diff --git a/applications/test/globalMeshData/Test-globalMeshData.C b/applications/test/globalMeshData/Test-globalMeshData.C
index 6feaf5cc05d2cceb17f958852c9a00890575dbb6..3c789748bf85c6df98f84d33f58d9ac2c692dc76 100644
--- a/applications/test/globalMeshData/Test-globalMeshData.C
+++ b/applications/test/globalMeshData/Test-globalMeshData.C
@@ -70,7 +70,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // Exchange data. Apply positional transforms.
-        globalPointSlavesMap.distribute(transforms, coords, true);
+        globalPointSlavesMap.distribute
+        (
+            transforms,
+            coords,
+            mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+        );
         // Print
         forAll(slaves, pointI)
@@ -127,7 +132,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // Exchange data Apply positional transforms.
-        globalEdgeSlavesMap.distribute(transforms, ec, true);
+        globalEdgeSlavesMap.distribute
+        (
+            transforms,
+            ec,
+            mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+        );
         // Print
         forAll(slaves, edgeI)
@@ -163,82 +173,131 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    //// Test: (collocated) point to faces addressing
-    //{
-    //    const labelListList& globalPointBoundaryFaces =
-    //        globalData.globalPointBoundaryFaces();
-    //    const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryFacesMap =
-    //        globalData.globalPointBoundaryFacesMap();
-    //
-    //    label nBnd = mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces();
-    //
-    //    pointField fc(globalPointBoundaryFacesMap.constructSize());
-    //    SubList<point>(fc, nBnd).assign
-    //    (
-    //        primitivePatch
-    //        (
-    //            SubList<face>
-    //            (
-    //                mesh.faces(),
-    //                nBnd,
-    //                mesh.nInternalFaces()
-    //            ),
-    //            mesh.points()
-    //        ).faceCentres()
-    //    );
-    //
-    //    // Exchange data
-    //    globalPointBoundaryFacesMap.distribute(fc);
-    //
-    //    // Print
-    //    forAll(globalPointBoundaryFaces, pointI)
-    //    {
-    //        const labelList& bFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
-    //
-    //        Pout<< "Point:" << pointI
-    //            << " at:" << coupledPatch.localPoints()[pointI]
-    //            << " connected to faces:" << endl;
-    //
-    //        forAll(bFaces, i)
-    //        {
-    //            Pout<< "    " << fc[bFaces[i]] << endl;
-    //        }
-    //    }
-    //}
-    //
-    //
-    //// Test:(collocated) point to cells addressing
-    //{
-    //    const labelList& boundaryCells = globalData.boundaryCells();
-    //    const labelListList& globalPointBoundaryCells =
-    //        globalData.globalPointBoundaryCells();
-    //    const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryCellsMap =
-    //        globalData.globalPointBoundaryCellsMap();
-    //
-    //    pointField cc(globalPointBoundaryCellsMap.constructSize());
-    //    forAll(boundaryCells, i)
-    //    {
-    //        cc[i] = mesh.cellCentres()[boundaryCells[i]];
-    //    }
-    //
-    //    // Exchange data
-    //    globalPointBoundaryCellsMap.distribute(cc);
-    //
-    //    // Print
-    //    forAll(globalPointBoundaryCells, pointI)
-    //    {
-    //        const labelList& bCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-    //
-    //        Pout<< "Point:" << pointI
-    //            << " at:" << coupledPatch.localPoints()[pointI]
-    //            << " connected to cells:" << endl;
-    //
-    //        forAll(bCells, i)
-    //        {
-    //            Pout<< "    " << cc[bCells[i]] << endl;
-    //        }
-    //    }
-    //}
+    // Test: point to faces addressing
+    {
+        const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryFacesMap =
+            globalData.globalPointBoundaryFacesMap();
+        const labelListList& slaves =
+            globalData.globalPointBoundaryFaces();
+        const labelListList& transformedSlaves =
+            globalData.globalPointTransformedBoundaryFaces();
+        label nBnd = mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces();
+        pointField fc(globalPointBoundaryFacesMap.constructSize());
+        SubList<point>(fc, nBnd).assign
+        (
+            primitivePatch
+            (
+                SubList<face>
+                (
+                    mesh.faces(),
+                    nBnd,
+                    mesh.nInternalFaces()
+                ),
+                mesh.points()
+            ).faceCentres()
+        );
+        // Exchange data
+        globalPointBoundaryFacesMap.distribute
+        (
+            transforms,
+            fc,
+            mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+        );
+        // Print
+        forAll(slaves, pointI)
+        {
+            const labelList& slaveFaces = slaves[pointI];
+            if (slaveFaces.size() > 0)
+            {
+                Pout<< "Master point:" << pointI
+                    << " at:" << coupledPatch.localPoints()[pointI]
+                    << " connected to " << slaveFaces.size()
+                    << " untransformed faces:" << endl;
+                forAll(slaveFaces, i)
+                {
+                    Pout<< "    " << fc[slaveFaces[i]] << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            const labelList& transformedSlaveFaces = transformedSlaves[pointI];
+            if (transformedSlaveFaces.size() > 0)
+            {
+                Pout<< "Master point:" << pointI
+                    << " connected to " << transformedSlaveFaces.size()
+                    << " transformed faces:" << endl;
+                forAll(transformedSlaveFaces, i)
+                {
+                    Pout<< "    " << fc[transformedSlaveFaces[i]] << endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Test: point to cells addressing
+    {
+        const labelList& boundaryCells = globalData.boundaryCells();
+        const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryCellsMap =
+            globalData.globalPointBoundaryCellsMap();
+        const labelListList& slaves = globalData.globalPointBoundaryCells();
+        const labelListList& transformedSlaves =
+            globalData.globalPointTransformedBoundaryCells();
+        pointField cc(globalPointBoundaryCellsMap.constructSize());
+        forAll(boundaryCells, i)
+        {
+            cc[i] = mesh.cellCentres()[boundaryCells[i]];
+        }
+        // Exchange data
+        globalPointBoundaryCellsMap.distribute
+        (
+            transforms,
+            cc,
+            mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+        );
+        // Print
+        forAll(slaves, pointI)
+        {
+            const labelList& pointCells = slaves[pointI];
+            if (pointCells.size() > 0)
+            {
+                Pout<< "Master point:" << pointI
+                    << " at:" << coupledPatch.localPoints()[pointI]
+                    << " connected to " << pointCells.size()
+                    << " untransformed boundaryCells:" << endl;
+                forAll(pointCells, i)
+                {
+                    Pout<< "    " << cc[pointCells[i]] << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            const labelList& transformPointCells = transformedSlaves[pointI];
+            if (transformPointCells.size() > 0)
+            {
+                Pout<< "Master point:" << pointI
+                    << " connected to " << transformPointCells.size()
+                    << " transformed boundaryCells:" << endl;
+                forAll(transformPointCells, i)
+                {
+                    Pout<< "    " << cc[transformPointCells[i]] << endl;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
diff --git a/applications/test/syncTools/Test-syncTools.C b/applications/test/syncTools/Test-syncTools.C
index 094068e94ab0e660e1c33509025f06383e062a86..6f9d5f408a802e5e2c08b79b264952138073b0af 100644
--- a/applications/test/syncTools/Test-syncTools.C
+++ b/applications/test/syncTools/Test-syncTools.C
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ Description
+#include "syncTools.H"
 #include "argList.H"
 #include "polyMesh.H"
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "Random.H"
 #include "PackedList.H"
-#include "syncTools.H"
 using namespace Foam;
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void testSparseData(const polyMesh& mesh, Random& rndGen)
         // Create some data. Use slightly perturbed positions.
