diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMesh.C b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMesh.C
index e53f8f68d30ac7086be95940a0b250ea1932d4c4..15be3f9c1d0e5c195602f49549f69e4e1950729b 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMesh.C
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMesh.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
@@ -33,12 +33,86 @@ Description
 #include "argList.H"
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "fvMesh.H"
-#include "autoHexMeshDriver.H"
+#include "autoRefineDriver.H"
+#include "autoSnapDriver.H"
+#include "autoLayerDriver.H"
+#include "searchableSurfaces.H"
+#include "refinementSurfaces.H"
+#include "shellSurfaces.H"
+#include "decompositionMethod.H"
+#include "fvMeshDistribute.H"
+#include "wallPolyPatch.H"
+#include "refinementParameters.H"
+#include "snapParameters.H"
+#include "layerParameters.H"
 using namespace Foam;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// Check writing tolerance before doing any serious work
+scalar getMergeDistance(const polyMesh& mesh, const scalar mergeTol)
+    const boundBox& meshBb = mesh.bounds();
+    scalar mergeDist = mergeTol*mag(meshBb.max() - meshBb.min());
+    scalar writeTol = std::pow
+    (
+        scalar(10.0),
+       -scalar(IOstream::defaultPrecision())
+    );
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Overall mesh bounding box  : " << meshBb << nl
+        << "Relative tolerance         : " << mergeTol << nl
+        << "Absolute matching distance : " << mergeDist << nl
+        << endl;
+    if (mesh.time().writeFormat() == IOstream::ASCII && mergeTol < writeTol)
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn("getMergeDistance(const polyMesh&, const scalar)")
+            << "Your current settings specify ASCII writing with "
+            << IOstream::defaultPrecision() << " digits precision." << endl
+            << "Your merging tolerance (" << mergeTol << ") is finer than this."
+            << endl
+            << "Please change your writeFormat to binary"
+            << " or increase the writePrecision" << endl
+            << "or adjust the merge tolerance (-mergeTol)."
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    return mergeDist;
+// Write mesh and additional information
+void writeMesh
+    const string& msg,
+    const meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+    const label debug
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner.mesh();
+    meshRefiner.printMeshInfo(debug, msg);
+    Info<< "Writing mesh to time " << mesh.time().timeName() << endl;
+    meshRefiner.write(meshRefinement::MESH|meshRefinement::SCALARLEVELS, "");
+    if (debug & meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS)
+    {
+        meshRefiner.write
+        (
+            meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS,
+            mesh.time().path()/mesh.time().timeName()
+        );
+    }
+    Info<< "Written mesh in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s." << endl;
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 #   include "setRootCase.H"
@@ -49,6 +123,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     Info<< "Read mesh in = "
         << runTime.cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+    // Check patches and faceZones are synchronised
+    mesh.boundaryMesh().checkParallelSync(true);
+    meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(mesh);
     // Read decomposePar dictionary
     IOdictionary decomposeDict
@@ -75,51 +154,282 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-    // refinement parameters
-    const dictionary& refineDict = meshDict.subDict("castellatedMeshControls");
     // all surface geometry
     const dictionary& geometryDict = meshDict.subDict("geometry");
-    // snap-to-surface parameters
-    const dictionary& snapDict = meshDict.subDict("snapControls");
+    // refinement parameters
+    const dictionary& refineDict = meshDict.subDict("castellatedMeshControls");
     // mesh motion and mesh quality parameters
     const dictionary& motionDict = meshDict.subDict("meshQualityControls");
+    // snap-to-surface parameters
+    const dictionary& snapDict = meshDict.subDict("snapControls");
     // layer addition parameters
     const dictionary& layerDict = meshDict.subDict("addLayersControls");
-    // Main meshing driver. Read surfaces. Determine initial intersections.
-    autoHexMeshDriver meshEngine
+    // Debug
+    // ~~~~~
+    const label debug(readLabel(meshDict.lookup("debug")));
+    if (debug > 0)
+    {
+        meshRefinement::debug = debug;
+        autoRefineDriver::debug = debug;
+        autoSnapDriver::debug = debug;
+        autoLayerDriver::debug = debug;
+    }        
+    // Read geometry
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    searchableSurfaces allGeometry
+    (
+        IOobject
+        (
+            "abc",                      // dummy name
+            mesh.time().constant(),     // directory
+            "triSurface",               // instance
+            mesh.time(),                // registry
+            IOobject::MUST_READ,
+            IOobject::NO_WRITE
+        ),
+        geometryDict
+    );
+    // Read refinement surfaces
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Info<< "Reading refinement surfaces." << endl;
+    refinementSurfaces surfaces
+    (
+        allGeometry,
+        refineDict.subDict("refinementSurfaces")
+    );
+    Info<< "Read refinement surfaces in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    // Read refinement shells
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Info<< "Reading refinement shells." << endl;
+    shellSurfaces shells
+    (
+        allGeometry,
+        refineDict.subDict("refinementRegions")
+    );
+    Info<< "Read refinement shells in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    Info<< "Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent"
+        << " with shells." << endl;
+    surfaces.setMinLevelFields(shells);
+    Info<< "Checked shell refinement in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    // Add all the surface regions as patches
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    labelList globalToPatch;
+    {
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Adding patches for surface regions" << nl
+            << "----------------------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        // From global region number to mesh patch.
+        globalToPatch.setSize(surfaces.nRegions(), -1);
+        Info<< "Patch\tRegion" << nl
+            << "-----\t------"
+            << endl;
+        const labelList& surfaceGeometry = surfaces.surfaces();
+        forAll(surfaceGeometry, surfI)
+        {
+            label geomI = surfaceGeometry[surfI];
+            const wordList& regNames = allGeometry.regionNames()[geomI];
+            Info<< surfaces.names()[surfI] << ':' << nl << nl;
+            forAll(regNames, i)
+            {
+                label patchI = meshRefinement::addPatch
+                (
+                    mesh,
+                    regNames[i],
+                    wallPolyPatch::typeName
+                );
+                Info<< patchI << '\t' << regNames[i] << nl;
+                globalToPatch[surfaces.globalRegion(surfI, i)] = patchI;
+            }
+            Info<< nl;
+        }
+        Info<< "Added patches in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    }
+    // Parallel
+    // ~~~~~~~~
+    // Decomposition
+    autoPtr<decompositionMethod> decomposerPtr
+    (
+        decompositionMethod::New
+        (
+            decomposeDict,
+            mesh
+        )
+    );
+    decompositionMethod& decomposer = decomposerPtr();
+    if (Pstream::parRun() && !decomposer.parallelAware())
+    {
+        FatalErrorIn(args.executable())
+            << "You have selected decomposition method "
+            << decomposer.typeName
+            << " which is not parallel aware." << endl
+            << "Please select one that is (hierarchical, parMetis)"
+            << exit(FatalError);
+    }
+    const scalar mergeDist = getMergeDistance
-        meshDict,       // global control parameters
-        geometryDict,
-        refineDict,     // refinement parameters
-        decomposeDict
+        readScalar(meshDict.lookup("mergeTolerance"))
+    // Mesh distribution engine (uses tolerance to reconstruct meshes)
+    fvMeshDistribute distributor(mesh, mergeDist);
+    // Refinement engine
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Determining initial surface intersections" << nl
+        << "-----------------------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    // Main refinement engine
+    meshRefinement meshRefiner
+    (
+        mesh,
+        mergeDist,          // tolerance used in sorting coordinates
+        surfaces,           // for surface intersection refinement
+        shells              // for volume (inside/outside) refinement
+    );
+    Info<< "Calculated surface intersections in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    // Some stats
+    meshRefiner.printMeshInfo(debug, "Initial mesh");
+    meshRefiner.write
+    (
+        debug&meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS,
+        mesh.time().path()/mesh.time().timeName()
+    );
+    // Now do the real work -refinement -snapping -layers
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     Switch wantRefine(meshDict.lookup("castellatedMesh"));
     Switch wantSnap(meshDict.lookup("snap"));
     Switch wantLayers(meshDict.lookup("addLayers"));
     if (wantRefine)
-        meshEngine.doRefine(refineDict, wantSnap);
+        autoRefineDriver refineDriver
+        (
+            meshRefiner,
+            decomposer,
+            distributor,
+            globalToPatch
+        );
+        // Refinement parameters
+        refinementParameters refineParams(refineDict);
+        refineDriver.doRefine(refineDict, refineParams, wantSnap);
+        writeMesh
+        (
+            "Refined mesh",
+            meshRefiner,
+            debug
+        );
     if (wantSnap)
-        meshEngine.doSnap(snapDict, motionDict);
+        autoSnapDriver snapDriver
+        (
+            meshRefiner,
+            globalToPatch
+        );
+        // Snap parameters
+        snapParameters snapParams(snapDict);
+        snapDriver.doSnap(snapDict, motionDict, snapParams);
+        writeMesh
+        (
+            "Snapped mesh",
+            meshRefiner,
+            debug
+        );
     if (wantLayers)
-        meshEngine.doLayers(layerDict, motionDict);
+        autoLayerDriver layerDriver
+        (
+            meshRefiner,
+            globalToPatch
+        );
+        // Layer addition parameters
+        layerParameters layerParams(layerDict, mesh.boundaryMesh());
+        layerDriver.doLayers
+        (
+            layerDict,
+            motionDict,
+            layerParams,
+            decomposer,
+            distributor
+        );
+        writeMesh
+        (
+            "Layer mesh",
+            meshRefiner,
+            debug
+        );
     Info<< "Finished meshing in = "
         << runTime.elapsedCpuTime() << " s." << endl;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMeshDict b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMeshDict
index 4e71557fdbca0a308353f5e522acd949d1ba5f71..e97b1ee9a756bc9d0e42de449a28e596566f60a6 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMeshDict
+++ b/applications/utilities/mesh/generation/snappyHexMesh/snappyHexMeshDict
@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@ addLayers       false;
 // - to 'snap' the mesh boundary to the surface
-//    box1x1x1
-//    {
-//        type searchableBox;
-//        min (1.5 1 -0.5);
-//        max (3.5 2 0.5);
-//    }
-//    sphere.stl
-//    {
-//        type triSurfaceMesh;
-//        // Per region the patchname. If not provided will be <name>_<region>.
-//        regions
-//        {
-//            secondSolid
-//            {
-//                name mySecondPatch;
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
+    box1x1x1
+    {
+        type searchableBox;
+        min (1.5 1 -0.5);
+        max (3.5 2 0.5);
+    }
+    sphere.stl
+    {
+        type triSurfaceMesh;
+        // Per region the patchname. If not provided will be <name>_<region>.
+        regions
+        {
+            secondSolid
+            {
+                name mySecondPatch;
+            }
+        }
+    }
@@ -159,11 +159,11 @@ castellatedMeshControls
-        //box1x1x1
-        //{
-        //    mode inside;
-        //    levels ((1.0 4));
-        //}
+        box1x1x1
+        {
+            mode inside;
+            levels ((1.0 4));
+        }
         //    mode distance;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader.xml b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader.xml
index 4276a23afcfa51a23a82458d24a741e6021dd93d..41b44048d95e5494b510a3cf43249d4a3b62a3c7 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader.xml
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/graphics/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader/PV3FoamReader.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   <Reader name="PV3FoamReader"
-          extensions="foam OpenFOAM"
+          extensions="OpenFOAM"
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/Make/files b/src/autoMesh/Make/files
index 1c763a316c9c8148ab2bca1b887b9646121d53ae..96141445bea1ba3e2928715d3a50880f693d29b6 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/Make/files
+++ b/src/autoMesh/Make/files
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 autoHexMesh             = autoHexMesh
 autoHexMeshDriver       = $(autoHexMesh)/autoHexMeshDriver
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.C
index 94c217ebcc94f0997cff83626c1ec2aa81dd9f40..48f52d7880cebe3c905afc26e752479af6991fd9 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.C
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ License
 #include "refinementParameters.H"
 #include "snapParameters.H"
 #include "layerParameters.H"
+#include "autoRefineDriver.H"
+#include "autoSnapDriver.H"
+#include "autoLayerDriver.H"
+#include "triSurfaceMesh.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -87,7 +91,10 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getMergeDistance(const scalar mergeTol)
 //// Specifically orient using a calculated point outside
-//void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::orientOutside(PtrList<searchableSurface>& shells)
+//void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::orientOutside
+//    PtrList<searchableSurface>& shells
 //    // Determine outside point.
 //    boundBox overallBb
@@ -124,7 +131,8 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getMergeDistance(const scalar mergeTol)
 //        {
 //            if (isA<triSurfaceMesh>(shells[shellI]))
 //            {
-//                triSurfaceMesh& shell = refCast<triSurfaceMesh>(shells[shellI]);
+//                triSurfaceMesh& shell =
+//                  refCast<triSurfaceMesh>(shells[shellI]);
 //                if (!refinementSurfaces::isSurfaceClosed(shell))
 //                {
@@ -141,584 +149,154 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getMergeDistance(const scalar mergeTol)
-// Check that face zones are synced
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkCoupledFaceZones() const
-    const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh_.faceZones();
-    // Check any zones are present anywhere and in same order
-    {
-        List<wordList> zoneNames(Pstream::nProcs());
-        zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()] = fZones.names();
-        Pstream::gatherList(zoneNames);
-        Pstream::scatterList(zoneNames);
-        // All have same data now. Check.
-        forAll(zoneNames, procI)
-        {
-            if (procI != Pstream::myProcNo())
-            {
-                if (zoneNames[procI] != zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()])
-                {
-                    FatalErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "autoHexMeshDriver::checkCoupledFaceZones() const"
-                    )   << "faceZones are not synchronised on processors." << nl
-                        << "Processor " << procI << " has faceZones "
-                        << zoneNames[procI] << nl
-                        << "Processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()
-                        << " has faceZones "
-                        << zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()] << nl
-                        << exit(FatalError);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Check that coupled faces are present on both sides.
-    labelList faceToZone(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces(), -1);
-    forAll(fZones, zoneI)
-    {
-        const faceZone& fZone = fZones[zoneI];
-        forAll(fZone, i)
-        {
-            label bFaceI = fZone[i]-mesh_.nInternalFaces();
-            if (bFaceI >= 0)
-            {
-                if (faceToZone[bFaceI] == -1)
-                {
-                    faceToZone[bFaceI] = zoneI;
-                }
-                else if (faceToZone[bFaceI] == zoneI)
-                {
-                    FatalErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "autoHexMeshDriver::checkCoupledFaceZones()"
-                    )   << "Face " << fZone[i] << " in zone "
-                        << fZone.name()
-                        << " is twice in zone!"
-                        << abort(FatalError);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    FatalErrorIn
-                    (
-                        "autoHexMeshDriver::checkCoupledFaceZones()"
-                    )   << "Face " << fZone[i] << " in zone "
-                        << fZone.name()
-                        << " is also in zone "
-                        << fZones[faceToZone[bFaceI]].name()
-                        << abort(FatalError);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    labelList neiFaceToZone(faceToZone);
-    syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh_, neiFaceToZone, false);
-    forAll(faceToZone, i)
-    {
-        if (faceToZone[i] != neiFaceToZone[i])
-        {
-            FatalErrorIn
-            (
-                "autoHexMeshDriver::checkCoupledFaceZones()"
-            )   << "Face " << mesh_.nInternalFaces()+i
-                << " is in zone " << faceToZone[i]
-                << ", its coupled face is in zone " << neiFaceToZone[i]
-                << abort(FatalError);
-        }
-    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-//// Construct from components
-//    fvMesh& mesh,
-//    const dictionary& dict,
-//    const dictionary& decomposeDict
-//    mesh_(mesh),
-//    dict_(dict),
-//    debug_(readLabel(dict_.lookup("debug"))),
-//    mergeDist_(getMergeDistance(readScalar(dict_.lookup("mergeTolerance"))))
-//    if (debug_ > 0)
-//    {
-//        meshRefinement::debug = debug_;
-//        autoHexMeshDriver::debug = debug_;
-//    }
-//    refinementParameters refineParams(dict);
-//    Info<< "Overall cell limit                         : "
-//        << refineParams.maxGlobalCells() << endl;
-//    Info<< "Per processor cell limit                   : "
-//        << refineParams.maxLocalCells() << endl;
-//    Info<< "Minimum number of cells to refine          : "
-//        << refineParams.minRefineCells() << endl;
-//    Info<< "Curvature                                  : "
-//        << refineParams.curvature() << nl << endl;
-//    Info<< "Layers between different refinement levels : "
-//        << refineParams.nBufferLayers() << endl;
-//    PtrList<dictionary> shellsDict(dict_.lookup("refinementShells"));
-//    PtrList<dictionary> surfacesDict(dict_.lookup("surfaces"));
-//    // Read geometry
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< "Reading all geometry." << endl;
-//        // Construct dictionary with all shells and all refinement surfaces
-//        dictionary geometryDict;
-//        forAll(shellsDict, shellI)
-//        {
-//            dictionary shellDict = shellsDict[shellI];
-//            const word name(shellDict.lookup("name"));
-//            shellDict.remove("name");
-//            shellDict.remove("level");
-//            shellDict.remove("refineInside");
-//            geometryDict.add(name, shellDict);
-//        }
-//        forAll(surfacesDict, surfI)
-//        {
-//            dictionary surfDict = surfacesDict[shellI];
-//            const word name(string::validate<word>(surfDict.lookup("file")));
-//            surfDict.remove("file");
-//            if (!surfDict.found("name"))
-//            {
-//                surfDict.add("name", name);
-//            }
-//            geometryDict.add(name, iter());
-//        }
-//        allGeometryPtr_.reset
-//        (
-//            new searchableSurfaces
-//            (
-//                IOobject
-//                (
-//                    "abc",                      // dummy name
-//                    mesh_.time().constant(),    // directory
-//                    "triSurface",               // instance
-//                    mesh_.time(),               // registry
-//                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
-//                    IOobject::NO_WRITE
-//                ),
-//                geometryDict
-//            )
-//        );
-//        Info<< "Read geometry in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Read refinement surfaces
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< "Reading surfaces and constructing search trees." << endl;
-//        surfacesPtr_.reset
-//        (
-//            new refinementSurfaces
-//            (
-//                allGeometryPtr_(),
-//                surfacesDict
-//            )
-//        );
-//        Info<< "Read surfaces in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Read refinement shells
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< "Reading refinement shells." << endl;
-//        PtrList<dictionary> shellDicts(dict_.lookup("refinementShells"));
-//        shells_.setSize(shellDicts.size());
-//        shellLevels_.setSize(shellDicts.size());
-//        shellRefineInside_.setSize(shellDicts.size());
-//        forAll(shellDicts, i)
-//        {
-//            const dictionary& dict = shellDicts[i];
-//            shells_.set
-//            (
-//                i,
-//                searchableSurface::New
-//                (
-//                    dict.lookup("type"),
-//                    dict.lookup("name"),
-//                    mesh_.time(),
-//                    dict
-//                )
-//            );
-//            shellLevels_[i] = readLabel(dict.lookup("level"));
-//            shellRefineInside_[i] = Switch(dict.lookup("refineInside"));
-//            if (shellRefineInside_[i])
-//            {
-//                Info<< "Refinement level " << shellLevels_[i]
-//                    << " for all cells inside " << shells_[i].name() << endl;
-//            }
-//            else
-//            {
-//                Info<< "Refinement level " << shellLevels_[i]
-//                    << " for all cells outside " << shells_[i].name() << endl;
-//            }
-//        }
-//        Info<< "Read refinement shells in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//        // Orient shell surfaces before any searching is done.
-//        Info<< "Orienting triSurface shells so point far away is outside."
-//            << endl;
-//        orientOutside(shells_);
-//        Info<< "Oriented shells in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Read refinement surfaces
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< "Reading surfaces and constructing search trees." << endl;
-//        surfacesPtr_.reset
-//        (
-//            new refinementSurfaces
-//            (
-//                IOobject
-//                (
-//                    "",                                 // dummy name
-//                    mesh_.time().constant(),            // directory
-//                    "triSurface",                       // instance
-//                    mesh_.time(),                       // registry
-//                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
-//                    IOobject::NO_WRITE
-//                ),
-//                dict_.lookup("surfaces")
-//            )
-//        );
-//        Info<< "Read surfaces in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//        // Orient surfaces (if they're closed) before any searching is done.
-//        Info<< "Orienting (closed) surfaces so keepPoint is outside." << endl;
-//        forAll(surfaces(), i)
-//        {
-//            if (refinementSurfaces::isSurfaceClosed(surfaces()[i]))
-//            {
-//                refinementSurfaces::orientSurface
-//                (
-//                    keepPoints_[0],
-//                    surfacesPtr_()[i]
-//                );
-//            }
-//        }
-//        Info<< "Oriented closed surfaces in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//        Info<< "Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent"
-//            << " with shells." << endl;
-//        surfacesPtr_().setMinLevelFields
-//        (
-//            shells_,
-//            shellLevels_,
-//            shellRefineInside_
-//        );
-//        Info<< "Checked shell refinement in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//    }
-//    // Check faceZones are synchronised
-//    checkCoupledFaceZones();
-//    // Add all the surface regions as patches
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< nl
-//            << "Adding patches for surface regions" << nl
-//            << "----------------------------------" << nl
-//            << endl;
-//        // From global region number to mesh patch.
-//        globalToPatch_.setSize(surfaces().nRegions(), -1);
-//        Info<< "Patch\tRegion" << nl
-//            << "-----\t------"
-//            << endl;
-//        forAll(surfaces(), surfI)
-//        {
-//            const triSurfaceMesh& s = surfaces()[surfI];
-//            Info<< surfaces().names()[surfI] << ':' << nl << nl;
-//            const geometricSurfacePatchList& regions = s.patches();
-//            labelList nTrisPerRegion(surfaces().countRegions(s));
-//            forAll(regions, i)
-//            {
-//                if (nTrisPerRegion[i] > 0)
-//                {
-//                    label globalRegionI = surfaces().globalRegion(surfI, i);
-//                    // Use optionally specified patch type and name
-//                    word patchType = surfaces().patchType()[globalRegionI];
-//                    if (patchType == "")
-//                    {
-//                        patchType = wallPolyPatch::typeName;
-//                    }
-//                    word patchName = surfaces().patchName()[globalRegionI];
-//                    if (patchName == "")
-//                    {
-//                        patchName =
-//                            surfaces().names()[surfI]
-//                          + '_'
-//                          + regions[i].name();
-//                    }
-//                    label patchI = meshRefinement::addPatch
-//                    (
-//                        mesh,
-//                        patchName,
-//                        patchType
-//                    );
-//                    Info<< patchI << '\t' << regions[i].name() << nl;
-//                    globalToPatch_[globalRegionI] = patchI;
-//                }
-//            }
-//            Info<< nl;
-//        }
-//        Info<< "Added patches in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//    }
-//    //// Add cyclics for any named faceZones
-//    //// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    //// (these cyclics are used later on to temporarily put the faceZones
-//    ////  in when snapping)
-//    //
-//    //labelList namedSurfaces(surfaces().getNamedSurfaces());
-//    //if (namedSurfaces.size() > 0)
-//    //{
-//    //    Info<< nl
-//    //        << "Introducing cyclics for faceZones" << nl
-//    //        << "---------------------------------" << nl
-//    //        << endl;
-//    //
-//    //    // From surface to cyclic patch
-//    //    surfaceToCyclicPatch_.setSize(surfaces().size(), -1);
-//    //
-//    //    Info<< "Patch\tZone" << nl
-//    //        << "----\t-----"
-//    //        << endl;
-//    //
-//    //    forAll(namedSurfaces, i)
-//    //    {
-//    //        label surfI = namedSurfaces[i];
-//    //
-//    //        surfaceToCyclicPatch_[surfI] = meshRefinement::addPatch
-//    //        (
-//    //            mesh,
-//    //            surfaces().faceZoneNames()[surfI],
-//    //            cyclicPolyPatch::typeName
-//    //        );
-//    //
-//    //        Info<< surfaceToCyclicPatch_[surfI] << '\t'
-//    //            << surfaces().faceZoneNames()[surfI] << nl << endl;
-//    //    }
-//    //    Info<< "Added cyclic patches in = "
-//    //        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//    //}
-//    // Parallel
-//    // ~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        // Decomposition
-//        decomposerPtr_ = decompositionMethod::New
-//        (
-//            decomposeDict,
-//            mesh_
-//        );
-//        decompositionMethod& decomposer = decomposerPtr_();
-//        if (Pstream::parRun() && !decomposer.parallelAware())
-//        {
-//            FatalErrorIn("autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver"
-//                "(const IOobject&, fvMesh&)")
-//                << "You have selected decomposition method "
-//                << decomposer.typeName
-//                << " which is not parallel aware." << endl
-//                << "Please select one that is (parMetis, hierarchical)"
-//                << exit(FatalError);
-//        }
-//        // Mesh distribution engine (uses tolerance to reconstruct meshes)
-//        distributorPtr_.reset(new fvMeshDistribute(mesh_, mergeDist_));
-//    }
-//    // Refinement engine
-//    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-//    {
-//        Info<< nl
-//            << "Determining initial surface intersections" << nl
-//            << "-----------------------------------------" << nl
-//            << endl;
-//        // Main refinement engine
-//        meshRefinerPtr_.reset
-//        (
-//            new meshRefinement
-//            (
-//                mesh,
-//                mergeDist_,         // tolerance used in sorting coordinates
-//                surfaces()
-//            )
-//        );
-//        Info<< "Calculated surface intersections in = "
-//            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-//        // Some stats
-//        meshRefinerPtr_().printMeshInfo(debug_, "Initial mesh");
-//        meshRefinerPtr_().write
-//        (
-//            debug_&meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS,
-//            mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName()
-//        );
-//    }
-// Construct from separate dictionaries.
+// Construct from components
     fvMesh& mesh,
-    const dictionary& controlDict,
-    const dictionary& geometryDict,
-    const dictionary& refineDict,
+    const dictionary& dict,
     const dictionary& decomposeDict
-    dict_(controlDict),
-    debug_(readLabel(controlDict.lookup("debug"))),
-    mergeDist_
-    (
-        getMergeDistance(readScalar(controlDict.lookup("mergeTolerance")))
-    )
+    dict_(dict),
+    debug_(readLabel(dict_.lookup("debug"))),
+    mergeDist_(getMergeDistance(readScalar(dict_.lookup("mergeTolerance"))))
     if (debug_ > 0)
         meshRefinement::debug = debug_;
         autoHexMeshDriver::debug = debug_;
+        autoRefineDriver::debug = debug;
+        autoSnapDriver::debug = debug;
+        autoLayerDriver::debug = debug;
+    refinementParameters refineParams(dict, 1);
+    Info<< "Overall cell limit                         : "
+        << refineParams.maxGlobalCells() << endl;
+    Info<< "Per processor cell limit                   : "
+        << refineParams.maxLocalCells() << endl;
+    Info<< "Minimum number of cells to refine          : "
+        << refineParams.minRefineCells() << endl;
+    Info<< "Curvature                                  : "
+        << refineParams.curvature() << nl << endl;
+    Info<< "Layers between different refinement levels : "
+        << refineParams.nBufferLayers() << endl;
+    PtrList<dictionary> shellDicts(dict_.lookup("refinementShells"));
+    PtrList<dictionary> surfaceDicts(dict_.lookup("surfaces"));
     // Read geometry
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Info<< "Reading all geometry." << endl;
-    allGeometryPtr_.reset
-    (
-        new searchableSurfaces
+    {
+        Info<< "Reading all geometry." << endl;
+        // Construct dictionary with all shells and all refinement surfaces
+        dictionary geometryDict;
+        forAll(shellDicts, shellI)
+        {
+            dictionary shellDict = shellDicts[shellI];
+            const word name(shellDict.lookup("name"));
+            shellDict.remove("name");
+            shellDict.remove("level");
+            shellDict.remove("refineInside");
+            geometryDict.add(name, shellDict);
+        }
+        forAll(surfaceDicts, surfI)
+        {
+            dictionary surfDict = surfaceDicts[surfI];
+            const word name(string::validate<word>(surfDict.lookup("file")));
+            surfDict.remove("file");
+            surfDict.remove("regions");
+            if (!surfDict.found("name"))
+            {
+                surfDict.add("name", name);
+            }
+            surfDict.add("type", triSurfaceMesh::typeName);
+            geometryDict.add(name, surfDict);
+        }
+        allGeometryPtr_.reset
-            IOobject
+            new searchableSurfaces
-                "abc",                      // dummy name
-                mesh_.time().constant(),    // directory
-                "triSurface",               // instance
-                mesh_.time(),               // registry
-                IOobject::MUST_READ,
-                IOobject::NO_WRITE
-            ),
-            geometryDict
-        )
-    );
-    Info<< "Read geometry in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+                IOobject
+                (
+                    "abc",                      // dummy name
+                    mesh_.time().constant(),    // directory
+                    "triSurface",               // instance
+                    mesh_.time(),               // registry
+                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
+                    IOobject::NO_WRITE
+                ),
+                geometryDict
+            )
+        );
+        Info<< "Read geometry in = "
+            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+    }
     // Read refinement surfaces
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Info<< "Reading refinement surfaces." << endl;
-    surfacesPtr_.reset
-    (
-        new refinementSurfaces
-        (
-            allGeometryPtr_(),
-            refineDict.subDict("refinementSurfaces")
-        )
-    );
-    Info<< "Read refinement surfaces in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    {
+        Info<< "Reading surfaces and constructing search trees." << endl;
+        surfacesPtr_.reset
+        (
+            new refinementSurfaces
+            (
+                allGeometryPtr_(),
+                surfaceDicts
+            )
+        );
+        Info<< "Read surfaces in = "
+            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+    }
     // Read refinement shells
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Info<< "Reading refinement shells." << endl;
-    shellsPtr_.reset
-    (
-        new shellSurfaces
+    {
+        Info<< "Reading refinement shells." << endl;
+        shellsPtr_.reset
-            allGeometryPtr_(),
-            refineDict.subDict("refinementRegions")
-        )
-    );
-    Info<< "Read refinement shells in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
-    Info<< "Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent"
-        << " with shells." << endl;
-    surfacesPtr_().setMinLevelFields(shells());
-    Info<< "Checked shell refinement in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+            new shellSurfaces
+            (
+                allGeometryPtr_(),
+                shellDicts
+            )
+        );
+        Info<< "Read refinement shells in = "
+            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+        //// Orient shell surfaces before any searching is done.
+        //Info<< "Orienting triSurface shells so point far away is outside."
+        //    << endl;
+        //orientOutside(shells_);
+        //Info<< "Oriented shells in = "
+        //    << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+        Info<< "Setting refinement level of surface to be consistent"
+            << " with shells." << endl;
+        surfacesPtr_().setMinLevelFields(shells());
+        Info<< "Checked shell refinement in = "
+            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+    }
     // Check faceZones are synchronised
-    checkCoupledFaceZones();
+    meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(mesh_);
     // Add all the surface regions as patches
@@ -757,7 +335,6 @@ Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver
                     label patchI = meshRefinement::addPatch
-                        //s.searchableSurface::name() + '_' + regions[i].name(),
@@ -774,6 +351,46 @@ Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver
             << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    //// Add cyclics for any named faceZones
+    //// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    //// (these cyclics are used later on to temporarily put the faceZones
+    ////  in when snapping)
+    //
+    //labelList namedSurfaces(surfaces().getNamedSurfaces());
+    //if (namedSurfaces.size() > 0)
+    //{
+    //    Info<< nl
+    //        << "Introducing cyclics for faceZones" << nl
+    //        << "---------------------------------" << nl
+    //        << endl;
+    //
+    //    // From surface to cyclic patch
+    //    surfaceToCyclicPatch_.setSize(surfaces().size(), -1);
+    //
+    //    Info<< "Patch\tZone" << nl
+    //        << "----\t-----"
+    //        << endl;
+    //
+    //    forAll(namedSurfaces, i)
+    //    {
+    //        label surfI = namedSurfaces[i];
+    //
+    //        surfaceToCyclicPatch_[surfI] = meshRefinement::addPatch
+    //        (
+    //            mesh,
+    //            surfaces().faceZoneNames()[surfI],
+    //            cyclicPolyPatch::typeName
+    //        );
+    //
+    //        Info<< surfaceToCyclicPatch_[surfI] << '\t'
+    //            << surfaces().faceZoneNames()[surfI] << nl << endl;
+    //    }
+    //    Info<< "Added cyclic patches in = "
+    //        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+    //}
     // Parallel
     // ~~~~~~~~
@@ -789,7 +406,8 @@ Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver
         if (Pstream::parRun() && !decomposer.parallelAware())
-            FatalErrorIn("autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver(const IOobject&, fvMesh&)")
+            FatalErrorIn("autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver"
+                "(const IOobject&, fvMesh&)")
                 << "You have selected decomposition method "
                 << decomposer.typeName
                 << " which is not parallel aware." << endl
@@ -818,12 +436,12 @@ Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver
                 mergeDist_,         // tolerance used in sorting coordinates
-                surfaces(),         // for surface intersection refinement
-                shells()            // for volume (inside/outside) refinement
+                surfaces(),
+                shells()
         Info<< "Calculated surface intersections in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
         // Some stats
         meshRefinerPtr_().printMeshInfo(debug_, "Initial mesh");
@@ -839,1031 +457,107 @@ Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::autoHexMeshDriver
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-// Read explicit feature edges
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::readFeatureEdges
-    const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts
+void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::writeMesh(const string& msg) const
-    Info<< "Reading external feature lines." << endl;
+    const meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    featureMeshes_.setSize(featDicts.size());
-    featureLevels_.setSize(featDicts.size());
+    meshRefiner.printMeshInfo(debug_, msg);
+    Info<< "Writing mesh to time " << mesh_.time().timeName() << endl;
-    forAll(featDicts, i)
+    meshRefiner.write(meshRefinement::MESH|meshRefinement::SCALARLEVELS, "");
+    if (debug_ & meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS)
-        const dictionary& dict = featDicts[i];
-        fileName featFileName(dict.lookup("file"));
-        featureMeshes_.set
+        meshRefiner.write
-            i,
-            new featureEdgeMesh
-            (
-                IOobject
-                (
-                    featFileName,           // name
-                    mesh_.time().constant(),// directory
-                    "triSurface",           // instance
-                    mesh_.db(),             // registry
-                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
-                    IOobject::NO_WRITE,
-                    false
-                )
-            )
+            meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS,
+            mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName()
-        featureMeshes_[i].mergePoints(mergeDist_);
-        featureLevels_[i] = readLabel(dict.lookup("level"));
-        Info<< "Refinement level " << featureLevels_[i]
-            << " for all cells crossed by feature " << featFileName
-            << " (" << featureMeshes_[i].points().size() << " points, "
-            << featureMeshes_[i].edges().size() << ")." << endl;
-    Info<< "Read feature lines in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
-    return featureMeshes_.size();
+    Info<< "Written mesh in = "
+        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s." << endl;
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::featureEdgeRefine
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
-    const label maxIter,
-    const label minRefine
+void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doMesh()
-    // Read explicit feature edges
-    readFeatureEdges(featDicts);
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
+    Switch wantRefine(dict_.lookup("doRefine"));
+    Switch wantSnap(dict_.lookup("doSnap"));
+    Switch wantLayers(dict_.lookup("doLayers"));
-    label iter = 0;
+    Info<< "Do refinement : " << wantRefine << nl
+        << "Do snapping   : " << wantSnap << nl
+        << "Do layers     : " << wantLayers << nl
+        << endl;
-    if (featureMeshes_.size() > 0 && maxIter > 0)
+    if (wantRefine)
-        for (; iter < maxIter; iter++)
-        {
-            Info<< nl
-                << "Feature refinement iteration " << iter << nl
-                << "------------------------------" << nl
-                << endl;
-            labelList candidateCells
-            (
-                meshRefiner.refineCandidates
-                (
-                    refineParams.keepPoints()[0],    // For now only use one.
-                    refineParams.curvature(),
-                    featureMeshes_,
-                    featureLevels_,
-                    true,               // featureRefinement
-                    false,              // internalRefinement
-                    false,              // surfaceRefinement
-                    false,              // curvatureRefinement
-                    refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
-                    refineParams.maxLocalCells()
-                )
-            );
-            labelList cellsToRefine
-            (
-                meshRefiner.meshCutter().consistentRefinement
-                (
-                    candidateCells,
-                    true
-                )
-            );
-            Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
-                << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+        autoRefineDriver refineDriver
+        (
+            meshRefinerPtr_(),
+            decomposerPtr_(),
+            distributorPtr_(),
+            globalToPatch_
+        );
+        // Get all the refinement specific params
+        refinementParameters refineParams(dict_, 1);
+        refineDriver.doRefine(dict_, refineParams, wantSnap);
-            label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
-            reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
+        // Write mesh
+        writeMesh("Refined mesh");
+    }
-            Info<< "Selected for feature refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
-                << " cells (out of " << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells()
-                << ')' << endl;
+    if (wantSnap)
+    {
+        const dictionary& snapDict = dict_.subDict("snapDict");
+        const dictionary& motionDict = dict_.subDict("motionDict");
-            if (nCellsToRefine <= minRefine)
-            {
-                Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
-                    << nl << endl;
-                break;
-            }
+        autoSnapDriver snapDriver
+        (
+            meshRefinerPtr_(),
+            globalToPatch_
+        );
+        // Get all the snapping specific params
+        snapParameters snapParams(snapDict, 1);
-            if (debug_ > 0)
-            {
-                const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-            }
+        snapDriver.doSnap(snapDict, motionDict, snapParams);
-            meshRefiner.refineAndBalance
-            (
-                "feature refinement iteration " + name(iter),
-                decomposerPtr_(),
-                distributorPtr_(),
-                cellsToRefine
-            );
-        }
+        // Write mesh.
+        writeMesh("Snapped mesh");
-    return iter;
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::surfaceOnlyRefine
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const label maxIter
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    // Determine the maximum refinement level over all surfaces. This
-    // determines the minumum number of surface refinement iterations.
-    label overallMaxLevel = max(surfaces().maxLevel());
-    label iter;
-    for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
-    {
-        Info<< nl
-            << "Surface refinement iteration " << iter << nl
-            << "------------------------------" << nl
-            << endl;
-        // Determine cells to refine
-        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-        // Only look at surface intersections (minLevel and surface curvature),
-        // do not do internal refinement (refinementShells)
-        labelList candidateCells
-        (
-            meshRefiner.refineCandidates
-            (
-                refineParams.keepPoints()[0],
-                refineParams.curvature(),
-                featureMeshes_,
-                featureLevels_,
-                false,              // featureRefinement
-                false,              // internalRefinement
-                true,               // surfaceRefinement
-                true,               // curvatureRefinement
-                refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
-                refineParams.maxLocalCells()
-            )
-        );
-        labelList cellsToRefine
-        (
-            meshRefiner.meshCutter().consistentRefinement
-            (
-                candidateCells,
-                true
-            )
-        );
-        Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-        label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
-        reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
-        Info<< "Selected for refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
-            << " cells (out of " << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells()
-            << ')' << endl;
-        // Stop when no cells to refine or have done minimum nessecary
-        // iterations and not enough cells to refine.
-        if
-        (
-            nCellsToRefine == 0
-         || (
-                iter >= overallMaxLevel
-             && nCellsToRefine <= refineParams.minRefineCells()
-            )
-        )
-        {
-            Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
-                << nl << endl;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        }
-        meshRefiner.refineAndBalance
-        (
-            "surface refinement iteration " + name(iter),
-            decomposerPtr_(),
-            distributorPtr_(),
-            cellsToRefine
-        );
-    }
-    return iter;
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::removeInsideCells
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const label nBufferLayers
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Removing mesh beyond surface intersections" << nl
-        << "------------------------------------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-       const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    }
-    meshRefiner.splitMesh
-    (
-        nBufferLayers,                  // nBufferLayers
-        globalToPatch_,
-        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
-    );
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        Pout<< "Writing subsetted mesh to time "
-            << mesh_.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
-        meshRefiner.write(debug_, mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName());
-        Pout<< "Dumped mesh in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
-    }
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::shellRefine
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const label maxIter
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    // Mark current boundary faces with 0. Have meshRefiner maintain them.
-    meshRefiner.userFaceData().setSize(1);
-    // mark list to remove any refined faces
-    meshRefiner.userFaceData()[0].first() = meshRefinement::REMOVE;
-    meshRefiner.userFaceData()[0].second() = createWithValues<labelList>
-    (
-        mesh_.nFaces(),
-        -1,
-        meshRefiner.intersectedFaces(),
-        0
-    );
-    // Determine the maximum refinement level over all volume refinement
-    // regions. This determines the minumum number of shell refinement
-    // iterations.
-    label overallMaxShellLevel = shells().maxLevel();
-    label iter;
-    for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
+    if (wantLayers)
-        Info<< nl
-            << "Shell refinement iteration " << iter << nl
-            << "----------------------------" << nl
-            << endl;
+        const dictionary& motionDict = dict_.subDict("motionDict");
+        const dictionary& shrinkDict = dict_.subDict("shrinkDict");
+        PtrList<dictionary> surfaceDicts(dict_.lookup("surfaces"));
-        labelList candidateCells
+        autoLayerDriver layerDriver
-            meshRefiner.refineCandidates
-            (
-                refineParams.keepPoints()[0],
-                refineParams.curvature(),
-                featureMeshes_,
-                featureLevels_,
-                false,              // featureRefinement
-                true,               // internalRefinement
-                false,              // surfaceRefinement
-                false,              // curvatureRefinement
-                refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
-                refineParams.maxLocalCells()
-            )
+            meshRefinerPtr_(),
+            globalToPatch_
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            Pout<< "Dumping " << candidateCells.size()
-                << " cells to cellSet candidateCellsFromShells." << endl;
-            cellSet(mesh_, "candidateCellsFromShells", candidateCells).write();
-        }
-        // Problem choosing starting faces for bufferlayers (bFaces)
-        //  - we can't use the current intersected boundary faces
-        //    (intersectedFaces) since this grows indefinitely
-        //  - if we use 0 faces we don't satisfy bufferLayers from the
-        //    surface.
-        //  - possibly we want to have bFaces only the initial set of faces
-        //    and maintain the list while doing the refinement.
-        labelList bFaces
+        // Get all the layer specific params
+        layerParameters layerParams
-            findIndices(meshRefiner.userFaceData()[0].second(), 0)
+            surfaceDicts,
+            surfacesPtr_(),
+            globalToPatch_,
+            shrinkDict,
+            mesh_.boundaryMesh()
-        //Info<< "Collected boundary faces : "
-        //    << returnReduce(bFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()) << endl;
-        labelList cellsToRefine;
-        if (refineParams.nBufferLayers() <= 2)
-        {
-            cellsToRefine = meshRefiner.meshCutter().consistentSlowRefinement
-            (
-                refineParams.nBufferLayers(),
-                candidateCells,                 // cells to refine
-                bFaces,                         // faces for nBufferLayers
-                1,                              // point difference
-                meshRefiner.intersectedPoints() // points to check
-            );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            cellsToRefine = meshRefiner.meshCutter().consistentSlowRefinement2
-            (
-                refineParams.nBufferLayers(),
-                candidateCells,                 // cells to refine
-                bFaces                          // faces for nBufferLayers
-            );
-        }
-        Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
-        label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
-        reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
-        Info<< "Selected for internal refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
-            << " cells (out of " << mesh_.globalData().nTotalCells()
-            << ')' << endl;
-        // Stop when no cells to refine or have done minimum nessecary
-        // iterations and not enough cells to refine.
-        if
+        layerDriver.doLayers
-            nCellsToRefine == 0
-         || (
-                iter >= overallMaxShellLevel
-             && nCellsToRefine <= refineParams.minRefineCells()
-            )
-        )
-        {
-            Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
-                << nl << endl;
-            break;
-        }
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        }
-        meshRefiner.refineAndBalance
-        (
-            "shell refinement iteration " + name(iter),
+            shrinkDict,
+            motionDict,
+            layerParams,
-            distributorPtr_(),
-            cellsToRefine
+            distributorPtr_()
-    }
-    meshRefiner.userFaceData().clear();
-    return iter;
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::baffleAndSplitMesh
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const bool handleSnapProblems
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Splitting mesh at surface intersections" << nl
-        << "---------------------------------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    // Introduce baffles at surface intersections. Note:
-    // meshRefiment::surfaceIndex() will
-    // be like boundary face from now on so not coupled anymore.
-    meshRefiner.baffleAndSplitMesh
-    (
-        handleSnapProblems,
-        !handleSnapProblems,            // merge free standing baffles?
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time()),
-        globalToPatch_,
-        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
-    );
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::zonify
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams
-    // Mesh is at its finest. Do zoning
-    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    // This puts all faces with intersection across a zoneable surface
-    // into that surface's faceZone. All cells inside faceZone get given the
-    // same cellZone.
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    if (surfaces().getNamedSurfaces().size() > 0)
-    {
-        Info<< nl
-            << "Introducing zones for interfaces" << nl
-            << "--------------------------------" << nl
-            << endl;
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        }
-        meshRefiner.zonify(refineParams.keepPoints()[0]);
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            Pout<< "Writing zoned mesh to time "
-                << mesh_.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
-            meshRefiner.write
-            (
-                debug_,
-                mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName()
-            );
-        }
-        // Check that all faces are synced
-        checkCoupledFaceZones();
-    }
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::splitAndMergeBaffles
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-    const bool handleSnapProblems
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Handling cells with snap problems" << nl
-        << "---------------------------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    // Introduce baffles and split mesh
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    }
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    meshRefiner.baffleAndSplitMesh
-    (
-        handleSnapProblems,
-        false,                  // merge free standing baffles?
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time()),
-        globalToPatch_,
-        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
-    );
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    }
-    // Duplicate points on baffles that are on more than one cell
-    // region. This will help snapping pull them to separate surfaces.
-    meshRefiner.dupNonManifoldPoints();
-    // Merge all baffles that are still remaining after duplicating points.
-    List<labelPair> couples
-    (
-        meshRefiner.getDuplicateFaces   // get all baffles
-        (
-            identity(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces())
-           +mesh_.nInternalFaces()
-        )
-    );
-    label nCouples = returnReduce(couples.size(), sumOp<label>());
-    Info<< "Detected unsplittable baffles : "
-        << nCouples << endl;
-    if (nCouples > 0)
-    {
-        // Actually merge baffles. Note: not exactly parallellized. Should
-        // convert baffle faces into processor faces if they resulted
-        // from them.
-        meshRefiner.mergeBaffles(couples);
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            // Debug:test all is still synced across proc patches
-            meshRefiner.checkData();
-        }
-        Info<< "Merged free-standing baffles in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s." << endl;
-    }
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        Pout<< "Writing handleProblemCells mesh to time "
-            << mesh_.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
-        meshRefiner.write(debug_, mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName());
-    }
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFaces
-    const refinementParameters& refineParams
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Merge refined boundary faces" << nl
-        << "----------------------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    }
-    meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    meshRefiner.mergePatchFaces
-    (
-        Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0),
-        Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0),
-        meshRefinement::addedPatches(globalToPatch_)
-    );
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        meshRefiner.checkData();
-    }
-    meshRefiner.mergeEdges(Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0));
-    if (debug_)
-    {
-        meshRefiner.checkData();
-    }
-Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapDistributePolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::balance
-    const bool keepZoneFaces,
-    const bool keepBaffles
-    autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> map;
-    if (Pstream::parRun())
-    {
-        Info<< nl
-            << "Doing final balancing" << nl
-            << "---------------------" << nl
-            << endl;
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        }
-        meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-        decompositionMethod& decomposer = decomposerPtr_();
-        fvMeshDistribute& distributor = distributorPtr_();
-        // Wanted distribution
-        labelList distribution;
-        if (keepZoneFaces || keepBaffles)
-        {
-            // Faces where owner and neighbour are not 'connected' so can
-            // go to different processors.
-            boolList blockedFace(mesh_.nFaces(), true);
-            // Pairs of baffles
-            List<labelPair> couples;
-            if (keepZoneFaces)
-            {
-                label nNamed = surfaces().getNamedSurfaces().size();
-                Info<< "Found " << nNamed << " surfaces with faceZones."
-                    << " Applying special decomposition to keep those together."
-                    << endl;
-                // Determine decomposition to keep/move surface zones
-                // on one processor. The reason is that snapping will make these
-                // into baffles, move and convert them back so if they were
-                // proc boundaries after baffling&moving the points might be no
-                // longer snychronised so recoupling will fail. To prevent this
-                // keep owner&neighbour of such a surface zone on the same
-                // processor.
-                const wordList& fzNames = surfaces().faceZoneNames();
-                const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh_.faceZones();
-                // Get faces whose owner and neighbour should stay together,
-                // i.e. they are not 'blocked'.
-                label nZoned = 0;
-                forAll(fzNames, surfI)
-                {
-                    if (fzNames[surfI].size() > 0)
-                    {
-                        // Get zone
-                        label zoneI = fZones.findZoneID(fzNames[surfI]);
-                        const faceZone& fZone = fZones[zoneI];
-                        forAll(fZone, i)
-                        {
-                            if (blockedFace[fZone[i]])
-                            {
-                                blockedFace[fZone[i]] = false;
-                                nZoned++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                Info<< "Found " << returnReduce(nZoned, sumOp<label>())
-                    << " zoned faces to keep together."
-                    << endl;
-            }
-            if (keepBaffles)
-            {
-                // Get boundary baffles that need to stay together.
-                couples =  meshRefiner.getDuplicateFaces   // all baffles
-                (
-                    identity(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces())
-                   +mesh_.nInternalFaces()
-                );
-                Info<< "Found " << returnReduce(couples.size(), sumOp<label>())
-                    << " baffles to keep together."
-                    << endl;
-            }
-            distribution = meshRefiner.decomposeCombineRegions
-            (
-                blockedFace,
-                couples,
-                decomposer
-            );
-            labelList nProcCells(distributor.countCells(distribution));
-            Pstream::listCombineGather(nProcCells, plusEqOp<label>());
-            Pstream::listCombineScatter(nProcCells);
-            Info<< "Calculated decomposition:" << endl;
-            forAll(nProcCells, procI)
-            {
-                Info<< "    " << procI << '\t' << nProcCells[procI] << endl;
-            }
-            Info<< endl;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // Normal decomposition
-            distribution = decomposer.decompose(mesh_.cellCentres());
-        }
-        if (debug_)
-        {
-            Pout<< "Wanted distribution:"
-                << distributor.countCells(distribution)
-                << endl;
-        }
-        // Do actual sending/receiving of mesh
-        map = distributor.distribute(distribution);
-        // Update numbering of meshRefiner
-        meshRefiner.distribute(map);
-    }
-    return map;
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::writeMesh(const string& msg) const
-    const meshRefinement& meshRefiner = meshRefinerPtr_();
-    meshRefiner.printMeshInfo(debug_, msg);
-    Info<< "Writing mesh to time " << mesh_.time().timeName() << endl;
-    meshRefiner.write(meshRefinement::MESH|meshRefinement::SCALARLEVELS, "");
-    if (debug_ & meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS)
-    {
-        meshRefiner.write
-        (
-            meshRefinement::OBJINTERSECTIONS,
-            mesh_.time().path()/mesh_.time().timeName()
-        );
-    }
-    Info<< "Written mesh in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s." << endl;
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doRefine
-    const dictionary& refineDict,
-    const bool prepareForSnapping
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Refinement phase" << nl
-        << "----------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    // Get all the refinement specific params
-    refinementParameters refineParams(refineDict);
-    // Check that all the keep points are inside the mesh.
-    refineParams.findCells(mesh_);
-    PtrList<dictionary> featDicts(refineDict.lookup("features"));
-    // Refine around feature edges
-    featureEdgeRefine
-    (
-        refineParams,
-        featDicts,
-        100,    // maxIter
-        0       // min cells to refine
-    );
-    // Refine based on surface
-    surfaceOnlyRefine
-    (
-        refineParams,
-        100     // maxIter
-    );
-    // Remove cells (a certain distance) beyond surface intersections
-    removeInsideCells
-    (
-        refineParams,
-        1       // nBufferLayers
-    );
-    // Internal mesh refinement
-    shellRefine
-    (
-        refineParams,
-        100    // maxIter
-    );
-    // Introduce baffles at surface intersections
-    baffleAndSplitMesh(refineParams, prepareForSnapping);
-    // Mesh is at its finest. Do optional zoning.
-    zonify(refineParams);
-    // Pull baffles apart
-    splitAndMergeBaffles(refineParams, prepareForSnapping);
-    // Do something about cells with refined faces on the boundary
-    if (prepareForSnapping)
-    {
-        mergePatchFaces(refineParams);
-    }
-    // Do final balancing. Keep zoned faces on one processor.
-    balance(true, false);
-    // Write mesh
-    writeMesh("Refined mesh");
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doSnap
-    const dictionary& snapDict,
-    const dictionary& motionDict
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Morphing phase" << nl
-        << "--------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    // Get all the snapping specific params
-    snapParameters snapParams(snapDict);
-    // Get the labels of added patches.
-    labelList adaptPatchIDs(getSurfacePatches());
-    // Create baffles (pairs of faces that share the same points)
-    // Baffles stored as owner and neighbour face that have been created.
-    List<labelPair> baffles;
-    createZoneBaffles(baffles);
-    {
-        autoPtr<indirectPrimitivePatch> ppPtr
-        (
-            meshRefinement::makePatch
-            (
-                mesh_,
-                adaptPatchIDs
-            )
-        );
-        indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = ppPtr();
-        // Distance to attact to nearest feature on surface
-        const scalarField snapDist(calcSnapDistance(snapParams, pp));
-        // Construct iterative mesh mover.
-        Info<< "Constructing mesh displacer ..." << endl;
-        Info<< "Using mesh parameters " << motionDict << nl << endl;
-        pointMesh pMesh(mesh_);
-        motionSmoother meshMover
-        (
-            mesh_,
-            pp,
-            adaptPatchIDs,
-            meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField(pMesh, adaptPatchIDs),
-            motionDict
-        );
-        // Check initial mesh
-        Info<< "Checking initial mesh ..." << endl;
-        labelHashSet wrongFaces(mesh_.nFaces()/100);
-        motionSmoother::checkMesh(false, mesh_, motionDict, wrongFaces);
-        const label nInitErrors = returnReduce
-        (
-            wrongFaces.size(),
-            sumOp<label>()
-        );
-        Info<< "Detected " << nInitErrors << " illegal faces"
-            << " (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)"
-            << endl;
-        Info<< "Checked initial mesh in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
-        // Pre-smooth patch vertices (so before determining nearest)
-        preSmoothPatch(snapParams, nInitErrors, baffles, meshMover);
-        // Calculate displacement at every patch point. Insert into
-        // meshMover.
-        calcNearestSurface(snapDist, meshMover);
-        // Get smoothly varying internal displacement field.
-        smoothDisplacement(snapParams, meshMover);
-        // Apply internal displacement to mesh.
-        scaleMesh(snapParams, nInitErrors, baffles, meshMover);
-    }
-    // Merge any introduced baffles.
-    mergeZoneBaffles(baffles);
-    // Write mesh.
-    writeMesh("Snapped mesh");
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doLayers
-    const dictionary& shrinkDict,
-    const dictionary& motionDict
-    Info<< nl
-        << "Shrinking and layer addition phase" << nl
-        << "----------------------------------" << nl
-        << endl;
-    const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-    // Get all the layer specific params
-    layerParameters layerParams(shrinkDict, mesh_.boundaryMesh());
-    Info<< "Using mesh parameters " << motionDict << nl << endl;
-    // Merge coplanar boundary faces
-    mergePatchFacesUndo(layerParams, motionDict);
-    // Per patch the number of layers (0 if no layer)
-    const labelList& numLayers = layerParams.numLayers();
-    // Patches that need to get a layer
-    DynamicList<label> patchIDs(numLayers.size());
-    label nFacesWithLayers = 0;
-    forAll(numLayers, patchI)
-    {
-        if (numLayers[patchI] > 0)
-        {
-            patchIDs.append(patchI);
-            nFacesWithLayers += mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size();
-        }
-    }
-    patchIDs.shrink();
-    if (returnReduce(nFacesWithLayers, sumOp<label>()) == 0)
-    {
-        Info<< nl << "No layers to generate ..." << endl;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        autoPtr<indirectPrimitivePatch> ppPtr
-        (
-            meshRefinement::makePatch
-            (
-                mesh_,
-                patchIDs
-            )
-        );
-        indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = ppPtr();
-        // Construct iterative mesh mover.
-        Info<< "Constructing mesh displacer ..." << endl;
-        {
-            pointMesh pMesh(mesh_);
-            motionSmoother meshMover
-            (
-                mesh_,
-                pp,
-                patchIDs,
-                meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField(pMesh, patchIDs),
-                motionDict
-            );
-            // Check that outside of mesh is not multiply connected.
-            checkMeshManifold();
-            // Check initial mesh
-            Info<< "Checking initial mesh ..." << endl;
-            labelHashSet wrongFaces(mesh_.nFaces()/100);
-            motionSmoother::checkMesh(false, mesh_, motionDict, wrongFaces);
-            const label nInitErrors = returnReduce
-            (
-                wrongFaces.size(),
-                sumOp<label>()
-            );
-            Info<< "Detected " << nInitErrors << " illegal faces"
-                << " (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)"
-                << endl;
-            // Do all topo changes
-            addLayers(layerParams, motionDict, nInitErrors, meshMover);
-        }
         // Write mesh.
         writeMesh("Layer mesh");
@@ -1871,38 +565,4 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doLayers
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doMesh()
-    Switch wantRefine(dict_.lookup("doRefine"));
-    Switch wantSnap(dict_.lookup("doSnap"));
-    Switch wantLayers(dict_.lookup("doLayers"));
-    Info<< "Do refinement : " << wantRefine << nl
-        << "Do snapping   : " << wantSnap << nl
-        << "Do layers     : " << wantLayers << nl
-        << endl;
-    if (wantRefine)
-    {
-        doRefine(dict_, wantSnap);
-    }
-    if (wantSnap)
-    {
-        const dictionary& snapDict = dict_.subDict("snapDict");
-        const dictionary& motionDict = dict_.subDict("motionDict");
-        doSnap(snapDict, motionDict);
-    }
-    if (wantLayers)
-    {
-        const dictionary& motionDict = dict_.subDict("motionDict");
-        const dictionary& shrinkDict = dict_.subDict("shrinkDict");
-        doLayers(shrinkDict, motionDict);
-    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.H
index 06d377a2778a89faf535f30933aab0f85fad94b0..553f1690b8e9837e3ee5264d8bb5ef433b3d0629 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.H
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriver.H
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ Description
-    autoHexMeshDriverSnap.C
-    autoHexMeshDriverLayers.C
-    autoHexMeshDriverShrink.C
-    autoHexMeshDriverTemplates.C
@@ -44,11 +40,7 @@ SourceFiles
 #include "dictionary.H"
 #include "pointField.H"
 #include "boolList.H"
-#include "Switch.H"
-#include "PackedList.H"
 #include "wallPoint.H"
-#include "indirectPrimitivePatch.H"
-#include "featureEdgeMesh.H"
 #include "searchableSurfaces.H"
 #include "refinementSurfaces.H"
 #include "shellSurfaces.H"
@@ -63,17 +55,6 @@ namespace Foam
 // Class forward declarations
 class fvMesh;
-class pointMesh;
-class motionSmoother;
-class removePoints;
-class pointSet;
-class pointData;
-class faceSet;
-class addPatchCellLayer;
-class mapDistributePolyMesh;
-class snapParameters;
-class layerParameters;
-class refinementParameters;
                            Class autoHexMeshDriver Declaration
@@ -147,13 +128,6 @@ class autoHexMeshDriver
         const scalar mergeDist_;
-        // Refinement only
-            //- Explicit features
-            PtrList<featureEdgeMesh> featureMeshes_;
-            //- Per feature the refinement level
-            labelList featureLevels_;
         //- All surface based geometry
         autoPtr<searchableSurfaces> allGeometryPtr_;
@@ -179,436 +153,10 @@ class autoHexMeshDriver
     // Private Member Functions
-        // Refinement
-            //- Calculate merge distance. Check against writing tolerance.
-            scalar getMergeDistance(const scalar mergeTol) const;
-            static void orientOutside(PtrList<searchableSurface>&);
-            //- Read feature edges
-            label readFeatureEdges(const PtrList<dictionary>&);
-        // Snapping
-             //- Split surfaces into non-zoned and zones ones
-            void getZonedSurfaces(labelList&, labelList&) const;
-            //- Get faces to repatch. Returns map from face to patch.
-            Map<label> getZoneBafflePatches(const bool allowBoundary) const;
-            //- Calculates (geometric) shared points
-            static label getCollocatedPoints
-            (
-                const scalar tol,
-                const pointField&,
-                PackedList<1>&
-            );
-            //- Calculate displacement per patch point to smooth out patch.
-            //  Quite complicated in determining which points to move where.
-            pointField smoothPatchDisplacement(const motionSmoother&) const;
-            //- Check that face zones are synced
-            void checkCoupledFaceZones() const;
-            //- Per edge distance to patch
-            static tmp<scalarField> edgePatchDist
-            (
-                const pointMesh&,
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&
-            );
-            //- Write displacement as .obj file.
-            static void dumpMove
-            (
-                const fileName&,
-                const pointField&,
-                const pointField&
-            );
-            //- Check displacement is outwards pointing
-            static bool outwardsDisplacement
-            (
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
-                const vectorField&
-            );
-        // Face merging
-            //- Merge patch faces. Undo until no checkMesh errors.
-            label mergePatchFacesUndo
-            (
-                const scalar minCos,
-                const scalar concaveCos,
-                const dictionary&
-            );
-            //- Remove points.
-            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> doRemovePoints
-            (
-                removePoints& pointRemover,
-                const boolList& pointCanBeDeleted
-            );
-            //- Restore faces (which contain removed points)
-            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> doRestorePoints
-            (
-                removePoints& pointRemover,
-                const labelList& facesToRestore
-            );
-            //- Return candidateFaces that are also in set.
-            labelList collectFaces
-            (
-                const labelList& candidateFaces,
-                const labelHashSet& set
-            ) const;
-            //- Pick up faces of cells of faces in set.
-            labelList growFaceCellFace(const labelHashSet&) const;
-            //- Remove points not used by any face or points used by only
-            //  two faces where the edges are in line
-            label mergeEdgesUndo(const scalar minCos, const dictionary&);
-        // Layers
-            //- For debugging: Dump displacement to .obj files
-            static void dumpDisplacement
-            (
-                const fileName&,
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
-                const vectorField&,
-                const List<extrudeMode>&
-            );
-            //- Check that primitivePatch is not multiply connected.
-            //  Collect non-manifold points in pointSet.
-            static void checkManifold
-            (
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
-                pointSet& nonManifoldPoints
-            );
-            // Static extrusion setup
-                //- Unset extrusion on point. Returns true if anything unset.
-                static bool unmarkExtrusion
-                (
-                    const label patchPointI,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                );
-                //- Unset extrusion on face. Returns true if anything unset.
-                static bool unmarkExtrusion
-                (
-                    const face& localFace,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                );
-                //- No extrusion at non-manifold points.
-                void handleNonManifolds
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- No extrusion on feature edges. Assumes non-manifold
-                //  edges already handled.
-                void handleFeatureAngle
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const scalar minCos,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- No extrusion on warped faces
-                void handleWarpedFaces
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const scalar faceRatio,
-                    const scalar edge0Len,
-                    const labelList& cellLevel,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- Determine the number of layers per point from the number of
-                //  layers per surface.
-                void setNumLayers
-                (
-                    const labelList& patchToNLayers,
-                    const labelList& patchIDs,
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- Grow no-extrusion layer.
-                static void growNoExtrusion
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                );
-                //- Calculate pointwise wanted and minimum thickness.
-                //  thickness: wanted thickness
-                //  minthickness: when to give up and not extrude
-                //  Gets per patch parameters and determine pp pointwise
-                //  parameters.
-                void calculateLayerThickness
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const labelList& patchIDs,
-                    const scalarField& patchExpansionRatio,
-                    const scalarField& patchFinalLayerRatio,
-                    const scalarField& patchRelMinThickness,
-                    const labelList& cellLevel,
-                    const labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    const scalar edge0Len,
-                    scalarField& thickness,
-                    scalarField& minThickness,
-                    scalarField& expansionRatio
-                ) const;
-            // Extrusion execution
-                //- Synchronize displacement among coupled patches.
-                void syncPatchDisplacement
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const scalarField& minThickness,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- Get nearest point on surface to snap to
-                void getPatchDisplacement
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const scalarField& thickness,
-                    const scalarField& minThickness,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- Truncates displacement
-                // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set
-                //   to zero
-                // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
-                label truncateDisplacement
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const scalarField& minThickness,
-                    const faceSet& illegalPatchFaces,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                ) const;
-                //- Setup layer information (at points and faces) to
-                //  modify mesh topology in
-                //  regions where layer mesh terminates. Guarantees an
-                //  optional slow decreasing of the number of layers.
-                //  Returns the number of layers per face and per point
-                //  to go into the actual layer addition engine.
-                void setupLayerInfoTruncation
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
-                    const label nBufferCellsNoExtrude,
-                    labelList& nPatchPointLayers,
-                    labelList& nPatchFaceLayers
-                ) const;
-                //- Does any of the cells use a face from faces?
-                static bool cellsUseFace
-                (
-                    const polyMesh& mesh,
-                    const labelList& cellLabels,
-                    const labelHashSet& faces
-                );
-                //- Checks the newly added cells and locally unmarks points
-                //  so they will not get extruded next time round. Returns
-                //  global number of unmarked points (0 if all was fine)
-                static label checkAndUnmark
-                (
-                    const addPatchCellLayer& addLayer,
-                    const dictionary& motionDict,
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const fvMesh&,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                );
-                //- Count global number of extruded faces
-                static label countExtrusion
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
-                );
-                //- Collect layer faces and layer cells into bools
-                //  for ease of handling
-                static void getLayerCellsFaces
-                (
-                    const polyMesh&,
-                    const addPatchCellLayer&,
-                    boolList&,
-                    boolList&
-                );
-            // Mesh shrinking (to create space for layers)
-                //- Average field (over all subset of mesh points) by
-                //  summing contribution from edges. Global parallel since only
-                //  does master edges for coupled edges.
-                template<class Type>
-                void averageNeighbours
-                (
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const labelList& meshPoints,
-                    const edgeList& edges,
-                    const scalarField& invSumWeight,
-                    const Field<Type>& data,
-                    Field<Type>& average
-                ) const;
-                //- Calculate inverse sum of edge weights (currently always 1.0)
-                void sumWeights
-                (
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const labelList& meshPoints,
-                    const edgeList& edges,
-                    scalarField& invSumWeight
-                ) const;
-                //- Smooth scalar field on patch
-                void smoothField
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const scalarField& fieldMin,
-                    const label& nSmoothDisp,
-                    scalarField& field
-                ) const;
-                //- Smooth normals on patch.
-                void smoothPatchNormals
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const label nSmoothDisp,
-                    pointField& normals
-                ) const;
-                //- Smooth normals in interior.
-                void smoothNormals
-                (
-                    const label nSmoothDisp,
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& fixedPoints,
-                    pointVectorField& normals
-                ) const;
-                bool isMaxEdge
-                (
-                    const List<pointData>&,
-                    const label edgeI,
-                    const scalar minCos
-                ) const;
-                //- Stop layer growth where mesh wraps around edge with a
-                //  large feature angle
-                void handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const scalar minCos,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers,
-                    label& nPointCounter
-                ) const;
-                //- Find isolated islands (points, edges and faces and
-                // layer terminations)
-                // in the layer mesh and stop any layer growth at these points.
-                void findIsolatedRegions
-                (
-                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
-                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
-                    const labelList& meshEdges,
-                    const scalar minCosLayerTermination,
-                    scalarField& field,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers
-                ) const;
-                // Calculate medial axis fields
-                void medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-                (
-                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const label nSmoothNormals,
-                    const label nSmoothSurfaceNormals,
-                    const scalar minMedianAxisAngleCos,
-                    pointVectorField& dispVec,
-                    pointScalarField& medialRatio,
-                    pointScalarField& medialDist
-                ) const;
-                //- Main routine to shrink mesh
-                void shrinkMeshMedialDistance
-                (
-                    motionSmoother& meshMover,
-                    const label nSmoothThickness,
-                    const scalar maxThicknessToMedialRatio,
-                    const label nAllowableErrors,
-                    const label nSnap,
-                    const scalar minCosLayerTermination,
-                    const scalarField& layerThickness,
-                    const scalarField& minThickness,
-                    const pointVectorField& dispVec,
-                    const pointScalarField& medialRatio,
-                    const pointScalarField& medialDist,
-                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
-                    pointField& patchDisp,
-                    labelList& patchNLayers
-                ) const;
+        //- Calculate merge distance. Check against writing tolerance.
+        scalar getMergeDistance(const scalar mergeTol) const;
+        //static void orientOutside(PtrList<searchableSurface>&);
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
         autoHexMeshDriver(const autoHexMeshDriver&);
@@ -624,22 +172,11 @@ public:
     // Constructors
-//        //- Construct from dictionary and mesh to modify
-//        autoHexMeshDriver
-//        (
-//            fvMesh& mesh,
-//            const dictionary& meshDict,
-//            const dictionary& decomposeDict
-//        );
-        //- Alternative constructor from top-level controldictionary and
-        //  refinement specific dictionary
+        //- Construct from dictionary and mesh to modify
             fvMesh& mesh,
-            const dictionary& controlDict,
-            const dictionary& geometryDict,
-            const dictionary& refineDict,
+            const dictionary& meshDict,
             const dictionary& decomposeDict
@@ -677,181 +214,11 @@ public:
-        // Refinement
-            //- Refine around explicit feature edges
-            label featureEdgeRefine
-            (
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
-                const label maxIter,
-                const label minRefine
-            );
-            //- Refine at surface intersections
-            label surfaceOnlyRefine
-            (
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const label maxIter
-            );
-            //- Remove cells not reachable from keep points
-            void removeInsideCells
-            (    
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const label nBufferLayers
-            );
-            //- Refine volume regions (interior of shells)
-            label shellRefine
-            (
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const label maxIter
-            );
-            //- Introduce baffles; remove unreachable mesh parts
-            //  handleSnapProblems : whether to remove free floating cells
-            void baffleAndSplitMesh
-            (
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const bool handleSnapProblems
-            );
-            //- Move cells to zones
-            void zonify(const refinementParameters&);
-            //- Split and recombine baffles to get rid of single face baffles.
-            void splitAndMergeBaffles
-            (
-                const refinementParameters& refineParams,
-                const bool handleSnapProblems
-            );
-            //- Merge multiple boundary faces on single cell
-            void mergePatchFaces(const refinementParameters&);
-            //- Redecompose according to cell count
-            //  keepZoneFaces : find all faceZones from zoned surfaces and keep
-            //                  owner and neighbour together
-            //  keepBaffles   : find all baffles and keep them together
-            autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> balance
-            (
-                const bool keepZoneFaces,
-                const bool keepBaffles
-            );
+        // Meshing
             //- Write mesh
             void writeMesh(const string&) const;
-        // Snapping
-            //- Create baffles for faces straddling zoned surfaces. Return
-            //  baffles.
-            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> createZoneBaffles(List<labelPair>&);
-            //- Merge baffles.
-            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> mergeZoneBaffles(const List<labelPair>&);
-            //- Calculate edge length per patch point.
-            scalarField calcSnapDistance
-            (
-                const snapParameters& snapParams,
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&
-            ) const;
-            //- Get patches generated for surfaces.
-            labelList getSurfacePatches() const;
-            //- Smooth the mesh (patch and internal) to increase visibility
-            //  of surface points (on castellated mesh) w.r.t. surface.
-            void preSmoothPatch
-            (
-                const snapParameters& snapParams,
-                const label nInitErrors,
-                const List<labelPair>& baffles,
-                motionSmoother&
-            ) const;
-            //- Get points both on patch and facezone.
-            labelList getZoneSurfacePoints
-            (
-                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
-                const word& zoneName
-            ) const;
-            //- Per patch point calculate point on nearest surface. Set as
-            //  boundary conditions of motionSmoother displacement field. Return
-            //  displacement of patch points.
-            vectorField calcNearestSurface
-            (
-                const scalarField& snapDist,
-                motionSmoother& meshMover
-            ) const;
-            //- Smooth the displacement field to the internal.
-            void smoothDisplacement
-            (
-                const snapParameters& snapParams,
-                motionSmoother&
-            ) const;
-            //- Do the hard work: move the mesh according to displacement,
-            //  locally relax the displacement.
-            void scaleMesh
-            (
-                const snapParameters& snapParams,
-                const label nInitErrors,
-                const List<labelPair>& baffles,
-                motionSmoother&
-            );
-        // Layers
-            //- Merge patch faces on same cell.
-            void mergePatchFacesUndo
-            (
-                const layerParameters& layerParams,
-                const dictionary& motionDict
-            );
-            //- Check that mesh outside is not multiply connected.
-            void checkMeshManifold() const;
-            //- Add cell layers
-            void addLayers
-            (
-                const layerParameters& layerParams,
-                const dictionary& motionDict,
-                const label nAllowableErrors,
-                motionSmoother&
-            );
-        // Other
-            //- Do all refinement.
-            void doRefine
-            (
-                const dictionary& refineDict,
-                const bool prepareForSnapping
-            );
-            //- Do all snapping.
-            void doSnap
-            (
-                const dictionary& snapDict,
-                const dictionary& motionDict
-            );
-            //- Do alllayer addition.
-            void doLayers
-            (
-                const dictionary& shrinkDict,
-                const dictionary& motionDict
-            );
             //- Do all : refine, snap, layers
             void doMesh();
@@ -863,12 +230,6 @@ public:
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-#ifdef NoRepository
-#   include "autoHexMeshDriverTemplates.C"
-// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverLayers.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
similarity index 86%
rename from src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverLayers.C
rename to src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
index 3ebf41390cbb3c52986e2b41bdb4e8647b06ee3e..7caa1af11e1fa895bfb54af6796cbdef72a51840 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverLayers.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.C
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ Description
-#include "autoHexMeshDriver.H"
+#include "autoLayerDriver.H"
 #include "fvMesh.H"
 #include "Time.H"
-#include "combineFaces.H"
+#include "meshRefinement.H"
 #include "removePoints.H"
 #include "pointFields.H"
 #include "motionSmoother.H"
@@ -44,26 +44,39 @@ Description
 #include "mapDistributePolyMesh.H"
 #include "OFstream.H"
 #include "layerParameters.H"
+#include "combineFaces.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(autoLayerDriver, 0);
+} // End namespace Foam
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
+Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
     const scalar minCos,
     const scalar concaveCos,
     const dictionary& motionDict
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Patch face merging engine
-    combineFaces faceCombiner(mesh_, true);
+    combineFaces faceCombiner(mesh, true);
     // Pick up all candidate cells on boundary
-    labelHashSet boundaryCells(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces());
+    labelHashSet boundaryCells(mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces());
         labelList patchIDs(meshRefinement::addedPatches(globalToPatch_));
-        const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
+        const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
         forAll(patchIDs, i)
@@ -75,7 +88,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
                 forAll(patch, i)
-                    boundaryCells.insert(mesh_.faceOwner()[patch.start()+i]);
+                    boundaryCells.insert(mesh.faceOwner()[patch.start()+i]);
@@ -98,9 +111,9 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
     if (nFaceSets > 0)
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-            faceSet allSets(mesh_, "allFaceSets", allFaceSets.size());
+            faceSet allSets(mesh, "allFaceSets", allFaceSets.size());
             forAll(allFaceSets, setI)
                 forAll(allFaceSets[setI], i)
@@ -115,13 +128,13 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
         // Topology changes container
-        polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh_);
+        polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
         // Merge all faces of a set into the first face of the set.
         faceCombiner.setRefinement(allFaceSets, meshMod);
         // Experimental: store data for all the points that have been deleted
-        meshRefinerPtr_().storeData
+        meshRefiner_.storeData
             faceCombiner.savedPointLabels(),    // points to store
             labelList(0),                       // faces to store
@@ -129,20 +142,20 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
         // Change the mesh (no inflation)
-        autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh_, false, true);
+        autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false, true);
         // Update fields
-        mesh_.updateMesh(map);
+        mesh.updateMesh(map);
         // Move mesh (since morphing does not do this)
         if (map().hasMotionPoints())
-            mesh_.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
+            mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
-        meshRefinerPtr_().updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+        meshRefiner_.updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
@@ -158,14 +171,14 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             faceSet errorFaces
-                mesh_,
+                mesh,
-                mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces()
+                mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces()
             bool hasErrors = motionSmoother::checkMesh
                 false,  // report
-                mesh_,
+                mesh,
@@ -177,7 +190,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             //    label nOldSize = errorFaces.size();
             //    hasErrors =
-            //        mesh_.checkFaceFaces
+            //        mesh.checkFaceFaces
             //        (
             //            false,
             //            &errorFaces
@@ -196,7 +209,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
-            if (debug_)
+            if (debug)
                 Pout<< "Writing all faces in error to faceSet "
                     << errorFaces.objectPath() << nl << endl;
@@ -215,9 +228,9 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
                 if (masterFaceI != -1)
-                    label masterCellII = mesh_.faceOwner()[masterFaceI];
+                    label masterCellII = mesh.faceOwner()[masterFaceI];
-                    const cell& cFaces = mesh_.cells()[masterCellII];
+                    const cell& cFaces = mesh.cells()[masterCellII];
                     forAll(cFaces, i)
@@ -240,9 +253,9 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             Info<< "Masters that need to be restored:"
                 << nRestore << endl;
-            if (debug_)
+            if (debug)
-                faceSet restoreSet(mesh_, "mastersToRestore", mastersToRestore);
+                faceSet restoreSet(mesh, "mastersToRestore", mastersToRestore);
                 Pout<< "Writing all " << mastersToRestore.size()
                     << " masterfaces to be restored to set "
                     << restoreSet.objectPath() << endl;
@@ -260,7 +273,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             // ~~~~
             // Topology changes container
-            polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh_);
+            polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
             // Merge all faces of a set into the first face of the set.
             // Experimental:mark all points/faces/cells that have been restored.
@@ -278,15 +291,15 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             // Change the mesh (no inflation)
-            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh_, false, true);
+            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false, true);
             // Update fields
-            mesh_.updateMesh(map);
+            mesh.updateMesh(map);
             // Move mesh (since morphing does not do this)
             if (map().hasMotionPoints())
-                mesh_.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
+                mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
@@ -297,7 +310,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             inplaceMapKey(map().reverseCellMap(), restoredCells);
             // Experimental:restore all points/face/cells in maps
-            meshRefinerPtr_().updateMesh
+            meshRefiner_.updateMesh
                 labelList(0),       // changedFaces
@@ -309,11 +322,11 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
             Info<< endl;
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
             Pout<< "Writing merged-faces mesh to time "
-                << mesh_.time().timeName() << nl << endl;
-            mesh_.write();
+                << mesh.time().timeName() << nl << endl;
+            mesh.write();
@@ -326,45 +339,49 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
 // Remove points. pointCanBeDeleted is parallel synchronised.
-Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doRemovePoints
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoLayerDriver::doRemovePoints
     removePoints& pointRemover,
     const boolList& pointCanBeDeleted
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Topology changes container
-    polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh_);
+    polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
     pointRemover.setRefinement(pointCanBeDeleted, meshMod);
     // Change the mesh (no inflation)
-    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh_, false, true);
+    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false, true);
     // Update fields
-    mesh_.updateMesh(map);
+    mesh.updateMesh(map);
     // Move mesh (since morphing does not do this)
     if (map().hasMotionPoints())
-        mesh_.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
+        mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
-    meshRefinerPtr_().updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+    meshRefiner_.updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
     return map;
 // Restore faces (which contain removed points)
-Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doRestorePoints
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoLayerDriver::doRestorePoints
     removePoints& pointRemover,
     const labelList& facesToRestore
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Topology changes container
-    polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh_);
+    polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
     // Determine sets of points and faces to restore
     labelList localFaces, localPoints;
@@ -384,19 +401,19 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doRestorePoints
     // Change the mesh (no inflation)
-    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh_, false, true);
+    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = meshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false, true);
     // Update fields
-    mesh_.updateMesh(map);
+    mesh.updateMesh(map);
     // Move mesh (since morphing does not do this)
     if (map().hasMotionPoints())
-        mesh_.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
+        mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
-    meshRefinerPtr_().updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+    meshRefiner_.updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
     return map;
@@ -404,14 +421,16 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::doRestorePoints
 // Collect all faces that are both in candidateFaces and in the set.
 // If coupled face also collects the coupled face.
-Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::collectFaces
+Foam::labelList Foam::autoLayerDriver::collectFaces
     const labelList& candidateFaces,
     const labelHashSet& set
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Has face been selected?
-    boolList selected(mesh_.nFaces(), false);
+    boolList selected(mesh.nFaces(), false);
     forAll(candidateFaces, i)
@@ -424,7 +443,7 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::collectFaces
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
         orEqOp<bool>(),     // combine operator
         false               // separation
@@ -437,30 +456,32 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::collectFaces
 // Pick up faces of cells of faces in set.
-Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::growFaceCellFace
+Foam::labelList Foam::autoLayerDriver::growFaceCellFace
     const labelHashSet& set
 ) const
-    boolList selected(mesh_.nFaces(), false);
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    boolList selected(mesh.nFaces(), false);
     forAllConstIter(faceSet, set, iter)
         label faceI = iter.key();
-        label own = mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI];
+        label own = mesh.faceOwner()[faceI];
-        const cell& ownFaces = mesh_.cells()[own];
+        const cell& ownFaces = mesh.cells()[own];
         forAll(ownFaces, ownFaceI)
             selected[ownFaces[ownFaceI]] = true;
-        if (mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
+        if (mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
-            label nbr = mesh_.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
+            label nbr = mesh.faceNeighbour()[faceI];
-            const cell& nbrFaces = mesh_.cells()[nbr];
+            const cell& nbrFaces = mesh.cells()[nbr];
             forAll(nbrFaces, nbrFaceI)
                 selected[nbrFaces[nbrFaceI]] = true;
@@ -469,7 +490,7 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::growFaceCellFace
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
         orEqOp<bool>(),     // combine operator
         false               // separation
@@ -480,12 +501,14 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::growFaceCellFace
 // Remove points not used by any face or points used by only two faces where
 // the edges are in line
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
+Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
     const scalar minCos,
     const dictionary& motionDict
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl
         << "Merging all points on surface that" << nl
         << "- are used by only two boundary faces and" << nl
@@ -493,7 +516,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
         << "." << nl << endl;
     // Point removal analysis engine with undo
-    removePoints pointRemover(mesh_, true);
+    removePoints pointRemover(mesh, true);
     // Count usage of points
     boolList pointCanBeDeleted;
@@ -522,14 +545,14 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
             faceSet errorFaces
-                mesh_,
+                mesh,
-                mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces()
+                mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces()
             bool hasErrors = motionSmoother::checkMesh
                 false,  // report
-                mesh_,
+                mesh,
@@ -541,7 +564,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
             //    label nOldSize = errorFaces.size();
             //    hasErrors =
-            //        mesh_.checkFaceFaces
+            //        mesh.checkFaceFaces
             //        (
             //            false,
             //            &errorFaces
@@ -549,7 +572,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
             //     || hasErrors;
             //    Info<< "Detected additional "
-            //        << returnReduce(errorFaces.size()-nOldSize, sumOp<label>())
+            //        << returnReduce(errorFaces.size()-nOldSize,sumOp<label>())
             //        << " faces with illegal face-face connectivity"
             //        << endl;
@@ -559,7 +582,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
-            if (debug_)
+            if (debug)
                 Pout<< "**Writing all faces in error to faceSet "
                     << errorFaces.objectPath() << nl << endl;
@@ -609,11 +632,11 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
             doRestorePoints(pointRemover, masterErrorFaces);
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
             Pout<< "Writing merged-edges mesh to time "
-                << mesh_.time().timeName() << nl << endl;
-            mesh_.write();
+                << mesh.time().timeName() << nl << endl;
+            mesh.write();
@@ -626,7 +649,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeEdgesUndo
 // For debugging: Dump displacement to .obj files
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::dumpDisplacement
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::dumpDisplacement
     const fileName& prefix,
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
@@ -672,7 +695,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::dumpDisplacement
 // Check that primitivePatch is not multiply connected. Collect non-manifold
 // points in pointSet.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkManifold
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::checkManifold
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& fp,
     pointSet& nonManifoldPoints
@@ -699,23 +722,25 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkManifold
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkMeshManifold() const
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::checkMeshManifold() const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl << "Checking mesh manifoldness ..." << endl;
     // Get all outside faces
-    labelList outsideFaces(mesh_.nFaces() - mesh_.nInternalFaces());
+    labelList outsideFaces(mesh.nFaces() - mesh.nInternalFaces());
-    for (label faceI = mesh_.nInternalFaces(); faceI < mesh_.nFaces(); faceI++)
+    for (label faceI = mesh.nInternalFaces(); faceI < mesh.nFaces(); faceI++)
-         outsideFaces[faceI - mesh_.nInternalFaces()] = faceI;
+         outsideFaces[faceI - mesh.nInternalFaces()] = faceI;
     pointSet nonManifoldPoints
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
-        mesh_.nPoints() / 100
+        mesh.nPoints() / 100
     // Build primitivePatch out of faces and check it for problems.
@@ -723,8 +748,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkMeshManifold() const
-            IndirectList<face>(mesh_.faces(), outsideFaces),
-            mesh_.points()
+            IndirectList<face>(mesh.faces(), outsideFaces),
+            mesh.points()
@@ -749,7 +774,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkMeshManifold() const
 // Unset extrusion on point. Returns true if anything unset.
-bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::unmarkExtrusion
+bool Foam::autoLayerDriver::unmarkExtrusion
     const label patchPointI,
     pointField& patchDisp,
@@ -779,7 +804,7 @@ bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::unmarkExtrusion
 // Unset extrusion on face. Returns true if anything unset.
-bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::unmarkExtrusion
+bool Foam::autoLayerDriver::unmarkExtrusion
     const face& localFace,
     pointField& patchDisp,
@@ -810,7 +835,7 @@ bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::unmarkExtrusion
 // No extrusion at non-manifold points.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleNonManifolds
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleNonManifolds
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const labelList& meshEdges,
@@ -819,12 +844,14 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleNonManifolds
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl << "Handling non-manifold points ..." << endl;
     // Detect non-manifold points
     Info<< nl << "Checking patch manifoldness ..." << endl;
-    pointSet nonManifoldPoints(mesh_, "nonManifoldPoints", pp.nPoints());
+    pointSet nonManifoldPoints(mesh, "nonManifoldPoints", pp.nPoints());
     // 1. Local check
     checkManifold(pp, nonManifoldPoints);
@@ -840,16 +867,16 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleNonManifolds
     // 2. Parallel check
     // For now disable extrusion at any shared edges.
-    const labelHashSet sharedEdgeSet(mesh_.globalData().sharedEdgeLabels());
+    const labelHashSet sharedEdgeSet(mesh.globalData().sharedEdgeLabels());
     forAll(pp.edges(), edgeI)
         if (sharedEdgeSet.found(meshEdges[edgeI]))
-            const edge& e = mesh_.edges()[meshEdges[edgeI]];
+            const edge& e = mesh.edges()[meshEdges[edgeI]];
             Pout<< "Disabling extrusion at edge "
-                << mesh_.points()[e[0]] << mesh_.points()[e[1]]
+                << mesh.points()[e[0]] << mesh.points()[e[1]]
                 << " since it is non-manifold across coupled patches."
                 << endl;
@@ -901,7 +928,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleNonManifolds
 // Parallel feature edge detection. Assumes non-manifold edges already handled.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngle
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleFeatureAngle
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const labelList& meshEdges,
@@ -911,12 +938,14 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngle
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl << "Handling feature edges ..." << endl;
     if (minCos < 1-SMALL)
         // Normal component of normals of connected faces.
-        vectorField edgeNormal(mesh_.nEdges(), wallPoint::greatPoint);
+        vectorField edgeNormal(mesh.nEdges(), wallPoint::greatPoint);
         const labelListList& edgeFaces = pp.edgeFaces();
@@ -938,7 +967,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngle
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
             wallPoint::greatPoint,  // null value
@@ -947,9 +976,9 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngle
         label vertI = 0;
         autoPtr<OFstream> str;
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-            str.reset(new OFstream(mesh_.time().path()/"featureEdges.obj"));
+            str.reset(new OFstream(mesh.time().path()/"featureEdges.obj"));
             Info<< "Writing feature edges to " << str().name() << endl;
@@ -1013,7 +1042,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngle
 // layer and compares it to the space the warped face takes up. Disables
 // extrusion if layer thickness is more than faceRatio of the thickness of
 // the face.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleWarpedFaces
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const scalar faceRatio,
@@ -1024,9 +1053,11 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl << "Handling cells with warped patch faces ..." << nl;
-    const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
+    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
     label nWarpedFaces = 0;
@@ -1038,11 +1069,11 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
             label faceI = pp.addressing()[i];
-            label ownLevel = cellLevel[mesh_.faceOwner()[faceI]];
+            label ownLevel = cellLevel[mesh.faceOwner()[faceI]];
             scalar edgeLen = edge0Len/(1<<ownLevel);
             // Normal distance to face centre plane
-            const point& fc = mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI];
+            const point& fc = mesh.faceCentres()[faceI];
             const vector& fn = pp.faceNormals()[i];
             scalarField vProj(f.size());
@@ -1086,7 +1117,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
 //// No extrusion on cells with multiple patch faces. There ususally is a reason
 //// why combinePatchFaces hasn't succeeded.
-//void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleMultiplePatchFaces
+//void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleMultiplePatchFaces
 //    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
 //    pointField& patchDisp,
@@ -1094,12 +1125,14 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
 //    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 //) const
+//    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
 //    Info<< nl << "Handling cells with multiple patch faces ..." << nl;
 //    const labelListList& pointFaces = pp.pointFaces();
 //    // Cells that should not get an extrusion layer
-//    cellSet multiPatchCells(mesh_, "multiPatchCells", pp.size());
+//    cellSet multiPatchCells(mesh, "multiPatchCells", pp.size());
 //    // Detect points that use multiple faces on same cell.
 //    forAll(pointFaces, patchPointI)
@@ -1110,7 +1143,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
 //        forAll(pFaces, i)
 //        {
-//            label cellI = mesh_.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[pFaces[i]]];
+//            label cellI = mesh.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[pFaces[i]]];
 //            if (!pointCells.insert(cellI))
 //            {
@@ -1154,7 +1187,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
 //                forAll(pFaces, i)
 //                {
 //                    label cellI =
-//                        mesh_.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[pFaces[i]]];
+//                        mesh.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[pFaces[i]]];
 //                    if (multiPatchCells.found(cellI))
 //                    {
@@ -1185,7 +1218,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleWarpedFaces
 // No extrusion on faces with differing number of layers for points
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::setNumLayers
     const labelList& patchToNLayers,
     const labelList& patchIDs,
@@ -1195,6 +1228,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< nl << "Handling points with inconsistent layer specification ..."
         << endl;
@@ -1207,7 +1242,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
         label patchI = patchIDs[i];
-        const labelList& meshPoints = mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchI].meshPoints();
+        const labelList& meshPoints = mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].meshPoints();
         label wantedLayers = patchToNLayers[patchI];
@@ -1222,7 +1257,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
@@ -1231,7 +1266,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
@@ -1288,7 +1323,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setNumLayers
 // Grow no-extrusion layer
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::growNoExtrusion
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::growNoExtrusion
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     pointField& patchDisp,
@@ -1354,7 +1389,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::growNoExtrusion
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::calculateLayerThickness
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const labelList& patchIDs,
@@ -1370,7 +1405,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
     scalarField& expansionRatio
 ) const
-    const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
     if (min(patchRelMinThickness) < 0 || max(patchRelMinThickness) > 2)
@@ -1390,7 +1426,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
         forAll(pp, i)
-            label ownLevel = cellLevel[mesh_.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[i]]];
+            label ownLevel = cellLevel[mesh.faceOwner()[pp.addressing()[i]]];
             const face& f = pp.localFaces()[i];
@@ -1402,7 +1438,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1451,7 +1487,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1460,7 +1496,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1469,7 +1505,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1520,7 +1556,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calculateLayerThickness
 // Synchronize displacement among coupled patches.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const scalarField& minThickness,
@@ -1529,6 +1565,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
     List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     const labelList& meshPoints = meshMover.patch().meshPoints();
     label nChangedTotal = 0;
@@ -1540,7 +1577,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
         // Sync displacement (by taking min)
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1573,7 +1610,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1604,7 +1641,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1651,7 +1688,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::syncPatchDisplacement
 // of the faces using it.
 // extrudeStatus is both input and output and gives the status of each
 // patch point.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getPatchDisplacement
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::getPatchDisplacement
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const scalarField& thickness,
@@ -1664,6 +1701,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getPatchDisplacement
     Info<< nl << "Determining displacement for added points"
         << " according to pointNormal ..." << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = meshMover.patch();
     const vectorField& faceNormals = pp.faceNormals();
     const labelListList& pointFaces = pp.pointFaces();
@@ -1690,7 +1728,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getPatchDisplacement
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1700,7 +1738,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getPatchDisplacement
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -1803,7 +1841,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getPatchDisplacement
 // Truncates displacement
 // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set to zero
 // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::truncateDisplacement
+Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::truncateDisplacement
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const scalarField& minThickness,
@@ -2007,7 +2045,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::truncateDisplacement
 // Setup layer information (at points and faces) to modify mesh topology in
 // regions where layer mesh terminates.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setupLayerInfoTruncation
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::setupLayerInfoTruncation
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const labelList& patchNLayers,
@@ -2205,7 +2243,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::setupLayerInfoTruncation
 // Does any of the cells use a face from faces?
-bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::cellsUseFace
+bool Foam::autoLayerDriver::cellsUseFace
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     const labelList& cellLabels,
@@ -2231,7 +2269,7 @@ bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::cellsUseFace
 // Checks the newly added cells and locally unmarks points so they
 // will not get extruded next time round. Returns global number of unmarked
 // points (0 if all was fine)
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkAndUnmark
+Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::checkAndUnmark
     const addPatchCellLayer& addLayer,
     const dictionary& motionDict,
@@ -2298,7 +2336,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::checkAndUnmark
 //- Count global number of extruded faces
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::countExtrusion
+Foam::label Foam::autoLayerDriver::countExtrusion
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
@@ -2329,7 +2367,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::countExtrusion
 // Collect layer faces and layer cells into bools for ease of handling
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getLayerCellsFaces
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::getLayerCellsFaces
     const polyMesh& mesh,
     const addPatchCellLayer& addLayer,
@@ -2373,9 +2411,22 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getLayerCellsFaces
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+    const labelList& globalToPatch
+    meshRefiner_(meshRefiner),
+    globalToPatch_(globalToPatch)
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
     const layerParameters& layerParams,
     const dictionary& motionDict
@@ -2413,14 +2464,17 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergePatchFacesUndo
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::addLayers
     const layerParameters& layerParams,
     const dictionary& motionDict,
     const label nAllowableErrors,
-    motionSmoother& meshMover
+    motionSmoother& meshMover,
+    decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+    fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = meshMover.patch();
     const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints();
@@ -2435,8 +2489,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
         label v1 = meshPoints[ppEdge[1]];
         meshEdges[edgeI] = meshTools::findEdge
-            mesh_.edges(),
-            mesh_.pointEdges()[v0],
+            mesh.edges(),
+            mesh.pointEdges()[v0],
@@ -2498,8 +2552,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Undistorted edge length
-    const scalar edge0Len = meshRefinerPtr_().meshCutter().level0EdgeLength();
-    const labelList& cellLevel = meshRefinerPtr_().meshCutter().cellLevel();
+    const scalar edge0Len = meshRefiner_.meshCutter().level0EdgeLength();
+    const labelList& cellLevel = meshRefiner_.meshCutter().cellLevel();
@@ -2566,8 +2620,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-            mesh_.time().timeName(),
-            mesh_,
+            mesh.time().timeName(),
+            mesh,
@@ -2581,8 +2635,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-            mesh_.time().timeName(),
-            mesh_,
+            mesh.time().timeName(),
+            mesh,
@@ -2596,8 +2650,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-            mesh_.time().timeName(),
-            mesh_,
+            mesh.time().timeName(),
+            mesh,
@@ -2627,10 +2681,10 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
     // Saved old points
-    pointField oldPoints(mesh_.points());
+    pointField oldPoints(mesh.points());
     // Last set of topology changes. (changing mesh clears out polyTopoChange)
-    polyTopoChange savedMeshMod(mesh_.boundaryMesh().size());
+    polyTopoChange savedMeshMod(mesh.boundaryMesh().size());
     boolList flaggedCells;
     boolList flaggedFaces;
@@ -2703,7 +2757,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
         // Truncate displacements that are too small (this will do internal
         // ones, coupled ones have already been truncated by syncPatch)
-        faceSet dummySet(mesh_, "wrongPatchFaces", 0);
+        faceSet dummySet(mesh, "wrongPatchFaces", 0);
@@ -2716,27 +2770,27 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
         // Dump to .obj file for debugging.
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-                mesh_.time().path()/"layer",
+                mesh.time().path()/"layer",
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-            Info<< "Writing shrunk mesh to " << mesh_.time().timeName() << endl;
-            mesh_.write();
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+            Info<< "Writing shrunk mesh to " << mesh.time().timeName() << endl;
+            mesh.write();
         // Mesh topo change engine
-        polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh_);
+        polyTopoChange meshMod(mesh);
         // Grow layer of cells on to patch. Handles zero sized displacement.
-        addPatchCellLayer addLayer(mesh_);
+        addPatchCellLayer addLayer(mesh);
         // Determine per point/per face number of layers to extrude. Also
         // handles the slow termination of layers when going switching layers
@@ -2790,9 +2844,9 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
         // Store mesh changes for if mesh is correct.
@@ -2809,13 +2863,13 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-                mesh_.name(),
-                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh_).instance(),
-                mesh_.db(),
-                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh_).readOpt(),
-                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh_).writeOpt()
+                mesh.name(),
+                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh).instance(),
+                mesh.db(),
+                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh).readOpt(),
+                static_cast<polyMesh&>(mesh).writeOpt()
             ),          // io params from original mesh but new name
-            mesh_,      // original mesh
+            mesh,      // original mesh
             true        // parallel sync
         fvMesh& newMesh = newMeshPtr();
@@ -2843,9 +2897,9 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-            Info<< "Writing layer mesh to " << mesh_.time().timeName() << endl;
+            Info<< "Writing layer mesh to " << mesh.time().timeName() << endl;
             cellSet addedCellSet
@@ -2856,8 +2910,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
             Info<< "Writing "
                 << returnReduce(addedCellSet.size(), sumOp<label>())
                 << " added cells to cellSet "
-                << addedCellSet.objectPath()
-                << endl;
+                << addedCellSet.name() << endl;
             faceSet layerFacesSet
@@ -2869,8 +2922,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
             Info<< "Writing "
                 << returnReduce(layerFacesSet.size(), sumOp<label>())
                 << " faces inside added layer to faceSet "
-                << layerFacesSet.objectPath()
-                << endl;
+                << layerFacesSet.name() << endl;
@@ -2908,18 +2960,18 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
     // current mesh.
     // Apply the stored topo changes to the current mesh.
-    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = savedMeshMod.changeMesh(mesh_, false);
+    autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> map = savedMeshMod.changeMesh(mesh, false);
     // Update fields
-    mesh_.updateMesh(map);
+    mesh.updateMesh(map);
     // Move mesh (since morphing does not do this)
     if (map().hasMotionPoints())
-        mesh_.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
+        mesh.movePoints(map().preMotionPoints());
-    meshRefinerPtr_().updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
+    meshRefiner_.updateMesh(map, labelList(0));
     // Do final balancing
@@ -2927,8 +2979,24 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
     if (Pstream::parRun())
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Doing final balancing" << nl
+            << "---------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        }
         // Balance. No restriction on face zones and baffles.
-        autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> map = balance(false, false);
+        autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> map = meshRefiner_.balance
+        (
+            false,
+            false,
+            decomposer,
+            distributor
+        );
         // Re-distribute flag of layer faces and cells
@@ -2939,23 +3007,122 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::addLayers
     // Write mesh
     // ~~~~~~~~~~
-    //writeMesh("Layer mesh");
-    cellSet addedCellSet(mesh_, "addedCells", findIndices(flaggedCells, true));
+    cellSet addedCellSet(mesh, "addedCells", findIndices(flaggedCells, true));
     Info<< "Writing "
         << returnReduce(addedCellSet.size(), sumOp<label>())
         << " added cells to cellSet "
-        << addedCellSet.objectPath()
-        << endl;
+        << addedCellSet.name() << endl;
-    faceSet layerFacesSet(mesh_, "layerFaces", findIndices(flaggedFaces, true));
+    faceSet layerFacesSet(mesh, "layerFaces", findIndices(flaggedFaces, true));
     Info<< "Writing "
         << returnReduce(layerFacesSet.size(), sumOp<label>())
         << " faces inside added layer to faceSet "
-        << layerFacesSet.objectPath()
-        << endl;
+        << layerFacesSet.name() << endl;
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::doLayers
+    const dictionary& shrinkDict,
+    const dictionary& motionDict,
+    const layerParameters& layerParams,
+    decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+    fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Shrinking and layer addition phase" << nl
+        << "----------------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    Info<< "Using mesh parameters " << motionDict << nl << endl;
+    // Merge coplanar boundary faces
+    mergePatchFacesUndo(layerParams, motionDict);
+    // Per patch the number of layers (0 if no layer)
+    const labelList& numLayers = layerParams.numLayers();
+    // Patches that need to get a layer
+    DynamicList<label> patchIDs(numLayers.size());
+    label nFacesWithLayers = 0;
+    forAll(numLayers, patchI)
+    {
+        if (numLayers[patchI] > 0)
+        {
+            patchIDs.append(patchI);
+            nFacesWithLayers += mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].size();
+        }
+    }
+    patchIDs.shrink();
+    if (returnReduce(nFacesWithLayers, sumOp<label>()) == 0)
+    {
+        Info<< nl << "No layers to generate ..." << endl;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        autoPtr<indirectPrimitivePatch> ppPtr
+        (
+            meshRefinement::makePatch
+            (
+                mesh,
+                patchIDs
+            )
+        );
+        indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = ppPtr();
+        // Construct iterative mesh mover.
+        Info<< "Constructing mesh displacer ..." << endl;
+        {
+            pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
+            motionSmoother meshMover
+            (
+                mesh,
+                pp,
+                patchIDs,
+                meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField(pMesh, patchIDs),
+                motionDict
+            );
+            // Check that outside of mesh is not multiply connected.
+            checkMeshManifold();
+            // Check initial mesh
+            Info<< "Checking initial mesh ..." << endl;
+            labelHashSet wrongFaces(mesh.nFaces()/100);
+            motionSmoother::checkMesh(false, mesh, motionDict, wrongFaces);
+            const label nInitErrors = returnReduce
+            (
+                wrongFaces.size(),
+                sumOp<label>()
+            );
+            Info<< "Detected " << nInitErrors << " illegal faces"
+                << " (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)"
+                << endl;
+            // Do all topo changes
+            addLayers
+            (
+                layerParams,
+                motionDict,
+                nInitErrors,
+                meshMover,
+                decomposer,
+                distributor
+            );
+        }
+    }
 // ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af768a64aa42ad05d67d63a46c12a8605594282f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriver.H
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+    Foam::autoLayerDriver
+    All to do with adding layers
+    autoLayerDriver.C
+#ifndef autoLayerDriver_H
+#define autoLayerDriver_H
+#include "meshRefinement.H"
+#include "wallPoint.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+// Forward declaration of classes
+class removePoints;
+class pointSet;
+class motionSmoother;
+class addPatchCellLayer;
+class pointData;
+class wallPoint;
+class faceSet;
+class layerParameters;
+                           Class autoLayerDriver Declaration
+class autoLayerDriver
+    // Static data members
+        //- Extrusion controls
+        enum extrudeMode
+        {
+            NOEXTRUDE,      /*!< Do not extrude. No layers added. */
+            EXTRUDE,        /*!< Extrude */
+            EXTRUDEREMOVE   /*!< Extrude but afterwards remove added */
+                            /*!< faces locally */
+        };
+    // Private classes
+        //- Combine operator class to combine normal with other normal.
+        class nomalsCombine
+        {
+        public:
+            void operator()(vector& x, const vector& y) const
+            {
+                if (y != wallPoint::greatPoint)
+                {
+                    if (x == wallPoint::greatPoint)
+                    {
+                        x = y;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        x *= (x&y);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+    // Private data
+        //- Mesh+surface
+        meshRefinement& meshRefiner_;
+        //- From surface region to patch
+        const labelList globalToPatch_;
+    // Private Member Functions
+        // Face merging
+            //- Merge patch faces. Undo until no checkMesh errors.
+            label mergePatchFacesUndo
+            (
+                const scalar minCos,
+                const scalar concaveCos,
+                const dictionary&
+            );
+            //- Remove points.
+            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> doRemovePoints
+            (
+                removePoints& pointRemover,
+                const boolList& pointCanBeDeleted
+            );
+            //- Restore faces (which contain removed points)
+            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> doRestorePoints
+            (
+                removePoints& pointRemover,
+                const labelList& facesToRestore
+            );
+            //- Return candidateFaces that are also in set.
+            labelList collectFaces
+            (
+                const labelList& candidateFaces,
+                const labelHashSet& set
+            ) const;
+            //- Pick up faces of cells of faces in set.
+            labelList growFaceCellFace(const labelHashSet&) const;
+            //- Remove points not used by any face or points used by only
+            //  two faces where the edges are in line
+            label mergeEdgesUndo(const scalar minCos, const dictionary&);
+        // Layers
+            //- For debugging: Dump displacement to .obj files
+            static void dumpDisplacement
+            (
+                const fileName&,
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
+                const vectorField&,
+                const List<extrudeMode>&
+            );
+            //- Check that primitivePatch is not multiply connected.
+            //  Collect non-manifold points in pointSet.
+            static void checkManifold
+            (
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
+                pointSet& nonManifoldPoints
+            );
+            //- Check that mesh outside is not multiply connected.
+            void checkMeshManifold() const;
+            // Static extrusion setup
+                //- Unset extrusion on point. Returns true if anything unset.
+                static bool unmarkExtrusion
+                (
+                    const label patchPointI,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                );
+                //- Unset extrusion on face. Returns true if anything unset.
+                static bool unmarkExtrusion
+                (
+                    const face& localFace,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                );
+                //- No extrusion at non-manifold points.
+                void handleNonManifolds
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- No extrusion on feature edges. Assumes non-manifold
+                //  edges already handled.
+                void handleFeatureAngle
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const scalar minCos,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- No extrusion on warped faces
+                void handleWarpedFaces
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const scalar faceRatio,
+                    const scalar edge0Len,
+                    const labelList& cellLevel,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- Determine the number of layers per point from the number of
+                //  layers per surface.
+                void setNumLayers
+                (
+                    const labelList& patchToNLayers,
+                    const labelList& patchIDs,
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- Grow no-extrusion layer.
+                static void growNoExtrusion
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                );
+                //- Calculate pointwise wanted and minimum thickness.
+                //  thickness: wanted thickness
+                //  minthickness: when to give up and not extrude
+                //  Gets per patch parameters and determine pp pointwise
+                //  parameters.
+                void calculateLayerThickness
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const labelList& patchIDs,
+                    const scalarField& patchExpansionRatio,
+                    const scalarField& patchFinalLayerRatio,
+                    const scalarField& patchRelMinThickness,
+                    const labelList& cellLevel,
+                    const labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    const scalar edge0Len,
+                    scalarField& thickness,
+                    scalarField& minThickness,
+                    scalarField& expansionRatio
+                ) const;
+            // Extrusion execution
+                //- Synchronize displacement among coupled patches.
+                void syncPatchDisplacement
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const scalarField& minThickness,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- Get nearest point on surface to snap to
+                void getPatchDisplacement
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const scalarField& thickness,
+                    const scalarField& minThickness,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- Truncates displacement
+                // - for all patchFaces in the faceset displacement gets set
+                //   to zero
+                // - all displacement < minThickness gets set to zero
+                label truncateDisplacement
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const scalarField& minThickness,
+                    const faceSet& illegalPatchFaces,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                ) const;
+                //- Setup layer information (at points and faces) to
+                //  modify mesh topology in
+                //  regions where layer mesh terminates. Guarantees an
+                //  optional slow decreasing of the number of layers.
+                //  Returns the number of layers per face and per point
+                //  to go into the actual layer addition engine.
+                void setupLayerInfoTruncation
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
+                    const label nBufferCellsNoExtrude,
+                    labelList& nPatchPointLayers,
+                    labelList& nPatchFaceLayers
+                ) const;
+                //- Does any of the cells use a face from faces?
+                static bool cellsUseFace
+                (
+                    const polyMesh& mesh,
+                    const labelList& cellLabels,
+                    const labelHashSet& faces
+                );
+                //- Checks the newly added cells and locally unmarks points
+                //  so they will not get extruded next time round. Returns
+                //  global number of unmarked points (0 if all was fine)
+                static label checkAndUnmark
+                (
+                    const addPatchCellLayer& addLayer,
+                    const dictionary& motionDict,
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const fvMesh&,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                );
+                //- Count global number of extruded faces
+                static label countExtrusion
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus
+                );
+                //- Collect layer faces and layer cells into bools
+                //  for ease of handling
+                static void getLayerCellsFaces
+                (
+                    const polyMesh&,
+                    const addPatchCellLayer&,
+                    boolList&,
+                    boolList&
+                );
+            // Mesh shrinking (to create space for layers)
+                //- Average field (over all subset of mesh points) by
+                //  summing contribution from edges. Global parallel since only
+                //  does master edges for coupled edges.
+                template<class Type>
+                static void averageNeighbours
+                (
+                    const polyMesh& mesh,
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const labelList& meshPoints,
+                    const edgeList& edges,
+                    const scalarField& invSumWeight,
+                    const Field<Type>& data,
+                    Field<Type>& average
+                );
+                //- Calculate inverse sum of edge weights (currently always 1.0)
+                void sumWeights
+                (
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const labelList& meshPoints,
+                    const edgeList& edges,
+                    scalarField& invSumWeight
+                ) const;
+                //- Smooth scalar field on patch
+                void smoothField
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const scalarField& fieldMin,
+                    const label& nSmoothDisp,
+                    scalarField& field
+                ) const;
+                //- Smooth normals on patch.
+                void smoothPatchNormals
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const label nSmoothDisp,
+                    pointField& normals
+                ) const;
+                //- Smooth normals in interior.
+                void smoothNormals
+                (
+                    const label nSmoothDisp,
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& fixedPoints,
+                    pointVectorField& normals
+                ) const;
+                bool isMaxEdge
+                (
+                    const List<pointData>&,
+                    const label edgeI,
+                    const scalar minCos
+                ) const;
+                //- Stop layer growth where mesh wraps around edge with a
+                //  large feature angle
+                void handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const scalar minCos,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers,
+                    label& nPointCounter
+                ) const;
+                //- Find isolated islands (points, edges and faces and
+                // layer terminations)
+                // in the layer mesh and stop any layer growth at these points.
+                void findIsolatedRegions
+                (
+                    const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
+                    const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
+                    const labelList& meshEdges,
+                    const scalar minCosLayerTermination,
+                    scalarField& field,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers
+                ) const;
+                // Calculate medial axis fields
+                void medialAxisSmoothingInfo
+                (
+                    const motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const label nSmoothNormals,
+                    const label nSmoothSurfaceNormals,
+                    const scalar minMedianAxisAngleCos,
+                    pointVectorField& dispVec,
+                    pointScalarField& medialRatio,
+                    pointScalarField& medialDist
+                ) const;
+                //- Main routine to shrink mesh
+                void shrinkMeshMedialDistance
+                (
+                    motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                    const label nSmoothThickness,
+                    const scalar maxThicknessToMedialRatio,
+                    const label nAllowableErrors,
+                    const label nSnap,
+                    const scalar minCosLayerTermination,
+                    const scalarField& layerThickness,
+                    const scalarField& minThickness,
+                    const pointVectorField& dispVec,
+                    const pointScalarField& medialRatio,
+                    const pointScalarField& medialDist,
+                    List<extrudeMode>& extrudeStatus,
+                    pointField& patchDisp,
+                    labelList& patchNLayers
+                ) const;
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        autoLayerDriver(const autoLayerDriver&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const autoLayerDriver&);
+    //- Runtime type information
+    ClassName("autoLayerDriver");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from components
+        autoLayerDriver
+        (
+            meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+            const labelList& globalToPatch
+        );
+    // Member Functions
+            //- Merge patch faces on same cell.
+            void mergePatchFacesUndo
+            (
+                const layerParameters& layerParams,
+                const dictionary& motionDict
+            );
+            //- Add cell layers
+            void addLayers
+            (
+                const layerParameters& layerParams,
+                const dictionary& motionDict,
+                const label nAllowableErrors,
+                motionSmoother& meshMover,
+                decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+                fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+            );
+            //- Add layers according to the dictionary settings
+            void doLayers
+            (
+                const dictionary& shrinkDict,
+                const dictionary& motionDict,
+                const layerParameters& layerParams,
+                decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+                fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+            );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+#ifdef NoRepository
+#   include "autoLayerDriverTemplates.C"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverShrink.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverShrink.C
similarity index 93%
rename from src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverShrink.C
rename to src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverShrink.C
index 0c66073e84c422135bcdb5aa82a2b6314641d61b..8c41371ddc2ef07f5a9613baebf765d91632cf8e 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverShrink.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverShrink.C
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Description
-#include "autoHexMeshDriver.H"
+#include "autoLayerDriver.H"
 #include "fvMesh.H"
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "pointFields.H"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Description
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // Calculate inverse sum of edge weights (currently always 1.0)
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::sumWeights
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::sumWeights
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
     const labelList& meshEdges,
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::sumWeights
-        mesh_,
+        meshRefiner_.mesh(),
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::sumWeights
 // Smooth field on moving patch
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothField
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::smoothField
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothField
         scalarField average(pp.nPoints());
+            meshMover.mesh(),
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothField
 // Smooth normals on moving patch.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothPatchNormals
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::smoothPatchNormals
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothPatchNormals
         vectorField average(pp.nPoints());
+            meshMover.mesh(),
@@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothPatchNormals
 // Smooth normals in interior.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothNormals
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::smoothNormals
     const label nSmoothDisp,
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
@@ -234,10 +236,11 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothNormals
     // Get smoothly varying internal normals field.
     Info<< "shrinkMeshDistance : Smoothing normals ..." << endl;
-    const edgeList& edges = mesh_.edges();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();
     // Points that do not change.
-    PackedList<1> isFixedPoint(mesh_.nPoints(), 0);
+    PackedList<1> isFixedPoint(mesh.nPoints(), 0);
     // Internal points that are fixed
     forAll(fixedPoints, i)
@@ -247,12 +250,12 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothNormals
     // Correspondence between local edges/points and mesh edges/points
-    const labelList meshEdges(identity(mesh_.nEdges()));
-    const labelList meshPoints(identity(mesh_.nPoints()));
+    const labelList meshEdges(identity(mesh.nEdges()));
+    const labelList meshPoints(identity(mesh.nPoints()));
     // Calculate inverse sum of weights
-    scalarField invSumWeight(mesh_.nPoints(), 0);
+    scalarField invSumWeight(mesh.nPoints(), 0);
@@ -266,9 +269,10 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothNormals
     for (label iter = 0; iter < nSmoothDisp; iter++)
-        vectorField average(mesh_.nPoints());
+        vectorField average(mesh.nPoints());
+            mesh,
@@ -305,18 +309,19 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothNormals
 // Tries and find a medial axis point. Done by comparing vectors to nearest
 // wall point for both vertices of edge.
-bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::isMaxEdge
+bool Foam::autoLayerDriver::isMaxEdge
     const List<pointData>& pointWallDist,
     const label edgeI,
     const scalar minCos
 ) const
-    const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
     // Do not mark edges with one side on moving wall.
-    const edge& e = mesh_.edges()[edgeI];
+    const edge& e = mesh.edges()[edgeI];
     vector v0(points[e[0]] - pointWallDist[e[0]].origin());
     scalar magV0(mag(v0));
@@ -351,7 +356,7 @@ bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::isMaxEdge
 // Stop layer growth where mesh wraps around edge with a
 // large feature angle
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const scalar minCos,
@@ -444,7 +449,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::handleFeatureAngleLayerTerminations
 // Find isolated islands (points, edges and faces and layer terminations)
 // in the layer mesh and stop any layer growth at these points.
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::findIsolatedRegions
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::findIsolatedRegions
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
@@ -456,6 +461,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::findIsolatedRegions
     labelList& patchNLayers
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     Info<< "shrinkMeshDistance : Removing isolated regions ..." << endl;
     // Keep count of number of points unextruded
@@ -514,7 +521,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::findIsolatedRegions
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -582,7 +589,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::findIsolatedRegions
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
@@ -650,7 +657,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::findIsolatedRegions
 // medialDist  : distance to medial axis
 // medialRatio : ratio of medial distance to wall distance.
 //               (1 at wall, 0 at medial axis)
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
     const motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const label nSmoothNormals,
@@ -666,7 +673,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
     Info<< "medialAxisSmoothingInfo :"
         << " Calculate distance to Medial Axis ..." << endl;
-    const pointField& points = mesh_.points();
+    const polyMesh& mesh = meshMover.mesh();
+    const pointField& points = mesh.points();
     const pointMesh& pMesh = meshMover.pMesh();
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = meshMover.patch();
@@ -677,7 +685,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Precalulate master edge (only relevant for shared edges)
-    PackedList<1> isMasterEdge(syncTools::getMasterEdges(mesh_));
+    PackedList<1> isMasterEdge(syncTools::getMasterEdges(mesh));
     // Precalculate meshEdge per pp edge
     labelList meshEdges(pp.nEdges());
@@ -689,8 +697,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
         label v1 = pp.meshPoints()[e[1]];
         meshEdges[patchEdgeI] = meshTools::findEdge
-            mesh_.edges(),
-            mesh_.pointEdges()[v0],
+            mesh.edges(),
+            mesh.pointEdges()[v0],
@@ -717,7 +725,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -727,7 +735,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-            mesh_,
+            mesh,
@@ -756,7 +764,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Distance to wall
-    List<pointData> pointWallDist(mesh_.nPoints());
+    List<pointData> pointWallDist(mesh.nPoints());
     // 1. Calculate distance to points where displacement is specified.
@@ -777,7 +785,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
         // Do all calculations
-        List<pointData> edgeWallDist(mesh_.nEdges());
+        List<pointData> edgeWallDist(mesh.nEdges());
         PointEdgeWave<pointData> wallDistCalc
@@ -785,15 +793,15 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-            mesh_.nPoints()  // max iterations
+            mesh.nPoints()  // max iterations
     // 2. Find points with max distance and transport information back to
     //    wall.
-        List<pointData> pointMedialDist(mesh_.nPoints());
-        List<pointData> edgeMedialDist(mesh_.nEdges());
+        List<pointData> pointMedialDist(mesh.nPoints());
+        List<pointData> edgeMedialDist(mesh.nEdges());
         // Seed point data.
         DynamicList<pointData> maxInfo(meshPoints.size());
@@ -801,7 +809,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
         // 1. Medial axis points
-        const edgeList& edges = mesh_.edges();
+        const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();
         forAll(edges, edgeI)
@@ -836,7 +844,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
         // 2. Seed non-adapt patches
-        const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh_.boundaryMesh();
+        const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();
         labelHashSet adaptPatches(meshMover.adaptPatchIDs());
@@ -890,7 +898,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-            mesh_.nPoints()  // max iterations
+            mesh.nPoints()  // max iterations
         // Extract medial axis distance as pointScalarField
@@ -925,7 +933,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-    if (debug_)
+    if (debug)
         Info<< "medialAxisSmoothingInfo :"
             << " Writing:" << nl
@@ -943,7 +951,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::medialAxisSmoothingInfo
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::shrinkMeshMedialDistance
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::shrinkMeshMedialDistance
     motionSmoother& meshMover,
     const label nSmoothThickness,
@@ -973,7 +981,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::shrinkMeshMedialDistance
     const labelList& meshPoints = pp.meshPoints();
     // Precalulate master edge (only relevant for shared edges)
-    PackedList<1> isMasterEdge(syncTools::getMasterEdges(mesh_));
+    PackedList<1> isMasterEdge(syncTools::getMasterEdges(mesh));
     // Precalculate meshEdge per pp edge
     labelList meshEdges(pp.nEdges());
@@ -985,8 +993,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::shrinkMeshMedialDistance
         label v1 = pp.meshPoints()[e[1]];
         meshEdges[patchEdgeI] = meshTools::findEdge
-            mesh_.edges(),
-            mesh_.pointEdges()[v0],
+            mesh.edges(),
+            mesh.pointEdges()[v0],
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverTemplates.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverTemplates.C
similarity index 95%
rename from src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverTemplates.C
rename to src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverTemplates.C
index 31807f0dee77b8e43cd5d9e70684391adcf566b3..7284b4a355bb7f2cf17a53f25594504aa5f2d1c4 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverTemplates.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoLayerDriverTemplates.C
@@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ License
-#include "autoHexMeshDriver.H"
+#include "autoLayerDriver.H"
 #include "syncTools.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
 template<class Type>
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::averageNeighbours
+void Foam::autoLayerDriver::averageNeighbours
+    const polyMesh& mesh,
     const PackedList<1>& isMasterEdge,
     const labelList& meshEdges,
     const labelList& meshPoints,
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::averageNeighbours
     const scalarField& invSumWeight,
     const Field<Type>& data,
     Field<Type>& average
-) const
     average = pTraits<Type>::zero;
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::averageNeighbours
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.C
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..218087f7748435f5638052e36addf1914d20cd8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.C
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "autoRefineDriver.H"
+#include "fvMesh.H"
+#include "Time.H"
+#include "boundBox.H"
+#include "mapDistributePolyMesh.H"
+#include "cellSet.H"
+#include "syncTools.H"
+#include "refinementParameters.H"
+#include "featureEdgeMesh.H"
+#include "refinementSurfaces.H"
+#include "shellSurfaces.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(autoRefineDriver, 0);
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// Read explicit feature edges
+Foam::label Foam::autoRefineDriver::readFeatureEdges
+    const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
+    PtrList<featureEdgeMesh>& featureMeshes,
+    labelList& featureLevels
+) const
+    Info<< "Reading external feature lines." << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    featureMeshes.setSize(featDicts.size());
+    featureLevels.setSize(featDicts.size());
+    forAll(featDicts, i)
+    {
+        const dictionary& dict = featDicts[i];
+        fileName featFileName(dict.lookup("file"));
+        featureMeshes.set
+        (
+            i,
+            new featureEdgeMesh
+            (
+                IOobject
+                (
+                    featFileName,           // name
+                    mesh.time().constant(), // directory
+                    "triSurface",           // instance
+                    mesh.db(),              // registry
+                    IOobject::MUST_READ,
+                    IOobject::NO_WRITE,
+                    false
+                )
+            )
+        );
+        featureMeshes[i].mergePoints(meshRefiner_.mergeDistance());
+        featureLevels[i] = readLabel(dict.lookup("level"));
+        Info<< "Refinement level " << featureLevels[i]
+            << " for all cells crossed by feature " << featFileName
+            << " (" << featureMeshes[i].points().size() << " points, "
+            << featureMeshes[i].edges().size() << ")." << endl;
+    }
+    Info<< "Read feature lines in = "
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << nl << endl;
+    return featureMeshes.size();
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// Construct from components
+    meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+    decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+    fvMeshDistribute& distributor,
+    const labelList& globalToPatch
+    meshRefiner_(meshRefiner),
+    decomposer_(decomposer),
+    distributor_(distributor),
+    globalToPatch_(globalToPatch)
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+Foam::label Foam::autoRefineDriver::featureEdgeRefine
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
+    const label maxIter,
+    const label minRefine
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    // Read explicit feature edges
+    PtrList<featureEdgeMesh> featureMeshes;
+    // Per feature the refinement level
+    labelList featureLevels;
+    readFeatureEdges(featDicts, featureMeshes, featureLevels);
+    label iter = 0;
+    if (featureMeshes.size() > 0 && maxIter > 0)
+    {
+        for (; iter < maxIter; iter++)
+        {
+            Info<< nl
+                << "Feature refinement iteration " << iter << nl
+                << "------------------------------" << nl
+                << endl;
+            labelList candidateCells
+            (
+                meshRefiner_.refineCandidates
+                (
+                    refineParams.keepPoints()[0],    // For now only use one.
+                    refineParams.curvature(),
+                    featureMeshes,
+                    featureLevels,
+                    true,               // featureRefinement
+                    false,              // internalRefinement
+                    false,              // surfaceRefinement
+                    false,              // curvatureRefinement
+                    refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
+                    refineParams.maxLocalCells()
+                )
+            );
+            labelList cellsToRefine
+            (
+                meshRefiner_.meshCutter().consistentRefinement
+                (
+                    candidateCells,
+                    true
+                )
+            );
+            Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
+                << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+            label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
+            reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
+            Info<< "Selected for feature refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
+                << " cells (out of " << mesh.globalData().nTotalCells()
+                << ')' << endl;
+            if (nCellsToRefine <= minRefine)
+            {
+                Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
+                    << nl << endl;
+                break;
+            }
+            if (debug > 0)
+            {
+                const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+            }
+            meshRefiner_.refineAndBalance
+            (
+                "feature refinement iteration " + name(iter),
+                decomposer_,
+                distributor_,
+                cellsToRefine
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    return iter;
+Foam::label Foam::autoRefineDriver::surfaceOnlyRefine
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const label maxIter
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    // Determine the maximum refinement level over all surfaces. This
+    // determines the minumum number of surface refinement iterations.
+    label overallMaxLevel = max(meshRefiner_.surfaces().maxLevel());
+    label iter;
+    for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
+    {
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Surface refinement iteration " << iter << nl
+            << "------------------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        // Determine cells to refine
+        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        // Only look at surface intersections (minLevel and surface curvature),
+        // do not do internal refinement (refinementShells)
+        labelList candidateCells
+        (
+            meshRefiner_.refineCandidates
+            (
+                refineParams.keepPoints()[0],
+                refineParams.curvature(),
+                PtrList<featureEdgeMesh>(0),    // dummy featureMeshes;
+                labelList(0),                   // dummy featureLevels;
+                false,              // featureRefinement
+                false,              // internalRefinement
+                true,               // surfaceRefinement
+                true,               // curvatureRefinement
+                refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
+                refineParams.maxLocalCells()
+            )
+        );
+        labelList cellsToRefine
+        (
+            meshRefiner_.meshCutter().consistentRefinement
+            (
+                candidateCells,
+                true
+            )
+        );
+        Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+        label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
+        reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
+        Info<< "Selected for refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
+            << " cells (out of " << mesh.globalData().nTotalCells()
+            << ')' << endl;
+        // Stop when no cells to refine or have done minimum nessecary
+        // iterations and not enough cells to refine.
+        if
+        (
+            nCellsToRefine == 0
+         || (
+                iter >= overallMaxLevel
+             && nCellsToRefine <= refineParams.minRefineCells()
+            )
+        )
+        {
+            Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
+                << nl << endl;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        }
+        meshRefiner_.refineAndBalance
+        (
+            "surface refinement iteration " + name(iter),
+            decomposer_,
+            distributor_,
+            cellsToRefine
+        );
+    }
+    return iter;
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::removeInsideCells
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const label nBufferLayers
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Removing mesh beyond surface intersections" << nl
+        << "------------------------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    if (debug)
+    {
+       const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    }
+    meshRefiner_.splitMesh
+    (
+        nBufferLayers,                  // nBufferLayers
+        globalToPatch_,
+        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
+    );
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "Writing subsetted mesh to time "
+            << mesh.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
+        meshRefiner_.write(debug, mesh.time().path()/mesh.time().timeName());
+        Pout<< "Dumped mesh in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+    }
+Foam::label Foam::autoRefineDriver::shellRefine
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const label maxIter
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    // Mark current boundary faces with 0. Have meshRefiner maintain them.
+    meshRefiner_.userFaceData().setSize(1);
+    // mark list to remove any refined faces
+    meshRefiner_.userFaceData()[0].first() = meshRefinement::REMOVE;
+    meshRefiner_.userFaceData()[0].second() = createWithValues<labelList>
+    (
+        mesh.nFaces(),
+        -1,
+        meshRefiner_.intersectedFaces(),
+        0
+    );
+    // Determine the maximum refinement level over all volume refinement
+    // regions. This determines the minumum number of shell refinement
+    // iterations.
+    label overallMaxShellLevel = meshRefiner_.shells().maxLevel();
+    label iter;
+    for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++)
+    {
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Shell refinement iteration " << iter << nl
+            << "----------------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        labelList candidateCells
+        (
+            meshRefiner_.refineCandidates
+            (
+                refineParams.keepPoints()[0],
+                refineParams.curvature(),
+                PtrList<featureEdgeMesh>(0),    // dummy featureMeshes;
+                labelList(0),                   // dummy featureLevels;
+                false,              // featureRefinement
+                true,               // internalRefinement
+                false,              // surfaceRefinement
+                false,              // curvatureRefinement
+                refineParams.maxGlobalCells(),
+                refineParams.maxLocalCells()
+            )
+        );
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Pout<< "Dumping " << candidateCells.size()
+                << " cells to cellSet candidateCellsFromShells." << endl;
+            cellSet(mesh, "candidateCellsFromShells", candidateCells).write();
+        }
+        // Problem choosing starting faces for bufferlayers (bFaces)
+        //  - we can't use the current intersected boundary faces
+        //    (intersectedFaces) since this grows indefinitely
+        //  - if we use 0 faces we don't satisfy bufferLayers from the
+        //    surface.
+        //  - possibly we want to have bFaces only the initial set of faces
+        //    and maintain the list while doing the refinement.
+        labelList bFaces
+        (
+            findIndices(meshRefiner_.userFaceData()[0].second(), 0)
+        );
+        //Info<< "Collected boundary faces : "
+        //    << returnReduce(bFaces.size(), sumOp<label>()) << endl;
+        labelList cellsToRefine;
+        if (refineParams.nBufferLayers() <= 2)
+        {
+            cellsToRefine = meshRefiner_.meshCutter().consistentSlowRefinement
+            (
+                refineParams.nBufferLayers(),
+                candidateCells,                     // cells to refine
+                bFaces,                             // faces for nBufferLayers
+                1,                                  // point difference
+                meshRefiner_.intersectedPoints()    // points to check
+            );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            cellsToRefine = meshRefiner_.meshCutter().consistentSlowRefinement2
+            (
+                refineParams.nBufferLayers(),
+                candidateCells,                 // cells to refine
+                bFaces                          // faces for nBufferLayers
+            );
+        }
+        Info<< "Determined cells to refine in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s" << endl;
+        label nCellsToRefine = cellsToRefine.size();
+        reduce(nCellsToRefine, sumOp<label>());
+        Info<< "Selected for internal refinement : " << nCellsToRefine
+            << " cells (out of " << mesh.globalData().nTotalCells()
+            << ')' << endl;
+        // Stop when no cells to refine or have done minimum nessecary
+        // iterations and not enough cells to refine.
+        if
+        (
+            nCellsToRefine == 0
+         || (
+                iter >= overallMaxShellLevel
+             && nCellsToRefine <= refineParams.minRefineCells()
+            )
+        )
+        {
+            Info<< "Stopping refining since too few cells selected."
+                << nl << endl;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        }
+        meshRefiner_.refineAndBalance
+        (
+            "shell refinement iteration " + name(iter),
+            decomposer_,
+            distributor_,
+            cellsToRefine
+        );
+    }
+    meshRefiner_.userFaceData().clear();
+    return iter;
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::baffleAndSplitMesh
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const bool handleSnapProblems
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Splitting mesh at surface intersections" << nl
+        << "---------------------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    // Introduce baffles at surface intersections. Note:
+    // meshRefiment::surfaceIndex() will
+    // be like boundary face from now on so not coupled anymore.
+    meshRefiner_.baffleAndSplitMesh
+    (
+        handleSnapProblems,
+        !handleSnapProblems,            // merge free standing baffles?
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time()),
+        globalToPatch_,
+        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
+    );
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::zonify
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams
+    // Mesh is at its finest. Do zoning
+    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    // This puts all faces with intersection across a zoneable surface
+    // into that surface's faceZone. All cells inside faceZone get given the
+    // same cellZone.
+    if (meshRefiner_.surfaces().getNamedSurfaces().size() > 0)
+    {
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Introducing zones for interfaces" << nl
+            << "--------------------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        }
+        meshRefiner_.zonify(refineParams.keepPoints()[0]);
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Pout<< "Writing zoned mesh to time "
+                << mesh.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
+            meshRefiner_.write
+            (
+                debug,
+                mesh.time().path()/mesh.time().timeName()
+            );
+        }
+        // Check that all faces are synced
+        meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(mesh);
+    }
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::splitAndMergeBaffles
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const bool handleSnapProblems
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Handling cells with snap problems" << nl
+        << "---------------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    // Introduce baffles and split mesh
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    }
+    meshRefiner_.baffleAndSplitMesh
+    (
+        handleSnapProblems,
+        false,                  // merge free standing baffles?
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time()),
+        globalToPatch_,
+        refineParams.keepPoints()[0]
+    );
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    }
+    // Duplicate points on baffles that are on more than one cell
+    // region. This will help snapping pull them to separate surfaces.
+    meshRefiner_.dupNonManifoldPoints();
+    // Merge all baffles that are still remaining after duplicating points.
+    List<labelPair> couples
+    (
+        meshRefiner_.getDuplicateFaces   // get all baffles
+        (
+            identity(mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces())
+          + mesh.nInternalFaces()
+        )
+    );
+    label nCouples = returnReduce(couples.size(), sumOp<label>());
+    Info<< "Detected unsplittable baffles : "
+        << nCouples << endl;
+    if (nCouples > 0)
+    {
+        // Actually merge baffles. Note: not exactly parallellized. Should
+        // convert baffle faces into processor faces if they resulted
+        // from them.
+        meshRefiner_.mergeBaffles(couples);
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            // Debug:test all is still synced across proc patches
+            meshRefiner_.checkData();
+        }
+        Info<< "Merged free-standing baffles in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s." << endl;
+    }
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        Pout<< "Writing handleProblemCells mesh to time "
+            << mesh.time().timeName() << '.' << endl;
+        meshRefiner_.write(debug, mesh.time().path()/mesh.time().timeName());
+    }
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::mergePatchFaces
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Merge refined boundary faces" << nl
+        << "----------------------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    }
+    meshRefiner_.mergePatchFaces
+    (
+        Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0),
+        Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0),
+        meshRefinement::addedPatches(globalToPatch_)
+    );
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        meshRefiner_.checkData();
+    }
+    meshRefiner_.mergeEdges(Foam::cos(45*mathematicalConstant::pi/180.0));
+    if (debug)
+    {
+        meshRefiner_.checkData();
+    }
+void Foam::autoRefineDriver::doRefine
+    const dictionary& refineDict,
+    const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+    const bool prepareForSnapping
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Refinement phase" << nl
+        << "----------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    // Check that all the keep points are inside the mesh.
+    refineParams.findCells(mesh);
+    PtrList<dictionary> featDicts(refineDict.lookup("features"));
+    // Refine around feature edges
+    featureEdgeRefine
+    (
+        refineParams,
+        featDicts,
+        100,    // maxIter
+        0       // min cells to refine
+    );
+    // Refine based on surface
+    surfaceOnlyRefine
+    (
+        refineParams,
+        100     // maxIter
+    );
+    // Remove cells (a certain distance) beyond surface intersections
+    removeInsideCells
+    (
+        refineParams,
+        1       // nBufferLayers
+    );
+    // Internal mesh refinement
+    shellRefine
+    (
+        refineParams,
+        100    // maxIter
+    );
+    // Introduce baffles at surface intersections
+    baffleAndSplitMesh(refineParams, prepareForSnapping);
+    // Mesh is at its finest. Do optional zoning.
+    zonify(refineParams);
+    // Pull baffles apart
+    splitAndMergeBaffles(refineParams, prepareForSnapping);
+    // Do something about cells with refined faces on the boundary
+    if (prepareForSnapping)
+    {
+        mergePatchFaces(refineParams);
+    }
+    if (Pstream::parRun())
+    {
+        Info<< nl
+            << "Doing final balancing" << nl
+            << "---------------------" << nl
+            << endl;
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        }
+        // Do final balancing. Keep zoned faces on one processor.
+        meshRefiner_.balance
+        (
+            true,
+            false,
+            decomposer_,
+            distributor_
+        );
+    }
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8aa33855def83c7c8cade6f4fa9abbaf202b0ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoRefineDriver.H
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+    Foam::autoRefineDriver
+    autoRefineDriver.C
+#ifndef autoRefineDriver_H
+#define autoRefineDriver_H
+#include "meshRefinement.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+// Forward declaration of classes
+class featureEdgeMesh;
+class refinementParameters;
+                           Class autoRefineDriver Declaration
+class autoRefineDriver
+    // Private data
+        //- Mesh+surface
+        meshRefinement& meshRefiner_;
+        //- Reference to decomposition method
+        decompositionMethod& decomposer_;
+        //- Reference to mesh distribution engine
+        fvMeshDistribute& distributor_;
+        //- From surface region to patch
+        const labelList globalToPatch_;
+    // Private Member Functions
+        //- Read explicit feature edges
+        label readFeatureEdges
+        (
+            const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
+            PtrList<featureEdgeMesh>& featureMeshes,
+            labelList& featureLevel
+        ) const;
+        //- Refine all cells pierced by explicit feature edges
+        label featureEdgeRefine
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const PtrList<dictionary>& featDicts,
+            const label maxIter,
+            const label minRefine
+        );
+        //- Refine all cells interacting with the surface
+        label surfaceOnlyRefine
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const label maxIter
+        );
+        //- Remove all cells within intersected region
+        void removeInsideCells
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const label nBufferLayers
+        );
+        //- Remove all cells inside/outside shell
+        label shellRefine
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const label maxIter
+        );
+        //- Add baffles and remove unreachable cells
+        void baffleAndSplitMesh
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const bool handleSnapProblems
+        );
+        //- Add zones
+        void zonify(const refinementParameters& refineParams);
+        void splitAndMergeBaffles
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const bool handleSnapProblems
+        );
+        //- Merge refined boundary faces (from exposing coarser cell)
+        void mergePatchFaces
+        (
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams
+        );
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        autoRefineDriver(const autoRefineDriver&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const autoRefineDriver&);
+    //- Runtime type information
+    ClassName("autoRefineDriver");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from components
+        autoRefineDriver
+        (
+            meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+            decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+            fvMeshDistribute& distributor,
+            const labelList& globalToPatch
+        );
+    // Member Functions
+        //- Do all the refinement
+        void doRefine
+        (
+            const dictionary& refineDict,
+            const refinementParameters& refineParams,
+            const bool prepareForSnapping
+        );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverSnap.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.C
similarity index 79%
rename from src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverSnap.C
rename to src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.C
index 8e074cd05e2506da9f76c2fa877cbda00ce1246e..85b4f9d5d7adf8826d627ac54690747b16aec5c6 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoHexMeshDriverSnap.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.C
@@ -27,7 +27,12 @@ Description
-#include "autoHexMeshDriver.H"
+#include "autoSnapDriver.H"
+#include "Time.H"
+#include "pointFields.H"
+#include "motionSmoother.H"
+#include "polyTopoChange.H"
+#include "OFstream.H"
 #include "syncTools.H"
 #include "fvMesh.H"
 #include "Time.H"
@@ -38,16 +43,28 @@ Description
 #include "PointEdgeWave.H"
 #include "mergePoints.H"
 #include "snapParameters.H"
+#include "refinementSurfaces.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+defineTypeNameAndDebug(autoSnapDriver, 0);
+} // End namespace Foam
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZonedSurfaces
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::getZonedSurfaces
     labelList& zonedSurfaces,
     labelList& unzonedSurfaces
 ) const
 {    // Surfaces with zone information
-    const wordList& faceZoneNames = surfaces().faceZoneNames();
+    const wordList& faceZoneNames = meshRefiner_.surfaces().faceZoneNames();
     label zonedI = 0;
@@ -71,15 +88,18 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZonedSurfaces
 // Get faces to repatch. Returns map from face to patch.
-Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
+Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoSnapDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
     const bool allowBoundary
 ) const
-    Map<label> bafflePatch(mesh_.nFaces()/1000);
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    const refinementSurfaces& surfaces = meshRefiner_.surfaces();
-    const wordList& faceZoneNames = surfaces().faceZoneNames();
-    const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh_.faceZones();
+    Map<label> bafflePatch(mesh.nFaces()/1000);
+    const wordList& faceZoneNames = surfaces.faceZoneNames();
+    const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh.faceZones();
     forAll(faceZoneNames, surfI)
@@ -93,12 +113,12 @@ Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
             //// Get patch allocated for zone
             //label patchI = surfaceToCyclicPatch_[surfI];
             // Get patch of (first region) of surface
-            label patchI = globalToPatch_[surfaces().globalRegion(surfI, 0)];
+            label patchI = globalToPatch_[surfaces.globalRegion(surfI, 0)];
             Info<< "For surface "
-                << surfaces().names()[surfI]
+                << surfaces.names()[surfI]
                 << " found faceZone " << fZone.name()
-                << " and patch " << mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchI].name()
+                << " and patch " << mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].name()
                 << endl;
@@ -106,7 +126,7 @@ Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
                 label faceI = fZone[i];
-                if (allowBoundary || mesh_.isInternalFace(faceI))
+                if (allowBoundary || mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
                     if (!bafflePatch.insert(faceI, patchI))
@@ -116,11 +136,11 @@ Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
                             FatalErrorIn("getZoneBafflePatches(const bool)")
                                 << "Face " << faceI
-                                << " fc:" << mesh_.faceCentres()[faceI]
+                                << " fc:" << mesh.faceCentres()[faceI]
                                 << " is in faceZone "
-                                << mesh_.boundaryMesh()[oldPatchI].name()
+                                << mesh.boundaryMesh()[oldPatchI].name()
                                 << " and in faceZone "
-                                << mesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchI].name()
+                                << mesh.boundaryMesh()[patchI].name()
                                 << abort(FatalError);
@@ -134,7 +154,7 @@ Foam::Map<Foam::label> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneBafflePatches
 // Calculate geometrically collocated points, Requires PackedList to be
 // sizes and initalised!
-Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getCollocatedPoints
+Foam::label Foam::autoSnapDriver::getCollocatedPoints
     const scalar tol,
     const pointField& points,
@@ -196,7 +216,7 @@ Foam::label Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getCollocatedPoints
 // Calculate displacement as average of patch points.
-Foam::pointField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothPatchDisplacement
+Foam::pointField Foam::autoSnapDriver::smoothPatchDisplacement
     const motionSmoother& meshMover
 ) const
@@ -483,7 +503,7 @@ Foam::pointField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothPatchDisplacement
-Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::edgePatchDist
+Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::autoSnapDriver::edgePatchDist
     const pointMesh& pMesh,
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp
@@ -565,7 +585,7 @@ Foam::tmp<Foam::scalarField> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::edgePatchDist
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::dumpMove
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::dumpMove
     const fileName& fName,
     const pointField& meshPts,
@@ -596,7 +616,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::dumpMove
 // Check whether all displacement vectors point outwards of patch. Return true
 // if so.
-bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::outwardsDisplacement
+bool Foam::autoSnapDriver::outwardsDisplacement
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const vectorField& patchDisp
@@ -637,9 +657,22 @@ bool Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::outwardsDisplacement
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+    meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+    const labelList& globalToPatch
+    meshRefiner_(meshRefiner),
+    globalToPatch_(globalToPatch)
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
-Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::createZoneBaffles
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoSnapDriver::createZoneBaffles
     List<labelPair>& baffles
@@ -653,6 +686,8 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::createZoneBaffles
     // No need to sync; all processors will have all same zonedSurfaces.
     if (zonedSurfaces.size() > 0)
+        fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
         // Split internal faces on interface surfaces
         Info<< "Converting zoned faces into baffles ..." << endl;
@@ -664,14 +699,14 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::createZoneBaffles
         if (nZoneFaces > 0)
             // Convert into labelLists
-            labelList ownPatch(mesh_.nFaces(), -1);
+            labelList ownPatch(mesh.nFaces(), -1);
             forAllConstIter(Map<label>, faceToPatch, iter)
                 ownPatch[iter.key()] = iter();
             // Create baffles. both sides same patch.
-            map = meshRefinerPtr_().createBaffles(ownPatch, ownPatch);
+            map = meshRefiner_.createBaffles(ownPatch, ownPatch);
             // Get pairs of faces created.
             // Just loop over faceMap and store baffle if we encounter a slave
@@ -702,29 +737,29 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::createZoneBaffles
             if (baffleI != faceToPatch.size())
-                FatalErrorIn("autoHexMeshDriver::createZoneBaffles(..)")
+                FatalErrorIn("autoSnapDriver::createZoneBaffles(..)")
                     << "Had " << faceToPatch.size() << " patches to create "
                     << " but encountered " << baffleI
                     << " slave faces originating from patcheable faces."
                     << abort(FatalError);
-            if (debug_)
+            if (debug)
-                const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
+                const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
                 Pout<< "Writing baffled mesh to time "
-                    << mesh_.time().timeName() << endl;
-                mesh_.write();
+                    << mesh.time().timeName() << endl;
+                mesh.write();
         Info<< "Created " << nZoneFaces << " baffles in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
     return map;
-Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeZoneBaffles
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoSnapDriver::mergeZoneBaffles
     const List<labelPair>& baffles
@@ -743,17 +778,18 @@ Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::mergeZoneBaffles
         Info<< "Converting " << nBaffles << " baffles back into zoned faces ..."
             << endl;
-        map = meshRefinerPtr_().mergeBaffles(baffles);
+        map = meshRefiner_.mergeBaffles(baffles);
         Info<< "Converted baffles in = "
-            << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+            << meshRefiner_.mesh().time().cpuTimeIncrement()
+            << " s\n" << nl << endl;
     return map;
-Foam::scalarField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcSnapDistance
+Foam::scalarField Foam::autoSnapDriver::calcSnapDistance
     const snapParameters& snapParams,
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp
@@ -762,6 +798,7 @@ Foam::scalarField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcSnapDistance
     const edgeList& edges = pp.edges();
     const labelListList& pointEdges = pp.pointEdges();
     const pointField& localPoints = pp.localPoints();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     scalarField maxEdgeLen(localPoints.size(), -GREAT);
@@ -781,7 +818,7 @@ Foam::scalarField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcSnapDistance
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
         maxEqOp<scalar>(),  // combine op
@@ -793,34 +830,36 @@ Foam::scalarField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcSnapDistance
-// Invert globalToPatch_ to get the patches related to surfaces.
-Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getSurfacePatches() const
-    // Set of patches originating from surface
-    labelHashSet surfacePatchSet(globalToPatch_.size());
-    forAll(globalToPatch_, i)
-    {
-        if (globalToPatch_[i] != -1)
-        {
-            surfacePatchSet.insert(globalToPatch_[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    DynamicList<label> surfacePatches(surfacePatchSet.size());
-    for (label patchI = 0; patchI < mesh_.boundaryMesh().size(); patchI++)
-    {
-        if (surfacePatchSet.found(patchI))
-        {
-            surfacePatches.append(patchI);
-        }
-    }
-    return surfacePatches.shrink();
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::preSmoothPatch
+//// Invert globalToPatch_ to get the patches related to surfaces.
+//Foam::labelList Foam::autoSnapDriver::getSurfacePatches() const
+//    // Set of patches originating from surface
+//    labelHashSet surfacePatchSet(globalToPatch_.size());
+//    forAll(globalToPatch_, i)
+//    {
+//        if (globalToPatch_[i] != -1)
+//        {
+//            surfacePatchSet.insert(globalToPatch_[i]);
+//        }
+//    }
+//    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+//    DynamicList<label> surfacePatches(surfacePatchSet.size());
+//    for (label patchI = 0; patchI < mesh.boundaryMesh().size(); patchI++)
+//    {
+//        if (surfacePatchSet.found(patchI))
+//        {
+//            surfacePatches.append(patchI);
+//        }
+//    }
+//    return surfacePatches.shrink();
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::preSmoothPatch
     const snapParameters& snapParams,
     const label nInitErrors,
@@ -828,6 +867,8 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::preSmoothPatch
     motionSmoother& meshMover
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     labelList checkFaces;
     Info<< "Smoothing patch points ..." << endl;
@@ -839,7 +880,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::preSmoothPatch
         Info<< "Smoothing iteration " << smoothIter << endl;
-        checkFaces.setSize(mesh_.nFaces());
+        checkFaces.setSize(mesh.nFaces());
         forAll(checkFaces, faceI)
             checkFaces[faceI] = faceI;
@@ -884,39 +925,41 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::preSmoothPatch
     // The current mesh is the starting mesh to smooth from.
-    if (debug_)
+    if (debug)
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        Pout<< "Writing patch smoothed mesh to time " << mesh_.time().timeName()
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        Pout<< "Writing patch smoothed mesh to time " << mesh.time().timeName()
             << endl;
-        mesh_.write();
+        mesh.write();
     Info<< "Patch points smoothed in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
 // Get (pp-local) indices of points that are both on zone and on patched surface
-Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints
+Foam::labelList Foam::autoSnapDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp,
     const word& zoneName
 ) const
-    label zoneI = mesh_.faceZones().findZoneID(zoneName);
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    label zoneI = mesh.faceZones().findZoneID(zoneName);
     if (zoneI == -1)
-            "autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints"
+            "autoSnapDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints"
             "(const indirectPrimitivePatch&, const word&)"
         )   << "Cannot find zone " << zoneName
             << exit(FatalError);
-    const faceZone& fZone = mesh_.faceZones()[zoneI];
+    const faceZone& fZone = mesh.faceZones()[zoneI];
     // Could use PrimitivePatch & localFaces to extract points but might just
@@ -926,7 +969,7 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints
     forAll(fZone, i)
-        const face& f = mesh_.faces()[fZone[i]];
+        const face& f = mesh.faces()[fZone[i]];
         forAll(f, fp)
@@ -947,7 +990,7 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::getZoneSurfacePoints
-Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
+Foam::vectorField Foam::autoSnapDriver::calcNearestSurface
     const scalarField& snapDist,
     motionSmoother& meshMover
@@ -958,6 +1001,8 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = meshMover.patch();
     const pointField& localPoints = pp.localPoints();
+    const refinementSurfaces& surfaces = meshRefiner_.surfaces();
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Divide surfaces into zoned and unzoned
     labelList zonedSurfaces;
@@ -974,7 +1019,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
         List<pointIndexHit> hitInfo;
         labelList hitSurface;
-        surfaces().findNearest
+        surfaces.findNearest
@@ -993,7 +1038,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
-            //   WarningIn("autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface(..)")
+            //   WarningIn("autoSnapDriver::calcNearestSurface(..)")
             //        << "For point:" << pointI
             //        << " coordinate:" << localPoints[pointI]
             //        << " did not find any surface within:"
@@ -1009,7 +1054,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     // Surfaces with zone information
-    const wordList& faceZoneNames = surfaces().faceZoneNames();
+    const wordList& faceZoneNames = surfaces.faceZoneNames();
     forAll(zonedSurfaces, i)
@@ -1036,7 +1081,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
         // Find nearest for points both on faceZone and pp.
         List<pointIndexHit> hitInfo;
         labelList hitSurface;
-        surfaces().findNearest
+        surfaces.findNearest
             labelList(1, zoneSurfI),
@@ -1055,7 +1100,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
-                WarningIn("autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface(..)")
+                WarningIn("autoSnapDriver::calcNearestSurface(..)")
                     << "For point:" << pointI
                     << " coordinate:" << localPoints[pointI]
                     << " did not find any surface within:"
@@ -1076,7 +1121,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
     Info<< "Calculated surface displacement in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
     // Limit amount of movement.
@@ -1098,7 +1143,7 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
     // will not do condition 2 on all. Sync explicitly.
-        mesh_,
+        mesh,
         minMagEqOp(),                   // combine op
@@ -1115,11 +1160,11 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
     // pointVectorField.
