From 6e40e2ed06a8eb8ae961d7ee33d052ad55ab2e46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Henry <Henry>
Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2011 11:31:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Moved doc/changes to OpenFOAM-nonRelease

 doc/changes/      | 243 -------------------------------
 doc/changes/inotify.txt          | 110 --------------
 doc/changes/pointAndEdgeSync.txt |  41 ------
 doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt      | 128 ----------------
 doc/changes/staticLinkage.txt    |  35 -----
 5 files changed, 557 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 doc/changes/
 delete mode 100644 doc/changes/inotify.txt
 delete mode 100644 doc/changes/pointAndEdgeSync.txt
 delete mode 100644 doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt
 delete mode 100644 doc/changes/staticLinkage.txt

diff --git a/doc/changes/ b/doc/changes/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d9dbbe8e1..00000000000
--- a/doc/changes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#                            -*- mode: org; -*-
-#+TITLE:           =dynamicCode=: Dynamic code compilation
-#+AUTHOR:                      OpenCFD Ltd.
-#+DATE:                            TBA
-#+OPTIONS: author:nil ^:{}
-# Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-* Dictionary preprocessing directive: =#codeStream=
-  This is a dictionary preprocessing directive (=functionEntry=) which
-  provides a snippet of OpenFOAM C++ code which gets compiled and executed to
-  provide the actual dictionary entry. The snippet gets provided as three
-  sections of C++ code which just gets inserted into a template:
-  - =code= section: the actual body of the code. It gets called with arguments
-    =OStream& os, const dictionary& dict= and the C++ code can do a
-    =dict.lookup= to find current dictionary values.
-  - optional =codeInclude= section: any #include statements to include OpenFOAM
-    files.
-  - optional =codeOptions= section: any extra compilation flags to be added to
-    =EXE_INC= in =Make/options=. These usually are =-I= include directory
-    options.
-  - optional =codeLibs= section: any extra compilation flags to be added to
-    =LIB_LIBS= in =Make/options=.
-  To ease inputting mulit-line code there is the =#{ #}= syntax. Anything in
-  between these two delimiters becomes a string with all newlines, quotes etc
-  preserved.
-  Example: Look up dictionary entries and do some calculation
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-    startTime       0;
-    endTime         100;
-    ..
-    writeInterval   #codeStream
-    {
-        code
-        #{
-            scalar start = readScalar(dict["startTime"]);
-            scalar end = readScalar(dict["endTime"]);
-            label nDumps = 5;
-            os  << ((end-start)/nDumps);
-        #};
-    };
-  #+END_SRC
-* Implementation
-  - the =#codeStream= entry reads the dictionary following it, extracts the
-    =code=, =codeInclude=, =codeOptions=, =codeLibs= sections (these are just strings) and
-    calculates the SHA1 checksum of the contents.
-  - it copies a template file
-    =(etc/codeTemplates/dynamicCode/codeStreamTemplate.C)= or
-    =($FOAM_CODE_TEMPLATES/codeStreamTemplate.C)=, substituting all
-    occurences of =code=, =codeInclude=, =codeOptions=, =codeLibs=.
-  - it writes library source files to =dynamicCode/<SHA1>= and compiles
-    it using =wmake libso=.
-  - the resulting library is generated under
-    =dynamicCode/platforms/$WM_OPTIONS/lib= and is loaded (=dlopen=, =dlsym=)
-    and the function executed.
-  - the function will have written its output into the Ostream which then gets
-    used to construct the entry to replace the whole =#codeStream= section.
-  - using the SHA1 means that same code will only be compiled and loaded once.
-* Boundary condition: =codedFixedValue=
-  This uses the same framework as codeStream to have an in-line specialised
-  =fixedValueFvPatchField=.
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-  outlet
-  {
-      type            codedFixedValue;
-      value           uniform 0;
-      redirectType    ramp;
-      code
-      #{
-          operator==(min(10, 0.1*this->db().time().value()));
-      #};
-  }
-  #+END_SRC
-  It by default always includes =fvCFD.H= and adds the =finiteVolume= library to
-  the include search path and the linked libraries. Any other libraries will
-  need
-  to be added using the =codeInclude=, =codeLibs=, =codeOptions= section or provided through
-  the =libs= entry in the =system/controlDict=.
