diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Allwmake b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Allwmake
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..935e8e3993a65f7b1e55d49fc929f166372fe807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Allwmake
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Build optional components (eg, may depend on third-party libraries)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # run from this directory
+set -x
+# build tecio
+wmake libso tecio/tecsrc
+# build converter
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------- end-of-file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Make/options b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Make/options
index 97a2251f7bb9bf8d90bb23bd4ddbccf3c74a04a9..4776ad7d6489cf454920225a179ab1e304ebefff 100644
--- a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Make/options
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/Make/options
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 EXE_INC = \
-    -I$(WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR)/tecio/tecsrc/lnInclude \
+    -Itecio/tecsrc/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/lagrangian/basic/lnInclude \
     -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ EXE_LIBS = \
     -lfiniteVolume \
     -lgenericPatchFields \
     -lmeshTools \
-    -L$(FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN) -ltecio
+    -ltecio
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/Runmake b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/Runmake
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a22d0c0a86288ab89b2d61fa5da55e25ce42ced7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/Runmake
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+if test $# -ge 1 ; then
+  Platname=$1
+  shift
+  while test $# -ge 1 
+  do
+    if test "$1" = "-release" ; then
+      isrelease=y
+    elif test "$1" = "-skipcompile" ; then
+      skipcompile=y
+    elif test "$1" = "-tecio" ; then
+      MAKEWHAT=tecio.a
+    else
+    fi
+    shift
+  done
+  echo "Choose platform:"
+  echo " "
+  echo "  macux.104"
+  echo "  macix64.105"
+  echo "  sgix.62"
+  echo "  sgix3.62"
+  echo "  sgix.65"
+  echo "  sgix64.65"
+  echo "  sgix2.65"
+  echo "  sun4.57"
+  echo "  sun464.57"
+  echo "  sun86.54"
+  echo "  ibmx.43"
+  echo "  ibmx64.43"
+  echo "  ibmx.51"
+  echo "  ibmx64.51"
+  echo "  ibmx64.53"
+  echo "  decalpha.32"
+  echo "  compaq.51"
+  echo "  hp7xx.11"
+  echo "  hp7xx64.11"
+  echo "  hpi64.11"
+  echo "  linux.24"
+  echo "  linuxi64.24"
+  echo "  linux.22"
+  echo "  linuxa.22"
+  echo "  linuxg248x64.26"
+  echo "  linuxg27x64.26"
+  echo "  crayc90"
+  echo "->\c"
+  read Platname
+  echo "Choose:"
+  echo "  1.  Make tecio.a only"
+  echo "  2.  Make tecio.a and pltview"
+  read choice
+  if test $choice -eq 1 ;then 
+    MAKEWHAT=tecio.a
+  fi
+case $Platname in
+   mac*)       CCOMP=g++
+               FINALCFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386 -arch ppc64 -arch x86_64 -DDARWIN -DLONGIS64 -I/usr/X11R6/include"
+               STRIPFLAG=-Wl,-x
+               LINKFLAGS="-arch ppc -arch i386 -arch ppc64 -arch x86_64"
+               ;;
+   sgix.65-64) CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DLONGIS64 -mips4 -64"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips4 -64"
+               ;;
+   sgix64.65)  CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DLONGIS64 -mips4 -64"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips4 -64"
+               ;;
+   sgix.65)    CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -mips4 -n32"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips4 -n32"
+               ;;
+   sgix2.65)   CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -o32"
+               LINKFLAGS="-o32"
+               ;;
+   sgix.62-64) CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DIRIX62 -DLONGIS64 -mips4 -64"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips4 -64"
+               ;;
+   sgix.62)    CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DIRIX62 -mips4 -n32"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips4 -n32"
+               ;;
+   sgix1.62)   CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DIRIX62 -mips1 -32"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips1 -32"
+               ;;
+   sgix3.62)   CCOMP=CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIRISX -DIRIX62 -mips3 -n32"
+               LINKFLAGS="-mips3 -n32"
+               ;;
+   ibmx.*)     CCOMP=xlC
+               FINALCFLAGS=-DIBMRS6000X
+               ;;
+   ibmx64.*)   CCOMP=xlC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DIBMRS6000X -DLONGIS64 -q64"
+               ARFLAGS="-X64 qv"
+               ;;
+   compaq.51)  CCOMP=cxx
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DCOMPAQX -I/usr/include -ieee_with_inexact" 
+               ;;
+   decalpha.32)CCOMP=cc
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DDECALPHAX -I/usr/include -ieee_with_inexact" 
+               ;;
+   hp7xx.*-64) CCOMP=aCC
+               FINALCFLAGS="+DD64 +DS2.0 -AA -DHPX -DLONGIS64 -I/usr/include/X11R6 -I/usr/include/Motif2.1" 
+               LINKFLAGS="+DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0W"
+               ;;
+   hp7xx64.11) CCOMP=aCC
+               FINALCFLAGS="+DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0W -AA -DHPX -DLONGIS64 -I/usr/include/X11R6 -I/usr/include/Motif2.1" 
+               LINKFLAGS="+DA2.0W +DD64 +DS2.0W"
+               ;;
+     hpi64.11) CCOMP=aCC
+               FINALCFLAGS="+DD64 -AA -DHPX -DLONGIS64 -I/usr/include/X11R6 -I/usr/include/Motif2.1" 
+               LINKFLAGS="+DD64"
+               ;;
+   hp7xx.11)   CCOMP=aCC
+               FINALCFLAGS="+DAportable -AA -DHPX -I/usr/include/X11R6 -I/usr/include/Motif2.1" 
+               LINKFLAGS="+DAportable"
+               ;;
+   crayc90)    CCOMP=cc
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DCRAY -DUNIXX" 
+               ;;
+   linux*i64.*)CCOMP=g++
+               FINALCFLAGS="-fPIC -DLINUX -DLINUXI64" 
+               ;;
+   linux*64.*) CCOMP=g++
+               FINALCFLAGS="-fPIC -DLINUX -DLINUX64" 
+               ;;
+   linux*)     CCOMP=g++
+               FINALCFLAGS="-fPIC -DLINUX" 
+               ;;
+   sun4.54)    CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUN -DSUNSOLARISX -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+   sun4.55)    CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUN -DSUNSOLARISX -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+   sun4.57)    CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUNSOLARISX -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+   sun4.57-64) CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUNSOLARISX -DLONGIS64 -KPIC -xarch=v9 -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-KPIC -xarch=v9 -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+    sun464.57) CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUNSOLARISX -DLONGIS64 -KPIC -xarch=v9 -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-KPIC -xarch=v9 -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+    sun464.59)  CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUNSOLARISX -DLONGIS64 -KPIC -m64 -xarch=generic -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg -xO1"
+               LINKFLAGS="-KPIC -m64 -xarch=generic -library=libC -library=Cstd -library=no%rwtools7 -library=no%rwtools7_dbg"
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+   sun86.54)   CCOMP=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               FINALCFLAGS="-DSUN -DSUNSOLARISX -I/usr/openwin/include -I/usr/dt/include" 
+               MAKECMD=/usr/ccs/bin/make
+               AR=/opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
+               ARFLAGS="-xar -o"
+               ;;
+   *)          echo "Err: Invalid platform"
+               exit
+               ;;
+if test "$isrelease" = "y" ; then
+if test "$skipcompile" = "n" ; then
+  rm -f *.o */*.o *.a > /dev/null 2>&1
+rm -f *.a > /dev/null 2>&1
+# NOTE: Used to use make here but had problems with using remsh to run
+#       make multiple times to get 64 bit and 32 bit versions of libraries....
+cd tecsrc
+BASELIST=`/bin/ls -1 *.cpp`
+for file in $BASELIST
+  OBJNAME=`echo $file | sed 's/\.cpp/.o/'`
+if test "$skipcompile" = "n" ; then
+  for file in $BASELIST
+  do
+    case $file in
+      tecxxx.cpp)   ARCHIVEFLAG=-DMAKEARCHIVE;;
+      arrlist.cpp)  ARCHIVEFLAG=-DMAKEARCHIVE;;
+      datautil.cpp) ARCHIVEFLAG=-DMAKEARCHIVE;;
+      *)            ARCHIVEFLAG= ;;
+    esac
+  done
+cd ..
+echo "$AR $ARFLAGS tecio.a $OBJLIST"
+if test  -f /bin/ranlib ; then 
+    /bin/ranlib tecio.a; 
+elif test -f /usr/bin/ranlib ; then 
+    /usr/bin/ranlib tecio.a; 
+elif test -f /usr/ucb/ranlib ; then 
+    /usr/ucb/ranlib tecio.a; 
+echo "$CCOMP -I./tecsrc -DMAKEARCHIVE $FINALCFLAGS -c pltview.cpp"
+$CCOMP -I./tecsrc -DMAKEARCHIVE $FINALCFLAGS -c pltview.cpp
+echo "$CCOMP $FINALCFLAGS pltview.o tecio.a $LINKFLAGS $LINKLIBS $STRIPFLAG -lm -o pltview"
+$CCOMP $FINALCFLAGS pltview.o tecio.a $LINKFLAGS $LINKLIBS $STRIPFLAG -lm -o pltview
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Arrow.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Arrow.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee207b04df6aaba46a2454f97f3ce51226b5c642
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Arrow.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fa4b11f3f00acbc7f1421864d34acb54a09bcaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..432022be519670677b74d0458f74ece1b5001650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+/* This example creates two simple polyhedral zones in the shape
+ * of a three-dimensional arrow.  Obscured boundary faces are used.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "TECIO.h"
+int main()
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecini.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 1;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I;
+    /* Open the file and write the Tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Multiple polyhedral zones", /* Name of the entire
+                                                       * dataset.
+                                                       */
+                  (char*)"X Y Z P",  /* Defines the variables for the data
+                                      * file. Each zone must contain each of
+                                      * the variables listed here. The order
+                                      * of the variables in the list is used
+                                      * to define the variable number (e.g.
+                                      * X is Var 1).
+                                      */
+                  (char*)"Arrow.plt",
+                  (char*)".",         /* Scratch Directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* After TECINI is called, call TECZNE to create one or more
+     * zones for your data file. In this example, Zone 1 contains a
+     * single rectangular solid created as a face-based finite-element
+     * (i.e. polyhedral zone). The zone has eight points (or nodes),
+     * six faces and one element.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_teczne_rect.txt*/
+    /* TECZNE Parameters */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType                    = 7; /* sets the zone type
+                                             * to polyhedral */
+    INTEGER4 NumPts_Rect                 = 8;
+    INTEGER4 NumElems_Rect               = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces_Rect               = 6;
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax                    = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax                    = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax                    = 0; /* not used */
+    double   SolutionTime                = 0.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID                    = 0;
+    INTEGER4 ParentZone                  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock                     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceConnections          = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 FaceNeighborMode            = 1; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 SharConn                    = 0;
+    /* In a rectangular solid, each face is composed of four nodes.
+     * As such, the total number of face nodes is twenty-four (four
+     * nodes for each of the six faces).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes_Rect      = 24;
+    /* There is one connected boundary face in this zone (the face on
+     * the rectangle adjacent to the arrowhead). Refer to the Data
+     * Format Guide for additional information. */
+    INTEGER4 NumConnBndryFaces_Rect      = 1;
+    /* The connected boundary face has one connection, the face on
+     * the bottom of the arrowhead. A connection is an element-zone
+     * tuple that indicates a neighboring element (and its zone) when
+     * the neighboring element is in a different zone. Generally,
+     * there will be one boundary connection for each boundary face.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConns_Rect     = 1;
+    /* For illustrative purposes, the grid variables (X, Y, and Z)
+     * are nodal variables (i.e. ValueLocation = 1), and the pressure
+     * variable (P) is a cell-centered variable (i.e.
+     * ValueLocation = 0).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 ValueLocation[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 1: Rectangular Solid",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts_Rect,
+                  &NumElems_Rect,
+                  &NumFaces_Rect,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolutionTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes_Rect,
+                  &NumConnBndryFaces_Rect,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConns_Rect,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &SharConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecdat_rect.txt*/
+    //set variable values (X_Rect, Y_Rect, Z_Rect & P_Rect)
+    double *X_Rect = new double[NumPts_Rect];
+    double *Y_Rect = new double[NumPts_Rect];
+    double *Z_Rect = new double[NumPts_Rect];
+    double *P_Rect = new double[NumElems_Rect];
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii <= NumPts_Rect / 2; ii += 4)
+    {
+        X_Rect[ii]   = 0;
+        X_Rect[ii+1] = 3;
+        X_Rect[ii+2] = 3;
+        X_Rect[ii+3] = 0;
+        Y_Rect[ii]   = 3;
+        Y_Rect[ii+1] = 3;
+        Y_Rect[ii+2] = 1;
+        Y_Rect[ii+3] = 1;
+    }
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
+        Z_Rect[ii] = 0;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 4; ii < NumPts_Rect; ii++)
+        Z_Rect[ii] = -2;
+    P_Rect[0] = 10;
+    INTEGER4 IsDouble = 1;
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Rect,   X_Rect, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Rect,   Y_Rect, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Rect,   Z_Rect, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumElems_Rect, P_Rect, &IsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_facenodes_rect.txt*/
+    /* The FaceNodeCounts array is used to describe the number of
+     * nodes in each face of the zone. The first value in the array
+     * is the number of nodes in Face 1, the second value is the
+     * number of nodes in Face 2 and so forth. In this example, each
+     * face of the zone has four nodes.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodeCounts_Rect = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Rect];
+    //For this particular zone, each face has the 4 nodes
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumFaces_Rect; ii++)
+        FaceNodeCounts_Rect[ii] = 4;
+    /* The FaceNodes array is used to specify the nodes that compose
+      * each face.  For each face (n of N), the number of nodes used
+      * to define the face is specified by the nth value in the
+      * FaceNodeCounts array. For example, if the first value in the
+      * FaceNodeCounts array is 4 (indicating Face 1 is composed of
+      * four nodes), the first four values in the FaceNodes array are
+      * the node numbers of the nodes in Face 1.
+      *
+      * ------------
+      * WARNING
+      * When providing the node numbers for each face, you must
+      * provide the node numbers in a consistent order (either
+      * clockwise or counter-clockwise. Providing the node numbers
+      * out of order results in contorted faces.
+      * ------------
+      */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes_Rect  = new INTEGER4[TotalNumFaceNodes_Rect];
+    //Nodes for Face 1
+    FaceNodes_Rect[0]   = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[1]   = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[2]   = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[3]   = 4;
+    //Nodes for Face 2
+    FaceNodes_Rect[4]   = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[5]   = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[6]   = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[7]   = 5;
+    //Nodes for Face 3
+    FaceNodes_Rect[8]   = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[9]   = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[10]  = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[11]  = 6;
+    //Nodes for Face 4
+    FaceNodes_Rect[12]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[13]  = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[14]  = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[15]  = 3;
+//Nodes for Face 5
+    FaceNodes_Rect[16]  = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[17]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[18]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[19]  = 5;
+    //Nodes for Face 6
+    FaceNodes_Rect[20]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[21]  = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[22]  = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Rect[23]  = 4;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_neighbors_rect.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems_Rect  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Rect];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems_Rect = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Rect];
+    /* Since this zone has just one element, all leftelems are
+     * NoNeighboring Element and all right elems are itself
+     */
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumFaces_Rect; ii++)
+    {
+        FaceRightElems_Rect[ii] = 1;
+        FaceLeftElems_Rect[ii]  = 0;
+    }
+    /* The negative value in the FaceLeftElems array indicates that
+     * the face is connected to an element in another zone. In this
+     * case, Face 4 is connected to a face in Zone 2 (to be defined
+     * later in the example). The FaceBoundaryConnectionElems array
+     * lists all of the element numbers in other zones that the
+     * current zone shares boundary connections with. Similarly, the
+     * FaceBoundaryConnectionZones array lists all of the zone numbers
+     * with which the current zone shares boundaries.  A negative
+     * value in the FaceLeftElems or FaceRightElems array indicates
+     * the position within these arrays that defines the neighboring
+     * element and zone for a face.
+     *
+     * For example, if the FaceBoundaryConnectionElems array is:
+     * [1 8 2] and the FaceBoundaryConnectionZones array is: [2 5 3],
+     * a FaceLeftElems or FaceRightElems value of -2 indicates that
+     * the face in question has a boundary connection with Element 8
+     * in Zone 5.
+     */
+    FaceLeftElems_Rect[3]    = -1;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecpoly_rect.txt*/
+    /* The FaceBndryConnectionCounts array is used to define the
+     * number of boundary connections for each face that has a
+     * boundary connection. For example, if a zone has three boundary
+     * connections in total (NumConnectedBoundaryFaces), two of those
+     * boundary connections are in one face, and the remaining
+     * boundary connection is in a second face, the
+     * FaceBndryConnectionCounts array would be: [2 1].