-    if (debug_)
+    if (debug)
-            mesh_.time().path()/"patchDisplacement.obj",
+            mesh.time().path()/"patchDisplacement.obj",
             pp.localPoints() + patchDisp
@@ -1129,12 +1174,13 @@ Foam::vectorField Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::calcNearestSurface
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothDisplacement
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::smoothDisplacement
     const snapParameters& snapParams,
     motionSmoother& meshMover
 ) const
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     const pointMesh& pMesh = meshMover.pMesh();
     const indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = meshMover.patch();
@@ -1142,7 +1188,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothDisplacement
     // Set edge diffusivity as inverse of distance to patch
     scalarField edgeGamma(1.0/(edgePatchDist(pMesh, pp) + SMALL));
-    //scalarField edgeGamma(mesh_.nEdges(), 1.0);
+    //scalarField edgeGamma(mesh.nEdges(), 1.0);
     //scalarField edgeGamma(wallGamma(mesh, pp, 10, 1));
     // Get displacement field
@@ -1159,14 +1205,14 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothDisplacement
         meshMover.smooth(oldDisp, edgeGamma, false, disp);
     Info<< "Displacement smoothed in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
-    if (debug_)
+    if (debug)
-        const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-        Pout<< "Writing smoothed mesh to time " << mesh_.time().timeName()
+        const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+        Pout<< "Writing smoothed mesh to time " << mesh.time().timeName()
             << endl;
-        mesh_.write();
+        mesh.write();
         Pout<< "Writing displacement field ..." << endl;
@@ -1180,7 +1226,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothDisplacement
-            mesh_.time().path()/"actualPatchDisplacement.obj",
+            mesh.time().path()/"actualPatchDisplacement.obj",
             pp.localPoints() + actualPatchDisp
@@ -1188,7 +1234,7 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::smoothDisplacement
-void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::scaleMesh
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::scaleMesh
     const snapParameters& snapParams,
     const label nInitErrors,
@@ -1196,9 +1242,11 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::scaleMesh
     motionSmoother& meshMover
+    const fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
     // Relax displacement until correct mesh
     // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    labelList checkFaces(identity(mesh_.nFaces()));
+    labelList checkFaces(identity(mesh.nFaces()));
     scalar oldErrorReduction = -1;
@@ -1219,12 +1267,12 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::scaleMesh
-        if (debug_)
+        if (debug)
-            const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
-            Pout<< "Writing scaled mesh to time " << mesh_.time().timeName()
+            const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+            Pout<< "Writing scaled mesh to time " << mesh.time().timeName()
                 << endl;
-            mesh_.write();
+            mesh.write();
             Pout<< "Writing displacement field ..." << endl;
@@ -1238,7 +1286,99 @@ void Foam::autoHexMeshDriver::scaleMesh
     Info<< "Moved mesh in = "
-        << mesh_.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+        << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+void Foam::autoSnapDriver::doSnap
+    const dictionary& snapDict,
+    const dictionary& motionDict,
+    const snapParameters& snapParams
+    fvMesh& mesh = meshRefiner_.mesh();
+    Info<< nl
+        << "Morphing phase" << nl
+        << "--------------" << nl
+        << endl;
+    const_cast<Time&>(mesh.time())++;
+    // Get the labels of added patches.
+    labelList adaptPatchIDs(meshRefinement::addedPatches(globalToPatch_));
+    // Create baffles (pairs of faces that share the same points)
+    // Baffles stored as owner and neighbour face that have been created.
+    List<labelPair> baffles;
+    createZoneBaffles(baffles);
+    {
+        autoPtr<indirectPrimitivePatch> ppPtr
+        (
+            meshRefinement::makePatch
+            (
+                mesh,
+                adaptPatchIDs
+            )
+        );
+        indirectPrimitivePatch& pp = ppPtr();
+        // Distance to attact to nearest feature on surface
+        const scalarField snapDist(calcSnapDistance(snapParams, pp));
+        // Construct iterative mesh mover.
+        Info<< "Constructing mesh displacer ..." << endl;
+        Info<< "Using mesh parameters " << motionDict << nl << endl;
+        pointMesh pMesh(mesh);
+        motionSmoother meshMover
+        (
+            mesh,
+            pp,
+            adaptPatchIDs,
+            meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField(pMesh, adaptPatchIDs),
+            motionDict
+        );
+        // Check initial mesh
+        Info<< "Checking initial mesh ..." << endl;
+        labelHashSet wrongFaces(mesh.nFaces()/100);
+        motionSmoother::checkMesh(false, mesh, motionDict, wrongFaces);
+        const label nInitErrors = returnReduce
+        (
+            wrongFaces.size(),
+            sumOp<label>()
+        );
+        Info<< "Detected " << nInitErrors << " illegal faces"
+            << " (concave, zero area or negative cell pyramid volume)"
+            << endl;
+        Info<< "Checked initial mesh in = "
+            << mesh.time().cpuTimeIncrement() << " s\n" << nl << endl;
+        // Pre-smooth patch vertices (so before determining nearest)
+        preSmoothPatch(snapParams, nInitErrors, baffles, meshMover);
+        // Calculate displacement at every patch point. Insert into
+        // meshMover.
+        calcNearestSurface(snapDist, meshMover);
+        // Get smoothly varying internal displacement field.
+        smoothDisplacement(snapParams, meshMover);
+        // Apply internal displacement to mesh.
+        scaleMesh(snapParams, nInitErrors, baffles, meshMover);
+    }
+    // Merge any introduced baffles.
+    mergeZoneBaffles(baffles);
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.H
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82cf448b98ae6b506fea1bf81bc16f2bd17e5dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/autoSnapDriver.H
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+  =========                 |
+  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
+   \\    /   O peration     |
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
+     \\/     M anipulation  |
+    This file is part of OpenFOAM.
+    OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+    option) any later version.
+    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+    for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+    Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+    Foam::autoSnapDriver
+    All to do with snapping to surface
+    autoSnapDriver.C
+#ifndef autoSnapDriver_H
+#define autoSnapDriver_H
+#include "meshRefinement.H"
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+namespace Foam
+// Forward declaration of classes
+class motionSmoother;
+class snapParameters;
+                           Class autoSnapDriver Declaration
+class autoSnapDriver
+    // Private classes
+        //- Combine operator class for equalizing displacements.
+        class minMagEqOp
+        {
+        public:
+            void operator()(vector& x, const vector& y) const
+            {
+                if (magSqr(y) < magSqr(x))
+                {
+                    x = y;
+                }
+            }
+        };
+    // Private data
+        //- Mesh+surface
+        meshRefinement& meshRefiner_;
+        //- From surface region to patch
+        const labelList globalToPatch_;
+    // Private Member Functions
+        // Snapping
+             //- Split surfaces into non-zoned and zones ones
+            void getZonedSurfaces(labelList&, labelList&) const;
+            //- Get faces to repatch. Returns map from face to patch.
+            Map<label> getZoneBafflePatches(const bool allowBoundary) const;
+            //- Calculates (geometric) shared points
+            static label getCollocatedPoints
+            (
+                const scalar tol,
+                const pointField&,
+                PackedList<1>&
+            );
+            //- Calculate displacement per patch point to smooth out patch.
+            //  Quite complicated in determining which points to move where.
+            pointField smoothPatchDisplacement(const motionSmoother&) const;
+            //- Check that face zones are synced
+            void checkCoupledFaceZones() const;
+            //- Per edge distance to patch
+            static tmp<scalarField> edgePatchDist
+            (
+                const pointMesh&,
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&
+            );
+            //- Write displacement as .obj file.
+            static void dumpMove
+            (
+                const fileName&,
+                const pointField&,
+                const pointField&
+            );
+            //- Check displacement is outwards pointing
+            static bool outwardsDisplacement
+            (
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
+                const vectorField&
+            );
+        //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
+        autoSnapDriver(const autoSnapDriver&);
+        //- Disallow default bitwise assignment
+        void operator=(const autoSnapDriver&);
+    //- Runtime type information
+    ClassName("autoSnapDriver");
+    // Constructors
+        //- Construct from components
+        autoSnapDriver
+        (
+            meshRefinement& meshRefiner,
+            const labelList& globalToPatch
+        );
+    // Member Functions
+        // Snapping
+            //- Create baffles for faces straddling zoned surfaces. Return
+            //  baffles.
+            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> createZoneBaffles(List<labelPair>&);
+            //- Merge baffles.
+            autoPtr<mapPolyMesh> mergeZoneBaffles(const List<labelPair>&);
+            //- Calculate edge length per patch point.
+            scalarField calcSnapDistance
+            (
+                const snapParameters& snapParams,
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&
+            ) const;
+            ////- Get patches generated for surfaces.
+            //labelList getSurfacePatches() const;
+            //- Smooth the mesh (patch and internal) to increase visibility
+            //  of surface points (on castellated mesh) w.r.t. surface.
+            void preSmoothPatch
+            (
+                const snapParameters& snapParams,
+                const label nInitErrors,
+                const List<labelPair>& baffles,
+                motionSmoother&
+            ) const;
+            //- Get points both on patch and facezone.
+            labelList getZoneSurfacePoints
+            (
+                const indirectPrimitivePatch&,
+                const word& zoneName
+            ) const;
+            //- Per patch point calculate point on nearest surface. Set as
+            //  boundary conditions of motionSmoother displacement field. Return
+            //  displacement of patch points.
+            vectorField calcNearestSurface
+            (
+                const scalarField& snapDist,
+                motionSmoother& meshMover
+            ) const;
+            //- Smooth the displacement field to the internal.
+            void smoothDisplacement
+            (
+                const snapParameters& snapParams,
+                motionSmoother&
+            ) const;
+            //- Do the hard work: move the mesh according to displacement,
+            //  locally relax the displacement.
+            void scaleMesh
+            (
+                const snapParameters& snapParams,
+                const label nInitErrors,
+                const List<labelPair>& baffles,
+                motionSmoother&
+            );
+            void doSnap
+            (
+                const dictionary& snapDict,
+                const dictionary& motionDict,
+                const snapParameters& snapParams
+            );
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+} // End namespace Foam
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// ************************************************************************* //
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.C
index 1d3a18714a0510dc70a15f85eb1e26df440f4eba..a2fd5ca976afe7c1891bdaf20e8b5b5dfdaed26d 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.C
@@ -27,22 +27,136 @@ License
 #include "layerParameters.H"
 #include "polyBoundaryMesh.H"
 #include "mathematicalConstants.H"
+#include "refinementSurfaces.H"
+#include "searchableSurfaces.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 const Foam::scalar Foam::layerParameters::defaultConcaveAngle = 90;
+// * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
+// Read the number of layers from dictionary. Per patch 0 or the number
+// of layers.
+Foam::labelList Foam::layerParameters::readNumLayers
+    const PtrList<dictionary>& surfaceDicts,
+    const refinementSurfaces& refineSurfaces,
+    const labelList& globalToPatch,
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh
+    // Per surface the number of layers
+    labelList globalSurfLayers(surfaceDicts.size());
+    // Per surface, per region the number of layers
+    List<Map<label> > regionSurfLayers(surfaceDicts.size());
+    const labelList& surfaceIndices = refineSurfaces.surfaces();
+    forAll(surfaceDicts, surfI)
+    {
+        const dictionary& dict = surfaceDicts[surfI];
+        globalSurfLayers[surfI] = readLabel(dict.lookup("surfaceLayers"));
+        if (dict.found("regions"))
+        {
+            // Per-region layer information
+            PtrList<dictionary> regionDicts(dict.lookup("regions"));
+            const wordList& regionNames =
+                refineSurfaces.geometry()[surfaceIndices[surfI]].regions();
+            forAll(regionDicts, dictI)
+            {
+                const dictionary& regionDict = regionDicts[dictI];
+                const word regionName(regionDict.lookup("name"));
+                label regionI = findIndex(regionNames, regionName);
+                label nLayers = readLabel(regionDict.lookup("surfaceLayers"));
+                Info<< "    region " << regionName << ':'<< nl
+                    << "        surface layers:" << nLayers << nl;
+                regionSurfLayers[surfI].insert(regionI, nLayers);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Transfer per surface/region information into patchwise region info
+    labelList nLayers(boundaryMesh.size(), 0);
+    forAll(surfaceIndices, surfI)
+    {
+        const wordList& regionNames =
+            refineSurfaces.geometry()[surfaceIndices[surfI]].regions();
+        forAll(regionNames, regionI)
+        {
+            const word& regionName = regionNames[regionI];
+            label global = refineSurfaces.globalRegion(surfI, regionI);
+            label patchI = globalToPatch[global];
+            // Initialise to surface-wise layers
+            nLayers[patchI] = globalSurfLayers[surfI];
+            // Override with region specific data if available
+            Map<label>::const_iterator iter =
+                regionSurfLayers[surfI].find(regionI);
+            if (iter != regionSurfLayers[surfI].end())
+            {
+                nLayers[patchI] = iter();
+            }
+            // Check
+            if (nLayers[patchI] < 0)
+            {
+                FatalErrorIn
+                (
+                    "layerParameters::readNumLayers(..)"
+                )   << "Illegal number of layers " << nLayers[patchI]
+                    << " for surface "
+                    << refineSurfaces.names()[surfI]
+                    << " region " << regionName << endl
+                    << exit(FatalError);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return nLayers;
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 // Construct from dictionary
+    const PtrList<dictionary>& surfaceDicts,
+    const refinementSurfaces& refineSurfaces,
+    const labelList& globalToPatch,
     const dictionary& dict,
-    const labelList& numLayers
+    const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh
-    numLayers_(numLayers),
+    numLayers_
+    (
+        readNumLayers
+        (
+            surfaceDicts,
+            refineSurfaces,
+            globalToPatch,
+            boundaryMesh
+        )
+    ),
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.H
index 9c16e271161f31320b5347adaac64a8aec6fb4ba..2e391328e16bc8a59774c9e16f1fdc4881b93bb7 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.H
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/autoHexMeshDriver/layerParameters/layerParameters.H
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ namespace Foam
 // Class forward declarations
 class polyBoundaryMesh;
+class refinementSurfaces;
                            Class layerParameters Declaration
@@ -107,6 +108,15 @@ class layerParameters
     // Private Member Functions
+        //- Extract patch-wise number of layers
+        static labelList readNumLayers
+        (
+            const PtrList<dictionary>& surfaceDicts,
+            const refinementSurfaces& refineSurfaces,
+            const labelList& globalToPatch,
+            const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh
+        );
         //- Disallow default bitwise copy construct
         layerParameters(const layerParameters&);
@@ -119,7 +129,14 @@ public:
     // Constructors
         //- Construct from dictionary - old syntax
-        layerParameters(const dictionary& dict, const labelList& numLayers);
+        layerParameters
+        (
+            const PtrList<dictionary>& surfaceDicts,
+            const refinementSurfaces& refineSurfaces,
+            const labelList& globalToPatch,
+            const dictionary& dict,
+            const polyBoundaryMesh& boundaryMesh
+        );
         //- Construct from dictionary - new syntax
         layerParameters(const dictionary& dict, const polyBoundaryMesh&);
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.C b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.C
index a60e7758da89da4ce2da8b00b86515e1225f8195..4fe3005766f4f224c2fd219d7f27451d6a4fa290 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.C
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.C
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ void Foam::meshRefinement::checkData()
         // Compare
-            tol_,
+            mergeDistance_,
             "testing faceCentres : ",
@@ -489,13 +489,13 @@ void Foam::meshRefinement::getRegionMaster
     fvMesh& mesh,
-    const scalar tol,
+    const scalar mergeDistance,
     const refinementSurfaces& surfaces,
     const shellSurfaces& shells
-    tol_(tol),
+    mergeDistance_(mergeDistance),
@@ -718,6 +718,141 @@ Foam::labelList Foam::meshRefinement::decomposeCombineRegions
+Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapDistributePolyMesh> Foam::meshRefinement::balance
+    const bool keepZoneFaces,
+    const bool keepBaffles,
+    decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+    fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+    autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> map;
+    if (Pstream::parRun())
+    {
+        //Info<< nl
+        //    << "Doing final balancing" << nl
+        //    << "---------------------" << nl
+        //    << endl;
+        //
+        //if (debug_)
+        //{
+        //    const_cast<Time&>(mesh_.time())++;
+        //}
+        // Wanted distribution
+        labelList distribution;
+        if (keepZoneFaces || keepBaffles)
+        {
+            // Faces where owner and neighbour are not 'connected' so can
+            // go to different processors.
+            boolList blockedFace(mesh_.nFaces(), true);
+            // Pairs of baffles
+            List<labelPair> couples;
+            if (keepZoneFaces)
+            {
+                label nNamed = surfaces().getNamedSurfaces().size();
+                Info<< "Found " << nNamed << " surfaces with faceZones."
+                    << " Applying special decomposition to keep those together."
+                    << endl;
+                // Determine decomposition to keep/move surface zones
+                // on one processor. The reason is that snapping will make these
+                // into baffles, move and convert them back so if they were
+                // proc boundaries after baffling&moving the points might be no
+                // longer snychronised so recoupling will fail. To prevent this
+                // keep owner&neighbour of such a surface zone on the same
+                // processor.
+                const wordList& fzNames = surfaces().faceZoneNames();
+                const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh_.faceZones();
+                // Get faces whose owner and neighbour should stay together,
+                // i.e. they are not 'blocked'.
+                label nZoned = 0;
+                forAll(fzNames, surfI)
+                {
+                    if (fzNames[surfI].size() > 0)
+                    {
+                        // Get zone
+                        label zoneI = fZones.findZoneID(fzNames[surfI]);
+                        const faceZone& fZone = fZones[zoneI];
+                        forAll(fZone, i)
+                        {
+                            if (blockedFace[fZone[i]])
+                            {
+                                blockedFace[fZone[i]] = false;
+                                nZoned++;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Info<< "Found " << returnReduce(nZoned, sumOp<label>())
+                    << " zoned faces to keep together."
+                    << endl;
+            }
+            if (keepBaffles)
+            {
+                // Get boundary baffles that need to stay together.
+                couples = getDuplicateFaces   // all baffles
+                (
+                    identity(mesh_.nFaces()-mesh_.nInternalFaces())
+                   +mesh_.nInternalFaces()
+                );
+                Info<< "Found " << returnReduce(couples.size(), sumOp<label>())
+                    << " baffles to keep together."
+                    << endl;
+            }
+            distribution = decomposeCombineRegions
+            (
+                blockedFace,
+                couples,
+                decomposer
+            );
+            labelList nProcCells(distributor.countCells(distribution));
+            Pstream::listCombineGather(nProcCells, plusEqOp<label>());
+            Pstream::listCombineScatter(nProcCells);
+            Info<< "Calculated decomposition:" << endl;
+            forAll(nProcCells, procI)
+            {
+                Info<< "    " << procI << '\t' << nProcCells[procI] << endl;
+            }
+            Info<< endl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Normal decomposition
+            distribution = decomposer.decompose(mesh_.cellCentres());
+        }
+        if (debug)
+        {
+            Pout<< "Wanted distribution:"
+                << distributor.countCells(distribution)
+                << endl;
+        }
+        // Do actual sending/receiving of mesh
+        map = distributor.distribute(distribution);
+        // Update numbering of meshRefiner
+        distribute(map);
+    }
+    return map;
 // Helper function to get intersected faces
 Foam::labelList Foam::meshRefinement::intersectedFaces() const
@@ -941,6 +1076,101 @@ Foam::tmp<Foam::pointVectorField> Foam::meshRefinement::makeDisplacementField
+void Foam::meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh& mesh)
+    const faceZoneMesh& fZones = mesh.faceZones();
+    // Check any zones are present anywhere and in same order
+    {
+        List<wordList> zoneNames(Pstream::nProcs());
+        zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()] = fZones.names();
+        Pstream::gatherList(zoneNames);
+        Pstream::scatterList(zoneNames);
+        // All have same data now. Check.
+        forAll(zoneNames, procI)
+        {
+            if (procI != Pstream::myProcNo())
+            {
+                if (zoneNames[procI] != zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()])
+                {
+                    FatalErrorIn
+                    (
+                        "meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh&)"
+                    )   << "faceZones are not synchronised on processors." << nl
+                        << "Processor " << procI << " has faceZones "
+                        << zoneNames[procI] << nl
+                        << "Processor " << Pstream::myProcNo()
+                        << " has faceZones "
+                        << zoneNames[Pstream::myProcNo()] << nl
+                        << exit(FatalError);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Check that coupled faces are present on both sides.
+    labelList faceToZone(mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces(), -1);
+    forAll(fZones, zoneI)
+    {
+        const faceZone& fZone = fZones[zoneI];
+        forAll(fZone, i)
+        {
+            label bFaceI = fZone[i]-mesh.nInternalFaces();
+            if (bFaceI >= 0)
+            {
+                if (faceToZone[bFaceI] == -1)
+                {
+                    faceToZone[bFaceI] = zoneI;
+                }
+                else if (faceToZone[bFaceI] == zoneI)
+                {
+                    FatalErrorIn
+                    (
+                        "meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh&)"
+                    )   << "Face " << fZone[i] << " in zone "
+                        << fZone.name()
+                        << " is twice in zone!"
+                        << abort(FatalError);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    FatalErrorIn
+                    (
+                        "meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh&)"
+                    )   << "Face " << fZone[i] << " in zone "
+                        << fZone.name()
+                        << " is also in zone "
+                        << fZones[faceToZone[bFaceI]].name()
+                        << abort(FatalError);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    labelList neiFaceToZone(faceToZone);
+    syncTools::swapBoundaryFaceList(mesh, neiFaceToZone, false);
+    forAll(faceToZone, i)
+    {
+        if (faceToZone[i] != neiFaceToZone[i])
+        {
+            FatalErrorIn
+            (
+                "meshRefinement::checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh&)"
+            )   << "Face " << mesh.nInternalFaces()+i
+                << " is in zone " << faceToZone[i]
+                << ", its coupled face is in zone " << neiFaceToZone[i]
+                << abort(FatalError);
+        }
+    }
 // Adds patch if not yet there. Returns patchID.
 Foam::label Foam::meshRefinement::addPatch
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.H
index e8e633bfef02cd7acbfcf7bcaa4418cb5d5bcd20..d27eaae413946987954c4a168144fe67b1d64849 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.H
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/meshRefinement/meshRefinement.H
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
             MASTERONLY = 1, /*!< maintain master only */
             KEEPALL = 2,    /*!< have slaves (upon refinement) from master */
-            REMOVE = 4      /*!< set value to -1 any face that has been refined */
+            REMOVE = 4      /*!< set value to -1 any face that was refined */
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ private:
         fvMesh& mesh_;
         //- tolerance used for sorting coordinates (used in 'less' routine)
-        const scalar tol_;
+        const scalar mergeDistance_;
         //- All surface-intersection interaction
         const refinementSurfaces& surfaces_;
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ public:
             fvMesh& mesh,
-            const scalar tol,
+            const scalar mergeDistance,
             const refinementSurfaces&,
             const shellSurfaces&
@@ -403,12 +403,23 @@ public:
                 return mesh_;
+            scalar mergeDistance() const
+            {
+                return mergeDistance_;
+            }
             //- reference to surface search engines
             const refinementSurfaces& surfaces() const
                 return surfaces_;
+            //- reference to refinement shells (regions)
+            const shellSurfaces& shells() const
+            {
+                return shells_;
+            }
             //- reference to meshcutting engine
             const hexRef8& meshCutter() const
@@ -458,6 +469,18 @@ public:
             ) const;
+            //- Redecompose according to cell count
+            //  keepZoneFaces : find all faceZones from zoned surfaces and keep
+            //                  owner and neighbour together
+            //  keepBaffles   : find all baffles and keep them together
+            autoPtr<mapDistributePolyMesh> balance
+            (
+                const bool keepZoneFaces,
+                const bool keepBaffles,
+                decompositionMethod& decomposer,
+                fvMeshDistribute& distributor
+            );
             //- Get faces with intersection.
             labelList intersectedFaces() const;
@@ -486,6 +509,9 @@ public:
                 const labelList& adaptPatchIDs
+            //- Helper function: check that face zones are synced
+            static void checkCoupledFaceZones(const polyMesh&);
         // Refinement
@@ -626,7 +652,7 @@ public:
             template<class T>
             void testSyncBoundaryFaceList
-                const scalar tol,
+                const scalar mergeDistance,
                 const string&,
                 const UList<T>&,
                 const UList<T>&
diff --git a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementSurfaces/refinementSurfaces.H b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementSurfaces/refinementSurfaces.H
index b7cbc91696f25f7e800d4d17596fa53fb55e55fb..edb613d966f11b8b62ab55de4c83765b9ab55bd9 100644
--- a/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementSurfaces/refinementSurfaces.H
+++ b/src/autoMesh/autoHexMesh/refinementSurfaces/refinementSurfaces.H
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ Class
-    Container for triSurfaces used for surface-driven refinement.
-    These contain all the data about the level of refinement needed per
+    Container for data on surfaces used for surface-driven refinement.
+    Contains all the data about the level of refinement needed per
@@ -126,6 +126,11 @@ public:
         // Access
+            const searchableSurfaces& geometry() const
+            {
+                return allGeometry_;
+            }
             const labelList& surfaces() const
                 return surfaces_;
diff --git a/src/dynamicMesh/fvMeshDistribute/fvMeshDistribute.H b/src/dynamicMesh/fvMeshDistribute/fvMeshDistribute.H
index d764c3fa6f2e996b42023eaff80023488ea79194..2db82c8eed8954d395b596580688cf3402c36362 100644
--- a/src/dynamicMesh/fvMeshDistribute/fvMeshDistribute.H
+++ b/src/dynamicMesh/fvMeshDistribute/fvMeshDistribute.H
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ public:
     // Member Functions
-        //- Helper funntion: count cells per processor in wanted distribution
+        //- Helper function: count cells per processor in wanted distribution
         static labelList countCells(const labelList&);
         //- Send cells to neighbours according to distribution
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.C
index be3969d6f4061569bb73103f2c7e9a93ba82d339..cb664b57575d901a583587b92fa69a1072b4f169 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.H
index f606f83e1ef77f7184e9dfa6220aa92715d199e6..1c51311511b0840fd27bc81d1d67e26f6bfc67e9 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableBox.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.C
index eb16e2731887040f7adc57c89d05b6f82146fbc2..039be46749d05d74d07824334faf587672464df9 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.H
index 7b3f4856ac72d1a1d1da3cc32e79d2b3ce93385a..61b114de4e46c93aa36b975b9764ef9ea9634770 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSphere.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.C
index 9e6cffa315de7720e11d0ce5cf8706a8fa3f5688..4eba2d573bc892c444ddb7f4b2482bb885511a50 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.H
index 43e008ca50421b03393f688f1407ea9655e7cf70..f9dc8b12899bb26b52391c23d11085eeb16ca442 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurface.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.C
index 8fbb4678e77f300f18ce39bee1d6781c134f6141..9689744fca45e4c8f6ca84a84125b69625803a1a 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.H
index acb02572e635e36774be6483ad21f498a8b2c3ae..4e6c1bc2edfbc27c468e4b2a3331412332e5f037 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfaces.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.C
index 7d7c6c2c1b09de2d59cadb67fc0f3e86b9118b41..ed807628199668e30a37c2abdea6822a90c9bd9e 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.H
index dcb84050a6f56bbf6399262c55650ea7196d0eb2..599d186baeca4fb7d3899503ec269388e6a08279 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/searchableSurfacesQueries.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.C b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.C
index 526646c01460b5d6ec4014efb316cb2bd44104a1..9751e3a3eff72fcd7f2d86b13bb964ab13f3ac6e 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.C
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.C
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.H b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.H
index 1b9fa0c945838efc572700f15515aa51592c72b6..8a0709386cd2120eba63e5fd1c15b7fcacc5f93e 100644
--- a/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.H
+++ b/src/meshTools/searchableSurface/triSurfaceMesh.H
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   =========                 |
   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
    \\    /   O peration     |
-    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2007 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2008 OpenCFD Ltd.
      \\/     M anipulation  |
diff --git a/tutorials/oodles/pitzDaily/probes/0/p b/tutorials/oodles/pitzDaily/probes/0/p
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f1e491d996476e89a689d89f59876498b85c19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorials/oodles/pitzDaily/probes/0/p
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10001 +0,0 @@
-#        Time (0.0254 0.0253 0) (0.0508 0.0253 0) (0.0762 0.0253 0) (0.1016 0.0253 0) (0.127 0.0253 0) (0.1524 0.0253 0) (0.1778 0.0253 0)
-        1e-05       141582       127408       114374       101543      88808.2        76762      64189.1
-        2e-05     -68791.2     -61705.1     -55190.3     -48777.7     -42413.5     -36393.3     -30109.4
-        3e-05      310.085        315.6      317.703      318.944      320.366      321.868      322.801
-        4e-05      147.419      150.363      150.783      150.684      150.465      150.228      149.992
-        5e-05      26.1817      27.8594      27.1242      25.8983      24.5644      23.2682      21.9184
-        6e-05     -34.5701     -31.6296     -31.1888     -31.2526      -31.431     -31.6354     -31.8469
-        7e-05     -44.2927     -40.3689     -38.9999     -38.1394     -37.4023     -36.7456     -36.0639
-        8e-05     -24.9052     -21.1337     -19.8763     -19.1192     -18.4874     -17.9347     -17.3702
-        9e-05     -52.5797     -44.4108      -39.064     -34.2691     -29.6492     -25.3317     -20.8412
-       0.0001      106.008      99.4973      91.2892      82.7104      74.0645      65.8332      57.2198
-      0.00011      40.8023       41.594      40.0775      38.0802       35.963      33.8972      31.7142
-      0.00012      7.14595      11.6235      13.4475      14.7281      15.8551      16.8524      17.8566
-      0.00013      41.0021      42.1731      40.9567      39.2385      37.3808       35.548      33.5924
-      0.00014      4.74703      9.50792      11.6131      13.1653      14.5501      15.7764      17.0076
-      0.00015      22.4389      25.3187      25.7632        25.69      25.4573      25.1505      24.7751
-      0.00016      43.0912      43.8674       42.437      40.5266      38.4675       36.428      34.2374
-      0.00017     -5.98624    -0.336926      2.75974      5.31103      7.67772       9.8181      11.9843
-      0.00018      32.7088      34.4856      34.0105      33.0369      31.8965      30.7168      29.4118
-      0.00019      1.37138      6.36885      8.82545      10.7304      12.4415      13.9507       15.445
-       0.0002      16.2862      19.6246      20.7109      21.2929      21.6932      21.9602      22.1527
-      0.00021      54.4395      53.9862      51.5614      48.6786       45.635      42.6415      39.4261
-      0.00022      29.0081      31.1441      31.1023       30.564      29.8418      29.0376       28.101
-      0.00023      51.4854      51.4073      49.3254      46.7744      44.0507        41.35      38.4294
-      0.00024     -18.5794     -11.5615     -7.19389     -3.41604     0.133871      3.36155      6.62475
-      0.00025      27.7468      30.1025      30.1505       29.664      28.9758       28.194      27.2691
-      0.00026      43.7771      44.6109      43.2242      41.3162      39.2136      37.0895      34.7603
-      0.00027      2.78524      7.70446      10.0904      11.8972      13.4786      14.8357      16.1382
-      0.00028      56.2033      55.7202       53.158      50.0934      46.8374      43.6196      40.1453
-      0.00029      40.4675      41.5209      40.4184      38.7997      36.9792      35.1166      33.0562
-       0.0003      43.8799      44.5545       43.162      41.2691      39.1771      37.0567      34.7256
-      0.00031      18.2769      21.3579      22.2742      22.6717      22.8553      22.8873      22.8038
-      0.00032      24.6562       27.167      27.5171      27.3475      26.9648      26.4601      25.8149
-      0.00033      31.9483      33.6983      33.3704      32.5356      31.4921      30.3623       29.065
-      0.00034       11.978        15.67      17.1369      18.0691      18.7787      19.3072       19.743
-      0.00035      20.2582      23.1141      23.8319      24.0296        24.01      23.8494      23.5657
-      0.00036      26.1022      28.3943      28.5694      28.2271      27.6704      27.0019      26.1898
-      0.00037      43.0689      43.6903      42.3141      40.4407      38.3632       36.257      33.9456
-      0.00038      51.4751        51.21      49.0529      46.4154      43.5805       40.759      37.7039
-      0.00039    -0.871791      4.12642      6.78272      8.87924      10.7431      12.3657      13.9516
-       0.0004      59.4615      58.3103      55.3599      51.9456      48.3408      44.7958      40.9908
-      0.00041      27.2306      29.3045      29.3479      28.8863      28.2151      27.4445      26.5378
-      0.00042      1.78809      6.28444      8.64174      10.4784      12.0937      13.4892      14.8462
-      0.00043      51.8138      51.1452      48.8516      46.1317      43.2302      40.3573      37.2633
-      0.00044      29.7635      31.2116      30.9375      30.2213      29.3118       28.325      27.2038
-      0.00045      74.3855      71.3626      66.9955      62.2534      57.3504      52.5894      47.5316
-      0.00046     -39.9678     -31.5319     -25.3399     -19.6799     -14.2574     -9.25111      -4.1123
-      0.00047      32.6612      33.5706      32.9692      31.9684      30.7877      29.5545      28.1855
-      0.00048      53.0307      51.8333      49.3583      46.5289      43.5395      40.5979      37.4482
-      0.00049      27.3643      28.6834      28.5831      28.1069      27.4575      26.7309      25.8964
-       0.0005      48.9284      47.9994      45.8915      43.4515      40.8568      38.2941      35.5474
-      0.00051      12.5691      15.2758      16.5197      17.3834      18.0699      18.6124      19.1086
-      0.00052      8.30467      11.4432      13.0425      14.2465      15.2711      16.1363      16.9733
-      0.00053      94.7174      89.2372      82.8719      76.2289      69.4652      62.9668       56.122
-      0.00054      24.6942      26.2349      26.3717      26.1428      25.7489      25.2762      24.7215
-      0.00055        12.61      15.2338      16.4216      17.2395      17.8901      18.4099      18.8957
-      0.00056        56.69      54.8211      51.9309       48.748      45.4326      42.2051      38.7819
-      0.00057     -22.8483     -16.7876     -12.3421     -8.28913     -4.41817    -0.848172      2.82533
-      0.00058      45.4157      44.5603      42.6549      40.4583      38.1295      35.8408      33.4038
-      0.00059      52.3989      50.9314      48.4248       45.631      42.7095      39.8608      36.8407
-       0.0006      13.5384      15.9908      17.0617      17.7856      18.3559      18.8116      19.2422
-      0.00061      38.8491      38.7961      37.5086      35.8995       34.155      32.4244      30.5765
-      0.00062       47.414      46.6348      44.5876      42.2145      39.7094        37.26      34.6627
-      0.00063      53.8958      52.5347      49.8976       46.934       43.843      40.8409      37.6688
-      0.00064      15.2413      17.7278      18.6399      19.1763      19.5622      19.8505      20.1137
-      0.00065      42.6281      42.3782      40.7384      38.7548      36.6401      34.5661      32.3674
-      0.00066      47.5642      46.9396      44.8666      42.4425       39.889      37.4003      34.7693
-      0.00067       3.9869      7.85246      9.80035      11.3138      12.6654      13.8705      15.0968
-      0.00068       56.682      55.3129      52.3784      49.0724      45.6392      42.3221      38.8292
-      0.00069      36.9432      37.6689      36.5833      35.0857      33.4472      31.8264      30.1054
-       0.0007      42.3942      42.5697      40.9809      38.9904      36.8651      34.7865      32.5887
-      0.00071      32.7949      33.9421      33.2155       32.072      30.7885      29.5077      28.1445
-      0.00072      63.4059      61.6243      58.0934      54.1656      50.1154      46.2182      42.1254
-      0.00073     -5.49413    -0.289271      2.54939      4.88462      7.05054       9.0325      11.0756
-      0.00074      10.6361      14.2262      15.5417      16.3712      17.0427      17.6135      18.1843
-      0.00075      33.8837      35.2614      34.4473       33.163      31.7341      30.3186      28.8168
-      0.00076      19.5354      22.3143      22.7738      22.7425      22.5586       22.322      22.0534
-      0.00077      60.9745       59.675      56.3349      52.5555       48.651      44.8967      40.9565
-      0.00078     -21.3134     -14.3153     -10.0415     -6.32564     -2.78978     0.492444      3.89575
-      0.00079      50.4204       50.253      47.8726      45.0272        42.05      39.1751      36.1545
-       0.0008      24.9783      27.4256       27.421      26.9119      26.2542      25.5712      24.8373
-      0.00081     -41.9915     -32.7988     -26.6449     -21.0987     -15.7471     -10.7454     -5.54562
-      0.00082      18.6054      21.6434      22.1508      22.1433      21.9855      21.7797      21.5456
-      0.00083      -9.2773     -3.50075    -0.418126      2.12565      4.50625      6.70007      8.97066
-      0.00084      38.0827      39.0636      37.7659      36.0067      34.1184      32.2781      30.3384
-      0.00085      68.4765      66.4766      62.4149      57.9325      53.3401      48.9423      44.3337
-      0.00086      45.2603      45.6161      43.7302      41.3953      38.9375      36.5572      34.0543
-      0.00087     -3.16157      2.09525      4.66892      6.71486      8.60399      10.3359      12.1253
-      0.00088      24.5174      26.9786      26.9573      26.4448       25.795      25.1272      24.4139
-      0.00089      51.3188       51.051      48.5545      45.6157      42.5609      39.6186       36.532
-       0.0009     -2.50231      2.52309      4.98911      6.96117       8.7852      10.4585      12.1864
-      0.00091     -2.41439      2.67983      5.10806      7.02343      8.78873      10.4068      12.0781
-      0.00092      35.5252      36.7821      35.6994      34.1609      32.4993      30.8769      29.1665
-      0.00093      55.1725      54.4415      51.5682      48.2774      44.8801      41.6166      38.1943
-      0.00094      64.4375       62.834      59.1498      55.0637      50.8771      46.8664       42.663
-      0.00095     -31.7368      -23.735     -18.5643     -13.9286     -9.45707     -5.27846    -0.934473
-      0.00096     -16.8191     -10.4273     -6.71183      -3.5034    -0.447217      2.39368      5.34273
-      0.00097        79.76      76.4298       71.222      65.6544      60.0027      54.6092      48.9633
-      0.00098      16.0757      19.1455      19.8652      20.1444      20.2982       20.394      20.4764
-      0.00099      21.1664       23.659      23.8911      23.6993      23.3886      23.0467       22.673
-        0.001      -13.395     -7.44471     -4.04154     -1.11075      1.67854      4.26863      6.95542
-      0.00101      76.6863      73.5314      68.6025      63.3374      57.9946      52.8946      47.5556
-      0.00102      30.0655      31.6443      31.0654      30.0843      28.9936      27.9138      26.7695
-      0.00103      29.7619      31.3054      30.7352      29.7732      28.7035       27.645      26.5234
-      0.00104      6.68583      10.4905      12.0339      13.1617      14.1692      15.0747      16.0028
-      0.00105      37.6605      38.3352      37.0012      35.2975      33.4948      31.7441      29.9005
-      0.00106       14.341      17.2915      18.1103      18.5404       18.858      19.1121        19.36
-      0.00107      27.9162      29.5616      29.1402      28.3396      27.4342      26.5318      25.5721
-      0.00108      22.6485      24.8087      24.8506      24.5036      24.0479      23.5708       23.056
-      0.00109      30.9028      32.2158      31.5075        30.43       29.251      28.0903      26.8613
-       0.0011      68.3535      65.8942      61.7317      57.2578      52.7089      48.3618      43.8075
-      0.00111      30.3408      31.6565      31.0171      30.0256      28.9368      27.8612      26.7212
-      0.00112      42.0571      42.1784      40.4555      38.4014      36.2582       34.186      32.0053
-      0.00113      5.37966      9.21512      10.8618       12.114      13.2511      14.2806      15.3375
-      0.00114      21.9175      24.0715      24.1605      23.8768      23.4887      23.0765      22.6295
-      0.00115      66.0411      63.7827      59.8096      55.5267      51.1688      47.0023      42.6362
-      0.00116      38.1536      38.7387      37.3716      35.6548      33.8448      32.0866      30.2336
-      0.00117     -7.25995      -2.1045     0.707725      3.09958      5.36537      7.46189      9.63159
-      0.00118       19.229      21.6918      22.0243      21.9726      21.8131      21.6168       21.394
-      0.00119      51.2301      50.5378       47.931      44.9777      41.9369       39.015       35.947
-       0.0012     -8.60675     -3.24649     -0.31638      2.17777      4.54346      6.73302      8.99939
-      0.00121      38.8132      39.3112      37.8305      35.9941      34.0633       32.192      30.2203
-      0.00122      4.48502      8.47931       10.185      11.4793      12.6558      13.7213      14.8145
-      0.00123      31.1621      32.4868      31.7191       30.575      29.3305       28.107      26.8116
-      0.00124      58.2966       56.941      53.6899       50.099      46.4247      42.9029      39.2084
-      0.00125      34.5347      35.5942      34.5597      33.1497      31.6411      30.1663      28.6078
-      0.00126      26.2614      28.1225      27.8304      27.1529      26.3706      25.5836      24.7433
-      0.00127       30.725      32.1762      31.4809      30.4026      29.2218      28.0576      26.8229
-      0.00128      24.2133      26.3183      26.2079      25.7019      25.0885      24.4607      23.7863
-      0.00129      41.7925      42.1587      40.4308      38.3288        36.13      34.0038      31.7655
-       0.0013      20.8324      23.3372      23.5551      23.3653      23.0647      22.7309      22.3628
-      0.00131      59.4738      58.0802      54.7253      51.0206      47.2307      43.5989      39.7889
-      0.00132     -7.51771     -2.17556     0.661416      3.05346      5.31499      7.40541      9.56652
-      0.00133      24.1427      26.2555      26.1299       25.607      24.9769      24.3332      23.6423
-      0.00134      16.7377      19.5757      20.1245      20.2685      20.3005      20.2827      20.2447
-      0.00135      35.9443      36.8538      35.6357       34.044      32.3545      30.7092      28.9722
-      0.00136      20.8726      23.2553      23.4203      23.1968      22.8661      22.5057      22.1105
-      0.00137      48.6996      48.3894      46.0152      43.2775      40.4479      37.7237       34.861
-      0.00138      17.3502      20.1757      20.7062      20.8349      20.8525      20.8202      20.7662
-      0.00139      13.8476      16.9886      17.8125      18.2316      18.5375      18.7786      19.0104
-       0.0014       12.698      15.9476      16.8687      17.3828      17.7829      18.1131      18.4377
-      0.00141      24.1174      26.2681      26.1474      25.6326      25.0107      24.3739      23.6886
-      0.00142      58.9189       57.576        54.24        50.56      46.7963      43.1885      39.4032
-      0.00143      8.59086       12.308      13.6313      14.5411      15.3331      16.0329      16.7428
-      0.00144     -12.3694     -6.62366      -3.4039    -0.619559      2.03591      4.49835      7.04842
-      0.00145      37.2411      37.9932      36.6148      34.8707      33.0311      31.2437      29.3589
-      0.00146       18.432      21.1237      21.5045      21.4901      21.3667      21.2007      21.0077
-      0.00147      63.0171      61.2167      57.4875      53.4311       49.296      45.3374      41.1862
-      0.00148      38.2627      39.0097      37.5977      35.8207      33.9479      32.1271       30.207
-      0.00149      4.46605      8.53391      10.2232      11.5086      12.6769      13.7332      14.8151
-       0.0015     0.513108      4.98589      7.00009      8.59825      10.0762      11.4256      12.8147
-      0.00151      13.2127      16.3735      17.2057      17.6439      17.9714      18.2334      18.4875
-      0.00152      27.2562      29.0197      28.5581       27.723      26.7868      25.8534        24.86
-      0.00153      27.6287      29.3627      28.8806       28.028      27.0747      26.1248      25.1139
-      0.00154     -14.1379     -8.21815     -4.85335     -1.91713     0.891087      3.49802       6.1997
-      0.00155       63.251      61.4157      57.6243      53.5107      49.3206      45.3095      41.1041
-      0.00156      37.5552       38.341      36.9621      35.2261      33.3965      31.6165      29.7393
-      0.00157      21.5733      23.9642      24.0574      23.7714      23.3813      22.9625      22.5064
-      0.00158       11.232      14.6283      15.6434      16.2656      16.7764      17.2112      17.6466
-      0.00159      30.3024      31.7848      31.0407      29.9322      28.7258      27.5369      26.2777
-       0.0016      25.3647      27.3375      27.0524      26.3985      25.6437      24.8816      24.0675
-      0.00161      30.5048      31.9976      31.2509      30.1407      28.9327      27.7417      26.4797
-      0.00162      14.5726      17.6621      18.3794      18.7094      18.9304        19.09      19.2376
-      0.00163      39.7928      40.3593      38.7399      36.7655       34.699      32.6964      30.5882
-      0.00164      27.4651      29.3111      28.8417      27.9974      27.0509      26.1067       25.102
-      0.00165      37.4303      38.3337      36.9587      35.2153      33.3759       31.587       29.701
-      0.00166      22.2123      24.5904      24.6045      24.2361      23.7634      23.2666      22.7296
-      0.00167       33.792      35.0242      33.9733      32.5542      31.0376      29.5545      27.9879
-      0.00168      4.05031      8.26216      9.93943       11.205      12.3535      13.3902      14.4549
-      0.00169      58.4437      57.1886      53.8331      50.1429      46.3719      42.7576       38.968
-       0.0017      9.90049        13.57      14.7209      15.4637      16.0923      16.6369      17.1872
-      0.00171      19.1071      21.8347      22.1164       22.002      21.7792      21.5201      21.2324
-      0.00172      -37.411     -29.0124     -23.5315     -18.5288     -13.6736      -9.1305     -4.40719
-      0.00173       44.677      44.8079      42.6822      40.1947      37.6167      35.1305      32.5185
-      0.00174      42.8681      43.2756      41.3666      39.0867      36.7127      34.4182       32.006
-      0.00175     -8.96911     -3.37207    -0.490918      1.94757      4.25761      6.39323      8.60409
-      0.00176      3.70198      8.00815      9.68727      10.9405      12.0737      13.0971      14.1485
-      0.00177       85.545      81.6779      75.8177      69.6455       63.408        57.46      51.2353
-      0.00178     -17.8561     -11.2888     -7.56339     -4.30148     -1.17631      1.72989      4.74632
-      0.00179      17.3445      20.3323      20.7607      20.7756      20.6788      20.5389      20.3769
-       0.0018     -7.77657     -2.26376     0.479064      2.77187      4.93512      6.93187       8.9992
-      0.00181      35.5354      36.7138      35.4501      33.7933      32.0362      30.3262      28.5256
-      0.00182      44.9017      45.1878      43.1022       40.638      38.0793      35.6101      33.0163
-      0.00183      33.0083      34.5607      33.5804      32.1927         30.7      29.2379      27.6952
-      0.00184       32.336      33.9431      33.0201      31.6894      30.2536      28.8464      27.3618
-      0.00185      45.3738      45.6393       43.511      41.0006      38.3958      35.8833      33.2454
-      0.00186      31.2821      32.9976      32.1792      30.9555      29.6269      28.3205      26.9419
-      0.00187      30.2508      32.0571      31.3251      30.1852      28.9394      27.7121      26.4157
-      0.00188      26.9812       29.164      28.7307      27.8749      26.9092      25.9465      24.9264
-      0.00189       34.432      35.8756      34.7637      33.2421      31.6159      30.0287      28.3565
-       0.0019     -23.6468     -16.4387     -12.2146      -8.4764     -4.88005     -1.52783      1.95581
-      0.00191      78.6694      75.6415      70.4022      64.8139      59.1509      53.7465      48.0905
-      0.00192      37.6868      38.8272      37.4231      35.6116      33.6969      31.8363      29.8792
-      0.00193     -32.4658     -24.2886     -19.2361      -14.695     -10.3049     -6.20191     -1.93461
-      0.00194      15.0936      18.4557      19.0697      19.2384      19.2892      19.2895      19.2756
-      0.00195      30.1758      32.0187      31.2507      30.0628      28.7678      27.4949      26.1522
-      0.00196     -1.16766      3.86204      5.99906      7.66811      9.20825      10.6154      12.0702
-      0.00197      34.7201      36.1386      34.9538      33.3521      31.6454      29.9833      28.2352
-      0.00198      92.4709       88.141      81.6628      74.8483      67.9678      61.4117      54.5557
-      0.00199      2.98099      7.67405      9.49183      10.8466       12.073      13.1842        14.33
-        0.002     -2.54046      2.67576      4.94511      6.73641      8.39632      9.91786      11.4927
-      0.00201      58.9769       58.011      54.5983       50.798      46.9085      43.1817      39.2792
-      0.00202       -46.43     -36.8252     -30.4979     -24.7057     -19.0734     -13.7949      -8.2982
-      0.00203      14.0088      17.5237      18.2173      18.4581      18.5791      18.6465      18.7046
-      0.00204      41.3045      42.0809      40.2736      38.0576      35.7412       33.503      31.1546
-      0.00205     -15.7916     -9.33053     -5.85919     -2.86446  -0.00613724      2.64945      5.40767
-      0.00206      27.4583       29.577      29.0364      28.0759      27.0083      25.9521      24.8383
-      0.00207      39.2581      40.2273      38.6194      36.6078      34.4967      32.4533      30.3089
-      0.00208      24.8621      27.3184      27.0594       26.371      25.5723      24.7688      23.9181
-      0.00209     -17.5381     -10.8294     -7.18997     -4.04148     -1.03145       1.7673      4.67664
-       0.0021      121.039      113.868      104.715       95.264      85.7665      76.7369      67.3005
-      0.00211     -22.9544     -15.5936     -11.3928     -7.69892     -4.15096    -0.843104      2.59824
-      0.00212      10.8261      14.7019      15.7149      16.2736      16.7117      17.0797      17.4528
-      0.00213      32.6704      34.3762      33.3709      31.9387      30.4006      28.8996      27.3223
-      0.00214      9.41017      13.4464      14.5946      15.2861      15.8557       16.347       16.849
-      0.00215       12.338      16.0464      16.9108      17.3271      17.6254      17.8611      18.0966
-      0.00216      32.8368      34.4875      33.4581      32.0105      30.4594      28.9462      27.3573
-      0.00217      21.9869      24.7251      24.7094      24.2628      23.7055      23.1317      22.5226
-      0.00218      55.5531       54.949       51.842      48.3492      44.7677      41.3348      37.7425
-      0.00219     -12.8478     -6.55998     -3.34168    -0.609813      1.98612      4.39497      6.89891
-       0.0022      46.7541      46.9885       44.672      41.9604      39.1558      36.4581      33.6335
-      0.00221      16.4789      19.8315      20.3334      20.3894      20.3296      20.2267      20.1098
-      0.00222      10.8339      14.7265      15.7242      16.2677      16.6919      17.0476      17.4099
-      0.00223      22.1852      24.9119      24.8606      24.3759       23.781      23.1733      22.5303
-      0.00224      -1.1413      3.93901      6.04132       7.6771      9.18664      10.5688      12.0025
-      0.00225      57.2133      56.4051      53.1146      49.4447      45.6891      42.0931      38.3317
-      0.00226      9.31218      13.3734      14.5346       15.243      15.8328      16.3444      16.8698
-      0.00227      77.3293      74.5299       69.403      63.9276      58.3809      53.0905       47.561
-      0.00228     -8.05445      -2.2884     0.487451      2.79832      4.98095      7.00026      9.10002
-      0.00229      20.8361      23.6857      23.7542      23.3935      22.9238      22.4358      21.9193
-       0.0023      39.4216      40.4575      38.8196      36.7704      34.6223      32.5463      30.3723
-      0.00231      62.8668      61.5568      57.7733      53.6153      49.3753       45.321      41.0822
-      0.00232      13.4119      17.1038       17.902       18.252       18.486      18.6621      18.8379
-      0.00233      18.5597      21.6924      21.9908      21.8513      21.6001      21.3184      21.0171
-      0.00234      10.9126      14.7981       15.774      16.2988      16.7066      17.0483      17.3984
-      0.00235      12.3634      16.1003      16.9437      17.3393      17.6193      17.8404      18.0643
-      0.00236      48.0015      48.1797      45.7401      42.9018      39.9717      37.1575       34.214
-      0.00237      15.1978      18.7034      19.3118      19.4727      19.5197      19.5196      19.5133
-      0.00238      16.3019      19.6949      20.1889      20.2344      20.1659      20.0575      19.9381
-      0.00239      81.4386      78.3217      72.8141      66.9481       61.012      55.3542      49.4433
-       0.0024     -6.44918    -0.688045      1.94767      4.09618       6.1127      7.97594      9.91397
-      0.00241      13.6516      17.3477      18.0828      18.3588      18.5177      18.6248      18.7314
-      0.00242      11.3744      15.2681      16.1997       16.672      17.0268      17.3192      17.6189
-      0.00243     -15.7536      -9.1146      -5.6857     -2.75926    0.0311045      2.62637      5.32987
-      0.00244      45.8803      46.3512      44.0826      41.3956      38.6133       35.939      33.1428
-      0.00245      31.0051      32.9794      32.1195      30.8235      29.4228      28.0539        26.62
-      0.00246       41.606      42.5794      40.7554      38.5011      36.1466      33.8774      31.5043
-      0.00247     -14.0099     -7.47226     -4.16614     -1.36727      1.29535      3.77014      6.34818
-      0.00248      9.08757       13.276      14.4132       15.075      15.6164      16.0861      16.5722
-      0.00249     -19.0055     -11.9616     -8.23578      -5.0321     -1.96911     0.884387      3.85833
-       0.0025      57.0951      56.4738      53.1678      49.4505      45.6454      42.0042         38.2
-      0.00251      28.0046      30.3651      29.7894      28.7608      27.6239      26.5052      25.3335
-      0.00252      12.9441      16.8326      17.6464      17.9823       18.199      18.3606      18.5249
-      0.00253      69.7223      67.8759      63.4463      58.6266      53.7271      49.0517      44.1686
-      0.00254     -28.0717      -20.058     -15.4426      -11.361     -7.42711     -3.74906    0.0852493
-      0.00255      5.00772      9.64919      11.1559      12.1748      13.0693       13.874      14.7108
-      0.00256      15.1156      18.7632      19.3371      19.4339      19.4134      19.3524      19.2854
-      0.00257      77.0329      74.4718      69.3519      63.8469      58.2677      52.9492      47.3953
-      0.00258      18.2781      21.7047      22.0552      21.9282      21.6844      21.4105       21.121
-      0.00259     -6.24824     -0.40887      2.17502      4.24946      6.19128      7.98591      9.85557
-       0.0026      52.2928      52.2718      49.4363        46.17      42.8102      39.5911      36.2287
-      0.00261      33.7096       35.586       34.494      32.9447      31.2886      29.6801      27.9984
-      0.00262     -16.7289     -9.80968     -6.25849     -3.23712    -0.355578       2.3277      5.12581
-      0.00263     -0.46808      4.78383      6.79471      8.29899      9.67454      10.9349      12.2482
-      0.00264      23.1558      26.0259      25.8531      25.2101      24.4556      23.7009      22.9117
-      0.00265      19.7877      23.0047      23.1558       22.833      22.3959      21.9415      21.4656
-      0.00266       22.314       25.278      25.2085      24.6713      24.0222      23.3674      22.6824
-      0.00267      14.9498      18.6993      19.3032        19.42      19.4186      19.3763      19.3309
-      0.00268      78.7528       76.098      70.8326      65.1746      59.4427       53.981      48.2795
-      0.00269     0.457645      5.72955      7.72673      9.21499      10.5734      11.8171      13.1133
-       0.0027      18.7777       22.187      22.4567        22.24      21.9065      21.5506      21.1786
-      0.00271      15.9448      19.5991      20.1144      20.1451      20.0588      19.9368      19.8086
-      0.00272     -4.98629     0.735835       3.1733      5.10143      6.89954      8.55991      10.2915
-      0.00273      29.1211      31.4668        30.75      29.5623      28.2663      27.0006      25.6798
-      0.00274      82.6575      79.6369      74.0092      67.9925      61.9051      56.1076      50.0569
-      0.00275      9.25208      13.6487      14.8325      15.5221      16.0895      16.5858       17.103
-      0.00276      29.1241      31.5095      30.8282      29.6781      28.4203       27.191      25.9086
-      0.00277      28.1454      30.5781      29.9782      28.9179      27.7511      26.6082      25.4154
-      0.00278      1.27184       6.4135       8.2865       9.6592      10.9073      12.0478      13.2386
-      0.00279      9.35303      13.6639      14.7777      15.4028      15.9088      16.3483      16.8071
-       0.0028     -6.92263    -0.963199      1.63717      3.72054      5.67299      7.48007      9.36697
-      0.00281      85.8846      82.5084      76.5443      70.2006      63.7907      57.6897      51.3227
-      0.00282     0.507691      5.78252      7.75258       9.2166      10.5539      11.7795      13.0592
-      0.00283      5.71375      10.4405      11.8992      12.8584      13.6955      14.4485      15.2351
-      0.00284      -27.167     -19.1622     -14.6947     -10.7742      -6.9979     -3.46524     0.222477
-      0.00285      27.4898      30.0073      29.4074      28.3355      27.1563       26.003      24.8009
-      0.00286      19.1098      22.5156      22.7169      22.4326      22.0348      21.6197      21.1872
-      0.00287      5.51391      10.2688      11.7279      12.6866      13.5236      14.2763      15.0634
-      0.00288      45.4191      46.1766       43.955      41.2889      38.5286      35.8803      33.1185
-      0.00289      18.5695       22.084      22.3669      22.1613      21.8421      21.5011      21.1474
-       0.0029      45.7302       46.484      44.2547      41.5799      38.8105      36.1536      33.3826
-      0.00291      7.27071       11.933      13.2644       14.091      14.7964      15.4248      16.0828
-      0.00292      84.2819      81.2078       75.425      69.2473      63.0013      57.0562      50.8535
-      0.00293     -18.6745       -11.38     -7.63242     -4.42831     -1.36319      1.49756      4.48645
-      0.00294      36.9591      38.6549      37.2206       35.318      33.3135      31.3804      29.3658
-      0.00295      24.0572      27.0572      26.8253      26.1093      25.2838      24.4647      23.6126
-      0.00296     -7.85004     -1.66363      1.03846      3.21152      5.25316      7.14633      9.12455
-      0.00297      35.8148      37.6266      36.2824       34.468      32.5512      30.7018      28.7749
-      0.00298      33.8878      35.9255      34.7829       33.166      31.4452      29.7802      28.0457
-      0.00299      43.0066      44.1656      42.2087      39.7884      37.2701      34.8507      32.3282
-        0.003      34.7433      36.7546      35.5492      33.8628      32.0717      30.3402      28.5367
-      0.00301     0.738307      6.16637      8.09691      9.49898      10.7743      11.9424      13.1648
-      0.00302      40.6916      42.0909      40.3148      38.0683      35.7222      33.4669       31.117
-      0.00303       22.405      25.6413      25.5661      24.9985      24.3196      23.6401       22.934
-      0.00304     -23.2566      -15.424     -11.2994     -7.73878     -4.32084     -1.12599      2.21219
-      0.00305      40.6964      42.0943      40.2898      38.0115      35.6341      33.3492      30.9686
-      0.00306      7.15109      11.9438      13.2611      14.0567      14.7299      15.3295      15.9588
-      0.00307      25.8191      28.7729      28.3654      27.4541      26.4315      25.4276      24.3845
-      0.00308     -3.79206       2.1657      4.49561      6.27774      7.92847      9.45238      11.0472
-      0.00309      41.9221       43.267      41.3667      38.9858      36.5049      34.1226      31.6409
-       0.0031      -28.661     -20.1944     -15.5668     -11.5249     -7.63216     -3.98723    -0.179003
-      0.00311      28.5719      31.2699      30.5842      29.3918      28.0904      26.8234      25.5059
-      0.00312      11.1366      15.6237      16.5697      16.9823      17.2733      17.5113      17.7648
-      0.00313      48.4764       49.261      46.7702      43.7932      40.7185      37.7741      34.7066
-      0.00314      24.5244      27.7605      27.5071      26.7302      25.8387       24.958      24.0438
-      0.00315      -66.895     -54.4995     -46.3418     -38.8413     -31.5179      -24.628     -17.4316
-      0.00316      93.7248      89.9818      83.2746      76.1375      68.9321      62.0807      54.9333
-      0.00317     -27.8728     -19.3476     -14.7666     -10.7898     -6.96401     -3.38256     0.361574
-      0.00318      80.2357      77.8997      72.4747      66.5981      60.6437      54.9757      49.0648
-      0.00319     -29.9808     -21.1874     -16.3989     -12.2254     -8.20583     -4.44111    -0.505929
-       0.0032      29.6822      32.4249      31.6566      30.3612      28.9541      27.5874       26.167
-      0.00321      44.9822      46.2329      44.0763      41.4118       38.645      35.9925      33.2298
-      0.00322      34.3547      36.7138      35.5606      33.8815      32.0922      30.3624      28.5632
-      0.00323     -23.0051     -14.8913     -10.7624     -7.24327     -3.87404    -0.723813      2.56935
-      0.00324      -1.6609      4.24168      6.35497       7.8922      9.29562      10.5873      11.9418
-      0.00325      60.0441      59.8027      56.2343      52.1712      48.0155      44.0492      39.9158
-      0.00326    -0.349381      5.53028      7.57197       9.0306      10.3538      11.5687      12.8425
-      0.00327     -6.87079    -0.391248      2.21244      4.22631      6.10223      7.84071      9.66201
-      0.00328       48.715      49.6207       47.101      44.0708      40.9411      37.9455      34.8257
-      0.00329      18.6268       22.614      22.9065      22.6411      22.2545       21.852      21.4389
-       0.0033      36.7341      38.9431      37.5645      35.6465       33.618      31.6635      29.6307
-      0.00331      75.2619      73.6299      68.7155      63.3159       57.831      52.6077      47.1635
-      0.00332      9.78388       14.736      15.8843      16.4559      16.8985      17.2807      17.6866
-      0.00333     -28.4202       -19.67     -15.0431     -11.0491     -7.21003     -3.61478     0.144047
-      0.00334     -2.43826       3.6691      5.85348      7.43988      8.88888      10.2242      11.6253
-      0.00335       39.305      41.2279      39.5652      37.3649      35.0565      32.8382      30.5308
-      0.00336      54.4644      54.9318      51.9106      48.3701      44.7308      41.2533      37.6316
-      0.00337      20.3116      24.2019      24.3549      23.9445      23.4129      22.8742      22.3186
-      0.00338      23.0436      26.6846      26.5766      25.9034      25.1101      24.3243      23.5116
-      0.00339      2.56311      8.26429      10.0348      11.2077      12.2458      13.1918      14.1866
-       0.0034      30.5841      33.4597      32.6288      31.2399       29.736      28.2786      26.7659
-      0.00341      17.1708      21.4198      21.8384      21.6778      21.3928      21.0873       20.776
-      0.00342      4.24544      9.78599      11.3897      12.3957      13.2684      14.0581      14.8905
-      0.00343      46.7878      48.0643      45.7406       42.878       39.911        37.07      34.1129
-      0.00344     -13.8181     -6.40383       -3.116     -0.45933      2.04943       4.3867      6.83361
-      0.00345     -7.23191    -0.505893      2.14861      4.18079      6.07083       7.8221      9.65775
-      0.00346      52.6933      53.3863      50.5004      47.0799      43.5592      40.1945      36.6914
-      0.00347      6.97966      12.3331      13.7002      14.4619      15.0898      15.6481      16.2385
-      0.00348      14.8355      19.3777      20.0053      20.0399      19.9468      19.8242      19.7052
-      0.00349      5.35967      10.8919      12.3929      13.2815      14.0348      14.7118      15.4268
-       0.0035     -18.9234     -11.0026     -7.27669     -4.19285     -1.25923      1.48049       4.3478
-      0.00351      47.8866       49.154      46.7095      43.7085      40.6011      37.6276      34.5325
-      0.00352      22.3154      26.1673      26.1195      25.4823      24.7218      23.9672      23.1878
-      0.00353      40.0265      42.1453      40.4704      38.2249       35.867      33.6022      31.2475
-      0.00354      19.5465      23.7416      23.9684      23.5934      23.0913       22.581      22.0572
-      0.00355     -2.72204      3.71371      5.98113       7.6108      9.09785      10.4688      11.9087
-      0.00356      74.8504      73.4779      68.5745      63.1501      57.6375      52.3893      46.9206
-      0.00357      3.33571      9.18436      10.9167      12.0262      12.9979       13.882      14.8138
-      0.00358      63.1845      63.0315      59.2228      54.8712      50.4232      46.1818      41.7644
-      0.00359     -18.2717     -10.2288     -6.50533     -3.44167    -0.530544      2.18788      5.03485
-       0.0036      54.8418      55.5194      52.4596      48.8431      45.1246      41.5735      37.8766
-      0.00361       13.967      18.7884      19.5273      19.6507      19.6434      19.6011      19.5662
-      0.00362      -15.865     -8.05831     -4.58896     -1.78102     0.875935      3.35381      5.94996
-      0.00363      20.0518      24.2435      24.3745      23.8926      23.2837       22.674      22.0479
-      0.00364      11.7513      16.7873      17.6869      17.9607      18.1018       18.201      18.3148
-      0.00365      35.9953        38.61      37.2886      35.3776      33.3503      31.3992      29.3731
-      0.00366     -3.01273      3.58685      5.88603       7.5305      9.03121      10.4152      11.8696
-      0.00367      29.8585      33.1477      32.3972      31.0384      29.5578      28.1235      26.6371
-      0.00368      50.3687      51.6222      48.9985      45.7958      42.4851      39.3196      36.0262
-      0.00369     -43.8846     -33.1706     -27.0949     -21.7323     -16.5414     -11.6661     -6.56707
-       0.0037     -9.50492     -2.28702     0.556642      2.73304      4.76154      6.64689      8.62524
-      0.00371      20.8276      24.9717      25.0132      24.4381      23.7366      23.0402      22.3238
-      0.00372      18.2638      22.7412      23.0449      22.7207      22.2674      21.8046      21.3322
-      0.00373      37.6186      40.1645      38.6984      36.6318      34.4494      32.3515      30.1726
-      0.00374      42.8394       44.923      43.0103       40.501      37.8784      35.3637      32.7495
-      0.00375      34.6783      37.5742       36.409       34.634      32.7398      30.9143      29.0201
-      0.00376      1.38502      7.63569      9.54051      10.7887      11.8956      12.9082      13.9758
-      0.00377      -7.4455    -0.358701      2.32955      4.35185      6.22818      7.96911      9.79674
-      0.00378      10.9981      16.2358      17.2032      17.5288      17.7208      17.8697      18.0364
-      0.00379      35.6713      38.4234      37.1229      35.2177       33.196      31.2509      29.2318
-       0.0038      66.6745      66.4209      62.2958      57.5998       52.806      48.2384      43.4825
-      0.00381      10.1634      15.5815      16.6958      17.1629      17.4946      17.7743      18.0775
-      0.00382     -31.6018     -22.0438     -17.1147     -12.8912     -8.83043     -5.02306     -1.03838
-      0.00383      27.7227      31.3293       30.748      29.5402      28.2087      26.9168      25.5798
-      0.00384     -15.2395     -7.30587     -3.90791     -1.19806      1.35913      3.74401      6.24403
-      0.00385       71.752      70.9625      66.3305       61.132      55.8403      50.8026      45.5561
-      0.00386     -12.8315     -5.09038     -1.87494     0.656551      3.03602       5.2533      7.57866
-      0.00387     -6.81017      0.29496      2.92319      4.87419      6.67855      8.35226      10.1102
-      0.00388      56.5283      57.3201      54.0992       50.284      46.3636       42.623      38.7304
-      0.00389     -12.1249     -4.43028     -1.28926      1.16151      3.46091      5.60225      7.84914
-       0.0039      23.8444      27.8919      27.6853      26.8413      25.8708      24.9209      23.9418
-      0.00391      61.4699       61.796      58.1404      53.8979      49.5538      45.4125      41.1028
-      0.00392      42.0406      44.3302      42.5003      40.0597       37.505      35.0556      32.5107
-      0.00393      9.26792      14.8592        16.05      16.5802      16.9735      17.3122      17.6776
-      0.00394      1.84975      8.18478      10.0225      11.1813      12.1975      13.1259      14.1074
-      0.00395     -1.27549      5.35434      7.46571      8.89472      10.1795      11.3622      12.6089
-      0.00396      6.17342      12.0646      13.4857      14.2332      14.8414      15.3843      15.9638
-      0.00397      37.2825      40.0466      38.6038      36.5354       34.349      32.2494      30.0705
-      0.00398       39.179      41.7729       40.186      37.9791      35.6564      33.4271      31.1128
-      0.00399     -16.8804     -8.62493     -5.04017      -2.1617      0.56125      3.10397      5.76994
-        0.004      77.0893      75.9261      70.8206      65.1383      59.3641      53.8707      48.1493
-      0.00401      15.5308      20.5712      21.1898      21.1459      20.9689      20.7683      20.5718
-      0.00402      -25.318     -16.1842     -11.8254     -8.19287     -4.72233     -1.47214      1.93206
-      0.00403      40.9216      43.3883      41.6038      39.1859      36.6517      34.2227      31.7003
-      0.00404      12.5213      17.8858      18.7499      18.9379      18.9895      19.0052      19.0344
-      0.00405      18.9941      23.6991       23.967      23.5699      23.0412      22.5089      21.9658
-      0.00406     -27.2045     -17.8318     -13.3133      -9.5347     -5.92104     -2.53578      1.00963
-      0.00407      36.0312      39.0099      37.6664       35.676      33.5658      31.5382      29.4354
-      0.00408      20.3292      24.9617      25.1027      24.5681      23.9007      23.2367      22.5565
-      0.00409      17.0745      22.0564      22.4993      22.2584      21.8822      21.4937      21.1016
-       0.0041      34.4805      37.6691      36.5091      34.6987      32.7668      30.9075      28.9802
-      0.00411      23.2609      27.6542      27.5479       26.765      25.8505      24.9531      24.0297
-      0.00412     -28.5274     -18.9557     -14.2973     -10.3904     -6.64971     -3.14442     0.527447
-      0.00413      72.3927      71.8385      67.1623       61.876      56.4909      51.3657      46.0291
-      0.00414      17.4265      22.4788      22.9284      22.6822      22.2981      21.9019      21.5011
-      0.00415       51.031      52.6827      50.0223       46.716      43.2955      40.0283      36.6318
-      0.00416     -7.62847   -0.0254195      2.73907      4.76526      6.63545      8.37115      10.1957
-      0.00417       30.677      34.3949       33.593       32.108      30.4939      28.9354      27.3224
-      0.00418     -8.22906    -0.569901      2.22456      4.27547      6.17035      7.92913      9.77814
-      0.00419       36.524      39.6979      38.3477      36.3131      34.1523      32.0763      29.9234
-       0.0042     -29.1804     -19.4206     -14.6989     -10.7526     -6.97659      -3.4383     0.268613
-      0.00421      54.4184      55.7677      52.7501      49.0777      45.2925      41.6804      37.9239
-      0.00422     -19.5437     -10.7081     -6.86419     -3.78548    -0.871753       1.8512      4.70656
-      0.00423        40.44      43.2383      41.5236      39.1269       36.607      34.1916      31.6844
-      0.00424      7.14888       13.351       14.737      15.3874      15.8903      16.3324      16.8076
-      0.00425      1.74416      8.48034      10.3437      11.4608      12.4263      13.3068      14.2399
-      0.00426      27.7526       31.882      31.3492      30.1067      28.7299      27.3956      26.0169
-      0.00427      15.5383      20.9234      21.5358      21.4189      21.1593      20.8805      20.6033
-      0.00428      16.1698      21.5075      22.0618      21.8834       21.562      21.2251      20.8875
-      0.00429      38.7662      41.8513      40.3242      38.0946      35.7373      33.4752      31.1282
-       0.0043      2.82076       9.5492      11.3513      12.3947      13.2849      14.0932      14.9506
-      0.00431      35.4186      38.8767      37.6574      35.7226      33.6566        31.67       29.611
-      0.00432      2.52805      9.32493      11.1527      12.2135      13.1198      13.9431      14.8164
-      0.00433     -4.34085       3.1235      5.55401      7.20501      8.69644      10.0741      11.5265
-      0.00434      22.8436      27.5692      27.4926      26.6766      25.7196       24.782      23.8178
-      0.00435      18.4954      23.7073      24.0486      23.6388      23.0841      22.5263      21.9586
-      0.00436      25.7825      30.2917      29.9726      28.9087      27.7044      26.5327      25.3241
-      0.00437       19.417       24.578      24.8465      24.3598       23.728      23.0971      22.4534
-      0.00438       3.9477      10.6724      12.3716      13.2917      14.0556      14.7447       15.478
-      0.00439     -11.4507     -3.17152   -0.0656739      2.23482      4.36819      6.35255      8.43797
-       0.0044      63.2142      63.9842      60.1949       55.707      51.1037      46.7169       42.153
-      0.00441      7.33817      13.7644      15.1727      15.8004      16.2734       16.687      17.1332
-      0.00442     -14.6841     -6.03217     -2.61463   -0.0159543      2.41221      4.67503      7.05131
-      0.00443     -16.6258      -7.8159     -4.25635     -1.51922      1.04644      3.43992      5.95265
-      0.00444      45.4133      48.0171      45.8577      42.9619      39.9365       37.042      34.0357
-      0.00445       50.265      52.4304      49.8811      46.6044       43.201      39.9484      36.5682
-      0.00446      13.6495      19.5381        20.38      20.4341      20.3353      20.2075      20.0888
-      0.00447      69.8564      70.1233      65.7725      60.7091      55.5302      50.5985      45.4658
-      0.00448     -15.9029     -6.99349     -3.41124    -0.666919      1.90248      4.29847      6.81409
-      0.00449      43.6927      46.5786      44.6195      41.9077      39.0627      36.3386      33.5102
-       0.0045     -31.3281     -20.9052     -15.9335     -11.8236     -7.89813      -4.2194    -0.364646
-      0.00451      30.4753      34.6418      33.8712      32.3298      30.6473      29.0228      27.3425
-      0.00452      48.0421      50.5164      48.1592       45.051      41.8118      38.7147      35.4975
-      0.00453     -1.32899      6.15192      8.37177      9.76489      10.9916      12.1179      13.3079
-      0.00454     -1.93332      5.57842      7.82555      9.24313      10.4946      11.6448      12.8602
-      0.00455      2.26296      9.36974      11.2259      12.2549      13.1201      13.9046      14.7382
-      0.00456       15.854      21.5878      22.1853       21.974      21.6084      21.2291      20.8483
-      0.00457      25.7808      30.5689      30.2654      29.1606      27.9066      26.6869      25.4298
-      0.00458     -4.41288      3.43424      5.92649      7.57095      9.04488      10.4043      11.8379
-      0.00459      34.8826      38.8106      37.6697       35.731      33.6474       31.643      29.5665
-       0.0046    -0.795184      6.70481      8.87128      10.1927      11.3457      12.4017      13.5182
-      0.00461      66.1447      66.9463      62.9332      58.1673       53.278      48.6199      43.7734
-      0.00462      10.8994      17.3144      18.4374      18.7224      18.8449       18.926      19.0256
-      0.00463      11.5243      17.8484      18.8872      19.0886      19.1285      19.1321      19.1511
-      0.00464     -7.04069      1.15787      3.89854       5.7718      7.47049      9.04248      10.6985
-      0.00465      22.6598      27.8446      27.8278      26.9873      25.9929      25.0186      24.0171
-      0.00466      31.2063      35.5981       34.814      33.2104      31.4569      29.7643      28.0138
-      0.00467      6.49322      13.4124       14.922      15.5713      16.0531      16.4737      16.9281
-      0.00468       3.0002      10.2552      12.0661      13.0104      13.7848      14.4828      15.2268
-      0.00469      13.3553      19.5494      20.3999      20.4041      20.2466      20.0638      19.8893
-       0.0047     -13.9466      -4.9654     -1.59055     0.889888      3.18879       5.3281      7.57653
-      0.00471      26.4579      31.3657      30.9989       29.796      28.4388      27.1215      25.7624
-      0.00472      56.8591      58.7462       55.604      51.6695      47.6018      43.7204      39.6854
-      0.00473     0.393632      7.99879      10.0933      11.3117      12.3569      13.3107      14.3214
-      0.00474       22.825      28.1781       28.181      27.3342      26.3289      25.3439      24.3315
-      0.00475      19.3046      25.0301      25.3578      24.8278      24.1366      23.4483      22.7457
-      0.00476     -2.84589      5.12444      7.49524      8.97313      10.2748      11.4708      12.7347
-      0.00477     -9.12684    -0.548872      2.37353      4.39093      6.22733      7.92967      9.72245
-      0.00478      22.0569      27.5352      27.5841      26.7683      25.7921      24.8343      23.8509
-      0.00479      9.98287      16.6956      17.8777      18.1787      18.3109      18.4007        18.51
-       0.0048      14.5777      20.8652       21.632      21.5185      21.2385      20.9387      20.6413
-      0.00481      -10.449     -1.65361      1.41344      3.56339      5.52974      7.35423       9.2741
-      0.00482      30.3287      35.0353      34.3268      32.7575       31.032      29.3656      27.6427
-      0.00483      34.6665      38.9843      37.9112      35.9808      33.8964      31.8899      29.8114
-      0.00484      15.7919      22.0142      22.6857      22.4728      22.0936      21.6994       21.304
-      0.00485      68.1127      69.1021      64.9487      59.9827      54.8855      50.0297      44.9777
-      0.00486      27.3534       32.492      32.1329      30.8992      29.5055      28.1512      26.7534
-      0.00487     -27.0797     -16.5041     -11.8677     -8.18434     -4.69785     -1.43535      1.98552
-      0.00488      60.0831      61.9196      58.4818      54.2088      49.7973        45.59      41.2144
-      0.00489      5.47898      12.8361      14.4719      15.1939      15.7398      16.2205       16.738
-       0.0049     -19.6668     -9.79015     -5.85969     -2.88387    -0.101672      2.49413      5.21926
-      0.00491      34.8679      39.2473      38.1243      36.1263       33.973      31.9016      29.7562
-      0.00492     -18.7347     -8.90238     -5.05673      -2.1705     0.521264       3.0315       5.6671
-      0.00493      27.6513      32.7954      32.3405      30.9942      29.4869      28.0265      26.5187
-      0.00494      15.5581      21.9349      22.6183      22.3948      22.0017      21.5942      21.1851
-      0.00495      21.2732      27.1127      27.2812      26.5467      25.6458      24.7585      23.8483
-      0.00496      41.1683      45.0199       43.354       40.813      38.1186      35.5354      32.8554
-      0.00497      16.9703      23.2935      23.8754      23.5427      23.0399      22.5284      22.0108
-      0.00498      31.8927      36.7348      35.9333      34.2345      32.3746      30.5802       28.724
-      0.00499      -12.848     -3.51917    -0.194516      2.16826      4.33997      6.35823      8.48056
-        0.005      11.3921      18.2968      19.3579      19.4854      19.4373      19.3568      19.2893
-      0.00501      17.9634      24.2499      24.7123      24.2451      23.6054      22.9653      22.3139
-      0.00502      22.7617      28.5797      28.6152      27.7285      26.6731      25.6392      24.5763
-      0.00503      14.7353      21.3844      22.1613      22.0011       21.666      21.3129      20.9607
-      0.00504      31.3666      36.3291      35.5688      33.8975      32.0635      30.2935      28.4625
-      0.00505      -5.2856      3.41893       6.0499      7.70947         9.18      10.5343      11.9643
-      0.00506      22.6699       28.564      28.5984      27.6986      26.6278      25.5798      24.5028
-      0.00507     -28.9453     -17.8472     -13.0489     -9.26185     -5.68139     -2.33089      1.18241
-      0.00508      32.2321      37.1664      36.2952      34.4994      32.5401      30.6514      28.6969
-      0.00509      4.88417      12.6089      14.2897      15.0052      15.5373      16.0042      16.5077
-       0.0051      61.6852      63.7248      60.1708      55.7315      51.1476      46.7764      42.2308
-      0.00511      8.70005      16.1262       17.497      17.9022      18.1247      18.2989      18.4969
-      0.00512     -27.0895     -16.0813     -11.4375     -7.81465      -4.3985     -1.20357      2.14735
-      0.00513      8.39651      15.8232      17.1582      17.5205      17.7001      17.8347      17.9923
-      0.00514       30.354      35.6107      34.9341      33.3135      31.5246      29.7968      28.0106
-      0.00515      44.2205      48.1525      46.2262      43.3693      40.3524      37.4628      34.4639
-      0.00516      4.91769      12.7889      14.5024      15.2334      15.7787      16.2577       16.774
-      0.00517      8.92511      16.4252      17.7551      18.0999      18.2601      18.3754      18.5123
-      0.00518      23.7166       29.725      29.6801      28.6724        27.49      26.3358       25.148
-      0.00519      3.26264      11.3408      13.1864      14.0383       14.702      15.2931      15.9268
-       0.0052       31.908      37.1127      36.3078      34.5491      32.6213      30.7624       28.839
-      0.00521     0.615709      8.99481      11.0904      12.1847      13.0885      13.9063      14.7767
-      0.00522     -14.2304     -4.33893    -0.890493      1.52869      3.74611      5.80684      7.97458
-      0.00523     -2.70633      6.05052      8.41914      9.76783      10.9216      11.9768      13.0955
-      0.00524      66.1926      68.0109      64.0325      59.1403      54.1022      49.3011      44.3074
-      0.00525     0.450038      8.96066      11.0984      12.2195       13.147      13.9871      14.8808
-      0.00526      17.8539      24.6309      25.1421      24.6558      23.9875      23.3189      22.6384
-      0.00527     -27.9139     -16.5527     -11.8281     -8.16642     -4.71763     -1.49262      1.89051
-      0.00528     -3.06525      5.78911      8.18797      9.55657      10.7283      11.8004      12.9367
-      0.00529      55.3131      58.3437      55.3713      51.4501      47.3718      43.4778      39.4306
-       0.0053      17.3232      24.2492      24.8281      24.3978      23.7833      23.1642      22.5348
-      0.00531     -10.0302    -0.343201      2.74935      4.78887      6.62473      8.32355      10.1136
-      0.00532     -17.6334     -7.20914     -3.44385    -0.742948       1.7496      4.06985      6.50867
-      0.00533      54.2632      57.4895      54.6164      50.7788      46.7812      42.9633      38.9955
-      0.00534       25.215      31.4269      31.2804      30.1242      28.7875      27.4852      26.1431
-      0.00535      -19.615     -8.90867     -4.92742     -2.02108     0.674296      3.18625      5.82517
-      0.00536      23.1522      29.5727       29.581      28.5709       27.378      26.2129      25.0145
-      0.00537      13.4075      20.8527      21.7773      21.6654       21.363      21.0397       20.719
-      0.00538      49.5246      53.3512      50.9507      47.5653      44.0148      40.6195      37.0935
-      0.00539      9.82833      17.7069      18.9945      19.2339      19.2795      19.2843      19.3062
-       0.0054      16.9836      24.1477      24.7593      24.3288      23.7086      23.0846      22.4511
-      0.00541      32.8337      38.4312      37.5819      35.7097      33.6579      31.6799      29.6327
-      0.00542     -27.5425     -15.8769     -11.1567      -7.5475     -4.15867    -0.991491       2.3315
-      0.00543      22.4697      29.1177      29.1904      28.2189      27.0605      25.9276      24.7625
-      0.00544      17.1013      24.3237      24.9065      24.4337      23.7696      23.1034      22.4258
-      0.00545      29.3577      35.3741      34.8411      33.2684      31.5127      29.8144      28.0591
-      0.00546      46.7079      51.0409      48.9293      45.7978      42.4939      39.3311      36.0477
-      0.00547      13.8572      21.5425      22.4778      22.3413      22.0094      21.6564      21.3053
-      0.00548     -5.45779      4.14094      6.83543      8.43033      9.81649       11.089       12.434
-      0.00549      12.7762      20.5272      21.5155      21.4295      21.1472      20.8426      20.5419
-       0.0055     -33.9959     -21.5349     -16.2385     -12.0859     -8.16189     -4.48871     -0.63784
-      0.00551      27.0894      33.4168       33.053        31.63      30.0206      28.4606      26.8499
-      0.00552     -26.4221     -14.6945     -10.0969     -6.63695     -3.40046    -0.377961       2.7943
-      0.00553       42.341      47.1853      45.4273      42.6257       39.647      36.7918      33.8292
-      0.00554     -26.0523     -14.2619     -9.67534     -6.23788     -3.02639    -0.027765      3.11925
-      0.00555      8.19593      16.5295      17.9282      18.2241      18.3176      18.3683      18.4389
-      0.00556      34.3481      40.1462      39.1528      37.0837      34.8281      32.6559      30.4064
-      0.00557      10.6339      18.8306      20.0473      20.1553      20.0607      19.9319      19.8144
-      0.00558      2.87602      11.8458      13.7696      14.5734      15.1693      15.6942      16.2593
-      0.00559      45.2318      49.9821      47.9986      44.9499      41.7217      38.6295      35.4199
-       0.0056      13.4972      21.4816      22.4508      22.3065      21.9604      21.5932      21.2275
-      0.00561    0.0153161      9.34513      11.5431      12.6067      13.4589      14.2254       15.043
-      0.00562      31.4029       37.626      36.9205      35.1168      33.1217      31.1958      29.2037
-      0.00563      13.9001       21.884      22.8065      22.6076      22.2057      21.7858      21.3647
-      0.00564      81.4431      82.7386      77.4441      71.1121      64.6206      58.4415      52.0093
-      0.00565     -21.0867     -9.47363     -5.27641     -2.26316     0.521199      3.11471      5.84015
-      0.00566      22.7688      29.9569      30.0582      29.0343      27.8109      26.6145      25.3838
-      0.00567      20.1574      27.6349      27.9827       27.198      26.2113      25.2382      24.2404
-      0.00568      -22.108      -10.382      -6.1389     -3.09099     -0.27366      2.35105       5.1079
-      0.00569      43.0435       48.229      46.4412      43.5493      40.4711      37.5202      34.4579
-       0.0057       23.176       30.397      30.4778      29.4252      28.1721      26.9465      25.6848
-      0.00571     -26.0074     -13.8258     -9.21237     -5.80826     -2.63954     0.317366      3.42092
-      0.00572      53.2176      57.4635       54.747      50.9283      46.9274      43.1035      39.1297
-      0.00573     -41.2709     -27.4778     -21.4463     -16.6595     -12.1201     -7.86736     -3.41045
-      0.00574     -1.09419      8.60417      10.8752      11.9645      12.8353      13.6198      14.4567
-      0.00575      13.0757      21.4037      22.3818      22.1903      21.7883      21.3679      20.9473
-      0.00576      15.6854      23.8107      24.5715      24.1604      23.5394      22.9115      22.2738
-      0.00577      31.7624      38.2906      37.5767      35.7123      33.6489      31.6569      29.5954
-      0.00578      24.7482      32.0278      31.9799      30.7675      29.3505      27.9691      26.5453
-      0.00579      7.11713      16.1905      17.7719       18.158      18.3262      18.4442      18.5849
-       0.0058     -19.5383     -7.80167     -3.77986    -0.993494      1.55712      3.92833      6.42068
-      0.00581      34.9521      41.2557      40.2351      38.0489      35.6624      33.3646      30.9839
-      0.00582     -14.6654     -3.33182     0.249418      2.58824      4.69195      6.64009      8.69096
-      0.00583      13.1775      21.6984      22.6907      22.4798      22.0528      21.6085      21.1627
-      0.00584       5.3233      14.6769      16.4063      16.9162      17.2041      17.4347       17.693
-      0.00585      -1.7116      8.36676      10.7367      11.8705      12.7764      13.5918      14.4609
-      0.00586       2.2375      11.9497      13.9669      14.7508      15.3088       15.795      16.3201
-      0.00587      29.5205      36.5164      36.0194      34.3247      32.4225      30.5819      28.6793
-      0.00588      36.7642      43.0822      41.9423      39.6108      37.0752      34.6354      32.1071
-      0.00589      31.9967       38.827      38.1395      36.2496      34.1518      32.1256       30.029
-       0.0059      9.78996      18.8877       20.257      20.3864      20.2917      20.1597      20.0396
-      0.00591      10.1512      19.2023      20.5227      20.6009      20.4551      20.2751       20.105
-      0.00592     -6.47803      4.28072      7.12763      8.70116       10.038      11.2599      12.5528
-      0.00593      58.2236      62.4803      59.3524      55.0425      50.5408      46.2408      41.7711
-      0.00594     -28.2294      -15.214     -10.3325      -6.7667     -3.45457     -0.36487      2.87818
-      0.00595     -6.44584      4.37097      7.19863      8.73669      10.0356      11.2219      12.4781
-      0.00596      -26.505     -13.7033     -9.03532     -5.68372     -2.58409     0.304907      3.33796
-      0.00597      52.3696      57.3128      54.7044      50.8836      46.8626      43.0168      39.0202
-      0.00598      38.5816       44.939      43.6574       41.147      38.4274      35.8118      33.0992
-      0.00599     -28.6692      -15.534     -10.6048     -7.00554     -3.66246    -0.543798      2.72899
-        0.006     -26.0437     -13.1879     -8.54617     -5.23783     -2.18412     0.661224      3.64866
-      0.00601      29.4641      36.7876      36.2995       34.551      32.5843      30.6814      28.7129
-      0.00602      20.7587       28.989      29.3382      28.4142      27.2664       26.137       24.976
-      0.00603      32.1642      39.2979      38.6132      36.6639      34.4961      32.4027      30.2355
-      0.00604      4.22554      14.2138      16.1204      16.7152      17.0722      17.3653      17.6889
-      0.00605      12.0419      21.2263      22.3974       22.267      21.9033       21.516      21.1301
-      0.00606      13.6534      22.6988      23.7216      23.4416      22.9293      22.4009      21.8671
-      0.00607     -13.1858     -1.43179      2.06185      4.21002      6.10662      7.85613      9.69957
-      0.00608      51.9691      57.1863      54.6601      50.8798      46.8924      43.0772      39.1131
-      0.00609     -1.20605      9.41416      11.8302      12.9107      13.7465      14.4924      15.2887
-       0.0061      69.0388      72.6381      68.5706      63.2601      57.7513      52.4967      47.0299
-      0.00611     -10.7198     0.941445       4.2682      6.23176      7.94158      9.51354      11.1725
-      0.00612       47.732      53.5245      51.4287      48.0477      44.4528      41.0079      37.4304
-      0.00613      8.10169      17.9278      19.5113      19.7467      19.7386      19.6856      19.6479
-      0.00614     -6.22025      5.02291      7.90509      9.41701      10.6762      11.8217      13.0351
-      0.00615     -35.3662     -21.2074     -15.6625     -11.5331     -7.67666     -4.07455    -0.297547
-      0.00616      55.9456      60.9756      58.0835      53.8989      49.5021      45.2985      40.9281
-      0.00617     -30.6917     -16.9418     -11.7975     -8.06915     -4.61155     -1.38702      1.99706
-      0.00618      28.5829      36.3788       36.027      34.3396      32.4216      30.5624        28.64
-      0.00619     -2.21919      8.71621      11.2322      12.3647      13.2444      14.0304      14.8682
-       0.0062      43.7516      50.0927      48.3659      45.3179      42.0483      38.9105      35.6534
-      0.00621      16.0533      25.2332       26.094      25.5874      24.8383      24.0834      23.3132
-      0.00622      20.9181      29.6396      30.0538      29.1014      27.9089      26.7349      25.5273
-      0.00623      47.2568      53.3253      51.3076      47.9623      44.3948      40.9751      37.4238
-      0.00624     -6.44047      5.07547      8.02587      9.56297      10.8396      12.0005      13.2299
-      0.00625      27.1583      35.2947      35.1197       33.575      31.7928      30.0613      28.2725
-      0.00626      13.6708      23.1883      24.2694      23.9582      23.3993       22.824      22.2411
-      0.00627      10.0562      19.9331      21.3363      21.3403      21.0945      20.8156      20.5426
-      0.00628     -31.3026     -17.2534     -12.0416     -8.29187      -4.8209     -1.58457      1.81097
-      0.00629      25.0817      33.4539      33.4399       32.043      30.4067       28.813      27.1678
-       0.0063      33.3862      40.9975      40.2555      38.1336      35.7749      33.4975      31.1384
-      0.00631      13.1164      22.7835      23.9303       23.667      23.1535      22.6205      22.0818
-      0.00632      1.09556      12.0037      14.2547      15.0712      15.6279      16.1071      16.6253
-      0.00633     -9.56329      2.38378      5.60059      7.36925      8.87158      10.2453      11.6968
-      0.00634      3.69348      14.3422      16.3275      16.8741      17.1618      17.3872      17.6407
-      0.00635       -46.04     -30.4001     -23.8317     -18.7759      -14.013     -9.55554     -4.88533
-      0.00636      14.4577      24.0419      25.0043      24.5341      23.8112      23.0805      22.3355
-      0.00637     -8.66387      3.25201       6.3751      8.03492      9.42638      10.6949      12.0362
-      0.00638      36.5329      43.9736      42.9383      40.4942      37.8107      35.2255       32.545
-      0.00639     -14.9048     -2.23031       1.5112      3.76181      5.73568      7.55439      9.47036
-       0.0064     -18.5209     -5.53448     -1.49214      1.05446       3.3232      5.42139      7.62947
-      0.00641      54.4854      60.1919      57.5063      53.4246      49.1135      44.9882      40.6999
-      0.00642     -9.45007      2.71656      5.97231      7.73822       9.2309      10.5942      12.0355
-      0.00643      6.89539      17.4517       19.179        19.43      19.4174      19.3575      19.3136
-      0.00644      15.6713      25.3498      26.2693       25.724      24.9211      24.1137       23.289
-      0.00645      49.3838      55.7061      53.5302      49.9353      46.1055      42.4348      38.6221
-      0.00646      34.6682      42.5271      41.7403      39.5083      37.0302      34.6374      32.1578
-      0.00647      33.6972      41.6768      40.9852      38.8413      36.4494      34.1382      31.7442
-      0.00648      30.8817      39.1476      38.7139       36.822      34.6798      32.6048      30.4573
-      0.00649      48.0796      54.6533      52.6395      49.1873      45.4959      41.9556       38.279
-       0.0065      -38.108     -22.8531      -16.915     -12.5468     -8.47786     -4.67874    -0.694953
-      0.00651      31.7043       39.883      39.3252      37.3006      35.0265       32.827      30.5498
-      0.00652     -30.7635     -16.2675     -11.0464     -7.38625     -4.02064    -0.886651      2.40218
-      0.00653      18.3684      27.9158      28.5772      27.7443       26.651       25.568      24.4559
-      0.00654     -22.2257     -8.58041     -4.15709      -1.2877       1.2934      3.68521      6.19946
-      0.00655      11.9414      22.2004      23.4615      23.2078      22.6869      22.1453      21.5982
-      0.00656     -1.52197      10.1007       12.621      13.6068      14.3163      14.9376      15.6039
-      0.00657      35.9223      43.7972      42.8693      40.4589      37.7983      35.2325       32.573
-      0.00658     -38.9428     -23.5104     -17.5126     -13.1099     -9.01026     -5.18266     -1.16945
-      0.00659      38.3783      46.0336      44.8667      42.2114      39.3061      36.5089      33.6075
-       0.0066     -7.22565      5.07475      8.15181      9.66783      10.9002      12.0155      13.1974
-      0.00661      30.6447      39.1784      38.7552      36.8166      34.6192       32.491       30.288
-      0.00662     -4.84054      7.27138      10.1386      11.4386      12.4558      13.3671       14.336
-      0.00663     -33.0118      -18.078     -12.6347     -8.80296     -5.27397     -1.98665      1.46206
-      0.00664     -12.3645     0.470291       3.9797      5.90578      7.54328      9.04244      10.6253
-      0.00665      58.4818      64.2519      61.2451      56.7499      52.0135      47.4832      42.7728
-      0.00666       64.364       69.641      66.1585      61.1916       55.986      51.0112       45.837
-      0.00667      11.6718      22.2628      23.6677      23.5093      23.0756      22.6141      22.1509
-      0.00668     -34.2974     -19.0904      -13.478     -9.50286     -5.83564     -2.41818       1.1665
-      0.00669     -24.6964     -10.4963     -5.82059     -2.77098   -0.0226797      2.52596      5.20447
-       0.0067      2.95088      14.3739      16.4861       17.009      17.2495      17.4267      17.6301
-      0.00671     -16.6218     -3.20213     0.730034      3.04038      5.05408      6.90735      8.85943
-      0.00672      16.2002      26.3505      27.2578      26.5842      25.6358      24.6877      23.7166
-      0.00673     -5.34719      7.00763       9.9262      11.2293      12.2422      13.1485      14.1124
-      0.00674      37.1691      45.2784      44.2801      41.7225       38.903      36.1848      33.3662
-      0.00675      14.3273      24.7745      25.9144      25.4587      24.7241      23.9773      23.2157
-      0.00676       24.212       33.724      33.9559      32.5947      30.9596      29.3615       27.712
-      0.00677        34.79      43.2181      42.4795      40.1681       37.591       35.102      32.5226
-      0.00678     -9.93251      3.03608      6.42842      8.17554      9.62476      10.9432      12.3371
-      0.00679      15.2182      25.6482      26.6943      26.1277      25.2802      24.4272      23.5554
-       0.0068      29.0898      38.1425       37.918      36.0981      34.0067      31.9767       29.876
-      0.00681      34.5606      43.0829      42.3784      40.0866      37.5269      35.0536      32.4904
-      0.00682     0.843384      12.7986      15.2074      15.9707      16.4412      16.8335      17.2608
-      0.00683      -53.709     -36.2907     -28.8813      -23.201     -17.8509     -12.8434     -7.59864
-      0.00684      9.64274      20.6405      22.1612      22.0438      21.6411      21.2082      20.7751
-      0.00685      20.6663      30.6023       31.137      30.0465      28.6761       27.328      25.9393
-      0.00686     -13.3543    0.0801106      3.77639      5.78686      7.49257      9.05268       10.699
-      0.00687      7.35576      18.6869      20.4611      20.5795      20.4075      20.1925      19.9862
-      0.00688      47.0027      54.4151      52.5558      49.0887      45.3566      41.7737      38.0526
-      0.00689     -19.4779     -5.35167     -1.05024      1.54366      3.82622       5.9315      8.14724
-       0.0069      16.7071      27.1877      28.1219       27.396      26.3835       25.373       24.337
-      0.00691     -13.2488     0.288001      3.99443       5.9908      7.67859      9.22108      10.8491
-      0.00692      42.0168      49.9872      48.5861       45.554      42.2521      39.0758      35.7794
-      0.00693     -4.07895      8.56619      11.4506      12.6318      13.5097      14.2859      15.1141
-      0.00694    -0.786032      11.5188      14.0827      14.9453      15.5066       15.984      16.5003
-      0.00695     -20.0721     -5.79601     -1.45996      1.13754      3.41916      5.52303      7.73691
-      0.00696      48.6309      56.0136      54.0057       50.355      46.4353      42.6743       38.767
-      0.00697      30.5335      39.8229      39.5362      37.5718      35.3237       33.143       30.885
-      0.00698      18.9505      29.4354      30.2277      29.3196      28.1192      26.9288      25.7045
-      0.00699     -15.6326      -1.7196      2.24963      4.47164      6.37863      8.12765      9.97146
-        0.007      22.6071      32.7099      33.1311      31.8502      30.2783      28.7375      27.1477
-      0.00701      12.5612      23.7186      25.0847      24.7278      24.0718      23.3964      22.7096
-      0.00702      15.7563      26.6099       27.689      27.0452      26.1041      25.1591      24.1907
-      0.00703     -26.4961     -11.4118     -6.44339     -3.26018    -0.402845      2.24452      5.02593
-      0.00704     -14.4627    -0.595611      3.23349      5.28901      7.02581      8.61403      10.2899
-      0.00705        37.85      46.4979      45.5078      42.8146      39.8378      36.9676      33.9899
-      0.00706     -42.7029     -25.9243     -19.4532     -14.8069     -10.4998     -6.48168      -2.2692
-      0.00707      47.5451      55.2533      53.3725      49.7934      45.9359      42.2324      38.3844
-      0.00708     -5.07788      7.96631      10.9859      12.2276      13.1545      13.9754      14.8503
-      0.00709      23.9986      34.1497      34.4761      33.0604      31.3489       29.675      27.9466
-       0.0071      20.6602      31.1607       31.809      30.7083      29.3091      27.9301      26.5092
-      0.00711      3.44024      15.6931      17.9363      18.4017      18.5563      18.6467      18.7588
-      0.00712     -71.7421     -51.9302     -42.7726     -35.5108     -28.6124     -22.1438     -15.3742
-      0.00713      55.2715        62.28      59.6751      55.3576      50.7642      46.3639      41.7883
-      0.00714     -8.05939      5.40677      8.70883      10.1997      11.3689      12.4183      13.5318
-      0.00715      34.0829      43.3131      42.7221      40.3767      37.7392      35.1886      32.5453
-      0.00716      -5.3302      7.90935      10.9786      12.2307      13.1616      13.9854      14.8632
-      0.00717      12.2712      23.7651      25.1967      24.8293      24.1525      23.4562       22.748
-      0.00718     -32.1117     -16.1668     -10.6418      -6.9832     -3.66491    -0.583241      2.65152
-      0.00719      43.9221      52.2316      50.7251      47.4565       43.899      40.4779       36.925
-       0.0072      -48.576      -30.905     -23.8439     -18.6872     -13.8851     -9.40044     -4.70137
-      0.00721      29.3841      39.1919      39.0233      37.0594      34.7954      32.5975      30.3216
-      0.00722     -3.99323      9.22203       12.169      13.2683      14.0433      14.7185      15.4413
-      0.00723      31.7141      41.3703       41.025      38.8764      36.4266      34.0527      31.5933
-      0.00724      10.0049      21.8752      23.5577      23.4017      22.9291      22.4242      21.9152
-      0.00725     -36.0203     -19.5606     -13.6473     -9.63844     -5.97676      -2.5711      1.00179
-      0.00726      39.4433      48.3657      47.2983      44.4218      41.2468      38.1866      35.0103
-      0.00727     -11.6274      2.46661      6.14636      7.93889      9.39742      10.7187       12.116
-      0.00728      16.2706      27.5799      28.6739      27.9137      26.8376      25.7621       24.658
-      0.00729      48.1403      56.2933      54.4711      50.8347      46.9032      43.1266      39.2035
-       0.0073     -5.65146      7.93572      11.1014       12.372      13.3096      14.1376      15.0198
-      0.00731     -14.8965    -0.378555      3.61294      5.68863      7.42434      9.00748      10.6779
-      0.00732      7.77392      19.9973       21.881      21.8783      21.5509      21.1833      20.8176
-      0.00733      28.2103      38.3945      38.4067      36.5597      34.4017      32.3026      30.1295
-      0.00734      38.3997      47.6577      46.7615      44.0075      40.9468      37.9934      34.9295
-      0.00735      14.9088      26.5375      27.8265      27.2225       26.296      25.3604      24.4015
-      0.00736     -5.32474      8.37055      11.5177      12.7326      13.6098      14.3799      15.2015
-      0.00737      11.3364       23.339        24.93      24.6099      23.9633      23.2927      22.6107
-      0.00738     -13.4024      1.07025      4.94247      6.86828      8.45088      9.88837      11.4064
-      0.00739      43.1019      51.9571      50.6145      47.3955      43.8699      40.4763       36.952
-       0.0074      36.6682      46.2037      45.4946      42.8982       39.991      37.1815       34.267
-      0.00741     -30.7079     -14.3944     -8.88336     -5.36136       -2.197     0.735986      3.81541
-      0.00742     -18.3844     -3.33214     0.997645      3.34957      5.35194      7.18629      9.11917
-      0.00743       17.495      28.9734      29.9892      29.0717      27.8283      26.5927      25.3214
-      0.00744     -13.4959      1.10581       5.0003      6.91557      8.48368      9.90648      11.4091
-      0.00745     -5.55732      8.27995      11.4348      12.6127      13.4473      14.1771      14.9572
-      0.00746      -19.914     -4.63617    -0.154829      2.32478      4.45056      6.40088      8.45396
-      0.00747       63.303      70.2677      67.0812      62.0055      56.6312      51.4879       46.137
-      0.00748     -28.0987     -11.8836     -6.58652     -3.31795    -0.411467      2.27674      5.10111
-      0.00749      4.15584       17.083      19.3675      19.6686      19.6302      19.5339      19.4517
-       0.0075      48.7788      57.2731      55.4579      51.7167      47.6651      43.7723      39.7274
-      0.00751     -49.2656     -30.8914     -23.6352     -18.4552     -13.6537     -9.17354     -4.47871
-      0.00752      18.4602      30.0195      30.9825      29.9593      28.6028       27.259      25.8738
-      0.00753     -16.6632     -1.51997       2.7076      4.88958      6.71267      8.37518       10.128
-      0.00754      18.9559      30.5124      31.4461      30.3829      28.9857      27.6029       26.178
-      0.00755     -1.96465      11.7226      14.6091      15.4641      15.9695      16.3854      16.8373
-      0.00756      23.0433      34.2715      34.8554      33.4325      31.6753      29.9516      28.1707
-      0.00757      41.5491      50.9453      49.8481      46.7663      43.3619      40.0802      36.6726
-      0.00758     -19.4056     -3.85601      0.68696      3.15153      5.25105      7.17427      9.19952
-      0.00759      7.10878      19.9965      22.0633      22.0812      21.7512      21.3772      21.0051
-       0.0076     -21.1702     -5.45128    -0.776834      1.80625      4.02221      6.05536      8.19494
-      0.00761      56.3993      64.3352      61.8501      57.3799      52.5945      48.0061      43.2343
-      0.00762      -45.137     -26.9239     -19.9983     -15.2174     -10.8233     -6.73013     -2.43947
-      0.00763      34.3541      44.5427      44.0953       41.615      38.8029      36.0806      33.2565
-      0.00764      -32.422     -15.4666     -9.72192     -6.11498     -2.88804     0.100574      3.23752
-      0.00765      34.1838       44.421      43.9985      41.5316      38.7315      36.0203      33.2084
-      0.00766      19.5846      31.3906      32.3587      31.2483      29.7915      28.3502      26.8633
-      0.00767      33.3057      43.6996      43.4107      41.0662      38.3856       35.787      33.0924
-      0.00768       10.639      23.3894      25.2115      24.9316      24.2974      23.6335      22.9582
-      0.00769      52.8372      61.3787      59.3086       55.188      50.7411       46.471       42.032
-       0.0077     -53.9607      -34.716      -26.925     -21.3378     -16.1495     -11.3063     -6.23296
-      0.00771      25.2692      36.5595      36.9868      35.3132      33.2928      31.3181      29.2739
-      0.00772       45.221      54.5477       53.173      49.7203      45.9332      42.2874      38.4994
-      0.00773     -7.15761      7.45244      10.9352       12.261      13.2166      14.0556      14.9488
-      0.00774    0.0802783      13.9875      16.7854      17.4236      17.6947      17.8865      18.1043
-      0.00775      6.59716      19.8768      22.0752      22.1127      21.7856      21.4114      21.0382
-      0.00776      11.1885      24.0213      25.8091      25.4385      24.7057      23.9473      23.1729
-      0.00777      4.39404      17.9256      20.3429      20.5855      20.4601      20.2761      20.1009
-      0.00778      10.3454      23.3106      25.1889      24.8923      24.2309      23.5395       22.835
-      0.00779     -35.8679     -18.2565     -12.1222     -8.23709     -4.74924     -1.51655      1.87448
-       0.0078     -22.2059     -5.99075     -1.14967      1.45705      3.67543      5.70825      7.84717
-      0.00781      15.3357      27.8169      29.2023      28.3993      27.2322      26.0627      24.8591
-      0.00782      -13.865      1.55377      5.66037      7.53581      9.02743       10.372      11.7922
-      0.00783     -32.1511     -14.8765     -9.08899     -5.56826     -2.44481     0.442924      3.47389
-      0.00784      31.5663      42.4572      42.3649      40.0898      37.4598       34.906      32.2575
-      0.00785     -21.1165     -4.86951   -0.0619857      2.47823      4.62513      6.58869      8.65504
-      0.00786     -29.8061     -12.7222     -7.13494     -3.83004    -0.923578      1.75865      4.57489
-      0.00787        30.01      41.1164      41.1854      39.0485      36.5522      34.1247      31.6076
-      0.00788       24.783      36.4704      37.0602      35.4281       33.432       31.477      29.4542
-      0.00789     -39.2065     -21.0868      -14.578      -10.388     -6.60618     -3.09676     0.583435
-       0.0079      44.4742      54.2102      52.9777      49.5366      45.7422      42.0862      38.2866
-      0.00791      13.1136      26.0516      27.7585      27.2045      26.2751      25.3275      24.3553
-      0.00792      32.9846      43.9469      43.8254      41.4645      38.7404      36.0963      33.3534
-      0.00793      18.0279      30.5145      31.7899      30.7981      29.4321      28.0716      26.6683
-      0.00794     -23.8444     -7.14231     -2.01229     0.781354      3.17058      5.36165      7.66531
-      0.00795      59.2902      67.6321      65.0747      60.2951      55.1679        50.25      45.1336
-      0.00796     -46.5415     -27.5127     -20.2683     -15.4096      -10.973     -6.84571     -2.52041
-      0.00797      31.2169       42.414       42.442      40.1891      37.5666      35.0176      32.3733
-      0.00798       26.481      38.2018      38.7005      36.9038      34.7325        32.61      30.4119
-      0.00799     -44.9591      -26.044     -18.9414     -14.2459     -9.97421     -6.00359     -1.84232
-        0.008      41.6225      51.8334      50.9195      47.7165      44.1474      40.7025      37.1229
-      0.00801       48.715      58.2841      56.7705      52.9695      48.8059      44.7981      40.6317
-      0.00802     -62.4598      -41.714     -32.9592      -26.659     -20.7979     -15.3243     -9.59387
-      0.00803      12.3481      25.5412      27.3351       26.775       25.826      24.8588      23.8653
-      0.00804     -4.63087       10.297      13.6827      14.6835      15.2828      15.7791      16.3134
-      0.00805     -19.7009     -3.23998      1.53677      3.89869      5.84779      7.62057      9.48742
-      0.00806      8.39719      22.0401      24.2215      24.0225      23.4289      22.7977      22.1553
-      0.00807     -46.6809     -27.4864     -20.2108      -15.402     -11.0264     -6.95892      -2.6973
-      0.00808       35.592      46.5524      46.2271      43.5394      40.4724      37.5009       34.415
-      0.00809      4.29032      18.4254      21.0388      21.2407      21.0414      20.7814       20.526
-       0.0081      17.0266      29.9222      31.3693      30.4121      29.0607      27.7114      26.3196
-      0.00811     -14.9226      1.20445      5.60843      7.55452      9.08343      10.4575      11.9078
-      0.00812      52.5476      61.9233      60.1009      55.9073      51.3407      46.9497      42.3825
-      0.00813     -54.1958     -34.0619     -26.0065     -20.4848       -15.41     -10.6823     -5.73093
-      0.00814      41.4706       51.968      51.1553      47.9389      44.3404      40.8646      37.2523
-      0.00815      39.3642      50.1196       49.553      46.5762      43.2149      39.9629       36.585
-      0.00816     -19.3446     -2.62845      2.23927      4.59801      6.52968       8.2834      10.1296
-      0.00817      7.11796      21.1343      23.5305      23.4521      22.9649      22.4317      21.8912
-      0.00818      23.1023      35.5168      36.4495       34.926      33.0041      31.1137      29.1565
-      0.00819     -5.02647      10.2925      13.8399      14.8755      15.4912      15.9998      16.5465
-       0.0082     -23.4574     -6.30622      -1.0725      1.61686      3.87318      5.93357      8.09953
-      0.00821      44.9345      55.2088      54.1285      50.5968      46.6785       42.899      38.9698
-      0.00822      10.8618      24.6311      26.7423      26.3425      25.5308      24.6884      23.8246
-      0.00823      15.6786      29.0189      30.6965      29.8562      28.6048      27.3469      26.0494
-      0.00824     -13.9879      2.31248      6.72095      8.56385      9.97528      11.2356      12.5666
-      0.00825      2.63618      17.2721       20.131      20.4385      20.3246      20.1425      19.9686
-      0.00826     -2.49383      12.6549      15.9873      16.7546      17.0962      17.3446      17.6198
-      0.00827      23.1043      35.7225      36.7103      35.1599      33.1999      31.2712      29.2743
-      0.00828     -8.80168      7.06729      11.0231      12.3849      13.3132      14.1158      14.9687
-      0.00829     -35.0395     -16.5642      -10.204     -6.48089     -3.20867    -0.189162       2.9777
-       0.0083      22.6422      35.3265      36.3521      34.8153       32.866      30.9471      28.9598
-      0.00831       4.3195      18.8944      21.6471      21.8025      21.5317      21.1996      20.8681
-      0.00832      -6.1738      9.48152      13.2081      14.3133      14.9837      15.5415      16.1391
-      0.00833     -13.6278      2.78867      7.20219      8.97309      10.3025      11.4834      12.7314
-      0.00834     -13.2533      3.10332      7.47578      9.20188      10.4865      11.6255      12.8296
-      0.00835      5.61444      20.0923      22.7305      22.7407      22.3212      21.8486      21.3706
-      0.00836       31.721      43.6465      43.9047      41.5593      38.7995      36.1126      33.3236
-      0.00837      18.8991      32.1486      33.6234       32.469      30.8904      29.3203      27.6961
-      0.00838      19.9367      33.0791      34.4688      33.2257      31.5588      29.9051      28.1943
-      0.00839      3.78711      18.6017      21.4885      21.7049       21.484      21.1976      20.9137
-       0.0084      1.39329      16.4343      19.5283      19.9409      19.9142      19.8115      19.7193
-      0.00841     -22.1398     -4.72336      0.54026      3.07891      5.16115      7.05259      9.04131
-      0.00842      4.50092      19.2185      22.0116       22.113      21.7756      21.3793      20.9806
-      0.00843      17.5405      30.9819      32.5932      31.5231      30.0223      28.5251      26.9776
-      0.00844       9.6855      23.9851      26.3476      26.0022      25.2181      24.3983      23.5574
-      0.00845      25.3975      38.1065      39.0322      37.2666      35.0726       32.919       30.686
-      0.00846     -26.9701     -8.93067     -3.15792    -0.169023      2.35236      4.65758      7.07791
-      0.00847     -12.8586      3.70724      8.14549      9.81847      11.0345      12.1058      13.2389
-      0.00848      2.71874       17.727      20.7324      20.9865       20.793      20.5313      20.2729
-      0.00849      20.0109      33.3188      34.7487       33.444      31.7029       29.977      28.1907
-       0.0085    -0.538126       14.864       18.214       18.791      18.9159      18.9544      19.0089
-      0.00851     -31.5342     -13.0405     -6.83687     -3.45794     -0.55224      2.11627      4.91562
-      0.00852      28.0468      40.6045      41.3041      39.2485      36.7574      34.3219      31.7937
-      0.00853     -29.5116     -11.1718     -5.13371     -1.93749     0.783968       3.2775      5.89486
-      0.00854     -7.66755      8.49005      12.4951       13.677      14.3976      14.9991      15.6416
-      0.00855     -25.6858      -7.7298     -2.05479     0.765346      3.11111      5.24927      7.49477
-      0.00856      44.9706      55.8668      55.0321      51.4333      47.4065      43.5174       39.472
-      0.00857     -63.8083     -41.9593     -32.7198     -26.4092     -20.6012     -15.1887     -9.52436
-      0.00858      18.0662      31.6731      33.3177      32.1418       30.518      28.9017      27.2281
-      0.00859      14.9783       28.957      30.9324      30.0705      28.7565      27.4323      26.0644
-       0.0086     -40.8018     -21.2416       -14.11     -9.90023     -6.18048     -2.74377     0.857691
-      0.00861     -11.3579      5.23665      9.62594      11.1255       12.154      13.0458      13.9911
-      0.00862      4.92737      19.9138      22.8178      22.8454      22.4118      21.9202      21.4215
-      0.00863     -4.93246      11.1006      14.9395      15.8733      16.3368       16.693      17.0786
-      0.00864      60.5151      69.9876      67.8081      62.8113      57.3886      52.1776      46.7526
-      0.00865     -10.1579      6.46232      10.8518      12.3138      13.3001      14.1501      15.0516
-      0.00866     -33.6198     -14.6496     -8.12223     -4.57018     -1.51134      1.29866      4.24513
-      0.00867      2.17518      17.5019      20.7034      20.9757      20.7789      20.5105      20.2445
-      0.00868      15.5416      29.5591      31.5497      30.6202       29.229      27.8307      26.3847
-      0.00869      6.72205      21.6908       24.522      24.4049      23.8179      23.1792      22.5263
-       0.0087     -50.1185     -29.4813     -21.4091     -16.3711     -11.8416     -7.64104     -3.24296
-      0.00871      55.7593       65.795      64.0845      59.4775      54.4319      49.5759        44.52
-      0.00872     -28.2413     -9.75331     -3.65931    -0.586158      1.99088      4.34418      6.81453
-      0.00873      19.9005      33.5776      35.2134      33.8817      32.0846      30.3012      28.4529
-      0.00874      65.7821      74.8884       72.331      66.8634      60.9608      55.2935       49.392
-      0.00875     -38.4599     -18.8588     -11.7629     -7.73627     -4.21676    -0.972734      2.42748
-      0.00876     0.119959      15.8269      19.3163      19.7793      19.7599      19.6572      19.5636
-      0.00877      34.9867      47.1762      47.4618      44.7679      41.6159        38.55      35.3637
-      0.00878     -37.6153       -18.09     -11.0809      -7.1696     -3.76833    -0.636456      2.64592
-      0.00879       13.551        27.91      30.1701      29.3979      28.1505      26.8858       25.579
-       0.0088      15.8115      29.9689      32.0556      31.1052      29.6796      28.2458      26.7623
-      0.00881     -60.7628     -38.8923     -29.7383     -23.7461     -18.2829     -13.2013     -7.88419
-      0.00882      94.8199      101.071      95.8546      87.6886       79.098      70.8862      62.3271
-      0.00883      19.0428      32.9877      34.8575      33.6608      31.9868      30.3166       28.587
-      0.00884      7.35542      22.4734      25.4154       25.264      24.6261      23.9362      23.2288
-      0.00885     -38.5507     -18.8348     -11.6743       -7.684     -4.21278     -1.01643      2.33245
-      0.00886     -15.1535      2.18296      7.14956      8.96892      10.2846      11.4428      12.6645
-      0.00887      27.2843      40.3417      41.4019      39.3735       36.871      34.4175      31.8698
-      0.00888      9.77849      24.6865      27.4086      26.9976      26.0969      25.1576      24.1898
-      0.00889      19.5286      33.4468      35.2835      33.9932      32.2194      30.4544      28.6252
-       0.0089      8.20585      23.3062      26.2075      25.9518      25.2024      24.4058      23.5868
-      0.00891      21.9859      35.6688      37.3021      35.7939      33.8017      31.8297      29.7841
-      0.00892        8.018      23.1379      26.0768       25.842       25.112      24.3333      23.5331
-      0.00893     -3.45386      12.8624       16.861      17.6525      17.9384      18.1205      18.3229
-      0.00894     -54.0622     -32.7333     -24.0844     -18.7184     -13.8913     -9.41432     -4.72897
-      0.00895      -29.724     -10.8908     -4.52461     -1.41354      1.17461      3.53493      6.01061
-      0.00896      24.7891      38.1831      39.5373       37.704      35.3838       33.101      30.7303
-      0.00897      27.6861      40.8706      42.0254      39.9823      37.4516       34.969      32.3898
-      0.00898     0.379371      16.3217      20.0186      20.4677      20.4097      20.2651       20.126
-      0.00899      7.59616      22.8124      25.8412      25.6222      24.8997      24.1273      23.3333
-        0.009   -0.0323403      15.9665      19.7071      20.1781       20.139      20.0123      19.8919
-      0.00901      17.2418      31.4954      33.6472      32.5459      30.9459      29.3431       27.682
-      0.00902     0.341901      16.3089      20.0367      20.4782      20.4087      20.2528      20.1019
-      0.00903      22.2336      36.0104      37.7239      36.1717      34.1221       32.094      29.9892
-      0.00904     -21.2442     -3.08198       2.6574      5.05822      6.93045      8.61073      10.3762
-      0.00905      15.7607      30.2006       32.513      31.5288      30.0408      28.5431      26.9917
-      0.00906     -32.4003     -13.0985     -6.32474     -2.92926   -0.0727631      2.53799      5.27432
-      0.00907       35.672      48.1032      48.5861      45.7823      42.4863      39.2783      35.9414
-      0.00908      -29.762     -10.7286      -4.1704     -1.00296      1.62639      4.02198      6.53409
-      0.00909     -39.5057     -19.5388     -12.1098     -8.09357     -4.62239      -1.4303      1.91261
-       0.0091      25.1928      38.7006      40.1602      38.2845      35.9058      33.5651       31.133
-      0.00911      3.90874      19.5853      23.0548       23.151       22.729       22.238      21.7368
-      0.00912     -18.4072    -0.497388      5.03821      7.16057      8.74907      10.1597       11.643
-      0.00913      28.5636      41.7701      42.9752      40.8226      38.1663      35.5627      32.8563
-      0.00914      42.0582      53.9571      53.9612      50.6153      46.7734      43.0477      39.1706
-      0.00915     0.211229      16.3623      20.2555      20.7248      20.6673      20.5202      20.3776
-      0.00916     -32.9184     -13.4857     -6.55796     -3.10941    -0.209727      2.44035      5.21734
-      0.00917     -8.28948       8.6371       13.266      14.4417      15.0846      15.6008      16.1509
-      0.00918      10.4709      25.5684      28.4829       27.955      26.9047      25.8186       24.696
-      0.00919     -11.9937      5.32308      10.3279      11.8573      12.8498      13.6956      14.5893
-       0.0092     -25.5045      -6.8027    -0.550585      2.19108      4.38428      6.36558      8.44446
-      0.00921      42.0286      53.9374      53.9652      50.5719       46.676       42.898      38.9651
-      0.00922     -3.91033      12.6754      16.9914      17.8079      18.0881      18.2593      18.4485
-      0.00923      -8.0732       8.9207      13.6092      14.7807      15.4124      15.9164      16.4533
-      0.00924     -34.3989      -14.777     -7.66054     -4.10738     -1.11212      1.62694      4.49621
-      0.00925      19.5757      33.7682       35.899      34.5334      32.6455      30.7662      28.8152
-      0.00926      5.05191      20.7465      24.2559      24.2369      23.6843      23.0673      22.4335
-      0.00927      23.4375        37.29      39.1185      37.4366      35.2325       33.054      30.7908
-      0.00928      15.2301      29.9486      32.5604      31.6375      30.1853      28.7171      27.1952
-      0.00929       22.466      36.4655      38.4241       36.846      34.7419      32.6572      30.4918
-       0.0093      2.10682      18.1855      22.0359      22.3067      22.0362      21.6847      21.3284
-      0.00931     -43.1412     -22.5556     -14.5489     -10.1937     -6.41083     -2.92808     0.717168
-      0.00932      56.4552      67.0033      65.8046      61.0903      55.8713      50.8399      45.5979
-      0.00933      -14.732       3.0451      8.47437      10.2698      11.5089      12.5852      13.7191
-      0.00934      34.0403      46.9091      47.8296      45.1756      41.9986      38.8981      35.6723
-      0.00935     -28.8473     -9.63306     -2.88556     0.186143      2.68963      4.96117      7.34198
-      0.00936      18.9037       33.278      35.5981      34.3031      32.4734      30.6471      28.7514
-      0.00937     -19.9591     -1.63167      4.29863      6.54265       8.2226      9.71486      11.2821
-      0.00938     -22.8214     -4.22116      1.95532      4.42872      6.33506      8.04173      9.83299
-      0.00939     -6.57706      10.3725      15.0542      16.0496      16.4889      16.8083      17.1513
-       0.0094     -32.0421     -12.5495     -5.50719     -2.19297     0.547896      3.04364        5.658
-      0.00941      28.3292      41.7955      43.2743      41.0971      38.3856      35.7246      32.9565
-      0.00942      19.7666      34.1367      36.4565      35.0976      33.1975      31.3031      29.3354
-      0.00943     -39.5648     -19.2211     -11.4156     -7.38601     -3.94008    -0.778313      2.53125
-      0.00944      46.4431      58.1224      57.9746       54.166      49.8325      45.6366      41.2662
-      0.00945     -13.3099      4.41055      9.82446      11.4799      12.5681      13.4992       14.481
-      0.00946     -38.0302     -17.8536     -10.1805     -6.31209     -3.02852   -0.0208162      3.12767
-      0.00947     -5.01512      11.8387      16.4479      17.2882      17.5649      17.7292      17.9104
-      0.00948       21.029      35.2871      37.5202      36.0117      33.9567       31.915       29.794
-      0.00949      1.44118      17.6935       21.769      22.0639      21.7974      21.4464      21.0896
-       0.0095      29.0149      42.5318      44.0785      41.8704      39.1176      36.4155      33.6046
-      0.00951     -17.6632     0.542397      6.41739      8.46157      9.92876      11.2174      12.5718
-      0.00952    -0.539411      15.9331       20.212      20.6737      20.5691      20.3716      20.1751
-      0.00953      12.8786      28.0018      31.0546      30.2995      28.9864      27.6455      26.2552
-      0.00954     -17.0362      1.11467      6.94381      8.90956       10.295      11.5059      12.7785
-      0.00955     -50.1058     -28.6407     -19.7746     -14.8336     -10.4969     -6.49475     -2.30878
-      0.00956      1.14738      17.4358      21.5548      21.8137      21.5035      21.1108      20.7099
-      0.00957   -0.0825988      16.3557      20.6236      21.0205       20.846      20.5812      20.3138
-      0.00958     -4.54974      12.3545      17.0521      17.8605      18.0934      18.2138      18.3485
-      0.00959     -4.50166      12.4088      17.1196      17.9311      18.1659       18.288      18.4243
-       0.0096      24.5954       38.599      40.6405      38.8147      36.4314      34.0774      31.6296
-      0.00961     -28.3824     -9.05895     -2.10468     0.895696      3.30114      5.47551      7.75388
-      0.00962     -6.74436      10.3971      15.3368      16.3408      16.7633      17.0627      17.3844
-      0.00963      -4.6785      12.2848      17.0498      17.8684      18.1053      18.2285      18.3656
-      0.00964      9.87938      25.3679      28.8001      28.2993      27.2264      26.1109      24.9552
-      0.00965     -3.76343      13.1211      17.8328      18.5811       18.747      18.8024      18.8689
-      0.00966     -0.94904      15.6677      20.1337      20.6244      20.5321      20.3433      20.1545
-      0.00967      21.8366      36.1563      38.5309      36.9545        34.81      32.6805      30.4665
-      0.00968    -0.972983      15.6754      20.1797      20.6869      20.6089      20.4329      20.2574
-      0.00969      4.32297      20.4203      24.4369      24.4547        23.89      23.2546      22.5999
-       0.0097     -33.6172     -13.6979     -6.17888     -2.72605     0.116879      2.70347      5.41112
-      0.00971     -4.46611      12.5036      17.3167      18.0943      18.2817      18.3568      18.4438
-      0.00972      14.4028      29.4738      32.5696      31.6483      30.1487      28.6283      27.0493
-      0.00973      18.6245      33.3264      36.0741      34.7973       32.943      31.0864      29.1564
-      0.00974       43.392      55.6223      56.1077      52.5931      48.5169      44.5587      40.4359
-      0.00975     -35.2183     -15.0447     -7.28302     -3.65207    -0.639192      2.10711      4.98179
-      0.00976       42.115      54.4509      55.0481       51.621      47.6293      43.7508      39.7102
-      0.00977     -49.8187     -28.2105      -19.099     -14.1593     -9.84903     -5.87582      -1.7203
-      0.00978      36.8921      49.7565      50.8371       47.861      44.3142      40.8561      37.2539
-      0.00979     -7.71058      9.66696      14.9118      16.0232      16.5317      16.9082      17.3088
-       0.0098     -26.9915     -7.67973    -0.662326      2.18007      4.40511      6.40505      8.49998
-      0.00981      9.79012      25.4068      29.0266      28.5115      27.4025      26.2495      25.0535
-      0.00982      14.0158      29.2257      32.4929      31.6225      30.1601      28.6724      27.1269
-      0.00983     -61.4487     -38.6512     -28.4192     -22.4479     -17.1217     -12.1888     -7.03227
-      0.00984     -2.58615      14.2461      19.0117      19.5908      19.5651      19.4361       19.309
-      0.00985      11.4641      26.9227      30.4288      29.7564      28.4865      27.1803      25.8248
-      0.00986     -16.2592      1.99566       8.0873      9.95137      11.1984      12.2722         13.4
-      0.00987       24.959       39.099      41.3982      39.5142      37.0393      34.5931      32.0469
-      0.00988      -27.285     -7.88637    -0.737886      2.14189      4.39388      6.41777      8.53743
-      0.00989      4.34071      20.5431      24.7594      24.7415       24.117      23.4206      22.7014
-       0.0099      25.1071      39.2296      41.5564      39.6691      37.1882       34.736      32.1836
-      0.00991     -5.17236      12.0376      17.1878      18.0648      18.3251      18.4646      18.6169
-      0.00992     -35.5646     -15.3472     -7.40366     -3.78546    -0.804574      1.90815      4.74648
-      0.00993      13.4516       28.747      32.1584      31.3004      29.8366      28.3457      26.7961
-      0.00994      7.36543      23.3072      27.3135      27.0305      26.1364      25.1839      24.1964
-      0.00995      38.3928      51.2382      52.4088      49.3218      45.6434       42.057      38.3209
-      0.00996      20.3391      35.0198      37.8934      36.4738      34.4494      32.4268      30.3225
-      0.00997     -11.3948      6.47527      12.2823      13.7365      14.5623      15.2355      15.9446
-      0.00998      14.5532      29.8081      33.2102      32.2834      30.7445      29.1815       27.557
-      0.00999     -44.9052     -23.7101     -14.8173     -10.3469     -6.52951     -3.02696     0.635658
-         0.01      45.1225      57.2685      57.8386      54.1034      49.7754      45.5739      41.1944
-      0.01001     -67.8469     -44.3436     -33.3094     -26.7535      -20.868     -15.4097     -9.70517
-      0.01002      63.5318      73.8383      72.7252      67.3069      61.3053        55.52       49.487
-      0.01003       -21.03     -2.16305      4.59919      6.92009      8.59797      10.0758      11.6253
-      0.01004      26.0181      40.1178      42.5273      40.5537      37.9693      35.4161       32.758
-      0.01005      5.76599      21.9378      26.2461      26.1309      25.3891      24.5777      23.7369
-      0.01006     -31.1324     -11.2788     -3.56702    -0.345251      2.22307      4.54245      6.96941
-      0.01007      4.95614       21.167      25.5329      25.4491      24.7352      23.9506      23.1377
-      0.01008     -68.5345     -44.9418     -33.7846     -27.1967     -21.2904      -15.814     -10.0916
-      0.01009     -25.0105     -5.83221      1.27539      3.86403      5.80017      7.52158      9.32429
-       0.0101      69.0546      78.8461       77.318      71.3929      64.8766      58.6026      52.0593
-      0.01011     -55.2544     -32.9796     -22.9687     -17.5394     -12.7862     -8.40082     -3.81676
-      0.01012      45.7203      57.8639      58.5329      54.7468      50.3513      46.0831      41.6331
-      0.01013       11.865      27.4309      31.2791      30.6172       29.322      27.9854      26.5962
-      0.01014     -26.9255     -7.46287   -0.0351365      2.81294      4.99907      6.95532      9.00266
-      0.01015       7.3974      23.4258      27.6748       27.374      26.4323      25.4303      24.3899
-      0.01016      -2.9661      14.0906      19.3154      19.9667      19.9693      19.8596      19.7504
-      0.01017     -40.7116      -19.881     -11.1728     -7.10452     -3.71154    -0.614563      2.62338
-      0.01018      17.0864      32.0998      35.4662       34.264      32.4244      30.5727      28.6451
-      0.01019      7.40227      23.4454      27.7508      27.4575      26.5179      25.5168       24.477
-       0.0102      5.44381      21.6767      26.1813      26.0737      25.3174      24.4893      23.6303
-      0.01021     -10.2796      7.50763      13.4755      14.8003      15.4649      15.9806      16.5237
-      0.01022      2.56033       19.061      23.8473      23.9945      23.4889      22.8977      22.2864
-      0.01023     -17.0237      1.46567      8.07137      9.99586      11.2524       12.327      13.4537
-      0.01024     -26.7242     -7.28737     0.207201      2.99604      5.10927       6.9943      8.96662
-      0.01025      42.3799      54.8841      56.0138      52.5253      48.4066      44.3973      40.2172
-      0.01026     -14.8854      3.39146       9.8555      11.6088      12.6919       13.602      14.5574
-      0.01027      36.4083      49.5405      51.2721      48.3533      44.7977      41.3208      37.6964
-      0.01028     -7.38645      10.1635      15.9731      17.0555      17.4691      17.7455      18.0389
-      0.01029     -30.4273     -10.5604     -2.63738     0.507618      2.96614      5.17632      7.48772
-       0.0103     -7.56492      9.94822      15.7456      16.7904      17.1639      17.4026      17.6564
-      0.01031     -8.31276      9.29497      15.1769      16.2922      16.7342       17.037      17.3578
-      0.01032     -42.1901     -21.2127     -12.1995     -8.00958     -4.51611     -1.32731      2.00554
-      0.01033      42.3119      54.8029      56.0257      52.5325      48.3983      44.3726      40.1748
-      0.01034      29.2164      43.0979      45.6002      43.3511      40.4498      37.5897      34.6087
-      0.01035     -38.8253     -18.0972     -9.29857     -5.36458       -2.132     0.808946       3.8834
-      0.01036     -11.6056      6.34216      12.5975      14.0154      14.7496       15.328      15.9364
-      0.01037      38.3715        51.29      52.9544      49.8437       46.082      42.4073      38.5761
-      0.01038     -43.4222     -22.2568     -13.0113     -8.67104     -5.03901     -1.72078       1.7474
-      0.01039      48.3942      60.3153      61.0709      57.0429      52.3684      47.8302      43.0971
-       0.0104     -14.8248      3.46851      10.1109      11.8668      12.9318      13.8214      14.7546
-      0.01041     -11.0439      6.83774      13.1215      14.5117      15.2123      15.7573      16.3301
-      0.01042     -3.65953      13.5138      19.1198      19.8236      19.8396       19.737      19.6343
-      0.01043      28.4812      42.4042      45.0621      42.8564      39.9845      37.1504      34.1967
-      0.01044     -19.3444    -0.606281      6.49595      8.65286      10.1094      11.3684      12.6864
-      0.01045      40.1545      52.9665      54.5822      51.3166       47.388      43.5534      39.5546
-      0.01046      -43.786     -22.5773     -13.1871     -8.80448     -5.14229     -1.79753      1.69805
-      0.01047      6.19779      22.3444      27.0923      26.8925      26.0057      25.0482      24.0525
-      0.01048      24.3451      38.6775      41.7832       39.957      37.4542       34.968      32.3767
-      0.01049     -14.1534      4.08999      10.7784      12.4624       13.441      14.2465      15.0906
-       0.0105     -3.73504      13.3936      19.1122      19.8359      19.8613      19.7659        19.67
-      0.01051     -51.5557     -29.5819     -19.4442      -14.393     -10.0758     -6.11289     -1.97325
-      0.01052     -33.1085     -13.0437     -4.63409     -1.29462       1.3225      3.67799       6.1399
-      0.01053      5.59398      21.7561      26.6103      26.4408       25.575      24.6357      23.6592
-      0.01054      6.98769      23.0521      27.8285      27.5699      26.6135       25.588      24.5211
-      0.01055     -52.4801     -30.4545     -20.1788     -15.0361     -10.6329     -6.58934     -2.36515
-      0.01056      -14.141      4.02172      10.7393      12.3632      13.2716      14.0101      14.7838
-      0.01057      27.4273       41.429      44.3434      42.2125      39.3933      36.6053      33.6989
-      0.01058      16.2855      31.4356      35.4291        34.35      32.5736      30.7715      28.8937
-      0.01059     -15.9202      2.46494      9.44864      11.2994       12.429      13.3749      14.3654
-       0.0106     -14.5615        3.678      10.5288      12.2328      13.2144      14.0205      14.8649
-      0.01061      -27.198     -7.72734     0.286187      3.12634       5.2347      7.10626      9.06233
-      0.01062     -17.4208      1.07548      8.18671       10.122      11.3302      12.3504      13.4185
-      0.01063     -13.0324      4.97953      11.7031       13.252      14.0766      14.7338      15.4225
-      0.01064     -10.7879      7.04778      13.5828      14.9262      15.5437      16.0043      16.4879
-      0.01065      13.7493      29.1127      33.4011      32.5227      30.9344      29.3088      27.6153
-      0.01066      59.8508      70.6156      70.6979      65.6659       59.953      54.4258      48.6597
-      0.01067     -25.8654     -6.43749      1.60195      4.38606      6.42773      8.23454      10.1237
-      0.01068       32.969      46.4325        49.02      46.4269      43.1314      39.8902      36.5097
-      0.01069     -32.4534     -12.4214     -3.77322    -0.412019       2.2004      4.54653      6.99839
-       0.0107     -15.1806      3.08953      10.1171      11.8677      12.8798      13.7125      14.5845
-      0.01071      30.9457      44.5541      47.3418      44.9099      41.7699      38.6752      35.4476
-      0.01072     -6.88096      10.5878      16.9116      17.9416      18.2342       18.385      18.5445
-      0.01073     -42.9893     -21.9013     -12.2514     -7.96353     -4.43982     -1.23305      2.11589
-      0.01074      34.0429      47.3129      49.8449      47.1219      43.6879      40.3142      36.7948
-      0.01075     0.105559      16.8598      22.5811      22.9776      22.6361      22.1863      21.7188
-      0.01076      16.0775       31.223      35.4814      34.4255      32.6415      30.8279      28.9373
-      0.01077     -19.3717    -0.667282      6.88292      9.05181      10.4657      11.6757      12.9407
-      0.01078     -5.83134      11.4766      17.7678      18.6852      18.8554      18.8895      18.9271
-      0.01079      -2.2403      14.7614      20.7432      21.3353      21.1794      20.9041      20.6185
-       0.0108     -51.7315      -29.827     -19.2819     -14.2034     -9.90634     -5.96984     -1.85903
-      0.01081      1.64002      18.1535      23.7565       23.958      23.4133      22.7706      22.1013
-      0.01082      9.63877      25.3829      30.2902      29.7928      28.5524      27.2512      25.8951
-      0.01083      60.0298      70.7426      71.0452      66.0034      60.2512      54.6821      48.8711
-      0.01084      27.2035      41.2609      44.6546      42.6417      39.8937      37.1651      34.3185
-      0.01085     -4.71579      12.5232      18.8666      19.7447      19.8647      19.8488       19.834
-      0.01086      20.5617      35.2207      39.2209      37.7801       35.597      33.4033      31.1154
-      0.01087     -13.5179       4.5817      11.7406      13.3919      14.2748      14.9799       15.717
-      0.01088     -10.3084      7.42854      14.2815      15.6193        16.19         16.6      17.0292
-      0.01089      7.43697      23.3843      28.6068      28.3254      27.2871      26.1752      25.0164
-       0.0109     -31.3067     -11.4936     -2.68072     0.562128      3.02057       5.2152      7.50723
-      0.01091     -15.6892      2.55007      9.91415      11.7141      12.7385      13.5769      14.4534
-      0.01092     -23.4403     -4.44598      3.64752      6.15409      7.87818       9.3777       10.944
-      0.01093      18.8769      33.6601      37.8706       36.535      34.4426      32.3323      30.1305
-      0.01094     -36.4714     -16.1605     -6.80986     -3.09146    -0.168162      2.46528       5.2154
-      0.01095     -19.6022     -1.00793      6.77523      8.93475      10.3088      11.4772      12.6979
-      0.01096       4.3205      20.5152      26.1094      26.1009      25.3213       24.452      23.5459
-      0.01097      3.00362      19.3588      25.1093      25.2394      24.5949      23.8529      23.0794
-      0.01098      32.8785      46.2365      49.2597      46.6929      43.3705      40.0956      36.6787
-      0.01099     -42.6734     -21.7293     -11.7089     -7.39972      -3.8989     -0.72067      2.59812
-        0.011     -25.6153     -6.44189      1.97236      4.68686      6.60273       8.2822      10.0359
-      0.01101      26.4806        40.44      44.0647       42.047      39.2634      36.4975      33.6109
-      0.01102     -4.43993      12.6273      19.1508      19.9767      20.0146      19.9162      19.8141
-      0.01103      1.27739      17.7855      23.7932      24.0934      23.6066      23.0123      22.3929
-      0.01104     -29.9246     -10.3034     -1.40812      1.72296      4.04439      6.10559      8.25745
-      0.01105      14.0841      29.2509      34.0816      33.2001      31.5385      29.8327      28.0529
-      0.01106      16.1279      31.1213      35.8083      34.7716      32.9534      31.0987      29.1633
-      0.01107      10.0203      25.6313      30.9063      30.4331      29.1719      27.8437      26.4576
-      0.01108     -19.1545     -0.63523      7.34138      9.51379      10.8766      12.0299      13.2338
-      0.01109      20.9653      35.4546      39.7295      38.2416       35.969      33.6841      31.2992
-       0.0111     -14.3947      3.63281      11.1982       12.939      13.8698      14.6137      15.3905
-      0.01111     -3.44461      13.4709      20.0255      20.7555      20.6809      20.4743      20.2591
-      0.01112       7.6231      23.4233      28.9746       28.703      27.6325      26.4837      25.2846
-      0.01113     -41.7473     -21.0121     -10.8925     -6.67888     -3.29882    -0.238781      2.95546
-      0.01114      2.87392      19.0838      25.0735       25.209      24.5402      23.7707      22.9678
-      0.01115     -29.5904     -10.0919     -1.07691      2.02033      4.28724      6.29358      8.38724
-      0.01116     -12.3141       5.4364      12.8598      14.3746      15.0689      15.5882      16.1302
-      0.01117     -5.70407      11.3672      18.2025      19.1274       19.235       19.199      19.1616
-      0.01118      36.0431      48.9142      51.9288      49.0831      45.4473      41.8703      38.1369
-      0.01119      46.0876      58.0096      60.1559      56.4394      51.9365       47.539      42.9493
-       0.0112     -30.8137     -11.1579     -1.88766      1.39204      3.83041      5.99753      8.25981
-      0.01121      39.8249      52.3309      55.0603      51.8888      47.9228      44.0325      39.9713
-      0.01122     -48.8154     -27.4178     -16.4818      -11.587     -7.54882     -3.86908   -0.0280459
-      0.01123      9.35472      24.8682      30.4043      29.9685      28.7142      27.3886       26.004
-      0.01124     -12.7749      4.96806      12.5772      14.1689       14.925      15.4999      16.0991
-      0.01125      22.8848      37.0315      41.3652      39.7195      37.2613      34.7961      32.2227
-      0.01126      9.69346      25.1883      30.7789      30.3574       29.112      27.7932      26.4161
-      0.01127     -46.9644     -25.7941      -14.969     -10.2534     -6.40301       -2.902     0.751555
-      0.01128      15.9557      30.7634      35.7647      34.7332      32.8781      30.9824      29.0027
-      0.01129     -5.48971      11.4792      18.4991      19.4431      19.5468      19.5031      19.4564
-       0.0113     -23.9286     -5.12283      3.60638      6.21881      7.97686      9.49762      11.0838
-      0.01131     -32.1847     -12.5925     -3.10701     0.239182      2.72403      4.93237       7.2362
-      0.01132      14.4704      29.3724      34.5623      33.6659       31.938      30.1619       28.307
-      0.01133     -4.02124      12.7533      19.6964      20.5102      20.4775      20.3037      20.1211
-      0.01134     -10.4781      6.94176      14.4962      15.8967      16.4438      16.8185      17.2083
-      0.01135     -14.0586      3.68537      11.5726      13.2902      14.1501      14.8205      15.5192
-      0.01136     -25.3495     -6.46788      2.47485      5.21539      7.08794      8.71575      10.4134
-      0.01137      26.9462      40.5499      44.6801      42.6719      39.8305      36.9997      34.0439
-      0.01138     -43.3905     -22.7061     -12.0465     -7.64245     -4.12221    -0.936716      2.38725
-      0.01139      -2.7694      13.7902      20.6857      21.3692      21.1951      20.8864      20.5628
-       0.0114      14.2011       29.065       34.425      33.5863      31.8994      30.1597      28.3426
-      0.01141     -24.5621     -5.79168      3.17142      5.86729      7.68578      9.26074       10.903
-      0.01142     -8.68916      8.46291       15.958      17.1939      17.5617      17.7648      17.9753
