From c7c9a6e0034bb20fbb411294209add9a088fa826 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Olesen <Mark.Olesen@Germany>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 09:06:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Activate the reworked HashTable

- previous draft version was HashTbl
- accidentally still had canonicalSize in templated code
 src/OpenFOAM/Make/files                       |   3 +-
 .../HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.C          | 256 +++----
 .../HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.H          | 297 +++++---
 .../HashTableCore.C}                          |  34 +-
 .../HashTables/HashTable/HashTableI.H         | 454 ++++++------
 .../HashTables/HashTable/HashTableIO.C        |  17 +-
 .../HashTables/HashTable/HashTableName.C      |  33 -
 .../containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.C   | 645 ------------------
 .../containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.H   | 563 ---------------
 .../containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblI.H  | 530 --------------
 .../containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblIO.C | 249 -------
 11 files changed, 561 insertions(+), 2520 deletions(-)
 rename src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/{HashTbl/HashTblCore.C => HashTable/HashTableCore.C} (68%)
 delete mode 100644 src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableName.C
 delete mode 100644 src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.C
 delete mode 100644 src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.H
 delete mode 100644 src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblI.H
 delete mode 100644 src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblIO.C

diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files b/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
index b4915fc2881..d9a30f3a824 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/Make/files
@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ $(sha1)/SHA1Digest.C
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.C
index 10bcadc761a..4bc3921682d 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.C
@@ -30,44 +30,15 @@ License
 #include "HashTable.H"
 #include "List.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::canonicalSize(const label size)
-    if (size < 1)
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // enforce power of two
-    unsigned int goodSize = size;
-    if (goodSize & (goodSize - 1))
-    {
-        // brute-force is fast enough
-        goodSize = 1;
-        while (goodSize < unsigned(size))
-        {
-            goodSize <<= 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return goodSize;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::HashTable(const label size)
-    HashTableName(),
+    HashTableCore(),
-    tableSize_(canonicalSize(size)),
-    table_(NULL),
-    endIter_(*this, NULL, 0),
-    endConstIter_(*this, NULL, 0)
+    tableSize_(HashTableCore::canonicalSize(size)),
+    table_(NULL)
     if (tableSize_)
@@ -84,12 +55,10 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::HashTable(const label size)
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::HashTable(const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& ht)
-    HashTableName(),
+    HashTableCore(),
-    table_(NULL),
-    endIter_(*this, NULL, 0),
-    endConstIter_(*this, NULL, 0)
+    table_(NULL)
     if (tableSize_)
@@ -113,12 +82,10 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::HashTable
     const Xfer<HashTable<T, Key, Hash> >& ht
-    HashTableName(),
+    HashTableCore(),
-    table_(NULL),
-    endIter_(*this, NULL, 0),
-    endConstIter_(*this, NULL, 0)
+    table_(NULL)
@@ -182,7 +149,7 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::find
             if (key == ep->key_)
-                return iterator(*this, ep, hashIdx);
+                return iterator(this, ep, hashIdx);
@@ -195,7 +162,7 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::find
 #   endif
-    return end();
+    return iterator();
@@ -214,7 +181,7 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::find
             if (key == ep->key_)
-                return const_iterator(*this, ep, hashIdx);
+                return const_iterator(this, ep, hashIdx);
@@ -227,32 +194,32 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::find
 #   endif
-    return cend();
+    return const_iterator();
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::List<Key> Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::toc() const
-    List<Key> tofc(nElmts_);
-    label i = 0;
+    List<Key> keys(nElmts_);
+    label keyI = 0;
     for (const_iterator iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
-        tofc[i++] = iter.key();
+        keys[keyI++] = iter.key();
-    return tofc;
+    return keys;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::List<Key> Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::sortedToc() const
-    List<Key> sortedList = this->toc();
-    sort(sortedList);
+    List<Key> sortedLst = this->toc();
+    sort(sortedLst);
-    return sortedList;
+    return sortedLst;
@@ -290,7 +257,7 @@ bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::set
         table_[hashIdx] = new hashedEntry(key, table_[hashIdx], newEntry);
-        if (double(nElmts_)/tableSize_ > 0.8)
+        if (double(nElmts_)/tableSize_ > 0.8 && tableSize_ < maxTableSize)
 #           ifdef FULLDEBUG
             if (debug)
@@ -342,18 +309,22 @@ bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::set
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const iterator& cit)
+bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::erase()
-    if (cit.elmtPtr_)    // note: endIter_ also has 0 elmtPtr_
+    // note: entryPtr_ is NULL for end(), so this catches that too
+    if (entryPtr_)
-        iterator& it = const_cast<iterator&>(cit);
-        // Search element before elmtPtr_
+        // Search element before entryPtr_
         hashedEntry* prev = 0;
-        for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[it.hashIndex_]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
+        for
+        (
+            hashedEntry* ep = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_];
+            ep;
+            ep = ep->next_
+        )
-            if (ep == it.elmtPtr_)
+            if (ep == entryPtr_)
@@ -362,98 +333,76 @@ bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const iterator& cit)
         if (prev)
-            // Have element before elmtPtr
-            prev->next_ = it.elmtPtr_->next_;
-            delete it.elmtPtr_;
-            it.elmtPtr_ = prev;
+            // has an element before entryPtr - reposition to there
+            prev->next_ = entryPtr_->next_;
+            delete entryPtr_;
+            entryPtr_ = prev;
-            // elmtPtr is first element on SLList
-            table_[it.hashIndex_] = it.elmtPtr_->next_;
-            delete it.elmtPtr_;
-            // Search back for previous non-zero table entry
-            while (--it.hashIndex_ >= 0 && !table_[it.hashIndex_])
-            {}
-            if (it.hashIndex_ >= 0)
-            {
-                // In table entry search for last element
-                it.elmtPtr_ = table_[it.hashIndex_];
-                while (it.elmtPtr_ && it.elmtPtr_->next_)
-                {
-                    it.elmtPtr_ = it.elmtPtr_->next_;
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // No previous found. Mark with special value which is
-                // - not end()/cend()
-                // - handled by operator++
-                it.elmtPtr_ = reinterpret_cast<hashedEntry*>(this);
-                it.hashIndex_ = -1;
-            }
+            // entryPtr was first element on SLList
+            hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_] = entryPtr_->next_;
+            delete entryPtr_;
+            // assign any non-NULL pointer value so it doesn't look
+            // like end()/cend()
+            entryPtr_ = reinterpret_cast<hashedEntry*>(this);
+            // Mark with special hashIndex value to signal it has been rewound.
+            // The next increment will bring it back to the present location.
+            //
+            // From the current position 'curPos', we wish to continue at
+            // prevPos='curPos-1', which we mark as markPos='-curPos-1'.
+            // The negative lets us notice it is special, the extra '-1'
+            // is needed to avoid ambiguity for position '0'.
+            // To retrieve prevPos, we would later use '-(markPos+1) - 1'
+            hashIndex_ = -hashIndex_ - 1;
-        nElmts_--;
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(iterator&) : "
-                << "hashedEntry " << it.elmtPtr_->key_ << " removed.\n";
-        }
-#       endif
+        hashTable_->nElmts_--;
         return true;
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(iterator&) : "
-                << "cannot remove hashedEntry from hash table\n";
-        }
-#       endif
         return false;
+// NOTE:
+// We use (const iterator&) here, but manipulate its contents anyhow.
+// The parameter should be (iterator&), but then the compiler doesn't find
+// it correctly and tries to call as (iterator) instead.
