From d0c566217220f7d902cf466fb9bac0722d316fbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Barajas <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2019 09:19:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] INT: Initial IHCantabria update for waveMaker BC

Adds support for paddles to generate 3-D waves
 .../waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.C          | 269 ++++++++++++++----
 .../waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.H          |  55 +++-
 2 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.C b/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.C
index 301c1e2b21f..609ba79d533 100644
--- a/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.C
+++ b/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.C
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ License
 #include "Time.H"
 #include "gravityMeshObject.H"
+#include "polyMesh.H"
+#include "surfaceFields.H"
+#include "volFields.H"
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Member Data  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
 const Foam::Enum<Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::motionTypes>
@@ -89,6 +93,48 @@ Foam::scalar Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::timeCoeff
+void Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::initialiseGeometry()
+    // Global patch extents
+    const vectorField& Cp = this->patch().localPoints();
+    const vectorField CpLocal(Cp);
+    boundBox bb(CpLocal, true);
+    const scalar xMin = bb.min().x();
+    const scalar xMax = bb.max().x();
+    const scalar yMin = bb.min().y();
+    const scalar yMax = bb.max().y();
+    zSpan_ = bb.max().z() - bb.min().z();
+    zMinGb_ = bb.min().z();
+    reduce(zMinGb_, minOp<scalar>());
+    // Global x, y positions of the paddle centres
+    xPaddle_.setSize(nPaddle_, 0);
+    yPaddle_.setSize(nPaddle_, 0);
+    const scalar xMid = xMin + 0.5*(xMax - xMin);
+    const scalar paddleDy = (yMax - yMin)/scalar(nPaddle_);
+    for (label paddlei = 0; paddlei < nPaddle_; ++paddlei)
+    {
+        xPaddle_[paddlei] = xMid;
+        yPaddle_[paddlei] = paddlei*paddleDy + yMin + 0.5*paddleDy;
+    }
+    // Local face centres
+    x_ = this->patch().localPoints().component(0);
+    y_ = this->patch().localPoints().component(1);
+    z_ = this->patch().localPoints().component(2);
+    // Local point-to-paddle addressing
+    pointToPaddle_.setSize(this->patch().size(), -1);
+    forAll(pointToPaddle_, ppi)
+    {
+        pointToPaddle_[ppi] = floor((y_[ppi] - yMin)/(paddleDy+0.01*paddleDy));
+    }
 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
@@ -105,10 +151,11 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
-    waveLength_(0),
+    waveAngle_(0),
-    secondOrder_(false)
+    secondOrder_(false),
+    nPaddle_(0)
@@ -127,7 +174,7 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
-    waveLength_(this->waveLength(initialDepth_, wavePeriod_)),
+    waveAngle_(dict.get<scalar>("waveAngle")),
@@ -137,7 +184,8 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
-    secondOrder_(dict.lookupOrDefault<bool>("secondOrder", false))
+    secondOrder_(dict.lookupOrDefault<bool>("secondOrder", false)),
+    nPaddle_(readScalar(dict.lookup("nPaddle")))
     // Create the co-ordinate system
     if (mag(n_) < SMALL)
@@ -151,6 +199,13 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
     gHat_ = (g() - n_*(n_&g()));
     gHat_ /= mag(gHat_);
+    waveAngle_ *= constant::mathematical::pi/180;
+    Info << " Initialise geometry... " << endl;
+    initialiseGeometry();
+    waterDepthRef_.setSize(nPaddle_, -1);
     if (!dict.found("value"))
@@ -174,10 +229,11 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
-    waveLength_(ptf.waveLength_),
+    waveAngle_(ptf.waveAngle_),
-    secondOrder_(ptf.secondOrder_)
+    secondOrder_(ptf.secondOrder_),
+    nPaddle_(ptf.nPaddle_)