-      0.01143      20.4444      34.6421      39.4713      38.0736      35.8263      33.5558      31.1845
-      0.01144     -18.2054     -0.11172      8.31728      10.4485      11.7009      12.7395      13.8218
-      0.01145     -44.5299     -23.8431     -12.9964       -8.498     -4.89748     -1.63775      1.76272
-      0.01146      39.0005      51.2774      54.4173       51.316      47.3717      43.4953      39.4468
-      0.01147    -0.125483      16.1403      22.9522      23.4509      23.0765      22.5755      22.0507
-      0.01148      13.8296       28.691      34.2277      33.4564        31.82      30.1254      28.3553
-      0.01149      8.43458      23.8058      29.8615      29.5923       28.453      27.2281      25.9476
-       0.0115      1.12095      17.2302      23.9748      24.3676      23.8825      23.2764      22.6416
-      0.01151      22.8688      36.7833      41.5338      39.9496      37.5006      35.0371      32.4641
-      0.01152     -32.0697     -12.6586     -2.82082     0.590477      3.09776      5.32108      7.63988
-      0.01153      11.6552      26.6204       32.409      31.8214      30.3585       28.827      27.2266
-      0.01154     -43.4444     -22.9361     -12.0392     -7.61528     -4.10802    -0.939151      2.36633
-      0.01155      32.4639      45.3335      49.2198      46.7291      43.3711      40.0464      36.5734
-      0.01156      25.8876       39.445      43.9969      42.1508      39.4315      36.7104      33.8677
-      0.01157     -105.094     -78.4321     -61.7908     -51.7476     -42.6678     -34.2286     -25.4217
-      0.01158      39.6645      51.7152      54.9448      51.7712       47.731      43.7601       39.612
-      0.01159     -53.6036     -32.1315     -20.2278     -14.8789     -10.4634     -6.43707     -2.23638
-       0.0116     -3.60681      12.7876      20.0605      20.8383       20.716      20.4507      20.1712
-      0.01161      48.5475      59.7311      62.2395      58.3162      53.5252      48.8436      43.9545
-      0.01162     -22.6312     -4.25992      4.87209       7.4547      9.11789      10.5401      12.0223
-      0.01163      18.0094      32.2573      37.6273      36.4956      34.4716      32.4065      30.2485
-      0.01164      9.13225      24.2737      30.4945      30.1865      28.9773      27.6821      26.3276
-      0.01165     -12.3385      4.92783      13.1389      14.7793      15.5017      16.0332      16.5851
-      0.01166      5.03607      20.5636       27.172      27.2179      26.3551      25.3873      24.3744
-      0.01167      10.9965      25.9051      31.9852      31.4998      30.1077      28.6391      27.1036
-      0.01168     -15.7548      1.84205      10.4088      12.3566      13.3767      14.1888      15.0331
-      0.01169      2.70332       18.421      25.2843      25.5428      24.8845      24.1096       23.298
-       0.0117     -24.9426     -6.49129      2.93533      5.71005      7.54833      9.13407       10.786
-      0.01171     -21.5322     -3.44565      5.66626      8.11647      9.63006      10.9086      12.2398
-      0.01172      20.0498      33.9532      39.2428      37.9169      35.6805      33.4121      31.0413
-      0.01173     -16.4815      1.10493      9.80495      11.8238       12.904      13.7717       14.674
-      0.01174      9.76623         24.7      30.9837      30.6101      29.3148      27.9358      26.4934
-      0.01175     -11.5886      5.48194      13.7647      15.3442      15.9851      16.4366      16.9043
-      0.01176     -2.71047      13.4552      20.9256      21.6902      21.5199      21.2045       20.872
-      0.01177     -21.7502     -3.68158      5.55607      8.04919      9.59294      10.8978      12.2561
-      0.01178      19.5886      33.4757      38.9047       37.639      35.4505      33.2257      30.9003
-      0.01179     -40.4674     -20.5552     -9.55533     -5.34888     -2.10844     0.800886      3.83423
-       0.0118       9.2221      24.1056      30.5077      30.1764      28.9111      27.5593      26.1445
-      0.01181    -0.792614      15.1266      22.4916      23.0928      22.7499      22.2697      21.7648
-      0.01182      18.4763      32.4422      38.0519      36.9137      34.8424      32.7273      30.5162
-      0.01183     -6.92234      9.60592       17.587      18.7695      18.9992      19.0593      19.1182
-      0.01184      -4.6332      11.6327      19.4045      20.3697      20.3813      20.2356      20.0797
-      0.01185     -10.9813      5.90588       14.271      15.8073      16.3836      16.7715      17.1722
-      0.01186      34.6391      46.9294      51.0996      48.4956       44.961      41.4608      37.8037
-      0.01187     -81.6691     -57.7082     -42.7814     -34.8094     -27.8496     -21.4243     -14.7209
-      0.01188      42.2997      53.7576      57.2071      53.8672      49.5972      45.4009      41.0159
-      0.01189      18.9628      32.8247      38.5029      37.3438      35.2361      33.0841      30.8338
-       0.0119      5.05184      20.3033      27.2888      27.4057      26.5618      25.6051      24.6022
-      0.01191      15.7294      29.9025      35.9148      35.0603      33.2501      31.3794      29.4229
-      0.01192      2.38947      17.8936      25.1539      25.5156      24.9101      24.1783      23.4103
-      0.01193      -32.968     -13.9609     -3.44075     0.117827      2.68434      4.95256      7.31581
-      0.01194       10.399      25.0113      31.5193      31.1145      29.7465      28.2935      26.7727
-      0.01195     -26.3939      -8.0723       1.8577      4.80828      6.76687      8.45954      10.2214
-      0.01196     -61.9153     -40.0713     -26.8792     -20.7282     -15.5949     -10.8996     -6.00344
-      0.01197      33.1172      45.3809      49.7998      47.3037      43.8527      40.4286      36.8495
-      0.01198       23.033      36.3509       41.773      40.2547      37.7721      35.2637       32.641
-      0.01199      7.44696      22.3565      29.2528      29.1706      28.1103      26.9467      25.7277
-        0.012      3.59956      18.8567      26.1124      26.3743      25.6538      24.8117      23.9283
-      0.01201     -29.8393     -11.2376    -0.891088      2.40136      4.68664      6.68715      8.77037
-      0.01202     -4.01917      11.9415      19.8954      20.8197      20.7528      20.5284      20.2898
-      0.01203      29.5958      42.2106      47.0938      44.9784      41.8904      38.8082      35.5861
-      0.01204     -39.7261     -20.1621     -8.85334     -4.65315     -1.47426      1.37034      4.33515
-      0.01205      25.9066      38.8251      44.0612      42.2749      39.5108      36.7346      33.8318
-      0.01206     -43.2905     -23.3946     -11.7385     -7.22009     -3.73018    -0.591679      2.67941
-      0.01207      7.56811      22.2966      29.2434       29.115      27.9916      26.7669      25.4837
-      0.01208     -53.3382     -32.4866     -19.8941      -14.479     -10.1041     -6.12892      -1.9846
-      0.01209      12.1663      26.3997      32.9353      32.3771      30.8216      29.1876      27.4764
-       0.0121      10.0064      24.4521      31.2346      30.9129      29.5905      28.1765      26.6958
-      0.01211      26.5159      39.3384       44.634      42.8325      40.0387      37.2329      34.2993
-      0.01212     -48.5242     -28.1606     -15.9188     -10.8981     -6.92331     -3.32768     0.420506
-      0.01213     -12.6426      4.01926       12.916      14.6363      15.3355      15.8335      16.3483
-      0.01214     -11.0457      5.48328      14.2555      15.8358       16.392      16.7537      17.1258
-      0.01215     -30.9233     -12.4301     -1.81479      1.57056      3.91652      5.97072      8.10909
-      0.01216      8.91659      23.3967      30.3431      30.1048      28.8518      27.5022      26.0881
-      0.01217     -50.9572     -30.4848     -17.9873     -12.7692     -8.60827     -4.83772    -0.907234
-      0.01218     -20.7739     -3.35523      6.34444      8.79146      10.1984      11.3644      12.5758
-      0.01219      21.7574      34.8848      40.6884      39.2935       36.886      34.4437      31.8891
-       0.0122     -29.3044     -11.0086    -0.449297      2.82271      5.04346      6.97797      8.99122
-      0.01221      41.7591      52.9039      56.9118      53.7226      49.5287      45.3963      41.0769
-      0.01222      35.0454      46.8941       51.581      49.0504      45.5085      41.9921      38.3163
-      0.01223      12.2702      26.4061      33.2209      32.7734      31.2966       29.733      28.0951
-      0.01224      8.97528      23.4057      30.5209       30.357      29.1595      27.8603      26.4987
-      0.01225     -64.6363     -42.8507     -28.9477     -22.4439     -17.0263     -12.0689     -6.89985
-      0.01226     -4.13179      11.5204      19.8011      20.7574      20.6666      20.4141      20.1443
-      0.01227      3.67167      18.5311      26.1236      26.3937      25.6203      24.7218      23.7783
-      0.01228      6.00619       20.657      28.0734      28.1555      27.1921      26.1133      24.9813
-      0.01229      3.18939      18.1043      25.7974      26.1418      25.4365      24.6017      23.7246
-       0.0123     -48.3261     -28.2362     -15.7805     -10.7628     -6.83256      -3.2831     0.415756
-      0.01231      2.86994      17.7453       25.459      25.8004      25.0886      24.2476      23.3634
-      0.01232       -6.305        9.512      18.1085      19.3049      19.4389      19.3974      19.3478
-      0.01233      -12.634      3.79836      12.9946      14.7709      15.4785      15.9791      16.4952
-      0.01234     -30.9301     -12.6861     -1.79471      1.63897      3.98887      6.04258      8.17957
-      0.01235      33.2628      45.0577      50.0368      47.6377      44.1955       40.771        37.19
-      0.01236     -17.0075    -0.152756      9.51244      11.7169      12.8422      13.7371      14.6651
-      0.01237     -14.7113      1.87907      11.3283      13.3073      14.2061       14.887      15.5912
-      0.01238     -46.9961     -27.1975     -14.7697     -9.87075     -6.07658     -2.65758     0.904156
-      0.01239     -10.9942      5.17271      14.2712      15.8764      16.3979      16.7217      17.0528
-       0.0124      12.0443         25.9      32.9053      32.4403      30.9053      29.2836      27.5845
-      0.01241     -15.9201     0.722616      10.3416      12.4429       13.454      14.2398      15.0535
-      0.01242      22.7879      35.5386      41.5991      40.1848      37.7039      35.1874      32.5542
-      0.01243      14.8215      28.4017      35.2393      34.5757       32.837      31.0218      29.1204
-      0.01244     -3.59622      11.8288      20.3851      21.3986      21.3211      21.0763      20.8139
-      0.01245     -7.76943      8.04509      16.9867      18.3674      18.6517      18.7493       18.844
-      0.01246      14.7066      28.2466      35.1223      34.4569      32.7081      30.8826      28.9707
-      0.01247      31.3115      43.1629       48.535      46.3834       43.158      39.9359      36.5662
-      0.01248     -42.3517     -23.0972     -10.9053     -6.35987     -2.94203     0.118791      3.30717
-      0.01249      18.9266      31.9742      38.4867      37.4302      35.2859      33.0859      30.7822
-       0.0125      52.7073       62.396      65.8397      61.7502      56.5926      51.5422      46.2638
-      0.01251     -66.1601     -44.5552      -30.112     -23.3854     -17.8099     -12.7087     -7.39056
-      0.01252     -33.2496     -15.0139     -3.66533 -5.71853e-05      2.53401      4.75866      7.07363
-      0.01253      15.2975      28.6286      35.5108      34.7699      32.9287      31.0143      29.0088
-      0.01254     -28.4773     -10.7284     0.235773      3.49958       5.6291      7.46983      9.38364
-      0.01255      45.4057      55.7322      59.8926      56.4454      51.9115      47.4499      42.7851
-      0.01256     -62.8702     -41.6844     -27.4896     -21.0673      -15.807     -11.0052     -5.99974
-      0.01257     -26.6346      -9.1384       1.6707      4.74519      6.67941      8.33559      10.0566
-      0.01258      55.2402      64.5277      67.8129      63.4685      58.0362      52.7241      47.1715
-      0.01259     -32.3756     -14.2665     -2.83348     0.832346      3.34799      5.55278      7.84738
-       0.0126      -27.589     -10.0354     0.930294       4.1272      6.17561       7.9388      9.77154
-      0.01261      4.84169      19.1251      27.1033      27.3469      26.4613      25.4494      24.3856
-      0.01262      6.22274      20.3616      28.2479      28.3922      27.4057       26.298      25.1342
-      0.01263        29.13      40.9999      46.8023      44.8781      41.8346      38.7811      35.5863
-      0.01264      17.2293      30.2957      37.2331      36.4148      34.4664      32.4479      30.3332
-      0.01265     -52.0346     -32.0518     -18.7213     -13.2583     -8.97522     -5.09979       -1.062
-      0.01266      11.5453      25.1316      32.5688      32.2109      30.7128      29.1199      27.4489
-      0.01267    -0.788732      13.9984      22.6067      23.3985      23.0399      22.5244       21.978
-      0.01268      16.1099      29.2153       36.286      35.5489      33.6691       31.715      29.6679
-      0.01269     -28.1593     -10.6149     0.564882      3.85903      5.97696      7.80333      9.70173
-       0.0127      5.09702      19.2628      27.3654      27.6195      26.7175      25.6879      24.6052
-      0.01271       21.927      34.4316      41.0143      39.7571      37.3517      34.8996      32.3324
-      0.01272     -22.7071     -5.76743      4.95843      7.77341      9.40808      10.7769      12.1978
-      0.01273     -9.76191      5.85286      15.3752      16.9911      17.4324      17.6727      17.9156
-      0.01274      35.9023      46.9351      52.2649      49.7421      46.0729       42.425       38.609
-      0.01275     -60.6723     -39.9358     -25.6616     -19.3943     -14.3429     -9.74313     -4.94962
-      0.01276      36.6429      47.5408      52.8074      50.1986      46.4379      42.7029      38.7952
-      0.01277     -30.1758     -12.5562      -1.0732      2.42701      4.72677       6.7235      8.79979
-      0.01278      11.8605      25.2249      32.8207      32.4832      30.9714      29.3634      27.6764
-      0.01279     -4.44583       10.574        19.71      20.8732       20.847      20.6431      20.4218
-       0.0128     -16.1523    0.0275014      10.2512      12.4734      13.4953      14.2827       15.096
-      0.01281     -33.9969     -16.0483     -4.17718     -0.34789      2.26499      4.55703      6.94033
-      0.01282      49.7564      59.2647      63.4196      59.6435      54.7052      49.8549      44.7832
-      0.01283     -14.2521      1.71171      11.8351      13.9228      14.8013      15.4522      16.1234
-      0.01284      24.0945      36.1959      42.7817      41.3727       38.777      36.1423      33.3835
-      0.01285     -65.4418     -44.3603      -29.497     -22.7705     -17.2949     -12.2961     -7.08681
-      0.01286      37.8819      48.5199       53.819      51.1208      47.2397      43.3886      39.3593
-      0.01287     -49.1004     -29.7131      -16.338     -11.0972     -7.10194     -3.50379     0.243632
-      0.01288     -5.11727      9.80353       19.098        20.31      20.3039      20.1177      19.9143
-      0.01289      26.6904      38.4188      44.8144      43.1629      40.3123      37.4353      34.4237
-       0.0129      1.41581      15.6902      24.4633      25.1411      24.5988      23.9045      23.1705
-      0.01291     -11.8658      3.74219      13.7512        15.63      16.2755      16.7044       17.143
-      0.01292      12.8149      25.9259      33.6656      33.2963      31.7068      30.0218      28.2541
-      0.01293      -25.467     -8.53582      2.75533      5.87224      7.73986      9.32403      10.9684
-      0.01294     -36.6424     -18.6259     -6.31616     -2.20966     0.636617       3.1464      5.75663
-      0.01295      6.14421      19.8211      28.1834      28.3945       27.372      26.2228       25.014
-      0.01296     -36.1251     -18.1769     -5.88076      -1.8126     0.988474      3.45506      6.02018
-      0.01297     -28.7486     -11.6081  -0.00011714      3.38305      5.50193      7.32353       9.2154
-      0.01298      5.30728      19.0381       27.524      27.8192      26.8693      25.7881      24.6497
-      0.01299      -22.607     -6.05456      5.04403      7.89751      9.48277      10.7985       12.162
-        0.013       9.1088      22.4276      30.6096      30.5848      29.3112      27.9235      26.4658
-      0.01301     -28.1183     -11.0282     0.617578      3.98748      6.07916      7.87348      9.73636
-      0.01302     -4.57948      10.0897      19.5605      20.7811      20.7372      20.5122      20.2679
-      0.01303     -12.9559      2.55223      12.8195      14.8112      15.5285      16.0226      16.5286
-      0.01304     0.166905      14.3382      23.4093      24.2122      23.7459      23.1207      22.4586
-      0.01305     -47.2037     -28.2893     -14.8324     -9.72447     -5.92134     -2.50887      1.04317
-      0.01306      7.87495      21.2131      29.5784      29.6633      28.4787      27.1738      25.8018
-      0.01307      24.4766      36.1781      43.0625       41.675      39.0244      36.3323       33.513
-      0.01308      21.9541      33.9191      41.0795      39.9526      37.5568      35.1052      32.5366
-      0.01309      19.5915      31.7914      39.1972      38.2996      36.1278      33.8879      31.5402
-       0.0131     -20.0514     -3.87332      7.20191      9.90239      11.2978      12.4317       13.605
-      0.01311      17.4139      29.7681      37.3738      36.6505      34.6459      32.5642      30.3815
-      0.01312     -0.52324       13.648      22.9385       23.858      23.4786       22.933      22.3533
-      0.01313     -12.4368      2.91215      13.3073      15.3009       15.984      16.4431      16.9119
-      0.01314     -18.3277     -2.44846      8.48926      11.0093      12.2121      13.1626       14.144
-      0.01315     -13.2326      2.13376      12.6089      14.6576      15.3876      15.8912      16.4064
-      0.01316      8.45787      21.6295       30.123      30.2096      28.9891      27.6474      26.2368
-      0.01317     -32.0439     -14.7986     -2.54082      1.23769      3.67688      5.79601      7.99711
-      0.01318     -30.2505     -13.2357     -1.15344      2.44186      4.69661      6.64147      8.66061
-      0.01319      18.6906      30.7705      38.3522      37.5059      35.3489      33.1209      30.7847
-       0.0132     -17.7325     -1.97818      9.00859      11.5028      12.6571      13.5602       14.492
-      0.01321      48.1774       57.308      62.2316      58.7449      53.9582      49.2422      44.3086
-      0.01322     -24.8993     -8.41561      3.30074       6.4877      8.32189      9.86739      11.4703
-      0.01323      26.8705       38.104      45.0326      43.4942      40.6355      37.7425       34.712
-      0.01324      30.1771      41.1167      47.7883      45.9823      42.8537      39.7047      36.4069
-      0.01325     -30.2017     -13.2348    -0.982992      2.69359      5.00344      6.99814      9.06962
-      0.01326     -41.4132     -23.4017     -10.1508     -5.49928      -2.2247     0.682497      3.70556
-      0.01327       3.9302      17.3877      26.4534      26.9655      26.1265      25.1428      24.1046
-      0.01328      20.7379       32.502        40.06      39.0791      36.7547      34.3657      31.8613
-      0.01329      5.59865       18.896      27.8923      28.3151      27.3795      26.3032      25.1684
-       0.0133     -53.5921     -34.3972     -19.9352     -14.1422     -9.75132     -5.78943     -1.66516
-      0.01331      -24.461     -8.23939       3.5063      6.61218      8.33202      9.76783      11.2552
-      0.01332     -2.67645      11.3567       21.114      22.2481      22.0066      21.5866      21.1369
-      0.01333     -18.5693     -2.93665      8.31898      10.9159      12.1225      13.0713      14.0501
-      0.01334     -22.7076      -6.6805       4.9633      7.92956      9.49847        10.79      12.1267
-      0.01335     -10.6779      4.12664       14.681      16.5617      17.0494      17.3184      17.5874
-      0.01336      21.6307      33.1781      40.7818      39.7486      37.3416      34.8722      32.2834
-      0.01337     -15.4363    -0.137811      10.9268      13.2855      14.2395      14.9483      15.6761
-      0.01338     -8.86183      5.74037      16.1975      17.9464      18.2922       18.426      18.5539
-      0.01339      25.7507      36.8514      44.1333       42.747      39.9779      37.1653       34.218
-       0.0134     -54.7667     -35.5944     -20.8568     -14.9173     -10.4186     -6.35763     -2.13024
-      0.01341      51.9782      60.4212      65.2979      61.5112      56.3512      51.2764      45.9667
-      0.01342     -43.7599     -25.7152     -11.9479     -6.99077     -3.47461    -0.343523      2.91326
-      0.01343      41.3441      50.8004      56.6985      53.8985      49.7116       45.557      41.2077
-      0.01344      44.6819      53.8415      59.5006      56.4483      52.0069      47.6106      43.0099
-      0.01345      -50.059      -31.365     -16.9436     -11.3837     -7.28261     -3.59921     0.233802
-      0.01346      27.6355       38.459       45.676      44.1334      41.1816       38.194      35.0626
-      0.01347     -47.2548      -28.937      -14.779      -9.4985     -5.68161     -2.26765      1.28387
-      0.01348     -12.4567      2.31208      13.2347      15.3174      15.9567      16.3653      16.7793
-      0.01349        2.278      15.5664      25.1536      25.9112      25.2317      24.3928      23.5048
-       0.0135      19.4047      30.9979      39.0416      38.2672       36.062      33.7793      31.3845
-      0.01351     -1.68299      12.0322      22.0579      23.2225      22.9377      22.4706      21.9702
-      0.01352      5.98146      18.8898       28.218      28.6861       27.707      26.5835      25.3984
-      0.01353     -25.3873      -9.3368      2.90056      6.21699      8.05999      9.60513      11.2048
-      0.01354     -58.7223     -39.3862     -24.0941     -17.7788     -12.9624     -8.60508     -4.06999
-      0.01355     -36.9453     -19.8537     -6.59264     -2.28802     0.529221      2.99609      5.55802
-      0.01356      24.0427      35.0244      42.6859      41.4655      38.7949      36.0705      33.2135
-      0.01357     -2.07001      11.5395      21.6713      22.8762      22.6095      22.1581      21.6738
-      0.01358      8.33878      20.9119      30.1093      30.3778      29.1773      27.8426      26.4368
-      0.01359     -33.5655     -16.8068     -3.72543     0.354833      2.93414      5.17404      7.49908
-       0.0136      38.3408      47.8656      54.3132      51.8481      47.9269      44.0185      39.9252
-      0.01361     -14.5233      0.32292      11.6976      14.0705      14.9476      15.5768      16.2208
-      0.01362      16.7554      28.4181      36.9061      36.4258      34.4682      32.4163      30.2616
-      0.01363     -10.7256      3.70816      14.7599      16.7877      17.3137        17.61      17.9056
-      0.01364     -53.0843     -34.4641     -19.5158     -13.6611     -9.33928     -5.45266     -1.40926
-      0.01365       38.097       47.533      54.0605      51.6125      47.6896       43.778       39.681
-      0.01366     -24.8789     -9.09244      3.31125      6.62889      8.42383      9.91962      11.4677
-      0.01367      35.7109      45.4061      52.2194      50.0249      46.3447      42.6618      38.8037
-      0.01368     -19.5703     -4.30497      7.65243      10.5101        11.84      12.8951      13.9831
-      0.01369     -16.5126     -1.64356       10.019      12.5821      13.6175      14.3943      15.1909
-       0.0137     -39.4917     -22.3614     -8.58253     -3.94762    -0.859668      1.85813       4.6809
-      0.01371       23.286      34.1142      42.1087      41.0307      38.4429      35.7921      33.0111
-      0.01372     -3.44205      10.1154      20.6292      22.0159      21.8701       21.528      21.1567
-      0.01373     -15.0582    -0.365122      11.2337      13.6773      14.5763      15.2224      15.8825
-      0.01374     -62.3073     -42.9217     -26.9681     -20.2487     -15.1093     -10.4527     -5.60625
-      0.01375     -20.7613     -5.60123      6.49809      9.41115      10.7688      11.8485      12.9612
-      0.01376      6.30723      18.7494      28.3853      28.8618      27.7976      26.5865      25.3082
-      0.01377     -30.8996     -14.7166     -1.60898      2.27297      4.58491      6.56629      8.62011
-      0.01378      15.5666      27.0787      35.9105      35.5685      33.6838       31.696      29.6067
-      0.01379     -19.8077     -4.75567      7.37944      10.2785       11.608      12.6593      13.7425
-       0.0138      22.0148      32.8685       41.156      40.2519       37.802      35.2789      32.6306
-      0.01381      1.25753      14.2008      24.4429      25.4514      24.8959      24.1635      23.3844
-      0.01382     -41.8901     -24.6449     -10.4202     -5.50365      -2.1843     0.748327       3.7946
-      0.01383      10.9228      22.8047      32.1425      32.2382      30.7702       29.175      27.4953
-      0.01384      18.6943      29.7954      38.4597      37.8812      35.7399      33.5072      31.1624
-      0.01385      8.31846      20.4913      30.1497      30.5331      29.3415      28.0067      26.5987
-      0.01386    -0.254926       12.774      23.2404      24.4048      23.9837      23.3773      22.7292
-      0.01387     -4.70377      8.70199       19.583      21.1498      21.1264      20.8956      20.6398
-      0.01388     -4.82982      8.61976      19.5218      21.0911      21.0641      20.8298      20.5703
-      0.01389       23.928      34.4602      42.7231      41.6884      39.0745      36.3933      33.5801
-       0.0139     -34.7188     -18.3305      -4.6267    -0.317587      2.36764      4.69792      7.11554
-      0.01391      30.1538      40.0047      47.7195      46.1146      42.9253      39.6992      36.3163
-      0.01392      -25.183     -9.77342      3.08838      6.53788      8.36154      9.87598      11.4419
-      0.01393      10.8977      22.6649      32.1944       32.348      30.8959      29.3122      27.6437
-      0.01394     -11.9415      2.10398       13.769      16.0137      16.6333      17.0083      17.3841
-      0.01395      7.15962      19.2587      29.1706      29.6771      28.5677      27.3076      25.9772
-      0.01396     -21.4086     -6.43681      6.13344      9.24247      10.7113      11.8888      13.1022
-      0.01397     0.450556       13.197      23.7512      24.8639      24.3482      23.6489      22.9036
-      0.01398     -16.0272     -1.66847      10.4292      13.0509        14.03       14.744      15.4735
-      0.01399     -3.21806      9.85682       20.784      22.2369      22.0513      21.6634      21.2433
-        0.014     -17.8382      -3.3326      8.96319       11.754       12.893      13.7574      14.6437
-      0.01401      19.2891      30.0825      38.9718      38.3906      36.1777      33.8718      31.4492
-      0.01402     -17.3256     -2.88567      9.41725      12.1876      13.2977      14.1338      14.9909
-      0.01403      51.1273      58.6961      64.6975      61.2498      56.1837      51.1783      45.9377
-      0.01404     -45.8209     -28.4899      -13.496     -8.10829     -4.40963     -1.12569      2.28688
-      0.01405       24.139      34.3544      42.8652      41.8617      39.2147      36.4967      33.6434
-      0.01406      8.22988      20.0583      30.0814      30.5533       29.366      28.0278       26.615
-      0.01407     -22.0614     -7.22046      5.60764      8.82969      10.3682      11.6082      12.8862
-      0.01408     -41.9517     -25.1241     -10.4691     -5.46801     -2.17003     0.733474      3.74758
-      0.01409     -21.0255     -6.38388       6.3308        9.413      10.8045      11.9051      13.0377
-       0.0141     -36.7133     -20.5004     -6.31962     -1.80823     0.997686      3.43511       5.9628
-      0.01411      3.24186      15.4122      25.9178      26.8032      26.0071      25.0379      24.0102
-      0.01412     -67.8673     -48.5512     -31.4483     -24.0866     -18.4601     -13.3551     -8.04276
-      0.01413      31.6757      40.9616      48.8712       47.172      43.8018      40.3971      36.8261
-      0.01414      9.09936      20.7014      30.7582      31.1699      29.8913       28.464      26.9576
-      0.01415     -69.0141      -49.598     -32.3076     -24.8041     -19.0488     -13.8231     -8.38474
-      0.01416      20.9237      31.2296      40.1956      39.4946      37.1036      34.6241      32.0188
-      0.01417     -53.6068     -35.8087     -19.9202     -13.8196     -9.46412     -5.56314     -1.50753
-      0.01418      6.24929      17.9899      28.3438      28.9831      27.9149       26.686      25.3864
-      0.01419     -14.5121    -0.624386      11.6941       14.246        15.07      15.6298      16.1973
-       0.0142      24.8997      34.7784       43.481      42.4663      39.7476      36.9569      34.0276
-      0.01421      37.2713      45.9352      53.5461      51.4457      47.6457      43.8316      39.8343
-      0.01422     -57.5247     -39.3574     -22.9728     -16.4545     -11.7046     -7.43226     -2.98913
-      0.01423      30.4835      39.7586      47.9915      46.4704      43.2364       39.957      36.5164
-      0.01424      7.70067      19.2711      29.6594      30.2471      29.1026      27.7985      26.4202
-      0.01425     -21.9105     -7.41606       5.7142      8.99072      10.5116      11.7284      12.9816
-      0.01426      3.23339      15.2077      26.0187      26.9931      26.2237      25.2746      24.2669
-      0.01427     -5.98529       6.8882      18.5742      20.3995      20.4706      20.3154      20.1361
-      0.01428     -14.8389     -1.11314      11.4022      14.0318      14.8975      15.4938      16.0988
-      0.01429   0.00535736      12.2483      23.4103      24.6863      24.2045       23.526      22.8007
-       0.0143      21.1861      31.2935       40.531      39.9007      37.5237      35.0525      32.4562
-      0.01431      9.32972      20.6166      30.9853      31.4575      30.1708      28.7301      27.2087
-      0.01432      -18.884     -4.77929      8.20488      11.2372      12.4873      13.4457      14.4285
-      0.01433      10.9493       22.023      32.2529      32.5612      31.1046       29.503      27.8139
-      0.01434      29.3832      38.6313      47.2011      45.8543      42.7493       39.588      36.2709
-      0.01435     -61.2342     -42.9531     -26.0032     -19.1092     -14.0375     -9.46515     -4.70972
-      0.01436     -21.6577     -7.42394      5.83476      9.08033      10.5275      11.6716      12.8479
-      0.01437     0.212962      12.2681      23.5347      24.8009       24.279        23.56      22.7918
-      0.01438      14.1315      24.7696      34.7913       34.822      33.0712      31.1894      29.2079
-      0.01439      15.9554      26.4338      36.3332      36.2282      34.3389      32.3255      30.2064
-       0.0144     -63.5332     -45.0986     -27.8566     -20.7467     -15.4801     -10.7255     -5.77992
-      0.01441      36.2197      44.5333      52.5432        50.56       46.799       43.015      39.0471
-      0.01442     -3.94811      8.46707      20.2505      21.9599      21.8591      21.5362      21.1811
-      0.01443     -19.1069     -5.18233      8.01133      11.0907      12.3444      13.3021      14.2837
-      0.01444     -14.7426     -1.31458      11.4788      14.1522      15.0002      15.5747      16.1562
-      0.01445     0.217859      12.1054       23.533      24.8505        24.35      23.6487      22.8987
-      0.01446     -61.7213     -43.6013      -26.442     -19.5008     -14.4245     -9.85168     -5.09671
-      0.01447     0.176665      12.0186      23.4512      24.7422      24.2069      23.4719      22.6864
-      0.01448     -19.7836     -5.92903      7.39199       10.524      11.8132      12.8028      13.8173
-      0.01449      5.21294      16.5295      27.5692      28.4385      27.4788      26.3417      25.1366
-       0.0145     -15.0157     -1.65638      11.2868      14.0127      14.8919      15.4929      16.1018
-      0.01451     -3.18038      8.97156      20.8362      22.4848      22.2909      21.8773      21.4275
-      0.01452     -3.62009      8.56406      20.4927        22.19      22.0412      21.6698      21.2638
-      0.01453       49.209      56.0692      63.1577      60.0751      55.1786      50.3161      45.2223
-      0.01454      -66.969     -48.4375     -30.5909     -23.0985      -17.503     -12.4417     -7.17672
-      0.01455      34.7997      43.0418      51.4632      49.6617      46.0293       42.362      38.5147
-      0.01456      15.4024      25.6143      35.8894      35.8979      34.0578      32.0847      30.0065
-      0.01457     -42.1963     -26.2222      -10.618     -5.38011     -2.03426     0.897652      3.93965
-      0.01458     -0.43475      11.2873      23.0237      24.4372      23.9831      23.3208      22.6108
-      0.01459      28.7497      37.5362      46.6119      45.3989      42.3346       39.203       35.916
-       0.0146     -24.6695     -10.5263      3.51777      7.18053      8.95235      10.3944      11.8813
-      0.01461     -5.58011      6.61342      18.8917      20.7976      20.8221      20.6116      20.3732
-      0.01462      45.7392      52.7933      60.3689      57.6285      53.0376       48.461       43.665
-      0.01463     -28.4479     -13.9366     0.531653      4.56072      6.68527      8.45967      10.2935
-      0.01464     -53.1516     -36.2325     -19.5185     -13.2878     -8.98096     -5.14249     -1.15512
-      0.01465     -7.00219      5.23122      17.6835      19.6947      19.8088      19.6815      19.5293
-      0.01466      38.1863      45.8968      54.2317      52.1681      48.2359      44.2809      40.1338
-      0.01467       6.0059      16.9574      28.3206      29.2259      28.2383      27.0676      25.8268
-      0.01468      -7.5591       4.7217      17.3503      19.4865      19.7175      19.6993      19.6611
-      0.01469     -35.0082     -19.9859     -4.82535    -0.213931      2.46913      4.76974      7.15158
-       0.0147     -15.5698     -2.55343       10.811      13.6326      14.5367       15.155      15.7814
-      0.01471     -28.1607     -13.8864     0.661414      4.62771      6.66357      8.35127      10.0935
-      0.01472      42.3803      49.4988      57.5585      55.1317      50.8213      46.5067      41.9839
-      0.01473     -33.5716     -18.7798     -3.65167     0.860254       3.4325       5.6272      7.89925
-      0.01474      13.4531      23.4865      34.2708      34.4869       32.793      30.9527      29.0123
-      0.01475     -61.7506      -44.186     -26.4335     -19.3773      -14.287     -9.71136     -4.95437
-      0.01476      27.1233      35.7046       45.243      44.1966      41.2416      38.2075      35.0204
-      0.01477     -8.31152      3.88038      16.7492      18.9639      19.2403      19.2615      19.2638
-      0.01478      20.9996      30.2046      40.3884      39.9481      37.5861      35.1121      32.5106
-      0.01479     -47.3917     -31.3384     -14.8161      -9.0334     -5.22226     -1.85818      1.63408
-       0.0148     -29.1886     -15.0459    -0.227218      3.86326      5.99127      7.76364      9.59396
-      0.01481        9.451      19.7299       31.006       31.587       30.228      28.7015      27.0883
-      0.01482      14.7024      24.4788      35.3163      35.4516      33.6478      31.7003      29.6482
-      0.01483      13.4022      23.2752      34.2835      34.5617      32.8973      31.0811      29.1658
-      0.01484      17.7476      27.1894      37.8311      37.7255      35.6767      33.4968      31.2019
-      0.01485     -24.9604     -11.3017      3.29797      7.07629      8.88035      10.3441      11.8525
-      0.01486      28.6111      36.8893      46.5478      45.4371      42.3849      39.2551      35.9682
-      0.01487     -16.8742     -4.03422      9.86169      12.9042      13.9709      14.7361       15.515
-      0.01488     -8.12369      3.80677      16.8958      19.1219      19.3755      19.3718      19.3482
-      0.01489     -30.7848     -16.6523     -1.46376      2.81967      5.11214       7.0363      9.02464
-       0.0149      23.9055      32.5629      42.7221       42.029      39.3768      36.6237      33.7297
-      0.01491     -40.8221     -25.6932     -9.51826     -4.30414     -1.09561      1.69421      4.58653
-      0.01492     -4.19446      7.19045      19.9763      21.8394      21.7202      21.3627      20.9697
-      0.01493     -24.5477     -11.1128      3.58612      7.30892       9.0314      10.4148      11.8385
-      0.01494      -17.778     -5.06148      9.02664      12.1284       13.231      14.0282      14.8401
-      0.01495      18.2155      27.3068      38.1051      37.9495      35.8161      33.5521      31.1688
-      0.01496      6.52416      16.8051      28.7346      29.6721      28.6205       27.379       26.063
-      0.01497     -36.5247     -21.9532     -6.03352     -1.18673      1.63875      4.06402      6.57517
-      0.01498      -2.0403      9.00913      21.7395      23.4308      23.1217      22.5824      21.9993
-      0.01499     -68.1275     -50.4703     -31.6214     -23.9263      -18.281      -13.189     -7.89425
-        0.015      22.8058      31.2782      41.7307      41.1395      38.5573      35.8671       33.038
-      0.01501     -40.8569     -25.9617     -9.57209     -4.34027     -1.14657      1.62558      4.49907
-      0.01502      -1.0688      9.76961      22.4831      24.0866      23.6787      23.0447      22.3628
-      0.01503      17.9648      26.8989      37.9182      37.8212      35.7201      33.4836      31.1291
-      0.01504      16.8582      25.9147      37.0885      37.1205      35.1446      33.0258       30.794
-      0.01505     -37.9315     -23.4114     -7.16052     -2.14921      0.81376      3.36619      6.01023
-      0.01506     -3.74238      7.27952      20.3635      22.2396      22.0867       21.692      21.2594
-      0.01507     -4.82649      6.30034      19.5153      21.4985      21.4481      21.1496      20.8174
-      0.01508     -5.19768      5.96491      19.2457      21.2676      21.2517      20.9854      20.6868
-      0.01509     -39.2458     -24.7308     -8.29132     -3.17615    -0.123717      2.51201       5.2425
-       0.0151      18.8216      27.4612       38.552      38.3815       36.185       33.856       31.404
-      0.01511      -47.264     -31.9759     -14.7409     -8.88636     -5.10655     -1.78363      1.66431
-      0.01512      11.1458       20.491       32.333      32.8619      31.3545      29.6766      27.9046
-      0.01513     -3.08932      7.71002      20.9218      22.7736      22.5749      22.1341      21.6532
-      0.01514      3.89049      13.9512      26.5471      27.7732      26.9506      25.9196      24.8227
-      0.01515     -3.90091      6.95936      20.3087      22.2489      22.1306      21.7651      21.3626
-      0.01516      -5.8293      5.17712      18.7225      20.8353      20.8855       20.679      20.4425
-      0.01517      4.35256      14.2824      26.9123      28.1066      27.2432      26.1724       25.034
-      0.01518     -26.1037     -13.0838      2.38749      6.34755      8.22429      9.74408      11.3091
-      0.01519     -43.0411     -28.4248     -11.3949      -5.9158     -2.53233     0.412852      3.46576
-       0.0152     -12.6339     -1.11729      13.1149      15.8165      16.4398      16.7742      17.1022
-      0.01521     -26.5099     -13.6003      1.95043      5.92612      7.80948      9.33475      10.9056
-      0.01522       7.1379      16.6457      29.1207      30.0451      28.8977      27.5564      26.1353
-      0.01523      66.2488      69.8131      76.8959      72.4973      66.0642      59.7228      53.0828
-      0.01524     -8.02041      3.02936      17.0379      19.4368      19.7442      19.7778      19.7924
-      0.01525     -5.36616      5.38691      19.1535      21.2845      21.3212      21.0986      20.8446
-      0.01526     -6.27031      4.48962      18.3457      20.5418      20.6414      20.4777      20.2857
-      0.01527     -53.8133     -38.3229     -20.0701     -13.5711     -9.20394     -5.33147      -1.3107
-      0.01528     -12.0335    -0.788328      13.6025      16.2738      16.8388       17.115      17.3815
-      0.01529       3.7016      13.3409      26.3226      27.5873      26.7543      25.7077      24.5943
-       0.0153      50.7649      55.7078      64.4103      61.4349      56.3882      51.3553      46.0806
-      0.01531     -84.6854     -66.1464      -44.889     -35.5377     -28.3531     -21.8173     -15.0162
-      0.01532      53.7109      58.2306      66.6835      63.4118      58.0661      52.7495       47.178
-      0.01533     -26.2707     -13.6844      2.23238       6.2814      8.19798      9.75003      11.3492
-      0.01534      57.0394      61.2049      69.4506      65.9232      60.3169      54.7531      48.9238
-      0.01535     -47.1636     -32.5088     -14.5848     -8.61481     -4.79908     -1.45159       2.0216
-      0.01536      16.0337      24.2474      36.3194      36.5058      34.5793      32.4956      30.2987
-      0.01537      17.6734      25.7161      37.6942      37.7629      35.7159      33.5174      31.2012
-      0.01538     -40.2932     -26.4508      -9.0967     -3.76578    -0.593662      2.14384      4.97973
-      0.01539     -46.7752     -32.3671       -14.43     -8.55095     -4.83745     -1.58818      1.78121
-       0.0154      67.9498      70.8038      78.1842      73.6455      67.0165      60.4827      53.6406
-      0.01541     -48.6363     -34.0387     -15.8098     -9.69841     -5.75962     -2.29801      1.29423
-      0.01542      15.0487      23.1891      35.5298      35.8185      33.9746      31.9665      29.8482
-      0.01543      3.82943      13.0842      26.5119      27.8508      27.0432      26.0143      24.9184
-      0.01544      2.92078      12.2195      25.7626       27.191      26.4686      25.5202      24.5085
-      0.01545     -59.8039     -44.2482     -24.8978     -17.7817     -12.8622      -8.4747     -3.91678
-      0.01546      11.2528      19.6022      32.3885      33.0161      31.4933      29.7875      27.9845
-      0.01547     -40.7848     -27.2333     -9.58925     -4.20806      -1.0161      1.73646      4.58779
-      0.01548     -49.7436     -35.3316     -16.8556     -10.6876     -6.71874     -3.23141     0.386273
-      0.01549      20.9288      28.2054      40.1839      39.9315      37.5254      34.9827      32.3061
-       0.0155      -10.141     0.259267      15.1843      17.8011      18.2395      18.3864      18.5176
-      0.01551      2.53487      11.6316      25.4217      26.8917       26.189      25.2567      24.2617
-      0.01552      5.94172      14.6703      28.1953       29.376      28.3833      27.1759      25.8934
-      0.01553     -4.94422      4.83679      19.3981      21.5698      21.5576      21.2772      20.9622
-      0.01554      7.96016      16.4319       29.832      30.8265      29.6426      28.2536      26.7819
-      0.01555     -44.8388     -31.1171     -12.8142     -7.02405     -3.45117    -0.341558      2.88228
-      0.01556      2.43034      11.3079      25.2526      26.7245      26.0095      25.0635      24.0539
-      0.01557     -32.5579     -20.1738     -2.95284       1.7115      4.16101      6.20745       8.3209
-      0.01558       6.2657      14.6999      28.3551      29.4866      28.4276      27.1554      25.8055
-      0.01559      21.4674      28.3738       40.691      40.4726      38.0698      35.5261       32.849
-       0.0156     -30.0996     -18.0361     -0.90911      3.57309      5.83262      7.69798      9.62278
-      0.01561      21.3713      28.2304      40.6263      40.4133      38.0102      35.4654      32.7865
-      0.01562     -68.1058     -52.2966     -31.6018     -23.6763     -18.0052      -12.914     -7.62177
-      0.01563      4.39916      12.8246      26.8113      28.1121      27.2034      26.0711      24.8663
-      0.01564      31.1684      36.9032      48.4932      47.4027      44.1172      40.7364      37.1855
-      0.01565    -0.378297       8.5384      23.1071      24.9166      24.5045      23.8405      23.1248
-      0.01566      19.2969      26.1568      38.9384      38.9648      36.7815      34.4426      31.9791
-      0.01567     -16.3797     -5.92766       10.193       13.464       14.496      15.1972      15.9063
-      0.01568      -12.613      -2.5998      13.1932      16.1052      16.7789      17.1406      17.4951
-      0.01569      18.6725      25.4794      38.4142       38.479      36.3262      34.0146      31.5794
-       0.0157     -32.9678      -20.991     -3.24399      1.52321      4.03357      6.13186      8.29941
-      0.01571     -38.1605     -25.7396     -7.51007     -2.30129     0.645048      3.15555      5.75294
-      0.01572     -10.9814     -1.33403      14.4139      17.1432      17.6248      17.8037      17.9679
-      0.01573     -56.3486     -42.2093     -22.2356     -15.3761     -10.7969     -6.74268     -2.53361
-      0.01574      31.9991      37.2343      49.0877      47.9145      44.5163      41.0248       37.357
-      0.01575     -16.5511     -6.45934      9.96184      13.2537      14.2851      14.9823      15.6875
-      0.01576       1.1772      9.48546      24.3064      25.9801      25.4011      24.5751      23.6902
-      0.01577      6.63766       14.337      28.7019      29.8946       28.837      27.5579         26.2
-      0.01578     -30.5202     -19.1126     -1.27671      3.29267      5.58252      7.46872      9.41431
-      0.01579      34.1156      38.9632      50.8616        49.55      46.0009      42.3643      38.5453
-       0.0158     -26.0656     -15.1887      2.33218      6.51668      8.41951      9.93885      11.5022
-      0.01581         16.2      22.7568      36.3964      36.7235      34.7961      32.6926      30.4743
-      0.01582    -0.842716      7.41348      22.6857      24.5795      24.2043      23.5682      22.8813
-      0.01583     -70.9612     -55.7485     -33.9875     -25.7365     -19.8089     -14.4839     -8.94836
-      0.01584     -13.0132     -3.71671      12.6924      15.6331      16.2888      16.6275      16.9577
-      0.01585     -1.21209      6.91823      22.3074      24.1985      23.8068      23.1539      22.4493
-      0.01586     -6.83383      1.80018      17.7661      20.1949      20.3338       20.182      20.0003
-      0.01587      43.4567       47.044      58.4379      56.3136      51.9332      47.5067       42.863
-      0.01588      52.5761      55.2546      65.9013      62.9992      57.8438      52.6838      47.2751
-      0.01589     0.537276       8.3921      23.9011      25.7477      25.3037       24.599      23.8409
-       0.0159     -1.91614      6.11184      21.8554        23.89      23.6291      23.0975      22.5196
-      0.01591     -78.1419     -62.5664      -39.776     -30.8426     -24.2584     -18.3156     -12.1357
-      0.01592     -20.9422     -11.1957       6.3011      9.97908      11.3447      12.3511      13.3776
-      0.01593     -17.0053     -7.69655      9.49584       12.834      13.8591      14.5426      15.2324
-      0.01594     -23.0542     -13.1677      4.63945      8.53972      10.1203      11.3282      12.5656
-      0.01595     -16.9033     -7.69682      9.59238      12.9414      13.9728      14.6613      15.3567
-      0.01596     -14.1545      -5.2364      11.8645      14.9755       15.768      16.2299      16.6884
-      0.01597      16.1007        21.91      36.2674      36.6442      34.7209      32.6142      30.3922
-      0.01598      12.0765       18.312      33.1109       33.878      32.3386       30.594      28.7497
-      0.01599     -64.7953     -50.9288     -28.9969     -21.2485     -15.8617     -11.0556     -6.06211
-        0.016      16.9089      22.4738       36.876       37.164      35.1432      32.9426      30.6215
-      0.01601     -33.4631       -22.87     -3.74209      1.15181      3.69992      5.81982      8.00925
-      0.01602     -29.3274     -19.1927    -0.416353        4.079      6.22853      7.97105      9.76626
-      0.01603      1.63135      8.58047      24.5475      26.2347      25.5962      24.7017      23.7447
-      0.01604       3.7855       10.487       26.327      27.8541      27.0507      25.9995      24.8786
-      0.01605     -50.7549     -38.5979     -17.6831     -11.2045     -7.09805     -3.50617      0.21938
-      0.01606      18.6487      23.7227      38.2675      38.4227      36.2503      33.9033      31.4295
-      0.01607     -3.30866      3.93411      20.5913      22.7782      22.6214      22.1799      21.6951
-      0.01608      40.2634      43.1163      55.8227       54.058      49.9799      45.8297       41.474
-      0.01609     0.588413      7.39514      23.8476      25.7198      25.2478       24.507      23.7103
-       0.0161     -4.26576      2.99273      19.9316      22.2277      22.1721      21.8252      21.4393
-      0.01611      -31.124     -21.2878     -1.83996      2.88357      5.23585      7.16558      9.15596
-      0.01612      -24.461     -15.3803      3.48034      7.57115      9.29475        10.63      11.9998
-      0.01613      15.5175      20.5495      35.7792      36.2411      34.3589      32.2829       30.092
-      0.01614       7.7942      13.5455      29.5707       30.769      29.6158      28.2285      26.7564
-      0.01615      9.59755      15.1357      31.0639      32.1146      30.8114      29.2816      27.6609
-      0.01616     -14.8622     -6.92885      11.3156      14.5874      15.4863      16.0389      16.5915
-      0.01617     0.262792      6.60704      23.4901      25.3738      24.8935      24.1418      23.3335
-      0.01618     -5.18651      1.65101      19.0972      21.4805      21.4944      21.2091      20.8873
-      0.01619      22.7362      26.7324      41.6646      41.5165      39.0148      36.3499      33.5444
-       0.0162     -63.3929     -50.8174     -27.8769     -20.1944     -14.9262     -10.2428     -5.37793
-      0.01621      38.3264      40.5787       54.159      52.5674      48.6281      44.6023      40.3754
-      0.01622      1.64939      7.57134      24.6458      26.4363      25.8508      24.9961        24.08
-      0.01623     -16.8153     -9.10165      9.72048       13.184      14.2563      14.9694      15.6894
-      0.01624     -41.6671      -31.546     -10.3956     -4.69417     -1.40246      1.40927       4.3197
-      0.01625      20.2601      24.0804      39.5643      39.6278      37.3209      34.8369      32.2196
-      0.01626      -21.441     -13.4642      5.95655      9.84161      11.3225      12.4202      13.5416
-      0.01627        12.83      17.3106      33.6143      34.3815      32.7633      30.9299       28.992
-      0.01628      18.2017       22.088      37.9852      38.2871      36.2091      33.9398       31.547
-      0.01629     -12.5334     -5.59545      13.2063      16.3078      17.0074      17.3645      17.7127
-       0.0163     -1.49727      4.24161      22.0874      24.1729      23.8607      23.2606      22.6099
-      0.01631     -29.7362     -21.2477    -0.739019      3.90847      6.13687      7.93883       9.7953
-      0.01632     -61.9169     -50.3111     -26.8009     -19.2577     -14.1578      -9.6403     -4.94964
-      0.01633      14.4166      18.2493      34.7564      35.3499      33.5494        31.54      29.4175
-      0.01634      29.3135      31.6782      46.9326        46.22      43.1202      39.8812      36.4761
-      0.01635      11.7682       15.828      32.7918      33.7118      32.2318      30.5243      28.7177
-      0.01636     -68.6608     -56.5686      -32.129     -23.9174     -18.1655     -13.0332     -7.70065
-      0.01637     -3.25296      2.11872      20.5155      22.7427      22.5511      22.0613       21.525
-      0.01638     -1.82871      3.39061      21.7775      23.8918      23.5894      22.9937      22.3474
-      0.01639      1.36491      6.17137      24.3445      26.1886      25.6161      24.7648      23.8515
-       0.0164      2.41175      7.07167      25.2264      26.9822      26.3193      25.3814      24.3777
-      0.01641      23.3134      25.8077      42.1086       41.976      39.4373      36.7248      33.8691
-      0.01642      -49.669     -39.8959     -16.7809     -10.2787     -6.23675     -2.72586     0.914407
-      0.01643       6.9814      10.8921      28.8229      30.1478        29.05      27.6992      26.2643
-      0.01644     -28.5455     -21.0856     0.212505      4.77895       6.8938      8.58031      10.3155
-      0.01645      22.6796      24.8716       41.507      41.4199      38.9149      36.2318      33.4064
-      0.01646     -15.6342     -9.61962      10.6454       14.066      15.0396       15.646      16.2539
-      0.01647      16.3067      19.0681      36.4457       36.958      35.0414      32.9137      30.6678
-      0.01648     -75.6022      -63.727        -37.8     -28.9322     -22.5593     -16.8471     -10.9095
-      0.01649      84.3099      80.0287      91.2497      85.5621      77.4846      69.5276      61.1967
-       0.0165     -37.7781     -29.7982     -7.15413     -1.68125      1.32029      3.84218      6.45046
-      0.01651     -10.4949     -5.39185       14.764      17.7157       18.213       18.366       18.501
-      0.01652     -7.90154     -3.13241      16.8602      19.5805      19.8446      19.7762      19.6796
-      0.01653     -21.3264     -15.3012      6.00364      9.94019      11.4091      12.4796      13.5715
-      0.01654     -11.7473      -6.7571      13.7319      16.7899       17.384      17.6269      17.8555
-      0.01655      7.55937      10.5319      29.3237      30.6397      29.5025      28.1074      26.6263
-      0.01656     -34.3055     -27.2158     -4.47473     0.658815      3.30714      5.49131      7.74619
-      0.01657      17.8153      19.6064      37.5926      37.9801      35.9134      33.6377       31.237
-      0.01658     -2.47757      1.25683      21.2533      23.5152      23.3065      22.7868      22.2188
-      0.01659      6.22241       9.0035      28.2799      29.7537      28.7609      27.4989      26.1565
-       0.0166      -21.985     -16.4694      5.49474      9.53195      11.0838      12.2278      13.3965
-      0.01661     -26.4123     -20.5526      1.88086      6.30002      8.22842      9.72802      11.2678
-      0.01662       -40.86     -33.6578     -9.82844     -4.11153    -0.897343      1.81788      4.62626
-      0.01663      13.9023      15.5154      34.3697      35.1089      33.3789      31.4175      29.3444
-      0.01664      47.7341      45.9526      61.8178      59.5302      54.7911      49.9823      44.9377
-      0.01665     -52.9659     -44.7294     -19.4594     -12.5711     -8.20254     -4.39725    -0.450167
-      0.01666     -16.6166      -12.173      9.77784      13.3148      14.3538      15.0092      15.6675
-      0.01667     -2.32957     0.592826      21.3081      23.5527      23.3069      22.7462      22.1357
-      0.01668      9.06384      10.7753      30.5436      31.7692       30.509      28.9881      27.3752
-      0.01669     -8.01196     -4.67259      16.7705       19.563      19.8564      19.8037      19.7229
-       0.0167     -7.71007     -4.49281      17.0048      19.7669       20.026      19.9402      19.8249
-      0.01671     -4.77725     -1.92003      19.3972      21.8948      21.8893      21.5522      21.1746
-      0.01672     -20.5406     -16.2137      6.63474      10.5613      11.9731       12.976      13.9968
-      0.01673      -8.7621     -5.73319       16.125       18.972        19.31      19.2972      19.2583
-      0.01674     -2.92676    -0.567682      20.8451      23.1703      22.9874      22.4813      21.9272
-      0.01675      11.6372      12.4861      32.6522      33.6656      32.1777      30.4364      28.5932
-      0.01676     -2.65199    -0.534134      21.0922      23.4266      23.2462      22.7409      22.1877
-      0.01677     -15.2581     -11.9439      10.9183      14.3923      15.3402      15.9014      16.4613
-      0.01678     -16.5794     -13.2343      9.81333      13.3949      14.4454      15.1029      15.7633
-      0.01679     -2.03978    -0.244617      21.5682      23.8266      23.5632      22.9774      22.3401
-       0.0168      31.2661      29.6068      48.4653      47.7207      44.4747       41.067      37.4847
-      0.01681     -30.9477     -26.4366     -1.71839       3.2102      5.59143      7.50511      9.47708
-      0.01682     -28.4526     -24.3083     0.247693      4.91834      7.03981      8.70763       10.422
-      0.01683      1.83393      2.78501      24.6316      26.5437      25.9266      25.0035      24.0143
-      0.01684      40.4664       37.512      55.9214      54.3493      50.2694      46.0696      41.6599
-      0.01685     -30.9306     -26.8201     -1.69884      3.24566      5.63221      7.54813      9.52235
-      0.01686     -4.09721     -2.81315      19.8994      22.3757      22.3104       21.907        21.46
-      0.01687     -32.3274     -28.3028     -2.88921      2.15081      4.62666      6.62557      8.68565
-      0.01688      17.8886       16.741      37.6214      38.0916      36.0293      33.7356      31.3153
-      0.01689      13.8905      13.0259      34.4171      35.2821      33.6091      31.6828      29.6466
-       0.0169     -50.1136     -44.5994     -17.2053     -10.5219       -6.424     -2.89336     0.765718
-      0.01691      17.3407      15.9291      37.1638      37.6924      35.6814       33.433      31.0596
-      0.01692     -7.23308     -6.24351      17.3962      20.1871       20.417      20.2869      20.1246
-      0.01693     -23.7356     -21.2277      4.03298      8.31881      10.0308       11.302      12.6024
-      0.01694      5.07127      4.58867      27.2904      28.9486       28.052      26.8558      25.5808
-      0.01695     -21.4152     -19.3167       5.9303      10.0066      11.5081      12.5789        13.67
-      0.01696     -40.5414     -36.7068     -9.56529     -3.76417    -0.554524      2.13088      4.90699
-      0.01697     -6.76403     -6.42248      17.7046      20.4211      20.5668      20.3536      20.1043
-      0.01698     -1.54296     -1.84867      21.9254      24.1937      23.8906      23.2519      22.5588
-      0.01699     -33.3737     -30.6119     -3.77994      1.39197      3.96801       6.0515       8.1998
-        0.017     -42.1096     -38.5805      -10.871     -4.92424     -1.58225      1.22514      4.12873
-      0.01701     -25.2093     -23.5114      2.74423      7.14285      8.94705       10.299      11.6834
-      0.01702      28.0826      24.3114      45.7847      45.3652      42.3856      39.2114      35.8714
-      0.01703     -18.7091      -17.823      8.12549      11.9957      13.2676      14.1139      14.9704
-      0.01704     -9.48567     -9.69035      15.5088      18.5331      18.9636      19.0139      19.0397
-      0.01705     -5.72721     -6.41407      18.5577      21.2427      21.3334      21.0618      20.7516
-      0.01706       27.603       23.465      45.4865      45.1561      42.2513      39.1455      35.8771
-      0.01707     -20.1461     -19.5947      6.97597      11.0052      12.4229      13.4049      14.4032
-      0.01708      -20.794     -20.3345      6.38638      10.4463      11.8929      12.9016      13.9275
-      0.01709     -9.51053     -10.2992      15.4802      18.5106      18.9333      18.9725      18.9867
-       0.0171     -54.5221     -50.9417     -20.8791      -13.763     -9.28722     -5.41598     -1.40202
-      0.01711      48.8938      41.9725      62.6021      60.3132      55.4513      50.4898      45.2837
-      0.01712     -48.3575     -45.5955     -15.8188      -9.2236     -5.26979     -1.89374      1.60393
-      0.01713     -16.4394     -17.0451      9.86735       13.526      14.5631      15.1796      15.7962
-      0.01714     -5.87279     -7.66806      18.3998      21.1098      21.2015      20.9225      20.6044
-      0.01715     -28.0829     -27.7553     0.492219      5.22813      7.32671      8.94448      10.6057
-      0.01716       34.513      28.3901      50.9827      50.0375      46.4993      42.7853      38.8816
-      0.01717      39.9341      33.2457      55.5092      54.1195      50.1346      45.9967      41.6512
-      0.01718     -42.4239     -41.0087     -10.9806     -4.87618     -1.42519      1.46886      4.46314
-      0.01719      65.3645      55.7974       75.983       72.267      65.9674      59.6379      53.0036
-       0.0172     -37.4091      -36.757     -6.91619      -1.2551      1.74965      4.21956      6.77131
-      0.01721      16.1695      11.2413      36.2277      36.9821      35.1152      32.9766       30.717
-      0.01722     -8.20122     -10.8002       16.578      19.5619      19.9047      19.8549      19.7755
-      0.01723     -27.4369     -28.1856      1.05696      5.76957      7.82631      9.39658      11.0081
-      0.01724     -20.3729     -22.0117      6.68303      10.7383      12.1433      13.0966      14.0643
-      0.01725      20.3307      14.4826      39.5535      39.9226      37.6636      35.1507      32.5005
-      0.01726       -35.76     -36.1228     -5.69519    -0.205615      2.61455      4.90418      7.26709
-      0.01727      20.8541       14.662      39.9913      40.3228      38.0204       35.464       32.768
-      0.01728     -42.1312     -42.1292     -10.8318     -4.75675     -1.36051      1.47193      4.40143
-      0.01729     -24.1894     -26.1462      3.60132       8.0138      9.75732      11.0262      12.3234
-       0.0173     -8.72642     -12.3828      16.0809      19.0934      19.4443      19.3948      19.3158
-      0.01731      12.4364       6.5296       33.183      34.2952      32.7574      30.9202      28.9754
-      0.01732     -13.9519     -17.3269      11.9253      15.4561      16.3152      16.7434      17.1626
-      0.01733     -42.7885     -43.4173     -11.3768     -5.24178      -1.8004      1.06921      4.03648
-      0.01734     -13.2392     -17.0395      12.3922      15.8255      16.5843      16.9162      17.2351
-      0.01735      13.5867      6.98204      34.0991      35.1141      33.4683      31.5249      29.4688
-      0.01736      53.8311      43.0824      66.6629       64.062      58.8252       53.484      47.8818
-      0.01737      -5.2951     -10.1908      19.0277      21.8339      21.9602      21.6898      21.3804
-      0.01738     -34.1989     -36.4003     -4.40417     0.998608      3.70163      5.86745      8.10052
-      0.01739      6.61941     0.158035      28.5096      30.1767      29.1678      27.8226      26.3905
-       0.0174     -60.3238     -60.2299     -25.5536     -17.8025     -12.7744     -8.41118     -3.88445
-      0.01741      1.29531     -4.97082       24.146       26.266      25.7024      24.7758      23.7803
-      0.01742     -22.6573     -26.6414      4.83445       9.1599      10.7828      11.9226      13.0843
-      0.01743     -5.35719     -11.2055      18.8138      21.5699      21.6309      21.2927      20.9117
-      0.01744     -28.2632     -31.9677     0.321893      5.17201      7.30856      8.93193      10.5983
-      0.01745      16.9951      8.58572      36.8408      37.5803      35.6359      33.3986      31.0352
-      0.01746      53.2619        41.13       66.241      63.7262      58.5476      53.2498      47.6922
-      0.01747     -35.5434     -38.9064     -5.41405     0.167189      3.02231      5.32201       7.6951
-      0.01748     -7.73547     -14.0998      16.9357       19.949       20.252      20.1366      19.9882
-      0.01749      -18.778     -24.2005      7.98655      12.0021      13.2973      14.1189      14.9479
-       0.0175     -47.5192     -50.2069      -15.242     -8.63455     -4.76747     -1.51415      1.85303
-      0.01751     -10.5235     -17.1173      14.5673      17.7949      18.3087      18.3895      18.4458
-      0.01752      49.6581      36.9173      63.2329      61.0314      56.1492      51.1253       45.853
-      0.01753    -0.641138     -8.43322      22.7317      25.1519      24.8541      24.1642      23.4164
-      0.01754     -16.3191     -22.7195      10.0296      13.8633      14.9658      15.5995      16.2322
-      0.01755     -31.4391      -36.518     -2.24871      2.93936      5.38438       7.2866      9.24368
-      0.01756     -38.2218     -42.8018     -7.75339     -1.97327      1.05561      3.50906      6.04137
-      0.01757       -46.92     -50.8201     -14.8329     -8.27821     -4.48265     -1.30515      1.98253
-      0.01758       43.308      30.2099      58.0321      56.3984      52.0643      47.5511      42.8114
-      0.01759      4.60341     -4.70398      26.9103      28.8584      28.0756      26.9196      25.6847
-       0.0176       -6.057     -14.4588      18.2995      21.2222      21.4023      21.1561      20.8706
-      0.01761     -76.7864     -78.2707     -38.8527     -29.5284     -22.9958     -17.2341     -11.2484
-      0.01762      24.3051      12.4716      42.6711      42.7733      40.1509       37.252      34.1969
-      0.01763      27.8237      15.5161      45.6398      45.4768      42.5879      39.4353      36.1163
-      0.01764      12.3747      1.46065      33.2178      34.4907      33.0227      31.2128      29.2948
-      0.01765      -19.296     -27.1669      7.61801      11.7669      13.1524      14.0405      14.9391
-      0.01766      -7.3696     -16.5833      17.2301      20.2709      20.5538      20.3981      20.2071
-      0.01767     -27.3277     -34.7504      1.07985      5.92954      8.00647      9.54616      11.1246
-      0.01768     -14.7177     -23.5587      11.2183      14.9134       15.839      16.2889      16.7297
-      0.01769     -9.32603     -18.8567      15.5664      18.7784      19.2229      19.2164      19.1809
-       0.0177      7.47785     -3.90474      29.1507      30.8506      29.7918      28.3621      26.8414
-      0.01771      6.84336     -4.58637      28.7223       30.498      29.5107      28.1467      26.6944
-      0.01772      -14.194     -23.7169      11.6953      15.3928      16.3114      16.7489      17.1767
-      0.01773      4.36437      -7.1844      26.6702      28.6748      27.9095      26.7534      25.5178
-      0.01774      25.5024      11.6863       43.768      43.8687      41.2107      38.2627      35.1569
-      0.01775      23.0156      9.30099      41.7944      42.1447      39.7321      37.0145      34.1493
-      0.01776     -45.5166     -52.5088     -13.5341     -6.96189     -3.20217    -0.082439      3.14544
-      0.01777       19.934      6.15366      39.2115      39.8034      37.6263      35.1297      32.4944
-      0.01778     -39.2732     -47.2303     -8.52015      -2.5364     0.635348      3.19656      5.84109
-      0.01779     -12.5612     -23.4302      12.9404      16.4791      17.2186      17.4784      17.7206
-       0.0178      17.3737      3.36154      37.1443      37.9795      36.0325      33.7497      31.3379
-      0.01781    -0.636789     -13.0102      22.6215      25.1249       24.831      24.1101      23.3284
-      0.01782       10.713     -2.89888      31.8484      33.3211      31.9999      30.3062      28.5092
-      0.01783     -51.4722     -59.0501     -18.4062     -11.2832     -6.99724     -3.38883     0.348607
-      0.01784      34.9112      18.4955      51.3116      50.5609      47.0261       43.236      39.2501
-      0.01785     -9.15135     -21.3117      15.7934      19.0893      19.5685      19.5739      19.5506
-      0.01786     -16.2701     -27.9244      9.98911      13.9248      15.0355       15.637      16.2351
-      0.01787     -49.8857     -58.3246     -17.1692     -10.1979     -6.07783     -2.63133      0.93622
-      0.01788      37.4617      20.0823      53.3275      52.3513      48.5818      44.5647      40.3417
-      0.01789     -34.6915     -44.9595     -4.85548      0.76898      3.54741      5.72195       7.9628
-       0.0179     -7.48786     -20.6535      17.0663      20.1989      20.4981      20.3268      20.1185
-      0.01791     -41.2775     -51.2706     -10.2421     -4.03603    -0.686853      2.02494      4.82611
-      0.01792     -27.9708     -39.4478     0.478953      5.45516      7.58017      9.13341      10.7251
-      0.01793     -2.76491     -16.9834      20.8199      23.5174      23.3777      22.7875       22.142
-      0.01794      35.6059      17.4248      51.8739      51.1177      47.5472      43.7105      39.6763
-      0.01795     -8.29632     -22.1333      16.4989      19.7699      20.1918      20.1295      20.0347
-      0.01796     -32.3012     -43.9223     -2.93673      2.49777      5.06458      7.02967      9.05101
-      0.01797       18.195      1.31638      37.7847      38.6186      36.6163      34.2587      31.7682
-      0.01798     -32.6089     -44.4984     -3.17715      2.28937      4.88143      6.86748       8.9106
-      0.01799     -24.3007     -37.2303      3.45824      8.14671      9.96494      11.2179      12.4961
-        0.018     -7.43155     -22.2788      17.0545       20.214      20.5101      20.3228      20.0976
-      0.01801     -13.4284     -27.8288      12.2303      15.9491      16.7972      17.1302      17.4481
-      0.01802     -4.87666     -20.2869      19.1482      22.0961      22.1761      21.7815      21.3401
-      0.01803      10.5156     -6.61257      31.5902      33.1556      31.8608      30.1646      28.3643
-      0.01804     -21.8055     -35.7828       5.5322      10.0432      11.6712      12.7377      13.8208
-      0.01805     -5.55779     -21.3126       18.589      21.6172      21.7677       21.436      21.0599
-      0.01806     -50.7424     -62.1179     -17.8853     -10.7581      -6.5412     -3.02845     0.608168
-      0.01807     -36.7134      -49.695     -6.65019    -0.820807      2.10048      4.38664      6.74265
-      0.01808      -1.3147     -18.0388      21.9299      24.5497      24.2826      23.5521      22.7595
-      0.01809     -58.7605     -69.8984     -24.4348     -16.5751     -11.6454     -7.46248     -3.12629
-       0.0181     -11.5857     -27.6289      13.6066      17.1618      17.8153       17.953      18.0661
-      0.01811      21.2537      1.80455      40.1935      40.7997      38.5226      35.8867      33.1052
-      0.01812     -40.4706     -53.8459     -9.58815     -3.34582   -0.0324292      2.61787      5.35437
-      0.01813     -20.6797     -36.2138      6.33143      10.7519      12.2527      13.1878      14.1336
-      0.01814      20.9277        1.062      39.9331      40.5868      38.3473      35.7425      32.9934
-      0.01815     -40.3417     -54.1956     -9.49703     -3.25189    0.0533596      2.69192      5.41607
-      0.01816      53.1588      29.7771      65.9874      63.7277      58.5873      53.2365      47.6206
-      0.01817     -34.6244     -49.2885     -4.80885     0.951781      3.76871      5.94283      8.18249
-      0.01818      54.3437      30.5884      66.9754      64.6345      59.4065      53.9703      48.2651
-      0.01819     -11.4029     -28.6751      13.9524      17.6276      18.3679       18.575      18.7614
-       0.0182     -5.05413     -23.1168      19.0155      22.0875      22.2277      21.8666      21.4595
-      0.01821     -28.5896     -44.4742   0.00293302      5.20402       7.4494       9.0777      10.7464
-      0.01822     -16.9773     -34.2611      9.32348      13.4507      14.6282      15.2459      15.8601
-      0.01823     -20.8169     -37.8877      6.19774      10.6737      12.1996      13.1445         14.1
-      0.01824      16.7256     -4.22394      36.5302      37.6107       35.756      33.5026      31.1197
-      0.01825     -61.3618     -74.6095     -26.5056     -18.3131     -13.1116       -8.692     -4.10916
-      0.01826      21.3754    -0.327654      40.2396       40.889       38.599      35.9319      33.1167
-      0.01827     -64.2106     -77.4175     -28.7972     -20.3413     -14.8901     -10.2372     -5.41089
-      0.01828      45.8974      21.4533      60.0074      58.4434      53.9477       49.191      44.1947
-      0.01829      30.0428      7.16436      47.3574      47.3021      44.2998      40.9538      37.4307
-       0.0183     -3.78736     -23.4143      20.0784      23.1135      23.1733      22.7222      22.2204
-      0.01831     -20.2155     -38.3536      6.77548       11.285      12.8032      13.7299      14.6658
-      0.01832     -43.0595     -59.1107     -11.7548     -5.19649     -1.64578      1.20279      4.14498
-      0.01833     -6.82551     -26.6588      17.4621      20.7078      20.9668      20.7013       20.393
-      0.01834     -6.34864     -26.3402      17.8575      21.0841      21.3208      21.0326      20.7006
-      0.01835      23.4947     0.506124      42.0112      42.5426      40.1005      37.2774      34.2996
-      0.01836      -6.4513     -26.6153      17.8561      21.1428      21.4275      21.1814      20.8934
-      0.01837     -1.33572     -22.1238      21.9939      24.8101      24.6221      23.9279      23.1724
-      0.01838      -15.414     -34.8875      10.6421       14.735      15.8102      16.3096      16.7995
-      0.01839     -41.4303     -58.4634     -10.4471     -4.00094    -0.594434      2.10882      4.89904
-       0.0184      12.3727     -10.2038      32.9351      34.4821       33.025      31.1269      29.1142
-      0.01841      -29.316     -47.8847    -0.669274       4.6932      7.01715      8.69336      10.4115
-      0.01842        30.92      6.30324      47.9575      47.8454      44.7335      41.2676      37.6182
-      0.01843     -14.3104      -34.433      11.5176      15.5493      16.5466      16.9657      17.3718
-      0.01844     -44.9855     -62.1849     -13.3221     -6.52013     -2.77904     0.234243      3.34804
-      0.01845      35.5977      10.1675      51.7098        51.18      47.6384      43.7628      39.6853
-      0.01846      21.4435     -2.71563      40.3652      41.1736      38.9571      36.3332      33.5629
-      0.01847     -31.9118     -50.8406     -2.72201      2.93908      5.53614      7.46411      9.44523
-      0.01848     -14.2784     -35.0943      11.4598      15.4883      16.4595      16.8488      17.2236
-      0.01849     -18.2942     -38.8161      8.19713      12.5898      13.9188      14.6456      15.3725
-       0.0185      23.6249     -1.20258      42.0712      42.6617      40.2122      37.3646      34.3606
-      0.01851     -24.2855      -44.374      3.39915      8.37466      10.2724      11.5343        12.82
-      0.01852     -14.6493     -35.7977      11.1382      15.2283      16.2359      16.6546      17.0599
-      0.01853     -42.8003     -61.1732     -11.5885     -4.95142     -1.41677       1.3908      4.28891
-      0.01854     -4.57386     -26.9084      19.2182      22.3718      22.4457      21.9791      21.4603
-      0.01855      4.45843     -18.8636       26.535      28.8974       28.181      26.9658      25.6654
-      0.01856     -5.69903     -28.0493      18.3793      21.6844      21.8998      21.5647      21.1827
-      0.01857      18.6774     -6.16405      38.0835      39.1824      37.2051       34.795      32.2475
-      0.01858     -42.8407     -61.5848     -11.5912     -4.89044     -1.31258      1.53022      4.46585
-      0.01859     -23.7402     -44.6314      3.74332      8.67753      10.4957      11.6734      12.8704
-       0.0186     -19.2133     -40.6139      7.38724      11.9138        13.32      14.1065      14.8954
-      0.01861      16.8958     -8.18852      36.5579      37.8148      35.9761      33.6927      31.2772
-      0.01862     -17.6442     -39.2774      8.74488      13.1679      14.4657      15.1473      15.8262
-      0.01863     -31.3591     -51.7192     -2.39122      3.26829       5.7906      7.62961      9.51674
-      0.01864     -10.2129     -32.7591      14.6622      18.3916      18.9932      19.0145      19.0044
-      0.01865      25.5777    -0.561993      43.6072      44.1093      41.4987      38.4806      35.2978
-      0.01866     -31.9358     -52.3884     -2.79814      2.95445      5.55254      7.45983      9.41855
-      0.01867     -25.8613     -47.0984      2.01814      7.19726      9.22159      10.5848      11.9751
-      0.01868     -47.6421     -66.6877     -15.5702     -8.42449     -4.45459     -1.25309      2.05549
-      0.01869      24.8878     -1.58605      42.8915      43.4548       40.887       37.904      34.7575
-       0.0187     -21.2912     -43.0722      5.73468      10.5326      12.1633      13.1499      14.1468
-      0.01871     -2.68798     -26.4528      20.7005      23.8097      23.7576      23.1523      22.4879
-      0.01872      31.1808      3.95903      48.1142       48.166      45.0737      41.5914      37.9238
-      0.01873     -23.8409     -45.5028      3.70832      8.78213      10.6734      11.9033      13.1545
-      0.01874      28.8675       1.8972      46.2323      46.5037      43.6222      40.3378      36.8765
-      0.01875     -34.0063     -54.6893     -4.49342      1.51096      4.31043       6.3991      8.54645
-      0.01876      4.51201     -20.2148      26.5305      29.0102      28.3078      27.0834      25.7724
-      0.01877     -25.6044     -47.3575      2.21482      7.44166      9.46294      10.8135      12.1903
-      0.01878     -6.74387     -30.3266      17.4252      20.9266      21.2317      20.9587      20.6407
-      0.01879     -14.8724     -37.6786      10.8728      15.1248      16.1698      16.5946      17.0048
-       0.0188      8.06992     -17.0521       29.406      31.5826      30.5609      29.0306      27.4002
-      0.01881      6.64828     -18.3392      28.2773      30.6088      29.7354      28.3439      26.8583
-      0.01882      20.8859     -5.61124      39.7637      40.8187      38.6765      36.0844      33.3457
-      0.01883     -50.5765      -69.964     -17.9125     -10.3571     -6.05875      -2.5607      1.05745
-      0.01884       13.159     -12.6454      33.4517      35.1827      33.6976      31.7252      29.6328
-      0.01885     -19.5616     -42.0399      7.10374      11.8292      13.3108      14.1429      14.9778
-      0.01886     -50.8864      -70.194     -18.2381     -10.6795     -6.39318     -2.90943     0.692986
-      0.01887     -1.39045      -25.729      21.6371      24.6867      24.4941       23.741      22.9212
-      0.01888      37.3712      9.18706      53.0126      52.5807      48.9269      44.8994      40.6621
-      0.01889     -22.9793     -45.0537      4.38031      9.46947      11.2869      12.4326       13.595
-       0.0189      1.72293     -22.8912      24.2394      27.0714      26.6445      25.6666      24.6123
-      0.01891     0.951966     -23.5657      23.6357      26.5492      26.1968      25.2874      24.3045
-      0.01892     -39.7244     -60.1227     -9.18046     -2.57959     0.723875       3.2716      5.89682
-      0.01893     0.747275     -23.7376      23.4203      26.3277      25.9607      25.0366      24.0382
-      0.01894      43.5862      14.8741      58.0522      57.1018         52.9      48.3486      43.5643
-      0.01895     -8.68917     -32.2099      15.9031      19.7417      20.2889      20.2276      20.1301
-      0.01896      12.2792     -13.3528       32.797      34.7202      33.3621      31.4966      29.5157
-      0.01897     -27.3331     -48.9813     0.800095       6.3271       8.5391      10.0492      11.5914
-      0.01898     -1.55414     -25.7852      21.5748      24.7399      24.6007      23.8865      23.1069
-      0.01899     -17.6624     -40.2237      8.54105      13.1795      14.5003      15.1657      15.8258
-        0.019      8.82332     -16.3589      29.9174      32.1521      31.0792      29.4815      27.7799
-      0.01901     -54.0151      -72.798     -20.7777     -12.8267      -8.2333     -4.47236    -0.580957
-      0.01902     -65.6667      -83.397     -30.3131      -21.342     -15.7398     -11.0251     -6.13906
-      0.01903     -3.09247     -27.1182      20.1788      23.4538      23.3971      22.7578      22.0556
-      0.01904     -31.0189     -52.1643     -2.29663      3.55305      6.04467      7.81514      9.62836
-      0.01905      31.1487      3.79052       47.886      48.1072      45.0073      41.4891      37.7822
-      0.01906     -32.0833     -52.9155     -3.09289      2.92018      5.55834      7.46596      9.42267
-      0.01907      8.95966     -16.0262      30.0027      32.2739      31.1923      29.5807      27.8638
-      0.01908      10.4002     -14.6662      31.2223      33.3904      32.2007      30.4857      28.6609
-      0.01909     -12.6563     -35.3201      12.5731      16.8438      17.7376      17.9925      18.2237
-       0.0191      16.3142     -9.19251      35.9681      37.5994      35.8687      33.6413      31.2816
-      0.01911     -1.31732     -25.0063      21.7428      24.9992      24.8728       24.161      23.3827
-      0.01912      15.6156     -9.77531      35.4174      37.1358      35.4787       33.319        31.03
-      0.01913     -30.4148     -51.0644     -1.76448      4.14521      6.64163      8.40927      10.2195
-      0.01914     -3.25694     -26.5866      20.1207      23.5379      23.5569      22.9815      22.3457
-      0.01915     -7.65925     -30.5339      16.5557      20.3865      20.8109      20.6178      20.3812
-      0.01916     -18.3663     -40.0043      7.93911      12.7444      14.1285      14.8422      15.5518
-      0.01917     -45.5454     -64.4135     -14.0561     -6.78736     -2.96586    0.0525887      3.16795
-      0.01918      23.1494     -2.56619      41.3754      42.3963       40.014      37.1646      34.1546
-      0.01919     -2.82597      -25.827      20.4827      23.9098      23.9084        23.31      22.6499
-       0.0192       -10.23     -32.4145      14.4944       18.599      19.2662      19.2992      19.2979
-      0.01921      17.1211     -7.67619      36.5868      38.2102      36.4104      34.1098      31.6732
-      0.01922     -40.0448     -59.0834     -9.56337     -2.72858      0.63184      3.21183      5.86946
-      0.01923     -55.8316     -73.2614     -22.4193     -14.1869     -9.44281     -5.55474     -1.53271
-      0.01924     -1.55289      -24.406      21.3248      24.6111      24.4474      23.6907       22.865
-      0.01925      3.05511     -20.1044      25.1508      28.0514      27.4998      26.3736      25.1629
-      0.01926     -5.41129     -27.6612      18.3083      22.0066      22.2394      21.8566      21.4211
-      0.01927     -26.4006     -46.4204      1.36331      6.97447      9.09662      10.5006      11.9301
-      0.01928      41.3383       14.644      56.0388      55.5063      51.5209      47.1474      42.5461
-      0.01929     -57.5818     -74.2167     -23.7744     -15.2905     -10.3316     -6.24614     -2.01708
-       0.0193     -17.1561     -37.8164      8.73617      13.5053      14.7708      15.3629       15.945
-      0.01931     -19.7443     -40.0465      6.66866      11.6773       13.174      13.9839       14.793
-      0.01932       40.691      14.4454       55.489      55.0297      51.0954      46.7677      42.2141
-      0.01933     -38.7789     -56.8886     -8.58673     -1.78688      1.47673      3.95605      6.50825
-      0.01934     0.389937      -21.598      22.9438      26.1604      25.8635      24.9747      24.0111
-      0.01935      7.20244     -15.3714       28.447      31.0676      30.1702      28.7138      27.1574
-      0.01936      23.4395    -0.568357      41.6012      42.7667      40.4171      37.5874      34.5979
-      0.01937      -5.7593     -26.6948      18.0375      21.8731       22.171      21.8446      21.4677
-      0.01938      -41.426     -58.7181     -10.7928     -3.73849    -0.249831      2.44136      5.21366
-      0.01939      -18.649     -38.1597      7.50612      12.4648      13.8686      14.5879      15.3022
-       0.0194    -0.621996     -21.8189      22.0648      25.3987      25.1829      24.3689       23.483
-      0.01941      22.4724    -0.846352      40.7848      42.0481      39.7683       37.001      34.0759
-      0.01942     -48.5881     -64.6806      -16.575     -8.83762     -4.69662     -1.39184      2.02128
-      0.01943     -25.1656     -43.5363      2.23865      7.81543      9.80455      11.0748      12.3639
-      0.01944     -10.8319     -30.4987      13.8183      18.0978      18.7944      18.8405      18.8518
-      0.01945      4.37409     -16.6985      26.1242      29.0424      28.3819      27.1437      25.8144
-      0.01946     -42.6294     -58.8117     -11.8393      -4.6371     -1.04822      1.73236      4.59787
-      0.01947     -3.04324     -23.1789       20.088      23.6811      23.6781      23.0608      22.3792
-      0.01948     -26.6708     -44.0895       1.0406      6.79213      8.93188      10.3408      11.7742
-      0.01949      45.8195      21.3068      59.5711      58.7463      54.3555      49.5881      44.5746
-       0.0195      1.25576      -18.675       23.656      26.9434      26.6192      25.6963      24.6959
-      0.01951     -3.87422     -23.1485      19.5023      23.2512      23.3765      22.8782      22.3207
-      0.01952      10.3844     -10.1845      30.9994       33.447      32.2798      30.5586      28.7247
-      0.01953     -6.38559     -25.1312      17.4479      21.4261      21.7749      21.4866      21.1479
-      0.01954     -53.5616     -67.4542      -20.672      -12.424     -7.84502     -4.13324    -0.296791
-      0.01955     -5.28624     -23.9351       18.211      22.0456      22.2393      21.8039      21.3118
-      0.01956    -0.716199     -19.6579      21.9513      25.3979      25.1979      24.3898      23.5086
-      0.01957      -51.462     -65.1632     -19.0229     -10.9551     -6.57645     -3.05407      0.58465
-      0.01958     -15.5614     -32.7626      9.89704      14.6815      15.7996      16.2361      16.6536
-      0.01959     -15.4965     -32.5268      9.97912      14.7776      15.9058      16.3493      16.7739
-       0.0196      -3.8545      -21.907      19.3624      23.1199      23.2088      22.6694      22.0682
-      0.01961     0.388417     -17.9373       22.801      26.1951      25.9172      25.0305      24.0667
-      0.01962     -37.5463     -51.8899     -7.79527     -0.95565      2.18487      4.53122      6.94165
-      0.01963      3.68019     -14.6736      25.4405      28.5207      27.9275       26.742      25.4663
-      0.01964      -7.4759     -24.5615      16.4371      20.5583       20.993      20.7788      20.5166
-      0.01965      12.0274     -6.81196      32.2299      34.5873      33.2643      31.3868      29.3887
-      0.01966     -1.61715     -18.9711      21.1996      24.8224      24.7463      24.0488      23.2822
-      0.01967      -6.7336     -23.4009      17.0803      21.1657      21.5422      21.2737      20.9548
-      0.01968     -8.70547     -25.0455      15.4473      19.7088      20.2546      20.1462      19.9944
-      0.01969      -8.1927     -24.4085      15.8768      20.0936      20.5912      20.4354       20.234
-       0.0197      7.47476     -10.1629      28.4985      31.2999      30.3895      28.9016      27.3096
-      0.01971     -39.9964      -52.706     -9.81019     -2.69207     0.678409      3.23869      5.87206
-      0.01972      14.1071     -3.90736      33.8334      36.0198      34.4899       32.415      30.2098
-      0.01973     -6.87969     -22.5908      16.9318      21.0525        21.44      21.1778      20.8647
-      0.01974     0.964894     -15.3231      23.2367      26.6532      26.3343      25.4035      24.3932
-      0.01975     -10.0946     -25.0995      14.3204      18.7494      19.4305      19.4447      19.4201
-      0.01976     -28.3031     -41.3339     -0.40398      5.67288      7.98496      9.54029      11.1238
-      0.01977      6.39785      -9.9608      27.5689      30.4876      29.6614      28.2487       26.735
-      0.01978      16.8822    -0.409684      36.0702      38.0647      36.3168      34.0308      31.6053
-      0.01979     -9.24476     -23.9057       14.984      19.3793      19.9997      19.9554      19.8694
-       0.0198     -46.5405     -57.5139     -15.1614     -7.39061     -3.43019    -0.315389      2.89549
-      0.01981     -4.67533      -19.313      18.5716      22.5109      22.6688      22.1879      21.6464
-      0.01982     -46.0551     -56.3483       -14.83     -7.12543     -3.22542    -0.170874      2.97739
-      0.01983      46.2068      26.8304      59.6773      58.9948      54.5689      49.7471      44.6736
-      0.01984     -2.96476      -17.224      20.0453      23.8944      23.9612       23.388      22.7499
-      0.01985      -10.364     -23.7395      14.0545       18.571      19.2935      19.3413      19.3508
-      0.01986      2.05263     -12.4305      24.0589      27.4431      27.0374      26.0178      24.9133
-      0.01987     -26.0493     -37.5756      1.36315      7.30143      9.42728      10.8008       12.194
-      0.01988      8.67536     -6.26659      29.3533      32.1275      31.1097        29.51      27.7999
-      0.01989     -1.75513     -15.4352      20.9915      24.7311      24.6679      23.9705       23.202
-       0.0199     -33.2627     -43.6778     -4.49431       2.1071      4.88131      6.86751          8.9
-      0.01991     -8.77553     -21.5035      15.2559      19.6143      20.1573      20.0336      19.8638
-      0.01992      7.82756     -6.45604      28.6422       31.511      30.5745      29.0495      27.4168
-      0.01993     -15.3926      -27.156      9.96385      14.9559      16.1222      16.5846      17.0261
-      0.01994      1.32972     -11.9928      23.4437      26.9158      26.5704      25.6018      24.5498
-      0.01995      -47.076     -55.4119     -15.6417     -7.77483     -3.75749    -0.600331       2.6538
-      0.01996     -40.3333     -49.2867     -10.3057     -3.08199     0.295973      2.84791      5.47015
-      0.01997     -4.53987     -16.9532      18.6116      22.5796      22.7223      22.2153      21.6444
-      0.01998      5.77649     -7.49698      26.9812       30.049      29.2888      27.9278      26.4659
-      0.01999      -34.347     -43.4679     -5.42562      1.31101      4.18382      6.25964       8.3848
-         0.02     -47.8627     -55.5175     -16.3865     -8.44651     -4.38133     -1.17839      2.12259
-      0.02001     -8.67273     -20.1765      15.2021      19.5693      20.0895      19.9391      19.7405
-      0.02002      19.7864      5.56825      38.2416      40.0543       38.036      35.4832      32.7768
-      0.02003      4.48719     -8.04202      25.9786      29.2211      28.6128       27.391      26.0735
-      0.02004      11.2479     -1.85521      31.4288      34.0646      32.8548      31.0633       29.151
-      0.02005     -8.90633     -19.8678      15.1616      19.6304      20.2417       20.171      20.0547
-      0.02006      15.7046       2.4142      35.0141      37.2439      35.6227      33.4442      31.1279
-      0.02007      9.47409     -2.94914      30.0175      32.8255      31.7756      30.1375      28.3851
-      0.02008       -15.88     -25.9383      9.52262      14.6403      15.8745      16.3945      16.8941
-      0.02009     -57.3446     -63.2182      -24.035      -15.175       -10.23     -6.20053     -2.03776
-       0.0201       7.0226     -5.21637      27.8645      30.8478      29.9594      28.4718      26.8753
-      0.02011      3.89456     -7.85438      25.3757      28.6722      28.0952      26.9025      25.6148
-      0.02012     -36.8412     -44.3198     -7.49145    -0.484998      2.62491      4.91539      7.26259
-      0.02013      6.66781     -4.99513      27.6152      30.6593      29.8304      28.3942      26.8512
-      0.02014     -26.8593     -35.4709     0.563404      6.67045      8.88153      10.3204      11.7787
-      0.02015     -20.3087     -29.4936      5.81927      11.3175      12.9215      13.7865      14.6456
-      0.02016    -0.405564     -11.5208      21.8884       25.584      25.3949      24.5636      23.6522
-      0.02017     -71.0422     -74.9816     -35.1594     -25.0461     -18.8654     -13.6721     -8.29519
-      0.02018       14.895      2.37611      34.1573      36.4323      34.8326      32.6671      30.3618
-      0.02019     -30.9757     -38.7963     -2.82223      3.66095      6.23524      8.01715       9.8331
-       0.0202      23.3173       10.104      40.9952      42.5491      40.2273      37.3774      34.3581
-      0.02021     -13.4373     -22.8718      11.3953      16.3181      17.3392      17.6505      17.9308
-      0.02022      21.4553      8.52072      39.5232       41.275       39.149       36.484      33.6578
-      0.02023     -11.6246     -21.1785      12.8474      17.6212      18.4933      18.6628       18.795
-      0.02024     -48.5295     -54.3155     -16.9966     -8.89298     -4.71986     -1.42873      1.96138
-      0.02025      7.96427     -3.47593      28.5224      31.4698       30.526      28.9774      27.3157
-      0.02026      5.99773     -5.21566      26.9922      30.1532      29.4133      28.0562      26.5945
-      0.02027     -31.6225     -38.9947     -3.34692      3.23392      5.88919       7.7423      9.63074
-      0.02028      32.8205      19.0123      48.6496      49.3671      46.2051      42.5548      38.6988
-      0.02029     -34.1068       -41.14     -5.34387      1.47892      4.37967      6.46349      8.59324
-       0.0203      14.1093       2.2744      33.5527      35.9704      34.4958      32.4423      30.2527
-      0.02031     -6.86091     -16.5615      16.6229      20.9698      21.4071      21.1623      20.8607
-      0.02032      16.1159      4.17594      35.1939      37.4528      35.8172      33.6089      31.2574
-      0.02033     -30.0171     -37.2615     -2.01078      4.43925      6.96683      8.69472      10.4517
-      0.02034     -2.74541     -12.7648      19.8986      23.8557      23.9023      23.2876      22.5995
-      0.02035     -23.8771     -31.7148      2.85752      8.73743      10.6904      11.8783       13.071
-      0.02036     -5.75196     -15.3208       17.479      21.7015      22.0102      21.6426       21.212
-      0.02037     -21.8176     -29.5589      4.53868      10.2247      11.9857      12.9915      13.9941
-      0.02038     -5.34453     -15.0564      17.8067      21.9986       22.272      21.8702      21.4035
-      0.02039      9.80886     -1.45957      30.0415      32.8747      31.7988      30.1202      28.3207
-       0.0204      -27.273     -34.7612     0.111755      6.32322      8.60117      10.0942      11.6049
-      0.02041      14.5229      2.85727       33.837      36.2389      34.7342        32.65      30.4264
-      0.02042     -25.5709     -33.1923      1.47473      7.53225      9.66074      11.0115      12.3734
-      0.02043      62.6004      46.1577      72.6711      70.7181      64.8956      58.7232      52.2318
-      0.02044     -74.4112     -77.0645     -37.8869     -27.3588     -20.7951     -15.2526     -9.51534
-      0.02045      23.6524      11.1326      41.1584      42.7163      40.3771      37.4986      34.4444
-      0.02046      5.01275     -5.45427      26.1822      29.4753      28.8539      27.5988      26.2394
-      0.02047     -27.9643     -35.3515     -0.44928      5.83429      8.18116      9.73509       11.308
-      0.02048       11.712     0.434115      31.5595      34.2162      32.9697      31.1255      29.1514
-      0.02049      4.68544     -5.82646      25.9212      29.2342      28.6424      27.4171      26.0884
-       0.0205     -71.9189     -74.6981      -35.946     -25.6844     -19.3827     -14.0889     -8.61279
-      0.02051      14.1422      2.70911      33.4174      35.8202      34.3242      32.2429      30.0199
-      0.02052     -1.80028     -11.5766       20.617      24.5119      24.4926      23.8069      23.0405
-      0.02053      15.0344      3.59751      34.2402      36.6186      35.0926      32.9814      30.7274
-      0.02054     -23.6381     -31.1767      3.00848      8.91175      10.8864      12.0858      13.2869
-      0.02055      -14.187     -22.6321      10.6297      15.6449      16.7416      17.1114      17.4468
-      0.02056     -31.2492     -37.9965     -3.16935      3.38527      6.01486      7.83278       9.6786
-      0.02057       31.847      18.7654      47.7452      48.5655      45.5071      41.9447      38.1745
-      0.02058      0.32131     -9.60807       22.373      26.0991      25.9204      25.0818      24.1548
-      0.02059     -49.7329     -54.6844     -18.0412      -9.7829     -5.46671     -2.05442      1.45529
-       0.0206     -3.19777     -12.8626      19.4383      23.4311       23.522      22.9377      22.2761
-      0.02061     -9.58726     -18.5592      14.3095      18.8956      19.5805      19.5558      19.4774
-      0.02062    -0.632625     -10.4689      21.5366      25.3207       25.201      24.4184      23.5493
-      0.02063     -27.8151     -34.8693    -0.381583      5.87376       8.2048      9.74176      11.2929
-      0.02064      7.97876     -2.77139      28.4645      31.4512      30.5497      29.0303      27.3917
-      0.02065      8.64899     -2.11512      29.0953      32.0413      31.0995      29.5404      27.8597
-      0.02066     -37.6625     -43.7989     -8.32699     -1.17299      2.06248      4.45357      6.89599
-      0.02067       16.713      5.05414      35.5482      37.7285      36.0382      33.7708      31.3502
-      0.02068      3.15552     -7.13202      24.6896       28.122      27.6767      26.5863      25.3943
-      0.02069     -51.9242     -56.3931     -19.8564     -11.4242     -6.90594     -3.30196     0.405743
-       0.0207     -3.42003     -12.7776      19.2239      23.2149      23.3279      22.7655      22.1237
-      0.02071      13.9476      2.89911      33.3144      35.7443      34.3118      32.2876      30.1202
-      0.02072     -48.7964     -53.5378     -17.3345     -9.18975      -4.9535     -1.61638      1.81205
-      0.02073     -3.38097      -12.705      19.2516      23.2444      23.3592      22.7976      22.1556
-      0.02074     -25.7742     -32.7606      1.19164      7.23038      9.38055      10.7418      12.1063
-      0.02075     -13.1195     -21.3556      11.3762      16.2559      17.2595      17.5366      17.7697
-      0.02076       9.1737     -1.21827      29.4358      32.2897      31.2915      29.6757      27.9331
-      0.02077     -14.0293     -22.0449      10.7058      15.6876      16.8025      17.1844      17.5264
-      0.02078     -29.6989     -36.1015     -1.96268      4.42762      6.94351      8.64917      10.3721
-      0.02079      57.2114      42.1114      68.1746       66.673       61.357      55.6571      49.6501
-       0.0208      22.3846      10.9025       40.195      41.9089      39.7867      37.1068      34.2522
-      0.02081     -92.3744     -92.4755     -52.4792       -40.37     -32.1724     -25.0902     -17.7553
-      0.02082     -14.4898     -22.3519      10.2007      15.1538      16.2572      16.6287      16.9577
-      0.02083      13.8133      3.37244      33.1363      35.5374      34.1089      32.0851      29.9142
-      0.02084      -6.4386     -14.8002      16.7906      21.0657      21.4986      21.2344      20.8998
-      0.02085     -36.3273     -41.6766     -7.33573    -0.357489      2.76384       5.0426      7.36176
-      0.02086     -14.8585     -22.3027      9.98699       14.983      16.1465      16.5743      16.9614
-      0.02087     -5.00038     -13.4091      17.9624       22.066       22.348      21.9427        21.46
-      0.02088      19.1062      8.30589      37.3925       39.328      37.4629      35.0248      32.4201
-      0.02089     -32.7621     -38.2382     -4.43905      2.21184       5.0372      7.03513      9.06022
-       0.0209      1.06248     -7.92201      22.8478      26.4065      26.1542      25.2427      24.2305
-      0.02091     -41.9714     -46.7087     -11.9063     -4.44143    -0.809746      1.95314        4.776
-      0.02092      -14.011     -21.5346      10.6345      15.5314      16.6175      16.9726      17.2815
-      0.02093     -18.9947     -26.0204      6.60559      11.9601      13.5067      14.2966      15.0588
-      0.02094      3.81106     -5.56593      24.9972      28.2846      27.7852      26.6405      25.3838
-      0.02095     -30.4544     -36.3585      -2.5942        3.809      6.40638      8.19051      9.98979
-      0.02096     -32.0082     -37.7512     -3.91812      2.60151       5.3187      7.21703      9.13556
-      0.02097     -4.78819     -13.1756      18.0796      22.1153      22.3759       21.951      21.4442
-      0.02098      19.8635       9.0581      38.0119      39.8271       37.892      35.3903      32.7159
-      0.02099     -78.2984     -79.3259     -41.1883     -30.4617     -23.5427     -17.6701     -11.6036
-        0.021      43.8608      30.6478       57.314      56.8974      52.7685      48.1911      43.3481
-      0.02101      1.22744     -7.60779      23.0348      26.5517      26.3226       25.433      24.4395
-      0.02102     -9.66927     -17.4399      14.2114      18.7033       19.455       19.494      19.4695
-      0.02103     -34.3593      -39.645      -5.7149     0.994214       3.9521      6.07798      8.23125
-      0.02104       32.507      20.4686      48.2446      48.8558      45.7741      42.1889      38.3809
-      0.02105      37.2511      24.7989       52.152      52.3791      48.9178      44.9709      40.7854
-      0.02106     -35.1422     -40.2882     -6.28047     0.530832      3.60677      5.84266      8.11021
-      0.02107      71.2125      55.3603      79.5508      76.6741      70.1374      63.2797      56.0539
-      0.02108     -43.5404      -47.864     -13.0315     -5.45188     -1.60115      1.36628      4.39664
-      0.02109     -21.3443      -27.879      4.75969      10.2554      12.0461      13.0659      14.0621
-       0.0211      18.4348      7.90721      36.8819      38.7495      36.9492      34.5724      32.0233
-      0.02111     -27.3799     -33.2718   -0.0456913      5.99379      8.33782      9.88211      11.4252
-      0.02112     -40.7393     -45.3324     -10.8945     -3.67404    -0.150319      2.51023      5.21745
-      0.02113      39.3379      26.6851      53.7167      53.6575      49.9616       45.794      41.3736
-      0.02114     -48.4623     -52.1665     -17.0807     -9.14312     -4.88451     -1.53007       1.9016
-      0.02115      21.3665      10.5589       39.271      40.8215      38.7508       36.121       33.305
-      0.02116      10.4861     0.682229      30.5668      33.1304       32.075       30.405      28.5907
-      0.02117     -12.5858     -19.7246      11.8998      16.5638      17.5989      17.9047      18.1521
-      0.02118     -25.7504     -31.5118      1.24867      7.08359      9.28516      10.6957      12.0959
-      0.02119     -44.4883     -48.3874     -13.8979     -6.40422     -2.53915     0.445419      3.48787
-       0.0212      8.20135     -1.04125      28.5613      31.2646       30.372      28.8563      27.2012
-      0.02121     -23.3217     -29.4251      3.18648      8.77069      10.7441      11.9387      13.1118
-      0.02122     -12.0164     -19.3671       12.302      16.8463      17.7943      18.0195      18.1806
-      0.02123      2.75569     -6.13392      24.2468      27.4443      27.0705      26.0458      24.9019
-      0.02124      36.5075      24.4503      51.5784      51.7149      48.3183      44.4351      40.3072
-      0.02125      20.3465      9.94407      38.6019        40.23      38.3248      35.8498       33.191
-      0.02126     -72.1095     -73.3145     -36.1333     -26.1176     -19.6999     -14.3013     -8.74161
-      0.02127      7.75894     -1.39818      28.2263      30.9105      30.0696      28.6038       26.997
-      0.02128      28.7945      17.6682      45.2808      46.0768       43.373       40.145      36.6995
-      0.02129     -59.4191      -61.662     -25.9163     -17.1007      -11.837     -7.52913      -3.1093
-       0.0213     -50.7809     -53.9295     -19.0282     -11.0706     -6.64251     -3.12352     0.471845
-      0.02131      37.6997      25.4797      52.4138      52.3208      48.7712       44.745      40.4639
-      0.02132     -12.7596     -19.8583      11.7925      16.3283      17.3816      17.7085      17.9712
-      0.02133     -25.5738     -31.3402       1.4669      7.13627      9.33046      10.7363      12.1244
-      0.02134     -6.93703     -14.5496      16.4674      20.4317      20.9392      20.7478      20.4678
-      0.02135     -12.3147     -19.3609        12.13      16.5778      17.5768      17.8511      18.0567
-      0.02136        -25.3     -31.0304      1.62858      7.24563      9.41294      10.7931      12.1523
-      0.02137     -21.8589     -27.9067      4.40152      9.69134      11.5408      12.6209      13.6665
-      0.02138      16.5167       6.6233      35.3667      37.1651      35.5603      33.3736      31.0093
-      0.02139     -10.3648      -17.472      13.7576      18.0039      18.8454       18.971      19.0191
-       0.0214     -12.8431     -19.7275      11.7009      16.1501      17.2126      17.5447       17.808
-      0.02141     -22.3932     -28.2711      4.01663      9.32187      11.2364      12.3777      13.4849
-      0.02142      9.66658     0.609856      29.9194      32.2945      31.3143       29.717      27.9653
-      0.02143     -5.50912     -13.0459      17.6827        21.45      21.8573      21.5746      21.1942
-      0.02144      21.6395      11.3544      39.6544       40.936      38.8952      36.2981      33.5021
-      0.02145     -58.7165     -60.6386     -25.2204     -16.6466     -11.4346     -7.17366     -2.81212
-      0.02146     0.969895     -6.95605      22.8732      25.9731      25.7617      24.8936      23.9001
-      0.02147       42.889      30.8483      56.7642       56.082      52.1257      47.7148      43.0235
-      0.02148     -12.2287     -18.6965      12.3302      16.6844      17.7338      18.0566      18.3057
-      0.02149     -6.17129     -13.2529      17.1774       20.955      21.4377      21.2246      20.9134
-       0.0215     -21.8739     -27.4498      4.51163      9.68516      11.5711      12.6863      13.7607
-      0.02151      -6.8984     -14.0322      16.5509      20.3409      20.8676       20.696      20.4269
-      0.02152      56.4805      43.1003      67.7861      65.8168      60.6458      55.0876      49.1953
-      0.02153      4.16691     -3.65311      25.6481      28.4618      28.0526      26.9988      25.8081
-      0.02154     -11.8043     -17.9926       12.724      16.9592      17.9711      18.2613      18.4721
-      0.02155    -0.584766     -7.92153      21.7532      24.9407      24.9206      24.2356      23.4284
-      0.02156      -29.675     -34.1333     -1.74715      4.06007      6.65551       8.4443      10.2182
-      0.02157      -35.117     -39.0684     -6.20422    0.0604911      3.12278      5.35322      7.58727
-      0.02158      25.3492       15.571      42.6011      43.3649      40.9754      38.0494      34.9005
-      0.02159     -13.2158     -19.0192      11.5606      15.8429      16.9654      17.3615      17.6799
-       0.0216     -71.8417     -71.7469     -35.7943      -26.235     -19.8483      -14.474     -8.95985
-      0.02161      66.4972      52.7156      75.8397      72.7996      66.6917        60.25      53.4295
-      0.02162      2.77389     -4.51889      24.5397      27.3516      27.0657       26.131      25.0593
-      0.02163      -43.856     -46.3979     -13.1304     -6.11049     -2.21341     0.809522      3.86718
-      0.02164      4.04698     -3.27402      25.4637      28.0932      27.6437      26.5527      25.3155
-      0.02165     -48.6982      -50.688     -17.0629     -9.66816     -5.35938     -1.94898       1.5118
-      0.02166       24.953      15.5619      42.3613      43.0299      40.6811      37.7954      34.6833
-      0.02167     -61.4949      -62.142     -27.3756     -18.8459     -13.3732     -8.86107     -4.25124
-      0.02168      7.48975    -0.067164      28.2468      30.4664      29.6874      28.2867      26.7231
-      0.02169     -49.3492     -51.1636     -17.5809      -10.189     -5.82195     -2.35663      1.15854
-       0.0217      44.7711      33.5196      58.3478      57.1778      53.0531       48.489      43.6216
-      0.02171      14.9668      6.80769      34.4132      35.9972      34.6193       32.651      30.4926
-      0.02172     -52.7286     -54.0689     -20.2313     -12.5282     -7.81625     -4.02052     -0.16225
-      0.02173     -4.46533     -10.7137       18.667        21.92      22.2373      21.8767      21.3953
-      0.02174     -37.7573     -40.4452     -8.22703     -1.94897      1.38117      3.86775      6.35711
-      0.02175      31.2109      21.6602      47.4289      47.4232      44.5311      41.1341      37.4817
-      0.02176      16.1905      8.27907      35.4214      36.8103      35.3162       33.242        30.97
-      0.02177     -59.5386      -59.769     -25.6989     -17.4448     -12.1191     -7.74324     -3.28346
-      0.02178     -5.52276     -11.1845      17.7697      21.0625      21.4786       21.212      20.8252
-      0.02179     -58.9572     -59.0761     -25.3599     -17.2221     -11.9821     -7.68721      -3.3139
-       0.0218      54.8453      43.1511       66.545      64.3112      59.2772      53.8539      48.0823
-      0.02181     -19.8172     -23.9677      6.36955      10.9636      12.7277      13.7345      14.6752
-      0.02182      6.05978    -0.621048      27.2639      29.4697      28.8799      27.6624        26.28
-      0.02183     -6.59535     -11.9475      17.0265      20.3905      20.9537      20.8264      20.5808
-      0.02184     -46.8163     -48.0561     -15.4541     -8.46877     -4.29679     -1.01037      2.30645
-      0.02185     -13.6415     -18.2604      11.2515      15.1757      16.3302      16.7638      17.1026
-      0.02186      12.5015      5.34497      32.4142      33.9615      32.7734      30.9915      29.0169
-      0.02187     -37.2185     -39.3775     -7.68882     -1.62175      1.69199      4.16627       6.6335
-      0.02188     -30.8127     -33.5401     -2.54524      2.91164      5.61887       7.5207      9.38916
-      0.02189      -33.084     -35.3839     -4.38433      1.23178      4.13172      6.21756      8.27735
-       0.0219    -0.815717     -6.28632      21.7075      24.3752      24.3689      23.7078      22.8997
-      0.02191      16.9027      9.63487      36.0877      37.1563      35.5825      33.4392      31.0835
-      0.02192     -30.0246     -32.5592     -1.73464      3.59181      6.26728      8.14087      9.97674
-      0.02193      20.5938      13.2091      39.0628      39.7728      37.8752      35.4234      32.7438
-      0.02194      25.0999      17.3686      42.7775       43.094      40.8192      38.0106      34.9576
-      0.02195     -40.0602     -41.2301     -9.80799     -3.58789     0.014969      2.76593      5.51497
-      0.02196     -29.2577     -31.5298      -1.1916      3.98558       6.5733      8.36485      10.1115
-      0.02197     -19.6891     -22.9005      6.55165      10.8192        12.53      13.4923      14.3734
-      0.02198      4.93811    -0.717059      26.4452      28.4704      27.9681      26.8395      25.5374
-      0.02199      -6.6316     -11.0348      17.1184      20.2081      20.7738      20.6553      20.4059
-        0.022     -21.4815     -24.4076       5.1869      9.59166      11.4919      12.6362      13.7047
-      0.02201     -18.8741     -22.0757      7.25359       11.392      13.0514      13.9711       14.804
-      0.02202     -5.09337     -9.61354      18.4068      21.2868      21.6947      21.4324      21.0312
-      0.02203      10.2994      4.26296       30.862      32.3382      31.3741      29.8134      28.0564
-      0.02204      22.2006      14.9847      40.5767      40.9622       38.941      36.3812      33.5806
-      0.02205     -26.2693      -28.424      1.40851      6.20845      8.57607      10.1636      11.6903
-      0.02206      9.40606      3.69678      30.1578       31.675      30.8023      29.3285      27.6594
-      0.02207       10.205      4.45246      30.8615       32.317      31.3863      29.8575      28.1297
-      0.02208     -13.4855      -16.835      11.7363      15.3288      16.5356       17.029      17.4106
-      0.02209     -48.7809     -48.5867     -16.8227     -10.0634     -5.69684     -2.21335      1.28909
-       0.0221      5.91614      0.64201      27.3077      29.0548      28.4655      27.2616      25.8698
-      0.02211      34.5123      26.4126      50.4504      49.6183      46.4883      42.8825      38.9843
-      0.02212     -6.59037     -10.4812      17.3483      20.2621       20.868      20.7957       20.584
-      0.02213     -43.2372     -43.4127     -12.2668      -6.0608     -2.17316     0.857774      3.88392
-      0.02214     0.463879      -4.0691       22.972      25.1639      25.0816      24.3592      23.4668
-      0.02215      -8.5047     -12.1107      15.7179      18.7235      19.4705      19.5341      19.4615
-      0.02216      5.42083     0.453153       27.043      28.7493      28.2445      27.1204      25.8078
-      0.02217     -4.27809     -8.31659      19.2359      21.8415      22.2233      21.9374      21.4984
-      0.02218     -46.3769     -46.2062     -14.8062     -8.39277      -4.2226    -0.924726      2.37607
-      0.02219      4.14767    -0.720778      25.9238      27.7042      27.2975      26.2669      25.0488
-       0.0222     -38.2732     -38.8828     -8.27573     -2.64311     0.788784      3.38962      5.96113
-      0.02221     -17.4814     -20.1593      8.49337      12.2048      13.7412      14.5515      15.2534
-      0.02222     -12.9425     -16.0274      12.2022      15.5002      16.6428        17.08      17.3911
-      0.02223      35.7586      27.7999      51.5287      50.4048      47.1726      43.4709      39.4616
-      0.02224     -30.0661     -31.4304     -1.54469      3.31479      6.04324      7.98382      9.86343
-      0.02225     -45.7057     -45.3743     -14.2224     -7.99306     -3.89289    -0.654108      2.57855
-      0.02226      42.4368      34.0225      56.9345      55.1245      51.2677      46.9824      42.3607
-      0.02227      8.18958      3.28523      29.4108       30.744      30.0274      28.7111      27.1881
-      0.02228     -44.0128     -43.8159     -12.7373     -6.69634      -2.7168     0.409266      3.52256
-      0.02229     -21.8536     -23.8233      5.08418      9.05544      10.9983      12.1999      13.3037
-       0.0223       16.762      11.0594      36.2941      36.7431      35.2091      33.1227      30.7935
-      0.02231      51.7549      42.5572      64.6039       61.903      57.2575      52.2279      46.8266
-      0.02232      -21.421     -23.2253      5.60895       9.5629      11.5465      12.7846      13.9243
-      0.02233     -31.3688     -32.2025      -2.5233      2.28523      5.12476      7.17583      9.16268
-      0.02234      15.2453       9.7598       35.085      35.6383      34.2554       32.313      30.1307
-      0.02235     0.278506     -3.76209      23.0898       24.987      24.9718      24.3248      23.4946
-      0.02236     -2.05873     -5.80861      21.2446      23.3283      23.5172      23.0644      22.4361
-      0.02237      7.90267      3.08584      29.3202      30.4842       29.778      28.4798      26.9688
-      0.02238      5.41195     0.952364      27.2633      28.6587      28.1916      27.1182      25.8406
-      0.02239      -70.034     -66.8894     -33.6487     -25.4313     -19.1099     -13.7618     -8.33719
-       0.0224     -16.5231     -18.7733      9.46416      12.7515      14.2015      14.9403      15.5518
-      0.02241      3.78942    -0.489489       25.896       27.333       26.969      25.9971      24.8235
-      0.02242     -34.9602     -35.3048     -5.35869    -0.392098      2.75526      5.10419      7.39569
-      0.02243     -2.31404     -5.89983      20.9754      22.9607      23.1542      22.7094      22.0836
-      0.02244      2.45857     -1.57324      24.8678      26.4307      26.2137      25.3805      24.3489
-      0.02245     -2.27183     -5.82112      21.0554      23.0454      23.2708      22.8561      22.2602
-      0.02246     -3.57139     -6.93735      20.0618      22.1458      22.4882      22.1816      21.6976
-      0.02247      19.1816       13.533      38.4524      38.4593      36.7569      34.5167      32.0139
-      0.02248     -15.6317     -17.6993      10.3439      13.5073      14.9605      15.7039      16.3145
-      0.02249      20.8777      15.1301      39.8131      39.6277      37.7757      35.3952      32.7444
-       0.0225     -10.5267     -13.1368      14.5041      17.1737      18.1646      18.4738      18.6296
-      0.02251      -9.5195     -12.2401      15.2828      17.8365       18.721      18.9304       18.981
-      0.02252      38.4617      30.9347      54.0346      52.2116      48.7743      44.8973      40.6832
-      0.02253     -44.3384     -43.5066     -12.7756     -7.07257     -3.02043     0.182291      3.35727
-      0.02254     -24.4319     -25.6317      3.21442      7.05272      9.25776      10.7199      12.0769
-      0.02255     -39.1487     -38.8901     -8.70494     -3.54526   -0.0211333      2.68744        5.344
-      0.02256      16.9685      11.5341       36.588      36.6324      35.0962      33.0188      30.6794
-      0.02257     -46.1329     -45.1709     -14.2215     -8.45468     -4.28167    -0.958763      2.33836
-      0.02258     -70.7002     -67.3631       -34.18     -26.2268     -19.8691     -14.4798     -9.02712
-      0.02259      17.0372      11.6353      36.6786      36.6259      35.0527      32.9404      30.5621
-       0.0226     -3.28679     -6.59607      20.3896      22.2132      22.5268      22.1967      21.6783
-      0.02261     -27.1145     -28.0527      1.13997      5.13116      7.59892      9.31018      10.9219
-      0.02262     -24.5731     -25.8179      3.16182      6.89622      9.12373      10.6094      11.9851
-      0.02263      5.60291      1.42858      27.5521      28.5366      28.0395       26.948      25.6333
-      0.02264      15.4273      10.3153      35.5255      35.6139      34.2576      32.3535        30.19
-      0.02265      -9.6465     -12.2461      15.3526      17.7235      18.6363      18.8799      18.9577
-      0.02266     -28.7262     -29.5245    -0.119312      3.96631      6.58628      8.44675      10.2116
-      0.02267      -27.983     -28.7773     0.461128      4.42654      6.95687      8.73195      10.4068
-      0.02268      1.12273     -2.57367       23.963      25.2617      25.1713      24.4625      23.5441
-      0.02269      20.8609      15.1175      39.9523      39.4757      37.6276      35.2593      32.6085
-       0.0227      8.71111      4.24814      30.1648      30.8026      30.0799      28.7766      27.2363
-      0.02271     -25.6552     -26.7572      2.52631      6.24297      8.60154      10.2145      11.7183
-      0.02272      5.54088      1.36093      27.6145      28.4819      28.0138      26.9532      25.6664
-      0.02273     -65.6777     -62.7232     -29.9156     -22.5957     -16.6398     -11.6274     -6.57632
-      0.02274      16.3851       11.049      36.2665      36.0833      34.6063      32.5885      30.3004
-      0.02275      4.65328     0.503636       26.891      27.7991      27.4211      26.4422      25.2386
-      0.02276     -20.5624     -22.1782      6.56903      9.76185      11.6641      12.8401      13.8847
-      0.02277       16.857      11.5377      36.7646      36.5433      35.0638      33.0457       30.757
-      0.02278     -44.1785     -43.2926     -12.5047     -7.17708      -3.1423    0.0561328      3.21152
-      0.02279     -10.8743     -13.4992      14.3817      16.6228      17.6191      17.9428      18.0967
-       0.0228      47.4517      38.9396      61.4923      58.4428      54.2067      49.5807      44.5678
-      0.02281     -33.9291     -34.2042     -4.09845     0.263088      3.39679      5.74073      8.00283
-      0.02282      -11.788     -14.3288      13.6846      15.9956      17.0984      17.5223      17.7793
-      0.02283       1.2704     -2.58769      24.2403      25.3359      25.2637      24.5763      23.6731
-      0.02284      13.3058      8.27506      33.9758      33.9984      32.8547      31.1522      29.1894
-      0.02285     -34.7823     -34.9954     -4.82469    -0.449892       2.7489      5.15227      7.47439
-      0.02286      13.3144      8.21902      33.9332      33.9099      32.7525      31.0387      29.0627
-      0.02287     -55.5297     -53.6657     -21.5716     -15.3578     -10.3038     -6.14297     -1.98754
-      0.02288      27.2894      20.7837      45.1884      43.8614      41.4274      38.5051      35.2664
-      0.02289       25.449      19.2097       43.797      42.6902      40.4706       37.747      34.7153
-       0.0229      21.1666      15.3033      40.4252      39.6914      37.8768      35.5407      32.9135
-      0.02291     -9.56046     -12.3737      15.6526      17.6984      18.6533      18.9357       19.041
-      0.02292     -23.1581     -24.6504      4.64574      7.88514       10.039      11.4552      12.7433
-      0.02293      2.27443     -1.81005      25.1358      26.0312      25.8767      25.1096      24.1191
-      0.02294      17.0048      11.4419      37.0432      36.5921      35.1273      33.1199       30.834
-      0.02295     -49.8448     -48.7139     -16.9046     -11.2827      -6.7213     -3.02687     0.639053
-      0.02296     -23.5413     -25.1143       4.2049      7.40934      9.56464      10.9817      12.2694
-      0.02297     -9.07789     -12.0954       15.859      17.7462      18.6035      18.7939      18.8009
-      0.02298      14.3209      9.00702      34.7633      34.5454      33.3151      31.5296      29.4744
-      0.02299     -15.3552     -17.6933      10.8707      13.3661      14.8293      15.5909      16.1929
-        0.023      1.06812     -2.87191      24.1206      25.1055      25.0815      24.4358      23.5692
-      0.02301       39.722      31.8591       55.399      52.8585      49.3671      45.4396      41.1467
-      0.02302     -40.8333     -40.6218     -9.61707     -4.81633     -1.02365      1.93554      4.83049
-      0.02303       -17.38     -19.5823      9.24534      11.8406      13.4705      14.3882      15.1519
-      0.02304     -11.9989       -14.75       13.585       15.681      16.8217      17.2759      17.5557
-      0.02305       17.742      11.9312      37.6174      37.0077       35.477      33.4046      31.0471
-      0.02306      12.6193      7.38603      33.5452      33.4135      32.3697      30.7594      28.8834
-      0.02307     -37.0551     -37.2986     -6.53184     -2.17292      1.26116      3.88371      6.42574
-      0.02308      6.05304      1.47935      28.1986      28.6171      28.1407      27.0633      25.7426
-      0.02309     -28.0446     -29.1928     0.678672      4.19772      6.80828      8.64875      10.3734
-       0.0231       -22.77     -24.4633      4.89852      7.91344       10.027       11.401      12.6385
-      0.02311      10.9568      5.76002      32.1347      32.0801      31.1595      29.6611      27.9004
-      0.02312     -48.7009       -47.84     -15.9703     -10.6006     -6.13214     -2.53463      1.02366
-      0.02313      9.52528      4.48911       30.947      30.9982      30.2012      28.8173      27.1755
-      0.02314      21.5232      15.3103      40.7037      39.6927      37.8464      35.4715      32.7955
-      0.02315     -63.2632     -60.9547     -27.7198     -21.0219     -15.2195     -10.3602     -5.48569
-      0.02316      3.69743    -0.778205      26.2602      26.8197      26.5418      25.6505      24.5215
-      0.02317      41.4101      33.1606      56.7916      53.9378      50.2949      46.2217      41.7725
-      0.02318     -16.7529     -19.1446      9.89629      12.3575      13.9898       14.907      15.6661
-      0.02319     -3.76818     -7.51366      20.3168      21.5676      22.0126      21.8022      21.3833
-       0.0232      35.5592      27.8889      52.1006      49.7792      46.6863      43.1271      39.2122
-      0.02321      -53.133     -51.8746     -19.4891     -13.7475     -8.83206     -4.81687    -0.825178
-      0.02322       34.233      26.6241      50.9883      48.7454      45.7412      42.2682       38.442
-      0.02323     -40.1457     -40.3889      -8.9669     -4.46066    -0.733311      2.16119      4.98262
-      0.02324     -3.86954     -7.79822      20.2244      21.4021      21.8337      21.6083      21.1723
-      0.02325      31.7064      24.2304      48.9936      46.9704        44.21      40.9671      37.3816
-      0.02326     -1.50006     -5.64512      22.1966      23.2313      23.4986      23.1173      22.5184
-      0.02327      47.2871      38.2976      61.6064      58.2165      54.0851       49.542      44.5984
-      0.02328     -72.8008     -69.6766     -35.3679      -27.848     -21.1373     -15.4257     -9.66539
-      0.02329      12.9652      7.39971      33.7654      33.4139      32.3261      30.6618      28.7218
-       0.0233     -4.10636     -7.93769      20.0278      21.2615      21.7414       21.558      21.1634
-      0.02331     -22.4493     -24.4352      5.24712      8.11935      10.2467      11.6233      12.8573
-      0.02332      29.3393      22.1409      47.0482      45.2116      42.6686      39.6285      36.2526
-      0.02333     -58.7356       -57.05     -24.0215     -17.8449     -12.4306      -7.9435     -3.46225
-      0.02334      4.02974    -0.653704      26.5518      26.9771      26.6989      25.7974      24.6526
-      0.02335     -75.4246     -72.2809     -37.5756      -29.921      -23.031     -17.1513     -11.2175
-      0.02336      26.7311      19.5602      44.8268      43.1721      40.8175      37.9579      34.7687
-      0.02337       9.2579      3.84564      30.7675      30.7647      30.0509      28.7412      27.1701
-      0.02338     -25.5017     -27.3804      2.75586      5.91916      8.34456      10.0015      11.5257
-      0.02339      32.5398      24.8247      49.5888      47.4487      44.6357      41.3394      37.6938
-       0.0234     -9.10939     -12.6211      16.0426      17.6972      18.6662      18.9467      19.0344
-      0.02341     -40.5311     -40.9166     -9.36149     -4.89395      -1.1177      1.81923      4.67937
-      0.02342     -31.7774     -33.0608     -2.34783       1.2908      4.24307      6.40013      8.44577
-      0.02343     -28.1968     -29.8219     0.501502      3.82397      6.45043      8.29845      10.0211
-      0.02344      14.7755      8.81959      35.1831      34.5956      33.3565      31.5475      29.4533
-      0.02345      20.0796      13.6439      39.5566      38.5232      36.8427       34.615      32.0832
-      0.02346     -48.3553     -47.8852     -15.6883     -10.4933     -5.99393     -2.37756      1.18995
-      0.02347      17.6736      11.5078      37.4713      36.6745      35.1974      33.1592      30.8237
-      0.02348       19.384      13.0225      38.9903      38.0489      36.4488      34.2971      31.8437
-      0.02349      6.15148      1.12812      28.3162      28.5841      28.1841      27.1677      25.8991
-       0.0235      2.17346     -2.40277      25.0776      25.6884      25.6402      24.9545      24.0307
-      0.02351     -21.8214      -23.892      5.71221      8.48624      10.5958       11.952      13.1589
-      0.02352      17.9808       11.882      37.8397      36.9884      35.4973      33.4462      31.0959
-      0.02353      -70.287     -67.4125     -33.4495     -26.2604     -19.7901     -14.3111     -8.80104
-      0.02354     -5.67401     -9.34417       18.594      19.8632      20.4623       20.389      20.1027
-      0.02355     -5.14259     -8.81525      19.0471      20.3036      20.8865      20.7953      20.4898
-      0.02356     -7.32191     -10.7998      17.3156       18.797      19.5812      19.6794      19.5712
-      0.02357      4.75737    0.0211391      27.0736      27.4467      27.1512      26.2327      25.0631
-      0.02358     -30.2863     -31.4577     -1.16157      2.40098      5.26571      7.33542      9.28455
-      0.02359      36.3288       28.467      52.5401      50.0515      46.9076      43.2957      39.3146
-       0.0236      -4.3619     -8.06441       19.786       21.036      21.5921      21.4781      21.1476
-      0.02361      16.5986      10.7481      36.6808      35.9875      34.6519      32.7485      30.5501
-      0.02362     -43.8157     -43.4501     -12.1138     -7.29162     -3.18448    0.0593496      3.23258
-      0.02363      2.99801     -1.34402      25.5324      26.0761      25.9357      25.1622      24.1419
-      0.02364     -29.7451     -30.6842    -0.840469      2.68526      5.49963       7.5215      9.41816
-      0.02365      -44.572     -44.1236     -12.9182     -8.05854     -3.92409     -0.65194      2.54976
-      0.02366      15.8774      10.1704      35.8813      35.2538      33.9299      32.0385      29.8496
-      0.02367      34.0893      26.6064       50.652      48.4472      45.5258      42.1233      38.3577
-      0.02368      18.3209      12.4695      37.9869      37.2236      35.7581       33.735      31.4089
-      0.02369     -56.0915     -54.4258     -22.0875     -16.1048     -10.8762     -6.56882      -2.2874
-       0.0237     -44.3592     -43.9395     -12.7809     -7.91369      -3.7982    -0.543418      2.63813
-      0.02371      13.9137      8.51466      34.2609      33.8311      32.6843      30.9597      28.9433
-      0.02372     -44.1629     -43.6824     -12.5906     -7.71334     -3.59723     -0.34379      2.83618
-      0.02373     -2.48706     -6.21005      20.9762      22.0727      22.4127      22.0978       21.553
-      0.02374      33.2535      26.0164      49.8634       47.771      44.9225      41.5887      37.8916
-      0.02375     -13.1532     -15.6977      12.4819      14.6008      15.9675        16.62       17.084
-      0.02376     -27.1393     -28.2596      1.13459      4.51715      7.12011      8.94342       10.629
-      0.02377     -26.8584     -27.9477      1.30104      4.65947       7.2121      8.98801      10.6235
-      0.02378     -31.7524     -32.4664     -2.67147      1.07968      4.06437      6.25192      8.31664
-      0.02379     -14.8029     -17.2535      10.9773      13.2009      14.6535      15.3924       15.945
-       0.0238      53.4218      44.2203      66.1379      62.1771       57.503      52.4466      46.9498
-      0.02381      28.2375      21.6157      45.8938      44.2882      41.9444      39.0924      35.8967
-      0.02382     -6.85005     -9.82974        17.59      19.2023      20.0176      20.1537      20.0763
-      0.02383     0.395453     -3.33355      23.3499      24.2884      24.4293      23.9285      23.1861
-      0.02384     -13.9327     -16.2296      11.7289      13.9676      15.3905      16.1029      16.6259
-      0.02385     -21.7668      -23.271      5.36191       8.3082      10.4187      11.7813      12.9827
-      0.02386     -29.2169     -29.9853    -0.698535      2.92009      5.68838      7.67159      9.51981
-      0.02387     -26.7479     -27.7416       1.2555      4.65696      7.18741      8.95049      10.5692
-      0.02388     -24.5787     -25.7627      3.00283      6.21002      8.53956      10.1163      11.5402
-      0.02389      1.54563      -2.1941      24.0703      24.9285      24.9118      24.2667      23.3712
-       0.0239      15.8873      10.6836       35.594      35.2365      33.9632      32.1254      29.9838
-      0.02391     -8.87262     -11.5364      15.7009      17.5812      18.5537      18.8417      18.9189
-      0.02392      -19.228     -20.8559       7.2673      10.0993      11.9978      13.1614      14.1514
-      0.02393      33.8628      26.9313      50.1266      48.1497      45.2561       41.888      38.1484
-      0.02394     -40.1163     -39.5769     -9.55674     -4.77946    -0.985912       1.9717       4.8348
-      0.02395     -16.6187     -18.4874      9.28252      11.9038      13.5437      14.4654      15.2023
-      0.02396      9.95667      5.55118      30.7642      30.9861      30.2288      28.8851      27.2576
-      0.02397      -26.072     -26.8502      1.64173      5.17346      7.68246       9.4282      11.0248
-      0.02398       3.7829   -0.0183255      25.6578      26.5151      26.3212      25.5115      24.4407
-      0.02399     -30.2545     -30.5699     -1.74744      2.16957      5.05072      7.14883      9.11246
-        0.024      17.0607      12.0718      36.3723       36.007      34.6153      32.6737      30.4209
-      0.02401      27.2969      21.3385      44.6797       43.431      41.1547      38.3712      35.2386
-      0.02402     -48.0022     -46.3883     -16.1349     -10.5139      -5.9974     -2.35211      1.22581
-      0.02403      5.91168      2.12758      27.3199      28.0205       27.633      26.6402      25.3759
-      0.02404      1.22643     -2.07687      23.5123      24.6819      24.7383      24.1655      23.3396
-      0.02405     -19.6069     -20.8072      6.64422      9.72786      11.6681      12.8767      13.9094
-      0.02406     -21.0622     -22.0891      5.46005      8.66815      10.7187      12.0312      13.1719
-      0.02407     -40.2448     -39.3521     -10.1003      -5.1222     -1.35061      1.59106      4.43189
-      0.02408      17.1093      12.2762      36.1766      35.9494      34.5435      32.5885      30.3183
-      0.02409     -45.7149     -44.1947     -14.5205     -9.01108     -4.72914     -1.30085      2.04839
-       0.0241      30.2482      24.1694      46.7159      45.3635      42.7826      39.7192      36.2907
-      0.02411     -33.5818     -33.1601     -4.71881    -0.260285      2.94477      5.35346       7.6379
-      0.02412      54.5688      46.0455      66.3868      62.8672      58.1147      52.9968      47.4235
-      0.02413     -6.19235     -8.60987      17.4529      19.5018      20.2688      20.3709       20.246
-      0.02414     -33.9549     -33.6451     -5.16695    -0.558969      2.69335      5.14452      7.47116
-      0.02415     -6.72507     -9.11515      16.7949      18.8848      19.6487      19.7484      19.6202
-      0.02416     -6.12685      -8.5531      17.2489       19.313      20.0317      20.0877      19.9141
-      0.02417      13.6391      9.27289      33.1945      33.5128      32.4549      30.8296      28.9013
-      0.02418     -3.79385     -6.38611      19.1202      21.0441      21.5708      21.4501      21.0924
-      0.02419     -13.6876      -15.232       11.136      13.9621      15.3697      16.0842      16.5976
-       0.0242     -3.23893     -5.82882      19.5138      21.4129      21.8691      21.6851      21.2607
-      0.02421     -3.53968     -6.10123      19.2219      21.1824      21.6732      21.5205      21.1279
-      0.02422     -22.0856     -22.7833      4.20277      7.87359      10.0376      11.4654      12.7217
-      0.02423     -4.00901     -6.53282       18.744      20.7928      21.3147      21.1915      20.8289
-      0.02424     -37.9209     -36.9673      -8.6797     -3.51898    0.0676613      2.83951      5.49726
-      0.02425      7.72834      4.16204      28.1034      29.1506      28.6071      27.4722      26.0528
-      0.02426     -49.6585     -47.4233     -18.1818     -11.9205     -7.27877     -3.50782     0.193744
-      0.02427      34.4951      28.2219      49.6694      48.3046      45.3457      41.9286      38.1266
-      0.02428     -30.2964     -30.0019     -2.58258       2.0096      4.92866      7.07198      9.07496
-      0.02429     -51.2652     -48.8734     -19.6293     -13.1286     -8.34983     -4.44706    -0.608825
-       0.0243      40.3148      33.4972       54.275      52.4645      48.9727      45.0542      40.7289
-      0.02431     -20.9602     -21.6023      4.82315      8.66138      10.7462      12.1016      13.2824
-      0.02432     -50.3063     -48.0112     -18.9171     -12.4209     -7.72012      -3.8916    -0.130884
-      0.02433      38.2961      31.7335      52.5884      51.0465      47.7402      43.9956      39.8514
-      0.02434     -35.5644     -34.6902     -7.02393     -1.78435      1.61171      4.20622      6.68026
-      0.02435    -0.357025     -3.01358      21.3189      23.3475      23.5457      23.1158      22.4318
-      0.02436      11.4994       7.6748      30.9165      31.8907      31.0349      29.6083      27.8846
-      0.02437     -30.2109     -29.8347     -2.83644      2.03857      4.94843      7.08337      9.07605
-      0.02438      45.4099      38.1976      58.1792      56.1956       52.274      47.9505       43.202
-      0.02439      16.7691      12.4807      35.0804       35.791      34.5011       32.662      30.5068
-       0.0244        26.88      21.6317      43.1318      42.9931      40.8014       38.109      35.0628
-      0.02441     -25.0899     -25.1122      1.13951      5.75211      8.24205      9.97715      11.5525
-      0.02442      29.2078      23.7231      44.8614      44.5628      42.1285      39.2071      35.9224
-      0.02443     -23.3953     -23.5743      2.39583      6.93246      9.24885      10.8234       12.232
-      0.02444     -54.2936     -51.4241     -22.7012     -15.3531      -10.285     -6.10893     -1.98473
-      0.02445      35.5268      29.3945      49.7289      48.9571      45.9056      42.4025      38.5102
-      0.02446     -4.97325     -6.95021      17.0926      20.0892       20.736      20.7298      20.4883
-      0.02447     -3.95304     -6.00964      17.9226      20.8085      21.3621      21.2653      20.9293
-      0.02448      7.11089       3.9138       26.773       28.695      28.2529      27.2172      25.9016
-      0.02449     -46.1904     -44.0069     -16.2903     -9.48861     -5.13099     -1.62741      1.79497
-       0.0245     -12.2862     -13.5548      10.9442      14.6785      15.9497      16.5333      16.9081
-      0.02451     -16.1033      -16.939      7.81371      11.9644      13.5876      14.5038      15.2245
-      0.02452      14.3013      10.4363      32.2866      33.7599      32.6515      30.9845      29.0101
-      0.02453     -4.55516     -6.49963       17.178      20.3397      20.9492      20.9091      20.6333
-      0.02454      51.0081      43.5128      62.0077       60.176      55.7873      51.0192      45.8079
-      0.02455     -41.8233     -39.9679     -12.9527     -6.28249     -2.27048     0.900606      3.97773
-      0.02456     -43.3289     -41.3789     -14.3357     -7.55013      -3.4627    -0.220778      2.92851
-      0.02457      15.4874      11.5269      33.0674      34.5582      33.3287      31.5428      29.4454
-      0.02458       38.133      31.9318      51.3685      50.9001      47.6715      43.9938      39.9231
-      0.02459     -29.2301     -28.6256     -3.02512      2.70253       5.5679      7.65516       9.6019
-       0.0246     -31.7349     -30.9118      -5.2445     0.753508       3.8031      6.06368      8.19041
-      0.02461      -26.538     -26.2608     -1.07624      4.40977      6.97849      8.78466      10.4385
-      0.02462     -4.54146     -6.45206      16.6302      20.1596      20.7448      20.6756      20.3727
-      0.02463     -40.9363     -39.2091     -12.7755     -5.88245     -2.00856      1.03066      3.97212
-      0.02464     -11.4994      -12.743      10.8855      15.1433      16.3508      16.8668      17.1755
-      0.02465     -25.3146     -25.1288    -0.273629      5.29049      7.75371       9.4568      11.0041
-      0.02466      45.6791      38.7267      56.9619      56.1508      52.2294      47.8932      43.1367
-      0.02467     -29.4252     -28.8179     -3.67245      2.45393      5.34686      7.45284      9.42189
-      0.02468     -2.69313     -4.82726      17.8002      21.5196      21.9728      21.7708      21.3311
-      0.02469     -29.7841     -29.1704     -4.15433      2.07885      4.97708       7.0855      9.05753
-       0.0247     -16.8397      -17.608      6.16009      11.2598      12.9765      13.9681      14.7738
-      0.02471     -10.1359      -11.552      11.5281      16.0816      17.1968      17.6168      17.8263
-      0.02472     -7.46823     -9.13356       13.638      18.0144      18.9024      19.1069      19.0913
-      0.02473     -30.3524     -29.6896      -4.8751      1.62536      4.57352      6.72315      8.73779
-      0.02474      29.9741      24.5603      43.7407        44.81      42.3131      39.3179      35.9644
-      0.02475      23.0859      18.3958      38.2008      40.0239      38.1863      35.8146      33.1118
-      0.02476     -14.8048     -15.6947      7.55585      12.8874      14.4749      15.3412      16.0189
-      0.02477     -40.5131     -38.8847     -13.3625      -5.6622     -1.78283       1.2505      4.19073
-      0.02478       4.6665      1.74875      23.0118      26.6458       26.427      25.5822      24.4753
-      0.02479      9.99772       6.5749      27.2934      30.5411      29.8587      28.5787       27.018
-       0.0248      -5.9859     -7.79667      14.3735      19.1416      19.9087      20.0009       19.873
-      0.02481      48.1945      40.9155      58.0539      57.9431      53.8436      49.3254      44.3866
-      0.02482      5.32189      2.39767       23.479      27.3596      27.1545      26.3192      25.2242
-      0.02483      1.95005    -0.635984      20.5323       24.821      24.9077      24.3466       23.538
-      0.02484     -1.16587     -3.46929      17.9947       22.553       22.906      22.6002      22.0591
-      0.02485     -37.7471     -36.3844     -11.6192     -3.68701   -0.0418547      2.76088      5.46389
-      0.02486       70.053      60.5956      75.3053      73.5012      67.4229      61.0248      54.1259
-      0.02487     -47.5453     -45.1729     -19.6114     -10.6175     -6.04693     -2.37385       1.2423
-      0.02488     -8.98858     -10.5357      11.3354      16.8317       17.873      18.2089      18.3415
-      0.02489     -11.4252     -12.7167      9.34887       15.122      16.3757      16.9119      17.2543
-       0.0249     -17.4734     -18.2048      4.43132      10.7638      12.5681      13.6225      14.5061
-      0.02491      -1.5599     -3.87798      17.1003      22.1511      22.5205      22.2184      21.6875
-      0.02492      30.1125      24.6631      42.6542      44.9114      42.4466        39.46      36.1272
-      0.02493     -54.7946       -51.76     -25.9276     -15.8848     -10.6823     -6.41706     -2.17905
-      0.02494      23.5175      18.6504      37.1599      40.1256      38.2302      35.7792      33.0063
-      0.02495     -30.5229     -29.9532     -6.57666      1.44401      4.45568       6.6398      8.70676
-      0.02496     -13.2607     -14.4229      7.18784      13.7167      15.1518      15.8453      16.3562
-      0.02497     -10.4759     -11.9337      9.38363      15.7072      16.8984      17.3635       17.635
-      0.02498     -16.8608     -17.6413      4.16238      11.1399      12.9053      13.9098      14.7461
-      0.02499      25.9596       20.899       38.731      41.8517      39.7594      37.1144      34.1427
-        0.025       1.2892     -1.34098      18.7837      24.2675      24.4286      23.9138      23.1658
-      0.02501     -28.6477     -28.2972     -5.50565      2.77282      5.62276       7.6514      9.56001
-      0.02502     -27.7224     -27.4918     -4.92438      3.32505      6.06684      7.99225      9.79375
-      0.02503      8.51667      5.12865      24.2424      29.2763      28.7481      27.5794      26.1522
-      0.02504     -32.0988     -31.4879     -8.59685     0.206762      3.35653      5.66596      7.87046
-      0.02505      19.8337      15.2402      33.1939      37.3685      35.8278      33.7013      31.2766
-      0.02506     -50.7497     -48.2208     -23.8369     -13.1458      -8.3025     -4.39485    -0.521132
-      0.02507       12.594      8.72468      27.1353      32.1354       31.242      29.7224      27.9314
-      0.02508     -13.4371     -14.6631      6.11404      13.5532      15.0318      15.7578      16.3109
-      0.02509        -6.74     -8.61049      11.4421      18.3477      19.2188      19.3658      19.3172
-       0.0251       32.846      27.0537      43.3221      46.7337      44.0501      40.8333      37.2743
-      0.02511     -46.9745     -44.7824     -21.1741     -10.4147     -5.88886     -2.28439      1.27881
-      0.02512      5.43132      2.32959      20.9677      27.0106      26.7779      25.8769      24.7373
-      0.02513      6.95792      3.71095       22.171      28.1781      27.8338      26.8233      25.5684
-      0.02514     -33.5512      -32.798     -10.6383    -0.843582      2.45688      4.89636      7.24421
-      0.02515      31.4817       25.595      41.7402      45.6935      43.1201      40.0007      36.5473
-      0.02516     -18.3679     -19.1712      1.43947      10.0461      12.0003      13.1609      14.1765
-      0.02517      38.0536      31.6042      46.8938       50.444       47.306      43.6461      39.6309
-      0.02518      3.02512     0.112619      18.5735      25.4251      25.4732      24.8276      23.9605
-      0.02519     -7.21504       -9.092       10.186      18.0497      19.0083      19.2225      19.2533
-       0.0252     -42.9689     -41.3128     -18.8104     -7.65142     -3.49043    -0.248508      2.94338
-      0.02521     -60.5692     -57.1943     -33.1947      -20.397     -14.6891      -9.9865     -5.26932
-      0.02522     -16.9005      -17.956      1.85479      10.8069      12.5561      13.5133      14.3234
-      0.02523     -4.01663     -6.39067      12.1958      20.0844       20.698      20.5829      20.2744
-      0.02524    -0.569986     -3.22256      14.9961      22.6894      23.0186      22.6327      22.0424
-      0.02525      43.9322      36.8194      50.8482      54.6293      50.9677      46.8039       42.272
-      0.02526     -25.6006     -25.6814     -5.40561      4.84129      7.48461      9.28036      10.9705
-      0.02527     -14.2105     -15.4718       3.6156      12.8866      14.4677      15.2604      15.9027
-      0.02528     -17.9478     -18.8817     0.453358      10.1248      12.0345      13.1334      14.0958
-      0.02529      9.22343      5.60812      22.2886      29.6384      29.0986       27.879      26.4223
-       0.0253      15.2475      11.0435      27.0983      34.0287      32.9683      31.2536      29.2813
-      0.02531     -33.8852      -33.189     -12.6975     -1.20024      2.17996      4.66241      7.07175
-      0.02532     -14.4848     -15.7723      2.82034      12.5907      14.1937      14.9952      15.6508
-      0.02533      19.4136      14.7337      30.0886      36.9048      35.4537      33.3694      31.0141
-      0.02534       -3.393     -5.74987      11.6134      20.6481      21.2745      21.1538      20.8488
-      0.02535     -33.3735     -32.7422     -12.7206    -0.867651      2.45195      4.87526      7.22738
-      0.02536     -1.85914     -4.45454      12.5493      21.6238      22.0831      21.8038      21.3344
-      0.02537      40.4039      33.5675      46.5983      51.9649      48.6383      44.7735      40.5651
-      0.02538     -25.5074     -25.6885     -6.65215      4.83986      7.48145      9.25973      10.9426
-      0.02539    -0.865882     -3.57676      13.0262      22.3716       22.768      22.4213      21.8875
-       0.0254      7.39882      3.88952      19.6128      28.3246      27.9794      26.9301      25.6632
-      0.02541      14.3864      10.1348      25.1047      33.3019      32.3474      30.7177      28.8448
-      0.02542      -16.822     -17.8954    -0.153835      10.9908      12.8446      13.8749      14.7782
-      0.02543     -43.3252     -41.7956     -21.7401     -8.11055     -3.88671    -0.622506      2.61686
-      0.02544      68.1861      58.5263      68.1765      71.7778      65.9413      59.6878      52.9923
-      0.02545     -93.8443      -87.274     -62.7555     -44.2639     -35.4417     -27.8292     -20.0516
-      0.02546      30.7387      24.7642      37.6005      44.8184      42.3359      39.2557      35.8713
-      0.02547     -19.4498      -20.384     -2.94354      8.98774      11.0774      12.3188      13.4489
-      0.02548      5.33246      1.91237      16.9376      26.7387      26.5856      25.7021      24.6155
-      0.02549     -13.9437     -15.4651      1.23321      12.9111      14.5147      15.2891       15.934
-       0.0255      6.18463      2.64238      17.3914      27.3223      27.1063      26.1574      25.0057
-      0.02551      10.9751      6.94557      21.1624      30.8017      30.1615      28.8164      27.2511
-      0.02552      -8.5985     -10.6395      5.27398      16.8121      17.9399      18.2653       18.445
-      0.02553      6.26748      2.73946      17.1319      27.4397      27.2202      26.2686       25.117
-      0.02554      19.7112      14.8733      27.8584      37.0936      35.6766      33.5872      31.2488
-      0.02555     -1.70476     -4.46147      10.4166      21.7374      22.2645       22.013      21.5956
-      0.02556     -26.5452     -26.7722     -9.82805       3.8881      6.63877      8.49101      10.2677
-      0.02557      30.6483      24.7005      36.2705      44.8481      42.4239      39.3836      36.0547
-      0.02558     -25.9693     -26.2179     -9.53133       4.3247      7.03147      8.84169      10.5778
-      0.02559     -4.35591     -6.82591      7.72914      19.6963      20.4382      20.3851      20.1767
-       0.0256     -36.3625     -35.6234     -18.2897     -3.23372     0.387991      3.06158      5.69739
-      0.02561     -34.4629     -33.9123      -16.908     -1.92058      1.50074      3.98587      6.42756
-      0.02562     -4.86215     -7.29977      6.81914      19.2382      19.9911      19.9519      19.7605
-      0.02563      26.8896      21.2483      32.3376      42.0368      39.9604       37.243      34.2572
-      0.02564     -23.7418     -24.2713     -8.57454      5.86951      8.38114      10.0007      11.5425
-      0.02565      10.0826      6.16747      18.6077      30.0887      29.5299      28.2463      26.7581
-      0.02566     -32.8326     -32.4988     -16.1901    -0.679038      2.64367      5.02731      7.36844
-      0.02567      15.2154      10.7106      22.4466      33.6828      32.6581      30.9274      28.9753
-      0.02568     -9.36985     -11.3589       2.4714      16.1234      17.3371      17.7214      17.9783
-      0.02569      39.8593      32.9634      42.0819      51.4003      48.1818      44.3702      40.2495
-       0.0257     -42.0553     -40.7144     -24.1245     -7.25161     -3.06394     0.130813      3.32327
-      0.02571     -55.4184     -52.8113     -35.2166     -16.9927     -11.6585     -7.37294     -3.04365
-      0.02572      -26.338     -26.6492     -11.9591      3.75002      6.43759      8.21248      9.92387
-      0.02573      19.1315      14.2469      24.6379      36.3644      34.9722      32.8852      30.5688
-      0.02574     -15.4988      -16.866     -3.39319       11.654      13.4261      14.3253       15.126
-      0.02575      13.5648      9.29359      19.9397      32.4815      31.6347      30.0552      28.2686
-      0.02576     -5.06339     -7.46666      4.76676      19.1564      20.0064      20.0337      19.9253
-      0.02577     0.629324      -2.3278      9.23037      23.2234      23.5559      23.0914       22.471
-      0.02578     -2.07296     -4.75873      6.88874      21.2805      21.8514      21.6117      21.2282
-      0.02579     -21.4992     -22.2633     -8.95277      7.34134      9.66494      11.0791      12.4226
-       0.0258      6.55186      2.95509      13.5178      27.3933      27.1787      26.1927      25.0317
-      0.02581    -0.430325     -3.27815       7.8043      22.4646      22.8896      22.5077      21.9772
-      0.02582     -18.1251     -19.2723     -6.66341      9.74345      11.7653      12.8934      13.9401
-      0.02583       15.676       11.141      20.4515      33.9347      32.9042       31.144      29.1773
-      0.02584     -5.23044      -7.5969       3.4922      19.0332       19.902      19.9364      19.8437
-      0.02585      8.26412      4.51904      14.1805      28.6373      28.2927      27.1775      25.8858
-      0.02586     -8.27529     -10.3106      0.71737      16.8268       17.978      18.2743      18.4569
-      0.02587     -42.9895     -41.5869     -27.4782     -8.15236     -3.88547    -0.641867      2.61878
-      0.02588      57.2823      48.6404      53.2966      63.6919      58.9049       53.582      47.9017
-      0.02589     -17.7194     -18.7867     -7.30702      10.0992      12.1252      13.2462      14.2939
-       0.0259      3.35438     0.128733      9.48539       25.099      25.2034      24.5074      23.6581
-      0.02591     -45.7755     -44.0404     -30.3122     -10.0913     -5.56592      -2.0842      1.42759
-      0.02592      2.60965    -0.581317      8.48666      24.4478      24.5856      23.9184      23.1003
-      0.02593     -5.66875     -7.97459      1.67074      18.5713      19.4762      19.5332      19.4715
-      0.02594      10.2357      6.37542      14.3646      29.9718      29.4517      28.1611      26.6943
-      0.02595      39.0762       32.347      37.5389       50.696      47.6008      43.8712      39.8613
-      0.02596      5.07171      1.78765      9.98874      26.4019      26.3983      25.5905      24.6315
-      0.02597     -33.5353     -32.9562     -21.3798     -1.33558      2.12099      4.58339       7.0403
-      0.02598     -42.3305     -40.9243     -28.7267     -7.76914      -3.5566    -0.384748      2.81381
-      0.02599     -42.3256     -40.9844     -28.9943     -7.88053     -3.70041    -0.554762      2.61711
-        0.026      27.2512      21.6421      27.0619      42.0099      39.9255      37.1392      34.1201
-      0.02601     -14.6063     -15.9442     -6.77563      12.1726      13.9057      14.7292      15.4789
-      0.02602     -14.1096     -15.5216     -6.56171      12.4843      14.1684      14.9446      15.6469
-      0.02603    -0.905787     -3.63445      3.91399      21.9484      22.4436      22.0908      21.6167
-      0.02604      9.06091      5.35406      11.8403      29.1068      28.7166      27.5247      26.1758
-      0.02605      -10.099     -11.9012     -3.79543      15.3573      16.7068      17.1615      17.5308
-      0.02606     -44.6758     -42.9917     -31.8512      -9.4533     -5.00934     -1.62586      1.80002
-      0.02607      48.8849      41.1566      43.4731       57.512      53.5126      48.9088      43.9982
-      0.02608     -20.5636       -21.26     -12.6332       7.9022      10.2071      11.5681      12.8841
-      0.02609     -33.6819     -33.0469     -23.4631     -1.55437      1.89847      4.34345      6.79345
-       0.0261      9.18288      5.49844      10.8823      29.0577       28.639      27.4198      26.0465
-      0.02611       1.2057     -1.66696      4.30519      23.3822      23.7075      23.1906      22.5512
-      0.02612      8.74379      5.13296       10.229      28.7927      28.4484      27.2959      25.9947
-      0.02613     -3.24428      -5.6137     0.421729      20.2214      20.9691      20.8454      20.6185
-      0.02614     -52.0731     -49.5475     -39.2182     -14.8097     -9.67935     -5.65711       -1.555
-      0.02615       3.2257     0.210044      5.16509      24.7049      24.8221      24.0993       23.249
-      0.02616       9.8671      6.23985      10.4334      29.5503      29.0952      27.8284      26.4124
-      0.02617      25.7533      20.5275      23.1043       40.965       39.105      36.5075      33.7033
-      0.02618     -34.5903     -33.7041     -25.7217     -2.20942      1.37726      3.93074        6.504