+     * In this example, the total number of connected boundary faces
+     * (specified via TECZNE) is equal to one, so the
+     * FaceBoundaryConnectionCounts array contains a single value (1).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnCounts_Rect = new INTEGER4[NumConnBndryFaces_Rect];
+    FaceBndryConnCounts_Rect[0] = 1;
+    /* The value(s) in the FaceBndryConnectionElems and
+     * FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays specify the element number and
+     * zone number, respectively, that a given boundary connection is
+     * connected to. In this case, the boundary connection face is
+     * connected to Element 1 in Zone 2.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnElems_Rect = new INTEGER4[TotalNumBndryConns_Rect];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnZones_Rect = new INTEGER4[TotalNumBndryConns_Rect];
+    FaceBndryConnElems_Rect[0]  = 1;
+    FaceBndryConnZones_Rect[0]  = 2;
+    I = TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts_Rect,
+                   FaceNodes_Rect,
+                   FaceLeftElems_Rect,
+                   FaceRightElems_Rect,
+                   FaceBndryConnCounts_Rect,
+                   FaceBndryConnElems_Rect,
+                   FaceBndryConnZones_Rect);
+    /* cleanup */
+    delete X_Rect;
+    delete Y_Rect;
+    delete Z_Rect;
+    delete P_Rect;
+    delete FaceNodeCounts_Rect;
+    delete FaceNodes_Rect;
+    delete FaceLeftElems_Rect;
+    delete FaceRightElems_Rect;
+    delete FaceBndryConnCounts_Rect;
+    delete FaceBndryConnElems_Rect;
+    delete FaceBndryConnZones_Rect;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* The data for Zone 1 has been written to the data file, so we
+     * are ready to create Zone 2. For simplicity, we will reuse many
+     * of the variables created for the rectangular zone that are not
+     * relevant to this tutorial. */
+    /* Zone 2 (the arrowhead or prism) has a single element composed
+     * of six nodes and five faces.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_teczne_prism.txt*/
+    //TECZNE Parameters
+    INTEGER4 NumPts_Prism             = 6;
+    INTEGER4 NumElems_Prism           = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces_Prism           = 5;
+    /* The prism is composed of two triangular faces and three
+     * rectangular faces.  The total number of face nodes is the sum
+     * of the nodes in each triangular face (2 times 3) and the nodes
+     * in each rectangular face (3 times 4).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes_Prism  = 18;
+    /* As with Zone 1, Zone 2 has one connected boundary face, the
+     * face that is connected to Zone 1.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 NumConnBndryFaces_Prism  = 1;
+    /* In this case, we have set the total number of boundary
+     * connections for the connected face to two. The first boundary
+     * connection is the connection to Zone 1.  The second boundary
+     * connection is used to indicate that the face is only partially
+     * obscured by the face from Zone 1. If we omitted the second
+     * boundary connection, the connected face of the prism would
+     * disappear if the rectangular zone was deactivated.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConns_Prism = 2;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 2: Prism",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts_Prism,
+                  &NumElems_Prism,
+                  &NumFaces_Prism,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolutionTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes_Prism,
+                  &NumConnBndryFaces_Prism,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConns_Prism,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &SharConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecdat_prism.txt*/
+    double *X_Prism = new double[NumPts_Prism];
+    double *Y_Prism = new double[NumPts_Prism];
+    double *Z_Prism = new double[NumPts_Prism];
+    /* Set the X and Y variable values, one z-plane at a time */
+    double ZVal = 0;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
+    {
+        // triangle in Z=ZVal plane
+        X_Prism[3*ii]   = 3;
+        Y_Prism[3*ii]   = 4;
+        Z_Prism[3*ii]   = ZVal;
+        X_Prism[3*ii+1] = 7;
+        Y_Prism[3*ii+1] = 2;
+        Z_Prism[3*ii+1] = ZVal;
+        X_Prism[3*ii+2] = 3;
+        Y_Prism[3*ii+2] = 0;
+        Z_Prism[3*ii+2] = ZVal;
+        ZVal = ZVal - 2;
+    }
+    /* When we called TecZne, we specified that the variable 4
+     * (pressure) is cell-centered. As such, only NumElements number
+     * of values needs to be written to the data file for the pressure
+     * variable.
+     */
+    double *P_Prism = new double[NumElems_Prism];
+    P_Prism[0] = 20;
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Prism,  X_Prism, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Prism,  Y_Prism, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Prism,  Z_Prism, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumElems_Prism, P_Prism, &IsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_facemap_prism.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodeCounts_Prism = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Prism];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes_Prism    = new INTEGER4[TotalNumFaceNodes_Prism];
+    /* Because of the way we chose to number our faces, the first
+     * three faces are rectangular and the last two are triangular.
+     * The numbering of the faces is arbitrary, but the faces must
+     * be referred to consistently.
+     */
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++)
+        FaceNodeCounts_Prism[ii] = 4;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 3; ii < NumFaces_Prism; ii++)
+        FaceNodeCounts_Prism[ii] = 3;
+    //Nodes for Face 1
+    FaceNodes_Prism[0]   = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[1]   = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[2]   = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[3]   = 4;
+    //Nodes for Face 2
+    FaceNodes_Prism[4]   = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[5]   = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[6]   = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[7]   = 2;
+    //Nodes for Face 3
+    FaceNodes_Prism[8]   = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[9]   = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[10]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[11]  = 6;
+    //Nodes for Face 4
+    FaceNodes_Prism[12]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[13]  = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[14]  = 6;
+//Nodes for Face 5
+    FaceNodes_Prism[15]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[16]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Prism[17]  = 3;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_neighbors_prism.txt*/
+    /* Since this zone has just one element, all leftelems are
+     * NoNeighboring Element and all right elems are itself.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems_Prism  =  new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Prism];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems_Prism =  new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Prism];
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumFaces_Prism; ii++)
+    {
+        FaceRightElems_Prism[ii] = 1;
+        FaceLeftElems_Prism[ii]  = 0;
+    }
+    /* The negative value in the FaceLeftElems array indicates that
+     * the face is connected to an element in another zone. In this
+     * case, Face 1 is connected to a face in Zone 1 (as indicated in
+     * Line 6). The FaceBoundaryConnectionElems array lists all of
+     * the element numbers in other zones that the current zone shares
+     * boundary connections with. Similarly, the
+     * FaceBoundaryConnectionZones array lists all of the zone numbers
+     * with which the current zone shares boundaries.  A negative
+     * value in the FaceLeftElems or FaceRightElems array indicates
+     * the position within these arrays that defines the neighboring
+     * element and zone for a face.
+     */
+    FaceLeftElems_Prism[0]  = -1;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecpoly_prism.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnCounts_Prism = new INTEGER4[NumConnBndryFaces_Prism];
+    FaceBndryConnCounts_Prism[0] = 2;
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnElems_Prism = new INTEGER4[TotalNumBndryConns_Prism];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnZones_Prism = new INTEGER4[TotalNumBndryConns_Prism];
+    /* As previously mentioned, a connected boundary face is a face
+     * that has either multiple neighboring faces or neighbor(s) that
+     * belong to another zone.  Those cases are sufficient when the
+     * combination of all of the face’s neighbors completely cover the
+     * face. However, there are some cases (such as the bottom of the
+     * arrowhead) where the face is not completely covered by its
+     * neighbors. In those cases the face is referred to as “partially
+     * obscured”. A partially obscured face is indicated by
+     * incrementing the value in TotalNumConnectedBoundaryFaces and
+     * entering a value of 0 in both the FaceBndryConnectionElems and
+     * FaceBoundaryConnectionZones arrays for the boundary connection
+     * for the partially obscured face.
+     */
+    FaceBndryConnElems_Prism[0]  = 0;
+    FaceBndryConnZones_Prism[0]  = 0;
+    /* Indicates that Face 1 is connected to Element 1 in Zone 1. */
+    FaceBndryConnElems_Prism[1]  = 1;
+    FaceBndryConnZones_Prism[1]  = 1;
+    I = TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts_Prism,
+                   FaceNodes_Prism,
+                   FaceLeftElems_Prism,
+                   FaceRightElems_Prism,
+                   FaceBndryConnCounts_Prism,
+                   FaceBndryConnElems_Prism,
+                   FaceBndryConnZones_Prism);
+    /* cleanup */
+    delete X_Prism;
+    delete Y_Prism;
+    delete Z_Prism;
+    delete P_Prism;
+    delete FaceNodeCounts_Prism;
+    delete FaceNodes_Prism;
+    delete FaceLeftElems_Prism;
+    delete FaceRightElems_Prism;
+    delete FaceBndryConnCounts_Prism;
+    delete FaceBndryConnElems_Prism;
+    delete FaceBndryConnZones_Prism;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:arrow_tecend.txt*/
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* DOCEND */
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31f69eedf107bd4df7d4630066ad847566097de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/arrow/arrow.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="arrow"
+	ProjectGUID="{3C1105D7-5690-48E0-9402-111CBDC84B42}"
+	RootNamespace="arrow"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\arrow.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c6009b07305b63ddd8787e3fcbe020e820719df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.c b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c290dcef40e3a73694bb3c2c15d0b8616274b275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+ * Complex example C program to write a
+ * binary data file for Tecplot. This example
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ *   1.  Open a data file called "field.plt."
+ *   2.  Open a data file called "line.plt."
+ *   3.  Assign values for X, Y and P. These will be used
+ *       in both the ordered and finite-element data files.
+ *   4.  Write out an ordered zone dimensioned 4 x 5 to "field.plt."
+ *   5.  Assign values for XL and YL arrays.
+ *   6.  Write out data for line plot to "line.plt." Make the data
+ *       use double precision.
+ *   7.  Write out a finite-element zone to "field.plt."
+ *   8.  Write out a text record to "field.plt."
+ *   9.  Write out a geometry (circle) record to "field.plt."
+ *  10.  Close file 1.
+ *  11.  Close file 2.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "TECIO.h"
+int main(void)
+    float    X[5][4], Y[5][4], P[5][4];
+    double   XL[50], YL[50];
+    double   SolTime;
+    INTEGER4 Debug, I, J, K, L, III, NPts, NElm, DIsDouble, VIsDouble, IMax, JMax, KMax;
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax, JCellMax, KCellMax, ZoneType, Clipping;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID, ParentZn, FieldFileType, LineFileType;
+    INTEGER4 SharingZone[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock, NumFaceConnections, FaceNeighborMode, ShareConnectivityFromZone;
+    INTEGER4 NM[12][4];
+    double   XP, YP, ZP, FH, LineSpacing, PatternLength;
+    double   BoxMargin, BoxLineThickness, TextAngle;
+    INTEGER4 AttachToZone, Zone, Scope, PositionCoordSys, FontType, HeightUnits;
+    INTEGER4 IsFilled, GeomType, LinePattern, NumEllipsePts;
+    INTEGER4 Anchor, BoxType, BoxColor, BoxFillColor, TextColor, Color, FillColor;
+    INTEGER4 ArrowheadStyle, ArrowheadAttachment, NumSegments, NumSegPts[1];
+    double   LineThickness, ArrowheadSize, ArrowheadAngle;
+    float    XGeomData[1], YGeomData[1], ZGeomData[1];
+    enum     FileType { FULL = 0, GRID = 1, SOLUTION = 2 };
+    Debug         = 2;
+    VIsDouble     = 0;
+    DIsDouble     = 0;
+    FieldFileType = FULL;
+    LineFileType  = FULL;
+    /*
+     * Open order.plt and write the header information.
+     */
+                  (char*)"X Y P",
+                  (char*)"field.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FieldFileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Open line.plt and write the header information.
+     */
+    VIsDouble = 1;
+                  (char*)"X Y",
+                  (char*)"line.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &LineFileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Calculate values for the field variables.
+     */
+    for (J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+        for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
+        {
+            X[J][I] = (float)(I + 1);
+            Y[J][I] = (float)(J + 1);
+            P[J][I] = (float)((I + 1) * (J + 1));
+        }
+    /*
+     * Make sure writing to file #1.
+     */
+    III = 1;
+    I = TECFIL112(&III);
+    /*
+     * Write the zone header information for the ordered zone.
+     */
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    KMax      = 1;
+    ICellMax  = 0;
+    JCellMax  = 0;
+    KCellMax  = 0;
+    ZoneType  = 0;
+    SolTime   = 10.0;
+    StrandID  = 1;
+    ParentZn  = 0;
+    IsBlock   = 1;
+    NumFaceConnections = 0;
+    FaceNeighborMode   = 0;
+    ShareConnectivityFromZone = 0;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone 1",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  NULL,      /* PassiveVarList */
+                  NULL,      /* ValueLocation */
+                  NULL,      /* ShareVarFromZone */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,         /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+    /*
+     * Write out the field data for the ordered zone.
+     */
+    III = IMax * JMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &X[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &Y[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &P[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Calculate values for the I-ordered zone.
+     */
+    for (I = 0; I < 50; I++)
+    {
+        XL[I] = I + 1;
+        YL[I] = sin((double)(I + 1) / 20.0);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Switch to the "line.plt" file (file number 2)
+     * and write out the line plot data.
+     */
+    III = 2;
+    I = TECFIL112(&III);
+    /*
+     * Write the zone header information for the XY-data.
+     */
+    IMax = 50;
+    JMax = 1;
+    KMax = 1;
+    SolTime = 0.0;
+    StrandID = 0; /* StaticZone */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"XY Line plot",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  0,         /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,         /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  NULL,      /* PassiveVarList */
+                  NULL,      /* ValueLocation */
+                  NULL,      /* ShareVarFromZone */
+                  &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+    /*
+     * Write out the line plot.
+     */
+    DIsDouble = 1;
+    III = IMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, (float *) & XL[0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, (float *) & YL[0], &DIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Switch back to the field plot file and write out
+     * the finite-element zone.
+     */
+    III = 1;
+    I = TECFIL112(&III);
+    /*
+     * Move the coordinates so this zone's not on top of the other
+     */
+    for (J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+        for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
+        {
+            X[J][I] = (float)(I + 6);
+            Y[J][I] = (float)(J + 1);
+            P[J][I] = (float)((I + 1) * (J + 1));
+        }
+    /*
+     * Write the zone header information for the finite-element zone.
+     */
+    ZoneType  = 3;  /* FEQuad */
+    NPts      = 20; /* Number of points */
+    NElm      = 12; /* Number of elements */
+    KMax      = 0;  /* Unused */
+    SolTime   = 10.0;
+    StrandID  = 2;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Finite Zone 1",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NPts,
+                  &NElm,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  0,         /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,         /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  NULL,      /* PassiveVarList */
+                  NULL,      /* ValueLocation */
+                  NULL,      /* ShareVarFromZone */
+                  &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+    /*
+     * Write out the field data for the finite-element zone.
+     */
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    III       = IMax * JMax;
+    DIsDouble = 0;
+    I    = TECDAT112(&III, &X[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I    = TECDAT112(&III, &Y[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I    = TECDAT112(&III, &P[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Calculate and then write out the connectivity list.
+     * Note: The NM array references cells starting with
+     *       offset of 1.
+     */
+    for (I = 1; I < IMax; I++)
+        for (J = 1; J < JMax; J++)
+        {
+            K = I + (J - 1) * (IMax - 1);
+            L = I + (J - 1) * IMax;
+            NM[K-1][0] = L;
+            NM[K-1][1] = L + 1;
+            NM[K-1][2] = L + IMax + 1;
+            NM[K-1][3] = L + IMax;
+        }
+    I = TECNOD112((INTEGER4 *)NM);
+    /*
+     * Calculate values for the new solution variable.
+     */
+    for (J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+        for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
+        {
+            P[J][I] = (float)(2.0 * (I + 1) * (J + 1));
+        }
+    /*
+     * Write the zone header information for time step 2
+     */
+    ZoneType = 0;
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    KMax      = 1;
+    SolTime = 20.0;
+    StrandID = 1;
+    SharingZone[0] = 1;
+    SharingZone[1] = 1;
+    SharingZone[2] = 0; /* solution variable is not shared */
+    ShareConnectivityFromZone = 0;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone 2",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  0,         /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,         /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  SharingZone,
+                  &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+    /*
+     * Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+     */
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    III       = IMax * JMax;
+    DIsDouble = 0;
+    I    = TECDAT112(&III, &P[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Calculate values for the new solution variable.
+     */
+    for (J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+        for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
+        {
+            P[J][I] = (float)(3.0 * (I + 1) * (J + 1));
+        }
+    /*
+     * Write another time step for the FEZone and share from the first
+     */
+    ZoneType = 3;
+    SolTime = 20.0;
+    StrandID = 2;
+    KMax = 0;
+    SharingZone[0] = 2;
+    SharingZone[1] = 2;
+    SharingZone[2] = 0; /* solution variable is not shared */
+    ShareConnectivityFromZone = 2;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Finite Zone 2",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NPts,
+                  &NElm,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  0,         /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,         /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,         /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  NULL,      /* PassiveVarList */
+                  NULL,      /* ValueLocation */
+                  SharingZone,
+                  &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+    /*
+     * Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+     */
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    III       = IMax * JMax;
+    DIsDouble = 0;
+    I    = TECDAT112(&III, &P[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    /*
+     * Prepare to write out text record. Text is positioned
+     * at 0.5, 0.5 in frame units and has a height
+     * of 0.05 frame units.
