From b312f0ba4024d3935fa09dedbfbb693781c91049 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Olesen <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 15:46:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: documentation and input simplification for

 .../extractionMethod/extractFromFile.H        |  11 +-
 .../extractionMethod/extractFromNone.C        |   7 +-
 .../extractionMethod/extractFromNone.H        |   9 +-
 .../extractionMethod/extractFromSurface.H     |  13 +-
 .../surfaceFeaturesExtraction.C               |  12 +-
 .../surfaceFeaturesExtraction.H               |   9 +-
 .../surfaceFeatureExtract.C                   | 271 ++++++++++++++----
 .../surfaceFeatureExtractDict                 | 163 ++++-------
 8 files changed, 290 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromFile.H b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromFile.H
index 83853fab2de..8cd5cf4a97d 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromFile.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromFile.H
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Class
     Run-time selectable surface feature extraction.
+    Selectable as "extractFromFile".
     Mandatory dictionary entries: "featureEdgeFile".
     Optional dictionary entries: "geometricTestOnly".
@@ -60,17 +61,13 @@ class extractFromFile
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct from dictionary
-        extractFromFile(const dictionary& dict);
+    //- Construct from dictionary
+    extractFromFile(const dictionary& dict);
     //- Destructor
     virtual ~extractFromFile();
-    //- Extracted features from surface
+    //- Features loaded (extracted) from featureEdgeFile
     virtual autoPtr<surfaceFeatures> features
         const triSurface& surf
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.C b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.C
index c49db760a98..45061472c46 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.C
@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ Foam::surfaceFeaturesExtraction::extractFromNone::extractFromNone
-    const dictionary& coeffDict = dict.optionalSubDict("noneCoeffs");
+    // A "noneCoeffs" sub-dictionary doesn't make much sense.
-    coeffDict.readIfPresent("includedAngle", includedAngle_);
-    coeffDict.readIfPresent("geometricTestOnly", geometricTestOnly_);
+    dict.readIfPresent("includedAngle", includedAngle_);
+    dict.readIfPresent("geometricTestOnly", geometricTestOnly_);
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ Foam::surfaceFeaturesExtraction::extractFromNone::~extractFromNone()
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.H b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.H
index 9f9b94410f4..9cc9ebae601 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromNone.H
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Description
     Run-time selectable surface feature extraction - no extraction.
     Primarily useful with self-intersection methods.
+    Selectable as "none".
     Optional dictionary entries: "includedAngle", "geometricTestOnly".
@@ -58,16 +59,12 @@ class extractFromNone
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct from dictionary
-        extractFromNone(const dictionary& dict);
+    //- Construct from dictionary
+    extractFromNone(const dictionary& dict);
     //- Destructor
     virtual ~extractFromNone();
     //- Extracted features from surface (no-op)
     virtual autoPtr<surfaceFeatures> features
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromSurface.H b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromSurface.H
index 3ad3412819a..83c2888d02f 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromSurface.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/extractFromSurface.H
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ Class
     Run-time selectable surface feature extraction - extract from surface.
+    Selectable as "extractFromSurface".
     Mandatory dictionary entries: "includedAngle".
     Optional dictionary entries: "geometricTestOnly".
@@ -57,23 +59,18 @@ class extractFromSurface
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct from dictionary
-        extractFromSurface(const dictionary& dict);
+    //- Construct from dictionary
+    extractFromSurface(const dictionary& dict);
     //- Destructor
     virtual ~extractFromSurface();
-    //- Extracted features from surface
+    //- Features extracted from surface
     virtual autoPtr<surfaceFeatures> features
         const triSurface& surf
     ) const override;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.C b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.C
index 28bd8f092d7..2108e73a9df 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           |  Copyright (C) 2017 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2017 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -70,22 +70,20 @@ Foam::surfaceFeaturesExtraction::method::New
     const word methodName = dict.lookup("extractionMethod");
-    dictionaryConstructorTable::iterator cstrIter =
-        dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->find(methodName);
+    auto cstrIter = dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->cfind(methodName);
     if (!cstrIter.found())
-        )   << "Unknown extractionMethod "
-            << methodName << nl << nl
-            << "Valid extraction methods: :" << nl
+        )   << "Unknown extractionMethod " << methodName << nl << nl
+            << "Valid extraction methods:" << nl
             << flatOutput(dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->sortedToc())
             << exit(FatalIOError);
-    return autoPtr<method>(cstrIter()(dict));
+    return autoPtr<method>(cstrIter.object()(dict));
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.H b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.H
index 6f9482144fe..71c5ba5bc5a 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/extractionMethod/surfaceFeaturesExtraction.H
@@ -21,11 +21,17 @@ License
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
+    Foam::surfaceFeaturesExtraction
+    Namespace for run-time selectable surface feature extraction methods.
