diff --git a/ReleaseNotes-dev b/ReleaseNotes-dev
index fa80518f35e59472fa16cce644746a880fc0404c..9ba620e2dc61d54cfad656133f30f87b088f687d 100644
--- a/ReleaseNotes-dev
+++ b/ReleaseNotes-dev
@@ -120,6 +120,8 @@
     + reuses tracking state in interpolation - improves consistency and speed
 *** *Updated* split cyclics into two separate patches.
     See [[./doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt]]
+  * *New* cyclics (and all coupled patches) have optional
+    matchTolerance entry to allow looser area matching tolerance.
   * *Updated* interpolation (volPointInterpolation) now works without the
     globalPointPatch. Moving mesh cases can now be run non-parallel and
     continued in parallel and reconstructed without any limitation.
@@ -312,8 +314,3 @@
 * Other
   + compilable with =clang=
     In your prefs.sh set the WM_COMPILER to Clang
-  + dlclose error: upon exit of e.g. paraFoam you can get the error
-    Inconsistency detected by ld.so: dl-close.c: 731: _dl_close: Assertion
-    `map->l_init_called' failed!
-    This seems to happen with a mix of system libraries and a thirdParty
-    compiler.
diff --git a/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/createFields.H
index 36fc513e020c5e795f7cb38106cfdff97aa80f3c..6c1bb42929f735ff76ef1cde36455aec48255ff9 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/createFields.H
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
-#   include "createPhi.H"
+    #include "createPhi.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/dnsFoam.C b/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/dnsFoam.C
index d3f1da2d99ff5a743499cc1544b23ba13ffc4512..befa5e965523baec8d99ede08a2c602cf4e3bcd1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/dnsFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/DNS/dnsFoam/dnsFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -110,7 +110,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         if (runTime.outputTime())
-            calcEk(U, K).write(runTime.timePath()/"Ek", runTime.graphFormat());
+            calcEk(U, K).write
+            (
+                runTime.path()/"graphs"/runTime.timeName(),
+                "Ek",
+                runTime.graphFormat()
+            );
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam/laplacianFoam.C b/applications/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam/laplacianFoam.C
index b498db2d9724944e33f5dcb69a30ef4e4be9c6e1..e2efee8f4586e147ed4d74cb4ec4d130260c87d1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam/laplacianFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/basic/laplacianFoam/laplacianFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -41,17 +42,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nCalculating temperature distribution\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/basic/scalarTransportFoam/scalarTransportFoam.C b/applications/solvers/basic/scalarTransportFoam/scalarTransportFoam.C
index ce5580d50bf50e7eb09adf91b4d176dcd0cf165f..3c0c0f3b14df2f5da120f34648723ab68eef78fc 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/basic/scalarTransportFoam/scalarTransportFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/basic/scalarTransportFoam/scalarTransportFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -30,32 +30,30 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    #include "setRootCase.H"
+    #include "createTime.H"
+    #include "createMesh.H"
+    #include "createFields.H"
-#   include "setRootCase.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
-#   include "createTime.H"
-#   include "createMesh.H"
-#   include "createFields.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nCalculating scalar transport\n" << endl;
-#   include "CourantNo.H"
+    #include "CourantNo.H"
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-#       include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRFoam.C
index 2f11a8db1ac8ba5cf83e0bce16176ea7fff2c600..3c4da27187bf089e0a534ab4738b3d0d8dc05941 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/PDRFoam.C
@@ -53,6 +53,18 @@ Description
     PDR (porosity/distributed resistance) modelling is included to handle
     regions containing blockages which cannot be resolved by the mesh.
+    The fields used by this solver are:
+    betav:  Volume porosity
+    Lobs:   Average diameter of obstacle in cell (m)
+    Aw:     Obstacle surface area per unit volume (1/m)
+    CR:     Drag tensor (1/m)
+    CT:     Turbulence generation parameter (1/m)
+    Nv:     Number of obstacles in cell per unit volume (m^-2)
+    nsv:    Tensor whose diagonal indicates the number to substract from
+            Nv to get the number of obstacles crossing the flow in each
+            direction.
 #include "fvCFD.H"
@@ -64,6 +76,7 @@ Description
 #include "ignition.H"
 #include "Switch.H"
 #include "bound.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -81,6 +94,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     scalar StCoNum = 0.0;
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -90,7 +105,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -98,26 +112,34 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "\n\nTime = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "bEqn.H"
-            #include "ftEqn.H"
-            #include "huEqn.H"
-            #include "hEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
-            if (!ign.ignited())
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
-                hu == h;
+                #include "bEqn.H"
+                #include "ftEqn.H"
+                #include "huEqn.H"
+                #include "hEqn.H"
+                if (!ign.ignited())
+                {
+                    hu == h;
+                }
+                #include "pEqn.H"
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "\nExecutionTime = "
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/UEqn.H
index deb00a312108fea2b9f9f5414452415e06910f76..70912c7cfae08052593d297d0bdf6d7e19f396d6 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
     volSymmTensorField invA(inv(I*UEqn.A() + drag->Dcu()));
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         U = invA & (UEqn.H() - betav*fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/pEqn.H
index 9488e60e728edb19998db71f3a94e211508bdd9b..3c6a6341f9dd55765189db50542f413ce38f6bee 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/PDRFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = invA & UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ if (transonic)
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*invA, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -50,9 +53,12 @@ else
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*invA, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/UEqn.H
index 9697c6e1ed2d0753f9c0803081cc6929050ef446..1e626d75b85f487ec98f31131f0c0370f8d639c1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/XiFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/XiFoam.C
index b551d2dd8b53f82afd8bacd2f3b21bc90f9d36a3..fc3658269a2671f771a84b05e3717121541250e3 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/XiFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/XiFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Description
 #include "laminarFlameSpeed.H"
 #include "ignition.H"
 #include "Switch.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -72,6 +73,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -79,17 +82,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
+        #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr; oCorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "rhoEqn.H"
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "ftEqn.H"
@@ -103,12 +106,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
         rho = thermo.rho();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/pEqn.H
index 4168eb0e3461f9e5c15868dfaed51eb954b25ff0..bef433d388f709f892ba72b5248951353f7702fd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/XiFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ if (transonic)
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -50,9 +53,12 @@ else
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/coldEngineFoam/coldEngineFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/coldEngineFoam/coldEngineFoam.C
index 89cc360d9f3bd80f33460dcd962990d22be50ef7..bb1f3f201820e06898a7958526ef91304ffa1c0e 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/coldEngineFoam/coldEngineFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/coldEngineFoam/coldEngineFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "basicPsiThermo.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "OFstream.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -51,13 +52,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
     #include "startSummary.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readEngineTimeControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -71,17 +73,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "hEqn.H"
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "hEqn.H"
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         #include "logSummary.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/UEqn.H
index 47912e8dd5198a81b23a004a79ec5d2342ae1831..c6caf5989c765318cae79507c8c44845f05e1fc4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
       + dieselSpray.momentumSource()
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/dieselEngineFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/dieselEngineFoam.C
index 92bd3ba1f6fe028d2cef894f4b516dfff83dcbbe..94ab9289994012cf5e2a769e94826aecaf59c5b7 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/dieselEngineFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/dieselEngineFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Description
 #include "volPointInterpolation.H"
 #include "thermoPhysicsTypes.H"
 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -61,13 +62,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
     #include "startSummary.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readEngineTimeControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -77,10 +79,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Crank angle = " << runTime.theta() << " CA-deg" << endl;
-        const_cast<volPointInterpolation&>
-        (
-            volPointInterpolation::New(mesh)
-        ).updateMesh();
@@ -106,22 +104,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        for (label ocorr=1; ocorr <= nOuterCorr; ocorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
+            #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         #include "logSummary.H"
         #include "spraySummary.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/pEqn.H
index 049db9d2501c775d23ec5955d6246381df9e617b..42228cc7b0e000192884340a7740b83b34f19522 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselEngineFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField A(UEqn.A());
 U = UEqn.H()/A;
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ if (transonic)
        *((fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf()) - fvc::meshPhi(rho, U))
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ if (transonic)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ else
     phi = fvc::interpolate(rho)
          *((fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf()) - fvc::meshPhi(rho, U));
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -47,9 +50,12 @@ else
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/dieselFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/dieselFoam.C
index c5ea609ed7a3cbe13134ccf9fd7d864ab82238b4..7fd74102476c6aab20528e167dfc4ec0b152d2db 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/dieselFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/dieselFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Description
 #include "OFstream.H"
 #include "Switch.H"
 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -58,13 +59,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -98,21 +100,25 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        for (label ocorr=1; ocorr <= nOuterCorr; ocorr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
+            #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         #include "spraySummary.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/pEqn.H
index cb9f95c03f46c60b7a992dc01d9bb11ce1d0762e..5c4bd5ddf632231744a976b76ba40a92b32f022c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/dieselFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -26,9 +26,12 @@ if (transonic)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -54,9 +57,12 @@ else
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/UEqn.H
index 64dd52b1b0afbbf85882edd8431528f6b17c7a36..eff9e1a5d288a5ffde71f0d800bba9dc80095784 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
       + turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/engineFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/engineFoam.C
index 4fedd9b92cefe16d2acc4ed8e9a913a2989e5a59..b92da02651769de96f17ebbebd16093536bc4317 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/engineFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/engineFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ Description
 #include "Switch.H"
 #include "OFstream.H"
 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -75,13 +76,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
     #include "startSummary.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readEngineTimeControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -94,11 +96,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
+            #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "ftEqn.H"
             #include "bEqn.H"
             #include "huEqn.H"
@@ -109,10 +111,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                 hu == h;
-            #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         #include "logSummary.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/pEqn.H
index 78a90c2357dbad0058e03228d2b35584efa0313e..1b75a933981097bd18a08945374f155caf667d2a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/engineFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -12,18 +12,21 @@ if (transonic)
        *((fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf()) - fvc::meshPhi(rho, U))
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
             fvm::ddt(psi, p)
-          + fvm::div(phid, p, "div(phid,p)")
+          + fvm::div(phid, p)
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ else
     phi = fvc::interpolate(rho)
          *((fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf()) - fvc::meshPhi(rho, U));
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -43,9 +46,12 @@ else
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/fireFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/fireFoam.C
index c4b7be29fc0810f88ccd4c429e24a515207af572..a517eccde11383f0a6f4215df73f821917d55405 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/fireFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/fireFoam.C
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "combustionModel.H"
 #include "radiationModel.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -51,13 +51,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -68,12 +69,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
@@ -81,13 +77,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "fuhsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         rho = thermo.rho();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/pEqn.H
index 74b3cdc958e2967e86fac5575a320e609b3742fc..6813950e19e9f2aaa48e3dc90e138fe3688350a5 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/fireFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ surfaceScalarField phiU
 phi = phiU - rhorAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*mesh.magSf();
-for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
     surfaceScalarField rhorAUf(fvc::interpolate(rho*rAU));
@@ -28,20 +28,10 @@ for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-        mesh.solver
-        (
-            p_rgh.select
-            (
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
-        )
+        mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
         phi += p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/UEqn.H
index 9697c6e1ed2d0753f9c0803081cc6929050ef446..1e626d75b85f487ec98f31131f0c0370f8d639c1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/chemistry.H
index 3a36aaac520a9bf63fd20c6b0373ae7e4751a61f..99f418af6f10ac69b44d08fc2271e2dd79c73fc4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/chemistry.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/chemistry.H
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+if (chemistry.chemistry())
     Info<< "Solving chemistry" << endl;
@@ -10,17 +11,29 @@
     // turbulent time scale
     if (turbulentReaction)
-        volScalarField tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        volScalarField tc
-        (
-            chemistry.tc()
-        );
+        tmp<volScalarField> tepsilon(turbulence->epsilon());
+        const volScalarField& epsilon = tepsilon();
+        tmp<volScalarField> tmuEff(turbulence->muEff());
+        const volScalarField& muEff = tmuEff();
+        tmp<volScalarField> ttc(chemistry.tc());
+        const volScalarField& tc = ttc();
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
+        forAll(epsilon, i)
+        {
+            if (epsilon[i] > 0)
+            {
+                // Chalmers PaSR model
+                scalar tk = Cmix.value()*Foam::sqrt(muEff[i]/rho[i]/epsilon[i]);
+                kappa[i] =
+                    (runTime.deltaTValue() + tc[i])
+                   /(runTime.deltaTValue() + tc[i] + tk);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // Return to laminar combustion
+                kappa[i] = 1.0;
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/pEqn.H
index 4168eb0e3461f9e5c15868dfaed51eb954b25ff0..bef433d388f709f892ba72b5248951353f7702fd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ if (transonic)
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -50,9 +53,12 @@ else
           - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        pEqn.solve();
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/reactingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/reactingFoam.C
index 42fe69390a1d4f081c985a95579dbaca06ba0eb5..ca156c3f7f305814548a1cfe97c372f9a3b0da92 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/reactingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/reactingFoam/reactingFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "psiChemistryModel.H"
 #include "chemistrySolver.H"
 #include "multivariateScheme.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -58,7 +61,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -68,20 +70,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "chemistry.H"
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        for (label ocorr=1; ocorr <= nOuterCorr; ocorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         if (runTime.write())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/Make/options
index 6386af8c557fcea5ace76bfe7c203c36ab85cd6e..d6306816fd8174d34268711983ddb53cdb4eb040 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/Make/options
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ EXE_INC = \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/chemistryModel/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude
+    -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
+    -I$(FOAM_SOLVERS)/combustion/reactingFoam
     -lcompressibleTurbulenceModel \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/UEqn.H
index 9697c6e1ed2d0753f9c0803081cc6929050ef446..1e626d75b85f487ec98f31131f0c0370f8d639c1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/chemistry.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 841b434a7176d259a77f9d6f756bd1834af773a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/chemistry.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Solving chemistry" << endl;
-    chemistry.solve
-    (
-        runTime.value() - runTime.deltaTValue(),
-        runTime.deltaTValue()
-    );
-    // turbulent time scale
-    if (turbulentReaction)
-    {
-        volScalarField tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        volScalarField tc(chemistry.tc());
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kappa = 1.0;
-    }
-    chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/pEqn.H
index 21f5ec080bed99df90f85c70c54fde6d79cc381c..724f45e18941daefd039fe397d1dcffcd8ef05a3 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
     U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-    if (transonic)
+    if (pimple.transonic())
         surfaceScalarField phiv
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
           + correction(fvm::ddt(psi, p) + fvm::div(phid, p))
-        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
             fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -40,20 +40,10 @@
-                mesh.solver
-                (
-                    p.select
-                    (
-                        (
-                            pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                         && corr == nCorr-1
-                         && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                        )
-                    )
-                )
+                mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-            if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+            if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
                 phi += pEqn.flux();
@@ -74,7 +64,7 @@
           + fvc::div(phi)
-        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+        for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
             fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -84,20 +74,10 @@
-                mesh.solver
-                (
-                    p.select
-                    (
-                        (
-                            pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                         && corr == nCorr-1
-                         && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                        )
-                    )
-                )
+                mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-            if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+            if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
                 phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/rhoReactingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/rhoReactingFoam.C
index 5181a50b298ea4e173bbe5fc453b71d78847d83d..9c22e63c51188674a5ea8d4ccb608b38e712ec93 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/rhoReactingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/combustion/rhoReactingFoam/rhoReactingFoam.C
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "rhoChemistryModel.H"
 #include "chemistrySolver.H"
 #include "multivariateScheme.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -71,25 +72,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         rho = thermo.rho();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index 27b06029b8841465d8775a4d9f9cba86332b57bc..03bc6e76e71dbb56da9d1771ba74519ce908e183 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ UEqn().relax();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
-if (momentumPredictor)
+if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
     solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 4029b8fc8dddc6c6c09082cb33c106e5a1392fe8..eea0ea9bff880eb5cb957bd33afdd0587edb77a7 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ rho.relax();
 U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-if (nCorr <= 1)
+if (pimple.nCorr() <= 1)
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -33,18 +33,10 @@ if (transonic)
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -59,7 +51,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         // Pressure corrector
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -71,18 +63,10 @@ else
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPimpleFoam.C
index f399ae40cba82c6ff057a82062fa3be34a35bd6e..a5e92c84795d456eff105e3b35ce7516656fedd4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPimpleFoam.C
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Description
 #include "basicPsiThermo.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "bound.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -49,12 +49,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -65,14 +66,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -82,12 +78,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "hEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam.C
index 9bceaa1167a3a3600b94c1dea65fe7ffe0940867..97cc2cc2560ed4f024a1fcf4c590b9ec3d634807 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam.C
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Description
 #include "MRFZones.H"
 #include "porousZones.H"
 #include "fvcSmooth.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 #include "bound.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -50,18 +50,21 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "setInitialrDeltaT.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "createZones.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -74,14 +77,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -93,7 +91,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "hEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
index 6a397be9c299bf5d8803e914319c6e65f5fb85e0..353abc83a34e28557d7dd7e335ecf770405ade60 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 scalar maxDeltaT
-    pimple.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
+    pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
 volScalarField rDeltaT
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setrDeltaT.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setrDeltaT.H
index e854f03d35f180d979fd032fbaf345ef1baa50db..d56283d13f5a0c73157ef4d0209246d86220f13f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setrDeltaT.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/setrDeltaT.H
@@ -1,22 +1,24 @@
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
     scalar maxCo
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxCo", 0.8)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxCo", 0.8)
     scalar rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff", 0.02)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff", 0.02)
     scalar rDeltaTDampingCoeff
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTDampingCoeff", 1.0)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTDampingCoeff", 1.0)
     scalar maxDeltaT
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
     volScalarField rDeltaT0("rDeltaT0", rDeltaT);
@@ -29,7 +31,7 @@
-    if (transonic)
+    if (pimple.transonic())
         surfaceScalarField phid
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index 4efb76bd45b950ec6b0cf031ced774397ae0ae74..f3b115d0da67ed0eae06592db8a5dbabb3828071 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ pZones.addResistance(UEqn());
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
-if (momentumPredictor)
+if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
     solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 4a0626e3d1d7d88f8ff22bccc275d297ca6c7835..5e54f970cd5db9d6c630524b1381359b9afaf8db 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ rho.relax();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
 U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-if (nCorr <= 1)
+if (pimple.nCorr() <= 1)
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if (transonic)
     mrfZones.relativeFlux(fvc::interpolate(psi), phid);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -35,20 +35,10 @@ if (transonic)
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    (
-                       pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                     && corr == nCorr-1
-                     && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                    )
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -64,7 +54,7 @@ else
     mrfZones.relativeFlux(fvc::interpolate(rho), phi);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         // Pressure corrector
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -76,20 +66,10 @@ else
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    (
-                        pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                     && corr == nCorr-1
-                     && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                    )
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam.C
index 94e3f67e59e8d8a4cbf2b9b940fc2db7bcf6cc4b..ad9e04cc7ea30242703e83bfc94eef4e937ab15f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam.C
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Description
 #include "bound.H"
 #include "MRFZones.H"
 #include "porousZones.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createZones.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -59,7 +61,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -70,14 +71,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -87,12 +83,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "hEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 4574a096efe84d2264c578eb439d42d5e6f2a838..54af64c003e36af6fceb68487c0cbcc287a428f2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ UEqn.clear();
 bool closedVolume = false;
-if (transonic)
+if (simple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if (transonic)
         fvc::interpolate(psi)*(fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if (transonic)
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ else
     phi = fvc::interpolate(rho)*(fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf());
     closedVolume = adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ else
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 44b391a7b5585edafef64da626d5ce1126c8d436..4fc258870b9a3b2225615659de250828a281f7fd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ UEqn.clear();
 bool closedVolume = false;
-if (transonic)
+if (simple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ if (transonic)
     mrfZones.relativeFlux(fvc::interpolate(psi), phid);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         tmp<fvScalarMatrix> tpEqn;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ if (transonic)
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == tpEqn().flux();
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ else
     closedVolume = adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         tmp<fvScalarMatrix> tpEqn;
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ else
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= tpEqn().flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam.C
index 83898240ffc4017e79fb7822e073c6a9e9467777..e210e971ca99ba09d4e77c6b1f386ad59c9b7a27 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam.C
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "MRFZones.H"
 #include "thermalPorousZones.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createZones.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoSimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoSimpleFoam.C
index a8ddcbeb6cda6e976a8f732ef651f1bdd1730822..63b6586cb4054dc62480d938096918771a5b304d 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoSimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimpleFoam/rhoSimpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "basicPsiThermo.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -44,16 +45,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/pEqn.H
index 36b77f039956ad5e23c54f1cfa49ae7955ed482b..9eb783feca8c20db5ee1e61542dfc74b95a7e9ec 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ UEqn.clear();
 bool closedVolume = false;
-if (transonic)
+if (simple.transonic())
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if (transonic)
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == phic + pEqn.flux();
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         phi = fvc::interpolate(rho*U) & mesh.Sf();
         closedVolume = adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ else
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 rho = max(rho, rhoMin);
 rho = min(rho, rhoMax);
-if (!transonic)
+if (!simple.transonic())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/rhoSimplecFoam.C b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/rhoSimplecFoam.C
index c804e4e45d89044bf48d5efd99e5f654003e0a27..13b8ebddc488d686f9cf60a498b57758ba1e93fe 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/rhoSimplecFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/compressible/rhoSimplecFoam/rhoSimplecFoam.C
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "mixedFvPatchFields.H"
 #include "bound.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -46,20 +47,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        if (!transonic)
+        if (!simple.transonic())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdEquilibrationFoam/mdEquilibrationFoam.C b/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdEquilibrationFoam/mdEquilibrationFoam.C
index c8ed4e2cbdbef1b94395488cc14f23be3aa4d90e..96c07a1756be41d9b70217842125267f15b2f044 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdEquilibrationFoam/mdEquilibrationFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdEquilibrationFoam/mdEquilibrationFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  =========                   |
  \\      /   F ield          | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /    O peration      |
-   \\  /     A nd            | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+   \\  /     A nd            | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
     \\/      M anipulation   |
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ Description
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    #include "setRootCase.H"
+    #include "createTime.H"
+    #include "createMesh.H"
-#   include "setRootCase.H"
-#   include "createTime.H"
-#   include "createMesh.H"
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nReading field U\n" << endl;
     volVectorField U
@@ -57,9 +58,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     moleculeCloud molecules(mesh, pot);
-#   include "temperatureAndPressureVariables.H"
+    #include "temperatureAndPressureVariables.H"
-#   include "readmdEquilibrationDict.H"
+    #include "readmdEquilibrationDict.H"
     label nAveragingSteps = 0;
@@ -67,18 +68,17 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
-#       include "meanMomentumEnergyAndNMols.H"
+        #include "meanMomentumEnergyAndNMols.H"
-#       include "temperatureAndPressure.H"
+        #include "temperatureAndPressure.H"
-#       include "temperatureEquilibration.H"
+        #include "temperatureEquilibration.H"
@@ -96,3 +96,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     return 0;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdFoam/mdFoam.C b/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdFoam/mdFoam.C
index 6bd90a812815df2546a3a40d183f10a10ec82408..779172803d2421b116191dc69be74787f1e7d9b1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdFoam/mdFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/discreteMethods/molecularDynamics/mdFoam/mdFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  =========                   |
  \\      /   F ield          | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /    O peration      |
-   \\  /     A nd            | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+   \\  /     A nd            | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
     \\/      M anipulation   |
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ Description
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    #include "setRootCase.H"
+    #include "createTime.H"
+    #include "createMesh.H"
-#   include "setRootCase.H"
-#   include "createTime.H"
-#   include "createMesh.H"
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nReading field U\n" << endl;
     volVectorField U
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     moleculeCloud molecules(mesh, pot);
-#   include "temperatureAndPressureVariables.H"
+    #include "temperatureAndPressureVariables.H"
     label nAveragingSteps = 0;
@@ -65,16 +66,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
-#       include "meanMomentumEnergyAndNMols.H"
+        #include "meanMomentumEnergyAndNMols.H"
-#       include "temperatureAndPressure.H"
+        #include "temperatureAndPressure.H"
@@ -92,3 +92,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     return 0;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/applications/solvers/electromagnetics/magneticFoam/magneticFoam.C b/applications/solvers/electromagnetics/magneticFoam/magneticFoam.C
index 151d17a398e40c074ef0423c916df97c3d621042..1ec8b860220e48b9b3515565f2b7c36042f5b97f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/electromagnetics/magneticFoam/magneticFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/electromagnetics/magneticFoam/magneticFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Description
 #include "OSspecific.H"
 #include "magnet.H"
 #include "electromagneticConstants.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
-    #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         solve(fvm::laplacian(murf, psi) + fvc::div(murf*Mrf));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index df6f90ac02944f97767b2cbab770338d3762de6e..07f46ec99825398ced8de01a55db2f2b9240ea9a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam.C
index c8542832dca11d2ef494ff594350a91b7c75ca25..ce177dfeb9d5dea922e221c818eb8bd37855cc5d 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam.C
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -73,19 +75,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -94,12 +90,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "TEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 363ac11fb151e591630bd948763c0286e90572a5..8ac13dc93ee3e0673967f35c8e1ac9baeacc0fbd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     surfaceScalarField buoyancyPhi(rAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rhok)*mesh.magSf());
     phi -= buoyancyPhi;
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -21,20 +21,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    (
-                        pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                     && corr == nCorr-1
-                     && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                    )
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             // Calculate the conservative fluxes
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index 9a53619af50bcfaf399c89ce26dd3e3a2d67a722..cbe464fc0235394649250b6c906387d858b9ba7f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (simple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam.C
index 1a5086e130d42bffd570b78b3b5a865e372db49d..06d0f2df38558a53e4d4a0adba1c6ba18f188b03 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -60,16 +61,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
         // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 0e8ae4e7933fc7f355b672678e41e827440fcfa3..5d643837ffcdc31b46d5fc4c299cd3a30a21dc63 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     surfaceScalarField buoyancyPhi(rAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rhok)*mesh.magSf());
     phi -= buoyancyPhi;
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             // Calculate the conservative fluxes
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index c8b9f13180b2865af43e06ae49914ef6848e53da..7dff741e663b150ccb55b177ed5b725dcdc2a0a2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/buoyantPimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/buoyantPimpleFoam.C
index 161ebc509d2f5b9383201f241623641161b3b1bb..3c3eb76ac012d8be95428c832cf7ae13b60584cf 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/buoyantPimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/buoyantPimpleFoam.C
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Description
 #include "basicRhoThermo.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "fixedGradientFvPatchFields.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -71,14 +72,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -87,16 +83,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "hEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
-            rho = thermo.rho();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        rho = thermo.rho();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 343ff2b8008d669ef534b6f66bf061bdab0318ec..b47d65b842ac3e85d2c9155920e4b577b8775ef4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantPimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
       + fvc::div(phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -35,20 +35,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    (
-                        pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                     && corr == nCorr-1
-                     && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                    )
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             // Calculate the conservative fluxes
             phi += p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index 5fbfb3f7643b7a572acf5525803f8470b489bb40..ca28910aaf3c51186663b2fb5919104d4fd07398 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (simple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantSimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantSimpleFoam.C
index 5891efcbf8d793b8a01a42543aa9e55087c16b6d..d70b03a45b6bb7e316cfa28673579a2270232377 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantSimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantSimpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Description
 #include "basicPsiThermo.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "fixedGradientFvPatchFields.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -45,16 +46,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 6f39aff1c1481d408aa9e42c0bde7fd11bdfc335..17bf590f2958c9df5fb4aac55953e441a830d497 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     surfaceScalarField buoyancyPhi(rhorAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*mesh.magSf());
     phi -= buoyancyPhi;
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
         p_rghEqn.setReference(pRefCell, getRefCellValue(p_rgh, pRefCell));
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             // Calculate the conservative fluxes
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam.C b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam.C
index 51aaaadae37cea314c158a7b0ca5da362071dad8..70fc2900883378f63ff065953ae3be7b06f1f1a3 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "fixedGradientFvPatchFields.H"
 #include "radiationModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -48,16 +49,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createRadiationModel.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C
index e25669e04ad155b91ce6efb9e07cdc9227f46c1b..1c7863c2ff5df82ff3be866b13bd040122708ae7 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam/adjointShapeOptimizationFoam.C
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 template<class Type>
 void zeroCells
@@ -74,16 +75,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
         laminarTransport.lookup("lambda") >> lambda;
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
             // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-            for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+            for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
                 fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                 pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-                if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+                if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
                     phi -= pEqn.flux();
@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             adjustPhi(phia, Ua, pa);
             // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-            for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+            for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
                 fvScalarMatrix paEqn
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                 paEqn.setReference(paRefCell, paRefValue);
-                if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+                if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
                     phia -= paEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index b897eec4b59b9018ccb2876fe1036bd52034e86f..08c06d3f4615158b864d6a087d2e701033a5b2fe 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ UEqn().relax();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
-if (momentumPredictor)
+if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
     solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 8326f35a6b0b3dbe9262b3f05d58fb1c3a2c0e31..da9b7581bfcf914064c97469b3ac704b3bc191cc 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-if (nCorr <= 1)
+if (pimple.nCorr() <= 1)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ phi = (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
 adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
 // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
     // Pressure corrector
     fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -23,18 +23,10 @@ for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-        mesh.solver
-        (
-            p.select
-            (
-                pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-             && corr == nCorr-1
-             && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-            )
-        )
+        mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
         phi -= pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/UEqn.H
index 652773fea7bd9204db1a4ceecd4af14899e9a601..e43a40b94b2c958e9f4de3fcd7bf0ab7a0730c1c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ UEqn().relax();
 rAU = 1.0/UEqn().A();
-if (momentumPredictor)
+if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
     solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/correctPhi.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
index f137c0027fa022172b368ab7af9d5f2bc3cd4c6f..e112db4621faf2bee4e4df3f9f7ba491747615dd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pcorrEqn
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
         pcorrEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pcorrEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pEqn.H
index 88a0056e772a51362f84b3c3113c4f70a7f638ff..7e84ef50fe6d24cffbb957a59986051a09822bb5 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-if (nCorr <= 1)
+if (pimple.nCorr() <= 1)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ if (p.needReference())
     fvc::makeAbsolute(phi, U);
-for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
     fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -25,20 +25,10 @@ for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-        mesh.solver
-        (
-            p.select
-            (
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
-        )
+        mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
         phi -= pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pimpleDyMFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pimpleDyMFoam.C
index 73f34858d43a3caccddfba44e23a8ce399367ad0..3bedfc756dcf9b15b235af3d25e8b155651e2728 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pimpleDyMFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/pimpleDyMFoam.C
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "dynamicFvMesh.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -46,11 +46,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createDynamicFvMesh.H"
-    #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -85,14 +86,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -100,12 +96,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/readControls.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/readControls.H
index 8789bd0ab4bad10d74bfac4b69d9e68f0459789d..8f48f5d7d437f3796a427ffb6ba4fcae6057801e 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/readControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleDyMFoam/readControls.H
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
-    #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
     const bool correctPhi =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault("correctPhi", false);
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault("correctPhi", false);
     const bool checkMeshCourantNo =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault("checkMeshCourantNo", false);
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault("checkMeshCourantNo", false);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleFoam.C
index d1b98ee10e9985ff2374b741fc3215ae9b452192..8d7bcc372dde96000fbb7435cf50ab2ea3115692 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/pimpleFoam/pimpleFoam.C
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -47,12 +47,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -61,14 +64,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -76,12 +74,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/shallowWaterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/shallowWaterFoam.C
index 197cb83ff9055004de06c1c37cf96b9580410cb6..a86a3977b389f7b5f8ec7b46229809d789f206b5 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/shallowWaterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/shallowWaterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -52,10 +55,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "\n Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
-        for (int ucorr=0; ucorr<nOuterCorr; ucorr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             surfaceScalarField phiv("phiv", phi/fvc::interpolate(h));
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-            if (momentumPredictor)
+            if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
                 if (rotating)
@@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 volScalarField rAU(1.0/hUEqn.A());
                 surfaceScalarField ghrAUf(magg*fvc::interpolate(h*rAU));
@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                     + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, h, hU, phi)
                     - phih0;
-                for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+                for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
                     fvScalarMatrix hEqn
@@ -116,16 +119,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
                       - fvm::laplacian(ghrAUf, h)
-                    if (ucorr < nOuterCorr-1 || corr < nCorr-1)
-                    {
-                        hEqn.solve();
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        hEqn.solve(mesh.solver(h.name() + "Final"));
-                    }
+                    hEqn.solve
+                    (
+                        mesh.solver
+                        (
+                            h.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth))
+                        )
+                    );
-                    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+                    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
                         phi += hEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/Allwmake b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/Allwmake
index 577d11018fd0905d54cae6bba8e43bcb5f4f474c..79109c8f0430f95c703381228de79c026aa28d50 100755
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/Allwmake
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/Allwmake
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 set -x
+wmake SRFSimpleFoam
+wmake MRFSimpleFoam
+wmake windSimpleFoam
 wmake porousSimpleFoam
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C
similarity index 64%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam.C
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C
index c00bc032ff2eac6602035932b694d3174092766b..8125321157e4170ba09a56a3e6f70349721e005d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam
+    MRFSimpleFoam
-    Transient solver for compressible, turbulent flow with two thermo-clouds.
+    Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of non-Newtonian
+    fluids with MRF regions.
 #include "fvCFD.H"
-#include "basicPsiThermo.H"
-#include "turbulenceModel.H"
-#include "basicThermoCloud.H"
-#include "basicKinematicCloud.H"
+#include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
+#include "RASModel.H"
+#include "MRFZones.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -44,54 +44,32 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
-    #include "createClouds.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
-    #include "readTimeControls.H"
-    #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
-    #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    MRFZones mrfZones(mesh);
+    mrfZones.correctBoundaryVelocity(U);
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.run())
+    while (simple.loop())
-        #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
-        #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
-        #include "setDeltaT.H"
-        runTime++;
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        thermoCloud1.evolve();
+        p.storePrevIter();
-        kinematicCloud1.evolve();
-        #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        // --- PIMPLE loop
-        for (int ocorr=1; ocorr<=nOuterCorr; ocorr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
             #include "UEqn.H"
-            // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
-            {
-                #include "hsEqn.H"
-                #include "pEqn.H"
-            }
+            #include "pEqn.H"
-        rho = thermo.rho();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56c194272d88eb33bf2b86f1d54567e0bdf1d930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
index 1223bdd06f48178f0b2eee8032d29c936634f328..81310cc2e0a0ad38efd2c3dd77c2e8ba30e82181 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 EXE_INC = \
+    -I.. \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/RASModel \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27d50944ce6ef5083eabd1d95057836dfae4751d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+    // Momentum predictor
+    tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn
+    (
+        fvm::div(phi, U)
+        + turbulence->divDevReff(U)
+    );
+    mrfZones.addCoriolis(UEqn());
+    UEqn().relax();
+    solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81f5c20480053484bdea0d7111b65bfc55f8b318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+    p.boundaryField().updateCoeffs();
+    volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
+    U = rAU*UEqn().H();
+    UEqn.clear();
+    phi = fvc::interpolate(U, "interpolate(HbyA)") & mesh.Sf();
+    mrfZones.relativeFlux(phi);
+    adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
+    // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
+    {
+        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
+        (
+            fvm::laplacian(rAU, p) == fvc::div(phi)
+        );
+        pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
+        pEqn.solve();
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
+        {
+            phi -= pEqn.flux();
+        }
+    }
+    #include "continuityErrs.H"
+    // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector
+    p.relax();
+    // Momentum corrector
+    U -= rAU*fvc::grad(p);
+    U.correctBoundaryConditions();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/files b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3250f4139d312892bfd83019d08b0cf4aa5335d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/options
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
index cc3cd5e731e99caa395cc3bd58b9f23b9bb0a210..66a349da05016555c33b72e1aaa14ac5b9e2d8e4 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/Make/options
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 EXE_INC = \
+    -I.. \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/RASModel \
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam.C
similarity index 90%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam.C
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam.C
index aac457a468c1f56e070ae5df40a90255a392f85f..d3b5067c4f25149c230e3b8fb0a8dbfcd73dcbc6 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    simpleSRFFoam
+    SRFSimpleFoam
     Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of non-Newtonian
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "SRFModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -45,20 +46,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        #include "initConvergenceCheck.H"
-        // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
+        // --- Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
             #include "UrelEqn.H"
             #include "pEqn.H"
@@ -87,8 +87,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
             << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"
             << nl << endl;
-        #include "convergenceCheck.H"
     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/UrelEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/UrelEqn.H
similarity index 57%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/UrelEqn.H
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/UrelEqn.H
index ac0bc044b7e22ff8cc08bdc1a2688c4ac48800eb..38c64acb7bf35029a024f28ea379b203bb60d6c5 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/UrelEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/UrelEqn.H
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
     // Relative momentum predictor
     tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UrelEqn
         fvm::div(phi, Urel)
@@ -8,9 +9,4 @@
-    eqnResidual = solve
-    (
-        UrelEqn() == -fvc::grad(p)
-    ).initialResidual();
-    maxResidual = max(eqnResidual, maxResidual);
+    solve(UrelEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/createFields.H
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/createFields.H
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/createFields.H
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
similarity index 53%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/pEqn.H
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index b2bc37fd5db808c1ef3c13fd9350958c28b9bba2..beb73bd3415cfa938f48d8cd9ef036c0a6394159 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/SRFSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,34 +1,37 @@
-    volScalarField AUrel = UrelEqn().A();
-    Urel = UrelEqn().H()/AUrel;
+    volScalarField rAUrel(1.0/UrelEqn().A());
+    Urel = rAUrel*UrelEqn().H();
-    phi = fvc::interpolate(Urel) & mesh.Sf();
+    phi = fvc::interpolate(Urel, "interpolate(HbyA)") & mesh.Sf();
     adjustPhi(phi, Urel, p);
     // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-            fvm::laplacian(1.0/AUrel, p) == fvc::div(phi)
+            fvm::laplacian(rAUrel, p) == fvc::div(phi)
         pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pEqn.flux();
-       }
+        }
-#   include "continuityErrs.H"
+    #include "continuityErrs.H"
     // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector
     // Momentum corrector
-    Urel -= fvc::grad(p)/AUrel;
+    Urel -= rAUrel*fvc::grad(p);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/UEqn.H
index e6fb6bf89edccff6f683313796f1b7a46157d781..0ee8abf0be9c78154b0e6ec7a894a3224ef82a13 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-    // Solve the Momentum equation
+    // Momentum predictor
     tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/createFields.H
index b957c7265051de06f3a5333071f57e0e0b9fffa1..947da10c9d357a84850c37b2ae13f21ae9ab9499 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/createFields.H
@@ -26,14 +26,13 @@
-#   include "createPhi.H"
+    #include "createPhi.H"
     label pRefCell = 0;
     scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
     setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
     singlePhaseTransportModel laminarTransport(U, phi);
     autoPtr<incompressible::RASModel> turbulence
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/pEqn.H
index 0b1500213a7d6593f788cf4075b61a0ba0dbcdbc..699cdcb3cf6589cb6da67d14f2f1aa596824d027 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
-    volScalarField AU(UEqn().A());
-    U = UEqn().H()/AU;
+    volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
+    U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-    phi = fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf();
+    phi = fvc::interpolate(U, "interpolate(HbyA)") & mesh.Sf();
     adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
     // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-            fvm::laplacian(1.0/AU, p) == fvc::div(phi)
+            fvm::laplacian(rAU, p) == fvc::div(phi)
         pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pEqn.flux();
@@ -30,5 +32,6 @@
     // Momentum corrector
-    U -= fvc::grad(p)/AU;
+    U -= rAU*fvc::grad(p);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/createPorousZones.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/createPorousZones.H
index d14adbb493da24b6c82d5a18cef2cd330163fa96..e4614b7063469dc05af8911a540300939c1c3a96 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/createPorousZones.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/createPorousZones.H
@@ -6,13 +6,7 @@
     if (pZones.size())
         // nUCorrectors for pressureImplicitPorosity
-        if (mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE").found("nUCorrectors"))
-        {
-            nUCorr = readInt
-            (
-                mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE").lookup("nUCorrectors")
-            );
-        }
+        nUCorr = simple.dict().lookupOrDefault<int>("nUCorrectors", 0);
         if (nUCorr > 0)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
index a97ff3983cd7f375a3ba0b3a0da91afdd15575d5..5908396d18755d90cde9dbea6d94f3110868b807 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ UEqn.clear();
 phi = fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf();
 adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
-for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=simple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
     tmp<fvScalarMatrix> tpEqn;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+    if (nonOrth == simple.nNonOrthCorr())
         phi -= tpEqn().flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam.C
index 3507fded850160493034c8dff11a3de40555e7fd..123fd811ea2e972609a83ca9ff44460054aba5a0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam/porousSimpleFoam.C
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "porousZones.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -42,6 +43,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "createPorousZones.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
@@ -50,12 +54,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
         // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/simpleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/simpleFoam.C
index fdb5fe0a9dc2d02891d80da024d4be711748dffb..beb50f0f3f9654d86e530d3379c25c5545f27d3f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/simpleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/simpleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -43,19 +44,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
+        // --- Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "pEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/files b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7fe780806e6b3a4ef18b848716cf281485d2c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EXE = $(FOAM_APPBIN)/windSimpleFoam
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/options
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/options
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/options
index 648de52f52a3702192b8219646c9b0cbffc45c02..057788a4837eda6718d27be47c366cc9309386ec 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/Make/options
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 EXE_INC = \
+    -I.. \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/RASModel \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels \
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
similarity index 63%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/UEqn.H
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
index bc4a8a4cf786100eadfe0f6f6b0cd00c20be8915..dc4d5655cf846b7aa874876cac0a6eda712f68d6 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -11,9 +11,4 @@
     // Add resistance on the actuation disks
-    eqnResidual = solve
-    (
-        UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p)
-    ).initialResidual();
-    maxResidual = max(eqnResidual, maxResidual);
\ No newline at end of file
+    solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam.C b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/windSimpleFoam.C
similarity index 94%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam.C
rename to applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/windSimpleFoam.C
index 16b422c783fed96a90a2ac0ccbaf106f460de66b..f2d095ae8f10795c66d6bcd25d5d468df0153aba 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/incompressible/simpleFoam/windSimpleFoam/windSimpleFoam.C
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
 #include "RASModel.H"
 #include "IObasicSourceList.H"
+#include "simpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -45,17 +46,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    IObasicSourceList actuationDisks(mesh);
+    simpleControl simple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
+    while (simple.loop())
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        #include "initConvergenceCheck.H"
         // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
@@ -71,9 +73,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
             << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"
             << nl << endl;
-         #include "convergenceCheck.H"
     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/LTSReactingParcelFoam.C b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/LTSReactingParcelFoam.C
index 534c64bd9bdfee6afd9181225e8052df4c31a399..a9da394140e253851b1e7d85221100d6467fb9fd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/LTSReactingParcelFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/LTSReactingParcelFoam.C
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Description
 #include "timeActivatedExplicitSource.H"
 #include "SLGThermo.H"
 #include "fvcSmooth.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
     #include "readAdditionalSolutionControls.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
@@ -72,7 +75,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "readChemistryProperties.H"
         #include "readAdditionalSolutionControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
@@ -89,14 +91,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            if (nOuterCorr != 1)
+            if (pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
@@ -108,7 +105,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
index 35394576f88444c04d1cc5bff18a5af86b20c0cf..e52431f1e883cb473f47fc4fa52f5b6815304ecf 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/createFields.H
index cc3c74a53587afc3671e39fd24c15aac5ff6e5f7..103ead9d78f33787d964777673c78d08e943371c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/createFields.H
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@
         dimensionedScalar("chemistrySh", dimEnergy/dimTime/dimVolume, 0.0)
-    volScalarField invTau
+    volScalarField rDeltaT
-            "invTau",
+            "rDeltaT",
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
index 8ee50f42e8db988d0c6cf54987539587e20efce5..fcbfad3efb21d7d4e0c69296867ccc767fa45959 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       + massSource.SuTot()
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -42,18 +42,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/readTimeControls.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/readTimeControls.H
index 420eb70c7bf76fa8ab3c736beac670a9c0f3b69a..b73efd593e1bcc40490583f034237dbec2b728ea 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/readTimeControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/readTimeControls.H
@@ -24,47 +24,19 @@ License
 // Maximum flow Courant number
-scalar maxCo(readScalar(runTime.controlDict().lookup("maxCo")));
+scalar maxCo(readScalar(pimple.dict().lookup("maxCo")));
 // Maximum time scale
-scalar maxDeltaT = readScalar(runTime.controlDict().lookup("maxDeltaT"));
+scalar maxDeltaT(pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT));
 // Smoothing parameter (0-1) when smoothing iterations > 0
-scalar alphaTauSmooth
+scalar rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTauSmooth", 0.1)
-// Maximum change in cell density per iteration (relative to previous value)
-scalar alphaTauRho
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTauRho", 0.05)
-// Maximum change in cell velocity per iteration (relative to previous value)
-scalar alphaTauU
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTauU", 0.05)
+    pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff", 0.1)
 // Maximum change in cell temperature per iteration (relative to previous value)
-scalar alphaTauTemp
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTauTemp", 0.05)
-// Max specie mass fraction that can be consumed/gained per chemistry
-// integration step
-scalar alphaTauSpecie
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTauSpecie", 0.05)
-// Maximum unboundedness allowed (fraction of 1)
-scalar specieMaxUnbound
-    runTime.controlDict().lookupOrDefault("specieMaxUnbound", 0.01)
+scalar alphaTemp(pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault("alphaTemp", 0.05));
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/timeScales.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/timeScales.H
index 2f8e036554dc12481be8ffab9442a7e65c95ed86..e6d0fa85c4919cb322b30620c2850d408fb0fb8f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/timeScales.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/timeScales.H
@@ -28,40 +28,40 @@ Info<< "Time scales min/max:" << endl;
     // Cache old time scale field
-    tmp<volScalarField> tinvTau0
+    tmp<volScalarField> trDeltaT
         new volScalarField
-                "invTau0",
+                "rDeltaT0",
-            invTau
+            rDeltaT
-    const volScalarField& invTau0 = tinvTau0();
+    const volScalarField& rDeltaT0 = trDeltaT();
     // Flow time scale
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-        invTau =
+        rDeltaT =
-        invTau.max(1.0/maxDeltaT);
+        rDeltaT.max(1.0/maxDeltaT);
         Info<< "    Flow        = "
-            << gMin(1/invTau.internalField()) << ", "
-            << gMax(1/invTau.internalField()) << endl;
+            << gMin(1/rDeltaT.internalField()) << ", "
+            << gMax(1/rDeltaT.internalField()) << endl;
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ Info<< "Time scales min/max:" << endl;
-        tau = alphaTauTemp*thermo.Cp()*T/(tau + ROOTVSMALL);
+        tau = alphaTemp*thermo.Cp()*T/(tau + ROOTVSMALL);
         Info<< "    Temperature = " << min(maxDeltaT, gMin(tau)) << ", "
             << min(maxDeltaT, gMax(tau)) << endl;
-        invTau.internalField() = max(invTau.internalField(), 1/tau);
+        rDeltaT.internalField() = max(rDeltaT.internalField(), 1/tau);
@@ -95,21 +95,20 @@ Info<< "Time scales min/max:" << endl;
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // - reduce as much as required for flow, but limit source contributions
     const dimensionedScalar deltaTRamp("deltaTRamp", dimless, 1/(1 + 0.2));
-    invTau = max(invTau, invTau0*deltaTRamp);
-    tinvTau0.clear();
+    rDeltaT = max(rDeltaT, rDeltaT0*deltaTRamp);
     // Limit the largest time scale
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    invTau.max(1/maxDeltaT);
+    rDeltaT.max(1/maxDeltaT);
     // Spatially smooth the time scale field
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    fvc::smooth(invTau, alphaTauSmooth);
+    fvc::smooth(rDeltaT, rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff);
-    Info<< "    Overall     = " << min(1/invTau).value()
-        << ", " << max(1/invTau).value() << nl << endl;
+    Info<< "    Overall     = " << min(1/rDeltaT).value()
+        << ", " << max(1/rDeltaT).value() << nl << endl;
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/Make/options
index ab0bd2c08a582fa8af1eb5acd781c2773d696e5f..75bbcab490ee4ed3e85e4c2fbcc864e300f03455 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/Make/options
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ EXE_INC = \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/regionModel/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude
+    -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude \
+    -I$(FOAM_SOLVERS)/combustion/reactingFoam
     -lfiniteVolume \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/UEqn.H
index d58b74ab9c5688506b5ab93c4f16de82d075e780..e7f242fa5faab367a98684b9d5d560c781d76a27 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/chemistry.H
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a5cb39ba27fde8c7492d6b43bc9a28a2141188..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/chemistry.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-if (chemistry.chemistry())
-    Info<< "Solving chemistry" << endl;
-    chemistry.solve
-    (
-        runTime.value() - runTime.deltaTValue(),
-        runTime.deltaTValue()
-    );
-    // turbulent time scale
-    if (turbulentReaction)
-    {
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tc
-        (
-            chemistry.tc()().dimensionedInternalField()
-        );
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kappa = 1.0;
-    }
-    chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/coalChemistryFoam.C b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/coalChemistryFoam.C
index b1f8b99a3176d5d514a0e3c07948b27f75155321..3d0eabcef8e21afc2ede2401710d3b26a3531ee4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/coalChemistryFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/coalChemistryFoam.C
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Description
 #include "timeActivatedExplicitSource.H"
 #include "radiationModel.H"
 #include "SLGThermo.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -72,7 +74,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -91,25 +92,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
         rho = thermo.rho();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/pEqn.H
index 0e5cb3e1fe3acb5b9cc01998f24c8247488ab97c..de0c04577a06eaf583126e9e43dbe96d337751a4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -28,18 +28,10 @@ if (transonic)
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -54,7 +46,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -67,18 +59,10 @@ else
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/Make/options
index 1ff1aaa6129259368b371693f66f75fa3b1bac4f..386e25dd477398c5d64f2f6324c866241e3cc13c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/Make/options
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ EXE_INC = \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/regionModel/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude
+    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude \
+    -I$(FOAM_SOLVERS)/combustion/reactingFoam
     -lfiniteVolume \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
index 35394576f88444c04d1cc5bff18a5af86b20c0cf..e52431f1e883cb473f47fc4fa52f5b6815304ecf 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 1690487b45db2e49964b43a9219cdbfa1d08853f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Solving chemistry" << endl;
-    chemistry.solve
-    (
-        runTime.value() - runTime.deltaTValue(),
-        runTime.deltaTValue()
-    );
-    // turbulent time scale
-    if (turbulentReaction)
-    {
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tc
-        (
-            chemistry.tc()().dimensionedInternalField()
-        );
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kappa = 1.0;
-    }
-    chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
index 27921d63965223990739deb9019a046d59232737..63d746fe79fdf811e7e393b502803c50d140b377 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       + massSource.SuTot()
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -42,17 +42,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam.C b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam.C
index 35dfc7e616fd1a27e4aa2057145ce270ede472e4..638d83da0c7d8681f62e8727e21ba0b7fc750fe9 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Description
 #include "porousZones.H"
 #include "timeActivatedExplicitSource.H"
 #include "SLGThermo.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -70,6 +71,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -77,7 +80,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readAdditionalSolutionControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -90,18 +92,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "chemistry.H"
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        #include "YEqn.H"
-        #include "hsEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            #include "YEqn.H"
+            #include "hsEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         rho = thermo.rho();
         if (runTime.write())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/Make/options
index 1efc598b5b1dedd44f98783de44fab8e39f650a7..cd1c25ffea95df023e9392b53723c0df5173e3f6 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/Make/options
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ EXE_INC = \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/basic/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/intermediate/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude
+    -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude \
+    -I$(FOAM_SOLVERS)/combustion/reactingFoam
     -lfiniteVolume \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/UEqn.H
index 2e8f979be419dba827b3cf63867d13db67c5aa92..a64e50a2d24d19b3f1dd25e4bc73acbcfc27a356 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -4,13 +4,23 @@
       + fvm::div(phi, U)
       + turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
-        rho.dimensionedInternalField()*g
-      + parcels.SU(U)
+        parcels.SU(U)
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
-        solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
+        solve
+        (
+            UEqn
+          ==
+            fvc::reconstruct
+            (
+                (
+                  - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
+                  - fvc::snGrad(p_rgh)
+                )*mesh.magSf()
+            )
+        );
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/YEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/YEqn.H
index 8526b590a297c6f8fd351af4deb63cdebd713f0d..db79376614e29b4289c41f54e76c7bdf5c25e9b6 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/YEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/YEqn.H
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ tmp<fv::convectionScheme<scalar> > mvConvection
-        mesh.divScheme("div(phi,Yi_h)")
+        mesh.divScheme("div(phi,Yi_hs)")
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ tmp<fv::convectionScheme<scalar> > mvConvection
                 fvm::ddt(rho, Yi)
               + mvConvection->fvmDiv(phi, Yi)
-              - fvm::laplacian(turbulence->muEff(), Yi)
+              - fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), Yi)
                 parcels.SYi(i, Yi)
               + surfaceFilm.Srho(i)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/chemistry.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd7ce9cb03c26f4bd5219bb3b7acf6ae72a925f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/chemistry.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-    Info << "Solving chemistry" << endl;
-    chemistry.solve
-    (
-        runTime.value() - runTime.deltaTValue(),
-        runTime.deltaTValue()
-    );
-    // turbulent time scale
-    if (turbulentReaction)
-    {
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tc
-        (
-            chemistry.tc()().dimensionedInternalField()
-        );
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kappa = 1.0;
-    }
-    chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/createFields.H
index 2e3208b0ee99d2d65ca78ca9f4ec56bef8737dd7..a5a87c73efdc4b747e903373126a929bcee6901f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/createFields.H
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
     const word inertSpecie(thermo.lookup("inertSpecie"));
-    volScalarField& p = thermo.p();
-    volScalarField& hs = thermo.hs();
-    const volScalarField& T = thermo.T();
-    const volScalarField& psi = thermo.psi();
     Info<< "Creating field rho\n" << endl;
     volScalarField rho
@@ -34,6 +29,11 @@
+    volScalarField& p = thermo.p();
+    volScalarField& hs = thermo.hs();
+    const volScalarField& T = thermo.T();
+    const volScalarField& psi = thermo.psi();
     Info<< "\nReading field U\n" << endl;
     volVectorField U
@@ -84,6 +84,28 @@
         fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p)
+    Info<< "Calculating field g.h\n" << endl;
+    volScalarField gh("gh", g & mesh.C());
+    surfaceScalarField ghf("gh", g & mesh.Cf());
+    volScalarField p_rgh
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "p_rgh",
+            runTime.timeName(),
+            mesh,
+            IOobject::MUST_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        mesh
+    );
+    // Force p_rgh to be consistent with p
+    p_rgh = p - rho*gh;
     multivariateSurfaceInterpolationScheme<scalar>::fieldTable fields;
     forAll(Y, i)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hsEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hsEqn.H
index 0cb2318252b46fbb7734e0fd5b46b3abd9dbb7a3..feb112f652a3f9478af26963b590aa65e2e47de4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hsEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hsEqn.H
@@ -19,4 +19,6 @@
+    Info<< "min/max(T) = " << min(T).value() << ", " << max(T).value() << endl;
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/pEqn.H
index 9d028d4502add888fb67dea12d4766c539e62e18..bbfb5be051c06d5378b0e15d7f33cff76a19f1a3 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,74 +1,50 @@
 rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
+surfaceScalarField rhorAUf(rAU.name(), fvc::interpolate(rho*rAU));
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+surfaceScalarField phiU
+    fvc::interpolate(rho)
+   *(
+        (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
+      + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
+    )
+phi = phiU - rhorAUf*ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*mesh.magSf();
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
-    surfaceScalarField phid
+    fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
-        "phid",
-        fvc::interpolate(psi)
-       *(
-            (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
-          + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-        )
+        fvc::ddt(psi, rho)*gh
+      + fvc::div(phi)
+      + fvm::ddt(psi, p_rgh)
+      - fvm::laplacian(rhorAUf, p_rgh)
+     ==
+        parcels.Srho()
+      + surfaceFilm.Srho()
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-    {
-        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-        (
-            fvm::ddt(psi, p)
-          + fvm::div(phid, p)
-          - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-         ==
-            parcels.Srho()
-          + surfaceFilm.Srho()
-        );
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            phi == pEqn.flux();
-        }
-    }
-    phi =
-        fvc::interpolate(rho)
-       *(
-            (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
-          + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-        );
+    p_rghEqn.solve
+    (
+        mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+    );
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
-        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-        (
-            fvm::ddt(psi, p)
-          + fvc::div(phi)
-          - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-         ==
-            parcels.Srho()
-          + surfaceFilm.Srho()
-        );
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            phi += pEqn.flux();
-        }
+        phi += p_rghEqn.flux();
+p = p_rgh + rho*gh;
 #include "rhoEqn.H"
 #include "compressibleContinuityErrs.H"
-U -= rAU*fvc::grad(p);
+U += rAU*fvc::reconstruct((phi - phiU)/rhorAUf);
 DpDt = fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/reactingParcelFilmFoam.C b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/reactingParcelFilmFoam.C
index f788da57e468464e44f4964b0a423ebabe60bf27..6ae930c7a72da80de68ec6cfd1aeb3ed5baefcf6 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/reactingParcelFilmFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/reactingParcelFilmFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Description
 #include "chemistrySolver.H"
 #include "radiationModel.H"
 #include "SLGThermo.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -66,8 +69,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
+        #include "setMultiRegionDeltaT.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -84,24 +87,24 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "rhoEqn.H"
             // --- PIMPLE loop
-            for (int ocorr=1; ocorr<=nOuterCorr; ocorr++)
+            for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
                 #include "UEqn.H"
                 #include "YEqn.H"
+                #include "hsEqn.H"
                 // --- PISO loop
-                for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr; corr++)
+                for (int corr=1; corr<=pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
-                    #include "hsEqn.H"
                     #include "pEqn.H"
-                Info<< "T gas min/max   = " << min(T).value() << ", "
-                    << max(T).value() << endl;
+                if (pimple.turbCorr())
+                {
+                    turbulence->correct();
+                }
-            turbulence->correct();
             rho = thermo.rho();
             if (runTime.write())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/setMultiRegionDeltaT.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/setMultiRegionDeltaT.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..037a09f93d46ec92b2f277039260b0f2dde93cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/setMultiRegionDeltaT.H
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    setMultiRegionDeltaT
+    Reset the timestep to maintain a constant maximum Courant numbers.
+    Reduction of time-step is immediate, but increase is damped to avoid
+    unstable oscillations.
+if (adjustTimeStep)
+    if (CoNum == -GREAT)
+    {
+        CoNum = SMALL;
+    }
+    const scalar TFactorFluid = maxCo/(CoNum + SMALL);
+    const scalar TFactorFilm = maxCo/(surfaceFilm.CourantNumber() + SMALL);
+    const scalar dt0 = runTime.deltaTValue();
+    runTime.setDeltaT
+    (
+        min
+        (
+            dt0*min(min(TFactorFluid, TFactorFilm), 1.2),
+            maxDeltaT
+        )
+    );
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/Make/options b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/Make/options
index fb54b88e26984daa386646fdb38b5cc2b968e25a..1380c457e269c3ac598407c7b200c72032e9170c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/Make/options
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/Make/options
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@ EXE_INC = \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/ODE/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/regionModel/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude
+    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude \
+    -I$(FOAM_SOLVERS)/combustion/reactingFoam
     -lfiniteVolume \
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
index 2e8f979be419dba827b3cf63867d13db67c5aa92..31e00d8f35a0fedd2ad576ab4c795e0951ef4c7e 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 1690487b45db2e49964b43a9219cdbfa1d08853f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/chemistry.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Solving chemistry" << endl;
-    chemistry.solve
-    (
-        runTime.value() - runTime.deltaTValue(),
-        runTime.deltaTValue()
-    );
-    // turbulent time scale
-    if (turbulentReaction)
-    {
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tk
-        (
-            Cmix*sqrt(turbulence->muEff()/rho/turbulence->epsilon())
-        );
-        DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> tc
-        (
-            chemistry.tc()().dimensionedInternalField()
-        );
-        // Chalmers PaSR model
-        kappa = (runTime.deltaT() + tc)/(runTime.deltaT() + tc + tk);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kappa = 1.0;
-    }
-    chemistrySh = kappa*chemistry.Sh()();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
index 15999a17985719c7f6bdc28ccc1a9cdfcf2d2a81..3bf304ceccf4168d6214eb32d879f01c977542f0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ rho = thermo.rho();
 volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
 U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
+if (pimple.transonic())
     surfaceScalarField phid
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if (transonic)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -28,18 +28,10 @@ if (transonic)
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi == pEqn.flux();
@@ -54,7 +46,7 @@ else
           + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -67,18 +59,10 @@ else
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += pEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/reactingParcelFoam.C b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/reactingParcelFoam.C
index f938d0f22b0f3e3ed4ad81431e75aaa24edc2538..ae2a06a363b2ff893a0faef9c3b73c3270060535 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/reactingParcelFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/reactingParcelFoam.C
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Description
 #include "chemistrySolver.H"
 #include "radiationModel.H"
 #include "SLGThermo.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -65,7 +67,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -79,28 +80,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
             #include "YEqn.H"
             #include "hsEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
-            rho = thermo.rho();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        rho = thermo.rho();
         if (runTime.write())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleFoam.C
index 8c509ab72c70cc674cd955bc6f8f54b096b19600..d028a1376fc84251c5f62de1aeccecb82499b7e6 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "nearWallDist.H"
 #include "wallFvPatch.H"
 #include "Switch.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -58,25 +61,31 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "readBubbleFoamControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
-        #include "alphaEqn.H"
-        #include "liftDragCoeffs.H"
-        #include "UEqns.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "alphaEqn.H"
+            #include "liftDragCoeffs.H"
+            #include "UEqns.H"
-            if (correctAlpha)
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
-                #include "alphaEqn.H"
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+                if (correctAlpha)
+                {
+                    #include "alphaEqn.H"
+                }
-        }
-        #include "DDtU.H"
+            #include "DDtU.H"
-        #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            }
+        }
         #include "write.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/createFields.H
index efb41613a6c07e6a63d6fb6e8d37d381dae71729..9b1d9aa2ae2e092013f3e6a07414227887f505a4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/createFields.H
@@ -192,4 +192,4 @@
     label pRefCell = 0;
     scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
-    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
+    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/pEqn.H
index faae92d3970fa7d6add15990097aa69fcd0f7133..453575b19b76fb5d73673484e62b631ac1ecfc17 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
         alphaf*rUaAf/rhoa + betaf*rUbAf/rhob
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -50,9 +50,13 @@
         pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             surfaceScalarField SfGradp(pEqn.flux()/Dp);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/readBubbleFoamControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/readBubbleFoamControls.H
index bf70e2babd91f048249b812ba42fe3678f2e98e7..248f608f5cca0931d70fd5ca550ed03c9cbcf2b2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/readBubbleFoamControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/readBubbleFoamControls.H
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-#   include "readPISOControls.H"
-    int nAlphaCorr(readInt(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+    int nAlphaCorr(readInt(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    Switch correctAlpha(piso.lookup("correctAlpha"));
+    Switch correctAlpha(pimple.dict().lookup("correctAlpha"));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/wallFunctions.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/wallFunctions.H
index a998d4c3ddcbffaa744b87b67a7eebd9f4b36524..0d047468408c219a0cdb91d6f5fd81d4341b0de0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/wallFunctions.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/bubbleFoam/wallFunctions.H
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
     scalar Cmu25 = ::pow(Cmu.value(), 0.25);
     scalar Cmu75 = ::pow(Cmu.value(), 0.75);
     scalar kappa_ = kappa.value();
+    scalar nub_ = nub.value();
     const fvPatchList& patches = mesh.boundary();
@@ -32,9 +33,9 @@
         if (isA<wallFvPatch>(currPatch))
-            const scalarField& nuw = nutb.boundaryField()[patchi];
+            const scalarField& nutbw = nutb.boundaryField()[patchi];
-            scalarField magFaceGradU(mag(U.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()));
+            scalarField magFaceGradU(mag(Ub.boundaryField()[patchi].snGrad()));
             forAll(currPatch, facei)
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
                 scalar yPlus =
-                    /nub.value();
+                    /nub_;
                 // For corner cells (with two boundary or more faces),
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@
                 if (yPlus > 11.6)
                     G[faceCelli] +=
-                        nuw[facei]*magFaceGradU[facei]
+                        (nutbw[facei] + nub_)*magFaceGradU[facei]
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/UEqn.H
index 01911faaa3dbd1b23e49004c2ba1573226050510..9a5761b59f3af176c34fde4f0b366573cf510cfe 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
         solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/cavitatingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/cavitatingFoam.C
index 2e35e0bfc382bc83b306e927b54e5ea57abd3020..64eb38f71ef2f1699d4d3a08b77e4e7e3b049157 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/cavitatingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/cavitatingFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "barotropicCompressibilityModel.H"
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -52,6 +53,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -65,19 +68,22 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        for (int outerCorr=0; outerCorr<nOuterCorr; outerCorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "rhoEqn.H"
             #include "gammaPsi.H"
             #include "UEqn.H"
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/pEqn.H
index 6b6fc73eb9e81afb7e0a821c29ba3cb192557df0..c604539cde376de10bb7d52c5a4efbd1658813fc 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    if (nOuterCorr == 1)
+    if (pimple.nOuterCorr() == 1)
         p =
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     #include "resetPhivPatches.H"
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -37,16 +37,12 @@
           - fvm::laplacian(rAUf, p)
-        if (corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            pEqn.solve(mesh.solver(p.name() + "Final"));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pEqn.solve(mesh.solver(p.name()));
-        }
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phiv += (phiGradp + pEqn.flux())/rhof;
@@ -82,9 +78,9 @@
     U = HbyA - rAU*fvc::grad(p);
     // Remove the swirl component of velocity for "wedge" cases
-    if (piso.found("removeSwirl"))
+    if (pimple.dict().found("removeSwirl"))
-        label swirlCmpt(readLabel(piso.lookup("removeSwirl")));
+        label swirlCmpt(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("removeSwirl")));
         Info<< "Removing swirl component-" << swirlCmpt << " of U" << endl;
         U.field().replace(swirlCmpt, 0.0);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/readControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/readControls.H
index f53e7b9eb1cf63f2ca57abe6b63c441243400647..234478955bf970e8f88f33a59dcf8dccac4dfccd 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/readControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/readControls.H
@@ -4,6 +4,3 @@ scalar maxAcousticCo
-#include "readPISOControls.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/UEqn.H
index 320953ab6fbb2ab0bb5af932929990e9e83c0f58..257f6d48b53176b612a8732887d32a4f1f767905 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
index 7645b2d4aa78f8445559e5bcc0d1bfcdb87b5854..9161c8056314b4ca86f5507d3a1665faf08c5543 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-    label nAlphaCorr
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    label nAlphaSubCycles
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
     surfaceScalarField phic(mag(phi/mesh.magSf()));
     phic = min(interface.cAlpha()*phic, max(phic));
@@ -36,7 +30,7 @@
         #include "alphaEqns.H"
-    if (oCorr == 0)
+    if (pimple.corr() == 0)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
index a973c23dfe535167b9eec77c2fa4b0fba9451387..532d2bcc05ea395e13f75406a23e391cf5d9f4b5 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
-    label nAlphaCorr
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    label nAlphaSubCycles
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
     surfaceScalarField phic(mag(phi/mesh.magSf()));
     phic = min(interface.cAlpha()*phic, max(phic));
@@ -38,7 +32,7 @@
         #include "alphaEqns.H"
-    if (oCorr == 0)
+    if (pimple.corr() == 0)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam.C
index a6fe17ee9b4fd1f1cc43d5ebe9b6de690c0db4da..2adf446fda9525b95df3b858d31565fd2d923712 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Description
 #include "interfaceProperties.H"
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -53,6 +54,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createDynamicFvMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "readControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // --- Outer-corrector loop
-        for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr; oCorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "alphaEqnsSubCycle.H"
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/correctPhi.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
index f681ba65940dd3eb12b67ad38628f19537ca2c96..c3b3726d12226076b01b95627ab82cce24ca2638 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/correctPhi.H
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     adjustPhi(phi, U, pcorr);
-    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pcorrEqn
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pcorrEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/pEqn.H
index 0c1ad0192d04685e3ab4b3efb1a327e625e6a0ed..cdc541f0cd9b572221ec54a5a3c6154a119ea695 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     tmp<fvScalarMatrix> p_rghEqnComp;
-    if (transonic)
+    if (pimple.transonic())
         p_rghEqnComp =
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
           - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqnIncomp
@@ -55,18 +55,10 @@
           + p_rghEqnIncomp,
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    oCorr == nOuterCorr-1
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             dgdt =
                 (pos(alpha2)*(psi2/rho2) - pos(alpha1)*(psi1/rho1))
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/readControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/readControls.H
index a2e4ef3747f5e90cf13fcc16d721275040144869..38bacbf4eaeaebd5e4efa0c7e2554a2b3bc85477 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/readControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterDyMFoam/readControls.H
@@ -1,17 +1,10 @@
-   #include "readPISOControls.H"
-   #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    #include "readTimeControls.H"
-    label nAlphaCorr
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    label nAlphaSubCycles
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
-    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1 && nOuterCorr != 1)
+    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1 && pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
             << "Sub-cycling alpha is only allowed for PISO, "
@@ -19,14 +12,8 @@
             << exit(FatalError);
-    bool correctPhi = true;
-    if (piso.found("correctPhi"))
-    {
-        correctPhi = Switch(piso.lookup("correctPhi"));
-    }
+    bool correctPhi =
+        pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<Switch>("correctPhi", true);
-    bool checkMeshCourantNo = false;
-    if (piso.found("checkMeshCourantNo"))
-    {
-        checkMeshCourantNo = Switch(piso.lookup("checkMeshCourantNo"));
-    }
+    bool checkMeshCourantNo =
+        pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<Switch>("checkMeshCourantNo", false);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterFoam.C
index 4aed5e9c07d3593220372e4d64495136d4cdf64d..d8204d7f2d939ab690526b9d9f3b0e3883e688e2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/compressibleInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ Description
 #include "interfaceProperties.H"
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "readControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
@@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
         // --- Outer-corrector loop
-        for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr; oCorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "alphaEqnsSubCycle.H"
@@ -80,16 +84,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
         rho = alpha1*rho1 + alpha2*rho2;
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = "
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/pEqn.H
index 047f2f3c4c4d23279aaeaee8346d6b1173d1b366..28c42abe7928a3ea14d8272dbb474e72ac3c13f8 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     tmp<fvScalarMatrix> p_rghEqnComp;
-    if (transonic)
+    if (pimple.transonic())
         p_rghEqnComp =
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
           - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqnIncomp
@@ -55,18 +55,10 @@
           + p_rghEqnIncomp,
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    oCorr == nOuterCorr-1
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             dgdt =
                 (pos(alpha2)*(psi2/rho2) - pos(alpha1)*(psi1/rho1))
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/readControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/readControls.H
index 7e23354f47faf454cde356329b7bae37d39b2cd9..954fcb27f2da0f67bc0131113f86a99d807a7d09 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/readControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/readControls.H
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-   #include "readPISOControls.H"
    #include "readTimeControls.H"
     label nAlphaCorr
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
+        readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
     label nAlphaSubCycles
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
+        readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
-    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1 && nOuterCorr != 1)
+    if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1 && pimple.nOuterCorr() != 1)
             << "Sub-cycling alpha is only allowed for PISO, "
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/LTSInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/LTSInterFoam.C
index 7f28e63e946afa5a082f38f23f7bc6df4c25ebae..74cffd7495335899fbe6ca66a3f18e3677e1e508 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/LTSInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/LTSInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Description
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "fvcSmooth.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -52,9 +53,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialrDeltaT.H"
@@ -65,8 +68,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
@@ -76,13 +77,19 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnSubCycle.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
index 593b3503e1870d42254582069f7b853ba46a81bf..b59b0ae5fe29d683bc325f2d9b9f4be1106dca9c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
-label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
+label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
 if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
index 210c65627d4877fad7d01b7d0345aaaa36732351..c7ac1758481c49e74c02f6d9d12f211f672465f0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setInitialrDeltaT.H
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 scalar maxDeltaT
-    piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
+    pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
 volScalarField rDeltaT
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setrDeltaT.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setrDeltaT.H
index 208d01b4847691c057725fc9a20b8c85d8cb3fab..8525a8bf6738a5b230f524e8ffae6af08063e2b2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setrDeltaT.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/LTSInterFoam/setrDeltaT.H
@@ -1,52 +1,54 @@
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
     scalar maxCo
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxCo", 0.9)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxCo", 0.9)
     scalar maxAlphaCo
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxAlphaCo", 0.2)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxAlphaCo", 0.2)
     scalar rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff", 0.1)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff", 0.1)
     label nAlphaSpreadIter
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<label>("nAlphaSpreadIter", 1)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<label>("nAlphaSpreadIter", 1)
     scalar alphaSpreadDiff
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadDiff", 0.2)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadDiff", 0.2)
     scalar alphaSpreadMax
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadMax", 0.99)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadMax", 0.99)
     scalar alphaSpreadMin
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadMin", 0.01)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("alphaSpreadMin", 0.01)
     label nAlphaSweepIter
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<label>("nAlphaSweepIter", 5)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<label>("nAlphaSweepIter", 5)
     scalar rDeltaTDampingCoeff
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTDampingCoeff", 1.0)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("rDeltaTDampingCoeff", 1.0)
     scalar maxDeltaT
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("maxDeltaT", GREAT)
     volScalarField rDeltaT0("rDeltaT0", rDeltaT);
@@ -130,7 +132,7 @@
     label nAlphaSubCycles
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
+        readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
     rSubDeltaT = rDeltaT*nAlphaSubCycles;
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/MRFInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/MRFInterFoam.C
index 4c0d33eeb207befcf13b8c299e08bfd6c6cb791a..14fa1cfe7a02eced973a78712f1f6cf56d5b09e9 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/MRFInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/MRFInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Description
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "MRFZones.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -51,11 +52,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "createMRFZones.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
@@ -66,7 +69,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -81,16 +83,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnSubCycle.H"
         #include "zonePhaseVolumes.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/UEqn.H
index 80e9d09b3b5538f977f6ab04d3b77dcfcad229ff..c26df020198f92f72ca3f3f8a871600b5b2d8c61 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/pEqn.H
index e4f8247bac6591179574a92c10e3653e77d65fa5..d281e177c8e02dfe6a112f39a2acf44d13921678 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/MRFInterFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
       - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -30,13 +30,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select(corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/UEqn.H
index 320953ab6fbb2ab0bb5af932929990e9e83c0f58..257f6d48b53176b612a8732887d32a4f1f767905 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
index 073d058bfa0c586c0bdc2bdd568a66658a6f0607..8dbb489c8d2d0fad19b6e8035a64b71be2767152 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
-label nAlphaCorr
-    readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
+label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-label nAlphaSubCycles
-    readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
+label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
 if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
@@ -19,7 +13,7 @@ if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
-#       include "alphaEqn.H"
+        #include "alphaEqn.H"
         rhoPhiSum += (runTime.deltaT()/totalDeltaT)*rhoPhi;
@@ -27,7 +21,7 @@ if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
-#       include "alphaEqn.H"
+    #include "alphaEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/correctPhi.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/correctPhi.H
index e08d3702e87816066224e995ccb4f0617897352e..cb3503e7b8d385f4cf6110cc4c2d57beb3c246f2 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/correctPhi.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/correctPhi.H
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     adjustPhi(phi, U, pcorr);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pcorrEqn
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
         pcorrEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= pcorrEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/createFields.H
index 174cba3e1a2f957bdc608806d10ed330d2601b9f..34dea334e8f16875cee4fa26f4f7ea73a2af5d6f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/createFields.H
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
-        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"),
+        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"),
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/interDyMFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/interDyMFoam.C
index d525913811608210105ca08dee26bf0ac7d3d791..84d6552f02aae5c5a9bc40cdb3443727ab7ea423 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/interDyMFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/interDyMFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Description
 #include "interfaceProperties.H"
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -47,10 +48,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createDynamicFvMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
@@ -105,16 +108,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnSubCycle.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/pEqn.H
index 5bf3ca9418b69a3980f8adde55bc02ef99dfa0af..84c1fe45b6a40666d5a7a1f184da5a1700eab522 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
       - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -29,13 +29,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select(corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/readControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/readControls.H
index 3640d73adc6bbe61745f1a3b7ed4dbf4421131f3..d4e332ff38e9d2699c0919ef45a1a9edd3769fc1 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/readControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interDyMFoam/readControls.H
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
-#   include "readTimeControls.H"
-#   include "readPISOControls.H"
+    #include "readTimeControls.H"
-    bool correctPhi = true;
-    if (piso.found("correctPhi"))
-    {
-        correctPhi = Switch(piso.lookup("correctPhi"));
-    }
-    bool checkMeshCourantNo = false;
-    if (piso.found("checkMeshCourantNo"))
-    {
-        checkMeshCourantNo = Switch(piso.lookup("checkMeshCourantNo"));
-    }
+    bool correctPhi =
+        pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<Switch>("correctPhi", true);
+    bool checkMeshCourantNo =
+        pimple.dict().lookupOrDefault<Switch>("checkMeshCourantNo", false);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interFoam.C
index 98cd759b4f5e51e6e69fe74dab264b561b2a2b07..d74283cea579bd7e43e897045c26a6a6930e44f0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/interFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Description
     The momentum and other fluid properties are of the "mixture" and a single
     momentum equation is solved.
-    Turbulence modelling is generic, i.e.  laminar, RAS or LES may be selected.
+    Turbulence modelling is generic, i.e. laminar, RAS or LES may be selected.
     For a two-fluid approach see twoPhaseEulerFoam.
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Description
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "interpolationTable.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -52,7 +53,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
@@ -60,13 +63,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -80,16 +83,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnSubCycle.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/pEqn.H
index db1eccc5a5348055a2bed3c9ef0e8ea96ffb4484..d75a76766ab21c56a0c8a1e3fbc173a72054297f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
       - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -29,13 +29,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select(corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/UEqn.H
index 72ae38ba06885414776791d3a8af17af583caf41..155c0527b7338035d444a03f97cf52cef2924e3b 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/porousInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/porousInterFoam.C
index f0949e290e79148b3c1d965bd18188b13c4b1c08..2d1b874c15556363eed37c980af65b97522c196f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/porousInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interFoam/porousInterFoam/porousInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Description
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "porousZones.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -53,11 +54,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "createPorousZones.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
@@ -68,7 +71,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -82,16 +84,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnSubCycle.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
index 81e09f9b900ca6362114330a396b63ca4e0e57ec..d816f8acedf88815eb09aaaad7e234faf6508edf 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/alphaEqnsSubCycle.H
@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
-label nAlphaCorr
-    readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-label nAlphaSubCycles
-    readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
+const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
+label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
 if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
@@ -19,7 +13,7 @@ if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
-#       include "alphaEqns.H"
+        #include "alphaEqns.H"
         rhoPhiSum += (runTime.deltaT()/totalDeltaT)*rhoPhi;
@@ -27,7 +21,7 @@ if (nAlphaSubCycles > 1)
-#       include "alphaEqns.H"
+    #include "alphaEqns.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/createFields.H
index 8ef77a5546d75e09ac0bd57450cf5a1c0ef6173e..60543dc826266392c2738dbfcad79de0442e9f57 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/createFields.H
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
-        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"),
+        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"),
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/incompressibleThreePhaseMixture/threePhaseMixture.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/incompressibleThreePhaseMixture/threePhaseMixture.C
index 3cb03fc6d8b9f921a15b6c73841dc61e3a36dd59..5edf003719d98e6dbd5faf66e9602e6122700f2c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/incompressibleThreePhaseMixture/threePhaseMixture.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/incompressibleThreePhaseMixture/threePhaseMixture.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ Class
 //- Calculate and return the laminar viscosity
 void Foam::threePhaseMixture::calcNu()
+    nuModel1_->correct();
+    nuModel2_->correct();
+    nuModel3_->correct();
     // Average kinematic viscosity calculated from dynamic viscosity
     nu_ = mu()/(alpha1_*rho1_ + alpha2_*rho2_ + alpha3_*rho3_);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/interMixingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/interMixingFoam.C
index 5da002283a9adada5348e695cbf148b5e577a936..498d180aa0b178511e3f576be3f59e25340c865d 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/interMixingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/interMixingFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "threePhaseMixture.H"
 #include "threePhaseInterfaceProperties.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -45,12 +46,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -59,7 +62,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -74,18 +76,26 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         #include "alphaEqnsSubCycle.H"
         #define twoPhaseProperties threePhaseProperties
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
         #include "continuityErrs.H"
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/threePhaseInterfaceProperties/threePhaseInterfaceProperties.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/threePhaseInterfaceProperties/threePhaseInterfaceProperties.C
index 74ebde2b32c58f0fa1f95c9eb36118ef78d065a3..9f4e800092c85c93f6d63bff61daf3152d8be4ea 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/threePhaseInterfaceProperties/threePhaseInterfaceProperties.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interMixingFoam/threePhaseInterfaceProperties/threePhaseInterfaceProperties.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -174,7 +174,8 @@ Foam::threePhaseInterfaceProperties::threePhaseInterfaceProperties
-            mixture.U().mesh().solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("cAlpha")
+            mixture.U().mesh().solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE").
+                lookup("cAlpha")
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/UEqn.H
index 042f6f18a11d70f991f9446c4d33e16895d91dbf..b8fe82ff1423ed793c82bdcb0a5d43d226be0bc4 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
index eea578e6e580c07c0b2368381bd5b6683900ee0b..b68160e62d44abdf268134e961e8648f547cc6d3 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/alphaEqnSubCycle.H
@@ -11,15 +11,11 @@ surfaceScalarField rhoPhi
-    label nAlphaCorr
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-    );
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = pimple.dict();
-    label nAlphaSubCycles
-    (
-        readLabel(piso.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+    label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
     surfaceScalarField phic(mag(phi/mesh.magSf()));
     phic = min(interface.cAlpha()*phic, max(phic));
@@ -44,7 +40,7 @@ surfaceScalarField rhoPhi
         #include "alphaEqn.H"
-    if (nOuterCorr == 1)
+    if (pimple.nOuterCorr() == 1)
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/createFields.H
index 381e80b8816851ce85ccc32217ea447e8ad78aed..60f15ab553bd9f2153f257446b956931ba7796ef 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/createFields.H
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
-        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"),
+        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"),
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/interPhaseChangeFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/interPhaseChangeFoam.C
index 2e241d13e2a1ae38d370f0b7ea5fda56e0aca569..2e94017da2a27f55d97eb3d0f04df3fb771af188 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/interPhaseChangeFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/interPhaseChangeFoam.C
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Description
 #include "interfaceProperties.H"
 #include "phaseChangeTwoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -56,10 +56,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "../interFoam/correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
@@ -70,7 +72,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -84,17 +85,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/pEqn.H
index 59bc275540ee0f7c22e3675df5d3dac3ed22173c..6cfa59cc7c8e7c7b418cd5b0f9453dd7f423bb8c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     const volScalarField& vDotcP = vDotP[0]();
     const volScalarField& vDotvP = vDotP[1]();
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -35,18 +35,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi += p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam.C
index 9c1e97eae3ff1eb0506af9b8fa227206ac7d32ef..e731c2579bbfc39f67018c17e7ffacf7c29a2de0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ Description
 #include "multiphaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
 #include "MRFZones.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -44,7 +45,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "createMRFZones.H"
@@ -59,7 +62,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -73,16 +75,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         rho = mixture.rho();
         #include "zonePhaseVolumes.H"
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
index b47e7111922fdca962813649538ff88c5e633789..3b860b975a7a1e71895b4b408679661e3c858541 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
index 8be2e12bf6a994394c5b624209e0b1882898dc68..9975ebac832570c72c065923426208ac8106f330 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for(int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -31,13 +31,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select(corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
index a2145bc0a2d1f95eaae85d0573202712db22112c..43ee1e3eb9452061200f3908241358d3f3215a24 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/createFields.H
index e3ebd1074377204b2b0dde0ead3381c02a6d1d4e..78fa0ec3098b1bebee455b270da92606c3bcae07 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/createFields.H
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
-        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"),
+        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"),
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseInterFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseInterFoam.C
index feb3bf00a4ef2c262a113dd4723bf18b357b07a4..533466ef1f674591eb2892ccd38e4add7fc9002b 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseInterFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseInterFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "multiphaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -43,10 +44,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "setRootCase.H"
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "readPISOControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     #include "correctPhi.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
@@ -57,7 +60,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "alphaCourantNo.H"
@@ -70,16 +72,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         rho = mixture.rho();
-        #include "UEqn.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqn.H"
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
+            {
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+            }
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
-        turbulence->correct();
         Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseMixture/multiphaseMixture.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseMixture/multiphaseMixture.C
index eecec78206d7ad40fcd4b648ccc4ad6ed53296e4..096141d75a56a4e506251148b3fc3c00ca684e7a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseMixture/multiphaseMixture.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/multiphaseMixture/multiphaseMixture.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -245,28 +245,15 @@ void Foam::multiphaseMixture::solve()
     const Time& runTime = mesh_.time();
-    label nAlphaSubCycles
-    (
-        readLabel
-        (
-            mesh_.solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")
-        )
-    );
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = mesh_.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE");
-    label nAlphaCorr
-    (
-        readLabel(mesh_.solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("nAlphaCorr"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaSubCycles(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaSubCycles")));
-    bool cycleAlpha
-    (
-        Switch(mesh_.solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("cycleAlpha"))
-    );
+    label nAlphaCorr(readLabel(pimpleDict.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    scalar cAlpha
-    (
-        readScalar(mesh_.solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("cAlpha"))
-    );
+    bool cycleAlpha(Switch(pimpleDict.lookup("cycleAlpha")));
+    scalar cAlpha(readScalar(pimpleDict.lookup("cAlpha")));
     volScalarField& alpha = phases_.first();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
index 712fcfc9a1e47b4d86949701056d5beaa9cdd90d..78bfc89bb471efbbc2709bb67ab3f3dd8a8b55e9 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
       - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -30,13 +30,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select(corr == nCorr-1 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/UEqn.H
index cd3985b364d286b46c295125d817a2aa64740dda..fc750765b7220efea08aeb248353703984d60e13 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/createFields.H
index eaa21a8065ab2ba3e04133685c8c00808dd61f05..057487f7ac498e8e06c4cb5f31896ce73844d619 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/createFields.H
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@
-        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"),
+        mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"),
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/pEqn.H
index f359e952542436193bd149ee7ec2823383fbdc27..7b62411d2d17344bf88d1014cbc5e2a05b98803c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ phi =
 surfaceScalarField phiU("phiU", phi);
 phi -= ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*rAUf*mesh.magSf();
-for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
     fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
     p_rghEqn.setReference(pRefCell, getRefCellValue(p_rgh, pRefCell));
-    if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+    if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
         phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/settlingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/settlingFoam.C
index c91229abd78adf01324aa6280019b0f0b98dbaa8..3b27deb210e121a00a9e8a5dd621568418447a7b 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/settlingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/settlingFoam/settlingFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Description
 #include "Switch.H"
 #include "plasticViscosity.H"
 #include "yieldStress.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -58,12 +61,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readPISOControls.H"
         #include "compressibleCourantNo.H"
         #include "rhoEqn.H"
-        for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr; oCorr++)
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
             #include "calcVdj.H"
@@ -74,12 +76,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "correctViscosity.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/UEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/UEqn.H
index 5d9a317e0868b881e0e8ab06b30821b991377be2..3dbb3747743536d11d95ce2021c81cab1641ea3f 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/UEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/UEqn.H
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-    if (momentumPredictor)
+    if (pimple.momentumPredictor())
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/pEqn.H
index 4d7a6b986c81ae06185868ee2c7c0b6a346944f9..01b6442e9dff45ec0938ccd2fd9d714aafa11d7d 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     phi = phiU - ghf*fvc::snGrad(rho)*rAUf*mesh.magSf();
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix p_rghEqn
@@ -25,18 +25,10 @@
-            mesh.solver
-            (
-                p_rgh.select
-                (
-                    pimpleCorr.finalIter()
-                 && corr == nCorr-1
-                 && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr
-                )
-            )
+            mesh.solver(p_rgh.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             phi -= p_rghEqn.flux();
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/twoLiquidMixingFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/twoLiquidMixingFoam.C
index a21b8624411da517988c58b528bd26399e53a755..39587a007bc322e721b4acb526fe5c837384d7c0 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/twoLiquidMixingFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoLiquidMixingFoam/twoLiquidMixingFoam.C
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Description
 #include "fvCFD.H"
 #include "twoPhaseMixture.H"
 #include "turbulenceModel.H"
-#include "pimpleLoop.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -44,20 +44,20 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "createTime.H"
     #include "createMesh.H"
     #include "readGravitationalAcceleration.H"
-    #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
     #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
     #include "createFields.H"
     #include "readTimeControls.H"
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
     while (runTime.run())
-        #include "readPIMPLEControls.H"
         #include "readTimeControls.H"
         #include "CourantNo.H"
         #include "setDeltaT.H"
@@ -67,12 +67,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
         // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
-        for
-        (
-            pimpleLoop pimpleCorr(mesh, nOuterCorr);
-            pimpleCorr.loop();
-            pimpleCorr++
-        )
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
@@ -81,12 +76,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
             #include "UEqn.H"
             // --- PISO loop
-            for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
                 #include "pEqn.H"
-            turbulence->correct();
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                turbulence->correct();
+            }
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/createFields.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/createFields.H
index 00581cd30243c8a2dff97c451105502005c5e25c..95395d97d4b319c4e3703b4d92c15d61b981b011 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/createFields.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/createFields.H
@@ -234,4 +234,4 @@
     label pRefCell = 0;
     scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
-    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
+    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/pEqn.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/pEqn.H
index 82fc1280c10a80193838323412b3de9a93f47709..53d11f9e0692520c75b9bc68d0e11ebe4215626a 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/pEqn.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/pEqn.H
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
         alphaf*rUaAf/rhoa + betaf*rUbAf/rhob
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=pimple.nNonOrthCorr(); nonOrth++)
         fvScalarMatrix pEqn
@@ -66,9 +66,13 @@
         pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
+        pEqn.solve
+        (
+            mesh.solver(p.select(pimple.finalInnerIter(corr, nonOrth)))
+        );
+        if (nonOrth == pimple.nNonOrthCorr())
             surfaceScalarField SfGradp(pEqn.flux()/Dp);
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readPPProperties.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readPPProperties.H
index c1b319cbc96c9613a5d379b020b564204d55207e..a655736c547dba34301da4bf6dae5de97b534511 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readPPProperties.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readPPProperties.H
@@ -10,27 +10,12 @@
-    scalar preAlphaExp
-    (
-        readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("preAlphaExp"))
-    );
+    scalar preAlphaExp(readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("preAlphaExp")));
-    scalar alphaMax
-    (
-        readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("alphaMax"))
-    );
+    scalar alphaMax(readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("alphaMax")));
-    scalar expMax
-    (
-        readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("expMax"))
-    );
+    scalar expMax(readScalar(ppProperties.lookup("expMax")));
-    dimensionedScalar g0
-    (
-        ppProperties.lookup("g0")
-    );
+    dimensionedScalar g0(ppProperties.lookup("g0"));
-    Switch packingLimiter
-    (
-        ppProperties.lookup("packingLimiter")
-    );
+    Switch packingLimiter(ppProperties.lookup("packingLimiter"));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
index b9563363897d8c09fbc5575e47e9817af43553a7..a345c4e53bc97e5b3ad14ddaf653805a78a75571 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/readTwoPhaseEulerFoamControls.H
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-#   include "readTimeControls.H"
-#   include "readPISOControls.H"
+    #include "readTimeControls.H"
-    int nAlphaCorr(readInt(piso.lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
+    int nAlphaCorr(readInt(pimple.dict().lookup("nAlphaCorr")));
-    Switch correctAlpha(piso.lookup("correctAlpha"));
+    Switch correctAlpha(pimple.dict().lookup("correctAlpha"));
diff --git a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/twoPhaseEulerFoam.C b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/twoPhaseEulerFoam.C
index 24f55327eea53a24c5dfc9548013473505c22394..17cf2e7ec0c8ef742ce5351a1af2ec4667ac332c 100644
--- a/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/twoPhaseEulerFoam.C
+++ b/applications/solvers/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/twoPhaseEulerFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ Description
 #include "phaseModel.H"
 #include "kineticTheoryModel.H"
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -58,6 +60,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     #include "CourantNo.H"
     #include "setInitialDeltaT.H"
+    pimpleControl pimple(mesh);
     // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
@@ -71,26 +75,33 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "alphaEqn.H"
-        #include "liftDragCoeffs.H"
+        // --- Pressure-velocity PIMPLE corrector loop
+        for (pimple.start(); pimple.loop(); pimple++)
+        {
+            #include "alphaEqn.H"
-        #include "UEqns.H"
+            #include "liftDragCoeffs.H"
-        // --- PISO loop
-        for (int corr=0; corr<nCorr; corr++)
-        {
-            #include "pEqn.H"
+            #include "UEqns.H"
-            if (correctAlpha && corr<nCorr-1)
+            // --- PISO loop
+            for (int corr=0; corr<pimple.nCorr(); corr++)
-                #include "alphaEqn.H"
+                #include "pEqn.H"
+                if (correctAlpha && !pimple.finalIter())
+                {
+                    #include "alphaEqn.H"
+                }
-        }
-        #include "DDtU.H"
+            #include "DDtU.H"
-        #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            if (pimple.turbCorr())
+            {
+                #include "kEpsilon.H"
+            }
+        }
         #include "write.H"
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/Make/files b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/Make/files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..93d1ed79c4e3a74c87727f0839edc71d6880fda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/Make/files
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EXE = $(FOAM_APPBIN)/datToFoam
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/Make/options b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/Make/options
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/Make/options
rename to applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/Make/options
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/datToFoam.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/datToFoam.C
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/datToFoam.C
rename to applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/datToFoam.C
index f234587a2d79b9b4ff788e99605f3304cd592b60..8c14410f5b6d6e3388256c1e02559ee60bb55fbd 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/datToFoam.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/datToFoam/datToFoam.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#   include "createTime.H"
+    #include "createTime.H"
     std::ifstream plot3dFile(args.args()[1].c_str());
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/ideasUnvToFoam.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/ideasUnvToFoam.C
index 4e9559a6d1b913b526b27f3e5bfca162feef3140..92af69626cb4eb3e378ca85dd5cbfac05292c712 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/ideasUnvToFoam.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/ideasUnvToFoam.C
@@ -41,12 +41,27 @@ Description
 #include "faceSet.H"
 #include "DynamicList.H"
+#include <cassert>
 #include "MeshedSurfaces.H"
 using namespace Foam;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    template<>
+    inline unsigned Hash<face>::operator()(const face& t, unsigned seed) const
+    {
+        return Hasher(t.cdata(),t.size()*sizeof(label), seed);
+    }
+    template<>
+    inline unsigned Hash<face>::operator()(const face& t) const
+    {
+        return Hash<face>::operator()(t, 0);
+    }
 const string SEPARATOR("    -1");
 bool isSeparator(const string& line)
@@ -98,7 +113,7 @@ void readHeader(IFstream& is)
-            Sout<< line << endl;
+            Info<< line << endl;
@@ -107,7 +122,7 @@ void readHeader(IFstream& is)
 // Skip
 void skipSection(IFstream& is)
-    Sout<< "Skipping section at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
+    Info<< "Skipping section at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
     string line;
@@ -119,10 +134,6 @@ void skipSection(IFstream& is)
-        else
-        {
-//            Sout<< line << endl;
-        }
@@ -148,19 +159,19 @@ void readUnits
     scalar& tempOffset
-    Sout<< "Starting reading units at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
+    Info<< "Starting reading units at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
     string line;
     label l = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(0, 10))());
-    Sout<< "l:" << l << endl;
+    Info<< "l:" << l << endl;
     string units(line.substr(10, 20));
-    Sout<< "units:" << units << endl;
+    Info<< "units:" << units << endl;
     label unitType = readLabel(IStringStream(line.substr(30, 10))());
-    Sout<< "unitType:" << unitType << endl;
+    Info<< "unitType:" << unitType << endl;
     // Read lengthscales
@@ -172,7 +183,7 @@ void readUnits
     tempOffset = readUnvScalar(line.substr(0, 25));
-    Sout<< "Unit factors:" << nl
+    Info<< "Unit factors:" << nl
         << "    Length scale       : " << lengthScale << nl
         << "    Force scale        : " << forceScale << nl
         << "    Temperature scale  : " << tempScale << nl
@@ -189,7 +200,7 @@ void readPoints
     DynamicList<label>& unvPointID  // unv index
-    Sout<< "Starting reading points at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
+    Info<< "Starting reading points at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
     static bool hasWarned = false;
@@ -232,9 +243,22 @@ void readPoints
-    Sout<< "Read " << points.size() << " points." << endl;
+    Info<< "Read " << points.size() << " points." << endl;
+void addAndExtend
+    DynamicList<label>& indizes,
+    label cellI,
+    label val
+    if (indizes.size() < (cellI+1))
+    {
+        indizes.setSize(cellI+1,-1);
+    }
+    indizes[cellI] = val;
 // Reads cells section. Read region as well? Not handled yet but should just
 // be a matter of reading corresponding to boundaryFaces the correct property
@@ -245,10 +269,21 @@ void readCells
     DynamicList<cellShape>& cellVerts,
     DynamicList<label>& cellMaterial,
     DynamicList<label>& boundaryFaceIndices,
-    DynamicList<face>& boundaryFaces
+    DynamicList<face>& boundaryFaces,
+    DynamicList<label>& cellCorrespondence,
+    DynamicList<label>& unvPointID  // unv index
-    Sout<< "Starting reading cells at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
+    Info<< "Starting reading cells at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.' << endl;
+    // Invert point numbering.
+    label maxUnvPoint = 0;
+    forAll(unvPointID, pointI)
+    {
+        maxUnvPoint = max(maxUnvPoint, unvPointID[pointI]);
+    }
+    labelList unvToFoam(invert(maxUnvPoint+1, unvPointID));
     const cellModel& hex = *(cellModeller::lookup("hex"));
     const cellModel& prism = *(cellModeller::lookup("prism"));
@@ -328,6 +363,7 @@ void readCells
             cellVerts.append(cellShape(tet, cVerts, true));
+            addAndExtend(cellCorrespondence,cellI,cellMaterial.size()-1);
             if (cellVerts.last().size() != cVerts.size())
@@ -352,6 +388,7 @@ void readCells
             cellVerts.append(cellShape(prism, cVerts, true));
+            addAndExtend(cellCorrespondence,cellI,cellMaterial.size()-1);
             if (cellVerts.last().size() != cVerts.size())
@@ -376,10 +413,11 @@ void readCells
             cellVerts.append(cellShape(hex, cVerts, true));
+            addAndExtend(cellCorrespondence,cellI,cellMaterial.size()-1);
             if (cellVerts.last().size() != cVerts.size())
-                Pout<< "Line:" << is.lineNumber()
+                Info<< "Line:" << is.lineNumber()
                     << " element:" << cellI
                     << " type:" << feID
                     << " collapsed from " << cVerts << nl
@@ -407,6 +445,7 @@ void readCells
             cellVerts.append(cellShape(tet, cVerts, true));
+            addAndExtend(cellCorrespondence,cellI,cellMaterial.size()-1);
             if (cellVerts.last().size() != cVerts.size())
@@ -433,20 +472,21 @@ void readCells
+    cellCorrespondence.shrink();
-    Sout<< "Read " << cellVerts.size() << " cells"
+    Info<< "Read " << cellVerts.size() << " cells"
         << " and " << boundaryFaces.size() << " boundary faces." << endl;
-void readPatches
+void readSets
     IFstream& is,
     DynamicList<word>& patchNames,
     DynamicList<labelList>& patchFaceIndices
-    Sout<< "Starting reading patches at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.'
+    Info<< "Starting reading patches at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.'
         << endl;
     while (true)
@@ -509,7 +549,7 @@ void readPatches
-            IOWarningIn("readPatches(..)", is)
+            IOWarningIn("readSets(..)", is)
                 << "When reading patches expect entity type code 8"
                 << nl << "    Skipping group code " << groupType
                 << endl;
@@ -530,7 +570,7 @@ void readDOFS
     DynamicList<labelList>& dofVertices
-    Sout<< "Starting reading contraints at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.'
+    Info<< "Starting reading contraints at line " << is.lineNumber() << '.'
         << endl;
     string line;
@@ -636,6 +676,9 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    // Switch on additional debug info
+    const bool verbose = false; //true;
     // Unit scale factors
     scalar lengthScale = 1;
     scalar forceScale = 1;
@@ -650,6 +693,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     // Cells
     DynamicList<cellShape> cellVerts;
     DynamicList<label> cellMat;
+    DynamicList<label> cellCorrespondence;
     // Boundary faces
     DynamicList<label> boundaryFaceIndices;
@@ -670,7 +714,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        Sout<< "Processing tag:" << tag << endl;
+        Info<< "Processing tag:" << tag << endl;
         switch (tag)
@@ -700,13 +744,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-                    boundaryFaces
+                    boundaryFaces,
+                    cellCorrespondence,
+                    unvPointID
             case 2452:
             case 2467:
-                readPatches
+                readSets
@@ -724,12 +770,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-                Sout<< "Skipping tag " << tag << " on line "
+                Info<< "Skipping tag " << tag << " on line "
                     << inFile.lineNumber() << endl;
-        Sout<< endl;
+        Info<< endl;
@@ -798,6 +844,58 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     List<faceList> patchFaceVerts;
+    labelList nrFaceCells(boundaryFaces.size(),0);
+    HashTable<label,label> faceToCell[2];
+    {
+        HashTable<label, face, Hash<face> > faceToFaceID(boundaryFaces.size());
+        forAll(boundaryFaces, faceI)
+        {
+            SortableList<label> foo(boundaryFaces[faceI]);
+            face theFace(foo);
+            faceToFaceID.insert(theFace,faceI);
+        }
+        forAll(cellVerts, cellI)
+        {
+            faceList faces = cellVerts[cellI].faces();
+            forAll(faces, i)
+            {
+                SortableList<label> foo(faces[i]);
+                face theFace(foo);
+                if (faceToFaceID.found(theFace))
+                {
+                    label faceI = faceToFaceID[theFace];
+                    if (nrFaceCells[faceI] < 2)
+                    {
+                        faceToCell[nrFaceCells[faceI]].insert(faceI,cellI);
+                    }
+                    nrFaceCells[faceI]++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        label cnt = 0;
+        forAll(nrFaceCells, faceI)
+        {
+            assert(nrFaceCells[faceI] == 1 || nrFaceCells[faceI] == 2);
+            if (nrFaceCells[faceI]>1)
+            {
+                cnt++;
+            }
+        }
+        if (cnt>0)
+        {
+            Info << "Of " << boundaryFaces.size() << " so-called"
+                << " boundary faces " << cnt << " belong to two cells "
+                << "and are therefore internal" << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    HashTable<labelList,word> cellZones;
+    HashTable<labelList,word> faceZones;
+    List<bool> isAPatch(patchNames.size(),true);
     if (dofVertIndices.size())
@@ -867,6 +965,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         Info<< "Sorting boundary faces according to group (patch)" << endl;
+        // make sure that no face is used twice on the boundary
+        // (possible for boundary-only faceZones)
+        labelHashSet alreadyOnBoundary;
         // Construct map from boundaryFaceIndices
         Map<label> boundaryFaceToIndex(boundaryFaceIndices.size());
@@ -877,16 +979,101 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         forAll(patchFaceVerts, patchI)
+            Info << patchI << ": " << patchNames[patchI] << " is " << flush;
             faceList& patchFaces = patchFaceVerts[patchI];
             const labelList& faceIndices = patchFaceIndices[patchI];
+            bool duplicateFaces = false;
+            label cnt = 0;
             forAll(patchFaces, i)
-                label bFaceI = boundaryFaceToIndex[faceIndices[i]];
+                if (boundaryFaceToIndex.found(faceIndices[i]))
+                {
+                    label bFaceI = boundaryFaceToIndex[faceIndices[i]];
+                    if (nrFaceCells[bFaceI] == 1)
+                    {
+                        patchFaces[cnt] = boundaryFaces[bFaceI];
+                        cnt++;
+                        if (alreadyOnBoundary.found(bFaceI))
+                        {
+                            duplicateFaces = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-                patchFaces[i] = boundaryFaces[bFaceI];
+            if (cnt != patchFaces.size() || duplicateFaces)
+            {
+                isAPatch[patchI] = false;
+                if (verbose)
+                {
+                    if (cnt != patchFaces.size())
+                    {
+                        WarningIn(args.executable())
+                            << "For patch " << patchI << " there were "
+                            << patchFaces.size()-cnt
+                            << " faces not used because they seem"
+                            << " to be internal. "
+                            << "This seems to be a face or a cell-zone"
+                            << endl;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        WarningIn(args.executable())
+                            << "Patch "
+                            << patchI << " has faces that are already "
+                            << " in use on other boundary-patches,"
+                            << " Assuming faceZoneset." << endl;
+                    }
+                }
+                patchFaces.setSize(0); // Assume that this is no patch at all
+                if (cellCorrespondence[faceIndices[0]] >= 0)
+                {
+                    Info << "cellZone" << endl;
+                    labelList theCells(faceIndices.size());
+                    forAll(faceIndices, i)
+                    {
+                        if (cellCorrespondence[faceIndices[0]] < 0)
+                        {
+                            FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
+                                << "The face index " << faceIndices[i]
+                                << " was not found amongst the cells."
+                                << " This kills the theory that "
+                                << patchNames[patchI] << " is a cell zone"
+                                << endl
+                                << abort(FatalError);
+                        }
+                        theCells[i] = cellCorrespondence[faceIndices[i]];
+                    }
+                    cellZones.insert(patchNames[patchI], theCells);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    Info << "faceZone" << endl;
+                    labelList theFaces(faceIndices.size());
+                    forAll(faceIndices, i)
+                    {
+                        theFaces[i] = boundaryFaceToIndex[faceIndices[i]];
+                    }
+                    faceZones.insert(patchNames[patchI],theFaces);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Info << "patch" << endl;
+                forAll(patchFaces, i)
+                {
+                    label bFaceI = boundaryFaceToIndex[faceIndices[i]];
+                    alreadyOnBoundary.insert(bFaceI);
+                }
@@ -920,12 +1107,23 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    Info<< "Constructing mesh with non-default patches of size:" << nl;
+    Info<< "\nConstructing mesh with non-default patches of size:" << nl;
+    DynamicList<word> usedPatchNames;
+    DynamicList<faceList> usedPatchFaceVerts;
     forAll(patchNames, patchI)
-        Info<< "    " << patchNames[patchI] << '\t'
-            << patchFaceVerts[patchI].size() << nl;
+        if (isAPatch[patchI])
+        {
+            Info<< "    " << patchNames[patchI] << '\t'
+                << patchFaceVerts[patchI].size() << nl;
+            usedPatchNames.append(patchNames[patchI]);
+            usedPatchFaceVerts.append(patchFaceVerts[patchI]);
+        }
+    usedPatchNames.shrink();
+    usedPatchFaceVerts.shrink();
     Info<< endl;
@@ -941,14 +1139,124 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-        patchFaceVerts,             // boundaryFaces,
-        patchNames,                 // boundaryPatchNames,
+        usedPatchFaceVerts,             // boundaryFaces,
+        usedPatchNames,                 // boundaryPatchNames,
         wordList(patchNames.size(), polyPatch::typeName), // boundaryPatchTypes,
         "defaultFaces",             // defaultFacesName
         polyPatch::typeName,        // defaultFacesType,
         wordList(0)                 // boundaryPatchPhysicalTypes
+    if (faceZones.size() > 0 || cellZones.size() > 0)
+    {
+        Info << "Adding cell and face zones" << endl;
+        List<pointZone*> pZones(0);
+        List<faceZone*> fZones(faceZones.size());
+        List<cellZone*> cZones(cellZones.size());
+        if (cellZones.size() > 0)
+        {
+            forAll(cellZones.toc(), cnt)
+            {
+                word name = cellZones.toc()[cnt];
+                Info<< " Cell Zone " << name << " " << tab
+                    << cellZones[name].size() << endl;
+                cZones[cnt] = new cellZone
+                (
+                    name,
+                    cellZones[name],
+                    cnt,
+                    mesh.cellZones()
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        if (faceZones.size() > 0)
+        {
+            const labelList& own = mesh.faceOwner();
+            const labelList& nei = mesh.faceNeighbour();
+            const pointField& centers = mesh.faceCentres();
+            const pointField& points = mesh.points();
+            forAll(faceZones.toc(), cnt)
+            {
+                word name = faceZones.toc()[cnt];
+                const labelList& oldIndizes = faceZones[name];
+                labelList indizes(oldIndizes.size());
+                Info<< " Face Zone " << name << " " << tab
+                    << oldIndizes.size() << endl;
+                forAll(indizes, i)
+                {
+                    const label old = oldIndizes[i];
+                    label noveau = -1;
+                    label c1 = -1, c2 = -1;
+                    if (faceToCell[0].found(old))
+                    {
+                        c1 = faceToCell[0][old];
+                    }
+                    if (faceToCell[1].found(old))
+                    {
+                        c2 = faceToCell[1][old];
+                    }
+                    if (c1 < c2)
+                    {
+                        label tmp = c1;
+                        c1 = c2;
+                        c2 = tmp;
+                    }
+                    if (c2 == -1)
+                    {
+                        // Boundary face is part of the faceZone
+                        forAll(own, j)
+                        {
+                            if (own[j] == c1)
+                            {
+                                const face& f = boundaryFaces[old];
+                                if (mag(centers[j]- f.centre(points)) < SMALL)
+                                {
+                                    noveau = j;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        forAll(nei, j)
+                        {
+                            if
+                            (
+                                (c1 == own[j] && c2 == nei[j])
+                             || (c2 == own[j] && c1 == nei[j])
+                            )
+                            {
+                                noveau = j;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    assert(noveau > -1);
+                    indizes[i] = noveau;
+                }
+                fZones[cnt] = new faceZone
+                (
+                    faceZones.toc()[cnt],
+                    indizes,
+                    boolList(indizes.size(),false),
+                    cnt,
+                    mesh.faceZones()
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        mesh.addZones(pZones, fZones, cZones);
+        Info << endl;
+    }
     Info<< "End\n" << endl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/unv/threeZonesAll.unv b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/unv/threeZonesAll.unv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68467bfe9b56ac1dabc14399cdf73af0f58749c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/conversion/ideasUnvToFoam/unv/threeZonesAll.unv
@@ -0,0 +1,2251 @@
+    -1
+  2411
+         1         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00
+         2         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02
+         3         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+         4         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+         5         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00
+         6         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02
+         7         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+         8         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+         9         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        10         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        11         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        12         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        13         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        14         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        15         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        16         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        17         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01
+        18         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02
+        19         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02
+        20         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        21         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        22         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        23         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        24         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        25         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        26         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+        27         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+        28         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+        29         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01
+        30         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02
+        31         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02
+        32         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        33         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        34         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        35         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        36         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        37         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        38         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        39         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        40         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        41         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        42         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        43         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+        44         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        45         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        46         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        47         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        48         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        49         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02
+        50         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+        51         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+        52         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+        53         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.5000000000000000E+02
+        54         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.0000000000000000E+02
+        55         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.5000000000000000E+02
+        56         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        57         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        58         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        59         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+        60         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+        61         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+        62         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.5000000000000000E+02
+        63         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.0000000000000000E+02
+        64         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.5000000000000000E+02
+        65         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        66         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        67         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        68         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        69         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        70         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        71         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        72         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        73         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.0000000000000000E+02
+        74         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+        75         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+        76         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+        77         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.5000000000000000E+02
+        78         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+02
+        79         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.5000000000000000E+02
+        80         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        81         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        82         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        83         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+        84         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+        85         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+        86         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.5000000000000000E+02
+        87         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+02
+        88         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.5000000000000000E+02
+        89         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        90         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        91         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        92         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        93         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        94         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        95         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        96         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        97         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+        98         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+        99         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       100         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       101         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       102         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       103         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       104         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       105         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       106         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       107         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       108         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       109         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       110         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       111         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       112         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       113         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       114         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       115         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       116         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       117         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       118         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       119         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       120         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       121         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       122         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       123         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       124         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       125         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       126         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       127         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00
+       128         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       129         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       130         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       131         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       132         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       133         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       134         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       135         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       136         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02
+       137         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       138         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       139         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       140         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       141         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       142         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       143         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       144         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       145         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       146         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       147         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       148         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       149         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       150         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       151         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       152         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       153         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       154         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       155         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       156         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       157         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       158         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       159         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       160         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       161         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       162         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       163         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       164         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       165         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       166         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       167         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       168         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       169         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       170         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       171         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       172         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       173         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       174         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       175         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       176         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       177         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       178         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       179         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       180         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       181         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.0000000000000000E+02
+       182         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       183         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       184         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       185         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       186         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       187         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       188         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       189         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       190         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       191         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       192         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       193         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       194         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       195         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       196         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       197         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       198         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       199         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       200         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       201         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       202         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       203         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       204         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       205         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       206         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       207         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       208         0         0         0
+   0.0000000000000000E+00   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       209         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       210         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       211         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       212         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       213         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       214         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       215         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       216         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       217         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   0.0000000000000000E+00   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       218         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       219         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       220         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       221         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       222         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       223         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       224         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       225         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       226         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   6.0000000000000000E+02
+       227         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       228         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       229         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       230         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       231         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       232         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       233         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       234         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       235         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       236         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       237         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       238         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       239         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       240         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       241         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       242         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       243         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       244         0         0         0
+   2.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       245         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       246         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       247         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       248         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       249         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       250         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       251         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       252         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       253         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01
+       254         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       255         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       256         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       257         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       258         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       259         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       260         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       261         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       262         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02
+       263         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       264         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       265         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       266         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       267         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       268         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       269         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       270         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       271         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02
+       272         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       273         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       274         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       275         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       276         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       277         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       278         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       279         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       280         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   2.5000000000000000E+02
+       281         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       282         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       283         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       284         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       285         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       286         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       287         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       288         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       289         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.0000000000000000E+02
+       290         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       291         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       292         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       293         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       294         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       295         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       296         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       297         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       298         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   3.5000000000000000E+02
+       299         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       300         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       301         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       302         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       303         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       304         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       305         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       306         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       307         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   4.5000000000000000E+02
+       308         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       309         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       310         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       311         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       312         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       313         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       314         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       315         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       316         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+02
+       317         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       318         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       319         0         0         0
+   5.0000000000000000E+01   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       320         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       321         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       322         0         0         0
+   1.0000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       323         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.0000000000000000E+01   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       324         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.0000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+       325         0         0         0
+   1.5000000000000000E+02   1.5000000000000000E+02   5.5000000000000000E+02
+    -1
+    -1
+  2412
+         1        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         1        17
+         2        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        17        18
+         3        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        18        19
+         4        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        19         2
+         5        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         1        20
+         6        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        20        21
+         7        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        21        22
+         8        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        22         3
+         9        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         4        23
+        10        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        23        24
+        11        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        24        25
+        12        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        25         2
+        13        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         3        26
+        14        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        26        27
+        15        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        27        28
+        16        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        28         4
+        17        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         5        29
+        18        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        29        30
+        19        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        30        31
+        20        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        31         6
+        21        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         1        32
+        22        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        32        33
+        23        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        33        34
+        24        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        34         5
+        25        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         2        35
+        26        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        35        36
+        27        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        36        37
+        28        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        37         6
+        29        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         3        38
+        30        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        38        39
+        31        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        39        40
+        32        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        40         7
+        33        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         5        41
+        34        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        41        42
+        35        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        42        43
+        36        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        43         7
+        37        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         4        44
+        38        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        44        45
+        39        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        45        46
+        40        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        46         8
+        41        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         8        47
+        42        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        47        48
+        43        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        48        49
+        44        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        49         6
+        45        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         7        50
+        46        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        50        51
+        47        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        51        52
+        48        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        52         8
+        49        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         2        53
+        50        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        53        54
+        51        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        54        55
+        52        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        55         9
+        53        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        10        56
+        54        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        56        57
+        55        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        57        58
+        56        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        58         9
+        57        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         4        59
+        58        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        59        60
+        59        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        60        61
+        60        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        61        10
+        61        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         6        62
+        62        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        62        63
+        63        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        63        64
+        64        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        64        11
+        65        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         9        65
+        66        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        65        66
+        67        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        66        67
+        68        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        67        11
+        69        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        10        68
+        70        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        68        69
+        71        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        69        70
+        72        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        70        12
+        73        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        12        71
+        74        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        71        72
+        75        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        72        73
+        76        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        73        11
+        77        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         8        74
+        78        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        74        75
+        79        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        75        76
+        80        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        76        12
+        81        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+         9        77
+        82        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        77        78
+        83        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        78        79
+        84        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        79        13
+        85        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        13        80
+        86        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        80        81
+        87        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        81        82
+        88        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        82        14
+        89        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        10        83
+        90        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        83        84
+        91        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        84        85
+        92        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        85        14
+        93        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        11        86
+        94        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        86        87
+        95        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        87        88
+        96        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        88        15
+        97        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        13        89
+        98        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        89        90
+        99        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        90        91
+       100        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        91        15
+       101        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        14        92
+       102        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        92        93
+       103        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        93        94
+       104        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        94        16
+       105        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        15        95
+       106        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        95        96
+       107        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        96        97
+       108        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        97        16
+       109        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        12        98
+       110        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        98        99
+       111        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+        99       100
+       112        11         2         1         7         2
+         0         0         0
+       100        16
+       113        44         2         1         7         4
+         1        17       101        20
+       114        44         2         1         7         4
+        20       101       102        21
+       115        44         2         1         7         4
+        21       102       103        22
+       116        44         2         1         7         4
+        22       103        26         3
+       117        44         2         1         7         4
+        17        18       104       101
+       118        44         2         1         7         4
+       101       104       105       102
+       119        44         2         1         7         4
+       102       105       106       103
+       120        44         2         1         7         4
+       103       106        27        26
+       121        44         2         1         7         4
+        18        19       107       104
+       122        44         2         1         7         4
+       104       107       108       105
+       123        44         2         1         7         4
+       105       108       109       106
+       124        44         2         1         7         4
+       106       109        28        27
+       125        44         2         1         7         4
+        19         2        25       107
+       126        44         2         1         7         4
+       107        25        24       108
+       127        44         2         1         7         4
+       108        24        23       109
+       128        44         2         1         7         4
+       109        23         4        28
+       129        44         2         1         7         4
+         5        29       110        34
+       130        44         2         1         7         4
+        34       110       111        33
+       131        44         2         1         7         4
+        33       111       112        32
+       132        44         2         1         7         4
+        32       112        17         1
+       133        44         2         1         7         4
+        29        30       113       110
+       134        44         2         1         7         4
+       110       113       114       111
+       135        44         2         1         7         4
+       111       114       115       112
+       136        44         2         1         7         4
+       112       115        18        17
+       137        44         2         1         7         4
+        30        31       116       113
+       138        44         2         1         7         4
+       113       116       117       114
+       139        44         2         1         7         4
+       114       117       118       115
+       140        44         2         1         7         4
+       115       118        19        18
+       141        44         2         1         7         4
+        31         6        37       116
+       142        44         2         1         7         4
+       116        37        36       117
+       143        44         2         1         7         4
+       117        36        35       118
+       144        44         2         1         7         4
+       118        35         2        19
+       145        44         2         1         7         4
+         1        20       119        32
+       146        44         2         1         7         4
+        32       119       120        33
+       147        44         2         1         7         4
+        33       120       121        34
+       148        44         2         1         7         4
+        34       121        41         5
+       149        44         2         1         7         4
+        20        21       122       119
+       150        44         2         1         7         4
+       119       122       123       120
+       151        44         2         1         7         4
+       120       123       124       121
+       152        44         2         1         7         4
+       121       124        42        41
+       153        44         2         1         7         4
+        21        22       125       122
+       154        44         2         1         7         4
+       122       125       126       123
+       155        44         2         1         7         4
+       123       126       127       124
+       156        44         2         1         7         4
+       124       127        43        42
+       157        44         2         1         7         4
+        22         3        38       125
+       158        44         2         1         7         4
+       125        38        39       126
+       159        44         2         1         7         4
+       126        39        40       127
+       160        44         2         1         7         4
+       127        40         7        43
+       161        44         2         1         7         4
+         8        46       128        47
+       162        44         2         1         7         4
+        47       128       129        48
+       163        44         2         1         7         4
+        48       129       130        49
+       164        44         2         1         7         4
+        49       130        37         6
+       165        44         2         1         7         4
+        46        45       131       128
+       166        44         2         1         7         4
+       128       131       132       129
+       167        44         2         1         7         4
+       129       132       133       130
+       168        44         2         1         7         4
+       130       133        36        37
+       169        44         2         1         7         4
+        45        44       134       131
+       170        44         2         1         7         4
+       131       134       135       132
+       171        44         2         1         7         4
+       132       135       136       133
+       172        44         2         1         7         4
+       133       136        35        36
+       173        44         2         1         7         4
+        44         4        23       134
+       174        44         2         1         7         4
+       134        23        24       135
+       175        44         2         1         7         4
+       135        24        25       136
+       176        44         2         1         7         4
+       136        25         2        35
+       177        44         2         1         7         4
+         8        52       137        46
+       178        44         2         1         7         4
+        46       137       138        45
+       179        44         2         1         7         4
+        45       138       139        44
+       180        44         2         1         7         4
+        44       139        28         4
+       181        44         2         1         7         4
+        52        51       140       137
+       182        44         2         1         7         4
+       137       140       141       138
+       183        44         2         1         7         4
+       138       141       142       139
+       184        44         2         1         7         4
+       139       142        27        28
+       185        44         2         1         7         4
+        51        50       143       140
+       186        44         2         1         7         4
+       140       143       144       141
+       187        44         2         1         7         4
+       141       144       145       142
+       188        44         2         1         7         4
+       142       145        26        27
+       189        44         2         1         7         4
+        50         7        40       143
+       190        44         2         1         7         4
+       143        40        39       144
+       191        44         2         1         7         4
+       144        39        38       145
+       192        44         2         1         7         4
+       145        38         3        26
+       193        44         2         1         7         4
+         6        31       146        49
+       194        44         2         1         7         4
+        49       146       147        48
+       195        44         2         1         7         4
+        48       147       148        47
+       196        44         2         1         7         4
+        47       148        52         8
+       197        44         2         1         7         4
+        31        30       149       146
+       198        44         2         1         7         4
+       146       149       150       147
+       199        44         2         1         7         4
+       147       150       151       148
+       200        44         2         1         7         4
+       148       151        51        52
+       201        44         2         1         7         4
+        30        29       152       149
+       202        44         2         1         7         4
+       149       152       153       150
+       203        44         2         1         7         4
+       150       153       154       151
+       204        44         2         1         7         4
+       151       154        50        51
+       205        44         2         1         7         4
+        29         5        41       152
+       206        44         2         1         7         4
+       152        41        42       153
+       207        44         2         1         7         4
+       153        42        43       154
+       208        44         2         1         7         4
+       154        43         7        50
+       209        44         2         1         7         4
+         2        53       155        25
+       210        44         2         1         7         4
+        25       155       156        24
+       211        44         2         1         7         4
+        24       156       157        23
+       212        44         2         1         7         4
+        23       157        59         4
+       213        44         2         1         7         4
+        53        54       158       155
+       214        44         2         1         7         4
+       155       158       159       156
+       215        44         2         1         7         4
+       156       159       160       157
+       216        44         2         1         7         4
+       157       160        60        59
+       217        44         2         1         7         4
+        54        55       161       158
+       218        44         2         1         7         4
+       158       161       162       159
+       219        44         2         1         7         4
+       159       162       163       160
+       220        44         2         1         7         4
+       160       163        61        60
+       221        44         2         1         7         4
+        55         9        58       161
+       222        44         2         1         7         4
+       161        58        57       162
+       223        44         2         1         7         4
+       162        57        56       163
+       224        44         2         1         7         4
+       163        56        10        61
+       225        44         2         1         7         4
+         6        62       164        37
+       226        44         2         1         7         4
+        37       164       165        36
+       227        44         2         1         7         4
+        36       165       166        35
+       228        44         2         1         7         4
+        35       166        53         2
+       229        44         2         1         7         4
+        62        63       167       164
+       230        44         2         1         7         4
+       164       167       168       165
+       231        44         2         1         7         4
+       165       168       169       166
+       232        44         2         1         7         4
+       166       169        54        53
+       233        44         2         1         7         4
+        63        64       170       167
+       234        44         2         1         7         4
+       167       170       171       168
+       235        44         2         1         7         4
+       168       171       172       169
+       236        44         2         1         7         4
+       169       172        55        54
+       237        44         2         1         7         4
+        64        11        67       170
+       238        44         2         1         7         4
+       170        67        66       171
+       239        44         2         1         7         4
+       171        66        65       172
+       240        44         2         1         7         4
+       172        65         9        55
+       241        44         2         1         7         4
+        12        70       173        71
+       242        44         2         1         7         4
+        71       173       174        72
+       243        44         2         1         7         4
+        72       174       175        73
+       244        44         2         1         7         4
+        73       175        67        11
+       245        44         2         1         7         4
+        70        69       176       173
+       246        44         2         1         7         4
+       173       176       177       174
+       247        44         2         1         7         4
+       174       177       178       175
+       248        44         2         1         7         4
+       175       178        66        67
+       249        44         2         1         7         4
+        69        68       179       176
+       250        44         2         1         7         4
+       176       179       180       177
+       251        44         2         1         7         4
+       177       180       181       178
+       252        44         2         1         7         4
+       178       181        65        66
+       253        44         2         1         7         4
+        68        10        56       179
+       254        44         2         1         7         4
+       179        56        57       180
+       255        44         2         1         7         4
+       180        57        58       181
+       256        44         2         1         7         4
+       181        58         9        65
+       257        44         2         1         7         4
+        12        76       182        70
+       258        44         2         1         7         4
+        70       182       183        69
+       259        44         2         1         7         4
+        69       183       184        68
+       260        44         2         1         7         4
+        68       184        61        10
+       261        44         2         1         7         4
+        76        75       185       182
+       262        44         2         1         7         4
+       182       185       186       183
+       263        44         2         1         7         4
+       183       186       187       184
+       264        44         2         1         7         4
+       184       187        60        61
+       265        44         2         1         7         4
+        75        74       188       185
+       266        44         2         1         7         4
+       185       188       189       186
+       267        44         2         1         7         4
+       186       189       190       187
+       268        44         2         1         7         4
+       187       190        59        60
+       269        44         2         1         7         4
+        74         8        46       188
+       270        44         2         1         7         4
+       188        46        45       189
+       271        44         2         1         7         4
+       189        45        44       190
+       272        44         2         1         7         4
+       190        44         4        59
+       273        44         2         1         7         4
+        11        64       191        73
+       274        44         2         1         7         4
+        73       191       192        72
+       275        44         2         1         7         4
+        72       192       193        71
+       276        44         2         1         7         4
+        71       193        76        12
+       277        44         2         1         7         4
+        64        63       194       191
+       278        44         2         1         7         4
+       191       194       195       192
+       279        44         2         1         7         4
+       192       195       196       193
+       280        44         2         1         7         4
+       193       196        75        76
+       281        44         2         1         7         4
+        63        62       197       194
+       282        44         2         1         7         4
+       194       197       198       195
+       283        44         2         1         7         4
+       195       198       199       196
+       284        44         2         1         7         4
+       196       199        74        75
+       285        44         2         1         7         4
+        62         6        49       197
+       286        44         2         1         7         4
+       197        49        48       198
+       287        44         2         1         7         4
+       198        48        47       199
+       288        44         2         1         7         4
+       199        47         8        74
+       289        44         2         1         7         4
+         9        77       200        58
+       290        44         2         1         7         4
+        58       200       201        57
+       291        44         2         1         7         4
+        57       201       202        56
+       292        44         2         1         7         4
+        56       202        83        10
+       293        44         2         1         7         4
+        77        78       203       200
+       294        44         2         1         7         4
+       200       203       204       201
+       295        44         2         1         7         4
+       201       204       205       202
+       296        44         2         1         7         4
+       202       205        84        83
+       297        44         2         1         7         4
+        78        79       206       203
+       298        44         2         1         7         4
+       203       206       207       204
+       299        44         2         1         7         4
+       204       207       208       205
+       300        44         2         1         7         4
+       205       208        85        84
+       301        44         2         1         7         4
+        79        13        80       206
+       302        44         2         1         7         4
+       206        80        81       207
+       303        44         2         1         7         4
+       207        81        82       208
+       304        44         2         1         7         4
+       208        82        14        85
+       305        44         2         1         7         4
+        11        86       209        67
+       306        44         2         1         7         4
+        67       209       210        66
+       307        44         2         1         7         4
+        66       210       211        65
+       308        44         2         1         7         4
+        65       211        77         9
+       309        44         2         1         7         4
+        86        87       212       209
+       310        44         2         1         7         4
+       209       212       213       210
+       311        44         2         1         7         4
+       210       213       214       211
+       312        44         2         1         7         4
+       211       214        78        77
+       313        44         2         1         7         4
+        87        88       215       212
+       314        44         2         1         7         4
+       212       215       216       213
+       315        44         2         1         7         4
+       213       216       217       214
+       316        44         2         1         7         4
+       214       217        79        78
+       317        44         2         1         7         4
+        88        15        91       215
+       318        44         2         1         7         4
+       215        91        90       216
+       319        44         2         1         7         4
+       216        90        89       217
+       320        44         2         1         7         4
+       217        89        13        79
+       321        44         2         1         7         4
+        14        82       218        92
+       322        44         2         1         7         4
+        92       218       219        93
+       323        44         2         1         7         4
+        93       219       220        94
+       324        44         2         1         7         4
+        94       220        97        16
+       325        44         2         1         7         4
+        82        81       221       218
+       326        44         2         1         7         4
+       218       221       222       219
+       327        44         2         1         7         4
+       219       222       223       220
+       328        44         2         1         7         4
+       220       223        96        97
+       329        44         2         1         7         4
+        81        80       224       221
+       330        44         2         1         7         4
+       221       224       225       222
+       331        44         2         1         7         4
+       222       225       226       223
+       332        44         2         1         7         4
+       223       226        95        96
+       333        44         2         1         7         4
+        80        13        89       224
+       334        44         2         1         7         4
+       224        89        90       225
+       335        44         2         1         7         4
+       225        90        91       226
+       336        44         2         1         7         4
+       226        91        15        95
+       337        44         2         1         7         4
+        16       100       227        94
+       338        44         2         1         7         4
+        94       227       228        93
+       339        44         2         1         7         4
+        93       228       229        92
+       340        44         2         1         7         4
+        92       229        85        14
+       341        44         2         1         7         4
+       100        99       230       227
+       342        44         2         1         7         4
+       227       230       231       228
+       343        44         2         1         7         4
+       228       231       232       229
+       344        44         2         1         7         4
+       229       232        84        85
+       345        44         2         1         7         4
+        99        98       233       230
+       346        44         2         1         7         4
+       230       233       234       231
+       347        44         2         1         7         4
+       231       234       235       232
+       348        44         2         1         7         4
+       232       235        83        84
+       349        44         2         1         7         4
+        98        12        70       233
+       350        44         2         1         7         4
+       233        70        69       234
+       351        44         2         1         7         4
+       234        69        68       235
+       352        44         2         1         7         4
+       235        68        10        83
+       353        44         2         1         7         4
+        15        88       236        95
+       354        44         2         1         7         4
+        95       236       237        96
+       355        44         2         1         7         4
+        96       237       238        97
+       356        44         2         1         7         4
+        97       238       100        16
+       357        44         2         1         7         4
+        88        87       239       236
+       358        44         2         1         7         4
+       236       239       240       237
+       359        44         2         1         7         4
+       237       240       241       238
+       360        44         2         1         7         4
+       238       241        99       100
+       361        44         2         1         7         4
+        87        86       242       239
+       362        44         2         1         7         4
+       239       242       243       240
+       363        44         2         1         7         4
+       240       243       244       241
+       364        44         2         1         7         4
+       241       244        98        99
+       365        44         2         1         7         4
+        86        11        73       242
+       366        44         2         1         7         4
+       242        73        72       243
+       367        44         2         1         7         4
+       243        72        71       244
+       368        44         2         1         7         4
+       244        71        12        98
+       369       115         2         1         7         8
+         1        17       112        32        20       101       245       119
+       370       115         2         1         7         8
+        20       101       245       119        21       102       246       122
+       371       115         2         1         7         8
+        21       102       246       122        22       103       247       125
+       372       115         2         1         7         8
+        22       103       247       125         3        26       145        38
+       373       115         2         1         7         8
+        32       112       111        33       119       245       248       120
+       374       115         2         1         7         8
+       119       245       248       120       122       246       249       123
+       375       115         2         1         7         8
+       122       246       249       123       125       247       250       126
+       376       115         2         1         7         8
+       125       247       250       126        38       145       144        39
+       377       115         2         1         7         8
+        33       111       110        34       120       248       251       121
+       378       115         2         1         7         8
+       120       248       251       121       123       249       252       124
+       379       115         2         1         7         8
+       123       249       252       124       126       250       253       127
+       380       115         2         1         7         8
+       126       250       253       127        39       144       143        40
+       381       115         2         1         7         8
+        34       110        29         5       121       251       152        41
+       382       115         2         1         7         8
+       121       251       152        41       124       252       153        42
+       383       115         2         1         7         8
+       124       252       153        42       127       253       154        43
+       384       115         2         1         7         8
+       127       253       154        43        40       143        50         7
+       385       115         2         1         7         8
+        17        18       115       112       101       104       254       245
+       386       115         2         1         7         8
+       101       104       254       245       102       105       255       246
+       387       115         2         1         7         8
+       102       105       255       246       103       106       256       247
+       388       115         2         1         7         8
+       103       106       256       247        26        27       142       145
+       389       115         2         1         7         8
+       112       115       114       111       245       254       257       248
+       390       115         2         1         7         8
+       245       254       257       248       246       255       258       249
+       391       115         2         1         7         8
+       246       255       258       249       247       256       259       250
+       392       115         2         1         7         8
+       247       256       259       250       145       142       141       144
+       393       115         2         1         7         8
+       111       114       113       110       248       257       260       251
+       394       115         2         1         7         8
+       248       257       260       251       249       258       261       252
+       395       115         2         1         7         8
+       249       258       261       252       250       259       262       253
+       396       115         2         1         7         8
+       250       259       262       253       144       141       140       143
+       397       115         2         1         7         8
+       110       113        30        29       251       260       149       152
+       398       115         2         1         7         8
+       251       260       149       152       252       261       150       153
+       399       115         2         1         7         8
+       252       261       150       153       253       262       151       154
+       400       115         2         1         7         8
+       253       262       151       154       143       140        51        50
+       401       115         2         1         7         8
+        18        19       118       115       104       107       263       254
+       402       115         2         1         7         8
+       104       107       263       254       105       108       264       255
+       403       115         2         1         7         8
+       105       108       264       255       106       109       265       256
+       404       115         2         1         7         8
+       106       109       265       256        27        28       139       142
+       405       115         2         1         7         8
+       115       118       117       114       254       263       266       257
+       406       115         2         1         7         8
+       254       263       266       257       255       264       267       258
+       407       115         2         1         7         8
+       255       264       267       258       256       265       268       259
+       408       115         2         1         7         8
+       256       265       268       259       142       139       138       141
+       409       115         2         1         7         8
+       114       117       116       113       257       266       269       260
+       410       115         2         1         7         8
+       257       266       269       260       258       267       270       261
+       411       115         2         1         7         8
+       258       267       270       261       259       268       271       262
+       412       115         2         1         7         8
+       259       268       271       262       141       138       137       140
+       413       115         2         1         7         8
+       113       116        31        30       260       269       146       149
+       414       115         2         1         7         8
+       260       269       146       149       261       270       147       150
+       415       115         2         1         7         8
+       261       270       147       150       262       271       148       151
+       416       115         2         1         7         8
+       262       271       148       151       140       137        52        51
+       417       115         2         1         7         8
+        19         2        35       118       107        25       136       263
+       418       115         2         1         7         8
+       107        25       136       263       108        24       135       264
+       419       115         2         1         7         8
+       108        24       135       264       109        23       134       265
+       420       115         2         1         7         8
+       109        23       134       265        28         4        44       139
+       421       115         2         1         7         8
+       118        35        36       117       263       136       133       266
+       422       115         2         1         7         8
+       263       136       133       266       264       135       132       267
+       423       115         2         1         7         8
+       264       135       132       267       265       134       131       268
+       424       115         2         1         7         8
+       265       134       131       268       139        44        45       138
+       425       115         2         1         7         8
+       117        36        37       116       266       133       130       269
+       426       115         2         1         7         8
+       266       133       130       269       267       132       129       270
+       427       115         2         1         7         8
+       267       132       129       270       268       131       128       271
+       428       115         2         1         7         8
+       268       131       128       271       138        45        46       137
+       429       115         2         1         7         8
+       116        37         6        31       269       130        49       146
+       430       115         2         1         7         8
+       269       130        49       146       270       129        48       147
+       431       115         2         1         7         8
+       270       129        48       147       271       128        47       148
+       432       115         2         1         7         8
+       271       128        47       148       137        46         8        52
+       433       115         2         1         7         8
+         2        53       166        35        25       155       272       136
+       434       115         2         1         7         8
+        25       155       272       136        24       156       273       135
+       435       115         2         1         7         8
+        24       156       273       135        23       157       274       134
+       436       115         2         1         7         8
+        23       157       274       134         4        59       190        44
+       437       115         2         1         7         8
+        35       166       165        36       136       272       275       133
+       438       115         2         1         7         8
+       136       272       275       133       135       273       276       132
+       439       115         2         1         7         8
+       135       273       276       132       134       274       277       131
+       440       115         2         1         7         8
+       134       274       277       131        44       190       189        45
+       441       115         2         1         7         8
+        36       165       164        37       133       275       278       130
+       442       115         2         1         7         8
+       133       275       278       130       132       276       279       129
+       443       115         2         1         7         8
+       132       276       279       129       131       277       280       128
+       444       115         2         1         7         8
+       131       277       280       128        45       189       188        46
+       445       115         2         1         7         8
+        37       164        62         6       130       278       197        49
+       446       115         2         1         7         8
+       130       278       197        49       129       279       198        48
+       447       115         2         1         7         8
+       129       279       198        48       128       280       199        47
+       448       115         2         1         7         8
+       128       280       199        47        46       188        74         8
+       449       115         2         1         7         8
+        53        54       169       166       155       158       281       272
+       450       115         2         1         7         8
+       155       158       281       272       156       159       282       273
+       451       115         2         1         7         8
+       156       159       282       273       157       160       283       274
+       452       115         2         1         7         8
+       157       160       283       274        59        60       187       190
+       453       115         2         1         7         8
+       166       169       168       165       272       281       284       275
+       454       115         2         1         7         8
+       272       281       284       275       273       282       285       276
+       455       115         2         1         7         8
+       273       282       285       276       274       283       286       277
+       456       115         2         1         7         8
+       274       283       286       277       190       187       186       189
+       457       115         2         1         7         8
+       165       168       167       164       275       284       287       278
+       458       115         2         1         7         8
+       275       284       287       278       276       285       288       279
+       459       115         2         1         7         8
+       276       285       288       279       277       286       289       280
+       460       115         2         1         7         8
+       277       286       289       280       189       186       185       188
+       461       115         2         1         7         8
+       164       167        63        62       278       287       194       197
+       462       115         2         1         7         8
+       278       287       194       197       279       288       195       198
+       463       115         2         1         7         8
+       279       288       195       198       280       289       196       199
+       464       115         2         1         7         8
+       280       289       196       199       188       185        75        74
+       465       115         2         1         7         8
+        54        55       172       169       158       161       290       281
+       466       115         2         1         7         8
+       158       161       290       281       159       162       291       282
+       467       115         2         1         7         8
+       159       162       291       282       160       163       292       283
+       468       115         2         1         7         8
+       160       163       292       283        60        61       184       187
+       469       115         2         1         7         8
+       169       172       171       168       281       290       293       284
+       470       115         2         1         7         8
+       281       290       293       284       282       291       294       285
+       471       115         2         1         7         8
+       282       291       294       285       283       292       295       286
+       472       115         2         1         7         8
+       283       292       295       286       187       184       183       186
+       473       115         2         1         7         8
+       168       171       170       167       284       293       296       287
+       474       115         2         1         7         8
+       284       293       296       287       285       294       297       288
+       475       115         2         1         7         8
+       285       294       297       288       286       295       298       289
+       476       115         2         1         7         8
+       286       295       298       289       186       183       182       185
+       477       115         2         1         7         8
+       167       170        64        63       287       296       191       194
+       478       115         2         1         7         8
+       287       296       191       194       288       297       192       195
+       479       115         2         1         7         8
+       288       297       192       195       289       298       193       196
+       480       115         2         1         7         8
+       289       298       193       196       185       182        76        75
+       481       115         2         1         7         8
+        55         9        65       172       161        58       181       290
+       482       115         2         1         7         8
+       161        58       181       290       162        57       180       291
+       483       115         2         1         7         8
+       162        57       180       291       163        56       179       292
+       484       115         2         1         7         8
+       163        56       179       292        61        10        68       184
+       485       115         2         1         7         8
+       172        65        66       171       290       181       178       293
+       486       115         2         1         7         8
+       290       181       178       293       291       180       177       294
+       487       115         2         1         7         8
+       291       180       177       294       292       179       176       295
+       488       115         2         1         7         8
+       292       179       176       295       184        68        69       183
+       489       115         2         1         7         8
+       171        66        67       170       293       178       175       296
+       490       115         2         1         7         8
+       293       178       175       296       294       177       174       297
+       491       115         2         1         7         8
+       294       177       174       297       295       176       173       298
+       492       115         2         1         7         8
+       295       176       173       298       183        69        70       182
+       493       115         2         1         7         8
+       170        67        11        64       296       175        73       191
+       494       115         2         1         7         8
+       296       175        73       191       297       174        72       192
+       495       115         2         1         7         8
+       297       174        72       192       298       173        71       193
+       496       115         2         1         7         8
+       298       173        71       193       182        70        12        76
+       497       115         2         1         7         8
+         9        77       211        65        58       200       299       181
+       498       115         2         1         7         8
+        58       200       299       181        57       201       300       180
+       499       115         2         1         7         8
+        57       201       300       180        56       202       301       179
+       500       115         2         1         7         8
+        56       202       301       179        10        83       235        68
+       501       115         2         1         7         8
+        65       211       210        66       181       299       302       178
+       502       115         2         1         7         8
+       181       299       302       178       180       300       303       177
+       503       115         2         1         7         8
+       180       300       303       177       179       301       304       176
+       504       115         2         1         7         8
+       179       301       304       176        68       235       234        69
+       505       115         2         1         7         8
+        66       210       209        67       178       302       305       175
+       506       115         2         1         7         8
+       178       302       305       175       177       303       306       174
+       507       115         2         1         7         8
+       177       303       306       174       176       304       307       173
+       508       115         2         1         7         8
+       176       304       307       173        69       234       233        70
+       509       115         2         1         7         8
+        67       209        86        11       175       305       242        73
+       510       115         2         1         7         8
+       175       305       242        73       174       306       243        72
+       511       115         2         1         7         8
+       174       306       243        72       173       307       244        71
+       512       115         2         1         7         8
+       173       307       244        71        70       233        98        12
+       513       115         2         1         7         8
+        77        78       214       211       200       203       308       299
+       514       115         2         1         7         8
+       200       203       308       299       201       204       309       300
+       515       115         2         1         7         8
+       201       204       309       300       202       205       310       301
+       516       115         2         1         7         8
+       202       205       310       301        83        84       232       235
+       517       115         2         1         7         8
+       211       214       213       210       299       308       311       302
+       518       115         2         1         7         8
+       299       308       311       302       300       309       312       303
+       519       115         2         1         7         8
+       300       309       312       303       301       310       313       304
+       520       115         2         1         7         8
+       301       310       313       304       235       232       231       234
+       521       115         2         1         7         8
+       210       213       212       209       302       311       314       305
+       522       115         2         1         7         8
+       302       311       314       305       303       312       315       306
+       523       115         2         1         7         8
+       303       312       315       306       304       313       316       307
+       524       115         2         1         7         8
+       304       313       316       307       234       231       230       233
+       525       115         2         1         7         8
+       209       212        87        86       305       314       239       242
+       526       115         2         1         7         8
+       305       314       239       242       306       315       240       243
+       527       115         2         1         7         8
+       306       315       240       243       307       316       241       244
+       528       115         2         1         7         8
+       307       316       241       244       233       230        99        98
+       529       115         2         1         7         8
+        78        79       217       214       203       206       317       308
+       530       115         2         1         7         8
+       203       206       317       308       204       207       318       309
+       531       115         2         1         7         8
+       204       207       318       309       205       208       319       310
+       532       115         2         1         7         8
+       205       208       319       310        84        85       229       232
+       533       115         2         1         7         8
+       214       217       216       213       308       317       320       311
+       534       115         2         1         7         8
+       308       317       320       311       309       318       321       312
+       535       115         2         1         7         8
+       309       318       321       312       310       319       322       313
+       536       115         2         1         7         8
+       310       319       322       313       232       229       228       231
+       537       115         2         1         7         8
+       213       216       215       212       311       320       323       314
+       538       115         2         1         7         8
+       311       320       323       314       312       321       324       315
+       539       115         2         1         7         8
+       312       321       324       315       313       322       325       316
+       540       115         2         1         7         8
+       313       322       325       316       231       228       227       230
+       541       115         2         1         7         8
+       212       215        88        87       314       323       236       239
+       542       115         2         1         7         8
+       314       323       236       239       315       324       237       240
+       543       115         2         1         7         8
+       315       324       237       240       316       325       238       241
+       544       115         2         1         7         8
+       316       325       238       241       230       227       100        99
+       545       115         2         1         7         8
+        79        13        89       217       206        80       224       317
+       546       115         2         1         7         8
+       206        80       224       317       207        81       221       318
+       547       115         2         1         7         8
+       207        81       221       318       208        82       218       319
+       548       115         2         1         7         8
+       208        82       218       319        85        14        92       229
+       549       115         2         1         7         8
+       217        89        90       216       317       224       225       320
+       550       115         2         1         7         8
+       317       224       225       320       318       221       222       321
+       551       115         2         1         7         8
+       318       221       222       321       319       218       219       322
+       552       115         2         1         7         8
+       319       218       219       322       229        92        93       228
+       553       115         2         1         7         8
+       216        90        91       215       320       225       226       323
+       554       115         2         1         7         8
+       320       225       226       323       321       222       223       324
+       555       115         2         1         7         8
+       321       222       223       324       322       219       220       325
+       556       115         2         1         7         8
+       322       219       220       325       228        93        94       227
+       557       115         2         1         7         8
+       215        91        15        88       323       226        95       236
+       558       115         2         1         7         8
+       323       226        95       236       324       223        96       237
+       559       115         2         1         7         8
+       324       223        96       237       325       220        97       238
+       560       115         2         1         7         8
+       325       220        97       238       227        94        16       100
+    -1
+    -1
+  2467
+         0         0         0         0         0         0         0        64
+         8       369         0         0         8       370         0         0
+         8       371         0         0         8       372         0         0
+         8       373         0         0         8       374         0         0
+         8       375         0         0         8       376         0         0
+         8       377         0         0         8       378         0         0
+         8       379         0         0         8       380         0         0
+         8       381         0         0         8       382         0         0
+         8       383         0         0         8       384         0         0
+         8       385         0         0         8       386         0         0
+         8       387         0         0         8       388         0         0
+         8       389         0         0         8       390         0         0
+         8       391         0         0         8       392         0         0
+         8       393         0         0         8       394         0         0
+         8       395         0         0         8       396         0         0
+         8       397         0         0         8       398         0         0
+         8       399         0         0         8       400         0         0
+         8       401         0         0         8       402         0         0
+         8       403         0         0         8       404         0         0
+         8       405         0         0         8       406         0         0
+         8       407         0         0         8       408         0         0
+         8       409         0         0         8       410         0         0
+         8       411         0         0         8       412         0         0
+         8       413         0         0         8       414         0         0
+         8       415         0         0         8       416         0         0
+         8       417         0         0         8       418         0         0
+         8       419         0         0         8       420         0         0
+         8       421         0         0         8       422         0         0
+         8       423         0         0         8       424         0         0
+         8       425         0         0         8       426         0         0
+         8       427         0         0         8       428         0         0
+         8       429         0         0         8       430         0         0
+         8       431         0         0         8       432         0         0
+         1         0         0         0         0         0         0       192
+         8       433         0         0         8       434         0         0
+         8       435         0         0         8       436         0         0
+         8       437         0         0         8       438         0         0
+         8       439         0         0         8       440         0         0
+         8       441         0         0         8       442         0         0
+         8       443         0         0         8       444         0         0
+         8       445         0         0         8       446         0         0
+         8       447         0         0         8       448         0         0
+         8       449         0         0         8       450         0         0
+         8       451         0         0         8       452         0         0
+         8       453         0         0         8       454         0         0
+         8       455         0         0         8       456         0         0
+         8       457         0         0         8       458         0         0
+         8       459         0         0         8       460         0         0
+         8       461         0         0         8       462         0         0
+         8       463         0         0         8       464         0         0
+         8       465         0         0         8       466         0         0
+         8       467         0         0         8       468         0         0
+         8       469         0         0         8       470         0         0
+         8       471         0         0         8       472         0         0
+         8       473         0         0         8       474         0         0
+         8       475         0         0         8       476         0         0
+         8       477         0         0         8       478         0         0
+         8       479         0         0         8       480         0         0
+         8       481         0         0         8       482         0         0
+         8       483         0         0         8       484         0         0
+         8       485         0         0         8       486         0         0
+         8       487         0         0         8       488         0         0
+         8       489         0         0         8       490         0         0
+         8       491         0         0         8       492         0         0
+         8       493         0         0         8       494         0         0
+         8       495         0         0         8       496         0         0
+         8       497         0         0         8       498         0         0
+         8       499         0         0         8       500         0         0
+         8       501         0         0         8       502         0         0
+         8       503         0         0         8       504         0         0
+         8       505         0         0         8       506         0         0
+         8       507         0         0         8       508         0         0
+         8       509         0         0         8       510         0         0
+         8       511         0         0         8       512         0         0
+         8       513         0         0         8       514         0         0
+         8       515         0         0         8       516         0         0
+         8       517         0         0         8       518         0         0
+         8       519         0         0         8       520         0         0
+         8       521         0         0         8       522         0         0
+         8       523         0         0         8       524         0         0
+         8       525         0         0         8       526         0         0
+         8       527         0         0         8       528         0         0
+         8       529         0         0         8       530         0         0
+         8       531         0         0         8       532         0         0
+         8       533         0         0         8       534         0         0
+         8       535         0         0         8       536         0         0
+         8       537         0         0         8       538         0         0
+         8       539         0         0         8       540         0         0
+         8       541         0         0         8       542         0         0
+         8       543         0         0         8       544         0         0
+         8       545         0         0         8       546         0         0
+         8       547         0         0         8       548         0         0
+         8       549         0         0         8       550         0         0
+         8       551         0         0         8       552         0         0
+         8       553         0         0         8       554         0         0
+         8       555         0         0         8       556         0         0
+         8       557         0         0         8       558         0         0
+         8       559         0         0         8       560         0         0
+         8       369         0         0         8       370         0         0
+         8       371         0         0         8       372         0         0
+         8       373         0         0         8       374         0         0
+         8       375         0         0         8       376         0         0
+         8       377         0         0         8       378         0         0
+         8       379         0         0         8       380         0         0
+         8       381         0         0         8       382         0         0
+         8       383         0         0         8       384         0         0
+         8       385         0         0         8       386         0         0
+         8       387         0         0         8       388         0         0
+         8       389         0         0         8       390         0         0
+         8       391         0         0         8       392         0         0
+         8       393         0         0         8       394         0         0
+         8       395         0         0         8       396         0         0
+         8       397         0         0         8       398         0         0
+         8       399         0         0         8       400         0         0
+         8       401         0         0         8       402         0         0
+         8       403         0         0         8       404         0         0
+         8       405         0         0         8       406         0         0
+         8       407         0         0         8       408         0         0
+         8       409         0         0         8       410         0         0
+         8       411         0         0         8       412         0         0
+         8       413         0         0         8       414         0         0
+         8       415         0         0         8       416         0         0
+         8       417         0         0         8       418         0         0
+         8       419         0         0         8       420         0         0
+         8       421         0         0         8       422         0         0
+         8       423         0         0         8       424         0         0
+         8       425         0         0         8       426         0         0
+         8       427         0         0         8       428         0         0
+         8       429         0         0         8       430         0         0
+         8       431         0         0         8       432         0         0
+         2         0         0         0         0         0         0        64
+         8       433         0         0         8       434         0         0
+         8       435         0         0         8       436         0         0
+         8       437         0         0         8       438         0         0
+         8       439         0         0         8       440         0         0
+         8       441         0         0         8       442         0         0
+         8       443         0         0         8       444         0         0
+         8       445         0         0         8       446         0         0
+         8       447         0         0         8       448         0         0
+         8       449         0         0         8       450         0         0
+         8       451         0         0         8       452         0         0
+         8       453         0         0         8       454         0         0
+         8       455         0         0         8       456         0         0
+         8       457         0         0         8       458         0         0
+         8       459         0         0         8       460         0         0
+         8       461         0         0         8       462         0         0
+         8       463         0         0         8       464         0         0
+         8       465         0         0         8       466         0         0
+         8       467         0         0         8       468         0         0
+         8       469         0         0         8       470         0         0
+         8       471         0         0         8       472         0         0
+         8       473         0         0         8       474         0         0
+         8       475         0         0         8       476         0         0
+         8       477         0         0         8       478         0         0
+         8       479         0         0         8       480         0         0
+         8       481         0         0         8       482         0         0
+         8       483         0         0         8       484         0         0
+         8       485         0         0         8       486         0         0
+         8       487         0         0         8       488         0         0
+         8       489         0         0         8       490         0         0
+         8       491         0         0         8       492         0         0
+         8       493         0         0         8       494         0         0
+         8       495         0         0         8       496         0         0
+         3         0         0         0         0         0         0        64
+         8       497         0         0         8       498         0         0
+         8       499         0         0         8       500         0         0
+         8       501         0         0         8       502         0         0
+         8       503         0         0         8       504         0         0
+         8       505         0         0         8       506         0         0
+         8       507         0         0         8       508         0         0
+         8       509         0         0         8       510         0         0
+         8       511         0         0         8       512         0         0
+         8       513         0         0         8       514         0         0
+         8       515         0         0         8       516         0         0
+         8       517         0         0         8       518         0         0
+         8       519         0         0         8       520         0         0
+         8       521         0         0         8       522         0         0
+         8       523         0         0         8       524         0         0
+         8       525         0         0         8       526         0         0
+         8       527         0         0         8       528         0         0
+         8       529         0         0         8       530         0         0
+         8       531         0         0         8       532         0         0
+         8       533         0         0         8       534         0         0
+         8       535         0         0         8       536         0         0
+         8       537         0         0         8       538         0         0
+         8       539         0         0         8       540         0         0
+         8       541         0         0         8       542         0         0
+         8       543         0         0         8       544         0         0
+         8       545         0         0         8       546         0         0
+         8       547         0         0         8       548         0         0
+         8       549         0         0         8       550         0         0
+         8       551         0         0         8       552         0         0
+         8       553         0         0         8       554         0         0
+         8       555         0         0         8       556         0         0
+         8       557         0         0         8       558         0         0
+         8       559         0         0         8       560         0         0
+         4         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       113         0         0         8       114         0         0
+         8       115         0         0         8       116         0         0
+         8       117         0         0         8       118         0         0
+         8       119         0         0         8       120         0         0
+         8       121         0         0         8       122         0         0
+         8       123         0         0         8       124         0         0
+         8       125         0         0         8       126         0         0
+         8       127         0         0         8       128         0         0
+         5         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       209         0         0         8       210         0         0
+         8       211         0         0         8       212         0         0
+         8       213         0         0         8       214         0         0
+         8       215         0         0         8       216         0         0
+         8       217         0         0         8       218         0         0
+         8       219         0         0         8       220         0         0
+         8       221         0         0         8       222         0         0
+         8       223         0         0         8       224         0         0
+         6         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       289         0         0         8       290         0         0
+         8       291         0         0         8       292         0         0
+         8       293         0         0         8       294         0         0
+         8       295         0         0         8       296         0         0
+         8       297         0         0         8       298         0         0
+         8       299         0         0         8       300         0         0
+         8       301         0         0         8       302         0         0
+         8       303         0         0         8       304         0         0
+         7         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       129         0         0         8       130         0         0
+         8       131         0         0         8       132         0         0
+         8       133         0         0         8       134         0         0
+         8       135         0         0         8       136         0         0
+         8       137         0         0         8       138         0         0
+         8       139         0         0         8       140         0         0
+         8       141         0         0         8       142         0         0
+         8       143         0         0         8       144         0         0
+         8         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       225         0         0         8       226         0         0
+         8       227         0         0         8       228         0         0
+         8       229         0         0         8       230         0         0
+         8       231         0         0         8       232         0         0
+         8       233         0         0         8       234         0         0
+         8       235         0         0         8       236         0         0
+         8       237         0         0         8       238         0         0
+         8       239         0         0         8       240         0         0
+         9         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       305         0         0         8       306         0         0
+         8       307         0         0         8       308         0         0
+         8       309         0         0         8       310         0         0
+         8       311         0         0         8       312         0         0
+         8       313         0         0         8       314         0         0
+         8       315         0         0         8       316         0         0
+         8       317         0         0         8       318         0         0
+         8       319         0         0         8       320         0         0
+        10         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       145         0         0         8       146         0         0
+         8       147         0         0         8       148         0         0
+         8       149         0         0         8       150         0         0
+         8       151         0         0         8       152         0         0
+         8       153         0         0         8       154         0         0
+         8       155         0         0         8       156         0         0
+         8       157         0         0         8       158         0         0
+         8       159         0         0         8       160         0         0
+        11         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       161         0         0         8       162         0         0
+         8       163         0         0         8       164         0         0
+         8       165         0         0         8       166         0         0
+         8       167         0         0         8       168         0         0
+         8       169         0         0         8       170         0         0
+         8       171         0         0         8       172         0         0
+         8       173         0         0         8       174         0         0
+         8       175         0         0         8       176         0         0
+        12         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       241         0         0         8       242         0         0
+         8       243         0         0         8       244         0         0
+         8       245         0         0         8       246         0         0
+         8       247         0         0         8       248         0         0
+         8       249         0         0         8       250         0         0
+         8       251         0         0         8       252         0         0
+         8       253         0         0         8       254         0         0
+         8       255         0         0         8       256         0         0
+        13         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       321         0         0         8       322         0         0
+         8       323         0         0         8       324         0         0
+         8       325         0         0         8       326         0         0
+         8       327         0         0         8       328         0         0
+         8       329         0         0         8       330         0         0
+         8       331         0         0         8       332         0         0
+         8       333         0         0         8       334         0         0
+         8       335         0         0         8       336         0         0
+        14         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       177         0         0         8       178         0         0
+         8       179         0         0         8       180         0         0
+         8       181         0         0         8       182         0         0
+         8       183         0         0         8       184         0         0
+         8       185         0         0         8       186         0         0
+         8       187         0         0         8       188         0         0
+         8       189         0         0         8       190         0         0
+         8       191         0         0         8       192         0         0
+        15         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       257         0         0         8       258         0         0
+         8       259         0         0         8       260         0         0
+         8       261         0         0         8       262         0         0
+         8       263         0         0         8       264         0         0
+         8       265         0         0         8       266         0         0
+         8       267         0         0         8       268         0         0
+         8       269         0         0         8       270         0         0
+         8       271         0         0         8       272         0         0
+        16         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       337         0         0         8       338         0         0
+         8       339         0         0         8       340         0         0
+         8       341         0         0         8       342         0         0
+         8       343         0         0         8       344         0         0
+         8       345         0         0         8       346         0         0
+         8       347         0         0         8       348         0         0
+         8       349         0         0         8       350         0         0
+         8       351         0         0         8       352         0         0
+        17         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       193         0         0         8       194         0         0
+         8       195         0         0         8       196         0         0
+         8       197         0         0         8       198         0         0
+         8       199         0         0         8       200         0         0
+         8       201         0         0         8       202         0         0
+         8       203         0         0         8       204         0         0
+         8       205         0         0         8       206         0         0
+         8       207         0         0         8       208         0         0
+        18         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       273         0         0         8       274         0         0
+         8       275         0         0         8       276         0         0
+         8       277         0         0         8       278         0         0
+         8       279         0         0         8       280         0         0
+         8       281         0         0         8       282         0         0
+         8       283         0         0         8       284         0         0
+         8       285         0         0         8       286         0         0
+         8       287         0         0         8       288         0         0
+        19         0         0         0         0         0         0        16
+         8       353         0         0         8       354         0         0
+         8       355         0         0         8       356         0         0
+         8       357         0         0         8       358         0         0
+         8       359         0         0         8       360         0         0
+         8       361         0         0         8       362         0         0
+         8       363         0         0         8       364         0         0
+         8       365         0         0         8       366         0         0
+         8       367         0         0         8       368         0         0
+    -1
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
index 16ef1e517be3c56fa856ac266a9b9d54052fa8c0..46c0171e5a0267a3edf450aa51d84aab5c6e3121 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/extrude/extrudeToRegionMesh/extrudeToRegionMesh.C
@@ -1210,12 +1210,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         << endl;
     label nSide = 0;
     forAll(zoneSidePatch, zoneI)
         if (oneD)
-            // Always add empty patches, one per zone.