+     */
+    XP               = 50.0;
+    YP               = 50.0;
+    ZP               = 0.0;
+    FH               = 5.0;
+    Scope            = 1; /* Local */
+    Clipping         = 1; /* Clip to frame */
+    PositionCoordSys = 1; /* Frame */
+    FontType         = 1; /* Helv Bold */
+    HeightUnits      = 1; /* Frame */
+    AttachToZone     = 0;
+    Zone             = 0;
+    BoxType          = 0; /* None */
+    BoxMargin        = 5.0;
+    BoxLineThickness = 0.5;
+    BoxColor         = 3;
+    BoxFillColor     = 7;
+    TextAngle        = 0.0;
+    Anchor           = 0; /* Left */
+    LineSpacing      = 1.0;
+    TextColor        = 0; /* Black */
+    III =  TECTXT112(&XP,
+                     &YP,
+                     &ZP,
+                     &PositionCoordSys,
+                     &AttachToZone,
+                     &Zone,
+                     &FontType,
+                     &HeightUnits,
+                     &FH,
+                     &BoxType,
+                     &BoxMargin,
+                     &BoxLineThickness,
+                     &BoxColor,
+                     &BoxFillColor,
+                     &TextAngle,
+                     &Anchor,
+                     &LineSpacing,
+                     &TextColor,
+                     &Scope,
+                     &Clipping,
+                     (char*)"Hi Mom",
+                     (char*)"");
+    /*
+     * Prepare to write out geometry record (circle). Circle is
+     * positioned at 25, 25 (in frame units) and has a radius of
+     * 20 percent. Circle is drawn using a dashed line.
+     */
+    XP                  = 25.0;
+    YP                  = 25.0;
+    ZP                  = 0.0;
+    IsFilled            = 0;
+    Color               = 0;
+    FillColor           = 7;
+    GeomType            = 3; /* Circle */
+    LinePattern         = 1; /* Dashed */
+    LineThickness       = 0.3;
+    PatternLength       = 1.5;
+    NumEllipsePts       = 72;
+    ArrowheadStyle      = 0;
+    ArrowheadAttachment = 0;
+    ArrowheadSize       = 0.1;
+    ArrowheadAngle      = 15.0;
+    NumSegments         = 1;
+    NumSegPts[0]        = 1;
+    XGeomData[0] = 20.0;
+    YGeomData[0] = 0.0;
+    ZGeomData[0] = 0.0;
+    III =  TECGEO112(&XP,
+                     &YP,
+                     &ZP,
+                     &PositionCoordSys,
+                     &AttachToZone,
+                     &Zone,
+                     &Color,
+                     &FillColor,
+                     &IsFilled,
+                     &GeomType,
+                     &LinePattern,
+                     &PatternLength,
+                     &LineThickness,
+                     &NumEllipsePts,
+                     &ArrowheadStyle,
+                     &ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     &ArrowheadSize,
+                     &ArrowheadAngle,
+                     &Scope,
+                     &Clipping,
+                     &NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     &XGeomData[0],
+                     &YGeomData[0],
+                     &ZGeomData[0],
+                     (char*)"");
+    /*
+     * Close out file 1.
+     */
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /*
+     * Close out file 2.
+     */
+    III = 2;
+    I = TECFIL112(&III);
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8d6e2ce5aab81b4297ea3d85a4c3e6c46629390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+C  Complex example FORTRAN program to write a
+C  binary data file for Tecplot. This example
+C  does the following:
+C    1.  Open a data file called "field.plt."
+C    2.  Open a data file called "line.plt."
+C    3.  Assign values for X, Y and P. These will be used
+C        in both the ordered and FE data files.
+C    4.  Write out an ordered zone dimensioned 4 x 5 to "field.plt."
+C    5.  Assign values for XL and YL arrays.
+C    6.  Write out data for line plot to "line.plt."  Make the data
+C        use double precision.
+C    7.  Write out a finite element zone to "field.plt."
+C    8.  Write out a text record to "field.plt."
+C    9.  Write out a geometry (circle) record to "field.plt."
+C   10.  Close file 1.
+C   11.  Close file 2.
+      Program ComplexTest
+      Include "tecio.inc"
+      REAL*4      X(4,5),  Y(4,5), P(4,5)  
+      REAL*8      XL(50), YL(50)
+      REAL*4      XLDummy(1), YLDummy(1)
+      EQUIVALENCE (XLDummy(1), XL(1))
+      EQUIVALENCE (YLDummy(1), YL(1))
+      REAL*8      SolTime
+      INTEGER*4   Debug,I,J,K,L,III,NPts,NElm,DIsDouble,VIsDouble
+      INTEGER*4   IMax,JMax,KMax,NM(4,12),FileType
+      INTEGER*4   StrandID,ParentZn
+      INTEGER*4   SharingZone(3)
+      REAL*8      XP, YP, ZP, FH, LineSpacing, PatternLength
+      REAL*8      BoxMargin, BoxLineThickness, TextAngle
+      INTEGER*4   AttachToZone, Zone, Scope, PositionCoordSys
+      INTEGER*4   Clipping
+      INTEGER*4   FontType, HeightUnits, Anchor, BoxType
+      INTEGER*4   IsFilled, GeomType, LinePattern, NumEllipsePts
+      INTEGER*4   BoxColor, BoxFillColor, TextColor, Color, FillColor
+      INTEGER*4   ArrowheadStyle, ArrowheadAttachment, NumSegments
+      INTEGER*4   NumSegPts(1)
+      REAL*8      LineThickness, ArrowheadSize, ArrowheadAngle
+      REAL*4      XGeomData(1), YGeomData(1), ZGeomData(1)
+      INTEGER*4   Zero
+      POINTER     (NullPtr,Null)
+      INTEGER*4   Null(*)
+      Debug     = 2
+      VIsDouble = 0
+      FileType  = 0
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      NULCHAR   = CHAR(0)
+      Zero      = 0
+      NullPtr   = 0
+C Open field.plt and write the header information.
+     &              '1 QUAD ZONE OVER 2 TIME STEPS'//NULCHAR,
+     &              'X Y P'//NULCHAR,
+     &              'field.plt'//NULCHAR,
+     &              '.'//NULCHAR,
+     &               FileType,
+     &               Debug,
+     &               VIsDouble)
+C  Open line.plt and write the header information.
+      VIsDouble = 1
+     &              'X Y'//NULCHAR,
+     &              'line.plt'//NULCHAR,
+     &              '.'//NULCHAR,
+     &               FileType,
+     &               Debug,
+     &               VIsDouble)
+C  Calculate values for the field variables.
+      Do 10 J = 1,5
+      Do 10 I = 1,4
+          X(I,J) = I
+          Y(I,J) = J
+          P(I,J) = I*J
+   10 Continue
+C  Make sure writing to file #1.
+      III = 1
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+C  Write the zone header information for the ordered zone.
+      IMax = 4
+      JMax = 5
+      KMax = 1
+      SolTime = 10.0
+      StrandID = 1
+      ParentZn = 0
+	I = TECZNE112('Ordered Zone 1'//NULCHAR,
+     &               0, ! ZONETYPE
+     &               IMax,
+     &               JMax,
+     &               KMax,
+     &               0,
+     &               0,
+     &               0,
+     &               SolTime,
+     &               StrandID,
+     &               ParentZn,
+     &               1,     ! ISBLOCK
+     &               0,     ! NumFaceConnections
+     &               0,     ! FaceNeighborMode
+     &               0,     ! TotalNumFaceNodes
+     &               0,     ! NumConnectedBoundaryFaces
+     &               0,     ! TotalNumBoundaryConnections
+     &               Null,  ! PassiveVarList
+     &               Null,  ! ValueLocation
+     &               Null,  ! ShareVarFromZone
+     &               0)     ! ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+C  Write out the field data for the ordered zone.
+      III = IMax*JMax
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,X,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,Y,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+C  Calculate values for the I-ordered zone.
+      Do 20 I = 1,50
+         XL(I) = I
+         YL(I) = sin(I/20.0)
+   20 Continue
+C  Switch to the 'line.plt' file (file number 2)
+C  and write out the line plot data.
+      III = 2
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+C  Write the zone header information for the XY-data.
+      IMax = 50
+      JMax = 1
+      KMax = 1
+      SolTime = 0.0
+      StrandID = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('XY Line plot'//NULCHAR,
+     &              0,
+     &              IMax,
+     &              JMax,
+     &              KMax,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              SolTime,
+     &              StrandID,
+     &              ParentZn,
+     &              1,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              0)
+C  Write out the line plot.
+      DIsDouble = 1
+      III = IMax
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,XLDummy,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,YLDummy,DIsDouble)
+C  Switch back to the field plot file and write out
+C  the finite-element zone.
+      III = 1
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+C  Move the coordinates so this zone's not on top of the other
+      Do 30 J = 1,5
+      Do 30 I = 1,4
+          X(I,J) = I+5
+          Y(I,J) = J
+          P(I,J) = I*J
+   30 Continue
+C  Write the zone header information for the finite-element zone.
+      NPts      = 20 
+      NElm      = 12 
+      KMax      = 1  
+      SolTime   = 10.0
+      StrandID  = 2
+      I = TECZNE112('Finite Zone 1'//NULCHAR,
+     &              3,  ! FEQUADRILATERAL
+     &              NPts,
+     &              NElm,
+     &              KMax,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              SolTime,
+     &              StrandID,
+     &              ParentZn,
+     &              1,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              0)
+C  Write out the field data for the finite-element zone.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,X,DIsDouble)
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,Y,DIsDouble)
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+C  Calculate and then write out the connectivity list.
+C  Note: The NM array references cells starting with
+C        offset of 1.
+      Do 40 I = 1,IMax-1
+      Do 40 J = 1,JMax-1
+          K = I+(J-1)*(IMax-1)
+          L = I+(J-1)*IMax
+          NM(1,K) = L
+          NM(2,K) = L+1
+          NM(3,K) = L+IMax+1
+          NM(4,K) = L+IMax
+   40 Continue
+      I = TECNOD112(NM)
+C  Calculate vlues for the new solution variable.
+      Do 50 J = 1,5
+      Do 50 I = 1,4
+          P(I,J) = 2*I*J
+   50 Continue
+C Write the zone header information for time step 2
+      IMax           = 4
+      JMax           = 5
+      KMax           = 1
+      SolTime        = 20.0
+      StrandID       = 1
+      SharingZone(1) = 1
+      SharingZone(2) = 1
+      SharingZone(3) = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('Ordered Zone 2'//NULCHAR,
+     &              0,  ! ORDERED
+     &              IMax,
+     &              JMax,
+     &              KMax,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              SolTime,
+     &              StrandID,
+     &              ParentZn,
+     &              1,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              SharingZone,
+     &              0)
+C  Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+C  Calculate values for the new solution variable.
+      Do 60 J = 1,5
+      Do 60 I = 1,4
+          P(I,J) = 3*I*J
+   60 Continue
+C  Write another time step for the FEZone and share from the first
+      SolTime = 20.0
+      StrandID = 2
+      KMax = 0
+      SharingZone(1) = 2
+      SharingZone(2) = 2
+      SharingZone(3) = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('Finite Zone 2'//NULCHAR,
+     &              3,  ! FEQUADRILATERAL
+     &              NPts,
+     &              NElm,
+     &              KMax,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              SolTime,
+     &              StrandID,
+     &              ParentZn,
+     &              1,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              SharingZone,
+     &              2)
+C  Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+C  Prepare to write out text record. Text is positioned
+C  at 50, 50 in frame units and has a height 5 frame units.
+      XP               = 50 
+      YP               = 50 
+      FH               = 5
+      Scope            = 1 
+      Clipping         = 0
+      PositionCoordSys = 1 
+      FontType         = 1 
+      HeightUnits      = 1 
+      AttachToZone     = 0
+      Zone             = 0
+      BoxType          = 0 
+      BoxMargin        = 5.0
+      BoxLineThickness = 0.5
+      BoxColor         = 3
+      BoxFillColor     = 7
+      TextAngle        = 0.0
+      Anchor           = 0 
+      LineSpacing      = 1.5
+      TextColor        = 0 
+      III =  TECTXT112(XP,
+     &                 YP,
+     &                 0.0d0,
+     &                 PositionCoordSys,
+     &                 AttachToZone,
+     &                 Zone,
+     &                 FontType,
+     &                 HeightUnits,
+     &                 FH,
+     &                 BoxType,
+     &                 BoxMargin,
+     &                 BoxLineThickness,
+     &                 BoxColor,
+     &                 BoxFillColor,
+     &                 TextAngle,
+     &                 Anchor,
+     &                 LineSpacing,
+     &                 TextColor,
+     &                 Scope,
+     &                 Clipping,
+     &                'Hi Mom'//NULCHAR,
+     &                NULCHAR)
+C  Prepare to write out geometry record (circle). Circle is 
+C  positioned at 25, 25 in frame units and has a radius of 30.
+C  Circle is drawn using a dashed line pattern.
+      XP                  = 25
+      YP                  = 25
+      ZP                  = 0.0
+      IsFilled            = 0
+      Color               = 0
+      FillColor           = 7
+      GeomType            = 2 
+      LinePattern         = 1 
+      LineThickness       = 0.3
+      PatternLength       = 1
+      NumEllipsePts       = 72
+      ArrowheadStyle      = 0
+      ArrowheadAttachment = 0
+      ArrowheadSize       = 0.0
+      ArrowheadAngle      = 15.0
+      NumSegments         = 1
+      NumSegPts(1)        = 1
+      XGeomData(1) = 30
+      YGeomData(1) = 0.0
+      ZGeomData(1) = 0.0
+      III =  TECGEO112(XP,
+     &                 YP,
+     &                 ZP,
+     &                 PositionCoordSys,
+     &                 AttachToZone,
+     &                 Zone,
+     &                 Color,
+     &                 FillColor,
+     &                 IsFilled,
+     &                 GeomType,
+     &                 LinePattern,
+     &                 PatternLength,
+     &                 LineThickness,
+     &                 NumEllipsePts,
+     &                 ArrowheadStyle,
+     &                 ArrowheadAttachment,
+     &                 ArrowheadSize,
+     &                 ArrowheadAngle,
+     &                 Scope,
+     &                 Clipping,
+     &                 NumSegments,
+     &                 NumSegPts,
+     &                 XGeomData,
+     &                 YGeomData,
+     &                 ZGeomData,
+     &                 NULCHAR)
+C  Close out file 1.
+      I = TECEND112() 
+C  Close out file 2.
+      III = 2
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+      I = TECEND112() 
+      STOP
+      END
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f90 b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56b3d560c39bee690d927fb11a3cde3694921d77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtest.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+!  Complex example FORTRAN program to write a
+!  binary data file for Tecplot. This example
+!  does the following:
+!    1.  Open a data file called "field.plt."
+!    2.  Open a data file called "line.plt."
+!    3.  Assign values for X, Y and P. These will be used
+!        in both the ordered and FE data files.
+!    4.  Write out an ordered zone dimensioned 4 x 5 to "field.plt."
+!    5.  Assign values for XL and YL arrays.
+!    6.  Write out data for line plot to "line.plt."  Make the data
+!        use double precision.
+!    7.  Write out a finite element zone to "field.plt."
+!    8.  Write out a text record to "field.plt."
+!    9.  Write out a geometry (circle) record to "field.plt."
+!   10.  Close file 1.
+!   11.  Close file 2.
+      Program ComplexTest
+      Include "tecio.f90"
+      REAL*4      X(4,5),  Y(4,5), P(4,5)  
+      REAL*8      XL(50), YL(50)
+      REAL*4      XLDummy(1), YLDummy(1)
+      EQUIVALENCE (XLDummy(1), XL(1))
+      EQUIVALENCE (YLDummy(1), YL(1))
+      REAL*8      SolTime
+      INTEGER*4   Debug,I,J,K,L,III,NPts,NElm,DIsDouble,VIsDouble,FileType
+      INTEGER*4   IMax,JMax,KMax,NM(4,12)   
+      INTEGER*4   StrandID,ParentZn
+      INTEGER*4   SharingZone(3)
+      REAL*8      XP, YP, ZP, FH, LineSpacing, PatternLength
+      REAL*8      BoxMargin, BoxLineThickness, TextAngle
+      INTEGER*4   AttachToZone, Zone, Scope, PositionCoordSys
+      INTEGER*4   Clipping
+      INTEGER*4   FontType, HeightUnits, Anchor, BoxType
+      INTEGER*4   IsFilled, GeomType, LinePattern, NumEllipsePts
+      INTEGER*4   BoxColor, BoxFillColor, TextColor, Color, FillColor
+      INTEGER*4   ArrowheadStyle, ArrowheadAttachment, NumSegments
+      INTEGER*4   NumSegPts(1)
+      REAL*8      LineThickness, ArrowheadSize, ArrowheadAngle
+      REAL*4      XGeomData(1), YGeomData(1), ZGeomData(1)
+      INTEGER*4   Zero
+      POINTER     (NullPtr,Null)
+      INTEGER*4   Null(*)
+      Debug     = 2
+      VIsDouble = 0
+      FileType  = 0
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      NULCHAR   = CHAR(0)
+      Zero      = 0
+      NullPtr   = 0
+! Open field.plt and write the header information.
+                    '1 QUAD ZONE OVER 2 TIME STEPS'//NULCHAR, &
+                    'X Y P'//NULCHAR, &
+                    'field.plt'//NULCHAR, &
+                    '.'//NULCHAR, &
+                     FileType, &
+                     Debug, &
+                     VIsDouble)
+!  Open line.plt and write the header information.
+      VIsDouble = 1
+                    'X Y'//NULCHAR, &
+                    'line.plt'//NULCHAR, &
+                    '.'//NULCHAR, &
+                     FileType, &
+                     Debug, &
+                     VIsDouble)
+!  Calculate values for the field variables.
+      Do 10 J = 1,5
+      Do 10 I = 1,4
+          X(I,J) = I
+          Y(I,J) = J
+          P(I,J) = I*J
+   10 Continue
+!  Make sure writing to file #1.
+      III = 1
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+!  Write the zone header information for the ordered zone.
