From 747db59c3ae98c486bfab49242790744d37d193f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sergio <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 11:22:08 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] basic.H XiModel.H SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H basicXiSubXiEq.H
 basicXiSubG.H Doxyfile (include PATH to OpenCFD Macros) doxyFilt (include
 class documentation in /src)

 .../basicXiSubXiEq/basicXiSubXiEq.H           | 27 ++++++++++
 .../XiGModels/basicXiSubG/basicXiSubG.H       | 18 +++++++
 .../PDRModels/dragModels/basic/basic.H        | 40 ++++++++++++++-
 .../PDRFoam/XiModels/XiModel/XiModel.H        | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../SCOPE/SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H            | 25 ++++++++--
 bin/doxyFilt                                  |  6 +--
 doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile                          | 28 +++++++++--
 7 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiEqModels/basicXiSubXiEq/basicXiSubXiEq.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiEqModels/basicXiSubXiEq/basicXiSubXiEq.H
index c89d8dc6c9b..0ceb2cae5ff 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiEqModels/basicXiSubXiEq/basicXiSubXiEq.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiEqModels/basicXiSubXiEq/basicXiSubXiEq.H
@@ -29,6 +29,33 @@ Description
     Basic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinking enhancement factor model.
     Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06.
+    Sub-grid flame area generation
+    \f$ n = N - \hat{\dwea{\vec{U}}}.n_{s}.\hat{\dwea{\vec{U}}} \f$
+    \f$ n_{r} = \sqrt{n} \f$
+    where:
+          \f$  \hat{\dwea{\vec{U}}} = \dwea{\vec{U}} / \vert \dwea{\vec{U}}
+          \vert \f$
+          \f$ b = \hat{\dwea{\vec{U}}}.B.\hat{\dwea{\vec{U}}} / n_{r} \f$
+    where
+        \f$ B \f$ is the file "B".
+        \f$ N \f$ is the file "N".
+        \f$  n_{s} \f$ is the file "ns".
+    The flame area enhancement factor \f$ \Xi_{sub} \f$ is expected to
+    approach:
+    \f[  \Xi_{{sub}_{eq}} = 1 + max(2.2 \sqrt{b}, min(0.34 \frac{\vert \dwea{\vec{U}}
+    \vert}{{\vec{U}}^{'}}, 1.6)) \times min(\frac{n}{4}, 1) \f]
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiGModels/basicXiSubG/basicXiSubG.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiGModels/basicXiSubG/basicXiSubG.H
index 01a6d7cb11c..a455fd28b49 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiGModels/basicXiSubG/basicXiSubG.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/XiGModels/basicXiSubG/basicXiSubG.H
@@ -25,10 +25,28 @@ License
     Basic sub-grid obstacle flame-wrinking generation rate coefficient model.
     Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06.
+    \f$ G_{sub} \f$ denotes the generation coefficient and it is given by
+    \f[
+        G_{sub} = k_{1} /frac{\vert \dwea{\vec{U}} \vert}{L_{obs}}
+                 \frac{/Xi_{{sub}_{eq}}-1}{/Xi_{sub}}
+    \f]
+    and the removal:
+    \f[ - k_{1} /frac{\vert \dwea{\vec{U}} \vert}{L_{sub}}
+    \frac{\Xi_{sub}-1}{\Xi_{sub}} \f]
+    Finally, \f$ G_{sub} \f$ is added to generation rate \f$ G_{in} \f$
+    due to the turbulence.
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/dragModels/basic/basic.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/dragModels/basic/basic.H
index ceb75ff827c..145a24c21aa 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/dragModels/basic/basic.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRModels/dragModels/basic/basic.H
@@ -29,6 +29,45 @@ Description
     Basic sub-grid obstacle drag model.
     Details supplied by J Puttock 2/7/06.