-            word patchName = faceZones[zoneI].name() + "_" + "side";
+            // Reuse single empty patch.
+            word patchName = "oneDEmptPatch";
             zoneSidePatch[zoneI] = addPatch<emptyPolyPatch>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/checkMesh/checkTopology.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/checkMesh/checkTopology.C
index 90e6a379e056425c346f927ba6312f09ffe55004..996e6fcb3723357e0253a59764f207fc6a83e7c5 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/checkMesh/checkTopology.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/checkMesh/checkTopology.C
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include "faceSet.H"
 #include "pointSet.H"
 #include "IOmanip.H"
+#include "emptyPolyPatch.H"
 Foam::label Foam::checkTopology
@@ -21,6 +22,29 @@ Foam::label Foam::checkTopology
     // Check if the boundary definition is unique
+    // Check that empty patches cover all sides of the mesh
+    {
+        label nEmpty = 0;
+        forAll(mesh.boundaryMesh(), patchI)
+        {
+            if (isA<emptyPolyPatch>(mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI]))
+            {
+                nEmpty += mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size();
+            }
+        }
+        reduce(nEmpty, sumOp<label>());
+        label nTotCells = returnReduce(mesh.cells().size(), sumOp<label>());
+        // These are actually warnings, not errors.
+        if (nEmpty % nTotCells)
+        {
+            Info<< " ***Total number of faces on empty patches"
+                << " is not divisible by the number of cells in the mesh."
+                << " Hence this mesh is not 1D or 2D."
+                << endl;
+        }
+    }
     // Check if the boundary processor patches are correct
@@ -41,6 +65,8 @@ Foam::label Foam::checkTopology
         pointSet points(mesh, "unusedPoints", mesh.nPoints()/100);
         if (mesh.checkPoints(true, &points))
@@ -74,6 +100,22 @@ Foam::label Foam::checkTopology
+    {
+        faceSet faces(mesh, "outOfRangeFaces", mesh.nFaces()/100);
+        if (mesh.checkFaceVertices(true, &faces))
+        {
+            noFailedChecks++;
+            label nFaces = returnReduce(faces.size(), sumOp<label>());
+            Info<< "  <<Writing " << nFaces
+                << " faces with out-of-range or duplicate vertices to set "
+                << faces.name() << endl;
+            faces.instance() = mesh.pointsInstance();
+            faces.write();
+        }
+    }
     if (allTopology)
         cellSet cells(mesh, "zipUpCells", mesh.nCells()/100);
@@ -91,22 +133,6 @@ Foam::label Foam::checkTopology
-    {
-        faceSet faces(mesh, "outOfRangeFaces", mesh.nFaces()/100);
-        if (mesh.checkFaceVertices(true, &faces))
-        {
-            noFailedChecks++;
-            label nFaces = returnReduce(faces.size(), sumOp<label>());
-            Info<< "  <<Writing " << nFaces
-                << " faces with out-of-range or duplicate vertices to set "
-                << faces.name() << endl;
-            faces.instance() = mesh.pointsInstance();
-            faces.write();
-        }
-    }
     if (allTopology)
         faceSet faces(mesh, "edgeFaces", mesh.nFaces()/100);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatch.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatch.C
index 5a3a649f05ec25139ebe4a5eb701f4c89c92018e..465f6ae90a05807321cab2bbd5522814a2dcb958 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatch.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatch.C
@@ -526,13 +526,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     // Whether to synchronise points
     const Switch pointSync(dict.lookup("pointSync"));
-    // Set the matching tolerance so we can read illegal meshes
-    scalar tol = readScalar(dict.lookup("matchTolerance"));
-    Info<< "Using relative tolerance " << tol
-        << " to match up faces and points" << nl << endl;
-    coupledPolyPatch::matchTol = tol;
 #   include "createNamedPolyMesh.H"
     const word oldInstance = mesh.pointsInstance();
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatchDict b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatchDict
index 600c46816ef9f5ac019fb0508d9d9a218d090cf4..60719b72c37963bb612a10c0d4664af4dd1ee6b7 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatchDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/manipulation/createPatch/createPatchDict
@@ -34,19 +34,15 @@ FoamFile
 // This will usually fail upon loading:
 //  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
 //  " -- possible face ordering problem."
-// - change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch' in the polyMesh/boundary file.
-// - loosen match tolerance to get case to load
-// - regenerate cyclic as above
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1E-3;
 // Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
 // Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
-//       with transformations.
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
 pointSync false;
 // Patches to create.
@@ -67,6 +63,12 @@ patches
             transform rotational;
             rotationAxis (1 0 0);
             rotationCentre (0 0 0);
+            // transform translational;
+            // separationVector (1 0 0);
+            // Optional non-default tolerance to be able to define cyclics
+            // on bad meshes
+            //matchTolerance 1E-2;
         // How to construct: either from 'patches' or 'set'
diff --git a/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/decomposeParDict b/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/decomposeParDict
index 9ffb82c5738db4dbaa22bceb88c7de373662c4f0..26283baa2ede28469c0e4dc8dd6603c10c6107e3 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/decomposeParDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/decomposeParDict
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ multiLevelCoeffs
-        numberOfSubdomains  2;
+        numberOfSubdomains  64;
         //method simple;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/domainDecomposition.C b/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/domainDecomposition.C
index fc9d2c4ff1d73ea6d098a1ff6bf5f0403bf3a363..4882c118a0bded103994f2264c9ff2169acdc4e1 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/domainDecomposition.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/parallelProcessing/decomposePar/domainDecomposition.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -160,8 +160,10 @@ bool Foam::domainDecomposition::writeDecomposition()
+    label maxProcCells = 0;
     label totProcFaces = 0;
     label maxProcPatches = 0;
+    label totProcPatches = 0;
     label maxProcFaces = 0;
@@ -749,6 +751,8 @@ bool Foam::domainDecomposition::writeDecomposition()
             << "    Number of cells = " << procMesh.nCells()
             << endl;
+        maxProcCells = max(maxProcCells, procMesh.nCells());
         label nBoundaryFaces = 0;
         label nProcPatches = 0;
         label nProcFaces = 0;
@@ -780,6 +784,7 @@ bool Foam::domainDecomposition::writeDecomposition()
             << "    Number of boundary faces = " << nBoundaryFaces << endl;
         totProcFaces += nProcFaces;
+        totProcPatches += nProcPatches;
         maxProcPatches = max(maxProcPatches, nProcPatches);
         maxProcFaces = max(maxProcFaces, nProcFaces);
@@ -851,10 +856,21 @@ bool Foam::domainDecomposition::writeDecomposition()
+    scalar avgProcCells = scalar(nCells())/nProcs_;
+    scalar avgProcPatches = scalar(totProcPatches)/nProcs_;
+    scalar avgProcFaces = scalar(totProcFaces)/nProcs_;
     Info<< nl
         << "Number of processor faces = " << totProcFaces/2 << nl
-        << "Max number of processor patches = " << maxProcPatches << nl
+        << "Max number of cells = " << maxProcCells
+        << " (" << 100.0*(maxProcCells-avgProcCells)/avgProcCells
+        << "% above average " << avgProcCells << ")" << nl
+        << "Max number of processor patches = " << maxProcPatches
+        << " (" << 100.0*(maxProcPatches-avgProcPatches)/avgProcPatches
+        << "% above average " << avgProcPatches << ")" << nl
         << "Max number of faces between processors = " << maxProcFaces
+        << " (" << 100.0*(maxProcFaces-avgProcFaces)/avgProcFaces
+        << "% above average " << avgProcFaces << ")" << nl
         << endl;
     return true;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/miscellaneous/postChannel/collapse.H b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/miscellaneous/postChannel/collapse.H
index 4b042ab63f7b51f6aea6f28dcbc9b061dc0431dd..885ebb4805b6241ac0970eff16805748677ffeeb 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/miscellaneous/postChannel/collapse.H
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/miscellaneous/postChannel/collapse.H
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+    fileName path(UMean.rootPath()/UMean.caseName()/"graphs"/UMean.instance());
+    mkDir(path);
     scalarField UMeanXvalues
@@ -42,19 +45,19 @@
     const scalarField& y = channelIndexing.y();
-    makeGraph(y, UMeanXvalues, "Uf", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, urmsValues, "u", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, vrmsValues, "v", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, wrmsValues, "w", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, RxyValues, "uv", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, kValues, "k", UMean.path(), gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, UMeanXvalues, "Uf", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, urmsValues, "u", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, vrmsValues, "v", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, wrmsValues, "w", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, RxyValues, "uv", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, kValues, "k", path, gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, pPrime2MeanValues, "pPrime2Mean", UMean.path(), gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, pPrime2MeanValues, "pPrime2Mean", path, gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, epsilonValues, "epsilon", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, nuMeanValues, "nu", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, nuPrimeValues, "nuPrime", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, gammaDotMeanValues, "gammaDot", UMean.path(), gFormat);
-    makeGraph(y, gammaDotPrimeValues, "gammaDotPrime", UMean.path(), gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, epsilonValues, "epsilon", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, nuMeanValues, "nu", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, nuPrimeValues, "nuPrime", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, gammaDotMeanValues, "gammaDot", path, gFormat);
+    makeGraph(y, gammaDotPrimeValues, "gammaDotPrime", path, gFormat);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/sampling/sample/sampleDict b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/sampling/sample/sampleDict
index 87abe5926de588811fc928fc510a54f76b05a067..e413b94cc4df8812b5ceb5d5439b9d057e06ef3e 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/sampling/sample/sampleDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/sampling/sample/sampleDict
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ FoamFile
 //      gnuplot
 //      raw
 //      vtk
+//      csv
 setFormat raw;
 // Surface output format. Choice of
diff --git a/applications/utilities/preProcessing/boxTurb/boxTurb.C b/applications/utilities/preProcessing/boxTurb/boxTurb.C
index dd00016f5bec884978437f095abe6a07cc0f45c3..3d6dc8e68fc4db6c0162efa7be6a9e42ee8359eb 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/preProcessing/boxTurb/boxTurb.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/preProcessing/boxTurb/boxTurb.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ Description
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-#   include "setRootCase.H"
+    #include "setRootCase.H"
-#   include "createTime.H"
-#   include "createMesh.H"
-#   include "createFields.H"
-#   include "readBoxTurbDict.H"
+    #include "createTime.H"
+    #include "createMesh.H"
+    #include "createFields.H"
+    #include "readBoxTurbDict.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     Kmesh K(mesh);
@@ -67,7 +67,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    calcEk(U, K).write(runTime.timePath()/"Ek", runTime.graphFormat());
+    calcEk(U, K).write
+    (
+        runTime.path()/"graphs"/runTime.timeName(),
+        "Ek",
+        runTime.graphFormat()
+    );
     Info<< "end" << endl;
diff --git a/bin/foamPackBinAll b/bin/foamPackBinAll
index 18f67129ed57fe4436b9405e74403068c178c0d4..408ea2248be45d4c9a317bcec9ef177ba4325d48 100755
--- a/bin/foamPackBinAll
+++ b/bin/foamPackBinAll
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ then
 elif [ -d $packDir/platforms ]
     # obtain archOptions types from platforms/<archOptions>/lib
     for archOptions in $packDir/platforms/*/lib
diff --git a/bin/tools/CleanFunctions b/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
index 0a006348a5ee00793328ce5f85427441c4a91640..e7f1ad40a61c860451a56be19df0f56706f7923d 100644
--- a/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
+++ b/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
@@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ cleanCase()
     rm -rf processor* > /dev/null 2>&1
     rm -rf probes* > /dev/null 2>&1
     rm -rf forces* > /dev/null 2>&1
+    rm -rf graphs* > /dev/null 2>&1
     rm -rf sets > /dev/null 2>&1
+    rm -rf surfaceSampling > /dev/null 2>&1
+    rm -rf cuttingPlane > /dev/null 2>&1
     rm -rf system/machines > /dev/null 2>&1
     if [ -d constant/polyMesh ]
diff --git a/etc/settings.csh b/etc/settings.csh
index b63999dccb0b4890557ed7934637d510c06c1450..b3daf1e2884c471bb3ff465c21f540dc43838b63 100644
--- a/etc/settings.csh
+++ b/etc/settings.csh
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ case Linux:
     case x86_64:
         switch ($WM_ARCH_OPTION)
         case 32:
-            setenv WM_COMPILER_ARCH '-64'
+            setenv WM_COMPILER_ARCH 64
             setenv WM_CC 'gcc'
             setenv WM_CXX 'g++'
             setenv WM_CFLAGS '-m32 -fPIC'
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ endif
 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 set boost_version=boost_1_45_0
-set cgal_version=CGAL-3.7
+set cgal_version=CGAL-3.8
 setenv BOOST_ARCH_PATH $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$boost_version
 setenv CGAL_ARCH_PATH  $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$cgal_version
diff --git a/etc/settings.sh b/etc/settings.sh
index ec9b33041ecaa160f199fbbe58f3d2ac0ff609ae..954868dad157e58c271ae94d02e808128bb1cb58 100644
--- a/etc/settings.sh
+++ b/etc/settings.sh
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Linux)
         case "$WM_ARCH_OPTION" in
-            export WM_COMPILER_ARCH='-64'
+            export WM_COMPILER_ARCH=64
             export WM_CC='gcc'
             export WM_CXX='g++'
             export WM_CFLAGS='-m32 -fPIC'
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ fi
 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 export BOOST_ARCH_PATH=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$boost_version
 export CGAL_ARCH_PATH=$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR/platforms/$WM_ARCH$WM_COMPILER/$cgal_version
diff --git a/src/OSspecific/POSIX/regExp.H b/src/OSspecific/POSIX/regExp.H
index 9106264ac8197d610e9caf1dfd47e98e6725d941..067dfc54afddd96ee858ab54415c5127c635cc52 100644
--- a/src/OSspecific/POSIX/regExp.H
+++ b/src/OSspecific/POSIX/regExp.H
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class regExp
         //- Precompiled regular expression
         mutable regex_t* preg_;
     // Private Member Functions
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
@@ -72,6 +73,8 @@ class regExp
+    // Static Member Functions
         //- Is character a regular expression meta-character?
         //  any character: '.' \n
         //  quantifiers: '*', '+', '?' \n
@@ -102,66 +105,69 @@ public:
         //- Construct from std::string (or string), optionally ignoring case
         regExp(const std::string&, const bool ignoreCase=false);
     //- Destructor
     // Member functions
-    //- Access
+        // Access
-        //- Return true if a precompiled expression does not exist
-        inline bool empty() const
-        {
-            return !preg_;
-        }
+            //- Return true if a precompiled expression does not exist
+            inline bool empty() const
+            {
+                return !preg_;
+            }
-        //- Does a precompiled expression exist?
-        inline bool exists() const
-        {
-            return preg_ ? true : false;
-        }
+            //- Does a precompiled expression exist?
+            inline bool exists() const
+            {
+                return preg_ ? true : false;
+            }
-        //- Return the number of (groups)
-        inline int ngroups() const
-        {
-            return preg_ ? preg_->re_nsub : 0;
-        }
+            //- Return the number of (groups)
+            inline int ngroups() const
+            {
+                return preg_ ? preg_->re_nsub : 0;
+            }
-    //- Editing
+        // Editing
-        //- Compile pattern into a regular expression, optionally ignoring case
-        void set(const char*, const bool ignoreCase=false) const;
+            //- Compile pattern into a regular expression, optionally ignoring
+            //  case
+            void set(const char*, const bool ignoreCase=false) const;
-        //- Compile pattern into a regular expression, optionally ignoring case
-        void set(const std::string&, const bool ignoreCase=false) const;
+            //- Compile pattern into a regular expression, optionally ignoring
+            //  case
+            void set(const std::string&, const bool ignoreCase=false) const;
-        //- Release precompiled expression.
-        //  Returns true if precompiled expression existed before clear
-        bool clear() const;
+            //- Release precompiled expression.
+            //  Returns true if precompiled expression existed before clear
+            bool clear() const;
-    //- Searching
+        // Searching
-        //- Find position within string.
-        //  Returns the index where it begins or string::npos if not found
-        std::string::size_type find(const std::string& str) const;
+            //- Find position within string.
+            //  Returns the index where it begins or string::npos if not found
+            std::string::size_type find(const std::string& str) const;
-        //- Return true if it matches the entire string
-        //  The begin-of-line (^) and end-of-line ($) anchors are implicit
-        bool match(const std::string&) const;
+            //- Return true if it matches the entire string
+            //  The begin-of-line (^) and end-of-line ($) anchors are implicit
+            bool match(const std::string&) const;
-        //- Return true if it matches and sets the sub-groups matched
-        //  The begin-of-line (^) and end-of-line ($) anchors are implicit
-        bool match(const string&, List<string>& groups) const;
+            //- Return true if it matches and sets the sub-groups matched
+            //  The begin-of-line (^) and end-of-line ($) anchors are implicit
+            bool match(const string&, List<string>& groups) const;
-        //- Return true if the regex was found within string
-        bool search(const std::string& str) const
-        {
-            return std::string::npos != find(str);
-        }
+            //- Return true if the regex was found within string
+            bool search(const std::string& str) const
+            {
+                return std::string::npos != find(str);
+            }
     // Member Operators
@@ -173,7 +179,6 @@ public:
         //- Assign and compile pattern from string
         //  Always case sensitive
         void operator=(const std::string&);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files b/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
index 432f6ccc0e23a24262ba36924f1cde81997a76e2..52de21702b5abea64dc1e5780b974c74bb5c6440 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
@@ -571,6 +571,10 @@ interpolations = interpolations
 interpolation = $(interpolations)/interpolation
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/token/token.H b/src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/token/token.H
index c48c22b5c3e067ce2d3e6b3bd5affe04e24279fd..0497c75e8d45d780228f48fcfee695c61238bc38 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/token/token.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/IOstreams/token/token.H
@@ -435,11 +435,11 @@ Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const token::compound&);
 #define defineCompoundTypeName(Type, Name)                                    \
-    typedef token::Compound<Type > tokenCompound##Name##_;                    \
+    typedef token::Compound<Type> tokenCompound##Name##_;                     \
     defineTemplateTypeNameAndDebugWithName(tokenCompound##Name##_, #Type, 0);
 #define addCompoundToRunTimeSelectionTable(Type, Name)                        \
-    token::compound::addIstreamConstructorToTable<token::Compound<Type > >    \
+    token::compound::addIstreamConstructorToTable<token::Compound<Type> >     \
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.C
index c44b3393d560ce5dd60c608ed8255696962e8cef..8e509a738b88b25ae00a6c219e80d2371acc7a9f 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.C
@@ -228,6 +228,8 @@ Foam::Time::Time
+    libs_(),
@@ -257,9 +259,10 @@ Foam::Time::Time
-    readLibs_(controlDict_, "libs"),
+    libs_.open(controlDict_, "libs");
     // Explicitly set read flags on objectRegistry so anything constructed
     // from it reads as well (e.g. fvSolution).
     readOpt() = IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED;
@@ -313,6 +316,8 @@ Foam::Time::Time
+    libs_(),
@@ -343,9 +348,11 @@ Foam::Time::Time
-    readLibs_(controlDict_, "libs"),
+    libs_.open(controlDict_, "libs");
     // Explicitly set read flags on objectRegistry so anything constructed
     // from it reads as well (e.g. fvSolution).
     readOpt() = IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED;
@@ -401,6 +408,8 @@ Foam::Time::Time
+    libs_(),
@@ -430,9 +439,10 @@ Foam::Time::Time
-    readLibs_(controlDict_, "libs"),
+    libs_.open(controlDict_, "libs");
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.H b/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.H
index c1fe271a9697627edf7a859f2ad1f1d2ddd97a33..b9da549895fafc7975d4eb92af4bdf023ef61b8d 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/Time/Time.H
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ class Time
         //- file-change monitor for all registered files
         mutable autoPtr<fileMonitor> monitorPtr_;
+        //- Any loaded dynamic libraries. Make sure to construct before
+        //  reading controlDict.
+        dlLibraryTable libs_;
         //- The controlDict
         IOdictionary controlDict_;
@@ -166,9 +170,6 @@ private:
         //- Is runtime modification of dictionaries allowed?
         Switch runTimeModifiable_;
-        //- Instantiate a dummy class to cause the reading of dynamic libraries
-        dlLibraryTable::readDlLibrary readLibs_;
         //- Function objects executed at start and on ++, +=
         mutable functionObjectList functionObjects_;
@@ -375,6 +376,12 @@ public:
                 return functionObjects_;
+            //- External access to the loaded libraries
+            dlLibraryTable& libs()
+            {
+                return libs_;
+            }
             //- Return true if time currently being sub-cycled, otherwise false
             bool subCycling() const
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.C
index e4cfbc88edf7a65ba4c7e2952e14b348d2d1700a..8eefcb86d92675ace7715e9f9ec4c3cafd6bedc6 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.C
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ License
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "PstreamReduceOps.H"
+#include "long.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -61,6 +62,36 @@ const Foam::word Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::codeTemplateC
     = "codeStreamTemplate.C";
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+const Foam::dictionary& Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::topDict
+    const dictionary& dict
+    const dictionary& p = dict.parent();
+    if (&p != &dict && !p.name().empty())
+    {
+        return topDict(p);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return dict;
+    }
+Foam::dlLibraryTable& Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::libs
+    const dictionary& dict
+    const IOdictionary& d = static_cast<const IOdictionary&>(topDict(dict));
+    return const_cast<Time&>(d.time()).libs();
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 bool Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::execute
@@ -99,8 +130,11 @@ bool Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::execute
     const fileName libPath = dynCode.libPath();
     // see if library is loaded
-    void* lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+    void* lib = NULL;
+    if (isA<IOdictionary>(topDict(parentDict)))
+    {
+        lib = libs(parentDict).findLibrary(libPath);
+    }
     if (!lib)
@@ -110,9 +144,23 @@ bool Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::execute
     // nothing loaded
     // avoid compilation if possible by loading an existing library
-    if (!lib && dlLibraryTable::open(libPath, false))
+    if (!lib)
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+        if (isA<IOdictionary>(topDict(parentDict)))
+        {
+            // Cached access to dl libs. Guarantees clean up upon destruction
+            // of Time.
+            dlLibraryTable& dlLibs = libs(parentDict);
+            if (dlLibs.open(libPath, false))
+            {
+                lib = dlLibs.findLibrary(libPath);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Uncached opening of libPath
+            lib = dlOpen(libPath);
+        }
@@ -167,19 +215,30 @@ bool Foam::functionEntries::codeStream::execute
         // all processes must wait for compile to finish
         reduce(create, orOp<bool>());
-        if (!dlLibraryTable::open(libPath, false))
+        if (isA<IOdictionary>(topDict(parentDict)))
-            FatalIOErrorIn
-            (
-                "functionEntries::codeStream::execute(..)",
-                parentDict
-            )   << "Failed loading library " << libPath << nl
-                << "Did you add all libraries to the 'libs' entry"
-                << " in system/controlDict?"
-                << exit(FatalIOError);
-        }
+            // Cached access to dl libs. Guarantees clean up upon destruction
+            // of Time.
+            dlLibraryTable& dlLibs = libs(parentDict);
+            if (!dlLibs.open(libPath, false))
+            {
+                FatalIOErrorIn
+                (
+                    "functionEntries::codeStream::execute(..)",
+                    parentDict
+                )   << "Failed loading library " << libPath << nl
+                    << "Did you add all libraries to the 'libs' entry"
+                    << " in system/controlDict?"
+                    << exit(FatalIOError);
+            }
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+            lib = dlLibs.findLibrary(libPath);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Uncached opening of libPath
+            lib = dlOpen(libPath);
+        }
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.H b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.H
index f35adcdae3c71af9daf5bf03d53812072c114c41..4da11839f13ec5bc2f9c880b5e8fa4986bc4531e 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dictionary/functionEntries/codeStream/codeStream.H
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ SourceFiles
 namespace Foam
+class dlLibraryTable;
 namespace functionEntries
@@ -113,9 +115,14 @@ class codeStream
         //- Interpreter function type
         typedef void (*streamingFunctionType)(Ostream&, const dictionary&);
     // Private Member Functions
+        //- Helper function: parent (of parent etc.) of dictionary up to the top
+        static const dictionary& topDict(const dictionary&);
+        //- Helper function: access to dlLibraryTable of Time
+        static dlLibraryTable& libs(const dictionary& dict);
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
         codeStream(const codeStream&);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C
index 3d1878a5f76eacf21f81a7e62cb6f0a7ce761dae..93d934a1b548c79df4965eb497ebc3906337b9c8 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.C
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ License
 #include "dlLibraryTable.H"
 #include "OSspecific.H"
+#include "long.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-Foam::dlLibraryTable Foam::dlLibraryTable::loadedLibraries;
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::dlLibraryTable, 0);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -39,11 +40,13 @@ Foam::dlLibraryTable::dlLibraryTable()
     const dictionary& dict,
     const word& libsEntry
+    HashTable<fileName, void*, Hash<void*> >()
     open(dict, libsEntry);
@@ -58,7 +61,11 @@ Foam::dlLibraryTable::~dlLibraryTable()
         // bug in dlclose - does not call static destructors of
         // loaded library when actually unloading the library.
         // See https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=680125 and 657627.
-        // Seems related to using a non-system compiler!
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Info<< "dlLibraryTable::~dlLibraryTable() : closing " << iter()
+                << " with handle " << long(iter.key()) << endl;
+        }
@@ -76,6 +83,12 @@ bool Foam::dlLibraryTable::open
         void* functionLibPtr = dlOpen(functionLibName);
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Info<< "dlLibraryTable::open : opened " << functionLibName
+                << " resulting in handle " << long(functionLibPtr) << endl;
+        }
         if (!functionLibPtr)
             if (verbose)
@@ -91,14 +104,7 @@ bool Foam::dlLibraryTable::open
-            if (loadedLibraries.insert(functionLibPtr, functionLibName))
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                return false;
-            }
+            return insert(functionLibPtr, functionLibName);
@@ -117,7 +123,13 @@ bool Foam::dlLibraryTable::close
     void* libPtr = findLibrary(functionLibName);
     if (libPtr)
-        loadedLibraries.erase(libPtr);
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Info<< "dlLibraryTable::close : closing " << functionLibName
+                << " with handle " << long(libPtr) << endl;
+        }
+        erase(libPtr);
         if (!dlClose(libPtr))
@@ -141,7 +153,7 @@ bool Foam::dlLibraryTable::close
 void* Foam::dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(const fileName& functionLibName)
-    forAllConstIter(dlLibraryTable, loadedLibraries, iter)
+    forAllConstIter(dlLibraryTable, *this, iter)
         if (iter() == functionLibName)
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.H b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.H
index aaf472f67ebd3b997e892b3c21cce6b6c5f826f5..f2925fe511e866e1a3821dff3b5dd7896dcdb46d 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dlLibraryTable/dlLibraryTable.H
@@ -63,30 +63,18 @@ class dlLibraryTable
-    // Static data members
-        //- Static data someStaticData
-        static dlLibraryTable loadedLibraries;
-    // Public classes
-        //- Class whose construction causes the reading of dynamic libraries
-        class readDlLibrary
-        {
-        public:
-            //- Read all the libraries listed in the 'libsEntry' entry in the
-            //  given dictionary if present
-            readDlLibrary(const dictionary&, const word& libsEntry);
-        };
+    // Declare name of the class and its debug switch
+    ClassName("dlLibraryTable");
     // Constructors
         //- Construct null
+        //- Construct from dictionary and name of 'libs' entry giving
+        //  the libraries to load
+        dlLibraryTable(const dictionary&, const word&);
     //- Destructor
@@ -95,23 +83,23 @@ public:
     // Member Functions
         //- Open the named library, optionally with warnings if problems occur
-        static bool open(const fileName& name, const bool verbose = true);
+        bool open(const fileName& name, const bool verbose = true);
         //- Close the named library, optionally with warnings if problems occur
-        static bool close(const fileName& name, const bool verbose = true);
+        bool close(const fileName& name, const bool verbose = true);
         //- Find the handle of the named library
-        static void* findLibrary(const fileName& name);
+        void* findLibrary(const fileName& name);
         //- Open all the libraries listed in the 'libsEntry' entry in the
         //  given dictionary if present
-        static bool open(const dictionary&, const word& libsEntry);
+        bool open(const dictionary&, const word& libsEntry);
         //- Open all the libraries listed in the 'libsEntry' entry in the
         //  given dictionary if present and check the additions
         //  to the given constructor table
         template<class TablePtr>
-        static bool open
+        bool open
             const dictionary&,
             const word& libsEntry,
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dynamicCode/dynamicCodeContext.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dynamicCode/dynamicCodeContext.C
index 81c1a50ceb7d4256e3b04a79dea884429b822a93..93d6ebbdd722790aecec848957251fed5e51fae2 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dynamicCode/dynamicCodeContext.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/dynamicLibrary/dynamicCode/dynamicCodeContext.C
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ Foam::dynamicCodeContext::dynamicCodeContext(const dictionary& dict)
         const entry& codeEntry = dict.lookupEntry("code", false, false);
         code_ = stringOps::trim(codeEntry.stream());
         stringOps::inplaceExpand(code_, dict);
-        addLineDirective(code_, codeEntry.startLineNumber(), dict.name());
     // note: removes any leading/trailing whitespace
@@ -64,7 +63,6 @@ Foam::dynamicCodeContext::dynamicCodeContext(const dictionary& dict)
         include_ = stringOps::trim(includePtr->stream());
         stringOps::inplaceExpand(include_, dict);
-        addLineDirective(include_, includePtr->startLineNumber(), dict.name());
     // optional
@@ -92,6 +90,28 @@ Foam::dynamicCodeContext::dynamicCodeContext(const dictionary& dict)
     OSHA1stream os;
     os  << include_ << options_ << libs_ << localCode_ << code_;
     sha1_ = os.digest();
+    // Add line number after calculating sha1 since includes processorDDD
+    // in path which differs between processors.
+    {
+        const entry& codeEntry = dict.lookupEntry("code", false, false);
+        addLineDirective(code_, codeEntry.startLineNumber(), dict.name());
+    }
+    if (includePtr)
+    {
+        addLineDirective(include_, includePtr->startLineNumber(), dict.name());
+    }
+    if (optionsPtr)
+    {
+        addLineDirective(options_, optionsPtr->startLineNumber(), dict.name());
+    }
+    if (libsPtr)
+    {
+        addLineDirective(libs_, libsPtr->startLineNumber(), dict.name());
+    }
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/functionObject/functionObject.C b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/functionObject/functionObject.C
index fcc9e11438d44e0a05307aa9e805c006e95d8656..721f61e94949c8cef41a10a601d26b1df0587403 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/functionObject/functionObject.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/db/functionObjects/functionObject/functionObject.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ License
 #include "functionObject.H"
 #include "dictionary.H"
 #include "dlLibraryTable.H"
+#include "Time.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::functionObject> Foam::functionObject::New
         Info<< "Selecting function " << functionType << endl;
-    dlLibraryTable::open
+    const_cast<Time&>(t).libs().open
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.C b/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.C
index 1a0b8d1a4f3c0d32259147dc176e6b312eb4eca6..7dbefcb424a79f022c613d2d6e398df0d57cddb4 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ License
 #include "OFstream.H"
 #include "IOmanip.H"
 #include "Pair.H"
+#include "OSspecific.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -211,11 +212,11 @@ void Foam::graph::write(Ostream& os, const word& format) const
-void Foam::graph::write(const fileName& fName, const word& format) const
+void Foam::graph::write(const fileName& pName, const word& format) const
     autoPtr<writer> graphWriter(writer::New(format));
-    OFstream graphFile(fName + '.' + graphWriter().ext());
+    OFstream graphFile(pName + '.' + graphWriter().ext());
     if (graphFile.good())
@@ -230,6 +231,18 @@ void Foam::graph::write(const fileName& fName, const word& format) const
+void Foam::graph::write
+    const fileName& path,
+    const word& name,
+    const word& format
+) const
+    mkDir(path);
+    write(path/name, format);
 Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<(Ostream& os, const graph& g)
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.H b/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.H
index 2e86c17efaec999e9ba33cca7964bd95ffc8ccaf..2519ca78f8bba9b2ec5d6cf5bfd74fc685bf2c75 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/graph/graph.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -252,8 +252,16 @@ public:
             //- Write graph to stream in given format
             void write(Ostream&, const word& format) const;
-            //- Write graph to file in given format
-            void write(const fileName& fName, const word& format) const;
+            //- Write graph to file in given path-name and format
+            void write(const fileName& pName, const word& format) const;
+            //- Write graph to file in given path, name and format
+            void write
+            (
+                const fileName& path,
+                const word& name,
+                const word& format
+            ) const;
     // Friend operators
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.C b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.C
index c881af33f56a413f0b87ec8f1a8c810a1a910941..95f4701730339a5946951a17ba64bebab3b8e6f1 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ License
 #include "interpolationTable.H"
 #include "IFstream.H"
+#include "openFoamTableReader.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -38,19 +39,19 @@ void Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::readTable()
     // Read data from file
-    IFstream(fName)() >> *this;
-    // Check that the data are okay
-    check();
+    reader_()(fName, *this);
     if (this->empty())
-        )   << "table is empty" << nl
+        )   << "table read from " << fName << " is empty" << nl
             << exit(FatalError);
+    // Check that the data are okay
+    check();
@@ -61,7 +62,8 @@ Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::interpolationTable()
     List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >(),
-    fileName_("fileNameIsUndefined")
+    fileName_("fileNameIsUndefined"),
+    reader_(NULL)
@@ -75,7 +77,8 @@ Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::interpolationTable
     List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >(values),
-    fileName_(fName)
+    fileName_(fName),
+    reader_(NULL)
@@ -84,7 +87,8 @@ Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::interpolationTable(const fileName& fName)
     List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >(),
-    fileName_(fName)
+    fileName_(fName),
+    reader_(new openFoamTableReader<Type>())
@@ -95,7 +99,8 @@ Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::interpolationTable(const dictionary& dict)
     List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >(),
-    fileName_(dict.lookup("fileName"))
+    fileName_(dict.lookup("fileName")),
+    reader_(tableReader<Type>::New(dict))
@@ -109,7 +114,8 @@ Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::interpolationTable
     List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >(interpTable),
-    fileName_(interpTable.fileName_)
+    fileName_(interpTable.fileName_),
+    reader_(interpTable.reader_)    // note: steals reader. Used in write().
@@ -233,6 +239,10 @@ void Foam::interpolationTable<Type>::write(Ostream& os) const
         << fileName_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
         << boundsHandlingToWord(boundsHandling_) << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    if (reader_.valid())
+    {
+        reader_->write(os);
+    }
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.H
index a7f62c1748064472e226ec4a7b4a73302ade61bc..4395269dfa6d6e1994f2aa73949f63f22d191303 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/interpolationTable.H
@@ -34,6 +34,19 @@ Description
     If \a REPEAT is chosen for the out-of-bounds handling, the final time
     value is treated as being equivalent to time=0 for the following periods.
+    The construct from dictionary reads a filename from a dictionary and
+    has an optional readerType. Default is to read OpenFOAM format. The only
+    other format is csv (comma separated values):
+    Read csv format:
+        readerType      csv;
+        fileName        "$FOAM_CASE/constant/p0vsTime.csv";
+        hasHeaderLine   true;   // skip first line
+        timeColumn      0;      // time is in column 0
+        valueColumns    (1);    // value starts in column 1
     - Accessing an empty list results in an error.
     - Accessing a list with a single element always returns the same value.
@@ -49,6 +62,9 @@ SourceFiles
 #include "List.H"
 #include "Tuple2.H"
+#include "tableReader.H"
+#include "autoPtr.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
@@ -87,6 +103,8 @@ private:
         //- File name
         fileName fileName_;
+        //- the actual reader
+        autoPtr<tableReader<Type> > reader_;
     // Private Member Functions
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.C b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc500af4aa5ffbb45f4f84385218690e65e3c508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.C
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "csvTableReader.H"
+#include "IFstream.H"
+#include "DynamicList.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+Foam::csvTableReader<Type>::csvTableReader(const dictionary& dict)
+    tableReader<Type>(dict),
+    headerLine_(readBool(dict.lookup("hasHeaderLine"))),
+    timeColumn_(readLabel(dict.lookup("timeColumn"))),
+    componentColumns_(dict.lookup("valueColumns")),
+    separator_(dict.lookupOrDefault<string>("separator", string(","))[0])
+    if (componentColumns_.size() != pTraits<Type>::nComponents)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("csvTableReader<Type>::csvTableReader(const dictionary&)")
+            << componentColumns_ << " does not have the expected length "
+            << pTraits<Type>::nComponents << endl
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    // doesn't recognize specialization otherwise
+    template<>
+    scalar csvTableReader<scalar>::readValue(const List<string>& splitted)
+    {
+        if (componentColumns_[0] >= splitted.size())
+        {
+            FatalErrorIn
+            (
+                "csvTableReader<scalar>::readValue(const List<string>&)"
+            )   << "No column " << componentColumns_[0] << " in "
+                << splitted << endl
+                << exit(FatalError);
+        }
+        return readScalar(IStringStream(splitted[componentColumns_[0]])());
+    }
+    template<class Type>
+    Type csvTableReader<Type>::readValue(const List<string>& splitted)
+    {
+        Type result;
+        for(label i = 0;i < pTraits<Type>::nComponents; i++)
+        {
+            if (componentColumns_[i] >= splitted.size())
+            {
+                FatalErrorIn
+                (
+                    "csvTableReader<Type>::readValue(const List<string>&)"
+                )   << "No column " << componentColumns_[i] << " in "
+                    << splitted << endl
+                    << exit(FatalError);
+            }
+            result[i] = readScalar
+            (
+                IStringStream(splitted[componentColumns_[i]])()
+            );
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvTableReader<Type>::operator()
+    const fileName& fName,
+    List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >& data
+    IFstream in(fName);
+    DynamicList<Tuple2<scalar, Type> > values;
+    // Skip header
+    if (headerLine_)
+    {
+        string line;
+        in.getLine(line);
+    }
+    while (in.good())
+    {
+        string line;
+        in.getLine(line);
+        DynamicList<string> splitted;
+        std::size_t pos = 0;
+        while (pos != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            std::size_t nPos = line.find(separator_, pos);
+            if (nPos == std::string::npos)
+            {
+                splitted.append(line.substr(pos));
+                pos=nPos;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                splitted.append(line.substr(pos, nPos-pos));
+                pos=nPos+1;
+            }
+        }
+        if (splitted.size() <= 1)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        scalar time = readScalar(IStringStream(splitted[timeColumn_])());
+        Type value = readValue(splitted);
+        values.append(Tuple2<scalar,Type>(time, value));
+    }
+    data.transfer(values);
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvTableReader<Type>::write(Ostream& os) const
+    tableReader<Type>::write(os);
+    os.writeKeyword("hasHeaderLine")
+        << headerLine_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    os.writeKeyword("timeColumn")
+        << timeColumn_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    os.writeKeyword("valueColumns")
+        << componentColumns_ << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    os.writeKeyword("separator")
+        << string(separator_) << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30c9e8d9eb4d4872d8cab6efa184d5af136db105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReader.H
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::csvTableReader
+    Reads an interpolation table from a file - CSV-format
+    tableReader.C
+#ifndef csvTableReader_H
+#define csvTableReader_H
+#include "tableReader.H"
+#include "labelList.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                        Class csvTableReader Declaration
+template<class Type>
+class csvTableReader
+    public tableReader<Type>
+    // Private data
+        //- Does the file have a header line?
+        const bool headerLine_;
+        //- Column of the time
+        const label timeColumn_;
+        //- Labels of the components
+        const labelList componentColumns_;
+        //- Read the next value from the splitted string
+        Type readValue(const List<string>&);
+        //- Separator character
+        const char separator_;
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("csv");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from dictionary
+        csvTableReader(const dictionary& dict);
+        //- Construct and return a copy
+        virtual autoPtr<tableReader<Type> > clone() const
+        {
+            return autoPtr<tableReader<Type> >
+            (
+                new csvTableReader<Type>
+                (
+                    *this
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~csvTableReader();
+    // Member Functions
+        //- Read the table
+        virtual void operator()(const fileName&, List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >&);
+        //- write the remaining parameters
+        virtual void write(Ostream& os) const;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "csvTableReader.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.C b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReaders.C
similarity index 76%
rename from src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.C
rename to src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReaders.C
index 1813e2063ea5c42f7747c1c7f4802a6e7bc27c73..a6ffe258d6bc255f09c7a69cceae2cbc85b13f65 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/csv/csvTableReaders.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -23,20 +23,15 @@ License
-#include "residualControlFunctionObject.H"
+#include "csvTableReader.H"
+#include "tableReaders.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
-    defineNamedTemplateTypeNameAndDebug(residualControlFunctionObject, 0);
-    addToRunTimeSelectionTable
-    (
-        functionObject,
-        residualControlFunctionObject,
-        dictionary
-    );
+    makeTableReaders(csvTableReader);
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.C b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..10a04b2bb1a953678717e66ac5b989461951e95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.C
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "openFoamTableReader.H"
+#include "IFstream.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+Foam::openFoamTableReader<Type>::openFoamTableReader(const dictionary& dict)
+    tableReader<Type>(dict)
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::openFoamTableReader<Type>::operator()
+    const fileName& fName,
+    List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >& data
+    // Read data from file
+    IFstream(fName)() >> data;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cde06f1a7736acae6c69aa9964c252718c178d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReader.H
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::openFoamTableReader
+    Reads an interpolation table from a file - OpenFOAM-format
+    openFoamTableReader.C
+#ifndef openFoamTableReader_H
+#define openFoamTableReader_H
+#include "tableReader.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                     Class openFoamTableReader Declaration
+template<class Type>
+class openFoamTableReader
+    public tableReader<Type>
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("openFoam");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from dictionary
+        openFoamTableReader(const dictionary &dict);
+        //- Construct and return a copy
+        virtual autoPtr<tableReader<Type> > clone() const
+        {
+            return autoPtr<tableReader<Type> >
+            (
+                new openFoamTableReader<Type>
+                (
+                    *this
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~openFoamTableReader();
+    // Member functions
+        //- Read the table
+        virtual void operator()(const fileName&, List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> > &);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "openFoamTableReader.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/IOresidualControl.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReaders.C
similarity index 74%
rename from src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/IOresidualControl.H
rename to src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReaders.C
index 8a2b3bfed1396a2479cec1eae61113ba61fc14fb..847ac1dabb95a91913566d80bf59857d9ae22376 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/IOresidualControl.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/openFoam/openFoamTableReaders.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -21,29 +21,17 @@ License
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::IOresidualControl
-    Instance of the generic IOOutputFilter for residualControl.
-#ifndef IOresidualControl_H
-#define IOresidualControl_H
-#include "residualControl.H"
-#include "IOOutputFilter.H"
+#include "openFoamTableReader.H"
+#include "tableReaders.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
-    typedef IOOutputFilter<residualControl> IOresidualControl;
+    makeTableReaders(openFoamTableReader);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.C b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f8a5548a61cc9460655accf14f68c4c64d4bddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.C
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "tableReader.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::tableReader<Type> > Foam::tableReader<Type>::New
+    const dictionary& spec
+    const word readerType = spec.lookupOrDefault<word>
+    (
+        "readerType",
+        "openFoam"
+    );
+    typename dictionaryConstructorTable::iterator cstrIter =
+        dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_
+            ->find(readerType);
+    if (cstrIter == dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->end())
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn
+        (
+            "tableReader::New(const dictionary&)"
+        )   << "Unknown reader type " << readerType
+            << nl << nl
+            << "Valid reader types : " << nl
+            << dictionaryConstructorTablePtr_->sortedToc()
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    return autoPtr<tableReader<Type> >(cstrIter()(spec));
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+Foam::tableReader<Type>::tableReader(const dictionary&)
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::tableReader<Type>::write(Ostream& os) const
+    if (this->type() != "openFoam")
+    {
+        os.writeKeyword("readerType")
+            << this->type() << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9020fbd133de94a7e9900bdafafab06cb9b37ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReader.H
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::tableReader
+    Base class to read table data for the interpolationTable
+    tableReader.C
+#ifndef tableReader_H
+#define tableReader_H
+#include "fileName.H"
+#include "wordList.H"
+#include "vector.H"
+#include "tensor.H"
+#include "typeInfo.H"
+#include "runTimeSelectionTables.H"
+#include "autoPtr.H"
+#include "dictionary.H"
+#include "Tuple2.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                         Class tableReader Declaration
+template<class Type>
+class tableReader
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("tableReader");
+    // Declare run-time constructor selection table
+        declareRunTimeSelectionTable
+        (
+            autoPtr,
+            tableReader,
+            dictionary,
+            (const dictionary& dict),
+            (dict)
+        );
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from dictionary
+        tableReader(const dictionary& dict);
+        //- Construct and return a clone
+        virtual autoPtr<tableReader<Type> > clone() const = 0;
+    // Selectors
+        //- Return a reference to the selected tableReader
+        static autoPtr<tableReader> New(const dictionary& spec);
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~tableReader();
+    // Member functions
+        //- Read the table
+        virtual void operator()
+        (
+            const fileName&,
+            List<Tuple2<scalar, Type> >&
+        ) = 0;
+        //- Write additional information
+        virtual void write(Ostream& os) const;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "tableReader.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.C
similarity index 69%
rename from src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.H
rename to src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.C
index 19981b40f618657a94041fc189c07c2760a55180..2500070484689d507485481e4e0756e7e43645be 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControlFunctionObject.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -21,34 +21,30 @@ License
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::residualControlFunctionObject
-    FunctionObject wrapper around residualControl to allow them to be created
-    via the functions entry within controlDict.
-    residualControlFunctionObject.C
-#ifndef residualControlFunctionObject_H
-#define residualControlFunctionObject_H
-#include "residualControl.H"
-#include "OutputFilterFunctionObject.H"
+#include "tableReaders.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
-    typedef OutputFilterFunctionObject<residualControl>
-        residualControlFunctionObject;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#define defineTableReaderType(dataType)                                       \
+    defineNamedTemplateTypeNameAndDebug(tableReader<dataType >, 0);           \
+    defineTemplatedRunTimeSelectionTable(tableReader, dictionary, dataType);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.H b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e1c8a056104a9aff92e0fe1585ff9293bd6193d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/interpolations/interpolationTable/tableReaders/tableReaders.H
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::tableReader
+    tableReaders.C
+#ifndef tableReaders_H
+#define tableReaders_H
+#include "tableReader.H"
+#include "fieldTypes.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// Only used internally
+#define makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, dataType)               \
+                                                                              \
+    defineNamedTemplateTypeNameAndDebug(typeTableReader< dataType >, 0)
+// Sometimes used externally
+#define makeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader)                             \
+                                                                              \
+    makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, scalar);                    \
+    makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, vector);                    \
+    makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, sphericalTensor);           \
+    makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, symmTensor);                \
+    makeTypeTableReadersTypeName(typeTableReader, tensor)
+// Define type info for single dataType template instantiation (eg, vector)
+#define makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, dataType)                        \
+                                                                              \
+    defineNamedTemplateTypeNameAndDebug(typeTableReader< dataType >, 0);      \
+    addTemplatedToRunTimeSelectionTable                                       \
+    (                                                                         \
+        tableReader, typeTableReader, dataType, dictionary                    \
+    )
+// Define type info for scalar, vector etc. instantiations
+#define makeTableReaders(typeTableReader)                                     \
+                                                                              \
+    makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, scalar);                             \
+    makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, vector);                             \
+    makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, sphericalTensor);                    \
+    makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, symmTensor);                         \
+    makeTableReaderType(typeTableReader, tensor)
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/matrices/lduMatrix/solvers/GAMG/GAMGAgglomerations/GAMGAgglomeration/GAMGAgglomeration.C b/src/OpenFOAM/matrices/lduMatrix/solvers/GAMG/GAMGAgglomerations/GAMGAgglomeration/GAMGAgglomeration.C
index fe1cba2ba6d37bcbdae5df24ced23c7597fb1fee..0f86477c64d7dbdc5b742cda7755f4461a505d9d 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/matrices/lduMatrix/solvers/GAMG/GAMGAgglomerations/GAMGAgglomeration/GAMGAgglomeration.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/matrices/lduMatrix/solvers/GAMG/GAMGAgglomerations/GAMGAgglomeration/GAMGAgglomeration.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ const Foam::GAMGAgglomeration& Foam::GAMGAgglomeration::New
         const word agglomeratorType(controlDict.lookup("agglomerator"));
-        dlLibraryTable::open
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.thisDb().time()).libs().open
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ const Foam::GAMGAgglomeration& Foam::GAMGAgglomeration::New
         const word agglomeratorType(controlDict.lookup("agglomerator"));
-        dlLibraryTable::open
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.thisDb().time()).libs().open
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.C
index b26b225690fb3c5e9e80c286cbac290e62a655ac..545ce686b8ded2b0342f2409c10b3ab6d85fc8bd 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.C
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace Foam
     defineTypeNameAndDebug(coupledPolyPatch, 0);
-    scalar coupledPolyPatch::matchTol = 1E-3;
+    const scalar coupledPolyPatch::defaultMatchTol_ = 1E-4;
     const char* NamedEnum<coupledPolyPatch::transformType, 4>::names[] =
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ Foam::pointField Foam::coupledPolyPatch::getAnchorPoints
 Foam::scalarField Foam::coupledPolyPatch::calcFaceTol
+    const scalar matchTol,
     const UList<face>& faces,
     const pointField& points,
     const pointField& faceCentres
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ void Foam::coupledPolyPatch::calcTransformTensors
-            separation_ = (nf&(Cr - Cf))*nf;
+            separation_ = Cr - Cf;
@@ -401,7 +402,8 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::coupledPolyPatch
     const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
-    polyPatch(name, size, start, index, bm)
+    polyPatch(name, size, start, index, bm),
+    matchTolerance_(defaultMatchTol_)
@@ -413,7 +415,8 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::coupledPolyPatch
     const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
-    polyPatch(name, dict, index, bm)
+    polyPatch(name, dict, index, bm),
+    matchTolerance_(dict.lookupOrDefault("matchTolerance", defaultMatchTol_))
@@ -423,7 +426,8 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::coupledPolyPatch
     const polyBoundaryMesh& bm
-    polyPatch(pp, bm)
+    polyPatch(pp, bm),
+    matchTolerance_(pp.matchTolerance_)
@@ -436,7 +440,8 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::coupledPolyPatch
     const label newStart
-    polyPatch(pp, bm, index, newSize, newStart)
+    polyPatch(pp, bm, index, newSize, newStart),
+    matchTolerance_(pp.matchTolerance_)
@@ -449,7 +454,8 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::coupledPolyPatch
     const label newStart
-    polyPatch(pp, bm, index, mapAddressing, newStart)
+    polyPatch(pp, bm, index, mapAddressing, newStart),
+    matchTolerance_(pp.matchTolerance_)
@@ -459,4 +465,17 @@ Foam::coupledPolyPatch::~coupledPolyPatch()
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::coupledPolyPatch::write(Ostream& os) const
+    polyPatch::write(os);
+    //if (matchTolerance_ != defaultMatchTol_)
+    {
+        os.writeKeyword("matchTolerance") << matchTolerance_
+            << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
+    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.H b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.H
index 8a90ad9d532f059f7f7d05dfff8ca9de717965aa..58cb8e66fa2b6c58c1146131d3d07363592edfad 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/basic/coupled/coupledPolyPatch.H
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ private:
     // Private data
+        //- default matching tolerance
+        static const scalar defaultMatchTol_;
+        //- local matching tolerance
+        const scalar matchTolerance_;
         //- offset (distance) vector from one side of the couple to the other
         mutable vectorField separation_;
@@ -81,14 +87,6 @@ private:
         //- Are faces collocated. Either size 0,1 or length of patch.
         mutable boolList collocated_;
-    // Static data members
-        //- Relative tolerance (for geometric matching).
-        static scalar matchTol;
     // Protected Member Functions
@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ protected:
             const vectorField& nf,
             const vectorField& nr,
             const scalarField& smallDist,
-            const scalar absTol = matchTol,
+            const scalar absTol,
             const transformType = UNKNOWN
         ) const;
@@ -162,6 +160,7 @@ protected:
         //  from face centre to any of the face vertices.
         static scalarField calcFaceTol
+            const scalar matchTol,
             const UList<face>& faces,
             const pointField& points,
             const pointField& faceCentres
@@ -295,6 +294,11 @@ public:
                 return collocated_;
+            scalar matchTolerance() const
+            {
+                return matchTolerance_;
+            }
         //- Calculate the patch geometry
         virtual void calcGeometry
@@ -328,6 +332,9 @@ public:
             labelList& faceMap,
             labelList& rotation
         ) const = 0;
+        //- Write the polyPatch data as a dictionary
+        virtual void write(Ostream&) const;
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C
index 359c6510200252f3d76396864e055ffc8e76ded6..352a826cab07fb1a5ee482b24931ab04c485e526 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicPolyPatch.C
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms
+    // Some sanity checks
     if (half0Ctrs.size() != half1Ctrs.size())
@@ -163,11 +164,30 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms
             << exit(FatalError);
+    if (transform_ != neighbPatch().transform_)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn
+        (
+            "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()"
+        )   << "Patch " << name()
+            << " has transform type " << transformTypeNames[transform_]
+            << ", neighbour patch " << neighbPatchName_
+            << " has transform type "
+            << neighbPatch().transformTypeNames[transform_]
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    // Calculate transformation tensors
     if (half0Ctrs.size() > 0)
         vectorField half0Normals(half0Areas.size());
         vectorField half1Normals(half1Areas.size());
+        scalar maxAreaDiff = -GREAT;
+        label maxAreaFacei = -1;
         forAll(half0, facei)
             scalar magSf = mag(half0Areas[facei]);
@@ -182,35 +202,62 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms
                 half0Normals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                 half1Normals[facei] = half0Normals[facei];
-            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf > coupledPolyPatch::matchTol)
-            {
-                FatalErrorIn
-                (
-                    "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()"
-                )   << "face " << facei << " area does not match neighbour by "
-                    << 100*mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf
-                    << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
-                    << "patch:" << name()
-                    << " my area:" << magSf
-                    << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
-                    << " matching tolerance:" << coupledPolyPatch::matchTol
-                     << endl
-                    << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
-                    << " fc:" << half0Ctrs[facei]
-                    << endl
-                    << "Neighbour fc:" << half1Ctrs[facei]
-                    << endl
-                    << "Rerun with cyclic debug flag set"
-                    << " for more information." << exit(FatalError);
-            }
-                half0Normals[facei] = half0Areas[facei] / magSf;
-                half1Normals[facei] = half1Areas[facei] / nbrMagSf;
+                scalar areaDiff = mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf;
+                if (areaDiff > maxAreaDiff)
+                {
+                    maxAreaDiff = areaDiff;
+                    maxAreaFacei = facei;
+                }
+                if (areaDiff > matchTolerance())
+                {
+                    FatalErrorIn
+                    (
+                        "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()"
+                    )   << "face " << facei
+                        << " area does not match neighbour by "
+                        << 100*areaDiff
+                        << "% -- possible face ordering problem." << endl
+                        << "patch:" << name()
+                        << " my area:" << magSf
+                        << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
+                        << " matching tolerance:" << matchTolerance()
+                         << endl
+                        << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
+                        << " fc:" << half0Ctrs[facei]
+                        << endl
+                        << "Neighbour fc:" << half1Ctrs[facei]
+                        << endl
+                        << "If you are certain your matching is correct"
+                        << " you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting"
+                        << " in the patch dictionary in the boundary file."
+                        << endl
+                        << "Rerun with cyclic debug flag set"
+                        << " for more information." << exit(FatalError);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    half0Normals[facei] = half0Areas[facei] / magSf;
+                    half1Normals[facei] = half1Areas[facei] / nbrMagSf;
+                }
+        // Print area match
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Pout<< "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms :"
+                << " Max area error:" << 100*maxAreaDiff << "% at face:"
+                << maxAreaFacei << " at:" << half0Ctrs[maxAreaFacei]
+                << " coupled face at:" << half1Ctrs[maxAreaFacei]
+                << endl;
+        }
         // Calculate transformation tensors
         if (transform_ == ROTATIONAL)
@@ -259,6 +306,7 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms
+                    matchTolerance(),
                     static_cast<const pointField&>(half0Ctrs)
@@ -272,9 +320,74 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms
-                matchTol,
+                matchTolerance(),
+            if (transform_ == TRANSLATIONAL)
+            {
+                if (debug)
+                {
+                    Pout<< "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms :"
+                        << " Specified separation vector : "
+                        << separationVector_ << endl;
+                }
+                // Check that separation vectors are same.
+                const scalar avgTol = average(half0Tols);
+                if
+                (
+                    mag(separationVector_ + neighbPatch().separationVector_)
+                  > avgTol
+                )
+                {
+                    WarningIn
+                    (
+                        "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()"
+                    )   << "Specified separation vector " << separationVector_
+                        << " differs by that of neighbouring patch "
+                        << neighbPatch().separationVector_
+                        << " by more than tolerance " << avgTol << endl
+                        << "patch:" << name()
+                        << " neighbour:" << neighbPatchName_
+                        << endl;
+                }
+                // Override computed transform with specified.
+                if
+                (
+                    separation().size() != 1
+                 || mag(separation()[0] - separationVector_) > avgTol
+                )
+                {
+                    WarningIn
+                    (
+                        "cyclicPolyPatch::calcTransforms()"
+                    )   << "Specified separationVector " << separationVector_
+                        << " differs from computed separation vector "
+                        << separation() << endl
+                        << "This probably means your geometry is not consistent"
+                        << " with the specified separation and might lead"
+                        << " to problems." << endl
+                        << "Continuing with specified separation vector "
+                        << separationVector_ << endl
+                        << "patch:" << name()
+                        << " neighbour:" << neighbPatchName_
+                        << endl;
+                }
+                // Set tensors
+                const_cast<tensorField&>(forwardT()).clear();
+                const_cast<tensorField&>(reverseT()).clear();
+                const_cast<vectorField&>(separation()) = vectorField
+                (
+                    1,
+                    separationVector_
+                );
+                const_cast<boolList&>(collocated()) = boolList(1, false);
+            }
@@ -299,6 +412,16 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
     anchors0 = getAnchorPoints(pp0, pp0.points());
     half1Ctrs = pp1.faceCentres();
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors :"
+            << " patch:" << name() << nl
+            << "half0 untransformed faceCentres (avg) : "
+            << gAverage(half0Ctrs) << nl
+            << "half1 untransformed faceCentres (avg) : "
+            << gAverage(half1Ctrs) << endl;
+    }
     switch (transform_)
         case ROTATIONAL:
@@ -355,23 +478,24 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
-        //- Problem: usually specified translation is not accurate enough
-        //- to get proper match so keep automatic determination over here.
-        //case TRANSLATIONAL:
-        //{
-        //    // Transform 0 points.
-        //
-        //    if (debug)
-        //    {
-        //        Pout<< "cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors :"
-        //            << "Specified translation : " << separationVector_
-        //            << endl;
-        //    }
-        //
-        //    half0Ctrs += separationVector_;
-        //    anchors0 += separationVector_;
-        //    break;
-        //}
+        case TRANSLATIONAL:
+        {
+            // Transform 0 points.
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                Pout<< "cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors :"
+                    << "Specified translation : " << separationVector_
+                    << endl;
+            }
+            // Note: getCentresAndAnchors gets called on the slave side
+            // so separationVector is owner-slave points.
+            half0Ctrs -= separationVector_;
+            anchors0 -= separationVector_;
+            break;
+        }
             // Assumes that cyclic is planar. This is also the initial
@@ -387,7 +511,7 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
             vector n1 = pp1[max1I].normal(pp1.points());
             n1 /= mag(n1) + VSMALL;
-            if (mag(n0 & n1) < 1-coupledPolyPatch::matchTol)
+            if (mag(n0 & n1) < 1-matchTolerance())
                 if (debug)
@@ -438,7 +562,7 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
     // Calculate typical distance per face
-    tols = calcFaceTol(pp1, pp1.points(), half1Ctrs);
+    tols = calcFaceTol(matchTolerance(), pp1, pp1.points(), half1Ctrs);
@@ -743,6 +867,9 @@ void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::transformPosition(pointField& l) const
     else if (separated())
+        // transformPosition gets called on the receiving side,
+        // separation gets calculated on the sending side so subtract.
         const vectorField& s = separation();
         if (s.size() == 1)
@@ -1132,6 +1259,13 @@ bool Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::order
     labelList& rotation
 ) const
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "order : of " << pp.size()
+            << " faces of patch:" << name()
+            << " neighbour:" << neighbPatchName_
+            << endl;
+    }
     faceMap = -1;
@@ -1174,6 +1308,14 @@ bool Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::order
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Pout<< "half0 transformed faceCentres (avg)   : "
+                << gAverage(half0Ctrs) << nl
+                << "half1 untransformed faceCentres (avg) : "
+                << gAverage(half1Ctrs) << endl;
+        }
         // Geometric match of face centre vectors
         bool matchedAll = matchPoints
@@ -1308,7 +1450,7 @@ bool Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::order
 void Foam::cyclicPolyPatch::write(Ostream& os) const
-    polyPatch::write(os);
+    coupledPolyPatch::write(os);
     os.writeKeyword("neighbourPatch") << neighbPatchName_
         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
     switch (transform_)
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/oldCyclic/oldCyclicPolyPatch.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/oldCyclic/oldCyclicPolyPatch.C
index 4f782c4d309033f0352416806392f8cfc5e4e417..7081ca79889407eed4bac208f572327863eb0f55 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/oldCyclic/oldCyclicPolyPatch.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/oldCyclic/oldCyclicPolyPatch.C
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ void Foam::oldCyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
             vector n1 = half1Faces[max1I].normal(pp.points());
             n1 /= mag(n1) + VSMALL;
-            if (mag(n0 & n1) < 1-coupledPolyPatch::matchTol)
+            if (mag(n0 & n1) < 1-matchTolerance())
                 if (debug)
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void Foam::oldCyclicPolyPatch::getCentresAndAnchors
     // Calculate typical distance per face
-    tols = calcFaceTol(half1Faces, pp.points(), half1Ctrs);
+    tols = calcFaceTol(matchTolerance(), half1Faces, pp.points(), half1Ctrs);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/processor/processorPolyPatch.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/processor/processorPolyPatch.C
index d1aac00d57cbb4b615d92a0b15d287a9134689f8..c448305c51304e5e4e772204c6506ce1b15c1ff5 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/processor/processorPolyPatch.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/polyMesh/polyPatches/constraint/processor/processorPolyPatch.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
                 faceNormals[facei] = point(1, 0, 0);
                 nbrFaceNormals[facei] = faceNormals[facei];
-            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf > coupledPolyPatch::matchTol)
+            else if (mag(magSf - nbrMagSf)/avSf > matchTolerance())
                 fileName nm
@@ -214,12 +214,16 @@ void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
                     << "patch:" << name()
                     << " my area:" << magSf
                     << " neighbour area:" << nbrMagSf
-                    << " matching tolerance:" << coupledPolyPatch::matchTol
+                    << " matching tolerance:" << matchTolerance()
                     << endl
                     << "Mesh face:" << start()+facei
                     << " vertices:"
                     << UIndirectList<point>(points(), operator[](facei))()
                     << endl
+                    << "If you are certain your matching is correct"
+                    << " you can increase the 'matchTolerance' setting"
+                    << " in the patch dictionary in the boundary file."
+                    << endl
                     << "Rerun with processor debug flag set for"
                     << " more information." << exit(FatalError);
@@ -236,7 +240,8 @@ void Foam::processorPolyPatch::calcGeometry(PstreamBuffers& pBufs)
-            calcFaceTol(*this, points(), faceCentres())
+            calcFaceTol(matchTolerance(), *this, points(), faceCentres()),
+            matchTolerance()
@@ -538,7 +543,10 @@ bool Foam::processorPolyPatch::order
         // Calculate typical distance from face centre
-        scalarField tols(calcFaceTol(pp, pp.points(), pp.faceCentres()));
+        scalarField tols
+        (
+            calcFaceTol(matchTolerance(), pp, pp.points(), pp.faceCentres())
+        );
         if (debug || masterCtrs.size() != pp.size())
@@ -697,7 +705,7 @@ bool Foam::processorPolyPatch::order
 void Foam::processorPolyPatch::write(Ostream& os) const
-    polyPatch::write(os);
+    coupledPolyPatch::write(os);
     os.writeKeyword("myProcNo") << myProcNo_
         << token::END_STATEMENT << nl;
     os.writeKeyword("neighbProcNo") << neighbProcNo_
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/primitiveShapes/plane/plane.C b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/primitiveShapes/plane/plane.C
index c1a2b66f1ebc447bfa45f9dbebed2fe54fade000..85590cc5e27b74172509fe2e4a205c3e4062e1da 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/primitiveShapes/plane/plane.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/meshes/primitiveShapes/plane/plane.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ void Foam::plane::calcPntAndVec
             "    const point&,\n"
             "    const point&\n"
-        ) << "Bad points." << abort(FatalError);
+        )   << "Bad points:" << point1 << ' ' << point2 << ' ' << point3
+            << abort(FatalError);
     unitVector_ = line12 ^ line23;
@@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ void Foam::plane::calcPntAndVec
             "    const point&,\n"
             "    const point&\n"
-        )   << "Plane normal defined with zero length"
+        )   << "Plane normal defined with zero length" << nl
+            << "Bad points:" << point1 << ' ' << point2 << ' ' << point3
             << abort(FatalError);
@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ Foam::plane::plane(const vector& normalVector)
         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(const vector&)")
-            << "plane normal has zero length"
+            << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
             << abort(FatalError);
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ Foam::plane::plane(const point& basePoint, const vector& normalVector)
         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(const point&, const vector&)")
-            << "plane normal has zero length"
+            << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
             << abort(FatalError);
@@ -228,8 +230,7 @@ Foam::plane::plane(const dictionary& dict)
             "plane::plane(const dictionary&)",
-        )
-            << "Invalid plane type: " << planeType
+        )   << "Invalid plane type: " << planeType
             << abort(FatalIOError);
@@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ Foam::plane::plane(Istream& is)
         FatalErrorIn("plane::plane(Istream& is)")
-            << "plane normal has zero length"
+            << "plane normal has zero length. basePoint:" << basePoint_
             << abort(FatalError);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/globalIndexAndTransform/globalIndexAndTransform.C b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/globalIndexAndTransform/globalIndexAndTransform.C
index 6bcbf3102437277ce14e7d3f76dcebc90255b338..7032e74a745ca5558ae13f043bfd7f4faa787565 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/globalIndexAndTransform/globalIndexAndTransform.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/globalIndexAndTransform/globalIndexAndTransform.C
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
     const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
     transforms_ = List<vectorTensorTransform>(6);
+    scalarField maxTol(6);
     label nextTrans = 0;
@@ -148,8 +149,6 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
                     if (mag(sepVec) > SMALL)
-                        scalar tol = coupledPolyPatch::matchTol;
                         vectorTensorTransform transform(sepVec);
@@ -159,12 +158,13 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
-                                tol,
+                                cpp.matchTolerance(),
                             ) == 0
-                            transforms_[nextTrans++] = transform;
+                            transforms_[nextTrans] = transform;
+                            maxTol[nextTrans++] = cpp.matchTolerance();
                         if (nextTrans > 6)
@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
                     if (mag(transT - I) > SMALL)
-                        scalar tol = coupledPolyPatch::matchTol;
                         vectorTensorTransform transform(transT);
@@ -202,12 +200,13 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
-                                tol,
+                                cpp.matchTolerance(),
                             ) == 0
-                            transforms_[nextTrans++] = transform;
+                            transforms_[nextTrans] = transform;
+                            maxTol[nextTrans++] = cpp.matchTolerance();
                         if (nextTrans > 6)
@@ -227,12 +226,18 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
-    List<List<vectorTensorTransform> > allTransforms(Pstream::nProcs());
-    allTransforms[Pstream::myProcNo()] = transforms_;
+    // Collect transforms on master
+    List<List<vectorTensorTransform> > allTransforms(Pstream::nProcs());
+    allTransforms[Pstream::myProcNo()] = transforms_;
+    // Collect matching tolerance on master
+    List<scalarField> allTols(Pstream::nProcs());
+    allTols[Pstream::myProcNo()] = maxTol;
+    Pstream::gatherList(allTols);
     if (Pstream::master())
         transforms_ = List<vectorTensorTransform>(3);
@@ -250,8 +255,6 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
                 if (mag(transform.t()) > SMALL || transform.hasR())
-                    scalar tol = coupledPolyPatch::matchTol;
@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determineTransforms()
-                            tol,
+                            allTols[procI][pSVI],
                         ) ==  0
@@ -378,8 +381,6 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determinePatchTransformSign()
                     if (mag(sepVec) > SMALL)
-                        scalar tol = coupledPolyPatch::matchTol;
                         vectorTensorTransform t(sepVec);
                         label sign = matchTransform
@@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determinePatchTransformSign()
-                            tol,
+                            cpp.matchTolerance(),
@@ -424,8 +425,6 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determinePatchTransformSign()
                     if (mag(transT - I) > SMALL)
-                        scalar tol = coupledPolyPatch::matchTol;
                         vectorTensorTransform t(transT);
                         label sign = matchTransform
@@ -433,7 +432,7 @@ void Foam::globalIndexAndTransform::determinePatchTransformSign()
-                            tol,
+                            cpp.matchTolerance(),
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordRe.H b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordRe.H
index 566f42af6ca3de138db7e830d30d76dcb585871e..4136aa02cb524588f4b4df17e68ff8d08f28e08b 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordRe.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordRe.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ SourceFiles
 #include "word.H"
 #include "regExp.H"
+#include "keyType.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ namespace Foam
 // Forward declaration of friend functions and operators
 class wordRe;
 class Istream;
 class Ostream;
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ public:
         //- Test string for regular expression meta characters
         static inline bool isPattern(const string&);
     // Constructors
         //- Construct null
@@ -118,71 +119,83 @@ public:
         //- Construct as copy
         inline wordRe(const wordRe&);
+        //- Construct from keyType
+        inline wordRe(const keyType&, const compOption=LITERAL);
         //- Construct as copy of word
         inline wordRe(const word&);
         //- Construct as copy of character array
         //  Optionally specify how it should be treated.
-        inline wordRe(const char*, const compOption=LITERAL);
+        inline wordRe(const char*, const compOption = LITERAL);
         //- Construct as copy of string.
         //  Optionally specify how it should be treated.
-        inline wordRe(const string&, const compOption=LITERAL);
+        inline wordRe(const string&, const compOption = LITERAL);
         //- Construct as copy of std::string
         //  Optionally specify how it should be treated.
-        inline wordRe(const std::string&, const compOption=LITERAL);
+        inline wordRe(const std::string&, const compOption = LITERAL);
         //- Construct from Istream
         //  Words are treated as literals, strings with an auto-test
     // Member functions
-    //- Access
+        // Access
+            //- Should be treated as a match rather than a literal string?
+            inline bool isPattern() const;
-        //- Should be treated as a match rather than a literal string?
-        inline bool isPattern() const;
-    //- Infrastructure
+        // Infrastructure
-        //- Compile the regular expression
-        inline bool compile() const;
+            //- Compile the regular expression
+            inline bool compile() const;
-        //- Possibly compile the regular expression, with greater control
-        inline bool compile(const compOption) const;
+            //- Possibly compile the regular expression, with greater control
+            inline bool compile(const compOption) const;
-        //- Recompile an existing regular expression
-        inline bool recompile() const;
+            //- Recompile an existing regular expression
+            inline bool recompile() const;
-        //- Frees precompiled regular expression, making wordRe a literal.
-        //  Optionally strips invalid word characters
-        inline void uncompile(const bool doStripInvalid=false) const;
+            //- Frees precompiled regular expression, making wordRe a literal.
+            //  Optionally strips invalid word characters
+            inline void uncompile(const bool doStripInvalid = false) const;
-    //- Editing
-        //- Copy string, auto-test for regular expression or other options
-        inline void set(const std::string&, const compOption=DETECT);
+        // Editing
-        //- Copy string, auto-test for regular expression or other options
-        inline void set(const char*, const compOption=DETECT);
+            //- Copy string, auto-test for regular expression or other options
+            inline void set(const std::string&, const compOption = DETECT);
-        //- Clear string and precompiled regular expression
-        inline void clear();
+            //- Copy string, auto-test for regular expression or other options
+            inline void set(const char*, const compOption = DETECT);
-    //- Searching
+            //- Clear string and precompiled regular expression
+            inline void clear();
-        //- Smart match as regular expression or as a string
-        //  Optionally force a literal match only
-        inline bool match(const std::string&, bool literalMatch=false) const;
-    //- Miscellaneous
+        // Searching
-        //- Return a string with quoted meta-characters
-        inline string quotemeta() const;
+            //- Smart match as regular expression or as a string
+            //  Optionally force a literal match only
+            inline bool match
+            (
+                const std::string&,
+                bool literalMatch = false
+            ) const;
-        //- Output some basic info
-        Ostream& info(Ostream&) const;
+        // Miscellaneous
+            //- Return a string with quoted meta-characters
+            inline string quotemeta() const;
+            //- Output some basic info
+            Ostream& info(Ostream&) const;
     // Member operators
@@ -196,6 +209,10 @@ public:
             //- Copy word, never a regular expression
             inline const wordRe& operator=(const word&);
+            //- Copy keyType, auto-test for regular expression
+            //  Always case sensitive
+            inline const wordRe& operator=(const keyType&);
             //- Copy string, auto-test for regular expression
             //  Always case sensitive
             inline const wordRe& operator=(const string&);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordReI.H b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordReI.H
index 713c003064180706e4dc31781682e40a1a6b9630..fcbd1c384562015228967b69300937456b236ba1 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordReI.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/primitives/strings/wordRe/wordReI.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -65,6 +65,18 @@ inline Foam::wordRe::wordRe(const word& str)
+inline Foam::wordRe::wordRe(const keyType& str, const compOption opt)
+    word(str, false),
+    re_()
+    if (str.isPattern())
+    {
+        compile(opt);
+    }
 inline Foam::wordRe::wordRe(const char* str, const compOption opt)
     word(str, false),
@@ -236,6 +248,17 @@ inline const Foam::wordRe& Foam::wordRe::operator=(const word& str)
+inline const Foam::wordRe& Foam::wordRe::operator=(const keyType& str)
+    string::operator=(str);
+    if (str.isPattern())
+    {
+        compile();
+    }
+    return *this;
 inline const Foam::wordRe& Foam::wordRe::operator=(const string& str)
diff --git a/src/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMeshNew.C b/src/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMeshNew.C
index 4189f303c79e2fd9c489072e7ea32e7deee9fdc8..a7f4ae98e60520716ad3997317941b12858822b2 100644
--- a/src/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMeshNew.C
+++ b/src/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMesh/dynamicFvMeshNew.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::dynamicFvMesh> Foam::dynamicFvMesh::New(const IOobject& io)
     Info<< "Selecting dynamicFvMesh " << dynamicFvMeshTypeName << endl;
-    dlLibraryTable::open
+    const_cast<Time&>(io.time()).libs().open
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/motionSolver/motionSolver.C b/src/dynamicMesh/motionSolver/motionSolver.C
index 6231e586691f80a3cf60fd0cd8e41b1ea0f32b98..7f8c8486e0002b429735010edf47d06f35427ee1 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/motionSolver/motionSolver.C
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/motionSolver/motionSolver.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::motionSolver> Foam::motionSolver::New(const polyMesh& mesh)
     Info<< "Selecting motion solver: " << solverTypeName << endl;
-    dlLibraryTable::open
+    const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time()).libs().open
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/addPatchCellLayer.C b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/addPatchCellLayer.C
index f8f7ab41b0052a056d4bf2956dc0a7ab93452e59..92b64e85a73785a8731385f5db053da49ea63a14 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/addPatchCellLayer.C
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/addPatchCellLayer.C
@@ -81,30 +81,6 @@ void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::addVertex
             f[fp++] = pointI;
-    // Check for duplicates.
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        label n = 0;
-        for (label i = 0; i < fp; i++)
-        {
-            if (f[i] == pointI)
-            {
-                n++;
-                if (n == 2)
-                {
-                    f.setSize(fp);
-                    FatalErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "addPatchCellLayer::addVertex(const label, face&"
-                        ", label&)"
-                    )   << "Point " << pointI << " already present in face "
-                        << f << abort(FatalError);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
@@ -1641,11 +1617,11 @@ void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::setRefinement
                             label offset =
                                 addedPoints_[vStart].size() - numEdgeSideFaces;
-                            for (label ioff = offset; ioff > 0; ioff--)
+                            for (label ioff = offset-1; ioff >= 0; ioff--)
-                                    addedPoints_[vStart][ioff-1],
+                                    addedPoints_[vStart][ioff],
@@ -1660,6 +1636,51 @@ void Foam::addPatchCellLayer::setRefinement
+                        if (debug)
+                        {
+                            labelHashSet verts(2*newFace.size());
+                            forAll(newFace, fp)
+                            {
+                                if (!verts.insert(newFace[fp]))
+                                {
+                                    FatalErrorIn
+                                    (
+                                        "addPatchCellLayer::setRefinement(..)"
+                                    )   << "Duplicate vertex in face"
+                                        << " to be added." << nl
+                                        << "newFace:" << newFace << nl
+                                        << "points:"
+                                        <<  UIndirectList<point>
+                                            (
+                                                meshMod.points(),
+                                                newFace
+                                            ) << nl
+                                        << "Layer:" << i
+                                        << " out of:" << numEdgeSideFaces << nl
+                                        << "ExtrudeEdge:" << meshEdgeI
+                                        << " at:"
+                                        <<  mesh_.edges()[meshEdgeI].line
+                                            (
+                                                mesh_.points()
+                                            ) << nl
+                                        << "string:" << stringedVerts
+                                        << "stringpoints:"
+                                        << UIndirectList<point>
+                                            (
+                                                pp.localPoints(),
+                                                stringedVerts
+                                            ) << nl
+                                        << "stringNLayers:"
+                                        <<  UIndirectList<label>
+                                            (
+                                                nPointLayers,
+                                                stringedVerts
+                                            ) << nl
+                                        << abort(FatalError);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
                         label nbrFaceI = nbrFace
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/combineFaces.C b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/combineFaces.C
index 0d5d6ef768677b7d56667389b52731329edd5902..e10e44d1efa510878a0a8a2c01e0ace3f250d1da 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/combineFaces.C
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/combineFaces.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@ bool Foam::combineFaces::validFace
         return false;
+    bool isNonManifold = bigFace.checkPointManifold(false, NULL);
+    if (isNonManifold)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
     // Check for convexness
     face f(getOutsideFace(bigFace));
@@ -984,6 +990,7 @@ void Foam::combineFaces::setUnrefinement
                 zoneFlip                        // face flip in zone
+        restoredFaces.insert(masterFaceI, masterFaceI);
         // Add the previously removed faces
         for (label i = 1; i < faces.size(); i++)
@@ -991,7 +998,7 @@ void Foam::combineFaces::setUnrefinement
             //Pout<< "Restoring removed face with vertices " << faces[i]
             //    << endl;
-            meshMod.setAction
+            label faceI = meshMod.setAction
@@ -1007,6 +1014,7 @@ void Foam::combineFaces::setUnrefinement
                     zoneFlip                // zoneFlip
+            restoredFaces.insert(faceI, masterFaceI);
         // Clear out restored set
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.C b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.C
index 9d8e9ba2ca2176f6ff13875d855470a4e16202b8..4441e3a00de078662809233350415c82eaf1a97b 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.C
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -302,6 +302,35 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::getMergeSets
+bool Foam::polyTopoChange::hasValidPoints(const face& f) const
+    forAll(f, fp)
+    {
+        if (f[fp] < 0 || f[fp] >= points_.size())
+        {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+Foam::pointField Foam::polyTopoChange::facePoints(const face& f) const
+    pointField points(f.size());
+    forAll(f, fp)
+    {
+        if (f[fp] < 0 && f[fp] >= points_.size())
+        {
+            FatalErrorIn("polyTopoChange::facePoints(const face&) const")
+                << "Problem." << abort(FatalError);
+        }
+        points[fp] = points_[f[fp]];
+    }
+    return points;
 void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
     const face& f,
@@ -329,7 +358,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
                 << "f:" << f
                 << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
                 << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-                << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+                << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
@@ -344,7 +380,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
                 << "f:" << f
                 << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
                 << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-                << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+                << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") : " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
         if (nei <= own)
@@ -358,7 +401,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
                 << "f:" << f
                 << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
                 << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-                << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+                << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") : " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
@@ -373,7 +423,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
             << "f:" << f
             << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
             << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-            << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+            << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") : " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
     if (faceI >= 0 && faceI < faces_.size() && faceRemoved(faceI))
@@ -386,7 +443,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
             << "f:" << f
             << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
             << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-            << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+            << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") : " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
     forAll(f, fp)
@@ -401,7 +465,14 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::checkFace
                 << "f:" << f
                 << " faceI(-1 if added face):" << faceI
                 << " own:" << own << " nei:" << nei
-                << " patchI:" << patchI << abort(FatalError);
+                << " patchI:" << patchI << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(f))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") : " << facePoints(f);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
@@ -729,8 +800,16 @@ void Foam::polyTopoChange::getFaceOrder
                 << " neighbour " << faceNeighbour_[faceI]
                 << " region " << region_[faceI] << endl
                 << "This is usually caused by not specifying a patch for"
-                << " a boundary face."
-                << abort(FatalError);
+                << " a boundary face." << nl
+                << "Switch on the polyTopoChange::debug flag to catch"
+                << " this error earlier." << nl;
+            if (hasValidPoints(faces_[faceI]))
+            {
+                FatalError
+                        << "points (removed points marked with "
+                        << vector::max << ") " << facePoints(faces_[faceI]);
+            }
+            FatalError << abort(FatalError);
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.H b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.H
index 1e5ae305ff10926ec17541bab9b2e421b2cf7e68..48b7862646b6968fde7a52a5b18b6573a679454c 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.H
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange/polyTopoChange.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -239,6 +239,12 @@ class polyTopoChange
             List<objectMap>& cellsFromCells
+        //- Are all face vertices valid
+        bool hasValidPoints(const face&) const;
+        //- Return face points
+        pointField facePoints(const face& f) const;
         //- Check inputs to modFace or addFace
         void checkFace
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/Make/files b/src/finiteVolume/Make/files
index 0ff3e598d92c04f3f82ab75041d9cffa49df23a4..854c89211b42cb1a94c0772af9309573bd49c2b6 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/Make/files
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/Make/files
@@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ $(interpolation)/interpolationPoint/pointMVCWeight.C
 volPointInterpolation = interpolation/volPointInterpolation
 surfaceInterpolation = interpolation/surfaceInterpolation
@@ -353,6 +350,11 @@ $(general)/findRefCell/findRefCell.C
+solutionControl = $(general)/solutionControl
 porousMedia = $(general)/porousMedia
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPIMPLEControls.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPIMPLEControls.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e88ec410b71318a48d7e7382c18c5500371453b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPIMPLEControls.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    const dictionary& pimple = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE");
-    const int nOuterCorr =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<int>("nOuterCorrectors", 1);
-    const int nCorr =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<int>("nCorrectors", 1);
-    const int nNonOrthCorr =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault<int>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0);
-    const bool momentumPredictor =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault("momentumPredictor", true);
-    const bool transonic =
-        pimple.lookupOrDefault("transonic", false);
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPISOControls.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPISOControls.H
index 61cb2f7a8c734a3a33efeea278115d4588a65680..961acfc67e27cec8014a4b56eff4dc48f6c4c1b4 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPISOControls.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readPISOControls.H
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-    const dictionary& piso = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO");
+    const dictionary& pisoDict = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("PISO");
     const int nOuterCorr =
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<int>("nOuterCorrectors", 1);
+        pisoDict.lookupOrDefault<int>("nOuterCorrectors", 1);
     const int nCorr =
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<int>("nCorrectors", 1);
+        pisoDict.lookupOrDefault<int>("nCorrectors", 1);
     const int nNonOrthCorr =
-        piso.lookupOrDefault<int>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0);
+        pisoDict.lookupOrDefault<int>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0);
     const bool momentumPredictor =
-        piso.lookupOrDefault("momentumPredictor", true);
+        pisoDict.lookupOrDefault("momentumPredictor", true);
     const bool transonic =
-        piso.lookupOrDefault("transonic", false);
+        pisoDict.lookupOrDefault("transonic", false);
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readSIMPLEControls.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readSIMPLEControls.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 26575dde417dd6ca6ae14eed11df698558a4a4c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/readSIMPLEControls.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-    const dictionary& simple = mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE");
-    const int nNonOrthCorr =
-        simple.lookupOrDefault<int>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0);
-    const bool momentumPredictor =
-        simple.lookupOrDefault("momentumPredictor", true);
-    const bool transonic =
-        simple.lookupOrDefault("transonic", false);
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/setInitialDeltaT.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/setInitialDeltaT.H
index 985ad4d7ad52a5c2b16dbab3330da949a443de98..0314bd1e3f62b798e3586968bb2ac6c8c4fd28bd 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/setInitialDeltaT.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/include/setInitialDeltaT.H
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Global
     Set the initial timestep corresponding to the timestep adjustment
-    algorithm in setDeltaT
+    algorithm in setDeltaT but only if it would reduce the timestep.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if (adjustTimeStep)
-                maxDeltaT
+                runTime.deltaTValue()
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.C b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3402992f469160d8965d625be04e56241f41c716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.C
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "pimpleControl.H"
+#include "Switch.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    defineTypeNameAndDebug(pimpleControl, 0);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::pimpleControl::read()
+    solutionControl::read(false);
+    // Read solution controls
+    const dictionary& pimpleDict = dict();
+    nOuterCorr_ = pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<label>("nOuterCorrectors", 1);
+    nCorr_ = pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<label>("nCorrectors", 1);
+    turbOnFinalIterOnly_ =
+        pimpleDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("turbOnFinalIterOnly", true);
+bool Foam::pimpleControl::criteriaSatisfied()
+    if ((corr_ == 0) || residualControl_.empty() || finalIter())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool firstIter = corr_ == 1;
+    bool achieved = true;
+    const dictionary& solverDict = mesh_.solverPerformanceDict();
+    forAllConstIter(dictionary, solverDict, iter)
+    {
+        const word& variableName = iter().keyword();
+        label fieldI = applyToField(variableName);
+        if (fieldI != -1)
+        {
+            const List<lduMatrix::solverPerformance> sp(iter().stream());
+            const scalar residual = sp.last().initialResidual();
+            if (firstIter)
+            {
+                residualControl_[fieldI].initialResidual =
+                    sp.first().initialResidual();
+            }
+            bool absCheck = residual < residualControl_[fieldI].absTol;
+            bool relCheck = false;
+            scalar relative = 0.0;
+            if (!firstIter)
+            {
+                scalar iniRes =
+                    residualControl_[fieldI].initialResidual
+                  + ROOTVSMALL;
+                relative = residual/iniRes;
+                relCheck = relative < residualControl_[fieldI].relTol;
+            }
+            achieved = achieved && (absCheck || relCheck);
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                Info<< algorithmName_ << "loop statistics:" << endl;
+                Info<< "    " << variableName << " iter " << corr_
+                    << ": ini res = "
+                    << residualControl_[fieldI].initialResidual
+                    << ", abs tol = " << residual
+                    << " (" << residualControl_[fieldI].absTol << ")"
+                    << ", rel tol = " << relative
+                    << " (" << residualControl_[fieldI].relTol << ")"
+                    << endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return achieved;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::pimpleControl::pimpleControl(fvMesh& mesh)
+    solutionControl(mesh, "PIMPLE"),
+    nOuterCorr_(0),
+    nCorr_(0),
+    corr_(0),
+    turbOnFinalIterOnly_(true)
+    read();
+    if (nOuterCorr_ > 1)
+    {
+        Info<< nl;
+        if (!residualControl_.empty())
+        {
+            Info<< algorithmName_ << ": max iterations = " << nOuterCorr_
+                << endl;
+            forAll(residualControl_, i)
+            {
+                Info<< "    field " << residualControl_[i].name << token::TAB
+                    << ": relTol " << residualControl_[i].relTol
+                    << ", tolerance " << residualControl_[i].absTol
+                    << nl;
+            }
+            Info<< endl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Info<< algorithmName_ << ": no residual control data found. " << nl
+                << "Calculations will employ " << nOuterCorr_
+                << " corrector loops" << nl << endl;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Info<< nl << algorithmName_ << ": Operating solver in PISO mode" << nl
+            << endl;
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe8be71ec4407733d4ee628fab9a71eb662d89da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControl.H
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::pimpleControl
+    PIMPLE control class to supply convergence information/checks for
+    the PIMPLE loop.
+#ifndef pimpleControl_H
+#define pimpleControl_H
+#include "solutionControl.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                        Class pimpleControl Declaration
+class pimpleControl
+    public solutionControl
+    // Protected data
+        // Solution controls
+            //- Maximum number of PIMPLE correctors
+            label nOuterCorr_;
+            //- Maximum number of PISO correctors
+            label nCorr_;
+            //- Current PIMPLE corrector
+            label corr_;
+            //- Flag to indicate whether to only solve turbulence on final iter
+            bool turbOnFinalIterOnly_;
+    // Protected Member Functions
+        //- Read constrols from fvSolution dictionary
+        virtual void read();
+        //- Return true if all convergence checks are satified
+        virtual bool criteriaSatisfied();
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        pimpleControl(const pimpleControl&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const pimpleControl&);
+    // Static Data Members
+        //- Run-time type information
+        TypeName("pimpleControl");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from mesh
+        pimpleControl(fvMesh& mesh);
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~pimpleControl();
+    // Member Functions
+        // Access
+            //- Current corrector index
+            inline label corr() const;
+            //- Maximum number of PIMPLE correctors
+            inline label nOuterCorr() const;
+            //- Maximum number of PISO correctors
+            inline label nCorr() const;
+        // Solution control
+            //- Loop start
+            inline bool start();
+            //- Loop loop
+            inline bool loop();
+            //- Helper function to identify final PIMPLE (outer) iteration
+            inline bool finalIter() const;
+            //- Helper function to identify final inner iteration
+            inline bool finalInnerIter
+            (
+                const label corr,
+                const label nonOrth
+            ) const;
+            //- Helper function to identify whether to solve for turbulence
+            inline bool turbCorr() const;
+    // Member Operators
+        void operator++(int);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#include "pimpleControlI.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControlI.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControlI.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62c30f845294c17e6a693bf8995f2b67910b7653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/pimpleControl/pimpleControlI.H
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+inline Foam::label Foam::pimpleControl::corr() const
+    return corr_;
+inline Foam::label Foam::pimpleControl::nOuterCorr() const
+    return nOuterCorr_;
+inline Foam::label Foam::pimpleControl::nCorr() const
+    return nCorr_;
+inline bool Foam::pimpleControl::start()
+    corr_ = 0;
+    return true;
+inline bool Foam::pimpleControl::loop()
+    read();
+    if (criteriaSatisfied())
+    {
+        Info<< algorithmName_ << ": converged in " << corr_ << " iterations"
+            << endl;
+        return false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (finalIter())
+        {
+            mesh_.data::add("finalIteration", true);
+        }
+        if (corr_ < nOuterCorr_)
+        {
+            if (nOuterCorr_ != 1)
+            {
+                Info<< algorithmName_ << ": iteration " << corr_ + 1 << endl;
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if ((!residualControl_.empty()) && (nOuterCorr_ != 1))
+            {
+                Info<< algorithmName_ << ": not converged within "
+                    << nOuterCorr_ << " iterations" << endl;
+            }
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+inline bool Foam::pimpleControl::finalIter() const
+    return corr_ == nOuterCorr_-1;
+inline bool Foam::pimpleControl::finalInnerIter
+    const label corr,
+    const label nonOrth
+) const
+    return
+        corr_ == nOuterCorr_-1
+     && corr == nCorr_-1
+     && nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr_;
+inline bool Foam::pimpleControl::turbCorr() const
+    return !turbOnFinalIterOnly_ || finalIter();
+inline void Foam::pimpleControl::operator++(int)
+    if (finalIter())
+    {
+        mesh_.data::remove("finalIteration");
+    }
+    corr_++;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.C b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6104de03dbb0b0aefc431bafa0b3272f1a3416c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.C
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "simpleControl.H"
+#include "Time.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    defineTypeNameAndDebug(simpleControl, 0);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::simpleControl::read()
+    solutionControl::read(true);
+bool Foam::simpleControl::criteriaSatisfied()
+    if (residualControl_.empty())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool achieved = true;
+    const dictionary& solverDict = mesh_.solverPerformanceDict();
+    forAllConstIter(dictionary, solverDict, iter)
+    {
+        const word& variableName = iter().keyword();
+        label fieldI = applyToField(variableName);
+        if (fieldI != -1)
+        {
+            const List<lduMatrix::solverPerformance> sp(iter().stream());
+            const scalar residual = sp.first().initialResidual();
+            bool absCheck = residual < residualControl_[fieldI].absTol;
+            achieved = achieved && absCheck;
+            if (debug)
+            {
+                Info<< algorithmName_ << " solution statistics:" << endl;
+                Info<< "    " << variableName << ": tolerance = " << residual
+                    << " (" << residualControl_[fieldI].absTol << ")"
+                    << endl;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return achieved;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::simpleControl::simpleControl(fvMesh& mesh)
+    solutionControl(mesh, "SIMPLE"),
+    initialised_(false)
+    read();
+    Info<< nl;
+    if (residualControl_.size() > 0)
+    {
+        Info<< algorithmName_ << ": convergence criteria" << nl;
+        forAll(residualControl_, i)
+        {
+            Info<< "    field " << residualControl_[i].name << token::TAB
+                << " tolerance " << residualControl_[i].absTol
+                << nl;
+        }
+        Info<< endl;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Info<< algorithmName_ << ": no convergence criteria found. "
+            << "Calculations will run for " << mesh_.time().endTime().value()
+            << " steps." << nl << endl;
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/pimpleLoop/pimpleLoop.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.H
similarity index 59%
rename from src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/pimpleLoop/pimpleLoop.H
rename to src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.H
index 94e179f16fa942840f7048e3c34390f40489d189..e8e76f42d85b323a8752ca60d8f0a69aebce5871 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/pimpleLoop/pimpleLoop.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControl.H
@@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::pimpleLoop
+    Foam::simpleControl
-    PIMPLE loop class to formalise the iteration and automate the handling
-    of the "finalIteration" mesh data entry.
+    SIMPLE control class to supply convergence information/checks for
+    the SIMPLE loop.
-#ifndef pimpleLoop_H
-#define pimpleLoop_H
+#ifndef simpleControl_H
+#define simpleControl_H
-#include "fvMesh.H"
+#include "solutionControl.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -41,79 +41,62 @@ namespace Foam
-                         Class pimpleLoop Declaration
+                         Class simpleControl Declaration
-class pimpleLoop
+class simpleControl
+    public solutionControl
-    // Private data
-        //- Reference to the mesh
-        fvMesh& mesh_;
-        //- Number of PIMPLE correctors
-        const int nCorr_;
+    // Protected Data
-        //- Current PIMPLE corrector
-        int corr_;
+        //- Initialised flag
+        bool initialised_;
-    // Private Member Functions
+    // Protected Member Functions
+        //- Read constrols from fvSolution dictionary
+        void read();
+        //- Return true if all convergence checks are satified
+        bool criteriaSatisfied();
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-        pimpleLoop(const pimpleLoop&);
+        simpleControl(const simpleControl&);
         //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-        void operator=(const pimpleLoop&);
+        void operator=(const simpleControl&);
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct from components
-        pimpleLoop(fvMesh& mesh, const int nCorr)
-        :
-            mesh_(mesh),
-            nCorr_(nCorr),
-            corr_(0)
-        {}
+    // Static Data Members
-    //- Destructor
-    ~pimpleLoop()
-    {}
+        //- Run-time type information
+        TypeName("simpleControl");
-    // Member Functions
+    // Constructors
-        bool loop()
-        {
-            if (finalIter())
-            {
-                mesh_.data::add("finalIteration", true);
-            }
+        //- Construct from mesh
+        simpleControl(fvMesh& mesh);
-            return corr_ < nCorr_;
-        }
-        bool finalIter() const
-        {
-            return corr_ == nCorr_-1;
-        }
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~simpleControl();
-    // Member Operators
+    // Member Functions
-        void operator++(int)
-        {
-            if (finalIter())
-            {
-                mesh_.data::remove("finalIteration");
-            }
+        // Solution control
-            corr_++;
-        }
+            //- Loop loop
+            inline bool loop();
@@ -123,6 +106,10 @@ public:
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#include "simpleControlI.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControlI.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControlI.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d06f94b33fe782aace6774016f4fe66d2404dec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/simpleControl/simpleControlI.H
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "Time.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+inline bool Foam::simpleControl::loop()
+    read();
+    Time& time = const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time());
+    if (initialised_)
+    {
+        if (criteriaSatisfied())
+        {
+            Info<< nl << algorithmName_ << " solution converged in "
+                << time.timeName() << " iterations" << nl << endl;
+            // Set to finalise calculation
+            time.writeAndEnd();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        initialised_ = true;
+    }
+    return time.loop();
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.C b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e68c6a2d4d9989fccef2c3e865ed85b4ff0c40ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.C
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "solutionControl.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    defineTypeNameAndDebug(solutionControl, 0);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void Foam::solutionControl::read(const bool absTolOnly)
+    const dictionary& solnDict = this->dict();
+    // Read solution controls
+    nNonOrthCorr_ =
+        solnDict.lookupOrDefault<label>("nNonOrthogonalCorrectors", 0);
+    momentumPredictor_ = solnDict.lookupOrDefault("momentumPredictor", true);
+    transonic_ = solnDict.lookupOrDefault("transonic", false);
+    // Read residual information
+    const dictionary residualDict(solnDict.subOrEmptyDict("residualControl"));
+    DynamicList<fieldData> data(residualDict.toc().size());
+    wordHashSet fieldNames;
+    forAllConstIter(dictionary, residualDict, iter)
+    {
+        if (fieldNames.insert(iter().keyword()))
+        {
+            fieldData fd;
+            fd.name = iter().keyword().c_str();
+            if (absTolOnly)
+            {
+                fd.absTol = readScalar(residualDict.lookup(iter().keyword()));
+                fd.relTol = -1;
+                fd.initialResidual = -1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (iter().isDict())
+                {
+                    const dictionary& fieldDict(iter().dict());
+                    fd.absTol = readScalar(fieldDict.lookup("tolerance"));
+                    fd.relTol = readScalar(fieldDict.lookup("relTol"));
+                    fd.initialResidual = 0.0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    FatalErrorIn("bool Foam::solutionControl::read()")
+                        << "Residual data for " << iter().keyword()
+                        << " must be specified as a dictionary";
+                }
+            }
+            data.append(fd);
+        }
+    }
+    residualControl_.transfer(data);
+Foam::label Foam::solutionControl::applyToField(const word& fieldName) const
+    forAll(residualControl_, i)
+    {
+        if (residualControl_[i].name.match(fieldName))
+        {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    return -1;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::solutionControl::solutionControl(fvMesh& mesh, const word& algorithmName)
+    mesh_(mesh),
+    residualControl_(),
+    algorithmName_(algorithmName),
+    nNonOrthCorr_(0),
+    momentumPredictor_(true),
+    transonic_(false)
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49335550639f436dcf75e6cce991e21e4a1396d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControl.H
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::solutionControl
+    Base class for solution control classes
+#ifndef solutionControl_H
+#define solutionControl_H
+#include "fvMesh.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                  Class solutionControl Declaration
+class solutionControl
+    struct fieldData
+    {
+        wordRe name;
+        scalar absTol;
+        scalar relTol;
+        scalar initialResidual;
+    };
+    // Protected data
+        //- Reference to the mesh database
+        fvMesh& mesh_;
+        //- List of residual data per field
+        List<fieldData> residualControl_;
+        //- The dictionary name, e.g. SIMPLE, PIMPLE
+        const word algorithmName_;
+        // Solution controls
+            //- Maximum number of non-orthogonal correctors
+            label nNonOrthCorr_;
+            //- Flag to indicate to solve for momentum
+            bool momentumPredictor_;
+            //- Flag to indictae to solve using transonic algorithm
+            bool transonic_;
+    // Protected Member Functions
+        //- Read constrols from fvSolution dictionary
+        virtual void read(const bool absTolOnly);
+        //- Return index of field in residualControl_ if present
+        virtual label applyToField(const word& fieldName) const;
+        //- Return true if all convergence checks are satified
+        virtual bool criteriaSatisfied() = 0;
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        solutionControl(const solutionControl&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const solutionControl&);
+    // Static Data Members
+        //- Run-time type information
+        TypeName("solutionControl");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from mesh
+        solutionControl(fvMesh& mesh, const word& algorithmName);
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~solutionControl();
+    // Member Functions
+        // Access
+            //- Return the solution dictionary
+            inline const dictionary& dict() const;
+        // Solution control
+            //- Maximum number of non-orthogonal correctors
+            inline label nNonOrthCorr() const;
+            //- Flag to indicate to solve for momentum
+            inline bool momentumPredictor() const;
+            //- Flag to indictae to solve using transonic algorithm
+            inline bool transonic() const;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#include "solutionControlI.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControlI.H b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControlI.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b123cbfb677b3874d2858c8105874ea0c12b72a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/solutionControl/solutionControl/solutionControlI.H
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+inline const Foam::dictionary& Foam::solutionControl::dict() const
+    return mesh_.solutionDict().subDict(algorithmName_);
+inline Foam::label Foam::solutionControl::nNonOrthCorr() const
+    return nNonOrthCorr_;
+inline bool Foam::solutionControl::momentumPredictor() const
+    return momentumPredictor_;
+inline bool Foam::solutionControl::transonic() const
+    return transonic_;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/constraint/empty/emptyFvPatchField.C b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/constraint/empty/emptyFvPatchField.C
index 9848e2e9f5cd042c30a3b8b0bd138314e9b07080..5488a038853cb069b5dca5388470cc954918db7b 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/constraint/empty/emptyFvPatchField.C
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/constraint/empty/emptyFvPatchField.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -138,18 +138,21 @@ emptyFvPatchField<Type>::emptyFvPatchField
 template<class Type>
 void emptyFvPatchField<Type>::updateCoeffs()
-    if
-    (
-        this->patch().patch().size()
-      % this->dimensionedInternalField().mesh().nCells()
-    )
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn("emptyFvPatchField<Type>::updateCoeffs()")
-            << "This mesh contains patches of type empty but is not 1D or 2D\n"
-               "    by virtue of the fact that the number of faces of this\n"
-               "    empty patch is not divisible by the number of cells."
-            << exit(FatalError);
-    }
+    //- Check moved to checkMesh. Test here breaks down if multiple empty
+    //  patches.
+    //if
+    //(
+    //    this->patch().patch().size()
+    //  % this->dimensionedInternalField().mesh().nCells()
+    //)
+    //{
+    //    FatalErrorIn("emptyFvPatchField<Type>::updateCoeffs()")
+    //        << "This mesh contains patches of type empty but is not"
+    //        << "1D or 2D\n"
+    //           "    by virtue of the fact that the number of faces of this\n"
+    //           "    empty patch is not divisible by the number of cells."
+    //        << exit(FatalError);
+    //}
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.C b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.C
index 8dd28c5e071a55dae7bd3dde4941d7919d5fd976..6d268371b615fd6fac560ab36dddce2e8537723e 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.C
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.C
@@ -59,60 +59,66 @@ void* Foam::codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::loadLibrary
     const fileName& libPath,
     const string& globalFuncName,
     const dictionary& contextDict
+) const
     void* lib = 0;
     // avoid compilation by loading an existing library
-    if (!libPath.empty() && dlLibraryTable::open(libPath, false))
+    if (!libPath.empty())
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+        dlLibraryTable& libs = const_cast<Time&>(this->db().time()).libs();
-        // verify the loaded version and unload if needed
-        if (lib)
+        if (libs.open(libPath, false))
-            // provision for manual execution of code after loading
-            if (dlSymFound(lib, globalFuncName))
-            {
-                loaderFunctionType function =
-                    reinterpret_cast<loaderFunctionType>
-                    (
-                        dlSym(lib, globalFuncName)
-                    );
+            lib = libs.findLibrary(libPath);
-                if (function)
+            // verify the loaded version and unload if needed
+            if (lib)
+            {
+                // provision for manual execution of code after loading
+                if (dlSymFound(lib, globalFuncName))
-                    (*function)(true);    // force load
+                    loaderFunctionType function =
+                        reinterpret_cast<loaderFunctionType>
+                        (
+                            dlSym(lib, globalFuncName)
+                        );
+                    if (function)
+                    {
+                        (*function)(true);    // force load
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        FatalIOErrorIn
+                        (
+                            "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::"
+                            "updateLibrary()",
+                            contextDict
+                        )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName
+                            << nl << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    }
-                        "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::updateLibrary()",
+                        "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::loadLibrary()",
                     )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName << nl
                         << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                FatalIOErrorIn
-                (
-                    "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::loadLibrary()",
-                    contextDict
-                )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName << nl
-                    << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
-                lib = 0;
-                if (!dlLibraryTable::close(libPath, false))
-                {
-                    FatalIOErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::loadLibrary()",
-                        contextDict
-                    )   << "Failed unloading library "
-                        << libPath
-                        << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    lib = 0;
+                    if (!libs.close(libPath, false))
+                    {
+                        FatalIOErrorIn
+                        (
+                            "codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::loadLibrary()",
+                            contextDict
+                        )   << "Failed unloading library "
+                            << libPath
+                            << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    }
@@ -128,15 +134,19 @@ void Foam::codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::unloadLibrary
     const fileName& libPath,
     const string& globalFuncName,
     const dictionary& contextDict
+) const
     void* lib = 0;
-    if (!libPath.empty())
+    if (libPath.empty())
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+        return;
+    dlLibraryTable& libs = const_cast<Time&>(this->db().time()).libs();
+    lib = libs.findLibrary(libPath);
     if (!lib)
@@ -166,7 +176,7 @@ void Foam::codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::unloadLibrary
-    if (!dlLibraryTable::close(libPath, false))
+    if (!libs.close(libPath, false))
@@ -334,7 +344,7 @@ void Foam::codedFixedValueFvPatchField<Type>::updateLibrary() const
     // the correct library was already loaded => we are done
-    if (dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath))
+    if (const_cast<Time&>(this->db().time()).libs().findLibrary(libPath))
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.H b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.H
index 04cfff893005c94ada145310d05e4112c45a5d77..096c02da004c2a889fc7745a1ed2766c1dac666f 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/codedFixedValue/codedFixedValueFvPatchField.H
@@ -130,20 +130,20 @@ class codedFixedValueFvPatchField
         //- Load specified library and execute globalFuncName(true)
-        static void* loadLibrary
+        void* loadLibrary
             const fileName& libPath,
             const string& globalFuncName,
             const dictionary& contextDict
-        );
+        ) const;
         //- Execute globalFuncName(false) and unload specified library
-        static void unloadLibrary
+        void unloadLibrary
             const fileName& libPath,
             const string& globalFuncName,
             const dictionary& contextDict
-        );
+        ) const;
         //- Set the rewrite vars controlling the Type
         static void setFieldTemplates(dynamicCode& dynCode);
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.H b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.H
index e270695ca19b97affed0d8beb2aa5cd53ec69ddd..459c055806c68bbf1820604e0c3bfb4b7d9af9b7 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocity/timeVaryingFlowRateInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.H
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ Class
-    A time-varying form of a flow normal vector boundary condition.
+    A time-varying form of a flow normal vector boundary condition. The
+    variation is specified as an interpolationTable (see
+    Foam::interpolationTable).
     Example of the boundary condition specification:
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformFixedValue/timeVaryingUniformFixedValueFvPatchField.H b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformFixedValue/timeVaryingUniformFixedValueFvPatchField.H
index 81ae7aefec10947454b741d5dfe0e8f79f8e81d7..e165e7fb9562baee686fced63dc1a75f96144c68 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformFixedValue/timeVaryingUniformFixedValueFvPatchField.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformFixedValue/timeVaryingUniformFixedValueFvPatchField.H
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ Class
-    A time-varying form of a uniform fixed value boundary condition.
+    A time-varying form of a uniform fixed value boundary condition. The
+    variation is specified as an interpolationTable (see
+    Foam::interpolationTable for read options).
     Example of the boundary condition specification:
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressure/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField.H b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressure/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField.H
index ee44a98a8d0c886e326306179fc099229dd53242..3c59ffb4b3a8ff589f8b980ef2f412d6bead7af7 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressure/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fields/fvPatchFields/derived/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressure/timeVaryingUniformTotalPressureFvPatchScalarField.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ Class
-    A time-varying form of a uniform total pressure boundary condition.
+    A time-varying form of a uniform total pressure boundary condition. The
+    variation is specified as an interpolationTable (see
+    Foam::interpolationTable).
 See Also
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/snGradSchemes/correctedSnGrad/correctedSnGrad.C b/src/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/snGradSchemes/correctedSnGrad/correctedSnGrad.C
index 88f0bc01c9d3a01fe7c980a3147b5087607ae843..3440de6f66fd77a80aa8dfc777546125bcbcc188 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/snGradSchemes/correctedSnGrad/correctedSnGrad.C
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/snGradSchemes/correctedSnGrad/correctedSnGrad.C
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Foam::fv::correctedSnGrad<Type>::fullGradCorrection
-                mesh.gradScheme(vf.name())
+                mesh.gradScheme("grad(" + vf.name() + ')')
             )().grad(vf, "grad(" + vf.name() + ')')
     tssf().rename("snGradCorr(" + vf.name() + ')');
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Foam::fv::correctedSnGrad<Type>::correction
                 gradScheme<typename pTraits<Type>::cmptType>::New
-                    mesh.gradScheme(ssf.name())
+                    mesh.gradScheme("grad(" + ssf.name() + ')')
                 //gaussGrad<typename pTraits<Type>::cmptType>(mesh)
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/fvMesh/fvPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicFvPatch.C b/src/finiteVolume/fvMesh/fvPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicFvPatch.C
index 51bbf8f9ed6b0fdf3dcf2bbe956ae0acc28c2d64..0ae9dd1344d465f8f68be2da303f6fd044aee4c5 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/fvMesh/fvPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicFvPatch.C
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/fvMesh/fvPatches/constraint/cyclic/cyclicFvPatch.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -52,17 +52,6 @@ void Foam::cyclicFvPatch::makeWeights(scalarField& w) const
     forAll(magFa, facei)
-        scalar avFa = (magFa[facei] + nbrMagFa[facei])/2.0;
-        if (mag(magFa[facei] - nbrMagFa[facei])/avFa > 1e-4)
-        {
-            FatalErrorIn("cyclicFvPatch::makeWeights(scalarField&) const")
-                << "face " << facei << " areas do not match by "
-                << 100*mag(magFa[facei] - nbrMagFa[facei])/avFa
-                << "% -- possible face ordering problem"
-                << abort(FatalError);
-        }
         scalar di = deltas[facei];
         scalar dni = nbrDeltas[facei];
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwind.H b/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwind.H
index 6c00e4deb237d75829f6f45f6c796ab649342e90..13b98512df680f03e1d89f12f104f58af6a6257c 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwind.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwind.H
@@ -111,7 +111,16 @@ public:
-        {}
+        {
+            if (!schemeData.eof())
+            {
+                IOWarningIn("linearUpwind(const fvMesh&, Istream&)", schemeData)
+                    << "unexpected additional entries in stream." << nl
+                    << "    Only the name of the gradient scheme in the"
+                       " 'gradSchemes' dictionary should be specified."
+                    << endl;
+            }
+        }
         //- Construct from faceFlux and Istream
@@ -131,7 +140,16 @@ public:
-        {}
+        {
+            if (!schemeData.eof())
+            {
+                IOWarningIn("linearUpwind(const fvMesh&, Istream&)", schemeData)
+                    << "unexpected additional entries in stream." << nl
+                    << "    Only the name of the gradient scheme in the"
+                       " 'gradSchemes' dictionary should be specified."
+                    << endl;
+            }
+        }
     // Member Functions
diff --git a/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwindV.H b/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwindV.H
index 262d54115db81ec24feb58b905593da4d9bbe610..ce07b1017bfe555861ae749b0e5ff3bd83c77fff 100644
--- a/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwindV.H
+++ b/src/finiteVolume/interpolation/surfaceInterpolation/schemes/linearUpwind/linearUpwindV.H
@@ -110,7 +110,13 @@ public:
-        {}
+        {
+            IOWarningIn("linearUpwindV(const fvMesh&, Istream&)", schemeData)
+                << "unexpected additional entries in stream." << nl
+                << "    Only the name of the gradient scheme in the"
+                   " 'gradSchemes' dictionary should be specified."
+                << endl;
+        }
         //- Construct from faceFlux and Istream
@@ -130,7 +136,13 @@ public:
-        {}
+        {
+            IOWarningIn("linearUpwindV(const fvMesh&, Istream&)", schemeData)
+                << "unexpected additional entries in stream." << nl
+                << "    Only the name of the gradient scheme in the"
+                   " 'gradSchemes' dictionary should be specified."
+                << endl;
+        }
     // Member Functions
diff --git a/src/fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake b/src/fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake
index c4313c1a470d5271de0ab063e186c26e516d6690..aa039078e914fa8a6436426d6e24b8fb65ff4363 100755
--- a/src/fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake
+++ b/src/fvAgglomerationMethods/Allwmake
@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ then
     wmake $makeType MGridGenGamgAgglomeration
-wmake libso pairPatchAgglomeration
+wmake $makeType pairPatchAgglomeration
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.C b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.C
index 1ac6efe24fcc153fbad4567fcb68d048af36279b..02ef8172b974dea921b1ae7de303b2ce9396b70b 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.C
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ Foam::COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate<CloudType>::COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate
-    WO2_(0.0)
+    WO2_(0.0),
+    HcCO2_(0.0)
     // Determine Cs ids
     label idSolid = owner.composition().idSolid();
@@ -55,6 +56,8 @@ Foam::COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate<CloudType>::COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate
     const scalar WCO2 = owner.thermo().carrier().W(CO2GlobalId_);
     WC_ = WCO2 - WO2_;
+    HcCO2_ = owner.thermo().carrier().Hc(CO2GlobalId_);
     if (Sb_ < 0)
@@ -158,14 +161,11 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate<CloudType>::calculate
     dMassSRCarrier[CO2GlobalId_] += dmCO2;
     const scalar HsC = thermo.solids().properties()[CsLocalId_].Hs(T);
-    const scalar HCO2 = thermo.carrier().H(CO2GlobalId_, T);
-    // carrier enthalpy transfer handled by change in composition
-    // const scalar HsO2 = thermo.carrier().Hs(O2GlobalId_, T);
-    // dhsTrans -= dmO2*HsO2;
+    // carrier sensible enthalpy exchange handled via change in mass
     // Heat of reaction [J]
-    return dmC*HsC - dmCO2*HCO2;
+    return dmC*HsC - dmCO2*HcCO2_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.H b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.H
index ad388b10f859009060daa3101fafbf67b3c276f4..73097256e772f92072c40dd85b8df09aca0ee933 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate.H
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ class COxidationDiffusionLimitedRate
             //- Molecular weight of O2 [kg/kmol]
             scalar WO2_;
+            //- Formation enthalpy for CO2 [J/kg]
+            scalar HcCO2_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.C b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.C
index 5f717530abb838483264d09e25fcc61c38839726..c650687b7e4bb1f13414c0aa0b37045cd385c333 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.C
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate
-    WO2_(0.0)
+    WO2_(0.0),
+    HcCO2_(0.0)
     // Determine Cs ids
     label idSolid = owner.composition().idSolid();
@@ -56,6 +57,8 @@ COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate
     const scalar WCO2 = owner.thermo().carrier().W(CO2GlobalId_);
     WC_ = WCO2 - WO2_;
+    HcCO2_ = owner.thermo().carrier().Hc(CO2GlobalId_);
     const scalar YCloc = owner.composition().Y0(idSolid)[CsLocalId_];
     const scalar YSolidTot = owner.composition().YMixture0()[idSolid];
     Info<< "    C(s): particle mass fraction = " << YCloc*YSolidTot << endl;
@@ -161,14 +164,11 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate<CloudType>::calculate
     dMassSRCarrier[CO2GlobalId_] += dmCO2;
     const scalar HsC = thermo.solids().properties()[CsLocalId_].Hs(T);
-    const scalar HCO2 = thermo.carrier().H(CO2GlobalId_, T);
-    // carrier enthalpy transfer handled by change in composition
-    // const scalar HsO2 = thermo.carrier().Hs(O2GlobalId_, T);
-    // dhsTrans -= dmO2*HsO2;
+    // carrier sensible enthalpy exchange handled via change in mass
     // Heat of reaction [J]
-    return dmC*HsC - dmCO2*HCO2;
+    return dmC*HsC - dmCO2*HcCO2_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.H b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.H
index 3a4b2da2bd58dc8fb1d8c90965c7a2b1ca1ba533..563269b1d6c408c28323d11a02c3c55da56cc0cf 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate/COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate.H
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ class COxidationKineticDiffusionLimitedRate
             //- Molecular weight of O2 [kg/kmol]
             scalar WO2_;
+            //- Formation enthalpy for CO2 [J/kg]
+            scalar HcCO2_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.C b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.C
index c2ba2899a7b809e56264284525f770fdb372c717..ea4a5e507ae0defb09c90a048e6cd2e76aefb0e9 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.C
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ Foam::COxidationMurphyShaddix<CloudType>::COxidationMurphyShaddix
-    WO2_(0.0)
+    WO2_(0.0),
+    HcCO2_(0.0)
     // Determine Cs ids
     label idSolid = owner.composition().idSolid();
@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ Foam::COxidationMurphyShaddix<CloudType>::COxidationMurphyShaddix
     const scalar WCO2 = owner.thermo().carrier().W(CO2GlobalId_);
     WC_ = WCO2 - WO2_;
+    HcCO2_ = owner.thermo().carrier().Hc(CO2GlobalId_);
     const scalar YCloc = owner.composition().Y0(idSolid)[CsLocalId_];
     const scalar YSolidTot = owner.composition().YMixture0()[idSolid];
     Info<< "    C(s): particle mass fraction = " << YCloc*YSolidTot << endl;
@@ -221,14 +224,11 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::COxidationMurphyShaddix<CloudType>::calculate
     dMassSolid[CsLocalId_] += dOmega*WC_;
     const scalar HsC = thermo.solids().properties()[CsLocalId_].Hs(T);
-    const scalar HCO2 = thermo.carrier().H(CO2GlobalId_, T);
-    // carrier enthalpy transfer handled by change in composition
-    // const scalar HsO2 = thermo.carrier().Hs(O2GlobalId_, T);
-    // dhsTrans -= dmO2*HsO2;
+    // carrier sensible enthalpy exchange handled via change in mass
-    // Heat of reaction
-    return dOmega*(WC_*HsC - (WC_ + WO2_)*HCO2);
+    // Heat of reaction [J]
+    return dOmega*(WC_*HsC - (WC_ + WO2_)*HcCO2_);
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.H b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.H
index 73981e79d1916b1dd6326eb472e48ccf89ddd695..26c9cf1701b4ebb8acd4b43eb755c8c504041c92 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/coalCombustion/submodels/surfaceReactionModel/COxidationMurphyShaddix/COxidationMurphyShaddix.H
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ class COxidationMurphyShaddix
             //- Molecular weight of O2 [kg/kmol]
             scalar WO2_;
+            //- Formation enthalpy for CO2 [J/kg]
+            scalar HcCO2_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.C
index 1c59cae4a63dc96e8cf99f85a80b92028a25d33b..80ec5ae74c2bac6c477f7190a0cd1fac99be4680 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.C
@@ -100,21 +100,29 @@ template<class CloudType>
 template<class TrackData>
 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::solve(TrackData& td)
-    if (solution_.transient())
+    if (solution_.steadyState())
+        td.cloud().storeState();
+        if (solution_.coupled())
+        {
+            td.cloud().relaxSources(td.cloud().cloudCopy());
+        }
-        td.cloud().storeState();
-        td.cloud().relaxSources(td.cloud().cloudCopy());
+        if (solution_.coupled())
+        {
+            td.cloud().scaleSources();
+        }
@@ -258,6 +266,7 @@ void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::cloudReset(KinematicCloud<CloudType>& c)
+    surfaceFilmModel_.reset(c.surfaceFilmModel_.ptr());
@@ -556,11 +565,23 @@ void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::relax
 ) const
     const scalar coeff = solution_.relaxCoeff(name);
     field = field0 + coeff*(field - field0);
+template<class CloudType>
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::scale
+    DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& field,
+    const word& name
+) const
+    const scalar coeff = solution_.relaxCoeff(name);
+    field *= coeff;
 template<class CloudType>
 void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
@@ -568,6 +589,15 @@ void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
     this->relax(UTrans_(), cloudOldTime.UTrans(), "U");
+    this->relax(UCoeff_(), cloudOldTime.UCoeff(), "U");
+template<class CloudType>
+void Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::scaleSources()
+    this->scale(UTrans_(), "U");
+    this->scale(UCoeff_(), "U");
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.H
index 765abfedd71ba54407fdc331c186b782400d5af5..88eff6449ff8edc5cab11c4650623fc22734848b 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloud.H
@@ -498,9 +498,20 @@ public:
                 const word& name
             ) const;
+            //- Scale field
+            template<class Type>
+            void scale
+            (
+                DimensionedField<Type, volMesh>& field,
+                const word& name
+            ) const;
             //- Apply relaxation to (steady state) cloud sources
             void relaxSources(const KinematicCloud<CloudType>& cloudOldTime);
+            //- Apply scaling to (transient) cloud sources
+            void scaleSources();
             //- Evolve the cloud
             void evolve();
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloudI.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloudI.H
index 5987192bfdd802d99378dfe585c228780a3da7f8..568d089030afbec347bcbc003123eab5d4f6a2ff 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloudI.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/KinematicCloudI.H
@@ -370,42 +370,22 @@ Foam::KinematicCloud<CloudType>::theta() const
-            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0)
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0),
+            zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
     volScalarField& theta = ttheta();
-    theta.boundaryField() == 0;
     forAllConstIter(typename KinematicCloud<CloudType>, *this, iter)
         const parcelType& p = iter();
         const label cellI = p.cell();
-        if ((p.face() != -1))
-        {
-            const label patchI = p.patch(p.face());
-            if (patchI != -1)
-            {
-                scalarField& thetap = theta.boundaryField()[patchI];
-                const label faceI = p.patchFace(patchI, p.face());
-                thetap[faceI] += p.nParticle()*p.areaP();
-            }
-        }
         theta[cellI] += p.nParticle()*p.volume();
     theta.internalField() /= mesh_.V();
-    forAll(theta.boundaryField(), patchI)
-    {
-        scalarField& thetap = theta.boundaryField()[patchI];
-        if (thetap.size() > 0)
-        {
-            thetap /= mesh_.magSf().boundaryField()[patchI];
-        }
-    }
+    theta.correctBoundaryConditions();
     return ttheta;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/cloudSolution/cloudSolution.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/cloudSolution/cloudSolution.C
index 165a7be0b6c8035dbcd714e59edc2d2b881341a8..75b987c24b69f72f975b664cf7a68191c8daae49 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/cloudSolution/cloudSolution.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/KinematicCloud/cloudSolution/cloudSolution.C
@@ -116,40 +116,47 @@ void Foam::cloudSolution::read()
         dict_.lookup("calcFrequency") >> calcFrequency_;
         dict_.lookup("maxCo") >> maxCo_;
         dict_.lookup("maxTrackTime") >> maxTrackTime_;
-        dict_.subDict("sourceTerms").lookup("resetOnStartup")
-            >> resetSourcesOnStartup_;
-    }
-    const dictionary&
-        schemesDict(dict_.subDict("sourceTerms").subDict("schemes"));
+        if (coupled_)
+        {
+            dict_.subDict("sourceTerms").lookup("resetOnStartup")
+                >> resetSourcesOnStartup_;
+        }
+    }
-    wordList vars(schemesDict.toc());
-    schemes_.setSize(vars.size());
-    forAll(vars, i)
+    if (coupled_)
-        // read solution variable name
-        schemes_[i].first() = vars[i];
+        const dictionary&
+            schemesDict(dict_.subDict("sourceTerms").subDict("schemes"));
-        // set semi-implicit (1) explicit (0) flag
-        Istream& is = schemesDict.lookup(vars[i]);
-        const word scheme(is);
-        if (scheme == "semiImplicit")
+        wordList vars(schemesDict.toc());
+        schemes_.setSize(vars.size());
+        forAll(vars, i)
-            schemes_[i].second().first() = true;
+            // read solution variable name
+            schemes_[i].first() = vars[i];
+            // set semi-implicit (1) explicit (0) flag
+            Istream& is = schemesDict.lookup(vars[i]);
+            const word scheme(is);
+            if (scheme == "semiImplicit")
+            {
+                schemes_[i].second().first() = true;
+            }
+            else if (scheme == "explicit")
+            {
+                schemes_[i].second().first() = false;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                FatalErrorIn("void cloudSolution::read()")
+                    << "Invalid scheme " << scheme << ". Valid schemes are "
+                    << "explicit and semiImplicit" << exit(FatalError);
+            }
+            // read under-relaxation factor
+            is  >> schemes_[i].second().second();
-        else if (scheme == "explicit")
-        {
-            schemes_[i].second().first() = false;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            FatalErrorIn("void cloudSolution::read()")
-                << "Invalid scheme " << scheme << ". Valid schemes are "
-                << "explicit and semiImplicit" << exit(FatalError);
-        }
-        // read under-relaxation factor
-        is  >> schemes_[i].second().second();
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.C
index eb1f66e85a4bd5ae0df2edb85f84ff0c256377a4..c536cd84d67e65fda231e4a98b7f57de494eab3e 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.C
@@ -295,10 +295,10 @@ void Foam::ReactingCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
     const ReactingCloud<CloudType>& cloudOldTime
-    typedef DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> dsfType;
+    typedef DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> dsfType;
     forAll(rhoTrans_, fieldI)
         dsfType& rhoT = rhoTrans_[fieldI];
@@ -308,6 +308,21 @@ void Foam::ReactingCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
+template<class CloudType>
+void Foam::ReactingCloud<CloudType>::scaleSources()
+    CloudType::scaleSources();
+    typedef DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> dsfType;
+    forAll(rhoTrans_, fieldI)
+    {
+        dsfType& rhoT = rhoTrans_[fieldI];
+        this->scale(rhoT, "rho");
+    }
 template<class CloudType>
 void Foam::ReactingCloud<CloudType>::evolve()
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.H
index 6d46d08bb72a3bdd129febb17669dfddc87299f8..324636cca536ef0b1aeddbb573f08d983b40f4b3 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ReactingCloud/ReactingCloud.H
@@ -287,6 +287,9 @@ public:
             //- Apply relaxation to (steady state) cloud sources
             void relaxSources(const ReactingCloud<CloudType>& cloudOldTime);
+            //- Apply scaling to (transient) cloud sources
+            void scaleSources();
             //- Evolve the cloud
             void evolve();
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.C
index e0365b54e21e4241a7b9127f7f00de2523382f42..91cb53aff046fe9af2903ada0ac6a04d443501de 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.C
@@ -290,6 +290,17 @@ void Foam::ThermoCloud<CloudType>::relaxSources
     this->relax(hsTrans_(), cloudOldTime.hsTrans(), "hs");
+    this->relax(hsCoeff_(), cloudOldTime.hsCoeff(), "hs");
+template<class CloudType>
+void Foam::ThermoCloud<CloudType>::scaleSources()
+    CloudType::scaleSources();
+    this->scale(hsTrans_(), "hs");
+    this->scale(hsCoeff_(), "hs");
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.H
index 44656d07fc89a961a9f69ff4d24724471d8edb22..f725dca73e7d9b0a1519b30ef9f491a269c53de6 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/clouds/Templates/ThermoCloud/ThermoCloud.H
@@ -301,6 +301,9 @@ public:
             //- Apply relaxation to (steady state) cloud sources
             void relaxSources(const ThermoCloud<CloudType>& cloudOldTime);
+            //- Apply scaling to (transient) cloud sources
+            void scaleSources();
             //- Evolve the cloud
             void evolve();
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.C
index b75b20f8456997de81b12c300c2917d569d1a350..9d1a918bbc44e6ee9163059e4c66a8fe176f449d 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.C
@@ -104,13 +104,10 @@ void Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Define local properties at beginning of time step
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     const scalar np0 = nParticle_;
-    const scalar d0 = d_;
-    const vector U0 = U_;
-    const scalar rho0 = rho_;
     const scalar mass0 = mass();
     // Reynolds number
-    const scalar Re = this->Re(U0, d0, rhoc_, muc_);
+    const scalar Re = this->Re(U_, d_, rhoc_, muc_);
     // Sources
@@ -119,6 +116,9 @@ void Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Explicit momentum source for particle
     vector Su = vector::zero;
+    // Linearised momentum source coefficient
+    scalar Spu = 0.0;
     // Momentum transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     vector dUTrans = vector::zero;
@@ -127,23 +127,7 @@ void Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // ~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle velocity
-    scalar Spu = 0.0;
-    vector U1 =
-        calcVelocity
-        (
-            td,
-            dt,
-            cellI,
-            Re,
-            muc_,
-            d0,
-            U0,
-            rho0,
-            mass0,
-            Su,
-            dUTrans,
-            Spu
-        );
+    this->U_ = calcVelocity(td, dt, cellI, Re, muc_, mass0, Su, dUTrans, Spu);
     // Accumulate carrier phase source terms
@@ -156,11 +140,6 @@ void Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calc
         // Update momentum transfer coefficient
         td.cloud().UCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Spu;
-    // Set new particle properties
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    U_ = U1;
@@ -173,9 +152,6 @@ const Foam::vector Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calcVelocity
     const label cellI,
     const scalar Re,
     const scalar mu,
-    const scalar d,
-    const vector& U,
-    const scalar rho,
     const scalar mass,
     const vector& Su,
     vector& dUTrans,
@@ -205,7 +181,7 @@ const Foam::vector Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::calcVelocity
     Spu = dt*Feff.Sp();
     IntegrationScheme<vector>::integrationResult Ures =
-        td.cloud().UIntegrator().integrate(U, dt, abp, bp);
+        td.cloud().UIntegrator().integrate(U_, dt, abp, bp);
     vector Unew = Ures.value();
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.H
index a937ba3f7a369d32f70e13f05e6dd2e90fe5a3ce..19b953b7e78184004f4250a81449431dcbfd7018 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.H
@@ -297,9 +297,6 @@ protected:
             const label cellI,         // owner cell
             const scalar Re,           // Reynolds number
             const scalar mu,           // local carrier viscosity
-            const scalar d,            // diameter
-            const vector& U,           // velocity
-            const scalar rho,          // density
             const scalar mass,         // mass
             const vector& Su,          // explicit particle momentum source
             vector& dUTrans,           // momentum transfer to carrier
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcelI.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcelI.H
index 754677803c6cb823c4eee3776f37b57cc644b75a..06e2b1e462044ebbcc9793eb6544d17b831bb455 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcelI.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcelI.H
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ inline Foam::scalar Foam::KinematicParcel<ParcelType>::Re
     const scalar muc
 ) const
-    return rhoc*mag(U - Uc_)*d/muc;
+    return rhoc*mag(U - Uc_)*d/(muc + ROOTVSMALL);
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.C
index 6ee0d7747455f3e4fde214d3ff1a9aa0dcb3b291..ae95fa21ef2a2eb8c14adf5ff0f0dfd022a2d3e8 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.C
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::CpEff
 template<class ParcelType>
 template<class TrackData>
-Foam::scalar Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::HEff
+Foam::scalar Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::HsEff
     TrackData& td,
     const scalar p,
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::HEff
 ) const
-        this->Y_[GAS]*td.cloud().composition().H(idG, YGas_, p, T)
-      + this->Y_[LIQ]*td.cloud().composition().H(idL, YLiquid_, p, T)
-      + this->Y_[SLD]*td.cloud().composition().H(idS, YSolid_, p, T);
+        this->Y_[GAS]*td.cloud().composition().Hs(idG, YGas_, p, T)
+      + this->Y_[LIQ]*td.cloud().composition().Hs(idL, YLiquid_, p, T)
+      + this->Y_[SLD]*td.cloud().composition().Hs(idS, YSolid_, p, T);
@@ -172,12 +172,11 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Define local properties at beginning of timestep
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     const scalar np0 = this->nParticle_;
     const scalar d0 = this->d_;
     const vector& U0 = this->U_;
-    const scalar rho0 = this->rho_;
     const scalar T0 = this->T_;
-    const scalar Cp0 = this->Cp_;
     const scalar mass0 = this->mass();
     const scalar pc = this->pc_;
@@ -189,11 +188,8 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Calc surface values
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     scalar Ts, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas;
     this->calcSurfaceValues(td, cellI, T0, Ts, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas);
-    // Reynolds number
     scalar Res = this->Re(U0, d0, rhos, mus);
@@ -203,16 +199,25 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Explicit momentum source for particle
     vector Su = vector::zero;
+    // Linearised momentum source coefficient
+    scalar Spu = 0.0;
     // Momentum transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     vector dUTrans = vector::zero;
     // Explicit enthalpy source for particle
     scalar Sh = 0.0;
+    // Linearised enthalpy source coefficient
+    scalar Sph = 0.0;
     // Sensible enthalpy transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     scalar dhsTrans = 0.0;
+    // 1. Compute models that contribute to mass transfer - U, T held constant
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Phase change in liquid phase
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -310,30 +315,78 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
-    // Correct surface values due to emitted species
-    this->correctSurfaceValues(td, cellI, Ts, Cs, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas);
-    Res = this->Re(U0, d0, rhos, mus);
-    // Update component mass fractions
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    // 2. Update the parcel properties due to change in mass
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     scalarField dMassGas(dMassDV + dMassSRGas);
     scalarField dMassLiquid(dMassPC + dMassSRLiquid);
     scalarField dMassSolid(dMassSRSolid);
     scalar mass1 =
         updateMassFractions(mass0, dMassGas, dMassLiquid, dMassSolid);
+    this->Cp_ = CpEff(td, pc, T0, idG, idL, idS);
+    // Update particle density or diameter
+    if (td.cloud().constProps().constantVolume())
+    {
+        this->rho_ = mass1/this->volume();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        this->d_ = cbrt(mass1/this->rho_*6.0/pi);
+    }
+    // Remove the particle when mass falls below minimum threshold
+    if (np0*mass1 < td.cloud().constProps().minParticleMass())
+    {
+        td.keepParticle = false;
+        if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
+        {
+            scalar dm = np0*mass1;
+            // Absorb parcel into carrier phase
+            forAll(YGas_, i)
+            {
+                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(GAS, i);
+                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm*YMix[GAS]*YGas_[i];
+            }
+            forAll(YLiquid_, i)
+            {
+                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(LIQ, i);
+                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm*YMix[LIQ]*YLiquid_[i];
+            }
+            // No mapping between solid components and carrier phase
+            forAll(YSolid_, i)
+            {
+                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(SLD, i);
+                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm*YMix[SLD]*YSolid_[i];
+            }
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*HsEff(td, pc, T0, idG, idL, idS);
+            td.cloud().addToMassPhaseChange(dm);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    // Correct surface values due to emitted species
+    this->correctSurfaceValues(td, cellI, Ts, Cs, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas);
+    Res = this->Re(U0, this->d_, rhos, mus);
+    // 3. Compute heat- and momentum transfers
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Heat transfer
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle temperature
-    scalar Sph = 0.0;
-    scalar T1 =
+    this->T_ =
@@ -342,10 +395,6 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
-            d0,
-            rho0,
-            T0,
-            Cp0,
@@ -353,136 +402,70 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calc
+    this->Cp_ = CpEff(td, pc, this->T_, idG, idL, idS);
     // Motion
     // ~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle velocity
-    scalar Spu = 0;
-    vector U1 =
-        this->calcVelocity
-        (
-            td,
-            dt,
-            cellI,
-            Res,
-            mus,
-            d0,
-            U0,
-            rho0,
-            mass0,
-            Su,
-            dUTrans,
-            Spu
-        );
+    this->U_ =
+        this->calcVelocity(td, dt, cellI, Res, mus, mass1, Su, dUTrans, Spu);
-    // Accumulate carrier phase source terms
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    // 4. Accumulate carrier phase source terms
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
-        // Transfer mass lost from particle to carrier mass source
+        // Transfer mass lost to carrier mass, momentum and enthalpy sources
         forAll(YGas_, i)
+            scalar dm = np0*dMassGas[i];
             label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(GAS, i);
-            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*dMassGas[i];
-//            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-//                np0*dMassGas[i]*composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm;
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*hs;
         forAll(YLiquid_, i)
+            scalar dm = np0*dMassLiquid[i];
             label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(LIQ, i);
-            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*dMassLiquid[i];
-//            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-//                np0*dMassLiquid[i]*composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm;
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*hs;
         // No mapping between solid components and carrier phase
         forAll(YSolid_, i)
+            scalar dm = np0*dMassSolid[i];
             label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(SLD, i);
-            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*dMassSolid[i];
-//            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-//                np0*dMassSolid[i]*composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm;
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*hs;
         forAll(dMassSRCarrier, i)
-            td.cloud().rhoTrans(i)[cellI] += np0*dMassSRCarrier[i];
-//            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-//                np0*dMassSRCarrier[i]*composition.carrier().Hs(i, T0);
+            scalar dm = np0*dMassSRCarrier[i];
+            scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(i, T0);
+            td.cloud().rhoTrans(i)[cellI] += dm;
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*hs;
         // Update momentum transfer
         td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += np0*dUTrans;
-        // Update momentum transfer coefficient
         td.cloud().UCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Spu;
         // Update sensible enthalpy transfer
         td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += np0*dhsTrans;
-        // Update sensible enthalpy coefficient
         td.cloud().hsCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Sph;
-    // Remove the particle when mass falls below minimum threshold
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    if (mass1 < td.cloud().constProps().minParticleMass())
-    {
-        td.keepParticle = false;
-        if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
-        {
-            // Absorb parcel into carrier phase
-            forAll(YGas_, i)
-            {
-                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(GAS, i);
-                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*mass1*YMix[GAS]*YGas_[i];
-            }
-            forAll(YLiquid_, i)
-            {
-                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(LIQ, i);
-                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] +=
-                    np0*mass1*YMix[LIQ]*YLiquid_[i];
-            }
-            // No mapping between solid components and carrier phase
-            forAll(YSolid_, i)
-            {
-                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(SLD, i);
-                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] +=
-                    np0*mass1*YMix[SLD]*YSolid_[i];
-            }
-            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += np0*mass1*U1;
-            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-                np0*mass1*HEff(td, pc, T1, idG, idL, idS); // using total h
-        }
-    }
-    // Set new particle properties
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    else
-    {
-        this->Cp_ = CpEff(td, pc, T1, idG, idL, idS);
-        this->T_ = T1;
-        this->U_ = U1;
-        // Update particle density or diameter
-        if (td.cloud().constProps().constantVolume())
-        {
-            this->rho_ = mass1/this->volume();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->d_ = cbrt(mass1/this->rho_*6.0/pi);
-        }
-    }
@@ -540,28 +523,35 @@ void Foam::ReactingMultiphaseParcel<ParcelType>::calcDevolatilisation
     Sh -= dMassTot*td.cloud().constProps().LDevol()/dt;
-    // Molar average molecular weight of carrier mix
-    const scalar Wc = this->rhoc_*specie::RR*this->Tc_/this->pc_;
     // Update molar emissions
-    forAll(dMassDV, i)
+    if (td.cloud().heatTransfer().BirdCorrection())
+        // Molar average molecular weight of carrier mix
+        const scalar Wc =
+            max(SMALL, this->rhoc_*specie::RR*this->Tc_/this->pc_);
         // Note: hardcoded gaseous diffusivities for now
         // TODO: add to carrier thermo
         const scalar beta = sqr(cbrt(15.0) + cbrt(15.0));
-        const label id = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(GAS, i);
-        const scalar Cp = composition.carrier().Cp(id, Ts);
-        const scalar W = composition.carrier().W(id);
-        const scalar Ni = dMassDV[i]/(this->areaS(d)*dt*W);
-        // Dab calc'd using API vapour mass diffusivity function
-        const scalar Dab =
-            3.6059e-3*(pow(1.8*Ts, 1.75))*sqrt(1.0/W + 1.0/Wc)/(this->pc_*beta);
-        N += Ni;
-        NCpW += Ni*Cp*W;
-        Cs[id] += Ni*d/(2.0*Dab);
-     }
+        forAll(dMassDV, i)
+        {
+            const label id = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(GAS, i);
+            const scalar Cp = composition.carrier().Cp(id, Ts);
+            const scalar W = composition.carrier().W(id);
+            const scalar Ni = dMassDV[i]/(this->areaS(d)*dt*W);
+            // Dab calc'd using API vapour mass diffusivity function
+            const scalar Dab =
+                3.6059e-3*(pow(1.8*Ts, 1.75))
+               *sqrt(1.0/W + 1.0/Wc)
+               /(this->pc_*beta);
+            N += Ni;
+            NCpW += Ni*Cp*W;
+            Cs[id] += Ni*d/(2.0*Dab);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.H
index cbb6bb8ead05e7351c20f549bc61890e01af834e..7e9e16bbc74de9362d3db188b87027abcc4c3a1a 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingMultiphaseParcel/ReactingMultiphaseParcel.H
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ private:
             const label idS
         ) const;
-        //- Return the mixture effective enthalpy
+        //- Return the mixture effective sensible enthalpy
         template<class TrackData>
-        scalar HEff
+        scalar HsEff
             TrackData& td,
             const scalar p,
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingParcel/ReactingParcel.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingParcel/ReactingParcel.C
index 56f24c97f13504ed131b51733677b1d0fa68fc4f..21e7768aa777951685425719c4872de4de739332 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingParcel/ReactingParcel.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ReactingParcel/ReactingParcel.C
@@ -213,9 +213,17 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::correctSurfaceValues
         sumYiCbrtW += Ys[i]*cbrtW;
+    Cps = max(Cps, ROOTVSMALL);
     rhos *= pc_/(specie::RR*T);
+    rhos = max(rhos, ROOTVSMALL);
     mus /= sumYiSqrtW;
+    mus = max(mus, ROOTVSMALL);
     kappas /= sumYiCbrtW;
+    kappas = max(kappas, ROOTVSMALL);
     Prs = Cps*mus/kappas;
@@ -259,21 +267,17 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Define local properties at beginning of time step
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     const scalar np0 = this->nParticle_;
     const scalar d0 = this->d_;
     const vector& U0 = this->U_;
-    const scalar rho0 = this->rho_;
     const scalar T0 = this->T_;
-    const scalar Cp0 = this->Cp_;
     const scalar mass0 = this->mass();
     // Calc surface values
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     scalar Ts, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas;
     this->calcSurfaceValues(td, cellI, T0, Ts, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas);
-    // Reynolds number
     scalar Res = this->Re(U0, d0, rhos, mus);
@@ -283,16 +287,25 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Explicit momentum source for particle
     vector Su = vector::zero;
+    // Linearised momentum source coefficient
+    scalar Spu = 0.0;
     // Momentum transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     vector dUTrans = vector::zero;
     // Explicit enthalpy source for particle
     scalar Sh = 0.0;
+    // Linearised enthalpy source coefficient
+    scalar Sph = 0.0;
     // Sensible enthalpy transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     scalar dhsTrans = 0.0;
+    // 1. Compute models that contribute to mass transfer - U, T held constant
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Phase change
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -330,20 +343,65 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::calc
+    // 2. Update the parcel properties due to change in mass
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    scalarField dMass(dMassPC);
+    scalar mass1 = updateMassFraction(mass0, dMass, Y_);
+    this->Cp_ = composition.Cp(0, Y_, pc_, T0);
+    // Update particle density or diameter
+    if (td.cloud().constProps().constantVolume())
+    {
+        this->rho_ = mass1/this->volume();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        this->d_ = cbrt(mass1/this->rho_*6.0/pi);
+    }
+    // Remove the particle when mass falls below minimum threshold
+    if (np0*mass1 < td.cloud().constProps().minParticleMass())
+    {
+        td.keepParticle = false;
+        if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
+        {
+            scalar dm = np0*mass1;
+            // Absorb parcel into carrier phase
+            forAll(Y_, i)
+            {
+                scalar dmi = dm*Y_[i];
+                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(0, i);
+                scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dmi;
+                td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dmi*hs;
+            }
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().addToMassPhaseChange(dm);
+        }
+        return;
+    }
     // Correct surface values due to emitted species
     correctSurfaceValues(td, cellI, Ts, Cs, rhos, mus, Prs, kappas);
-    Res = this->Re(U0, d0, rhos, mus);
+    Res = this->Re(U0, this->d_, rhos, mus);
-    // Update particle component mass and mass fractions
-    scalar mass1 = updateMassFraction(mass0, dMassPC, Y_);
+    // 3. Compute heat- and momentum transfers
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Heat transfer
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle temperature
-    scalar Sph = 0.0;
-    scalar T1 =
+    this->T_ =
@@ -352,108 +410,48 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::calc
-            d0,
-            rho0,
-            T0,
-            Cp0,
+    this->Cp_ = composition.Cp(0, Y_, pc_, T0);
     // Motion
     // ~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle velocity
-    scalar Spu = 0.0;
-    vector U1 =
-        this->calcVelocity
-        (
-            td,
-            dt,
-            cellI,
-            Res,
-            mus,
-            d0,
-            U0,
-            rho0,
-            mass0,
-            Su,
-            dUTrans,
-            Spu
-        );
+    this->U_ =
+        this->calcVelocity(td, dt, cellI, Res, mus, mass1, Su, dUTrans, Spu);
-    dUTrans += 0.5*(mass0 - mass1)*(U0 + U1);
+    // 4. Accumulate carrier phase source terms
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    // Accumulate carrier phase source terms
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
-        // Transfer mass lost from particle to carrier mass source
-        forAll(dMassPC, i)
+        // Transfer mass lost to carrier mass, momentum and enthalpy sources
+        forAll(dMass, i)
+            scalar dm = np0*dMass[i];
             label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(0, i);
-            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*dMassPC[i];
-//            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-//                np0*dMassPC[i]*composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            scalar hs = composition.carrier().Hs(gid, T0);
+            td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += dm;
+            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += dm*U0;
+            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += dm*hs;
         // Update momentum transfer
         td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += np0*dUTrans;
-        // Update momentum transfer coefficient
         td.cloud().UCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Spu;
         // Update sensible enthalpy transfer
         td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] += np0*dhsTrans;
-        // Update sensible enthalpy coefficient
         td.cloud().hsCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Sph;
-    // Remove the particle when mass falls below minimum threshold
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    if (mass1 < td.cloud().constProps().minParticleMass())
-    {
-        td.keepParticle = false;
-        if (td.cloud().solution().coupled())
-        {
-            // Absorb parcel into carrier phase
-            forAll(Y_, i)
-            {
-                label gid = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(0, i);
-                td.cloud().rhoTrans(gid)[cellI] += np0*mass1*Y_[i];
-            }
-            td.cloud().UTrans()[cellI] += np0*mass1*U1;
-            td.cloud().hsTrans()[cellI] +=
-                np0*mass1*composition.H(0, Y_, pc_, T1);
-        }
-    }
-    // Set new particle properties
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    else
-    {
-        this->Cp_ = composition.Cp(0, Y_, pc_, T1);
-        this->T_ = T1;
-        this->U_ = U1;
-        // Update particle density or diameter
-        if (td.cloud().constProps().constantVolume())
-        {
-            this->rho_ = mass1/this->volume();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->d_ = cbrt(mass1/this->rho_*6.0/pi);
-        }
-    }
@@ -517,33 +515,44 @@ void Foam::ReactingParcel<ParcelType>::calcPhaseChange
     // Add to cumulative phase change mass
-    // Average molecular weight of carrier mix - assumes perfect gas
-    const scalar Wc = this->rhoc_*specie::RR*this->Tc_/this->pc_;
-    forAll(YComponents, i)
+    forAll(dMassPC, i)
         const label idc = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(idPhase, i);
         const label idl = composition.globalIds(idPhase)[i];
         const scalar dh = td.cloud().phaseChange().dh(idc, idl, pc_, T);
         Sh -= dMassPC[i]*dh/dt;
+    }
-        // Update particle surface thermo properties
-        const scalar Dab =
-            composition.liquids().properties()[idl].D(pc_, Ts, Wc);
-        const scalar Cp = composition.carrier().Cp(idc, Ts);
-        const scalar W = composition.carrier().W(idc);
-        const scalar Ni = dMassPC[i]/(this->areaS(d)*dt*W);
+    // Update molar emissions
+    if (td.cloud().heatTransfer().BirdCorrection())
+    {
+        // Average molecular weight of carrier mix - assumes perfect gas
+        const scalar Wc = this->rhoc_*specie::RR*this->Tc_/this->pc_;
-        // Molar flux of species coming from the particle (kmol/m^2/s)
-        N += Ni;
-        // Sum of Ni*Cpi*Wi of emission species
-        NCpW += Ni*Cp*W;
+        forAll(dMassPC, i)
+        {
+            const label idc = composition.localToGlobalCarrierId(idPhase, i);
+            const label idl = composition.globalIds(idPhase)[i];
-        // Concentrations of emission species
-        Cs[idc] += Ni*d/(2.0*Dab);
+            const scalar Cp = composition.carrier().Cp(idc, Ts);
+            const scalar W = composition.carrier().W(idc);
+            const scalar Ni = dMassPC[i]/(this->areaS(d)*dt*W);
+            const scalar Dab =
+                composition.liquids().properties()[idl].D(pc_, Ts, Wc);
+            // Molar flux of species coming from the particle (kmol/m^2/s)
+            N += Ni;
+            // Sum of Ni*Cpi*Wi of emission species
+            NCpW += Ni*Cp*W;
+            // Concentrations of emission species
+            Cs[idc] += Ni*d/(2.0*Dab);
+        }
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.C
index 6397e29437797466a8a629d8ac9800bd8b982318..f7d37f3ad1af996e11f93e3852f60f631b7fc71b 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.C
@@ -153,7 +153,10 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcSurfaceValues
     mus = td.muInterp().interpolate(this->position(), tetIs)/TRatio;
     Pr = td.cloud().constProps().Pr();
+    Pr = max(ROOTVSMALL, Pr);
     kappas = Cpc_*mus/Pr;
+    kappas = max(ROOTVSMALL, kappas);
@@ -169,21 +172,16 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Define local properties at beginning of time step
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     const scalar np0 = this->nParticle_;
-    const scalar d0 = this->d_;
-    const vector U0 = this->U_;
-    const scalar rho0 = this->rho_;
-    const scalar T0 = this->T_;
-    const scalar Cp0 = this->Cp_;
     const scalar mass0 = this->mass();
     // Calc surface values
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     scalar Ts, rhos, mus, Pr, kappas;
-    calcSurfaceValues(td, cellI, T0, Ts, rhos, mus, Pr, kappas);
+    calcSurfaceValues(td, cellI, this->T_, Ts, rhos, mus, Pr, kappas);
     // Reynolds number
-    scalar Re = this->Re(U0, d0, rhos, mus);
+    scalar Re = this->Re(this->U_, this->d_, rhos, mus);
     // Sources
@@ -192,12 +190,18 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // Explicit momentum source for particle
     vector Su = vector::zero;
+    // Linearised momentum source coefficient
+    scalar Spu = 0.0;
     // Momentum transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     vector dUTrans = vector::zero;
     // Explicit enthalpy source for particle
     scalar Sh = 0.0;
+    // Linearised enthalpy source coefficient
+    scalar Sph = 0.0;
     // Sensible enthalpy transfer from the particle to the carrier phase
     scalar dhsTrans = 0.0;
@@ -209,8 +213,7 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     scalar NCpW = 0.0;
     // Calculate new particle temperature
-    scalar Sph = 0.0;
-    scalar T1 =
+    this->T_ =
@@ -219,10 +222,6 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
-            d0,
-            rho0,
-            T0,
-            Cp0,
@@ -234,23 +233,8 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
     // ~~~~~~
     // Calculate new particle velocity
-    scalar Spu = 0.0;
-    vector U1 =
-        this->calcVelocity
-        (
-            td,
-            dt,
-            cellI,
-            Re,
-            mus,
-            d0,
-            U0,
-            rho0,
-            mass0,
-            Su,
-            dUTrans,
-            Spu
-        );
+    this->U_ =
+        this->calcVelocity(td, dt, cellI, Re, mus, mass0, Su, dUTrans, Spu);
     //  Accumulate carrier phase source terms
@@ -269,11 +253,6 @@ void Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calc
         // Update sensible enthalpy coefficient
         td.cloud().hsCoeff()[cellI] += np0*Sph;
-    // Set new particle properties
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    this->U_ = U1;
-    T_ = T1;
@@ -287,10 +266,6 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcHeatTransfer
     const scalar Re,
     const scalar Pr,
     const scalar kappa,
-    const scalar d,
-    const scalar rho,
-    const scalar T,
-    const scalar Cp,
     const scalar NCpW,
     const scalar Sh,
     scalar& dhsTrans,
@@ -299,9 +274,12 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcHeatTransfer
     if (!td.cloud().heatTransfer().active())
-        return T;
+        return T_;
+    const scalar d = this->d();
+    const scalar rho = this->rho();
     // Calc heat transfer coefficient
     scalar htc = td.cloud().heatTransfer().htc(d, Re, Pr, kappa, NCpW);
@@ -310,7 +288,7 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcHeatTransfer
-                T + dt*Sh/(this->volume(d)*rho*Cp),
+                T_ + dt*Sh/(this->volume(d)*rho*Cp_),
@@ -319,7 +297,7 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcHeatTransfer
     const scalar As = this->areaS(d);
     scalar ap = Tc_ + Sh/As/htc;
-    scalar bp = 6.0*(Sh/As + htc*(Tc_ - T));
+    scalar bp = 6.0*(Sh/As + htc*(Tc_ - T_));
     if (td.cloud().radiation())
         tetIndices tetIs = this->currentTetIndices();
@@ -327,20 +305,20 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::ThermoParcel<ParcelType>::calcHeatTransfer
         const scalar sigma = physicoChemical::sigma.value();
         const scalar epsilon = td.cloud().constProps().epsilon0();
-        ap = (ap + epsilon*Gc/(4.0*htc))/(1.0 + epsilon*sigma*pow3(T)/htc);
-        bp += 6.0*(epsilon*(Gc/4.0 - sigma*pow4(T)));
+        ap = (ap + epsilon*Gc/(4.0*htc))/(1.0 + epsilon*sigma*pow3(T_)/htc);
+        bp += 6.0*(epsilon*(Gc/4.0 - sigma*pow4(T_)));
-    bp /= rho*d*Cp*(ap - T) + ROOTVSMALL;
+    bp /= rho*d*Cp_*(ap - T_) + ROOTVSMALL;
     // Integrate to find the new parcel temperature
     IntegrationScheme<scalar>::integrationResult Tres =
-        td.cloud().TIntegrator().integrate(T, dt, ap*bp, bp);
+        td.cloud().TIntegrator().integrate(T_, dt, ap*bp, bp);
     scalar Tnew = max(Tres.value(), td.cloud().constProps().TMin());
     Sph = dt*htc*As;
-    dhsTrans += Sph*(0.5*(T + Tnew) - Tc_);
+    dhsTrans += Sph*(0.5*(T_ + Tnew) - Tc_);
     return Tnew;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.H
index c8fe14ad1a6eaa337f7c64f62d8c030bd3a7faf2..3b494e746e7326a929809e3a18b5ea0840b4ea06 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/ThermoParcel/ThermoParcel.H
@@ -236,10 +236,6 @@ protected:
             const scalar Re,           // Reynolds number
             const scalar Pr,           // Prandtl number - surface
             const scalar kappa,        // Thermal conductivity - surface
-            const scalar d,            // diameter
-            const scalar rho,          // density
-            const scalar T,            // temperature
-            const scalar Cp,           // specific heat capacity
             const scalar NCpW,         // Sum of N*Cp*W of emission species
             const scalar Sh,           // explicit particle enthalpy source
             scalar& dhsTrans,          // sensible enthalpy transfer to carrier
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.C
index 7808407cab86946cb322e1e15eefa92ac1461fa5..6326b4c2d853de0624f1a424d0f294b8e1aae6c6 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::KinematicLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::parcelsToInject
     if ((time0 >= 0.0) && (time0 < duration_))
-        return round(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*nParcelsPerSecond_);
+        return floor(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*parcelsPerSecond_);
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Foam::KinematicLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::KinematicLookupTableInjection
     InjectionModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName),
-    nParcelsPerSecond_
+    parcelsPerSecond_
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Foam::KinematicLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::KinematicLookupTableInjection
-    nParcelsPerSecond_(im.nParcelsPerSecond_),
+    parcelsPerSecond_(im.parcelsPerSecond_),
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.H
index 242797a12023c9820f096382740783d1b60bd87a..86038d90cf9db62d650642d09e723a993890a0b4 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/InjectionModel/KinematicLookupTableInjection/KinematicLookupTableInjection.H
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class KinematicLookupTableInjection
         const scalar duration_;
         //- Number of parcels per injector - common to all injection sources
-        const label nParcelsPerSecond_;
+        const scalar parcelsPerSecond_;
         //- List of injectors
         kinematicParcelInjectionDataIOList injectors_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel.C
index 07ec7cc21e6307d49e08cc453d4bbbb2257d9572..cb0bc500a3d99f056a4e046182b4d64073bb9d47 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel/SurfaceFilmModel.C
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ void Foam::SurfaceFilmModel<CloudType>::inject(TrackData& td)
     const labelList& filmPatches = filmModel.intCoupledPatchIDs();
     const labelList& primaryPatches = filmModel.primaryPatchIDs();
-    const polyBoundaryMesh& pbm = this->owner().mesh().boundaryMesh();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = this->owner().mesh();
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& pbm = mesh.boundaryMesh();
     forAll(filmPatches, i)
@@ -163,6 +164,10 @@ void Foam::SurfaceFilmModel<CloudType>::inject(TrackData& td)
         cacheFilmFields(filmPatchI, primaryPatchI, distMap, filmModel);
+        const vectorField& Cf = mesh.C().boundaryField()[primaryPatchI];
+        const vectorField& Sf = mesh.Sf().boundaryField()[primaryPatchI];
+        const scalarField& magSf = mesh.magSf().boundaryField()[primaryPatchI];
         forAll(injectorCellsPatch, j)
             if (diameterParcelPatch_[j] > 0)
@@ -179,7 +184,15 @@ void Foam::SurfaceFilmModel<CloudType>::inject(TrackData& td)
                 const label tetFaceI = this->owner().mesh().cells()[cellI][0];
                 const label tetPtI = 1;
-                const point& pos = this->owner().mesh().C()[cellI];
+//                const point& pos = this->owner().mesh().C()[cellI];
+                const scalar offset =
+                    max
+                    (
+                        diameterParcelPatch_[j],
+                        deltaFilmPatch_[primaryPatchI][j]
+                    );
+                const point pos = Cf[j] - 1.1*offset*Sf[j]/magSf[j];
                 // Create a new parcel
                 parcelType* pPtr =
@@ -217,11 +230,11 @@ void Foam::SurfaceFilmModel<CloudType>::cacheFilmFields
     const regionModels::surfaceFilmModels::surfaceFilmModel& filmModel
-    massParcelPatch_ = filmModel.massForPrimary().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+    massParcelPatch_ = filmModel.cloudMassTrans().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
     diameterParcelPatch_ =
-        filmModel.diametersForPrimary().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+        filmModel.cloudDiameterTrans().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
     UFilmPatch_ = filmModel.Us().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.C
index 761ce13fcc5782e973959e395fec47ada2680e10..39d1fe6096d04a437d16bd825c9b11357727c3b4 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::ReactingLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::parcelsToInject
     if ((time0 >= 0.0) && (time0 < duration_))
-        return round(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*nParcelsPerSecond_);
+        return floor(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*parcelsPerSecond_);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Foam::ReactingLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::ReactingLookupTableInjection
     InjectionModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName),
-    nParcelsPerSecond_
+    parcelsPerSecond_
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Foam::ReactingLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::ReactingLookupTableInjection
-    nParcelsPerSecond_(im.nParcelsPerSecond_),
+    parcelsPerSecond_(im.parcelsPerSecond_),
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.H
index d132886b1acd384677bc751dff1a740f82c54436..955ab3c7d8233e07b1eb06ec20d986056edfaf66 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Reacting/InjectionModel/ReactingLookupTableInjection/ReactingLookupTableInjection.H
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class ReactingLookupTableInjection
         const scalar duration_;
         //- Number of parcels per injector - common to all injection sources
-        const label nParcelsPerSecond_;
+        const scalar parcelsPerSecond_;
         //- List of injectors
         reactingParcelInjectionDataIOList injectors_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.C
index caf3acff4bd9f8c685ed968b4d42e4d3ccc8f265..fd7839b331e87ef0ff64775dfa49f6df10bbdd82 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Foam::ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::parcelsToInject
     if ((time0 >= 0.0) && (time0 < duration_))
-        return round(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*nParcelsPerSecond_);
+        return floor(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*parcelsPerSecond_);
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection
     InjectionModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName),
-    nParcelsPerSecond_
+    parcelsPerSecond_
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection
-    nParcelsPerSecond_(im.nParcelsPerSecond_),
+    parcelsPerSecond_(im.parcelsPerSecond_),
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.H
index 00c8c187343d04500983b6041f409edc00328ff3..3ed279fd30217ca423ccc580b0f0a271f77e4ff5 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/ReactingMultiphase/InjectionModel/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection/ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection.H
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ class ReactingMultiphaseLookupTableInjection
         const scalar duration_;
         //- Number of parcels per injector - common to all injection sources
-        const label nParcelsPerSecond_;
+        const scalar parcelsPerSecond_;
         //- List of injectors
         reactingMultiphaseParcelInjectionDataIOList injectors_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.C
index 5a4df7d0b38ca3003bbe72f3c3fbd1825d6363e9..8a59b2ec0dcd333d1b14c12d296dbbc13940e1f7 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::ThermoLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::parcelsToInject
     if ((time0 >= 0.0) && (time0 < duration_))
-        return round(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*nParcelsPerSecond_);
+        return floor(injectorCells_.size()*(time1 - time0)*parcelsPerSecond_);
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Foam::ThermoLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::ThermoLookupTableInjection
     InjectionModel<CloudType>(dict, owner, typeName),
-    nParcelsPerSecond_
+    parcelsPerSecond_
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Foam::ThermoLookupTableInjection<CloudType>::ThermoLookupTableInjection
-    nParcelsPerSecond_(im.nParcelsPerSecond_),
+    parcelsPerSecond_(im.parcelsPerSecond_),
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.H b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.H
index d3d5dfb9292747799273458cf6445daf208910ef..f9753b2a307a9f3c4a4eee3099b774083cb06d51 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.H
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/InjectionModel/ThermoLookupTableInjection/ThermoLookupTableInjection.H
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class ThermoLookupTableInjection
         const scalar duration_;
         //- Number of parcels per injector - common to all injection sources
-        const label nParcelsPerSecond_;
+        const scalar parcelsPerSecond_;
         //- List of injectors
         kinematicParcelInjectionDataIOList injectors_;
diff --git a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/SurfaceFilmModel/ThermoSurfaceFilm/ThermoSurfaceFilm.C b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/SurfaceFilmModel/ThermoSurfaceFilm/ThermoSurfaceFilm.C
index 7249846b138643da60fff6b153b2adf3bc6f3d27..cfa6b785ca525815ff562d1398e9dcf73940261e 100644
--- a/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/SurfaceFilmModel/ThermoSurfaceFilm/ThermoSurfaceFilm.C
+++ b/src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Thermodynamic/SurfaceFilmModel/ThermoSurfaceFilm/ThermoSurfaceFilm.C
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ void Foam::ThermoSurfaceFilm<CloudType>::splashInteraction
     const scalar dBarSplash = 1/cbrt(6.0)*cbrt(mRatio/Ns)*d + ROOTVSMALL;
     // cumulative diameter splash distribution
-    const scalar dMax = cbrt(mRatio)*d;
-    const scalar dMin = 0.001*dMax;
+    const scalar dMax = 0.9*cbrt(mRatio)*d;
+    const scalar dMin = 0.1*dMax;
     const scalar K = exp(-dMin/dBarSplash) - exp(-dMax/dBarSplash);
     // surface energy of secondary parcels [J]
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ void Foam::ThermoSurfaceFilm<CloudType>::splashInteraction
     // magnitude of the normal velocity of the first splashed parcel
     const scalar magUns0 =
-        sqrt(2.0*parcelsPerSplash_*EKs/mSplash/(1 + coeff1/sqr(coeff2)));
+        sqrt(2.0*parcelsPerSplash_*EKs/mSplash/(1.0 + coeff1/sqr(coeff2)));
     // Set splashed parcel properties
     forAll(dNew, i)
diff --git a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
index cdaa9f83c773bee458239028bcd93945698b072d..39d56e22686dc79cbcfb7ea4bc4e5c05c47329c0 100644
--- a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
+++ b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
@@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleNonManifolds
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const labelList& meshEdges,
+    const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
     pointField& patchDisp,
     labelList& patchNLayers,
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
@@ -268,11 +269,50 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleNonManifolds
     // 1. Local check
     checkManifold(pp, nonManifoldPoints);
+    // 2. Remote check for boundary edges on coupled boundaries
+    forAll(edgeGlobalFaces, edgeI)
+    {
+        if
+        (
+            pp.edgeFaces()[edgeI].size() == 1
+         && edgeGlobalFaces[edgeI].size() > 2
+        )
+        {
+            // So boundary edges that are connected to more than 2 processors
+            // i.e. a non-manifold edge which is exactly on a processor
+            // boundary.
