From 5de59417f8ada30e24e0aab28f30689e3ac53a82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Olesen <>
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2023 15:11:18 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: improve suspend/resume handling of Pstream profiling

- allow reporting even when profiling is suspended

- consolidate reporting into profilingPstream itself
  (avoids code scatter).

Example of possible advanced use for timing only one section of

    // Profile local operations

    ... do something

    // Don't profile elsewhere
 .../global/profiling/profilingPstream.C       | 441 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../global/profiling/profilingPstream.H       |  60 +--
 .../utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.C     | 371 +--------------
 .../utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.H     |   4 +-
 4 files changed, 460 insertions(+), 416 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.C b/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.C
index 588d3e1cde0..cb6de74904c 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.C
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ License
 #include "profilingPstream.H"
+#include "List.H"
+#include "Tuple2.H"
+#include "UPstream.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -37,37 +40,16 @@ Foam::profilingPstream::timingList Foam::profilingPstream::times_(double(0));
 Foam::profilingPstream::countList Foam::profilingPstream::counts_(uint64_t(0));
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    enable();
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    disable();
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 void Foam::profilingPstream::enable()
-    if (timer_)
-    {
-        timer_->resetCpuTime(); // Not necessarily required ...
-    }
-    else
+    if (!timer_)
         timer_.reset(new cpuTime);
         times_ = double(0);
         counts_ = uint64_t(0);
     suspend_ = false;
@@ -79,6 +61,13 @@ void Foam::profilingPstream::disable() noexcept
+void Foam::profilingPstream::reset()
+    times_ = double(0);
+    counts_ = uint64_t(0);
 double Foam::profilingPstream::elapsedTime()
     double total = 0;
@@ -91,4 +80,412 @@ double Foam::profilingPstream::elapsedTime()
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Local Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+// Loop over all values (with striding) and extract the value at given index
+template<class Type>
+inline static void extractValues
+    UList<Type>& result,
+    const int index,
+    const UList<Type>& allValues
+    if (result.empty())
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    const label numProc = result.size();
+    const Type* values = allValues.cbegin();
+    const label stride = allValues.size() / numProc;
+    if (!values || !stride)
+    {
+        result = Type(0);
+        return;
+    }
+    for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci, values += stride)
+    {
+        result[proci] = values[index];
+    }
+// Loop over all values (with striding) and extract combined value
+// using the given unary function
+template<class Type, class Extract>
+inline static void extractValues
+    UList<Type>& result,
+    const UList<Type>& allValues,
+    const Extract& extract
+    if (result.empty())
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    const label numProc = result.size();
+    const Type* values = allValues.cbegin();
+    const label stride = allValues.size() / numProc;
+    if (!values || !stride)
+    {
+        result = Type(0);
+        return;
+    }
+    for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci, values += stride)
+    {
+        result[proci] = extract(values);
+    }
+inline static void printTimingDetail(const UList<double>& values)
+    const label numProc = values.size();
+    if (numProc)
+    {
+        Info<< indent << "    times   " << numProc << '(';
+        for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci)
+        {
+            if (proci) Info<< ' ';
+            Info<< values[proci];
+        }
+        Info<< ')' << nl;
+    }
+inline static void printTimingDetail(const UList<uint64_t>& values)
+    const label numProc = values.size();
+    if (numProc)
+    {
+        // Output via std::ostream to avoid conversion to Foam::label
+        // that Ostream performs
+        auto& os = Info.stdStream();
+        Info<< indent << "    counts  " << numProc << '(';
+        for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci)
+        {
+            if (proci) os << ' ';
+            os << values[proci];
+        }
+        Info<< ')' << nl;
+    }
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::profilingPstream::report(const int reportLevel)
+    const label numProc = (UPstream::parRun() ? UPstream::nProcs() : 1);
+    if (numProc < 2)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    // Use mpiGather on all values and perform the combinations
+    // and statistics locally. This reduces the overall number of MPI
+    // calls. For detailed output we need this information anyhow.
+    // NB: profilingPstream uses a FixedList for timings(), counts()
+    // so sizes are guaranteed to be consistent and identical everywhere.
