From 6209c5d7352c298f86d172a147bdeb35a69e3e9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mattijs <mattijs>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2012 11:26:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: extrudeToRegionMesh: make disconnected 1D the default.
 Use fvMeshTools.

 .../extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C | 553 ++----------------
 .../extrudeToRegionMeshDict                   |  17 +-
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 508 deletions(-)

diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
index b1bcf33d826..be4fffa8df2 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
@@ -132,456 +132,12 @@ Notes:
 #include "surfaceFields.H"
 #include "pointFields.H"
 //#include "ReadFields.H"
+#include "fvMeshTools.H"
 using namespace Foam;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-//template<class GeoField>
-//void addPatchFields(const fvMesh& mesh, const word& patchFieldType)
-//    HashTable<const GeoField*> flds
-//    (
-//        mesh.objectRegistry::lookupClass<GeoField>()
-//    );
-//    forAllConstIter(typename HashTable<const GeoField*>, flds, iter)
-//    {
-//        const GeoField& fld = *iter();
-//        typename GeoField::GeometricBoundaryField& bfld =
-//            const_cast<typename GeoField::GeometricBoundaryField&>
-//            (
-//                fld.boundaryField()
-//            );
-//        label sz = bfld.size();
-//        for (label i = 0; i < sz; i++)
-//        {
-//            bfld.set
-//            (
-//                i,
-//                bfld.clone(GeoField::PatchFieldType::New
-//                (
-//                    patchFieldType,
-//                    fld.mesh().boundary()[sz],
-//                    fld.dimensionedInternalField()
-//                )
-//            );
-//        Pout<< "fld:" << << " had " << sz << " patches." << endl;
-//        Pout<< "fld before:" << fld << endl;
-//        Pout<< "adding on patch:" << fld.mesh().boundary()[sz].name() << endl;
-//        bfld.setSize(sz+1);
-//        bfld.set
-//        (
-//            sz,
-//            GeoField::PatchFieldType::New
-//            (
-//                patchFieldType,
-//                fld.mesh().boundary()[sz],
-//                fld.dimensionedInternalField()
-//            )
-//        );
-//        bfld[sz].operator=(pTraits<typename GeoField::value_type>::zero);
-//        Pout<< "fld:" << << " now " << bfld.size() << " patches."
-//            << endl;
-//        const typename GeoField::PatchFieldType& pfld = bfld[sz];
-//        Pout<< "pfld:" << pfld << endl;
-//        Pout<< "fld value:" << fld << endl;
-//    }
-// Remove last patch field
-template<class GeoField>
-void trimPatchFields(fvMesh& mesh, const label nPatches)
-    HashTable<const GeoField*> flds
-    (
-        mesh.objectRegistry::lookupClass<GeoField>()
-    );
-    forAllConstIter(typename HashTable<const GeoField*>, flds, iter)
-    {
-        const GeoField& fld = *iter();
-        const_cast<typename GeoField::GeometricBoundaryField&>
-        (
-            fld.boundaryField()
-        ).setSize(nPatches);
-    }
-// Reorder patch field
-template<class GeoField>
-void reorderPatchFields(fvMesh& mesh, const labelList& oldToNew)
-    HashTable<const GeoField*> flds
-    (
-        mesh.objectRegistry::lookupClass<GeoField>()
-    );
-    forAllConstIter(typename HashTable<const GeoField*>, flds, iter)
-    {
-        const GeoField& fld = *iter();
-        typename GeoField::GeometricBoundaryField& bfld =
-            const_cast<typename GeoField::GeometricBoundaryField&>
-            (
-                fld.boundaryField()
-            );
-        bfld.reorder(oldToNew);
-    }
-//void addCalculatedPatchFields(const fvMesh& mesh)
-//    addPatchFields<volScalarField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<scalar>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volVectorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<vector>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volSphericalTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<sphericalTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volSymmTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<symmTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<tensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    // Surface fields
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceScalarField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<scalar>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceVectorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<vector>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceSphericalTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<sphericalTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceSymmTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<symmTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<tensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    // Point fields
