diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasLagrangian.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasLagrangian.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f9ddf805919f9d7c1cecae9fc5daa511098aaf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasLagrangian.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// check for lagrangian/positions information in the final directory
-bool hasLagrangian = false;
-if (timeDirs.size() > 1)
-    IOobject io
-    (
-        "positions",
-        timeDirs[timeDirs.size() - 1].name(),
-        "lagrangian",
-        mesh,
-        IOobject::NO_READ
-    );
-    if (io.headerOk())
-    {
-        hasLagrangian = true;
-    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasSprayField.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasSprayField.H
deleted file mode 100644
index e6601f71911eb1abdc58d80933832c5a40e45429..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasSprayField.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// check that the spray variable is present for this time
-bool hasSprayField = true;
-    IOobject ioHeader
-    (
-        fieldName,
-        mesh.time().timeName(),
-        "lagrangian",
-        mesh,
-        IOobject::NO_READ
-    );
-    hasSprayField = ioHeader.headerOk();
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasValidField.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasValidField.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 9973a7a5fbb682531938b5e719487ae025761325..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/checkHasValidField.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// check that the variable is present for all times
-bool hasValidField = true;
-    for (label i=0; i < timeDirs.size() && hasValidField; ++i)
-    {
-        if (fieldName.size() > 2 && fieldName(fieldName.size() - 2, 2) == "_0")
-        {
-            hasValidField = false;
-            break;
-        }
-        IOobject ioHeader
-        (
-            fieldName,
-            timeDirs[i].name(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::NO_READ
-        );
-        hasValidField = ioHeader.headerOk();
-    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightCaseTimes.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightCaseTimes.H
deleted file mode 100644
index ab7f4de5312a1cd8b7ec15e765637e17cbb16498..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightCaseTimes.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// write time values to case file
-    scalar timeCorrection = 0;
-    if (timeDirs[0].value() < 0)
-    {
-        timeCorrection = - timeDirs[0].value();
-        Info<< "Correcting time values. Adding " << timeCorrection << endl;
-    }
-    caseFile.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield);
-    caseFile.precision(5);
-    // time set 1 - geometry and volume fields
-    if (fieldFileNumbers.size())
-    {
-        caseFile
-            << "time set:        " << 1 << nl
-            << "number of steps: " << fieldFileNumbers.size() << nl
-            << "filename numbers:" << nl;
-        label count = 0;
-        forAll (fieldFileNumbers, i)
-        {
-            caseFile
-                << " " << setw(12) << fieldFileNumbers[i];
-            if (++count % 6 == 0)
-            {
-                caseFile << nl;
-            }
-        }
-        caseFile
-            << nl << "time values:" << nl;
-        count = 0;
-        forAll (fieldFileNumbers, i)
-        {
-            caseFile
-                << " " << setw(12)
-                << timeIndices[fieldFileNumbers[i]] + timeCorrection;
-            if (++count % 6 == 0)
-            {
-                caseFile << nl;
-            }
-        }
-        caseFile << nl << nl;
-    }
-    // time set 2 - lagrangian fields
-    if (hasLagrangian && sprayFileNumbers.size())
-    {
-        caseFile
-            << "time set:        " << 2 << nl
-            << "number of steps: " << sprayFileNumbers.size() << nl
-            << "filename numbers:" << nl;
-        label count = 0;
-        forAll (sprayFileNumbers, i)
-        {
-            caseFile
-                << " " << setw(12) << sprayFileNumbers[i];
-            if (++count % 6 == 0)
-            {
-                caseFile << nl;
-            }
-        }
-        caseFile
-            << nl << "time values:" << nl;
-        count = 0;
-        forAll (sprayFileNumbers, i)
-        {
-            caseFile
-                << " " << setw(12)
-                << timeIndices[sprayFileNumbers[i]] + timeCorrection;
-            if (++count % 6 == 0)
-            {
-                caseFile << nl;
-            }
-        }
-        caseFile << nl << nl;