-        EdgeMap<vector> sparseData;
+        EdgeMap<point> sparseData;
         pointField fullData(mesh.nEdges(), point::max);
         const edgeList& edges = allBoundary.edges();
@@ -313,13 +313,13 @@ void testSparseData(const polyMesh& mesh, Random& rndGen)
-            minEqOp<vector>()
+            minMagSqrEqOp<point>()
-            minEqOp<vector>(),
+            minMagSqrEqOp<point>(),
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void testSparseData(const polyMesh& mesh, Random& rndGen)
             const edge& e = mesh.edges()[meshEdgeI];
-            EdgeMap<vector>::const_iterator iter = sparseData.find(e);
+            EdgeMap<point>::const_iterator iter = sparseData.find(e);
             if (iter != sparseData.end())
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.C b/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.C
index 04cff1b22d11a2270d8f65a8377085e5521f67a8..73353620d98a4b848981be5d4cea2d3da7dc1810 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -46,11 +46,17 @@ Foam::List<T> Foam::transform
 template <class T>
-void Foam::transformList
-    const tensorField& rotTensor,
-    UList<T>& field
+void Foam::transformList(const tensor& rotTensor, UList<T>& field)
+    forAll(field, i)
+    {
+        field[i] = transform(rotTensor, field[i]);
+    }
+template <class T>
+void Foam::transformList(const tensorField& rotTensor, UList<T>& field)
     if (rotTensor.size() == 1)
@@ -79,11 +85,17 @@ void Foam::transformList
 template <class T>
-void Foam::transformList
-    const tensorField& rotTensor,
-    Map<T>& field
+void Foam::transformList(const tensor& rotTensor, Map<T>& field)
+    forAllIter(typename Map<T>, field, iter)
+    {
+        iter() = transform(rotTensor[0], iter());
+    }
+template <class T>
+void Foam::transformList(const tensorField& rotTensor, Map<T>& field)
     if (rotTensor.size() == 1)
@@ -105,11 +117,17 @@ void Foam::transformList
 template <class T>
-void Foam::transformList
-    const tensorField& rotTensor,
-    EdgeMap<T>& field
+void Foam::transformList(const tensor& rotTensor, EdgeMap<T>& field)
+    forAllIter(typename EdgeMap<T>, field, iter)
+    {
+        iter() = transform(rotTensor[0], iter());
+    }
+template <class T>
+void Foam::transformList(const tensorField& rotTensor, EdgeMap<T>& field)
     if (rotTensor.size() == 1)
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.H b/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.H
index 3dde0e65bbcce9901ea79682eaad32c50c0f0455..16fbc4b94655edcc5c8c7946f91dcf083620ce95 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/fields/Fields/transformList/transformList.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -60,33 +60,57 @@ List<T> transform
 //- Apply transformation to list. Either single transformation tensor
 //  or one tensor per element.
 template<class T>
+void transformList(const tensor&, UList<T>&);
+template<class T>
 void transformList(const tensorField&, UList<T>&);
+template<class T>
+void transformList(const tensor&, Map<T>&);
 template<class T>
 void transformList(const tensorField&, Map<T>&);
+template<class T>
+void transformList(const tensor&, EdgeMap<T>&);
 template<class T>
 void transformList(const tensorField&, EdgeMap<T>&);
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, labelUList&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, labelUList&)
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, Map<label>&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, Map<label>&)
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, EdgeMap<label>&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, EdgeMap<label>&)
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, UList<scalar>&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, UList<scalar>&)
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, Map<scalar>&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, Map<scalar>&)
+inline void transformList(const tensor&, EdgeMap<scalar>&)
 inline void transformList(const tensorField&, EdgeMap<scalar>&)
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.C
index aeb05000b7da28b14d97923fb142d499c05feb05..52ccc834ff8e25592e170e4ae0008b495277e742 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.C
@@ -1064,398 +1064,504 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::calcGlobalEdgeSlaves() const
-//// Calculate uncoupled boundary faces (without calculating
-//// primitiveMesh::pointFaces())
-//void Foam::globalMeshData::calcPointBoundaryFaces
-//    labelListList& pointBoundaryFaces
-//) const
-//    const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
-//    const Map<label>& meshPointMap = coupledPatch().meshPointMap();
-//    // 1. Count
-//    labelList nPointFaces(coupledPatch().nPoints(), 0);
-//    forAll(bMesh, patchI)
-//    {
-//        const polyPatch& pp = bMesh[patchI];
-//        if (!pp.coupled())
-//        {
-//            forAll(pp, i)
-//            {
-//                const face& f = pp[i];
-//                forAll(f, fp)
-//                {
-//                    Map<label>::const_iterator iter = meshPointMap.find
-//                    (
-//                        f[fp]
-//                    );
-//                    if (iter != meshPointMap.end())
-//                    {
-//                        nPointFaces[iter()]++;
-//                    }
-//                }
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // 2. Size
-//    pointBoundaryFaces.setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
-//    forAll(nPointFaces, pointI)
-//    {
-//        pointBoundaryFaces[pointI].setSize(nPointFaces[pointI]);
-//    }
-//    nPointFaces = 0;
-//    // 3. Fill
-//    forAll(bMesh, patchI)
-//    {
-//        const polyPatch& pp = bMesh[patchI];
-//        if (!pp.coupled())
-//        {
-//            forAll(pp, i)
-//            {
-//                const face& f = pp[i];
-//                forAll(f, fp)
-//                {
-//                    Map<label>::const_iterator iter = meshPointMap.find
-//                    (
-//                        f[fp]
-//                    );
-//                    if (iter != meshPointMap.end())
-//                    {
-//                        label bFaceI =
-//                             pp.start() + i - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
-//                        pointBoundaryFaces[iter()][nPointFaces[iter()]++] =
-//                            bFaceI;
-//                    }
-//                }
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//void Foam::globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() const
-//    if (debug)
-//    {
-//        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() :"
-//            << " calculating coupled point to boundary face addressing."
-//            << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Construct local point to (uncoupled)boundaryfaces.
-//    labelListList pointBoundaryFaces;
-//    calcPointBoundaryFaces(pointBoundaryFaces);
-//    // Global indices for boundary faces
-//    globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new globalIndex(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces())
-//    );
-//    globalIndex& globalIndices = globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_();
-//    // Convert local boundary faces to global numbering
-//    globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new labelListList(globalPointSlavesMap().constructSize())
-//    );
-//    labelListList& globalPointBoundaryFaces = globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_();
-//    forAll(pointBoundaryFaces, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& bFaces = pointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
-//        labelList& globalFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
-//        globalFaces.setSize(bFaces.size());
-//        forAll(bFaces, i)
-//        {
-//            globalFaces[i] = globalIndices.toGlobal(bFaces[i]);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Pull slave pointBoundaryFaces to master
-//    globalPointSlavesMap().distribute
-//    (
-//        globalTransforms(),
-//        globalPointBoundaryFaces
-//    );
-//    // Merge slave labels into master globalPointBoundaryFaces.
-//    // Split into untransformed and transformed values.
-//    const labelListList& pointSlaves = globalPointSlaves();
-//    const labelListList& pointTransformSlaves =
-//        globalPointTransformedSlaves();
-//    List<labelPairList> transformedFaces;
-//    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
-//        if (slaves.size() > 0)
-//        {
-//            labelList& myBFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
-//            forAll(slaves, i)
-//            {
-//                const labelList& slaveBFaces =
-//                    globalPointBoundaryFaces[slaves[i]];
-//                // Add all slaveBFaces. Note that need to check for
-//                // uniqueness only in case of cyclics.
-//                label sz = myBFaces.size();
-//                myBFaces.setSize(sz+slaveBFaces.size());
-//                forAll(slaveBFaces, j)
-//                {
-//                    label slave = slaveBFaces[j];
-//                    if (findIndex(SubList<label>(myBFaces, sz), slave) == -1)
-//                    {
-//                        myBFaces[sz++] = slave;
-//                    }
-//                }
-//                myBFaces.setSize(sz);
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Copy merged boundaryFaces back from master into slave slot
-//    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& bFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
-//        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
-//        forAll(slaves, i)
-//        {
-//            globalPointBoundaryFaces[slaves[i]] = bFaces;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Sync back to slaves.
-//    globalPointSlavesMap().reverseDistribute
-//    (
-//        coupledPatch().nPoints(),
-//        globalPointBoundaryFaces
-//    );
-//    // Construct a map to get the face data directly
-//    List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
-//    globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new labelList(transformedFaces.size())
-//    );
-//    globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new mapDistribute
-//        (
-//            globalIndices,
-//            globalPointBoundaryFaces,
-//            globalTransforms(),
-//            transformedFaces,
-//            globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_,
-//            compactMap
-//        )
-//    );
-//    if (debug)
-//    {
-//        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() :"
-//            << " coupled points:" << coupledPatch().nPoints()
-//            << " local boundary faces:" <<  globalIndices.localSize()
-//            << " additional coupled faces:"
-//            <<  globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_().constructSize()
-//              - globalIndices.localSize()
-//            << endl;
-//    }
-//void Foam::globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() const
-//    if (debug)
-//    {
-//        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() :"
-//            << " calculating coupled point to boundary cell addressing."