-      0.02619      22.7704      17.8631      20.3468      38.7847      37.1772      34.8153      32.2598
-       0.0262     -72.9153     -68.1827     -57.0549     -29.7463     -22.7203     -16.9186     -10.9522
-      0.02621    -0.396782     -2.95618      1.21876      22.0447      22.4902      22.0591      21.5217
-      0.02622      33.2182      27.3158      28.2501      46.2181       43.671      40.4101      36.9204
-      0.02623       -43.05     -41.2399     -33.4235     -8.34106     -3.98567    -0.720436      2.60251
-      0.02624      21.9931      17.2909      18.8889      38.1848      36.6465      34.3392      31.8456
-      0.02625     -42.5076     -40.7181     -33.3619     -7.99322     -3.69166    -0.482709       2.7862
-      0.02626      11.2931      7.67064      9.86541      30.4914      29.9098      28.5055      26.9583
-      0.02627      26.8403      21.6888      22.2761      41.6896      39.7401      37.0413      34.1439
-      0.02628     -44.6183     -42.5543     -35.5691     -9.48937     -4.98359     -1.57884      1.89622
-      0.02629      41.5924       35.009      33.8158      52.1992      48.9055      44.9313      40.7053
-       0.0263     -9.17874     -10.6275     -7.27536      15.9354      17.2582      17.6478      17.9779
-      0.02631     -4.92378     -6.83544     -4.06218      18.9215      19.8458      19.8562      19.7918
-      0.02632     -69.9531      -65.322     -56.7478     -27.7224     -20.9575     -15.4225     -9.72052
-      0.02633      34.1513      28.3151      27.0038      46.7224       44.075      40.7023      37.1089
-      0.02634      11.2905      7.83422      8.48787      30.5055       29.974       28.602      27.0983
-      0.02635      5.71829      2.80962      3.79657      26.5048      26.4913      25.6072       24.614
-      0.02636      10.0672      6.78088      7.18509        29.66      29.2564      28.0004      26.6196
-      0.02637      11.7083      8.28133      8.37656      30.8471      30.3044      28.9143      27.3946
-      0.02638      -18.433     -18.8129     -16.1804      9.25183      11.4154      12.5864      13.7398
-      0.02639     -13.9576     -14.7784     -12.8251       12.371      14.1146      14.8784      15.6117
-       0.0264     -62.1598     -58.1737     -52.0321     -22.2915     -16.2141     -11.3501      -6.3368
-      0.02641      13.2449      9.66318      8.63339      31.6669      30.9185      29.3256      27.5996
-      0.02642      1.44936    -0.901201    -0.987853      23.3315      23.6879      23.1388      22.5041
-      0.02643      13.1909       9.6991      8.32004      31.7752      31.0952      29.5597      27.8968
-      0.02644     -3.52025     -5.31457     -5.29092      19.8157      20.6582      20.5625      20.4034
-      0.02645      32.0962      26.7844      23.3446      45.3728      43.0031      39.8665      36.5352
-      0.02646     -59.1906     -55.3251     -50.5255     -20.0111     -14.1448     -9.49525     -4.69746
-      0.02647      25.1803      20.5159      17.2902      40.2473      38.4705      35.8881      33.1372
-      0.02648      16.9783      13.1775      10.5309      34.4988      33.4952      31.6438      29.6583
-      0.02649       6.1208      3.47518      1.63977       26.779        26.76        25.84      24.8289
-       0.0265     -36.9634     -35.2778     -33.3805     -4.17417     -0.31055      2.43629      5.25354
-      0.02651     -7.59592     -8.87672     -9.93833      16.7739      17.9591      18.1699      18.3428
-      0.02652      32.5771       27.325      22.3508      45.6347      43.2096      40.0084       36.617
-      0.02653     -60.5318     -56.4249     -52.9893     -21.0515     -15.0624     -10.3097     -5.39425
-      0.02654      15.2562      11.7439      7.90427      33.1121      32.2301      30.4818      28.6115
-      0.02655     -8.86959     -9.92001     -11.6932      15.8848      17.2114      17.5505      17.8603
-      0.02656     -11.3193     -12.0918     -13.8701      14.1244       15.666      16.2019      16.7216
-      0.02657     -1.30478     -3.09283     -5.94787      21.2618      21.9078      21.5958      21.2328
-      0.02658     -24.9279     -24.2641      -25.159      4.38439      7.15931       8.8586      10.5954
-      0.02659     -38.6341      -36.661     -36.4839     -5.54686     -1.54827      1.30537      4.24935
-       0.0266    -0.159697     -2.03675     -5.60552      21.9954      22.5119      22.0711      21.5792
-      0.02661      25.7567      21.3275      15.2144      40.6594      38.8699      36.2436      33.4716
-      0.02662     -48.1385     -45.1013     -44.6743     -12.2961     -7.39703     -3.69873     0.131144
-      0.02663      20.5508      16.6971      10.5586       36.833      35.5114      33.3207      31.0064
-      0.02664     -8.24675     -9.15552      -12.845       16.295      17.5959      17.8847      18.1601
-      0.02665     -16.3053     -16.3663     -19.5452      10.4956      12.5174      13.4836      14.4679
-      0.02666      67.6372      59.1627       48.041      70.6445      65.1154      58.9311      52.4542
-      0.02667     -39.6986     -37.2868     -38.7037     -6.11758     -1.92817      1.07556      4.19055
-      0.02668     -11.2811     -11.7586     -16.0662      14.0644      15.6408      16.1782      16.7156
-      0.02669     -17.1141     -16.9943     -20.9769       9.8564      11.9566      12.9856      14.0366
-       0.0267     -29.4781     -28.1185     -31.1725     0.968068      4.17032      6.24346      8.38408
-      0.02671      13.3978      10.5121      3.26236      31.6877      31.0248      29.4333       27.754
-      0.02672      12.9136      10.1347      2.74836      31.4253      30.8429      29.3237       27.721
-      0.02673     -8.03233     -8.67696     -14.3137      16.4443      17.7565      18.0306       18.301
-      0.02674     -39.2359     -36.7398     -39.7287     -5.97241     -1.86377      1.05442      4.08571
-      0.02675       19.164        15.79      7.15131      35.7693      34.6036      32.5257      30.3463
-      0.02676     -32.8774     -30.9942     -34.9579     -1.43125      2.11435      4.48923      6.96087
-      0.02677     -5.97687     -6.81858     -13.4869       17.757      18.8668      18.9291      18.9881
-      0.02678      25.1847      21.2926      11.5194      40.1644      38.4729      35.8923      33.1921
-      0.02679     -60.3861     -55.6454     -57.7259     -21.1159     -15.0791     -10.3517     -5.42255
-       0.0268      14.4752      11.6619      2.42124      32.3688      31.6218      29.9316      28.1623
-      0.02681     -17.6856     -17.2318     -23.6954      9.39886      11.5823      12.6613       13.783
-      0.02682      53.0126      46.4152      33.1906      60.0615      55.8843      50.9368      45.7734
-      0.02683     -40.1202     -37.2683     -42.0645     -6.53186     -2.28321     0.739397      3.89575
-      0.02684      21.1877      17.8672      7.16352      37.2667      35.9536      33.7146      31.3791
-      0.02685     -24.9795     -23.6439     -30.2872      4.22294      7.09493      8.80182      10.5909
-      0.02686     -31.6067     -29.5755      -35.859    -0.617656      2.82461      5.07407      7.42679
-      0.02687      29.1744      25.1484      13.0203      42.9306      40.8852      37.9434      34.8801
-      0.02688      3.51841      2.08525      -7.7938      24.6466      24.9587      24.2398      23.4976
-      0.02689     -10.5774     -10.5571     -19.4174      14.5393      16.1201      16.5991      17.1094
-       0.0269     -22.4989     -21.2809     -29.2185      5.97844      8.61354      10.0915      11.6463
-      0.02691      8.37432       6.4843     -4.52268      28.0315      27.8823       26.722      25.5245
-      0.02692     -8.35295     -8.51904     -18.1405       16.106      17.4774      17.7519      18.0547
-      0.02693      9.82382      7.90801     -3.78585      29.0749      28.8185      27.5501      26.2409
-      0.02694       -13.76     -13.2376     -22.9366       12.242      14.1192      14.8613      15.6548
-      0.02695     -1.02288     -1.81989     -12.9375      21.2687       21.997      21.6497       21.306
-      0.02696      32.4433      28.3516      13.9419      45.3003       43.023      39.8302      36.5179
-      0.02697     -8.27255     -8.24706     -19.0239      16.1687      17.5806      17.8801      18.2158
-      0.02698     -13.3593     -12.7924     -23.3133      12.4844      14.3333      15.0431      15.8096
-      0.02699     -40.5196     -37.2227     -45.5527      -7.0786      -2.7932     0.222156      3.39062
-        0.027      40.0543      35.2764      19.3044      50.6376      47.6481      43.7748      39.7573
-      0.02701     -36.2446     -33.3014     -42.4401     -3.94146   -0.0073358      2.65884      5.47104
-      0.02702      26.6614      23.2974      8.11397      41.0533      39.2956      36.5765      33.7686
-      0.02703     -19.0927     -17.8122     -28.9288      8.35598      10.7408      11.9473      13.2359
-      0.02704     -24.2193     -22.4333     -33.3084      4.60349      7.43308      9.05574      10.7792
-      0.02705     -2.10395     -2.53665     -15.6824      20.4095      21.2402       20.969      20.7156
-      0.02706      13.2756      11.3957     -3.35494      31.5056      30.9613      29.3859      27.7741
-      0.02707     -1.21133     -1.64012     -15.2111      21.1397      21.9199      21.5987      21.2971
-      0.02708      2.49261       1.7197     -12.4038      23.7916      24.2475      23.6134      22.9859
-      0.02709      6.14932      5.08242     -9.59631      26.4563      26.5801      25.6299      24.6739
-       0.0271      0.80391     0.288905     -14.1136      22.6036      23.2116      22.7144      22.2314
-      0.02711       21.333      18.7905       2.2697      37.2983      36.0582      33.8138      31.5071
-      0.02712     -18.3971     -16.9448     -30.0026      8.82632      11.1842      12.3343       13.574
-      0.02713     -42.1674     -38.3223     -49.4319     -8.27874     -3.80829    -0.662728      2.66027
-      0.02714      52.4413      46.7841      26.7186      59.4492      55.3853      50.4543      45.3497
-      0.02715     -31.5525     -28.7148     -41.1728    -0.595232      2.95952      5.23427      7.65165
-      0.02716     -10.6162      -9.9133     -24.5496      14.2873      15.9223      16.3843      16.9071
-      0.02717      28.3546       25.217      6.81189       42.233      40.3738      37.5166      34.5779
-      0.02718     -11.1227     -10.2384     -25.2029      14.0315      15.7505       16.278      16.8742
-      0.02719     -28.5601      -25.951     -39.5255      1.45313      4.72857      6.72479      8.85504
-       0.0272     -62.2816     -56.2675      -66.986     -22.8025     -16.5189     -11.6779     -6.57785
-      0.02721      15.7908      13.9604     -4.16919      33.0539      32.2774      30.4402      28.5718
-      0.02722     -12.5767     -11.4898     -27.1661      12.8538      14.6797      15.2964      15.9924
-      0.02723      36.2477      32.4479      12.0686      47.8554      45.2911      41.7607      38.1252
-      0.02724     -28.0356     -25.3313     -39.9452      1.87673      5.14436      7.11818      9.23073
-      0.02725      12.3111        10.96      -7.5819       30.718      30.3219      28.8299      27.3252
-      0.02726     -9.12365       -8.308     -25.0445      15.3327      16.8924      17.2441      17.6648
-      0.02727     -21.9725     -19.8098     -35.6482      6.12992      8.82651      10.2547      11.8006
-      0.02728      7.76154      6.95646      -11.852      27.3955      27.4062      26.2901      25.1806
-      0.02729     -32.3016     -29.0677     -44.3548     -1.29462      2.33831      4.64518       7.1102
-       0.0273      -11.974     -10.7679     -28.1504      13.1975      14.9776      15.5351      16.1737
-      0.02731     -11.1913     -10.0571     -27.7126      13.7744      15.4952      15.9938      16.5697
-      0.02732     -1.61225     -1.36486     -20.1473      20.6313      21.5009      21.1885      20.9173
-      0.02733     -1.15241    -0.928453      -19.907      21.0212      21.8549      21.5116      21.2085
-      0.02734      47.9072      43.2329      19.5573      56.2272      52.6539      48.1365      43.4803
-      0.02735     -33.1136     -29.5992     -45.9911     -1.77501      1.98522      4.40451      6.98845
-      0.02736     -23.9693     -21.4126      -38.905      4.61441      7.51396      9.11249      10.8396
-      0.02737     -14.8246     -13.1415     -31.6745      11.1452      13.2048      14.0078      14.9047
-      0.02738     0.536366     0.701934     -19.4665      22.1529      22.8328      22.3284       21.861
-      0.02739     -8.37421     -7.31213     -26.8591      15.7721      17.2757      17.5441      17.8846
-       0.0274      5.16936       4.9202     -16.0574      25.5043      25.7925      24.9084      24.0447
-      0.02741     -24.4378     -21.6843     -40.0969      4.31375      7.27828        8.923      10.6972
-      0.02742     -40.7272     -36.3329     -53.4734     -7.42137     -3.01522   -0.0029169      3.19768
-      0.02743      17.2037        15.78     -6.91707       34.048      33.2215      31.2805      29.3155
-      0.02744     -32.7025     -29.0338     -47.2733     -1.64911      2.05644      4.39687      6.90166
-      0.02745      55.5848      50.3648      23.8402      61.5832      57.3236      52.1372       46.783
-      0.02746      21.5786      19.8837     -3.67094      37.3908      36.2615      34.0222      31.7472
-      0.02747     -3.45353     -2.62185     -24.0589      19.4547      20.5818      20.4725      20.4206
-      0.02748      -17.346     -15.1277     -35.5017      9.42233      11.7812      12.8331      13.9937
-      0.02749     -30.5901     -27.0325     -46.3839    -0.166445      3.36689      5.52198      7.83774
-       0.0275       8.7745      8.35584     -14.8311      27.9674      27.9376      26.7303      25.5317
-      0.02751     -17.6954     -15.3949       -36.31      9.07597      11.4475      12.5111      13.6805
-      0.02752      2.04532      2.39178     -20.5082      23.1996      23.7861      23.1626      22.5713
-      0.02753      12.9515      12.2327     -11.8407      31.0542      30.6776      29.1378      27.5913
-      0.02754     -48.7469     -43.2282     -61.8331     -13.1799     -7.98723     -4.25906    -0.308526
-      0.02755     -25.8788     -22.6565     -43.5813      3.09688      6.18801      7.92515      9.79941
-      0.02756      22.9099      21.2716     -4.27731      38.1035      36.8055      34.3847      31.9206
-      0.02757     -7.05961     -5.68062     -28.6071      16.6893      18.1364      18.3085      18.5485
-      0.02758      -4.0897     -2.97212     -26.3696      18.8236      20.0032      19.9199      19.8936
-      0.02759      0.16819      0.86251     -23.1063      21.8791      22.6786      22.2337      21.8299
-       0.0276     -32.5957     -28.5972     -49.6917     -1.62391      2.11739      4.45606      6.95552
-      0.02761     -5.34932     -4.12396     -27.9757      17.7634      19.0354      19.0425      19.1043
-      0.02762      24.3357      22.6703     -4.08766      39.1221      37.7354      35.2189      32.6511
-      0.02763      2.70187       3.2218     -21.6655      23.6774      24.2752      23.6321       23.018
-      0.02764     0.741413      1.44381     -23.3827      22.2511      23.0252      22.5439      22.0987
-      0.02765     -13.4164     -11.2928     -34.9887      12.0854      14.1316      14.8562      15.6685
-      0.02766      42.1373      38.7261      9.73744      51.8849       48.924      44.9101      40.7765
-      0.02767      18.8293      17.8434     -9.16453      35.3348      34.5024      32.5033      30.4727
-      0.02768     -36.1747     -31.6208     -53.7393     -4.12131  -0.00607256      2.67407      5.52687
-      0.02769       34.871      32.2687      3.41229      46.6873      44.3658      40.9583      37.4569
-       0.0277     -33.4017     -29.1223     -51.8133      -2.1581      1.69964      4.13248       6.7267
-      0.02771      37.3779       34.524      5.16231      48.5092      45.9583      42.3307      38.5996
-      0.02772      28.3981      26.5318      -2.1322      42.1874      40.4962      37.6735      34.7793
-      0.02773     -6.52754     -4.86498     -30.4576       17.178      18.6447      18.8059      19.0241
-      0.02774     -11.2942     -9.14133     -34.4003      13.7079      15.5757      16.1166      16.7338
-      0.02775     -1.03765    0.0896762     -26.2657      20.9978      21.9324      21.5897      21.2818
-      0.02776     -15.0826     -12.5705     -37.8209      10.8883      13.0943      13.9528      14.8965
-      0.02777     -19.0779      -16.132     -41.2924      7.95432      10.5109      11.6959      12.9799
-      0.02778      6.41022      6.80184     -20.8508      26.2166      26.4837      25.4975      24.5177
-      0.02779      28.0726      26.3851     -3.38317      41.8348      40.1655      37.3585      34.4723
-       0.0278     -25.9661     -22.1725     -47.0539      3.15962      6.38596      8.19719      10.1349
-      0.02781      11.9995      11.9737     -16.5943      30.2967      30.0747      28.6259      27.1601
-      0.02782     -22.4445     -18.9777     -44.5236       5.6605      8.54908      10.0416      11.6446
-      0.02783      -47.343     -41.3946     -64.7887     -12.2578     -7.14854     -3.56082     0.229735
-      0.02784     -3.30275     -1.82565      -29.432      19.1974      20.3187      20.1368      19.9909
-      0.02785     -37.0827     -32.2037     -56.8077     -4.97697    -0.789936      1.92191      4.79718
-      0.02786      44.3199      41.0381      8.86353      53.3558      50.2038      45.9762       41.607
-      0.02787      1.59365      2.67521     -25.6989      22.9088      23.6628      23.1273      22.6094
-      0.02788     -50.7878     -44.4663     -68.2301     -14.6855      -9.2203     -5.30532     -1.17805
-      0.02789      35.7873      33.3911        1.565        47.23      44.8574      41.3662      37.7634
-       0.0279     -49.6145     -43.3825     -67.4254     -13.8506     -8.49443     -4.67827    -0.654857
-      0.02791     -3.50119     -1.92225     -30.3566      19.0839      20.2442      20.0915      19.9717
-      0.02792     -19.3528     -16.1755     -43.2622      7.71368      10.3309      11.5473       12.854
-      0.02793       -53.49     -46.8743     -70.9114      -16.772     -11.0936     -6.98029     -2.65099
-      0.02794      31.1009      29.2086     -2.76388      43.7931      41.8351      38.7261      35.5161
-      0.02795      16.6425      16.2844     -14.4052       33.619      33.0178      31.1884      29.3154
-      0.02796      27.3846      25.9383      -5.8417      41.3215      39.7753      37.0559      34.2491
-      0.02797      -32.286     -27.7212     -54.0837     -1.41354      2.42863      4.79845      7.30355
-      0.02798     -15.8815     -13.0075     -41.0151      10.2256      12.5457      13.4781      14.4825
-      0.02799      9.60034      9.93533     -20.5336      28.4713      28.4933      27.2497      25.9821
-        0.028    -0.970131     0.472447     -29.1106      20.9854      21.9722      21.6401       21.323
-      0.02801      15.4926      15.3248     -16.0348      32.7021      32.2294      30.5095        28.74
-      0.02802     -31.2308     -26.7386     -53.8456    -0.745259      2.99311      5.25975      7.65071
-      0.02803      4.47045      5.43302     -25.1096      24.8032      25.2947        24.49      23.6746
-      0.02804     -24.6057     -20.7108     -48.6817      3.95242      7.07854      8.76596      10.5496
-      0.02805     -41.5663     -35.9302     -62.4507     -8.22289      -3.5903    -0.483465       2.7828
-      0.02806      24.6894      23.6716     -9.05811      39.2051      37.8661      35.3138      32.6769
-      0.02807      8.10829      8.76655     -22.4524      27.4481      27.6416      26.5469      25.4279
-      0.02808     -21.7568     -18.0773      -46.604      6.08239      8.96692      10.4177      11.9544
-      0.02809      38.3047      35.9486      1.70398       49.061      46.5305      42.8576      39.0459
-       0.0281     -48.4487     -42.0376      -68.289     -12.9981     -7.68991     -3.95268    -0.029232
-      0.02811      23.1892      22.3528     -10.6412      38.1834       37.004      34.6001      32.1129
-      0.02812      -11.022      -8.3939      -38.382      13.7069      15.6478      16.1913      16.7776
-      0.02813       8.8534      9.52552     -22.3902      27.9479      28.0876      26.9249      25.7309
-      0.02814     -29.9702     -25.3711     -53.7707     0.149569       3.7942      5.94278      8.20441
-      0.02815     -36.6975     -31.4752     -59.3201     -4.78621    -0.563436       2.1391      4.97421
-      0.02816     -36.4529     -31.2725     -59.3022     -4.66077    -0.477022       2.1846      4.97542
-      0.02817      6.97599      7.82361     -24.2966      26.4838      26.7612      25.7159      24.6397
-      0.02818     -30.1012     -25.4761     -54.1382   0.00538781      3.64019      5.78442      8.03253
-      0.02819     -38.4665     -33.0127     -60.9545     -6.02224     -1.65062      1.18562      4.16085
-       0.0282      29.3127      27.9628     -6.29521      42.5334      40.7961      37.8552      34.7996
-      0.02821     -30.2955     -25.5978     -54.3623   -0.0576278      3.61385      5.79198      8.07574
-      0.02822      36.9186       34.872    -0.224411      48.0547      45.6616      42.0974      38.3889
-      0.02823      19.8085       19.544     -14.0094      35.9314      35.1179      33.0528      30.9047
-      0.02824      76.5086      70.5517      31.7506      76.6057      70.7003      63.8189       56.642
-      0.02825     -29.1705     -24.4437     -53.5989     0.948292      4.60169      6.75967      9.01606
-      0.02826     -1.01982      0.88502     -31.0052      20.9186      21.9808      21.6815      21.3753
-      0.02827      -37.975     -32.2387     -60.7842     -5.54393     -1.17832      1.65064      4.60525
-      0.02828      6.07872      7.32338     -25.3778      25.9376      26.3066      25.3569      24.3672
-      0.02829      -44.749     -38.4124     -66.4544     -10.4301     -5.46983     -2.07948      1.46067
-       0.0283      53.1163      49.6472      12.5581      59.6759      55.7948       50.831      45.6511
-      0.02831      11.4745      12.2396     -20.9627      29.9749      29.9216       28.569      27.1581
-      0.02832     -27.0189     -22.3452     -52.1396      2.38546       5.7996      7.71665      9.71749
-      0.02833      64.3911      59.8934      21.6176      67.8212      62.9836      57.0979      50.9535
-      0.02834      -17.854     -14.0109     -44.7178      9.02437      11.6432      12.8096      14.0246
-      0.02835     0.561846      2.56603     -29.9668      22.0982      23.0229      22.5858      22.1261
-      0.02836     -19.2274     -15.2884     -45.9733      7.87741       10.582      11.8244      13.1189
-      0.02837       33.231      31.9039     -3.60733       45.475      43.4435       40.202      36.8143
-      0.02838     -29.8048     -24.8291     -54.4791     0.365348      4.04081      6.19502      8.43946
-      0.02839     -5.10792      -2.6037     -34.6183      17.9664      19.3838      19.4057       19.424
-       0.0284      -60.417      -52.359     -79.3016     -21.7022      -15.304     -10.5718     -5.63778
-      0.02841     -1.85432     0.323917     -32.1378      20.1788      21.2626      20.9719      20.6606
-      0.02842      -17.486     -13.7141     -44.7299      9.03656      11.5643      12.6302      13.7352
-      0.02843    -0.513752      1.61835     -30.9854      21.2809      22.2799      21.8937      21.4849
-      0.02844      23.2188      23.0065     -11.7272      38.3702      37.2419       34.851      32.3492
-      0.02845     -2.39552    0.0322672     -32.3408      20.1001      21.3026      21.1161      20.9124
-      0.02846      2.48723      4.39533     -28.4501      23.5443      24.3107      23.7128      23.0786
-      0.02847     -22.1712     -17.7561     -48.3096      5.88665      8.85561      10.3407      11.8808
-      0.02848     -63.3908     -54.8591     -81.6546     -23.7682      -17.109     -12.1388     -6.95983
-      0.02849      11.1209      12.1293      -21.644      29.5079      29.4241      28.0159      26.5374
-       0.0285      3.33111      5.17038      -27.807      24.0602      24.7176       24.011      23.2641
-      0.02851      -45.658     -38.8383     -67.3277     -11.0162     -5.93375     -2.46168      1.15208
-      0.02852       23.834      23.6953     -11.3341      38.7187      37.5184      35.0486      32.4609
-      0.02853      9.81444      11.1332     -22.5629       28.727      28.8424      27.6152      26.3205
-      0.02854     -11.4363     -7.97729     -39.7163      13.4751      15.5163      16.1085       16.713
-      0.02855      32.7576      31.7711      -3.9785      45.1484      43.2015      40.0189      36.6827
-      0.02856      19.2105      19.6637      -14.842      35.5993      34.8961       32.886      30.7714
-      0.02857     -37.1651     -31.0789     -60.3395     -4.83398    -0.463135      2.32537      5.21825
-      0.02858     -6.17692     -3.24775     -35.4384      17.2202      18.7587      18.8716      18.9709
-      0.02859     -15.1298     -11.2727     -42.5999       10.845       13.193      14.0668      14.9589
-       0.0286      5.91891      7.72092     -25.4987       25.884      26.3327      25.4119      24.4339
-      0.02861      42.1143      40.3316      3.89646      51.9618      49.1608      45.1688      40.9858
-      0.02862      33.5845      32.7093     -2.94131      45.9662      43.9734      40.7434      37.3561
-      0.02863     -35.6603     -29.5482      -58.776     -3.63109     0.611612      3.28024      6.04941
-      0.02864     -28.2207     -22.9011     -52.8251      1.54635      5.06745      7.05115      9.10675
-      0.02865      36.6125      35.4223    -0.526031      47.9158      45.5963      42.0525      38.3382
-      0.02866      -15.475     -11.3788     -42.4776      10.6912      13.1009      14.0301      14.9841
-      0.02867     -26.1283     -20.9082     -51.1128      3.02398       6.3749      8.18701      10.0619
-      0.02868      5.98038       7.9498     -25.1782      25.9444      26.3958       25.465      24.4761
-      0.02869     -45.6856     -38.4794     -66.7075     -10.9852     -5.87834     -2.40709      1.19908
-       0.0287     -10.2735     -6.66486     -38.1772      14.3069      16.1979      16.6251      17.0547
-      0.02871     -15.6047     -11.4237     -42.4244      10.5204       12.909      13.8028      14.7181
-      0.02872     -28.6077     -23.1059     -52.7847      1.21078      4.76538      6.76775      8.83951
-      0.02873      -14.123     -9.99424     -41.0186      11.5939      13.8348      14.5938      15.3684
-      0.02874     -7.27311     -3.83566     -35.4645      16.4881      18.1324      18.3175      18.4956
-      0.02875     -11.6791     -7.75298     -38.9508       13.361      15.3968      15.9612      16.5335
-      0.02876      17.4085      18.4385     -15.3876      34.2101      33.6474      31.7464      29.7437
-      0.02877     -9.57175     -5.84143     -37.0145      14.9444      16.8322      17.2503      17.6661
-      0.02878     -2.09326      0.93163     -30.8564      20.3312       21.529      21.2925      21.0273
-      0.02879     -18.5322     -13.8428      -44.014      8.53084      11.2022      12.3675      13.5622
-       0.0288      6.03365      8.27741     -24.2546       26.074      26.5322      25.5983      24.5997
-      0.02881      14.2995      15.7449     -17.4837      32.0295      31.7596       30.138      28.4217
-      0.02882     -28.2469     -22.4985      -51.727      1.56823      5.13914      7.14704      9.21923
-      0.02883     -8.91413     -5.14417     -36.1217      15.3044       17.114      17.4523      17.7842
-      0.02884      41.1766      40.0097       4.4923      51.2729      48.5814      44.6567      40.5391
-      0.02885      -28.725     -22.8468     -51.7822      1.31773      4.94762      7.00498      9.13104
-      0.02886     -11.2104     -7.00737     -37.5241      13.8245      15.8368      16.3618      16.8887
-      0.02887     -12.6087     -8.24802     -38.6378      12.7117       14.856      15.5061      16.1619
-      0.02888       8.8684      11.1551     -21.2369      28.1476      28.3569      27.1742      25.9171
-      0.02889      18.6121      19.9198     -13.0893      35.2097      34.5552      32.5577      30.4504
-       0.0289     -47.5608     -39.5915     -66.5743     -12.2722      -6.9384     -3.28527     0.508383
-      0.02891      39.5928      38.7861      3.81842      50.1125       47.552      43.7472      39.7533
-      0.02892     -5.90603     -2.05178     -32.7089      17.6506      19.2296      19.3394      19.4312
-      0.02893       48.393       46.819      11.2513      56.5367      53.2232      48.7025      43.9615
-      0.02894       -7.617     -3.52068     -33.7978      16.5197      18.2813      18.5584      18.8237
-      0.02895     -53.8381     -45.1206     -71.1121     -16.6731     -10.7953     -6.61789     -2.28193
-      0.02896      36.4043      36.0664      1.79601      47.8598      45.5799      42.0321      38.3056
-      0.02897      5.70619        8.522     -22.7904      25.9977      26.5308      25.6411      24.6882
-      0.02898     -6.13797     -2.09972     -32.2393      17.5168      19.1154      19.2332      19.3308
-      0.02899       -34.73     -27.8238     -55.2337      -3.0097      1.14744        3.686      6.31154
-        0.029     -78.2094     -66.9348     -90.2243      -34.264     -26.2318     -20.0251     -13.5702
-      0.02901      47.8275      46.4671      11.6317      55.9913      52.6384      48.0742      43.2864
-      0.02902      3.33962      6.52407     -23.9987      24.3299      25.0607      24.3578      23.6014
-      0.02903     -21.5359     -15.8374     -43.9855      6.48611      9.46121      10.8827      12.3417
-      0.02904      40.6212      40.0414      6.19783      50.9847      48.3625      44.4803      40.4049
-      0.02905     -29.3212     -22.8597     -50.1114     0.993506      4.70135      6.80296      8.97133
-      0.02906      28.9855      29.6263     -3.00475      42.6961      41.1217      38.2273      35.1787
-      0.02907     -58.1405      -48.697     -73.0406     -19.6631     -13.3784     -8.84022      -4.1276
-      0.02908      23.6148       24.848     -7.02032      38.7357      37.6211       35.155      32.5565
-      0.02909      20.5841       22.193     -9.19947      36.6958       35.889      33.7133      31.4195
-       0.0291     -20.6909      -14.926     -42.3797       7.1598      10.0837      11.4394      12.8302
-      0.02911     -41.2488     -33.4609     -58.8732      -7.6483     -2.89051     0.185072      3.37314
-      0.02912     -27.4388     -21.0736     -47.7109      2.14257       5.6246      7.49828      9.43292
-      0.02913      7.25839      10.2162     -19.5176      27.0485      27.4037      26.3201      25.1678
-      0.02914     -33.5257     -26.3827     -52.2043     -2.09136       1.9629      4.37247      6.86334
-      0.02915      10.0229      12.8519     -16.8862      29.1224      29.2251      27.9108      26.5138
-      0.02916      23.5534      25.0519     -5.82979      38.8781       37.798      35.3616      32.7928
-      0.02917    -0.156493      3.78824     -24.6969      21.9777      23.0502      22.6514      22.2092
-      0.02918     -17.0523     -11.4149      -38.165      9.85748      12.4355       13.465      14.5127
-      0.02919     -5.92229      -1.3742     -29.0308       17.819      19.3731      19.4316      19.4675
-       0.0292     -19.7193      -13.755     -40.0332      7.90663      10.7088      11.9378       13.197
-      0.02921     -12.6703     -7.42942     -34.2502      12.9324      15.0845      15.7004      16.3225
-      0.02922      23.2231      24.8693     -5.07364      38.6488      37.5874      35.1556       32.594
-      0.02923     -38.8979     -30.9251      -54.947     -5.81166     -1.25416      1.62844      4.61234
-      0.02924     -20.6738     -14.4777      -40.213      7.15046      10.0308      11.3283      12.6575
-      0.02925     0.226118      4.34913     -23.1893      22.1422      23.1467      22.6632      22.1319
-      0.02926      4.07085      7.80684     -19.9885      24.9406      25.6307      24.8456      23.9965
-      0.02927     -31.4676     -24.1071     -48.3529    -0.472345      3.40093      5.63502      7.94059
-      0.02928      34.0793      34.8941      4.65317      46.4158      44.3794      41.0195      37.4858
-      0.02929      -13.766     -8.07968     -33.7282      12.2823      14.5829      15.3269      16.0779
-       0.0293     -4.94451     -0.14824     -26.4788      18.5446      20.0368      20.0142      19.9641
-      0.02931      27.4323      29.0136    -0.076142         41.8       40.374      37.5908      34.6592
-      0.02932     -91.2711     -77.7734     -95.8869     -43.3207     -34.0285     -26.6829     -19.0429
-      0.02933      15.6566      18.4074       -9.541      33.1298      32.7165      30.8777      28.9346
-      0.02934      31.9163      33.1097      3.86665      44.9421      43.1109       39.934      36.5942
-      0.02935     -19.0872     -12.7214     -37.1022      8.46357      11.2619      12.4621      13.6874
-      0.02936     -28.0791     -20.8204     -44.2424      1.96081      5.54355      7.48639      9.48602
-      0.02937      5.13888      9.05119      -17.355       25.707      26.2924      25.3924      24.4237
-      0.02938     -2.87152      1.89607     -23.5476      19.9806      21.3051      21.1071      20.8706
-      0.02939     -42.0097     -33.2954     -54.8938     -8.03749     -3.19722   -0.0696128      3.16442
-       0.0294     -30.3885     -22.8812     -45.4014     0.181488      3.94914      6.06019      8.23439
-      0.02941      -44.912     -35.9086     -56.9336     -10.2267     -5.15667     -1.81904      1.63592
-      0.02942      19.8313      22.3506     -4.56695      36.1664      35.3949      33.2144      30.9057
-      0.02943     0.562496      5.11464     -19.8348      22.5462      23.5587      23.0541      22.4951
-      0.02944     -3.21171      1.69094     -22.9063      19.8056      21.1692      20.9955      20.7808
-      0.02945     -20.0175     -13.3891     -35.9465      7.80862      10.6824      11.9364      13.2124
-      0.02946     -41.0922     -32.3778     -52.7444      -7.3508     -2.59927     0.434204       3.5682
-      0.02947     -12.5542     -6.75268     -29.6919      13.0267       15.192      15.7743      16.3489
-      0.02948      17.8412      20.6741     -4.93463      34.8825      34.3195      32.3267      30.2108
-      0.02949     -14.7581     -8.56547     -30.9999      11.6278      14.0309      14.8362      15.6408
-       0.0295     -8.30489     -2.76327     -25.6306      16.2149      18.0344      18.2809      18.5016
-      0.02951      32.6093      34.0324      7.56963      45.5599       43.695        40.46      37.0478
-      0.02952     -2.27565      2.68596     -20.3323      20.6633      21.9607      21.7223      21.4378
-      0.02953       40.254      41.0188      14.2576      51.2072      48.6558      44.7774      40.6938
-      0.02954     -9.24277     -3.46297     -25.4704      15.8024       17.732      18.0898      18.4274
-      0.02955      5.80117      10.0789     -13.0862      26.5217      27.0784      26.1276      25.0985
-      0.02956     -50.5144     -40.6096     -58.4748     -13.8975     -8.27121     -4.42814    -0.456519
-      0.02957    -0.380935      4.47049     -17.8325       21.966      23.0323      22.5597      22.0253
-      0.02958      6.37198      10.6246     -12.1581      26.8784      27.3573      26.3277      25.2115
-      0.02959      26.7946      29.0933      4.67165      41.5936       40.249      37.4962      34.5814
-       0.0296     -20.9912     -13.8565     -33.6781      7.38781      10.3736      11.7105      13.0655
-      0.02961      11.4016      15.3003     -7.52785      30.5038      30.5644      29.1261      27.5804
-      0.02962     -34.9247     -26.3139     -44.6925     -2.62286      1.59977      4.10666      6.68045
-      0.02963      20.5114      23.5505      0.17937      37.0193      36.2291      33.9926      31.6127
-      0.02964     -63.0539     -51.5881     -67.1296     -22.7877     -16.0289     -11.1325     -6.06753
-      0.02965      21.1681      24.1354      1.06075      37.4462        36.58      34.2597      31.7925
-      0.02966     -4.01962      1.55711     -18.9339      19.5427      20.9762      20.8382      20.6479
-      0.02967      11.6634      15.6868     -6.07978      30.8038      30.8232       29.355      27.7726
-      0.02968     -48.9428     -38.8498     -54.8027     -12.6071     -7.11337     -3.41826     0.390718
-      0.02969     -9.42559     -3.25192     -22.7744      15.6433      17.5278      17.8146      18.0658
-       0.0297      49.1338      49.5045      24.7285      57.6885        54.32      49.6358      44.6945
-      0.02971      -57.837     -46.7315     -61.4258     -18.9063     -12.5928     -8.12138     -3.50461
-      0.02972      38.4109      39.8834      16.4556      50.0031      47.5938      43.8097      39.8088
-      0.02973     -2.74797       2.9113     -16.5288      20.6581      22.0009      21.7596      21.4602
-      0.02974      24.4858      27.3838      5.53557      40.1113      39.0221      36.4621      33.7356
-      0.02975     -19.7271     -12.3521     -29.8293      8.49789      11.3801      12.5982      13.8103
-      0.02976     -26.1576     -18.1399     -34.8916      3.79073      7.22436      8.96519      10.7186
-      0.02977     -37.1296     -28.0596      -43.675      -4.2131     0.207111       2.8675      5.58402
-      0.02978      -30.513     -22.0676     -38.2485     0.525308      4.32989      6.40317      8.50688
-      0.02979      33.9015      35.8701       13.985      46.6874      44.7017      41.2963      37.6813
-       0.0298     -14.4606     -7.49789     -24.6693      12.2681      14.6787      15.4281       16.145
-      0.02981     -59.6191     -48.1548     -60.8843     -20.1854     -13.7183     -9.13874     -4.42292
-      0.02982      1.78692      7.07357     -11.2782      23.7097      24.6048       23.922      23.1438
-      0.02983      2.56975      7.82536     -10.7205      24.3477      25.2104      24.4961      23.6813
-      0.02984     -17.5916     -10.2342     -26.7611        9.983      12.6706      13.6749      14.6541
-      0.02985      13.3822       17.577     -1.65032      32.1131       32.014      30.3781      28.6003
-      0.02986     -44.8656     -34.7366     -48.4339     -9.54505     -4.38517     -1.05239      2.35442
-      0.02987      3.36391      8.63104     -9.35986      24.9332        25.72      24.9136      23.9995
-      0.02988      37.7264      39.6123      18.6179      49.6537      47.3724      43.6626      39.7165
-      0.02989     -15.2539     -8.00655     -23.9203      11.7866      14.3137      15.1457      15.9405
-       0.0299      -46.728     -36.3906     -49.1888      -10.855     -5.51888     -2.03208      1.53059
-      0.02991   -0.0344722      5.65194     -11.4783      22.5094      23.6055      23.0834      22.4616
-      0.02992      30.6541      33.3078      13.5027      44.5666      42.9253      39.8127      36.4864
-      0.02993      -18.579     -10.9817     -26.0601      9.37973      12.2016      13.3097      14.3869
-      0.02994      -10.716     -3.95169     -19.4406      14.9672      17.0754      17.4912      17.8422
-      0.02995      8.09379      12.9689      -3.9656       28.494      28.8903      27.6958      26.3665
-      0.02996     -20.0208     -12.2727     -26.7281      8.31293      11.2736      12.4873      13.6708
-      0.02997      3.56071      8.94975     -7.56017       25.175      26.0006      25.1955      24.2665
-      0.02998     -30.6292     -21.7699     -34.9755     0.712962      4.63325      6.74383      8.85576
-      0.02999      41.0576      42.6833      22.9833      52.0357      49.4888      45.4817      41.2103
-         0.03     -67.0108     -54.4964     -64.1151     -25.3175     -18.0906     -12.8561     -7.48607
-      0.03001     -11.2194     -4.26208     -19.0348      14.4846      16.6344      17.0609      17.4095
-      0.03002     -6.04481     0.488536     -14.4072      18.3114      20.0136      20.0165      19.9198
-      0.03003     -1.18479      4.89853      -10.222      21.8332      23.1034      22.7015      22.1829
-      0.03004     -28.1186     -19.3394     -31.7886      2.50298      6.21798      8.11059      9.98256
-      0.03005     -29.9769     -21.0876     -33.2371      1.13897      4.98057      7.00802        9.019
-      0.03006      27.4043      30.5703      13.3169      42.3262      40.9988      38.1341      35.0403
-      0.03007     -28.0674     -19.2134     -31.2759      2.71112      6.42939      8.31988      10.1876
-      0.03008       -50.12     -39.1128     -48.9657      -13.177     -7.49242     -3.74921    0.0512369
-      0.03009     -20.4033     -12.4115     -24.7931       8.0518      11.0329      12.2193      13.3488
-       0.0301      46.7774       48.056      29.5419      56.2499      53.2131      48.6951      43.8671
-      0.03011     0.332882      6.37178     -7.53776      23.1543      24.3492      23.8359       23.188
-      0.03012      4.65003      10.2395     -3.89202      26.2703      27.0607      26.1755      25.1386
-      0.03013      16.8787      21.2662      6.22075      35.0666      34.7466      32.8074      30.6719
-      0.03014     -7.01867    -0.204817     -12.9671        17.98      19.8179      19.9154      19.9037
-      0.03015     -16.5149     -8.75579     -20.5072      11.0822      13.7781       14.674      15.4892
-      0.03016      -20.669     -12.4535     -23.6735      8.05465      11.1075      12.3336      13.4903
-      0.03017     -31.9856     -22.6599      -32.706   -0.0627797      3.99792       6.1838      8.33851
-      0.03018      50.9027      51.9364       34.467      59.3596      55.9574      51.0773      45.8603
-      0.03019     -19.4648     -11.3287     -22.3549      9.11102      12.1159      13.2782      14.3659
-       0.0302      16.7067      21.2117      7.03706      34.9696      34.6955      32.7565      30.6048
-      0.03021     -49.4253     -38.2709     -46.2426     -12.4512     -6.74367     -3.03905     0.698909
-      0.03022     -8.28627     -1.21954     -13.0115      16.9061      18.8662      19.0265      19.0627
-      0.03023     -20.3401     -12.0449     -22.5885      8.28472      11.3447      12.5413      13.6569
-      0.03024      -23.947     -15.2763      -25.243      5.68442      9.06658      10.5615      11.9837
-      0.03025      12.1841      17.2725      3.90837      31.5649      31.7167      30.1444      28.3626
-      0.03026     -11.6305     -4.13153     -15.1474       14.568      16.9035      17.3846      17.7446
-      0.03027        21.81      26.0162      12.0123       38.564      37.8909      35.5181      32.8989
-      0.03028      19.5121      24.0363      10.3258      36.9794      36.5451      34.3925      31.9983
-      0.03029     -67.9603     -54.6178     -60.0529     -25.6736     -18.2448     -12.9538     -7.57815
-       0.0303      30.2362      33.6348      19.3685      44.5705      43.0995      39.9671      36.5496
-      0.03031     -46.0968     -35.0495     -42.1138     -10.0456     -4.58947      -1.1822      2.22292
-      0.03032     -23.7631     -14.9713     -24.0196      5.85982      9.27512      10.7443       12.124
-      0.03033      48.8541       50.452      34.8395       58.032       54.909      50.1938      45.1125
-      0.03034      17.1737      22.0656      9.54047      35.5472      35.3393       33.371      31.1578
-      0.03035     -41.4019     -30.6431     -37.6406     -6.50645     -1.42693      1.59833      4.59318
-      0.03036      32.3386      35.6772      21.9443      46.2565      44.6576      41.3603      37.7588
-      0.03037       25.783      29.8781      16.8327      41.5944      40.6353      37.9294      34.9389
-      0.03038      -36.719     -26.3233     -33.5034      -3.1558      1.53591      4.16606      6.74247
-      0.03039     -26.3727      -17.036     -25.2062      4.13851      7.86163      9.57086      11.1825
-       0.0304     -31.1466     -21.3294     -28.8508     0.677256      4.79609      6.88766      8.89786
-      0.03041     -37.9967     -27.4309     -34.2235     -4.26209     0.494318      3.16661       5.7757
-      0.03042      27.7913      31.7445      19.0128      42.9121      41.7352      38.8003      35.5613
-      0.03043    -0.608927      6.25069     -3.73884      22.6893      24.1278      23.6589      22.9908
-      0.03044     -30.8181     -20.8799     -27.9781      1.05807      5.21999      7.31718      9.32538
-      0.03045     -45.5538     -34.1396     -39.9422     -9.63419      -4.1399    -0.807303      2.48701
-      0.03046      12.9719      18.4969      7.52148      32.3128      32.4965      30.8194      28.8859
-      0.03047     -20.4352     -11.5021     -19.1466      8.47045      11.7002      12.8983      13.9636
-      0.03048      27.7208      31.8374      20.0191       42.973      41.8698      38.9625       35.742
-      0.03049      19.6255      24.6333       13.708      37.2697      36.9468      34.7628      32.2939
-       0.0305     -3.98703      3.43752     -5.20087      20.3897      22.2066      22.0382      21.6722
-      0.03051      -11.401     -3.27913     -11.0473      15.0321      17.5001      17.9474       18.222
-      0.03052       14.633      20.1754      9.94131       33.639      33.7693      31.9902      29.9372
-      0.03053     -26.4569     -16.7626     -23.0413       4.2368      8.08154      9.80784       11.411
-      0.03054     -7.90774   -0.0937966     -8.10737      17.4361       19.603      19.7274      19.6573
-      0.03055      21.8047      26.6391      16.0239      38.8212      38.3094      35.9022      33.1885
-      0.03056     -16.2543     -7.48791     -14.6796      11.5129      14.4834      15.3486      16.0491
-      0.03057     -18.1482     -9.19892     -16.0108      10.0826      13.2175      14.2241      15.0695
-      0.03058       -11.68     -3.41961     -10.8575      14.6428      17.2159      17.6733      17.9424
-      0.03059     -22.5289     -13.1182     -19.4567      6.86734      10.4363      11.8156      13.0448
-       0.0306     -12.0219     -3.65986      -10.788       14.492      17.0825      17.5454      17.8206
-      0.03061      10.8974      16.9949      7.87795      30.9849      31.5223      30.0354      28.2722
-      0.03062     -15.9815     -7.13718     -13.6798      11.7836      14.7805      15.5991      16.2376
-      0.03063     -33.0542     -22.4524      -27.339    -0.412161      4.10601       6.3569      8.48763
-      0.03064     -48.7548     -36.6406     -40.0533     -11.7999        -5.87     -2.29671      1.21087
-      0.03065     -16.9261     -7.97256     -14.1893           11      14.0366      14.8731      15.5259
-      0.03066    0.0988988      7.38334    -0.289687      23.3005      24.8222      24.2212      23.3712
-      0.03067     -6.03679      1.93175     -5.02008      18.9814      21.0859       21.026      20.7408
-      0.03068      10.4205      16.7913      8.44572      30.8148      31.4551      29.9987      28.2552
-      0.03069     -17.4213     -8.24809     -13.9884      10.8563      14.0404       14.974      15.7205
-       0.0307     -40.0342     -28.6001     -32.2496     -5.44891    -0.230154       2.6146      5.35536
-      0.03071     -4.82324      3.09605      -3.7154      19.6696      21.7281      21.5575      21.1435
-      0.03072      17.5083      23.2126       14.398      35.7135        35.79      33.7363      31.3545
-      0.03073       42.621      45.8825      34.9595      53.8291      51.6688      47.5026      42.9166
-      0.03074     -12.1043     -3.28773     -9.24921      14.7282      17.5217      18.0389      18.3401
-      0.03075      9.20262      15.8936      7.94732      29.9296      30.7927      29.4676      27.8447
-      0.03076     -6.74821      1.51282     -4.85574      18.4457      20.7656       20.806      20.6016
-      0.03077      4.28869      11.4727       4.2509      26.3475      27.6697      26.7533      25.5519
-      0.03078     -4.15672      3.89634     -2.47122      20.2843      22.3891      22.1964      21.7464
-      0.03079      22.3549       27.743      19.0159      39.2757      39.0013      36.5485      33.7394
-       0.0308     -66.7275     -52.3567     -52.7749      -24.522     -16.7641      -11.625     -6.51029
-      0.03081      -38.288     -26.8488     -29.7466     -4.30215     0.833353      3.48957      6.01023
-      0.03082      19.8454      25.5239      17.3889      37.4012      37.3032      35.0054      32.3523
-      0.03083      -13.715     -4.64219     -9.75602      13.4272       16.425      17.0286      17.4008
-      0.03084      40.8853      44.5545      34.4672      52.6355      50.7271      46.6751      42.1851
-      0.03085     0.497702      8.26354      1.92533      23.7559      25.5495      24.9771      24.1193
-      0.03086     -47.0599     -34.5353     -36.4045      -10.379     -4.31543    -0.857816      2.48965
-      0.03087     -14.7389     -5.45503     -10.3912      12.5858      15.7271      16.3983      16.8343
-      0.03088     -26.1292     -15.6495     -19.8076      4.35418      8.56573       10.216      11.6683
-      0.03089      28.4311      33.4798      24.4225      43.5034      42.8148      39.8114      36.4046
-       0.0309     -29.3189     -18.3388     -21.8701      2.38451      6.91501      8.84242      10.5827
-      0.03091     -18.4149     -8.52202     -12.9452      10.0922      13.6327      14.6107      15.3592
-      0.03092      -16.642     -6.89581     -11.4029      11.3676      14.7595       15.584      16.1684
-      0.03093     -27.1575     -16.3557     -19.8508      3.81245       8.1566      9.87262      11.3856
-      0.03094     -15.5177     -5.89206     -10.4177      12.1091      15.4154      16.1321      16.6018
-      0.03095      1.59815      9.52451      3.47343      24.3804      26.1682      25.4369      24.3924
-      0.03096     -13.9499     -4.42865     -8.98675      13.2804      16.5019      17.1099      17.4624
-      0.03097      23.1586      29.0105      21.1624      39.9689      39.8538      37.2899      34.3276
-      0.03098      1.60434      9.64554      3.90234       24.589       26.461      25.7578      24.7344
-      0.03099      -57.685     -43.7129     -44.0027     -17.9743     -10.7523     -6.41426     -2.17799
-        0.031     -15.0357     -5.38108     -9.54012      12.4603      15.7934      16.4528      16.8464
-      0.03101      -34.443     -22.7623     -25.0596     -1.43536       3.6737      5.98968      8.11565
-      0.03102      52.2483        55.25      44.8753      60.6429      57.9604      52.8977      47.3202
-      0.03103     -12.4105     -2.86016     -7.16873      14.4889      17.7064       18.206      18.4326
-      0.03104     -17.9645     -7.89177     -11.6893      10.4088      14.1064      15.0521      15.7432
-      0.03105     -37.7127     -25.6658     -27.5556     -3.80342       1.7008      4.32368      6.76135
-      0.03106      15.8039       22.497       15.665      34.4519      35.1598      33.2115      30.8755
-      0.03107     -4.56125      4.23765    -0.642827      19.9797      22.5501      22.3606      21.8585
-      0.03108      5.63479      13.4138      7.69437      27.2911      28.9513      27.8901      26.4795
-      0.03109     -28.2763     -17.0573     -19.7243      2.99185      7.72468       9.5545      11.1588
-       0.0311     -21.8707     -11.3002     -14.5924      7.51552      11.6659       12.925      13.9321
-      0.03111      38.3814      42.9677      34.3092      50.7245      49.4626      45.5857      41.2311
-      0.03112     -13.9259     -4.06226     -7.74363      13.3136      16.8286      17.4497       17.785
-      0.03113     -6.09746      2.93549      -1.3715      18.9053      21.7087      21.6387      21.2519
-      0.03114     -6.61283      2.57304      -1.6556      18.5907      21.4514       21.414      21.0536
-      0.03115     -4.48715      4.58626    -0.078121      20.0637      22.7606      22.5473      22.0052
-      0.03116     -64.3431     -49.2458     -48.3465      -22.871     -14.7702     -9.89754     -5.13143
-      0.03117       34.667      39.8262      31.5679      47.9149       47.079      43.4885      39.4209
-      0.03118     -30.5748     -18.8199     -20.9331      1.34241      6.44739      8.45671      10.2317
-      0.03119     -69.8353     -54.2141       -52.52     -26.8831     -18.2738     -12.9495     -7.71446
-       0.0312      -35.816     -23.6655     -25.3013     -2.64811      2.89253      5.28248      7.45131
-      0.03121     -15.7334     -5.54195     -9.05428      11.7997      15.5739       16.256      16.6393
-      0.03122     0.120647      8.81723      3.87633      23.2581      25.6551      25.0038      23.9909
-      0.03123     -1.17546      7.68607      3.00286      22.4117      24.9569      24.4366      23.5613
-      0.03124      -61.245     -46.3489      -45.516     -20.6588     -12.6812     -8.08248     -3.61528
-      0.03125      -17.845     -7.31734     -10.5261      10.2859      14.3453      15.2118      15.7792
-      0.03126       8.6167      16.4987      10.9337      29.2939      31.0006      29.6274      27.8556
-      0.03127      10.5932      18.3191       12.709       30.811      32.3978      30.8868      28.9678
-      0.03128      30.0341       35.816      28.5427       44.803      44.6719      41.5128      37.8726
-      0.03129     -64.1818     -48.9695     -47.5064     -22.7516     -14.3569     -9.47555     -4.72492
-       0.0313      41.2381      45.8334      37.6249      52.6743      51.5291      47.3735      42.6891
-      0.03131     -39.1197     -26.4215      -27.139     -4.82414      1.34734      4.07754      6.58206
-      0.03132      8.85386      16.6939      11.5951      29.4797      31.3039      29.9117      28.1132
-      0.03133     -24.3895     -13.1983     -15.0896      5.67188      10.5431      11.9969      13.1712
-      0.03134       3.2706      11.6679      7.15409      25.5367      27.8958       26.972      25.6566
-      0.03135      10.9733      18.6339      13.5033      31.1411      32.8409      31.2702      29.2797
-      0.03136     -58.6576     -43.9772     -42.8405     -18.8632     -10.8346     -6.45784     -2.24506
-      0.03137      2.20131      10.7771      6.22733      24.5959      27.1255      26.2784      25.0368
-      0.03138       13.925      21.3671      15.8396      33.0851      34.6109       32.788       30.526
-      0.03139       3.7704      12.2871      7.72835      25.8639      28.3691      27.4292      26.0863
-       0.0314    -0.183417      8.73091      4.69678      23.0889      25.9406       25.327       24.324
-      0.03141     -10.5475    -0.551673     -3.68558       15.634      19.4567      19.7298      19.6478
-      0.03142      34.4018      39.9007      32.7607      47.8662       47.639      44.0725      39.9868
-      0.03143      2.70432      11.3806      7.07572      25.2245      27.9031      27.0611      25.8192
-      0.03144      2.58193      11.3413      6.93526      25.0232      27.7424      26.9052      25.6678
-      0.03145     -35.8035     -23.2086     -23.8134     -2.53106      3.66602      6.09067      8.24816
-      0.03146      11.8067      19.6115      14.6327       31.519      33.4226      31.7612      29.6509
-      0.03147     -29.7487      -17.749     -18.9813      1.75097       7.4389      9.33519      10.9371
-      0.03148      17.6614      24.9214      19.3067      35.7589      37.1572      34.9876      32.3466
-      0.03149     -15.9072     -5.24688     -7.69042      11.6862      16.1762       16.902      17.2729
-       0.0315     -51.6657     -37.4403     -36.5889     -14.0319     -6.30821     -2.55573      0.97923
-      0.03151     -5.79596      3.76075     0.467964      18.7347      22.3153      22.1304      21.5568
-      0.03152     -17.4389      -6.6738     -8.79309      10.4618      15.1199      15.9412      16.4162
-      0.03153     -65.7823     -50.1628     -47.9227     -24.2366     -15.1782     -10.2431     -5.47974
-      0.03154      35.8531      41.2821      34.1269      48.5259      48.4443      44.6955      40.3907
-      0.03155     -30.4149     -18.2858     -19.1829      1.17235      7.14466      9.09743      10.7382
-      0.03156     -9.29636     0.728429     -2.23699      16.2272      20.3148      20.4457      20.1921
-      0.03157     -20.8818     -9.69177     -11.6778      7.91596      13.0833      14.2054      14.9819
-      0.03158     -1.60878       7.6188      3.96805      21.6358       25.101      24.5821      23.6424
-      0.03159      23.2039      29.9732      23.9112      39.4456      40.7208      38.1034      34.9733
-       0.0316     -102.726     -83.3024     -77.7452     -50.7863     -38.1367     -30.0202      -21.947
-      0.03161     -25.7511     -14.1514     -15.6732      4.12465       9.7843      11.2638      12.4078
-      0.03162      41.3824       46.288      38.6551      52.3542      52.0229      47.8031      42.9974
-      0.03163      6.39594      14.9369      10.4913      27.5164      30.4319      29.2429      27.5963
-      0.03164     -26.3542     -14.4885      -15.843      4.04415       9.9358      11.5325      12.7913
-      0.03165      0.64468         9.75      5.96395      23.2667      26.7423      26.0227      24.8592
-      0.03166     -28.6995     -16.5967     -17.6253      2.27382      8.43798       10.216      11.6582
-      0.03167      38.7003      43.9827      36.7719       50.485      50.6047      46.6336      42.0766
-      0.03168     -9.47931     0.678249     -1.98644      16.1489      20.6335      20.7922      20.5452
-      0.03169     -39.8558     -26.6336     -26.5174     -5.75498      1.50019        4.231      6.66359
-       0.0317     -21.8648     -10.4785     -11.9553      7.06573       12.696      13.8585      14.6526
-      0.03171       29.018      35.3376       28.988       43.529      44.6207      41.4535      37.7265
-      0.03172     -50.0657     -35.7333     -34.6183      -13.133     -4.83114     -1.22613      2.11072
-      0.03173      -6.6674      3.25605     0.377714      17.8142      22.2183      22.0888      21.5277
-      0.03174     -10.7067    -0.339635     -2.84612      14.9761      19.7656      19.9858      19.7862
-      0.03175      4.90139      13.7272      9.68176      26.1473      29.5746      28.4773      26.9009
-      0.03176     0.449176      9.72111      6.10629      22.9401      26.8261       26.121      24.9518
-      0.03177     -11.9903     -1.51524     -3.85051      14.0808      19.0956       19.447      19.3854
-      0.03178     -40.6735     -27.3447     -26.7253     -6.58595      1.05354      3.84195      6.31805
-      0.03179     -39.9359     -26.7563     -26.1537     -6.16505       1.3866      4.08257       6.4608
-       0.0318      8.57601      16.8867      12.9889      28.6035      31.8032      30.3568      28.4089
-      0.03181     -54.4831       -39.83      -37.959     -16.6618     -7.68564     -3.72187   -0.0284209
-      0.03182      45.8625       50.459      43.1018      55.2401      55.1713      50.5588      45.2993
-      0.03183      -45.349     -31.5801     -30.4413     -10.0366      -1.7918      1.42014      4.32919
-      0.03184      16.6081      24.1289      19.5588      34.2414       36.904      34.8045      32.1674
-      0.03185     -29.9651     -17.7865     -17.9955     0.861336      7.78029      9.67402      11.2032
-      0.03186       9.6549      17.8575      14.0179        29.19      32.5752      31.0728      29.0514
-      0.03187      -26.524     -14.6871     -15.1426      3.29039      9.99328      11.5876       12.792
-      0.03188     -37.9765     -25.0155      -24.447     -4.97395      2.77072      5.30961      7.50915
-      0.03189       15.174        22.85      18.6581      33.0556      36.0596      34.0589      31.5158
-       0.0319      1.56062      10.6791      7.81784      23.4494       27.739      26.9196      25.6092
-      0.03191     -13.7115      -3.0575     -4.41874      12.4728       18.187      18.6744      18.7241
-      0.03192      5.72499      14.3843      11.0135      26.2991      30.3115      29.1427      27.4591
-      0.03193     0.613236      9.82827      7.09887      22.6363      27.1612      26.4308      25.2027
-      0.03194     -2.30018      7.21347      4.75212      20.5668      25.3775      24.8942      23.9245
-      0.03195     -39.9485     -26.6609     -25.8657     -6.53819      1.72842      4.45965      6.83885
-      0.03196      20.1574      27.4122       22.699      36.5009      39.3445      36.9237       33.928
-      0.03197     -42.1442     -28.6325     -27.4905     -8.14478     0.379044      3.29124      5.86215
-      0.03198      20.6925      27.9196      23.3407      36.8432      39.7154      37.2398      34.1902
-      0.03199     -45.3052     -31.4549     -29.8692     -10.4042     -1.51689      1.65629      4.49266
-        0.032     -19.7335     -8.50456     -9.17195      7.77512      14.3724      15.3364      15.8624
-      0.03201      7.74232      16.2579      13.0214      27.5028        31.68      30.3037      28.3853
-      0.03202     -32.1031     -19.5525     -18.9773    -0.945572      6.83801      8.86616       10.502
-      0.03203     -36.3607      -23.392     -22.5195     -4.19468      4.02879      6.40045       8.3888
-      0.03204     -52.0538     -37.5185     -34.9621     -15.5009        -5.82     -2.12183      1.25293
-      0.03205     -7.31656      2.71553      1.31768      16.4712      22.1514      22.0276      21.4124
-      0.03206     -38.5784     -25.3896     -24.0229     -6.00367       2.5984      5.17095       7.3652
-      0.03207     -6.34284      3.61882      2.15472       17.099      22.8197      22.6327      21.9452
-      0.03208     -11.2994     -0.85969     -1.83677      13.4996      19.7477      20.0026       19.774
-      0.03209     -19.6453     -8.36855     -8.48989      7.50757      14.5404      15.5156      16.0395
-       0.0321     -8.64811      1.53027     0.338211      15.4061      21.4772      21.5065      21.0441
-      0.03211     -42.5515     -28.9495     -26.7308     -8.90368     0.270493      3.18498      5.73146
-      0.03212       -3.463      6.18209      5.03323       19.062      24.7044      24.2628      23.3096
-      0.03213       35.371      41.1353      36.2587      46.8606      49.0891      45.3721      40.9961
-      0.03214     -62.1866      -46.552     -42.4901     -23.0136     -11.9182     -7.29771     -2.97212
-      0.03215      33.3884      39.3665       34.621      45.2921      47.7933      44.2307      40.0055
-      0.03216      -34.595      -21.773     -20.0813      -3.3269        5.374      7.63632      9.49187
-      0.03217     -38.0292     -24.8681      -22.787     -5.86599      3.13634      5.64455      7.75319
-      0.03218     -14.4612     -3.67342     -3.73553       10.961      17.9062      18.3967      18.3984
-      0.03219     -8.24091      1.89918      1.30345      15.3417      21.8324      21.8136       21.278
-       0.0322      7.93481      16.4807      14.5757      26.8983      31.9953      30.6168      28.6589
-      0.03221     -28.5968     -16.3534      -14.679     0.745776      9.18614      10.9314      12.2269
-      0.03222     -4.44696      5.35113      4.87796      17.9408      24.2418      23.9102      23.0431
-      0.03223      21.0832      28.3168       25.565      36.2537      40.3155       37.818      34.6888
-      0.03224     -13.0382     -2.36988     -1.98493      11.7425      18.9679      19.4038      19.3365
-      0.03225     -7.32407      2.77812      2.56499      15.7496      22.4923      22.4257       21.834
-      0.03226     -12.4944     -1.90123     -1.44391      11.9443      19.1984      19.5646      19.4223
-      0.03227     -30.9678     -18.5529     -16.3877     -1.39143      7.60349       9.5468      11.0472
-      0.03228     -23.3936     -11.7554     -10.5641       3.9968      12.3378      13.6142      14.4189
-      0.03229      32.0586      38.1853      34.4315      43.7965      47.1739      43.7213      39.5908
-       0.0323     -35.6724      -22.739     -20.1264     -4.71185      4.85763      7.21066      9.14038
-      0.03231     -36.6438     -23.6497     -20.8655     -5.56421      4.10771        6.508       8.4818
-      0.03232      5.05998      13.8547       12.945      24.2932      30.2339       29.071      27.3262
-      0.03233      1.08697      10.2803      9.88974       21.428      27.8353      27.0335      25.6642
-      0.03234     -24.2602     -12.5407     -10.6069      3.17419      11.9444      13.3189      14.2187
-      0.03235       -31.34     -18.8864     -16.3245     -2.02952      7.44379      9.40979      10.9185
-      0.03236     -9.64922     0.662961      1.30743      13.5493      21.0761       21.168      20.7242
-      0.03237     -20.4853     -9.08613     -7.41793      5.65729       14.282      15.3199      15.8535
-      0.03238      17.3177      24.9546      23.4412      32.7661      38.0086      35.8207      32.9929
-      0.03239     -1.21294      8.32144      8.72771       19.525      26.5327      25.9506      24.7935
-       0.0324     -46.7274     -32.6215     -27.9505     -13.1848      -2.0213      1.26604      4.14799
-      0.03241     -24.9681     -13.0635     -10.5116      2.18985      11.4407      12.8453      13.7593
-      0.03242     -42.8688     -29.1428     -24.8123     -10.6442     0.237126      3.15769      5.65881
-      0.03243      16.8511       24.551      23.3834      32.0533      37.6059      35.4361      32.6218
-      0.03244     -2.95234      6.80722      7.61762      17.9533         25.4      24.9544      23.9354
-      0.03245      4.36783      13.3605      13.4375      23.1424      29.9961      28.9364      27.2741
-      0.03246     -59.4248     -44.0179      -37.707      -22.589     -9.96058     -5.59255     -1.58763
-      0.03247     -18.9218     -7.57734     -4.91166      6.30708      15.3002      16.1697      16.5204
-      0.03248     -20.3511     -8.84825     -5.83131      5.24181       14.437      15.4344       15.919
-      0.03249     -14.1043     -3.18132    -0.547506      9.74377      18.4121      18.8767      18.8068
-       0.0325     -19.2403     -7.83563     -4.73076      5.92898      15.1665      16.0793      16.4712
-      0.03251       33.725      39.8156       37.955      43.8211      48.4091      44.8278      40.5244
-      0.03252      1.70283      11.0863      12.3623      20.9815      28.5527      27.7364      26.3157
-      0.03253      -26.712     -14.5566     -10.5909     0.478316      10.6625      12.2595      13.3612
-      0.03254     -7.50128      2.75593      5.06132      14.1371      22.6443      22.5782      21.9359
-      0.03255     -35.4009     -22.3929     -17.4709      -5.8748      5.17103      7.47481       9.3037
-      0.03256     -5.23756      4.79215      7.01775      15.6251       24.012      23.7281      22.8571
-      0.03257     -9.63067     0.829177      3.56213      12.4035      21.2731      21.3797      20.9119
-      0.03258      5.04081       14.053      15.5334      22.9071      30.5227      29.3847       27.626
-      0.03259     -6.29301      3.86435      6.47591       14.746      23.4757      23.3199      22.5847
-       0.0326     -12.7673     -2.02921      1.22734      9.98576      19.3566      19.7545      19.5978
-      0.03261     -23.7958     -11.9647     -7.47889      1.99504      12.4169      13.7448      14.5588
-      0.03262     -56.2591     -41.1177     -33.5086     -21.3289     -7.91927     -3.84923    -0.179314
-      0.03263      2.13103       11.358      13.5318      20.4213      28.5883      27.6543      26.1048
-      0.03264     -11.3741    -0.780578      2.58463      10.7418      20.2331      20.4834      20.1674
-      0.03265      21.9073      29.1933      29.5252      34.4925      41.0883      38.5224      35.2649
-      0.03266      -35.492      -22.435      -16.675     -6.63646      5.22033      7.56503      9.43234
-      0.03267      8.83246      17.4136      19.0939       24.955      32.8676      31.4149      29.3174
-      0.03268     -36.7952     -23.6105     -17.5337     -7.79236      4.32294      6.77014      8.74421
-      0.03269      62.1363      65.3743      62.4654      62.9882      66.2666      60.2757      53.4354
-       0.0327      3.41223      12.5882      15.2942      21.0103      29.6883      28.7609       27.206
-      0.03271         7.66      16.3896      18.7127      23.9845      32.3337      31.0303      29.0835
-      0.03272      -42.357     -28.6424     -21.5833     -12.0247     0.898196      3.84238       6.3327
-      0.03273     -9.97488     0.421647      4.80886      10.9877      21.0063      21.1541      20.7246
-      0.03274     -22.6672     -10.9882     -5.38535      1.82042       13.074      14.3059      15.0084
-      0.03275     -39.9864     -26.5002     -19.2353     -10.6684      2.21204      4.91157       7.1418
-      0.03276     -9.80476     0.604783      5.07803      10.8804      21.0876      21.2017      20.7318
-      0.03277      -30.157     -17.6918     -11.1344     -3.73395      8.39345      10.2576      11.6132
-      0.03278     -9.47113     0.933338      5.79606      11.0561      21.3633      21.4557      20.9654
-      0.03279      -8.4611      1.82745      6.66188      11.7163      22.0385       22.066      21.5054
-       0.0328     -37.0496     -23.9085     -16.2993      -8.8867      4.10494      6.57542      8.56048
-      0.03281     -25.7363     -13.6916     -7.04676    -0.807277      11.1815      12.6577      13.6084
-      0.03282      24.8764      31.8656      33.9911      35.4135      42.9622      40.1296      36.5797
-      0.03283     -22.1014     -10.3648     -3.90373      1.72608       13.656      14.8653      15.5288
-      0.03284      24.0121      31.1051      33.3334      34.6236      42.4783      39.7565      36.3097
-      0.03285       16.645      24.5122      27.4874      29.3804      37.9985      35.9234      33.1594
-      0.03286       -48.04     -33.6711     -24.5811      -17.054     -2.53158     0.902933      3.88765
-      0.03287      12.5051      20.7715      24.3398      26.1617      35.2605      33.4948      31.0513
-      0.03288     -41.8967     -28.1719     -19.4789     -12.8692      1.23011      4.11719      6.52937
-      0.03289     -17.9872     -6.69188    -0.142497      4.07157      16.0826      16.9084      17.1689
-       0.0329     -6.32679      3.78586      9.39004      12.4128      23.4273      23.2637      22.4896
-      0.03291      16.6244      24.4377      28.0542      28.8345      37.8778      35.7757      32.9772
-      0.03292     -52.4168      -37.633     -27.4737      -20.612     -5.25907     -1.47136      1.87626
-      0.03293        8.907      17.5259      21.9897      23.2098      33.0716      31.5976      29.4485
-      0.03294     -14.4309     -3.41518      3.23318      6.53553      18.6056      19.1359      19.0815
-      0.03295     -34.8056     -21.7861     -13.1167     -8.32487      5.69004      7.96638      9.73258
-      0.03296     -18.3454     -6.98371     0.235094      3.36707       15.977      16.8284      17.1083
-      0.03297     -2.66958      7.12524      13.0927      14.6094      25.8525      25.3666      24.2549
-      0.03298      13.2164        21.43      25.8844      25.8863      35.8136      34.0008      31.5031
-      0.03299      12.4782      20.7919       25.434      25.3564      35.4536      33.7258      31.3154
-        0.033      7.22858      16.0905      21.4055      21.5329      32.1812      30.9024      28.9594
-      0.03301     -55.6049     -40.4562     -29.3993     -23.5954     -7.19362     -3.12438     0.515718
-      0.03302     -29.6699     -17.1733     -8.58232     -5.26316      8.83632      10.6516      11.9443
-      0.03303     -36.6813     -23.5025     -14.1874     -10.3795      4.41343      6.82414       8.7303
-      0.03304     0.596763      10.0056      15.9923      16.1831      27.7003      26.9439      25.5426
-      0.03305     -5.86384      4.27937      10.9835      11.6067      23.8121      23.6262      22.8187
-      0.03306     -24.9675     -12.9353     -4.38509     -2.19687      11.8568      13.3073      14.2075
-      0.03307     -17.1496     -5.91713      1.97775      3.23418      16.6778      17.4655      17.6624
-      0.03308      7.64619      16.3711      22.1001       20.959      32.2209      30.8942      28.8958
-      0.03309     -66.7659     -50.5449     -37.6307     -32.4241     -14.3761     -9.35255     -4.72343
-       0.0331     -3.18449       6.5756      13.7079      12.9259      25.2806      24.8445      23.7805
-      0.03311     -6.02288      4.07178      11.5092      10.9424       23.648      23.4685      22.6776
-      0.03312     -4.48103      5.48422      12.8432      11.9663      24.6862      24.3965      23.4822
-      0.03313     -30.2179     -17.6828     -7.87383     -6.54679      8.54631      10.4504      11.8255
-      0.03314      15.3414      23.3052      28.9538      25.8897      37.0135      35.0337      32.3529
-      0.03315     -10.0999     0.406567      8.49795      7.56132      21.1331      21.3557      20.9658
-      0.03316     -83.3729      -65.524     -50.6576     -45.0844     -24.8613      -18.411     -12.3027
-      0.03317      69.8059      72.2271      72.9602       64.478      70.9626        64.32      56.7635
-      0.03318     -36.6458     -23.5119     -12.8627     -11.6846      4.56378      7.06913      9.06294
-      0.03319     -8.68391        1.635      9.70708        8.132      21.9259      22.0179      21.4912
-       0.0332      2.45087      11.6253      18.6934      16.0282      28.8989      28.0492      26.5403
-      0.03321     -35.0755      -22.085     -11.4317     -10.8835      5.44778      7.79592      9.62091
-      0.03322     -26.7993     -14.6877     -4.68462      -5.1236      10.5485      12.1627      13.2265
-      0.03323     -2.00929      7.60718      15.3276      12.5202      26.0689      25.5747       24.433
-      0.03324     -50.5786     -36.0941     -23.7065     -22.2744     -4.29628    -0.646877      2.53718
-      0.03325     -55.7461      -40.794     -27.8985     -26.2123     -7.70767     -3.65316   -0.0498573
-      0.03326      -17.098     -6.01879      3.32485      1.34045      16.4637       17.225      17.3949
-      0.03327      -10.943     -0.46755       8.3792      5.73682      20.4291      20.6935      20.3412
-      0.03328      1.76989      11.0208       18.802       14.854       28.515      27.7092      26.2394
-      0.03329    -0.792006      8.75657      17.0654      13.0514      27.0333      26.4554      25.2234
-       0.0333      11.0489      19.3785      26.8567      21.5278      34.5063      32.9159      30.6374
-      0.03331     -32.5213     -19.7711     -8.15765     -9.75364      7.25929      9.38547      10.9823
-      0.03332     -9.21511       1.0952      10.6031      6.72687      21.7036       21.823      21.3245
-      0.03333     -65.2083     -49.2404     -34.4657     -33.4455     -13.3431     -8.46581     -3.99746
-      0.03334      14.6063      22.4804      29.8817      23.5283      36.5108      34.5604      31.9037
-      0.03335       -37.54     -24.3659     -12.1685      -13.845       3.9518      6.48893      8.51178
-      0.03336      22.1102      29.2588      36.0788      28.7513      41.2603      38.7091      35.4208
-      0.03337     -5.29173      4.65739      14.1282      9.15609      24.2474      24.0683      23.2521
-      0.03338      -1.9154      7.66633      16.9726      11.4977      26.3733      25.9021      24.7833
-      0.03339      15.8578      23.6888      31.4217      24.1103      37.5108      35.5233      32.8214
-       0.0334     -25.4129     -13.4161     -1.84676     -5.48188      11.7224      13.2513      14.2206
-      0.03341     -28.6308     -16.3723     -4.65352     -7.95958      9.58068      11.3514      12.5716
-      0.03342     -18.6403     -7.38629      3.47439    -0.882591      15.8097      16.7237      17.0473
-      0.03343     -46.7324     -32.6997     -19.1132     -21.1733     -1.82628      1.48214       4.3064
-      0.03344     -17.0289     -6.02519      4.84908   -0.0711791      16.6926      17.4561      17.6245
-      0.03345      2.68138      11.7468      20.9054      14.0622      29.1483      28.2425      26.6713
-      0.03346      -32.736     -20.1145     -7.66894     -11.3691      7.03876      9.16987      10.7662
-      0.03347      -17.183     -6.18965      4.82466    -0.515992       16.623      17.4304      17.6449
-      0.03348       48.159       52.612       57.742      46.2674       57.649      52.8998      47.3115
-      0.03349     -49.8897     -35.5717     -21.4239     -24.0045     -3.63471    0.0101714      3.18446
-       0.0335      17.4532      24.9641      32.9138      23.9954      38.3619      36.2374        33.38
-      0.03351      4.58286      13.4428      22.7015      14.8346      30.4482      29.4378      27.7444
-      0.03352     -27.5742     -15.5064      -3.2212     -8.32287      10.2688      12.0017       13.169
-      0.03353      27.0502      33.5894      40.8713       30.623      44.4003      41.4662      37.7635
-      0.03354     -28.9609     -16.7748     -4.26658     -9.49156      9.44414      11.3012      12.5963
-      0.03355      9.31987      17.6281      26.5213      17.7256      33.2864      31.8662      29.7422
-      0.03356     -15.0049      -4.2131      6.93331     0.245144       18.134       18.798      18.8471
-      0.03357      5.03947      13.7482      23.1054      14.4624      30.5947      29.5437      27.8079
-      0.03358       -51.31     -36.9314     -22.3081     -25.9963     -4.69258    -0.938034      2.33959
-      0.03359        -21.9      -10.503      1.27522     -5.12449      13.5975      14.8102      15.4365
-       0.0336      31.3651       37.385      44.2461      32.9139      46.9696      43.6655      39.5757
-      0.03361      -14.474     -3.85248      7.28238    0.0769633      18.4209      19.0631       19.087
-      0.03362     -61.0839     -45.8248     -30.2966     -33.4517     -10.8783     -6.28842     -2.13975
-      0.03363      17.8948      25.1855      33.5922      22.9511      38.4575      36.2871      33.3794
-      0.03364     -92.1997     -73.8709     -55.2774     -56.0025     -30.4534     -23.2143      -16.302
-      0.03365     -19.1956     -8.26493      3.52537     -3.97252      15.0318      15.9971      16.3613
-      0.03366     -23.7917     -12.3941    -0.166855     -7.26345      12.2725      13.6411      14.4311
-      0.03367      52.0972      55.8881       61.195      47.0294      59.8655      54.8084      48.8862
-      0.03368     -21.8201     -10.5702      1.61983     -5.87622      13.7749      15.0769      15.7887
-      0.03369     -44.0798     -30.6786     -16.5026     -22.0748    -0.354348      2.82368      5.48917
-       0.0337     -15.3678       -4.857      6.62669     -1.63406      17.5404      18.2364      18.3157
-      0.03371     -19.6119     -8.72694       3.0764     -4.81836      14.8608      15.9204      16.3792
-      0.03372     -4.01549       5.3474      15.8019      6.30743      24.6974      24.4326      23.5091
-      0.03373     -11.4993     -1.41617      9.81457     0.913287      20.0617      20.4468      20.2012
-      0.03374      5.06094       13.498      23.3274      12.7548      30.4836      29.4548      27.7365
-      0.03375     -16.9227     -6.20484      5.75375     -2.92172      16.8083      17.6606      17.8989
-      0.03376      18.1549      25.3201       33.948      21.9719      38.7606      36.6166      33.7278
-      0.03377     -55.5148     -40.9358     -25.4789     -30.8246     -7.33921     -3.20044     0.469726
-      0.03378      2.79105      11.4352      21.4752      10.6206      28.9988      28.1441      26.5906
-      0.03379     -34.0417     -21.7227      -8.2384     -15.8291      5.97214      8.27399      10.0181
-       0.0338      20.8608      27.7069      36.1825      23.4397      40.3969      38.0023      34.8458
-      0.03381      29.1141      35.1202      42.9607      29.3457      45.6932      42.6398      38.7891
-      0.03382     -66.9569     -51.3247     -34.6308     -39.5712     -14.4809     -9.33364     -4.62423
-      0.03383     -4.46245      4.82096       15.378      4.89632      24.4417      24.2093      23.3005
-      0.03384     -17.1197     -6.56584      5.16876     -4.23445      16.5609      17.4219      17.6581
-      0.03385     -39.3208      -26.534     -12.8919     -20.2618       2.6215      5.36925      7.57541
-      0.03386    0.0446653      8.84997      18.8228      7.85667      27.2716      26.6469      25.3359
-      0.03387      -28.731     -17.0564     -4.33956     -12.8383      9.25152       11.116      12.3939
-      0.03388       -29.86     -18.1023     -5.60197      -13.875      8.46559      10.4161      11.7824
-      0.03389     -4.24155      4.91858      14.9864      4.41322      24.5098      24.2739      23.3641
-       0.0339     -48.1885     -34.6249      -20.646     -27.1347     -2.97032     0.550836      3.55581
-      0.03391     -8.94344     0.643795      11.1102     0.851981      21.5376      21.6936      21.1878
-      0.03392       -6.517      2.84014      13.0787      2.55582      23.1521      23.1286      22.4297
-      0.03393      9.77797      17.4991      26.1724      14.1344      33.3797      31.9845      29.8471
-      0.03394     -50.3554     -36.5879      -22.439     -28.9562     -4.22428     -0.49997      2.71304
-      0.03395      32.2576      37.6765       44.112      30.0286      47.3974      44.0633      39.9014
-      0.03396     -49.7322     -36.1036     -22.1649     -28.7302     -3.86098    -0.172504      2.99995
-      0.03397       16.962      23.8444      31.4765      18.8691      37.8129      35.7807      32.9851
-      0.03398     -32.5916     -20.7293     -8.51152     -16.7014      6.82047       9.0405      10.6861
-      0.03399     -29.2111     -17.7192      -5.8974     -14.4301      8.85415      10.7647      12.0879
-        0.034      11.3964      18.7998      26.8392      14.5218      34.2514       32.704      30.4138
-      0.03401     -14.5725     -4.56368      5.77054     -4.09335      18.0889      18.7799      18.8209
-      0.03402      -29.848      -18.306     -6.55061      -15.085      8.51013      10.4903       11.876
-      0.03403     -20.7558     -10.1572     0.660529     -8.66475      14.1519      15.3412      15.9026
-      0.03404     -8.29994      1.02202      10.6094     0.119133       21.977      22.1055      21.5593
-      0.03405     -42.4279     -29.6876     -16.8693     -24.4434     0.596174       3.6388      6.13577
-      0.03406      4.83326      12.7917      21.2202      9.31216      30.1253      29.1341      27.4138
-      0.03407     -40.6572     -28.1718      -15.651     -23.3432      1.67216      4.57882      6.92917
-      0.03408     -42.2742     -29.6772     -17.1492     -24.7535       0.5573       3.5703       6.0343
-      0.03409     -10.1797    -0.808776      8.70472     -1.86159      20.6076      20.8935      20.5039
-       0.0341      26.9599      32.6284      38.5621      24.6922      44.0159      41.1668      37.4974
-      0.03411      26.1566      31.9211      37.9039      24.1172      43.6708      40.9352      37.3835
-      0.03412      10.2789      17.6283      24.8235      12.5791      33.7067      32.3526      30.2373
-      0.03413     -38.9075      -26.604     -14.9734     -22.7406      2.85054       5.6703      7.91179
-      0.03414     0.921501      9.11504      16.8876        5.553      27.6158      27.0063      25.6711
-      0.03415     -14.6586     -4.90369      4.18009     -5.64231      17.9168      18.6418      18.6952
-      0.03416      47.5612      51.0414      54.2322      38.8325      56.8962      52.3256      46.8525
-      0.03417     -3.14374      5.46375      13.4588      2.58416       25.312       25.093      24.1693
-      0.03418     -23.3943     -12.8185     -3.06398     -12.1037      12.5167        14.01      14.8663
-      0.03419     -24.9769     -14.2866     -4.52973     -13.4164      11.4063       13.007      13.9723
-       0.0342      4.62819      12.3218       19.204      7.66893      29.9341      29.0118      27.3389
-      0.03421     0.917119      9.00056      16.1721       5.0604      27.7154      27.1134      25.7793
-      0.03422       52.624      55.5221      57.6617      42.0535      60.1531      55.1694      49.2632
-      0.03423     -37.2653      -25.351     -14.9783     -22.4077      3.93404      6.65089      8.77162
-      0.03424     -76.1648     -60.4198     -46.4147     -50.5683     -20.7016     -14.7204     -9.19649
-      0.03425     -18.8511     -8.96227     -0.32757     -9.81048      14.9779      16.0306      16.4111
-      0.03426     -59.0328     -45.1262     -32.9628     -38.6234     -10.1539     -5.66837     -1.70528
-      0.03427     -17.1332     -7.46018      0.75794     -8.75694      16.0117       16.916      17.1416
-      0.03428     -43.5503     -31.2438     -20.6326     -27.6627    -0.421227       2.7486      5.33948
-      0.03429      31.7177      36.4469      39.9663      26.2144      46.7572      43.5182      39.4178
-       0.0343     -66.3188     -51.7314     -39.3325     -43.9783      -14.486     -9.33206     -4.67187
-      0.03431      5.27724      12.6041      18.4894      7.08081      30.2022      29.2144      27.4639
-      0.03432     -8.14369     0.560231      7.71175     -2.56405      21.8573      22.0577      21.5382
-      0.03433      6.67985      13.8706      19.7268      8.04986      31.1916      30.1291      28.2937
-      0.03434     -60.1661     -46.2989     -34.1992     -39.9721     -10.7141     -6.07334     -1.95642
-      0.03435      12.6363      19.1362      24.4178      12.0453      34.7431      33.1427      30.7476
-      0.03436     -47.6375     -35.0205     -24.2359     -31.1684     -2.86782     0.694944      3.67862
-      0.03437       10.974      17.6361      22.8501      10.7164      33.7563      32.3039       30.055
-      0.03438     -62.3909     -48.3728     -36.5428      -41.851     -12.1282      -7.3063     -3.01064
-      0.03439       19.153      24.9485      29.2943       16.434      38.8444      36.6886       33.698
-       0.0344      28.8088      33.6674      37.0909      23.3496      45.0941      42.1618      38.3593
-      0.03441     -13.8436     -4.72473      2.52267     -7.32955       18.437      19.1761      19.1936
-      0.03442     -71.1476     -56.3034     -43.7878      -48.504     -17.5596     -11.9723     -6.89258
-      0.03443     -2.74642      5.11576      11.2084     0.220238      25.0567      24.7767      23.7325
-      0.03444      27.4902      32.2959      35.6391      21.8913      44.1263      41.3035      37.6021
-      0.03445     -57.3035     -43.9995     -33.0577     -38.8862     -8.89676     -4.46905    -0.603554
-      0.03446     -5.70662      2.37525       8.4718     -2.06793      23.2639       23.255      22.4891
-      0.03447      2.96249      10.1384      15.4238      4.05033      28.7457       28.016         26.5
-      0.03448     -18.8141     -9.44811     -2.02341     -11.5604      15.1682      16.3051      16.7394
-      0.03449       9.0398      15.5509      20.0992       8.2622      32.5566      31.3242      29.2768
-       0.0345     -17.5857     -8.41404     -1.46108     -10.7837      15.9692      17.0136      17.3416
-      0.03451      -50.551     -38.1101     -28.1859     -34.5208     -4.76281    -0.923211      2.31726
-      0.03452      49.1262      51.4975      52.1809      36.7307      57.5898      52.9213      47.2832
-      0.03453     -19.4246     -10.1327     -3.22984     -12.3307      14.8817      16.1061      16.6143
-      0.03454     -37.5898     -26.5451     -18.1363     -25.5025      3.36332      6.11048      8.21087
-      0.03455      44.4478      47.2032      47.9212      33.1232      54.6493      50.4063      45.2044
-      0.03456     -40.9127     -29.5833     -20.9236     -27.9833      1.34981      4.41816      6.84472
-      0.03457      46.5743      49.0938      49.6032       34.577      56.0711      51.6582      46.2655
-      0.03458     -62.5221     -49.0666     -38.4133     -43.5921     -12.1623     -7.25036     -2.89953
-      0.03459     -10.8694     -2.69982       3.0431     -6.81928      19.9429      20.4005      20.1021
-       0.0346       33.112      36.8717      38.4767      24.6783      47.5699      44.2988      40.1065
-      0.03461     -57.0895     -44.2783     -34.4462     -39.9214     -8.83017     -4.38737    -0.532381
-      0.03462     -3.13063      4.18306      8.83893     -1.45757      24.7797      24.5882      23.6022
-      0.03463      14.1082      19.6578      22.7792      10.8572      35.6509      34.0066      31.5086
-      0.03464      16.0822      21.4374      24.4923      12.2264      36.9698      35.1944      32.5553
-      0.03465     -2.16062      5.01222      9.69474    -0.892202      25.5457      25.3365      24.3282
-      0.03466     -45.8251     -34.3214     -25.7044     -32.3234     -1.90799      1.59337      4.45384
-      0.03467     -28.7609     -19.0376     -12.0436     -20.2834      8.59931      10.6137      11.9205
-      0.03468      21.2462       25.905      28.2321      15.5207       39.948       37.703       34.562
-      0.03469     -49.4411     -37.7074     -28.8975     -35.1841     -4.25426     -0.43848      2.73809
-       0.0347     -11.0997     -3.27616      2.01046     -7.78972      19.6464      20.1568      19.8898
-      0.03471     -20.2299     -11.4984     -5.40749     -14.4569      13.9604      15.2697      15.8288
-      0.03472      -26.974      -17.626      -10.972     -19.3658      9.70535      11.5885      12.7486
-      0.03473      2.81581      9.14353      12.9006      1.79157      28.3271      27.6854      26.2002
-      0.03474      1.44667      7.89169      11.9492     0.782107      27.5479      27.0455      25.7043
-      0.03475     -24.2323     -15.2558     -8.84305     -17.6058      11.4922      13.1792      14.1251
-      0.03476     -7.29678   -0.0642722      4.69447     -5.59237      22.0483      22.2787      21.7038
-      0.03477     -37.0538     -26.8761     -19.3398      -27.017      3.37676      6.14669       8.2216
-      0.03478     -36.7986     -26.6969     -18.9051     -26.9646      3.44002      6.16883      8.19493
-      0.03479      24.7783      28.6381      30.8665      17.1385      42.0098      39.4965      36.0507
-       0.0348     -35.8915     -25.9109     -18.0052     -26.2544       4.1664      6.85888      8.83985
-      0.03481     -5.40217      1.49562      6.42006     -4.52959      23.1689      23.2479      22.4979
-      0.03482    -0.714607      5.65277      10.2651     -1.24813      26.1568      25.8585      24.7126
-      0.03483     -15.3342     -7.52144     -1.82134      -11.756      17.0013      17.9446      18.0971
-      0.03484     -27.5815      -18.596      -11.787     -20.6402      9.26453      11.2441      12.4753
-      0.03485      10.8097      15.8809      19.3157       6.7972      33.2829      31.9859      29.7949
-      0.03486      27.5663      30.9396      32.9349      18.8478      43.9226      41.2258       37.568
-      0.03487      33.3924      36.1993      37.4995      23.1517       47.726      44.5489      40.3951
-      0.03488     -40.3664      -30.213     -22.1334     -29.7488      1.52346      4.64202      7.05624
-      0.03489      15.2829      19.7609      22.7752      9.92147      36.1933      34.5308      31.9535
-       0.0349     -37.8034     -28.0537      -19.994     -28.1759      2.94639      5.82135      7.97905
-      0.03491      3.01552      8.65009      13.1366     0.970923      28.4525       27.825      26.3163
-      0.03492     -41.4184      -31.402     -22.9938     -30.8752     0.615754      3.78651      6.24496
-      0.03493      2.84475      8.34088       12.622     0.708924      28.2657      27.6425      26.1451
-      0.03494     -19.6936     -11.9167     -5.48743      -15.412      14.2173      15.5429       16.073
-      0.03495      -17.939     -10.4093     -4.15026     -14.2235      15.2511      16.4305      16.8035
-      0.03496     -11.7019     -4.84436      0.97062     -9.80346      19.1399      19.7887      19.6059
-      0.03497      -4.7134       1.4112      6.71777     -4.83418      23.5523      23.6117      22.8101
-      0.03498     -31.7807     -22.9611     -15.0842     -24.2722      6.59719      8.97376      10.5856
-      0.03499     -15.3497     -8.27148     -1.84573     -12.6084      16.7745      17.7376      17.8765
-        0.035     -10.2368     -3.73256      2.19676     -8.91155      19.9991      20.5302      20.2199
-      0.03501     -19.2638     -11.8736     -5.09495      -15.511       14.351        15.67      16.1675
-      0.03502      52.9421      53.0553      53.2135      36.3196      59.6369      54.8068      48.8895
-      0.03503      13.3786      17.4733      21.2715      7.99969      35.0571      33.6535      31.3055
-      0.03504     -70.6864     -58.2066     -46.5856     -52.3638     -17.6963     -11.9497     -6.83849
-      0.03505      26.7312      29.3019      31.9773      17.1379      43.0635      40.4676      36.8626
-      0.03506     -45.0731     -35.2894      -25.798     -34.2576     -1.80585       1.7485      4.56291
-      0.03507     -44.9078     -35.2453     -25.7928     -34.3428     -1.91068      1.60045      4.36544
-      0.03508     -22.3243      -14.987     -7.49215     -18.2332      12.1913      13.7708      14.5176
-      0.03509      -5.5164    0.0829141      6.06576     -6.22343      22.7631      22.9212      22.1898
-       0.0351     -30.6543     -22.5925     -14.2217     -24.2499      7.04367      9.36717      10.8917
-      0.03511     -2.15911      3.02865      8.78498     -3.89514      24.8934      24.7815      23.7619
-      0.03512     -23.1273       -15.88     -8.31501     -18.9087      11.7642      13.4715       14.338
-      0.03513       5.7892      10.0509      15.2348       1.7058      29.8175      29.0563        27.35
-      0.03514     -21.0503     -14.0569     -6.36044     -17.4055      13.1327      14.6648      15.3533
-      0.03515      5.12383       9.3937      14.8031      1.29084       29.471      28.7653      27.1192
-      0.03516     -65.6295     -54.3303     -42.2767      -49.507     -14.8786      -9.5407     -4.88647
-      0.03517       38.956      39.6499      42.0844      25.2908      50.4637      46.8577      42.1803
-      0.03518     -36.6777      -28.414     -18.9179      -28.826      3.24239      6.13533      8.23797
-      0.03519      -13.387     -7.56668    -0.121874     -12.3171      17.6587      18.5515      18.5612
-       0.0352      30.5823      31.9891      35.4911      19.1612      45.2431      42.4105       38.523
-      0.03521      4.64593      8.67023      14.7446     0.763934      29.1866      28.5853      27.0299
-      0.03522     -56.5796     -46.4989      -34.677     -43.2306     -9.26492     -4.65482     -0.77153
-      0.03523      5.93141      9.66308      15.8237       1.4493        29.73      28.9749      27.2533
-      0.03524      -61.204     -50.8027     -38.5071     -46.7273     -12.3315     -7.34206     -3.07164
-      0.03525      20.8806      22.9636        27.86      12.0087      38.9769      36.9422      33.8824
-      0.03526     -18.2025     -12.2002      -3.7037     -15.8909      14.6583      15.9956      16.4525
-      0.03527      19.8121      21.9472       26.978      11.3421      38.4563      36.5573       33.633
-      0.03528     -8.68312     -3.74798      3.99468     -9.02896      20.6823      21.2348      20.8695
-      0.03529     -18.7497     -12.8996     -4.13831     -16.3536       14.274      15.6766      16.2015
-       0.0353     -25.5942     -19.0865     -9.54001     -21.3073      9.94153      11.9188      13.0318
-      0.03531     -13.1846     -8.05257     0.382023     -12.5089      17.6157      18.5358      18.5409
-      0.03532      29.7042      30.5016      35.2422       18.293      44.5428      41.8151       38.017
-      0.03533     -65.9831     -55.6029     -41.9746     -50.3357     -15.3786     -9.90785     -5.16403
-      0.03534      1.71594      5.18403      12.6122     -1.96546      26.8119      26.4665      25.1432
-      0.03535      -5.8743     -1.63186      6.59125      -7.3552       22.167      22.4965      21.8697
-      0.03536     -34.2432     -27.2363     -16.2364     -27.6868      4.37841      7.13435      9.03551
-      0.03537     -5.52816     -1.50208      6.97152     -7.33323      22.2605      22.5699      21.9092
-      0.03538     -36.3854     -29.3199     -17.9874     -29.4279      2.94242      5.89672      7.99195
-      0.03539       63.352      60.3233      62.5295      41.9685      65.3775      59.8396      53.0678
-       0.0354     -40.5219     -33.0879     -21.1451      -32.279     0.522111      3.89977      6.42406
-      0.03541      -37.052     -30.0895     -18.4101     -29.9828      2.50268      5.53288      7.70027
-      0.03542       34.166      33.8748      39.1398      20.9553      47.0154      43.9729      39.7996
-      0.03543     -44.3064      -36.768     -24.1185     -35.2176     -2.04467      1.63973      4.48339
-      0.03544       8.5723       10.715      18.5662       2.5802      30.9364      30.0935       28.204
-      0.03545     -27.9891     -22.1938     -10.7883     -23.5146       8.1392      10.4196      11.7943
-      0.03546     -24.0041     -18.7147     -7.54229      -20.759      10.5385       12.474      13.4838
-      0.03547     -47.9049     -40.3188     -26.9052      -38.026     -4.56988    -0.594233      2.53882
-      0.03548       36.736      35.7786      41.4906      22.6227      48.4238      45.1764      40.7704
-      0.03549     -16.4989     -12.1629     -1.45568     -15.4121      15.2434      16.5912      16.9763
-       0.0355     -47.9529     -40.5355     -26.8203     -38.0115     -4.55521    -0.542807      2.62363
-      0.03551      4.81965      6.81946      15.8765    -0.348491      28.3422      27.8501      26.3084
-      0.03552     -1.72799     0.903179      10.6591     -4.91755      24.3514      24.4363      23.4987
-      0.03553      35.7944      34.5914      40.9958      21.9773      47.8795      44.7904      40.5367
-      0.03554     -22.9513     -18.3322     -6.34577     -20.1047      11.1194      13.0746      14.0788
-      0.03555      -26.491     -21.5988     -9.24217     -22.7211      8.79424      11.0048      12.2754
-      0.03556      25.2067       24.827      32.5362      14.3211      41.1386      38.9468      35.6191
-      0.03557     -23.8051     -19.3106     -6.88899     -20.7021      10.5134      12.5324      13.5928
-      0.03558      13.5872      14.2141      23.2909      5.97293      33.8088       32.638      30.3639
-      0.03559     -29.1101     -24.2672     -11.1732     -24.6264       7.0467      9.53254      11.0748
-       0.0356      14.3688      14.7656       23.976      6.49697      34.2043      32.9737      30.6292
-      0.03561     -31.0473     -26.1576     -12.6687     -26.0226      5.78861      8.44488      10.1578
-      0.03562     -38.0582     -32.5549     -18.3313     -31.0744       1.2682      4.49475      6.80505
-      0.03563     -18.1439     -14.7671     -2.30827     -16.9401      13.6122      15.1478      15.6808
-      0.03564     -34.7996     -29.8397     -15.7276     -28.8828      3.16138        6.132      8.15695
-      0.03565      35.9369      33.7332      41.4212      21.8995      47.5071      44.4463      40.1798
-      0.03566     -20.6071     -17.1871     -4.21376     -18.5735      12.2132      14.0304      14.8458
-      0.03567      -59.834     -52.5778     -35.7336     -46.6804      -12.488      -7.3509     -3.07246
-      0.03568      20.3703      19.4485      28.9726      10.5542      37.5682      35.8647      32.9902
-      0.03569     -13.9433     -11.4514      1.38656     -13.9157      16.2044      17.4658      17.6829
-       0.0357      -20.873     -17.7693      -4.0866     -18.9678      11.8087      13.6668      14.4966
-      0.03571     -4.97361     -3.57439      8.70328     -7.63908      21.6817      22.1918      21.6102
-      0.03572      5.29302      5.59781      17.0841    -0.267857      28.1175      27.7714      26.2912
-      0.03573     -13.3814      -11.278      2.03956     -13.5998      16.4643      17.7165      17.9046
-      0.03574    -0.469906     0.234965      12.4541     -4.38355      24.4847       24.639      23.6757
-      0.03575     -24.4436     -21.4093     -6.90276     -21.6022      9.42529      11.6395      12.8157
-      0.03576      34.4173      31.4296        40.49      20.5318      46.2307      43.4302      39.3708
-      0.03577     -20.6065     -18.1259      -3.7678     -18.7797      11.8423      13.7721      14.6409
-      0.03578     -6.15757     -5.25032      7.79361     -8.53678      20.7705      21.4483      21.0128
-      0.03579     -23.3252     -20.7612     -6.00418     -20.8054      10.0191      12.1599      13.2463
-       0.0358     -17.0211     -15.2213    -0.929319     -16.3614      13.8754       15.469      15.9848
-      0.03581    0.0806841    0.0627054      12.8822     -4.08137      24.5226      24.6757      23.6801
-      0.03582      -51.302     -46.2636     -28.6069     -40.9227     -7.70501     -3.15342     0.432564
-      0.03583      27.4822      24.5387      34.9648      15.5254       41.592      39.4128      35.9654
-      0.03584     -35.3386     -32.0339     -15.6566     -29.3908      2.33834      5.55537      7.73834
-      0.03585      54.8444      48.9956      57.1757      35.1789      58.7398      54.2718      48.4263
-      0.03586     -14.8052     -13.7087      1.05734     -14.5692       15.272      16.7973      17.1996
-      0.03587     -13.4975     -12.6836      2.09097     -13.7313      15.9109      17.3087      17.5744
-      0.03588     -38.0559     -34.8692     -17.7894     -31.3319     0.459577      3.93151      6.36256
-      0.03589      5.90225       4.5564      17.6557    0.0555272      27.8559      27.5823       26.091
-       0.0359     -39.3061     -36.2113     -18.8218      -32.292    -0.453618      3.14488      5.69563
-      0.03591      19.8914      16.9325       28.963      10.1109      36.5405      35.0891      32.3637
-      0.03592      7.72363      5.91631       19.216      1.49811      29.0224      28.6535      27.0501
-      0.03593     -41.6313      -38.579     -20.6933     -33.9131     -1.96884      1.89117      4.68718
-      0.03594     -3.09604     -4.03893      10.3334      -6.3314      22.0363      22.5747      21.9125
-      0.03595      4.39367      2.56877      16.3654    -0.949721       26.711      26.6408      25.3366
-      0.03596     -70.9335     -65.2926     -44.4472     -54.9018     -20.5267     -14.1691      -8.7686
-      0.03597        1.276    -0.526127      13.6928     -3.39779      24.4421      24.6302       23.578
-      0.03598     -3.29518     -4.69127      10.0773     -6.52876      21.6561      22.2673       21.651
-      0.03599     -7.30585     -8.40038      6.85084     -9.34848      19.1511      20.1222      19.8819
-        0.036     -25.4941     -24.8504     -7.82073     -22.4404      7.74025      10.2864       11.676
-      0.03601     -35.2523     -33.7411      -15.722      -29.441      1.53799      4.90275      7.14573
-      0.03602       58.881      50.8224      60.1974      37.9133      60.4456      55.8182      49.6956
-      0.03603     -24.1838     -23.9437     -6.71323     -21.3925      8.62242      11.1288        12.45
-      0.03604      18.2749      14.0988      27.3815      8.91658      35.0826      33.9497      31.4701
-      0.03605        28.95      23.6149      35.9963       16.627      41.8218      39.8004      36.3922
-      0.03606      -22.496     -22.7917     -5.57111     -20.2513      9.52224      11.9161      13.1049
-      0.03607     -11.6279     -13.1408      3.09653     -12.5449      16.1537      17.6014      17.7953
-      0.03608     -66.9322     -63.0564     -41.6946     -52.2331     -18.6297     -12.4748     -7.37218
-      0.03609     -4.66193     -7.18223       8.4775     -7.71814      20.1828      21.0061      20.5348
-       0.0361     -37.1557     -36.5194     -17.7728     -30.9431    -0.143727      3.48606      5.93359
-      0.03611     -9.20535     -11.4992      4.68031     -10.8794       17.309       18.565      18.5262
-      0.03612     -24.0924     -24.9917     -7.31087      -21.491      8.02907      10.5666      11.8682
-      0.03613      11.7118      7.10887      21.5519      4.17263      30.4162       29.919       28.046
-      0.03614     -51.7584     -50.1122     -29.7232     -41.2824     -9.34591     -4.40003    -0.602491
-      0.03615      4.43648       0.2909      15.5043     -1.08408      25.6898      25.8266      24.6009
-      0.03616      56.9709      47.4513      57.9279      36.6302      58.6641      54.3763      48.5241
-      0.03617     -33.4628     -33.9388     -14.9994     -27.9907      2.16864      5.63343      7.86325
-      0.03618     -19.3671     -21.4558     -3.76388     -18.0588      10.7385      12.9791      13.9211
-      0.03619       16.787       10.961      25.3837       7.8532      33.3104      32.4704      30.1958
-       0.0362     -40.4021     -40.5829     -20.8524     -33.0748     -2.52205      1.54335      4.37432
-      0.03621     -19.8577     -22.2809      -4.3441     -18.5065      10.1572      12.4525      13.4301
-      0.03622     -42.3627     -42.6168     -22.5361     -34.5675     -3.97016     0.243697      3.22194
-      0.03623      42.7629      33.8165      46.1417      26.3685      49.2188      46.2069      41.6255
-      0.03624     -38.8348     -39.6975      -19.835     -31.9978     -1.74887      2.25161      4.98177
-      0.03625      54.1328      43.8128      55.1381      34.6219      56.3754      52.4352      46.8795
-      0.03626      6.77052      1.10635      16.8907     0.876689      26.8771      27.0284      25.7372
-      0.03627      24.4811       16.905        31.14      13.5619       37.876      36.5273      33.6598
-      0.03628     -9.10359     -13.3817      4.03979      -10.389      16.8475      18.3692      18.4907
-      0.03629     -40.7384     -42.0748     -21.6855     -33.2032     -3.20811      1.00195      3.92009
-       0.0363     -14.9775     -19.0542     -1.11014     -14.8064      12.7542       14.731      15.3273
-      0.03631      47.8616      37.3696      49.5267      30.1703      52.0847      48.7549      43.7854
-      0.03632     -15.3032     -19.5335     -1.48335     -14.9577      12.6172      14.7246      15.4287
-      0.03633      3.29978     -2.93084       13.449      -1.6381      24.1322      24.6467      23.6822
-      0.03634      -27.723     -30.9855     -11.6691     -23.8971       4.6173      7.80511      9.60398
-      0.03635      7.87368     0.889677      16.9845      1.51402      26.7842      26.9427      25.5644
-      0.03636      12.2683      4.70099      20.4196      4.66182      29.5702      29.3959      27.6588
-      0.03637      8.69839       1.3879      17.4824      2.13353      27.2942      27.4444      26.0283
-      0.03638      13.2171      5.29558      21.0219      5.38341      30.0664      29.8605      28.0705
-      0.03639     -41.0008     -43.6147     -22.7825     -33.4651     -3.98947      0.43482      3.46437
-       0.0364      14.5842      6.20364      21.9263      6.23697       30.624      30.2931      28.3495
-      0.03641      10.3128      2.26926      18.4299      3.27363      27.9902      28.0558      26.5168
-      0.03642     -41.8509     -44.8338     -23.8181     -34.1336     -4.76606     -0.23218      2.88654
-      0.03643     -6.30412     -12.9902      4.77293     -8.73338      17.3513       18.839      18.7679
-      0.03644     -33.1303     -37.2755     -16.9826     -27.9042     0.492932      4.29174      6.62114
-      0.03645     -9.11535     -15.8485       2.2893     -10.7644      15.3853      17.1456      17.3392
-      0.03646     -3.00266     -10.4911      7.16837     -6.35167      19.1985      20.4668      20.1371
-      0.03647     -14.1342      -20.666     -2.04221     -14.2247      12.2308      14.4632      15.1348
-      0.03648      7.99368    -0.848219      15.7918      1.69233      26.0749      26.4318      25.1364
-      0.03649      11.1689      1.86013      18.3513      4.01691      28.0683      28.1964      26.6501
-       0.0365     -7.67186     -15.2722      2.98039     -9.54225      16.1643      17.9232      18.0662
-      0.03651     -27.6497     -33.3887     -13.2511     -23.8887      3.53191      6.99312      8.90345
-      0.03652      18.2642       7.7532      23.6739       8.9924      32.1801      31.7293      29.5461
-      0.03653     -33.3413     -38.8367     -18.1007     -27.9524    -0.163023      3.82667      6.26159
-      0.03654      6.69313      -2.9881      14.0366     0.724008      24.7649      25.3365      24.1967
-      0.03655     -25.0483     -31.6304     -11.6748     -21.9762      4.88087      8.18642      9.88999
-      0.03656    -0.119504     -9.38655      8.31367     -4.18384      20.3579      21.5499      21.0327
-      0.03657      26.7148      14.5969      29.8512      15.0947      37.1523      36.0896      33.2119
-      0.03658     -24.3905        -31.5     -11.4875     -21.4471      5.16211      8.49121      10.1856
-      0.03659      37.7887      24.2662      38.5898      23.0232      43.9692      42.0081      38.1636
-       0.0366     -13.7759     -22.2626     -3.12453     -13.8311      11.6739      14.1487      14.9307
-      0.03661     -31.3681     -38.2654     -17.4781      -26.491      0.48937      4.45164      6.77457
-      0.03662      6.42928     -4.42268      12.9334     0.560805      24.0198      24.7622      23.7111
-      0.03663     -20.9238     -29.2086     -9.32966     -19.0224      6.83395      9.93958      11.3457
-      0.03664     -3.33045     -13.5257       4.7096     -6.47818      17.7349      19.3507      19.1899
-      0.03665      15.6275      3.38772      19.9964      7.19636      29.5836      29.6072      27.7816
-      0.03666      11.1184    -0.816465      16.2759      3.96187      26.7127      27.1711      25.7722
-      0.03667      13.8103      1.46268      18.3743      6.01333      28.4294      28.6757      27.0565
-      0.03668     -63.7994     -68.5156     -44.4274     -49.6537     -20.3348     -13.4554     -8.17309
-      0.03669      12.8393     0.217752      17.2267      4.98711      27.3584      27.6934      26.1202
-       0.0367     -22.6683     -31.8892     -11.5802     -20.4514      5.14764      8.54801      10.1656
-      0.03671      34.7542      19.6037      34.6071      20.6797      41.0294      39.5534      36.0692
-      0.03672     -29.9744      -38.753     -17.6819     -25.5873     0.539751      4.63299      6.94597
-      0.03673      7.42268     -5.30653      12.3502      1.13914      23.7516        24.66      23.6335
-      0.03674     -8.16196     -19.4577     -0.31722     -10.0113      13.9698      16.2344       16.613
-      0.03675      18.3177      4.20525      20.8691      9.00287      30.4976      30.5209      28.5477
-      0.03676      1.20043     -11.3484      6.90698     -3.23469      19.7415      21.2626      20.8393
-      0.03677        35.51      19.3548      34.5148      21.3565      41.1626      39.7764        36.31
-      0.03678       28.877      13.2486      29.0876      16.6688      37.0322      36.2601      33.4164
-      0.03679     -34.0989     -43.5634     -21.9198     -28.4663     -2.50367      2.10337      4.86263
-       0.0368     -48.0757     -56.3758      -33.436     -38.7029     -11.6031     -5.82461     -1.85931
-      0.03681     -30.8899     -41.1292     -19.7577     -26.5258     -1.06431      3.24441      5.65836
-      0.03682      9.53011     -4.92438      12.7333      2.57062      24.2302      25.1061      23.9323
-      0.03683      3.73331      -10.309      7.86992     -1.54581       20.591      22.0105      21.3919
-      0.03684      7.75037     -6.78487      11.1293      1.46171      23.1828      24.3013       23.358
-      0.03685     -3.04212     -16.6506      2.28586     -6.22029      16.3691      18.4314      18.4583
-      0.03686     -7.05655     -20.4899     -1.18729     -9.20025      13.6647      16.0789      16.4627
-      0.03687      14.8561    -0.922174      16.3765      6.53479      27.3419      27.9094       26.352
-      0.03688     -18.1688     -30.8021     -10.3963      -17.124      6.58768       10.006      11.4067
-      0.03689     -6.18233      -20.243     -1.02833     -8.62328       13.908      16.3161      16.6458
-       0.0369      16.4156   -0.0499746      17.0775      7.59457      28.0319      28.5318      26.8585
-      0.03691      33.6439       15.299      30.8881      19.9661      38.8034      37.8804      34.7056
-      0.03692     -57.2942     -66.6736     -42.7215     -45.1724     -18.2105     -11.3545     -6.42116
-      0.03693     -7.85982     -22.4309     -3.04014      -9.9073      12.4598      15.0679      15.5563
-      0.03694      46.7785      26.6055      40.9894      29.3401      46.6773      44.6751      40.3312
-      0.03695     -21.6783     -35.1157     -14.3425      -19.601      3.86088      7.75139      9.54283
-      0.03696     -19.5055     -33.3764     -12.8061     -18.1597      4.99033      8.69071      10.2703
-      0.03697     -24.1906     -37.7709     -16.7469     -21.5992      1.87561      5.97747      7.96165
-      0.03698      37.6946      17.7254      33.0509      22.7279      40.5741      39.4292      35.9279
-      0.03699     -19.1831     -33.5586     -12.8954     -17.8434      5.03902      8.79485       10.394
-        0.037      12.8585      -4.9379      12.7819      5.03535      24.9424      25.9705      24.7121
-      0.03701      19.4427     0.819979      17.9513      9.76065      29.0258       29.545      27.7276
-      0.03702      -3.3843     -19.8508     -0.59828     -6.51489      14.7367      17.2059       17.427
-      0.03703     -1.44112      -18.296     0.758036     -5.21031      15.7446      18.0931      18.1458
-      0.03704      6.15861     -11.6263       6.7281     0.202782      20.4021      22.1198      21.4981
-      0.03705     -14.4225     -30.3146     -10.0448     -14.6415      7.34785      10.8771      12.1035
-      0.03706     -22.5703     -37.8538     -16.8267      -20.564      2.08365      6.31112       8.2556
-      0.03707      18.8394    -0.717661      16.5002      9.15524      27.9707      28.6795      26.9348
-      0.03708     -51.7788     -64.4356     -40.7079     -41.4575      -16.351      -9.5764     -5.00486
-      0.03709      64.3564      39.8911      52.8831      41.7105      56.2435      53.1208      47.3444
-       0.0371     -13.9503     -30.6499     -10.3433     -14.1965        7.361      10.9927      12.2495
-      0.03711      25.7472      4.82749      21.4759      14.1346      32.0165      32.2771      29.9961
-      0.03712      32.2321      10.5111      26.5849      18.8346      36.0653      35.8162      32.9875
-      0.03713     -9.57683     -27.2188     -7.27756     -11.0612       9.8532      13.1918      14.0893
-      0.03714     -35.4166     -50.6637      -28.332     -29.7385     -6.59565     -1.05414       2.1248
-      0.03715      15.6878     -4.88098      12.7176      6.78102      25.2102      26.3972      25.0137
-      0.03716      5.81341     -13.8989      4.55895    -0.229765      18.9705      21.0696      20.6039
-      0.03717     -16.5327     -34.1788     -13.5832     -16.2486      4.88015      8.89871      10.4353
-      0.03718      56.6598      31.5326      45.3681      36.2515      50.6844      48.4831      43.5079
-      0.03719      28.4499      6.04787      22.5416      16.1311      33.1072      33.3788      30.9719
-       0.0372      7.71302     -12.7783      5.61181      1.19303      19.9995      22.0696      21.5167
-      0.03721      28.8141      6.06123      22.4844       16.346       33.117      33.3912      30.9545
-      0.03722     -40.0705     -56.0947     -33.3151      -33.134      -10.214     -4.03025    -0.326763
-      0.03723     -21.9575     -40.0382     -18.9776     -20.3485     0.809366      5.41842      7.47362
-      0.03724     -3.89221     -23.9078      -4.5018     -7.39577      12.0175      15.1167      15.5638
-      0.03725     -9.84563     -29.4013     -9.45199     -11.6009      8.25325      11.9029      12.8953
-      0.03726      49.8653      24.1681      38.5949      31.1831      45.6268      44.2148      39.9179
-      0.03727     -59.8318     -74.6123     -50.0513     -47.2704     -23.0196      -15.031     -9.53431
-      0.03728      32.9568      8.61489      24.5719      18.9981      34.7648      34.8371      32.0459
-      0.03729      26.5642      2.78764      19.3754      14.5632      30.8322      31.5009       29.318
-       0.0373      34.2209      9.55908      25.4769      20.0883      35.6332      35.7082      32.8815
-      0.03731     -26.2868     -45.0583     -23.5672      -23.339     -2.39646      2.87465      5.45152
-      0.03732      21.7928     -1.96447      15.0139      11.0688      27.5267       28.685      26.9529
-      0.03733      10.2012     -12.5325      5.48962      2.79784      20.2222      22.4102      21.7338
-      0.03734      17.8926      -5.7447      11.5304      8.26169       24.901      26.4788      25.1343
-      0.03735      27.7408       2.9822      19.4378      15.3877      31.0648      31.8201      29.6086
-      0.03736      7.68018     -15.1945      3.08411     0.989612      18.3802      20.9118      20.5084
-      0.03737     -24.1552     -43.9825     -22.8253     -21.8487     -1.67569      3.54432       5.9581
-      0.03738     -16.6009     -37.3603     -16.9729      -16.611      2.77745      7.38118      9.10919
-      0.03739      39.5551      13.0162      28.2168      23.6642      37.8844      37.7182      34.4616
-       0.0374     -28.4284     -48.2421     -26.7741     -25.0864     -4.66598      1.03146      3.85778
-      0.03741     -48.2857     -66.2903      -43.017     -39.4342     -17.3585     -9.98154     -5.41534
-      0.03742     -7.64718     -29.9064     -10.4533     -10.4001      7.90177      11.8187      12.7532
-      0.03743      30.6428      4.44055      20.3397      17.0872      31.8854      32.5932       30.156
-      0.03744      18.6392     -6.39609      10.5849      8.57933      24.4111      26.2217      24.9034
-      0.03745     -14.6456     -36.5017     -16.4366     -15.2674       3.4806       8.1562      9.81117
-      0.03746      35.4269      8.41134      23.8159      20.5748       34.697      35.1176      32.3163
-      0.03747     -36.6129     -56.4618      -34.454     -31.0024     -10.4571     -3.84732    -0.216453
-      0.03748      36.2502       8.8736      24.0959      21.0282      34.9401       35.337      32.4655
-      0.03749     -19.1103     -40.9981     -20.6995     -18.5247     0.299793      5.46682      7.55103
-       0.0375      35.1812      7.71722      22.9253      20.2853      34.1255      34.6857      31.9359
-      0.03751        5.665     -18.8955    -0.927679    -0.780805      15.6555      18.7839      18.6947
-      0.03752      30.7629      3.56092      19.1735      17.1602      31.2337       32.261       29.949
-      0.03753     -10.4796     -33.6064     -14.2578     -12.3915      5.34663       9.9176      11.2892
-      0.03754     -7.12888     -30.7289     -11.7377     -10.0665      7.26729      11.5645      12.6216
-      0.03755      10.3718     -15.1011      2.20881       2.4379      18.0905      20.9194      20.4185
-      0.03756      15.5367     -10.5086      6.34272      6.23235      21.3378       23.763      22.8253
-      0.03757      31.0935      3.40022      18.7926      17.3268      31.0023      32.1368      29.8303
-      0.03758     -20.8701     -43.4582     -23.3245     -19.9022     -1.61375      3.98713      6.31838
-      0.03759       28.871      1.16883      16.5806      15.6262      29.3303      30.7078       28.602
-       0.0376     0.181421     -24.7132     -6.66594     -4.98568      11.3376      15.2081      15.6829
-      0.03761     -6.05573      -30.421     -11.8533     -9.36858      7.31286      11.7244      12.7456
-      0.03762      38.2306      9.33679      23.7953      22.3535      34.9608      35.6252      32.7133
-      0.03763      24.1723     -3.34256      12.3411      12.3511      26.1756      28.0921       26.469
-      0.03764     -28.8119     -51.1076     -30.6575     -25.6734     -7.15779    -0.685071      2.41287
-      0.03765       7.3093     -18.7215     -1.67592     0.087338      15.2333      18.6213      18.4762
-      0.03766      27.9201    -0.242399      14.8619      14.8604      28.0566      29.7427      27.7915
-      0.03767      47.1575      17.0321      30.3273      28.6962      40.1687      40.2563      36.6216
-      0.03768     -69.3128     -87.8179     -63.8182     -54.7724     -32.8907     -22.8315     -16.0855
-      0.03769      11.8049      -14.976      1.41246      3.18933      17.5581      20.6632      20.1312
-       0.0377      77.9957      44.5651      54.7872      50.7458      59.1051      56.6381      50.2615
-      0.03771     0.401526     -25.2205     -7.88676      -4.6878      10.6315      14.8524      15.4408
-      0.03772      21.2403     -6.55085      8.76435       10.201      23.5137      25.9695      24.6814
-      0.03773       40.568      10.8249      24.2552      24.1261      35.6269      36.4403      33.4375
-      0.03774     -9.16794     -34.0199     -16.0339     -11.6564       4.3136      9.44052      10.8882
-      0.03775      5.04326     -21.2706     -4.70854     -1.51791      13.0281      16.9431       17.099
-      0.03776      19.9294     -7.94167      7.14354      9.02572      22.2226      24.9089      23.7503
-      0.03777      24.9522     -3.40665      11.1555      12.7181      25.3706      27.6907      26.1089
-      0.03778      2.32494     -23.7668     -7.20919     -3.49467      11.0544      15.3626      15.8047
-      0.03779      35.4715      6.02132      19.4163      20.2278      31.6947      33.2018      30.6956
-       0.0378     -26.1032     -49.3746     -30.3911     -23.8586     -6.89105   -0.0994056      2.88229
-      0.03781      61.0621      28.9832      39.7984      38.5063      47.5225      46.8982      42.1103
-      0.03782      -17.965     -42.0435     -23.9604     -18.0185     -1.92622      4.25998      6.54908
-      0.03783     -2.57066      -28.293     -11.8113     -7.19327       7.4036      12.2864      13.1884
-      0.03784      25.1221     -3.34505      10.4241      12.6382      24.6909      27.2374      25.6789
-      0.03785     -46.7427     -68.0476     -47.6952     -38.8185     -20.3939     -11.6851     -6.83715
-      0.03786      11.0862     -16.0502     -1.19115      2.53348      15.6127      19.3891      19.0583
-      0.03787      14.9258     -12.5207      1.81413      5.39764      18.0824      21.5909      20.9534
-      0.03788     -16.8424     -41.1287     -23.9354     -17.3999     -1.95605      4.31611      6.52314
-      0.03789      25.9932     -2.56803      10.5407      13.2484      24.7906      27.4183      25.8026
-       0.0379      41.1787      11.1262      22.7421      24.1736       34.299      35.7054      32.7803
-      0.03791      3.46188     -22.7727     -7.74053     -2.78844      10.6573      15.3276      15.7837
-      0.03792     -25.2305     -48.5323     -31.0602     -23.4116     -7.48735     -0.35591      2.63404
-      0.03793      41.5743      11.6392      22.7252      24.4203      34.2057      35.6554      32.6835
-      0.03794      20.0578     -7.66204      5.32543      9.11482      20.7778      24.1357        23.12
-      0.03795      8.84496     -17.7193     -3.82953      1.05101       13.672      18.0307      18.0143
-      0.03796      6.39142     -19.8556     -5.95512    -0.773325      12.0229      16.5795      16.7763
-      0.03797      14.6797     -12.3307     0.661363      5.18545      17.1199      21.0164      20.4837
-      0.03798       11.916     -14.7913     -1.72502      3.17723      15.2646      19.4292      19.1562
-      0.03799     -3.80854     -28.9184     -14.4704      -8.0533      5.33389      10.8788       12.011
-        0.038     -32.1278      -54.307     -37.4311     -28.3801     -12.4983     -4.53647    -0.905272
-      0.03801      52.1022      21.5506      30.4584      31.8699      40.1022      40.9133      37.0453
-      0.03802      72.3454      39.9005      46.8369      46.5603      52.9489      52.1188      46.5116
-      0.03803      7.26218     -18.5253     -5.70226    0.0265434      12.2515      17.0352      17.2551
-      0.03804      7.58035     -18.2031     -5.61676     0.155689      12.2114      16.9717      17.1381
-      0.03805       16.339     -10.3057      1.29051      6.32897      17.5108      21.5509        20.94
-      0.03806      41.4058      12.4686       21.533      24.3622      33.2028      35.1432      32.2997
-      0.03807     -35.1871     -56.3964     -40.4572     -30.5071     -14.8564     -6.35184     -2.36642
-      0.03808      44.3444      15.2655      23.6743      26.3348      34.7319      36.4727      33.3499
-      0.03809      22.3809     -4.29485       6.0053      10.7739      21.0801      24.7497      23.6167
-       0.0381    -0.241713     -24.5327     -12.3207     -5.43234      6.81098      12.4619      13.3455
-      0.03811      27.9583     0.883102      10.2603       14.716      24.2811      27.5726      25.9477
-      0.03812     -1.88789     -25.8245     -13.8567     -6.65574      5.55268      11.4544       12.501
-      0.03813      37.9506      10.1492      18.2537      21.8854       30.405      32.9286      30.4254
-      0.03814     -7.56547     -30.6251     -18.5417      -10.654      1.92259      8.37185      9.93243
-      0.03815      26.8889     0.464142      9.16015      13.9489      23.3797      26.8785      25.3556
-      0.03816      11.1762     -13.5713     -3.59722      2.69779      13.4798      18.3747      18.2721
-      0.03817      31.7058      5.10514      12.9475      17.4336      26.2738      29.4519      27.5241
-      0.03818     -8.85076     -31.3249     -19.8541     -11.5895     0.843754      7.51273      9.20058
-      0.03819      11.5697     -12.7512      -3.4895      2.97616      13.4639      18.4119      18.2635
-       0.0382      14.1402     -10.2374      -1.4232      4.78748      15.0107      19.7925       19.436
-      0.03821      38.5007      11.8681      18.2177      22.2588      30.2165      32.9633      30.4492
-      0.03822      2.53302     -20.2482     -10.8008      -3.4039      7.71013      13.5725      14.2723
-      0.03823     -17.1978     -37.8819      -26.899     -17.6827     -4.88267      2.69097      5.13781
-      0.03824      54.2694      26.5918      30.7774      33.5187      39.8157      41.3166      37.3907
-      0.03825      46.2469      19.6164      24.3887      27.9572       34.905      37.1665      34.0032
-      0.03826     -9.78244     -30.5855     -20.8777      -12.149    -0.190983      6.88425      8.70778
-      0.03827     -34.7911       -52.93     -41.1851     -30.1568     -16.0848      -6.8877     -2.88071
-      0.03828      23.9258     0.129839      6.18639      11.9032      20.5266      24.7336      23.4903
-      0.03829     -6.38645     -26.9126     -18.3268     -9.75486      1.55065      8.39805      9.87865
-       0.0383      4.24129     -17.1296      -9.7438      -2.1381      8.11097      14.0863      14.6175
-      0.03831      7.87473     -13.6786     -6.85851     0.482243      10.3545      16.0684      16.2917
-      0.03832      13.0612     -8.76208      -2.7065      4.18943      13.5577      18.8752      18.6497
-      0.03833     -2.35867     -22.2958     -15.1897     -6.86038      3.80769      10.4762      11.6234
-      0.03834      46.7696        21.91      24.4522      28.3659       34.546      37.0351      33.8107
-      0.03835      21.9689    -0.161079      4.45701      10.7048      19.0574      23.7613      22.7752
-      0.03836      1.75386      -18.093     -11.8588     -3.76277      6.32062      12.7705      13.5778
-      0.03837      9.97293      -10.489      -5.2564      2.11489      11.3565      17.1243      17.1828
-      0.03838      65.2396      39.4803      39.3914      41.7839      45.9605      47.0622      42.2121
-      0.03839      27.1852      5.47634      8.76459      14.7032      22.2685      26.6799      25.2474
-       0.0384      51.5821      27.7348      28.4105      32.1756      37.4618      39.8264      36.2217
-      0.03841      18.2454     -2.02413      1.49248      8.30576      16.5357      21.7925      21.1679
-      0.03842     -16.5251     -33.0605     -26.6756     -16.6888     -5.43333      2.79854      5.24313
-      0.03843      14.7839     -4.70472     -1.49739      5.66759      13.9812      19.5523      19.1811
-      0.03844      3.27426     -14.7741     -10.7257     -2.55749      6.72972       13.317      13.9768
-      0.03845       76.321      51.2467      48.2851      49.7912      52.4447      52.8759       47.051
-      0.03846     -18.7181     -33.9651     -28.3162     -18.0877      -6.9182      1.66914      4.33398
-      0.03847      30.4119      10.3806        11.19      16.9627      23.5892      28.0149      26.2782
-      0.03848      -3.2231     -19.4564     -15.8955     -7.02395      2.54009      9.86526       11.124
-      0.03849     -41.2672     -53.6107      -46.683     -34.3607     -21.4715      -10.884     -6.26513
-       0.0385      27.9964      8.94345      9.23102      15.2328      21.7605      26.4594      24.8884
-      0.03851      20.9288      2.84205      3.58921      10.2316      17.3827      22.7612      21.8461
-      0.03852      6.95318     -9.41951     -7.65219     0.283962      8.64808      15.2781      15.6306
-      0.03853      30.3943      11.9666      11.3183      17.1506      23.2745      27.9678      26.2382
-      0.03854     -10.8905     -24.8192      -22.044     -12.4126      -2.6477      5.61881      7.57646
-      0.03855      8.93875      -6.9054     -6.08369       1.8084      9.64478      16.2371      16.4046
-      0.03856       -22.86     -35.2008      -31.742     -20.9657     -10.3397    -0.999168      1.99294
-      0.03857    -0.907838     -15.1584     -13.9687     -5.29784      3.26273      10.7563      11.7775
-      0.03858      93.7831      70.2879      62.5388      62.6482      62.6202      62.1134       54.734
-      0.03859     -12.6819     -25.1309     -23.2758     -13.4334     -3.90656      4.78003      6.94106
-       0.0386      32.0884      15.4047      12.8331       18.574      23.9905      28.8355      26.9655
-      0.03861      64.7806      45.1022      39.2613      42.0515      44.4802      46.5994      41.8401
-      0.03862      30.2783      14.3517      11.5001      17.4728      22.9231       28.049      26.3862
-      0.03863     -45.3278     -53.3767     -49.5609     -36.7492     -24.5978     -13.0111     -7.97453
-      0.03864      59.1387      40.8585      34.6797      37.9599      40.5522      43.2341      38.9348
-      0.03865      2.39764     -9.91747     -10.9952     -2.55375       5.1528      12.7494      13.5297
-      0.03866     -30.4237     -39.1431     -37.5025     -26.1121     -15.5622     -5.15112     -1.47505
-      0.03867      15.4587      2.31301    -0.506621      6.71506      12.9903      19.5136      19.0837
-      0.03868      17.9433      4.84107      1.61484      8.65642      14.6441       21.011      20.3811
-      0.03869      51.9568      35.8462      29.1715      33.1155      35.9727      39.4989      35.8565
-       0.0387      25.7924      12.5005      8.11582      14.4207      19.5935      25.4306      24.1538
-      0.03871      14.2786      2.45225      -1.1198      6.23995      12.3728      19.2145      18.9424
-      0.03872       29.121      16.0108      10.8548      16.8565      21.5602      27.1694      25.5677
-      0.03873      13.9816      2.68966     -1.33629      6.03295      12.0171      18.9721      18.7241
-      0.03874      51.1644      36.4986      28.7517      32.7599      35.2959      39.0967      35.5323
-      0.03875     -23.1425     -30.0684     -31.0804     -20.3996     -11.1937     -1.00044       2.0459
-      0.03876      33.3065       20.932      14.4567      19.9315      23.9184      29.3167      27.3104
-      0.03877    -0.292938     -8.99413     -12.6413     -4.03028      2.90622       11.224      12.2198
-      0.03878      26.9289      15.7804      9.35055      15.4696      19.8873        25.91      24.4698
-      0.03879      33.7249       22.115       14.937      20.4752      24.2105      29.7016      27.6666
-       0.0388      18.1648      8.51246      2.43971      9.36995      14.4357      21.3216      20.6834
-      0.03881     -21.1471     -26.6311     -29.2748     -18.8263     -10.3041   -0.0397307      2.80473
-      0.03882      16.8741      7.80153      1.38723      8.34689      13.3303      20.3757      19.8104
-      0.03883     -6.32834     -12.7607     -17.2307     -8.20634     -1.21547      7.85534      9.36285
-      0.03884      7.59195    0.0668589     -5.94843      1.74342      7.41011      15.3427      15.6034
-      0.03885      22.5852      13.7407      6.19779      12.6235      16.8398      23.5314      22.4605
-      0.03886      3.98584     -2.64885     -8.74282    -0.726797      5.11719      13.4895      14.0961
-      0.03887       19.827      11.7943       4.1272      10.7313      14.9963      22.0497      21.2366
-      0.03888     -16.1404     -20.2645      -24.857     -15.0682     -7.62862        2.591      4.98341
-      0.03889      58.3118      46.9339      35.2305      38.2646      38.9236      42.7985      38.5563
-       0.0389     -3.12561     -7.98071     -14.1325     -5.50858      0.60892      9.80529      11.0522
-      0.03891      25.7366      18.1915      9.21552      15.0904      18.5963      25.3336      23.9863
-      0.03892    -0.986332     -5.58167     -12.2671     -3.99473       1.8506       10.918      11.9488
-      0.03893      22.8596      16.1218      7.00274      13.0678      16.6758      23.7468      22.6449
-      0.03894     -50.6147     -49.6561     -52.2794     -39.5712     -29.4215     -16.0442     -10.6124
-      0.03895      68.5162      57.7388      43.8925      45.7288      45.0339      48.2716      43.0686
-      0.03896       56.473      47.2524       34.411      37.3738      37.7513      42.1262      38.0587
-      0.03897     -9.93825     -12.3625     -19.0706     -10.0869     -3.81226      6.28166      8.13148
-      0.03898      47.4974      39.5507      27.3181      31.0074      31.9986      37.2132       33.922
-      0.03899      35.5921      29.1771      17.8035      22.5839      24.5772      30.8813      28.6737
-        0.039      15.9589      11.7195      2.08062      8.55968      12.2469      20.2663      19.7963
-      0.03901      11.9642      8.38457     -1.10582      5.67937      9.61064      17.9923      17.8553
-      0.03902      41.6309      35.3385        22.96      27.0154      28.2064      34.1095      31.3225
-      0.03903     -5.16754     -6.54861     -14.7655     -6.47147     -1.11809      8.83776       10.226
-      0.03904      -13.096     -13.4956     -21.1919     -12.2438     -6.27698      4.37619      6.44097
-      0.03905      23.9744      19.9962      8.81877      14.3597      16.8882      24.4121      23.1576
-      0.03906      44.9935      39.1854      25.9101      29.4901      30.0952      35.9041      32.8033
-      0.03907      18.7797      15.9338      4.94455      10.9135      13.7803      21.8866      21.1342
-      0.03908       12.754      10.7928     0.112642      6.60206      9.89667      18.5477      18.3126
-      0.03909      4.78424      3.79857     -6.28787     0.914934      4.85058      14.2285      14.6959
-       0.0391     -14.0802     -12.9154     -21.4698     -12.6502     -7.08674      3.94689      6.07927
-      0.03911     -6.48087     -5.92055     -15.2758     -7.19798     -2.42024      7.97943      9.40793
-      0.03912       26.263      23.7824      11.2754      16.3285      18.0712      25.7277      24.2387
-      0.03913      26.4367      24.3201      11.5734      16.5644       18.238      25.9657      24.4891
-      0.03914      39.5091      36.3015      22.2214      26.0578      26.4881      33.1448      30.5095
-      0.03915      4.85437      5.33952     -5.66138       1.2989      4.77334      14.4457       14.901
-      0.03916      49.8769      46.0286      30.7258      33.5462      32.8853      38.7569      35.1907
-      0.03917     -14.4822      -11.703     -21.0816     -12.4175     -7.36323       4.0425      6.20498
-      0.03918      53.8826      49.9373      34.1559      36.5572      35.3123      40.9218      36.9721
-      0.03919      5.33202      6.52916      -4.8858      1.87817      4.97789       14.806       15.198
-       0.0392      9.08087      10.0129      -1.8788      4.50394      7.18626      16.7286      16.7721
-      0.03921      33.3421      32.0334      17.8109      21.9676      22.3679      29.8768       27.745
-      0.03922      41.5884      39.6368      24.5902      27.9909      27.5667      34.4462      31.5941
-      0.03923      15.2056      16.2009      3.44201       9.1652      11.0905       20.266       19.762
-      0.03924      31.5751      31.1025      16.7223      20.8921      21.2465      29.0777      27.1039
-      0.03925     -13.4755     -9.16083     -19.5925     -11.3833      -7.0604      4.68862      6.72039
-      0.03926       31.795      31.6919      17.0384       21.068      21.1646      29.1188      27.0879
-      0.03927     -23.1596     -17.5915     -27.2469     -18.2676     -13.2671    -0.586618      2.28269
-      0.03928      49.7781      48.1525      31.6346      33.9264      32.2548      38.7638      35.1274
-      0.03929        45.45      44.4571      28.3397      31.0174      29.7012      36.6485       33.432
-       0.0393      26.8339      27.8582      13.4431      17.8119      18.1042      26.6992      25.1495
-      0.03931      -28.644     -21.8195     -31.2599     -21.9068      -16.737     -3.37784   -0.0146755
-      0.03932      23.5133      25.1573      10.8088      15.3424      15.6948      24.6268      23.3121
-      0.03933     -16.8081     -10.9357      -21.614     -13.4256     -9.51732       2.9089      5.18127
-      0.03934      1.20232      5.43692     -7.04889    -0.550137      1.63121      12.5472      13.1974
-      0.03935     -11.8161     -6.13197     -17.4931     -9.87732     -6.59358      5.50148      7.30766
-      0.03936      27.1768      29.1196      14.1096       18.137      17.8192      26.6371      24.9686
-      0.03937      46.9819      47.1477      30.2658      32.5062      30.3519      37.5564      34.1535
-      0.03938      -16.666     -10.0364     -21.0473     -13.0246     -9.48654      3.21911      5.49331
-      0.03939      14.8629      18.4095       4.4182      9.53546       10.106      20.1579      19.5887
-       0.0394      35.5721      37.2706      21.2108      24.4223      23.0539      31.4104      29.0066
-      0.03941      31.7639      33.9842      18.3074       21.781       20.699      29.4516      27.3973
-      0.03942      19.4776      23.0707      8.50104      13.0469      12.9976      22.8634       21.906
-      0.03943      46.1089      47.1386      30.0561      32.1649      29.6152      37.2697       33.941
-      0.03944       7.4918      12.5458    -0.992811      4.62553      5.45851      16.4688      16.5793
-      0.03945      50.5306      51.2577      33.8502       35.485      32.3514      39.7247      35.9824
-      0.03946     -64.7943      -52.342     -59.1867      -47.115     -39.9337     -22.6721     -16.1545
-      0.03947      16.2358      20.6261      6.13254      10.7597      10.4823      20.8271      20.0643
-      0.03948       5.3483      11.0348     -2.49914      3.06971      3.75093      15.0967      15.3207
-      0.03949     -17.9883     -9.86457     -21.1787     -13.5449     -10.8949      2.49861      4.79163
-       0.0395      8.48217      14.0038     0.227006      5.42103      5.59452      16.7725      16.6962
-      0.03951    -0.850489      5.82527     -7.13603     -1.14326    -0.190674      11.8481      12.6048
-      0.03952     -14.8257     -6.63916     -18.3661      -11.144     -9.00557      4.27901      6.27499
-      0.03953      41.3251      43.9883       27.038      29.1813      26.1376      34.6846      31.6779
-      0.03954     -35.7554     -25.2622     -35.1587     -25.9115     -22.0446     -6.85747     -2.99044
-      0.03955      31.0389      34.9016      18.7295      21.8379      19.5701      29.0944      26.9926
-      0.03956      24.4854      29.1719      13.6165      17.2866      15.5429       25.694      24.1965
-      0.03957      33.9884       37.903      21.4131      24.2279      21.5615      30.9661      28.6313
-      0.03958      12.0161      18.2004      3.78341      8.53962      7.77911      19.1509      18.7795
-      0.03959      8.72879      15.2588      1.13537      6.17052      5.59175      17.2836      17.1832
-       0.0396     -4.48789      3.48419      -9.4515     -3.27138     -2.72809      10.1289      11.1876
-      0.03961      27.2286       32.125      16.2435      19.5304      17.1306      27.2997      25.5158
-      0.03962      46.2961      49.3335      31.7662      33.2752      29.0974      37.7385      34.2765
-      0.03963      36.0389      40.2433      23.5886      26.0799      22.7543      32.3101      29.7822
-      0.03964      71.4637       72.276       52.291      51.4923      44.8953      51.5496      45.8883
-      0.03965     -22.7447     -12.5058     -23.8102     -15.9857     -14.1615     0.613575       3.3461
-      0.03966      1.88108      9.67009     -3.93691      1.56013      1.01181      13.6756      14.1534
-      0.03967      6.06012      13.4532    -0.554196      4.57994      3.55896      15.9094      16.0061
-      0.03968      72.0936      72.9396      52.8979      51.9951       44.891      51.7282      45.9453
-      0.03969     -6.36208      2.40602     -10.3249     -4.11663     -4.16007      9.48814      10.7158
-       0.0397     0.770684      8.96078     -4.52807     0.954631     0.147425      13.2322      13.7954
-      0.03971      24.9185      30.7656      15.0286      18.2865       15.191      26.2549      24.6438
-      0.03972     -42.0677     -29.4907     -39.0108     -29.6962     -26.8533     -10.0207      -5.6732
-      0.03973      22.3158      28.5137      12.9827      16.4293      13.3396      24.6915      23.2702
-      0.03974       45.593      49.5578       31.898      33.2419      28.0077      37.4909      34.0244
-      0.03975      19.8592       26.465      11.2511      14.9844      12.0067      23.7716      22.6204
-      0.03976     -16.6835     -6.39097     -18.2476      -11.208     -10.9639      3.96737      6.05027
-      0.03977       -17.04     -6.61966     -18.5636     -11.5336     -11.3881      3.60758       5.6805
-      0.03978      40.8299      45.4988      28.2336      29.9977      24.8503       34.932      31.8512
-      0.03979      17.4029      24.5073      9.40836       13.349      10.2611      22.4644      21.4949
-       0.0398     -21.4482     -10.3967     -21.9316     -14.5124     -14.1944      1.38308      3.86626
-      0.03981      35.8335      41.1604      24.2887      26.5063        21.55      32.2895      29.6534
-      0.03982      8.33037      16.4966       2.2246      6.96802      4.41767      17.5856      17.4153
-      0.03983       47.967      52.1571      34.2044      35.3804      29.1838      39.0336      35.3354
-      0.03984      16.7288      24.0972      9.09411      13.1438      9.70347      22.3005      21.3957
-      0.03985      47.1791      51.6684      33.7828      34.9897      28.7089      38.7676      35.1427
-      0.03986      50.9467      55.0647       36.863      37.8211      31.1235      40.9443      37.0086
-      0.03987      12.8478      20.8764      6.14637      10.5772      7.21968      20.3409       19.791
-      0.03988     -32.7134     -20.0379     -30.7495     -22.1827     -21.5438     -4.49268     -1.02959
-      0.03989      33.5122      39.5572      22.6817      25.3547      19.7941       31.214      28.7318
-       0.0399     -19.1501     -7.77169     -19.7725     -12.3519     -13.1414      2.84232      5.05866
-      0.03991      37.1158      42.9128      25.6193      27.9762      22.0087       33.246      30.4344
-      0.03992      -15.725     -4.57109     -16.9551     -9.80638       -11.05      4.77535      6.68841
-      0.03993      31.1134      37.6532      21.0139      23.8146      18.1863      30.0497      27.7775
-      0.03994     -7.06433      3.31943     -9.73558     -3.45575     -5.70773      9.50352      10.6359
-      0.03995     -22.4335     -10.4465     -22.1793     -14.4772     -15.4631      1.09841      3.57278
-      0.03996      16.0818      24.2259      8.79167        13.09      8.56107      21.8858      20.9135
-      0.03997     0.381202      10.1583     -3.88737      1.92024     -1.24459      13.4922      13.9285
-      0.03998      60.5667       64.386      44.6922      45.1425      36.4649      46.1618      41.2458
-      0.03999     -40.9368     -26.8058     -37.2134     -27.4517     -27.0467     -8.62375     -4.47915
-         0.04      19.7864      27.7416      11.7935      15.9605      10.7435      24.0152      22.7048
-      0.04001      19.0594       27.179       11.214       15.556      10.3536      23.7458      22.5134
-      0.04002     -12.6601     -1.31734     -14.4095     -7.17806     -9.61407      6.56967       8.1633
-      0.04003      29.4199      36.5766      19.4936       22.995      16.6683      29.3094       27.139
-      0.04004      8.22155      17.5968      2.42303      7.93488      3.36994      17.9866      17.7169
-      0.04005      48.3467      53.6682      34.8428      36.7102       28.474      39.7091      35.8738
-      0.04006      -1.8041       8.6803     -5.57508     0.901699      -2.9137      12.7312      13.3637
-      0.04007     -4.87511      5.95251     -8.15035     -1.35228     -4.95924      10.9084      11.7814
-      0.04008      10.0287      19.4922      3.74656      9.30579      4.27507      18.9299      18.4709
-      0.04009      -6.9956      4.18534      -9.9692     -2.86465     -6.44116        9.734      10.7894
-       0.0401      28.0297      35.8047      18.3752      22.2657       15.439      28.6867      26.6193
-      0.04011      29.8906      37.5768      19.8862      23.7411      16.6897      29.8672      27.6536
-      0.04012     -7.41896      4.11209     -10.4549     -2.93653     -6.71097      9.70779      10.8095
-      0.04013      1.89374      12.5136     -3.07859      3.70258     -1.02291      14.6499      14.8961
-      0.04014     -13.6531     -1.35358     -15.5632     -7.41543      -10.845      6.21268      7.83078
-      0.04015      31.6397      39.4645      21.1236      25.0986       17.467      30.7165      28.2926
-      0.04016     -26.5067     -12.7708     -25.9926     -16.5091     -18.9477    -0.654376      2.11389
-      0.04017      44.9248      51.5239      31.4884      34.6562      25.6559      37.8968      34.2935
-      0.04018      71.5537      75.5976      52.9857      53.9343      42.4903      52.5833      46.6521
-      0.04019     -47.4428      -31.354     -43.0181     -31.1687     -31.9884     -11.6602     -6.99384
-       0.0402      23.3965       32.409      13.8896      19.3996      12.0752      26.3745        24.67
-      0.04021      29.2996      37.7651      18.5996      23.7482      15.8457      29.7312      27.5247
-      0.04022     -31.4199     -16.8123     -30.3038     -19.7037     -22.2425     -3.12631    0.0549495
-      0.04023      43.3522       50.464      29.8945      33.7876      24.3981       37.182      33.6803
-      0.04024      4.75036      15.8723      -1.4019      6.27868     0.300935      16.4771      16.4427
-      0.04025      14.6688      24.8613       6.5374      13.4268       6.4818      21.8582      20.9229
-      0.04026     -8.92887      3.67307     -12.6608     -3.48978     -8.38631      9.05795      10.2265
-      0.04027       75.589      79.7546      55.5343      57.0903      44.4822      54.8196      48.4615
-      0.04028     -7.67292      5.02504     -11.5809     -2.31727     -7.50898       10.025      11.1104
-      0.04029      51.6647      58.3769      35.9809      40.1298       29.475       42.003      37.7849
-       0.0403      20.8777      30.7589      11.2146        18.22      10.2852      25.5039      24.0348
-      0.04031      7.99828      19.2697     0.598895      9.05883      2.12644      18.4784      18.1411
-      0.04032     -11.5679      1.63666     -15.4148     -4.96779     -10.2751      7.80734      9.18237
-      0.04033     -24.9961     -10.5132     -26.5959     -14.7605     -18.8971     0.376111      2.92141
-      0.04034      51.2919      58.1471      34.8878      39.9272      28.8277      41.6489      37.3935
-      0.04035       53.534      60.2579      36.9167      41.8307      30.4939       43.241      38.8359
-      0.04036      41.5401      49.5768       27.066      33.3336      23.0091      36.8627      33.5397
-      0.04037      32.2994       41.317       19.468      26.7861      17.2022      31.8879      29.3822
-      0.04038     -17.1721     -3.18649     -20.6688     -8.68944     -13.9128      5.04713      6.92585
-      0.04039     -10.9173      2.40507     -15.8774      -4.2673     -10.2041      8.25554       9.5362
-       0.0404      2.02942      14.0744     -5.67014      4.92427      -2.2196      15.1659      15.2691
-      0.04041      56.8925      63.4931      38.5541      44.3318      32.1923       44.951      40.1802
-      0.04042     -52.2376     -34.6547     -49.6182     -33.7823     -36.1686     -13.9912     -9.02065
-      0.04043     -9.87867       3.4994     -15.5777     -3.44804     -9.82416      8.71205      9.84969
-      0.04044      22.1673      32.2785      10.0432      19.5848      10.2367      26.1104      24.4063
-      0.04045      10.7859      22.0548     0.693454      11.4921      3.07894      20.0981       19.431
-      0.04046      13.8212      24.9982      2.97414      13.7356      4.95394      21.8287      20.8911
-      0.04047      44.7352      52.9378      27.8732      35.9682      24.3277      38.6218      34.9361
-      0.04048     -18.2854     -3.77539     -23.2154      -9.1482     -15.1952      4.58746        6.518
-      0.04049      47.5364      55.4037      29.5845      37.9685      25.9026      40.0894      36.1363
-       0.0405     0.807662      13.3963     -8.32676      4.53023     -3.37446      14.9262       15.152
-      0.04051     -22.8929     -7.99532     -27.7638     -12.4263     -18.3449      2.00763      4.30821
-      0.04052      5.42156      17.4369     -5.18237      7.85115    -0.730494      17.2299      16.9844
-      0.04053      14.2232      25.3609      1.71742      14.2385      4.77842      22.0872      21.0602
-      0.04054      12.7306      23.9878     0.353005      13.2415      3.84648      21.3588      20.4738
-      0.04055      32.5435      41.8047      16.1372      27.5115      16.2636      32.1587       29.512
-      0.04056     -7.92094      5.37068      -16.609      -1.3978     -9.09136      10.3232      11.2898
-      0.04057     -29.9394     -14.4823     -34.7872     -17.2013      -23.031     -1.69397      1.19563
-      0.04058      21.0877      31.3491      5.89942      19.2931      8.75633      25.8008      24.1294
-      0.04059     -11.7862      1.76984     -20.6854     -4.15929     -11.7913      8.14533      9.41161
-       0.0406     -15.0577     -1.21423     -23.6003     -6.51169     -13.9516      6.29528       7.8321
-      0.04061      85.1466      88.8407      57.1425      65.4173      48.8488      60.6324      53.2648
-      0.04062     -15.3913     -1.57122     -24.1849     -6.39487      -13.899       6.5729      8.20383
-      0.04063      85.0385      88.6856      56.4996      65.5149       48.849      60.8026      53.4742
-      0.04064     -26.7818        -11.9     -33.9433     -14.4441     -21.0846     0.499963      3.15046
-      0.04065       22.132       32.003      5.34127      20.4776      9.28393      26.6991      24.9416
-      0.04066       30.025      39.1405       11.397      26.1619      14.1828      31.0233      28.5693
-      0.04067     -15.9573     -2.23531      -26.099     -6.82177     -14.7025      6.12826      7.77057
-      0.04068      42.0504      49.8596      20.5261      34.7782       21.582      37.5005      33.9471
-      0.04069     -16.9917     -3.26045     -27.4046     -7.36136     -15.3626      5.67774      7.39608
-       0.0407      60.2823       66.291      34.6008      48.0348      32.9305      47.4449      42.2698
-      0.04071      8.20984      19.4615     -7.74485      10.8639     0.430059      19.4678      18.9584
-      0.04072     -9.11047      3.81409     -22.1977     -1.63494     -10.5882      9.96798      10.9769
-      0.04073      35.3176       43.752      13.3257       30.244       17.168      33.9879      31.0163
-      0.04074     -23.7785     -9.42319     -34.6984     -12.0904     -19.9105      2.02717      4.33152
-      0.04075      11.3724      22.1542     -6.64868      13.0791      1.95818      20.9515      20.0913
-      0.04076     -9.72368       3.1914     -23.9285      -1.9478     -11.2268      9.59877      10.6186
-      0.04077      10.9739      21.7045     -7.55442       12.878       1.6427      20.7576      19.9268
-      0.04078      27.5825      36.6799      5.45198      24.9259      12.1411      29.8963      27.5901
-      0.04079      16.4454      26.6035     -3.84258      16.9725      5.13301      23.9394       22.649
-       0.0408     -15.7003     -2.36674     -30.0679     -5.97681       -15.02      6.56451      8.11694
-      0.04081     -5.82374      6.37541     -22.8349     0.992917     -9.04992      11.7582      12.4149
-      0.04082      19.3261      29.0594     -2.55183      19.0557      6.68336       25.393      23.8025
-      0.04083      24.1276      33.3501     0.920605      22.5723      9.72586        28.13       26.136
-      0.04084     -2.02365      9.71133     -20.4309      3.92097     -6.66334      14.0604      14.3815
-      0.04085     -14.8061     -1.81038     -31.0851     -5.31441     -14.8852      7.01188      8.46159
-      0.04086     -9.41045      2.96066     -27.2076     -1.46371     -11.5871       9.9086      10.8584
-      0.04087      30.8604      39.1663      4.94397      27.4494      13.6116       31.728      29.0885
-      0.04088     -7.33461      4.75587     -26.2853     0.131064     -10.2972      11.1561      11.9424
-      0.04089       3.7579      14.7496     -17.5933      8.13038     -3.38609      17.1344      16.9166
-       0.0409      42.4539      49.5434      13.1693      35.8682      20.8059       38.103      34.4543
-      0.04091     -16.1576     -3.18296     -34.5276     -6.04545     -15.8856      6.49167      8.07936
-      0.04092      10.6481      20.9778     -13.0929      13.0584     0.723963      20.8523      20.0299
-      0.04093      22.8323      31.9364     -3.68589       21.923      8.38151      27.5338       25.629
-      0.04094     -8.00519      4.20767     -28.9542    -0.143817     -10.9648      10.8902      11.7336
-      0.04095      32.1639      40.3765      3.03554      28.6529      14.1237       32.602      29.8555