@@ -195,10 +251,11 @@ Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
-    waveLength_(ptf.waveLength_),
+    waveAngle_(ptf.waveAngle_),
-    secondOrder_(ptf.secondOrder_)
+    secondOrder_(ptf.secondOrder_),
+    nPaddle_(ptf.nPaddle_)
@@ -211,86 +268,174 @@ void Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::updateCoeffs()
+    if (firstTime==0)
+    {
+	// Set the reference water depth
+	if (initialDepth_ != 0 )
+	{
+	    forAll(waterDepthRef_,paddlei)
+	    {
+	    	waterDepthRef_[paddlei] = initialDepth_;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    FatalErrorInFunction
+                << "initialDepth is not set.  Please update "
+                << abort(FatalError);
+	}
+	Info << " WaterDepth at the wavepaddles = " << waterDepthRef_ << endl;
+	firstTime = 1;
+    }
     const scalar t = db().time().value() - startTime_;
-    const scalar waveK = constant::mathematical::twoPi/waveLength_;
-    const scalar sigma = constant::mathematical::twoPi/wavePeriod_;
+    scalarField waveLength_(nPaddle_,-1);
-    const scalar kh = waveK*initialDepth_;
+    scalarField waveK(nPaddle_,-1);
+    scalarField waveKx(nPaddle_,-1);
+    scalarField waveKy(nPaddle_,-1);
+    forAll (waveK, labelP)
+    {
+        waveLength_[labelP] = waveLength (waterDepthRef_[labelP], wavePeriod_);
+        waveK[labelP] = constant::mathematical::twoPi/waveLength_[labelP];
+        waveKx[labelP] = waveK[labelP]*cos(waveAngle_);
+        waveKy[labelP] = waveK[labelP]*sin(waveAngle_);
+    }
+    const scalar sigma_ = (2.0*constant::mathematical::pi) / wavePeriod_;
     switch (motionType_)
         case motionTypes::flap:
-            const scalar m1 =
-                4*sinh(kh)/(sinh(2*kh) + 2*kh)*(sinh(kh) + (1 - cosh(kh))/kh);
-            scalar motionX = 0.5*waveHeight_/m1*sin(sigma*t);
-            if (secondOrder_)
-            {
-                motionX +=
-                    sqr(waveHeight_)/(16*initialDepth_)
-                   *(3*cosh(kh)/pow3(sinh(kh)) - 2/m1)
-                   *sin(2*sigma*t);
-            }
             const pointField& points = patch().localPoints();
-            const scalarField dz(-(points & gHat_) - initialDepth_);
+	    scalarField motionX (patch().localPoints().size(),-1);
+	    forAll (points, labelP)
+	    {
+	       const label paddlei = pointToPaddle_[labelP];
+	       scalar phaseTot = waveKx[paddlei]*xPaddle_[paddlei] + waveKy[paddlei]*yPaddle_[paddlei];
+	        if (secondOrder_)
+	        {
+	    	    scalar m1_ = ((4.0*sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]))
+	        		/ (sinh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])+2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]))
+				* ( sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]) + 1.0/(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+				* (1.0-cosh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])));
+	    	    motionX[labelP] = waveHeight_/(2.0*m1_)*sin(phaseTot - sigma_*t)
+	        		+ pow(waveHeight_,2)/(16.0*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])*(3.0*cosh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+				/ pow(sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]),3) -2.0/m1_)*sin(phaseTot - 2.0*sigma_*t);
+	    	    motionX[labelP] = timeCoeff(t)
+	        	        * (1.0+((points[labelP].component(2)-zMinGb_)-waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+		  	        / (waterDepthRef_[paddlei])) * motionX[labelP];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+	    	    scalar waveBoardStroke_ = (sinh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+	        	+ 2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+			/ (4.0*sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]))
+			* (1.0 / ( sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+			+ (1.0-cosh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]))