-    }
-    caseFile << "# end" << nl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputCase.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputCase.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8f079ea6df347eeec1ae4e9d2795831699527a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputCase.H
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+// write time values to case file
+scalar timeCorrection = 0;
+if (timeDirs[0].value() < 0)
+    timeCorrection = - timeDirs[0].value();
+    Info<< "Correcting time values. Adding " << timeCorrection << endl;
+// the case file is always ASCII
+Info << "write case: " << caseFileName.c_str() << endl;
+OFstream caseFile(ensightDir/caseFileName, IOstream::ASCII);
+caseFile.setf(ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield);
+    << "FORMAT" << nl
+    << setw(16) << "type:" << "ensight gold" << nl << nl;
+if (hasMovingMesh)
+    caseFile
+        << "GEOMETRY" << nl
+        << setw(16) << "model: 1" << (dataMask/geometryName).c_str() << nl;
+    caseFile
+        << "GEOMETRY" << nl
+        << setw(16) << "model:" << geometryName << nl;
+// add information for clouds
+// multiple clouds currently require the same time index
+forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
+    const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
+    caseFile
+        << setw(16) << "measured: 2"
+        << fileName(dataMask/"lagrangian"/cloudName/"positions").c_str()
+            << nl;
+    << nl << "VARIABLE" << nl;
+forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
+    const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+    const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
+    string ensightType;
+    if (fieldType == volScalarField::typeName)
+    {
+        ensightType = "scalar";
+    }
+    else if (fieldType == volVectorField::typeName)
+    {
+        ensightType = "vector";
+    }
+    else if (fieldType == volSphericalTensorField::typeName)
+    {
+        ensightType = "tensor symm";
+    }
+    else if (fieldType == volSymmTensorField::typeName)
+    {
+        ensightType = "tensor symm";
+    }
+    else if (fieldType == volTensorField::typeName)
+    {
+        ensightType = "tensor asym";
+    }
+    if (ensightType.size())
+    {
+        ensightCaseEntry
+        (
+            caseFile,
+            ensightType,
+            fieldName,
+            dataMask
+        );
+    }
+// TODO: allow similar/different time-steps for each cloud
+label cloudNo = 0;
+forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
+    const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
+    forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, cloudIter(), fieldIter)
+    {
+        const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+        const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
+        string ensightType;
+        if (fieldType == scalarIOField::typeName)
+        {
+            ensightType = "scalar";
+        }
+        else if (fieldType == vectorIOField::typeName)
+        {
+            ensightType = "vector";
+        }
+        else if (fieldType == tensorIOField::typeName)
+        {
+            ensightType = "tensor";
+        }
+        if (ensightType.size())
+        {
+            ensightCaseEntry
+            (
+                caseFile,
+                ensightType,
+                fieldName,
+                dataMask,
+                "lagrangian"/cloudName,
+                cloudNo,
+                2
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    cloudNo++;
+// add time values
+caseFile << nl << "TIME" << nl;
+// time set 1 - geometry and volume fields
+if (fieldTimesUsed.size())
+    caseFile
+        << "time set:        " << 1 << nl
+        << "number of steps: " << fieldTimesUsed.size() << nl
+        << "filename numbers:" << nl;
+    label count = 0;
+    forAll (fieldTimesUsed, i)
+    {
+        caseFile
+            << " " << setw(12) << fieldTimesUsed[i];
+        if (++count % 6 == 0)
+        {
+            caseFile << nl;
+        }
+    }
+    caseFile
+        << nl << "time values:" << nl;
+    count = 0;
+    forAll (fieldTimesUsed, i)
+    {
+        caseFile
+            << " " << setw(12)
+                << timeIndices[fieldTimesUsed[i]] + timeCorrection;
+        if (++count % 6 == 0)
+        {
+            caseFile << nl;
+        }
+    }
+    caseFile << nl << nl;
+// TODO: allow similar/different time-steps for each cloud
+cloudNo = 0;
+forAllConstIter(HashTable<DynamicList<label> >, cloudTimesUsed, cloudIter)
+    // const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
+    const DynamicList<label>& timesUsed = cloudIter();
+    if (timesUsed.size() && cloudNo == 0)