+    List<double> allTimes;
+    List<uint64_t> allCounts;
+    // Avoid disturbing any information
+    const bool oldSuspend = suspend();
+    {
+        // The timings
+        const auto& procValues = times_;
+        if (UPstream::master())
+        {
+            allTimes.resize(numProc * procValues.size());
+        }
+        UPstream::mpiGather
+        (
+            procValues.cdata_bytes(),   // Send
+            procValues.size_bytes(),    // Num send per proc
+            allTimes.data_bytes(),      // Recv
+            procValues.size_bytes(),    // Num recv per proc
+            UPstream::commWorld()
+        );
+    }
+    if (reportLevel > 1)
+    {
+        // The counts
+        const auto& procValues = counts_;
+        if (UPstream::master())
+        {
+            allCounts.resize(numProc * procValues.size());
+        }
+        UPstream::mpiGather
+        (
+            procValues.cdata_bytes(),   // Send
+            procValues.size_bytes(),    // Num send per proc
+            allCounts.data_bytes(),     // Recv
+            procValues.size_bytes(),    // Num recv per proc
+            UPstream::commWorld()
+        );
+    }
+    // Resume if not previously suspended
+    if (!oldSuspend)
+    {
+        resume();
+    }
+    // (Time, Processor) for each of: min/max/sum(avg)
+    typedef FixedList<Tuple2<double, int>, 3> statData;
+    // Extract min/max/average
+    auto calcStats = [](const UList<double>& data) -> statData
+    {
+        statData stats;
+        stats = Tuple2<double, int>((data.empty() ? 0 : data[0]), 0);
+        const label np = data.size();
+        for (label proci = 1; proci < np; ++proci)
+        {
+            Tuple2<double, int> tup(data[proci], proci);
+            // 0: min, 1: max, 2: total(avg)
+            if (stats[0].first() > tup.first()) stats[0] = tup;
+            if (stats[1].first() < tup.first()) stats[1] = tup;
+            stats[2].first() += tup.first();
+        }
+        // From total -> average value
+        if (np) { stats[2].first() /= np; }
+        return stats;
+    };
+    const auto printTimingStats =
+        [&](Ostream& os, const char* tag, const statData& stats)
+        {
+            os  << indent << tag << ": avg = " << stats[2].first()
+                << ", min = " << stats[0].first()
+                << " (proc " << stats[0].second() << ')'
+                << ", max = " << stats[1].first()
+                << " (proc " << stats[1].second() << ')'
+                << nl;
+        };
+    if (UPstream::master())
+    {
+        Info<< "profiling(parallel):" << nl
+            << incrIndent;
+        statData stats;
+        List<double> extractedTimes(numProc);
+        List<uint64_t> extractedCounts;
+        if (reportLevel > 1)
+        {
+            extractedCounts.resize(numProc);
+        }
+        // Total times
+        {
+            extractValues
+            (
+                extractedTimes,
+                allTimes,
+                [=](const double values[])
+                {
+                    double total = 0;
+                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < timingType::nCategories; ++i)
+                    {
+                        total += values[i];
+                    }
+                    return total;
+                }
+            );
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "total     ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+        }
+        // all-all
+        {
+            const int index = int(timingType::ALL_TO_ALL);
+            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
+            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "all-all   ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        // broadcast
+        {
+            const int index = int(timingType::BROADCAST);
+            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
+            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "broadcast ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        // probe
+        {
+            const int index = int(timingType::PROBE);
+            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
+            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "probe     ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        // Reduce/scatter times
+        {
+            // const int index = int(timingType::REDUCE);
+            extractValues
+            (
+                extractedTimes,
+                allTimes,
+                [=](const double values[])
+                {
+                    return
+                    (
+                        values[timingType::REDUCE]
+                      + values[timingType::GATHER]
+                      + values[timingType::SCATTER]
+                    );
+                }
+            );
+            extractValues
+            (
+                extractedCounts,
+                allCounts,
+                [=](const uint64_t values[])
+                {
+                    return
+                    (
+                        values[timingType::REDUCE]
+                      + values[timingType::GATHER]
+                      + values[timingType::SCATTER]
+                    );
+                }
+            );
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "reduce    ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        // Recv/send times
+        #if 0  // FUTURE?