+      IMax = 4
+      JMax = 5
+      KMax = 1
+      SolTime = 10.0
+      StrandID = 1
+      ParentZn = 0
+	I = TECZNE112('Ordered Zone 1'//NULCHAR, &
+                     0,  & ! ZONETYPE
+                     IMax, &
+                     JMax, &
+                     KMax, &
+                     0, &
+                     0, &
+                     0, &
+                     SolTime, &
+                     StrandID, &
+                     ParentZn, &
+                     1, &     ! ISBLOCK
+                     0, &     ! NumFaceConnections
+                     0, &     ! FaceNeighborMode
+                     0, &     ! TotalNumFaceNodes
+                     0, &     ! NumConnectedBoundaryFaces
+                     0, &     ! TotalNumBoundaryConnections
+                     Null, &  ! PassiveVarList
+                     Null, &  ! ValueLocation
+                     Null, &  ! ShareVarFromZone
+                     0)       ! ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+!  Write out the field data for the ordered zone.
+      III = IMax*JMax
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,X,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,Y,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+!  Calculate values for the I-ordered zone.
+      Do 20 I = 1,50
+         XL(I) = I
+         YL(I) = sin(I/20.0)
+   20 Continue
+!  Switch to the 'line.plt' file (file number 2)
+!  and write out the line plot data.
+      III = 2
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+!  Write the zone header information for the XY-data.
+      IMax = 50
+      JMax = 1
+      KMax = 1
+      SolTime = 0.0
+      StrandID = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('XY Line plot'//NULCHAR, &
+                    0, &
+                    IMax, &
+                    JMax, &
+                    KMax, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    SolTime, &
+                    StrandID, &
+                    ParentZn, &
+                    1, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    0)
+!  Write out the line plot.
+      DIsDouble = 1
+      III = IMax
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,XLDummy,DIsDouble)
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,YLDummy,DIsDouble)
+!  Switch back to the field plot file and write out
+!  the finite-element zone.
+      III = 1
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+!  Move the coordinates so this zone's not on top of the other
+      Do 30 J = 1,5
+      Do 30 I = 1,4
+          X(I,J) = I+5
+          Y(I,J) = J
+          P(I,J) = I*J
+   30 Continue
+!  Write the zone header information for the finite-element zone.
+      NPts      = 20 
+      NElm      = 12 
+      KMax      = 1  
+      SolTime   = 10.0
+      StrandID  = 2
+      I = TECZNE112('Finite Zone 1'//NULCHAR, &
+                    3, &  ! FEQUADRILATERAL
+                    NPts, &
+                    NElm, &
+                    KMax, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    SolTime, &
+                    StrandID, &
+                    ParentZn, &
+                    1, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    0)
+!  Write out the field data for the finite-element zone.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,X,DIsDouble)
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,Y,DIsDouble)
+      I    = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+!  Calculate and then write out the connectivity list.
+!  Note: The NM array references cells starting with
+!        offset of 1.
+      Do 40 I = 1,IMax-1
+      Do 40 J = 1,JMax-1
+          K = I+(J-1)*(IMax-1)
+          L = I+(J-1)*IMax
+          NM(1,K) = L
+          NM(2,K) = L+1
+          NM(3,K) = L+IMax+1
+          NM(4,K) = L+IMax
+   40 Continue
+      I = TECNOD112(NM)
+!  Calculate vlues for the new solution variable.
+      Do 50 J = 1,5
+      Do 50 I = 1,4
+          P(I,J) = 2*I*J
+   50 Continue
+! Write the zone header information for time step 2
+      IMax           = 4
+      JMax           = 5
+      KMax           = 1
+      SolTime        = 20.0
+      StrandID       = 1
+      SharingZone(1) = 1
+      SharingZone(2) = 1
+      SharingZone(3) = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('Ordered Zone 2'//NULCHAR, &
+                    0, &  ! ORDERED
+                    IMax, &
+                    JMax, &
+                    KMax, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    SolTime, &
+                    StrandID, &
+                    ParentZn, &
+                    1, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    SharingZone, &
+                    0)
+!  Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+!  Calculate values for the new solution variable.
+      Do 60 J = 1,5
+      Do 60 I = 1,4
+          P(I,J) = 3*I*J
+   60 Continue
+!  Write another time step for the FEZone and share from the first
+      SolTime = 20.0
+      StrandID = 2
+      KMax = 0
+      SharingZone(1) = 2
+      SharingZone(2) = 2
+      SharingZone(3) = 0
+      I = TECZNE112('Finite Zone 2'//NULCHAR, &
+                    3, &  ! FEQUADRILATERAL
+                    NPts, &
+                    NElm, &
+                    KMax, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    SolTime, &
+                    StrandID, &
+                    ParentZn, &
+                    1, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    SharingZone, &
+                    2)
+!  Write out the solution variable the grid variables are shared.
+      IMax      = 4
+      JMax      = 5
+      III       = IMax*JMax
+      DIsDouble = 0
+      I   = TECDAT112(III,P,DIsDouble)
+!  Prepare to write out text record. Text is positioned
+!  at 50, 50 in frame units and has a height 5 frame units.
+      XP               = 50 
+      YP               = 50 
+      FH               = 5
+      Scope            = 1 
+      Clipping         = 0
+      PositionCoordSys = 1 
+      FontType         = 1 
+      HeightUnits      = 1 
+      AttachToZone     = 0
+      Zone             = 0
+      BoxType          = 0 
+      BoxMargin        = 5.0
+      BoxLineThickness = 0.5
+      BoxColor         = 3
+      BoxFillColor     = 7
+      TextAngle        = 0.0
+      Anchor           = 0 
+      LineSpacing      = 1.5
+      TextColor        = 0 
+      III =  TECTXT112(XP, &
+                       YP, &
+                       0.0d0, &
+                       PositionCoordSys, &
+                       AttachToZone, &
+                       Zone, &
+                       FontType, &
+                       HeightUnits, &
+                       FH, &
+                       BoxType, &
+                       BoxMargin, &
+                       BoxLineThickness, &
+                       BoxColor, &
+                       BoxFillColor, &
+                       TextAngle, &
+                       Anchor, &
+                       LineSpacing, &
+                       TextColor, &
+                       Scope, &
+                       Clipping, &
+                      'Hi Mom'//NULCHAR, &
+                      NULCHAR)
+!  Prepare to write out geometry record (circle). Circle is 
+!  positioned at 25, 25 in frame units and has a radius of 30.
+!  Circle is drawn using a dashed line pattern.
+      XP                  = 25
+      YP                  = 25
+      ZP                  = 0.0
+      IsFilled            = 0
+      Color               = 0
+      FillColor           = 7
+      GeomType            = 2 
+      LinePattern         = 1 
+      LineThickness       = 0.3
+      PatternLength       = 1
+      NumEllipsePts       = 72
+      ArrowheadStyle      = 0
+      ArrowheadAttachment = 0
+      ArrowheadSize       = 0.0
+      ArrowheadAngle      = 15.0
+      NumSegments         = 1
+      NumSegPts(1)        = 1
+      XGeomData(1) = 30
+      YGeomData(1) = 0.0
+      ZGeomData(1) = 0.0
+      III =  TECGEO112(XP, &
+                       YP, &
+                       ZP, &
+                       PositionCoordSys, &
+                       AttachToZone, &
+                       Zone, &
+                       Color, &
+                       FillColor, &
+                       IsFilled, &
+                       GeomType, &
+                       LinePattern, &
+                       PatternLength, &
+                       LineThickness, &
+                       NumEllipsePts, &
+                       ArrowheadStyle, &
+                       ArrowheadAttachment, &
+                       ArrowheadSize, &
+                       ArrowheadAngle, &
+                       Scope, &
+                       Clipping, &
+                       NumSegments, &
+                       NumSegPts, &
+                       XGeomData, &
+                       YGeomData, &
+                       ZGeomData, &
+                       NULCHAR)
+!  Close out file 1.
+      I = TECEND112() 
+!  Close out file 2.
+      III = 2
+      I = TECFIL112(III)
+      I = TECEND112() 
+      STOP
+      END
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtestc.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtestc.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23da375e8d60fac96e30d9adf617845c53c791b6
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+			>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc894475f3dab497d6b1c191b1850c737c59b90e
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+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/comtest/comtestf.vfproj
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+				<Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/></Configuration>
+		<Configuration Name="Release|Win32" OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" DeleteExtensionsOnClean="*.obj;*.mod;*.pdb;*.asm;*.map;*.dyn;*.dpi;*.tmp;*.log;*.ilk;*.exe;$(TargetPath)" MustRebuild="true">
+				<Tool Name="VFMidlTool" SwitchesHaveChanged="true" SuppressStartupBanner="true" HeaderFileName="$(InputName).h" TypeLibraryName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).tlb"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFFortranCompilerTool" SwitchesHaveChanged="true" SuppressStartupBanner="true" AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Include" ModulePath="$(INTDIR)/" ObjectFile="$(INTDIR)/" RuntimeLibrary="rtMultiThreaded" CompileOnly="true"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPostBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFCustomBuildTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFLinkerTool" SwitchesHaveChanged="true" MustRebuild="true" OutputFile="$(OUTDIR)/comtestf.exe" LinkIncremental="linkIncrementalNo" SuppressStartupBanner="true" AdditionalLibraryDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Bin" SubSystem="subSystemConsole" AdditionalDependencies="tecio.lib"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFResourceCompilerTool" SwitchesHaveChanged="true" ResourceOutputFileName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).res"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/></Configuration></Configurations>
+	<Files>
+		<File RelativePath="comtest.f90"/></Files>
+	<Globals/></VisualStudioProject>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/FaceNeighbors.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/FaceNeighbors.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6581f95bdce627599a21174508c20d3b7eabb0b7
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/FaceNeighbors.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cc8b9bf18e217702771b7c6188d97df31d233c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..30b949e3f8e3d85d8bcaf9192e637344005e97c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+/* This example illustrates how to create two simple
+ * FE-quadilateral zones and create a face neighbor
+ * connection between the two zones.  In order to keep the
+ * example as simple as possible, error checking is not included.
+ */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+int main()
+    /* Initialize the Data File using TECINI.  TECINI is required
+     * for all data files.  It is used to: open the data file and
+     * initialize the file header information (name the data file,
+     * the variables for the data file, and the file type).
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecini.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0;  /* Used to track return codes */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Face Neighbors Example", /* Specifies the name
+                                                    * of the entire
+                                                    * dataset
+                                                    */
+                  (char*)"X Y P",                  /* Defines the
+                                                    * variables for the
+                                                    * data file.  Each
+                                                    * zone must contain
+                                                    * each of the vars
+                                                    * listed.  The order
+                                                    * of the variables in
+                                                    * the list is used to
+                                                    * define the variable
+                                                    * number (e.g. X is
+                                                    * Var 1.)
+                                                    */
+                  (char*)"FaceNeighbors.plt",      /* Specifies the
+                                                    * file name.
+                                                    */
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FileType,                       /* The FileType is set to
+                                                    * zero, indicating it is
+                                                    * a full file (containing
+                                                    * both grid and solution
+                                                    * data).
+                                                    */
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* After TECINI is called, call TECZNE to create one or
+     * more zones for your data file.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_teczne1.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType   = 3;     /* set the zone type to
+                                * FEQuadrilateral
+                                */
+    INTEGER4 NumPts     = 6;
+    INTEGER4 NumElems   = 2;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces   = 8;
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax   = 0;     /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax   = 0;     /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax   = 0;     /* not used */
+    double   SolTime    = 360.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID   = 0;     /* StaticZone */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZn   = 0;
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock    = 1;     /* Block */
+    INTEGER4 NFConns    = 1;     /* Specify the number of Face
+                                * Neighbor Connections in the
+                                * Zone.  When this value is
+                                * greater than zero, TECFACE must
+                                * be called prior to creating the
+                                * next zone or ending the file.
+                                */
+    /* Specify the Face Neighbor Mode.
+     * A value of 2 indicated that the face neighbor mode is global
+     * one-to-one.  The scope of the face neighbors (local or
+     * global) is with respect to the zones. A value of global
+     * indicates that the face neighbor(s) is/are shared aross zones;
+     * a value of local indicates that the face neighbor(s) are
+     * shared within the current zone.  The terms one-to-one and
+     * one-to-many are used to indicate whether the face in question
+     * is shared with one cell or several cells.
+     * For example, if your data is arranged as follows:
+                   -----------------------
+                  |       |       |       |
+                  |   1   |   2   |   3   |
+                  |       |       |       |
+                   -----------------------
+                  |       |               |
+                  |   4   |      5        |
+                  |       |               |
+                   -----------------------
+     * The face between 1 & 4 is local-one-to-one. The face between
+     * 5 and (2 & 3) is local one-to-many.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 FNMode                       = 2;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes            = 1;  /* Not used for
+                                               * FEQuad zones*/
+    INTEGER4 NumConnectedBoundaryFaces    = 1;  /* Not used for
+                                               * FEQuad zones*/
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBoundaryConnections  = 1;  /* Not used for
+                                               * FEQuad zones*/
+    INTEGER4 ShrConn                      = 0;
+    INTEGER4 ValueLocation[3] = {1, 1, 1};  /* Specify the variable
+                                         * values at the nodes.
+                                         * NOTE:  Because all of
+                                         * the variables are
+                                         * defined at the nodes,
+                                         * we can just pass
+                                         * NULL for this array.
+                                         * We are providing the
+                                         * array for illustration
+                                         * purposes.
+                                         */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 1",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts,
+                  &NumElems,
+                  &NumFaces,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &NumConnectedBoundaryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBoundaryConnections,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Set up the variable values.  The variable values will be
+     * written to the file using TECDAT.  Because we are specifying
+     * nodal variables (as specified via the ValueLocation
+     * parameter in TECZNE, each variable is dimensioned by the
+     * number of points (NumPts) in the Zone.  You have the option
+     * to specify some variables with nodal values and some with
+     * cell-centered values.  Refer to the Binary Function
+     * Reference for details.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecdat1.txt*/
+    float *X = new float[NumPts];
+    float *Y = new float[NumPts];
+    float *P = new float[NumPts];
+    /* For this example, we will create 2 rectangular cells in Zone
+     * 1.  Before defining your variables, you must establish a
+     * consistent node numbering scheme for your data.  Once the
+     * node numbers are defined, supply the variable values in the
+     * node numbering order.  In this example, node 1 is defined at
+     * X = 0 and Y = 0.  As such, the first value supplied for X
+     * (i.e. X[0]) is 0.  Similarly, the first value supplied for Y
+     * is 0.
+     *
+     * It is important that you refer to node numbers consistently.
+     * The node numbers will be used later to define the
+     * connectivity for each element.
+     */
+    X[0] = 0;
+    X[1] = 0;
+    X[2] = 1;
+    X[3] = 1;
+    X[4] = 2;
+    X[5] = 2;
+    Y[0] = 0;
+    Y[1] = 1;
+    Y[2] = 0;
+    Y[3] = 1;
+    Y[4] = 0;
+    Y[5] = 1;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumPts; ii++)
+        P[ii] = (float)(NumPts - ii);
+    INTEGER4 DIsDouble =  0;  /* Set DIsDouble to zero to use
+                             * variables in float format.
+                             */
+    /* Call TECDAT once for each variable */
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &X[0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &Y[0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &P[0], &DIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /*  Define the face neighbors connections.
+     *  The Connectivity List is used to specify the nodes that
+     *  compose each element.  When working with nodal variables, the
+     *  numbering of the nodes is implicitly defined when the
+     *  variables are declared.  The first value of each variable is
+     *  for node one, the second value for node two, and so on.
+     *
+     *  Because this zone contains two quadilateral elements, we must
+     *  supply 8 values in the connectivity list.  The first four
+     *  values define the nodes that form element 1. Similarly, the
+     *  second four values define the nodes that form element 2.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecnod1.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 ConnList[8] = {1, 3, 4, 2,
+                            3, 5, 6, 4
+                           };
+    I   = TECNOD112(ConnList);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /*  TIP! It is important to provide the node list in either a
+     *  clockwise or counter-clockwise order.  Otherwise, your
+     *  elements will be misformed.  For example, if the first two
+     *  numbers in the above connectivity list, the zone would
+     *  appear as follows:
+     */
+    /*  Now that TECNOD has been called, the creation of Zone 1
+     *  is complete.  However, in this example, we will define a
+     *  face neighbor between Zone 1 and Zone 2 (to be created
+     *  later in the example).  Face Neighbor connections are used
+     *  to define connections that are not created via the
+     *  connectivity list.  For example, local face neighbors may
+     *  need to be defined when a zone wraps itself and global face
+     *  neighbors may need to be defined to smooth edges across
+     *  zones.  Face Neighbors are used when deriving variables and
+     *  drawing contours.
+     *
+     *  In this example, we are creating a face neighbor connection
+     *  between cell 2 in Zone 1 and cell 1 in Zone 2.  The
+     *  information required when specifying face  neighbors
+     *  depends upon the type of connection.