-//            << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Create map of boundary cells and point-cell addressing
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    label bCellI = 0;
-//    Map<label> meshCellMap(4*coupledPatch().nPoints());
-//    DynamicList<label> cellMap(meshCellMap.size());
-//    // Create addressing for point to boundary cells (local)
-//    labelListList pointBoundaryCells(coupledPatch().nPoints());
-//    forAll(coupledPatch().meshPoints(), pointI)
-//    {
-//        label meshPointI = coupledPatch().meshPoints()[pointI];
-//        const labelList& pCells = mesh_.pointCells(meshPointI);
-//        labelList& bCells = pointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-//        bCells.setSize(pCells.size());
-//        forAll(pCells, i)
-//        {
-//            label cellI = pCells[i];
-//            Map<label>::iterator fnd = meshCellMap.find(cellI);
-//            if (fnd != meshCellMap.end())
-//            {
-//                bCells[i] = fnd();
-//            }
-//            else
-//            {
-//                meshCellMap.insert(cellI, bCellI);
-//                cellMap.append(cellI);
-//                bCells[i] = bCellI;
-//                bCellI++;
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//    boundaryCellsPtr_.reset(new labelList());
-//    labelList& boundaryCells = boundaryCellsPtr_();
-//    boundaryCells.transfer(cellMap.shrink());
-//    // Convert point-cells to global point numbers
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new globalIndex(boundaryCells.size())
-//    );
-//    globalIndex& globalIndices = globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_();
-//    globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new labelListList(globalPointSlavesMap().constructSize())
-//    );
-//    labelListList& globalPointBoundaryCells = globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_();
-//    forAll(pointBoundaryCells, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& pCells = pointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-//        labelList& globalCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-//        globalCells.setSize(pCells.size());
-//        forAll(pCells, i)
-//        {
-//            globalCells[i] = globalIndices.toGlobal(pCells[i]);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Pull slave pointBoundaryCells to master
-//    globalPointSlavesMap().distribute(globalPointBoundaryCells);
-//    // Merge slave labels into master globalPointBoundaryCells
-//    const labelListList& pointSlaves = globalPointSlaves();
-//    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
-//        if (slaves.size() > 0)
-//        {
-//            labelList& myBCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-//            forAll(slaves, i)
-//            {
-//                const labelList& slaveBCells =
-//                    globalPointBoundaryCells[slaves[i]];
-//                // Add all slaveBCells. Note that need to check for
-//                // uniqueness only in case of cyclics.
-//                label sz = myBCells.size();
-//                myBCells.setSize(sz+slaveBCells.size());
-//                forAll(slaveBCells, j)
-//                {
-//                    label slave = slaveBCells[j];
-//                    if (findIndex(SubList<label>(myBCells, sz), slave) == -1)
-//                    {
-//                        myBCells[sz++] = slave;
-//                    }
-//                }
-//                myBCells.setSize(sz);
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Copy merged boundaryCells back from master into slave slot
-//    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
-//    {
-//        const labelList& bCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
-//        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
-//        forAll(slaves, i)
-//        {
-//            globalPointBoundaryCells[slaves[i]] = bCells;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Sync back to slaves.
-//    globalPointSlavesMap().reverseDistribute
-//    (
-//        coupledPatch().nPoints(),
-//        globalPointBoundaryCells
-//    );
-//    // Construct a map to get the cell data directly
-//    List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
-//    globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_.reset
-//    (
-//        new mapDistribute
-//        (
-//            globalIndices,
-//            globalPointBoundaryCells,
-//            compactMap
-//        )
-//    );
-//    if (debug)
-//    {
-//        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() :"
-//            << " coupled points:" << coupledPatch().nPoints()
-//            << " local boundary cells:" <<  globalIndices.localSize()
-//            << " additional coupled cells:"
-//            <<  globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_().constructSize()
-//              - globalIndices.localSize()
-//            << endl;
-//    }
+// Calculate uncoupled boundary faces (without calculating
+// primitiveMesh::pointFaces())
+void Foam::globalMeshData::calcPointBoundaryFaces
+    labelListList& pointBoundaryFaces
+) const
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& bMesh = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
+    const Map<label>& meshPointMap = coupledPatch().meshPointMap();
+    // 1. Count
+    labelList nPointFaces(coupledPatch().nPoints(), 0);
+    forAll(bMesh, patchI)
+    {
+        const polyPatch& pp = bMesh[patchI];
+        if (!pp.coupled())
+        {
+            forAll(pp, i)
+            {
+                const face& f = pp[i];
+                forAll(f, fp)
+                {
+                    Map<label>::const_iterator iter = meshPointMap.find
+                    (
+                        f[fp]
+                    );
+                    if (iter != meshPointMap.end())
+                    {
+                        nPointFaces[iter()]++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // 2. Size
+    pointBoundaryFaces.setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    forAll(nPointFaces, pointI)
+    {
+        pointBoundaryFaces[pointI].setSize(nPointFaces[pointI]);
+    }
+    nPointFaces = 0;
+    // 3. Fill
+    forAll(bMesh, patchI)
+    {
+        const polyPatch& pp = bMesh[patchI];
+        if (!pp.coupled())
+        {
+            forAll(pp, i)
+            {
+                const face& f = pp[i];
+                forAll(f, fp)
+                {
+                    Map<label>::const_iterator iter = meshPointMap.find
+                    (
+                        f[fp]
+                    );
+                    if (iter != meshPointMap.end())
+                    {
+                        label bFaceI =
+                             pp.start() + i - mesh_.nInternalFaces();
+                        pointBoundaryFaces[iter()][nPointFaces[iter()]++] =
+                            bFaceI;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void Foam::globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() const
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() :"
+            << " calculating coupled point to boundary face addressing."
+            << endl;
+    }
+    // Construct local point to (uncoupled)boundaryfaces.
+    labelListList pointBoundaryFaces;
+    calcPointBoundaryFaces(pointBoundaryFaces);
+    // Global indices for boundary faces
+    globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new globalIndex(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces())
+    );
+    globalIndex& globalIndices = globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_();
+    // Convert local boundary faces to global numbering
+    globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new labelListList(globalPointSlavesMap().constructSize())
+    );
+    labelListList& globalPointBoundaryFaces = globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_();
+    forAll(pointBoundaryFaces, pointI)
+    {
+        const labelList& bFaces = pointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
+        labelList& globalFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
+        globalFaces.setSize(bFaces.size());
+        forAll(bFaces, i)
+        {
+            globalFaces[i] = globalIndices.toGlobal(bFaces[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    // Pull slave pointBoundaryFaces to master
+    globalPointSlavesMap().distribute
+    (
+        globalPointBoundaryFaces,
+        true    // put data on transformed points into correct slots
+    );
+    // Merge slave labels into master globalPointBoundaryFaces.
+    // Split into untransformed and transformed values.
+    const labelListList& pointSlaves = globalPointSlaves();
+    const labelListList& pointTransformSlaves =
+        globalPointTransformedSlaves();
+    // Any faces coming in through transformation
+    List<labelPairList> transformedFaces(pointSlaves.size());
+    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
+    {
+        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
+        const labelList& transformedSlaves = pointTransformSlaves[pointI];
+        if (slaves.size() > 0)
+        {
+            labelList& myBFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
+            label sz = myBFaces.size();
+            // Count
+            label n = 0;
+            forAll(slaves, i)
+            {
+                n += globalPointBoundaryFaces[slaves[i]].size();
+            }
+            // Fill
+            myBFaces.setSize(sz+n);
+            n = sz;
+            forAll(slaves, i)
+            {
+                const labelList& slaveBFaces =
+                    globalPointBoundaryFaces[slaves[i]];
+                // Add all slaveBFaces. Note that need to check for
+                // uniqueness only in case of cyclics.
+                forAll(slaveBFaces, j)
+                {
+                    label slave = slaveBFaces[j];
+                    if (findIndex(SubList<label>(myBFaces, sz), slave) == -1)
+                    {
+                        myBFaces[n++] = slave;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            myBFaces.setSize(n);
+        }
+        if (transformedSlaves.size() > 0)
+        {
+            const labelList& untrafoFaces = globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI];
+            labelPairList& myBFaces = transformedFaces[pointI];
+            label sz = myBFaces.size();
+            // Count
+            label n = 0;
+            forAll(transformedSlaves, i)
+            {
+                n += globalPointBoundaryFaces[transformedSlaves[i]].size();
+            }
+            // Fill
+            myBFaces.setSize(sz+n);
+            n = sz;
+            forAll(transformedSlaves, i)
+            {
+                label transformI = globalPointSlavesMap().whichTransform
+                (
+                    transformedSlaves[i]
+                );
+                const labelList& slaveBFaces =
+                    globalPointBoundaryFaces[transformedSlaves[i]];
+                forAll(slaveBFaces, j)
+                {
+                    label slave = slaveBFaces[j];
+                    // Check that same face not already present untransformed
+                    if (findIndex(untrafoFaces, slave)== -1)
+                    {
+                        label procI = globalIndices.whichProcID(slave);
+                        label faceI = globalIndices.toLocal(procI, slave);
+                        myBFaces[n++] = globalIndexAndTransform::encode
+                        (
+                            procI,
+                            faceI,
+                            transformI
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            myBFaces.setSize(n);
+        }
+        if (slaves.size() + transformedSlaves.size() == 0)
+        {
+             globalPointBoundaryFaces[pointI].clear();
+        }
+    }
+    // Construct a map to get the face data directly
+    List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new labelListList(transformedFaces.size())
+    );
+    globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new mapDistribute
+        (
+            globalIndices,
+            globalPointBoundaryFaces,
+            globalTransforms(),
+            transformedFaces,
+            globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_(),
+            compactMap
+        )
+    );
+    globalPointBoundaryFaces.setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_().setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() :"
+            << " coupled points:" << coupledPatch().nPoints()
+            << " local boundary faces:" <<  globalIndices.localSize()
+            << " additional coupled faces:"
+            <<  globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_().constructSize()
+              - globalIndices.localSize()
+            << endl;
+    }
+void Foam::globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() const
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() :"
+            << " calculating coupled point to boundary cell addressing."