-    Run-time selectable surface feature extraction methods.
+    Abstract base for run-time selectable surface feature extraction methods.
@@ -123,7 +129,6 @@ public:
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 } // End namespace surfaceFeaturesExtraction
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtract.C b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtract.C
index 7cd22735a72..bcf8358a105 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtract.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtract.C
@@ -31,6 +31,153 @@ Description
     Extracts and writes surface features to file. All but the basic feature
     extraction is a work-in-progress.
+    The extraction process is driven by the \a system/surfaceFeatureExtractDict
+    dictionary, but the \a -dict option can be used to define an alternative
+    location.
+    The \a system/surfaceFeatureExtractDict dictionary contains entries
+    for each extraction process.
+    The name of the individual dictionary is used to load the input surface
+    (found under \a constant/triSurface) and also as the basename for the
+    output.
+    If the \c surfaces entry is present in a sub-dictionary, it has absolute
+    precedence over a surface name deduced from the dictionary name.
+    If the dictionary name itself does not have an extension, the \c surfaces
+    entry becomes mandatory since in this case the dictionary name cannot
+    represent an input surface file (ie, there is no file extension).
+    The \c surfaces entry is a wordRe list, which allows loading and
+    combining of multiple surfaces. Any exactly specified surface names must
+    exist, but surfaces selected via regular expressions need not exist.
+    The selection mechanism preserves order and is without duplicates.
+    For example,
+    \verbatim
+    dictName
+    {
+        surfaces    (surface1.stl "other.*" othersurf.obj);
+        ...
+    }
+    \endverbatim
+    When loading surfaces, the points/faces/regions of each surface are
+    normally offset to create an aggregated surface. No merging of points
+    or faces is done. The optional entry \c loadingOption can be used to
+    adjust the treatment of the regions when loading single or multiple files,
+    with selections according to the Foam::triSurfaceLoader::loadingOption
+    enumeration.
+    \verbatim
+    dictName
+    {
+        // Optional treatment of surface regions when loading
+        // (single, file, offset, merge)
+        loadingOption   file;
+        ...
+    }
+    \endverbatim
+    The \c loadingOption is primarily used in combination with the
+    \c intersectionMethod (specifically its \c region option).
+    The default \c loadingOption is normally \c offset,
+    but this changes to \c file if the \c intersectionMethod
+    \c region is being used.
+    Once surfaces have been loaded, the first stage is to extract
+    features according to the specified \c extractionMethod with values
+    as per the following table:
+    \table
+        extractionMethod   | Description
+        none               | No feature extraction
+        extractFromFile    | Load features from the file named in featureEdgeFile
+        extractFromSurface | Extract features from surface geometry
+    \endtable
+    There are a few entries that influence the extraction behaviour:
+    \verbatim
+        // File to use for extractFromFile input
+        featureEdgeFile     "FileName"
+        // Mark edges whose adjacent surface normals are at an angle less
+        // than includedAngle as features
+        // - 0  : selects no edges
+        // - 180: selects all edges
+        includedAngle       120;
+        // Do not mark region edges
+        geometricTestOnly   yes;
+    \endverbatim
+    This initial set of edges can be trimmed:
+    \verbatim
+        trimFeatures
+        {
+            // Remove features with fewer than the specified number of edges
+            minElem         0;
+            // Remove features shorter than the specified cumulative length
+            minLen          0.0;
+        }
+    \endverbatim
+    and subsetted
+    \verbatim
+    subsetFeatures
+    {
+        // Use a plane to select feature edges (normal)(basePoint)
+        // Only keep edges that intersect the plane
+        plane           (1 0 0)(0 0 0);
+        // Select feature edges using a box // (minPt)(maxPt)
+        // Only keep edges inside the box:
+        insideBox       (0 0 0)(1 1 1);
+        // Only keep edges outside the box:
+        outsideBox      (0 0 0)(1 1 1);
+        // Keep nonManifold edges (edges with >2 connected faces where
+        // the faces form more than two different normal planes)
+        nonManifoldEdges yes;
+        // Keep open edges (edges with 1 connected face)
+        openEdges       yes;
+    }
+    \endverbatim
+    Subsequently, additional features can be added from another file:
+    \verbatim
+        addFeatures
+        {
+            // Add (without merging) another extendedFeatureEdgeMesh
+            name        axZ.extendedFeatureEdgeMesh;
+        }
+    \endverbatim
+    The intersectionMethod provides a final means of adding additional
+    features. These are loosely termed "self-intersection", since it
+    detects the face/face intersections of the loaded surface or surfaces.