+     *
+     *  In this case, we must supply (in this order):
+     *    - the cell number in the current zone that contains the
+     *    - the number of the face in that cell that contains the
+     *      face neighbor
+     *    - the number of the other zone to which the face is
+     *      connected
+     *    - the number of the cell in the other zone to which the
+     *      face is connected
+     *  The face numbering for cell-based finite elements is
+     *  defined using the picture displayed in the Data Format
+     *  Guide.  In this example, face 2 in cell 2 in the current
+     *  zone is connected to cell 1 in zone 2.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecface1.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 FaceConn[4] = {2, 2, 2, 1};
+    I   = TECFACE112(FaceConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* The creation of Zone 1 is complete.  We are ready to create
+     * Zone 2.  For simplicity, Zone 2 is a copy of Zone 1 shifted
+     * along the X-axis.  As such, many of the variables used to
+     * create Zone 1 are re-used here.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_teczne2.txt*/
+    /* Call TECZNE to create Zone 2 */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 2",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts,
+                  &NumElems,
+                  &NumFaces,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &NumConnectedBoundaryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBoundaryConnections,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Define the variables for Zone 2.  Because Zone 2 is a copy
+     * of Zone 1, shifted along the X-axis, we can share the Y
+     * variable definition used to Zone.  We will also create a
+     * second pressure variable for Zone 2 (P2).
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecdat2.txt*/
+    float *X2 = new float[NumPts];
+    float *P2 = new float[NumPts];
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumPts; ii++)
+    {
+        X2[ii] = X[ii] + 2;
+        P2[ii] = 2 * (float)ii;
+    }
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &X2[0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &Y[0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumPts, &P2[0], &DIsDouble);
+    delete X;
+    delete Y;
+    delete P;
+    delete X2;
+    delete P2;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* As with Zone 1, we must define the connectivity list for
+     * Zone 2. Because, the node numbering restarts at one for each
+     * new zone and the nodal arrangement is identical between the
+     * two zones, we may reuse the connectivity list from Zone 1.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecnod2.txt*/
+    I   = TECNOD112(ConnList);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* We will now specify the face neighbor connection with
+     * respect to our new current zone of Zone 2.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecface2.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 FaceConn2[4] = {1, 4, 1, 2};  /* cell 1, face 4 in
+                                       * current zone is a
+                                       * neighbor to cell 2 in
+                                       * zone 1.
+                                       */
+    I   = TECFACE112(FaceConn2);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Call TECEND to close the file */
+    /* DOCSTART:faceneighbors_tecend.txt*/
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* DOCEND */
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3099ffedb9f173bdcb8776047d2b4586ad16906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/faceneighbors/faceneighbors.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="faceneighbors"
+	ProjectGUID="{1074FD63-4831-4D1B-8A27-94A3AC33A509}"
+	RootNamespace="faceneighbors"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\faceneighbors.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d901ed95c19213aa88cf9dffea79c48a62897657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8cf2e5489493aebf31bf8a0f452c86302ea2e7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+/* This example illustrates using separate grid
+ * and solution files.
+ */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+int main()
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_tecini.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 I; /* use to check return values */
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 1; /* 1 = grid file. */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Example: Separate grid and solution files",
+                  (char*)"X Y Z",  /* Defines the variables for the data file.
+                                    * Each zone must contain each of the vars
+                                    * listed here. The order of the variables
+                                    * in the list is used to define the
+                                    * variable number (e.g. X is Variable 1).
+                                    * When referring to variables in other
+                                    * TecIO functions, you will refer to the
+                                    * variable by its number.
+                                    */
+                  (char*)"grid.plt",
+                  (char*)".",       /* scratch directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_teczne.txt*/
+    /* TECZNE Parameters */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType           = 7;   /* FE Polyhedron */
+    INTEGER4 NumPts             = 20;  /* the number of unique
+                                        * nodes in the zone.
+                                        */
+    INTEGER4 NumElems           = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces           = 12;  /* the number of unique
+                                        * faces in the zone.
+                                        */
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    double   SolutionTime       = 0.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID           = 1;   /* time strand for
+                                        * unsteady solution.
+                                        */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZone         = 0;
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock            = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceConnections = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FaceNeighborMode   = 1;
+    INTEGER4 SharConn           = 0;
+    /* For this zone, the total number of face nodes is
+     * five times number of faces, because each face
+     * is a pentagon.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes  = 5 * NumFaces;
+    /* This zone has no connected boundary faces.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryFaces = 0;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConns = 0;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Dodecahedron", /* Name of the zone. */
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts,
+                  &NumElems,
+                  &NumFaces,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolutionTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConns,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL, /* All nodal variables */
+                  NULL,
+                  &SharConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_tecdat.txt*/
+    /* TECDAT Parameters */
+    double  Phi = 0.5 * (1.0 + sqrt(5.0));
+    double  Pi  = 3.141592653578;
+    double *X  = new double[NumPts];
+    double *Y  = new double[NumPts];
+    double *Z  = new double[NumPts];
+    int     Count = 0;
+    for(int J = 0; J <= 4; J++)
+    {
+        X[Count] = 2.0 * cos(2.0 / 5.0 * Pi * J);
+        Y[Count] = 2.0 * sin(2.0 / 5.0 * Pi * J);
+        Z[Count] = Phi + 1.0;
+        Count++;
+        X[Count] = -X[Count - 1];	
+        Y[Count] = -Y[Count - 1];	
+        Z[Count] = -Z[Count - 1];
+        Count++;
+        X[Count] = 2.0 * Phi * cos(2.0 / 5.0 * Pi * J);
+        Y[Count] = 2.0 * Phi * sin(2.0 / 5.0 * Pi * J);
+        Z[Count] = Phi - 1.0;
+        Count++;
+        X[Count] = -X[Count - 1];	
+        Y[Count] = -Y[Count - 1];	
+        Z[Count] = -Z[Count - 1];
+        Count++;
+    }
+    INTEGER4  IsDouble = 1;
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts, X, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts, Y, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts, Z, &IsDouble);
+    delete X;
+    delete Y;
+    delete Z;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_facenodes.txt*/
+    /* TecPoly Parameters */
+    /* Create a FaceNodes array, dimensioned by the total number
+     * of face nodes in the zone.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes = new INTEGER4[TotalNumFaceNodes];
+    int n = 0;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 1 of the dodecahedron */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 2;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 6;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 10;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 14;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 18;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 2 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 6;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 8;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 19;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 12;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 10;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 3 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 3;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 12;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 10;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 14;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 16;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 4 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 7;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 16;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 14;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 18;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 20;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 5 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 2;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 4;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 11;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 20;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 18;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 6 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 2;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 4;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 15;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 8;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 6;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 7 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 1;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 3;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 12;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 19;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 17;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 8 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 1;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 3;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 16;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 7;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 5;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 9 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 5;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 7;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 20;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 11;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 9;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 10 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 4;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 11;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 9;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 13;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 15;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 11 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 8;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 15;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 13;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 17;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 19;
+    /* Face Nodes for face 12 */
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 1;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 5;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 9;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 13;
+    FaceNodes[n++] = 17;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Specify the number of nodes for each face, and the right and
+     * left neighboring elements. The neighboring elements can be
+     * determined using the right-hand rule. For each face, curl
+     * the fingers of your right hand in the direction of
+     * incrementing node numbers (i.e. from Node 1 to Node 2 and
+     * so on). Your thumb will point toward the right element.
+     * A value of zero indicates that there is no
+     * neighboring element on that side.  A negative value
+     * indicates that the neighboring element is in another zone.
+     * In that case, the number is a pointer into the
+     * FaceBndryConnectionElems and FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_tecpoly.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodeCounts = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    /* For this particular zone, each face has the 5 nodes. */
+    for(int J = 0; J < NumFaces; J++)
+        FaceNodeCounts[J] = 5;
+    /* Set the right and left elements for each face. */
+    FaceRightElems[0]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[1]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[2]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[3]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[4]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[5]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[6]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[7]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[8]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[9]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[10] = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[11] = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[0]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[1]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[2]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[3]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[4]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[5]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[6]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[7]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[8]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[9]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[10] = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[11] = 1;
+    I = TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts,
+                   FaceNodes,
+                   FaceLeftElems,
+                   FaceRightElems,
+                   NULL, /* No boundary connections. */
+                   NULL,
+                   NULL);
+    delete FaceNodes;
+    delete FaceLeftElems;
+    delete FaceRightElems;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_grid_tecend.txt*/
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_solution_tecini.txt*/
+    for(int J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+    {
+        char SolutionFileName[128];
+        sprintf(SolutionFileName, "solution%d.plt", J);
+        /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_solution_tecini.txt*/
+        FileType  = 2; /* 1 = solution file. */
+        I = TECINI112((char*)"Example: Separate grid and solution files",
+                      (char*)"P T",  /* Defines the variables for the solution file.
+                                      * Note that these are different variables from
+                                      * the grid file.
+                                      */
+                      SolutionFileName,
+                      (char*)".",       /* scratch directory */
+                      &FileType,
+                      &Debug,
+                      &VIsDouble);
+        /* DOCEND */
+        /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_solution_teczne.txt*/
+        /* TECZNE Parameters are mostly unchanged from creation of the grid file. */
+        TotalNumFaceNodes = 0;
+        SolutionTime = J;
+        char ZoneName[128];
+        sprintf(ZoneName, "Dodecahedron Time=%g", SolutionTime);
+        I = TECZNE112(ZoneName,
+                      &ZoneType,
+                      &NumPts,
+                      &NumElems,
+                      &NumFaces,
+                      &ICellMax,
+                      &JCellMax,
+                      &KCellMax,
+                      &SolutionTime,
+                      &StrandID,
+                      &ParentZone,
+                      &IsBlock,
+                      &NumFaceConnections,
+                      &FaceNeighborMode,
+                      &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                      &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                      &TotalNumBndryConns,
+                      NULL,
+                      NULL, /* All nodal variables */
+                      NULL,
+                      &SharConn);
+        /* DOCEND */
+        /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_solution_tecdat.txt*/
+        /* TECDAT Parameters */
+        double *P = new double[NumPts];
+        double *T = new double[NumPts];
+        for(int K = 0; K < NumPts; K++)
+        {
+            P[K] = (double)(K + J);
+            T[K] = 1.0 + K + K;
+        }
+        I = TECDAT112(&NumPts, P, &IsDouble);
+        I = TECDAT112(&NumPts, T, &IsDouble);
+        delete P;
+        delete T;
+        /* DOCEND */
+        /* DOCSTART:gridsolution_solution_tecend.txt*/
+        I = TECEND112();
+        /* DOCEND */
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e333fd22708314290305bc0345e86642c24e485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/gridsolution/gridsolution.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
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+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
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+	Name="gridsolution"
+	ProjectGUID="{D2747EA6-7807-42E1-984D-C946B3D97D95}"
+	RootNamespace="mulitplepolygons"
+	>
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+			Name="Win32"
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+			Name="x64"
+		/>
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+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
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+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
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+			Name="Release|Win32"
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+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
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+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
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+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
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+			Name="Debug|x64"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+				TargetEnvironment="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
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+			/>
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="17"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|x64"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+				TargetEnvironment="3"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="17"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\gridsolution.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..90411d11e22dbb5b2625cb51ed580a598d6e0709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f13c1f4a37f46f00483d38184f1c3e036b9acf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* This example creates a simple set of IJ-ordered zones */
+/* DOCSTART:ij_ordered.txt*/
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+int main()
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0; /* Used to track return codes */
+    /*
+     * Open the file and write the tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"IJ Ordered Zones", /* Name of the entire
+                                              * dataset.
+                                              */
+                  (char*)"X Y P",  /* Defines the variables for the data
+                                    * file. Each zone must contain each of
+                                    * the variables listed here. The order
+                                    * of the variables in the list is used
+                                    * to define the variable number (e.g.
+                                    * X is Var 1).
+                                    */
+                  (char*)"ij_ordered.plt",
+                  (char*)".",      /* Scratch Directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    float X1[4];
+    float Y1[4];
+    float P1[4];
+    float X2[4];
+    float Y2[4];
+    float P2[4];
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax                 = 0;
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax                 = 0;
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax                 = 0;
+    INTEGER4 DIsDouble                = 0;
+    double   SolTime                  = 360.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID                 = 0;      /* StaticZone */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZn                 = 0;
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock                  = 1;      /* Block */
+    INTEGER4 NFConns                  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FNMode                   = 0;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes        = 1;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryFaces       = 1;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConnections = 1;
+    INTEGER4 ShrConn                  = 0;
+    /*Ordered Zone Parameters*/
+    INTEGER4 IMax = 2;
+    INTEGER4 JMax = 2;
+    INTEGER4 KMax = 1;
+    X1[0] = .125;
+    Y1[0] = .5;
+    P1[0] = 5;
+    X1[1] = .625;
+    Y1[1] = .5;
+    P1[1] = 7.5;
+    X1[2] = .125;
+    Y1[2] = .875;
+    P1[2] = 10;
+    X1[3] = .625;
+    Y1[3] = .875;
+    P1[3] = 7.5;
+    X2[0] = .375;
+    Y2[0] = .125;
+    P2[0] = 5;
+    X2[1] = .875;
+    Y2[1] = .125;
+    P2[1] = 7.5;
+    X2[2] = .375;
+    Y2[2] = .5;
+    P2[2] = 10;
+    X2[3] = .875;
+    Y2[3] = .5;
+    P2[3] = 7.5;
+    /*  Ordered Zone */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType = 0;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConnections,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    INTEGER4 III = IMax * JMax * KMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, X1, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, Y1, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, P1, &DIsDouble);
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone2",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConnections,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, X2, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, Y2, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, P2, &DIsDouble);
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
+/* DOCEND */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81f210b6c2d7abc0e87795395027da100999e7af
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94c67c6c071e2636874d7be8727461c41af11a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/ij_ordered/ij_ordered.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="ij_ordered"
+	ProjectGUID="{47556A00-C441-4B9A-8920-91CA63AC1595}"
+	RootNamespace="ij_ordered"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\ij_ordered.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d55d2ee044072de104c6ec3e8ab53bccf1a6e061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file1.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file1.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0c368e03f3ff83c0a739471d901361b130eb257
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file1.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file2.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file2.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a36da392bfd89d1328b3cf5bec0e5bfbb1fbd0d
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/file2.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b79085ff561fad2a323ae1bdc092d8a13feecf42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+/* This example illustrates working with TecFil to create multiple
+ * plt files simultaneously.
+ */
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable: 4996) /* Windows strcpy warning off */
+/* DOCSTART:mulitplefiles.txt */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+#include <string.h>
+int main()
+    /*
+     * Open the file and write the tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0;   /* Used to check the return value */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"SIMPLE DATASET", /* Name of the entire dataset.*/
+                  (char*)"X1 Y1 P1",  /* Defines the variables for the data
+                                       * file. Each zone must contain each of
+                                       * the variables listed here. The order
+                                       * of the variables in the list is used
+                                       * to define the variable number (e.g.
+                                       * X1 is Var 1).
+                                       */
+                  (char*)"file1.plt",
+                  (char*)".",      /* Scratch Directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* Set the parameters for TecZne */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType           = 0; /* sets the zone type to
+                                    * ordered
+                                    */
+    INTEGER4 IMax               = 2; /* Create an IJ-ordered zone,
+                                    * by using IMax and JMax
+                                    * values that are greater
+                                    * than one, and setting KMax
+                                    * to one.
+                                    */
+    INTEGER4 JMax               = 2;
+    INTEGER4 KMax               = 1;
+    double   SolTime            = 0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID           = 0; /* StaticZone */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZn           = 0; /* used for surface streams */
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax           = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax           = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax           = 0; /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock            = 1; /* Block */
+    INTEGER4 NFConns            = 0; /* this example does not use
+                                    * face neighbors */
+    INTEGER4 FNMode             = 0;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes  = 1;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryFaces = 1;
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConn  = 1;
+    INTEGER4 ShrConn            = 0;
+    /* Create an Ordered Zone */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConn,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* Set the variable values for the ordered zone. */
+    float X1[4];
+    float Y1[4];
+    float P1[4];
+    X1[0] = 0.125;
+    Y1[0] = 0.5;
+    P1[0] = 7.5;
+    X1[1] = 0.625;
+    Y1[1] = 0.5;
+    P1[1] = 10.0;
+    X1[2] = 0.125;
+    Y1[2] = 0.875;
+    P1[2] = 5.0;
+    X1[3] = 0.625;
+    Y1[3] = 0.875;
+    P1[3] = 7.5;
+    INTEGER4 DIsDouble   = 0;  /* set DIsDouble to 0, for float
+                              * values.
+                              */
+    INTEGER4 III = IMax * JMax * KMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, X1, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, Y1, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, P1, &DIsDouble);
+    /* Open a new data file.  note: the first file is still open
+     * because TecEnd was not called.
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Auxiliary Data",
+                  (char*)"X1 Y1 P1",
+                  (char*)"file2.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* Switch the active file to the newly created data file
+     * (file2.plt) which is the second file opened with TECINI112
+     * so we use 2.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 WhichFile = 2;
+    I = TECFIL112(&WhichFile);
+    /* Create a second zone, using many of the values from the first
+     * zone, and write it to the second data file.