-  A special form is where the code is not supplied in-line but instead comes
-  from the =codeDict= dictionary in the =system= directory. It should contain
-  a =ramp= entry:
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-  ramp
-  {
-      code
-      #{
-          operator==(min(10, 0.1*this->db().time().value()));
-      #};
-  }
-  #+END_SRC
-  The advantage of using this indirect way is that it supports
-  =runTimeModifiable= so any change of the code will be picked up next iteration.
-* Function object: =coded=
-  This uses the same framework as codeStream to have an in-line specialised
-  =functionObject=.
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-  functions
-  {
-      pAverage
-      {
-          functionObjectLibs ("");
-          type coded;
-          redirectType average;
-          outputControl outputTime;
-          code
-          #{
-              const volScalarField& p = mesh().lookupObject<volScalarField>("p");
-              Info<<"p avg:" << average(p) << endl;
-          #};
-      }
-  }
-  #+END_SRC
-  This dynamic code framework uses the following entries
-  + =codeData=: declaration (in .H file) of local (null-constructable) data
-  + =codeInclude=: (.C file) usual include section
-  + =codeRead=: (.C file) executed upon dictionary read
-  + =codeExecute=: (.C file) executed upon functionObject execute
-  + =codeEnd=: (.C file) executed upon functionObject end
-  + =code=: (.C file) executed upon functionObject write. This is the usual place
-  for simple functionObject.
-  + =codeLibs=, =codeOptions=: usual
-  =coded= by default always includes =fvCFD.H= and adds the =finiteVolume= library to
-  the include search path and the linked libraries. Any other libraries will
-  need to be added explicitly (see =codeInclude=, =codeLibs=, =codeOptions= sections) or provided through
-  the =libs= entry in the =system/controlDict=.
-  =coded= is an =OutputFilter= type =functionObject= so supports the usual
-  + =region=: non-default region
-  + =enabled=: enable/disable
-  + =outputControl=: =timeStep= or =outputTime=
-  + =outputInterval=: in case of =timeStep=
-  entries.
-* Security
-  Allowing the case to execute C++ code does introduce security risks.  A
-  third-party case might have a =#codeStream{#code system("rm -rf .");};= hidden
-  somewhere in a dictionary.  =#codeStream= is therefore not enabled by default
-  you have to enable it by setting in the system-wide =controlDict=
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-  InfoSwitches
-  {
-      // Allow case-supplied c++ code (#codeStream, codedFixedValue)
-      allowSystemOperations   1;
-  }
-  #+END_SRC
-* Field manipulation
-  Fields are read in as =IOdictionary= so can be upcast to provide access to the
-  mesh:
-  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
-  internalField  #codeStream
-  {
-      codeInclude
-      #{
-          #include "fvCFD.H"
-      #};
-      code
-      #{
-          const IOdictionary& d = dynamicCast<const IOdictionary>(dict);
-          const fvMesh& mesh = refCast<const fvMesh>(d.db());
-          scalarField fld(mesh.nCells(), 12.34);
-          fld.writeEntry("", os);
-      #};
-      codeOptions
-      #{
-          -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude
-      #};
-      codeLibs
-      #{
-          -lfiniteVolume
-      #};
-  };
-  #+END_SRC
-  Note: above field initialisation has the problem that the boundary conditions
-  are not evaluated so e.g. processor boundaries will not hold the opposite cell
-  value.
-* Pitfalls
-  The syntax of =#codeStream= can be quite hard to get right. These are some
-  common pitfalls:
-  + the =code= string has to be a valid set of C++ expressions so has to end in
-    a ';'
-  + the C++ code upon execution has to print a valid dictionary entry. In above example it
-    prints 'uniform 12.34;'. Note the ';' at the end. It is advised to use the
-    =writeEntry= as above to handle this and also e.g. binary streams (=codeStream=
-    inherits the stream type from the dictionary)
-  + the =code=, =codeInclude=, =codeOptions=, =codeLibs= entries are just like any other
-    dictionary string entry so there has to be a ';' after the string
-  + the =#codeStream= entry (itself a dictionary) has to end in a ';'
-* Exceptions
-  There are unfortunately some exceptions to above field massaging.