+            const edge& e = pp.edges()[edgeI];
+            nonManifoldPoints.insert(pp.meshPoints()[e[0]]);
+            nonManifoldPoints.insert(pp.meshPoints()[e[1]]);
+        }
+    }
     label nNonManif = returnReduce(nonManifoldPoints.size(), sumOp<label>());
     Info<< "Outside of local patch is multiply connected across edges or"
         << " points at " << nNonManif << " points." << endl;
+    if (nNonManif > 0)
+    {
+        const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints();
+        forAll(meshPoints, patchPointI)
+        {
+            if (nonManifoldPoints.found(meshPoints[patchPointI]))
+            {
+                unmarkExtrusion
+                (
+                    patchPointI,
+                    patchDisp,
+                    patchNLayers,
+                    extrudeStatus
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
     Info<< "Set displacement to zero for all " << nNonManif
         << " non-manifold points" << endl;
@@ -1309,11 +1349,109 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::getPatchDisplacement
+bool Foam::autoLayerDriver::sameEdgeNeighbour
+    const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
+    const label myGlobalFaceI,
+    const label nbrGlobFaceI,
+    const label edgeI
+) const
+    const labelList& eFaces = globalEdgeFaces[edgeI];
+    if (eFaces.size() == 2)
+    {
+        return edge(myGlobalFaceI, nbrGlobFaceI) == edge(eFaces[0], eFaces[1]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::getVertexString
+    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+    const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
+    const label faceI,
+    const label edgeI,
+    const label myGlobFaceI,
+    const label nbrGlobFaceI,
+    DynamicList<label>& vertices
+) const
+    const labelList& fEdges = pp.faceEdges()[faceI];
+    label fp = findIndex(fEdges, edgeI);
+    if (fp == -1)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("autoLayerDriver::getVertexString(..)")
+            << "problem." << abort(FatalError);
+    }
+    // Search back
+    label startFp = fp;
+    forAll(fEdges, i)
+    {
+        label prevFp = fEdges.rcIndex(startFp);
+        if
+        (
+           !sameEdgeNeighbour
+            (
+                globalEdgeFaces,
+                myGlobFaceI,
+                nbrGlobFaceI,
+                fEdges[prevFp]
+            )
+        )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        startFp = prevFp;
+    }
+    label endFp = fp;
+    forAll(fEdges, i)
+    {
+        label nextFp = fEdges.fcIndex(endFp);
+        if
+        (
+           !sameEdgeNeighbour
+            (
+                globalEdgeFaces,
+                myGlobFaceI,
+                nbrGlobFaceI,
+                fEdges[nextFp]
+            )
+        )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        endFp = nextFp;
+    }
+    const face& f = pp.localFaces()[faceI];
+    vertices.clear();
+    fp = startFp;
+    while (fp != endFp)
+    {
+        vertices.append(f[fp]);
+        fp = f.fcIndex(fp);
+    }
+    vertices.append(f[fp]);
+    fp = f.fcIndex(fp);
+    vertices.append(f[fp]);
 // Truncates displacement
 // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set to zero
 // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
 Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::truncateDisplacement
+    const globalIndex& globalFaces,
+    const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const scalarField& minThickness,
     const faceSet& illegalPatchFaces,
@@ -1405,6 +1543,10 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::truncateDisplacement
+        // Pinch
+        // ~~~~~
         // Make sure that a face doesn't have two non-consecutive areas
         // not extruded (e.g. quad where vertex 0 and 2 are not extruded
         // but 1 and 3 are) since this gives topological errors.
@@ -1457,6 +1599,112 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::truncateDisplacement
             << " faces due to non-consecutive vertices being extruded." << endl;
+        // Butterfly
+        // ~~~~~~~~~
+        // Make sure that a string of edges becomes a single face so
+        // not a butterfly. Occassionally an 'edge' will have a single dangling
+        // vertex due to face combining. These get extruded as a single face
+        // (with a dangling vertex) so make sure this extrusion forms a single
+        // shape.
+        //  - continuous i.e. no butterfly:
+        //      +     +
+        //      |\   /|
+        //      | \ / |
+        //      +--+--+
+        //  - extrudes from all but the endpoints i.e. no partial
+        //    extrude
+        //            +
+        //           /|
+        //          / |
+        //      +--+--+
+        // The common error topology is a pinch somewhere in the middle
+        label nButterFly = 0;
+        {
+            DynamicList<label> stringedVerts;
+            forAll(pp.edges(), edgeI)
+            {
+                const labelList& globFaces = edgeGlobalFaces[edgeI];
+                if (globFaces.size() == 2)
+                {
+                    label myFaceI = pp.edgeFaces()[edgeI][0];
+                    label myGlobalFaceI = globalFaces.toGlobal
+                    (
+                        pp.addressing()[myFaceI]
+                    );
+                    label nbrGlobalFaceI =
+                    (
+                        globFaces[0] != myGlobalFaceI
+                      ? globFaces[0]
+                      : globFaces[1]
+                    );
+                    getVertexString
+                    (
+                        pp,
+                        edgeGlobalFaces,
+                        myFaceI,
+                        edgeI,
+                        myGlobalFaceI,
+                        nbrGlobalFaceI,
+                        stringedVerts
+                    );
+                    if
+                    (
+                        extrudeStatus[stringedVerts[0]] != NOEXTRUDE
+                     || extrudeStatus[stringedVerts.last()] != NOEXTRUDE
+                    )
+                    {
+                        // Any pinch in the middle
+                        bool pinch = false;
+                        for (label i = 1; i < stringedVerts.size()-1; i++)
+                        {
+                            if
+                            (
+                                extrudeStatus[stringedVerts[i]] == NOEXTRUDE
+                            )
+                            {
+                                pinch = true;
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (pinch)
+                        {
+                            forAll(stringedVerts, i)
+                            {
+                                if
+                                (
+                                    unmarkExtrusion
+                                    (
+                                        stringedVerts[i],
+                                        patchDisp,
+                                        patchNLayers,
+                                        extrudeStatus
+                                    )
+                                )
+                                {
+                                    nButterFly++;
+                                    nChanged++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        reduce(nButterFly, sumOp<label>());
+        Info<< "truncateDisplacement : Unextruded " << nButterFly
+            << " faces due to stringed edges with inconsistent extrusion."
+            << endl;
+        // Consistent number of layers
+        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         // Make sure that a face has consistent number of layers for all
         // its vertices.
@@ -1504,7 +1752,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::truncateDisplacement
         //Info<< "truncateDisplacement : Unextruded " << nDiffering
         //    << " faces due to having differing number of layers." << endl;
-        if (nPinched+nDiffering == 0)
+        if (nPinched+nButterFly+nDiffering == 0)
@@ -1536,7 +1784,7 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::setupLayerInfoTruncation
         Info<< nl << "Performing no layer truncation."
             << " nBufferCellsNoExtrude set to less than 0  ..." << endl;
-        // Face layers if any point get extruded
+        // Face layers if any point gets extruded
         forAll(pp.localFaces(), patchFaceI)
             const face& f = pp.localFaces()[patchFaceI];
@@ -2066,6 +2314,7 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::addLayers
+            edgeGlobalFaces,
@@ -2408,10 +2657,13 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::addLayers
         // Truncate displacements that are too small (this will do internal
-        // ones, coupled ones have already been truncated by syncPatch)
+        // ones, coupled ones have already been truncated by
+        // syncPatchDisplacement)
         faceSet dummySet(mesh, "wrongPatchFaces", 0);
+            globalFaces,
+            edgeGlobalFaces,
@@ -2467,9 +2719,9 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::addLayers
         // (first layer = layer of cells next to the original mesh)
         vectorField firstDisp(patchNLayers.size(), vector::zero);
-        forAll(patchNLayers, i)
+        forAll(nPatchPointLayers, i)
-            if (patchNLayers[i] > 0)
+            if (nPatchPointLayers[i] > 0)
                 if (expansionRatio[i] == 1.0)
@@ -2615,9 +2867,12 @@ void Foam::autoLayerDriver::addLayers
-        Info<< "Extruding " << countExtrusion(pp, extrudeStatus)
-            << " out of " << returnReduce(pp().size(), sumOp<label>())
-            << " faces. Removed extrusion at " << nTotChanged << " faces."
+        label nExtruded = countExtrusion(pp, extrudeStatus);
+        label nTotFaces = returnReduce(pp().size(), sumOp<label>());
+        Info<< "Extruding " << nExtruded
+            << " out of " << nTotFaces
+            << " faces (" << 100.0*nExtruded/nTotFaces << "%)."
+            << " Removed extrusion at " << nTotChanged << " faces."
             << endl;
         if (nTotChanged == 0)
diff --git a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H
index ff3586c42266a0744c8e67110200b355ab1a8edd..83083d04f8b93e375c9b08aab7ede4e52e2e17e9 100644
--- a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H
+++ b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H
@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ class autoLayerDriver
                     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
                     const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
                     pointField& patchDisp,
                     labelList& patchNLayers,
                     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
@@ -261,12 +262,36 @@ class autoLayerDriver
                     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
                 ) const;
+                //- for truncateDisplacement: find strings of edges
+                bool sameEdgeNeighbour
+                (
+                    const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
+                    const label myGlobalFaceI,
+                    const label nbrGlobFaceI,
+                    const label edgeI
+                ) const;
+                //- for truncateDisplacement: find strings of edges
+                void getVertexString
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const labelListList& globalEdgeFaces,
+                    const label faceI,
+                    const label edgeI,
+                    const label myGlobFaceI,
+                    const label nbrGlobFaceI,
+                    DynamicList<label>& vertices
+                ) const;
                 //- Truncates displacement
                 // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set
                 //   to zero
                 // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
+                // - all non-consecutive extrusions get set to 0
                 label truncateDisplacement
+                    const globalIndex& globalFaces,
+                    const labelListList& edgeGlobalFaces,
                     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
                     const scalarField& minThickness,
                     const faceSet& illegalPatchFaces,
diff --git a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinementMerge.C b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinementMerge.C
index dc16bd760f8f7b1985f380517979c69b54642034..6cc8d7c7bb5f7122f037386f0d1256ecab65c460 100644
--- a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinementMerge.C
+++ b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinementMerge.C
@@ -277,7 +277,11 @@ Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::mergePatchFacesUndo
-    // Get all sets of faces that can be merged
+    // Get all sets of faces that can be merged. Since only faces on the same
+    // patch get merged there is no risk of e.g. patchID faces getting merged
+    // with original patches (or even processor patches). There is a risk
+    // though of original patchfaces getting merged if they make a small
+    // angle. Would be pretty weird starting mesh though.
     labelListList allFaceSets
@@ -352,27 +356,20 @@ Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::mergePatchFacesUndo
         // Get the kept faces that need to be recalculated.
         // Merging two boundary faces might shift the cell centre
         // (unless the faces are absolutely planar)
-        labelHashSet retestFaces(6*allFaceSets.size());
+        labelHashSet retestFaces(2*allFaceSets.size());
         forAll(allFaceSets, setI)
             label oldMasterI = allFaceSets[setI][0];
-            label faceI = map().reverseFaceMap()[oldMasterI];
-            // faceI is always uncoupled boundary face
-            const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
-            forAll(cFaces, i)
-            {
-                retestFaces.insert(cFaces[i]);
-            }
+            retestFaces.insert(map().reverseFaceMap()[oldMasterI]);
-        updateMesh(map, retestFaces.toc());
+        updateMesh(map, growFaceCellFace(retestFaces));
         if (debug)
             // Check sync
+            Pout<< "Checking sync after initial merging " << nFaceSets
+                << " faces." << endl;
             Pout<< "Writing initial merged-faces mesh to time "
@@ -555,26 +552,18 @@ Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::mergePatchFacesUndo
             // Get the kept faces that need to be recalculated.
             // Merging two boundary faces might shift the cell centre
             // (unless the faces are absolutely planar)
-            labelHashSet retestFaces(6*restoredFaces.size());
+            labelHashSet retestFaces(2*restoredFaces.size());
-            forAll(restoredFaces, setI)
+            forAllConstIter(Map<label>, restoredFaces, iter)
-                label faceI = restoredFaces[setI];
-                // faceI is always uncoupled boundary face
-                const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
-                forAll(cFaces, i)
-                {
-                    retestFaces.insert(cFaces[i]);
-                }
+                retestFaces.insert(iter.key());
             // Experimental:restore all points/face/cells in maps
-                retestFaces.toc(),
+                growFaceCellFace(retestFaces),
@@ -583,6 +572,8 @@ Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::mergePatchFacesUndo
             if (debug)
                 // Check sync
+                Pout<< "Checking sync after restoring " << retestFaces.size()
+                    << " faces." << endl;
                 Pout<< "Writing merged-faces mesh to time "
@@ -635,7 +626,26 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::meshRefinement::doRemovePoints
-    updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+    // Retest all affected faces and all the cells using them
+    labelHashSet retestFaces(pointRemover.savedFaceLabels().size());
+    forAll(pointRemover.savedFaceLabels(), i)
+    {
+        label faceI = pointRemover.savedFaceLabels()[i];
+        if (faceI >= 0)
+        {
+            retestFaces.insert(faceI);
+        }
+    }
+    updateMesh(map, growFaceCellFace(retestFaces));
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        // Check sync
+        Pout<< "Checking sync after removing points." << endl;
+        checkData();
+    }
     return map;
@@ -689,7 +699,25 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::meshRefinement::doRestorePoints
-    updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+    labelHashSet retestFaces(2*facesToRestore.size());
+    forAll(facesToRestore, i)
+    {
+        label faceI = map().reverseFaceMap()[facesToRestore[i]];
+        if (faceI >= 0)
+        {
+            retestFaces.insert(faceI);
+        }
+    }
+    updateMesh(map, growFaceCellFace(retestFaces));
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        // Check sync
+        Pout<< "Checking sync after restoring points on "
+            << facesToRestore.size() << " faces." << endl;
+        checkData();
+    }
     return map;
diff --git a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementFeatures/refinementFeatures.C b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementFeatures/refinementFeatures.C
index 840a2da729b0a174c55776c597146084d24562c5..dbe23ae859ea7369ba4374ca48d4a3efd137c1b6 100644
--- a/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementFeatures/refinementFeatures.C
+++ b/src/mesh/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementFeatures/refinementFeatures.C
@@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ Foam::refinementFeatures::refinementFeatures
         Info<< "Detected " << featurePoints.size()
-            << " featurePoints out of " << points.size() << endl;
+            << " featurePoints out of " << points.size()
+            << " on feature " << eMesh.name() << endl;
@@ -164,26 +165,30 @@ void Foam::refinementFeatures::findNearestEdge
     forAll(edgeTrees_, featI)
         const indexedOctree<treeDataEdge>& tree = edgeTrees_[featI];
-        forAll(samples, sampleI)
-        {
-            const point& sample = samples[sampleI];
-            scalar distSqr;
-            if (nearInfo[sampleI].hit())
-            {
-                distSqr = magSqr(nearInfo[sampleI].hitPoint()-sample);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                distSqr = nearestDistSqr[sampleI];
-            }
-            pointIndexHit info = tree.findNearest(sample, distSqr);
-            if (info.hit())
+        if (tree.shapes().size() > 0)
+        {
+            forAll(samples, sampleI)
-                nearInfo[sampleI] = info;
-                nearFeature[sampleI] = featI;
+                const point& sample = samples[sampleI];
+                scalar distSqr;
+                if (nearInfo[sampleI].hit())
+                {
+                    distSqr = magSqr(nearInfo[sampleI].hitPoint()-sample);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    distSqr = nearestDistSqr[sampleI];
+                }
+                pointIndexHit info = tree.findNearest(sample, distSqr);
+                if (info.hit())
+                {
+                    nearInfo[sampleI] = info;
+                    nearFeature[sampleI] = featI;
+                }
@@ -206,33 +211,37 @@ void Foam::refinementFeatures::findNearestPoint
     forAll(pointTrees_, featI)
         const indexedOctree<treeDataPoint>& tree = pointTrees_[featI];
-        forAll(samples, sampleI)
-        {
-            const point& sample = samples[sampleI];
-            scalar distSqr;
-            if (nearFeature[sampleI] != -1)
-            {
-                label nearFeatI = nearFeature[sampleI];
-                const indexedOctree<treeDataPoint>& nearTree =
-                    pointTrees_[nearFeatI];
-                label featPointI =
-                    nearTree.shapes().pointLabels()[nearIndex[sampleI]];
-                const point& featPt =
-                    operator[](nearFeatI).points()[featPointI];
-                distSqr = magSqr(featPt-sample);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                distSqr = nearestDistSqr[sampleI];
-            }
-            pointIndexHit info = tree.findNearest(sample, distSqr);
-            if (info.hit())
+        if (tree.shapes().pointLabels().size() > 0)
+        {
+            forAll(samples, sampleI)
-                nearFeature[sampleI] = featI;
-                nearIndex[sampleI] = info.index();
+                const point& sample = samples[sampleI];
+                scalar distSqr;
+                if (nearFeature[sampleI] != -1)
+                {
+                    label nearFeatI = nearFeature[sampleI];
+                    const indexedOctree<treeDataPoint>& nearTree =
+                        pointTrees_[nearFeatI];
+                    label featPointI =
+                        nearTree.shapes().pointLabels()[nearIndex[sampleI]];
+                    const point& featPt =
+                        operator[](nearFeatI).points()[featPointI];
+                    distSqr = magSqr(featPt-sample);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    distSqr = nearestDistSqr[sampleI];
+                }
+                pointIndexHit info = tree.findNearest(sample, distSqr);
+                if (info.hit())
+                {
+                    nearFeature[sampleI] = featI;
+                    nearIndex[sampleI] = info.index();
+                }
diff --git a/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.C b/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.C
index 1685b3b4e98ad52094672ca1640e272d0bef3b04..8245c9438dca95c55739f1fb958286a9d8b70073 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.C
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::treeDataPoint, 0);
 Foam::treeDataPoint::treeDataPoint(const pointField& points)
-    points_(points)
+    points_(points),
+    useSubset_(false)
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@ Foam::treeDataPoint::treeDataPoint
-    pointLabels_(pointLabels)
+    pointLabels_(pointLabels),
+    useSubset_(true)
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ Foam::treeDataPoint::treeDataPoint
 Foam::pointField Foam::treeDataPoint::shapePoints() const
-    if (pointLabels_.size())
+    if (useSubset_)
         return pointField(points_, pointLabels_);
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ bool Foam::treeDataPoint::overlaps
     const treeBoundBox& cubeBb
 ) const
-    label pointI = (pointLabels_.size() ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
+    label pointI = (useSubset_ ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
     return cubeBb.contains(points_[pointI]);
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ void Foam::treeDataPoint::findNearest
     forAll(indices, i)
         const label index = indices[i];
-        label pointI = (pointLabels_.size() ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
+        label pointI = (useSubset_ ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
         const point& pt = points_[pointI];
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ void Foam::treeDataPoint::findNearest
     forAll(indices, i)
         const label index = indices[i];
-        label pointI = (pointLabels_.size() ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
+        label pointI = (useSubset_ ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
         const point& shapePt = points_[pointI];
diff --git a/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.H b/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.H
index 336479d69b1ce0f7067434d5bd91b3769526f15a..eafb94e6408d4874981cc45582f5be1337af24e3 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/indexedOctree/treeDataPoint.H
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ class treeDataPoint
         //- Subset of points to work on (or empty)
         const labelList pointLabels_;
+        const bool useSubset_;
     // Declare name of the class and its debug switch
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ public:
-                    pointLabels_.size()
+                    useSubset_
                   ? pointLabels_.size()
                   : points_.size()
diff --git a/src/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.C b/src/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.C
index 7efb29d40ca2f29542e59130777f8e785c1c8a49..17ff685d49e2cfd6b32342b79e128f0d97f65aed 100644
--- a/src/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.C
+++ b/src/parallel/decompose/scotchDecomp/scotchDecomp.C
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ License
     The current default mapping strategy in Scotch can be seen by using the
     "-vs" option of program gmap. It is, to date:
-    b
+    r
@@ -76,11 +76,17 @@ License
-                    bnd=d{pass=40,dif=1,rem=1}f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.005},
-                    org=f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.005},
+                    bnd=
+                    (
+                        d{pass=40,dif=1,rem=1}
+                     |
+                    )
+                    f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
+                    org=f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
-                low=h{pass=10}f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.0005},
+                low=h{pass=10}
+                f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
@@ -89,11 +95,17 @@ License
-                    bnd=d{pass=40,dif=1,rem=1}f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.005},
-                    org=f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.005},
+                    bnd=
+                    (
+                        d{pass=40,dif=1,rem=1}
+                      |
+                    )
+                    f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
+                    org=f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
-                low=h{pass=10}f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.0005},
+                low=h{pass=10}
+                f{move=80,pass=-1,bal=0.002491},
@@ -102,6 +114,9 @@ License
+    Note: instead of gmap run gpart <nProcs> -vs <grfFile>
+    where <grfFile> can be obtained by running with 'writeGraph=true'
 #include "scotchDecomp.H"
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/Make/files b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/Make/files
index 03a93b6bf162a19feadef94fd6f4666b12860a1a..c86cc727f689b657f05d9f02987279385353246e 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/Make/files
+++ b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/Make/files
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
 LIB = $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libjobControl
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/controlDict b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/controlDict
deleted file mode 100644
index dcecfd0285325fc8f1ed7562a0099fb2e6e99bda..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/controlDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      controlDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-application     icoFoam;
-startFrom       startTime;
-startTime       0;
-stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         0.5;
-deltaT          0.005;
-writeControl    timeStep;
-writeInterval   20;
-purgeWrite      0;
-writeFormat     ascii;
-writePrecision  6;
-writeCompression off;
-timeFormat      general;
-timePrecision   6;
-runTimeModifiable true;
-    convergenceChecks
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p       5e-4;
-            U       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.C b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.C
deleted file mode 100644
index b8205f86243407fb781910ab844e5e8d48d219aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "residualControl.H"
-#include "fvMesh.H"
-#include "Time.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::residualControl, 0);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
-bool Foam::residualControl::checkCriteria(const bool verbose) const
-    bool achieved = true;
-    const fvMesh& mesh = static_cast<const fvMesh&>(obr_);
-    const dictionary& solverDict = mesh.solverPerformanceDict();
-    forAllConstIter(dictionary, solverDict, iter)
-    {
-        const word& variableName = iter().keyword();
-        scalar maxResidual;
-        if (maxResiduals_.readIfPresent(variableName, maxResidual))
-        {
-            // use the residual from the first solution
-            const scalar eqnResidual =
-                List<lduMatrix::solverPerformance>
-                (
-                    iter().stream()
-                ).first().initialResidual();
-            achieved = achieved && (eqnResidual < maxResidual);
-            if (verbose)
-            {
-                Info<< "    " << variableName
-                    << ": requested max residual = " << maxResidual
-                    << ", eqn residual = " << eqnResidual << nl;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return achieved;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    const word& name,
-    const objectRegistry& obr,
-    const dictionary& dict,
-    const bool
-    name_(name),
-    obr_(obr),
-    active_(true),
-    maxResiduals_(),
-    criteriaSatisfied_(false)
-    // Only active if a fvMesh is available
-    if (isA<fvMesh>(obr_))
-    {
-        read(dict);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        active_ = false;
-        WarningIn
-        (
-            "residualControl::residualControl"
-            "("
-                "const word&, "
-                "const objectRegistry&, "
-                "const dictionary&, "
-                "const bool"
-            ")"
-        )   << "No fvMesh available, deactivating."
-            << nl << endl;
-    }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void Foam::residualControl::read(const dictionary& dict)
-    if (active_)
-    {
-        maxResiduals_ = dict.subDict("maxResiduals");
-    }
-void Foam::residualControl::execute()
-    if (active_)
-    {
-        criteriaSatisfied_ = checkCriteria(false);
-        if (criteriaSatisfied_)
-        {
-            Info<< "Convergence criteria satisfied - finalising run" << nl
-                << endl;
-            checkCriteria(true);
-            Info<< endl;
-            const fvMesh& mesh = static_cast<const fvMesh&>(obr_);
-            Time& time = const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time());
-            time.writeAndEnd();
-        }
-    }
-void Foam::residualControl::end()
-    if (active_)
-    {
-        if (criteriaSatisfied_)
-        {
-            Info<< "Residual control criteria satisfied" << nl;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            Info<< "Residual control criteria not satisfied" << nl;
-        }
-    }
-void Foam::residualControl::write()
-    // do nothing
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.H b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 691fb089280ed90ab69a9a7f6ce6f2f5119812e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/jobControl/residualControl/residualControl.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::residualControl
-    Function object that allows users to set target convergence criteria, and
-    stop the run if the conditions are satisfied.
-    residualControl.C
-    IOresidualControl.H
-#ifndef residualControl_H
-#define residualControl_H
-#include "dictionary.H"
-#include "pointFieldFwd.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-// Forward declaration of classes
-class objectRegistry;
-class dictionary;
-class mapPolyMesh;
-                       Class residualControl Declaration
-class residualControl
-    // Private data
-        //- Name of this object
-        word name_;
-        //- Reference to object registry
-        const objectRegistry& obr_;
-        //- On/off switch - on if obr_ is an fvMesh object
-        bool active_;
-        //- Dictionary of variable names vs max residual
-        dictionary maxResiduals_;
-        //- Flag to indicate whether convergence criteria have been met
-        bool criteriaSatisfied_;
-    // Protected Member Functions
-        //- Perform residual control checks
-        bool checkCriteria(const bool verbose) const;
-        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-        residualControl(const residualControl&);
-        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-        void operator=(const residualControl&);
-    //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("residualControl");
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct for given objectRegistry and dictionary.
-        //  Allow the possibility to load fields from files
-        residualControl
-        (
-            const word& name,
-            const objectRegistry& obr,
-            const dictionary& dict,
-            const bool loadFromFilesUnused = false
-        );
-    //- Destructor
-    virtual ~residualControl();
-    // Member Functions
-        //- Return name of the residual criteria check name
-        virtual const word& name() const
-        {
-            return name_;
-        }
-        //- Read the system calls
-        virtual void read(const dictionary&);
-        //- Check the residual criteria at each time-step
-        virtual void execute();
-        //- Report residual criteria check at the final time-loop
-        virtual void end();
-        //- Write, not used
-        virtual void write();
-        //- Update for changes of mesh
-        virtual void updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh&)
-        {}
-        //- Update for changes of mesh
-        virtual void movePoints(const pointField&)
-        {}
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace Foam
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.C b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.C
index 5dcdf627c73b93b25350c4dbc0c24b6a6f8180bc..ef173a11740012d1731833f0b717f29860565c80 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.C
+++ b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.C
@@ -54,60 +54,65 @@ void* Foam::codedFunctionObject::loadLibrary
     const fileName& libPath,
     const string& globalFuncName,
     const dictionary& contextDict
+) const
     void* lib = 0;
     // avoid compilation by loading an existing library
-    if (!libPath.empty() && dlLibraryTable::open(libPath, false))
+    if (!libPath.empty())
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+        dlLibraryTable& libs = const_cast<Time&>(time_).libs();
-        // verify the loaded version and unload if needed
-        if (lib)
+        if (libs.open(libPath, false))
-            // provision for manual execution of code after loading
-            if (dlSymFound(lib, globalFuncName))
-            {
-                loaderFunctionType function =
-                    reinterpret_cast<loaderFunctionType>
-                    (
-                        dlSym(lib, globalFuncName)
-                    );
+            lib = libs.findLibrary(libPath);
-                if (function)
+            // verify the loaded version and unload if needed
+            if (lib)
+            {
+                // provision for manual execution of code after loading
+                if (dlSymFound(lib, globalFuncName))
-                    (*function)(true);    // force load
+                    loaderFunctionType function =
+                        reinterpret_cast<loaderFunctionType>
+                        (
+                            dlSym(lib, globalFuncName)
+                        );
+                    if (function)
+                    {
+                        (*function)(true);    // force load
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        FatalIOErrorIn
+                        (
+                            "codedFunctionObject::updateLibrary()",
+                            contextDict
+                        )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName
+                            << nl << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    }
-                        "codedFunctionObject::updateLibrary()",
+                        "codedFunctionObject::loadLibrary()",
                     )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName << nl
                         << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                FatalIOErrorIn
-                (
-                    "codedFunctionObject::loadLibrary()",
-                    contextDict
-                )   << "Failed looking up symbol " << globalFuncName << nl
-                    << "from " << libPath << exit(FatalIOError);
-                lib = 0;
-                if (!dlLibraryTable::close(libPath, false))
-                {
-                    FatalIOErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "codedFunctionObject::loadLibrary()",
-                        contextDict
-                    )   << "Failed unloading library "
-                        << libPath
-                        << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    lib = 0;
+                    if (!libs.close(libPath, false))
+                    {
+                        FatalIOErrorIn
+                        (
+                            "codedFunctionObject::loadLibrary()",
+                            contextDict
+                        )   << "Failed unloading library "
+                            << libPath
+                            << exit(FatalIOError);
+                    }
@@ -122,15 +127,19 @@ void Foam::codedFunctionObject::unloadLibrary
     const fileName& libPath,
     const string& globalFuncName,
     const dictionary& contextDict
+) const
     void* lib = 0;
-    if (!libPath.empty())
+    if (libPath.empty())
-        lib = dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath);
+        return;
+    dlLibraryTable& libs = const_cast<Time&>(time_).libs();
+    lib = libs.findLibrary(libPath);
     if (!lib)
@@ -160,7 +169,7 @@ void Foam::codedFunctionObject::unloadLibrary
-    if (!dlLibraryTable::close(libPath, false))
+    if (!libs.close(libPath, false))
@@ -274,7 +283,7 @@ void Foam::codedFunctionObject::updateLibrary() const
     // the correct library was already loaded => we are done
-    if (dlLibraryTable::findLibrary(libPath))
+    if (const_cast<Time&>(time_).libs().findLibrary(libPath))
diff --git a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.H b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.H
index 0827dcd5751260a9cdd9e8c54b3c3bf4695d6ae1..052d8762a1d65d3cc68b706049f9dc2dcee0fb8c 100644
--- a/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.H
+++ b/src/postProcessing/functionObjects/utilities/codedFunctionObject/codedFunctionObject.H
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ protected:
         typedef void (*loaderFunctionType)(bool);
         //- Load specified library and execute globalFuncName(true)
-        static void* loadLibrary
+        void* loadLibrary
             const fileName& libPath,
             const string& globalFuncName,
             const dictionary& contextDict
-        );
+        ) const;
         //- Execute globalFuncName(false) and unload specified library
-        static void unloadLibrary
+        void unloadLibrary
             const fileName& libPath,
             const string& globalFuncName,
             const dictionary& contextDict
-        );
+        ) const;
         //- Create library based on the dynamicCodeContext
diff --git a/src/regionModels/Allwmake b/src/regionModels/Allwmake
index 7713ded586a3b86c9dac8648bf41cb7de13d79fb..b8b7bce119300adb0b47eaf866e19bc4396a7305 100755
--- a/src/regionModels/Allwmake
+++ b/src/regionModels/Allwmake
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 set -x
-wmake libso regionModel
-#wmake libso pyrolysisModels
-wmake libso surfaceFilmModels
-#wmake libso regionCoupling
+wmake $makeType regionModel
+#wmake $makeType pyrolysisModels
+wmake $makeType surfaceFilmModels
+#wmake $makeType regionCoupling
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.C b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.C
index 8997340266d4f3c425bfb9df4832fcde0ad95f74..033db12366227d82cae3345a872315ad87e19baa 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.C
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ void Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::initialise()
             nLayers_ = nCells;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.H b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.H
index 35a6b75dfc8b70673e93b82c178fdb7d8dd8abd3..55812aab2d7e8e51fdf7129796aecde4e8dc4eb2 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1D.H
@@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ public:
                 //- Return the global boundary face IDs oppossite coupled patch
                 inline const labelList& boundaryFaceOppositeFace() const;
-                //- Return the number of layers in the region
-                inline label nLayers() const;
             // Geometry
                 //- Return the face area magnitudes / [m2]
                 inline const surfaceScalarField& nMagSf() const;
+                //- Return the number of layers in the region
+                inline label nLayers() const;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1DI.H b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1DI.H
index 7ab5cf08a5fcf6b64d3c0abbf9380267f6a05086..a115fdf4561637847a51ac0fc756a51b93eae387 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1DI.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/regionModel/regionModel1D/regionModel1DI.H
@@ -49,12 +49,6 @@ Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::boundaryFaceOppositeFace() const
-inline Foam::label Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::nLayers() const
-    return nLayers_;
 inline const Foam::surfaceScalarField&
 Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::nMagSf() const
@@ -71,4 +65,10 @@ Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::nMagSf() const
+inline Foam::label Foam::regionModels::regionModel1D::nLayers() const
+    return nLayers_;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/regionModel/singleLayerRegion/singleLayerRegion.C b/src/regionModels/regionModel/singleLayerRegion/singleLayerRegion.C
index adb3bf8a88dc7f4d0a60f33841c1fce424b0d981..91dbaba9ebd4e4037cad2731763c901ca77d3661 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/regionModel/singleLayerRegion/singleLayerRegion.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/regionModel/singleLayerRegion/singleLayerRegion.C
@@ -111,14 +111,12 @@ void Foam::regionModels::singleLayerRegion::initialise()
     if (nBoundaryFaces != regionMesh().nCells())
-        /*
             << "Number of primary region coupled boundary faces not equal to "
             << "the number of cells in the local region" << nl << nl
             << "Number of cells = " << regionMesh().nCells() << nl
             << "Boundary faces  = " << nBoundaryFaces << nl
             << abort(FatalError);
-        */
     scalarField passiveMagSf(magSf.size(), 0.0);
@@ -178,12 +176,11 @@ Foam::regionModels::singleLayerRegion::singleLayerRegion
     bool readFields
-    regionModel(mesh, regionType, modelName, readFields),
+    regionModel(mesh, regionType, modelName, false),
-    Info << "singleLayerRegion" << endl;
     if (active_)
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/Make/files b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/Make/files
index e13af06b6eb0707c332a40a1ed6193b09101bb9a..a0e33184d6825d646d82263fa32d478500d183c9 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/Make/files
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/Make/files
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ submodels/subModelBase.C
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/filmHeightInletVelocity/filmHeightInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/filmHeightInletVelocity/filmHeightInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C
index 3ac7e917923c5bf47cec0a2e02ea0428f9752418..df4922f7acde4704ca21d22cc10c4829074e775e 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/filmHeightInletVelocity/filmHeightInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/filmHeightInletVelocity/filmHeightInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField.C
@@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ void Foam::filmHeightInletVelocityFvPatchVectorField::updateCoeffs()
     const fvPatchField<scalar>& deltafp =
         patch().lookupPatchField<volScalarField, scalar>(deltafName_);
-    const vectorField& n = patch().nf();
+    vectorField n(patch().nf());
     const scalarField& magSf = patch().magSf();
-    operator==(deltafp*n*phip/(rhop*magSf*sqr(deltafp) + ROOTVSMALL));
+    operator==(n*phip/(rhop*magSf*deltafp + ROOTVSMALL));
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/alphatFilmWallFunction/alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/alphatFilmWallFunction/alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
index 68fd285da8b7de28ef42f7a61feb1400420ef6ce..2dbbe9b4fb8d2115a76556ce953a3832431ee75c 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/alphatFilmWallFunction/alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/alphatFilmWallFunction/alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ void alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs()
     const mapDistribute& distMap = filmModel.mappedPatches()[filmPatchI].map();
-    scalarField mDotFilm =
-        filmModel.massPhaseChangeForPrimary().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
-    distMap.distribute(mDotFilm);
+    tmp<volScalarField> mDotFilm(filmModel.primaryMassTrans());
+    scalarField mDotFilmp = mDotFilm().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+    distMap.distribute(mDotFilmp);
     // Retrieve RAS turbulence model
     const RASModel& rasModel = db().lookupObject<RASModel>("RASProperties");
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ void alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs()
         scalar Pr = muw[faceI]/alphaw[faceI];
         scalar factor = 0.0;
-        scalar mStar = mDotFilm[faceI]/(y[faceI]*uTau);
+        scalar mStar = mDotFilmp[faceI]/(y[faceI]*uTau);
         if (yPlus > yPlusCrit_)
             scalar expTerm = exp(min(50.0, yPlusCrit_*mStar*Pr));
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ void alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::updateCoeffs()
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 void alphatFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::write(Ostream& os) const
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/mutkFilmWallFunction/mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/mutkFilmWallFunction/mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
index 61bd0ddfb73cc763e890bb42e1f1dd08f7253f01..12c4426e9406c2b3efde908b95a530477442c876 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/mutkFilmWallFunction/mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/derivedFvPatchFields/wallFunctions/mutkFilmWallFunction/mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField.C
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ tmp<scalarField> mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::calcUTau
     const mapDistribute& distMap = filmModel.mappedPatches()[filmPatchI].map();
-    scalarField mDotFilm =
-        filmModel.massPhaseChangeForPrimary().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
-    distMap.distribute(mDotFilm);
+    tmp<volScalarField> mDotFilm(filmModel.primaryMassTrans());
+    scalarField mDotFilmp = mDotFilm().boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+    distMap.distribute(mDotFilmp);
     // Retrieve RAS turbulence model
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ tmp<scalarField> mutkFilmWallFunctionFvPatchScalarField::calcUTau
         scalar yPlus = y[faceI]*ut/(muw[faceI]/rhow[faceI]);
-        scalar mStar = mDotFilm[faceI]/(y[faceI]*ut);
+        scalar mStar = mDotFilmp[faceI]/(y[faceI]*ut);
         scalar factor = 0.0;
         if (yPlus > yPlusCrit_)
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.C
index c072c457896b0a2246b8e2af5edbff716cd8f13f..81bc701c4ed71daec07cb3618cced34cb9d649a6 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.C
@@ -1,1140 +1,1131 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include "kinematicSingleLayer.H"
-#include "fvm.H"
-#include "fvcDiv.H"
-#include "fvcLaplacian.H"
-#include "fvcSnGrad.H"
-#include "fvcReconstruct.H"
-#include "fvcVolumeIntegrate.H"
-#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
-#include "directMappedWallPolyPatch.H"
-#include "mapDistribute.H"
-// Sub-models
-#include "injectionModel.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-namespace regionModels
-namespace surfaceFilmModels
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(kinematicSingleLayer, 0);
-addToRunTimeSelectionTable(surfaceFilmModel, kinematicSingleLayer, mesh);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
-bool kinematicSingleLayer::read()
-    if (surfaceFilmModel::read())
-    {
-        const dictionary& solution = this->solution().subDict("PISO");
-        solution.lookup("momentumPredictor") >> momentumPredictor_;
-        solution.lookup("nOuterCorr") >> nOuterCorr_;
-        solution.lookup("nCorr") >> nCorr_;
-        solution.lookup("nNonOrthCorr") >> nNonOrthCorr_;
-        coeffs_.lookup("Cf") >> Cf_;
-        coeffs_.lookup("deltaStable") >> deltaStable_;
-        return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-void kinematicSingleLayer::correctThermoFields()
-    if (thermoModel_ == tmConstant)
-    {
-        rho_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("rho0"));
-        mu_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("mu0"));
-        sigma_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("sigma0"));
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "void Foam::surfaceFilmModels::kinematicSingleLayer::"
-            "correctThermo()"
-        )   << "Kinematic surface film must use "
-            << thermoModelTypeNames_[thermoModel_] << "thermodynamics" << endl;
-    }
-void kinematicSingleLayer::resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms()
-    rhoSpPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", rhoSp_.dimensions(), 0.0);
-    USpPrimary_ == dimensionedVector("zero", USp_.dimensions(), vector::zero);
-    pSpPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", pSp_.dimensions(), 0.0);
-void kinematicSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()
-    // Update fields from primary region via direct mapped
-    // (coupled) boundary conditions
-    UPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    pPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    rhoPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    muPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-void kinematicSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()
-    // Retrieve the source fields from the primary region via direct mapped
-    // (coupled) boundary conditions
-    // - fields require transfer of values for both patch AND to push the
-    //   values into the first layer of internal cells
-    rhoSp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    USp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    pSp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    // Convert accummulated source terms into per unit area per unit time
-    // Note: boundary values will still have original (neat) values
-    const scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
-    rhoSp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
-    USp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
-    pSp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
-    // reset transfer to primary fields
-    massForPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0);
-    diametersForPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimLength, -1.0);
-tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::pu()
-    return tmp<volScalarField>
-    (
-        new volScalarField
-        (
-            IOobject
-            (
-                "pu",
-                time_.timeName(),
-                regionMesh(),
-                IOobject::NO_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE
-            ),
-            pPrimary_                  // pressure (mapped from primary region)
-          + pSp_                           // accumulated particle impingement
-          - fvc::laplacian(sigma_, delta_) // surface tension
-        )
-    );
-tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::pp()
-    return tmp<volScalarField>
-    (
-        new volScalarField
-        (
-            IOobject
-            (
-                "pp",
-                time_.timeName(),
-                regionMesh(),
-                IOobject::NO_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE
-            ),
-           -rho_*gNormClipped() // hydrostatic effect only
-        )
-    );
-void kinematicSingleLayer::correctDetachedFilm()
-    tmp<volScalarField> tgNorm(this->gNorm());
-    const scalarField& gNorm = tgNorm();
-    const scalarField& magSf = this->magSf();
-    forAll(gNorm, i)
-    {
-        if (gNorm[i] > SMALL)
-        {
-            const scalar ddelta = max(0.0, delta_[i] - deltaStable_.value());
-            massForPrimary_[i] =
-                max
-                (
-                    0.0,
-                    ddelta*rho_[i]*magSf[i] - massPhaseChangeForPrimary_[i]
-                );
-        }
-    }
-void kinematicSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()
-    correctDetachedFilm();
-    // Update injection model - mass returned is actual mass injected
-    injection_->correct(massForPrimary_, diametersForPrimary_);
-    // Update cumulative detached mass counter
-    injectedMassTotal_ += sum(massForPrimary_.field());
-    // Push values to boundaries ready for transfer to the primary region
-    massForPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    diametersForPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    // Update source fields
-    const dimensionedScalar deltaT = time().deltaT();
-    rhoSp_ -= (massForPrimary_ + massPhaseChangeForPrimary_)/magSf()/deltaT;
-void kinematicSingleLayer::continuityCheck()
-    const volScalarField deltaRho0 = deltaRho_;
-    solveContinuity();
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        const volScalarField mass(deltaRho_*magSf());
-        const dimensionedScalar totalMass =
-            fvc::domainIntegrate(mass)
-          + dimensionedScalar("SMALL", dimMass*dimVolume, ROOTVSMALL);
-        const scalar sumLocalContErr =
-            (
-                fvc::domainIntegrate(mag(mass - magSf()*deltaRho0))/totalMass
-            ).value();
-        const scalar globalContErr =
-            (
-                fvc::domainIntegrate(mass - magSf()*deltaRho0)/totalMass
-            ).value();
-        cumulativeContErr_ += globalContErr;
-        Info<< "Surface film: " << type() << nl
-            << "    time step continuity errors: sum local = "
-            << sumLocalContErr << ", global = " << globalContErr
-            << ", cumulative = " << cumulativeContErr_ << endl;
-    }
-void kinematicSingleLayer::solveContinuity()
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveContinuity()" << endl;
-    }
-    solve
-    (
-        fvm::ddt(deltaRho_)
-      + fvc::div(phi_)
-     ==
-        rhoSp_
-    );
-void kinematicSingleLayer::updateSurfaceVelocities()
-    // Push boundary film velocity values into internal field
-    for (label i=0; i<intCoupledPatchIDs_.size(); i++)
-    {
-        label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
-        const polyPatch& pp = regionMesh().boundaryMesh()[patchI];
-        UIndirectList<vector>(Uw_, pp.faceCells()) =
-            U_.boundaryField()[patchI];
-    }
-    Uw_ -= nHat()*(Uw_ & nHat());
-    Uw_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    // TODO: apply quadratic profile to determine surface velocity
-    Us_ = U_;
-    Us_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-tmp<fvVectorMatrix> kinematicSingleLayer::tau(volVectorField& U) const
-    // Calculate shear stress
-    volScalarField Cs("Cs", rho_*Cf_*mag(Us_ - U));
-    volScalarField Cw
-    (
-        "Cw",
-        mu_/(0.3333*(delta_ + dimensionedScalar("SMALL", dimLength, SMALL)))
-    );
-    Cw.min(1.0e+06);
-    return
-    (
-       - fvm::Sp(Cs, U) + Cs*Us_
-       - fvm::Sp(Cw, U) + Cw*Uw_
-    );
-tmp<Foam::fvVectorMatrix> kinematicSingleLayer::solveMomentum
-    const volScalarField& pu,
-    const volScalarField& pp
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveMomentum()" << endl;
-    }
-    updateSurfaceVelocities();
-    // Momentum
-    tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn
-    (
-        fvm::ddt(deltaRho_, U_)
-      + fvm::div(phi_, U_)
-     ==
-        USp_
-      + tau(U_)
-      + fvc::grad(sigma_)
-      - fvm::Sp
-        (
-            (massForPrimary_ + massPhaseChangeForPrimary_)
-           /magSf()/time().deltaT(),
-            U_
-        )
-    );
-    fvVectorMatrix& UEqn = tUEqn();
-    UEqn.relax();
-    if (momentumPredictor_)
-    {
-        solve
-        (
-            UEqn
-         ==
-            fvc::reconstruct
-            (
-              - fvc::interpolate(delta_)
-              * (
-                    regionMesh().magSf()
-                  * (
-                        fvc::snGrad(pu, "snGrad(p)")
-                      + fvc::snGrad(pp, "snGrad(p)")*fvc::interpolate(delta_)
-                      + fvc::snGrad(delta_)*fvc::interpolate(pp)
-                    )
-                  - (fvc::interpolate(rho_*gTan()) & regionMesh().Sf())
-                )
-            )
-        );
-        // Remove any patch-normal components of velocity
-        U_ -= nHat()*(nHat() & U_);
-        U_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    }
-    return tUEqn;
-void kinematicSingleLayer::solveThickness
-    const volScalarField& pu,
-    const volScalarField& pp,
-    const fvVectorMatrix& UEqn
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveThickness()" << endl;
-    }
-    volScalarField rUA(1.0/UEqn.A());
-    U_ = rUA*UEqn.H();
-    surfaceScalarField deltarUAf(fvc::interpolate(delta_*rUA));
-    surfaceScalarField rhof(fvc::interpolate(rho_));
-    surfaceScalarField phiAdd
-    (
-        "phiAdd",
-        regionMesh().magSf()
-      * (
-            fvc::snGrad(pu, "snGrad(p)")
-          + fvc::snGrad(pp, "snGrad(p)")*fvc::interpolate(delta_)
-        )
-      - (fvc::interpolate(rho_*gTan()) & regionMesh().Sf())
-    );
-    constrainFilmField(phiAdd, 0.0);
-    surfaceScalarField phid
-    (
-        "phid",
-        (fvc::interpolate(U_*rho_) & regionMesh().Sf())
-      - deltarUAf*phiAdd*rhof
-    );
-    constrainFilmField(phid, 0.0);
-    surfaceScalarField ddrhorUAppf
-    (
-        fvc::interpolate(delta_)*deltarUAf*rhof*fvc::interpolate(pp)
-    );
-//    constrainFilmField(ddrhorUAppf, 0.0);
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr_; nonOrth++)
-    {
-        // Film thickness equation
-        fvScalarMatrix deltaEqn
-        (
-            fvm::ddt(rho_, delta_)
-          + fvm::div(phid, delta_)
-          - fvm::laplacian(ddrhorUAppf, delta_)
-         ==
-            rhoSp_
-        );
-        deltaEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr_)
-        {
-            phiAdd +=
-                fvc::interpolate(pp)
-              * fvc::snGrad(delta_)
-              * regionMesh().magSf();
-            phi_ == deltaEqn.flux();
-        }
-    }
-    // Bound film thickness by a minimum of zero
-    delta_.max(0.0);
-    // Update U field
-    U_ -= fvc::reconstruct(deltarUAf*phiAdd);
-    // Remove any patch-normal components of velocity
-    U_ -= nHat()*(nHat() & U_);
-    U_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    // Continuity check
-    continuityCheck();
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    const word& modelType,
-    const fvMesh& mesh,
-    const dimensionedVector& g,
-    const bool readFields
-    surfaceFilmModel(modelType, mesh, g),
-    momentumPredictor_(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("momentumPredictor")),
-    nOuterCorr_(readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nOuterCorr"))),
-    nCorr_(readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nCorr"))),
-    nNonOrthCorr_
-    (
-        readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nNonOrthCorr"))
-    ),
-    cumulativeContErr_(0.0),
-    Cf_(readScalar(coeffs().lookup("Cf"))),
-    deltaStable_(coeffs().lookup("deltaStable")),
-    rho_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "rhof",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimDensity, 0.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    mu_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "muf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure*dimTime, 0.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    sigma_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "sigmaf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/sqr(dimTime), 0.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    delta_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "deltaf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh()
-    ),
-    U_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "Uf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh()
-    ),
-    Us_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "Usf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        U_,
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    Uw_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "Uwf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        U_,
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    deltaRho_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            delta_.name() + "*" + rho_.name(),
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", delta_.dimensions()*rho_.dimensions(), 0.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    phi_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "phi",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimLength*dimMass/dimTime
-    ),
-    massForPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "massForPrimary",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    diametersForPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "diametersForPrimary",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimLength, -1.0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    massPhaseChangeForPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "massPhaseChangeForPrimary",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    ),
-    USp_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "USpf",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedVector
-        (
-            "zero", dimMass*dimVelocity/dimArea/dimTime, vector::zero
-        ),
-        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<vector>()
-    ),
-    pSp_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "pSpf",
-            time_.timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure, 0.0),
-        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<scalar>()
-    ),
-    rhoSp_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "rhoSpf",
-            time_.timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimTime/dimArea, 0.0),
-        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<scalar>()
-    ),
-    USpPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            USp_.name(), // must have same name as USp_ to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        primaryMesh(),
-        dimensionedVector("zero", USp_.dimensions(), vector::zero)
-    ),
-    pSpPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            pSp_.name(), // must have same name as pSp_ to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        primaryMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", pSp_.dimensions(), 0.0)
-    ),
-    rhoSpPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            rhoSp_.name(), // must have same name as rhoSp_ to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        primaryMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", rhoSp_.dimensions(), 0.0)
-    ),
-    UPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "U", // must have same name as U to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedVector("zero", dimVelocity, vector::zero),
-        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<vector>()
-    ),
-    pPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "p", // must have same name as p to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure, 0.0),
-        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
-    ),
-    rhoPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "rho", // must have same name as rho to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimDensity, 0.0),
-        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
-    ),
-    muPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "mu", // must have same name as mu to enable mapping
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure*dimTime, 0.0),
-        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
-    ),
-    injection_(injectionModel::New(*this, coeffs_)),
-    addedMassTotal_(0.0),
-    injectedMassTotal_(0.0)
-    if (readFields)
-    {
-        transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
-        correctThermoFields();
-        deltaRho_ == delta_*rho_;
-        phi_ = fvc::interpolate(deltaRho_*U_) & regionMesh().Sf();
-    }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void kinematicSingleLayer::addSources
-    const label patchI,
-    const label faceI,
-    const scalar massSource,
-    const vector& momentumSource,
-    const scalar pressureSource,
-    const scalar energySource
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "\nSurface film: " << type() << ": adding to film source:" << nl
-            << "    mass     = " << massSource << nl
-            << "    momentum = " << momentumSource << nl
-            << "    pressure = " << pressureSource << endl;
-    }
-    rhoSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] += massSource;
-    USpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] += momentumSource;
-    pSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] += pressureSource;
-    addedMassTotal_ += massSource;
-void kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()
-    transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
-    correctThermoFields();
-    transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields();
-void kinematicSingleLayer::evolveRegion()
-    updateSubmodels();
-    // Solve continuity for deltaRho_
-    solveContinuity();
-    // Implicit pressure source coefficient
-    tmp<volScalarField> tpp(this->pp());
-    for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr_; oCorr++)
-    {
-        // Explicit pressure source contribution - varies with delta_
-        tmp<volScalarField> tpu(this->pu());
-        // Solve for momentum for U_
-        tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn = solveMomentum(tpu(), tpp());
-        // Film thickness correction loop
-        for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr_; corr++)
-        {
-            // Solve thickness for delta_
-            solveThickness(tpu(), tpp(), UEqn());
-        }
-    }
-    // Update deltaRho_ with new delta_
-    deltaRho_ == delta_*rho_;
-    // Update film wall and surface velocities
-    updateSurfaceVelocities();
-    // Reset source terms for next time integration
-    resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms();
-scalar kinematicSingleLayer::CourantNumber() const
-    scalar CoNum = 0.0;
-    if (regionMesh().nInternalFaces() > 0)
-    {
-        const scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
-        const surfaceScalarField SfUfbyDelta
-        (
-            regionMesh().surfaceInterpolation::deltaCoeffs()*mag(phi_)
-        );
-        const surfaceScalarField rhoDelta(fvc::interpolate(rho_*delta_));
-        const surfaceScalarField& magSf = regionMesh().magSf();
-        forAll(rhoDelta, i)
-        {
-            if (rhoDelta[i] > ROOTVSMALL)
-            {
-                CoNum = max(CoNum, SfUfbyDelta[i]/rhoDelta[i]/magSf[i]*deltaT);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    reduce(CoNum, maxOp<scalar>());
-    Info<< "Film max Courant number: " << CoNum << endl;
-    return CoNum;
-const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::U() const
-    return U_;
-const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::Us() const
-    return Us_;
-const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::Uw() const
-    return Uw_;
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::rho() const
-    return rho_;
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::T() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::T() const"
-    )   << "T field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Ts() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Ts() const"
-    )   << "Ts field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Tw() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Tw() const"
-    )   << "Tw field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Cp() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Cp() const"
-    )   << "Cp field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::kappa() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::kappa() const"
-    )   << "kappa field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::massForPrimary() const
-    return massForPrimary_;
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::diametersForPrimary() const
-    return diametersForPrimary_;
-const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::massPhaseChangeForPrimary() const
-    return massPhaseChangeForPrimary_;
-void kinematicSingleLayer::info() const
-    Info<< "\nSurface film: " << type() << endl;
-    Info<< indent << "added mass         = "
-        << returnReduce<scalar>(addedMassTotal_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
-        << indent << "current mass       = "
-        << gSum((deltaRho_*magSf())()) << nl
-        << indent << "injected mass      = "
-        << returnReduce<scalar>(injectedMassTotal_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
-        << indent << "min/max(mag(U))    = " << min(mag(U_)).value() << ", "
-        << max(mag(U_)).value() << nl
-        << indent << "min/max(delta)     = " << min(delta_).value() << ", "
-        << max(delta_).value() << nl;
-tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >  kinematicSingleLayer::Srho() const
-    tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > tSrho
-    (
-        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
-        (
-            IOobject
-            (
-                "kinematicSingleLayer::Srho",
-                time().timeName(),
-                primaryMesh(),
-                IOobject::NO_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
-                false
-            ),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
-        )
-    );
-    scalarField& Srho = tSrho();
-    const scalarField& V = primaryMesh().V();
-    const scalar dt = time_.deltaTValue();
-    forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs(), i)
-    {
-        const label filmPatchI = intCoupledPatchIDs()[i];
-        const mapDistribute& distMap = mappedPatches_[filmPatchI].map();
-        scalarField patchMass =
-            massPhaseChangeForPrimary_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
-        distMap.distribute(patchMass);
-        const label primaryPatchI = primaryPatchIDs()[i];
-        const unallocLabelList& cells =
-            primaryMesh().boundaryMesh()[primaryPatchI].faceCells();
-        forAll(patchMass, j)
-        {
-            Srho[cells[j]] = patchMass[j]/(V[cells[j]]*dt);
-        }
-    }
-    return tSrho;
-tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > kinematicSingleLayer::Srho
-    const label
-) const
-    return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
-    (
-        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
-        (
-            IOobject
-            (
-                "kinematicSingleLayer::Srho(i)",
-                time().timeName(),
-                primaryMesh(),
-                IOobject::NO_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
-                false
-            ),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
-        )
-    );
-tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > kinematicSingleLayer::Sh() const
-    return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
-    (
-        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
-        (
-            IOobject
-            (
-                "kinematicSingleLayer::Sh",
-                time().timeName(),
-                primaryMesh(),
-                IOobject::NO_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
-                false
-            ),
-            primaryMesh(),
-            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
-        )
-    );
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
-} // End namespace regionModels
-} // End namespace Foam
-// ************************************************************************* //
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "kinematicSingleLayer.H"
+#include "fvm.H"
+#include "fvcDiv.H"
+#include "fvcLaplacian.H"
+#include "fvcSnGrad.H"
+#include "fvcReconstruct.H"
+#include "fvcVolumeIntegrate.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
+#include "directMappedWallPolyPatch.H"
+#include "mapDistribute.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+namespace regionModels
+namespace surfaceFilmModels
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(kinematicSingleLayer, 0);
+addToRunTimeSelectionTable(surfaceFilmModel, kinematicSingleLayer, mesh);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+bool kinematicSingleLayer::read()
+    if (surfaceFilmModel::read())
+    {
+        const dictionary& solution = this->solution().subDict("PISO");
+        solution.lookup("momentumPredictor") >> momentumPredictor_;
+        solution.lookup("nOuterCorr") >> nOuterCorr_;
+        solution.lookup("nCorr") >> nCorr_;
+        solution.lookup("nNonOrthCorr") >> nNonOrthCorr_;
+        coeffs_.lookup("Cf") >> Cf_;
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+void kinematicSingleLayer::correctThermoFields()
+    if (thermoModel_ == tmConstant)
+    {
+        rho_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("rho0"));
+        mu_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("mu0"));
+        sigma_ == dimensionedScalar(coeffs_.lookup("sigma0"));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn
+        (
+            "void Foam::surfaceFilmModels::kinematicSingleLayer::"
+            "correctThermo()"
+        )   << "Kinematic surface film must use "
+            << thermoModelTypeNames_[thermoModel_] << "thermodynamics" << endl;
+    }
+void kinematicSingleLayer::resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms()" << endl;
+    }
+    rhoSpPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", rhoSp_.dimensions(), 0.0);
+    USpPrimary_ == dimensionedVector("zero", USp_.dimensions(), vector::zero);
+    pSpPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", pSp_.dimensions(), 0.0);
+void kinematicSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::"
+            << "transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()" << endl;
+    }
+    // Update fields from primary region via direct mapped
+    // (coupled) boundary conditions
+    UPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    pPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    rhoPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    muPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+void kinematicSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::"
+            << "transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()" << endl;
+    }
+    // Retrieve the source fields from the primary region via direct mapped
+    // (coupled) boundary conditions
+    // - fields require transfer of values for both patch AND to push the
+    //   values into the first layer of internal cells
+    rhoSp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    USp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    pSp_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    // Convert accummulated source terms into per unit area per unit time
+    // Note: boundary values will still have original (neat) values
+    const scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
+    rhoSp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
+    USp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
+    pSp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
+tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::pu()
+    return tmp<volScalarField>
+    (
+        new volScalarField
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "pu",
+                time_.timeName(),
+                regionMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE
+            ),
+            pPrimary_                  // pressure (mapped from primary region)
+          - pSp_                           // accumulated particle impingement
+          - fvc::laplacian(sigma_, delta_) // surface tension
+        )
+    );
+tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::pp()
+    return tmp<volScalarField>
+    (
+        new volScalarField
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "pp",
+                time_.timeName(),
+                regionMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE
+            ),
+           -rho_*gNormClipped() // hydrostatic effect only
+        )
+    );
+void kinematicSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()" << endl;
+    }
+    // Update injection model - mass returned is mass available for injection
+    injection_.correct(availableMass_, cloudMassTrans_, cloudDiameterTrans_);
+    // Update source fields
+    const dimensionedScalar deltaT = time().deltaT();
+    rhoSp_ += cloudMassTrans_/magSf()/deltaT;
+void kinematicSingleLayer::continuityCheck()
+    const volScalarField deltaRho0(deltaRho_);
+    solveContinuity();
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        const volScalarField mass(deltaRho_*magSf());
+        const dimensionedScalar totalMass =
+            fvc::domainIntegrate(mass)
+          + dimensionedScalar("SMALL", dimMass*dimVolume, ROOTVSMALL);
+        const scalar sumLocalContErr =
+            (
+                fvc::domainIntegrate(mag(mass - magSf()*deltaRho0))/totalMass
+            ).value();
+       const scalar globalContErr =
+            (
+                fvc::domainIntegrate(mass - magSf()*deltaRho0)/totalMass
+            ).value();
+        cumulativeContErr_ += globalContErr;
+        Info<< "Surface film: " << type() << nl
+            << "    time step continuity errors: sum local = "
+            << sumLocalContErr << ", global = " << globalContErr
+            << ", cumulative = " << cumulativeContErr_ << endl;
+    }
+void kinematicSingleLayer::solveContinuity()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveContinuity()" << endl;
+    }
+    solve
+    (
+        fvm::ddt(deltaRho_)
+      + fvc::div(phi_)
+     ==
+      - rhoSp_
+    );
+void kinematicSingleLayer::updateSurfaceVelocities()
+    // Push boundary film velocity values into internal field
+    for (label i=0; i<intCoupledPatchIDs_.size(); i++)
+    {
+        label patchI = intCoupledPatchIDs_[i];
+        const polyPatch& pp = regionMesh().boundaryMesh()[patchI];
+        UIndirectList<vector>(Uw_, pp.faceCells()) =
+            U_.boundaryField()[patchI];
+    }
+    Uw_ -= nHat()*(Uw_ & nHat());
+    Uw_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    // TODO: apply quadratic profile to determine surface velocity
+    Us_ = U_;
+    Us_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+tmp<fvVectorMatrix> kinematicSingleLayer::tau(volVectorField& U) const
+    // Calculate shear stress
+    volScalarField Cs("Cs", rho_*Cf_*mag(Us_ - U));
+    volScalarField Cw
+    (
+        "Cw",
+        mu_/(0.3333*(delta_ + dimensionedScalar("SMALL", dimLength, SMALL)))
+    );
+    Cw.min(1.0e+06);
+    return
+    (
+       - fvm::Sp(Cs, U) + Cs*Us_ // surface contribution
+       - fvm::Sp(Cw, U) + Cw*Uw_ // wall contribution
+    );
+tmp<Foam::fvVectorMatrix> kinematicSingleLayer::solveMomentum
+    const volScalarField& pu,
+    const volScalarField& pp
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveMomentum()" << endl;
+    }
+    updateSurfaceVelocities();
+    // Momentum
+    tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn
+    (
+        fvm::ddt(deltaRho_, U_)
+      + fvm::div(phi_, U_)
+     ==
+      - USp_
+      + tau(U_)
+      + fvc::grad(sigma_)
+      - fvm::SuSp(rhoSp_, U_)
+    );
+    fvVectorMatrix& UEqn = tUEqn();
+    UEqn.relax();
+    if (momentumPredictor_)
+    {
+        solve
+        (
+            UEqn
+         ==
+            fvc::reconstruct
+            (
+              - fvc::interpolate(delta_)
+              * (
+                    regionMesh().magSf()
+                  * (
+                        fvc::snGrad(pu, "snGrad(p)")
+                      + fvc::snGrad(pp, "snGrad(p)")*fvc::interpolate(delta_)
+                      + fvc::snGrad(delta_)*fvc::interpolate(pp)
+                    )
+                  - (fvc::interpolate(rho_*gTan()) & regionMesh().Sf())
+                )
+            )
+        );
+        // Remove any patch-normal components of velocity
+        U_ -= nHat()*(nHat() & U_);
+        U_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    }
+    return tUEqn;
+void kinematicSingleLayer::solveThickness
+    const volScalarField& pu,
+    const volScalarField& pp,
+    const fvVectorMatrix& UEqn
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::solveThickness()" << endl;
+    }
+    volScalarField rUA(1.0/UEqn.A());
+    U_ = rUA*UEqn.H();
+    surfaceScalarField deltarUAf(fvc::interpolate(delta_*rUA));
+    surfaceScalarField rhof(fvc::interpolate(rho_));
+    surfaceScalarField phiAdd
+    (
+        "phiAdd",
+        regionMesh().magSf()
+      * (
+            fvc::snGrad(pu, "snGrad(p)")
+          + fvc::snGrad(pp, "snGrad(p)")*fvc::interpolate(delta_)
+        )
+      - (fvc::interpolate(rho_*gTan()) & regionMesh().Sf())
+    );
+    constrainFilmField(phiAdd, 0.0);
+    surfaceScalarField phid
+    (
+        "phid",
+        (fvc::interpolate(U_*rho_) & regionMesh().Sf())
+      - deltarUAf*phiAdd*rhof
+    );
+    constrainFilmField(phid, 0.0);
+    surfaceScalarField ddrhorUAppf
+    (
+        "deltaCoeff",
+        fvc::interpolate(delta_)*deltarUAf*rhof*fvc::interpolate(pp)
+    );
+//    constrainFilmField(ddrhorUAppf, 0.0);
+    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr_; nonOrth++)
+    {
+        // Film thickness equation
+        fvScalarMatrix deltaEqn
+        (
+            fvm::ddt(rho_, delta_)
+          + fvm::div(phid, delta_)
+          - fvm::laplacian(ddrhorUAppf, delta_)
+         ==
+          - rhoSp_
+        );
+        deltaEqn.solve();
+        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr_)
+        {
+            phiAdd +=
+                fvc::interpolate(pp)
+              * fvc::snGrad(delta_)
+              * regionMesh().magSf();
+            phi_ == deltaEqn.flux();
+        }
+    }
+    // Bound film thickness by a minimum of zero
+    delta_.max(0.0);
+    // Update U field
+    U_ -= fvc::reconstruct(deltarUAf*phiAdd);
+    // Remove any patch-normal components of velocity
+    U_ -= nHat()*(nHat() & U_);
+    U_.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    // Continuity check
+    continuityCheck();
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    const word& modelType,
+    const fvMesh& mesh,
+    const dimensionedVector& g,
+    const bool readFields
+    surfaceFilmModel(modelType, mesh, g),
+    momentumPredictor_(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("momentumPredictor")),
+    nOuterCorr_(readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nOuterCorr"))),
+    nCorr_(readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nCorr"))),
+    nNonOrthCorr_
+    (
+        readLabel(solution().subDict("PISO").lookup("nNonOrthCorr"))
+    ),
+    cumulativeContErr_(0.0),
+    Cf_(readScalar(coeffs().lookup("Cf"))),
+    rho_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "rhof",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimDensity, 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    mu_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "muf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure*dimTime, 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    sigma_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "sigmaf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/sqr(dimTime), 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    delta_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "deltaf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::MUST_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh()
+    ),
+    U_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Uf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::MUST_READ,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh()
+    ),
+    Us_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Usf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        U_,
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    Uw_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Uwf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        U_,
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    deltaRho_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            delta_.name() + "*" + rho_.name(),
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", delta_.dimensions()*rho_.dimensions(), 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    phi_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "phi",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT,
+            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimLength*dimMass/dimTime
+    ),
+    primaryMassTrans_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "primaryMassTrans",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    cloudMassTrans_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "cloudMassTrans",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    cloudDiameterTrans_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "cloudDiameterTrans",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimLength, -1.0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    USp_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "USpf",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedVector
+        (
+            "zero", dimMass*dimVelocity/dimArea/dimTime, vector::zero
+        ),
+        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<vector>()
+    ),
+    pSp_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "pSpf",
+            time_.timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure, 0.0),
+        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<scalar>()
+    ),
+    rhoSp_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "rhoSpf",
+            time_.timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimTime/dimArea, 0.0),
+        this->mappedPushedFieldPatchTypes<scalar>()
+    ),
+    USpPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            USp_.name(), // must have same name as USp_ to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        primaryMesh(),
+        dimensionedVector("zero", USp_.dimensions(), vector::zero)
+    ),
+    pSpPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            pSp_.name(), // must have same name as pSp_ to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        primaryMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", pSp_.dimensions(), 0.0)
+    ),
+    rhoSpPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            rhoSp_.name(), // must have same name as rhoSp_ to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        primaryMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", rhoSp_.dimensions(), 0.0)
+    ),
+    UPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "U", // must have same name as U to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedVector("zero", dimVelocity, vector::zero),
+        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<vector>()
+    ),
+    pPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "p", // must have same name as p to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure, 0.0),
+        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
+    ),
+    rhoPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "rho", // must have same name as rho to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimDensity, 0.0),
+        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
+    ),
+    muPrimary_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "mu", // must have same name as mu to enable mapping
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimPressure*dimTime, 0.0),
+        this->mappedFieldAndInternalPatchTypes<scalar>()
+    ),
+    availableMass_(regionMesh().nCells(), 0.0),
+    injection_(*this, coeffs_),
+    addedMassTotal_(0.0)
+    if (readFields)
+    {
+        transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
+        correctThermoFields();
+        deltaRho_ == delta_*rho_;
+        phi_ = fvc::interpolate(deltaRho_*U_) & regionMesh().Sf();
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void kinematicSingleLayer::addSources
+    const label patchI,
+    const label faceI,
+    const scalar massSource,
+    const vector& momentumSource,
+    const scalar pressureSource,
+    const scalar energySource
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "\nSurface film: " << type() << ": adding to film source:" << nl
+            << "    mass     = " << massSource << nl
+            << "    momentum = " << momentumSource << nl
+            << "    pressure = " << pressureSource << endl;
+    }
+    rhoSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] -= massSource;
+    USpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] -= momentumSource;
+    pSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] -= pressureSource;
+    addedMassTotal_ += massSource;
+void kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()" << endl;
+    }
+    transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
+    correctThermoFields();
+    transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields();
+    // Reset transfer fields
+//    availableMass_ = mass();
+    availableMass_ = netMass();
+    cloudMassTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0);
+    cloudDiameterTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimLength, -1.0);
+void kinematicSingleLayer::evolveRegion()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "kinematicSingleLayer::evolveRegion()" << endl;
+    }
+    updateSubmodels();
+    // Solve continuity for deltaRho_
+    solveContinuity();
+    // Implicit pressure source coefficient - constant
+    tmp<volScalarField> tpp(this->pp());
+    for (int oCorr=0; oCorr<nOuterCorr_; oCorr++)
+    {
+        // Explicit pressure source contribution - varies with delta_
+        tmp<volScalarField> tpu(this->pu());
+        // Solve for momentum for U_
+        tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn = solveMomentum(tpu(), tpp());
+        // Film thickness correction loop
+        for (int corr=1; corr<=nCorr_; corr++)
+        {
+            // Solve thickness for delta_
+            solveThickness(tpu(), tpp(), UEqn());
+        }
+    }
+    // Update deltaRho_ with new delta_
+    deltaRho_ == delta_*rho_;
+    // Update film wall and surface velocities
+    updateSurfaceVelocities();
+    // Reset source terms for next time integration
+    resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms();
+scalar kinematicSingleLayer::CourantNumber() const
+    scalar CoNum = 0.0;
+    if (regionMesh().nInternalFaces() > 0)
+    {
+        const scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
+        const surfaceScalarField SfUfbyDelta
+        (
+            regionMesh().surfaceInterpolation::deltaCoeffs()*mag(phi_)
+        );
+        const surfaceScalarField rhoDelta(fvc::interpolate(rho_*delta_));
+        const surfaceScalarField& magSf = regionMesh().magSf();
+        forAll(rhoDelta, i)
+        {
+            if (rhoDelta[i] > ROOTVSMALL)
+            {
+                CoNum = max(CoNum, SfUfbyDelta[i]/rhoDelta[i]/magSf[i]*deltaT);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    reduce(CoNum, maxOp<scalar>());
+    Info<< "Film max Courant number: " << CoNum << endl;
+    return CoNum;
+const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::U() const
+    return U_;
+const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::Us() const
+    return Us_;
+const volVectorField& kinematicSingleLayer::Uw() const
+    return Uw_;
+const surfaceScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::phi() const
+    return phi_;
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::rho() const
+    return rho_;
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::T() const
+    FatalErrorIn
+    (
+        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::T() const"
+    )   << "T field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Ts() const
+    FatalErrorIn
+    (
+        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Ts() const"
+    )   << "Ts field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Tw() const
+    FatalErrorIn
+    (
+        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Tw() const"
+    )   << "Tw field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Cp() const
+    FatalErrorIn
+    (
+        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::Cp() const"
+    )   << "Cp field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::kappa() const
+    FatalErrorIn
+    (
+        "const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::kappa() const"
+    )   << "kappa field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
+tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::primaryMassTrans() const
+    return tmp<volScalarField>
+    (
+        new volScalarField
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "kinematicSingleLayer::primaryMassTrans",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::cloudMassTrans() const
+    return cloudMassTrans_;
+const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::cloudDiameterTrans() const
+    return cloudDiameterTrans_;
+void kinematicSingleLayer::info() const
+    Info<< "\nSurface film: " << type() << endl;
+    Info<< indent << "added mass         = "
+        << returnReduce<scalar>(addedMassTotal_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
+        << indent << "current mass       = "
+        << gSum((deltaRho_*magSf())()) << nl
+        << indent << "min/max(mag(U))    = " << min(mag(U_)).value() << ", "
+        << max(mag(U_)).value() << nl
+        << indent << "min/max(delta)     = " << min(delta_).value() << ", "
+        << max(delta_).value() << nl;
+    injection_.info(Info);
+tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > kinematicSingleLayer::Srho() const
+    return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
+    (
+        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "kinematicSingleLayer::Srho",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
+tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > kinematicSingleLayer::Srho
+    const label i
+) const
+    return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
+    (
+        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "kinematicSingleLayer::Srho(" + Foam::name(i) + ")",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
+tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > kinematicSingleLayer::Sh() const
+    return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
+    (
+        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "kinematicSingleLayer::Sh",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
+} // End namespace regionModels
+} // End namespace Foam
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.H
index 60d458727019eafc59ebd346b85a08644aa6c55e..f59bc649e96db2fe27389108671bf3946593079b 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayer.H
@@ -1,524 +1,523 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-    Foam::kinematicSingleLayer
-    Kinematic form of single-cell layer surface film model
-    kinematicSingleLayer.C
-#ifndef kinematicSingleLayer_H
-#define kinematicSingleLayer_H
-#include "surfaceFilmModel.H"
-#include "fvMesh.H"
-#include "volFields.H"
-#include "surfaceFields.H"
-#include "fvMatrices.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-namespace regionModels
-namespace surfaceFilmModels
-// Forward declaration of classes
-class injectionModel;
-                   Class kinematicSingleLayer Declaration
-class kinematicSingleLayer
-    public surfaceFilmModel
-    // Private member functions
-        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-        kinematicSingleLayer(const kinematicSingleLayer&);
-        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-        void operator=(const kinematicSingleLayer&);
-    // Protected data
-        // Solution parameters
-            //- Momentum predictor
-            Switch momentumPredictor_;
-            //- Number of outer correctors
-            label nOuterCorr_;
-            //- Number of PISO-like correctors
-            label nCorr_;
-            //- Number of non-orthogonal correctors
-            label nNonOrthCorr_;
-            //- Cumulative continuity error
-            scalar cumulativeContErr_;
-        // Model parameters
-            //- Skin frition coefficient for film/primary region interface
-            scalar Cf_;
-            //- Stable film thickness
-            dimensionedScalar deltaStable_;
-        // Thermo properties
-            // Fields
-                //- Density / [kg/m3]
-                volScalarField rho_;
-                //- Dynamic viscosity / [Pa.s]
-                volScalarField mu_;
-                //- Surface tension / [m/s2]
-                volScalarField sigma_;
-        // Fields
-            //- Film thickness / [m]
-            volScalarField delta_;
-            //- Velocity - mean / [m/s]
-            volVectorField U_;
-            //- Velocity - surface / [m/s]
-            volVectorField Us_;
-            //- Velocity - wall / [m/s]
-            volVectorField Uw_;
-            //- Film thickness*density (helper field) / [kg/m2]
-            volScalarField deltaRho_;
-            //- Mass flux (includes film thickness) / [kg.m/s]
-            surfaceScalarField phi_;
-            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
-                //- Film mass available for transfer
-                volScalarField massForPrimary_;
-                //- Parcel diameters originating from film
-                volScalarField diametersForPrimary_;
-                //- Film mass evolved via phase change
-                volScalarField massPhaseChangeForPrimary_;
-        // Source term fields
-            // Film region - registered to the film region mesh
-            // Note: need boundary value mapped from primary region, and then
-            // pushed into the patch internal field
-                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
-                volVectorField USp_;
-                //- Pressure / [Pa]
-                volScalarField pSp_;
-                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
-                volScalarField rhoSp_;
-            // Primary region - registered to the primary region mesh
-            // Internal use only - not read-in
-                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
-                volVectorField USpPrimary_;
-                //- Pressure / [Pa]
-                volScalarField pSpPrimary_;
-                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
-                volScalarField rhoSpPrimary_;
-        // Fields mapped from primary region - registered to the film region
-        // Note: need both boundary AND patch internal fields to be mapped
-            //- Velocity / [m/s]
-            volVectorField UPrimary_;
-            //- Pressure / [Pa]
-            volScalarField pPrimary_;
-            //- Density / [kg/m3]
-            volScalarField rhoPrimary_;
-            //- Viscosity / [Pa.s]
-            volScalarField muPrimary_;
-        // Sub-models
-            //- Injection
-            autoPtr<injectionModel> injection_;
-       // Checks
-           //- Cumulative mass added via sources [kg]
-           scalar addedMassTotal_;
-       // Detached surface properties
-           //- Cumulative mass detached [kg]
-           scalar injectedMassTotal_;
-    // Protected member functions
-        //- Read control parameters from dictionary
-        virtual bool read();
-        //- Correct the thermo fields
-        virtual void correctThermoFields();
-        //- Reset source term fields
-        virtual void resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms();
-        //- Transfer thermo fields from the primary region to the film region
-        virtual void transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
-        //- Transfer source fields from the primary region to the film region
-        virtual void transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields();
-        //- Correct the source terms for film that detaches from film region
-        virtual void correctDetachedFilm();
-        // Explicit pressure source contribution
-        virtual tmp<volScalarField> pu();
-        // Implicit pressure source coefficient
-        virtual tmp<volScalarField> pp();
-        //- Update the film sub-models
-        virtual void updateSubmodels();
-        //- Continuity check
-        virtual void continuityCheck();
-        //- Update film surface velocities
-        virtual void updateSurfaceVelocities();
-        //- Return the stress term for the momentum equation
-        virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tau(volVectorField& dU) const;
-        //- Constrain a film region master/slave boundaries of a field to a
-        //  given value
-        template<class Type>
-        void constrainFilmField
-        (
-            Type& field,
-            const typename Type::cmptType& value
-        );
-        // Equations
-            //- Solve continuity equation
-            virtual void solveContinuity();
-            //- Solve for film velocity
-            virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> solveMomentum
-            (
-                const volScalarField& pu,
-                const volScalarField& pp
-            );
-            //- Solve coupled velocity-thickness equations
-            virtual void solveThickness
-            (
-                const volScalarField& pu,
-                const volScalarField& pp,
-                const fvVectorMatrix& UEqn
-            );
-    //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("kinematicSingleLayer");
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct from components
-        kinematicSingleLayer
-        (
-            const word& modelType,
-            const fvMesh& mesh,
-            const dimensionedVector& g,
-            const bool readFields = true
-        );
-    //- Destructor
-    virtual ~kinematicSingleLayer();
-    // Member Functions
-        // Solution parameters
-            //- Courant number evaluation
-            virtual scalar CourantNumber() const;
-            //- Return the momentum predictor
-            inline const Switch& momentumPredictor() const;
-            //- Return the number of outer correctors
-            inline label nOuterCorr() const;
-            //- Return the number of PISO correctors
-            inline label nCorr() const;
-            //- Return the number of non-orthogonal correctors
-            inline label nNonOrthCorr() const;
-        // Model parameters
-            //- Return the skin friction coefficient
-            inline scalar Cf() const;
-        // Thermo properties
-            //- Return const access to the dynamic viscosity / [Pa.s]
-            inline const volScalarField& mu() const;
-            //- Return const access to the surface tension / [m/s2]
-            inline const volScalarField& sigma() const;
-        // Fields
-            //- Return const access to the film thickness / [m]
-            inline const volScalarField& delta() const;
-            //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
-            virtual const volVectorField& U() const;
-            //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
-            virtual const volVectorField& Us() const;
-            //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
-            virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const;
-            //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
-            virtual const volScalarField& rho() const;
-            //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
-            virtual const volScalarField& T() const;
-            //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
-            virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const;
-            //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
-            virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const;
-            //- Return the film specific heat capacity [J/kg/K]
-            virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const;
-            //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
-            virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const;
-           // Transfer fields - to the primary region
-               //- Return the film mass available for transfer
-               virtual const volScalarField& massForPrimary() const;
-               //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film
-               virtual const volScalarField& diametersForPrimary() const;
-               //- Return the film mass evolved via phase change
-               virtual const volScalarField& massPhaseChangeForPrimary() const;
-        // External helper functions
-            //- External hook to add sources to the film
-            virtual void addSources
-            (
-                const label patchI,            // patchI on primary region
-                const label faceI,             // faceI of patchI
-                const scalar massSource,       // [kg]
-                const vector& momentumSource,  // [kg.m/s] (tang'l momentum)
-                const scalar pressureSource,   // [kg.m/s] (normal momentum)
-                const scalar energySource = 0  // [J]
-            );
-         // Source fields (read/write access)
-            // Primary region
-                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
-                inline volVectorField& USpPrimary();
-                //- Pressure / [Pa]
-                inline volScalarField& pSpPrimary();
-                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
-                inline volScalarField& rhoSpPrimary();
-            // Film region
-                //- Momentum / [kg/m/s2]
-                inline volVectorField& USp();
-                //- Pressure / [Pa]
-                inline volScalarField& pSp();
-                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
-                inline volScalarField& rhoSp();
-                //- Momentum / [kg/m/s2]
-                inline const volVectorField& USp() const;
-                //- Pressure / [Pa]
-                inline const volScalarField& pSp() const;
-                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
-                inline const volScalarField& rhoSp() const;
-        // Fields mapped from primary region
-            //- Velocity / [m/s]
-            inline const volVectorField& UPrimary() const;
-            //- Pressure / [Pa]
-            inline const volScalarField& pPrimary() const;
-            //- Density / [kg/m3]
-            inline const volScalarField& rhoPrimary() const;
-            //- Viscosity / [Pa.s]
-            inline const volScalarField& muPrimary() const;
-        // Sub-models
-            //- Injection
-            inline injectionModel& injection();
-        // Helper functions
-            //- Return the gravity tangential component contributions
-            inline tmp<volVectorField> gTan() const;
-            //- Return the gravity normal-to-patch component contribution
-            inline tmp<volScalarField> gNorm() const;
-            //- Return the gravity normal-to-patch component contribution
-            //  Clipped so that only non-zero if g & nHat_ < 0
-            inline tmp<volScalarField> gNormClipped() const;
-        // Evolution
-            //- Pre-evolve film hook
-            virtual void preEvolveRegion();
-            //- Evolve the film equations
-            virtual void evolveRegion();
-        // Source fields
-            // Mapped into primary region
-                //- Return total mass source - Eulerian phase only
-                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho() const;
-                //- Return mass source for specie i - Eulerian phase only
-                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho
-                (
-                    const label i
-                ) const;
-                //- Return enthalpy source - Eulerian phase only
-                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Sh() const;
-       // I-O
-            //- Provide some feedback
-            virtual void info() const;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
-} // End namespace regionModels
-} // End namespace Foam
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#ifdef NoRepository
-#   include "kinematicSingleLayerTemplates.C"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#include "kinematicSingleLayerI.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// ************************************************************************* //
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+    Foam::kinematicSingleLayer
+    Kinematic form of single-cell layer surface film model
+    kinematicSingleLayer.C
+#ifndef kinematicSingleLayer_H
+#define kinematicSingleLayer_H
+#include "surfaceFilmModel.H"
+#include "fvMesh.H"
+#include "volFields.H"
+#include "surfaceFields.H"
+#include "fvMatrices.H"
+#include "injectionModelList.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+namespace regionModels
+namespace surfaceFilmModels
+                   Class kinematicSingleLayer Declaration
+class kinematicSingleLayer
+    public surfaceFilmModel
+    // Private member functions
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        kinematicSingleLayer(const kinematicSingleLayer&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const kinematicSingleLayer&);
+    // Protected data
+        // Solution parameters
+            //- Momentum predictor
+            Switch momentumPredictor_;
+            //- Number of outer correctors
+            label nOuterCorr_;
+            //- Number of PISO-like correctors
+            label nCorr_;
+            //- Number of non-orthogonal correctors
+            label nNonOrthCorr_;
+            //- Cumulative continuity error
+            scalar cumulativeContErr_;
+        // Model parameters
+            //- Skin frition coefficient for film/primary region interface
+            scalar Cf_;
+        // Thermo properties
+            // Fields
+                //- Density / [kg/m3]
+                volScalarField rho_;
+                //- Dynamic viscosity / [Pa.s]
+                volScalarField mu_;
+                //- Surface tension / [m/s2]
+                volScalarField sigma_;
+        // Fields
+            //- Film thickness / [m]
+            volScalarField delta_;
+            //- Velocity - mean / [m/s]
+            volVectorField U_;
+            //- Velocity - surface / [m/s]
+            volVectorField Us_;
+            //- Velocity - wall / [m/s]
+            volVectorField Uw_;
+            //- Film thickness*density (helper field) / [kg/m2]
+            volScalarField deltaRho_;
+            //- Mass flux (includes film thickness) / [kg.m/s]
+            surfaceScalarField phi_;
+            // Transfer fields
+                //- Film mass available for transfer to the primary region
+                volScalarField primaryMassTrans_;
+                //- Film mass available for transfer to cloud
+                volScalarField cloudMassTrans_;
+                //- Parcel diameters originating from film to cloud
+                volScalarField cloudDiameterTrans_;
+        // Source term fields
+            // Film region - registered to the film region mesh
+            // Note: need boundary value mapped from primary region, and then
+            // pushed into the patch internal field
+                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
+                volVectorField USp_;
+                //- Pressure / [Pa]
+                volScalarField pSp_;
+                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
+                volScalarField rhoSp_;
+            // Primary region - registered to the primary region mesh
+            // Internal use only - not read-in
+                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
+                volVectorField USpPrimary_;
+                //- Pressure / [Pa]
+                volScalarField pSpPrimary_;
+                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
+                volScalarField rhoSpPrimary_;
+        // Fields mapped from primary region - registered to the film region
+        // Note: need both boundary AND patch internal fields to be mapped
+            //- Velocity / [m/s]
+            volVectorField UPrimary_;
+            //- Pressure / [Pa]
+            volScalarField pPrimary_;
+            //- Density / [kg/m3]
+            volScalarField rhoPrimary_;
+            //- Viscosity / [Pa.s]
+            volScalarField muPrimary_;
+        // Sub-models
+            //- Available mass for transfer via sub-models
+            scalarField availableMass_;
+            //- Cloud injection
+            injectionModelList injection_;
+       // Checks
+           //- Cumulative mass added via sources [kg]
+           scalar addedMassTotal_;
+    // Protected member functions
+        //- Read control parameters from dictionary
+        virtual bool read();
+        //- Correct the thermo fields
+        virtual void correctThermoFields();
+        //- Reset source term fields
+        virtual void resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms();
+        //- Transfer thermo fields from the primary region to the film region
+        virtual void transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
+        //- Transfer source fields from the primary region to the film region
+        virtual void transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields();
+        // Explicit pressure source contribution
+        virtual tmp<volScalarField> pu();
+        // Implicit pressure source coefficient
+        virtual tmp<volScalarField> pp();
+        //- Update the film sub-models
+        virtual void updateSubmodels();
+        //- Continuity check
+        virtual void continuityCheck();
+        //- Update film surface velocities
+        virtual void updateSurfaceVelocities();
+        //- Return the stress term for the momentum equation
+        virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tau(volVectorField& dU) const;
+        //- Constrain a film region master/slave boundaries of a field to a
+        //  given value
+        template<class Type>
+        void constrainFilmField
+        (
+            Type& field,
+            const typename Type::cmptType& value
+        );
+        // Equations
+            //- Solve continuity equation
+            virtual void solveContinuity();
+            //- Solve for film velocity
+            virtual tmp<fvVectorMatrix> solveMomentum
+            (
+                const volScalarField& pu,
+                const volScalarField& pp
+            );
+            //- Solve coupled velocity-thickness equations
+            virtual void solveThickness
+            (
+                const volScalarField& pu,
+                const volScalarField& pp,
+                const fvVectorMatrix& UEqn
+            );
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("kinematicSingleLayer");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from components
+        kinematicSingleLayer
+        (
+            const word& modelType,
+            const fvMesh& mesh,
+            const dimensionedVector& g,
+            const bool readFields = true
+        );
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~kinematicSingleLayer();
+    // Member Functions
+        // Solution parameters
+            //- Courant number evaluation
+            virtual scalar CourantNumber() const;
+            //- Return the momentum predictor
+            inline const Switch& momentumPredictor() const;
+            //- Return the number of outer correctors
+            inline label nOuterCorr() const;
+            //- Return the number of PISO correctors
+            inline label nCorr() const;
+            //- Return the number of non-orthogonal correctors
+            inline label nNonOrthCorr() const;
+        // Model parameters
+            //- Return the skin friction coefficient
+            inline scalar Cf() const;
+        // Thermo properties
+            //- Return const access to the dynamic viscosity / [Pa.s]
+            inline const volScalarField& mu() const;
+            //- Return const access to the surface tension / [m/s2]
+            inline const volScalarField& sigma() const;
+        // Fields
+            //- Return const access to the film thickness / [m]
+            inline const volScalarField& delta() const;
+            //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& U() const;
+            //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Us() const;
+            //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const;
+            //- Return the film flux [kg.m/s]
+            virtual const surfaceScalarField& phi() const;
+            //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
+            virtual const volScalarField& rho() const;
+            //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& T() const;
+            //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const;
+            //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const;
+            //- Return the film specific heat capacity [J/kg/K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const;
+            //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const;
+            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
+                //- Return mass transfer source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<volScalarField> primaryMassTrans() const;
+                //- Return the film mass available for transfer to cloud
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudMassTrans() const;
+                //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film to cloud
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudDiameterTrans() const;
+        // External helper functions
+            //- External hook to add sources to the film
+            virtual void addSources
+            (
+                const label patchI,            // patchI on primary region
+                const label faceI,             // faceI of patchI
+                const scalar massSource,       // [kg]
+                const vector& momentumSource,  // [kg.m/s] (tang'l momentum)
+                const scalar pressureSource,   // [kg.m/s] (normal momentum)
+                const scalar energySource = 0  // [J]
+            );
+         // Source fields (read/write access)
+            // Primary region
+                //- Momementum / [kg/m/s2]
+                inline volVectorField& USpPrimary();
+                //- Pressure / [Pa]
+                inline volScalarField& pSpPrimary();
+                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
+                inline volScalarField& rhoSpPrimary();
+            // Film region
+                //- Momentum / [kg/m/s2]
+                inline volVectorField& USp();
+                //- Pressure / [Pa]
+                inline volScalarField& pSp();
+                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
+                inline volScalarField& rhoSp();
+                //- Momentum / [kg/m/s2]
+                inline const volVectorField& USp() const;
+                //- Pressure / [Pa]
+                inline const volScalarField& pSp() const;
+                //- Mass / [kg/m2/s]
+                inline const volScalarField& rhoSp() const;
+        // Fields mapped from primary region
+            //- Velocity / [m/s]
+            inline const volVectorField& UPrimary() const;
+            //- Pressure / [Pa]
+            inline const volScalarField& pPrimary() const;
+            //- Density / [kg/m3]
+            inline const volScalarField& rhoPrimary() const;
+            //- Viscosity / [Pa.s]
+            inline const volScalarField& muPrimary() const;
+        // Sub-models
+            //- Injection
+            inline injectionModelList& injection();
+        // Helper functions
+            //- Return the current film mass
+            inline tmp<volScalarField> mass() const;
+            //- Return the net film mass available over the next integration
+            inline tmp<volScalarField> netMass() const;
+            //- Return the gravity normal-to-patch component contribution
+            inline tmp<volScalarField> gNorm() const;
+            //- Return the gravity normal-to-patch component contribution
+            //  Clipped so that only non-zero if g & nHat_ < 0
+            inline tmp<volScalarField> gNormClipped() const;
+            //- Return the gravity tangential component contributions
+            inline tmp<volVectorField> gTan() const;
+        // Evolution
+            //- Pre-evolve film hook
+            virtual void preEvolveRegion();
+            //- Evolve the film equations
+            virtual void evolveRegion();
+        // Source fields
+            // Mapped into primary region
+                //- Return total mass source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho() const;
+                //- Return mass source for specie i - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho
+                (
+                    const label i
+                ) const;
+                //- Return enthalpy source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Sh() const;
+        // I-O
+            //- Provide some feedback
+            virtual void info() const;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
+} // End namespace regionModels
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "kinematicSingleLayerTemplates.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#include "kinematicSingleLayerI.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayerI.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayerI.H
index 483742ca77d2ecdfafcf07b90be442a0e6f43d68..d3b6a54178900a176ec6e8ecc3a2ac1b566f0db9 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayerI.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/kinematicSingleLayer/kinematicSingleLayerI.H
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ License
-#include "kinematicSingleLayer.H"
+#include "surfaceInterpolate.H"
+#include "fvcSurfaceIntegrate.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -163,9 +164,24 @@ inline const volScalarField& kinematicSingleLayer::muPrimary() const
-inline injectionModel& kinematicSingleLayer::injection()
+inline injectionModelList& kinematicSingleLayer::injection()
-    return injection_();
+    return injection_;
+inline tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::mass() const
+    return rho_*delta_*magSf();
+inline tmp<volScalarField> kinematicSingleLayer::netMass() const
+    dimensionedScalar d0("SMALL", dimLength, ROOTVSMALL);
+    return
+        fvc::surfaceSum(phi_/(fvc::interpolate(delta_) + d0))*time().deltaT()
+      + rho_*delta_*magSf();
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.C
index d79814354c9d90a110dabe6c7e9a3ec587db13d4..e1bde38bf14b73f2e1ddf8939146c03ecdf5c5c6 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.C
@@ -103,6 +103,15 @@ const volScalarField& noFilm::delta() const
+const volScalarField& noFilm::sigma() const
+    FatalErrorIn("const volScalarField& noFilm::sigma() const")
+        << "sigma field not available for " << type() << abort(FatalError);
+    return volScalarField::null();
 const volVectorField& noFilm::U() const
     FatalErrorIn("const volVectorField& noFilm::U() const")
@@ -184,32 +193,42 @@ const volScalarField& noFilm::kappa() const
-const volScalarField& noFilm::massForPrimary() const
+tmp<volScalarField> noFilm::primaryMassTrans() const
-    FatalErrorIn("const volScalarField& noFilm::massForPrimary() const")
-        << "massForPrimary field not available for " << type()
-        << abort(FatalError);
-    return volScalarField::null();
+    return tmp<volScalarField>
+    (
+        new volScalarField
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "noFilm::primaryMassTrans",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
-const volScalarField& noFilm::diametersForPrimary() const
+const volScalarField& noFilm::cloudMassTrans() const
-    FatalErrorIn("const volScalarField& noFilm::diametersForPrimary() const")
-        << "diametersForPrimary field not available for " << type()
+    FatalErrorIn("const volScalarField& noFilm::cloudMassTrans() const")
+        << "cloudMassTrans field not available for " << type()
         << abort(FatalError);
     return volScalarField::null();
-const volScalarField& noFilm::massPhaseChangeForPrimary() const
+const volScalarField& noFilm::cloudDiameterTrans() const
-    FatalErrorIn
-    (
-        "const volScalarField& noFilm::massPhaseChangeForPrimary() const"
-    )   << "massPhaseChange field not available for " << type()
+    FatalErrorIn("const volScalarField& noFilm::cloudDiameterTrans() const")
+        << "cloudDiameterTrans field not available for " << type()
         << abort(FatalError);
     return volScalarField::null();
@@ -238,7 +257,7 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > noFilm::Srho() const
-tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > noFilm::Srho(const label) const
+tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > noFilm::Srho(const label i) const
     return tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> >
@@ -246,7 +265,7 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > noFilm::Srho(const label) const
-                "noFilm::Srho(i)",
+                "noFilm::Srho(" + Foam::name(i) + ")",
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.H
index 0d6d398509d831c53070a8a9a2ec7011fbf42528..0c3627beb48a73f0e5c946331c44d7819e580f9b 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/noFilm/noFilm.H
@@ -111,49 +111,52 @@ public:
-       // Fields
+        // Fields
-           //- Return the film thickness [m]
-           virtual const volScalarField& delta() const;
+            //- Return the film thickness [m]
+            virtual const volScalarField& delta() const;
-           //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& U() const;
+            //- Return const access to the surface tension / [m/s2]
+            inline const volScalarField& sigma() const;
-           //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
-           virtual const volScalarField& rho() const;
+            //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& U() const;
-           //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& Us() const;
+            //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
+            virtual const volScalarField& rho() const;
-           //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const;
+            //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Us() const;
-           //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& T() const;
+            //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const;
-           //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const;
+            //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& T() const;
-           //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const;
+            //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const;
-           //- Return the film specific heat capacity [J/kg/K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const;
+            //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const;
-           //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const;
+            //- Return the film specific heat capacity [J/kg/K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const;
+            //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const;
-           // Transfer fields - to the primary region
-               //- Return the film mass available for transfer
-               virtual const volScalarField& massForPrimary() const;
+            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
-               //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film
-               virtual const volScalarField& diametersForPrimary() const;
+                //- Return mass transfer source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<volScalarField> primaryMassTrans() const;
-               //- Return the film mass evolved via phase change
-               virtual const volScalarField& massPhaseChangeForPrimary() const;
+                //- Return the film mass available for transfer
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudMassTrans() const;
+                //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudDiameterTrans() const;
         // Source fields
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2aaa98cd2ed2e4e4b056821c66b1cc51701ec16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.C
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "curvatureSeparation.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
+#include "fvMesh.H"
+#include "Time.H"
+#include "volFields.H"
+#include "kinematicSingleLayer.H"
+#include "surfaceInterpolate.H"
+#include "fvcDiv.H"
+#include "fvcGrad.H"
+#include "stringListOps.H"
+#include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+namespace regionModels
+namespace surfaceFilmModels
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(curvatureSeparation, 0);
+    injectionModel,
+    curvatureSeparation,
+    dictionary
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * Protected Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+tmp<volScalarField> curvatureSeparation::calcInvR1
+    const volVectorField& U
+) const
+    // method 1
+    tmp<volScalarField> tinvR1
+    (
+        new volScalarField("invR1", fvc::div(owner().nHat()))
+    );
+    // method 2
+    dimensionedScalar smallU("smallU", dimVelocity, ROOTVSMALL);
+    volVectorField UHat(U/(mag(U) + smallU));
+    tmp<volScalarField> tinvR1
+    (
+        new volScalarField("invR1", UHat & (UHat & gradNHat_))
+    );
+    scalarField& invR1 = tinvR1().internalField();
+    // apply defined patch radii
+    const scalar rMin = 1e-6;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = owner().regionMesh();
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& pbm = mesh.boundaryMesh();
+    forAll(definedPatchRadii_, i)
+    {
+        label patchI = definedPatchRadii_[i].first();
+        scalar definedInvR1 = 1.0/max(rMin, definedPatchRadii_[i].second());
+        UIndirectList<scalar>(invR1, pbm[patchI].faceCells()) = definedInvR1;
+    }
+    // filter out large radii
+    const scalar rMax = 1e6;
+    forAll(invR1, i)
+    {
+        if (mag(invR1[i]) < 1/rMax)
+        {
+            invR1[i] = -1.0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (debug && mesh.time().outputTime())
+    {
+        tinvR1().write();
+    }
+    return tinvR1;
+tmp<scalarField> curvatureSeparation::calcCosAngle
+    const surfaceScalarField& phi
+) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = owner().regionMesh();
+    const vectorField nf(mesh.Sf()/mesh.magSf());
+    const unallocLabelList& own = mesh.owner();
+    const unallocLabelList& nbr = mesh.neighbour();
+    scalarField phiMax(mesh.nCells(), -GREAT);
+    scalarField cosAngle(mesh.nCells(), 0.0);
+    forAll(nbr, faceI)
+    {
+        label cellO = own[faceI];
+        label cellN = nbr[faceI];
+        if (phi[faceI] > phiMax[cellO])
+        {
+            phiMax[cellO] = phi[faceI];
+            cosAngle[cellO] = -gHat_ & nf[faceI];
+        }
+        if (-phi[faceI] > phiMax[cellN])
+        {
+            phiMax[cellN] = -phi[faceI];
+            cosAngle[cellN] = -gHat_ & -nf[faceI];
+        }
+    }
+    forAll(phi.boundaryField(), patchI)
+    {
+        const fvsPatchScalarField& phip = phi.boundaryField()[patchI];
+        const fvPatch& pp = phip.patch();
+        const labelList& faceCells = pp.faceCells();
+        const vectorField nf(pp.nf());
+        forAll(phip, i)
+        {
+            label cellI = faceCells[i];
+            if (phip[i] > phiMax[cellI])
+            {
+                phiMax[cellI] = phip[i];
+                cosAngle[cellI] = -gHat_ & nf[i];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // correction for cyclics - use cyclic pairs' face normal instead of
+    // local face normal
+    const fvBoundaryMesh& pbm = mesh.boundary();
+    forAll(phi.boundaryField(), patchI)
+    {
+        if (isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(pbm[patchI]))
+        {
+            const scalarField& phip = phi.boundaryField()[patchI];
+            const vectorField nf(pbm[patchI].nf());
+            const labelList& faceCells = pbm[patchI].faceCells();
+            const label sizeBy2 = pbm[patchI].size()/2;
+            for (label face0=0; face0<sizeBy2; face0++)
+            {
+                label face1 = face0 + sizeBy2;
+                label cell0 = faceCells[face0];
+                label cell1 = faceCells[face1];
+                // flux leaving half 0, entering half 1
+                if (phip[face0] > phiMax[cell0])
+                {
+                    phiMax[cell0] = phip[face0];
+                    cosAngle[cell0] = -gHat_ & -nf[face1];
+                }
+                // flux leaving half 1, entering half 0
+                if (-phip[face1] > phiMax[cell1])
+                {
+                    phiMax[cell1] = -phip[face1];
+                    cosAngle[cell1] = -gHat_ & nf[face0];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // checks
+    if (debug && mesh.time().outputTime())
+    {
+        volScalarField volCosAngle
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "cosAngle",
+                mesh.time().timeName(),
+                mesh,
+                IOobject::NO_READ
+            ),
+            mesh,
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0),
+            zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+        );
+        volCosAngle.internalField() = cosAngle;
+        volCosAngle.correctBoundaryConditions();
+        volCosAngle.write();
+    }
+    return max(min(cosAngle, scalar(1.0)), scalar(-1.0));
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
+    const dictionary& dict
+    injectionModel(type(), owner, dict),
+    gradNHat_(fvc::grad(owner.nHat())),
+    deltaByR1Min_(coeffs().lookupOrDefault<scalar>("deltaByR1Min", 0.0)),
+    definedPatchRadii_(),
+    magG_(mag(owner.g().value())),
+    gHat_(owner.g().value()/magG_)
+    List<Tuple2<word, scalar> > prIn(coeffs().lookup("definedPatchRadii"));
+    const wordList& allPatchNames = owner.regionMesh().boundaryMesh().names();
+    DynamicList<Tuple2<label, scalar> > prData(allPatchNames.size());
+    labelHashSet uniquePatchIDs;
+    forAllReverse(prIn, i)
+    {
+        labelList patchIDs = findStrings(prIn[i].first(), allPatchNames);
+        forAll(patchIDs, j)
+        {
+            const label patchI = patchIDs[j];
+            if (!uniquePatchIDs.found(patchI))
+            {
+                const scalar radius = prIn[i].second();
+                prData.append(Tuple2<label, scalar>(patchI, radius));
+                uniquePatchIDs.insert(patchI);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    definedPatchRadii_.transfer(prData);
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void curvatureSeparation::correct
+    scalarField& availableMass,
+    scalarField& massToInject,
+    scalarField& diameterToInject
+    const kinematicSingleLayer& film =
+        refCast<const kinematicSingleLayer>(this->owner());
+    const fvMesh& mesh = film.regionMesh();
+    const volScalarField& delta = film.delta();
+    const volVectorField& U = film.U();
+    const surfaceScalarField& phi = film.phi();
+    const volScalarField& rho = film.rho();
+    const scalarField magSqrU(magSqr(film.U()));
+    const volScalarField& sigma = film.sigma();
+    const scalarField invR1(calcInvR1(U));
+    const scalarField cosAngle(calcCosAngle(phi));
+    // calculate force balance
+    const scalar Fthreshold = 1e-10;
+    scalarField Fnet(mesh.nCells(), 0.0);
+    scalarField separated(mesh.nCells(), 0.0);
+    forAll(invR1, i)
+    {
+        if ((invR1[i] > 0) && (delta[i]*invR1[i] > deltaByR1Min_))
+        {
+            scalar R1 = 1.0/(invR1[i] + ROOTVSMALL);
+            scalar R2 = R1 + delta[i];
+            // inertial force
+            scalar Fi = -delta[i]*rho[i]*magSqrU[i]*72.0/60.0*invR1[i];
+            // body force
+            scalar Fb =
+              - 0.5*rho[i]*magG_*invR1[i]*(sqr(R1) - sqr(R2))*cosAngle[i];
+            // surface force
+            scalar Fs = sigma[i]/R2;
+            Fnet[i] = Fi + Fb + Fs;
+            if (Fnet[i] + Fthreshold < 0)
+            {
+                separated[i] = 1.0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // inject all available mass
+    massToInject = separated*availableMass;
+    diameterToInject = separated*delta;
+    availableMass -= separated*availableMass;
+    if (debug && mesh.time().outputTime())
+    {
+        volScalarField volFnet
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "Fnet",
+                mesh.time().timeName(),
+                mesh,
+                IOobject::NO_READ
+            ),
+            mesh,
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimForce, 0.0),
+            zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+        );
+        volFnet.internalField() = Fnet;
+        volFnet.correctBoundaryConditions();
+        volFnet.write();
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
+} // End namespace regionModels
+} // End namespace Foam
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ac0c10619c793173ca4fbb492bb2a542e011354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/curvatureSeparation/curvatureSeparation.H
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+    Foam::curvatureSeparation
+    Curvature film separation model
+    Assesses film curvature via the mesh geometry and calculates a force
+    balance of the form:
+        F_sum = F_inertial + F_body + F_surface
+    If F_sum < 0, the film separates. Similarly, if F_sum > 0 the film will
+    remain attached.
+    Based on description given by
+        Owen and D. J. Ryley. The flow of thin liquid films around corners.
+        International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 11(1):51-62, 1985.
+    curvatureSeparation.C
+#ifndef curvatureSeparation_H
+#define curvatureSeparation_H
+#include "injectionModel.H"
+#include "surfaceFields.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+namespace regionModels
+namespace surfaceFilmModels
+                   Class curvatureSeparation Declaration
+class curvatureSeparation
+    public injectionModel
+    // Private member functions
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        curvatureSeparation(const curvatureSeparation&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const curvatureSeparation&);
+    // Protected data
+        //- Gradient of surface normals
+        volTensorField gradNHat_;
+        //- Minimum gravity driven film thickness (non-dimensionalised delta/R1)
+        scalar deltaByR1Min_;
+        //- List of radii for patches - if patch not defined, radius
+        // calculated based on mesh geometry
+        List<Tuple2<label, scalar> > definedPatchRadii_;
+        //- Magnitude of gravity vector
+        scalar magG_;
+        //- Direction of gravity vector
+        vector gHat_;
+    // Protected Member Functions
+        //- Calculate local (inverse) radius of curvature
+        tmp<volScalarField> calcInvR1(const volVectorField& U) const;
+        //- Calculate the cosine of the angle between gravity vector and
+        //  cell out flow direction
+        tmp<scalarField> calcCosAngle(const surfaceScalarField& phi) const;
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("curvatureSeparation");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from surface film model
+        curvatureSeparation
+        (
+            const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
+            const dictionary& dict
+        );
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~curvatureSeparation();
+    // Member Functions
+        // Evolution
+            //- Correct
+            virtual void correct
+            (
+                scalarField& availableMass,
+                scalarField& massToInject,
+                scalarField& diameterToInject
+            );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
+} // End namespace regionModels
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.C
similarity index 70%
rename from src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.C
rename to src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.C
index d9d62b80866a13877d98ce8c543d94c1b2328efc..026eb573f6c9144ec6104935aed24b69e0645a65 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.C
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ License
-#include "cloudInjection.H"
+#include "drippingInjection.H"
 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
 #include "fvMesh.H"
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
 #include "Random.H"
 #include "volFields.H"
+#include "kinematicSingleLayer.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -43,18 +44,19 @@ namespace surfaceFilmModels
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(cloudInjection, 0);
-addToRunTimeSelectionTable(injectionModel, cloudInjection, dictionary);
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(drippingInjection, 0);
+addToRunTimeSelectionTable(injectionModel, drippingInjection, dictionary);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
     const dictionary& dict
     injectionModel(type(), owner, dict),
+    deltaStable_(readScalar(coeffs_.lookup("deltaStable"))),
     rndGen_(label(0), -1),
@@ -76,31 +78,59 @@ cloudInjection::cloudInjection
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void cloudInjection::correct
+void drippingInjection::correct
+    scalarField& availableMass,
     scalarField& massToInject,
     scalarField& diameterToInject
+    const kinematicSingleLayer& film =
+        refCast<const kinematicSingleLayer>(this->owner());
     const scalar pi = constant::mathematical::pi;
-    const scalarField& rhoFilm = owner().rho();
+    // calculate available dripping mass
+    tmp<volScalarField> tgNorm(film.gNorm());
+    const scalarField& gNorm = tgNorm();
+    const scalarField& magSf = film.magSf();
+    const scalarField& delta = film.delta();
+    const scalarField& rho = film.rho();
+    scalarField massDrip(film.regionMesh().nCells(), 0.0);
+    forAll(gNorm, i)
+    {
+        if (gNorm[i] > SMALL)
+        {
+            const scalar ddelta = max(0.0, delta[i] - deltaStable_);
+            massDrip[i] +=
+                min(availableMass[i], max(0.0, ddelta*rho[i]*magSf[i]));
+        }
+    }
     // Collect the data to be transferred
     forAll(massToInject, cellI)
-        scalar rho = rhoFilm[cellI];
+        scalar rhoc = rho[cellI];
         scalar diam = diameter_[cellI];
-        scalar minMass = particlesPerParcel_*rho*pi/6*pow3(diam);
+        scalar minMass = particlesPerParcel_*rhoc*pi/6*pow3(diam);
-        if (massToInject[cellI] > minMass)
+        if (massDrip[cellI] > minMass)
-            // All mass can be injected - set particle diameter
+            // All drip mass can be injected
+            massToInject[cellI] += massDrip[cellI];
+            availableMass[cellI] -= massDrip[cellI];
+            // Set particle diameter
             diameterToInject[cellI] = diameter_[cellI];
             // Retrieve new particle diameter sample
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.H
similarity index 75%
rename from src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.H
rename to src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.H
index 017af83d49ba92ce8738833b5e9a36641d4fd377..2181c121aa552269d361f1b50e8be7ff1a41c49c 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/cloudInjection/cloudInjection.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/drippingInjection/drippingInjection.H
@@ -23,18 +23,23 @@ License
     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-    Foam::cloudInjection
+    Foam::drippingInjection
-    Cloud injection model
+    Film Dripping mass transfer model.
+    If the film mass exceeds that needed to generate a valid parcel, the
+    equivalent mass is removed from the film.
+    New parcel diameters are sampled from a PDF.
-    cloudInjection.C
+    drippingInjection.C
-#ifndef cloudInjection_H
-#define cloudInjection_H
+#ifndef drippingInjection_H
+#define drippingInjection_H
 #include "injectionModel.H"
 #include "distributionModel.H"
@@ -50,10 +55,10 @@ namespace surfaceFilmModels
-                        Class cloudInjection Declaration
+                    Class drippingInjection Declaration
-class cloudInjection
+class drippingInjection
     public injectionModel
@@ -62,16 +67,20 @@ private:
     // Private member functions
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-        cloudInjection(const cloudInjection&);
+        drippingInjection(const drippingInjection&);
         //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-        void operator=(const cloudInjection&);
+        void operator=(const drippingInjection&);
     // Protected data
+        //- Stable film thickness - drips only formed if thickness
+        //  execeeds this threhold value
+        scalar deltaStable_;
         //- Number of particles per parcel
         scalar particlesPerParcel_;
@@ -82,24 +91,28 @@ protected:
         const autoPtr<distributionModels::distributionModel>
-        //- Diameters of particles to inject into the cloud
+        //- Diameters of particles to inject into the dripping
         scalarList diameter_;
     //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("cloudInjection");
+    TypeName("drippingInjection");
     // Constructors
         //- Construct from surface film model
-        cloudInjection(const surfaceFilmModel& owner, const dictionary& dict);
+        drippingInjection
+        (
+            const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
+            const dictionary& dict
+        );
     //- Destructor
-    virtual ~cloudInjection();
+    virtual ~drippingInjection();
     // Member Functions
@@ -109,6 +122,7 @@ public:
             //- Correct
             virtual void correct
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& massToInject,
                 scalarField& diameterToInject
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModel.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModel.H
index 02fed58af32f760ac339ec2a0dc94c928173493d..401a3dee0ffa8577c669d28442f404161748026c 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModel.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModel.H
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ Class
-    Base class for film injection models
+    Base class for film injection models, handling mass transfer from the
+    film.
 #ifndef injectionModel_H
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ public:
         static autoPtr<injectionModel> New
             const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
-            const dictionary& dict
+            const dictionary& dict,
+            const word& mdoelType
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ public:
             //- Correct
             virtual void correct
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& massToInject,
                 scalarField& diameterToInject
             ) = 0;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModelNew.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModelNew.C
index 51ef515f87aa6553f1758eea21c9b713b7571da9..79c908b3db193e00f969f90c38529ba087145ccd 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModelNew.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModel/injectionModelNew.C
@@ -40,12 +40,11 @@ namespace surfaceFilmModels
 autoPtr<injectionModel> injectionModel::New
     const surfaceFilmModel& model,
-    const dictionary& dict
+    const dictionary& dict,
+    const word& modelType
-    word modelType(dict.lookup("injectionModel"));
-    Info<< "    Selecting injectionModel " << modelType << endl;
+    Info<< "        " << modelType << endl;
     dictionaryConstructorTable::iterator cstrIter =
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57f7ae0686c4e0ccb0c1c900b2f0d7e4ba76b062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.C
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "injectionModelList.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+namespace regionModels
+namespace surfaceFilmModels
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+injectionModelList::injectionModelList(const surfaceFilmModel& owner)
+    PtrList<injectionModel>(),
+    owner_(owner),
+    dict_(dictionary::null),
+    injectedMassTotal_(0.0)
+    const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
+    const dictionary& dict
+    PtrList<injectionModel>(),
+    owner_(owner),
+    dict_(dict),
+    injectedMassTotal_(0.0)
+    const wordList activeModels(dict.lookup("injectionModels"));
+    wordHashSet models;
+    forAll(activeModels, i)
+    {
+        models.insert(activeModels[i]);
+    }
+    Info<< "    Selecting film injection models" << endl;
+    if (models.size() > 0)
+    {
+        this->setSize(models.size());
+        label i = 0;
+        forAllConstIter(wordHashSet, models, iter)
+        {
+            const word& model = iter.key();
+            set
+            (
+                i,
+                injectionModel::New(owner, dict, model)
+            );
+            i++;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Info<< "        none" << endl;
+    }
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void injectionModelList::correct
+    scalarField& availableMass,
+    volScalarField& massToInject,
+    volScalarField& diameterToInject
+    // Correct models that accumulate mass and diameter transfers
+    forAll(*this, i)
+    {
+        injectionModel& im = operator[](i);
+        im.correct(availableMass, massToInject, diameterToInject);
+    }
+    injectedMassTotal_ += sum(massToInject.internalField());
+    // Push values to boundaries ready for transfer to the primary region
+    massToInject.correctBoundaryConditions();
+    diameterToInject.correctBoundaryConditions();
+void injectionModelList::info(Ostream& os) const
+    os  << indent << "injected mass      = "
+        << returnReduce<scalar>(injectedMassTotal_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
+} // End namespace regionModels
+} // End namespace Foam
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.H
similarity index 62%
rename from src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.H
rename to src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.H
index 2d26dff4fc1d7091f2ca7966ba3ff5411a928f51..3aaac5f28a7e6f19ff0b887f0148bed74d9d012e 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/injectionModelList/injectionModelList.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -23,19 +23,20 @@ License
     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-    Foam::noInjection
+    Foam::injectionModelList
-    Dummy injection model for 'none'
+    List container for film injection models
-    noInjection.C
+    injectionModelList.C
-#ifndef noInjection_H
-#define noInjection_H
+#ifndef injectionModelList_H
+#define injectionModelList_H
+#include "PtrList.H"
 #include "injectionModel.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -48,38 +49,53 @@ namespace surfaceFilmModels
-                        Class noInjection Declaration
+                    Class injectionModelList Declaration
-class noInjection
+class injectionModelList
-    public injectionModel
+    public PtrList<injectionModel>
-    // Private member functions
+    // Private data
+        //- Reference to the owner surface film model
+        const surfaceFilmModel& owner_;
+        //- Dictionary
+        dictionary dict_;
+        //- Cumulative mass injected total
+        scalar injectedMassTotal_;
+    // Private Member Functions
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-        noInjection(const noInjection&);
+        injectionModelList(const injectionModelList&);
         //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-        void operator=(const noInjection&);
+        void operator=(const injectionModelList&);
-    //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("none");
     // Constructors
-        //- Construct from surface film model
-        noInjection(const surfaceFilmModel& owner, const dictionary& dict);
+        //- Construct null
+        injectionModelList(const surfaceFilmModel& owner);
+        //- Construct from type name, dictionary and surface film model
+        injectionModelList
+        (
+            const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
+            const dictionary& dict
+        );
     //- Destructor
-    virtual ~noInjection();
+    virtual ~injectionModelList();
     // Member Functions
@@ -89,9 +105,16 @@ public:
             //- Correct
             virtual void correct
-                scalarField& massToInject,
-                scalarField& diameterToInject
+                scalarField& availableMass,
+                volScalarField& massToInject,
+                volScalarField& diameterToInject
+        // I-O
+            //- Provide some info
+            void info(Ostream& os) const;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 442e68ce9c52d9c6e1ffce8c0089b7cb571354aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/noInjection/noInjection.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2009-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include "noInjection.H"
-#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-namespace regionModels
-namespace surfaceFilmModels
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(noInjection, 0);
-addToRunTimeSelectionTable(injectionModel, noInjection, dictionary);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    const surfaceFilmModel& owner,
-    const dictionary&
-    injectionModel(owner)
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void noInjection::correct
-    scalarField& massToInject,
-    scalarField& diameterToInject
-    // no mass injected
-    massToInject = 0.0;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace surfaceFilmModels
-} // End namespace regionModels
-} // End namespace Foam
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.C
index bffa600add7df59f5367d16f6f203a36b8d03827..04360618ef9f6ce00d76ac6f15062082e886ffe4 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.C
@@ -63,11 +63,13 @@ removeInjection::~removeInjection()
 void removeInjection::correct
-    scalarField&,
+    scalarField& availableMass,
+    scalarField& massToInject,
-    // do nothing - all mass available to be removed
+    massToInject = availableMass;
+    availableMass = 0.0;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.H
index eae2c1da5f6933d9e35a18b50e9d0cb1fe9bec9c..500d06ce890838918ef4c758d6323c7ceafe7008 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/kinematic/injectionModel/removeInjection/removeInjection.H
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ public:
             //- Correct
             virtual void correct
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& massToInject,
                 scalarField& diameterToInject
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/subModelBaseI.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/subModelBaseI.H
index 3c5a1933eab8a822417fb6ef78a94e5d457c350c..67551e42f53e856e0271afa0759781c8bf89489c 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/subModelBaseI.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/subModelBaseI.H
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ License
-#include "subModelBase.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 namespace Foam
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.C
index be5ec46e154c6823211433db6c0d575573e886cd..b7736dec1d2063b8c1c69c4647f9f2b0ca24a56a 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.C
@@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ noPhaseChange::~noPhaseChange()
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void noPhaseChange::correct
+void noPhaseChange::correctModel
     const scalar,
+    scalarField&,
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.H
index 523955ee956770eaa2cbf78307ce00d43ba04af8..6108de35bbc8cda39f9f79289e836497e48bb244 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/noPhaseChange/noPhaseChange.H
@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@ public:
         // Evolution
             //- Correct
-            virtual void correct
+            virtual void correctModel
                 const scalar dt,
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& dMass,
                 scalarField& dEnergy
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.C
index 98b91c40fba774e4ec2b2f12034df9ae642cd01c..5ab27c47bf264c71f1ed6650a8703abf91b17761 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.C
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ phaseChangeModel::phaseChangeModel
     const surfaceFilmModel& owner
-    subModelBase(owner)
+    subModelBase(owner),
+    latestMassPC_(0.0),
+    totalMassPC_(0.0)
@@ -58,7 +60,9 @@ phaseChangeModel::phaseChangeModel
     const dictionary& dict
-    subModelBase(type, owner, dict)
+    subModelBase(type, owner, dict),
+    latestMassPC_(0.0),
+    totalMassPC_(0.0)
@@ -68,6 +72,44 @@ phaseChangeModel::~phaseChangeModel()
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+void phaseChangeModel::correct
+    const scalar dt,
+    scalarField& availableMass,
+    volScalarField& dMass,
+    volScalarField& dEnergy
+    correctModel
+    (
+        dt,
+        availableMass,
+        dMass,
+        dEnergy
+    );
+    latestMassPC_ = sum(dMass.internalField());
+    totalMassPC_ += latestMassPC_;
+    availableMass -= dMass;
+    dMass.correctBoundaryConditions();
+void phaseChangeModel::info(Ostream& os) const
+    const scalar massPCRate =
+        returnReduce(latestMassPC_, sumOp<scalar>())
+       /owner_.time().deltaTValue();
+    os  << indent << "mass phase change  = "
+        << returnReduce(totalMassPC_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
+        << indent << "vapourisation rate = " << massPCRate << nl;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 } // end namespace surfaceFilmModels
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.H
index 909c71ec68010b92aba8daf4626f068700ff3b7c..b537cf59d7938619f4703f55b07a7ee8c5c9aeca 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel/phaseChangeModel.H
@@ -69,6 +69,17 @@ private:
         void operator=(const phaseChangeModel&);
+    // Protected Member Functions
+        //- Latest mass transfer due to phase change
+        scalar latestMassPC_;
+        //- Total mass transfer due to phase change
+        scalar totalMassPC_;
     //- Runtime type information
@@ -125,9 +136,25 @@ public:
             virtual void correct
                 const scalar dt,
+                scalarField& availableMass,
+                volScalarField& dMass,
+                volScalarField& dEnergy
+            );
+            //- Correct
+            virtual void correctModel
+            (
+                const scalar dt,
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& dMass,
                 scalarField& dEnergy
             ) = 0;
+        // I-O
+            //- Provide some feedback
+            virtual void info(Ostream& os) const;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.C
index d5ebfa3a30a4bdffe1604e3c1f9a888fb690c8f9..47246b42653e99b5ec5fdac504dae943fd6035d3 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.C
@@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ standardPhaseChange::standardPhaseChange
-    TbFactor_(coeffs_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("TbFactor", 1.1)),
-    totalMass_(0.0),
-    vapourRate_(0.0)
+    TbFactor_(coeffs_.lookupOrDefault<scalar>("TbFactor", 1.1))
@@ -95,9 +93,10 @@ standardPhaseChange::~standardPhaseChange()
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void standardPhaseChange::correct
+void standardPhaseChange::correctModel
     const scalar dt,
+    scalarField& availableMass,
     scalarField& dMass,
     scalarField& dEnergy
@@ -124,8 +123,10 @@ void standardPhaseChange::correct
     const scalarField hInf(film.htcs().h());
     const scalarField hFilm(film.htcw().h());
     const vectorField dU(film.UPrimary() - film.Us());
-    const scalarField availableMass((delta - deltaMin_)*rho*magSf);
+    const scalarField limMass
+    (
+        max(scalar(0.0), availableMass - deltaMin_*rho*magSf)
+    );
     forAll(dMass, cellI)
@@ -152,8 +153,7 @@ void standardPhaseChange::correct
                 const scalar Cp = liq.Cp(pc, Tloc);
                 const scalar Tcorr = max(0.0, T[cellI] - Tb_);
-                const scalar qCorr = availableMass[cellI]*Cp*(Tcorr);
+                const scalar qCorr = limMass[cellI]*Cp*(Tcorr);
                 dMass[cellI] =
                     dt*magSf[cellI]/hVap*(qDotInf + qDotFilm)
                   + qCorr/hVap;
@@ -195,23 +195,10 @@ void standardPhaseChange::correct
                     dt*magSf[cellI]*rhoInfc*hm*(Ys - YInf[cellI])/(1.0 - Ys);
-            dMass[cellI] = min(availableMass[cellI], max(0.0, dMass[cellI]));
+            dMass[cellI] = min(limMass[cellI], max(0.0, dMass[cellI]));
             dEnergy[cellI] = dMass[cellI]*hVap;
-    const scalar sumdMass = sum(dMass);
-    totalMass_ += sumdMass;
-    vapourRate_ = sumdMass/owner().time().deltaTValue();
-void standardPhaseChange::info() const
-    Info<< indent << "mass phase change  = "
-        << returnReduce(totalMass_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
-        << indent << "vapourisation rate = "
-        << returnReduce(vapourRate_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.H
index 29227f296b1811a96779e4498e64c053473e91de..3d0c07a54871d7176fe3f6683fb26a574e154565 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/submodels/thermo/phaseChangeModel/standardPhaseChange/standardPhaseChange.H
@@ -83,12 +83,6 @@ protected:
         //  Used to set max limit on temperature to Tb*TbFactor
         const scalar TbFactor_;
-        //- Total mass evolved / [kg]
-        scalar totalMass_;
-        //- Vapouristaion rate / kg/s
-        scalar vapourRate_;
     // Protected member functions
@@ -121,18 +115,13 @@ public:
         // Evolution
             //- Correct
-            virtual void correct
+            virtual void correctModel
                 const scalar dt,
+                scalarField& availableMass,
                 scalarField& dMass,
                 scalarField& dEnergy
-        // Input/output
-            //- Output model statistics
-            virtual void info() const;
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModel.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModel.H
index ba4663a755c34e307b00ab1321b071d54ec54ac1..8a0f01b6b6dcab3321160f6cf11fa5950ce56722 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModel.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModel.H
@@ -161,6 +161,9 @@ public:
         // Access
+            //- Return the accleration due to gravity
+            inline const dimensionedVector& g() const;
             //- Return the thermo type
             inline const thermoModelType& thermoModel() const;
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ public:
             ) = 0;
-       // Solution parameters
+        // Solution parameters
             //- Courant number evaluation
             virtual scalar CourantNumber() const;
@@ -184,48 +187,50 @@ public:
         // Fields
-           //- Return the film thickness [m]
-           virtual const volScalarField& delta() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film thickness [m]
+            virtual const volScalarField& delta() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& U() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& U() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& Us() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film surface velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Us() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
-           virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film wall velocity [m/s]
+            virtual const volVectorField& Uw() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
-           virtual const volScalarField& rho() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film density [kg/m3]
+            virtual const volScalarField& rho() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& T() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film mean temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& T() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film surface temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Ts() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film wall temperature [K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& Tw() const = 0;
             //- Return the film specific heat capacity [J/kg/K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const = 0;
+            virtual const volScalarField& Cp() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
+            virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const = 0;
-           //- Return the film thermal conductivity [W/m/K]
-           virtual const volScalarField& kappa() const = 0;
+            //- Return the film surface tension [N/m]
+            virtual const volScalarField& sigma() const = 0;
-           // Transfer fields - to the primary region
+            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
-               //- Return the film mass available for transfer
-               virtual const volScalarField& massForPrimary() const = 0;
+                //- Return mass transfer source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<volScalarField> primaryMassTrans() const = 0;
-               //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film
-               virtual const volScalarField& diametersForPrimary() const = 0;
+                //- Return the film mass available for transfer
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudMassTrans() const = 0;
-               //- Return the film mass evolved via phase change
-               virtual const volScalarField& massPhaseChangeForPrimary()
-                   const = 0;
+                //- Return the parcel diameters originating from film
+                virtual const volScalarField& cloudDiameterTrans() const = 0;
         // Source fields
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModelI.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModelI.H
index 2c8829284ea8996628094500c3b7f6880e108d95..3e5fdacdbee9c75c577fca120b951e691ea67278 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModelI.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/surfaceFilmModel/surfaceFilmModelI.H
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ namespace surfaceFilmModels
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+inline const Foam::dimensionedVector& surfaceFilmModel::g() const
+    return g_;
 inline const surfaceFilmModel::thermoModelType&
 surfaceFilmModel::thermoModel() const
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.C b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.C
index 9aceadfc030fd4086de8ba39dba345c621691b0f..48c6762b39bb0dc35b47181888e52fee7a2592c2 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.C
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.C
@@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ bool thermoSingleLayer::read()
 void thermoSingleLayer::resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::resetPrimaryRegionSourceTerms()" << endl;
+    }
     hsSpPrimary_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", hsSp_.dimensions(), 0.0);
@@ -105,6 +110,7 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::correctThermoFields()
             const liquidProperties& liq =
             forAll(rho_, cellI)
                 const scalar T = T_[cellI];
@@ -173,6 +179,11 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::updateSurfaceTemperatures()
 void thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()" << endl;
+    }
     // Update primary region fields on local region via direct mapped (coupled)
@@ -187,6 +198,11 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields()
 void thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()" << endl;
+    }
     // Retrieve the source fields from the primary region via direct mapped
@@ -199,27 +215,30 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields()
     // Note: boundary values will still have original (neat) values
     const scalar deltaT = time_.deltaTValue();
     hsSp_.field() /= magSf()*deltaT;
+    // Apply enthalpy source as difference between incoming and actual states
+    hsSp_ -= rhoSp_*hs_;
 void thermoSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()" << endl;
+    }
     // Update heat transfer coefficient sub-models
-    // Update phase change
-    massPhaseChangeForPrimary_.internalField() = 0.0;
-    energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_.internalField() = 0.0;
-        massPhaseChangeForPrimary_,
-        energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_
+        availableMass_,
+        primaryMassPCTrans_,
+        primaryEnergyPCTrans_
-    massPhaseChangeForPrimary_.correctBoundaryConditions();
-    totalMassPhaseChange_ += sum(massPhaseChangeForPrimary_).value();
     // Update radiation
@@ -228,14 +247,12 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::updateSubmodels()
     // Update source fields
-    hsSp_ -= energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_/magSf()/time().deltaT();
+    hsSp_ += primaryEnergyPCTrans_/magSf()/time().deltaT();
+    rhoSp_ += primaryMassPCTrans_/magSf()/time().deltaT();
-tmp<fvScalarMatrix> thermoSingleLayer::q
-    volScalarField& hs
-) const
+tmp<fvScalarMatrix> thermoSingleLayer::q(volScalarField& hs) const
     dimensionedScalar Tstd("Tstd", dimTemperature, 298.15);
@@ -256,17 +273,15 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::solveEnergy()
-    dimensionedScalar hs0("SMALL", hs_.dimensions(), SMALL);
         fvm::ddt(deltaRho_, hs_)
       + fvm::div(phi_, hs_)
-        fvm::Sp(hsSp_/(hs_ + hs0), hs_)
+      - hsSp_
       + q(hs_)
       + radiation_->Shs()
-      - fvm::Sp(massForPrimary_/magSf()/time().deltaT(), hs_)
+      - fvm::SuSp(rhoSp_, hs_)
@@ -370,10 +385,38 @@ thermoSingleLayer::thermoSingleLayer
         dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy/dimMass, 0.0),
-//        T_.boundaryField().types()
+    primaryMassPCTrans_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "primaryMassPCTrans",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
+    primaryEnergyPCTrans_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "primaryEnergyPCTrans",
+            time().timeName(),
+            regionMesh(),
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        regionMesh(),
+        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy, 0),
+        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
+    ),
@@ -429,22 +472,7 @@ thermoSingleLayer::thermoSingleLayer
         heatTransferModel::New(*this, coeffs().subDict("lowerSurfaceModels"))
     phaseChange_(phaseChangeModel::New(*this, coeffs())),
-    radiation_(filmRadiationModel::New(*this, coeffs())),
-    totalMassPhaseChange_(0.0),
-    energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "energyPhaseChangeForPrimary",
-            time().timeName(),
-            regionMesh(),
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::NO_WRITE
-        ),
-        regionMesh(),
-        dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy, 0),
-        zeroGradientFvPatchScalarField::typeName
-    )
+    radiation_(filmRadiationModel::New(*this, coeffs()))
     if (thermo_.hasMultiComponentCarrier())
@@ -519,24 +547,34 @@ void thermoSingleLayer::addSources
         Info<< "    energy   = " << energySource << nl << endl;
-    hsSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] += energySource;
+    hsSpPrimary_.boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] -= energySource;
 void thermoSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()
-    transferPrimaryRegionThermoFields();
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion()" << endl;
+    }
 //    correctHsForMappedT();
-    correctThermoFields();
+    kinematicSingleLayer::preEvolveRegion();
-    transferPrimaryRegionSourceFields();
+    // Update phase change
+    primaryMassPCTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass, 0.0);
+    primaryEnergyPCTrans_ == dimensionedScalar("zero", dimEnergy, 0.0);
 void thermoSingleLayer::evolveRegion()
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Info<< "thermoSingleLayer::evolveRegion()" << endl;
+    }
     // Solve continuity for deltaRho_
@@ -617,16 +655,67 @@ const volScalarField& thermoSingleLayer::hs() const
+tmp<volScalarField> thermoSingleLayer::primaryMassTrans() const
+    return primaryMassPCTrans_;
 void thermoSingleLayer::info() const
     Info<< indent << "min/max(T)         = " << min(T_).value() << ", "
-        << max(T_).value() << nl
-        << indent << "mass phase change  = "
-        << returnReduce(totalMassPhaseChange_, sumOp<scalar>()) << nl
-        << indent << "vapourisation rate = "
-        << sum(massPhaseChangeForPrimary_).value()/time_.deltaTValue() << nl;
+        << max(T_).value() << nl;
+    phaseChange_->info(Info);
+tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Srho() const
+    tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > tSrho
+    (
+        new DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>
+        (
+            IOobject
+            (
+                "thermoSingleLayer::Srho",
+                time().timeName(),
+                primaryMesh(),
+                IOobject::NO_READ,
+                IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                false
+            ),
+            primaryMesh(),
+            dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/dimVolume/dimTime, 0.0)
+        )
+    );
+    scalarField& Srho = tSrho();
+    const scalarField& V = primaryMesh().V();
+    const scalar dt = time_.deltaTValue();
+    forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs(), i)
+    {
+        const label filmPatchI = intCoupledPatchIDs()[i];
+        const mapDistribute& distMap = mappedPatches_[filmPatchI].map();
+        scalarField patchMass =
+            primaryMassPCTrans_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+        distMap.distribute(patchMass);
+        const label primaryPatchI = primaryPatchIDs()[i];
+        const unallocLabelList& cells =
+            primaryMesh().boundaryMesh()[primaryPatchI].faceCells();
+        forAll(patchMass, j)
+        {
+            Srho[cells[j]] = patchMass[j]/(V[cells[j]]*dt);
+        }
+    }
+    return tSrho;
@@ -644,7 +733,7 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Srho
-                "thermoSingleLayer::Srho(i)",
+                "thermoSingleLayer::Srho(" + Foam::name(i) + ")",
@@ -668,7 +757,7 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Srho
             const mapDistribute& distMap = mappedPatches_[filmPatchI].map();
             scalarField patchMass =
-                massPhaseChangeForPrimary_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+                primaryMassPCTrans_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
             const label primaryPatchI = primaryPatchIDs()[i];
@@ -706,8 +795,10 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Sh() const
+    phase change energy fed back into the film...
     scalarField& Sh = tSh();
-    const scalarField& V = mesh_.V();
+    const scalarField& V = primaryMesh().V();
     const scalar dt = time_.deltaTValue();
     forAll(intCoupledPatchIDs_, i)
@@ -716,14 +807,14 @@ tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > thermoSingleLayer::Sh() const
         const mapDistribute& distMap = mappedPatches_[filmPatchI].map();
         scalarField patchEnergy =
-            energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
+            primaryEnergyPCTrans_.boundaryField()[filmPatchI];
         const label primaryPatchI = primaryPatchIDs()[i];
         const unallocLabelList& cells =
-        forAll(patchMass, j)
+        forAll(patchEnergy, j)
             Sh[cells[j]] += patchEnergy[j]/(V[cells[j]]*dt);
diff --git a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.H b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.H
index ddd53f2d11b536b78eb8157001485d4c94bba767..a2788f7128e5687466bfac3eaa31dae951bd33cb 100644
--- a/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.H
+++ b/src/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/thermoSingleLayer/thermoSingleLayer.H
@@ -115,6 +115,15 @@ protected:
                 volScalarField hs_;
+            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
+                //- Film mass evolved via phase change
+                volScalarField primaryMassPCTrans_;
+                //- Film energy evolved via phase change
+                volScalarField primaryEnergyPCTrans_;
         // Source term fields
             // Film region - registered to the film region mesh
@@ -157,11 +166,6 @@ protected:
             //- Radiation
             autoPtr<filmRadiationModel> radiation_;
-            //- Total mass transferred to primary region [kg]
-            scalar totalMassPhaseChange_;
-            //- Film energy evolved via phase change
-            volScalarField energyPhaseChangeForPrimary_;
     // Protected member functions
@@ -256,6 +260,13 @@ public:
                 virtual const volScalarField& hs() const;
+            // Transfer fields - to the primary region
+                //- Return mass transfer source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<volScalarField> primaryMassTrans() const;
             // Helper functions
                 //- Return sensible enthalpy as a function of temperature
@@ -345,6 +356,9 @@ public:
             // Mapped into primary region
+                //- Return total mass source - Eulerian phase only
+                virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho() const;
                 //- Return mass source for specie i - Eulerian phase only
                 virtual tmp<DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh> > Srho
diff --git a/src/sampling/Make/files b/src/sampling/Make/files
index c9b26376d09db5931b086a32e7f8e0c41e76f3f5..ddf46a17e8516eec55d0cf81d4818598bcecb039 100644
--- a/src/sampling/Make/files
+++ b/src/sampling/Make/files
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ $(setWriters)/jplot/jplotSetWriterRunTime.C
diff --git a/src/sampling/Make/options b/src/sampling/Make/options
index 9a82299c41d4caa933e8a4324de15c3d41577c14..3fbc509d541cb70355abee9f03412bea6c2d2528 100644
--- a/src/sampling/Make/options
+++ b/src/sampling/Make/options
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ LIB_LIBS = \
     -lmeshTools \
     -lsurfMesh \
     -ltriSurface \
-    -lconversion \
-    -llagrangian
+    -llagrangian \
+    -lconversion
diff --git a/src/sampling/graphField/makeGraph.C b/src/sampling/graphField/makeGraph.C
index a7886e83043f0b734f32c9dbe67086cdb8f94daa..7bd5d42f0600cc6d5272d2e8c4a084bc0f908628 100644
--- a/src/sampling/graphField/makeGraph.C
+++ b/src/sampling/graphField/makeGraph.C
@@ -62,7 +62,17 @@ void makeGraph
     const word& graphFormat
-    makeGraph(x, vsf.internalField(), name, vsf.path(), graphFormat);
+    fileName path(vsf.rootPath()/vsf.caseName()/"graphs"/vsf.instance());
+    mkDir(path);
+    makeGraph
+    (
+        x,
+        vsf.internalField(),
+        name,
+        path,
+        graphFormat
+    );
diff --git a/src/sampling/graphField/writeCellGraph.C b/src/sampling/graphField/writeCellGraph.C
index e502eccf2434dd9310c01c1bd9c17f5b6d93304f..740e3172cd64e5bfcb6988b3ba29316a2d498d49 100644
--- a/src/sampling/graphField/writeCellGraph.C
+++ b/src/sampling/graphField/writeCellGraph.C
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ void writeCellGraph
     const word& graphFormat
+    fileName path(vsf.time().path()/"graphs"/vsf.time().timeName());
+    mkDir(path);
@@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ void writeCellGraph
-    ).write(vsf.time().timePath()/vsf.name(), graphFormat);
+    ).write(path/vsf.name(), graphFormat);
diff --git a/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.C b/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.C
index d7ea026dce52f0c350dbd91b317dcf4d9c6728a6..d82ddd40d2b26a9a8e5cfee1a726a7709ca9fb7c 100644
--- a/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.C
+++ b/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.C
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ License
 #include "IOmanip.H"
 // For 'nearInfo' helper class only
 #include "directMappedPatchBase.H"
-#include "meshSearch.H"
+//#include "meshSearch.H"
+#include "treeBoundBox.H"
+#include "treeDataFace.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -41,27 +43,116 @@ namespace Foam
 void Foam::patchProbes::findElements(const fvMesh& mesh)
-    elementList_.clear();
-    elementList_.setSize(size());
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& bm = mesh.boundaryMesh();
+    label patchI = bm.findPatchID(patchName_);
+    if (patchI == -1)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn
+        (
+            " Foam::patchProbes::findElements(const fvMesh&)"
+        )   << " Unknown patch name "
+            << patchName_ << endl
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
      // All the info for nearest. Construct to miss
     List<directMappedPatchBase::nearInfo> nearest(this->size());
-    // Octree based search engine
-    meshSearch meshSearchEngine(mesh, false);
+    const polyPatch& pp = bm[patchI];
-    forAll(*this, probeI)
+    if (pp.size() > 0)
-        const vector& sample = operator[](probeI);
-        label faceI = meshSearchEngine.findNearestBoundaryFace(sample);
-        const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
-        nearest[probeI].first() = pointIndexHit
+        labelList bndFaces(pp.size());
+        forAll(bndFaces, i)
+        {
+            bndFaces[i] =  pp.start() + i;
+        }
+        treeBoundBox overallBb(pp.points());
+        Random rndGen(123456);
+        overallBb = overallBb.extend(rndGen, 1E-4);
+        overallBb.min() -= point(ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL);
+        overallBb.max() += point(ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL);
+        const indexedOctree<treeDataFace> boundaryTree
-            true,
-            fc,
-            faceI
+            treeDataFace    // all information needed to search faces
+            (
+                false,                      // do not cache bb
+                mesh,
+                bndFaces                    // patch faces only
+            ),
+            overallBb,                      // overall search domain
+            8,                              // maxLevel
+            10,                             // leafsize
+            3.0                             // duplicity
-        nearest[probeI].second().first() = magSqr(fc-sample);
-        nearest[probeI].second().second() = Pstream::myProcNo();
+        if (elementList_.empty())
+        {
+            elementList_.setSize(probeLocations().size());
+            forAll(probeLocations(), probeI)
+            {
+                const point sample = probeLocations()[probeI];
+                scalar span = boundaryTree.bb().mag();
+                pointIndexHit info = boundaryTree.findNearest
+                (
+                    sample,
+                    Foam::sqr(span)
+                );
+                if (!info.hit())
+                {
+                    info = boundaryTree.findNearest
+                    (
+                        sample,
+                        Foam::sqr(GREAT)
+                    );
+                }
+                label faceI = boundaryTree.shapes().faceLabels()[info.index()];
+                const label patchi = bm.whichPatch(faceI);
+                if (isA<emptyPolyPatch>(bm[patchi]))
+                {
+                    WarningIn
+                    (
+                        " Foam::patchProbes::findElements(const fvMesh&)"
+                    )
+                    << " The sample point: " << sample
+                    << " belongs to " << patchi
+                    << " which is an empty patch. This is not permitted. "
+                    << " This sample will not be included "
+                    << endl;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
+                    directMappedPatchBase::nearInfo sampleInfo;
+                    sampleInfo.first() = pointIndexHit
+                    (
+                        true,
+                        fc,
+                        faceI
+                    );
+                    sampleInfo.second().first() = magSqr(fc-sample);
+                    sampleInfo.second().second() = Pstream::myProcNo();
+                    nearest[probeI]= sampleInfo;
+                }
+            }
+        }
@@ -93,6 +184,11 @@ void Foam::patchProbes::findElements(const fvMesh& mesh)
             localI = nearest[sampleI].first().index();
+        if (elementList_.empty())
+        {
+             elementList_.setSize(probeLocations().size());
+        }
         elementList_[sampleI] = localI;
diff --git a/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.H b/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.H
index 8f5974adb766c725d8d2e04d759ab4d6e91d8d34..309792dc7c8c43d3d27ba2bfe2cc19fee25e6344 100644
--- a/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.H
+++ b/src/sampling/probes/patchProbes.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2010-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ class patchProbes
     public probes
+    // Private data
+        //- Patch name
+        word patchName_;
     // Private Member Functions
diff --git a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.C b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a10205762680c60f46363723b5d52367841ad5c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.C
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "csvSetWriter.H"
+#include "coordSet.H"
+#include "fileName.H"
+#include "OFstream.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+    writer<Type>()
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class Type>
+Foam::fileName Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::getFileName
+    const coordSet& points,
+    const wordList& valueSetNames
+) const
+    return this->getBaseName(points, valueSetNames) + ".csv";
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::write
+    const coordSet& points,
+    const wordList& valueSetNames,
+    const List<const Field<Type>*>& valueSets,
+    Ostream& os
+) const
+    writeHeader(points,valueSetNames,os);
+    // Collect sets into columns
+    List<const List<Type>*> columns(valueSets.size());
+    forAll(valueSets, i)
+    {
+        columns[i] = valueSets[i];
+    }
+    writeTable(points, columns, os);
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::write
+    const bool writeTracks,
+    const PtrList<coordSet>& points,
+    const wordList& valueSetNames,
+    const List<List<Field<Type> > >& valueSets,
+    Ostream& os
+) const
+    writeHeader(points[0],valueSetNames,os);
+    if (valueSets.size() != valueSetNames.size())
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("csvSetWriter<Type>::write(..)")