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const Key& key)
+bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const iterator& iter)
-    iterator fnd = find(key);
+    // adjust iterator after erase
+    return const_cast<iterator&>(iter).erase();
-    if (fnd != end())
-    {
-        return erase(fnd);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const Key& key)
+    return erase(find(key));
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const UList<Key>& keys)
+    const label nTotal = nElmts_;
     label count = 0;
-    // Remove listed keys from this table
-    if (this->size())
+    // Remove listed keys from this table - terminates early if possible
+    for (label keyI = 0; count < nTotal && keyI < keys.size(); ++keyI)
-        forAll(keys, keyI)
+        if (erase(keys[keyI]))
-            if (erase(keys[keyI]))
-            {
-                count++;
-            }
+            count++;
@@ -462,24 +411,21 @@ Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const UList<Key>& keys)
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-template<class AnyType>
+template<class AnyType, class AnyHash>
 Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase
-    const HashTable<AnyType, Key, Hash>& rhs
+    const HashTable<AnyType, Key, AnyHash>& rhs
     label count = 0;
-    // Remove rhs elements from this table
-    if (this->size())
+    // Remove rhs keys from this table - terminates early if possible
+    // Could optimize depending on which hash is smaller ...
+    for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
-        // NOTE: could further optimize depending on which hash is smaller
-        for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
+        if (rhs.found(iter.key()) && erase(iter))
-            if (rhs.found(iter.key()) && erase(iter))
-            {
-                count++;
-            }
+            count++;
@@ -490,7 +436,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::erase
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::resize(const label sz)
-    label newSize = canonicalSize(sz);
+    label newSize = HashTableCore::canonicalSize(sz);
     if (newSize == tableSize_)
@@ -505,22 +451,22 @@ void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::resize(const label sz)
-    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* newTable = new HashTable<T, Key, Hash>(newSize);
+    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* tmpTable = new HashTable<T, Key, Hash>(newSize);
     for (const_iterator iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
-        newTable->insert(iter.key(), *iter);
+        tmpTable->insert(iter.key(), *iter);
-    label oldTableSize = tableSize_;
-    tableSize_ = newTable->tableSize_;
-    newTable->tableSize_ = oldTableSize;
+    label oldSize = tableSize_;
+    tableSize_ = tmpTable->tableSize_;
+    tmpTable->tableSize_ = oldSize;
     hashedEntry** oldTable = table_;
-    table_ = newTable->table_;
-    newTable->table_ = oldTable;
+    table_ = tmpTable->table_;
+    tmpTable->table_ = oldTable;
-    delete newTable;
+    delete tmpTable;
@@ -556,6 +502,19 @@ void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::clearStorage()
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::shrink()
+    const label newSize = HashTableCore::canonicalSize(nElmts_);
+    if (newSize < tableSize_)
+    {
+        // avoid having the table disappear on us
+        resize(newSize ? newSize : 2);
+    }
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::transfer(HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& ht)
@@ -619,18 +578,12 @@ bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::operator==
     const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& rhs
 ) const
-    // Are all my elements in rhs?
-    for (const_iterator iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
+    // sizes (number of keys) must match
+    if (size() != rhs.size())
-        const_iterator fnd = rhs.find(iter.key());
-        if (fnd == rhs.cend() || fnd() != iter())
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
+        return false;
-    // Are all rhs elements in me?
     for (const_iterator iter = rhs.cbegin(); iter != rhs.cend(); ++iter)
         const_iterator fnd = find(iter.key());
@@ -640,6 +593,7 @@ bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::operator==
             return false;
     return true;
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.H b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.H
index 666b93ebec8..a945859880a 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTable.H
@@ -71,23 +71,60 @@ Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>&);
-                        Class HashTableName Declaration
+                         Class HashTableCore Declaration
+//- Template-invariant bits for HashTable
+struct HashTableCore
+    //- Return a canonical (power-of-two) size
+    static label canonicalSize(const label);
+    //- Maximum allowable table size
+    static const label maxTableSize;
+    //- Construct null
+    HashTableCore()
+    {}
+    //- Define template name and debug
+    ClassName("HashTable");
+    //- A zero-sized end iterator
+    struct iteratorEnd
+    {
+        //- Construct null
+        iteratorEnd()
+        {}
+    };
+    //- iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable
+    inline static iteratorEnd cend()
+    {
+        return iteratorEnd();
+    }
+    //- iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTable
+    inline static iteratorEnd end()
+    {
+        return iteratorEnd();
+    }
-                          Class HashTable Declaration
+                           Class HashTable Declaration
 template<class T, class Key=word, class Hash=string::hash>
 class HashTable
-    public HashTableName
+    public HashTableCore
     // Private data type for table entries
+        //- Structure to hold a hashed entry with SLList for collisions
         struct hashedEntry
             //- The lookup key
@@ -99,18 +136,15 @@ class HashTable
             //- The data object
             T obj_;
-            //- Constructors
+            //- Construct from key, next pointer and object
+            inline hashedEntry(const Key&, hashedEntry* next, const T&);
-                //- Construct given key, next pointer and object
-                inline hashedEntry
-                (
-                    const Key&,
-                    hashedEntry* next,
-                    const T& newEntry
-                );
+        private:
+            //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+            hashedEntry(const hashedEntry&);
-                //- Dissallow construction as copy
-                hashedEntry(const hashedEntry&);
+            //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+            void operator=(const hashedEntry&);
@@ -119,7 +153,7 @@ class HashTable
         //- The current number of elements in table
         label nElmts_;
-        //- Number of primary entries allocated in table (not necessarily used)
+        //- Number of primary entries allocated in table
         label tableSize_;
         //- The table of primary entries
@@ -140,17 +174,23 @@ class HashTable
+    // Forward declaration of iterators
+        class iteratorBase;
+        class iterator;
+        class const_iterator;
         //- Declare friendship with the HashPtrTable class
         template<class T2, class Key2, class Hash2>
         friend class HashPtrTable;
+        //- Declare friendship with the iteratorBase
+        friend class iteratorBase;
-    // Forward declaration of STL iterators
-        class iterator;
+        //- Declare friendship with the iterator
         friend class iterator;
-        class const_iterator;
+        //- Declare friendship with the const_iterator
         friend class const_iterator;
@@ -178,7 +218,10 @@ public:
         // Access
-            //- Return number of elements in table.
+            //- The size of the underlying table
+            inline label capacity() const;
+            //- Return number of elements in table
             inline label size() const;
             //- Return true if the hash table is empty
@@ -212,10 +255,11 @@ public:
             //- Assign a new hashedEntry, overwriting existing entries
             inline bool set(const Key&, const T& newElmt);
-            //- Erase an hashedEntry specified by given iterator
+            //- Erase a hashedEntry specified by given iterator
+            //  This invalidates the iterator until the next operator++
             bool erase(const iterator&);
-            //- Erase an hashedEntry specified by given key if in table
+            //- Erase a hashedEntry specified by the given key
             bool erase(const Key&);
             //- Remove entries given by the listed keys from this HashTable
@@ -224,10 +268,10 @@ public:
             //- Remove entries given by the given keys from this HashTable
             //  Return the number of elements removed.
-            //  The parameter HashTable needs the same type of keys, but
-            //  but the type of values held is arbitrary.
-            template<class AnyType>
-            label erase(const HashTable<AnyType, Key, Hash>&);
+            //  The parameter HashTable needs the same type of key, but the
+            //  type of values held and the hashing function are arbitrary.
+            template<class AnyType, class AnyHash>
+            label erase(const HashTable<AnyType, Key, AnyHash>&);
             //- Resize the hash table for efficiency
             void resize(const label newSize);
@@ -239,31 +283,33 @@ public:
             //  Equivalent to clear() followed by resize(0)
             void clearStorage();
+            //- Shrink the allocated table to approx. twice number of elements
+            void shrink();
             //- Transfer the contents of the argument table into this table
             //  and annull the argument table.
             void transfer(HashTable<T, Key, Hash>&);
             //- Transfer contents to the Xfer container
-            inline Xfer<HashTable<T, Key, Hash> > xfer();
+            inline Xfer< HashTable<T, Key, Hash> > xfer();
     // Member Operators
-        //- Find and return an hashedEntry
+        //- Find and return a hashedEntry
         inline T& operator[](const Key&);
-        //- Find and return an hashedEntry
+        //- Find and return a hashedEntry
         inline const T& operator[](const Key&) const;
-        //- Find and return an hashedEntry, create it null if not present.