+	Sub-grid drag term
+    The resistance term (force per unit of volume) is given by:
+	\f[
+     R = -\frac{1}{2} \rho \vert \dwea{\vec{U}} \vert \dwea{\vec{U}}.D
+    \f]
+    where:
+		 \f$ D \f$ is the tensor field "CR" in \f$ m^{-1} \f$
+	This is term is treated implicitly in UEqn.H
+	Sub-grid turbulence generation
+	The turbulence source term \f$ G_{R} \f$ occurring in the
+	\f$ \kappa-\epsilon \f$ equations for the generation of turbulence due to interaction with unresolved obstacles :
+	\f$	G_{R} = C_{s}\beta_{\nu} \mu_{eff} A_{w}^{2}(\dwea{\vec{U}}-\dwea{\vec{U}_{s}})^2 + \frac{1}{2}
+	\rho \vert \dwea{\vec{U}} \vert \dwea{\vec{U}}.T.\dwea{\vec{U}}  \f$
+	where:
+		  \f$ C_{s} \f$ = 1
+          \f$ \beta_{\nu} \f$ is the volume porosity (file "betav").
+          \f$ \mu_{eff} \f$ is the effective viscosity.
+          \f$ A_{w}^{2}\f$ is the obstacle surface area per unit of volume (file "Aw").
+		  \f$ \dwea{\vec{U}_{s}} \f$ is the slip velocity and is considered \f$ \frac{1}{2}. \dwea{\vec{U}} \f$.
+		  \f$ T \f$ is a tensor in the file CT.
+	The term \f$ G_{R} \f$ is treated explicitly in the \f$ \kappa-\epsilon \f$ Eqs in the	PDRkEpsilon.C file.
@@ -40,7 +79,6 @@ SourceFiles
 #include "PDRDragModel.H"
 #include "XiEqModel.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/XiModels/XiModel/XiModel.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/XiModels/XiModel/XiModel.H
index 13fa58a53ee..1680f26e09a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/XiModels/XiModel/XiModel.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/XiModels/XiModel/XiModel.H
@@ -27,6 +27,53 @@ Class
     Base-class for all Xi models used by the b-Xi combustion model.
+    See Technical Report SH/RE/01R for details on the PDR modelling.
+    Xi is given through an algebraic expression (algebraic.H), by solving a transport equation (transport.H) or a fixed value (fixed.H). See report
+    TR/HGW/10 for details on the Weller two equations model.
+    In the algebraic and transport methods \f$\Xi_{eq}\f$ is calculated in
+    similar way. In the algebraic approach, \f$\Xi_{eq}\f$ is the value used in
+    the \f$ b \f$ transport equation.
+    \f$\Xi_{eq}\f$ is calculated as follows:
+    \f$\Xi_{eq} = 1 + (1 + 2\Xi_{coeff}(0.5 - \dwea{b}))(\Xi^* - 1)\f$
+    where:
+        \f$ \dwea{b} \f$ is the regress variable.
+        \f$ \Xi^* \f$ is the total equilibrium wrinkling combining the effects
+        of the flame inestability and turbulence interaction and is given by
+        \f[
+            \Xi^* = \frac {R}{R - G_\eta - G_{in}}
+        \f]
+    where:
+        \f$ G_\eta \f$ is the generation rate of wrinkling due to turbulence interaction.
+        \f$ G_{in} = \kappa \rho_{u}/\rho_{b} \f$ is the generation
+         rate due to the flame inestability.
+    By adding the removal rates of the two effects:
+        \f[
+            R = G_\eta \frac{\Xi_{\eta_{eq}}}{\Xi_{\eta_{eq}} - 1}
+              + G_{in} \frac{\Xi_{{in}_{eq}}}{\Xi_{{in}_{eq}} - 1}
+        \f]
+    where:
+        \f$ R \f$ is the total removal.
+        \f$ G_\eta \f$ is a model constant.
+        \f$ \Xi_{\eta_{eq}} \f$ is the flame wrinkling due to turbulence.
+        \f$ \Xi_{{in}_{eq}} \f$ is the equilibrium level of the flame wrinkling generated by inestability. It is a constant (default 2.5).
@@ -51,6 +98,8 @@ namespace Foam
                           Class XiModel Declaration
 class XiModel
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/laminarFlameSpeed/SCOPE/SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/laminarFlameSpeed/SCOPE/SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H
index e837fefa8bf..430126b123a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/laminarFlameSpeed/SCOPE/SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/laminarFlameSpeed/SCOPE/SCOPELaminarFlameSpeed.H
@@ -28,6 +28,25 @@ Class
     Laminar flame speed obtained from the SCOPE correlation.
