMesh.C                    | 141 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../conformalVoronoiMesh.H                    |   3 +
 2 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.C
index 09d27dfa362..de23690ea43 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.C
@@ -44,6 +44,142 @@ const Foam::scalar Foam::conformalVoronoiMesh::tolParallel = 1e-3;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::scalar Foam::conformalVoronoiMesh::requiredSize
+    const Foam::point& pt
+) const
+    pointIndexHit surfHit;
+    label hitSurface;
+    DynamicList<scalar> cellSizeHits;
+    geometryToConformTo_.findSurfaceNearest
+    (
+        pt,
+        sqr(GREAT),
+        surfHit,
+        hitSurface
+    );
+    if (!surfHit.hit())
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn
+        (
+            "Foam::tensor Foam::conformalVoronoiMesh::requiredAlignment"
+        )
+            << "findSurfaceNearest did not find a hit across the surfaces."
+            << exit(FatalError) << endl;
+    }
+    cellSizeHits.append(cellSizeControl().cellSize(pt));
+    // Primary alignment
+    vectorField norm(1);
+    allGeometry_[hitSurface].getNormal
+    (
+        List<pointIndexHit>(1, surfHit),
+        norm
+    );
+    const vector np = norm[0];
+    // Generate equally spaced 'spokes' in a circle normal to the
+    // direction from the vertex to the closest point on the surface
+    // and look for a secondary intersection.
+    const vector d = surfHit.hitPoint() - pt;
+    const tensor Rp = rotationTensor(vector(0,0,1), np);
+    const label s = cvMeshControls().alignmentSearchSpokes();
+    const scalar spanMag = geometryToConformTo_.globalBounds().mag();
+    scalar totalDist = 0;
+    for (label i = 0; i < s; i++)
+    {
+        vector spoke
+        (
+            Foam::cos(i*constant::mathematical::twoPi/s),
+            Foam::sin(i*constant::mathematical::twoPi/s),
+            0
+        );
+        spoke *= spanMag;
+        spoke = Rp & spoke;
+        pointIndexHit spokeHit;
+        label spokeSurface = -1;
+        // internal spoke
+        geometryToConformTo_.findSurfaceNearestIntersection
+        (
+            pt,
+            pt + spoke,
+            spokeHit,
+            spokeSurface
+        );
+        if (spokeHit.hit())
+        {
+            const Foam::point& hitPt = spokeHit.hitPoint();
+            scalar spokeHitDistance = mag(hitPt - pt);
+            cellSizeHits.append
+            (
+                cellSizeControl().cellSize(hitPt)
+            );
+            totalDist += spokeHitDistance;
+        }
+        //external spoke
+        Foam::point mirrorPt = pt + 2*d;
+        geometryToConformTo_.findSurfaceNearestIntersection
+        (
+            mirrorPt,
+            mirrorPt + spoke,
+            spokeHit,
+            spokeSurface
+        );
+        if (spokeHit.hit())
+        {
+            const Foam::point& hitPt = spokeHit.hitPoint();
+            scalar spokeHitDistance = mag(hitPt - mirrorPt);
+            cellSizeHits.append
+            (
+                cellSizeControl().cellSize(hitPt)
+            );
+            totalDist += spokeHitDistance;
+        }
+    }
+    scalar cellSize = 0;
+    forAll(cellSizeHits, hitI)
+    {
+        cellSize += cellSizeHits[hitI];
+    }
+    return cellSize/cellSizeHits.size();
+    //return cellSizeControl().cellSize(pt);
 Foam::tensor Foam::conformalVoronoiMesh::requiredAlignment
     const Foam::point& pt
@@ -828,10 +964,7 @@ void Foam::conformalVoronoiMesh::storeSizesAndAlignments
         sizeAndAlignmentLocations_[i] = topoint(*pit);
-        storedSizes_[i] = cellSizeControl().cellSize
-        (
-            sizeAndAlignmentLocations_[i]
-        );
+        storedSizes_[i] = requiredSize(sizeAndAlignmentLocations_[i]);
         storedAlignments_[i] = requiredAlignment(sizeAndAlignmentLocations_[i]);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.H b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.H
index 81ce496c717..cde15d06621 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/cvMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh/conformalVoronoiMesh.H
@@ -268,6 +268,9 @@ private:
         //- Return the local maximum surface protrusion distance
         inline scalar maxSurfaceProtrusion(const Foam::point& pt) const;
+        //- Return the required cell size at the given location
+        scalar requiredSize(const Foam::point& pt) const;
         //- Return the required alignment directions at the given location
         tensor requiredAlignment(const Foam::point& pt) const;