+        //- Find and return a hashedEntry, create it null if not present
         inline T& operator()(const Key&);
         //- Assignment
         void operator=(const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>&);
-        //- Equality. Two hash tables are equal if all contents of first are
-        //  also in second and vice versa. So does not depend on table size or
-        //  order!
+        //- Equality. Hash tables are equal if the keys and values are equal.
+        //  Independent of table storage size and table order.
         bool operator==(const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>&) const;
         //- The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time.
@@ -289,134 +335,193 @@ public:
         typedef label size_type;
-    // STL iterator
+    // Iterators and helpers
-        //- An STL-conforming iterator
-        class iterator
+        //- The iterator base for HashTable
+        //  Note: data and functions are protected, to allow reuse by iterator
+        //  and prevent most external usage.
+        //  iterator and const_iterator have the same size, allowing
+        //  us to reinterpret_cast between them (if desired)
+        class iteratorBase
-            friend class HashTable;
-            friend class const_iterator;
+            // Private Data
-            // Private data
-                //- Reference to the HashTable this is an iterator for
-                HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& hashTable_;
+                //- Pointer to the HashTable for which this is an iterator
+                //  This also lets us use the default bitwise copy/assignment
+                HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTable_;
                 //- Current element
-                hashedEntry* elmtPtr_;
+                hashedEntry* entryPtr_;
                 //- Current hash index
                 label hashIndex_;
-        public:
+        protected:
+            // Protected Member Functions
             // Constructors
+                //- Construct null - equivalent to an 'end' position
+                inline iteratorBase();
+                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
+                inline explicit iteratorBase
+                (
+                    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable
+                );
                 //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
-                inline iterator
+                inline explicit iteratorBase
-                    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& curHashTable,
-                    hashedEntry* elmt,
-                    label hashIndex
+                    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable,
+                    const hashedEntry* elmt,
+                    const label hashIndex
+                //- Increment to the next position
+                inline void increment();
+                //- Erase the HashTable element at the current position
+                bool erase();
+                //- Return non-const access to referenced object
+                inline T& object();
+                //- Return const access to referenced object
+                inline const T& cobject() const;
+        public:
             // Member operators
-                inline void operator=(const iterator&);
+                // Access
+                //- Return the Key corresponding to the iterator
+                inline const Key& key() const;
+                //- Compare hashedEntry element pointers
+                inline bool operator==(const iteratorBase&) const;
+                inline bool operator!=(const iteratorBase&) const;
+                //- Compare hashedEntry to iteratorEnd pointers
+                inline bool operator==(const iteratorEnd& unused) const;
+                inline bool operator!=(const iteratorEnd& unused) const;
+        };
+        //- An STL-conforming iterator
+        class iterator
+        :
+            public iteratorBase
+        {
+            friend class HashTable;
+            // Private Member Functions
+                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
+                inline explicit iterator
+                (
+                    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable
+                );
+                //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
+                inline explicit iterator
+                (
+                    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable,
+                    hashedEntry* elmt,
+                    const label hashIndex
+                );
+        public:
+            // Constructors
+                //- Construct null (end iterator)
+                inline iterator();
+                //- Construct end iterator
+                inline iterator(const iteratorEnd& unused);
+            // Member operators
-                inline bool operator==(const iterator&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const iterator&) const;
+                //- Conversion to a const_iterator
+                inline operator const_iterator() const;
-                inline bool operator==(const const_iterator&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator&) const;
+                // Access
+                //- Return referenced hash value
                 inline T& operator*();
                 inline T& operator()();
+                //- Return referenced hash value
                 inline const T& operator*() const;
                 inline const T& operator()() const;
                 inline iterator& operator++();
                 inline iterator operator++(int);
-                inline const Key& key() const;
         //- iterator set to the begining of the HashTable
         inline iterator begin();
-        //- iterator set to beyond the end of the HashTable
-        inline const iterator& end();
     // STL const_iterator
         //- An STL-conforming const_iterator
         class const_iterator
+        :
+            public iteratorBase
-            friend class iterator;
-            // Private data
-                //- Reference to the HashTable this is an iterator for
-                const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& hashTable_;
-                //- Current element
-                const hashedEntry* elmtPtr_;
-                //- Current hash index
-                label hashIndex_;
+            friend class HashTable;
-        public:
+            // Private Member Functions
-            // Constructors
+                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
+                inline explicit const_iterator
+                (
+                    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable
+                );
                 //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
-                inline const_iterator
+                inline explicit const_iterator
-                    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& curHashTable,
+                    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTable,
                     const hashedEntry* elmt,
-                    label hashIndex
+                    const label hashIndex
-                //- Construct from the non-const iterator
-                inline const_iterator(const iterator&);
+        public:
+            // Constructors
-            // Member operators
+                //- Construct null (end iterator)
+                inline const_iterator();
-                inline void operator=(const const_iterator&);
+                //- Construct end iterator
+                inline const_iterator(const iteratorEnd& unused);
-                inline bool operator==(const const_iterator&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator&) const;
+            // Member operators
-                inline bool operator==(const iterator&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const iterator&) const;
+                // Access
+                //- Return referenced hash value
                 inline const T& operator*() const;
                 inline const T& operator()() const;
                 inline const_iterator& operator++();
                 inline const_iterator operator++(int);
-                inline const Key& key() const;
         //- const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable
         inline const_iterator cbegin() const;
-        //- const_iterator set to beyond the end of the HashTable
-        inline const const_iterator& cend() const;
         //- const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTable
         inline const_iterator begin() const;
-        //- const_iterator set to beyond the end of the HashTable
-        inline const const_iterator& end() const;
     // IOstream Operator
@@ -432,14 +537,6 @@ public:
             const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>&
-        //- iterator returned by end()
-        iterator endIter_;
-        //- const_iterator returned by end()
-        const_iterator endConstIter_;
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblCore.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableCore.C
similarity index 68%
rename from src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblCore.C
rename to src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableCore.C
index 3f1d4d3cc66..1162ad5c1d7 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblCore.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableCore.C
@@ -24,18 +24,44 @@ License
-#include "HashTbl.H"
+#include "HashTable.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::HashTblCore, 0);
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::HashTableCore, 0);
-const Foam::label Foam::HashTblCore::maxTableSize
+const Foam::label Foam::HashTableCore::maxTableSize
-    Foam::HashTblCore::canonicalSize
+    Foam::HashTableCore::canonicalSize
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::label Foam::HashTableCore::canonicalSize(const label size)
+    if (size < 1)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // enforce power of two
+    unsigned int goodSize = size;
+    if (goodSize & (goodSize - 1))
+    {
+        // brute-force is fast enough
+        goodSize = 1;
+        while (goodSize < unsigned(size))
+        {
+            goodSize <<= 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return goodSize;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableI.H b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableI.H
index 5212d57f516..610f3ccf2fd 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableI.H
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableI.H
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::hashedEntry::hashedEntry
     const Key& key,
     hashedEntry* next,
-    const T& newEntry
+    const T& obj
-    obj_(newEntry)
+    obj_(obj)
@@ -55,6 +55,13 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::hashKeyIndex(const Key& key) const
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::capacity() const
+    return tableSize_;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline Foam::label Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::size() const
@@ -152,70 +159,218 @@ inline T& Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::operator()(const Key& key)