+    \table
+        intersectionMethod | Description
+        none    | Do nothing
+        self    | All face/face intersections
+        region  | Limit face/face intersections to those between different regions.
+    \endtable
+    The optional \c tolerance tuning parameter is available for handling
+    the face/face intersections, but should normally not be touched.
+    As well as the normal extendedFeatureEdgeMesh written,
+    other items can be selected with boolean switches:
+    \table
+        Output option | Description
+        closeness | Output the closeness of surface elements to other surface elements.
+        curvature | Output surface curvature
+        featureProximity | Output the proximity of feature points and edges to another
+        writeObj  | Write features to OBJ format for postprocessing
+        writeVTK  | Write closeness/curvature/proximity fields as VTK for postprocessing
+    \endtable
+   Although surfaceFeatureExtract can do many things, there are still a fair
+   number of corner cases where it may not produce the desired result.
 #include "argList.H"
@@ -60,16 +207,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        "extract and write surface features to file"
+        "Extract and write surface features to file"
-    #include "addDictOption.H"
+    argList::addOption
+    (
+        "dict",
+        "file",
+        "read surfaceFeatureExtractDict from specified location"
+    );
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Note: "
+        << "Feature line extraction only valid on closed manifold surfaces"
+        << nl << nl;
     const word dictName("surfaceFeatureExtractDict");
     #include "setSystemRunTimeDictionaryIO.H"
@@ -82,44 +239,58 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     // Where to write VTK output files
     const fileName vtkOutputDir = runTime.constantPath()/"triSurface";
-    forAllConstIter(dictionary, dict, iter)
+    forAllConstIters(dict, iter)
-        const word& dictName = iter().keyword();
-        if (!iter().isDict())
+        if (!iter().isDict() || iter().keyword().isPattern())
         const dictionary& surfaceDict = iter().dict();
         if (!surfaceDict.found("extractionMethod"))
+            // Insist on an extractionMethod
+        // The output name based in dictionary name (without extensions)
+        const word& dictName = iter().keyword();
+        const word outputName = dictName.lessExt();
         autoPtr<surfaceFeaturesExtraction::method> extractor =
-        // The output name, cleansed of extensions
-        // Optional "output" entry, or the dictionary name.
-        const word outputName =
-            fileName
+        // We don't needs the intersectionMethod yet, but can use it
+        // for setting a reasonable loading option
+        const surfaceIntersection::intersectionType selfIntersect =
+            surfaceIntersection::selfIntersectionNames.lookupOrDefault
-                surfaceDict.lookupOrDefault<word>("output", dictName)
-            ).lessExt();
-        // The "surfaces" entry is normally optional, but if the sub-dictionary
-        // is itself called "surfaces", then this becomes mandatory.
-        // This provides a simple means of handling both situations without an
-        // additional switch.
-        if
+                "intersectionMethod",
+                surfaceDict,
+                surfaceIntersection::NONE
+            );
+        const Switch writeObj = surfaceDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>
-            dictName == "surfaces"  // mandatory
-         || surfaceDict.found("surfaces")   // or optional
-        )
+            "writeObj",
+            Switch::OFF
+        );
+        const Switch writeVTK = surfaceDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>
+        (
+            "writeVTK",
+            Switch::OFF
+        );
+        // The "surfaces" entry is normally optional, but make it mandatory
+        // if the dictionary name doesn't have an extension
+        // (ie, probably not a surface filename at all).
+        // If it is missing, this will fail nicely with an appropriate error
+        // message.