+			/ (waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]) ) ) * waveHeight_;
+	            motionX[labelP] = timeCoeff(t)
+	        	* (1.0+((points[labelP].component(2)-zMinGb_)-waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+			/ (waterDepthRef_[paddlei]))*(waveBoardStroke_/2.0)*sin(phaseTot-sigma_*t);
+		}
+	    }
-                n_*timeCoeff(t)*motionX*(1 + dz/initialDepth_)
+                n_*motionX
         case motionTypes::piston:
-            const scalar m1 = 2*(cosh(2*kh) - 1)/(sinh(2*kh) + 2*kh);
-            scalar motionX = 0.5*waveHeight_/m1*sin(sigma*t);
-            if (secondOrder_)
-            {
-                motionX +=
-                    sqr(waveHeight_)
-                   /(32*initialDepth_)*(3*cosh(kh)
-                   /pow3(sinh(kh)) - 2/m1);
-            }
-            Field<vector>::operator=(n_*timeCoeff(t)*motionX);
+            const pointField& points = patch().localPoints();
+	    scalarField motionX (patch().localPoints().size(),-1);
+	    forAll (points, labelP)
+	    {
+	       const label paddlei = pointToPaddle_[labelP];
+	       scalar phaseTot = waveKx[paddlei]*xPaddle_[paddlei] + waveKy[paddlei]*yPaddle_[paddlei];
+               if (secondOrder_)
+               {
+ 	           const scalar m1_ = 2.0*(cosh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]) - 1.0)
+		       / (sinh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+		       + 2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]);
+                   motionX[labelP] = timeCoeff(t) * (waveHeight_/(2.0*m1_)
+	               * sin(phaseTot - sigma_*t) + pow(waveHeight_,2)
+	               / (32.0*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])*(3.0*cosh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+	               / pow(sinh(waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]),3)-2.0/m1_)
+	               * sin(phaseTot - 2.0*sigma_*t));
+               }
+	       else
+	       {
+		   scalar waveBoardStroke_ = (sinh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+	               + 2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+	               / (2.0*(cosh(2.0*waveK[paddlei]*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])
+	               - 1.0)) * waveHeight_;
+		   motionX[labelP] = timeCoeff(t)*(waveBoardStroke_/2.0)
+				     * sin(phaseTot-sigma_*t);
+	       }
+	    }
+	    Field<vector>::operator=
+	    (
+	        n_*motionX
+	    );
         case motionTypes::solitary:
-            const scalar kappa = sqrt(0.75*waveHeight_/(pow3(initialDepth_)));
-            const scalar waveCelerity =
-                sqrt(mag(g())*(initialDepth_ + waveHeight_));
-            const scalar stroke = sqrt(16.0*waveHeight_*initialDepth_/3.0);
-            const scalar hr = waveHeight_/initialDepth_;
-            wavePeriod_ = (2.0/(kappa*waveCelerity))*(3.8 + hr);
-            const scalar tSolitary = -0.5*wavePeriod_ + t;
-            // Newton-Rapshon
-            scalar theta1 = 0;
-            scalar theta2 = 0;
-            scalar er = 10000;
-            const scalar error = 0.001;
-            while (er > error)
-            {
-                theta2 =
-                    theta1
-                  - (theta1 - kappa*waveCelerity*tSolitary + hr*tanh(theta1))
-                   /(1.0 + hr*(1.0/cosh(theta1))*(1.0/cosh(theta1)));
+            const pointField& points = patch().localPoints();
+	    scalarField motionX (patch().localPoints().size(),-1);
+	    forAll (points, labelP)
+	    {
+	        const label paddlei = pointToPaddle_[labelP];
+                scalar kappa = sqrt(0.75*waveHeight_/(pow3(waterDepthRef_[paddlei])));
+                scalar waveCelerity = sqrt(mag(g())*(waterDepthRef_[paddlei] + waveHeight_));
+                scalar stroke = sqrt(16.0*waveHeight_*waterDepthRef_[paddlei]/3.0);
+                scalar hr = waveHeight_/waterDepthRef_[paddlei];