+            << "Number of variables:" << valueSetNames.size() << endl
+            << "Number of valueSets:" << valueSets.size()
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    List<const List<Type>*> columns(valueSets.size());
+    forAll(points, trackI)
+    {
+        // Collect sets into columns
+        forAll(valueSets, i)
+        {
+            columns[i] = &valueSets[i][trackI];
+        }
+        writeTable(points[trackI], columns, os);
+        os  << nl << nl;
+    }
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::writeSeparator(Ostream& os) const
+    os << token::COMMA;
+namespace Foam
+    // otherwise compiler complains about specialization
+    template<>
+    void csvSetWriter<scalar>::writeHeader
+    (
+        const coordSet& points,
+        const wordList& valueSetNames,
+        Ostream& os
+    ) const
+    {
+        writeCoordHeader(points, os);
+        forAll(valueSetNames, i)
+        {
+            if (i > 0)
+            {
+                writeSeparator(os);
+            }
+            os << valueSetNames[i];
+        }
+        os << nl;
+    }
+} // end namespace
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::writeHeader
+    const coordSet& points,
+    const wordList& valueSetNames,
+    Ostream& os
+) const
+    writeCoordHeader(points, os);
+    forAll(valueSetNames, i)
+    {
+        for (label j=0; j<Type::nComponents; j++)
+        {
+            if (i>0 || j>0)
+            {
+                writeSeparator(os);
+            }
+            os << valueSetNames[i] << "_" << j;
+        }
+    }
+    os << nl;
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::csvSetWriter<Type>::writeCoordHeader
+    const coordSet& points,
+    Ostream& os
+) const
+    if (points.hasVectorAxis())
+    {
+        forAll(points, i)
+        {
+            os << points.axis()[i];
+            writeSeparator(os);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        os << points.axis();
+        writeSeparator(os);
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.H b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1bbff35435f85070aca4cc85d301017d6e858f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriter.H
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+    Foam::csvSetWriter
+    Write set in csv format
+    csvSetWriter.C
+#ifndef csvSetWriter_H
+#define csvSetWriter_H
+#include "writer.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+                       Class csvSetWriter Declaration
+template<class Type>
+class csvSetWriter
+    public writer<Type>
+    // Private Member Functions
+        void writeCoordHeader(const coordSet&, Ostream&) const;
+        void writeHeader(const coordSet&, const wordList&, Ostream&) const;
+    virtual void writeSeparator(Ostream&) const;
+    //- Runtime type information
+    TypeName("csv");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct null
+        csvSetWriter();
+    //- Destructor
+    virtual ~csvSetWriter();
+    // Member Functions
+        virtual fileName getFileName
+        (
+            const coordSet&,
+            const wordList&
+        ) const;
+        virtual void write
+        (
+            const coordSet&,
+            const wordList&,
+            const List<const Field<Type>*>&,
+            Ostream&
+        ) const;
+        virtual void write
+        (
+            const bool writeTracks,
+            const PtrList<coordSet>&,
+            const wordList& valueSetNames,
+            const List<List<Field<Type> > >&,
+            Ostream&
+        ) const;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "csvSetWriter.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriterRunTime.C b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriterRunTime.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5618e4abf3af0b9d1c0a556dff5a5b8ae6dbfd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/csv/csvSetWriterRunTime.C
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include "csvSetWriter.H"
+#include "writers.H"
+#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+    makeSetWriters(csvSetWriter);
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.C b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.C
index 651e0c7be247c7293d3440154cdd91909ca775d1..b2286998b47719a8816e002c4c2a19528d2ee990 100644
--- a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.C
+++ b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -105,8 +105,7 @@ void Foam::writer<Type>::writeTable
     forAll(points, pointI)
         writeCoord(points, pointI, os);
-        os << token::SPACE;
+        writeSeparator(os);
         write(values[pointI], os);
         os << nl;
@@ -127,7 +126,8 @@ void Foam::writer<Type>::writeTable
         forAll(valuesPtrList, i)
-            os << token::SPACE;
+            writeSeparator(os);
             const List<Type>& values = *valuesPtrList[i];
             write(values[pointI], os);
@@ -173,17 +173,27 @@ Foam::Ostream& Foam::writer<Type>::writeVS
     for (direction d=0; d<VSType::nComponents; d++)
-        os << value.component(d);
-        if (d <= VSType::nComponents-1)
+        if (d > 0)
-            os << ' ' << token::TAB;
+            writeSeparator(os);
+        os << value.component(d);
     return os;
+template<class Type>
+void Foam::writer<Type>::writeSeparator
+    Ostream& os
+) const
+    os << token::SPACE << token::TAB;
 template<class Type>
 Foam::Ostream& Foam::writer<Type>::write
diff --git a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.H b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.H
index f5d9a73e532647b721f4bd7da39f557584b97aaa..c239312656ae7e328855e4e719a391aee201dbf6 100644
--- a/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.H
+++ b/src/sampling/sampledSet/writers/writer.H
@@ -107,6 +107,9 @@ protected:
         Ostream& os
     ) const;
+    //- Writes a separator. Used by write functions.
+    virtual void writeSeparator(Ostream& os) const;
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/mixtures/basicMixture/basicMixtures.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/mixtures/basicMixture/basicMixtures.C
index 54e6a8d531b26c7e9b00ed8772116ff37e8ae2c3..f3979b8cdb4b15b58b88b84e713a2726efa608e6 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/mixtures/basicMixture/basicMixtures.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/mixtures/basicMixture/basicMixtures.C
@@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ makeBasicPolyMixture
+    pureMixture,
+    8
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 } // End namespace Foam
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/rhoThermo/hRhoThermo/hRhoThermos.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/rhoThermo/hRhoThermo/hRhoThermos.C
index 167cc67f0850c4e408e7b2b3cde8de3021bb9f3d..dd049f4bf3cb306536f167691fe32ebc832c4b37 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/rhoThermo/hRhoThermo/hRhoThermos.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/basic/rhoThermo/hRhoThermo/hRhoThermos.C
@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ makeBasicRhoPolyThermo
+    hRhoThermo,
+    pureMixture,
+    8
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 } // End namespace Foam
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/C3H6O/C3H6O.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/C3H6O/C3H6O.C
index c4b8254bb5150fb76e0bd4a22a5109063d0ee043..e499fb845f9adebd7ea67fcd31410597169561c9 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/C3H6O/C3H6O.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/C3H6O/C3H6O.C
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Foam::C3H6O::C3H6O()
     rho_(71.426784, 0.2576, 508.2, 0.29903),
-    pv_(70.72, -5.685, -7.351, 6.3e-06, 2.0),
+    pv_(70.72, -5685, -7.351, 6.3e-06, 2.0),
     hl_(508.20, 846590.909090909, 1.036, -1.294, 0.672, 0.0),
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/derivedFvPatchFields/greyDiffusiveRadiation/greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/derivedFvPatchFields/greyDiffusiveRadiation/greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C
index dd2fc5700740049a1fb70acb152b991f4f866834..e231144b9208021b21bebff47cc170a4b256e0cf 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/derivedFvPatchFields/greyDiffusiveRadiation/greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/derivedFvPatchFields/greyDiffusiveRadiation/greyDiffusiveRadiationMixedFvPatchScalarField.C
@@ -221,6 +221,10 @@ updateCoeffs()
                   + emissivity()()[faceI]*physicoChemical::sigma.value()
                   * pow4(Tp[faceI])
+             // Emmited heat flux from this ray direction
+            ray.Qem().boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] =
+                refValue()[faceI]*(n[faceI] & ray.dAve());
@@ -228,6 +232,10 @@ updateCoeffs()
             valueFraction()[faceI] = 0.0;
             refGrad()[faceI] = 0.0;
             refValue()[faceI] = 0.0; //not used
+             // Incident heat flux on this ray direction
+            ray.Qin().boundaryField()[patchI][faceI] =
+                Iw[faceI]*(n[faceI] & ray.dAve());
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.C
index 49fdbd3f557c7124ef352e7923cb1143b851e7e0..95ca0a7581e4e1db6a633ac789181bfe1f4b6612 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.C
@@ -82,6 +82,32 @@ Foam::radiation::fvDOM::fvDOM(const volScalarField& T)
         dimensionedScalar("Qr", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    Qem_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Qem",
+            mesh_.time().timeName(),
+            mesh_,
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        mesh_,
+        dimensionedScalar("Qem", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    ),
+    Qin_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Qin",
+            mesh_.time().timeName(),
+            mesh_,
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        mesh_,
+        dimensionedScalar("Qin", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    ),
@@ -366,13 +392,16 @@ void Foam::radiation::fvDOM::updateG()
     G_ = dimensionedScalar("zero",dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0);
     Qr_ = dimensionedScalar("zero",dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0);
+    Qem_ = dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0);
+    Qin_ = dimensionedScalar("zero", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0);
     forAll(IRay_, rayI)
         G_ += IRay_[rayI].I()*IRay_[rayI].omega();
-        //Qr_ += IRay_[rayI].Qr();
         Qr_.boundaryField() += IRay_[rayI].Qr().boundaryField();
+        Qem_.boundaryField() += IRay_[rayI].Qem().boundaryField();
+        Qin_.boundaryField() += IRay_[rayI].Qin().boundaryField();
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.H b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.H
index 9c2ba167a8e2e8de4233a68f30aab8f92c396771..e87697a78477dfa076682a9d377ade2857fc2932 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.H
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOM.H
@@ -83,6 +83,12 @@ class fvDOM
         //- Total radiative heat flux [W/m2]
         volScalarField Qr_;
+         //- Emmited radiative heat flux [W/m2]
+        volScalarField Qem_;
+        //- Incidet radiative heat flux [W/m2]
+        volScalarField Qin_;
         //- Total absorption coefficient [1/m]
         volScalarField a_;
@@ -213,6 +219,12 @@ public:
             //- Const access to total radiative heat flux field
             inline const volScalarField& Qr() const;
+            //- Const access to incident radiative heat flux field
+            inline const volScalarField& Qin() const;
+            //- Const access to emitted radiative heat flux field
+            inline const volScalarField& Qem() const;
             //- Const access to black body
             inline const blackBodyEmission& blackBody() const;
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOMI.H b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOMI.H
index 844f93ae033a08568c135e775527e3fc41dfbd70..7eb5c1b3be0634b01e004f3c4b85dd330e9db302 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOMI.H
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/fvDOM/fvDOMI.H
@@ -91,6 +91,16 @@ inline const Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::fvDOM::Qr() const
     return Qr_;
+inline const Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::fvDOM::Qin() const
+    return Qin_;
+inline const Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::fvDOM::Qem() const
+    return Qem_;
 inline const Foam::radiation::blackBodyEmission&
 Foam::radiation::fvDOM::blackBody() const
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.C b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.C
index 109f633b9bd5047fca10ec0b6163c775db61a6a9..688ad45a30d0e3f1e43e0a588fa62f6450d6b17e 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.C
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.C
@@ -81,6 +81,32 @@ Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::radiativeIntensityRay
         dimensionedScalar("Qr", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    Qin_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Qin" + name(rayId),
+            mesh_.time().timeName(),
+            mesh_,
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        mesh_,
+        dimensionedScalar("Qin", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    ),
+    Qem_
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "Qem" + name(rayId),
+            mesh_.time().timeName(),
+            mesh_,
+            IOobject::NO_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        mesh_,
+        dimensionedScalar("Qem", dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0.0)
+    ),
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.H b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.H
index a7a95648d49a70f63bcf18e682c4548ce9cdc17b..8c22b0b6b39e586b7d48a42e14205d1fa403f316 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.H
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRay.H
@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ private:
         //- Total radiative heat flux on boundary
         volScalarField Qr_;
+        //- Incident radiative heat flux on boundary
+        volScalarField Qin_;
+        //- Emitted radiative heat flux on boundary
+        volScalarField Qem_;
         //- Direction
         vector d_;
@@ -171,6 +177,18 @@ public:
             //- Return non-const access to the boundary heat flux
             inline volScalarField& Qr();
+            //- Return non-const access to the boundary incident heat flux
+            inline volScalarField& Qin();
+            //- Return non-const access to the boundary emmited heat flux
+            inline volScalarField& Qem();
+            //- Return const access to the boundary incident heat flux
+            inline const volScalarField& Qin() const;
+            //- Return const access to the boundary emmited heat flux
+            inline const volScalarField& Qem() const;
             //- Return direction
             inline const vector& d() const;
diff --git a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRayI.H b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRayI.H
index 0ef6cf36c941d27040b0886da4e0f8024c157d6a..5c24c279c631c7e3cddacf050b3074d58e220a70 100644
--- a/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRayI.H
+++ b/src/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/radiationModel/fvDOM/radiativeIntensityRay/radiativeIntensityRayI.H
@@ -42,6 +42,31 @@ inline Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::Qr()
     return Qr_;
+inline const Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::
+radiativeIntensityRay::Qin() const
+    return Qin_;
+inline Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::Qin()
+    return Qin_;
+inline const Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::
+radiativeIntensityRay::Qem() const
+    return Qem_;
+inline Foam::volScalarField& Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::Qem()
+    return Qem_;
 inline const Foam::vector& Foam::radiation::radiativeIntensityRay::d() const
diff --git a/src/transportModels/interfaceProperties/interfaceProperties.C b/src/transportModels/interfaceProperties/interfaceProperties.C
index 8f8c688bfd3fa9dc9153506854e37073884b2662..e1896805197c424c09113243a3893a20ea407223 100644
--- a/src/transportModels/interfaceProperties/interfaceProperties.C
+++ b/src/transportModels/interfaceProperties/interfaceProperties.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Foam::interfaceProperties::interfaceProperties
-            alpha1.mesh().solutionDict().subDict("PISO").lookup("cAlpha")
+            alpha1.mesh().solutionDict().subDict("PIMPLE").lookup("cAlpha")
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C b/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
index 54ebb5aa9a1ea91346f23e6335a5c670128a4760..1c9d53d391861712c843b0f50c42fa6e28398108 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/compressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ void kOmegaSST::correct()
     tmp<volTensorField> tgradU = fvc::grad(U_);
-    volScalarField S2(magSqr(symm(tgradU())));
+    volScalarField S2(2*magSqr(symm(tgradU())));
     volScalarField GbyMu((tgradU() && dev(twoSymm(tgradU()))));
     volScalarField G("RASModel::G", mut_*GbyMu);
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ void kOmegaSST::correct()
     // Re-calculate viscosity
-    mut_ = a1_*rho_*k_/max(a1_*omega_, F2()*sqrt(2.0*S2));
+    mut_ = a1_*rho_*k_/max(a1_*omega_, F2()*sqrt(S2));
     // Re-calculate thermal diffusivity
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/Make/files b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/Make/files
index 70c95e3b59c559d0ecf63cd235946da8594ea4aa..02a58fff0b1b43420a2e203f30d8db9cf1e78028 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/Make/files
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/Make/files
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ oneEqEddy/oneEqEddy.C
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ dynLagrangian/dynLagrangian.C
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.C b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ef17b44ffddfc6788574cf2c5113d0d7fb1ac4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include "dynMixedSmagorinsky.H"
-#include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-namespace incompressible
-namespace LESModels
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(dynMixedSmagorinsky, 0);
-addToRunTimeSelectionTable(LESModel, dynMixedSmagorinsky, dictionary);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    const volVectorField& U,
-    const surfaceScalarField& phi,
-    transportModel& transport,
-    const word& turbulenceModelName,
-    const word& modelName
-    LESModel(modelName, U, phi, transport, turbulenceModelName),
-    scaleSimilarity(U, phi, transport),
-    dynSmagorinsky(U, phi, transport)
-    printCoeffs();
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-tmp<volScalarField> dynMixedSmagorinsky::k() const
-    return
-    (
-        scaleSimilarity::k()
-      + dynSmagorinsky::k()
-    );
-tmp<volScalarField> dynMixedSmagorinsky::epsilon() const
-    return
-    (
-        scaleSimilarity::epsilon()
-      + dynSmagorinsky::epsilon()
-    );
-tmp<volSymmTensorField> dynMixedSmagorinsky::B() const
-    return
-    (
-        scaleSimilarity::B()
-      + dynSmagorinsky::B()
-    );
-tmp<volSymmTensorField> dynMixedSmagorinsky::devBeff() const
-    return
-    (
-        scaleSimilarity::devBeff()
-      + dynSmagorinsky::devBeff()
-    );
-tmp<fvVectorMatrix> dynMixedSmagorinsky::divDevBeff(volVectorField& U) const
-    return
-    (
-        scaleSimilarity::divDevBeff(U)
-      + dynSmagorinsky::divDevBeff(U)
-    );
-void dynMixedSmagorinsky::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU)
-    scaleSimilarity::correct(gradU);
-    dynSmagorinsky::correct(gradU());
-bool dynMixedSmagorinsky::read()
-    if (LESModel::read())
-    {
-        scaleSimilarity::read();
-        dynSmagorinsky::read();
-        return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace LESModels
-} // namespace incompressible
-} // End namespace Foam
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.H b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 8083ef66609e1b0f82768f1fc2ba6fc7e2f28245..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynMixedSmagorinsky/dynMixedSmagorinsky.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::incompressible::LESModels::dynMixedSmagorinsky
-    The Mixed Isochoric Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows.
-    The mixed model is a linear combination of an eddy viscosity model
-    with a scale similarity model.
-    \verbatim
-          B = (L + C) + R = (F(v*v) - F(v)*F(v)) + R
-    \endverbatim
-    The algebraic eddy viscosity SGS model is founded on the assumption
-    that local equilibrium prevails, hence
-    \verbatim
-        R = 2/3*rho*k*I - 2*nuEff*dev(D)
-    where
-        k = cI*delta^2*||D||^2
-        nuEff = ck*sqrt(k)*delta + nu
-    \endverbatim
-    The Leonard and cross contributions are incorporated
-    by adding,
-    \verbatim
-        + div(((filter(U*U) - filter(U)*filter(U)) -
-          0.333*I*tr(filter(U*U) - filter(U)*filter(U))))
-        + div((filter(U*epsilon) - filter(U)*filter(epsilon)))
-    \endverbatim
-    to the rhs. of the equations.  This version implements filtering to
-    evaluate the coefficients in the model.
-    dynMixedSmagorinsky.C
-#ifndef dynMixedSmagorinsky_H
-#define dynMixedSmagorinsky_H
-#include "dynSmagorinsky.H"
-#include "scaleSimilarity.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-namespace incompressible
-namespace LESModels
-                           Class dynMixedSmagorinsky Declaration
-class dynMixedSmagorinsky
-    public scaleSimilarity,
-    public dynSmagorinsky
-    // Private Member Functions
-        // Disallow default bitwise copy construct and assignment
-        dynMixedSmagorinsky(const dynMixedSmagorinsky&);
-        dynMixedSmagorinsky& operator=(const dynMixedSmagorinsky&);
-    //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("dynMixedSmagorinsky");
-    // Constructors
-        //- Constructors from components
-        dynMixedSmagorinsky
-        (
-            const volVectorField& U,
-            const surfaceScalarField& phi,
-            transportModel& transport,
-            const word& turbulenceModelName = turbulenceModel::typeName,
-            const word& modelName = typeName
-        );
-    //- Destructor
-    ~dynMixedSmagorinsky()
-    {}
-    // Member Functions
-        //- Return SGS kinetic energy
-        tmp<volScalarField> k() const;
-        //- Return sub-grid disipation rate
-        tmp<volScalarField> epsilon() const;
-        //- Return the sub-grid stress tensor.
-        tmp<volSymmTensorField> B() const;
-        //- Return the effective sub-grid turbulence stress tensor
-        //  including the laminar stress
-        tmp<volSymmTensorField> devBeff() const;
-        //- Returns div(B).
-        // This is the additional term due to the filtering of the NSE.
-        tmp<fvVectorMatrix> divDevBeff(volVectorField& U) const;
-        //- Correct Eddy-Viscosity and related properties
-        void correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU);
-        //- Read LESProperties dictionary
-        bool read();
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace LESModels
-} // End namespace incompressible
-} // End namespace Foam
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.C b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.C
similarity index 85%
rename from src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.C
rename to src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.C
index e43781200f45ad72a4958c45b816e161e60b993f..e62de890f917fc7ec391c5bb0da8d65e786009a5 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.C
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ License
-#include "dynSmagorinsky.H"
+#include "homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.H"
 #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -37,19 +37,25 @@ namespace LESModels
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(dynSmagorinsky, 0);
-addToRunTimeSelectionTable(LESModel, dynSmagorinsky, dictionary);
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(homogeneousDynSmagorinsky, 0);
+addToRunTimeSelectionTable(LESModel, homogeneousDynSmagorinsky, dictionary);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void dynSmagorinsky::updateSubGridScaleFields(const volSymmTensorField& D)
+void homogeneousDynSmagorinsky::updateSubGridScaleFields
+    const volSymmTensorField& D
     nuSgs_ = cD(D)*sqr(delta())*sqrt(magSqr(D));
-dimensionedScalar dynSmagorinsky::cD(const volSymmTensorField& D) const
+dimensionedScalar homogeneousDynSmagorinsky::cD
+    const volSymmTensorField& D
+) const
     const volSymmTensorField MM
@@ -72,7 +78,10 @@ dimensionedScalar dynSmagorinsky::cD(const volSymmTensorField& D) const
-dimensionedScalar dynSmagorinsky::cI(const volSymmTensorField& D) const
+dimensionedScalar homogeneousDynSmagorinsky::cI
+    const volSymmTensorField& D
+) const
     const volScalarField mm
@@ -97,7 +106,7 @@ dimensionedScalar dynSmagorinsky::cI(const volSymmTensorField& D) const
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     const volVectorField& U,
     const surfaceScalarField& phi,
@@ -135,7 +144,7 @@ dynSmagorinsky::dynSmagorinsky
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void dynSmagorinsky::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU)
+void homogeneousDynSmagorinsky::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU)
@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ void dynSmagorinsky::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU)
-bool dynSmagorinsky::read()
+bool homogeneousDynSmagorinsky::read()
     if (GenEddyVisc::read())
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.H b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.H
similarity index 84%
rename from src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.H
rename to src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.H
index 8415cfefeee2b36007bba6cb47b4d599963bdfb4..2a25f48fe05f4bff04e94426e491f12b6510bce2 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/dynSmagorinsky/dynSmagorinsky.H
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky/homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.H
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ License
     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    Foam::incompressible::LESModels::dynSmagorinsky
+    Foam::incompressible::LESModels::homogeneousDynSmagorinsky
-    The Isochoric dynamic Smagorinsky Model for incompressible flows.
+    The Isochoric homogeneous dynamic Smagorinsky Model for
+    incompressible flows.
     Algebraic eddy viscosity SGS model founded on the assumption that
     local equilibrium prevails.
@@ -55,15 +56,18 @@ Description
         m = delta^2*(4*||F(D)||^2 - F(||D||^2))
         L = dev(F(U*U) - F(U)*F(U))
         M = delta^2*(F(||D||*dev(D)) - 4*||F(D)||*F(dev(D)))
+    The averaging <...> is over the whole domain, i.e. homogeneous turbulence
+    is assumed
-    dynSmagorinsky.C
+    homogeneousDynSmagorinsky.C
-#ifndef dynSmagorinsky_H
-#define dynSmagorinsky_H
+#ifndef homogeneousDynSmagorinsky_H
+#define homogeneousDynSmagorinsky_H
 #include "Smagorinsky.H"
 #include "LESfilter.H"
@@ -78,10 +82,10 @@ namespace LESModels
-                           Class dynSmagorinsky Declaration
+                           Class homogeneousDynSmagorinsky Declaration
-class dynSmagorinsky
+class homogeneousDynSmagorinsky
     public GenEddyVisc
@@ -103,19 +107,19 @@ class dynSmagorinsky
         dimensionedScalar cI(const volSymmTensorField& D) const;
         // Disallow default bitwise copy construct and assignment
-        dynSmagorinsky(const dynSmagorinsky&);
-        dynSmagorinsky& operator=(const dynSmagorinsky&);
+        homogeneousDynSmagorinsky(const homogeneousDynSmagorinsky&);
+        homogeneousDynSmagorinsky& operator=(const homogeneousDynSmagorinsky&);
     //- Runtime type information
-    TypeName("dynSmagorinsky");
+    TypeName("homogeneousDynSmagorinsky");
     // Constructors
         //- Construct from components
-        dynSmagorinsky
+        homogeneousDynSmagorinsky
             const volVectorField& U,
             const surfaceScalarField& phi,
@@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ public:
     //- Destructor
-    virtual ~dynSmagorinsky()
+    virtual ~homogeneousDynSmagorinsky()
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.C b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.C
index c94f2f1bad0e0907182a015749f6587e299f8907..f8ab7acf602464c0e1c04a12913f047eac8f423f 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.C
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2008-2011 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ kOmegaSSTSAS::kOmegaSSTSAS
     bound(k_, kMin_);
     bound(omega_, omegaMin_);
-    updateSubGridScaleFields(magSqr(2.0*symm(fvc::grad(U))));
+    updateSubGridScaleFields(2.0*magSqr(symm(fvc::grad(U))));
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ void kOmegaSSTSAS::correct(const tmp<volTensorField>& gradU)
-    volScalarField S2(magSqr(2.0*symm(gradU())));
+    volScalarField S2(2.0*magSqr(symm(gradU())));
     volVectorField gradK(fvc::grad(k_));
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.H b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.H
index 5ff2022a296b13f657a082023bb3ef2f25c6e45e..bf7ef1b54abf2a592639cfd6fffe962dbaf1badb 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.H
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/LES/kOmegaSSTSAS/kOmegaSSTSAS.H
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ Description
     kOmegaSSTSAS LES turbulence model for incompressible flows
+    Evaluation of the SST-SAS model: Channel flow, asymmetric diffuser and axi-
+    symmetric hill
+    European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics
+    ECCOMAS CFD 2006
+    Lars Davison
     A Scale-Adaptive Simulation Model using Two-Equation Models
     AIAA 2005-1095
     F. R. Menter and Y. Egorov
diff --git a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
index 9e34f054b7c84c34da220c8336f45754fa79275b..6baeaf5a0ed226d49157978d9d2813cb4a4e2b4b 100644
--- a/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
+++ b/src/turbulenceModels/incompressible/RAS/kOmegaSST/kOmegaSST.C
@@ -347,8 +347,8 @@ void kOmegaSST::correct()
-    const volScalarField S2(magSqr(symm(fvc::grad(U_))));
-    volScalarField G("RASModel::G", nut_*2*S2);
+    const volScalarField S2(2*magSqr(symm(fvc::grad(U_))));
+    volScalarField G("RASModel::G", nut_*S2);
     // Update omega and G at the wall
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void kOmegaSST::correct()
       - fvm::Sp(fvc::div(phi_), omega_)
       - fvm::laplacian(DomegaEff(F1), omega_)
-        gamma(F1)*2*S2
+        gamma(F1)*S2
       - fvm::Sp(beta(F1)*omega_, omega_)
       - fvm::SuSp
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ void kOmegaSST::correct()
     // Re-calculate viscosity
-    nut_ = a1_*k_/max(a1_*omega_, F2()*sqrt(2*S2));
+    nut_ = a1_*k_/max(a1_*omega_, F2()*sqrt(S2));
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.q b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.q
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8af725a4b3f8f333c0a921884fca48cbdb6d90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.q
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(0 0 0)
-(0 0 0)
-(5.86431 0.000436377 0)
-(11.7286 3.48387e-06 0)
-(17.5929 6.63884e-14 0)
-(23.4572 4.68122e-28 0)
-(29.3215 6.81256e-37 0)
-(35.1858 4.37547e-35 0)
-(41.0501 1.40555e-36 0)
-(46.9145 1.95116e-34 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.xy b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.xy
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d3febe1055dcf61862f42de988fe746b3c5b87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/Ek.xy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-1.02593 7.63421e-05
-0.00204766 6.08238e-10
-1.73423e-11 6.54427e-26
-6.87852e-26 1.3727e-54
-6.40659e-35 1.48851e-72
-2.85745e-33 3.55332e-69
-6.74385e-35 2.30909e-72
-7.16752e-33 2.98095e-68
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/U b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/U
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b7685980d418776e4eeab8d455fb140ed9f79e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
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-internalField   uniform ( 0 0 0 );
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-    patch2_half1
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-    patch1_half1
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-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-    patch0_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/enstrophy b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/enstrophy
deleted file mode 100644
index 380467277085e99c8d011e9d12e61d6e2e11dc5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/enstrophy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
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-    object      enstrophy;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [ 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 ];
-internalField   uniform 0;
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-    patch1_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch2_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch2_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch1_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch0_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
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-// ************************************************************************* //
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index f498742efa10359860f29c4dfd5e04396a6458e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0.org/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
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-internalField   uniform 0;
-    patch0_half0
-    {
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-    patch1_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-    patch2_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-    patch2_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-    patch1_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-    }
-    patch0_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
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-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.q b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.q
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8af725a4b3f8f333c0a921884fca48cbdb6d90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.q
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-(0 0 0)
-(0 0 0)
-(5.86431 0.000436377 0)
-(11.7286 3.48387e-06 0)
-(17.5929 6.63884e-14 0)
-(23.4572 4.68122e-28 0)
-(29.3215 6.81256e-37 0)
-(35.1858 4.37547e-35 0)
-(41.0501 1.40555e-36 0)
-(46.9145 1.95116e-34 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.xy b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.xy
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d3febe1055dcf61862f42de988fe746b3c5b87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/Ek.xy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-1.02593 7.63421e-05
-0.00204766 6.08238e-10
-1.73423e-11 6.54427e-26
-6.87852e-26 1.3727e-54
-6.40659e-35 1.48851e-72
-2.85745e-33 3.55332e-69
-6.74385e-35 2.30909e-72
-7.16752e-33 2.98095e-68
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index e4b7685980d418776e4eeab8d455fb140ed9f79e..780a4ac52cfec9172b662116c99831f15abd4cd7 100644
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/U
+++ b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/U
@@ -10,14 +10,4114 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
     class       volVectorField;
-    location    "1";
+    location    "0";
     object      U;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ];
+dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform ( 0 0 0 );
+internalField   nonuniform List<vector> 
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+(0.00411911 -0.00970993 -0.000960557)
+(-0.00473519 -0.00610113 -0.000919911)
+(-0.0160901 -0.000461402 -0.00119772)
+(-0.0282192 0.00635355 -0.0017518)
+(-0.0392773 0.0133076 -0.00249781)
+(-0.0475807 0.019341 -0.00332211)
+(-0.0518636 0.0235325 -0.00409906)
+(-0.0514717 0.0252412 -0.00471027)
+(-0.0464633 0.0242055 -0.00506267)
+(-0.0306494 0.0204311 -0.00498325)
+(-0.0191731 0.0148706 -0.00454978)
+(-0.00690198 0.00817023 -0.0040222)
+(0.00429437 0.00135137 -0.0034808)
+(0.0127117 -0.00454891 -0.00300793)
+(0.0170701 -0.0086351 -0.0026754)
+(0.0167085 -0.010288 -0.00253376)
+(0.0116831 -0.00925717 -0.00260456)
+(0.0027589 -0.00569861 -0.00287714)
+(-0.00870727 -0.000151308 -0.00331014)
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+(-0.0449632 0.023379 -0.00518616)
+(-0.0446079 0.0250378 -0.00532779)
+(-0.0395815 0.0240023 -0.0052565)
+(-0.0211407 0.0206491 -0.00543572)
+(-0.00955843 0.0153474 -0.00489191)
+(0.00277749 0.00893612 -0.00440037)
+(0.0139877 0.0023926 -0.00403592)
+(0.0223658 -0.00328806 -0.00385391)
+(0.026638 -0.00724378 -0.00388191)
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+(-0.0119625 0.00712884 -0.00606692)
+(-0.0231738 0.0136773 -0.00643194)
+(-0.0315598 0.0193706 -0.00661462)
+(-0.0358419 0.0233392 -0.00658703)
+(-0.0353662 0.0249763 -0.00635326)
+(-0.0302038 0.0240312 -0.00594893)
+(-0.0105233 0.0212049 -0.00638979)
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+(0.0134638 0.0102909 -0.0053457)
+(0.0245604 0.00412547 -0.0051039)
+(0.0327443 -0.00126993 -0.00510853)
+(0.0367713 -0.00507663 -0.00535875)
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+(0.0306356 -0.00594485 -0.00641182)
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+(0.00975112 0.00202912 -0.00764678)
+(-0.00256299 0.00802162 -0.0080985)
+(-0.0136608 0.0141921 -0.00834087)
+(-0.0218524 0.0196 -0.00833686)
+(-0.0258892 0.0234194 -0.00808696)
+(-0.0251543 0.025066 -0.00762913)
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+(0.0422673 0.00119821 -0.00657962)
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+(0.0448282 -0.00414452 -0.00737614)
+(0.0391384 -0.00358973 -0.00799281)
+(0.0297238 -0.000882624 -0.00863615)
+(0.0180162 0.00356736 -0.00920833)
+(0.00579578 0.00908543 -0.00962229)
+(-0.00507821 0.0148326 -0.00981496)
+(-0.0129501 0.0199329 -0.00975688)
+(-0.0166198 0.0236072 -0.00945678)
+(-0.0155266 0.0252933 -0.00896032)
+(-0.00983553 0.0247334 -0.00834311)
+(0.00765102 0.0229531 -0.00916483)
+(0.0193767 0.0189434 -0.00867841)
+(0.0314452 0.0138838 -0.00829447)
+(0.0420182 0.00854566 -0.00807141)
+(0.049486 0.00374056 -0.00804307)
+(0.0527136 0.000197419 -0.00821371)
+(0.0512114 -0.001547 -0.0085573)
+(0.0452096 -0.00122822 -0.00902161)
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+(-0.0536328 0.0283475 -0.0120577)
+(-0.0522293 0.0301622 -0.0140621)
+(-0.0463867 0.0295229 -0.0157507)
+(-0.0415514 0.0255757 -0.0158354)
+(-0.0300168 0.0203023 -0.0160755)
+(-0.0179564 0.0138748 -0.0156322)
+(-0.00720783 0.00727326 -0.014573)
+(0.000592897 0.0015019 -0.0130592)
+(0.00425985 -0.00256339 -0.0113211)
+(0.00323696 -0.00430663 -0.00962332)
+(-0.00231866 -0.00346391 -0.00822419)
+(-0.0115614 -0.000162659 -0.0073367)
+(-0.023086 0.00509724 -0.00709605)
+(-0.0351399 0.011518 -0.00753899)
+(-0.0458895 0.0181235 -0.00859816)
+(-0.0536981 0.0239073 -0.0101123)
+(-0.0573751 0.0279861 -0.0118509)
+(-0.0563586 0.0297361 -0.0135491)
+(-0.050802 0.0288894 -0.0149483)
+(-0.0419091 0.0247034 -0.0152952)
+(-0.0303077 0.019176 -0.0153716)
+(-0.0180482 0.0125011 -0.014927)
+(-0.00699846 0.00569646 -0.0140292)
+(0.00115964 -0.000203003 -0.0128149)
+(0.00518578 -0.00430185 -0.0114687)
+(0.00446921 -0.00597903 -0.0101956)
+(-0.000879594 -0.00498064 -0.00918923)
+(-0.0100466 -0.00145777 -0.00860287)
+(-0.0216378 0.00405598 -0.00852589)
+(-0.0338909 0.0107242 -0.00897013)
+(-0.0449418 0.017533 -0.00986803)
+(-0.0531078 0.0234451 -0.0110829)
+(-0.0571441 0.0275576 -0.0124296)
+(-0.0564339 0.0292414 -0.0137031)
+(-0.051084 0.0282388 -0.0147093)
@@ -25,23 +4125,23 @@ boundaryField
         type            cyclic;
-    patch1_half0
+    patch0_half1
         type            cyclic;
-    patch2_half0
+    patch1_half0
         type            cyclic;
-    patch2_half1
+    patch1_half1
         type            cyclic;
-    patch1_half1
+    patch2_half0
         type            cyclic;
-    patch0_half1
+    patch2_half1
         type            cyclic;
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/enstrophy b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/enstrophy
deleted file mode 100644
index 380467277085e99c8d011e9d12e61d6e2e11dc5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/0/enstrophy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "1";
-    object      enstrophy;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [ 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 ];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    patch0_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch1_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch2_half0
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch2_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch1_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    patch0_half1
-    {
-        type            cyclic;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/Allclean b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/Allclean
index 9a9ff03ee175138c840b219b211e87a294c604d5..caccb99cfd54a81a326679621a45cc9e724317e1 100755
--- a/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/DNS/dnsFoam/boxTurb16/Allclean
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
-rm -rf 0
-cp -r 0.org 0
+rm -f 0/enstrophy
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Aw b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Aw
index 6e623345fc9d2fee4ed6b5f6a64d51bfdf6b6342..eaa7e3bf3a9e855f4fea23e42bb2d45df747fd62 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Aw
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Aw
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/B b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/B
index 00b545c4963598b19c87058d10ec64b588ba840d..428d563a25c7b1d4b5bfef0b4f2d9cc3f12e7c5f 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/B
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/B
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 );
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CR b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CR
index 37b3633fa3d87325657494c106148340d6b3b8dc..284e7d9d17e409c93dc38903881bb8ae1e0fa09b 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CR
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CR
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 );
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CT b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CT
index 3349ea01c131287b4bb5fa894c1f0d4c08a1eb71..6a6a805392223e9f7bf6b65400e877f5b2701074 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CT
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/CT
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 );
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Lobs b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Lobs
index 4ddf9c2b17ded741c3f4780d3101bcfea2a5dfa7..90660ce7c93b0a92470f1c1a412a04e221c23f98 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Lobs
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Lobs
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Nv b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Nv
index a75358670c4f07d19f09160ab745eea0217a9e7b..dd48b6238bc2b929ddb1024f47fc739d12e9dd7f 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Nv
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Nv
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/T b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/T
index 71e583e06f73091b651f364b3cc828085fc551dc..dd62e0b3ab27076f806386c6259e7f39f018b221 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/T
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/T
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 300;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Tu b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Tu
index d1b66ff7294f0ba39a61216d3d5973972b9719d2..b81e353980759e173cf954e443f24a07052d766a 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Tu
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Tu
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 300;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Xi b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Xi
index 0352e02d77e10862c80cc549dcb226cd7b9db7d6..ed084b111c5acef838753334b053d0cfbcfaff6d 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Xi
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/Xi
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/b b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/b
index 4f9939d012632dc97e8775d6193106db1cbd3e0c..9a2344820243b28dba8b5c7d2e62f1774457f53c 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/b
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/b
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/betav b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/betav
index 61726ff2357e6e215063195623fbfe247ecdf055..a4c40e406f7bdded61b664e9cfab2ff40bba060e 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/betav
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/0/betav
@@ -8063,6 +8063,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
+        value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/README b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/README
index 13d0f4a92321161b2f1fddbaba86685364d642f1..8e71fd3b1fe13a4f5dede4b66b06ebace4a4f363 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/README
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/README
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
 PDR test case
-The folder 0.org contains the initial fields for the original
 Step to introduce the PDR fields:
 1) Create zero-size patches for wall or/and coupled baffles in
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/PDRProperties b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/PDRProperties
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/RASProperties
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/g b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/g
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
index c870b50cdb7f9e5c3bfca60613590aafd00d2c9c..cfcde8b5ce098ff1b6cef04ad48bb201bcbfff8d 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
@@ -167,76 +167,101 @@ blocks
     hex (29 13 12 28 73 61 60 72) (5 5 7) simpleGrading (1 1 2.985984)
-    patch outer
-    (
-        (91 90 86 87)
-        (90 89 85 86)
-        (89 88 84 85)
-        (87 86 82 83)
-        (86 85 81 82)
-        (85 84 80 81)
-        (83 82 78 79)
-        (82 81 77 78)
-        (81 80 76 77)
-        (48 64 68 52)
-        (64 76 80 68)
-        (52 68 70 56)
-        (68 80 84 70)
-        (56 70 72 60)
-        (70 84 88 72)
-        (91 87 71 75)
-        (87 83 69 71)
-        (83 79 67 69)
-        (75 71 59 63)
-        (71 69 55 59)
-        (69 67 51 55)
-        (48 49 65 64)
-        (49 50 66 65)
-        (50 51 67 66)
-        (64 65 77 76)
-        (65 66 78 77)
-        (66 67 79 78)
-        (91 75 74 90)
-        (75 63 62 74)
-        (90 74 73 89)
-        (74 62 61 73)
-        (89 73 72 88)
-        (73 61 60 72)
-    )
-    wall ground
-    (
-        (0 4 5 1)
-        (1 5 6 2)
-        (2 6 7 3)
-        (4 8 9 5)
-        (5 9 10 6)
-        (6 10 11 7)
-        (8 12 13 9)
-        (9 13 14 10)
-        (10 14 15 11)
-        (4 0 48 52)
-        (8 4 52 56)
-        (12 8 56 60)
-        (11 15 63 59)
-        (7 11 59 55)
-        (3 7 55 51)
-        (0 1 49 48)
-        (1 2 50 49)
-        (2 3 51 50)
-        (15 14 62 63)
-        (14 13 61 62)
-        (13 12 60 61)
-    )
-    wall blockedFaces
-    ()
-    wall baffleWall
-    ()
-    cycic baffleCyclic_half0
-    ()
-    cycic baffleCyclic_half1
-    ()
+    outer
+    {
+        type    patch;
+        faces
+        (
+            (91 90 86 87)
+            (90 89 85 86)
+            (89 88 84 85)
+            (87 86 82 83)
+            (86 85 81 82)
+            (85 84 80 81)
+            (83 82 78 79)
+            (82 81 77 78)
+            (81 80 76 77)
+            (48 64 68 52)
+            (64 76 80 68)
+            (52 68 70 56)
+            (68 80 84 70)
+            (56 70 72 60)
+            (70 84 88 72)
+            (91 87 71 75)
+            (87 83 69 71)
+            (83 79 67 69)
+            (75 71 59 63)
+            (71 69 55 59)
+            (69 67 51 55)
+            (48 49 65 64)
+            (49 50 66 65)
+            (50 51 67 66)
+            (64 65 77 76)
+            (65 66 78 77)
+            (66 67 79 78)
+            (91 75 74 90)
+            (75 63 62 74)
+            (90 74 73 89)
+            (74 62 61 73)
+            (89 73 72 88)
+            (73 61 60 72)
+        );
+    }
+    ground
+    {
+        type wall;
+        faces
+        (
+            (0 4 5 1)
+            (1 5 6 2)
+            (2 6 7 3)
+            (4 8 9 5)
+            (5 9 10 6)
+            (6 10 11 7)
+            (8 12 13 9)
+            (9 13 14 10)
+            (10 14 15 11)
+            (4 0 48 52)
+            (8 4 52 56)
+            (12 8 56 60)
+            (11 15 63 59)
+            (7 11 59 55)
+            (3 7 55 51)
+            (0 1 49 48)
+            (1 2 50 49)
+            (2 3 51 50)
+            (15 14 62 63)
+            (14 13 61 62)
+            (13 12 60 61)
+        );
+    }
+    blockedFaces
+    {
+        type wall;
+        faces ();
+    }
+    baffleWall
+    {
+        type wall;
+        faces ();
+    }
+    baffleCyclic_half0
+    {
+        type cyclic;
+        neighbourPatch  baffleCyclic_half1;
+        faces ();
+    }
+    baffleCyclic_half1
+    {
+        type cyclic;
+        neighbourPatch  baffleCyclic_half0;
+        faces ();
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/constant/turbulenceProperties
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/changeDictionaryDict b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/changeDictionaryDict
index f045525370345357e79910212f905f34d8260478..97d5a0abf5ed4442e76363841f0878eb83ae5084 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/changeDictionaryDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/changeDictionaryDict
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        cyclic;
@@ -109,8 +108,8 @@ dictionaryReplacement
-                type         compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-                value           uniform 1.5;
+                type        compressible::kqRWallFunction;
+                value       uniform 1.5;
@@ -153,6 +152,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 1;
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 300;
@@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 300;
@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 1;
@@ -273,8 +276,9 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 0.0;
-             baffleWall
+            baffleWall
                 type        zeroGradient;
                 value       uniform 0.0;
@@ -296,6 +300,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform (0 0 0 0 0 0);
@@ -319,6 +324,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 0;
@@ -342,6 +348,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform (0 0 0 0 0 0);
@@ -365,6 +372,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform (0 0 0 0 0 0);
@@ -388,6 +396,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 0;
@@ -411,6 +420,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform (0 0 0 0 0 0);
@@ -434,6 +444,7 @@ dictionaryReplacement
                 type        zeroGradient;
+                value       uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSchemes
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSolution
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 8a927992fe5ca9130c35d9732ce33152809126a0..fc52462ffd4c4a46c05bae7e84c6831aed75bf47
--- a/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/PDRFoam/flamePropagationWithObstacles/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    };
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
@@ -30,10 +37,25 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-6;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    };
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-6;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|ft|fu|b|Xi|Su|h|hu|R|k|epsilon)"
+    "(b|Xi|ft|h|hu|k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(b|Xi|ft|h|hu|k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -42,9 +64,10 @@ solvers
     nCorrectors     2;
+    nOuterCorrectors  1;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     momentumPredictor true;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/constant/combustionProperties b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/constant/combustionProperties
index aabb890b5a0bb6272305059b363bf2f311e4347a..9445b6beddb0e8e05024289d92f7fc6df79b4585 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/constant/combustionProperties
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/constant/combustionProperties
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ ignitionSites
         location (0.005 -0.02 0);
         diameter 0.003;
         start 0;
-        duration 0.05;
-        strength 20;
+        duration 0.1;
+        strength 100;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/controlDict b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
index 689e8a8cc9be9931312f230ce1fc7bd0540586f8..816fc5b7e086ea3ec7318416255a669524ebab8e 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         0.5;
+endTime         3.0;//0.5;
 deltaT          5e-06;
 writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.01;
+writeInterval   0.1;
 purgeWrite      0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
index bb801e75f77908206cffcb0e48b0a73c22441277..fb3f2564df1f0c15e28b5845cba8f0ca8cce978f 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,21 +17,30 @@ FoamFile
-    p
+    "(p|rho)"
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    rho
+    "(p|rho)Final"
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    "(U|ft|fu|b|Xi|Su|h|hu|R|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -40,12 +49,17 @@ solvers
     nOuterCorrectors 2;
     nCorrectors     1;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
+    "(Xi|Su)"     1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily3D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily3D/system/fvSolution
index eb0c13205246edb70cc681d00dab41767e8e96bc..3e76ec8fa40e59d96db1b38e7ddddaee3a0c0c1e 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily3D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/les/pitzDaily3D/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,22 +17,30 @@ FoamFile
-    p
+    "(p|rho)"
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    rho
+    "(p|rho)Final"
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|ft|fu|b|Xi|Su|h|hu|R|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -41,7 +49,7 @@ solvers
     nOuterCorrectors 2;
     nCorrectors     1;
@@ -53,4 +61,5 @@ relaxationFactors
     "(Xi|Su)"     1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/ras/moriyoshiHomogeneous/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/ras/moriyoshiHomogeneous/system/fvSolution
index 39c75569593a6d4d62e228acba988dcad706c57e..2e1ddf780b153c31081af77ccd0e3e8915ca3e69 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/ras/moriyoshiHomogeneous/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/XiFoam/ras/moriyoshiHomogeneous/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,22 +17,30 @@ FoamFile
-    p
+    "(p|rho)"
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    rho
+    "(p|rho)Final"
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|ft|fu|b|Xi|Su|h|hu|R|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|b|Su|Xi|h|hu|k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -41,11 +49,11 @@ solvers
-    nCorrectors     2;
+    nOuterCorrectors 2;
+    nCorrectors     1;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
-    momentumPredictor yes;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/chemistryProperties b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/chemistryProperties
index 4c5b3b3dbd1c9bf4f8016a3a987b063284681e90..49f4d3ee44b098b620c1071989a6850b77de2ae6 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/chemistryProperties
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/chemistryProperties
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
-chemistry       off;
+chemistry       on;
 chemistrySolver ode;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/combustionProperties b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/combustionProperties
index e3976eaaa57c2200cd8f90cee4fbf7d6505220f0..8d6965f6b7137d7af9be749b3e7f1268cdc0f1c8 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/combustionProperties
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/combustionProperties
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Cmix            Cmix [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
-    ignite          off;
+    ignite          on;
     ignitionPoint   ignitionPoint [ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ] ( 0.2 0 0.02 );
     timing          timing [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
     duration        duration [ 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 8983d3af9ff4533f0db9607608505f5d5b972d48..278bfcb94fe598d9e37c952bf646646fd8ab6fe3 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/system/fvSolution
index 045f4ce28e7e61708f30f865d0670924d1973254..51d80e52d033235d28d9e8f3ef967ea45d4ccfa8 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/dieselFoam/aachenBomb/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,31 +17,60 @@ FoamFile
-    p
+    "(p|rho)"
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-09;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    rho
+    "(p|rho)Final"
+        tolerance       1e-09;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)Final"
+    {
+        $k;
         tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0;
-    "(U|Yi|hs|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
+    Yi
+    {
+        $hsFinal;
+    }
+    nOuterCorrectors 1;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/engineFoam/kivaTest/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/engineFoam/kivaTest/system/fvSolution
index 7f7303e2fcbe6f676025d0a9a29f3ff88b7b3ac0..004e00a839a3e1ff4f635e8c7072135a07055077 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/engineFoam/kivaTest/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/engineFoam/kivaTest/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,26 +22,47 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-        $p;
+        solver          PCG;
+        preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|ft|fu|b|Xi|Su|h|hu|R|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|Xi|hu|ft|b|h|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|ft|Xi|hu|b|h|k|epsilon)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire2D/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire2D/system/createPatchDict
index 6f22c41d23bd197604fb8a102a409d2e22a4b356..a2ec3c3d224bc59582953bc4947977373fa89ad8 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire2D/system/createPatchDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire2D/system/createPatchDict
@@ -22,13 +22,28 @@ FoamFile
 //   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
 // - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1e-3;
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
 // Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
-pointSync true;
+// Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
+pointSync false;
 // Patches to create.
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/controlDict b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/controlDict
index 8118c6f7450011cac6cb118d33afe3b501356f7b..96939c68fab040736d0933bd9130ebe9240cc3af 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/controlDict
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ startTime       0.0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         6.0;
+endTime         2.75;
 deltaT          0.001;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/createPatchDict
index 6f22c41d23bd197604fb8a102a409d2e22a4b356..a2ec3c3d224bc59582953bc4947977373fa89ad8 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/createPatchDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/fireFoam/les/smallPoolFire3D/system/createPatchDict
@@ -22,13 +22,28 @@ FoamFile
 //   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
 // - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1e-3;
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
 // Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
-pointSync true;
+// Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
+pointSync false;
 // Patches to create.
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict b/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
index 2ba3dc6fc510c0432f9bbee1e505060c78ebd48d..aa913fa58cbd210af189effc82eeef169a006bda 100644
--- a/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         1.0;
+endTime         0.3;
 deltaT          1e-6;
 writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.1;
+writeInterval   0.05;
 purgeWrite      0;
diff --git a/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 3018e06d50027aa687dda7ce132ebbad414ed634..1e92e8b95f4622e0c4ba58925b851063ec917575
--- a/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/combustion/reactingFoam/ras/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,27 +22,57 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
         solver           PCG;
         preconditioner   DIC;
         tolerance        1e-6;
+        relTol           0.1;
+    }
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance        1e-6;
         relTol           0.0;
-    "(U|Yi|hs|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs||k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs||k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
+    Yi
+    {
+        $hsFinal;
+    }
+    momentumPredictor no;
+    nOuterCorrectors  1;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/Make/files b/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/Make/files
deleted file mode 100644
index 3931e4e0c17ba19f1bde0ec9116e3722f311b98f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoCentralFoam/biconic25-55Run35/datToFoam/Make/files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/Allrun b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/Allrun
index d72de07446f00476a4cecc6dba8604076989857e..c9fa98255753a468f44e925754d110ecf3d56332 100755
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/Allrun
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 m4 constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict.m4 > constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/system/fvSolution
index 8c260da89ef0e232fd91b5dac1052490eda38f34..e39ae484a2a7490df31e8b514a097ab689fa094d 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPimpleFoam/ras/angledDuct/system/fvSolution
@@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ PIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     rhoMin          rhoMin [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
     rhoMax          rhoMax [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 2.0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        "(U|k|epsilon)"
+        {
+            relTol          0;
+            tolerance       0.0001;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/angledDuct/Allrun b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/angledDuct/Allrun
index d72de07446f00476a4cecc6dba8604076989857e..c9fa98255753a468f44e925754d110ecf3d56332 100755
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/angledDuct/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFLTSPimpleFoam/angledDuct/Allrun
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 m4 constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict.m4 > constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
index 4efd7804cc17c8acebd372f7122423aea595fbea..3b632acd3677ff136980c41c9bf4e683c5a95414 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFPimpleFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ PIMPLE
-    U               1;
-    h               1;
-    k               1;
-    epsilon         1;
+    "U.*"           1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "k.*"           1;
+    "epsilon.*"     1;
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/controlDict b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/controlDict
index 0a0fcad1147a3f78e23964075133ebfeb0442ac6..df95db70e7cd338b2753829fa51708ad3bb204bb 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/controlDict
@@ -47,25 +47,5 @@ graphFormat     raw;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p       1e-2;
-            U       1e-4;
-            T       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/fvSolution
index e6b7b5ec15bfad96ef7e51808e8dc102a742d17d..fe0e7f68a1914f07f8a41a0804daff489d7fa3b8 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctExplicit/system/fvSolution
@@ -59,6 +59,16 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     rhoMin          rhoMin [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
     rhoMax          rhoMax [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 1.5;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p       1e-2;
+        U       1e-4;
+        T       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/controlDict b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/controlDict
index 1d0a36df2544f81c4528a977c155e1fd2843519c..426bfddb2706d70db62a7f9b9f9e46d2331b0ebf 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/controlDict
@@ -47,25 +47,5 @@ graphFormat     raw;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p       1e-3;
-            U       1e-4;
-            T       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/fvSolution
index f74815a0bfbc44137d33db77996095f8c1970da9..c83a7112f6e55645627ed0e5946ebc662b388031 100644
--- a/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/compressible/rhoPorousMRFSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/system/fvSolution
@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     rhoMin          rhoMin [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
     rhoMax          rhoMAx [ 1 -3 0 0 0 ] 2.0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p       1e-3;
+        U       1e-4;
+        T       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/discreteMethods/dsmcFoam/supersonicCorner/system/controlDict b/tutorials/discreteMethods/dsmcFoam/supersonicCorner/system/controlDict
index b407d213094b7ac836d10c1bee694de46acfc750..d2abf98649f6e3c3b4bbf4445354d521ab98fbff 100644
--- a/tutorials/discreteMethods/dsmcFoam/supersonicCorner/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/discreteMethods/dsmcFoam/supersonicCorner/system/controlDict
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         0.025;
+endTime         0.01;
 deltaT          1e-6;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
index 820670013786a49ad59768fc77430307f6b2c088..dc6fb2083038ddd652546158951f808baa343ac6 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
@@ -45,25 +45,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-4;
-            T       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
index c51949b80579958618776e4c7ce21eae0171eb65..3521fbaaa33b0d4539a2523752386382c648b5c4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
@@ -39,12 +39,22 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-4;
+        T       1e-2;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
     p_rgh           0.7;
-    U               0.2;
+    U               0.3;
     T               0.5;
     "(k|epsilon|R)" 0.7;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 2876f3adad56b802155c54691fe41731d7fe90d3..458b5aec2d8fe86985c0707e74bfa13db6e830db 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -21,55 +21,55 @@ FoamFile
         type            empty;
         nFaces          0;
-        startFace       60336;
+        startFace       61295;
         type            empty;
         nFaces          0;
-        startFace       60336;
+        startFace       61295;
         type            empty;
         nFaces          0;
-        startFace       60336;
+        startFace       61295;
         type            empty;
         nFaces          0;
-        startFace       60336;
+        startFace       61295;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          590;
-        startFace       60336;
+        startFace       61295;
         type            empty;
         nFaces          0;
-        startFace       60926;
+        startFace       61885;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          2260;
-        startFace       60926;
+        startFace       61885;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1344;
-        startFace       63186;
+        startFace       64145;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1116;
-        startFace       64530;
+        startFace       65489;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/controlDict
index bf11b4f154badfe3e89c5fa7ff6f674294b40800..73cfe8ada43473f1bb82beb55a0584a57aae0025 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/controlDict
@@ -45,25 +45,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-4;
-            T       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/fvSolution
index edea946f9ac02addf005716ef56d84c750cf2b06..9235795a4ad417e44970710406bc70c0d3136317 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam/iglooWithFridges/system/fvSolution
@@ -29,16 +29,26 @@ solvers
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0.1;
-    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
+    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 2;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-4;
+        T       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/controlDict
index a936e37b0f3fa3baec70df1c1c140997da2f2dbc..8ca46687fba9ebfce54d100a24d5b415d7dd4e91 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/controlDict
@@ -44,25 +44,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            h       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/fvSolution
index c453b27d81419a3accdc50084dcf14be08be2cbb..85e7a6f13db9c9d4186a159c75656758f147833e 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/buoyantCavity/system/fvSolution
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        h       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
index f43238ba65b02da253710a844c748f1c8228af70..f9d959e2dc8b1c2493a4b0e826157c7d4d34e8df 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/controlDict
@@ -45,25 +45,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            h       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
index aa535a28eb93c623863c7191fa7c33ccbb26fe2e..b01ef1e96cf2156084124fc24b21554a5dc7fdd3 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleFoam/hotRoom/system/fvSolution
@@ -39,6 +39,16 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        h       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allclean b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allclean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25fd5e1c4ebf83bd5a8b6afb5eab93ed8f7bceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allclean
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+# Source tutorial clean functions
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allrun b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allrun
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eff0f0f019beca5b3c528fa765be3c609dac2c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/Allrun
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+# Source tutorial run functions
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
+runApplication blockMesh
+runApplication $application
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/controlDict
index 5dea594b3cdca9faf32cc1618fd488e1e4e5547c..25a67762b362324fe7617c9716cc0fb200611ba4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/controlDict
@@ -45,26 +45,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            h       1e-3;
-            G       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/fvSolution
index fa8d3d533976867e6584d6a9e8df8f0b12d8c776..afe43862e1ffff075f01276f79bf072702a3bf21 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoom/system/fvSolution
@@ -46,6 +46,17 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        h       1e-3;
+        G       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/0/G b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/0/G
index d49a1b712b778f241fd43b9bf23c315b3d772fc3..dcd3b3a64404b9ac9bdc94a548ebd07c6003500c 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/0/G
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/0/G
@@ -20,35 +20,12 @@ internalField   uniform 0;
-    floor
+    ".*"
         type            MarshakRadiation;
         T               T;
-        emissivity      1;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    fixedWalls
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    ceiling
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    box
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1;
+        emissivityMode  lookup;
+        emissivity      uniform 1.0;
         value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allclean b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allclean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a25fd5e1c4ebf83bd5a8b6afb5eab93ed8f7bceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allclean
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+# Source tutorial clean functions
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allrun b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allrun
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eff0f0f019beca5b3c528fa765be3c609dac2c26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/Allrun
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+# Source tutorial run functions
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
+runApplication blockMesh
+runApplication $application
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/controlDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/controlDict
index d66c31284afbdcc9cae9911f120a99b7c99375cf..1cca62ded7f545918bfa54e88eb08c241fbeaba5 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/controlDict
@@ -45,26 +45,5 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable true;
-    residualControl1
-    {
-        type            residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ( "libjobControl.so" );
-        outputControl   timeStep;
-        outputInterval  1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p_rgh   1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            h       1e-3;
-            G       1e-3;
-            // possibly check turbulence fields
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSchemes
index 641e6fd3be40cecf656c784660dcf46cb5d8f539..fa9f78a717235ee45937773133b9172255eab4f5 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSchemes
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,R)      Gauss upwind;
     div(R)          Gauss linear;
-    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear; //Gauss upwind;
+    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind grad(Ii_h);
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSolution
index daa2528426bab6d94d3859b6323754407f9fb261..acf998c053f33dfb7e34978a7be74bbc7c2ecfca 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam/hotRadiationRoomFvDOM/system/fvSolution
@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ SIMPLE
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p_rgh   1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        h       1e-3;
+        G       1e-3;
+        // possibly check turbulence fields
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
index ff9e0490c683d617a1442a1d1c6b420e91399b37..5004b930128306b2f5d0e559b3f5c53da0bddb38 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
index a3692254e9f5ee6f9dfc8c61088442bd7936adfb..cf4bd3342d9cbb50006afb43c82ba20d63810ee6 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/bottomWater/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/bottomWater/fvSolution
index ff9e0490c683d617a1442a1d1c6b420e91399b37..48dae067cb1f5d74b838ad535f602657994ef013 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/bottomWater/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/bottomWater/fvSolution
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*            1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
index a3692254e9f5ee6f9dfc8c61088442bd7936adfb..cf4bd3342d9cbb50006afb43c82ba20d63810ee6 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionLiquidHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
index 2544a9f5c0027468aa6e4fd726f77d747e7f7408..a13bc4057bb52015689bd2d7ccb15d83bdd68f23 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
index e4bc540afcce02dd29423fed4de179e8c5068f1f..7ad022df9c76673bcd7536bf56b7361e44d772d2 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionFoam/snappyMultiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSolution
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ PIMPLE
-    h               1;
-    U               1;
+    "h.*"           1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/rho b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/rho
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0aab998f609fabd656403d208b8b9a75ca0c28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/rho
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      rho;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -3 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 8000;
-    ".*"
-    {
-        type            calculated;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/constant/heater/solidThermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/constant/heater/solidThermophysicalProperties
index cf23dbfef9577bd5ed4a09f39fa5d2df00332eae..6a996263882cd4eba788cd1d22c511f1edbea197 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/constant/heater/solidThermophysicalProperties
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/constant/heater/solidThermophysicalProperties
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                  |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ charCoeffs
         Hf      0;
-        C0      611.0;; // Cp = C0*(T/Tref)^n0
+        C0      611.0; // Cp = C0*(T/Tref)^n0
         Tref    300;
         n0      1.31;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..73eb8b2d552e3a0d0a3dd08130e5e83058513077 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,33 +34,10 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
     dataFile    "decompositionData";
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
index c1288dc317a4866d396151b7e2ac787a66f835b2..bdd49a3ba35d7c8574aeb14384e331c70d01e2a6 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..73eb8b2d552e3a0d0a3dd08130e5e83058513077 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,33 +34,10 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
     dataFile    "decompositionData";
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/fvSchemes
index 58cefdaef271080284fe91b3029413fdbba65c83..25c9949dc27b13b748b80c922ab267feef6a438b 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/heater/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default         steadyState;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..e70c10e65a5472b0b9a591ed09c26552c6e15342 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +34,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +41,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/fvSchemes
index 58cefdaef271080284fe91b3029413fdbba65c83..d10f6c7a8a47f483ff8df6be419e476f9ea9d64b 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/leftSolid/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..aed0363e0d119e59de081ff10d98dd8ca46614f4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,8 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +35,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +42,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
index 58cefdaef271080284fe91b3029413fdbba65c83..d10f6c7a8a47f483ff8df6be419e476f9ea9d64b 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..aed0363e0d119e59de081ff10d98dd8ca46614f4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,8 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +35,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +42,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSchemes
index c1288dc317a4866d396151b7e2ac787a66f835b2..3f785ccbf36d4ad4010c8d22a23dfb908fd3bfda 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/system/topAir/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
-    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/0/rho b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/0/rho
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0aab998f609fabd656403d208b8b9a75ca0c28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/0/rho
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      rho;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -3 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 8000;
-    ".*"
-    {
-        type            calculated;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/constant/bottomAir/RASProperties b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/constant/bottomAir/RASProperties
index 1597ab89059120cb6f18a9c26f37c6599104e3c5..3ca51ada0ee97076818f0abbe6bc7b8f8df489cf 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/constant/bottomAir/RASProperties
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/constant/bottomAir/RASProperties
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-RASModel laminar;
+RASModel        laminar;
 turbulence      on;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..e70c10e65a5472b0b9a591ed09c26552c6e15342 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +34,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +41,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
index 9a1e63c22091e59ecf0ab5af1e19ee2d4edaf68e..efec1163978cb4397fc7d41b57c1a0ae2f87c7da 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,R)      Gauss upwind;
     div(R)          Gauss linear;
-    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear; //Gauss upwind;
+    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
     default         none;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(gammaRad,G) Gauss linear corrected;
+    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(gammaRad,G) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         corrected;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
index 377d97c1cda69a0a6800081dbc88fc7447ea422d..5aa30bd45188053fa15f9b734ae4a0cdcf1fb94c 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/bottomAir/fvSolution
@@ -66,17 +66,14 @@ SIMPLE
-    rho         1;
-    p_rgh       0.7;
-    U           0.3;
-    h           0.7;
-    nuTilda     0.7;
-    k           0.7;
-    epsilon     0.7;
-    omega       0.7;
-    G           0.7;
-    "ILambda.*" 0.7;
-    Qr          0.7;
+    rho             1.0;
+    p_rgh           0.7;
+    U               0.3;
+    h               0.7;
+    "(k|epsilon|omega)" 0.7;
+    G               0.7;
+    "ILambda.*"     0.7;
+    Qr              0.7;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..39675231164f9c6b4eea3bfe3e6ea792402db6dd 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,8 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +35,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +42,5 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/fvSchemes
index 58cefdaef271080284fe91b3029413fdbba65c83..03ad00fc9a71f1fa3e719bf0b87439be694acf19 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/heater/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(K,T)  Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..aed0363e0d119e59de081ff10d98dd8ca46614f4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/leftSolid/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,8 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +35,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +42,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..aed0363e0d119e59de081ff10d98dd8ca46614f4 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,8 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +35,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +42,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
index 58cefdaef271080284fe91b3029413fdbba65c83..13c9eacc9e21353cf37d5b85ceb8f159a86425ce 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/rightSolid/fvSchemes
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ divSchemes
     default         none;
-    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear limited 0.333;
+    laplacian(K,T) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.333;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
index 1aaedd5a48c4d36a6a74b659431807617a4362fc..e70c10e65a5472b0b9a591ed09c26552c6e15342 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,13 +19,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains  4;
-//- Keep owner and neighbour on same processor for faces in zones:
-// preserveFaceZones (heater solid1 solid3);
 method          scotch;
-// method          hierarchical;
-// method          simple;
-// method          manual;
@@ -40,18 +34,6 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order       xyz;
-    //processorWeights
-    //(
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //    1
-    //);
-    //writeGraph  true;
-    //strategy "b";
@@ -59,14 +41,4 @@ manualCoeffs
-//// Is the case distributed
-//distributed     yes;
-//// Per slave (so nProcs-1 entries) the directory above the case.
-//    "/tmp"
-//    "/tmp"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSchemes b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSchemes
index 9a1e63c22091e59ecf0ab5af1e19ee2d4edaf68e..efec1163978cb4397fc7d41b57c1a0ae2f87c7da 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSchemes
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default steadyState;
+    default     steadyState;
@@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,R)      Gauss upwind;
     div(R)          Gauss linear;
-    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear; //Gauss upwind;
+    div(Ji,Ii_h)    Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
     default         none;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(gammaRad,G) Gauss linear corrected;
+    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p_rgh) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(gammaRad,G) Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         corrected;
+    default         uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSolution b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSolution
index 074e725cd1662d09c073df93e455b2ffae103df5..c9f029c60978048068b986498f114666c85c149b 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeaterRadiation/system/topAir/fvSolution
@@ -68,16 +68,13 @@ SIMPLE
-    rho         1;
-    p_rgh       0.7;
-    U           0.3;
-    h           0.7;
-    nuTilda     0.7;
-    k           0.7;
-    epsilon     0.7;
-    omega       0.7;
-    "ILambda.*" 0.7;
-    Qr          0.7;
+    rho             1.0;
+    p_rgh           0.7;
+    U               0.3;
+    h               0.7;
+    "(k|epsilon|omega)" 0.7;
+    "ILambda.*"     0.7;
+    Qr              0.7;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C b/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 6366738579e8737aa5f0a8dc2c8bf6a80c3d4906..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2004-2010 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-    (at your option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-    MRFSimpleFoam
-    Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of non-Newtonian
-    fluids with MRF regions.
-#include "fvCFD.H"
-#include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"
-#include "RASModel.H"
-#include "MRFZones.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    #include "setRootCase.H"
-    #include "createTime.H"
-    #include "createMesh.H"
-    #include "createFields.H"
-    #include "initContinuityErrs.H"
-    // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    Info<< "\nStarting time loop\n" << endl;
-    while (runTime.loop())
-    {
-        Info<< "Time = " << runTime.timeName() << nl << endl;
-        #include "readSIMPLEControls.H"
-        p.storePrevIter();
-        // Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector
-        {
-            // Momentum predictor
-            tmp<fvVectorMatrix> UEqn
-            (
-                fvm::div(phi, U)
-              + turbulence->divDevReff(U)
-            );
-            mrfZones.addCoriolis(UEqn());
-            UEqn().relax();
-            solve(UEqn() == -fvc::grad(p));
-            p.boundaryField().updateCoeffs();
-            volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn().A());
-            U = rAU*UEqn().H();
-            UEqn.clear();
-            phi = fvc::interpolate(U, "interpolate(HbyA)") & mesh.Sf();
-            mrfZones.relativeFlux(phi);
-            adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
-            // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-            for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-            {
-                fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-                (
-                    fvm::laplacian(rAU, p) == fvc::div(phi)
-                );
-                pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-                pEqn.solve();
-                if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-                {
-                    phi -= pEqn.flux();
-                }
-            }
-            #include "continuityErrs.H"
-            // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector
-            p.relax();
-            // Momentum corrector
-            U -= rAU*fvc::grad(p);
-            U.correctBoundaryConditions();
-        }
-        turbulence->correct();
-        runTime.write();
-        Info<< "ExecutionTime = " << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s"
-            << "  ClockTime = " << runTime.elapsedClockTime() << " s"
-            << nl << endl;
-    }
-    Info<< "End\n" << endl;
-    return 0;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files b/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
deleted file mode 100644
index d99fb9ad016db1de28c1fa32176aab32f52ad6ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/Make/files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/createFields.H b/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/createFields.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 869a5899ccb89c9cdb961916c95be4d2953b9bae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/MRFSimpleFoam/MRFSimpleFoam/createFields.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Reading field p\n" << endl;
-    volScalarField p
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "p",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        mesh
-    );
-    Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
-    volVectorField U
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "U",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        mesh
-    );
-#   include "createPhi.H"
-    label pRefCell = 0;
-    scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
-    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
-    singlePhaseTransportModel laminarTransport(U, phi);
-    autoPtr<incompressible::RASModel> turbulence
-    (
-        incompressible::RASModel::New(U, phi, laminarTransport)
-    );
-    MRFZones mrfZones(mesh);
-    mrfZones.correctBoundaryVelocity(U);
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/Urel b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/Urel
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/Urel
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/Urel
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/epsilon b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/epsilon
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/epsilon
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/epsilon
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/k b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/k
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/k
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/k
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/nut b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/nut
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/nut
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/nut
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/omega b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/omega
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/omega
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/omega
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/p b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/p
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/0/p
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/0/p
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/RASProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/RASProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/SRFProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/SRFProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/SRFProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/SRFProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 092c65fdd9a253086581b0cac9c6e3b106947174..3d60346947242c32fc7692deeca5ef0f7cdafc87 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ FoamFile
         nFaces          1600;
         startFace       101720;
         neighbourPatch  cyclic_half1;
+        transform       rotational;
+        rotationAxis    (0 0 1);
+        rotationCentre  (0 0 0);
@@ -54,6 +57,9 @@ FoamFile
         nFaces          1600;
         startFace       103320;
         neighbourPatch  cyclic_half0;
+        transform       rotational;
+        rotationAxis    (0 0 1);
+        rotationCentre  (0 0 0);
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/transportProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/transportProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/constant/transportProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/constant/transportProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/controlDict
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/controlDict
index 470a21b92fbd556361820acf8495b5b3ff2a11ad..2baa2e29bcf9e4b7d2fb8c9230348df767909ebf 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/controlDict
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-application     simpleSRFFoam;
+application     SRFSimpleFoam;
 startFrom       startTime;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/fvSchemes
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/fvSolution
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/mixer/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer/system/fvSolution
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/Allrun b/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/Allrun
index 99209508d7e56c0d6c77b41dd3d2f0e7ddae8ef3..d30f1362fcadcbec82ad6537e7b846d481719847 100755
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/Allrun
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 # Source tutorial run functions
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/constant/transportProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/constant/transportProperties
index ec2d268129383be1a81cfc48bba000a036cecfa2..29418e51f7884b7c9b735b4f6b30101211c5893d 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/constant/transportProperties
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/boundaryFoam/boundaryWallFunctionsProfile/constant/transportProperties
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Ubar            Ubar [ 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 ] ( 10 0 0 );
 transportModel  Newtonian;
-nu              nu [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-3;
+nu              nu [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 1e-8;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 20436074fdd072c5acc28bcce9233263bf306d37..1706b7816985183f51d3b51d7725d6f350e4d755 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/system/fvSolution
index 7bc07fa0a490b1c1a24f7caf3c42f107779441e9..d1f6f2469c1951beaab46821478cee362bf11396 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/movingCone/system/fvSolution
@@ -74,8 +74,7 @@ PIMPLE
-    U        1;
-    UFinal   1;
+    "U.*"    1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/Allrun b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/Allrun
index 33da5673451aecafede7510a6e3c4510c9f47f16..c1939edcae0ff08f50b53792935dd6e9805c4445 100755
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/Allrun
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cp -r 0.org 0
 runApplication mapFields ../wingMotion2D_simpleFoam -sourceTime latestTime -consistent
 mv 0/pointDisplacement.unmapped 0/pointDisplacement
 runApplication decomposePar
-runParallel `getApplication` 3
+runParallel `getApplication` 4
 runApplication reconstructPar
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/0.org/pointDisplacement b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/0.org/pointDisplacement
index 2cabd2121cb900831f333769a87e2f8869afa791..1955fa5aec289c39e26140eb7c5174eb0cf9d041 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/0.org/pointDisplacement
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/0.org/pointDisplacement
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ boundaryField
         velocity        (0 0 0);
         acceleration    (0 0 0);
-        angularMomentum (0 0 -0.5);
+        angularMomentum (0 0 -2.0);
         torque          (0 0 0);
         rhoName         rhoInf;
         rhoInf          1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index a89f075e6956285ebcf398f4af2844f65316cd92..47ef37c9023202f2511c7ee348858e31d581d60d 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -20,38 +20,38 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          150;
-        startFace       76473;
+        nFaces          72;
+        startFace       25168;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       76623;
+        nFaces          40;
+        startFace       25240;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       76671;
+        nFaces          62;
+        startFace       25280;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38129;
-        startFace       76719;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       25342;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38129;
-        startFace       114848;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       37901;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          778;
-        startFace       152977;
+        nFaces          378;
+        startFace       50460;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/controlDict
index db20cc97149d6a051aa00fd3cbc7b601caf57ce2..25e6e39610895d478daba86a72ba1b5957d74603 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/controlDict
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         1;
+endTime         0.6;
 deltaT          1e-5;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/decomposeParDict
index e63167424c0947668ae03762c59717fbe7d35e09..d31797fc0d316856f13fe829343dd881e1bc432b 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_pimpleDyMFoam/system/decomposeParDict
@@ -15,27 +15,22 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-numberOfSubdomains 3;
+numberOfSubdomains 4;
 method          simple;
-    n               ( 1 3 1 );
+    n               ( 2 2 1 );
     delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 3 2 1 );
+    n               ( 2 2 1 );
     delta           0.001;
     order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "cellDecomposition";
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index a89f075e6956285ebcf398f4af2844f65316cd92..47ef37c9023202f2511c7ee348858e31d581d60d 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -20,38 +20,38 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          150;
-        startFace       76473;
+        nFaces          72;
+        startFace       25168;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       76623;
+        nFaces          40;
+        startFace       25240;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       76671;
+        nFaces          62;
+        startFace       25280;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38129;
-        startFace       76719;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       25342;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38129;
-        startFace       114848;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       37901;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          778;
-        startFace       152977;
+        nFaces          378;
+        startFace       50460;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/system/createPatchDict
index 388d8a9dfedc2cd19ef121c1930b829f10ae97f7..3c2b632b58b9551aa9b96bb89a8f814d609f1397 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/system/createPatchDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion2D_simpleFoam/system/createPatchDict
@@ -15,15 +15,35 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1e-3;
+// This application/dictionary controls:
+// - optional: create new patches from boundary faces (either given as
+//   a set of patches or as a faceSet)
+// - always: order faces on coupled patches such that they are opposite. This
+//   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
+// - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
 // Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
 // Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
-//       with transformations.
-pointSync true;
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
+pointSync false;
 // Patches to create.
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
index 4f129d29763b0cbcddc5adaa21b4a1b6a94ee47d..4cbd61df8611c4cb5db148bc865ad7ab1e099608 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@ convertToMeters 1;
-    (-2.5 -4.8 -0.1)
-    ( 10  -4.8 -0.1)
-    ( 10   4.8 -0.1)
-    (-2.5  4.8 -0.1)
-    (-2.5 -4.8  0.1)
-    ( 10  -4.8  0.1)
-    ( 10   4.8  0.1)
-    (-2.5  4.8  0.1)
+    (-1.2 -2.2 -0.1)
+    ( 5   -2.2 -0.1)
+    ( 5    2.2 -0.1)
+    (-1.2  2.2 -0.1)
+    (-1.2 -2.2  0.1)
+    ( 5   -2.2  0.1)
+    ( 5    2.2  0.1)
+    (-1.2  2.2  0.1)
-    hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (75 48 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (36 24 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index f7442f970309de899aec31a359d7eb26b8b133e2..b3aa38bcef4d29551cc92ff3e9e692a0c118c68c 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -20,38 +20,38 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          150;
-        startFace       2098769;
+        nFaces          72;
+        startFace       495985;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       2098919;
+        nFaces          72;
+        startFace       496057;
         type            patch;
-        nFaces          48;
-        startFace       2098967;
+        nFaces          204;
+        startFace       496129;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38129;
-        startFace       2099015;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       496333;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          38120;
-        startFace       2137144;
+        nFaces          12559;
+        startFace       508892;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          49792;
-        startFace       2175264;
+        nFaces          12096;
+        startFace       521451;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/system/snappyHexMeshDict b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/system/snappyHexMeshDict
index 788aa3ecbe9ed963abb569c22f5bcbb4575e07d0..8d8385a190315f3e0b88fd6edaf1c93251fbec13 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/system/snappyHexMeshDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/wingMotion/wingMotion_snappyHexMesh/system/snappyHexMeshDict
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ castellatedMeshControls
     // actually be a lot less.
     maxGlobalCells 2000000;
-    // The surface refinement loop might spend lots of iterations refining just a
-    // few cells. This setting will cause refinement to stop if <= minimumRefine
-    // are selected for refinement. Note: it will at least do one iteration
-    // (unless the number of cells to refine is 0)
+    // The surface refinement loop might spend lots of iterations refining just
+    // a few cells. This setting will cause refinement to stop if <=
+    // minimumRefine are selected for refinement. Note: it will at least do one
+    // iteration (unless the number of cells to refine is 0)
     minRefinementCells 100;
     // Number of buffer layers between different levels.
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ castellatedMeshControls
             // Surface-wise min and max refinement level
-            level (6 6);
+            level (5 5);
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ castellatedMeshControls
             mode inside;
-            levels ((1e15 3));
+            levels ((1e15 2));
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/epsilon b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/epsilon
index 5c6c53664db8773322bca5f71be4360714228dda..cd01a77c0afcefe3737b0f4cd90128399fa46ee1 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/epsilon
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/epsilon
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ boundaryField
         type            turbulentMixingLengthDissipationRateInlet;
         mixingLength    0.01;
+        phi             phi;
+        k               k;
         value           uniform 1;
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ boundaryField
         Cmu             0.09;
         kappa           0.41;
         E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 0;
+        value           uniform 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/k b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/k
index 18cb53d51920f57d6f114259326f42644171e03f..b7eff37a13063ec02d0916bed184946ee9ca5c8a 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/k
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/0/k
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ boundaryField
         type            turbulentIntensityKineticEnergyInlet;
         intensity       0.05;
+        U               U;
+        phi             phi;
         value           uniform 1;
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ boundaryField
         type            kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
+        value           uniform 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/system/fvSolution
index 637611c63f451002f3fab2255be9f4091387b470..a7e4f0c98751e5bfbf50b32fe6e0118e684547b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction-with-fan/system/fvSolution
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ PIMPLE
-    U               1;
-    k               1;
-    epsilon         1;
+    "U.*"           1;
+    "k.*"           1;
+    "epsilon.*"     1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction/system/fvSolution
index 637611c63f451002f3fab2255be9f4091387b470..a7e4f0c98751e5bfbf50b32fe6e0118e684547b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/pimpleFoam/t-junction/system/fvSolution
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ PIMPLE
-    U               1;
-    k               1;
-    epsilon         1;
+    "U.*"           1;
+    "k.*"           1;
+    "epsilon.*"     1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/Allrun b/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/Allrun
index 624c62312e7cb1fe9befb1ffb524463360dc1adb..dd7c12e2807ed62aa3ed3a34603c50cb8f450392 100755
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/Allrun
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 m4 constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict.m4 > constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index dc9ecffb7b801511bd4073b501bb3c346fb6a8aa..117139f5052922888ebdd7cdd4ce23fc1237f4bd 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/porousSimpleFoam/angledDuctImplicit/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/squareBump/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/squareBump/system/fvSolution
index a680ff2c9a12fdb9735d391c3da2a847dd42f072..5604c19d869b464c92a48ecfe03bb6eddf6bac35 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/squareBump/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/shallowWaterFoam/squareBump/system/fvSolution
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ solvers
-        solver          PCG;
-        preconditioner  DIC;
+        $h;
         tolerance       1e-8;
         relTol          0;
@@ -37,11 +36,18 @@ solvers
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-6;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    hUFinal
+    {
+        $hU;
+        tolerance       1e-6;
         relTol          0;
     nOuterCorrectors 3;
     nCorrectors      1;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes
index 74a0e5bc10c9e3d904bc9bc9dfffee3599b95715..64136cf6f85bc76d01e02e800b7049660e03d753 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/airFoil2D/system/fvSchemes
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ gradSchemes
     default         none;
-    div(phi,U)      Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,nuTilda) Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear;
+    div(phi,U)      Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
+    div(phi,nuTilda) Gauss linearUpwind grad(nuTilda);
     div((nuEff*dev(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 9e50e525a59890081cfcc020d0e59e0d27e6a0e3..2ae95dfe280a2bb62a797d9a0eaf98b0880c8756 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -21,433 +21,433 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
         nFaces          320;
-        startFace       1027872;
+        startFace       1028059;
         type            patch;
         nFaces          64;
-        startFace       1028192;
+        startFace       1028379;
         type            patch;
         nFaces          64;
-        startFace       1028256;
+        startFace       1028443;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          5330;
-        startFace       1028320;
+        startFace       1028507;
         type            patch;
         nFaces          160;
-        startFace       1033650;
+        startFace       1033837;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          5416;
-        startFace       1033810;
+        nFaces          5410;
+        startFace       1033997;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          50;
-        startFace       1039226;
+        startFace       1039407;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          137;
-        startFace       1039276;
+        nFaces          136;
+        startFace       1039457;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          340;
-        startFace       1039413;
+        startFace       1039593;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          473;
-        startFace       1039753;
+        startFace       1039933;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          54;
-        startFace       1040226;
+        startFace       1040406;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          98;
-        startFace       1040280;
+        startFace       1040460;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          844;
-        startFace       1040378;
+        nFaces          847;
+        startFace       1040558;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          461;
-        startFace       1041222;
+        nFaces          462;
+        startFace       1041405;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          67;
-        startFace       1041683;
+        nFaces          64;
+        startFace       1041867;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          70;
-        startFace       1041750;
+        startFace       1041931;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          141;
-        startFace       1041820;
+        startFace       1042001;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          430;
-        startFace       1041961;
+        startFace       1042142;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          626;
-        startFace       1042391;
+        startFace       1042572;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          368;
-        startFace       1043017;
+        nFaces          379;
+        startFace       1043198;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          161;
-        startFace       1043385;
+        startFace       1043577;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          368;
-        startFace       1043546;
+        startFace       1043738;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          2077;
-        startFace       1043914;
+        startFace       1044106;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          912;
-        startFace       1045991;
+        startFace       1046183;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          2392;
-        startFace       1046903;
+        startFace       1047095;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1430;
-        startFace       1049295;
+        startFace       1049487;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          624;
-        startFace       1050725;
+        nFaces          634;
+        startFace       1050917;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          591;
-        startFace       1051349;
+        startFace       1051551;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          427;
-        startFace       1051940;
+        nFaces          426;
+        startFace       1052142;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          164;
-        startFace       1052367;
+        startFace       1052568;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1116;
-        startFace       1052531;
+        startFace       1052732;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          535;
-        startFace       1053647;
+        startFace       1053848;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1140;
-        startFace       1054182;
+        startFace       1054383;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          474;
-        startFace       1055322;
+        startFace       1055523;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1787;
-        startFace       1055796;
+        startFace       1055997;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          6;
-        startFace       1057583;
+        startFace       1057784;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          17;
-        startFace       1057589;
+        startFace       1057790;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          87;
-        startFace       1057606;
+        startFace       1057807;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1786;
-        startFace       1057693;
+        startFace       1057894;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          53;
-        startFace       1059479;
+        startFace       1059680;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          163;
-        startFace       1059532;
+        startFace       1059733;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          2040;
-        startFace       1059695;
+        startFace       1059896;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          663;
-        startFace       1061735;
+        nFaces          660;
+        startFace       1061936;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          107;
-        startFace       1062398;
+        startFace       1062596;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          445;
-        startFace       1062505;
+        startFace       1062703;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          970;
-        startFace       1062950;
+        startFace       1063148;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          39;
-        startFace       1063920;
+        nFaces          40;
+        startFace       1064118;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          104;
-        startFace       1063959;
+        startFace       1064158;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          74;
-        startFace       1064063;
+        startFace       1064262;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          2389;
-        startFace       1064137;
+        startFace       1064336;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          26;
-        startFace       1066526;
+        nFaces          25;
+        startFace       1066725;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          44;
-        startFace       1066552;
+        nFaces          46;
+        startFace       1066750;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          53;
-        startFace       1066596;
+        startFace       1066796;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          86;
-        startFace       1066649;
+        startFace       1066849;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          122;
-        startFace       1066735;
+        startFace       1066935;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          142;
-        startFace       1066857;
+        startFace       1067057;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          583;
-        startFace       1066999;
+        startFace       1067199;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          95;
-        startFace       1067582;
+        startFace       1067782;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          1025;
-        startFace       1067677;
+        startFace       1067877;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          319;
-        startFace       1068702;
+        startFace       1068902;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          4555;
-        startFace       1069021;
+        startFace       1069221;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          37;
-        startFace       1073576;
+        startFace       1073776;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          3317;
-        startFace       1073613;
+        nFaces          3329;
+        startFace       1073813;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          236;
-        startFace       1076930;
+        nFaces          237;
+        startFace       1077142;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          350;
-        startFace       1077166;
+        nFaces          348;
+        startFace       1077379;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          186;
-        startFace       1077516;
+        nFaces          187;
+        startFace       1077727;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          388;
-        startFace       1077702;
+        nFaces          394;
+        startFace       1077914;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          41;
-        startFace       1078090;
+        startFace       1078308;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          22;
-        startFace       1078131;
+        nFaces          20;
+        startFace       1078349;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          9;
-        startFace       1078153;
+        nFaces          10;
+        startFace       1078369;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          22;
-        startFace       1078162;
+        nFaces          20;
+        startFace       1078379;
         type            wall;
         nFaces          53;
-        startFace       1078184;
+        startFace       1078399;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/controlDict
index 376080efff3e26165b72fd371977b90217d8c262..28cd58984166daa4634bb09ed73fecfb0a49705a 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/controlDict
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
 application     simpleFoam;
-startFrom       startTime;
+startFrom       latestTime;
 startTime       0;
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ writeFormat     ascii;
 writePrecision  6;
-writeCompression off;
+writeCompression compressed;
 timeFormat      general;
@@ -52,59 +52,10 @@ libs
-    // Make sure all fields for functionObjects are loaded. Prevents any
-    // problems running with execFlowFunctionObjects.
-    readFields
-    {
-        // Where to load it from (if not already in solver)
-        functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so");
-        type            readFields;
-        fields          (p U k);
-    }
-    streamLines
-    {
-        type            streamLine;
-        // Output every
-        outputControl   outputTime;
-        // outputInterval 10;
-        setFormat       vtk; //gnuplot; //xmgr; //raw; //jplot;
-        // Velocity field to use for tracking.
-        U U;
-        // Tracked forwards (+U) or backwards (-U)
-        trackForward    true;
-        // Names of fields to sample. Should contain above velocity field!
-        fields (p U k);
-        // Steps particles can travel before being removed
-        lifeTime        10000;
-        // Number of steps per cell (estimate). Set to 1 to disable subcycling.
-        nSubCycle 5;
-        // Cloud name to use
-        cloudName       particleTracks;
-        // Seeding method. See the sampleSets in sampleDict.
-        seedSampleSet   uniform;  //cloud;//triSurfaceMeshPointSet;
-        uniformCoeffs
-        {
-            type        uniform;
-            axis        x;  //distance;
-            // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
-            start       (-1.001 1e-7 0.0011);
-            end         (-1.001 1e-7 1.0011);
-            nPoints     20;
-        }
-    }
+    #include "readFields"
+    #include "streamLines"
+    #include "cuttingPlane"
+    #include "forceCoeffs"
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/cuttingPlane b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/cuttingPlane
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..282e60ed9233c94eaa400d5355a51dba88514d81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/cuttingPlane
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    type            surfaces;
+    functionObjectLibs ("libsampling.so");
+    outputControl   outputTime;
+    surfaceFormat   vtk;
+    fields          ( p U );
+    interpolationScheme cellPoint;
+    surfaces
+    (
+        yNormal
+        {
+            type            cuttingPlane;
+            planeType       pointAndNormal;
+            pointAndNormalDict
+            {
+                basePoint       (0 0 0);
+                normalVector    (0 1 0);
+            }
+            interpolate     true;
+        }
+    );
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/cp b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/forceCoeffs
similarity index 52%
rename from tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/cp
rename to tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/forceCoeffs
index 424a3676cb5a2be538b74410ff8bb73b9a373e00..b8cb538cdad264a61602495ca121fec7f235ce40 100644
--- a/tutorials/heatTransfer/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/multiRegionHeater/0/cp
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/forceCoeffs
@@ -5,25 +5,28 @@
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      cp;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -2 -1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 450;
-    ".*"
-    {
-        type            calculated;
-    }
+    type        forceCoeffs;
+    functionObjectLibs ( "libforces.so" );
+    outputControl timeStep;
+    outputInterval 1;
+    patches     ( "motorBike.*" );
+    pName       p;
+    UName       U;
+    rhoName     rhoInf;      // Indicates incompressible
+    log         true;
+    rhoInf      1;           // Redundant for incompressible
+    liftDir     (0 0 1);
+    dragDir     (1 0 0);
+    CofR        (0.72 0 0);  // Axle midpoint on ground
+    pitchAxis   (0 1 0);
+    magUInf     20;
+    lRef        1.42;        // Wheelbase length
+    Aref        0.75;        // Estimated
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/g b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/readFields
similarity index 68%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/g
rename to tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/readFields
index 62aed8a20abcd1722022f35155a5a65050c3198a..aef5410ebfa4dea3468abcfe2aa67003a190deab 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/g
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/readFields
@@ -5,19 +5,17 @@
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       uniformDimensionedVectorField;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      g;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+// Make sure all fields for functionObjects are loaded. Prevents any
+// problems running with execFlowFunctionObjects.
+    // Where to load it from (if not already in solver)
+    functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so");
-value           (0 0 -9.81); 
+    type            readFields;
+    fields          (p U k);
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/streamLines b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/streamLines
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4155012ab19baef2ae828948a9a9ff8350fca145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike/system/streamLines
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    type            streamLine;
+    // Output every
+    outputControl   outputTime;
+    // outputInterval 10;
+    setFormat       vtk; //gnuplot; //xmgr; //raw; //jplot;
+    // Velocity field to use for tracking.
+    U U;
+    // Tracked forwards (+U) or backwards (-U)
+    trackForward    true;
+    // Names of fields to sample. Should contain above velocity field!
+    fields (p U k);
+    // Steps particles can travel before being removed
+    lifeTime        10000;
+    // Number of steps per cell (estimate). Set to 1 to disable subcycling.
+    nSubCycle 5;
+    // Cloud name to use
+    cloudName       particleTracks;
+    // Seeding method. See the sampleSets in sampleDict.
+    seedSampleSet   uniform;  //cloud;//triSurfaceMeshPointSet;
+    uniformCoeffs
+    {
+        type        uniform;
+        axis        x;  //distance;
+        // Note: tracks slightly offset so as not to be on a face
+        start       (-1.001 1e-7 0.0011);
+        end         (-1.001 1e-7 1.0011);
+        nPoints     20;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
index 04c95c8f90957f470203da2d721c0ec3e4a6f1fb..3232eebe72c11d3505cb171876ebac18ec3907a3 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/controlDict
@@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ runTimeModifiable true;
-    convergenceChecks
-    {
-        type           residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ("libjobControl.so");
-        outputControl  timeStep;
-        outputInterval 1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p       1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
         type            streamLine;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
index b9cdb3fe14b760453d9bfc835ab81381227b8f7f..b6de74a11daea8fd612bd7b61fa7379994acf001 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily/system/fvSolution
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ solvers
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p       1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/controlDict
index 3fbcdd8d4746e95506194706e6480405abdd022e..6a69c48a465d74a1bbaaa45d7e4210f860ceb092 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/controlDict
@@ -47,21 +47,6 @@ runTimeModifiable true;
-    convergenceChecks
-    {
-        type           residualControl;
-        functionObjectLibs ("libjobControl.so");
-        outputControl  timeStep;
-        outputInterval 1;
-        maxResiduals
-        {
-            p       1e-2;
-            U       1e-3;
-            "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
-        }
-    }
         type            streamLine;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/fvSolution
index b9cdb3fe14b760453d9bfc835ab81381227b8f7f..b6de74a11daea8fd612bd7b61fa7379994acf001 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDailyExptInlet/system/fvSolution
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ solvers
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
+    residualControl
+    {
+        p       1e-2;
+        U       1e-3;
+        "(k|epsilon|omega)" 1e-3;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/files b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/files
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5e01f8b47d908fd495dbddf22813ec52481d40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/Make/files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/convergenceCheck.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/convergenceCheck.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 8958063193af348a058fd8f3baecb2547c00da3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/convergenceCheck.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// check convergence
-if (maxResidual < convergenceCriterion)
-    Info<< "reached convergence criterion: " << convergenceCriterion << endl;
-    runTime.writeAndEnd();
-    Info<< "latestTime = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H
deleted file mode 100644
index b56197f22a50cfd07b04fc14d40b9a5454da8c5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleSRFFoam/simpleSRFFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-// initialize values for convergence checks
-    scalar eqnResidual = 1, maxResidual = 0;
-    scalar convergenceCriterion = 0;
-    simple.readIfPresent("convergence", convergenceCriterion);
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/files b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/files
deleted file mode 100644
index 1037405fabb1033ea9a408cbeb764cecb23fb1f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/Make/files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-EXE = $(FOAM_APPBIN)/simpleWindFoam
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/convergenceCheck.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/convergenceCheck.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc56b11252a7cb6dd4694ef2f3b3875911b7d64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/convergenceCheck.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-if (maxResidual < convergenceCriterion)
-    Info<< "reached convergence criterion: " << convergenceCriterion << endl;
-    runTime.writeAndEnd();
-    Info<< "latestTime = " << runTime.timeName() << endl;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/createFields.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/createFields.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d512f923daf6bb7e8faedcfad5a6b1851a5db5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/createFields.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Reading field p\n" << endl;
