From 5edba1d109d377a5d675e836211890550aca268f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sergio <sergio>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 15:38:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: Adding mapRegion option to meshToMesh and volume
 weighted interpolation method

 src/sampling/Make/files                       |    4 +
 .../meshToMesh/calculateMeshToMeshWeights.C   |  123 ++
 .../meshToMesh/meshToMesh.C                   |   10 +-
 .../meshToMesh/meshToMesh.H                   |   29 +-
 .../meshToMesh/meshToMeshInterpolate.C        |   68 +-
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.C       |  795 +++++++++++++
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.H       |  218 ++++
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetPoints.H              |  114 ++
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.C            |  341 ++++++
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.H            |  315 +++++
 .../tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedronI.H           | 1012 +++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 3020 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.C
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.H
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetPoints.H
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.C
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.H
 create mode 100644 src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedronI.H

diff --git a/src/sampling/Make/files b/src/sampling/Make/files
index 0c89693a8ea..17099071a57 100644
--- a/src/sampling/Make/files
+++ b/src/sampling/Make/files
@@ -69,4 +69,8 @@ $(meshToMesh)/meshToMesh.C
+tetOverlapVolume = meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume
 LIB = $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libsampling
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/calculateMeshToMeshWeights.C b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/calculateMeshToMeshWeights.C
index 532fee3f85c..c3db6586ad5 100644
--- a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/calculateMeshToMeshWeights.C
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/calculateMeshToMeshWeights.C
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ License
 #include "meshToMesh.H"
+#include "tetOverlapVolume.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -99,6 +100,108 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::calculateInverseDistanceWeights() const
+void Foam::meshToMesh::calculateInverseVolumeWeights() const
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateInverseVolumeWeights() : "
+            << "calculating inverse volume weighting factors" << endl;
+    }
+    if (inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("meshToMesh::calculateInverseVolumeWeights()")
+            << "weighting factors already calculated"
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_ = new scalarListList(toMesh_.nCells());
+    scalarListList& invVolCoeffs = *inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_;
+    labelListList& cellToCell = *cellToCellAddressingPtr_;
+    tetOverlapVolume overlapEngine;
+    forAll(cellToCell, celli)
+    {
+        const labelList& overlapCells = cellToCell[celli];
+        if (overlapCells.size() > 0)
+        {
+            invVolCoeffs[celli].setSize(overlapCells.size());
+            scalar v(0);
+            forAll (overlapCells, j)
+            {
+                label cellFrom = overlapCells[j];
+                treeBoundBox bbFromMesh
+                (
+                    pointField
+                    (
+                        fromMesh_.points(),
+                        fromMesh_.cellPoints()[cellFrom]
+                    )
+                );
+                v = overlapEngine.cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
+                (
+                    toMesh_,
+                    celli,
+                    fromMesh_,
+                    cellFrom,
+                    bbFromMesh
+                );
+                invVolCoeffs[celli][j] =  v/toMesh_.V()[celli];
+            }
+            if (celli == 2)
+            {
+                Info << "cellToCell :" << cellToCell[celli] << endl;
+                Info << "invVolCoeffs :" << invVolCoeffs[celli] << endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void  Foam::meshToMesh::calculateCellToCellAddressing() const
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateCellToCellAddressing() : "
+            << "calculating cell to cell addressing" << endl;
+    }
+    if (cellToCellAddressingPtr_)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("meshToMesh::calculateCellToCellAddressing()")
+            << "addressing already calculated"
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    tetOverlapVolume overlapEngine;
+    cellToCellAddressingPtr_ = new labelListList(toMesh_.nCells());
+    labelListList& cellToCell = *cellToCellAddressingPtr_;
+    forAll(cellToCell, iTo)
+    {
+        const labelList overLapCells =
+            overlapEngine.overlappingCells(fromMesh_, toMesh_, iTo);
+        if (overLapCells.size() > 0)
+        {
+            //Info << "To " << iTo << endl;
+            //Info << "cellToCell " << overLapCells << endl;
+            cellToCell[iTo].setSize(overLapCells.size());
+            forAll(overLapCells, j)
+            {
+                cellToCell[iTo][j] = overLapCells[j];
+            }
+        }
+    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 const Foam::scalarListList& Foam::meshToMesh::inverseDistanceWeights() const
@@ -112,4 +215,24 @@ const Foam::scalarListList& Foam::meshToMesh::inverseDistanceWeights() const
+const Foam::scalarListList& Foam::meshToMesh::inverseVolumeWeights() const
+    if (!inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_)
+    {
+        calculateInverseVolumeWeights();
+    }
+    return *inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_;
+const Foam::labelListList& Foam::meshToMesh::cellToCellAddressing() const
+    if (!cellToCellAddressingPtr_)
+    {
+        calculateCellToCellAddressing();
+    }
+    return *cellToCellAddressingPtr_;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.C b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.C
index c5f95879501..fa495c40ce5 100644
--- a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.C
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.C
@@ -48,7 +48,9 @@ Foam::meshToMesh::meshToMesh
-    inverseDistanceWeightsPtr_(NULL)
+    inverseDistanceWeightsPtr_(NULL),
+    inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_(NULL),
+    cellToCellAddressingPtr_(NULL)
     forAll(fromMesh_.boundaryMesh(), patchi)
@@ -118,7 +120,9 @@ Foam::meshToMesh::meshToMesh
-    inverseDistanceWeightsPtr_(NULL)
+    inverseDistanceWeightsPtr_(NULL),
+    inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_(NULL),
+    cellToCellAddressingPtr_(NULL)
     // check whether both meshes have got the same number
     // of boundary patches
@@ -198,6 +202,8 @@ Foam::meshToMesh::meshToMesh
+    deleteDemandDrivenData(inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_);
+    deleteDemandDrivenData(cellToCellAddressingPtr_);
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.H b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.H
index 83d1ee902ac..e60871be259 100644
--- a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.H
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMesh.H
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ class meshToMesh
         //- Inverse-distance interpolation weights
         mutable scalarListList* inverseDistanceWeightsPtr_;
+        //- Inverse-volume interpolation weights
+        mutable scalarListList* inverseVolumeWeightsPtr_;
+        //- Cell to cell overlap addressing
+        mutable labelListList* cellToCellAddressingPtr_;
     // Private Member Functions
@@ -104,8 +110,16 @@ class meshToMesh
         void calculateInverseDistanceWeights() const;
+        void calculateInverseVolumeWeights() const;
+        void calculateCellToCellAddressing() const;
         const scalarListList& inverseDistanceWeights() const;
+        const scalarListList& inverseVolumeWeights() const;
+        const labelListList& cellToCellAddressing() const;
     // Private static data members
@@ -124,7 +138,8 @@ public:
@@ -239,6 +254,18 @@ public:
                 const CombineOp& cop
             ) const;
+            //- Interpolate field using inverse-volume weights
+            template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+            void interpolateField
+            (
+                Field<Type>&,
+                const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>&,
+                const labelListList& adr,
+                const scalarListList& weights,
+                const CombineOp& cop
+            ) const;
             //- Interpolate field using cell-point interpolation
             template<class Type, class CombineOp>
             void interpolateField
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMeshInterpolate.C b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMeshInterpolate.C
index 7ed543ed3cd..372194e3225 100644
--- a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMeshInterpolate.C
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/meshToMesh/meshToMeshInterpolate.C
@@ -54,6 +54,33 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::mapField
+template<class Type, class CombineOp>
+void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolateField
+    Field<Type>& toF,
+    const GeometricField<Type, fvPatchField, volMesh>& fromVf,
+    const labelListList& adr,
+    const scalarListList& weights,
+    const CombineOp& cop
+) const
+    // Inverse volume weighted interpolation
+    forAll(toF, celli)
+    {
+        const labelList& overlapCells = adr[celli];
+        const scalarList& w = weights[celli];
+        Type f = pTraits<Type>::zero;
+        forAll(overlapCells, i)
+        {
+            label fromCelli = overlapCells[i];
+            f += fromVf[fromCelli]*w[i];
+            cop(toF[celli], f);
+        }
+    }
 template<class Type, class CombineOp>
 void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolateField
@@ -162,6 +189,7 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolateInternalField
         case INTERPOLATE:
+        {
@@ -170,9 +198,10 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolateInternalField
-        break;
+            break;
+        }
+        {
@@ -181,8 +210,24 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolateInternalField
-        break;
+            break;
+        }
+        case CELL_VOLUME_WEIGHT:
+        {
+            const labelListList& cellToCell = cellToCellAddressing();
+            const scalarListList& invVolWeights = inverseVolumeWeights();
+            interpolateField
+            (
+                toF,
+                fromVf,
+                cellToCell,
+                invVolWeights,
+                cop
+            );
+            break;
+        }
@@ -229,6 +274,7 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolate
                 case MAP:
+                {
@@ -236,9 +282,11 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolate
-                break;
+                    break;
+                }
                 case INTERPOLATE:
+                {
@@ -247,9 +295,11 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolate
-                break;
+                    break;
+                }
                 case CELL_POINT_INTERPOLATE:
+                {
@@ -258,7 +308,13 @@ void Foam::meshToMesh::interpolate
-                break;
+                    break;
+                }
+                case CELL_VOLUME_WEIGHT:
+                {
+                    // Do nothing
+                    break;
+                }
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.C b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d36730a0eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.C
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+#include "tetOverlapVolume.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::tetOverlapVolume, 0);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::point Foam::tetOverlapVolume::planeIntersection
+    const FixedList<scalar, 4>& d,
+    const tetPoints& t,
+    const label negI,
+    const label posI
+    return (d[posI]*t[negI] - d[negI]*t[posI])/(-d[negI]+d[posI]);
+template <class TetOp>
+inline void Foam::tetOverlapVolume::decomposePrism
+    const FixedList<point, 6>& points,
+    TetOp& op
+    op(tetPoints(points[1], points[3], points[2], points[0]));
+    op(tetPoints(points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4]));
+    op(tetPoints(points[4], points[2], points[3], points[5]));
+template <class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+inline void Foam::tetOverlapVolume::tetSliceWithPlane
+    const tetPoints& tet,
+    const plane& pl,
+    AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+    BelowTetOp& belowOp
+    // Distance to plane
+    FixedList<scalar, 4> d;
+    label nPos = 0;
+    forAll(tet, i)
+    {
+        d[i] = ((tet[i]-pl.refPoint()) & pl.normal());
+        if (d[i] > 0)
+        {
+            nPos++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (nPos == 4)
+    {
+        aboveOp(tet);
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 3)
+    {
+        // Sliced into below tet and above prism. Prism gets split into
+        // two tets.
+        // Find the below tet
+        label i0 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] <= 0)
+            {
+                i0 = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        label i1 = d.fcIndex(i0);
+        label i2 = d.fcIndex(i1);
+        label i3 = d.fcIndex(i2);
+        point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i1);
+        point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i2);
+        point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i3);
+        // i0 = tetCell vertex 0: p01,p02,p03 outwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         1 :     ,,     inwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         2 :     ,,     outwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         3 :     ,,     inwards pointing triad
+        //Pout<< "Split 3pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d << " into" << nl;
+        if (i0 == 0 || i0 == 2)
+        {
+            tetPoints t(tet[i0], p01, p02, p03);
+            //Pout<< "    belowtet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 3, belowTet i0==0 or 2");
+            belowOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i1];
+            p[1] = tet[i3];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p01;
+            p[4] = p03;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            tetPoints t(p01, p02, p03, tet[i0]);
+            //Pout<< "    belowtet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 3, belowTet i0==1 or 3");
+            belowOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i3];
+            p[1] = tet[i1];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p03;
+            p[4] = p01;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 2)
+    {
+        // Tet cut into two prisms. Determine the positive one.
+        label pos0 = -1;
+        label pos1 = -1;
+        label neg0 = -1;
+        label neg1 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] > 0)
+            {
+                if (pos0 == -1)
+                {
+                    pos0 = i;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pos1 = i;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (neg0 == -1)
+                {
+                    neg0 = i;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    neg1 = i;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //Pout<< "Split 2pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d
+        //    << " around pos0:" << pos0 << " pos1:" << pos1
+        //    << " neg0:" << neg0 << " neg1:" << neg1 << " into" << nl;
+        const edge posEdge(pos0, pos1);
+        if (posEdge == edge(0, 1))
+        {
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[0];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p03;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p12;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    01 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p12;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p03;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    01 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(1, 2))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p01;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[2];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p23;
+                //Pout<< "    12 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[3];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    12 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(2, 0))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p23;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p01;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    20 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p01;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p23;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    20 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(0, 3))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[3];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    03 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p02;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p13;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    03 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(1, 3))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p01;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p23;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    13 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p23;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p01;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    13 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(2, 3))
+        {
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p12;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p03;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    23 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[0];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p03;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p12;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    23 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            FatalErrorIn("tetSliceWithPlane(..)") << "Missed edge:" << posEdge
+                << abort(FatalError);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 1)
+    {
+        // Find the positive tet
+        label i0 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] > 0)
+            {
+                i0 = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        label i1 = d.fcIndex(i0);
+        label i2 = d.fcIndex(i1);
+        label i3 = d.fcIndex(i2);
+        point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i1);
+        point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i2);
+        point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i3);
+        //Pout<< "Split 1pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d << " into" << nl;
+        if (i0 == 0 || i0 == 2)
+        {
+            tetPoints t(tet[i0], p01, p02, p03);
+            //Pout<< "    abovetet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 1, aboveTets i0==0 or 2");
+            aboveOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i1];
+            p[1] = tet[i3];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p01;
+            p[4] = p03;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    belowprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            tetPoints t(p01, p02, p03, tet[i0]);
+            //Pout<< "    abovetet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 1, aboveTets i0==1 or 3");
+            aboveOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i3];
+            p[1] = tet[i1];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p03;
+            p[4] = p01;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    belowprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+        }
+    }
+    else    // nPos == 0
+    {
+        belowOp(tet);
+    }
+void Foam::tetOverlapVolume::tetTetOverlap
+    const tetPoints& tetA,
+    const tetPoints& tetB,
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& insideTets,
+    label& nInside,
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& outsideTets,
+    label& nOutside
+    // Work storage
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200> cutInsideTets;
+    label nCutInside = 0;
+    storeTetOp inside(insideTets, nInside);
+    storeTetOp cutInside(cutInsideTets, nCutInside);
+    dummyTetOp outside;
+    // Cut tetA with all inwards pointing faces of tetB. Any tets remaining
+    // in aboveTets are inside tetB.