+    {
+        caseFile
+            << "time set:        " << 2 << nl
+            << "number of steps: " << timesUsed.size() << nl
+            << "filename numbers:" << nl;
+        label count = 0;
+        forAll (timesUsed, i)
+        {
+            caseFile
+                << " " << setw(12) << timesUsed[i];
+            if (++count % 6 == 0)
+            {
+                caseFile << nl;
+            }
+        }
+        caseFile
+            << nl << "time values:" << nl;
+        count = 0;
+        forAll (timesUsed, i)
+        {
+            caseFile
+                << " " << setw(12)
+                    << timeIndices[timesUsed[i]] + timeCorrection;
+            if (++count % 6 == 0)
+            {
+                caseFile << nl;
+            }
+        }
+        caseFile << nl << nl;
+        cloudNo++;
+    }
+caseFile << "# end" << nl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.C b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.C
index 007fb1f6a2e521430cf36515297e73f75b4e698c..f8acfb311b1f8be273b9e555eab7cbc529168954 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.C
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ License
     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-    $Date: 2008/04/02 11:37:10 $
 #include "ensightOutputFunctions.H"
@@ -41,36 +40,51 @@ namespace Foam
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Global Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class Type>
 void ensightCaseEntry
     OFstream& caseFile,
-    const IOobject& fieldObject,
+    const string& ensightType,
+    const word& fieldName,
     const fileName& dataMask,
-    bool measured
+    const fileName& local,
+    const label cloudNo,
+    const label timeSet
-    if (measured)
+    fileName dirName(dataMask);
+    if (local.size())
+    {
+        dirName = dirName/local;
+    }
+    if (cloudNo >= 0)
+        label ts = 1;
+        if (timeSet > ts)
+        {
+            ts = timeSet;
+        }
+        // prefix variables with 'c' (cloud)
-            << pTraits<Type>::typeName
-            << " per measured node: 2 "
+            << ensightType.c_str()
+            << " per measured node: " << ts << " "
             << setw(15)
-            << ("s" + fieldObject.name()).c_str()
+            << ("c" + Foam::name(cloudNo) + fieldName).c_str()
             << " "
-            << (dataMask/"lagrangian"/fieldObject.name()).c_str()
+            << (dirName/fieldName).c_str()
             << nl;
-            << pTraits<Type>::typeName
-            << " per element:     "
-            << setw(15) << fieldObject.name()
+            << ensightType.c_str()
+            << " per element: "
+            << setw(15) << fieldName
             << " "
-            << (dataMask/fieldObject.name()).c_str()
+            << (dirName/fieldName).c_str()
             << nl;
@@ -81,16 +95,17 @@ void ensightParticlePositions
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     const fileName& dataDir,
     const fileName& subDir,
+    const word& cloudName,
     IOstream::streamFormat format
-    Cloud<passiveParticle> parcels(mesh);
+    Cloud<passiveParticle> parcels(mesh, cloudName, false);
-    fileName lagrangianDir = subDir/"lagrangian";
-    fileName postFileName = lagrangianDir/"positions";
+    fileName cloudDir = subDir/"lagrangian"/cloudName;
+    fileName postFileName = cloudDir/"positions";
     // the ITER/lagrangian subdirectory must exist
-    mkDir(dataDir/lagrangianDir);
+    mkDir(dataDir/cloudDir);
     ensightFile os(dataDir/postFileName, format);
     // tag binary format (just like geometry files)
@@ -139,20 +154,22 @@ void ensightParticlePositions
 template<class Type>
-void ensightSprayField
+void ensightLagrangianField
     const IOobject& fieldObject,
     const fileName& dataDir,
     const fileName& subDir,
+    const word& cloudName,
     IOstream::streamFormat format
     Info<< " " << fieldObject.name() << flush;
-    fileName lagrangianDir = subDir/"lagrangian";
-    fileName postFileName = lagrangianDir/fieldObject.name();
+    fileName cloudDir = subDir/"lagrangian"/cloudName;
+    fileName postFileName = cloudDir/fieldObject.name();
-    string title = postFileName + " with " + pTraits<Type>::typeName + " values";
+    string title =
+        postFileName + " with " + pTraits<Type>::typeName + " values";
     ensightFile os(dataDir/postFileName, format);
@@ -225,9 +242,9 @@ void ensightVolField
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // end namespace Foam
+} // namespace Foam
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.H
index 70f5d33d73d2b225af1e262e9f8153621d7487a4..ec9da3923379857dffa15d18932552576c254dcc 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/ensightOutputFunctions.H