+        if (surfaceDict.found("surfaces") || !dictName.hasExt())
@@ -128,39 +299,45 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+        // DebugVar(loader.available());
+        // DebugVar(outputName);
         if (loader.selected().empty())
                 << "No surfaces specified/found for entry: "
                 << dictName << exit(FatalError);
-        // DebugVar(loader.available());
-        // DebugVar(outputName);
-        Info<< "Surfaces           : ";
+        Info<< "Surfaces     : ";
         if (loader.selected().size() == 1)
-            Info<< loader.selected()[0] << nl;
+            Info<< loader.selected().first() << nl;
             Info<< flatOutput(loader.selected()) << nl;
-        Info<< "Output             : " << outputName << nl;
+        Info<< "Output       : " << outputName << nl;
+        // Loading option - default depends on context
         triSurfaceLoader::loadingOption loadingOption =
-                triSurfaceLoader::loadingOption::OFFSET_REGION
+                (
+                    selfIntersect == surfaceIntersection::SELF_REGION
+                  ? triSurfaceLoader::FILE_REGION
+                  : triSurfaceLoader::OFFSET_REGION
+                )
-        Info<<"loading with "
-            << triSurfaceLoader::loadingOptionNames[loadingOption]
-            << endl;
+        Info<<"Load options : "
+            << triSurfaceLoader::loadingOptionNames[loadingOption] << nl
+            << "Write options:"
+            << " writeObj=" << writeObj
+            << " writeVTK=" << writeVTK << nl;
         // Load a single file, or load and combine multiple selected files
         autoPtr<triSurface> surfPtr = loader.load(loadingOption);
@@ -173,25 +350,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         triSurface surf = surfPtr();
-        const Switch writeVTK = surfaceDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>
-        (
-            "writeVTK",
-            Switch::OFF
-        );
-        const Switch writeObj = surfaceDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>
-        (
-            "writeObj",
-            Switch::OFF
-        );
-        Info<< "write VTK: " <<  writeVTK << nl;
-        Info<< "Feature line extraction is only valid on closed manifold "
+        Info<< "NB: Feature line extraction is only valid on closed manifold "
             << "surfaces." << nl;
-        Info<< nl << "Statistics:" << nl;
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Statistics:" << nl;
-        Info<< nl;
         // Need a copy as plain faces if outputting VTK format
         faceList faces;
@@ -403,14 +567,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        const surfaceIntersection::intersectionType selfIntersect =
-            surfaceIntersection::selfIntersectionNames.lookupOrDefault
-            (
-                "intersectionMethod",
-                surfaceDict,
-                surfaceIntersection::NONE
-            );
         if (selfIntersect != surfaceIntersection::NONE)
             triSurfaceSearch query(surf);
@@ -461,7 +617,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        // Write a featureEdgeMesh for backwards compatibility
+        // Write a featureEdgeMesh (.eMesh) for backwards compatibility
+        // Used by snappyHexMesh (JUN-2017)
         if (true)
             featureEdgeMesh bfeMesh
diff --git a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtractDict b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtractDict
index 89f5b9c6b78..176a0e19384 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtractDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/surface/surfaceFeatureExtract/surfaceFeatureExtractDict
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    // How to obtain raw features (none | extractFromFile | extractFromSurface)
+    // Extract raw features (none | extractFromFile | extractFromSurface)
     extractionMethod    extractFromSurface;
     // Mark edges whose adjacent surface normals are at an angle less
@@ -28,37 +28,48 @@ surface1.stl
     // Do not mark region edges
     geometricTestOnly   yes;
-    /* alternative specification as coeff dictionary
-    extractFromSurfaceCoeffs
-    {
-        includedAngle   120;
+    // Generate additional intersection features (none | self | region)
+    intersectionMethod  none;
+    // Tolerance for surface intersections
+    // tolerance           1e-3;
+  // Output options:
+    // Write features to obj format for postprocessing
+    writeObj            yes;
+// Self intersection (single or multiple surfaces).
+// - Use 'surfaces' entry (a wordRe list) if it exists.
+// - If the dictionary name does not have an extension, 'surfaces' is mandatory.