+    {
+        // face0
+        plane pl0(tetB[1], tetB[3], tetB[2]);
+        // Cut and insert subtets into cutInsideTets (either by getting
+        // an index from freeSlots or by appending to insideTets) or
+        // insert into outsideTets
+        tetSliceWithPlane(tetA, pl0, cutInside, outside);
+    }
+    if (nCutInside == 0)
+    {
+        nInside = nCutInside;
+        return;
+    }
+    {
+        // face1
+        plane pl1(tetB[0], tetB[2], tetB[3]);
+        nInside = 0;
+        for (label i = 0; i < nCutInside; i++)
+        {
+            tetSliceWithPlane(cutInsideTets[i], pl1, inside, outside);
+        }
+        if (nInside == 0)
+        {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        // face2
+        plane pl2(tetB[0], tetB[3], tetB[1]);
+        nCutInside = 0;
+        for (label i = 0; i < nInside; i++)
+        {
+            tetSliceWithPlane(insideTets[i], pl2, cutInside, outside);
+        }
+        if (nCutInside == 0)
+        {
+            nInside = nCutInside;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        // face3
+        plane pl3(tetB[0], tetB[1], tetB[2]);
+        nInside = 0;
+        for (label i = 0; i < nCutInside; i++)
+        {
+            tetSliceWithPlane(cutInsideTets[i], pl3, inside, outside);
+        }
+    }
+inline Foam::scalar
+    const tetPoints& tetA,
+    const tetPoints& tetB
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200> insideTets;
+    label nInside = 0;
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200> cutInsideTets;
+    label nCutInside = 0;
+    storeTetOp inside(insideTets, nInside);
+    storeTetOp cutInside(cutInsideTets, nCutInside);
+    sumTetVolOp volInside;
+    dummyTetOp outside;
+    // face0
+    plane pl0(tetB[1], tetB[3], tetB[2]);
+    tetA.tet().sliceWithPlane(pl0, cutInside, outside);
+    if (nCutInside == 0)
+    {
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    // face1
+    plane pl1(tetB[0], tetB[2], tetB[3]);
+    nInside = 0;
+    for (label i = 0; i < nCutInside; i++)
+    {
+        const tetPointRef t = cutInsideTets[i].tet();
+        t.sliceWithPlane(pl1, inside, outside);
+    }
+    if (nInside == 0)
+    {
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    // face2
+    plane pl2(tetB[0], tetB[3], tetB[1]);
+    nCutInside = 0;
+    for (label i = 0; i < nInside; i++)
+    {
+        const tetPointRef t = insideTets[i].tet();
+        t.sliceWithPlane(pl2, cutInside, outside);
+    }
+    if (nCutInside == 0)
+    {
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+    // face3
+    plane pl3(tetB[0], tetB[1], tetB[2]);
+    for (label i = 0; i < nCutInside; i++)
+    {
+        const tetPointRef t = cutInsideTets[i].tet();
+        t.sliceWithPlane(pl3, volInside, outside);
+    }
+    return volInside.vol_;
+inline const Foam::treeBoundBox Foam::tetOverlapVolume::pyrBb
+    const pointField& points,
+    const face& f,
+    const point& fc
+    treeBoundBox bb(fc, fc);
+    forAll(f, fp)
+    {
+        const point& pt = points[f[fp]];
+        bb.min() = min(bb.min(), pt);
+        bb.max() = max(bb.max(), pt);
+    }
+    return bb;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * Public Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::scalar Foam::tetOverlapVolume::cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
+    const primitiveMesh& meshA,
+    const label cellAI,
+    const primitiveMesh& meshB,
+    const label cellBI,
+    const treeBoundBox& cellBbB
+    const cell& cFacesA = meshA.cells()[cellAI];
+    const point& ccA = meshA.cellCentres()[cellAI];
+    const cell& cFacesB = meshB.cells()[cellBI];
+    const point& ccB = meshB.cellCentres()[cellBI];
+    scalar vol = 0.0;
+    forAll(cFacesA, cFA)
+    {
+        label faceAI = cFacesA[cFA];
+        const face& fA = meshA.faces()[faceAI];
+        const treeBoundBox pyrA = pyrBb(meshA.points(), fA, ccA);
+        if (!pyrA.overlaps(cellBbB))
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        bool ownA = (meshA.faceOwner()[faceAI] == cellAI);
+        label tetBasePtAI = 0;
+        const point& tetBasePtA = meshA.points()[fA[tetBasePtAI]];
+        for (label tetPtI = 1; tetPtI < fA.size() - 1; tetPtI++)
+        {
+            label facePtAI = (tetPtI + tetBasePtAI) % fA.size();
+            label otherFacePtAI = fA.fcIndex(facePtAI);
+            label pt0I = -1;
+            label pt1I = -1;
+            if (ownA)
+            {
+                pt0I = fA[facePtAI];
+                pt1I = fA[otherFacePtAI];
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pt0I = fA[otherFacePtAI];
+                pt1I = fA[facePtAI];
+            }
+            const tetPoints tetA
+            (
+                ccA,
+                tetBasePtA,
+                meshA.points()[pt0I],
+                meshA.points()[pt1I]
+            );
+            const treeBoundBox tetABb(tetA.bounds());
+            // Loop over tets of cellB
+            forAll(cFacesB, cFB)
+            {
+                label faceBI = cFacesB[cFB];
+                const face& fB = meshB.faces()[faceBI];
+                const treeBoundBox pyrB = pyrBb(meshB.points(), fB, ccB);
+                if (!pyrB.overlaps(pyrA))
+                {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                bool ownB = (meshB.faceOwner()[faceBI] == cellBI);
+                label tetBasePtBI = 0;
+                const point& tetBasePtB = meshB.points()[fB[tetBasePtBI]];
+                for (label tetPtI = 1; tetPtI < fB.size() - 1; tetPtI++)
+                {
+                    label facePtBI = (tetPtI + tetBasePtBI) % fB.size();
+                    label otherFacePtBI = fB.fcIndex(facePtBI);
+                    label pt0I = -1;
+                    label pt1I = -1;
+                    if (ownB)
+                    {
+                        pt0I = fB[facePtBI];
+                        pt1I = fB[otherFacePtBI];
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        pt0I = fB[otherFacePtBI];
+                        pt1I = fB[facePtBI];
+                    }
+                    const tetPoints tetB
+                    (
+                        ccB,
+                        tetBasePtB,
+                        meshB.points()[pt0I],
+                        meshB.points()[pt1I]
+                    );
+                    if (!tetB.bounds().overlaps(tetABb))
+                    {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    vol += tetTetOverlapVol(tetA, tetB);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return vol;
+Foam::labelList Foam::tetOverlapVolume::overlappingCells
+    const fvMesh& fromMesh,
+    const fvMesh& toMesh,
+    const label iTo
+) const
+    const indexedOctree<treeDataCell>& treeA = fromMesh.cellTree();
+    treeBoundBox bbB
+    (
+        pointField(toMesh.points(), toMesh.cellPoints()[iTo])
+    );
+    return treeA.findBox(bbB);
+        forAll(cellsA, i)
+        {
+            label cellAI = cellsA[i];