+     */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Ordered Zone2",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConn,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* set the variable values for the second zone */
+    float X2[4];
+    float Y2[4];
+    float P2[4];
+    X2[0] = 0.375;
+    Y2[0] = 0.125;
+    P2[0] = 5;
+    X2[1] = 0.875;
+    Y2[1] = 0.125;
+    P2[1] = 7.5;
+    X2[2] = 0.375;
+    Y2[2] = 0.5;
+    P2[2] = 10;
+    Y2[3] = 0.5;
+    X2[3] = 0.875;
+    P2[3] = 7.5;
+    III = IMax * JMax * KMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, X2, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, Y2, &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, P2, &DIsDouble);
+    /* Switch to the first file. */
+    WhichFile = 1;
+    I = TECFIL112(&WhichFile);
+    /* Create an auxiliary data value and write it to the file */
+    char DeformationValue[128];
+    strcpy(DeformationValue, "0.98");
+    I = TECAUXSTR112((char*)"DeformationValue",
+                     DeformationValue);
+    /* Close the first file */
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* The remaining file will become the active file.  As such,
+     * TecFil does not need to be called again to close the second
+     * file.
+     */
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
+/* DOCEND */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84651a69d03fdb5c920b3239c46f5df7be908a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplefiles/multiplefiles.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="multiplefiles"
+	ProjectGUID="{93CB23B2-530F-4D6F-900F-893815299C7F}"
+	RootNamespace="multiplefiles"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\multiplefiles.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/HexagonsAndOctagon.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/HexagonsAndOctagon.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b4f3042c69b7ea023e8de723b7e40c5b7f6eaf2
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/HexagonsAndOctagon.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d11ec5afd65b1b797a81c71dfc6da34109dd018f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/multiplepolygons.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/multiplepolygons.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25632634f98b972d4e4f48282d91279ff1d39217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/multiplepolygons.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+/* This example illustrates using TecPoly to create two polygonal
+ * zones.  The first zone contains six hexagons, and the second
+ * zone contains a hexagon and an octagon.  Refer to the Data
+ * Format Guide for a picture of the configuration, including node
+ * and face numbers.
+ */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+int main()
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_tecini.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 I; /* use to check return values */
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Example: Multiple polygonal zones",
+                  (char*)"X Y P",  /* Defines the variables for the data file.
+                                    * Each zone must contain each of the vars
+                                    * listed here. The order of the variables
+                                    * in the list is used to define the
+                                    * variable number (e.g. X is Variable 1).
+                                    * When referring to variables in other
+                                    * TecIO functions, you will refer to the
+                                    * variable by its number.
+                                    */
+                  (char*)"HexagonsAndOctagon.plt",
+                  (char*)".",       /* scratch directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone1_teczne.txt*/
+    /* TECZNE Parameters */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType           = 6;   /* FE Polygon */
+    INTEGER4 NumPts_Z1          = 13;  /* the number of unique
+                                      * nodes in the zone.
+                                      */
+    INTEGER4 NumElems_Z1        = 3;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces_Z1        = 15;  /* the number of unique
+                                      * faces in the zone.
+                                      */
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax           = 0;   /* not used */
+    double   SolutionTime       = 0.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID           = 0;
+    INTEGER4 ParentZone         = 0;
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock            = 1;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceConnections = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FaceNeighborMode   = 1;
+    INTEGER4 SharConn           = 0;
+    INTEGER4 ValueLocation[3]   = { 1, 1, 0 };
+    /* For a polygonal zone, the total number of face nodes is
+     * twice the total number of faces. This is because each face
+     * is composed of exactly two nodes.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes_Z1  = 2 * NumFaces_Z1;
+    /* A boundary face is a face that is neighbored by an element
+     * or elements in another zone or zone(s). In Zone 1, Face 9,
+     * Face 10 and Face 12 have a neighbor in Zone 2. Therefore,
+     * the total number of boundary faces is “3”.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryFaces_Z1 = 3;
+    /* Each boundary face has one or more boundary connections. A
+    * boundary connection is defined as another element in another
+    * zone. Face 9 has a boundary connection with Element 1 in
+    * Zone 2. In this example, each boundary face is connected to
+    * one other element, so the total number of boundary
+    * connections is equivalent to the total number of boundary
+    * faces (3).
+    */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConns_Z1 = 3;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 1: 3 Hexagons", /* Specifies the name of
+                                                * the entire dataset. When
+                                                * the file is loaded into
+                                                * Tecplot, the value is
+                                                * available via the Data
+                                                * Set Info dialog.
+                                                */
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts_Z1,
+                  &NumElems_Z1,
+                  &NumFaces_Z1,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolutionTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes_Z1,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces_Z1,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConns_Z1,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &SharConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone1_tecdat.txt*/
+    /* TECDAT Parameters */
+    double *X_Z1 = new double[NumPts_Z1];
+    double *Y_Z1 = new double[NumPts_Z1];
+    X_Z1[0]  = 1;
+    Y_Z1[0]  = 6;
+    X_Z1[1]  = 2;
+    Y_Z1[1]  = 6;
+    X_Z1[2]  = 3;
+    Y_Z1[2]  = 5;
+    X_Z1[3]  = 2;
+    Y_Z1[3]  = 4;
+    X_Z1[4]  = 1;
+    Y_Z1[4]  = 4;
+    X_Z1[5]  = 0;
+    Y_Z1[5]  = 5;
+    X_Z1[6]  = 4;
+    Y_Z1[6]  = 5;
+    X_Z1[7]  = 5;
+    Y_Z1[7]  = 4;
+    X_Z1[8]  = 4;
+    Y_Z1[8]  = 3;
+    X_Z1[9]  = 3;
+    Y_Z1[9]  = 3;
+    X_Z1[10] = 2;
+    Y_Z1[10] = 2;
+    X_Z1[11] = 1;
+    Y_Z1[11] = 2;
+    X_Z1[12] = 0;
+    Y_Z1[12] = 3;
+    double *P_Z1 = new double[NumElems_Z1];
+    P_Z1[0] = 2;
+    P_Z1[1] = 4;
+    P_Z1[2] = 5;
+    INTEGER4  IsDouble = 1;
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Z1,   X_Z1, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Z1,   Y_Z1, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumElems_Z1, P_Z1, &IsDouble);
+    delete X_Z1;
+    delete Y_Z1;
+    delete P_Z1;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone1_facenodes.txt*/
+    /* TecPoly Parameters */
+    /* Create a FaceNodes array, dimensioned by the total number
+     * of face nodes in the zone.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes_Z1 = new INTEGER4[TotalNumFaceNodes_Z1];
+    /* Face Nodes for Element 1 */
+    FaceNodes_Z1[0]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[1]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[2]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[3]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[4]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[5]  = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[6]  = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[7]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[8]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[9]  = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[10] = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[11] = 1;
+    /* Face Nodes for Element 2 */
+    FaceNodes_Z1[12] = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[13] = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[14] = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[15] = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[16] = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[17] = 9;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[18] = 9;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[19] = 10;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[20] = 10;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[21] = 4;
+    /* Face Nodes for Element 3 */
+    FaceNodes_Z1[22] = 10;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[23] = 11;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[24] = 11;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[25] = 12;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[26] = 12;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[27] = 13;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[28] = 13;
+    FaceNodes_Z1[29] = 5;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Specify the right and left neighboring elements.
+     * The neighboring elements can be determined using the
+     * right-hand rule. For each face, place your right-hand along
+     * the face with your fingers pointing the direction of
+     * incrementing node numbers (i.e. from Node 1 to Node 2). The
+     * right side of your hand will indicate the right element,
+     * and the left side of your hand will indicate the left
+     * element. A value of zero indicates that there is no
+     * neighboring element on that side.  A negative value
+     * indicates that the neighboring element is in another zone.
+     * The number is a pointer into the FaceBndryConnectionElems
+     * and FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone1_neighbors.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems_Z1  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Z1];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems_Z1 = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Z1];
+    /* Left Face Elems for Element 1 */
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[0]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[1]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[2]  = 2;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[3]  = 3;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[4]  = 0;
+    /* Left Face Elems for Element 2 */
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[5]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[6]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[7]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[8]  = -1;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[9]  = -2;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[10] =  2;
+    /* Left Face Elems for Element 3 */
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[11]  = -3;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[12]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[13]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z1[14]  =  0;
+    /* Set Right Face Elems.  Because of the way we numbered the
+     * nodes and faces, the right element for every face is the
+     * element itself.
+     */
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
+        FaceRightElems_Z1[ii] = 1;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 6; ii < 10; ii++)
+        FaceRightElems_Z1[ii] = 2;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 10; ii <= 14; ii++)
+        FaceRightElems_Z1[ii] = 3;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone1_tecpoly.txt */
+    /* The FaceBndryConnectionCounts array is used to define the
+     * number of boundary connections for each face that has a
+     * boundary connection. For example, if a zone has three
+     * boundary connections in total (NumConnectedBoundaryFaces),
+     * two of those boundary connections are in one face, and the
+     * remaining boundary connection is in a second face, the
+     * FaceBndryConnectionCounts array would be: [2 1].
+     *
+     * In this example, the total number of connected boundary
+     * faces (specified via TECZNE) is equal to three. Each
+     * boundary face is connected to only one other element,
+     * so the FaceBoundaryConnectionCounts array is (1, 1, 1).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionCounts_Z1[3]  = {1, 1, 1};
+    /* The value(s) in the FaceBndryConnectionElems and
+     * FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays specifies the element number
+     * and zone number, respectively, that a given boundary
+     * connection is connected to. In this case, the first
+     * boundary connection face is connected to Element 1 in Zone 2
+     * and the remaining connection is to Element 2 in Zone 2.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionElems_Z1[3]   = {1, 2, 2};
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionZones_Z1[3]   = {2, 2, 2};
+    I = TECPOLY112(NULL,         /* Not used for polygon zones */
+                   FaceNodes_Z1,
+                   FaceLeftElems_Z1,
+                   FaceRightElems_Z1,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionCounts_Z1,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionElems_Z1,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionZones_Z1);
+    delete FaceNodes_Z1;
+    delete FaceLeftElems_Z1;
+    delete FaceRightElems_Z1;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Define Zone 2.  Zone 2 contains an octagon and a hexagon. */
+    /* TECZNE Parameters */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone2_teczne.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 NumPts_Z2               = 12; /* number of unique
+                                          * nodes in the zone
+                                          */
+    INTEGER4 NumElems_Z2             = 2;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces_Z2             = 13; /* number of unique
+                                          * faces in the zone
+                                          */
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceConnections_Z2   = 0;
+    /* In polygonal zones, each face has exactly two nodes */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumFaceNodes_Z2    = NumFaces_Z2 * 2;
+    /* A boundary face is a face that is neighbored by an element or
+     * elements from another zone or zone(s). In Zone 2, Face 6,
+     * Face 7 and Face 13 have a neighbor in Zone 1. Therefore, the
+     * total number of boundary faces is “3”.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryFaces_Z2   = 3;
+    /* Each boundary face has one or more boundary connections. In
+     * this example, each boundary face is connected to one other
+     * element (i.e. the number of boundary faces and the number of
+     * boundary connections is one-to-one).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 TotalNumBndryConns_Z2   = 3;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Zone 2: 1 Hexagon and 1 Octagon",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumPts_Z2,
+                  &NumElems_Z2,
+                  &NumFaces_Z2,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolutionTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NumFaceConnections_Z2,
+                  &FaceNeighborMode,
+                  &TotalNumFaceNodes_Z2,
+                  &TotalNumBndryFaces_Z2,
+                  &TotalNumBndryConns_Z2,
+                  NULL,
+                  ValueLocation,
+                  NULL,
+                  &SharConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* TECDAT Parameters */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone2_tecdat.txt*/
+    double *X_Z2 = new double[NumPts_Z2];
+    double *Y_Z2 = new double[NumPts_Z2];
+    X_Z2[0]      = 5;
+    Y_Z2[0]      = 4;
+    X_Z2[1]      = 6;
+    Y_Z2[1]      = 4;
+    X_Z2[2]      = 7;
+    Y_Z2[2]      = 3;
+    X_Z2[3]      = 6;
+    Y_Z2[3]      = 2;
+    X_Z2[4]      = 5;
+    Y_Z2[4]      = 2;
+    X_Z2[5]      = 4;
+    Y_Z2[5]      = 3;
+    X_Z2[6]      = 3;
+    Y_Z2[6]      = 3;
+    X_Z2[7]      = 5;
+    Y_Z2[7]      = 1;
+    X_Z2[8]      = 4;
+    Y_Z2[8]      = 0;
+    X_Z2[9]      = 3;
+    Y_Z2[9]      = 0;
+    X_Z2[10]     = 2;
+    Y_Z2[10]     = 1;
+    X_Z2[11]     = 2;
+    Y_Z2[11]     = 2;
+    /* In the call to TecZne, P was set to a cell centered variable.
+     * As such, only two values need to be defined.
+     */
+    double  *P_Z2 = new double[NumPts_Z2];
+    P_Z2[0] = 8;
+    P_Z2[1] = 6;
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Z2,   X_Z2, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumPts_Z2,   Y_Z2, &IsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumElems_Z2, P_Z2, &IsDouble);
+    delete X_Z2;
+    delete Y_Z2;
+    delete P_Z2;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* TecPoly Parameters */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone2_facemap.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes_Z2;
+    FaceNodes_Z2 = new INTEGER4[TotalNumFaceNodes_Z2];
+    /* Face Nodes for Element 1 */
+    FaceNodes_Z2[0]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[1]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[2]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[3]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[4]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[5]  = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[6]  = 4;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[7]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[8]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[9]  = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[10] = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[11] = 1;
+    /* Face Nodes for Element 2 */
+    FaceNodes_Z2[12] = 7;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[13] = 6;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[14] = 5;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[15] = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[16] = 8;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[17] = 9;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[18] = 9;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[19] = 10;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[20] = 10;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[21] = 11;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[22] = 11;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[23] = 12;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[24] = 12;
+    FaceNodes_Z2[25] = 7;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone2_tecpoly.txt*/
+    /* Specify the right and left neighboring elements.
+     * The neighboring elements can be determined using the
+     * right-hand rule. For each face, place your right-hand along
+     * the face with your fingers pointing the direction of
+     * incrementing node numbers (i.e. from Node 1 to Node 2). The
+     * right side of your hand will indicate the right element,
+     * and the left side of your hand will indicate the left
+     * element. A value of zero indicates that there is no
+     * neighboring element on that side.  A negative value
+     * indicates that the neighboring element is in another zone.
+     * The number is a pointer into the FaceBndryConnectionElems
+     * and FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems_Z2  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Z2];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems_Z2 = new INTEGER4[NumFaces_Z2];
+    /* Left Face Elems for Element 1 */
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[0]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[1]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[2]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[3]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[4]  =  2;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[5]  = -1;
+    /* Left Face Elems for Element 2 */
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[6]   = -2;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[7]   =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[8]   =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[9]   =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[10]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[11]  =  0;
+    FaceLeftElems_Z2[12]  = -3;
+    /* Set Right Face Elems.  Because of the way we numbered the
+     * nodes and faces, the right element for every face is the
+     * element itself. */
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
+        FaceRightElems_Z2[ii]  = 1;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 6; ii < 13; ii++)
+        FaceRightElems_Z2[ii]  = 2;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_zone2_tecpoly.txt*/
+    /* The FaceBndryConnectionCounts array is used to define the
+     * number of boundary connections for each face that has a
+     * boundary connection. In this example, the total number of
+     * connected boundary faces (specified via TECZNE) is equal to
+     * three. Each boundary face is connected to only one other
+     * element, so the FaceBoundaryConnectionCounts array is
+     * (1, 1, 1).
+     */
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionCounts_Z2[3]  = {1, 1, 1};
+    /* The value(s) in the FaceBndryConnectionElems and
+     * FaceBndryConnectionZones arrays specifies that element
+     * number and zone number, respectively, that a given boundary
+     * connection is connected to. In this case, the first boundary
+     * connection face is connected to Element 2 in Zone 1 and the
+     * remaining connections are Element 3 in Zone 1.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionElems_Z2[3]   = {2, 3, 3};
+    INTEGER4 FaceBndryConnectionZones_Z2[3]   = {1, 1, 1};
+    I = TECPOLY112(NULL,
+                   FaceNodes_Z2,
+                   FaceLeftElems_Z2,
+                   FaceRightElems_Z2,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionCounts_Z2,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionElems_Z2,
+                   FaceBndryConnectionZones_Z2);
+    delete FaceNodes_Z2;
+    delete FaceLeftElems_Z2;
+    delete FaceRightElems_Z2;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:hexagons_tecend.txt*/
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* DOCEND */
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/multiplepolygons.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/multiplepolygons/multiplepolygons.vcproj
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1a061516567b7dd35dc40e1b89027cd268cbccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/Octagon.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/Octagon.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e09f4f79b80a9b520bcfb359211fa932e5f2e8c0
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/Octagon.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9d64aece179bcb89452d338a6a2ac45a6651553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+/* This example illustrates how to create a zone with a single
+ * polygonal cell.  Please refer to the Data Format Guide for
+ * additional information, including figures that display node
+ * numbering.
+ */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+int main()
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_tecini.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I;             /* used to check return codes */
+    /*
+     * Open the file and write the Tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Octagon",
+                  (char*)"X Y P",   /* Defines the variables for the data
+                                     * file. Each zone must contain each
+                                     * of the vars listed here. The order
+                                     * of the variables in the list is
+                                     * used to define the variable number
+                                     * (e.g. X is Variable 1). When
+                                     * referring to variables in other
+                                     * TecIO functions, you will refer to
+                                     * thevariable by its number.
