diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.C
index 8e99aebe071bd8ba74829165bca0195bd61ae7dc..27f07f281c6c347cfae2daac49dbc036bcf7a299 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.C
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::readControls()
         timeEnd_ = time_.userTimeToTime(timeEnd_);
+    deltaTCoeff_ = dict_.lookupOrDefault("deltaTCoeff", GREAT);
     dict_.readIfPresent("nStepsToStartTimeChange", nStepsToStartTimeChange_);
@@ -64,6 +65,292 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::active() const
+Foam::scalar Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::calcExpansion
+    const scalar startRatio,
+    const scalar y,
+    const label n
+    scalar ratio = startRatio;
+    // This function is used to calculate the 'expansion ratio' or
+    // 'time step growth factor'. Inputs:
+    //  - ratio: wanted ratio
+    //  - y: overall time required (divided by deltaT) to get from 1 to ratio
+    //  - n: number of steps in which to get to wanted ratio
+    // Let a0 = first term in geometric progression (GP), an = last term,
+    // n = number of terms,  ratio = ratio of GP, Sn = sum of series for
+    // first n terms.
+    // We have an=a0*ratio^(n-1)   Sn = a0(ratio^n -1)/(ratio -1)
+    // -> Sn=an/ratio^(n-1)*(ratio^n -1)/(ratio -1), assume y=Sn/an
+    // -> y*ratio^(n-1)=(ratio^n -1)/(ratio -1)
+    // -> y*ratio^n - y*ratio^(n-1) -ratio^n +1 = 0
+    // Solve using Newton-Raphson iteration to determine the expansion
+    // ratio giving the desired overall timestep change.
+    // Note max iteration count to avoid hanging; function generally
+    // converges in 5 iterations or so.
+    for (label iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++)
+    {
+        // Dimensionless equation
+        scalar f = (y-1)*pow(ratio, n)+1-y*pow(ratio, n-1);
+        scalar dfdratio = (y-1)*n*pow(ratio, n-1)-y*(n-1)*pow(ratio, n-2);
+        scalar dratio = f/(dfdratio + SMALL);
+        ratio -= dratio;
+        // Exit if function is satisfied
+        if (mag(f) < 1e-6)
+        {
+            return ratio;
+        }
+    }
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        WarningInFunction
+            << "Did not converge to find new timestep growth factor given "
+            << "overall factor " << y << " and " << n << " steps to do it in."
+            << endl << "    Returning current best guess " << ratio << endl;
+    }
+    return ratio;
+void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::calcDeltaTCoeff
+    scalar& requiredDeltaTCoeff,
+    const scalar wantedDT,
+    const label nSteps,
+    const scalar presentTime,
+    const scalar timeToNextWrite,
+    const bool rampDirectionUp
+    const scalar writeInterval = writeControl_.interval();
+    // Set new deltaT approximated to last step value
+    // adjust to include geometric series sum of nSteps terms
+    scalar newDeltaT = deltaT0_;
+    if (seriesDTCoeff_ != GREAT)
+    {
+        newDeltaT *= seriesDTCoeff_;
+    }
+    // Recalculate new deltaTCoeff_ based on rounded steps
+    requiredDeltaTCoeff = Foam::exp(Foam::log(wantedDT/newDeltaT)/nSteps);
+    // Calculate total time required with given dT increment
+    // to reach specified dT value
+    scalar requiredTimeInterval = newDeltaT;
+    // For nSteps = 1 during we get coeff = 1.0. Adding SMALL in denominator
+    // might lead to SMALL requiredTimeInterval, and further unnecessary
+    // calculations
+    if (requiredDeltaTCoeff != 1.0)
+    {
+        requiredTimeInterval *=
+            (pow(requiredDeltaTCoeff, nSteps) - 1)
+           /(requiredDeltaTCoeff - 1);
+    }
+    // Nearest time which is multiple of wantedDT, after 
+    // requiredTimeInterval
+    scalar timeToNextMultiple = -presentTime;
+    if (rampDirectionUp)
+    {
+        timeToNextMultiple +=
+            ceil
+            (
+                (presentTime + requiredTimeInterval)
+               /wantedDT
+            )
+           *wantedDT;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        timeToNextMultiple +=
+            floor
+            (
+                (presentTime - requiredTimeInterval)
+               /wantedDT
+            )
+           *wantedDT;
+    }
+    // Check nearest time and decide parameters
+    if (timeToNextWrite <= timeToNextMultiple)
+    {
+        // As the ramping can't be achieved, use current, unadapted deltaT
+        // (from e.g. maxCo calculation in solver) and adjust when 
+        // writeInterval is closer than this deltaT
+        newDeltaT = deltaT0_;
+        if (timeToNextWrite < newDeltaT)
+        {
+            newDeltaT = timeToNextWrite;
+        }
+        // Corner case when required time span is less than writeInterval
+        if (requiredTimeInterval > writeInterval)
+        {
+            WarningInFunction
+                << "With given ratio needed time span "
+                << requiredTimeInterval
+                << " exceeds available writeInterval "
+                << writeInterval << nl
+                << "Disabling all future time step ramping"
+                << endl;
+            deltaTCoeff_ = GREAT;
+            newDeltaT = wantedDT;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Reset the series ratio, as this could change later
+            seriesDTCoeff_ = GREAT;
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                Info<< "Disabling ramping until time "
+                    << presentTime+timeToNextWrite << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        requiredDeltaTCoeff = newDeltaT/deltaT0_;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Find the minimum number of time steps (with constant deltaT 
+        // variation) to get us to the writeInterval and multiples of wantedDT.