+            treeBoundBox bbA
+            (
+                pointField(meshA.points(), meshA.cellPoints()[cellAI])
+            );
+            scalar v = cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
+            (
+                meshA,
+                cellAI,
+                bbA,
+                meshB,
+                cellBI,
+                bbB
+            );
+            overlapVol += v;
+            nOverlapTests++;
+        }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.H b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0891c14d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetOverlapVolume.H
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011 OpenFOAM Foundation
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+    Foam::tetOverlapVolume
+    Calculates overlap volume of two tets.
+    tetOverlapVolume.C
+#ifndef tetOverlapVolume_H
+#define tetOverlapVolume_H
+#include "tetrahedron.H"
+#include "fvMesh.H"
+#include "plane.H"
+#include "tetPointRef.H"
+#include "OFstream.H"
+#include "meshTools.H"
+#include "indexedOctree.H"
+#include "treeDataCell.H"
+#include "tetPoints.H"
+#include "tetCell.H"
+#include "EdgeMap.H"
+namespace Foam
+                         Class tetOverlapVolume Declaration
+class tetOverlapVolume
+    // Private member functions
+        //- Plane intersection
+        inline point planeIntersection
+        (
+            const FixedList<scalar, 4>& d,
+            const tetPoints& t,
+            const label negI,
+            const label posI
+        );
+        //- Decompose prism
+        template <class TetOp> inline void decomposePrism
+        (
+            const FixedList<point, 6>& points,
+            TetOp& op
+        );
+        //- Helping cľasses
+        class dummyTetOp
+        {
+         public:
+            inline void operator()(const tetPoints&){}
+        };
+        class sumTetVolOp
+        {
+         public:
+            scalar vol_;
+            inline sumTetVolOp()
+            :
+                vol_(0.0)
+            {}
+            inline void operator()(const tetPoints& tet)
+            {
+                vol_ += tet.tet().mag();
+            }
+        };
+        class storeTetOp
+        {
+            FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& tets_;
+            label& nTets_;
+         public:
+            inline storeTetOp(FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& tets, label& nTets)
+            :
+                tets_(tets),
+                nTets_(nTets)
+            {}
+            inline void operator()(const tetPoints& tet)
+            {
+                tets_[nTets_++] = tet;
+            }
+        };
+        //- Slice. Split tet into subtets above and below plane
+        template <class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+        inline void tetSliceWithPlane
+        (
+            const tetPoints& tet,
+            const plane& pl,
+            AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+            BelowTetOp& belowOp
+        );
+        //- Tet overlap
+        void tetTetOverlap
+        (
+            const tetPoints& tetA,
+            const tetPoints& tetB,
+            FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& insideTets,
+            label& nInside,
+            FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& outsideTets,
+            label& nOutside
+        );
+        //- Tet Overlap Vol
+        inline scalar tetTetOverlapVol
+        (
+            const tetPoints& tetA,
+            const tetPoints& tetB
+        );
+        //- Return a const treeBoundBox
+        inline const treeBoundBox pyrBb
+        (
+            const pointField& points,
+            const face& f,
+            const point& fc
+        );
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("tetOverlapVolume");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Null constructor
+        tetOverlapVolume();
+    //- Destructor
+     virtual ~tetOverlapVolume();
+    // Public members
+        //- Return a list of cells in meshA which overlaps with cellBI in
+        // meshB
+        labelList overlappingCells
+        (
+            const fvMesh& meshA,
+            const fvMesh& meshB,
+            const label cellBI
+        ) const;
+        //- Calculates the overlap volume
+        scalar cellCellOverlapVolumeMinDecomp
+        (
+            const primitiveMesh& meshA,
+            const label cellAI,
+            const primitiveMesh& meshB,
+            const label cellBI,
+            const treeBoundBox& cellBbB
+        );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetPoints.H b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetPoints.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81499832688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetPoints.H
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+    Foam::tetPoints
+    Tet storage. Null constructable (unfortunately tetrahedron<point, point>
+    is not)
+#ifndef tetPoints_H
+#define tetPoints_H
+#include "FixedList.H"
+#include "treeBoundBox.H"
+#include "tetPointRef.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                         Class tetPoints Declaration
+class tetPoints
+    public FixedList<point, 4>
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct null
+        inline tetPoints()
+        {}
+        //- Construct from four points
+        inline tetPoints
+        (
+            const point& a,
+            const point& b,
+            const point& c,
+            const point& d
+        )
+        {
+            operator[](0) = a;
+            operator[](1) = b;
+            operator[](2) = c;
+            operator[](3) = d;
+        }
+    // Member Functions
+        //- Return the tetrahedron
+        inline tetPointRef tet() const
+        {
+            return tetPointRef
+            (
+                operator[](0),
+                operator[](1),
+                operator[](2),
+                operator[](3)
+            );
+        }
+        //- Calculate the bounding box
+        inline treeBoundBox bounds() const
+        {
+            treeBoundBox bb(operator[](0), operator[](0));
+            for (label i = 1; i < size(); i++)
+            {
+                bb.min() = min(bb.min(), operator[](i));
+                bb.max() = max(bb.max(), operator[](i));
+            }
+            return bb;
+        }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.C b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.C
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14c59d5eca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.C
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+    Calculation of shape function product for a tetrahedron
+#include "tetrahedron.H"
+#include "triPointRef.H"
+#include "scalarField.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// (Probably very inefficient) minimum containment sphere calculation.