-  Following applications read
-  the field as a dictionary, not as an =IOdictionary=:
-  - =foamFormatConvert=
-  - =changeDictionary=
-  - =foamUpgradeCyclics=
-  These applications will usually switch off all '#' processing which
-  just preserves the entries as strings (including all
-  formatting). =changeDictionary= has the =-enableFunctionEntries= option for if
-  one does want to evaluate any preprocessing in the changeDictionaryDict.
-* Other
-  - paraFoam: paraview currently does not export symbols on loaded libraries
-    (more specific : it does not add 'RTLD_GLOBAL' to the dlopen flags) so
-    one will have to add the used additional libraries (libfiniteVolume,
-    lib..) either to the =codeLibs= linkage section (preferred) or to the 'libs' entry in system/controlDict to prevent getting
-    an error of the form
-        --> FOAM FATAL IO ERROR:
-        Failed loading library ""
-    By default =#codeStream= links in =libOpenFOAM= and =codedFixedValue= and =coded=
-    functionObject link in both =libOpenFOAM= and =libfiniteVolume=.
-  - parallel running not tested a lot. What about distributed data
-    (i.e. non-=NFS=) parallel?
-  - codedFixedValue could be extended to provide local data however
-    in terms of complexity this is not really worthwhile.
-  - all templates come from (in order of preference)
-    =~/.OpenFOAM/dev/codeTemplates/dynamicCode=
-    =etc/codeTemplates/dynamicCode=
-  - any generated C++ code will display line numbers relative to the original
-    dictionary (using the '#line' directive) to ease finding compilation
-    errors.
diff --git a/doc/changes/inotify.txt b/doc/changes/inotify.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e2fc7bb4a..00000000000
--- a/doc/changes/inotify.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-Cleanup of automatic regIOobject rereading.
-- all files (usually only IOdictionary) that need to be monitored
-should be registered using MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED. The MUST_READ should
-be used for objects that do not need to be re-read (e.g. fields).
-In the old system it would actually monitor e.g. 0/U and constant/polyMesh
-I've temporarily added a warning in IOdictionary if constructed with MUST_READ.
-Same for IOList,IOField,IOMap if constructed with MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED
-(or is rereading supported?). Please let me know if something does not work or
-you see the warning
-   "Dictionary constructed with IOobject::MUST_READ instead of IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED." << nl
-- any monitored and modified file will get reloaded from the exact path
-that was monitored. In the old system it would/could do a re-search through all
-- all reductions to synchronise status on different processors are done with
-a single reduction instead of one reduction per registered object. This could
-be quite a gain on large numbers of processors.
-- all file monitoring is done by an instance of 'fileMonitor' in the Time
-class. The fileMonitor class can be found in OSspecific. It uses either
-timestamps as before or the (linux-specific) 'inotify' system framework
-(available only if compiled with -DFOAM_USE_INOTIFY).
-- the monitoring can be done in one of four modes as set by
-    OptimisationSwitches::fileModificationChecking
-    - timeStamp : old behaviour : all nodes check the timestamp
-    - inotify   : using inotify instead of timestamps
-    - timeStampMaster,inotifyMaster : only the master node checks the file
-                and only the master node reads it and distribute it to the
-                slaves. This makes runTimeModifiable possible on distributed
-                running (see below).
-- distributed running:
-    - set fileModificationChecking to e.g. timeStampMaster
-    - decompose a case, e.g. cavity
-    - copy system and constant to processor0/
-    - put the all the processor* directories on the wanted nodes inside
-      the case directory. E.g.
-        - on master have /tmp/cavity/processor0
-        - on slaveN have /tmp/cavity/processorN
-    - so to reiterate:
-        - there is no need for cavity/constant or cavity/system, all the
-          dictionaries are only in processor0/constant or processor0/system
-        - the slave processor directories have no system directory and the
-          constant directory only contains the mesh.
-    - start the job in distributed mode by specifying the slave roots
-      (so one fewer than the number of processors) with
-      the -roots command-line option:
-        mpirun -np 4 icoFoam -roots '("/tmp" "/tmp" "/tmp")' -parallel
-    - the alternative to the -roots option is to have a
-      cavity/system/decomposeParDict on the master with
-            distributed     yes;
-            roots           ("/tmp" "/tmp" "/tmp");
-    - as a convenience for cases when the slave roots are identical,
-      a single root entry is interpreted as being the same for all slaves.