-      0.04096     -27.0331      -12.864     -45.2672     -13.6717     -22.9375     0.654364      3.18332
-      0.04097      76.3219      80.1493      37.8071      60.3682      41.6922      56.5209      49.8319
-      0.04098      15.7254      25.6623     -11.4472      17.1372      3.91784       24.032      22.7871
-      0.04099      42.0127      49.3597      9.59333      35.9533      20.2767      38.1995      34.6005
-        0.041      16.3426       26.259     -11.1477      17.6776      4.25619      24.4265       23.109
-      0.04101     0.183065      11.7318     -24.7311       6.1445     -5.91762      15.6632      15.7522
-      0.04102      -59.631     -42.1365     -73.5272     -36.8014     -43.5907     -16.8824     -11.5041
-      0.04103      45.1518      52.1546      10.6547      38.1936        21.82      39.6231      35.6393
-      0.04104      8.24133      19.0751     -19.4162      11.9218     -1.13734      19.9222      19.2685
-      0.04105     0.232846      11.9038     -26.1895      6.16649      -6.2395      15.5485      15.5929
-      0.04106     -23.9243     -9.78318     -46.0947     -11.1527     -21.4389      2.46754      4.66674
-      0.04107       12.297      22.8492     -17.1213      14.7646      1.14323      22.0192      20.9793
-      0.04108     -3.62897      8.55624     -30.1754      3.43196      -8.8154      13.4918      13.8795
-      0.04109     -38.5369     -22.8404     -58.7495     -21.5554      -30.763     -5.42958     -1.95126
-       0.0411       20.223      30.0142     -11.6598      20.4879      5.91741      26.2766      24.5048
-      0.04111      -31.397     -16.3197     -53.5081     -16.3477     -26.3327     -1.50225      1.33482
-      0.04112     -3.84958       8.4826     -31.8112      3.39001     -9.19085      13.3382      13.7013
-      0.04113      9.11349      20.1665      -21.734      12.7544     -1.04828      20.4259      19.6483
-      0.04114     -9.81862      3.21081     -37.4681    -0.796976      -12.934      10.2398      11.1582
-      0.04115       46.069      53.4767      7.18787      39.2402       22.033      40.4965      36.4417
-      0.04116      2.74267      14.6422     -27.3703      8.39518     -4.95958      17.2808      17.1041
-      0.04117      64.1765      70.0185       21.951      52.4539      33.4684      50.5014      44.8526
-      0.04118    -0.473338      11.9567     -30.4012      6.25042     -6.94617      15.6824      15.8117
-      0.04119     -14.6962    -0.814123     -42.2063     -4.15051     -16.0708      7.78245      9.14335
-       0.0412      35.8286       44.668     -1.76739      32.1173      15.5271      35.0799      31.9157
-      0.04121     0.770187      13.1935     -30.2635       7.0907     -6.38662       16.223      16.1959
-      0.04122     -35.3212     -19.1638     -59.5379     -18.7833     -29.0692     -3.36906    -0.211669
-      0.04123      36.3747      45.3654     -2.33671      32.4648      15.6723      35.2829       32.046
-      0.04124     -1.23858      11.5062     -32.8058      5.68439     -7.78516      15.1418      15.2819
-      0.04125      38.5977      47.3156    -0.967107      34.1992      17.0218      36.6943      33.2974
-      0.04126      7.01765      19.0555     -26.5664      11.6536     -2.71408      19.7089      19.1519
-      0.04127      82.8815      87.3999      34.5259      66.0342      44.7786      60.7977      53.4893
-      0.04128     -14.4096    0.0420601     -43.9641     -3.52992     -16.0581      8.38473      9.75352
-      0.04129      34.7428      44.2089     -4.69568      31.5712      14.5358      34.7846      31.7365
-       0.0413      21.2085      32.0023     -16.2778      21.8662      6.03681      27.5249        25.69
-      0.04131     -40.9361     -23.7875     -66.5016     -22.5756      -32.946     -6.14312     -2.47279
-      0.04132      11.4588      23.3453     -24.2539      14.8337    -0.364509      21.9872      20.9501
-      0.04133      32.2683      42.1382     -6.85908      29.8496      12.7678      33.4091      30.5381
-      0.04134      6.00146      18.6222     -28.0883      11.1995     -3.58839      19.3607      18.8436
-      0.04135     -2.41135         11.1     -35.1048      5.15789     -8.92269      14.7981      15.0086
-      0.04136     -14.5104     0.220035     -45.1203     -3.53076     -16.5769      8.20998      9.48571
-      0.04137      1.51148      14.6697     -32.2612      7.97623     -6.60218       16.844        16.68
-      0.04138      25.3921      36.1467     -13.0623      25.0849      8.31977      29.7967      27.5203
-      0.04139      47.4822      56.1318      4.87235      41.0158      22.2425      41.9229      37.7008
-       0.0414      17.5996      29.3128     -19.4017      19.7598      3.63737      25.9266       24.379
-      0.04141     -20.2593     -4.66475     -50.2332     -7.40367     -20.1979      5.35405      7.15737
-      0.04142      30.0065      40.5614     -9.77284      28.5403      11.1277       32.414      29.7178
-      0.04143      4.22465      17.3895     -30.4544       10.209      -4.9164      18.6259      18.2317
-      0.04144      40.0129      49.5975      -1.5648      35.7759      17.4099      37.9541      34.3764
-      0.04145     -7.60873      6.81688      -39.918       1.7331     -12.3619      12.3073      12.9773
-      0.04146     -20.3816     -4.73958     -50.4094     -7.59587     -20.5866       5.1946       6.9851
-      0.04147      7.75653      20.6134      -27.831      12.5772     -3.03539      20.3716      19.6342
-      0.04148     -43.5055     -25.4437     -69.0156     -24.1373     -35.1741     -7.35021     -3.52597
-      0.04149      22.2403      33.7408     -15.8396      22.9811       5.9453      28.1416      26.0967
-       0.0415      20.3067      31.9684      -16.938      21.7102      4.82581      27.3055      25.4647
-      0.04151     -18.3853      -2.8059     -48.1561     -5.98072     -19.4256      6.40938      8.01911
-      0.04152      5.93854      19.0702     -28.2937       11.503     -4.21567      19.5627      18.9793
-      0.04153       21.437      33.0669     -15.7369      22.6195      5.44888      27.9676      26.0239
-      0.04154       36.901      47.0611     -3.07346      33.8417      15.2193      36.4858      33.1821
-      0.04155      6.88043      20.0365     -27.1624      12.2689     -3.58915      20.3012      19.6857
-      0.04156     -39.9383     -22.0956     -64.4917      -21.274     -32.9948     -5.10189     -1.58149
-      0.04157      53.8136      62.1686      10.8045       45.815      25.6225      45.5141      40.6561
-      0.04158      26.8407      37.9067     -10.5208      26.7084      8.93973      31.2119      28.7947
-      0.04159     -3.03045      11.0531     -34.5221      5.28669     -9.77472      15.0739      15.3095
-       0.0416     -10.5875      4.20717     -40.7258    -0.295059     -14.7322      10.7691      11.6502
-      0.04161       34.232      44.5566     -4.36237      31.7828       13.324      35.0362      31.9297
-      0.04162     0.796852      14.4958     -30.5242       7.9135      -7.5349       17.087       16.975
-      0.04163      22.1427      33.7318     -13.0132      23.2022      5.80304      28.5765      26.5617
-      0.04164     -27.0762     -10.4988     -52.4127     -11.9949     -25.0317      2.00091      4.36212
-      0.04165      6.12129      19.2795     -25.7915      11.6721     -4.49055      19.8418      19.2263
-      0.04166      36.2971      46.4342     -1.25987      33.3261      14.4342      36.2556       32.975
-      0.04167    -0.455623      13.4476     -30.4957      7.06923     -8.52924      16.4919      16.5018
-      0.04168      23.6723      35.2338      -10.452      24.3497      6.52745      29.5361      27.3808
-      0.04169     -38.8882     -21.0087     -60.5927     -20.3367     -32.5864     -4.26406    -0.854359
-       0.0417     -15.0902     0.311329       -41.04     -3.50269     -17.9444      8.33407      9.60168
-      0.04171     -13.5113      1.70598     -39.4584     -2.44206     -17.0259      9.19396      10.3179
-      0.04172     -1.91662      12.1759     -30.1929      5.85597     -9.76922      15.4947      15.5881
-      0.04173      9.28988      22.1997     -20.4891      13.9082     -2.72108      21.6115       20.731
-      0.04174      41.8434      51.5413      6.30742      37.3419      17.7704      39.3841      35.6202
-      0.04175      8.48767      21.5532     -20.3262      13.5039     -3.05358      21.4557      20.6943
-      0.04176      23.4461      34.9591     -7.88271       24.261      6.30174      29.5519      27.4461
-      0.04177      40.0033      49.8137      5.88536      36.1113      16.6456      38.5326      34.9717
-      0.04178     -2.87265      11.2198     -28.2595      5.42284     -10.1963       15.383      15.6408
-      0.04179      25.7398      36.9787     -4.80781      25.9062      7.65766      30.8074      28.4901
-       0.0418      2.08505       15.752     -23.5088      8.96801     -7.14828      18.0433      17.8392
-      0.04181     -18.2621     -2.58684     -39.4889     -5.74434     -20.0056      6.93698      8.53029
-      0.04182      24.4074      35.7273     -4.38911      24.8628      6.68415      30.0041      27.7776
-      0.04183      32.3213      42.8735      2.46494       30.677      11.7559      34.4531      31.5448
-      0.04184     -19.9999     -4.15464     -39.2952     -6.78989     -20.9847       6.2108      7.96473
-      0.04185     -31.1245     -14.2434     -47.8196     -14.9359     -28.1746   -0.0270245       2.6893
-      0.04186      19.3457      31.1399     -6.83217      21.2149      3.41635      27.2697      25.4726
-      0.04187     -34.7501     -17.5112     -50.3637     -17.5216     -30.4185     -1.91604      1.12415
-      0.04188      36.0478       46.181      7.89265      33.2167      13.8505        36.32      33.0495
-      0.04189     -5.47653      8.91831      -25.316      3.60937      -11.978      14.0892      14.5455
-       0.0419     0.566615       14.379     -19.9144      7.99027      -8.1632      17.4019      17.3096
-      0.04191      24.4494      35.7954    -0.146377      24.9948      6.72199        30.28      28.0635
-      0.04192     -1.54248      12.3786     -20.6662        6.409     -9.52971      16.2999      16.4044
-      0.04193      9.18374      22.0153     -11.5829      14.0275     -2.86413      22.0568      21.2008
-      0.04194      36.5246      46.6469      10.9137      33.6749      14.3347      36.9408      33.6582
-      0.04195      3.24569      16.7543     -15.1972      9.85463     -6.50225      19.0136      18.7174
-      0.04196      18.4473      30.4227     -2.52321      20.6373      2.89089      27.1432      25.4926
-      0.04197     -25.7232     -9.30937     -37.4904     -10.9861     -24.7525      3.25751        5.525
-      0.04198      17.3311       29.407     -2.15941      19.7548      2.09253      26.4402      24.8469
-      0.04199     -19.9874     -4.11247     -31.7283     -6.97802     -21.2494      6.28741      8.03471
-        0.042       16.048      28.3093     -2.33042       18.827      1.28011      25.7482      24.2729
-      0.04201      41.5138      51.2382        18.85      37.0391      17.3399      39.6327      35.9207
-      0.04202      1.76001      15.5301     -12.7229      8.61812      -7.4353      18.2893      18.1304
-      0.04203      1.32537       15.056     -12.5739      8.27215     -7.73134      17.9757       17.832
-      0.04204     -4.48246      9.83658     -16.7406      4.07531      -11.471      14.7642      15.1257
-      0.04205      -59.738     -39.9217     -60.9047     -35.6059     -46.1057     -15.1866     -9.92235
-      0.04206       79.001      84.8481      51.5484      63.6893      40.5534      59.7795      52.6999
-      0.04207     -44.8811     -26.4754       -47.56     -24.7856     -36.7065     -6.84855     -2.84814
-      0.04208      4.83659      18.1773     -6.98362      10.6357     -5.76278       19.821       19.355
-      0.04209      2.80287      16.3727     -8.22563      9.11598     -7.03449      18.7396      18.4777
-       0.0421      55.3789      63.6499      34.6502         46.8      25.9457       47.273      42.3509
-      0.04211     -29.7922     -12.9044     -33.5129     -14.1695     -27.2715      1.34018      4.03152
-      0.04212     -12.7026      2.44422      -19.245     -2.01997     -16.7433      10.3894      11.5131
-      0.04213       35.392      45.6574      20.2249       32.382      13.3195      36.3911      33.2385
-      0.04214      14.0335      26.5282      3.46306      17.2074     0.123377      25.0444      23.8199
-      0.04215      10.1624      23.0455     0.830007      14.4008     -2.37561        22.91      22.0263
-      0.04216     -39.9731     -22.0856     -39.0984     -21.6039     -33.8056     -4.27737    -0.699434
-      0.04217      66.5335      73.7618      47.4981      54.7294      32.9043      53.3541      47.4175
-      0.04218       35.821      46.1275      23.2136      32.8425      13.9047      37.0224      33.8917
-      0.04219     -15.7458    -0.225088     -18.0729     -4.20259     -18.4208      9.12943       10.572
-       0.0422      11.5881      24.3238      4.44285      15.1864     -1.47287       23.713      22.7133
-      0.04221     -37.2699     -19.6852     -34.5727     -19.8472      -32.127      -2.7212     0.609514
-      0.04222     -18.5532     -2.83991      -19.052      -6.5931     -20.5197      7.23887       8.8725
-      0.04223      3.76118       17.228    -0.513432      9.43965     -6.47317      19.3831      19.0283
-      0.04224    -0.920104      13.0287     -3.91245      6.00507     -9.42926      16.8568      16.9464
-      0.04225      11.3991      24.1141      6.60955       14.909     -1.63592      23.6146      22.6236
-      0.04226     -1.82474      12.2245     -3.61914      5.38902     -9.86292       16.521      16.7314
-      0.04227      6.71401      19.8725      3.66569      11.3382     -4.56522      21.1107      20.5603
-      0.04228      24.9623        36.32      18.8426      24.3642      6.86521      31.0013      28.8432
-      0.04229     -33.0643     -15.8988     -27.4477     -17.1789     -29.4138    -0.329365      2.67915
-       0.0423      31.6456      42.3303      25.1559      29.0136      10.9885      34.5464      31.7758
-      0.04231      4.84539      18.1968      3.97808      9.91334     -5.65369      20.2392      19.8754
-      0.04232     -8.03636      6.57195     -6.06168     0.582866     -13.7307      13.2242      14.0044
-      0.04233      16.4837      28.6493       14.206      18.0802      1.64745      26.5026      25.0902
-      0.04234      36.0996      46.3433      30.4735      32.1637      13.9792        37.19      34.0597
-      0.04235     -1.04503      12.9431     0.969695      5.59914     -9.15402      17.2462       17.434
-      0.04236      23.4081      34.8464      21.1403       23.025      6.10085      30.4058      28.4093
-      0.04237    -0.712027      13.1423       1.9814      5.64583     -9.01288      17.3434      17.5125
-      0.04238      -3.9657      10.2513    -0.275341      3.18907     -11.1282      15.4844      15.9278
-      0.04239      9.60897      22.4479      11.0523      12.8479     -2.63581      22.8228      22.0617
-       0.0424      28.6859      39.6466      26.9822      26.5221      9.42117      33.2283      30.7786
-      0.04241      7.90752      20.9188      10.5085       11.634     -3.49305      22.1038      21.5168
-      0.04242      11.7828       24.411      14.1468      14.3739     -1.03385      24.2218      23.2895
-      0.04243     -6.90103       7.5647    -0.730565     0.854148     -12.7623      14.0528      14.7776
-      0.04244      5.03598       18.294      9.20445      9.26917     -5.33679      20.3965       20.052
-      0.04245      19.6213      31.3656      21.3081      19.7019      3.77592      28.3066      26.6764
-      0.04246     -54.2941     -35.1541     -38.0279     -33.2996     -42.4262     -11.6396     -6.69875
-      0.04247      21.3732      32.8571      23.3476      20.7821      4.71699      29.1321      27.3199
-      0.04248       10.602      23.1716      15.0755      12.9869     -1.98665      23.4106      22.6122
-      0.04249      17.2935      29.2315      20.9726      17.8198      2.36772      27.2123      25.8338
-       0.0425       4.4398      17.6603      10.9023      8.56927     -5.69816      20.2474      20.0147
-      0.04251     -44.2556     -26.2444     -28.0718     -26.5233     -36.2854     -6.23009     -2.13217
-      0.04252       -30.19     -13.6464     -16.6655     -16.5924     -27.5974      1.20333      4.01091
-      0.04253       12.164      24.4558      17.8598      13.6817     -1.05606      24.1284      23.1732
-      0.04254     -8.49727      5.92422      1.57114     -1.16514      -13.889      13.0877      14.0063
-      0.04255      7.36903      20.1575      14.6796      10.0414     -3.98814      21.6437      21.1651
-      0.04256    -0.507628        13.08      8.62858      4.33953     -8.87251       17.465      17.6945
-      0.04257      36.2197      46.1321      38.5765      30.5933      14.2085      37.3417      34.3422
-      0.04258     -40.0919      -22.532     -22.6999     -24.0882     -33.4981      -3.8405   -0.0384923
-      0.04259      18.4746      30.1549      24.7951      17.6745      3.04606      27.6863      26.2383
-       0.0426      54.6797      62.7248      54.5056      43.5926      25.8361      47.3942      42.7736
-      0.04261     -4.34297      9.63904      7.07595      1.28733     -10.9938      15.6327       16.298
-      0.04262      27.8059      38.5135      33.2666      24.1622      9.05141      32.8752      30.6796
-      0.04263      16.5117      28.3089      24.2543      16.0719      2.09206       26.859       25.686
-      0.04264     -8.30828      5.97583      4.47094     -1.81914     -13.4493      13.4085      14.4364
-      0.04265      24.3244      35.3142      31.0745      21.3943      6.95035      31.0018      29.1132
-      0.04266     -25.5844     -9.51868     -8.81694     -14.3622     -24.2271      4.06725      6.62731
-      0.04267     -11.2434      3.28918      2.87866     -4.41094     -15.4257      11.6195      12.8919
-      0.04268      49.4274      57.8001      52.1884      39.0143       22.666      44.5298      40.4158
-      0.04269     -9.93057      4.42714      4.52527      -3.5396     -14.3581       12.593      13.8073
-       0.0427      8.25783      20.7821      19.3519      9.37494     -3.03477      22.3303      21.9132
-      0.04271      8.88109      21.4054      20.1482      9.80721     -2.52711      22.7673      22.2984
-      0.04272      11.5083      23.7644      22.5109      11.5255    -0.918679      24.1308       23.458
-      0.04273      8.14544      20.7006      19.8729      8.89942     -3.03014      22.3186       21.938
-      0.04274       10.888      23.1924      22.4327      10.6965      -1.3189      23.7937      23.1903
-      0.04275     -29.8211     -13.4839     -10.3709      -18.634     -26.8629      1.70531      4.73276
-      0.04276     -6.03842      7.88989      8.94657     -1.75137     -12.0496      14.4442      15.3338
-      0.04277      9.42062      21.7578      21.6946      9.26511     -2.34634      22.8273      22.3624
-      0.04278      23.3327      34.3107       33.213      19.1118       6.5277      30.5171      28.8317
-      0.04279       22.545      33.5931      32.7819      18.5619      6.15951      30.2057      28.6188
-       0.0428     -12.4406      2.07534      4.72963     -6.65672     -15.7339      11.2803        12.82
-      0.04281      36.4791      46.0215       44.356      28.2558      14.9164      37.7089      34.8818
-      0.04282     -20.6336     -5.26376     -1.49215     -12.7633      -20.811      6.87263       9.1533
-      0.04283     -29.1634     -13.0097     -8.34196     -19.0861     -26.2496      2.07124      5.08493
-      0.04284      2.35065      15.3775      17.3062      3.26257     -6.57936       18.991      19.2065
-      0.04285      20.2944      31.5464      32.0334      16.0857      4.80183      28.8229      27.4589
-      0.04286     -9.86627      4.40864      7.89016     -5.69664     -13.9891       12.607      13.9437
-      0.04287    -0.676949      12.6744      15.4163     0.759035      -8.2062      17.5246      18.0369
-      0.04288      35.5573      45.2496      44.7852      26.6391      14.5173      37.1888      34.4997
-      0.04289     -43.5401     -25.9128     -18.8937     -30.2602     -34.9692     -5.57151     -1.19526
-       0.0429      12.6947      24.6578       26.569      9.77173   -0.0333356      24.6477      24.0134
-      0.04291     -4.32674      9.39711      13.0213     -2.47468     -10.5532      15.5755      16.4788
-      0.04292      15.1843      26.9229      28.8592      11.2818       1.6383      26.0784      25.2616
-      0.04293        35.91      45.6035      45.7594      26.1131      14.7659      37.4264      34.7935
-      0.04294     -36.6118      -19.626     -12.6151     -25.8906     -30.5889     -1.75736      2.08262
-      0.04295      30.9613      41.1793      42.0592       22.217      11.6503        34.67       32.467
-      0.04296      32.5956      42.6855      43.6362      23.3141      12.8205      35.6814      33.3917
-      0.04297     -25.6514     -9.68692     -3.25355     -18.6052     -23.6275      4.16894       7.0725
-      0.04298      41.7002      50.8743      51.2164      29.4077      18.4797       40.486      37.3856
-      0.04299     -71.1684     -50.6105     -39.7422     -51.5909     -52.1359     -20.5316       -13.56
-        0.043      39.7261      49.1203      49.9071      27.5758      17.1493      39.1971      36.2672
-      0.04301      -39.346     -21.9852     -13.9643     -29.1651     -32.2329     -3.38639      0.76217
-      0.04302      22.2676      33.3713      35.7582      14.7154       6.2536      29.8058      28.4644
-      0.04303      56.2822       64.067      63.5471      39.0575      27.7434      48.4171      44.0998
-      0.04304      50.5969      59.0262      59.1567      34.9338      24.4025      45.5745      41.8118
-      0.04305     -59.4059     -39.9236      -29.608     -44.0534     -44.5149     -13.9761     -7.94267
-      0.04306      62.0145      69.2392      68.3929      42.5221      31.3406      51.4276      46.6149
-      0.04307     -27.5518     -11.2984     -3.75706     -21.6712     -24.5885      3.16228      6.36636
-      0.04308     -39.3345     -21.9308     -13.2038     -30.4299     -32.1569      -3.4898     0.737785
-      0.04309      38.2232      47.8948      49.5269      24.9402      16.4227       38.465      35.7717
-       0.0431      1.25205       14.647      19.8761      -1.7327     -6.62654      18.5876       19.254
-      0.04311     -19.1271     -3.64639      3.49373     -16.5887     -19.3725      7.53658      10.0201
-      0.04312      25.2154      36.2346      39.4711      14.9695      8.37139      31.4804      30.0176
-      0.04313      34.0171      44.2024      46.8561      21.2013      14.0295      36.3858      34.1789
-      0.04314     -45.5736      -27.345     -17.2797     -36.0323     -35.7603     -6.63661     -1.74436
-      0.04315     -5.42164      8.72102      15.1717      -7.5713     -10.7603      14.8708      16.1524
-      0.04316      12.1178      24.5703      29.4972       4.8238     0.286058      24.3915      24.1395
-      0.04317      13.3009      25.6466      30.5949      5.49168      1.09184      25.0797      24.7711
-      0.04318     -23.1687     -7.13751      1.42618     -20.7315     -21.7562      5.33638      8.28355
-      0.04319      28.5725       39.453      43.0312      16.0471      10.6217      33.2714      31.6144
-       0.0432     -11.6117      3.27176       10.719     -12.8816     -14.4064      11.6697      13.6194
-      0.04321      28.5616      39.4531       43.317      15.6983      10.7871      33.3716      31.7443
-      0.04322    -0.831693      12.9928      19.6579     -5.55006     -7.58386      17.5007      18.5321
-      0.04323     0.766166      14.4734      21.0815     -4.61445     -6.62505      18.2876      19.1836
-      0.04324      15.0462      27.3661      32.6814      5.30767      2.33341      26.0078      25.6451
-      0.04325      30.3133      41.1729      45.1944      16.0939      11.9983      34.3602      32.6684
-      0.04326      15.9264      28.2477      33.6745       5.6298      3.10071      26.6377      26.2527
-      0.04327      -66.046     -45.4717     -32.3869     -53.3195     -48.2821     -17.8042     -10.9106
-      0.04328      7.84458      21.0082      27.4486    -0.732865     -2.16993       21.904        22.19
-      0.04329      9.02885      22.0717      28.5539    0.0507967     -1.29622      22.7212      22.9277
-       0.0433      17.7653      29.9784      35.7399       6.1796       4.2643      27.4876      26.9486
-      0.04331      29.1061      40.2131      45.2299      14.1146      11.4792      33.7032      32.1962
-      0.04332      6.23855      19.6951      26.9575     -2.47388      -2.7595      21.3654      21.9253
-      0.04333      9.78711      22.9443      29.9586    -0.177905    -0.596703      23.2328      23.4957
-      0.04334     -36.8009     -19.0441     -7.63442     -33.8149     -29.8805     -2.05302      2.36472
-      0.04335     0.199011      14.2657      22.2994     -7.57852     -6.81197      17.8125      18.9204
-      0.04336      1.33956      15.3067       23.559     -6.78483      -5.9068      18.5783      19.5994
-      0.04337     -29.6453     -12.5836     -1.46128     -29.2423     -25.3303      1.76996      5.57005
-      0.04338      25.6863      37.2582      43.1197      9.97387      9.24032       31.599      30.4955
-      0.04339     -5.36767      9.39651      18.2899     -12.3438      -10.047      14.9581      16.6641
-       0.0434      4.89321      18.6024      26.5463     -5.28565     -3.69191      20.4287      21.2409
-      0.04341      20.8363       33.032      39.7148      6.17534      6.40764      29.0985       28.511
-      0.04342     -30.1514     -12.8863     -1.47706     -30.7513      -25.523      1.49427      5.47713
-      0.04343      2.57421      16.5386      24.9516     -7.73461     -5.12769      19.0747      20.1258
-      0.04344       2.0475      16.1065      24.8741     -8.27591     -5.37827      18.8461      19.9671
-      0.04345      20.1108      32.4251      39.6137      4.46742      5.98226      28.6522      28.1938
-      0.04346      23.5805      35.6106       42.562      6.73138      8.20431      30.5919       29.871
-      0.04347      -32.958     -15.3135     -3.24251     -33.8852     -27.1423     0.029247      4.33389
-      0.04348     -38.5828     -20.4476     -7.62073      -38.313     -30.8871     -3.35266      1.44185
-      0.04349      14.4009       27.253      35.3134    -0.550239      2.35615      25.3392      25.4289
-       0.0435      21.0465      33.3297      40.8383       4.1154        6.688      29.1294      28.7028
-      0.04351       19.556      32.0016      39.7235      2.84847      5.80916      28.3582      28.0943
-      0.04352     -7.00318      8.15966      18.3717     -16.4757     -10.7959      13.9697      16.1027
-      0.04353        21.16      33.5147       41.232      3.44861      6.84234      29.1656      28.7971
-      0.04354     -24.4414     -7.47199      4.54316     -29.4411     -21.7062      4.48187      8.19953
-      0.04355      43.4181      53.5939      59.4224      18.9969      20.7642      41.1153      38.8001
-      0.04356     -21.2614     -4.57331      7.20489     -27.5878     -19.6212      6.25678      9.74245
-      0.04357     -10.4969      5.11608      15.9242     -20.0165     -12.9793      11.9126      14.4264
-      0.04358     -38.1942     -19.7998     -6.40621     -40.1291     -30.4458      -3.2171      1.78066
-      0.04359      10.7381      24.2551      33.0625      -5.2644     0.276624      23.2677       23.901
-       0.0436     -49.3023     -29.7539      -15.378      -48.524     -37.2438     -9.13531     -3.12127
-      0.04361         67.2      75.0171      78.7352       34.623      35.6605      53.7961      49.4656
-      0.04362    -0.830319      13.9281      24.1041     -14.1572     -6.67133      17.3228      19.1299
-      0.04363     -2.38545      12.5569       22.947     -15.5628     -7.74846      16.3312      18.2828
-      0.04364      19.4732      32.2577      40.4963   -0.0814831      5.96958      28.1319      28.1597
-      0.04365     -18.2099     -1.63487      10.0192     -27.3366     -17.6452      7.72203      11.1355
-      0.04366     -19.6219     -2.90287      8.92103     -28.6966     -18.6262      6.79889      10.3271
-      0.04367     -25.6202     -8.30229       4.0687     -33.2717     -22.4776      3.40564      7.47506
-      0.04368      38.7658       49.661      56.1104      12.7108      17.9587      38.3277      36.6938
-      0.04369    -0.273938      14.5951      24.6545     -15.4441     -6.35255      17.3748      19.2873
-       0.0437       33.063      44.6283      51.7403      8.18975      14.5132      35.3593      34.3448
-      0.04371     -4.83634      10.5663      21.0373     -19.0131     -9.12609      14.9054       17.284
-      0.04372     -12.8144      3.39752      14.5171     -25.0715     -14.2716      10.4214      13.4959
-      0.04373      25.5413      37.9342      45.5068      2.35369      9.83787      31.2238      30.9009
-      0.04374     -40.2019      -21.119     -7.52981      -44.924      -31.236     -4.27487      1.27926
-      0.04375      24.7825      37.2361      44.6882      1.27662      9.30835      30.6793      30.4631
-      0.04376     -15.0692      1.49899      12.6466     -27.4197     -15.5172      9.26499      12.6315
-      0.04377      20.2179      33.2171      41.1156     -2.29448      6.59593      28.3024      28.5315
-      0.04378      12.1942       26.065      34.6037     -8.32945      1.54979      23.9568       24.951
-      0.04379     -27.8608     -9.93858      2.23746     -37.2699     -23.5053      2.28905      6.87803
-       0.0438     -28.2774     -10.2613      1.83211     -37.9025     -23.9456      1.91174      6.54644
-      0.04381      1.32044      16.3369      25.5193     -16.9299     -5.42865      17.8627      19.8803
-      0.04382      13.9759      27.7595      35.6647     -8.21809      2.49279      24.7211      25.6716
-      0.04383     -5.28558       10.482      20.0941     -22.0217     -9.50617      14.3441      17.0536
-      0.04384      18.6658      32.1051      39.3712      -5.0544      5.47903      27.2698      27.8742
-      0.04385     -31.1105     -12.6714    -0.919017     -40.8476     -25.6751     0.352494      5.41474
-      0.04386     -2.98687      12.5933      21.6781     -20.9757     -8.18102      15.3992      17.9584
-      0.04387      9.75162      24.1283      31.9179      -11.975    -0.117709      22.3576      23.8161
-      0.04388      24.6854      37.6414      43.9341     -1.39729       9.2973      30.5003      30.6883
-      0.04389     -5.36512      10.6803       19.675     -23.1222     -9.43641      14.2831      17.1791
-       0.0439     -54.7988     -33.7595     -20.4196     -58.7397     -40.4532     -12.5559     -5.27528
-      0.04391      12.4012      26.6401      33.5882     -10.9399      1.47454      23.5879      24.8912
-      0.04392      17.7737      31.5673      37.8987     -6.96259      5.06886      26.7053      27.5981
-      0.04393     -1.76469      14.0186      21.9615     -21.1857     -7.20146      16.1416      18.7919
-      0.04394     -18.1781    -0.673901      8.68024     -33.1385     -17.5173      7.16952      11.3089
-      0.04395     -26.2726     -7.96617      1.92144     -39.1212     -22.7091      2.65088      7.49225
-      0.04396      1.59694      17.1409      24.3092     -19.2619     -5.25226      17.6995      20.1021
-      0.04397       36.028      48.1817      52.0294      5.38428      16.4267      36.4619      35.8443
-      0.04398     -3.43918      12.7036      19.9986     -23.2007     -8.25217      15.1366      18.1126
-      0.04399      27.4701      40.5832      44.8768     -1.11083      11.0784      31.8323      32.0626
-        0.044      37.0019       49.179      52.4295      5.39018       17.096       37.059      36.4948
-      0.04401      6.61555      21.9037      27.7556     -16.4896     -1.88433      20.6467      22.8202
-      0.04402       14.475      29.0418      34.0674     -10.9967      3.00508      24.8232      26.3059
-      0.04403     -4.04582      12.4127      18.9781     -24.5673     -8.72928      14.6745      17.8449
-      0.04404     -5.54106      11.1055      17.6476     -25.7128     -9.76405      13.7267      17.0444
-      0.04405      9.37194      24.5358      29.5044     -15.1974    -0.485104      21.7543      23.7667
-      0.04406     -8.42134      8.55624      15.0111      -27.981      -11.635      12.1048      15.7404
-      0.04407     -3.62817      12.9314      18.7857     -24.6947     -8.65823      14.6579      17.8987
-      0.04408     -18.8773    -0.762016      6.25189      -35.739     -18.2446      6.35516       10.979
-      0.04409      6.23114      21.8441      26.3823     -17.8376     -2.53004      19.9078      22.3091
-       0.0441     -9.70518      7.55858      13.4198     -29.4004     -12.5061       11.286      15.1441
-      0.04411     -21.6871     -3.19563      3.58869     -38.0959     -20.0189      4.73193      9.68704
-      0.04412     -13.2007      4.49266      10.3533     -32.0628      -14.685      9.29975      13.5355
-      0.04413      5.64843      21.5428      25.5207     -18.6121     -2.89158      19.4996      22.0754
-      0.04414      22.8463      37.0257       39.254     -6.37406      7.91053      28.8186      29.9208
-      0.04415     -9.53869      7.98743      13.1253     -29.4546     -12.2807      11.4058      15.4142
-      0.04416      19.6736       34.286      36.4755      -8.7359      5.95768      27.1348       28.564
-      0.04417     -6.35494       10.909      15.3106     -27.3919      -10.335      13.0762      16.8641
-      0.04418     -30.9239     -11.1724     -4.70845      -45.231     -25.7703    -0.319997      5.66575
-      0.04419      1.37436      17.9483      21.3603      -22.151     -5.64914       17.029      20.1609
-       0.0442      9.44002      25.2584      27.7453     -16.3842     -0.56382      21.4289      23.8906
-      0.04421     -10.2242      7.59535      11.8154     -30.4127     -12.8993      10.7683      15.0348
-      0.04422     -2.22865      14.8631      18.1915     -25.0255     -7.92835      15.0455      18.6214
-      0.04423      34.5547      47.9568      47.6622      1.31918      15.1783      35.0213      35.3675
-      0.04424     -4.92063      12.5539       15.919     -26.8602     -9.46467      13.7368      17.6579
-      0.04425      3.33524      20.0259      22.3966     -21.0665     -4.43353      18.0852      21.2924
-      0.04426      8.49913      24.6938      26.3567     -17.4968     -1.26334      20.8326      23.6306
-      0.04427      5.05495      21.6497      23.4863     -19.8289     -3.46592      18.9223      22.0517
-      0.04428      19.6805      34.8339      35.2058     -9.28262      5.68174      26.8185      28.6867
-      0.04429       2.5833      19.5592      21.3551     -21.4894     -4.96315      17.6275      21.0573
-       0.0443      -24.669      -4.9723    -0.818102     -41.0358     -22.1185      2.77143      8.64439
-      0.04431      11.1722      27.3085      28.0289      -15.401     0.212467      22.0295      24.7274
-      0.04432     -40.9992     -19.5883     -14.1823     -52.6942     -32.3906     -6.10442      1.25405
-      0.04433       5.1257      21.9112      22.8621      -19.809     -3.74387      18.5962      21.8679
-      0.04434     -18.0014      1.19693      4.13077     -36.2864     -18.1522      6.13925       11.538
-      0.04435      9.98732      26.3972      26.6223     -16.1918    -0.689146      21.1929      24.1494
-      0.04436     -15.4344       3.6413      6.09659     -34.5121     -16.5711      7.48683      12.7715
-      0.04437      33.4678      47.6442      45.4387     0.620587      14.0471      33.8764      34.8559
-      0.04438      1.83409      19.2928      19.9124     -21.7927     -5.63364      16.9037      20.7581
-      0.04439      36.6479      50.6378      47.8444      3.16078      16.1317      35.6888      36.4831
-       0.0444      4.51455       21.808      21.8739     -19.8515     -3.93588      18.3745      22.0796
-      0.04441      26.4202      41.5249      39.4898     -4.18543      9.64817      30.1008       31.889
-      0.04442     -3.67298       14.545      15.2446     -25.5656     -9.11502      13.8742      18.3692
-      0.04443     -45.7096     -23.3091     -18.9613     -55.6998     -35.5512     -9.03019    -0.792169
-      0.04444     -10.2577      8.60244      9.59407     -30.3081     -13.5812      9.88324      14.9818
-      0.04445      29.6993      44.5934      41.7791     -1.67767      11.3959      31.5096      33.1179
-      0.04446     -4.51475      13.9112      14.1858      -26.166     -9.94413      13.1518      17.8648
-      0.04447     -16.9791      2.70267      3.93638      -34.994     -17.8183      6.34161       12.189
-      0.04448      5.15176      22.6248      21.7682     -19.1132     -4.04082       18.197      22.1068
-      0.04449    -0.401492      17.7202      17.3009      -22.999     -7.52263      15.1927      19.6332
-       0.0445      7.60619      24.9616      23.7131     -16.9066     -2.41702      19.6171      23.4026
-      0.04451      2.05258      20.0138      19.1371     -20.8284     -5.97218      16.5322      20.8378
-      0.04452    -0.708977      17.5683      16.8493     -22.7559      -7.7636      14.9939      19.5886
-      0.04453     -47.2101     -24.2342     -20.6451     -55.9545     -36.9662     -10.2612     -1.49427
-      0.04454      51.1526      64.2559      58.7043      14.4688      24.4918      42.8761      42.8859
-      0.04455     -19.9136     0.432791      1.49485     -35.9552     -19.7806      4.62212      11.0696
-      0.04456     -11.8817       7.6629      7.66839     -30.0849     -14.8437      8.85878      14.6157
-      0.04457      11.0285      28.2746      25.9718     -13.7425    -0.680987      21.0792      24.8337
-      0.04458      10.8848      28.2137      25.9327     -13.6365    -0.677463      21.0812      24.8873
-      0.04459     -29.4334     -8.01954     -6.62008     -42.3757     -25.9631    -0.777296      6.65824
-       0.0446      29.7689      45.2675      41.2147     0.243015      11.0582      31.1571      33.3554
-      0.04461      41.2691       55.708       50.506      8.65741      18.2758      37.4899      38.7278
-      0.04462     -28.5357     -7.02154     -5.86696     -41.3382     -25.4469    -0.222513      7.28124
-      0.04463      54.2692      67.4881      60.8515      18.1533      26.3135      44.4154      44.5598
-      0.04464     -36.3616     -14.0007     -12.2378     -46.5217     -30.3934      -4.5445      3.73532
-      0.04465       35.689      50.8371      45.8786      5.17141      14.5697      34.2126      36.0904
-      0.04466     -15.3534      4.95902      4.56087     -31.0792     -17.3925      6.66907      13.1503
-      0.04467      3.84874      22.2503      19.9352      -17.552     -5.55753      16.8785      21.6809
-      0.04468     -19.9106       0.9117     0.747727     -34.4389     -20.4841      3.99496      10.9579
-      0.04469     -24.1385      -2.8932     -2.81656     -37.2876     -23.2504      1.55295      8.90031
-       0.0447      10.8457      28.6272      25.4352     -11.7323     -1.34758      20.4796      24.7696
-      0.04471      23.2513      39.9227      35.7295     -2.40534      6.56333      27.3171      30.5778
-      0.04472      3.34381       22.012      19.5368     -16.6311     -5.89289      16.5583      21.6704
-      0.04473     -10.8615      9.29303      8.08751     -26.8211     -14.9072      8.79605      15.2024
-      0.04474     -7.03536      12.7514      11.0386     -23.6661     -12.6274      10.7405      16.8394
-      0.04475     -23.5774     -2.10307     -2.18642     -35.2599     -23.1242       1.6678      9.28816
-      0.04476      15.5377      33.0868      29.3204     -7.10539      1.31789      22.7727      26.9299
-      0.04477     -24.9063     -3.20822       -3.237     -35.6408     -23.8896      1.05812      8.84004
-      0.04478        17.21      34.6731      30.6208      -5.2731      2.42894      23.7872      27.8357
-      0.04479     -17.9621      3.10451      2.32049     -30.2736     -19.6388      4.79141      12.0394
-       0.0448      12.7857      30.7724      27.0402     -8.12236    -0.515174      21.3002      25.8491
-      0.04481     -16.6879      4.32531      3.35626     -28.9413     -18.9793      5.36702      12.5951
-      0.04482     -14.6065      6.25755      5.08603     -27.1601     -17.7401      6.42264      13.4827
-      0.04483       36.867      52.5749      46.6036      9.94675      14.4186      34.2026      36.7378
-      0.04484     -7.72335      12.5282      10.6544     -21.5688     -13.4057      10.2061      16.7797
-      0.04485      20.7725      38.1913      33.6494     -1.06923      4.36066      25.5414       29.618
-      0.04486     -13.6211      7.29426      5.91724     -25.4488     -17.2359      6.93965      14.1256
-      0.04487      32.2104      48.5444      42.9521      7.57182      11.3742      31.6395      34.7792
-      0.04488     -28.2784     -5.80019      -5.8003     -35.4647     -26.4604     -1.01935      7.55552
-      0.04489     -14.1243      6.90142      5.48412     -25.0513     -17.8454       6.3714      13.7127
-       0.0449      41.5276      57.0039      50.4136      15.0527      16.9328      36.4343      38.8839
-      0.04491      26.6842       43.759      38.6281      4.72931         7.76      28.5715      32.4253
-      0.04492     -1.67553      18.2792       15.691     -15.0841     -9.99197      13.2411      19.6598
-      0.04493     -36.6602     -13.1751     -12.5554     -39.8127     -31.9319     -5.80495      3.72979
-      0.04494      -46.122     -21.7153     -20.2912     -46.5476     -38.1448      -11.117    -0.772405
-      0.04495       23.385      40.8228      35.7527       3.5142      5.27806      26.3229      30.5774
-      0.04496      14.3253      32.7831      28.6134     -2.53619    -0.274502      21.6028      26.7518
-      0.04497     -25.9473     -3.41323     -3.87557     -31.0766     -25.5285    -0.190728      8.59925
-      0.04498     -13.3497      7.97344      6.22623     -21.8638     -17.7831      6.49681      14.1852
-      0.04499      26.5143      43.8681      38.4151      6.96328       7.1372      28.0463      32.2299
-        0.045      28.0923      45.3647      39.9055      8.79665      8.30491      29.0411      33.1951
-      0.04501     -11.6699      9.61832       7.7451     -19.6011     -16.6698      7.49303      15.2437
-      0.04502     -19.3515      2.69937      1.46603     -24.9126     -21.6568      3.15293      11.6123
-      0.04503      25.9352      43.4952       38.133      7.82753      6.62909      27.5867      32.0437
-      0.04504     -18.6245      3.43109      2.25655     -23.9527     -21.3711      3.44706       11.951
-      0.04505      28.5292      45.9015      40.2872         10.4       8.1028      28.8983      33.2366
-      0.04506     -48.8224     -23.6412     -22.0938     -44.5443     -40.2992     -12.9457     -1.67129
-      0.04507      45.4787      61.2543       54.108      23.2264       18.623      37.9642      40.8566
-      0.04508     -63.3825      -36.649     -33.6786     -54.7785     -49.5628     -20.8669     -8.19575
-      0.04509      26.5578       44.256      38.8821      10.1624      6.61102      27.5873      32.2413
-       0.0451     -10.5886      10.9519      9.07952     -15.9897     -16.6079      7.59702      15.6459
-      0.04511     -22.4847     0.259241    -0.497758       -24.11      -24.128      1.08535      10.2245
-      0.04512      7.14595      26.9225      23.3831     -2.46998     -5.64494      17.0669      23.6034
-      0.04513      42.8862      59.1126      52.2451      23.4893      16.8027      36.4927       39.907
-      0.04514     -40.1705     -15.5567     -14.7103     -35.5451     -35.1869     -8.39517      2.48014
-      0.04515      30.1022      47.6588      42.0691      14.8611      8.59875      29.4501       34.061
-      0.04516       33.682       50.963      45.1019      17.9289      10.9544      31.4695      35.9213
-      0.04517     -66.0163     -38.6909     -35.3653     -53.1625     -51.5794     -22.5801     -9.20611
-      0.04518      27.7647      45.6325      40.2726      14.1625      6.86013      27.8273       32.848
-      0.04519     -3.91787      17.2087      14.8213     -8.12443     -12.9473      10.7807       18.729
-       0.0452      3.45861      23.8575      20.7931     -2.57714     -8.41254      14.7001      22.0433
-      0.04521      29.3543      47.2097      41.8536      16.5933      7.86837      28.7551      33.8415
-      0.04522     -34.5439     -10.2417     -9.59122     -28.9286     -32.2326     -5.82605      5.02479
-      0.04523     -16.0074       6.4643      5.34008     -15.4318     -20.7969      3.98957      13.2059
-      0.04524      32.3262      49.9414       44.223      19.3883      9.41047      30.1029      35.0798
-      0.04525      29.2184      47.2206      41.8126      17.7309      7.56479      28.5734      33.9125
-      0.04526     -20.4934      2.53947      1.84744     -17.5092     -23.5968      1.64071      11.4732
-      0.04527     -21.7645      1.36082      0.77505     -18.1779     -24.6002     0.739777      10.6978
-      0.04528      28.9158       46.992      41.6947      18.5072      7.04976      28.0776      33.5876
-      0.04529     -13.0077      9.38183       8.0352     -10.8307     -19.0155      5.56148      14.8633
-       0.0453       12.017      31.8677      28.2507      7.20365     -3.57209      18.9303      26.0597
-      0.04531      18.7232      37.9939      33.7527      12.4974     0.722178      22.6929      29.2961
-      0.04532     -4.62459      16.9678      14.8546     -3.98683     -14.0214      9.96885      18.7092
-      0.04533     -28.5951     -4.53336     -4.35091     -20.7037      -29.078     -3.10858      7.79961
-      0.04534     -7.28289      14.6117      12.8621     -5.13204     -15.9285      8.20551      17.2308
-      0.04535      53.5644      69.4171      62.2216      38.7308      22.1729      41.1824       44.876
-      0.04536      -31.545     -7.08561      -6.4395     -21.6887      -31.005     -4.68816      6.66505
-      0.04537     -1.83019      19.6324      17.5996    -0.271046     -12.6288      11.1585      19.8892
-      0.04538      15.3009      35.0863      31.4069      12.3501     -1.93851      20.4073      27.6748
-      0.04539      25.4762      44.2569      39.6353      20.0252      4.43888      25.9726      32.3875
-       0.0454     -24.8575      -1.0059    -0.883393     -15.5174     -27.0964     -1.31661      9.67044
-      0.04541      13.3217      33.3746        30.03      12.0868     -3.34321      19.1786      26.8063
-      0.04542      8.61305      29.2028      26.3346       9.0756     -6.28324      16.6499      24.7575
-      0.04543     -13.4045      9.37394       8.5657     -6.36798      -20.157      4.65407      14.7868
-      0.04544      36.1128      53.9596      48.6126      29.3277      10.7174      31.3502       37.141
-      0.04545     -21.8192      1.86856      1.96077     -11.7505      -25.542    0.0739785      11.0966
-      0.04546      1.17538      22.5499      20.5576      5.16171     -11.2542      12.3686      21.3686
-      0.04547     -36.8843     -11.6707     -10.0829     -21.6904     -35.0839     -8.25916      4.16486
-      0.04548     -17.2207      6.00637      5.72568     -7.43404     -23.0146      2.15392      12.8693
-      0.04549       15.492      35.4807      32.3243      16.2679     -2.55846       19.844      27.7125
-       0.0455     -9.92948        12.63      11.7947     -1.41122     -18.4029      6.18319      16.3942
-      0.04551      12.6216      32.9634      30.1826      15.3258     -4.25153      18.3885       26.633
-      0.04552      -6.2457        15.98      14.9434      1.92742      -16.128      8.19534      18.1758
-      0.04553       11.594      32.0196      29.3408      15.0441     -5.05748      17.7435      26.2092
-      0.04554      4.25384      25.4511      23.5262      10.1181     -9.68846      13.7921      22.9164
-      0.04555      16.1799      36.2207      33.2113       19.064     -2.22205      20.2133      28.3999
-      0.04556     -48.1515     -21.6343     -18.6545     -26.6264     -42.5266     -14.6043    -0.682897
-      0.04557      20.1409      39.7654       36.475      22.3511   -0.0140518      22.0276      29.9832
-      0.04558     -27.2422     -2.82457     -1.71098     -11.2119     -29.6366      -3.5378      8.70251
-      0.04559      23.8883      43.1899       39.623      25.7488      2.24928      23.9924      31.7385
-       0.0456     -24.9771    -0.735106     0.355992     -8.94436     -28.3095     -2.37091      9.80833
-      0.04561      22.7502      42.1349      38.8998      25.6214      1.49555      23.3412      31.3069
-      0.04562     -31.1829     -6.30891     -4.53203     -12.5882     -32.2197     -5.76282      7.07867
-      0.04563      18.3929      38.3241      35.6639      23.2134     -1.35999      20.8343      29.3204
-      0.04564      15.2285      35.4868      33.0748      21.2942     -3.28948       19.193      28.0442
-      0.04565     -1.97641      19.9904      19.0871      9.19539     -14.1052      9.86216      20.3154
-      0.04566       12.484      33.0453      30.9323      20.0318     -4.99824      17.6995      26.8993
-      0.04567     -23.1098      1.03053       2.3022     -5.31324     -27.4608     -1.68198      10.7712
-      0.04568     -18.2614       5.3995      6.32013     -1.54699     -24.5691     0.776183      12.8357
-      0.04569     -31.3788     -6.40913       -4.221     -10.8208     -32.9862     -6.50958      6.78327
-       0.0457     -14.4516      8.80155      9.45958      1.61711      -22.459      2.54245      14.3785
-      0.04571      37.7085      55.7469      51.6346      39.3729      10.3002       30.853      38.1141
-      0.04572     -27.7139     -3.07028     -1.02301     -7.05277        -30.6      -4.4291      8.75842
-      0.04573     -7.87864        14.79       15.009      7.29351     -18.3455      6.14483      17.5984
-      0.04574      8.36319      29.3749      28.1677      19.2514     -8.15865      14.9002      24.9792
-      0.04575      42.9364      60.5378      56.1855      44.2929      13.4663      33.6213      40.7299
-      0.04576     -74.2482     -44.8594     -38.2878     -39.4186     -59.8977     -29.7563      -12.161
-      0.04577      26.5835      45.7565       43.007      32.9836      2.96765      24.4452      33.0856
-      0.04578     -48.3238     -21.5801     -17.3288     -20.3298     -43.8915     -16.0216    -0.596779
-      0.04579      6.28252      27.5192      26.7107       18.946     -9.86302      13.3545      23.9297
-       0.0458     -16.6288      6.93961       8.3168       2.8273     -24.2035     0.998503      13.7088
-      0.04581      19.6543      39.6108      37.7635       29.139     -1.51296      20.5832      30.1362
-      0.04582      10.8381      31.6979       30.737      23.1485      -6.9377      15.9152      26.3366
-      0.04583     -26.1814     -1.61726     0.846445     -3.15289     -30.1569     -4.16135       9.6147
-      0.04584      67.3999      82.5792      76.4471      64.0692      28.3704      46.3836      51.8881
-      0.04585     -8.88592      13.9951      15.0125      9.84828     -19.2905       5.2721      17.6829
-      0.04586     -3.49837       18.816      19.4177      13.9823     -16.0358      8.01047      19.9788
-      0.04587     -2.67046      19.5433      20.0879       14.709     -15.6245      8.31136      20.2507
-      0.04588      -5.8203      16.7527      17.6783       12.759     -17.6489      6.51672       18.788
-      0.04589      -9.0356      13.7974      15.0744      10.5001     -19.8148      4.65556      17.2897
-       0.0459     -43.8572      -17.494     -12.9425     -14.2435     -41.6745     -14.2519      1.54381
-      0.04591      21.3454      41.1447      39.6514      32.6608     -0.90912      20.9023      30.9424
-      0.04592      32.8094      51.4841      49.0197      41.0508      6.31578      27.2153      36.3585
-      0.04593     -51.3514      -24.221     -18.8038     -18.8255     -46.3108     -18.2863     -1.58136
-      0.04594     -1.31891      20.7457      21.5537      17.0724     -15.1636      8.51935      20.8238
-      0.04595      4.50458      26.0518      26.3875      21.5281     -11.4904      11.7061       23.606
-      0.04596      21.5865      41.3833      40.1848      33.9443    -0.835745      20.9304      31.3608
-      0.04597     -28.7556     -3.86761    -0.320457     -1.83641      -32.362     -6.27588      8.64392
-      0.04598       20.222       40.166      39.2336      33.4638     -1.80906      20.0603      30.6641
-      0.04599      31.5125      50.3668      48.4604       41.773      5.39346      26.2884      35.9729
-        0.046      10.1606      31.2081      31.3555      26.7614     -7.98431      14.7506      26.4302
-      0.04601     -38.3879     -12.5107      -7.8531     -8.01623     -38.5023     -11.6621      4.38882
-      0.04602    -0.680373      21.3461      22.5022      19.0341     -15.0744      8.50316      21.2306
-      0.04603     -28.7928     -3.87531   -0.0227781    -0.861929     -32.6305     -6.69688      8.57926
-      0.04604     -2.21495      20.0037      21.4311       18.329     -16.1524      7.48806       20.487
-      0.04605      13.2579      33.9826      34.0321      29.6182     -6.38122      15.9278      27.6329
-      0.04606      -3.7462      18.6802       20.394      17.6289     -17.0164      6.73518      20.0458
-      0.04607     -12.3354      10.9288      13.5062      11.5804     -22.4671      2.00886      16.1508
-      0.04608     -25.8395     -1.22357      2.65362      2.15147     -30.9722      -5.4159      9.98926
-      0.04609     -24.9905    -0.461621      3.33274      2.88625     -30.4889     -5.07323      10.2724
-       0.0461      28.9086      48.0354      46.8783      41.6051      3.15955      24.0154      34.6738
-      0.04611     -37.6796      -11.855     -6.75828     -5.91472     -38.4281      -11.901      4.77443
-      0.04612        3.366      25.0676      26.4108      23.5582     -12.8279      10.1312      23.1987
-      0.04613      40.4614      58.4338      56.3415      50.2493      10.4573      30.2662      40.1264
-      0.04614     -10.3661      12.7489      15.4483      14.0464     -21.2904      2.84085      17.3261
-      0.04615       1.5683      23.4629      25.1286      22.6799     -13.9686      9.10727      22.5858
-      0.04616      16.5314      36.9429      37.2694      33.5502        -4.53      17.2139      29.4138
-      0.04617      -3.7855      18.6723      20.9754       19.086      -17.277      6.18517      20.2735
-      0.04618      12.0763      32.9534       33.819      30.5063     -7.37123      14.6929      27.4163
-      0.04619     -21.9486      2.31247      6.38693      6.34315     -28.7704     -3.81852      12.0166
-       0.0462      52.6528      69.4335      66.6756      59.9568      17.9144      36.4697       45.706
-      0.04621      -23.896      0.60057      4.97555      5.23332      -29.885     -4.84334      11.3346
-      0.04622     -20.4299      3.66256      7.75367      7.67965     -27.8915     -3.21158      12.7064
-      0.04623      75.5879      90.0559       85.267      76.4798       32.239      48.6851      56.1362
-      0.04624     -25.6473    -0.963936      3.62697      4.14676     -30.9509     -5.88311      10.6896
-      0.04625     -1.36174      20.8458      23.2303      21.5625     -15.8751       7.0347      21.4769
-      0.04626     -55.6546     -28.0418     -20.6038     -17.3113     -50.0633     -22.5706     -3.22598
-      0.04627      20.7243      40.6516      41.0966      37.3621     -2.38094      18.5554      31.1381
-      0.04628      33.7181      52.3796      51.6993      46.8065      5.90574       25.744       37.298
-      0.04629     -56.4523     -28.7384     -21.0617     -17.7394     -50.5029     -23.0223     -3.37826
-       0.0463      42.4476       60.184      58.7703      53.0968      11.2565      30.2188      41.1285
-      0.04631     -29.9115     -4.88272     0.491529       1.3981     -33.9032     -8.79675      8.65324
-      0.04632      15.4383      35.9284      37.2024      33.9273     -5.61895      15.5735      29.0377
-      0.04633      21.2746      41.1956      41.9892      38.2007     -1.81599       18.857      31.9016
-      0.04634     -37.7674      -11.922     -5.63794     -4.05973     -38.8057     -13.1538      5.17911
-      0.04635      29.7581      48.7849      48.8428      44.2078      3.29522      23.0924      35.5029
-      0.04636     -26.9356      -2.1985      3.14385      3.66312     -32.1241     -7.50768      10.0238
-      0.04637     -16.9315      6.74168      11.1782      10.6542     -26.0374     -2.35669      14.3616
-      0.04638     -31.4945     -6.34664    -0.521672     0.304157     -35.0981     -10.2678      7.79059
-      0.04639      19.9289      39.8851      41.0078      37.0926     -2.94774      17.4136      31.0221
-       0.0464      40.5336      58.4892      57.8144      52.0213      10.1312       28.704       40.603
-      0.04641      -4.2555      18.2241       21.757      19.9981      -17.804      4.54802      20.5123
-      0.04642     -27.5459     -2.77924      2.92428        3.174     -32.5346     -8.24223      9.85722
-      0.04643      9.23442      30.2628      32.5808      29.4128     -9.55683      11.4864      26.3934
-      0.04644     -4.98296       17.479      21.1789      19.2157     -18.4517      3.78588      20.0497
-      0.04645     -81.3695     -51.2667     -40.5034     -35.7761     -66.3691     -37.6973     -14.5913
-      0.04646      55.8663      72.1499      70.2372      62.5125      19.3953      36.2808      47.2052
-      0.04647     -22.2963      1.91135      7.37039      6.75594     -29.2543     -5.72725      12.3266
-      0.04648      5.52816      26.9075      29.8307      26.5659     -11.8881      9.18688      24.8254
-      0.04649      32.0529      50.7484      51.2424      45.4906      4.74134      23.5442      36.9236
-       0.0465      18.5716      38.6596      40.4847      35.8492     -3.54348      16.3325       31.003
-      0.04651     -58.4274     -30.6354     -21.6502     -19.3343     -51.8031     -25.4678     -3.88294
-      0.04652       3.7076      25.1895      28.4333      24.9366     -13.0887      7.82168      23.9007
-      0.04653     -7.08294      15.4933      19.7952      17.2001     -19.7539      2.02218      19.1314
-      0.04654     -25.8072     -1.37139      4.70521      3.66567     -31.4746     -8.19397      10.6901
-      0.04655      20.9095      40.6475      42.4821      37.0338      -2.2699      16.9555       31.766
-      0.04656     -7.20474      15.3798      19.8646      16.9381     -19.7725      1.80881      19.2262
-      0.04657      42.4013      59.9628      59.9507      52.4668      11.3242      28.5926      41.6793
-      0.04658     -45.4693     -19.0434     -10.8671     -10.5608     -43.5717     -18.8887      2.10654
-      0.04659      6.87442      27.9767      31.3198      26.6988     -10.9453      9.14868      25.5187
-       0.0466     -1.75458      20.2048      24.3796      20.4489      -16.291       4.4874      21.7143
-      0.04661     -13.3759      9.74024      15.0364      11.9637     -23.6274     -1.91206      16.4506
-      0.04662     -15.5852      7.71593      13.2085      10.1534     -25.0089     -3.20907      15.4131
-      0.04663        26.06      45.1968      46.9413      40.0179      1.12504      19.2954      34.2939
-      0.04664     -13.4483      9.63615      15.1625      11.6923     -23.5033     -2.03787      16.5756
-      0.04665      8.60642      29.4748      33.0304      27.3788     -9.69162      9.78782      26.5022
-      0.04666     -20.3599      3.39793      9.67311      6.57292      -27.857     -5.96806      13.4128
-      0.04667       1.0431       22.608      26.9255      21.7746     -14.4593      5.48237      23.0042
-      0.04668      45.3387      62.4595      62.6943      53.2991      13.3588      29.4534      43.1652
-      0.04669      -18.189      5.32637      11.5018      7.75213     -26.2959     -4.85554      14.6173
-       0.0467      17.6806      37.5543      40.4307      33.2238     -3.88464      14.3686      30.7048
-      0.04671     -28.0969     -3.65393      3.51072     0.378782     -32.4992     -10.4334      10.0556
-      0.04672      24.7667      43.9081       46.217       38.105     0.581851      18.0246      33.8682
-      0.04673       -47.28     -20.9427     -11.9237     -13.6267     -44.4814      -20.978       1.3748
-      0.04674      11.6682      32.0649      35.6509      28.4169     -7.64732      10.7098      27.8653
-      0.04675     -18.4161      4.97228      11.4286      6.83873     -26.3752     -5.57651      14.3619
-      0.04676    -0.424932      21.1502      25.9723      19.6179     -15.1127      4.06431      22.4812
-      0.04677     -28.7997     -4.38885          3.1    -0.832269     -32.7529     -11.2797      9.73742
-      0.04678     -23.0375     0.726349      7.67679      3.06204      -29.192       -8.314      12.2715
-      0.04679     -6.50777      15.6163      21.0706        14.71     -18.8846     0.510816      19.7324
-       0.0468      7.80318      28.4571      32.6547      25.0927     -9.83671      8.22836      26.2606
-      0.04681      34.7657      52.7765      54.5723        44.48       7.1866      22.8544      38.6312
-      0.04682      -43.708     -17.8856      -8.7958     -11.9946     -41.8217     -19.5371      3.25226
-      0.04683      50.7119      66.9912      67.3784      55.4374      17.2555        31.38      45.7797
-      0.04684     -22.7629     0.944021       8.1811      2.82394     -28.5743     -8.24522      12.8163
-      0.04685     -28.9369     -4.70589      3.16006     -1.89242     -32.6146     -11.9319      9.71997
-      0.04686      21.4912      40.6565       43.913      34.1512     -1.01477      15.2589      32.5005
-      0.04687     -22.4971      1.07403      8.42288      2.60505     -28.3675     -8.44511      12.8165
-      0.04688      9.53811       29.889        34.31      25.3879     -8.29827      8.74552      27.2234
-      0.04689     -13.9614      8.75039      15.3948      8.55646      -22.961     -4.01339      16.6559
-       0.0469      12.3383      32.3736      36.6263      27.3185     -6.47905      10.1215      28.5183
-      0.04691      22.4848      41.5125       44.864      34.4797    0.0498911      15.6743      33.2614
-      0.04692      4.06423      24.9313      30.0303       21.101     -11.3868       5.7015      24.9839
-      0.04693      1.31253      22.4248      27.8031      18.9736     -13.1403      4.00084      23.6973
-      0.04694      28.8832      47.2174      50.0887      38.5657      4.14188      18.8527      36.1913
-      0.04695     -20.2955      2.97768      10.4364      3.34308     -26.5275     -7.77685      14.0307
-      0.04696     -39.0343     -13.9529     -4.77955     -10.3505     -38.3837     -18.1622      5.36503
-      0.04697     -4.33323      17.1902      23.1883      14.3104     -16.7128     0.410263      20.9098
-      0.04698     -21.5926      1.66236      9.29686      1.94629     -27.3797     -8.90482      13.2184
-      0.04699    -0.914404      20.2404      25.9862      16.6954     -14.4101      2.17425      22.5488
-        0.047      2.89929      23.6838      29.1414      19.4352     -11.8964      4.26222      24.4054
-      0.04701     -33.4801     -9.07247    -0.253434     -6.75047      -34.626     -15.5003      7.95057
-      0.04702      26.5393      44.8803      48.1685      36.0473      2.99623      16.8667      35.0417
-      0.04703      3.78487      24.4361      29.8811      19.8168     -11.0506      4.62596      24.9615
-      0.04704     -10.5471      11.5171      18.3246      9.63685     -19.9729      -3.2163      18.4772
-      0.04705     -20.3083      2.68191      10.3829      2.35282     -26.0694     -8.64142      13.9897
-      0.04706      30.8492      48.7103      51.7351      38.9315      6.02655      18.9679      37.1266
-      0.04707     -9.38414      12.5113      19.2917      10.0934     -19.0282     -2.76792       19.084
-      0.04708      2.03615      22.7576       28.476      18.1358     -11.8652       3.2731      24.1828
-      0.04709      -5.0427      16.3395      22.7198      13.0106     -16.2244    -0.633451       20.996
-       0.0471      31.6364      49.3619      52.4055      39.2627      6.87444      19.2038      37.6276
-      0.04711     -33.6141     -9.34971    -0.247717     -7.49372     -33.8471     -16.0889      8.26277
-      0.04712      36.9789      54.1172      56.7059      43.0226      10.3587      21.8975      40.0271
-      0.04713     -38.0342      -13.366     -3.80921      -10.712     -36.6225       -18.74      6.19558
-      0.04714    0.0519286      20.8491      26.8776      16.4055     -12.8025      1.65024      23.2419
-      0.04715      24.1437      42.5263       46.358      33.7833      2.38999      14.6525      34.2107
-      0.04716      10.3963       30.147      35.2821      23.8115     -6.03302      7.28438      28.1687
-      0.04717      11.3153      30.9647        36.04      24.4391     -5.31043      7.77334      28.6503
-      0.04718     -11.5758      10.3578      17.5585       7.9361     -19.5684     -4.69921      18.2884
-      0.04719      21.0725      39.6809      43.8633      31.2131     0.937745      12.8659      33.0098
-       0.0472     -77.7394     -49.2256     -35.9144     -39.5724     -60.9411     -40.7612     -11.7094
-      0.04721      21.1669      39.6616      43.7876      31.0882     0.911496      12.4321      32.7093
-      0.04722      12.9345      32.2837      37.2445      25.2981     -3.99811      8.12882      29.2707
-      0.04723     -29.3745     -5.77845      3.11061     -5.00139     -30.3484     -14.7326      10.2601
-      0.04724      13.1574      32.4015      37.3728      25.3838     -3.71754      8.11707      29.3872
-      0.04725     -45.6561     -20.4808     -10.0749      -16.738     -40.4121     -23.7027      2.87929
-      0.04726       41.174      57.5809      59.9802      45.3721      13.9714      23.0666      42.0042
-      0.04727     -3.97059      17.0205      23.6643      13.0856     -14.0614      -1.1837      21.8848
-      0.04728      16.8408      35.6765      40.4175      28.0532    -0.972189      9.94513       31.281
-      0.04729     -3.94469      16.9832      23.6569      13.3557     -13.8173     -1.31731      21.9604
-       0.0473      6.50192      26.3266      32.0148       20.785     -7.23781      4.18059      26.6144
-      0.04731      5.55863      25.4952      31.3003      20.1645     -7.73422      3.60392      26.2236
-      0.04732     -7.04139      14.1102      21.1115      10.9396     -15.6278     -3.34445       20.504
-      0.04733     -42.8184     -18.0927     -7.80343     -14.7624     -37.9953     -22.8473      4.24818
-      0.04734      -6.3223      14.7071      21.5651      11.3042     -15.1262     -3.27951      20.6194
-      0.04735     -2.19402      18.4058      24.9324      14.3275     -12.3398    -0.989465      22.6291
-      0.04736      26.1072      43.8888      47.8006      34.6302      5.57137      14.3269      35.5391
-      0.04737       11.599       30.832      36.0985      24.3379     -3.31197       6.5233       29.137
-      0.04738     -23.4412    -0.700596      7.80483    -0.748461     -25.1422     -12.4978      13.3089
-      0.04739      3.58137      23.5595      29.5415      18.5467     -8.27765      1.90763       25.383
-       0.0474     -34.0481     -10.3203    -0.849851     -8.39957     -31.7623     -18.5342      8.37428
-      0.04741     -39.6229     -15.4108     -5.48001     -12.6105     -35.3154     -21.7987      5.65141
-      0.04742       17.515      35.9755       40.645      28.4475     0.628822      9.10511      31.5318
-      0.04743     -37.2051      -13.227     -3.50935     -10.6227     -33.4678     -20.4707      6.98148
-      0.04744      26.6784      44.2129      48.0944      35.1687       6.6001      13.9488      35.7921
-      0.04745     -36.5994      -12.707      -3.0066     -10.0848     -32.8452     -20.2516      7.33505
-      0.04746      5.14893      24.8323      30.6339      19.7494     -6.67199      2.18112      26.1069
-      0.04747     -17.4878      4.42883      12.3349       3.5705      -20.735     -10.1351      15.9104
-      0.04748     -49.2672     -24.1863     -13.3431     -19.2141     -40.6131     -27.4574      1.48936
-      0.04749      24.4835      42.1081       46.135      33.6145      5.64901      12.3209      34.7629
-       0.0475      51.6214      66.5495      68.1144      53.2667      22.9156       27.156      47.3222
-      0.04751     -91.0729     -61.7826     -47.0105     -48.8512     -66.2735     -50.0348     -17.0707
-      0.04752       61.871      75.7064      76.3162      60.5751      29.3053      32.2747       51.655
-      0.04753     -10.9334      10.2464      17.6204      8.52068     -15.8315     -6.77856      19.1916
-      0.04754     -24.2586      -1.7734      6.79151    -0.939663     -24.1003     -14.1408      13.0798
-      0.04755     -30.4628     -7.41326      1.67018      -5.4467     -28.0056     -17.7056      10.1547
-      0.04756    -0.103609      19.8458      26.1408      16.2725      -8.9204     -1.37687      23.8555
-      0.04757     -28.4296     -5.61857      3.31707     -3.94528     -26.5029      -16.709      11.1344
-      0.04758     -4.58901      15.7605      22.4856      13.0701     -11.5296     -3.95816      21.8435
-      0.04759      2.90767      22.4928      28.5269      18.5696     -6.68962     0.113435      25.3443
-       0.0476     -24.4189      -2.1032      6.48011    -0.923764     -23.7341     -14.7413      13.0259
-      0.04761      29.6043      46.4641      50.0319      37.8086      10.2588       14.412      37.4424
-      0.04762      11.1288      29.8655      35.1506      24.6395     -1.07636       4.4987      29.2982
-      0.04763     0.480334      20.2988      26.5964      17.0818      -7.6026     -1.32447      24.4922
-      0.04764      14.1215        32.51      37.5234      26.9476      1.02635      5.93759      30.6389
-      0.04765    -0.114054      19.7044      26.0361       16.754     -7.77239      -1.7839      24.2603
-      0.04766     -50.2071     -25.3876     -14.4567     -19.1683     -39.1256     -29.0858      1.49454
-      0.04767     -9.77068      10.8903      18.0527      9.66997     -13.8894     -7.51004      19.5213
-      0.04768       1.9935      21.4864        27.58      18.2803     -6.29177     -1.10327      24.9787
-      0.04769      23.6238      40.9396      45.0651      33.9714      7.42892      10.6115      34.8667
-       0.0477     -11.6737      9.19899      16.5902      8.83544     -14.4834     -8.48324      19.0231
-      0.04771      16.0863      34.1267      38.9471      28.7286      2.98242      6.46495      31.5739
-      0.04772      -14.056      6.96802       14.577      7.02543        -15.7     -9.84483      18.0214
-      0.04773     -0.48849      19.1508      25.4776      16.8631     -7.13444      -2.6152      24.1086
-      0.04774     -1.89063      17.8533      24.3014      15.9013     -7.88536     -3.42985      23.4983
-      0.04775     -18.6457      2.75417      10.7517      3.95425     -18.2673     -12.5929       15.904
-      0.04776      6.70475      25.5382      31.1754      22.1356     -2.30549      1.02831      27.3305
-      0.04777      43.2014      58.3832      60.6863      48.4297       20.747       20.812      43.9971
-      0.04778      3.55013      22.7155      28.7325      20.0854     -3.85472    -0.567442       26.273
-      0.04779       18.874      36.4601      41.0302      31.1439      5.84057      7.62704      33.1629
-       0.0478     -49.2123     -24.8135     -13.9592     -17.5836     -36.6997     -29.3227      2.35677
-      0.04781      5.59476      24.4201      30.1712      21.6176     -2.48293    0.0276465      26.8276
-      0.04782     -10.4176      10.0237      17.2351      10.2907       -12.29     -8.58059      19.7314
-      0.04783     0.582225      19.8613      26.0594      18.1777     -5.30356     -2.71378      24.7046
-      0.04784     0.280211      19.5953      25.8582       18.077     -5.31187     -2.86922      24.6532
-      0.04785      23.0425      40.0706      44.2352      34.4521      9.12183      9.44835      35.0277
-      0.04786     -21.5143   -0.0355344      8.25526      2.58442     -18.6448     -14.6827      14.9545
-      0.04787      6.19301      24.8351      30.5516      22.4751     -1.28358     0.100704      27.3344
-      0.04788     -17.1805      3.82662       11.691      5.80963     -15.6807      -12.514      16.8679
-      0.04789     -28.5569     -6.46607      2.45437      -2.3289     -22.8355     -18.8851       11.583
-       0.0479      31.6698      47.6612      51.0099      40.7925      15.0624      13.7052      38.8564
-      0.04791      3.94905      22.7594      28.7259      21.1079     -1.98527     -1.15359      26.5885
-      0.04792     -14.3059      6.32289      13.9604      8.07462     -13.3433     -11.1338       18.315
-      0.04793      59.1695      72.3738      73.2028      60.6739      32.8026      28.5704      51.5544
-      0.04794     -27.2447     -5.34367      3.50701    -0.931717     -21.0591     -18.0971        12.69
-      0.04795    -0.965527      18.2314      24.6283       17.805     -4.67661     -4.16614      24.3229
-      0.04796     -36.9368     -14.1331     -4.39329     -7.87591     -27.0532     -23.6896      8.05385
-      0.04797     -9.65437      10.3608      17.5357      11.5399     -9.99838     -9.14076      20.2372
-      0.04798       -45.19      -21.672     -11.2325     -13.7351     -32.1218     -28.4384      4.17481
-      0.04799      17.7897      34.9817      39.5842      31.4638      7.41152       5.5414      32.6146
-        0.048     -9.47979      10.4484      17.6353      12.1008     -9.39147     -9.07146      20.5224
-      0.04801      9.94549      27.9385      33.3286      26.0482      2.90852      1.39993      29.3628
-      0.04802     -5.45248      14.0635       20.886      15.0844     -6.58391     -6.97004      22.4625
-      0.04803     -23.1521     -1.88659      6.56617      2.40439     -17.5355     -16.6056       14.446
-      0.04804     -7.89004      11.7871      18.8063      13.3259     -7.95816     -8.53677      21.2247
-      0.04805      -25.991     -4.49003      4.19431     0.475235      -19.092     -18.3153       13.111
-      0.04806     0.930141      19.6886       25.914      19.7921     -2.17976     -3.88469      25.2149
-      0.04807      1.40384      20.1311      26.3363      20.2436     -1.63206     -3.54914      25.6035
-      0.04808     -24.0343     -2.79746      5.77592      2.06151     -17.4289     -17.3639      14.1178
-      0.04809       30.618      46.3399      49.8347      41.2446      16.9125      12.1367      38.8178
-       0.0481       2.2542      20.8468      27.0313        21.08    -0.585406     -3.08982      26.2128
-      0.04811      25.0087      41.3158      45.3971      37.4523      13.7732      9.14908      36.5069
-      0.04812     -70.4742     -44.6296     -31.7328     -30.9282     -45.9115     -42.5813     -6.66692
-      0.04813     -7.17055      12.2271       19.236      14.2976     -6.39142     -8.67342      21.6123
-      0.04814      7.86551       25.751      31.3986      25.1646      3.26319    -0.483813      28.5523
-      0.04815      -25.961     -4.66109      4.13374      1.09063     -17.7202     -18.7522      13.3802
-      0.04816      18.5489      35.3804      40.0526      32.9497      10.3081      5.28394      33.5036
-      0.04817      52.7008      66.1258      67.6902      57.6084      31.9626      23.8777      49.1574
-      0.04818      -5.6072      13.6931      20.6672      15.8986     -4.28389     -7.55128      23.0305
-      0.04819      8.17621      26.0248      31.7382      25.8834      4.38106    -0.263687      29.1349
-       0.0482     -32.7114     -10.8043     -1.32922     -3.40754     -21.1659     -22.5247      10.5667
-      0.04821     -64.4122     -39.3748     -27.0122      -26.224     -41.0344     -39.9143     -3.98829
-      0.04822      27.2704      43.0642       46.954      39.4442      16.3768      9.49131      37.3051
-      0.04823      25.9544      41.9388      46.0016      38.7506      15.9582      9.05927      37.0986
-      0.04824      36.7326      51.6333      54.7557      46.6581      22.9642      14.9979      42.1833
-      0.04825     -69.5553      -43.983     -31.0436     -29.4257     -43.4455     -42.5276     -5.82985
-      0.04826      44.5625      58.5672      60.9431      52.1764      27.9148      18.8562      45.4294
-      0.04827     -56.5421     -32.3441     -20.6464     -20.1275     -35.1431     -35.7177   -0.0473745
-      0.04828       27.486      43.1815      47.0776      40.0854      17.4757      9.51616      37.7273
-      0.04829      12.6522      29.8759       35.193      29.5755      8.47201      1.65338      31.2877
-       0.0483      29.9941      45.4762      49.2368      42.0969      19.5262      11.0518       39.217
-      0.04831     -6.75748      12.3977      19.5807      15.8139     -3.29341     -8.79935      22.6949
-      0.04832      -22.036     -1.41961      7.16518      4.87219     -12.8748     -17.2582      15.6392
-      0.04833      21.6478      37.8875      42.4294      36.2011      14.5814       6.2487      35.3283
-      0.04834       5.2333      23.1035      29.1944      24.4711      4.48883     -2.59008      28.0355
-      0.04835      8.77398      26.2737      32.0423      27.0709      6.91967    -0.670024      29.6707
-      0.04836     -45.7329     -22.7535     -11.9662     -11.9784      -27.138     -30.2392      4.99091
-      0.04837     -30.1939     -8.85893     0.441432    -0.985562     -17.4489     -22.0831      11.7994
-      0.04838      15.9795      32.6227      37.6726      32.0793      11.5702      2.82918      32.6875
-      0.04839      27.6204      43.1682      47.2061       40.642      19.2579      9.37255      38.2693
-       0.0484     -11.6341      7.85124      15.5068      12.5644     -5.13916     -11.8073      20.6526
-      0.04841     -25.0705     -4.30304      4.59379      2.97458     -13.5239     -19.2462      14.4506
-      0.04842      15.1168       31.846      37.0198      31.7171      11.7556      2.42838      32.5995
-      0.04843     -22.3251     -1.79861      6.86089      5.05069     -11.4833      -17.792      15.7724
-      0.04844     -4.38936      14.2527      21.2661      17.8202    -0.217269     -8.24413      23.7772
-      0.04845     -7.12921      11.8044      19.0514      15.9008     -1.73346     -9.70948      22.6066
-      0.04846      2.54656      20.4959        26.84      22.8342      4.46141     -4.50935      27.0289
-      0.04847     -26.1231     -5.28599      3.74549      2.44659     -13.3245     -20.0195      14.1186
-      0.04848      6.49624       24.011      30.0004      25.7328      7.15178     -2.50146      28.7937
-      0.04849     -3.44207      15.0796       22.036      18.6845      1.14973     -7.81129      24.4366
-       0.0485     -41.3232     -19.0431     -8.57859     -8.48993     -22.5062     -28.4023      7.26701
-      0.04851      2.52829      20.3798      26.7953      22.8863      5.01302     -4.80446      26.9923
-      0.04852      15.2121      31.8082      37.1056      32.1434      13.2356      2.17661      32.9036
-      0.04853     -42.2155     -19.8638     -9.24881     -8.96887     -22.5886     -28.9016      7.00146
-      0.04854     -2.51228      15.7929       22.725      19.3661      2.30609     -7.59074      24.7883
-      0.04855     -25.3034     -4.67933      4.33565      3.09138     -11.7843     -19.8833      14.5865
-      0.04856     -18.3709      1.49793      9.89236       8.0031     -7.34908     -16.1901      17.7076
-      0.04857     -24.8232     -4.33865      4.63117      3.32546     -11.3437     -19.8234      14.6934
-      0.04858    -0.182942      17.8319      24.5164      21.0316      4.24883     -6.48742      25.9037
-      0.04859      19.5066      35.5512      40.4818      35.2468      16.8447      4.27776      34.9775
-       0.0486     -9.08295      9.85213      17.4573      14.8525    -0.796858     -11.0833       22.208
-      0.04861     -11.4477      7.70638       15.549      13.1295     -2.19896     -12.4588      21.0846
-      0.04862      4.99818      22.4826      28.7656      24.8572      8.20973     -3.61947       28.513
-      0.04863     -1.05356      16.9939      23.8171      20.4517      4.56166     -6.90367      25.8008
-      0.04864      63.0794      74.7344       75.668      66.5582      44.9664      27.9087      54.9807
-      0.04865     -12.5326      6.73428      14.7014       12.473     -2.10017     -12.8406       21.043
-      0.04866     -22.2179     -2.06491      6.75793      5.43685     -8.20942     -18.3318      16.4206
-      0.04867      13.2291      29.7977      35.3448      30.7864      14.0646     0.737479       32.346
-      0.04868       9.9663      26.8594      32.7204      28.4995      12.1939    -0.990433      30.9726
-      0.04869     -35.2104     -13.7912     -3.76793     -3.88976     -15.9533      -25.445      10.5702
-       0.0487      23.5485      39.0265      43.6178      38.1186      20.8795      6.19471      37.0036
-      0.04871     -27.6492     -7.02061      2.33488      1.52222     -10.9875     -21.4378      14.0054
-      0.04872     -41.0747     -19.1173     -8.53923     -8.17678      -19.351     -28.8367      7.80038
-      0.04873      15.3295      31.5694      36.9226      32.1846      16.0556      1.58584      33.2523
-      0.04874     -7.28864      11.2379      18.6985      16.0095       2.1453     -10.5133      23.2349
-      0.04875      7.86217      24.8916      30.9872      26.9199      11.8063      -2.2912      30.1471
-      0.04876      13.9581      30.3679      35.9225      31.3576      15.8258      1.07226      33.0378
-      0.04877      18.9911      34.8869      40.0025      34.9161      19.1475       3.8258      35.3928
-      0.04878     -6.30408      12.0943      19.5161        16.82      3.41681      -9.9057      23.9366
-      0.04879     -4.48831      13.7266      20.9684      18.1219      4.61006      -9.0279      24.6783
-       0.0488     -15.4519      3.82953      12.0781      10.1923     -2.18961     -15.0347      19.6864
-      0.04881      6.83357      23.8583      30.0376      26.1465      11.9221     -2.98349      29.7679
-      0.04882      9.28285      26.0419      32.0058       27.944      13.6264     -1.61869      30.9729
-      0.04883     -39.3407     -17.6946     -7.25141      -6.9004     -16.7114     -27.9526      9.00437
-      0.04884     -20.2518    -0.605988      8.04184        6.655     -4.73588      -17.801      17.4416
-      0.04885      31.0234      45.5431      49.4854      43.4585      27.5997      10.0153        40.72
-      0.04886      1.18541      18.7303      25.4662      22.1511      9.19674     -5.97082      27.4636
-      0.04887      5.72933      22.7982      29.1078      25.4472      12.1791      -3.4941      29.5663
-      0.04888      10.1929      26.7996      32.7163      28.6507      15.1288     -1.06215       31.633
-      0.04889      29.0358      43.7749      47.9627      42.2274      27.0816      9.12026      40.1734
-       0.0489      10.7929      27.3522      33.2545      29.2468      15.8261    -0.711488      32.0121
-      0.04891      5.50771       22.532      28.9386      25.3879      12.5552       -3.661       29.544
-      0.04892     -35.8097     -14.6282     -4.41298     -4.21973     -13.1813     -26.0329      10.8687
-      0.04893     -39.6993     -18.1998     -7.66253     -7.18289     -15.6885     -28.3758      8.85916
-      0.04894     -45.7501     -23.6702     -12.5908     -11.6041     -19.4575     -31.7838      5.99932
-      0.04895      5.29916      22.2114      28.5815      24.9837      12.6434     -4.15845      29.1216
-      0.04896     -28.5914     -8.22216      1.33363     0.841667     -8.29674     -22.3246      14.0235
-      0.04897     -18.0974      1.18964      9.74482      8.32982     -1.62418     -16.6923      18.7498
-      0.04898      20.9121       36.259      41.2264      36.2989      22.9435      4.43997      36.4307
-      0.04899     -66.3677     -42.2472     -29.1958     -26.1188     -31.4838     -42.6781     -2.90626
-        0.049     -27.8297     -7.62193      1.83039      1.34829     -7.39651     -22.0357      14.2614
-      0.04901      28.7358      43.2231      47.4855      41.8663      28.1924       8.6017      39.9279
-      0.04902     -8.19064      10.0426      17.7527      15.4976      5.34572     -11.1785      23.5054
-      0.04903      8.67216      25.2097      31.3386       27.539      16.0001      -2.0874      31.1286
-      0.04904      6.87361      23.5791      29.9013      26.3647      15.0697      -3.0029       30.384
-      0.04905      -36.756     -15.6689     -5.30459     -4.84838     -12.1352     -26.6211      10.6571
-      0.04906      34.0084       47.951      51.7622      45.7835      32.1884      11.5457      42.5509
-      0.04907      9.47192      25.9344       32.042      28.3718      17.1471     -1.50673      31.7063
-      0.04908     -11.2318      7.25898      15.2906      13.5115      4.28681     -12.7358      22.3274
-      0.04909     -21.7258     -2.21225      6.77247      5.94381     -2.22915     -18.4973       17.484
-       0.0491      4.47906      21.3329      27.8872      24.6828      14.2591     -4.36737      29.2726
-      0.04911     -26.0516     -6.11795      3.29776      2.90451     -4.69701     -20.8441      15.5588
-      0.04912     -0.29941      16.9758      24.0018      21.2851      11.4879     -6.97953      27.1204
-      0.04913     -29.8148     -9.54035     0.222984     0.252995     -6.84905     -22.9135      13.8454
-      0.04914    -0.428937      16.8363       23.869      21.2676      11.6059     -7.07919      27.0568
-      0.04915      20.1123      35.3275      40.4987      36.0492      24.6693      4.11992      36.4871
-      0.04916      24.2009       39.028      43.8664      39.1259      27.5105      6.52027      38.5664
-      0.04917      -40.063     -18.7713     -8.01276     -6.88172      -12.622       -28.27      9.49827
-      0.04918     -14.9163      3.78209      12.1778      10.9963      3.04375     -14.8971      20.6125
-      0.04919      12.9887      28.8729      34.7131      31.0091      20.6504     0.241564       33.284
-       0.0492     -29.0722     -8.96177     0.785238     0.998398     -5.47059     -22.4154      14.3592
-      0.04921     -8.76829      9.26476      17.1313      15.4475       7.2539     -11.5066       23.449
-      0.04922     -24.8542     -5.19877      4.14365      3.90422     -2.69056     -20.1729      16.2129
-      0.04923      32.8799      46.7443       50.778      45.3648      33.5976      11.0838      42.3362
-      0.04924     -13.8728      4.68654       13.075       11.928      4.57321     -14.0291      21.4089
-      0.04925      59.6026      70.8046      72.4197      64.5904      50.7222      25.7439       54.649
-      0.04926     -9.61901      8.55952      16.6003      15.1584       7.6161     -11.5155      23.6001
-      0.04927     -35.8673     -15.1162     -4.70303     -3.83062     -8.91256     -25.9405       11.501
-      0.04928       33.167      46.9621      50.9977      45.6361      34.3699      11.3343      42.5627
-      0.04929     -20.9293     -1.68026      7.38494      6.92668     0.727865     -17.7566      18.2962
-       0.0493      13.0044      28.8116      34.7391        31.29      22.0329     0.528805      33.5512
-      0.04931      14.7486      30.3834      36.1575      32.6303      23.3221      1.59009       34.474
-      0.04932     -32.1518     -11.8239     -1.71163    -0.904664     -5.95519     -23.7896       13.252
-      0.04933      8.95148      25.1258      31.4261      28.4974      19.7958     -1.65597      31.6972
-      0.04934      36.9834      50.3259      54.0893      48.6459      37.5448      13.6392      44.5061
-      0.04935     -66.2496     -42.5266     -29.2153     -25.2631     -26.9578     -42.1407     -2.07109
-      0.04936      22.9907      37.6785      42.7529      38.5752      28.8566      5.92382      37.9903
-      0.04937      2.29687       19.125      26.1544      23.9407      16.1849     -5.04427      28.8855
-      0.04938     -39.0199     -18.0624     -7.23842     -5.67449     -9.61356      -27.407      10.1845
-      0.04939     -6.31391      11.3154      19.1048      17.7053      10.8679     -9.82832       24.814
-       0.0494      -15.877      2.70765      11.3843      10.9078      5.02111     -14.9256      20.5713
-      0.04941      11.2876      27.1357        33.35      30.4659      22.1649    -0.177699      32.8935
-      0.04942     -41.6813     -20.5032     -9.39431     -7.47769     -10.8536     -28.7496      9.02198
-      0.04943       33.832      47.3956      51.5177      46.5798      36.4482      12.0253      43.0594
-      0.04944       20.044      35.0345      40.4896      36.8781       28.129      4.83309      37.1094
-      0.04945     -28.5493     -8.71332      1.23764      2.05365     -2.23226     -21.4548      15.1495
-      0.04946     -19.3593    -0.451821      8.62321      8.61429      3.52593     -16.6049      19.1222
-      0.04947     -15.4406       3.0382      11.7582      11.3046      6.00692     -14.5285      20.8457
-      0.04948     -27.2895     -7.61842      2.19805      2.88894      -1.3103     -20.9255      15.4614
-      0.04949      12.4014      28.0462      34.2048      31.3095      23.6247     0.560927      33.4011
-       0.0495     -1.79802      15.2943      22.7911      21.1956      14.9498     -6.94478      27.1527
-      0.04951     -32.2637      -12.093     -1.74632    -0.590443     -4.01556     -23.3967      13.3856
-      0.04952      6.67909      22.8899      29.6423      27.2781      20.3756     -2.39786       30.887
-      0.04953     -1.29871      15.7295      23.2332      21.6884      15.5834     -6.54908      27.4213
-      0.04954      12.0078      27.7243      34.0301      31.2895      24.0894     0.747917      33.4965
-      0.04955     -8.46824       9.2724      17.4803      16.6345      11.3331     -10.3019      24.2723
-      0.04956      24.2575      38.6958      43.8871      40.0389      31.8935      7.42175      39.0514
-      0.04957      8.62885       24.665      31.3549      29.0362      22.3102    -0.886236      32.1176
-      0.04958     -11.0308      6.93579      15.4116      14.8864       10.066     -11.5218      23.1954
-      0.04959      22.3467       36.972      42.3551       38.808      31.0191      6.51502      38.2292
-       0.0496     -16.1682      2.32069        11.29      11.3028      7.03259     -14.2405      20.8874
-      0.04961      8.68169      24.6343      31.2988      29.0135      22.6085      -0.8448      32.0072
-      0.04962     -13.9465      4.30903      13.0667      12.8818      8.58837     -12.9821      21.8507
-      0.04963     -10.5286      7.34189       15.801      15.3078      10.7427     -11.1807      23.3339
-      0.04964     -2.60423       14.429       22.162      20.9567      15.7922     -6.87278      26.8635
-      0.04965      8.47006      24.4368      31.1726      28.9586      22.8776    -0.781447      31.9532
-      0.04966     -34.4093     -14.1523     -3.46657     -1.78845       -3.891      -23.939      12.5842
-      0.04967      22.2408      36.7843      42.2476      38.7875      31.5789      6.63649      38.0765
-      0.04968     -40.1881     -19.3996      -8.1491     -5.92073     -7.34724      -26.992      9.95829
-      0.04969      4.98894      21.2351      28.3031       26.461      20.9169     -2.64416      30.2475
-       0.0497      7.15795      23.2238      30.1436      28.0922      22.4967     -1.26566       31.402
-      0.04971     -65.3105     -42.0188     -28.4296     -23.9283     -22.8739     -40.4998     -1.42926
-      0.04972     -23.0569     -4.04456      5.60943      6.23532      3.52173     -17.7924      17.4252
-      0.04973      53.6802      64.9924       67.627      61.2579       51.739      23.8777       52.263
-      0.04974      9.05604      24.9159      31.7168      29.4598      24.1336    0.0921285      32.4427
-      0.04975     -30.1298     -10.3339    0.0686466      1.38642    -0.363564     -21.1173      14.6793
-      0.04976      9.69321      25.4578      32.1589      29.9202       24.566     0.349519      32.5319
-      0.04977     -9.72896      7.93111      16.4517      16.0007       12.516     -10.0796       23.795
-      0.04978     0.829403      17.4437      25.0144      23.5252      19.1982     -4.34758      28.5414
-      0.04979      2.49561       18.956      26.3851      24.7599      20.3327       -3.349      29.3558
-       0.0498     -42.8116      -21.821     -10.1888     -7.66147     -7.99555     -27.8794      8.82368
-      0.04981     -5.12209      12.0296      20.1311      19.1719      15.5457     -7.59826       25.655
-      0.04982      47.2653      59.1738      62.4833      56.8362      48.5621      20.9505      49.5037
-      0.04983     -53.2326     -31.2017     -18.5566     -15.0416      -14.179     -33.2246      4.25247
-      0.04984      7.43729      23.2994      30.2791      28.1963      23.7032    -0.581917      31.4078
-      0.04985     -24.5068     -5.41741      4.56781      5.42347      3.84737     -17.7414       17.066
-      0.04986     -8.83003      8.65325      17.1688      16.5694       13.695     -9.22364      24.0938
-      0.04987      9.20277      24.8815      31.7564      29.5378      25.0678      0.59121      32.2781
-      0.04988      11.2906       26.782      33.5111      31.1423      26.5742      1.89156      33.3613
-      0.04989     -6.90975      10.4009        18.82        18.08      15.2474      -7.8991      25.1395
-       0.0499     -19.0803    -0.569249      8.97038      9.34442      7.66138     -14.4814      19.5715
-      0.04991      23.6422      37.8375      43.4401      39.9137      34.4392      8.62393      38.8283
-      0.04992      28.5789      42.3202      47.5202      43.5621      37.7994      11.5931       41.312
-      0.04993      -14.948      3.14044      12.3507      12.3481       10.591     -11.9334      21.6123
-      0.04994      7.31495      23.1364       30.285      28.2428      24.5215    0.0574366      31.5312
-      0.04995     -31.4468     -11.7378     -1.02993     0.346046     0.274331     -20.8917      13.9813
-      0.04996      -49.188     -27.7329      -15.394     -12.3995      -10.848     -30.5569      5.78163
-      0.04997       10.916      26.3103      33.0903      30.5782      26.7744      1.89475      32.8306
-      0.04998     -24.6847     -5.70969      4.39878      5.18837       4.6729     -17.1682      16.8977
-      0.04999    -0.306202      16.2364      24.1145      22.6863      19.9893      -3.9401      27.8955
-         0.05     -6.80968      10.3712      18.8671       18.031      16.0397     -7.32043      25.0454
-      0.05001     -49.7278     -28.2567     -15.8097     -12.7676     -10.8228     -30.5439      5.57408
-      0.05002      9.04512      24.5896      31.5982      29.2744      25.9621      1.18765      31.9934
-      0.05003     -8.71866      8.63629      17.3251      16.6068      15.0101     -8.21697      24.1301
-      0.05004       43.043      55.1701      59.0943      53.7251      47.5518      19.9147      47.5983
-      0.05005     -16.2441      1.89101      11.3214      11.2991      10.6185     -11.9159      20.9944
-      0.05006     -42.8871     -22.1278     -10.2706     -7.84555     -6.14034     -26.4877      8.72574
-      0.05007      9.42411      24.8823      31.8996      29.5129      26.5534      1.71677      32.1921
-      0.05008      38.2928      50.8941      55.3059      50.3365      44.8621      17.5808      45.4389
-      0.05009     -30.9452     -11.3955    -0.586055     0.724147       1.5935       -19.74      14.2487
-       0.0501      4.33027      20.3186      27.8621      25.9216       23.675     -0.73903      30.0066
-      0.05011     -21.2586     -2.73868      7.17936      7.55776      7.68091     -14.5462      18.4342
-      0.05012      8.81025      24.3191      31.4754       29.076       26.623      1.78406       31.996
-      0.05013     -24.0309     -5.26231      4.92956      5.56931      6.09683     -15.8863       17.159
-      0.05014     0.370575      16.6938      24.6495      23.0982      21.4471     -2.63143      28.1228
-      0.05015      27.3927      41.0172      46.4925      42.4294      38.4797      12.1073      40.4425
-      0.05016      2.23208         18.4      26.2108        24.43      22.8393     -1.35078      29.1863
-      0.05017     -41.2674     -20.7785     -8.95734     -6.82192     -4.37313     -24.8753       9.4238
-      0.05018      6.06621        21.74      29.1805      27.0284      25.1855     0.582009      30.5897
-      0.05019      28.6881      42.1436      47.5314      43.3201      39.5498      13.0359      40.9731
-       0.0502     -11.2297      6.24492      15.3347      14.7367      14.6983     -8.39897      23.0399
-      0.05021     -13.2269      4.42808      13.6885      13.2438       13.413     -9.52991      21.9939
-      0.05022     -33.2657      -13.636     -2.50376     -1.08192     0.859501     -20.3931      12.8362
-      0.05023     -61.7284     -39.2839     -25.5708     -21.6624     -17.0358     -35.8649    -0.209631
-      0.05024     -21.1202     -2.81165       7.1502      7.37472      8.33108     -13.9875      17.9609
-      0.05025      34.4625      47.2099       52.079      47.2991      43.3543      16.3266      43.2688
-      0.05026      17.3498      31.9152      38.4293      35.2153      32.9365      7.42542      35.8687
-      0.05027      9.37869      24.7379      31.9893      29.4969      27.9632      3.18366      32.2943
-      0.05028     -64.4455     -41.7096     -27.6616     -23.4226     -18.2216     -36.7575     -1.19692
-      0.05029      6.61007      22.1117      29.5866      27.3447      26.1291      1.47007      30.5946
-       0.0503      31.0828      44.1941      49.4619      44.9881      41.6959      15.0013      41.8793
-      0.05031      24.3687      38.1444      44.0454       40.188      37.6103      11.5162      38.9551
-      0.05032     -15.3756      2.39744      11.9869      11.8011      12.8397     -9.83758      21.0567
-      0.05033     -56.1134     -34.2829     -20.9625     -17.5225     -12.7736      -32.004       2.4126
-      0.05034      17.0438      31.4312      37.9808      34.7982      32.9261      7.47533      35.2461
-      0.05035      5.27721      20.9041      28.5678      26.4533      25.7742      1.32922      30.0999
-      0.05036     -12.2144      5.15831      14.4432       13.899      14.9062     -8.03822      22.2244
-      0.05037       6.9231      22.3508      29.8863      27.6348      26.9477      2.34474      30.8129
-      0.05038     -48.3354     -27.3565     -14.7087     -11.9284     -7.59419     -27.4212      5.84147
-      0.05039     -21.3621     -3.13333      6.98421      7.29492      9.23782     -12.9504      17.7973
-       0.0504     -16.3619      1.35777      11.0335      10.8648      12.4575     -10.1485      20.1103
-      0.05041     -4.83031      11.7502       20.381      19.2069       19.785     -3.79972       25.346
-      0.05042      36.1222      48.5866      53.4724      48.6243      45.5419       18.478      43.9435
-      0.05043      7.94995      23.2717      30.7999      28.6022      28.0951      3.46796      31.3888
-      0.05044     -58.1756     -36.2775     -22.6664     -18.9827     -13.3722     -32.3424      1.36505
-      0.05045      46.7087      58.0436      61.9682      56.1285      52.2515      24.3229      48.5711
-      0.05046     -14.3285      3.12978        12.73      12.4779      14.1965     -8.47645      21.1819
-      0.05047     -30.1123      -11.085   -0.0374835      1.15852      4.31822     -17.0297      13.8987
-      0.05048      45.0196        56.49       60.602      54.9866      51.4069      23.6435      47.7925
-      0.05049     -10.5058      6.55773      15.8425      15.3124      16.8118     -6.17947      22.8831
-       0.0505      -56.196     -34.5678     -21.0808     -17.5029     -11.8471     -30.9611      2.03768
-      0.05051       1.4902      17.2552      25.4024      23.7336      24.1805     0.125801      27.8719
-      0.05052     -2.18856       13.965      22.4794      21.1637      22.0198     -1.67086      26.3259
-      0.05053     -11.5415       5.5515      14.9425      14.4733      16.2389     -6.66391      22.1167
-      0.05054      11.6231      26.3845      33.6566       31.107        30.79      5.97847      32.5698
-      0.05055      16.7172       31.005      37.8661      34.9131       34.202      8.95447      35.0244
-      0.05056     -70.2978     -47.3129      -32.441     -27.4618      -20.334     -38.1773     -4.44848
-      0.05057      30.7573      43.5269      49.0058      44.7563      42.7964      16.3732      40.9304
-      0.05058       40.494      52.3472      56.9992      51.9477      49.2308      22.0204      45.6569
-      0.05059     -52.0589     -30.9094     -17.6875     -14.3247     -8.65742     -27.9276       3.8508
-       0.0506      7.91342      22.9695      30.6027      28.4857      28.7375      4.31473       30.643
-      0.05061     -25.3868     -6.97453      3.77177      4.72398      8.00042     -13.5506      15.6662
-      0.05062     -46.2779      -25.856     -13.2001     -10.4015     -5.11928     -24.9149      6.03725
-      0.05063        -20.7     -2.86551      7.44137      7.95583        10.86     -11.1037      17.4498
-      0.05064   -0.0380469      15.7117      24.1484      22.8868      23.9167     0.201363      26.8166
-      0.05065      28.8245      41.7312      47.5076      43.5663      42.1609      16.0594      40.0329
-      0.05066     -22.9269     -4.84557       5.7288      6.54325      9.84541      -11.854      16.7038
-      0.05067      11.0644      25.7438      33.1875      30.8748      31.1288       6.5309      31.9446
-      0.05068      45.0217      56.2871      60.6316      55.3213      52.5138      25.0725      47.3954
-      0.05069      36.9852      49.0658      54.1933      49.6505      47.6415      20.9436      43.8848
-       0.0507      25.4085      38.6642      44.9059      41.4292      40.5359      14.8734      38.7526
-      0.05071      -24.772     -6.52208      4.35861      5.44187      9.05667     -12.3259      15.9207
-      0.05072     -52.4075     -31.4385     -18.0596     -14.4988     -8.37684      -27.481      3.07964
-      0.05073     -10.9211       5.8007      15.3275      15.1124      17.4355     -5.14908      21.5552
-      0.05074     -45.5257     -25.3208     -12.5996     -9.63627     -4.12018     -23.7421      5.92846
-      0.05075     -13.0088      3.87616      13.5845      13.5837      16.1785     -6.19385      20.4808
-      0.05076     -26.4762     -8.21029      2.76512      3.97142      7.86472     -13.3009      14.4778
-      0.05077      49.6605      60.2742      64.2649      58.6915      55.6818      28.0403      48.9531
-      0.05078     -31.0461     -12.2694    -0.766803       1.0182      5.39845     -15.3193       12.717
-      0.05079      57.9592       67.782      71.0525      64.7554      61.1083      32.8431      52.8211
-       0.0508      45.7029      56.7502      61.2473      56.1217      53.6538      26.5274      47.5467
-      0.05081     -57.3152     -35.9454     -21.9385     -17.6892     -10.8492     -29.1906     0.876902
-      0.05082      -25.924     -7.80127      3.25588      4.65897      8.53848     -12.4986      14.5918
-      0.05083      40.5932      52.0124      56.9378      52.2575      50.2346      23.5374       44.606
-      0.05084     -75.9729     -52.8301     -37.1287     -31.2039     -22.6539      -39.337     -7.97695
-      0.05085      1.78303      17.0685      25.5754      24.4911      25.8697      2.54642      26.8199
-      0.05086     -22.4485     -4.74643      6.03332      7.15225      10.8508     -10.3679       15.974
-      0.05087     -4.65299      11.2458      20.4007      19.8977      21.9879    -0.640739      23.9903
-      0.05088     -26.6858     -8.57858      2.63043       4.1559      8.29702     -12.4926      14.0208
-      0.05089      35.2664      47.1386       52.641      48.5527      47.1464      21.1232       42.009
-       0.0509      14.2427      28.2288      35.7557      33.6556      34.1758      10.0218      32.7045
-      0.05091     -34.7445     -15.8455     -3.78829     -1.40965      3.51595     -16.4288      10.4974
-      0.05092     -53.6992     -32.9734     -19.2016     -15.1167     -8.51836     -26.7784      1.64686
-      0.05093     -26.5211     -8.56672      2.67694      4.26256      8.42209     -12.2136      13.6864
-      0.05094      54.3654      64.1844       68.012      62.2802      59.1978      31.7567      50.3737
-      0.05095     -20.3847     -2.98241      7.82598      8.91631      12.6609     -8.33721      16.8533
-      0.05096     -15.5918      1.27498      11.6122      12.3131      15.5953      -5.7975       18.823
-      0.05097     -48.4103     -28.2806     -14.9183     -11.2466     -5.02762     -23.5682      3.82679
-      0.05098      22.2586      35.2375      42.0879      39.2838      39.1584      14.6656      35.6122
-      0.05099     -12.2386      4.21743      14.2906      14.7169      17.6769     -3.80536      20.1822
-        0.051      -40.969      -21.678     -8.95248     -5.87382    -0.253078     -19.3124      7.07297
-      0.05101      8.87473      23.1159      31.2734      29.8468      30.8906      7.60971       29.451
-      0.05102      30.7581      42.8372      49.0349        45.68      44.8209      19.7158      39.5242
-      0.05103     -22.9827     -5.53545       5.6859        7.237      11.2597     -9.19699       15.308
-      0.05104      -18.977     -1.96693      8.85415      10.0191      13.6828     -7.07145      16.9586
-      0.05105      9.87157      23.9761      32.1494      30.7379      31.8693      8.56789      29.8947
-      0.05106      30.8873      42.8456      49.1279      45.8459      44.9826      20.1073      39.4324
-      0.05107     -45.8196     -26.1873     -12.7977     -9.05612     -3.01479     -21.2755      4.78131
-      0.05108     -3.28558      12.0407      21.5009      21.3807      23.4866      1.60994      23.7242
-      0.05109      21.5854      34.3826      41.5801      39.1622      39.0777      15.1877      35.0156
-       0.0511     -19.1564       -2.255       8.7362      10.0653      13.7025     -6.70819       16.641
-      0.05111      1.17855      15.9478      25.0763      24.5691      26.4186      4.34073      25.6898
-      0.05112     -24.8305     -7.42602      4.12424      6.03033      10.1942     -9.61782      13.9182
-      0.05113      32.7105      44.3159      50.5667       47.237      46.2177      21.5725      39.8792
-      0.05114     -22.4788     -5.31798      6.09299      7.84315      11.8221     -8.01637      15.0299
-      0.05115      26.2238      38.4114      45.3258      42.6516      42.2074      18.3171      36.8909
-      0.05116       -65.78     -44.3668     -28.9269     -23.2279     -15.3548     -31.3778     -4.69886
-      0.05117     -4.58791      10.6297      20.4078      20.5425      22.8122      1.55649      22.5941
-      0.05118      4.85758      19.0883      28.0358      27.3646       28.789      6.82751      26.9246
-      0.05119     0.245338      14.9474      24.3563      24.0854      25.9576      4.50084      24.9014
-       0.0512     -59.8594     -39.1551     -24.1833     -18.9627     -11.7187     -27.9606     -2.30545
-      0.05121      66.3941      74.3771      77.6974      71.4702      67.2736       40.319      54.5769
-      0.05122     -24.5994     -7.44797      4.37271      6.47668      10.5282     -8.49129      13.7897
-      0.05123       27.524      39.3509      46.3917      43.8272      43.2094      19.6171      37.0627
-      0.05124     -18.2158     -1.82501      9.48162      11.0652       14.603     -4.98962      16.4505
-      0.05125     -42.3494      -23.576     -10.0465     -6.25329    -0.606165     -18.0499      5.38069
-      0.05126     -34.7302     -16.8086     -3.98382    -0.904782        3.976     -14.1042      8.49446
-      0.05127     -39.5616     -21.2232     -7.93436     -4.40903     0.895663     -16.7722      6.12704
-      0.05128      36.8262      47.4883        53.76      50.3947      48.7663      24.7616      40.7494
-      0.05129     -50.4151     -30.9739     -16.5826     -11.9233     -5.64132     -22.1394      1.52666
-       0.0513      2.70859      16.7566      26.2551       26.046      27.5264      6.50563      25.3011
-      0.05131      39.1337      49.5036      55.7094      52.2639      50.5112      26.4099      41.8796
-      0.05132     -45.7459     -26.8469     -12.7622     -8.47325     -2.65899     -19.3409      3.55912
-      0.05133      54.9554      63.6864      68.4743      63.6119      60.2655      35.1103      48.8642
-      0.05134     -30.3298     -13.0379    -0.290043      2.62074      6.97682     -10.7461      10.5414
-      0.05135      17.8674      30.2414      38.5418      37.0662      37.0267      15.2419      32.0924
-      0.05136      9.28696      22.4972       31.648      31.0416      31.7923      10.8137      28.2136
-      0.05137     -7.76091      7.12758      17.8638      18.8272      21.0983      1.65326      20.4438
-      0.05138     -2.22746       12.071      22.3509      22.8189       24.558      4.69006      22.8393
-      0.05139     -28.3845     -11.5026      1.21932      4.06218      8.09642     -9.46215      10.8595
-       0.0514     -22.5644     -6.34288      5.86009      8.17675      11.6309     -6.27661      13.3773
-      0.05141     -43.3685     -25.1298     -10.9954     -6.80516     -1.49282     -17.6021      3.79559
-      0.05142     -7.36861      7.21401       18.048      19.0173      21.0062      1.89091      19.9814
-      0.05143     -3.96349      10.2764      20.8582      21.5828      23.2305      3.99767      21.6833
-      0.05144      18.2108      30.1743      38.7299      37.4422      37.0577       16.082      31.7545
-      0.05145      7.05394       20.074      29.7621      29.5268      30.0906      10.2473       26.849
-      0.05146      27.1727      38.1812      46.0755      44.0856      42.9143      21.3275      35.8079
-      0.05147      13.9208       26.241      35.4349      34.7352      34.7224      14.3124      29.7847
-      0.05148      -46.154     -27.8712     -13.1272     -8.39833     -3.01209     -18.1952      2.46312
-      0.05149      23.9254      35.0977      43.3734      41.7313      40.7001      19.6267      33.8733
-       0.0515     -7.14367      7.11614      18.3462       19.657      21.3713       3.0073      19.9227
-      0.05151     -49.3214     -30.8877     -15.7354      -10.657     -5.15748      -19.825     0.673641
-      0.05152      29.6723      40.1058      47.9911       45.887      44.1935      22.9038      36.2094
-      0.05153     -27.5238     -11.3789      1.86196      5.02477      8.45462      -7.8226       10.483
-      0.05154     -13.8077     0.901589       12.892      14.8139       17.009    -0.455901      16.5192
-      0.05155      8.16746       20.605      30.6258      30.5833      30.7302      11.4951      26.4256
-      0.05156     -27.7871     -11.7853      1.60505      4.86992      8.23634     -7.73404      10.2248
-      0.05157      22.8931      33.7035      42.4638      41.1726      39.8736      19.7116      33.0518
-      0.05158      1.26781      14.2653      25.0793      25.7808      26.4111      8.24336      23.5008
-      0.05159      15.3094      26.8209      36.3879      35.8313       35.168      15.8988      29.6966
-       0.0516     -11.8766      2.30368      14.4246      16.3664       18.035      1.26384      17.3649
-      0.05161     -40.6133     -23.5911     -8.77009     -4.21603   -0.0627566     -14.2618      4.12072
-      0.05162     -7.41725      6.16194      17.9524      19.5048      20.7049      3.66917      18.9608
-      0.05163     -3.87448      9.29213      20.8166      22.0884      22.9212      5.71441      20.5374
-      0.05164      4.69304      17.0005      27.8081      28.3386      28.3054      10.5145      24.4066
-      0.05165      10.3501      22.0593      32.4181      32.4765      31.9044      13.7965      27.0366
-      0.05166      14.7387      25.9272      35.9491      35.6612      34.6686      16.2679      29.0036
-      0.05167      12.2026      23.6138      33.9348      33.9247      33.0613      14.9476      27.8123
-      0.05168      -53.478     -35.5502     -19.1394     -13.1833     -8.18312     -20.5571     -1.99465
-      0.05169       39.363      47.8613      55.7231      53.2112      49.7054       29.617      39.7133
-       0.0517     -62.7561     -44.0571     -26.6496     -19.7452     -14.0008      -25.377     -6.31023
-      0.05171      18.4353      28.8716      38.7862      38.2054      36.6059      18.4036      30.0933
-      0.05172     -31.8365     -16.4075     -1.75617      2.27973      5.18813     -8.58093      7.49708
-      0.05173      46.5904       54.055      61.5159      58.4436      54.1941      33.8697       42.922
-      0.05174     -15.7245     -1.99669      11.3239       13.994      15.3675     0.460902      14.9119
-      0.05175     -11.9036      1.37327      14.3815       16.718      17.7016       2.5142      16.3984
-      0.05176     -24.9211      -10.409      3.85073      7.35113       9.4084     -4.55301      10.3788
-      0.05177      19.1224      29.0911      39.3539      38.8833      36.8984      19.3001      30.1531
-      0.05178      2.04925      13.6714      25.6281      26.7574      26.2375      10.3102      22.5149
-      0.05179      0.80306      12.4701       24.632      25.8895      25.5215      9.71507      21.8795
-       0.0518     -7.70731        4.774      17.7536      19.8226      20.1843      5.18833      17.9745
-      0.05181      20.2471      29.8626      40.3294      39.8689      37.6404      20.4065      30.5741
-      0.05182     -77.2892     -57.9606     -38.4267     -29.9907     -23.5331     -32.2692     -13.6085
-      0.05183     -7.29269       4.8492      17.9394      19.9766      20.0014      5.45023      17.6701
-      0.05184      9.14257      19.6109      31.2853      31.8565      30.4465      14.5208      25.1707
-      0.05185     -19.7007       -6.383      8.06409      11.3023      12.4642    -0.913443      12.1846
-      0.05186    -0.144813        11.11      23.8207       25.325      24.6093      9.69584      20.9378
-      0.05187     -54.1616     -37.5929     -19.8127     -13.3599     -9.33463     -19.4734     -3.54936
-      0.05188      60.6345      65.6116      72.8655      68.9013      62.5857      42.6967      48.2087
-      0.05189       5.0023       15.548        28.09      29.2295      27.8841      13.0735        23.41
-       0.0519     -24.8104     -11.3851      3.97009      7.84273        9.112     -3.08738      9.77854
-      0.05191     -30.7371     -16.8437    -0.920306       3.4835       5.1578     -6.47152      6.77013
-      0.05192      29.3026      37.1146      47.5922       46.516      42.7671      26.1404      33.9226
-      0.05193     -33.7201     -19.6677     -3.29667      1.40157      3.29193     -7.78086      5.50306
-      0.05194     -2.14287      8.63571      22.1678      23.9753      22.9613      9.30975      19.6008
-      0.05195     -1.35451      9.26653      22.8212      24.5726      23.4168      9.87042      19.9698
-      0.05196     -4.81205       6.0755      20.0529      22.1359      21.2775      8.15838      18.3566
-      0.05197      1.32937      11.5097      25.0202      26.5851      25.1107      11.5909       21.158
-      0.05198      10.1151      19.3253      32.1255      32.9057      30.7046      16.4293      25.0279
-      0.05199     -17.3656     -5.48839      9.94669      13.2415      13.4882        1.686      12.5714
-        0.052     -17.7571      -5.9536      9.58128      12.9049      13.1207      1.42995      12.2087
-      0.05201      15.2123      23.5958      36.2053      36.5655      33.7852      19.3007      27.0306
-      0.05202      9.82872      18.6585      31.8411      32.7245      30.3672       16.642      24.6775
-      0.05203     -29.1726     -16.5323      0.35114      4.80491      5.90734     -4.31162      7.02773
-      0.05204     -15.0459     -3.92531      11.7473      14.8859      14.5739       3.3119      13.2246
-      0.05205     -12.6712      -1.8886      13.6774      16.6051      16.1157      4.71495      14.2538
-      0.05206      -29.906     -17.5628    -0.315934      4.17409      5.18106     -4.52576      6.36328
-      0.05207     -26.1894     -14.3079      2.70464      6.86753      7.53011     -2.58122      7.91698
-      0.05208      36.1833      41.6937      53.0534      51.6167      46.5469      31.2726      36.0887
-      0.05209     -29.9437     -17.8703    -0.257566      4.33385      5.31732     -4.25098       6.3649
-       0.0521     -18.9997     -8.13229      8.55695      12.1458      12.0967      1.61088      11.0851
-      0.05211     -32.3985     -20.3342     -2.30799      2.53821      3.61096     -5.57821      4.92888
-      0.05212      31.0287      36.6246      48.8946      47.9416      43.3316      28.8324      33.5113
-      0.05213      19.1021      25.8073      39.3695      39.5323      35.9426      22.6976       28.333
-      0.05214     -64.6234     -49.6461     -28.2462     -20.4596     -16.5768     -22.5079     -9.58259
-      0.05215      15.0796      21.8901      35.9875      36.4965      33.1726      20.4754      26.1329
-      0.05216     -18.4527     -8.39287      8.95229      12.5267      12.2077      2.51906      11.0551
-      0.05217     -13.6285     -4.13033       12.889      16.0486      15.2321      5.26905       13.181
-      0.05218     0.586367      8.53144      24.3449      26.2268       24.067       13.107      19.5591
-      0.05219     -23.3607     -13.1958      5.00741      9.08705      9.00803     0.253693      8.71556
-       0.0522      2.86361      10.2742      26.1655      27.8717      25.4452      14.4548      20.4743
-      0.05221      39.6517      43.2633      55.9179      54.3128      48.5376       34.567      37.1462
-      0.05222        -58.7     -45.3231     -23.4415     -16.1066     -12.9932     -18.5326     -7.25665
-      0.05223      18.2925      23.7577      38.6283      38.9652      35.1149      22.9504      27.2094
-      0.05224      7.26465      13.7347      29.7776      31.1414      28.2969      17.2691      22.3389
-      0.05225     -19.5369     -10.4714      8.17403      11.9946       11.569      2.86642      10.2024
-      0.05226      58.4519      59.4814      71.0813      67.8431      60.3624      45.2086      45.4035
-      0.05227     -30.8725     -20.9435    -0.931157      3.98736       4.6037     -2.86052       5.1813
-      0.05228      24.6472      28.7991      43.7976      43.6444      39.1057      27.1632      30.0311
-      0.05229     -34.0235      -24.126     -3.56067      1.62624      2.44196     -4.53041      3.48741
-       0.0523     -28.8489      -19.646      0.55334      5.23364      5.54568     -1.82294      5.54913
-      0.05231     -33.0863     -23.6032     -2.90842      2.15193      2.82666     -4.11023      3.44822
-      0.05232      23.4487      27.1392       42.792      42.7681      38.2559      26.6379      29.0247
-      0.05233     -0.45451       5.5027      23.5362      25.6583      23.3591      13.9982      18.4034
-      0.05234     -14.6772     -7.45588      12.0463      15.4695      14.3597      6.42686      11.9238
-      0.05235     -11.7125     -4.92034      14.4681      17.6408       16.376      8.07364      13.1582
-      0.05236     -8.73689     -2.38456      16.8769      19.8156      18.3417      9.72931      14.4099
-      0.05237     -42.2854     -32.7674     -10.2885     -4.32573     -2.85787     -8.36503    -0.862964
-      0.05238      24.7521      27.3881      43.8447      43.7059       39.113      27.9194      29.3319
-      0.05239      3.54955      8.16029       26.791      28.6326      26.0126      16.8831      19.9472
-       0.0524     -19.1092     -12.3913      8.48909      12.4012      11.7196      4.67497      9.64003
-      0.05241     -3.42942      1.52688      21.1058      23.5745       21.448      13.1347      16.5627
-      0.05242     -3.39353      1.41058       21.157      23.6407       21.553      13.2261      16.5793
-      0.05243      34.1018      35.0225       51.492      50.5926      45.2222      33.8084      33.5291
-      0.05244     -23.5651     -17.0248      4.92129      9.29162      8.98115      2.76761      7.52696
-      0.05245     -9.54082     -4.61616      16.1871      19.2815      17.6833       10.271      13.6705
-      0.05246     -37.6614       -30.11     -6.52168    -0.862635    0.0398656     -4.90489     0.797027
-      0.05247      13.3667      15.5951      34.6379      35.6241      31.8861      22.7774      23.7555
-      0.05248      1.43875      4.72244      25.0554      27.1632      24.5085      16.5328      18.4665
-      0.05249     -19.4219     -14.1641      8.29144       12.289      11.4847      5.39454      9.05067
-       0.0525     -27.0751     -21.2678      2.04124      6.72468      6.59157      1.32882      5.44315
-      0.05251      30.9995       30.779      48.9267      48.3474      43.0002      32.7431      31.5989
-      0.05252       22.857      23.3291      42.4537       42.703      38.1474      28.6911       28.101
-      0.05253     -9.92257     -6.38631      16.0137      19.1915      17.6321      11.0549      13.2865
-      0.05254      1.84184      3.96259       25.432      27.4975      24.8482      17.4178      18.4489
-      0.05255     -19.1873     -15.0821      8.46556      12.4615      11.7043      6.13426      8.85339
-      0.05256     -30.7319     -25.6943    -0.904224      4.13159      4.35892    -0.174766      3.44225
-      0.05257      15.5414      15.7517      36.4534      37.2879      33.3353      24.9821      24.2952
-      0.05258      25.3086      24.3491      44.3942      44.4039      39.6155      30.5462       28.871
-      0.05259     -25.2851     -21.3355      3.60867       8.2433      7.99369      3.36357      6.04748
-       0.0526     -28.5737     -24.4902         0.85      5.74569      5.70109       1.4549      4.26714
-      0.05261      24.6075      23.1662      43.8067      43.8718      39.0299      30.3354      28.2662
-      0.05262     -53.3179     -47.1439     -19.0727     -11.9168     -9.64348     -11.6005     -6.89548
-      0.05263      2.05738      2.41821      25.5353        27.64      24.9146      18.2107      17.8946
-      0.05264     -49.9078     -44.5016      -16.364     -9.49681     -7.54464     -9.77417     -5.60383
-      0.05265      -11.621     -10.2819      14.5038      17.8742       16.372       10.986      11.5345
-      0.05266     -8.85841     -8.00254      16.7545       19.901      18.2834      12.7149      12.8789
-      0.05267      2.26986      1.79287      25.7457      27.8923      25.1983       18.872      17.8796
-      0.05268     -58.4857     -53.0226     -23.2559     -15.5819     -12.8916     -13.9237     -9.59971
-      0.05269      37.6307      33.2044      54.2761      53.1986      47.2205      38.0753      33.6817
-       0.0527     -7.88456     -7.96398      17.6241      20.7773       19.016      13.6822      13.3188
-      0.05271     -4.73387     -5.35473       20.137      22.9882      21.0074      15.6085       14.709
-      0.05272     0.576385    -0.755908      24.4688      26.8811      24.2522      18.5763      17.0749
-      0.05273      15.0471      12.0315      36.1363       37.208      33.2767       26.478      23.5339
-      0.05274     -16.8284     -16.8396      10.4345      14.4045       13.382      9.37281       9.1538
-      0.05275     -30.5054     -29.4084     -0.71304      4.48122      4.65883      1.88771       2.7591
-      0.05276      -7.7387     -9.07037      17.7086      20.8243      18.9141       14.166      12.9332
-      0.05277      23.0346      18.3537      42.5246      42.8836      38.2183      31.1475      26.9057
-      0.05278      12.0829      8.31577      33.7857      35.1841        31.66        25.45      22.1141
-      0.05279     -8.16625     -10.1266      17.4448      20.6986      18.8776      14.4607      12.9121
-       0.0528     -15.4494     -16.9243      11.5313      15.4415      14.2771        10.78      9.48332
-      0.05281     -27.0884     -27.6435      2.09178      7.03435      6.92981      4.59817      4.15128
-      0.05282      2.70377     -1.05794      26.1495      28.3743       25.526      20.7491      17.5083
-      0.05283     -6.68527     -9.74103      18.5903      21.7011      19.7244      15.8266       13.306
-      0.05284      18.6903      12.8331      39.0831      39.9175      35.6632      29.6637      24.7949
-      0.05285     -4.53282     -8.24599      20.3897      23.3731      21.2364      17.2623      14.3531
-      0.05286     -19.1484     -21.5651      8.54615      12.8407      12.0409       9.3047       7.6024
-      0.05287     -19.2761      -21.874      8.41979      12.7089      11.8854      9.31526      7.39056
-      0.05288     -14.4899     -17.8662      12.2808      16.1467       14.933      12.0713      9.56373
-      0.05289      9.45353      3.35575      31.5847      33.2845      29.8772      25.1373      20.3607
-       0.0529      22.6919      15.0487       42.315      42.8437      38.2925      32.5074      26.4217
-      0.05291     -3.04719     -8.33351      21.5752       24.476      22.2683       18.814      14.8501
-      0.05292       -48.21     -49.1883     -14.9326      -7.9116     -6.02794     -5.58607     -5.70724
-      0.05293       22.917      14.5257      42.4502      42.9735       38.424      32.8589      26.2455
-      0.05294      11.8328      4.34398      33.5681      35.1235      31.6042      27.0929      21.3891
-      0.05295     -52.1485     -53.4669     -18.1052     -10.7252     -8.52962     -7.44277     -7.56575
-      0.05296     -26.9677     -31.0958      2.15866      7.22895      7.10689      6.10015      3.52604
-      0.05297      42.1153       30.824       57.953      56.7516      50.4056      43.6045      34.7789
-      0.05298     -57.5923     -59.0675     -22.4588     -14.5751     -11.8689     -10.0743     -10.1113
-      0.05299      8.08677    -0.284264      30.4703      32.3983      29.2123      25.3126      19.2918
-        0.053      25.0111      14.7385      44.2031      44.6282      39.8472      34.6087      27.0727
-      0.05301     -47.9169     -51.0803     -14.6351     -7.57529     -5.76352     -4.53814     -5.82034
-      0.05302      14.6691      5.00574      35.8833      37.2586      33.4322      29.2095      22.1944
-      0.05303     -32.4293     -37.7212     -2.21139      3.45072      3.85145      3.99172      1.00041
-      0.05304     -24.5132     -30.8672      4.15022      9.10717       8.7817      8.21152      4.39303
-      0.05305      7.33951     -2.40267      29.8915      31.9481      28.7931      25.4554      18.7676
-      0.05306     -26.2767     -32.8919       2.7421       7.8682      7.74685      7.63004      3.67814
-      0.05307        7.554     -2.70117      30.0779      32.1088      28.9547      25.9437       18.908
-      0.05308     -8.27264     -17.2488      17.2958      20.8339        19.11      17.5005      11.7669
-      0.05309      24.9212      12.4378      44.1321      44.6516      39.9382      35.6693       26.836
-       0.0531     -43.8863     -49.7226     -11.4235     -4.61459     -3.11996     -1.55362     -4.24199
-      0.05311      32.4297       18.685      50.1667      50.0249      44.5862      39.9407      30.0978
-      0.05312       15.126      2.89846      36.2574       37.744      33.9569      30.9879      22.4096
-      0.05313     -22.4731     -31.1879      5.89451      10.7643      10.3836      10.4272       5.3321
-      0.05314       -27.49     -35.9888      1.76248      7.09522      7.04271      7.71174      2.86056
-      0.05315     -3.75447     -14.9155       20.907      24.0362      21.8858      20.6242      13.5328
-      0.05316      5.23248     -7.05348      28.2098      30.5593      27.5935      25.6259      17.6339
-      0.05317     -38.2739     -46.4485     -6.93495    -0.628559     0.411847      2.22313     -2.05631
-      0.05318    -0.213237     -12.4635      23.7591      26.5916      24.1983      22.8007      14.9753
-      0.05319     -30.3621     -39.8391    -0.544167      5.05963      5.38045      6.56495      1.36492
-       0.0532     -52.2495     -59.8084     -18.2873     -10.7021     -8.40834     -5.29581     -8.72076
-      0.05321      7.28441     -6.42378      29.7869      31.9594      28.9279      26.9019      18.1074
-      0.05322      3.70221     -9.85106      26.9346      29.4542       26.654      25.4099      16.7116
-      0.05323      7.84546     -6.38921      30.3258      32.5149      29.4171       27.921      18.7218
-      0.05324     -2.67264     -16.1514       21.864      25.0234      22.8635       22.318      13.9324
-      0.05325     -30.8747     -41.7598    -0.953061      4.76617      5.14717      7.10204      1.09472
-      0.05326      3.90823     -10.7239      27.0865      29.6228      26.8572      25.9298      16.6973
-      0.05327       18.321      2.02423      38.7404      39.9869      35.9725      33.9368      23.3376
-      0.05328     -27.4653     -39.4045       1.7847      7.20591      7.28594      9.30268      2.69033
-      0.05329     -15.0509     -28.5016      11.7653      16.0521      14.9726      15.9571      8.14297
-       0.0533      41.0516      21.6606      57.0424      56.2529      50.1711      46.4023      33.4683
-      0.05331      2.35444     -13.3305      25.8999      28.6647      26.1505      25.6542      16.1383
-      0.05332      17.0678    -0.384257      37.7176      39.1557      35.2779      33.6319      22.7501
-      0.05333     -12.3236     -27.0712      13.9883      18.0868      16.8341      17.9749      9.45621
-      0.05334     -10.7756     -25.9597      15.1812      19.1352      17.7501      18.6982      9.96828
-      0.05335       33.689      13.8872      51.1344      51.0513      45.6633      42.9314      30.0971
-      0.05336     -9.59319     -25.2341      16.2582      20.1486      18.7537      19.4771      10.5703
-      0.05337     -46.5036     -58.7364     -13.6281     -6.44416     -4.64815    -0.166289     -6.20627
-      0.05338       -49.88     -62.1015      -16.485     -9.03577      -6.9447     -2.14864     -8.05008
-      0.05339       48.757       26.422      63.1638      61.6682      54.8847      51.3234      36.5283
-       0.0534     -14.6754     -30.7752      12.0774      16.4331      15.4879      17.4545      8.20997
-      0.05341       4.7303     -13.6126      27.7197      30.3188      27.5953       27.993      16.8762
-      0.05342     -25.5455     -41.0527      3.30779        8.651       8.6405      11.4668      3.10913
-      0.05343      1.69342     -16.8214      25.2477        28.07      25.5608      26.2659      15.3915
-      0.05344        7.325       -11.94      29.7929      32.1439      29.1608      29.4517      18.0165
-      0.05345     -30.3241     -45.9747    -0.600708      5.15902      5.57663      9.13654     0.953984
-      0.05346     -19.7707     -36.7754      7.85521      12.6331      12.1124      14.7808      5.49821
-      0.05347       0.7961     -18.4935      24.4726      27.3942      25.0265      25.9828      14.7661
-      0.05348      22.4168     0.740465       41.961      42.9673      38.6911      37.7942      24.6104
-      0.05349     -5.39856     -24.3891        19.58      23.1474      21.4408      22.7923      12.1296
-       0.0535      11.2512     -9.63631      32.9743      35.0175      31.7478      31.9993      19.6222
-      0.05351     -53.5007     -68.2084     -19.3218     -11.3898     -8.79403     -2.96684     -9.72087
-      0.05352      18.2774      -3.9645      38.5306      39.9185      36.0275      35.9216      22.5127
-      0.05353     -57.8439     -72.4892     -22.8686     -14.6176     -11.6643      -5.0642     -11.7417
-      0.05354     0.167756     -20.4884      23.8955      26.9087      24.6127      26.1746       14.271
-      0.05355      50.0762      24.2049      64.2874      62.7943      56.0366      53.4539      37.0367
-      0.05356     -76.2169     -89.6921     -37.6807     -27.6764      -22.977     -14.6864     -19.9101
-      0.05357      40.0441      14.5949      56.0166      55.3896      49.4836      48.1067      32.4273
-      0.05358     -35.1712     -53.1808     -4.57431       1.6614      2.58005      7.76773     -1.35074
-      0.05359     -19.6405     -39.5092      7.82344      12.6325      12.1316      16.0148      5.41099
-       0.0536     -35.9661     -54.3744     -5.34426     0.949669      1.92016      7.25954     -2.02612
-      0.05361      35.1783       9.4243      52.0891      51.9272       46.507      45.8636       30.105
-      0.05362     -37.0325     -55.6936     -6.12981     0.301929      1.43658       6.8491      -2.3547
-      0.05363     -9.44098     -31.1206      16.0797       19.979      18.6004      21.6753      9.95384
-      0.05364      13.5052      -10.614      34.6024      36.4246      32.9918      34.1394      20.3091
-      0.05365     -28.9367      -48.946     0.390394      6.10266      6.51868      11.3139       1.1807
-      0.05366     -0.87397     -23.9009       23.008      26.1631      24.0327      26.4947      13.7364
-      0.05367      25.0758    -0.701465      43.9894      44.8003      40.3488      40.6949      25.5397
-      0.05368     -12.4167     -34.6136      13.7467       17.982      16.9025      20.6454      8.73718
-      0.05369      14.5392     -10.6372      35.4324      37.1938      33.7092      35.2499       20.853
-       0.0537     -34.5771     -54.9834     -4.18884      2.05298      2.97925      8.77864     -1.33861
-      0.05371   0.00659601     -24.0439      23.6193      26.6992      24.5216      27.2877      14.0903
-      0.05372     -22.8268      -44.722      5.24553      10.4263      10.3283      15.1368      3.80929
-      0.05373      34.7222      6.89248      51.7029      51.6483      46.3917      46.2962      29.7503
-      0.05374     -3.38016     -27.5099      21.0072      24.4351      22.6973      25.8274      12.6961
-      0.05375     -30.6107      -52.188     -1.03879      4.86636      5.54306      11.1713     0.345572
-      0.05376      13.2574     -12.9023      34.3452      36.2622      32.9828      34.9563      20.0214
-      0.05377      4.72251     -20.7852       27.473      30.1912      27.7132      30.3486      16.3076
-      0.05378     -37.6053     -58.9374     -6.74495    -0.193991      1.15587       7.4956     -2.87037
-      0.05379      1.80823      -23.635      25.0115      27.9531       25.716      28.7884       14.824
-       0.0538      19.0376     -8.21709      38.9509      40.3564      36.6033      38.2061      22.6669
-      0.05381      11.2941     -15.2655      32.7691      34.8994      31.8763      34.1902      19.2767
-      0.05382     -33.8793     -56.2289     -3.68994      2.55809      3.58201      9.79192     -1.17603
-      0.05383      13.1988     -14.0069      34.2858      36.2171      32.9774      35.1646      19.9254
-      0.05384     -19.6084     -43.7427      7.76462      12.7117      12.5151      17.4593      5.12507
-      0.05385     -21.0083     -45.1892      6.55344       11.615      11.4962      16.7262      4.40277
-      0.05386      8.45919     -18.8327      30.3516       32.725      29.9474      32.7242      17.7835
-      0.05387     -42.4009      -64.627     -10.6917     -3.68258     -1.86376      5.31012     -5.22682
-      0.05388     -32.4435     -55.8223     -2.72495      3.36953      4.31668      10.5849    -0.948379
-      0.05389      14.9574     -13.3231      35.5157      37.2931      33.9841      36.3214      20.4874
-       0.0539      4.31538     -22.9833      26.9792      29.7712      27.4359       30.569      15.7929
-      0.05391     -1.35647      -28.193      22.4217      25.7288       23.897      27.5918      13.2542
-      0.05392    -0.851068     -27.8704      22.8446      26.1189       24.254      27.9618      13.5717
-      0.05393      24.0037     -5.67953      42.8775      43.9124      39.8266      41.4321      24.8161
-      0.05394     -20.0827     -45.2769       7.3129      12.3104      12.2313      17.7027      4.97278
-      0.05395      18.5585     -10.6327      38.4583      39.9641      36.3816      38.5386      22.3028
-      0.05396     -6.31197     -33.0705      18.4126      22.1987      20.9194      25.1676      11.0498
-      0.05397     -17.7708     -43.4942      9.09924      13.9212      13.6941      18.9368       5.7601
-      0.05398     -30.4574     -54.9688     -1.18563      4.77165      5.61055      12.0458   -0.0729732
-      0.05399     -45.7495     -68.9939     -13.6037     -6.28361     -4.05128      3.69604     -7.15035
-        0.054      31.0369   -0.0125275       48.392      48.7392      44.0487      45.3377      27.5041
-      0.05401     -4.27485      -31.757      19.9712      23.5628      22.1231      26.4343      11.8406
-      0.05402     -10.5169     -37.5517      14.8663      19.0247      18.1179      22.9223      8.90006
-      0.05403      23.8316     -6.70283      42.5996      43.6374      39.7029      41.5855      24.4912
-      0.05404       7.0797     -21.8009      29.1295      31.7167      29.3177      32.6847      17.0544
-      0.05405     -17.0163     -43.5503      9.63979      14.4161      14.2056      19.6506      6.12146
-      0.05406     -25.8452      -51.571      2.42368      7.98062      8.55699      14.6992      1.99467
-      0.05407      4.13763     -24.6178      26.6361      29.4581      27.3333      30.9674      15.4334
-      0.05408      12.0826     -17.6355      33.0598      35.1868      32.3886      35.4009      19.0967
-      0.05409     -54.2588     -77.3782     -20.5337     -12.3955     -9.21049    -0.518727     -10.8975
-       0.0541     -70.4577     -92.0149     -33.6913     -24.1193     -19.4927     -9.52318     -18.5255
-      0.05411     -7.69557     -35.5414      16.9242      20.7755      19.7164      24.3554      9.66167
-      0.05412     -56.9781     -79.8585     -22.8452     -14.4787     -11.0527     -2.27045       -12.48
-      0.05413      71.2936      35.3641      80.7169      77.4594      69.3751      67.2344      45.5281
-      0.05414     -24.9203     -51.1378      3.17965      8.72268      9.38505      15.5401      2.51174
-      0.05415     -16.8153     -43.8594      9.63736      14.3813      14.3186      19.7888      5.93013
-      0.05416      -0.2005     -29.0756      23.0398      26.2987       24.761      28.8498      13.3834
-      0.05417     -18.5956     -45.6186      8.14801       13.121      13.3081      18.9815      5.14387
-      0.05418      15.8331     -14.7034      35.9166       37.741       34.779      37.5596      20.6611
-      0.05419     -15.2908     -42.6017      10.8334       15.501       15.355       20.782      6.69253
-       0.0542     -1.08125     -29.8473       22.255      25.6174      24.2025      28.3896      13.0547
-      0.05421      -60.086     -82.9393     -25.3799     -16.6436     -12.7208     -3.53282     -13.6878
-      0.05422      41.3517      8.26021      56.4572      55.9465      50.7066      51.2669      31.9956
-      0.05423      1.57204     -27.5422      24.3889      27.5499      25.9474        29.85       14.262
-      0.05424      24.2816     -6.96318      42.7588      43.8479      40.2255      42.2822      24.6271
-      0.05425     -44.1404     -68.4853     -12.4715     -5.17577      -2.6086       5.2915     -6.32137
-      0.05426      44.1335      10.8686      58.6866      57.9343      52.5497      52.9053      33.3499
-      0.05427     -44.0932     -68.3817     -12.4259      -5.1276     -2.50065      5.42417     -6.34326
-      0.05428     -17.8897     -44.9088      8.58875      13.4768      13.6996      19.2761      5.23335
-      0.05429     -15.7064     -42.9369       10.304      14.9853      15.0408      20.4589      6.19336
-       0.0543     -19.1436     -46.0459      7.50143      12.4827      12.8737      18.5757      4.54409
-      0.05431      12.6167     -17.4349      33.1648      35.3032      32.8513      35.9099        18.99
-      0.05432     -18.6004     -45.5181       7.9569      12.9428      13.3721      19.0661      5.00109
-      0.05433      2.17863     -26.7379      24.7554      27.8289      26.4094      30.3053      14.3033
-      0.05434     -27.0039      -52.948      1.19892      6.96065      8.19486      14.5684      1.11295
-      0.05435      -5.3856     -33.4494      18.6149      22.3956      21.6637      26.1771      10.7935
-      0.05436      12.4109     -17.3864      32.9679      35.1258      32.8064      35.8658      18.8808
-      0.05437      -1.1014     -29.4541      22.0804      25.4792      24.4838      28.6265      12.8766
-      0.05438      12.8633     -16.7896       33.373      35.5107      33.2783       36.191      19.1985
-      0.05439     -62.0867     -84.2003     -27.1691     -18.2135      -13.633     -4.40261     -14.7422
-       0.0544       30.249      -1.2216      47.2721      47.7832      43.9556      45.3553      26.7889
-      0.05441      6.56183     -22.3739      28.2196      30.9383      29.3441      32.7522      16.2673
-      0.05442     -27.0729     -52.5755      1.02257      6.78538      8.23999      14.4406     0.988982
-      0.05443      23.7556      -6.7052      42.0363      43.1702      40.0323      41.9953      23.9421
-      0.05444      -46.739      -70.137     -14.8828      -7.3097     -4.05804      3.95554     -7.81472
-      0.05445     -6.19177     -33.5083      17.8117      21.6851      21.2809      25.8005      10.2868
-      0.05446     0.718778     -27.1921      23.3852      26.6243      25.6289      29.5472      13.5211
-      0.05447     -35.2581      -59.463     -5.68381     0.825473      3.10893      10.0897     -2.71739
-      0.05448     -16.0523     -42.2198      9.77128      14.5205      15.0702      20.3884      5.82345
-      0.05449     -2.10465     -29.5742      21.0716      24.5649      23.9049      28.0191      12.1312
-       0.0545      31.4257     0.717041      48.1521      48.6231      44.9866       46.246      27.4005
-      0.05451      -2.8021     -29.8923      20.5908      24.1756      23.7112      27.9142      12.0884
-      0.05452     -51.6848     -73.8366     -18.9647     -10.9557     -7.00141      1.32763     -10.1436
-      0.05453      16.4509     -12.5055      35.9733      37.7627      35.5587      38.0573      20.4573
-      0.05454     -11.9769     -37.7779      13.1164      17.5089      17.9021      22.8532      7.71241
-      0.05455      21.3092     -7.75457      39.9261      41.3129      38.7357      40.8635      22.7416
-      0.05456      27.1365     -2.37919      44.6848      45.5883      42.6031       44.142      25.5572
-      0.05457     -35.9205     -58.9965     -6.28294     0.293095      2.97719      9.91559     -2.98475
-      0.05458     -30.1045     -53.6676      -1.6146      4.43593      6.58263      12.8285    -0.597305
-      0.05459      24.2733     -4.66218      42.2043      43.2851       40.541      42.1856       23.913
-       0.0546     -23.0589     -47.0921      4.03099      9.44281      11.0184      16.7485      2.67183
-      0.05461     -12.4767     -37.4722      12.5207      16.9619      17.6315      22.4142      7.33865
-      0.05462     -32.3614     -55.2121     -3.51627      2.72446      5.30166      11.6938     -1.62359
-      0.05463      -47.167     -68.4227     -15.5233     -7.96665     -4.14056      3.55626     -8.50582
-      0.05464      28.6948   -0.0460945      45.7038      46.3456      43.3705      44.5698      25.7542
-      0.05465     -21.0975     -44.6465      5.62339      10.8445      12.4296      17.8476       3.5201
-      0.05466      -28.058     -50.7986    -0.100217      5.73499      7.96449      14.0008      0.27187
-      0.05467     -21.3591     -44.5905      5.26583      10.4973      12.0764      17.5443      3.19899
-      0.05468     -1.80585     -26.7196      21.1104      24.5534      24.4427      28.1704      12.0534
-      0.05469     -18.4427      -41.606      7.64212      12.6103      14.0506      19.1907      4.54792
-       0.0547     -2.50046     -27.0808       20.496      24.0088       24.059       27.818      11.7076
-      0.05471      4.69172     -20.4799      26.2954      29.1797      28.6298      31.7713      15.0348
-      0.05472      6.07361     -19.0581      27.4282      30.1891      29.5429      32.5555      15.7583
-      0.05473      4.40125     -20.3901      26.0915      29.0367       28.552      31.6922      15.0159
-      0.05474      -39.526      -59.739     -9.40093     -2.47245      1.01234      7.87003     -4.88742
-      0.05475      7.78365     -17.0233      28.7344      31.3306       30.581      33.3008      16.3822
-      0.05476     -4.82942     -28.2781      18.5972      22.3409      22.7975      26.7209      10.7736
-      0.05477    -0.260215     -23.9578      22.2616      25.5919      25.7083      29.2286      12.8995
-      0.05478      3.84874     -19.9369      25.6015      28.5613      28.3705      31.4986      14.8043
-      0.05479    -0.769471     -23.9138      21.8232      25.1837      25.3838      28.9536      12.6401
-       0.0548     -36.4289     -55.8708     -6.98046    -0.379281      3.03835      9.61598     -3.49164
-      0.05481     -20.3359     -41.3652      5.91559      11.0334      13.0206       18.222       3.6455
-      0.05482      14.2164     -10.0653      33.8436      35.8234       34.725      36.9448      19.2698
-      0.05483       22.845     -2.24462      40.8316      42.0525      40.2258      41.7361      23.3202
-      0.05484     -13.2212     -34.2952      11.7524      16.2613       17.744      22.3185      7.12531
-      0.05485     -37.5805      -56.036     -7.97271     -1.27083      2.51399      9.04601     -4.01593
-      0.05486     -9.66383     -30.6912      14.5131      18.6575      19.8875      24.0105      8.47498
-      0.05487     -17.9615     -37.9705      7.77563      12.6605      14.6147      19.5248      4.71301
-      0.05488     -52.1279       -68.52     -19.8347     -11.8726     -6.86142     0.994382     -10.8128
-      0.05489      -4.4182     -25.4279      18.6549      22.2862      23.0013      26.7211      10.6001
-       0.0549     -45.5405     -62.2064     -14.5244     -7.14307     -2.65042      4.58647     -7.87974
-      0.05491     -32.0557     -49.9002     -3.72268      2.40443      5.70708      11.7546     -1.92995
-      0.05492       -23.88     -42.3414      2.89799      8.27181      10.8646      16.2068      1.79154
-      0.05493     -5.23097      -25.399      17.9614      21.6715      22.6222      26.3541      10.2748
-      0.05494      50.3419      24.9084       62.949      61.6444      57.6331      56.5715      35.6344
-      0.05495      1.07096     -19.1523      23.2386      26.4489      26.9277      30.1957      13.6153
-      0.05496     -22.3001     -40.0251      4.27404      9.56176      12.1662       17.457      2.90873
-      0.05497      21.7272    -0.228894      39.7901      41.0457      39.6427      41.1931      22.7011
-      0.05498     0.247446     -19.3212      22.4903      25.7382      26.3551      29.6628      13.0741
-      0.05499     -34.9617     -50.8325     -5.97562     0.445952      4.20199      10.5193     -2.95513
-        0.055      -15.268     -32.8712      9.88205      14.4832      16.5363      21.0684      5.78744
-      0.05501      5.28609     -14.1511      26.4672      29.1914      29.3419      32.1831      15.0924
-      0.05502      3.61633     -15.4527      25.1507      28.0473      28.3873      31.3688      14.4371
-      0.05503     -9.06213     -26.6333      14.9533      19.0008      20.5398      24.5856      8.74482
-      0.05504     -32.7574     -47.7404     -4.24515      1.94398      5.58112      11.6629     -2.05681
-      0.05505     -13.8153     -30.4766      10.9917      15.4459       17.368      21.8184      6.38203
-      0.05506    -0.963102     -18.7003      21.3399        24.63      25.3918      28.7649      12.2479
-      0.05507      39.4141      17.8761      54.0168      53.6549      50.8218      50.7399      30.6455
-      0.05508     -45.5921     -58.5845     -14.6094     -7.20728     -2.34481      4.78939     -7.67962
-      0.05509      24.9547      5.16677      42.2697      43.2013      41.7452      42.6704      24.0019
-       0.0551     -25.6546     -40.0566      1.46831      7.00433      10.0885      15.5426      1.24553
-      0.05511      1.09581     -15.8308      23.0522      26.1425      26.7414      29.9477      13.2735
-      0.05512      14.1284     -3.97956      33.5617      35.4921      34.9278      37.0533      19.2384
-      0.05513      -8.8207     -24.4624      15.0377      19.0659      20.5953      24.6771      8.96042
-      0.05514       5.6012     -11.5968      26.6298       29.313      29.5457      32.4256      15.4118
-      0.05515     -33.2047      -45.813     -4.67339      1.52605      5.27781      11.4186     -2.13955
-      0.05516     -28.6226     -41.5388     -1.02126      4.74001      8.03147      13.7698    -0.203633
-      0.05517     -2.03851     -17.4051      20.4247      23.7452      24.6521      28.0909      11.7191
-      0.05518      26.0351      8.07838      43.1167      43.8656      42.3074      43.3908      24.5415
-      0.05519     -64.7771     -73.4287      -30.198     -21.1829     -14.5178     -5.72365     -16.4279
-       0.0552      13.1759     -3.16423       32.657      34.5606       34.138      36.2695      18.6015
-      0.05521     -4.79744       -19.13      18.1735      21.7379       22.899      26.6276      10.6149
-      0.05522     -2.09545     -16.4696      20.3752      23.6953      24.6984      28.0897      11.8834
-      0.05523      -53.586     -62.6355     -21.1633     -13.1828     -7.59951     0.166683     -11.4517
-      0.05524       73.171        51.57      81.0914      77.5323      71.6636      68.6691      45.7525
-      0.05525     -8.86162     -21.9312      14.9772      18.9556      20.5558      24.6016      9.10152
-      0.05526      9.86927     -4.90902      30.0727      32.3179      32.1965       34.643      17.4263
-      0.05527     -37.3693       -47.28     -8.08524     -1.54234      2.56472      9.02731     -3.95785
-      0.05528      45.4433      27.3744      58.7275      57.7278      54.3353      53.7349      33.3725
-      0.05529       15.263     0.463627      34.4272      36.1787      35.5322      37.5561      19.9789
-       0.0553     -50.1721     -58.2398     -18.4148     -10.7434     -5.52045       2.0695      -9.7029
-      0.05531     -2.46693     -15.2261       19.989      23.2566      24.1591      27.5359       11.644
-      0.05532      -19.349     -30.1909      6.38665      11.2355       13.688      18.5307      3.94871
-      0.05533     -4.44984      -16.575      18.4318      21.8863      22.9412      26.5642      10.6749
-      0.05534     -19.1827     -29.6515      6.52873      11.3433      13.7265      18.6036      4.05286
-      0.05535     -58.0201      -64.487     -24.8522     -16.5382     -10.6871     -2.51282     -13.5932
-      0.05536      26.3332      11.3928      43.1895      43.8392      42.0392      43.0069      24.4295
-      0.05537     -34.2563     -42.9477     -5.67804     0.498358      4.22731      10.3917     -2.74378
-      0.05538      41.0927      25.0052      55.1547      54.4642      51.3823      51.1384      31.2636
-      0.05539     -10.4157     -21.2067      13.6299      17.6716      19.1722      23.3842      8.26688
-       0.0554      -38.089     -45.9942     -8.74978     -2.22849      1.80278      8.26978     -4.38032
-      0.05541     -30.8439     -39.2808     -2.92325      2.89578      6.06892      12.0385     -1.22859
-      0.05542     -5.03248     -15.8521      17.8447      21.3052      22.2076      25.8653      10.3199
-      0.05543      12.6869     0.219952      32.2232      34.0736      33.3845       35.524      18.4693
-      0.05544     -2.50168     -13.2891      19.9927      23.2339      23.9281      27.3386      11.7105
-      0.05545     -8.93482     -18.7112      14.7063      18.4992      19.7608      23.8236      8.78739
-      0.05546     -40.1217     -47.0852     -10.4412     -3.80347      0.21357      6.95129     -5.31737
-      0.05547      61.1533      44.1234      71.3005      68.7093      63.5916      61.7114      40.4436
-      0.05548      17.4702      4.99198      36.1572      37.6034       36.473      38.3638      21.0571
-      0.05549      -33.314     -40.5861     -4.84077      1.16339      4.53569      10.8018     -2.00226
-       0.0555      4.43294     -6.52678      25.5414      28.1013      27.9899      30.9812      14.8258
-      0.05551      4.80818     -6.06273      25.8949      28.4258      28.2536      31.2227      15.1039
-      0.05552     -8.54756     -18.0245      15.1029      18.8448      19.8044      23.9305      9.08393
-      0.05553     -6.28341     -15.9272      16.8793        20.41      21.1597      25.0966      10.0552
-      0.05554      46.7187      31.9312      59.7178      58.4384      54.3889      53.7711      34.1051
-      0.05555     -6.51449     -15.8681      16.7908      20.3826      21.2529      25.1215      10.2542
-      0.05556     -25.1193     -32.4948      1.71163      6.94309      9.30896      14.8088      1.60338
-      0.05557     -33.9251     -40.3421     -5.43363     0.571426      3.71769      9.91922      -2.5256
-      0.05558   -0.0999302      -9.9191      21.8444      24.7609      24.8408      28.1235      12.7204
-      0.05559      -54.594      -58.673      -22.086     -14.2604     -9.29375     -1.31542     -11.8077
-       0.0556      28.8621      16.5086      45.2512      45.4811      42.8393      43.6617      25.7578
-      0.05561     -21.8288     -28.9956      4.37238      9.25425      11.2034      16.3119      3.09182
-      0.05562     -8.56551     -16.9719      15.0527      18.7069      19.4409      23.4998      9.04111
-      0.05563     -64.0581     -66.6753     -29.7456     -21.1082     -15.3934     -6.58932     -16.0524
-      0.05564      17.3467      6.35469       35.918       37.138      35.4715      37.3087      20.5749
-      0.05565     -29.8444     -36.0901     -2.17734      3.37723      5.95855      11.8508    -0.577082
-      0.05566     -18.8199     -26.1296      6.70994      11.2449      12.7613      17.7214      4.31661
-      0.05567     -11.5589     -19.4736       12.515      16.3907      17.2508      21.5897      7.61488
-      0.05568      43.3055      30.0421      56.9181       55.818      51.7283      51.3768      32.5639
-      0.05569     -36.4942     -41.6211     -7.44614     -1.28048      1.81095      8.29061     -3.32282
-       0.0557     -19.3931     -26.2142      6.26486      10.8263      12.3162      17.3134      4.18541
-      0.05571     -47.2607     -51.2181     -16.2479     -9.17374     -5.16039      2.17666      -8.5045