+        {
+            // const int index = int(timingType::RECV);
+            extractValues
+            (
+                extractedTimes,
+                allTimes,
+                [=](const double values[])
+                {
+                    return
+                    (
+                        values[timingType::RECV]
+                      + values[timingType::SEND]
+                    );
+                }
+            );
+            extractValues
+            (
+                extractedCounts,
+                allCounts,
+                [=](const uint64_t values[])
+                {
+                    return
+                    (
+                        values[timingType::RECV]
+                      + values[timingType::SEND]
+                    );
+                }
+            );
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "send/recv ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        #endif
+        // request
+        {
+            const int index = int(timingType::REQUEST);
+            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
+            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "request   ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        // wait
+        {
+            const int index = int(timingType::WAIT);
+            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
+            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
+            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
+            printTimingStats(Info(), "wait      ", stats);
+            if (reportLevel > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
+            if (reportLevel > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
+        }
+        Info<< decrIndent;
+    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.H b/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.H
index 961aa885968..8256fb1418c 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/global/profiling/profilingPstream.H
@@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ public:
         //- The enumerated timing categories (for times and counts arrays)
         enum timingType : unsigned
-            BROADCAST = 0,
-            REDUCE,
+            ALL_TO_ALL = 0,
+            BROADCAST,
+            REDUCE,
+            GATHER,         // gather (or recv)
+            SCATTER,        // scatter (or send)
-            GATHER,
-            SCATTER,
-            ALL_TO_ALL,
-            nCategories  // Dimensioning size
+            nCategories     // Dimensioning size
         //- Fixed-size container for timing values
@@ -98,28 +98,29 @@ private:
-    // Constructors
-        //- Default construct, enables global timer
-        profilingPstream();
+    // Static Member Functions
-    //- Destructor, disables global timer
-    ~profilingPstream();
+    // Management
+        //- True if timer is active (ie, enabled and not suspended)
+        static bool active() noexcept { return !suspend_ && timer_; }
-    // Member Functions
-        //- Create timer for measuring communication, or reset existing
+        //- Create timer for measuring communication or un-suspend existing
         static void enable();
-        //- Remove timer for measuring communication activity
+        //- Remove timer for measuring communication activity.
+        //- Does not affect times/counts.
         static void disable() noexcept;
-        //- Suspend use of timer (if active)
-        static void suspend() noexcept
+        //- Reset times/counts. Does not affect the timer itself
+        static void reset();
+        //- Suspend use of timer. Return old status
+        static bool suspend() noexcept
+            bool old(suspend_);
             suspend_ = bool(timer_);
+            return old;
         //- Resume use of timer (if previously active)
@@ -128,14 +129,8 @@ public:
             suspend_ = false;
-        //- Timer is active (not suspended and enabled)
-        static bool active() noexcept
-        {
-            return !suspend_ && bool(timer_);
-        }
-        //- The total of times
-        static double elapsedTime();
+    // Timing/Counts
         //- Access to the timing information
         static timingList& times() noexcept { return times_; }
@@ -155,10 +150,13 @@ public:
             return counts_[idx];
+        //- The total of times
+        static double elapsedTime();
         //- Update timer prior to measurement
         static void beginTiming()
-            if (active())
+            if (!suspend_ && timer_)
                 (void) timer_->cpuTimeIncrement();
@@ -167,7 +165,7 @@ public:
         //- Add time increment
         static void addTime(const timingType idx)
-            if (active())
+            if (!suspend_ && timer_)
                 times_[idx] += timer_->cpuTimeIncrement();
@@ -227,6 +225,12 @@ public:
+    // Output
+        //- Report current information. Uses parallel communication!