-//    addPatchFields<pointScalarField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<scalar>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<pointVectorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<vector>::typeName
-//    );
-//void addAllPatchFields(fvMesh& mesh, const label insertPatchI)
-//    polyBoundaryMesh& polyPatches =
-//        const_cast<polyBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundaryMesh());
-//    fvBoundaryMesh& fvPatches = const_cast<fvBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundary());
-//    label sz = polyPatches.size();
-//    addPatchFields<volScalarField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<scalar>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volVectorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<vector>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volSphericalTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<sphericalTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volSymmTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<symmTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<volTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<tensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    // Surface fields
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceScalarField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<scalar>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceVectorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<vector>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceSphericalTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<sphericalTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceSymmTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<symmTensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    addPatchFields<surfaceTensorField>
-//    (
-//        mesh,
-//        calculatedFvPatchField<tensor>::typeName
-//    );
-//    // Create reordering list
-//    // patches before insert position stay as is
-//    labelList oldToNew(sz);
-//    for (label i = 0; i < insertPatchI; i++)
-//    {
-//        oldToNew[i] = i;
-//    }
-//    // patches after insert position move one up
-//    for (label i = insertPatchI; i < sz-1; i++)
-//    {
-//        oldToNew[i] = i+1;
-//    }
-//    // appended patch gets moved to insert position
-//    oldToNew[sz-1] = insertPatchI;
-//    // Shuffle into place
-//    polyPatches.reorder(oldToNew);
-//    fvPatches.reorder(oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<volScalarField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<volVectorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<volSphericalTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<volSymmTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<volTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<surfaceScalarField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<surfaceVectorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<surfaceSphericalTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<surfaceSymmTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//    reorderPatchFields<surfaceTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-//// Adds patch if not yet there. Returns patchID.
-//template<class PatchType>
-//label addPatch(fvMesh& mesh, const word& patchName, const dictionary& dict)
-//    polyBoundaryMesh& polyPatches =
-//        const_cast<polyBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundaryMesh());
-//    label patchI = polyPatches.findPatchID(patchName);
-//    if (patchI != -1)
-//    {
-//        if (isA<PatchType>(polyPatches[patchI]))
-//        {
-//            // Already there
-//            return patchI;
-//        }
-//        else
-//        {
-//            FatalErrorIn("addPatch<PatchType>(fvMesh&, const word&)")
-//                << "Already have patch " << patchName
-//                << " but of type " << PatchType::typeName
-//                << exit(FatalError);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    label insertPatchI = polyPatches.size();
-//    label startFaceI = mesh.nFaces();
-//    forAll(polyPatches, patchI)
-//    {
-//        const polyPatch& pp = polyPatches[patchI];
-//        if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
-//        {
-//            insertPatchI = patchI;
-//            startFaceI = pp.start();
-//            break;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    dictionary patchDict(dict);
-//    patchDict.set("type", PatchType::typeName);
-//    patchDict.set("nFaces", 0);
-//    patchDict.set("startFace", startFaceI);
-//    // Below is all quite a hack. Feel free to change once there is a better
-//    // mechanism to insert and reorder patches.
-//    // Clear local fields and e.g. polyMesh parallelInfo.