-      0.05572      65.2018      49.9784      74.5253       71.355      65.1376      62.9511      42.3245
-      0.05573     -40.4353     -44.9726     -10.6488     -4.16004    -0.777857      6.02611       -5.079
-      0.05574     -4.53742      -12.635      18.2683      21.4371      21.5504      25.2593       10.918
-      0.05575     -8.74551     -16.3432      14.8436      18.3883      18.8796      22.9067      9.02158
-      0.05576      21.8579      11.2381      39.5729      40.3436      38.0556      39.4848      22.9196
-      0.05577     -42.9105     -46.8675     -12.6566     -5.99415     -2.39879      4.48343     -6.21488
-      0.05578     -28.0658     -33.7131    -0.761957      4.49105      6.65812      12.2667      0.25179
-      0.05579      11.8545      2.22255      31.4485      33.0916      31.5591      33.7632      18.3174
-       0.0558     -10.4758     -17.7592      13.5158      17.2026      17.8624      21.8169      8.40746
-      0.05581     -8.41248     -15.9136      15.1529      18.6399      18.9507      22.8606      9.32352
-      0.05582     -2.06513     -10.1544      20.2864      23.1868      22.9121      26.2998      12.2449
-      0.05583     -11.2906     -18.3676      12.8196      16.5587      17.0683      21.2276      8.01913
-      0.05584      39.8137      27.6532      54.0803      53.1744      49.0903      48.9026      31.2368
-      0.05585     -15.8545     -22.4102      9.21727      13.3699      14.2972       18.848      6.23601
-      0.05586     -8.21481      -15.436      15.3144      18.7222      18.9262       22.794      9.56586
-      0.05587     -36.2939     -40.6759     -7.38542     -1.44149      1.27217      7.48703     -3.19751
-      0.05588      8.79278   -0.0652951      29.0493      30.8704      29.4746      31.8038      17.0993
-      0.05589      17.1276      7.54742       35.797      36.9157      34.7723      36.4383      21.0399
-       0.0559     -66.1577     -67.1686     -31.5047     -22.8096     -17.4384      -8.7321     -16.6539
-      0.05591     -24.4186     -29.9616      2.13751      6.93791      8.47801      13.5982      1.94358
-      0.05592     -11.8921     -18.5849      12.2804      15.9506      16.3565       20.394      7.68894
-      0.05593      25.6687      15.3631      42.6425      42.9015       39.926      40.7949      24.8645
-      0.05594       29.434      18.6337      45.7168      45.6483      42.4431      42.9663      26.8204
-      0.05595       -66.76     -67.8999     -31.9121     -23.1952     -17.7574     -9.14209       -16.69
-      0.05596      10.2049      1.23978      30.0695      31.7051       30.117      32.1413      17.7507
-      0.05597     -41.8344      -45.605     -11.8839     -5.52884      -2.4254       4.0383     -5.64788
-      0.05598      21.7908      11.7804      39.4466      40.0451      37.4559      38.4476      23.0201
-      0.05599      7.81862    -0.653213      28.2346      30.1116      28.7072      30.9831      16.9684
-        0.056     -2.36695     -9.52421      20.0547      22.8187      22.3172      25.4398      12.4254
-      0.05601     -13.3233     -19.3914      11.1968       14.951      15.4239      19.5423      7.42579
-      0.05602     -53.0639     -55.2492     -20.9806     -13.6821     -9.67087     -2.14167     -10.6315
-      0.05603      1.49676     -6.25603      23.0027      25.3317       24.392      27.2389      13.9185
-      0.05604     -18.4575     -24.2382      6.90483      11.0598      11.9563      16.5198      5.01884
-      0.05605     -30.9434     -35.4353     -3.13349      2.15109      4.15771      9.75784    -0.632021
-      0.05606     -46.2631     -49.2598     -15.5436     -8.91203     -5.53404      1.37763     -7.64568
-      0.05607      35.2198      24.0177      50.2491      49.4709      45.4572       45.386      29.2044
-      0.05608     0.477877     -7.10185      22.3233      24.7604      23.9458      26.9258      13.8608
-      0.05609     -87.4222     -86.2228     -48.6786      -38.285     -31.1966     -20.7715     -26.0005
-       0.0561      26.8982      16.3796      43.5096       43.433      40.1766      40.8273      25.3826
-      0.05611     -51.3427     -53.9512      -19.545     -12.4683     -8.65142     -1.24253     -9.66415
-      0.05612      14.9857      5.67986      33.9356      34.9553      32.7488      34.4851      20.2308
-      0.05613     -19.3663     -25.1528      6.25452      10.4365      11.3352      16.0702      4.83396
-      0.05614      6.44252     -1.96618      27.0797      28.8927       27.493      29.9493      16.5996
-      0.05615      21.7425      11.7266      39.4185      39.8399      37.0371      38.2713       23.584
-      0.05616     -10.5202     -17.2364      13.4851      16.8471      17.1081      21.0016      9.16602
-      0.05617     -28.3091     -33.2963    -0.936974       4.0263      5.85934      11.2008     0.972584
-      0.05618      -12.435     -19.1658      11.8135      15.2904      15.6073      19.6289      8.06158
-      0.05619     -35.3825     -39.7625     -6.67321     -1.13883      1.12613      7.24108     -2.32285
-       0.0562       3.3508     -4.89994      24.5404      26.5407      25.3468      28.1198      15.1698
-      0.05621     -24.6406     -30.1493      1.99805       6.5281       7.8723      13.1109      2.67512
-      0.05622      31.6847      20.5754      47.4508      46.8685      43.1507      43.5738      28.1488
-      0.05623      19.7588      9.95673      37.9034      38.4509      35.8352      37.3192      23.0201
-      0.05624     -50.4786     -53.5083     -18.7856     -11.9181     -8.18422    -0.694915     -8.69299
-      0.05625      19.4076      9.22051       37.622      38.1031      35.5188      37.0017      22.7276
-      0.05626      6.16281     -2.52395      26.9214      28.6373      27.2004      29.8756      16.8207
-      0.05627      1.64828     -6.65792      23.2572      25.3862      24.3464      27.4115      14.7655
-      0.05628     -8.19136     -15.5588      15.3621      18.3766      18.2234       22.115      10.3962
-      0.05629      52.3611      38.9271      64.2407      61.7127       56.128      54.8966      37.8149
-       0.0563     -60.0963     -62.2478     -26.4959     -18.7611     -14.2058     -5.85582     -12.8599
-      0.05631     -26.9753     -32.5663    0.0864716      4.71754      6.22449      11.7149      1.74956
-      0.05632      12.7687      3.08683      32.1748      33.1938      31.0963       33.185        19.78
-      0.05633     -28.6869     -34.2564     -1.23522       3.5635      5.20041       10.819      1.15757
-      0.05634     -6.96191     -14.7561      16.2702      19.0466      18.7027       22.581      10.9581
-      0.05635       6.2703      -2.9047      26.9673      28.5434      26.9251      29.7663      16.9861
-      0.05636     -65.0514     -67.0986     -30.5741     -22.5182     -17.4818     -8.75097      -15.204
-      0.05637     -9.57304     -17.2781      14.0701      17.0458      17.0853      20.9592      9.63537
-      0.05638     -6.07471     -14.1699       16.933      19.5992      19.2263      23.0111      11.4038
-      0.05639     -29.1752     -35.0249     -1.68702       3.0625      4.79215      10.5302      1.04312
-       0.0564      5.37919      -4.0483      26.1704      27.7683      26.3711      29.2004      16.6613
-      0.05641      29.7238      17.9122      45.8821      45.2742      41.6299      42.4722      27.8382
-      0.05642     -51.5099     -55.2317     -19.6825     -12.9233       -9.156     -1.43849     -8.81719
-      0.05643      38.7902      25.8206      53.1383      51.6542       47.226      47.2101      31.9132
-      0.05644     -3.91046     -12.7103      18.7587      21.2121      20.6433      24.3588      12.8367
-      0.05645      55.5389      40.6523      66.7764      63.8198      57.9049      56.5235      39.7776
-      0.05646     -28.9107     -35.2977     -1.37311      3.34464      5.15608       10.941       1.7826
-      0.05647      -11.893     -20.0109      12.2942      15.3916      15.5162      19.9033      9.18149
-      0.05648     -10.1572      -18.491      13.6599      16.5849      16.5486      20.7642      9.90306
-      0.05649     -52.7259     -56.8495     -20.7445     -13.9716      -10.208     -2.39368     -9.39508
-       0.0565      15.0149      4.03171      33.9028      34.4641      32.1105      34.1607      21.1316
-      0.05651     -38.7497     -44.2515     -9.43207     -3.97583     -1.44706      5.23169     -2.95628
-      0.05652       54.667      39.8039      65.9911      62.9594      57.0422      55.7564      39.3015
-      0.05653     -59.9027     -63.4533     -26.4215     -19.0029     -14.5861     -6.04051     -12.2454
-      0.05654      6.60725     -3.85363      27.1555      28.4877      26.9287      29.7056      17.5785
-      0.05655      51.6762      36.8859      63.6556      60.8948      55.2417       54.249      38.1987
-      0.05656       30.454       17.739      46.6265      45.8549      42.1263      42.9976      28.9413
-      0.05657     -69.0197     -71.7266     -33.7813     -25.5859     -20.3745     -10.9738     -16.2041
-      0.05658       31.259      18.2225      47.1207      46.1505      42.2891      43.0321      28.8583
-      0.05659     -36.5483     -42.5779     -7.60348      -2.3934   -0.0112999        6.472     -1.60324
-       0.0566      17.5831      6.04262        36.04       36.306      33.7717      35.6775       22.823
-      0.05661     -31.8952     -38.4939     -3.87024     0.891185      2.76299      8.94914     0.569943
-      0.05662     -28.4877     -35.4781      -1.1813      3.24508      4.78355      10.6665      2.02934
-      0.05663      51.8435      36.7283      63.6811      60.8109      55.0866      54.1443      38.3892
-      0.05664     -62.4184     -66.0785     -28.5143      -20.959     -16.3518      -7.5182      -13.081
-      0.05665      14.6415      3.31596      33.6531      34.1318      31.7524      33.9543      21.5367
-      0.05666     -39.3272     -45.3026     -9.92082     -4.52284      -2.0011      4.79082     -2.77342
-      0.05667      16.9088      5.26471      35.4817      35.7414      33.1722      35.1409      22.6583
-      0.05668     -27.2699       -34.41    -0.128773      4.13343       5.6118      11.3901      2.88793
-      0.05669     -7.28665      -16.451      15.9645      18.3855      17.9993      22.0568      11.8096
-       0.0567       29.926      17.0165      46.0382      45.0758      41.3635      42.2447      28.7676
-      0.05671     -8.67131     -17.6714      14.9098      17.4877      17.3527      21.5205      11.4968
-      0.05672      9.00911     -1.77845      29.1396       30.088       28.295      30.9991      19.3938
-      0.05673     -29.6023     -36.5262     -2.03875      2.38677      4.02853      9.95579      2.00377
-      0.05674       -28.28     -35.3838     -1.06318      3.19802      4.66431      10.3837      2.44008
-      0.05675     -15.5207     -23.8816      9.22557      12.3021      12.5882      17.2098      8.19767
-      0.05676      -32.403     -39.1026     -4.37751      0.22388      2.01024      8.08395     0.660044
-      0.05677      33.5734      20.2102      48.8735      47.4842      43.3374      43.7552      30.5561
-      0.05678     -25.4271     -32.8213      1.31279      5.31299      6.55635      12.0494      4.18777
-      0.05679     -22.8362     -30.4495      3.40904      7.12019      8.16069      13.3466      5.27804
-       0.0568      6.76864     -3.95429      27.2419       28.251      26.3886      29.1682      18.6056
-      0.05681     -24.5475     -32.2069       2.0172      5.88241       6.9806      12.3096       4.6103
-      0.05682     -25.2002     -32.9497      1.38903      5.27753      6.41246      11.7537      4.21214
-      0.05683     -17.1223     -25.6044      7.93853      11.0916      11.5273      16.1697      7.86175
-      0.05684      14.9885      3.35231      33.9122      34.1343      31.7049      33.5786      22.4625
-      0.05685      -24.511     -32.1406      1.99477      5.81589      6.92957      12.1929      4.75697
-      0.05686     -52.0182     -56.9167     -20.2328     -13.9576      -10.434      -2.8848     -7.86294
-      0.05687      24.8832      12.2474      41.8479      41.0707      37.6521      38.6475       26.921
-      0.05688     -14.9509     -23.5842      9.68458      12.6017      12.8472      17.2426      9.17701
-      0.05689      -21.801     -29.6591      4.09514      7.61683      8.45379      13.3545      6.02116
-       0.0569     -20.4743      -28.312       5.1808      8.55886      9.27959      14.0613      6.68236
-      0.05691      21.4448      9.31798        39.03      38.5867      35.5342       36.705      25.6779
-      0.05692     -41.2131      -47.055      -11.471     -6.21562     -3.60334      2.88495     -2.47259
-      0.05693      50.0408      34.9438      62.1984      59.1045      53.5131      52.1924      38.7408
-      0.05694     -48.3146     -53.2836     -17.2064     -11.3119     -8.01442    -0.984556      -5.4838
-      0.05695      40.9496      27.0946        54.83      52.5639      47.7535      47.1171      34.6927
-      0.05696     -40.0799     -45.8338      -10.556     -5.45944     -2.94359      3.22339     -1.71609
-      0.05697      41.3195      27.3337       55.111      52.7649      47.8788      47.0481      34.9276
-      0.05698     -64.7169      -67.863      -30.397     -23.0761     -18.3898     -10.2581     -12.8487
-      0.05699      25.5135      13.2395      42.3175      41.3815      37.8652      38.2002      27.6466
-        0.057     -14.5664     -22.7609      10.0565      12.7962      12.9504       16.696      9.81488
-      0.05701     -11.2664     -19.8212      12.6772      15.0951      14.9276      18.3396      11.2864
-      0.05702     -18.4667      -26.272       6.8731      9.92646       10.385      14.3174      8.00217
-      0.05703       9.6831     -1.00842      29.5677      30.0335      27.8877      29.4255      20.7135
-      0.05704      42.0377      28.1089      55.7475      53.2892      48.2406      47.0489      35.5858
-      0.05705     -2.34879     -11.7422      19.9338        21.54      20.6048      23.1249      15.7421
-      0.05706      12.2393      1.38582      31.6623      31.9099      29.6158      30.8359      22.2905
-      0.05707      -39.765     -45.4148     -10.3646     -5.41186     -3.01561      2.55675     -1.17005
-      0.05708     -21.5236     -29.0411      4.26553      7.53141      8.29739      12.1719      6.91187
-      0.05709      30.1098      17.4493      45.9468      44.5007      40.5996      40.0075      30.2208
-       0.0571     -11.1724      -19.663      12.7109      15.0286      14.8888      17.8236       11.821
-      0.05711     -63.3739     -66.6584     -29.5039     -22.4792     -17.9418     -10.6255     -11.8865
-      0.05712     -12.5336     -20.9537      11.4555       13.824      13.7505      16.6162      10.8863
-      0.05713     -43.7691     -49.0346     -13.7085     -8.52783     -5.77742    -0.296817     -3.09883
-      0.05714       2.4519     -7.41842      23.6063      24.5202      23.0991      24.5617      17.7842
-      0.05715     -40.5237      -46.079     -11.0532      -6.1753     -3.74206      1.32827     -1.47189
-      0.05716      -1.3385      -10.827       20.532      21.8683      20.7563      22.4249       16.218
-      0.05717      37.8279      24.5634      52.2023       49.948       45.347      43.6675      34.1156
-      0.05718     -18.8575     -26.3722      6.54094      9.46335      10.0345      13.1371      8.76271
-      0.05719     -72.8608     -75.0411      -37.178     -29.4365      -23.996     -16.3782     -15.8335
-       0.0572      22.1508      10.3445      39.4587      38.5491      35.3251      34.7645      26.9187
-      0.05721     -16.1965     -24.1393      8.56418      11.1658      11.4502      14.1132      9.89436
-      0.05722      71.3316      54.6599      79.2636      73.9062      66.3276      61.5532       49.548
-      0.05723     -43.3663     -48.5032     -13.2223      -8.1226     -5.35136    -0.406146     -2.01456
-      0.05724      -34.348     -40.4686      -6.0107     -1.77361     0.126026       4.1637      1.79601
-      0.05725     -17.5038     -25.3503      7.47138      10.1511        10.48      13.0002      9.28069
-      0.05726      55.7349      40.5801       66.627      62.6498      56.3892       52.607      42.5784
-      0.05727     -0.46225     -9.87127      21.3578      22.5293       21.359      22.2816      17.5051
-      0.05728      5.63867     -4.51762        26.29      26.8681       25.123      25.5241      20.2833
-      0.05729     -30.1052     -36.6766     -2.54456      1.25347      2.70272      6.06564      4.08754
-       0.0573     -37.6879     -43.3501     -8.78642      -4.3386     -2.17086      1.71963     0.427659
-      0.05731     -7.11591     -15.9195      15.8713      17.5066      16.8755      18.0924      14.2397
-      0.05732     -7.95471     -16.7613      15.2017      16.9322      16.4549      17.6456      13.9736
-      0.05733    -0.729562     -10.1857      21.0511      22.1296      21.0337      21.5957       17.335
-      0.05734     -27.1896     -33.8868     -0.28821      3.17736      4.46063      7.19176      5.46436
-      0.05735      41.6262      28.1164      55.2271      52.4203      47.4652      44.2421      36.5637
-      0.05736     -35.8253     -41.5077     -7.20039     -2.94444    -0.876509      2.43636      1.77801
-      0.05737      1.09398     -8.37688      22.5038      23.3468      22.0654      22.1185      18.2892
-      0.05738   -0.0952393     -9.46914      21.5532      22.4932       21.333      21.4248       17.771
-      0.05739      4.05969     -5.74409      24.9017      25.4787       23.957      23.6017      19.8985
-       0.0574     -67.9264     -70.5217     -33.2513     -26.1614     -21.2319     -15.5617     -12.6646
-      0.05741      10.9658     0.438267      30.3312      30.2061      28.0102      26.9025      22.8019
-      0.05742     -28.9485     -35.4295     -1.83378      1.67323      3.09181      5.34125      4.93045
-      0.05743      14.9192      3.97686      33.5976      33.0898      30.5491      28.9901      24.8213
-      0.05744      12.8035      2.08248      31.9556      31.6803      29.3525      27.9483      24.1728
-      0.05745      -59.504     -63.0475     -26.4374     -20.1568     -15.9149     -11.2805     -8.48743
-      0.05746     -25.4252     -32.3999      1.00517      4.08992      5.20046      6.81821      6.62128
-      0.05747      28.9336      16.5406      44.9067      43.0873      39.3006      36.2552      31.3606
-      0.05748       -25.79     -32.6941     0.768271      3.90471      5.13252      6.73233      6.85898
-      0.05749       16.415      5.23006      34.8128      34.1171      31.5202      29.4757      25.9174
-       0.0575      10.9123     0.401187      30.3615      30.1791      28.0775      26.4725      23.5696
-      0.05751     -65.1607     -68.0281     -31.0824     -24.3912     -19.6647     -14.9095     -10.8559
-      0.05752      31.0504      18.4868      46.5283      44.4544      40.4381       36.917      32.4738
-      0.05753     -19.9498     -27.3627      5.42688      8.01851      8.66103      9.34954      9.68263
-      0.05754     -18.1514     -25.7611          6.8      9.21894      9.69498      10.0891      10.4149
-      0.05755       0.1515      -9.2198      21.6269      22.3651      21.1996      20.0733      18.7012
-      0.05756     -11.1261     -19.3634      12.5392      14.2851      14.1394      13.9251      13.7343
-      0.05757      32.9055      20.2559      48.0938      45.8347      41.7306      37.7289      33.7327
-      0.05758     -1.10711      -10.327      20.6556      21.5269      20.6195      19.5067      18.5405
-      0.05759      9.94929     -0.32159      29.6201      29.4516       27.493      25.3523      23.5821
-       0.0576     -50.8416     -55.0499     -19.5225     -14.1846     -10.6544     -7.64784     -3.95087
-      0.05761     -16.1936     -23.9286       8.3753      10.5156      10.8695      10.8705       11.559
-      0.05762      53.4048      38.6794      64.5955      60.4131      54.5101      48.4643      43.1467
-      0.05763     -11.1041     -19.2431      12.6569      14.3656      14.3155      13.7775      14.3139
-      0.05764     -46.1015     -50.7466     -15.7342     -10.8654     -7.79951     -5.50442     -1.67571
-      0.05765      7.46902     -2.61292      27.4741       27.418      25.6263      23.2768      22.4729
-      0.05766     -11.5835     -19.6939      12.1578      13.8401      13.8108       13.028      14.0672
-      0.05767     -12.0489     -20.1387      11.7855      13.4917      13.5078      12.7303      13.8853
-      0.05768     -13.3749     -21.3648      10.6901      12.5106      12.6331      11.9169      13.2704
-      0.05769     -40.7024     -45.9163     -11.3659     -7.10778     -4.52527     -2.94538     0.923595
-       0.0577      16.5657      5.61214      34.7863      33.8571      31.3006      27.8797      26.7861
-      0.05771     -11.5258     -19.6094      12.1951      13.8401      13.8597      12.8158      14.3433
-      0.05772      13.7891      3.14248      32.5955      31.9416      29.6891      26.4378      25.8057
-      0.05773      9.02041     -1.05253      28.8292      28.6212      26.8371      23.9073      23.7892
-      0.05774       -5.196     -13.8451        17.34      18.3889      17.8705      16.1775      17.4475
-      0.05775      46.0912       32.245      58.7551      55.1409      50.0499      43.9094      40.7144
-      0.05776     -31.4773     -37.4569     -3.85742    -0.433282      1.49941      2.01423       5.7932
-      0.05777      2.25422     -7.10915      23.3222      23.6683      22.4759      20.0277      20.9021
-      0.05778     -26.7168     -33.1285    -0.113415      2.84214       4.2672      4.20191      7.77245
-      0.05779      48.3977      34.5288      60.5392      56.6066       51.225      44.6991      41.7345
-       0.0578      -5.0538     -13.4443      17.5114       18.462      17.9741      15.9956      17.8672
-      0.05781     -29.5609     -35.5413     -2.32538     0.833252       2.5846        2.581      6.72658
-      0.05782      14.5976      4.18621      33.3145      32.4757      30.1937      26.2797      26.5833
-      0.05783     -68.1802     -70.3551     -33.5648     -26.8942     -21.6747     -18.4236     -10.7901
-      0.05784      4.66793     -4.79041      25.2003      25.1962      23.8157      20.7915      21.9945
-      0.05785     -3.67734     -12.2139      18.4505      19.2406      18.6445      16.3427      18.4329
-      0.05786     -14.9888     -22.3664      9.31298      11.1487      11.5918      10.2058      13.3773
-      0.05787      6.08084     -3.37929      26.3816      26.2731      24.8253      21.5789      22.9627
-      0.05788      5.61531      -3.8337      26.0467      25.9828      24.6122      21.3894      22.8869
-      0.05789     -3.29328     -11.9131      18.8276      19.5704      19.0182      16.5741       18.972
-       0.0579     -13.4191     -21.0146      10.6132      12.2675       12.644      11.0802      14.3595
-      0.05791      7.27512     -2.33912      27.3174      27.0752      25.5665       22.047      23.6957
-      0.05792     -14.5677     -21.9441      9.71073      11.4495      11.8952      10.1898       13.882
-      0.05793     -3.74621     -12.2281       18.404      19.1526      18.6633      15.9835      18.7781
-      0.05794     -20.6413     -27.3777      4.74218       7.0273      8.09409      6.82499      11.1758
-      0.05795      28.4421      16.8055      44.3643      42.1822      38.8203      33.3182      33.4201
-      0.05796      15.6056      5.33856      34.0776      33.0915      30.9612      26.5673      27.9338
-      0.05797     -19.1354     -25.9121      6.01278      8.17903      9.18078      7.70198      12.3079
-      0.05798      1.08267     -7.71621       22.295      22.5828      21.7317      18.4283      21.3038
-      0.05799     -25.9269     -31.9737     0.493249      3.23136      4.83382      3.83495      9.13379
-        0.058     -24.0801     -30.3486      1.92853       4.4702      5.92681      4.73756      9.87544
-      0.05801     -24.2614     -30.4962      1.72797      4.28047      5.74598      4.47894      9.73982
-      0.05802     -8.47141      -16.216      14.4287      15.5897      15.6492      12.9845      16.9146
-      0.05803      37.7209      25.3736      51.7882      48.7345      44.6443      38.0331      37.9628
-      0.05804     -53.5432     -56.6605     -21.7873     -16.5339     -12.3172     -11.1877     -3.08037
-      0.05805     -8.42739     -16.1346      14.5513      15.6427      15.7487      12.9509      17.0916
-      0.05806      7.61138     -1.58552      27.5145      27.1235      25.8334      21.7282      24.4995
-      0.05807     -52.0494     -55.2711     -20.6619      -15.577      -11.401     -10.5733     -2.38925
-      0.05808      14.5787      4.66869       33.029       32.045      30.0956      25.2295      27.5754
-      0.05809      17.6366      7.54589      35.6714      34.4284      32.2954      27.1297      29.3233
-       0.0581     -18.8949     -25.2978      6.17538      8.24062      9.41642      7.33796      12.8644
-      0.05811      18.0994      7.95401      35.9886      34.6541      32.4883      27.2933      29.4894
-      0.05812     -18.7412     -25.0506      6.31605      8.35244      9.55699      7.42666      12.9933
-      0.05813      31.7522      20.3933      47.0504      44.4778      41.1011      34.6438      35.7622
-      0.05814      -5.2824     -12.8616      17.1929      18.0048      18.0068      14.7128      19.2318
-      0.05815     -16.1056     -22.5664      8.42877      10.2146      11.1855      8.79124      14.2682
-      0.05816      6.58713      -2.1312      26.6964      26.3962      25.3417      20.9573       24.467
-      0.05817      16.9914       7.2828      35.1024      33.8725       31.908      26.6019      29.2706
-      0.05818      12.8902      3.59411      31.8818      31.0275       29.496      24.4963      27.6007
-      0.05819       23.974       13.594      40.8207      38.9939       36.504      30.5405      32.7035
-       0.0582     -20.5545     -26.3081      4.85571      7.05299      8.60127       6.4331      12.6115
-      0.05821     -36.0196     -40.2524     -7.71965      -4.1359     -1.22723     -2.16295      5.40953
-      0.05822      16.7834      7.26831      34.8733      33.6314      31.7646      26.2922      29.2328
-      0.05823     -39.7304     -43.5825     -10.7149     -6.80989     -3.56511     -4.33105      3.80344
-      0.05824      -11.914     -18.5606       11.651      13.0021      13.7501      10.5765      16.2053
-      0.05825     -35.5576     -39.7173     -7.40187     -3.89748    -0.989416     -2.17113      5.63536
-      0.05826      9.90184      1.27007      29.3259      28.6988      27.5228      22.3986      26.2447
-      0.05827      1.04005     -6.58407      22.1873      22.4099      22.0995      17.7479      22.4688
-      0.05828      39.4159      27.9998      53.1925      49.9488      46.2206      38.5431       39.954
-      0.05829     -14.0534     -20.0769      10.0272      11.6723      12.8155      9.67099      15.9403
-       0.0583     -42.8324     -45.9412     -13.2567     -9.02891     -5.30685     -6.05302      2.88312
-      0.05831      -20.387     -25.7417      4.77905       6.9248      8.60533      5.80191      12.7588
-      0.05832       31.492       20.987      46.6852      44.1396      41.1717      33.9138      36.3322
-      0.05833      -37.537     -41.0007     -8.95825     -5.21129     -1.87431     -3.16553      5.37666
-      0.05834     -1.53366     -8.61331      20.0164      20.4688      20.5339      16.1178      21.5423
-      0.05835     -11.7478     -17.7514      11.7833      13.1636      14.1936      10.6925      16.9364
-      0.05836      1.67258     -5.62599      22.6239      22.7739      22.5949      17.7569      23.0234
-      0.05837     -16.0887     -21.5532      8.28529      10.0635      11.5361      8.15223      15.1154
-      0.05838      11.6024      3.45132      30.6589       29.932      28.8889      23.0874      27.6507
-      0.05839     -65.7403     -66.1067     -31.8364     -25.5156     -19.5184     -18.7907     -7.25302
-       0.0584      9.93011      1.91905      29.1573      28.5841      27.7135       21.941      26.7368
-      0.05841      -10.108     -16.0751      13.0565      14.3496      15.3116      11.2375      17.9018
-      0.05842     -42.7084     -45.3722     -13.2842     -9.08234     -5.17454     -6.49573      3.17522
-      0.05843      56.8116      44.2053       67.053      62.2117      57.1747      47.3304      48.1636
-      0.05844     -32.6697     -36.1889     -5.07022     -1.73523      1.38136    -0.797741      8.08274
-      0.05845     -1.12356     -7.75976        20.36      20.8028      21.0271      16.0775      22.1896
-      0.05846      30.1684      20.4492      45.5938      43.2335       40.665      32.9752      36.4101
-      0.05847     -7.39397     -13.2736      15.3228      16.3989      17.2894      12.6674      19.5971
-      0.05848     -31.8937      -35.298      -4.5195     -1.23756      1.85665    -0.696072      8.42507
-      0.05849      37.3029      26.9831      51.2946      48.2761      45.1631       36.648      39.6193
-       0.0585     -10.7226     -16.1397      12.5854      13.9786      15.2516      10.8347      18.1653
-      0.05851     -30.4301     -33.8425     -3.38528    -0.240227      2.79111   -0.0274613      9.13174
-      0.05852      5.73251     -1.28993      25.7696      25.6273       25.419      19.4806      25.4476
-      0.05853      -36.388     -39.1437     -8.17669     -4.49911    -0.880645     -3.25754      6.52079
-      0.05854     -65.6507      -65.423     -31.8471     -25.5115      -19.255     -19.1476     -6.84933
-      0.05855      52.6758      41.0553      63.6643      59.2505      54.8625       44.731      46.6174
-      0.05856     -55.7146     -56.3223     -23.7573     -18.2398     -12.7602     -13.7396     -1.97824
-      0.05857      47.9258       36.899      59.8191      55.8685      51.9807      42.0983      44.7176
-      0.05858     -4.95778     -10.5228        17.24      18.1451      19.0986      13.7539      21.2057
-      0.05859     -26.1353     -29.5865    0.0746894      2.91568      5.79077      2.13569      11.5056
-       0.0586      36.2999      26.5989      50.4436       47.594      44.8331      35.8402      39.7215
-      0.05861      -1.7786     -7.48085      19.8085      20.4481       21.182       15.376       22.717
-      0.05862      14.9039      7.57546      33.2471      32.3505      31.5686      24.3357      30.2339
-      0.05863      14.1701      6.94139      32.6267      31.8055      31.1139      23.9136      29.9564
-      0.05864      4.08494     -2.09158      24.4618      24.5823      24.8402      18.4698      25.4539
-      0.05865     -52.9166     -53.3737     -21.6294     -16.3441     -10.9404     -12.5503    -0.431523
-      0.05866     -18.5263     -22.4647      6.04096      8.18876      10.4754       5.8197      14.8892
-      0.05867      12.0984      5.21057      30.7858      30.1793      29.7665      22.4003      28.8503
-      0.05868     -7.77038      -12.614      14.7987      16.0102      17.3934      11.7953      20.0261
-      0.05869       -29.35     -31.9612     -2.66657     0.530804      3.90958     0.100762      10.3202
-       0.0587      26.8016      18.5089      42.6717      40.7606      39.0605      30.3738      35.6434
-      0.05871     -36.4847     -38.4123     -8.41716     -4.53897    -0.483226     -3.80468      7.20346
-      0.05872    -0.531181     -6.08397      20.5482      21.1403      21.9427      15.5282      23.3596
-      0.05873      32.4057       23.618      47.2096      44.8462      42.7069      33.3465      38.3847
-      0.05874      5.58331    -0.421824      25.5734      25.6683      25.9973      19.0525      26.4401
-      0.05875     -40.4791     -41.8212     -11.6842     -7.39149     -2.89613     -5.95642      5.58137
-      0.05876     -31.7836     -34.0204     -4.70905     -1.22872       2.4725     -1.34606      9.36405
-      0.05877      -17.549     -21.2732      6.77013      8.92773      11.3602      6.28468      15.6716
-      0.05878      37.0866      27.9078      50.8375       48.058      45.5859      35.7253      40.3911
-      0.05879      -43.372     -44.3324     -14.0334     -9.48191     -4.63172     -7.65961      4.26782
-       0.0588     -24.9101     -27.7325     0.773363      3.64579      6.83554      2.08529      12.4198
-      0.05881      30.2592      21.9719      45.3073       43.221      41.4655      31.9881      37.4204
-      0.05882      9.54634      3.40379      28.6844      28.4881       28.636      20.9129      28.3087
-      0.05883     -70.3479     -68.4614     -35.8626     -28.7778     -21.4224     -22.3727     -7.87827
-      0.05884      31.4796      23.1136      46.2223       44.013      42.1782      32.5319      37.9199
-      0.05885     -33.5548     -35.3079     -6.22425     -2.46616      1.61165      -2.4825      8.76718
-      0.05886    -0.404124     -5.49065      20.5088      21.2537      22.3482       15.332      23.6813
-      0.05887      38.5121       29.555      51.9435      49.1811      46.8245      36.4957      41.4125
-      0.05888      -5.5982     -10.0293      16.4216      17.6816      19.3391      12.7919       21.684
-      0.05889     -24.2211     -26.7975      1.28821      4.25519       7.5801      2.62973      13.1655
-       0.0589     -37.1511     -38.4507     -9.22016     -5.08982    -0.611047     -4.53286      7.15381
-      0.05891     -2.74166     -7.42898      18.4697       19.513      20.8821      13.9626      22.6224
-      0.05892     -7.66868     -11.8303      14.4949      15.9787       17.867      11.3869      20.5018
-      0.05893     -12.0446     -15.7481      10.9576      12.8611      15.1455      9.02062       18.566
-      0.05894     -11.6173     -15.3147      11.3233       13.221      15.5075      9.28784      18.8121
-      0.05895     -7.31549     -11.4193      14.7809       16.318      18.2232      11.6469      20.8387
-      0.05896     -10.6087     -14.3652      12.0854      13.9336      16.1389      9.81477      19.3008
-      0.05897      24.5409      17.3125      40.4778       39.147      38.2146      28.8569      35.2549
-      0.05898      7.98127       2.4724      27.1269      27.3451      27.9596      20.0269      27.9391
-      0.05899      11.2904      5.51085      29.8233      29.7635      30.1142      21.8568      29.4896
-        0.059     -13.2152     -16.5098      9.96277      12.1401      14.7173      8.51437      18.3837
-      0.05901     -48.1012     -47.9007     -18.2457     -12.9494     -7.28515     -10.6172      2.43222
-      0.05902      17.6125      11.2248      34.7174      34.0617       33.813      24.9638      32.0109
-      0.05903     -37.5633      -38.377     -9.81358     -5.40335    -0.630964     -4.72723      7.24274
-      0.05904      62.7782      51.9315      71.1419        66.47      62.1724      49.5157      52.5497
-      0.05905     -4.49636     -8.46497        16.96      18.4841       20.359      13.4647       22.514
-      0.05906     -38.0855     -38.6974     -10.2619     -5.72696     -0.82404     -4.82427      7.16411
-      0.05907      9.38864       3.9269      27.9418      28.1688      28.7872      20.7639      28.4418
-      0.05908     -4.57878      -8.5392      16.7716      18.3063      20.1914       13.261      22.2611
-      0.05909     -18.4628     -21.0346       5.4705      8.29367      11.4241      5.62543      15.9214
-       0.0591      21.4015      14.8548      37.6273      36.8576      36.4231      27.1202      33.8892
-      0.05911     -14.2854     -17.2393      8.86079      11.3558      14.1741      7.95836      17.9093
-      0.05912     -11.7817       -14.99      10.8319      13.1032      15.6998      9.37446      18.9858
-      0.05913      0.76222     -3.66937       20.944      22.0984      23.5768      16.1606      24.6952
-      0.05914     -20.7795     -23.0274      3.51157      6.65264      10.1146      4.56018       14.953
-      0.05915      22.7186      16.1453      38.6206      37.8367      37.3381      28.0842      34.6417
-      0.05916     -1.94151     -5.97563       18.719      20.2401      22.0128      14.8827      23.6387
-      0.05917      4.04163    -0.604502      23.5313      24.5094      25.7516      18.1387      26.3649
-      0.05918     -12.3526     -15.3335      10.2196      12.7103      15.4522      9.26889      18.8942
-      0.05919     -6.78942     -10.3318       14.584      16.6256      18.8655      12.2445      21.3632
-       0.0592      8.52862      3.44749       26.986      27.6067      28.4787      20.5481      28.2662
-      0.05921     -23.8739     -25.6456      0.84888       4.4469      8.24083      3.13369      13.6803
-      0.05922     -55.4159      -54.061      -24.729     -18.2568      -11.609     -14.0457    -0.761022
-      0.05923      10.1963      4.96635      28.1674      28.6779      29.3924      21.3964      28.8077
-      0.05924     -1.67838     -5.66926      18.6403       20.297       22.118      15.1589       23.673
-      0.05925      61.6611      51.3863      69.8575      65.8149      61.9537      49.6439      52.5146
-      0.05926      -11.174     -14.1308      11.1358      13.7759      16.5385      10.5205      19.8393
-      0.05927     -13.7386     -16.4217      8.88432       11.771      14.7417      8.92867      18.4139
-      0.05928    -0.941489      -4.8872      19.1906      20.9154      22.7145      15.7835      24.1216
-      0.05929     -19.3679     -21.4901       4.1997      7.66338      11.1915      5.95294      15.7622
-       0.0593      -3.3254     -7.03101      17.1056      19.1396      21.1886      14.6396      22.9502
-      0.05931      5.23758     0.658318      23.9855      25.2828      26.5886      19.3356      26.8567
-      0.05932      14.4409      8.97578      31.4554      31.9372      32.3923      24.4839      31.1596
-      0.05933     -7.55575     -10.7904      13.6979      16.2139      18.6816      12.7757      21.3064
-      0.05934     -19.5716     -21.5063      3.86785      7.52379      11.0629      6.20663        15.77
-      0.05935      14.4783      9.09197      31.3226      31.8921      32.3622      24.6474      31.0816
-      0.05936     -20.1034     -22.0415      3.40046      7.15706      10.7648      5.99763      15.5949
-      0.05937     -16.6054     -18.9184      6.09921      9.53917      12.8265      7.79444      16.9353
-      0.05938     -41.9399     -41.6646     -14.3785     -8.58442     -3.03463      -5.8889      5.45858
-      0.05939      7.88458      3.13198      25.7532       27.044      28.0925      21.0314      27.8444
-       0.0594     -43.8769     -43.4097     -16.0401     -9.98995     -4.25129     -6.78901      4.52131
-      0.05941      43.6042      35.2843      54.5067      52.6557      50.5185      40.5624      44.0232
-      0.05942     -15.5872     -17.9126      6.77445      10.3811       13.634      8.86399      17.5668
-      0.05943      5.81944      1.37935      24.0199      25.7173      27.0333      20.5109        27.24
-      0.05944     -10.1911     -13.0475      10.9719        14.23      17.0078      11.9763      20.0048
-      0.05945     -32.1824     -32.8268     -6.78575     -1.55747      3.16758    0.0659447      9.98307
-      0.05946      10.5964      5.63692      27.6633       28.996      29.8729      23.1682      29.1967
-      0.05947      6.81142      2.31065      24.6718      26.4247      27.6673      21.3788       27.706
-      0.05948      6.33442      1.90703      24.2778      26.1419       27.458      21.3119      27.5634
-      0.05949      30.3995      23.5546      43.6634      43.3905      42.5345       34.378      38.4442
-       0.0595     -84.1179     -79.5362     -48.9064     -38.7079     -29.2578      -27.578     -13.4115
-      0.05951      16.8137      11.1966      32.3749      33.3695      33.6415      26.7836       31.786
-      0.05952     -10.3822     -13.1931       10.507      14.0656      16.8431      12.3983      19.7831
-      0.05953       8.4287       3.7189      25.6222      27.5022      28.5702      22.5344      28.2266
-      0.05954      40.7341       32.821      51.7757      50.7774       48.997      40.3672      42.9858
-      0.05955     -24.0422     -25.4337    -0.520963      4.42678      8.47036      5.51362      13.8367
-      0.05956     -8.32575     -11.3299      12.0183      15.5426      18.1466      13.9376      20.7376
-      0.05957     -3.13073     -6.62747       16.193      19.2871       21.402      16.8356      23.0667
-      0.05958     -25.7803     -27.0615     -2.21773      2.97212      7.11699      4.57397      12.7341
-      0.05959      27.2905      20.7032      40.5902      40.9874      40.3432      33.3648      36.6933
-       0.0596     -12.6784     -15.2402      8.25231      12.3672      15.3432      11.9321      18.7203
-      0.05961     -45.6008      -44.849     -18.3255      -11.189     -5.27815     -5.90353      3.77859
-      0.05962      -32.785     -33.3296     -8.10982     -2.10837      2.62534     0.959716      9.39614
-      0.05963      23.0417      16.9125      36.9162      37.8884      37.5802      31.2481      34.6115
-      0.05964        9.639       4.8806      26.0447      28.3589      29.2996      24.2519      28.7431
-      0.05965     -66.9398     -64.0323     -35.8565     -26.5454     -18.7123     -17.1419     -5.93516
-      0.05966      34.8205      27.4857      46.2014      46.2591      44.8488      37.8019      39.8368
-      0.05967      9.12327      4.45227       25.493      28.0406      29.0254      24.3083      28.5227
-      0.05968      1.31909     -2.59401      19.0741      22.3913       24.057      20.1264      24.9411
-      0.05969     -58.4867        -56.4     -29.3045     -20.4944     -13.4294     -12.2099      -2.2077
-       0.0597      18.9031      13.1999      33.1503       34.931      34.9808      29.7444      32.7115
-      0.05971     -45.1889     -44.4692     -18.6377     -10.9502      -5.1052     -4.83359      3.78887
-      0.05972      23.9302       17.701      37.0691      38.5098      38.0933      32.6344      34.9577
-      0.05973     -5.47129     -8.68003      13.3694       17.599      19.9054       17.048      21.8487
-      0.05974     -5.03234     -8.30731       13.643       17.879      20.1046      17.3135      22.0349
-      0.05975      12.1614      7.14154      27.4447       30.175      30.8149      26.6864      29.8066
-      0.05976      20.6797      14.8025      34.2681      36.3033       36.169      31.4388      33.7155
-      0.05977     -23.8686     -25.2543     -1.72655      4.43357      8.32466      7.47047      13.5708
-      0.05978     -12.7266     -15.2681      7.12818       12.309      15.1596      13.4961      18.4651
-      0.05979      -5.5484     -8.82611      12.8678      17.4534      19.6019      17.4308      21.7614
-       0.0598     -24.8263     -26.1478     -2.74123      3.62409      7.46879      7.05508      13.0074
-      0.05981     -18.3711     -20.4283      2.30288      8.14385      11.3947      10.5155      15.7567
-      0.05982      47.2912      38.7594      55.2869       55.243      52.5998      46.2209      45.5105
-      0.05983     -45.7682     -44.9811      -19.891     -11.3686     -5.60664     -3.88467      3.63434
-      0.05984     -32.2104     -32.8254     -9.11414     -1.81043      2.70224      3.31862      9.46798
-      0.05985    -0.614296     -4.35825      16.3298       20.836      22.4945      20.4878      23.6961
-      0.05986     -44.3696     -43.7205     -18.9991     -10.4411     -4.86248     -2.95782       4.0395
-      0.05987        26.09      19.6602      37.7896      40.0136      39.2283      35.1715      35.8132
-      0.05988      33.4554      26.3303      43.7688      45.4594      44.0455      39.5277      39.4597
-      0.05989     -19.2923     -21.1135      1.17464      7.68306      11.0182      11.0951      15.6269
-       0.0599     -22.1898     -23.7097     -1.37256      5.50202      9.07407      9.44893      14.0937
-      0.05991      32.3196      25.2965      42.5371      44.5335      43.1644      39.0061      38.6701
-      0.05992      6.38033      1.99385      21.6086      26.0646      27.0482      25.3014      27.1503
-      0.05993     -17.5125     -19.5564      2.16975      8.88832      12.0033      12.3327      16.2883
-      0.05994     -30.0677     -30.8856     -8.03807    -0.162615       4.0328      5.56316      10.4388
-      0.05995     -10.8734     -13.6274      7.34578      13.5087      15.9123      15.8855      18.9691
-      0.05996     -14.6838     -17.0712      4.20502      10.8008       13.547      13.9554      17.2857
-      0.05997      33.9358      26.6805      43.4843      45.7649      44.1634      40.5702      39.3944
-      0.05998      22.3998      16.3734       34.122      37.5708      36.9845      34.4715      34.3418
-      0.05999      5.67781      1.30239      20.5284      25.5846      26.5012      25.5477      26.7854
-         0.06     -1.14271     -4.86458      14.8807      20.6142       22.088      21.8036      23.5787
-      0.06001      -23.981     -25.3912     -3.63033      4.25365      7.76863      9.48588      13.1785
-      0.06002      -10.952     -13.7241      6.74759      13.4924      15.7737      16.5145      18.9481
-      0.06003     -17.0919     -19.2339      1.66507      9.07798      11.9228      13.2612      16.1107
-      0.06004      23.8716      17.6189      34.6799       38.445      37.5897       35.595       34.656
-      0.06005     -15.5605     -17.8874      2.77277      10.2227      12.8957      14.3281      16.9078
-      0.06006      6.67311      2.09204      20.6202      26.1273      26.7791      26.4154      26.9031
-      0.06007      12.0039      6.95081      24.8391      29.9864      30.1655      29.4792       29.379
-      0.06008      18.9383      13.1576      30.3024      34.9049      34.4129      33.2068      32.5438
-      0.06009     -9.59109     -12.5327      7.17579      14.4437      16.5222      17.9436      19.6129
-       0.0601      -43.053     -42.6687     -19.9875     -9.60925     -4.54024    -0.221997      4.33447
-      0.06011      24.6993      18.2734      34.5978      38.8762      37.7301      36.3867      34.7871
-      0.06012     -14.7254     -17.1874      2.71802      10.7101       13.177      15.3229      17.1473
-      0.06013      -49.391     -48.4318     -25.4208     -14.2009     -8.63138      -3.4641      1.34429
-      0.06014     -23.4378     -25.1056     -4.62159      4.28088      7.43354      10.4853      12.8367
-      0.06015      29.6864      22.6843      38.1819      42.3837      40.7411      39.3589      36.9314
-      0.06016     -47.2443     -46.4618     -23.9104     -12.6342     -7.31039     -1.94033       2.3563
-      0.06017      74.2865      62.8513       74.023       74.395      68.7027      63.8238      57.2172
-      0.06018     -31.9516     -32.6729     -11.7368     -1.55276      2.34571      6.70489      9.52289
-      0.06019      23.7722       17.394       33.068      38.2487      37.1068      36.7655      34.4685
-       0.0602      5.64331      1.09713      18.3705      25.3217      25.8305      27.1137      26.3682
-      0.06021     -46.6125     -45.9593     -23.9984     -12.2365     -7.06143     -1.24013      2.58867
-      0.06022      14.2204      8.74758      24.9733      31.2769      30.9073      31.6118      29.8927
-      0.06023      48.6472      39.7664      52.7573      56.0591      52.6061      50.4974      45.6646
-      0.06024     -37.9946     -38.1557     -17.2394     -5.94721     -1.56805       3.8362      6.65523
-      0.06025      2.12366     -2.13781      14.9032      22.6353      23.3157      25.3237      24.4834
-      0.06026     -12.5978     -15.3631      2.94564        12.11      14.0767      17.4461      17.8831
-      0.06027      30.3819      23.2195      37.4956      42.8673      40.9799      40.8216      37.2735
-      0.06028     -17.6518     -19.9531     -1.38374      8.51316      10.9626      14.9689      15.6357
-      0.06029     -5.34689     -8.91787      8.42973      17.2502      18.5105       21.553      21.0628
-       0.0603     -14.5135     -17.2291     0.902691      10.6567      12.7126      16.6709       16.916
-      0.06031      2.17632     -2.22714      14.2624      22.6214      23.1234      25.7594      24.4561
-      0.06032     -24.1684     -25.9444     -7.15606      3.70262      6.56085      11.5064      12.4767
-      0.06033      9.91768      4.71699      20.2259      28.0705      27.8062      29.9734      27.8317
-      0.06034      58.3488      48.3398      59.2992      62.8857      58.3274      56.5251      49.9581
-      0.06035     -32.1844     -33.0776     -13.8362     -1.89623      1.64809      7.61485      9.18404
-      0.06036      -8.1376     -11.4753      5.24355      15.1119      16.4338      20.3767      19.7269
-      0.06037     -30.0209     -31.1724     -12.5599    -0.587418      2.70073      8.61879      9.73592
-      0.06038      4.65421   -0.0266523      15.2432      24.1659      24.2699      27.3708      25.2577
-      0.06039      47.2427      38.3279      49.6511      54.7827      51.0893      50.6622      44.7358
-       0.0604      -74.298     -71.0047     -48.5664     -32.2321     -24.9706     -14.9296     -10.1124
-      0.06041     -35.0351     -35.7131     -17.1198     -4.29982    -0.672822      6.11529      7.21116
-      0.06042     -19.2142      -21.473     -4.51157      6.98325      9.16888      14.6227      14.3216
-      0.06043      31.2522      24.0363      36.1872      43.2231      40.8563       42.077      37.2531
-      0.06044      -40.205     -40.2354      -21.577     -7.87129     -3.77269      3.64933      5.13771
-      0.06045      3.25959     -1.12835      13.3463      23.2161      23.3603      27.1235       24.697
-      0.06046      6.81875      2.05528      16.0714      25.7544      25.5453      29.1557      26.3961
-      0.06047      6.31082      1.56495      15.5523       25.393      25.2105      28.9677      26.1886
-      0.06048     -37.2349     -37.5658     -19.7073      -5.8089     -2.09456      5.42529      6.47761
-      0.06049     -3.45378     -7.18255      7.37947      18.3012      18.9094      23.6125      21.5358
-       0.0605     -19.7088     -21.7898     -5.83375      6.66668       8.7012      14.8811      14.2327
-      0.06051     -3.37956     -7.05162      7.21049      18.3735      18.9394      23.7998      21.6067
-      0.06052      17.6859      11.8233      24.1194      33.5058      32.1463      35.3203      31.2222
-      0.06053      21.1029      14.9242      26.8057      36.0181      34.3205      37.3169      32.9329
-      0.06054      24.0535      17.5915      29.1437      38.1776      36.2205      39.0358      34.3249
-      0.06055      26.3198      19.6251      30.7879       39.804       37.622      40.2804       35.351
-      0.06056     -22.8861     -24.6742     -9.14195      4.46789      6.69838      13.6812      13.0325
-      0.06057     -13.9193     -16.5784     -2.05593      10.8328      12.1943      18.3863      16.9341
-      0.06058      23.0343       16.626      27.5487       37.187       35.157      38.3622      33.5048
-      0.06059      -36.417      -36.839     -20.5428     -5.35941     -1.98671      6.53874      6.72831
-       0.0606     -49.0539      -48.271     -30.9796      -14.557     -10.1393    -0.643674     0.760048
-      0.06061      48.2496      39.2657      47.4368      55.1291      50.7638      52.0232      44.6789
-      0.06062      11.5287      6.33381      17.7935      29.0483      28.0495      32.6041      28.5125
-      0.06063     -7.91222     -11.1759       1.9508      15.0838        15.84      22.0614      19.7037
-      0.06064      16.7226      10.9993      21.6952      32.7239      31.1827       35.393      30.7975
-      0.06065     -40.9273     -40.9077     -24.9688     -8.57611     -4.91035      4.28571      4.80566
-      0.06066     -17.0654     -19.4568     -6.01348      8.36692      9.83548       16.984      15.3455
-      0.06067     -5.53391     -9.02371      3.14361      16.6177      17.0049      23.1834       20.543
-      0.06068      9.16503      4.18697       14.812      27.1038      26.1522      31.1729       27.195
-      0.06069       33.033      25.7341      34.0233       44.314      41.1955      44.2638      38.1671
-       0.0607      23.5952      17.2514      26.2815      37.6099      35.3378      39.2896      34.0509
-      0.06071     -12.9631     -15.6442     -3.40339      11.3882      12.4059      19.5547      17.5626
-      0.06072     -8.74171     -11.9152     -0.19005       14.305      14.8798      21.6872      19.2361
-      0.06073     -19.8883     -21.8059      -9.2809      6.30915      7.85068      15.6674      14.1662
-      0.06074      14.9224      9.45363      18.5843      31.1893      29.5708      34.4232      29.8142
-      0.06075     -56.1491     -54.5043      -38.949     -19.7609     -14.9849     -3.93905     -2.26002
-      0.06076      15.8296       10.229      18.9385      31.7184      29.9909      34.9165      30.0694
-      0.06077     -3.00677     -6.68547      3.60296      18.3092       18.279      24.8711      21.7332
-      0.06078     -45.8457     -45.2308     -31.1466     -12.4095     -8.65314      1.67465       2.3644
-      0.06079      1.66718     -2.58211      6.98616      21.5302      20.9407      27.2848      23.7076
-       0.0608      12.4494      7.15831      15.5923      29.3113      27.7738      33.2227      28.7153
-      0.06081     -12.7958     -15.5512     -4.89202      11.2637      11.9755      19.6089       17.374
-      0.06082      -23.271      -24.995      -13.552      3.69062      5.37518      13.9212      12.5348
-      0.06083      23.6695      17.2508      24.1109      37.2732      34.6872      39.3825      33.7426
-      0.06084       6.7848      2.13469      10.3702      25.2551      24.2034      30.4314      26.2671
-      0.06085      15.3476      9.84532      17.1317      31.3739      29.5479      35.0397      30.1438
-      0.06086      7.87114      3.15224      10.9451        26.01      24.7933      30.9228      26.7351
-      0.06087      4.51519     0.131913      8.05146      23.5774      22.6172      29.0895      25.2197
-      0.06088     -26.5215     -27.7888     -17.1796      1.32492      3.19945      12.3335      11.1476
-      0.06089      27.3228       20.636      26.1082      39.8421       36.804      41.3968      35.4297
-       0.0609      19.1091      13.2471      19.3283      33.9951       31.731      37.1022      31.8564
-      0.06091     -10.3863     -13.2391     -4.62265      12.8761      13.2117      21.0514      18.5074
-      0.06092      33.1184      25.9069      30.2942      43.9584      40.3525      44.4633      38.0548
-      0.06093      31.9955      24.9437      29.2699      43.2291      39.7133      43.9617      37.6693
-      0.06094     -47.8762     -46.8811     -35.4186     -14.0189     -10.3532      0.70317      1.51744
-      0.06095      16.5052      11.0431       16.238      31.9303      29.7414      35.3624      30.3704
-      0.06096     -23.9635     -25.3573      -16.607      2.96256      4.43578      13.5912      12.2487
-      0.06097     -56.0282     -54.2466     -42.6684     -20.1078     -15.7955     -3.91373     -2.43796
-      0.06098      29.5408      22.7153      26.2087      41.1359      37.6907      42.2864      36.1533
-      0.06099     -9.39914     -12.2231     -5.34442      13.3623      13.4997      21.4963      18.8764
-        0.061     -3.88292     -7.25232      -1.0863      17.3014      16.8943      24.4331       21.342
-      0.06101     -2.89403      -6.3212     -0.44953       18.005      17.4647       24.946      21.7689
-      0.06102     -38.6767     -38.4503     -29.5678     -7.69705     -5.00048      5.52933      5.53072
-      0.06103      14.8759      9.73287      13.4574      30.6122      28.4217       34.402      29.6608
-      0.06104     -1.51143     -4.96075     0.134282      18.9716      18.2492      25.6955      22.4729
-      0.06105      2.70106     -1.17758      3.33199      21.9456      20.8334      27.9688      24.4203
-      0.06106     -8.77506     -11.4909     -6.16738      13.6951      13.6321      21.7309      19.2102
-      0.06107      1.64259     -2.13324      2.03381      21.1077      20.0952        27.26      23.8381
-      0.06108     -62.0823     -59.4579      -49.607     -24.5861     -19.8553      -7.1506     -4.98177
-      0.06109      28.4948      22.0545      23.2551      40.2131       36.697      41.7326      35.8022
-       0.0611     -49.3086     -47.9033      -39.721     -15.4813     -11.9744     -0.30874     0.780249
-      0.06111     -15.3761     -17.4394     -12.5994      8.68234      9.04273      17.7938      15.8853
-      0.06112      22.9242      17.0757      18.2512      36.2137       33.177      38.6721      33.3607
-      0.06113      30.8831      24.3707      24.5403      42.0273      38.2967       43.138      37.2336
-      0.06114     -73.3718     -69.4131     -59.8188     -32.7042     -27.0484     -13.3009       -9.936
-      0.06115     -13.7844     -15.8429     -12.0621      9.73388      9.92778      18.5301      16.5713
-      0.06116      27.8152      21.6382       21.367      39.5835      36.0334      41.1642      35.5537
-      0.06117     -19.8268     -21.1978     -17.2749      5.53193      6.31308      15.4957      14.1702
-      0.06118      22.7258      17.1033      16.8722      35.9853      32.8781      38.4371      33.3483
-      0.06119       31.406      24.9657      23.8071      42.3044      38.4407      43.2644      37.4171
-       0.0612      37.5917      30.6289      28.7245      46.8201      42.3997      46.7309      40.4064
-      0.06121     -53.5272     -51.3556     -45.0943     -18.5492     -14.7656     -2.67824    -0.903424
-      0.06122      20.8357       15.541      14.6573      34.5605      31.5432      37.1838      32.3523
-      0.06123      21.9019       16.516      15.3863      35.3919      32.3002      37.9356      33.0506
-      0.06124      32.3055      25.8868      23.5859      42.8426      38.8163      43.5773      37.8211
-      0.06125      12.9908      8.49908       7.7983      29.0169      26.6948      33.1168      29.1185
-      0.06126     -15.0236     -16.6976     -15.0562      8.88146      9.06006      17.8337      16.3252
-      0.06127     -14.7968     -16.5111     -15.1636      8.89247      9.02835      17.7348      16.1442
-      0.06128     -10.1384     -12.2889     -11.5801      12.2275      11.8681      20.2189      18.3121
-      0.06129      23.7909       18.247      15.5965      36.5114      33.0496      38.4872      33.6276
-       0.0613     0.294868     -2.84901     -3.52754      19.7061      18.3899      25.8719      23.0893
-      0.06131     -14.5048     -16.1243     -15.6519      9.11597      9.14682      17.8729      16.4667
-      0.06132      18.3732      13.4278      10.6115      32.6027       29.635      35.5618      31.2851
-      0.06133      -1.1806     -4.09569      -5.3036      18.6713      17.5208      25.1081      22.5483
-      0.06134     -6.45479     -8.83559     -9.78268      14.8448      14.1916      22.2295      20.1243
-      0.06135      5.62731      2.01838    -0.234882      23.4791      21.6813      28.7615      25.6128
-      0.06136     -7.04913     -9.35717     -10.6669      14.3943      13.7375      21.8696      19.9063
-      0.06137     -12.5586     -14.2523     -15.3383      10.3468      10.1216      18.7311      17.3005
-      0.06138     -11.8326     -13.5996     -14.9752      10.8373      10.5403      19.0339       17.574
-      0.06139      9.69268      5.84383      2.24739      26.3009      24.0322      30.6544      27.3052
-       0.0614     -35.3326     -34.5828     -34.3511     -6.00078     -4.19974      6.24808      6.96696
-      0.06141      5.35983      2.05312     -1.72598       23.093      21.1989      28.1333      25.2779
-      0.06142      1.19882     -1.59945     -5.25384      20.1516      18.6833      26.1092       23.556
-      0.06143     -14.5739     -15.7408     -18.2381      8.80746      8.70498      17.4154       16.412
-      0.06144      27.2065      21.8051      15.3117      38.7581      34.8767       39.993      35.2599
-      0.06145     -21.8172     -22.3047     -24.3891      3.71394      4.26055      13.5566      13.2331
-      0.06146      -40.081       -38.75     -39.4597     -9.53156     -7.37069      3.46778      4.77483
-      0.06147      53.2012      45.1999      35.6103      57.2453      50.9571      53.7947      46.8476
-      0.06148     -10.4151     -11.9042     -15.8337      11.8294      11.3249       19.621      18.3992
-      0.06149      9.77065      6.17052      0.16028      26.2068      23.8551      30.3983      27.4091
-       0.0615    -0.459509     -3.04585     -8.20674       18.898      17.4537      24.8575      22.8073
-      0.06151     -30.4989     -30.0414     -32.6687     -2.65532     -1.39594      8.51496      9.16367
-      0.06152      54.2668      46.2308        35.52      57.9968      51.5902       54.282      47.4066
-      0.06153     -55.7057      -52.624     -53.3913     -20.6893     -17.1518     -5.05819     -2.09044
-      0.06154      21.2152      16.5493      8.35994      34.2252      30.7212      36.1872      32.3299
-      0.06155      26.0192      20.9359      12.1596      37.7755      33.8798      38.9438      34.7027
-      0.06156     -16.2746     -17.0555      -22.211      7.48819       7.3928      16.0482      15.6855
-      0.06157      37.5267      31.3172      20.9629      45.9636      40.9622       45.012      39.9066
-      0.06158      -46.384     -44.1477      -46.951     -14.1275     -11.4969    -0.325578      2.03138
-      0.06159     -25.1407     -25.0765     -30.1489     0.892805      1.60526      10.9181       11.331
-       0.0616      27.6898      22.5075       12.326      38.7346       34.627      39.4699      35.2331
-      0.06161     -2.55837     -4.65512      -12.231      17.1566      15.8082      23.2504      21.7866
-      0.06162     -37.5338     -36.1388     -40.7162     -7.98062     -6.20506      4.13733      5.85299
-      0.06163     -6.74761     -8.43625     -16.0425      14.0305      12.9915      20.6573      19.6244
-      0.06164     -1.05139     -3.26008     -11.7692      18.0671      16.5483      23.7175      22.2453
-      0.06165     -26.0062     -25.6927     -32.1591     0.121164      0.82159      10.0903      10.9001
-      0.06166      18.2068      14.0733      3.27532      31.7114      28.3874      33.8701      30.7979
-      0.06167       30.912      25.5894      13.3781      40.9022      36.4938      40.9173      36.7415
-      0.06168      38.6191      32.5877      19.4922      46.5392      41.4579      45.2399      40.4576
-      0.06169     0.665966     -1.49387      -11.319      19.3462      17.6651      24.6225      23.2719
-       0.0617      27.2072      22.3593      9.80392      38.2597      34.1476      38.7836       35.072
-      0.06171      5.70082      3.04055      -7.7671        22.84      20.6599      27.1075      25.3528
-      0.06172     -6.41685     -7.82436     -17.7694      14.1196        13.03      20.5084      19.8593
-      0.06173     -32.9671      -31.737     -39.5085     -5.03966     -3.76009      5.90802      7.63907
-      0.06174       54.604      47.0612      30.9243      57.6519      51.0253      53.2014      47.1542
-      0.06175     -47.2318     -44.4573      -51.373     -15.2041     -12.6479     -1.81342       1.3181
-      0.06176      34.9281      29.4011      14.7064      43.5369      38.6462      42.4072      38.2109
-      0.06177      39.8971      33.9663        18.67      47.2916           42      45.3391      40.8141
-      0.06178     -75.8973     -70.1977     -74.9989     -35.6814     -30.5159     -17.3443     -11.5674
-      0.06179      27.7405      23.0212      8.27103      38.2815      34.0584      38.3233      34.8404
-       0.0618     -52.8195     -49.4475     -56.9651     -19.3789     -16.3646     -5.24959      -1.4121
-      0.06181     -4.56356     -6.08174     -18.2997      15.0317      13.6336      20.5593      20.1049
-      0.06182      46.9915      40.3263      23.1702       52.025       46.014      48.5443      43.5707
-      0.06183     -18.0296     -18.0515     -29.4361      5.56514      5.45597      13.4445      14.3791
-      0.06184        37.22       31.659      14.9523      45.1267      39.9985      43.3694      39.4171
-      0.06185     -28.3231     -27.2525     -38.2064     -1.77604    -0.893962      8.06181      9.92704
-      0.06186       24.961      20.7109      4.59428      36.3114      32.3743      36.6461      33.8339
-      0.06187     0.789582    -0.943211     -15.0044      19.0672      17.2637      23.5793      23.0258
-      0.06188     -2.98096     -4.37105     -18.2942       16.261      14.7803      21.3658      21.1713
-      0.06189      22.0399      18.1061      1.64877      34.1725      30.4322      34.8551      32.4743
-       0.0619      -12.417     -12.8177     -26.3271       9.5219      8.88529      16.2154       16.948
-      0.06191      11.8733      8.97526     -6.94742      26.8355      23.9865      29.1978      27.8351
-      0.06192     -8.43804     -9.30437       -23.57      12.3146      11.3141      18.2256      18.7117
-      0.06193      70.7457      62.0012      40.1952      69.0263      60.8821      61.0056      54.5302
-      0.06194     -38.9863     -36.6291     -48.4451     -9.43772      -7.6748      1.83513       5.2024
-      0.06195     -1.90679     -3.22916     -18.9502      16.8793      15.2782      21.5804      21.6309
-      0.06196     -11.5114      -11.781     -26.8974      9.97786      9.22036      16.2417      17.1967
-      0.06197     -42.7051     -39.8795     -52.3478     -12.4461        -10.4    -0.745431      3.04591
-      0.06198       16.501      13.3701     -4.74922      29.9087      26.5679      31.0773      29.6432
-      0.06199      3.71137      1.91471     -15.2255       20.843      18.7102      24.3327      24.1179
-        0.062      25.9983      21.9762      2.63562      36.8218      32.6996      36.3757      34.2126
-      0.06201     -13.7527     -13.8403     -29.6346      8.35158      7.83047      14.8525      16.2949
-      0.06202      39.9234      34.4226      13.4853       46.759      41.3946      43.8287      40.5583
-      0.06203      3.59364      1.74695     -15.9785      20.8048      18.7317      24.2599      24.2529
-      0.06204     -45.4869     -42.3955     -55.8463      -14.442     -12.1065     -2.49571      1.90929
-      0.06205       15.472      12.4213       -6.887      29.1007      25.9451      30.3758      29.3394
-      0.06206     -2.38466     -3.59356     -21.4478      16.3806      14.7971      20.5832      21.3407
-      0.06207      4.30361      2.44709     -16.2422      21.1652      18.9886      24.1946      24.4004
-      0.06208     -41.1425     -38.4092     -53.1577     -11.4575     -9.51769    -0.438738      3.81502
-      0.06209      6.89762      4.80831     -14.6079      22.8679      20.4316      25.2786      25.3252
-       0.0621     -28.1165     -26.6419      -43.037     -2.19333     -1.47118      6.31524      9.54145
-      0.06211      32.0835      27.5187      5.31501      40.8737      36.1467      38.7527      36.7211
-      0.06212     -2.51328     -3.55771     -22.6629      16.2277      14.7642       20.382      21.3416
-      0.06213      27.8998      23.8231      1.71847      37.9913      33.7092      36.6043      35.0452
-      0.06214     -50.0229     -46.2949     -61.3538     -17.8441     -15.0835      -5.5948    -0.163918
-      0.06215     -16.1464     -15.8304     -34.3335      6.23586      5.86158      12.3609      14.8355
-      0.06216     -11.2189     -11.3303     -30.5635        9.789      8.96906      14.9965      17.0952
-      0.06217        30.24       25.915      2.76406       39.488      34.9605      37.3998      35.8599
-      0.06218      37.8139      32.7483       8.7798      45.0206      39.8295      41.6005      39.5281
-      0.06219     -3.14641     -4.02247      -24.491      15.6322      14.1621      19.3903      20.9879
-       0.0622      3.06176      1.55835     -19.7162       20.033      17.9773      22.5877      23.6591
-      0.06221      0.51724    -0.732348     -22.0126       18.158      16.3029      21.0373      22.4622
-      0.06222     0.361222    -0.817692     -22.3265       17.957      16.1128      20.9031      22.3823
-      0.06223      25.2697      21.6325     -2.37992      35.7949      31.7294      34.3155      33.6127
-      0.06224     -14.6077     -14.1236     -34.7279      7.26563      6.81061      12.7293      15.6534
-      0.06225     -14.3398      -13.933     -34.8147      7.30056      6.79359      12.5825      15.5577
-      0.06226      6.98127      5.22169     -17.6949      22.5774      20.1493      24.1186      25.2183
-      0.06227      15.2797      12.7176     -11.1974      28.5478      25.3848      28.6078      29.0115
-      0.06228      2.20231      0.94619     -21.8576      19.2554      17.2953       21.592      23.2033
-      0.06229      13.1586      10.7464     -13.1698      27.0861      24.1531      27.4793      28.1731
-       0.0623      1.11242   -0.0601061     -23.0275      18.4644      16.6195      20.8994      22.7436
-      0.06231     -10.0057     -10.0307      -32.208      10.4513      9.55395      14.6351      17.5803
-      0.06232     -1.43916     -2.33079     -25.4549      16.5521      14.8659         19.1      21.3348
-      0.06233      8.77918      6.78057     -17.3987      23.8355      21.2587      24.6865      26.1093
-      0.06234      5.82333      4.11036     -19.9253      21.7195      19.4207      23.0395      24.8044
-      0.06235      15.9191      13.1826     -11.9473      28.9501      25.7515      28.3925      29.3102
-      0.06236     -52.2492     -48.1104     -67.0368     -19.8673     -16.9347     -8.56947     -1.53246
-      0.06237     -15.9412     -15.4436     -38.0153      5.93957      5.55333      10.7325      14.5737
-      0.06238      27.8003      23.9499     -2.79975      37.3323        33.09      34.5584      34.4882
-      0.06239     -11.7086     -11.6077     -34.8141      9.09748      8.41548      13.1864      16.8332
-       0.0624      33.2628      28.9116      1.33695      41.3058      36.5583      37.4119      37.1494
-      0.06241     -24.4462     -23.0342     -45.3408    0.0168738     0.473687      6.14572       11.107
-      0.06242      11.5258      9.36378     -16.5744      25.6504      22.8515      25.3895      27.1994
-      0.06243      53.0529      46.7272      16.8665      55.4815      48.9702      47.9327      46.1009
-      0.06244     -38.4786     -35.5748     -57.1202     -10.0769     -8.27884     -1.52505      4.86895
-      0.06245     -14.9004     -14.4227     -38.3597      6.64906      6.24093      10.8711      15.1976
-      0.06246       3.0265      1.79816     -24.0616      19.4868      17.4533      20.4573      23.2631
-      0.06247      41.3923      36.4379      6.88405      47.0039       41.559      41.2334      40.6726
-      0.06248     -6.88639     -6.99096      -32.172      12.4725      11.4167      15.1947      19.0815
-      0.06249     -11.1814     -10.8948     -35.8446      9.26463      8.58732      12.7186      16.9905
-       0.0625     -14.5975     -13.9748      -38.703      6.79498      6.40766      10.6782      15.3658
-      0.06251      8.69288       7.0191     -20.1891      23.4172      20.9293      23.0928      25.8239
-      0.06252     -8.10904     -8.14366     -33.8703      11.3816      10.4199      13.9348      18.2552
-      0.06253     -3.85097     -4.26803     -30.4898      14.4414      13.1024      16.2142      20.1928
-      0.06254      31.2962      27.4559     -2.26409       39.617       35.114      35.1175      36.0796
-      0.06255     -30.4334     -28.0398     -52.3632      -4.6163     -3.52635      1.67364       8.2224
-      0.06256       14.686      12.5224     -16.0316      27.6148      24.5935      25.8235      28.4142
-      0.06257     -36.0867     -33.1777     -57.1055     -8.76887     -7.18808     -1.58079      5.59493
-      0.06258      -0.6199      -1.4177     -28.6766      16.5539      14.8939      17.3304      21.4051
-      0.06259      35.3717      30.9719     0.341963      42.3791      37.5059      36.7973      37.7593
-       0.0626     -43.9173     -40.3484     -63.7733     -14.4193     -12.1372     -6.16299      1.99522
-      0.06261      19.3894      16.6168     -12.9331      30.8287      27.4189      27.9793      30.4807
-      0.06262      15.8171      13.4163     -15.8969      28.3152      25.2818      26.0831      28.9716
-      0.06263      13.9222      11.7004     -17.4932      26.9717      24.1098      25.0243      28.1411
-      0.06264     -4.18318     -4.59373     -32.1713      14.0091      12.7702      15.0916      19.9171
-      0.06265      15.9198      13.5186     -16.1107      28.3936      25.3212      25.8549      28.9898
-      0.06266      20.6103       17.714     -12.4158      31.7529      28.2434       28.292      31.1677
-      0.06267      32.6378      28.5893     -2.78732      40.3989      35.8419      34.8571      36.6587
-      0.06268     -33.8285     -31.1775     -56.5359     -7.21284     -5.74907     -1.15654      6.61204
-      0.06269     -16.9243     -16.0632     -43.1982      4.64968       4.5568      7.57118      13.8843
-       0.0627      5.67991      4.31351     -25.0018      20.8095      18.6742      19.7134      24.0595
-      0.06271     -26.1146     -24.2857     -50.7641     -1.96618     -1.21345      2.46513      9.67225
-      0.06272      32.2539       28.275     -3.72906      39.8151      35.2925       33.829      36.0226
-      0.06273     -2.91723     -3.20574     -32.0567      14.7891      13.4675      14.9464      20.3861
-      0.06274      73.7334      65.8495      29.7405      69.6886      61.4691      56.3492      55.0697
-      0.06275     -13.7247     -12.8577     -40.8953      7.08728      6.81575      9.13485      15.7439
-      0.06276     -66.8893     -60.8184     -83.9466     -31.1805      -26.709     -19.9645     -8.59355
-      0.06277     -23.5801      -21.966     -49.1789    -0.326098     0.182544      3.06949      10.5712
-      0.06278      4.16442      2.94826     -26.8776      19.5598      17.5818      18.0467      23.1941
-      0.06279     -31.5322     -29.1652      -55.718     -5.98396     -4.72085     -1.30292      7.12277
-       0.0628     -12.8445     -12.3387     -40.7624      7.38573      6.92333      8.52751      15.4907
-      0.06281       25.833      22.6376     -9.57671      35.1327      31.2519      29.6836      33.1014
-      0.06282      59.1799      52.7386      17.4749      59.1733      52.3314      47.9034       48.435
-      0.06283      51.5718      45.9431      11.3322      53.8069      47.7055      43.9011      45.1923
-      0.06284      9.36408      8.00981     -22.6641      23.6373      21.3713      21.0983       26.193
-      0.06285      5.24299      4.21404     -26.2023      20.5255      18.5982      18.5603      24.0226
-      0.06286     -8.90294      -8.5299     -37.9048      10.3162      9.61929       10.499      17.5074
-      0.06287      2.90225      2.14753      -28.513      18.6882       16.974      16.9303      22.7899
-      0.06288      29.5137      26.1901     -6.93605      37.7861      33.6332      31.2648      34.8314
-      0.06289     -3.23364     -3.12777     -33.5676      14.3643      13.1988      13.4992      20.1234
-       0.0629     -4.18415     -4.04868     -34.3727      13.5698      12.4542       12.716      19.5118
-      0.06291      57.9526      51.8407      15.9282      58.1682      51.4685      46.3776      47.6499
-      0.06292     -19.8299     -18.0847     -46.8932      2.52174      2.88608      4.36785      12.6397
-      0.06293     -6.01857     -5.71423     -35.7772      12.2204      11.3113      11.5474      18.5622
-      0.06294     -58.8874     -53.2625     -78.7087     -25.7547     -21.9123     -17.3516     -5.48403
-      0.06295      74.2783      66.5652      28.6838      69.6082      61.4364      54.5538      54.6068
-      0.06296     -11.0781      -10.164     -40.0804      8.69684      8.29857      8.68931      16.4455
-      0.06297      -2.8331     -2.84366     -33.5286      14.4623      13.3106      12.9286      19.9994
-      0.06298     0.362134     0.104051     -30.9272      16.7938      15.3371      14.5717      21.4381
-      0.06299      24.3577      21.6473     -11.6548      33.8903      30.2733       27.345      32.1243
-        0.063     -59.9664     -54.2518     -79.7943      -26.516     -22.5468     -18.4208     -6.02516
-      0.06301      15.1179      13.2962     -19.3315       27.105      24.3073      21.9936      27.6693
-      0.06302     -6.72772     -6.22453     -36.9608      11.5322      10.7429      10.2287       17.954
-      0.06303       40.398       36.173     0.993451      45.2655      40.2492      35.6526         39.2
-      0.06304      -25.805     -23.3224     -52.4123     -2.11284     -1.10984   -0.0939823      9.40652
-      0.06305      44.9386      40.3196      4.78424      48.5519      43.1522      38.0669      41.2859
-      0.06306     -33.5814     -30.2953     -58.5762     -7.66559     -5.96258     -4.44035       5.8658
-      0.06307      35.6384      31.9708     -2.74667      41.8076      37.2309       32.724      36.9253
-      0.06308      36.6091       32.919     -1.87528      42.6086      37.9873      33.3392      37.5396
-      0.06309     -1.26765     -1.19435     -32.5479      15.4567      14.2538      12.7399      20.3793
-       0.0631     -24.2182     -21.8768     -51.1697     -1.07301    -0.224087     0.136354      9.81077
-      0.06311      23.1605      20.7915     -12.8773      32.8149       29.331      25.4614      31.0606
-      0.06312     -40.3624     -36.3276     -64.1854     -12.7144     -10.4328      -8.9873      2.38445
-      0.06313      55.6122      50.0386      13.3004      55.9693      49.5959      42.8746      45.5956
-      0.06314      16.4147      14.8622     -18.2185      28.0394      25.2605      21.8524      28.1811
-      0.06315     -27.6717     -24.7804     -53.8173     -3.58256     -2.37969     -2.09131      8.17343
-      0.06316      6.25466      5.79486     -26.3792       20.651      18.8003      16.1799      23.2827
-      0.06317      24.0385      21.8332     -12.0267       33.383      29.9512      25.7516      31.3648
-      0.06318      19.3372      17.5439     -15.7193      30.0662      27.0873      23.2552      29.3091
-      0.06319      23.7858      21.4441     -12.1667      33.2493      29.8988      25.6242      31.3428
-       0.0632     -29.9457     -26.6864     -55.5163     -5.22912     -3.74684     -3.51746      7.02369
-      0.06321      21.5413       19.597      -13.997      31.5516      28.3625      23.9672      30.0322
-      0.06322     -40.1926     -35.8843     -63.8034     -12.6746     -10.2941     -9.58003      2.10462
-      0.06323      7.74702      7.24995     -25.2207        21.56      19.6254       16.234      23.5943
-      0.06324      41.0556       37.241       1.8293      45.4644      40.5699      34.3211      38.7717
-      0.06325      5.90286      5.72288     -26.3571      20.4474      18.7406      15.4737      23.0302
-      0.06326     -33.4458     -29.7439     -58.2247     -7.83583     -5.98627     -6.00941      5.09031
-      0.06327      28.9182      26.2754     -7.82687      36.7455      32.9367      27.4158      33.0647
-      0.06328       -4.235     -3.47577     -34.6416      13.0241      12.2367      9.43549       18.178
-      0.06329     -13.2284     -11.4996     -41.9357      6.47323      6.49302      4.46308      13.9161
-       0.0633      21.1919      19.4683     -14.1331       31.172      28.1017      23.0494      29.4834
-      0.06331     -38.4135     -34.0923     -62.1223     -11.5167     -9.18068     -9.18289       2.4758
-      0.06332      3.41723      3.48733     -28.3617      18.3375      16.8776      13.2032      21.1416
-      0.06333      17.2594       15.972      -17.049      28.3214      25.6439      20.7558      27.4713
-      0.06334      26.8058      24.6037     -9.35572      35.1482      31.6355      25.8256      31.8565
-      0.06335      41.1582      37.5601      2.32405      45.4888      40.7044      33.6478      38.4288
-      0.06336      6.58804      6.43782     -25.4812      20.7583      19.1194      14.9556      22.8261
-      0.06337      20.3769      18.8189     -14.3522       30.548      27.6375      22.1861      28.8018
-      0.06338     -17.3643     -15.1263      -44.801      3.49844      3.99035      1.68979      11.6651
-      0.06339     -30.7551     -27.1756      -55.507      -6.1777     -4.51169     -5.79714      5.39416
-       0.0634      25.4196      23.4301      -10.016      34.0082      30.6194      24.4957      30.5894
-      0.06341      25.8806       23.842     -9.62202      34.3981      31.0259      24.8491      30.9595
-      0.06342      -7.7462     -6.41265     -36.6381      10.3506      10.0178       6.6279      15.7414
-      0.06343     -17.1402     -14.8386     -44.1587      3.56818      4.05935      1.35651      11.3532
-      0.06344     -8.17211     -6.75132     -36.9183      9.88564      9.59646      6.04759      15.2319
-      0.06345      8.63251      8.37761     -23.2984      21.9395       20.144      15.0783      22.7851
-      0.06346     -3.48659     -2.47091     -32.9556      13.3052      12.6675      8.85131      17.3512
-      0.06347     -27.8713     -24.4406       -52.61     -4.25797     -2.71707     -4.68959      6.16733
-      0.06348     -21.3913     -18.6141     -47.3635     0.345738      1.30782     -1.26623      8.96836
-      0.06349      32.5862      29.9258     -3.66893      39.0192       35.114      27.7762      33.3121
-       0.0635      19.7135      18.4637     -13.8226      29.9418      27.2204      20.9666      27.6296
-      0.06351      11.2821      10.9336     -20.5208      23.9172      21.9567      16.3951      23.7426
-      0.06352     -21.7022     -18.6935      -47.043     0.224383      1.27734     -1.46463      8.80547
-      0.06353      50.3253      46.0022      11.2505      51.8047      46.3514       37.374      41.1927
-      0.06354      36.4119      33.6517     0.112522      41.9209      37.8072      30.0701      35.1174
-      0.06355     -52.6205     -46.3676     -71.6847     -21.9338     -18.0275     -18.3608     -5.26597
-      0.06356     -1.62254    -0.529536     -30.6846      14.3606      13.6192      8.82703      17.3285
-      0.06357      75.7022      69.1209      31.9581      69.8495      62.1811      50.7453      52.3821
-      0.06358      10.7949      10.8188     -20.1144      23.5428       21.795      15.9432      23.4133
-      0.06359     -26.4689     -22.7773     -50.2199     -3.25371     -1.64997     -4.47664      6.31644
-       0.0636     -15.2863     -12.7624     -41.0906      4.59903      5.16165      1.31634      10.9787
-      0.06361      30.1441      28.1507     -4.47779      37.1708      33.6576      25.9363      31.4991
-      0.06362     -35.5937     -31.0101     -57.5725     -9.98443     -7.53165     -9.65286      1.77323
-      0.06363      9.57933      9.63106     -20.9322      22.3094      20.6668      14.5936      21.9701
-      0.06364      10.5278      10.5277     -19.9607      23.0781       21.377      15.1845      22.4785
-      0.06365     -28.0975     -24.2375     -50.9834     -4.56533     -2.77679     -5.72869      4.96102
-      0.06366      8.63253      8.76506     -21.2696      21.6367      20.1269      14.0012      21.3607
-      0.06367       15.159      14.7472     -15.7845      26.4192      24.3752      17.6838      24.4083
-      0.06368      13.8961      13.5971     -16.6894      25.5112      23.5907      16.9647      23.7471
-      0.06369      3.82453      4.49167      -24.696      18.2703      17.2783      11.4807      19.2047
-       0.0637      -39.682      -34.605     -59.7847     -12.9819     -10.0327     -12.1675    -0.665093
-      0.06371      36.0378      33.4751      1.47928      41.2074      37.3092      28.5871        33.35
-      0.06372      -26.534      -22.802     -48.9099     -3.47547     -1.67993     -4.92483      5.22069
-      0.06373     -3.17311     -1.79857     -29.9868      13.1641      12.8638      7.63605      15.5871
-      0.06374      2.90505      3.68614     -24.7549      17.5232      16.6616      10.7291      18.3243
-      0.06375      26.7286      25.1484     -5.34775      34.6069      31.6015      23.4851      29.0214
-      0.06376     -13.3864     -10.9303     -37.4988      5.95112      6.59452      1.92896       10.892
-      0.06377   -0.0409194      1.04452     -26.7138      15.4095      14.8575      8.99248      16.7391
-      0.06378     -8.89525     -6.92526     -33.7254      9.04572      9.27502      4.04343      12.5512
-      0.06379      4.78166      5.35886     -22.5588      18.8162        17.83      11.4827      18.6476
-       0.0638       6.1194      6.53967     -21.3554      19.7861      18.7202      12.2578      19.2565
-      0.06381      8.24944      8.50041     -19.4435      21.3632      20.1282      13.4482       20.195
-      0.06382      45.7981      42.3343      11.0579      48.2526      43.6707      33.7606       37.116
-      0.06383      40.2027      37.4038      6.76214       44.273      40.2144      30.6914      34.6296
-      0.06384      22.7218       21.675     -7.22498      31.8059      29.3676      21.4754      26.7796
-      0.06385     -27.9476      -23.949     -48.0073     -4.57309     -2.46152     -6.06344      3.64372
-      0.06386      4.48004      5.15975     -21.7582      18.5155      17.6862      11.2235      17.9672
-      0.06387     -10.1465     -7.99215     -33.4673      8.01375      8.51467      3.22784      11.2779
-      0.06388     0.273679       1.3959     -24.8749      15.4433      15.0045       8.7863      15.8586
-      0.06389      6.74693      7.22537     -19.5377      20.0885      19.1035      12.3052      18.8694
-       0.0639     -12.1164     -9.74705     -34.6561      6.54892      7.26816      2.10322      10.1949
-      0.06391      2.96999      3.80878     -22.3055       17.334      16.7125      10.2312      16.8998
-      0.06392      18.8728      18.1197     -9.35864      28.7882      26.7548      18.8992      24.0796
-      0.06393      15.4729      15.0711      -11.875      26.3569      24.6498      17.0873      22.5408
-      0.06394      32.9305      30.8308         2.36      38.8439      35.5939      26.4723      30.3408
-      0.06395      19.8276      19.0783     -8.05897      29.4603      27.4374      19.4168      24.4151
-      0.06396     -36.0058     -31.1225     -53.0003     -10.5808     -7.54775     -10.7564    -0.972279
-      0.06397     -14.4397     -11.8107     -35.5325      4.71946       5.7991     0.787174      8.44679
-      0.06398       27.354      25.7497     -1.63931      34.6606      31.9828      23.3232      27.2418
-      0.06399      78.9869      72.2974      40.3336      71.7835      64.5023      51.5517      50.7804
-        0.064     -60.3171     -53.0602     -72.0102     -27.9846     -22.6869     -23.9355     -12.1862
-      0.06401     -9.95351     -7.81108     -31.3299      7.85344      8.53581      2.87274       10.057
-      0.06402     -2.32245    -0.889517     -25.0022      13.3356      13.3636      7.01036       13.503
-      0.06403      22.9479      21.9101      -4.3891       31.514        29.26      20.6906      24.9061
-      0.06404     -10.5989     -8.29743     -31.2192      7.57157      8.39431      2.80272      9.84116
-      0.06405     -9.48981      -7.3203      -30.273       8.2502      8.98464      3.27949      10.1435
-      0.06406      3.16903      4.02481     -20.0183      17.2609      16.8594      10.0527      15.7316
-      0.06407      12.5862      12.5185     -12.2376      24.0751      22.8315      15.2078      19.9664
-      0.06408      35.6618      33.3032      6.95899      40.6535      37.3758      27.7423      30.4286
-      0.06409      7.65639      8.07735     -15.4158       20.619      19.8976      12.7188        17.83
-       0.0641     -1.93189    -0.564871     -23.1291      13.6497      13.8031       7.4301      13.2607
-      0.06411      24.0541        22.83     -1.93009      32.3526      30.2005      21.6275      25.0823
-      0.06412       25.746       24.398    -0.358385      33.6152      31.3646      22.6588      25.9783
-      0.06413      3.33275      4.26964     -18.2368      17.5581      17.3499      10.5269      15.7437
-      0.06414     -37.2348     -32.3419     -50.9183     -11.6327     -8.18895     -11.5517     -2.80812
-      0.06415      3.06845      3.89282     -18.4122      17.0985      16.8978      10.0875      15.1218
-      0.06416     -4.46569     -2.86842     -24.2167      11.7226      12.1994      6.02383      11.6456
-      0.06417      8.45155      8.77348     -13.5638      21.0333      20.3773      13.0941      17.4788
-      0.06418      8.70349      8.97936     -13.1919      21.2406      20.6043      13.3103      17.6452
-      0.06419     -10.5069     -8.31796     -28.5306      7.45318      8.54535      2.82939      8.90023
-       0.0642      7.98114       8.2915     -13.4413      20.6649      20.1306       13.016      17.1894
-      0.06421      38.5493      35.7945      11.4656       42.612      39.3345       29.551      30.9905
-      0.06422     -1.23308 -0.000882479      -20.494      14.1149      14.4668      8.07944      12.9827
-      0.06423      45.9149      42.3833       17.773      47.9006      43.9888      33.5648      34.1217
-      0.06424      9.08318      9.24325     -11.7787      21.6162      21.0633      13.8786      17.5737
-      0.06425      -3.2414     -1.86692       -21.57      12.6402      13.1814      6.79671      11.7384
-      0.06426     -21.1975     -18.0161     -36.2501    -0.356945      1.81856     -2.98233      3.38874
-      0.06427      14.0475      13.7112     -7.48558      24.8835      23.8713      16.0292      19.1479
-      0.06428      22.0551        20.88    -0.826519      30.6646       28.982      20.4641      22.7972
-      0.06429      13.8116      13.4261     -7.32541      24.7438      23.8322      16.0755      19.0397
-       0.0643     -16.8902     -14.1748      -31.897      2.82796      4.69796    -0.484077      5.16023
-      0.06431     -7.40027     -5.71983     -24.1875      9.50748      10.5214      4.52099      9.17092
-      0.06432      16.6651      15.9793     -4.49449        26.73      25.5634        17.52      19.9916
-      0.06433      9.17434      9.24943      -10.348      21.3815       20.912      13.4558      16.5304
-      0.06434      43.7227      40.3558       17.746      46.1798       42.639      32.2771      32.2086
-      0.06435      10.4224      10.4235      -8.8958       22.423      21.9411      14.5074      17.2315
-      0.06436      13.6967      13.3286     -6.10653      24.7155      23.9387      16.2166      18.6248
-      0.06437     -22.5825     -19.3408      -35.259     -1.36208      1.12287     -3.50017      2.00481
-      0.06438     -4.61063     -3.16437     -20.5446      11.4354      12.2777        6.105      9.95645
-      0.06439     -9.30228     -7.41669     -24.3451      8.00265      9.29926       3.5493      7.71237
-       0.0644      49.3395      45.3531      23.3204      50.0225      46.0739      35.3483      34.2421
-      0.06441     -32.8186     -28.6131     -42.9473     -8.68704     -5.21037     -8.91413     -2.81246
-      0.06442      22.0923      20.8082      1.40389      30.5601      29.0539      20.6228      21.7163
-      0.06443      29.4737      27.4346      7.58222      35.8838      33.7632      24.6787      25.0989
-      0.06444     -4.49105     -3.11543     -19.8115      11.4326      12.4302      6.36364      9.67972
-      0.06445      28.8945      26.9564      7.27245      35.2998      33.2922      24.3974      24.6253
-      0.06446     -32.7538     -28.3893     -42.3097     -8.84146      -5.2766     -9.01361     -3.32238
-      0.06447     -26.5595     -22.8875     -37.3235     -4.57737     -1.55979     -5.68075    -0.759814
-      0.06448     -43.4322     -38.1277     -50.9297     -16.8037     -12.2737     -15.1254     -8.68856
-      0.06449      16.9249      16.1549     -1.95714      26.4787      25.5401      17.5585      18.5254
-       0.0645       34.428       31.945      12.4003      39.1591      36.6993      27.2773      26.6922
-      0.06451     -25.0483     -21.5539     -35.4808     -3.42139    -0.459683     -4.75105    -0.202714
-      0.06452      13.0573      12.6939     -4.48243      23.8399      23.3476      15.8017      16.9556
-      0.06453      28.5006       26.602      8.13048      34.9244      33.0656      24.2107      23.8218
-      0.06454     -16.6171     -13.9845     -28.1717      2.59879      4.83113     -0.17284      3.36552
-      0.06455     -27.0354     -23.4023     -36.4746     -4.98816     -1.82568      -5.9373     -1.59158
-      0.06456      12.0841      11.7606     -4.85745      23.0059      22.6742      15.2452      16.0299
-      0.06457      7.27618      7.46899      -8.4914       19.656       19.787      12.7729       13.938
-      0.06458      9.99498      9.93729     -6.19872      21.6519      21.5926      14.4034      15.2103
-      0.06459      7.64854      7.82824     -7.95483       20.017      20.1824      13.2208      14.2127
-       0.0646      47.0271      43.1979      23.9229      48.2147      44.8701      34.5883       31.995
-      0.06461     -44.7118     -39.1965     -49.7952     -17.4382     -12.4771     -14.9047     -9.37657
-      0.06462      22.2309      20.9598      4.34507      30.4062       29.296      21.1142      20.5108
-      0.06463     -49.1965     -43.2587     -53.1321     -20.7371      -15.383     -17.4635     -11.7997
-      0.06464      81.8297      74.5652       52.741      73.0703      66.6219      53.3633      47.2909
-      0.06465      1.67591      2.52038      -11.737      15.8687      16.7399      10.3618      11.4824
-      0.06466      3.96033      4.53148     -9.85173      17.4221      18.1047      11.6998      12.4284
-      0.06467     -27.1256     -23.4514     -34.8464     -4.93021     -1.44812     -5.28297     -1.83454
-      0.06468      14.4883      13.9227     -1.03772      24.8229      24.5517      17.2539      16.7833
-      0.06469       25.712      23.9805      8.25456      32.9221      31.6469      23.2954      21.8973
-       0.0647     -40.6265     -35.6733     -45.2648     -14.6558     -9.89542     -12.5687     -8.14979
-      0.06471      1.15992      1.91648     -11.4256      15.1745      16.1379      9.87599      10.4584
-      0.06472      34.3339      31.7544      15.5907      39.0154      37.0017      27.9319      25.5209
-      0.06473      3.04234      3.61732     -9.60089      16.5754      17.4395      11.1131       11.425
-      0.06474      8.50591      8.56645     -5.19316      20.5025      20.9039      14.1153      13.8151
-      0.06475      19.9954      18.8965      4.16722      28.6749      28.0636      20.3114      18.9102
-      0.06476      20.3447       19.202      4.65156      28.9448      28.3093      20.5404      19.0249
-      0.06477     -21.1093     -18.0404       -28.68    -0.746502      2.38133     -1.80908     0.258183
-      0.06478       51.421      47.2118      29.9776      51.1342      47.7369       37.367      32.8488
-      0.06479      -43.526     -38.1884     -46.5228      -16.833     -11.6298     -13.8672     -9.94092
-       0.0648     -21.3765     -18.2892      -28.596     -1.10451      2.04935      -2.1387     -0.36888
-      0.06481     -5.34297     -3.76863     -15.6429      10.3275      12.0596      6.53661      6.78436
-      0.06482      12.0188      11.8389     -1.51311      22.7444      22.9536       15.984        14.65
-      0.06483      51.4562      47.4065      30.5377      51.1037      47.7968      37.4988      32.5943
-      0.06484     -5.23094     -3.57724     -15.1137      10.5665      12.4292      7.02854      7.11963
-      0.06485     -13.7587     -11.2943     -21.9066      4.34154      6.94855      2.26087       2.9891
-      0.06486      63.8302      58.6627      40.9676      60.0235      55.6694      44.5082      38.1704
-      0.06487      3.33211      4.31869     -7.61147      16.8244      17.9713      11.9464      11.0349
-      0.06488      9.01467      9.38705     -2.93689       20.826      21.4517      14.9565      13.4393
-      0.06489     -15.9888     -13.1386     -23.1082       2.8062      5.68769       1.2249      1.84672
-       0.0649      35.4164      33.1184      18.4648      39.5747      37.8184      28.9532      24.8573
-      0.06491      17.1604      16.7187      3.82699      26.5876      26.5787      19.4854      16.8996
-      0.06492     -13.8167     -11.1896     -21.2071      4.29074      7.09256      2.58043      2.67666
-      0.06493     -6.20069     -4.33376     -14.6648      9.73502      11.8222      6.61516      5.98203
-      0.06494      2.51036      3.48698     -7.76864      15.8635      17.1645      11.1979      9.70566
-      0.06495     -27.0402     -23.0501     -31.5083     -5.31079      -1.3308     -4.73587     -3.73551
-      0.06496      19.2847      18.6066      6.00423      27.8521      27.6556      20.3049      17.0774
-      0.06497      6.83655      7.43398     -3.91331      19.0019      19.9922      13.7618      11.6155
-      0.06498      21.2072      20.3634      7.84557       29.287      29.0094      21.5983      18.0848
-      0.06499     -36.7704     -31.8053      -38.807     -12.2225      -7.2522     -9.69937     -8.15035
-        0.065       5.4343       6.1788      -4.7392      17.8786      19.0439      12.9833      10.6434
-      0.06501      12.7521      12.8367      1.30868      23.1853      23.7328       17.069      14.0175
-      0.06502     -26.4999     -22.4664     -30.1006     -4.94254    -0.859108     -4.13987     -3.79916
-      0.06503      30.9891      29.2436      16.2327      36.1207      35.0393       26.859      21.9545
-      0.06504     -10.7282     -8.26669      -17.305      6.29845      9.03541      4.45388      3.22769
-      0.06505      -13.987     -11.2228      -19.888       3.8672      6.88775      2.57623      1.52172
-      0.06506      35.6468      33.4631      20.3076      39.4203      37.9929      29.4336      23.8623
-      0.06507     -12.9295     -10.1713     -18.8434      4.65515      7.66891      3.39951      2.07208
-      0.06508      8.08313      8.74718     -1.82051      19.6439      20.7681      14.7579      11.4508
-      0.06509      34.8574      32.8163      19.8702      38.8133      37.5596       29.226      23.4235
-       0.0651      -68.271       -59.94     -63.1983     -35.0685     -27.0157     -26.5939     -23.2478
-      0.06511      34.8298      32.7346      19.9939      38.6738      37.3766      28.9999      23.0118
-      0.06512     -4.81466     -2.83744     -11.7195      10.3552      12.6943      7.74419      5.25098
-      0.06513     -8.89123     -6.45905     -14.9812      7.30343      10.0403      5.42264      3.19058
-      0.06514      8.72072      9.46507     -0.71469      19.9546      21.1284      15.0474      11.1547
-      0.06515     -14.4787     -11.4125     -19.3451      3.32125      6.61676       2.5221     0.591734
-      0.06516     -4.07312       -1.995     -10.8029      10.7302       13.143      8.25795      5.33243
-      0.06517       10.662      11.3766      1.22894      21.3991      22.4876      16.3381       12.018
-      0.06518      30.9607      29.6272      17.8037       35.981      35.2781      27.4582        21.24
-      0.06519      7.96169      8.98555    -0.684076      19.4918      20.9146      15.0935       10.864
-       0.0652      14.8009      15.1795      4.94969      24.4096      25.2424      18.8514      13.8519
-      0.06521     -33.1793     -27.9826     -33.6314     -9.97963     -4.82375     -7.10964     -7.89017
-      0.06522      -10.373     -7.46597      -15.299      6.18002      9.26984      5.01806      2.07315
-      0.06523      12.1778      12.8961      2.94836      22.3599      23.4654      17.3142      12.2511
-      0.06524      14.4581      15.0048      4.94855      24.0476      24.9991      18.6975      13.3744
-      0.06525      21.4091      21.3015       10.676      29.0833      29.4427      22.5812      16.5228
-      0.06526     -10.7846     -7.61016     -15.1799      5.95251      9.25802      5.17458      1.86943
-      0.06527      28.7537      27.9419      16.6741      34.2251      33.9516       26.488      19.5509
-      0.06528     -52.3791     -44.9876     -48.8203     -23.8457     -16.7833       -17.28     -17.0833
-      0.06529      23.8334      23.5615      12.7524       30.593      30.7922      23.7663      17.0343
-       0.0653     -7.25742      -4.4443     -12.2385      8.36731      11.4369       7.1582      3.14398
-      0.06531      32.5805      31.3453       19.979      36.8951      36.4022      28.7429       21.094
-      0.06532      19.3463      19.5478      9.59694      27.5082      28.2672      21.8425      15.3569
-      0.06533      9.07457      10.3709      1.38138      20.1364      21.8475      16.2479      10.5507
-      0.06534      -3.8488      -1.2381     -9.07307      10.8339      13.7231      9.20101      4.52034
-      0.06535      -15.356     -11.5634     -18.2341      2.49761      6.42654      2.85098    -0.913732
-      0.06536     -4.92472     -2.18085     -9.72567      9.87405      12.8732      8.43387      3.64875
-      0.06537      25.1224      24.8718      14.6857      31.4175      31.7243      24.7094      17.1551
-      0.06538    -0.318573      2.05029     -5.64196      13.2989      15.9553      11.2375      5.79995
-      0.06539       -14.26     -10.5529     -16.9801      3.20802       7.1443      3.64284    -0.667414
-       0.0654      12.3681      13.4387      4.52664      22.2396      23.8031      18.0193      11.2154
-      0.06541      17.3225      17.9273      8.56596      25.8219      27.0033      20.8687      13.5324
-      0.06542    0.0313652      2.31534     -5.41726      13.3256      16.1039      11.4687      5.54633
-      0.06543      22.8734      22.9014      13.0604      29.6515      30.3854      23.7908      15.7557
-      0.06544     -33.6469      -27.871     -32.3998     -10.7525      -4.9146     -6.66269     -9.74719
-      0.06545      19.3113      19.7381      10.2811      27.0635      28.1287      21.8736      13.9066
-      0.06546      12.6059      13.7516      4.94495      22.2732      23.9977      18.3624      10.9405
-      0.06547      -8.1076     -4.89102     -11.6524      7.42469      11.0663      7.23816      1.56075
-      0.06548      56.4652      53.1852      40.5596      53.7063      51.5257      42.1754      30.6353
-      0.06549      30.7059      30.1111      19.8427      35.2924       35.527      28.4532      19.1792
-       0.0655     -45.4858     -38.4607     -41.6976     -19.4074     -12.2791     -12.8351     -15.4958
-      0.06551      39.6682      38.1862      27.2331      41.4253      40.8679      33.0271      22.6528
-      0.06552      32.0059      31.3393      21.1486      36.0558      36.2689      29.1247      19.3166
-      0.06553      18.8069      19.5263      10.6149      26.6655      28.0816      22.1009      13.3736
-      0.06554     -72.9844     -63.0624     -63.4986     -39.1908     -29.5053     -27.6106     -28.2595
-      0.06555     -7.71958     -4.41914     -10.9463      7.29896      11.0735      7.27745      0.59211
-      0.06556      33.7528      32.9015      22.5367       37.059      37.1426      29.8516      19.3661
-      0.06557      13.1203      14.4142      5.98715      22.4006      24.4279      18.9791      10.2669
-      0.06558     -28.0137     -22.5675      -27.118     -7.09194     -1.33474     -3.26409     -8.43951
-      0.06559      54.8314      51.9743      39.6968      52.1359      50.4626      41.4891        28.83
-       0.0656     -52.8461     -44.8832      -47.196     -24.8985     -16.8225     -16.5746     -19.7435
-      0.06561      20.9697      21.4985      12.3703      27.8251      29.2372      23.1761      13.2642
-      0.06562      19.1885      19.8986      11.0283      26.5941       28.209      22.3386      12.5175
-      0.06563    -0.269618      2.43046      -4.7737      12.6109      16.0379      11.8692      3.64234
-      0.06564     -68.4418     -58.8687     -59.6984     -36.3957     -26.8046     -25.1701     -27.4883
-      0.06565      46.2511      44.3159      32.8728      45.6521      44.9029      36.7681      24.1434
-      0.06566      16.9091       17.967      9.17461      24.7062      26.7087      21.1134      11.0634
-      0.06567      23.1945      23.6474      14.5324      29.2833      30.7859      24.7486      14.0087
-      0.06568      2.80611      5.34534     -1.79295       14.714       18.041       13.734      4.69414
-      0.06569      8.18436      10.1375      2.52783       18.486      21.3641      16.6204      6.98047
-       0.0657       -45.91     -38.5606     -41.1594     -20.3923      -12.614     -12.7286     -17.6503
-      0.06571     -9.95502     -6.25665       -12.22      5.20926      9.71965      6.52374     -1.69607
-      0.06572      16.4605      17.5721      9.22941      24.1741      26.3465      20.9302      10.2702
-      0.06573      27.3152      27.3738      18.0886      31.9688      33.2181      26.8798      14.9936
-      0.06574        8.437      10.4438      2.88233      18.5241      21.5496      16.9656      6.79772
-      0.06575    -0.500091      2.36771     -4.32029      12.0736      15.9303      12.0744      2.49729
-      0.06576     -25.2919      -19.895     -24.3329     -5.73834     0.403183     -1.36601      -8.8304
-      0.06577      9.46737      11.3282      3.75299       19.129      22.1359      17.4359      6.75293
-      0.06578      62.8188      59.3919      46.9826      57.4593      55.7427      46.5644      31.0871
-      0.06579      -39.177     -32.3197      -35.309      -15.513     -7.98269     -8.41914     -14.9113
-       0.0658      20.0042      20.8717       12.431      26.7216      28.8888       23.387      11.4774
-      0.06581     -41.0795     -34.0643     -36.7545     -17.1341     -9.40186     -9.67082     -16.2931
-      0.06582      24.2576      24.7169      15.9359      29.4965      31.4069      25.5637      13.0536
-      0.06583     -33.6797     -27.4279     -30.8159     -11.9728     -4.78725     -5.63601     -13.1241
-      0.06584      31.0875      30.8543      21.4915      34.3499       35.721       29.372      15.9968
-      0.06585     -16.1925     -11.6155     -16.5621      0.51533      6.21932       3.9625     -5.28956
-      0.06586      58.8746      55.9891      44.0216      54.3204      53.2826      44.6543      28.6151
-      0.06587     -13.8548     -9.42768     -14.6338      2.26751      7.89194      5.51391     -4.06637
-      0.06588      17.2102      18.5092      10.3983      24.4338      27.2728      22.2216      9.65046
-      0.06589      43.6036      42.2861      31.7788      43.3834      43.9043      36.6669      21.6122
-       0.0659      -4.4872     -1.00001      -7.0316      8.91016      13.8262      10.7135   -0.0873614
-      0.06591      -21.778     -16.5963     -21.0968     -3.61705      2.87688      1.25656     -8.08014
-      0.06592      14.5455       16.075      8.21932      22.3166      25.5548      20.8154      8.04107
-      0.06593      9.31987      11.3703      4.00021      18.6098      22.3584       18.078      5.68884
-      0.06594      31.4791      31.3426       21.826      34.4494       36.283      30.1742      15.8212
-      0.06595     -7.94073     -4.09432     -10.0266      6.15083      11.6027      8.89594     -2.19602
-      0.06596      23.5796       24.312      15.5176      28.6765      31.3448      26.0172      12.0236
-      0.06597      77.9518      73.2418       59.561      67.7284      65.5503      55.6079      36.7333
-      0.06598      1.89045      4.84222     -1.76092       13.356      18.0963      14.7068       2.5128
-      0.06599     -4.45028     -0.91804     -7.06434      8.57249      13.8853      11.0115    -0.757812
-        0.066     -21.6832      -16.396     -20.8207     -3.85007      3.03672      1.62152     -8.72586
-      0.06601      4.03957      6.70998   -0.0870444      14.4436       19.043       15.439      2.63477
-      0.06602      25.0654      25.6573      16.9765      29.5006       32.286       26.928      12.2339
-      0.06603     -32.3277     -25.9809     -29.3808     -11.6441     -3.63185     -4.06401     -13.7199
-      0.06604      8.02092      10.3111      3.03793      17.1387      21.5265      17.6513      4.27028
-      0.06605      3.55258      6.27473    -0.464358       13.969      18.7855       15.308      2.20919
-      0.06606     -14.8417     -10.2879     -15.2992     0.728461         7.25      5.33564     -6.18042
-      0.06607     -8.29217      -4.3455     -9.88593      5.45322      11.4301       9.0501       -3.224
-      0.06608    -0.127775      3.00295     -3.30947        11.25      16.5356      13.4749     0.431391
-      0.06609       22.719      23.5545      15.1377      27.5876      30.8748      25.9023      10.8034
-       0.0661      25.5712      26.1595      17.5034      29.6427       32.765      27.5669      12.0221
-      0.06611      22.7519      23.6986      15.2685      27.6233      31.0189      26.0901      10.7063
-      0.06612      43.2915      42.1834      31.6419      42.2772      43.8893      37.2492      19.9911
-      0.06613     -6.92415     -2.91403     -8.84823       6.3393       12.531      10.2019     -2.65966
-      0.06614     -39.2974     -32.1561     -35.1048     -17.0873     -7.95509     -7.53238     -17.6552
-      0.06615      44.3573      43.1008      32.5248      42.7639      44.3526      37.6316      19.8895
-      0.06616     -40.1972      -32.921      -35.676     -17.8037     -8.50416     -7.93096     -18.1582
-      0.06617       19.914       21.139      12.8108      25.1298      29.0203      24.4238       8.7529
-      0.06618      14.6883      16.4458      8.61183      21.4137      25.8337      21.7242      6.46643
-      0.06619      -4.7798    -0.971022     -7.05976      7.40222      13.6858      11.2791     -2.30003
-       0.0662       26.627      27.3113      18.1473      29.8394      33.3464      28.2869      11.8318
-      0.06621     -35.0674     -28.1588     -31.6485     -14.3965      -5.2772      -5.0695     -16.1014
-      0.06622      -28.046     -21.8648     -26.1316      -9.5576      -1.0366     -1.42759     -13.2206
-      0.06623      9.77084      12.1463      4.36073      17.4347      22.5714      18.9698      3.74123
-      0.06624     -33.7538     -26.9994     -30.7092     -13.7764     -4.63826     -4.46222     -15.8634
-      0.06625       22.493      23.6498      14.6417      26.4292      30.5323       25.897      9.35836
-      0.06626     -28.2754     -21.9788     -26.4927     -9.89717     -1.13056     -1.35907      -13.365
-      0.06627      15.1102      17.0391       8.4659      21.0545      25.9672      22.1086      6.20977
-      0.06628         4.85      7.90386     0.162691       13.731      19.6507      16.6623      1.63868
-      0.06629      30.4269      30.9506      21.0575      32.0122      35.6868      30.5265      13.0008
-       0.0663      3.65167      6.86894    -0.589047      12.8248      18.9718      16.1244     0.898131
-      0.06631     -2.44405      1.35481     -5.64324        8.304      15.0391      12.7402     -1.93271
-      0.06632      -42.131     -34.3779     -37.8339     -20.1983     -9.84026     -8.72319     -19.9332
-      0.06633     -11.2027     -6.54475     -12.7412      1.85467      9.42699      7.85515     -6.13746
-      0.06634      33.1891      33.4493      23.1559      33.6422      37.2804      31.9157      13.7647
-      0.06635      -40.816     -33.0781     -36.5142     -19.3466     -8.94274     -7.86786     -19.4277
-      0.06636     -4.28733    -0.233881     -7.15972      6.69609      13.8331      11.7578     -3.10064
-      0.06637       20.302      21.9287       12.705      24.2889      29.2839      25.1601      8.07527
-      0.06638      23.6995      25.0252      15.4463      26.7032      31.5092      27.1433      9.77164
-      0.06639     -11.7412     -6.80793     -13.0087      1.31927      9.39061      8.04342     -6.15983
-       0.0664      9.49601      12.2796      4.21349      16.5029      22.6437      19.5305       3.3323
-      0.06641    -0.603021       3.2544     -4.04322      9.23667      16.3548      14.1277     -1.21956
-      0.06642      29.5226      30.3505      20.2562      30.7185      35.1899      30.4128      12.3515
-      0.06643     -44.2168      -35.946     -39.2762     -22.1343     -10.9516     -9.40361     -20.9093
-      0.06644      44.3914      43.7261      32.1306      41.1725      44.4071      38.4068      18.9299
-      0.06645     -12.2189     -7.14074     -13.5685     0.762498      9.17363      8.04592     -6.40916
-      0.06646      27.5251      28.5808      18.4089      29.1171      33.9903      29.4989      11.5945
-      0.06647     -1.05755      2.94043     -4.53941      8.65263      16.1963      14.1987     -1.11851
-      0.06648     -10.3707     -5.42755     -12.0944       1.8673      10.2848      9.05918     -5.67599
-      0.06649      8.92168      11.9516      3.45554      15.5476      22.2991      19.4272      2.87218
-       0.0665      16.1128      18.4412      9.26412       20.709      26.8879      23.4197      6.28006
-      0.06651      2.88234      6.56763     -1.43892      11.1977      18.6097      16.3428     0.317805
-      0.06652      21.1872      23.0743      13.3136      24.2245       30.092      26.3062      8.72813
-      0.06653     -7.17084     -2.44145     -9.70391      3.83326      12.3342      10.9817     -4.21101
-      0.06654      52.7007       51.416         38.5      46.5938      49.7686       43.322      22.8019
-      0.06655     -44.2543     -35.7013     -39.6587     -22.7927      -10.798     -8.94178     -20.7974
-      0.06656     -14.4394     -8.94417     -15.7579     -1.74729      7.59014      6.87666     -7.69846
-      0.06657      25.1097      26.6806      16.2148      26.5937      32.4327      28.3965      10.2935
-      0.06658     -52.7947      -43.357     -46.6616      -29.268     -16.3226     -13.7066     -24.8489
-      0.06659      34.5083      35.1927      23.7389      33.1356      38.2226      33.3882      14.4457
-       0.0666      20.5239      22.6932      12.4534      23.1635      29.6395       26.082      8.43276
-      0.06661     -9.10389     -3.91085     -11.3505      1.93245      11.1389      10.0972     -4.90235
-      0.06662     -33.4053     -25.7775     -31.3474     -15.6568      -4.2046     -3.17346     -16.0144
-      0.06663      49.6526      48.9523       35.671      43.7671      47.7925        41.76      21.5058
-      0.06664     -29.6737     -22.3432     -28.1092     -13.0886     -1.81163     -1.03042     -14.1829
-      0.06665     -12.1246     -6.56347     -13.8528    -0.658662      9.06178      8.35663     -6.38615
-      0.06666      38.5012      39.0534      27.0304      35.6038      40.8072      35.7906      16.5687
-      0.06667      10.7539       14.124      4.48096      15.7404      23.5468       20.957      4.14825
-      0.06668      28.6364      30.2344      19.0856      28.4812      34.7491      30.6779      12.2407
-      0.06669       23.905      26.0028      15.2821      25.0423      31.8033      28.1504      10.3196
-       0.0667     -40.4476      -31.847     -36.6874     -21.1891     -8.56219     -6.71071     -18.9031
-      0.06671     -21.0813     -14.4586     -21.1831     -7.58636      3.35164       3.5347      -10.389
-      0.06672      9.28965      12.8816      3.36448       14.098       22.357      19.9547      3.24609
-      0.06673     -10.7334     -5.06338      -12.639     -0.22462      9.89861      9.19424     -5.65469
-      0.06674     0.950418      5.44251      -3.1873      8.04856      17.1774      15.4714    -0.423193
-      0.06675      18.3935      21.2019      10.8725      20.5371      28.1844      25.0619       7.5675
-      0.06676     -17.7765       -11.32     -18.3117     -5.39825      5.56967      5.55461     -8.58967
-      0.06677      25.6868      27.7894      16.7765      25.6508      32.7444       29.012      11.0134
-      0.06678      -2.4412      2.51424     -5.80322      5.52949      15.2376      13.9416     -1.54083
-      0.06679      2.97228      7.38645     -1.53551      9.26109      18.5674      16.8475     0.941693
-       0.0668      11.5979      15.1583      5.66222      15.3397      23.9229      21.4811      4.81004
-      0.06681      14.9366      18.2235      8.36574      17.6912      26.0664      23.3927      6.45933
-      0.06682      39.1622      40.0407      27.8268       34.953      41.2467      36.5059      17.4967
-      0.06683     -36.5793     -28.0394     -33.2988     -19.3301     -6.14321     -4.40506     -16.6727
-      0.06684      66.6467      64.7881       49.973      54.4282      58.3803      51.3129      29.9237
-      0.06685     -47.0667     -37.4242     -41.7262       -27.03     -12.6669     -9.98639     -21.1783
-      0.06686      35.4159        36.69      24.5314       31.872      38.7982      34.4173      15.8888
-      0.06687     -14.8068     -8.41928      -15.887     -4.06797      7.48032      7.43722     -6.48698
-      0.06688     -26.6878      -19.083     -25.4095     -12.7199   -0.0537114     0.911405     -12.0218
-      0.06689      12.2193       15.924      6.00591      15.0022      24.2365      21.8984      5.61022
-       0.0669      17.5848       20.795      10.3871      18.8392      27.7047      24.9595      8.20918
-      0.06691     -34.6228     -26.1792     -31.8238     -18.7164     -5.06469     -3.34837     -15.4395
-      0.06692     -22.2716      -15.063     -21.9384     -10.0179      2.56624      3.20077     -10.0101
-      0.06693      30.8828      32.7973      21.2068      28.0551      35.8949      32.0085      14.1802
-      0.06694     -13.7472     -7.32868     -14.6172     -3.87391      8.08763      8.02753     -5.88479
-      0.06695     -16.6266     -9.91225     -16.9339     -6.07256      6.20479      6.38999     -7.23599
-      0.06696     -6.21658    -0.536913     -8.64438      1.23592      12.6715      12.0132     -2.35729
-      0.06697      31.2747      33.2791      21.6244      28.0567      36.2178      32.3896      14.7206
-      0.06698     0.841812      5.92646     -3.01404       6.1439      17.1954      16.0203        1.129
-      0.06699     -4.97454     0.716182     -7.51132      1.98529      13.5372      12.8505     -1.43753
-        0.067      13.0649       16.973      6.81799      14.8418      24.8778      22.6731         6.84
-      0.06701     0.202293      5.43707     -3.58994      5.54509      16.8427      15.7646      1.17035
-      0.06702     -13.7901     -7.11706     -14.6573     -4.59957       8.0305       8.1359     -5.15928
-      0.06703      37.8545      39.3409      27.0656      32.2542      40.3208      36.0639      18.2045
-      0.06704      15.6969      19.4753      9.22862      16.4166      26.5802      24.2519      8.50513
-      0.06705       11.543      15.7696      5.85246      13.3614      23.9631      21.9921      6.68556
-      0.06706      28.9113      31.4294      20.0859      25.7623      34.8698      31.4224      14.5946
-      0.06707     -7.26309     -1.09649      -9.0623    -0.222082       12.249      12.0029     -1.34058
-      0.06708     -5.77642     0.228077     -7.95964     0.690876      13.0735       12.629    -0.825443
-      0.06709     -43.8254     -33.9966     -38.7794     -26.7276     -10.8423     -8.05766     -18.1423
-       0.0671      29.5987      32.0674       20.469      25.6881      35.0359       31.567      14.8587
-      0.06711     -1.38042      4.30241     -4.22086       3.5917      15.8458      15.0671      1.26901
-      0.06712      31.4044       33.828      22.2812      27.0168      36.3976        32.84      16.1615
-      0.06713      11.2702      15.7453      6.12902       12.604      23.8727      22.0627      7.29113
-      0.06714     -16.9545     -9.66647     -16.7345     -7.79205      6.14394      6.73347     -5.48506
-      0.06715       55.929      55.9439      42.2191      44.4654      51.8549      46.2373      27.6051
-      0.06716     -43.1908     -33.1937     -37.8611     -26.7072     -10.1734      -7.2598     -16.8859
-      0.06717     -4.30821      1.77395     -6.40275     0.908807      13.9666      13.5383     0.503736
-      0.06718      13.4109      17.7067      7.88288      13.4589      25.0361      23.1298      8.59235
-      0.06719     -14.9763     -7.80111     -14.8766     -6.85137      7.36442      7.88141     -4.02504
-       0.0672      37.7541      39.6506      27.7424      30.8589      40.4059      36.4552      19.9491
-      0.06721     -45.5561     -35.2476     -39.3538     -28.8572     -11.6885     -8.51157     -17.5113
-      0.06722       37.801      39.7082      27.7933      30.6538      40.3669      36.4176      20.0309
-      0.06723      15.1236      19.3689       9.5831      14.4767      26.3427      24.3775      10.1377
-      0.06724       18.283      22.2662      12.2667      16.7021      28.3799       26.161       11.729
-      0.06725     -20.4824     -12.6206     -19.0231     -11.2004      4.06941      5.19012     -5.69752
-      0.06726     -6.63146    -0.170404     -7.87494     -1.42925      12.6232      12.5549     0.521637
-      0.06727     -11.7152     -4.71266     -11.8549     -5.21076      9.37348      9.71155     -1.84553
-      0.06728     -30.3035     -21.4408     -26.8863     -18.6496     -2.28903    -0.333405     -10.0684
-      0.06729      31.8566       34.526      23.3466      25.8095      36.6492      33.3192      18.1266
-       0.0673      38.9951      41.0481      29.3171      31.0451      41.3915      37.5199       21.819
-      0.06731      14.1729      18.7366      9.37793      13.2635      25.9191      24.1672      10.6474
-      0.06732     -4.06978      2.33745       -5.358   -0.0167601      14.3721      14.2109      2.41525
-      0.06733      12.5899      17.3364      8.07026      11.7583      24.7295      23.1403      9.97305
-      0.06734      3.00361      8.70833     0.230556      4.76163       18.719      17.9512      5.68747
-      0.06735     -16.4063     -8.74254     -15.4565     -9.26638      6.53574      7.43662     -2.93533
-      0.06736      14.0695      18.7292      9.22127      12.5011      25.6143      23.9043      10.8665
-      0.06737      59.8835       59.969      46.2612       45.271      54.3695      48.8128         31.8
-      0.06738      22.8488      26.7224      16.5221      18.7633      31.3316      28.9754      15.3898
-      0.06739     -10.6792     -3.42263     -10.5998     -5.37325      10.2903      10.7733     0.252302
-       0.0674     -30.4903     -21.2493     -26.8049     -19.7663     -2.25927    -0.110708     -8.80581
-      0.06741      49.6448      50.8426      37.9904      37.5198      47.8502       43.151      27.4072
-      0.06742     -12.4644     -4.94305     -11.8949     -6.99156      9.10385      9.75662     -0.32288
-      0.06743     -28.1754     -19.1009     -24.6202      -18.481    -0.893733      1.10395     -7.55176
-      0.06744      25.5217      29.2055      18.6712      19.8774      32.7129      30.1387      16.8176
-      0.06745      -52.499     -40.9212     -44.1467     -35.9899     -16.0617     -11.9546     -18.2443
-      0.06746      13.6956      18.5782      9.17674      11.1522      25.2175      23.6699      11.5742
-      0.06747      2.32612      8.41962   0.00942777      3.05796      18.2502      17.7026      6.74554
-      0.06748     -10.2226     -2.85409     -9.97742     -6.07878      10.4179      10.9599      1.16766
-      0.06749      22.6861      26.7664      16.6789      17.3871      31.0188      28.7647      16.1536
-       0.0675      7.07877       12.799       4.2959      6.17271      21.3162      20.4212      9.30955
-      0.06751      1.39551      7.64121    -0.348153      1.90756      17.6632      17.2547      6.77903
-      0.06752       -5.256      1.71728     -5.70535     -2.92491      13.4929      13.6757      3.93583
-      0.06753     -74.2017     -60.3135      -61.374     -52.4758     -29.7623     -23.7231     -27.3461
-      0.06754      45.0699      46.9684      34.9883      32.7979      44.8285      40.6788      26.5363
-      0.06755     -36.4971     -26.3406     -30.7281       -25.59     -6.03757     -3.13223     -9.90451
-      0.06756      38.2436      40.9249      29.8422      27.8512      40.7089        37.23       23.884
-      0.06757     -7.57969    -0.229074      -7.0381     -4.92833      12.2154      12.6964      3.55121
-      0.06758      69.4646      69.0629      55.0758      50.1273      60.4018      54.3373      38.4165
-      0.06759     -60.4268     -47.7174     -49.5346     -42.8876     -20.7884     -15.7439     -19.9889
-       0.0676     -19.4579     -10.9442     -16.5256     -13.8698      4.57029      6.06139     -1.79684
-      0.06761     -27.3264     -18.0233     -22.7805     -19.6405    -0.446882      1.72371     -5.36765
-      0.06762      28.0659      31.8613      21.9274      20.0138      34.3741      31.8455      19.9332
-      0.06763      10.4242      16.0503      7.71394      7.44946      23.5154       22.544      12.3333
-      0.06764     -7.65658    -0.212766     -6.86223     -5.64566      12.1902      12.7734       4.2671
-      0.06765      22.8826      27.3025      17.8349      16.1333      31.3043      29.2791      18.1379
-      0.06766     -2.65606      4.32246     -2.67748     -2.22834      15.3753      15.5704      6.83885
-      0.06767      36.0935      39.2221      28.6139      25.4259      39.6174      36.5154      24.3441
-      0.06768     -4.64277       2.6178     -4.26872     -3.78431      14.1799      14.5867      6.22507
-      0.06769     -7.19824     0.304754     -6.36886     -5.81669      12.4573      13.0652      5.03499
-       0.0677      19.0984      24.0111      14.9279      12.9424      28.9457      27.3249       17.018
-      0.06771     -33.3542     -23.1738     -27.3897     -24.7412     -3.90177     -1.02765     -6.56147
-      0.06772     -11.0148     -3.09443     -9.37881     -8.90764      9.98753      10.9454      3.50811
-      0.06773      -22.436     -13.3558     -18.5566      -17.168      2.84423      4.82848      -1.5213
-      0.06774      61.4756      62.2093      49.2353      42.8654      55.4671      50.3131      36.5789
-      0.06775     -21.9737     -12.7727     -17.9513     -16.8256      3.41402      5.41092    -0.784753
-      0.06776      63.6209       64.219      51.1645      44.3401      56.9368      51.6462      37.9124
-      0.06777      -53.777     -41.3293      -43.496     -39.7789     -16.4548     -11.7083     -14.8924
-      0.06778      6.35654      12.7031      4.93382      2.95248       20.919      20.4693      12.0008
-      0.06779      8.24223      14.4413      6.60247      4.22594      22.1957      21.5888      13.0683
-       0.0678      15.7794      21.2632       12.535      9.55814      26.9998      25.8342      16.7105
-      0.06781      33.7573      37.4784      27.0595      22.3738      38.2643      35.5431      24.9444
-      0.06782     -14.7691     -6.14798     -12.0276     -12.4883      7.89955      9.37082      3.18935
-      0.06783      52.2324      54.1387      42.1978      35.3802      49.7968      45.5508      33.4515
-      0.06784     -28.5981     -18.5571     -23.0228     -22.5822    -0.745877      1.94928     -2.84118
-      0.06785      50.5882      52.6911      40.8208      34.0273      48.7777      44.6871       32.891
-      0.06786     -6.52322      1.36444     -5.03867     -6.89081      13.1301       13.959       7.3439
-      0.06787      1.85551      8.92669      1.87684     -1.02084       18.325      18.4447      11.1958
-      0.06788      13.9383      19.7944      11.6063      7.47853      25.8375       24.927      16.6761
-      0.06789     -31.7756     -21.3134     -25.3697     -25.3789     -2.78218     0.208993     -3.89765
-       0.0679      43.2845      46.2518      35.4148      28.2844      44.1391      40.7399      30.0222
-      0.06791      9.31184      15.7467      8.17206      3.92546      23.0166      22.5659      15.0293
-      0.06792     -6.52597      1.50233     -4.56931     -7.51845      13.0805      13.9999      7.98705
-      0.06793     -10.9836     -2.53455      -8.1606     -10.8978      10.1846      11.4626      5.86051
-      0.06794      -16.284     -7.27703     -12.3887     -14.8046      6.85045      8.52342      3.47606
-      0.06795       7.1871      13.8336      6.55989      1.90906      21.5503      21.2817      14.1705
-      0.06796     -3.66868      4.06594     -2.15171     -5.93404      14.8016      15.4884      9.43887
-      0.06797      49.4098      51.8849      40.8055      32.0482      48.1126      44.3068      33.6277
-      0.06798      -31.489     -20.8571      -24.431      -25.951     -2.46281     0.658183     -2.71284
-      0.06799    -0.914712      6.60243     0.228346     -4.26806      16.5179      17.0058       10.967
-        0.068     -7.80706      0.42015     -5.30366     -9.34849      12.1486      13.2285      7.87387
-      0.06801     -12.4783     -3.78439     -9.01715     -12.7827      9.20252      10.6931      5.83788
-      0.06802      37.7543      41.4541      31.7669      23.1756      40.7564      37.9895      28.7636
-      0.06803      1.70675      9.09731      2.74014     -2.59178      18.3693       18.718      12.8099
-      0.06804      6.80618      13.6763      6.85129     0.945405       21.522       21.452      15.1542
-      0.06805      46.8322      49.7162      39.2279      29.4818       46.625      43.1684      33.4142
-      0.06806     -12.4079     -3.53989     -8.47339     -13.0178       9.5912      11.2244      6.81911
-      0.06807     -26.9948     -16.6875     -20.3091     -23.6183     0.317025      3.16232    0.0785524
-      0.06808      53.8487      56.0399      44.9297      34.1623      50.9077      46.8763      36.6598
-      0.06809     -27.0187     -16.6738     -20.2023     -23.7592     0.415486      3.35103      0.47677
-       0.0681      40.0567      43.6893      33.8469      24.0972      42.3197      39.4876      30.7073
-      0.06811      2.18587      9.66215      3.32851     -3.11142      18.7066      19.1559      13.8856
-      0.06812      11.6995      18.2421      11.0637      3.59408      24.6257      24.2583        18.18
-      0.06813     -6.86922       1.5148     -3.85742     -9.82902      12.9787      14.1896      9.84478
-      0.06814     -4.97962      3.22968      -2.2779     -8.57442      14.1592      15.2411      10.7612
-      0.06815      9.61958      16.3913      9.55519      1.74745      23.2701      23.1408      17.4615
-      0.06816     -11.9533      -3.0387     -7.83073     -13.8102      9.75286      11.4815       7.7854
-      0.06817      1.02573      8.69647      2.77796      -4.5399      17.8866      18.4977      13.7327
-      0.06818      9.65006      16.4846      9.79934      1.54611      23.3239      23.2163      17.7659
-      0.06819      -35.086      -23.715      -26.243     -30.5608     -4.66073    -0.947711     -2.37291
-       0.0682     -7.73817     0.859292     -4.14703     -11.1798      12.3706      13.7358      9.93413
-      0.06821      21.3293      27.0212      19.3563       9.5705      30.6214      29.5303      23.2611
-      0.06822     -6.27687      2.16598     -3.06268     -10.2951       13.359      14.6656      10.9112
-      0.06823      3.86067      11.3792      5.39065     -3.06138      19.7844      20.2353      15.6397
-      0.06824      1.06379      8.88986      3.50154     -5.15072      18.0508      18.7432       14.502
-      0.06825      12.5276      19.2062      12.7812       2.9096      25.2014      24.9551      19.7538
-      0.06826      5.71853      13.1002      7.45162     -2.02035      20.9439      21.2978      16.7714
-      0.06827     -5.44021      3.14535     -1.40231     -10.0268      14.0624      15.3923      11.9256
-      0.06828      35.0554      39.5698      31.3119      18.8864      39.4282      37.3132      30.3277
-      0.06829     -1.19804      6.99023      2.12037     -7.11297      16.7919      17.8053      14.1374
-       0.0683      4.13613      11.7999      6.46885     -3.39263      20.1034      20.6688      16.5854
-      0.06831     -38.3611     -26.4275      -27.745     -33.9683     -6.56145     -2.36678     -2.62495
-      0.06832      16.6673      23.0247      16.6103      5.24547      27.7535      27.2287      22.1228
-      0.06833      65.3929      66.9311      56.1075      40.1994      58.4617      53.8286      44.4887
-      0.06834     -12.1539     -2.77304     -6.33975     -15.3293      10.0596      12.0772       9.7674
-      0.06835      20.7764      26.8722      20.3197      8.17986      30.6216      29.8285      24.6033
-      0.06836     -27.5076     -16.6182     -18.6843     -26.6839     0.276331      3.63172      2.79615
-      0.06837     -16.6183     -6.83039       -9.751     -19.0241      6.99589      9.40735      7.59966
-      0.06838      11.8001      18.7611      13.1612      1.26273      24.7752      24.7912      20.5072
-      0.06839      11.5257      18.5686      13.0858      1.03065      24.7187       24.769      20.5853
-       0.0684     -17.3484     -7.41844     -10.1792     -19.7528      6.63097      9.17065      7.62876
-      0.06841     -21.2647     -10.9504     -13.1628     -22.6701      4.11702      6.97404      5.81624
-      0.06842      29.1136      34.4175      27.4327      13.3277      35.7474      34.3162      28.7566
-      0.06843      13.1621      20.0982       14.661      1.89721      25.9044      25.8933      21.8488
-      0.06844      24.1958      30.0539       23.636      9.72831      32.8491      31.8914      26.9373
-      0.06845      53.6922       56.625      47.6287      30.8147      51.4192       47.976      40.4802
-      0.06846      -24.387      -13.577     -15.2714     -25.1523      2.57405      5.84618      5.37404
-      0.06847      6.84089      14.4315      9.87124     -3.02619      21.8703       22.451      19.2254
-      0.06848      26.6156      32.2546      25.9398      11.1186       34.319      33.2381      28.3361
-      0.06849     -5.89702      3.04976    -0.108209     -12.2281       14.013      15.7304      13.7942
-       0.0685       12.674      19.7493       14.978     0.954451      25.6135      25.7434       22.156
-      0.06851     -32.6707     -21.0253     -21.5176     -31.6372      -2.7943      1.21531      1.71781
-      0.06852      54.2976      57.2149      48.6894       30.528      51.5627      48.1689      40.9987
-      0.06853     -15.7001     -5.69441     -7.62976     -19.5581      7.91071      10.5242      9.67635
-      0.06854      16.2617      23.0657       18.207      3.19902      27.8551       27.736      24.0686
-      0.06855      1.77196      10.0563      6.68416     -7.26272      18.8053      19.9503      17.6474
-      0.06856     -9.75786    -0.307197     -2.54383     -15.6224      11.5733      13.7215      12.4846
-      0.06857     -0.93522      7.64553      4.71384     -9.41504      17.0582      18.4248      16.4715
-      0.06858       29.473      35.0375      29.4154      12.3782      36.1832      34.9939      30.3827
-      0.06859      3.67855      11.8379      8.51426     -6.17335       20.078      21.1281       18.893
-       0.0686      15.6058      22.6005      18.2564      2.33926      27.5716      27.6097      24.3598
-      0.06861      38.4294      43.1346      37.0876      18.6296       41.871      39.9833      34.7612
-      0.06862     -42.5482     -29.6834     -28.2476     -39.4405     -8.85687     -3.82959     -1.79423
-      0.06863      12.2239      19.5642      16.0659    -0.455866      25.3163       25.618      22.7748
-      0.06864     -37.4362     -25.0939     -24.0079     -36.0997     -5.75615     -1.17246     0.474664
-      0.06865      28.1151      33.8595      28.9366      10.7499      35.2078      34.2096      30.0562
-      0.06866      22.4858      28.8628      24.6063      6.82169      31.8098      31.3305      27.7638
-      0.06867        5.087      13.2199      10.6181     -5.78297      20.9652      21.9999      20.0567
-      0.06868      74.5842      75.8015        66.93      43.9758      64.5593      59.6981      51.6373
-      0.06869      5.01765      13.2684      10.9868     -5.75419        21.16      22.2942       20.482
-       0.0687     -29.2185     -17.5704     -16.7429     -30.5975    -0.482018      3.53852      4.81473
-      0.06871      40.4077      45.1001       39.579      19.1491      43.0764      41.1408      36.2327
-      0.06872      28.8487      34.7287      30.3761      10.8394      35.9309      35.0216      31.2224
-      0.06873     -6.34329      3.08708      2.18861     -14.4213      13.9182      16.0253      15.4257
-      0.06874     -30.5983     -18.7483     -17.3773     -31.9825     -1.42631      2.72938      4.31326
-      0.06875     -4.57723      4.65732      3.69092     -13.5184       14.769      16.6675      15.9676
-      0.06876      58.4638      61.4045      54.7133      31.6579      54.3451       50.943      44.6577
-      0.06877     -40.3798     -27.4821     -24.9112     -39.1336     -7.37873     -2.29735     0.297762
-      0.06878     -25.5943     -14.2093     -12.9707     -28.8199      1.65908       5.4625      6.74743
-      0.06879      18.7785      25.7268      23.0241       2.9559      29.4656      29.4818      26.8745
-       0.0688      5.74928      14.0586      12.6922     -6.36352      21.4355      22.5745      21.1803
-      0.06881      22.7982      29.4283      26.6937      5.86338      32.2002      31.9354      29.0359
-      0.06882      17.8094      25.0237      22.9113      2.29747      29.1156      29.3098      26.9356
-      0.06883     -5.00153       4.4551      4.46281     -14.1925       14.815      16.9521      16.6497
-      0.06884     -3.53079      5.83996      5.66932     -13.1826      15.7293      17.7305       17.328
-      0.06885     -36.8232     -24.1128     -21.1187     -37.1541     -5.17887    -0.349993       2.2019
-      0.06886     -13.4712     -3.14928     -2.28856     -20.6218      9.32361      12.1428      12.6182
-      0.06887      47.4051      51.6619      47.0484      22.9956      47.5085      45.1791      40.3414
-      0.06888      29.5797      35.7534      32.8788      10.3918      36.6452      35.9054      32.7278
-      0.06889      37.9253      43.2735      39.7098      16.3456      41.9304      40.5069      36.6313
-       0.0689     -40.2958      -27.097     -23.3727     -39.8076     -7.10236      -1.8362      1.30553
-      0.06891      12.2649      20.1727      19.0987     -2.33047      25.6534      26.4027      24.8591
-      0.06892      20.9215      27.9756      26.1854      3.81809      31.0897      31.1331      28.8822
-      0.06893     -12.1337     -1.75769    -0.397713     -19.8731      10.4192       13.296      14.0505
-      0.06894      45.1565       49.807      45.9446      21.0797      46.3131      44.3121      39.9856
-      0.06895     -15.4452     -4.66767     -2.84055      -22.317      8.46338      11.6691      12.7941
-      0.06896     -33.5757     -20.9956     -17.5307     -35.5118      -3.0593      1.68155      4.41448
-      0.06897      7.90745      16.3165      16.0771     -5.88179      22.8314       24.015      23.0866
-      0.06898     -1.33289      8.06325      8.76497     -12.5196      17.1498      19.1541      19.1028
-      0.06899      -33.103     -20.5329     -16.8685     -35.4159     -2.81603      1.91519      4.72627
-        0.069      26.8537      33.4258      31.6381      7.56988      34.7327      34.3528      31.8591
-      0.06901     -6.34238      3.62696      4.93221     -16.3395      14.0843       16.589      17.1099
-      0.06902     -5.88941      4.03768       5.4219     -16.1057       14.309       16.772      17.2983
-      0.06903      66.0413      68.8304      63.6919      35.4603      59.4384      55.7963      49.9434
-      0.06904     -39.2674     -25.9007     -21.2791     -39.9982     -6.40302     -1.01149      2.57645
-      0.06905       23.626      30.6853      29.5203      4.84414      32.7991      32.7969      30.7647
-      0.06906      4.03338      13.0987       13.808     -9.15948      20.6154      22.3074      22.0929
-      0.06907     -9.25981      1.19096      3.19769     -18.6966      12.3411      15.2006      16.2102
-      0.06908      18.5585      26.2379      25.7104      1.16354      29.7425      30.2216      28.7704
-      0.06909      27.4202      34.2401      32.9524      7.51304      35.3775      35.1363      32.9611
-       0.0691      24.0528      31.2171      30.3104      5.03245      33.3049      33.3918      31.5897
-      0.06911       8.6911      17.4178      17.8709     -5.99505      23.6976      25.0916      24.6495
-      0.06912     -12.5129     -1.63386     0.818642     -21.2448      10.3577      13.5723      15.0403
-      0.06913      32.0057      38.4445      36.7528       10.555      38.2081      37.6167      35.1311
-      0.06914        31.35      37.9017      36.3251      10.1244      37.9186      37.4269      35.0749
-      0.06915      -18.267     -6.68167     -3.64483      -25.457      6.86093       10.592      12.6616
-      0.06916      34.6818       40.944       39.155      12.3689      39.9451      39.1639      36.5343
-      0.06917      4.67808      14.0031      14.9663     -9.07574      21.2546       23.074      23.1568
-      0.06918      26.3236       33.499      32.4172      6.36878      34.7896       34.768      32.9436
-      0.06919     -18.9302     -7.20077     -4.03147     -26.0996      6.43434      10.2856      12.5033
-       0.0692      14.8401      23.2061      23.2524     -1.96245      27.5685      28.5544      27.7822
-      0.06921     -6.75133      3.78371      5.80789     -17.4946      14.0408       16.874      18.0851
-      0.06922      12.4661      21.0992        21.44     -3.79011      26.0672      27.2645      26.7902
-      0.06923      41.6636      47.4528      45.0701      17.1987      44.4771      43.2126      40.1726
-      0.06924     -79.9007     -61.8902     -53.0431     -69.9194     -31.6549      -22.528     -14.7149
-      0.06925       19.251      27.2924       27.019     0.929399      30.2376      30.8448       29.788
-      0.06926      22.6916      30.4711      29.9558      3.43439      32.5635      32.9489      31.6613
-      0.06927        21.25       29.153      28.7848      2.34096      31.6363      32.1755      31.0522
-      0.06928      30.4422      37.5201      36.2519       9.0368      37.5493      37.3218      35.3942
-      0.06929      23.0558      30.8701      30.2169      3.70486      32.9282      33.3438      32.1083
-       0.0693     -6.12637      4.68864      6.69667      -17.297      14.6813      17.6085      19.0195
-      0.06931      31.1582      38.2023      36.7931      9.38577      37.9788      37.7323      35.8355
-      0.06932      2.35484      12.3626      13.6293     -11.2334      20.0183      22.2534      22.9469
-      0.06933      33.7151      40.5979      38.9413      11.1775      39.5721      39.1317      37.0364
-      0.06934     -26.1293     -13.2036     -9.32943      -31.723      2.18503      6.87589      10.1409
-      0.06935      17.9242      26.4122      26.1976    -0.324203      29.6494      30.5713      29.9202
-      0.06936      37.0468      43.6993      41.7721      13.3851      41.7321      41.0557      38.7528
-      0.06937     -17.0885     -4.97949     -1.88908     -25.3759      7.89472      11.8699      14.4232
-      0.06938     -4.58761      6.28288      8.15771     -16.5086      15.6173      18.5179      19.9731
-      0.06939      -1.0552      9.52449      11.0399     -13.9764      17.8692      20.4797       21.645
-       0.0694     -20.1073     -7.62127     -4.41828      -27.672      5.87974       10.112      12.9659
-      0.06941        23.43      31.5867      30.7451      3.49267      33.1504      33.6883      32.6777
-      0.06942      14.5133      23.6045      23.5802     -2.92098      27.6422      28.9727      28.8038
-      0.06943      48.7847      54.4952       51.288      21.6677      49.1889      47.6188      44.4328
-      0.06944     -22.9186     -9.96552     -6.55234     -29.7219      4.32121      8.90084      12.1256
-      0.06945      58.8793      63.6033      59.3817      28.7961      55.4328      53.0167      48.9356
-      0.06946     -39.5932     -24.8842     -19.9783     -41.6701     -6.10907   -0.0840318      4.64394
-      0.06947      28.6462      36.5029      35.0188      7.05831      36.4073      36.5799      35.2274
-      0.06948      25.6304      33.8246      32.6008      4.92736       34.661      35.1111      34.0696
-      0.06949      27.8012      35.8486      34.3886      6.50333       36.114      36.4124      35.1964
-       0.0695     -15.3299      -2.9005    -0.460489     -24.3785      9.10445      13.0846      15.7104
-      0.06951      4.63091      15.0328      15.5408     -10.2587      21.3935      23.6662      24.5045
-      0.06952     -42.6416     -27.4641     -22.5249     -44.1753     -8.23478      -1.9328      3.12745
-      0.06953      45.5755      51.9172      48.6464      18.9719      46.9557      45.7252      42.9308
-      0.06954     -41.5432     -26.4066      -21.653     -43.3576     -7.47271     -1.23669      3.76237
-      0.06955      60.3203      65.2392      60.5031      29.5379      56.2219      53.7728      49.7072
-      0.06956      44.6669      51.2734       47.968      18.4611      46.6719       45.611        43.03
-      0.06957      10.7475      20.8251      20.5546     -5.77087      25.4964       27.356      27.7862
-      0.06958      20.4736      29.5808      28.3222      1.16125      31.5441      32.5747      32.1445
-      0.06959      51.8848      57.8768      53.6576      23.6942      51.2476      49.6031      46.3747
-       0.0696      39.0635      46.4484      43.3518        14.51      43.2996      42.7883      40.7251
-      0.06961      23.4017      32.3652      30.6187      3.25178      33.4371      34.2849      33.6461
-      0.06962     -43.0032     -27.3906      -23.203     -44.4181     -8.30582     -1.80455      3.42529
-      0.06963      -18.377     -5.23071     -3.21057     -26.9849      6.91404      11.2685      14.2934
-      0.06964      8.29706      18.8107      18.3223     -7.83647      23.6609      25.7134      26.3925
-      0.06965      26.8838         35.6      33.3471      5.54189      35.3987       35.919      34.9615
-      0.06966      30.9872      39.3571      36.6412      8.62791      38.1228      38.3293      37.0361
-      0.06967     -20.8314     -7.25868      -5.3111     -28.6225      5.61866      10.2672      13.6229
-      0.06968      46.3136      53.1618       48.811      19.4045      47.6013      46.5007      43.8484
-      0.06969     -4.53715      7.47456      7.77218     -17.0338      15.8026      19.0799      20.9838
-       0.0697     -25.3739     -11.2612     -9.15962     -32.0489      2.64172      7.69029      11.4369
-      0.06971     -22.6778     -8.83088     -7.02212     -30.1531      4.18864      8.98166      12.4696
-      0.06972       5.2207       16.287      15.3671     -10.1995      21.6627      24.0911      25.1056
-      0.06973      81.6139      85.1254      77.0888      44.6921      69.6678      65.6279      59.9014
-      0.06974      10.2842      21.0328      19.5687     -6.25348      25.1701      27.2941      27.9865
-      0.06975      4.47223      15.8147      14.7627     -10.5146      21.4371      24.0259      25.1886
-      0.06976     -29.0718      -14.334     -12.3569     -34.5524     0.385437      5.82962      9.99067
-      0.06977      19.9024      29.7334      27.0771     0.495054      30.9625      32.2131      32.0016
-      0.06978      40.6059      48.4295      43.7307      15.3633      44.0222      43.5512      41.5296
-      0.06979     -15.6172     -2.13107     -1.73009     -24.9117      8.82263       13.167      16.1419
-       0.0698      50.3671      57.2899      51.5183      22.3215      50.0988       48.802      45.8928
-      0.06981      6.13095       17.579      15.8374     -9.21976      22.5146      25.0272      26.0877
-      0.06982     -26.0978     -11.4138     -10.3499     -32.3835      2.22329      7.47456      11.3689
-      0.06983     -8.95078      4.02819      3.55104     -20.2019      12.8327      16.6017      18.9586
-      0.06984     -29.5969     -14.5347     -13.1406     -34.9616    -0.156474      5.37639      9.57776
-      0.06985      7.38941      18.7451      16.6327     -8.51116      22.9447      25.3169      26.2258
-      0.06986     -1.54559      10.7846      9.51417     -14.7896      17.4603      20.6286      22.3553
-      0.06987     -10.0285      3.17822      2.59498     -20.8294      12.1763      16.0659      18.5389
-      0.06988      7.57594      19.0323       16.689     -8.33092      23.1068      25.5254      26.4516
-      0.06989     -6.46997      6.48953      5.38859     -18.2763      14.3466      17.9965      20.1987
-       0.0699      21.1663      31.3653      27.6026      1.49005      31.7218      33.0178      32.7714
-      0.06991      31.7224      40.9836      36.3612      9.24015      38.4854      38.8794      37.6909
-      0.06992      43.2908      51.3766      45.6848      17.4669      45.7047      45.1725      43.0101
-      0.06993      29.7389      39.2603      34.7719      7.86375      37.2758      37.9271      36.9772
-      0.06994      8.67136       20.407      17.7169     -7.18387      24.1104       26.554      27.4736
-      0.06995       10.236      21.8246      18.8491     -6.14226      24.9799      27.2951      28.1053
-      0.06996    -0.603704      12.0629       9.9837     -14.0793      18.1078      21.3687      23.1163
-      0.06997      40.8585      49.4315      43.4538       15.645      44.0744      43.8083      41.8789
-      0.06998      23.6719      34.0365      29.6164      3.44042      33.4205      34.6547      34.3026
-      0.06999      22.5489      33.1145      28.7329      2.69659      32.7388      34.0695      33.7863
-         0.07      1.54753      14.2459      11.7257     -12.3543      19.5521      22.6799      24.2568
-      0.07001      46.9718      55.1482      48.3376      20.2029      47.9591       47.236      44.7798
-      0.07002     -23.3126     -8.02762     -8.33081     -30.1175      3.97869      9.25472      13.0534
-      0.07003      45.8974      54.2419      47.3698      19.4006      47.2032      46.5671      44.1705
-      0.07004      43.6533      52.3017      45.5658      17.8991      45.9305      45.5459      43.3759
-      0.07005     -11.4147      2.81976      1.09543     -21.5236      11.4323      15.7591      18.5129
-      0.07006      5.17457      17.7697      14.3897     -9.69793      21.6872      24.5481      25.8543
-      0.07007      47.9788      56.2986      48.9872      20.9866      48.4786      47.6991      45.1888
-      0.07008     -5.65605      8.13598      5.77515     -17.3349      14.9908      18.8282      21.0932
-      0.07009      25.5241      36.1926      30.8217      4.96408       34.408      35.5871      35.0708
-       0.0701      -19.063     -3.90378     -5.22365     -26.9199      6.49675      11.5003      14.9787
-      0.07011      56.0943      63.7508      55.4067      26.9104      53.4881      52.0628      48.8067
-      0.07012     -3.49791      10.1878      7.28025     -15.7054      16.2649      19.9736      22.0579
-      0.07013     -1.21538      12.2765      9.05122     -14.0536      17.6215      21.1159       22.968
-      0.07014      15.4175      27.2614      22.4368     -2.12539      28.0037      30.0795      30.4447
-      0.07015      54.4148      62.4114      54.0269      25.8856      52.5025      51.2789      48.2123
-      0.07016     -25.3213     -9.21779     -10.2736     -31.0633      2.71613       8.3436      12.4017
-      0.07017       78.615      84.2994      73.5808      43.3555      67.6517      64.3972      59.2094
-      0.07018     -28.0045     -11.5589     -12.4286     -32.8838      1.00521      6.89914      11.2156
-      0.07019      47.2419      56.1603      48.2748      20.9777      48.0167      47.4568      45.0312
-       0.0702     -9.17837      5.47689      2.79078     -19.3058      12.7777      17.0514      19.6563
-      0.07021      27.9719      38.8692      32.6723       7.2004      35.8875      37.0016      36.2928
-      0.07022      -36.469     -19.0173     -19.2864     -38.8867     -4.43699      2.17623      7.18959
-      0.07023       24.782      36.0985      30.0753      4.98102      33.8264      35.1885      34.7342
-      0.07024      13.2444      25.7533      20.7649     -3.13372      26.7196      29.0963      29.6944
-      0.07025     -48.7238     -29.9526     -29.2862     -47.5884     -12.1493        -4.48      1.63265
-      0.07026       27.672      38.7921      32.3106      7.12276      35.5226      36.6537      35.9321
-      0.07027     -40.4301     -22.4072     -22.6041     -41.6012     -7.01088  -0.00939467      5.38744
-      0.07028      71.3674      78.2107      67.6011      38.5789      62.9956      60.4627      55.8776
-      0.07029      10.4456      23.5308      18.5876     -4.78993      25.1107      27.8399      28.7487
-       0.0703     -15.5146     0.196096     -2.46283     -23.5379      8.72729      13.6777      16.8861
-      0.07031      51.5243      60.5213       51.658      24.5108      50.6601      49.8916      47.1044
-      0.07032      45.8425       55.491      47.1322      20.5499      47.1875      46.9352       44.696
-      0.07033    -0.464242      13.8732      9.75996     -12.5427      18.2257      21.9465      23.8604
-      0.07034    -0.374268      13.9531      9.76324     -12.5476      18.1281       21.822      23.6637
-      0.07035      14.9464      27.7502      22.0252     -1.60732      27.6332      30.0304      30.5053
-      0.07036     -12.2599      3.34497    0.0681958      -21.011      10.6357      15.3621      18.2572
-      0.07037     -4.74058      10.1167      6.04591     -15.6205      15.2797      19.3739       21.579
-      0.07038     -9.02884       6.3195       2.5531     -18.6513      12.5343      16.9691      19.5253
-      0.07039      30.7238      42.0893      34.7357      9.87212      37.4132      38.4812       37.522
-       0.0704      4.37289      18.4918      13.6181     -8.86056      21.0384       24.402      25.8289
-      0.07041      7.85047      21.6981       16.481     -6.26049      23.2738      26.3556      27.4736
-      0.07042      4.61165      18.8231      13.8249     -8.60105      21.1774      24.5392      25.9338
-      0.07043      33.2364      44.5974      36.9458      11.9582      39.1028      40.0571      38.9043
-      0.07044      23.1636      35.6348      28.8863      4.91707      32.8843      34.7193      34.5046
-      0.07045      6.17034      20.4008      15.2291     -7.15832      22.2579       25.548      26.8184
-      0.07046      12.2835      25.9296      20.0923     -2.75716      26.0612      28.8353      29.5641
-      0.07047      3.92003      18.4217      13.2978     -8.75618       20.705      24.2098      25.6779