+            << endl;
+    }
+    // Create map of boundary cells and point-cell addressing
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    label bCellI = 0;
+    Map<label> meshCellMap(4*coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    DynamicList<label> cellMap(meshCellMap.size());
+    // Create addressing for point to boundary cells (local)
+    labelListList pointBoundaryCells(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    forAll(coupledPatch().meshPoints(), pointI)
+    {
+        label meshPointI = coupledPatch().meshPoints()[pointI];
+        const labelList& pCells = mesh_.pointCells(meshPointI);
+        labelList& bCells = pointBoundaryCells[pointI];
+        bCells.setSize(pCells.size());
+        forAll(pCells, i)
+        {
+            label cellI = pCells[i];
+            Map<label>::iterator fnd = meshCellMap.find(cellI);
+            if (fnd != meshCellMap.end())
+            {
+                bCells[i] = fnd();
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                meshCellMap.insert(cellI, bCellI);
+                cellMap.append(cellI);
+                bCells[i] = bCellI;
+                bCellI++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    boundaryCellsPtr_.reset(new labelList());
+    labelList& boundaryCells = boundaryCellsPtr_();
+    boundaryCells.transfer(cellMap.shrink());
+    // Convert point-cells to global (boundary)cell numbers
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new globalIndex(boundaryCells.size())
+    );
+    globalIndex& globalIndices = globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_();
+    globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new labelListList(globalPointSlavesMap().constructSize())
+    );
+    labelListList& globalPointBoundaryCells = globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_();
+    forAll(pointBoundaryCells, pointI)
+    {
+        const labelList& pCells = pointBoundaryCells[pointI];
+        labelList& globalCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
+        globalCells.setSize(pCells.size());
+        forAll(pCells, i)
+        {
+            globalCells[i] = globalIndices.toGlobal(pCells[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    // Pull slave pointBoundaryCells to master
+    globalPointSlavesMap().distribute
+    (
+        globalPointBoundaryCells,
+        true    // put data on transformed points into correct slots
+    );
+    // Merge slave labels into master globalPointBoundaryCells
+    const labelListList& pointSlaves = globalPointSlaves();
+    const labelListList& pointTransformSlaves =
+        globalPointTransformedSlaves();
+    List<labelPairList> transformedCells(pointSlaves.size());
+    forAll(pointSlaves, pointI)
+    {
+        const labelList& slaves = pointSlaves[pointI];
+        const labelList& transformedSlaves = pointTransformSlaves[pointI];
+        if (slaves.size() > 0)
+        {
+            labelList& myBCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
+            label sz = myBCells.size();
+            // Count
+            label n = 0;
+            forAll(slaves, i)
+            {
+                n += globalPointBoundaryCells[slaves[i]].size();
+            }
+            // Fill
+            myBCells.setSize(sz+n);
+            n = sz;
+            forAll(slaves, i)
+            {
+                const labelList& slaveBCells =
+                    globalPointBoundaryCells[slaves[i]];
+                // Add all slaveBCells. Note that need to check for
+                // uniqueness only in case of cyclics.
+                forAll(slaveBCells, j)
+                {
+                    label slave = slaveBCells[j];
+                    if (findIndex(SubList<label>(myBCells, sz), slave) == -1)
+                    {
+                        myBCells[n++] = slave;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            myBCells.setSize(n);
+        }
+        if (transformedSlaves.size() > 0)
+        {
+            const labelList& untrafoCells = globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI];
+            labelPairList& myBCells = transformedCells[pointI];
+            label sz = myBCells.size();
+            // Count
+            label n = 0;
+            forAll(transformedSlaves, i)
+            {
+                n += globalPointBoundaryCells[transformedSlaves[i]].size();
+            }
+            // Fill
+            myBCells.setSize(sz+n);
+            n = sz;
+            forAll(transformedSlaves, i)
+            {
+                label transformI = globalPointSlavesMap().whichTransform
+                (
+                    transformedSlaves[i]
+                );
+                const labelList& slaveBCells =
+                    globalPointBoundaryCells[transformedSlaves[i]];
+                forAll(slaveBCells, j)
+                {
+                    label slave = slaveBCells[j];
+                    // Check that same cell not already present untransformed
+                    if (findIndex(untrafoCells, slave)== -1)
+                    {
+                        label procI = globalIndices.whichProcID(slave);
+                        label cellI = globalIndices.toLocal(procI, slave);
+                        myBCells[n++] = globalIndexAndTransform::encode
+                        (
+                            procI,
+                            cellI,
+                            transformI
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            myBCells.setSize(n);
+        }
+        if (slaves.size() + transformedSlaves.size() == 0)
+        {
+             globalPointBoundaryCells[pointI].clear();
+        }
+    }
+    // Construct a map to get the cell data directly
+    List<Map<label> > compactMap(Pstream::nProcs());
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new labelListList(transformedCells.size())
+    );
+    globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_.reset
+    (
+        new mapDistribute
+        (
+            globalIndices,
+            globalPointBoundaryCells,
+            globalTransforms(),
+            transformedCells,
+            globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_(),
+            compactMap
+        )
+    );
+    globalPointBoundaryCells.setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_().setSize(coupledPatch().nPoints());
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "globalMeshData::calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() :"
+            << " coupled points:" << coupledPatch().nPoints()
+            << " local boundary cells:" <<  globalIndices.localSize()
+            << " additional coupled cells:"
+            <<  globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_().constructSize()
+              - globalIndices.localSize()
+            << endl;
+    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -1521,15 +1627,18 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::clearOut()
-//    // Face
-//    globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_.clear();
-//    globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_.clear();
-//    globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_.clear();
-//    // Cell
-//    boundaryCellsPtr_.clear();
-//    globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_.clear();
-//    globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_.clear();
-//    globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_.clear();
+    // Face
+    globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_.clear();
+    // Cell
+    boundaryCellsPtr_.clear();
+    globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_.clear();
+    globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_.clear();
@@ -1954,6 +2063,104 @@ const Foam::mapDistribute& Foam::globalMeshData::globalEdgeSlavesMap() const
+const Foam::globalIndex& Foam::globalMeshData::globalBoundaryFaceNumbering()
+    if (!globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces();
+    }
+    return globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_();
+const Foam::labelListList& Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointBoundaryFaces()
+    if (!globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces();
+    }
+    return globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_();
+const Foam::labelListList&
+Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointTransformedBoundaryFaces() const
+    if (!globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces();
+    }
+    return globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_();
+const Foam::mapDistribute& Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointBoundaryFacesMap()
+    if (!globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces();
+    }
+    return globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_();
+const Foam::labelList& Foam::globalMeshData::boundaryCells() const
+    if (!boundaryCellsPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells();
+    }
+    return boundaryCellsPtr_();
+const Foam::globalIndex& Foam::globalMeshData::globalBoundaryCellNumbering()
+    if (!globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells();
+    }
+    return globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_();
+const Foam::labelListList& Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointBoundaryCells()
+    if (!globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells();
+    }
+    return globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_();
+const Foam::labelListList&
+Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointTransformedBoundaryCells() const
+    if (!globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells();
+    }
+    return globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_();
+const Foam::mapDistribute& Foam::globalMeshData::globalPointBoundaryCellsMap()
+    if (!globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_.valid())
+    {
+        calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells();
+    }
+    return globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_();
 Foam::autoPtr<Foam::globalIndex> Foam::globalMeshData::mergePoints
     labelList& pointToGlobal,
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.H b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.H
index 94d0cf5715edf4f38063223b1a420a6ff243bf70..650d50638083ce48a634d4ba76dd4b05f54b62d4 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshData.H
@@ -194,18 +194,22 @@ class globalMeshData
             mutable autoPtr<mapDistribute> globalEdgeSlavesMapPtr_;
-            //// Coupled point to boundary faces
-            //
-            //mutable autoPtr<globalIndex> globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_;
-            //mutable autoPtr<labelListList> globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_;
-            //mutable autoPtr<mapDistribute> globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_;
-            //
-            //// Coupled point to collocated boundary cells
-            //
-            //mutable autoPtr<labelList> boundaryCellsPtr_;
-            //mutable autoPtr<globalIndex> globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_;
-            //mutable autoPtr<labelListList> globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_;
-            //mutable autoPtr<mapDistribute> globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_;
+            // Coupled point to boundary faces
+            mutable autoPtr<globalIndex> globalBoundaryFaceNumberingPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<labelListList> globalPointBoundaryFacesPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<labelListList>
+                globalPointTransformedBoundaryFacesPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<mapDistribute> globalPointBoundaryFacesMapPtr_;
+            // Coupled point to collocated boundary cells
+            mutable autoPtr<labelList> boundaryCellsPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<globalIndex> globalBoundaryCellNumberingPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<labelListList> globalPointBoundaryCellsPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<labelListList>
+                globalPointTransformedBoundaryCellsPtr_;
+            mutable autoPtr<mapDistribute> globalPointBoundaryCellsMapPtr_;
         // Globally shared point addressing
@@ -288,6 +292,18 @@ class globalMeshData
             void calcGlobalEdgeSlaves() const;
+        // Global boundary face/cell addressing
+            //- Calculate coupled point to uncoupled boundary faces. Local only.