+// From
+// Sphere ctr is smallest one of
+// - tet circumcentre
+// - triangle circumcentre
+// - edge mids
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+Foam::pointHit Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::containmentSphere
+    const scalar tol
+) const
+    const scalar fac = 1 + tol;
+    // Halve order of tolerance for comparisons of sqr.
+    const scalar facSqr = Foam::sqrt(fac);
+    // 1. Circumcentre itself.
+    pointHit pHit(circumCentre());
+    pHit.setHit();
+    scalar minRadiusSqr = magSqr(pHit.rawPoint() - a_);
+    // 2. Try circumcentre of tet triangles. Create circumcircle for triFace and
+    // check if 4th point is inside.
+    {
+        point ctr = triPointRef(a_, b_, c_).circumCentre();
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(ctr - a_);
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && Foam::magSqr(d_-ctr) <= facSqr*radiusSqr
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        point ctr = triPointRef(a_, b_, d_).circumCentre();
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(ctr - a_);
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && Foam::magSqr(c_-ctr) <= facSqr*radiusSqr
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        point ctr = triPointRef(a_, c_, d_).circumCentre();
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(ctr - a_);
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && Foam::magSqr(b_-ctr) <= facSqr*radiusSqr
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        point ctr = triPointRef(b_, c_, d_).circumCentre();
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(ctr - b_);
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && Foam::magSqr(a_-ctr) <= facSqr*radiusSqr
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // 3. Try midpoints of edges
+    // mid of edge A-B
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(a_ + b_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(a_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(c_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(d_-ctr) <= testRadSrq)
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // mid of edge A-C
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(a_ + c_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(a_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(b_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(d_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // mid of edge A-D
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(a_ + d_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(a_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(b_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(c_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // mid of edge B-C
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(b_ + c_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(b_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(a_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(d_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // mid of edge B-D
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(b_ + d_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(b_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(a_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(c_-ctr) <= testRadSrq)
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    // mid of edge C-D
+    {
+        point ctr = 0.5*(c_ + d_);
+        scalar radiusSqr = magSqr(c_ - ctr);
+        scalar testRadSrq = facSqr*radiusSqr;
+        if
+        (
+            radiusSqr < minRadiusSqr
+         && magSqr(a_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+         && magSqr(b_-ctr) <= testRadSrq
+        )
+        {
+            pHit.setMiss(false);
+            pHit.setPoint(ctr);
+            minRadiusSqr = radiusSqr;
+        }
+    }
+    pHit.setDistance(sqrt(minRadiusSqr));
+    return pHit;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiSquared
+    scalarField& buffer
+) const
+    // Change of sign between face area vector and gradient
+    // does not matter because of square
+    // Warning: Added a mag to produce positive coefficients even if
+    // the tetrahedron is twisted inside out.  This is pretty
+    // dangerous, but essential for mesh motion.
+    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
+    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sa())/magVol;
+    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sb())/magVol;
+    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sc())/magVol;
+    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*magSqr(Sd())/magVol;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiDotGradNj
+    scalarField& buffer
+) const
+    // Warning. Ordering of edges needs to be the same for a tetrahedron
+    // class, a tetrahedron cell shape model and a tetCell
+    // Warning: Added a mag to produce positive coefficients even if
+    // the tetrahedron is twisted inside out.  This is pretty
+    // dangerous, but essential for mesh motion.
+    // Double change of sign between face area vector and gradient
+    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
+    vector sa = Sa();
+    vector sb = Sb();
+    vector sc = Sc();
+    vector sd = Sd();
+    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sb)/magVol;
+    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sc)/magVol;
+    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa & sd)/magVol;
+    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd & sb)/magVol;
+    buffer[4] = (1.0/9.0)*(sb & sc)/magVol;
+    buffer[5] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd & sc)/magVol;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiGradNi
+    tensorField& buffer
+) const
+    // Change of sign between face area vector and gradient
+    // does not matter because of square
+    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
+    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sa())/magVol;
+    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sb())/magVol;
+    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sc())/magVol;
+    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*sqr(Sd())/magVol;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::gradNiGradNj
+    tensorField& buffer
+) const
+    // Warning. Ordering of edges needs to be the same for a tetrahedron
+    // class, a tetrahedron cell shape model and a tetCell
+    // Double change of sign between face area vector and gradient
+    scalar magVol = Foam::mag(mag());
+    vector sa = Sa();
+    vector sb = Sb();
+    vector sc = Sc();
+    vector sd = Sd();
+    buffer[0] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sb)/magVol;
+    buffer[1] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sc)/magVol;
+    buffer[2] = (1.0/9.0)*(sa * sd)/magVol;
+    buffer[3] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd * sb)/magVol;
+    buffer[4] = (1.0/9.0)*(sb * sc)/magVol;
+    buffer[5] = (1.0/9.0)*(sd * sc)/magVol;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.H b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0424f91b118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedron.H
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+    Foam::tetrahedron
+    A tetrahedron primitive.
+    Ordering of edges needs to be the same for a tetrahedron
+    class, a tetrahedron cell shape model and a tetCell.
+    tetrahedronI.H
+    tetrahedron.C
+#ifndef tetrahedron_H
+#define tetrahedron_H
+#include "point.H"
+#include "primitiveFieldsFwd.H"
+#include "pointHit.H"
+#include "cachedRandom.H"
+#include "Random.H"
+#include "FixedList.H"
+#include "UList.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+class Istream;
+class Ostream;
+class tetPoints;
+class plane;
+// Forward declaration of friend functions and operators
+template<class Point, class PointRef> class tetrahedron;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Istream& operator>>
+    Istream&,
+    tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>&
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Ostream& operator<<
+    Ostream&,
+    const tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>&
+                           class tetrahedron Declaration
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+class tetrahedron
+        // Classes for use in sliceWithPlane. What to do with decomposition
+        // of tet.