-      With the -roots command-line option, this can take one of two forms:
-        mpirun -np 4 icoFoam -roots '("/tmp")' -parallel
-      or simply
-        mpirun -np 4 icoFoam -roots '"/tmp"' -parallel
-- timeStampMaster, inotifyMaster : this works only for IOdictionaries that
-are READ_IF_MODIFIED. It means that slaves read exactly the same dictionary
-as the master so cannot be used for dictionaries that contain e.g. mesh
-specific information.
-- note: even if the file does not exist (e.g. when timeStampMaster) it
-will still register a local file with the fileMonitor. This is so fileMonitor
-stays synchronised. So take care when reading/creating non-parallel dictionary.
-- inotify is a monitoring framework used to monitor changes in
-lots of files (e.g. used in desktop search engines like beagle). You specify
-files to monitor and then get warned for any changes to these files.
-It does not need timestamps. There is no need for fileModificationSkew
-to allow for time differences. (there can still temporarily be a difference
-in modified status between different processors due to nfs lagging). The big
-problem is that it does not work over nfs3 (not sure about nfs4).
-- fileMonitor stores two hashtables per file so there is a small overhead
-adding and removing files from monitoring.
-- if runTimeModifiable is false at start of run no files will get monitored,
-however if runTimeModified gets set to false during the run the files
-will still get monitored (though never reloaded). This is only a hypothetical
-problem in that the kernel still stores events for the monitored files. However
-inotify is very efficient - e.g. it gets used to track changes on file systems
-for desktop search engines.
-- in the old system one could call modified() on any object and get
-and uptodate state. In the new system it will return the state from
-the last runTime++ (which if it triggered any re-reads will have reset the
-state anyway).
diff --git a/doc/changes/pointAndEdgeSync.txt b/doc/changes/pointAndEdgeSync.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dd385acce1..00000000000
--- a/doc/changes/pointAndEdgeSync.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-Some background on the new structure to synchronise point and edge data. The
-building blocks:
-- globalIndex : globally consecutive numbering of (untransformed) data. It
-consists of a single label which starts at 0 on processor 0 and is numbered
-consecutively on consecutive processors. The globalIndex class contains
-functions to convert to/from processor and local index.
-- globalIndexAndTransform : all the transformations in a mesh. Because the
-transformations (cyclics, processorCyclics) need to fill space there can
-be only three independent transforms. This class contains functions to encode
-local index,processor and transformation into a labelPair.
-- mapDistribute : contains constructors from local and remote data and
-works out a compact storage scheme and returns corresponding indices into
-the local storage and calculates a scheduling to get the local and remote
-data into the local storage. The wanted data is
-    - untransformed: labelList(List) in globalIndex numbering
-    - transformed: labelPairList(List) in globalIndexAndTransform
-See also mapDistribute.H
-- globalMeshData : works out and stores a mapDistribute to get hold
-of coupled point or edge data:
-    - globalPointSlavesMap() : the map to get all coupled point data
-    into a compact form
-    - globalPointSlaves : per point (on the patch of coupled faces) the
-    indices into the compact data corresponding to untransformed connected
-    points
-    - globalPointTransformedSlaves : same but for transformed connected
-    points
-See e.g. syncPointData which applies a reduction operator to data on
-coupled points. Note that it needs to know whether the data is a position
-(since might need separation() vector).
-These structures get used in e.g.
-- syncTools : general synchronisation on points,edges, faces. The point and
-edge synchronisation are thin wrappers around the globalMeshData functionality.
-- volPointInterpolation : uses a mix of globalMeshData (for synchronising
-collocated points) and patch-wise (for separated points).
diff --git a/doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt b/doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f42b31949..00000000000
--- a/doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-Short overview of the changes to have cyclics split into two halves.
-The two cyclic halves are now split like processor patches. There should be no
-difference in running.
-- decomposed cyclics can now be handled properly. It just needs to preserve
-the cyclic patch it originates from.
-- We can now construct a table of global transformations and handle
-points/edges/cells with transformations.
-- face ordering after topological changes becomes much easier since we
-now preserve what half the face comes from.
-- cyclic handling becomes more consistent with processor handling and can
-quite often be handled in the same condition.
-- transformation tensors now become single entry.