-//    mesh.clearOut();
-//    label sz = polyPatches.size();
-//    fvBoundaryMesh& fvPatches = const_cast<fvBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundary());
-//    // Add polyPatch at the end
-//    polyPatches.setSize(sz+1);
-//    polyPatches.set
-//    (
-//        sz,
-//        polyPatch::New
-//        (
-//            patchName,
-//            patchDict,
-//            insertPatchI,
-//            polyPatches
-//        )
-//    );
-//    fvPatches.setSize(sz+1);
-//    fvPatches.set
-//    (
-//        sz,
-//        fvPatch::New
-//        (
-//            polyPatches[sz],  // point to newly added polyPatch
-//            mesh.boundary()
-//        )
-//    );
-//    addAllPatchFields(mesh, insertPatchI);
-//    return insertPatchI;
-//template<class PatchType>
-//label addPatch(fvMesh& mesh, const word& patchName)
-//Pout<< "addPatch:" << patchName << endl;
-//    polyBoundaryMesh& polyPatches =
-//        const_cast<polyBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundaryMesh());
-//    label patchI = polyPatches.findPatchID(patchName);
-//    if (patchI != -1)
-//    {
-//        if (isA<PatchType>(polyPatches[patchI]))
-//        {
-//            // Already there
-//            return patchI;
-//        }
-//        else
-//        {
-//            FatalErrorIn("addPatch<PatchType>(fvMesh&, const word&)")
-//                << "Already have patch " << patchName
-//                << " but of type " << PatchType::typeName
-//                << exit(FatalError);
-//        }
-//    }
-//    label insertPatchI = polyPatches.size();
-//    label startFaceI = mesh.nFaces();
-//    forAll(polyPatches, patchI)
-//    {
-//        const polyPatch& pp = polyPatches[patchI];
-//        if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
-//        {
-//            insertPatchI = patchI;
-//            startFaceI = pp.start();
-//            break;
-//        }
-//    }
-//    // Below is all quite a hack. Feel free to change once there is a better
-//    // mechanism to insert and reorder patches.
-//    // Clear local fields and e.g. polyMesh parallelInfo.
-//    mesh.clearOut();
-//    label sz = polyPatches.size();
-//    fvBoundaryMesh& fvPatches = const_cast<fvBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundary());
-//    // Add polyPatch at the end
-//    polyPatches.setSize(sz+1);
-//    polyPatches.set
-//    (
-//        sz,
-//        polyPatch::New
-//        (
-//            PatchType::typeName,
-//            patchName,
-//            0,              // size
-//            startFaceI,
-//            insertPatchI,
-//            polyPatches
-//        )
-//    );
-//    fvPatches.setSize(sz+1);
-//    fvPatches.set
-//    (
-//        sz,
-//        fvPatch::New
-//        (
-//            polyPatches[sz],  // point to newly added polyPatch
-//            mesh.boundary()
-//        )
-//    );
-//    addAllPatchFields(mesh, insertPatchI);
-//    return insertPatchI;
 label findPatchID(const List<polyPatch*>& newPatches, const word& name)
     forAll(newPatches, i)
@@ -712,53 +268,6 @@ label addPatch
-// Reorder and delete patches.
-void reorderPatches
-    fvMesh& mesh,
-    const labelList& oldToNew,
-    const label nNewPatches
-    polyBoundaryMesh& polyPatches =
-        const_cast<polyBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundaryMesh());
-    fvBoundaryMesh& fvPatches = const_cast<fvBoundaryMesh&>(mesh.boundary());
-    // Shuffle into place
-    polyPatches.reorder(oldToNew);
-    fvPatches.reorder(oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<volScalarField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<volVectorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<volSphericalTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<volSymmTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<volTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<surfaceScalarField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<surfaceVectorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<surfaceSphericalTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<surfaceSymmTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<surfaceTensorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<pointScalarField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    reorderPatchFields<pointVectorField>(mesh, oldToNew);
-    // Remove last.
-    polyPatches.setSize(nNewPatches);
-    fvPatches.setSize(nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<volScalarField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<volVectorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<volSphericalTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<volSymmTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<volTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<surfaceScalarField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<surfaceVectorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<surfaceSphericalTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<surfaceSymmTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<surfaceTensorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<pointScalarField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
-    trimPatchFields<pointVectorField>(mesh, nNewPatches);
 // Remove zero-sized patches
 void deleteEmptyPatches(fvMesh& mesh)
@@ -837,7 +346,7 @@ void deleteEmptyPatches(fvMesh& mesh)
-    reorderPatches(mesh, oldToNew, usedI);
+    fvMeshTools::reorderPatches(mesh, oldToNew, usedI, true);
@@ -1805,18 +1314,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     const Switch oneD(dict.lookup("oneD"));
+    Switch oneDNonManifoldEdges(false);
+    word oneDPatchType(emptyPolyPatch::typeName);
+    if (oneD)
+    {
+        oneDNonManifoldEdges = dict.lookupOrDefault("nonManifold", false);
+        dict.lookup("oneDPolyPatchType") >> oneDPatchType;
+    }
     const Switch adaptMesh(dict.lookup("adaptMesh"));
     if (hasZones)
-        Pout<< "Extruding zones " << zoneNames
+        Info<< "Extruding zones " << zoneNames
             << " on mesh " << regionName
             << " into shell mesh " << shellRegionName
             << endl;
-        Pout<< "Extruding faceSets " << zoneNames
+        Info<< "Extruding faceSets " << zoneNames
             << " on mesh " << regionName
             << " into shell mesh " << shellRegionName
             << endl;
@@ -1832,6 +1349,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    if (oneD)
+    {
+        if (oneDNonManifoldEdges)
+        {
+            Info<< "Extruding as 1D columns with sides in patch type "
+                << oneDPatchType
+                << " and connected points (except on non-manifold areas)."