+        // Increases the number of nSteps to do the adjustment in until it
+        // has reached one that is possible. Returns the new expansionratio.
+        scalar y = timeToNextMultiple/wantedDT;
+        label requiredSteps = nSteps;
+        scalar ratioEstimate = deltaTCoeff_;
+        scalar ratioMax = deltaTCoeff_;
+        if (seriesDTCoeff_ != GREAT)
+        {
+            ratioEstimate = seriesDTCoeff_;
+        }
+        if (!rampDirectionUp)
+        {
+            ratioEstimate = 1/ratioEstimate;
+            requiredSteps *= -1;
+        }
+        // Provision for fall-back value if we can't satisfy requirements
+        bool searchConverged = false;
+        for (label iter = 0; iter < 100; iter++)
+        {
+            // Calculate the new expansion and the overall time step changes
+            const scalar newRatio = calcExpansion
+            (
+                ratioEstimate,
+                y,
+                requiredSteps
+            );
+            const scalar deltaTLoop = wantedDT/pow(newRatio, requiredSteps-1);
+            scalar firstDeltaRatio = deltaTLoop/deltaT0_;
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                // Avoid division by zero for ratio = 1.0
+                scalar Sn =
+                    deltaTLoop
+                   *(pow(newRatio, requiredSteps)-1)
+                   /(newRatio-1+SMALL);
+                Info<< " nSteps " << requiredSteps
+                    << " ratioEstimate " << ratioEstimate
+                    << " a0 " << deltaTLoop
+                    << " firstDeltaRatio " << firstDeltaRatio
+                    << " Sn " << Sn << " Sn+Time " << Sn+presentTime
+                    << " seriesRatio "<< newRatio << endl;
+            }
+            // If series ratio becomes unity check next deltaT multiple
+            // Do the same if first ratio is decreasing when ramping up!
+            if
+            (
+                (firstDeltaRatio < 1.0 && rampDirectionUp)
+             || (firstDeltaRatio > 1.0 && !rampDirectionUp)
+             || newRatio == 1.0
+            )
+            {
+                y += 1;
+                requiredSteps = nSteps;
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    Info<< "firstDeltaRatio " << firstDeltaRatio << " rampDir"
+                        << rampDirectionUp << " newRatio " << newRatio
+                        << " y " << y << " steps " << requiredSteps <<endl;
+                }
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (firstDeltaRatio > ratioMax)
+            {
+                requiredSteps++;
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    Info<< "First ratio " << firstDeltaRatio
+                        << " exceeds threshold " << ratioMax << nl
+                        << "Increasing required steps " << requiredSteps
+                        << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (newRatio > ratioMax)
+            {
+                y += 1;
+                requiredSteps = nSteps;
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    Info<< "Series ratio " << newRatio << "exceeds threshold "
+                        << ratioMax << nl << "Consider next deltaT multiple "
+                        << y*wantedDT + presentTime << endl;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                seriesDTCoeff_ = newRatio;
+                // Reset future series expansion at last step
+                if (requiredSteps == 1)
+                {
+                    seriesDTCoeff_ = GREAT;
+                }
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    Info<< "All conditions satisfied deltaT0_:" << deltaT0_
+                        << " calculated deltaTCoeff:" << firstDeltaRatio
+                        << " series ratio set to:" << seriesDTCoeff_ << endl;
+                }
+                searchConverged = true;
+                requiredDeltaTCoeff = firstDeltaRatio;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!searchConverged)
+        {
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                // Not converged. Return fall-back value
+                WarningInFunction
+                    << "Did not converge to find new timestep growth factor"
+                    << " given overall factor " << y
+                    << " and " << requiredSteps << " steps to do it in."