-The disadvantages:
-- a patch-wise loop now might need to store data to go to the neighbour half
-since it is no longer handled in a single patch.
-- decomposed cyclics now require overlapping communications so will
-only work in 'nonBlocking' mode or 'blocking' (=buffered) mode but not
-in 'scheduled' mode. The underlying message passing library
-will require overlapping communications with message tags.
-- it is quite a code-change and there might be some oversights.
-- once converted (see foamUpgradeCyclics below) cases are not backwards
-compatible with previous versions.
-blockMeshDict now allows patch definition using the construct-from-dictionary
-constructor. This helps defining patches that require additional input e.g.
-directMapped and now cyclic:
-    sides2_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        neighbourPatch  sides2_half1;
-        faces           ((2 4 5 3));
-    }
-The syntax is - like the polyMesh/boundary file - a list of dictionaries with
-one additional entry 'faces' for the block faces. Above shows the new
-required entry 'neighbourPatch' for cyclic.
-blockMesh still reads the old format. For a cyclic it will automatically
-introduce two patches for the halves, with names xxx_half0 and xxx_half1.
-This is a tool which reads the polyMesh/boundary file and any vol/surface/point
-fields and converts them.
-It will check if anything needs to be converted, backup the current file to .old
-and split any cyclic patchFields into two entries.
-Mesh converters
-Most mesh formats use cyclics in a single patch (i.e. the old way).
-The converters have been adapted to use the patch 'oldCyclic' instead of
-'cyclic'. oldCyclic uses the 17x automatic ordering but writes 'type cyclic'
-so afterwards foamUpgradeCyclics can be run to upgrade.
-Decomposes cyclics into processorCyclic:
-    procBoundary0to1throughsides1_half0
-    {
-        type            processorCyclic;
-        nFaces          1000;
-        startFace       91350;
-        myProcNo        0;
-        neighbProcNo    1;
-        referPatch      sides1_half0;
-    }
-They have an additional 'referPatch' entry which gives the (cyclic) patch
-to use for any transformation.
-- the cyclic patch dictionary has an entry neighbourPatch. The
-patch has new member functions:
-    //- Get neighbouring patchID
-    label neighbPatchID() const
-    //- Get neighbouring patch
-    const cyclicPolyPatch& neighbPatch()
-    //- Am I the owner half
-    bool owner()
-The cyclic still has forward() and reverse() transformations (with
-the reverse() equal to the neighbPatch().forward()).
-There is no transformLocalFace anymore - the ordering is the same for
-both halves.
-- 'pure' processor patches now are always coincident - they (should) have no
-transformation. As said above cyclics are decomposed into a derived
-type 'processorCyclic'.
-- processor patches use overlapping communication using a different message
-tag. This maps straight through into the MPI message tag. Each processor
-'interface' (processorPolyPatch, processorFvPatch, etc.) has a 'tag()'
-to use for communication.
-- when constructing a GeometricField from a dictionary it will explicitly
-check for non-existing entries for cyclic patches and exit with an error message
-warning to run foamUpgradeCyclics. (1.7.x will check if you are trying
-to run a case which has split cyclics)
diff --git a/doc/changes/staticLinkage.txt b/doc/changes/staticLinkage.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 916a5107ed0..00000000000
--- a/doc/changes/staticLinkage.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-Static linkage:
-- compile libraries as static objects:
-    src; ./Allwmake libo
-- in the desired application (e.g. interFoam) adapt Make/options
-  to link all indirect and direct dependencies as .o files:
-    sinclude $(GENERAL_RULES)/mplib$(WM_MPLIB)
-    sinclude $(RULES)/mplib$(WM_MPLIB)
-    EXE_LIBS = \
-        -lz $(PLIBS) \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/$(FOAM_MPI)/libPstream.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libOSspecific.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libtwoPhaseInterfaceProperties.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libinterfaceProperties.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libincompressibleTransportModels.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libincompressibleTurbulenceModel.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libincompressibleRASModels.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libincompressibleLESModels.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libLESdeltas.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libLESfilters.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libfiniteVolume.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libmeshTools.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libtriSurface.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libfileFormats.o \
-        $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libOpenFOAM.o \
-- in Make/files add
-    SEXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/interFoam-static
-- wmake exe
-- check with ldd