+                << endl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Info<< "Extruding as 1D columns with sides in patch type "
+                << oneDPatchType
+                << " and duplicated points (overlapping volumes)."
+                << endl;
+        }
+    }
     //// Read objects in time directory
     //IOobjectList objects(mesh, runTime.timeName());
@@ -1894,7 +1431,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         meshInstance = oldInstance;
-    Pout<< "Writing meshes to " << meshInstance << nl << endl;
+    Info<< "Writing meshes to " << meshInstance << nl << endl;
     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
@@ -2130,7 +1667,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     const labelListList& edgeFaces = extrudePatch.edgeFaces();
-    Pout<< "extrudePatch :"
+    Info<< "extrudePatch :"
         << " faces:" << extrudePatch.size()
         << " points:" << extrudePatch.nPoints()
         << " edges:" << extrudePatch.nEdges()
@@ -2325,7 +1862,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        (oneD ? dict.lookup("oneDPolyPatchType") : word::null),
+        (oneD ? oneDPatchType : word::null),
@@ -2416,10 +1953,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                 ePatches[i] = zoneSidePatch[zoneID[eFaces[i]]];
-            //- Set nonManifoldEdge[edgeI] for non-manifold edges only
-            //  The other option is to have non-manifold edges everywhere
-            //  and generate space overlapping columns of cells.
-            if (eFaces.size() != 2)
+            if (oneDNonManifoldEdges)
+            {
+                //- Set nonManifoldEdge[edgeI] for non-manifold edges only
+                //  The other option is to have non-manifold edges everywhere
+                //  and generate space overlapping columns of cells.
+                if (eFaces.size() != 2)
+                {
+                    nonManifoldEdge[edgeI] = 1;
+                }
+            }
+            else
                 nonManifoldEdge[edgeI] = 1;
@@ -2834,7 +2379,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         "point to patch point addressing";
-    Pout<< "Writing mesh " <<
+    Info<< "Writing mesh " <<
         << " to " << regionMesh.facesInstance() << nl
         << endl;
@@ -3013,7 +2558,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // Remove any unused patches
-        Pout<< "Writing mesh " <<
+        Info<< "Writing mesh " <<
             << " to " << mesh.facesInstance() << nl
             << endl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMeshDict b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
index a768615f854..ffa2db8b19f 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
@@ -40,11 +40,20 @@ adaptMesh       true;
 // Sample mode for inter-region communication
 sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-// Extrude 1D-columns of cells?
-oneD            false;
-// If oneD is true. Specify which boundary is wanted between the layers
-//oneDPolyPatchType empty; //wedge
+// 1 D extrusion
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    // Extrude 1D-columns of cells? This by default duplicates points so can
+    // have overlapping columns (i.e. non space filling)
+    oneD            false;
+    //- If oneD: specify which boundary is wanted between the layers
+    //oneDPolyPatchType empty; //wedge
+    //- If oneD: specify whether to duplicate points (i.e. disconnect 1D
+    //  columns) or only on non-manifold extrusion areas. Default is false.
+    //  nonManifold true;
 //- Extrusion model to use. The only logical choice is linearNormal?