-      0.07048      4.81668      19.2831      14.0273     -8.04801      21.2814      24.6989      26.0472
-      0.07049      35.4032      46.8641       38.762      13.9342      40.4475       41.261      39.9365
-       0.0705      -18.632     -1.67877     -4.78311     -24.6643      6.67967      12.1023      15.5667
-      0.07051      4.52343      19.1113      13.7786     -8.20383      20.9372      24.3759      25.7685
-      0.07052      33.1047      44.9328      36.9431      12.4182      38.8687      39.9203      38.7819
-      0.07053     -13.3149      3.22381    -0.500597     -20.7344      9.85555      14.8873      17.8686
-      0.07054      11.8011      25.8384      19.7588     -2.72701      25.5354      28.3941      29.1203
-      0.07055     -11.0136      5.33146      1.33127     -19.0907      11.2035      16.0391      18.7982
-      0.07056      28.1628      40.6242      32.9589      9.00975      35.7219      37.2157       36.489
-      0.07057     -2.23257      13.3701      8.52466     -12.5643      16.7924      20.8935      22.8861
-      0.07058     -11.9387      4.65391     0.653241     -19.6081      10.5948      15.5372       18.398
-      0.07059      67.3192       75.995      64.6688      37.2337      60.2224      58.4283      54.2046
-       0.0706     -73.4154     -50.5191     -48.8494     -63.4136     -27.8009     -17.5804     -9.24681
-      0.07061      16.1972      30.0642      23.3573     0.600452      28.0585      30.5817      30.8697
-      0.07062     -2.76621      13.0688      8.11349     -12.8204      16.2372      20.4254      22.4301
-      0.07063      58.5519      68.2672      57.6109      31.2074      54.6139      53.5812      50.0957
-      0.07064      7.76644      22.6815      16.7209     -5.04754      23.0125      26.3798      27.4793
-      0.07065      21.1895      34.7418      27.5095      4.51764      31.2756      33.5017      33.4032
-      0.07066       30.122      42.8683      34.7984      11.0234      36.8949      38.3667      37.4554
-      0.07067     -23.4118     -5.25188     -8.34735     -27.2434      3.36879       9.4208      13.2998
-      0.07068      9.91855      24.7456      18.5888      -3.3581      24.1378      27.3324      28.1942
-      0.07069      41.1542      52.9344      43.8963      19.1713      43.7891      44.3316      42.4164
-       0.0707      19.0834      33.1282      26.1333      3.46312      30.0134      32.4879      32.5605
-      0.07071      39.8121      51.8548      42.8647       18.416      43.0271      43.7396      41.9755
-      0.07072     -30.3684     -11.2795     -13.8404     -31.8375    -0.967921      5.74045      10.1942
-      0.07073     -7.82404       8.9934      4.26012     -15.8114      12.9014      17.6567      20.0491
-      0.07074      47.1043      58.4673       48.625      23.6641      47.3269      47.4215      44.9295
-      0.07075      43.5699      55.3916      45.9612      21.3605      45.3006      45.7477      43.6173
-      0.07076      22.1777      36.2014      28.7609      6.19221      32.0003      34.2785      34.0624
-      0.07077      19.5868      33.8769      26.6393      4.31712      30.2652       32.767      32.7671
-      0.07078      57.0136      67.5935      56.8562      31.1615      53.6565      52.9807      49.6477
-      0.07079      52.2271      63.3732       53.107      27.9191      50.7535      50.5173      47.6167
-       0.0708      8.14884      23.7629      17.5454     -3.59369      23.1285      26.6652       27.673
-      0.07081      25.7178      39.5899      31.6999       9.0121      34.0042       36.018      35.4316
-      0.07082     -50.4715     -28.9257     -29.8389       -45.57     -13.8334     -5.31992     0.842063
-      0.07083      35.2804      48.2186      39.3437      15.8345      39.6845      40.8501      39.3234
-      0.07084      37.6862       50.465      41.4063      17.7396      41.3844      42.3921      40.7116
-      0.07085      14.7679      29.9256      22.9816      1.44374      27.0785      30.0402      30.3861
-      0.07086       17.335      32.2688      25.0399      3.30308       28.614      31.3712      31.4885
-      0.07087      19.1017      33.8693       26.461      4.62412      29.6764      32.2897      32.2313
-      0.07088       10.325      26.0686      19.4757     -1.53174      24.2167      27.5723      28.2778
-      0.07089     -8.46396      9.17554      4.34189     -14.9597      12.3444      17.2978      19.6582
-       0.0709    -0.556226      16.2895      10.7015     -9.34244      17.1714      21.4685      23.1022
-      0.07091     -27.9444     -8.27545     -11.3856     -28.8792   -0.0279008      6.59506      10.6583
-      0.07092     -2.40429      14.6723      9.20447     -10.5909      15.8747      20.3138      22.0827
-      0.07093      22.6196       37.205       29.421      7.36594      31.5389      33.8827      33.4347
-      0.07094      30.2257       44.152       35.705      13.0664      36.4727      38.2023       37.112
-      0.07095     -11.1663      6.93448      2.30438     -16.5842      10.4863      15.7439      18.3279
-      0.07096      15.7578      31.2143      24.0609      2.73791      27.2358      30.1893      30.3537
-      0.07097      12.4531      28.2702      21.3889     0.367457       25.109      28.3517       28.804
-      0.07098      56.0308      67.5286      56.6491      31.7714      52.5192      52.1007      48.7059
-      0.07099      2.40156      19.3623      13.4591     -6.54311      18.9932      23.1777      24.5554
-        0.071     -27.2105      -7.2591     -10.4399     -27.7294      0.34202      7.03861      11.0198
-      0.07101     -2.04526      15.4134      9.90335     -9.70738      15.9596      20.4871      22.1921
-      0.07102      40.7847      53.9674      44.5076        21.02      42.7541       43.648       41.545
-      0.07103     -15.7531      3.18487     -1.02555     -19.3536      7.44628      13.1928      16.1442
-      0.07104      53.1307      65.1729         54.6      30.0298      50.4742      50.3521      47.1456
-      0.07105      -40.718     -19.2183     -21.0832     -37.1067     -8.24189    -0.318595      4.84193
-      0.07106       -7.277      10.8977      5.91326     -13.1687      12.5023      17.5108      19.6461
-      0.07107      59.1099      70.6807      59.5898      34.5592      54.1209      53.5184      49.7461
-      0.07108      20.1217      35.6974       28.237      6.80654      29.8581      32.6363      32.3736
-      0.07109     -8.45571      10.0336      5.20218     -13.6449      11.8792      17.0969      19.3493
-       0.0711       28.646      43.4061      35.1601      12.9237      34.9715      37.0042      35.9179
-      0.07111     -22.1927     -2.29979     -5.83397       -23.45      3.11273      9.49994      12.9242
-      0.07112      9.82364      26.5467      20.0404    -0.473856      23.0568      26.7028      27.2923
-      0.07113      13.7084      30.0582      23.2015      2.34336      25.4868       28.825      29.0387
-      0.07114     -43.5709     -21.4542     -23.0245     -38.5936     -10.4717     -2.24755      3.05415
-      0.07115      47.2137      60.2204      50.2508      26.4351      46.2449      46.7115      43.8893
-      0.07116     -22.4366      -2.3423     -5.85192     -23.2571      2.77267      9.22359      12.6267
-      0.07117      5.11118      22.4635      16.4768      -3.4817       19.912      23.9983       24.913
-      0.07118      22.6482      38.2571       30.679       9.1962      30.9127       33.526      32.8656
-      0.07119     -13.7707      5.57194      1.36878     -16.7992       8.1104      13.8554      16.4184
-       0.0712      17.6097       33.827      26.7018      5.63987      27.5819      30.6107      30.3997
-      0.07121     -25.9348     -5.27425     -8.28712     -25.3654     0.432266      7.21009      10.8707
-      0.07122      6.00764      23.4596      17.4935     -2.46071      20.2889      24.3494      25.1369
-      0.07123      15.1016      31.6773      24.9212      4.20699      26.0283      29.3345      29.3294
-      0.07124       18.642      34.9482       27.898      6.88366      28.3116      31.3373       31.023
-      0.07125      40.8505      54.9614      45.8616      22.8551      42.1866      43.3409       41.047
-      0.07126     -8.34711      10.7995      6.29032     -12.1764      11.4606      16.8111      18.8786
-      0.07127     -1.44667      16.9509      11.8113     -7.32918      15.6191      20.3948      21.8317
-      0.07128      47.4563      61.0173      51.3749      27.8392      46.2075      46.8114      43.8908
-      0.07129     -24.0497     -3.28827     -6.32083     -23.3836       1.4073      8.12454      11.5443
-       0.0713      3.31439      21.3207      15.8406     -3.84022      18.3702        22.73      23.6575
-      0.07131     -21.9263     -1.33023     -4.51162     -21.7842      2.58817      9.12926      12.3323
-      0.07132       27.652      43.2791      35.4923      13.8186      33.5573      35.8706      34.6314
-      0.07133      35.3829      50.3385      41.8828      19.5622      38.5459      40.2259      38.3102
-      0.07134     -8.68262      10.7124      6.33323     -11.9217      10.9163      16.4101      18.4295
-      0.07135      16.4643      33.3656      26.6839      6.13516      26.5903      29.9374      29.6872
-      0.07136      23.0997      39.4011      32.1645      11.0399      30.7884      33.6004      32.7572
-      0.07137     -14.9701      5.14766      1.46462     -16.2493      6.78846      12.8521      15.3857
-      0.07138      4.61049      22.7568      17.1892     -2.24596      18.9133      23.2869      24.0355
-      0.07139     -12.2346      7.63408      3.62539     -14.2358      8.32878      14.1593       16.386
-       0.0714      8.14201      26.0209      20.1958     0.460215      21.0426      25.1326      25.5296
-      0.07141      23.2634      39.6743      32.5636      11.4449      30.5139      33.3549      32.4234
-      0.07142      32.8164      48.3303      40.3913      18.4327      36.5958      38.6302       36.865
-      0.07143      15.9727      33.2217      26.8621      6.46931      26.0486      29.5367        29.24
-      0.07144      31.9151      47.5805      39.7231      18.0126      36.0544      38.1731       36.465
-      0.07145     -19.2962       1.5741     -1.52938     -18.5736      3.96625      10.4849      13.2954
-      0.07146      7.15094      25.3676      19.8549     0.364741      20.3422      24.5964      25.0433
-      0.07147       36.239      51.5978      43.4599      21.3239      38.5891      40.3793      38.2396
-      0.07148      14.0054      31.6423      25.6412      5.60661      24.7067      28.4232      28.2509
-      0.07149      41.9715      56.8293      48.2887      25.5997      42.1928      43.5299      40.8367
-       0.0715      2.41388      21.3007        16.45     -2.58199      17.4608      22.1939       23.034
-      0.07151      8.76253      27.0213      21.5993      1.97868      21.3019      25.4923      25.7469
-      0.07152     -14.9322      5.71151      2.49282     -15.0071      6.35767      12.5525      14.8671
-      0.07153     -13.6984      6.83564      3.51202     -14.1506      6.93636      13.0334      15.2033
-      0.07154      35.6333       51.262       43.454      21.3698      37.8524      39.7368      37.4968
-      0.07155     -63.5576     -37.9353     -36.5497     -49.6304     -24.2976      -13.912     -7.29971
-      0.07156      30.5361      46.7029       39.424       17.775      34.4777      36.7925      34.9644
-      0.07157      1.83131      20.9427      16.3731     -2.58727      16.6326       21.448      22.1907
-      0.07158      -11.379       9.0732      5.73909     -11.9484      8.31775      14.2533      16.1502
-      0.07159     -1.40423      18.0853      13.8938     -4.79221      14.5164      19.6401      20.6351
-       0.0716      21.2873      38.5425      32.2924      11.6282      28.7383       31.933      30.9111
-      0.07161      17.5879      35.2622      29.4113      9.04162      26.4238      29.9706      29.2799
-      0.07162      33.5455       49.669      42.3719      20.5948      36.3806      38.5997      36.4925
-      0.07163      32.7044      48.9884      41.8097      20.1142      35.8984      38.2294      36.1957
-      0.07164      -13.735      7.22389       4.3768     -13.0539      6.77125      13.0682      15.1267
-      0.07165      21.3932      38.8026      32.7347      12.0372      28.5807      31.8996      30.7947
-      0.07166     0.809591       20.331       16.212     -2.64785      15.6327      20.7035      21.4444
-      0.07167      17.5257       35.386       29.812        9.389      26.0548      29.6962      28.9327
-      0.07168     -50.1015     -25.4458     -24.7553     -39.0559      -16.421     -7.01714     -1.79598
-      0.07169      19.1124      36.8185      31.1142      10.4903      26.6949       30.172      29.1692
-       0.0717      40.8412      56.4337      48.8265      26.2961      40.4892      42.1901      39.3102
-      0.07171     -47.9071     -23.3025      -22.664     -37.1188     -15.0278     -5.73221    -0.713812
-      0.07172      33.9022      50.2855      43.3765      21.4408      36.0043      38.2951      35.9749
-      0.07173     -7.70838      12.9192      9.89898     -8.21399      10.0084      15.8974      17.3081
-      0.07174      10.6888      29.4897      24.8437      5.01744      21.4471      25.7819      25.5202
-      0.07175       25.552      42.8768      36.8522      15.7497      30.7224      33.8149      32.2325
-      0.07176      17.9956       36.139      30.9122      10.5156      26.0336      29.8047      28.8992
-      0.07177      13.0626      31.7434      26.9947      7.07136      22.9753      27.1568       26.654
-      0.07178     -66.3825     -39.7276     -37.1612     -49.8824     -26.9693      -15.982     -9.41986
-      0.07179      57.3232      71.5493       62.699      38.7032      50.3174      50.7273      46.2122
-       0.0718      2.75654      22.5461      18.8401    -0.122091      16.3244      21.4592      21.8615
-      0.07181      29.6189      46.7541      40.5948       19.182      33.0729      35.9269      33.8749
-      0.07182     -27.1948     -4.36308     -5.23377     -21.4454     -2.56947      5.14793      8.13415
-      0.07183      7.65786      26.9979      22.9268      3.53326      19.0939      23.8339      23.6875
-      0.07184      15.3122       33.954      29.2177      9.11192      23.9104      28.0282      27.2252
-      0.07185     -54.1117      -28.506     -26.8139     -40.5797     -19.6329     -9.59385     -4.26909
-      0.07186      37.4104      53.8435      47.0928       24.978      37.5272      39.7541      36.9026
-      0.07187     -11.6814      9.74035      7.58522     -10.0245      6.89547      13.3634      14.9167
-      0.07188     -2.82369      17.6881      14.7436     -3.73598      12.2927      18.0245      18.7653
-      0.07189     -41.8052     -17.3279     -16.6264     -31.4255     -12.1234     -3.07807      1.09143
-       0.0719      51.7015      66.7914      58.8979      35.6022      46.3331      47.4165      43.2437
-      0.07191      26.2929      44.0327       38.571       17.667      30.6004      33.9286      32.0628
-      0.07192     -38.8301     -14.5627     -13.9979     -28.9356     -10.2404     -1.36647      2.53143
-      0.07193      34.3051      51.2698      45.1333      23.4945       35.441      38.0638      35.4119
-      0.07194      13.8685      32.9381      28.8348      9.10988      22.8044      27.2263      26.4076
-      0.07195     -3.23931      17.5748      15.1025     -3.03787      12.0191       17.908      18.6071
-      0.07196      8.27998      27.9632      24.4365      5.20583       19.133      24.0898      23.7512
-      0.07197      21.2406      39.6085      34.9039      14.5148      27.1489      31.0314      29.5195
-      0.07198      24.6437      42.7242      37.7525      17.0813      29.3188      32.9521      31.1473
-      0.07199     -3.54542      17.3947      15.0898     -2.98604      11.6459      17.6988      18.3862
-        0.072      26.8785      44.7714      39.6911      18.8459      30.5867      34.0573      32.0199
-      0.07201     -12.4332      9.43484      8.03397     -9.19649      5.95939      12.8107      14.2587
-      0.07202      13.2643      32.5681       28.779      9.21581      21.8939      26.5861      25.7028
-      0.07203     -0.51631      20.1884      17.7675     -0.54864      13.2978      19.1593      19.5026
-      0.07204     -8.51065      13.0095      11.3567     -6.24631       8.1753      14.7232      15.7439
-      0.07205      13.1608      32.5602      28.9676       9.4054      21.7519      26.4825      25.5638
-      0.07206     -8.44517       13.138      11.6019     -5.97063      8.21457      14.8236       15.821
-      0.07207      11.0767      30.7273       27.471      8.09602      20.3832      25.3457      24.5738
-      0.07208      3.62838      24.0787      21.4669       2.8782      15.7261      21.3677      21.2825
-      0.07209      35.6732      52.9193      47.4079      25.9258      35.7663      38.7118      35.7615
-       0.0721     -50.5915     -24.6389     -22.1428     -35.7623     -18.2644     -7.94574     -3.23095
-      0.07211      33.2565      50.7725      45.5128      24.2852      34.0251      37.1899      34.3925
-      0.07212      3.40113      23.9802      21.5278      3.08084      15.4669       21.237      21.1008
-      0.07213       4.4129      24.9377        22.44      3.89128      16.0541       21.758      21.5264
-      0.07214     -17.6654      5.06043      4.69977     -11.8664      2.18685      9.79221      11.5141
-      0.07215       9.8048      29.8133      26.9256      7.88289      19.2879      24.5912      23.8358
-      0.07216      38.8195      55.9451      50.4698       28.779      37.5229      40.3514      37.0404
-      0.07217      33.9807      51.6944      46.8279      25.5488      34.5807      37.8663      34.9743
-      0.07218      -77.643     -48.7246     -43.3555     -54.3787     -35.3972     -22.5649     -15.5179
-      0.07219      27.3745      45.7066      41.3205      20.7589      30.0725       33.917      31.5234
-       0.0722     -5.50061      16.1835      14.8761     -2.58962      9.55906      16.2699      16.8291
-      0.07221     -8.96959       13.095      12.1155     -5.01225      7.29754      14.3151      15.1492
-      0.07222     -8.70262      13.3175       12.346     -4.72667      7.38364      14.4101      15.2079
-      0.07223      2.66417      23.5961      21.5978      3.41475      14.4716      20.5597       20.329
-      0.07224      11.2898      31.3963      28.6599      9.71708      19.8923      25.2749      24.2841
-      0.07225     -2.93537      18.6165      17.2107    -0.440996      10.9296      17.5557      17.8162
-      0.07226     -32.4582     -7.92056     -6.56832     -21.4839     -7.56948      1.60288      4.47912
-      0.07227      27.5762      46.1009      41.9378      21.6243      29.9692      34.0259       31.534
-      0.07228     -17.0808      5.98181      5.98035     -10.2314      2.05145      9.97565      11.4741
-      0.07229      53.6815      69.6571      63.1452      40.5076      46.2926      48.2087      43.3895
-       0.0723     -7.11086        15.04      14.2044     -2.86884      8.34284      15.4805      16.0931
-      0.07231      53.8802      69.9314      63.4592      40.9119      46.4324      48.3887      43.5532
-      0.07232      27.1726      45.9491      42.0171      22.0513      29.8857      34.1721      31.7438
-      0.07233       6.4076      27.3138      25.3133      7.26765       16.831      22.9131      22.3284
-      0.07234     -5.25927       16.751      15.7964     -1.28135      9.26813      16.3715      16.7791
-      0.07235      18.4462      38.1388       34.973      15.7589      24.0376      29.1282      27.3796
-      0.07236      32.9881       51.231       46.751      26.2758      33.1088      37.0289      33.9877
-      0.07237      -27.302     -2.93575     -1.72254     -16.8103     -4.65002       4.4392      6.75105
-      0.07238     -14.8271      8.24742      8.28537     -7.90591      2.95969      10.9654      12.1282
-      0.07239      7.68688       28.505      26.4771      8.29525       16.977      23.1108      22.2558
-       0.0724      2.43899      23.8175      22.3137      4.66311      13.7068      20.3311      19.9322
-      0.07241      13.0095      33.3766      30.9121      12.3438      20.3153      26.0707      24.7171
-      0.07242     -15.6642      7.61054      7.83274     -8.06309      2.39746      10.6584      11.8767
-      0.07243      11.5536      32.0954      29.8562       11.462      19.3499      25.2904      24.0588
-      0.07244      8.56661       29.453      27.4766      9.44483      17.4716      23.7319      22.7586
-      0.07245     -44.5641      -18.326     -15.3536     -28.5938     -15.9125     -5.10146     -1.37234
-      0.07246      35.9261      54.0481      49.6017      29.0564      34.3161      38.2706      34.7979
-      0.07247     -10.3951      12.4493      12.2848     -3.94931      5.38985      13.3581      14.0164
-      0.07248      8.09749      29.0874      27.1935      9.33172      16.8812      23.3081       22.335
-      0.07249      7.20159      28.3425      26.5564      8.87263      16.4094      22.9751      22.1152
-       0.0725      1.83172      23.5387      22.2521      5.06992      12.9648      20.0014      19.5627
-      0.07251      8.14301      29.2382      27.3514       9.7279      16.9098      23.4521      22.4595
-      0.07252     -4.66782      17.7483      17.0527     0.620884       8.8081      16.4719      16.6014
-      0.07253     -4.66809      17.7493      17.1666     0.646925      8.68815      16.3694      16.4578
-      0.07254     -11.2369      11.8354      11.8492     -4.04903      4.43192      12.6853      13.3274
-      0.07255      45.9483       63.336      58.1208      37.1267      40.3594      43.8088      39.3773
-      0.07256      19.7599      39.8482      37.1011      18.5946      24.0838      29.8393      27.7628
-      0.07257      10.0194      31.1036       29.105      11.6595      17.9372       24.556      23.3245
-      0.07258     -57.8009     -29.9044     -25.6184     -36.9044     -24.6801     -12.2439      -7.4682
-      0.07259     -20.8133      3.31244      4.19259     -10.5456     -1.79429      7.44897      8.85821
-       0.0726       21.056      41.0042      38.0793      19.5352      24.4153      30.1344      27.8122
-      0.07261      51.3468      68.3215      62.6047       41.466      43.5079      46.7137      41.7345
-      0.07262     -12.1774      11.2221      11.3776     -3.87471      3.79275      12.4792      13.1613
-      0.07263     -28.3522      -3.3243     -1.71334     -15.4087     -6.48538      3.57752      5.66351
-      0.07264      31.5791      50.5927      46.6268      27.4555      30.9154      35.9044      32.6174
-      0.07265     -31.0602     -5.75578     -3.95915     -17.2833     -8.30381      2.05185      4.32807
-      0.07266      -22.203      2.20989      3.12874     -10.9585     -2.96385       6.6097      8.06312
-      0.07267    -0.611767      21.6456      20.5398       4.5825      10.5304       18.328      17.8778
-      0.07268      71.0592      86.1979      78.5414      56.1776      55.5391      57.2715      50.4572
-      0.07269     -26.9645     -1.91997    -0.494485     -13.8531     -5.74229      4.43141      6.37441
-       0.0727      23.7491      43.6452      40.3185       22.403      25.7925      31.6373      29.0105
-      0.07271      16.3522      37.0895      34.4542      17.3594      21.2838      27.7918       25.825
-      0.07272     -1.93717      20.6304      19.6719      4.26566      9.73013      17.8437      17.4953
-      0.07273       12.871      33.9456        31.65      14.8223      18.8192      25.7407      24.0517
-      0.07274     -22.2474      2.43653        3.437     -10.1939     -3.17239      6.79737      8.22523
-      0.07275      58.4497      75.0277      68.5942      47.6438      47.2634      50.3843      44.6077
-      0.07276     -59.0597     -30.6569     -26.3026     -36.4215     -26.2707     -13.0877     -8.38978
-      0.07277      16.8212      37.5575      34.7771      17.8014      20.9426       27.651      25.5425
-      0.07278      29.8224      49.3233      45.4048      27.3783       29.259      34.9435      31.7221
-      0.07279      -29.791      -4.2602     -2.61933     -15.2131       -8.052      2.75656      4.82592
-       0.0728      29.3372      48.9023      45.0575      27.0975       28.776      34.5624      31.3518
-      0.07281     -18.9466      5.51537      6.15649     -7.34141     -1.41971      8.53534      9.63178
-      0.07282     -41.0992     -14.4294     -11.7962      -23.251      -15.487     -3.61905    -0.583662
-      0.07283      33.8861      53.0193      48.6901      30.4641      31.3637      36.8626      33.1991
-      0.07284      41.4055      59.9286      54.9652      36.1708      36.3311      41.2652       36.981
-      0.07285     -56.7486     -28.4041     -24.4136     -34.1182      -25.226     -11.8598     -7.43154
-      0.07286     -29.0033     -3.48658     -2.23231     -14.3478     -8.13725      2.84085      4.72197
-      0.07287      4.87331      27.0215      25.4918      10.0395      13.0661      21.2061      20.0821
-      0.07288     -10.0929       13.598      13.4842    -0.514339       3.7171      13.1964      13.4145
-      0.07289      17.2707      38.2196      35.5818      19.1634      20.8175      28.0151      25.7995
-       0.0729      8.06523      30.0245      28.2317      12.7572      15.1256      23.1579      21.7875
-      0.07291     -4.72135       18.517      17.8617      3.62273      7.02978      16.2064      15.9662
-      0.07292      40.8324      59.5196      54.6343      36.3103      35.5024      40.8391      36.5501
-      0.07293     -56.3727     -27.8613     -23.8015     -33.2148     -25.3626     -11.6861     -7.34321
-      0.07294      54.2798      71.6274      65.4107      45.9567      43.7133      47.9707      42.4315
-      0.07295     -29.9654     -4.06691      -2.4239      -14.116     -8.84305      2.67268      4.66539
-      0.07296      29.0158      48.9678      45.1481      28.0502      27.8782      34.3869      31.1117
-      0.07297     -51.5008     -23.4304     -19.8322     -29.5605     -22.5924     -9.17952     -5.32322
-      0.07298     -46.9831     -19.4204      -16.296     -26.4324     -20.0394     -7.02708     -3.60696
-      0.07299      57.4411      74.5277      67.9802       48.428      45.3085      49.4792      43.5996
-        0.073     -56.1054     -27.4905     -23.5336      -32.625     -25.5526     -11.6062      -7.3347
-      0.07301      11.9325      33.6539      31.2496       16.011       16.809      24.9616      23.1383
-      0.07302       8.7878      30.9255      28.9424      14.0376      14.9875      23.4899      21.9683
-      0.07303      20.9808      41.9148      38.7962      22.8769      22.6351       30.171      27.5979
-      0.07304     -16.0137      8.68353       8.9737      -3.5064    -0.499067      10.2396        10.95
-      0.07305      18.1671      39.4092      36.5305      20.9424      20.7303      28.5756      26.2097
-      0.07306     -16.2565      8.47785      8.76266     -3.63327    -0.842755      9.99991      10.7109
-      0.07307       1.3177      24.2993      22.9524      9.02525      10.0929      19.4481      18.5637
-      0.07308      42.9349      61.7794      56.6201      38.9765      36.1841       42.047      37.4564
-      0.07309     -1.96907       21.426      20.4147      6.94073      8.09898       17.857      17.2849
-       0.0731     -10.9284      13.3486      13.1499     0.501302      2.33089      12.8675      13.0659
-      0.07311     -2.54364      20.9183      19.9463      6.53439      7.47916      17.3555      16.7949
-      0.07312     -10.6578      13.6438      13.4538     0.848969      2.40876      13.0094      13.1662
-      0.07313      -5.5329      18.2356      17.5169      4.49288      5.49702      15.7202      15.4198
-      0.07314      15.7687        37.42      34.7366      19.8234      18.7962      27.2443      25.0498
-      0.07315      13.0063       34.936      32.4767      17.8804      17.0415      25.8155      23.8723
-      0.07316      8.78934      31.1874      29.1691       14.959      14.3646      23.5471      21.9868
-      0.07317     -26.4742    -0.486294     0.888451     -10.1575     -7.74207      4.48699      6.05498
-      0.07318      27.4931      48.0391      44.3578      28.5031      25.9218      33.5756      30.3326
-      0.07319     -2.88156      20.7431      20.0815      6.85636      6.92853      17.2379      16.7238
-       0.0732     -5.82785      18.1078      17.7297      4.76253      4.99198      15.5725       15.298
-      0.07321     -28.2185     -2.01364    -0.321349     -11.2257     -9.10572      3.44738       5.1403
-      0.07322       54.203      72.1314      66.2059      47.8333      42.3929      47.9706      42.3412
-      0.07323      -4.1184      19.7085      19.2138      6.22644      5.98339      16.6173      16.2139
-      0.07324      50.8907      69.2301        63.67       45.712      40.3845      46.3674      41.0559
-      0.07325     -5.67279      18.4049      18.1209      5.37858      5.02289      15.8983      15.6419
-      0.07326     -2.44415      21.2797      20.7246      7.62418      6.83544      17.4652      16.8923
-      0.07327     -31.4213      -4.8101     -2.68528     -13.1451     -11.3943      1.71774      3.67566
-      0.07328     -17.4548      7.75717      8.58613     -3.16468     -2.83471      9.10881      9.81297
-      0.07329       41.645      60.9385      56.3982      39.3332      34.2491      41.2083       36.659
-       0.0733     -4.27495      19.7045      19.4667       6.6117      5.59167      16.5553      16.1252
-      0.07331     -34.6466     -7.61665     -5.14505     -15.1646     -13.5882   0.00394338      2.23116
-      0.07332      20.0844      41.5935      38.9512      24.0255      20.5595       29.499      26.8262
-      0.07333      19.7782      41.3543       38.801      23.9477      20.4394      29.4851      26.8896
-      0.07334     -7.77043      16.6173      16.6796       4.3054      3.16532      14.6201      14.4783
-      0.07335      25.1725      46.2281      43.2738       27.917       23.698      32.3788      29.2979
-      0.07336      2.54648      25.9262      25.1194      11.8286      9.54111      20.2144      19.1641
-      0.07337      -17.432        7.963      9.03661     -2.44021     -3.02108      9.39912      10.1299
-      0.07338     -15.0679      10.0598      10.9072    -0.802594     -1.70986      10.5445       11.035
-      0.07339     -8.26612      16.1761      16.4277      4.09206      2.43296      14.1525      14.0341
-       0.0734      16.8944      38.8341      36.7901      22.2054      18.1962      27.8179       25.464
-      0.07341      29.9121      50.5883      47.3919      31.6373      26.3733      34.9658      31.4752
-      0.07342     -42.9343     -14.9241     -11.3542     -20.4858     -19.2528     -4.42313     -1.40716
-      0.07343     -22.2354      3.65568      5.30466     -5.76501      -6.5627      6.53139      7.63993
-      0.07344     -19.0953      6.48997      7.80872     -3.47466     -4.67493      8.18962      8.98933
-      0.07345      22.5111      43.9379      41.4443      26.4212      21.3502      30.7293      27.8481
-      0.07346     -25.9378     0.383493      2.47821     -8.13131     -8.91526       4.6526      6.10463
-      0.07347      3.99692      27.3074      26.6675      13.3445      9.70047      20.7441      19.5234
-      0.07348       50.825      69.4979      64.6387      47.0511      39.0824      46.2489       40.883
-      0.07349     -25.1931       1.1707      3.44496     -7.24818     -8.40936      5.30507      6.74233
-       0.0735      -20.386      5.43653      7.38642     -3.89767     -5.63416      7.65758      8.61339
-      0.07351     -5.53888      18.8254      19.4943      6.74674       3.5623      15.6415       15.259
-      0.07352      17.7981      39.7988      38.3393      23.5382      18.1151      28.2657      25.8202
-      0.07353     -28.3863     -1.71574      1.17142     -9.40097     -10.7904      3.33537      5.00803
-      0.07354     -22.0667       3.9444      6.30702      -4.8712     -6.96303      6.66339      7.76637
-      0.07355      51.2028       69.881      65.5497      47.6543      38.8534        46.32      40.8984
-      0.07356      1.95885      25.6544       25.958      12.5787      8.17794      19.9657      18.9811
-      0.07357     -2.62909      21.5119      22.1865      9.26937      5.16006      17.3666      16.7666
-      0.07358      23.2365      44.7626      43.0613      27.8902      21.3119      31.3539      28.4618
-      0.07359     -30.4557     -3.47882    -0.126609     -10.3688      -12.203      2.44465      4.32632
-       0.0736     -26.4687    0.0161692      2.99481     -7.64231     -9.93597      4.39633      5.88833
-      0.07361      23.1046      44.6341      43.0796      27.8955      20.9893       31.173      28.2454
-      0.07362     -35.4243     -7.98039     -4.07538     -13.9537     -15.6783    -0.405197      1.90309
-      0.07363     -12.3567      12.7608      14.5626      2.55679     -1.37438      11.9771      12.2087
-      0.07364      32.0869      52.7499      50.5351      34.5183      26.4822      36.1198      32.4303
-      0.07365     -4.09927      20.2517      21.5026      8.80559      3.91282      16.7075      16.2529
-      0.07366     -6.69592      17.9016      19.3997      6.92332      2.14052      15.2061      14.9736
-      0.07367     -5.92619      18.5593      20.0463      7.42993      2.49811      15.5339      15.2246
-      0.07368      2.24524      25.9392      26.7719      13.3981      7.61153       19.999      18.9616
-      0.07369      15.8846      38.2233      37.8293      23.2702      16.1629      27.4534      25.2193
-       0.0737       34.802      55.2688      53.1589      36.9086      28.0097      37.7652      33.8673
-      0.07371     -42.4662     -14.2132      -9.1171     -18.3658     -20.3756     -3.97602    -0.991615
-      0.07372       20.207      42.0937      41.4184      26.4267      18.6311      29.7228      27.1086
-      0.07373      21.6217      43.4202        42.71      27.5535      19.5569      30.5874      27.8633
-      0.07374     -28.3567     -1.53007      2.41881     -8.19482     -11.7902      3.56086       5.2887
-      0.07375      4.63955      28.1282      29.0727      15.4266      8.72051       21.291      20.0604
-      0.07376     -6.52146      18.0938      20.1398      7.50808      1.71322      15.3172      15.1012
-      0.07377       3.5144      27.1245      28.2938      14.7456      7.93114       20.702       19.581
-      0.07378     -8.39544      16.4265      18.7632      6.27951     0.448589      14.2978      14.2451
-      0.07379     0.877941      24.7397       26.245      12.9449      6.18131       19.285      18.4106
-       0.0738      5.21384      28.6948      29.9995      16.2211      8.92066      21.7326      20.4866
-      0.07381     -1.44193      22.6827      24.7344       11.479      4.67792      18.1032      17.4494
-      0.07382      3.33856      26.9942      28.6601      14.9582      7.62378      20.7019       19.642
-      0.07383      18.2314       40.414      40.7588      25.7087       16.923      28.7768      26.3778
-      0.07384     -32.6717     -5.36573    -0.258466     -10.6858     -14.9687      1.28733      3.42485
-      0.07385     -3.78302      20.5674      23.0528       9.9245      2.92055      16.7446      16.2918
-      0.07386     -11.9839      13.2018       16.503       4.1451     -2.24227      12.3444      12.6423
-      0.07387      13.0214      35.7231      36.7794      22.1635      13.4223      25.9288      23.9981
-      0.07388     -20.8563      5.24367      9.51608     -2.01486     -7.79715      7.67131       8.7692
-      0.07389     -5.39508      19.1603       22.053      9.10083      1.80979      15.9938      15.7055
-       0.0739      20.9294       42.855      43.3962      28.0796      18.3176      30.3044      27.6958
-      0.07391      -13.353      12.0202      15.8035      3.57083     -3.17733      11.8232      12.2894
-      0.07392       39.733       59.775      58.7443      41.7482      30.0496      40.5699      36.3087
-      0.07393      38.2839      58.5199      57.7723      40.9155      29.2761       40.022       35.925
-      0.07394     -34.7695     -7.21546     -1.21533     -11.4114     -16.5524     0.475633      2.87995
-      0.07395     -32.2419     -4.99501     0.747897     -9.74296     -15.2686      1.56833      3.69886
-      0.07396      -33.919     -6.54468    -0.622954     -11.0332     -16.5576     0.485246       2.7449
-      0.07397      -29.547     -2.60614      2.97967     -7.84595     -13.8723      2.85584      4.72429
-      0.07398      31.9368      52.7264      52.7191      36.3059      24.6346      36.1776      32.5908
-      0.07399      40.9851      60.8956      60.1434      42.9421      30.4062       41.284      36.9576
-        0.074     -32.3215     -5.05999      1.04834     -9.45588     -15.4913      1.72994      3.94761
-      0.07401      -30.393     -3.34629      2.65266     -8.10679     -14.4223       2.6153      4.61376
-      0.07402    -0.735531      23.3431      26.6634      13.1479      4.04162       18.583       17.925
-      0.07403     -52.8217      -23.554     -15.4044      -24.211     -28.6767     -9.61126     -5.62022
-      0.07404      18.4362      40.5522      42.1859      26.8465      15.8425      28.8822       26.512
-      0.07405      18.0162      40.2205      42.0301      26.7301      15.7005      28.8689      26.6092
-      0.07406      16.8461      39.1383      41.1276      25.9903      14.9688      28.2885      26.1572
-      0.07407     -18.7002      7.20287      12.5038     0.695819     -7.23635      9.18384      10.2187
-      0.07408      24.1469      45.7136      47.0238      31.3433      19.4211      32.2206      29.4302
-      0.07409      1.86263      25.6951      29.2102      15.4776      5.47557      20.2473      19.4527
-       0.0741      35.7529      56.2161        56.73      39.8654      26.7142      38.6621      34.8504
-      0.07411      31.0153      51.9692      53.0384      36.5645      23.7398      36.1673      32.8037
-      0.07412     -47.4805     -18.7025     -10.3174     -19.6827     -25.5455     -6.38376     -2.78043
-      0.07413       5.2456      28.7001      32.2063      17.9855      7.20222      21.8938      20.7718
-      0.07414       -23.96      2.41461       8.6916     -2.86341     -11.1076      6.11989       7.6019
-      0.07415       54.534      73.0285      72.1241      53.4215       37.998      48.5949      43.0965
-      0.07416     -37.6463     -9.90303      -2.1659     -12.5255     -19.6371     -1.09228       1.6482
-      0.07417     -3.01067      21.2239      25.7945      12.2604      1.82137      17.4449      17.0885
-      0.07418      4.90419      28.3782      32.3175       18.084       6.8033      21.7873      20.7213
-      0.07419     -56.0509     -26.4937     -16.9087     -25.5965     -31.5126     -11.2863     -6.94285
-       0.0742      29.6525      50.5948      52.2859        35.81      22.0412      34.9797      31.6673
-      0.07421     -25.1233      1.28858      8.14243     -3.33637     -12.2412       5.4667      7.07429
-      0.07422     -21.6156      4.45171       11.023    -0.802068     -10.1398      7.29226      8.55363
-      0.07423     -17.0888      8.47197      14.6715      2.41214     -7.42042      9.68965      10.5694
-      0.07424     -13.2634      11.9172      17.8263      5.20966     -5.05903      11.7784      12.3312
-      0.07425      4.53847      27.9459      32.2772      18.0552      6.07524      21.4354      20.4114
-      0.07426      23.2123      44.7584      47.4307      31.5878      17.8198      31.6734      28.9911
-      0.07427     0.876028      24.7084      29.5738      15.6806      3.89163      19.7102      19.0458
-      0.07428      45.9391      65.2111      65.9683      47.9932      32.0422      44.0947      39.4391
-      0.07429      9.25609      32.2409         36.4      21.8171      9.06074      24.3175      22.9476
-       0.0743      30.8305      51.6337      53.8171      37.2853      22.4941      35.9814       32.678
-      0.07431     -43.5795     -15.3012     -6.19215     -15.9577     -24.1387      -4.2754    -0.964294
-      0.07432      -24.123      2.11645       9.4469     -2.17071     -12.2639      5.93896      7.46699
-      0.07433      22.1855      43.7422      46.8616      31.1018      16.7357      31.0206      28.4275
-      0.07434       31.577      52.2546      54.6287      38.0117      22.6905      36.3497      32.9739
-      0.07435      -16.758      8.76123      15.6139       3.3805     -7.63379      10.2279      11.1752
-      0.07436     -22.1556      3.84389      11.2315    -0.590298     -11.2739      7.05375      8.44694
-      0.07437      37.3834      57.4224      59.3736      42.1486      25.9933      39.3398      35.4293
-      0.07438     -8.82435      15.8507      22.1633      9.16778        -2.89      14.4578      14.6849
-      0.07439     -24.6793      1.56278      9.35868      -2.1891     -12.9802      5.72768      7.34015
-       0.0744     -29.4421     -2.74458      5.51231     -5.62247     -16.1374      3.03676      5.03773
-      0.07441       48.306      67.1601       68.342       50.146      32.5542      45.1859      40.2882
-      0.07442     -17.9872      7.56223      14.9843      2.84458     -8.82448        9.536      10.6018
-      0.07443      5.65234      28.8105      34.0401      19.7524      5.84344      22.2245      21.1685
-      0.07444      16.9699      38.9964      43.2592        27.94      12.9266      28.4085      26.3545
-      0.07445      36.5225      56.6422      59.1611      42.0753      25.2073      39.0902      35.3156
-      0.07446     -9.52404      15.1995      22.0484       9.1727     -3.65207      14.2283      14.5674
-      0.07447      -19.014      6.60496      14.3691      2.28415     -9.77716      8.94403      10.1052
-      0.07448      17.2989      39.2635      43.7381      28.3703      12.9395      28.6129      26.5416
-      0.07449      38.1843      58.0612      60.7031      43.4725      26.0979      40.0728      36.1722
-       0.0745     -41.3708     -13.4999     -3.43349     -13.4256     -23.7062     -2.88962     0.305505
-      0.07451      9.25821      31.9828      37.3615      22.7078      7.72739      24.2428      22.9078
-      0.07452     -8.60102      15.8974      22.9759      9.95345     -3.50729      14.6028      14.8519
-      0.07453     -1.38011      22.3936      28.8581      15.1722     0.976465      18.5245      18.1229
-      0.07454      16.9277      38.8498      43.7072      28.3867      12.4305       28.475      26.4599
-      0.07455     -20.5014      5.16493      13.5588       1.6426     -11.0253      8.28025      9.61536
-      0.07456      23.0724      44.3672      48.7749      32.9023      16.1726      31.8029      29.2566
-      0.07457     -57.8364     -28.4228     -16.4586     -24.9822     -34.5028     -11.9201      -7.2527
-      0.07458      18.0748      39.8345      44.8318      29.3548      12.8316      28.9664      26.8436
-      0.07459     -19.0737      6.40862      14.9346      2.86014      -10.353      9.03105      10.2537
-       0.0746      15.2507      37.2789      42.6747      27.5086      11.0774      27.5611      25.7326
-      0.07461      44.3721      63.5506      66.3211      48.5463      29.4594       43.473      39.0967
-      0.07462     -1.95878       21.826      29.0229      15.4172     0.434728      18.5688      18.3202
-      0.07463     -7.68677      16.5858      24.3522      11.2662     -3.30122      15.3409      15.5778
-      0.07464      22.1587      43.4183      48.4742      32.6839      15.3454      31.4796       29.059
-      0.07465      17.9889      39.6719      45.1606      29.7289      12.6972      29.2869      27.2463
-      0.07466     -29.1904     -2.80911      7.11784     -4.06823      -16.908      3.76211      5.93138
-      0.07467      30.9707      51.2963       55.704      39.0089      20.6457      36.1926      32.9963
-      0.07468      12.8801      35.0472      41.2134      26.1976      9.37905      26.5977      25.0429
-      0.07469     -38.8089     -11.4967    -0.526638      -10.825     -23.0686     -1.42854      1.61071
-       0.0747      23.0597      44.1322      49.4052      33.4325      15.4609      31.8914      29.4019
-      0.07471     -20.0017      5.37699      14.7093      2.64564     -11.4658      8.70923      10.0785
-      0.07472     0.391288      23.6779      31.1968      17.2645       1.2074      19.6761      19.2176
-      0.07473     -50.3934     -22.0044     -9.76139     -19.0414     -30.5882     -7.72628     -3.65458
-      0.07474       48.344      66.7557      69.9349       51.649      31.0965      45.5975      40.8751
-      0.07475     -22.0123      3.53866      13.3186      1.45762     -12.7813      7.81538      9.39901
-      0.07476      14.8953      36.6973      43.1567      27.8979      10.2504      27.7201      26.0163
-      0.07477     -24.7908     0.959283      11.1315    -0.544626     -14.6908      6.22223      8.05521
-      0.07478      34.8065      54.5414      59.2556      42.1233      22.5423       38.438      34.9631
-      0.07479     -55.7799     -26.9356     -13.7839     -22.6904     -34.1541     -10.5075     -5.90219
-       0.0748     -23.1759      2.31291      12.4839     0.604894     -13.9657      6.90963      8.56936
-      0.07481     -32.8475     -6.39906      4.70204     -6.31594     -20.0998      1.64953      4.17718
-      0.07482      1.18733       24.187      32.2035      18.0698      1.15609      20.0647      19.5743
-      0.07483      23.2035        44.02      50.1508      34.0032      15.0173      32.1638      29.7436
-      0.07484     -6.76094      17.0736      26.0777      12.6599     -3.64478      16.0878      16.3658
-      0.07485     -3.56357      19.9122      28.6441      14.9742     -1.69237      17.8176      17.8144
-      0.07486     -13.6254      10.8294      20.5202      7.74119     -8.07018      12.3464      13.2345
-      0.07487     -14.1765      10.2916      20.1198      7.35782     -8.53008      11.9424      12.8812
-      0.07488     -14.4337      10.0426      19.9322      7.17425     -8.79197      11.7274      12.6535
-      0.07489      37.6635      56.8604      62.0507      44.5012      23.8104      39.9402      36.2471
-       0.0749     -6.83383       16.849      26.2749      12.7575     -3.92585      16.0872      16.3984
-      0.07491     -41.3092     -14.1772     -1.52699     -11.9242     -25.6325     -2.66143     0.697287
-      0.07492     0.842569      23.6857      32.5072      18.2585      0.61948      20.0231      19.6153
-      0.07493      61.3415      78.1083      81.4437      61.7171      38.6213      52.9374      47.1764
-      0.07494      -45.333     -17.8377     -4.53754     -14.5595     -28.0582     -4.59555    -0.816259
-      0.07495     -46.2474     -18.7627      -5.3855     -15.3996     -28.9148     -5.35064     -1.55812
-      0.07496      43.9732      62.3874      67.4991      49.2414      27.5514      43.4663      39.2349
-      0.07497       24.433      44.8654        51.91      35.4841      15.4827      33.1558      30.7221
-      0.07498     -17.3669      7.18366      18.1511      5.55069     -10.7626      10.4884      11.7502
-      0.07499      25.3945      45.6158      52.7325       36.141      15.9124      33.5546      30.9972
-        0.075     -7.04575      16.4493      26.6001      12.9627      -4.3704      16.0944      16.4448
-      0.07501     -21.4427      3.43932      14.9959       2.6571     -13.4588      8.23747       9.8603
-      0.07502      66.9666      82.9682      86.4693      66.1083      41.8888      56.1303      49.8856
-      0.07503     -8.42401      15.1826      25.7554      12.2624     -5.16546      15.5736      16.1084
-      0.07504     -28.0905     -2.59943      9.83289     -1.95821      -17.676      4.72641       6.9715
-      0.07505     -12.2899      11.5608      22.5839      9.32975      -7.9133      13.1592       13.969
-      0.07506      7.91474      29.6503      38.8423      23.6495       4.5358       23.969       22.978
-      0.07507      4.59727      26.6604      36.2571      21.3659      2.45961      22.2468      21.5714
-      0.07508     -8.08539      15.2491      26.1158      12.3233     -5.48695      15.4367       15.911
-      0.07509     -40.9635     -14.3384    -0.339138     -11.1852     -26.1175     -2.36613      1.01461
-       0.0751     -13.0394      10.6671      22.1366      8.64931     -8.88469      12.4738      13.3113
-      0.07511      36.1793      54.9006       61.901      43.9535      21.9629      39.1921       35.677
-      0.07512      19.5049      39.9617      48.6936      32.2143      11.7124      30.4394      28.4508
-      0.07513     -29.5959     -4.25686      9.02713     -2.95824     -19.0922      3.85798      6.24826
-      0.07514       31.783      50.9022      58.5677      40.9436      19.1993      36.9382      33.8564
-      0.07515      9.53469      30.9179      40.7504        25.12       5.3741      25.0709      24.0058
-      0.07516     -38.0172     -11.8945      2.40131     -8.97095     -24.4871    -0.709269      2.44195
-      0.07517     -13.9613      9.68634      21.8017      8.15632     -9.61155       12.126      13.1171
-      0.07518      10.9443      32.0312      41.9235       25.955      5.94942      25.5947       24.371
-      0.07519      -15.173      8.52815      20.9337      7.42943     -10.3682      11.5398      12.6644
-       0.0752     -17.9829      5.95622      18.6756      5.41688     -12.2131      9.96476      11.3273
-      0.07521      36.4334      54.9004      62.6888       44.478      21.8925      39.4854      36.0056
-      0.07522      6.54857      28.0333      38.6625      23.2067      3.29635      23.5167       22.734
-      0.07523     -1.48143      20.7706        32.22      17.4585     -1.77617      19.1333      19.0759
-      0.07524      49.7414      66.8086      73.5983      54.1678      30.2601       46.846      42.2363
-      0.07525     -24.6776    -0.133663       13.606     0.967619     -16.2462      6.72398       8.7618
-      0.07526      17.9341      38.1299      48.0081      31.4287      10.2584      29.6172      27.8418
-      0.07527     -27.7014      -2.9614      11.2121     -1.28314     -18.3606      4.92499      7.20676
-      0.07528      8.95794      29.9841      40.8332      25.0087      4.52934      24.6867      23.6823
-      0.07529     -1.74933       20.337      32.2814      17.4279     -2.13108      18.9899       18.966
-       0.0753      30.4694      49.2988      58.3532      40.5221      18.0103      36.4123      33.5213
-      0.07531     0.971754      22.7694      34.5636      19.4811    -0.424924      20.5604      20.3234
-      0.07532     -27.6954     -3.08716      11.3932     -1.10599     -18.4371      4.98404      7.28901
-      0.07533     -28.9088     -4.24889       10.465      -2.0077     -19.3603      4.14775      6.53388
-      0.07534     -17.7804      5.73494      19.4293      5.97172     -12.4432       10.137      11.5331
-      0.07535      11.7782      32.3051      43.4025      27.2423      6.13287      26.2303      25.0068
-      0.07536      29.7218       48.457      57.9914      40.1822      17.4281      36.0547      33.2751
-      0.07537      5.33665      26.5131      38.3904      22.8572      2.27466      23.0101        22.42
-      0.07538     -14.4064      8.70645       22.532      8.83441     -10.1322      12.2849       13.443
-      0.07539     -23.1338     0.802921      15.4685       2.6036     -15.6791      7.46141      9.38261
-       0.0754     -37.9209      -12.546      3.52835     -8.04505     -25.0771    -0.669879      2.55452
-      0.07541      7.00047       27.833      39.8136      24.1153      3.04533      23.5775      22.7769
-      0.07542      13.2618      33.4864      45.0092      28.7681       7.0488      27.1665      25.8752
-      0.07543      46.3574      63.2435      71.8026      52.5536      27.7477      45.1907      40.9708
-      0.07544     -59.0944     -31.6486     -13.2509     -22.9393     -38.2542     -11.7943     -6.61285
-      0.07545      38.1376      55.7298       65.176      46.5523      22.4555      40.5757      37.0622
-      0.07546     -6.66222      15.4904      29.2077      14.6935     -5.39852      16.5808      17.1037
-      0.07547     -6.54306      15.5015      29.3095      14.7497        -5.44      16.5384      17.0484
-      0.07548      15.8984      35.6917      47.4829      30.9068      8.60697      28.6885      27.2074
-      0.07549     -33.8192     -9.06915      7.32269     -4.63522     -22.4874      1.86802      4.83218
-       0.0755      15.2814      35.0528      46.9306       30.539      8.18802      28.3566      26.9401
-      0.07551    -0.977529      20.4189      33.8648       18.985      -1.9785      19.6047      19.6543
-      0.07552     -13.8805       8.8038      23.5601      9.85005     -10.0393      12.6562      13.8494
-      0.07553     -7.18219      14.8038      28.9916       14.664      -5.8637      16.3006      16.9075
-      0.07554     -35.2103     -10.4907      6.28552     -5.43796     -23.4693      1.06185      4.16121
-      0.07555      39.5107       56.714      66.6879      48.3432      23.3042      41.4795      37.9339
-      0.07556      15.6127      35.2382      47.5206      31.4522      8.55018      28.8176      27.4365
-      0.07557     -18.8933      4.17195      19.6958      6.80939     -13.0595      10.1746      11.8777
-      0.07558     -46.4347     -20.6902     -2.58585     -12.9408     -30.4417     -4.87292    -0.735399
-      0.07559      63.2258      77.8993      85.9219      65.6302      38.1431      54.3431      48.7137
-       0.0756     -19.5429      3.50584      19.2716      6.56427      -13.495      9.80858      11.5827
-      0.07561      4.15266      24.7392      38.3648       23.582       1.2156      22.4976      22.1434
-      0.07562     -15.7588      6.79352      22.2945      9.44427       -11.24      11.7493      13.1737
-      0.07563     -30.5813     -6.57569        10.34     -1.10345     -20.5471      3.63615      6.39493
-      0.07564      23.1828      41.7561      53.7553      37.4699      13.0611      32.7228      30.6983
-      0.07565      3.84504      24.3798      38.2786      23.8535      1.13439      22.4324      22.1828
-      0.07566      18.2094      37.2586      49.8918      34.1912      10.0745      30.1442      28.6203
-      0.07567     -24.8248     -1.44246      15.2739      3.56779     -16.7526      6.99851      9.32479
-      0.07568     -26.9089     -3.41176      13.4831      2.00334     -18.2649      5.61806      8.09068
-      0.07569      1.56077      22.1548      36.4805      22.4609    -0.483111      20.9454      20.8715
-       0.0757      31.6353       49.195      60.8661      44.2128      18.3912      37.2923      34.5514
-      0.07571     -15.9459      6.41076      22.5316      10.3922     -11.2035      11.7346      13.2481
-      0.07572     -1.34454       19.475      34.2513      20.9053     -2.14806      19.5154       19.728
-      0.07573      -58.545     -32.0192     -11.9379     -19.9375     -38.0224      -11.486     -6.17206
-      0.07574       45.902      61.8918      72.3426      54.8301      27.3193      44.9312      40.9398
-      0.07575     -40.7161     -16.0131      2.54115     -6.96033     -26.7412     -1.67891      2.09955
-      0.07576      47.3275      63.1745      73.6425       56.245      28.4479      45.9675      41.8874
-      0.07577     -30.2615     -6.63956      11.0658     0.835643     -19.9382      4.15739      7.03253
-      0.07578      61.6644      76.0403      85.3205      66.8101      37.4834      53.7888      48.4746
-      0.07579     -54.3596     -28.3386     -8.28066     -16.0835     -35.0541     -8.81985     -3.76343
-       0.0758      54.4405       69.464      79.4885       61.866       32.931      49.8346      45.1723
-      0.07581     -16.3189      5.79872      22.4723      11.4375     -11.2039      11.7711      13.4585
-      0.07582      -40.299     -15.7902      3.07613     -5.63904     -26.3061      -1.3429      2.44851
-      0.07583     -11.9333      9.64696      25.9274      14.7841     -8.65723       13.843      15.0911
-      0.07584      34.4439        51.35      63.3872       48.136      20.4931      39.0518      36.2033
-      0.07585      21.4972      39.7473      53.0871      39.1371       12.589      32.2755      30.6296
-      0.07586     -40.8766     -16.4094      2.71448     -5.31587     -26.4531     -1.46991      2.44383
-      0.07587      54.4338      69.2909      79.6366      63.0415      33.1589      49.9825      45.4001
-      0.07588     -49.2002      -23.941     -3.92831     -11.0008     -31.5815     -5.91502     -1.22927
-      0.07589     -32.4438     -8.92238       9.5387        1.095     -21.2614      2.91936      6.06096
-       0.0759      12.4937      31.4728      45.8184      33.4761      6.91471       27.209      26.3684
-      0.07591     -14.2413       7.4104      24.2753      14.5065     -9.66852      12.9087       14.483
-      0.07592     -3.39295       17.144      33.0892       22.372     -2.94129      18.7044      19.3179
-      0.07593     -11.6371      9.71119      26.4675       16.622      -8.0282      14.2846      15.6461
-      0.07594     -21.8753     0.451236      18.1207      9.41618     -14.4365      8.71017      10.9945
-      0.07595      -37.403     -13.5627      5.55749     -1.60434     -24.2041     0.228643       3.8757
-      0.07596     -8.53129      12.4023      28.8686      19.2052     -6.13896      15.7906       16.888
-      0.07597      18.3728      36.5662       50.649      38.7414      10.8527      30.4856      29.2174
-      0.07598      -39.972     -15.9171      3.59064     -2.80202     -25.5751    -0.973801       2.9871
-      0.07599      55.2353      69.6856      80.4332      65.5231      34.0415      50.5009      45.9801
-        0.076      4.07996      23.7119      39.2914      29.2681      2.30735      23.1596      23.2518
-      0.07601     -22.7957    -0.502862      17.6025      10.1687     -14.5754      8.53208      11.0071
-      0.07602     -8.96785       11.894      28.7322      20.1091     -5.95579      15.8999      17.1379
-      0.07603      14.6664      33.1202      47.8183      37.2372      8.89382       28.746      27.8881
-      0.07604       10.948      29.7818      44.8678      34.8411      6.68898      26.7762      26.2675
-      0.07605      33.0244      49.6003      62.7039      50.7406      20.6201      38.7902      36.3317
-      0.07606     -29.1621     -6.33378      12.5621       6.4142     -18.1869      5.25236      8.34362
-      0.07607      15.6094      33.8237      48.5748      38.4369      9.70506      29.2363      28.3264
-      0.07608     -39.8124     -16.0496      3.85397     -1.16616     -24.9841    -0.734107      3.31113
-      0.07609    -0.509887      19.2689      35.6359      27.3052     -0.42525      20.4295      20.9735
-       0.0761     -2.39769      17.5733      34.1269      26.2089     -1.44648      19.5307      20.2716
-      0.07611      51.9865      66.5158      78.0726      65.4877       32.768      49.0686      44.9883
-      0.07612      -19.998      1.76131       20.033      14.1131     -12.1179      10.2801      12.6485
-      0.07613      12.0614      30.5503      45.8537      37.1264      8.02739      27.5346      26.9965
-      0.07614     -10.4819      10.2361      27.6642      21.1676     -6.19789      15.3364      16.8485
-      0.07615     -3.82169      16.1862      33.0319      26.0829     -2.02731      18.8832      19.8035
-      0.07616      31.8591      48.2598      61.8238      51.7815      20.3896      38.2239      35.9865
-      0.07617     -31.8558     -9.02868      10.5005      6.40084     -19.3631      3.87798      7.34445
-      0.07618       6.7397      25.6174      41.6061      34.2179      4.78518       24.628      24.6447
-      0.07619     -40.1642     -16.6047      3.69782     0.587948     -24.5674    -0.767359      3.42443
-       0.0762       14.744      32.7341      47.9703      40.0329      9.77997      28.8188      28.1124
-      0.07621      36.0403      51.9236       65.247      55.6529      23.3645      40.5664      38.0124
-      0.07622     -48.2762     -23.9654      -2.8313     -4.56662     -29.3371     -4.97531   0.00815907
-      0.07623     -58.2892     -33.0548     -10.9369     -11.7418     -35.7628     -10.6429     -4.80109
-      0.07624      57.3644      70.9889      82.4641      71.2494      36.7038      51.9017      47.4398
-      0.07625     -10.0462       10.331      28.1106      23.2824     -5.27919      15.6738      17.2953
-      0.07626     -3.52642      16.1594       33.347      28.0293     -1.19747      19.0837      20.1186
-      0.07627     -18.6889      2.48942      21.1279      17.3234     -10.5942      10.9275      13.3142
-      0.07628     -21.1295     0.222044      19.0665      15.7144     -12.1402      9.46661      12.0505
-      0.07629      26.2794      42.8677      57.3664      49.7243       17.668      35.1643      33.5515
-       0.0763      44.1656      58.9723      71.8795      62.8502      29.0813      44.9839       41.829
-      0.07631      13.7006      31.5396      47.2818      41.1856      10.1326      28.5709       28.157
-      0.07632     -42.1645     -18.7267      2.20805      1.36973     -24.8517     -1.72072      2.82518
-      0.07633     -10.5301       9.6143      27.6098      23.9292      -5.1743      15.1409      16.8399
-      0.07634      4.11314       22.769      39.4267      34.5641       4.1033      23.1054      23.5308
-      0.07635      24.9931      41.5635       56.333       49.679      17.3681       34.542      33.1498
-      0.07636      -12.867      7.48634      25.7829      22.7138     -6.22431      14.1332      16.1393
-      0.07637     -28.2834       -6.436      13.2517      11.6804     -15.9707      5.56906      8.90847
-      0.07638      45.7551      60.0967      72.9791      64.7631      30.4114      45.5557      42.3091
-      0.07639     -28.5906     -6.74433      13.0804      11.8806     -15.8333      5.64326      9.07436
-       0.0764       89.414      99.3484      108.283      96.4091      58.0359      69.3106      62.2233
-      0.07641      34.1888      49.6962       63.788      57.1643      23.6919      39.6513      37.5347
-      0.07642     -10.6919      9.28873      27.5106      25.0853     -4.39754      15.2724      17.1577
-      0.07643     -56.5171     -32.0274     -9.63147     -7.84772     -33.2017     -9.75544       -3.826
-      0.07644     -26.8126     -5.36237      14.2661      13.5318     -14.7092      6.08179      9.33655
-      0.07645      57.5725      70.4947      82.3691      74.2014      38.2948      51.8235      47.6021
-      0.07646     -15.4374      4.87723      23.5594      22.1807     -7.03923      12.6543      15.0045
-      0.07647     -11.2894      8.56178      26.8882        25.17     -4.40743        14.82      16.8025
-      0.07648      9.43939      27.1641      43.5952      40.0835      8.60763      25.9988      26.1592
-      0.07649     -23.3284     -2.31545      17.1821      16.7898     -11.7513      8.32904      11.4164
-       0.0765     -6.21956      13.0198      30.9293      29.0254     -1.03666      17.5178      19.0888
-      0.07651     -17.0078      3.30331      22.2425      21.4814     -7.70661      11.7183      14.2743
-      0.07652     -4.29229      14.6748      32.4235      30.6539     0.420063      18.6142      20.0577
-      0.07653      7.41593      25.2308      41.9336      39.1708      7.91548      25.0402      25.4734
-      0.07654     -32.7785     -10.9338      9.51349      10.5655     -17.0923      3.34733      7.37304
-      0.07655      8.70983       26.308      42.9157      40.3356      8.91227      25.7072       26.051
-      0.07656     -16.1206      3.99085      22.9338       22.632     -6.46256      12.3663      14.9549
-      0.07657     -6.97498      12.1661      30.2598       29.263    -0.639282      17.3024       19.081
-      0.07658       1.5523      19.8246      37.1443      35.4941       4.7915      21.9317       22.981
-      0.07659     -22.8011     -2.09525      17.4606      18.1621     -10.2675      8.81772      12.0476
-       0.0766      10.2608      27.5927      44.1526      41.8768      10.4968      26.6731      26.9663
-      0.07661     -36.3387     -14.3407      6.52187      8.65799     -18.4968      1.56532      6.04621
-      0.07662      29.9931      45.3281      60.0854       56.132      23.1651      37.4352      36.0309
-      0.07663      14.3433      31.2533      47.5013      45.2138      13.6651      29.1573      29.2016
-      0.07664      32.7016      47.7003      62.2286        58.37      25.2438      39.1252      37.5669
-      0.07665     -45.8125     -22.9449     -1.18724      2.21342     -23.7809     -3.32774      2.11718
-      0.07666      9.72018      26.9414      43.5619      41.9861      10.9317      26.4972      26.9759
-      0.07667     -26.8087     -5.90544      14.1166      16.0205     -11.7971      6.79381      10.5527
-      0.07668      10.9168      27.9524      44.4496      42.9588      11.9075      27.1342      27.5397
-      0.07669      45.8831      59.4099      72.7317      68.1622      34.0751      46.2267      43.5715
-       0.0767     -29.9372     -8.80443      11.5139      13.8818       -13.24      5.27518      9.40642
-      0.07671      18.1991      34.4424      50.2744       48.379      16.8569      31.1093       30.933
-      0.07672     -60.3961      -36.301     -13.2619     -7.85772     -32.2205     -11.4247     -4.59555
-      0.07673      45.2732      58.6714      71.9601      67.6725      33.9176      45.5679      42.9667
-      0.07674      -62.426     -38.2114     -14.9769     -9.45597     -33.2285     -12.5037     -5.45504
-      0.07675     -6.12076      12.3772      30.3875      30.9268      1.92532      17.7085      19.7278
-      0.07676      17.0653      33.2114      49.0947      47.6449      16.6372      30.3477      30.3516
-      0.07677      21.9819      37.6773      53.1324        51.22      20.0339      33.2488      32.8621
-      0.07678     -36.5676       -15.05      5.76371      9.13308     -16.5511      1.55021      6.38126
-      0.07679      63.4702      74.9226      86.5251      80.9876      46.1381       55.585      51.5055
-       0.0768      6.48202      23.6557      40.5488      40.2844      10.8324       25.021      26.0764
-      0.07681      41.7225      55.3425      68.9637      65.5396      33.0418      44.0574      41.9823
-      0.07682     -27.6149     -7.06461      12.9152      15.9103      -10.278      6.53819      10.6688
-      0.07683     -26.6175     -6.24127      13.5811      16.4163     -9.70145      6.84894      10.8438
-      0.07684      -22.434     -2.52791      16.9144      19.4456     -7.08062      9.01729      12.6596
-      0.07685      26.4832      41.4449      56.3413      54.5061      23.7544      35.5068      34.8135
-      0.07686     -49.6927      -27.084      -5.1732   -0.0403381     -23.7672     -5.65174     0.454058
-      0.07687     -21.5051     -1.81629      17.4158      19.9425     -6.18737      9.36487      12.9331
-      0.07688      15.8537      31.7815      47.5364      46.7201      17.3847      29.6189      29.8839
-      0.07689      41.9758      55.2906      68.6754       65.567      34.0327      43.9425      41.9422
-       0.0769     -16.7013      2.51374      21.3298      23.5362     -2.46154      12.3253      15.5859
-      0.07691      20.4185      35.8426       51.142       50.016      20.8358      32.3079      32.2571
-      0.07692      7.95468      24.6191      41.0318      41.0366      13.1831      25.6117      26.7075
-      0.07693      10.0853      26.5349      42.7388      42.6371      14.7607      26.8284      27.7664
-      0.07694     -19.8889    -0.459004      18.4745      21.0951     -3.94039      10.5422      14.1608
-      0.07695      6.58849      23.2876      39.7111      39.8859      12.7017      24.7506      26.0119
-      0.07696     -17.9474      1.22276      19.8998      22.3561     -2.54323      11.4268      14.8951
-      0.07697      13.8472      29.7657      45.4761       45.008      17.5048      28.6035      29.2197
-      0.07698      16.9873      32.5645      47.9522      47.3407      19.7334      30.4386      30.8254
-      0.07699     -15.8975      2.99161      21.3609      23.7651    -0.739111      12.6188      15.9467
-        0.077     -48.8731     -26.7584     -5.40131   -0.0770895     -21.3596      -5.3875     0.844321
-      0.07701     -20.1895     -1.02071      17.6227      20.3656     -3.35893      9.96502      13.6288
-      0.07702       36.976      50.3983      63.7119       61.163      32.6464      41.0073      39.6284
-      0.07703     -53.4508     -30.9153      -9.2167     -3.40193     -23.6764     -7.72304    -0.999734
-      0.07704      31.6122      45.5527      59.3176       57.379      29.6333      38.0761      37.2037
-      0.07705      29.1259      43.2943      57.3174      55.6193      28.3521      36.9019      36.3332
-      0.07706     -24.1165      -4.5753      14.3228      17.5071     -4.71199      8.20488      12.3871
-      0.07707      45.0907      57.5904       69.977      66.8561      38.6448      45.4439      43.4504
-      0.07708     -52.1514     -29.9282     -8.59129     -2.91051     -22.1998     -7.20369     -0.52499
-      0.07709    -0.784402      16.2147      32.6689      33.6069      9.88958       20.261      22.3119
-       0.0771     -21.3236     -2.31668      16.0021      18.7948     -2.80795      9.13667        13.03
-      0.07711     -15.2247      3.17021      20.8991      23.1346      1.17571      12.4127      15.7771
-      0.07712      11.9218      27.5653      42.7348      42.5184      18.3262      27.0809      28.0419
-      0.07713      27.0355      41.1884      54.9479      53.3763      28.0928       35.427      35.1002
-      0.07714     -21.4664     -2.43625      15.7501      18.6586     -2.02577      9.28957      13.3102
-      0.07715      37.7032      50.7403      63.4179      60.7951      35.1447      41.1886      39.9446
-      0.07716     -16.1602      2.22617      19.8204      22.0899      1.60524      12.1576      15.7458
-      0.07717      22.6379      37.1406      51.1129      49.8642      26.0343      33.0835      33.2154
-      0.07718     -34.4869     -14.2782      4.91862      8.80316     -9.56021      2.19669      7.42852
-      0.07719      29.5873      43.3295      56.5427      54.5579      30.6557      36.7533      36.2779
-       0.0772     -16.8798      1.54707      19.0659      21.3839      1.90809      11.7646      15.4719
-      0.07721      10.6082      26.2009      41.0931      40.8958      19.1634      26.4987      27.7673
-      0.07722      17.4948      32.3998      46.5904      45.8427       23.696      30.3313      31.0514
-      0.07723     -45.7909     -24.5617     -4.61144     0.338875     -15.8109     -3.96299      2.39275
-      0.07724     -3.39772      13.5404      29.5204      30.5395      10.8095       18.788       21.321
-      0.07725      17.5847      32.3998       46.401      45.5114      24.1829      30.2188      30.9247
-      0.07726     -6.22505      10.9965      27.1724      28.5145      9.57495      17.4586      20.3197
-      0.07727     -12.3999      5.38934      22.0392      23.8241      5.80671      14.0221      17.4321
-      0.07728     -29.9985     -10.4592       7.7884      11.1283     -5.02216      4.51621      9.49731
-      0.07729      13.8019      28.8998      43.0623       42.359      22.5075      28.1309      29.2362
-       0.0773     -38.0167     -17.6965      1.17639      5.17674     -9.65042     0.240579      5.99175
-      0.07731     -7.80688      9.44072      25.4395      26.6625      9.37206      16.4571      19.5154
-      0.07732      35.7441      48.6349      60.5695       57.828      36.9127      40.1503      39.3773
-      0.07733     -9.91903      7.55328      23.7008      25.1388      8.62612      15.5746      18.9089
-      0.07734     -30.4177     -10.9278      7.02552      10.3022     -4.09628      4.38649      9.53882
-      0.07735      25.3991      39.2321      51.9588      50.1081      31.0246       34.528      34.7151
-      0.07736    -0.392692      16.0713      31.1698      31.6776      15.1952      20.7435      23.2623
-      0.07737     -25.7142     -6.76313      10.6139      13.4156    -0.557126      6.96735      11.7569
-      0.07738     -8.63835      8.55981      24.2849      25.4896      10.2822      16.0913        19.37
-      0.07739      9.26992       24.677      38.7183      38.2313      21.7495       25.851      27.5553
-       0.0774     -14.2657       3.4876      19.6151      21.2626      7.25846      13.1914      17.0224
-      0.07741      12.5499       27.589      41.1672      40.3141       24.249      27.6817      29.1388
-      0.07742       25.433      39.1896      51.5321       49.505      32.5549       34.761       35.107
-      0.07743      11.9007      27.0277      40.5859      39.7438      24.4031       27.527      29.1222
-      0.07744     -36.5259      -16.561      1.41628      5.05523     -5.77267      1.29765      7.19661
-      0.07745     -1.05041       15.268      29.8818      30.2581      16.4418      20.2629      23.0201
-      0.07746      11.8853      26.9215      40.2384        39.48       24.817      27.3991      29.0193
-      0.07747     -19.2878     -1.10152      15.1168      17.1414      5.60639      10.6426      15.0547
-      0.07748     -28.4176     -9.37284      7.59005      10.3984   -0.0249435      5.58044      10.8091
-      0.07749      56.3353        66.82      75.9016      71.0072      53.2312      51.4247      49.1328
-       0.0775     -25.6229     -6.84499      9.83473      12.4249      2.31467      7.37693      12.4452
-      0.07751      44.3163      56.0318      66.1227      62.3354      46.3175      45.1484      43.9712
-      0.07752      8.84342      24.1111      37.4831      36.8682      24.3389      26.0538      28.1079
-      0.07753     -16.0436      1.71547      17.2975      18.9001       8.8857      12.4936      16.7557
-      0.07754      31.3342      44.3105      55.4517      52.7139      38.7598      38.0835      38.1299
-      0.07755      25.1398      38.7149      50.4029      48.2418      35.1604      34.8296      35.4728
-      0.07756      -53.342     -31.8945      -13.062     -7.98342       -13.84     -7.59197    0.0497409
-      0.07757      -35.051     -15.5129      1.55488      4.83145     -2.35183      2.05503      8.03237
-      0.07758     -28.8089     -9.92513       6.4614      9.23807      1.71208      5.36877      10.8046
-      0.07759      15.6534      30.0388      42.2467      41.0061      29.7297      29.4495      30.9587
-       0.0776      10.7154      25.6274      38.2547      37.4945      26.9671      26.9481      28.9479
-      0.07761     -7.32625      9.39568      23.6224      24.5364       15.984      17.2672      20.8996
-      0.07762     -40.8529     -20.7845     -3.48232     0.432824     -4.80833    -0.904217      5.70628
-      0.07763      4.92805      20.3537      33.3262       33.046      23.9032      23.6734      26.1841
-      0.07764     -31.3459     -12.3373      3.87162       6.8421      1.35955      4.05516      9.81514
-      0.07765      6.51546      21.7368      34.3665      34.0729      25.3147      24.5436       26.948
-      0.07766      34.8558      47.2157      57.2626      54.3742      43.3298      40.0398      39.9686
-      0.07767        4.848      20.2539      33.0078      32.9105      24.9373      23.9782      26.6251
-      0.07768     -64.7487     -42.3803      -23.268     -17.0063     -18.5498     -13.8109     -4.98615
-      0.07769     -4.29336       11.909      25.3365      26.0368      19.2809       18.624       22.038
-       0.0777      7.25285       22.319      34.6731      34.3828      26.8171      25.0221      27.4496
-      0.07771      10.8419      25.5602      37.5549      36.9765      29.4778      27.1622      29.3221
-      0.07772      51.8211       62.418      70.5773      66.2997       55.306      49.3648      47.9212
-      0.07773     -38.8443     -19.1798     -2.71562      1.29353     -1.22884     0.364784      7.01559
-      0.07774      24.9545      38.1793      48.6029      46.9091      38.7965      34.6856      35.6271
-      0.07775     -7.48368      9.00349      22.4433      23.7632       18.745      17.2551      21.1386
-      0.07776      16.3493      30.3914      41.5455      40.7684       33.843      30.1018      31.8483
-      0.07777     -43.3035     -23.2621     -6.67667     -1.99681     -3.32646     -2.22223      4.83645
-      0.07778      6.02831      21.0131      32.9384      33.1531      27.5881      24.2275      26.8643
-      0.07779      25.8463      38.8518      48.9243      47.4687      40.3402      35.1018           36
-       0.0778     -4.60431      11.4645      24.2959      25.8248      21.5499      18.7315      22.3827
-      0.07781     0.419866        15.94      28.2146      29.3384      24.7771      21.3339      24.5433
-      0.07782     -16.4753     0.714553      14.4804      17.1212      14.4011      12.1592      16.8651
-      0.07783      4.53601      19.5833      31.3857      31.9795      27.7167      23.4707      26.3092
-      0.07784     -2.22954      13.5002      25.8476      27.6971      23.7927      19.9074      23.3637
-      0.07785      3.97072      19.0791      30.7644      31.9371      27.9006      23.3318      26.2783
-      0.07786     -16.6559     0.459452      14.0297      17.1437      15.1059       12.111      16.9111
-      0.07787     -20.4505     -2.99467      10.7874      14.4138      12.8698      9.96199      15.0915
-      0.07788      32.0879      44.2818      53.1669      52.1791      46.0219      38.5031      38.9732
-      0.07789      -48.881     -28.5762      -12.248      -5.7101     -4.32094     -5.17558      2.54952
-       0.0779      16.0063      29.7503      39.9788      40.7618      36.4037      29.7923      31.7309
-      0.07791     -7.64929      8.50354      20.9293      24.0586      21.9666       17.164      21.2479
-      0.07792      18.2769      31.7893      41.7533      42.5827      38.2997      31.1108      32.9119
-      0.07793      39.8913      51.2288      59.1122      58.1994      52.2195      42.9458      42.8488
-      0.07794      -55.017     -34.1243     -17.4892     -9.63196     -7.13955       -8.387    0.0082976
-      0.07795     -5.50486      10.3175      22.2645      25.7864      23.8976      18.1415      22.0855
-      0.07796       10.368      24.6095      35.0326      37.2964      34.0872      26.8239      29.3546
-      0.07797     -2.48591      13.0397      24.6364      28.2897      26.3095      19.9025      23.6397
-      0.07798     -8.70893      7.40742      19.4842      23.8847      22.5803       16.483      20.7849
-      0.07799     -24.7094     -6.97549      6.54306      12.5583      12.8338       7.9083      13.6443
-        0.078      12.1985      26.1883       36.188      39.1847      36.1292       27.875      30.3454
-      0.07801     -33.9526     -15.3364     -1.14986      6.19747      7.41909      2.89626      9.48674
-      0.07802     -14.5281      2.11609      14.4835      20.1835      19.6522      13.2729       18.132
-      0.07803      3.18639      18.0123      28.6425      32.8547      30.9327      22.8842      26.1873
-      0.07804      10.0387      24.2122      34.1788      38.3862      35.6373       26.818       29.543
-      0.07805    -0.741271      14.4768      25.4238      30.8266      29.1284      21.0229      24.7321
-      0.07806      32.9983       44.812      52.5874      54.9566      50.4959      39.3281      40.0336
-      0.07807     -60.5386     -39.3542     -23.0148     -11.8999     -7.90057     -11.2891     -2.22488
-      0.07808     0.533058      15.5329      26.1367      31.8706      30.4076      21.5585      25.1419
-      0.07809      28.0554      40.2989      48.3466      51.8338      47.9393      36.6074       37.783
-       0.0781      10.0059      24.0879      33.7729       39.206      37.0052      27.0505      29.8866
-      0.07811       -17.45    -0.641381      11.5341      19.6751      20.0111      12.1716      17.4782
-      0.07812     -10.9795      5.17559      16.6818      24.4674      24.2464      15.6394      20.3752
-      0.07813      12.3132      26.1077      35.4294      41.3288      39.0375      28.2423      30.9259
-      0.07814     -14.6205      1.93287      13.7599      22.3615      22.5315       13.846      18.9448
-      0.07815       10.783      24.7239      34.0726      40.6538      38.5865      27.5381      30.3883
-      0.07816      2.40908      17.2133      27.3369      34.8997      33.5956      23.1425       26.771
-      0.07817     -3.56368      11.8112      22.4241      30.7414      30.0549      19.8881      24.0748
-      0.07818      10.0413      24.0428      33.3824      40.6708      38.8123      27.3142      30.3179
-      0.07819      24.3623      36.7815      44.5975      50.7693      47.3864      34.3209       35.907
-       0.0782     -46.0598      -26.504     -12.1619     0.811557      3.84887     -3.29312      4.66782
-      0.07821      3.25582      17.8598      27.6035      36.4251      34.9949      23.4307      27.0109
-      0.07822      5.06633      19.5164      29.1399      37.9943      36.4862      24.6036      28.0895
-      0.07823      3.88739      18.4447      28.0281      37.3534      35.9977      24.0593       27.669
-      0.07824      2.86578      17.5122      27.1714      37.0491      35.5959      23.5242      27.2605
-      0.07825      41.9777      52.7006      58.6876      65.2366      60.2499      44.7279      44.9969
-      0.07826       -17.22    -0.545625      10.8951      22.9861      23.4095      12.7688      18.3383
-      0.07827     0.736483      15.5686      25.2962      35.9701      34.7644      22.3721      26.3223
-      0.07828      2.41295      17.0282       26.543      37.3118      35.9856      23.3031      27.1458
-      0.07829      28.0647      40.0891      47.1764      55.8743      52.2492      37.1803      38.7474
-       0.0783     -19.3835     -2.57027      8.83529      22.1493      22.8354      11.6201      17.4479
-      0.07831      43.6315      54.0715      59.6113      67.3808      62.3895      45.6863       45.889
-      0.07832     -1.04757      13.9101      23.6154      35.6875      34.7542      21.7127      25.9319
-      0.07833      -35.795     -17.4269     -4.60371      10.8198      12.9983      2.69587      9.99093
-      0.07834      20.1688      32.8522      40.4216      50.9705      48.0722      32.8009      35.0938
-      0.07835      1.15503      15.7898      25.1187      37.6089      36.4507      22.6575      26.6736
-      0.07836      16.7376      29.7849       37.624      48.9399      46.3998      31.1242      33.7608
-      0.07837      10.6099      24.2488      32.5862      44.6767      42.7699      27.8495      31.0585
-      0.07838     -3.55322      11.5007      21.1163        34.86      34.1432      20.2655      24.7428
-      0.07839      5.53063      19.6647         28.4      41.5471      40.0004      25.1669      28.8342
-       0.0784     -8.18869      7.27472      17.2403       31.855      31.5192      17.7279      22.6262
-      0.07841      6.48052      20.4746      29.0283       42.545      40.8924       25.651      29.2483
-      0.07842     -55.0324     -34.9243     -20.7452     -1.53523      2.48225       -7.684      1.40435
-      0.07843      45.3137      55.3439      60.2372       70.664      65.4441       46.533      46.6638
-      0.07844     -36.0182     -17.8083     -5.44688      12.6808        14.82      2.72554      10.1679
-      0.07845     -21.3027     -4.65307      6.26872      23.1485      24.0863       10.508      16.6052
-      0.07846      15.7975      28.7232      36.1941      49.8566      47.5123      30.6382      33.4396
-      0.07847      10.7259      24.1565       32.102      46.4547      44.5965      28.0278      31.3094
-      0.07848     -13.6562      2.20721      12.3419      29.1301      29.5093      14.8643      20.3379
-      0.07849     -26.9326     -9.72997      1.57781      19.7103      21.2952       7.6081      14.2578
-       0.0785      13.9044      26.9215      34.3726      48.9916      46.9629      29.6452      32.6536
-      0.07851      52.5682      61.7606      65.6372      76.9631      71.5164      50.7553      50.3596
-      0.07852     -59.0002      -38.646     -24.4429     -2.78802      1.88337     -9.49075    0.0796318
-      0.07853      18.1998      30.7028      37.7387      52.4717      50.1442      31.9872      34.6429
-      0.07854       5.7666      19.5126      27.6477      43.7088      42.5873      25.3996      29.1911
-      0.07855     -28.9847     -11.7578    -0.435242      18.9529      21.0127      6.62659      13.5151
-      0.07856     -23.2949     -6.70255      4.03661      22.9957      24.6364      9.57596      15.9663
-      0.07857      38.5695      48.9229      53.9126      67.5002      63.5244      43.0911      43.9536
-      0.07858     -4.62769      10.0548      19.0048      36.7185       36.758       19.869      24.6158
-      0.07859     -15.4706     0.276308      10.2201      29.0349      30.0317      13.9065      19.6292
-       0.0786     -31.2715     -13.9968     -2.65051      17.8995      20.2165      5.30828      12.4166
-      0.07861      5.86353      19.3897      27.2633      44.4198      43.5933      25.3605      29.1693
-      0.07862      -11.345      3.86539      13.3007      32.0522      32.9519       16.055      21.4343
-      0.07863      29.9095      40.9462      46.5484      61.9034      59.0201      38.4138      40.1166
-      0.07864     -33.3974     -15.9899      -4.5066      16.8105      19.5787      4.30504      11.6667
-      0.07865     -3.79032      10.5441       19.177      37.8622       38.048      20.1151      24.8167
-      0.07866      72.2147       78.897      80.5872      92.3821      85.8595      61.3028      59.2685
-      0.07867     -32.7216     -15.4336      -4.0368      17.4571      20.4855      4.77572      12.1395
-      0.07868      11.9233      24.6498      31.9151      49.3925      48.4053      28.6724      32.0176
-      0.07869      16.4423       28.662      35.3703      52.6398      51.3435      31.1274      34.0871
-       0.0787      39.9093      49.7576      54.2402      69.5179      66.2462      43.8837      44.7492
-      0.07871     -2.12682      11.8811      20.2508      39.4529      40.0705      21.1615      25.7859
-      0.07872      18.6584      30.5687      37.0157      54.4073      53.1586      32.3186       35.078
-      0.07873      -46.365     -27.9924      -15.541      7.79683      12.4863     -2.92107      5.61579
-      0.07874      12.5421      24.8926      31.8416       49.828      49.2549      28.6274      31.8878
-      0.07875      5.55918      18.6259      26.1869      44.9625      45.1233      24.9873      28.8837
-      0.07876     -47.0886     -28.7898     -16.3995      7.29337      12.2235     -3.51185      5.08104
-      0.07877      70.9481       77.322      78.8176      91.8701      86.2194      60.2768      58.3635
-      0.07878     -50.8667     -32.2176     -19.4106      4.86798      10.3027     -5.34276      3.65235
-      0.07879     -2.48041      11.2019      19.4782      39.3758      40.4113      20.5433      25.1565
-       0.0788     -15.7146    -0.756992      8.72009      29.8374      32.2022      13.3728      19.1572
-      0.07881     -13.9445     0.750857      10.0283      31.1565      33.3156      14.2122      19.8405
-      0.07882     -16.5514     -1.64287      7.84529      29.4774      31.7891      12.7728      18.6215
-      0.07883      10.6142      22.7605       29.738      48.9005      48.8941      27.5257      30.9594
-      0.07884      7.55997      19.9789      27.2053      46.6534      47.1437      25.9933      29.7124
-      0.07885     -7.74521      6.20121      14.8756      35.6808      37.7425      17.7856      22.8703
-      0.07886      15.5649      27.0984      33.6001      52.3635      52.3765      30.2949      33.3106
-      0.07887      32.8647        42.69      47.6909       65.022       63.477      39.8362       41.342
-      0.07888     -36.0941     -19.4094     -8.11166      15.6527      20.3979      2.56477      10.2141
-      0.07889      24.5573       35.066      40.7335      58.9976      58.3031       35.192      37.4209
-       0.0789      25.1316      35.5937      41.2989      59.5843      58.9121       35.669      37.8901
-      0.07891     -32.0608     -15.9229     -5.03487      18.5877       23.202      4.73263      12.0418
-      0.07892     -13.7979     0.412789      9.59368      31.6253      34.5584      14.4085       20.063
-      0.07893     -2.16195      10.8057      18.9091      39.9001      41.8798      20.6916      25.3254
-      0.07894      73.7327      79.0997      80.2157      94.4396      89.6146      61.9199      59.8263
-      0.07895     -28.3493     -12.7402     -2.08457      21.4759      25.9719      6.95925      14.0238
-      0.07896      36.7784      45.7665        50.37      68.0682      66.7341      42.0189      43.2651
-      0.07897     -38.7866     -22.2396     -10.6458      13.9879        19.57      1.24562      9.23553
-      0.07898     -7.67882      5.65639      14.3584      36.1789      38.9614       17.876      23.0574
-      0.07899     -39.7191     -23.2453     -11.5126      13.2523      18.9578     0.539191      8.58728
-        0.079      11.4469      22.7612      29.7532      49.9133      51.0829      28.1955      31.6709
-      0.07901      24.6868      34.6144      40.4329      59.5021      59.5538      35.4603      37.8085
-      0.07902     -17.7327     -3.55076      6.22611      29.2129      33.1656      12.6717      18.8413
-      0.07903      35.9762      44.7059      49.5366      67.7333      66.8263      41.7146      43.0955
-      0.07904     -15.1321     -1.29748      8.32146      31.2285      35.0433      14.2455      20.2088
-      0.07905      40.9342      49.0803      53.4708      71.3496      70.1612      44.5383      45.5072
-      0.07906      5.24599      16.9683      24.6982      45.8583      48.0193      25.3931      29.5796
-      0.07907     -13.0182     0.481494      9.91827      32.7293      36.5967      15.5163      21.3143
-      0.07908     -1.30709      10.9173      19.2604      41.0679      43.9321      21.8116      26.5632
-      0.07909     -12.0585      1.22093      10.5968      33.4444       37.315      16.0811      21.7869
-       0.0791     -27.3648     -12.6293     -1.80883      22.4843      27.7387      7.76784      14.8436
-      0.07911      11.8599       22.582      29.7988      50.5681      52.4049      29.0098      32.6094
-      0.07912     -41.9436     -25.8224     -13.5664      12.1834      18.8922    0.0534923      8.46609
-      0.07913      21.2412      30.9585      37.4053      57.5094       58.512       34.227           37
-      0.07914     -36.1126     -20.6364     -8.85557      16.5447      22.8628      3.42614      11.3574
-      0.07915     -23.8451     -9.69425     0.959872      25.2678      30.4692      9.97401      16.7838
-      0.07916      18.7667      28.5886      35.3468      55.8503      57.2991      33.1073      36.1512
-      0.07917      52.2112      58.6473      62.4237      79.9702      78.4577      51.5281      51.6472
-      0.07918      17.6483      27.5651      34.6354       55.429         57.1      33.1368      36.3761
-      0.07919      16.3798      26.4077      33.6224       54.582      56.3833      32.4805      35.8258
-       0.0792     -37.6483     -22.3276     -10.1085       15.804      22.5162       3.1523      11.2889
-      0.07921     -28.2998     -14.0134     -2.67179      22.4003      28.3018      8.05424      15.3309
-      0.07922      43.6137      50.6058      55.4704      74.0346      73.4257       47.064      47.9428
-      0.07923     -31.6197      -17.053     -5.22341      20.3527      26.6124      6.62119      14.2539
-      0.07924      4.89961      15.6635      24.1533      46.3927       49.457      26.2488      30.6304
-      0.07925      7.65556      18.1506      26.4701      48.5021      51.3613      27.9935       32.179
-      0.07926      22.5258      31.4925      38.5278      59.2316       60.764      36.0916      38.9711
-      0.07927     -9.64872      2.47271      12.4774      36.2103       40.659      18.8511      24.5793
-      0.07928      12.8999      22.6794      30.6168      52.3325      54.7635      30.9526      34.6823
-      0.07929     -15.4169     -2.82533      7.82823      32.1603      37.1399      15.7503      22.0138
-       0.0793      25.1538      33.5574      40.5331      61.2113      62.5678      37.6801      40.3467
-      0.07931     -8.40653      3.31403      13.4485      37.2318      41.6889      19.6999      25.3758
-      0.07932      11.8874      21.4687      29.8195       51.784      54.4107      30.6891       34.574
-      0.07933      66.4978      70.6048      74.0271      91.0827      88.8331      60.4798      59.5269
-      0.07934     -41.6073     -26.6788     -13.2085      13.7728      21.3534        2.209      10.9352
-      0.07935    -0.980974      9.70384      19.4143      42.6854      46.5277      23.8947      28.9494
-      0.07936      6.68724      16.5383      25.6506      48.2743      51.4449      28.1128       32.511
-      0.07937       53.609      58.7154      63.5749      82.0043      80.9109       53.699       53.929
-      0.07938      23.2931       31.415      39.1989      60.4817      62.2438      37.5458      40.5322
-      0.07939     -11.9035    -0.337139      10.8022       35.305      40.2059      18.5448      24.6278
-       0.0794     -19.3396     -7.15442      4.66292      29.8481      35.4404       14.392      21.1022
-      0.07941     -23.8859     -11.4006     0.872018      26.4654      32.4543       11.793      18.8972
-      0.07942     -23.3387     -10.9454      1.36729      26.9386      32.8557      12.0755      19.1237
-      0.07943     -2.84066      7.38161      17.8437      41.6317      45.7734      23.2271      28.4524
-      0.07944      18.0142      26.0755      34.8177      56.7801      58.9578       34.682      38.0766
-      0.07945     -2.26187      7.80358      18.4804      42.3232      46.4881      23.9651      29.1982
-      0.07946      22.2959      29.7724      38.2997      59.9669      61.8662       37.266      40.3084
-      0.07947      26.0107      33.0793      41.3415      62.6878      64.3577      39.4485      42.1986
-      0.07948      19.6752      27.2619      36.1797      58.1193        60.37      36.0896      39.3818
-      0.07949      0.49224      9.97136      20.7354      44.4599      48.4357      25.7538      30.7542
-       0.0795     -14.3832     -3.49958       8.6992      33.7781      39.0823      17.6996      24.0069
-      0.07951     -9.94526     0.372289      12.2394      36.9412      41.7786      20.0537      25.9529
-      0.07952     -2.88274      6.58432      17.8972      41.9983      46.3009      23.8922       29.149
-      0.07953      22.8599      29.6526      38.6861      60.4685      62.4943      37.8792      40.8741
-      0.07954     -15.1741     -4.66358      8.02228      33.3144      38.7474      17.4416      23.8361
-      0.07955      -42.058     -28.9402     -13.7314       13.991      21.8642      2.79482      11.5623
-      0.07956      68.3614      70.2179      75.4001      93.0909      90.9823      62.5272      61.4488
-      0.07957      -19.658     -8.94853      4.50045      30.2678       36.166      15.3126      22.1385
-      0.07958     -13.6654      -3.7221      9.21591      34.4197      39.7884      18.4422      24.7148
-      0.07959      46.1287      49.9741      57.5426      77.3106       77.237      50.8179      51.7505
-       0.0796     -4.33161      4.51396      16.9167      41.3255      45.8291      23.7394      29.2105
-      0.07961      28.4183      33.8265      43.2595      64.7067      66.2868      41.4499      43.9851
-      0.07962     -11.4325     -2.11392      11.1327      36.2432      41.4361      19.9593      26.0498
-      0.07963     -23.2757     -12.9097      1.56124      27.6945      33.9202      13.4027      20.5446
-      0.07964      29.0601      34.0568      43.7531      65.1456      66.6297      41.7854      44.2394
-      0.07965      20.0111      25.8458      36.4643       58.713      61.0924        37.13       40.417
-      0.07966      41.6264       45.166      53.9463      74.2877      74.7684      48.8245      50.2184
-      0.07967     -8.34694     0.126541      13.6836      38.5279      43.5589      21.9539      27.7945
-      0.07968       10.282       16.686      28.6971      51.8147      55.1166      31.8891      36.0428
-      0.07969     -34.8576     -24.0778     -7.84721      19.3366      26.7727      7.42108      15.5952
-       0.0797      7.90653      14.2691      26.6399       49.937      53.5037      30.4529      34.8201
-      0.07971      27.0376       31.355      42.1019      63.6747      65.5877      41.0552       43.695
-      0.07972     -35.1409     -24.6824     -8.03114      19.1972      26.7731      7.57048      15.7596
-      0.07973     -17.9935     -9.41356      5.74199      31.3532      37.3823      16.7208      23.3255
-      0.07974      38.8858      41.6577      51.7102      72.1609      73.1156      47.6217      49.1766
-      0.07975     -17.5937     -9.25413      6.18581      31.8122      37.9828      17.3818      24.0186
-      0.07976      18.3757      23.0051      35.2939      57.6061      60.4911      36.8008      40.2148
-      0.07977     0.744657      7.02997      21.1065      45.0225      49.5455      27.3767      32.3939
-      0.07978      26.8553      30.3563      42.2283      63.7725      65.9113      41.5862      44.2769
-      0.07979      5.32944      10.8882      24.8862      48.3604      52.5187      30.1528      34.7546
-       0.0798     -39.7691      -29.897     -11.6059      15.9157      24.1857      5.65963      14.2684
-      0.07981      41.1953      42.7735      53.7689      73.8772      74.8893      49.3878      50.7471
-      0.07982     -16.6492      -9.3277      7.19574      32.5619      38.8531      18.3279      24.8651
-      0.07983      58.9842      58.5067      68.2151      86.6742      86.1505      59.2295       59.016
-      0.07984     -28.8002     -20.5351     -2.52377       23.928      31.4896      12.2215        19.87
-      0.07985      18.8467      22.1996        35.87      57.8953      61.1558      37.8381      41.2201
-      0.07986      23.7739       26.464      39.9067      61.4833      64.4344      40.7236      43.7096
-      0.07987     -16.2457     -9.73428      7.66459      32.8388      39.3723      19.0209      25.5609
-      0.07988       24.721      26.8896      40.5493      61.8632      64.8706      41.2019       44.038
-      0.07989      4.76708      8.88777       24.614       47.753      52.5653      30.6161       35.256
-       0.0799     0.637812      4.98559      21.2193      44.6589      49.8945      28.3774      33.3704
-      0.07991      33.7852      34.6409       48.009      68.3962      70.6807      46.3944      48.4337
-      0.07992      54.0839      52.7616      64.4602      82.9593      83.4381      57.5625      57.8284
-      0.07993     -15.8459     -10.2659       8.1118      32.9451      39.9101      19.8525      26.3496
-      0.07994     -7.79898     -3.28279      14.4488      38.3925      44.6262      23.9062      29.6277
-      0.07995     -4.26864    -0.288203      17.2776      40.8013      46.7985      25.8801      31.2754
-      0.07996      35.7548      35.5531       49.643      69.4632      71.9016      47.6431      49.4573
-      0.07997     -19.3588     -14.2169      5.19838       29.996      37.5061      17.9983      24.7436
-      0.07998      47.6216      45.9013      59.2984      77.8928      79.3757      54.1725      54.9357
-      0.07999      22.8264      23.4781      39.3626      60.1522      64.0004      40.9997      44.0251
-         0.08      17.9397      18.8709      35.3709      56.4947      60.9138      38.3614      41.8062
-      0.08001     0.573611      3.11381      21.4233      44.0569      50.0691      29.0248      34.0213
-      0.08002     -14.7089     -10.8594      9.06189      32.9935      40.4207      20.6563      26.9975
-      0.08003      26.8607      26.3309      42.5968      62.6297      66.3611      43.1559      45.7311
-      0.08004      2.96886       4.5994      23.3531      45.4803      51.4374       30.373      35.0862
-      0.08005     -52.8559     -45.8363       -21.74       5.3378      16.3662     0.128822      9.75657
-      0.08006      -38.395     -33.0953     -10.1883      15.4239      25.1962      7.73152      16.0242
-      0.08007      30.9303       29.108      45.7298      64.8778      68.6803      45.3094      47.4636
-      0.08008      27.2328      25.6793      42.9338       62.367      66.5386      43.7163      46.2003
-      0.08009      33.1079      30.8028      47.7832      66.6241      70.2986      47.1705      49.1607
-       0.0801      12.5451      12.1343       31.209      51.8097      57.4482      36.1424      39.9406
-      0.08011      9.65358      9.29776      28.8083      49.4658      55.5668       34.458      38.4725
-      0.08012      36.0553      32.7955      50.1283      68.2614      72.0745      48.7935      50.4291
-      0.08013       16.627      15.1236      34.4235      54.1657      59.9206      38.4185      41.7626
-      0.08014     -20.2812     -18.2787      4.67378      27.6426      36.7694      18.4142      25.0468
-      0.08015      51.3969      45.9996      62.5219      78.8199      81.5524      57.1429      57.3773
-      0.08016      13.3079       11.622      31.8866      51.5378      57.8802      36.8112      40.4554
-      0.08017     -38.0938     -34.9318     -9.70226      14.4244      25.5136      8.90844      17.1005
-      0.08018      53.2232      46.9711      63.9857      79.6119      82.5379       58.162      58.1804
-      0.08019      2.64456      1.36161       23.319      43.4805      51.0676      31.1044      35.6514
-       0.0802      11.7464      9.29748      30.6295      49.7871      56.6003      35.9793       39.669
-      0.08021      12.7427      9.98475      31.4351      50.3025       57.138      36.5314      40.1083
-      0.08022      43.9993      37.9197       56.709      72.5611      76.7688      53.5594      54.3195
-      0.08023      -4.6385      -6.0484       17.528      37.7284       46.351      27.3537      32.4585
-      0.08024      11.5567       8.2037      30.4692      48.9257      56.2852      36.0173      39.6399
-      0.08025     -23.4681     -23.5527      2.13782      23.5549      34.2249      17.0213      23.7634
-      0.08026      58.3082      49.7976      68.1874       81.994      85.3646      61.2787      60.6727
-      0.08027     -11.6966     -13.3549      11.8107      31.8651      41.6937      23.6339      29.2949
-      0.08028     -34.2137     -33.9023     -6.47409      15.3794      27.3629      11.2684      18.8827
-      0.08029      22.8363      17.1657       39.536      55.9826       62.909       42.033      44.4985
-       0.0803      18.4011      13.0079      36.0824       52.759      60.2885       39.864      42.7202
-      0.08031        -23.4     -24.8415      2.33885      22.6213      34.0745      17.2552      23.8681
-      0.08032      16.2134      10.5372      34.2735      50.6972      58.6436      38.6527      41.6811
-      0.08033      16.5243      10.5851      34.5181      50.6855      58.8077      38.9442      41.9547
-      0.08034     -4.55816     -8.61807      17.5288      35.3901      45.4829      27.4973      32.3477
-      0.08035      14.2032      7.99969      32.6421      48.5681      57.0985      37.6461      40.7804
-      0.08036      2.90477     -2.35979      23.6036      40.3547      50.0917      31.7711      35.9042
-      0.08037      30.4099       22.155      45.8281      59.8758      67.3472       46.783      48.4278
-      0.08038      14.9948      8.09736      33.5167      48.8223      57.7859      38.6242      41.6746
-      0.08039      28.9273      20.4366       44.819       58.638      66.4455      46.1914        47.99
-       0.0804      1.80668     -4.25088      22.8933      38.9661      49.3871      31.5415      35.7027
-      0.08041      34.4481      24.8941      49.2599      62.0917      69.7306      49.1673      50.3877
-      0.08042      -23.543     -27.5533      2.42183       20.225      33.3595      17.8631      24.2354
-      0.08043      43.2926      32.3224       56.326      67.7505      75.0322      53.9707       54.326
-      0.08044      17.5971      8.97516      35.7052      49.3291      58.9905      40.2494      42.9102
-      0.08045      39.8353      28.7022      53.6698      65.0187      72.8876      52.3493      53.0105
-      0.08046      14.9191      6.11672      33.5478      46.8848      57.2487      38.9676      41.8259
-      0.08047      17.8639      8.51339      35.9545      48.8377       58.994      40.5892      43.1293
-      0.08048      7.90656    -0.713714      27.9531       41.353      52.6934       35.277      38.6786
-      0.08049      16.7047      6.94587      35.0424      47.3896      58.1077      40.0172      42.6161
-       0.0805      28.8484      17.6344      44.8736      55.8485      65.6268      46.6449      48.1372
-      0.08051     -1.70205     -10.0708      20.2558      33.7567        46.49      30.2109      34.3908
-      0.08052      31.1495      19.1253      46.7079      56.9312      66.9142      47.8524      49.0731
-      0.08053     -22.5728     -29.4334      3.41887      18.2715      33.1827      18.9583      24.9551
-      0.08054      7.71061     -2.49487      27.8488      39.6757      52.0188       35.318      38.5787
-      0.08055       12.736      1.86561      32.0096       43.094      55.2339      38.2607      41.0584
-      0.08056       43.502      29.2306      56.8018      64.8514      74.3623       54.971      54.9455
-      0.08057     -4.93448     -14.5238      17.8227      30.0551      44.0415      28.8785      33.1884
-      0.08058      10.0733     -1.32186      29.8994      40.4624      53.2295      36.8984      39.8149
-      0.08059      4.18249     -6.91497      25.0781      35.7207      49.3943      33.7111      37.1155
-       0.0806      35.1119      20.6672      50.1091      57.7083      68.7824       50.573      51.2126
-      0.08061      7.03012     -4.81901      27.5348      37.4878      51.2207      35.5341      38.6394
-      0.08062     -26.5542     -35.3451     0.337307      12.9227      29.9763      17.3223      23.3551
-      0.08063      56.8468      39.4331      67.6531      72.3044      82.0738       62.406      60.9871
-      0.08064      10.0425     -2.87424      29.9754      38.5989      52.7993      37.2984      40.0779
-      0.08065      13.0128    -0.500849      32.3726      40.4355      54.5467      38.7968      41.3135
-      0.08066      31.7508      16.1208      47.5158      53.5753      66.2022      49.0282      49.7842
-      0.08067     -0.93691     -13.5282      21.1563      29.8458      45.6772      31.3788      35.0004
-      0.08068      16.6517      1.95247      35.2875      42.0809      56.4521      40.7942      42.8162
-      0.08069      -21.375     -32.5378      4.60193      14.6074      32.6265      20.2793      25.6279
-       0.0807      40.5464      22.9595      54.5837      58.6537      71.2969      53.8114      53.5937
-      0.08071      1.81952     -12.0628      23.4109      30.7108      47.0666      33.0549      36.2906
-      0.08072      -40.939     -50.8138     -11.1337    -0.296218      20.0979      9.83178      16.8563
-      0.08073      71.8195      50.3154      79.8844      80.1386      90.6091      70.7745       67.702
-      0.08074      -2.1238     -16.4522      20.2723      26.9079      44.3137      31.0051      34.5442
-      0.08075      2.29848     -12.7324      23.8188      29.7665      46.8798      33.3835      36.4109
-      0.08076      24.9419      7.31493      42.0752      45.6731      60.8617       45.564      46.5207
-      0.08077        12.25     -4.32954      31.8775      36.2685      52.9151      38.8562      40.9176
-      0.08078     -1.11407     -16.6529      21.0732      26.2819       44.421      31.6461      34.8842
-      0.08079      8.56878     -8.16176      28.9214      32.9873      50.3789      36.8232      39.1643
-       0.0808      42.1515      21.7671      55.9602      56.5216        71.23      55.0906      54.3893
-      0.08081      -3.8841     -19.9347      18.8237      23.2383      42.3331      30.2687      33.6526
-      0.08082      17.7113    -0.794183      36.2426      38.3579      55.7965      41.9777      43.3117
-      0.08083     -15.7126     -31.1515      9.26894      14.0989      34.7186      23.8257      28.1145
-      0.08084     -23.2588     -38.2048      3.08975      8.21884      29.7385      19.5441      24.4143
-      0.08085      22.5797      2.76226      40.1004      40.6743      58.2407      44.3882      45.1325
-      0.08086      3.65061      -14.494      24.8755      26.8819      46.3758      34.3129      36.7294
-      0.08087     -12.5596     -29.3298      11.7678      14.9898      36.1091      25.4918      29.2799
-      0.08088       15.232     -4.59736       34.193      34.5946      53.4307      40.5026      41.7454
-      0.08089      12.6946     -7.13296      32.1813      32.5056      51.7912      39.1691      40.5613
-       0.0809      23.4868      2.30361      40.8824      39.8056      58.3586      44.9242      45.3815
-      0.08091     -30.6349     -46.6925     -2.83181     0.665774      24.2904      15.6957       20.913
-      0.08092      24.3095      2.47978      41.4454      39.6439      58.4542      45.2665      45.5014
-      0.08093      64.6988      38.6035      74.1214      68.3095      83.8164      67.3645      63.9072
-      0.08094      21.9865   -0.0334906      39.7133      37.5291      57.0275      44.3635      44.7256
-      0.08095      -4.3731     -24.0281      18.3484      18.0388      40.2512      29.9233      32.5381
-      0.08096      29.5005      6.15333      45.6037      41.8551      61.1908      48.0296      47.5961
-      0.08097     -2.75569     -23.1094      19.5668      18.4674      40.8406      30.5568      32.9435
-      0.08098       14.046      -8.3529      33.0185      29.9277      51.1154      39.4983      40.3254
-      0.08099      29.2821      5.11652      45.3592       40.574      60.6624      47.8072      47.1999
-        0.081     -7.98486     -28.6386      15.2525      13.4366      37.1372       27.672      30.3185
-      0.08101      24.3979      0.22971      41.3642      36.2767      57.2038      45.1346      44.7838
-      0.08102       18.587     -5.11167      36.6679      31.7829      53.4733       41.952        42.11
-      0.08103      22.6002     -1.75888      39.9428      34.3673      55.9239      44.1673      43.9462
-      0.08104      19.8365      -4.6229      37.6181      31.9767       54.027      42.6322       42.571
-      0.08105     -36.5708     -55.5981     -7.95711     -8.92709      18.4728      12.0209      16.9118
-      0.08106     -5.04028     -27.4999      17.4504      13.3909      37.9272      28.8639      30.8427
-      0.08107      61.6211      32.1544      71.2684      60.8225      79.6816      64.9884      60.9845
-      0.08108     -15.5104     -37.2677      9.08204      5.38003      31.5463      23.4377       26.264
-      0.08109     -22.2714     -43.7214      3.51552     0.124216      26.9994       19.559       22.909
-       0.0811      20.2391     -5.68338      37.8327      30.0844      53.3799      42.4869      41.9648
-      0.08111      25.4538     -1.23523      42.0551      33.5272      56.5822      45.3851      44.3824
-      0.08112      1.71566     -22.8014      22.8658      16.1913      41.5719       32.522      33.5773
-      0.08113     -49.7981      -69.366     -18.7679     -21.1294      9.17493      4.44703      9.99886
-      0.08114      51.6271      21.5942      63.0046      51.1365      72.4106      59.1904      55.5518
-      0.08115     -17.8336     -41.0169      7.03597      1.15433      28.9956      21.8263      24.3874
-      0.08116    -0.570101     -25.7491      20.8745      13.0009      39.5372      31.0252      32.0006
-      0.08117     -23.3947     -46.4704      2.48366     -3.53814      25.3126      18.7622      21.7339
-      0.08118     -3.56693     -28.8037      18.4983      10.3438      37.6697      29.5513      30.6876
-      0.08119      25.6051     -2.77847       42.102      31.0434      56.0285      45.4987      43.9991
-       0.0812      23.1124     -5.21021      40.1261      29.1336      54.4575      44.2854      42.9405
-      0.08121      11.7453     -15.6465      30.9608      20.5789      47.2132      38.0842      37.7103
-      0.08122     -25.6942     -49.5753     0.691318     -6.59546      23.6781      17.8147       20.725
-      0.08123      50.2066      18.5552      61.9255      47.4092      71.0665      58.7649      54.8285
-      0.08124      20.2207     -8.55744      37.8102      25.8549      52.3975      42.8034      41.5072
-      0.08125      32.6352       2.4455      47.8393      34.3984      60.1111      49.5332       47.054
-      0.08126     -57.5875     -78.8781     -25.0146     -30.5079      3.56096     0.722226      6.16254
-      0.08127     -2.25098     -29.3962      19.4683      8.64431      37.8495      30.1999      30.6246
-      0.08128     -9.54145     -36.1288      13.6309      3.23857      33.2495      26.3583      27.3713
-      0.08129      35.3019      4.11551      49.8273      35.0447      61.3263      50.5954       47.558
-       0.0813      4.85734     -23.5259      25.2839      13.0769      42.2563      34.3464      33.9595
-      0.08131      20.8501     -9.30163      38.1568      24.1608      52.2038      42.8872      41.0777
-      0.08132     -37.5433     -61.9924     -8.99187     -17.9021      15.4174      11.2615      14.5899
-      0.08133      42.1424      9.43912      55.2905      38.6503      65.2282      54.3356      50.5081
-      0.08134      8.80708     -20.5822      28.4711      14.7502      44.4718      36.4762      35.5953
-      0.08135     -14.8846     -42.0328      9.34127     -2.47605      29.6364      23.6591      24.8284
-      0.08136      19.4342     -11.4694      36.9917      21.9327      50.9468      42.1407      40.1773
-      0.08137        14.77     -15.6485      33.2701      18.3059      48.0311      39.7177      38.1123
-      0.08138     -16.8479     -44.3055      7.71532     -4.59637      28.1736      22.6124      23.7565
-      0.08139     -3.51862     -32.4856       18.417      4.66503      36.3314      29.7066      29.5828
-       0.0814      -4.9558     -33.9385      17.2549      3.42418      35.3554      28.8843      28.8154
-      0.08141      5.28501     -24.8636      25.5072       10.525        41.91      34.4809      33.4269
-      0.08142      50.9544      16.1927      62.4281      43.1053      70.5181      59.3178      54.1533
-      0.08143     -9.25572     -37.9933      13.9301   -0.0113991      32.8202      26.8688      27.0167
-      0.08144      13.2769     -17.8681      32.0288      15.9164      46.8004       38.976      37.0427
-      0.08145      79.9906      41.9903      85.9033      63.4155      88.7604      75.1587      67.2185
-      0.08146     -29.4238     -56.5421      -2.3664     -15.1414      20.3065      16.1318      17.8955
-      0.08147     -15.2285     -43.9014      8.97241     -5.46896      28.9297      23.5266      23.9106
-      0.08148      6.86806     -24.1063      26.7674      10.2513      42.6761      35.4119      33.7441
-      0.08149     -4.35251     -34.4146       17.713       2.0969      35.7463      29.4248      28.6841
-       0.0815      1.10035     -29.6594       22.085      5.70146      39.1776      32.3635       31.078
-      0.08151      44.1077      8.98198      56.8557      36.4263      66.0502      55.6692      50.5098
-      0.08152     -5.67099     -35.8334      16.7122     0.626205      35.0007      28.9382      28.1642
-      0.08153        20.65      -12.245      37.9162      19.0755      51.3697      43.1136       39.911
-      0.08154     -37.3064     -64.4564     -8.86191     -22.4113      15.1219      11.7569      13.6385
-      0.08155      26.6421     -7.03966      42.7108      23.2891      55.0423      46.2283      42.3249
-      0.08156     -21.9189     -50.6185      3.58199      -11.748         24.6      20.1012      20.4946
-      0.08157      40.3486      5.27199      53.7852      32.7517      63.5149      53.6861      48.4608
-      0.08158     -32.7106     -60.5754     -5.12054     -19.5688      17.8828      14.3324       15.553
-      0.08159     -27.2878     -55.7873    -0.843363     -15.9633       21.169      17.0701      17.6914
-       0.0816      41.3656      5.96121      54.5823      33.1407      64.0796      54.2373      48.6646
-      0.08161     -32.0257     -60.0361     -4.55857     -19.3138       18.265      14.7333      15.6709
-      0.08162     -46.4295     -73.1202     -16.3331     -30.0276       9.0064      6.72112      8.84972
-      0.08163      15.2857     -17.7361      33.4678      13.8943      47.5586      39.9904      36.5615
-      0.08164      42.7443      7.05853      55.7178      33.5515      64.8841       55.116       49.199
-      0.08165      16.5199     -16.3323      34.6375      14.8105      48.7235      41.1507      37.5277
-      0.08166     0.315618     -31.1175      21.4906      3.00749      38.4487      32.2889      30.0442
-      0.08167      10.8295     -21.7059      29.9508      10.3482      45.0327      37.9281      34.6802
-      0.08168     -6.22335     -37.0688      16.1771     -1.93809      34.4508       28.736      26.9117
-      0.08169      19.7346     -13.8554       37.068      16.5733      50.5358      42.6958      38.4822
-       0.0817     -17.2688     -47.1137       7.1989      -10.051      27.3436      22.6732      21.6976
-      0.08171     -1.76597     -33.1381       19.669     0.829415      37.0008      30.9773      28.5463
-      0.08172      48.3821      11.9874      60.1504      36.8309      68.5331      58.1744      51.2427
-      0.08173     -38.9313     -66.4983     -10.2512     -25.6408      13.8765      11.1285      11.8874
-      0.08174      47.3847      11.1026      59.3367      35.9753      67.8949      57.7204      50.6985
-      0.08175     -35.4528     -63.3445     -7.43245     -23.3239       16.268      13.0668      13.3745
-      0.08176       5.2117     -26.7883      25.3049      5.64358      41.4098      34.8972      31.4621
-      0.08177     -48.8037     -75.3511     -18.3027     -33.0382      7.58194      5.65395      6.94137
-      0.08178      49.4602      13.0527      60.9815      37.3943       69.119         58.8       51.224
-      0.08179     -32.4272     -60.5721     -5.06535     -21.3081      18.0049      14.6934      14.4326
-       0.0818      38.6277      3.35205      52.2189      29.3319      62.3835      53.0126      46.3308
-      0.08181      55.2619       18.439      65.7826      41.4212      72.9723      62.2492      54.0661
-      0.08182     -1.94192     -32.9448      19.6492     0.541978      37.2817      31.4339      28.2854
-      0.08183     -36.8279     -64.2986     -8.58389     -24.6334      15.2374      12.3648      12.2053
-      0.08184     -59.9056     -85.0871     -27.3624     -41.4882     0.531514    -0.364327      1.41544
-      0.08185      51.2183      14.9838      62.3196      38.0369      70.0261      59.6501      51.4639
-      0.08186      27.0861     -6.56036      42.9488      21.0052      55.1863      46.9083      40.8417
-      0.08187      10.2341     -21.6734      29.3757      8.91671      44.7388      37.9378      33.3122
-      0.08188     -32.8281     -60.4006     -5.52095     -22.1531      17.5849      14.3983      13.5058
-      0.08189      9.84827     -21.9341      28.9028      8.48422      44.1785      37.3871      32.6031
-       0.0819     -20.4367     -49.0665      4.46442     -13.2108      25.2066      21.0773      18.9362
-      0.08191     -3.07906     -33.2987      18.4763    -0.783783      36.0576      30.4803       26.739
-      0.08192      9.64407     -21.8172      28.7615      8.45365      43.9933      37.3656      32.4061
-      0.08193     -12.8108     -42.0969      10.5862     -7.69328      29.8463      25.2034      22.1865
-      0.08194     -30.3365     -57.7985     -3.61449     -20.2432       18.899      15.6564      14.1003
-      0.08195      34.2094     0.424589      48.4348      26.0523      59.2427      50.4873      43.1255
-      0.08196    -0.212309     -30.3959      20.7289      1.40401      37.7504       32.076      27.7439
-      0.08197      6.93716      -23.847      26.4645       6.4438      42.1491       35.894      30.8449
-      0.08198      23.1174     -9.14639      39.5357      18.1098      52.2747       44.683      38.1125
-      0.08199     -3.26516     -32.9583      18.2432    -0.736329      35.7753        30.46      26.1833
-        0.082     -55.4459     -79.6308      -23.975     -38.1395      2.97946      2.07325      2.33422
-      0.08201     -33.7469     -60.0252     -6.56104     -22.7949      16.2814      13.5857       11.798
-      0.08202      43.3397      9.44766       55.678      32.4983      64.5947      55.3641      46.6615
-      0.08203     -10.5002     -38.8255      12.2936     -5.94737      30.9436      26.4308      22.5257
-      0.08204      34.7787      1.99667      48.8013      26.5991       59.184      50.8883      42.8634
-      0.08205      37.3328      4.44718      50.9178      28.6058       60.842      52.4576      44.1465
-      0.08206     -33.8383     -59.4209     -6.55878     -22.4006       16.315       13.928      11.8829
-      0.08207      24.5344     -6.79041      40.4809       19.415      52.6902       45.326       37.987
-      0.08208      22.7101     -8.27132      39.0153      18.1899      51.5821      44.4183      37.1718
-      0.08209      15.8733     -14.2778      33.5165      13.3967       47.302      40.7462      34.0454
-       0.0821     -8.09678     -35.7416      14.1218     -3.72089      32.1474      27.6849      23.0094
-      0.08211     -29.6383     -55.0366     -3.31616     -19.0955      18.5039      15.9051      13.0474
-      0.08212      23.9825     -6.54077      39.8627      19.1924      51.8469      44.7243      36.9874
-      0.08213    -0.542644     -28.4218      20.1035       1.7735      36.5527      31.6369      26.0528
-      0.08214     -47.2196     -70.2415     -17.6615     -31.7609      7.12684      6.23982      4.70355
-      0.08215      -8.0618     -34.8536      13.9072     -3.70693      31.5262       27.307      22.1833
-      0.08216     -22.1071     -47.2412      2.56793     -13.6749       22.746      19.7602      15.8465
-      0.08217     -13.8602     -39.5597      9.23463      -7.6474      27.8166      24.2388      19.5138
-      0.08218      32.4802      2.14956      46.6182      25.5614      56.7849      49.3867       40.497
-      0.08219     -29.6484     -53.5409      -3.4703     -18.7423      17.9094      15.9275       12.527
-       0.0822     -31.0301     -54.6362     -4.68079     -19.7903      16.7473      14.9374      11.5598
-      0.08221     -2.83303     -29.0904       18.043     0.480864      34.3065      30.1251      24.1557
-      0.08222     -1.54847     -27.7774      19.1241      1.58164      35.1286      30.9276      24.8017
-      0.08223     -38.3855       -60.77     -10.6244      -24.699      11.9597      10.9924      8.06802
-      0.08224     -7.80701     -33.0297      14.0186     -2.71058      30.9233      27.4163      21.6956
-      0.08225     -20.0372     -43.7089      4.15775     -11.3682       23.209      20.8896       16.196
-      0.08226       9.9165     -16.6011      28.3645      10.1683      41.9344      37.0783      29.6419
-      0.08227      28.5543     0.355082      43.3586      23.6754      53.6236      47.2513      38.1286
-      0.08228      11.7778     -14.6581      29.9178      11.9925      43.1086      38.3096       30.643
-      0.08229      -23.801     -46.2828      1.13192     -13.4573      20.7571      18.9829       14.367
-       0.0823     -10.0547     -33.7331       12.191     -3.66159      29.1924      26.3067      20.3731
-      0.08231        7.552     -17.6255      26.3883      9.05839       40.059      35.8196      28.2563
-      0.08232      35.3299      7.57348      48.7939      29.0178       57.384      50.9285      40.8551
-      0.08233     -58.2131     -76.3794     -26.7162     -37.8504     -1.27085     0.385875      -1.4255
-      0.08234     -3.44209     -26.9469      17.4048      1.42064      32.7238      29.7233      22.9145
-      0.08235      10.9944     -13.7343      29.0708      11.8076      41.7362       37.651      29.5109
-      0.08236      6.55165     -17.4812       25.482      8.74006      38.9356      35.2902      27.4986
-      0.08237     -8.01241     -30.3272      13.7458     -1.46295      29.7198      27.4343      20.8894
-      0.08238     -11.9296     -33.7213      10.5311     -4.19707       27.202      25.2542      18.9741
-      0.08239      25.0925    -0.300912      40.4078      22.4841       50.082      45.2597      35.6365
-       0.0824     -5.12367     -27.0743      16.0692      1.05621      31.0782      29.0444      22.0744
-      0.08241     -52.0586     -69.0298     -21.8843     -32.5699      1.53403      3.56357     0.673128
-      0.08242      26.0875      1.56117      41.1937      23.5216      50.3185      45.7048      35.7653
-      0.08243     -62.0646     -77.5768     -29.9782     -39.4829     -4.89896       -1.866     -4.00961
-      0.08244     -8.12287     -28.9846       13.438    -0.883574      28.5495      27.0782      20.0514
-      0.08245     -13.2641     -33.3489      9.34226      -4.3604      25.1898      24.4112      17.7865
-      0.08246     -24.6947     -43.4355     0.112408     -12.3501      18.0269      18.2725      12.6132
-      0.08247     -8.69879     -28.6898      13.0422    -0.697939      27.9232      26.9197      19.7986
-      0.08248      35.1484      10.9745      48.4526      30.7831      55.3437      50.7674      39.6982
-      0.08249     -2.36063     -22.4699      18.2793      4.17543      31.9102      30.7152      22.9377
-       0.0825     -25.9071     -43.4591    -0.811716     -12.6403      16.9969      17.8816      12.1446
-      0.08251      15.2408     -6.19557      32.4088      16.9842      42.5559      40.1002      30.6102
-      0.08252     -18.0672     -35.8957      5.55366     -6.73626      21.6104      22.1841      15.6482
-      0.08253     -21.5161     -38.8225       2.7162     -9.13255      19.2144      20.2127      13.9041
-      0.08254     -19.2478     -36.5493       4.5408     -7.39769      20.5887      21.4901      14.9202
-      0.08255     -16.6652     -33.8996      6.63451     -5.40037      22.0665       22.936      16.0904
-      0.08256     -10.1783     -27.8896      11.8939    -0.629947      25.9625      26.4442       19.001
-      0.08257      38.2087       15.829      51.0208      34.2784      56.2816      52.7572       40.946
-      0.08258     -21.1932     -37.3522        3.135      -8.0452      19.1065      20.8288      14.2891
-      0.08259      21.4906      1.50687      37.5761      22.6222      45.6235      43.8858      33.4843
-       0.0826      22.5026       2.6978      38.4672      23.6571      46.2234      44.6212      34.0982
-      0.08261     -37.3501     -51.0404     -9.88739     -19.1163      8.50752      12.1886      6.94084
-      0.08262      -9.0971     -25.4623      12.8026      1.11146      25.8336      27.2915      19.4501
-      0.08263      29.5981       9.6165      44.1386      29.0572      50.0727      48.3766      37.0343
-      0.08264      24.1175      4.91035      39.7886       25.424      46.7071      45.6172      34.7446
-      0.08265      9.45148     -7.99924      28.0519      15.2612      37.5007      37.8482      28.2511
-      0.08266      -23.181     -37.1575      1.65282     -8.16199      16.7926      20.1223      13.3861
-      0.08267     -31.8735     -44.8348     -5.46328     -14.3952      11.1161      15.3152      9.25545
-      0.08268     -18.7195     -32.9446      5.12034     -4.86853        19.09       22.362      15.0757
-      0.08269     -18.5029     -32.1204       5.3991     -4.44663      19.1836      22.5569      15.1894
-       0.0827     -68.8687     -77.4306     -35.3239     -40.4937     -12.5817     -4.71526     -7.63049
-      0.08271      27.0454      9.05204      42.0889       28.387      47.2985      47.1045      35.5768
-      0.08272     -6.12412     -20.5449      15.4154      4.89331      26.5228       29.504      20.9407
-      0.08273     -12.9032      -26.388      9.96734     0.202621      22.1665      25.9101      17.8975
-      0.08274     -38.5273     -49.2679      -10.748     -18.0762      5.94745      12.0571      6.27332
-      0.08275      78.3471      56.0745      83.6411      65.8485      78.9732       75.344      59.1538
-      0.08276     -49.7555     -58.9085     -19.6387     -25.6101     -1.16279      6.37868      1.59674
-      0.08277     -26.0374     -37.4765    -0.633023     -8.71323      13.2967      18.9114      11.8545
-      0.08278     -50.8215     -59.5001     -20.6845     -26.3395      -2.5433      5.38747     0.501136
-      0.08279     -10.8946     -23.3774      11.5552      2.36891      22.2998      26.9528      18.4693
-       0.0828     -37.4126      -47.055     -9.81849     -16.4545      5.45341      12.7198       6.5796
-      0.08281      41.6553      24.2275       54.015      40.3504      54.7601      55.5393      42.3227
-      0.08282     -36.9427     -46.2379     -9.27107     -15.5614      5.63729      13.3432      7.12417
-      0.08283      8.82308     -4.92866      27.6126      17.3186      34.1358      37.9762      27.6063
-      0.08284      6.03275      -7.1659      25.4254      15.3438      32.2224      36.5891      26.4619
-      0.08285      3.35869     -9.55463      23.2837      13.6433      30.3733      35.2279      25.3009
-      0.08286    -0.812491     -13.1618      19.8619      10.7492      27.4863      32.9181      23.3271
-      0.08287     -17.4767      -27.568      6.41372     -1.07279      16.8494      23.8885      15.7378
-      0.08288     -14.7337     -25.4742      8.56932     0.944556      18.2104      25.2355      16.7804
-      0.08289      23.2363      8.77443      39.2357      28.2267      41.8369      45.7897      33.9001
-       0.0829     -71.6711     -76.4955     -37.3659     -39.6342      -17.792     -5.50862     -8.99615
-      0.08291      19.8915        5.977      36.4814      25.9976      39.1864      43.8086      32.0868
-      0.08292     -25.9312     -35.0802    -0.402838     -6.55843       10.429      19.2614      11.6102
-      0.08293      39.5836      23.9886      52.4867      40.4887      51.2821       54.706      41.1728
-      0.08294     -75.0358     -78.9189     -39.9956     -41.4463     -20.6742     -7.13431     -10.4688
-      0.08295     -27.0307     -35.7304     -1.39796     -7.10558      8.89912      18.4853      10.7893
-      0.08296      26.0671      12.1888      41.5335       31.137      41.9464      47.2836      34.8229
-      0.08297      7.00503     -4.66243      26.2661      17.7685       30.058      37.2399      26.4899
-      0.08298     -15.3534       -25.03      8.21699      1.92552       15.818      25.2057      16.4215
-      0.08299     -11.5733     -21.2269      11.2585      4.73099      17.9799      27.2338      18.0674
-        0.083       4.4555      -6.6243      24.1828      16.2838      27.8349      35.8994      25.2595
-      0.08301     -19.4559     -27.9843      4.90249    -0.710657      12.6419      22.9905      14.4603
-      0.08302     -19.5392     -27.9201      4.85899    -0.659561       12.251      22.9019      14.3171
-      0.08303      19.3513      7.17204      36.2496      27.2808      36.3683      43.9592      31.8915
-      0.08304      -15.765     -24.3015      7.96395      2.35491      14.2664      25.0842       16.155
-      0.08305     -19.4993     -27.4986      4.94174    -0.270065      11.6782      23.0446      14.3875
-      0.08306      17.7203      6.12017      34.9965      26.5036      34.7445      43.1966       31.226
-      0.08307      -10.838     -19.3799      12.0571      6.29385      16.7633      27.9786      18.5104
-      0.08308      6.80632     -3.39469       26.276      19.0019      27.5347      37.4813      26.4048
-      0.08309     -70.3706     -72.7122      -36.067     -36.1736     -21.0913     -4.28754     -8.52974
-       0.0831      34.3269      21.3068        48.38      38.8587      44.0188      52.1231      38.5161
-      0.08311     -45.3758     -50.3198      -15.855      -17.979      -5.9176       9.3031       2.8066
-      0.08312     -5.94203     -14.7597      15.9728      10.3104      18.4418      30.5453      20.4874
-      0.08313     -19.5846     -26.8044      5.02346     0.740773      9.79432      23.2461      14.3835
-      0.08314      7.88951     -2.00191      27.2362      20.5499      26.7404      38.1723      26.8377
-      0.08315      21.8457      10.6678      38.5853      30.7574      35.3366      45.8336       33.274
-      0.08316      4.40741      -4.8334      24.5358      18.4288      24.2708      36.5457      25.5223
-      0.08317      6.76149     -2.62335      26.4267      20.1593      25.5377      37.8554       26.592
-      0.08318     -17.4439     -24.4889      6.89198      2.91998      9.98717      24.6691      15.5392
-      0.08319      16.8538      6.48161      34.6001       27.627      31.1739      43.1494      30.9234
-       0.0832      37.5934      25.2193      51.3871      42.6759      44.0488      54.5086      40.4419
-      0.08321     -31.5337     -36.9546     -4.35748     -6.71948      0.57297      17.2236      9.29586
-      0.08322     -11.3958     -18.8126      11.8298       7.6773      12.6991      27.9514      18.1752
-      0.08323      11.2573       1.6169      30.1044       23.974      26.6232      40.1881      28.3704
-      0.08324     -9.57597     -17.0013      13.3511      9.21838      13.4234      29.0841      19.1281
-      0.08325     -30.6843     -35.9224     -3.70903     -5.83909    -0.215348      17.5765      9.49104
-      0.08326      46.4014      33.4558       58.531      49.5221      47.8427      59.3128      44.3442
-      0.08327     -62.4638     -64.3229     -29.2623     -28.2766     -20.3723     0.600774     -4.70941
-      0.08328     -9.81124     -16.7836       13.133       9.3859      11.9695      28.7571      18.7238
-      0.08329     -10.6331     -17.8929      12.4962      8.92028       11.178      28.3359      18.3457
-       0.0833      -3.0849     -11.0427      18.6442       14.501      15.6538      32.4984       21.857
-      0.08331     -10.8543     -17.8562       12.419      9.06668      10.6103      28.3859      18.4321
-      0.08332     -10.8572     -17.7735      12.4577      9.20027      10.3245      28.3965      18.4402
-      0.08333     -10.3719     -17.3903       12.862      9.64036      10.4309      28.6926      18.6562
-      0.08334      25.1628      15.1131      41.6235       35.234      32.4268      47.9488      34.7632
-      0.08335     -25.2513      -30.129     0.969025    -0.752984     0.695195      20.7953      12.0969
-      0.08336     -26.9861     -31.7408    -0.550408     -2.02889    -0.942839      19.5986      10.9996
-      0.08337     -15.0308      -21.056      9.03491      6.54349      6.19491      25.9477      16.2859
-      0.08338     0.793477     -6.81807      21.9135      18.0835      15.9356      34.6504       23.518
-      0.08339      46.4628      34.3357      58.8443      50.9559      44.3804      59.5047      44.3397
-       0.0834      1.02019     -6.47995      22.2919      18.6162      15.7955      35.1722      24.0861
-      0.08341      9.45465      1.05342      29.0519      24.7062      20.8021      39.6916      27.8402
-      0.08342     -8.23489     -14.8527      14.7632      12.0046      9.35684      30.0558      19.7439
-      0.08343      15.6262      6.65099      34.0079      29.1418      23.9293      42.8294      30.3764
-      0.08344     -5.39897     -12.1567      17.0834      14.2032      10.4654      31.5117      20.9137
-      0.08345     -18.5414     -24.0167      6.45205      4.85848      1.89212      24.3183      14.8806
-      0.08346     -33.0722     -37.0685      -5.3167     -5.57622     -7.61746      16.3178      8.15775
-      0.08347     -78.8942     -78.4117     -42.3435     -38.4079     -36.7078     -8.60935     -12.7227
-      0.08348      20.8589      11.2778      38.1802       33.072      25.3269      45.2224        32.22
-      0.08349      9.13266     0.814107       28.858      24.9818      18.0377      39.2204      27.3092
-       0.0835     -44.0334     -46.9639     -14.0222     -12.9525     -15.5287      10.5102      3.31655
-      0.08351      41.1648      29.6391      54.7198      48.0673      37.4477      56.4909      41.7195
-      0.08352     -40.6247     -43.8774     -11.1746     -10.2796     -13.9352      12.4512      4.98258
-      0.08353     -3.06266     -10.2165      19.0729      16.5688      9.11545       32.586      21.7417
-      0.08354      -20.251     -25.7344      5.23772      4.35624     -1.89433      23.3506      14.0482
-      0.08355      36.2163      25.0742      50.8585      44.9008      33.1946      53.8972      39.5783
-      0.08356     -91.0654     -89.3876     -51.8243      -46.148     -46.7418     -14.8803      -17.853
-      0.08357      24.0583      14.0949      40.9857      36.2013      24.8106      47.0934      33.8127
-      0.08358     -20.1446     -25.6051      5.40306      4.73676     -2.94389      23.4402      14.1475
-      0.08359     0.585968     -6.82746      22.1709       19.707      9.76847      34.6129       23.473
-       0.0836     -15.7832     -21.8584      8.98434      8.02512    -0.884193      25.7768      16.1281
-      0.08361      12.6784      3.89648      32.0653      28.5796      16.6732      41.1819      28.9962
-      0.08362     -15.7994     -22.0855      9.00061      8.18919     -1.41948      25.8009      16.1536
-      0.08363     -40.1041     -43.7424      -10.642     -9.23371     -16.9774      12.5668      5.06817
-      0.08364     -6.22812     -13.3799      16.6385      15.0203      3.87502       30.777      20.2388
-      0.08365      1.41693     -6.25698      22.8927      20.6684      8.42133      34.9709      23.7801
-      0.08366      -33.007     -37.2488     -4.82652     -3.86573     -13.4402      16.3576      8.25479
-      0.08367      15.7654      6.55177      34.5025      31.0368      16.8047       42.704      30.2559
-      0.08368     -16.0045     -22.0624      8.96008      8.43985     -3.25312      25.6389      16.0379
-      0.08369     -10.3181     -17.0845      13.5652      12.5734    0.0343352      28.7025      18.5971
-       0.0837     -60.6075     -62.2965     -27.0886     -23.5226     -31.8865      1.33673     -4.25945
-      0.08371      27.1612      16.6706      43.7493      39.3369      22.8008       48.747      35.2519
-      0.08372      20.2774      10.4847       38.295      34.6492       18.283      45.1996      32.3917
-      0.08373     -40.1255     -43.8653     -10.3661     -8.44562     -19.8219      12.6043      5.20628
-      0.08374     -11.4776     -18.2161      12.6616      11.9796     -2.32151      27.9009       17.933
-      0.08375     -4.15346     -11.8168      18.5896      17.3062      2.03588      31.9008      21.2783
-      0.08376      11.5155       2.2801      31.2894      28.6288      11.5818      40.3822       28.423
-      0.08377      11.8382      2.54611      31.6022      28.9657      11.5449      40.6584      28.7044
-      0.08378     -69.2247     -70.5527      -33.831      -29.096     -39.6109     -3.29521     -8.02306
-      0.08379      62.3472      47.7308      72.3177      65.1317      42.4383      67.6861       51.221
-       0.0838     -17.0396     -23.7422      8.35001      8.46872     -7.42782      24.9735      15.6585
-      0.08381      5.44369     -3.60763      26.4799      24.5755      6.30209      37.0019       25.658
-      0.08382      18.5361      8.08065      37.0714      34.0183       14.199      44.1258      31.6514
-      0.08383     -35.5696     -40.5753     -6.56201     -4.65589     -19.9619      14.8358      7.21582
-      0.08384     -8.29864     -16.1863      15.3983      14.7955     -3.28595       29.413      19.3514
-      0.08385     -3.15834     -11.5747       19.677      18.6438    -0.212205      32.2909      21.8213
-      0.08386     -10.0675     -17.9337      14.0828      13.7456     -4.89226      28.5136      18.6874
-      0.08387      9.69286     -0.33895      30.0709      27.9493      7.23954      39.2008      27.6014
-      0.08388     -22.3377     -29.1279      4.30075      5.12199     -12.9876      21.9452      13.2235
-      0.08389     -2.85321     -11.6773      19.9824      19.0904     -1.17432      32.3914      21.9498
-       0.0839      23.3136       11.881      41.1421      37.9018      15.0018      46.5865      33.8518
-      0.08391     -43.9934     -48.7854     -13.2248     -10.3366     -27.4513      10.1115      3.38864
-      0.08392     -32.1214     -38.2063     -3.71209     -1.88903     -20.4918      16.2705      8.46954
-      0.08393     -9.35449     -17.7622      14.7217      14.5015     -6.47638      28.5691      18.7448
-      0.08394     -17.0499     -24.6223      8.57361      9.08033     -11.5254      24.4715      15.3549
-      0.08395     -15.0946     -23.0304      10.1872      10.5441     -10.5108      25.5236      16.2843
-      0.08396      17.8917       6.8125      36.8123      34.2473      9.93273      43.3693      31.2233
-      0.08397     -28.1238     -34.6268    -0.285161      1.37232     -19.1369      18.5699       10.552
-      0.08398     -45.0394     -49.6943     -13.9825     -10.8372      -30.218      9.15598      2.68117
-      0.08399     -3.87843     -12.7404      19.2162      18.6456     -4.79043      31.2957      21.1701
-        0.084      50.5268      36.2177      63.2249      57.7511      29.1024      60.8756      45.9816
-      0.08401     -64.0017     -66.7143     -29.0741     -24.0936     -42.7926    -0.953962     -5.58867
-      0.08402      8.29146     -1.76566      29.1915      27.5657       2.1157      37.8436      26.7711
-      0.08403      33.1711      20.6201      49.3256       45.509      17.5633      51.4872      38.2494
-      0.08404      -36.974     -42.4465     -7.22309     -4.63159     -26.5767      13.5698      6.64402
-      0.08405      25.9645      14.1232       43.535      40.4466      12.5115      47.4664      34.9194
-      0.08406     -56.8403     -60.3753     -23.2825     -18.8247     -39.4967       2.7535     -2.38575
-      0.08407      6.19048     -3.63872      27.5871      26.2841    -0.418735      36.6227      25.8658
-      0.08408     -2.84716     -11.7876      20.3094      19.8702     -6.28638      31.7593      21.8692
-      0.08409      11.4679       1.0428      31.9199      30.2037      2.44329      39.5014      28.3772
-       0.0841      4.61818     -5.15929      26.3858      25.3206     -1.98761      35.8133      25.3419
-      0.08411      1.33344     -8.06157      23.8163       23.105      -4.3045      34.0192      23.9086
-      0.08412     -8.26272     -16.6683      16.1102      16.3068     -10.4095      28.8143      19.5776
-      0.08413     -27.6224     -34.0687       0.4916      2.39214      -22.873      18.2889      10.7774
-      0.08414      9.83101    -0.390999      30.7022      29.1958     0.325167      38.4386       27.598
-      0.08415     -6.66081       -15.17      17.4073      17.4586     -10.1809      29.5785      20.2698
-      0.08416     -25.3455      -31.958      2.33058      4.08065      -22.271      19.3591      11.7638
-      0.08417      15.6049      4.90634      35.4122      33.4511      3.16659      41.4614      30.2424
-      0.08418     -31.8865     -37.6609     -2.86022    -0.446213     -26.7182      15.8235      8.88056
-      0.08419      -5.5506     -14.1353       18.412      18.4319     -10.5201      29.9432      20.6879
-       0.0842     -35.7558     -41.5008     -5.92022     -3.13805     -29.6144      13.6341      7.11217
-      0.08421     -63.2452     -66.1053     -28.2327     -22.9669     -47.2379     -1.49423     -5.57993
-      0.08422      39.0378       26.044        54.33      50.3288         16.6      53.7334      40.6234
-      0.08423     -29.1277       -35.25    -0.567768       1.6899      -26.114      17.0501      10.0794
-      0.08424     -9.66651     -17.7227       15.156      15.6339     -14.2162      27.4236      18.7604
-      0.08425      -21.602     -28.4582      5.53908       7.0959     -21.8704      20.9238      13.3877
-      0.08426      5.56428     -4.02423      27.4903      26.6183     -5.06828      35.5883      25.6553
-      0.08427      14.8908      4.30589      35.0481      33.3547     0.614176      40.6936      29.9872
-      0.08428      24.1363      12.8408      42.5997      40.1022      6.31653      45.7112      34.2638
-      0.08429     0.862577     -8.05091      23.8539      23.5009     -8.36667      33.1687      23.8356
-       0.0843     -68.2353      -70.286     -31.9945     -26.0841     -51.8961     -4.37888     -7.53845
-      0.08431      61.5489       46.643      72.7577      66.8556      29.0939      65.5758      50.8634
-      0.08432     -12.0411     -19.3723      13.4999      14.3759     -16.8572      26.0471      17.9918
-      0.08433       25.087      14.2272      43.4274      40.9371      6.07234      45.9785      34.6677
-      0.08434     -52.4875     -55.5499     -19.1806     -14.6381     -42.7342      3.92035    -0.427479
-      0.08435     -17.0024     -23.6538       9.3831      10.6443     -21.0226      22.7937      15.2899
-      0.08436      1.41698     -7.09542      24.2796      23.8895     -9.46588      32.7346      23.6399
-      0.08437     -16.7116     -23.3265      9.67425      10.9234     -20.9434      22.9482       15.535
-      0.08438     -5.62988     -13.3245      18.6354      18.8817     -14.1563      28.8697      20.5286
-      0.08439      5.60843     -3.15897      27.7764      26.9993     -7.13244      34.9403      25.6385
-       0.0844     -19.2577     -25.4918      7.76236      9.29587     -22.8793      21.4825      14.4871
-      0.08441     -7.64163     -15.0406       17.127      17.6222     -15.7982      27.6359       19.647
-      0.08442      45.0784      32.4302      59.7176      55.4451      17.1341       56.212      43.6102
-      0.08443      6.38982     -2.28709      28.5505      27.8293     -7.15524      35.4148      26.2527
-      0.08444     0.219511      -7.7458      23.5778       23.435     -11.1899      31.9531      23.3584
-      0.08445      6.30949     -2.31692      28.4941      27.8333      -7.4434       35.239       26.153
-      0.08446      56.8904      43.2549      69.4049      64.1653      24.0845      62.5757      49.0821
-      0.08447     -21.7791     -27.4679      5.95294      7.91021     -25.1136      20.0513      13.6122
-      0.08448     -11.7909     -18.4994      13.9121      14.9042      -19.141        25.18      17.8989
-      0.08449      -27.999     -33.0482     0.812965      3.30927      -29.475       16.267      10.4631
-       0.0845     -49.6652     -52.5193     -16.7154       -12.28     -43.2693      4.36095     0.501788
-      0.08451     -22.2024     -27.7835      5.43714       7.3705     -26.2459      19.0475      12.7629
-      0.08452     -41.0054     -44.7345     -9.67221     -6.01918     -38.1556      8.84785      4.31128
-      0.08453     -1.15754     -8.73306      22.4495      22.5292     -13.3853      30.2635      22.2514
-      0.08454     -12.6367     -18.9597      13.2889      14.4223     -20.5749      24.2376      17.2982
-      0.08455     -17.1217       -23.01      9.63596      11.2144     -23.5047      21.7154      15.2662
-      0.08456     -7.75606     -14.5534      17.2643      18.0267     -17.5969       26.757      19.5424
-      0.08457     -21.3769     -26.7399      6.29529      8.26394     -26.1603      19.3577      13.4148
-      0.08458     -44.7207     -47.7051     -12.5784     -8.50996     -40.9179      6.56371      2.75427
-      0.08459     -3.12121     -10.2495      20.9887       21.259     -15.0149      28.9275      21.4723
-       0.0846      24.8406      14.9773      43.6292      41.4077      2.50194      44.1265      34.2529
-      0.08461      14.4018      5.68963       35.297      34.1172     -3.95239      38.5354      29.6817
-      0.08462      -4.8575      -11.629      19.7572      20.3062     -16.0707      28.0735      21.0347
-      0.08463     -1.56016     -8.63962      22.4228       22.683      -14.011      29.7951      22.4972
-      0.08464      4.61792     -3.08558      27.4394      27.1559     -10.1749      33.0498      25.2491
-      0.08465     -48.2669     -50.6523      -15.268     -10.7425      -43.355      4.30035      1.24663
-      0.08466     -8.27845     -14.4913      16.9483      17.8032      -18.572      25.6344      19.0913
-      0.08467     -15.7012     -21.1141      11.0424      12.5814     -23.2442      21.6534      15.8262
-      0.08468      20.5311      11.6847      40.2806      38.5844     -0.58268      41.2416      32.2638
-      0.08469     -29.0024     -32.9108     0.395937      3.21479     -31.3831      14.5521      10.0159
-       0.0847     -13.7689     -19.1945      12.6554      14.0875     -21.9253      22.6127      16.7509
-      0.08471     -6.63271     -12.6787      18.4591      19.2642     -17.4383      26.5128      20.0461
-      0.08472     0.781849     -6.00546      24.4527      24.6006     -12.9408      30.4332      23.3828
-      0.08473      32.1736      22.2656      49.8289      47.1768      6.71299      47.3567      37.6144
-      0.08474     -29.4317     -33.0931     0.161631      3.11394     -31.6735      14.1064      9.90624
-      0.08475     -21.2464      -25.741      6.72824      8.90027     -26.7459       18.233      13.3416
-      0.08476     -8.67528     -14.4024      16.8277      17.8825      -18.888      24.8964      18.9231
-      0.08477     -11.5534     -16.9709      14.5362      15.8721     -20.7373       23.247      17.6464
-      0.08478      41.2689      30.5787      57.2204      53.7858      12.3503      51.8437      41.5785
-      0.08479     -38.0287     -40.7472     -6.77304     -2.96341     -37.1696      9.01071      5.89388
-       0.0848      10.5178      2.91077      32.4039      31.8315     -6.80158       35.052       27.633
-      0.08481    -0.552109     -7.06368       23.494      23.9341     -13.6703      29.0712      22.7372
-      0.08482     -18.5542     -23.2792      8.94747      10.9866     -24.9293      19.2277      14.5245
-      0.08483     -38.3032     -40.9665     -7.04667     -3.23211     -37.3437      8.32386      5.43385
-      0.08484      14.2562      6.26668      35.3653      34.4232       -4.421      36.6109      29.0981
-      0.08485     -21.3397     -25.7452      6.67992      9.01333     -26.5692      17.4019      13.1537
-      0.08486      29.0745      19.6181      47.3847      45.1189      4.99454        44.57      35.9146
-      0.08487     -40.8652     -43.2488     -9.11049      -4.9591     -38.7467      6.74718      4.37202
-      0.08488     -1.60324     -7.89365      22.5826      23.1125     -14.1845      27.7847      21.9236
-      0.08489      53.8457      41.9584      67.3858      62.9795      20.5336      57.8115      47.1108
-       0.0849     -33.7642     -36.7648     -3.23964     0.335803     -33.9348      10.5252      7.76333
-      0.08491      21.1156       12.549      40.9827      39.5582     0.337929      39.8721      32.2541
-      0.08492     -47.8435     -49.4386     -14.6437     -9.79595     -42.7577      2.53013      1.13392
-      0.08493     -12.4995     -17.6771      13.7917       15.383     -20.9095      21.3521      16.8195
-      0.08494      29.2051      19.8414      47.5374      45.3494      5.30653      43.9623      35.7865
-      0.08495     -16.7527     -21.4832      10.4976      12.5631      -23.201      19.1589       15.161
-      0.08496     -27.7212     -31.3089      1.60584      4.65389     -30.1259      12.9992      10.0299
-      0.08497      -29.504     -32.9276     0.142205      3.33308     -31.2369      11.8401      9.07988
-      0.08498      -11.016     -16.2482      15.0406      16.6046     -19.6184       21.756      17.4151
-      0.08499     -4.58738     -10.3645       20.288       21.301     -15.3923      25.2517      20.4201
-        0.085     -5.69615     -11.4739      19.3832      20.4429     -15.9644      24.5652      19.9151
-      0.08501      5.41576     -1.45125      28.3837      28.4452     -8.93783      30.4762      24.9185
-      0.08502     -14.4884     -19.3505      12.3101      14.2273     -21.2365      19.5928      15.9261
-      0.08503     -27.0398      -30.564      2.12558      5.19867     -29.0394      12.7514      10.1546
-      0.08504      5.46283     -1.23647      28.4093      28.4867     -8.57885      30.2337      24.7895
-      0.08505      27.8855      19.1017      46.5657      44.6698      5.64732      42.4086      35.0627
-      0.08506     -28.5231     -31.6306      1.04355      4.28463     -29.5134      11.8797      9.63109
-      0.08507     -6.03188     -11.3961      19.1718      20.3397     -15.4089      23.8494      19.6864
-      0.08508     -15.9615     -20.3299      11.1461      13.2744     -21.3923      18.3861      15.1701
-      0.08509      34.0164      24.6095      51.4452      49.0618      9.93242      45.3005      37.7085
-       0.0851     -22.3062     -26.0139      6.08047      8.82504     -25.1459      14.9017      12.3981
-      0.08511     -30.1495     -33.0448    -0.293788       3.1128     -29.9376      10.4556      8.67609
-      0.08512      6.57755    0.0780155      29.3583      29.4644     -6.75331      30.2072      25.1992
-      0.08513     -8.93859      -13.889      16.8438      18.3865     -16.2697      21.7379      18.2067
-      0.08514     -29.9153     -32.8335    -0.103033      3.32289     -29.7715       10.197      8.63066
-      0.08515       7.8461      1.14303       30.343      30.3336     -5.97592      30.5097      25.6196
-      0.08516      5.37967    -0.929899      28.4888      28.7582     -7.03202       29.248      24.6894
-      0.08517     -19.3618     -23.2134      8.46641      11.0227     -22.4644      15.7299      13.4374
-      0.08518      11.8296      4.87794       33.645      33.3444     -2.76256      32.5007      27.5174
-      0.08519     -68.1255      -67.048     -30.9275     -23.9584     -52.6861     -10.8188     -8.63723
-       0.0852     -38.9383     -40.8223     -7.47557     -3.18198     -34.4469      4.60029      4.21437
-      0.08521    -0.207892     -5.97098      23.7516      24.5774     -10.0107      25.5026      21.7442
-      0.08522     -3.33623     -8.78205      21.3347      22.4354     -11.7145      23.8815      20.4845
-      0.08523      19.6247      12.0504      39.8953      38.9538      2.91428       36.313      30.9766
-      0.08524     -3.34112      -8.6045      21.4099      22.6509     -11.1746      23.9057      20.7253