+            void calcPointBoundaryFaces(labelListList&) const;
+            //- Calculate global point to global boundary face addressing.
+            void calcGlobalPointBoundaryFaces() const;
+            //- Calculate global point to global boundary cell addressing.
+            void calcGlobalPointBoundaryCells() const;
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
         globalMeshData(const globalMeshData&);
@@ -458,7 +474,7 @@ public:
             const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms() const;
             //- Helper: synchronise data with transforms
-            template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+            template<class Type, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
             static void syncData
                 List<Type>& pointData,
@@ -467,7 +483,7 @@ public:
                 const mapDistribute& slavesMap,
                 const globalIndexAndTransform&,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
-                const bool isPosition
+                const TransformOp& top
             //- Helper: synchronise data without transforms
@@ -490,13 +506,13 @@ public:
                 const labelListList& globalPointSlaves() const;
                 const labelListList& globalPointTransformedSlaves() const;
                 const mapDistribute& globalPointSlavesMap() const;
-                //- Helper to synchronise mesh point data
-                template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+                //- Helper to synchronise coupled patch point data
+                template<class Type, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
                 void syncPointData
                     List<Type>& pointData,
                     const CombineOp& cop,
-                    const bool isPosition
+                    const TransformOp& top
                 ) const;
             // Coupled edge to coupled edges.
@@ -506,6 +522,28 @@ public:
                 const labelListList& globalEdgeTransformedSlaves() const;
                 const mapDistribute& globalEdgeSlavesMap() const;
+            // Coupled point to boundary faces. These are uncoupled boundary
+            // faces only but include empty patches.
+                //- Numbering of boundary faces is face-mesh.nInternalFaces()
+                const globalIndex& globalBoundaryFaceNumbering() const;
+                const labelListList& globalPointBoundaryFaces() const;
+                const labelListList& globalPointTransformedBoundaryFaces()
+                const;
+                const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryFacesMap() const;
+            // Coupled point to boundary cell
+                //- From boundary cell to mesh cell
+                const labelList& boundaryCells() const;
+                //- Numbering of boundary cells is according to boundaryCells()
+                const globalIndex& globalBoundaryCellNumbering() const;
+                const labelListList& globalPointBoundaryCells() const;
+                const labelListList& globalPointTransformedBoundaryCells()
+                const;
+                const mapDistribute& globalPointBoundaryCellsMap() const;
             // Other
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshDataTemplates.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshDataTemplates.C
index 93005abcac15386d791112c7c5a167d467c78351..7d31c61d636ba778cf2b39bc7bbbbbac06a829d5 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshDataTemplates.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/globalMeshData/globalMeshDataTemplates.C
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ License
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+template<class Type, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::globalMeshData::syncData
     List<Type>& elems,
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::syncData
     const mapDistribute& slavesMap,
     const globalIndexAndTransform& transforms,
     const CombineOp& cop,
-    const bool isPosition
+    const TransformOp& top
     // Pull slave data onto master
-    slavesMap.distribute(transforms, elems, isPosition);
+    slavesMap.distribute(transforms, elems, top);
     // Combine master data with slave data
     forAll(slaves, i)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::syncData
-        isPosition
+        top
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::syncData
-template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+template<class Type, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::globalMeshData::syncPointData
     List<Type>& pointData,
     const CombineOp& cop,
-    const bool isPosition
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
     if (pointData.size() != mesh_.nPoints())
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void Foam::globalMeshData::syncPointData
-        isPosition
+        top
     // Extract back onto mesh
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.C
index 95c2d1d2321fa152da5c1793b14dd94c49882ca5..b8ed0276c71803919d1e0dc18280da0acbb2008f 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.C
@@ -37,6 +37,99 @@ defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::mapDistribute, 0);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<label>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    UList<label>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<label>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<label>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<scalar>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    UList<scalar>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<scalar>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<scalar>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<bool>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    UList<bool>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<bool>&
+) const
+void Foam::mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<bool>&
+) const
 Foam::List<Foam::labelPair> Foam::mapDistribute::schedule
     const labelListList& subMap,
@@ -535,101 +628,6 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::exchangeAddressing
-void Foam::mapDistribute::applyTransforms
-    const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
-    List<point>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-) const
-    const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
-        globalTransforms.transformPermutations();
-    forAll(totalTransform, trafoI)
-    {
-        const vectorTensorTransform& vt = totalTransform[trafoI];
-        const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
-        label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
-        // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
-        if (isPosition)
-        {
-            Field<point> transformFld
-            (
-                vt.transformPosition(Field<point>(field, elems))
-            );
-            forAll(transformFld, i)
-            {
-                //cop(field[n++], transformFld[i]);
-                field[n++] = transformFld[i];
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            Field<point> transformFld
-            (
-                transform(vt.R(), Field<point>(field, elems))
-            );
-            forAll(transformFld, i)
-            {
-                //cop(field[n++], transformFld[i]);
-                field[n++] = transformFld[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void Foam::mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms
-    const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
-    List<point>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-) const
-    const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
-        globalTransforms.transformPermutations();
-    forAll(totalTransform, trafoI)
-    {
-        const vectorTensorTransform& vt = totalTransform[trafoI];
-        const labelList& elems = transformElements_[trafoI];
-        label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
-        // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
-        if (isPosition)
-        {
-            Field<point> transformFld
-            (
-                vt.invTransformPosition
-                (
-                    SubField<point>(field, elems.size(), n)
-                )
-            );
-            forAll(transformFld, i)
-            {
-                field[elems[i]] = transformFld[i];
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            Field<point> transformFld(SubField<point>(field, elems.size(), n));
-            transform(transformFld, vt.R().T(), transformFld);
-            forAll(transformFld, i)
-            {
-                field[elems[i]] = transformFld[i];
-            }
-        }
-    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 //- Construct null
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.H b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.H
index 99a31d3d7d92a05d210bc9e2266693449a4b79ff..b5c31754ff15af2c0db7085d661ca05e24251af2 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistribute.H
@@ -127,12 +127,14 @@ SourceFiles
 #ifndef mapDistribute_H
 #define mapDistribute_H
+#include "transformList.H"
 #include "labelList.H"
 #include "labelPair.H"
 #include "Pstream.H"
 #include "boolList.H"
 #include "Map.H"
-#include "point.H"
+#include "vectorTensorTransform.H"
+#include "coupledPolyPatch.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -217,31 +219,124 @@ class mapDistribute
         template<class T>
         void applyDummyTransforms(List<T>& field) const;
-        template<class T>   //, class CombineOp>
+        template<class T, class TransformOp>
         void applyTransforms
             const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
             List<T>& field,
-            const bool isPosition
-            //const CombineOp& cop
+            const TransformOp& top
         ) const;
         //- Helper function: copy transformElements without transformation
         template<class T>
         void applyDummyInverseTransforms(List<T>& field) const;
-        template<class T>   //, class CombineOp>
+        template<class T, class TransformOp>
         void applyInverseTransforms
             const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
             List<T>& field,
-            const bool isPosition
-            //const CombineOp& cop
+            const TransformOp& top
         ) const;
+    // Public classes
+        //- Default transformation behaviour
+        class transform
+        {
+        public:
+            template<class T>
+            void operator()
+            (
+                const vectorTensorTransform& vt,
+                const bool forward,
+                List<T>& fld
+            ) const
+            {
+                if (forward)
+                {
+                    transformList(vt.R(), fld);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    transformList(vt.R().T(), fld);
+                }
+            }
+            //- Transform patch-based field
+            template<class T>
+            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, UList<T>& fld) const
+            {
+                if (!cpp.parallel())
+                {
+                    transformList(cpp.forwardT(), fld);
+                }
+            }
+            //- Transform sparse field
+            template<class T, template<class> class Container>
+            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, Container<T>& map)
+            const
+            {
+                if (!cpp.parallel())
+                {
+                    transformList(cpp.forwardT(), map);
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        //- Default transformation behaviour for position
+        class transformPosition
+        {
+        public:
+            void operator()
+            (
+                const vectorTensorTransform& vt,
+                const bool forward,
+                List<point>& fld
+            ) const
+            {
+                pointField pfld(fld.xfer());
+                if (forward)
+                {
+                    fld = vt.transformPosition(pfld);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    fld = vt.invTransformPosition(pfld);
+                }
+            }
+            //- Transform patch-based field
+            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, pointField& fld) const
+            {
+                cpp.transformPosition(fld);
+            }
+            template<template<class> class Container>
+            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, Container<point>& map)
+            const
+            {
+                Field<point> fld(map.size());
+                label i = 0;
+                forAllConstIter(typename Container<point>, map, iter)
+                {
+                    fld[i++] = iter();
+                }
+                cpp.transformPosition(fld);
+                i = 0;
+                forAllIter(typename Container<point>, map, iter)
+                {
+                    iter() = fld[i++];
+                }
+            }
+        };
     // Declare name of the class and its debug switch
@@ -456,12 +551,12 @@ public:
             //- Same but with transforms
-            template<class T>
+            template<class T, class TransformOp>
             void distribute
                 const globalIndexAndTransform&,
                 List<T>& fld,
-                const bool isPosition
+                const TransformOp& top
             ) const;
             //- Reverse distribute data using default commsType.