+                wavePeriod_ = (2.0/(kappa*waveCelerity))*(3.8 + hr);
+                scalar tSolitary = -0.5*wavePeriod_ + t;
+                // Newton-Rapshon
+                scalar theta1 = 0;
+                scalar theta2 = 0;
+                scalar er = 10000;
+                const scalar error = 0.001;
+                while (er > error)
+                {
+                    theta2 =
+                        theta1
+                        - (theta1 - kappa*waveCelerity*tSolitary + hr*tanh(theta1))
+                        /(1.0 + hr*(1.0/cosh(theta1))*(1.0/cosh(theta1)));
                     er = mag(theta1 - theta2);
                     theta1 = theta2;
-            }
+                }
-            scalar motionX =
-                waveHeight_/(kappa*initialDepth_)*tanh(theta1) + 0.5*stroke;
+                motionX[labelP] =
+                    waveHeight_/(kappa*waterDepthRef_[paddlei])*tanh(theta1) + 0.5*stroke;
+	    }
@@ -318,9 +463,11 @@ void Foam::waveMakerPointPatchVectorField::write(Ostream& os) const
     os.writeEntry("wavePeriod", wavePeriod_);
     os.writeEntry("waveHeight", waveHeight_);
     os.writeEntry("wavePhase", wavePhase_);
+    os.writeEntry("waveAngle", waveAngle_);
     os.writeEntry("startTime", startTime_);
     os.writeEntry("rampTime", rampTime_);
     os.writeEntry("secondOrder", secondOrder_);
+    os.writeEntry("nPaddle", nPaddle_);
     writeEntry("value", os);
diff --git a/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.H b/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.H
index 2b0030c92ed..42108523eae 100644
--- a/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.H
+++ b/src/waveModels/derivedPointPatchFields/waveMaker/waveMakerPointPatchVectorField.H
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
      \\/     M anipulation  |
     Copyright (C) 2018-2019 IH-Cantabria
-    Copyright (C) 2018 OpenCFD Ltd.
+    Copyright (C) 2018
     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
@@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ class waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
         //- Wave phase
         scalar wavePhase_;
+	//wave angle
+	scalar waveAngle_;
         //- Wave length
         scalar waveLength_;
@@ -148,6 +151,54 @@ class waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
         //- On/off second order calculation switch
         scalar secondOrder_;
+	// number wavepaddles
+        scalar nPaddle_;
+        //- Rotation tensor from global to local system
+        tensor Rgl_;
+        //- Rotation tensor from local to global system
+        tensor Rlg_;
+        //- Paddle x co-ordinates / [m]
+        scalarField xPaddle_;
+        //- Paddle y co-ordinates / [m]
+        scalarField yPaddle_;
+        //- Addressing from point patch index to paddle index
+        labelList pointToPaddle_;
+        //- Addressing from patch face index to paddle index
+        labelList faceToPaddle_;
+        //- Patch face centre x co-ordinates / [m]
+        scalarField x_;
+        //- Patch face centre y co-ordinates / [m]
+        scalarField y_;
+        //- Patch face centre z co-ordinates / [m]
+        scalarField z_;
+        //- Overall (point) span in z-direction / [m]
+        scalar zSpan_;
+        //- Minimum z (point) height per patch face / [m]
+        scalarField zMin_;
+        //- Global Minimum z (point) / [m]
+	scalar zMinGb_;
+        //- Maximum z (point) height per patch face / [m]
+        scalarField zMax_;
+	// calculated water depth at the patch
+        scalarField waterDepthRef_;
+        //
+	scalar firstTime = 0;
     // Protected Member Functions
@@ -160,6 +211,8 @@ class waveMakerPointPatchVectorField
         //- Return the time scaling coefficient
         virtual scalar timeCoeff(const scalar t) const;
+        //- Initialise
+        virtual void initialiseGeometry();