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STL iterator  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iterator base * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase()
+    hashTable_(0),
+    entryPtr_(0),
+    hashIndex_(0)
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase
-    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& hashTbl,
-    hashedEntry* elmt,
-    label hashIndex
+    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
-    hashTable_(hashTbl),
-    elmtPtr_(elmt),
-    hashIndex_(hashIndex)
+    hashTable_(const_cast<HashTable<T, Key, Hash>*>(hashTbl)),
+    entryPtr_(0),
+    hashIndex_(0)
+    if (hashTable_->nElmts_ && hashTable_->table_)
+    {
+        // find first non-NULL table entry
+        while
+        (
+            !(entryPtr_ = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_])
+         && ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_->tableSize_
+        )
+        {}
+        if (hashIndex_ >= hashTable_->tableSize_)
+        {
+            // make into an end iterator
+            entryPtr_ = 0;
+            hashIndex_ = 0;
+        }
+    }
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator=
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase
-    const iterator& iter
+    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
+    const hashedEntry* elmt,
+    const label hashIndex
+    hashTable_(const_cast<HashTable<T, Key, Hash>*>(hashTbl)),
+    entryPtr_(const_cast<hashedEntry*>(elmt)),
+    hashIndex_(hashIndex)
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline void
+Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::increment()
+    // A negative index is a special value from erase
+    if (hashIndex_ < 0)
+    {
+        // the markPos='-curPos-1', but we wish to continue at 'curPos-1'
+        // thus use '-(markPos+1) -1'
+        hashIndex_ = -(hashIndex_+1) - 1;
+    }
+    else if (entryPtr_)
+    {
+        if (entryPtr_->next_)
+        {
+            // Move to next element on the SLList
+            entryPtr_ = entryPtr_->next_;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    // else
+    // {
+    //     // if we reach here (entryPtr_ is NULL) it is already at the end()
+    //     // we should probably stop
+    // }
+    // Step to the next table entry
+    while
+    (
+        ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_->tableSize_
+     && !(entryPtr_ = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_])
+    )
+    {}
+    if (hashIndex_ >= hashTable_->tableSize_)
+    {
+        // make into an end iterator
+        entryPtr_ = 0;
+        hashIndex_ = 0;
+    }
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+const Key& Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::key() const
+    return entryPtr_->key_;
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline T&
+Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::object()
-    elmtPtr_ = iter.elmtPtr_;
-    hashIndex_ = iter.hashIndex_;
+    return entryPtr_->obj_;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator==
+inline const T&
+Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::cobject() const
+    return entryPtr_->obj_;
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator==
-    const iterator& iter
+    const iteratorBase& iter
 ) const
-    return elmtPtr_ == iter.elmtPtr_;
+    return entryPtr_ == iter.entryPtr_;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator!=
+inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator!=
-    const iterator& iter
+    const iteratorBase& iter
 ) const
-    return elmtPtr_ != iter.elmtPtr_;
+    return entryPtr_ != iter.entryPtr_;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator==
+inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator==
-    const const_iterator& iter
+    const iteratorEnd&
 ) const
-    return elmtPtr_ == iter.elmtPtr_;
+    return !entryPtr_;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator!=
+inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator!=
-    const const_iterator& iter
+    const iteratorEnd&
 ) const
-    return elmtPtr_ != iter.elmtPtr_;
+    return entryPtr_;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STL iterator  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator()
+    iteratorBase()
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
+    const iteratorEnd&
+    iteratorBase()
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
+    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
+    iteratorBase(hashTbl)
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
+    HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
+    hashedEntry* elmt,
+    const label hashIndex
+    iteratorBase(hashTbl, elmt, hashIndex)
+template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator
+typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator() const
+    return *reinterpret_cast
+    <
+        const typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator*
+    >(this);
@@ -223,7 +378,7 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator*()
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->object();
@@ -231,7 +386,7 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator()()
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->object();
@@ -239,7 +394,7 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline const T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator*() const
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->cobject();
@@ -247,7 +402,7 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline const T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator()() const
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->cobject();
@@ -256,53 +411,18 @@ inline
 typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator++()
-    // Check for special value from erase. (sets hashIndex to -1)
-    if (hashIndex_ >= 0)
-    {
-        // Do we have additional elements on the SLList?
-        if (elmtPtr_ && elmtPtr_->next_)
-        {
-            elmtPtr_ = elmtPtr_->next_;
-            return *this;
-        }
-    }
-    // Step to the next table entry
-    while
-    (
-        ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_.tableSize_
-     && !(elmtPtr_ = hashTable_.table_[hashIndex_])
-    )
-    {}
-    if (hashIndex_ == hashTable_.tableSize_)
-    {
-        // make end iterator
-        elmtPtr_ = 0;
-        hashIndex_ = 0;
-    }
+    this->increment();
     return *this;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator
-Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator++
-    int
+Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator++(int)
-    iterator tmp = *this;
-    ++*this;
-    return tmp;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-const Key& Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::key() const
-    return elmtPtr_->key_;
+    iterator old = *this;
+    this->increment();
+    return old;
@@ -310,135 +430,64 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::begin()
-    label i = 0;
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        while (table_ && !table_[i] && ++i < tableSize_)
-        {}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        i = tableSize_;
-    }
-    if (i == tableSize_)
-    {
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTable is empty\n";
-        }
-#       endif
-        return HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::endIter_;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return iterator(*this, table_[i], i);
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::iterator&
-Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::end()
-    return HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::endIter_;
+    return iterator(this);
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STL const_iterator * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>& hashTbl,
-    const hashedEntry* elmt,
-    label hashIndex
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator()
-    hashTable_(hashTbl),
-    elmtPtr_(elmt),
-    hashIndex_(hashIndex)
+    iteratorBase()
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const iterator& iter
+    const iteratorEnd&
-    hashTable_(iter.hashTable_),
-    elmtPtr_(iter.elmtPtr_),
-    hashIndex_(iter.hashIndex_)
+    iteratorBase()
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline void Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator=
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const const_iterator& iter
+    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
-    elmtPtr_ = iter.elmtPtr_;
-    hashIndex_ = iter.hashIndex_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator==
-    const const_iterator& iter
-) const
-    return elmtPtr_ == iter.elmtPtr_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator!=
-    const const_iterator& iter
-) const
-    return elmtPtr_ != iter.elmtPtr_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator==
-    const iterator& iter
-) const
-    return elmtPtr_ == iter.elmtPtr_;
+    iteratorBase(hashTbl)
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator!=
+inline Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const iterator& iter
-) const
-    return elmtPtr_ != iter.elmtPtr_;
+    const HashTable<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
+    const hashedEntry* elmt,
+    const label hashIndex
+    iteratorBase(hashTbl, elmt, hashIndex)
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline const T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator*() const
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->cobject();
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline const T&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator()() const
-    return elmtPtr_->obj_;
+    return this->cobject();
@@ -447,43 +496,18 @@ inline
 typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator&
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator++()
-    if
-    (
-        !(elmtPtr_ = elmtPtr_->next_)
-     && ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_.tableSize_
-     && !(elmtPtr_ = hashTable_.table_[hashIndex_])
-    )
-    {
-        while
-        (
-            ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_.tableSize_
-         && !(elmtPtr_ = hashTable_.table_[hashIndex_])
-        )
-        {}
-    }
+    this->increment();
     return *this;
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
-Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator++
-    int
-    const_iterator tmp = *this;
-    ++*this;
-    return tmp;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-const Key& Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::key() const
+Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator++(int)
-    return elmtPtr_->key_;
+    const_iterator old = *this;
+    this->increment();
+    return old;
@@ -491,41 +515,7 @@ template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 inline typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::cbegin() const
-    label i = 0;
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        while (table_ && !table_[i] && ++i < tableSize_)
-        {}
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        i = tableSize_;
-    }
-    if (i == tableSize_)
-    {
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTable is empty\n";
-        }
-#       endif
-        return HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::endConstIter_;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return const_iterator(*this, table_[i], i);