@@ -44,13 +44,15 @@ namespace Foam
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class Type>
 void ensightCaseEntry
     OFstream& caseFile,
-    const IOobject& fieldObject,
+    const string& ensightType,
+    const word& fieldName,
     const fileName& dataMask,
-    bool measured = false
+    const fileName& local=fileName::null,
+    const label cloudNo=-1,
+    const label timeSet=1
@@ -59,17 +61,19 @@ void ensightParticlePositions
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     const fileName& dataDir,
     const fileName& subDir,
+    const word& cloudName,
     IOstream::streamFormat format
-//- write spray parcels
+//- write lagrangian parcels
 template<class Type>
-void ensightSprayField
+void ensightLagrangianField
     const IOobject& fieldObject,
     const fileName& dataDir,
     const fileName& subDir,
+    const word& cloudName,
     IOstream::streamFormat format
@@ -87,7 +91,7 @@ void ensightVolField
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // end namespace Foam
+} // namespace Foam
 #ifdef NoRepository
 #   include "ensightOutputFunctions.C"
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/findFields.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/findFields.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cca3fbbcd3fbc4375b5282f66cfd94146e22be6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/findFields.H
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// check the final time directory for
+// 1. volume fields
+HashTable<word> volumeFields;
+// 2. the fields for each cloud:
+HashTable<HashTable<word> > cloudFields;
+if (timeDirs.size() > 1)
+    IOobjectList objs(mesh, timeDirs[timeDirs.size()-1].name());
+    forAllConstIter(IOobjectList, objs, fieldIter)
+    {
+        const IOobject& obj = *fieldIter();
+        if
+        (
+            obj.headerClassName() == volScalarField::typeName
+         || obj.headerClassName() == volVectorField::typeName
+        )
+        {
+            // Add field and field type
+            volumeFields.insert
+            (
+                obj.name(),
+                obj.headerClassName()
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // now check for lagrangian/<cloudName>
+    fileNameList cloudDirs = readDir
+    (
+        runTime.path()
+      / timeDirs[timeDirs.size() - 1].name()
+      / regionPrefix
+      / "lagrangian",
+        fileName::DIRECTORY
+    );
+    forAll(cloudDirs, cloudI)
+    {
+        const word& cloudName = cloudDirs[cloudI];
+        // Create a new hash table for each cloud
+        cloudFields.insert(cloudName, HashTable<word>());
+        // Identify the new cloud in the hash table
+        HashTable<HashTable<word> >::iterator cloudIter =
+            cloudFields.find(cloudName);
+        IOobjectList cloudObjs
+        (
+            mesh,
+            timeDirs[timeDirs.size() - 1].name(),
+            "lagrangian"/cloudName
+        );
+        bool hasPositions = false;
+        forAllConstIter(IOobjectList, cloudObjs, fieldIter)
+        {
+            const IOobject obj = *fieldIter();
+            if (obj.name() == "positions")
+            {
+                hasPositions = true;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Add field and field type
+                cloudIter().insert
+                (
+                    obj.name(),
+                    obj.headerClassName()
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        // drop this cloud if it has no positions
+        if (!hasPositions)
+        {
+            cloudFields.erase(cloudIter);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/foamToEnsightParts.C b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/foamToEnsightParts.C
index 65588d7dc87e54e3489d9a207e1829dbac1d54dc..f60e4948a6cb7fcad877fe9a0dc61528a553ef6d 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/foamToEnsightParts.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/foamToEnsightParts.C
@@ -71,20 +71,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     argList::validOptions.insert("ascii", "");
-    const label nTypes = 2;
-    const word fieldTypes[] =
+    const word volFieldTypes[] =
-        volVectorField::typeName
+        volVectorField::typeName,
+        volSphericalTensorField::typeName,
+        volSymmTensorField::typeName,
+        volTensorField::typeName,
+        word::null
-    const label nSprayFieldTypes = 2;
     const word sprayFieldTypes[] =
-        vectorIOField::typeName
+        vectorIOField::typeName,
+        tensorIOField::typeName,
+        word::null
+    const char* geometryName = "geometry";