@@ -474,13 +569,13 @@ public:
             ) const;
             //- Same but with transforms
-            template<class T>
+            template<class T, class TransformOp>
             void reverseDistribute
                 const globalIndexAndTransform&,
                 const label constructSize,
                 List<T>& fld,
-                const bool isPosition
+                const TransformOp& top
             ) const;
             //- Reverse distribute data using default commsType.
@@ -496,14 +591,14 @@ public:
             ) const;
             //- Same but with transforms
-            template<class T>
+            template<class T, class TransformOp>
             void reverseDistribute
                 const globalIndexAndTransform&,
                 const label constructSize,
                 const T& nullValue,
                 List<T>& fld,
-                const bool isPosition
+                const TransformOp& top
             ) const;
             //- Do all sends using PstreamBuffers
@@ -531,24 +626,85 @@ public:
-//- Specialisation for transforms that can apply positional transform
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<label>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    UList<label>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<label>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<label>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    UList<scalar>&
+) const;
-void mapDistribute::applyTransforms
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
-    const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
-    List<point>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-    //const CombineOp& cop
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<scalar>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<scalar>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<scalar>&
 ) const;
-template<>   //, class CombineOp>
-void mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch& cpp,
+    UList<bool>& fld
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
-    const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
-    List<point>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-    //const CombineOp& cop
+    const vectorTensorTransform&,
+    const bool,
+    List<bool>&
 ) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    Map<bool>&
+) const;
+void mapDistribute::transform::operator()
+    const coupledPolyPatch&,
+    EdgeMap<bool>&
+) const;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistributeTemplates.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistributeTemplates.C
index f72b83dd458a96308d95e716804328e3bc9a88a8..d22b3abaa3c76d90c342489977177427475a6434 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistributeTemplates.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/mapPolyMesh/mapDistribute/mapDistributeTemplates.C
@@ -812,30 +812,14 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::applyDummyInverseTransforms(List<T>& field) const
 // Calculate transformed elements.
-template<class T>   //, class CombineOp>
+template<class T, class TransformOp>   //, class CombineOp>
 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyTransforms
     const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
     List<T>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-    //const CombineOp& cop
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
-    if (isPosition)
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "mapDistribute::applyTransforms\n"
-            "(\n"
-            "    const globalIndexAndTransform&,\n"
-            "    List<T>&,\n"
-            "    const bool\n"
-            ") const\n"
-        )   << "It does not make sense to apply position transformation"
-            << " for anything else than pointFields."
-            << abort(FatalError);
-    }
     const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
@@ -846,7 +830,8 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::applyTransforms
         label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
         // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
-        Field<T> transformFld(transform(vt.R(), Field<T>(field, elems)));
+        List<T> transformFld(UIndirectList<T>(field, elems));
+        top(vt, true, transformFld);
         forAll(transformFld, i)
@@ -858,30 +843,14 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::applyTransforms
 // Calculate transformed elements.
-template<class T>   //, class CombineOp>
+template<class T, class TransformOp>   //, class CombineOp>
 void Foam::mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms
     const globalIndexAndTransform& globalTransforms,
     List<T>& field,
-    const bool isPosition
-    //const CombineOp& cop
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
-    if (isPosition)
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms\n"
-            "(\n"
-            "    const globalIndexAndTransform&,\n"
-            "    List<T>&,\n"
-            "    const bool\n"
-            ") const\n"
-        )   << "It does not make sense to apply position transformation"
-            << " for anything else than pointFields."
-            << abort(FatalError);
-    }
     const List<vectorTensorTransform>& totalTransform =
@@ -892,8 +861,8 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::applyInverseTransforms
         label n = transformStart_[trafoI];
         // Could be optimised to avoid memory allocations
-        Field<T> transformFld(SubField<T>(field, elems.size(), n));
-        transform(transformFld, vt.R().T(), transformFld);
+        List<T> transformFld(SubList<T>(field, elems.size(), n));
+        top(vt, false, transformFld);
         forAll(transformFld, i)
@@ -1073,54 +1042,54 @@ void Foam::mapDistribute::reverseDistribute
 //- Distribute data using default commsType.
-template<class T>
+template<class T, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::mapDistribute::distribute
     const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
     List<T>& fld,
-    const bool isPosition
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
     // Distribute. Leave out dummy transforms since we're doing them ourselves
     distribute(fld, false);
     // Do transforms
-    applyTransforms(git, fld, isPosition);   //, eqOp<T>());
+    applyTransforms(git, fld, top);
-template<class T>
+template<class T, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::mapDistribute::reverseDistribute
     const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
     const label constructSize,
     List<T>& fld,
-    const bool isPosition
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
     // Fill slots with reverse-transformed data. Note that it also copies
     // back into the non-remote part of fld even though these values are not
     // used.
-    applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, isPosition);   //, eqOp<T>());
+    applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, top);
     // And send back (the remote slots). Disable dummy transformations.
     reverseDistribute(constructSize, fld, false);
-template<class T>
+template<class T, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::mapDistribute::reverseDistribute
     const globalIndexAndTransform& git,
     const label constructSize,
     const T& nullValue,
     List<T>& fld,
-    const bool isPosition
+    const TransformOp& top
 ) const
     // Fill slots with reverse-transformed data Note that it also copies
     // back into the non-remote part of fld even though these values are not
     // used.
-    applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, isPosition);   //, eqOp<T>());
+    applyInverseTransforms(git, fld, top);   //, eqOp<T>());
     // And send back (the remote slots) Disable dummy transformations.
     reverseDistribute(constructSize, nullValue, fld, false);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.C
index 51b6ee7a642f6c3afa0d822ef449267c689e4d0d..19a252964e89cd145dd7bd907a29eb91ed67ddba 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.C
@@ -25,77 +25,6 @@ License
 #include "syncTools.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Field<label>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<label>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<label>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Field<scalar>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<scalar>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<scalar>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Field<bool>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<bool>&
-) const
-void Foam::syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<bool>&
-) const
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // Determines for every point whether it is coupled and if so sets only one.