-    volScalarField p
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "p",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        mesh
-    );
-    Info<< "Reading field U\n" << endl;
-    volVectorField U
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "U",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        mesh
-    );
-#   include "createPhi.H"
-    label pRefCell = 0;
-    scalar pRefValue = 0.0;
-    setRefCell(p, mesh.solutionDict().subDict("SIMPLE"), pRefCell, pRefValue);
-    singlePhaseTransportModel laminarTransport(U, phi);
-    autoPtr<incompressible::RASModel> turbulence
-    (
-        incompressible::RASModel::New(U, phi, laminarTransport)
-    );
-    IObasicSourceList actuationDisks(mesh);
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6159a24de4a8c4462e1393f3473b1e98a7543d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/initConvergenceCheck.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-// initialize values for convergence checks
-    scalar eqnResidual = 1, maxResidual = 0;
-    scalar convergenceCriterion = 0;
-    simple.readIfPresent("convergence", convergenceCriterion);
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/pEqn.H b/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/pEqn.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 91f4e1a140ee03d0d8712e68e3a8caf926465d15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/simpleWindFoam/pEqn.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-    p.boundaryField().updateCoeffs();
-    volScalarField AU = UEqn().A();
-    U = UEqn().H()/AU;
-    UEqn.clear();
-    phi = fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf();
-    adjustPhi(phi, U, p);
-    // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-    {
-        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-        (
-            fvm::laplacian(1.0/AU, p) == fvc::div(phi)
-        );
-        pEqn.setReference(pRefCell, pRefValue);
-        // retain the residual from the first iteration
-        if (nonOrth == 0)
-        {
-            pEqn.solve();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pEqn.solve();
-        }
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            phi -= pEqn.flux();
-        }
-    }
-#   include "continuityErrs.H"
-    // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector
-    p.relax();
-    // Momentum corrector
-    U -= fvc::grad(p)/AU;
-    U.correctBoundaryConditions();
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/U b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/U
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/U
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/U
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/epsilon b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/epsilon
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/epsilon
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/epsilon
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/ABLConditions b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/ABLConditions
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/ABLConditions
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/ABLConditions
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/fixedInlet b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/fixedInlet
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/fixedInlet
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/fixedInlet
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/initialConditions b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/initialConditions
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/initialConditions
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/initialConditions
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/sideAndTopPatches b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/sideAndTopPatches
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/sideAndTopPatches
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/include/sideAndTopPatches
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/k b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/k
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/k
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/k
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/nut b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/nut
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/nut
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/nut
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/p b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/p
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/0/p
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/0/p
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/Allclean b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/Allclean
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/Allclean
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/Allclean
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/Allrun b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/Allrun
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/Allrun
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/Allrun
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/RASProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/RASProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary
similarity index 98%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index e47d69bab0815d689b4ad7ddf7ba514d0395757c..b537d1e19bb12a78624f7c5e362156b851628756 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ FoamFile
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          18201;
+        nFaces          16037;
         startFace       369404;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/sourcesProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/sourcesProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/sourcesProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/sourcesProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/transportProperties b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/transportProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/transportProperties
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/transportProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/triSurface/terrain.stl b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/triSurface/terrain.stl
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/constant/triSurface/terrain.stl
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/constant/triSurface/terrain.stl
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/makeZones b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/makeZones
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/makeZones
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/makeZones
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/changeDictionaryDict b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/changeDictionaryDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/changeDictionaryDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/changeDictionaryDict
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict
index 1837391d7426f0037414664a1b7d3dc91deeec35..eaf9c2d54aefb2740d894541b302c0e35a6282f0 100644
--- a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/controlDict
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-application     simpleWindFoam;
+application     windSimpleFoam;
 startFrom       latestTime;
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-4proc b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-4proc
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-4proc
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-4proc
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-nonPar b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-nonPar
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-nonPar
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-nonPar
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-par b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-par
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-par
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/decomposeParDict-par
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSchemes
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSolution
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/fvSolution
diff --git a/tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/snappyHexMeshDict b/tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/snappyHexMeshDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/incompressible/simpleWindFoam/turbineSiting/system/snappyHexMeshDict
rename to tutorials/incompressible/windSimpleFoam/turbineSiting/system/snappyHexMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
index db475cca521e74667f784563f5ee7ef5f7126871..04122c332c875fcc0f01918d7fc89a179d3009c4 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/controlDict
@@ -47,10 +47,4 @@ runTimeModifiable yes;
 adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           0.5;
-maxDeltaT       1;
-alphaTauTemp    0.005;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSchemes
index 5abbd0ea52561a8a69df8e38265b73abc4e54bdc..e58b8a0c83851db9e74bfe5b991eace7dee9c5ad 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSchemes
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default         localEuler invTau;
+    default         localEuler rDeltaT;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 534b6d0823202649c46759ad17d096c06f039127..aaff31c4c7e8a6d5301e142bcb10eb6273d82e1f
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/counterFlowFlame2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ PIMPLE
     momentumPredictor yes;
     rhoMin rhoMin [1 -3 0 0 0] 0.1;
     rhoMax rhoMax [1 -3 0 0 0] 1.5;
+    maxCo           0.5;
+    rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff 0.1;
+    maxDeltaT       1;
+    alphaTemp       0.005;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/controlDict
index e98a0d91dcbf7a2f0e312fad1f369121eb7f8346..a66526013412851683ab5cf7bf2327be95c6c7d0 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/controlDict
@@ -45,13 +45,6 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable yes;
-maxCo           5;
-alphaTauSmooth  1;
-alphaTauTemp    1;
-maxDeltaT       1;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSchemes
index 0a99ca6ddfc232e99769ad25161da0531b9d0be0..9104fb5fda34575e4e6b5ca742dc5c15feaf4343 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSchemes
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
-    default         localEuler invTau;
+    default         localEuler rDeltaT;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
index 6f29456c47b2343fecb5680ba73ff856aed793c1..4dfe0a0beb61e2d751d2038467a8bedf9c5eb3a4 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/LTSReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ PIMPLE
     momentumPredictor yes;
     rhoMin rhoMin [1 -3 0 0 0] 0.1;
     rhoMax rhoMax [1 -3 0 0 0] 1.5;
+    maxCo           5;
+    rDeltaTSmoothingCoeff 1;
+    alphaTemp       1;
+    maxDeltaT       1;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution
index f36568277b7d50d975e66f86fb196a12a74f8405..a0da4cdb0fe7ce82e7b9ca409df00f105b07a6c7 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/coalChemistryFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ solvers
     transonic       yes;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/Allclean b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/Allclean
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/Allclean
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/Allclean
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/Allrun
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/Allrun
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/Allrun
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/0/U
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/0/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/0/U
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/RASProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/RASProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/g b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/g
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/g
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/g
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/kinematicCloudProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/boundary
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/boundary
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/polyMesh/boundary
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/transportProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/transportProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/transportProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/transportProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/turbulenceProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/constant/turbulenceProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/controlDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/controlDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/decomposeParDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/decomposeParDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/fvSchemes
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/fvSolution
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/fvSolution
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/mapFieldsDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/mapFieldsDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperEmptying/system/mapFieldsDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperEmptying/system/mapFieldsDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/0/U
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/0/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/0/U
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/RASProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/RASProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/g b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/g
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/g
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/g
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudPositions b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudPositions
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudPositions
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudPositions
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
similarity index 98%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
index ab3efa0bc4f0589537ee9c4f5796bcc88c8c5856..15f9068b615feb528b830c180071bc77b5a4fe91 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/kinematicCloudProperties
@@ -22,13 +22,6 @@ solution
     transient       yes;
     cellValueSourceCorrection off;
-    sourceTerms
-    {
-        schemes
-        {
-        }
-    }
         rho             cell;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/boundary
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/boundary
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/polyMesh/boundary
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/transportProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/transportProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/transportProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/transportProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/turbulenceProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/constant/turbulenceProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/controlDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/controlDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/decomposeParDict
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/decomposeParDict
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/fvSchemes
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/fvSolution
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopperInitialState/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam/hopper/hopperInitialState/system/fvSolution
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/filter/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/filter/system/fvSolution
index 32e542337a621f7e99c17d993c36152401036246..8eacc7bc9caacc0aabaca08fcc21dc359e513913 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/filter/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/filter/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,11 +17,18 @@ FoamFile
-    "(rho|G)"
+    rho
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
@@ -29,7 +36,14 @@ solvers
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
@@ -56,14 +70,11 @@ solvers
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        $hsFinal;
     transonic       no;
     nOuterCorrectors 1;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/parcelInBox/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/parcelInBox/system/fvSolution
index af936fdba1cbde0f4d9328c25def02454cb3ee1c..b913d158bf70526caaf7c154e29fcfebe6932d99 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/parcelInBox/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/parcelInBox/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,55 +17,64 @@ FoamFile
-    p
-    {
-        solver           GAMG;
-        tolerance        0;
-        relTol           0.01;
-        smoother         DICGaussSeidel;
-        nPreSweeps       0;
-        nPostSweeps      2;
-        cacheAgglomeration true;
-        nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
-        agglomerator     faceAreaPair;
-        mergeLevels      1;
-        maxIter          20;
-    };
-    pFinal
-    {
-        $p
-        tolerance        1e-6;
-        relTol           0;
-    };
-    "(rho|G)"
+    rho
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    };
-    "(Yi|hs)"
+    }
+    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    };
-    "(U|k|omega)"
+    }
+    p
-        solver          smoothSolver;
+        solver          GAMG;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         smoother        GaussSeidel;
+        nPreSweeps      0;
+        nPostSweeps     2;
+        cacheAgglomeration true;
+        nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
+        agglomerator    faceAreaPair;
+        mergeLevels     1;
+    }
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-    };
+    }
+    "(Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    {
+        $hsFinal;
+    }
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
index a235f4ecbe7a5db501403391d94865da9a4387fe..c008af3c1ecbe200ea09b665b11d453294cfdc16 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam/verticalChannel/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,57 +17,64 @@ FoamFile
-    p
-    {
-        solver           GAMG;
-        tolerance        0;
-        relTol           0.01;
-        smoother         DICGaussSeidel;
-        nPreSweeps       0;
-        nPostSweeps      2;
-        cacheAgglomeration true;
-        nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
-        agglomerator     faceAreaPair;
-        mergeLevels      1;
-        maxIter          50;
-    };
-    pFinal
-    {
-        $p
-        tolerance        1e-6;
-        relTol           0;
-    };
-    "(rho|G)"
+    rho
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
-        maxIter         200;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    };
-    "(Yi|hs)"
+    }
+    "(U|hs|k|omega)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        maxIter         200;
+        tolerance       1e-06;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs|k|omega)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-    };
-    "(U|k|omega)"
+    }
+    p
-        solver          smoothSolver;
+        solver          GAMG;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         smoother        GaussSeidel;
-        maxIter         200;
+        nPreSweeps      0;
+        nPostSweeps     2;
+        cacheAgglomeration true;
+        nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
+        agglomerator    faceAreaPair;
+        mergeLevels     1;
+    }
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-    };
+    }
+    "(Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    {
+        $hsFinal;
+    }
     nCorrectors     3;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/H2O
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/H2O
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/H2O
index b760440d339d615c7a6b7dc82e293503b15159c0..5e1dccea96b5b15015ca4831ca9c52a8a04ed1ed 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/H2O
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/H2O
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/N2
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/N2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/N2
index 526299832f3a73369a7b38735e92678425348403..cc5c913e859e1e2568536caa3b1f8b123a5a0b4c 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/N2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/N2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/O2
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/O2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/O2
index df1711bebbb7b622ec292373a84e8737a2e7f417..b0e5c52822f441ca6cf8c0ec82db91e743f3430d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/O2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/O2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/T
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/T
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/T
index c00d88466aae3c779177ff61d7bf0d1213c42c3d..d7e527d5cda0de78100bd0c92bbe57bf3a72a7fc 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/T
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/T
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
+    class       volScalarField;
     object      T;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ internalField   uniform 300;
-    walls
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform 300;
-    wallFilm
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/U
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/U
index 7a2646b8a8ea1462bf994ecc6d947a759d3c757e..0b165d2610ec95de4890c6543662360e2fcedd6f 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/U
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/U
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    walls
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
-        type            fixedValue;
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    wallFilm
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcda0699d11a35c7a4136c508c42d5c2e5bea13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p_rgh
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p_rgh
index 545caddb33f20329da4eb7b96fe1ed62c5ce898b..f9906768c18128f48fe3833b1b29985c3f9c4a11 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ internalField   uniform 100000;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
-        type            zeroGradient; // buoyantPressure;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
-        type            zeroGradient; // buoyantPressure;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79b48fefa26ef3cd0a6525df8682a3f613d1e844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      Tf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform  300;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..962a7a18fb5eaee2cf609cdd133541d54c24054a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volVectorField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      Uf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            slip;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0289f0e1c89bf78f332822c80a41920ba51131a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      deltaf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/H2O
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/H2O
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/H2O
index b760440d339d615c7a6b7dc82e293503b15159c0..5e1dccea96b5b15015ca4831ca9c52a8a04ed1ed 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/H2O
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/H2O
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/N2
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/N2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/N2
index 526299832f3a73369a7b38735e92678425348403..cc5c913e859e1e2568536caa3b1f8b123a5a0b4c 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/N2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/N2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/O2
similarity index 97%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/O2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/O2
index df1711bebbb7b622ec292373a84e8737a2e7f417..b0e5c52822f441ca6cf8c0ec82db91e743f3430d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/O2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/O2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/T
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/T
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/T
index c00d88466aae3c779177ff61d7bf0d1213c42c3d..d7e527d5cda0de78100bd0c92bbe57bf3a72a7fc 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/T
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/T
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
+    class       volScalarField;
     object      T;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@ internalField   uniform 300;
-    walls
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform 300;
-    wallFilm
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/U
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/U
index 7a2646b8a8ea1462bf994ecc6d947a759d3c757e..0b165d2610ec95de4890c6543662360e2fcedd6f 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/U
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/U
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    walls
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
-        type            fixedValue;
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    wallFilm
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcda0699d11a35c7a4136c508c42d5c2e5bea13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p_rgh
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p_rgh
index 545caddb33f20329da4eb7b96fe1ed62c5ce898b..f9906768c18128f48fe3833b1b29985c3f9c4a11 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ internalField   uniform 100000;
-    "(.*)"
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
-        type            zeroGradient; // buoyantPressure;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
-        type            zeroGradient; // buoyantPressure;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
index 452777f8f7ca310d46f03ab4ea7f5264f095eb86..bc6b8e79fca8eea185b0c437f4e44fcf3f080438 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  288;
+internalField   uniform  300;
@@ -27,17 +27,11 @@ boundaryField
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 312.3;
-    }
-    left
         type            zeroGradient;
-    right
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
@@ -48,4 +42,5 @@ boundaryField
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
index d07f1d0b3229ef8cfbff57c6daba3e34e070e894..14a9ce78faef9ecb14efe84c154a85d36265a987 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -32,13 +32,7 @@ boundaryField
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    left
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    right
+    sides
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
@@ -46,9 +40,9 @@ boundaryField
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+        type            slip;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4a13507583d5d14d23d2e8d6a6cd450f5431288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      deltaf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    sides
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    frontAndBack
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/H2O
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e1dccea96b5b15015ca4831ca9c52a8a04ed1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/H2O
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      H2O;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.0;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/N2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc5c913e859e1e2568536caa3b1f8b123a5a0b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/N2
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      N2;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.79;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/O2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0e5c52822f441ca6cf8c0ec82db91e743f3430d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/O2
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      O2;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.21;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7e527d5cda0de78100bd0c92bbe57bf3a72a7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/T
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    location    "0";
+    class       volScalarField;
+    object      T;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 300;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/U
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b165d2610ec95de4890c6543662360e2fcedd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/U
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volVectorField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      U;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcda0699d11a35c7a4136c508c42d5c2e5bea13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p_rgh b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p_rgh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9906768c18128f48fe3833b1b29985c3f9c4a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/p_rgh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p_rgh;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79b48fefa26ef3cd0a6525df8682a3f613d1e844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      Tf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform  300;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..962a7a18fb5eaee2cf609cdd133541d54c24054a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volVectorField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      Uf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            slip;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0289f0e1c89bf78f332822c80a41920ba51131a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      deltaf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    filmWalls
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/H2O
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e1dccea96b5b15015ca4831ca9c52a8a04ed1ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/H2O
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      H2O;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.0;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/N2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc5c913e859e1e2568536caa3b1f8b123a5a0b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/N2
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      N2;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.79;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/O2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0e5c52822f441ca6cf8c0ec82db91e743f3430d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/O2
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      O2;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0.21;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/T
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7e527d5cda0de78100bd0c92bbe57bf3a72a7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/T
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    location    "0";
+    class       volScalarField;
+    object      T;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 300;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform 300;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/U
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b165d2610ec95de4890c6543662360e2fcedd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/U
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volVectorField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      U;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcda0699d11a35c7a4136c508c42d5c2e5bea13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p_rgh b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p_rgh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9906768c18128f48fe3833b1b29985c3f9c4a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/p_rgh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p_rgh;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    "(sides|frontAndBack)"
+    {
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
index 452777f8f7ca310d46f03ab4ea7f5264f095eb86..bc6b8e79fca8eea185b0c437f4e44fcf3f080438 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  288;
+internalField   uniform  300;
@@ -27,17 +27,11 @@ boundaryField
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 312.3;
-    }
-    left
         type            zeroGradient;
-    right
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
@@ -48,4 +42,5 @@ boundaryField
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
similarity index 87%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
index d07f1d0b3229ef8cfbff57c6daba3e34e070e894..14a9ce78faef9ecb14efe84c154a85d36265a987 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -32,13 +32,7 @@ boundaryField
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    left
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    right
+    sides
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
@@ -46,9 +40,9 @@ boundaryField
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
+        type            slip;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d4a13507583d5d14d23d2e8d6a6cd450f5431288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
+    object      deltaf;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 0;
+    wallFilmFaces_top
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    sides
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    frontAndBack
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allclean b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allclean
similarity index 85%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allclean
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allclean
index 60822bc8efd7ccf17f09211827feb57a7d361e75..50d71cadc33ae76ed7d264ab889a617c67f2ebda 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allclean
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
-rm -rf system/wallFilmRegion
 rm -rf constant/wallFilmRegion
 rm -rf 0
 cp -rf 0.org 0
 rm -f *.obj
+#rm -rf VTK
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f01aae71c93dbf30a27dcec49b45540d2867a12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
+runApplication $application
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun.pre b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun.pre
similarity index 67%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun.pre
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun.pre
index a6e2612512d76e8ff7c91ff8eae5f1ec7eedd456..6904214c8d0fa6152245d851f31867cce7dcd7fa 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun.pre
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/Allrun.pre
@@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-rm -fr log.*
 runApplication blockMesh
 runApplication setSet -batch wallFilmRegion.setSet
 mv log.setSet log.wallFilmRegion.setSet
-runApplication setsToZones -noFlipMap
-mv log.setsToZones log.setsToZones.primaryRegion
 runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh -overwrite
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/additionalControls b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/additionalControls
similarity index 95%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/additionalControls
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/additionalControls
index cd51e006838aed5174bd5933149132c33fb4df55..dbbbbf342c36e9bd9d061917f465626fde01fb71 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/additionalControls
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/additionalControls
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-solvePrimaryRegion false; // true;
+solvePrimaryRegion true; // false; // true;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/chemistryProperties
similarity index 80%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/chemistryProperties
index 77446d563d6bddb6d72127d07144a2a53e77f057..fca4f15a5cacd9815e78fb5fd469bb34807f1c5e 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/RASProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/chemistryProperties
@@ -11,14 +11,19 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      RASProperties;
+    object      chemistryProperties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-RASModel        kEpsilon;
+psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
-turbulence      on;
+chemistry       off;
+turbulentReaction off;
+chemistrySolver noChemistrySolver;
+initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
-printCoeffs     on;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/combustionProperties
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/combustionProperties
index d0a0998654c0e013d16bc1b9e58e51ff26d40edc..4d6e2a96b0030adb10594884242240aff3cc76b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/turbulenceProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/combustionProperties
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      turbulenceProperties;
+    object      combustionProperties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-simulationType  laminar;
+combustionModel    none;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/foam.dat b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/foam.dat
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/foam.dat
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/foam.dat
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/foam.inp b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/foam.inp
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/foam.inp
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/foam.inp
index 84c3df95ee991c31b4e09c14ebfd8f63213dc092..fff06b38e5ea07c5e25cccc08e637384db2d568d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/foam.inp
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/foam.inp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ species
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/g b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/g
similarity index 96%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/g
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/g
index fdf2676466b2b5e0e26d3650e77d2964aabf3a54..fdb459fd0734fd9def306be029e99234b4466934 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/g
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/g
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 dimensions      [0 1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-value           (0 0 -9.81);
+value           (0 -9.81 0);
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/parcelInjectionProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/parcelInjectionProperties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75e60c370bf8e2eaf656a22ce84c213a1972463b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/parcelInjectionProperties
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       dictionary;
+    location    "constant";
+    object      scalarListList;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// (x y z) (u v w) d rho mDot T cp (Y0..Y2) (Yg0..YgN) (Yl0..YlN) (Ys0..YsN)
+    (0 1.95 -0.2) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
+    (0 1.95    0) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
+    (0 1.95  0.2) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/blockMeshDict
similarity index 85%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/blockMeshDict
index 120df680f5174fe296221a16bbbb66313d6a1986..ab01f1281b2c6cf8d03c30a1cae50c48a444c9e5 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/blockMeshDict
@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ convertToMeters 0.1;
-    (  0  0  0)
-    ( 1  0  0)
+    ( 0   0   0)
+    ( 1   0   0)
     ( 0  0.5  0)
-    (  1  0.5  0)
+    ( 1  0.5  0)
     // front
-    (  0  0  0.2)
-    ( 1  0  0.2)
-    ( 0  0.5  0.2)
-    (  1  0.5  0.2)
+    ( 0   0   1)
+    ( 1   0   1)
+    ( 0  0.5  1)
+    ( 1  0.5  1)
-    hex (0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ) (20 30 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ) (20 10 20) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ edges
-    wall walls
+    patch sides
         (1 5 7 3)
         (4 5 7 6)
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/boundary
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9df5ae8082f25608295afbce803ffa22bb5223cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/boundary
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      boundary;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    sides
+    {
+        type            patch;
+        nFaces          1400;
+        startFace       11200;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            directMappedWall;
+        nFaces          200;
+        startFace       12600;
+        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
+        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
+        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces;
+        offsets
+(-4.33680869e-19 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-2.602085214e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(1.734723476e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -1.040834086e-17 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.081668171e-17 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-0 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-0 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.040834086e-17 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/cellZones b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/cellZones
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e170d8c1add7aa810fd939b66f0d04183a8e9a0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/cellZones
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       regIOobject;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      cellZones;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faceZones b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faceZones
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5c8c2e4677f820ba37d36c793082f3107deb8b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faceZones
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       regIOobject;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      faceZones;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    type faceZone;
+faceLabels      List<label>
+flipMap         List<bool> 200{0};
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faces b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f5a379a7e7f7cf8b1633615340b5f98f30eddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/faces
@@ -0,0 +1,12824 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       faceList;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      faces;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+4(1 22 253 232)
+4(21 252 253 22)
+4(231 232 253 252)
+4(2 23 254 233)
+4(22 253 254 23)
+4(232 233 254 253)
+4(3 24 255 234)
+4(23 254 255 24)
+4(233 234 255 254)
+4(4 25 256 235)
+4(24 255 256 25)
+4(234 235 256 255)
+4(5 26 257 236)
+4(25 256 257 26)
+4(235 236 257 256)
+4(6 27 258 237)
+4(26 257 258 27)
+4(236 237 258 257)
+4(7 28 259 238)
+4(27 258 259 28)
+4(237 238 259 258)
+4(8 29 260 239)
+4(28 259 260 29)
+4(238 239 260 259)
+4(9 30 261 240)
+4(29 260 261 30)
+4(239 240 261 260)
+4(10 31 262 241)
+4(30 261 262 31)
+4(240 241 262 261)
+4(11 32 263 242)
+4(31 262 263 32)
+4(241 242 263 262)
+4(12 33 264 243)
+4(32 263 264 33)
+4(242 243 264 263)
+4(13 34 265 244)
+4(33 264 265 34)
+4(243 244 265 264)
+4(14 35 266 245)
+4(34 265 266 35)
+4(244 245 266 265)
+4(15 36 267 246)
+4(35 266 267 36)
+4(245 246 267 266)
+4(16 37 268 247)
+4(36 267 268 37)
+4(246 247 268 267)
+4(17 38 269 248)
+4(37 268 269 38)
+4(247 248 269 268)
+4(18 39 270 249)
+4(38 269 270 39)
+4(248 249 270 269)
+4(19 40 271 250)
+4(39 270 271 40)
+4(249 250 271 270)
+4(40 271 272 41)
+4(250 251 272 271)
+4(22 43 274 253)
+4(42 273 274 43)
+4(252 253 274 273)
+4(23 44 275 254)
+4(43 274 275 44)
+4(253 254 275 274)
+4(24 45 276 255)
+4(44 275 276 45)
+4(254 255 276 275)
+4(25 46 277 256)
+4(45 276 277 46)
+4(255 256 277 276)
+4(26 47 278 257)
+4(46 277 278 47)
+4(256 257 278 277)
+4(27 48 279 258)
+4(47 278 279 48)
+4(257 258 279 278)
+4(28 49 280 259)
+4(48 279 280 49)
+4(258 259 280 279)
+4(29 50 281 260)
+4(49 280 281 50)
+4(259 260 281 280)
+4(30 51 282 261)
+4(50 281 282 51)
+4(260 261 282 281)
+4(31 52 283 262)
+4(51 282 283 52)
+4(261 262 283 282)
+4(32 53 284 263)
+4(52 283 284 53)
+4(262 263 284 283)
+4(33 54 285 264)
+4(53 284 285 54)
+4(263 264 285 284)
+4(34 55 286 265)
+4(54 285 286 55)
+4(264 265 286 285)
+4(35 56 287 266)
+4(55 286 287 56)
+4(265 266 287 286)
+4(36 57 288 267)
+4(56 287 288 57)
+4(266 267 288 287)
+4(37 58 289 268)
+4(57 288 289 58)
+4(267 268 289 288)
+4(38 59 290 269)
+4(58 289 290 59)
+4(268 269 290 289)
+4(39 60 291 270)
+4(59 290 291 60)
+4(269 270 291 290)
+4(40 61 292 271)
+4(60 291 292 61)
+4(270 271 292 291)
+4(61 292 293 62)
+4(271 272 293 292)
+4(43 64 295 274)
+4(63 294 295 64)
+4(273 274 295 294)
+4(44 65 296 275)
+4(64 295 296 65)
+4(274 275 296 295)
+4(45 66 297 276)
+4(65 296 297 66)
+4(275 276 297 296)
+4(46 67 298 277)
+4(66 297 298 67)
+4(276 277 298 297)
+4(47 68 299 278)
+4(67 298 299 68)
+4(277 278 299 298)
+4(48 69 300 279)
+4(68 299 300 69)
+4(278 279 300 299)
+4(49 70 301 280)
+4(69 300 301 70)
+4(279 280 301 300)
+4(50 71 302 281)
+4(70 301 302 71)
+4(280 281 302 301)
+4(51 72 303 282)
+4(71 302 303 72)
+4(281 282 303 302)
+4(52 73 304 283)
+4(72 303 304 73)
+4(282 283 304 303)
+4(53 74 305 284)
+4(73 304 305 74)
+4(283 284 305 304)
+4(54 75 306 285)
+4(74 305 306 75)
+4(284 285 306 305)
+4(55 76 307 286)
+4(75 306 307 76)
+4(285 286 307 306)
+4(56 77 308 287)
+4(76 307 308 77)
+4(286 287 308 307)
+4(57 78 309 288)
+4(77 308 309 78)
+4(287 288 309 308)
+4(58 79 310 289)
+4(78 309 310 79)
+4(288 289 310 309)
+4(59 80 311 290)
+4(79 310 311 80)
+4(289 290 311 310)
+4(60 81 312 291)
+4(80 311 312 81)
+4(290 291 312 311)
+4(61 82 313 292)
+4(81 312 313 82)
+4(291 292 313 312)
+4(82 313 314 83)
+4(292 293 314 313)
+4(64 85 316 295)
+4(84 315 316 85)
+4(294 295 316 315)
+4(65 86 317 296)
+4(85 316 317 86)
+4(295 296 317 316)
+4(66 87 318 297)
+4(86 317 318 87)
+4(296 297 318 317)
+4(67 88 319 298)
+4(87 318 319 88)
+4(297 298 319 318)
+4(68 89 320 299)
+4(88 319 320 89)
+4(298 299 320 319)
+4(69 90 321 300)
+4(89 320 321 90)
+4(299 300 321 320)
+4(70 91 322 301)
+4(90 321 322 91)
+4(300 301 322 321)
+4(71 92 323 302)
+4(91 322 323 92)
+4(301 302 323 322)
+4(72 93 324 303)
+4(92 323 324 93)
+4(302 303 324 323)
+4(73 94 325 304)
+4(93 324 325 94)
+4(303 304 325 324)
+4(74 95 326 305)
+4(94 325 326 95)
+4(304 305 326 325)
+4(75 96 327 306)
+4(95 326 327 96)
+4(305 306 327 326)
+4(76 97 328 307)
+4(96 327 328 97)
+4(306 307 328 327)
+4(77 98 329 308)
+4(97 328 329 98)
+4(307 308 329 328)
+4(78 99 330 309)
+4(98 329 330 99)
+4(308 309 330 329)
+4(79 100 331 310)
+4(99 330 331 100)
+4(309 310 331 330)
+4(80 101 332 311)
+4(100 331 332 101)
+4(310 311 332 331)
+4(81 102 333 312)
+4(101 332 333 102)
+4(311 312 333 332)
+4(82 103 334 313)
+4(102 333 334 103)
+4(312 313 334 333)
+4(103 334 335 104)
+4(313 314 335 334)
+4(85 106 337 316)
+4(105 336 337 106)
+4(315 316 337 336)
+4(86 107 338 317)
+4(106 337 338 107)
+4(316 317 338 337)
+4(87 108 339 318)
+4(107 338 339 108)
+4(317 318 339 338)
+4(88 109 340 319)
+4(108 339 340 109)
+4(318 319 340 339)
+4(89 110 341 320)
+4(109 340 341 110)
+4(319 320 341 340)
+4(90 111 342 321)
+4(110 341 342 111)
+4(320 321 342 341)
+4(91 112 343 322)
+4(111 342 343 112)
+4(321 322 343 342)
+4(92 113 344 323)
+4(112 343 344 113)
+4(322 323 344 343)
+4(93 114 345 324)
+4(113 344 345 114)
+4(323 324 345 344)
+4(94 115 346 325)
+4(114 345 346 115)
+4(324 325 346 345)
+4(95 116 347 326)
+4(115 346 347 116)
+4(325 326 347 346)
+4(96 117 348 327)
+4(116 347 348 117)
+4(326 327 348 347)
+4(97 118 349 328)
+4(117 348 349 118)
+4(327 328 349 348)
+4(98 119 350 329)
+4(118 349 350 119)
+4(328 329 350 349)
+4(99 120 351 330)
+4(119 350 351 120)
+4(329 330 351 350)
+4(100 121 352 331)
+4(120 351 352 121)
+4(330 331 352 351)
+4(101 122 353 332)
+4(121 352 353 122)
+4(331 332 353 352)
+4(102 123 354 333)
+4(122 353 354 123)
+4(332 333 354 353)
+4(103 124 355 334)
+4(123 354 355 124)
+4(333 334 355 354)
+4(124 355 356 125)
+4(334 335 356 355)
+4(106 127 358 337)
+4(126 357 358 127)
+4(336 337 358 357)
+4(107 128 359 338)
+4(127 358 359 128)
+4(337 338 359 358)
+4(108 129 360 339)
+4(128 359 360 129)
+4(338 339 360 359)
+4(109 130 361 340)
+4(129 360 361 130)
+4(339 340 361 360)
+4(110 131 362 341)
+4(130 361 362 131)
+4(340 341 362 361)
+4(111 132 363 342)
+4(131 362 363 132)
+4(341 342 363 362)
+4(112 133 364 343)
+4(132 363 364 133)
+4(342 343 364 363)
+4(113 134 365 344)
+4(133 364 365 134)
+4(343 344 365 364)
+4(114 135 366 345)
+4(134 365 366 135)
+4(344 345 366 365)
+4(115 136 367 346)
+4(135 366 367 136)
+4(345 346 367 366)
+4(116 137 368 347)
+4(136 367 368 137)
+4(346 347 368 367)
+4(117 138 369 348)
+4(137 368 369 138)
+4(347 348 369 368)
+4(118 139 370 349)
+4(138 369 370 139)
+4(348 349 370 369)
+4(119 140 371 350)
+4(139 370 371 140)
+4(349 350 371 370)
+4(120 141 372 351)
+4(140 371 372 141)
+4(350 351 372 371)
+4(121 142 373 352)
+4(141 372 373 142)
+4(351 352 373 372)
+4(122 143 374 353)
+4(142 373 374 143)
+4(352 353 374 373)
+4(123 144 375 354)
+4(143 374 375 144)
+4(353 354 375 374)
+4(124 145 376 355)
+4(144 375 376 145)
+4(354 355 376 375)
+4(145 376 377 146)
+4(355 356 377 376)
+4(127 148 379 358)
+4(147 378 379 148)
+4(357 358 379 378)
+4(128 149 380 359)
+4(148 379 380 149)
+4(358 359 380 379)
+4(129 150 381 360)
+4(149 380 381 150)
+4(359 360 381 380)
+4(130 151 382 361)
+4(150 381 382 151)
+4(360 361 382 381)
+4(131 152 383 362)
+4(151 382 383 152)
+4(361 362 383 382)
+4(132 153 384 363)
+4(152 383 384 153)
+4(362 363 384 383)
+4(133 154 385 364)
+4(153 384 385 154)
+4(363 364 385 384)
+4(134 155 386 365)
+4(154 385 386 155)
+4(364 365 386 385)
+4(135 156 387 366)
+4(155 386 387 156)
+4(365 366 387 386)
+4(136 157 388 367)
+4(156 387 388 157)
+4(366 367 388 387)
+4(137 158 389 368)
+4(157 388 389 158)
+4(367 368 389 388)
+4(138 159 390 369)
+4(158 389 390 159)
+4(368 369 390 389)
+4(139 160 391 370)
+4(159 390 391 160)
+4(369 370 391 390)
+4(140 161 392 371)
+4(160 391 392 161)
+4(370 371 392 391)
+4(141 162 393 372)
+4(161 392 393 162)
+4(371 372 393 392)
+4(142 163 394 373)
+4(162 393 394 163)
+4(372 373 394 393)
+4(143 164 395 374)
+4(163 394 395 164)
+4(373 374 395 394)
+4(144 165 396 375)
+4(164 395 396 165)
+4(374 375 396 395)
+4(145 166 397 376)
+4(165 396 397 166)
+4(375 376 397 396)
+4(166 397 398 167)
+4(376 377 398 397)
+4(148 169 400 379)
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+4(156 177 408 387)
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+4(178 409 410 179)
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+4(160 181 412 391)
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+4(165 186 417 396)
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+4(166 187 418 397)
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+4(169 190 421 400)
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+4(171 192 423 402)
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+4(175 196 427 406)
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+4(177 198 429 408)
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+4(407 408 429 428)
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+4(408 409 430 429)
+4(179 200 431 410)
+4(199 430 431 200)
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+4(200 431 432 201)
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+4(181 202 433 412)
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+4(232 253 484 463)
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+4(274 295 526 505)
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+4(306 327 558 537)
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+4(307 328 559 538)
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+4(537 538 559 558)
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+4(328 559 560 329)
+4(538 539 560 559)
+4(309 330 561 540)
+4(329 560 561 330)
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+4(310 331 562 541)
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+4(311 332 563 542)
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+4(312 333 564 543)
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+4(542 543 564 563)
+4(313 334 565 544)
+4(333 564 565 334)
+4(543 544 565 564)
+4(334 565 566 335)
+4(544 545 566 565)
+4(316 337 568 547)
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+4(317 338 569 548)
+4(337 568 569 338)
+4(547 548 569 568)
+4(318 339 570 549)
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+4(548 549 570 569)
+4(319 340 571 550)
+4(339 570 571 340)
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+4(320 341 572 551)
+4(340 571 572 341)
+4(550 551 572 571)
+4(321 342 573 552)
+4(341 572 573 342)
+4(551 552 573 572)
+4(322 343 574 553)
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+4(552 553 574 573)
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+4(324 345 576 555)
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+4(325 346 577 556)
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+4(555 556 577 576)
+4(326 347 578 557)
+4(346 577 578 347)
+4(556 557 578 577)
+4(327 348 579 558)
+4(347 578 579 348)
+4(557 558 579 578)
+4(328 349 580 559)
+4(348 579 580 349)
+4(558 559 580 579)
+4(329 350 581 560)
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+4(561 562 583 582)
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+4(562 563 584 583)
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+4(563 564 585 584)
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+4(565 566 587 586)
+4(337 358 589 568)
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+4(567 568 589 588)
+4(338 359 590 569)
+4(358 589 590 359)
+4(568 569 590 589)
+4(339 360 591 570)
+4(359 590 591 360)
+4(569 570 591 590)
+4(340 361 592 571)
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+4(570 571 592 591)
+4(341 362 593 572)
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+4(571 572 593 592)
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+4(572 573 594 593)
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+4(363 594 595 364)
+4(573 574 595 594)
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+4(574 575 596 595)
+4(345 366 597 576)
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+4(575 576 597 596)
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+4(366 597 598 367)
+4(576 577 598 597)
+4(347 368 599 578)
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+4(577 578 599 598)
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+4(578 579 600 599)
+4(349 370 601 580)
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+4(579 580 601 600)
+4(350 371 602 581)
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+4(580 581 602 601)
+4(351 372 603 582)
+4(371 602 603 372)
+4(581 582 603 602)
+4(352 373 604 583)
+4(372 603 604 373)
+4(582 583 604 603)
+4(353 374 605 584)
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+4(583 584 605 604)
+4(354 375 606 585)
+4(374 605 606 375)
+4(584 585 606 605)
+4(355 376 607 586)
+4(375 606 607 376)
+4(585 586 607 606)
+4(376 607 608 377)
+4(586 587 608 607)
+4(358 379 610 589)
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+4(588 589 610 609)
+4(359 380 611 590)
+4(379 610 611 380)
+4(589 590 611 610)
+4(360 381 612 591)
+4(380 611 612 381)
+4(590 591 612 611)
+4(361 382 613 592)
+4(381 612 613 382)
+4(591 592 613 612)
+4(362 383 614 593)
+4(382 613 614 383)
+4(592 593 614 613)
+4(363 384 615 594)
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+4(593 594 615 614)
+4(364 385 616 595)
+4(384 615 616 385)
+4(594 595 616 615)
+4(365 386 617 596)
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+4(595 596 617 616)
+4(366 387 618 597)
+4(386 617 618 387)
+4(596 597 618 617)
+4(367 388 619 598)
+4(387 618 619 388)
+4(597 598 619 618)
+4(368 389 620 599)
+4(388 619 620 389)
+4(598 599 620 619)
+4(369 390 621 600)
+4(389 620 621 390)
+4(599 600 621 620)
+4(370 391 622 601)
+4(390 621 622 391)
+4(600 601 622 621)
+4(371 392 623 602)
+4(391 622 623 392)
+4(601 602 623 622)
+4(372 393 624 603)
+4(392 623 624 393)
+4(602 603 624 623)
+4(373 394 625 604)
+4(393 624 625 394)
+4(603 604 625 624)
+4(374 395 626 605)
+4(394 625 626 395)
+4(604 605 626 625)
+4(375 396 627 606)
+4(395 626 627 396)
+4(605 606 627 626)
+4(376 397 628 607)
+4(396 627 628 397)
+4(606 607 628 627)
+4(397 628 629 398)
+4(607 608 629 628)
+4(379 400 631 610)
+4(399 630 631 400)
+4(609 610 631 630)
+4(380 401 632 611)
+4(400 631 632 401)
+4(610 611 632 631)
+4(381 402 633 612)
+4(401 632 633 402)
+4(611 612 633 632)
+4(382 403 634 613)
+4(402 633 634 403)
+4(612 613 634 633)
+4(383 404 635 614)
+4(403 634 635 404)
+4(613 614 635 634)
+4(384 405 636 615)
+4(404 635 636 405)
+4(614 615 636 635)
+4(385 406 637 616)
+4(405 636 637 406)
+4(615 616 637 636)
+4(386 407 638 617)
+4(406 637 638 407)
+4(616 617 638 637)
+4(387 408 639 618)
+4(407 638 639 408)
+4(617 618 639 638)
+4(388 409 640 619)
+4(408 639 640 409)
+4(618 619 640 639)
+4(389 410 641 620)
+4(409 640 641 410)
+4(619 620 641 640)
+4(390 411 642 621)
+4(410 641 642 411)
+4(620 621 642 641)
+4(391 412 643 622)
+4(411 642 643 412)
+4(621 622 643 642)
+4(392 413 644 623)
+4(412 643 644 413)
+4(622 623 644 643)
+4(393 414 645 624)
+4(413 644 645 414)
+4(623 624 645 644)
+4(394 415 646 625)
+4(414 645 646 415)
+4(624 625 646 645)
+4(395 416 647 626)
+4(415 646 647 416)
+4(625 626 647 646)
+4(396 417 648 627)
+4(416 647 648 417)
+4(626 627 648 647)
+4(397 418 649 628)
+4(417 648 649 418)
+4(627 628 649 648)
+4(418 649 650 419)
+4(628 629 650 649)
+4(400 421 652 631)
+4(420 651 652 421)
+4(630 631 652 651)
+4(401 422 653 632)
+4(421 652 653 422)
+4(631 632 653 652)
+4(402 423 654 633)
+4(422 653 654 423)
+4(632 633 654 653)
+4(403 424 655 634)
+4(423 654 655 424)
+4(633 634 655 654)
+4(404 425 656 635)
+4(424 655 656 425)
+4(634 635 656 655)
+4(405 426 657 636)
+4(425 656 657 426)
+4(635 636 657 656)
+4(406 427 658 637)
+4(426 657 658 427)
+4(636 637 658 657)
+4(407 428 659 638)
+4(427 658 659 428)
+4(637 638 659 658)
+4(408 429 660 639)
+4(428 659 660 429)
+4(638 639 660 659)
+4(409 430 661 640)
+4(429 660 661 430)
+4(639 640 661 660)
+4(410 431 662 641)
+4(430 661 662 431)
+4(640 641 662 661)
+4(411 432 663 642)
+4(431 662 663 432)
+4(641 642 663 662)
+4(412 433 664 643)
+4(432 663 664 433)
+4(642 643 664 663)
+4(413 434 665 644)
+4(433 664 665 434)
+4(643 644 665 664)
+4(414 435 666 645)
+4(434 665 666 435)
+4(644 645 666 665)
+4(415 436 667 646)
+4(435 666 667 436)
+4(645 646 667 666)
+4(416 437 668 647)
+4(436 667 668 437)
+4(646 647 668 667)
+4(417 438 669 648)
+4(437 668 669 438)
+4(647 648 669 668)
+4(418 439 670 649)
+4(438 669 670 439)
+4(648 649 670 669)
+4(439 670 671 440)
+4(649 650 671 670)
+4(421 442 673 652)
+4(651 652 673 672)
+4(422 443 674 653)
+4(652 653 674 673)
+4(423 444 675 654)
+4(653 654 675 674)
+4(424 445 676 655)
+4(654 655 676 675)
+4(425 446 677 656)
+4(655 656 677 676)
+4(426 447 678 657)
+4(656 657 678 677)
+4(427 448 679 658)
+4(657 658 679 678)
+4(428 449 680 659)
+4(658 659 680 679)
+4(429 450 681 660)
+4(659 660 681 680)
+4(430 451 682 661)
+4(660 661 682 681)
+4(431 452 683 662)
+4(661 662 683 682)
+4(432 453 684 663)
+4(662 663 684 683)
+4(433 454 685 664)
+4(663 664 685 684)
+4(434 455 686 665)
+4(664 665 686 685)
+4(435 456 687 666)
+4(665 666 687 686)
+4(436 457 688 667)
+4(666 667 688 687)
+4(437 458 689 668)
+4(667 668 689 688)
+4(438 459 690 669)
+4(668 669 690 689)
+4(439 460 691 670)
+4(669 670 691 690)
+4(670 671 692 691)
+4(463 484 715 694)
+4(483 714 715 484)
+4(693 694 715 714)
+4(464 485 716 695)
+4(484 715 716 485)
+4(694 695 716 715)
+4(465 486 717 696)
+4(485 716 717 486)
+4(695 696 717 716)
+4(466 487 718 697)
+4(486 717 718 487)
+4(696 697 718 717)
+4(467 488 719 698)
+4(487 718 719 488)
+4(697 698 719 718)
+4(468 489 720 699)
+4(488 719 720 489)
+4(698 699 720 719)
+4(469 490 721 700)
+4(489 720 721 490)
+4(699 700 721 720)
+4(470 491 722 701)
+4(490 721 722 491)
+4(700 701 722 721)
+4(471 492 723 702)
+4(491 722 723 492)
+4(701 702 723 722)
+4(472 493 724 703)
+4(492 723 724 493)
+4(702 703 724 723)
+4(473 494 725 704)
+4(493 724 725 494)
+4(703 704 725 724)
+4(474 495 726 705)
+4(494 725 726 495)
+4(704 705 726 725)
+4(475 496 727 706)
+4(495 726 727 496)
+4(705 706 727 726)
+4(476 497 728 707)
+4(496 727 728 497)
+4(706 707 728 727)
+4(477 498 729 708)
+4(497 728 729 498)
+4(707 708 729 728)
+4(478 499 730 709)
+4(498 729 730 499)
+4(708 709 730 729)
+4(479 500 731 710)
+4(499 730 731 500)
+4(709 710 731 730)
+4(480 501 732 711)
+4(500 731 732 501)
+4(710 711 732 731)
+4(481 502 733 712)
+4(501 732 733 502)
+4(711 712 733 732)
+4(502 733 734 503)
+4(712 713 734 733)
+4(484 505 736 715)
+4(504 735 736 505)
+4(714 715 736 735)
+4(485 506 737 716)
+4(505 736 737 506)
+4(715 716 737 736)
+4(486 507 738 717)
+4(506 737 738 507)
+4(716 717 738 737)
+4(487 508 739 718)
+4(507 738 739 508)
+4(717 718 739 738)
+4(488 509 740 719)
+4(508 739 740 509)
+4(718 719 740 739)
+4(489 510 741 720)
+4(509 740 741 510)
+4(719 720 741 740)
+4(490 511 742 721)
+4(510 741 742 511)
+4(720 721 742 741)
+4(491 512 743 722)
+4(511 742 743 512)
+4(721 722 743 742)
+4(492 513 744 723)
+4(512 743 744 513)
+4(722 723 744 743)
+4(493 514 745 724)
+4(513 744 745 514)
+4(723 724 745 744)
+4(494 515 746 725)
+4(514 745 746 515)
+4(724 725 746 745)
+4(495 516 747 726)
+4(515 746 747 516)
+4(725 726 747 746)
+4(496 517 748 727)
+4(516 747 748 517)
+4(726 727 748 747)
+4(497 518 749 728)
+4(517 748 749 518)
+4(727 728 749 748)
+4(498 519 750 729)
+4(518 749 750 519)
+4(728 729 750 749)
+4(499 520 751 730)
+4(519 750 751 520)
+4(729 730 751 750)
+4(500 521 752 731)
+4(520 751 752 521)
+4(730 731 752 751)
+4(501 522 753 732)
+4(521 752 753 522)
+4(731 732 753 752)
+4(502 523 754 733)
+4(522 753 754 523)
+4(732 733 754 753)
+4(523 754 755 524)
+4(733 734 755 754)
+4(505 526 757 736)
+4(525 756 757 526)
+4(735 736 757 756)
+4(506 527 758 737)
+4(526 757 758 527)
+4(736 737 758 757)
+4(507 528 759 738)
+4(527 758 759 528)
+4(737 738 759 758)
+4(508 529 760 739)
+4(528 759 760 529)
+4(738 739 760 759)
+4(509 530 761 740)
+4(529 760 761 530)
+4(739 740 761 760)
+4(510 531 762 741)
+4(530 761 762 531)
+4(740 741 762 761)
+4(511 532 763 742)
+4(531 762 763 532)
+4(741 742 763 762)
+4(512 533 764 743)
+4(532 763 764 533)
+4(742 743 764 763)
+4(513 534 765 744)
+4(533 764 765 534)
+4(743 744 765 764)
+4(514 535 766 745)
+4(534 765 766 535)
+4(744 745 766 765)
+4(515 536 767 746)
+4(535 766 767 536)
+4(745 746 767 766)
+4(516 537 768 747)
+4(536 767 768 537)
+4(746 747 768 767)
+4(517 538 769 748)
+4(537 768 769 538)
+4(747 748 769 768)
+4(518 539 770 749)
+4(538 769 770 539)
+4(748 749 770 769)
+4(519 540 771 750)
+4(539 770 771 540)
+4(749 750 771 770)
+4(520 541 772 751)
+4(540 771 772 541)
+4(750 751 772 771)
+4(521 542 773 752)
+4(541 772 773 542)
+4(751 752 773 772)
+4(522 543 774 753)
+4(542 773 774 543)
+4(752 753 774 773)
+4(523 544 775 754)
+4(543 774 775 544)
+4(753 754 775 774)
+4(544 775 776 545)
+4(754 755 776 775)
+4(526 547 778 757)
+4(546 777 778 547)
+4(756 757 778 777)
+4(527 548 779 758)
+4(547 778 779 548)
+4(757 758 779 778)
+4(528 549 780 759)
+4(548 779 780 549)
+4(758 759 780 779)
+4(529 550 781 760)
+4(549 780 781 550)
+4(759 760 781 780)
+4(530 551 782 761)
+4(550 781 782 551)
+4(760 761 782 781)
+4(531 552 783 762)
+4(551 782 783 552)
+4(761 762 783 782)
+4(532 553 784 763)
+4(552 783 784 553)
+4(762 763 784 783)
+4(533 554 785 764)
+4(553 784 785 554)
+4(763 764 785 784)
+4(534 555 786 765)
+4(554 785 786 555)
+4(764 765 786 785)
+4(535 556 787 766)
+4(555 786 787 556)
+4(765 766 787 786)
+4(536 557 788 767)
+4(556 787 788 557)
+4(766 767 788 787)
+4(537 558 789 768)
+4(557 788 789 558)
+4(767 768 789 788)
+4(538 559 790 769)
+4(558 789 790 559)
+4(768 769 790 789)
+4(539 560 791 770)
+4(559 790 791 560)
+4(769 770 791 790)
+4(540 561 792 771)
+4(560 791 792 561)
+4(770 771 792 791)
+4(541 562 793 772)
+4(561 792 793 562)
+4(771 772 793 792)
+4(542 563 794 773)
+4(562 793 794 563)
+4(772 773 794 793)
+4(543 564 795 774)
+4(563 794 795 564)
+4(773 774 795 794)
+4(544 565 796 775)
+4(564 795 796 565)
+4(774 775 796 795)
+4(565 796 797 566)
+4(775 776 797 796)
+4(547 568 799 778)
+4(567 798 799 568)
+4(777 778 799 798)
+4(548 569 800 779)
+4(568 799 800 569)
+4(778 779 800 799)
+4(549 570 801 780)
+4(569 800 801 570)
+4(779 780 801 800)
+4(550 571 802 781)
+4(570 801 802 571)
+4(780 781 802 801)
+4(551 572 803 782)
+4(571 802 803 572)
+4(781 782 803 802)
+4(552 573 804 783)
+4(572 803 804 573)
+4(782 783 804 803)
+4(553 574 805 784)
+4(573 804 805 574)
+4(783 784 805 804)
+4(554 575 806 785)
+4(574 805 806 575)
+4(784 785 806 805)
+4(555 576 807 786)
+4(575 806 807 576)
+4(785 786 807 806)
+4(556 577 808 787)
+4(576 807 808 577)
+4(786 787 808 807)
+4(557 578 809 788)
+4(577 808 809 578)
+4(787 788 809 808)
+4(558 579 810 789)
+4(578 809 810 579)
+4(788 789 810 809)
+4(559 580 811 790)
+4(579 810 811 580)
+4(789 790 811 810)
+4(560 581 812 791)
+4(580 811 812 581)
+4(790 791 812 811)
+4(561 582 813 792)
+4(581 812 813 582)
+4(791 792 813 812)
+4(562 583 814 793)
+4(582 813 814 583)
+4(792 793 814 813)
+4(563 584 815 794)
+4(583 814 815 584)
+4(793 794 815 814)
+4(564 585 816 795)
+4(584 815 816 585)
+4(794 795 816 815)
+4(565 586 817 796)
+4(585 816 817 586)
+4(795 796 817 816)
+4(586 817 818 587)
+4(796 797 818 817)
+4(568 589 820 799)
+4(588 819 820 589)
+4(798 799 820 819)
+4(569 590 821 800)
+4(589 820 821 590)
+4(799 800 821 820)
+4(570 591 822 801)
+4(590 821 822 591)
+4(800 801 822 821)
+4(571 592 823 802)
+4(591 822 823 592)
+4(801 802 823 822)
+4(572 593 824 803)
+4(592 823 824 593)
+4(802 803 824 823)
+4(573 594 825 804)
+4(593 824 825 594)
+4(803 804 825 824)
+4(574 595 826 805)
+4(594 825 826 595)
+4(804 805 826 825)
+4(575 596 827 806)
+4(595 826 827 596)
+4(805 806 827 826)
+4(576 597 828 807)
+4(596 827 828 597)
+4(806 807 828 827)
+4(577 598 829 808)
+4(597 828 829 598)
+4(807 808 829 828)
+4(578 599 830 809)
+4(598 829 830 599)
+4(808 809 830 829)
+4(579 600 831 810)
+4(599 830 831 600)
+4(809 810 831 830)
+4(580 601 832 811)
+4(600 831 832 601)
+4(810 811 832 831)
+4(581 602 833 812)
+4(601 832 833 602)
+4(811 812 833 832)
+4(582 603 834 813)
+4(602 833 834 603)
+4(812 813 834 833)
+4(583 604 835 814)
+4(603 834 835 604)
+4(813 814 835 834)
+4(584 605 836 815)
+4(604 835 836 605)
+4(814 815 836 835)
+4(585 606 837 816)
+4(605 836 837 606)
+4(815 816 837 836)
+4(586 607 838 817)
+4(606 837 838 607)
+4(816 817 838 837)
+4(607 838 839 608)
+4(817 818 839 838)
+4(589 610 841 820)
+4(609 840 841 610)
+4(819 820 841 840)
+4(590 611 842 821)
+4(610 841 842 611)
+4(820 821 842 841)
+4(591 612 843 822)
+4(611 842 843 612)
+4(821 822 843 842)
+4(592 613 844 823)
+4(612 843 844 613)
+4(822 823 844 843)
+4(593 614 845 824)
+4(613 844 845 614)
+4(823 824 845 844)
+4(594 615 846 825)
+4(614 845 846 615)
+4(824 825 846 845)
+4(595 616 847 826)
+4(615 846 847 616)
+4(825 826 847 846)
+4(596 617 848 827)
+4(616 847 848 617)
+4(826 827 848 847)
+4(597 618 849 828)
+4(617 848 849 618)
+4(827 828 849 848)
+4(598 619 850 829)
+4(618 849 850 619)
+4(828 829 850 849)
+4(599 620 851 830)
+4(619 850 851 620)
+4(829 830 851 850)
+4(600 621 852 831)
+4(620 851 852 621)
+4(830 831 852 851)
+4(601 622 853 832)
+4(621 852 853 622)
+4(831 832 853 852)
+4(602 623 854 833)
+4(622 853 854 623)
+4(832 833 854 853)
+4(603 624 855 834)
+4(623 854 855 624)
+4(833 834 855 854)
+4(604 625 856 835)
+4(624 855 856 625)
+4(834 835 856 855)
+4(605 626 857 836)
+4(625 856 857 626)
+4(835 836 857 856)
+4(606 627 858 837)
+4(626 857 858 627)
+4(836 837 858 857)
+4(607 628 859 838)
+4(627 858 859 628)
+4(837 838 859 858)
+4(628 859 860 629)
+4(838 839 860 859)
+4(610 631 862 841)
+4(630 861 862 631)
+4(840 841 862 861)
+4(611 632 863 842)
+4(631 862 863 632)
+4(841 842 863 862)
+4(612 633 864 843)
+4(632 863 864 633)
+4(842 843 864 863)
+4(613 634 865 844)
+4(633 864 865 634)
+4(843 844 865 864)
+4(614 635 866 845)
+4(634 865 866 635)
+4(844 845 866 865)
+4(615 636 867 846)
+4(635 866 867 636)
+4(845 846 867 866)
+4(616 637 868 847)
+4(636 867 868 637)
+4(846 847 868 867)
+4(617 638 869 848)
+4(637 868 869 638)
+4(847 848 869 868)
+4(618 639 870 849)
+4(638 869 870 639)
+4(848 849 870 869)
+4(619 640 871 850)
+4(639 870 871 640)
+4(849 850 871 870)
+4(620 641 872 851)
+4(640 871 872 641)
+4(850 851 872 871)
+4(621 642 873 852)
+4(641 872 873 642)
+4(851 852 873 872)
+4(622 643 874 853)
+4(642 873 874 643)
+4(852 853 874 873)
+4(623 644 875 854)
+4(643 874 875 644)
+4(853 854 875 874)
+4(624 645 876 855)
+4(644 875 876 645)
+4(854 855 876 875)
+4(625 646 877 856)
+4(645 876 877 646)
+4(855 856 877 876)
+4(626 647 878 857)
+4(646 877 878 647)
+4(856 857 878 877)
+4(627 648 879 858)
+4(647 878 879 648)
+4(857 858 879 878)
+4(628 649 880 859)
+4(648 879 880 649)
+4(858 859 880 879)
+4(649 880 881 650)
+4(859 860 881 880)
+4(631 652 883 862)
+4(651 882 883 652)
+4(861 862 883 882)
+4(632 653 884 863)
+4(652 883 884 653)
+4(862 863 884 883)
+4(633 654 885 864)
+4(653 884 885 654)
+4(863 864 885 884)
+4(634 655 886 865)
+4(654 885 886 655)
+4(864 865 886 885)
+4(635 656 887 866)
+4(655 886 887 656)
+4(865 866 887 886)
+4(636 657 888 867)
+4(656 887 888 657)
+4(866 867 888 887)
+4(637 658 889 868)
+4(657 888 889 658)
+4(867 868 889 888)
+4(638 659 890 869)
+4(658 889 890 659)
+4(868 869 890 889)
+4(639 660 891 870)
+4(659 890 891 660)
+4(869 870 891 890)
+4(640 661 892 871)
+4(660 891 892 661)
+4(870 871 892 891)
+4(641 662 893 872)
+4(661 892 893 662)
+4(871 872 893 892)
+4(642 663 894 873)
+4(662 893 894 663)
+4(872 873 894 893)
+4(643 664 895 874)
+4(663 894 895 664)
+4(873 874 895 894)
+4(644 665 896 875)
+4(664 895 896 665)
+4(874 875 896 895)
+4(645 666 897 876)
+4(665 896 897 666)
+4(875 876 897 896)
+4(646 667 898 877)
+4(666 897 898 667)
+4(876 877 898 897)
+4(647 668 899 878)
+4(667 898 899 668)
+4(877 878 899 898)
+4(648 669 900 879)
+4(668 899 900 669)
+4(878 879 900 899)
+4(649 670 901 880)
+4(669 900 901 670)
+4(879 880 901 900)
+4(670 901 902 671)
+4(880 881 902 901)
+4(652 673 904 883)
+4(882 883 904 903)
+4(653 674 905 884)
+4(883 884 905 904)
+4(654 675 906 885)
+4(884 885 906 905)
+4(655 676 907 886)
+4(885 886 907 906)
+4(656 677 908 887)
+4(886 887 908 907)
+4(657 678 909 888)
+4(887 888 909 908)
+4(658 679 910 889)
+4(888 889 910 909)
+4(659 680 911 890)
+4(889 890 911 910)
+4(660 681 912 891)
+4(890 891 912 911)
+4(661 682 913 892)
+4(891 892 913 912)
+4(662 683 914 893)
+4(892 893 914 913)
+4(663 684 915 894)
+4(893 894 915 914)
+4(664 685 916 895)
+4(894 895 916 915)
+4(665 686 917 896)
+4(895 896 917 916)
+4(666 687 918 897)
+4(896 897 918 917)
+4(667 688 919 898)
+4(897 898 919 918)
+4(668 689 920 899)
+4(898 899 920 919)
+4(669 690 921 900)
+4(899 900 921 920)
+4(670 691 922 901)
+4(900 901 922 921)
+4(901 902 923 922)
+4(694 715 946 925)
+4(714 945 946 715)
+4(924 925 946 945)
+4(695 716 947 926)
+4(715 946 947 716)
+4(925 926 947 946)
+4(696 717 948 927)
+4(716 947 948 717)
+4(926 927 948 947)
+4(697 718 949 928)
+4(717 948 949 718)
+4(927 928 949 948)
+4(698 719 950 929)
+4(718 949 950 719)
+4(928 929 950 949)
+4(699 720 951 930)
+4(719 950 951 720)
+4(929 930 951 950)
+4(700 721 952 931)
+4(720 951 952 721)
+4(930 931 952 951)
+4(701 722 953 932)
+4(721 952 953 722)
+4(931 932 953 952)
+4(702 723 954 933)
+4(722 953 954 723)
+4(932 933 954 953)
+4(703 724 955 934)
+4(723 954 955 724)
+4(933 934 955 954)
+4(704 725 956 935)
+4(724 955 956 725)
+4(934 935 956 955)
+4(705 726 957 936)
+4(725 956 957 726)
+4(935 936 957 956)
+4(706 727 958 937)
+4(726 957 958 727)
+4(936 937 958 957)
+4(707 728 959 938)
+4(727 958 959 728)
+4(937 938 959 958)
+4(708 729 960 939)
+4(728 959 960 729)
+4(938 939 960 959)
+4(709 730 961 940)
+4(729 960 961 730)
+4(939 940 961 960)
+4(710 731 962 941)
+4(730 961 962 731)
+4(940 941 962 961)
+4(711 732 963 942)
+4(731 962 963 732)
+4(941 942 963 962)
+4(712 733 964 943)
+4(732 963 964 733)
+4(942 943 964 963)
+4(733 964 965 734)
+4(943 944 965 964)
+4(715 736 967 946)
+4(735 966 967 736)
+4(945 946 967 966)
+4(716 737 968 947)
+4(736 967 968 737)
+4(946 947 968 967)
+4(717 738 969 948)
+4(737 968 969 738)
+4(947 948 969 968)
+4(718 739 970 949)
+4(738 969 970 739)
+4(948 949 970 969)
+4(719 740 971 950)
+4(739 970 971 740)
+4(949 950 971 970)
+4(720 741 972 951)
+4(740 971 972 741)
+4(950 951 972 971)
+4(721 742 973 952)
+4(741 972 973 742)
+4(951 952 973 972)
+4(722 743 974 953)
+4(742 973 974 743)
+4(952 953 974 973)
+4(723 744 975 954)
+4(743 974 975 744)
+4(953 954 975 974)
+4(724 745 976 955)
+4(744 975 976 745)
+4(954 955 976 975)
+4(725 746 977 956)
+4(745 976 977 746)
+4(955 956 977 976)
+4(726 747 978 957)
+4(746 977 978 747)
+4(956 957 978 977)
+4(727 748 979 958)
+4(747 978 979 748)
+4(957 958 979 978)
+4(728 749 980 959)
+4(748 979 980 749)
+4(958 959 980 979)
+4(729 750 981 960)
+4(749 980 981 750)
+4(959 960 981 980)
+4(730 751 982 961)
+4(750 981 982 751)
+4(960 961 982 981)
+4(731 752 983 962)
+4(751 982 983 752)
+4(961 962 983 982)
+4(732 753 984 963)
+4(752 983 984 753)
+4(962 963 984 983)
+4(733 754 985 964)
+4(753 984 985 754)
+4(963 964 985 984)
+4(754 985 986 755)
+4(964 965 986 985)
+4(736 757 988 967)
+4(756 987 988 757)
+4(966 967 988 987)
+4(737 758 989 968)
+4(757 988 989 758)
+4(967 968 989 988)
+4(738 759 990 969)
+4(758 989 990 759)
+4(968 969 990 989)
+4(739 760 991 970)
+4(759 990 991 760)
+4(969 970 991 990)
+4(740 761 992 971)
+4(760 991 992 761)
+4(970 971 992 991)
+4(741 762 993 972)
+4(761 992 993 762)
+4(971 972 993 992)
+4(742 763 994 973)
+4(762 993 994 763)
+4(972 973 994 993)
+4(743 764 995 974)
+4(763 994 995 764)
+4(973 974 995 994)
+4(744 765 996 975)
+4(764 995 996 765)
+4(974 975 996 995)
+4(745 766 997 976)
+4(765 996 997 766)
+4(975 976 997 996)
+4(746 767 998 977)
+4(766 997 998 767)
+4(976 977 998 997)
+4(747 768 999 978)
+4(767 998 999 768)
+4(977 978 999 998)
+4(748 769 1000 979)
+4(768 999 1000 769)
+4(978 979 1000 999)
+4(749 770 1001 980)
+4(769 1000 1001 770)
+4(979 980 1001 1000)
+4(750 771 1002 981)
+4(770 1001 1002 771)
+4(980 981 1002 1001)
+4(751 772 1003 982)
+4(771 1002 1003 772)
+4(981 982 1003 1002)
+4(752 773 1004 983)
+4(772 1003 1004 773)
+4(982 983 1004 1003)
+4(753 774 1005 984)
+4(773 1004 1005 774)
+4(983 984 1005 1004)
+4(754 775 1006 985)
+4(774 1005 1006 775)
+4(984 985 1006 1005)
+4(775 1006 1007 776)
+4(985 986 1007 1006)
+4(757 778 1009 988)
+4(777 1008 1009 778)
+4(987 988 1009 1008)
+4(758 779 1010 989)
+4(778 1009 1010 779)
+4(988 989 1010 1009)
+4(759 780 1011 990)
+4(779 1010 1011 780)
+4(989 990 1011 1010)
+4(760 781 1012 991)
+4(780 1011 1012 781)
+4(990 991 1012 1011)
+4(761 782 1013 992)
+4(781 1012 1013 782)
+4(991 992 1013 1012)
+4(762 783 1014 993)
+4(782 1013 1014 783)
+4(992 993 1014 1013)
+4(763 784 1015 994)
+4(783 1014 1015 784)
+4(993 994 1015 1014)
+4(764 785 1016 995)
+4(784 1015 1016 785)
+4(994 995 1016 1015)
+4(765 786 1017 996)
+4(785 1016 1017 786)
+4(995 996 1017 1016)
+4(766 787 1018 997)
+4(786 1017 1018 787)
+4(996 997 1018 1017)
+4(767 788 1019 998)
+4(787 1018 1019 788)
+4(997 998 1019 1018)
+4(768 789 1020 999)
+4(788 1019 1020 789)
+4(998 999 1020 1019)
+4(769 790 1021 1000)
+4(789 1020 1021 790)
+4(999 1000 1021 1020)
+4(770 791 1022 1001)
+4(790 1021 1022 791)
+4(1000 1001 1022 1021)
+4(771 792 1023 1002)
+4(791 1022 1023 792)
+4(1001 1002 1023 1022)
+4(772 793 1024 1003)
+4(792 1023 1024 793)
+4(1002 1003 1024 1023)
+4(773 794 1025 1004)
+4(793 1024 1025 794)
+4(1003 1004 1025 1024)
+4(774 795 1026 1005)
+4(794 1025 1026 795)
+4(1004 1005 1026 1025)
+4(775 796 1027 1006)
+4(795 1026 1027 796)
+4(1005 1006 1027 1026)
+4(796 1027 1028 797)
+4(1006 1007 1028 1027)
+4(778 799 1030 1009)
+4(798 1029 1030 799)
+4(1008 1009 1030 1029)
+4(779 800 1031 1010)
+4(799 1030 1031 800)
+4(1009 1010 1031 1030)
+4(780 801 1032 1011)
+4(800 1031 1032 801)
+4(1010 1011 1032 1031)
+4(781 802 1033 1012)
+4(801 1032 1033 802)
+4(1011 1012 1033 1032)
+4(782 803 1034 1013)
+4(802 1033 1034 803)
+4(1012 1013 1034 1033)
+4(783 804 1035 1014)
+4(803 1034 1035 804)
+4(1013 1014 1035 1034)
+4(784 805 1036 1015)
+4(804 1035 1036 805)
+4(1014 1015 1036 1035)
+4(785 806 1037 1016)
+4(805 1036 1037 806)
+4(1015 1016 1037 1036)
+4(786 807 1038 1017)
+4(806 1037 1038 807)
+4(1016 1017 1038 1037)
+4(787 808 1039 1018)
+4(807 1038 1039 808)
+4(1017 1018 1039 1038)
+4(788 809 1040 1019)
+4(808 1039 1040 809)
+4(1018 1019 1040 1039)
+4(789 810 1041 1020)
+4(809 1040 1041 810)
+4(1019 1020 1041 1040)
+4(790 811 1042 1021)
+4(810 1041 1042 811)
+4(1020 1021 1042 1041)
+4(791 812 1043 1022)
+4(811 1042 1043 812)
+4(1021 1022 1043 1042)
+4(792 813 1044 1023)
+4(812 1043 1044 813)
+4(1022 1023 1044 1043)
+4(793 814 1045 1024)
+4(813 1044 1045 814)
+4(1023 1024 1045 1044)
+4(794 815 1046 1025)
+4(814 1045 1046 815)
+4(1024 1025 1046 1045)
+4(795 816 1047 1026)
+4(815 1046 1047 816)
+4(1025 1026 1047 1046)
+4(796 817 1048 1027)
+4(816 1047 1048 817)
+4(1026 1027 1048 1047)
+4(817 1048 1049 818)
+4(1027 1028 1049 1048)
+4(799 820 1051 1030)
+4(819 1050 1051 820)
+4(1029 1030 1051 1050)
+4(800 821 1052 1031)
+4(820 1051 1052 821)
+4(1030 1031 1052 1051)
+4(801 822 1053 1032)
+4(821 1052 1053 822)
+4(1031 1032 1053 1052)
+4(802 823 1054 1033)
+4(822 1053 1054 823)
+4(1032 1033 1054 1053)
+4(803 824 1055 1034)
+4(823 1054 1055 824)
+4(1033 1034 1055 1054)
+4(804 825 1056 1035)
+4(824 1055 1056 825)
+4(1034 1035 1056 1055)
+4(805 826 1057 1036)
+4(825 1056 1057 826)
+4(1035 1036 1057 1056)
+4(806 827 1058 1037)
+4(826 1057 1058 827)
+4(1036 1037 1058 1057)
+4(807 828 1059 1038)
+4(827 1058 1059 828)
+4(1037 1038 1059 1058)
+4(808 829 1060 1039)
+4(828 1059 1060 829)
+4(1038 1039 1060 1059)
+4(809 830 1061 1040)
+4(829 1060 1061 830)
+4(1039 1040 1061 1060)
+4(810 831 1062 1041)
+4(830 1061 1062 831)
+4(1040 1041 1062 1061)
+4(811 832 1063 1042)
+4(831 1062 1063 832)
+4(1041 1042 1063 1062)
+4(812 833 1064 1043)
+4(832 1063 1064 833)
+4(1042 1043 1064 1063)
+4(813 834 1065 1044)
+4(833 1064 1065 834)
+4(1043 1044 1065 1064)
+4(814 835 1066 1045)
+4(834 1065 1066 835)
+4(1044 1045 1066 1065)
+4(815 836 1067 1046)
+4(835 1066 1067 836)
+4(1045 1046 1067 1066)
+4(816 837 1068 1047)
+4(836 1067 1068 837)
+4(1046 1047 1068 1067)
+4(817 838 1069 1048)
+4(837 1068 1069 838)
+4(1047 1048 1069 1068)
+4(838 1069 1070 839)
+4(1048 1049 1070 1069)
+4(820 841 1072 1051)
+4(840 1071 1072 841)
+4(1050 1051 1072 1071)
+4(821 842 1073 1052)
+4(841 1072 1073 842)
+4(1051 1052 1073 1072)
+4(822 843 1074 1053)
+4(842 1073 1074 843)
+4(1052 1053 1074 1073)
+4(823 844 1075 1054)
+4(843 1074 1075 844)
+4(1053 1054 1075 1074)
+4(824 845 1076 1055)
+4(844 1075 1076 845)
+4(1054 1055 1076 1075)
+4(825 846 1077 1056)
+4(845 1076 1077 846)
+4(1055 1056 1077 1076)
+4(826 847 1078 1057)
+4(846 1077 1078 847)
+4(1056 1057 1078 1077)
+4(827 848 1079 1058)
+4(847 1078 1079 848)
+4(1057 1058 1079 1078)
+4(828 849 1080 1059)
+4(848 1079 1080 849)
+4(1058 1059 1080 1079)
+4(829 850 1081 1060)
+4(849 1080 1081 850)
+4(1059 1060 1081 1080)
+4(830 851 1082 1061)
+4(850 1081 1082 851)
+4(1060 1061 1082 1081)
+4(831 852 1083 1062)
+4(851 1082 1083 852)
+4(1061 1062 1083 1082)
+4(832 853 1084 1063)
+4(852 1083 1084 853)
+4(1062 1063 1084 1083)
+4(833 854 1085 1064)
+4(853 1084 1085 854)
+4(1063 1064 1085 1084)
+4(834 855 1086 1065)
+4(854 1085 1086 855)
+4(1064 1065 1086 1085)
+4(835 856 1087 1066)
+4(855 1086 1087 856)
+4(1065 1066 1087 1086)
+4(836 857 1088 1067)
+4(856 1087 1088 857)
+4(1066 1067 1088 1087)
+4(837 858 1089 1068)
+4(857 1088 1089 858)
+4(1067 1068 1089 1088)
+4(838 859 1090 1069)
+4(858 1089 1090 859)
+4(1068 1069 1090 1089)
+4(859 1090 1091 860)
+4(1069 1070 1091 1090)
+4(841 862 1093 1072)
+4(861 1092 1093 862)
+4(1071 1072 1093 1092)
+4(842 863 1094 1073)
+4(862 1093 1094 863)
+4(1072 1073 1094 1093)
+4(843 864 1095 1074)
+4(863 1094 1095 864)
+4(1073 1074 1095 1094)
+4(844 865 1096 1075)
+4(864 1095 1096 865)
+4(1074 1075 1096 1095)
+4(845 866 1097 1076)
+4(865 1096 1097 866)
+4(1075 1076 1097 1096)
+4(846 867 1098 1077)
+4(866 1097 1098 867)
+4(1076 1077 1098 1097)
+4(847 868 1099 1078)
+4(867 1098 1099 868)
+4(1077 1078 1099 1098)
+4(848 869 1100 1079)
+4(868 1099 1100 869)
+4(1078 1079 1100 1099)
+4(849 870 1101 1080)
+4(869 1100 1101 870)
+4(1079 1080 1101 1100)
+4(850 871 1102 1081)
+4(870 1101 1102 871)
+4(1080 1081 1102 1101)
+4(851 872 1103 1082)
+4(871 1102 1103 872)
+4(1081 1082 1103 1102)
+4(852 873 1104 1083)
+4(872 1103 1104 873)
+4(1082 1083 1104 1103)
+4(853 874 1105 1084)
+4(873 1104 1105 874)
+4(1083 1084 1105 1104)
+4(854 875 1106 1085)
+4(874 1105 1106 875)
+4(1084 1085 1106 1105)
+4(855 876 1107 1086)
+4(875 1106 1107 876)
+4(1085 1086 1107 1106)
+4(856 877 1108 1087)
+4(876 1107 1108 877)
+4(1086 1087 1108 1107)
+4(857 878 1109 1088)
+4(877 1108 1109 878)
+4(1087 1088 1109 1108)
+4(858 879 1110 1089)
+4(878 1109 1110 879)
+4(1088 1089 1110 1109)
+4(859 880 1111 1090)
+4(879 1110 1111 880)
+4(1089 1090 1111 1110)
+4(880 1111 1112 881)
+4(1090 1091 1112 1111)
+4(862 883 1114 1093)
+4(882 1113 1114 883)
+4(1092 1093 1114 1113)
+4(863 884 1115 1094)
+4(883 1114 1115 884)
+4(1093 1094 1115 1114)
+4(864 885 1116 1095)
+4(884 1115 1116 885)
+4(1094 1095 1116 1115)
+4(865 886 1117 1096)
+4(885 1116 1117 886)
+4(1095 1096 1117 1116)
+4(866 887 1118 1097)
+4(886 1117 1118 887)
+4(1096 1097 1118 1117)
+4(867 888 1119 1098)
+4(887 1118 1119 888)
+4(1097 1098 1119 1118)
+4(868 889 1120 1099)
+4(888 1119 1120 889)
+4(1098 1099 1120 1119)
+4(869 890 1121 1100)
+4(889 1120 1121 890)
+4(1099 1100 1121 1120)
+4(870 891 1122 1101)
+4(890 1121 1122 891)
+4(1100 1101 1122 1121)
+4(871 892 1123 1102)
+4(891 1122 1123 892)
+4(1101 1102 1123 1122)
+4(872 893 1124 1103)
+4(892 1123 1124 893)
+4(1102 1103 1124 1123)
+4(873 894 1125 1104)
+4(893 1124 1125 894)
+4(1103 1104 1125 1124)
+4(874 895 1126 1105)
+4(894 1125 1126 895)
+4(1104 1105 1126 1125)
+4(875 896 1127 1106)
+4(895 1126 1127 896)
+4(1105 1106 1127 1126)
+4(876 897 1128 1107)
+4(896 1127 1128 897)
+4(1106 1107 1128 1127)
+4(877 898 1129 1108)
+4(897 1128 1129 898)
+4(1107 1108 1129 1128)
+4(878 899 1130 1109)
+4(898 1129 1130 899)
+4(1108 1109 1130 1129)
+4(879 900 1131 1110)
+4(899 1130 1131 900)
+4(1109 1110 1131 1130)
+4(880 901 1132 1111)
+4(900 1131 1132 901)
+4(1110 1111 1132 1131)
+4(901 1132 1133 902)
+4(1111 1112 1133 1132)
+4(883 904 1135 1114)
+4(1113 1114 1135 1134)
+4(884 905 1136 1115)
+4(1114 1115 1136 1135)
+4(885 906 1137 1116)
+4(1115 1116 1137 1136)
+4(886 907 1138 1117)
+4(1116 1117 1138 1137)
+4(887 908 1139 1118)
+4(1117 1118 1139 1138)
+4(888 909 1140 1119)
+4(1118 1119 1140 1139)
+4(889 910 1141 1120)
+4(1119 1120 1141 1140)
+4(890 911 1142 1121)
+4(1120 1121 1142 1141)
+4(891 912 1143 1122)
+4(1121 1122 1143 1142)
+4(892 913 1144 1123)
+4(1122 1123 1144 1143)
+4(893 914 1145 1124)
+4(1123 1124 1145 1144)
+4(894 915 1146 1125)
+4(1124 1125 1146 1145)
+4(895 916 1147 1126)
+4(1125 1126 1147 1146)
+4(896 917 1148 1127)
+4(1126 1127 1148 1147)
+4(897 918 1149 1128)
+4(1127 1128 1149 1148)
+4(898 919 1150 1129)
+4(1128 1129 1150 1149)
+4(899 920 1151 1130)
+4(1129 1130 1151 1150)
+4(900 921 1152 1131)
+4(1130 1131 1152 1151)
+4(901 922 1153 1132)
+4(1131 1132 1153 1152)
+4(1132 1133 1154 1153)
+4(925 946 1177 1156)
+4(945 1176 1177 946)
+4(1155 1156 1177 1176)
+4(926 947 1178 1157)
+4(946 1177 1178 947)
+4(1156 1157 1178 1177)
+4(927 948 1179 1158)
+4(947 1178 1179 948)
+4(1157 1158 1179 1178)
+4(928 949 1180 1159)
+4(948 1179 1180 949)
+4(1158 1159 1180 1179)
+4(929 950 1181 1160)
+4(949 1180 1181 950)
+4(1159 1160 1181 1180)
+4(930 951 1182 1161)
+4(950 1181 1182 951)
+4(1160 1161 1182 1181)
+4(931 952 1183 1162)
+4(951 1182 1183 952)
+4(1161 1162 1183 1182)
+4(932 953 1184 1163)
+4(952 1183 1184 953)
+4(1162 1163 1184 1183)
+4(933 954 1185 1164)
+4(953 1184 1185 954)
+4(1163 1164 1185 1184)
+4(934 955 1186 1165)
+4(954 1185 1186 955)
+4(1164 1165 1186 1185)
+4(935 956 1187 1166)
+4(955 1186 1187 956)
+4(1165 1166 1187 1186)
+4(936 957 1188 1167)
+4(956 1187 1188 957)
+4(1166 1167 1188 1187)
+4(937 958 1189 1168)
+4(957 1188 1189 958)
+4(1167 1168 1189 1188)
+4(938 959 1190 1169)
+4(958 1189 1190 959)
+4(1168 1169 1190 1189)
+4(939 960 1191 1170)
+4(959 1190 1191 960)
+4(1169 1170 1191 1190)
+4(940 961 1192 1171)
+4(960 1191 1192 961)
+4(1170 1171 1192 1191)
+4(941 962 1193 1172)
+4(961 1192 1193 962)
+4(1171 1172 1193 1192)
+4(942 963 1194 1173)
+4(962 1193 1194 963)
+4(1172 1173 1194 1193)
+4(943 964 1195 1174)
+4(963 1194 1195 964)
+4(1173 1174 1195 1194)
+4(964 1195 1196 965)
+4(1174 1175 1196 1195)
+4(946 967 1198 1177)
+4(966 1197 1198 967)
+4(1176 1177 1198 1197)
+4(947 968 1199 1178)
+4(967 1198 1199 968)
+4(1177 1178 1199 1198)
+4(948 969 1200 1179)
+4(968 1199 1200 969)
+4(1178 1179 1200 1199)
+4(949 970 1201 1180)
+4(969 1200 1201 970)
+4(1179 1180 1201 1200)
+4(950 971 1202 1181)
+4(970 1201 1202 971)
+4(1180 1181 1202 1201)
+4(951 972 1203 1182)
+4(971 1202 1203 972)
+4(1181 1182 1203 1202)
+4(952 973 1204 1183)
+4(972 1203 1204 973)
+4(1182 1183 1204 1203)
+4(953 974 1205 1184)
+4(973 1204 1205 974)
+4(1183 1184 1205 1204)
+4(954 975 1206 1185)
+4(974 1205 1206 975)
+4(1184 1185 1206 1205)
+4(955 976 1207 1186)
+4(975 1206 1207 976)
+4(1185 1186 1207 1206)
+4(956 977 1208 1187)
+4(976 1207 1208 977)
+4(1186 1187 1208 1207)
+4(957 978 1209 1188)
+4(977 1208 1209 978)
+4(1187 1188 1209 1208)
+4(958 979 1210 1189)
+4(978 1209 1210 979)
+4(1188 1189 1210 1209)
+4(959 980 1211 1190)
+4(979 1210 1211 980)
+4(1189 1190 1211 1210)
+4(960 981 1212 1191)
+4(980 1211 1212 981)
+4(1190 1191 1212 1211)
+4(961 982 1213 1192)
+4(981 1212 1213 982)
+4(1191 1192 1213 1212)
+4(962 983 1214 1193)
+4(982 1213 1214 983)
+4(1192 1193 1214 1213)
+4(963 984 1215 1194)
+4(983 1214 1215 984)
+4(1193 1194 1215 1214)
+4(964 985 1216 1195)
+4(984 1215 1216 985)
+4(1194 1195 1216 1215)
+4(985 1216 1217 986)
+4(1195 1196 1217 1216)
+4(967 988 1219 1198)
+4(987 1218 1219 988)
+4(1197 1198 1219 1218)
+4(968 989 1220 1199)
+4(988 1219 1220 989)
+4(1198 1199 1220 1219)
+4(969 990 1221 1200)
+4(989 1220 1221 990)
+4(1199 1200 1221 1220)
+4(970 991 1222 1201)
+4(990 1221 1222 991)
+4(1200 1201 1222 1221)
+4(971 992 1223 1202)
+4(991 1222 1223 992)
+4(1201 1202 1223 1222)
+4(972 993 1224 1203)
+4(992 1223 1224 993)
+4(1202 1203 1224 1223)
+4(973 994 1225 1204)
+4(993 1224 1225 994)
+4(1203 1204 1225 1224)
+4(974 995 1226 1205)
+4(994 1225 1226 995)
+4(1204 1205 1226 1225)
+4(975 996 1227 1206)
+4(995 1226 1227 996)
+4(1205 1206 1227 1226)
+4(976 997 1228 1207)
+4(996 1227 1228 997)
+4(1206 1207 1228 1227)
+4(977 998 1229 1208)
+4(997 1228 1229 998)
+4(1207 1208 1229 1228)
+4(978 999 1230 1209)
+4(998 1229 1230 999)
+4(1208 1209 1230 1229)
+4(979 1000 1231 1210)
+4(999 1230 1231 1000)
+4(1209 1210 1231 1230)
+4(980 1001 1232 1211)
+4(1000 1231 1232 1001)
+4(1210 1211 1232 1231)
+4(981 1002 1233 1212)
+4(1001 1232 1233 1002)
+4(1211 1212 1233 1232)
+4(982 1003 1234 1213)
+4(1002 1233 1234 1003)
+4(1212 1213 1234 1233)
+4(983 1004 1235 1214)
+4(1003 1234 1235 1004)
+4(1213 1214 1235 1234)
+4(984 1005 1236 1215)
+4(1004 1235 1236 1005)
+4(1214 1215 1236 1235)
+4(985 1006 1237 1216)
+4(1005 1236 1237 1006)
+4(1215 1216 1237 1236)
+4(1006 1237 1238 1007)
+4(1216 1217 1238 1237)
+4(988 1009 1240 1219)
+4(1008 1239 1240 1009)
+4(1218 1219 1240 1239)
+4(989 1010 1241 1220)
+4(1009 1240 1241 1010)
+4(1219 1220 1241 1240)
+4(990 1011 1242 1221)
+4(1010 1241 1242 1011)
+4(1220 1221 1242 1241)
+4(991 1012 1243 1222)
+4(1011 1242 1243 1012)
+4(1221 1222 1243 1242)
+4(992 1013 1244 1223)
+4(1012 1243 1244 1013)
+4(1222 1223 1244 1243)
+4(993 1014 1245 1224)
+4(1013 1244 1245 1014)
+4(1223 1224 1245 1244)
+4(994 1015 1246 1225)
+4(1014 1245 1246 1015)
+4(1224 1225 1246 1245)
+4(995 1016 1247 1226)
+4(1015 1246 1247 1016)
+4(1225 1226 1247 1246)
+4(996 1017 1248 1227)
+4(1016 1247 1248 1017)
+4(1226 1227 1248 1247)
+4(997 1018 1249 1228)
+4(1017 1248 1249 1018)
+4(1227 1228 1249 1248)
+4(998 1019 1250 1229)
+4(1018 1249 1250 1019)
+4(1228 1229 1250 1249)
+4(999 1020 1251 1230)
+4(1019 1250 1251 1020)
+4(1229 1230 1251 1250)
+4(1000 1021 1252 1231)
+4(1020 1251 1252 1021)
+4(1230 1231 1252 1251)
+4(1001 1022 1253 1232)
+4(1021 1252 1253 1022)
+4(1231 1232 1253 1252)
+4(1002 1023 1254 1233)
+4(1022 1253 1254 1023)
+4(1232 1233 1254 1253)
+4(1003 1024 1255 1234)
+4(1023 1254 1255 1024)
+4(1233 1234 1255 1254)
+4(1004 1025 1256 1235)
+4(1024 1255 1256 1025)
+4(1234 1235 1256 1255)
+4(1005 1026 1257 1236)
+4(1025 1256 1257 1026)
+4(1235 1236 1257 1256)
+4(1006 1027 1258 1237)
+4(1026 1257 1258 1027)
+4(1236 1237 1258 1257)
+4(1027 1258 1259 1028)
+4(1237 1238 1259 1258)
+4(1009 1030 1261 1240)
+4(1029 1260 1261 1030)
+4(1239 1240 1261 1260)
+4(1010 1031 1262 1241)
+4(1030 1261 1262 1031)
+4(1240 1241 1262 1261)
+4(1011 1032 1263 1242)
+4(1031 1262 1263 1032)
+4(1241 1242 1263 1262)
+4(1012 1033 1264 1243)
+4(1032 1263 1264 1033)
+4(1242 1243 1264 1263)
+4(1013 1034 1265 1244)
+4(1033 1264 1265 1034)
+4(1243 1244 1265 1264)
+4(1014 1035 1266 1245)
+4(1034 1265 1266 1035)
+4(1244 1245 1266 1265)
+4(1015 1036 1267 1246)
+4(1035 1266 1267 1036)
+4(1245 1246 1267 1266)
+4(1016 1037 1268 1247)
+4(1036 1267 1268 1037)
+4(1246 1247 1268 1267)
+4(1017 1038 1269 1248)
+4(1037 1268 1269 1038)
+4(1247 1248 1269 1268)
+4(1018 1039 1270 1249)
+4(1038 1269 1270 1039)
+4(1248 1249 1270 1269)
+4(1019 1040 1271 1250)
+4(1039 1270 1271 1040)
+4(1249 1250 1271 1270)
+4(1020 1041 1272 1251)
+4(1040 1271 1272 1041)
+4(1250 1251 1272 1271)
+4(1021 1042 1273 1252)
+4(1041 1272 1273 1042)
+4(1251 1252 1273 1272)
+4(1022 1043 1274 1253)
+4(1042 1273 1274 1043)
+4(1252 1253 1274 1273)
+4(1023 1044 1275 1254)
+4(1043 1274 1275 1044)
+4(1253 1254 1275 1274)
+4(1024 1045 1276 1255)
+4(1044 1275 1276 1045)
+4(1254 1255 1276 1275)
+4(1025 1046 1277 1256)
+4(1045 1276 1277 1046)
+4(1255 1256 1277 1276)
+4(1026 1047 1278 1257)
+4(1046 1277 1278 1047)
+4(1256 1257 1278 1277)
+4(1027 1048 1279 1258)
+4(1047 1278 1279 1048)
+4(1257 1258 1279 1278)
+4(1048 1279 1280 1049)
+4(1258 1259 1280 1279)
+4(1030 1051 1282 1261)
+4(1050 1281 1282 1051)
+4(1260 1261 1282 1281)
+4(1031 1052 1283 1262)
+4(1051 1282 1283 1052)
+4(1261 1262 1283 1282)
+4(1032 1053 1284 1263)
+4(1052 1283 1284 1053)
+4(1262 1263 1284 1283)
+4(1033 1054 1285 1264)
+4(1053 1284 1285 1054)
+4(1263 1264 1285 1284)
+4(1034 1055 1286 1265)
+4(1054 1285 1286 1055)
+4(1264 1265 1286 1285)
+4(1035 1056 1287 1266)
+4(1055 1286 1287 1056)
+4(1265 1266 1287 1286)
+4(1036 1057 1288 1267)
+4(1056 1287 1288 1057)
+4(1266 1267 1288 1287)
+4(1037 1058 1289 1268)
+4(1057 1288 1289 1058)
+4(1267 1268 1289 1288)
+4(1038 1059 1290 1269)
+4(1058 1289 1290 1059)
+4(1268 1269 1290 1289)
+4(1039 1060 1291 1270)
+4(1059 1290 1291 1060)
+4(1269 1270 1291 1290)
+4(1040 1061 1292 1271)
+4(1060 1291 1292 1061)
+4(1270 1271 1292 1291)
+4(1041 1062 1293 1272)
+4(1061 1292 1293 1062)
+4(1271 1272 1293 1292)
+4(1042 1063 1294 1273)
+4(1062 1293 1294 1063)
+4(1272 1273 1294 1293)
+4(1043 1064 1295 1274)
+4(1063 1294 1295 1064)
+4(1273 1274 1295 1294)
+4(1044 1065 1296 1275)
+4(1064 1295 1296 1065)
+4(1274 1275 1296 1295)
+4(1045 1066 1297 1276)
+4(1065 1296 1297 1066)
+4(1275 1276 1297 1296)
+4(1046 1067 1298 1277)
+4(1066 1297 1298 1067)
+4(1276 1277 1298 1297)
+4(1047 1068 1299 1278)
+4(1067 1298 1299 1068)
+4(1277 1278 1299 1298)
+4(1048 1069 1300 1279)
+4(1068 1299 1300 1069)
+4(1278 1279 1300 1299)
+4(1069 1300 1301 1070)
+4(1279 1280 1301 1300)
+4(1051 1072 1303 1282)
+4(1071 1302 1303 1072)
+4(1281 1282 1303 1302)
+4(1052 1073 1304 1283)
+4(1072 1303 1304 1073)
+4(1282 1283 1304 1303)
+4(1053 1074 1305 1284)
+4(1073 1304 1305 1074)
+4(1283 1284 1305 1304)
+4(1054 1075 1306 1285)
+4(1074 1305 1306 1075)
+4(1284 1285 1306 1305)
+4(1055 1076 1307 1286)
+4(1075 1306 1307 1076)
+4(1285 1286 1307 1306)
+4(1056 1077 1308 1287)
+4(1076 1307 1308 1077)
+4(1286 1287 1308 1307)
+4(1057 1078 1309 1288)
+4(1077 1308 1309 1078)
+4(1287 1288 1309 1308)
+4(1058 1079 1310 1289)
+4(1078 1309 1310 1079)
+4(1288 1289 1310 1309)
+4(1059 1080 1311 1290)
+4(1079 1310 1311 1080)
+4(1289 1290 1311 1310)
+4(1060 1081 1312 1291)
+4(1080 1311 1312 1081)
+4(1290 1291 1312 1311)
+4(1061 1082 1313 1292)
+4(1081 1312 1313 1082)
+4(1291 1292 1313 1312)
+4(1062 1083 1314 1293)
+4(1082 1313 1314 1083)
+4(1292 1293 1314 1313)
+4(1063 1084 1315 1294)
+4(1083 1314 1315 1084)
+4(1293 1294 1315 1314)
+4(1064 1085 1316 1295)
+4(1084 1315 1316 1085)
+4(1294 1295 1316 1315)
+4(1065 1086 1317 1296)
+4(1085 1316 1317 1086)
+4(1295 1296 1317 1316)
+4(1066 1087 1318 1297)
+4(1086 1317 1318 1087)
+4(1296 1297 1318 1317)
+4(1067 1088 1319 1298)
+4(1087 1318 1319 1088)
+4(1297 1298 1319 1318)
+4(1068 1089 1320 1299)
+4(1088 1319 1320 1089)
+4(1298 1299 1320 1319)
+4(1069 1090 1321 1300)
+4(1089 1320 1321 1090)
+4(1299 1300 1321 1320)
+4(1090 1321 1322 1091)
+4(1300 1301 1322 1321)
+4(1072 1093 1324 1303)
+4(1092 1323 1324 1093)
+4(1302 1303 1324 1323)
+4(1073 1094 1325 1304)
+4(1093 1324 1325 1094)
+4(1303 1304 1325 1324)
+4(1074 1095 1326 1305)
+4(1094 1325 1326 1095)
+4(1304 1305 1326 1325)
+4(1075 1096 1327 1306)
+4(1095 1326 1327 1096)
+4(1305 1306 1327 1326)
+4(1076 1097 1328 1307)
+4(1096 1327 1328 1097)
+4(1306 1307 1328 1327)
+4(1077 1098 1329 1308)
+4(1097 1328 1329 1098)
+4(1307 1308 1329 1328)
+4(1078 1099 1330 1309)
+4(1098 1329 1330 1099)
+4(1308 1309 1330 1329)
+4(1079 1100 1331 1310)
+4(1099 1330 1331 1100)
+4(1309 1310 1331 1330)
+4(1080 1101 1332 1311)
+4(1100 1331 1332 1101)
+4(1310 1311 1332 1331)
+4(1081 1102 1333 1312)
+4(1101 1332 1333 1102)
+4(1311 1312 1333 1332)
+4(1082 1103 1334 1313)
+4(1102 1333 1334 1103)
+4(1312 1313 1334 1333)
+4(1083 1104 1335 1314)
+4(1103 1334 1335 1104)
+4(1313 1314 1335 1334)
+4(1084 1105 1336 1315)
+4(1104 1335 1336 1105)
+4(1314 1315 1336 1335)
+4(1085 1106 1337 1316)
+4(1105 1336 1337 1106)
+4(1315 1316 1337 1336)
+4(1086 1107 1338 1317)
+4(1106 1337 1338 1107)
+4(1316 1317 1338 1337)
+4(1087 1108 1339 1318)
+4(1107 1338 1339 1108)
+4(1317 1318 1339 1338)
+4(1088 1109 1340 1319)
+4(1108 1339 1340 1109)
+4(1318 1319 1340 1339)
+4(1089 1110 1341 1320)
+4(1109 1340 1341 1110)
+4(1319 1320 1341 1340)
+4(1090 1111 1342 1321)
+4(1110 1341 1342 1111)
+4(1320 1321 1342 1341)
+4(1111 1342 1343 1112)
+4(1321 1322 1343 1342)
+4(1093 1114 1345 1324)
+4(1113 1344 1345 1114)
+4(1323 1324 1345 1344)
+4(1094 1115 1346 1325)
+4(1114 1345 1346 1115)
+4(1324 1325 1346 1345)
+4(1095 1116 1347 1326)
+4(1115 1346 1347 1116)
+4(1325 1326 1347 1346)
+4(1096 1117 1348 1327)
+4(1116 1347 1348 1117)
+4(1326 1327 1348 1347)
+4(1097 1118 1349 1328)
+4(1117 1348 1349 1118)
+4(1327 1328 1349 1348)
+4(1098 1119 1350 1329)
+4(1118 1349 1350 1119)
+4(1328 1329 1350 1349)
+4(1099 1120 1351 1330)
+4(1119 1350 1351 1120)
+4(1329 1330 1351 1350)
+4(1100 1121 1352 1331)
+4(1120 1351 1352 1121)
+4(1330 1331 1352 1351)
+4(1101 1122 1353 1332)
+4(1121 1352 1353 1122)
+4(1331 1332 1353 1352)
+4(1102 1123 1354 1333)
+4(1122 1353 1354 1123)
+4(1332 1333 1354 1353)
+4(1103 1124 1355 1334)
+4(1123 1354 1355 1124)
+4(1333 1334 1355 1354)
+4(1104 1125 1356 1335)
+4(1124 1355 1356 1125)
+4(1334 1335 1356 1355)
+4(1105 1126 1357 1336)
+4(1125 1356 1357 1126)
+4(1335 1336 1357 1356)
+4(1106 1127 1358 1337)
+4(1126 1357 1358 1127)
+4(1336 1337 1358 1357)
+4(1107 1128 1359 1338)
+4(1127 1358 1359 1128)
+4(1337 1338 1359 1358)
+4(1108 1129 1360 1339)
+4(1128 1359 1360 1129)
+4(1338 1339 1360 1359)
+4(1109 1130 1361 1340)
+4(1129 1360 1361 1130)
+4(1339 1340 1361 1360)
+4(1110 1131 1362 1341)
+4(1130 1361 1362 1131)
+4(1340 1341 1362 1361)
+4(1111 1132 1363 1342)
+4(1131 1362 1363 1132)
+4(1341 1342 1363 1362)
+4(1132 1363 1364 1133)
+4(1342 1343 1364 1363)
+4(1114 1135 1366 1345)
+4(1344 1345 1366 1365)
+4(1115 1136 1367 1346)
+4(1345 1346 1367 1366)
+4(1116 1137 1368 1347)
+4(1346 1347 1368 1367)
+4(1117 1138 1369 1348)
+4(1347 1348 1369 1368)
+4(1118 1139 1370 1349)
+4(1348 1349 1370 1369)
+4(1119 1140 1371 1350)
+4(1349 1350 1371 1370)
+4(1120 1141 1372 1351)
+4(1350 1351 1372 1371)
+4(1121 1142 1373 1352)
+4(1351 1352 1373 1372)
+4(1122 1143 1374 1353)
+4(1352 1353 1374 1373)
+4(1123 1144 1375 1354)
+4(1353 1354 1375 1374)
+4(1124 1145 1376 1355)
+4(1354 1355 1376 1375)
+4(1125 1146 1377 1356)
+4(1355 1356 1377 1376)
+4(1126 1147 1378 1357)
+4(1356 1357 1378 1377)
+4(1127 1148 1379 1358)
+4(1357 1358 1379 1378)
+4(1128 1149 1380 1359)
+4(1358 1359 1380 1379)
+4(1129 1150 1381 1360)
+4(1359 1360 1381 1380)
+4(1130 1151 1382 1361)
+4(1360 1361 1382 1381)
+4(1131 1152 1383 1362)
+4(1361 1362 1383 1382)
+4(1132 1153 1384 1363)
+4(1362 1363 1384 1383)
+4(1363 1364 1385 1384)
+4(1156 1177 1408 1387)
+4(1176 1407 1408 1177)
+4(1386 1387 1408 1407)
+4(1157 1178 1409 1388)
+4(1177 1408 1409 1178)
+4(1387 1388 1409 1408)
+4(1158 1179 1410 1389)
+4(1178 1409 1410 1179)
+4(1388 1389 1410 1409)
+4(1159 1180 1411 1390)
+4(1179 1410 1411 1180)
+4(1389 1390 1411 1410)
+4(1160 1181 1412 1391)
+4(1180 1411 1412 1181)
+4(1390 1391 1412 1411)
+4(1161 1182 1413 1392)
+4(1181 1412 1413 1182)
+4(1391 1392 1413 1412)
+4(1162 1183 1414 1393)
+4(1182 1413 1414 1183)
+4(1392 1393 1414 1413)
+4(1163 1184 1415 1394)
+4(1183 1414 1415 1184)
+4(1393 1394 1415 1414)
+4(1164 1185 1416 1395)
+4(1184 1415 1416 1185)
+4(1394 1395 1416 1415)
+4(1165 1186 1417 1396)
+4(1185 1416 1417 1186)
+4(1395 1396 1417 1416)
+4(1166 1187 1418 1397)
+4(1186 1417 1418 1187)
+4(1396 1397 1418 1417)
+4(1167 1188 1419 1398)
+4(1187 1418 1419 1188)
+4(1397 1398 1419 1418)
+4(1168 1189 1420 1399)
+4(1188 1419 1420 1189)
+4(1398 1399 1420 1419)
+4(1169 1190 1421 1400)
+4(1189 1420 1421 1190)
+4(1399 1400 1421 1420)
+4(1170 1191 1422 1401)
+4(1190 1421 1422 1191)
+4(1400 1401 1422 1421)
+4(1171 1192 1423 1402)
+4(1191 1422 1423 1192)
+4(1401 1402 1423 1422)
+4(1172 1193 1424 1403)
+4(1192 1423 1424 1193)
+4(1402 1403 1424 1423)
+4(1173 1194 1425 1404)
+4(1193 1424 1425 1194)
+4(1403 1404 1425 1424)
+4(1174 1195 1426 1405)
+4(1194 1425 1426 1195)
+4(1404 1405 1426 1425)
+4(1195 1426 1427 1196)
+4(1405 1406 1427 1426)
+4(1177 1198 1429 1408)
+4(1197 1428 1429 1198)
+4(1407 1408 1429 1428)
+4(1178 1199 1430 1409)
+4(1198 1429 1430 1199)
+4(1408 1409 1430 1429)
+4(1179 1200 1431 1410)
+4(1199 1430 1431 1200)
+4(1409 1410 1431 1430)
+4(1180 1201 1432 1411)
+4(1200 1431 1432 1201)
+4(1410 1411 1432 1431)
+4(1181 1202 1433 1412)
+4(1201 1432 1433 1202)
+4(1411 1412 1433 1432)
+4(1182 1203 1434 1413)
+4(1202 1433 1434 1203)
+4(1412 1413 1434 1433)
+4(1183 1204 1435 1414)
+4(1203 1434 1435 1204)
+4(1413 1414 1435 1434)
+4(1184 1205 1436 1415)
+4(1204 1435 1436 1205)
+4(1414 1415 1436 1435)
+4(1185 1206 1437 1416)
+4(1205 1436 1437 1206)
+4(1415 1416 1437 1436)
+4(1186 1207 1438 1417)
+4(1206 1437 1438 1207)
+4(1416 1417 1438 1437)
+4(1187 1208 1439 1418)
+4(1207 1438 1439 1208)
+4(1417 1418 1439 1438)
+4(1188 1209 1440 1419)
+4(1208 1439 1440 1209)
+4(1418 1419 1440 1439)
+4(1189 1210 1441 1420)
+4(1209 1440 1441 1210)
+4(1419 1420 1441 1440)
+4(1190 1211 1442 1421)
+4(1210 1441 1442 1211)
+4(1420 1421 1442 1441)
+4(1191 1212 1443 1422)
+4(1211 1442 1443 1212)
+4(1421 1422 1443 1442)
+4(1192 1213 1444 1423)
+4(1212 1443 1444 1213)
+4(1422 1423 1444 1443)
+4(1193 1214 1445 1424)
+4(1213 1444 1445 1214)
+4(1423 1424 1445 1444)
+4(1194 1215 1446 1425)
+4(1214 1445 1446 1215)
+4(1424 1425 1446 1445)
+4(1195 1216 1447 1426)
+4(1215 1446 1447 1216)
+4(1425 1426 1447 1446)
+4(1216 1447 1448 1217)
+4(1426 1427 1448 1447)
+4(1198 1219 1450 1429)
+4(1218 1449 1450 1219)
+4(1428 1429 1450 1449)
+4(1199 1220 1451 1430)
+4(1219 1450 1451 1220)
+4(1429 1430 1451 1450)
+4(1200 1221 1452 1431)
+4(1220 1451 1452 1221)
+4(1430 1431 1452 1451)
+4(1201 1222 1453 1432)
+4(1221 1452 1453 1222)
+4(1431 1432 1453 1452)
+4(1202 1223 1454 1433)
+4(1222 1453 1454 1223)
+4(1432 1433 1454 1453)
+4(1203 1224 1455 1434)
+4(1223 1454 1455 1224)
+4(1433 1434 1455 1454)
+4(1204 1225 1456 1435)
+4(1224 1455 1456 1225)
+4(1434 1435 1456 1455)
+4(1205 1226 1457 1436)
+4(1225 1456 1457 1226)
+4(1435 1436 1457 1456)
+4(1206 1227 1458 1437)
+4(1226 1457 1458 1227)
+4(1436 1437 1458 1457)
+4(1207 1228 1459 1438)
+4(1227 1458 1459 1228)
+4(1437 1438 1459 1458)
+4(1208 1229 1460 1439)
+4(1228 1459 1460 1229)
+4(1438 1439 1460 1459)
+4(1209 1230 1461 1440)
+4(1229 1460 1461 1230)
+4(1439 1440 1461 1460)
+4(1210 1231 1462 1441)
+4(1230 1461 1462 1231)
+4(1440 1441 1462 1461)
+4(1211 1232 1463 1442)
+4(1231 1462 1463 1232)
+4(1441 1442 1463 1462)
+4(1212 1233 1464 1443)
+4(1232 1463 1464 1233)
+4(1442 1443 1464 1463)
+4(1213 1234 1465 1444)
+4(1233 1464 1465 1234)
+4(1443 1444 1465 1464)
+4(1214 1235 1466 1445)
+4(1234 1465 1466 1235)
+4(1444 1445 1466 1465)
+4(1215 1236 1467 1446)
+4(1235 1466 1467 1236)
+4(1445 1446 1467 1466)
+4(1216 1237 1468 1447)
+4(1236 1467 1468 1237)
+4(1446 1447 1468 1467)
+4(1237 1468 1469 1238)
+4(1447 1448 1469 1468)
+4(1219 1240 1471 1450)
+4(1239 1470 1471 1240)
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+4(1220 1241 1472 1451)
+4(1240 1471 1472 1241)
+4(1450 1451 1472 1471)
+4(1221 1242 1473 1452)
+4(1241 1472 1473 1242)
+4(1451 1452 1473 1472)
+4(1222 1243 1474 1453)
+4(1242 1473 1474 1243)
+4(1452 1453 1474 1473)
+4(1223 1244 1475 1454)
+4(1243 1474 1475 1244)
+4(1453 1454 1475 1474)
+4(1224 1245 1476 1455)
+4(1244 1475 1476 1245)
+4(1454 1455 1476 1475)
+4(1225 1246 1477 1456)
+4(1245 1476 1477 1246)
+4(1455 1456 1477 1476)
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+4(1248 1479 1480 1249)
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+4(1229 1250 1481 1460)
+4(1249 1480 1481 1250)
+4(1459 1460 1481 1480)
+4(1230 1251 1482 1461)
+4(1250 1481 1482 1251)
+4(1460 1461 1482 1481)
+4(1231 1252 1483 1462)
+4(1251 1482 1483 1252)
+4(1461 1462 1483 1482)
+4(1232 1253 1484 1463)
+4(1252 1483 1484 1253)
+4(1462 1463 1484 1483)
+4(1233 1254 1485 1464)
+4(1253 1484 1485 1254)
+4(1463 1464 1485 1484)
+4(1234 1255 1486 1465)
+4(1254 1485 1486 1255)
+4(1464 1465 1486 1485)
+4(1235 1256 1487 1466)
+4(1255 1486 1487 1256)
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+4(1236 1257 1488 1467)
+4(1256 1487 1488 1257)
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+4(1237 1258 1489 1468)
+4(1257 1488 1489 1258)
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+4(1258 1489 1490 1259)
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+4(1240 1261 1492 1471)
+4(1260 1491 1492 1261)
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+4(1261 1492 1493 1262)
+4(1471 1472 1493 1492)
+4(1242 1263 1494 1473)
+4(1262 1493 1494 1263)
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+4(1263 1494 1495 1264)
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+4(1264 1495 1496 1265)
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+4(1267 1498 1499 1268)
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+4(1248 1269 1500 1479)
+4(1268 1499 1500 1269)
+4(1478 1479 1500 1499)
+4(1249 1270 1501 1480)
+4(1269 1500 1501 1270)
+4(1479 1480 1501 1500)
+4(1250 1271 1502 1481)
+4(1270 1501 1502 1271)
+4(1480 1481 1502 1501)
+4(1251 1272 1503 1482)
+4(1271 1502 1503 1272)
+4(1481 1482 1503 1502)
+4(1252 1273 1504 1483)
+4(1272 1503 1504 1273)
+4(1482 1483 1504 1503)
+4(1253 1274 1505 1484)
+4(1273 1504 1505 1274)
+4(1483 1484 1505 1504)
+4(1254 1275 1506 1485)
+4(1274 1505 1506 1275)
+4(1484 1485 1506 1505)
+4(1255 1276 1507 1486)
+4(1275 1506 1507 1276)
+4(1485 1486 1507 1506)
+4(1256 1277 1508 1487)
+4(1276 1507 1508 1277)
+4(1486 1487 1508 1507)
+4(1257 1278 1509 1488)
+4(1277 1508 1509 1278)
+4(1487 1488 1509 1508)
+4(1258 1279 1510 1489)
+4(1278 1509 1510 1279)
+4(1488 1489 1510 1509)
+4(1279 1510 1511 1280)
+4(1489 1490 1511 1510)
+4(1261 1282 1513 1492)
+4(1281 1512 1513 1282)
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+4(1262 1283 1514 1493)
+4(1282 1513 1514 1283)
+4(1492 1493 1514 1513)
+4(1263 1284 1515 1494)
+4(1283 1514 1515 1284)
+4(1493 1494 1515 1514)
+4(1264 1285 1516 1495)
+4(1284 1515 1516 1285)
+4(1494 1495 1516 1515)
+4(1265 1286 1517 1496)
+4(1285 1516 1517 1286)
+4(1495 1496 1517 1516)
+4(1266 1287 1518 1497)
+4(1286 1517 1518 1287)
+4(1496 1497 1518 1517)
+4(1267 1288 1519 1498)
+4(1287 1518 1519 1288)
+4(1497 1498 1519 1518)
+4(1268 1289 1520 1499)
+4(1288 1519 1520 1289)
+4(1498 1499 1520 1519)
+4(1269 1290 1521 1500)
+4(1289 1520 1521 1290)
+4(1499 1500 1521 1520)
+4(1270 1291 1522 1501)
+4(1290 1521 1522 1291)
+4(1500 1501 1522 1521)
+4(1271 1292 1523 1502)
+4(1291 1522 1523 1292)
+4(1501 1502 1523 1522)
+4(1272 1293 1524 1503)
+4(1292 1523 1524 1293)
+4(1502 1503 1524 1523)
+4(1273 1294 1525 1504)
+4(1293 1524 1525 1294)
+4(1503 1504 1525 1524)
+4(1274 1295 1526 1505)
+4(1294 1525 1526 1295)
+4(1504 1505 1526 1525)
+4(1275 1296 1527 1506)
+4(1295 1526 1527 1296)
+4(1505 1506 1527 1526)
+4(1276 1297 1528 1507)
+4(1296 1527 1528 1297)
+4(1506 1507 1528 1527)
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+4(1297 1528 1529 1298)
+4(1507 1508 1529 1528)
+4(1278 1299 1530 1509)
+4(1298 1529 1530 1299)
+4(1508 1509 1530 1529)
+4(1279 1300 1531 1510)
+4(1299 1530 1531 1300)
+4(1509 1510 1531 1530)
+4(1300 1531 1532 1301)
+4(1510 1511 1532 1531)
+4(1282 1303 1534 1513)
+4(1302 1533 1534 1303)
+4(1512 1513 1534 1533)
+4(1283 1304 1535 1514)
+4(1303 1534 1535 1304)
+4(1513 1514 1535 1534)
+4(1284 1305 1536 1515)
+4(1304 1535 1536 1305)
+4(1514 1515 1536 1535)
+4(1285 1306 1537 1516)
+4(1305 1536 1537 1306)
+4(1515 1516 1537 1536)
+4(1286 1307 1538 1517)
+4(1306 1537 1538 1307)
+4(1516 1517 1538 1537)
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+4(1307 1538 1539 1308)
+4(1517 1518 1539 1538)
+4(1288 1309 1540 1519)
+4(1308 1539 1540 1309)
+4(1518 1519 1540 1539)
+4(1289 1310 1541 1520)
+4(1309 1540 1541 1310)
+4(1519 1520 1541 1540)
+4(1290 1311 1542 1521)
+4(1310 1541 1542 1311)
+4(1520 1521 1542 1541)
+4(1291 1312 1543 1522)
+4(1311 1542 1543 1312)
+4(1521 1522 1543 1542)
+4(1292 1313 1544 1523)
+4(1312 1543 1544 1313)
+4(1522 1523 1544 1543)
+4(1293 1314 1545 1524)
+4(1313 1544 1545 1314)
+4(1523 1524 1545 1544)
+4(1294 1315 1546 1525)
+4(1314 1545 1546 1315)
+4(1524 1525 1546 1545)
+4(1295 1316 1547 1526)
+4(1315 1546 1547 1316)
+4(1525 1526 1547 1546)
+4(1296 1317 1548 1527)
+4(1316 1547 1548 1317)
+4(1526 1527 1548 1547)
+4(1297 1318 1549 1528)
+4(1317 1548 1549 1318)
+4(1527 1528 1549 1548)
+4(1298 1319 1550 1529)
+4(1318 1549 1550 1319)
+4(1528 1529 1550 1549)
+4(1299 1320 1551 1530)
+4(1319 1550 1551 1320)
+4(1529 1530 1551 1550)
+4(1300 1321 1552 1531)
+4(1320 1551 1552 1321)
+4(1530 1531 1552 1551)
+4(1321 1552 1553 1322)
+4(1531 1532 1553 1552)
+4(1303 1324 1555 1534)
+4(1323 1554 1555 1324)
+4(1533 1534 1555 1554)
+4(1304 1325 1556 1535)
+4(1324 1555 1556 1325)
+4(1534 1535 1556 1555)
+4(1305 1326 1557 1536)
+4(1325 1556 1557 1326)
+4(1535 1536 1557 1556)
+4(1306 1327 1558 1537)
+4(1326 1557 1558 1327)
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+4(1327 1558 1559 1328)
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+4(1328 1559 1560 1329)
+4(1538 1539 1560 1559)
+4(1309 1330 1561 1540)
+4(1329 1560 1561 1330)
+4(1539 1540 1561 1560)
+4(1310 1331 1562 1541)
+4(1330 1561 1562 1331)
+4(1540 1541 1562 1561)
+4(1311 1332 1563 1542)
+4(1331 1562 1563 1332)
+4(1541 1542 1563 1562)
+4(1312 1333 1564 1543)
+4(1332 1563 1564 1333)
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+4(1313 1334 1565 1544)
+4(1333 1564 1565 1334)
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+4(1336 1567 1568 1337)
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+4(1337 1568 1569 1338)
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+4(1338 1569 1570 1339)
+4(1548 1549 1570 1569)
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+4(1339 1570 1571 1340)
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+4(1340 1571 1572 1341)
+4(1550 1551 1572 1571)
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+4(1552 1553 1574 1573)
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+4(1344 1575 1576 1345)
+4(1554 1555 1576 1575)
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+4(1345 1576 1577 1346)
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+4(1350 1581 1582 1351)
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+4(1577 1578 1599 1598)
+4(1348 1369 1600 1579)
+4(1578 1579 1600 1599)
+4(1349 1370 1601 1580)
+4(1579 1580 1601 1600)
+4(1350 1371 1602 1581)
+4(1580 1581 1602 1601)
+4(1351 1372 1603 1582)
+4(1581 1582 1603 1602)
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+4(1582 1583 1604 1603)
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+4(1584 1585 1606 1605)
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+4(1587 1588 1609 1608)
+4(1358 1379 1610 1589)
+4(1588 1589 1610 1609)
+4(1359 1380 1611 1590)
+4(1589 1590 1611 1610)
+4(1360 1381 1612 1591)
+4(1590 1591 1612 1611)
+4(1361 1382 1613 1592)
+4(1591 1592 1613 1612)
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+4(1592 1593 1614 1613)
+4(1363 1384 1615 1594)
+4(1593 1594 1615 1614)
+4(1594 1595 1616 1615)
+4(1387 1408 1639 1618)
+4(1407 1638 1639 1408)
+4(1617 1618 1639 1638)
+4(1388 1409 1640 1619)
+4(1408 1639 1640 1409)
+4(1618 1619 1640 1639)
+4(1389 1410 1641 1620)
+4(1409 1640 1641 1410)
+4(1619 1620 1641 1640)
+4(1390 1411 1642 1621)
+4(1410 1641 1642 1411)
+4(1620 1621 1642 1641)
+4(1391 1412 1643 1622)
+4(1411 1642 1643 1412)
+4(1621 1622 1643 1642)
+4(1392 1413 1644 1623)
+4(1412 1643 1644 1413)
+4(1622 1623 1644 1643)
+4(1393 1414 1645 1624)
+4(1413 1644 1645 1414)
+4(1623 1624 1645 1644)
+4(1394 1415 1646 1625)
+4(1414 1645 1646 1415)
+4(1624 1625 1646 1645)
+4(1395 1416 1647 1626)
+4(1415 1646 1647 1416)
+4(1625 1626 1647 1646)
+4(1396 1417 1648 1627)
+4(1416 1647 1648 1417)
+4(1626 1627 1648 1647)
+4(1397 1418 1649 1628)
+4(1417 1648 1649 1418)
+4(1627 1628 1649 1648)
+4(1398 1419 1650 1629)
+4(1418 1649 1650 1419)
+4(1628 1629 1650 1649)
+4(1399 1420 1651 1630)
+4(1419 1650 1651 1420)
+4(1629 1630 1651 1650)
+4(1400 1421 1652 1631)
+4(1420 1651 1652 1421)
+4(1630 1631 1652 1651)
+4(1401 1422 1653 1632)
+4(1421 1652 1653 1422)
+4(1631 1632 1653 1652)
+4(1402 1423 1654 1633)
+4(1422 1653 1654 1423)
+4(1632 1633 1654 1653)
+4(1403 1424 1655 1634)
+4(1423 1654 1655 1424)
+4(1633 1634 1655 1654)
+4(1404 1425 1656 1635)
+4(1424 1655 1656 1425)
+4(1634 1635 1656 1655)
+4(1405 1426 1657 1636)
+4(1425 1656 1657 1426)
+4(1635 1636 1657 1656)
+4(1426 1657 1658 1427)
+4(1636 1637 1658 1657)
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+4(1428 1659 1660 1429)
+4(1638 1639 1660 1659)
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+4(1429 1660 1661 1430)
+4(1639 1640 1661 1660)
+4(1410 1431 1662 1641)
+4(1430 1661 1662 1431)
+4(1640 1641 1662 1661)
+4(1411 1432 1663 1642)
+4(1431 1662 1663 1432)
+4(1641 1642 1663 1662)
+4(1412 1433 1664 1643)
+4(1432 1663 1664 1433)
+4(1642 1643 1664 1663)
+4(1413 1434 1665 1644)
+4(1433 1664 1665 1434)
+4(1643 1644 1665 1664)
+4(1414 1435 1666 1645)
+4(1434 1665 1666 1435)
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+4(1435 1666 1667 1436)
+4(1645 1646 1667 1666)
+4(1416 1437 1668 1647)
+4(1436 1667 1668 1437)
+4(1646 1647 1668 1667)
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+4(1437 1668 1669 1438)
+4(1647 1648 1669 1668)
+4(1418 1439 1670 1649)
+4(1438 1669 1670 1439)
+4(1648 1649 1670 1669)
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+4(1439 1670 1671 1440)
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+4(1440 1671 1672 1441)
+4(1650 1651 1672 1671)
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+4(1441 1672 1673 1442)
+4(1651 1652 1673 1672)
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+4(1442 1673 1674 1443)
+4(1652 1653 1674 1673)
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+4(1443 1674 1675 1444)
+4(1653 1654 1675 1674)
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+4(1444 1675 1676 1445)
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+4(1445 1676 1677 1446)
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+4(1446 1677 1678 1447)
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+4(1447 1678 1679 1448)
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+4(1450 1681 1682 1451)
+4(1660 1661 1682 1681)
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+4(1451 1682 1683 1452)
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+4(1453 1684 1685 1454)
+4(1663 1664 1685 1684)
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+4(1454 1685 1686 1455)
+4(1664 1665 1686 1685)
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+4(1455 1686 1687 1456)
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+4(1459 1690 1691 1460)
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+4(1461 1692 1693 1462)
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+4(1462 1693 1694 1463)
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+4(1463 1694 1695 1464)
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+4(1464 1695 1696 1465)
+4(1674 1675 1696 1695)
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+4(1465 1696 1697 1466)
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+4(1467 1698 1699 1468)
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+4(1468 1699 1700 1469)
+4(1678 1679 1700 1699)
+4(1450 1471 1702 1681)
+4(1470 1701 1702 1471)
+4(1680 1681 1702 1701)
+4(1451 1472 1703 1682)
+4(1471 1702 1703 1472)
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+4(1452 1473 1704 1683)
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+4(1487 1718 1719 1488)
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+4(1488 1719 1720 1489)
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+4(1489 1720 1721 1490)
+4(1699 1700 1721 1720)
+4(1471 1492 1723 1702)
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+4(1500 1731 1732 1501)
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+4(1501 1732 1733 1502)
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+4(1502 1733 1734 1503)
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+4(1503 1734 1735 1504)
+4(1713 1714 1735 1734)
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+4(1506 1737 1738 1507)
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+4(1717 1718 1739 1738)
+4(1488 1509 1740 1719)
+4(1508 1739 1740 1509)
+4(1718 1719 1740 1739)
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+4(1513 1744 1745 1514)
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+4(1515 1746 1747 1516)
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+4(1496 1517 1748 1727)
+4(1516 1747 1748 1517)
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+4(1497 1518 1749 1728)
+4(1517 1748 1749 1518)
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+4(1518 1749 1750 1519)
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+4(1519 1750 1751 1520)
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+4(1500 1521 1752 1731)
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+4(1590 1821 1822 1591)
+4(1800 1801 1822 1821)
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+4(1814 1815 1836 1835)
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+4(1817 1818 1839 1838)
+4(1588 1609 1840 1819)
+4(1818 1819 1840 1839)
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+4(1638 1869 1870 1639)
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+4(1639 1870 1871 1640)
+4(1849 1850 1871 1870)
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+4(1624 1645 1876 1855)
+4(1644 1875 1876 1645)
+4(1854 1855 1876 1875)
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+4(1645 1876 1877 1646)
+4(1855 1856 1877 1876)
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+4(1858 1859 1880 1879)
+4(1629 1650 1881 1860)
+4(1649 1880 1881 1650)
+4(1859 1860 1881 1880)
+4(1630 1651 1882 1861)
+4(1650 1881 1882 1651)
+4(1860 1861 1882 1881)
+4(1631 1652 1883 1862)
+4(1651 1882 1883 1652)
+4(1861 1862 1883 1882)
+4(1632 1653 1884 1863)
+4(1652 1883 1884 1653)
+4(1862 1863 1884 1883)
+4(1633 1654 1885 1864)
+4(1653 1884 1885 1654)
+4(1863 1864 1885 1884)
+4(1634 1655 1886 1865)
+4(1654 1885 1886 1655)
+4(1864 1865 1886 1885)
+4(1635 1656 1887 1866)
+4(1655 1886 1887 1656)
+4(1865 1866 1887 1886)
+4(1636 1657 1888 1867)
+4(1656 1887 1888 1657)
+4(1866 1867 1888 1887)
+4(1657 1888 1889 1658)
+4(1867 1868 1889 1888)
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+4(1659 1890 1891 1660)
+4(1869 1870 1891 1890)
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+4(1660 1891 1892 1661)
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+4(1661 1892 1893 1662)
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+4(1663 1894 1895 1664)
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+4(1664 1895 1896 1665)
+4(1874 1875 1896 1895)
+4(1645 1666 1897 1876)
+4(1665 1896 1897 1666)
+4(1875 1876 1897 1896)
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+4(1666 1897 1898 1667)
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+4(1667 1898 1899 1668)
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+4(1668 1899 1900 1669)
+4(1878 1879 1900 1899)
+4(1649 1670 1901 1880)
+4(1669 1900 1901 1670)
+4(1879 1880 1901 1900)
+4(1650 1671 1902 1881)
+4(1670 1901 1902 1671)
+4(1880 1881 1902 1901)
+4(1651 1672 1903 1882)
+4(1671 1902 1903 1672)
+4(1881 1882 1903 1902)
+4(1652 1673 1904 1883)
+4(1672 1903 1904 1673)
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+4(1653 1674 1905 1884)
+4(1673 1904 1905 1674)
+4(1883 1884 1905 1904)
+4(1654 1675 1906 1885)
+4(1674 1905 1906 1675)
+4(1884 1885 1906 1905)
+4(1655 1676 1907 1886)
+4(1675 1906 1907 1676)
+4(1885 1886 1907 1906)
+4(1656 1677 1908 1887)
+4(1676 1907 1908 1677)
+4(1886 1887 1908 1907)
+4(1657 1678 1909 1888)
+4(1677 1908 1909 1678)
+4(1887 1888 1909 1908)
+4(1678 1909 1910 1679)
+4(1888 1889 1910 1909)
+4(1660 1681 1912 1891)
+4(1680 1911 1912 1681)
+4(1890 1891 1912 1911)
+4(1661 1682 1913 1892)
+4(1681 1912 1913 1682)
+4(1891 1892 1913 1912)
+4(1662 1683 1914 1893)
+4(1682 1913 1914 1683)
+4(1892 1893 1914 1913)
+4(1663 1684 1915 1894)
+4(1683 1914 1915 1684)
+4(1893 1894 1915 1914)
+4(1664 1685 1916 1895)
+4(1684 1915 1916 1685)
+4(1894 1895 1916 1915)
+4(1665 1686 1917 1896)
+4(1685 1916 1917 1686)
+4(1895 1896 1917 1916)
+4(1666 1687 1918 1897)
+4(1686 1917 1918 1687)
+4(1896 1897 1918 1917)
+4(1667 1688 1919 1898)
+4(1687 1918 1919 1688)
+4(1897 1898 1919 1918)
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+4(1688 1919 1920 1689)
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+4(1669 1690 1921 1900)
+4(1689 1920 1921 1690)
+4(1899 1900 1921 1920)
+4(1670 1691 1922 1901)
+4(1690 1921 1922 1691)
+4(1900 1901 1922 1921)
+4(1671 1692 1923 1902)
+4(1691 1922 1923 1692)
+4(1901 1902 1923 1922)
+4(1672 1693 1924 1903)
+4(1692 1923 1924 1693)
+4(1902 1903 1924 1923)
+4(1673 1694 1925 1904)
+4(1693 1924 1925 1694)
+4(1903 1904 1925 1924)
+4(1674 1695 1926 1905)
+4(1694 1925 1926 1695)
+4(1904 1905 1926 1925)
+4(1675 1696 1927 1906)
+4(1695 1926 1927 1696)
+4(1905 1906 1927 1926)
+4(1676 1697 1928 1907)
+4(1696 1927 1928 1697)
+4(1906 1907 1928 1927)
+4(1677 1698 1929 1908)
+4(1697 1928 1929 1698)
+4(1907 1908 1929 1928)
+4(1678 1699 1930 1909)
+4(1698 1929 1930 1699)
+4(1908 1909 1930 1929)
+4(1699 1930 1931 1700)
+4(1909 1910 1931 1930)
+4(1681 1702 1933 1912)
+4(1701 1932 1933 1702)
+4(1911 1912 1933 1932)
+4(1682 1703 1934 1913)
+4(1702 1933 1934 1703)
+4(1912 1913 1934 1933)
+4(1683 1704 1935 1914)
+4(1703 1934 1935 1704)
+4(1913 1914 1935 1934)
+4(1684 1705 1936 1915)
+4(1704 1935 1936 1705)
+4(1914 1915 1936 1935)
+4(1685 1706 1937 1916)
+4(1705 1936 1937 1706)
+4(1915 1916 1937 1936)
+4(1686 1707 1938 1917)
+4(1706 1937 1938 1707)
+4(1916 1917 1938 1937)
+4(1687 1708 1939 1918)
+4(1707 1938 1939 1708)
+4(1917 1918 1939 1938)
+4(1688 1709 1940 1919)
+4(1708 1939 1940 1709)
+4(1918 1919 1940 1939)
+4(1689 1710 1941 1920)
+4(1709 1940 1941 1710)
+4(1919 1920 1941 1940)
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+4(1710 1941 1942 1711)
+4(1920 1921 1942 1941)
+4(1691 1712 1943 1922)
+4(1711 1942 1943 1712)
+4(1921 1922 1943 1942)
+4(1692 1713 1944 1923)
+4(1712 1943 1944 1713)
+4(1922 1923 1944 1943)
+4(1693 1714 1945 1924)
+4(1713 1944 1945 1714)
+4(1923 1924 1945 1944)
+4(1694 1715 1946 1925)
+4(1714 1945 1946 1715)
+4(1924 1925 1946 1945)
+4(1695 1716 1947 1926)
+4(1715 1946 1947 1716)
+4(1925 1926 1947 1946)
+4(1696 1717 1948 1927)
+4(1716 1947 1948 1717)
+4(1926 1927 1948 1947)
+4(1697 1718 1949 1928)
+4(1717 1948 1949 1718)
+4(1927 1928 1949 1948)
+4(1698 1719 1950 1929)
+4(1718 1949 1950 1719)
+4(1928 1929 1950 1949)
+4(1699 1720 1951 1930)
+4(1719 1950 1951 1720)
+4(1929 1930 1951 1950)
+4(1720 1951 1952 1721)
+4(1930 1931 1952 1951)
+4(1702 1723 1954 1933)
+4(1722 1953 1954 1723)
+4(1932 1933 1954 1953)
+4(1703 1724 1955 1934)
+4(1723 1954 1955 1724)
+4(1933 1934 1955 1954)
+4(1704 1725 1956 1935)
+4(1724 1955 1956 1725)
+4(1934 1935 1956 1955)
+4(1705 1726 1957 1936)
+4(1725 1956 1957 1726)
+4(1935 1936 1957 1956)
+4(1706 1727 1958 1937)
+4(1726 1957 1958 1727)
+4(1936 1937 1958 1957)
+4(1707 1728 1959 1938)
+4(1727 1958 1959 1728)
+4(1937 1938 1959 1958)
+4(1708 1729 1960 1939)
+4(1728 1959 1960 1729)
+4(1938 1939 1960 1959)
+4(1709 1730 1961 1940)
+4(1729 1960 1961 1730)
+4(1939 1940 1961 1960)
+4(1710 1731 1962 1941)
+4(1730 1961 1962 1731)
+4(1940 1941 1962 1961)
+4(1711 1732 1963 1942)
+4(1731 1962 1963 1732)
+4(1941 1942 1963 1962)
+4(1712 1733 1964 1943)
+4(1732 1963 1964 1733)
+4(1942 1943 1964 1963)
+4(1713 1734 1965 1944)
+4(1733 1964 1965 1734)
+4(1943 1944 1965 1964)
+4(1714 1735 1966 1945)
+4(1734 1965 1966 1735)
+4(1944 1945 1966 1965)
+4(1715 1736 1967 1946)
+4(1735 1966 1967 1736)
+4(1945 1946 1967 1966)
+4(1716 1737 1968 1947)
+4(1736 1967 1968 1737)
+4(1946 1947 1968 1967)
+4(1717 1738 1969 1948)
+4(1737 1968 1969 1738)
+4(1947 1948 1969 1968)
+4(1718 1739 1970 1949)
+4(1738 1969 1970 1739)
+4(1948 1949 1970 1969)
+4(1719 1740 1971 1950)
+4(1739 1970 1971 1740)
+4(1949 1950 1971 1970)
+4(1720 1741 1972 1951)
+4(1740 1971 1972 1741)
+4(1950 1951 1972 1971)
+4(1741 1972 1973 1742)
+4(1951 1952 1973 1972)
+4(1723 1744 1975 1954)
+4(1743 1974 1975 1744)
+4(1953 1954 1975 1974)
+4(1724 1745 1976 1955)
+4(1744 1975 1976 1745)
+4(1954 1955 1976 1975)
+4(1725 1746 1977 1956)
+4(1745 1976 1977 1746)
+4(1955 1956 1977 1976)
+4(1726 1747 1978 1957)
+4(1746 1977 1978 1747)
+4(1956 1957 1978 1977)
+4(1727 1748 1979 1958)
+4(1747 1978 1979 1748)
+4(1957 1958 1979 1978)
+4(1728 1749 1980 1959)
+4(1748 1979 1980 1749)
+4(1958 1959 1980 1979)
+4(1729 1750 1981 1960)
+4(1749 1980 1981 1750)
+4(1959 1960 1981 1980)
+4(1730 1751 1982 1961)
+4(1750 1981 1982 1751)
+4(1960 1961 1982 1981)
+4(1731 1752 1983 1962)
+4(1751 1982 1983 1752)
+4(1961 1962 1983 1982)
+4(1732 1753 1984 1963)
+4(1752 1983 1984 1753)
+4(1962 1963 1984 1983)
+4(1733 1754 1985 1964)
+4(1753 1984 1985 1754)
+4(1963 1964 1985 1984)
+4(1734 1755 1986 1965)
+4(1754 1985 1986 1755)
+4(1964 1965 1986 1985)
+4(1735 1756 1987 1966)
+4(1755 1986 1987 1756)
+4(1965 1966 1987 1986)
+4(1736 1757 1988 1967)
+4(1756 1987 1988 1757)
+4(1966 1967 1988 1987)
+4(1737 1758 1989 1968)
+4(1757 1988 1989 1758)
+4(1967 1968 1989 1988)
+4(1738 1759 1990 1969)
+4(1758 1989 1990 1759)
+4(1968 1969 1990 1989)
+4(1739 1760 1991 1970)
+4(1759 1990 1991 1760)
+4(1969 1970 1991 1990)
+4(1740 1761 1992 1971)
+4(1760 1991 1992 1761)
+4(1970 1971 1992 1991)
+4(1741 1762 1993 1972)
+4(1761 1992 1993 1762)
+4(1971 1972 1993 1992)
+4(1762 1993 1994 1763)
+4(1972 1973 1994 1993)
+4(1744 1765 1996 1975)
+4(1764 1995 1996 1765)
+4(1974 1975 1996 1995)
+4(1745 1766 1997 1976)
+4(1765 1996 1997 1766)
+4(1975 1976 1997 1996)
+4(1746 1767 1998 1977)
+4(1766 1997 1998 1767)
+4(1976 1977 1998 1997)
+4(1747 1768 1999 1978)
+4(1767 1998 1999 1768)
+4(1977 1978 1999 1998)
+4(1748 1769 2000 1979)
+4(1768 1999 2000 1769)
+4(1978 1979 2000 1999)
+4(1749 1770 2001 1980)
+4(1769 2000 2001 1770)
+4(1979 1980 2001 2000)
+4(1750 1771 2002 1981)
+4(1770 2001 2002 1771)
+4(1980 1981 2002 2001)
+4(1751 1772 2003 1982)
+4(1771 2002 2003 1772)
+4(1981 1982 2003 2002)
+4(1752 1773 2004 1983)
+4(1772 2003 2004 1773)
+4(1982 1983 2004 2003)
+4(1753 1774 2005 1984)
+4(1773 2004 2005 1774)
+4(1983 1984 2005 2004)
+4(1754 1775 2006 1985)
+4(1774 2005 2006 1775)
+4(1984 1985 2006 2005)
+4(1755 1776 2007 1986)
+4(1775 2006 2007 1776)
+4(1985 1986 2007 2006)
+4(1756 1777 2008 1987)
+4(1776 2007 2008 1777)
+4(1986 1987 2008 2007)
+4(1757 1778 2009 1988)
+4(1777 2008 2009 1778)
+4(1987 1988 2009 2008)
+4(1758 1779 2010 1989)
+4(1778 2009 2010 1779)
+4(1988 1989 2010 2009)
+4(1759 1780 2011 1990)
+4(1779 2010 2011 1780)
+4(1989 1990 2011 2010)
+4(1760 1781 2012 1991)
+4(1780 2011 2012 1781)
+4(1990 1991 2012 2011)
+4(1761 1782 2013 1992)
+4(1781 2012 2013 1782)
+4(1991 1992 2013 2012)
+4(1762 1783 2014 1993)
+4(1782 2013 2014 1783)
+4(1992 1993 2014 2013)
+4(1783 2014 2015 1784)
+4(1993 1994 2015 2014)
+4(1765 1786 2017 1996)
+4(1785 2016 2017 1786)
+4(1995 1996 2017 2016)
+4(1766 1787 2018 1997)
+4(1786 2017 2018 1787)
+4(1996 1997 2018 2017)
+4(1767 1788 2019 1998)
+4(1787 2018 2019 1788)
+4(1997 1998 2019 2018)
+4(1768 1789 2020 1999)
+4(1788 2019 2020 1789)
+4(1998 1999 2020 2019)
+4(1769 1790 2021 2000)
+4(1789 2020 2021 1790)
+4(1999 2000 2021 2020)
+4(1770 1791 2022 2001)
+4(1790 2021 2022 1791)
+4(2000 2001 2022 2021)
+4(1771 1792 2023 2002)
+4(1791 2022 2023 1792)
+4(2001 2002 2023 2022)
+4(1772 1793 2024 2003)
+4(1792 2023 2024 1793)
+4(2002 2003 2024 2023)
+4(1773 1794 2025 2004)
+4(1793 2024 2025 1794)
+4(2003 2004 2025 2024)
+4(1774 1795 2026 2005)
+4(1794 2025 2026 1795)
+4(2004 2005 2026 2025)
+4(1775 1796 2027 2006)
+4(1795 2026 2027 1796)
+4(2005 2006 2027 2026)
+4(1776 1797 2028 2007)
+4(1796 2027 2028 1797)
+4(2006 2007 2028 2027)
+4(1777 1798 2029 2008)
+4(1797 2028 2029 1798)
+4(2007 2008 2029 2028)
+4(1778 1799 2030 2009)
+4(1798 2029 2030 1799)
+4(2008 2009 2030 2029)
+4(1779 1800 2031 2010)
+4(1799 2030 2031 1800)
+4(2009 2010 2031 2030)
+4(1780 1801 2032 2011)
+4(1800 2031 2032 1801)
+4(2010 2011 2032 2031)
+4(1781 1802 2033 2012)
+4(1801 2032 2033 1802)
+4(2011 2012 2033 2032)
+4(1782 1803 2034 2013)
+4(1802 2033 2034 1803)
+4(2012 2013 2034 2033)
+4(1783 1804 2035 2014)
+4(1803 2034 2035 1804)
+4(2013 2014 2035 2034)
+4(1804 2035 2036 1805)
+4(2014 2015 2036 2035)
+4(1786 1807 2038 2017)
+4(1806 2037 2038 1807)
+4(2016 2017 2038 2037)
+4(1787 1808 2039 2018)
+4(1807 2038 2039 1808)
+4(2017 2018 2039 2038)
+4(1788 1809 2040 2019)
+4(1808 2039 2040 1809)
+4(2018 2019 2040 2039)
+4(1789 1810 2041 2020)
+4(1809 2040 2041 1810)
+4(2019 2020 2041 2040)
+4(1790 1811 2042 2021)
+4(1810 2041 2042 1811)
+4(2020 2021 2042 2041)
+4(1791 1812 2043 2022)
+4(1811 2042 2043 1812)
+4(2021 2022 2043 2042)
+4(1792 1813 2044 2023)
+4(1812 2043 2044 1813)
+4(2022 2023 2044 2043)
+4(1793 1814 2045 2024)
+4(1813 2044 2045 1814)
+4(2023 2024 2045 2044)
+4(1794 1815 2046 2025)
+4(1814 2045 2046 1815)
+4(2024 2025 2046 2045)
+4(1795 1816 2047 2026)
+4(1815 2046 2047 1816)
+4(2025 2026 2047 2046)
+4(1796 1817 2048 2027)
+4(1816 2047 2048 1817)
+4(2026 2027 2048 2047)
+4(1797 1818 2049 2028)
+4(1817 2048 2049 1818)
+4(2027 2028 2049 2048)
+4(1798 1819 2050 2029)
+4(1818 2049 2050 1819)
+4(2028 2029 2050 2049)
+4(1799 1820 2051 2030)
+4(1819 2050 2051 1820)
+4(2029 2030 2051 2050)
+4(1800 1821 2052 2031)
+4(1820 2051 2052 1821)
+4(2030 2031 2052 2051)
+4(1801 1822 2053 2032)
+4(1821 2052 2053 1822)
+4(2031 2032 2053 2052)
+4(1802 1823 2054 2033)
+4(1822 2053 2054 1823)
+4(2032 2033 2054 2053)
+4(1803 1824 2055 2034)
+4(1823 2054 2055 1824)
+4(2033 2034 2055 2054)
+4(1804 1825 2056 2035)
+4(1824 2055 2056 1825)
+4(2034 2035 2056 2055)
+4(1825 2056 2057 1826)
+4(2035 2036 2057 2056)
+4(1807 1828 2059 2038)
+4(2037 2038 2059 2058)
+4(1808 1829 2060 2039)
+4(2038 2039 2060 2059)
+4(1809 1830 2061 2040)
+4(2039 2040 2061 2060)
+4(1810 1831 2062 2041)
+4(2040 2041 2062 2061)
+4(1811 1832 2063 2042)
+4(2041 2042 2063 2062)
+4(1812 1833 2064 2043)
+4(2042 2043 2064 2063)
+4(1813 1834 2065 2044)
+4(2043 2044 2065 2064)
+4(1814 1835 2066 2045)
+4(2044 2045 2066 2065)
+4(1815 1836 2067 2046)
+4(2045 2046 2067 2066)
+4(1816 1837 2068 2047)
+4(2046 2047 2068 2067)
+4(1817 1838 2069 2048)
+4(2047 2048 2069 2068)
+4(1818 1839 2070 2049)
+4(2048 2049 2070 2069)
+4(1819 1840 2071 2050)
+4(2049 2050 2071 2070)
+4(1820 1841 2072 2051)
+4(2050 2051 2072 2071)
+4(1821 1842 2073 2052)
+4(2051 2052 2073 2072)
+4(1822 1843 2074 2053)
+4(2052 2053 2074 2073)
+4(1823 1844 2075 2054)
+4(2053 2054 2075 2074)
+4(1824 1845 2076 2055)
+4(2054 2055 2076 2075)
+4(1825 1846 2077 2056)
+4(2055 2056 2077 2076)
+4(2056 2057 2078 2077)
+4(1849 1870 2101 2080)
+4(1869 2100 2101 1870)
+4(2079 2080 2101 2100)
+4(1850 1871 2102 2081)
+4(1870 2101 2102 1871)
+4(2080 2081 2102 2101)
+4(1851 1872 2103 2082)
+4(1871 2102 2103 1872)
+4(2081 2082 2103 2102)
+4(1852 1873 2104 2083)
+4(1872 2103 2104 1873)
+4(2082 2083 2104 2103)
+4(1853 1874 2105 2084)
+4(1873 2104 2105 1874)
+4(2083 2084 2105 2104)
+4(1854 1875 2106 2085)
+4(1874 2105 2106 1875)
+4(2084 2085 2106 2105)
+4(1855 1876 2107 2086)
+4(1875 2106 2107 1876)
+4(2085 2086 2107 2106)
+4(1856 1877 2108 2087)
+4(1876 2107 2108 1877)
+4(2086 2087 2108 2107)
+4(1857 1878 2109 2088)
+4(1877 2108 2109 1878)
+4(2087 2088 2109 2108)
+4(1858 1879 2110 2089)
+4(1878 2109 2110 1879)
+4(2088 2089 2110 2109)
+4(1859 1880 2111 2090)
+4(1879 2110 2111 1880)
+4(2089 2090 2111 2110)
+4(1860 1881 2112 2091)
+4(1880 2111 2112 1881)
+4(2090 2091 2112 2111)
+4(1861 1882 2113 2092)
+4(1881 2112 2113 1882)
+4(2091 2092 2113 2112)
+4(1862 1883 2114 2093)
+4(1882 2113 2114 1883)
+4(2092 2093 2114 2113)
+4(1863 1884 2115 2094)
+4(1883 2114 2115 1884)
+4(2093 2094 2115 2114)
+4(1864 1885 2116 2095)
+4(1884 2115 2116 1885)
+4(2094 2095 2116 2115)
+4(1865 1886 2117 2096)
+4(1885 2116 2117 1886)
+4(2095 2096 2117 2116)
+4(1866 1887 2118 2097)
+4(1886 2117 2118 1887)
+4(2096 2097 2118 2117)
+4(1867 1888 2119 2098)
+4(1887 2118 2119 1888)
+4(2097 2098 2119 2118)
+4(1888 2119 2120 1889)
+4(2098 2099 2120 2119)
+4(1870 1891 2122 2101)
+4(1890 2121 2122 1891)
+4(2100 2101 2122 2121)
+4(1871 1892 2123 2102)
+4(1891 2122 2123 1892)
+4(2101 2102 2123 2122)
+4(1872 1893 2124 2103)
+4(1892 2123 2124 1893)
+4(2102 2103 2124 2123)
+4(1873 1894 2125 2104)
+4(1893 2124 2125 1894)
+4(2103 2104 2125 2124)
+4(1874 1895 2126 2105)
+4(1894 2125 2126 1895)
+4(2104 2105 2126 2125)
+4(1875 1896 2127 2106)
+4(1895 2126 2127 1896)
+4(2105 2106 2127 2126)
+4(1876 1897 2128 2107)
+4(1896 2127 2128 1897)
+4(2106 2107 2128 2127)
+4(1877 1898 2129 2108)
+4(1897 2128 2129 1898)
+4(2107 2108 2129 2128)
+4(1878 1899 2130 2109)
+4(1898 2129 2130 1899)
+4(2108 2109 2130 2129)
+4(1879 1900 2131 2110)
+4(1899 2130 2131 1900)
+4(2109 2110 2131 2130)
+4(1880 1901 2132 2111)
+4(1900 2131 2132 1901)
+4(2110 2111 2132 2131)
+4(1881 1902 2133 2112)
+4(1901 2132 2133 1902)
+4(2111 2112 2133 2132)
+4(1882 1903 2134 2113)
+4(1902 2133 2134 1903)
+4(2112 2113 2134 2133)
+4(1883 1904 2135 2114)
+4(1903 2134 2135 1904)
+4(2113 2114 2135 2134)
+4(1884 1905 2136 2115)
+4(1904 2135 2136 1905)
+4(2114 2115 2136 2135)
+4(1885 1906 2137 2116)
+4(1905 2136 2137 1906)
+4(2115 2116 2137 2136)
+4(1886 1907 2138 2117)
+4(1906 2137 2138 1907)
+4(2116 2117 2138 2137)
+4(1887 1908 2139 2118)
+4(1907 2138 2139 1908)
+4(2117 2118 2139 2138)
+4(1888 1909 2140 2119)
+4(1908 2139 2140 1909)
+4(2118 2119 2140 2139)
+4(1909 2140 2141 1910)
+4(2119 2120 2141 2140)
+4(1891 1912 2143 2122)
+4(1911 2142 2143 1912)
+4(2121 2122 2143 2142)
+4(1892 1913 2144 2123)
+4(1912 2143 2144 1913)
+4(2122 2123 2144 2143)
+4(1893 1914 2145 2124)
+4(1913 2144 2145 1914)
+4(2123 2124 2145 2144)
+4(1894 1915 2146 2125)
+4(1914 2145 2146 1915)
+4(2124 2125 2146 2145)
+4(1895 1916 2147 2126)
+4(1915 2146 2147 1916)
+4(2125 2126 2147 2146)
+4(1896 1917 2148 2127)
+4(1916 2147 2148 1917)
+4(2126 2127 2148 2147)
+4(1897 1918 2149 2128)
+4(1917 2148 2149 1918)
+4(2127 2128 2149 2148)
+4(1898 1919 2150 2129)
+4(1918 2149 2150 1919)
+4(2128 2129 2150 2149)
+4(1899 1920 2151 2130)
+4(1919 2150 2151 1920)
+4(2129 2130 2151 2150)
+4(1900 1921 2152 2131)
+4(1920 2151 2152 1921)
+4(2130 2131 2152 2151)
+4(1901 1922 2153 2132)
+4(1921 2152 2153 1922)
+4(2131 2132 2153 2152)
+4(1902 1923 2154 2133)
+4(1922 2153 2154 1923)
+4(2132 2133 2154 2153)