+    Seven parameters are specified in terms of polynomial functions of stoichiometry. Two polynomials are fitted, covering different parts of the flammable range. If the mixture is outside the fitted range, linear interpolation is used between the extreme of the polynomio and the upper or lower flammable limit with the Markstein number constant.
+    Variations of pressure  and temperature from the reference values are taken into account through \f$ pexp \f$ and \f$ texp \f$
+    The laminar burning velocity fitting polynomio is:
+    \f$ Su = a_{0}(1+a_{1}x+K+..a_{i}x^{i}..+a_{6}x^{6}) (p/p_{ref})^{pexp} (T/T_{ref})^{texp} \f$
+    where:
+          \f$ a_{i} \f$ are the polinomial coefficients.
+          \f$ pexp \f$ and \f$ texp \f$ are the pressure and temperature factors respectively.
+          \f$ x \f$ is the equivalence ratio.
+          \f$ T_{ref} \f$ and \f$ p_{ref} \f$ are the temperature and pressure references for the laminar burning  velocity.
@@ -125,7 +144,7 @@ class SCOPE
         //  corrected for temperature and pressure dependence
         inline scalar Su0pTphi(scalar p, scalar Tu, scalar phi) const;
-        //- Laminar flame speed evaluated from the given uniform 
+        //- Laminar flame speed evaluated from the given uniform
         //  equivalence ratio corrected for temperature and pressure dependence
         tmp<volScalarField> Su0pTphi
@@ -134,7 +153,7 @@ class SCOPE
             scalar phi
         ) const;
-        //- Laminar flame speed evaluated from the given equivalence ratio 
+        //- Laminar flame speed evaluated from the given equivalence ratio
         //  distribution corrected for temperature and pressure dependence
         tmp<volScalarField> Su0pTphi
@@ -144,7 +163,7 @@ class SCOPE
         ) const;
         //- Return the Markstein number
-        //  evaluated from the given equivalence ratio 
+        //  evaluated from the given equivalence ratio
         tmp<volScalarField> Ma(const volScalarField& phi) const;
         //- Construct as copy (not implemented)
diff --git a/bin/doxyFilt b/bin/doxyFilt
index e2f8ee0a1e6..c08851c53e9 100755
--- a/bin/doxyFilt
+++ b/bin/doxyFilt
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ then
    */applications/solvers/*.C | */applications/utilities/*.C )
-   */applications/solvers/*.H | */applications/utilities/*.H )
-      awkScript=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/doxyFilt-ignore.awk
-      ;;
+#   */applications/solvers/*.H | */applications/utilities/*.H )
+#      awkScript=$WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/doxyFilt-ignore.awk
+#      ;;
    awk -f $awkScript $1 | \
diff --git a/doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile b/doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
index f5ab1204243..5b459b53708 100644
--- a/doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
+++ b/doc/Doxygen/Doxyfile
@@ -14,6 +14,16 @@
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 # This tag specifies the encoding used for all characters in the config file that
 # follow. The default is UTF-8 which is also the encoding used for all text before
 # the first occurrence of this tag. Doxygen uses libiconv (or the iconv built into
@@ -477,9 +487,14 @@ WARN_LOGFILE           =
 # directories like "/usr/src/myproject". Separate the files or directories
 # with spaces.
-INPUT                  = $(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/src \
-                         $(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/applications/utilities \
-                         $(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/applications/solvers
+INPUT              = $(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam
+#$(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/applications/solvers/combustion \
+#$(WM_PROJECT_DIR)/applications/utilities \
 # This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files that
 # doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding, which is also the default
@@ -536,7 +551,9 @@ EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS        =
 # directories that contain example code fragments that are included (see
 # the \include command).
-EXAMPLE_PATH           =
+EXAMPLE_PATH           = $(TEXINPUTS) \
+ 						 $(BIBINPUTS) \
+						 $(BSTINPUTS)
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 # EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp
@@ -824,7 +841,8 @@ PAPER_TYPE             = a4wide
 # The EXTRA_PACKAGES tag can be to specify one or more names of LaTeX
 # packages that should be included in the LaTeX output.
+EXTRA_PACKAGES         = conditionalEqns finiteVolume algorithmic tensorCommon \
+						 tensorOperator tensorEquation 
 # The LATEX_HEADER tag can be used to specify a personal LaTeX header for
 # the generated latex document. The header should contain everything until