diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceInertia/surfaceInertia.C b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceInertia/surfaceInertia.C
index 0819c4bbb6b32a731aeca482d9fd1f02bdf6ad86..c68608feda20f82c1ace1309a39a108c40fae517 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceInertia/surfaceInertia.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceInertia/surfaceInertia.C
@@ -591,18 +591,27 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     if (showTransform)
-        Info<< "Transform tensor from reference state (Q). " << nl
+        Info<< "Transform tensor from reference state (orientation):" << nl
+            << eVec.T() << nl
             << "Rotation tensor required to transform "
                "from the body reference frame to the global "
                "reference frame, i.e.:" << nl
-            << "globalVector = Q & bodyLocalVector"
-            << nl << eVec.T()
+            << "globalVector = orientation & bodyLocalVector"
+            << endl;
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Entries for sixDoFRigidBodyDisplacement boundary condition:"
+            << nl
+            << "        mass            " << m << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
+            << "        centreOfMass    " << cM << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
+            << "        momentOfInertia " << eVal << token::END_STATEMENT << nl
+            << "        orientation     " << eVec.T() << token::END_STATEMENT
             << endl;
     if (calcAroundRefPt)
-        Info << "Inertia tensor relative to " << refPt << ": "
+        Info<< nl << "Inertia tensor relative to " << refPt << ": " << nl
             << applyParallelAxisTheorem(m, cM, J, refPt)
             << endl;