 #   include "setRootCase.H"
 #   include "createTime.H"
@@ -104,14 +110,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     fileName dataMask = fileName("data")/ensightFile::mask();
     // Ensight and Ensight/data directories must exist
+    // do not remove old data - we might wish to convert new results
+    // or a particular time interval
     if (dir(ensightDir))
-        rmDir(ensightDir);
+        Info<<"Warning: reusing existing directory" << nl
+            << "    " << ensightDir << endl;
-#   include "createMesh.H"
+#   include "createNamedMesh.H"
+    // Mesh instance (region0 gets filtered out)
+    fileName regionPrefix;
+    if (regionName != polyMesh::defaultRegion)
+    {
+        regionPrefix = regionName;
+    }
     // Construct the list of ensight parts for the entire mesh
     ensightParts partsList(mesh);
@@ -125,53 +143,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 #   include "checkHasMovingMesh.H"
-#   include "checkHasLagrangian.H"
+#   include "findFields.H"
+#   include "validateFields.H"
-    // only take the objects that exists at the end of the calculation
-    IOobjectList objects(mesh, timeDirs[timeDirs.size()-1].name());
-    IOobjectList sprayObjects(mesh, timeDirs[timeDirs.size()-1].name(), "lagrangian");
-    // write single geometry or one per time step
-    fileName geometryFileName("geometry");
-    if (hasMovingMesh)
-    {
-        geometryFileName = dataMask/geometryFileName;
-    }
+    // map times used
+    Map<scalar>  timeIndices;
-    // the case file is always ASCII
-    Info << "write case: " << caseFileName.c_str() << endl;
+    // Track the time indices used by the volume fields
+    DynamicList<label> fieldTimesUsed;
-    OFstream caseFile(ensightDir/caseFileName, IOstream::ASCII);
-    caseFile.setf(ios_base::left);
-    caseFile
-        << "FORMAT" << nl
-        << setw(16) << "type:" << "ensight gold" << nl << nl
-        << "GEOMETRY" << nl
-        << setw(16) << "model: 1" << geometryFileName.c_str() << nl;
+    // Track the time indices used by each cloud
+    HashTable<DynamicList<label> > cloudTimesUsed;
-    if (hasLagrangian)
+    // Create a new DynamicList for each cloud
+    forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
-        caseFile
-            << setw(16) << "measured: 2"
-            << fileName(dataMask/"lagrangian"/"positions").c_str() << nl;
+        cloudTimesUsed.insert(cloudIter.key(), DynamicList<label>());
-    caseFile
-        << nl << "VARIABLE" << nl;
-    label nFieldTime = timeDirs.size();
-    if (nFieldTime < 0)
-    {
-        nFieldTime = 0;
-    }
-    List<label> fieldFileNumbers(nFieldTime);
-    List<label> sprayFileNumbers(nFieldTime);
-    // map used times used
-    Map<scalar>  timeIndices;
-    nFieldTime = 0;
-    label nSprayTime = 0;
     forAll(timeDirs, timeI)
@@ -179,7 +168,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 #       include "getTimeIndex.H"
-        fieldFileNumbers[nFieldTime++] = timeIndex;
+        // remember the time index
+        fieldTimesUsed.append(timeIndex);
         // the data/ITER subdirectory must exist
         fileName subDir = ensightFile::subDir(timeIndex);
@@ -195,300 +185,203 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 #       include "moveMesh.H"
-        if (nFieldTime == 1 || mesh.moving())
+        if (timeI == 0 || mesh.moving())
-            if (hasMovingMesh)
-            {
-                geometryFileName = dataDir/subDir/"geometry";
-            }
             if (mesh.moving())
-            ensightGeoFile geoFile(ensightDir/geometryFileName, format);
+            fileName geomDir;
+            if (hasMovingMesh)
+            {
+                geomDir = dataDir/subDir;
+            }
+            ensightGeoFile geoFile(ensightDir/geomDir/geometryName, format);
             Info << nl;
-        Info<< "write volume field: " << flush;
+        Info<< "write volume field (" << flush;
-        for (label i=0; i < nTypes; i++)
+        forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
-            wordList fieldNames = objects.names(fieldTypes[i]);
+            const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+            const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
-            forAll (fieldNames, fieldI)
+            IOobject fieldObject
+            (
+                fieldName,
+                mesh.time().timeName(),
+                mesh,
+                IOobject::MUST_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE
+            );
+            if (fieldType == volScalarField::typeName)
-                word fieldName = fieldNames[fieldI];
+                ensightVolField<scalar>
+                (
+                    partsList,
+                    fieldObject,