+                    << nl << "    Falling back to non-adjusted deltatT "
+                    << deltaT0_ << endl;
+            }
+            requiredDeltaTCoeff = 1.0;
+        }
+    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -85,7 +372,9 @@ Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::timeControl
     executeControl_(t, dict, "execute"),
     writeControl_(t, dict, "write"),
     foPtr_(functionObject::New(name, t, dict_)),
-    executeTimeIndex_(-1)
+    executeTimeIndex_(-1),
+    deltaT0_(0),
+    seriesDTCoeff_(GREAT)
@@ -113,6 +402,9 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::entriesPresent(const dictionary& dict)
 bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::execute()
+    // Store old deltaT for reference
+    deltaT0_ = time_.deltaTValue();
     if (active() && (postProcess || executeControl_.execute()))
         executeTimeIndex_ = time_.timeIndex();
@@ -152,44 +444,225 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::end()
 bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::adjustTimeStep()
-    if
-    (
-        active()
-     && writeControl_.control()
-     == Foam::timeControl::ocAdjustableRunTime
-    )
+    if (active())
-        const label  writeTimeIndex = writeControl_.executionIndex();
-        const scalar writeInterval = writeControl_.interval();
-        scalar timeToNextWrite = max
+        if
-            0.0,
-            (writeTimeIndex + 1)*writeInterval
-          - (time_.value() - time_.startTime().value())
-        );
+            writeControl_.control()
+         == Foam::timeControl::ocAdjustableRunTime
+        )
+        {
+            const scalar presentTime = time_.value();
-        scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
+            //const scalar oldDeltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
-        scalar nSteps = timeToNextWrite/deltaT - SMALL;
+            // Call underlying fo to do time step adjusting
+            foPtr_->adjustTimeStep();
+            const scalar wantedDT = time_.deltaTValue();
-        // functionObjects modify deltaT within nStepsToStartTimeChange
-        // NOTE: Potential problems arise if two function objects dump within
-        // the same interval
-        if (nSteps < nStepsToStartTimeChange_)
-        {
-            label nStepsToNextWrite = label(nSteps) + 1;
+            //Pout<< "adjustTimeStep by " << foPtr_->name()
+            //    << " from " << oldDeltaT << " to " << wantedDT << endl;
-            scalar newDeltaT = timeToNextWrite/nStepsToNextWrite;
+            const label writeTimeIndex = writeControl_.executionIndex();
+            const scalar writeInterval = writeControl_.interval();
+            // Get time to next writeInterval
+            scalar timeToNextWrite =
+                (writeTimeIndex+1)*writeInterval
+              - (presentTime - time_.startTime().value());
+            if (timeToNextWrite <= 0.0)
+            {
+                timeToNextWrite = writeInterval;
+            }
+            // The target DT (coming from fixed dT or maxCo etc) may not be
+            // an integral multiple of writeInterval. If so ignore any step
+            // calculation and give priority to writeInterval.
+            // Note looser tolerance on the relative intervalError - SMALL is
+            // too strict.
+            scalar intervalError =
+                remainder(writeInterval, wantedDT)/writeInterval;
+            if 
+            (
+                 mag(intervalError) > ROOTSMALL
+              || deltaTCoeff_ == GREAT
+            )
+            {
+                scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
+                scalar nSteps = timeToNextWrite/deltaT;
+                // For tiny deltaT the label can overflow!
+                if (nSteps < labelMax)
+                {
+                    // nSteps can be < 1 so make sure at least 1
+                    label nStepsToNextWrite = max(1, round(nSteps));
+                    scalar newDeltaT = timeToNextWrite/nStepsToNextWrite;
+                    // Backwards compatibility: clip deltaT to 0.2 .. 2
+                    scalar clipThreshold = 2;
+                    if (deltaTCoeff_ != GREAT)
+                    {
+                        clipThreshold = deltaTCoeff_;
+                    }
+                    // Adjust time step
+                    if (newDeltaT >= deltaT)
+                    {
+                        deltaT = min(newDeltaT, clipThreshold*deltaT);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        clipThreshold = 1/clipThreshold;
+                        deltaT = max(newDeltaT, clipThreshold*deltaT);
+                    }
+                    const_cast<Time&>(time_).setDeltaT(deltaT, false);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Set initial approximation to user defined ratio.