+4(1903 1924 2155 2134)
+4(1923 2154 2155 1924)
+4(2133 2134 2155 2154)
+4(1904 1925 2156 2135)
+4(1924 2155 2156 1925)
+4(2134 2135 2156 2155)
+4(1905 1926 2157 2136)
+4(1925 2156 2157 1926)
+4(2135 2136 2157 2156)
+4(1906 1927 2158 2137)
+4(1926 2157 2158 1927)
+4(2136 2137 2158 2157)
+4(1907 1928 2159 2138)
+4(1927 2158 2159 1928)
+4(2137 2138 2159 2158)
+4(1908 1929 2160 2139)
+4(1928 2159 2160 1929)
+4(2138 2139 2160 2159)
+4(1909 1930 2161 2140)
+4(1929 2160 2161 1930)
+4(2139 2140 2161 2160)
+4(1930 2161 2162 1931)
+4(2140 2141 2162 2161)
+4(1912 1933 2164 2143)
+4(1932 2163 2164 1933)
+4(2142 2143 2164 2163)
+4(1913 1934 2165 2144)
+4(1933 2164 2165 1934)
+4(2143 2144 2165 2164)
+4(1914 1935 2166 2145)
+4(1934 2165 2166 1935)
+4(2144 2145 2166 2165)
+4(1915 1936 2167 2146)
+4(1935 2166 2167 1936)
+4(2145 2146 2167 2166)
+4(1916 1937 2168 2147)
+4(1936 2167 2168 1937)
+4(2146 2147 2168 2167)
+4(1917 1938 2169 2148)
+4(1937 2168 2169 1938)
+4(2147 2148 2169 2168)
+4(1918 1939 2170 2149)
+4(1938 2169 2170 1939)
+4(2148 2149 2170 2169)
+4(1919 1940 2171 2150)
+4(1939 2170 2171 1940)
+4(2149 2150 2171 2170)
+4(1920 1941 2172 2151)
+4(1940 2171 2172 1941)
+4(2150 2151 2172 2171)
+4(1921 1942 2173 2152)
+4(1941 2172 2173 1942)
+4(2151 2152 2173 2172)
+4(1922 1943 2174 2153)
+4(1942 2173 2174 1943)
+4(2152 2153 2174 2173)
+4(1923 1944 2175 2154)
+4(1943 2174 2175 1944)
+4(2153 2154 2175 2174)
+4(1924 1945 2176 2155)
+4(1944 2175 2176 1945)
+4(2154 2155 2176 2175)
+4(1925 1946 2177 2156)
+4(1945 2176 2177 1946)
+4(2155 2156 2177 2176)
+4(1926 1947 2178 2157)
+4(1946 2177 2178 1947)
+4(2156 2157 2178 2177)
+4(1927 1948 2179 2158)
+4(1947 2178 2179 1948)
+4(2157 2158 2179 2178)
+4(1928 1949 2180 2159)
+4(1948 2179 2180 1949)
+4(2158 2159 2180 2179)
+4(1929 1950 2181 2160)
+4(1949 2180 2181 1950)
+4(2159 2160 2181 2180)
+4(1930 1951 2182 2161)
+4(1950 2181 2182 1951)
+4(2160 2161 2182 2181)
+4(1951 2182 2183 1952)
+4(2161 2162 2183 2182)
+4(1933 1954 2185 2164)
+4(1953 2184 2185 1954)
+4(2163 2164 2185 2184)
+4(1934 1955 2186 2165)
+4(1954 2185 2186 1955)
+4(2164 2165 2186 2185)
+4(1935 1956 2187 2166)
+4(1955 2186 2187 1956)
+4(2165 2166 2187 2186)
+4(1936 1957 2188 2167)
+4(1956 2187 2188 1957)
+4(2166 2167 2188 2187)
+4(1937 1958 2189 2168)
+4(1957 2188 2189 1958)
+4(2167 2168 2189 2188)
+4(1938 1959 2190 2169)
+4(1958 2189 2190 1959)
+4(2168 2169 2190 2189)
+4(1939 1960 2191 2170)
+4(1959 2190 2191 1960)
+4(2169 2170 2191 2190)
+4(1940 1961 2192 2171)
+4(1960 2191 2192 1961)
+4(2170 2171 2192 2191)
+4(1941 1962 2193 2172)
+4(1961 2192 2193 1962)
+4(2171 2172 2193 2192)
+4(1942 1963 2194 2173)
+4(1962 2193 2194 1963)
+4(2172 2173 2194 2193)
+4(1943 1964 2195 2174)
+4(1963 2194 2195 1964)
+4(2173 2174 2195 2194)
+4(1944 1965 2196 2175)
+4(1964 2195 2196 1965)
+4(2174 2175 2196 2195)
+4(1945 1966 2197 2176)
+4(1965 2196 2197 1966)
+4(2175 2176 2197 2196)
+4(1946 1967 2198 2177)
+4(1966 2197 2198 1967)
+4(2176 2177 2198 2197)
+4(1947 1968 2199 2178)
+4(1967 2198 2199 1968)
+4(2177 2178 2199 2198)
+4(1948 1969 2200 2179)
+4(1968 2199 2200 1969)
+4(2178 2179 2200 2199)
+4(1949 1970 2201 2180)
+4(1969 2200 2201 1970)
+4(2179 2180 2201 2200)
+4(1950 1971 2202 2181)
+4(1970 2201 2202 1971)
+4(2180 2181 2202 2201)
+4(1951 1972 2203 2182)
+4(1971 2202 2203 1972)
+4(2181 2182 2203 2202)
+4(1972 2203 2204 1973)
+4(2182 2183 2204 2203)
+4(1954 1975 2206 2185)
+4(1974 2205 2206 1975)
+4(2184 2185 2206 2205)
+4(1955 1976 2207 2186)
+4(1975 2206 2207 1976)
+4(2185 2186 2207 2206)
+4(1956 1977 2208 2187)
+4(1976 2207 2208 1977)
+4(2186 2187 2208 2207)
+4(1957 1978 2209 2188)
+4(1977 2208 2209 1978)
+4(2187 2188 2209 2208)
+4(1958 1979 2210 2189)
+4(1978 2209 2210 1979)
+4(2188 2189 2210 2209)
+4(1959 1980 2211 2190)
+4(1979 2210 2211 1980)
+4(2189 2190 2211 2210)
+4(1960 1981 2212 2191)
+4(1980 2211 2212 1981)
+4(2190 2191 2212 2211)
+4(1961 1982 2213 2192)
+4(1981 2212 2213 1982)
+4(2191 2192 2213 2212)
+4(1962 1983 2214 2193)
+4(1982 2213 2214 1983)
+4(2192 2193 2214 2213)
+4(1963 1984 2215 2194)
+4(1983 2214 2215 1984)
+4(2193 2194 2215 2214)
+4(1964 1985 2216 2195)
+4(1984 2215 2216 1985)
+4(2194 2195 2216 2215)
+4(1965 1986 2217 2196)
+4(1985 2216 2217 1986)
+4(2195 2196 2217 2216)
+4(1966 1987 2218 2197)
+4(1986 2217 2218 1987)
+4(2196 2197 2218 2217)
+4(1967 1988 2219 2198)
+4(1987 2218 2219 1988)
+4(2197 2198 2219 2218)
+4(1968 1989 2220 2199)
+4(1988 2219 2220 1989)
+4(2198 2199 2220 2219)
+4(1969 1990 2221 2200)
+4(1989 2220 2221 1990)
+4(2199 2200 2221 2220)
+4(1970 1991 2222 2201)
+4(1990 2221 2222 1991)
+4(2200 2201 2222 2221)
+4(1971 1992 2223 2202)
+4(1991 2222 2223 1992)
+4(2201 2202 2223 2222)
+4(1972 1993 2224 2203)
+4(1992 2223 2224 1993)
+4(2202 2203 2224 2223)
+4(1993 2224 2225 1994)
+4(2203 2204 2225 2224)
+4(1975 1996 2227 2206)
+4(1995 2226 2227 1996)
+4(2205 2206 2227 2226)
+4(1976 1997 2228 2207)
+4(1996 2227 2228 1997)
+4(2206 2207 2228 2227)
+4(1977 1998 2229 2208)
+4(1997 2228 2229 1998)
+4(2207 2208 2229 2228)
+4(1978 1999 2230 2209)
+4(1998 2229 2230 1999)
+4(2208 2209 2230 2229)
+4(1979 2000 2231 2210)
+4(1999 2230 2231 2000)
+4(2209 2210 2231 2230)
+4(1980 2001 2232 2211)
+4(2000 2231 2232 2001)
+4(2210 2211 2232 2231)
+4(1981 2002 2233 2212)
+4(2001 2232 2233 2002)
+4(2211 2212 2233 2232)
+4(1982 2003 2234 2213)
+4(2002 2233 2234 2003)
+4(2212 2213 2234 2233)
+4(1983 2004 2235 2214)
+4(2003 2234 2235 2004)
+4(2213 2214 2235 2234)
+4(1984 2005 2236 2215)
+4(2004 2235 2236 2005)
+4(2214 2215 2236 2235)
+4(1985 2006 2237 2216)
+4(2005 2236 2237 2006)
+4(2215 2216 2237 2236)
+4(1986 2007 2238 2217)
+4(2006 2237 2238 2007)
+4(2216 2217 2238 2237)
+4(1987 2008 2239 2218)
+4(2007 2238 2239 2008)
+4(2217 2218 2239 2238)
+4(1988 2009 2240 2219)
+4(2008 2239 2240 2009)
+4(2218 2219 2240 2239)
+4(1989 2010 2241 2220)
+4(2009 2240 2241 2010)
+4(2219 2220 2241 2240)
+4(1990 2011 2242 2221)
+4(2010 2241 2242 2011)
+4(2220 2221 2242 2241)
+4(1991 2012 2243 2222)
+4(2011 2242 2243 2012)
+4(2221 2222 2243 2242)
+4(1992 2013 2244 2223)
+4(2012 2243 2244 2013)
+4(2222 2223 2244 2243)
+4(1993 2014 2245 2224)
+4(2013 2244 2245 2014)
+4(2223 2224 2245 2244)
+4(2014 2245 2246 2015)
+4(2224 2225 2246 2245)
+4(1996 2017 2248 2227)
+4(2016 2247 2248 2017)
+4(2226 2227 2248 2247)
+4(1997 2018 2249 2228)
+4(2017 2248 2249 2018)
+4(2227 2228 2249 2248)
+4(1998 2019 2250 2229)
+4(2018 2249 2250 2019)
+4(2228 2229 2250 2249)
+4(1999 2020 2251 2230)
+4(2019 2250 2251 2020)
+4(2229 2230 2251 2250)
+4(2000 2021 2252 2231)
+4(2020 2251 2252 2021)
+4(2230 2231 2252 2251)
+4(2001 2022 2253 2232)
+4(2021 2252 2253 2022)
+4(2231 2232 2253 2252)
+4(2002 2023 2254 2233)
+4(2022 2253 2254 2023)
+4(2232 2233 2254 2253)
+4(2003 2024 2255 2234)
+4(2023 2254 2255 2024)
+4(2233 2234 2255 2254)
+4(2004 2025 2256 2235)
+4(2024 2255 2256 2025)
+4(2234 2235 2256 2255)
+4(2005 2026 2257 2236)
+4(2025 2256 2257 2026)
+4(2235 2236 2257 2256)
+4(2006 2027 2258 2237)
+4(2026 2257 2258 2027)
+4(2236 2237 2258 2257)
+4(2007 2028 2259 2238)
+4(2027 2258 2259 2028)
+4(2237 2238 2259 2258)
+4(2008 2029 2260 2239)
+4(2028 2259 2260 2029)
+4(2238 2239 2260 2259)
+4(2009 2030 2261 2240)
+4(2029 2260 2261 2030)
+4(2239 2240 2261 2260)
+4(2010 2031 2262 2241)
+4(2030 2261 2262 2031)
+4(2240 2241 2262 2261)
+4(2011 2032 2263 2242)
+4(2031 2262 2263 2032)
+4(2241 2242 2263 2262)
+4(2012 2033 2264 2243)
+4(2032 2263 2264 2033)
+4(2242 2243 2264 2263)
+4(2013 2034 2265 2244)
+4(2033 2264 2265 2034)
+4(2243 2244 2265 2264)
+4(2014 2035 2266 2245)
+4(2034 2265 2266 2035)
+4(2244 2245 2266 2265)
+4(2035 2266 2267 2036)
+4(2245 2246 2267 2266)
+4(2017 2038 2269 2248)
+4(2037 2268 2269 2038)
+4(2247 2248 2269 2268)
+4(2018 2039 2270 2249)
+4(2038 2269 2270 2039)
+4(2248 2249 2270 2269)
+4(2019 2040 2271 2250)
+4(2039 2270 2271 2040)
+4(2249 2250 2271 2270)
+4(2020 2041 2272 2251)
+4(2040 2271 2272 2041)
+4(2250 2251 2272 2271)
+4(2021 2042 2273 2252)
+4(2041 2272 2273 2042)
+4(2251 2252 2273 2272)
+4(2022 2043 2274 2253)
+4(2042 2273 2274 2043)
+4(2252 2253 2274 2273)
+4(2023 2044 2275 2254)
+4(2043 2274 2275 2044)
+4(2253 2254 2275 2274)
+4(2024 2045 2276 2255)
+4(2044 2275 2276 2045)
+4(2254 2255 2276 2275)
+4(2025 2046 2277 2256)
+4(2045 2276 2277 2046)
+4(2255 2256 2277 2276)
+4(2026 2047 2278 2257)
+4(2046 2277 2278 2047)
+4(2256 2257 2278 2277)
+4(2027 2048 2279 2258)
+4(2047 2278 2279 2048)
+4(2257 2258 2279 2278)
+4(2028 2049 2280 2259)
+4(2048 2279 2280 2049)
+4(2258 2259 2280 2279)
+4(2029 2050 2281 2260)
+4(2049 2280 2281 2050)
+4(2259 2260 2281 2280)
+4(2030 2051 2282 2261)
+4(2050 2281 2282 2051)
+4(2260 2261 2282 2281)
+4(2031 2052 2283 2262)
+4(2051 2282 2283 2052)
+4(2261 2262 2283 2282)
+4(2032 2053 2284 2263)
+4(2052 2283 2284 2053)
+4(2262 2263 2284 2283)
+4(2033 2054 2285 2264)
+4(2053 2284 2285 2054)
+4(2263 2264 2285 2284)
+4(2034 2055 2286 2265)
+4(2054 2285 2286 2055)
+4(2264 2265 2286 2285)
+4(2035 2056 2287 2266)
+4(2055 2286 2287 2056)
+4(2265 2266 2287 2286)
+4(2056 2287 2288 2057)
+4(2266 2267 2288 2287)
+4(2038 2059 2290 2269)
+4(2268 2269 2290 2289)
+4(2039 2060 2291 2270)
+4(2269 2270 2291 2290)
+4(2040 2061 2292 2271)
+4(2270 2271 2292 2291)
+4(2041 2062 2293 2272)
+4(2271 2272 2293 2292)
+4(2042 2063 2294 2273)
+4(2272 2273 2294 2293)
+4(2043 2064 2295 2274)
+4(2273 2274 2295 2294)
+4(2044 2065 2296 2275)
+4(2274 2275 2296 2295)
+4(2045 2066 2297 2276)
+4(2275 2276 2297 2296)
+4(2046 2067 2298 2277)
+4(2276 2277 2298 2297)
+4(2047 2068 2299 2278)
+4(2277 2278 2299 2298)
+4(2048 2069 2300 2279)
+4(2278 2279 2300 2299)
+4(2049 2070 2301 2280)
+4(2279 2280 2301 2300)
+4(2050 2071 2302 2281)
+4(2280 2281 2302 2301)
+4(2051 2072 2303 2282)
+4(2281 2282 2303 2302)
+4(2052 2073 2304 2283)
+4(2282 2283 2304 2303)
+4(2053 2074 2305 2284)
+4(2283 2284 2305 2304)
+4(2054 2075 2306 2285)
+4(2284 2285 2306 2305)
+4(2055 2076 2307 2286)
+4(2285 2286 2307 2306)
+4(2056 2077 2308 2287)
+4(2286 2287 2308 2307)
+4(2287 2288 2309 2308)
+4(2080 2101 2332 2311)
+4(2100 2331 2332 2101)
+4(2310 2311 2332 2331)
+4(2081 2102 2333 2312)
+4(2101 2332 2333 2102)
+4(2311 2312 2333 2332)
+4(2082 2103 2334 2313)
+4(2102 2333 2334 2103)
+4(2312 2313 2334 2333)
+4(2083 2104 2335 2314)
+4(2103 2334 2335 2104)
+4(2313 2314 2335 2334)
+4(2084 2105 2336 2315)
+4(2104 2335 2336 2105)
+4(2314 2315 2336 2335)
+4(2085 2106 2337 2316)
+4(2105 2336 2337 2106)
+4(2315 2316 2337 2336)
+4(2086 2107 2338 2317)
+4(2106 2337 2338 2107)
+4(2316 2317 2338 2337)
+4(2087 2108 2339 2318)
+4(2107 2338 2339 2108)
+4(2317 2318 2339 2338)
+4(2088 2109 2340 2319)
+4(2108 2339 2340 2109)
+4(2318 2319 2340 2339)
+4(2089 2110 2341 2320)
+4(2109 2340 2341 2110)
+4(2319 2320 2341 2340)
+4(2090 2111 2342 2321)
+4(2110 2341 2342 2111)
+4(2320 2321 2342 2341)
+4(2091 2112 2343 2322)
+4(2111 2342 2343 2112)
+4(2321 2322 2343 2342)
+4(2092 2113 2344 2323)
+4(2112 2343 2344 2113)
+4(2322 2323 2344 2343)
+4(2093 2114 2345 2324)
+4(2113 2344 2345 2114)
+4(2323 2324 2345 2344)
+4(2094 2115 2346 2325)
+4(2114 2345 2346 2115)
+4(2324 2325 2346 2345)
+4(2095 2116 2347 2326)
+4(2115 2346 2347 2116)
+4(2325 2326 2347 2346)
+4(2096 2117 2348 2327)
+4(2116 2347 2348 2117)
+4(2326 2327 2348 2347)
+4(2097 2118 2349 2328)
+4(2117 2348 2349 2118)
+4(2327 2328 2349 2348)
+4(2098 2119 2350 2329)
+4(2118 2349 2350 2119)
+4(2328 2329 2350 2349)
+4(2119 2350 2351 2120)
+4(2329 2330 2351 2350)
+4(2101 2122 2353 2332)
+4(2121 2352 2353 2122)
+4(2331 2332 2353 2352)
+4(2102 2123 2354 2333)
+4(2122 2353 2354 2123)
+4(2332 2333 2354 2353)
+4(2103 2124 2355 2334)
+4(2123 2354 2355 2124)
+4(2333 2334 2355 2354)
+4(2104 2125 2356 2335)
+4(2124 2355 2356 2125)
+4(2334 2335 2356 2355)
+4(2105 2126 2357 2336)
+4(2125 2356 2357 2126)
+4(2335 2336 2357 2356)
+4(2106 2127 2358 2337)
+4(2126 2357 2358 2127)
+4(2336 2337 2358 2357)
+4(2107 2128 2359 2338)
+4(2127 2358 2359 2128)
+4(2337 2338 2359 2358)
+4(2108 2129 2360 2339)
+4(2128 2359 2360 2129)
+4(2338 2339 2360 2359)
+4(2109 2130 2361 2340)
+4(2129 2360 2361 2130)
+4(2339 2340 2361 2360)
+4(2110 2131 2362 2341)
+4(2130 2361 2362 2131)
+4(2340 2341 2362 2361)
+4(2111 2132 2363 2342)
+4(2131 2362 2363 2132)
+4(2341 2342 2363 2362)
+4(2112 2133 2364 2343)
+4(2132 2363 2364 2133)
+4(2342 2343 2364 2363)
+4(2113 2134 2365 2344)
+4(2133 2364 2365 2134)
+4(2343 2344 2365 2364)
+4(2114 2135 2366 2345)
+4(2134 2365 2366 2135)
+4(2344 2345 2366 2365)
+4(2115 2136 2367 2346)
+4(2135 2366 2367 2136)
+4(2345 2346 2367 2366)
+4(2116 2137 2368 2347)
+4(2136 2367 2368 2137)
+4(2346 2347 2368 2367)
+4(2117 2138 2369 2348)
+4(2137 2368 2369 2138)
+4(2347 2348 2369 2368)
+4(2118 2139 2370 2349)
+4(2138 2369 2370 2139)
+4(2348 2349 2370 2369)
+4(2119 2140 2371 2350)
+4(2139 2370 2371 2140)
+4(2349 2350 2371 2370)
+4(2140 2371 2372 2141)
+4(2350 2351 2372 2371)
+4(2122 2143 2374 2353)
+4(2142 2373 2374 2143)
+4(2352 2353 2374 2373)
+4(2123 2144 2375 2354)
+4(2143 2374 2375 2144)
+4(2353 2354 2375 2374)
+4(2124 2145 2376 2355)
+4(2144 2375 2376 2145)
+4(2354 2355 2376 2375)
+4(2125 2146 2377 2356)
+4(2145 2376 2377 2146)
+4(2355 2356 2377 2376)
+4(2126 2147 2378 2357)
+4(2146 2377 2378 2147)
+4(2356 2357 2378 2377)
+4(2127 2148 2379 2358)
+4(2147 2378 2379 2148)
+4(2357 2358 2379 2378)
+4(2128 2149 2380 2359)
+4(2148 2379 2380 2149)
+4(2358 2359 2380 2379)
+4(2129 2150 2381 2360)
+4(2149 2380 2381 2150)
+4(2359 2360 2381 2380)
+4(2130 2151 2382 2361)
+4(2150 2381 2382 2151)
+4(2360 2361 2382 2381)
+4(2131 2152 2383 2362)
+4(2151 2382 2383 2152)
+4(2361 2362 2383 2382)
+4(2132 2153 2384 2363)
+4(2152 2383 2384 2153)
+4(2362 2363 2384 2383)
+4(2133 2154 2385 2364)
+4(2153 2384 2385 2154)
+4(2363 2364 2385 2384)
+4(2134 2155 2386 2365)
+4(2154 2385 2386 2155)
+4(2364 2365 2386 2385)
+4(2135 2156 2387 2366)
+4(2155 2386 2387 2156)
+4(2365 2366 2387 2386)
+4(2136 2157 2388 2367)
+4(2156 2387 2388 2157)
+4(2366 2367 2388 2387)
+4(2137 2158 2389 2368)
+4(2157 2388 2389 2158)
+4(2367 2368 2389 2388)
+4(2138 2159 2390 2369)
+4(2158 2389 2390 2159)
+4(2368 2369 2390 2389)
+4(2139 2160 2391 2370)
+4(2159 2390 2391 2160)
+4(2369 2370 2391 2390)
+4(2140 2161 2392 2371)
+4(2160 2391 2392 2161)
+4(2370 2371 2392 2391)
+4(2161 2392 2393 2162)
+4(2371 2372 2393 2392)
+4(2143 2164 2395 2374)
+4(2163 2394 2395 2164)
+4(2373 2374 2395 2394)
+4(2144 2165 2396 2375)
+4(2164 2395 2396 2165)
+4(2374 2375 2396 2395)
+4(2145 2166 2397 2376)
+4(2165 2396 2397 2166)
+4(2375 2376 2397 2396)
+4(2146 2167 2398 2377)
+4(2166 2397 2398 2167)
+4(2376 2377 2398 2397)
+4(2147 2168 2399 2378)
+4(2167 2398 2399 2168)
+4(2377 2378 2399 2398)
+4(2148 2169 2400 2379)
+4(2168 2399 2400 2169)
+4(2378 2379 2400 2399)
+4(2149 2170 2401 2380)
+4(2169 2400 2401 2170)
+4(2379 2380 2401 2400)
+4(2150 2171 2402 2381)
+4(2170 2401 2402 2171)
+4(2380 2381 2402 2401)
+4(2151 2172 2403 2382)
+4(2171 2402 2403 2172)
+4(2381 2382 2403 2402)
+4(2152 2173 2404 2383)
+4(2172 2403 2404 2173)
+4(2382 2383 2404 2403)
+4(2153 2174 2405 2384)
+4(2173 2404 2405 2174)
+4(2383 2384 2405 2404)
+4(2154 2175 2406 2385)
+4(2174 2405 2406 2175)
+4(2384 2385 2406 2405)
+4(2155 2176 2407 2386)
+4(2175 2406 2407 2176)
+4(2385 2386 2407 2406)
+4(2156 2177 2408 2387)
+4(2176 2407 2408 2177)
+4(2386 2387 2408 2407)
+4(2157 2178 2409 2388)
+4(2177 2408 2409 2178)
+4(2387 2388 2409 2408)
+4(2158 2179 2410 2389)
+4(2178 2409 2410 2179)
+4(2388 2389 2410 2409)
+4(2159 2180 2411 2390)
+4(2179 2410 2411 2180)
+4(2389 2390 2411 2410)
+4(2160 2181 2412 2391)
+4(2180 2411 2412 2181)
+4(2390 2391 2412 2411)
+4(2161 2182 2413 2392)
+4(2181 2412 2413 2182)
+4(2391 2392 2413 2412)
+4(2182 2413 2414 2183)
+4(2392 2393 2414 2413)
+4(2164 2185 2416 2395)
+4(2184 2415 2416 2185)
+4(2394 2395 2416 2415)
+4(2165 2186 2417 2396)
+4(2185 2416 2417 2186)
+4(2395 2396 2417 2416)
+4(2166 2187 2418 2397)
+4(2186 2417 2418 2187)
+4(2396 2397 2418 2417)
+4(2167 2188 2419 2398)
+4(2187 2418 2419 2188)
+4(2397 2398 2419 2418)
+4(2168 2189 2420 2399)
+4(2188 2419 2420 2189)
+4(2398 2399 2420 2419)
+4(2169 2190 2421 2400)
+4(2189 2420 2421 2190)
+4(2399 2400 2421 2420)
+4(2170 2191 2422 2401)
+4(2190 2421 2422 2191)
+4(2400 2401 2422 2421)
+4(2171 2192 2423 2402)
+4(2191 2422 2423 2192)
+4(2401 2402 2423 2422)
+4(2172 2193 2424 2403)
+4(2192 2423 2424 2193)
+4(2402 2403 2424 2423)
+4(2173 2194 2425 2404)
+4(2193 2424 2425 2194)
+4(2403 2404 2425 2424)
+4(2174 2195 2426 2405)
+4(2194 2425 2426 2195)
+4(2404 2405 2426 2425)
+4(2175 2196 2427 2406)
+4(2195 2426 2427 2196)
+4(2405 2406 2427 2426)
+4(2176 2197 2428 2407)
+4(2196 2427 2428 2197)
+4(2406 2407 2428 2427)
+4(2177 2198 2429 2408)
+4(2197 2428 2429 2198)
+4(2407 2408 2429 2428)
+4(2178 2199 2430 2409)
+4(2198 2429 2430 2199)
+4(2408 2409 2430 2429)
+4(2179 2200 2431 2410)
+4(2199 2430 2431 2200)
+4(2409 2410 2431 2430)
+4(2180 2201 2432 2411)
+4(2200 2431 2432 2201)
+4(2410 2411 2432 2431)
+4(2181 2202 2433 2412)
+4(2201 2432 2433 2202)
+4(2411 2412 2433 2432)
+4(2182 2203 2434 2413)
+4(2202 2433 2434 2203)
+4(2412 2413 2434 2433)
+4(2203 2434 2435 2204)
+4(2413 2414 2435 2434)
+4(2185 2206 2437 2416)
+4(2205 2436 2437 2206)
+4(2415 2416 2437 2436)
+4(2186 2207 2438 2417)
+4(2206 2437 2438 2207)
+4(2416 2417 2438 2437)
+4(2187 2208 2439 2418)
+4(2207 2438 2439 2208)
+4(2417 2418 2439 2438)
+4(2188 2209 2440 2419)
+4(2208 2439 2440 2209)
+4(2418 2419 2440 2439)
+4(2189 2210 2441 2420)
+4(2209 2440 2441 2210)
+4(2419 2420 2441 2440)
+4(2190 2211 2442 2421)
+4(2210 2441 2442 2211)
+4(2420 2421 2442 2441)
+4(2191 2212 2443 2422)
+4(2211 2442 2443 2212)
+4(2421 2422 2443 2442)
+4(2192 2213 2444 2423)
+4(2212 2443 2444 2213)
+4(2422 2423 2444 2443)
+4(2193 2214 2445 2424)
+4(2213 2444 2445 2214)
+4(2423 2424 2445 2444)
+4(2194 2215 2446 2425)
+4(2214 2445 2446 2215)
+4(2424 2425 2446 2445)
+4(2195 2216 2447 2426)
+4(2215 2446 2447 2216)
+4(2425 2426 2447 2446)
+4(2196 2217 2448 2427)
+4(2216 2447 2448 2217)
+4(2426 2427 2448 2447)
+4(2197 2218 2449 2428)
+4(2217 2448 2449 2218)
+4(2427 2428 2449 2448)
+4(2198 2219 2450 2429)
+4(2218 2449 2450 2219)
+4(2428 2429 2450 2449)
+4(2199 2220 2451 2430)
+4(2219 2450 2451 2220)
+4(2429 2430 2451 2450)
+4(2200 2221 2452 2431)
+4(2220 2451 2452 2221)
+4(2430 2431 2452 2451)
+4(2201 2222 2453 2432)
+4(2221 2452 2453 2222)
+4(2431 2432 2453 2452)
+4(2202 2223 2454 2433)
+4(2222 2453 2454 2223)
+4(2432 2433 2454 2453)
+4(2203 2224 2455 2434)
+4(2223 2454 2455 2224)
+4(2433 2434 2455 2454)
+4(2224 2455 2456 2225)
+4(2434 2435 2456 2455)
+4(2206 2227 2458 2437)
+4(2226 2457 2458 2227)
+4(2436 2437 2458 2457)
+4(2207 2228 2459 2438)
+4(2227 2458 2459 2228)
+4(2437 2438 2459 2458)
+4(2208 2229 2460 2439)
+4(2228 2459 2460 2229)
+4(2438 2439 2460 2459)
+4(2209 2230 2461 2440)
+4(2229 2460 2461 2230)
+4(2439 2440 2461 2460)
+4(2210 2231 2462 2441)
+4(2230 2461 2462 2231)
+4(2440 2441 2462 2461)
+4(2211 2232 2463 2442)
+4(2231 2462 2463 2232)
+4(2441 2442 2463 2462)
+4(2212 2233 2464 2443)
+4(2232 2463 2464 2233)
+4(2442 2443 2464 2463)
+4(2213 2234 2465 2444)
+4(2233 2464 2465 2234)
+4(2443 2444 2465 2464)
+4(2214 2235 2466 2445)
+4(2234 2465 2466 2235)
+4(2444 2445 2466 2465)
+4(2215 2236 2467 2446)
+4(2235 2466 2467 2236)
+4(2445 2446 2467 2466)
+4(2216 2237 2468 2447)
+4(2236 2467 2468 2237)
+4(2446 2447 2468 2467)
+4(2217 2238 2469 2448)
+4(2237 2468 2469 2238)
+4(2447 2448 2469 2468)
+4(2218 2239 2470 2449)
+4(2238 2469 2470 2239)
+4(2448 2449 2470 2469)
+4(2219 2240 2471 2450)
+4(2239 2470 2471 2240)
+4(2449 2450 2471 2470)
+4(2220 2241 2472 2451)
+4(2240 2471 2472 2241)
+4(2450 2451 2472 2471)
+4(2221 2242 2473 2452)
+4(2241 2472 2473 2242)
+4(2451 2452 2473 2472)
+4(2222 2243 2474 2453)
+4(2242 2473 2474 2243)
+4(2452 2453 2474 2473)
+4(2223 2244 2475 2454)
+4(2243 2474 2475 2244)
+4(2453 2454 2475 2474)
+4(2224 2245 2476 2455)
+4(2244 2475 2476 2245)
+4(2454 2455 2476 2475)
+4(2245 2476 2477 2246)
+4(2455 2456 2477 2476)
+4(2227 2248 2479 2458)
+4(2247 2478 2479 2248)
+4(2457 2458 2479 2478)
+4(2228 2249 2480 2459)
+4(2248 2479 2480 2249)
+4(2458 2459 2480 2479)
+4(2229 2250 2481 2460)
+4(2249 2480 2481 2250)
+4(2459 2460 2481 2480)
+4(2230 2251 2482 2461)
+4(2250 2481 2482 2251)
+4(2460 2461 2482 2481)
+4(2231 2252 2483 2462)
+4(2251 2482 2483 2252)
+4(2461 2462 2483 2482)
+4(2232 2253 2484 2463)
+4(2252 2483 2484 2253)
+4(2462 2463 2484 2483)
+4(2233 2254 2485 2464)
+4(2253 2484 2485 2254)
+4(2463 2464 2485 2484)
+4(2234 2255 2486 2465)
+4(2254 2485 2486 2255)
+4(2464 2465 2486 2485)
+4(2235 2256 2487 2466)
+4(2255 2486 2487 2256)
+4(2465 2466 2487 2486)
+4(2236 2257 2488 2467)
+4(2256 2487 2488 2257)
+4(2466 2467 2488 2487)
+4(2237 2258 2489 2468)
+4(2257 2488 2489 2258)
+4(2467 2468 2489 2488)
+4(2238 2259 2490 2469)
+4(2258 2489 2490 2259)
+4(2468 2469 2490 2489)
+4(2239 2260 2491 2470)
+4(2259 2490 2491 2260)
+4(2469 2470 2491 2490)
+4(2240 2261 2492 2471)
+4(2260 2491 2492 2261)
+4(2470 2471 2492 2491)
+4(2241 2262 2493 2472)
+4(2261 2492 2493 2262)
+4(2471 2472 2493 2492)
+4(2242 2263 2494 2473)
+4(2262 2493 2494 2263)
+4(2472 2473 2494 2493)
+4(2243 2264 2495 2474)
+4(2263 2494 2495 2264)
+4(2473 2474 2495 2494)
+4(2244 2265 2496 2475)
+4(2264 2495 2496 2265)
+4(2474 2475 2496 2495)
+4(2245 2266 2497 2476)
+4(2265 2496 2497 2266)
+4(2475 2476 2497 2496)
+4(2266 2497 2498 2267)
+4(2476 2477 2498 2497)
+4(2248 2269 2500 2479)
+4(2268 2499 2500 2269)
+4(2478 2479 2500 2499)
+4(2249 2270 2501 2480)
+4(2269 2500 2501 2270)
+4(2479 2480 2501 2500)
+4(2250 2271 2502 2481)
+4(2270 2501 2502 2271)
+4(2480 2481 2502 2501)
+4(2251 2272 2503 2482)
+4(2271 2502 2503 2272)
+4(2481 2482 2503 2502)
+4(2252 2273 2504 2483)
+4(2272 2503 2504 2273)
+4(2482 2483 2504 2503)
+4(2253 2274 2505 2484)
+4(2273 2504 2505 2274)
+4(2483 2484 2505 2504)
+4(2254 2275 2506 2485)
+4(2274 2505 2506 2275)
+4(2484 2485 2506 2505)
+4(2255 2276 2507 2486)
+4(2275 2506 2507 2276)
+4(2485 2486 2507 2506)
+4(2256 2277 2508 2487)
+4(2276 2507 2508 2277)
+4(2486 2487 2508 2507)
+4(2257 2278 2509 2488)
+4(2277 2508 2509 2278)
+4(2487 2488 2509 2508)
+4(2258 2279 2510 2489)
+4(2278 2509 2510 2279)
+4(2488 2489 2510 2509)
+4(2259 2280 2511 2490)
+4(2279 2510 2511 2280)
+4(2489 2490 2511 2510)
+4(2260 2281 2512 2491)
+4(2280 2511 2512 2281)
+4(2490 2491 2512 2511)
+4(2261 2282 2513 2492)
+4(2281 2512 2513 2282)
+4(2491 2492 2513 2512)
+4(2262 2283 2514 2493)
+4(2282 2513 2514 2283)
+4(2492 2493 2514 2513)
+4(2263 2284 2515 2494)
+4(2283 2514 2515 2284)
+4(2493 2494 2515 2514)
+4(2264 2285 2516 2495)
+4(2284 2515 2516 2285)
+4(2494 2495 2516 2515)
+4(2265 2286 2517 2496)
+4(2285 2516 2517 2286)
+4(2495 2496 2517 2516)
+4(2266 2287 2518 2497)
+4(2286 2517 2518 2287)
+4(2496 2497 2518 2517)
+4(2287 2518 2519 2288)
+4(2497 2498 2519 2518)
+4(2269 2290 2521 2500)
+4(2499 2500 2521 2520)
+4(2270 2291 2522 2501)
+4(2500 2501 2522 2521)
+4(2271 2292 2523 2502)
+4(2501 2502 2523 2522)
+4(2272 2293 2524 2503)
+4(2502 2503 2524 2523)
+4(2273 2294 2525 2504)
+4(2503 2504 2525 2524)
+4(2274 2295 2526 2505)
+4(2504 2505 2526 2525)
+4(2275 2296 2527 2506)
+4(2505 2506 2527 2526)
+4(2276 2297 2528 2507)
+4(2506 2507 2528 2527)
+4(2277 2298 2529 2508)
+4(2507 2508 2529 2528)
+4(2278 2299 2530 2509)
+4(2508 2509 2530 2529)
+4(2279 2300 2531 2510)
+4(2509 2510 2531 2530)
+4(2280 2301 2532 2511)
+4(2510 2511 2532 2531)
+4(2281 2302 2533 2512)
+4(2511 2512 2533 2532)
+4(2282 2303 2534 2513)
+4(2512 2513 2534 2533)
+4(2283 2304 2535 2514)
+4(2513 2514 2535 2534)
+4(2284 2305 2536 2515)
+4(2514 2515 2536 2535)
+4(2285 2306 2537 2516)
+4(2515 2516 2537 2536)
+4(2286 2307 2538 2517)
+4(2516 2517 2538 2537)
+4(2287 2308 2539 2518)
+4(2517 2518 2539 2538)
+4(2518 2519 2540 2539)
+4(2311 2332 2563 2542)
+4(2331 2562 2563 2332)
+4(2541 2542 2563 2562)
+4(2312 2333 2564 2543)
+4(2332 2563 2564 2333)
+4(2542 2543 2564 2563)
+4(2313 2334 2565 2544)
+4(2333 2564 2565 2334)
+4(2543 2544 2565 2564)
+4(2314 2335 2566 2545)
+4(2334 2565 2566 2335)
+4(2544 2545 2566 2565)
+4(2315 2336 2567 2546)
+4(2335 2566 2567 2336)
+4(2545 2546 2567 2566)
+4(2316 2337 2568 2547)
+4(2336 2567 2568 2337)
+4(2546 2547 2568 2567)
+4(2317 2338 2569 2548)
+4(2337 2568 2569 2338)
+4(2547 2548 2569 2568)
+4(2318 2339 2570 2549)
+4(2338 2569 2570 2339)
+4(2548 2549 2570 2569)
+4(2319 2340 2571 2550)
+4(2339 2570 2571 2340)
+4(2549 2550 2571 2570)
+4(2320 2341 2572 2551)
+4(2340 2571 2572 2341)
+4(2550 2551 2572 2571)
+4(2321 2342 2573 2552)
+4(2341 2572 2573 2342)
+4(2551 2552 2573 2572)
+4(2322 2343 2574 2553)
+4(2342 2573 2574 2343)
+4(2552 2553 2574 2573)
+4(2323 2344 2575 2554)
+4(2343 2574 2575 2344)
+4(2553 2554 2575 2574)
+4(2324 2345 2576 2555)
+4(2344 2575 2576 2345)
+4(2554 2555 2576 2575)
+4(2325 2346 2577 2556)
+4(2345 2576 2577 2346)
+4(2555 2556 2577 2576)
+4(2326 2347 2578 2557)
+4(2346 2577 2578 2347)
+4(2556 2557 2578 2577)
+4(2327 2348 2579 2558)
+4(2347 2578 2579 2348)
+4(2557 2558 2579 2578)
+4(2328 2349 2580 2559)
+4(2348 2579 2580 2349)
+4(2558 2559 2580 2579)
+4(2329 2350 2581 2560)
+4(2349 2580 2581 2350)
+4(2559 2560 2581 2580)
+4(2350 2581 2582 2351)
+4(2560 2561 2582 2581)
+4(2332 2353 2584 2563)
+4(2352 2583 2584 2353)
+4(2562 2563 2584 2583)
+4(2333 2354 2585 2564)
+4(2353 2584 2585 2354)
+4(2563 2564 2585 2584)
+4(2334 2355 2586 2565)
+4(2354 2585 2586 2355)
+4(2564 2565 2586 2585)
+4(2335 2356 2587 2566)
+4(2355 2586 2587 2356)
+4(2565 2566 2587 2586)
+4(2336 2357 2588 2567)
+4(2356 2587 2588 2357)
+4(2566 2567 2588 2587)
+4(2337 2358 2589 2568)
+4(2357 2588 2589 2358)
+4(2567 2568 2589 2588)
+4(2338 2359 2590 2569)
+4(2358 2589 2590 2359)
+4(2568 2569 2590 2589)
+4(2339 2360 2591 2570)
+4(2359 2590 2591 2360)
+4(2569 2570 2591 2590)
+4(2340 2361 2592 2571)
+4(2360 2591 2592 2361)
+4(2570 2571 2592 2591)
+4(2341 2362 2593 2572)
+4(2361 2592 2593 2362)
+4(2571 2572 2593 2592)
+4(2342 2363 2594 2573)
+4(2362 2593 2594 2363)
+4(2572 2573 2594 2593)
+4(2343 2364 2595 2574)
+4(2363 2594 2595 2364)
+4(2573 2574 2595 2594)
+4(2344 2365 2596 2575)
+4(2364 2595 2596 2365)
+4(2574 2575 2596 2595)
+4(2345 2366 2597 2576)
+4(2365 2596 2597 2366)
+4(2575 2576 2597 2596)
+4(2346 2367 2598 2577)
+4(2366 2597 2598 2367)
+4(2576 2577 2598 2597)
+4(2347 2368 2599 2578)
+4(2367 2598 2599 2368)
+4(2577 2578 2599 2598)
+4(2348 2369 2600 2579)
+4(2368 2599 2600 2369)
+4(2578 2579 2600 2599)
+4(2349 2370 2601 2580)
+4(2369 2600 2601 2370)
+4(2579 2580 2601 2600)
+4(2350 2371 2602 2581)
+4(2370 2601 2602 2371)
+4(2580 2581 2602 2601)
+4(2371 2602 2603 2372)
+4(2581 2582 2603 2602)
+4(2353 2374 2605 2584)
+4(2373 2604 2605 2374)
+4(2583 2584 2605 2604)
+4(2354 2375 2606 2585)
+4(2374 2605 2606 2375)
+4(2584 2585 2606 2605)
+4(2355 2376 2607 2586)
+4(2375 2606 2607 2376)
+4(2585 2586 2607 2606)
+4(2356 2377 2608 2587)
+4(2376 2607 2608 2377)
+4(2586 2587 2608 2607)
+4(2357 2378 2609 2588)
+4(2377 2608 2609 2378)
+4(2587 2588 2609 2608)
+4(2358 2379 2610 2589)
+4(2378 2609 2610 2379)
+4(2588 2589 2610 2609)
+4(2359 2380 2611 2590)
+4(2379 2610 2611 2380)
+4(2589 2590 2611 2610)
+4(2360 2381 2612 2591)
+4(2380 2611 2612 2381)
+4(2590 2591 2612 2611)
+4(2361 2382 2613 2592)
+4(2381 2612 2613 2382)
+4(2591 2592 2613 2612)
+4(2362 2383 2614 2593)
+4(2382 2613 2614 2383)
+4(2592 2593 2614 2613)
+4(2363 2384 2615 2594)
+4(2383 2614 2615 2384)
+4(2593 2594 2615 2614)
+4(2364 2385 2616 2595)
+4(2384 2615 2616 2385)
+4(2594 2595 2616 2615)
+4(2365 2386 2617 2596)
+4(2385 2616 2617 2386)
+4(2595 2596 2617 2616)
+4(2366 2387 2618 2597)
+4(2386 2617 2618 2387)
+4(2596 2597 2618 2617)
+4(2367 2388 2619 2598)
+4(2387 2618 2619 2388)
+4(2597 2598 2619 2618)
+4(2368 2389 2620 2599)
+4(2388 2619 2620 2389)
+4(2598 2599 2620 2619)
+4(2369 2390 2621 2600)
+4(2389 2620 2621 2390)
+4(2599 2600 2621 2620)
+4(2370 2391 2622 2601)
+4(2390 2621 2622 2391)
+4(2600 2601 2622 2621)
+4(2371 2392 2623 2602)
+4(2391 2622 2623 2392)
+4(2601 2602 2623 2622)
+4(2392 2623 2624 2393)
+4(2602 2603 2624 2623)
+4(2374 2395 2626 2605)
+4(2394 2625 2626 2395)
+4(2604 2605 2626 2625)
+4(2375 2396 2627 2606)
+4(2395 2626 2627 2396)
+4(2605 2606 2627 2626)
+4(2376 2397 2628 2607)
+4(2396 2627 2628 2397)
+4(2606 2607 2628 2627)
+4(2377 2398 2629 2608)
+4(2397 2628 2629 2398)
+4(2607 2608 2629 2628)
+4(2378 2399 2630 2609)
+4(2398 2629 2630 2399)
+4(2608 2609 2630 2629)
+4(2379 2400 2631 2610)
+4(2399 2630 2631 2400)
+4(2609 2610 2631 2630)
+4(2380 2401 2632 2611)
+4(2400 2631 2632 2401)
+4(2610 2611 2632 2631)
+4(2381 2402 2633 2612)
+4(2401 2632 2633 2402)
+4(2611 2612 2633 2632)
+4(2382 2403 2634 2613)
+4(2402 2633 2634 2403)
+4(2612 2613 2634 2633)
+4(2383 2404 2635 2614)
+4(2403 2634 2635 2404)
+4(2613 2614 2635 2634)
+4(2384 2405 2636 2615)
+4(2404 2635 2636 2405)
+4(2614 2615 2636 2635)
+4(2385 2406 2637 2616)
+4(2405 2636 2637 2406)
+4(2615 2616 2637 2636)
+4(2386 2407 2638 2617)
+4(2406 2637 2638 2407)
+4(2616 2617 2638 2637)
+4(2387 2408 2639 2618)
+4(2407 2638 2639 2408)
+4(2617 2618 2639 2638)
+4(2388 2409 2640 2619)
+4(2408 2639 2640 2409)
+4(2618 2619 2640 2639)
+4(2389 2410 2641 2620)
+4(2409 2640 2641 2410)
+4(2619 2620 2641 2640)
+4(2390 2411 2642 2621)
+4(2410 2641 2642 2411)
+4(2620 2621 2642 2641)
+4(2391 2412 2643 2622)
+4(2411 2642 2643 2412)
+4(2621 2622 2643 2642)
+4(2392 2413 2644 2623)
+4(2412 2643 2644 2413)
+4(2622 2623 2644 2643)
+4(2413 2644 2645 2414)
+4(2623 2624 2645 2644)
+4(2395 2416 2647 2626)
+4(2415 2646 2647 2416)
+4(2625 2626 2647 2646)
+4(2396 2417 2648 2627)
+4(2416 2647 2648 2417)
+4(2626 2627 2648 2647)
+4(2397 2418 2649 2628)
+4(2417 2648 2649 2418)
+4(2627 2628 2649 2648)
+4(2398 2419 2650 2629)
+4(2418 2649 2650 2419)
+4(2628 2629 2650 2649)
+4(2399 2420 2651 2630)
+4(2419 2650 2651 2420)
+4(2629 2630 2651 2650)
+4(2400 2421 2652 2631)
+4(2420 2651 2652 2421)
+4(2630 2631 2652 2651)
+4(2401 2422 2653 2632)
+4(2421 2652 2653 2422)
+4(2631 2632 2653 2652)
+4(2402 2423 2654 2633)
+4(2422 2653 2654 2423)
+4(2632 2633 2654 2653)
+4(2403 2424 2655 2634)
+4(2423 2654 2655 2424)
+4(2633 2634 2655 2654)
+4(2404 2425 2656 2635)
+4(2424 2655 2656 2425)
+4(2634 2635 2656 2655)
+4(2405 2426 2657 2636)
+4(2425 2656 2657 2426)
+4(2635 2636 2657 2656)
+4(2406 2427 2658 2637)
+4(2426 2657 2658 2427)
+4(2636 2637 2658 2657)
+4(2407 2428 2659 2638)
+4(2427 2658 2659 2428)
+4(2637 2638 2659 2658)
+4(2408 2429 2660 2639)
+4(2428 2659 2660 2429)
+4(2638 2639 2660 2659)
+4(2409 2430 2661 2640)
+4(2429 2660 2661 2430)
+4(2639 2640 2661 2660)
+4(2410 2431 2662 2641)
+4(2430 2661 2662 2431)
+4(2640 2641 2662 2661)
+4(2411 2432 2663 2642)
+4(2431 2662 2663 2432)
+4(2641 2642 2663 2662)
+4(2412 2433 2664 2643)
+4(2432 2663 2664 2433)
+4(2642 2643 2664 2663)
+4(2413 2434 2665 2644)
+4(2433 2664 2665 2434)
+4(2643 2644 2665 2664)
+4(2434 2665 2666 2435)
+4(2644 2645 2666 2665)
+4(2416 2437 2668 2647)
+4(2436 2667 2668 2437)
+4(2646 2647 2668 2667)
+4(2417 2438 2669 2648)
+4(2437 2668 2669 2438)
+4(2647 2648 2669 2668)
+4(2418 2439 2670 2649)
+4(2438 2669 2670 2439)
+4(2648 2649 2670 2669)
+4(2419 2440 2671 2650)
+4(2439 2670 2671 2440)
+4(2649 2650 2671 2670)
+4(2420 2441 2672 2651)
+4(2440 2671 2672 2441)
+4(2650 2651 2672 2671)
+4(2421 2442 2673 2652)
+4(2441 2672 2673 2442)
+4(2651 2652 2673 2672)
+4(2422 2443 2674 2653)
+4(2442 2673 2674 2443)
+4(2652 2653 2674 2673)
+4(2423 2444 2675 2654)
+4(2443 2674 2675 2444)
+4(2653 2654 2675 2674)
+4(2424 2445 2676 2655)
+4(2444 2675 2676 2445)
+4(2654 2655 2676 2675)
+4(2425 2446 2677 2656)
+4(2445 2676 2677 2446)
+4(2655 2656 2677 2676)
+4(2426 2447 2678 2657)
+4(2446 2677 2678 2447)
+4(2656 2657 2678 2677)
+4(2427 2448 2679 2658)
+4(2447 2678 2679 2448)
+4(2657 2658 2679 2678)
+4(2428 2449 2680 2659)
+4(2448 2679 2680 2449)
+4(2658 2659 2680 2679)
+4(2429 2450 2681 2660)
+4(2449 2680 2681 2450)
+4(2659 2660 2681 2680)
+4(2430 2451 2682 2661)
+4(2450 2681 2682 2451)
+4(2660 2661 2682 2681)
+4(2431 2452 2683 2662)
+4(2451 2682 2683 2452)
+4(2661 2662 2683 2682)
+4(2432 2453 2684 2663)
+4(2452 2683 2684 2453)
+4(2662 2663 2684 2683)
+4(2433 2454 2685 2664)
+4(2453 2684 2685 2454)
+4(2663 2664 2685 2684)
+4(2434 2455 2686 2665)
+4(2454 2685 2686 2455)
+4(2664 2665 2686 2685)
+4(2455 2686 2687 2456)
+4(2665 2666 2687 2686)
+4(2437 2458 2689 2668)
+4(2457 2688 2689 2458)
+4(2667 2668 2689 2688)
+4(2438 2459 2690 2669)
+4(2458 2689 2690 2459)
+4(2668 2669 2690 2689)
+4(2439 2460 2691 2670)
+4(2459 2690 2691 2460)
+4(2669 2670 2691 2690)
+4(2440 2461 2692 2671)
+4(2460 2691 2692 2461)
+4(2670 2671 2692 2691)
+4(2441 2462 2693 2672)
+4(2461 2692 2693 2462)
+4(2671 2672 2693 2692)
+4(2442 2463 2694 2673)
+4(2462 2693 2694 2463)
+4(2672 2673 2694 2693)
+4(2443 2464 2695 2674)
+4(2463 2694 2695 2464)
+4(2673 2674 2695 2694)
+4(2444 2465 2696 2675)
+4(2464 2695 2696 2465)
+4(2674 2675 2696 2695)
+4(2445 2466 2697 2676)
+4(2465 2696 2697 2466)
+4(2675 2676 2697 2696)
+4(2446 2467 2698 2677)
+4(2466 2697 2698 2467)
+4(2676 2677 2698 2697)
+4(2447 2468 2699 2678)
+4(2467 2698 2699 2468)
+4(2677 2678 2699 2698)
+4(2448 2469 2700 2679)
+4(2468 2699 2700 2469)
+4(2678 2679 2700 2699)
+4(2449 2470 2701 2680)
+4(2469 2700 2701 2470)
+4(2679 2680 2701 2700)
+4(2450 2471 2702 2681)
+4(2470 2701 2702 2471)
+4(2680 2681 2702 2701)
+4(2451 2472 2703 2682)
+4(2471 2702 2703 2472)
+4(2681 2682 2703 2702)
+4(2452 2473 2704 2683)
+4(2472 2703 2704 2473)
+4(2682 2683 2704 2703)
+4(2453 2474 2705 2684)
+4(2473 2704 2705 2474)
+4(2683 2684 2705 2704)
+4(2454 2475 2706 2685)
+4(2474 2705 2706 2475)
+4(2684 2685 2706 2705)
+4(2455 2476 2707 2686)
+4(2475 2706 2707 2476)
+4(2685 2686 2707 2706)
+4(2476 2707 2708 2477)
+4(2686 2687 2708 2707)
+4(2458 2479 2710 2689)
+4(2478 2709 2710 2479)
+4(2688 2689 2710 2709)
+4(2459 2480 2711 2690)
+4(2479 2710 2711 2480)
+4(2689 2690 2711 2710)
+4(2460 2481 2712 2691)
+4(2480 2711 2712 2481)
+4(2690 2691 2712 2711)
+4(2461 2482 2713 2692)
+4(2481 2712 2713 2482)
+4(2691 2692 2713 2712)
+4(2462 2483 2714 2693)
+4(2482 2713 2714 2483)
+4(2692 2693 2714 2713)
+4(2463 2484 2715 2694)
+4(2483 2714 2715 2484)
+4(2693 2694 2715 2714)
+4(2464 2485 2716 2695)
+4(2484 2715 2716 2485)
+4(2694 2695 2716 2715)
+4(2465 2486 2717 2696)
+4(2485 2716 2717 2486)
+4(2695 2696 2717 2716)
+4(2466 2487 2718 2697)
+4(2486 2717 2718 2487)
+4(2696 2697 2718 2717)
+4(2467 2488 2719 2698)
+4(2487 2718 2719 2488)
+4(2697 2698 2719 2718)
+4(2468 2489 2720 2699)
+4(2488 2719 2720 2489)
+4(2698 2699 2720 2719)
+4(2469 2490 2721 2700)
+4(2489 2720 2721 2490)
+4(2699 2700 2721 2720)
+4(2470 2491 2722 2701)
+4(2490 2721 2722 2491)
+4(2700 2701 2722 2721)
+4(2471 2492 2723 2702)
+4(2491 2722 2723 2492)
+4(2701 2702 2723 2722)
+4(2472 2493 2724 2703)
+4(2492 2723 2724 2493)
+4(2702 2703 2724 2723)
+4(2473 2494 2725 2704)
+4(2493 2724 2725 2494)
+4(2703 2704 2725 2724)
+4(2474 2495 2726 2705)
+4(2494 2725 2726 2495)
+4(2704 2705 2726 2725)
+4(2475 2496 2727 2706)
+4(2495 2726 2727 2496)
+4(2705 2706 2727 2726)
+4(2476 2497 2728 2707)
+4(2496 2727 2728 2497)
+4(2706 2707 2728 2727)
+4(2497 2728 2729 2498)
+4(2707 2708 2729 2728)
+4(2479 2500 2731 2710)
+4(2499 2730 2731 2500)
+4(2709 2710 2731 2730)
+4(2480 2501 2732 2711)
+4(2500 2731 2732 2501)
+4(2710 2711 2732 2731)
+4(2481 2502 2733 2712)
+4(2501 2732 2733 2502)
+4(2711 2712 2733 2732)
+4(2482 2503 2734 2713)
+4(2502 2733 2734 2503)
+4(2712 2713 2734 2733)
+4(2483 2504 2735 2714)
+4(2503 2734 2735 2504)
+4(2713 2714 2735 2734)
+4(2484 2505 2736 2715)
+4(2504 2735 2736 2505)
+4(2714 2715 2736 2735)
+4(2485 2506 2737 2716)
+4(2505 2736 2737 2506)
+4(2715 2716 2737 2736)
+4(2486 2507 2738 2717)
+4(2506 2737 2738 2507)
+4(2716 2717 2738 2737)
+4(2487 2508 2739 2718)
+4(2507 2738 2739 2508)
+4(2717 2718 2739 2738)
+4(2488 2509 2740 2719)
+4(2508 2739 2740 2509)
+4(2718 2719 2740 2739)
+4(2489 2510 2741 2720)
+4(2509 2740 2741 2510)
+4(2719 2720 2741 2740)
+4(2490 2511 2742 2721)
+4(2510 2741 2742 2511)
+4(2720 2721 2742 2741)
+4(2491 2512 2743 2722)
+4(2511 2742 2743 2512)
+4(2721 2722 2743 2742)
+4(2492 2513 2744 2723)
+4(2512 2743 2744 2513)
+4(2722 2723 2744 2743)
+4(2493 2514 2745 2724)
+4(2513 2744 2745 2514)
+4(2723 2724 2745 2744)
+4(2494 2515 2746 2725)
+4(2514 2745 2746 2515)
+4(2724 2725 2746 2745)
+4(2495 2516 2747 2726)
+4(2515 2746 2747 2516)
+4(2725 2726 2747 2746)
+4(2496 2517 2748 2727)
+4(2516 2747 2748 2517)
+4(2726 2727 2748 2747)
+4(2497 2518 2749 2728)
+4(2517 2748 2749 2518)
+4(2727 2728 2749 2748)
+4(2518 2749 2750 2519)
+4(2728 2729 2750 2749)
+4(2500 2521 2752 2731)
+4(2730 2731 2752 2751)
+4(2501 2522 2753 2732)
+4(2731 2732 2753 2752)
+4(2502 2523 2754 2733)
+4(2732 2733 2754 2753)
+4(2503 2524 2755 2734)
+4(2733 2734 2755 2754)
+4(2504 2525 2756 2735)
+4(2734 2735 2756 2755)
+4(2505 2526 2757 2736)
+4(2735 2736 2757 2756)
+4(2506 2527 2758 2737)
+4(2736 2737 2758 2757)
+4(2507 2528 2759 2738)
+4(2737 2738 2759 2758)
+4(2508 2529 2760 2739)
+4(2738 2739 2760 2759)
+4(2509 2530 2761 2740)
+4(2739 2740 2761 2760)
+4(2510 2531 2762 2741)
+4(2740 2741 2762 2761)
+4(2511 2532 2763 2742)
+4(2741 2742 2763 2762)
+4(2512 2533 2764 2743)
+4(2742 2743 2764 2763)
+4(2513 2534 2765 2744)
+4(2743 2744 2765 2764)
+4(2514 2535 2766 2745)
+4(2744 2745 2766 2765)
+4(2515 2536 2767 2746)
+4(2745 2746 2767 2766)
+4(2516 2537 2768 2747)
+4(2746 2747 2768 2767)
+4(2517 2538 2769 2748)
+4(2747 2748 2769 2768)
+4(2518 2539 2770 2749)
+4(2748 2749 2770 2769)
+4(2749 2750 2771 2770)
+4(2542 2563 2794 2773)
+4(2562 2793 2794 2563)
+4(2772 2773 2794 2793)
+4(2543 2564 2795 2774)
+4(2563 2794 2795 2564)
+4(2773 2774 2795 2794)
+4(2544 2565 2796 2775)
+4(2564 2795 2796 2565)
+4(2774 2775 2796 2795)
+4(2545 2566 2797 2776)
+4(2565 2796 2797 2566)
+4(2775 2776 2797 2796)
+4(2546 2567 2798 2777)
+4(2566 2797 2798 2567)
+4(2776 2777 2798 2797)
+4(2547 2568 2799 2778)
+4(2567 2798 2799 2568)
+4(2777 2778 2799 2798)
+4(2548 2569 2800 2779)
+4(2568 2799 2800 2569)
+4(2778 2779 2800 2799)
+4(2549 2570 2801 2780)
+4(2569 2800 2801 2570)
+4(2779 2780 2801 2800)
+4(2550 2571 2802 2781)
+4(2570 2801 2802 2571)
+4(2780 2781 2802 2801)
+4(2551 2572 2803 2782)
+4(2571 2802 2803 2572)
+4(2781 2782 2803 2802)
+4(2552 2573 2804 2783)
+4(2572 2803 2804 2573)
+4(2782 2783 2804 2803)
+4(2553 2574 2805 2784)
+4(2573 2804 2805 2574)
+4(2783 2784 2805 2804)
+4(2554 2575 2806 2785)
+4(2574 2805 2806 2575)
+4(2784 2785 2806 2805)
+4(2555 2576 2807 2786)
+4(2575 2806 2807 2576)
+4(2785 2786 2807 2806)
+4(2556 2577 2808 2787)
+4(2576 2807 2808 2577)
+4(2786 2787 2808 2807)
+4(2557 2578 2809 2788)
+4(2577 2808 2809 2578)
+4(2787 2788 2809 2808)
+4(2558 2579 2810 2789)
+4(2578 2809 2810 2579)
+4(2788 2789 2810 2809)
+4(2559 2580 2811 2790)
+4(2579 2810 2811 2580)
+4(2789 2790 2811 2810)
+4(2560 2581 2812 2791)
+4(2580 2811 2812 2581)
+4(2790 2791 2812 2811)
+4(2581 2812 2813 2582)
+4(2791 2792 2813 2812)
+4(2563 2584 2815 2794)
+4(2583 2814 2815 2584)
+4(2793 2794 2815 2814)
+4(2564 2585 2816 2795)
+4(2584 2815 2816 2585)
+4(2794 2795 2816 2815)
+4(2565 2586 2817 2796)
+4(2585 2816 2817 2586)
+4(2795 2796 2817 2816)
+4(2566 2587 2818 2797)
+4(2586 2817 2818 2587)
+4(2796 2797 2818 2817)
+4(2567 2588 2819 2798)
+4(2587 2818 2819 2588)
+4(2797 2798 2819 2818)
+4(2568 2589 2820 2799)
+4(2588 2819 2820 2589)
+4(2798 2799 2820 2819)
+4(2569 2590 2821 2800)
+4(2589 2820 2821 2590)
+4(2799 2800 2821 2820)
+4(2570 2591 2822 2801)
+4(2590 2821 2822 2591)
+4(2800 2801 2822 2821)
+4(2571 2592 2823 2802)
+4(2591 2822 2823 2592)
+4(2801 2802 2823 2822)
+4(2572 2593 2824 2803)
+4(2592 2823 2824 2593)
+4(2802 2803 2824 2823)
+4(2573 2594 2825 2804)
+4(2593 2824 2825 2594)
+4(2803 2804 2825 2824)
+4(2574 2595 2826 2805)
+4(2594 2825 2826 2595)
+4(2804 2805 2826 2825)
+4(2575 2596 2827 2806)
+4(2595 2826 2827 2596)
+4(2805 2806 2827 2826)
+4(2576 2597 2828 2807)
+4(2596 2827 2828 2597)
+4(2806 2807 2828 2827)
+4(2577 2598 2829 2808)
+4(2597 2828 2829 2598)
+4(2807 2808 2829 2828)
+4(2578 2599 2830 2809)
+4(2598 2829 2830 2599)
+4(2808 2809 2830 2829)
+4(2579 2600 2831 2810)
+4(2599 2830 2831 2600)
+4(2809 2810 2831 2830)
+4(2580 2601 2832 2811)
+4(2600 2831 2832 2601)
+4(2810 2811 2832 2831)
+4(2581 2602 2833 2812)
+4(2601 2832 2833 2602)
+4(2811 2812 2833 2832)
+4(2602 2833 2834 2603)
+4(2812 2813 2834 2833)
+4(2584 2605 2836 2815)
+4(2604 2835 2836 2605)
+4(2814 2815 2836 2835)
+4(2585 2606 2837 2816)
+4(2605 2836 2837 2606)
+4(2815 2816 2837 2836)
+4(2586 2607 2838 2817)
+4(2606 2837 2838 2607)
+4(2816 2817 2838 2837)
+4(2587 2608 2839 2818)
+4(2607 2838 2839 2608)
+4(2817 2818 2839 2838)
+4(2588 2609 2840 2819)
+4(2608 2839 2840 2609)
+4(2818 2819 2840 2839)
+4(2589 2610 2841 2820)
+4(2609 2840 2841 2610)
+4(2819 2820 2841 2840)
+4(2590 2611 2842 2821)
+4(2610 2841 2842 2611)
+4(2820 2821 2842 2841)
+4(2591 2612 2843 2822)
+4(2611 2842 2843 2612)
+4(2821 2822 2843 2842)
+4(2592 2613 2844 2823)
+4(2612 2843 2844 2613)
+4(2822 2823 2844 2843)
+4(2593 2614 2845 2824)
+4(2613 2844 2845 2614)
+4(2823 2824 2845 2844)
+4(2594 2615 2846 2825)
+4(2614 2845 2846 2615)
+4(2824 2825 2846 2845)
+4(2595 2616 2847 2826)
+4(2615 2846 2847 2616)
+4(2825 2826 2847 2846)
+4(2596 2617 2848 2827)
+4(2616 2847 2848 2617)
+4(2826 2827 2848 2847)
+4(2597 2618 2849 2828)
+4(2617 2848 2849 2618)
+4(2827 2828 2849 2848)
+4(2598 2619 2850 2829)
+4(2618 2849 2850 2619)
+4(2828 2829 2850 2849)
+4(2599 2620 2851 2830)
+4(2619 2850 2851 2620)
+4(2829 2830 2851 2850)
+4(2600 2621 2852 2831)
+4(2620 2851 2852 2621)
+4(2830 2831 2852 2851)
+4(2601 2622 2853 2832)
+4(2621 2852 2853 2622)
+4(2831 2832 2853 2852)
+4(2602 2623 2854 2833)
+4(2622 2853 2854 2623)
+4(2832 2833 2854 2853)
+4(2623 2854 2855 2624)
+4(2833 2834 2855 2854)
+4(2605 2626 2857 2836)
+4(2625 2856 2857 2626)
+4(2835 2836 2857 2856)
+4(2606 2627 2858 2837)
+4(2626 2857 2858 2627)
+4(2836 2837 2858 2857)
+4(2607 2628 2859 2838)
+4(2627 2858 2859 2628)
+4(2837 2838 2859 2858)
+4(2608 2629 2860 2839)
+4(2628 2859 2860 2629)
+4(2838 2839 2860 2859)
+4(2609 2630 2861 2840)
+4(2629 2860 2861 2630)
+4(2839 2840 2861 2860)
+4(2610 2631 2862 2841)
+4(2630 2861 2862 2631)
+4(2840 2841 2862 2861)
+4(2611 2632 2863 2842)
+4(2631 2862 2863 2632)
+4(2841 2842 2863 2862)
+4(2612 2633 2864 2843)
+4(2632 2863 2864 2633)
+4(2842 2843 2864 2863)
+4(2613 2634 2865 2844)
+4(2633 2864 2865 2634)
+4(2843 2844 2865 2864)
+4(2614 2635 2866 2845)
+4(2634 2865 2866 2635)
+4(2844 2845 2866 2865)
+4(2615 2636 2867 2846)
+4(2635 2866 2867 2636)
+4(2845 2846 2867 2866)
+4(2616 2637 2868 2847)
+4(2636 2867 2868 2637)
+4(2846 2847 2868 2867)
+4(2617 2638 2869 2848)
+4(2637 2868 2869 2638)
+4(2847 2848 2869 2868)
+4(2618 2639 2870 2849)
+4(2638 2869 2870 2639)
+4(2848 2849 2870 2869)
+4(2619 2640 2871 2850)
+4(2639 2870 2871 2640)
+4(2849 2850 2871 2870)
+4(2620 2641 2872 2851)
+4(2640 2871 2872 2641)
+4(2850 2851 2872 2871)
+4(2621 2642 2873 2852)
+4(2641 2872 2873 2642)
+4(2851 2852 2873 2872)
+4(2622 2643 2874 2853)
+4(2642 2873 2874 2643)
+4(2852 2853 2874 2873)
+4(2623 2644 2875 2854)
+4(2643 2874 2875 2644)
+4(2853 2854 2875 2874)
+4(2644 2875 2876 2645)
+4(2854 2855 2876 2875)
+4(2626 2647 2878 2857)
+4(2646 2877 2878 2647)
+4(2856 2857 2878 2877)
+4(2627 2648 2879 2858)
+4(2647 2878 2879 2648)
+4(2857 2858 2879 2878)
+4(2628 2649 2880 2859)
+4(2648 2879 2880 2649)
+4(2858 2859 2880 2879)
+4(2629 2650 2881 2860)
+4(2649 2880 2881 2650)
+4(2859 2860 2881 2880)
+4(2630 2651 2882 2861)
+4(2650 2881 2882 2651)
+4(2860 2861 2882 2881)
+4(2631 2652 2883 2862)
+4(2651 2882 2883 2652)
+4(2861 2862 2883 2882)
+4(2632 2653 2884 2863)
+4(2652 2883 2884 2653)
+4(2862 2863 2884 2883)
+4(2633 2654 2885 2864)
+4(2653 2884 2885 2654)
+4(2863 2864 2885 2884)
+4(2634 2655 2886 2865)
+4(2654 2885 2886 2655)
+4(2864 2865 2886 2885)
+4(2635 2656 2887 2866)
+4(2655 2886 2887 2656)
+4(2865 2866 2887 2886)
+4(2636 2657 2888 2867)
+4(2656 2887 2888 2657)
+4(2866 2867 2888 2887)
+4(2637 2658 2889 2868)
+4(2657 2888 2889 2658)
+4(2867 2868 2889 2888)
+4(2638 2659 2890 2869)
+4(2658 2889 2890 2659)
+4(2868 2869 2890 2889)
+4(2639 2660 2891 2870)
+4(2659 2890 2891 2660)
+4(2869 2870 2891 2890)
+4(2640 2661 2892 2871)
+4(2660 2891 2892 2661)
+4(2870 2871 2892 2891)
+4(2641 2662 2893 2872)
+4(2661 2892 2893 2662)
+4(2871 2872 2893 2892)
+4(2642 2663 2894 2873)
+4(2662 2893 2894 2663)
+4(2872 2873 2894 2893)
+4(2643 2664 2895 2874)
+4(2663 2894 2895 2664)
+4(2873 2874 2895 2894)
+4(2644 2665 2896 2875)
+4(2664 2895 2896 2665)
+4(2874 2875 2896 2895)
+4(2665 2896 2897 2666)
+4(2875 2876 2897 2896)
+4(2647 2668 2899 2878)
+4(2667 2898 2899 2668)
+4(2877 2878 2899 2898)
+4(2648 2669 2900 2879)
+4(2668 2899 2900 2669)
+4(2878 2879 2900 2899)
+4(2649 2670 2901 2880)
+4(2669 2900 2901 2670)
+4(2879 2880 2901 2900)
+4(2650 2671 2902 2881)
+4(2670 2901 2902 2671)
+4(2880 2881 2902 2901)
+4(2651 2672 2903 2882)
+4(2671 2902 2903 2672)
+4(2881 2882 2903 2902)
+4(2652 2673 2904 2883)
+4(2672 2903 2904 2673)
+4(2882 2883 2904 2903)
+4(2653 2674 2905 2884)
+4(2673 2904 2905 2674)
+4(2883 2884 2905 2904)
+4(2654 2675 2906 2885)
+4(2674 2905 2906 2675)
+4(2884 2885 2906 2905)
+4(2655 2676 2907 2886)
+4(2675 2906 2907 2676)
+4(2885 2886 2907 2906)
+4(2656 2677 2908 2887)
+4(2676 2907 2908 2677)
+4(2886 2887 2908 2907)
+4(2657 2678 2909 2888)
+4(2677 2908 2909 2678)
+4(2887 2888 2909 2908)
+4(2658 2679 2910 2889)
+4(2678 2909 2910 2679)
+4(2888 2889 2910 2909)
+4(2659 2680 2911 2890)
+4(2679 2910 2911 2680)
+4(2889 2890 2911 2910)
+4(2660 2681 2912 2891)
+4(2680 2911 2912 2681)
+4(2890 2891 2912 2911)
+4(2661 2682 2913 2892)
+4(2681 2912 2913 2682)
+4(2891 2892 2913 2912)
+4(2662 2683 2914 2893)
+4(2682 2913 2914 2683)
+4(2892 2893 2914 2913)
+4(2663 2684 2915 2894)
+4(2683 2914 2915 2684)
+4(2893 2894 2915 2914)
+4(2664 2685 2916 2895)
+4(2684 2915 2916 2685)
+4(2894 2895 2916 2915)
+4(2665 2686 2917 2896)
+4(2685 2916 2917 2686)
+4(2895 2896 2917 2916)
+4(2686 2917 2918 2687)
+4(2896 2897 2918 2917)
+4(2668 2689 2920 2899)
+4(2688 2919 2920 2689)
+4(2898 2899 2920 2919)
+4(2669 2690 2921 2900)
+4(2689 2920 2921 2690)
+4(2899 2900 2921 2920)
+4(2670 2691 2922 2901)
+4(2690 2921 2922 2691)
+4(2900 2901 2922 2921)
+4(2671 2692 2923 2902)
+4(2691 2922 2923 2692)
+4(2901 2902 2923 2922)
+4(2672 2693 2924 2903)
+4(2692 2923 2924 2693)
+4(2902 2903 2924 2923)
+4(2673 2694 2925 2904)
+4(2693 2924 2925 2694)
+4(2903 2904 2925 2924)
+4(2674 2695 2926 2905)
+4(2694 2925 2926 2695)
+4(2904 2905 2926 2925)
+4(2675 2696 2927 2906)
+4(2695 2926 2927 2696)
+4(2905 2906 2927 2926)
+4(2676 2697 2928 2907)
+4(2696 2927 2928 2697)
+4(2906 2907 2928 2927)
+4(2677 2698 2929 2908)
+4(2697 2928 2929 2698)
+4(2907 2908 2929 2928)
+4(2678 2699 2930 2909)
+4(2698 2929 2930 2699)
+4(2908 2909 2930 2929)
+4(2679 2700 2931 2910)
+4(2699 2930 2931 2700)
+4(2909 2910 2931 2930)
+4(2680 2701 2932 2911)
+4(2700 2931 2932 2701)
+4(2910 2911 2932 2931)
+4(2681 2702 2933 2912)
+4(2701 2932 2933 2702)
+4(2911 2912 2933 2932)
+4(2682 2703 2934 2913)
+4(2702 2933 2934 2703)
+4(2912 2913 2934 2933)
+4(2683 2704 2935 2914)
+4(2703 2934 2935 2704)
+4(2913 2914 2935 2934)
+4(2684 2705 2936 2915)
+4(2704 2935 2936 2705)
+4(2914 2915 2936 2935)
+4(2685 2706 2937 2916)
+4(2705 2936 2937 2706)
+4(2915 2916 2937 2936)
+4(2686 2707 2938 2917)
+4(2706 2937 2938 2707)
+4(2916 2917 2938 2937)
+4(2707 2938 2939 2708)
+4(2917 2918 2939 2938)
+4(2689 2710 2941 2920)
+4(2709 2940 2941 2710)
+4(2919 2920 2941 2940)
+4(2690 2711 2942 2921)
+4(2710 2941 2942 2711)
+4(2920 2921 2942 2941)
+4(2691 2712 2943 2922)
+4(2711 2942 2943 2712)
+4(2921 2922 2943 2942)
+4(2692 2713 2944 2923)
+4(2712 2943 2944 2713)
+4(2922 2923 2944 2943)
+4(2693 2714 2945 2924)
+4(2713 2944 2945 2714)
+4(2923 2924 2945 2944)
+4(2694 2715 2946 2925)
+4(2714 2945 2946 2715)
+4(2924 2925 2946 2945)
+4(2695 2716 2947 2926)
+4(2715 2946 2947 2716)
+4(2925 2926 2947 2946)
+4(2696 2717 2948 2927)
+4(2716 2947 2948 2717)
+4(2926 2927 2948 2947)
+4(2697 2718 2949 2928)
+4(2717 2948 2949 2718)
+4(2927 2928 2949 2948)
+4(2698 2719 2950 2929)
+4(2718 2949 2950 2719)
+4(2928 2929 2950 2949)
+4(2699 2720 2951 2930)
+4(2719 2950 2951 2720)
+4(2929 2930 2951 2950)
+4(2700 2721 2952 2931)
+4(2720 2951 2952 2721)
+4(2930 2931 2952 2951)
+4(2701 2722 2953 2932)
+4(2721 2952 2953 2722)
+4(2931 2932 2953 2952)
+4(2702 2723 2954 2933)
+4(2722 2953 2954 2723)
+4(2932 2933 2954 2953)
+4(2703 2724 2955 2934)
+4(2723 2954 2955 2724)
+4(2933 2934 2955 2954)
+4(2704 2725 2956 2935)
+4(2724 2955 2956 2725)
+4(2934 2935 2956 2955)
+4(2705 2726 2957 2936)
+4(2725 2956 2957 2726)
+4(2935 2936 2957 2956)
+4(2706 2727 2958 2937)
+4(2726 2957 2958 2727)
+4(2936 2937 2958 2957)
+4(2707 2728 2959 2938)
+4(2727 2958 2959 2728)
+4(2937 2938 2959 2958)
+4(2728 2959 2960 2729)
+4(2938 2939 2960 2959)
+4(2710 2731 2962 2941)
+4(2730 2961 2962 2731)
+4(2940 2941 2962 2961)
+4(2711 2732 2963 2942)
+4(2731 2962 2963 2732)
+4(2941 2942 2963 2962)
+4(2712 2733 2964 2943)
+4(2732 2963 2964 2733)
+4(2942 2943 2964 2963)
+4(2713 2734 2965 2944)
+4(2733 2964 2965 2734)
+4(2943 2944 2965 2964)
+4(2714 2735 2966 2945)
+4(2734 2965 2966 2735)
+4(2944 2945 2966 2965)
+4(2715 2736 2967 2946)
+4(2735 2966 2967 2736)
+4(2945 2946 2967 2966)
+4(2716 2737 2968 2947)
+4(2736 2967 2968 2737)
+4(2946 2947 2968 2967)
+4(2717 2738 2969 2948)
+4(2737 2968 2969 2738)
+4(2947 2948 2969 2968)
+4(2718 2739 2970 2949)
+4(2738 2969 2970 2739)
+4(2948 2949 2970 2969)
+4(2719 2740 2971 2950)
+4(2739 2970 2971 2740)
+4(2949 2950 2971 2970)
+4(2720 2741 2972 2951)
+4(2740 2971 2972 2741)
+4(2950 2951 2972 2971)
+4(2721 2742 2973 2952)
+4(2741 2972 2973 2742)
+4(2951 2952 2973 2972)
+4(2722 2743 2974 2953)
+4(2742 2973 2974 2743)
+4(2952 2953 2974 2973)
+4(2723 2744 2975 2954)
+4(2743 2974 2975 2744)
+4(2953 2954 2975 2974)
+4(2724 2745 2976 2955)
+4(2744 2975 2976 2745)
+4(2954 2955 2976 2975)
+4(2725 2746 2977 2956)
+4(2745 2976 2977 2746)
+4(2955 2956 2977 2976)
+4(2726 2747 2978 2957)
+4(2746 2977 2978 2747)
+4(2956 2957 2978 2977)
+4(2727 2748 2979 2958)
+4(2747 2978 2979 2748)
+4(2957 2958 2979 2978)
+4(2728 2749 2980 2959)
+4(2748 2979 2980 2749)
+4(2958 2959 2980 2979)
+4(2749 2980 2981 2750)
+4(2959 2960 2981 2980)
+4(2731 2752 2983 2962)
+4(2961 2962 2983 2982)
+4(2732 2753 2984 2963)
+4(2962 2963 2984 2983)
+4(2733 2754 2985 2964)
+4(2963 2964 2985 2984)
+4(2734 2755 2986 2965)
+4(2964 2965 2986 2985)
+4(2735 2756 2987 2966)
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+4(2736 2757 2988 2967)
+4(2966 2967 2988 2987)
+4(2737 2758 2989 2968)
+4(2967 2968 2989 2988)
+4(2738 2759 2990 2969)
+4(2968 2969 2990 2989)
+4(2739 2760 2991 2970)
+4(2969 2970 2991 2990)
+4(2740 2761 2992 2971)
+4(2970 2971 2992 2991)
+4(2741 2762 2993 2972)
+4(2971 2972 2993 2992)
+4(2742 2763 2994 2973)
+4(2972 2973 2994 2993)
+4(2743 2764 2995 2974)
+4(2973 2974 2995 2994)
+4(2744 2765 2996 2975)
+4(2974 2975 2996 2995)
+4(2745 2766 2997 2976)
+4(2975 2976 2997 2996)
+4(2746 2767 2998 2977)
+4(2976 2977 2998 2997)
+4(2747 2768 2999 2978)
+4(2977 2978 2999 2998)
+4(2748 2769 3000 2979)
+4(2978 2979 3000 2999)
+4(2749 2770 3001 2980)
+4(2979 2980 3001 3000)
+4(2980 2981 3002 3001)
+4(2773 2794 3025 3004)
+4(2793 3024 3025 2794)
+4(3003 3004 3025 3024)
+4(2774 2795 3026 3005)
+4(2794 3025 3026 2795)
+4(3004 3005 3026 3025)
+4(2775 2796 3027 3006)
+4(2795 3026 3027 2796)
+4(3005 3006 3027 3026)
+4(2776 2797 3028 3007)
+4(2796 3027 3028 2797)
+4(3006 3007 3028 3027)
+4(2777 2798 3029 3008)
+4(2797 3028 3029 2798)
+4(3007 3008 3029 3028)
+4(2778 2799 3030 3009)
+4(2798 3029 3030 2799)
+4(3008 3009 3030 3029)
+4(2779 2800 3031 3010)
+4(2799 3030 3031 2800)
+4(3009 3010 3031 3030)
+4(2780 2801 3032 3011)
+4(2800 3031 3032 2801)
+4(3010 3011 3032 3031)
+4(2781 2802 3033 3012)
+4(2801 3032 3033 2802)
+4(3011 3012 3033 3032)
+4(2782 2803 3034 3013)
+4(2802 3033 3034 2803)
+4(3012 3013 3034 3033)
+4(2783 2804 3035 3014)
+4(2803 3034 3035 2804)
+4(3013 3014 3035 3034)
+4(2784 2805 3036 3015)
+4(2804 3035 3036 2805)
+4(3014 3015 3036 3035)
+4(2785 2806 3037 3016)
+4(2805 3036 3037 2806)
+4(3015 3016 3037 3036)
+4(2786 2807 3038 3017)
+4(2806 3037 3038 2807)
+4(3016 3017 3038 3037)
+4(2787 2808 3039 3018)
+4(2807 3038 3039 2808)
+4(3017 3018 3039 3038)
+4(2788 2809 3040 3019)
+4(2808 3039 3040 2809)
+4(3018 3019 3040 3039)
+4(2789 2810 3041 3020)
+4(2809 3040 3041 2810)
+4(3019 3020 3041 3040)
+4(2790 2811 3042 3021)
+4(2810 3041 3042 2811)
+4(3020 3021 3042 3041)
+4(2791 2812 3043 3022)
+4(2811 3042 3043 2812)
+4(3021 3022 3043 3042)
+4(2812 3043 3044 2813)
+4(3022 3023 3044 3043)
+4(2794 2815 3046 3025)
+4(2814 3045 3046 2815)
+4(3024 3025 3046 3045)
+4(2795 2816 3047 3026)
+4(2815 3046 3047 2816)
+4(3025 3026 3047 3046)
+4(2796 2817 3048 3027)
+4(2816 3047 3048 2817)
+4(3026 3027 3048 3047)
+4(2797 2818 3049 3028)
+4(2817 3048 3049 2818)
+4(3027 3028 3049 3048)
+4(2798 2819 3050 3029)
+4(2818 3049 3050 2819)
+4(3028 3029 3050 3049)
+4(2799 2820 3051 3030)
+4(2819 3050 3051 2820)
+4(3029 3030 3051 3050)
+4(2800 2821 3052 3031)
+4(2820 3051 3052 2821)
+4(3030 3031 3052 3051)
+4(2801 2822 3053 3032)
+4(2821 3052 3053 2822)
+4(3031 3032 3053 3052)
+4(2802 2823 3054 3033)
+4(2822 3053 3054 2823)
+4(3032 3033 3054 3053)
+4(2803 2824 3055 3034)
+4(2823 3054 3055 2824)
+4(3033 3034 3055 3054)
+4(2804 2825 3056 3035)
+4(2824 3055 3056 2825)
+4(3034 3035 3056 3055)
+4(2805 2826 3057 3036)
+4(2825 3056 3057 2826)
+4(3035 3036 3057 3056)
+4(2806 2827 3058 3037)
+4(2826 3057 3058 2827)
+4(3036 3037 3058 3057)
+4(2807 2828 3059 3038)
+4(2827 3058 3059 2828)
+4(3037 3038 3059 3058)
+4(2808 2829 3060 3039)
+4(2828 3059 3060 2829)
+4(3038 3039 3060 3059)
+4(2809 2830 3061 3040)
+4(2829 3060 3061 2830)
+4(3039 3040 3061 3060)
+4(2810 2831 3062 3041)
+4(2830 3061 3062 2831)
+4(3040 3041 3062 3061)
+4(2811 2832 3063 3042)
+4(2831 3062 3063 2832)
+4(3041 3042 3063 3062)
+4(2812 2833 3064 3043)
+4(2832 3063 3064 2833)
+4(3042 3043 3064 3063)
+4(2833 3064 3065 2834)
+4(3043 3044 3065 3064)
+4(2815 2836 3067 3046)
+4(2835 3066 3067 2836)
+4(3045 3046 3067 3066)
+4(2816 2837 3068 3047)
+4(2836 3067 3068 2837)
+4(3046 3047 3068 3067)
+4(2817 2838 3069 3048)
+4(2837 3068 3069 2838)
+4(3047 3048 3069 3068)
+4(2818 2839 3070 3049)
+4(2838 3069 3070 2839)
+4(3048 3049 3070 3069)
+4(2819 2840 3071 3050)
+4(2839 3070 3071 2840)
+4(3049 3050 3071 3070)
+4(2820 2841 3072 3051)
+4(2840 3071 3072 2841)
+4(3050 3051 3072 3071)
+4(2821 2842 3073 3052)
+4(2841 3072 3073 2842)
+4(3051 3052 3073 3072)
+4(2822 2843 3074 3053)
+4(2842 3073 3074 2843)
+4(3052 3053 3074 3073)
+4(2823 2844 3075 3054)
+4(2843 3074 3075 2844)
+4(3053 3054 3075 3074)
+4(2824 2845 3076 3055)
+4(2844 3075 3076 2845)
+4(3054 3055 3076 3075)
+4(2825 2846 3077 3056)
+4(2845 3076 3077 2846)
+4(3055 3056 3077 3076)
+4(2826 2847 3078 3057)
+4(2846 3077 3078 2847)
+4(3056 3057 3078 3077)
+4(2827 2848 3079 3058)
+4(2847 3078 3079 2848)
+4(3057 3058 3079 3078)
+4(2828 2849 3080 3059)
+4(2848 3079 3080 2849)
+4(3058 3059 3080 3079)
+4(2829 2850 3081 3060)
+4(2849 3080 3081 2850)
+4(3059 3060 3081 3080)
+4(2830 2851 3082 3061)
+4(2850 3081 3082 2851)
+4(3060 3061 3082 3081)
+4(2831 2852 3083 3062)
+4(2851 3082 3083 2852)
+4(3061 3062 3083 3082)
+4(2832 2853 3084 3063)
+4(2852 3083 3084 2853)
+4(3062 3063 3084 3083)
+4(2833 2854 3085 3064)
+4(2853 3084 3085 2854)
+4(3063 3064 3085 3084)
+4(2854 3085 3086 2855)
+4(3064 3065 3086 3085)
+4(2836 2857 3088 3067)
+4(2856 3087 3088 2857)
+4(3066 3067 3088 3087)
+4(2837 2858 3089 3068)
+4(2857 3088 3089 2858)
+4(3067 3068 3089 3088)
+4(2838 2859 3090 3069)
+4(2858 3089 3090 2859)
+4(3068 3069 3090 3089)
+4(2839 2860 3091 3070)
+4(2859 3090 3091 2860)
+4(3069 3070 3091 3090)
+4(2840 2861 3092 3071)
+4(2860 3091 3092 2861)
+4(3070 3071 3092 3091)
+4(2841 2862 3093 3072)
+4(2861 3092 3093 2862)
+4(3071 3072 3093 3092)
+4(2842 2863 3094 3073)
+4(2862 3093 3094 2863)
+4(3072 3073 3094 3093)
+4(2843 2864 3095 3074)
+4(2863 3094 3095 2864)
+4(3073 3074 3095 3094)
+4(2844 2865 3096 3075)
+4(2864 3095 3096 2865)
+4(3074 3075 3096 3095)
+4(2845 2866 3097 3076)
+4(2865 3096 3097 2866)
+4(3075 3076 3097 3096)
+4(2846 2867 3098 3077)
+4(2866 3097 3098 2867)
+4(3076 3077 3098 3097)
+4(2847 2868 3099 3078)
+4(2867 3098 3099 2868)
+4(3077 3078 3099 3098)
+4(2848 2869 3100 3079)
+4(2868 3099 3100 2869)
+4(3078 3079 3100 3099)
+4(2849 2870 3101 3080)
+4(2869 3100 3101 2870)
+4(3079 3080 3101 3100)
+4(2850 2871 3102 3081)
+4(2870 3101 3102 2871)
+4(3080 3081 3102 3101)
+4(2851 2872 3103 3082)
+4(2871 3102 3103 2872)
+4(3081 3082 3103 3102)
+4(2852 2873 3104 3083)
+4(2872 3103 3104 2873)
+4(3082 3083 3104 3103)
+4(2853 2874 3105 3084)
+4(2873 3104 3105 2874)
+4(3083 3084 3105 3104)
+4(2854 2875 3106 3085)
+4(2874 3105 3106 2875)
+4(3084 3085 3106 3105)
+4(2875 3106 3107 2876)
+4(3085 3086 3107 3106)
+4(2857 2878 3109 3088)
+4(2877 3108 3109 2878)
+4(3087 3088 3109 3108)
+4(2858 2879 3110 3089)
+4(2878 3109 3110 2879)
+4(3088 3089 3110 3109)
+4(2859 2880 3111 3090)
+4(2879 3110 3111 2880)
+4(3089 3090 3111 3110)
+4(2860 2881 3112 3091)
+4(2880 3111 3112 2881)
+4(3090 3091 3112 3111)
+4(2861 2882 3113 3092)
+4(2881 3112 3113 2882)
+4(3091 3092 3113 3112)
+4(2862 2883 3114 3093)
+4(2882 3113 3114 2883)
+4(3092 3093 3114 3113)
+4(2863 2884 3115 3094)
+4(2883 3114 3115 2884)
+4(3093 3094 3115 3114)
+4(2864 2885 3116 3095)
+4(2884 3115 3116 2885)
+4(3094 3095 3116 3115)
+4(2865 2886 3117 3096)
+4(2885 3116 3117 2886)
+4(3095 3096 3117 3116)
+4(2866 2887 3118 3097)
+4(2886 3117 3118 2887)
+4(3096 3097 3118 3117)
+4(2867 2888 3119 3098)
+4(2887 3118 3119 2888)
+4(3097 3098 3119 3118)
+4(2868 2889 3120 3099)
+4(2888 3119 3120 2889)
+4(3098 3099 3120 3119)
+4(2869 2890 3121 3100)
+4(2889 3120 3121 2890)
+4(3099 3100 3121 3120)
+4(2870 2891 3122 3101)
+4(2890 3121 3122 2891)
+4(3100 3101 3122 3121)
+4(2871 2892 3123 3102)
+4(2891 3122 3123 2892)
+4(3101 3102 3123 3122)
+4(2872 2893 3124 3103)
+4(2892 3123 3124 2893)
+4(3102 3103 3124 3123)
+4(2873 2894 3125 3104)
+4(2893 3124 3125 2894)
+4(3103 3104 3125 3124)
+4(2874 2895 3126 3105)
+4(2894 3125 3126 2895)
+4(3104 3105 3126 3125)
+4(2875 2896 3127 3106)
+4(2895 3126 3127 2896)
+4(3105 3106 3127 3126)
+4(2896 3127 3128 2897)
+4(3106 3107 3128 3127)
+4(2878 2899 3130 3109)
+4(2898 3129 3130 2899)
+4(3108 3109 3130 3129)
+4(2879 2900 3131 3110)
+4(2899 3130 3131 2900)
+4(3109 3110 3131 3130)
+4(2880 2901 3132 3111)
+4(2900 3131 3132 2901)
+4(3110 3111 3132 3131)
+4(2881 2902 3133 3112)
+4(2901 3132 3133 2902)
+4(3111 3112 3133 3132)
+4(2882 2903 3134 3113)
+4(2902 3133 3134 2903)
+4(3112 3113 3134 3133)
+4(2883 2904 3135 3114)
+4(2903 3134 3135 2904)
+4(3113 3114 3135 3134)
+4(2884 2905 3136 3115)
+4(2904 3135 3136 2905)
+4(3114 3115 3136 3135)
+4(2885 2906 3137 3116)
+4(2905 3136 3137 2906)
+4(3115 3116 3137 3136)
+4(2886 2907 3138 3117)
+4(2906 3137 3138 2907)
+4(3116 3117 3138 3137)
+4(2887 2908 3139 3118)
+4(2907 3138 3139 2908)
+4(3117 3118 3139 3138)
+4(2888 2909 3140 3119)
+4(2908 3139 3140 2909)
+4(3118 3119 3140 3139)
+4(2889 2910 3141 3120)
+4(2909 3140 3141 2910)
+4(3119 3120 3141 3140)
+4(2890 2911 3142 3121)
+4(2910 3141 3142 2911)
+4(3120 3121 3142 3141)
+4(2891 2912 3143 3122)
+4(2911 3142 3143 2912)
+4(3121 3122 3143 3142)
+4(2892 2913 3144 3123)
+4(2912 3143 3144 2913)
+4(3122 3123 3144 3143)
+4(2893 2914 3145 3124)
+4(2913 3144 3145 2914)
+4(3123 3124 3145 3144)
+4(2894 2915 3146 3125)
+4(2914 3145 3146 2915)
+4(3124 3125 3146 3145)
+4(2895 2916 3147 3126)
+4(2915 3146 3147 2916)
+4(3125 3126 3147 3146)
+4(2896 2917 3148 3127)
+4(2916 3147 3148 2917)
+4(3126 3127 3148 3147)
+4(2917 3148 3149 2918)
+4(3127 3128 3149 3148)
+4(2899 2920 3151 3130)
+4(2919 3150 3151 2920)
+4(3129 3130 3151 3150)
+4(2900 2921 3152 3131)
+4(2920 3151 3152 2921)
+4(3130 3131 3152 3151)
+4(2901 2922 3153 3132)
+4(2921 3152 3153 2922)
+4(3131 3132 3153 3152)
+4(2902 2923 3154 3133)
+4(2922 3153 3154 2923)
+4(3132 3133 3154 3153)
+4(2903 2924 3155 3134)
+4(2923 3154 3155 2924)
+4(3133 3134 3155 3154)
+4(2904 2925 3156 3135)
+4(2924 3155 3156 2925)
+4(3134 3135 3156 3155)
+4(2905 2926 3157 3136)
+4(2925 3156 3157 2926)
+4(3135 3136 3157 3156)
+4(2906 2927 3158 3137)
+4(2926 3157 3158 2927)
+4(3136 3137 3158 3157)
+4(2907 2928 3159 3138)
+4(2927 3158 3159 2928)
+4(3137 3138 3159 3158)
+4(2908 2929 3160 3139)
+4(2928 3159 3160 2929)
+4(3138 3139 3160 3159)
+4(2909 2930 3161 3140)
+4(2929 3160 3161 2930)
+4(3139 3140 3161 3160)
+4(2910 2931 3162 3141)
+4(2930 3161 3162 2931)
+4(3140 3141 3162 3161)
+4(2911 2932 3163 3142)
+4(2931 3162 3163 2932)
+4(3141 3142 3163 3162)
+4(2912 2933 3164 3143)
+4(2932 3163 3164 2933)
+4(3142 3143 3164 3163)
+4(2913 2934 3165 3144)
+4(2933 3164 3165 2934)
+4(3143 3144 3165 3164)
+4(2914 2935 3166 3145)
+4(2934 3165 3166 2935)
+4(3144 3145 3166 3165)
+4(2915 2936 3167 3146)
+4(2935 3166 3167 2936)
+4(3145 3146 3167 3166)
+4(2916 2937 3168 3147)
+4(2936 3167 3168 2937)
+4(3146 3147 3168 3167)
+4(2917 2938 3169 3148)
+4(2937 3168 3169 2938)
+4(3147 3148 3169 3168)
+4(2938 3169 3170 2939)
+4(3148 3149 3170 3169)
+4(2920 2941 3172 3151)
+4(2940 3171 3172 2941)
+4(3150 3151 3172 3171)
+4(2921 2942 3173 3152)
+4(2941 3172 3173 2942)
+4(3151 3152 3173 3172)
+4(2922 2943 3174 3153)
+4(2942 3173 3174 2943)
+4(3152 3153 3174 3173)
+4(2923 2944 3175 3154)
+4(2943 3174 3175 2944)
+4(3153 3154 3175 3174)
+4(2924 2945 3176 3155)
+4(2944 3175 3176 2945)
+4(3154 3155 3176 3175)
+4(2925 2946 3177 3156)
+4(2945 3176 3177 2946)
+4(3155 3156 3177 3176)
+4(2926 2947 3178 3157)
+4(2946 3177 3178 2947)
+4(3156 3157 3178 3177)
+4(2927 2948 3179 3158)
+4(2947 3178 3179 2948)
+4(3157 3158 3179 3178)
+4(2928 2949 3180 3159)
+4(2948 3179 3180 2949)
+4(3158 3159 3180 3179)
+4(2929 2950 3181 3160)
+4(2949 3180 3181 2950)
+4(3159 3160 3181 3180)
+4(2930 2951 3182 3161)
+4(2950 3181 3182 2951)
+4(3160 3161 3182 3181)
+4(2931 2952 3183 3162)
+4(2951 3182 3183 2952)
+4(3161 3162 3183 3182)
+4(2932 2953 3184 3163)
+4(2952 3183 3184 2953)
+4(3162 3163 3184 3183)
+4(2933 2954 3185 3164)
+4(2953 3184 3185 2954)
+4(3163 3164 3185 3184)
+4(2934 2955 3186 3165)
+4(2954 3185 3186 2955)
+4(3164 3165 3186 3185)
+4(2935 2956 3187 3166)
+4(2955 3186 3187 2956)
+4(3165 3166 3187 3186)
+4(2936 2957 3188 3167)
+4(2956 3187 3188 2957)
+4(3166 3167 3188 3187)
+4(2937 2958 3189 3168)
+4(2957 3188 3189 2958)
+4(3167 3168 3189 3188)
+4(2938 2959 3190 3169)
+4(2958 3189 3190 2959)
+4(3168 3169 3190 3189)
+4(2959 3190 3191 2960)
+4(3169 3170 3191 3190)
+4(2941 2962 3193 3172)
+4(2961 3192 3193 2962)
+4(3171 3172 3193 3192)
+4(2942 2963 3194 3173)
+4(2962 3193 3194 2963)
+4(3172 3173 3194 3193)
+4(2943 2964 3195 3174)
+4(2963 3194 3195 2964)
+4(3173 3174 3195 3194)
+4(2944 2965 3196 3175)
+4(2964 3195 3196 2965)
+4(3174 3175 3196 3195)
+4(2945 2966 3197 3176)
+4(2965 3196 3197 2966)
+4(3175 3176 3197 3196)
+4(2946 2967 3198 3177)
+4(2966 3197 3198 2967)
+4(3176 3177 3198 3197)
+4(2947 2968 3199 3178)
+4(2967 3198 3199 2968)
+4(3177 3178 3199 3198)
+4(2948 2969 3200 3179)
+4(2968 3199 3200 2969)
+4(3178 3179 3200 3199)
+4(2949 2970 3201 3180)
+4(2969 3200 3201 2970)
+4(3179 3180 3201 3200)
+4(2950 2971 3202 3181)
+4(2970 3201 3202 2971)
+4(3180 3181 3202 3201)
+4(2951 2972 3203 3182)
+4(2971 3202 3203 2972)
+4(3181 3182 3203 3202)
+4(2952 2973 3204 3183)
+4(2972 3203 3204 2973)
+4(3182 3183 3204 3203)
+4(2953 2974 3205 3184)
+4(2973 3204 3205 2974)
+4(3183 3184 3205 3204)
+4(2954 2975 3206 3185)
+4(2974 3205 3206 2975)
+4(3184 3185 3206 3205)
+4(2955 2976 3207 3186)
+4(2975 3206 3207 2976)
+4(3185 3186 3207 3206)
+4(2956 2977 3208 3187)
+4(2976 3207 3208 2977)
+4(3186 3187 3208 3207)
+4(2957 2978 3209 3188)
+4(2977 3208 3209 2978)
+4(3187 3188 3209 3208)
+4(2958 2979 3210 3189)
+4(2978 3209 3210 2979)
+4(3188 3189 3210 3209)
+4(2959 2980 3211 3190)
+4(2979 3210 3211 2980)
+4(3189 3190 3211 3210)
+4(2980 3211 3212 2981)
+4(3190 3191 3212 3211)
+4(2962 2983 3214 3193)
+4(3192 3193 3214 3213)
+4(2963 2984 3215 3194)
+4(3193 3194 3215 3214)
+4(2964 2985 3216 3195)
+4(3194 3195 3216 3215)
+4(2965 2986 3217 3196)
+4(3195 3196 3217 3216)
+4(2966 2987 3218 3197)
+4(3196 3197 3218 3217)
+4(2967 2988 3219 3198)
+4(3197 3198 3219 3218)
+4(2968 2989 3220 3199)
+4(3198 3199 3220 3219)
+4(2969 2990 3221 3200)
+4(3199 3200 3221 3220)
+4(2970 2991 3222 3201)
+4(3200 3201 3222 3221)
+4(2971 2992 3223 3202)
+4(3201 3202 3223 3222)
+4(2972 2993 3224 3203)
+4(3202 3203 3224 3223)
+4(2973 2994 3225 3204)
+4(3203 3204 3225 3224)
+4(2974 2995 3226 3205)
+4(3204 3205 3226 3225)
+4(2975 2996 3227 3206)
+4(3205 3206 3227 3226)
+4(2976 2997 3228 3207)
+4(3206 3207 3228 3227)
+4(2977 2998 3229 3208)
+4(3207 3208 3229 3228)
+4(2978 2999 3230 3209)
+4(3208 3209 3230 3229)
+4(2979 3000 3231 3210)
+4(3209 3210 3231 3230)
+4(2980 3001 3232 3211)
+4(3210 3211 3232 3231)
+4(3211 3212 3233 3232)
+4(3004 3025 3256 3235)
+4(3024 3255 3256 3025)
+4(3234 3235 3256 3255)
+4(3005 3026 3257 3236)
+4(3025 3256 3257 3026)
+4(3235 3236 3257 3256)
+4(3006 3027 3258 3237)
+4(3026 3257 3258 3027)
+4(3236 3237 3258 3257)
+4(3007 3028 3259 3238)
+4(3027 3258 3259 3028)
+4(3237 3238 3259 3258)
+4(3008 3029 3260 3239)
+4(3028 3259 3260 3029)
+4(3238 3239 3260 3259)
+4(3009 3030 3261 3240)
+4(3029 3260 3261 3030)
+4(3239 3240 3261 3260)
+4(3010 3031 3262 3241)
+4(3030 3261 3262 3031)
+4(3240 3241 3262 3261)
+4(3011 3032 3263 3242)
+4(3031 3262 3263 3032)
+4(3241 3242 3263 3262)
+4(3012 3033 3264 3243)
+4(3032 3263 3264 3033)
+4(3242 3243 3264 3263)
+4(3013 3034 3265 3244)
+4(3033 3264 3265 3034)
+4(3243 3244 3265 3264)
+4(3014 3035 3266 3245)
+4(3034 3265 3266 3035)
+4(3244 3245 3266 3265)
+4(3015 3036 3267 3246)
+4(3035 3266 3267 3036)
+4(3245 3246 3267 3266)
+4(3016 3037 3268 3247)
+4(3036 3267 3268 3037)
+4(3246 3247 3268 3267)
+4(3017 3038 3269 3248)
+4(3037 3268 3269 3038)
+4(3247 3248 3269 3268)
+4(3018 3039 3270 3249)
+4(3038 3269 3270 3039)
+4(3248 3249 3270 3269)
+4(3019 3040 3271 3250)
+4(3039 3270 3271 3040)
+4(3249 3250 3271 3270)
+4(3020 3041 3272 3251)
+4(3040 3271 3272 3041)
+4(3250 3251 3272 3271)
+4(3021 3042 3273 3252)
+4(3041 3272 3273 3042)
+4(3251 3252 3273 3272)
+4(3022 3043 3274 3253)
+4(3042 3273 3274 3043)
+4(3252 3253 3274 3273)
+4(3043 3274 3275 3044)
+4(3253 3254 3275 3274)
+4(3025 3046 3277 3256)
+4(3045 3276 3277 3046)
+4(3255 3256 3277 3276)
+4(3026 3047 3278 3257)
+4(3046 3277 3278 3047)
+4(3256 3257 3278 3277)
+4(3027 3048 3279 3258)
+4(3047 3278 3279 3048)
+4(3257 3258 3279 3278)
+4(3028 3049 3280 3259)
+4(3048 3279 3280 3049)
+4(3258 3259 3280 3279)
+4(3029 3050 3281 3260)
+4(3049 3280 3281 3050)
+4(3259 3260 3281 3280)
+4(3030 3051 3282 3261)
+4(3050 3281 3282 3051)
+4(3260 3261 3282 3281)
+4(3031 3052 3283 3262)
+4(3051 3282 3283 3052)
+4(3261 3262 3283 3282)
+4(3032 3053 3284 3263)
+4(3052 3283 3284 3053)
+4(3262 3263 3284 3283)
+4(3033 3054 3285 3264)
+4(3053 3284 3285 3054)
+4(3263 3264 3285 3284)
+4(3034 3055 3286 3265)
+4(3054 3285 3286 3055)
+4(3264 3265 3286 3285)
+4(3035 3056 3287 3266)
+4(3055 3286 3287 3056)
+4(3265 3266 3287 3286)
+4(3036 3057 3288 3267)
+4(3056 3287 3288 3057)
+4(3266 3267 3288 3287)
+4(3037 3058 3289 3268)
+4(3057 3288 3289 3058)
+4(3267 3268 3289 3288)
+4(3038 3059 3290 3269)
+4(3058 3289 3290 3059)
+4(3268 3269 3290 3289)
+4(3039 3060 3291 3270)
+4(3059 3290 3291 3060)
+4(3269 3270 3291 3290)
+4(3040 3061 3292 3271)
+4(3060 3291 3292 3061)
+4(3270 3271 3292 3291)
+4(3041 3062 3293 3272)
+4(3061 3292 3293 3062)
+4(3271 3272 3293 3292)
+4(3042 3063 3294 3273)
+4(3062 3293 3294 3063)
+4(3272 3273 3294 3293)
+4(3043 3064 3295 3274)
+4(3063 3294 3295 3064)
+4(3273 3274 3295 3294)
+4(3064 3295 3296 3065)
+4(3274 3275 3296 3295)
+4(3046 3067 3298 3277)
+4(3066 3297 3298 3067)
+4(3276 3277 3298 3297)
+4(3047 3068 3299 3278)
+4(3067 3298 3299 3068)
+4(3277 3278 3299 3298)
+4(3048 3069 3300 3279)
+4(3068 3299 3300 3069)
+4(3278 3279 3300 3299)
+4(3049 3070 3301 3280)
+4(3069 3300 3301 3070)
+4(3279 3280 3301 3300)
+4(3050 3071 3302 3281)
+4(3070 3301 3302 3071)
+4(3280 3281 3302 3301)
+4(3051 3072 3303 3282)
+4(3071 3302 3303 3072)
+4(3281 3282 3303 3302)
+4(3052 3073 3304 3283)
+4(3072 3303 3304 3073)
+4(3282 3283 3304 3303)
+4(3053 3074 3305 3284)
+4(3073 3304 3305 3074)
+4(3283 3284 3305 3304)
+4(3054 3075 3306 3285)
+4(3074 3305 3306 3075)
+4(3284 3285 3306 3305)
+4(3055 3076 3307 3286)
+4(3075 3306 3307 3076)
+4(3285 3286 3307 3306)
+4(3056 3077 3308 3287)
+4(3076 3307 3308 3077)
+4(3286 3287 3308 3307)
+4(3057 3078 3309 3288)
+4(3077 3308 3309 3078)
+4(3287 3288 3309 3308)
+4(3058 3079 3310 3289)
+4(3078 3309 3310 3079)
+4(3288 3289 3310 3309)
+4(3059 3080 3311 3290)
+4(3079 3310 3311 3080)
+4(3289 3290 3311 3310)
+4(3060 3081 3312 3291)
+4(3080 3311 3312 3081)
+4(3290 3291 3312 3311)
+4(3061 3082 3313 3292)
+4(3081 3312 3313 3082)
+4(3291 3292 3313 3312)
+4(3062 3083 3314 3293)
+4(3082 3313 3314 3083)
+4(3292 3293 3314 3313)
+4(3063 3084 3315 3294)
+4(3083 3314 3315 3084)
+4(3293 3294 3315 3314)
+4(3064 3085 3316 3295)
+4(3084 3315 3316 3085)
+4(3294 3295 3316 3315)
+4(3085 3316 3317 3086)
+4(3295 3296 3317 3316)
+4(3067 3088 3319 3298)
+4(3087 3318 3319 3088)
+4(3297 3298 3319 3318)
+4(3068 3089 3320 3299)
+4(3088 3319 3320 3089)
+4(3298 3299 3320 3319)
+4(3069 3090 3321 3300)
+4(3089 3320 3321 3090)
+4(3299 3300 3321 3320)
+4(3070 3091 3322 3301)
+4(3090 3321 3322 3091)
+4(3300 3301 3322 3321)
+4(3071 3092 3323 3302)
+4(3091 3322 3323 3092)
+4(3301 3302 3323 3322)
+4(3072 3093 3324 3303)
+4(3092 3323 3324 3093)
+4(3302 3303 3324 3323)
+4(3073 3094 3325 3304)
+4(3093 3324 3325 3094)
+4(3303 3304 3325 3324)
+4(3074 3095 3326 3305)
+4(3094 3325 3326 3095)
+4(3304 3305 3326 3325)
+4(3075 3096 3327 3306)
+4(3095 3326 3327 3096)
+4(3305 3306 3327 3326)
+4(3076 3097 3328 3307)
+4(3096 3327 3328 3097)
+4(3306 3307 3328 3327)
+4(3077 3098 3329 3308)
+4(3097 3328 3329 3098)
+4(3307 3308 3329 3328)
+4(3078 3099 3330 3309)
+4(3098 3329 3330 3099)
+4(3308 3309 3330 3329)
+4(3079 3100 3331 3310)
+4(3099 3330 3331 3100)
+4(3309 3310 3331 3330)
+4(3080 3101 3332 3311)
+4(3100 3331 3332 3101)
+4(3310 3311 3332 3331)
+4(3081 3102 3333 3312)
+4(3101 3332 3333 3102)
+4(3311 3312 3333 3332)
+4(3082 3103 3334 3313)
+4(3102 3333 3334 3103)
+4(3312 3313 3334 3333)
+4(3083 3104 3335 3314)
+4(3103 3334 3335 3104)
+4(3313 3314 3335 3334)
+4(3084 3105 3336 3315)
+4(3104 3335 3336 3105)
+4(3314 3315 3336 3335)
+4(3085 3106 3337 3316)
+4(3105 3336 3337 3106)
+4(3315 3316 3337 3336)
+4(3106 3337 3338 3107)
+4(3316 3317 3338 3337)
+4(3088 3109 3340 3319)
+4(3108 3339 3340 3109)
+4(3318 3319 3340 3339)
+4(3089 3110 3341 3320)
+4(3109 3340 3341 3110)
+4(3319 3320 3341 3340)
+4(3090 3111 3342 3321)
+4(3110 3341 3342 3111)
+4(3320 3321 3342 3341)
+4(3091 3112 3343 3322)
+4(3111 3342 3343 3112)
+4(3321 3322 3343 3342)
+4(3092 3113 3344 3323)
+4(3112 3343 3344 3113)
+4(3322 3323 3344 3343)
+4(3093 3114 3345 3324)
+4(3113 3344 3345 3114)
+4(3323 3324 3345 3344)
+4(3094 3115 3346 3325)
+4(3114 3345 3346 3115)
+4(3324 3325 3346 3345)
+4(3095 3116 3347 3326)
+4(3115 3346 3347 3116)
+4(3325 3326 3347 3346)
+4(3096 3117 3348 3327)
+4(3116 3347 3348 3117)
+4(3326 3327 3348 3347)
+4(3097 3118 3349 3328)
+4(3117 3348 3349 3118)
+4(3327 3328 3349 3348)
+4(3098 3119 3350 3329)
+4(3118 3349 3350 3119)
+4(3328 3329 3350 3349)
+4(3099 3120 3351 3330)
+4(3119 3350 3351 3120)
+4(3329 3330 3351 3350)
+4(3100 3121 3352 3331)
+4(3120 3351 3352 3121)
+4(3330 3331 3352 3351)
+4(3101 3122 3353 3332)
+4(3121 3352 3353 3122)
+4(3331 3332 3353 3352)
+4(3102 3123 3354 3333)
+4(3122 3353 3354 3123)
+4(3332 3333 3354 3353)
+4(3103 3124 3355 3334)
+4(3123 3354 3355 3124)
+4(3333 3334 3355 3354)
+4(3104 3125 3356 3335)
+4(3124 3355 3356 3125)
+4(3334 3335 3356 3355)
+4(3105 3126 3357 3336)
+4(3125 3356 3357 3126)
+4(3335 3336 3357 3356)
+4(3106 3127 3358 3337)
+4(3126 3357 3358 3127)
+4(3336 3337 3358 3357)
+4(3127 3358 3359 3128)
+4(3337 3338 3359 3358)
+4(3109 3130 3361 3340)
+4(3129 3360 3361 3130)
+4(3339 3340 3361 3360)
+4(3110 3131 3362 3341)
+4(3130 3361 3362 3131)
+4(3340 3341 3362 3361)
+4(3111 3132 3363 3342)
+4(3131 3362 3363 3132)
+4(3341 3342 3363 3362)
+4(3112 3133 3364 3343)
+4(3132 3363 3364 3133)
+4(3342 3343 3364 3363)
+4(3113 3134 3365 3344)
+4(3133 3364 3365 3134)
+4(3343 3344 3365 3364)
+4(3114 3135 3366 3345)
+4(3134 3365 3366 3135)
+4(3344 3345 3366 3365)
+4(3115 3136 3367 3346)
+4(3135 3366 3367 3136)
+4(3345 3346 3367 3366)
+4(3116 3137 3368 3347)
+4(3136 3367 3368 3137)
+4(3346 3347 3368 3367)
+4(3117 3138 3369 3348)
+4(3137 3368 3369 3138)
+4(3347 3348 3369 3368)
+4(3118 3139 3370 3349)
+4(3138 3369 3370 3139)
+4(3348 3349 3370 3369)
+4(3119 3140 3371 3350)
+4(3139 3370 3371 3140)
+4(3349 3350 3371 3370)
+4(3120 3141 3372 3351)
+4(3140 3371 3372 3141)
+4(3350 3351 3372 3371)
+4(3121 3142 3373 3352)
+4(3141 3372 3373 3142)
+4(3351 3352 3373 3372)
+4(3122 3143 3374 3353)
+4(3142 3373 3374 3143)
+4(3352 3353 3374 3373)
+4(3123 3144 3375 3354)
+4(3143 3374 3375 3144)
+4(3353 3354 3375 3374)
+4(3124 3145 3376 3355)
+4(3144 3375 3376 3145)
+4(3354 3355 3376 3375)
+4(3125 3146 3377 3356)
+4(3145 3376 3377 3146)
+4(3355 3356 3377 3376)
+4(3126 3147 3378 3357)
+4(3146 3377 3378 3147)
+4(3356 3357 3378 3377)
+4(3127 3148 3379 3358)
+4(3147 3378 3379 3148)
+4(3357 3358 3379 3378)
+4(3148 3379 3380 3149)
+4(3358 3359 3380 3379)
+4(3130 3151 3382 3361)
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+4(3360 3361 3382 3381)
+4(3131 3152 3383 3362)
+4(3151 3382 3383 3152)
+4(3361 3362 3383 3382)
+4(3132 3153 3384 3363)
+4(3152 3383 3384 3153)
+4(3362 3363 3384 3383)
+4(3133 3154 3385 3364)
+4(3153 3384 3385 3154)
+4(3363 3364 3385 3384)
+4(3134 3155 3386 3365)
+4(3154 3385 3386 3155)
+4(3364 3365 3386 3385)
+4(3135 3156 3387 3366)
+4(3155 3386 3387 3156)
+4(3365 3366 3387 3386)
+4(3136 3157 3388 3367)
+4(3156 3387 3388 3157)
+4(3366 3367 3388 3387)
+4(3137 3158 3389 3368)
+4(3157 3388 3389 3158)
+4(3367 3368 3389 3388)
+4(3138 3159 3390 3369)
+4(3158 3389 3390 3159)
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+4(3141 3162 3393 3372)
+4(3161 3392 3393 3162)
+4(3371 3372 3393 3392)
+4(3142 3163 3394 3373)
+4(3162 3393 3394 3163)
+4(3372 3373 3394 3393)
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+4(3374 3375 3396 3395)
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+4(3375 3376 3397 3396)
+4(3146 3167 3398 3377)
+4(3166 3397 3398 3167)
+4(3376 3377 3398 3397)
+4(3147 3168 3399 3378)
+4(3167 3398 3399 3168)
+4(3377 3378 3399 3398)
+4(3148 3169 3400 3379)
+4(3168 3399 3400 3169)
+4(3378 3379 3400 3399)
+4(3169 3400 3401 3170)
+4(3379 3380 3401 3400)
+4(3151 3172 3403 3382)
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+4(3155 3176 3407 3386)
+4(3175 3406 3407 3176)
+4(3385 3386 3407 3406)
+4(3156 3177 3408 3387)
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+4(3386 3387 3408 3407)
+4(3157 3178 3409 3388)
+4(3177 3408 3409 3178)
+4(3387 3388 3409 3408)
+4(3158 3179 3410 3389)
+4(3178 3409 3410 3179)
+4(3388 3389 3410 3409)
+4(3159 3180 3411 3390)
+4(3179 3410 3411 3180)
+4(3389 3390 3411 3410)
+4(3160 3181 3412 3391)
+4(3180 3411 3412 3181)
+4(3390 3391 3412 3411)
+4(3161 3182 3413 3392)
+4(3181 3412 3413 3182)
+4(3391 3392 3413 3412)
+4(3162 3183 3414 3393)
+4(3182 3413 3414 3183)
+4(3392 3393 3414 3413)
+4(3163 3184 3415 3394)
+4(3183 3414 3415 3184)
+4(3393 3394 3415 3414)
+4(3164 3185 3416 3395)
+4(3184 3415 3416 3185)
+4(3394 3395 3416 3415)
+4(3165 3186 3417 3396)
+4(3185 3416 3417 3186)
+4(3395 3396 3417 3416)
+4(3166 3187 3418 3397)
+4(3186 3417 3418 3187)
+4(3396 3397 3418 3417)
+4(3167 3188 3419 3398)
+4(3187 3418 3419 3188)
+4(3397 3398 3419 3418)
+4(3168 3189 3420 3399)
+4(3188 3419 3420 3189)
+4(3398 3399 3420 3419)
+4(3169 3190 3421 3400)
+4(3189 3420 3421 3190)
+4(3399 3400 3421 3420)
+4(3190 3421 3422 3191)
+4(3400 3401 3422 3421)
+4(3172 3193 3424 3403)
+4(3192 3423 3424 3193)
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+4(3193 3424 3425 3194)
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+4(3174 3195 3426 3405)
+4(3194 3425 3426 3195)
+4(3404 3405 3426 3425)
+4(3175 3196 3427 3406)
+4(3195 3426 3427 3196)
+4(3405 3406 3427 3426)
+4(3176 3197 3428 3407)
+4(3196 3427 3428 3197)
+4(3406 3407 3428 3427)
+4(3177 3198 3429 3408)
+4(3197 3428 3429 3198)
+4(3407 3408 3429 3428)
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+4(3198 3429 3430 3199)
+4(3408 3409 3430 3429)
+4(3179 3200 3431 3410)
+4(3199 3430 3431 3200)
+4(3409 3410 3431 3430)
+4(3180 3201 3432 3411)
+4(3200 3431 3432 3201)
+4(3410 3411 3432 3431)
+4(3181 3202 3433 3412)
+4(3201 3432 3433 3202)
+4(3411 3412 3433 3432)
+4(3182 3203 3434 3413)
+4(3202 3433 3434 3203)
+4(3412 3413 3434 3433)
+4(3183 3204 3435 3414)
+4(3203 3434 3435 3204)
+4(3413 3414 3435 3434)
+4(3184 3205 3436 3415)
+4(3204 3435 3436 3205)
+4(3414 3415 3436 3435)
+4(3185 3206 3437 3416)
+4(3205 3436 3437 3206)
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+4(3186 3207 3438 3417)
+4(3206 3437 3438 3207)
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+4(3187 3208 3439 3418)
+4(3207 3438 3439 3208)
+4(3417 3418 3439 3438)
+4(3188 3209 3440 3419)
+4(3208 3439 3440 3209)
+4(3418 3419 3440 3439)
+4(3189 3210 3441 3420)
+4(3209 3440 3441 3210)
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+4(3190 3211 3442 3421)
+4(3210 3441 3442 3211)
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+4(3211 3442 3443 3212)
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+4(3193 3214 3445 3424)
+4(3423 3424 3445 3444)
+4(3194 3215 3446 3425)
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+4(3195 3216 3447 3426)
+4(3425 3426 3447 3446)
+4(3196 3217 3448 3427)
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+4(3197 3218 3449 3428)
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+4(3198 3219 3450 3429)
+4(3428 3429 3450 3449)
+4(3199 3220 3451 3430)
+4(3429 3430 3451 3450)
+4(3200 3221 3452 3431)
+4(3430 3431 3452 3451)
+4(3201 3222 3453 3432)
+4(3431 3432 3453 3452)
+4(3202 3223 3454 3433)
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+4(3203 3224 3455 3434)
+4(3433 3434 3455 3454)
+4(3204 3225 3456 3435)
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+4(3205 3226 3457 3436)
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+4(3206 3227 3458 3437)
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+4(3207 3228 3459 3438)
+4(3437 3438 3459 3458)
+4(3208 3229 3460 3439)
+4(3438 3439 3460 3459)
+4(3209 3230 3461 3440)
+4(3439 3440 3461 3460)
+4(3210 3231 3462 3441)
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+4(3235 3256 3487 3466)
+4(3255 3486 3487 3256)
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+4(3236 3257 3488 3467)
+4(3256 3487 3488 3257)
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+4(3237 3258 3489 3468)
+4(3257 3488 3489 3258)
+4(3467 3468 3489 3488)
+4(3238 3259 3490 3469)
+4(3258 3489 3490 3259)
+4(3468 3469 3490 3489)
+4(3239 3260 3491 3470)
+4(3259 3490 3491 3260)
+4(3469 3470 3491 3490)
+4(3240 3261 3492 3471)
+4(3260 3491 3492 3261)
+4(3470 3471 3492 3491)
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+4(3472 3473 3494 3493)
+4(3243 3264 3495 3474)
+4(3263 3494 3495 3264)
+4(3473 3474 3495 3494)
+4(3244 3265 3496 3475)
+4(3264 3495 3496 3265)
+4(3474 3475 3496 3495)
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+4(3269 3500 3501 3270)
+4(3479 3480 3501 3500)
+4(3250 3271 3502 3481)
+4(3270 3501 3502 3271)
+4(3480 3481 3502 3501)
+4(3251 3272 3503 3482)
+4(3271 3502 3503 3272)
+4(3481 3482 3503 3502)
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+4(3272 3503 3504 3273)
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+4(3253 3274 3505 3484)
+4(3273 3504 3505 3274)
+4(3483 3484 3505 3504)
+4(3274 3505 3506 3275)
+4(3484 3485 3506 3505)
+4(3256 3277 3508 3487)
+4(3276 3507 3508 3277)
+4(3486 3487 3508 3507)
+4(3257 3278 3509 3488)
+4(3277 3508 3509 3278)
+4(3487 3488 3509 3508)
+4(3258 3279 3510 3489)
+4(3278 3509 3510 3279)
+4(3488 3489 3510 3509)
+4(3259 3280 3511 3490)
+4(3279 3510 3511 3280)
+4(3489 3490 3511 3510)
+4(3260 3281 3512 3491)
+4(3280 3511 3512 3281)
+4(3490 3491 3512 3511)
+4(3261 3282 3513 3492)
+4(3281 3512 3513 3282)
+4(3491 3492 3513 3512)
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+4(3282 3513 3514 3283)
+4(3492 3493 3514 3513)
+4(3263 3284 3515 3494)
+4(3283 3514 3515 3284)
+4(3493 3494 3515 3514)
+4(3264 3285 3516 3495)
+4(3284 3515 3516 3285)
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+4(3265 3286 3517 3496)
+4(3285 3516 3517 3286)
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+4(3266 3287 3518 3497)
+4(3286 3517 3518 3287)
+4(3496 3497 3518 3517)
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+4(3287 3518 3519 3288)
+4(3497 3498 3519 3518)
+4(3268 3289 3520 3499)
+4(3288 3519 3520 3289)
+4(3498 3499 3520 3519)
+4(3269 3290 3521 3500)
+4(3289 3520 3521 3290)
+4(3499 3500 3521 3520)
+4(3270 3291 3522 3501)
+4(3290 3521 3522 3291)
+4(3500 3501 3522 3521)
+4(3271 3292 3523 3502)
+4(3291 3522 3523 3292)
+4(3501 3502 3523 3522)
+4(3272 3293 3524 3503)
+4(3292 3523 3524 3293)
+4(3502 3503 3524 3523)
+4(3273 3294 3525 3504)
+4(3293 3524 3525 3294)
+4(3503 3504 3525 3524)
+4(3274 3295 3526 3505)
+4(3294 3525 3526 3295)
+4(3504 3505 3526 3525)
+4(3295 3526 3527 3296)
+4(3505 3506 3527 3526)
+4(3277 3298 3529 3508)
+4(3297 3528 3529 3298)
+4(3507 3508 3529 3528)
+4(3278 3299 3530 3509)
+4(3298 3529 3530 3299)
+4(3508 3509 3530 3529)
+4(3279 3300 3531 3510)
+4(3299 3530 3531 3300)
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+4(3280 3301 3532 3511)
+4(3300 3531 3532 3301)
+4(3510 3511 3532 3531)
+4(3281 3302 3533 3512)
+4(3301 3532 3533 3302)
+4(3511 3512 3533 3532)
+4(3282 3303 3534 3513)
+4(3302 3533 3534 3303)
+4(3512 3513 3534 3533)
+4(3283 3304 3535 3514)
+4(3303 3534 3535 3304)
+4(3513 3514 3535 3534)
+4(3284 3305 3536 3515)
+4(3304 3535 3536 3305)
+4(3514 3515 3536 3535)
+4(3285 3306 3537 3516)
+4(3305 3536 3537 3306)
+4(3515 3516 3537 3536)
+4(3286 3307 3538 3517)
+4(3306 3537 3538 3307)
+4(3516 3517 3538 3537)
+4(3287 3308 3539 3518)
+4(3307 3538 3539 3308)
+4(3517 3518 3539 3538)
+4(3288 3309 3540 3519)
+4(3308 3539 3540 3309)
+4(3518 3519 3540 3539)
+4(3289 3310 3541 3520)
+4(3309 3540 3541 3310)
+4(3519 3520 3541 3540)
+4(3290 3311 3542 3521)
+4(3310 3541 3542 3311)
+4(3520 3521 3542 3541)
+4(3291 3312 3543 3522)
+4(3311 3542 3543 3312)
+4(3521 3522 3543 3542)
+4(3292 3313 3544 3523)
+4(3312 3543 3544 3313)
+4(3522 3523 3544 3543)
+4(3293 3314 3545 3524)
+4(3313 3544 3545 3314)
+4(3523 3524 3545 3544)
+4(3294 3315 3546 3525)
+4(3314 3545 3546 3315)
+4(3524 3525 3546 3545)
+4(3295 3316 3547 3526)
+4(3315 3546 3547 3316)
+4(3525 3526 3547 3546)
+4(3316 3547 3548 3317)
+4(3526 3527 3548 3547)
+4(3298 3319 3550 3529)
+4(3318 3549 3550 3319)
+4(3528 3529 3550 3549)
+4(3299 3320 3551 3530)
+4(3319 3550 3551 3320)
+4(3529 3530 3551 3550)
+4(3300 3321 3552 3531)
+4(3320 3551 3552 3321)
+4(3530 3531 3552 3551)
+4(3301 3322 3553 3532)
+4(3321 3552 3553 3322)
+4(3531 3532 3553 3552)
+4(3302 3323 3554 3533)
+4(3322 3553 3554 3323)
+4(3532 3533 3554 3553)
+4(3303 3324 3555 3534)
+4(3323 3554 3555 3324)
+4(3533 3534 3555 3554)
+4(3304 3325 3556 3535)
+4(3324 3555 3556 3325)
+4(3534 3535 3556 3555)
+4(3305 3326 3557 3536)
+4(3325 3556 3557 3326)
+4(3535 3536 3557 3556)
+4(3306 3327 3558 3537)
+4(3326 3557 3558 3327)
+4(3536 3537 3558 3557)
+4(3307 3328 3559 3538)
+4(3327 3558 3559 3328)
+4(3537 3538 3559 3558)
+4(3308 3329 3560 3539)
+4(3328 3559 3560 3329)
+4(3538 3539 3560 3559)
+4(3309 3330 3561 3540)
+4(3329 3560 3561 3330)
+4(3539 3540 3561 3560)
+4(3310 3331 3562 3541)
+4(3330 3561 3562 3331)
+4(3540 3541 3562 3561)
+4(3311 3332 3563 3542)
+4(3331 3562 3563 3332)
+4(3541 3542 3563 3562)
+4(3312 3333 3564 3543)
+4(3332 3563 3564 3333)
+4(3542 3543 3564 3563)
+4(3313 3334 3565 3544)
+4(3333 3564 3565 3334)
+4(3543 3544 3565 3564)
+4(3314 3335 3566 3545)
+4(3334 3565 3566 3335)
+4(3544 3545 3566 3565)
+4(3315 3336 3567 3546)
+4(3335 3566 3567 3336)
+4(3545 3546 3567 3566)
+4(3316 3337 3568 3547)
+4(3336 3567 3568 3337)
+4(3546 3547 3568 3567)
+4(3337 3568 3569 3338)
+4(3547 3548 3569 3568)
+4(3319 3340 3571 3550)
+4(3339 3570 3571 3340)
+4(3549 3550 3571 3570)
+4(3320 3341 3572 3551)
+4(3340 3571 3572 3341)
+4(3550 3551 3572 3571)
+4(3321 3342 3573 3552)
+4(3341 3572 3573 3342)
+4(3551 3552 3573 3572)
+4(3322 3343 3574 3553)
+4(3342 3573 3574 3343)
+4(3552 3553 3574 3573)
+4(3323 3344 3575 3554)
+4(3343 3574 3575 3344)
+4(3553 3554 3575 3574)
+4(3324 3345 3576 3555)
+4(3344 3575 3576 3345)
+4(3554 3555 3576 3575)
+4(3325 3346 3577 3556)
+4(3345 3576 3577 3346)
+4(3555 3556 3577 3576)
+4(3326 3347 3578 3557)
+4(3346 3577 3578 3347)
+4(3556 3557 3578 3577)
+4(3327 3348 3579 3558)
+4(3347 3578 3579 3348)
+4(3557 3558 3579 3578)
+4(3328 3349 3580 3559)
+4(3348 3579 3580 3349)
+4(3558 3559 3580 3579)
+4(3329 3350 3581 3560)
+4(3349 3580 3581 3350)
+4(3559 3560 3581 3580)
+4(3330 3351 3582 3561)
+4(3350 3581 3582 3351)
+4(3560 3561 3582 3581)
+4(3331 3352 3583 3562)
+4(3351 3582 3583 3352)
+4(3561 3562 3583 3582)
+4(3332 3353 3584 3563)
+4(3352 3583 3584 3353)
+4(3562 3563 3584 3583)
+4(3333 3354 3585 3564)
+4(3353 3584 3585 3354)
+4(3563 3564 3585 3584)
+4(3334 3355 3586 3565)
+4(3354 3585 3586 3355)
+4(3564 3565 3586 3585)
+4(3335 3356 3587 3566)
+4(3355 3586 3587 3356)
+4(3565 3566 3587 3586)
+4(3336 3357 3588 3567)
+4(3356 3587 3588 3357)
+4(3566 3567 3588 3587)
+4(3337 3358 3589 3568)
+4(3357 3588 3589 3358)
+4(3567 3568 3589 3588)
+4(3358 3589 3590 3359)
+4(3568 3569 3590 3589)
+4(3340 3361 3592 3571)
+4(3360 3591 3592 3361)
+4(3570 3571 3592 3591)
+4(3341 3362 3593 3572)
+4(3361 3592 3593 3362)
+4(3571 3572 3593 3592)
+4(3342 3363 3594 3573)
+4(3362 3593 3594 3363)
+4(3572 3573 3594 3593)
+4(3343 3364 3595 3574)
+4(3363 3594 3595 3364)
+4(3573 3574 3595 3594)
+4(3344 3365 3596 3575)
+4(3364 3595 3596 3365)
+4(3574 3575 3596 3595)
+4(3345 3366 3597 3576)
+4(3365 3596 3597 3366)
+4(3575 3576 3597 3596)
+4(3346 3367 3598 3577)
+4(3366 3597 3598 3367)
+4(3576 3577 3598 3597)
+4(3347 3368 3599 3578)
+4(3367 3598 3599 3368)
+4(3577 3578 3599 3598)
+4(3348 3369 3600 3579)
+4(3368 3599 3600 3369)
+4(3578 3579 3600 3599)
+4(3349 3370 3601 3580)
+4(3369 3600 3601 3370)
+4(3579 3580 3601 3600)
+4(3350 3371 3602 3581)
+4(3370 3601 3602 3371)
+4(3580 3581 3602 3601)
+4(3351 3372 3603 3582)
+4(3371 3602 3603 3372)
+4(3581 3582 3603 3602)
+4(3352 3373 3604 3583)
+4(3372 3603 3604 3373)
+4(3582 3583 3604 3603)
+4(3353 3374 3605 3584)
+4(3373 3604 3605 3374)
+4(3583 3584 3605 3604)
+4(3354 3375 3606 3585)
+4(3374 3605 3606 3375)
+4(3584 3585 3606 3605)
+4(3355 3376 3607 3586)
+4(3375 3606 3607 3376)
+4(3585 3586 3607 3606)
+4(3356 3377 3608 3587)
+4(3376 3607 3608 3377)
+4(3586 3587 3608 3607)
+4(3357 3378 3609 3588)
+4(3377 3608 3609 3378)
+4(3587 3588 3609 3608)
+4(3358 3379 3610 3589)
+4(3378 3609 3610 3379)
+4(3588 3589 3610 3609)
+4(3379 3610 3611 3380)
+4(3589 3590 3611 3610)
+4(3361 3382 3613 3592)
+4(3381 3612 3613 3382)
+4(3591 3592 3613 3612)
+4(3362 3383 3614 3593)
+4(3382 3613 3614 3383)
+4(3592 3593 3614 3613)
+4(3363 3384 3615 3594)
+4(3383 3614 3615 3384)
+4(3593 3594 3615 3614)
+4(3364 3385 3616 3595)
+4(3384 3615 3616 3385)
+4(3594 3595 3616 3615)
+4(3365 3386 3617 3596)
+4(3385 3616 3617 3386)
+4(3595 3596 3617 3616)
+4(3366 3387 3618 3597)
+4(3386 3617 3618 3387)
+4(3596 3597 3618 3617)
+4(3367 3388 3619 3598)
+4(3387 3618 3619 3388)
+4(3597 3598 3619 3618)
+4(3368 3389 3620 3599)
+4(3388 3619 3620 3389)
+4(3598 3599 3620 3619)
+4(3369 3390 3621 3600)
+4(3389 3620 3621 3390)
+4(3599 3600 3621 3620)
+4(3370 3391 3622 3601)
+4(3390 3621 3622 3391)
+4(3600 3601 3622 3621)
+4(3371 3392 3623 3602)
+4(3391 3622 3623 3392)
+4(3601 3602 3623 3622)
+4(3372 3393 3624 3603)
+4(3392 3623 3624 3393)
+4(3602 3603 3624 3623)
+4(3373 3394 3625 3604)
+4(3393 3624 3625 3394)
+4(3603 3604 3625 3624)
+4(3374 3395 3626 3605)
+4(3394 3625 3626 3395)
+4(3604 3605 3626 3625)
+4(3375 3396 3627 3606)
+4(3395 3626 3627 3396)
+4(3605 3606 3627 3626)
+4(3376 3397 3628 3607)
+4(3396 3627 3628 3397)
+4(3606 3607 3628 3627)
+4(3377 3398 3629 3608)
+4(3397 3628 3629 3398)
+4(3607 3608 3629 3628)
+4(3378 3399 3630 3609)
+4(3398 3629 3630 3399)
+4(3608 3609 3630 3629)
+4(3379 3400 3631 3610)
+4(3399 3630 3631 3400)
+4(3609 3610 3631 3630)
+4(3400 3631 3632 3401)
+4(3610 3611 3632 3631)
+4(3382 3403 3634 3613)
+4(3402 3633 3634 3403)
+4(3612 3613 3634 3633)
+4(3383 3404 3635 3614)
+4(3403 3634 3635 3404)
+4(3613 3614 3635 3634)
+4(3384 3405 3636 3615)
+4(3404 3635 3636 3405)
+4(3614 3615 3636 3635)
+4(3385 3406 3637 3616)
+4(3405 3636 3637 3406)
+4(3615 3616 3637 3636)
+4(3386 3407 3638 3617)
+4(3406 3637 3638 3407)
+4(3616 3617 3638 3637)
+4(3387 3408 3639 3618)
+4(3407 3638 3639 3408)
+4(3617 3618 3639 3638)
+4(3388 3409 3640 3619)
+4(3408 3639 3640 3409)
+4(3618 3619 3640 3639)
+4(3389 3410 3641 3620)
+4(3409 3640 3641 3410)
+4(3619 3620 3641 3640)
+4(3390 3411 3642 3621)
+4(3410 3641 3642 3411)
+4(3620 3621 3642 3641)
+4(3391 3412 3643 3622)
+4(3411 3642 3643 3412)
+4(3621 3622 3643 3642)
+4(3392 3413 3644 3623)
+4(3412 3643 3644 3413)
+4(3622 3623 3644 3643)
+4(3393 3414 3645 3624)
+4(3413 3644 3645 3414)
+4(3623 3624 3645 3644)
+4(3394 3415 3646 3625)
+4(3414 3645 3646 3415)
+4(3624 3625 3646 3645)
+4(3395 3416 3647 3626)
+4(3415 3646 3647 3416)
+4(3625 3626 3647 3646)
+4(3396 3417 3648 3627)
+4(3416 3647 3648 3417)
+4(3626 3627 3648 3647)
+4(3397 3418 3649 3628)
+4(3417 3648 3649 3418)
+4(3627 3628 3649 3648)
+4(3398 3419 3650 3629)
+4(3418 3649 3650 3419)
+4(3628 3629 3650 3649)
+4(3399 3420 3651 3630)
+4(3419 3650 3651 3420)
+4(3629 3630 3651 3650)
+4(3400 3421 3652 3631)
+4(3420 3651 3652 3421)
+4(3630 3631 3652 3651)
+4(3421 3652 3653 3422)
+4(3631 3632 3653 3652)
+4(3403 3424 3655 3634)
+4(3423 3654 3655 3424)
+4(3633 3634 3655 3654)
+4(3404 3425 3656 3635)
+4(3424 3655 3656 3425)
+4(3634 3635 3656 3655)
+4(3405 3426 3657 3636)
+4(3425 3656 3657 3426)
+4(3635 3636 3657 3656)
+4(3406 3427 3658 3637)
+4(3426 3657 3658 3427)
+4(3636 3637 3658 3657)
+4(3407 3428 3659 3638)
+4(3427 3658 3659 3428)
+4(3637 3638 3659 3658)
+4(3408 3429 3660 3639)
+4(3428 3659 3660 3429)
+4(3638 3639 3660 3659)
+4(3409 3430 3661 3640)
+4(3429 3660 3661 3430)
+4(3639 3640 3661 3660)
+4(3410 3431 3662 3641)
+4(3430 3661 3662 3431)
+4(3640 3641 3662 3661)
+4(3411 3432 3663 3642)
+4(3431 3662 3663 3432)
+4(3641 3642 3663 3662)
+4(3412 3433 3664 3643)
+4(3432 3663 3664 3433)
+4(3642 3643 3664 3663)
+4(3413 3434 3665 3644)
+4(3433 3664 3665 3434)
+4(3643 3644 3665 3664)
+4(3414 3435 3666 3645)
+4(3434 3665 3666 3435)
+4(3644 3645 3666 3665)
+4(3415 3436 3667 3646)
+4(3435 3666 3667 3436)
+4(3645 3646 3667 3666)
+4(3416 3437 3668 3647)
+4(3436 3667 3668 3437)
+4(3646 3647 3668 3667)
+4(3417 3438 3669 3648)
+4(3437 3668 3669 3438)
+4(3647 3648 3669 3668)
+4(3418 3439 3670 3649)
+4(3438 3669 3670 3439)
+4(3648 3649 3670 3669)
+4(3419 3440 3671 3650)
+4(3439 3670 3671 3440)
+4(3649 3650 3671 3670)
+4(3420 3441 3672 3651)
+4(3440 3671 3672 3441)
+4(3650 3651 3672 3671)
+4(3421 3442 3673 3652)
+4(3441 3672 3673 3442)
+4(3651 3652 3673 3672)
+4(3442 3673 3674 3443)
+4(3652 3653 3674 3673)
+4(3424 3445 3676 3655)
+4(3654 3655 3676 3675)
+4(3425 3446 3677 3656)
+4(3655 3656 3677 3676)
+4(3426 3447 3678 3657)
+4(3656 3657 3678 3677)
+4(3427 3448 3679 3658)
+4(3657 3658 3679 3678)
+4(3428 3449 3680 3659)
+4(3658 3659 3680 3679)
+4(3429 3450 3681 3660)
+4(3659 3660 3681 3680)
+4(3430 3451 3682 3661)
+4(3660 3661 3682 3681)
+4(3431 3452 3683 3662)
+4(3661 3662 3683 3682)
+4(3432 3453 3684 3663)
+4(3662 3663 3684 3683)
+4(3433 3454 3685 3664)
+4(3663 3664 3685 3684)
+4(3434 3455 3686 3665)
+4(3664 3665 3686 3685)
+4(3435 3456 3687 3666)
+4(3665 3666 3687 3686)
+4(3436 3457 3688 3667)
+4(3666 3667 3688 3687)
+4(3437 3458 3689 3668)
+4(3667 3668 3689 3688)
+4(3438 3459 3690 3669)
+4(3668 3669 3690 3689)
+4(3439 3460 3691 3670)
+4(3669 3670 3691 3690)
+4(3440 3461 3692 3671)
+4(3670 3671 3692 3691)
+4(3441 3462 3693 3672)
+4(3671 3672 3693 3692)
+4(3442 3463 3694 3673)
+4(3672 3673 3694 3693)
+4(3673 3674 3695 3694)
+4(3466 3487 3718 3697)
+4(3486 3717 3718 3487)
+4(3696 3697 3718 3717)
+4(3467 3488 3719 3698)
+4(3487 3718 3719 3488)
+4(3697 3698 3719 3718)
+4(3468 3489 3720 3699)
+4(3488 3719 3720 3489)
+4(3698 3699 3720 3719)
+4(3469 3490 3721 3700)
+4(3489 3720 3721 3490)
+4(3699 3700 3721 3720)
+4(3470 3491 3722 3701)
+4(3490 3721 3722 3491)
+4(3700 3701 3722 3721)
+4(3471 3492 3723 3702)
+4(3491 3722 3723 3492)
+4(3701 3702 3723 3722)
+4(3472 3493 3724 3703)
+4(3492 3723 3724 3493)
+4(3702 3703 3724 3723)
+4(3473 3494 3725 3704)
+4(3493 3724 3725 3494)
+4(3703 3704 3725 3724)
+4(3474 3495 3726 3705)
+4(3494 3725 3726 3495)
+4(3704 3705 3726 3725)
+4(3475 3496 3727 3706)
+4(3495 3726 3727 3496)
+4(3705 3706 3727 3726)
+4(3476 3497 3728 3707)
+4(3496 3727 3728 3497)
+4(3706 3707 3728 3727)
+4(3477 3498 3729 3708)
+4(3497 3728 3729 3498)
+4(3707 3708 3729 3728)
+4(3478 3499 3730 3709)
+4(3498 3729 3730 3499)
+4(3708 3709 3730 3729)
+4(3479 3500 3731 3710)
+4(3499 3730 3731 3500)
+4(3709 3710 3731 3730)
+4(3480 3501 3732 3711)
+4(3500 3731 3732 3501)
+4(3710 3711 3732 3731)
+4(3481 3502 3733 3712)
+4(3501 3732 3733 3502)
+4(3711 3712 3733 3732)
+4(3482 3503 3734 3713)
+4(3502 3733 3734 3503)
+4(3712 3713 3734 3733)
+4(3483 3504 3735 3714)
+4(3503 3734 3735 3504)
+4(3713 3714 3735 3734)
+4(3484 3505 3736 3715)
+4(3504 3735 3736 3505)
+4(3714 3715 3736 3735)
+4(3505 3736 3737 3506)
+4(3715 3716 3737 3736)
+4(3487 3508 3739 3718)
+4(3507 3738 3739 3508)
+4(3717 3718 3739 3738)
+4(3488 3509 3740 3719)
+4(3508 3739 3740 3509)
+4(3718 3719 3740 3739)
+4(3489 3510 3741 3720)
+4(3509 3740 3741 3510)
+4(3719 3720 3741 3740)
+4(3490 3511 3742 3721)
+4(3510 3741 3742 3511)
+4(3720 3721 3742 3741)
+4(3491 3512 3743 3722)
+4(3511 3742 3743 3512)
+4(3721 3722 3743 3742)
+4(3492 3513 3744 3723)
+4(3512 3743 3744 3513)
+4(3722 3723 3744 3743)
+4(3493 3514 3745 3724)
+4(3513 3744 3745 3514)
+4(3723 3724 3745 3744)
+4(3494 3515 3746 3725)
+4(3514 3745 3746 3515)
+4(3724 3725 3746 3745)
+4(3495 3516 3747 3726)
+4(3515 3746 3747 3516)
+4(3725 3726 3747 3746)
+4(3496 3517 3748 3727)
+4(3516 3747 3748 3517)
+4(3726 3727 3748 3747)
+4(3497 3518 3749 3728)
+4(3517 3748 3749 3518)
+4(3727 3728 3749 3748)
+4(3498 3519 3750 3729)
+4(3518 3749 3750 3519)
+4(3728 3729 3750 3749)
+4(3499 3520 3751 3730)
+4(3519 3750 3751 3520)
+4(3729 3730 3751 3750)
+4(3500 3521 3752 3731)
+4(3520 3751 3752 3521)
+4(3730 3731 3752 3751)
+4(3501 3522 3753 3732)
+4(3521 3752 3753 3522)
+4(3731 3732 3753 3752)
+4(3502 3523 3754 3733)
+4(3522 3753 3754 3523)
+4(3732 3733 3754 3753)
+4(3503 3524 3755 3734)
+4(3523 3754 3755 3524)
+4(3733 3734 3755 3754)
+4(3504 3525 3756 3735)
+4(3524 3755 3756 3525)
+4(3734 3735 3756 3755)
+4(3505 3526 3757 3736)
+4(3525 3756 3757 3526)
+4(3735 3736 3757 3756)
+4(3526 3757 3758 3527)
+4(3736 3737 3758 3757)
+4(3508 3529 3760 3739)
+4(3528 3759 3760 3529)
+4(3738 3739 3760 3759)
+4(3509 3530 3761 3740)
+4(3529 3760 3761 3530)
+4(3739 3740 3761 3760)
+4(3510 3531 3762 3741)
+4(3530 3761 3762 3531)
+4(3740 3741 3762 3761)
+4(3511 3532 3763 3742)
+4(3531 3762 3763 3532)
+4(3741 3742 3763 3762)
+4(3512 3533 3764 3743)
+4(3532 3763 3764 3533)
+4(3742 3743 3764 3763)
+4(3513 3534 3765 3744)
+4(3533 3764 3765 3534)
+4(3743 3744 3765 3764)
+4(3514 3535 3766 3745)
+4(3534 3765 3766 3535)
+4(3744 3745 3766 3765)
+4(3515 3536 3767 3746)
+4(3535 3766 3767 3536)
+4(3745 3746 3767 3766)
+4(3516 3537 3768 3747)
+4(3536 3767 3768 3537)
+4(3746 3747 3768 3767)
+4(3517 3538 3769 3748)
+4(3537 3768 3769 3538)
+4(3747 3748 3769 3768)
+4(3518 3539 3770 3749)
+4(3538 3769 3770 3539)
+4(3748 3749 3770 3769)
+4(3519 3540 3771 3750)
+4(3539 3770 3771 3540)
+4(3749 3750 3771 3770)
+4(3520 3541 3772 3751)
+4(3540 3771 3772 3541)
+4(3750 3751 3772 3771)
+4(3521 3542 3773 3752)
+4(3541 3772 3773 3542)
+4(3751 3752 3773 3772)
+4(3522 3543 3774 3753)
+4(3542 3773 3774 3543)
+4(3752 3753 3774 3773)
+4(3523 3544 3775 3754)
+4(3543 3774 3775 3544)
+4(3753 3754 3775 3774)
+4(3524 3545 3776 3755)
+4(3544 3775 3776 3545)
+4(3754 3755 3776 3775)
+4(3525 3546 3777 3756)
+4(3545 3776 3777 3546)
+4(3755 3756 3777 3776)
+4(3526 3547 3778 3757)
+4(3546 3777 3778 3547)
+4(3756 3757 3778 3777)
+4(3547 3778 3779 3548)
+4(3757 3758 3779 3778)
+4(3529 3550 3781 3760)
+4(3549 3780 3781 3550)
+4(3759 3760 3781 3780)
+4(3530 3551 3782 3761)
+4(3550 3781 3782 3551)
+4(3760 3761 3782 3781)
+4(3531 3552 3783 3762)
+4(3551 3782 3783 3552)
+4(3761 3762 3783 3782)
+4(3532 3553 3784 3763)
+4(3552 3783 3784 3553)
+4(3762 3763 3784 3783)
+4(3533 3554 3785 3764)
+4(3553 3784 3785 3554)
+4(3763 3764 3785 3784)
+4(3534 3555 3786 3765)
+4(3554 3785 3786 3555)
+4(3764 3765 3786 3785)
+4(3535 3556 3787 3766)
+4(3555 3786 3787 3556)
+4(3765 3766 3787 3786)
+4(3536 3557 3788 3767)
+4(3556 3787 3788 3557)
+4(3766 3767 3788 3787)
+4(3537 3558 3789 3768)
+4(3557 3788 3789 3558)
+4(3767 3768 3789 3788)
+4(3538 3559 3790 3769)
+4(3558 3789 3790 3559)
+4(3768 3769 3790 3789)
+4(3539 3560 3791 3770)
+4(3559 3790 3791 3560)
+4(3769 3770 3791 3790)
+4(3540 3561 3792 3771)
+4(3560 3791 3792 3561)
+4(3770 3771 3792 3791)
+4(3541 3562 3793 3772)
+4(3561 3792 3793 3562)
+4(3771 3772 3793 3792)
+4(3542 3563 3794 3773)
+4(3562 3793 3794 3563)
+4(3772 3773 3794 3793)
+4(3543 3564 3795 3774)
+4(3563 3794 3795 3564)
+4(3773 3774 3795 3794)
+4(3544 3565 3796 3775)
+4(3564 3795 3796 3565)
+4(3774 3775 3796 3795)
+4(3545 3566 3797 3776)
+4(3565 3796 3797 3566)
+4(3775 3776 3797 3796)
+4(3546 3567 3798 3777)
+4(3566 3797 3798 3567)
+4(3776 3777 3798 3797)
+4(3547 3568 3799 3778)
+4(3567 3798 3799 3568)
+4(3777 3778 3799 3798)
+4(3568 3799 3800 3569)
+4(3778 3779 3800 3799)
+4(3550 3571 3802 3781)
+4(3570 3801 3802 3571)
+4(3780 3781 3802 3801)
+4(3551 3572 3803 3782)
+4(3571 3802 3803 3572)
+4(3781 3782 3803 3802)
+4(3552 3573 3804 3783)
+4(3572 3803 3804 3573)
+4(3782 3783 3804 3803)
+4(3553 3574 3805 3784)
+4(3573 3804 3805 3574)
+4(3783 3784 3805 3804)
+4(3554 3575 3806 3785)
+4(3574 3805 3806 3575)
+4(3784 3785 3806 3805)
+4(3555 3576 3807 3786)
+4(3575 3806 3807 3576)
+4(3785 3786 3807 3806)
+4(3556 3577 3808 3787)
+4(3576 3807 3808 3577)
+4(3786 3787 3808 3807)
+4(3557 3578 3809 3788)
+4(3577 3808 3809 3578)
+4(3787 3788 3809 3808)
+4(3558 3579 3810 3789)
+4(3578 3809 3810 3579)
+4(3788 3789 3810 3809)
+4(3559 3580 3811 3790)
+4(3579 3810 3811 3580)
+4(3789 3790 3811 3810)
+4(3560 3581 3812 3791)
+4(3580 3811 3812 3581)
+4(3790 3791 3812 3811)
+4(3561 3582 3813 3792)
+4(3581 3812 3813 3582)
+4(3791 3792 3813 3812)
+4(3562 3583 3814 3793)
+4(3582 3813 3814 3583)
+4(3792 3793 3814 3813)
+4(3563 3584 3815 3794)
+4(3583 3814 3815 3584)
+4(3793 3794 3815 3814)
+4(3564 3585 3816 3795)
+4(3584 3815 3816 3585)
+4(3794 3795 3816 3815)
+4(3565 3586 3817 3796)
+4(3585 3816 3817 3586)
+4(3795 3796 3817 3816)
+4(3566 3587 3818 3797)
+4(3586 3817 3818 3587)
+4(3796 3797 3818 3817)
+4(3567 3588 3819 3798)
+4(3587 3818 3819 3588)
+4(3797 3798 3819 3818)
+4(3568 3589 3820 3799)
+4(3588 3819 3820 3589)
+4(3798 3799 3820 3819)
+4(3589 3820 3821 3590)
+4(3799 3800 3821 3820)
+4(3571 3592 3823 3802)
+4(3591 3822 3823 3592)
+4(3801 3802 3823 3822)
+4(3572 3593 3824 3803)
+4(3592 3823 3824 3593)
+4(3802 3803 3824 3823)
+4(3573 3594 3825 3804)
+4(3593 3824 3825 3594)
+4(3803 3804 3825 3824)
+4(3574 3595 3826 3805)
+4(3594 3825 3826 3595)
+4(3804 3805 3826 3825)
+4(3575 3596 3827 3806)
+4(3595 3826 3827 3596)
+4(3805 3806 3827 3826)
+4(3576 3597 3828 3807)
+4(3596 3827 3828 3597)
+4(3806 3807 3828 3827)
+4(3577 3598 3829 3808)
+4(3597 3828 3829 3598)
+4(3807 3808 3829 3828)
+4(3578 3599 3830 3809)
+4(3598 3829 3830 3599)
+4(3808 3809 3830 3829)
+4(3579 3600 3831 3810)
+4(3599 3830 3831 3600)
+4(3809 3810 3831 3830)
+4(3580 3601 3832 3811)
+4(3600 3831 3832 3601)
+4(3810 3811 3832 3831)
+4(3581 3602 3833 3812)
+4(3601 3832 3833 3602)
+4(3811 3812 3833 3832)
+4(3582 3603 3834 3813)
+4(3602 3833 3834 3603)
+4(3812 3813 3834 3833)
+4(3583 3604 3835 3814)
+4(3603 3834 3835 3604)
+4(3813 3814 3835 3834)
+4(3584 3605 3836 3815)
+4(3604 3835 3836 3605)
+4(3814 3815 3836 3835)
+4(3585 3606 3837 3816)
+4(3605 3836 3837 3606)
+4(3815 3816 3837 3836)
+4(3586 3607 3838 3817)
+4(3606 3837 3838 3607)
+4(3816 3817 3838 3837)
+4(3587 3608 3839 3818)
+4(3607 3838 3839 3608)
+4(3817 3818 3839 3838)
+4(3588 3609 3840 3819)
+4(3608 3839 3840 3609)
+4(3818 3819 3840 3839)
+4(3589 3610 3841 3820)
+4(3609 3840 3841 3610)
+4(3819 3820 3841 3840)
+4(3610 3841 3842 3611)
+4(3820 3821 3842 3841)
+4(3592 3613 3844 3823)
+4(3612 3843 3844 3613)
+4(3822 3823 3844 3843)
+4(3593 3614 3845 3824)
+4(3613 3844 3845 3614)
+4(3823 3824 3845 3844)
+4(3594 3615 3846 3825)
+4(3614 3845 3846 3615)
+4(3824 3825 3846 3845)
+4(3595 3616 3847 3826)
+4(3615 3846 3847 3616)
+4(3825 3826 3847 3846)
+4(3596 3617 3848 3827)
+4(3616 3847 3848 3617)
+4(3826 3827 3848 3847)
+4(3597 3618 3849 3828)
+4(3617 3848 3849 3618)
+4(3827 3828 3849 3848)
+4(3598 3619 3850 3829)
+4(3618 3849 3850 3619)
+4(3828 3829 3850 3849)
+4(3599 3620 3851 3830)
+4(3619 3850 3851 3620)
+4(3829 3830 3851 3850)
+4(3600 3621 3852 3831)
+4(3620 3851 3852 3621)
+4(3830 3831 3852 3851)
+4(3601 3622 3853 3832)
+4(3621 3852 3853 3622)
+4(3831 3832 3853 3852)
+4(3602 3623 3854 3833)
+4(3622 3853 3854 3623)
+4(3832 3833 3854 3853)
+4(3603 3624 3855 3834)
+4(3623 3854 3855 3624)
+4(3833 3834 3855 3854)
+4(3604 3625 3856 3835)
+4(3624 3855 3856 3625)
+4(3834 3835 3856 3855)
+4(3605 3626 3857 3836)
+4(3625 3856 3857 3626)
+4(3835 3836 3857 3856)
+4(3606 3627 3858 3837)
+4(3626 3857 3858 3627)
+4(3836 3837 3858 3857)
+4(3607 3628 3859 3838)
+4(3627 3858 3859 3628)
+4(3837 3838 3859 3858)
+4(3608 3629 3860 3839)
+4(3628 3859 3860 3629)
+4(3838 3839 3860 3859)
+4(3609 3630 3861 3840)
+4(3629 3860 3861 3630)
+4(3839 3840 3861 3860)
+4(3610 3631 3862 3841)
+4(3630 3861 3862 3631)
+4(3840 3841 3862 3861)
+4(3631 3862 3863 3632)
+4(3841 3842 3863 3862)
+4(3613 3634 3865 3844)
+4(3633 3864 3865 3634)
+4(3843 3844 3865 3864)
+4(3614 3635 3866 3845)
+4(3634 3865 3866 3635)
+4(3844 3845 3866 3865)
+4(3615 3636 3867 3846)
+4(3635 3866 3867 3636)
+4(3845 3846 3867 3866)
+4(3616 3637 3868 3847)
+4(3636 3867 3868 3637)
+4(3846 3847 3868 3867)
+4(3617 3638 3869 3848)
+4(3637 3868 3869 3638)
+4(3847 3848 3869 3868)
+4(3618 3639 3870 3849)
+4(3638 3869 3870 3639)
+4(3848 3849 3870 3869)
+4(3619 3640 3871 3850)
+4(3639 3870 3871 3640)
+4(3849 3850 3871 3870)
+4(3620 3641 3872 3851)
+4(3640 3871 3872 3641)
+4(3850 3851 3872 3871)
+4(3621 3642 3873 3852)
+4(3641 3872 3873 3642)
+4(3851 3852 3873 3872)
+4(3622 3643 3874 3853)
+4(3642 3873 3874 3643)
+4(3852 3853 3874 3873)
+4(3623 3644 3875 3854)
+4(3643 3874 3875 3644)
+4(3853 3854 3875 3874)
+4(3624 3645 3876 3855)
+4(3644 3875 3876 3645)
+4(3854 3855 3876 3875)
+4(3625 3646 3877 3856)
+4(3645 3876 3877 3646)
+4(3855 3856 3877 3876)
+4(3626 3647 3878 3857)
+4(3646 3877 3878 3647)
+4(3856 3857 3878 3877)
+4(3627 3648 3879 3858)
+4(3647 3878 3879 3648)
+4(3857 3858 3879 3878)
+4(3628 3649 3880 3859)
+4(3648 3879 3880 3649)
+4(3858 3859 3880 3879)
+4(3629 3650 3881 3860)
+4(3649 3880 3881 3650)
+4(3859 3860 3881 3880)
+4(3630 3651 3882 3861)
+4(3650 3881 3882 3651)
+4(3860 3861 3882 3881)
+4(3631 3652 3883 3862)
+4(3651 3882 3883 3652)
+4(3861 3862 3883 3882)
+4(3652 3883 3884 3653)
+4(3862 3863 3884 3883)
+4(3634 3655 3886 3865)
+4(3654 3885 3886 3655)
+4(3864 3865 3886 3885)
+4(3635 3656 3887 3866)
+4(3655 3886 3887 3656)
+4(3865 3866 3887 3886)
+4(3636 3657 3888 3867)
+4(3656 3887 3888 3657)
+4(3866 3867 3888 3887)
+4(3637 3658 3889 3868)
+4(3657 3888 3889 3658)
+4(3867 3868 3889 3888)
+4(3638 3659 3890 3869)
+4(3658 3889 3890 3659)
+4(3868 3869 3890 3889)
+4(3639 3660 3891 3870)
+4(3659 3890 3891 3660)
+4(3869 3870 3891 3890)
+4(3640 3661 3892 3871)
+4(3660 3891 3892 3661)
+4(3870 3871 3892 3891)
+4(3641 3662 3893 3872)
+4(3661 3892 3893 3662)
+4(3871 3872 3893 3892)
+4(3642 3663 3894 3873)
+4(3662 3893 3894 3663)
+4(3872 3873 3894 3893)
+4(3643 3664 3895 3874)
+4(3663 3894 3895 3664)
+4(3873 3874 3895 3894)
+4(3644 3665 3896 3875)
+4(3664 3895 3896 3665)
+4(3874 3875 3896 3895)
+4(3645 3666 3897 3876)
+4(3665 3896 3897 3666)
+4(3875 3876 3897 3896)
+4(3646 3667 3898 3877)
+4(3666 3897 3898 3667)
+4(3876 3877 3898 3897)
+4(3647 3668 3899 3878)
+4(3667 3898 3899 3668)
+4(3877 3878 3899 3898)
+4(3648 3669 3900 3879)
+4(3668 3899 3900 3669)
+4(3878 3879 3900 3899)
+4(3649 3670 3901 3880)
+4(3669 3900 3901 3670)
+4(3879 3880 3901 3900)
+4(3650 3671 3902 3881)
+4(3670 3901 3902 3671)
+4(3880 3881 3902 3901)
+4(3651 3672 3903 3882)
+4(3671 3902 3903 3672)
+4(3881 3882 3903 3902)
+4(3652 3673 3904 3883)
+4(3672 3903 3904 3673)
+4(3882 3883 3904 3903)
+4(3673 3904 3905 3674)
+4(3883 3884 3905 3904)
+4(3655 3676 3907 3886)
+4(3885 3886 3907 3906)
+4(3656 3677 3908 3887)
+4(3886 3887 3908 3907)
+4(3657 3678 3909 3888)
+4(3887 3888 3909 3908)
+4(3658 3679 3910 3889)
+4(3888 3889 3910 3909)
+4(3659 3680 3911 3890)
+4(3889 3890 3911 3910)
+4(3660 3681 3912 3891)
+4(3890 3891 3912 3911)
+4(3661 3682 3913 3892)
+4(3891 3892 3913 3912)
+4(3662 3683 3914 3893)
+4(3892 3893 3914 3913)
+4(3663 3684 3915 3894)
+4(3893 3894 3915 3914)
+4(3664 3685 3916 3895)
+4(3894 3895 3916 3915)
+4(3665 3686 3917 3896)
+4(3895 3896 3917 3916)
+4(3666 3687 3918 3897)
+4(3896 3897 3918 3917)
+4(3667 3688 3919 3898)
+4(3897 3898 3919 3918)
+4(3668 3689 3920 3899)
+4(3898 3899 3920 3919)
+4(3669 3690 3921 3900)
+4(3899 3900 3921 3920)
+4(3670 3691 3922 3901)
+4(3900 3901 3922 3921)
+4(3671 3692 3923 3902)
+4(3901 3902 3923 3922)
+4(3672 3693 3924 3903)
+4(3902 3903 3924 3923)
+4(3673 3694 3925 3904)
+4(3903 3904 3925 3924)
+4(3904 3905 3926 3925)
+4(3697 3718 3949 3928)
+4(3717 3948 3949 3718)
+4(3927 3928 3949 3948)
+4(3698 3719 3950 3929)
+4(3718 3949 3950 3719)
+4(3928 3929 3950 3949)
+4(3699 3720 3951 3930)
+4(3719 3950 3951 3720)
+4(3929 3930 3951 3950)
+4(3700 3721 3952 3931)
+4(3720 3951 3952 3721)
+4(3930 3931 3952 3951)
+4(3701 3722 3953 3932)
+4(3721 3952 3953 3722)
+4(3931 3932 3953 3952)
+4(3702 3723 3954 3933)
+4(3722 3953 3954 3723)
+4(3932 3933 3954 3953)
+4(3703 3724 3955 3934)
+4(3723 3954 3955 3724)
+4(3933 3934 3955 3954)
+4(3704 3725 3956 3935)
+4(3724 3955 3956 3725)
+4(3934 3935 3956 3955)
+4(3705 3726 3957 3936)
+4(3725 3956 3957 3726)
+4(3935 3936 3957 3956)
+4(3706 3727 3958 3937)
+4(3726 3957 3958 3727)
+4(3936 3937 3958 3957)
+4(3707 3728 3959 3938)
+4(3727 3958 3959 3728)
+4(3937 3938 3959 3958)
+4(3708 3729 3960 3939)
+4(3728 3959 3960 3729)
+4(3938 3939 3960 3959)
+4(3709 3730 3961 3940)
+4(3729 3960 3961 3730)
+4(3939 3940 3961 3960)
+4(3710 3731 3962 3941)
+4(3730 3961 3962 3731)
+4(3940 3941 3962 3961)
+4(3711 3732 3963 3942)
+4(3731 3962 3963 3732)
+4(3941 3942 3963 3962)
+4(3712 3733 3964 3943)
+4(3732 3963 3964 3733)
+4(3942 3943 3964 3963)
+4(3713 3734 3965 3944)
+4(3733 3964 3965 3734)
+4(3943 3944 3965 3964)
+4(3714 3735 3966 3945)
+4(3734 3965 3966 3735)
+4(3944 3945 3966 3965)
+4(3715 3736 3967 3946)
+4(3735 3966 3967 3736)
+4(3945 3946 3967 3966)
+4(3736 3967 3968 3737)
+4(3946 3947 3968 3967)
+4(3718 3739 3970 3949)
+4(3738 3969 3970 3739)
+4(3948 3949 3970 3969)
+4(3719 3740 3971 3950)
+4(3739 3970 3971 3740)
+4(3949 3950 3971 3970)
+4(3720 3741 3972 3951)
+4(3740 3971 3972 3741)
+4(3950 3951 3972 3971)
+4(3721 3742 3973 3952)
+4(3741 3972 3973 3742)
+4(3951 3952 3973 3972)
+4(3722 3743 3974 3953)
+4(3742 3973 3974 3743)
+4(3952 3953 3974 3973)
+4(3723 3744 3975 3954)
+4(3743 3974 3975 3744)
+4(3953 3954 3975 3974)
+4(3724 3745 3976 3955)
+4(3744 3975 3976 3745)
+4(3954 3955 3976 3975)
+4(3725 3746 3977 3956)
+4(3745 3976 3977 3746)
+4(3955 3956 3977 3976)
+4(3726 3747 3978 3957)
+4(3746 3977 3978 3747)
+4(3956 3957 3978 3977)
+4(3727 3748 3979 3958)
+4(3747 3978 3979 3748)
+4(3957 3958 3979 3978)
+4(3728 3749 3980 3959)
+4(3748 3979 3980 3749)
+4(3958 3959 3980 3979)
+4(3729 3750 3981 3960)
+4(3749 3980 3981 3750)
+4(3959 3960 3981 3980)
+4(3730 3751 3982 3961)
+4(3750 3981 3982 3751)
+4(3960 3961 3982 3981)
+4(3731 3752 3983 3962)
+4(3751 3982 3983 3752)
+4(3961 3962 3983 3982)
+4(3732 3753 3984 3963)
+4(3752 3983 3984 3753)
+4(3962 3963 3984 3983)
+4(3733 3754 3985 3964)
+4(3753 3984 3985 3754)
+4(3963 3964 3985 3984)
+4(3734 3755 3986 3965)
+4(3754 3985 3986 3755)
+4(3964 3965 3986 3985)
+4(3735 3756 3987 3966)
+4(3755 3986 3987 3756)
+4(3965 3966 3987 3986)
+4(3736 3757 3988 3967)
+4(3756 3987 3988 3757)
+4(3966 3967 3988 3987)
+4(3757 3988 3989 3758)
+4(3967 3968 3989 3988)
+4(3739 3760 3991 3970)
+4(3759 3990 3991 3760)
+4(3969 3970 3991 3990)
+4(3740 3761 3992 3971)
+4(3760 3991 3992 3761)
+4(3970 3971 3992 3991)
+4(3741 3762 3993 3972)
+4(3761 3992 3993 3762)
+4(3971 3972 3993 3992)
+4(3742 3763 3994 3973)
+4(3762 3993 3994 3763)
+4(3972 3973 3994 3993)
+4(3743 3764 3995 3974)
+4(3763 3994 3995 3764)
+4(3973 3974 3995 3994)
+4(3744 3765 3996 3975)
+4(3764 3995 3996 3765)
+4(3974 3975 3996 3995)
+4(3745 3766 3997 3976)
+4(3765 3996 3997 3766)
+4(3975 3976 3997 3996)
+4(3746 3767 3998 3977)
+4(3766 3997 3998 3767)
+4(3976 3977 3998 3997)
+4(3747 3768 3999 3978)
+4(3767 3998 3999 3768)
+4(3977 3978 3999 3998)
+4(3748 3769 4000 3979)
+4(3768 3999 4000 3769)
+4(3978 3979 4000 3999)
+4(3749 3770 4001 3980)
+4(3769 4000 4001 3770)
+4(3979 3980 4001 4000)
+4(3750 3771 4002 3981)
+4(3770 4001 4002 3771)
+4(3980 3981 4002 4001)
+4(3751 3772 4003 3982)
+4(3771 4002 4003 3772)
+4(3981 3982 4003 4002)
+4(3752 3773 4004 3983)
+4(3772 4003 4004 3773)
+4(3982 3983 4004 4003)
+4(3753 3774 4005 3984)
+4(3773 4004 4005 3774)
+4(3983 3984 4005 4004)
+4(3754 3775 4006 3985)
+4(3774 4005 4006 3775)
+4(3984 3985 4006 4005)
+4(3755 3776 4007 3986)
+4(3775 4006 4007 3776)
+4(3985 3986 4007 4006)
+4(3756 3777 4008 3987)
+4(3776 4007 4008 3777)
+4(3986 3987 4008 4007)
+4(3757 3778 4009 3988)
+4(3777 4008 4009 3778)
+4(3987 3988 4009 4008)
+4(3778 4009 4010 3779)
+4(3988 3989 4010 4009)
+4(3760 3781 4012 3991)
+4(3780 4011 4012 3781)
+4(3990 3991 4012 4011)
+4(3761 3782 4013 3992)
+4(3781 4012 4013 3782)
+4(3991 3992 4013 4012)
+4(3762 3783 4014 3993)
+4(3782 4013 4014 3783)
+4(3992 3993 4014 4013)
+4(3763 3784 4015 3994)
+4(3783 4014 4015 3784)
+4(3993 3994 4015 4014)
+4(3764 3785 4016 3995)
+4(3784 4015 4016 3785)
+4(3994 3995 4016 4015)
+4(3765 3786 4017 3996)
+4(3785 4016 4017 3786)
+4(3995 3996 4017 4016)
+4(3766 3787 4018 3997)
+4(3786 4017 4018 3787)
+4(3996 3997 4018 4017)
+4(3767 3788 4019 3998)
+4(3787 4018 4019 3788)
+4(3997 3998 4019 4018)
+4(3768 3789 4020 3999)
+4(3788 4019 4020 3789)
+4(3998 3999 4020 4019)
+4(3769 3790 4021 4000)
+4(3789 4020 4021 3790)
+4(3999 4000 4021 4020)
+4(3770 3791 4022 4001)
+4(3790 4021 4022 3791)
+4(4000 4001 4022 4021)
+4(3771 3792 4023 4002)
+4(3791 4022 4023 3792)
+4(4001 4002 4023 4022)
+4(3772 3793 4024 4003)
+4(3792 4023 4024 3793)
+4(4002 4003 4024 4023)
+4(3773 3794 4025 4004)
+4(3793 4024 4025 3794)
+4(4003 4004 4025 4024)
+4(3774 3795 4026 4005)
+4(3794 4025 4026 3795)
+4(4004 4005 4026 4025)
+4(3775 3796 4027 4006)
+4(3795 4026 4027 3796)
+4(4005 4006 4027 4026)
+4(3776 3797 4028 4007)
+4(3796 4027 4028 3797)
+4(4006 4007 4028 4027)
+4(3777 3798 4029 4008)
+4(3797 4028 4029 3798)
+4(4007 4008 4029 4028)
+4(3778 3799 4030 4009)
+4(3798 4029 4030 3799)
+4(4008 4009 4030 4029)
+4(3799 4030 4031 3800)
+4(4009 4010 4031 4030)
+4(3781 3802 4033 4012)
+4(3801 4032 4033 3802)
+4(4011 4012 4033 4032)
+4(3782 3803 4034 4013)
+4(3802 4033 4034 3803)
+4(4012 4013 4034 4033)
+4(3783 3804 4035 4014)
+4(3803 4034 4035 3804)
+4(4013 4014 4035 4034)
+4(3784 3805 4036 4015)
+4(3804 4035 4036 3805)
+4(4014 4015 4036 4035)
+4(3785 3806 4037 4016)
+4(3805 4036 4037 3806)
+4(4015 4016 4037 4036)
+4(3786 3807 4038 4017)
+4(3806 4037 4038 3807)
+4(4016 4017 4038 4037)
+4(3787 3808 4039 4018)
+4(3807 4038 4039 3808)
+4(4017 4018 4039 4038)
+4(3788 3809 4040 4019)
+4(3808 4039 4040 3809)
+4(4018 4019 4040 4039)
+4(3789 3810 4041 4020)
+4(3809 4040 4041 3810)
+4(4019 4020 4041 4040)
+4(3790 3811 4042 4021)
+4(3810 4041 4042 3811)
+4(4020 4021 4042 4041)
+4(3791 3812 4043 4022)
+4(3811 4042 4043 3812)
+4(4021 4022 4043 4042)
+4(3792 3813 4044 4023)
+4(3812 4043 4044 3813)
+4(4022 4023 4044 4043)
+4(3793 3814 4045 4024)
+4(3813 4044 4045 3814)
+4(4023 4024 4045 4044)
+4(3794 3815 4046 4025)
+4(3814 4045 4046 3815)
+4(4024 4025 4046 4045)
+4(3795 3816 4047 4026)
+4(3815 4046 4047 3816)
+4(4025 4026 4047 4046)
+4(3796 3817 4048 4027)
+4(3816 4047 4048 3817)
+4(4026 4027 4048 4047)
+4(3797 3818 4049 4028)
+4(3817 4048 4049 3818)
+4(4027 4028 4049 4048)
+4(3798 3819 4050 4029)
+4(3818 4049 4050 3819)
+4(4028 4029 4050 4049)
+4(3799 3820 4051 4030)
+4(3819 4050 4051 3820)
+4(4029 4030 4051 4050)
+4(3820 4051 4052 3821)
+4(4030 4031 4052 4051)
+4(3802 3823 4054 4033)
+4(3822 4053 4054 3823)
+4(4032 4033 4054 4053)
+4(3803 3824 4055 4034)
+4(3823 4054 4055 3824)
+4(4033 4034 4055 4054)
+4(3804 3825 4056 4035)
+4(3824 4055 4056 3825)
+4(4034 4035 4056 4055)
+4(3805 3826 4057 4036)
+4(3825 4056 4057 3826)
+4(4035 4036 4057 4056)
+4(3806 3827 4058 4037)
+4(3826 4057 4058 3827)
+4(4036 4037 4058 4057)
+4(3807 3828 4059 4038)
+4(3827 4058 4059 3828)
+4(4037 4038 4059 4058)
+4(3808 3829 4060 4039)
+4(3828 4059 4060 3829)
+4(4038 4039 4060 4059)
+4(3809 3830 4061 4040)
+4(3829 4060 4061 3830)
+4(4039 4040 4061 4060)
+4(3810 3831 4062 4041)
+4(3830 4061 4062 3831)
+4(4040 4041 4062 4061)
+4(3811 3832 4063 4042)
+4(3831 4062 4063 3832)
+4(4041 4042 4063 4062)
+4(3812 3833 4064 4043)
+4(3832 4063 4064 3833)
+4(4042 4043 4064 4063)
+4(3813 3834 4065 4044)
+4(3833 4064 4065 3834)
+4(4043 4044 4065 4064)
+4(3814 3835 4066 4045)
+4(3834 4065 4066 3835)
+4(4044 4045 4066 4065)
+4(3815 3836 4067 4046)
+4(3835 4066 4067 3836)
+4(4045 4046 4067 4066)
+4(3816 3837 4068 4047)
+4(3836 4067 4068 3837)
+4(4046 4047 4068 4067)
+4(3817 3838 4069 4048)
+4(3837 4068 4069 3838)
+4(4047 4048 4069 4068)
+4(3818 3839 4070 4049)
+4(3838 4069 4070 3839)
+4(4048 4049 4070 4069)
+4(3819 3840 4071 4050)
+4(3839 4070 4071 3840)
+4(4049 4050 4071 4070)
+4(3820 3841 4072 4051)
+4(3840 4071 4072 3841)
+4(4050 4051 4072 4071)
+4(3841 4072 4073 3842)
+4(4051 4052 4073 4072)
+4(3823 3844 4075 4054)
+4(3843 4074 4075 3844)
+4(4053 4054 4075 4074)
+4(3824 3845 4076 4055)
+4(3844 4075 4076 3845)
+4(4054 4055 4076 4075)
+4(3825 3846 4077 4056)
+4(3845 4076 4077 3846)
+4(4055 4056 4077 4076)
+4(3826 3847 4078 4057)
+4(3846 4077 4078 3847)
+4(4056 4057 4078 4077)
+4(3827 3848 4079 4058)
+4(3847 4078 4079 3848)
+4(4057 4058 4079 4078)
+4(3828 3849 4080 4059)
+4(3848 4079 4080 3849)
+4(4058 4059 4080 4079)
+4(3829 3850 4081 4060)
+4(3849 4080 4081 3850)
+4(4059 4060 4081 4080)
+4(3830 3851 4082 4061)
+4(3850 4081 4082 3851)
+4(4060 4061 4082 4081)
+4(3831 3852 4083 4062)
+4(3851 4082 4083 3852)
+4(4061 4062 4083 4082)
+4(3832 3853 4084 4063)
+4(3852 4083 4084 3853)
+4(4062 4063 4084 4083)
+4(3833 3854 4085 4064)
+4(3853 4084 4085 3854)
+4(4063 4064 4085 4084)
+4(3834 3855 4086 4065)
+4(3854 4085 4086 3855)
+4(4064 4065 4086 4085)
+4(3835 3856 4087 4066)
+4(3855 4086 4087 3856)
+4(4065 4066 4087 4086)
+4(3836 3857 4088 4067)
+4(3856 4087 4088 3857)
+4(4066 4067 4088 4087)
+4(3837 3858 4089 4068)
+4(3857 4088 4089 3858)
+4(4067 4068 4089 4088)
+4(3838 3859 4090 4069)
+4(3858 4089 4090 3859)
+4(4068 4069 4090 4089)
+4(3839 3860 4091 4070)
+4(3859 4090 4091 3860)
+4(4069 4070 4091 4090)
+4(3840 3861 4092 4071)
+4(3860 4091 4092 3861)
+4(4070 4071 4092 4091)
+4(3841 3862 4093 4072)
+4(3861 4092 4093 3862)
+4(4071 4072 4093 4092)
+4(3862 4093 4094 3863)
+4(4072 4073 4094 4093)
+4(3844 3865 4096 4075)
+4(3864 4095 4096 3865)
+4(4074 4075 4096 4095)
+4(3845 3866 4097 4076)
+4(3865 4096 4097 3866)
+4(4075 4076 4097 4096)
+4(3846 3867 4098 4077)
+4(3866 4097 4098 3867)
+4(4076 4077 4098 4097)
+4(3847 3868 4099 4078)
+4(3867 4098 4099 3868)
+4(4077 4078 4099 4098)
+4(3848 3869 4100 4079)
+4(3868 4099 4100 3869)
+4(4078 4079 4100 4099)
+4(3849 3870 4101 4080)
+4(3869 4100 4101 3870)
+4(4079 4080 4101 4100)
+4(3850 3871 4102 4081)
+4(3870 4101 4102 3871)
+4(4080 4081 4102 4101)
+4(3851 3872 4103 4082)
+4(3871 4102 4103 3872)
+4(4081 4082 4103 4102)
+4(3852 3873 4104 4083)
+4(3872 4103 4104 3873)
+4(4082 4083 4104 4103)
+4(3853 3874 4105 4084)
+4(3873 4104 4105 3874)
+4(4083 4084 4105 4104)
+4(3854 3875 4106 4085)
+4(3874 4105 4106 3875)
+4(4084 4085 4106 4105)
+4(3855 3876 4107 4086)
+4(3875 4106 4107 3876)
+4(4085 4086 4107 4106)
+4(3856 3877 4108 4087)
+4(3876 4107 4108 3877)
+4(4086 4087 4108 4107)
+4(3857 3878 4109 4088)
+4(3877 4108 4109 3878)
+4(4087 4088 4109 4108)
+4(3858 3879 4110 4089)
+4(3878 4109 4110 3879)
+4(4088 4089 4110 4109)
+4(3859 3880 4111 4090)
+4(3879 4110 4111 3880)
+4(4089 4090 4111 4110)
+4(3860 3881 4112 4091)
+4(3880 4111 4112 3881)
+4(4090 4091 4112 4111)
+4(3861 3882 4113 4092)
+4(3881 4112 4113 3882)
+4(4091 4092 4113 4112)
+4(3862 3883 4114 4093)
+4(3882 4113 4114 3883)
+4(4092 4093 4114 4113)
+4(3883 4114 4115 3884)
+4(4093 4094 4115 4114)
+4(3865 3886 4117 4096)
+4(3885 4116 4117 3886)
+4(4095 4096 4117 4116)
+4(3866 3887 4118 4097)
+4(3886 4117 4118 3887)
+4(4096 4097 4118 4117)
+4(3867 3888 4119 4098)
+4(3887 4118 4119 3888)
+4(4097 4098 4119 4118)
+4(3868 3889 4120 4099)
+4(3888 4119 4120 3889)
+4(4098 4099 4120 4119)
+4(3869 3890 4121 4100)
+4(3889 4120 4121 3890)
+4(4099 4100 4121 4120)
+4(3870 3891 4122 4101)
+4(3890 4121 4122 3891)
+4(4100 4101 4122 4121)
+4(3871 3892 4123 4102)
+4(3891 4122 4123 3892)
+4(4101 4102 4123 4122)
+4(3872 3893 4124 4103)
+4(3892 4123 4124 3893)
+4(4102 4103 4124 4123)
+4(3873 3894 4125 4104)
+4(3893 4124 4125 3894)
+4(4103 4104 4125 4124)
+4(3874 3895 4126 4105)
+4(3894 4125 4126 3895)
+4(4104 4105 4126 4125)
+4(3875 3896 4127 4106)
+4(3895 4126 4127 3896)
+4(4105 4106 4127 4126)
+4(3876 3897 4128 4107)
+4(3896 4127 4128 3897)
+4(4106 4107 4128 4127)
+4(3877 3898 4129 4108)
+4(3897 4128 4129 3898)
+4(4107 4108 4129 4128)
+4(3878 3899 4130 4109)
+4(3898 4129 4130 3899)
+4(4108 4109 4130 4129)
+4(3879 3900 4131 4110)
+4(3899 4130 4131 3900)
+4(4109 4110 4131 4130)
+4(3880 3901 4132 4111)
+4(3900 4131 4132 3901)
+4(4110 4111 4132 4131)
+4(3881 3902 4133 4112)
+4(3901 4132 4133 3902)
+4(4111 4112 4133 4132)
+4(3882 3903 4134 4113)
+4(3902 4133 4134 3903)
+4(4112 4113 4134 4133)
+4(3883 3904 4135 4114)
+4(3903 4134 4135 3904)
+4(4113 4114 4135 4134)
+4(3904 4135 4136 3905)
+4(4114 4115 4136 4135)
+4(3886 3907 4138 4117)
+4(4116 4117 4138 4137)
+4(3887 3908 4139 4118)
+4(4117 4118 4139 4138)
+4(3888 3909 4140 4119)
+4(4118 4119 4140 4139)
+4(3889 3910 4141 4120)
+4(4119 4120 4141 4140)
+4(3890 3911 4142 4121)
+4(4120 4121 4142 4141)
+4(3891 3912 4143 4122)
+4(4121 4122 4143 4142)
+4(3892 3913 4144 4123)
+4(4122 4123 4144 4143)
+4(3893 3914 4145 4124)
+4(4123 4124 4145 4144)
+4(3894 3915 4146 4125)
+4(4124 4125 4146 4145)
+4(3895 3916 4147 4126)
+4(4125 4126 4147 4146)
+4(3896 3917 4148 4127)
+4(4126 4127 4148 4147)
+4(3897 3918 4149 4128)
+4(4127 4128 4149 4148)
+4(3898 3919 4150 4129)
+4(4128 4129 4150 4149)
+4(3899 3920 4151 4130)
+4(4129 4130 4151 4150)
+4(3900 3921 4152 4131)
+4(4130 4131 4152 4151)
+4(3901 3922 4153 4132)
+4(4131 4132 4153 4152)
+4(3902 3923 4154 4133)
+4(4132 4133 4154 4153)
+4(3903 3924 4155 4134)
+4(4133 4134 4155 4154)
+4(3904 3925 4156 4135)
+4(4134 4135 4156 4155)
+4(4135 4136 4157 4156)
+4(3928 3949 4180 4159)
+4(3948 4179 4180 3949)
+4(4158 4159 4180 4179)
+4(3929 3950 4181 4160)
+4(3949 4180 4181 3950)
+4(4159 4160 4181 4180)
+4(3930 3951 4182 4161)
+4(3950 4181 4182 3951)
+4(4160 4161 4182 4181)
+4(3931 3952 4183 4162)
+4(3951 4182 4183 3952)
+4(4161 4162 4183 4182)
+4(3932 3953 4184 4163)
+4(3952 4183 4184 3953)
+4(4162 4163 4184 4183)
+4(3933 3954 4185 4164)
+4(3953 4184 4185 3954)
+4(4163 4164 4185 4184)
+4(3934 3955 4186 4165)
+4(3954 4185 4186 3955)
+4(4164 4165 4186 4185)
+4(3935 3956 4187 4166)
+4(3955 4186 4187 3956)
+4(4165 4166 4187 4186)
+4(3936 3957 4188 4167)
+4(3956 4187 4188 3957)
+4(4166 4167 4188 4187)
+4(3937 3958 4189 4168)
+4(3957 4188 4189 3958)
+4(4167 4168 4189 4188)
+4(3938 3959 4190 4169)
+4(3958 4189 4190 3959)
+4(4168 4169 4190 4189)
+4(3939 3960 4191 4170)
+4(3959 4190 4191 3960)
+4(4169 4170 4191 4190)
+4(3940 3961 4192 4171)
+4(3960 4191 4192 3961)
+4(4170 4171 4192 4191)
+4(3941 3962 4193 4172)
+4(3961 4192 4193 3962)
+4(4171 4172 4193 4192)
+4(3942 3963 4194 4173)
+4(3962 4193 4194 3963)
+4(4172 4173 4194 4193)
+4(3943 3964 4195 4174)
+4(3963 4194 4195 3964)
+4(4173 4174 4195 4194)
+4(3944 3965 4196 4175)
+4(3964 4195 4196 3965)
+4(4174 4175 4196 4195)
+4(3945 3966 4197 4176)
+4(3965 4196 4197 3966)
+4(4175 4176 4197 4196)
+4(3946 3967 4198 4177)
+4(3966 4197 4198 3967)
+4(4176 4177 4198 4197)
+4(3967 4198 4199 3968)
+4(4177 4178 4199 4198)
+4(3949 3970 4201 4180)
+4(3969 4200 4201 3970)
+4(4179 4180 4201 4200)
+4(3950 3971 4202 4181)
+4(3970 4201 4202 3971)
+4(4180 4181 4202 4201)
+4(3951 3972 4203 4182)
+4(3971 4202 4203 3972)
+4(4181 4182 4203 4202)
+4(3952 3973 4204 4183)
+4(3972 4203 4204 3973)
+4(4182 4183 4204 4203)
+4(3953 3974 4205 4184)
+4(3973 4204 4205 3974)
+4(4183 4184 4205 4204)
+4(3954 3975 4206 4185)
+4(3974 4205 4206 3975)
+4(4184 4185 4206 4205)
+4(3955 3976 4207 4186)
+4(3975 4206 4207 3976)
+4(4185 4186 4207 4206)
+4(3956 3977 4208 4187)
+4(3976 4207 4208 3977)
+4(4186 4187 4208 4207)
+4(3957 3978 4209 4188)
+4(3977 4208 4209 3978)
+4(4187 4188 4209 4208)
+4(3958 3979 4210 4189)
+4(3978 4209 4210 3979)
+4(4188 4189 4210 4209)
+4(3959 3980 4211 4190)
+4(3979 4210 4211 3980)
+4(4189 4190 4211 4210)
+4(3960 3981 4212 4191)
+4(3980 4211 4212 3981)
+4(4190 4191 4212 4211)
+4(3961 3982 4213 4192)
+4(3981 4212 4213 3982)
+4(4191 4192 4213 4212)
+4(3962 3983 4214 4193)
+4(3982 4213 4214 3983)
+4(4192 4193 4214 4213)
+4(3963 3984 4215 4194)
+4(3983 4214 4215 3984)
+4(4193 4194 4215 4214)
+4(3964 3985 4216 4195)
+4(3984 4215 4216 3985)
+4(4194 4195 4216 4215)
+4(3965 3986 4217 4196)
+4(3985 4216 4217 3986)
+4(4195 4196 4217 4216)
+4(3966 3987 4218 4197)
+4(3986 4217 4218 3987)
+4(4196 4197 4218 4217)
+4(3967 3988 4219 4198)
+4(3987 4218 4219 3988)
+4(4197 4198 4219 4218)
+4(3988 4219 4220 3989)
+4(4198 4199 4220 4219)
+4(3970 3991 4222 4201)
+4(3990 4221 4222 3991)
+4(4200 4201 4222 4221)
+4(3971 3992 4223 4202)
+4(3991 4222 4223 3992)
+4(4201 4202 4223 4222)
+4(3972 3993 4224 4203)
+4(3992 4223 4224 3993)
+4(4202 4203 4224 4223)
+4(3973 3994 4225 4204)
+4(3993 4224 4225 3994)
+4(4203 4204 4225 4224)
+4(3974 3995 4226 4205)
+4(3994 4225 4226 3995)
+4(4204 4205 4226 4225)
+4(3975 3996 4227 4206)
+4(3995 4226 4227 3996)
+4(4205 4206 4227 4226)
+4(3976 3997 4228 4207)
+4(3996 4227 4228 3997)
+4(4206 4207 4228 4227)
+4(3977 3998 4229 4208)
+4(3997 4228 4229 3998)
+4(4207 4208 4229 4228)
+4(3978 3999 4230 4209)
+4(3998 4229 4230 3999)
+4(4208 4209 4230 4229)
+4(3979 4000 4231 4210)
+4(3999 4230 4231 4000)
+4(4209 4210 4231 4230)
+4(3980 4001 4232 4211)
+4(4000 4231 4232 4001)
+4(4210 4211 4232 4231)
+4(3981 4002 4233 4212)
+4(4001 4232 4233 4002)
+4(4211 4212 4233 4232)
+4(3982 4003 4234 4213)
+4(4002 4233 4234 4003)
+4(4212 4213 4234 4233)
+4(3983 4004 4235 4214)
+4(4003 4234 4235 4004)
+4(4213 4214 4235 4234)
+4(3984 4005 4236 4215)
+4(4004 4235 4236 4005)
+4(4214 4215 4236 4235)
+4(3985 4006 4237 4216)
+4(4005 4236 4237 4006)
+4(4215 4216 4237 4236)
+4(3986 4007 4238 4217)
+4(4006 4237 4238 4007)
+4(4216 4217 4238 4237)
+4(3987 4008 4239 4218)
+4(4007 4238 4239 4008)
+4(4217 4218 4239 4238)
+4(3988 4009 4240 4219)
+4(4008 4239 4240 4009)
+4(4218 4219 4240 4239)
+4(4009 4240 4241 4010)
+4(4219 4220 4241 4240)
+4(3991 4012 4243 4222)
+4(4011 4242 4243 4012)
+4(4221 4222 4243 4242)
+4(3992 4013 4244 4223)
+4(4012 4243 4244 4013)
+4(4222 4223 4244 4243)
+4(3993 4014 4245 4224)
+4(4013 4244 4245 4014)
+4(4223 4224 4245 4244)
+4(3994 4015 4246 4225)
+4(4014 4245 4246 4015)
+4(4224 4225 4246 4245)
+4(3995 4016 4247 4226)
+4(4015 4246 4247 4016)
+4(4225 4226 4247 4246)
+4(3996 4017 4248 4227)
+4(4016 4247 4248 4017)
+4(4226 4227 4248 4247)
+4(3997 4018 4249 4228)
+4(4017 4248 4249 4018)
+4(4227 4228 4249 4248)
+4(3998 4019 4250 4229)
+4(4018 4249 4250 4019)
+4(4228 4229 4250 4249)
+4(3999 4020 4251 4230)
+4(4019 4250 4251 4020)
+4(4229 4230 4251 4250)
+4(4000 4021 4252 4231)
+4(4020 4251 4252 4021)
+4(4230 4231 4252 4251)
+4(4001 4022 4253 4232)
+4(4021 4252 4253 4022)
+4(4231 4232 4253 4252)
+4(4002 4023 4254 4233)
+4(4022 4253 4254 4023)
+4(4232 4233 4254 4253)
+4(4003 4024 4255 4234)
+4(4023 4254 4255 4024)
+4(4233 4234 4255 4254)
+4(4004 4025 4256 4235)
+4(4024 4255 4256 4025)
+4(4234 4235 4256 4255)
+4(4005 4026 4257 4236)
+4(4025 4256 4257 4026)
+4(4235 4236 4257 4256)
+4(4006 4027 4258 4237)
+4(4026 4257 4258 4027)
+4(4236 4237 4258 4257)
+4(4007 4028 4259 4238)
+4(4027 4258 4259 4028)
+4(4237 4238 4259 4258)
+4(4008 4029 4260 4239)
+4(4028 4259 4260 4029)
+4(4238 4239 4260 4259)
+4(4009 4030 4261 4240)
+4(4029 4260 4261 4030)
+4(4239 4240 4261 4260)
+4(4030 4261 4262 4031)
+4(4240 4241 4262 4261)
+4(4012 4033 4264 4243)
+4(4032 4263 4264 4033)
+4(4242 4243 4264 4263)
+4(4013 4034 4265 4244)
+4(4033 4264 4265 4034)
+4(4243 4244 4265 4264)
+4(4014 4035 4266 4245)
+4(4034 4265 4266 4035)
+4(4244 4245 4266 4265)
+4(4015 4036 4267 4246)
+4(4035 4266 4267 4036)
+4(4245 4246 4267 4266)
+4(4016 4037 4268 4247)
+4(4036 4267 4268 4037)
+4(4246 4247 4268 4267)
+4(4017 4038 4269 4248)
+4(4037 4268 4269 4038)
+4(4247 4248 4269 4268)
+4(4018 4039 4270 4249)
+4(4038 4269 4270 4039)
+4(4248 4249 4270 4269)
+4(4019 4040 4271 4250)
+4(4039 4270 4271 4040)
+4(4249 4250 4271 4270)
+4(4020 4041 4272 4251)
+4(4040 4271 4272 4041)
+4(4250 4251 4272 4271)
+4(4021 4042 4273 4252)
+4(4041 4272 4273 4042)
+4(4251 4252 4273 4272)
+4(4022 4043 4274 4253)
+4(4042 4273 4274 4043)
+4(4252 4253 4274 4273)
+4(4023 4044 4275 4254)
+4(4043 4274 4275 4044)
+4(4253 4254 4275 4274)
+4(4024 4045 4276 4255)
+4(4044 4275 4276 4045)
+4(4254 4255 4276 4275)
+4(4025 4046 4277 4256)
+4(4045 4276 4277 4046)
+4(4255 4256 4277 4276)
+4(4026 4047 4278 4257)
+4(4046 4277 4278 4047)
+4(4256 4257 4278 4277)
+4(4027 4048 4279 4258)
+4(4047 4278 4279 4048)
+4(4257 4258 4279 4278)
+4(4028 4049 4280 4259)
+4(4048 4279 4280 4049)
+4(4258 4259 4280 4279)
+4(4029 4050 4281 4260)
+4(4049 4280 4281 4050)
+4(4259 4260 4281 4280)
+4(4030 4051 4282 4261)
+4(4050 4281 4282 4051)
+4(4260 4261 4282 4281)
+4(4051 4282 4283 4052)
+4(4261 4262 4283 4282)
+4(4033 4054 4285 4264)
+4(4053 4284 4285 4054)
+4(4263 4264 4285 4284)
+4(4034 4055 4286 4265)
+4(4054 4285 4286 4055)
+4(4264 4265 4286 4285)
+4(4035 4056 4287 4266)
+4(4055 4286 4287 4056)
+4(4265 4266 4287 4286)
+4(4036 4057 4288 4267)
+4(4056 4287 4288 4057)
+4(4266 4267 4288 4287)
+4(4037 4058 4289 4268)
+4(4057 4288 4289 4058)
+4(4267 4268 4289 4288)
+4(4038 4059 4290 4269)
+4(4058 4289 4290 4059)
+4(4268 4269 4290 4289)
+4(4039 4060 4291 4270)
+4(4059 4290 4291 4060)
+4(4269 4270 4291 4290)
+4(4040 4061 4292 4271)
+4(4060 4291 4292 4061)
+4(4270 4271 4292 4291)
+4(4041 4062 4293 4272)
+4(4061 4292 4293 4062)
+4(4271 4272 4293 4292)
+4(4042 4063 4294 4273)
+4(4062 4293 4294 4063)
+4(4272 4273 4294 4293)
+4(4043 4064 4295 4274)
+4(4063 4294 4295 4064)
+4(4273 4274 4295 4294)
+4(4044 4065 4296 4275)
+4(4064 4295 4296 4065)
+4(4274 4275 4296 4295)
+4(4045 4066 4297 4276)
+4(4065 4296 4297 4066)
+4(4275 4276 4297 4296)
+4(4046 4067 4298 4277)
+4(4066 4297 4298 4067)
+4(4276 4277 4298 4297)
+4(4047 4068 4299 4278)
+4(4067 4298 4299 4068)
+4(4277 4278 4299 4298)
+4(4048 4069 4300 4279)
+4(4068 4299 4300 4069)
+4(4278 4279 4300 4299)
+4(4049 4070 4301 4280)
+4(4069 4300 4301 4070)
+4(4279 4280 4301 4300)
+4(4050 4071 4302 4281)
+4(4070 4301 4302 4071)
+4(4280 4281 4302 4301)
+4(4051 4072 4303 4282)
+4(4071 4302 4303 4072)
+4(4281 4282 4303 4302)
+4(4072 4303 4304 4073)
+4(4282 4283 4304 4303)
+4(4054 4075 4306 4285)
+4(4074 4305 4306 4075)
+4(4284 4285 4306 4305)
+4(4055 4076 4307 4286)
+4(4075 4306 4307 4076)
+4(4285 4286 4307 4306)
+4(4056 4077 4308 4287)
+4(4076 4307 4308 4077)
+4(4286 4287 4308 4307)
+4(4057 4078 4309 4288)
+4(4077 4308 4309 4078)
+4(4287 4288 4309 4308)
+4(4058 4079 4310 4289)
+4(4078 4309 4310 4079)
+4(4288 4289 4310 4309)
+4(4059 4080 4311 4290)
+4(4079 4310 4311 4080)
+4(4289 4290 4311 4310)
+4(4060 4081 4312 4291)
+4(4080 4311 4312 4081)
+4(4290 4291 4312 4311)
+4(4061 4082 4313 4292)
+4(4081 4312 4313 4082)
+4(4291 4292 4313 4312)
+4(4062 4083 4314 4293)
+4(4082 4313 4314 4083)
+4(4292 4293 4314 4313)
+4(4063 4084 4315 4294)
+4(4083 4314 4315 4084)
+4(4293 4294 4315 4314)
+4(4064 4085 4316 4295)
+4(4084 4315 4316 4085)
+4(4294 4295 4316 4315)
+4(4065 4086 4317 4296)
+4(4085 4316 4317 4086)
+4(4295 4296 4317 4316)
+4(4066 4087 4318 4297)
+4(4086 4317 4318 4087)
+4(4296 4297 4318 4317)
+4(4067 4088 4319 4298)
+4(4087 4318 4319 4088)
+4(4297 4298 4319 4318)
+4(4068 4089 4320 4299)
+4(4088 4319 4320 4089)
+4(4298 4299 4320 4319)
+4(4069 4090 4321 4300)
+4(4089 4320 4321 4090)
+4(4299 4300 4321 4320)
+4(4070 4091 4322 4301)
+4(4090 4321 4322 4091)
+4(4300 4301 4322 4321)
+4(4071 4092 4323 4302)
+4(4091 4322 4323 4092)
+4(4301 4302 4323 4322)
+4(4072 4093 4324 4303)
+4(4092 4323 4324 4093)
+4(4302 4303 4324 4323)
+4(4093 4324 4325 4094)
+4(4303 4304 4325 4324)
+4(4075 4096 4327 4306)
+4(4095 4326 4327 4096)
+4(4305 4306 4327 4326)
+4(4076 4097 4328 4307)
+4(4096 4327 4328 4097)
+4(4306 4307 4328 4327)
+4(4077 4098 4329 4308)
+4(4097 4328 4329 4098)
+4(4307 4308 4329 4328)
+4(4078 4099 4330 4309)
+4(4098 4329 4330 4099)
+4(4308 4309 4330 4329)
+4(4079 4100 4331 4310)
+4(4099 4330 4331 4100)
+4(4309 4310 4331 4330)
+4(4080 4101 4332 4311)
+4(4100 4331 4332 4101)
+4(4310 4311 4332 4331)
+4(4081 4102 4333 4312)
+4(4101 4332 4333 4102)
+4(4311 4312 4333 4332)
+4(4082 4103 4334 4313)
+4(4102 4333 4334 4103)
+4(4312 4313 4334 4333)
+4(4083 4104 4335 4314)
+4(4103 4334 4335 4104)
+4(4313 4314 4335 4334)
+4(4084 4105 4336 4315)
+4(4104 4335 4336 4105)
+4(4314 4315 4336 4335)
+4(4085 4106 4337 4316)
+4(4105 4336 4337 4106)
+4(4315 4316 4337 4336)
+4(4086 4107 4338 4317)
+4(4106 4337 4338 4107)
+4(4316 4317 4338 4337)
+4(4087 4108 4339 4318)
+4(4107 4338 4339 4108)
+4(4317 4318 4339 4338)
+4(4088 4109 4340 4319)
+4(4108 4339 4340 4109)
+4(4318 4319 4340 4339)
+4(4089 4110 4341 4320)
+4(4109 4340 4341 4110)
+4(4319 4320 4341 4340)
+4(4090 4111 4342 4321)
+4(4110 4341 4342 4111)
+4(4320 4321 4342 4341)
+4(4091 4112 4343 4322)
+4(4111 4342 4343 4112)
+4(4321 4322 4343 4342)
+4(4092 4113 4344 4323)
+4(4112 4343 4344 4113)
+4(4322 4323 4344 4343)
+4(4093 4114 4345 4324)
+4(4113 4344 4345 4114)
+4(4323 4324 4345 4344)
+4(4114 4345 4346 4115)
+4(4324 4325 4346 4345)
+4(4096 4117 4348 4327)
+4(4116 4347 4348 4117)
+4(4326 4327 4348 4347)
+4(4097 4118 4349 4328)
+4(4117 4348 4349 4118)
+4(4327 4328 4349 4348)
+4(4098 4119 4350 4329)
+4(4118 4349 4350 4119)
+4(4328 4329 4350 4349)
+4(4099 4120 4351 4330)
+4(4119 4350 4351 4120)
+4(4329 4330 4351 4350)
+4(4100 4121 4352 4331)
+4(4120 4351 4352 4121)
+4(4330 4331 4352 4351)
+4(4101 4122 4353 4332)
+4(4121 4352 4353 4122)
+4(4331 4332 4353 4352)
+4(4102 4123 4354 4333)
+4(4122 4353 4354 4123)
+4(4332 4333 4354 4353)
+4(4103 4124 4355 4334)
+4(4123 4354 4355 4124)
+4(4333 4334 4355 4354)
+4(4104 4125 4356 4335)
+4(4124 4355 4356 4125)
+4(4334 4335 4356 4355)
+4(4105 4126 4357 4336)
+4(4125 4356 4357 4126)
+4(4335 4336 4357 4356)
+4(4106 4127 4358 4337)
+4(4126 4357 4358 4127)
+4(4336 4337 4358 4357)
+4(4107 4128 4359 4338)
+4(4127 4358 4359 4128)
+4(4337 4338 4359 4358)
+4(4108 4129 4360 4339)
+4(4128 4359 4360 4129)
+4(4338 4339 4360 4359)
+4(4109 4130 4361 4340)
+4(4129 4360 4361 4130)
+4(4339 4340 4361 4360)
+4(4110 4131 4362 4341)
+4(4130 4361 4362 4131)
+4(4340 4341 4362 4361)
+4(4111 4132 4363 4342)
+4(4131 4362 4363 4132)
+4(4341 4342 4363 4362)
+4(4112 4133 4364 4343)
+4(4132 4363 4364 4133)
+4(4342 4343 4364 4363)
+4(4113 4134 4365 4344)
+4(4133 4364 4365 4134)
+4(4343 4344 4365 4364)
+4(4114 4135 4366 4345)
+4(4134 4365 4366 4135)
+4(4344 4345 4366 4365)
+4(4135 4366 4367 4136)
+4(4345 4346 4367 4366)
+4(4117 4138 4369 4348)
+4(4347 4348 4369 4368)
+4(4118 4139 4370 4349)
+4(4348 4349 4370 4369)
+4(4119 4140 4371 4350)
+4(4349 4350 4371 4370)
+4(4120 4141 4372 4351)
+4(4350 4351 4372 4371)
+4(4121 4142 4373 4352)
+4(4351 4352 4373 4372)
+4(4122 4143 4374 4353)
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+4(4124 4145 4376 4355)
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+4(4125 4146 4377 4356)
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+4(4126 4147 4378 4357)
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+4(4127 4148 4379 4358)
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+4(4128 4149 4380 4359)
+4(4358 4359 4380 4379)
+4(4129 4150 4381 4360)
+4(4359 4360 4381 4380)
+4(4130 4151 4382 4361)
+4(4360 4361 4382 4381)
+4(4131 4152 4383 4362)
+4(4361 4362 4383 4382)
+4(4132 4153 4384 4363)
+4(4362 4363 4384 4383)
+4(4133 4154 4385 4364)
+4(4363 4364 4385 4384)
+4(4134 4155 4386 4365)
+4(4364 4365 4386 4385)
+4(4135 4156 4387 4366)
+4(4365 4366 4387 4386)
+4(4366 4367 4388 4387)
+4(4159 4180 4411 4390)
+4(4179 4410 4411 4180)
+4(4389 4390 4411 4410)
+4(4160 4181 4412 4391)
+4(4180 4411 4412 4181)
+4(4390 4391 4412 4411)
+4(4161 4182 4413 4392)
+4(4181 4412 4413 4182)
+4(4391 4392 4413 4412)
+4(4162 4183 4414 4393)
+4(4182 4413 4414 4183)
+4(4392 4393 4414 4413)
+4(4163 4184 4415 4394)
+4(4183 4414 4415 4184)
+4(4393 4394 4415 4414)
+4(4164 4185 4416 4395)
+4(4184 4415 4416 4185)
+4(4394 4395 4416 4415)
+4(4165 4186 4417 4396)
+4(4185 4416 4417 4186)
+4(4395 4396 4417 4416)
+4(4166 4187 4418 4397)
+4(4186 4417 4418 4187)
+4(4396 4397 4418 4417)
+4(4167 4188 4419 4398)
+4(4187 4418 4419 4188)
+4(4397 4398 4419 4418)
+4(4168 4189 4420 4399)
+4(4188 4419 4420 4189)
+4(4398 4399 4420 4419)
+4(4169 4190 4421 4400)
+4(4189 4420 4421 4190)
+4(4399 4400 4421 4420)
+4(4170 4191 4422 4401)
+4(4190 4421 4422 4191)
+4(4400 4401 4422 4421)
+4(4171 4192 4423 4402)
+4(4191 4422 4423 4192)
+4(4401 4402 4423 4422)
+4(4172 4193 4424 4403)
+4(4192 4423 4424 4193)
+4(4402 4403 4424 4423)
+4(4173 4194 4425 4404)
+4(4193 4424 4425 4194)
+4(4403 4404 4425 4424)
+4(4174 4195 4426 4405)
+4(4194 4425 4426 4195)
+4(4404 4405 4426 4425)
+4(4175 4196 4427 4406)
+4(4195 4426 4427 4196)
+4(4405 4406 4427 4426)
+4(4176 4197 4428 4407)
+4(4196 4427 4428 4197)
+4(4406 4407 4428 4427)
+4(4177 4198 4429 4408)
+4(4197 4428 4429 4198)
+4(4407 4408 4429 4428)
+4(4198 4429 4430 4199)
+4(4408 4409 4430 4429)
+4(4180 4201 4432 4411)
+4(4200 4431 4432 4201)
+4(4410 4411 4432 4431)
+4(4181 4202 4433 4412)
+4(4201 4432 4433 4202)