+                                     */
+                  (char*)"Octagon.plt",
+                  (char*)".",       /* scratch directory */
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Declare TECZNE variables */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_teczne.txt*/
+    /* In this example, we will create a single octagonal cell in
+     * Tecplot 360's polyhedral file format.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 ZoneType  = 6;     /* FEPolygon */
+    INTEGER4 NumNodes  = 8;     /* Number of nodes in the octagon.*/
+    INTEGER4 NumElems  = 1;     /* Number of octagonal elements. */
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces  = 8;     /* Number of faces in the octagon.*/
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax  = 0;     /* Not Used */
+    INTEGER4 JCellMax  = 0;     /* Not Used */
+    INTEGER4 KCellMax  = 0;     /* Not Used */
+    double   SolTime   = 360.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID  = 0;     /* Static Zone */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZn  = 0;     /* No Parent Zone */
+    INTEGER4 IsBlock   = 1;     /* Block */
+    INTEGER4 NFConns   = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FNMode    = 0;
+    /* For polygonal zones, the total number of face nodes is equal
+     * to twice the number of nodes.  This is because, each face
+     * has exactly two nodes.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceNodes    = 2 * NumNodes;
+    /* Boundary Faces and Boundary Connections are not used in this
+     * example.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 NumBFaces       = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumBConnections = 0;
+    INTEGER4 ShrConn         = 0;
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Octagonal Zone",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumNodes,
+                  &NumElems,
+                  &NumFaces,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &NumFaceNodes,
+                  &NumBFaces,
+                  &NumBConnections,
+                  NULL,
+                  NULL,  /* When Value Location is not specified,
+                        * Tecplot will treat all variables as
+                        * nodal variables.
+                        */
+                  NULL,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Establish numbering.
+     * For this example, we will a single octagonal cell.
+     * Before defining your variables, you must establish a
+     * consistent node numbering scheme for your  data.  Once the
+     * node numbers are defined, supply the variable values in the
+     * node numbering order. In this example, node 1 is defined at
+     * X = 0 and Y = 0. As such, the first value supplied for X
+     * (i.e. X[0]) is 0. Similarly, the first value supplied for
+     * Y is 0.
+     *
+     * It is important that you refer to node numbers consistently.
+     * The node numbers will be used later to define the
+     * connectivity for each element.
+    */
+    /* TECDAT Variables */
+    /* Set up the variable values.  The variable values will be
+     * written to the file using TECDAT.  Because we are specifying
+     * nodal variables (as specified via the ValueLocation
+     * parameter in TECZNE, each variable is dimensioned by the
+     * number of points (NumPts) in the Zone.  You have the option
+     * to specify some variables with nodal values and some with
+     * cell-centered values. Refer to the Binary Function Reference
+     * for details.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_tecdat.txt*/
+    float *X = new float[NumNodes];
+    float *Y = new float[NumNodes];
+    float *P = new float[NumNodes];
+    //Define the grid values.
+    X[0] = 0.25;
+    Y[0] = 0.0;
+    X[1] = 0.75;
+    Y[1] = 0.0;
+    X[2] = 1.0;
+    Y[2] = 0.25;
+    X[3] = 1.0;
+    Y[3] = 0.75;
+    X[4] = 0.75;
+    Y[4] = 1.0;
+    X[5] = 0.25;
+    Y[5] = 1.0;
+    X[6] = 0.0;
+    Y[6] = 0.75;
+    X[7] = 0.0;
+    Y[7] = 0.25;
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
+        P[ii] = .5;
+    /* Write out the field data using TECDAT */
+    INTEGER4 DIsDouble = 0;  /* set IsDouble to 0 to use float
+                            * variables. */
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumNodes,  X,  &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumNodes,  Y,  &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&NumNodes,  P,  &DIsDouble);
+    delete X;
+    delete Y;
+    delete P;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Define the Face Nodes.
+     * The FaceNodes array is used to indicate which nodes define
+     * which face. As mentioned earlier, the number of the nodes is
+     * implicitly defined by the order in which the nodal data is
+     * provided.  The first value of each nodal variable describes
+     * node 1, the second value describes node 2, and so on.
+     *
+     * The face numbering is implicitly defined.  Because there are
+     * two nodes in each face, the first two nodes provided define
+     * face 1, the next two define face 2 and so on.  If there was
+     * a variable number of nodes used to define the faces, the
+     * array would be more complicated.
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_facenodes.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceNodes = new INTEGER4[NumFaceNodes];
+    /*
+     * Loop over number of sides, and set each side to two
+     * consecutive nodes.
+     */
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
+    {
+        FaceNodes[2*ii] = ii + 1;
+        FaceNodes[2*ii+1] = ii + 2;
+    }
+    FaceNodes[15] = 1;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Define the right and left elements of each face.
+     * The last step for writing out the polyhedral data is to
+     * define the right and left neighboring elements for each
+     * face.  The neighboring elements can be determined using the
+     * right-hand rule.  For each face, place your right-hand along
+     * the face which your fingers pointing the direction of
+     * incrementing node numbers (i.e. from node 1 to node 2).
+     * Your right thumb will point towards the right element; the
+     * element on the other side of your hand is the left element.
+     *
+     * The number zero is used to indicate that there isn't an
+     * element on that side of the face.
+     *
+     * Because of the way we numbered the nodes and faces, the
+     * right element for every face is the element itself
+     * (element 1) and the left element is "no-neighboring element"
+     * (element 0).
+     */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_rightleft.txt*/
+    INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii < NumFaces; ii++)
+    {
+        FaceLeftElems[ii]   = 0;
+        FaceRightElems[ii]  = 1;
+    }
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* Write the polyhedral data to the file.  */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_tecpoly.txt*/
+    I = TECPOLY112(NULL,
+                   FaceNodes,
+                   FaceLeftElems,
+                   FaceRightElems,
+                   NULL,
+                   NULL,
+                   NULL);
+    delete FaceNodes;
+    delete FaceLeftElems;
+    delete FaceRightElems;
+    /* DOCEND */
+    /* DOCSTART:octagon_tecend.txt*/
+    I = TECEND112();
+    /* DOCEND */
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d33ad0bde4dfa89e9296247d2139b4e3bbfadbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/octagon/octagon.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="octagon"
+	ProjectGUID="{C4BEE7D4-6449-468F-81CC-3BEFDA554F31}"
+	RootNamespace="octagon"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\octagon.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38cb009fcab781d3cb723d83445fccdf408624bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..864bb754bad228d233bd89fa81509de08d60abcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* This example creates a zone with a single polyhedral cell. */
+/* DOCSTART:pyramid.txt*/
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include "MASTER.h" /* for defintion of NULL */
+int main()
+    /* Call TECINI112 */
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;   /* 0 for full file           */
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 0;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 1;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0;  /* use to check return codes */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Pyramid",       /* Data Set Title       */
+                  (char*)"X Y Z",         /* Variable List        */
+                  (char*)"pyramid.plt",   /* File Name            */
+                  (char*)".",             /* Scratch Directory    */
+                  &(FileType),
+                  &(Debug),
+                  &(VIsDouble));
+    /* Call TECZNE112 */
+    INTEGER4  ZoneType   = 7;         /* 7 for FEPolyhedron */
+    INTEGER4  NumNodes   = 5;         /* number of unique nodes */
+    INTEGER4  NumElems   = 1;         /* number of elements */
+    INTEGER4  NumFaces   = 5;         /* number of unique faces */
+    INTEGER4  ICellMax   = 0;         /* Not Used, set to zero */
+    INTEGER4  JCellMax   = 0;         /* Not Used, set to zero */
+    INTEGER4  KCellMax   = 0;         /* Not Used, set to zero */
+    double    SolTime    = 12.65;     /* solution time   */
+    INTEGER4  StrandID   = 0;         /* static zone     */
+    INTEGER4  ParentZone = 0;         /* no parent zone  */
+    INTEGER4  IsBlock    = 1;         /* block format  */
+    INTEGER4  NFConns    = 0;         /* not used for FEPolyhedron
+                                       * zones
+                                       */
+    INTEGER4  FNMode     = 0;         /* not used for FEPolyhedron
+                                       * zones
+                                       */
+    INTEGER4 *PassiveVarArray = NULL;
+    INTEGER4 *ValueLocArray   = NULL;
+    INTEGER4 *VarShareArray   = NULL;
+    INTEGER4  ShrConn         = 0;
+    /* The number of face nodes in the zone.  This example creates
+     * a zone with a single pyramidal cell.  This cell has four
+     * triangular faces and one rectangular face, yielding a total
+     * of 16 face nodes.
+     */
+    INTEGER4  NumFaceNodes    = 16;
+    INTEGER4  NumBConns       = 0;   /* No Boundary Connections */
+    INTEGER4  NumBItems       = 0;   /* No Boundary Items */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Polyhedral Zone (Octahedron)",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &NumNodes,
+                  &NumElems,
+                  &NumFaces,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZone,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  &NumFaceNodes,
+                  &NumBConns,
+                  &NumBItems,
+                  PassiveVarArray,
+                  ValueLocArray,
+                  VarShareArray,
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /* Initialize arrays of nodal data */
+    double *X = new double[NumNodes];
+    double *Y = new double[NumNodes];
+    double *Z = new double[NumNodes];
+    X[0] = 0;
+    Y[0] = 0;
+    Z[0] = 0;
+    X[1] = 1;
+    Y[1] = 1;
+    Z[1] = 2;
+    X[2] = 2;
+    Y[2] = 0;
+    Z[2] = 0;
+    X[3] = 2;
+    Y[3] = 2;
+    Z[3] = 0;
+    X[4] = 0;
+    Y[4] = 2;
+    Z[4] = 0;
+    /* Write the data (using TECDAT112) */
+    INTEGER4 DIsDouble = 1;  /* One for double precision */
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumNodes, X, &DIsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumNodes, Y, &DIsDouble);
+    I = TECDAT112(&NumNodes, Z, &DIsDouble);
+    delete X;
+    delete Y;
+    delete Z;
+    /* Define the Face Nodes.
+     * The FaceNodes array is used to indicate which nodes define
+     * which face. As mentioned earlier, the number of the nodes is
+     * implicitly defined by the order in which the nodal data is
+     * provided.  The first value of each nodal variable describes
+     * node 1, the second value describes node 2, and so on.
+     *
+     * The face numbering is implicitly defined.  Because there are
+     * two nodes in each face, the first two nodes provided define
+     * face 1, the next two define face 2 and so on.  If there was
+     * a variable number of nodes used to define the faces, the
+     * array would be more complicated.
+     */
+    INTEGER4  *FaceNodeCounts = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    /* The first four faces are triangular, i.e. have three nodes.
+     * The fifth face is rectangular, i.e. has four nodes. */
+    FaceNodeCounts[0] = 3;
+    FaceNodeCounts[1] = 3;
+    FaceNodeCounts[2] = 3;
+    FaceNodeCounts[3] = 3;
+    FaceNodeCounts[4] = 4;
+    INTEGER4  *FaceNodes = new INTEGER4[NumFaceNodes];
+    /* Face Nodes for Face 1 */
+    FaceNodes[0]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes[1]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes[2]  = 3;
+    /* Face Nodes for Face 2 */
+    FaceNodes[3]  = 3;
+    FaceNodes[4]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes[5]  = 4;
+    /* Face Nodes for Face 3 */
+    FaceNodes[6]  = 5;
+    FaceNodes[7]  = 2;
+    FaceNodes[8]  = 4;
+    /* Face Nodes for Face 4 */
+    FaceNodes[9]  = 1;
+    FaceNodes[10] = 2;
+    FaceNodes[11] = 5;
+    /* Face Nodes for Face 5 */
+    FaceNodes[12] = 1;
+    FaceNodes[13] = 5;
+    FaceNodes[14] = 4;
+    FaceNodes[15] = 3;
+    /* Define the right and left elements of each face.
+     *
+     * The last step for writing out the polyhedral data is to
+     * define the right and left neighboring elements for each
+     * face.  The neighboring elements can be determined using the
+     * right-hand rule.  For each face, place your right-hand along
+     * the face which your fingers pointing the direction of
+     * incrementing node numbers (i.e. from node 1 to node 2).
+     * Your right thumb will point towards the right element; the
+     * element on the other side of your hand is the left element.
+     *
+     * The number zero is used to indicate that there isn't an
+     * element on that side of the face.
+     *
+     * Because of the way we numbered the nodes and faces, the
+     * right element for every face is the element itself
+     * (element 1) and the left element is "no-neighboring element"
+     * (element 0).
+     */
+    INTEGER4  *FaceLeftElems  = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    FaceLeftElems[0]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[1]  = 1;
+    FaceLeftElems[2]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[3]  = 0;
+    FaceLeftElems[4]  = 0;
+    INTEGER4  *FaceRightElems = new INTEGER4[NumFaces];
+    FaceRightElems[0]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[1]  = 0;
+    FaceRightElems[2]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[3]  = 1;
+    FaceRightElems[4]  = 1;
+    /* Write the face map (created above) using TECPOLY112. */
+    I = TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts, /* The face node counts array */
+                   FaceNodes,      /* The face nodes array */
+                   FaceLeftElems,  /* The left elements array  */
+                   FaceRightElems, /* The right elements array  */
+                   NULL,       /* No boundary connection counts */
+                   NULL,       /* No boundary connection elements */
+                   NULL);      /* No boundary connection zones */
+    delete FaceNodeCounts;
+    delete FaceNodes;
+    delete FaceLeftElems;
+    delete FaceRightElems;
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
+/* DOCEND */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d85447466118fc7a63af724aa0bd550a2382ac6b
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e44e390db6fdb06573ed960f31a186150732f3fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/pyramid/pyramid.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="pyramid"
+	ProjectGUID="{CFED06AE-48C6-491C-AE5F-E1B7882A44E9}"
+	RootNamespace="pyramid"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\pyramid.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e40ebe34bc211c6f4f450dca331aa3b93a39d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.c b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe35a33234ad2583614c0cf55337a2668598a905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * Simple example c program to write a
+ * binary datafile for tecplot.  This example
+ * does the following:
+ *
+ *   1.  Open a datafile called "t.plt"
+ *   2.  Assign values for X,Y, and P
+ *   3.  Write out a zone dimensioned 4x5
+ *   4.  Close the datafile.
+ */
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL 0
+enum FileType { FULL = 0, GRID = 1, SOLUTION = 2 };
+int main(void)
+    float X[5][4], Y[5][4], P[5][4];
+    double SolTime;
+    INTEGER4 Debug, I, J, III, DIsDouble, VIsDouble, IMax, JMax, KMax, ZoneType, StrandID, ParentZn, IsBlock;
+    INTEGER4 ICellMax, JCellMax, KCellMax, NFConns, FNMode, ShrConn, FileType;
+    Debug     = 1;
+    VIsDouble = 0;
+    DIsDouble = 0;
+    IMax      = 4;
+    JMax      = 5;
+    KMax      = 1;
+    ZoneType  = 0;      /* Ordered */
+    SolTime   = 360.0;
+    StrandID  = 0;     /* StaticZone */
+    ParentZn  = 0;      /* No Parent */
+    IsBlock   = 1;      /* Block */
+    ICellMax  = 0;
+    JCellMax  = 0;
+    KCellMax  = 0;
+    NFConns   = 0;
+    FNMode    = 0;
+    ShrConn   = 0;
+    FileType  = FULL;
+    /*
+     * Open the file and write the tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"SIMPLE DATASET",
+                  (char*)"X Y P",
+                  (char*)"t.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    for (J = 0; J < 5; J++)
+        for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
+        {
+            X[J][I] = (float)(I + 1);
+            Y[J][I] = (float)(J + 1);
+            P[J][I] = (float)((I + 1) * (J + 1));
+        }
+    /*
+     * Write the zone header information.
+     */
+    I = TECZNE112((char*)"Simple Zone",
+                  &ZoneType,
+                  &IMax,
+                  &JMax,
+                  &KMax,
+                  &ICellMax,
+                  &JCellMax,
+                  &KCellMax,
+                  &SolTime,
+                  &StrandID,
+                  &ParentZn,
+                  &IsBlock,
+                  &NFConns,
+                  &FNMode,
+                  0,              /* TotalNumFaceNodes */
+                  0,              /* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces */
+                  0,              /* TotalNumBoundaryConnections */
+                  NULL,           /* PassiveVarList */
+                  NULL,           /* ValueLocation = Nodal */
+                  NULL,           /* SharVarFromZone */
+                  &ShrConn);
+    /*
+     * Write out the field data.
+     */
+    III = IMax * JMax;
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &X[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &Y[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I   = TECDAT112(&III, &P[0][0], &DIsDouble);
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d980915100f49ca991a9402c4814a31f19211482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+C Simple example fortran program to write a
+C binary datafile for tecplot.  This example
+C does the following:
+C   1.  Open a datafile called "t.plt"
+C   2.  Assign values for X,Y, and P
+C   3.  Write out a zone dimensioned 4x5
+C   4.  Close the datafile.
+      program test
+      INCLUDE 'tecio.inc'
+      character*1 NULLCHR
+      Integer*4   Debug,III,NPts,NElm
+      Dimension X(4,5), Y(4,5), P(4,5)
+      Real*8    SolTime
+      Integer*4 VIsDouble, FileType
+      Integer*4 ZoneType,StrandID,ParentZn,IsBlock
+      Integer*4 ICellMax,JCellMax,KCellMax,NFConns,FNMode,ShrConn
+      POINTER   (NullPtr,Null)
+      Integer*4 Null(*)
+      NULLCHR = CHAR(0)
+      NullPtr = 0
+      Debug   = 1
+      FileType = 0
+      VIsDouble = 0
+      IMax    = 4
+      JMax    = 5
+      KMax    = 1
+      ZoneType = 0
+      SolTime = 360.0
+      StrandID = 0
+      ParentZn = 0
+      IsBlock = 1
+      ICellMax = 0
+      JCellMax = 0
+      KCellMax = 0
+      NFConns = 0
+      FNMode = 0
+      ShrConn = 0
+C... Open the file and write the tecplot datafile 
+C... header information.