+        static void report(const int reportLevel = 0);
diff --git a/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.C b/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.C
index 5af73afd99d..6b0bfef9cac 100644
--- a/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.C
+++ b/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.C
@@ -26,12 +26,9 @@ License
 #include "parProfiling.H"
-#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
-#include "Pstream.H"
-#include "PstreamReduceOps.H"
 #include "profilingPstream.H"
-#include "Tuple2.H"
-#include "FixedList.H"
+#include "Pstream.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -62,9 +59,9 @@ Foam::functionObjects::parProfiling::parProfiling
-    detailLevel_(0)
+    reportLevel_(0)
-    dict.readIfPresent("detail", detailLevel_);
+    dict.readIfPresent("detail", reportLevel_);
@@ -77,368 +74,14 @@ Foam::functionObjects::parProfiling::~parProfiling()
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Local Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-// Loop over all values (with striding) and extract the value at given index
-template<class Type>
-inline static void extractValues
-    UList<Type>& result,
-    const int index,
-    const UList<Type>& allValues
-    if (result.empty())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    const label numProc = result.size();
-    const Type* values = allValues.cbegin();
-    const label stride = allValues.size() / numProc;
-    if (!values || !stride)
-    {
-        result = Type(0);
-        return;
-    }
-    for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci, values += stride)
-    {
-        result[proci] = values[index];
-    }
-// Loop over all values (with striding) and extract combined value
-// using the given unary function
-template<class Type, class Extract>
-inline static void extractValues
-    UList<Type>& result,
-    const UList<Type>& allValues,
-    const Extract& extract
-    if (result.empty())
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    const label numProc = result.size();
-    const Type* values = allValues.cbegin();
-    const label stride = allValues.size() / numProc;
-    if (!values || !stride)
-    {
-        result = Type(0);
-        return;
-    }
-    for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci, values += stride)
-    {
-        result[proci] = extract(values);
-    }
-inline static void printTimingDetail(const UList<double>& values)
-    const label numProc = values.size();
-    if (numProc)
-    {
-        Info<< indent << "    times   " << numProc << '(';
-        for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci)
-        {
-            if (proci) Info<< ' ';
-            Info<< values[proci];
-        }
-        Info<< ')' << nl;
-    }
-inline static void printTimingDetail(const UList<uint64_t>& values)
-    const label numProc = values.size();
-    if (numProc)
-    {
-        // Output via std::ostream to avoid conversion to Foam::label
-        // that Ostream performs
-        auto& os = Info.stdStream();
-        Info<< indent << "    counts  " << numProc << '(';
-        for (label proci = 0; proci < numProc; ++proci)
-        {
-            if (proci) os << ' ';
-            os << values[proci];
-        }
-        Info<< ')' << nl;
-    }
-} // End namespace Foam
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 void Foam::functionObjects::parProfiling::report()
-    const label numProc = (UPstream::parRun() ? UPstream::nProcs() : 1);
-    if (!profilingPstream::active() || numProc < 2)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    // Use mpiGather on all values and perform the combinations
-    // and statistics locally. This reduces the overall number of MPI
-    // calls. For detailed output we need this information anyhow.
-    // NB: profilingPstream uses a FixedList for timings(), counts()
-    // so the sizes are guaranteed to be consistent and identical
-    // everywhere.