+            //- Dummy
+            class dummyOp
+            {
+            public:
+                inline void operator()(const tetPoints&);
+            };
+            //- Sum resulting volumes
+            class sumVolOp
+            {
+            public:
+                scalar vol_;
+                inline sumVolOp();
+                inline void operator()(const tetPoints&);
+            };
+            //- Store resulting tets
+            class storeOp
+            {
+                FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& tets_;
+                label& nTets_;
+            public:
+                inline storeOp(FixedList<tetPoints, 200>&, label&);
+                inline void operator()(const tetPoints&);
+            };
+    // Private data
+        PointRef a_, b_, c_, d_;
+        inline static point planeIntersection
+        (
+            const FixedList<scalar, 4>&,
+            const tetPoints&,
+            const label,
+            const label
+        );
+        template<class TetOp>
+        inline static void decomposePrism
+        (
+            const FixedList<point, 6>& points,
+            TetOp& op
+        );
+        template<class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+        inline static void tetSliceWithPlane
+        (
+            const plane& pl,
+            const tetPoints& tet,
+            AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+            BelowTetOp& belowOp
+        );
+    // Member constants
+        enum
+        {
+            nVertices = 4,  // Number of vertices in tetrahedron
+            nEdges = 6      // Number of edges in tetrahedron
+        };
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from points
+        inline tetrahedron
+        (
+            const Point& a,
+            const Point& b,
+            const Point& c,
+            const Point& d
+        );
+        //- Construct from four points in the list of points
+        inline tetrahedron
+        (
+            const UList<Point>&,
+            const FixedList<label, 4>& indices
+        );
+        //- Construct from Istream
+        inline tetrahedron(Istream&);
+    // Member Functions
+        // Access
+            //- Return vertices
+            inline const Point& a() const;
+            inline const Point& b() const;
+            inline const Point& c() const;
+            inline const Point& d() const;
+        // Properties
+            //- Return face normal
+            inline vector Sa() const;
+            inline vector Sb() const;
+            inline vector Sc() const;
+            inline vector Sd() const;
+            //- Return centre (centroid)
+            inline Point centre() const;
+            //- Return volume
+            inline scalar mag() const;
+            //- Return circum-centre
+            inline Point circumCentre() const;
+            //- Return circum-radius
+            inline scalar circumRadius() const;
+            //- Return quality: Ratio of tetrahedron and circum-sphere
+            //  volume, scaled so that a regular tetrahedron has a
+            //  quality of 1
+            inline scalar quality() const;
+            //- Return a random point in the tetrahedron from a
+            //  uniform distribution
+            inline Point randomPoint(Random& rndGen) const;
+            //- Return a random point in the tetrahedron from a
+            //  uniform distribution
+            inline Point randomPoint(cachedRandom& rndGen) const;
+            //- Calculate the barycentric coordinates of the given
+            //  point, in the same order as a, b, c, d.  Returns the
+            //  determinant of the solution.
+            inline scalar barycentric
+            (
+                const point& pt,
+                List<scalar>& bary
+            ) const;
+            //- Return nearest point to p on tetrahedron
+            inline pointHit nearestPoint(const point& p) const;
+            //- Return true if point is inside tetrahedron
+            inline bool inside(const point& pt) const;
+            //- Decompose tet into tets above and below plane
+            template<class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+            inline void sliceWithPlane
+            (
+                const plane& pl,
+                AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+                BelowTetOp& belowOp
+            ) const;
+            //- Return (min)containment sphere, i.e. the smallest sphere with
+            //  all points inside. Returns pointHit with:
+            //  - hit         : if sphere is equal to circumsphere
+            //                  (biggest sphere)
+            //  - point       : centre of sphere
+            //  - distance    : radius of sphere
+            //  - eligiblemiss: false
+            // Tol (small compared to 1, e.g. 1E-9) is used to determine
+            // whether point is inside: mag(pt - ctr) < (1+tol)*radius.
+            pointHit containmentSphere(const scalar tol) const;
+            //- Fill buffer with shape function products
+            void gradNiSquared(scalarField& buffer) const;
+            void gradNiDotGradNj(scalarField& buffer) const;
+            void gradNiGradNi(tensorField& buffer) const;
+            void gradNiGradNj(tensorField& buffer) const;
+    // IOstream operators
+        friend Istream& operator>> <Point, PointRef>
+        (
+            Istream&,
+            tetrahedron&
+        );
+        friend Ostream& operator<< <Point, PointRef>
+        (
+            Ostream&,
+            const tetrahedron&
+        );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#include "tetrahedronI.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "tetrahedron.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedronI.H b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedronI.H
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6bd780aa550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/meshToMeshInterpolation/tetOverlapVolume/tetrahedronI.H
@@ -0,0 +1,1012 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+#include "triangle.H"
+#include "IOstreams.H"
+#include "triPointRef.H"
+#include "tetPoints.H"
+#include "plane.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::tetrahedron
+    const Point& a,
+    const Point& b,
+    const Point& c,
+    const Point& d
+    a_(a),
+    b_(b),
+    c_(c),
+    d_(d)
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::tetrahedron
+    const UList<Point>& points,
+    const FixedList<label, 4>& indices
+    a_(points[indices[0]]),
+    b_(points[indices[1]]),
+    c_(points[indices[2]]),
+    d_(points[indices[3]])
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::tetrahedron(Istream& is)
+    is  >> *this;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline const Point& Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::a() const
+    return a_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline const Point& Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::b() const
+    return b_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline const Point& Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::c() const
+    return c_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline const Point& Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::d() const
+    return d_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::vector Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::Sa() const
+    return triangle<Point, PointRef>(b_, c_, d_).normal();
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::vector Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::Sb() const
+    return triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, d_, c_).normal();
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::vector Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::Sc() const
+    return triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, b_, d_).normal();
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::vector Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::Sd() const
+    return triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, c_, b_).normal();
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Point Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::centre() const
+    return 0.25*(a_ + b_ + c_ + d_);
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::scalar Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::mag() const
+    return (1.0/6.0)*(((b_ - a_) ^ (c_ - a_)) & (d_ - a_));
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Point Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::circumCentre() const
+    vector a = b_ - a_;
+    vector b = c_ - a_;
+    vector c = d_ - a_;
+    scalar lambda = magSqr(c) - (a & c);
+    scalar mu = magSqr(b) - (a & b);
+    vector ba = b ^ a;
+    vector ca = c ^ a;
+    vector num = lambda*ba - mu*ca;
+    scalar denom = (c & ba);
+    if (Foam::mag(denom) < ROOTVSMALL)
+    {
+        // Degenerate tetrahedron, returning centre instead of circumCentre.
+        return centre();
+    }
+    return a_ + 0.5*(a + num/denom);
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::scalar Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::circumRadius() const
+    vector a = b_ - a_;
+    vector b = c_ - a_;
+    vector c = d_ - a_;
+    scalar lambda = magSqr(c) - (a & c);
+    scalar mu = magSqr(b) - (a & b);
+    vector ba = b ^ a;
+    vector ca = c ^ a;
+    vector num = lambda*ba - mu*ca;
+    scalar denom = (c & ba);
+    if (Foam::mag(denom) < ROOTVSMALL)
+    {
+        // Degenerate tetrahedron, returning GREAT for circumRadius.