+    extractionMethod    none;
-        geometricTestOnly  yes;
-    } */
+    surfaces            (surface1.stl surface2.nas);
     // Generate additional intersection features (none | self | region)
-    intersectionMethod  none;
+    intersectionMethod  self;
     // Tolerance for surface intersections
-    tolerance           1e-3;
+    // tolerance           1e-3;
-    // Write options
+  // Output options:
-        // Write features to obj format for postprocessing
-        writeObj        yes;
+    // Write features to OBJ format for postprocessing
+    writeObj            yes;
-    // How to obtain raw features (none | extractFromFile | extractFromSurface)
+    // Extract raw features (none | extractFromFile | extractFromSurface)
     extractionMethod    extractFromFile;
-    extractFromFileCoeffs
-    {
-        // Load from an existing feature edge file
-        featureEdgeFile "constant/triSurface/featureEdges.nas";
-    }
+    // Load from an existing feature edge file
+    featureEdgeFile     "constant/triSurface/featureEdges.nas";
@@ -71,16 +82,15 @@ surface2.nas
-        // Use a plane to select feature edges
-        // (normal)(basePoint)
-        // Keep only edges that intersect the plane will be included
+        // Use a plane to select feature edges (normal)(basePoint)
+        // Only keep edges that intersect the plane
         plane           (1 0 0)(0 0 0);
-        // Select feature edges using a box
-        // (minPt)(maxPt)
-        // Keep edges inside the box:
+        // Select feature edges using a box // (minPt)(maxPt)
+        // Only keep edges inside the box:
         insideBox       (0 0 0)(1 1 1);
-        // Keep edges outside the box:
+        // Only keep edges outside the box:
         outsideBox      (0 0 0)(1 1 1);
         // Keep nonManifold edges (edges with >2 connected faces where
@@ -95,110 +105,35 @@ surface2.nas
         // Add (without merging) another extendedFeatureEdgeMesh
         name            axZ.extendedFeatureEdgeMesh;
-        // Optionally flip features (invert all normals, making
-        // convex<->concave etc)
-        //flip                false;
-    // Output the curvature of the surface
-    curvature           no;
-    // Output the proximity of feature points and edges to each other
-    featureProximity    no;
-    // The maximum search distance to use when looking for other feature
-    // points and edges
-    maxFeatureProximity 1;
-    // Out put the closeness of surface elements to other surface elements.
-    closeness           no;
     // Generate additional intersection features (none | self | region)
     intersectionMethod  none;
     // Tolerance for surface intersections
-    tolerance           1e-3;
-    // Write options
-        // Write features to obj format for postprocessing
-        writeObj        yes;
-        // Write surface proximity and curvature fields to vtk format
-        // for postprocessing
-        writeVTK        no;
+    // tolerance           1e-3;
-// Handle single or multiple surfaces
-// - If the dictionary is named 'surfaces', it must also contain a 'surfaces'
-//   entry (wordRe list).
-// - If other dictionaries contain a 'surfaces' entry,
-//   it will be taken for the input.
-    extractionMethod    extractFromSurface;
-    surfaces            (surface1.stl surface2.nas);
+  // Output options:
-    // Base output name (optional)
-    // output              surfaces;
-    // Generate additional intersection features (none | self | region)
-    intersectionMethod  self;
+    // Output the closeness of surface elements to other surface elements.
+    closeness           no;
-    // Tolerance for surface intersections
-    tolerance           1e-3;
+    // Output surface curvature
+    curvature           no;
-    includedAngle       120;
+    // Output the proximity of feature points and edges to another
+    featureProximity    no;
-    // Do not mark region edges
-    geometricTestOnly   yes;
+    // The maximum search distance when checking feature proximity
+    maxFeatureProximity 1;
-    // Write options
+    // Write features to OBJ format for postprocessing
+    writeObj            no;
-        // Write features to obj format for postprocessing
-        writeObj        yes;
+    // Write closeness/curvature/proximity fields as VTK for postprocessing
+    writeVTK            no;
-// Handle single or multiple surfaces
-// - If the dictionary is named 'surfaces', it must also contain a 'surfaces'
-//   entry (wordRe list).
-// - If other dictionaries contain a 'surfaces' entry,
-//   it will be taken for the input.
-    extractionMethod    none;
-    surfaces            (surface1.stl surface2.nas);
-    // Base output name (optional)
-    // output              surfaces;
-    // Generate additional intersection features (none | self | region)
-    intersectionMethod  self;
-    // Tolerance for surface intersections
-    tolerance           1e-3;
-    /* alternative specification as coeff dictionary
-    noneCoeffs
-    {
-        includedAngle   0;
-    } */
-    // Write options
-    // Write features to obj format for postprocessing
-    writeObj        yes;
 // ************************************************************************* //