+4(4411 4412 4433 4432)
+4(4182 4203 4434 4413)
+4(4202 4433 4434 4203)
+4(4412 4413 4434 4433)
+4(4183 4204 4435 4414)
+4(4203 4434 4435 4204)
+4(4413 4414 4435 4434)
+4(4184 4205 4436 4415)
+4(4204 4435 4436 4205)
+4(4414 4415 4436 4435)
+4(4185 4206 4437 4416)
+4(4205 4436 4437 4206)
+4(4415 4416 4437 4436)
+4(4186 4207 4438 4417)
+4(4206 4437 4438 4207)
+4(4416 4417 4438 4437)
+4(4187 4208 4439 4418)
+4(4207 4438 4439 4208)
+4(4417 4418 4439 4438)
+4(4188 4209 4440 4419)
+4(4208 4439 4440 4209)
+4(4418 4419 4440 4439)
+4(4189 4210 4441 4420)
+4(4209 4440 4441 4210)
+4(4419 4420 4441 4440)
+4(4190 4211 4442 4421)
+4(4210 4441 4442 4211)
+4(4420 4421 4442 4441)
+4(4191 4212 4443 4422)
+4(4211 4442 4443 4212)
+4(4421 4422 4443 4442)
+4(4192 4213 4444 4423)
+4(4212 4443 4444 4213)
+4(4422 4423 4444 4443)
+4(4193 4214 4445 4424)
+4(4213 4444 4445 4214)
+4(4423 4424 4445 4444)
+4(4194 4215 4446 4425)
+4(4214 4445 4446 4215)
+4(4424 4425 4446 4445)
+4(4195 4216 4447 4426)
+4(4215 4446 4447 4216)
+4(4425 4426 4447 4446)
+4(4196 4217 4448 4427)
+4(4216 4447 4448 4217)
+4(4426 4427 4448 4447)
+4(4197 4218 4449 4428)
+4(4217 4448 4449 4218)
+4(4427 4428 4449 4448)
+4(4198 4219 4450 4429)
+4(4218 4449 4450 4219)
+4(4428 4429 4450 4449)
+4(4219 4450 4451 4220)
+4(4429 4430 4451 4450)
+4(4201 4222 4453 4432)
+4(4221 4452 4453 4222)
+4(4431 4432 4453 4452)
+4(4202 4223 4454 4433)
+4(4222 4453 4454 4223)
+4(4432 4433 4454 4453)
+4(4203 4224 4455 4434)
+4(4223 4454 4455 4224)
+4(4433 4434 4455 4454)
+4(4204 4225 4456 4435)
+4(4224 4455 4456 4225)
+4(4434 4435 4456 4455)
+4(4205 4226 4457 4436)
+4(4225 4456 4457 4226)
+4(4435 4436 4457 4456)
+4(4206 4227 4458 4437)
+4(4226 4457 4458 4227)
+4(4436 4437 4458 4457)
+4(4207 4228 4459 4438)
+4(4227 4458 4459 4228)
+4(4437 4438 4459 4458)
+4(4208 4229 4460 4439)
+4(4228 4459 4460 4229)
+4(4438 4439 4460 4459)
+4(4209 4230 4461 4440)
+4(4229 4460 4461 4230)
+4(4439 4440 4461 4460)
+4(4210 4231 4462 4441)
+4(4230 4461 4462 4231)
+4(4440 4441 4462 4461)
+4(4211 4232 4463 4442)
+4(4231 4462 4463 4232)
+4(4441 4442 4463 4462)
+4(4212 4233 4464 4443)
+4(4232 4463 4464 4233)
+4(4442 4443 4464 4463)
+4(4213 4234 4465 4444)
+4(4233 4464 4465 4234)
+4(4443 4444 4465 4464)
+4(4214 4235 4466 4445)
+4(4234 4465 4466 4235)
+4(4444 4445 4466 4465)
+4(4215 4236 4467 4446)
+4(4235 4466 4467 4236)
+4(4445 4446 4467 4466)
+4(4216 4237 4468 4447)
+4(4236 4467 4468 4237)
+4(4446 4447 4468 4467)
+4(4217 4238 4469 4448)
+4(4237 4468 4469 4238)
+4(4447 4448 4469 4468)
+4(4218 4239 4470 4449)
+4(4238 4469 4470 4239)
+4(4448 4449 4470 4469)
+4(4219 4240 4471 4450)
+4(4239 4470 4471 4240)
+4(4449 4450 4471 4470)
+4(4240 4471 4472 4241)
+4(4450 4451 4472 4471)
+4(4222 4243 4474 4453)
+4(4242 4473 4474 4243)
+4(4452 4453 4474 4473)
+4(4223 4244 4475 4454)
+4(4243 4474 4475 4244)
+4(4453 4454 4475 4474)
+4(4224 4245 4476 4455)
+4(4244 4475 4476 4245)
+4(4454 4455 4476 4475)
+4(4225 4246 4477 4456)
+4(4245 4476 4477 4246)
+4(4455 4456 4477 4476)
+4(4226 4247 4478 4457)
+4(4246 4477 4478 4247)
+4(4456 4457 4478 4477)
+4(4227 4248 4479 4458)
+4(4247 4478 4479 4248)
+4(4457 4458 4479 4478)
+4(4228 4249 4480 4459)
+4(4248 4479 4480 4249)
+4(4458 4459 4480 4479)
+4(4229 4250 4481 4460)
+4(4249 4480 4481 4250)
+4(4459 4460 4481 4480)
+4(4230 4251 4482 4461)
+4(4250 4481 4482 4251)
+4(4460 4461 4482 4481)
+4(4231 4252 4483 4462)
+4(4251 4482 4483 4252)
+4(4461 4462 4483 4482)
+4(4232 4253 4484 4463)
+4(4252 4483 4484 4253)
+4(4462 4463 4484 4483)
+4(4233 4254 4485 4464)
+4(4253 4484 4485 4254)
+4(4463 4464 4485 4484)
+4(4234 4255 4486 4465)
+4(4254 4485 4486 4255)
+4(4464 4465 4486 4485)
+4(4235 4256 4487 4466)
+4(4255 4486 4487 4256)
+4(4465 4466 4487 4486)
+4(4236 4257 4488 4467)
+4(4256 4487 4488 4257)
+4(4466 4467 4488 4487)
+4(4237 4258 4489 4468)
+4(4257 4488 4489 4258)
+4(4467 4468 4489 4488)
+4(4238 4259 4490 4469)
+4(4258 4489 4490 4259)
+4(4468 4469 4490 4489)
+4(4239 4260 4491 4470)
+4(4259 4490 4491 4260)
+4(4469 4470 4491 4490)
+4(4240 4261 4492 4471)
+4(4260 4491 4492 4261)
+4(4470 4471 4492 4491)
+4(4261 4492 4493 4262)
+4(4471 4472 4493 4492)
+4(4243 4264 4495 4474)
+4(4263 4494 4495 4264)
+4(4473 4474 4495 4494)
+4(4244 4265 4496 4475)
+4(4264 4495 4496 4265)
+4(4474 4475 4496 4495)
+4(4245 4266 4497 4476)
+4(4265 4496 4497 4266)
+4(4475 4476 4497 4496)
+4(4246 4267 4498 4477)
+4(4266 4497 4498 4267)
+4(4476 4477 4498 4497)
+4(4247 4268 4499 4478)
+4(4267 4498 4499 4268)
+4(4477 4478 4499 4498)
+4(4248 4269 4500 4479)
+4(4268 4499 4500 4269)
+4(4478 4479 4500 4499)
+4(4249 4270 4501 4480)
+4(4269 4500 4501 4270)
+4(4479 4480 4501 4500)
+4(4250 4271 4502 4481)
+4(4270 4501 4502 4271)
+4(4480 4481 4502 4501)
+4(4251 4272 4503 4482)
+4(4271 4502 4503 4272)
+4(4481 4482 4503 4502)
+4(4252 4273 4504 4483)
+4(4272 4503 4504 4273)
+4(4482 4483 4504 4503)
+4(4253 4274 4505 4484)
+4(4273 4504 4505 4274)
+4(4483 4484 4505 4504)
+4(4254 4275 4506 4485)
+4(4274 4505 4506 4275)
+4(4484 4485 4506 4505)
+4(4255 4276 4507 4486)
+4(4275 4506 4507 4276)
+4(4485 4486 4507 4506)
+4(4256 4277 4508 4487)
+4(4276 4507 4508 4277)
+4(4486 4487 4508 4507)
+4(4257 4278 4509 4488)
+4(4277 4508 4509 4278)
+4(4487 4488 4509 4508)
+4(4258 4279 4510 4489)
+4(4278 4509 4510 4279)
+4(4488 4489 4510 4509)
+4(4259 4280 4511 4490)
+4(4279 4510 4511 4280)
+4(4489 4490 4511 4510)
+4(4260 4281 4512 4491)
+4(4280 4511 4512 4281)
+4(4490 4491 4512 4511)
+4(4261 4282 4513 4492)
+4(4281 4512 4513 4282)
+4(4491 4492 4513 4512)
+4(4282 4513 4514 4283)
+4(4492 4493 4514 4513)
+4(4264 4285 4516 4495)
+4(4284 4515 4516 4285)
+4(4494 4495 4516 4515)
+4(4265 4286 4517 4496)
+4(4285 4516 4517 4286)
+4(4495 4496 4517 4516)
+4(4266 4287 4518 4497)
+4(4286 4517 4518 4287)
+4(4496 4497 4518 4517)
+4(4267 4288 4519 4498)
+4(4287 4518 4519 4288)
+4(4497 4498 4519 4518)
+4(4268 4289 4520 4499)
+4(4288 4519 4520 4289)
+4(4498 4499 4520 4519)
+4(4269 4290 4521 4500)
+4(4289 4520 4521 4290)
+4(4499 4500 4521 4520)
+4(4270 4291 4522 4501)
+4(4290 4521 4522 4291)
+4(4500 4501 4522 4521)
+4(4271 4292 4523 4502)
+4(4291 4522 4523 4292)
+4(4501 4502 4523 4522)
+4(4272 4293 4524 4503)
+4(4292 4523 4524 4293)
+4(4502 4503 4524 4523)
+4(4273 4294 4525 4504)
+4(4293 4524 4525 4294)
+4(4503 4504 4525 4524)
+4(4274 4295 4526 4505)
+4(4294 4525 4526 4295)
+4(4504 4505 4526 4525)
+4(4275 4296 4527 4506)
+4(4295 4526 4527 4296)
+4(4505 4506 4527 4526)
+4(4276 4297 4528 4507)
+4(4296 4527 4528 4297)
+4(4506 4507 4528 4527)
+4(4277 4298 4529 4508)
+4(4297 4528 4529 4298)
+4(4507 4508 4529 4528)
+4(4278 4299 4530 4509)
+4(4298 4529 4530 4299)
+4(4508 4509 4530 4529)
+4(4279 4300 4531 4510)
+4(4299 4530 4531 4300)
+4(4509 4510 4531 4530)
+4(4280 4301 4532 4511)
+4(4300 4531 4532 4301)
+4(4510 4511 4532 4531)
+4(4281 4302 4533 4512)
+4(4301 4532 4533 4302)
+4(4511 4512 4533 4532)
+4(4282 4303 4534 4513)
+4(4302 4533 4534 4303)
+4(4512 4513 4534 4533)
+4(4303 4534 4535 4304)
+4(4513 4514 4535 4534)
+4(4285 4306 4537 4516)
+4(4305 4536 4537 4306)
+4(4515 4516 4537 4536)
+4(4286 4307 4538 4517)
+4(4306 4537 4538 4307)
+4(4516 4517 4538 4537)
+4(4287 4308 4539 4518)
+4(4307 4538 4539 4308)
+4(4517 4518 4539 4538)
+4(4288 4309 4540 4519)
+4(4308 4539 4540 4309)
+4(4518 4519 4540 4539)
+4(4289 4310 4541 4520)
+4(4309 4540 4541 4310)
+4(4519 4520 4541 4540)
+4(4290 4311 4542 4521)
+4(4310 4541 4542 4311)
+4(4520 4521 4542 4541)
+4(4291 4312 4543 4522)
+4(4311 4542 4543 4312)
+4(4521 4522 4543 4542)
+4(4292 4313 4544 4523)
+4(4312 4543 4544 4313)
+4(4522 4523 4544 4543)
+4(4293 4314 4545 4524)
+4(4313 4544 4545 4314)
+4(4523 4524 4545 4544)
+4(4294 4315 4546 4525)
+4(4314 4545 4546 4315)
+4(4524 4525 4546 4545)
+4(4295 4316 4547 4526)
+4(4315 4546 4547 4316)
+4(4525 4526 4547 4546)
+4(4296 4317 4548 4527)
+4(4316 4547 4548 4317)
+4(4526 4527 4548 4547)
+4(4297 4318 4549 4528)
+4(4317 4548 4549 4318)
+4(4527 4528 4549 4548)
+4(4298 4319 4550 4529)
+4(4318 4549 4550 4319)
+4(4528 4529 4550 4549)
+4(4299 4320 4551 4530)
+4(4319 4550 4551 4320)
+4(4529 4530 4551 4550)
+4(4300 4321 4552 4531)
+4(4320 4551 4552 4321)
+4(4530 4531 4552 4551)
+4(4301 4322 4553 4532)
+4(4321 4552 4553 4322)
+4(4531 4532 4553 4552)
+4(4302 4323 4554 4533)
+4(4322 4553 4554 4323)
+4(4532 4533 4554 4553)
+4(4303 4324 4555 4534)
+4(4323 4554 4555 4324)
+4(4533 4534 4555 4554)
+4(4324 4555 4556 4325)
+4(4534 4535 4556 4555)
+4(4306 4327 4558 4537)
+4(4326 4557 4558 4327)
+4(4536 4537 4558 4557)
+4(4307 4328 4559 4538)
+4(4327 4558 4559 4328)
+4(4537 4538 4559 4558)
+4(4308 4329 4560 4539)
+4(4328 4559 4560 4329)
+4(4538 4539 4560 4559)
+4(4309 4330 4561 4540)
+4(4329 4560 4561 4330)
+4(4539 4540 4561 4560)
+4(4310 4331 4562 4541)
+4(4330 4561 4562 4331)
+4(4540 4541 4562 4561)
+4(4311 4332 4563 4542)
+4(4331 4562 4563 4332)
+4(4541 4542 4563 4562)
+4(4312 4333 4564 4543)
+4(4332 4563 4564 4333)
+4(4542 4543 4564 4563)
+4(4313 4334 4565 4544)
+4(4333 4564 4565 4334)
+4(4543 4544 4565 4564)
+4(4314 4335 4566 4545)
+4(4334 4565 4566 4335)
+4(4544 4545 4566 4565)
+4(4315 4336 4567 4546)
+4(4335 4566 4567 4336)
+4(4545 4546 4567 4566)
+4(4316 4337 4568 4547)
+4(4336 4567 4568 4337)
+4(4546 4547 4568 4567)
+4(4317 4338 4569 4548)
+4(4337 4568 4569 4338)
+4(4547 4548 4569 4568)
+4(4318 4339 4570 4549)
+4(4338 4569 4570 4339)
+4(4548 4549 4570 4569)
+4(4319 4340 4571 4550)
+4(4339 4570 4571 4340)
+4(4549 4550 4571 4570)
+4(4320 4341 4572 4551)
+4(4340 4571 4572 4341)
+4(4550 4551 4572 4571)
+4(4321 4342 4573 4552)
+4(4341 4572 4573 4342)
+4(4551 4552 4573 4572)
+4(4322 4343 4574 4553)
+4(4342 4573 4574 4343)
+4(4552 4553 4574 4573)
+4(4323 4344 4575 4554)
+4(4343 4574 4575 4344)
+4(4553 4554 4575 4574)
+4(4324 4345 4576 4555)
+4(4344 4575 4576 4345)
+4(4554 4555 4576 4575)
+4(4345 4576 4577 4346)
+4(4555 4556 4577 4576)
+4(4327 4348 4579 4558)
+4(4347 4578 4579 4348)
+4(4557 4558 4579 4578)
+4(4328 4349 4580 4559)
+4(4348 4579 4580 4349)
+4(4558 4559 4580 4579)
+4(4329 4350 4581 4560)
+4(4349 4580 4581 4350)
+4(4559 4560 4581 4580)
+4(4330 4351 4582 4561)
+4(4350 4581 4582 4351)
+4(4560 4561 4582 4581)
+4(4331 4352 4583 4562)
+4(4351 4582 4583 4352)
+4(4561 4562 4583 4582)
+4(4332 4353 4584 4563)
+4(4352 4583 4584 4353)
+4(4562 4563 4584 4583)
+4(4333 4354 4585 4564)
+4(4353 4584 4585 4354)
+4(4563 4564 4585 4584)
+4(4334 4355 4586 4565)
+4(4354 4585 4586 4355)
+4(4564 4565 4586 4585)
+4(4335 4356 4587 4566)
+4(4355 4586 4587 4356)
+4(4565 4566 4587 4586)
+4(4336 4357 4588 4567)
+4(4356 4587 4588 4357)
+4(4566 4567 4588 4587)
+4(4337 4358 4589 4568)
+4(4357 4588 4589 4358)
+4(4567 4568 4589 4588)
+4(4338 4359 4590 4569)
+4(4358 4589 4590 4359)
+4(4568 4569 4590 4589)
+4(4339 4360 4591 4570)
+4(4359 4590 4591 4360)
+4(4569 4570 4591 4590)
+4(4340 4361 4592 4571)
+4(4360 4591 4592 4361)
+4(4570 4571 4592 4591)
+4(4341 4362 4593 4572)
+4(4361 4592 4593 4362)
+4(4571 4572 4593 4592)
+4(4342 4363 4594 4573)
+4(4362 4593 4594 4363)
+4(4572 4573 4594 4593)
+4(4343 4364 4595 4574)
+4(4363 4594 4595 4364)
+4(4573 4574 4595 4594)
+4(4344 4365 4596 4575)
+4(4364 4595 4596 4365)
+4(4574 4575 4596 4595)
+4(4345 4366 4597 4576)
+4(4365 4596 4597 4366)
+4(4575 4576 4597 4596)
+4(4366 4597 4598 4367)
+4(4576 4577 4598 4597)
+4(4348 4369 4600 4579)
+4(4578 4579 4600 4599)
+4(4349 4370 4601 4580)
+4(4579 4580 4601 4600)
+4(4350 4371 4602 4581)
+4(4580 4581 4602 4601)
+4(4351 4372 4603 4582)
+4(4581 4582 4603 4602)
+4(4352 4373 4604 4583)
+4(4582 4583 4604 4603)
+4(4353 4374 4605 4584)
+4(4583 4584 4605 4604)
+4(4354 4375 4606 4585)
+4(4584 4585 4606 4605)
+4(4355 4376 4607 4586)
+4(4585 4586 4607 4606)
+4(4356 4377 4608 4587)
+4(4586 4587 4608 4607)
+4(4357 4378 4609 4588)
+4(4587 4588 4609 4608)
+4(4358 4379 4610 4589)
+4(4588 4589 4610 4609)
+4(4359 4380 4611 4590)
+4(4589 4590 4611 4610)
+4(4360 4381 4612 4591)
+4(4590 4591 4612 4611)
+4(4361 4382 4613 4592)
+4(4591 4592 4613 4612)
+4(4362 4383 4614 4593)
+4(4592 4593 4614 4613)
+4(4363 4384 4615 4594)
+4(4593 4594 4615 4614)
+4(4364 4385 4616 4595)
+4(4594 4595 4616 4615)
+4(4365 4386 4617 4596)
+4(4595 4596 4617 4616)
+4(4366 4387 4618 4597)
+4(4596 4597 4618 4617)
+4(4597 4598 4619 4618)
+4(4390 4411 4642 4621)
+4(4410 4641 4642 4411)
+4(4391 4412 4643 4622)
+4(4411 4642 4643 4412)
+4(4392 4413 4644 4623)
+4(4412 4643 4644 4413)
+4(4393 4414 4645 4624)
+4(4413 4644 4645 4414)
+4(4394 4415 4646 4625)
+4(4414 4645 4646 4415)
+4(4395 4416 4647 4626)
+4(4415 4646 4647 4416)
+4(4396 4417 4648 4627)
+4(4416 4647 4648 4417)
+4(4397 4418 4649 4628)
+4(4417 4648 4649 4418)
+4(4398 4419 4650 4629)
+4(4418 4649 4650 4419)
+4(4399 4420 4651 4630)
+4(4419 4650 4651 4420)
+4(4400 4421 4652 4631)
+4(4420 4651 4652 4421)
+4(4401 4422 4653 4632)
+4(4421 4652 4653 4422)
+4(4402 4423 4654 4633)
+4(4422 4653 4654 4423)
+4(4403 4424 4655 4634)
+4(4423 4654 4655 4424)
+4(4404 4425 4656 4635)
+4(4424 4655 4656 4425)
+4(4405 4426 4657 4636)
+4(4425 4656 4657 4426)
+4(4406 4427 4658 4637)
+4(4426 4657 4658 4427)
+4(4407 4428 4659 4638)
+4(4427 4658 4659 4428)
+4(4408 4429 4660 4639)
+4(4428 4659 4660 4429)
+4(4429 4660 4661 4430)
+4(4411 4432 4663 4642)
+4(4431 4662 4663 4432)
+4(4412 4433 4664 4643)
+4(4432 4663 4664 4433)
+4(4413 4434 4665 4644)
+4(4433 4664 4665 4434)
+4(4414 4435 4666 4645)
+4(4434 4665 4666 4435)
+4(4415 4436 4667 4646)
+4(4435 4666 4667 4436)
+4(4416 4437 4668 4647)
+4(4436 4667 4668 4437)
+4(4417 4438 4669 4648)
+4(4437 4668 4669 4438)
+4(4418 4439 4670 4649)
+4(4438 4669 4670 4439)
+4(4419 4440 4671 4650)
+4(4439 4670 4671 4440)
+4(4420 4441 4672 4651)
+4(4440 4671 4672 4441)
+4(4421 4442 4673 4652)
+4(4441 4672 4673 4442)
+4(4422 4443 4674 4653)
+4(4442 4673 4674 4443)
+4(4423 4444 4675 4654)
+4(4443 4674 4675 4444)
+4(4424 4445 4676 4655)
+4(4444 4675 4676 4445)
+4(4425 4446 4677 4656)
+4(4445 4676 4677 4446)
+4(4426 4447 4678 4657)
+4(4446 4677 4678 4447)
+4(4427 4448 4679 4658)
+4(4447 4678 4679 4448)
+4(4428 4449 4680 4659)
+4(4448 4679 4680 4449)
+4(4429 4450 4681 4660)
+4(4449 4680 4681 4450)
+4(4450 4681 4682 4451)
+4(4432 4453 4684 4663)
+4(4452 4683 4684 4453)
+4(4433 4454 4685 4664)
+4(4453 4684 4685 4454)
+4(4434 4455 4686 4665)
+4(4454 4685 4686 4455)
+4(4435 4456 4687 4666)
+4(4455 4686 4687 4456)
+4(4436 4457 4688 4667)
+4(4456 4687 4688 4457)
+4(4437 4458 4689 4668)
+4(4457 4688 4689 4458)
+4(4438 4459 4690 4669)
+4(4458 4689 4690 4459)
+4(4439 4460 4691 4670)
+4(4459 4690 4691 4460)
+4(4440 4461 4692 4671)
+4(4460 4691 4692 4461)
+4(4441 4462 4693 4672)
+4(4461 4692 4693 4462)
+4(4442 4463 4694 4673)
+4(4462 4693 4694 4463)
+4(4443 4464 4695 4674)
+4(4463 4694 4695 4464)
+4(4444 4465 4696 4675)
+4(4464 4695 4696 4465)
+4(4445 4466 4697 4676)
+4(4465 4696 4697 4466)
+4(4446 4467 4698 4677)
+4(4466 4697 4698 4467)
+4(4447 4468 4699 4678)
+4(4467 4698 4699 4468)
+4(4448 4469 4700 4679)
+4(4468 4699 4700 4469)
+4(4449 4470 4701 4680)
+4(4469 4700 4701 4470)
+4(4450 4471 4702 4681)
+4(4470 4701 4702 4471)
+4(4471 4702 4703 4472)
+4(4453 4474 4705 4684)
+4(4473 4704 4705 4474)
+4(4454 4475 4706 4685)
+4(4474 4705 4706 4475)
+4(4455 4476 4707 4686)
+4(4475 4706 4707 4476)
+4(4456 4477 4708 4687)
+4(4476 4707 4708 4477)
+4(4457 4478 4709 4688)
+4(4477 4708 4709 4478)
+4(4458 4479 4710 4689)
+4(4478 4709 4710 4479)
+4(4459 4480 4711 4690)
+4(4479 4710 4711 4480)
+4(4460 4481 4712 4691)
+4(4480 4711 4712 4481)
+4(4461 4482 4713 4692)
+4(4481 4712 4713 4482)
+4(4462 4483 4714 4693)
+4(4482 4713 4714 4483)
+4(4463 4484 4715 4694)
+4(4483 4714 4715 4484)
+4(4464 4485 4716 4695)
+4(4484 4715 4716 4485)
+4(4465 4486 4717 4696)
+4(4485 4716 4717 4486)
+4(4466 4487 4718 4697)
+4(4486 4717 4718 4487)
+4(4467 4488 4719 4698)
+4(4487 4718 4719 4488)
+4(4468 4489 4720 4699)
+4(4488 4719 4720 4489)
+4(4469 4490 4721 4700)
+4(4489 4720 4721 4490)
+4(4470 4491 4722 4701)
+4(4490 4721 4722 4491)
+4(4471 4492 4723 4702)
+4(4491 4722 4723 4492)
+4(4492 4723 4724 4493)
+4(4474 4495 4726 4705)
+4(4494 4725 4726 4495)
+4(4475 4496 4727 4706)
+4(4495 4726 4727 4496)
+4(4476 4497 4728 4707)
+4(4496 4727 4728 4497)
+4(4477 4498 4729 4708)
+4(4497 4728 4729 4498)
+4(4478 4499 4730 4709)
+4(4498 4729 4730 4499)
+4(4479 4500 4731 4710)
+4(4499 4730 4731 4500)
+4(4480 4501 4732 4711)
+4(4500 4731 4732 4501)
+4(4481 4502 4733 4712)
+4(4501 4732 4733 4502)
+4(4482 4503 4734 4713)
+4(4502 4733 4734 4503)
+4(4483 4504 4735 4714)
+4(4503 4734 4735 4504)
+4(4484 4505 4736 4715)
+4(4504 4735 4736 4505)
+4(4485 4506 4737 4716)
+4(4505 4736 4737 4506)
+4(4486 4507 4738 4717)
+4(4506 4737 4738 4507)
+4(4487 4508 4739 4718)
+4(4507 4738 4739 4508)
+4(4488 4509 4740 4719)
+4(4508 4739 4740 4509)
+4(4489 4510 4741 4720)
+4(4509 4740 4741 4510)
+4(4490 4511 4742 4721)
+4(4510 4741 4742 4511)
+4(4491 4512 4743 4722)
+4(4511 4742 4743 4512)
+4(4492 4513 4744 4723)
+4(4512 4743 4744 4513)
+4(4513 4744 4745 4514)
+4(4495 4516 4747 4726)
+4(4515 4746 4747 4516)
+4(4496 4517 4748 4727)
+4(4516 4747 4748 4517)
+4(4497 4518 4749 4728)
+4(4517 4748 4749 4518)
+4(4498 4519 4750 4729)
+4(4518 4749 4750 4519)
+4(4499 4520 4751 4730)
+4(4519 4750 4751 4520)
+4(4500 4521 4752 4731)
+4(4520 4751 4752 4521)
+4(4501 4522 4753 4732)
+4(4521 4752 4753 4522)
+4(4502 4523 4754 4733)
+4(4522 4753 4754 4523)
+4(4503 4524 4755 4734)
+4(4523 4754 4755 4524)
+4(4504 4525 4756 4735)
+4(4524 4755 4756 4525)
+4(4505 4526 4757 4736)
+4(4525 4756 4757 4526)
+4(4506 4527 4758 4737)
+4(4526 4757 4758 4527)
+4(4507 4528 4759 4738)
+4(4527 4758 4759 4528)
+4(4508 4529 4760 4739)
+4(4528 4759 4760 4529)
+4(4509 4530 4761 4740)
+4(4529 4760 4761 4530)
+4(4510 4531 4762 4741)
+4(4530 4761 4762 4531)
+4(4511 4532 4763 4742)
+4(4531 4762 4763 4532)
+4(4512 4533 4764 4743)
+4(4532 4763 4764 4533)
+4(4513 4534 4765 4744)
+4(4533 4764 4765 4534)
+4(4534 4765 4766 4535)
+4(4516 4537 4768 4747)
+4(4536 4767 4768 4537)
+4(4517 4538 4769 4748)
+4(4537 4768 4769 4538)
+4(4518 4539 4770 4749)
+4(4538 4769 4770 4539)
+4(4519 4540 4771 4750)
+4(4539 4770 4771 4540)
+4(4520 4541 4772 4751)
+4(4540 4771 4772 4541)
+4(4521 4542 4773 4752)
+4(4541 4772 4773 4542)
+4(4522 4543 4774 4753)
+4(4542 4773 4774 4543)
+4(4523 4544 4775 4754)
+4(4543 4774 4775 4544)
+4(4524 4545 4776 4755)
+4(4544 4775 4776 4545)
+4(4525 4546 4777 4756)
+4(4545 4776 4777 4546)
+4(4526 4547 4778 4757)
+4(4546 4777 4778 4547)
+4(4527 4548 4779 4758)
+4(4547 4778 4779 4548)
+4(4528 4549 4780 4759)
+4(4548 4779 4780 4549)
+4(4529 4550 4781 4760)
+4(4549 4780 4781 4550)
+4(4530 4551 4782 4761)
+4(4550 4781 4782 4551)
+4(4531 4552 4783 4762)
+4(4551 4782 4783 4552)
+4(4532 4553 4784 4763)
+4(4552 4783 4784 4553)
+4(4533 4554 4785 4764)
+4(4553 4784 4785 4554)
+4(4534 4555 4786 4765)
+4(4554 4785 4786 4555)
+4(4555 4786 4787 4556)
+4(4537 4558 4789 4768)
+4(4557 4788 4789 4558)
+4(4538 4559 4790 4769)
+4(4558 4789 4790 4559)
+4(4539 4560 4791 4770)
+4(4559 4790 4791 4560)
+4(4540 4561 4792 4771)
+4(4560 4791 4792 4561)
+4(4541 4562 4793 4772)
+4(4561 4792 4793 4562)
+4(4542 4563 4794 4773)
+4(4562 4793 4794 4563)
+4(4543 4564 4795 4774)
+4(4563 4794 4795 4564)
+4(4544 4565 4796 4775)
+4(4564 4795 4796 4565)
+4(4545 4566 4797 4776)
+4(4565 4796 4797 4566)
+4(4546 4567 4798 4777)
+4(4566 4797 4798 4567)
+4(4547 4568 4799 4778)
+4(4567 4798 4799 4568)
+4(4548 4569 4800 4779)
+4(4568 4799 4800 4569)
+4(4549 4570 4801 4780)
+4(4569 4800 4801 4570)
+4(4550 4571 4802 4781)
+4(4570 4801 4802 4571)
+4(4551 4572 4803 4782)
+4(4571 4802 4803 4572)
+4(4552 4573 4804 4783)
+4(4572 4803 4804 4573)
+4(4553 4574 4805 4784)
+4(4573 4804 4805 4574)
+4(4554 4575 4806 4785)
+4(4574 4805 4806 4575)
+4(4555 4576 4807 4786)
+4(4575 4806 4807 4576)
+4(4576 4807 4808 4577)
+4(4558 4579 4810 4789)
+4(4578 4809 4810 4579)
+4(4559 4580 4811 4790)
+4(4579 4810 4811 4580)
+4(4560 4581 4812 4791)
+4(4580 4811 4812 4581)
+4(4561 4582 4813 4792)
+4(4581 4812 4813 4582)
+4(4562 4583 4814 4793)
+4(4582 4813 4814 4583)
+4(4563 4584 4815 4794)
+4(4583 4814 4815 4584)
+4(4564 4585 4816 4795)
+4(4584 4815 4816 4585)
+4(4565 4586 4817 4796)
+4(4585 4816 4817 4586)
+4(4566 4587 4818 4797)
+4(4586 4817 4818 4587)
+4(4567 4588 4819 4798)
+4(4587 4818 4819 4588)
+4(4568 4589 4820 4799)
+4(4588 4819 4820 4589)
+4(4569 4590 4821 4800)
+4(4589 4820 4821 4590)
+4(4570 4591 4822 4801)
+4(4590 4821 4822 4591)
+4(4571 4592 4823 4802)
+4(4591 4822 4823 4592)
+4(4572 4593 4824 4803)
+4(4592 4823 4824 4593)
+4(4573 4594 4825 4804)
+4(4593 4824 4825 4594)
+4(4574 4595 4826 4805)
+4(4594 4825 4826 4595)
+4(4575 4596 4827 4806)
+4(4595 4826 4827 4596)
+4(4576 4597 4828 4807)
+4(4596 4827 4828 4597)
+4(4597 4828 4829 4598)
+4(4579 4600 4831 4810)
+4(4580 4601 4832 4811)
+4(4581 4602 4833 4812)
+4(4582 4603 4834 4813)
+4(4583 4604 4835 4814)
+4(4584 4605 4836 4815)
+4(4585 4606 4837 4816)
+4(4586 4607 4838 4817)
+4(4587 4608 4839 4818)
+4(4588 4609 4840 4819)
+4(4589 4610 4841 4820)
+4(4590 4611 4842 4821)
+4(4591 4612 4843 4822)
+4(4592 4613 4844 4823)
+4(4593 4614 4845 4824)
+4(4594 4615 4846 4825)
+4(4595 4616 4847 4826)
+4(4596 4617 4848 4827)
+4(4597 4618 4849 4828)
+4(20 41 272 251)
+4(41 62 293 272)
+4(62 83 314 293)
+4(83 104 335 314)
+4(104 125 356 335)
+4(125 146 377 356)
+4(146 167 398 377)
+4(167 188 419 398)
+4(188 209 440 419)
+4(209 230 461 440)
+4(251 272 503 482)
+4(272 293 524 503)
+4(293 314 545 524)
+4(314 335 566 545)
+4(335 356 587 566)
+4(356 377 608 587)
+4(377 398 629 608)
+4(398 419 650 629)
+4(419 440 671 650)
+4(440 461 692 671)
+4(482 503 734 713)
+4(503 524 755 734)
+4(524 545 776 755)
+4(545 566 797 776)
+4(566 587 818 797)
+4(587 608 839 818)
+4(608 629 860 839)
+4(629 650 881 860)
+4(650 671 902 881)
+4(671 692 923 902)
+4(713 734 965 944)
+4(734 755 986 965)
+4(755 776 1007 986)
+4(776 797 1028 1007)
+4(797 818 1049 1028)
+4(818 839 1070 1049)
+4(839 860 1091 1070)
+4(860 881 1112 1091)
+4(881 902 1133 1112)
+4(902 923 1154 1133)
+4(944 965 1196 1175)
+4(965 986 1217 1196)
+4(986 1007 1238 1217)
+4(1007 1028 1259 1238)
+4(1028 1049 1280 1259)
+4(1049 1070 1301 1280)
+4(1070 1091 1322 1301)
+4(1091 1112 1343 1322)
+4(1112 1133 1364 1343)
+4(1133 1154 1385 1364)
+4(1175 1196 1427 1406)
+4(1196 1217 1448 1427)
+4(1217 1238 1469 1448)
+4(1238 1259 1490 1469)
+4(1259 1280 1511 1490)
+4(1280 1301 1532 1511)
+4(1301 1322 1553 1532)
+4(1322 1343 1574 1553)
+4(1343 1364 1595 1574)
+4(1364 1385 1616 1595)
+4(1406 1427 1658 1637)
+4(1427 1448 1679 1658)
+4(1448 1469 1700 1679)
+4(1469 1490 1721 1700)
+4(1490 1511 1742 1721)
+4(1511 1532 1763 1742)
+4(1532 1553 1784 1763)
+4(1553 1574 1805 1784)
+4(1574 1595 1826 1805)
+4(1595 1616 1847 1826)
+4(1637 1658 1889 1868)
+4(1658 1679 1910 1889)
+4(1679 1700 1931 1910)
+4(1700 1721 1952 1931)
+4(1721 1742 1973 1952)
+4(1742 1763 1994 1973)
+4(1763 1784 2015 1994)
+4(1784 1805 2036 2015)
+4(1805 1826 2057 2036)
+4(1826 1847 2078 2057)
+4(1868 1889 2120 2099)
+4(1889 1910 2141 2120)
+4(1910 1931 2162 2141)
+4(1931 1952 2183 2162)
+4(1952 1973 2204 2183)
+4(1973 1994 2225 2204)
+4(1994 2015 2246 2225)
+4(2015 2036 2267 2246)
+4(2036 2057 2288 2267)
+4(2057 2078 2309 2288)
+4(2099 2120 2351 2330)
+4(2120 2141 2372 2351)
+4(2141 2162 2393 2372)
+4(2162 2183 2414 2393)
+4(2183 2204 2435 2414)
+4(2204 2225 2456 2435)
+4(2225 2246 2477 2456)
+4(2246 2267 2498 2477)
+4(2267 2288 2519 2498)
+4(2288 2309 2540 2519)
+4(2330 2351 2582 2561)
+4(2351 2372 2603 2582)
+4(2372 2393 2624 2603)
+4(2393 2414 2645 2624)
+4(2414 2435 2666 2645)
+4(2435 2456 2687 2666)
+4(2456 2477 2708 2687)
+4(2477 2498 2729 2708)
+4(2498 2519 2750 2729)
+4(2519 2540 2771 2750)
+4(2561 2582 2813 2792)
+4(2582 2603 2834 2813)
+4(2603 2624 2855 2834)
+4(2624 2645 2876 2855)
+4(2645 2666 2897 2876)
+4(2666 2687 2918 2897)
+4(2687 2708 2939 2918)
+4(2708 2729 2960 2939)
+4(2729 2750 2981 2960)
+4(2750 2771 3002 2981)
+4(2792 2813 3044 3023)
+4(2813 2834 3065 3044)
+4(2834 2855 3086 3065)
+4(2855 2876 3107 3086)
+4(2876 2897 3128 3107)
+4(2897 2918 3149 3128)
+4(2918 2939 3170 3149)
+4(2939 2960 3191 3170)
+4(2960 2981 3212 3191)
+4(2981 3002 3233 3212)
+4(3023 3044 3275 3254)
+4(3044 3065 3296 3275)
+4(3065 3086 3317 3296)
+4(3086 3107 3338 3317)
+4(3107 3128 3359 3338)
+4(3128 3149 3380 3359)
+4(3149 3170 3401 3380)
+4(3170 3191 3422 3401)
+4(3191 3212 3443 3422)
+4(3212 3233 3464 3443)
+4(3254 3275 3506 3485)
+4(3275 3296 3527 3506)
+4(3296 3317 3548 3527)
+4(3317 3338 3569 3548)
+4(3338 3359 3590 3569)
+4(3359 3380 3611 3590)
+4(3380 3401 3632 3611)
+4(3401 3422 3653 3632)
+4(3422 3443 3674 3653)
+4(3443 3464 3695 3674)
+4(3485 3506 3737 3716)
+4(3506 3527 3758 3737)
+4(3527 3548 3779 3758)
+4(3548 3569 3800 3779)
+4(3569 3590 3821 3800)
+4(3590 3611 3842 3821)
+4(3611 3632 3863 3842)
+4(3632 3653 3884 3863)
+4(3653 3674 3905 3884)
+4(3674 3695 3926 3905)
+4(3716 3737 3968 3947)
+4(3737 3758 3989 3968)
+4(3758 3779 4010 3989)
+4(3779 3800 4031 4010)
+4(3800 3821 4052 4031)
+4(3821 3842 4073 4052)
+4(3842 3863 4094 4073)
+4(3863 3884 4115 4094)
+4(3884 3905 4136 4115)
+4(3905 3926 4157 4136)
+4(3947 3968 4199 4178)
+4(3968 3989 4220 4199)
+4(3989 4010 4241 4220)
+4(4010 4031 4262 4241)
+4(4031 4052 4283 4262)
+4(4052 4073 4304 4283)
+4(4073 4094 4325 4304)
+4(4094 4115 4346 4325)
+4(4115 4136 4367 4346)
+4(4136 4157 4388 4367)
+4(4178 4199 4430 4409)
+4(4199 4220 4451 4430)
+4(4220 4241 4472 4451)
+4(4241 4262 4493 4472)
+4(4262 4283 4514 4493)
+4(4283 4304 4535 4514)
+4(4304 4325 4556 4535)
+4(4325 4346 4577 4556)
+4(4346 4367 4598 4577)
+4(4367 4388 4619 4598)
+4(4409 4430 4661 4640)
+4(4430 4451 4682 4661)
+4(4451 4472 4703 4682)
+4(4472 4493 4724 4703)
+4(4493 4514 4745 4724)
+4(4514 4535 4766 4745)
+4(4535 4556 4787 4766)
+4(4556 4577 4808 4787)
+4(4577 4598 4829 4808)
+4(4598 4619 4850 4829)
+4(4620 4621 4642 4641)
+4(4641 4642 4663 4662)
+4(4662 4663 4684 4683)
+4(4683 4684 4705 4704)
+4(4704 4705 4726 4725)
+4(4725 4726 4747 4746)
+4(4746 4747 4768 4767)
+4(4767 4768 4789 4788)
+4(4788 4789 4810 4809)
+4(4809 4810 4831 4830)
+4(4621 4622 4643 4642)
+4(4642 4643 4664 4663)
+4(4663 4664 4685 4684)
+4(4684 4685 4706 4705)
+4(4705 4706 4727 4726)
+4(4726 4727 4748 4747)
+4(4747 4748 4769 4768)
+4(4768 4769 4790 4789)
+4(4789 4790 4811 4810)
+4(4810 4811 4832 4831)
+4(4622 4623 4644 4643)
+4(4643 4644 4665 4664)
+4(4664 4665 4686 4685)
+4(4685 4686 4707 4706)
+4(4706 4707 4728 4727)
+4(4727 4728 4749 4748)
+4(4748 4749 4770 4769)
+4(4769 4770 4791 4790)
+4(4790 4791 4812 4811)
+4(4811 4812 4833 4832)
+4(4623 4624 4645 4644)
+4(4644 4645 4666 4665)
+4(4665 4666 4687 4686)
+4(4686 4687 4708 4707)
+4(4707 4708 4729 4728)
+4(4728 4729 4750 4749)
+4(4749 4750 4771 4770)
+4(4770 4771 4792 4791)
+4(4791 4792 4813 4812)
+4(4812 4813 4834 4833)
+4(4624 4625 4646 4645)
+4(4645 4646 4667 4666)
+4(4666 4667 4688 4687)
+4(4687 4688 4709 4708)
+4(4708 4709 4730 4729)
+4(4729 4730 4751 4750)
+4(4750 4751 4772 4771)
+4(4771 4772 4793 4792)
+4(4792 4793 4814 4813)
+4(4813 4814 4835 4834)
+4(4625 4626 4647 4646)
+4(4646 4647 4668 4667)
+4(4667 4668 4689 4688)
+4(4688 4689 4710 4709)
+4(4709 4710 4731 4730)
+4(4730 4731 4752 4751)
+4(4751 4752 4773 4772)
+4(4772 4773 4794 4793)
+4(4793 4794 4815 4814)
+4(4814 4815 4836 4835)
+4(4626 4627 4648 4647)
+4(4647 4648 4669 4668)
+4(4668 4669 4690 4689)
+4(4689 4690 4711 4710)
+4(4710 4711 4732 4731)
+4(4731 4732 4753 4752)
+4(4752 4753 4774 4773)
+4(4773 4774 4795 4794)
+4(4794 4795 4816 4815)
+4(4815 4816 4837 4836)
+4(4627 4628 4649 4648)
+4(4648 4649 4670 4669)
+4(4669 4670 4691 4690)
+4(4690 4691 4712 4711)
+4(4711 4712 4733 4732)
+4(4732 4733 4754 4753)
+4(4753 4754 4775 4774)
+4(4774 4775 4796 4795)
+4(4795 4796 4817 4816)
+4(4816 4817 4838 4837)
+4(4628 4629 4650 4649)
+4(4649 4650 4671 4670)
+4(4670 4671 4692 4691)
+4(4691 4692 4713 4712)
+4(4712 4713 4734 4733)
+4(4733 4734 4755 4754)
+4(4754 4755 4776 4775)
+4(4775 4776 4797 4796)
+4(4796 4797 4818 4817)
+4(4817 4818 4839 4838)
+4(4629 4630 4651 4650)
+4(4650 4651 4672 4671)
+4(4671 4672 4693 4692)
+4(4692 4693 4714 4713)
+4(4713 4714 4735 4734)
+4(4734 4735 4756 4755)
+4(4755 4756 4777 4776)
+4(4776 4777 4798 4797)
+4(4797 4798 4819 4818)
+4(4818 4819 4840 4839)
+4(4630 4631 4652 4651)
+4(4651 4652 4673 4672)
+4(4672 4673 4694 4693)
+4(4693 4694 4715 4714)
+4(4714 4715 4736 4735)
+4(4735 4736 4757 4756)
+4(4756 4757 4778 4777)
+4(4777 4778 4799 4798)
+4(4798 4799 4820 4819)
+4(4819 4820 4841 4840)
+4(4631 4632 4653 4652)
+4(4652 4653 4674 4673)
+4(4673 4674 4695 4694)
+4(4694 4695 4716 4715)
+4(4715 4716 4737 4736)
+4(4736 4737 4758 4757)
+4(4757 4758 4779 4778)
+4(4778 4779 4800 4799)
+4(4799 4800 4821 4820)
+4(4820 4821 4842 4841)
+4(4632 4633 4654 4653)
+4(4653 4654 4675 4674)
+4(4674 4675 4696 4695)
+4(4695 4696 4717 4716)
+4(4716 4717 4738 4737)
+4(4737 4738 4759 4758)
+4(4758 4759 4780 4779)
+4(4779 4780 4801 4800)
+4(4800 4801 4822 4821)
+4(4821 4822 4843 4842)
+4(4633 4634 4655 4654)
+4(4654 4655 4676 4675)
+4(4675 4676 4697 4696)
+4(4696 4697 4718 4717)
+4(4717 4718 4739 4738)
+4(4738 4739 4760 4759)
+4(4759 4760 4781 4780)
+4(4780 4781 4802 4801)
+4(4801 4802 4823 4822)
+4(4822 4823 4844 4843)
+4(4634 4635 4656 4655)
+4(4655 4656 4677 4676)
+4(4676 4677 4698 4697)
+4(4697 4698 4719 4718)
+4(4718 4719 4740 4739)
+4(4739 4740 4761 4760)
+4(4760 4761 4782 4781)
+4(4781 4782 4803 4802)
+4(4802 4803 4824 4823)
+4(4823 4824 4845 4844)
+4(4635 4636 4657 4656)
+4(4656 4657 4678 4677)
+4(4677 4678 4699 4698)
+4(4698 4699 4720 4719)
+4(4719 4720 4741 4740)
+4(4740 4741 4762 4761)
+4(4761 4762 4783 4782)
+4(4782 4783 4804 4803)
+4(4803 4804 4825 4824)
+4(4824 4825 4846 4845)
+4(4636 4637 4658 4657)
+4(4657 4658 4679 4678)
+4(4678 4679 4700 4699)
+4(4699 4700 4721 4720)
+4(4720 4721 4742 4741)
+4(4741 4742 4763 4762)
+4(4762 4763 4784 4783)
+4(4783 4784 4805 4804)
+4(4804 4805 4826 4825)
+4(4825 4826 4847 4846)
+4(4637 4638 4659 4658)
+4(4658 4659 4680 4679)
+4(4679 4680 4701 4700)
+4(4700 4701 4722 4721)
+4(4721 4722 4743 4742)
+4(4742 4743 4764 4763)
+4(4763 4764 4785 4784)
+4(4784 4785 4806 4805)
+4(4805 4806 4827 4826)
+4(4826 4827 4848 4847)
+4(4638 4639 4660 4659)
+4(4659 4660 4681 4680)
+4(4680 4681 4702 4701)
+4(4701 4702 4723 4722)
+4(4722 4723 4744 4743)
+4(4743 4744 4765 4764)
+4(4764 4765 4786 4785)
+4(4785 4786 4807 4806)
+4(4806 4807 4828 4827)
+4(4827 4828 4849 4848)
+4(4639 4640 4661 4660)
+4(4660 4661 4682 4681)
+4(4681 4682 4703 4702)
+4(4702 4703 4724 4723)
+4(4723 4724 4745 4744)
+4(4744 4745 4766 4765)
+4(4765 4766 4787 4786)
+4(4786 4787 4808 4807)
+4(4807 4808 4829 4828)
+4(4828 4829 4850 4849)
+4(0 231 252 21)
+4(21 252 273 42)
+4(42 273 294 63)
+4(63 294 315 84)
+4(84 315 336 105)
+4(105 336 357 126)
+4(126 357 378 147)
+4(147 378 399 168)
+4(168 399 420 189)
+4(189 420 441 210)
+4(231 462 483 252)
+4(252 483 504 273)
+4(273 504 525 294)
+4(294 525 546 315)
+4(315 546 567 336)
+4(336 567 588 357)
+4(357 588 609 378)
+4(378 609 630 399)
+4(399 630 651 420)
+4(420 651 672 441)
+4(462 693 714 483)
+4(483 714 735 504)
+4(504 735 756 525)
+4(525 756 777 546)
+4(546 777 798 567)
+4(567 798 819 588)
+4(588 819 840 609)
+4(609 840 861 630)
+4(630 861 882 651)
+4(651 882 903 672)
+4(693 924 945 714)
+4(714 945 966 735)
+4(735 966 987 756)
+4(756 987 1008 777)
+4(777 1008 1029 798)
+4(798 1029 1050 819)
+4(819 1050 1071 840)
+4(840 1071 1092 861)
+4(861 1092 1113 882)
+4(882 1113 1134 903)
+4(924 1155 1176 945)
+4(945 1176 1197 966)
+4(966 1197 1218 987)
+4(987 1218 1239 1008)
+4(1008 1239 1260 1029)
+4(1029 1260 1281 1050)
+4(1050 1281 1302 1071)
+4(1071 1302 1323 1092)
+4(1092 1323 1344 1113)
+4(1113 1344 1365 1134)
+4(1155 1386 1407 1176)
+4(1176 1407 1428 1197)
+4(1197 1428 1449 1218)
+4(1218 1449 1470 1239)
+4(1239 1470 1491 1260)
+4(1260 1491 1512 1281)
+4(1281 1512 1533 1302)
+4(1302 1533 1554 1323)
+4(1323 1554 1575 1344)
+4(1344 1575 1596 1365)
+4(1386 1617 1638 1407)
+4(1407 1638 1659 1428)
+4(1428 1659 1680 1449)
+4(1449 1680 1701 1470)
+4(1470 1701 1722 1491)
+4(1491 1722 1743 1512)
+4(1512 1743 1764 1533)
+4(1533 1764 1785 1554)
+4(1554 1785 1806 1575)
+4(1575 1806 1827 1596)
+4(1617 1848 1869 1638)
+4(1638 1869 1890 1659)
+4(1659 1890 1911 1680)
+4(1680 1911 1932 1701)
+4(1701 1932 1953 1722)
+4(1722 1953 1974 1743)
+4(1743 1974 1995 1764)
+4(1764 1995 2016 1785)
+4(1785 2016 2037 1806)
+4(1806 2037 2058 1827)
+4(1848 2079 2100 1869)
+4(1869 2100 2121 1890)
+4(1890 2121 2142 1911)
+4(1911 2142 2163 1932)
+4(1932 2163 2184 1953)
+4(1953 2184 2205 1974)
+4(1974 2205 2226 1995)
+4(1995 2226 2247 2016)
+4(2016 2247 2268 2037)
+4(2037 2268 2289 2058)
+4(2079 2310 2331 2100)
+4(2100 2331 2352 2121)
+4(2121 2352 2373 2142)
+4(2142 2373 2394 2163)
+4(2163 2394 2415 2184)
+4(2184 2415 2436 2205)
+4(2205 2436 2457 2226)
+4(2226 2457 2478 2247)
+4(2247 2478 2499 2268)
+4(2268 2499 2520 2289)
+4(2310 2541 2562 2331)
+4(2331 2562 2583 2352)
+4(2352 2583 2604 2373)
+4(2373 2604 2625 2394)
+4(2394 2625 2646 2415)
+4(2415 2646 2667 2436)
+4(2436 2667 2688 2457)
+4(2457 2688 2709 2478)
+4(2478 2709 2730 2499)
+4(2499 2730 2751 2520)
+4(2541 2772 2793 2562)
+4(2562 2793 2814 2583)
+4(2583 2814 2835 2604)
+4(2604 2835 2856 2625)
+4(2625 2856 2877 2646)
+4(2646 2877 2898 2667)
+4(2667 2898 2919 2688)
+4(2688 2919 2940 2709)
+4(2709 2940 2961 2730)
+4(2730 2961 2982 2751)
+4(2772 3003 3024 2793)
+4(2793 3024 3045 2814)
+4(2814 3045 3066 2835)
+4(2835 3066 3087 2856)
+4(2856 3087 3108 2877)
+4(2877 3108 3129 2898)
+4(2898 3129 3150 2919)
+4(2919 3150 3171 2940)
+4(2940 3171 3192 2961)
+4(2961 3192 3213 2982)
+4(3003 3234 3255 3024)
+4(3024 3255 3276 3045)
+4(3045 3276 3297 3066)
+4(3066 3297 3318 3087)
+4(3087 3318 3339 3108)
+4(3108 3339 3360 3129)
+4(3129 3360 3381 3150)
+4(3150 3381 3402 3171)
+4(3171 3402 3423 3192)
+4(3192 3423 3444 3213)
+4(3234 3465 3486 3255)
+4(3255 3486 3507 3276)
+4(3276 3507 3528 3297)
+4(3297 3528 3549 3318)
+4(3318 3549 3570 3339)
+4(3339 3570 3591 3360)
+4(3360 3591 3612 3381)
+4(3381 3612 3633 3402)
+4(3402 3633 3654 3423)
+4(3423 3654 3675 3444)
+4(3465 3696 3717 3486)
+4(3486 3717 3738 3507)
+4(3507 3738 3759 3528)
+4(3528 3759 3780 3549)
+4(3549 3780 3801 3570)
+4(3570 3801 3822 3591)
+4(3591 3822 3843 3612)
+4(3612 3843 3864 3633)
+4(3633 3864 3885 3654)
+4(3654 3885 3906 3675)
+4(3696 3927 3948 3717)
+4(3717 3948 3969 3738)
+4(3738 3969 3990 3759)
+4(3759 3990 4011 3780)
+4(3780 4011 4032 3801)
+4(3801 4032 4053 3822)
+4(3822 4053 4074 3843)
+4(3843 4074 4095 3864)
+4(3864 4095 4116 3885)
+4(3885 4116 4137 3906)
+4(3927 4158 4179 3948)
+4(3948 4179 4200 3969)
+4(3969 4200 4221 3990)
+4(3990 4221 4242 4011)
+4(4011 4242 4263 4032)
+4(4032 4263 4284 4053)
+4(4053 4284 4305 4074)
+4(4074 4305 4326 4095)
+4(4095 4326 4347 4116)
+4(4116 4347 4368 4137)
+4(4158 4389 4410 4179)
+4(4179 4410 4431 4200)
+4(4200 4431 4452 4221)
+4(4221 4452 4473 4242)
+4(4242 4473 4494 4263)
+4(4263 4494 4515 4284)
+4(4284 4515 4536 4305)
+4(4305 4536 4557 4326)
+4(4326 4557 4578 4347)
+4(4347 4578 4599 4368)
+4(4389 4620 4641 4410)
+4(4410 4641 4662 4431)
+4(4431 4662 4683 4452)
+4(4452 4683 4704 4473)
+4(4473 4704 4725 4494)
+4(4494 4725 4746 4515)
+4(4515 4746 4767 4536)
+4(4536 4767 4788 4557)
+4(4557 4788 4809 4578)
+4(4578 4809 4830 4599)
+4(210 441 442 211)
+4(441 672 673 442)
+4(672 903 904 673)
+4(903 1134 1135 904)
+4(1134 1365 1366 1135)
+4(1365 1596 1597 1366)
+4(1596 1827 1828 1597)
+4(1827 2058 2059 1828)
+4(2058 2289 2290 2059)
+4(2289 2520 2521 2290)
+4(2520 2751 2752 2521)
+4(2751 2982 2983 2752)
+4(2982 3213 3214 2983)
+4(3213 3444 3445 3214)
+4(3444 3675 3676 3445)
+4(3675 3906 3907 3676)
+4(3906 4137 4138 3907)
+4(4137 4368 4369 4138)
+4(4368 4599 4600 4369)
+4(4599 4830 4831 4600)
+4(211 442 443 212)
+4(442 673 674 443)
+4(673 904 905 674)
+4(904 1135 1136 905)
+4(1135 1366 1367 1136)
+4(1366 1597 1598 1367)
+4(1597 1828 1829 1598)
+4(1828 2059 2060 1829)
+4(2059 2290 2291 2060)
+4(2290 2521 2522 2291)
+4(2521 2752 2753 2522)
+4(2752 2983 2984 2753)
+4(2983 3214 3215 2984)
+4(3214 3445 3446 3215)
+4(3445 3676 3677 3446)
+4(3676 3907 3908 3677)
+4(3907 4138 4139 3908)
+4(4138 4369 4370 4139)
+4(4369 4600 4601 4370)
+4(4600 4831 4832 4601)
+4(212 443 444 213)
+4(443 674 675 444)
+4(674 905 906 675)
+4(905 1136 1137 906)
+4(1136 1367 1368 1137)
+4(1367 1598 1599 1368)
+4(1598 1829 1830 1599)
+4(1829 2060 2061 1830)
+4(2060 2291 2292 2061)
+4(2291 2522 2523 2292)
+4(2522 2753 2754 2523)
+4(2753 2984 2985 2754)
+4(2984 3215 3216 2985)
+4(3215 3446 3447 3216)
+4(3446 3677 3678 3447)
+4(3677 3908 3909 3678)
+4(3908 4139 4140 3909)
+4(4139 4370 4371 4140)
+4(4370 4601 4602 4371)
+4(4601 4832 4833 4602)
+4(213 444 445 214)
+4(444 675 676 445)
+4(675 906 907 676)
+4(906 1137 1138 907)
+4(1137 1368 1369 1138)
+4(1368 1599 1600 1369)
+4(1599 1830 1831 1600)
+4(1830 2061 2062 1831)
+4(2061 2292 2293 2062)
+4(2292 2523 2524 2293)
+4(2523 2754 2755 2524)
+4(2754 2985 2986 2755)
+4(2985 3216 3217 2986)
+4(3216 3447 3448 3217)
+4(3447 3678 3679 3448)
+4(3678 3909 3910 3679)
+4(3909 4140 4141 3910)
+4(4140 4371 4372 4141)
+4(4371 4602 4603 4372)
+4(4602 4833 4834 4603)
+4(214 445 446 215)
+4(445 676 677 446)
+4(676 907 908 677)
+4(907 1138 1139 908)
+4(1138 1369 1370 1139)
+4(1369 1600 1601 1370)
+4(1600 1831 1832 1601)
+4(1831 2062 2063 1832)
+4(2062 2293 2294 2063)
+4(2293 2524 2525 2294)
+4(2524 2755 2756 2525)
+4(2755 2986 2987 2756)
+4(2986 3217 3218 2987)
+4(3217 3448 3449 3218)
+4(3448 3679 3680 3449)
+4(3679 3910 3911 3680)
+4(3910 4141 4142 3911)
+4(4141 4372 4373 4142)
+4(4372 4603 4604 4373)
+4(4603 4834 4835 4604)
+4(215 446 447 216)
+4(446 677 678 447)
+4(677 908 909 678)
+4(908 1139 1140 909)
+4(1139 1370 1371 1140)
+4(1370 1601 1602 1371)
+4(1601 1832 1833 1602)
+4(1832 2063 2064 1833)
+4(2063 2294 2295 2064)
+4(2294 2525 2526 2295)
+4(2525 2756 2757 2526)
+4(2756 2987 2988 2757)
+4(2987 3218 3219 2988)
+4(3218 3449 3450 3219)
+4(3449 3680 3681 3450)
+4(3680 3911 3912 3681)
+4(3911 4142 4143 3912)
+4(4142 4373 4374 4143)
+4(4373 4604 4605 4374)
+4(4604 4835 4836 4605)
+4(216 447 448 217)
+4(447 678 679 448)
+4(678 909 910 679)
+4(909 1140 1141 910)
+4(1140 1371 1372 1141)
+4(1371 1602 1603 1372)
+4(1602 1833 1834 1603)
+4(1833 2064 2065 1834)
+4(2064 2295 2296 2065)
+4(2295 2526 2527 2296)
+4(2526 2757 2758 2527)
+4(2757 2988 2989 2758)
+4(2988 3219 3220 2989)
+4(3219 3450 3451 3220)
+4(3450 3681 3682 3451)
+4(3681 3912 3913 3682)
+4(3912 4143 4144 3913)
+4(4143 4374 4375 4144)
+4(4374 4605 4606 4375)
+4(4605 4836 4837 4606)
+4(217 448 449 218)
+4(448 679 680 449)
+4(679 910 911 680)
+4(910 1141 1142 911)
+4(1141 1372 1373 1142)
+4(1372 1603 1604 1373)
+4(1603 1834 1835 1604)
+4(1834 2065 2066 1835)
+4(2065 2296 2297 2066)
+4(2296 2527 2528 2297)
+4(2527 2758 2759 2528)
+4(2758 2989 2990 2759)
+4(2989 3220 3221 2990)
+4(3220 3451 3452 3221)
+4(3451 3682 3683 3452)
+4(3682 3913 3914 3683)
+4(3913 4144 4145 3914)
+4(4144 4375 4376 4145)
+4(4375 4606 4607 4376)
+4(4606 4837 4838 4607)
+4(218 449 450 219)
+4(449 680 681 450)
+4(680 911 912 681)
+4(911 1142 1143 912)
+4(1142 1373 1374 1143)
+4(1373 1604 1605 1374)
+4(1604 1835 1836 1605)
+4(1835 2066 2067 1836)
+4(2066 2297 2298 2067)
+4(2297 2528 2529 2298)
+4(2528 2759 2760 2529)
+4(2759 2990 2991 2760)
+4(2990 3221 3222 2991)
+4(3221 3452 3453 3222)
+4(3452 3683 3684 3453)
+4(3683 3914 3915 3684)
+4(3914 4145 4146 3915)
+4(4145 4376 4377 4146)
+4(4376 4607 4608 4377)
+4(4607 4838 4839 4608)
+4(219 450 451 220)
+4(450 681 682 451)
+4(681 912 913 682)
+4(912 1143 1144 913)
+4(1143 1374 1375 1144)
+4(1374 1605 1606 1375)
+4(1605 1836 1837 1606)
+4(1836 2067 2068 1837)
+4(2067 2298 2299 2068)
+4(2298 2529 2530 2299)
+4(2529 2760 2761 2530)
+4(2760 2991 2992 2761)
+4(2991 3222 3223 2992)
+4(3222 3453 3454 3223)
+4(3453 3684 3685 3454)
+4(3684 3915 3916 3685)
+4(3915 4146 4147 3916)
+4(4146 4377 4378 4147)
+4(4377 4608 4609 4378)
+4(4608 4839 4840 4609)
+4(220 451 452 221)
+4(451 682 683 452)
+4(682 913 914 683)
+4(913 1144 1145 914)
+4(1144 1375 1376 1145)
+4(1375 1606 1607 1376)
+4(1606 1837 1838 1607)
+4(1837 2068 2069 1838)
+4(2068 2299 2300 2069)
+4(2299 2530 2531 2300)
+4(2530 2761 2762 2531)
+4(2761 2992 2993 2762)
+4(2992 3223 3224 2993)
+4(3223 3454 3455 3224)
+4(3454 3685 3686 3455)
+4(3685 3916 3917 3686)
+4(3916 4147 4148 3917)
+4(4147 4378 4379 4148)
+4(4378 4609 4610 4379)
+4(4609 4840 4841 4610)
+4(221 452 453 222)
+4(452 683 684 453)
+4(683 914 915 684)
+4(914 1145 1146 915)
+4(1145 1376 1377 1146)
+4(1376 1607 1608 1377)
+4(1607 1838 1839 1608)
+4(1838 2069 2070 1839)
+4(2069 2300 2301 2070)
+4(2300 2531 2532 2301)
+4(2531 2762 2763 2532)
+4(2762 2993 2994 2763)
+4(2993 3224 3225 2994)
+4(3224 3455 3456 3225)
+4(3455 3686 3687 3456)
+4(3686 3917 3918 3687)
+4(3917 4148 4149 3918)
+4(4148 4379 4380 4149)
+4(4379 4610 4611 4380)
+4(4610 4841 4842 4611)
+4(222 453 454 223)
+4(453 684 685 454)
+4(684 915 916 685)
+4(915 1146 1147 916)
+4(1146 1377 1378 1147)
+4(1377 1608 1609 1378)
+4(1608 1839 1840 1609)
+4(1839 2070 2071 1840)
+4(2070 2301 2302 2071)
+4(2301 2532 2533 2302)
+4(2532 2763 2764 2533)
+4(2763 2994 2995 2764)
+4(2994 3225 3226 2995)
+4(3225 3456 3457 3226)
+4(3456 3687 3688 3457)
+4(3687 3918 3919 3688)
+4(3918 4149 4150 3919)
+4(4149 4380 4381 4150)
+4(4380 4611 4612 4381)
+4(4611 4842 4843 4612)
+4(223 454 455 224)
+4(454 685 686 455)
+4(685 916 917 686)
+4(916 1147 1148 917)
+4(1147 1378 1379 1148)
+4(1378 1609 1610 1379)
+4(1609 1840 1841 1610)
+4(1840 2071 2072 1841)
+4(2071 2302 2303 2072)
+4(2302 2533 2534 2303)
+4(2533 2764 2765 2534)
+4(2764 2995 2996 2765)
+4(2995 3226 3227 2996)
+4(3226 3457 3458 3227)
+4(3457 3688 3689 3458)
+4(3688 3919 3920 3689)
+4(3919 4150 4151 3920)
+4(4150 4381 4382 4151)
+4(4381 4612 4613 4382)
+4(4612 4843 4844 4613)
+4(224 455 456 225)
+4(455 686 687 456)
+4(686 917 918 687)
+4(917 1148 1149 918)
+4(1148 1379 1380 1149)
+4(1379 1610 1611 1380)
+4(1610 1841 1842 1611)
+4(1841 2072 2073 1842)
+4(2072 2303 2304 2073)
+4(2303 2534 2535 2304)
+4(2534 2765 2766 2535)
+4(2765 2996 2997 2766)
+4(2996 3227 3228 2997)
+4(3227 3458 3459 3228)
+4(3458 3689 3690 3459)
+4(3689 3920 3921 3690)
+4(3920 4151 4152 3921)
+4(4151 4382 4383 4152)
+4(4382 4613 4614 4383)
+4(4613 4844 4845 4614)
+4(225 456 457 226)
+4(456 687 688 457)
+4(687 918 919 688)
+4(918 1149 1150 919)
+4(1149 1380 1381 1150)
+4(1380 1611 1612 1381)
+4(1611 1842 1843 1612)
+4(1842 2073 2074 1843)
+4(2073 2304 2305 2074)
+4(2304 2535 2536 2305)
+4(2535 2766 2767 2536)
+4(2766 2997 2998 2767)
+4(2997 3228 3229 2998)
+4(3228 3459 3460 3229)
+4(3459 3690 3691 3460)
+4(3690 3921 3922 3691)
+4(3921 4152 4153 3922)
+4(4152 4383 4384 4153)
+4(4383 4614 4615 4384)
+4(4614 4845 4846 4615)
+4(226 457 458 227)
+4(457 688 689 458)
+4(688 919 920 689)
+4(919 1150 1151 920)
+4(1150 1381 1382 1151)
+4(1381 1612 1613 1382)
+4(1612 1843 1844 1613)
+4(1843 2074 2075 1844)
+4(2074 2305 2306 2075)
+4(2305 2536 2537 2306)
+4(2536 2767 2768 2537)
+4(2767 2998 2999 2768)
+4(2998 3229 3230 2999)
+4(3229 3460 3461 3230)
+4(3460 3691 3692 3461)
+4(3691 3922 3923 3692)
+4(3922 4153 4154 3923)
+4(4153 4384 4385 4154)
+4(4384 4615 4616 4385)
+4(4615 4846 4847 4616)
+4(227 458 459 228)
+4(458 689 690 459)
+4(689 920 921 690)
+4(920 1151 1152 921)
+4(1151 1382 1383 1152)
+4(1382 1613 1614 1383)
+4(1613 1844 1845 1614)
+4(1844 2075 2076 1845)
+4(2075 2306 2307 2076)
+4(2306 2537 2538 2307)
+4(2537 2768 2769 2538)
+4(2768 2999 3000 2769)
+4(2999 3230 3231 3000)
+4(3230 3461 3462 3231)
+4(3461 3692 3693 3462)
+4(3692 3923 3924 3693)
+4(3923 4154 4155 3924)
+4(4154 4385 4386 4155)
+4(4385 4616 4617 4386)
+4(4616 4847 4848 4617)
+4(228 459 460 229)
+4(459 690 691 460)
+4(690 921 922 691)
+4(921 1152 1153 922)
+4(1152 1383 1384 1153)
+4(1383 1614 1615 1384)
+4(1614 1845 1846 1615)
+4(1845 2076 2077 1846)
+4(2076 2307 2308 2077)
+4(2307 2538 2539 2308)
+4(2538 2769 2770 2539)
+4(2769 3000 3001 2770)
+4(3000 3231 3232 3001)
+4(3231 3462 3463 3232)
+4(3462 3693 3694 3463)
+4(3693 3924 3925 3694)
+4(3924 4155 4156 3925)
+4(4155 4386 4387 4156)
+4(4386 4617 4618 4387)
+4(4617 4848 4849 4618)
+4(229 460 461 230)
+4(460 691 692 461)
+4(691 922 923 692)
+4(922 1153 1154 923)
+4(1153 1384 1385 1154)
+4(1384 1615 1616 1385)
+4(1615 1846 1847 1616)
+4(1846 2077 2078 1847)
+4(2077 2308 2309 2078)
+4(2308 2539 2540 2309)
+4(2539 2770 2771 2540)
+4(2770 3001 3002 2771)
+4(3001 3232 3233 3002)
+4(3232 3463 3464 3233)
+4(3463 3694 3695 3464)
+4(3694 3925 3926 3695)
+4(3925 4156 4157 3926)
+4(4156 4387 4388 4157)
+4(4387 4618 4619 4388)
+4(4618 4849 4850 4619)
+4(0 1 232 231)
+4(231 232 463 462)
+4(462 463 694 693)
+4(693 694 925 924)
+4(924 925 1156 1155)
+4(1155 1156 1387 1386)
+4(1386 1387 1618 1617)
+4(1617 1618 1849 1848)
+4(1848 1849 2080 2079)
+4(2079 2080 2311 2310)
+4(2310 2311 2542 2541)
+4(2541 2542 2773 2772)
+4(2772 2773 3004 3003)
+4(3003 3004 3235 3234)
+4(3234 3235 3466 3465)
+4(3465 3466 3697 3696)
+4(3696 3697 3928 3927)
+4(3927 3928 4159 4158)
+4(4158 4159 4390 4389)
+4(4389 4390 4621 4620)
+4(1 2 233 232)
+4(232 233 464 463)
+4(463 464 695 694)
+4(694 695 926 925)
+4(925 926 1157 1156)
+4(1156 1157 1388 1387)
+4(1387 1388 1619 1618)
+4(1618 1619 1850 1849)
+4(1849 1850 2081 2080)
+4(2080 2081 2312 2311)
+4(2311 2312 2543 2542)
+4(2542 2543 2774 2773)
+4(2773 2774 3005 3004)
+4(3004 3005 3236 3235)
+4(3235 3236 3467 3466)
+4(3466 3467 3698 3697)
+4(3697 3698 3929 3928)
+4(3928 3929 4160 4159)
+4(4159 4160 4391 4390)
+4(4390 4391 4622 4621)
+4(2 3 234 233)
+4(233 234 465 464)
+4(464 465 696 695)
+4(695 696 927 926)
+4(926 927 1158 1157)
+4(1157 1158 1389 1388)
+4(1388 1389 1620 1619)
+4(1619 1620 1851 1850)
+4(1850 1851 2082 2081)
+4(2081 2082 2313 2312)
+4(2312 2313 2544 2543)
+4(2543 2544 2775 2774)
+4(2774 2775 3006 3005)
+4(3005 3006 3237 3236)
+4(3236 3237 3468 3467)
+4(3467 3468 3699 3698)
+4(3698 3699 3930 3929)
+4(3929 3930 4161 4160)
+4(4160 4161 4392 4391)
+4(4391 4392 4623 4622)
+4(3 4 235 234)
+4(234 235 466 465)
+4(465 466 697 696)
+4(696 697 928 927)
+4(927 928 1159 1158)
+4(1158 1159 1390 1389)
+4(1389 1390 1621 1620)
+4(1620 1621 1852 1851)
+4(1851 1852 2083 2082)
+4(2082 2083 2314 2313)
+4(2313 2314 2545 2544)
+4(2544 2545 2776 2775)
+4(2775 2776 3007 3006)
+4(3006 3007 3238 3237)
+4(3237 3238 3469 3468)
+4(3468 3469 3700 3699)
+4(3699 3700 3931 3930)
+4(3930 3931 4162 4161)
+4(4161 4162 4393 4392)
+4(4392 4393 4624 4623)
+4(4 5 236 235)
+4(235 236 467 466)
+4(466 467 698 697)
+4(697 698 929 928)
+4(928 929 1160 1159)
+4(1159 1160 1391 1390)
+4(1390 1391 1622 1621)
+4(1621 1622 1853 1852)
+4(1852 1853 2084 2083)
+4(2083 2084 2315 2314)
+4(2314 2315 2546 2545)
+4(2545 2546 2777 2776)
+4(2776 2777 3008 3007)
+4(3007 3008 3239 3238)
+4(3238 3239 3470 3469)
+4(3469 3470 3701 3700)
+4(3700 3701 3932 3931)
+4(3931 3932 4163 4162)
+4(4162 4163 4394 4393)
+4(4393 4394 4625 4624)
+4(5 6 237 236)
+4(236 237 468 467)
+4(467 468 699 698)
+4(698 699 930 929)
+4(929 930 1161 1160)
+4(1160 1161 1392 1391)
+4(1391 1392 1623 1622)
+4(1622 1623 1854 1853)
+4(1853 1854 2085 2084)
+4(2084 2085 2316 2315)
+4(2315 2316 2547 2546)
+4(2546 2547 2778 2777)
+4(2777 2778 3009 3008)
+4(3008 3009 3240 3239)
+4(3239 3240 3471 3470)
+4(3470 3471 3702 3701)
+4(3701 3702 3933 3932)
+4(3932 3933 4164 4163)
+4(4163 4164 4395 4394)
+4(4394 4395 4626 4625)
+4(6 7 238 237)
+4(237 238 469 468)
+4(468 469 700 699)
+4(699 700 931 930)
+4(930 931 1162 1161)
+4(1161 1162 1393 1392)
+4(1392 1393 1624 1623)
+4(1623 1624 1855 1854)
+4(1854 1855 2086 2085)
+4(2085 2086 2317 2316)
+4(2316 2317 2548 2547)
+4(2547 2548 2779 2778)
+4(2778 2779 3010 3009)
+4(3009 3010 3241 3240)
+4(3240 3241 3472 3471)
+4(3471 3472 3703 3702)
+4(3702 3703 3934 3933)
+4(3933 3934 4165 4164)
+4(4164 4165 4396 4395)
+4(4395 4396 4627 4626)
+4(7 8 239 238)
+4(238 239 470 469)
+4(469 470 701 700)
+4(700 701 932 931)
+4(931 932 1163 1162)
+4(1162 1163 1394 1393)
+4(1393 1394 1625 1624)
+4(1624 1625 1856 1855)
+4(1855 1856 2087 2086)
+4(2086 2087 2318 2317)
+4(2317 2318 2549 2548)
+4(2548 2549 2780 2779)
+4(2779 2780 3011 3010)
+4(3010 3011 3242 3241)
+4(3241 3242 3473 3472)
+4(3472 3473 3704 3703)
+4(3703 3704 3935 3934)
+4(3934 3935 4166 4165)
+4(4165 4166 4397 4396)
+4(4396 4397 4628 4627)
+4(8 9 240 239)
+4(239 240 471 470)
+4(470 471 702 701)
+4(701 702 933 932)
+4(932 933 1164 1163)
+4(1163 1164 1395 1394)
+4(1394 1395 1626 1625)
+4(1625 1626 1857 1856)
+4(1856 1857 2088 2087)
+4(2087 2088 2319 2318)
+4(2318 2319 2550 2549)
+4(2549 2550 2781 2780)
+4(2780 2781 3012 3011)
+4(3011 3012 3243 3242)
+4(3242 3243 3474 3473)
+4(3473 3474 3705 3704)
+4(3704 3705 3936 3935)
+4(3935 3936 4167 4166)
+4(4166 4167 4398 4397)
+4(4397 4398 4629 4628)
+4(9 10 241 240)
+4(240 241 472 471)
+4(471 472 703 702)
+4(702 703 934 933)
+4(933 934 1165 1164)
+4(1164 1165 1396 1395)
+4(1395 1396 1627 1626)
+4(1626 1627 1858 1857)
+4(1857 1858 2089 2088)
+4(2088 2089 2320 2319)
+4(2319 2320 2551 2550)
+4(2550 2551 2782 2781)
+4(2781 2782 3013 3012)
+4(3012 3013 3244 3243)
+4(3243 3244 3475 3474)
+4(3474 3475 3706 3705)
+4(3705 3706 3937 3936)
+4(3936 3937 4168 4167)
+4(4167 4168 4399 4398)
+4(4398 4399 4630 4629)
+4(10 11 242 241)
+4(241 242 473 472)
+4(472 473 704 703)
+4(703 704 935 934)
+4(934 935 1166 1165)
+4(1165 1166 1397 1396)
+4(1396 1397 1628 1627)
+4(1627 1628 1859 1858)
+4(1858 1859 2090 2089)
+4(2089 2090 2321 2320)
+4(2320 2321 2552 2551)
+4(2551 2552 2783 2782)
+4(2782 2783 3014 3013)
+4(3013 3014 3245 3244)
+4(3244 3245 3476 3475)
+4(3475 3476 3707 3706)
+4(3706 3707 3938 3937)
+4(3937 3938 4169 4168)
+4(4168 4169 4400 4399)
+4(4399 4400 4631 4630)
+4(11 12 243 242)
+4(242 243 474 473)
+4(473 474 705 704)
+4(704 705 936 935)
+4(935 936 1167 1166)
+4(1166 1167 1398 1397)
+4(1397 1398 1629 1628)
+4(1628 1629 1860 1859)
+4(1859 1860 2091 2090)
+4(2090 2091 2322 2321)
+4(2321 2322 2553 2552)
+4(2552 2553 2784 2783)
+4(2783 2784 3015 3014)
+4(3014 3015 3246 3245)
+4(3245 3246 3477 3476)
+4(3476 3477 3708 3707)
+4(3707 3708 3939 3938)
+4(3938 3939 4170 4169)
+4(4169 4170 4401 4400)
+4(4400 4401 4632 4631)
+4(12 13 244 243)
+4(243 244 475 474)
+4(474 475 706 705)
+4(705 706 937 936)
+4(936 937 1168 1167)
+4(1167 1168 1399 1398)
+4(1398 1399 1630 1629)
+4(1629 1630 1861 1860)
+4(1860 1861 2092 2091)
+4(2091 2092 2323 2322)
+4(2322 2323 2554 2553)
+4(2553 2554 2785 2784)
+4(2784 2785 3016 3015)
+4(3015 3016 3247 3246)
+4(3246 3247 3478 3477)
+4(3477 3478 3709 3708)
+4(3708 3709 3940 3939)
+4(3939 3940 4171 4170)
+4(4170 4171 4402 4401)
+4(4401 4402 4633 4632)
+4(13 14 245 244)
+4(244 245 476 475)
+4(475 476 707 706)
+4(706 707 938 937)
+4(937 938 1169 1168)
+4(1168 1169 1400 1399)
+4(1399 1400 1631 1630)
+4(1630 1631 1862 1861)
+4(1861 1862 2093 2092)
+4(2092 2093 2324 2323)
+4(2323 2324 2555 2554)
+4(2554 2555 2786 2785)
+4(2785 2786 3017 3016)
+4(3016 3017 3248 3247)
+4(3247 3248 3479 3478)
+4(3478 3479 3710 3709)
+4(3709 3710 3941 3940)
+4(3940 3941 4172 4171)
+4(4171 4172 4403 4402)
+4(4402 4403 4634 4633)
+4(14 15 246 245)
+4(245 246 477 476)
+4(476 477 708 707)
+4(707 708 939 938)
+4(938 939 1170 1169)
+4(1169 1170 1401 1400)
+4(1400 1401 1632 1631)
+4(1631 1632 1863 1862)
+4(1862 1863 2094 2093)
+4(2093 2094 2325 2324)
+4(2324 2325 2556 2555)
+4(2555 2556 2787 2786)
+4(2786 2787 3018 3017)
+4(3017 3018 3249 3248)
+4(3248 3249 3480 3479)
+4(3479 3480 3711 3710)
+4(3710 3711 3942 3941)
+4(3941 3942 4173 4172)
+4(4172 4173 4404 4403)
+4(4403 4404 4635 4634)
+4(15 16 247 246)
+4(246 247 478 477)
+4(477 478 709 708)
+4(708 709 940 939)
+4(939 940 1171 1170)
+4(1170 1171 1402 1401)
+4(1401 1402 1633 1632)
+4(1632 1633 1864 1863)
+4(1863 1864 2095 2094)
+4(2094 2095 2326 2325)
+4(2325 2326 2557 2556)
+4(2556 2557 2788 2787)
+4(2787 2788 3019 3018)
+4(3018 3019 3250 3249)
+4(3249 3250 3481 3480)
+4(3480 3481 3712 3711)
+4(3711 3712 3943 3942)
+4(3942 3943 4174 4173)
+4(4173 4174 4405 4404)
+4(4404 4405 4636 4635)
+4(16 17 248 247)
+4(247 248 479 478)
+4(478 479 710 709)
+4(709 710 941 940)
+4(940 941 1172 1171)
+4(1171 1172 1403 1402)
+4(1402 1403 1634 1633)
+4(1633 1634 1865 1864)
+4(1864 1865 2096 2095)
+4(2095 2096 2327 2326)
+4(2326 2327 2558 2557)
+4(2557 2558 2789 2788)
+4(2788 2789 3020 3019)
+4(3019 3020 3251 3250)
+4(3250 3251 3482 3481)
+4(3481 3482 3713 3712)
+4(3712 3713 3944 3943)
+4(3943 3944 4175 4174)
+4(4174 4175 4406 4405)
+4(4405 4406 4637 4636)
+4(17 18 249 248)
+4(248 249 480 479)
+4(479 480 711 710)
+4(710 711 942 941)
+4(941 942 1173 1172)
+4(1172 1173 1404 1403)
+4(1403 1404 1635 1634)
+4(1634 1635 1866 1865)
+4(1865 1866 2097 2096)
+4(2096 2097 2328 2327)
+4(2327 2328 2559 2558)
+4(2558 2559 2790 2789)
+4(2789 2790 3021 3020)
+4(3020 3021 3252 3251)
+4(3251 3252 3483 3482)
+4(3482 3483 3714 3713)
+4(3713 3714 3945 3944)
+4(3944 3945 4176 4175)
+4(4175 4176 4407 4406)
+4(4406 4407 4638 4637)
+4(18 19 250 249)
+4(249 250 481 480)
+4(480 481 712 711)
+4(711 712 943 942)
+4(942 943 1174 1173)
+4(1173 1174 1405 1404)
+4(1404 1405 1636 1635)
+4(1635 1636 1867 1866)
+4(1866 1867 2098 2097)
+4(2097 2098 2329 2328)
+4(2328 2329 2560 2559)
+4(2559 2560 2791 2790)
+4(2790 2791 3022 3021)
+4(3021 3022 3253 3252)
+4(3252 3253 3484 3483)
+4(3483 3484 3715 3714)
+4(3714 3715 3946 3945)
+4(3945 3946 4177 4176)
+4(4176 4177 4408 4407)
+4(4407 4408 4639 4638)
+4(19 20 251 250)
+4(250 251 482 481)
+4(481 482 713 712)
+4(712 713 944 943)
+4(943 944 1175 1174)
+4(1174 1175 1406 1405)
+4(1405 1406 1637 1636)
+4(1636 1637 1868 1867)
+4(1867 1868 2099 2098)
+4(2098 2099 2330 2329)
+4(2329 2330 2561 2560)
+4(2560 2561 2792 2791)
+4(2791 2792 3023 3022)
+4(3022 3023 3254 3253)
+4(3253 3254 3485 3484)
+4(3484 3485 3716 3715)
+4(3715 3716 3947 3946)
+4(3946 3947 4178 4177)
+4(4177 4178 4409 4408)
+4(4408 4409 4640 4639)
+4(0 21 22 1)
+4(21 42 43 22)
+4(42 63 64 43)
+4(63 84 85 64)
+4(84 105 106 85)
+4(105 126 127 106)
+4(126 147 148 127)
+4(147 168 169 148)
+4(168 189 190 169)
+4(189 210 211 190)
+4(1 22 23 2)
+4(22 43 44 23)
+4(43 64 65 44)
+4(64 85 86 65)
+4(85 106 107 86)
+4(106 127 128 107)
+4(127 148 149 128)
+4(148 169 170 149)
+4(169 190 191 170)
+4(190 211 212 191)
+4(2 23 24 3)
+4(23 44 45 24)
+4(44 65 66 45)
+4(65 86 87 66)
+4(86 107 108 87)
+4(107 128 129 108)
+4(128 149 150 129)
+4(149 170 171 150)
+4(170 191 192 171)
+4(191 212 213 192)
+4(3 24 25 4)
+4(24 45 46 25)
+4(45 66 67 46)
+4(66 87 88 67)
+4(87 108 109 88)
+4(108 129 130 109)
+4(129 150 151 130)
+4(150 171 172 151)
+4(171 192 193 172)
+4(192 213 214 193)
+4(4 25 26 5)
+4(25 46 47 26)
+4(46 67 68 47)
+4(67 88 89 68)
+4(88 109 110 89)
+4(109 130 131 110)
+4(130 151 152 131)
+4(151 172 173 152)
+4(172 193 194 173)
+4(193 214 215 194)
+4(5 26 27 6)
+4(26 47 48 27)
+4(47 68 69 48)
+4(68 89 90 69)
+4(89 110 111 90)
+4(110 131 132 111)
+4(131 152 153 132)
+4(152 173 174 153)
+4(173 194 195 174)
+4(194 215 216 195)
+4(6 27 28 7)
+4(27 48 49 28)
+4(48 69 70 49)
+4(69 90 91 70)
+4(90 111 112 91)
+4(111 132 133 112)
+4(132 153 154 133)
+4(153 174 175 154)
+4(174 195 196 175)
+4(195 216 217 196)
+4(7 28 29 8)
+4(28 49 50 29)
+4(49 70 71 50)
+4(70 91 92 71)
+4(91 112 113 92)
+4(112 133 134 113)
+4(133 154 155 134)
+4(154 175 176 155)
+4(175 196 197 176)
+4(196 217 218 197)
+4(8 29 30 9)
+4(29 50 51 30)
+4(50 71 72 51)
+4(71 92 93 72)
+4(92 113 114 93)
+4(113 134 135 114)
+4(134 155 156 135)
+4(155 176 177 156)
+4(176 197 198 177)
+4(197 218 219 198)
+4(9 30 31 10)
+4(30 51 52 31)
+4(51 72 73 52)
+4(72 93 94 73)
+4(93 114 115 94)
+4(114 135 136 115)
+4(135 156 157 136)
+4(156 177 178 157)
+4(177 198 199 178)
+4(198 219 220 199)
+4(10 31 32 11)
+4(31 52 53 32)
+4(52 73 74 53)
+4(73 94 95 74)
+4(94 115 116 95)
+4(115 136 137 116)
+4(136 157 158 137)
+4(157 178 179 158)
+4(178 199 200 179)
+4(199 220 221 200)
+4(11 32 33 12)
+4(32 53 54 33)
+4(53 74 75 54)
+4(74 95 96 75)
+4(95 116 117 96)
+4(116 137 138 117)
+4(137 158 159 138)
+4(158 179 180 159)
+4(179 200 201 180)
+4(200 221 222 201)
+4(12 33 34 13)
+4(33 54 55 34)
+4(54 75 76 55)
+4(75 96 97 76)
+4(96 117 118 97)
+4(117 138 139 118)
+4(138 159 160 139)
+4(159 180 181 160)
+4(180 201 202 181)
+4(201 222 223 202)
+4(13 34 35 14)
+4(34 55 56 35)
+4(55 76 77 56)
+4(76 97 98 77)
+4(97 118 119 98)
+4(118 139 140 119)
+4(139 160 161 140)
+4(160 181 182 161)
+4(181 202 203 182)
+4(202 223 224 203)
+4(14 35 36 15)
+4(35 56 57 36)
+4(56 77 78 57)
+4(77 98 99 78)
+4(98 119 120 99)
+4(119 140 141 120)
+4(140 161 162 141)
+4(161 182 183 162)
+4(182 203 204 183)
+4(203 224 225 204)
+4(15 36 37 16)
+4(36 57 58 37)
+4(57 78 79 58)
+4(78 99 100 79)
+4(99 120 121 100)
+4(120 141 142 121)
+4(141 162 163 142)
+4(162 183 184 163)
+4(183 204 205 184)
+4(204 225 226 205)
+4(16 37 38 17)
+4(37 58 59 38)
+4(58 79 80 59)
+4(79 100 101 80)
+4(100 121 122 101)
+4(121 142 143 122)
+4(142 163 164 143)
+4(163 184 185 164)
+4(184 205 206 185)
+4(205 226 227 206)
+4(17 38 39 18)
+4(38 59 60 39)
+4(59 80 81 60)
+4(80 101 102 81)
+4(101 122 123 102)
+4(122 143 144 123)
+4(143 164 165 144)
+4(164 185 186 165)
+4(185 206 207 186)
+4(206 227 228 207)
+4(18 39 40 19)
+4(39 60 61 40)
+4(60 81 82 61)
+4(81 102 103 82)
+4(102 123 124 103)
+4(123 144 145 124)
+4(144 165 166 145)
+4(165 186 187 166)
+4(186 207 208 187)
+4(207 228 229 208)
+4(19 40 41 20)
+4(40 61 62 41)
+4(61 82 83 62)
+4(82 103 104 83)
+4(103 124 125 104)
+4(124 145 146 125)
+4(145 166 167 146)
+4(166 187 188 167)
+4(187 208 209 188)
+4(208 229 230 209)
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/neighbour b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/neighbour
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/neighbour
@@ -0,0 +1,11225 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       labelList;
+    note        "nPoints:4851  nCells:4000  nFaces:12800  nInternalFaces:11200";
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+    object      neighbour;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/owner
@@ -0,0 +1,12825 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       labelList;
+    note        "nPoints:4851  nCells:4000  nFaces:12800  nInternalFaces:11200";
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      owner;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22827c3aa4244a625d420474ef41dca0d7c1605a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/pointZones
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       regIOobject;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      pointZones;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a8d48c15955ef0ecb04c001711201e9fc404d340
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+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/points
@@ -0,0 +1,4875 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
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+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      points;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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+(0.01 0 0)
+(0.015 0 0)
+(0.02 0 0)
+(0.025 0 0)
+(0.03 0 0)
+(0.035 0 0)
+(0.04 0 0)
+(0.045 0 0)
+(0.05 0 0)
+(0.055 0 0)
+(0.06 0 0)
+(0.065 0 0)
+(0.07 0 0)
+(0.075 0 0)
+(0.08 0 0)
+(0.085 0 0)
+(0.09 0 0)
+(0.095 0 0)
+(0.1 0 0)
+(0 0.005 0)
+(0.005 0.005 0)
+(0.01 0.005 0)
+(0.015 0.005 0)
+(0.02 0.005 0)
+(0.025 0.005 0)
+(0.03 0.005 0)
+(0.035 0.005 0)
+(0.04 0.005 0)
+(0.045 0.005 0)
+(0.05 0.005 0)
+(0.055 0.005 0)
+(0.06 0.005 0)
+(0.065 0.005 0)
+(0.07 0.005 0)
+(0.075 0.005 0)
+(0.08 0.005 0)
+(0.085 0.005 0)
+(0.09 0.005 0)
+(0.095 0.005 0)
+(0.1 0.005 0)
+(0 0.01 0)
+(0.005 0.01 0)
+(0.01 0.01 0)
+(0.015 0.01 0)
+(0.02 0.01 0)
+(0.025 0.01 0)
+(0.03 0.01 0)
+(0.035 0.01 0)
+(0.04 0.01 0)
+(0.045 0.01 0)
+(0.05 0.01 0)
+(0.055 0.01 0)
+(0.06 0.01 0)
+(0.065 0.01 0)
+(0.07 0.01 0)
+(0.075 0.01 0)
+(0.08 0.01 0)
+(0.085 0.01 0)
+(0.09 0.01 0)
+(0.095 0.01 0)
+(0.1 0.01 0)
+(0 0.015 0)
+(0.005 0.015 0)
+(0.01 0.015 0)
+(0.015 0.015 0)
+(0.02 0.015 0)
+(0.025 0.015 0)
+(0.03 0.015 0)
+(0.035 0.015 0)
+(0.04 0.015 0)
+(0.045 0.015 0)
+(0.05 0.015 0)
+(0.055 0.015 0)
+(0.06 0.015 0)
+(0.065 0.015 0)
+(0.07 0.015 0)
+(0.075 0.015 0)
+(0.08 0.015 0)
+(0.085 0.015 0)
+(0.09 0.015 0)
+(0.095 0.015 0)
+(0.1 0.015 0)
+(0 0.02 0)
+(0.005 0.02 0)
+(0.01 0.02 0)
+(0.015 0.02 0)
+(0.02 0.02 0)
+(0.025 0.02 0)
+(0.03 0.02 0)
+(0.035 0.02 0)
+(0.04 0.02 0)
+(0.045 0.02 0)
+(0.05 0.02 0)
+(0.055 0.02 0)
+(0.06 0.02 0)
+(0.065 0.02 0)
+(0.07 0.02 0)
+(0.075 0.02 0)
+(0.08 0.02 0)
+(0.085 0.02 0)
+(0.09 0.02 0)
+(0.095 0.02 0)
+(0.1 0.02 0)
+(0 0.025 0)
+(0.005 0.025 0)
+(0.01 0.025 0)
+(0.015 0.025 0)
+(0.02 0.025 0)
+(0.025 0.025 0)
+(0.03 0.025 0)
+(0.035 0.025 0)
+(0.04 0.025 0)
+(0.045 0.025 0)
+(0.05 0.025 0)
+(0.055 0.025 0)
+(0.06 0.025 0)
+(0.065 0.025 0)
+(0.07 0.025 0)
+(0.075 0.025 0)
+(0.08 0.025 0)
+(0.085 0.025 0)
+(0.09 0.025 0)
+(0.095 0.025 0)
+(0.1 0.025 0)
+(0 0.03 0)
+(0.005 0.03 0)
+(0.01 0.03 0)
+(0.015 0.03 0)
+(0.02 0.03 0)
+(0.025 0.03 0)
+(0.03 0.03 0)
+(0.035 0.03 0)
+(0.04 0.03 0)
+(0.045 0.03 0)
+(0.05 0.03 0)
+(0.055 0.03 0)
+(0.06 0.03 0)
+(0.065 0.03 0)
+(0.07 0.03 0)
+(0.075 0.03 0)
+(0.08 0.03 0)
+(0.085 0.03 0)
+(0.09 0.03 0)
+(0.095 0.03 0)
+(0.1 0.03 0)
+(0 0.035 0)
+(0.005 0.035 0)
+(0.01 0.035 0)
+(0.015 0.035 0)
+(0.02 0.035 0)
+(0.025 0.035 0)
+(0.03 0.035 0)
+(0.035 0.035 0)
+(0.04 0.035 0)
+(0.045 0.035 0)
+(0.05 0.035 0)
+(0.055 0.035 0)
+(0.06 0.035 0)
+(0.065 0.035 0)
+(0.07 0.035 0)
+(0.075 0.035 0)
+(0.08 0.035 0)
+(0.085 0.035 0)
+(0.09 0.035 0)
+(0.095 0.035 0)
+(0.1 0.035 0)
+(0 0.04 0)
+(0.005 0.04 0)
+(0.01 0.04 0)
+(0.015 0.04 0)
+(0.02 0.04 0)
+(0.025 0.04 0)
+(0.03 0.04 0)
+(0.035 0.04 0)
+(0.04 0.04 0)
+(0.045 0.04 0)
+(0.05 0.04 0)
+(0.055 0.04 0)
+(0.06 0.04 0)
+(0.065 0.04 0)
+(0.07 0.04 0)
+(0.075 0.04 0)
+(0.08 0.04 0)
+(0.085 0.04 0)
+(0.09 0.04 0)
+(0.095 0.04 0)
+(0.1 0.04 0)
+(0 0.045 0)
+(0.005 0.045 0)
+(0.01 0.045 0)
+(0.015 0.045 0)
+(0.02 0.045 0)
+(0.025 0.045 0)
+(0.03 0.045 0)
+(0.035 0.045 0)
+(0.04 0.045 0)
+(0.045 0.045 0)
+(0.05 0.045 0)
+(0.055 0.045 0)
+(0.06 0.045 0)
+(0.065 0.045 0)
+(0.07 0.045 0)
+(0.075 0.045 0)
+(0.08 0.045 0)
+(0.085 0.045 0)
+(0.09 0.045 0)
+(0.095 0.045 0)
+(0.1 0.045 0)
+(0 0.05 0)
+(0.005 0.05 0)
+(0.01 0.05 0)
+(0.015 0.05 0)
+(0.02 0.05 0)
+(0.025 0.05 0)
+(0.03 0.05 0)
+(0.035 0.05 0)
+(0.04 0.05 0)
+(0.045 0.05 0)
+(0.05 0.05 0)
+(0.055 0.05 0)
+(0.06 0.05 0)
+(0.065 0.05 0)
+(0.07 0.05 0)
+(0.075 0.05 0)
+(0.08 0.05 0)
+(0.085 0.05 0)
+(0.09 0.05 0)
+(0.095 0.05 0)
+(0.1 0.05 0)
+(0 0 0.005)
+(0.005 0 0.005)
+(0.01 0 0.005)
+(0.015 0 0.005)
+(0.02 0 0.005)
+(0.025 0 0.005)
+(0.03 0 0.005)
+(0.035 0 0.005)
+(0.04 0 0.005)
+(0.045 0 0.005)
+(0.05 0 0.005)
+(0.055 0 0.005)
+(0.06 0 0.005)
+(0.065 0 0.005)
+(0.07 0 0.005)
+(0.075 0 0.005)
+(0.08 0 0.005)
+(0.085 0 0.005)
+(0.09 0 0.005)
+(0.095 0 0.005)
+(0.1 0 0.005)
+(0 0.005 0.005)
+(0.005 0.005 0.005)
+(0.01 0.005 0.005)
+(0.015 0.005 0.005)
+(0.02 0.005 0.005)
+(0.025 0.005 0.005)
+(0.03 0.005 0.005)
+(0.035 0.005 0.005)
+(0.04 0.005 0.005)
+(0.045 0.005 0.005)
+(0.05 0.005 0.005)
+(0.055 0.005 0.005)
+(0.06 0.005 0.005)
+(0.065 0.005 0.005)
+(0.07 0.005 0.005)
+(0.075 0.005 0.005)
+(0.08 0.005 0.005)
+(0.085 0.005 0.005)
+(0.09 0.005 0.005)
+(0.095 0.005 0.005)
+(0.1 0.005 0.005)
+(0 0.01 0.005)
+(0.005 0.01 0.005)
+(0.01 0.01 0.005)
+(0.015 0.01 0.005)
+(0.02 0.01 0.005)
+(0.025 0.01 0.005)
+(0.03 0.01 0.005)
+(0.035 0.01 0.005)
+(0.04 0.01 0.005)
+(0.045 0.01 0.005)
+(0.05 0.01 0.005)
+(0.055 0.01 0.005)
+(0.06 0.01 0.005)
+(0.065 0.01 0.005)
+(0.07 0.01 0.005)
+(0.075 0.01 0.005)
+(0.08 0.01 0.005)
+(0.085 0.01 0.005)
+(0.09 0.01 0.005)
+(0.095 0.01 0.005)
+(0.1 0.01 0.005)
+(0 0.015 0.005)
+(0.005 0.015 0.005)
+(0.01 0.015 0.005)
+(0.015 0.015 0.005)
+(0.02 0.015 0.005)
+(0.025 0.015 0.005)
+(0.03 0.015 0.005)
+(0.035 0.015 0.005)
+(0.04 0.015 0.005)
+(0.045 0.015 0.005)
+(0.05 0.015 0.005)
+(0.055 0.015 0.005)
+(0.06 0.015 0.005)
+(0.065 0.015 0.005)
+(0.07 0.015 0.005)
+(0.075 0.015 0.005)
+(0.08 0.015 0.005)
+(0.085 0.015 0.005)
+(0.09 0.015 0.005)
+(0.095 0.015 0.005)
+(0.1 0.015 0.005)
+(0 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.01 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.005)
+(0.025 0.02 0.005)
+(0.03 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.04 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.075 0.02 0.005)
+(0.08 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.09 0.02 0.005)
+(0.095 0.02 0.005)
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+(0.09 0.025 0.005)
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+(0 0.03 0.005)
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+(0.1 0.05 0.005)
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+(0.075 0 0.01)
+(0.08 0 0.01)
+(0.085 0 0.01)
+(0.09 0 0.01)
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+(0.005 0.005 0.01)
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+(0.02 0.005 0.01)
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+(0.08 0.01 0.01)
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+(0.09 0.01 0.01)
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+(0.005 0.015 0.01)
+(0.01 0.015 0.01)
+(0.015 0.015 0.01)
+(0.02 0.015 0.01)
+(0.025 0.015 0.01)
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+(0.04 0.015 0.01)
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+(0.075 0.015 0.01)
+(0.08 0.015 0.01)
+(0.085 0.015 0.01)
+(0.09 0.015 0.01)
+(0.095 0.015 0.01)
+(0.1 0.015 0.01)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.01)
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+(0.02 0.025 0.01)
+(0.025 0.025 0.01)
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+(0.09 0.025 0.01)
+(0.095 0.025 0.01)
+(0.1 0.025 0.01)
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+(0.02 0.03 0.01)
+(0.025 0.03 0.01)
+(0.03 0.03 0.01)
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+(0.04 0.03 0.01)
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+(0.09 0.03 0.01)
+(0.095 0.03 0.01)
+(0.1 0.03 0.01)
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+(0.01 0.035 0.01)
+(0.015 0.035 0.01)
+(0.02 0.035 0.01)
+(0.025 0.035 0.01)
+(0.03 0.035 0.01)
+(0.035 0.035 0.01)
+(0.04 0.035 0.01)
+(0.045 0.035 0.01)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.01)
+(0.075 0.035 0.01)
+(0.08 0.035 0.01)
+(0.085 0.035 0.01)
+(0.09 0.035 0.01)
+(0.095 0.035 0.01)
+(0.1 0.035 0.01)
+(0 0.04 0.01)
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+(0.01 0.04 0.01)
+(0.015 0.04 0.01)
+(0.02 0.04 0.01)
+(0.025 0.04 0.01)
+(0.03 0.04 0.01)
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+(0.04 0.04 0.01)
+(0.045 0.04 0.01)
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+(0.075 0.04 0.01)
+(0.08 0.04 0.01)
+(0.085 0.04 0.01)
+(0.09 0.04 0.01)
+(0.095 0.04 0.01)
+(0.1 0.04 0.01)
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+(0.005 0.045 0.01)
+(0.01 0.045 0.01)
+(0.015 0.045 0.01)
+(0.02 0.045 0.01)
+(0.025 0.045 0.01)
+(0.03 0.045 0.01)
+(0.035 0.045 0.01)
+(0.04 0.045 0.01)
+(0.045 0.045 0.01)
+(0.05 0.045 0.01)
+(0.055 0.045 0.01)
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+(0.07 0.045 0.01)
+(0.075 0.045 0.01)
+(0.08 0.045 0.01)
+(0.085 0.045 0.01)
+(0.09 0.045 0.01)
+(0.095 0.045 0.01)
+(0.1 0.045 0.01)
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+(0.005 0.05 0.01)
+(0.01 0.05 0.01)
+(0.015 0.05 0.01)
+(0.02 0.05 0.01)
+(0.025 0.05 0.01)
+(0.03 0.05 0.01)
+(0.035 0.05 0.01)
+(0.04 0.05 0.01)
+(0.045 0.05 0.01)
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+(0.07 0.05 0.01)
+(0.075 0.05 0.01)
+(0.08 0.05 0.01)
+(0.085 0.05 0.01)
+(0.09 0.05 0.01)
+(0.095 0.05 0.01)
+(0.1 0.05 0.01)
+(0 0 0.015)
+(0.005 0 0.015)
+(0.01 0 0.015)
+(0.015 0 0.015)
+(0.02 0 0.015)
+(0.025 0 0.015)
+(0.03 0 0.015)
+(0.035 0 0.015)
+(0.04 0 0.015)
+(0.045 0 0.015)
+(0.05 0 0.015)
+(0.055 0 0.015)
+(0.06 0 0.015)
+(0.065 0 0.015)
+(0.07 0 0.015)
+(0.075 0 0.015)
+(0.08 0 0.015)
+(0.085 0 0.015)
+(0.09 0 0.015)
+(0.095 0 0.015)
+(0.1 0 0.015)
+(0 0.005 0.015)
+(0.005 0.005 0.015)
+(0.01 0.005 0.015)
+(0.015 0.005 0.015)
+(0.02 0.005 0.015)
+(0.025 0.005 0.015)
+(0.03 0.005 0.015)
+(0.035 0.005 0.015)
+(0.04 0.005 0.015)
+(0.045 0.005 0.015)
+(0.05 0.005 0.015)
+(0.055 0.005 0.015)
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+(0.07 0.005 0.015)
+(0.075 0.005 0.015)
+(0.08 0.005 0.015)
+(0.085 0.005 0.015)
+(0.09 0.005 0.015)
+(0.095 0.005 0.015)
+(0.1 0.005 0.015)
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+(0.005 0.01 0.015)
+(0.01 0.01 0.015)
+(0.015 0.01 0.015)
+(0.02 0.01 0.015)
+(0.025 0.01 0.015)
+(0.03 0.01 0.015)
+(0.035 0.01 0.015)
+(0.04 0.01 0.015)
+(0.045 0.01 0.015)
+(0.05 0.01 0.015)
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+(0.07 0.01 0.015)
+(0.075 0.01 0.015)
+(0.08 0.01 0.015)
+(0.085 0.01 0.015)
+(0.09 0.01 0.015)
+(0.095 0.01 0.015)
+(0.1 0.01 0.015)
+(0 0.015 0.015)
+(0.005 0.015 0.015)
+(0.01 0.015 0.015)
+(0.015 0.015 0.015)
+(0.02 0.015 0.015)
+(0.025 0.015 0.015)
+(0.03 0.015 0.015)
+(0.035 0.015 0.015)
+(0.04 0.015 0.015)
+(0.045 0.015 0.015)
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+(0.055 0.015 0.015)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.015)
+(0.075 0.015 0.015)
+(0.08 0.015 0.015)
+(0.085 0.015 0.015)
+(0.09 0.015 0.015)
+(0.095 0.015 0.015)
+(0.1 0.015 0.015)
+(0 0.02 0.015)
+(0.005 0.02 0.015)
+(0.01 0.02 0.015)
+(0.015 0.02 0.015)
+(0.02 0.02 0.015)
+(0.025 0.02 0.015)
+(0.03 0.02 0.015)
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+(0.04 0.02 0.015)
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+(0.07 0.02 0.015)
+(0.075 0.02 0.015)
+(0.08 0.02 0.015)
+(0.085 0.02 0.015)
+(0.09 0.02 0.015)
+(0.095 0.02 0.015)
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+(0.015 0.025 0.015)
+(0.02 0.025 0.015)
+(0.025 0.025 0.015)
+(0.03 0.025 0.015)
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+(0.04 0.025 0.015)
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+(0.075 0.025 0.015)
+(0.08 0.025 0.015)
+(0.085 0.025 0.015)
+(0.09 0.025 0.015)
+(0.095 0.025 0.015)
+(0.1 0.025 0.015)
+(0 0.03 0.015)
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+(0.01 0.03 0.015)
+(0.015 0.03 0.015)
+(0.02 0.03 0.015)
+(0.025 0.03 0.015)
+(0.03 0.03 0.015)
+(0.035 0.03 0.015)
+(0.04 0.03 0.015)
+(0.045 0.03 0.015)
+(0.05 0.03 0.015)
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+(0.06 0.03 0.015)
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+(0.07 0.03 0.015)
+(0.075 0.03 0.015)
+(0.08 0.03 0.015)
+(0.085 0.03 0.015)
+(0.09 0.03 0.015)
+(0.095 0.03 0.015)
+(0.1 0.03 0.015)
+(0 0.035 0.015)
+(0.005 0.035 0.015)
+(0.01 0.035 0.015)
+(0.015 0.035 0.015)
+(0.02 0.035 0.015)
+(0.025 0.035 0.015)
+(0.03 0.035 0.015)
+(0.035 0.035 0.015)
+(0.04 0.035 0.015)
+(0.045 0.035 0.015)
+(0.05 0.035 0.015)
+(0.055 0.035 0.015)
+(0.06 0.035 0.015)
+(0.065 0.035 0.015)
+(0.07 0.035 0.015)
+(0.075 0.035 0.015)
+(0.08 0.035 0.015)
+(0.085 0.035 0.015)
+(0.09 0.035 0.015)
+(0.095 0.035 0.015)
+(0.1 0.035 0.015)
+(0 0.04 0.015)
+(0.005 0.04 0.015)
+(0.01 0.04 0.015)
+(0.015 0.04 0.015)
+(0.02 0.04 0.015)
+(0.025 0.04 0.015)
+(0.03 0.04 0.015)
+(0.035 0.04 0.015)
+(0.04 0.04 0.015)
+(0.045 0.04 0.015)
+(0.05 0.04 0.015)
+(0.055 0.04 0.015)
+(0.06 0.04 0.015)
+(0.065 0.04 0.015)
+(0.07 0.04 0.015)
+(0.075 0.04 0.015)
+(0.08 0.04 0.015)
+(0.085 0.04 0.015)
+(0.09 0.04 0.015)
+(0.095 0.04 0.015)
+(0.1 0.04 0.015)
+(0 0.045 0.015)
+(0.005 0.045 0.015)
+(0.01 0.045 0.015)
+(0.015 0.045 0.015)
+(0.02 0.045 0.015)
+(0.025 0.045 0.015)
+(0.03 0.045 0.015)
+(0.035 0.045 0.015)
+(0.04 0.045 0.015)
+(0.045 0.045 0.015)
+(0.05 0.045 0.015)
+(0.055 0.045 0.015)
+(0.06 0.045 0.015)
+(0.065 0.045 0.015)
+(0.07 0.045 0.015)
+(0.075 0.045 0.015)
+(0.08 0.045 0.015)
+(0.085 0.045 0.015)
+(0.09 0.045 0.015)
+(0.095 0.045 0.015)
+(0.1 0.045 0.015)
+(0 0.05 0.015)
+(0.005 0.05 0.015)
+(0.01 0.05 0.015)
+(0.015 0.05 0.015)
+(0.02 0.05 0.015)
+(0.025 0.05 0.015)
+(0.03 0.05 0.015)
+(0.035 0.05 0.015)
+(0.04 0.05 0.015)
+(0.045 0.05 0.015)
+(0.05 0.05 0.015)
+(0.055 0.05 0.015)
+(0.06 0.05 0.015)
+(0.065 0.05 0.015)
+(0.07 0.05 0.015)
+(0.075 0.05 0.015)
+(0.08 0.05 0.015)
+(0.085 0.05 0.015)
+(0.09 0.05 0.015)
+(0.095 0.05 0.015)
+(0.1 0.05 0.015)
+(0 0 0.02)
+(0.005 0 0.02)
+(0.01 0 0.02)
+(0.015 0 0.02)
+(0.02 0 0.02)
+(0.025 0 0.02)
+(0.03 0 0.02)
+(0.035 0 0.02)
+(0.04 0 0.02)
+(0.045 0 0.02)
+(0.05 0 0.02)
+(0.055 0 0.02)
+(0.06 0 0.02)
+(0.065 0 0.02)
+(0.07 0 0.02)
+(0.075 0 0.02)
+(0.08 0 0.02)
+(0.085 0 0.02)
+(0.09 0 0.02)
+(0.095 0 0.02)
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+(0.01 0.005 0.02)
+(0.015 0.005 0.02)
+(0.02 0.005 0.02)
+(0.025 0.005 0.02)
+(0.03 0.005 0.02)
+(0.035 0.005 0.02)
+(0.04 0.005 0.02)
+(0.045 0.005 0.02)
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+(0.055 0.005 0.02)
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+(0.015 0.015 0.025)
+(0.02 0.015 0.025)
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+(0.09 0.015 0.025)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.025)
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+(0.03 0.03 0.025)
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+(0.02 0.035 0.025)
+(0.025 0.035 0.025)
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+(0.04 0.035 0.025)
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+(0.09 0.035 0.025)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.025)
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+(0.04 0.04 0.025)
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+(0.02 0.045 0.025)
+(0.025 0.045 0.025)
+(0.03 0.045 0.025)
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+(0.09 0.045 0.025)
+(0.095 0.045 0.025)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.025)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.025)
+(0.09 0.05 0.025)
+(0.095 0.05 0.025)
+(0.1 0.05 0.025)
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+(0.005 0 0.03)
+(0.01 0 0.03)
+(0.015 0 0.03)
+(0.02 0 0.03)
+(0.025 0 0.03)
+(0.03 0 0.03)
+(0.035 0 0.03)
+(0.04 0 0.03)
+(0.045 0 0.03)
+(0.05 0 0.03)
+(0.055 0 0.03)
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+(0.07 0 0.03)
+(0.075 0 0.03)
+(0.08 0 0.03)
+(0.085 0 0.03)
+(0.09 0 0.03)
+(0.095 0 0.03)
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+(0 0.005 0.03)
+(0.005 0.005 0.03)
+(0.01 0.005 0.03)
+(0.015 0.005 0.03)
+(0.02 0.005 0.03)
+(0.025 0.005 0.03)
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+(0.04 0.005 0.03)
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+(0.09 0.005 0.03)
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+(0.09 0.01 0.03)
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+(0.015 0.015 0.03)
+(0.02 0.015 0.03)
+(0.025 0.015 0.03)
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+(0.04 0.015 0.03)
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+(0.085 0.015 0.03)
+(0.09 0.015 0.03)
+(0.095 0.015 0.03)
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+(0 0.02 0.03)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.03)
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+(0.09 0.02 0.03)
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+(0.02 0.025 0.03)
+(0.025 0.025 0.03)
+(0.03 0.025 0.03)
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+(0.02 0.03 0.03)
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+(0.03 0.03 0.03)
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+(0.04 0.03 0.03)
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+(0.075 0.03 0.03)
+(0.08 0.03 0.03)
+(0.085 0.03 0.03)
+(0.09 0.03 0.03)
+(0.095 0.03 0.03)
+(0.1 0.03 0.03)
+(0 0.035 0.03)
+(0.005 0.035 0.03)
+(0.01 0.035 0.03)
+(0.015 0.035 0.03)
+(0.02 0.035 0.03)
+(0.025 0.035 0.03)
+(0.03 0.035 0.03)
+(0.035 0.035 0.03)
+(0.04 0.035 0.03)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.03)
+(0.075 0.035 0.03)
+(0.08 0.035 0.03)
+(0.085 0.035 0.03)
+(0.09 0.035 0.03)
+(0.095 0.035 0.03)
+(0.1 0.035 0.03)
+(0 0.04 0.03)
+(0.005 0.04 0.03)
+(0.01 0.04 0.03)
+(0.015 0.04 0.03)
+(0.02 0.04 0.03)
+(0.025 0.04 0.03)
+(0.03 0.04 0.03)
+(0.035 0.04 0.03)
+(0.04 0.04 0.03)
+(0.045 0.04 0.03)
+(0.05 0.04 0.03)
+(0.055 0.04 0.03)
+(0.06 0.04 0.03)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.03)
+(0.075 0.04 0.03)
+(0.08 0.04 0.03)
+(0.085 0.04 0.03)
+(0.09 0.04 0.03)
+(0.095 0.04 0.03)
+(0.1 0.04 0.03)
+(0 0.045 0.03)
+(0.005 0.045 0.03)
+(0.01 0.045 0.03)
+(0.015 0.045 0.03)
+(0.02 0.045 0.03)
+(0.025 0.045 0.03)
+(0.03 0.045 0.03)
+(0.035 0.045 0.03)
+(0.04 0.045 0.03)
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+(0.05 0.045 0.03)
+(0.055 0.045 0.03)
+(0.06 0.045 0.03)
+(0.065 0.045 0.03)
+(0.07 0.045 0.03)
+(0.075 0.045 0.03)
+(0.08 0.045 0.03)
+(0.085 0.045 0.03)
+(0.09 0.045 0.03)
+(0.095 0.045 0.03)
+(0.1 0.045 0.03)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.03)
+(0.025 0.05 0.03)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.03)
+(0.09 0.05 0.03)
+(0.095 0.05 0.03)
+(0.1 0.05 0.03)
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+(0.005 0 0.035)
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+(0.015 0 0.035)
+(0.02 0 0.035)
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+(0.09 0 0.035)
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+(0 0.005 0.035)
+(0.005 0.005 0.035)
+(0.01 0.005 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.005 0.035)
+(0.025 0.005 0.035)
+(0.03 0.005 0.035)
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+(0.04 0.005 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.015 0.035)
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+(0.09 0.015 0.035)
+(0.095 0.015 0.035)
+(0.1 0.015 0.035)
+(0 0.02 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.035)
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+(0.04 0.04 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.045 0.035)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.035)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.035)
+(0.09 0.05 0.035)
+(0.095 0.05 0.035)
+(0.1 0.05 0.035)
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+(0.01 0 0.04)
+(0.015 0 0.04)
+(0.02 0 0.04)
+(0.025 0 0.04)
+(0.03 0 0.04)
+(0.035 0 0.04)
+(0.04 0 0.04)
+(0.045 0 0.04)
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+(0.07 0 0.04)
+(0.075 0 0.04)
+(0.08 0 0.04)
+(0.085 0 0.04)
+(0.09 0 0.04)
+(0.095 0 0.04)
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+(0 0.005 0.04)
+(0.005 0.005 0.04)
+(0.01 0.005 0.04)
+(0.015 0.005 0.04)
+(0.02 0.005 0.04)
+(0.025 0.005 0.04)
+(0.03 0.005 0.04)
+(0.035 0.005 0.04)
+(0.04 0.005 0.04)
+(0.045 0.005 0.04)
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+(0.075 0.005 0.04)
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+(0.085 0.005 0.04)
+(0.09 0.005 0.04)
+(0.095 0.005 0.04)
+(0.1 0.005 0.04)
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+(0.005 0.01 0.04)
+(0.01 0.01 0.04)
+(0.015 0.01 0.04)
+(0.02 0.01 0.04)
+(0.025 0.01 0.04)
+(0.03 0.01 0.04)
+(0.035 0.01 0.04)
+(0.04 0.01 0.04)
+(0.045 0.01 0.04)
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+(0.075 0.01 0.04)
+(0.08 0.01 0.04)
+(0.085 0.01 0.04)
+(0.09 0.01 0.04)
+(0.095 0.01 0.04)
+(0.1 0.01 0.04)
+(0 0.015 0.04)
+(0.005 0.015 0.04)
+(0.01 0.015 0.04)
+(0.015 0.015 0.04)
+(0.02 0.015 0.04)
+(0.025 0.015 0.04)
+(0.03 0.015 0.04)
+(0.035 0.015 0.04)
+(0.04 0.015 0.04)
+(0.045 0.015 0.04)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.04)
+(0.075 0.015 0.04)
+(0.08 0.015 0.04)
+(0.085 0.015 0.04)
+(0.09 0.015 0.04)
+(0.095 0.015 0.04)
+(0.1 0.015 0.04)
+(0 0.02 0.04)
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+(0.01 0.02 0.04)
+(0.015 0.02 0.04)
+(0.02 0.02 0.04)
+(0.025 0.02 0.04)
+(0.03 0.02 0.04)
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+(0.04 0.02 0.04)
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+(0.09 0.02 0.04)
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+(0.01 0.025 0.04)
+(0.015 0.025 0.04)
+(0.02 0.025 0.04)
+(0.025 0.025 0.04)
+(0.03 0.025 0.04)
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+(0.04 0.025 0.04)
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+(0.09 0.025 0.04)
+(0.095 0.025 0.04)
+(0.1 0.025 0.04)
+(0 0.03 0.04)
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+(0.01 0.03 0.04)
+(0.015 0.03 0.04)
+(0.02 0.03 0.04)
+(0.025 0.03 0.04)
+(0.03 0.03 0.04)
+(0.035 0.03 0.04)
+(0.04 0.03 0.04)
+(0.045 0.03 0.04)
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+(0.075 0.03 0.04)
+(0.08 0.03 0.04)
+(0.085 0.03 0.04)
+(0.09 0.03 0.04)
+(0.095 0.03 0.04)
+(0.1 0.03 0.04)
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+(0.005 0.035 0.04)
+(0.01 0.035 0.04)
+(0.015 0.035 0.04)
+(0.02 0.035 0.04)
+(0.025 0.035 0.04)
+(0.03 0.035 0.04)
+(0.035 0.035 0.04)
+(0.04 0.035 0.04)
+(0.045 0.035 0.04)
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+(0.09 0.035 0.04)
+(0.095 0.035 0.04)
+(0.1 0.035 0.04)
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+(0.005 0.04 0.04)
+(0.01 0.04 0.04)
+(0.015 0.04 0.04)
+(0.02 0.04 0.04)
+(0.025 0.04 0.04)
+(0.03 0.04 0.04)
+(0.035 0.04 0.04)
+(0.04 0.04 0.04)
+(0.045 0.04 0.04)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.04)
+(0.075 0.04 0.04)
+(0.08 0.04 0.04)
+(0.085 0.04 0.04)
+(0.09 0.04 0.04)
+(0.095 0.04 0.04)
+(0.1 0.04 0.04)
+(0 0.045 0.04)
+(0.005 0.045 0.04)
+(0.01 0.045 0.04)
+(0.015 0.045 0.04)
+(0.02 0.045 0.04)
+(0.025 0.045 0.04)
+(0.03 0.045 0.04)
+(0.035 0.045 0.04)
+(0.04 0.045 0.04)
+(0.045 0.045 0.04)
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+(0.075 0.045 0.04)
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+(0.085 0.045 0.04)
+(0.09 0.045 0.04)
+(0.095 0.045 0.04)
+(0.1 0.045 0.04)
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+(0.01 0.05 0.04)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.04)
+(0.025 0.05 0.04)
+(0.03 0.05 0.04)
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+(0.04 0.05 0.04)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.04)
+(0.09 0.05 0.04)
+(0.095 0.05 0.04)
+(0.1 0.05 0.04)
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+(0.005 0 0.045)
+(0.01 0 0.045)
+(0.015 0 0.045)
+(0.02 0 0.045)
+(0.025 0 0.045)
+(0.03 0 0.045)
+(0.035 0 0.045)
+(0.04 0 0.045)
+(0.045 0 0.045)
+(0.05 0 0.045)
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+(0.07 0 0.045)
+(0.075 0 0.045)
+(0.08 0 0.045)
+(0.085 0 0.045)
+(0.09 0 0.045)
+(0.095 0 0.045)
+(0.1 0 0.045)
+(0 0.005 0.045)
+(0.005 0.005 0.045)
+(0.01 0.005 0.045)
+(0.015 0.005 0.045)
+(0.02 0.005 0.045)
+(0.025 0.005 0.045)
+(0.03 0.005 0.045)
+(0.035 0.005 0.045)
+(0.04 0.005 0.045)
+(0.045 0.005 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.005 0.045)
+(0.075 0.005 0.045)
+(0.08 0.005 0.045)
+(0.085 0.005 0.045)
+(0.09 0.005 0.045)
+(0.095 0.005 0.045)
+(0.1 0.005 0.045)
+(0 0.01 0.045)
+(0.005 0.01 0.045)
+(0.01 0.01 0.045)
+(0.015 0.01 0.045)
+(0.02 0.01 0.045)
+(0.025 0.01 0.045)
+(0.03 0.01 0.045)
+(0.035 0.01 0.045)
+(0.04 0.01 0.045)
+(0.045 0.01 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.01 0.045)
+(0.075 0.01 0.045)
+(0.08 0.01 0.045)
+(0.085 0.01 0.045)
+(0.09 0.01 0.045)
+(0.095 0.01 0.045)
+(0.1 0.01 0.045)
+(0 0.015 0.045)
+(0.005 0.015 0.045)
+(0.01 0.015 0.045)
+(0.015 0.015 0.045)
+(0.02 0.015 0.045)
+(0.025 0.015 0.045)
+(0.03 0.015 0.045)
+(0.035 0.015 0.045)
+(0.04 0.015 0.045)
+(0.045 0.015 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.045)
+(0.075 0.015 0.045)
+(0.08 0.015 0.045)
+(0.085 0.015 0.045)
+(0.09 0.015 0.045)
+(0.095 0.015 0.045)
+(0.1 0.015 0.045)
+(0 0.02 0.045)
+(0.005 0.02 0.045)
+(0.01 0.02 0.045)
+(0.015 0.02 0.045)
+(0.02 0.02 0.045)
+(0.025 0.02 0.045)
+(0.03 0.02 0.045)
+(0.035 0.02 0.045)
+(0.04 0.02 0.045)
+(0.045 0.02 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.02 0.045)
+(0.075 0.02 0.045)
+(0.08 0.02 0.045)
+(0.085 0.02 0.045)
+(0.09 0.02 0.045)
+(0.095 0.02 0.045)
+(0.1 0.02 0.045)
+(0 0.025 0.045)
+(0.005 0.025 0.045)
+(0.01 0.025 0.045)
+(0.015 0.025 0.045)
+(0.02 0.025 0.045)
+(0.025 0.025 0.045)
+(0.03 0.025 0.045)
+(0.035 0.025 0.045)
+(0.04 0.025 0.045)
+(0.045 0.025 0.045)
+(0.05 0.025 0.045)
+(0.055 0.025 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.025 0.045)
+(0.075 0.025 0.045)
+(0.08 0.025 0.045)
+(0.085 0.025 0.045)
+(0.09 0.025 0.045)
+(0.095 0.025 0.045)
+(0.1 0.025 0.045)
+(0 0.03 0.045)
+(0.005 0.03 0.045)
+(0.01 0.03 0.045)
+(0.015 0.03 0.045)
+(0.02 0.03 0.045)
+(0.025 0.03 0.045)
+(0.03 0.03 0.045)
+(0.035 0.03 0.045)
+(0.04 0.03 0.045)
+(0.045 0.03 0.045)
+(0.05 0.03 0.045)
+(0.055 0.03 0.045)
+(0.06 0.03 0.045)
+(0.065 0.03 0.045)
+(0.07 0.03 0.045)
+(0.075 0.03 0.045)
+(0.08 0.03 0.045)
+(0.085 0.03 0.045)
+(0.09 0.03 0.045)
+(0.095 0.03 0.045)
+(0.1 0.03 0.045)
+(0 0.035 0.045)
+(0.005 0.035 0.045)
+(0.01 0.035 0.045)
+(0.015 0.035 0.045)
+(0.02 0.035 0.045)
+(0.025 0.035 0.045)
+(0.03 0.035 0.045)
+(0.035 0.035 0.045)
+(0.04 0.035 0.045)
+(0.045 0.035 0.045)
+(0.05 0.035 0.045)
+(0.055 0.035 0.045)
+(0.06 0.035 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.045)
+(0.075 0.035 0.045)
+(0.08 0.035 0.045)
+(0.085 0.035 0.045)
+(0.09 0.035 0.045)
+(0.095 0.035 0.045)
+(0.1 0.035 0.045)
+(0 0.04 0.045)
+(0.005 0.04 0.045)
+(0.01 0.04 0.045)
+(0.015 0.04 0.045)
+(0.02 0.04 0.045)
+(0.025 0.04 0.045)
+(0.03 0.04 0.045)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.045)
+(0.075 0.04 0.045)
+(0.08 0.04 0.045)
+(0.085 0.04 0.045)
+(0.09 0.04 0.045)
+(0.095 0.04 0.045)
+(0.1 0.04 0.045)
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+(0.01 0.045 0.045)
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+(0.02 0.045 0.045)
+(0.025 0.045 0.045)
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+(0.01 0.05 0.045)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.045)
+(0.025 0.05 0.045)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.045)
+(0.09 0.05 0.045)
+(0.095 0.05 0.045)
+(0.1 0.05 0.045)
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+(0.015 0 0.05)
+(0.02 0 0.05)
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+(0.045 0 0.05)
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+(0.07 0 0.05)
+(0.075 0 0.05)
+(0.08 0 0.05)
+(0.085 0 0.05)
+(0.09 0 0.05)
+(0.095 0 0.05)
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+(0 0.005 0.05)
+(0.005 0.005 0.05)
+(0.01 0.005 0.05)
+(0.015 0.005 0.05)
+(0.02 0.005 0.05)
+(0.025 0.005 0.05)
+(0.03 0.005 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.005 0.05)
+(0.045 0.005 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.005 0.05)
+(0.075 0.005 0.05)
+(0.08 0.005 0.05)
+(0.085 0.005 0.05)
+(0.09 0.005 0.05)
+(0.095 0.005 0.05)
+(0.1 0.005 0.05)
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+(0.005 0.01 0.05)
+(0.01 0.01 0.05)
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+(0.02 0.01 0.05)
+(0.025 0.01 0.05)
+(0.03 0.01 0.05)
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+(0.075 0.01 0.05)
+(0.08 0.01 0.05)
+(0.085 0.01 0.05)
+(0.09 0.01 0.05)
+(0.095 0.01 0.05)
+(0.1 0.01 0.05)
+(0 0.015 0.05)
+(0.005 0.015 0.05)
+(0.01 0.015 0.05)
+(0.015 0.015 0.05)
+(0.02 0.015 0.05)
+(0.025 0.015 0.05)
+(0.03 0.015 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.015 0.05)
+(0.045 0.015 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.05)
+(0.075 0.015 0.05)
+(0.08 0.015 0.05)
+(0.085 0.015 0.05)
+(0.09 0.015 0.05)
+(0.095 0.015 0.05)
+(0.1 0.015 0.05)
+(0 0.02 0.05)
+(0.005 0.02 0.05)
+(0.01 0.02 0.05)
+(0.015 0.02 0.05)
+(0.02 0.02 0.05)
+(0.025 0.02 0.05)
+(0.03 0.02 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.02 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.02 0.05)
+(0.075 0.02 0.05)
+(0.08 0.02 0.05)
+(0.085 0.02 0.05)
+(0.09 0.02 0.05)
+(0.095 0.02 0.05)
+(0.1 0.02 0.05)
+(0 0.025 0.05)
+(0.005 0.025 0.05)
+(0.01 0.025 0.05)
+(0.015 0.025 0.05)
+(0.02 0.025 0.05)
+(0.025 0.025 0.05)
+(0.03 0.025 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.025 0.05)
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+(0.075 0.025 0.05)
+(0.08 0.025 0.05)
+(0.085 0.025 0.05)
+(0.09 0.025 0.05)
+(0.095 0.025 0.05)
+(0.1 0.025 0.05)
+(0 0.03 0.05)
+(0.005 0.03 0.05)
+(0.01 0.03 0.05)
+(0.015 0.03 0.05)
+(0.02 0.03 0.05)
+(0.025 0.03 0.05)
+(0.03 0.03 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.03 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.03 0.05)
+(0.075 0.03 0.05)
+(0.08 0.03 0.05)
+(0.085 0.03 0.05)
+(0.09 0.03 0.05)
+(0.095 0.03 0.05)
+(0.1 0.03 0.05)
+(0 0.035 0.05)
+(0.005 0.035 0.05)
+(0.01 0.035 0.05)
+(0.015 0.035 0.05)
+(0.02 0.035 0.05)
+(0.025 0.035 0.05)
+(0.03 0.035 0.05)
+(0.035 0.035 0.05)
+(0.04 0.035 0.05)
+(0.045 0.035 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.05)
+(0.075 0.035 0.05)
+(0.08 0.035 0.05)
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+(0.09 0.035 0.05)
+(0.095 0.035 0.05)
+(0.1 0.035 0.05)
+(0 0.04 0.05)
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+(0.01 0.04 0.05)
+(0.015 0.04 0.05)
+(0.02 0.04 0.05)
+(0.025 0.04 0.05)
+(0.03 0.04 0.05)
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+(0.04 0.04 0.05)
+(0.045 0.04 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.05)
+(0.075 0.04 0.05)
+(0.08 0.04 0.05)
+(0.085 0.04 0.05)
+(0.09 0.04 0.05)
+(0.095 0.04 0.05)
+(0.1 0.04 0.05)
+(0 0.045 0.05)
+(0.005 0.045 0.05)
+(0.01 0.045 0.05)
+(0.015 0.045 0.05)
+(0.02 0.045 0.05)
+(0.025 0.045 0.05)
+(0.03 0.045 0.05)
+(0.035 0.045 0.05)
+(0.04 0.045 0.05)
+(0.045 0.045 0.05)
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+(0.055 0.045 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.045 0.05)
+(0.075 0.045 0.05)
+(0.08 0.045 0.05)
+(0.085 0.045 0.05)
+(0.09 0.045 0.05)
+(0.095 0.045 0.05)
+(0.1 0.045 0.05)
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+(0.005 0.05 0.05)
+(0.01 0.05 0.05)
+(0.015 0.05 0.05)
+(0.02 0.05 0.05)
+(0.025 0.05 0.05)
+(0.03 0.05 0.05)
+(0.035 0.05 0.05)
+(0.04 0.05 0.05)
+(0.045 0.05 0.05)
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+(0.055 0.05 0.05)
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+(0.07 0.05 0.05)
+(0.075 0.05 0.05)
+(0.08 0.05 0.05)
+(0.085 0.05 0.05)
+(0.09 0.05 0.05)
+(0.095 0.05 0.05)
+(0.1 0.05 0.05)
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+(0.005 0 0.055)
+(0.01 0 0.055)
+(0.015 0 0.055)
+(0.02 0 0.055)
+(0.025 0 0.055)
+(0.03 0 0.055)
+(0.035 0 0.055)
+(0.04 0 0.055)
+(0.045 0 0.055)
+(0.05 0 0.055)
+(0.055 0 0.055)
+(0.06 0 0.055)
+(0.065 0 0.055)
+(0.07 0 0.055)
+(0.075 0 0.055)
+(0.08 0 0.055)
+(0.085 0 0.055)
+(0.09 0 0.055)
+(0.095 0 0.055)
+(0.1 0 0.055)
+(0 0.005 0.055)
+(0.005 0.005 0.055)
+(0.01 0.005 0.055)
+(0.015 0.005 0.055)
+(0.02 0.005 0.055)
+(0.025 0.005 0.055)
+(0.03 0.005 0.055)
+(0.035 0.005 0.055)
+(0.04 0.005 0.055)
+(0.045 0.005 0.055)
+(0.05 0.005 0.055)
+(0.055 0.005 0.055)
+(0.06 0.005 0.055)
+(0.065 0.005 0.055)
+(0.07 0.005 0.055)
+(0.075 0.005 0.055)
+(0.08 0.005 0.055)
+(0.085 0.005 0.055)
+(0.09 0.005 0.055)
+(0.095 0.005 0.055)
+(0.1 0.005 0.055)
+(0 0.01 0.055)
+(0.005 0.01 0.055)
+(0.01 0.01 0.055)
+(0.015 0.01 0.055)
+(0.02 0.01 0.055)
+(0.025 0.01 0.055)
+(0.03 0.01 0.055)
+(0.035 0.01 0.055)
+(0.04 0.01 0.055)
+(0.045 0.01 0.055)
+(0.05 0.01 0.055)
+(0.055 0.01 0.055)
+(0.06 0.01 0.055)
+(0.065 0.01 0.055)
+(0.07 0.01 0.055)
+(0.075 0.01 0.055)
+(0.08 0.01 0.055)
+(0.085 0.01 0.055)
+(0.09 0.01 0.055)
+(0.095 0.01 0.055)
+(0.1 0.01 0.055)
+(0 0.015 0.055)
+(0.005 0.015 0.055)
+(0.01 0.015 0.055)
+(0.015 0.015 0.055)
+(0.02 0.015 0.055)
+(0.025 0.015 0.055)
+(0.03 0.015 0.055)
+(0.035 0.015 0.055)
+(0.04 0.015 0.055)
+(0.045 0.015 0.055)
+(0.05 0.015 0.055)
+(0.055 0.015 0.055)
+(0.06 0.015 0.055)
+(0.065 0.015 0.055)
+(0.07 0.015 0.055)
+(0.075 0.015 0.055)
+(0.08 0.015 0.055)
+(0.085 0.015 0.055)
+(0.09 0.015 0.055)
+(0.095 0.015 0.055)
+(0.1 0.015 0.055)
+(0 0.02 0.055)
+(0.005 0.02 0.055)
+(0.01 0.02 0.055)
+(0.015 0.02 0.055)
+(0.02 0.02 0.055)
+(0.025 0.02 0.055)
+(0.03 0.02 0.055)
+(0.035 0.02 0.055)
+(0.04 0.02 0.055)
+(0.045 0.02 0.055)
+(0.05 0.02 0.055)
+(0.055 0.02 0.055)
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+(0.07 0.02 0.055)
+(0.075 0.02 0.055)
+(0.08 0.02 0.055)
+(0.085 0.02 0.055)
+(0.09 0.02 0.055)
+(0.095 0.02 0.055)
+(0.1 0.02 0.055)
+(0 0.025 0.055)
+(0.005 0.025 0.055)
+(0.01 0.025 0.055)
+(0.015 0.025 0.055)
+(0.02 0.025 0.055)
+(0.025 0.025 0.055)
+(0.03 0.025 0.055)
+(0.035 0.025 0.055)
+(0.04 0.025 0.055)
+(0.045 0.025 0.055)
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+(0.055 0.025 0.055)
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+(0.07 0.025 0.055)
+(0.075 0.025 0.055)
+(0.08 0.025 0.055)
+(0.085 0.025 0.055)
+(0.09 0.025 0.055)
+(0.095 0.025 0.055)
+(0.1 0.025 0.055)
+(0 0.03 0.055)
+(0.005 0.03 0.055)
+(0.01 0.03 0.055)
+(0.015 0.03 0.055)
+(0.02 0.03 0.055)
+(0.025 0.03 0.055)
+(0.03 0.03 0.055)
+(0.035 0.03 0.055)
+(0.04 0.03 0.055)
+(0.045 0.03 0.055)
+(0.05 0.03 0.055)
+(0.055 0.03 0.055)
+(0.06 0.03 0.055)
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+(0.07 0.03 0.055)
+(0.075 0.03 0.055)
+(0.08 0.03 0.055)
+(0.085 0.03 0.055)
+(0.09 0.03 0.055)
+(0.095 0.03 0.055)
+(0.1 0.03 0.055)
+(0 0.035 0.055)
+(0.005 0.035 0.055)
+(0.01 0.035 0.055)
+(0.015 0.035 0.055)
+(0.02 0.035 0.055)
+(0.025 0.035 0.055)
+(0.03 0.035 0.055)
+(0.035 0.035 0.055)
+(0.04 0.035 0.055)
+(0.045 0.035 0.055)
+(0.05 0.035 0.055)
+(0.055 0.035 0.055)
+(0.06 0.035 0.055)
+(0.065 0.035 0.055)
+(0.07 0.035 0.055)
+(0.075 0.035 0.055)
+(0.08 0.035 0.055)
+(0.085 0.035 0.055)
+(0.09 0.035 0.055)
+(0.095 0.035 0.055)
+(0.1 0.035 0.055)
+(0 0.04 0.055)
+(0.005 0.04 0.055)
+(0.01 0.04 0.055)
+(0.015 0.04 0.055)
+(0.02 0.04 0.055)
+(0.025 0.04 0.055)
+(0.03 0.04 0.055)
+(0.035 0.04 0.055)
+(0.04 0.04 0.055)
+(0.045 0.04 0.055)
+(0.05 0.04 0.055)
+(0.055 0.04 0.055)
+(0.06 0.04 0.055)
+(0.065 0.04 0.055)
+(0.07 0.04 0.055)
+(0.075 0.04 0.055)
+(0.08 0.04 0.055)
+(0.085 0.04 0.055)
+(0.09 0.04 0.055)
+(0.095 0.04 0.055)
+(0.1 0.04 0.055)
+(0 0.045 0.055)
+(0.005 0.045 0.055)
+(0.01 0.045 0.055)
+(0.015 0.045 0.055)
+(0.02 0.045 0.055)
+(0.025 0.045 0.055)
+(0.03 0.045 0.055)
+(0.035 0.045 0.055)
+(0.04 0.045 0.055)
+(0.045 0.045 0.055)
+(0.05 0.045 0.055)
+(0.055 0.045 0.055)
+(0.06 0.045 0.055)
+(0.065 0.045 0.055)
+(0.07 0.045 0.055)
+(0.075 0.045 0.055)
+(0.08 0.045 0.055)
+(0.085 0.045 0.055)
+(0.09 0.045 0.055)
+(0.095 0.045 0.055)
+(0.1 0.045 0.055)
+(0 0.05 0.055)
+(0.005 0.05 0.055)
+(0.01 0.05 0.055)
+(0.015 0.05 0.055)
+(0.02 0.05 0.055)
+(0.025 0.05 0.055)
+(0.03 0.05 0.055)
+(0.035 0.05 0.055)
+(0.04 0.05 0.055)
+(0.045 0.05 0.055)
+(0.05 0.05 0.055)
+(0.055 0.05 0.055)
+(0.06 0.05 0.055)
+(0.065 0.05 0.055)
+(0.07 0.05 0.055)
+(0.075 0.05 0.055)
+(0.08 0.05 0.055)
+(0.085 0.05 0.055)
+(0.09 0.05 0.055)
+(0.095 0.05 0.055)
+(0.1 0.05 0.055)
+(0 0 0.06)
+(0.005 0 0.06)
+(0.01 0 0.06)
+(0.015 0 0.06)
+(0.02 0 0.06)
+(0.025 0 0.06)
+(0.03 0 0.06)
+(0.035 0 0.06)
+(0.04 0 0.06)
+(0.045 0 0.06)
+(0.05 0 0.06)
+(0.055 0 0.06)
+(0.06 0 0.06)
+(0.065 0 0.06)
+(0.07 0 0.06)
+(0.075 0 0.06)
+(0.08 0 0.06)
+(0.085 0 0.06)
+(0.09 0 0.06)
+(0.095 0 0.06)
+(0.1 0 0.06)
+(0 0.005 0.06)
+(0.005 0.005 0.06)
+(0.01 0.005 0.06)
+(0.015 0.005 0.06)
+(0.02 0.005 0.06)
+(0.025 0.005 0.06)
+(0.03 0.005 0.06)
+(0.035 0.005 0.06)
+(0.04 0.005 0.06)
+(0.045 0.005 0.06)
+(0.05 0.005 0.06)
+(0.055 0.005 0.06)
+(0.06 0.005 0.06)
+(0.065 0.005 0.06)
+(0.07 0.005 0.06)
+(0.075 0.005 0.06)
+(0.08 0.005 0.06)
+(0.085 0.005 0.06)
+(0.09 0.005 0.06)
+(0.095 0.005 0.06)
+(0.1 0.005 0.06)
+(0 0.01 0.06)
+(0.005 0.01 0.06)
+(0.01 0.01 0.06)
+(0.015 0.01 0.06)
+(0.02 0.01 0.06)
+(0.025 0.01 0.06)
+(0.03 0.01 0.06)
+(0.035 0.01 0.06)
+(0.04 0.01 0.06)
+(0.045 0.01 0.06)
+(0.05 0.01 0.06)
+(0.055 0.01 0.06)
+(0.06 0.01 0.06)
+(0.065 0.01 0.06)
+(0.07 0.01 0.06)
+(0.075 0.01 0.06)
+(0.08 0.01 0.06)
+(0.085 0.01 0.06)
+(0.09 0.01 0.06)
+(0.095 0.01 0.06)
+(0.1 0.01 0.06)
+(0 0.015 0.06)
+(0.005 0.015 0.06)
+(0.01 0.015 0.06)
+(0.015 0.015 0.06)
+(0.02 0.015 0.06)
+(0.025 0.015 0.06)
+(0.03 0.015 0.06)
+(0.035 0.015 0.06)
+(0.04 0.015 0.06)
+(0.045 0.015 0.06)
+(0.05 0.015 0.06)
+(0.055 0.015 0.06)
+(0.06 0.015 0.06)
+(0.065 0.015 0.06)
+(0.07 0.015 0.06)
+(0.075 0.015 0.06)
+(0.08 0.015 0.06)
+(0.085 0.015 0.06)
+(0.09 0.015 0.06)
+(0.095 0.015 0.06)
+(0.1 0.015 0.06)
+(0 0.02 0.06)
+(0.005 0.02 0.06)
+(0.01 0.02 0.06)
+(0.015 0.02 0.06)
+(0.02 0.02 0.06)
+(0.025 0.02 0.06)
+(0.03 0.02 0.06)
+(0.035 0.02 0.06)
+(0.04 0.02 0.06)
+(0.045 0.02 0.06)
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+(0.055 0.02 0.06)
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+(0.065 0.02 0.06)
+(0.07 0.02 0.06)
+(0.075 0.02 0.06)
+(0.08 0.02 0.06)
+(0.085 0.02 0.06)
+(0.09 0.02 0.06)
+(0.095 0.02 0.06)
+(0.1 0.02 0.06)
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+(0.015 0.025 0.06)
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+(0.02 0.005 0.065)
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+(0.03 0.005 0.065)
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+(0.02 0.015 0.065)
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+(0.03 0.015 0.065)
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+(0.02 0.03 0.065)
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+(0.03 0.03 0.065)
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+(0.1 0.03 0.065)
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+(0.01 0.035 0.065)
+(0.015 0.035 0.065)
+(0.02 0.035 0.065)
+(0.025 0.035 0.065)
+(0.03 0.035 0.065)
+(0.035 0.035 0.065)
+(0.04 0.035 0.065)
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+(0.1 0.035 0.065)
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+(0.01 0.04 0.065)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.065)
+(0.025 0.04 0.065)
+(0.03 0.04 0.065)
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+(0.04 0.04 0.065)
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+(0.09 0.04 0.065)
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+(0.1 0.04 0.065)
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+(0.005 0.045 0.065)
+(0.01 0.045 0.065)
+(0.015 0.045 0.065)
+(0.02 0.045 0.065)
+(0.025 0.045 0.065)
+(0.03 0.045 0.065)
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+(0.04 0.045 0.065)
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+(0.075 0.045 0.065)
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+(0.09 0.045 0.065)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.065)
+(0.025 0.05 0.065)
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+(0.075 0.05 0.065)
+(0.08 0.05 0.065)
+(0.085 0.05 0.065)
+(0.09 0.05 0.065)
+(0.095 0.05 0.065)
+(0.1 0.05 0.065)
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+(0.01 0 0.07)
+(0.015 0 0.07)
+(0.02 0 0.07)
+(0.025 0 0.07)
+(0.03 0 0.07)
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+(0.09 0 0.07)
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+(0 0.005 0.07)
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+(0.01 0.005 0.07)
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+(0.02 0.005 0.07)
+(0.025 0.005 0.07)
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+(0.01 0.015 0.07)
+(0.015 0.015 0.07)
+(0.02 0.015 0.07)
+(0.025 0.015 0.07)
+(0.03 0.015 0.07)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.07)
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+(0.03 0.03 0.07)
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+(0.01 0.035 0.07)
+(0.015 0.035 0.07)
+(0.02 0.035 0.07)
+(0.025 0.035 0.07)
+(0.03 0.035 0.07)
+(0.035 0.035 0.07)
+(0.04 0.035 0.07)
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+(0.095 0.035 0.07)
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+(0 0.04 0.07)
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+(0.01 0.04 0.07)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.07)
+(0.025 0.04 0.07)
+(0.03 0.04 0.07)
+(0.035 0.04 0.07)
+(0.04 0.04 0.07)
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+(0.08 0.04 0.07)
+(0.085 0.04 0.07)
+(0.09 0.04 0.07)
+(0.095 0.04 0.07)
+(0.1 0.04 0.07)
+(0 0.045 0.07)
+(0.005 0.045 0.07)
+(0.01 0.045 0.07)
+(0.015 0.045 0.07)
+(0.02 0.045 0.07)
+(0.025 0.045 0.07)
+(0.03 0.045 0.07)
+(0.035 0.045 0.07)
+(0.04 0.045 0.07)
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+(0.085 0.045 0.07)
+(0.09 0.045 0.07)
+(0.095 0.045 0.07)
+(0.1 0.045 0.07)
+(0 0.05 0.07)
+(0.005 0.05 0.07)
+(0.01 0.05 0.07)
+(0.015 0.05 0.07)
+(0.02 0.05 0.07)
+(0.025 0.05 0.07)
+(0.03 0.05 0.07)
+(0.035 0.05 0.07)
+(0.04 0.05 0.07)
+(0.045 0.05 0.07)
+(0.05 0.05 0.07)
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+(0.07 0.05 0.07)
+(0.075 0.05 0.07)
+(0.08 0.05 0.07)
+(0.085 0.05 0.07)
+(0.09 0.05 0.07)
+(0.095 0.05 0.07)
+(0.1 0.05 0.07)
+(0 0 0.075)
+(0.005 0 0.075)
+(0.01 0 0.075)
+(0.015 0 0.075)
+(0.02 0 0.075)
+(0.025 0 0.075)
+(0.03 0 0.075)
+(0.035 0 0.075)
+(0.04 0 0.075)
+(0.045 0 0.075)
+(0.05 0 0.075)
+(0.055 0 0.075)
+(0.06 0 0.075)
+(0.065 0 0.075)
+(0.07 0 0.075)
+(0.075 0 0.075)
+(0.08 0 0.075)
+(0.085 0 0.075)
+(0.09 0 0.075)
+(0.095 0 0.075)
+(0.1 0 0.075)
+(0 0.005 0.075)
+(0.005 0.005 0.075)
+(0.01 0.005 0.075)
+(0.015 0.005 0.075)
+(0.02 0.005 0.075)
+(0.025 0.005 0.075)
+(0.03 0.005 0.075)
+(0.035 0.005 0.075)
+(0.04 0.005 0.075)
+(0.045 0.005 0.075)
+(0.05 0.005 0.075)
+(0.055 0.005 0.075)
+(0.06 0.005 0.075)
+(0.065 0.005 0.075)
+(0.07 0.005 0.075)
+(0.075 0.005 0.075)
+(0.08 0.005 0.075)
+(0.085 0.005 0.075)
+(0.09 0.005 0.075)
+(0.095 0.005 0.075)
+(0.1 0.005 0.075)
+(0 0.01 0.075)
+(0.005 0.01 0.075)
+(0.01 0.01 0.075)
+(0.015 0.01 0.075)
+(0.02 0.01 0.075)
+(0.025 0.01 0.075)
+(0.03 0.01 0.075)
+(0.035 0.01 0.075)
+(0.04 0.01 0.075)
+(0.045 0.01 0.075)
+(0.05 0.01 0.075)
+(0.055 0.01 0.075)
+(0.06 0.01 0.075)
+(0.065 0.01 0.075)
+(0.07 0.01 0.075)
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+(0.09 0.01 0.075)
+(0.095 0.01 0.075)
+(0.1 0.01 0.075)
+(0 0.015 0.075)
+(0.005 0.015 0.075)
+(0.01 0.015 0.075)
+(0.015 0.015 0.075)
+(0.02 0.015 0.075)
+(0.025 0.015 0.075)
+(0.03 0.015 0.075)
+(0.035 0.015 0.075)
+(0.04 0.015 0.075)
+(0.045 0.015 0.075)
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+(0.085 0.015 0.075)
+(0.09 0.015 0.075)
+(0.095 0.015 0.075)
+(0.1 0.015 0.075)
+(0 0.02 0.075)
+(0.005 0.02 0.075)
+(0.01 0.02 0.075)
+(0.015 0.02 0.075)
+(0.02 0.02 0.075)
+(0.025 0.02 0.075)
+(0.03 0.02 0.075)
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+(0.02 0.035 0.075)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.075)
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+(0.02 0.045 0.075)
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+(0.02 0.05 0.075)
+(0.025 0.05 0.075)
+(0.03 0.05 0.075)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.075)
+(0.09 0.05 0.075)
+(0.095 0.05 0.075)
+(0.1 0.05 0.075)
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+(0.015 0 0.08)
+(0.02 0 0.08)
+(0.025 0 0.08)
+(0.03 0 0.08)
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+(0.04 0 0.08)
+(0.045 0 0.08)
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+(0.07 0 0.08)
+(0.075 0 0.08)
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+(0.085 0 0.08)
+(0.09 0 0.08)
+(0.095 0 0.08)
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+(0 0.005 0.08)
+(0.005 0.005 0.08)
+(0.01 0.005 0.08)
+(0.015 0.005 0.08)
+(0.02 0.005 0.08)
+(0.025 0.005 0.08)
+(0.03 0.005 0.08)
+(0.035 0.005 0.08)
+(0.04 0.005 0.08)
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+(0.075 0.005 0.08)
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+(0.085 0.005 0.08)
+(0.09 0.005 0.08)
+(0.095 0.005 0.08)
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+(0.02 0.01 0.08)
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+(0.03 0.01 0.08)
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+(0.04 0.01 0.08)
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+(0.075 0.01 0.08)
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+(0.09 0.01 0.08)
+(0.095 0.01 0.08)
+(0.1 0.01 0.08)
+(0 0.015 0.08)
+(0.005 0.015 0.08)
+(0.01 0.015 0.08)
+(0.015 0.015 0.08)
+(0.02 0.015 0.08)
+(0.025 0.015 0.08)
+(0.03 0.015 0.08)
+(0.035 0.015 0.08)
+(0.04 0.015 0.08)
+(0.045 0.015 0.08)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.08)
+(0.075 0.015 0.08)
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+(0.085 0.015 0.08)
+(0.09 0.015 0.08)
+(0.095 0.015 0.08)
+(0.1 0.015 0.08)
+(0 0.02 0.08)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.08)
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+(0.04 0.02 0.08)
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+(0.015 0.025 0.08)
+(0.02 0.025 0.08)
+(0.025 0.025 0.08)
+(0.03 0.025 0.08)
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+(0.04 0.025 0.08)
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+(0.075 0.025 0.08)
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+(0.085 0.025 0.08)
+(0.09 0.025 0.08)
+(0.095 0.025 0.08)
+(0.1 0.025 0.08)
+(0 0.03 0.08)
+(0.005 0.03 0.08)
+(0.01 0.03 0.08)
+(0.015 0.03 0.08)
+(0.02 0.03 0.08)
+(0.025 0.03 0.08)
+(0.03 0.03 0.08)
+(0.035 0.03 0.08)
+(0.04 0.03 0.08)
+(0.045 0.03 0.08)
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+(0.07 0.03 0.08)
+(0.075 0.03 0.08)
+(0.08 0.03 0.08)
+(0.085 0.03 0.08)
+(0.09 0.03 0.08)
+(0.095 0.03 0.08)
+(0.1 0.03 0.08)
+(0 0.035 0.08)
+(0.005 0.035 0.08)
+(0.01 0.035 0.08)
+(0.015 0.035 0.08)
+(0.02 0.035 0.08)
+(0.025 0.035 0.08)
+(0.03 0.035 0.08)
+(0.035 0.035 0.08)
+(0.04 0.035 0.08)
+(0.045 0.035 0.08)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.08)
+(0.075 0.035 0.08)
+(0.08 0.035 0.08)
+(0.085 0.035 0.08)
+(0.09 0.035 0.08)
+(0.095 0.035 0.08)
+(0.1 0.035 0.08)
+(0 0.04 0.08)
+(0.005 0.04 0.08)
+(0.01 0.04 0.08)
+(0.015 0.04 0.08)
+(0.02 0.04 0.08)
+(0.025 0.04 0.08)
+(0.03 0.04 0.08)
+(0.035 0.04 0.08)
+(0.04 0.04 0.08)
+(0.045 0.04 0.08)
+(0.05 0.04 0.08)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.08)
+(0.075 0.04 0.08)
+(0.08 0.04 0.08)
+(0.085 0.04 0.08)
+(0.09 0.04 0.08)
+(0.095 0.04 0.08)
+(0.1 0.04 0.08)
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+(0.005 0.045 0.08)
+(0.01 0.045 0.08)
+(0.015 0.045 0.08)
+(0.02 0.045 0.08)
+(0.025 0.045 0.08)
+(0.03 0.045 0.08)
+(0.035 0.045 0.08)
+(0.04 0.045 0.08)
+(0.045 0.045 0.08)
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+(0.055 0.045 0.08)
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+(0.07 0.045 0.08)
+(0.075 0.045 0.08)
+(0.08 0.045 0.08)
+(0.085 0.045 0.08)
+(0.09 0.045 0.08)
+(0.095 0.045 0.08)
+(0.1 0.045 0.08)
+(0 0.05 0.08)
+(0.005 0.05 0.08)
+(0.01 0.05 0.08)
+(0.015 0.05 0.08)
+(0.02 0.05 0.08)
+(0.025 0.05 0.08)
+(0.03 0.05 0.08)
+(0.035 0.05 0.08)
+(0.04 0.05 0.08)
+(0.045 0.05 0.08)
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+(0.075 0.05 0.08)
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+(0.085 0.05 0.08)
+(0.09 0.05 0.08)
+(0.095 0.05 0.08)
+(0.1 0.05 0.08)
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+(0.005 0 0.085)
+(0.01 0 0.085)
+(0.015 0 0.085)
+(0.02 0 0.085)
+(0.025 0 0.085)
+(0.03 0 0.085)
+(0.035 0 0.085)
+(0.04 0 0.085)
+(0.045 0 0.085)
+(0.05 0 0.085)
+(0.055 0 0.085)
+(0.06 0 0.085)
+(0.065 0 0.085)
+(0.07 0 0.085)
+(0.075 0 0.085)
+(0.08 0 0.085)
+(0.085 0 0.085)
+(0.09 0 0.085)
+(0.095 0 0.085)
+(0.1 0 0.085)
+(0 0.005 0.085)
+(0.005 0.005 0.085)
+(0.01 0.005 0.085)
+(0.015 0.005 0.085)
+(0.02 0.005 0.085)
+(0.025 0.005 0.085)
+(0.03 0.005 0.085)
+(0.035 0.005 0.085)
+(0.04 0.005 0.085)
+(0.045 0.005 0.085)
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+(0.07 0.005 0.085)
+(0.075 0.005 0.085)
+(0.08 0.005 0.085)
+(0.085 0.005 0.085)
+(0.09 0.005 0.085)
+(0.095 0.005 0.085)
+(0.1 0.005 0.085)
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+(0.005 0.01 0.085)
+(0.01 0.01 0.085)
+(0.015 0.01 0.085)
+(0.02 0.01 0.085)
+(0.025 0.01 0.085)
+(0.03 0.01 0.085)
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+(0.04 0.01 0.085)
+(0.045 0.01 0.085)
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+(0.075 0.01 0.085)
+(0.08 0.01 0.085)
+(0.085 0.01 0.085)
+(0.09 0.01 0.085)
+(0.095 0.01 0.085)
+(0.1 0.01 0.085)
+(0 0.015 0.085)
+(0.005 0.015 0.085)
+(0.01 0.015 0.085)
+(0.015 0.015 0.085)
+(0.02 0.015 0.085)
+(0.025 0.015 0.085)
+(0.03 0.015 0.085)
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+(0.04 0.015 0.085)
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+(0.075 0.015 0.085)
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+(0.085 0.015 0.085)
+(0.09 0.015 0.085)
+(0.095 0.015 0.085)
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+(0 0.02 0.085)
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+(0.01 0.02 0.085)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.085)
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+(0.02 0.025 0.085)
+(0.025 0.025 0.085)
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+(0.1 0.025 0.085)
+(0 0.03 0.085)
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+(0.01 0.03 0.085)
+(0.015 0.03 0.085)
+(0.02 0.03 0.085)
+(0.025 0.03 0.085)
+(0.03 0.03 0.085)
+(0.035 0.03 0.085)
+(0.04 0.03 0.085)
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+(0.075 0.03 0.085)
+(0.08 0.03 0.085)
+(0.085 0.03 0.085)
+(0.09 0.03 0.085)
+(0.095 0.03 0.085)
+(0.1 0.03 0.085)
+(0 0.035 0.085)
+(0.005 0.035 0.085)
+(0.01 0.035 0.085)
+(0.015 0.035 0.085)
+(0.02 0.035 0.085)
+(0.025 0.035 0.085)
+(0.03 0.035 0.085)
+(0.035 0.035 0.085)
+(0.04 0.035 0.085)
+(0.045 0.035 0.085)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.085)
+(0.075 0.035 0.085)
+(0.08 0.035 0.085)
+(0.085 0.035 0.085)
+(0.09 0.035 0.085)
+(0.095 0.035 0.085)
+(0.1 0.035 0.085)
+(0 0.04 0.085)
+(0.005 0.04 0.085)
+(0.01 0.04 0.085)
+(0.015 0.04 0.085)
+(0.02 0.04 0.085)
+(0.025 0.04 0.085)
+(0.03 0.04 0.085)
+(0.035 0.04 0.085)
+(0.04 0.04 0.085)
+(0.045 0.04 0.085)
+(0.05 0.04 0.085)
+(0.055 0.04 0.085)
+(0.06 0.04 0.085)
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+(0.07 0.04 0.085)
+(0.075 0.04 0.085)
+(0.08 0.04 0.085)
+(0.085 0.04 0.085)
+(0.09 0.04 0.085)
+(0.095 0.04 0.085)
+(0.1 0.04 0.085)
+(0 0.045 0.085)
+(0.005 0.045 0.085)
+(0.01 0.045 0.085)
+(0.015 0.045 0.085)
+(0.02 0.045 0.085)
+(0.025 0.045 0.085)
+(0.03 0.045 0.085)
+(0.035 0.045 0.085)
+(0.04 0.045 0.085)
+(0.045 0.045 0.085)
+(0.05 0.045 0.085)
+(0.055 0.045 0.085)
+(0.06 0.045 0.085)
+(0.065 0.045 0.085)
+(0.07 0.045 0.085)
+(0.075 0.045 0.085)
+(0.08 0.045 0.085)
+(0.085 0.045 0.085)
+(0.09 0.045 0.085)
+(0.095 0.045 0.085)
+(0.1 0.045 0.085)
+(0 0.05 0.085)
+(0.005 0.05 0.085)
+(0.01 0.05 0.085)
+(0.015 0.05 0.085)
+(0.02 0.05 0.085)
+(0.025 0.05 0.085)
+(0.03 0.05 0.085)
+(0.035 0.05 0.085)
+(0.04 0.05 0.085)
+(0.045 0.05 0.085)
+(0.05 0.05 0.085)
+(0.055 0.05 0.085)
+(0.06 0.05 0.085)
+(0.065 0.05 0.085)
+(0.07 0.05 0.085)
+(0.075 0.05 0.085)
+(0.08 0.05 0.085)
+(0.085 0.05 0.085)
+(0.09 0.05 0.085)
+(0.095 0.05 0.085)
+(0.1 0.05 0.085)
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+(0.01 0 0.09)
+(0.015 0 0.09)
+(0.02 0 0.09)
+(0.025 0 0.09)
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+(0.085 0 0.09)
+(0.09 0 0.09)
+(0.095 0 0.09)
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+(0 0.005 0.09)
+(0.005 0.005 0.09)
+(0.01 0.005 0.09)
+(0.015 0.005 0.09)
+(0.02 0.005 0.09)
+(0.025 0.005 0.09)
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+(0.04 0.005 0.09)
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+(0.01 0.015 0.09)
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+(0.02 0.015 0.09)
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+(0.02 0.02 0.09)
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+(0.02 0.04 0.09)
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+(0.02 0.045 0.09)
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+(0.1 0.05 0.09)
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+(0.01 0 0.095)
+(0.015 0 0.095)
+(0.02 0 0.095)
+(0.025 0 0.095)
+(0.03 0 0.095)
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+(0.04 0 0.095)
+(0.045 0 0.095)
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+(0.09 0 0.095)
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+(0.005 0.005 0.095)
+(0.01 0.005 0.095)
+(0.015 0.005 0.095)
+(0.02 0.005 0.095)
+(0.025 0.005 0.095)
+(0.03 0.005 0.095)
+(0.035 0.005 0.095)
+(0.04 0.005 0.095)
+(0.045 0.005 0.095)
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+(0.075 0.005 0.095)
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+(0.085 0.005 0.095)
+(0.09 0.005 0.095)
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+(0.1 0.005 0.095)
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+(0.005 0.01 0.095)
+(0.01 0.01 0.095)
+(0.015 0.01 0.095)
+(0.02 0.01 0.095)
+(0.025 0.01 0.095)
+(0.03 0.01 0.095)
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+(0.04 0.01 0.095)
+(0.045 0.01 0.095)
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+(0.07 0.01 0.095)
+(0.075 0.01 0.095)
+(0.08 0.01 0.095)
+(0.085 0.01 0.095)
+(0.09 0.01 0.095)
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+(0.1 0.01 0.095)
+(0 0.015 0.095)
+(0.005 0.015 0.095)
+(0.01 0.015 0.095)
+(0.015 0.015 0.095)
+(0.02 0.015 0.095)
+(0.025 0.015 0.095)
+(0.03 0.015 0.095)
+(0.035 0.015 0.095)
+(0.04 0.015 0.095)
+(0.045 0.015 0.095)
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+(0.055 0.015 0.095)
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+(0.07 0.015 0.095)
+(0.075 0.015 0.095)
+(0.08 0.015 0.095)
+(0.085 0.015 0.095)
+(0.09 0.015 0.095)
+(0.095 0.015 0.095)
+(0.1 0.015 0.095)
+(0 0.02 0.095)
+(0.005 0.02 0.095)
+(0.01 0.02 0.095)
+(0.015 0.02 0.095)
+(0.02 0.02 0.095)
+(0.025 0.02 0.095)
+(0.03 0.02 0.095)
+(0.035 0.02 0.095)
+(0.04 0.02 0.095)
+(0.045 0.02 0.095)
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+(0.075 0.02 0.095)
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+(0.09 0.02 0.095)
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+(0.1 0.02 0.095)
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+(0.005 0.025 0.095)
+(0.01 0.025 0.095)
+(0.015 0.025 0.095)
+(0.02 0.025 0.095)
+(0.025 0.025 0.095)
+(0.03 0.025 0.095)
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+(0.04 0.025 0.095)
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+(0.09 0.025 0.095)
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+(0.1 0.025 0.095)
+(0 0.03 0.095)
+(0.005 0.03 0.095)
+(0.01 0.03 0.095)
+(0.015 0.03 0.095)
+(0.02 0.03 0.095)
+(0.025 0.03 0.095)
+(0.03 0.03 0.095)
+(0.035 0.03 0.095)
+(0.04 0.03 0.095)
+(0.045 0.03 0.095)
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+(0.055 0.03 0.095)
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+(0.07 0.03 0.095)
+(0.075 0.03 0.095)
+(0.08 0.03 0.095)
+(0.085 0.03 0.095)
+(0.09 0.03 0.095)
+(0.095 0.03 0.095)
+(0.1 0.03 0.095)
+(0 0.035 0.095)
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+(0.01 0.035 0.095)
+(0.015 0.035 0.095)
+(0.02 0.035 0.095)
+(0.025 0.035 0.095)
+(0.03 0.035 0.095)
+(0.035 0.035 0.095)
+(0.04 0.035 0.095)
+(0.045 0.035 0.095)
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+(0.055 0.035 0.095)
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+(0.07 0.035 0.095)
+(0.075 0.035 0.095)
+(0.08 0.035 0.095)
+(0.085 0.035 0.095)
+(0.09 0.035 0.095)
+(0.095 0.035 0.095)
+(0.1 0.035 0.095)
+(0 0.04 0.095)
+(0.005 0.04 0.095)
+(0.01 0.04 0.095)
+(0.015 0.04 0.095)
+(0.02 0.04 0.095)
+(0.025 0.04 0.095)
+(0.03 0.04 0.095)
+(0.035 0.04 0.095)
+(0.04 0.04 0.095)
+(0.045 0.04 0.095)
+(0.05 0.04 0.095)
+(0.055 0.04 0.095)
+(0.06 0.04 0.095)
+(0.065 0.04 0.095)
+(0.07 0.04 0.095)
+(0.075 0.04 0.095)
+(0.08 0.04 0.095)
+(0.085 0.04 0.095)
+(0.09 0.04 0.095)
+(0.095 0.04 0.095)
+(0.1 0.04 0.095)
+(0 0.045 0.095)
+(0.005 0.045 0.095)
+(0.01 0.045 0.095)
+(0.015 0.045 0.095)
+(0.02 0.045 0.095)
+(0.025 0.045 0.095)
+(0.03 0.045 0.095)
+(0.035 0.045 0.095)
+(0.04 0.045 0.095)
+(0.045 0.045 0.095)
+(0.05 0.045 0.095)
+(0.055 0.045 0.095)
+(0.06 0.045 0.095)
+(0.065 0.045 0.095)
+(0.07 0.045 0.095)
+(0.075 0.045 0.095)
+(0.08 0.045 0.095)
+(0.085 0.045 0.095)
+(0.09 0.045 0.095)
+(0.095 0.045 0.095)
+(0.1 0.045 0.095)
+(0 0.05 0.095)
+(0.005 0.05 0.095)
+(0.01 0.05 0.095)
+(0.015 0.05 0.095)
+(0.02 0.05 0.095)
+(0.025 0.05 0.095)
+(0.03 0.05 0.095)
+(0.035 0.05 0.095)
+(0.04 0.05 0.095)
+(0.045 0.05 0.095)
+(0.05 0.05 0.095)
+(0.055 0.05 0.095)
+(0.06 0.05 0.095)
+(0.065 0.05 0.095)
+(0.07 0.05 0.095)
+(0.075 0.05 0.095)
+(0.08 0.05 0.095)
+(0.085 0.05 0.095)
+(0.09 0.05 0.095)
+(0.095 0.05 0.095)
+(0.1 0.05 0.095)
+(0 0 0.1)
+(0.005 0 0.1)
+(0.01 0 0.1)
+(0.015 0 0.1)
+(0.02 0 0.1)
+(0.025 0 0.1)
+(0.03 0 0.1)
+(0.035 0 0.1)
+(0.04 0 0.1)
+(0.045 0 0.1)
+(0.05 0 0.1)
+(0.055 0 0.1)
+(0.06 0 0.1)
+(0.065 0 0.1)
+(0.07 0 0.1)
+(0.075 0 0.1)
+(0.08 0 0.1)
+(0.085 0 0.1)
+(0.09 0 0.1)
+(0.095 0 0.1)
+(0.1 0 0.1)
+(0 0.005 0.1)
+(0.005 0.005 0.1)
+(0.01 0.005 0.1)
+(0.015 0.005 0.1)
+(0.02 0.005 0.1)
+(0.025 0.005 0.1)
+(0.03 0.005 0.1)
+(0.035 0.005 0.1)
+(0.04 0.005 0.1)
+(0.045 0.005 0.1)
+(0.05 0.005 0.1)
+(0.055 0.005 0.1)
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+(0.065 0.005 0.1)
+(0.07 0.005 0.1)
+(0.075 0.005 0.1)
+(0.08 0.005 0.1)
+(0.085 0.005 0.1)
+(0.09 0.005 0.1)
+(0.095 0.005 0.1)
+(0.1 0.005 0.1)
+(0 0.01 0.1)
+(0.005 0.01 0.1)
+(0.01 0.01 0.1)
+(0.015 0.01 0.1)
+(0.02 0.01 0.1)
+(0.025 0.01 0.1)
+(0.03 0.01 0.1)
+(0.035 0.01 0.1)
+(0.04 0.01 0.1)
+(0.045 0.01 0.1)
+(0.05 0.01 0.1)
+(0.055 0.01 0.1)
+(0.06 0.01 0.1)
+(0.065 0.01 0.1)
+(0.07 0.01 0.1)
+(0.075 0.01 0.1)
+(0.08 0.01 0.1)
+(0.085 0.01 0.1)
+(0.09 0.01 0.1)
+(0.095 0.01 0.1)
+(0.1 0.01 0.1)
+(0 0.015 0.1)
+(0.005 0.015 0.1)
+(0.01 0.015 0.1)
+(0.015 0.015 0.1)
+(0.02 0.015 0.1)
+(0.025 0.015 0.1)
+(0.03 0.015 0.1)
+(0.035 0.015 0.1)
+(0.04 0.015 0.1)
+(0.045 0.015 0.1)
+(0.05 0.015 0.1)
+(0.055 0.015 0.1)
+(0.06 0.015 0.1)
+(0.065 0.015 0.1)
+(0.07 0.015 0.1)
+(0.075 0.015 0.1)
+(0.08 0.015 0.1)
+(0.085 0.015 0.1)
+(0.09 0.015 0.1)
+(0.095 0.015 0.1)
+(0.1 0.015 0.1)
+(0 0.02 0.1)
+(0.005 0.02 0.1)
+(0.01 0.02 0.1)
+(0.015 0.02 0.1)
+(0.02 0.02 0.1)
+(0.025 0.02 0.1)
+(0.03 0.02 0.1)
+(0.035 0.02 0.1)
+(0.04 0.02 0.1)
+(0.045 0.02 0.1)
+(0.05 0.02 0.1)
+(0.055 0.02 0.1)
+(0.06 0.02 0.1)
+(0.065 0.02 0.1)
+(0.07 0.02 0.1)
+(0.075 0.02 0.1)
+(0.08 0.02 0.1)
+(0.085 0.02 0.1)
+(0.09 0.02 0.1)
+(0.095 0.02 0.1)
+(0.1 0.02 0.1)
+(0 0.025 0.1)
+(0.005 0.025 0.1)
+(0.01 0.025 0.1)
+(0.015 0.025 0.1)
+(0.02 0.025 0.1)
+(0.025 0.025 0.1)
+(0.03 0.025 0.1)
+(0.035 0.025 0.1)
+(0.04 0.025 0.1)
+(0.045 0.025 0.1)
+(0.05 0.025 0.1)
+(0.055 0.025 0.1)
+(0.06 0.025 0.1)
+(0.065 0.025 0.1)
+(0.07 0.025 0.1)
+(0.075 0.025 0.1)
+(0.08 0.025 0.1)
+(0.085 0.025 0.1)
+(0.09 0.025 0.1)
+(0.095 0.025 0.1)
+(0.1 0.025 0.1)
+(0 0.03 0.1)
+(0.005 0.03 0.1)
+(0.01 0.03 0.1)
+(0.015 0.03 0.1)
+(0.02 0.03 0.1)
+(0.025 0.03 0.1)
+(0.03 0.03 0.1)
+(0.035 0.03 0.1)
+(0.04 0.03 0.1)
+(0.045 0.03 0.1)
+(0.05 0.03 0.1)
+(0.055 0.03 0.1)
+(0.06 0.03 0.1)
+(0.065 0.03 0.1)
+(0.07 0.03 0.1)
+(0.075 0.03 0.1)
+(0.08 0.03 0.1)
+(0.085 0.03 0.1)
+(0.09 0.03 0.1)
+(0.095 0.03 0.1)
+(0.1 0.03 0.1)
+(0 0.035 0.1)
+(0.005 0.035 0.1)
+(0.01 0.035 0.1)
+(0.015 0.035 0.1)
+(0.02 0.035 0.1)
+(0.025 0.035 0.1)
+(0.03 0.035 0.1)
+(0.035 0.035 0.1)
+(0.04 0.035 0.1)
+(0.045 0.035 0.1)
+(0.05 0.035 0.1)
+(0.055 0.035 0.1)
+(0.06 0.035 0.1)
+(0.065 0.035 0.1)
+(0.07 0.035 0.1)
+(0.075 0.035 0.1)
+(0.08 0.035 0.1)
+(0.085 0.035 0.1)
+(0.09 0.035 0.1)
+(0.095 0.035 0.1)
+(0.1 0.035 0.1)
+(0 0.04 0.1)
+(0.005 0.04 0.1)
+(0.01 0.04 0.1)
+(0.015 0.04 0.1)
+(0.02 0.04 0.1)
+(0.025 0.04 0.1)
+(0.03 0.04 0.1)
+(0.035 0.04 0.1)
+(0.04 0.04 0.1)
+(0.045 0.04 0.1)
+(0.05 0.04 0.1)
+(0.055 0.04 0.1)
+(0.06 0.04 0.1)
+(0.065 0.04 0.1)
+(0.07 0.04 0.1)
+(0.075 0.04 0.1)
+(0.08 0.04 0.1)
+(0.085 0.04 0.1)
+(0.09 0.04 0.1)
+(0.095 0.04 0.1)
+(0.1 0.04 0.1)
+(0 0.045 0.1)
+(0.005 0.045 0.1)
+(0.01 0.045 0.1)
+(0.015 0.045 0.1)
+(0.02 0.045 0.1)
+(0.025 0.045 0.1)
+(0.03 0.045 0.1)
+(0.035 0.045 0.1)
+(0.04 0.045 0.1)
+(0.045 0.045 0.1)
+(0.05 0.045 0.1)
+(0.055 0.045 0.1)
+(0.06 0.045 0.1)
+(0.065 0.045 0.1)
+(0.07 0.045 0.1)
+(0.075 0.045 0.1)
+(0.08 0.045 0.1)
+(0.085 0.045 0.1)
+(0.09 0.045 0.1)
+(0.095 0.045 0.1)
+(0.1 0.045 0.1)
+(0 0.05 0.1)
+(0.005 0.05 0.1)
+(0.01 0.05 0.1)
+(0.015 0.05 0.1)
+(0.02 0.05 0.1)
+(0.025 0.05 0.1)
+(0.03 0.05 0.1)
+(0.035 0.05 0.1)
+(0.04 0.05 0.1)
+(0.045 0.05 0.1)
+(0.05 0.05 0.1)
+(0.055 0.05 0.1)
+(0.06 0.05 0.1)
+(0.065 0.05 0.1)
+(0.07 0.05 0.1)
+(0.075 0.05 0.1)
+(0.08 0.05 0.1)
+(0.085 0.05 0.1)
+(0.09 0.05 0.1)
+(0.095 0.05 0.1)
+(0.1 0.05 0.1)
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/sets/wallFilmFaces b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/sets/wallFilmFaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e09e543ac459cafa06a20ca32ef1dd74648218ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh.save/sets/wallFilmFaces
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       faceSet;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh/sets";
+    object      wallFilmFaces;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..145f13e1ea5a20703f972acee183381576b721bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       dictionary;
+    object      blockMeshDict;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+convertToMeters 1;
+    (0.5 0 -0.5)
+    (1 0 -0.5)
+    (2 0 -0.5)
+    (2 0.707107 -0.5)
+    (0.707107 0.707107 -0.5)
+    (0.353553 0.353553 -0.5)
+    (2 2 -0.5)
+    (0.707107 2 -0.5)
+    (0 2 -0.5)
+    (0 1 -0.5)
+    (0 0.5 -0.5)
+    (-0.5 0 -0.5)
+    (-1 0 -0.5)
+    (-2 0 -0.5)
+    (-2 0.707107 -0.5)
+    (-0.707107 0.707107 -0.5)
+    (-0.353553 0.353553 -0.5)
+    (-2 2 -0.5)
+    (-0.707107 2 -0.5)
+    (0.5 0 0.5)
+    (1 0 0.5)
+    (2 0 0.5)
+    (2 0.707107 0.5)
+    (0.707107 0.707107 0.5)
+    (0.353553 0.353553 0.5)
+    (2 2 0.5)
+    (0.707107 2 0.5)
+    (0 2 0.5)
+    (0 1 0.5)
+    (0 0.5 0.5)
+    (-0.5 0 0.5)
+    (-1 0 0.5)
+    (-2 0 0.5)
+    (-2 0.707107 0.5)
+    (-0.707107 0.707107 0.5)
+    (-0.353553 0.353553 0.5)
+    (-2 2 0.5)
+    (-0.707107 2 0.5)
+    hex (5 4 9 10 24 23 28 29) (10 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (0 1 4 5 19 20 23 24) (10 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (1 2 3 4 20 21 22 23) (20 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (4 3 6 7 23 22 25 26) (20 20 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (9 4 7 8 28 23 26 27) (10 20 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (15 16 10 9 34 35 29 28) (10 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (12 11 16 15 31 30 35 34) (10 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (13 12 15 14 32 31 34 33) (20 10 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (14 15 18 17 33 34 37 36) (20 20 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (15 9 8 18 34 28 27 37) (10 20 11) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    arc 0 5 (0.469846 0.17101 -0.5)
+    arc 5 10 (0.17101 0.469846 -0.5)
+    arc 1 4 (0.939693 0.34202 -0.5)
+    arc 4 9 (0.34202 0.939693 -0.5)
+    arc 19 24 (0.469846 0.17101 0.5)
+    arc 24 29 (0.17101 0.469846 0.5)
+    arc 20 23 (0.939693 0.34202 0.5)
+    arc 23 28 (0.34202 0.939693 0.5)
+    arc 11 16 (-0.469846 0.17101 -0.5)
+    arc 16 10 (-0.17101 0.469846 -0.5)
+    arc 12 15 (-0.939693 0.34202 -0.5)
+    arc 15 9 (-0.34202 0.939693 -0.5)
+    arc 30 35 (-0.469846 0.17101 0.5)
+    arc 35 29 (-0.17101 0.469846 0.5)
+    arc 31 34 (-0.939693 0.34202 0.5)
+    arc 34 28 (-0.34202 0.939693 0.5)
+    name frontAndBack;
+    type wall;
+    wall filmWalls
+    (
+        (0 1 20 19)
+        (1 2 21 20)
+        (12 11 30 31)
+        (13 12 31 32)
+        (10 5 24 29)
+        (5 0 19 24)
+        (16 10 29 35)
+        (11 16 35 30)
+    )
+    patch sides
+    (
+        (2 3 22 21)
+        (3 6 25 22)
+        (7 8 27 26)
+        (6 7 26 25)
+        (8 18 37 27)
+        (18 17 36 37)
+        (14 13 32 33)
+        (17 14 33 36)
+    )
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/boundary
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f5ce09538995078db00ada3a5440db1ad78abb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      boundary;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    sides
+    {
+        type            patch;
+        nFaces          1320;
+        startFace       62790;
+    }
+    frontAndBack
+    {
+        type            wall;
+        nFaces          4000;
+        startFace       64110;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            directMappedWall;
+        nFaces          1100;
+        startFace       68110;
+        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
+        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
+        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces;
+        offsetMode      nonuniform;
+        offsets
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(6.661338148e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-4.440892099e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(4.440892099e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 1.665334537e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.665334537e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 4.163336342e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.665334537e-16)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -3.469446952e-18 1.110223025e-16)
+(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 4.163336342e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -8.326672685e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.665334537e-16)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(3.469446952e-18 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
+(8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.665334537e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16)
+(1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.665334537e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
+(1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
+(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
+(1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.665334537e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
+(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
+(1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
+(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
+(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
+(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/radiationProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/radiationProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/radiationProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/radiationProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
similarity index 67%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Properties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
index 00654b1d5706399ef980e14768fc975cc497dfe5..b4e73e234ef22f4434d7277873bde10907f9ba69 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Properties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
@@ -11,22 +11,24 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      thermoCloud1Properties;
+    object      reactingCloud1Properties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
     active          true;
-    coupled         true;
+    coupled         no;
     transient       yes;
-    cellValueSourceCorrection on;
+    cellValueSourceCorrection no;
+            rho             explicit 1;
             U               explicit 1;
+            Yi              explicit 1;
             hs              explicit 1;
@@ -34,10 +36,11 @@ solution
         rho             cell;
-        mu              cell;
         U               cellPoint;
+        mu              cell;
         T               cell;
         Cp              cell;
+        p               cell;
@@ -53,19 +56,23 @@ constantProperties
     rhoMin          1e-15;
     TMin            200;
+    pMin            1000;
     minParticleMass 1e-15;
-    rho0            2500;
+    rho0            1000;
     T0              300;
-    Cp0             900;
+    Cp0             4187;
     youngsModulus   1e9;
     poissonsRatio   0.35;
     epsilon0        1;
     f0              0.5;
     Pr              0.7;
+    Tvap            273;
+    Tbp             373;
+    constantVolume  false;
@@ -76,38 +83,32 @@ subModels
-    injectionModel  manualInjection;
+    injectionModel  reactingLookupTableInjection;
-    dispersionModel stochasticDispersionRAS;
+    dispersionModel none;
     patchInteractionModel standardWallInteraction;
-    heatTransferModel RanzMarshall;
+    heatTransferModel none;
+    compositionModel singlePhaseMixture;
+    phaseChangeModel none;
     postProcessingModel none;
-    surfaceFilmModel none;
+    surfaceFilmModel thermoSurfaceFilm;
     radiation       off;
-    manualInjectionCoeffs
+    reactingLookupTableInjectionCoeffs
-        massTotal       0.0001;
+        massTotal       0.5;
         parcelBasisType mass;
         SOI             0;
-        positionsFile   "thermoCloud1Positions";
-        U0              ( 0 0 0 );
-        sizeDistribution
-        {
-            type        RosinRammler;
-            RosinRammlerDistribution
-            {
-                minValue        5e-06;
-                maxValue        0.0005;
-                d               5e-05;
-                n               0.5;
-            }
-        }
+        inputFile       "parcelInjectionProperties";
+        duration        20.0;
+        parcelsPerSecond 50;
@@ -115,10 +116,20 @@ subModels
         type            rebound;
-    RanzMarshallCoeffs
+    singlePhaseMixtureCoeffs
+    {
+        phases
+        (
+            liquid
+            {
+                H2O          1;
+            }
+        );
+    }
+    thermoSurfaceFilmCoeffs
-        // thermal shielding
-        BirdCorrection  false;
+        interactionType absorb;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
similarity index 61%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
index 7c745789b7503e92cd99aa9207ad7724603fb3c2..075dc96cef0b1cbe3c86ae3db9c532b7c7698bd5 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
@@ -18,68 +18,44 @@ FoamFile
 //surfaceFilmModel kinematicSingleLayer;
 surfaceFilmModel thermoSingleLayer;
-filmRegionName  wallFilmRegion;
+regionName      wallFilmRegion;
 active          true;
     thermoModel constant;
-    Cf          0.005;
     rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
     mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
     sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
-    injectionModel remove; // none; // cloudInjection;
+    deltaStable deltaStable [0 1 0 0 0] 0;
+    Cf          0.005;
+    injectionModels ();
-    thermoModel constant;
+    thermoModel singleComponent;
     liquid      H2O;
+    deltaStable deltaStable [0 1 0 0 0] 0;
     Cf          0.005;
-    rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
-    mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
-    sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
-    Cp0         Cp0 [0 2 -2 -1 0] 4187;
-    kappa0      kappa0 [1 1 -3 -1 0] 0.58;
-    injectionModel cloudInjection; // remove; // none; // cloudInjection;
+    injectionModels ();
     phaseChangeModel none;
-    cloudInjectionCoeffs
-    {
-        cloudName    reactingCloud1;
-        deltaStable  0;
-        particlesPerParcel 100.0;
-        sizeDistribution
-        {
-            pdfType         RosinRammler;
-            RosinRammlerDistribution
-            {
-                minValue        5e-04;
-                maxValue        0.0012;
-                d               7.5e-05;
-                n               0.5;
-            }
-        }
-    }
+    radiationModel none;
         heatTransferModel constant;
-            c0              1e-8;
+            c0                1e-8;
@@ -88,8 +64,7 @@ thermoSingleLayerCoeffs
         heatTransferModel constant;
-            c0              1e-8;
+            c0                1e-8;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/thermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/thermophysicalProperties
similarity index 95%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/thermophysicalProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/thermophysicalProperties
index 8b155848abc0c577611b4fc3f2fb7eed0c7f2dd4..f8ade2d7b025c870cdb078664c9b709cee5f8d12 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/thermophysicalProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/thermophysicalProperties
@@ -25,18 +25,21 @@ foamChemistryThermoFile "$FOAM_CASE/constant/foam.dat";
 inertSpecie     N2;
-    liquidComponents ( H2O );
+    liquidComponents (H2O);
         defaultCoeffs   yes;
-    solidComponents ( );
+    solidComponents ();
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/turbulenceProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/constant/turbulenceProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/controlDict
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/controlDict
index 1a4c4e485e9e4c3e30bacea218df283d3d845ec9..774a13b839fa0f84c75d80716aaa99a06b3e29b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/controlDict
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ FoamFile
 application     reactingParcelFilmFoam;
-startFrom       latestTime;
+startFrom       latestTime; // startTime;
 startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         10;
+endTime         20;
 deltaT          1e-02;
 writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.05;
+writeInterval   0.1;
 purgeWrite      0;
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable yes;
-adjustTimeStep  no;
+adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           0.5;
+maxCo           0.3;
-maxDeltaT       1e-03;
+maxDeltaT       1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/createPatchDict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f0db31a6cdde95f997a0a47e4b0941d828f1ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/createPatchDict
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       dictionary;
+    object      createPatchDict;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// This application/dictionary controls:
+// - optional: create new patches from boundary faces (either given as
+//   a set of patches or as a faceSet)
+// - always: order faces on coupled patches such that they are opposite. This
+//   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
+// - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
+// Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
+// Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
+pointSync false;
+// Patches to create.