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.H b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.H
index f1572bd4ac7dcbe62e26ef6069c03ec3d4313526..01becb8b99dc548a5dfc8816b97cc092072dd373 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncTools.H
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ SourceFiles
 #include "PackedBoolList.H"
 #include "polyMesh.H"
 #include "coupledPolyPatch.H"
-#include "transformList.H"
+#include "mapDistribute.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -87,59 +87,6 @@ class syncTools
-    // Public classes
-        class transform
-        {
-        public:
-            //- Transform patch-based field
-            template<class T>
-            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, Field<T>& fld) const
-            {
-                if (!cpp.parallel())
-                {
-                    transformList(cpp.forwardT(), fld);
-                }
-            }
-            //- Transform sparse field
-            template<class T, template<class> class Container>
-            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, Container<T>& map)
-            const
-            {
-                if (!cpp.parallel())
-                {
-                    transformList(cpp.forwardT(), map);
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        class transformPosition
-        {
-        public:
-            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, pointField& fld) const
-            {
-                cpp.transformPosition(fld);
-            }
-            template<template<class> class Container>
-            void operator()(const coupledPolyPatch& cpp, Container<point>& map)
-            const
-            {
-                Field<point> fld(map.size());
-                label i = 0;
-                forAllConstIter(typename Container<point>, map, iter)
-                {
-                    fld[i++] = iter();
-                }
-                cpp.transformPosition(fld);
-                i = 0;
-                forAllIter(typename Container<point>, map, iter)
-                {
-                    iter() = fld[i++];
-                }
-            }
-        };
         // Basic routines with user-supplied transformation. Preferably
         // use specialisations below.
@@ -163,41 +110,41 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const TransformOp& top
-//            //- Synchronize values on all mesh points.
-//            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
-//            static void syncPointList
-//            (
-//                const polyMesh&,
-//                UList<T>&,
-//                const CombineOp& cop,
-//                const T& nullValue,
-//                const TransformOp& top
-//            );
-//            //- Synchronize values on selected mesh points.
-//            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
-//            static void syncPointList
-//            (
-//                const polyMesh&,
-//                const labelList& meshPoints,
-//                UList<T>&,
-//                const CombineOp& cop,
-//                const T& nullValue,
-//                const TransformOp& top
-//            );
-//            //- Synchronize values on all mesh edges.
-//            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
-//            static void syncEdgeList
-//            (
-//                const polyMesh&,
-//                UList<T>&,
-//                const CombineOp& cop,
-//                const T& nullValue,
-//                const TransformOp& top
-//            );
+            //- Synchronize values on all mesh points.
+            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
+            static void syncPointList
+            (
+                const polyMesh&,
+                List<T>&,
+                const CombineOp& cop,
+                const T& nullValue,
+                const TransformOp& top
+            );
+            //- Synchronize values on selected mesh points.
+            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
+            static void syncPointList
+            (
+                const polyMesh&,
+                const labelList& meshPoints,
+                List<T>&,
+                const CombineOp& cop,
+                const T& nullValue,
+                const TransformOp& top
+            );
+            //- Synchronize values on all mesh edges.
+            template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
+            static void syncEdgeList
+            (
+                const polyMesh&,
+                List<T>&,
+                const CombineOp& cop,
+                const T& nullValue,
+                const TransformOp& top
+            );
             //- Synchronize values on boundary faces only.
             template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
             static void syncBoundaryFaceList
@@ -219,7 +166,17 @@ public:
                 List<T>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const T& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncPointList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
+            }
             //- Synchronize locations on all mesh points.
             template <class CombineOp>
@@ -229,7 +186,17 @@ public:
                 List<point>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const point& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncPointList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
+            }
             //- Synchronize values on selected mesh points.
             template <class T, class CombineOp>
@@ -237,10 +204,21 @@ public:
                 const polyMesh& mesh,
                 const labelList& meshPoints,
-                UList<T>& l,
+                List<T>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const T& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncPointList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    meshPoints,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
+            }
             //- Synchronize locations on selected mesh points.
             template <class CombineOp>
@@ -248,10 +226,21 @@ public:
                 const polyMesh& mesh,
                 const labelList& meshPoints,
-                UList<point>& l,
+                List<point>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const point& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncPointList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    meshPoints,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
+            }
         // Synchronise edge-wise data
@@ -261,20 +250,40 @@ public:
             static void syncEdgeList
                 const polyMesh& mesh,
-                UList<T>& l,
+                List<T>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const T& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncEdgeList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
+            }
             //- Synchronize values on all mesh edges.
             template <class CombineOp>
             static void syncEdgePositions
                 const polyMesh& mesh,
-                UList<point>& l,
+                List<point>& l,
                 const CombineOp& cop,
                 const point& nullValue
-            );
+            )
+            {
+                syncEdgeList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    nullValue,
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
+            }
         // Synchronise face-wise data
@@ -288,7 +297,7 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, l, cop, transform());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, l, cop, mapDistribute::transform());
             //- Synchronize locations on boundary faces only.
@@ -300,7 +309,13 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, l, cop, transformPosition());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    cop,
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
             //- Synchronize values on all mesh faces.
@@ -319,7 +334,13 @@ public:
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, bndValues, cop, transform());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    bndValues,
+                    cop,
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
             //- Synchronize locations on all mesh faces.
@@ -337,7 +358,13 @@ public:
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, bndValues, cop, transformPosition());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    bndValues,
+                    cop,
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
             //- Swap coupled boundary face values.
@@ -348,7 +375,13 @@ public:
                 UList<T>& l
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, l, eqOp<T>(), transform());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    eqOp<T>(),
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
              //- Swap coupled positions.
@@ -359,7 +392,13 @@ public:
                 UList<T>& l
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, l, eqOp<T>(), transformPosition());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    l,
+                    eqOp<T>(),
+                    mapDistribute::transformPosition()
+                );
             //- Swap coupled face values.
@@ -376,7 +415,13 @@ public:
-                syncBoundaryFaceList(mesh, bndValues, eqOp<T>(), transform());
+                syncBoundaryFaceList
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    bndValues,
+                    eqOp<T>(),
+                    mapDistribute::transform()
+                );
         // Sparse versions
@@ -390,7 +435,7 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncPointMap(mesh, l, cop, transform());
+                syncPointMap(mesh, l, cop, mapDistribute::transform());
             //- Synchronize locations on selected points.
@@ -402,7 +447,7 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncPointMap(mesh, l, cop, transformPosition());
+                syncPointMap(mesh, l, cop, mapDistribute::transformPosition());
             //- Synchronize values on selected edges. Edges are represented
@@ -416,7 +461,7 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncEdgeMap(mesh, l, cop, transform());
+                syncEdgeMap(mesh, l, cop, mapDistribute::transform());
             //- Synchronize locations on selected edges.
@@ -428,7 +473,7 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
-                syncEdgeMap(mesh, l, cop, transformPosition());
+                syncEdgeMap(mesh, l, cop, mapDistribute::transformPosition());
         // PackedList versions
@@ -480,65 +525,6 @@ public:
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Field<label>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<label>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<label>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Field<scalar>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<scalar>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<scalar>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch& cpp,
-    Field<bool>& fld
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    Map<bool>&
-) const;
-void syncTools::transform::operator()
-    const coupledPolyPatch&,
-    EdgeMap<bool>&
-) const;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 } // End namespace Foam
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncToolsTemplates.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncToolsTemplates.C
index d135e2b73abe7ff21dcec8b78381ca4f9ec253fc..23356b7069b78497338a1a22000da1ba8653c84f 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncToolsTemplates.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/syncTools/syncToolsTemplates.C
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeMap
 //void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
 //    const polyMesh& mesh,
-//    UList<T>& pointValues,
+//    List<T>& pointValues,
 //    const CombineOp& cop,
 //    const T& nullValue,
 //    const TransformOp& top
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeMap
 //        FatalErrorIn
 //        (
 //            "syncTools<class T, class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
-//            "(const polyMesh&, UList<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&"
+//            "(const polyMesh&, List<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&"
 //            ", const bool)"
 //        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
 //            << " is not equal to the number of points in the mesh "
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeMap
 //    const polyMesh& mesh,
 //    const labelList& meshPoints,
-//    UList<T>& pointValues,
+//    List<T>& pointValues,
 //    const CombineOp& cop,
 //    const T& nullValue,
 //    const TransformOp& top
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeMap
 //        FatalErrorIn
 //        (
 //            "syncTools<class T, class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
-//            "(const polyMesh&, const labelList&, UList<T>&, const CombineOp&"
+//            "(const polyMesh&, const labelList&, List<T>&, const CombineOp&"
 //            ", const T&, const bool)"
 //        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
 //            << " is not equal to the number of points "
@@ -986,13 +986,14 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeMap
 //    }
-template <class T, class CombineOp>
+template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     List<T>& pointValues,
     const CombineOp& cop,
-    const T& nullValue
+    const T& nullValue,
+    const TransformOp& top
     if (pointValues.size() != mesh.nPoints())
@@ -1000,48 +1001,50 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
             "syncTools<class T, class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
-            "(const polyMesh&, UList<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&)"
+            "(const polyMesh&, List<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&"
+            ", const bool)"
         )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
             << " is not equal to the number of points in the mesh "
             << mesh.nPoints() << abort(FatalError);
-    mesh.globalData().syncPointData(pointValues, cop, false);
+    mesh.globalData().syncPointData(pointValues, cop, top);
-template <class CombineOp>
-void Foam::syncTools::syncPointPositions
-    const polyMesh& mesh,
-    List<point>& pointValues,
-    const CombineOp& cop,
-    const point& nullValue
-    if (pointValues.size() != mesh.nPoints())
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncPointPositions"
-            "(const polyMesh&, List<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
-        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
-            << " is not equal to the number of points in the mesh "
-            << mesh.nPoints() << abort(FatalError);
-    }
-    mesh.globalData().syncPointData(pointValues, cop, true);
+//template <class CombineOp>
+//void Foam::syncTools::syncPointPositions
+//    const polyMesh& mesh,
+//    List<point>& pointValues,
+//    const CombineOp& cop,
+//    const point& nullValue
+//    if (pointValues.size() != mesh.nPoints())
+//    {
+//        FatalErrorIn
+//        (
+//            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncPointPositions"
+//            "(const polyMesh&, List<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
+//        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
+//            << " is not equal to the number of points in the mesh "
+//            << mesh.nPoints() << abort(FatalError);
+//    }
+//    mesh.globalData().syncPointData(pointValues, cop, true);
-template <class T, class CombineOp>
+template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     const labelList& meshPoints,
-    UList<T>& pointValues,
+    List<T>& pointValues,
     const CombineOp& cop,
-    const T& nullValue
+    const T& nullValue,
+    const TransformOp& top
     if (pointValues.size() != meshPoints.size())
@@ -1049,7 +1052,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
             "syncTools<class T, class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
-            "(const polyMesh&, UList<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&)"
+            "(const polyMesh&, List<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&)"
         )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
             << " is not equal to the number of meshPoints "
             << meshPoints.size() << abort(FatalError);
@@ -1078,7 +1081,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
-        false       //position?