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator&
-Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::cend() const
-    return HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::endConstIter_;
+    return const_iterator(this);
@@ -537,12 +527,4 @@ Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::begin() const
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const typename Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator&
-Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::end() const
-    return HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::endConstIter_;
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableIO.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableIO.C
index bef0cf50bca..0459dcab68d 100644
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableIO.C
+++ b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableIO.C
@@ -33,16 +33,19 @@ License
 template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
 Foam::HashTable<T, Key, Hash>::HashTable(Istream& is, const label size)
-    HashTableName(),
+    HashTableCore(),
-    tableSize_(canonicalSize(size)),
-    table_(new hashedEntry*[tableSize_]),
-    endIter_(*this, NULL, 0),
-    endConstIter_(*this, NULL, 0)
+    tableSize_(HashTableCore::canonicalSize(size)),
+    table_(NULL)
-    for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
+    if (tableSize_)
-        table_[hashIdx] = 0;
+        table_ = new hashedEntry*[tableSize_];
+        for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
+        {
+            table_[hashIdx] = 0;
+        }
     operator>>(is, *this);
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableName.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableName.C
deleted file mode 100644
index a8063190417..00000000000
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTable/HashTableName.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include "HashTable.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-defineTypeNameAndDebug(Foam::HashTableName, 0);
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.C
deleted file mode 100644
index eb43d430a48..00000000000
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,645 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#ifndef HashTbl_C
-#define HashTbl_C
-#include "HashTbl.H"
-#include "List.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-Foam::label Foam::HashTblCore::canonicalSize(const label size)
-    if (size < 1)
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // enforce power of two
-    unsigned int goodSize = size;
-    if (goodSize & (goodSize - 1))
-    {
-        // brute-force is fast enough
-        goodSize = 1;
-        while (goodSize < unsigned(size))
-        {
-            goodSize <<= 1;
-        }
-    }
-    return goodSize;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::HashTbl(const label size)
-    HashTblCore(),
-    nElmts_(0),
-    tableSize_(HashTblCore::canonicalSize(size)),
-    table_(NULL)
-    if (tableSize_)
-    {
-        table_ = new hashedEntry*[tableSize_];
-        for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
-        {
-            table_[hashIdx] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::HashTbl(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& ht)
-    HashTblCore(),
-    nElmts_(0),
-    tableSize_(ht.tableSize_),
-    table_(NULL)
-    if (tableSize_)
-    {
-        table_ = new hashedEntry*[tableSize_];
-        for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
-        {
-            table_[hashIdx] = 0;
-        }
-        for (const_iterator iter = ht.cbegin(); iter != ht.cend(); ++iter)
-        {
-            insert(iter.key(), *iter);
-        }
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::HashTbl
-    const Xfer<HashTbl<T, Key, Hash> >& ht
-    HashTblCore(),
-    nElmts_(0),
-    tableSize_(0),
-    table_(NULL)
-    transfer(ht());
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::~HashTbl()
-    if (table_)
-    {
-        clear();
-        delete[] table_;
-    }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::found(const Key& key) const
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        const label hashIdx = hashKeyIndex(key);
-        for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
-        {
-            if (key == ep->key_)
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#   ifdef FULLDEBUG
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::found(const Key& key) : "
-            << "Entry " << key << " not found in hash table\n";
-    }
-#   endif
-    return false;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::find
-    const Key& key
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        const label hashIdx = hashKeyIndex(key);
-        for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
-        {
-            if (key == ep->key_)
-            {
-                return iterator(this, ep, hashIdx);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#   ifdef FULLDEBUG
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::find(const Key& key) : "
-            << "Entry " << key << " not found in hash table\n";
-    }
-#   endif
-    return iterator();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::find
-    const Key& key
-) const
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        const label hashIdx = hashKeyIndex(key);
-        for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
-        {
-            if (key == ep->key_)
-            {
-                return const_iterator(this, ep, hashIdx);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#   ifdef FULLDEBUG
-    if (debug)
-    {
-        Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::find(const Key& key) const : "
-            << "Entry " << key << " not found in hash table\n";
-    }
-#   endif
-    return const_iterator();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::List<Key> Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::toc() const
-    List<Key> keys(nElmts_);
-    label keyI = 0;
-    for (const_iterator iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
-    {
-        keys[keyI++] = iter.key();
-    }
-    return keys;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::List<Key> Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::sortedToc() const
-    List<Key> sortedLst = this->toc();
-    sort(sortedLst);
-    return sortedLst;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::set
-    const Key& key,
-    const T& newEntry,
-    const bool protect
-    if (!tableSize_)
-    {
-        resize(2);
-    }
-    const label hashIdx = hashKeyIndex(key);
-    hashedEntry* existing = 0;
-    hashedEntry* prev = 0;
-    for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
-    {
-        if (key == ep->key_)
-        {
-            existing = ep;
-            break;
-        }
-        prev = ep;
-    }
-    // not found, insert it at the head
-    if (!existing)
-    {
-        table_[hashIdx] = new hashedEntry(key, table_[hashIdx], newEntry);
-        nElmts_++;
-        if (double(nElmts_)/tableSize_ > 0.8 && tableSize_ < maxTableSize)
-        {
-#           ifdef FULLDEBUG
-            if (debug)
-            {
-                Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::set"
-                    "(const Key& key, T newEntry) : "
-                    "Doubling table size\n";
-            }
-#           endif
-            resize(2*tableSize_);
-        }
-    }
-    else if (protect)
-    {
-        // found - but protected from overwriting
-        // this corresponds to the STL 'insert' convention
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::set"
-                "(const Key& key, T newEntry, true) : "
-                "Cannot insert " << key << " already in hash table\n";
-        }
-#       endif
-        return false;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // found - overwrite existing entry
-        // this corresponds to the Perl convention
-        hashedEntry* ep = new hashedEntry(key, existing->next_, newEntry);
-        // replace existing element - within list or insert at the head
-        if (prev)
-        {
-            prev->next_ = ep;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            table_[hashIdx] = ep;
-        }
-        delete existing;
-    }
-    return true;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::erase()
-    // note: entryPtr_ is NULL for end(), so this catches that too
-    if (entryPtr_)
-    {
-        // Search element before entryPtr_
-        hashedEntry* prev = 0;
-        for
-        (
-            hashedEntry* ep = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_];
-            ep;
-            ep = ep->next_
-        )
-        {
-            if (ep == entryPtr_)
-            {
-                break;
-            }
-            prev = ep;
-        }
-        if (prev)
-        {
-            // has an element before entryPtr - reposition to there
-            prev->next_ = entryPtr_->next_;
-            delete entryPtr_;
-            entryPtr_ = prev;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // entryPtr was first element on SLList
-            hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_] = entryPtr_->next_;
-            delete entryPtr_;
-            // assign any non-NULL pointer value so it doesn't look
-            // like end()/cend()
-            entryPtr_ = reinterpret_cast<hashedEntry*>(this);
-            // Mark with special hashIndex value to signal it has been rewound.
-            // The next increment will bring it back to the present location.
-            //
-            // From the current position 'curPos', we wish to continue at
-            // prevPos='curPos-1', which we mark as markPos='-curPos-1'.
-            // The negative lets us notice it is special, the extra '-1'
-            // is needed to avoid ambiguity for position '0'.
-            // To retrieve prevPos, we would later use '-(markPos+1) - 1'
-            hashIndex_ = -hashIndex_ - 1;
-        }
-        hashTable_->nElmts_--;
-        return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-// NOTE:
-// We use (const iterator&) here, but manipulate its contents anyhow.
-// The parameter should be (iterator&), but then the compiler doesn't find
-// it correctly and tries to call as (iterator) instead.
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const iterator& cit)
-    // adjust iterator after erase
-    return const_cast<iterator&>(cit).erase();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const Key& key)
-    return erase(find(key));
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::label Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::erase(const UList<Key>& keys)
-    const label nTotal = nElmts_;
-    label count = 0;
-    // Remove listed keys from this table - terminates early if possible
-    for (label keyI = 0; count < nTotal && keyI < keys.size(); ++keyI)
-    {
-        if (erase(keys[keyI]))
-        {
-            count++;
-        }
-    }
-    return count;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-template<class AnyType, class AnyHash>
-Foam::label Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::erase
-    const HashTbl<AnyType, Key, AnyHash>& rhs
-    label count = 0;
-    // Remove rhs keys from this table - terminates early if possible
-    // Could optimize depending on which hash is smaller ...