+        return GREAT;
+    }
+    return Foam::mag(0.5*(a + num/denom));
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::scalar Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::quality() const
+    return
+        mag()
+       /(
+            8.0/(9.0*sqrt(3.0))
+           *pow3(min(circumRadius(), GREAT))
+          + ROOTVSMALL
+        );
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Point Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::randomPoint
+    Random& rndGen
+) const
+    // Adapted from
+    //
+    scalar s = rndGen.scalar01();
+    scalar t = rndGen.scalar01();
+    scalar u = rndGen.scalar01();
+    if (s + t > 1.0)
+    {
+        s = 1.0 - s;
+        t = 1.0 - t;
+    }
+    if (t + u > 1.0)
+    {
+        scalar tmp = u;
+        u = 1.0 - s - t;
+        t = 1.0 - tmp;
+    }
+    else if (s + t + u > 1.0)
+    {
+        scalar tmp = u;
+        u = s + t + u - 1.0;
+        s = 1.0 - t - tmp;
+    }
+    return (1 - s - t - u)*a_ + s*b_ + t*c_ + u*d_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Point Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::randomPoint
+    cachedRandom& rndGen
+) const
+    // Adapted from
+    //
+    scalar s = rndGen.sample01<scalar>();
+    scalar t = rndGen.sample01<scalar>();
+    scalar u = rndGen.sample01<scalar>();
+    if (s + t > 1.0)
+    {
+        s = 1.0 - s;
+        t = 1.0 - t;
+    }
+    if (t + u > 1.0)
+    {
+        scalar tmp = u;
+        u = 1.0 - s - t;
+        t = 1.0 - tmp;
+    }
+    else if (s + t + u > 1.0)
+    {
+        scalar tmp = u;
+        u = s + t + u - 1.0;
+        s = 1.0 - t - tmp;
+    }
+    return (1 - s - t - u)*a_ + s*b_ + t*c_ + u*d_;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+Foam::scalar Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::barycentric
+    const point& pt,
+    List<scalar>& bary
+) const
+    // From:
+    //
+    vector e0(a_ - d_);
+    vector e1(b_ - d_);
+    vector e2(c_ - d_);
+    tensor t
+    (
+        e0.x(), e1.x(), e2.x(),
+        e0.y(), e1.y(), e2.y(),
+        e0.z(), e1.z(), e2.z()
+    );
+    scalar detT = det(t);
+    if (Foam::mag(detT) < SMALL)
+    {
+        // Degenerate tetrahedron, returning 1/4 barycentric coordinates.
+        bary = List<scalar>(4, 0.25);
+        return detT;
+    }
+    vector res = inv(t, detT) & (pt - d_);
+    bary.setSize(4);
+    bary[0] = res.x();
+    bary[1] = res.y();
+    bary[2] = res.z();
+    bary[3] = (1.0 - res.x() - res.y() - res.z());
+    return detT;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::pointHit Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::nearestPoint
+    const point& p
+) const
+    // Adapted from:
+    // Real-time collision detection, Christer Ericson, 2005, p142-144
+    // Assuming initially that the point is inside all of the
+    // halfspaces, so closest to itself.
+    point closestPt = p;
+    scalar minOutsideDistance = VGREAT;
+    bool inside = true;
+    if (((p - b_) & Sa()) >= 0)
+    {
+        // p is outside halfspace plane of tri
+        pointHit info = triangle<Point, PointRef>(b_, c_, d_).nearestPoint(p);
+        inside = false;
+        if (info.distance() < minOutsideDistance)
+        {
+            closestPt = info.rawPoint();
+            minOutsideDistance = info.distance();
+        }
+    }
+    if (((p - a_) & Sb()) >= 0)
+    {
+        // p is outside halfspace plane of tri
+        pointHit info = triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, d_, c_).nearestPoint(p);
+        inside = false;
+        if (info.distance() < minOutsideDistance)
+        {
+            closestPt = info.rawPoint();
+            minOutsideDistance = info.distance();
+        }
+    }
+    if (((p - a_) & Sc()) >= 0)
+    {
+        // p is outside halfspace plane of tri
+        pointHit info = triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, b_, d_).nearestPoint(p);
+        inside = false;
+        if (info.distance() < minOutsideDistance)
+        {
+            closestPt = info.rawPoint();
+            minOutsideDistance = info.distance();
+        }
+    }
+    if (((p - a_) & Sd()) >= 0)
+    {
+        // p is outside halfspace plane of tri
+        pointHit info = triangle<Point, PointRef>(a_, c_, b_).nearestPoint(p);
+        inside = false;
+        if (info.distance() < minOutsideDistance)
+        {
+            closestPt = info.rawPoint();
+            minOutsideDistance = info.distance();
+        }
+    }
+    // If the point is inside, then the distance to the closest point
+    // is zero
+    if (inside)
+    {
+        minOutsideDistance = 0;
+    }
+    return pointHit
+    (
+        inside,
+        closestPt,
+        minOutsideDistance,
+        !inside
+    );
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+bool Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::inside(const point& pt) const
+    // For robustness, assuming that the point is in the tet unless
+    // "definitively" shown otherwise by obtaining a positive dot
+    // product greater than a tolerance of SMALL.
+    // The tet is defined: tet(Cc, tetBasePt, pA, pB) where the normal
+    // vectors and base points for the half-space planes are:
+    // area[0] = Sa();
+    // area[1] = Sb();
+    // area[2] = Sc();
+    // area[3] = Sd();
+    // planeBase[0] = tetBasePt = b_
+    // planeBase[1] = ptA       = c_
+    // planeBase[2] = tetBasePt = b_
+    // planeBase[3] = tetBasePt = b_
+    vector n = vector::zero;
+    {
+        // 0, a
+        const point& basePt = b_;
+        n = Sa();
+        n /= (Foam::mag(n) + VSMALL);
+        if (((pt - basePt) & n) > SMALL)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        // 1, b
+        const point& basePt = c_;
+        n = Sb();
+        n /= (Foam::mag(n) + VSMALL);
+        if (((pt - basePt) & n) > SMALL)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        // 2, c
+        const point& basePt = b_;
+        n = Sc();
+        n /= (Foam::mag(n) + VSMALL);
+        if (((pt - basePt) & n) > SMALL)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    {
+        // 3, d
+        const point& basePt = b_;
+        n = Sd();
+        n /= (Foam::mag(n) + VSMALL);
+        if (((pt - basePt) & n) > SMALL)
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::dummyOp::operator()
+    const tetPoints&
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::sumVolOp::sumVolOp()
+    vol_(0.0)
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::sumVolOp::operator()
+    const tetPoints& tet
+    vol_ += tet.tet().mag();
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::storeOp::storeOp
+    FixedList<tetPoints, 200>& tets,
+    label& nTets
+    tets_(tets),
+    nTets_(nTets)
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::storeOp::operator()
+    const tetPoints& tet
+    tets_[nTets_++] = tet;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::point Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::planeIntersection
+    const FixedList<scalar, 4>& d,
+    const tetPoints& t,
+    const label negI,
+    const label posI
+    return
+        (d[posI]*t[negI] - d[negI]*t[posI])
+      / (-d[negI]+d[posI]);
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+template<class TetOp>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::decomposePrism
+    const FixedList<point, 6>& points,
+    TetOp& op
+    op(tetPoints(points[1], points[3], points[2], points[0]));
+    op(tetPoints(points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4]));
+    op(tetPoints(points[4], points[2], points[3], points[5]));
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+template<class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::
+    const plane& pl,
+    const tetPoints& tet,
+    AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+    BelowTetOp& belowOp
+    // Distance to plane
+    FixedList<scalar, 4> d;
+    label nPos = 0;
+    forAll(tet, i)
+    {
+        d[i] = ((tet[i]-pl.refPoint()) & pl.normal());
+        if (d[i] > 0)
+        {
+            nPos++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (nPos == 4)
+    {
+        aboveOp(tet);
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 3)
+    {
+        // Sliced into below tet and above prism. Prism gets split into
+        // two tets.