-      0.08525      -34.232     -36.4978     -3.57236     0.451031     -30.4326      7.03257      6.63754
-      0.08526      37.7998      28.2892      54.4921      51.9346       14.717      45.8298      39.0304
-      0.08527     -13.9569     -18.1931      12.7938      14.9652     -17.3133      17.8306      15.8118
-      0.08528     -12.8281      -17.119      13.7223      15.7723     -16.5125      18.2978      16.2315
-      0.08529     -16.1546     -20.1445       10.949      13.2909     -18.5323       16.248      14.5428
-       0.0853     -25.2502     -28.3036      3.60518      6.77896     -24.1044      11.1926      10.3872
-      0.08531      25.2115      17.1001      44.3271      42.9648      7.78204      38.4527      33.2027
-      0.08532     -34.3153     -36.3607      -3.6427     0.457081      -29.144      6.30997      6.43057
-      0.08533      45.9383       35.801      61.0849      57.8882      21.3468      49.5486      42.5542
-      0.08534     -12.0141     -16.2128      14.4242      16.4966     -14.8568      18.2921      16.6337
-      0.08535     -7.20335     -11.8764      18.2355      19.8682     -11.9346      20.6281      18.6539
-      0.08536      5.95404    0.0595444      28.8332      29.2862     -3.47227      27.6673      24.5644
-      0.08537     -45.2187      -46.028     -12.4897     -7.34566     -35.1982   -0.0980054      1.41519
-      0.08538      24.4676       16.628        43.68      42.4611      8.50945      37.3314      32.7124
-      0.08539     -27.4494     -30.0871      1.82769      5.36697      -23.622      9.32878      9.36759
-       0.0854     -36.4172     -38.1596     -5.46518     -1.16523      -29.188      4.22154      5.08372
-      0.08541      32.3017      23.6556      50.0134      48.0863      14.0587      41.2811      36.1282
-      0.08542     -29.3889     -31.7683     0.260532      4.02791     -24.2674      7.92791      8.39431
-      0.08543     -19.7508     -22.9834      7.95996      10.8159     -18.1574      12.9034      12.5591
-      0.08544      9.87737      3.77745      31.9068      32.0919     0.662528      28.9046      26.0262
-      0.08545     -13.8265     -17.5412      12.8004      15.1547     -13.9125      16.0669      15.3925
-      0.08546      12.2135      5.89728      33.7786      33.7756      2.53688      30.0209      27.1191
-      0.08547     -21.2849     -24.2681      6.74814      9.85154     -18.1221      11.8098      12.0319
-      0.08548     -38.6241     -39.7494     -7.31322     -2.66821     -28.8712      2.24818      3.99433
-      0.08549      16.8162      10.1327      37.3882      36.9816      5.95745      32.0603      28.9463
-       0.0855      10.8859      4.84599      32.6244      32.8164      2.56566      28.9059      26.4161
-      0.08551     -10.2498     -14.1396       15.618      17.7072     -10.3892      17.4637      16.9569
-      0.08552     -37.0728     -38.2314     -6.05461     -1.52211     -27.0001      2.74949      4.68865
-      0.08553      23.5015      16.2686      42.8097      41.8866      11.1757      35.3633      31.9698
-      0.08554     -49.7846     -49.6158     -16.3116     -10.5483     -34.5041     -4.27113     -1.02109
-      0.08555       8.1412      2.45841      30.3817      30.8426      1.81074      26.8536      24.9885
-      0.08556     -6.14658     -10.2811      18.8448      20.6473     -6.95651      19.0472      18.6229
-      0.08557     -0.63602     -5.23128      23.3281      24.7133     -3.10749       22.039      21.1911
-      0.08558     -48.9582       -48.74     -15.7301     -9.95082     -33.1507     -4.25375    -0.727893
-      0.08559      3.75108     -1.35634      26.7915      27.7085    0.0285301      24.0653      22.9335
-       0.0856     -5.17868     -9.22914      19.6337       21.422      -5.1884      19.2481      19.0319
-      0.08561     -8.61203     -12.2935      16.8307      18.9561     -7.08981      17.2524      17.4319
-      0.08562     -23.8398     -25.9924      4.52193      8.00481     -16.5359      8.93116      10.5569
-      0.08563      8.69524      3.31119      30.7835      31.3224      4.07848      26.4266      25.2515
-      0.08564      11.0214      5.42598      32.7032      33.1102      5.89425      27.7353      26.4664
-      0.08565     -31.8445     -33.1241     -1.92673       2.3729      -20.774      4.47395       7.0589
-      0.08566     -5.95236     -9.75345      18.9638      20.8823     -4.38714      18.1477      18.5677
-      0.08567     -33.7009     -34.6794     -3.48908        0.958     -21.5378      3.10152       6.0643
-      0.08568     -8.63736     -12.0782      16.6885       18.875     -5.67056      16.5031      17.2323
-      0.08569      15.9794      10.0635      36.5843      36.5347      10.0078      29.7696      28.4603
-       0.0857      -33.397     -34.2587     -3.22758      1.26859     -20.5644      3.08934      6.30756
-      0.08571      41.5879      33.1254      57.3047      54.9353      26.5644      43.5046      40.1516
-      0.08572     -5.79713     -9.55494      19.0513      21.0727     -2.79352      17.9051      18.9085
-      0.08573      20.2135      13.8569      39.9919      39.6687       13.663      31.8046      30.5734
-      0.08574     -98.0812     -92.5568     -55.6012     -45.1668     -60.2737     -32.4223     -23.0755
-      0.08575     -2.87123     -6.95205      21.0563      22.7849    -0.712892       18.613      19.4915
-      0.08576      21.1449      14.7519      40.5363      40.1254      14.7042      31.7088      30.6091
-      0.08577      23.1217      16.6267      42.2249      41.7324      16.5541      32.9348      31.7795
-      0.08578      19.6259      13.5429      39.4303      39.3214      14.6495      31.0842      30.3297
-      0.08579      -66.495     -63.9335      -30.145     -22.4134     -39.1865     -15.7295     -8.67775
-       0.0858      47.0084       38.113      61.3727      58.7387       31.833       45.321      42.3126
-      0.08581     -15.7621     -18.2521      10.8052      13.9217     -6.91374      11.5071      14.2625
-      0.08582     -47.0065     -46.3715     -14.5246     -8.56979     -26.4831     -5.64599   -0.0258084
-      0.08583     -9.29014     -12.4659      15.8275      18.3548      -2.7808      14.4431      16.7586
-      0.08584     -1.24083     -5.20305      22.3421       24.183      2.55929      18.7786       20.502
-      0.08585     -20.5541     -22.4599      6.75116      10.3561     -9.28369      8.28959      11.8295
-      0.08586      2.78696     -1.35173      25.5628      27.0906      5.58566       20.754      22.3685
-      0.08587     -17.4823     -19.5731      9.16876      12.6034     -6.84404      9.75689      13.2869
-      0.08588     -7.37227     -10.4332      17.3537      19.8336    -0.327162      15.0466      17.7564
-      0.08589     -7.09309     -10.1372      17.5957      20.0822     0.121874      15.0979      17.9082
-       0.0859      8.57653      3.98689      30.1804       31.326      10.1555      23.4413      25.0032
-      0.08591     -9.93504     -12.5996      15.2679       18.043     -1.20432      13.4439      16.7055
-      0.08592      17.0017       11.665      36.9808       37.327      15.8559      27.8761      28.8284
-      0.08593     -21.5124     -22.9652      5.88889      9.77038     -7.99908      7.00784      11.5101
-      0.08594     -27.5572     -28.3689     0.957676       5.3711     -11.6897      3.45897      8.56714
-      0.08595     -13.1819      -15.461      12.5146      15.6534     -2.44147      11.0954      15.0229
-      0.08596      16.9103      11.6854      36.8811       37.339      16.7502      27.3879      28.7451
-      0.08597     -15.8425     -17.7988      10.3921      13.8577     -3.57269      9.59385      14.0504
-      0.08598      38.3865      31.0813      54.1349      52.6786      30.6133      38.8551      38.5492
-      0.08599     -34.2101      -34.183     -4.46439     0.756904     -14.6223    -0.402027      5.86863
-        0.086     -12.6305     -14.7844      12.9058      16.0795     -1.02767      10.8834        15.33
-      0.08601     -6.59398     -9.33253      17.7475      20.4205      3.05357      14.0363      18.0886
-      0.08602      11.3743      6.88703      32.2281      33.2909      14.4374      23.6796      26.2415
-      0.08603     -17.2947     -18.8925      9.05682      12.7663       -3.264      8.06112      13.2893
-      0.08604     -42.5291     -41.6004      -11.378     -5.38766     -18.9758     -5.85408      1.72885
-      0.08605     -27.4767     -28.1391      0.58955      5.25136     -9.54264      1.94419      8.28309
-      0.08606     -34.0991     -34.0751     -4.74831     0.511015     -13.5552     -1.77092      5.23556
-      0.08607     -3.62336     -6.61042      19.8616      22.3881      5.86847       14.622      19.0594
-      0.08608      13.7902      9.10035      33.9518      34.9558      17.1422      24.1009      27.1525
-      0.08609     -62.5364     -59.5002     -27.7154     -19.6766     -30.4316      -17.232     -7.21951
-       0.0861      18.6913      13.5489       37.776      38.4129      20.5198      26.4547      29.3632
-      0.08611     -7.80811     -10.2122      16.4361      19.5573       4.2074      12.1484      17.5286
-      0.08612      6.95512      3.06663      28.2799      30.0748       13.549      19.9496      24.1178
-      0.08613     -3.12932      -5.9897      20.0936      22.8459      7.46908       14.408       19.629
-      0.08614     -15.8637     -17.4352      9.74863      13.6839    -0.371526      7.24352      13.7377
-      0.08615     -28.5091     -28.8259    -0.541632      4.56329     -8.14055     0.254045      7.93903
-      0.08616      -3.3511     -6.19414      19.6987      22.5448      7.75753      13.7036       19.177
-      0.08617     -7.92097     -10.2866      15.9865      19.3006      5.11509      11.0923      17.1681
-      0.08618     -25.6339     -26.1634      1.69173       6.6937      -5.7581      1.44464      9.31396
-      0.08619      26.3335      20.6144      43.6808      43.9624       27.017      29.4862      32.8738
-       0.0862     -14.7666     -16.3064      10.4914      14.5673      1.45089      7.17188      14.3839
-      0.08621      16.5508      11.8918      35.7152      36.9785       21.314      24.0554      28.4619
-      0.08622      -31.372     -31.3216     -3.05102      2.61466     -8.54873     -2.08598      6.75047
-      0.08623      -36.047     -35.6602     -6.98249    -0.923976     -11.5402     -5.00425      4.35365
-      0.08624     -13.0013     -14.9072      11.5937      15.5859      3.05531       7.3136      14.7298
-      0.08625     -4.69184     -7.37749      18.2992      21.6122      8.50841      11.7437       18.577
-      0.08626      24.6016      19.0382      41.9163      42.6128       27.068      27.4309      31.8145
-      0.08627     -40.0089     -39.0738      -10.213     -3.60158     -13.1223     -7.58855      2.71339
-      0.08628       5.4075      1.74044      26.3277      28.8055        15.33      16.6542      23.0527
-      0.08629      22.4724      17.1333      40.0979      41.0888      26.2793       25.822      30.8594
-       0.0863     -21.1723     -22.0459      4.82278      9.82389    -0.903703      2.12054      11.1782
-      0.08631      16.6244      11.9936      35.2431      36.8293      22.8635      22.2882       28.139
-      0.08632     -25.5231     -25.8898      1.19404      6.67518     -3.31363    -0.482167      9.21606
-      0.08633      5.29663      1.81666      25.9805      28.6699      16.0134      15.8979      22.9778
-      0.08634     -14.9651     -16.4342      9.55424      14.1259      3.46209      4.72329        13.76
-      0.08635     -32.8173     -32.5352     -4.92769       1.2861     -7.62186      -5.1655      5.61029
-      0.08636      20.1043      15.0941      37.6577      39.1369      25.6083      23.2262      29.4451
-      0.08637      12.8337      8.58665      31.8298      34.0276      21.3506      19.2532      26.3352
-      0.08638     -38.0382     -37.1905     -9.31362     -2.44271     -10.3454     -8.31266      3.36103
-      0.08639     -57.5408     -54.8085     -25.1671     -16.5376     -22.5871     -19.2333     -5.73096
-       0.0864      61.0494      51.9957      70.4816      68.3565      51.6177      44.5266      47.7432
-      0.08641     -52.1836     -49.8007     -20.9062     -12.6257     -18.8715     -16.5576     -3.12635
-      0.08642      28.9919      23.1704      44.5122      45.4098      31.8819      26.9581      33.3008
-      0.08643     -44.3589     -42.7977     -14.7156     -7.04898     -13.7171     -12.6946     0.293925
-      0.08644      38.4053       31.687      52.0522      52.1907      38.1234      31.8326      37.5707
-      0.08645     -25.1836      -25.513     0.689438      6.69795     -1.45461     -2.51313      9.04053
-      0.08646     -31.2847     -31.0084     -4.34869      2.23966     -5.25426     -6.20232      6.04809
-      0.08647      20.8708      15.9588      37.7231      39.6181      27.5575      21.8169      29.5628
-      0.08648      16.8769      12.4327      34.4551      36.8254      25.2853       19.569      27.8722
-      0.08649     -23.4471     -23.9363      1.81365       7.9272      0.15973     -2.42055      9.63928
-       0.0865     -21.4165     -22.1279      3.40101      9.30048      1.43789     -1.64009       10.372
-      0.08651      44.6569       37.274      56.6157      56.5845      42.8997      33.9029      40.1848
-      0.08652      15.6824      11.3025      33.2879      35.9625       25.045      18.2632      27.3333
-      0.08653     -6.47189     -8.61594      15.3581      20.0844      11.2909      6.12943       17.275
-      0.08654      15.6981      11.3448      33.1433      35.9318      25.2505      17.7854      27.1328
-      0.08655     -67.4159     -63.4555     -34.0879     -23.7249     -26.7578     -27.4288     -10.5392
-      0.08656      25.7763      20.3263      40.9444      42.8597      31.5017      22.5369      31.2612
-      0.08657     -1.86386     -4.48658      18.6974      23.1954      14.5186      7.62302      18.9956
-      0.08658     -25.9881     -26.1225    -0.844753      5.90389    -0.466728     -5.66492      8.03688
-      0.08659      16.7341      12.3026      33.5986      36.5171      26.3407      17.3233      27.3436
-       0.0866     -3.06739     -5.55186      17.5379      22.3242      14.0874      6.50621      18.4481
-      0.08661     -23.7358     -24.1156      0.74857      7.48751      1.23808     -4.93191       9.0329
-      0.08662      27.7421      22.1342      42.2352      44.3081      33.5666      22.6958      32.1981
-      0.08663     -45.8673     -44.0339      -17.202     -8.36939     -12.3698     -17.2452    -0.964575
-      0.08664      43.2945      36.1179      54.6089      55.3663      43.3882      30.5798      39.1139
-      0.08665     -45.6045     -43.7998     -17.1539     -8.24189     -12.0497     -17.4768    -0.859503
-      0.08666      -9.3442     -11.2012      11.9542      17.6022      10.5751      1.76598      15.2775
-      0.08667      2.44572    -0.645128      21.3903      26.0429      18.0782      8.00034      20.5918
-      0.08668      10.7223      6.77462      27.9894      31.9907      23.4052      12.3292       24.404
-      0.08669      8.86418      5.13299      26.4311      30.6928      22.3947      11.1912      23.5993
-       0.0867     -50.4772     -48.2718     -21.5122     -11.8629      -14.707     -21.1119     -3.27433
-      0.08671     -50.8785     -48.6729     -22.0016     -12.3055     -15.0576     -21.8213     -3.76944
-      0.08672      16.9069      12.2665      32.6055       36.196      27.4319      14.6506      26.8191
-      0.08673     -41.0301     -39.8063     -14.1308     -5.17123     -8.57886     -16.7907      0.80955
-      0.08674      46.0713      38.5423      56.0264      57.1827       46.018      30.1188      40.0837
-      0.08675     -47.5347     -45.6452     -19.5507     -9.79032     -12.3651     -20.5285     -1.98745
-      0.08676     -8.46096     -10.5731      11.8286      18.0688       12.043      0.25239      15.4069
-      0.08677      8.67403      4.87447      25.6018      30.3649      22.9118      9.33829      23.2053
-      0.08678     -3.66631     -6.19965      15.6033      21.5923      15.3764      2.55465      17.7223
-      0.08679     -43.4068     -41.9256     -16.5846     -6.92595     -9.46607     -19.1721     -0.30119
-       0.0868     -14.2795     -15.7512      6.76562      13.8322      8.74481     -3.75003      12.6855
-      0.08681      7.73769      4.00744      24.4338      29.5588      22.5811      8.03323      22.6683
-      0.08682     -29.9382     -29.7825     -5.95371      2.72124     -0.72624     -12.4511      5.76533
-      0.08683     -10.6744     -12.4918      9.44398      16.4559      11.3333     -2.33432      14.3659
-      0.08684     -16.3151     -17.5878      4.84889      12.4253      7.98074     -5.48751      11.8193
-      0.08685     -21.0225      -21.817     0.957593      9.04092      5.10281     -8.28465      9.66086
-      0.08686      32.3438      26.2328      43.9672      47.3217      38.6307      20.4474      33.8863
-      0.08687     -26.1197     -26.3612     -3.23544      5.51804      2.26079     -11.1363      7.66612
-      0.08688      39.7884      32.9196      49.8576      52.7073      43.5562      24.1694      37.3562
-      0.08689     -53.7332     -51.2114     -25.7069     -14.2845     -14.8896     -26.4825     -4.80716
-       0.0869     0.871769     -2.13405      18.1892      24.6718      19.1521       2.5947      19.5316
-      0.08691     -10.9238     -12.7271      8.60516      16.2593      11.9064     -3.95648      14.2284
-      0.08692     -9.23293     -11.2177      9.86237      17.4749      13.0479     -3.25152      15.0352
-      0.08693      9.79679      5.91459      25.1102      31.0851      25.0633      6.86656      23.7008
-      0.08694     -23.3908     -23.9134     -1.67245      7.36628      4.43426     -11.2019      8.74956
-      0.08695     -30.1683     -30.0251     -7.28349      2.41563     0.144521     -15.2437      5.47889
-      0.08696     0.678088     -2.26672      17.5234      24.5096       19.582      1.32817      19.4418
-      0.08697     -2.38463     -5.01928      14.9635      22.3322       17.787    -0.443777      18.1833
-      0.08698     -4.27369     -6.71312      13.3912      21.0366      16.7595     -1.61595      17.3729
-      0.08699     -19.4073     -20.3721       1.0582       10.161      7.32019     -9.98687      10.5494
-        0.087     -4.91253     -7.30335      12.6375       20.501      16.4474      -2.4395      16.9443
-      0.08701     -9.05523     -11.0533      9.15891       17.501      13.8945     -4.88644      15.0581
-      0.08702     -24.7846     -25.2031     -3.59399      6.24862      4.13248     -13.5619       7.9601
-      0.08703    -0.295041     -3.12498      16.0195      23.7355      19.4796    -0.576406      18.9555
-      0.08704     0.609245     -2.31427      16.6562      24.4013      20.1753    -0.236588      19.4386
-      0.08705      39.0059      32.1645      47.5571      51.9099      44.3248      20.4342      36.8571
-      0.08706      2.78085    -0.410067      18.2866      26.0559      21.8372     0.769146      20.6713
-      0.08707     -1.88767     -4.57258      14.4158      22.6899      18.9673     -2.03083      18.4731
-      0.08708     -46.2438     -44.5487     -21.5777     -9.19304     -8.84422     -26.4109     -1.70362
-      0.08709       27.524      21.8159      37.8654      43.6344      37.3914      13.2595      31.4957
-       0.0871     -36.6437     -35.9199     -14.0109     -2.28041     -2.60087     -21.4329      2.62428
-      0.08711      6.96427      3.33058      21.0397      28.8848      24.6663      1.83504      22.1792
-      0.08712      28.4225      22.6916      38.2889      44.3101      38.2494      13.3074      32.0241
-      0.08713     -18.0784     -19.0896      0.75998      11.0616      9.27249     -11.9381      11.1341
-      0.08714      16.9601      12.4561        28.92      36.1176      31.2067      6.67046      26.8427
-      0.08715      -23.954     -24.3719     -4.16896      6.81767      5.64493     -15.5706      8.42951
-      0.08716      11.5321      7.51889       24.332       32.173      27.8681      3.35336      24.3833
-      0.08717     -1.89981     -4.58711       13.292      22.5474      19.5414      -4.0968      18.2972
-      0.08718     -48.6353     -46.6919      -24.617     -11.0264      -9.7658     -29.7064     -2.93452
-      0.08719     -49.9626     -47.8928     -25.8481     -12.0857     -10.6696     -30.7485     -3.79264
-       0.0872      30.3592      24.3674      38.8788      45.4713      39.7244      12.5476        32.53
-      0.08721      -2.3691     -4.95969      12.4592      22.2132      19.5402     -5.03961      18.1121
-      0.08722     -35.6856     -34.9087     -14.5182     -1.71937     -1.33977     -23.3463      2.95207
-      0.08723      20.2392      15.3457      30.4638      38.2712      33.6794      6.65069      28.1207
-      0.08724     -60.9218     -57.6748     -35.1735     -19.8374     -17.0158     -37.3587     -8.44103
-      0.08725      11.5255      7.43437      23.1312      31.9513      28.2467      1.44065      24.0083
-      0.08726      28.5534      22.8724      36.8616      44.2462       39.131      10.6669       31.956
-      0.08727      3.46127     0.334248      16.5447      26.3466      23.5832     -2.98603      20.7978
-      0.08728     -50.3873     -48.1559     -27.1304     -12.2999     -10.1389     -32.3955     -3.66236
-      0.08729      3.96585     0.708619      16.5594      26.5026      23.8022     -3.36864      20.6432
-       0.0873      11.5705      7.59904      22.6552      32.0485      28.7185     0.576397      24.2096
-      0.08731     -29.4885     -29.3641     -10.6309       2.6093      3.06585     -21.8378      5.66168
-      0.08732      3.99158     0.720939      16.2223      26.5136      24.0139     -3.88224      20.6722
-      0.08733     -56.8699     -53.9523     -32.9944     -17.0499     -13.9872      -36.972      -6.7999
-      0.08734      61.0835      52.1005      62.0396      67.3585      59.8069       26.531      46.3763
-      0.08735     -31.4934     -31.1122     -12.6943      1.21463      2.15248     -23.3772      4.90112
-      0.08736     -25.5547     -25.8183     -8.11354      5.34248      5.76695     -20.6167      7.31674
-      0.08737     -13.3343     -14.8173      1.59883       14.035      13.3636     -14.1671      12.7568
-      0.08738      20.1366      15.2836      28.4602      38.0014      34.3833      3.77961      27.9397
-      0.08739     -47.2936     -45.3712     -26.0274     -10.2607      -7.7372       -32.83     -2.43035
-       0.0874      40.4155      33.4993      44.6215      52.5171      47.1717      14.3169       37.061
-      0.08741     -10.4184     -12.2066        3.521      16.2123      15.5518     -13.1974      14.3426
-      0.08742      2.12432    -0.916231      13.5009      25.1535      23.4273     -6.55097      19.9159
-      0.08743      30.4449      24.5644      36.2669      45.4712       41.252      8.67637      32.7737
-      0.08744     -14.4405     -15.8076   -0.0656114      13.3643      13.2844     -15.6886      12.5841
-      0.08745      5.59312      2.20819      15.9563      27.6689      25.8224     -5.10458       21.532
-      0.08746     -54.9852     -52.3105     -33.1099     -15.7802     -12.1276     -38.0941     -5.90699
-      0.08747     -1.67796     -4.36744       9.7849      22.3561      21.2248     -9.53198      18.0317
-      0.08748      4.91975      1.60665      14.9962      27.1361      25.5166     -5.95662      21.2003
-      0.08749     -1.11389      -3.8381      9.97353      22.7795      21.7643     -9.41329      18.4457
-       0.0875     -18.0569     -19.0647     -3.82171      10.6359      11.2037     -18.8008      10.8275
-      0.08751     -55.1758     -52.4656     -33.9836     -15.9719     -12.0063     -39.0777     -6.00395
-      0.08752       32.803      26.6594      36.8444      46.9962      43.0352      8.31558      33.6588
-      0.08753      31.8831      25.9122      36.1237      46.5296      42.7522      7.97173      33.6262
-      0.08754     -8.82295     -10.6934      3.13557      17.3992      17.3623     -14.1204      15.2911
-      0.08755      3.92692     0.768657      13.2434      26.4819      25.3157     -7.52278      20.9027
-      0.08756     -5.66491     -7.80737      5.43867      19.6182      19.3788     -12.7882      16.5208
-      0.08757      8.13353      4.57706      16.3933      29.4574      28.0051     -5.49709      22.7008
-      0.08758     -7.40467     -9.42153      3.73277      18.3384      18.3405     -13.9468      15.7486
-      0.08759     -14.9926      -16.241     -2.57439       12.837      13.5492     -18.5429      12.2091
-       0.0876      1.70655     -1.19858       10.756      24.7745      24.0463     -9.57741      19.7014
-      0.08761     -7.24219     -9.19813      3.41117      18.4156      18.5496     -14.3861      15.7164
-      0.08762      35.1482      28.9328      37.4332      48.7385      45.1181      8.52441      34.8513
-      0.08763     -10.9314     -12.4671     0.184801      15.8376      16.4465      -16.416      14.2648
-      0.08764    -0.836834     -3.39405      8.11135      22.9546      22.6612     -11.2279      18.6039
-      0.08765     -39.1726     -37.9117     -23.0519     -4.56493     -1.33407     -32.2057      1.21465
-      0.08766     -23.6749     -24.0429     -10.7598      6.39511      8.19828     -24.1257      7.97227
-      0.08767      15.8527      11.5568      21.0638      34.7423      33.0419     -2.82203      25.8749
-      0.08768       23.684      18.6386      27.3617      40.4803      38.1674      1.50516      29.6335
-      0.08769     -16.9164     -17.8924     -5.69227      11.3583      12.7447     -20.6065      11.2694
-       0.0877     -35.8234     -34.9008     -21.1369     -2.27408     0.831792     -31.0524      2.53998
-      0.08771     -36.0546     -35.1394     -21.5879     -2.60143     0.540076     -31.4891      2.13074
-      0.08772      9.48158      5.82575       15.029      30.0202      29.0916     -7.03567      22.7646
-      0.08773     -8.00827     -9.81647     0.877228      17.6359      18.3538     -16.3867      15.1051
-      0.08774     -20.1944     -20.7113     -9.05951      8.94194      10.7957     -23.0673      9.59098
-      0.08775      51.7932      44.0356      48.8357       60.491      55.9132      15.7826       42.166
-      0.08776     -5.41775     -7.36703       2.5849      19.6331      20.3054     -15.0763      16.5324
-      0.08777      -22.425      -22.682     -11.3457      7.35592      9.57085     -24.2809      8.71936
-      0.08778      35.0639      29.0335      34.9168      48.5214      45.5735      6.71701      34.6375
-      0.08779     -21.7666      -22.048     -11.0535      7.89798      10.1396     -24.0243      9.08693
-       0.0878        48.78       41.394      45.6882      58.3614      54.2681       13.822      40.8463
-      0.08781     -59.1285     -55.6572     -41.5716     -18.9295     -13.2459      -44.562     -7.81958
-      0.08782     -19.4994     -20.0768     -9.84155      9.28242      11.3533     -23.4018      9.70329
-      0.08783      31.0322      25.3864      30.8114      45.5199      43.0914      3.94178      32.6156
-      0.08784     -63.7006     -59.8508     -45.7463     -22.3125     -16.1433     -47.4483     -10.1283
-      0.08785      -23.559     -23.7177     -13.6351      6.24442      8.76867      -26.166      7.63343
-      0.08786      43.3971       36.559      40.2995      54.2806      50.8099      10.1312      38.0082
-      0.08787      10.5825      7.13841      13.7316      30.9748      30.5593     -7.14863      23.5522
-      0.08788       7.6855      4.57374      11.2387      28.9036      28.7738     -8.94858       22.236
-      0.08789     -12.0461       -13.21     -4.89277      14.7085      16.3789      -19.722      13.2993
-       0.0879     -22.9042     -22.9507     -13.8375      6.88046      9.52702     -25.6766      8.26759
-      0.08791      38.1293      32.0086      35.2052      50.5339      47.7223      7.20411      35.7772
-      0.08792     -11.8424     -12.9013     -5.25259      14.8068      16.5659     -19.7244       13.292
-      0.08793     -62.5042     -58.4143     -46.3518     -21.5779     -15.2599      -47.343     -9.81671
-      0.08794      31.3453      25.9986      29.1782      45.5526      43.4146      3.19231      32.3854
-      0.08795      33.4882      27.9876      30.9091      47.2763      45.0183      4.58551      33.7342
-      0.08796      10.5481      7.35419      12.2268      30.9081      30.7684     -7.78329      23.4111
-      0.08797     -44.1734     -41.8356     -32.2253     -8.42516     -3.63605     -37.5013     -1.46924
-      0.08798     -14.7729     -15.3946     -8.73495      12.4991      14.6231     -21.8677       11.568
-      0.08799      38.3126       32.323      33.9478      50.5383      47.9174      6.85699      35.5613
-        0.088     -33.0939     -31.9148     -23.7815    -0.514368      3.35677     -31.5772      3.45349
-      0.08801      41.8636      35.5611      36.5407      53.1548      50.2873      8.91808      37.2247
-      0.08802      7.16207      4.39462      8.42456      28.3652      28.6875     -9.68624      21.7383
-      0.08803     -8.12386     -9.37116     -4.19466      17.3575      19.0739     -18.0415      14.7238
-      0.08804      27.1569      22.3818      24.1493      42.6028      41.1355      1.04986      30.5816
-      0.08805     -36.8677     -35.1813     -27.6579     -3.24869      1.06869     -33.6226      1.66429
-      0.08806     -5.94035     -7.41329     -2.97905      18.7612      20.2769     -17.1795      15.3489
-      0.08807     -4.16646     -5.78569     -1.70102      20.0838      21.4827     -16.1491      16.2142
-      0.08808     -2.20533     -4.00706     -0.28979      21.4848      22.7144      -15.056      17.1852
-      0.08809      21.8271      17.6256      18.9619      38.7246       37.823     -1.88347      28.0046
-       0.0881     -1.81231     -3.56073    -0.276545      21.8326      23.0982     -14.8002       17.399
-      0.08811     -16.2401     -16.5528     -12.1479      11.4291      14.0157     -22.5412      10.7282
-      0.08812     -10.6352     -11.5261     -7.85443      15.3853      17.4903     -19.5312      13.2077
-      0.08813      30.2333      25.2935      25.0429      44.6842      43.1069      2.88697      31.6614
-      0.08814      -13.071     -13.6539     -10.1154       13.698      16.0828     -20.4693      12.2154
-      0.08815      41.1206      35.1397       33.474       52.527      50.0289      8.71152      36.5951
-      0.08816     -24.8723     -24.1946     -19.9292      5.31163      8.82021     -26.8844      6.87917
-      0.08817      3.60106      1.35791      2.74821      25.5211      26.4373     -11.7694       19.421
-      0.08818     -6.59383     -7.81425     -5.65085      18.1872      20.0218     -17.2846       14.753
-      0.08819      -7.1778     -8.29094     -6.29588      17.7888      19.6694     -17.4944      14.4759
-       0.0882     -1.70557     -3.39321     -2.06907      21.7018      23.1269      -14.431      16.9584
-      0.08821     -34.7814     -33.1502      -28.932     -2.00517      2.40437     -32.3216      1.91229
-      0.08822       11.448      8.47838      8.14685      31.0298      31.2709     -7.37733      22.6517
-      0.08823     -22.5806     -22.1214     -19.5062      6.70365      10.0459     -25.6384      7.39715
-      0.08824      41.5478      35.5811      32.1007      52.6665      50.2427      9.21189      36.4233
-      0.08825      11.2032        8.331      7.52732      31.0667      31.4363     -6.92352      22.9405
-      0.08826      23.1521      19.0965      16.9786      39.6165      38.9295    -0.405118      28.3151
-      0.08827     -52.7885     -49.2287     -44.5593     -14.8498     -8.67675     -41.5377     -6.12649
-      0.08828      27.9165       23.395      20.3607      42.8632      41.7254      2.09833       30.139
-      0.08829     -0.19759     -1.86884      -2.4463      22.8036      24.2371     -12.9501      17.5642
-       0.0883      -36.246     -34.2728     -31.8037     -3.07934      1.60758      -32.359       1.1696
-      0.08831     -32.8407     -31.2103     -29.2654    -0.774311      3.59649     -30.6338      2.47751
-      0.08832     -0.31476     -1.94532     -3.23937      22.5008       23.951      -12.939       17.096
-      0.08833     -8.03338     -8.82676     -9.58746      17.0532      19.2281     -16.9358      13.7066
-      0.08834     -14.9196     -15.0221     -15.3652       12.087      14.8773     -20.7946      10.5141
-      0.08835      13.9616      10.9926      7.78906      32.8181      33.0536     -4.67388      23.6456
-      0.08836      9.94559      7.41537      4.42152      29.9872      30.6167       -6.654      21.9515
-      0.08837     -7.38127     -8.13374     -9.75585      17.6098      19.8098     -15.7748      14.0835
-      0.08838     -56.1135     -51.9883      -49.316     -17.3657     -10.7525     -42.2735     -8.09249
-      0.08839      7.60342       5.2907      1.81879      28.1371      28.9677      -7.8167      20.4934
-       0.0884      17.3342      14.0859      9.56259      35.2141      35.2162     -2.35941      25.0367
-      0.08841      17.8191       14.531      9.79866      35.6159      35.6026     -1.87301      25.3632
-      0.08842     -50.4343     -46.7874     -45.5156      -13.305     -7.13913     -38.7255     -5.53044
-      0.08843      38.2118      33.0011      25.8157      50.1282      48.2658      9.17494      34.3379
-      0.08844     -59.3748     -54.6621     -53.0941     -19.6984     -12.6863     -43.3025     -9.66303
-      0.08845      14.1116      11.3362      5.97641      32.8514      33.2272     -3.58507      23.2597
-      0.08846      16.0753      13.0784       7.4096       34.312      34.5351     -2.25726      24.3184
-      0.08847      13.5317      10.8691      5.28469      32.5505      33.0207     -3.40254      23.2188
-      0.08848     -10.7872     -11.0014     -14.5742      15.1111       17.782     -16.3684      12.1998
-      0.08849      48.9634      42.7534      33.4727      57.9029      55.1801      16.0786      39.1664
-       0.0885      19.8981      16.6481       9.8823      37.1718      37.1175     0.662763       26.202
-      0.08851     -17.3958     -16.8905     -20.4232      10.4012      13.6991     -19.4528      9.26851
-      0.08852      30.4034      26.1269      17.8813      44.5784      43.5681      6.46546      30.6874
-      0.08853     -25.8743     -24.4526     -27.6996      4.30639      8.38574     -23.8545      5.19113
-      0.08854      43.4175      37.8467      27.9832      53.8516      51.6802      13.8443      36.3637
-      0.08855      1.60077     0.278338     -5.86874           24      25.6387     -8.42484      17.6335
-      0.08856     -1.74619     -2.73164     -8.83989      21.4925      23.4155     -10.1909      15.9598
-      0.08857      13.0471      10.6029      2.90589      32.0939      32.6715     -2.21324      22.6027
-      0.08858     -25.3144     -23.9151     -28.2653      4.60753      8.66687     -22.7136      5.22353
-      0.08859     -28.4021     -26.6883     -30.9922      2.30217      6.60741      -24.421      3.58369
-       0.0886      33.3755      28.8983      18.6785      46.5417      45.2634      9.14836      31.4549
-      0.08861      28.8666      24.8832      14.9342      43.4373      42.6495      7.31526      29.6169
-      0.08862     -17.8932     -17.1316     -22.9637      9.97963      13.4326     -17.7889      8.48504
-      0.08863     0.768561    -0.365469     -8.12803      23.2582      25.0211      -7.6664      16.7518
-      0.08864      29.8277      25.8295      15.0868      44.0541      43.2181      8.15478      29.8276
-      0.08865      25.4416      21.9338      11.4237      40.9718      40.5443      6.04677      27.9071
-      0.08866     -37.7978     -34.9613     -39.8794     -4.36823     0.929873     -27.9898     -0.69359
-      0.08867      35.4322      30.9257      18.9944      48.0174      46.6699      11.6222      32.1392
-      0.08868      -69.142     -63.1353     -65.5971     -26.8822     -18.7569     -44.5996     -15.1184
-      0.08869      43.4503      38.1435      25.0217      53.6236      51.5484      16.1764      35.4182
-       0.0887     -5.37521      -5.6989     -14.4456      18.7921      21.1798     -9.81969      13.6027
-      0.08871      53.5671      47.3346       32.908      61.0502      58.1132      22.2636      40.2473
-      0.08872      4.33676      3.10526     -6.96429      25.8666       27.397     -4.03739      18.1235
-      0.08873     -17.7078     -16.7415     -25.0131      9.96746      13.4881     -15.8988      7.93315
-      0.08874      10.1298      8.26799     -2.80116      29.8127      30.8177    -0.767371      20.2822
-      0.08875     -2.07994      -2.7006     -12.7802      21.0761      23.1937     -7.18964      14.7214
-      0.08876     -24.0146     -22.4664     -30.7392      5.28095       9.3667     -18.9308      4.67892
-      0.08877    -0.168756     -1.01232      -11.714      22.3154      24.2514      -5.7617      15.3531
-      0.08878     -42.7331     -39.2985     -46.2822      -8.1991      -2.4339     -28.5624     -3.89916
-      0.08879      10.0455      8.21703     -3.85452       29.604      30.6162     0.156567      19.7994
-       0.0888      8.86552      7.14489     -4.99558      28.7833      29.9356    -0.189809      19.3786
-      0.08881     -11.1639     -10.8261     -21.3008      14.4789       17.446     -10.8529        10.35
-      0.08882     -34.1427     -31.5216     -40.0936     -2.05422       2.9875     -23.1456    -0.237904
-      0.08883      30.9976      27.0431      12.2228      44.5392      43.7128      12.1563      29.0459
-      0.08884     -2.02416     -2.57644     -14.5169      21.0051      23.1858     -5.20732      14.2949
-      0.08885     -2.42566     -2.94423     -15.0605      20.6418      22.8607     -5.34617       13.937
-      0.08886      11.3786      9.51824     -4.12522      30.5646      31.5248      2.32768      20.1528
-      0.08887     -25.4723      -23.669     -34.0793      4.12978      8.43931      -17.161      3.46094
-      0.08888      1.27543      0.39879     -12.7091      23.2336      25.1192      -2.6672      15.3192
-      0.08889      23.0175      19.9863      4.61682      38.8316      38.7755      9.29659      25.2371
-       0.0889     -11.7605     -11.2977     -23.6254      13.9515      17.0548     -9.26448      9.52733
-      0.08891     -19.9447     -18.6584     -30.4003      8.02317      11.8567     -13.4287       5.6599
-      0.08892      38.6153      34.0499      16.7073      49.9868      48.5321      18.3663      32.0384
-      0.08893     -45.3199     -41.4509     -51.2063     -10.1133     -3.97384     -26.7639     -5.84993
-      0.08894      -11.957     -11.4518     -24.6171      13.6708      16.7695     -8.66853      8.96916
-      0.08895     -5.54799     -5.72474     -19.6614      18.2351      20.7999     -4.97049       11.863
-      0.08896      22.7457      19.8334      3.10968      38.5471      38.5822      10.5495      24.6037
-      0.08897      4.26804      3.18947     -12.0049      25.3347      27.0687     0.895616      16.3048
-      0.08898     -8.65771     -8.40946     -22.5565      16.1071      19.0007     -5.80353      10.4004
-      0.08899     -49.6339     -45.3111     -55.9866     -13.3757       -6.791     -27.7908      -8.3083
-        0.089      45.8594      40.5872      20.9036       54.976      52.9393      24.0005      34.6033
-      0.08901     -2.41138     -2.80078     -18.1316      20.5507      22.9171     -1.64486      12.9809
-      0.08902     -6.31296     -6.31663     -21.5029      17.6927      20.3957     -3.62787      11.0709
-      0.08903      -8.5232     -8.35769      -23.518      16.0406      18.9514     -4.63809      9.93636
-      0.08904     -26.2583     -24.2782     -37.9825      3.36219      7.89638     -14.0453      1.88159
-      0.08905      68.0835      60.6176      38.0034      71.0046      67.0217       37.237      44.4717
-      0.08906      22.2202      19.4309     0.916421      38.3297      38.5619      13.0416      24.0508
-      0.08907     -21.3016     -19.7905     -34.5018      7.03032      11.1868     -10.3341      4.21661
-      0.08908      16.0631      13.8135     -4.53049      33.7458      34.4934      9.86204       20.856
-      0.08909     -1.75256     -2.19374     -19.0959      20.9857      23.3593     0.523453      12.7748
-       0.0891     -1.84166     -2.22181     -19.3568      20.8884      23.2423     0.523515      12.6218
-      0.08911     -43.8866      -40.025     -53.5076      -9.2685     -3.11571     -22.0145     -6.55013
-      0.08912      6.91973      5.64806     -12.7505      27.0065      28.5659      5.50699      16.1626
-      0.08913     -56.6643      -51.529      -64.181     -18.4716     -11.1517     -28.6023     -12.5305
-      0.08914      64.5156      57.5006      33.3599      68.2336      64.6303      37.1624      42.0464
-      0.08915      50.8049      45.2561      22.3014      58.6807      56.4151      30.4452      36.2948
-      0.08916      12.7256      11.0397     -8.60729      31.4395      32.6235      10.0209       19.082
-      0.08917     -15.9005     -14.7141     -31.9613      10.8507      14.5935     -5.46061      5.94396
-      0.08918      56.2312      50.1307      26.0305      62.4511      59.6919      33.8326      38.4153
-      0.08919     -41.3758     -37.6789     -52.9374     -7.42432      -1.3556     -18.5695     -5.64047
-       0.0892      -3.4587     -3.59895     -22.6209      19.5346      22.1066      1.83546      11.0789
-      0.08921      12.2394      10.5404     -10.0128      30.8314      32.0064      10.5972      18.1557
-      0.08922      7.33478      6.17883     -14.0076      27.3983       29.018      8.23541      15.9491
-      0.08923      -30.974     -28.3153     -45.1612   -0.0791776      5.01123     -12.2449     -1.42386
-      0.08924      35.7536      31.7457      8.49472      47.6918      46.7635      24.0192      28.6107
-      0.08925      0.59027     0.163397     -20.0497       22.577      24.8732      5.36104      12.7935
-      0.08926      25.7843      22.8383     0.170046      40.6469      40.6601      19.2172      24.0857
-      0.08927     -2.21428     -2.32752     -22.5903       20.604      23.1604      4.33253      11.4324
-      0.08928      7.21849      6.12185     -15.1678      27.3164      29.0263      9.56202       15.517
-      0.08929      56.6238      50.5902      24.5733      62.7379           60      36.5467      37.8443
-       0.0893     -2.71723     -2.85052     -23.4858      20.3036        22.95      4.80937      11.1188
-      0.08931      27.0926      23.8837     0.344553      41.5666      41.5184      21.0187      24.3565
-      0.08932     -30.0034     -27.4761     -45.9129     0.663705      5.77232     -9.66242     -1.48712
-      0.08933      13.2199      11.4236     -11.1847      31.5418      32.7191      13.7626      17.7535
-      0.08934      15.1479      13.1865     -9.76473      32.9574      33.9989      15.1655      18.6673
-      0.08935      4.95673      3.99967     -18.2076      25.6581       27.624      9.91267       13.992
-      0.08936      33.3354      29.5655      4.54406      45.9799      45.3879      25.3474      26.7594
-      0.08937     -22.7227     -20.8974     -40.8114       5.8448      10.3265     -4.70477      1.36555
-      0.08938     0.958882     0.327022      -21.932      22.7119       25.028       8.1068      11.8103
-      0.08939      52.6212      46.8188      19.5287      59.7167      57.3978      36.2747      35.1504
-       0.0894     -28.7121     -26.2684     -46.1207      1.58203      6.59393     -7.35013     -1.51094
-      0.08941      11.2715      9.72137     -14.2435      30.0137      31.4133      14.1421      16.1866
-      0.08942      -55.487     -50.3532     -68.2985     -17.8368     -10.4178     -21.8014     -14.0602
-      0.08943      29.1856      25.7521    -0.181467      42.7086       42.455      23.9763      23.8394
-      0.08944      18.7669      16.4421     -8.64483      35.3977      36.1429      18.8126      19.3745
-      0.08945     -28.8638     -26.4104     -47.2674      1.26962      6.31513     -6.76434      -2.2121
-      0.08946      32.3837      28.6767      1.98217      45.0559       44.579      26.4679      25.1515
-      0.08947     -9.29546     -8.79779     -31.7459      15.2646       18.569      4.18644      6.37737
-      0.08948      -18.693     -17.2794     -39.5124      8.46324      12.5719       -0.828      1.92253
-      0.08949     -8.06843     -7.73654     -31.1298      16.0021      19.1576      5.01241      6.53788
-       0.0895      31.7616      28.0966      0.86579      44.5608      44.1395      26.7998      24.4563
-      0.08951      30.1637      26.6605    -0.525258      43.5038      43.2679      26.3246      23.8613
-      0.08952      15.6148      13.5602     -12.3935      33.1186      34.1979      18.6714      17.2868
-      0.08953      27.7664      24.4918     -2.75612      41.7936       41.777      25.4001       22.647
-      0.08954      37.5948      33.3412      5.02981      48.8422      47.9387      30.9426       26.987
-      0.08955      -19.842     -18.3392     -41.5256       7.6362      11.9187    0.0074777     0.874806
-      0.08956     -40.8154     -37.2952     -58.6983     -7.55586     -1.40534     -11.4702     -8.98692
-      0.08957    -0.467679    -0.986311     -26.2961      21.2584      23.7319      10.4116      8.98139
-      0.08958     -50.3663     -45.8588     -66.7753     -14.4978     -7.50771     -16.4738     -13.6977
-      0.08959     0.904486     0.249977     -25.5721      22.1385      24.4907      11.2284      9.37928
-       0.0896      6.15955      5.05611     -21.4124      25.9953      27.9109      14.3963      11.8202
-      0.08961      7.92595      6.68054     -20.1073      27.2796      29.0537      15.5639      12.5684
-      0.08962     -17.2999     -16.0826     -40.6738      9.16711      13.2307      2.05475      1.08258
-      0.08963      31.8171      28.1045     -1.12749       44.351      43.9582      28.7229      23.1021
-      0.08964     -5.73169     -5.66519     -31.4592      17.5024       20.518      8.68008      6.16521
-      0.08965      1.16894     0.551673     -26.0509      22.4206      24.8147      12.5376       9.1514
-      0.08966      35.1705      31.0636      1.19708      46.7538      46.0876       31.096      24.4041
-      0.08967      2.36859      1.56255     -25.3881      23.3335      25.6293      13.6312      9.63124
-      0.08968     -67.7696     -61.4484     -82.1842     -27.0185     -18.4292     -24.3436      -22.407
-      0.08969      42.4872      37.7116      6.63335      51.8105      50.4257      35.2354      27.0992
-       0.0897     -25.4511     -23.4204     -48.3242      3.28185      8.08037     -1.10473     -3.38917
-      0.08971      10.3522      8.76552      -19.545       28.875      30.4105       18.324      12.5798
-      0.08972      -11.745     -11.0892      -37.554      13.0306      16.5773      6.52466      2.49516
-      0.08973      38.8575      34.4423      3.19276      49.2811      48.2894       34.068      25.2722
-      0.08974      19.4221      16.9618      -12.548      35.4833      36.2743      23.9467      16.6563
-      0.08975     -4.50918     -4.49886      -31.954      18.3303      21.2793      11.1223      5.68701
-      0.08976      22.4136      19.7321     -10.4036      37.5308      38.0383        25.75      17.6953
-      0.08977      31.0822      27.5534     -3.43197      43.8007      43.5423      30.6283      21.6771
-      0.08978     -16.1009     -14.8875     -41.5872      10.0037      13.9964      5.22094     0.216223
-      0.08979      18.2467      15.9302     -14.1456      34.4954      35.3574      23.7519      15.4357
-       0.0898     -3.99634     -4.07526     -32.2524      18.5288      21.4068       11.848       5.2928
-      0.08981     -51.3159     -46.6775     -70.6339     -15.4744     -8.35355     -13.7972     -16.3698
-      0.08982     -11.5902     -10.9888     -38.7643      12.8498      16.3413      7.64305      1.25559
-      0.08983      43.3007      38.4611      5.50195      52.2555      50.8283      37.5736      26.1637
-      0.08984     -0.77664     -1.15518     -30.1087      20.7981      23.4048      14.0758       6.3994
-      0.08985     -5.49252     -5.44873     -34.0561      17.3702      20.3772       11.573      4.08481
-      0.08986       63.091      56.2583      21.2234      66.5342      63.3769      48.8813      35.0544
-      0.08987      29.9499      26.4912     -5.51295      42.9257      42.8144      31.2997      20.2622
-      0.08988      39.2035      34.8327       1.8713      49.5476      48.5981      36.4154      24.3863
-      0.08989     -40.3211      -36.702      -62.412     -7.43246      -1.2107     -6.47981     -11.7215
-       0.0899     -3.19539     -3.37159     -32.7038      18.9775      21.7897      13.4074      4.61462
-      0.08991      23.8164      20.9269      -11.013      38.3426       38.747      28.2332      16.7226
-      0.08992      3.90758      3.07807      -27.127      24.1416      26.3644      17.6803      7.75766
-      0.08993     -10.2118     -9.61149     -38.5596      13.9954      17.4979      10.1541      1.28279
-      0.08994     -23.3609     -21.4287     -49.2987      4.51432      9.18763      3.08065     -4.79934
-      0.08995      11.7653      10.2306      -20.959      29.7084      31.2079      22.2021      10.8223
-      0.08996      36.8066      32.7931    -0.723633      47.7214      46.9988      36.0061      22.3067
-      0.08997      39.0954      34.8813      1.08583      49.4752       48.581      37.5466      23.4688
-      0.08998      24.6042      21.8822     -10.7894      39.0708      39.5043      29.8259      16.8164
-      0.08999      2.98058      2.49963     -28.3451      23.5551      25.9299      18.1935      6.94106
-         0.09     -27.0822     -24.5837     -52.7606      1.94525      7.00366      1.93492     -6.90661
-      0.09001     -3.47819     -3.38103     -33.8269      18.7658      21.6718      14.6655      3.51758
-      0.09002      6.35926      5.48216     -25.9357      25.8401      27.8781      20.1669      7.89141
-      0.09003     -1.57818     -1.64541     -32.3572      20.1866      22.9413      15.9902      4.29082
-      0.09004      44.2362      39.5454      4.59796      53.1082      51.7532      41.0778      25.1756
-      0.09005     -34.5186     -31.2507     -59.0889     -3.29334      2.48646     -1.36989     -10.4829
-      0.09006      15.6931      13.8679     -18.7452       32.513      33.7246      25.6145       11.851
-      0.09007      9.66444      8.47413     -23.6433      28.2054      29.9861      22.5204      9.13209
-      0.09008      40.8026      36.5157      1.59214      50.6185      49.6048      39.5948      23.2599
-      0.09009      4.99982      4.43772     -27.4136       25.051      27.2899      20.4546      7.14063
-       0.0901      3.75286      3.37563      -28.515      24.0445      26.3922      19.7602      6.32683
-      0.09011     -10.7409     -9.65541     -40.2625      13.6584      17.3132      12.0165    -0.363052
-      0.09012      2.68511       2.4038     -29.5194      23.2167      25.6471      19.2877      5.54345
-      0.09013     -12.2456     -11.0383     -41.5138      12.5307      16.3024       11.321     -1.30025
-      0.09014      3.39337      3.04685     -29.0993      23.7235      26.0991      19.8969      5.69189
-      0.09015      26.5132      23.8691     -10.5143      40.3067      40.6191      32.5766      16.1574
-      0.09016      50.8444      45.8184      9.26722       57.862      56.0075      45.9807      27.3398
-      0.09017     -5.89365      -5.1864     -36.4168      17.2935      20.5697      15.4821      1.73914
-      0.09018      -16.189     -14.5241     -45.0626      9.73453      13.9274      9.77039     -3.28159
-      0.09019        81.83      73.6992      34.0876       79.997      75.3476      62.9036      40.9107
-       0.0902      3.26842      3.07183     -29.1966      23.8763      26.3829      20.8056      5.65863
-      0.09021      26.2201      23.6932     -10.8474      40.2149       40.623      33.1418      15.7314
-      0.09022      3.73899      3.46992     -29.0271       24.104      26.5436      21.0829      5.49036
-      0.09023      11.3063      10.2665     -22.9225       29.539      31.2882      25.2756      8.85125
-      0.09024      38.4198      34.7159     -1.09722      48.9091      48.2361      40.0465      21.0825
-      0.09025     -8.45962     -7.41939     -38.9412      15.3858       18.958      14.8322    -0.177489
-      0.09026     -32.5291     -29.1243     -58.4472     -1.97756      3.73219      1.70247     -11.3362
-      0.09027      14.9705      13.5844     -20.1804      31.9852       33.385      27.3823      9.81936
-      0.09028       22.379      20.2798     -14.1475      37.4004      38.1728      31.6436      13.3555
-      0.09029      9.98874      9.13545     -24.1533      28.5693      30.4685        25.07       7.6876
-       0.0903      16.1761      14.7504     -19.1501      32.9689       34.334      28.5039       10.555
-      0.09031     -9.79277     -8.60102     -40.1474      14.3325      18.0352      14.4894     -1.31235
-      0.09032      52.0147      47.0037      9.74846      58.6354      56.7611      48.0311      26.5524
-      0.09033     -8.78296     -7.63459     -39.2527      15.2171      18.8622      15.4116    -0.842938
-      0.09034      16.0459      14.6324     -19.3358      32.8779      34.2738      28.7758      10.1452
-      0.09035      3.09661      3.11951     -29.7443      23.6768      26.2487      21.9099      4.33579
-      0.09036      22.9657      21.0168     -13.6452      37.8885      38.6824      32.7138      13.1368
-      0.09037     -13.7453     -11.9261     -43.2411      11.6389      15.7369      12.9698     -3.46258
-      0.09038      35.7791       32.652     -3.32709      47.0154      46.6281      39.7068      18.7817
-      0.09039      27.8399      25.4976     -9.66199      41.3765      41.7287       35.551      15.2024
-       0.0904      7.31795      7.05318     -26.2385      26.7273       28.961      24.6299      5.96763
-      0.09041      11.8875      11.1389     -22.5538      29.9796      31.8102      27.1691      7.90679
-      0.09042     -46.0909     -40.9797     -69.3866     -11.5995     -4.56825      -4.2369      -18.538
-      0.09043      54.5859      49.6078      11.8105      60.3985      58.3342      50.1275      26.6904
-      0.09044      24.0841       22.266     -12.5848      38.7795      39.5264      34.0408      13.1738
-      0.09045      -21.092     -18.3576     -49.0982      6.32825      11.1581      9.57736     -7.31498
-      0.09046     -10.1132     -8.51029     -40.3552      14.0925      17.9079      15.4206      -2.6102
-      0.09047      56.4832       51.398      13.3975      61.8154      59.6354      51.5435      27.4432
-      0.09048       49.196      44.9436      7.65232      56.7615      55.2934      47.9311       24.344
-      0.09049      -59.941     -53.1903     -80.3353      -21.397      -13.023     -11.0157     -25.0342
-       0.0905       35.861      32.9539     -3.00432      47.0561      46.7299      40.5892      17.9892
-      0.09051      12.8045      12.2731     -21.5975      30.6596       32.463      28.3757      7.72731
-      0.09052      6.65235      6.72741     -26.5325      26.2355      28.5965       25.088      4.81165
-      0.09053      18.3803      17.2647     -16.9639      34.6605      35.9767      31.5309      10.1397
-      0.09054     -21.4841     -18.5711     -49.1449      6.07799      10.9995      10.0162     -7.89694
-      0.09055       19.086      17.9075     -16.4462      35.0561      36.3035       31.891      10.1887
-      0.09056       19.775       18.579     -15.8907      35.5837      36.7864      32.3909      10.4242
-      0.09057     -30.4885     -26.5966     -56.3184    -0.455118      5.25738      5.14635     -12.3402
-      0.09058     -6.53521     -5.08394     -36.9644      16.6078      20.1306      17.9928     -1.76486
-      0.09059      30.6662      28.4358     -6.92831      43.3035      43.4829       38.202      15.0646
-       0.0906     0.575344      1.45706     -31.0985       21.846      24.7687       22.151      1.62042
-      0.09061      42.0132      38.7099      2.38281      51.4813      50.6726      44.5843      20.2828
-      0.09062      4.56837      5.08332     -27.7756      24.7636      27.3487      24.5133      3.40375
-      0.09063      8.33113       8.3506     -24.6689      27.3792      29.6315      26.5229      4.90348
-      0.09064      18.9517      17.9286     -16.0631      34.9641      36.2419      32.2563      9.59841
-      0.09065      50.7417      46.4898      9.73938      57.7877       56.208      49.5643      23.9733
-      0.09066     -18.6445     -15.8507     -46.1643      8.13196      12.8268      12.1588     -7.29211
-      0.09067      23.8644      22.4072     -11.8278      38.4909      39.3069      34.9968      11.5833
-      0.09068     -3.28887     -2.04034     -33.6899      19.0234      22.3202      20.4001    -0.750854
-      0.09069       56.672      51.9746       14.823      62.0123      59.9071      52.9207      26.2958
-       0.0907     -9.79353     -7.82426     -38.7007      14.4708      18.3859      17.1473     -3.61454
-      0.09071     -31.8689     -27.7229     -56.5951     -1.51766      4.36113      5.01373     -13.9533
-      0.09072         19.8      18.7203     -14.9401      35.3672      36.5711      32.8221      9.16243
-      0.09073      26.2875      24.6782     -9.47239      40.1844      40.8687      36.6721      12.3209
-      0.09074      35.8507      33.3339     -1.64324      47.0629      46.9052       41.949      16.7159
-      0.09075      2.58385      3.42413     -28.3601      23.2752      26.1196      24.0447      1.64434
-      0.09076      20.2117      19.2344     -14.2075      35.7436      36.9951      33.4343      9.40599
-      0.09077      43.4847      40.2013      4.69021      52.4665      51.6407      46.1563        19.94
-      0.09078     -10.5949     -8.49107     -38.9018       13.739      17.8189      16.9912     -4.39158
-      0.09079     -3.59379      -2.2138     -33.1532      18.6711      22.0965      20.6893     -1.40461
-       0.0908      32.7318      30.5077     -3.80396      44.6121      44.7679      40.2918      14.8647
-      0.09081     -11.8429     -9.55401     -39.5649      12.7941      16.9985      16.3879     -5.06592
-      0.09082      53.1202      48.8693      12.8485       59.268       57.614      51.4949      24.2124
-      0.09083      22.2848      21.2085     -11.8476      37.2825      38.4647      35.0548      10.4111
-      0.09084     -42.9766     -37.5374      -64.513     -9.58006     -2.51865    -0.337764      -19.306
-      0.09085      51.7834      47.7049      12.0252      58.2016      56.6701      50.7611      23.2501
-      0.09086      14.6104      14.3841     -17.7439      31.7519       33.619      30.9348      6.69962
-      0.09087     -5.84814     -4.04887      -34.164      17.0238      20.7378      19.8311     -2.67817
-      0.09088     -35.5346     -30.7791     -58.1444     -4.32703      2.05271      3.70982     -16.2048
-      0.09089        12.88      12.7631     -18.9126      30.2734      32.2544      29.7943      5.44373
-       0.0909      20.4654      19.6491     -12.6904       35.816      37.1696      34.0909      9.01798
-      0.09091     -3.11675     -1.53202      -31.574      18.9087      22.3938      21.3544     -1.73235
-      0.09092     -47.7006      -41.624     -67.5837     -13.1314     -5.64056     -2.88056     -22.1004
-      0.09093      26.7883      25.3594     -7.39003      40.1755      40.9331      37.3873      11.5544
-      0.09094      13.1847       13.167      -18.192      30.5133      32.5384       30.246      5.58015
-      0.09095      19.5416      18.9357     -12.8761      35.1139      36.5828      33.7941      8.51373
-      0.09096      88.2118      80.7259      42.6691      84.3059      79.5946      70.9952      39.6104
-      0.09097      32.7953      30.9458     -1.83219      44.7724      45.0819      41.2513      14.7601
-      0.09098     -8.05001     -5.84826     -34.8727       15.381      19.3846      19.0331     -3.93699
-      0.09099      37.5508      35.1303      2.16694      48.0234      47.8629      43.6053      16.4984
-        0.091       32.233      30.4684     -1.96215      44.1936      44.5542      40.8032        14.16
-      0.09101     -19.0257     -15.7651     -43.1925      7.43597      12.4292      13.0935     -9.03173
-      0.09102      88.9869      81.4812      44.0651      84.7621      79.9974      71.4429      39.6759
-      0.09103     -42.3909     -36.6685     -61.8185     -9.27301     -2.14196     0.581166     -19.4881
-      0.09104      20.1378       19.502     -11.3199      35.3212      36.7614      34.1099      8.34345
-      0.09105       29.722      28.0769     -3.36711       42.233      42.8296         39.4      12.7825
-      0.09106      40.0304      37.3572      5.14502      49.6763      49.3627      45.0867      17.5371
-      0.09107      19.8543      19.2406     -10.9389      35.3271      36.8523      34.3508      8.54137
-      0.09108      13.9996      13.9273     -15.6445      31.0055      33.0543      31.0627      5.75193
-      0.09109       26.186      24.8847     -5.66308      39.7021      40.6615      37.6814      11.2544
-       0.0911     -2.61464    -0.994548     -28.6846      19.1387      22.6954      22.1677     -1.67382
-      0.09111      4.36995      5.25722     -22.9252      24.0263       26.947      25.8092      1.25246
-      0.09112      45.9684      42.6571      10.7815      53.7837      52.9616      48.3025      20.0315
-      0.09113     -38.1545     -32.9782     -56.9964     -6.43644     0.348203      2.89947     -17.9259
-      0.09114      40.6576      37.9098      6.73165      49.9337      49.5887      45.4115      17.5177
-      0.09115      14.9236      14.8364     -13.7768      31.6362      33.6522      31.7447      6.12952
-      0.09116      31.8942      30.1181    0.0874131      43.7648      44.2703      40.9595       13.775
-      0.09117     -19.2626     -15.9217     -41.1153      7.04977      12.1727      13.2247     -9.36709
-      0.09118      51.4625      47.7019      16.0921      57.5974      56.3363       51.356      22.4299
-      0.09119     -36.6692      -31.564     -54.8607     -5.44292      1.24658      3.80374     -17.2526
-       0.0912      18.6106      18.0926     -10.1647      34.0179      35.7061      33.5568      7.51736
-      0.09121     -57.8554     -50.7639     -71.7333     -20.7746      -12.168      -7.8018     -27.0084
-      0.09122      5.26274      5.94329      -20.679      24.3377      27.1972      26.2022      1.35723
-      0.09123      78.8954      72.1339      39.0498      77.2279      73.4884      66.2551      34.7653
-      0.09124      17.1785      16.7913     -10.5727      33.1462       35.073       33.206      7.28444
-      0.09125      20.3366      19.6279     -7.84153      35.3603      36.9963      34.8822      8.67046
-      0.09126      38.7225        36.22      7.01771      48.4585      48.4489      44.7703       16.917
-      0.09127     -14.5241     -11.6274     -35.6644      10.3133      15.0858      15.9459     -7.09323
-      0.09128      46.6975       43.366      13.8626      54.0512      53.2838      48.9204      20.3948
-      0.09129      12.6104      12.7551     -13.4528      29.7465      32.0787      30.6263      5.09215
-       0.0913      55.1755      51.0135      21.0501      60.1772      58.6924      53.6426      24.4053
-      0.09131      2.57511      3.69705     -21.2302      22.5357      25.8168      25.2946     0.753329
-      0.09132      29.8935      28.2217     0.831603      41.9995      42.8041      39.9607      13.0351
-      0.09133     -13.8029     -11.0663      -34.315       10.683      15.4361      16.3392     -6.78961
-      0.09134      51.3464      47.5292      18.4539       57.219      56.0951      51.4552      22.5396
-      0.09135      32.1306      30.2322      3.26762      43.5745      44.2239      41.2742      14.1306
-      0.09136      3.18676       4.1903     -19.9447      22.8471      26.1153       25.659      1.08351
-      0.09137      51.0666      47.2249      18.8339      57.0646      56.0027      51.4429      22.6019
-      0.09138      19.0913      18.4622      -6.8296      34.1658      36.0238      34.2403      8.23706
-      0.09139      26.5529      25.2064    -0.590332      39.5008      40.7079       38.297      11.6826
-       0.0914       19.294       18.637     -6.33945        34.16      36.0081      34.1931      8.25704
-      0.09141      24.9534       23.725     -1.60258      38.2373      39.5887      37.3189      10.9572
-      0.09142     -29.9626     -25.7307     -45.7862     -1.16394      5.12326      7.54327     -13.9673
-      0.09143      27.5183      25.9349     0.542004       39.794      40.8902      38.3957      11.7527
-      0.09144      16.9965      16.4232     -7.62878      32.3704      34.4471      32.8958      7.22519
-      0.09145     0.336355      1.38761     -20.8401      20.4817      24.0607      23.9407     -0.14742
-      0.09146     -1.16203    -0.015064     -21.9479      19.3026       23.011      23.0251    -0.914138
-      0.09147      27.5163      25.8205      1.31949      39.7883      40.9312      38.5439      12.0912
-      0.09148      35.2977      32.8314       7.8511      45.3747       45.842      42.8161      15.7414
-      0.09149     -19.7327     -16.6049     -36.3831      5.98823      11.4204      13.0944     -9.04996
-       0.0915      13.8947      13.6144     -9.16748      29.9421       32.317      31.1183      5.99782
-      0.09151      47.8636      44.1698      18.4342      54.2866      53.6241      49.5731      21.4584
-      0.09152     -2.61423     -1.22169     -22.0192      18.2052      22.1239      22.3995     -1.14371
-      0.09153      9.59649      9.69618     -12.1592      26.8611      29.6569      28.8793       4.2427
-      0.09154      9.06312      9.15312      -12.447      26.3639      29.2342      28.5322      3.97679
-      0.09155      14.9797      14.5026     -7.44144      30.5792      32.9265      31.7431      6.78826
-      0.09156      7.27084      7.57207     -13.4775      24.9922      28.0081      27.4575      3.16029
-      0.09157      66.6981      61.0203      34.7874      67.6079      65.2805       59.685      30.1454
-      0.09158      1.58872      2.45924     -17.8359      20.9638      24.5658      24.5715     0.921622
-      0.09159      -37.239     -32.5421     -48.9339     -7.02461    0.0391682      3.33087     -16.8588
-       0.0916       11.406       11.224     -9.55118      27.7086      30.3466      29.4555      4.97939
-      0.09161      3.93154      4.50756     -15.4244      22.3306      25.6686      25.4232      1.62307
-      0.09162      73.0088      66.6665      40.5265      71.8779      69.0091      62.9307      33.0594
-      0.09163     -47.5956     -41.8448     -56.6455     -14.4869     -6.44294     -2.20379     -21.2332
-      0.09164        81.26      74.0055      47.5865      77.6941      74.0749      67.2994      36.8086
-      0.09165     -3.91013     -2.58483     -20.9323       16.819      20.9442      21.5083     -1.23381
-      0.09166      6.57893      6.79152     -12.2971      24.2224       27.369      27.0048      3.29277
-      0.09167       16.028      15.2596     -4.59364      30.8729      33.1687      32.0002      7.50198
-      0.09168      10.1632       9.9627     -9.14798      26.6199      29.4588       28.816       4.8837
-      0.09169     -2.94907     -1.89432     -19.6317      17.1581      21.1839      21.6617     -1.00876
-       0.0917     -5.01675     -3.78727     -21.4209      15.5182       19.718      20.3624     -2.11282
-      0.09171      43.2671      39.6393      17.7541      50.1577      50.0144      46.5735      19.8419
-      0.09172     -28.8741     -25.2504     -40.1897     -1.43739      4.95036       7.6699     -12.5505
-      0.09173      29.0832      26.8235      6.59787      39.8814      41.0158       38.784      13.4801
-      0.09174      50.2338      45.8569      23.8402      55.0653      54.3334      50.3461      23.2857
-      0.09175      28.8761       26.591      6.70726      39.7449       40.972      38.8417      13.7611
-      0.09176      16.2028      15.1258      -3.3966      30.5677      32.9291      31.8819      7.95512
-      0.09177     -9.26464     -7.77958     -23.7836      12.2834      16.9297      18.0641     -3.51063
-      0.09178      61.3222      55.6919      33.2677      62.7375      61.0264      56.1477      28.3146
-      0.09179     -40.8023     -36.1676     -49.0241     -10.4246     -2.89348     0.967313     -17.6185
-       0.0918      29.1572      26.7005      7.43296      39.4541       40.644      38.5006      13.7279
-      0.09181      14.0914      13.2108     -4.59692      28.6583      31.2391      30.4135      7.11139
-      0.09182     -7.40988     -6.22498      -21.786      13.2011      17.7168        18.72     -2.67467
-      0.09183      48.4377      43.9412      23.4615      53.1639      52.6327      48.8618      22.5665
-      0.09184       39.185      35.6603      16.2074      46.6516      47.0132      44.1031      18.7997
-      0.09185      54.0997      49.0803      28.4629      57.3375      56.3637      52.2031      25.6376
-      0.09186      26.1172      23.9223      5.97777      37.2779      38.8575      37.1047      13.1773
-      0.09187      10.7155       9.9585     -6.50278      26.0355      28.9759      28.5286      6.03583
-      0.09188      26.2965      23.9498      6.11029      37.0815      38.5998       36.805       12.936
-      0.09189     -31.0118      -27.714     -40.1098     -4.11453      2.57714      5.68145     -13.0274
-       0.0919      29.8128      26.9727       9.0634      39.3459      40.5111      38.4059      14.3683
-      0.09191      25.2485      22.8879      5.73229      36.0787      37.7071      36.0291      12.5293
-      0.09192     -1.55423     -1.12899     -15.9021      16.8617      20.9411      21.5793     0.610639
-      0.09193      69.8417      63.1042       42.116      68.0133      65.6429      60.1902      32.9073
-      0.09194      5.11577      4.91346     -9.87517      21.7195      25.2137      25.3277      3.88674
-      0.09195     -15.6163      -13.812     -26.6476      6.63567      11.9939      13.8705     -5.61167
-      0.09196     -6.66096     -5.72813     -19.4154      12.9205      17.4447      18.5355      -1.7105
-      0.09197      30.9971       28.116      11.0503       39.797      40.9296      38.8222      15.3067
-      0.09198      10.6301      9.78209      -5.2409      25.1944      28.2115      27.8751      6.31524
-      0.09199       50.704      45.8293        27.26      53.8648      53.2894      49.5438      24.5175
-        0.092      24.0244      21.8143      5.92794      34.7938      36.6417       35.201      12.6505
-      0.09201      51.2455       46.349       28.143      54.3163      53.7224      49.9754      25.0937
-      0.09202      2.90985      2.83888     -10.8207      19.6157       23.413      23.8204      3.35158
-      0.09203     -22.5912     -20.1285     -31.3454      1.09205      7.16012      9.73347     -8.41608
-      0.09204      47.8376      43.1922        25.36       51.459      51.1585      47.7232      23.3867
-      0.09205      2.31298      2.27242     -11.2273      18.8696      22.7162      23.2096      3.07053
-      0.09206      28.0247      25.2978      9.64866      37.2052      38.7278      37.0264      14.6761
-      0.09207     -39.6558     -35.6216     -44.8706     -11.3508     -3.72397     0.361003     -15.8705
-      0.09208      16.3533       14.656     0.357408      28.5716      31.1195      30.4057      9.26126
-      0.09209      27.1957      24.4133      9.29931      36.3919      38.0108      36.4062      14.4016
-       0.0921      5.58933      4.95693     -7.93158      20.9395      24.5329      24.8239      4.86086
-      0.09211      26.4518      23.7109       8.9161      35.7825      37.5049      36.0103      14.3242
-      0.09212      38.3344      34.4093      18.7053      44.2945      44.9647       42.494      19.8883
-      0.09213      10.9724      9.77717     -3.28803      24.6942      27.8507      27.7318      7.69789
-      0.09214      8.57653      7.54135     -5.20431      22.7872      26.1771      26.2614      6.50934
-      0.09215      19.4051       17.285      3.57786      30.4679      32.8882      32.0698      11.3966
-      0.09216       9.1594      8.10229      -4.6801      23.0802      26.4405      26.5164      6.90753
-      0.09217      9.95251      8.71953     -3.89306      23.5484      26.8311      26.8485      7.27348
-      0.09218      96.6284      86.6638      66.3723       85.733      81.2115      73.8571      46.7132
-      0.09219     -19.1694     -17.5276     -26.9667      2.82316      8.80389       11.384     -5.35524
-       0.0922      0.47472    0.0928258     -11.1182      16.6396      20.8131      21.6876       3.2345
-      0.09221      9.84938      8.49215     -3.46891        23.27      26.6028      26.6997       7.4959
-      0.09222       5.1155      4.24184     -7.22976       19.804      23.5871      24.1038      5.43172
-      0.09223      3.10741      2.45689     -8.78838      18.3113      22.3042      22.9876      4.60886
-      0.09224       29.099      25.8654      12.4341      36.9902      38.6282      37.1292      16.5577
-      0.09225     -8.85157     -8.31175     -18.0116      9.77121      14.8551      16.6153    -0.457722
-      0.09226     -12.3419     -11.4823     -20.6142      7.01783      12.4186      14.4929     -2.20754
-      0.09227      24.8089      21.9222      9.19625      33.6089      35.6631      34.5836       14.683
-      0.09228      39.0721      34.7968      20.8376      43.8444      44.6648      42.4108      21.4008
-      0.09229      43.0923      38.3975      24.1505      46.6998      47.2182      44.6803      23.4588
-       0.0923     -8.11858     -7.67033     -17.1159      9.95021      15.0887      16.9335     0.342288
-      0.09231      17.9076       15.714      3.93365      28.4631      31.2462      30.8637      12.0748
-      0.09232      39.3576      35.0022      21.3439      43.7902      44.6441      42.4469      21.8412
-      0.09233      31.2036       27.691      14.9033      37.8985      39.5428      38.1009      18.3012
-      0.09234      25.9009      22.8979      10.6593      34.0426      36.2048      35.2436      16.0788
-      0.09235      60.5438      54.0126      38.8032      58.8449      57.8952      53.9949      31.8462
-      0.09236      20.0534      17.5968      6.22734      29.8563       32.596      32.1916      13.7639
-      0.09237     -6.37183     -6.19436     -15.0332       10.796      15.8928      17.7301      1.76948
-      0.09238      26.2794      23.0779      11.0355      33.9959      36.1355      35.1911        16.41
-      0.09239     -7.29372     -7.11843     -15.8404      9.91385      15.1016      17.0511      1.37932
-       0.0924      48.3952       43.024      29.2823      49.6976      49.8729      47.0835       26.508
-      0.09241      31.2114      27.6305      15.5931      37.4193      39.2015      37.9224      19.0695
-      0.09242      -12.709     -11.9123     -19.8293        5.862      11.6039      14.0732     -0.77164
-      0.09243      4.31948       3.3793      -6.0964      17.8367      22.0465      23.0717      6.82853
-      0.09244       25.191       22.125      10.6442      32.6897      35.0533      34.3163      16.3124
-      0.09245     -8.89247     -8.53783     -16.7932      8.22874      13.7062      15.9194      1.00352
-      0.09246       48.365      42.9574      29.5592      49.1863      49.4956      46.8385      26.9318
-      0.09247     -3.07162     -3.26274     -11.9532      12.3177      17.3194      19.1045      3.91245
-      0.09248      9.97278        8.368     -1.36711      21.5707      25.3761       26.041      9.77246
-      0.09249     -10.8585     -10.4087     -18.0564      6.61724      12.3057      14.7607     0.460809
-       0.0925      5.92554      4.62655     -4.49906      18.4975      22.6738      23.7002      8.01323
-      0.09251    0.0285774    -0.667897     -9.15295      14.1813      18.9056      20.4465      5.30137
-      0.09252      48.2103       42.682       29.824      48.7336       49.157      46.6506      27.3814
-      0.09253      34.0793      30.0284      18.6107      38.7657      40.5278      39.2658      21.4205
-      0.09254     -24.5105      -22.707     -28.6178     -3.23783      3.80597      7.55766     -4.96667
-      0.09255      32.5076      28.5472      17.4156       37.413      39.3278      38.2139      20.6847
-      0.09256      34.9434      30.7905       19.613      39.2295      40.9644      39.7028      22.1165
-      0.09257      12.4979      10.5771      1.56705      23.0001      26.7849      27.4558      11.9754
-      0.09258      25.5552      22.2812      11.9595      32.1993      34.8306      34.3946      17.8127
-      0.09259     -17.1514     -16.1599     -22.3576      1.48949      8.00422       11.263     -1.35993
-       0.0926      19.8941      17.1087      7.56657      27.9932       31.153      31.2251      15.3657
-      0.09261      28.4933      24.8633      14.5283      34.1536      36.5755       35.958      19.4579
-      0.09262     -11.3751     -10.9894     -17.5734      5.53284      11.5655      14.3691      1.48198
-      0.09263      43.1208      37.9452      26.4417       44.473      45.5847      43.7524      26.1152
-      0.09264      3.98789      2.76316      -5.0221      16.4559      21.1516       22.708      8.66383
-      0.09265     -7.51968     -7.56943     -14.3116      8.05939      13.8046      16.3414      3.41557
-      0.09266      26.6883      23.1839      13.2788      32.4474      35.0995      34.7203      18.8377
-      0.09267      -57.363     -52.4709     -54.6167     -27.8349      -17.605     -10.8043     -19.1162
-      0.09268      59.0063      52.1395      39.2893      55.2895      55.0407       51.919      33.3327
-      0.09269      40.9147      35.9626      24.8779      42.4997      43.9841      42.4936      25.7291
-       0.0927      48.8601      43.1365       31.413      48.2144      49.0353      46.9269      29.5434
-      0.09271      13.1093      10.9605      2.44574      22.4343      26.5377      27.4981      13.3828
-      0.09272      21.8491      18.7786      9.35456      28.5393      31.8418      32.0696      17.2652
-      0.09273      36.1314      31.6426      21.0214      38.7203      40.7359      39.7566      23.7857
-      0.09274     -19.9309      -18.785     -24.1798     -1.52689      5.56274      9.36668     -1.53559
-      0.09275      46.3118      40.7901      29.2418      45.7946      46.9168      45.0658      28.3415
-      0.09276     -34.3715     -31.8026     -35.9974     -12.0605     -3.59849      1.48693     -7.92828
-      0.09277      41.4791      36.3875      25.1676      42.1148      43.7313      42.3418      26.2419
-      0.09278      14.9497      12.5663      3.73253      23.1359      27.2195      28.1614      14.5743
-      0.09279     -16.3833     -15.6225     -21.5272     0.558458      7.47684      11.1005      0.40064
-       0.0928     -23.0624     -21.6821          -27     -4.43826      3.06231      7.23401     -2.81284
-      0.09281      61.0518      54.0402      40.8933      55.7649      55.7302      52.7743      35.3645
-      0.09282      4.21182      3.04177     -4.82352       15.223      20.3742      22.3115      10.1002
-      0.09283      27.1293      23.6198      13.5996      31.4134      34.5296      34.5294       20.339
-      0.09284      23.2684      20.1426      10.4589      28.5919      32.1091      32.4915      18.7695
-      0.09285       39.874      35.0916      23.8403      40.4862      42.5296      41.5244      26.4253
-      0.09286     -21.6258     -20.2499     -25.6277     -3.70504      3.91321      8.18531     -1.34297
-      0.09287     -22.2369      -20.888      -26.223     -4.38263      3.27588       7.5495     -1.89572
-      0.09288      28.5716      24.8122      14.9166      31.9392       34.997      34.9502      21.0776
-      0.09289      25.8071      22.3997      12.7921      30.0254      33.3949      33.6382      20.1326
-       0.0929     -1.05224     -1.81419      -8.9486      10.6971      16.5434      19.1035      8.10072
-      0.09291      6.98192      5.41205     -2.43772      16.3739      21.4917       23.356       11.727
-      0.09292      76.3844      67.8565      53.8499      66.0387      64.9284      60.9242      43.2426
-      0.09293      25.6248      22.2599       12.794      29.7149      33.2641      33.6603      20.5827
-      0.09294      -44.747      -41.084     -44.0829      -20.841     -10.9691     -4.60533     -11.3634
-      0.09295      29.4214      25.5606       15.639      31.9896      35.1901      35.2017      21.8738
-      0.09296      7.75609      6.11434     -1.67361      16.5168      21.7067      23.5896      12.2986
-      0.09297     -10.6356     -10.4991     -16.5966      3.19934      10.0681      13.5293       3.9561
-      0.09298      8.41327      6.64079     -1.30938      16.7662      21.9191      23.7472      12.5536
-      0.09299     -22.2341     -20.9944     -25.9399     -5.25137      2.68857      7.17442     -1.19118
-        0.093     -49.5766     -45.6197      -47.998     -24.9505     -14.5622     -7.75708     -13.6311
-      0.09301      20.3057      17.1698      8.33773      24.9326      29.0549       29.909      17.8871
-      0.09302      11.7145      9.47772      1.26082      18.6637      23.6535      25.3019      14.1582
-      0.09303      9.79355      7.80651    -0.244924      17.2636      22.5185      24.3695      13.5114
-      0.09304      15.0959      12.6173      4.07528      21.0389      25.8368      27.2673      16.0364
-      0.09305      8.77981      6.98205     -1.04139       16.438       21.811       23.781      13.1741
-      0.09306      27.3826        23.67      13.9491      29.6707      33.4236      33.8456      21.6722
-      0.09307       12.276      10.0995       1.9592      18.7897      23.9626      25.7111      14.9893
-      0.09308      60.5218      53.4664      40.6897      53.3052      54.1846      51.8456      36.9374
-      0.09309      -19.495     -18.5126     -23.8688      -4.0529      4.09093      8.61011     0.947599
-       0.0931     -3.21581     -3.89394     -10.8918      7.34721      14.0071      17.1061      8.04172
-      0.09311      7.41672      5.72294     -2.32591      14.8754      20.6051      22.8112      12.8568
-      0.09312     -6.07337     -6.42357     -13.1383      5.17487        12.16      15.5206      6.82126
-      0.09313      16.1516      13.5346      4.82833      21.0324      26.0158      27.4679      16.8732
-      0.09314      8.99816      7.09502    -0.807706      15.8583      21.5249      23.6166       13.751
-      0.09315       58.645      51.7768      39.2289      51.3893      52.6419      50.5275      36.3263
-      0.09316      5.13948      3.69384     -4.04661      13.0909      19.2423      21.7392       12.453
-      0.09317      -6.3158     -6.62983     -13.3862       4.6919      11.8943      15.3674      7.11876
-      0.09318      44.6271      39.2002      27.7707      41.0604      43.6923       42.826      30.0997
-      0.09319     -2.77202     -3.37823     -10.2374      7.09581      14.0596      17.2693      8.86032
-       0.0932     -9.09581     -9.09033     -15.4056      2.44436      9.95512      13.6779      5.86079
-      0.09321      21.6307      18.5666      9.28937      24.3399       29.142      30.2591      19.7985
-      0.09322    -0.259464     -1.14046     -8.31742      8.58158      15.3892      18.4022      9.97587
-      0.09323      35.3004      30.8399      20.3028      33.9709      37.6092      37.5956      26.0658
-      0.09324    -0.952947     -1.72701     -8.73297      7.98549      14.9357      18.0483      9.84603
-      0.09325      -22.839     -21.4637     -26.3996     -7.90078      1.06051      6.03379    -0.157955
-      0.09326     -14.1146     -13.6367     -19.5799     -1.78958      6.39229      10.6226      3.71004
-      0.09327      13.4916      11.2311      2.72489      17.9045      23.6529      25.5318      16.2296
-      0.09328       2.8582      1.68597     -6.02709      10.1422      16.9243      19.7547      11.5261
-      0.09329      31.6258      27.6056      17.1561      30.7591      34.9745      35.3761      24.6548
-       0.0933      38.3892      33.6451      22.6374       35.599      39.2648      39.1205      27.8916
-      0.09331     -49.5761     -45.5095     -48.3201     -27.5299     -15.9151     -8.56108     -11.8913
-      0.09332      0.43347    -0.581104     -8.11288      8.00854      15.1062      18.1556      10.3928
-      0.09333      29.8179      25.8856      15.6521      29.0669       33.577      34.1243      23.8289
-      0.09334      78.7813      69.9471      55.1325      64.1326      64.3499      60.7915      46.2712
-      0.09335      -32.892     -30.4692     -34.9388     -15.8484     -5.47681     0.522507     -3.93594
-      0.09336      44.5414      39.1606      27.5006      39.3863      42.7864      42.1841      30.8815
-      0.09337     -13.2973      -12.879     -19.2551     -2.14216      6.53588      10.8705      4.76075
-      0.09338      68.8357      61.0913      47.1721      56.6413      57.9193      55.2542      41.9025
-      0.09339     -25.2961     -23.5491     -28.8393     -10.7876    -0.918393      4.49854     -0.34505
-       0.0934      8.54893      6.88002     -1.72648      13.2928      20.1048      22.5982      14.7676
-      0.09341      14.4941      12.1489       3.0361       17.495      23.8375      25.8431      17.5544
-      0.09342      10.9835      8.91908     0.215854      14.8397       21.531      23.8446      15.9456
-      0.09343     -5.93685     -6.23561     -13.3818       2.7014      10.9691      14.7425      8.40924
-      0.09344      53.6067      47.3135      34.6543      45.3211      48.2681       46.974      35.4048
-      0.09345      15.0604      12.6684        3.413      17.6167      24.1449      26.1844      18.1668
-      0.09346      22.6837      19.5547      9.46034      22.9594       28.843        30.25      21.5987
-      0.09347      36.5955      32.1254      20.6027      32.8683      37.5623      37.7765      27.9733
-      0.09348     -34.2455     -31.6691     -36.6621     -17.9657     -6.86115    -0.587183      -4.0077
-      0.09349     -1.61973     -2.36488     -10.3539      5.19404      13.3686      16.8336      10.5378
-       0.0935      37.8778      33.1324      21.7248      33.4689      38.1481      38.2646      28.5179
-      0.09351     -15.6329     -14.9692     -21.2178     -4.79358       4.7734      9.50125      4.60722
-      0.09352      33.6549      29.3489       18.569      30.4435      35.5979      36.1116       26.871
-      0.09353      46.9502      41.3165        29.33      39.9824      44.0154      43.4174      33.0958
-      0.09354      23.6371      20.4239      10.3463      23.2091      29.4371       30.855      22.7007
-      0.09355      8.43553      6.75464     -2.11708      12.1175      19.7775      22.5105       15.774
-      0.09356      33.0837      28.9312      17.7686       29.674      35.1544      35.7779      26.8951
-      0.09357     -20.5497     -19.3255     -25.4902     -8.85492      1.53504      6.74564       2.7077
-      0.09358      29.2831      25.5431      14.7259      26.6725      32.6366      33.5798      25.1506
-      0.09359     -16.1937     -15.3557     -22.0825     -5.84066      4.21758      9.07456      4.73471
-       0.0936     -14.9351     -14.2463     -21.1621     -5.11367      4.83828      9.56191      5.17049
-      0.09361      47.8023      42.2199      29.4677      39.8106      44.1644      43.5474      33.6527
-      0.09362      11.4664      9.59067     0.222236      13.8666      21.5603      24.0911      17.5386
-      0.09363      12.0928      10.1131     0.522175        14.09      21.8183      24.3169      17.7844
-      0.09364      5.34701      4.05918     -5.04778        9.141      17.5388      20.5977      14.7325
-      0.09365     -30.6505     -28.2914     -34.1177     -16.7555     -5.01926      1.11735     -1.52265
-      0.09366     -10.4858      -10.166     -17.9893     -2.45496      7.46486      11.8491      7.44242
-      0.09367      78.2992      69.7276       53.623      61.1042      63.1017      59.9562      47.7547
-      0.09368     -4.33144     -4.53901     -12.8931      2.06094        11.62      15.5651      10.8251
-      0.09369      33.6442       29.569      17.6155      29.0716       35.242      35.9409       27.832
-       0.0937     -40.6818     -37.2532     -42.3449     -24.2017     -11.2808     -4.23215     -5.65633
-      0.09371      38.1261      33.5922      21.0097      32.0068      37.8472      38.1484      29.7755
-      0.09372     -1.74111     -2.18377     -11.0539      3.43487      12.9878      16.7146       11.995
-      0.09373     -14.3683     -13.5561     -21.4894     -5.78798      4.96373      9.77159      6.20863
-      0.09374     -11.7269      -11.208     -19.3578      -4.0653      6.46855      11.0514      7.28027
-      0.09375      30.5338      26.8306      14.8955      26.2391       32.996      33.9782      26.4842
-      0.09376      30.8186      27.1083       14.766      26.4609       33.296      34.2831      26.8529
-      0.09377     -10.0575     -9.59781     -18.1323     -2.84576      7.73616      12.2126       8.4912
-      0.09378      60.5737      53.8785      38.7154      47.5236      51.8159      50.2851      40.3103
-      0.09379      -8.4169      -8.1318     -17.0125     -1.85736      8.72601      13.0954      9.33056
-       0.0938       31.987      28.1588      15.5263      26.9446      33.9208      34.8265      27.5132
-      0.09381     -7.38686     -7.25786     -16.3598     -1.29866      9.28954      13.5577      9.80346
-      0.09382      14.9528      12.8528      1.62316      14.4738       23.105      25.4769      19.7678
-      0.09383      11.8348      10.0658    -0.892287      12.1727       21.138       23.787      18.4041
-      0.09384      22.6552      19.8047      7.81328      19.9007      27.9437      29.6596      23.3812
-      0.09385      14.6573      12.6064       1.2505      14.0758      22.9245      25.3512      19.8455
-      0.09386      39.9658      35.4485      21.7186      32.1177      38.7528      39.0325      31.3265
-      0.09387     -18.8561      -17.459     -25.8206     -10.0864      1.91455      7.20793      4.79615
-      0.09388      26.7029       23.526      10.8378       22.369      30.2932      31.6762      25.2249
-      0.09389     -10.2225     -9.78013     -18.9458     -4.10739      7.21339       11.751      8.62817
-       0.0939      5.46059      4.31247     -6.32109      6.98605      16.9359      20.1298      15.6701
-      0.09391      8.83579      7.39831     -3.59825      9.34712      19.0727      21.9933      17.2872
-      0.09392     -1.15155      -1.5814     -11.7928      2.07851      12.7512      16.5241      12.7415
-      0.09393      18.1246      15.7869      3.74888      15.8167       24.809      26.9372      21.5395
-      0.09394     -17.0849      -15.833      -24.719     -9.47496      2.77763      7.88531      5.63979
-      0.09395      81.0985      72.5031      54.4996      60.7821      64.2377      60.9827      50.0481
-      0.09396     -15.6232      -14.428     -23.5354     -8.53823      3.79332      8.84413       6.6045
-      0.09397     -42.5367     -38.6689     -45.5594     -28.0597      -13.296     -5.99734     -5.82597
-      0.09398      42.4755      37.7425      22.8258      32.6327      39.7684         39.8       32.406
-      0.09399      55.4095      49.4765      33.3508      41.9986      48.0817      47.0487      38.5678
-        0.094      11.6949      10.2068     -1.94475      10.6876      20.8073      23.5247       19.014
-      0.09401       -30.88     -28.0846     -36.3881     -20.0563     -6.05812     0.288307    -0.421005
-      0.09402     -19.0179     -17.4618     -26.9669     -11.8086      1.14151      6.43732      4.67586
-      0.09403      29.7348      26.3991      12.3431      23.0219      31.6292      32.7482      26.6638
-      0.09404     -35.2661     -32.0063     -40.1579     -23.5288     -8.96502     -2.27577      -2.5085
-      0.09405      46.9451      41.9574      26.0852      35.2261       42.422      42.0866       34.575
-      0.09406     -20.0366     -18.2542     -27.9506     -12.7861     0.564547      5.97996      4.51148
-      0.09407      28.7278      25.5982      11.3385      22.0027      31.0236      32.2472      26.4483
-      0.09408      40.1742      36.0253      20.7174       30.226      38.3241      38.6112      31.8857
-      0.09409      36.3363      32.6407       17.699      27.4458      35.9524      36.5648      30.2303
-       0.0941     -4.38438     -4.00722     -15.3981     -1.81273      10.4132      14.4978      11.8258
-      0.09411      5.72891      5.08614     -7.49813      5.17754      16.5365      19.7396      16.1911
-      0.09412      42.7939      38.4843      22.3208      31.6546      39.7683      39.8593      33.0429
-      0.09413      -17.139     -15.3905     -26.1024       -11.33      2.27144       7.4712      6.05988
-      0.09414      30.3368      27.2828      12.0304      22.4825       31.827      32.9561      27.3443
-      0.09415     -12.5294     -11.2382     -22.4898     -8.25927      5.04961      9.85207      8.09734
-      0.09416      49.6528      44.7084      27.9549      36.2032      43.9564      43.4591      36.2091
-      0.09417     -11.5535     -10.2802     -21.3965       -7.588      5.75597      10.4802      8.72032
-      0.09418      28.3169      25.5655      10.6337      20.7687      30.5897      31.8918      26.5928
-      0.09419     -19.2672     -17.1752      -27.755     -13.4053     0.786212      6.15888      5.14806
-       0.0942       18.001      16.3489      2.22247      13.1161      23.9968      26.1849       21.866
-      0.09421      65.3384      58.9811      40.4264      47.0285      53.7298      51.8976      43.4397
-      0.09422     -16.2971     -14.3901     -25.3726     -11.5152      2.66523       7.8208      6.68001
-      0.09423      57.2122      51.7713      33.9232      41.0134      48.6099      47.4868       39.821
-      0.09424     -14.2852     -12.5339     -23.7822     -10.2551      3.87031      8.88513      7.68025
-      0.09425     -11.6697     -10.1808     -21.7948     -8.64428      5.31663       10.059      8.58555
-      0.09426      31.9411      29.0261      13.3713      22.5023      32.5833      33.5917      28.2513
-      0.09427      23.6624      21.6523      6.72548      16.6309      27.5665       29.298       24.741
-      0.09428      9.37039      8.77597     -4.81397      6.23665      18.5449      21.5084      18.2601
-      0.09429      34.7462      31.6532      15.6814      24.3029      34.4072      35.2011      29.7197
-       0.0943     -11.6232     -9.99282     -21.7317     -8.97911      5.37985       10.134      8.82786
-      0.09431      23.2822      21.3716      6.39678      15.8203      27.0824      28.8419      24.4438
-      0.09432     -20.5643     -18.0545     -28.9808     -15.6602    -0.373832      5.12433      4.63019
-      0.09433       12.266      11.5309     -2.41943      7.73372      20.1283      22.8261      19.4587
-      0.09434      23.4777      21.6417        6.467      15.6785      27.1687      28.9175      24.6024
-      0.09435      29.3109      26.9163      11.1016      19.8564      30.9051      32.1685      27.4025
-      0.09436     -33.0721     -29.1566     -39.3434     -24.9115     -8.18544     -1.64192    -0.839971
-      0.09437      54.0413      49.1628      31.0585      37.2305      46.1475      45.2606      38.2983
-      0.09438      -39.159     -34.5828       -44.06     -29.5137     -12.0908     -4.98592     -3.60632
-      0.09439     -3.82944     -2.88763      -15.661     -4.49918      9.79698      13.8516      12.0798
-       0.0944      21.8614      20.2943      5.19234       13.916      25.9688      27.8605      23.8482
-      0.09441     -8.52236     -7.03855     -19.2517     -7.93708      6.95865      11.4635      10.2015
-      0.09442      13.5964      12.9655      -1.2865      7.82989      20.7902      23.4032      20.2108
-      0.09443      3.75575      4.17889      -9.2704     0.680638      14.6436      18.1059      15.8221
-      0.09444       14.579      13.9438    -0.472977      8.34817      21.4152      23.9573      20.7358
-      0.09445    -0.182394     0.709022     -12.3715     -2.31103      12.1561      15.9711      14.0797
-      0.09446      1.70848      2.39463     -10.8936     -1.11957      13.2561      16.9039       14.867
-      0.09447     -48.8223     -43.0441     -51.6671      -37.435     -18.4546     -10.4914     -8.01358
-      0.09448      27.7987      25.8907      10.0278      17.3159      29.4263      30.8231       26.492
-      0.09449      47.8411      43.9661      26.0058      31.6845      42.1455       41.884      35.8496
-       0.0945      26.8583      25.1636      9.33086      16.6755      29.1288      30.6949      26.5882
-      0.09451      12.0311      11.8613     -2.41691      5.91691      19.7932      22.6281      19.8726
-      0.09452      33.1623      30.9086       14.711      20.9407      32.9639      33.9714      29.3237
-      0.09453      46.8805      43.2849       25.806      30.7014       41.598      41.4565      35.6296
-      0.09454     -3.67653     -2.18635     -15.0008     -5.63751      9.91062      14.0968      12.8014
-      0.09455       16.405      15.9131      1.29653      8.68034      22.4323       24.874      21.7559
-      0.09456      21.4537      20.4444      5.32822      12.1736      25.5862      27.6165      24.0949
-      0.09457      1.80367      2.75304     -10.5565     -2.01781      13.1892      16.8946      15.1409
-      0.09458      46.7414      43.2071      25.6411      30.0325      41.3237      41.2008      35.4802
-      0.09459      11.0799      11.1966     -2.92999      4.40239       19.061      22.0025       19.519
-       0.0946      13.8579      13.7457    -0.693583       6.3405      20.8062       23.496      20.7559
-      0.09461      2.93313       3.8631     -9.61189     -1.66451      13.8557      17.4856      15.7355
-      0.09462      10.8668       11.074     -3.07689      3.93165      18.8071      21.7767      19.3382
-      0.09463      8.84722      9.24645     -4.67383      2.30375      17.4463      20.5837      18.3267
-      0.09464     -24.3753     -20.6164      -31.479     -21.6185     -3.40769      2.56277      3.28938
-      0.09465      48.3759      44.8671      27.2744      30.3718      42.1004      41.8621      36.1211
-      0.09466     -7.33668     -5.27837     -17.6919     -9.58861      7.28109       11.834      11.1146
-      0.09467     -7.39922     -5.30479     -17.7226     -9.70958      7.21084      11.7429      11.0142
-      0.09468      9.24172      9.63595     -4.29948      2.07284      17.5832      20.6921      18.4985
-      0.09469      100.736      92.0249      69.8631      67.5881      74.9817      70.3228      60.0239
-       0.0947     -26.8715     -22.6841     -32.9759     -23.7638     -4.75936      1.52065      2.67566
-      0.09471       35.026      32.9498      16.9863      20.3128      33.7642      34.7202       30.333
-      0.09472      7.21836       7.9551     -5.46337     0.333167      16.3925       19.729       17.854
-      0.09473     -16.6814     -13.5398     -24.7429     -16.9309      1.33748      6.67921      6.90412
-      0.09474      47.7998      44.4348      27.1266      29.0174      41.5599      41.4055       35.923
-      0.09475      8.09857       8.7727     -4.87783     0.570212      16.7972      20.0735      18.1622
-      0.09476      21.8599      21.1627      6.42715      10.2559       25.307      27.4057        24.27
-      0.09477      29.9175      28.4594      13.1116      15.9963      30.4072      31.8425      28.0432
-      0.09478     0.489154      1.97839     -10.6688     -5.16938      11.9748      15.9018      14.7126
-      0.09479      6.30306      7.16664      -6.0614     -1.19205      15.5096      18.9453      17.2329
-       0.0948      70.3316      64.8059      45.6952       44.643      55.6725      53.6684      46.2901
-      0.09481     -48.4542     -41.9906     -50.1392     -40.4768     -18.6192     -10.4649     -7.22635
-      0.09482      35.3103      33.2841      17.4437      19.2291      33.5595      34.5296      30.2654
-      0.09483     -12.3609     -9.54591     -20.9359     -14.9184      3.81641      8.86934      8.91158
-      0.09484       -16.13     -12.9768     -24.0748     -17.8645      1.26182      6.60828      6.96127
-      0.09485      4.53427      5.63365     -7.37603      -3.1218      14.2173      17.7987      16.3121
-      0.09486      11.4719      11.9196     -1.52126      1.87884      18.6959      21.7143      19.6666
-      0.09487      41.6242       39.043      22.9064      23.3319      37.5461      38.0131      33.3075
-      0.09488      31.2426      29.7741      14.6636      15.9469      31.1377      32.5205       28.771
-      0.09489      56.5058      52.4977      35.0684      33.8875      46.9867      46.2383      40.2333
-       0.0949      29.6915      28.3526      13.4285      14.5438      30.1919       31.758      28.2157
-      0.09491     -14.4608     -11.3854     -22.3007      -17.298      2.39765      7.72835      8.12551
-      0.09492      77.1144      70.9803      51.6765      48.1934      59.6647      57.1554      49.3845
-      0.09493     -12.0147     -9.12664     -20.0694     -15.5807      4.02517      9.15923      9.35985
-      0.09494      46.6213      43.6181      27.3036      26.2031       40.631      40.7528      35.7253
-      0.09495     -23.2516     -19.2238     -29.1229     -23.9116     -3.09547      3.00244      4.21584
-      0.09496      13.2072      13.5298     0.252582      1.97326      19.5423      22.4975      20.4436
-      0.09497      2.79481      4.20724     -8.02607     -5.53263      13.0489      16.9005      15.7849
-      0.09498      9.58425      10.2847     -2.46889    -0.843807      17.2423       20.548       18.866
-      0.09499     -46.7041      -40.356     -47.8567     -41.3516     -18.1332     -10.0285     -6.70351
-        0.095      23.8067      23.0559      9.06276      9.05857       25.953      28.0046      25.0374
-      0.09501      11.3765      11.9185      -0.8758     0.149108       18.311      21.4719      19.6739
-      0.09502      34.3104      32.5865      17.9128      16.5319      32.6913      33.9165      30.0873
-      0.09503      15.6794      15.8694      2.96202      3.15824      21.1363      23.9613      21.8238
-      0.09504      14.7737      15.0009      2.17913      2.29565      20.4389      23.3576      21.3112
-      0.09505      5.43006      6.61239     -5.30879     -4.48754      14.5528       18.269        17.02
-      0.09506      6.16755      7.26519     -4.68366     -4.07024      14.9878      18.6475      17.3485
-      0.09507      12.4609      12.9404     0.433751     0.328022      18.9067      22.0512      20.2212
-      0.09508      32.6619      31.1476      16.7957       14.711      31.5382      32.9569      29.3312
-      0.09509      12.1058       12.669     0.267049   -0.0683989       18.705      21.8889      20.1018
-       0.0951       59.937      55.7011      38.8428      34.0448      48.6242      47.7448      41.7195
-      0.09511       54.934      51.2888      35.0965      30.5071      45.6444      45.2201      39.6746
-      0.09512     -11.1827     -8.20253     -18.1059     -16.9737      4.21647      9.45181      9.81073
-      0.09513     -24.6374     -20.3321     -28.9654     -26.8274     -4.42226      1.91918      3.43156
-      0.09514     -20.6322     -16.7621      -25.799      -24.205     -2.10208      3.86787      5.00791
-      0.09515      46.5457      43.6812      28.4298      23.7784      39.9196      40.1537       35.322
-      0.09516     -5.69245     -3.25556     -13.6822     -13.5828      7.38164      12.1159      11.9882
-      0.09517     -5.59491     -3.22533     -13.7472     -13.7766      7.29303      12.0193      11.8873
-      0.09518      21.4587      21.1464      8.18312      5.57632      24.2597      26.7045      24.1573
-      0.09519      38.6039      36.6058      22.1347      17.8576      35.0612      36.0555       32.013
-       0.0952       11.496      12.2218      0.29024     -1.69342      18.1209      21.4554       19.847
-      0.09521      3.14474      4.73119     -6.33695     -7.82009      12.8222       16.862      15.9628
-      0.09522     -13.0597     -9.85329      -19.463     -19.6004      2.56903      7.97787      8.52284
-      0.09523      36.6331      34.8414      20.6518      15.8303      33.5921      34.7614      30.8904
-      0.09524    -0.411656      1.58041     -8.92314     -10.7085      10.5086      14.8693       14.331
-      0.09525      42.4608      40.1078       25.627      19.8309      37.2586      37.9798      33.6622
-      0.09526      21.6455      21.4175      8.85777      4.88971      24.3102      26.8336      24.3995
-      0.09527      29.0438      28.1064        14.92      10.1432      28.9881       30.901      27.7988
-      0.09528     -28.8992     -24.0425     -31.9381     -31.5917     -7.45885    -0.617306      1.44881
-      0.09529      64.0412      59.5323      43.1714      34.8153      50.5975      49.4838      43.2482
-       0.0953      25.9441      25.3617      12.6054      7.60753       26.951      29.1281      26.3216
-      0.09531      52.4031      49.1587      33.9955      26.4677      43.4758      43.4066      38.2548
-      0.09532      2.65305      4.44296     -6.05447     -9.25801      12.3548      16.5416      15.8338
-      0.09533     -46.6389     -39.9253     -45.9072      -44.804     -18.7182     -10.3598     -6.72843
-      0.09534      7.32682      8.57606     -2.34281     -6.38477      14.8296      18.5674      17.3782
-      0.09535      12.5875      13.3244      1.97923     -2.68067      18.2349      21.5512       19.941
-      0.09536      53.7873      50.4364      35.2252      26.8144      44.0737      43.9061      38.6548
-      0.09537     -12.5918     -9.21039     -18.1113     -20.7436      2.63134      8.14554      8.82061
-      0.09538      46.6157      44.0204       29.664        21.46      39.5552      40.0077      35.3915
-      0.09539      -15.901     -12.1611      -20.693     -23.3639     0.456785      6.26878       7.2456
-       0.0954      34.9407      33.5885      20.5818      13.0075      32.2565      33.6953      30.1267
-      0.09541     -9.52509     -6.42035     -15.3143     -19.0275      4.39393      9.66692      10.0823
-      0.09542      32.2183      31.0935      18.3512      10.6956      30.4037      32.1204      28.8312
-      0.09543      2.29057      4.25942      -5.6565     -10.7003      11.7736      16.0536      15.4347
-      0.09544      35.0069      33.7076      20.7764       12.625      32.2292      33.7189      30.1816
-      0.09545      -6.7309     -3.80386     -12.8816     -17.4046      6.09053      11.1589      11.3914
-      0.09546      4.84183      6.59315     -3.54524      -9.2835      13.2229      17.2843      16.4704
-      0.09547      5.92047      7.53326     -2.66817     -8.66414      13.8231      17.8152      16.8995
-      0.09548      21.5958      21.6622       9.9915      2.45877       23.602      26.2822      23.9902
-      0.09549      28.7352      28.1681       15.917      7.58043      28.1666      30.2647       27.354
-       0.0955      21.8805      22.0674      10.5587      2.60657      23.8794      26.5573      24.2725
-      0.09551      12.3768      13.5428      2.91652     -4.37229       17.882      21.3963      19.9567
-      0.09552      3.91839      5.90131     -3.94779     -10.6585      12.4259       16.661      15.9815
-      0.09553      23.2341      23.3389      11.7469      3.11427      24.5373      27.1456      24.7709
-      0.09554      15.1996      16.0586      5.25166     -2.73346      19.4626      22.7689      21.1152
-      0.09555     -29.0625     -23.6775     -30.3398     -34.5386      -8.2222     -1.14865      1.12535
-      0.09556      26.7036      26.4759       14.585      5.22164      26.5401      28.8382      26.1344
-      0.09557      31.1781      30.6038      18.3644      8.47193      29.5016      31.4692      28.4147
-      0.09558     -5.72762     -2.58598     -11.4486     -18.0865      6.33034      11.4335      11.6712
-      0.09559       2.0682      4.47279     -5.13217     -12.6192      11.1599       15.588      15.1217
-       0.0956      17.7832      18.6115      7.55168     -1.54615      20.8777      23.9721      22.1065
-      0.09561      54.5819      51.8054      37.3501      24.8465      44.0492      44.0245      38.8985
-      0.09562      36.9125      35.9591      23.4485       12.187      33.0723      34.6218      31.0977
-      0.09563      32.9692      32.4363      20.3533      9.24583       30.562      32.4196      29.2617
-      0.09564      9.73898      11.5971      1.46775     -7.44823      16.0236      19.8666      18.7728
-      0.09565     -57.4664     -48.8853     -52.9407     -55.8676     -26.3233     -16.7694     -11.8991
-      0.09566      51.0073      48.6946      34.7525      21.6841      41.4342      41.6983      36.8865
-      0.09567      20.7493      21.5329      10.3617   -0.0431872      22.6323      25.5411      23.4826
-      0.09568      23.6319      24.1985      12.7891      1.98932      24.4952      27.1423      24.8358
-      0.09569     -3.84307    -0.464113     -9.26378     -17.7457      7.29901      12.2969       12.453
-       0.0957      8.02941      10.2647     0.342864     -9.40782      14.6321      18.6199      17.7264
-      0.09571      28.6865      28.8437      16.9658      5.29553      27.5217        29.76      27.0246
-      0.09572     -1.15148      2.09775     -6.88227     -16.0936      8.93365      13.7154      13.6314
-      0.09573       33.752      33.4939      21.2452      8.74308      30.6894      32.5182      29.3532
-      0.09574      31.0392      31.1456      19.1906      6.85485      29.0944      31.1582      28.2328
-      0.09575      16.9519       18.531      7.86644      -3.3226      20.2596      23.5293      21.9015
-      0.09576     -24.4834     -18.7922     -25.6531     -33.2605     -5.83893     0.969615      3.02463
-      0.09577      46.9399      45.5237      32.0429       17.763      38.7904       39.497      35.1781
-      0.09578      22.9016       23.957      12.6944     0.485179      23.7625      26.5747      24.4622
-      0.09579       12.605      14.6998      4.40673     -7.00663      17.2741      20.9747      19.8079
-       0.0958      21.6482      22.9299      11.7921     -0.51252      22.9558      25.8781      23.9042
-      0.09581      57.6249      55.2908      40.8881      25.0992      45.4864      45.3645      40.2153
-      0.09582     -11.0772     -6.45124     -14.2805     -24.1614      2.48751      8.23778      9.23178
-      0.09583     -19.5195     -14.0642     -21.0983     -30.4536     -3.02547      3.42411      5.14131
-      0.09584       35.388      35.3828      23.2828      8.76048      31.3051      33.0426       29.854
-      0.09585     -9.74391     -5.17868     -13.0984     -23.6271      3.08147      8.69592      9.56444
-      0.09586      31.3578      31.8503      20.1607      5.69552      28.7563       30.857      28.0677
-      0.09587      22.7504      24.1736      13.1218      -0.5015      23.4309      26.2982      24.2819
-      0.09588      1.34036      4.96238     -4.13569     -15.8912        10.03      14.7321      14.6207
-      0.09589      -2.7218      1.32574     -7.32735     -18.9424      7.37676      12.4094      12.6345
-       0.0959      40.9032      40.6016      28.0702      12.2063       34.661      35.9788      32.3521
-      0.09591      19.3618      21.3295      10.8486     -3.20539      21.2701      24.4558      22.7894
-      0.09592      52.4984      51.1622      37.6005      20.4772      42.0154      42.3763      37.7713
-      0.09593     -26.8859     -20.1579     -26.3917     -36.3751     -7.63672    -0.489261      1.99778
-      0.09594      8.83789       11.952      2.37377     -11.0443      14.5151      18.5689       17.832
-      0.09595      27.5383      28.8167      17.5226       2.2725       26.198      28.6689      26.3013
-      0.09596     0.817741      4.85283     -3.92412     -16.8935      9.51576      14.2896      14.3137
-      0.09597      17.4082      19.8084      9.55072     -5.11833      19.8838      23.2178      21.7593
-      0.09598      37.9707      38.3375      26.0183      9.52522      32.6878      34.3066      31.0458
-      0.09599      9.16611      12.4914      2.85866     -11.1667      14.7093      18.7959      18.1249
-        0.096      23.7777      25.6935      14.6511    -0.807731      23.8199      26.6316       24.668
-      0.09601       15.934      18.6761      8.44501     -6.50376      18.8911      22.3998      21.1527
-      0.09602      15.9386      18.7411      8.67241     -6.56849      18.8096      22.3227      21.0749
-      0.09603      17.1404      19.8608      9.63843     -5.86693      19.5267      22.9227      21.5945
-      0.09604      4.08883      8.18767    -0.833244     -15.2684      11.3466      15.8473      15.6861
-      0.09605      37.7543      38.4757      26.3093      8.73746      32.3528      33.9829      30.8443
-      0.09606     -32.6348     -24.7815      -30.599     -41.7967     -11.7406     -4.08889    -0.932451
-      0.09607     -2.97392      1.88277     -6.68273     -20.7268      6.64847      11.7349      12.2168
-      0.09608     -9.81878     -4.23133     -12.2229     -25.6505      2.32986       7.9834      9.06396
-      0.09609       10.249      13.9246      4.20432     -11.3414      14.9289       18.885      18.1974
-       0.0961      21.2862      23.9016      13.1803     -3.52261      21.8572      24.9118      23.2899
-      0.09611      10.6126      14.3853      4.67098     -11.2057      15.2045      19.1731      18.5218
-      0.09612      10.8514      14.6551      5.02998     -11.1065      15.3025      19.2358      18.6005
-      0.09613     -16.8793     -10.2727     -17.4666     -31.1303     -2.07675      4.23745      6.07859
-      0.09614      87.0187       83.302      66.5108      43.3182      63.0525      60.5164      53.1421
-      0.09615      9.59134      13.7689      4.19645     -12.0434      14.7774      18.9132      18.5143
-      0.09616      3.47415      8.27761    -0.745459     -16.6604      10.7249      15.3524      15.4703
-      0.09617     -13.3103      -6.8411     -14.3576       -28.81     0.121578       6.1664      7.80507
-      0.09618      48.7168      49.0115      35.7362      15.5515      38.9178      39.6602       35.775
-      0.09619       36.042      37.7323      25.6693      6.54038      31.1344      32.9966      30.3028
-       0.0962      41.8513      43.0499      30.4309      10.7037      34.8567      36.2541       33.086
-      0.09621      10.1614      14.5496      4.78166       -12.14      14.9016      18.9986      18.6556
-      0.09622        26.33      29.1031      17.8159    -0.693342      24.9016      27.5879      25.8191
-      0.09623      5.17551      10.1703       1.0203     -15.8746      11.6556      16.1462      16.2604
-      0.09624     -13.0003     -6.16312      -13.683       -29.06     0.127725       6.1465      7.88006
-      0.09625      26.8942      29.7996      18.5916    -0.550317      25.0381      27.6475      25.8345
-      0.09626    -0.138792      5.52374     -3.16031     -19.9542      8.21021      13.1318      13.7478
-      0.09627      35.5626      37.7264      25.7163      5.56152       30.557      32.4258      29.8874
-      0.09628      14.1741      18.5299      8.46601     -9.77305      17.2053      20.9152      20.3149
-      0.09629     -24.6385     -16.3618     -22.9213     -37.6571     -7.18134    -0.186348      2.66427
-       0.0963      121.727       115.37      95.2991      67.1212      84.4602      78.9877      68.8243
-      0.09631     -56.7122     -45.0122     -48.4115      -60.568     -27.0334     -17.2306     -11.4146
-      0.09632     -16.6273     -8.94062     -16.1486     -32.1102     -2.27132       4.0206      6.22349
-      0.09633      47.1395      48.4489      35.3251      13.5038      37.6458      38.5224      35.0694
-      0.09634     -5.12844      1.51083     -6.76895     -23.9123      5.04635      10.4307      11.6732
-      0.09635      15.6016      20.2894      10.0844     -9.09614      18.0222      21.6179      21.0221
-      0.09636      40.7615      42.9302      30.4295      8.83125      33.7221      35.1958      32.4109
-      0.09637     -17.2624     -9.19104     -16.3204     -32.7942      -2.5842      3.86149      6.26744
-      0.09638      49.2049      50.6482      37.4451      14.7556      38.9716      39.7222      36.2182
-      0.09639     -6.77844     0.352859     -7.83402     -25.2844      3.99503      9.52611      11.0592
-       0.0964      22.2137      26.4993      15.5849     -4.67995      22.0565      25.0856      24.0484
-      0.09641       10.296       15.868      6.02368      -13.276      14.5997      18.6585      18.6923
-      0.09642      25.8824      29.9548      18.7193     -2.15077      24.3746      27.1033      25.7837
-      0.09643     -4.96589      2.22781     -6.04003     -24.3491       5.0054      10.3744      11.8361
-      0.09644      16.2952      21.3394      11.1245     -9.27773      18.1971      21.7547      21.3393
-      0.09645      3.07276      9.50268     0.589663     -18.7377      9.95122      14.6327      15.4213
-      0.09646     -24.9941     -15.6911     -22.2118     -38.9527     -7.72868    -0.662549      2.62129
-      0.09647      42.8017      45.3574      32.4683      9.56948       34.701      35.9714      33.2518
-      0.09648      10.2745      16.1721      6.33042     -13.6909      14.4888      18.5747      18.8222
-      0.09649       15.141      20.6416      10.4749     -10.1717      17.5655      21.2285      21.0705
-       0.0965      24.4218      29.0682      17.9282     -3.59546      23.3518      26.2228      25.2615
-      0.09651      13.6328      19.4295      9.28576     -11.3842      16.5667      20.3705      20.4179
-      0.09652      45.0249      47.7872      34.6475      11.0933      36.2322      37.3576      34.6556
-      0.09653      24.3733      29.2631      18.0999     -3.69976      23.3453      26.2619      25.4366
-      0.09654     -3.12365      4.53827     -4.05751     -23.5522       5.9983      11.2562      12.8983
-      0.09655       52.088      54.3267      40.5973      16.0572      40.6428       41.159      37.9101
-      0.09656      53.3531      55.5261      41.7072      17.0309      41.5643      42.0246      38.7216
-      0.09657        30.49      35.0417      23.3095     0.638539      27.2728      29.6916      28.4686
-      0.09658      7.21279      14.1422      4.43545     -16.1473      12.6163       17.003      17.8534
-      0.09659     -28.2645     -17.7546     -24.1867       -41.67     -9.74989     -2.37996      1.62731
-       0.0966       2.2039      9.68893     0.399035     -19.9869      9.17308      13.9111      15.2132
-      0.09661     -25.7001     -15.3112     -22.0621     -39.9487     -8.25335       -1.138      2.65691
-      0.09662      10.4921      17.3065       7.2051     -14.0616      14.3685      18.3812      18.9718
-      0.09663      24.0623      29.6398      18.4213     -4.26271      23.0042      25.8849      25.3173
-      0.09664      9.93108      16.9532      7.08174     -14.4533      14.1461      18.2518      19.0143
-      0.09665      7.90888      15.2037      5.53766     -15.8946      12.8576      17.1302      18.1092
-      0.09666      42.4656      46.3547      33.4471      8.77977       34.514      35.8514      33.7912
-      0.09667      23.7772      29.6117      18.4121     -4.58493      22.8858      25.8497      25.5105
-      0.09668        34.71      39.5406       27.293      3.26967      29.7179      31.7529      30.4437
-      0.09669     -5.86607      3.12916     -5.39103     -25.8199      4.29942      9.77943      12.0938
-       0.0967      43.4183       47.491      34.3792      9.46477      35.0475       36.311      34.2712
-      0.09671      6.27175      14.1855       4.4159     -17.1954       11.871      16.3311      17.6538
-      0.09672      30.5168      36.0208       23.995   0.00346129       26.924      29.3213      28.5116
-      0.09673     -10.0911    -0.422479     -8.58863     -29.0695      1.54548      7.39767       10.211
-      0.09674      30.0553      35.7551      23.7948    -0.381957      26.5965      28.9922      28.2632
-      0.09675      -23.648     -12.4907     -19.5382      -38.891     -7.03202    -0.045667      4.06712
-      0.09676      65.5141      67.7486      52.4934      24.9181      48.7246      48.1001      44.2849
-      0.09677      20.7333      27.6217      16.6312     -6.97824      20.9148      24.1516      24.4022
-      0.09678      29.4297      35.5085      23.5702    -0.801125      26.3276      28.8287       28.332
-      0.09679      33.9273      39.6324      27.1672      2.38481      29.1126      31.2337      30.3535
-       0.0968      6.53438      15.0777      5.13381     -17.2631       11.944      16.3578      17.9618
-      0.09681     -13.1969     -2.62296     -10.7496     -31.4539    -0.487391      5.56571      8.93236
-      0.09682      24.1057      30.9721      19.3913     -4.81581      22.7787      25.6586      25.7124
-      0.09683       27.284      33.9511      22.1418     -2.45033      24.8734      27.5142      27.3288
-      0.09684      21.7535      29.0777      17.8795     -6.38883      21.4206      24.5293      24.8857
-      0.09685      51.1619      55.6276      41.7944      14.7349      39.9351      40.5476      38.3422
-      0.09686      27.3164      34.2805      22.4318     -2.28265       25.098      27.7568      27.7255
-      0.09687     -9.87128      0.90323     -7.58916     -29.0151       1.7194      7.54028      10.8395
-      0.09688      14.6816      23.0274      12.2707     -11.5332      16.9602      20.6416      21.7713
-      0.09689      23.1517      30.7355      19.1332     -5.39233      22.3367      25.3056      25.7193
-       0.0969      24.9228      32.4197       20.658     -4.11286      23.4556      26.2679      26.5553
-      0.09691      62.6658      66.4554      51.3123      22.9319      47.1077      46.7159      43.6995
-      0.09692      10.0523      19.2501      8.78989     -14.6894      14.2619      18.3831      20.1116
-      0.09693     -12.4499    -0.916098     -9.34377     -30.9043    0.0428973      6.06168      9.81262
-      0.09694      21.9023      30.0271      18.3657     -6.31069      21.4629       24.508      25.2233
-      0.09695      46.6693      52.4343      38.5714      11.4792       37.064      38.0214      36.5761
-      0.09696     -21.9357       -9.192     -16.8521     -37.5976      -5.8276      1.01032      5.72778
-      0.09697      20.2141      28.7486      17.1204     -7.49424      20.3974       23.604      24.5801
-      0.09698      11.4412      20.9505      10.0625     -13.8015      14.9712       18.955      20.7848
-      0.09699     -2.38874      8.61589    -0.944465     -23.7124       6.3033      11.4552      14.5537
-        0.097     -47.2012     -31.6589     -37.1682     -55.8574     -21.8622     -12.9085     -5.80304
-      0.09701      26.8981      35.0546      22.8949     -2.82014       24.481      27.0772      27.5817
-      0.09702     -32.0124     -17.8288     -24.5426      -44.932     -12.3508     -4.71351      1.11152
-      0.09703      31.2958      39.2152      26.6494     0.304386      27.2055      29.4568      29.6824
-      0.09704     -3.20874      8.30316     -1.17179     -24.2817      5.78458      10.9721      14.3166
-      0.09705     -2.03171      9.43863    -0.105923      -23.377      6.56182      11.6658       14.898
-      0.09706     -8.18439      3.96886     -5.09688     -27.8151      2.63659      8.26064      12.1167
-      0.09707      17.4965      27.1268      15.7397     -9.42327      18.6805      22.1384      23.7628
-      0.09708      43.1173      50.3167      36.6316      9.05864      34.8934      36.1749      35.5759
-      0.09709      35.8555      43.8782      30.8523      3.91368      30.4173      32.3362      32.4386
-       0.0971     -19.6699     -5.95948     -13.8355     -35.7958     -4.29841      2.35622      7.44284
-      0.09711      65.3465      70.6338      54.8991      25.0846      48.8743      48.2603      45.7981
-      0.09712      18.1697      28.2944      16.8698     -8.66698      19.4491      22.8896       24.696
-      0.09713      20.3403      30.3536       18.821     -7.06095      20.7911      24.0128      25.6237
-      0.09714      14.2824      24.9692        14.01     -11.4635      16.8651      20.6003      22.7934
-      0.09715    -0.790059       11.527      2.00013     -22.2249      7.43295      12.4468      16.0131
-      0.09716      13.7509      24.6287      13.5126     -11.8432      16.4909      20.2661      22.5675
-      0.09717    -0.868991      11.6087      1.77028      -22.288      7.34488      12.3611       15.995
-      0.09718     -10.6448      2.93292     -5.99002     -29.2715      1.19144      7.02969      11.5564
-      0.09719      72.2167      77.5398      60.9412      30.0432      53.0799      51.8674      49.0575
-       0.0972      6.60063      18.6725      8.15484     -16.7726      12.1714      16.5912      19.7425
-      0.09721     -23.2123      -8.0925     -15.8247     -38.1723     -6.61668      0.30214      6.10278
-      0.09722      15.7686      27.0245      15.6746     -10.3064      17.6634      21.2118       23.516
-      0.09723      49.4136      57.4367      43.0184      13.9333      38.8605      39.5718      38.9739
-      0.09724      21.3142      32.2861      20.5468     -6.06884      21.3953      24.5281      26.5024
-      0.09725      60.6752      67.8101        52.32      22.2146      46.0958      45.8586      44.3465
-      0.09726     -5.12364      8.70189    -0.755847       -24.91      4.89285      10.2897      14.7107
-      0.09727      97.8601      101.408      82.3708       48.786      69.2449      65.8372       61.124
-      0.09728      -57.175     -37.9172     -42.6295     -62.1012     -27.6957     -17.8808     -8.74637
-      0.09729      22.2553      33.5317      21.4018      -5.4769      21.6712      24.6368      26.6728
-       0.0973      34.0895      44.3003      31.0879      3.10063      29.1447      31.1329      32.1634
-      0.09731      7.14807      20.1768      9.47764     -16.1949      12.3061      16.6126      20.0907
-      0.09732     -21.1974     -5.23279     -13.2375     -36.4687     -5.50421      1.20118      7.24068
-      0.09733      16.4637      28.7105      17.0431     -9.46032      18.0195       21.484      24.1615
-      0.09734      13.3095      25.9958      14.5735      -11.659      16.1067      19.8469      22.8845
-      0.09735      49.0967      58.3227      43.5825      14.0532      38.5713       39.291      39.1953
-      0.09736      -9.5579      5.64202     -3.65739     -27.8613      1.93827      7.66019      12.8487
-      0.09737     -4.83687      9.97129      0.22529     -24.5314      4.80583      10.0986      14.8602
-      0.09738      7.71932      21.3261      10.3579      -15.498      12.6117      16.8198      20.5034
-      0.09739      46.4831      56.3068      41.8664      12.2682      36.9057      37.8147      38.0811
-       0.0974     -10.9054      4.78387     -4.41859     -28.7911      1.01514      6.84393      12.2622
-      0.09741      30.0295      41.7135      28.7198     0.566581      26.6066      28.9196      30.7214
-      0.09742     -11.9917      3.97977      -5.1571     -29.4767     0.310752      6.20131      11.7884
-      0.09743      25.3158      37.6516      25.1395     -2.69519      23.6507      26.3318      28.6071
-      0.09744      38.0839      49.2472      35.5715      6.55709      31.6921      33.3107       34.516
-      0.09745      6.19969      20.6759      9.94258     -16.2499      11.7916      16.1292      20.2255
-      0.09746      31.9198      43.9017      30.7989      2.15565      27.8077      29.9507       31.787
-      0.09747      6.67866      21.3074      10.5009     -15.8173      12.0515      16.3322      20.4628
-      0.09748     -7.86005      8.33957      -1.1799     -26.2292      2.88817      8.38895      13.8282
-      0.09749      8.98107      23.5667      12.4438     -14.1948      13.3448       17.419      21.3525
-       0.0975      24.2323      37.3555       24.777      -3.2127      22.9135      25.6907      28.3167
-      0.09751      7.23592      22.2126      11.3094      -15.283       12.364      16.5912      20.7619
-      0.09752      37.5472      49.5515      35.9219      6.47417       31.282      32.9377       34.458
-      0.09753      -13.636      3.64615     -5.17129     -30.0637    -0.699175      5.30911      11.4303
-      0.09754     -4.22945      12.1757      2.40103      -23.387      5.05063      10.2367       15.527
-      0.09755      27.4655      40.7574      27.9082    -0.744386      24.8072      27.2795      29.7889
-      0.09756     -3.17597      13.3516      3.33024     -22.4953      5.75465       10.846      16.1194
-      0.09757      26.7496      40.3777      27.6014    -0.966813      24.5031      27.0258      29.6509
-      0.09758      -6.9704      10.1407     0.475827     -25.0996      3.36686      8.75559      14.4332
-      0.09759      48.1214      59.8036      45.0593      14.4648      37.8912      38.5946      39.3992
-       0.0976     -41.2807     -20.4923      -26.977      -49.423     -17.9774     -9.63726    -0.818682
-      0.09761      15.3833      30.5453      18.8383      -8.8355      17.3561      20.7939      24.5381
-      0.09762     -12.6627      5.40745     -3.74814      -28.996    -0.226974      5.64038      11.9665
-      0.09763      46.9051       59.116      44.4863      13.8381      37.1214      37.9041      38.9664
-      0.09764      10.0898       26.091      14.9325     -12.3828      14.1823      18.1417      22.5357
-      0.09765      13.5087      29.2555      17.6798     -9.91168      16.2768      19.9465       24.053
-      0.09766      48.4152      60.7981      45.9593      15.2012      38.1712       38.859      39.9013
-      0.09767      21.7086      36.8952      24.5618     -3.82187      21.5519      24.5347      28.0021
-      0.09768      12.2379      28.4412      16.9849     -10.6006      15.5532      19.3414      23.6718
-      0.09769      28.5252      43.2122      30.3027      1.12622      25.7589      28.1458      31.0342
-       0.0977     -7.96159      10.4701     0.931373     -24.9685      2.87908      8.38175      14.5656
-      0.09771     -7.91315      10.6181     0.987962     -24.9773      2.75851      8.23797      14.4344
-      0.09772      27.8199      42.8415      29.9167     0.678808      25.1604      27.5732      30.5961
-      0.09773     -1.43273      16.6169       6.4546     -20.1979      6.90273       11.843      17.5339
-      0.09774      21.8057      37.6635      25.2669     -3.42299       21.483      24.4153      28.0721
-      0.09775      54.1337      66.8781      51.5377      19.8724      41.8063      42.0108      42.8272
-      0.09776       6.2061      23.8931       12.989      -14.332      11.8608       16.175      21.3126
-      0.09777      8.70349      26.2093      14.9534     -12.5749      13.3194      17.4053       22.333
-      0.09778      7.37016      25.0984      13.9795     -13.4303      12.4905      16.6761      21.7377
-      0.09779      21.5041      37.9317      25.5195     -3.13952      21.4085      24.3793      28.2072
-       0.0978      28.7752      44.6223      31.5959      2.23814      26.0961      28.4653      31.6967
-      0.09781      22.4732      39.0307      26.5503     -2.25321      22.0948      25.0162      28.8486
-      0.09782      3.27064      21.8693      11.1973     -15.9501      10.0731      14.6178      20.1945
-      0.09783      49.8525      63.8875      48.9012      17.4832      39.2323      39.8149      41.2849
-      0.09784     -20.3145     0.881607     -7.63342     -32.6808     -4.63736      1.92854      9.66461
-      0.09785      55.0164      68.7369      53.2673      21.3275      42.4186      42.5415      43.5812
-      0.09786     -24.8953     -3.00205     -11.0806      -35.777     -7.51206    -0.544607      7.65503
-      0.09787       39.438      54.9351      40.8596      10.3361      32.6695      34.1174      36.6058
-      0.09788      58.4085      72.1801      56.3609       24.149      44.7929      44.6452      45.4962
-      0.09789      17.9864      35.9367      23.9518     -4.68446      19.5843      22.9145      27.4205
-       0.0979      10.6203      29.3493      18.0149     -9.95734      14.7749      18.6987      23.8493
-      0.09791     -22.6159    -0.432574     -8.76983     -33.7473     -6.11518     0.637958      8.76246
-      0.09792       2.7752      22.4558      11.8049     -15.5443      9.69218      14.2637      20.1207
-      0.09793     -10.0006      11.0908      1.61575      -24.565      1.74052      7.38277       14.405
-      0.09794      18.5013      36.8156      24.6432     -4.01479      19.6099      22.8406      27.3506
-      0.09795      18.6117      37.0502      24.9482     -3.74984      19.8161      23.0464      27.5755
-      0.09796      54.8507      69.7915      54.3376      22.3179      42.5793       42.749      44.1224
-      0.09797     -25.1223     -2.01741     -10.0717      -34.758      -7.3913     -0.39161      8.13146
-      0.09798     -29.9307     -6.29149     -13.9457      -38.271     -10.6363     -3.28969      5.61835
-      0.09799      59.9655      74.6406      58.6443      26.0397       45.612      45.3189      46.2638
-        0.098      1.60396      22.3113      11.7132     -15.5339       9.2928      14.0353      20.2487
-      0.09801      36.2317      53.5763      39.7591      9.36887      30.9674      32.7376      35.8759
-      0.09802     -15.0551      7.53943     -1.51919     -27.2491     -1.12342      5.04413      12.7676
-      0.09803      15.5335      35.1431      23.2899     -5.29565      17.9733      21.5116      26.5054
-      0.09804      16.7187      36.3422      24.3889     -4.32282      18.7789      22.2312      27.1599
-      0.09805      31.7778      49.9902      36.5899      6.59051      28.2262       30.387      34.0049
-      0.09806     -7.51247       14.749      5.02786     -21.4837      3.61259      9.14736      16.2985
-      0.09807      5.00994       26.116      15.2072     -12.4598      11.4065      15.8547      21.8591
-      0.09808     -44.4148     -18.3015      -24.658     -47.8555     -19.6387     -10.9857     -0.57542
-      0.09809      45.0702      62.3019      47.6497      16.2966      36.3406      37.3413      39.8196
-       0.0981      20.2655      40.1848      27.9002     -1.15637      21.0906      24.2433      28.9903
-      0.09811      46.4796       63.867      49.1593      17.7392      37.5359      38.4665      40.9024
-      0.09812      10.8368      31.8855      20.5155     -7.68488      15.2727      19.2788      24.9458
-      0.09813     -24.0719      0.60231     -7.53518     -32.6634     -6.65852     0.282987      9.03961
-      0.09814      23.1083       43.108       30.478      1.16834      22.7806      25.6981      30.2597
-      0.09815      45.2055      63.0708      48.3975      17.1247      36.6267       37.683      40.3211
-      0.09816     -5.56381      17.5501      7.66229     -18.9649      4.95702      10.3722      17.5487
-      0.09817      11.4188      32.8809      21.2471     -6.84024      15.5192      19.4386      25.0951
-      0.09818      14.8886      36.1167      24.1757     -4.24927       17.725      21.3531      26.7232
-      0.09819      24.8574       45.186       32.287      3.02713      23.9925      26.7938      31.3145
-       0.0982     -12.6226      11.6092      2.14904     -23.6283     0.584614      6.57728      14.3909
-      0.09821     -5.23828      18.3251       8.3418     -18.3622      5.13126      10.4801      17.6465
-      0.09822       56.271      73.7581       58.148      25.8968      43.7175      43.8074      45.5056
-      0.09823     -12.7863       11.776      2.54058     -23.3548     0.597408      6.59082      14.4904
-      0.09824      57.1851       74.751      59.0552      26.7522      44.3073      44.3513      46.0246
-      0.09825      1.25099      24.6093      14.1371     -13.0745       9.4495      14.2824      20.9575
-      0.09826      3.29601       26.498       15.798     -11.5916        10.63       15.262      21.7458
-      0.09827      47.8948      66.7045      51.8129      20.5172      38.5613      39.3744       41.902
-      0.09828      -62.018      -32.073     -36.6579      -58.132     -30.2584      -20.037     -7.71039
-      0.09829      52.0009       70.566      55.4687      23.5198      40.9505       41.395      43.5333
-       0.0983     -10.0602       14.841       5.5108     -20.7304       2.2508      8.05563      15.7687
-      0.09831      22.0702      43.8217      31.4785      2.27901      22.2933      25.3721      30.2289
-      0.09832      5.27018      28.8363      18.0633     -9.58757      11.8892      16.4057      22.7887
-      0.09833      45.1711      64.7803       50.401      19.0778      36.8554      37.9738      40.8005
-      0.09834     -15.6776      10.1855      1.51016     -24.3219     -1.15474      5.17717      13.4414
-      0.09835       20.051      42.3882      30.2926      1.28897      21.1127       24.384      29.4203
-      0.09836      74.0816      91.1136      74.1043      40.1794      55.0679      53.7507      54.0611
-      0.09837      21.9998      44.3633       32.242      3.09504      22.6253       25.794      30.7756
-      0.09838     -18.9884      7.57945    -0.785033     -26.2444     -3.16222      3.48083      12.0784
-      0.09839      71.9045      89.4319      72.6969      38.9099      53.6661      52.5528      53.0326
-       0.0984      1.32264      26.0183      15.8166     -11.5301       9.5355       14.488      21.3101
-      0.09841       2.0269      26.7472      16.4997     -10.9206      9.93896      14.8017      21.5479
-      0.09842       36.862      58.1544       44.714      14.0893      31.7016      33.5809      37.1914
-      0.09843      14.2462      37.9375      26.6862     -1.89793      17.6832      21.5019      27.1285
-      0.09844      24.7053      47.4021      35.0623      5.65672      24.2088      27.1462      31.8497
-      0.09845     -12.9405      13.6152       4.7566     -21.1746     0.608986      6.75829      14.8205
-      0.09846     -8.40939      17.7591      8.40525      -17.872      3.31731      9.07217      16.7206
-      0.09847      47.8853      68.4623      53.8534      22.5727      38.5901      39.5446      42.1707
-      0.09848      18.4508      42.0757       30.343      1.67149      20.2792       23.774      29.0512
-      0.09849      -66.355     -34.1589     -38.0832     -59.0926     -32.9663     -22.2489     -9.43649
-       0.0985      16.2671      40.2133      28.5724      0.11556      18.6272      22.2492      27.6614
-      0.09851      30.8992      53.4893      40.8879      10.8156      27.9231      30.3513       34.505
-      0.09852      21.1036      44.7776      33.1785      4.01265      21.9361      25.2315      30.2657
-      0.09853     -10.5801      16.3063      7.68065     -18.6218      2.06386      8.07628      15.9546
-      0.09854      2.44197      28.1246      18.2583     -9.19451      10.1656      15.0491      21.7178
-      0.09855     -25.7996      2.75307     -4.47943     -29.3656     -7.55754    -0.261728      8.91397
-      0.09856      17.1218      41.4597      30.3272       1.4888      19.3015      22.9222      28.2555
-      0.09857       57.627      77.9929      63.2066      30.7494       44.814       45.013      46.7666
-      0.09858     -10.0326       17.244      8.77407     -17.4107      2.62956      8.62005      16.4067
-      0.09859     -37.3902     -7.33046      -13.376     -37.0359     -14.6525     -6.35661       3.7988
-       0.0986      24.3779      48.2672      36.5286       7.3206      23.9671      26.9632      31.5952
-      0.09861    0.0874355      26.5664      17.2695     -9.92239      8.84264      13.9439      20.7608
-      0.09862     -30.3117    -0.730088     -7.21556     -31.6498     -10.2237     -2.51415      7.00115
-      0.09863       37.535      60.3208      47.6218      16.9502      32.1658      34.1216      37.5911
-      0.09864     -8.63071      18.9201      10.6706     -15.8694      3.42977      9.33062      16.9366
-      0.09865      28.1297      52.0319      40.4036      10.5401      26.3779      29.1683        33.52
-      0.09866      22.7153      47.2765      36.2667      6.87602      23.0951      26.3559      31.1536
-      0.09867      6.07474       32.376       22.949     -4.91554      12.7006       17.414      23.7106
-      0.09868     0.845917      27.6548      18.7979     -8.63878      9.34273      14.4794      21.2024
-      0.09869      19.7803      44.8006      34.1928      5.07429      21.2354      24.7714      29.8032
-       0.0987      1.86893      28.7195       19.767     -7.67607      9.96552      15.0627      21.7066
-      0.09871      4.02708      30.7176      21.6561     -6.00858       11.322      16.2302      22.6327
-      0.09872      15.2656      40.8736       30.717      2.11979       18.346      22.3089      27.7028
-      0.09873      8.57601      34.9578      25.4789     -2.48549      14.1992      18.7349      24.7055
-      0.09874      27.8121      52.3104      41.1608      11.4662      26.3052      29.2157      33.4719
-      0.09875      41.5006      64.7215      52.3101      21.4891      34.9975      36.7784      39.8249
-      0.09876      16.4647      42.2165      32.1714      3.66036      19.3146      23.2403      28.4943
-      0.09877     -17.5636      11.6855      4.80961     -20.6504     -2.05816      4.76078      12.9889
-      0.09878     0.717634      28.1592      19.5884     -7.52399      9.27207      14.4966      21.0389
-      0.09879      33.9941      58.1329      46.7636      16.4367      30.0946      32.5044      36.0882
-       0.0988     -19.8513       9.8115      3.48626     -21.9056     -3.52854      3.52107      11.9377
-      0.09881      54.4608      76.7044      63.5603      31.3136      42.9223      43.6275        45.38
-      0.09882      13.9633       40.354      30.9905      2.54254      17.7293      21.9413      27.2831
-      0.09883      22.3889      48.0166      37.9262      8.69844      23.0252      26.5366      31.1395
-      0.09884       48.152      71.2512      58.8057       27.379       39.183      40.4963      42.7769
-      0.09885      20.2297      46.1583       36.339      7.48911      21.7563      25.4841      30.2452
-      0.09886      12.7131      39.4573      30.4483      2.16379       16.985      21.3057       26.688
-      0.09887      52.6875      75.4647       62.882       31.024      42.0797      43.0278      44.8318
-      0.09888     -2.80768      25.6248      18.1546      -8.5254      7.44124      13.1471      19.9049
-      0.09889     0.485929      28.5879      20.9307     -6.15096      9.35996      14.7556      21.1278
-       0.0989      9.99033      37.1706      28.6678     0.754018       15.285      19.8851      25.3767
-      0.09891       26.662      52.2448      42.3134      12.8549      25.7635      28.9567      32.9678
-      0.09892     -15.4604       14.401      8.53312     -17.2171    -0.607382      6.20747      13.9496
-      0.09893     0.339494      28.6318      21.3374      -5.7839      9.22252      14.6702      20.9744
-      0.09894      13.1142      40.1495      31.6594      3.42615      17.1658      21.5437      26.6713
-      0.09895     -6.79431      22.2861      15.6911     -10.7282      4.71839      10.8213      17.7031
-      0.09896     -42.7878     -10.0859     -13.2597     -36.5082     -17.9398     -8.74371      1.31658
-      0.09897      52.9472      76.1013       64.009       32.189       41.987       43.014      44.4828
-      0.09898      38.7966      63.4733      52.8143      22.4256       33.388      35.7068      38.4747
-      0.09899       2.4334      30.8549      23.6074     -3.42221      10.7586      16.1584      22.1442
-        0.099     -7.20908      22.1271      15.7421     -10.2575      4.65648      10.8597      17.6479
-      0.09901      26.7527      52.7204      43.3906      14.1923      25.9066      29.2099      32.9232
-      0.09902      54.7889      78.0096      66.1279      34.4595      43.5558      44.4995      45.7119
-      0.09903     -29.4225         2.33     -1.78279     -25.7172     -9.13553    -0.962579      7.75783
-      0.09904      56.6889      79.7942      67.8933      35.9794      44.6341      45.4669      46.4758
-      0.09905     -14.3316        15.96      10.7183     -14.7074     0.263959      7.19757      14.5204
-      0.09906     -2.39818      26.6935      20.4071     -6.12591      7.63397      13.5343      19.7205
-      0.09907     -1.90886      27.1743      20.9143     -5.66634      7.87676      13.7319      19.8168
-      0.09908      20.8327      47.6822      39.4062      10.7481      22.1377      26.0634      30.0787
-      0.09909      21.4471      48.2632      40.0488      11.3547      22.5892      26.4905      30.4197
-       0.0991     -40.8819      -7.7532     -10.2357     -33.2224     -16.5266     -7.28236      2.18473
-      0.09911      45.2687      69.7131      59.3111      28.5227      37.3468      39.2261      40.9623
-      0.09912      8.37979      36.6448      29.7508      2.41881      14.4811      19.5815      24.6254
-      0.09913      37.0401      62.4336      53.1285      23.0922      32.4304      35.0924      37.5262
-      0.09914     -30.1595      2.03561     -1.00525     -24.8877     -9.60538      -1.1885      7.22593
-      0.09915      45.1777      69.8176      59.7775      29.1519       37.498      39.4673      41.1093
-      0.09916     -36.1703     -3.37525     -5.81771     -28.9849     -13.4201      -4.4773      4.37557
-      0.09917      43.5816      68.4176      58.5911      28.2024      36.4347      38.5556      40.2324
-      0.09918     -15.4906      15.3086      11.1907     -13.9062    -0.429161      6.77185      13.7138
-      0.09919      39.0784      64.4198      55.1322      25.2577      33.6883      36.2322      38.2643
-       0.0992      5.96213      34.6607      28.4599      1.73394      13.0459      18.4461      23.3874
-      0.09921     -10.7264      19.6655      15.2555     -10.1004      2.56322       9.4078      15.7878
-      0.09922     -8.93773      21.2981      16.7484     -8.75789      3.58178      10.2634      16.4238
-      0.09923      51.8731      76.0354      66.0023      34.9441      41.7236      43.2343        43.94
-      0.09924     -1.00227      28.5159      23.4676     -2.67932      8.72899      14.8145      20.2377
-      0.09925      33.2631      59.3766      51.2123      21.9961      30.1511      33.3307      35.6749
-      0.09926      7.53884      36.2539      30.6663      3.69095      14.0798      19.4524      24.0374
-      0.09927       27.122      53.8858      46.5691      17.8327      26.2733      30.0127       32.801
-      0.09928     -8.97569      21.4842      17.5263     -7.94806       3.6423      10.5034      16.4839
-      0.09929      31.0302      57.4242      49.8845      20.7993      28.6313      32.0751      34.4446
-       0.0993      44.7855      69.8462      61.1764      30.8112      37.3275      39.6468      40.7471
-      0.09931      -36.836     -3.55938     -4.67208     -27.4693     -13.7424     -4.43709      3.90116
-      0.09932      2.74328      32.0615      27.3171      1.00426      10.9791      16.8894      21.6331
-      0.09933     -15.8622      15.3131      12.3319      -12.204    -0.657994      6.86053      13.2251
-      0.09934      15.7401      43.7613      38.0326      10.5766      19.0832      23.9321      27.4433
-      0.09935      31.1809      57.7074      50.7086      21.8529      28.8635      32.4702      34.6129
-      0.09936      4.69744      33.8842      29.4474      3.02829      12.3605      18.2341       22.675
-      0.09937      24.7452      51.9443      45.7661      17.5125      24.8978      29.0735      31.6739
-      0.09938      7.19752      36.1793      31.7095      5.07999      13.9327      19.6562      23.7763
-      0.09939     -30.2133      2.53616      1.63883     -21.6477     -9.58445    -0.683696      6.66407
-       0.0994     -4.07513      25.9873      22.6415      -2.9617      6.59474      13.2832      18.2635
-      0.09941       44.827      70.0761      62.4007      32.3331       37.362      39.8805      40.4538
-      0.09942     -5.54542      24.7969      21.9365     -3.57062      5.92415      12.8072      17.8688
-      0.09943      21.3214        48.96       43.734      15.7565      22.6885      27.2947      29.9072
-      0.09944      33.7285      60.1642      53.9407      24.9374      30.5974      34.1786      35.6584
-      0.09945     -11.6467      19.3697       17.208     -7.43946      2.22286      9.70455      15.1785
-      0.09946    -0.347032      29.4801      26.3133     0.644007      9.14826      15.6714      20.0711
-      0.09947    -0.193716      29.6252      26.2897     0.845111      9.19298      15.7039      20.0226
-      0.09948     -6.70141      23.7649      21.4913     -3.60522      5.11408      12.1746      17.0212
-      0.09949      -22.234      9.81091        9.105      -14.534     -4.56482        3.849      10.0309
-       0.0995      21.2643      48.9685      44.2251      16.7374      22.6567       27.397      29.6794
-      0.09951      6.88508      36.0342      32.9263      6.61186      13.7321      19.7505      23.2589
-      0.09952     -13.1659      18.0164      16.9001     -7.64631       1.1457      8.89758       14.163
-      0.09953      14.1917      42.6035      39.0808      12.0623      18.2294      23.6653      26.4378
-      0.09954      12.5858      41.2347      38.0682      11.2083      17.4066      23.0029      25.8788
-      0.09955      35.6224      61.9147      56.7049       27.833      31.8304      35.5041      36.2851
-      0.09956      25.7824      53.0862      48.9296      20.9225      25.7434      30.3296      31.9895
-      0.09957     -37.2277     -3.63554       -1.858     -24.1561     -13.8144     -3.86021      3.33285
-      0.09958      12.4453      41.0811      38.3785      11.5526      17.2639      22.9784      25.6781
-      0.09959     -38.0339     -4.39606     -2.27293     -24.5389     -14.3645     -4.30451      2.85772
-       0.0996     -40.7048     -6.85148       -4.362     -26.3853     -16.2264     -5.95433      1.34149
-      0.09961      66.7218      89.8393      82.5121       50.782      51.1317      52.2857      50.0005
-      0.09962     -22.8317      9.37398      10.5092     -13.0531     -4.68447      4.20831      9.91939
-      0.09963      23.0834      50.6755      47.6898      19.9469       23.995      28.9969      30.5626
-      0.09964      44.3715      69.8103      65.0612      35.3361      37.3783      40.6134      40.2805
-      0.09965      35.4724      61.8161        58.13       29.118      31.8522      35.8467      36.1726
-      0.09966     -24.9515      7.44846      9.39499     -13.9692     -5.94328      3.26406       8.9385
-      0.09967      10.7317      39.5174      38.2637      11.6079      16.2182      22.3735       24.782
-      0.09968     -11.0975      19.8219      20.7468     -3.96964      2.46673       10.503      14.8059
-      0.09969       30.882      57.5954       54.851        26.28       28.777      33.2493      33.7431
-       0.0997      20.0415       47.899      46.4072      18.7773      22.1386      27.5824      29.0219
-      0.09971      29.6715      56.6131      54.2304      25.9224      28.2963       32.981       33.529
-      0.09972     -17.9421      13.7713      15.8649     -8.09575     -1.56252      7.22214      11.9618
-      0.09973      28.3631      55.3415      53.2624      25.1135       27.301      32.1516      32.7226
-      0.09974     -3.94344      26.2309      27.4055      2.13478      7.09441      14.7325      18.1408
-      0.09975      7.52325      36.5386      36.7057      10.4036      14.1787      20.8587      23.1953
-      0.09976      2.31736      31.8877      32.8969      6.85739      10.9606      18.1131      20.8618
-      0.09977      36.9504      63.0381      61.1135      31.8132      32.6908      36.9354      36.5652
-      0.09978      5.92621       35.117      36.1641      9.87883      13.4165      20.3614       22.728
-      0.09979     -31.5091      1.43169      6.01808     -16.8453     -10.1093    0.0442763      5.67049
-       0.0998       15.819      43.9825      44.3292      17.1639      19.4372      25.5641      26.8989
-      0.09981      30.9203      57.6097      56.7477      28.1661       28.993      33.8746      33.8224
-      0.09982      30.3682       57.063      56.4261      27.9785      28.7269      33.7285      33.7292
-      0.09983      16.6789       44.758      45.5672      18.3432      20.1815      26.3912      27.5874
-      0.09984     -29.3709      3.29318      8.48583     -14.5641     -8.73855      1.41724      6.64462
-      0.09985     -4.72031      25.4199      28.4616      3.15302      6.55935      14.5938      17.5166
-      0.09986     -54.1659     -19.0976      -11.307     -32.1982     -24.4596     -12.1822     -4.90644
-      0.09987      41.2003      66.7012      65.8404      36.2695      35.2365      39.3766       38.092
-      0.09988      3.13643      32.5177      35.4172      9.24953      11.5764      19.0845      21.2124
-      0.09989      42.2083      67.6347      67.0706      37.4239      36.0627      40.2662      38.8637
-       0.0999     -28.1745      4.33616      10.3561     -12.8191      -7.9572      2.30403       7.1219
-      0.09991      -5.0611      25.0813      29.1304      3.75898      6.34715      14.6525       17.366
-      0.09992      6.87523      35.7889      38.8601      12.6027      13.8876      21.2125      22.8549
-      0.09993      50.4818      74.9961      74.2053      43.9551      41.2213      44.8681      42.5612
-      0.09994     -15.4793      15.7096      21.1744     -3.07877    0.0195186        9.339      12.8531
-      0.09995      30.4037      56.9185      58.3906      29.9299      28.6923      34.0771      33.3916
-      0.09996      11.0123      39.4954      42.9025      16.1935      16.5667      23.6787      24.6913
-      0.09997      46.3019      71.2011      71.5922      41.6878      38.7518      42.8962      40.7647
-      0.09998     -3.54285      26.3702      31.5464      6.21665      7.62559      16.0698      18.3134
-      0.09999      8.15118      36.8538      41.1093      14.7246      14.8839      22.3195      23.4425
-          0.1      12.4583      40.6988      44.7535       17.893      17.5129      24.6501      25.3618