+                    mesh,
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    format
+                );
-#               include "checkHasValidField.H"
+            }
+            else if (fieldType == volVectorField::typeName)
+            {
+                ensightVolField<vector>
+                (
+                    partsList,
+                    fieldObject,
+                    mesh,
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    format
+                );
-                if (!hasValidField)
-                {
-                    continue;
-                }
+            }
+            else if (fieldType == volSphericalTensorField::typeName)
+            {
+                ensightVolField<sphericalTensor>
+                (
+                    partsList,
+                    fieldObject,
+                    mesh,
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    format
+                );
-                IOobject fieldObject
+            }
+            else if (fieldType == volSymmTensorField::typeName)
+            {
+                ensightVolField<symmTensor>
-                    fieldName,
-                    mesh.time().timeName(),
+                    partsList,
+                    fieldObject,
-                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
-                    IOobject::NO_WRITE
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    format
+            }
+            else if (fieldType == volTensorField::typeName)
+            {
+                ensightVolField<tensor>
+                (
+                    partsList,
+                    fieldObject,
+                    mesh,
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    format
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        Info<< " )" << endl;
-                if (fieldTypes[i] == volScalarField::typeName)
-                {
-                    if (nFieldTime == 1)
-                    {
-                        ensightCaseEntry<scalar>
-                        (
-                            caseFile,
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataMask
-                        );
-                    }
-                    ensightVolField<scalar>
-                    (
-                        partsList,
-                        fieldObject,
-                        mesh,
-                        dataDir,
-                        subDir,
-                        format
-                    );
+        // check for clouds
+        forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
+        {
+            const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
-                }
-                else if (fieldTypes[i] == volVectorField::typeName)
-                {
-                    if (nFieldTime == 1)
-                    {
-                        ensightCaseEntry<vector>
-                        (
-                            caseFile,
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataMask
-                        );
-                    }
-                    ensightVolField<vector>
-                    (
-                        partsList,
-                        fieldObject,
-                        mesh,
-                        dataDir,
-                        subDir,
-                        format
-                    );
+            if (!dir(runTime.timePath()/regionPrefix/"lagrangian"/cloudName))
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            IOobjectList cloudObjs
+            (
+                mesh,
+                runTime.timeName(),
+                "lagrangian"/cloudName
+            );
+            // check that the positions field is present for this time
+            if (cloudObjs.lookup("positions"))
+            {
+                ensightParticlePositions
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    dataDir,
+                    subDir,
+                    cloudName,
+                    format
+                );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                continue;
+            }
+            Info<< "write " << cloudName << " (" << flush;
+            forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, cloudIter(), fieldIter)
+            {
+                const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+                const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
+                IOobject *fieldObject = cloudObjs.lookup(fieldName);
+                if (!fieldObject)
+                {
+                    Info<< "missing "
+                        << runTime.timeName()/"lagrangian"/cloudName/fieldName
+                        << endl;
+                    continue;