+        // Find the below tet
+        label i0 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] <= 0)
+            {
+                i0 = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        label i1 = d.fcIndex(i0);
+        label i2 = d.fcIndex(i1);
+        label i3 = d.fcIndex(i2);
+        point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i1);
+        point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i2);
+        point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i3);
+        // i0 = tetCell vertex 0: p01,p02,p03 outwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         1 :     ,,     inwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         2 :     ,,     outwards pointing triad
+        //          ,,         3 :     ,,     inwards pointing triad
+        //Pout<< "Split 3pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d << " into" << nl;
+        if (i0 == 0 || i0 == 2)
+        {
+            tetPoints t(tet[i0], p01, p02, p03);
+            //Pout<< "    belowtet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 3, belowTet i0==0 or 2");
+            belowOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i1];
+            p[1] = tet[i3];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p01;
+            p[4] = p03;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            tetPoints t(p01, p02, p03, tet[i0]);
+            //Pout<< "    belowtet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 3, belowTet i0==1 or 3");
+            belowOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i3];
+            p[1] = tet[i1];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p03;
+            p[4] = p01;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 2)
+    {
+        // Tet cut into two prisms. Determine the positive one.
+        label pos0 = -1;
+        label pos1 = -1;
+        label neg0 = -1;
+        label neg1 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] > 0)
+            {
+                if (pos0 == -1)
+                {
+                    pos0 = i;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pos1 = i;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (neg0 == -1)
+                {
+                    neg0 = i;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    neg1 = i;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //Pout<< "Split 2pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d
+        //    << " around pos0:" << pos0 << " pos1:" << pos1
+        //    << " neg0:" << neg0 << " neg1:" << neg1 << " into" << nl;
+        const edge posEdge(pos0, pos1);
+        if (posEdge == edge(0, 1))
+        {
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[0];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p03;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p12;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    01 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p12;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p03;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    01 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(1, 2))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p01;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[2];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p23;
+                //Pout<< "    12 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[3];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    12 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(2, 0))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p23;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p01;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    20 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p01;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p23;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    20 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(0, 3))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[3];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p13;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p02;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    03 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p23;
+                p[2] = p02;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p13;
+                p[5] = p01;
+                //Pout<< "    03 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(1, 3))
+        {
+            point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 1);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p23 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 2, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[1];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p01;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p23;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    13 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p12;
+                p[2] = p23;
+                p[3] = tet[0];
+                p[4] = p01;
+                p[5] = p03;
+                //Pout<< "    13 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (posEdge == edge(2, 3))
+        {
+            point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 2);
+            point p12 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 2);
+            point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 0, 3);
+            point p13 = planeIntersection(d, tet, 1, 3);
+            // Split the resulting prism
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[2];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p12;
+                p[3] = tet[3];
+                p[4] = p03;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    23 aboveprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, aboveOp);
+            }
+            {
+                FixedList<point, 6> p;
+                p[0] = tet[0];
+                p[1] = p02;
+                p[2] = p03;
+                p[3] = tet[1];
+                p[4] = p12;
+                p[5] = p13;
+                //Pout<< "    23 belowprism:" << p << endl;
+                decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            FatalErrorIn("tetSliceWithPlane(..)")
+                << "Missed edge:" << posEdge
+                << abort(FatalError);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (nPos == 1)
+    {
+        // Find the positive tet
+        label i0 = -1;
+        forAll(d, i)
+        {
+            if (d[i] > 0)
+            {
+                i0 = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        label i1 = d.fcIndex(i0);
+        label i2 = d.fcIndex(i1);
+        label i3 = d.fcIndex(i2);
+        point p01 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i1);
+        point p02 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i2);
+        point p03 = planeIntersection(d, tet, i0, i3);
+        //Pout<< "Split 1pos tet " << tet << " d:" << d << " into" << nl;
+        if (i0 == 0 || i0 == 2)
+        {
+            tetPoints t(tet[i0], p01, p02, p03);
+            //Pout<< "    abovetet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 1, aboveTets i0==0 or 2");
+            aboveOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i1];
+            p[1] = tet[i3];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p01;
+            p[4] = p03;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    belowprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            tetPoints t(p01, p02, p03, tet[i0]);
+            //Pout<< "    abovetet:" << t << " around i0:" << i0 << endl;
+            //checkTet(t, "nPos 1, aboveTets i0==1 or 3");
+            aboveOp(t);
+            // Prism
+            FixedList<point, 6> p;
+            p[0] = tet[i3];
+            p[1] = tet[i1];
+            p[2] = tet[i2];
+            p[3] = p03;
+            p[4] = p01;
+            p[5] = p02;
+            //Pout<< "    belowprism:" << p << endl;
+            decomposePrism(p, belowOp);
+        }
+    }
+    else    // nPos == 0
+    {
+        belowOp(tet);
+    }
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+template<class AboveTetOp, class BelowTetOp>
+inline void Foam::tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>::sliceWithPlane
+    const plane& pl,
+    AboveTetOp& aboveOp,
+    BelowTetOp& belowOp
+) const
+    tetSliceWithPlane(pl, tetPoints(a_, b_, c_, d_), aboveOp, belowOp);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ostream Operator  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::Istream& Foam::operator>>
+    Istream& is,
+    tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>& t
+    is.readBegin("tetrahedron");
+    is  >> t.a_ >> t.b_ >> t.c_ >> t.d_;
+    is.readEnd("tetrahedron");
+    is.check("Istream& operator>>(Istream&, tetrahedron&)");
+    return is;
+template<class Point, class PointRef>
+inline Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<
+    Ostream& os,
+    const tetrahedron<Point, PointRef>& t
+    os  << nl
+        << token::BEGIN_LIST
+        << t.a_ << token::SPACE
+        << t.b_ << token::SPACE
+        << t.c_ << token::SPACE
+        << t.d_
+        << token::END_LIST;
+    return os;
+// ************************************************************************* //