-    for (iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter)
-    {
-        if (rhs.found(iter.key()) && erase(iter))
-        {
-            count++;
-        }
-    }
-    return count;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::resize(const label sz)
-    label newSize = HashTblCore::canonicalSize(sz);
-    if (newSize == tableSize_)
-    {
-#       ifdef FULLDEBUG
-        if (debug)
-        {
-            Info<< "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::resize(const label) : "
-                << "new table size == old table size\n";
-        }
-#       endif
-        return;
-    }
-    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* tmpTable = new HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>(newSize);
-    for (const_iterator iter = cbegin(); iter != cend(); ++iter)
-    {
-        tmpTable->insert(iter.key(), *iter);
-    }
-    label oldSize = tableSize_;
-    tableSize_ = tmpTable->tableSize_;
-    tmpTable->tableSize_ = oldSize;
-    hashedEntry** oldTable = table_;
-    table_ = tmpTable->table_;
-    tmpTable->table_ = oldTable;
-    delete tmpTable;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::clear()
-    if (nElmts_)
-    {
-        for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
-        {
-            if (table_[hashIdx])
-            {
-                hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx];
-                while (hashedEntry* next = ep->next_)
-                {
-                    delete ep;
-                    ep = next;
-                }
-                delete ep;
-                table_[hashIdx] = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        nElmts_ = 0;
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::clearStorage()
-    clear();
-    resize(0);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::shrink()
-    const label newSize = HashTblCore::canonicalSize(nElmts_);
-    if (newSize < tableSize_)
-    {
-        // avoid having the table disappear on us
-        resize(newSize ? newSize : 2);
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::transfer(HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& ht)
-    // as per the Destructor
-    if (table_)
-    {
-        clear();
-        delete[] table_;
-    }
-    tableSize_ = ht.tableSize_;
-    ht.tableSize_ = 0;
-    table_ = ht.table_;
-    ht.table_ = NULL;
-    nElmts_ = ht.nElmts_;
-    ht.nElmts_ = 0;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-void Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator=
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& rhs
-    // Check for assignment to self
-    if (this == &rhs)
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn
-        (
-            "HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator="
-            "(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)"
-        )   << "attempted assignment to self"
-            << abort(FatalError);
-    }
-    // could be zero-sized from a previous transfer()
-    if (!tableSize_)
-    {
-        resize(rhs.tableSize_);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        clear();
-    }
-    for (const_iterator iter = rhs.cbegin(); iter != rhs.cend(); ++iter)
-    {
-        insert(iter.key(), *iter);
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator==
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& rhs
-) const
-    // sizes (number of keys) must match
-    if (size() != rhs.size())
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    for (const_iterator iter = rhs.cbegin(); iter != rhs.cend(); ++iter)
-    {
-        const_iterator fnd = find(iter.key());
-        if (fnd == cend() || fnd() != iter())
-        {
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator!=
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& rhs
-) const
-    return !(operator==(rhs));
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Friend Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#include "HashTblIO.C"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.H b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ba924f00b6..00000000000
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTbl.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-    Foam::HashTbl
-    An STL-conforming hash table.
-    Hashing index collisions are handled via chaining using a singly-linked
-    list with the colliding entry being added to the head of the linked
-    list. Thus copying the hash table (or indeed even resizing it) will
-    often result in a different hash order. Use a sorted table-of-contents
-    when the hash order is important.
-    HashTblI.H
-    HashTbl.C
-    HashTblIO.C
-#ifndef HashTbl_H
-#define HashTbl_H
-#include "label.H"
-#include "uLabel.H"
-#include "word.H"
-#include "Xfer.H"
-#include "className.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-namespace Foam
-// Forward declaration of friend functions and operators
-template<class T> class List;
-template<class T> class UList;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash> class HashTbl;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash> class HashPtrTable;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Istream& operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&);
-                         Class HashTblCore Declaration
-//- Template-invariant bits for HashTbl
-struct HashTblCore
-    //- Return a canonical (power-of-two) size
-    static label canonicalSize(const label);
-    //- Maximum allowable table size
-    static const label maxTableSize;
-    //- Construct null
-    HashTblCore()
-    {}
-    //- Define template name and debug
-    ClassName("HashTbl");
-    //- A zero-sized end iterator
-    struct iteratorEnd
-    {
-        //- Construct null
-        iteratorEnd()
-        {}
-    };
-    //- iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTbl
-    static iteratorEnd cend()
-    {
-        return iteratorEnd();
-    }
-    //- iteratorEnd set to beyond the end of any HashTbl
-    static iteratorEnd end()
-    {
-        return iteratorEnd();
-    }
-                           Class HashTbl Declaration
-template<class T, class Key=word, class Hash=string::hash>
-class HashTbl
-    public HashTblCore
-    // Private data type for table entries
-        //- Structure to hold a hashed entry with SLList for collisions
-        struct hashedEntry
-        {
-            //- The lookup key
-            Key key_;
-            //- Pointer to next hashedEntry in sub-list
-            hashedEntry* next_;
-            //- The data object
-            T obj_;
-            //- Construct from key, next pointer and object
-            inline hashedEntry(const Key&, hashedEntry* next, const T&);
-        private:
-            //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
-            hashedEntry(const hashedEntry&);
-            //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
-            void operator=(const hashedEntry&);
-        };
-    // Private data: size of table, the table and current number of elements
-        //- The current number of elements in table
-        label nElmts_;
-        //- Number of primary entries allocated in table
-        label tableSize_;
-        //- The table of primary entries
-        hashedEntry** table_;
-    // Private Member Functions
-        //- Return a canonical (power-of-two) size
-        static label canonicalSize(const label);
-        //- Return the hash index of the Key within the current table size.
-        //  No checks for zero-sized tables.
-        inline label hashKeyIndex(const Key&) const;
-        //- Assign a new hashedEntry to a possibly already existing key
-        bool set(const Key&, const T& newElmt, bool protect);
-    // Forward declaration of iterators
-        class iteratorBase;
-        class iterator;
-        class const_iterator;
-        //- Declare friendship with the HashPtrTable class
-        template<class T2, class Key2, class Hash2>
-        friend class HashPtrTable;
-        //- Declare friendship with the iteratorBase
-        friend class iteratorBase;
-        //- Declare friendship with the iterator
-        friend class iterator;
-        //- Declare friendship with the const_iterator
-        friend class const_iterator;
-    // Constructors
-        //- Construct given initial table size
-        HashTbl(const label size = 128);
-        //- Construct from Istream
-        HashTbl(Istream&, const label size = 128);
-        //- Construct as copy
-        HashTbl(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&);
-        //- Construct by transferring the parameter contents
-        HashTbl(const Xfer<HashTbl<T, Key, Hash> >&);
-    // Destructor
-        ~HashTbl();
-    // Member Functions
-        // Access
-            //- The size of the underlying table
-            inline label capacity() const;
-            //- Return number of elements in table
-            inline label size() const;
-            //- Return true if the hash table is empty
-            inline bool empty() const;
-            //- Return true if hashedEntry is found in table
-            bool found(const Key&) const;
-            //- Find and return an iterator set at the hashedEntry
-            //  If not found iterator = end()
-            iterator find(const Key&);
-            //- Find and return an const_iterator set at the hashedEntry
-            //  If not found iterator = end()
-            const_iterator find(const Key&) const;
-            //- Return the table of contents
-            List<Key> toc() const;
-            //- Return the table of contents as a sorted list
-            List<Key> sortedToc() const;
-            //- Print information
-            Ostream& printInfo(Ostream&) const;
-        // Edit
-            //- Insert a new hashedEntry
-            inline bool insert(const Key&, const T& newElmt);
-            //- Assign a new hashedEntry, overwriting existing entries
-            inline bool set(const Key&, const T& newElmt);
-            //- Erase a hashedEntry specified by given iterator
-            //  This invalidates the iterator until the next operator++
-            bool erase(const iterator&);
-            //- Erase a hashedEntry specified by the given key
-            bool erase(const Key&);
-            //- Remove entries given by the listed keys from this HashTbl
-            //  Return the number of elements removed
-            label erase(const UList<Key>&);
-            //- Remove entries given by the given keys from this HashTbl
-            //  Return the number of elements removed.