-                else if (fieldTypes[i] == volSphericalTensorField::typeName)
+                if (fieldType == scalarIOField::typeName)
-                    if (nFieldTime == 1)
-                    {
-                        ensightCaseEntry<sphericalTensor>
-                        (
-                            caseFile,
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataMask
-                        );
-                    }
-                    ensightVolField<sphericalTensor>
+                    ensightLagrangianField<scalar>
-                        partsList,
-                        fieldObject,
-                        mesh,
+                        *fieldObject,
+                        cloudName,
-                else if (fieldTypes[i] == volSymmTensorField::typeName)
+                else if (fieldType == vectorIOField::typeName)
-                    if (nFieldTime == 1)
-                    {
-                        ensightCaseEntry<symmTensor>
-                        (
-                            caseFile,
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataMask
-                        );
-                    }
-                    ensightVolField<symmTensor>
+                    ensightLagrangianField<vector>
-                        partsList,
-                        fieldObject,
-                        mesh,
+                        *fieldObject,
+                        cloudName,
-                else if (fieldTypes[i] == volTensorField::typeName)
+                else if (fieldType == tensorIOField::typeName)
-                    if (nFieldTime == 1)
-                    {
-                        ensightCaseEntry<tensor>
-                        (
-                            caseFile,
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataMask
-                        );
-                    }
-                    ensightVolField<tensor>
+                    ensightLagrangianField<tensor>
-                        partsList,
-                        fieldObject,
-                        mesh,
+                        *fieldObject,
+                        cloudName,
-        }
-        Info<< endl;
-        if (hasLagrangian)
-        {
-            // check that the positions field is present for this time
-            {
-                IOobject ioHeader
-                (
-                    "positions",
-                    mesh.time().timeName(),
-                    "lagrangian",
-                    mesh,
-                    IOobject::NO_READ
-                );
+            Info<< " )" << endl;
-                if (ioHeader.headerOk())
-                {
-                    sprayFileNumbers[nSprayTime++] = timeIndex;
-                }
-            }
-            Info<< "write  spray field: " << flush;
-            ensightParticlePositions
-            (
-                mesh,
-                dataDir,
-                subDir,
-                format
-            );
-            for (label i=0; i < nSprayFieldTypes; i++)
-            {
-                wordList fieldNames = sprayObjects.names(sprayFieldTypes[i]);
-                forAll (fieldNames, fieldI)
-                {
-                    word fieldName = fieldNames[fieldI];
-#                   include "checkHasSprayField.H"
-                    if (!hasSprayField)
-                    {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    IOobject fieldObject
-                    (
-                        fieldName,
-                        mesh.time().timeName(),
-                        "lagrangian",
-                        mesh,
-                        IOobject::MUST_READ,
-                        IOobject::NO_WRITE
-                    );
-                    if (sprayFieldTypes[i] == scalarIOField::typeName)
-                    {
-                        if (nSprayTime == 1)
-                        {
-                            ensightCaseEntry<scalar>
-                            (
-                                caseFile,
-                                fieldObject,
-                                dataMask,
-                                true
-                            );
-                        }
-                        ensightSprayField<scalar>
-                        (
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataDir,
-                            subDir,
-                            format
-                        );
-                    }
-                    else if (sprayFieldTypes[i] == vectorIOField::typeName)
-                    {
-                        if (nSprayTime == 1)
-                        {
-                            ensightCaseEntry<vector>
-                            (