+    // none
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/decomposeParDict
similarity index 93%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/decomposeParDict
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..baf84e98bc228e1fcf7158c640d08a7002b42b01 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/decomposeParDict
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains 4;
-method          scotch;
+method          metis;
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order           xyz;
+    processorWeights ( 1 1 1 1 );
     dataFile        "";
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
similarity index 65%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
index 73c1c06c67370546b8df94494b2a69c92887ea4e..b32faccdb8dddbd6ecca1893833166e0c9a47fb8 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
@@ -10,26 +10,27 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      SurfaceFilmProperties;
+    object      extrudeToRegionMeshDict;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-surfaceFilmModel kinematicSingleLayer;
+region          wallFilmRegion;
-filmRegionName  wallFilmRegion;
+faceZones       (wallFilmFaces);
-active          true;
+oneD            false;
-    thermoModel constant;
-    Cf          0.005;
+extrudeModel    linearNormal;
+nLayers         1;
+expansionRatio  1;
-    rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
-    mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
-    sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
+adaptMesh       yes; // apply directMapped to both regions
-    injectionModel none;
+    thickness       0.01;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSchemes
index 8592bd21ba373f225dc68b195779149d803331c5..ca719c0edf130e03a2ee6efc47f8f7b7883a8b71 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSchemes
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(U)          Gauss linear;
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,Yi_h)   Gauss upwind;
+    div(phi,Yi_hs)  Gauss upwind;
-    default         Gauss linear limited 0.5;
+    default         Gauss linear corrected;
@@ -51,14 +51,15 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.5;
+    default         corrected;
     default         no;
-    p;
+    p_rgh;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSolution
similarity index 76%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSolution
index 147d2e9dfa7e56689d2fd1afd7c2bf2110556765..50abc46a930b234236ae2f57193e58b1aebbce7b 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,42 +21,69 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(rho|G)Final"
+    {
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|h|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
         relTol          0;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        $UFinal;
-    p
+    p_rgh
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    p_rghFinal
+    {
+        $p_rgh;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        $hsFinal;
-    transonic       no;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     momentumPredictor yes;
+    ".*Final" 1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
similarity index 85%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
index 2ed6d13edaddc7661bff5b8ec2ee3ea9113d01de..39d9e7d8b368ad23368257ab9ada47ab28ccd0b3 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev.FMGlobal                          |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,Uf) Gauss upwind;
     div(phid,deltaf) Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,hsf) Gauss upwind;
+    div(nHat) Gauss linear;
+    div(grad(nHat)) Gauss linear;
@@ -37,24 +40,25 @@ gradSchemes
     default none;
     grad(pL) Gauss linear;
     grad(sigmaf) Gauss linear;
-    grad(omega) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(deltaf) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pp) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pu) Gauss linear;
+    grad(radius) Gauss linear;
+    grad(nHat) Gauss linear;
     default none;
     laplacian(sigmaf,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-    laplacian((((interpolate(deltaf)*interpolate((deltaf*(1|A(Uf)))))*interpolate(rhof))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(deltaCoeff,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
     snGrad(p) uncorrected;
     snGrad(deltaf) uncorrected;
-    snGrad(omega) uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
similarity index 98%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
index c4cd14716c9f20b8e9afa623c75bc5a1c8084234..3ebd00d92e878ee8f24c27bd397ba68553732809 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ PISO
     nOuterCorr      1;
     nCorr           1;
     nNonOrthCorr    0;
-    dfMin           1e-10;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/wallFilmRegion.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/wallFilmRegion.setSet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13b5752142a0cfc01ae5936ed625ab86214b2e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder/wallFilmRegion.setSet
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Create face set
+faceSet wallFilmFaces new patchToFace filmWalls
+faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setToFaceZone wallFilmFaces
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 489a7bb73cea77452840f7827dc2c3c0f9e5a0ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    location    "0";
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 500;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMapped;
-        fieldName       Tsf;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba4caa5d322d62fa883db4e3af46d84739c5056..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0); 
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMapped;
-        fieldName       Usf;
-        average         ( 0 0 0 );
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/alphat b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/alphat
deleted file mode 100644
index bd41737122dad8dc4b539fbff7c786767ac12bcd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/alphat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      alphat;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        Prt             0.85;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        Prt             0.85;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/epsilon b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/epsilon
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac828adf0ba55c45a3f9a33cf5f943987bb0616..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/epsilon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      epsilon;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -3 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 1e-07;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 1e-07;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 1e-07;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/htcConv b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/htcConv
deleted file mode 100644
index af166c869ff45116d002b750b6ec852f52ec831c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/htcConv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      htcConv;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 0 -1 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            calculated;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            htcConvection;
-        L               1.0;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
-/* vim: set filetype=cpp : */
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/k b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/k
deleted file mode 100644
index 95913f675e712be35549a3787e112ff39d65c14a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/k
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      k;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 1e-05;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 1e-05;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 1e-05;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/mut b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/mut
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c043a3523489e1d566c9e22b5cce891b18385b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/mut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      mut;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            mutWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            mutWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 144c5eb52d572a9c3e280921ac08e61037156a84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index e15bcc11750cfe66863e6b2e1642a90e7c98e057..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3500f5b412509efceb5eeece9f013bd1c59d36f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index b3592bf708820fa3dc78959f87f37fc8dd1656ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    left
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index f188b3ade0e87b3edc769757d4e4840f8b49d4d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 489a7bb73cea77452840f7827dc2c3c0f9e5a0ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    location    "0";
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 500;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMapped;
-        fieldName       Tsf;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ba4caa5d322d62fa883db4e3af46d84739c5056..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0); 
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMapped;
-        fieldName       Usf;
-        average         ( 0 0 0 );
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/alphat b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/alphat
deleted file mode 100644
index bd41737122dad8dc4b539fbff7c786767ac12bcd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/alphat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      alphat;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        Prt             0.85;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        Prt             0.85;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/epsilon b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/epsilon
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac828adf0ba55c45a3f9a33cf5f943987bb0616..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/epsilon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      epsilon;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -3 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 1e-07;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 1e-07;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 1e-07;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/htcConv b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/htcConv
deleted file mode 100644
index af166c869ff45116d002b750b6ec852f52ec831c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/htcConv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      htcConv;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 0 -1 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            calculated;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            htcConvection;
-        L               1.0;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
-/* vim: set filetype=cpp : */
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/k b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/k
deleted file mode 100644
index 95913f675e712be35549a3787e112ff39d65c14a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/k
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      k;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 1e-05;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 1e-05;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 1e-05;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/mut b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/mut
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c043a3523489e1d566c9e22b5cce891b18385b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/mut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      mut;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    "(.*)"
-    {
-        type            mutWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            mutWallFunction;
-        Cmu             0.09;
-        kappa           0.41;
-        E               9.8;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 144c5eb52d572a9c3e280921ac08e61037156a84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index e15bcc11750cfe66863e6b2e1642a90e7c98e057..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3500f5b412509efceb5eeece9f013bd1c59d36f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index b3592bf708820fa3dc78959f87f37fc8dd1656ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    left
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index f188b3ade0e87b3edc769757d4e4840f8b49d4d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    left 
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    right
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allclean b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allclean
deleted file mode 100755
index 2c4c2c8e813128df3c6e59674d117783c4c9213d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allclean
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Source tutorial clean functions
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
-#rm -rf system/wallFilmRegion
-rm -rf constant/wallFilmRegion
-rm -rf 0
-cp -rf 0.org 0
-rm -rf mfr*
-rm -rf *.obj
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun
deleted file mode 100755
index d4d7bdd7f75b80e016f27f56cb0da8b5192e0676..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/Allrun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-runApplication `getApplication`
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/chemistryProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/chemistryProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4b54407ca39c536bfa767c7ac7cca671a17627..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/chemistryProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      chemistryProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
-chemistry       off;
-turbulentReaction off;
-chemistrySolver ode;
-initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
-    cTauChem        0.001;
-    cTauChem        0.05;
-    equilibriumRateLimiter off;
-    ODESolver       RK;
-    eps             0.05;
-    scale           1;
-Cmix            Cmix [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/boundary
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a24a5c0000e38c055eec2b4fb2ce3ea8df582d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3260 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
-    location    "constant/polyMesh";
-    object      boundary;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    right
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          40;
-        startFace       6280;
-    }
-    top
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          3200;
-        startFace       6320;
-    }
-    left
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          40;
-        startFace       9520;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          160;
-        startFace       9560;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          3200;
-        startFace       9720;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
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-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
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-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
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-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
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-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.734723476e-18 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.665334537e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.665334537e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-3.330669074e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.081668171e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/surfaceFilmProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 39abd4533cdb78791edf997f41f65e120c068158..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      SurfaceFilmProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-surfaceFilmModel thermoSingleLayer;
-filmRegionName  wallFilmRegion;
-active          true;
-    thermoModel constant;
-    rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
-    mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
-    sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
-    deltaStable deltaStable [0 1 0 0 0] 0;
-    Cf          0.005;
-    injectionModel none;
-    thermoModel singleComponent; // constant
-//    thermoModel constant; // constant
-    liquid      H2O;
-//    rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
-//    mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
-//    sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
-//    cp0         cp0 [0 2 -2 -1 0] 4187;
-    deltaStable deltaStable [0 1 0 0 0] 0;
-    Cf          0.005;
-    htcw        htcw [1 0 -3 -1 0] 1e3; // 0.0;
-    htcs        htcs [1 0 -3 -1 0] 1e-8; // 0.0;
-    rho0         rho [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
-    mu0          mu [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
-    sigma0       sigma [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
-    cp0          cp [0 2 -2 -1 0] 4187;
-    kappa0      kappa0 [1 1 -3 -1 0] 0.6;
-    injectionModel none;
-    phaseChangeModel standardPhaseChange; // only option currently available
-    //phaseChangeModel none; // only option currently available
-    standardPhaseChangeCoeffs
-    {
-        Tb               374.8;
-        deltaMin         1e-8; // mass transfer turned off when film thickness below this value
-        L                1; // length scale used in mean Nusselt and Sherwood correlation
-    }
-    upperSurfaceModels
-    {
-        //heatTransferModel mappedConvectiveHeatTransfer;  // gets htc from gas-phase calculation
-        heatTransferModel constant;  // submodels/thermo/heatTransferModel/constantHeatTransfer/constantHeatTransfer.C
-        constantCoeffs
-        {
-            c0                1000;
-        }
-    }
-    lowerSurfaceModels
-    {
-        heatTransferModel constant;  // submodels/thermo/heatTransferModel/constantHeatTransfer/constantHeatTransfer.C
-        constantCoeffs
-        {
-//            c0                50;
-            c0                1000;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1cc2e2de3eb51b6fc84959b9e0ba09bc8ba61a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\                           
-| =========                 |                                                 |                           
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |                           
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |                           
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |                           
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |                           
-    version     2.0;                                                                                      
-    format      ascii;                                                                                    
-    class       dictionary;                                                                               
-    object      extrudeToRegionMeshDict;                                                                  
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //                           
-region          wallFilmRegion;        
-faceZones       (wallFilmFaces);
-adaptMesh       true;
-oneD            false;
-extrudeModel    linearNormal;       
-nLayers         1;
-expansionRatio  1;
-    thickness       0.01;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution
deleted file mode 100644
index d04c6b17177b07fcb9801c7897885ce5e6064766..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      fvSolution;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    "(rho|G)"
-    {
-        solver          PCG;
-        preconditioner  DIC;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    "(U|h|k|epsilon)"
-    {
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    p
-    {
-        solver          PCG;
-        preconditioner  DIC;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    "(hs|Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
-    {
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    transonic       no;
-    nCorrectors     2;
-    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
-    momentumPredictor yes;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/decomposeParDict
deleted file mode 100644
index fa38ef1e2cc37a87553d1be544474dae98224667..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/decomposeParDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      decomposeParDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-numberOfSubdomains 8;
-method          scotch;
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "";
-distributed     no;
-roots           ( );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/mut b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/mut
index 4d87204274890837f41ce5af2997fcb302534557..fef72d695479376bddba0a53f67763d82b4b7366 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/mut
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/mut
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ boundaryField
-        type            mutFilmWallFunction;
+        type            mutkFilmWallFunction;
         B               5.5;
         yPlusCrit       11.05;
         value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p
index 944b722d2f3602d001f52995fc545440896f4f9c..333c21b8f801433711e8ce507ee4f984f5c16a7a 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ boundaryField
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p_rgh
similarity index 83%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p_rgh
index 944b722d2f3602d001f52995fc545440896f4f9c..627d7baca275d72ba0bc9feb3d6f6af8d529c6e2 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ boundaryField
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+        value           uniform 100000;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+        value           uniform 100000;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 31509cbdbe31408b87e5eb538300bd63566b4bf2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 734485dc4e617868d9c579d9d2e0d70d9dc37b9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c3be202adefa9265fd00dd831192059769b398..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uwf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uwf
deleted file mode 100644
index 78a98102eddd98a0dd30972701d479b30a7af955..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uwf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      Uwf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-//        type            slip;
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-//        type            fixedValue;
-//        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-        type            slip;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 713bf3592f355b5713d0526b5ec63861eedb6a52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 12211129c182954b51a9a32b7791ec52c1a1f6f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/mut b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/mut
index 4d87204274890837f41ce5af2997fcb302534557..fef72d695479376bddba0a53f67763d82b4b7366 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/mut
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/mut
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ boundaryField
-        type            mutFilmWallFunction;
+        type            mutkFilmWallFunction;
         B               5.5;
         yPlusCrit       11.05;
         value           uniform 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p
index 944b722d2f3602d001f52995fc545440896f4f9c..333c21b8f801433711e8ce507ee4f984f5c16a7a 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ boundaryField
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p_rgh
similarity index 83%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p_rgh
index 944b722d2f3602d001f52995fc545440896f4f9c..627d7baca275d72ba0bc9feb3d6f6af8d529c6e2 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -23,11 +23,13 @@ boundaryField
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+        value           uniform 100000;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
+        value           uniform 100000;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 31509cbdbe31408b87e5eb538300bd63566b4bf2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 734485dc4e617868d9c579d9d2e0d70d9dc37b9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c3be202adefa9265fd00dd831192059769b398..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uwf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uwf
deleted file mode 100644
index 78a98102eddd98a0dd30972701d479b30a7af955..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uwf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      Uwf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-//        type            slip;
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-//        type            fixedValue;
-//        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-        type            slip;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 713bf3592f355b5713d0526b5ec63861eedb6a52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 12211129c182954b51a9a32b7791ec52c1a1f6f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_"(region0_to.*)"Region_masterRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    // cyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allclean b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allclean
index 5dca6e81c5b5816e157453b933eddaa504f92b87..306d060536d045a42cc6f8670598d53cf4daadcf 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allclean
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 # Source tutorial clean functions
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun
index ac44d917613e7484665bce8ce74cdcd0711b480a..c036ab71364b2aec2d16c27c8d080bbe780ac0f6 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 # Source tutorial run functions
 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-runApplication `getApplication`
+runApplication $application
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun-parallel b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun-parallel
index 115ddddb6071756386a4e8bec357a4aa64714d12..6e2ad41ef722ba699a8046de2b80ec4a02b889a4 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun-parallel
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun-parallel
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 # Source tutorial run functions
@@ -7,11 +6,17 @@ cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
-decomposePar -region wallFilmRegion > log.decomposePar.wallFilmRegion 2>&1
-decomposePar > log.decomposePar.primaryRegion 2>&1
+runApplication decomposePar -region wallFilmRegion
+mv log.decomposePar log.decomposePar.wallFilmRegion
+runApplication decomposePar
+mv log.decomposePar log.decomposePar.primaryRegion
-runParallel `getApplication` 4
+runParallel $application 4
-reconstructPar -region wallFilmRegion > log.reconstructPar.wallFilmRegion 2>&1
-reconstructPar > log.reconstructPar.primaryRegion 2>&1
+runApplication reconstructPar -region wallFilmRegion
+mv log.reconstructPar log.reconstructPar.wallFilmRegion
+runApplication reconstructPar
+mv log.reconstructPar log.reconstructPar.primaryRegion
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun.pre b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun.pre
index 8ea2458c6acd6d30be94ae09fab4ce85e9b78ad7..e06272a5dca406ac16dab8ba0c94f91bedfe04a0 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun.pre
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/Allrun.pre
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 # Source tutorial run functions
 . $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
@@ -17,25 +19,14 @@ echo "running patchifyObstacles"
 ./patchifyObstacles > log.patchifyObstacles 2>&1
 # Create the wall film region via extrusion
-runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh \
-    wallFilmRegion \
-    '(
-        cube01_side1 cube01_side2 cube01_side3 cube01_side4 cube01_side5 cube01_side6
-        cube02_side1 cube02_side2 cube02_side3 cube02_side4 cube02_side5 cube02_side6
-        cube03_side1 cube03_side2 cube03_side3 cube03_side4 cube03_side5 cube03_side6
-        cube04_side1 cube04_side2 cube04_side3 cube04_side4 cube04_side5 cube04_side6
-        floor
-)' \
-    0.001 \
-    -overwrite
+runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh -overwrite
+# Fine tuning of U and T boundary conditions
+runApplication changeDictionary
 # Copy the system settings over to the wall film region
 rm -rf system/wallFilmRegion
 cp -r system/wallFilmRegion.org system/wallFilmRegion
-# Convert the primary region to film patches to direct mapped
-# - primary region walls map values from the film surface
-runApplication changeDictionary
 find ./0 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec \
     sed -i "s/wallFilm/\"(region0_to.*)\"/g" {} \;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/RASProperties
index 67d4d8212cef0a0fb77f4e4205b3237e3e9bbacb..4e16f210c1b957c9a53a4d22e17439601f0e663f 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/RASProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/RASProperties
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ RASModel        kEpsilon;
 turbulence      on;
-printCoeffs     on;
+printCoeffs     no;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties
index 9c4b54407ca39c536bfa767c7ac7cca671a17627..fca4f15a5cacd9815e78fb5fd469bb34807f1c5e 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties
@@ -21,29 +21,9 @@ chemistry       off;
 turbulentReaction off;
-chemistrySolver ode;
+chemistrySolver noChemistrySolver;
 initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
-    cTauChem        0.001;
-    cTauChem        0.05;
-    equilibriumRateLimiter off;
-    ODESolver       RK;
-    eps             0.05;
-    scale           1;
-Cmix            Cmix [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/combustionProperties
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/combustionProperties
index 3e945495c5107c31176f627d29157d32d6b70eb9..4d6e2a96b0030adb10594884242240aff3cc76b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/turbulenceProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/combustionProperties
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      turbulenceProperties;
+    object      combustionProperties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-simulationType  RASModel;
+combustionModel    none;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/foam.inp b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/foam.inp
index 84c3df95ee991c31b4e09c14ebfd8f63213dc092..cf67d1ec7cd65fad3ba89bf9f0abbf1fd6ece495 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/foam.inp
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/foam.inp
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ species
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index b517d3daebf26a0f66518d80b359e5c4ff93d3dd..5f54ef8b04334be21ca3502d99fc64aa8cf3ea5b 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -15,12907 +15,19 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
         type            wall;
         nFaces          44800;
-        startFace       2226176;
+        startFace       2278400;
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side1
+    wallFilm
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2270976;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side1;
-        offsets         
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2271232;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2271488;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2271744;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2272000;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2272256;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2272512;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side1;
-        offsets         
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2272768;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2273024;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2273280;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2273536;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2273792;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2274048;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2274304;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2274560;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2274816;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2275072;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2275328;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2275584;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2275840;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2276096;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2276352;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2276608;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2276864;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
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-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_floor
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
+        type            wall;
         nFaces          6400;
-        startFace       2277120;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_floor;
-        offsets         
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.081668171e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.081668171e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
+        startFace       2323200;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/radiationProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/radiationProperties
index fd30fcbd94260466fc73c1fdb10d35e0b7a53054..714723c5f0227cc19605fd1ae34c2a1f300bc992 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/radiationProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/radiationProperties
@@ -21,47 +21,9 @@ radiationModel  none;
 solverFreq      10;
-    C               C [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
-absorptionEmissionModel binaryAbsorptionEmission;
+absorptionEmissionModel none;
-    model1
-    {
-        absorptionEmissionModel constantAbsorptionEmission;
-        constantAbsorptionEmissionCoeffs
-        {
-            a               a [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
-            e               e [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
-            E               E [ 1 -1 -3 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
-        }
-    }
-    model2
-    {
-        absorptionEmissionModel cloudAbsorptionEmission;
-        cloudAbsorptionEmissionCoeffs
-        {
-            cloudNames
-            (
-                reactingCloud1
-            );
-        }
-    }
-scatterModel    cloudScatter;
-    cloudNames
-    (
-        reactingCloud1
-    );
+scatterModel    none;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
index c8e579b43efc9fead6dc8a07862abb73cc396a99..e9f1c791af1f1d4a0d997121255ba33f9da95c69 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
@@ -18,27 +18,18 @@ FoamFile
     active          true;
-    coupled         true;
+    coupled         yes;
     transient       yes;
-    cellValueSourceCorrection on;
+    cellValueSourceCorrection yes;
-        rho
+        schemes
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        U
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        Yi
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        hs
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
+            rho             explicit 1;
+            U               explicit 1;
+            Yi              explicit 1;
+            hs              explicit 1;
@@ -55,7 +46,7 @@ solution
         U               Euler;
-        T               Analytical;
+        T               analytical;
@@ -72,8 +63,8 @@ constantProperties
     T0              300;
     Cp0             4187;
-    youngsModulus   0;
-    poissonsRatio   0;
+    youngsModulus   1e9;
+    poissonsRatio   0.35;
     epsilon0        1;
     f0              0.5;
@@ -84,47 +75,42 @@ constantProperties
     constantVolume  false;
-    gravity         on;
-    virtualMass     off;
-    pressureGradient off;
-    paramagnetic    off;
-    InjectionModel  ConeInjectionMP;
-    DragModel       SphereDrag;
+    particleForces
+    {
+        sphereDrag;
+        gravity;
+    }
-    DispersionModel none;
+    injectionModel  coneInjection;
-    CollisionModel  none;
+    dispersionModel none;
-    PatchInteractionModel StandardWallInteraction;
+    patchInteractionModel standardWallInteraction;
-    HeatTransferModel none;
+    heatTransferModel none;
-    CompositionModel SinglePhaseMixture;
+    compositionModel singlePhaseMixture;
-    PhaseChangeModel none;
+    phaseChangeModel none;
-    PostProcessingModel none;
+    postProcessingModel none;
-    SurfaceFilmModel ThermoSurfaceFilm; // none;
+    surfaceFilmModel thermoSurfaceFilm;
     radiation       off;
-    ConeInjectionMPCoeffs
+    coneInjectionCoeffs
         SOI             0.000;
         duration        20.000;
-            (0.3 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1)
-            (0.6 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1)
+            ((0.3 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1))
+            ((0.6 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1))
         massTotal       10;
         parcelsPerInjector 20000;
         parcelsPerSecond 500;
@@ -136,7 +122,7 @@ subModels
-            pdfType         RosinRammler;
+            type         RosinRammler;
                 minValue        5e-04;
@@ -145,28 +131,32 @@ subModels
                 n               0.5;
-    StandardWallInteractionCoeffs
+    standardWallInteractionCoeffs
         type            rebound;
-    SinglePhaseMixtureCoeffs
+    singlePhaseMixtureCoeffs
-                H2O 1;
+                H2O          1;
-    ThermoSurfaceFilmCoeffs
-    {}
+    thermoSurfaceFilmCoeffs
+    {
+        interactionType splashBai;
+        deltaWet        0.0005;
+        Adry            2630;
+        Awet            1320;
+        Cf              0.6;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
index b3c7e177336d0c10502a4653711aff3ec2b6f94b..0944bef4da8f807ef5289834c96303aaa2290c6b 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 surfaceFilmModel thermoSingleLayer;
-filmRegionName  wallFilmRegion;
+regionName      wallFilmRegion;
 active          true;
@@ -29,14 +29,17 @@ thermoSingleLayerCoeffs
     Cf          0.005;
+    radiationModel  none;
-//        heatTransferModel constant;
-//        constantCoeffs
-//        {
-//            c0              1e-8;
-//        }
+        heatTransferModel constant;
+        constantCoeffs
+        {
+           c0              1e-8;
+        }
         heatTransferModel mappedConvectiveHeatTransfer;
@@ -49,19 +52,30 @@ thermoSingleLayerCoeffs
-    injectionModel cloudInjection; // removeInjection; // none; // cloudInjection;
+    injectionModels
+    (
+        curvatureSeparation
+        drippingInjection
+    );
-    cloudInjectionCoeffs
+    curvatureSeparationCoeffs
-        cloudName    reactingCloud1;
+        definedPatchRadii
+        (
+            ("(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])" 0)
+        );
+    }
-        deltaStable         0.0;
+    drippingInjectionCoeffs
+    {
+        cloudName    reactingCloud1;
+        deltaStable  0;
-        particlesPerParcel  100.0;
+        particlesPerParcel 100.0;
-        sizeDistribution
+        parcelDistribution
-            pdfType         RosinRammler;
+            type         RosinRammler;
                 minValue        5e-04;
@@ -76,9 +90,11 @@ thermoSingleLayerCoeffs
-        Tb              374.8;
+        Tb              373;
         deltaMin        1e-8;
         L               1.0;
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties
index 8b155848abc0c577611b4fc3f2fb7eed0c7f2dd4..f8ade2d7b025c870cdb078664c9b709cee5f8d12 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties
@@ -25,18 +25,21 @@ foamChemistryThermoFile "$FOAM_CASE/constant/foam.dat";
 inertSpecie     N2;
-    liquidComponents ( H2O );
+    liquidComponents (H2O);
         defaultCoeffs   yes;
-    solidComponents ( );
+    solidComponents ();
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet
index c1b2610ef8e62dac6f31b5fa35b022363fc8afaf..2f24ec2264f4399f5ddf42560a50a1f1207d6eb0 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
 faceSet wallFilmFaces new patchToFace wallFilm
-faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setToFaceZone wallFilmFaces
+faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setToFaceZone wallFilmFaces
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/patchifyObstacles b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/patchifyObstacles
index 3c497128944a6be8ed1b3c20bd9845424b730333..8875fc36045bf3fa0471e986bd9c7b244d34b59f 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/patchifyObstacles
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/patchifyObstacles
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
+#--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------#
+# =========                 |                                               #
+# \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox         #
+#  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                 #
+#   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                    #
+#    \\/     M anipulation  |                                               #
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
@@ -24,11 +32,9 @@ createSetsAndZone()
-#    echo "# ${name}" >> $tmpSetSet
     echo "faceSet ${name} new boxToFace ($x1 $y1 $z1) ($x2 $y2 $z2)" >> $tmpSetSet
     echo "cellSet ${name}Cells new faceToCell ${name} owner" >> $tmpSetSet
     echo "faceZoneSet ${name} new setsToFaceZone ${name} ${name}Cells" >> $tmpSetSet
-#    echo "" >> $tmpSetSet
     echo "   $name: (x1=$x1 y1=$y1 z1=$z1) (x2=$x2 y2=$y2 z2=$z2)"
@@ -127,3 +133,6 @@ createSetsAndZone floor -$tol $floorMax -$tol $floorMax -$tol $tol
 setSet -batch $tmpSetSet >> log.setSet.patchifyObstacles
 rm -f $tmpSetSet
+# *************************************************************************
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/changeDictionaryDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/changeDictionaryDict
index e8bc6994f0515fd824ad2499fdb862edb61cdea9..9743cb37973969e2d9894c386d037bf6501273f5 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/changeDictionaryDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/changeDictionaryDict
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                     |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/controlDict
index 6e4cc94e03d6fd1a37355a4fb7fc159cee4a0538..2c9ac3d1576a2a621a9cf153f3d9e7b87a47902f 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/controlDict
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 application     reactingParcelFilmFoam;
-startFrom       latestTime; // startTime;
+startForm       latestTime;
 startTime       0;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ writeInterval   0.1;
 purgeWrite      0;
-writeFormat     ascii;
+writeFormat     ascii; // binary;
 writePrecision  10;
@@ -49,15 +49,7 @@ adjustTimeStep  yes;
 maxCo           0.5;
-maxDeltaT       0.005;
+maxDeltaT       0.002;
-    "libOpenFOAM.so"
-    "libcompressibleTurbulenceModel.so"
-    "libcompressibleRASModels.so"
-    "libSLGThermo.so"
-    "libsurfaceFilmModels.so"
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/decomposeParDict
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..42d4356017785eb5df5c873fd256fd31ace30af6 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,24 +19,6 @@ numberOfSubdomains 4;
 method          scotch;
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "";
 distributed     no;
 roots           ( );
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
similarity index 51%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
index fa38ef1e2cc37a87553d1be544474dae98224667..8c5cdae28ba0e578548413d03ca5b086c3267ddd 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
@@ -10,36 +10,34 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      decomposeParDict;
+    object      extrudeToRegionMeshDict;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-numberOfSubdomains 8;
+region          wallFilmRegion;
-method          scotch;
+    cube01_side1 cube01_side2 cube01_side3 cube01_side4 cube01_side5 cube01_side6
+    cube02_side1 cube02_side2 cube02_side3 cube02_side4 cube02_side5 cube02_side6
+    cube03_side1 cube03_side2 cube03_side3 cube03_side4 cube03_side5 cube03_side6
+    cube04_side1 cube04_side2 cube04_side3 cube04_side4 cube04_side5 cube04_side6
+    floor
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
+oneD            false;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
+extrudeModel    linearNormal;
-    dataFile        "";
+nLayers         1;
-distributed     no;
+expansionRatio  1;
-roots           ( );
+adaptMesh       yes; // apply directMapped to both regions
+    thickness       0.001;
-// ************************************************************************* //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSchemes
index bb0453296bec283ac50286598e34b3ae5a493ca4..3294bacff5c02340af0d589f7da7a99717e97a15 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSchemes
@@ -23,32 +23,25 @@ ddtSchemes
     default         Gauss linear;
-    grad(p)         leastSquares; // Gauss linear;
+    grad(p)         Gauss linear;
     default         none;
     div(phi,U)      Gauss upwind;
-    div(phid,p)     Gauss upwind;
-    div(phiU,p)     Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,h)     Gauss upwind;
+    div(phiU,p)     Gauss upwind;
+    div(phi,h)      Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,k)      Gauss upwind;
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(U)          Gauss linear;
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,Yi_h)   Gauss upwind;
+    div(phi,Yi_hs)  Gauss upwind;
-    default         Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(mut,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear corrected;
+    default         Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -58,14 +51,15 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         corrected;
+    default         uncorrected;
     default         no;
-    p;
+    p_rgh;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSolution
index c709daa6a90657dc29fbf5910b356350d1cc7efd..9f903209b0128524d3bf2fa6e3ab354d440c600b 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,56 +21,71 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(rho|G)Final"
+    {
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-        maxIter         100;
-    "(U|h|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
-        maxIter         100;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    p
+    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)Final"
-        solver           GAMG;
-        tolerance        1e-05;
-        relTol           0;
+        $U;
+        relTol          0;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+    }
+    p_rgh
+    {
+        solver          GAMG;
+        tolerance        0;
+        relTol           0.1;
         smoother         DICGaussSeidel;
         nPreSweeps       0;
         nPostSweeps      2;
         cacheAgglomeration true;
         nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
         agglomerator     faceAreaPair;
         mergeLevels      1;
+        maxIter          100;
+    }
-        maxIter          50;
-    };
-    "(hs|Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    p_rghFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $p_rgh;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-        maxIter         100;
+    }
+    "(Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    {
+        $hsFinal;
-    transonic       no;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     momentumPredictor yes;
+    ".*Final" 1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..42d4356017785eb5df5c873fd256fd31ace30af6 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/decomposeParDict
@@ -19,24 +19,6 @@ numberOfSubdomains 4;
 method          scotch;
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "";
 distributed     no;
 roots           ( );
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes
index e4d1909323d63b2f04dac103ee90abca98e7599a..76501b635234831dd4919447900adb21c3c3ba47 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev.FMGlobal                          |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ ddtSchemes
-    default none;
-    div(phi,Uf) Gauss upwind;
+    default         none;
+    div(phi,Uf)     Gauss upwind;
     div(phid,deltaf) Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,hsf) Gauss upwind;
+    div(phi,hsf)    Gauss upwind;
+    div(nHat)       Gauss linear;
@@ -40,15 +41,17 @@ gradSchemes
     snGradCorr(deltaf) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pp) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pu) Gauss linear;
+    grad(nHat)  Gauss linear;
     default none;
     laplacian(sigmaf,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-    laplacian((((interpolate(deltaf)*interpolate((deltaf*(1|A(Uf)))))*interpolate(rhof))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(deltaCoeff,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
     snGrad(p) uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution
index 22cad544ce03ca20ad6ba6124a512a40b2e10125..94f80a602c181758297bdfaf3ad3d6344e42b48d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/hotBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev.FMGlobal                          |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ PISO
     nOuterCorr      1;
     nCorr           1;
     nNonOrthCorr    0;
-    dfMin           1e-10;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/H2O
deleted file mode 100644
index ae297f8760a94effed15ce5d12222ab28701b797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/H2O
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      H2O;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/N2
deleted file mode 100644
index 70fe2f4443a0ba6e9ab8384ddcab1df7ab5e6640..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/N2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      N2;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/O2
deleted file mode 100644
index 517833b9d5b6c39484cfde6231af2906703a1e27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/O2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      O2;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d97198ebb20856de4af3e5ece6cabcc54d34e42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 28df167bde67c6d9f464544c65d34e874e94ccc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      Tf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index aea8e929a044ba06a448357f48740483af355f7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 11cf721fc7d60e090910c4daf41d9219fdcec85a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0a93ba1822fd956442639edb88c532ecbfed0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      Uf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a6ddb6144bc8345accf8e2438ab94497c8c4d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      deltaf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 84b66303edcba20ce0ee826400459e8a57e8b455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d61b6e6f248e517b97b58408a1c607813ee46ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/H2O
deleted file mode 100644
index ae297f8760a94effed15ce5d12222ab28701b797..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/H2O
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      H2O;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/N2
deleted file mode 100644
index 70fe2f4443a0ba6e9ab8384ddcab1df7ab5e6640..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/N2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      N2;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/O2
deleted file mode 100644
index 517833b9d5b6c39484cfde6231af2906703a1e27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/O2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      O2;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    wallFilm
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d97198ebb20856de4af3e5ece6cabcc54d34e42..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 28df167bde67c6d9f464544c65d34e874e94ccc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      Tf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index aea8e929a044ba06a448357f48740483af355f7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 11cf721fc7d60e090910c4daf41d9219fdcec85a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0a93ba1822fd956442639edb88c532ecbfed0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      Uf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            slip;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a6ddb6144bc8345accf8e2438ab94497c8c4d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      deltaf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 84b66303edcba20ce0ee826400459e8a57e8b455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d61b6e6f248e517b97b58408a1c607813ee46ee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/region0_to_wallFilmRegion_masterRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    // nonuniformTransformCyclic boundaries between film patches
-    "(cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9]_to_cube[0-9][0-9]_side[0-9])"
-    {
-        type            nonuniformTransformCyclic;
-    }
-    // top film surface
-    "(.*top)"
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    // mapped boundaries
-    "(region0_to.*)"
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    // floor sides
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c1131986df5c33b7b887dc2ce88484901e0182e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Source tutorial run functions
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-runApplication `getApplication`
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun-parallel b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun-parallel
deleted file mode 100755
index dc7fb41d644e6565db6bb30aa77a5d78ef39e06f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun-parallel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Source tutorial run functions
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-decomposePar -region wallFilmRegion > log.decomposePar.wallFilmRegion 2>&1
-decomposePar > log.decomposePar.primaryRegion 2>&1
-runParallel `getApplication` 4
-reconstructPar -region wallFilmRegion > log.reconstructPar.wallFilmRegion 2>&1
-reconstructPar > log.reconstructPar.primaryRegion 2>&1
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun.pre b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun.pre
deleted file mode 100755
index 9752b347677e0f34fdac4fbd88869bf866c2d80f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/Allrun.pre
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Source tutorial run functions
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-# create the underlying block mesh
-runApplication blockMesh
-# create the set for the obstacles
-runApplication setSet -batch createObstacle.setSet
-mv log.setSet log.setSet1
-# create the obstacles - add obstacle patches to wallFilm patch
-runApplication subsetMesh c0 -patch wallFilm -overwrite
-# split the obstacle patches into cube[1-6]_patch[1-6]
-echo "running patchifyObstacles"
-./patchifyObstacles > log.patchifyObstacles 2>&1
-# Create the wall film region via extrusion
-runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh \
-    wallFilmRegion \
-    '(
-        cube01_side1 cube01_side2 cube01_side3 cube01_side4 cube01_side5 cube01_side6
-        cube02_side1 cube02_side2 cube02_side3 cube02_side4 cube02_side5 cube02_side6
-        cube03_side1 cube03_side2 cube03_side3 cube03_side4 cube03_side5 cube03_side6
-        cube04_side1 cube04_side2 cube04_side3 cube04_side4 cube04_side5 cube04_side6
-        cube05_side1 cube05_side2 cube05_side3 cube05_side4 cube05_side5 cube05_side6
-        cube06_side1 cube06_side2 cube06_side3 cube06_side4 cube06_side5 cube06_side6
-        cube07_side1 cube07_side2 cube07_side3 cube07_side4 cube07_side5 cube07_side6
-        cube08_side1 cube08_side2 cube08_side3 cube08_side4 cube08_side5 cube08_side6
-        cube09_side1 cube09_side2 cube09_side3 cube09_side4 cube09_side5 cube09_side6
-        cube10_side1 cube10_side2 cube10_side3 cube10_side4 cube10_side5 cube10_side6
-        cube11_side1 cube11_side2 cube11_side3 cube11_side4 cube11_side5 cube11_side6
-        cube12_side1 cube12_side2 cube12_side3 cube12_side4 cube12_side5 cube12_side6
-        floor
-)' \
-    0.001 \
-    -overwrite
-# Copy the system settings over to the wall film region
-rm -rf system/wallFilmRegion
-cp -r system/wallFilmRegion.org system/wallFilmRegion
-find ./0 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec \
-    sed -i "s/wallFilm/\"(region0_to.*)\"/g" {} \;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4b54407ca39c536bfa767c7ac7cca671a17627..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/chemistryProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      chemistryProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
-chemistry       off;
-turbulentReaction off;
-chemistrySolver ode;
-initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
-    cTauChem        0.001;
-    cTauChem        0.05;
-    equilibriumRateLimiter off;
-    ODESolver       RK;
-    eps             0.05;
-    scale           1;
-Cmix            Cmix [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
deleted file mode 100644
index aab03116f8d7f62687304d2c8bf7e816922a6649..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    object      blockMeshDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-convertToMeters 1;
-    (0 0 0)
-    (1 0 0)
-    (1 1 0)
-    (0 1 0)
-    (0 0 1.5)
-    (1 0 1.5)
-    (1 1 1.5)
-    (0 1 1.5)
-    hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (80 80 120) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
-    wall walls
-    (
-        (0 4 7 3)
-        (2 6 5 1)
-        (4 5 6 7)
-        (3 7 6 2)
-        (1 5 4 0)
-    )
-    wall wallFilm
-    (
-        (0 3 2 1)
-    )
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary
deleted file mode 100644
index 597ee60bc3989f7b532a23140f6fde271271466c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25882 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
-    location    "constant/polyMesh";
-    object      boundary;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    walls
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          44800;
-        startFace       2121728;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2166528;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2166784;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2167040;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2167296;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side4;
-        offsets         
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2167552;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side5;
-        offsets         
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2167808;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube01_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2168064;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2168320;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2168576;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2168832;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2169088;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2169344;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube02_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2169600;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2169856;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2170112;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side3;
-        offsets         
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2170368;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2170624;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2170880;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube03_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2171136;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2171392;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2171648;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side3;
-        offsets         
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2171904;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2172160;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side5;
-        offsets         
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2172416;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube04_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2172672;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side1;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2172928;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2173184;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2173440;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2173696;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2173952;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube05_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2174208;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side1;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2174464;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2174720;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2174976;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2175232;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2175488;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube06_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2175744;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2176000;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2176256;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2176512;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2176768;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side5;
-        offsets         
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2177024;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube07_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2177280;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2177536;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2177792;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2178048;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2178304;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side5;
-        offsets         
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2178560;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube08_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2178816;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2179072;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2179328;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -4.163336342e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2179584;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2179840;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2180096;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube09_side6;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.387778781e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.387778781e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2180352;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side1;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2180608;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side2;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2180864;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2181120;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2181376;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2181632;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube10_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2181888;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side1;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2182144;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side2;
-        offsets         
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2182400;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2182656;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2182912;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.387778781e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2183168;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube11_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(4.440892099e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 2.775557562e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 8.326672685e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.775557562e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side1
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2183424;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side1;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side2
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2183680;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side2;
-        offsets         
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side3
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2183936;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side3;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side4
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2184192;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side4;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side5
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2184448;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side5;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-4.440892099e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16)
-(-0 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side6
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          256;
-        startFace       2184704;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_cube12_side6;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 -2.220446049e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -1.110223025e-16)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17)
-(-0 -0 5.551115123e-17)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_floor
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          6400;
-        startFace       2184960;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_floor;
-        offsets         
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-3.469446952e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
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-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-4.163336342e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.081668171e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.081668171e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-8.326672685e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
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-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -4.440892099e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.665334537e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-5.551115123e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.665334537e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(4.440892099e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(3.330669074e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -4.163336342e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-3.330669074e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 8.326672685e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -2.775557562e-17 -0)
-(2.220446049e-16 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(1.110223025e-16 5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -5.551115123e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-2.220446049e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.220446049e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -3.330669074e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-0 1.110223025e-16 -0)
-(-1.110223025e-16 -1.110223025e-16 -0)
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/radiationProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/radiationProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index fd30fcbd94260466fc73c1fdb10d35e0b7a53054..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/radiationProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      radiationProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-radiation       off;
-radiationModel  none;
-solverFreq      10;
-    C               C [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
-absorptionEmissionModel binaryAbsorptionEmission;
-    model1
-    {
-        absorptionEmissionModel constantAbsorptionEmission;
-        constantAbsorptionEmissionCoeffs
-        {
-            a               a [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
-            e               e [ 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 ] 0.5;
-            E               E [ 1 -1 -3 0 0 0 0 ] 0;
-        }
-    }
-    model2
-    {
-        absorptionEmissionModel cloudAbsorptionEmission;
-        cloudAbsorptionEmissionCoeffs
-        {
-            cloudNames
-            (
-                reactingCloud1
-            );
-        }
-    }
-scatterModel    cloudScatter;
-    cloudNames
-    (
-        reactingCloud1
-    );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b155848abc0c577611b4fc3f2fb7eed0c7f2dd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/thermophysicalProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      thermophysicalProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-thermoType      hsPsiMixtureThermo<reactingMixture<gasThermoPhysics>>;
-chemistryReader foamChemistryReader;
-foamChemistryFile "$FOAM_CASE/constant/foam.inp";
-foamChemistryThermoFile "$FOAM_CASE/constant/foam.dat";
-inertSpecie     N2;
-    liquidComponents ( H2O );
-    H2O
-    {
-        defaultCoeffs   yes;
-    }
-    solidComponents ( );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createObstacle.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createObstacle.setSet
deleted file mode 100644
index b20f4dce2f844ee9553e8a2810483b56e17471f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createObstacle.setSet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-cellSet c0 new
-cellSet c0 invert
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.1 0.1 0.1) (0.3 0.3 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.4 0.1 0.1) (0.6 0.3 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.7 0.1 0.1) (0.9 0.3 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.1 0.1 0.4) (0.3 0.3 0.6)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.4 0.1 0.4) (0.6 0.3 0.6)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.7 0.1 0.4) (0.9 0.3 0.6)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.1 0.4 0.1) (0.3 0.6 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.4 0.4 0.1) (0.6 0.6 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.7 0.4 0.1) (0.9 0.6 0.3)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.1 0.4 0.4) (0.3 0.6 0.6)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.4 0.4 0.4) (0.6 0.6 0.6)
-cellSet c0 delete boxToCell (0.7 0.4 0.4) (0.9 0.6 0.6)
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f24ec2264f4399f5ddf42560a50a1f1207d6eb0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/createWallFilmZone.setSet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-faceSet wallFilmFaces new patchToFace wallFilm
-faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setToFaceZone wallFilmFaces
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/patchifyObstacles b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/patchifyObstacles
deleted file mode 100755
index f4afaca073193907263ecf947ec36ef82800f7a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/patchifyObstacles
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-    name=$1
-    x1=$2
-    x2=$3
-    y1=$4
-    y2=$5
-    z1=$6
-    z2=$7
-    echo "faceSet ${name} new boxToFace ($x1 $y1 $z1) ($x2 $y2 $z2)" >> $tmpSetSet
-    echo "cellSet ${name}Cells new faceToCell ${name} owner" >> $tmpSetSet
-    echo "faceZoneSet ${name} new setsToFaceZone ${name} ${name}Cells" >> $tmpSetSet
-    echo "   $name: (x1=$x1 y1=$y1 z1=$z1) (x2=$x2 y2=$y2 z2=$z2)"
-# loop over cubes
-for xi in $(seq 1 1 $nx); do
-   y=$y0
-   for yi in $(seq 1 1 $ny); do
-       z=$z0
-       for zi in $(seq 1 1 $nz); do
-           echo "processing cube $n"
-           pad=""
-           if [ $n -lt 10 ]; then
-               pad="0"
-           fi
-           # side 1
-           side=1
-           x1=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 - $3}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           #  side 2
-           side=2
-           x1=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 - $3}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $tol  | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           # side 3
-           side=3
-           x1=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           # side 4
-           side=4
-           x1=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           # side 5
-           side=5
-           x1=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 - $3}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           # side 6
-           side=6
-           x1=`echo $x $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           x2=`echo $x $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           y1=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           y2=`echo $y $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-           z1=`echo $z $tol | awk '{print $1 - $2}'`
-           z2=`echo $z $l $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2 + $3}'`
-           createSetsAndZone cube${pad}${n}_side${side} $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 $z1 $z2
-           let n+=1
-           z=`echo $z $offset | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-       done
-       y=`echo $y $offset | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-   done
-   x=`echo $x $offset | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-echo "processing floor"
-floorMax=`echo 1 $tol | awk '{print $1 + $2}'`
-createSetsAndZone floor -$tol $floorMax -$tol $floorMax -$tol $tol
-setSet -batch $tmpSetSet >> log.setSet.patchifyObstacles
-rm -f $tmpSetSet
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/controlDict
deleted file mode 100644
index 7700c982d168f1a5d2ae07668008c55b36834476..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/controlDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      controlDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-application     reactingParcelFilmFoam;
-startFrom       startTime;
-startTime       0;
-stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         2;
-deltaT          1e-04;
-writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.025; // 0.1;
-purgeWrite      0;
-writeFormat     ascii;
-writePrecision  10;
-writeCompression off;
-timeFormat      general;
-timePrecision   6;
-runTimeModifiable true;
-adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           0.5;
-maxDeltaT       0.005;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSchemes
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d68d95cfd6a22f84bd6231218bc3f57f93ac06b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSchemes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      fvSchemes;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    default         Euler;
-    default         Gauss linear;
-    grad(p)         Gauss linear;
-    default         none;
-    div(phi,U)      Gauss upwind;
-    div(phid,p)     Gauss upwind;
-    div(phiU,p)     Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,h)     Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,k)      Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
-    div(U)          Gauss linear;
-    div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,Yi_h)   Gauss upwind;
-    default         Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(mut,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,h) Gauss linear corrected;
-    default         linear;
-    default         corrected;
-    default         no;
-    p;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes
deleted file mode 100644
index d164ec0424eb0a39a7db8e39326ae4a24b32c2a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSchemes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      fvSchemes;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    default none;
-    ddt(deltaf*rhof) Euler;
-    ddt(rhof,deltaf) Euler;
-    ddt(deltaf*rhof,Uf) Euler;
-    ddt(deltaf*rhof,hsf) Euler;
-    default none;
-    div(phi,Uf) Gauss upwind;
-    div(phid,deltaf) Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,hsf) Gauss upwind;
-    default none;
-    grad(pL) Gauss linear;
-    grad(sigmaf) Gauss linear;
-    snGradCorr(deltaf) Gauss linear;
-    snGradCorr(pp) Gauss linear;
-    snGradCorr(pu) Gauss linear;
-    default none;
-    laplacian(sigmaf,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-//    laplacian((interpolate(((deltaf*rhof)*(1|A(Uf))))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-//    laplacian((interpolate((deltaf*rhof*(1|A(Uf))))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-//    laplacian(((interpolate(deltaf)*interpolate((deltaf*rhof*(1|A(Uf)))))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-    laplacian((((interpolate(deltaf)*interpolate((deltaf*(1|A(Uf)))))*interpolate(rhof))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-    snGrad(p) uncorrected;
-    snGrad(deltaf) uncorrected;
-    default no;
-    deltaf;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution
deleted file mode 100644
index 25af4cb12f0bcb939761d3df0db58fb03c881ad4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/wallFilmRegion.org/fvSolution
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      fvSolution;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    "(Uf|hsf|deltaf\*rhof)"
-    {
-        solver          smoothSolver;
-        smoother        GaussSeidel;
-        tolerance       1e-10;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    deltaf
-    {
-        solver          smoothSolver;
-        smoother        GaussSeidel;
-        tolerance       1e-10;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    momentumPredictor true;
-    nOuterCorr      1;
-    nCorr           1;
-    nNonOrthCorr    0;
-    dfMin           1e-10;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ea6464ba6273f4c3109b6727ed5c35960a60b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 852480148a67c514794b81bbe950f82db4cd434e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a992099e7c47db64595cb9197d216b65d932d53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
deleted file mode 100644
index 476361990a3266d7f309a69b33755c203ad9f7c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      deltaf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 0.001;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 3771775f8f40f14574d1abedb6d3fb9b45915dfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
deleted file mode 100644
index bb5bbfa84550f095f71465f9e5dfaf57ee0df450..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/T
deleted file mode 100644
index 29ea6464ba6273f4c3109b6727ed5c35960a60b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  300;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         300;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 300;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 852480148a67c514794b81bbe950f82db4cd434e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a992099e7c47db64595cb9197d216b65d932d53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/USpf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      USpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // kg.m/s/(m2.s)
-internalField   uniform  (0 0 0);
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         (0 0 0);
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
deleted file mode 100644
index 476361990a3266d7f309a69b33755c203ad9f7c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      deltaf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 0 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 0.001;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3771775f8f40f14574d1abedb6d3fb9b45915dfc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform  100000;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedInternalValue;
-        average         100000;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 100000;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
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deleted file mode 100644
index bb5bbfa84550f095f71465f9e5dfaf57ee0df450..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/pSpf
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0/wallFilmRegion";
-    object      pSpf;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; // Pa
-internalField   uniform  0.0;
-    wallFilmFaces_top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedFixedPushedInternalValue;
-        average         0.0;
-        setAverage      no;
-        value           uniform 0.0;
-    }
-    side1
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side2
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side3
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    side4
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun
deleted file mode 100755
index d4d7bdd7f75b80e016f27f56cb0da8b5192e0676..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
-runApplication `getApplication`
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/chemistryProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/chemistryProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4b54407ca39c536bfa767c7ac7cca671a17627..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/chemistryProperties
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@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
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-    object      chemistryProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
-chemistry       off;
-turbulentReaction off;
-chemistrySolver ode;
-initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
-    cTauChem        0.001;
-    cTauChem        0.05;
-    equilibriumRateLimiter off;
-    ODESolver       RK;
-    eps             0.05;
-    scale           1;
-Cmix            Cmix [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] 1;
-// ************************************************************************* //
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index 27c95adb95dbd74ea3ae2fee325f6a150eca5928..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/foam.dat
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
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-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
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-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    nMoles          1;
-    molWeight       31.9988;
-    Tlow            200;
-    Thigh           5000;
-    Tcommon         1000;
-    highCpCoeffs    ( 3.69758 0.00061352 -1.25884e-07 1.77528e-11 -1.13644e-15 -1233.93 3.18917 );
-    lowCpCoeffs     ( 3.21294 0.00112749 -5.75615e-07 1.31388e-09 -8.76855e-13 -1005.25 6.03474 );
-    As              1.67212e-06;
-    Ts              170.672;
-    nMoles          1;
-    molWeight       18.0153;
-    Tlow            200;
-    Thigh           5000;
-    Tcommon         1000;
-    highCpCoeffs    ( 2.67215 0.00305629 -8.73026e-07 1.201e-10 -6.39162e-15 -29899.2 6.86282 );
-    lowCpCoeffs     ( 3.38684 0.00347498 -6.3547e-06 6.96858e-09 -2.50659e-12 -30208.1 2.59023 );
-    As              1.67212e-06;
-    Ts              170.672;
-    nMoles          1;
-    molWeight       28.0134;
-    Tlow            200;
-    Thigh           5000;
-    Tcommon         1000;
-    highCpCoeffs    ( 2.92664 0.00148798 -5.68476e-07 1.0097e-10 -6.75335e-15 -922.798 5.98053 );
-    lowCpCoeffs     ( 3.29868 0.00140824 -3.96322e-06 5.64152e-09 -2.44486e-12 -1020.9 3.95037 );
-    As              1.67212e-06;
-    Ts              170.672;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/foam.inp b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/foam.inp
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index 84c3df95ee991c31b4e09c14ebfd8f63213dc092..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/foam.inp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-    O2
-    H2O
-    N2
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index 02bc20fec4f3f3198cda615fea3f35009ebbf59e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/polyMesh/boundary
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@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
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-    walls
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          700;
-        startFace       1150;
-    }
-    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
-    {
-        type            directMappedWall;
-        nFaces          600;
-        startFace       1850;
-        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
-        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
-        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces;
-        offsets         
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(4.163336342e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
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-(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.040834086e-17 -0)
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-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
-(2.775557562e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
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-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
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-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-4.33680869e-19 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -1.084202172e-19 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
-(-2.602085214e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -1.040834086e-17 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(8.67361738e-19 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
-(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 1.084202172e-19 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.734723476e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.168404345e-19 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.084202172e-19 -0)
-(-0 -1.301042607e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -2.168404345e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-2.775557562e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -2.168404345e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -2.168404345e-19 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 4.33680869e-19 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -2.602085214e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(1.387778781e-17 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 -0 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(-2.081668171e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-6.938893904e-18 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
-(-1.387778781e-17 8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
-(-0 -0 -0)
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/createPatchDict
deleted file mode 100644
index e4d587b59a2f051a066357d6f4b4c9d03898785a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/createPatchDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    object      createPatchDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1e-3;
-// Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
-pointSync false;
-// Patches to create.
-    // none
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/decomposeParDict
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/decomposeParDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      decomposeParDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-numberOfSubdomains 4;
-method          scotch;
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "";
-distributed     no;
-roots           ( );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1cc2e2de3eb51b6fc84959b9e0ba09bc8ba61a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\                           
-| =========                 |                                                 |                           
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |                           
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |                           
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |                           
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |                           
-    version     2.0;                                                                                      
-    format      ascii;                                                                                    
-    class       dictionary;                                                                               
-    object      extrudeToRegionMeshDict;                                                                  
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //                           
-region          wallFilmRegion;        
-faceZones       (wallFilmFaces);
-adaptMesh       true;
-oneD            false;
-extrudeModel    linearNormal;       
-nLayers         1;
-expansionRatio  1;
-    thickness       0.01;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/wallFilmRegion.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/wallFilmRegion.setSet
deleted file mode 100644
index b03add4b12ba7b21c00fd405b998c43f75b1cde8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/wallFilmRegion.setSet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Create face zone 
-faceSet wallFilmFaces new patchToFace filmWalls
-cellSet wallFilmFacesCells new faceToCell wallFilmFaces owner
-faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setsToFaceZone wallFilmFaces wallFilmFacesCells
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/H2O
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/H2O
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/H2O
index 1663f1f96b5647f1f739315b959df020c9ef8596..c1040eecef84b92a5f7ac612970a379c1a97c3cf 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/H2O
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/H2O
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/N2
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/N2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/N2
index 0515c3a6a1784f56b3b6cd516a2db67ea1ac3efa..0ff5fca8ced2532b66ef5868c9c9e94aa2465838 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/N2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/N2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/O2
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/O2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/O2
index 7281e308d485b14976398c42e5489c52dc4eeee0..000ad6391c9832c4f266622a12e65129a9e55233 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/O2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/O2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/T
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/T
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/T
index c644be42aaa5ed739d89674ff8b64a7a6e8781ca..401abd83edd0c601fc98787baf945a5dd9911c08 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/T
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/T
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ internalField   uniform 300;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform 300;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/U
similarity index 91%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/U
index 0a9503cb0e7bfd24f8ddc1ea029719070a74d1fa..bbc1b46eddaa865ae4a8e067eacf47ed0b698f79 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/U
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/U
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ FoamFile
 dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0); 
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    walls
+    sides
-        type            fixedValue;
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d41ed7bb752e806860ee59dfb5b13fd3c1906a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    sides
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p_rgh
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p_rgh
index a0b9a7c9d43e884da3fdb19b260e6b07b25b746d..0a4911a476ea23e713d3e055aa44cb8c96332466 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ internalField   uniform 100000;
-    walls
+    sides
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
similarity index 94%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
index a0b3f083501918b8af952da51bb5beba46aee388..27907a23e34ce91405d3730a652de1f74427e537 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ boundaryField
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 300.0;
+        type            zeroGradient;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
index 9ceaf96cee19dc3bf0a45e2831c56d2845422b96..f62ab5eab4b1aba7a172b58f2aca00b98c27f349 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ boundaryField
-        type            slip;
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
@@ -51,10 +52,10 @@ boundaryField
-        type            filmHeightInletVelocity;
-        rho             rhof;
+        type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
similarity index 93%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
index 10866dd06c0b9749eb8383b83f9edd4fb8abd566..ed6be8ec4b5e2a248d2fc407cc310a9731a53923 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -31,20 +31,26 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
-    left
+    side1
         type            zeroGradient;
-    right
+    side2
         type            zeroGradient;
-    frontAndBack
+    side3
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    side4
         type            zeroGradient;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/H2O b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/H2O
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/H2O
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/H2O
index 1663f1f96b5647f1f739315b959df020c9ef8596..c1040eecef84b92a5f7ac612970a379c1a97c3cf 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/H2O
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/H2O
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.0;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/N2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/N2
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/N2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/N2
index 0515c3a6a1784f56b3b6cd516a2db67ea1ac3efa..0ff5fca8ced2532b66ef5868c9c9e94aa2465838 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/N2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/N2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.79;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/O2 b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/O2
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/O2
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/O2
index 7281e308d485b14976398c42e5489c52dc4eeee0..000ad6391c9832c4f266622a12e65129a9e55233 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/O2
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/O2
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ internalField   uniform 0.21;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            zeroGradient;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/T
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/T
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/T
index c644be42aaa5ed739d89674ff8b64a7a6e8781ca..401abd83edd0c601fc98787baf945a5dd9911c08 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/T
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/T
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ internalField   uniform 300;
-    walls
+    sides
         type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform 300;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/U
similarity index 91%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/U
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/U
index 0a9503cb0e7bfd24f8ddc1ea029719070a74d1fa..bbc1b46eddaa865ae4a8e067eacf47ed0b698f79 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/U
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/U
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ FoamFile
 dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0); 
+internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    walls
+    sides
-        type            fixedValue;
+        type            pressureInletOutletVelocity;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d41ed7bb752e806860ee59dfb5b13fd3c1906a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       volScalarField;
+    location    "0";
+    object      p;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+dimensions      [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0];
+internalField   uniform 100000;
+    sides
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            calculated;
+        value           $internalField;
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p_rgh
similarity index 89%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/p
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p_rgh
index a0b9a7c9d43e884da3fdb19b260e6b07b25b746d..0a4911a476ea23e713d3e055aa44cb8c96332466 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/p
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/p_rgh
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       volScalarField;
     location    "0";
-    object      p;
+    object      p_rgh;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ internalField   uniform 100000;
-    walls
+    sides
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
-        type            zeroGradient;
+        type            buoyantPressure;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
similarity index 94%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
index a0b3f083501918b8af952da51bb5beba46aee388..27907a23e34ce91405d3730a652de1f74427e537 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0.org/wallFilmRegion/Tf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Tf
@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ boundaryField
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 300.0;
+        type            zeroGradient;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
index 9ceaf96cee19dc3bf0a45e2831c56d2845422b96..f62ab5eab4b1aba7a172b58f2aca00b98c27f349 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/Uf
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ boundaryField
-        type            slip;
+        type            fixedValue;
+        value           uniform (0 0 0);
@@ -51,10 +52,10 @@ boundaryField
-        type            filmHeightInletVelocity;
-        rho             rhof;
+        type            fixedValue;
         value           uniform (0 0 0);
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
similarity index 93%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
index 10866dd06c0b9749eb8383b83f9edd4fb8abd566..ed6be8ec4b5e2a248d2fc407cc310a9731a53923 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/0.org/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/0/wallFilmRegion/deltaf
@@ -31,20 +31,26 @@ boundaryField
         type            zeroGradient;
-    left
+    side1
         type            zeroGradient;
-    right
+    side2
         type            zeroGradient;
-    frontAndBack
+    side3
+    {
+        type            zeroGradient;
+    }
+    side4
         type            zeroGradient;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allclean b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allclean
similarity index 76%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allclean
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allclean
index e20e42e474844545fde0a725def457f74fbf91bc..50d71cadc33ae76ed7d264ab889a617c67f2ebda 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allclean
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
+rm -rf constant/wallFilmRegion
 rm -rf 0
 cp -rf 0.org 0
 rm -f *.obj
+#rm -rf VTK
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f01aae71c93dbf30a27dcec49b45540d2867a12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
+runApplication $application
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun.pre b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun.pre
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun.pre
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun.pre
index 9a69e3b490ac8ceb86cdbe238fc29fb3c32fb52c..9a3ccd9521a07066a40d0e5746c8604f208f8e04 100755
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/Allrun.pre
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/Allrun.pre
@@ -12,4 +12,3 @@ runApplication setSet -region wallFilmRegion -batch createWallFilmRegionPatches.
 mv log.setSet log.createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
 runApplication createPatch -region wallFilmRegion -overwrite
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/additionalControls b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/additionalControls
similarity index 95%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/additionalControls
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/additionalControls
index cd51e006838aed5174bd5933149132c33fb4df55..dbbbbf342c36e9bd9d061917f465626fde01fb71 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/additionalControls
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/additionalControls
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-solvePrimaryRegion false; // true;
+solvePrimaryRegion true; // false; // true;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/reactingCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/chemistryProperties
similarity index 80%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/chemistryProperties
index 9e287502899501a57cff70d564b989664513b870..fca4f15a5cacd9815e78fb5fd469bb34807f1c5e 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/chemistryProperties
@@ -11,14 +11,19 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      reactingCloud1Properties;
+    object      chemistryProperties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    active          false;
+psiChemistryModel ODEChemistryModel<gasThermoPhysics>;
+chemistry       off;
+turbulentReaction off;
+chemistrySolver noChemistrySolver;
+initialChemicalTimeStep 1e-07;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/additionalControls b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/combustionProperties
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/additionalControls
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/combustionProperties
index cd51e006838aed5174bd5933149132c33fb4df55..4d6e2a96b0030adb10594884242240aff3cc76b9 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/additionalControls
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/combustionProperties
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      additionalControls;
+    object      combustionProperties;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-solvePrimaryRegion false; // true;
+combustionModel    none;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/foam.dat b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/foam.dat
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/foam.dat
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/foam.dat
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/foam.inp b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/foam.inp
similarity index 92%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/foam.inp
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/foam.inp
index 84c3df95ee991c31b4e09c14ebfd8f63213dc092..fff06b38e5ea07c5e25cccc08e637384db2d568d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/foam.inp
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/foam.inp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ species
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/g b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/g
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/g
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/g
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/RASProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/parcelInjectionProperties
similarity index 82%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/RASProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/parcelInjectionProperties
index ff89fc84341ddc99161d78f10f797db77d874562..82b94b726deecbd4de2e0658be28857c1668b3b4 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/RASProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/parcelInjectionProperties
@@ -11,16 +11,13 @@ FoamFile
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
     location    "constant";
-    object      RASProperties;
+    object      scalarListList;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-RASModel        kEpsilon;
-turbulence      on;
-printCoeffs     on;
+// (x y z) (u v w) d rho mDot T cp (Y0..Y2) (Yg0..YgN) (Yl0..YlN) (Ys0..YsN)
+    (0.050 0.025 0.09) (0 0 -5) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
 // ************************************************************************* //
-/* vim: set filetype=cpp : */
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
similarity index 75%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
index 42744fdd7a9abe6017cdd16812ee551a3b223047..ab01f1281b2c6cf8d03c30a1cae50c48a444c9e5 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
@@ -15,26 +15,26 @@ FoamFile
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-convertToMeters 1;
+convertToMeters 0.1;
-    (    0     0    0)
-    ( 1.22     0    0)
-    (    0  0.51    0)
-    ( 1.22  0.51    0)
+    ( 0   0   0)
+    ( 1   0   0)
+    ( 0  0.5  0)
+    ( 1  0.5  0)
     // front
-    (    0     0  0.2)
-    ( 1.22     0  0.2)
-    (    0  0.51  0.2)
-    ( 1.22  0.51  0.2)
+    ( 0   0   1)
+    ( 1   0   1)
+    ( 0  0.5  1)
+    ( 1  0.5  1)
-    hex (0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ) (80 40 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
+    hex (0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 ) (20 10 20) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
@@ -43,27 +43,14 @@ edges
-    wall right
+    patch sides
         (1 5 7 3)
-    )
-    wall top
-    (
         (4 5 7 6)
-    )
-    wall left
-    (
         (4 0 2 6)
-    )
-    wall frontAndBack
-    (
         (7 3 2 6)
         (0 4 5 1)
     wall filmWalls
         (0 1 3 2)
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/boundary
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f977af7af2e89fc31ce27aa1b9795c8e5fd0c7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
+    location    "constant/polyMesh";
+    object      boundary;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    sides
+    {
+        type            patch;
+        nFaces          1400;
+        startFace       11200;
+    }
+    region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces
+    {
+        type            directMappedWall;
+        nFaces          200;
+        startFace       12600;
+        sampleMode      nearestPatchFace;
+        sampleRegion    wallFilmRegion;
+        samplePatch     region0_to_wallFilmRegion_wallFilmFaces;
+        offsetMode      nonuniform;
+        offsets
+(4.33680869e-19 4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(4.33680869e-19 -0 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(8.67361738e-19 4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-0 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(8.67361738e-19 1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-8.67361738e-19 -0 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(-1.734723476e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(3.469446952e-18 -0 -0)
+(-3.469446952e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.040834086e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.040834086e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -4.33680869e-19 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(6.938893904e-18 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-6.938893904e-18 -0 -0)
+(-2.081668171e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-4.163336342e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-4.163336342e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -8.67361738e-19 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -1.387778781e-17 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-0 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-4.163336342e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-4.163336342e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -0 -0)
+(-2.775557562e-17 -1.734723476e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -3.469446952e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+(-0 -6.938893904e-18 -0)
+(-0 -0 -0)
+(1.387778781e-17 -0 -0)
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/radiationProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/radiationProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/radiationProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/radiationProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
similarity index 53%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
index a7fd06ba49e115a18c41fc4bb30aa7b381d66289..269063a1682edcc08067440d807cd4733fd98378 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
@@ -18,27 +18,18 @@ FoamFile
     active          true;
-    coupled         true;
+    coupled         no;
     transient       yes;
-    cellValueSourceCorrection on;
+    cellValueSourceCorrection no;
-        rho
+        schemes
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        U
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        Yi
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
-        }
-        hs
-        {
-            semiImplicit    false;
+            rho             explicit 1;
+            U               explicit 1;
+            Yi              explicit 1;
+            hs              explicit 1;
@@ -55,7 +46,7 @@ solution
         U               Euler;
-        T               Analytical;
+        T               analytical;
@@ -84,88 +75,68 @@ constantProperties
     constantVolume  false;
-    gravity             on;
-    virtualMass         off;
-    pressureGradient    off;
-    paramagnetic        off;
-    InjectionModel  ConeInjectionMP;
-    DragModel       SphereDrag;
+    particleForces
+    {
+        sphereDrag;
+        gravity;
+    }
-    DispersionModel none;
+    injectionModel  reactingLookupTableInjection;
-    PatchInteractionModel StandardWallInteraction;
+    dispersionModel none;
-    HeatTransferModel none;
+    patchInteractionModel standardWallInteraction;
-    CompositionModel SinglePhaseMixture;
+    heatTransferModel none;
-    PhaseChangeModel none;
+    compositionModel singlePhaseMixture;
-    PostProcessingModel none;
+    phaseChangeModel none;
-    CollisionModel none;
+    postProcessingModel none;
-    SurfaceFilmModel ThermoSurfaceFilm; // none;
+    surfaceFilmModel thermoSurfaceFilm;
     radiation       off;
-    ConeInjectionMPCoeffs
+    reactingLookupTableInjectionCoeffs
-        SOI             0.000;
-        duration        20.000;
-        positionAxis
-        (
-            (0.3 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1)
-            (0.6 0.35 1.45) (0 0 -1)
-        );
-        massTotal       10;
-        parcelsPerInjector 20000;
-        parcelsPerSecond 500;
+        massTotal       0.1;
         parcelBasisType mass;
-        flowRateProfile constant 0.1;
-        Umag            constant 3.0;
-        thetaInner      constant 0;
-        thetaOuter      constant 45;
-        sizeDistribution
-        {
-            pdfType         RosinRammler;
-            RosinRammlerDistribution
-            {
-                minValue        5e-04;
-                maxValue        0.0012;
-                d               7.5e-05;
-                n               0.5;
-            }
-        }
+        SOI             0.01;
+        inputFile       "parcelInjectionProperties";
+        duration        10.0;
+        parcelsPerSecond 200;
-    StandardWallInteractionCoeffs
+    standardWallInteractionCoeffs
         type            rebound;
-    SinglePhaseMixtureCoeffs
+    singlePhaseMixtureCoeffs
-                H2O 1;
+                H2O          1;
-    ThermoSurfaceFilmCoeffs
-    {}
+    thermoSurfaceFilmCoeffs
+    {
+        interactionType splashBai;
+        deltaWet        0.0005;
+        dMinSplash      1e-5;
+        dMaxSplash      1e-3;
+        Adry            2630;
+        Awet            1320;
+        Cf              0.6;
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4edff7efd20cda8826ca2c2f749f90341e697429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/surfaceFilmProperties
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       dictionary;
+    location    "constant";
+    object      SurfaceFilmProperties;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+//surfaceFilmModel kinematicSingleLayer;
+surfaceFilmModel thermoSingleLayer;
+regionName      wallFilmRegion;
+active          true;
+    thermoModel constant;
+    rho0        rho0 [1 -3 0 0 0] 1000;
+    mu0         mu0 [1 -1 -1 0 0] 1e-3;
+    sigma0      sigma0 [1 0 -2 0 0] 0.07;
+    Cf          0.005;
+    injectionModels ();
+    thermoModel singleComponent;
+    liquid      H2O;
+    Cf          0.005;
+    injectionModels
+    ();
+    phaseChangeModel none;
+    radiationModel none;
+    upperSurfaceModels
+    {
+        heatTransferModel constant;
+        constantCoeffs
+        {
+            c0                1e-8;
+        }
+    }
+    lowerSurfaceModels
+    {
+        heatTransferModel constant;
+        constantCoeffs
+        {
+            c0                1e-8;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/thermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/thermophysicalProperties
similarity index 95%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/thermophysicalProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/thermophysicalProperties
index 8b155848abc0c577611b4fc3f2fb7eed0c7f2dd4..f8ade2d7b025c870cdb078664c9b709cee5f8d12 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/thermophysicalProperties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/thermophysicalProperties
@@ -25,18 +25,21 @@ foamChemistryThermoFile "$FOAM_CASE/constant/foam.dat";
 inertSpecie     N2;
-    liquidComponents ( H2O );
+    liquidComponents (H2O);
         defaultCoeffs   yes;
-    solidComponents ( );
+    solidComponents ();
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/turbulenceProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/turbulenceProperties
similarity index 100%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/constant/turbulenceProperties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/constant/turbulenceProperties
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
similarity index 99%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
index 4cbda0a4cbae636a59a9fe9d6391169d8e65d07b..1c255e9f6b64d78d84ff3f5f120eebf86ea86189 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/createWallFilmRegionPatches.setSet
@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ faceSet sideFaces1 new boxToFace (-0.00001 -0.00001 -1) (0.10001 0.00001 1)
 faceSet sideFaces2 new boxToFace ( 0.09999 -0.00001 -1) (0.10001 0.05001 1)
 faceSet sideFaces3 new boxToFace (-0.00001  0.04999 -1) (1.00001 0.05001 1)
 faceSet sideFaces4 new boxToFace (-0.00001 -0.00001 -1) (0.00001 0.05001 1)
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/controlDict
similarity index 88%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/controlDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/controlDict
index 4b43c3aedc2e70e7ecbef1887677faba7b189bbf..455b0df40b84eac23d3791f0768ecf11a4409677 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/controlDict
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@ FoamFile
 application     reactingParcelFilmFoam;
-startFrom       startTime;
+startFrom       latestTime; // startTime;
 startTime       0;
 stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         5.0;
+endTime         1;
 deltaT          1e-04;
 writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.2;
+writeInterval   0.02;
 purgeWrite      0;
@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ writeFormat     ascii;
 writePrecision  10;
-writeCompression off;
+writeCompression uncompressed;
 timeFormat      general;
 timePrecision   6;
-runTimeModifiable true;
+runTimeModifiable yes;
 adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           0.5;
+maxCo           0.3;
 maxDeltaT       1e-03;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/createPatchDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/createPatchDict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..625197ef29111abee61b33a379dcc6c5f753ffc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/createPatchDict
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
+| =========                 |                                                 |
+| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
+|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
+|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
+    version     2.0;
+    format      ascii;
+    class       dictionary;
+    object      createPatchDict;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// This application/dictionary controls:
+// - optional: create new patches from boundary faces (either given as
+//   a set of patches or as a faceSet)
+// - always: order faces on coupled patches such that they are opposite. This
+//   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
+// - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
+// Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
+// Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
+pointSync false;
+// Patches to create.
+    // none
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/decomposeParDict
similarity index 93%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/decomposeParDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/decomposeParDict
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..baf84e98bc228e1fcf7158c640d08a7002b42b01 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/decomposeParDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/decomposeParDict
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 numberOfSubdomains 4;
-method          scotch;
+method          metis;
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ hierarchicalCoeffs
     order           xyz;
+    processorWeights ( 1 1 1 1 );
     dataFile        "";
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
similarity index 65%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
index 9e287502899501a57cff70d564b989664513b870..b32faccdb8dddbd6ecca1893833166e0c9a47fb8 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/constant/reactingCloud1Properties
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/extrudeToRegionMeshDict
@@ -10,15 +10,27 @@ FoamFile
     version     2.0;
     format      ascii;
     class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      reactingCloud1Properties;
+    object      extrudeToRegionMeshDict;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+region          wallFilmRegion;
+faceZones       (wallFilmFaces);
+oneD            false;
+extrudeModel    linearNormal;
+nLayers         1;
+expansionRatio  1;
+adaptMesh       yes; // apply directMapped to both regions
-    active          false;
+    thickness       0.01;
-// ************************************************************************* //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSchemes
similarity index 91%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSchemes
index 8592bd21ba373f225dc68b195779149d803331c5..3294bacff5c02340af0d589f7da7a99717e97a15 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSchemes
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ divSchemes
     div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
     div(U)          Gauss linear;
     div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,Yi_h)   Gauss upwind;
+    div(phi,Yi_hs)  Gauss upwind;
-    default         Gauss linear limited 0.5;
+    default         Gauss linear uncorrected;
@@ -51,14 +51,15 @@ interpolationSchemes
-    default         limited 0.5;
+    default         uncorrected;
     default         no;
-    p;
+    p_rgh;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSolution
similarity index 76%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSolution
index 147d2e9dfa7e56689d2fd1afd7c2bf2110556765..50abc46a930b234236ae2f57193e58b1aebbce7b 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/multipleBoxes/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,42 +21,69 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(rho|G)Final"
+    {
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|h|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|hs)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
         relTol          0;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        $UFinal;
-    p
+    p_rgh
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
+        tolerance       0;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    p_rghFinal
+    {
+        $p_rgh;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        $hsFinal;
-    transonic       no;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     momentumPredictor yes;
+    ".*Final" 1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict
similarity index 64%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict
index 660b449f87cc5e308a50c97bed27e92727d7b9ae..2ad8690d9cdc3f726d681f156085b50a216e109d 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/createPatchDict
@@ -12,22 +12,45 @@ FoamFile
     class       dictionary;
     object      createPatchDict;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// Tolerance used in matching faces. Absolute tolerance is span of
-// face times this factor. To load incorrectly matches meshes set this
-// to a higher value.
-matchTolerance 1e-3;
+// This application/dictionary controls:
+// - optional: create new patches from boundary faces (either given as
+//   a set of patches or as a faceSet)
+// - always: order faces on coupled patches such that they are opposite. This
+//   is done for all coupled faces, not just for any patches created.
+// - optional: synchronise points on coupled patches.
+// 1. Create cyclic:
+// - specify where the faces should come from
+// - specify the type of cyclic. If a rotational specify the rotationAxis
+//   and centre to make matching easier
+// - always create both halves in one invocation with correct 'neighbourPatch'
+//   setting.
+// - optionally pointSync true to guarantee points to line up.
+// 2. Correct incorrect cyclic:
+// This will usually fail upon loading:
+//  "face 0 area does not match neighbour 2 by 0.0100005%"
+//  " -- possible face ordering problem."
+// - in polyMesh/boundary file:
+//      - loosen matchTolerance of all cyclics to get case to load
+//      - or change patch type from 'cyclic' to 'patch'
+//        and regenerate cyclic as above
 // Do a synchronisation of coupled points after creation of any patches.
+// Note: this does not work with points that are on multiple coupled patches
+//       with transformations (i.e. cyclics).
 pointSync false;
 // Patches to create.
-    {                
+    {
         // Name of new patch
-        name side1;   
+        name side1;
         // Type of new patch
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
similarity index 91%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
index 0471d1d8f938c41f7627d4e6cddd5f4dbf11d8a6..9e9385c6b57ecb5ece8bfbdf2fc7971047b315eb 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/panel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSchemes
@@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ gradSchemes
     snGradCorr(deltaf) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pp) Gauss linear;
     snGradCorr(pu) Gauss linear;
+    grad(nHat) Gauss linear;
     default none;
     laplacian(sigmaf,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
-    laplacian((((interpolate(deltaf)*interpolate((deltaf*(1|A(Uf)))))*interpolate(rhof))*interpolate(pp)),deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
+    laplacian(deltaCoeff,deltaf) Gauss linear uncorrected;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
similarity index 93%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
index 94c27c7be9cf8cd8673fba5fab90ec0f8238ffbc..3ebd00d92e878ee8f24c27bd397ba68553732809 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/system/wallFilmRegion/fvSolution
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 /*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
 | =========                 |                                                 |
 | \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev.FMGlobal                          |
+|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
 |   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
 |    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor true;
-    nOuterCorr      2;
+    nOuterCorr      1;
     nCorr           1;
     nNonOrthCorr    0;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/wallFilmRegion.setSet b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/wallFilmRegion.setSet
similarity index 53%
rename from tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/wallFilmRegion.setSet
rename to tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/wallFilmRegion.setSet
index fcbff76dabcb6a0038caafcba36a265a7e48cf59..8e2a3b4c00364f502b0c4d094960a2d415935cab 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/evaporationTest/wallFilmRegion.setSet
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/splashPanel/wallFilmRegion.setSet
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 # Create face set
 faceSet wallFilmFaces new patchToFace filmWalls
+faceZoneSet wallFilmFaces new setToFaceZone wallFilmFaces
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution
index 1261076370ea0bbdd302967c87e9f216645bf5c2..010c007ed97c27281996d6f048ebad390831c62c 100644
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/lagrangian/reactingParcelFoam/evaporationTest/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,20 +17,27 @@ FoamFile
-    "(rho|G)"
+    rho
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|hs|k|epsilon)"
+    "(U|hs)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
@@ -38,19 +45,35 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    "(Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    pFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $p;
         tolerance       1e-06;
         relTol          0;
+    "(U|hs)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        $UFinal;
+    }
+    "(Yi|O2|N2|H2O)"
+    {
+        $UFinal;
+    }
     transonic       no;
     nCorrectors     2;
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/files b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/files
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c96aaa9004f161fe6560cd50ef1a3e9a9e8fc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-EXE = $(FOAM_USER_APPBIN)/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/options b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/options
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e6907d810b423505d5164acee0b1caeea8d408..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/Make/options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-EXE_INC = \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/basic/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/intermediate/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/specie/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidProperties/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/solidMixtureProperties/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidProperties/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/properties/liquidMixtureProperties/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/thermophysicalFunctions/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/reactionThermo/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/SLGThermo/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/radiationModels/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/turbulenceModels/compressible/turbulenceModel \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/meshTools/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/regionModel/lnInclude \
-    -I$(LIB_SRC)/regionModels/surfaceFilmModels/lnInclude
-    -llagrangian \
-    -llagrangianIntermediate \
-    -lfiniteVolume \
-    -lmeshTools \
-    -lthermophysicalFunctions \
-    -lbasicThermophysicalModels \
-    -lreactionThermophysicalModels \
-    -lSLGThermo \
-    -lspecie \
-    -lradiationModels \
-    -lcompressibleRASModels \
-    -lcompressibleLESModels \
-    -lregionModels \
-    -lsurfaceFilmModels
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/UEqn.H b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/UEqn.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 28fee73086a77fdb21c9f1a6f3b6bac6b57d2614..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/UEqn.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    fvVectorMatrix UEqn
-    (
-        fvm::ddt(rho, U)
-      + fvm::div(phi, U)
-      + turbulence->divDevRhoReff(U)
-     ==
-        thermoCloud1.SU(U)
-      + kinematicCloud1.SU(U)
-      + rho.dimensionedInternalField()*g
-    );
-    UEqn.relax();
-    if (momentumPredictor)
-    {
-        solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad(p));
-    }
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createClouds.H b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createClouds.H
deleted file mode 100644
index e67571f4ec29687aefcf1403348b2ada770bf101..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createClouds.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Constructing thermoCloud1" << endl;
-    basicThermoCloud thermoCloud1
-    (
-        "thermoCloud1",
-        rho,
-        U,
-        g,
-        slgThermo
-    );
-    Info<< "Constructing kinematicCloud1" << endl;
-    basicKinematicCloud kinematicCloud1
-    (
-        "kinematicCloud1",
-        rho,
-        U,
-        thermo.mu(),
-        g
-    );
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createFields.H b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createFields.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 83aed2ffa489fa7d96734f7d6a33482222c31dab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/createFields.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-    Info<< "Reading thermophysical properties\n" << endl;
-    autoPtr<basicPsiThermo> pThermo
-    (
-        basicPsiThermo::New(mesh)
-    );
-    basicPsiThermo& thermo = pThermo();
-    SLGThermo slgThermo(mesh, thermo);
-    volScalarField& p = thermo.p();
-    volScalarField& hs = thermo.hs();
-    const volScalarField& psi = thermo.psi();
-    volScalarField rho
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "rho",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::NO_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        thermo.rho()
-    );
-    Info<< "\nReading field U\n" << endl;
-    volVectorField U
-    (
-        IOobject
-        (
-            "U",
-            runTime.timeName(),
-            mesh,
-            IOobject::MUST_READ,
-            IOobject::AUTO_WRITE
-        ),
-        mesh
-    );
-#   include "compressibleCreatePhi.H"
-    Info<< "Creating turbulence model\n" << endl;
-    autoPtr<compressible::turbulenceModel> turbulence
-    (
-        compressible::turbulenceModel::New
-        (
-            rho,
-            U,
-            phi,
-            thermo
-        )
-    );
-    Info<< "Creating field DpDt\n" << endl;
-    volScalarField DpDt
-    (
-        fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p)
-    );
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/hsEqn.H b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/hsEqn.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 62c27d08f8c46f3fe83c15b3d99071d1f1f83916..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/hsEqn.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-    fvScalarMatrix hsEqn
-    (
-        fvm::ddt(rho, hs)
-      + fvm::div(phi, hs)
-      - fvm::laplacian(turbulence->alphaEff(), hs)
-     ==
-        DpDt
-      + thermoCloud1.Sh(hs)
-    );
-    hsEqn.relax();
-    hsEqn.solve();
-    thermo.correct();
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/pEqn.H b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/pEqn.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 4168eb0e3461f9e5c15868dfaed51eb954b25ff0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/pEqn.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-rho = thermo.rho();
-volScalarField rAU(1.0/UEqn.A());
-U = rAU*UEqn.H();
-if (transonic)
-    surfaceScalarField phid
-    (
-        "phid",
-        fvc::interpolate(psi)
-       *(
-            (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
-          + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-        )
-    );
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-    {
-        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-        (
-            fvm::ddt(psi, p)
-          + fvm::div(phid, p)
-          - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        );
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            phi == pEqn.flux();
-        }
-    }
-    phi =
-        fvc::interpolate(rho)
-       *(
-            (fvc::interpolate(U) & mesh.Sf())
-          + fvc::ddtPhiCorr(rAU, rho, U, phi)
-        );
-    for (int nonOrth=0; nonOrth<=nNonOrthCorr; nonOrth++)
-    {
-        fvScalarMatrix pEqn
-        (
-            fvm::ddt(psi, p)
-          + fvc::div(phi)
-          - fvm::laplacian(rho*rAU, p)
-        );
-        pEqn.solve();
-        if (nonOrth == nNonOrthCorr)
-        {
-            phi += pEqn.flux();
-        }
-    }
-#include "rhoEqn.H"
-#include "compressibleContinuityErrs.H"
-U -= rAU*fvc::grad(p);
-DpDt = fvc::DDt(surfaceScalarField("phiU", phi/fvc::interpolate(rho)), p);
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/G b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/G
deleted file mode 100644
index 69cef399689666656984c324bef7f7c9fe72b210..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/G
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      G;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 0 -3 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    top
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1.0;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1.0;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            MarshakRadiation;
-        T               T;
-        emissivity      1.0;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/T b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/T
deleted file mode 100644
index b5521be7b638f9851aabd673977a1d40767a3a21..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/T
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      T;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 0 0 1 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 400;
-    top
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform 400;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/U b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/U
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b98140dad042a532c72a70a7df09ee3ae8dfa76..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/U
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volVectorField;
-    object      U;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform (0 0 0);
-    top
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            fixedValue;
-        value           uniform (0 0 0);
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/alphat b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/alphat
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e87a88c976c5f5c3da0728e585dd233bf19e1f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/alphat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      alphat;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    top
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            alphatWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/epsilon b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/epsilon
deleted file mode 100644
index b7941eebcaaa2299e1f0d542690360439a49b9d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/epsilon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    location    "0";
-    object      epsilon;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -3 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 5390.5;
-    top
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 5390.5;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 5390.5;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            compressible::epsilonWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 5390.5;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/k b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/k
deleted file mode 100644
index acd719c1433a39c1a45166d5a8c0e7a38d285f46..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/k
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
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-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 2 -2 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 37.5;
-    top
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 37.5;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 37.5;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            compressible::kqRWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 37.5;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/mut b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/mut
deleted file mode 100644
index f586f8ac11086a3aa70294f8639e835575a2c57c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/mut
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
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-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0];
-internalField   uniform 0;
-    top
-    {
-        type            mutkWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            mutkWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            mutkWallFunction;
-        value           uniform 0;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/p b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/p
deleted file mode 100644
index af9dc4be7d19176538463ebe07fff85f2d6b4ec0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/0/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2549 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       volScalarField;
-    object      p;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
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-internalField   nonuniform List<scalar>
-    top
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            zeroGradient;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/g b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/g
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fea433a003518e15418a7270bcf4842db7b2126..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/g
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
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-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-dimensions      [0 1 -2 0 0 0 0];
-value           ( 0 -9.81 0 );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Positions b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Positions
deleted file mode 100644
index 21af8dbc7cc65731c6ce79815afc20c26d02c3bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Positions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       vectorField;
-    object      kinematicCloud1Positions;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-(0.0075 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0125 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0175 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0225 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0275 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0325 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0375 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0425 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0475 0.5 0.05)
-(0.0075 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0125 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0175 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0225 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0275 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0325 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0375 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0425 0.4 0.05)
-(0.0475 0.4 0.05)
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Properties b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Properties
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1209a11fc84fb3174a56de4a4a49bb65c9df13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/kinematicCloud1Properties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      kinematicCloud1Properties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    active          true;
-    coupled         true;
-    transient       yes;
-    cellValueSourceCorrection on;
-    sourceTerms
-    {
-        schemes
-        {
-            U               explicit 1;
-        }
-    }
-    interpolationSchemes
-    {
-        rho             cell;
-        U               cellPoint;
-        mu              cell;
-    }
-    integrationSchemes
-    {
-        U               Euler;
-    }
-    parcelTypeId    2;
-    rhoMin          1e-15;
-    minParticleMass 1e-15;
-    rho0            5000;
-    youngsModulus   1e9;
-    poissonsRatio   0.35;
-    particleForces
-    {
-        sphereDrag;
-        gravity;
-    }
-    injectionModel  manualInjection;
-    dispersionModel stochasticDispersionRAS;
-    patchInteractionModel standardWallInteraction;
-    postProcessingModel none;
-    surfaceFilmModel none;
-    manualInjectionCoeffs
-    {
-        massTotal       0.0002;
-        parcelBasisType mass;
-        SOI             0;
-        positionsFile   "kinematicCloud1Positions";
-        U0              ( 0 0 0 );
-        sizeDistribution
-        {
-            type        RosinRammler;
-            RosinRammlerDistribution
-            {
-                minValue        5e-05;
-                maxValue        0.0001;
-                d               7.5e-05;
-                n               0.5;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    standardWallInteractionCoeffs
-    {
-        type            rebound;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
deleted file mode 100644
index 682fa07bdcfe7ffdd9d3309136b42daa319aa85b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    object      blockMeshDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-convertToMeters 1.0;
-    (0     0     0)
-    (0.05  0     0)
-    (0.05  0.5   0)
-    (0     0.5   0)
-    (0     0     0.1)
-    (0.05  0     0.1)
-    (0.05  0.5   0.1)
-    (0     0.5   0.1)
-    (0.5   0     0)
-    (0.5   0.5   0)
-    (0.5   0     0.1)
-    (0.5   0.5   0.1)
-    (0.05  1     0)
-    (0     1     0)
-    (0.05  1     0.1)
-    (0     1     0.1)
-    hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)     (5 50 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
-    hex (1 8 9 2 5 10 11 6)   (40 50 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
-    hex (3 2 12 13 7 6 14 15) (5 50 1) simpleGrading (1 1 1)
-    wall top
-    (
-        (13 15 14 12)
-    )
-    wall bottom
-    (
-        (0 1 5 4)
-        (1 8 10 5)
-    )
-    wall walls
-    (
-        (8 9 11 10)
-        (9 2 6 11)
-        (2 12 14 6)
-    )
-    symmetryPlane symmetry
-    (
-        (4 7 3 0)
-        (7 15 13 3)
-    )
-    empty frontAndBack
-    (
-        (0 3 2 1)
-        (3 13 12 2)
-        (1 2 9 8)
-        (5 6 7 4)
-        (6 14 15 7)
-        (10 11 6 5)
-    )
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/boundary
deleted file mode 100644
index fdcd8938f872a8098f3fd291b10f7013a0211c39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       polyBoundaryMesh;
-    location    "constant/polyMesh";
-    object      boundary;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    top
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          5;
-        startFace       4855;
-    }
-    bottom
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          45;
-        startFace       4860;
-    }
-    walls
-    {
-        type            wall;
-        nFaces          140;
-        startFace       4905;
-    }
-    symmetry
-    {
-        type            symmetryPlane;
-        nFaces          100;
-        startFace       5045;
-    }
-    frontAndBack
-    {
-        type            empty;
-        nFaces          5000;
-        startFace       5145;
-    }
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Positions b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Positions
deleted file mode 100644
index 32278f5681fd3cbd1d3e7876cf5504ca49d38ea3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermoCloud1Positions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       vectorField;
-    object      limestonePositions;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-(0.0075 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0125 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0175 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0225 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0275 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0325 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0375 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0425 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0475 0.55 0.05)
-(0.0075 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0125 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0175 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0225 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0275 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0325 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0375 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0425 0.45 0.05)
-(0.0475 0.45 0.05)
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermophysicalProperties b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermophysicalProperties
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d196f30ed22a612d3b8680f38fec8cbcbae6ce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/constant/thermophysicalProperties
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "constant";
-    object      thermophysicalProperties;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-thermoType      hsPsiThermo<pureMixture<constTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>>;
-    nMoles          1;
-    molWeight       28.9;
-    Cp              1007;
-    Hf              0;
-    mu              1.84e-05;
-    Pr              0.7;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/controlDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/controlDict
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8745b62b9cc5376010dc600ec221d199c82da3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/controlDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      controlDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-application     rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam;
-startFrom       latestTime;
-startTime       0;
-stopAt          endTime;
-endTime         0.5;
-deltaT          0.0001;
-writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
-writeInterval   0.01;
-purgeWrite      0;
-writeFormat     ascii;
-writePrecision  10;
-writeCompression off;
-timeFormat      general;
-timePrecision   6;
-runTimeModifiable true;
-adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           0.2;
-maxDeltaT       1;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/decomposeParDict b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/decomposeParDict
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1e1a9083358187c43366403bbbb8c8046c655d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/decomposeParDict
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      decomposeParDict;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-numberOfSubdomains 4;
-method          scotch;
-    n               ( 2 2 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    n               ( 1 1 1 );
-    delta           0.001;
-    order           xyz;
-    dataFile        "";
-distributed     no;
-roots           ( );
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSchemes
deleted file mode 100644
index d12a51f36c0d495dbfb0b073be0de750be467b26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSchemes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      fvSchemes;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    default         Euler;
-    default         Gauss linear;
-    grad(p)         Gauss linear;
-    default         none;
-    div(phi,U)      Gauss upwind;
-    div(phid,p)     Gauss upwind;
-    div(phiU,p)     Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,hs)     Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,k)      Gauss upwind;
-    div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
-    div(U)          Gauss linear;
-    div((muEff*dev2(T(grad(U))))) Gauss linear;
-    div(phi,Yi_h)   Gauss upwind;
-    default         Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(muEff,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(mut,U) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DkEff,k) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DepsilonEff,epsilon) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(DREff,R) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian((rho*(1|A(U))),p) Gauss linear corrected;
-    laplacian(alphaEff,hs) Gauss linear corrected;
-    default         linear;
-    default         corrected;
-    default         no;
-    p;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution
deleted file mode 100644
index 297f433f2d42104364f3b006d9b222d611babdab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/lagrangian/rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam/simplifiedSiwek/system/fvSolution
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\
-| =========                 |                                                 |
-| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           |
-|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  dev                                   |
-|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:      www.OpenFOAM.com                      |
-|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 |
-    version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
-    class       dictionary;
-    location    "system";
-    object      fvSolution;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-    "(rho|G)"
-    {
-        solver          PCG;
-        preconditioner  DIC;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    p
-    {
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    "(U|hs|R|k|epsilon)"
-    {
-        $p;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
-        relTol          0;
-    }
-    "(Yi|CO2|O2|N2|CH4|H2|H2O|CO)"
-    {
-        $p;
-    }
-    transonic       yes;
-    nCorrectors     2;
-    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
-    momentumPredictor yes;
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allclean
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f6efdd65d9b7e1096cb335d0a5180be5b6aa7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allclean
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+# Source tutorial clean functions
+. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/CleanFunctions
+rm 0/alpha1.gz 0/cellLevel.gz 0/pointLevel.gz constant/polyMesh/boundary \
+    > /dev/null 2>&1
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allrun b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allrun
index 262141bc7c8c2cf634a3486f533671e3f939f3f7..c9f16269d49fa78a504d26d98a328e3cf990ce59 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/Allrun
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 runApplication blockMesh
 runApplication snappyHexMesh -overwrite
-transformPoints -scale '(2 1 1)'
+if [ ! -e log.transformPoints ]
+    transformPoints -scale '(2 1 1)' > log.transformPoints 2>&1
 cp 0/alpha1.org 0/alpha1
 runApplication setFields
 runApplication `getApplication`
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSchemes
index 77c9b176542b5a0b7bf6f36500b78b47d274e170..77816cabb7317e4849c79954bbed1c64a42d7dc2 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSchemes
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ gradSchemes
-    div(rho*phi,U)  Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear;
+    div(rho*phi,U)  Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
     div(phi,alpha)  Gauss vanLeer;
     div(phirb,alpha) Gauss interfaceCompression;
     div(phi,k)      Gauss upwind;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSolution
index 0a99108beea81b2ee83defffb05bbf7cd54c7311..a99fa7eef7549e3b2b1952ba9111fd83891f03de 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/LTSInterFoam/wigleyHull/system/fvSolution
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    "(U|k|omega)"
+    "(U|k|omega).*"
         solver          smoothSolver;
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor yes;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/MRFInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/MRFInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
index de207b274a797524a804cba7b6f285530bb0bf09..1efdc3d3cc404aff0e0fec0e38f8f3025b5a6e4e 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/MRFInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/MRFInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
index 40a896ac8a67a0c262a979d742f71506e1638bcf..214345bdfe7acaeb234bace012a36f738aa2d5ab 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/MRFMultiphaseInterFoam/mixerVessel2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     4;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ PISO
-    U 1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
index 22f5e23dec62d4a609f6976dab4a51dae626b9a3..c22cf4cff54d726fb3e8c8676f13aeeb41b0c8ad 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/bubbleFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,27 +22,33 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-10;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    "(Ua|Ub|k|epsilon)"
+    pFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-05;
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-10;
         relTol          0;
-    "(alpha|beta)"
+    alpha
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-10;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    alphaFinal
+    {
+        $alpha;
+        tolerance       1e-10;
         relTol          0;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/Allrun b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/Allrun
index 93db53b842d7507446693258095c29bbf2ae43b0..bdeacd7831d2a2c15696477e68478f10fb58ff2c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/Allrun
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ refineMeshByCellSet()
    while [ $# -ge 1 ]
-      echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
-      cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
-      topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
+      if [ ! -e log.refineMesh.$1 ]
+      then
+          echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
+          cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
+          topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
-      echo "refining primary zone - $1"
-      refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+          echo "refining primary zone - $1"
+          refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+      fi
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index f0310294bf5b844cdaae7a734590b4a6b8e83846..b78429d69f9ea190c208dd617f71fa7e5fb4d2ab 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
@@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
         nFaces          51;
-        startFace       35380;
+        startFace       651284;
         type            patch;
         nFaces          51;
-        startFace       35431;
+        startFace       651335;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          640;
-        startFace       35482;
+        nFaces          2216;
+        startFace       651386;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          35580;
-        startFace       36122;
+        nFaces          651180;
+        startFace       653602;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/system/fvSolution
index 7c7d7b8ed4ec395cf904a4635b4d30aba4095f33..e2298856f048dc79e5d06bf3539802c9c5491856 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ FoamFile
-    "(rho|U|k|omega)"
+    rho
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -25,6 +33,7 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
         solver          GAMG;
@@ -45,17 +54,29 @@ solvers
         tolerance       1e-08;
         relTol          0;
+    "(U|k|omega)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|k|omega)Final"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
     nCorrectors     3;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/Allrun b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/Allrun
index f345d7dc043f0dc574811408c625e2679ecf7955..213a2a5ecf094bfac092971663a6d716f15d619c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/Allrun
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@ refineMeshByCellSet()
    while [ $# -ge 1 ]
-      echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
-      cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
-      topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
-      echo "refining primary zone - $1"
-      refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+      if [ ! -e log.refineMesh.$1 ]
+      then
+          echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
+          cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
+          topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
+          echo "refining primary zone - $1"
+          refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+      fi
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ runApplication blockMesh
 refineMeshByCellSet 1 2 3
 echo "mapping fields from 2D throttle case"
-mapFields ../throttle -sourceTime latestTime > log.mapFields 2>&1
+runApplication mapFields ../throttle -sourceTime latestTime
 runApplication decomposePar
 runParallel $application 4
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 25ebc9913304a941538202c92e67f0e6a4659f09..84ff6aae72250c49b9d709c2329e8b78705726fe 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/system/fvSolution
index 7c7d7b8ed4ec395cf904a4635b4d30aba4095f33..f326f4335006cb5158996fec9d7b6224fbed7ff1 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/les/throttle3D/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,11 +17,18 @@ FoamFile
-    "(rho|U|k|omega)"
+    rho
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
+    {
+        $rho;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
         relTol          0;
@@ -45,17 +52,28 @@ solvers
         tolerance       1e-08;
         relTol          0;
+    "(U|k|omega)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|k|omega)Final"
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
     nCorrectors     3;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/Allrun b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/Allrun
index 9f117b0ba86f3a54a3c558c64664c9187fe0a74f..37600b5049bfd7d7ba5f66902446f4fe9df287cf 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/Allrun
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/Allrun
@@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ refineMeshByCellSet()
    while [ $# -ge 1 ]
-      echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
-      cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
-      topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
+      if [ ! -e log.refineMesh.$1 ]
+      then
+          echo "creating cell set for primary zone - $1"
+          cp system/topoSetDict.$1 system/topoSetDict
+          topoSet > log.topoSet.$1 2>&1
-      echo "refining primary zone - $1"
-      refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+          echo "refining primary zone - $1"
+          refineMesh -dict -overwrite > log.refineMesh.$1 2>&1
+      fi
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index b1f230b1a863aac32e90cdd4eb39b862900f939a..c5c9836df27480fc19ab1d6f039dc66d6e4a1eca 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -21,25 +21,25 @@ FoamFile
         type            patch;
         nFaces          51;
-        startFace       57362;
+        startFace       2061220;
         type            patch;
         nFaces          51;
-        startFace       57413;
+        startFace       2061271;
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          836;
-        startFace       57464;
+        nFaces          3788;
+        startFace       2061322;
         type            empty;
-        nFaces          57540;
-        startFace       58300;
+        nFaces          2060940;
+        startFace       2065110;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/system/fvSolution
index 01dab22912625e8d716fd9650ffca7c632792ca8..e2298856f048dc79e5d06bf3539802c9c5491856 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/cavitatingFoam/ras/throttle/system/fvSolution
@@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ FoamFile
-    "(rho|U|k|omega)"
+    rho
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    rhoFinal
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -25,6 +33,7 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
         solver          GAMG;
@@ -45,16 +54,28 @@ solvers
         tolerance       1e-08;
         relTol          0;
-    nCorrectors     2;
-    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 1;
+    "(U|k|omega)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(U|k|omega)Final"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    nCorrectors     3;
+    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/Allclean
index ae79bb922fd6a55add08180ad5ea92b6398aa760..1f81d5f86a1a82fe3da7c5866fa769511be561b4 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/Allclean
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 foamCleanTutorials cases
 rm -rf processor*
-rm -rf 0/p_rgh.gz 0/alpha1.gz
+rm -rf 0/p_rgh 0/p_rgh.gz 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/system/fvSolution
index 9d09fcfdb310b02e24dd1f46a3a1a1f07d007c76..27dc3811d6c6ccaa1b0685c78493c82fa17ada82 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ solvers
         maxIter         100;
-    rho
+    "(rho|rhoFinal)"
         solver          diagonal;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     transSonic      no;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/Allclean
index a550e023bd2a4e51fb6eaa2ee2f3a6c80ea7242b..902055c7f72789a34d390cc9bea010bade61ab90 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/Allclean
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
 rm -rf processor*
-rm -rf 0/p_rgh.gz 0/alpha1.gz
+rm -rf 0/p_rgh 0/p_rgh.gz 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/system/fvSolution
index 9d09fcfdb310b02e24dd1f46a3a1a1f07d007c76..27dc3811d6c6ccaa1b0685c78493c82fa17ada82 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/compressibleInterFoam/les/depthCharge3D/system/fvSolution
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ solvers
         maxIter         100;
-    rho
+    "(rho|rhoFinal)"
         solver          diagonal;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     transSonic      no;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/damBreakWithObstacle/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/damBreakWithObstacle/system/fvSolution
index 3f91dae6d45f68b6e7189df4f364a9c4e0e9bbcc..a561182cb25c1846856f857df0a991ca610aa768 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/damBreakWithObstacle/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/damBreakWithObstacle/system/fvSolution
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/floatingObject/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/floatingObject/system/fvSolution
index 0cd58c354f14767e3f27d9fd8dc8cedc81b26a37..359560da4e043aac91f878d9a47e965e510a1408 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/floatingObject/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/floatingObject/system/fvSolution
@@ -91,25 +91,26 @@ solvers
         maxIter         20;
-    U
+    "(U|k|epsilon)"
         solver          smoothSolver;
         smoother        GaussSeidel;
         tolerance       1e-6;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         nSweeps         1;
-    "(k|epsilon|omega|R|nuTilda)"
+    "(U|k|epsilon)Final"
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
-        tolerance       1e-8;
+        solver          smoothSolver;
+        smoother        GaussSeidel;
+        tolerance       1e-6;
         relTol          0;
+        nSweeps         1;
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/Allclean
index a65375ff722ee52cde31730b6ed15ab56b8a8dfb..4ee30b518c6492f4f3673b5d986de57f13a2fb5c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
+rm -rf 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/system/fvSolution
index 12812ad7218bde5b129b2eddba0c00bc08d743a0..01a6599f96cbacc5ca94cf4b2192a6fefe7f685d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/Allclean
index a65375ff722ee52cde31730b6ed15ab56b8a8dfb..4ee30b518c6492f4f3673b5d986de57f13a2fb5c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
+rm -rf 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/system/fvSolution
index 12812ad7218bde5b129b2eddba0c00bc08d743a0..01a6599f96cbacc5ca94cf4b2192a6fefe7f685d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank2D3DoF/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/Allclean
index a65375ff722ee52cde31730b6ed15ab56b8a8dfb..4ee30b518c6492f4f3673b5d986de57f13a2fb5c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
+rm -rf 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/controlDict b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/controlDict
index 69f4f2ca46203b5851bb285c2499946106299764..c978e3a811ecc2201d74daedb8e08014bdb8d8dc 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/controlDict
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ stopAt          endTime;
 endTime         40;
-deltaT          0.01;
+deltaT          0.05;
 writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/fvSolution
index 12812ad7218bde5b129b2eddba0c00bc08d743a0..01a6599f96cbacc5ca94cf4b2192a6fefe7f685d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/Allclean
index a65375ff722ee52cde31730b6ed15ab56b8a8dfb..4ee30b518c6492f4f3673b5d986de57f13a2fb5c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
+rm -rf 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/system/fvSolution
index 12812ad7218bde5b129b2eddba0c00bc08d743a0..01a6599f96cbacc5ca94cf4b2192a6fefe7f685d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D3DoF/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/Allclean
index a65375ff722ee52cde31730b6ed15ab56b8a8dfb..4ee30b518c6492f4f3673b5d986de57f13a2fb5c 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
+rm -rf 0/alpha1 0/alpha1.gz probes wallPressure pRefProbe
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/system/fvSolution
index 12812ad7218bde5b129b2eddba0c00bc08d743a0..01a6599f96cbacc5ca94cf4b2192a6fefe7f685d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/sloshingTank3D6DoF/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/testTubeMixer/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/testTubeMixer/system/fvSolution
index 3764ff4c6e98cd88af8282252a37ae33ef21d45e..20d127dbc6847a553b499096e8744e3ff07467f9 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/testTubeMixer/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interDyMFoam/ras/testTubeMixer/system/fvSolution
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U               1;
+    "U.*"           1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/capillaryRise/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/capillaryRise/system/fvSolution
index 657f02a1f76ea16285c719248d129ff8a4257100..e40a5a0b3d7c4308ff72c34ac0a7ef904eb21542 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/capillaryRise/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/capillaryRise/system/fvSolution
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
index 657f02a1f76ea16285c719248d129ff8a4257100..e40a5a0b3d7c4308ff72c34ac0a7ef904eb21542 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/les/nozzleFlow2D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/les/nozzleFlow2D/system/fvSolution
index 38782da87020e87530b47f46cdf6832e1488c3d3..0271dcc369a3303aca0bd309cf8407d8ea91a9b6 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/les/nozzleFlow2D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/les/nozzleFlow2D/system/fvSolution
@@ -77,16 +77,16 @@ solvers
         maxIter         20;
-    U
+    "(U|k)"
         solver          smoothSolver;
         smoother        GaussSeidel;
         tolerance       1e-06;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         nSweeps         1;
-    "(k|B|nuTilda)"
+    "(U|k)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     2;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/ras/damBreak/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/ras/damBreak/system/fvSolution
index 13eeae6e00127f6ec038b71e84d1568d8aa7e064..3b4404dafdbd60e7e659729356d24531777434d1 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/ras/damBreak/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interFoam/ras/damBreak/system/fvSolution
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    U
+    "(U|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    "(k|epsilon|R|nuTilda)"
+    "(U|k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/Allclean b/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/Allclean
index ec47d1656a4cec01ae52e8ef5a5c7363a249856d..781018201d43b3b588ce9738c5acd428860aa827 100755
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/Allclean
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/Allclean
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
 foamCleanTutorials cases
-rm -rf 0/alpha[1-3].gz
+rm -rf 0/alpha[1-3] 0/alpha[1-3].gz
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
index 1609ba91a4794c288a872bea11a7acd4f7c99334..4619dfd0a360e62176db921e9603532d71c78fbc 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interMixingFoam/laminar/damBreak/system/fvSolution
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     3;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 6d438fa52b4c52beadf6a7f0563f512328656dda..4f73372f0f8017101959bfa1be3bb94553fbe2f4 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ FoamFile
         type            wall;
-        nFaces          37896;
+        nFaces          37743;
         startFace       1133431;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSchemes b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSchemes
index c7632224d4e3942a8a5f13cc74b517943e348650..c3762a5d7aa2413c5c5793d409b56387380f6058 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSchemes
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSchemes
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ interpolationSchemes
     default              none;
-    div(rhoPhi,U)        Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear 1;
-    div(phi,omega)       Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear 1;
-    div(phi,k)           Gauss linearUpwind Gauss linear 1;
+    div(rhoPhi,U)        Gauss linearUpwind grad(U);
+    div(phi,omega)       Gauss linearUpwind grad(omega);
+    div(phi,k)           Gauss linearUpwind grad(k);
     div(phi,alpha)       Gauss vanLeer;
     div(phirb,alpha)     Gauss interfaceCompression;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSolution
index ea0bad663babd84221566d79540646448131741f..a8872f4a5f8e8c2753cc264c7527052102a288a5 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/interPhaseChangeFoam/cavitatingBullet/system/fvSolution
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor          no;
     nOuterCorrectors           1;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PISO
-    U                          1;
+    "U.*"                      1;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phase/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phase/system/fvSolution
index c194ad7907aace307b01bbd3eb2838e426804298..2306b1ac657f1ab002932ea025141d9106482c3d 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phase/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phase/system/fvSolution
@@ -82,12 +82,19 @@ solvers
         solver          smoothSolver;
         smoother        GaussSeidel;
         tolerance       1e-08;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         nSweeps         1;
+    UFinal
+    {
+        $U;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
     nCorrectors     4;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ PISO
-    U 1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phaseFine/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phaseFine/system/fvSolution
index cd28739cd7bbdcc97784148bcb64b293b7daf187..5f46d6dc86c0a7ceb50da9767bdadc325903a470 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phaseFine/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/multiphaseInterFoam/laminar/damBreak4phaseFine/system/fvSolution
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ solvers
     momentumPredictor no;
     nCorrectors     4;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ PISO
-    U 1;
+    "U.*"           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/controlDict b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/controlDict
index e723ac6686ca55a779ced6f3da7e186413877faa..1e498bcc7d39ca8fa3ba3d4dc0ddc5a95bbdba6c 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/controlDict
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ endTime         6400;
 deltaT          0.1;
-writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
+writeControl    runTime;
 writeInterval   20;
@@ -45,8 +45,4 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable yes;
-adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/fvSolution
index bededca933b09b23ab887ee1493becfc3beb0ea4..6ecd786033b71513392543a7589f71f5dccc7858 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/dahl/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,29 +22,27 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    "U.*"
+    p_rghFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $p_rgh;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
-    k
+    "(U|Alpha|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    epsilon
+    "(U|Alpha|k|epsilon)Final"
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $k;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
@@ -54,23 +52,29 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    Alpha
+    rhoFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
+    "U.*"           1;
+    "k.*"           1;
+    "epsilon.*"     1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/controlDict b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/controlDict
index 4a4e21da1823ed710762d6cb1a86ff7c43cbdf57..dadd06ebb9dfd7600c4c95789410ad6cae9518e0 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/controlDict
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/controlDict
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ FoamFile
 application     settlingFoam;
-startFrom       latestTime;
+startFrom       startTime;
 startTime       0;
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ endTime         8000;
 deltaT          0.1;
-writeControl    adjustableRunTime;
+writeControl    runTime;
 writeInterval   50;
@@ -45,10 +45,4 @@ timePrecision   6;
 runTimeModifiable yes;
-adjustTimeStep  yes;
-maxCo           1;
-maxDeltaT       1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/fvSolution
index b9cb13c5430a60db48ff09f085975750fb51609c..6ecd786033b71513392543a7589f71f5dccc7858 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/settlingFoam/ras/tank3D/system/fvSolution
@@ -22,29 +22,27 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    "U.*"
+    p_rghFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $p_rgh;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
-    k
+    "(U|Alpha|k|epsilon)"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    epsilon
+    "(U|Alpha|k|epsilon)Final"
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $k;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
@@ -54,31 +52,29 @@ solvers
         solver          PCG;
         preconditioner  DIC;
         tolerance       1e-07;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
-    Alpha
+    rhoFinal
-        solver          PBiCG;
-        preconditioner  DILU;
+        $rho;
         tolerance       1e-07;
         relTol          0;
-    momentumPredictor yes;
-    nOuterCorrectors  1;
-    nCorrectors       2;
-    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 1;
+    nCorrectors     2;
+    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
-    U               1;
-    k               1;
-    epsilon         1;
+    "U.*"           1;
+    "k.*"           1;
+    "epsilon.*"     1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/constant/polyMesh/boundary b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/constant/polyMesh/boundary
index 8b7772d76cb08ce4a5f00a33c114c43569d5ea6b..dd2a4252a41912216786c25217e8fa270a019442 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/constant/polyMesh/boundary
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/constant/polyMesh/boundary
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     version     2.0;
-    format      ascii;
+    format      binary;
     class       polyBoundaryMesh;
     location    "constant/polyMesh";
     object      boundary;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/system/fvSolution
index 50d3809fbedefa06da254d49a9a4bf885bc3606c..3fc3db5f29e49bdc0fb121678df442b15a116b43 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ solvers
         solver          GAMG;
         tolerance       1e-08;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         smoother        DIC;
         nPreSweeps      0;
         nPostSweeps     2;
@@ -32,7 +32,22 @@ solvers
         mergeLevels     1;
-    "(Ua|Ub|Theta|k|epsilon)"
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -40,7 +55,15 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    "(alpha|beta)"
+    alpha
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-10;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    alphaFinal
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -49,7 +72,7 @@ solvers
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed2/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed2/system/fvSolution
index ac04ffc4e34f2cd286fe35496c511f05f4786dde..3fc3db5f29e49bdc0fb121678df442b15a116b43 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed2/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bed2/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ solvers
         solver          GAMG;
         tolerance       1e-08;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         smoother        DIC;
         nPreSweeps      0;
         nPostSweeps     2;
@@ -32,7 +32,22 @@ solvers
         mergeLevels     1;
-    "(Ua|Ub|Theta|k|epsilon)"
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -40,7 +55,15 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    "(alpha|beta)"
+    alpha
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-10;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    alphaFinal
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -49,7 +72,7 @@ solvers
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
@@ -59,15 +82,5 @@ PISO
     pRefValue       0;
-    Ua              1;
-    Ub              1;
-    alpha           1;
-    beta            1;
-    Theta           1;
-    "(k|epsilon)"   1;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
index 87e79cf796dce5ca07539d50b7dbb9533affde9f..3fc3db5f29e49bdc0fb121678df442b15a116b43 100644
--- a/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
+++ b/tutorials/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/bubbleColumn/system/fvSolution
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ solvers
         solver          GAMG;
         tolerance       1e-08;
-        relTol          0;
+        relTol          0.1;
         smoother        DIC;
         nPreSweeps      0;
         nPostSweeps     2;
@@ -32,7 +32,22 @@ solvers
         mergeLevels     1;
-    "(Ua|Ub|Theta|k|epsilon)"
+    pFinal
+    {
+        $p;
+        tolerance       1e-08;
+        relTol          0;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)"
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-05;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    "(k|epsilon)Final"
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -40,7 +55,15 @@ solvers
         relTol          0;
-    "(alpha|beta)"
+    alpha
+    {
+        solver          PBiCG;
+        preconditioner  DILU;
+        tolerance       1e-10;
+        relTol          0.1;
+    }
+    alphaFinal
         solver          PBiCG;
         preconditioner  DILU;
@@ -49,12 +72,12 @@ solvers
     nCorrectors     2;
     nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
     nAlphaCorr      2;
-    correctAlpha    no;
+    correctAlpha    yes;
     pRefCell        0;
     pRefValue       0;