-            //  The parameter HashTbl needs the same type of key, but the
-            //  type of values held and the hashing function are arbitrary.
-            template<class AnyType, class AnyHash>
-            label erase(const HashTbl<AnyType, Key, AnyHash>&);
-            //- Resize the hash table for efficiency
-            void resize(const label newSize);
-            //- Clear all entries from table
-            void clear();
-            //- Clear the table entries and the table itself.
-            //  Equivalent to clear() followed by resize(0)
-            void clearStorage();
-            //- Shrink the allocated table to approx. twice number of elements
-            void shrink();
-            //- Transfer the contents of the argument table into this table
-            //  and annull the argument table.
-            void transfer(HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&);
-            //- Transfer contents to the Xfer container
-            inline Xfer< HashTbl<T, Key, Hash> > xfer();
-    // Member Operators
-        //- Find and return a hashedEntry
-        inline T& operator[](const Key&);
-        //- Find and return a hashedEntry
-        inline const T& operator[](const Key&) const;
-        //- Find and return a hashedEntry, create it null if not present
-        inline T& operator()(const Key&);
-        //- Assignment
-        void operator=(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&);
-        //- Equality. Hash tables are equal if the keys and values are equal.
-        //  Independent of table storage size and table order.
-        bool operator==(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&) const;
-        //- The opposite of the equality operation. Takes linear time.
-        bool operator!=(const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&) const;
-    // STL type definitions
-        //- Type of values the HashTbl contains.
-        typedef T value_type;
-        //- Type that can be used for storing into HashTbl::value_type
-        //  objects.  This type is usually List::value_type&.
-        typedef T& reference;
-        //- Type that can be used for storing into constant
-        //  HashTbl::value_type objects.  This type is usually const
-        //  HashTbl::value_type&.
-        typedef const T& const_reference;
-        //- The type that can represent the size of a HashTbl.
-        typedef label size_type;
-    // Iterators and helpers
-        //- The iterator base for HashTbl
-        //  Note: data and functions are protected, to allow reuse by iterator
-        //  and prevent most external usage.
-        //  iterator and const_iterator have the same size, allowing
-        //  us to reinterpret_cast between them (if desired)
-        class iteratorBase
-        {
-            // Private Data
-                //- Pointer to the HashTbl for which this is an iterator
-                //  This also lets us use the default bitwise copy/assignment
-                HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTable_;
-                //- Current element
-                hashedEntry* entryPtr_;
-                //- Current hash index
-                label hashIndex_;
-        protected:
-            // Protected Member Functions
-            // Constructors
-                //- Construct null - equivalent to an 'end' position
-                inline iteratorBase();
-                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
-                inline explicit iteratorBase
-                (
-                    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl
-                );
-                //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
-                inline explicit iteratorBase
-                (
-                    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl,
-                    const hashedEntry* elmt,
-                    const label hashIndex
-                );
-                //- Increment to the next position
-                inline void increment();
-                //- Erase the HashTbl element at the current position
-                bool erase();
-                //- Return non-const access to referenced object
-                inline T& object();
-                //- Return const access to referenced object
-                inline const T& cobject() const;
-        public:
-            // Member operators
-                // Access
-                //- Return the Key corresponding to the iterator
-                inline const Key& key() const;
-                //- Compare hashedEntry element pointers
-                inline bool operator==(const iteratorBase&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const iteratorBase&) const;
-                //- Compare hashedEntry to iteratorEnd pointers
-                inline bool operator==(const iteratorEnd&) const;
-                inline bool operator!=(const iteratorEnd&) const;
-        };
-        //- An STL-conforming iterator
-        class iterator
-        :
-            public iteratorBase
-        {
-            friend class HashTbl;
-            // Private Member Functions
-                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
-                inline explicit iterator
-                (
-                    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl
-                );
-                //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
-                inline explicit iterator
-                (
-                    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl,
-                    hashedEntry* elmt,
-                    const label hashIndex
-                );
-        public:
-            // Constructors
-                //- Construct null (end iterator)
-                inline iterator();
-                //- Construct end iterator
-                inline iterator(const iteratorEnd&);
-            // Member operators
-                //- Conversion to a const_iterator
-                inline operator const_iterator() const;
-                // Access
-                //- Return referenced hash value
-                inline T& operator*();
-                inline T& operator()();
-                //- Return referenced hash value
-                inline const T& operator*() const;
-                inline const T& operator()() const;
-                inline iterator& operator++();
-                inline iterator operator++(int);
-        };
-        //- iterator set to the begining of the HashTbl
-        inline iterator begin();
-    // STL const_iterator
-        //- An STL-conforming const_iterator
-        class const_iterator
-        :
-            public iteratorBase
-        {
-            friend class HashTbl;
-            // Private Member Functions
-                //- Construct from hash table, moving to its 'begin' position
-                inline explicit const_iterator
-                (
-                    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl
-                );
-                //- Construct from hash table, element and hash index
-                inline explicit const_iterator
-                (
-                    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* curHashTbl,
-                    const hashedEntry* elmt,
-                    const label hashIndex
-                );
-        public:
-            // Constructors
-                //- Construct null (end iterator)
-                inline const_iterator();
-                //- Construct end iterator
-                inline const_iterator(const iteratorEnd&);
-            // Member operators
-                // Access
-                //- Return referenced hash value
-                inline const T& operator*() const;
-                inline const T& operator()() const;
-                inline const_iterator& operator++();
-                inline const_iterator operator++(int);
-        };
-        //- const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTbl
-        inline const_iterator cbegin() const;
-        //- const_iterator set to the beginning of the HashTbl
-        inline const_iterator begin() const;
-    // IOstream Operator
-        friend Istream& operator>> <T, Key, Hash>
-        (
-            Istream&,
-            HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&
-        );
-        friend Ostream& operator<< <T, Key, Hash>
-        (
-            Ostream&,
-            const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&
-        );
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-} // End namespace Foam
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#   include "HashTblI.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#ifndef NoHashTblC
-#ifdef NoRepository
-#   include "HashTbl.C"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblI.H b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblI.H
deleted file mode 100644
index 7da1ad81cc6..00000000000
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblI.H
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include "error.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Classes * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::hashedEntry::hashedEntry
-    const Key& key,
-    hashedEntry* next,
-    const T& obj
-    key_(key),
-    next_(next),
-    obj_(obj)
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::label
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::hashKeyIndex(const Key& key) const
-    // size is power of two - this is the modulus
-    return Hash()(key) & (tableSize_ - 1);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::label Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::capacity() const
-    return tableSize_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::label Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::size() const
-    return nElmts_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::empty() const
-    return !nElmts_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::insert
-    const Key& key,
-    const T& newEntry
-    return set(key, newEntry, true);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::set
-    const Key& key,
-    const T& newEntry
-    return set(key, newEntry, false);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::Xfer<Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash> >
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::xfer()
-    return xferMove(*this);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline T& Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator[](const Key& key)
-    iterator iter = find(key);
-    if (iter == end())
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn("HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator[](const Key&)")
-            << key << " not found in table.  Valid entries: "
-            << toc()
-            << exit(FatalError);
-    }
-    return *iter;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T& Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator[](const Key& key) const
-    const_iterator iter = find(key);
-    if (iter == cend())
-    {
-        FatalErrorIn("HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator[](const Key&) const")
-            << key << " not found in table.  Valid entries: "
-            << toc()
-            << exit(FatalError);
-    }
-    return *iter;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline T& Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::operator()(const Key& key)
-    iterator iter = find(key);
-    if (iter == end())
-    {
-        insert(key, T());
-        return *find(key);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return *iter;
-    }
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iterator base * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase()
-    hashTable_(0),
-    entryPtr_(0),
-    hashIndex_(0)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