-                                caseFile,
-                                fieldObject,
-                                dataMask,
-                                true
-                            );
-                        }
-                        ensightSprayField<vector>
-                        (
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataDir,
-                            subDir,
-                            format
-                        );
-                    }
-                    else if (sprayFieldTypes[i] == tensorIOField::typeName)
-                    {
-                        if (nSprayTime == 1)
-                        {
-                            ensightCaseEntry<tensor>
-                            (
-                                caseFile,
-                                fieldObject,
-                                dataMask,
-                                true
-                            );
-                        }
-                        ensightSprayField<tensor>
-                        (
-                            fieldObject,
-                            dataDir,
-                            subDir,
-                            format
-                        );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            Info<< endl;
+            // remember the time index
+            cloudTimesUsed[cloudName].append(timeIndex);
-    fieldFileNumbers.setSize(nFieldTime);
-    sprayFileNumbers.setSize(nSprayTime);
-    // add time values
-    caseFile << nl << "TIME" << nl;
-#   include "ensightCaseTimes.H"
+#   include "ensightOutputCase.H"
     Info<< "\nEnd\n"<< endl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/validateFields.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/validateFields.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61676b00b1476af3a5ee56c33d54c405f91bca43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToEnsightParts/validateFields.H
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// ignore special fields or fields that we don't handle
+forAllIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
+    const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+    const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
+    if (fieldName.size() > 2 &&  fieldName(fieldName.size() - 2, 2) != "_0")
+    {
+        volumeFields.erase(fieldIter);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // remove types that we don't handle:
+        bool invalid = true;
+        for (label typeI=0; invalid && volFieldTypes[typeI].size(); ++typeI)
+        {
+            if (fieldType == volFieldTypes[typeI])
+            {
+                invalid = false;
+            }
+        }
+        if (invalid)
+        {
+            Info<< "ignoring " << fieldType << ": " << fieldName << endl;
+            volumeFields.erase(fieldIter);
+        }
+    }
+// verify that the variable is present for all times
+for (label i=0; volumeFields.size() && i < timeDirs.size(); ++i)
+    IOobjectList objs(mesh, timeDirs[i].name());
+    forAllIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
+    {
+        const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+        if (!objs.found(fieldName))
+        {
+            volumeFields.erase(fieldIter);
+        }
+    }
+// ignore fields that we don't handle
+forAllIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
+    const word& cloudName = cloudIter.key();
+    forAllIter(HashTable<word>, cloudIter(), fieldIter)
+    {
+        const word& fieldName = fieldIter.key();
+        const word& fieldType = fieldIter();
+        // remove types that we don't handle:
+        bool invalid = true;
+        for (label typeI=0; invalid && sprayFieldTypes[typeI].size(); ++typeI)
+        {
+            if (fieldType == sprayFieldTypes[typeI])
+            {
+                invalid = false;
+            }
+        }
+        if (invalid)
+        {
+            Info<< "ignoring " << fieldType << ": " << fieldName << endl;
+            cloudIter().erase(fieldIter);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!cloudIter().size())
+    {
+        Info<< "removing cloud " << cloudName<< endl;
+        cloudFields.erase(cloudIter);
+    }
+// Info<<"final fields (";
+// forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, volumeFields, fieldIter)
+// {
+//     Info<< " " << fieldIter.key();
+// }
+// Info<< " )\n";
+// forAllConstIter(HashTable<HashTable<word> >, cloudFields, cloudIter)
+// {
+//     Info<<"final fields for lagrangian/" << cloudIter.key() << " (";
+//     forAllConstIter(HashTable<word>, cloudIter(), fieldIter)
+//     {
+//         Info<< " " << fieldIter.key();
+//     }
+//     Info<< " )\n";
+// }