+        top
     forAll(meshPoints, i)
@@ -1093,72 +1096,74 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncPointList
-template <class CombineOp>
-void Foam::syncTools::syncPointPositions
-    const polyMesh& mesh,
-    const labelList& meshPoints,
-    UList<point>& pointValues,
-    const CombineOp& cop,
-    const point& nullValue
-    if (pointValues.size() != meshPoints.size())
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
-            "(const polyMesh&, UList<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
-        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
-            << " is not equal to the number of meshPoints "
-            << meshPoints.size() << abort(FatalError);
-    }
-    const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
-    const indirectPrimitivePatch& cpp = gd.coupledPatch();
-    const Map<label>& mpm = cpp.meshPointMap();
-    List<point> cppFld(cpp.nPoints(), nullValue);
-    forAll(meshPoints, i)
-    {
-        label pointI = meshPoints[i];
-        Map<label>::const_iterator iter = mpm.find(pointI);
-        if (iter != mpm.end())
-        {
-            cppFld[iter()] = pointValues[i];
-        }
-    }
-    globalMeshData::syncData
-    (
-        cppFld,
-        gd.globalPointSlaves(),
-        gd.globalPointTransformedSlaves(),
-        gd.globalPointSlavesMap(),
-        gd.globalTransforms(),
-        cop,
-        true    //position?
-    );
-    forAll(meshPoints, i)
-    {
-        label pointI = meshPoints[i];
-        Map<label>::const_iterator iter = mpm.find(pointI);
-        if (iter != mpm.end())
-        {
-            pointValues[i] = cppFld[iter()];
-        }
-    }
+//template <class CombineOp>
+//void Foam::syncTools::syncPointPositions
+//    const polyMesh& mesh,
+//    const labelList& meshPoints,
+//    List<point>& pointValues,
+//    const CombineOp& cop,
+//    const point& nullValue
+//    if (pointValues.size() != meshPoints.size())
+//    {
+//        FatalErrorIn
+//        (
+//            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncPointList"
+//            "(const polyMesh&, List<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
+//        )   << "Number of values " << pointValues.size()
+//            << " is not equal to the number of meshPoints "
+//            << meshPoints.size() << abort(FatalError);
+//    }
+//    const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
+//    const indirectPrimitivePatch& cpp = gd.coupledPatch();
+//    const Map<label>& mpm = cpp.meshPointMap();
+//    List<point> cppFld(cpp.nPoints(), nullValue);
+//    forAll(meshPoints, i)
+//    {
+//        label pointI = meshPoints[i];
+//        Map<label>::const_iterator iter = mpm.find(pointI);
+//        if (iter != mpm.end())
+//        {
+//            cppFld[iter()] = pointValues[i];
+//        }
+//    }
+//    globalMeshData::syncData
+//    (
+//        cppFld,
+//        gd.globalPointSlaves(),
+//        gd.globalPointTransformedSlaves(),
+//        gd.globalPointSlavesMap(),
+//        gd.globalTransforms(),
+//        cop,
+//        true,   //position?
+//        mapDistribute::transform()  // not used
+//    );
+//    forAll(meshPoints, i)
+//    {
+//        label pointI = meshPoints[i];
+//        Map<label>::const_iterator iter = mpm.find(pointI);
+//        if (iter != mpm.end())
+//        {
+//            pointValues[i] = cppFld[iter()];
+//        }
+//    }
-template <class T, class CombineOp>
+template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>
 void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeList
     const polyMesh& mesh,
-    UList<T>& edgeValues,
+    List<T>& edgeValues,
     const CombineOp& cop,
-    const T& nullValue
+    const T& nullValue,
+    const TransformOp& top
     if (edgeValues.size() != mesh.nEdges())
@@ -1166,7 +1171,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeList
             "syncTools<class T, class CombineOp>::syncEdgeList"
-            "(const polyMesh&, UList<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&)"
+            "(const polyMesh&, List<T>&, const CombineOp&, const T&)"
         )   << "Number of values " << edgeValues.size()
             << " is not equal to the number of edges in the mesh "
             << mesh.nEdges() << abort(FatalError);
@@ -1187,7 +1192,7 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeList
-        false       //position?
+        top
     // Extract back onto mesh
@@ -1198,50 +1203,51 @@ void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgeList
-template <class CombineOp>
-void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgePositions
-    const polyMesh& mesh,
-    UList<point>& edgeValues,
-    const CombineOp& cop,
-    const point& nullValue
-    if (edgeValues.size() != mesh.nEdges())
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncEdgePositions"
-            "(const polyMesh&, UList<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
-        )   << "Number of values " << edgeValues.size()
-            << " is not equal to the number of edges in the mesh "
-            << mesh.nEdges() << abort(FatalError);
-    }
-    const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
-    const labelList& meshEdges = gd.coupledPatchMeshEdges();
-    const globalIndexAndTransform& git = gd.globalTransforms();
-    const mapDistribute& map = gd.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
-    List<point> cppFld(UIndirectList<point>(edgeValues, meshEdges));
-    globalMeshData::syncData
-    (
-        cppFld,
-        gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
-        gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
-        map,
-        git,
-        cop,
-        true        //position?
-    );
-    // Extract back onto mesh
-    forAll(meshEdges, i)
-    {
-        edgeValues[meshEdges[i]] = cppFld[i];
-    }
+//template <class CombineOp>
+//void Foam::syncTools::syncEdgePositions
+//    const polyMesh& mesh,
+//    List<point>& edgeValues,
+//    const CombineOp& cop,
+//    const point& nullValue
+//    if (edgeValues.size() != mesh.nEdges())
+//    {
+//        FatalErrorIn
+//        (
+//            "syncTools<class CombineOp>::syncEdgePositions"
+//            "(const polyMesh&, List<point>&, const CombineOp&, const point&)"
+//        )   << "Number of values " << edgeValues.size()
+//            << " is not equal to the number of edges in the mesh "
+//            << mesh.nEdges() << abort(FatalError);
+//    }
+//    const globalMeshData& gd = mesh.globalData();
+//    const labelList& meshEdges = gd.coupledPatchMeshEdges();
+//    const globalIndexAndTransform& git = gd.globalTransforms();
+//    const mapDistribute& map = gd.globalEdgeSlavesMap();
+//    List<point> cppFld(UIndirectList<point>(edgeValues, meshEdges));
+//    globalMeshData::syncData
+//    (
+//        cppFld,
+//        gd.globalEdgeSlaves(),
+//        gd.globalEdgeTransformedSlaves(),
+//        map,
+//        git,
+//        cop,
+//        true,       //position?
+//        mapDistribute::transform()  // not used
+//    );
+//    // Extract back onto mesh
+//    forAll(meshEdges, i)
+//    {
+//        edgeValues[meshEdges[i]] = cppFld[i];
+//    }
 template <class T, class CombineOp, class TransformOp>