-    List<double> allTimes;
-    List<uint64_t> allCounts;
-    // Avoid disturbing the counts
-    profilingPstream::suspend();
-    {
-        // The timings
-        const auto& procTimes = profilingPstream::times();
-        if (Pstream::master())
-        {
-            allTimes.resize(numProc * procTimes.size());
-        }
-        UPstream::mpiGather
-        (
-            procTimes.cdata_bytes(), // Send
-            procTimes.size_bytes(),  // Num send per proc
-            allTimes.data_bytes(),   // Recv
-            procTimes.size_bytes(),  // Num recv per proc
-            UPstream::commWorld()
-        );
-    }
-    if (detailLevel_ > 1)
+    if (UPstream::parRun() && UPstream::nProcs() > 1)
-        // The counts
-        const auto& procCounts = profilingPstream::counts();
-        if (Pstream::master())
-        {
-            allCounts.resize(numProc * procCounts.size());
-        }
-        UPstream::mpiGather
-        (
-            procCounts.cdata_bytes(), // Send
-            procCounts.size_bytes(),  // Num send per proc
-            allCounts.data_bytes(),   // Recv
-            procCounts.size_bytes(),  // Num recv per proc
-            UPstream::commWorld()
-        );
-    }
-    profilingPstream::resume();
-    // (Time, Processor) for each of: min/max/sum(avg)
-    typedef FixedList<Tuple2<double, int>, 3> statData;
-    // Extract min/max/average
-    auto calcStats = [](const UList<double>& data) -> statData
-    {
-        statData stats;
-        stats = Tuple2<double, int>((data.empty() ? 0 : data[0]), 0);
-        const label np = data.size();
-        for (label proci = 1; proci < np; ++proci)
-        {
-            Tuple2<double, int> tup(data[proci], proci);
-            // 0: min, 1: max, 2: total(avg)
-            if (stats[0].first() > tup.first()) stats[0] = tup;
-            if (stats[1].first() < tup.first()) stats[1] = tup;
-            stats[2].first() += tup.first();
-        }
-        // From total -> average value
-        if (np) { stats[2].first() /= np; }
-        return stats;
-    };
-    const auto printTimingStats =
-        [&](Ostream& os, const char* tag, const statData& stats)
-        {
-            os  << indent << tag << ": avg = " << stats[2].first()
-                << ", min = " << stats[0].first()
-                << " (proc " << stats[0].second() << ')'
-                << ", max = " << stats[1].first()
-                << " (proc " << stats[1].second() << ')'
-                << nl;
-        };
-    if (Pstream::master())
-    {
-        statData stats;
-        List<double> extractedTimes(numProc);
-        List<uint64_t> extractedCounts;
-        if (detailLevel_ > 1)
-        {
-            extractedCounts.resize(numProc);
-        }
-        Info<< type() << ':' << nl
-            << incrIndent;
-        // Total times
-        {
-            extractValues
-            (
-                extractedTimes,
-                allTimes,
-                [=](const double values[])
-                {
-                    double total = 0;
-                    for (unsigned i = 0; i < profilingPstream::nCategories; ++i)
-                    {
-                        total += values[i];
-                    }
-                    return total;
-                }
-            );
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "total     ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-        }
-        // all-all
-        {
-            const int index = int(profilingPstream::ALL_TO_ALL);
-            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
-            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "all-all   ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        // broadcast
-        {
-            const int index = int(profilingPstream::BROADCAST);
-            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
-            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "broadcast ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        // probe
-        {
-            const int index = int(profilingPstream::PROBE);
-            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
-            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "probe     ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        // Reduce/scatter times
-        {
-            // const int index = int(profilingPstream::REDUCE);
-            extractValues
-            (
-                extractedTimes,
-                allTimes,
-                [=](const double values[])
-                {
-                    return
-                    (
-                        values[profilingPstream::REDUCE]
-                      + values[profilingPstream::GATHER]
-                      + values[profilingPstream::SCATTER]
-                    );
-                }
-            );
-            extractValues
-            (
-                extractedCounts,
-                allCounts,
-                [=](const uint64_t values[])
-                {
-                    return
-                    (
-                        values[profilingPstream::REDUCE]
-                      + values[profilingPstream::GATHER]
-                      + values[profilingPstream::SCATTER]
-                    );
-                }
-            );
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "reduce    ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        // request
-        {
-            const int index = int(profilingPstream::REQUEST);
-            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
-            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "request   ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        // wait
-        {
-            const int index = int(profilingPstream::WAIT);
-            extractValues(extractedTimes, index, allTimes);
-            extractValues(extractedCounts, index, allCounts);
-            stats = calcStats(extractedTimes);
-            printTimingStats(Info(), "wait      ", stats);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 0) printTimingDetail(extractedTimes);
-            if (detailLevel_ > 1) printTimingDetail(extractedCounts);
-        }
-        Info<< decrIndent;
+        Info<< nl;
+        profilingPstream::report(reportLevel_);
diff --git a/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.H b/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.H
index 4a3f37eb2ad..9b93aa80093 100644
--- a/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.H
+++ b/src/functionObjects/utilities/parProfiling/parProfiling.H
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ class parProfiling
     // Private Data
-        //- The level of detail
+        //- The reporting level
         //  0: summary, 1: per-proc times, 2: per-proc times/counts
-        int detailLevel_;
+        int reportLevel_;