+                scalar requiredDeltaTCoeff = deltaTCoeff_;
+                // Use if we have series expansion ratio from last attempt.
+                // Starting from user defined coefficient, might get different
+                // steps and convergence time (could be recursive - worst case)
+                // This is more likely to happen when coefficient limit is high
+                if (seriesDTCoeff_ != GREAT)
+                {
+                    requiredDeltaTCoeff = seriesDTCoeff_;
+                }
+                // Avoid divide by zero if we need ratio = 1
+                if (1/Foam::log(requiredDeltaTCoeff)> labelMax)
+                {
+                    requiredDeltaTCoeff = deltaTCoeff_;
+                }
+                // Try and observe the deltaTCoeff and the writeInterval
+                // and the wanted deltaT. Below code calculates the
+                // minimum number of time steps in which to end up on
+                // writeInterval+n*deltaT with the minimum possible deltaTCoeff.
+                // This is non-trivial!
+                // Approx steps required from present dT to required dT
+                label nSteps = 0;
+                if (wantedDT < deltaT0_)
+                {
+                    nSteps = label
+                    (
+                        floor
+                        (
+                            Foam::log(wantedDT/deltaT0_)
+                           /Foam::log(requiredDeltaTCoeff + SMALL)
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    nSteps = label
+                    (
+                        ceil
+                        (
+                            Foam::log(wantedDT/deltaT0_)
+                           /Foam::log(requiredDeltaTCoeff + SMALL)
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+                // Negative steps -> ramp down needed, 
+                // zero steps -> we are at writeInterval-multiple time!
+                if (nSteps < 1)
+                {
+                    // Not enough steps to do gradual time step adjustment
+                    // if earlier deltaT larger than wantedDT 
+                    if (wantedDT < deltaT0_)
+                    {
+                        requiredDeltaTCoeff = 1/requiredDeltaTCoeff;
+                        calcDeltaTCoeff
+                        (
+                            requiredDeltaTCoeff,
+                            wantedDT,
+                            nSteps, 
+                            presentTime,
+                            timeToNextWrite,
+                            false
+                        );
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if (timeToNextWrite > wantedDT)
+                        {
+                            requiredDeltaTCoeff = wantedDT/deltaT0_;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            requiredDeltaTCoeff = timeToNextWrite/deltaT0_;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // When allowed deltaTCoeff can't give required ramp
+                    if (requiredDeltaTCoeff > deltaTCoeff_ && debug)
+                    {
+                        WarningInFunction
+                            << "Required deltaTCoeff "<< requiredDeltaTCoeff
+                            << " is larger than allowed value "<< deltaTCoeff_
+                            << endl;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    calcDeltaTCoeff
+                    (
+                        requiredDeltaTCoeff,
+                        wantedDT,
+                        nSteps, 
+                        presentTime,
+                        timeToNextWrite,
+                        true
+                    );
+                }
+                // Calculate deltaT to be used based on ramp
+                scalar newDeltaT = deltaT0_*requiredDeltaTCoeff;
+                // Set time, deltaT adjustments for writeInterval purposes
+                // are already taken care. Hence disable auto-update
+                const_cast<Time&>( time_).setDeltaT(newDeltaT, false);
+                if (seriesDTCoeff_ < 1.0)
+                {
+                    requiredDeltaTCoeff = 1/requiredDeltaTCoeff;
+                    seriesDTCoeff_ = 1/seriesDTCoeff_;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            foPtr_->adjustTimeStep();
+            const scalar wantedDT = time_.deltaTValue();
-            // Adjust time step
-            if (newDeltaT < deltaT)
+            if (deltaTCoeff_ != GREAT)
-                deltaT = max(newDeltaT, 0.2*deltaT);
-                const_cast<Time&>(time_).setDeltaT(deltaT, false);
+                // Clip time step change to deltaTCoeff
+                scalar requiredDeltaTCoeff =
+                (
+                    max
+                    (
+                        1.0/deltaTCoeff_,
+                        min(deltaTCoeff_, wantedDT/deltaT0_)
+                    )
+                );
+                scalar newDeltaT = deltaT0_*requiredDeltaTCoeff;
+                // Set time, deltaT adjustments for writeInterval purposes
+                // are already taken care. Hence disable auto-update
+                const_cast<Time&>( time_).setDeltaT(newDeltaT, false);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Set the DT without any ramping
+                const_cast<Time&>( time_).setDeltaT(wantedDT, false);
@@ -198,10 +671,7 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::adjustTimeStep()
-bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::read
-    const dictionary& dict
+bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::read(const dictionary& dict)
     if (dict != dict_)
@@ -231,10 +701,7 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::filesModified() const
-void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::updateMesh
-    const mapPolyMesh& mpm
+void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh& mpm)
     if (active())
@@ -243,10 +710,7 @@ void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::updateMesh
-void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::movePoints
-    const polyMesh& mesh
+void Foam::functionObjects::timeControl::movePoints(const polyMesh& mesh)
     if (active())
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.H b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.H
index aac5343c424ededd4a4f2eec0a1f94dd033d7ec9..4b4bca78e1617f296dbaa7dbbbb6601a1b0eddf0 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/timeControl/timeControlFunctionObject.H
@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ Class
+    Wrapper around functionObjects to add time control.