-    hashTable_(const_cast<HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>*>(hashTbl)),
-    entryPtr_(0),
-    hashIndex_(0)
-    if (hashTable_->nElmts_ && hashTable_->table_)
-    {
-        // find first non-NULL table entry
-        while
-        (
-            !(entryPtr_ = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_])
-         && ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_->tableSize_
-        )
-        {}
-        if (hashIndex_ >= hashTable_->tableSize_)
-        {
-            // make into an end iterator
-            entryPtr_ = 0;
-            hashIndex_ = 0;
-        }
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::iteratorBase
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
-    const hashedEntry* elmt,
-    const label hashIndex
-    hashTable_(const_cast<HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>*>(hashTbl)),
-    entryPtr_(const_cast<hashedEntry*>(elmt)),
-    hashIndex_(hashIndex)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline void
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::increment()
-    // A negative index is a special value from erase
-    if (hashIndex_ < 0)
-    {
-        // the markPos='-curPos-1', but we wish to continue at 'curPos-1'
-        // thus use '-(markPos+1) -1'
-        hashIndex_ = -(hashIndex_+1) - 1;
-    }
-    else if (entryPtr_)
-    {
-        if (entryPtr_->next_)
-        {
-            // Move to next element on the SLList
-            entryPtr_ = entryPtr_->next_;
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    // else
-    // {
-    //     // if we reach here (entryPtr_ is NULL) it is already at the end()
-    //     // we should probably stop
-    // }
-    // Step to the next table entry
-    while
-    (
-        ++hashIndex_ < hashTable_->tableSize_
-     && !(entryPtr_ = hashTable_->table_[hashIndex_])
-    )
-    {}
-    if (hashIndex_ >= hashTable_->tableSize_)
-    {
-        // make into an end iterator
-        entryPtr_ = 0;
-        hashIndex_ = 0;
-    }
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-const Key& Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::key() const
-    return entryPtr_->key_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::object()
-    return entryPtr_->obj_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::cobject() const
-    return entryPtr_->obj_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator==
-    const iteratorBase& iter
-) const
-    return entryPtr_ == iter.entryPtr_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator!=
-    const iteratorBase& iter
-) const
-    return entryPtr_ != iter.entryPtr_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator==
-    const iteratorEnd&
-) const
-    return !entryPtr_;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline bool Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iteratorBase::operator!=
-    const iteratorEnd&
-) const
-    return entryPtr_;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STL iterator  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator()
-    iteratorBase()
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
-    const iteratorEnd&
-    iteratorBase()
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
-    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
-    iteratorBase(hashTbl)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::iterator
-    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
-    hashedEntry* elmt,
-    const label hashIndex
-    iteratorBase(hashTbl, elmt, hashIndex)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator
-typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator() const
-    return *reinterpret_cast
-    <
-        const typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator*
-    >(this);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator*()
-    return this->object();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator()()
-    return this->object();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator*() const
-    return this->cobject();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator()() const
-    return this->cobject();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator++()
-    this->increment();
-    return *this;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator::operator++(int)
-    iterator old = *this;
-    this->increment();
-    return old;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::begin()
-    return iterator(this);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STL const_iterator * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator()
-    iteratorBase()
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const iteratorEnd&
-    iteratorBase()
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl
-    iteratorBase(hashTbl)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::const_iterator
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>* hashTbl,
-    const hashedEntry* elmt,
-    const label hashIndex
-    iteratorBase(hashTbl, elmt, hashIndex)
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator*() const
-    return this->cobject();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline const T&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator()() const
-    return this->cobject();
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator&
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator++()
-    this->increment();
-    return *this;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator::operator++(int)
-    const_iterator old = *this;
-    this->increment();
-    return old;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::cbegin() const
-    return const_iterator(this);
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-inline typename Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::begin() const
-    return this->cbegin();
-// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblIO.C b/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblIO.C
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e848d389b..00000000000
--- a/src/OpenFOAM/containers/HashTables/HashTbl/HashTblIO.C
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-  =========                 |
-  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-   \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
-     \\/     M anipulation  |
-    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-    option) any later version.
-    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-    for more details.
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
-    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-#include "HashTbl.H"
-#include "Istream.H"
-#include "Ostream.H"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::HashTbl(Istream& is, const label size)
-    HashTblCore(),
-    nElmts_(0),
-    tableSize_(HashTblCore::canonicalSize(size)),
-    table_(NULL)
-    if (tableSize_)
-    {
-        table_ = new hashedEntry*[tableSize_];
-        for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; hashIdx++)
-        {
-            table_[hashIdx] = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    operator>>(is, *this);
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::printInfo(Ostream& os) const
-    label used = 0;
-    label maxChain = 0;
-    unsigned avgChain = 0;
-    for (label hashIdx = 0; hashIdx < tableSize_; ++hashIdx)
-    {
-        label count = 0;
-        for (hashedEntry* ep = table_[hashIdx]; ep; ep = ep->next_)
-        {
-            ++count;
-        }
-        if (count)
-        {
-            ++used;
-            avgChain += count;
-            if (maxChain < count)
-            {
-                maxChain = count;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    os  << "HashTbl<T,Key,Hash>"
-        << " elements:" << size() << " slots:" << used << "/" << tableSize_
-        << " chaining(avg/max):" << (used ? (float(avgChain)/used) : 0)
-        << "/" << maxChain << endl;
-    return os;
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IOstream Operators  * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::Istream& Foam::operator>>
-    Istream& is,
-    HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& L
-    is.fatalCheck("operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)");
-    // Anull list
-    L.clear();
-    is.fatalCheck("operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)");
-    token firstToken(is);
-    is.fatalCheck
-    (
-        "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&) : "
-        "reading first token"
-    );
-    if (firstToken.isLabel())
-    {
-        label s = firstToken.labelToken();
-        // Read beginning of contents
-        char delimiter = is.readBeginList("HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>");
-        if (s)
-        {
-            if (2*s > L.tableSize_)
-            {
-                L.resize(2*s);
-            }
-            if (delimiter == token::BEGIN_LIST)
-            {
-                for (label i=0; i<s; i++)
-                {
-                    Key key;
-                    is >> key;
-                    L.insert(key, pTraits<T>(is));
-                    is.fatalCheck
-                    (
-                        "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&) : "
-                        "reading entry"
-                    );
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                FatalIOErrorIn
-                (
-                    "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)",
-                    is
-                )   << "incorrect first token, '(', found " <<
-                    << exit(FatalIOError);
-            }
-        }
-        // Read end of contents
-        is.readEndList("HashTbl");
-    }
-    else if (firstToken.isPunctuation())
-    {
-        if (firstToken.pToken() != token::BEGIN_LIST)
-        {
-            FatalIOErrorIn
-            (
-                "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)",
-                is
-            )   << "incorrect first token, '(', found " <<
-                << exit(FatalIOError);
-        }
-        token lastToken(is);
-        while
-        (
-           !(
-                lastToken.isPunctuation()
-             && lastToken.pToken() == token::END_LIST
-            )
-        )
-        {
-            is.putBack(lastToken);
-            Key key;
-            is >> key;
-            T element;
-            is >> element;
-            L.insert(key, element);
-            is.fatalCheck
-            (
-                "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&) : "
-                "reading entry"
-            );
-            is >> lastToken;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FatalIOErrorIn
-        (
-            "operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)",
-            is
-        )   << "incorrect first token, expected <int> or '(', found "
-            <<
-            << exit(FatalIOError);
-    }
-    is.fatalCheck("operator>>(Istream&, HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>&)");
-    return is;
-template<class T, class Key, class Hash>
-Foam::Ostream& Foam::operator<<
-    Ostream& os,
-    const HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>& L
-    // Write size and start delimiter
-    os << nl << L.size() << nl << token::BEGIN_LIST << nl;
-    // Write contents
-    for
-    (
-        typename HashTbl<T, Key, Hash>::const_iterator iter = L.cbegin();
-        iter != L.cend();
-        ++iter
-    )
-    {
-        os << iter.key() << token::SPACE << iter() << nl;
-    }
-    // Write end delimiter
-    os << token::END_LIST;
-    // Check state of IOstream
-    os.check("Ostream& operator<<(Ostream&, const HashTbl&)");
-    return os;
-// ************************************************************************* //