+    Adds
+    - timeStart, timeEnd activation
+    - deltaT modification to hit writeInterval (note: if adjustableRunTime
+      also in controlDict this has to be an integer multiple)
+    - smooth deltaT variation through optional deltaTCoeff parameter
     Since the timeIndex is used directly from Foam::Time, it is unaffected
@@ -85,6 +92,9 @@ class timeControl
             //- De-activation time - defaults to VGREAT
             scalar timeEnd_;
+            //- Max time step change
+            scalar deltaTCoeff_;
             //- Number of steps before the dump-time during which deltaT
             //  may be changed (valid for adjustableRunTime)
             label nStepsToStartTimeChange_;
@@ -103,6 +113,16 @@ class timeControl
         label executeTimeIndex_;
+        // For time-step change limiting (deltaTCoeff supplied) only:
+            //- Store the old deltaT value
+            scalar deltaT0_;
+            //- Store the series expansion coefficient value
+            scalar seriesDTCoeff_;
     // Private Member Functions
         //- Read relevant dictionary entries
@@ -111,6 +131,26 @@ class timeControl
         //- Returns true if within time bounds
         bool active() const;
+        //- Return expansion ratio (deltaT change) that gives overall time
+        static scalar calcExpansion
+        (
+            const scalar startRatio,
+            const scalar y,
+            const label n
+        );
+        //- Calculate deltaT change such that the next write interval is
+        //  obeyed. Updates requiredDeltaTCoeff
+        void calcDeltaTCoeff
+        (
+            scalar& requiredDeltaTCoeff,
+            const scalar wantedDT,
+            const label nSteps,
+            const scalar presentTime,
+            const scalar timeToNextWrite,
+            const bool rampDirectionUp
+        );
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
         timeControl(const timeControl&);
diff --git a/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.C b/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.C
index 67a8a60a3b0def6e60e383ad3330fb403822db9f..c17fa5ecbdfe9ac9be95fa514742f7d08e0c903c 100644
--- a/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.C
+++ b/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.C
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ bool Foam::functionObjects::setTimeStepFunctionObject::adjustTimeStep()
         index = time_.timeIndex();
         // Set time, allow deltaT to be adjusted for writeInterval purposes
-        const_cast<Time&>(time_).setDeltaT(newDeltaT, true);
+        const_cast<Time&>(time_).setDeltaT(newDeltaT, false);
     return true;
diff --git a/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.H b/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.H
index 70925dc0a046abd07bc161dd89f4718ce2985237..f331073336a475397c488240fa3bf90bbd569062 100644
--- a/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.H
+++ b/src/functionObjects/utilities/setTimeStep/setTimeStepFunctionObject.H
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ Usage
         type        setTimeStep;
         libs        ("libutilityFunctionObjects.so");
+        deltaT      table ((0 5e-4)(0.01 1e-3));
@@ -52,6 +55,10 @@ Usage
         Property     | Description             | Required    | Default value
         type         | Type name: setTimeStep  | yes         |
         enabled      | On/off switch           | no          | yes
+        deltaT       | Time step value         | yes         |
+        timeStart    | Start time              | no          | 0
+        timeEnd      | End time                | no          | GREAT
+        deltaTCoeff  | Time step change limit  | no          | GREAT