+      I = TecIni112('SIMPLE DATASET'//NULLCHR,
+     &              'X Y P'//NULLCHR,
+     &              't.plt'//NULLCHR,
+     &              '.'//NULLCHR,
+     &              FileType,
+     &              Debug,
+     &              VIsDouble)
+      Do 10 I = 1,4
+      Do 10 J = 1,5
+        X(I,J) = I
+        Y(I,J) = J
+        P(I,J) = I*J
+   10 Continue
+C... Write the zone header information.
+      I = TecZne112('Simple Zone'//NULLCHR,
+     &              ZoneType,
+     &              IMax,
+     &              JMax,
+     &              KMax,
+     &              ICellMax,
+     &              JCellMax,
+     &              KCellMax,
+     &              SolTime,
+     &              StrandID,
+     &              ParentZn,
+     &              IsBlock,
+     &              NFConns,
+     &              FNMode,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              0,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              Null,
+     &              ShrConn)
+C... Write out the field data.
+      III = IMax*JMax
+      I   = TecDat112(III,X,0)
+      I   = TecDat112(III,Y,0)
+      I   = TecDat112(III,P,0)
+      I = TecEnd112()
+      Stop
+      End
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f90 b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1706de59841ed1795e3b79fe9df00088363eb4a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtest.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+! Simple example fortran program to write a
+! binary datafile for tecplot.  This example
+! does the following:
+!   1.  Open a datafile called "t.plt"
+!   2.  Assign values for X,Y, and P
+!   3.  Write out a zone dimensioned 4x5
+!   4.  Close the datafile.
+      program test
+      INCLUDE 'tecio.f90'
+      character*1 NULLCHR
+      Integer*4   Debug,III,NPts,NElm
+      Dimension X(4,5), Y(4,5), P(4,5)
+      Real*8    SolTime
+      Integer*4 VIsDouble, FileType
+      Integer*4 ZoneType,StrandID,ParentZn,IsBlock
+      Integer*4 ICellMax,JCellMax,KCellMax,NFConns,FNMode,ShrConn
+      POINTER   (NullPtr,Null)
+      Integer*4 Null(*)
+      NULLCHR = CHAR(0)
+      NullPtr = 0
+      Debug   = 1
+      FileType = 0
+      VIsDouble = 0
+      IMax    = 4
+      JMax    = 5
+      KMax    = 1
+      ZoneType = 0
+      SolTime = 360.0
+      StrandID = 0
+      ParentZn = 0
+      IsBlock = 1
+      ICellMax = 0
+      JCellMax = 0
+      KCellMax = 0
+      NFConns = 0
+      FNMode = 0
+      ShrConn = 0
+!... Open the file and write the tecplot datafile 
+!... header information.
+      I = TecIni112('SIMPLE DATASET'//NULLCHR, &
+                    'X Y P'//NULLCHR, &
+                    't.plt'//NULLCHR, &
+                    '.'//NULLCHR, &
+                    FileType, &
+                    Debug, &
+                    VIsDouble)
+      Do 10 I = 1,4
+      Do 10 J = 1,5
+        X(I,J) = I
+        Y(I,J) = J
+        P(I,J) = I*J
+   10 Continue
+!... Write the zone header information.
+      I = TecZne112('Simple Zone'//NULLCHR, &
+                    ZoneType, &
+                    IMax, &
+                    JMax, &
+                    KMax, &
+                    ICellMax, &
+                    JCellMax, &
+                    KCellMax, &
+                    SolTime, &
+                    StrandID, &
+                    ParentZn, &
+                    IsBlock, &
+                    NFConns, &
+                    FNMode, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    0, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    Null, &
+                    ShrConn)
+!... Write out the field data.
+      III = IMax*JMax
+      I   = TecDat112(III,X,0)
+      I   = TecDat112(III,Y,0)
+      I   = TecDat112(III,P,0)
+      I = TecEnd112()
+      Stop
+      End
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestc.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestc.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..814cc761f3db60f677f273b5269c9bdd65766478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestc.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
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+	RootNamespace="simtestc"
+	Keyword="Win32Proj"
+	>
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+			Name="Win32"
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+			Name="x64"
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+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				LinkIncremental="2"
+				AdditionalLibraryDirectories=""
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				SubSystem="1"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
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+			Name="Debug|x64"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(PlatformName)\$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="1"
+			>
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+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+				TargetEnvironment="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE"
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+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				LinkIncremental="2"
+				AdditionalLibraryDirectories=""
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				SubSystem="1"
+				TargetMachine="17"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
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+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="1"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
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+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				LinkIncremental="1"
+				AdditionalLibraryDirectories=""
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+				SubSystem="1"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
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+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="1"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+				TargetEnvironment="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				AdditionalIncludeDirectories=""
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				LinkIncremental="1"
+				AdditionalLibraryDirectories=""
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				SubSystem="1"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="17"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\simtest.c"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestf.vfproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestf.vfproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b20da05b12e68fa0e676b330ff90f2e71896e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/simtest/simtestf.vfproj
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<VisualStudioProject ProjectCreator="Intel Fortran" Keyword="Console Application" Version="9.10" ProjectIdGuid="{861BC05F-1E95-401A-A80E-7589ADD1C79E}">
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform Name="Win32"/></Platforms>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration Name="Debug|Win32" OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" DeleteExtensionsOnClean="*.obj;*.mod;*.pdb;*.asm;*.map;*.dyn;*.dpi;*.tmp;*.log;*.ilk;*.exe;$(TargetPath)">
+				<Tool Name="VFMidlTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" HeaderFileName="$(InputName).h" TypeLibraryName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).tlb"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPostBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFFortranCompilerTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" DebugInformationFormat="debugEnabled" Optimization="optimizeDisabled" AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Include" ModulePath="$(INTDIR)/" ObjectFile="$(INTDIR)/" Traceback="true" BoundsCheck="true" RuntimeLibrary="rtMultiThreadedDebug" CompileOnly="true"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFCustomBuildTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFLinkerTool" OutputFile="$(OUTDIR)/simtestf.exe" LinkIncremental="linkIncrementalNo" SuppressStartupBanner="true" AdditionalLibraryDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Bin" GenerateDebugInformation="true" ProgramDatabaseFile="$(OUTDIR)/simtestf.pdb" SubSystem="subSystemConsole" AdditionalDependencies="tecio.lib"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFResourceCompilerTool" ResourceOutputFileName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).res"/></Configuration>
+		<Configuration Name="Release|Win32" OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" IntermediateDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)/$(ConfigurationName)" DeleteExtensionsOnClean="*.obj;*.mod;*.pdb;*.asm;*.map;*.dyn;*.dpi;*.tmp;*.log;*.ilk;*.exe;$(TargetPath)">
+				<Tool Name="VFMidlTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" HeaderFileName="$(InputName).h" TypeLibraryName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).tlb"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPostBuildEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFFortranCompilerTool" SuppressStartupBanner="true" AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Include" ModulePath="$(INTDIR)/" ObjectFile="$(INTDIR)/" RuntimeLibrary="rtMultiThreaded" CompileOnly="true"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFCustomBuildTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFLinkerTool" OutputFile="$(OUTDIR)/simtestf.exe" LinkIncremental="linkIncrementalNo" SuppressStartupBanner="true" AdditionalLibraryDirectories="$(TEC_360_2009)/Bin" SubSystem="subSystemConsole" AdditionalDependencies="tecio.lib"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFPreLinkEventTool"/>
+				<Tool Name="VFResourceCompilerTool" ResourceOutputFileName="$(IntDir)/$(InputName).res"/></Configuration></Configurations>
+	<Files>
+		<File RelativePath="simtest.f90"/></Files>
+	<Globals/></VisualStudioProject>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..120b910d62d926cad659313c6a1d48308765ae10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5d9a0f5e2bba0a945ac5f2873d5f3cccc0c0825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/* This example creates a group of square geometries, each with a
+ * different fill color */
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable: 4996) /* Windows strcpy warning off */
+/* DOCSTART:tecgeo.txt*/
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include <string.h>
+int main()
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0; /* use to check return values */
+    /* Open the file and write the tecplot datafile
+     * header information
+     */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Square Geometries",
+                  (char*)"X Y P",
+                  (char*)"squares.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    double ZPos = 0.0;  /* N/A for squares */
+    double XPos;
+    double YPos;
+    INTEGER4 PosCoordMode  =  0; /* use grid coordinates */
+    /* opt not to attach the text to a given zone.  When text is
+     * attached to a given zone, it is displayed only when the zone
+     * is displayed.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 AttachToZone  =  0;
+    INTEGER4 Zone          =  1;
+    /* Set the Geometry Style Values */
+    INTEGER4 Color         =  0;   /* set the outline color to
+                                  * black
+                                  */
+    INTEGER4 IsFilled      =  1;
+    INTEGER4 GeomType      =  2;   /* set the geometry type to
+                                  * square
+                                  */
+    INTEGER4 LinePattern   =  5;   /* set the line pattern to
+                                  * DashDotDot
+                                  */
+    double   PatternLength =  .1;
+    double   LineThick     =  .2;
+    /* N/A for square geometries */
+    INTEGER4 NumPts        = 100;
+    INTEGER4 ArrowStyle    = 1;
+    INTEGER4 ArrowAttach   = 0;
+    double   ArrowSize     = 1;
+    double   ArrowAngle    = 30;
+    INTEGER4 NumSegments   = 15;
+    INTEGER4 NumSegPts     = 25;
+    INTEGER4 Scope         =  1;  /* set the text to "local", i.e.
+                                 * available in the current frame
+                                 * only.
+                                 */
+    INTEGER4 Clipping      =  1;
+    /* Specify the length of a side of the square.  The units used
+     * are those defined with PosCoordMode.
+     */
+    float XGeomData     = 2.5;
+    float YGeomData     = 0;  /* N/A for square geometries */
+    float ZGeomData     = 0;  /* N/A for square geometries */
+    char * MFC = new char[128];
+    strcpy(MFC, "SQUARE");
+    for (INTEGER4 ii = 0; ii <= 7; ii++)
+    {
+        INTEGER4 FillColor     =  ii;
+        XPos                   = (double) ii;
+        YPos                   = (double) ii;
+        I = TECGEO112(&XPos,
+                      &YPos,
+                      &ZPos,
+                      &PosCoordMode,
+                      &AttachToZone,
+                      &Zone,
+                      &Color,
+                      &FillColor,
+                      &IsFilled,
+                      &GeomType,
+                      &LinePattern,
+                      &PatternLength,
+                      &LineThick,
+                      &NumPts,
+                      &ArrowStyle,
+                      &ArrowAttach,
+                      &ArrowSize,
+                      &ArrowAngle,
+                      &Scope,
+                      &Clipping,
+                      &NumSegments,
+                      &NumSegPts,
+                      &XGeomData,
+                      &YGeomData,
+                      &ZGeomData,
+                      MFC);
+    }
+    I = TECEND112();
+    delete MFC;
+    return 0;
+/* DOCEND */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8e0848cfae0353501b89930becf07c7dd920c72
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..359ce967c4d251dd3a9ac6fba2e8c126e9d717c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/squares/squares.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="squares"
+	ProjectGUID="{2E5EC0A5-5902-4A66-8A67-A61EC9EB0855}"
+	RootNamespace="squares"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\squares.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/Makefile b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..415b65fd1338f042275397f5c4d5fdf265b82f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Set to appropriate C++ compiler
+CPPFLAGS=-I../../tecsrc ../../tecio.a
+	rm -f $(EXECUTABLE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66df8d723d2c86241987a8969878a4c8add75542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* This example demonstrates adding a text object to a Tecplot
+ * data file.
+ */
+#if defined _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning (disable: 4996) /* Windows strcpy warning off */
+/* DOCSTART:tectxt.txt*/
+#include "TECIO.h"
+#include <string.h>
+int main()
+    /* Open the file & write the datafile header information */
+    INTEGER4 Debug     = 1;
+    INTEGER4 VIsDouble = 0;
+    INTEGER4 FileType  = 0;
+    INTEGER4 I         = 0;  /* used to check the return value */
+    I = TECINI112((char*)"Text",
+                  (char*)"X Y P",
+                  (char*)"text.plt",
+                  (char*)".",
+                  &FileType,
+                  &Debug,
+                  &VIsDouble);
+    /* Specify the X, Y and Z position of the anchor point */
+    double   XPos              = 0.0;
+    double   YPos              = 1.0;
+    double   ZPos              = 0.0; /* N/A for 2D text */
+    INTEGER4 PosCoordMode      = 0;   /* use grid coordinates */
+    /* opt not to attach the text to a given zone.  When text is
+     * attached to a given zone, it is displayed only when the zone
+     * is displayed.
+     */
+    INTEGER4 AttachToZone      = 0;
+    INTEGER4 Zone              = 2;
+    /* Specify the font values */
+    INTEGER4 Font              = 1;  /* Helvetica Bold */
+    INTEGER4 FontHeightUnits   = 2;  /* in grid coordinates */
+    double   FontHeight        = 18;
+    /* Set the box style parameters */
+    INTEGER4 BoxType           = 1;     /* filled box */
+    double   BoxMargin         = .5;    /* margin between the text
+                                       * and the text box
+                                       */
+    double   BoxLineThickness  = .1;
+    INTEGER4 BoxColor          = 0;     /* set the box line color
+                                       * to black.
+                                       */
+    INTEGER4 BoxFillColor      = 1;     /* set the box fill color
+                                       * to red.
+                                       */
+    /* set the font properties */
+    double   Angle             = 30;    /* angle of the text */
+    INTEGER4 Anchor            = 1;     /* set the anchor point to
+                                       * the center of the text
+                                       * box.
+                                       */
+    double   LineSpacing       = 1.5;
+    INTEGER4 TextColor         = 7;     /* set the font color to
+                                       * white
+                                       */
+    INTEGER4 Scope             = 1;     /* set the text to "local",
+                                       * i.e. available in the
+                                       * current frame only.
+                                       */
+    INTEGER4 Clipping          = 1;
+    char     Text[60];
+    char     MFC[24];
+    strcpy(Text, "Sample Text");
+    strcpy(MFC, "My Macro");
+    I = TECTXT112(&XPos,
+                  &YPos,
+                  &ZPos,
+                  &PosCoordMode,
+                  &AttachToZone,
+                  &Zone,
+                  &Font,
+                  &FontHeightUnits,
+                  &FontHeight,
+                  &BoxType,
+                  &BoxMargin,
+                  &BoxLineThickness,
+                  &BoxColor,
+                  &BoxFillColor,
+                  &Angle,
+                  &Anchor,
+                  &LineSpacing,
+                  &TextColor,
+                  &Scope,
+                  &Clipping,
+                  Text,
+                  MFC);
+    I = TECEND112();
+    return 0;
+/* DOCEND */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.plt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.plt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d0ecd945ad1051efda3afc29c1ee7fcdc53a335
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.plt differ
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.vcproj b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.vcproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9018c6a89c04c678c65a3f77ff14db7632ae441c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/examples/text/text.vcproj
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
+	ProjectType="Visual C++"
+	Version="8.00"
+	Name="text"
+	ProjectGUID="{FE2A061A-1787-410B-ABA0-366D6EA603FB}"
+	RootNamespace="text"
+	>
+	<Platforms>
+		<Platform
+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
+	</Platforms>
+	<ToolFiles>
+	</ToolFiles>
+	<Configurations>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Debug|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="0"
+				MinimalRebuild="true"
+				BasicRuntimeChecks="3"
+				RuntimeLibrary="3"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="4"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+		<Configuration
+			Name="Release|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
+			IntermediateDirectory="$(ConfigurationName)"
+			ConfigurationType="1"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="..\TecIO_Examples.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			WholeProgramOptimization="1"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				RuntimeLibrary="2"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLinkerTool"
+				GenerateDebugInformation="true"
+				OptimizeReferences="2"
+				EnableCOMDATFolding="2"
+				TargetMachine="1"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManifestTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCAppVerifierTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<File
+			RelativePath=".\text.cpp"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/pltview.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/pltview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd9dd63976dd0bef2a6e6845f8e33c3657c83633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/pltview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** (C) Copyright 2004-2006  by Tecplot, Inc.         ********
+****** (C) Copyright 1989-2003  by AMTEC ENGINEERING INC.********
+*******       All Rights Reserved.                       ********
+*******                                                  ********
+****************** BEGIN DEVELOPMENT NOTES *********************
+V 09/04/98
+V ****************************************************************
+V *                 Build 1.0 9-04-98                            *
+V ****************************************************************
+* IMPORTANT NOTE: Only development notes for "pltview" stand-alone  *
+*                 belong in this file. See "ADDONVER.h" for changes *
+*                 related to the add-on.                            *
+*  V in column 1 marks date information.                       *
+*  C in column 1 marks notes on new changes.                   *
+*  B in column 1 marks notes on bug fixes.                     *
+****************** END DEVELOPMENT NOTES ***********************
+#if defined ADDON
+#include "TECADDON.h"
+#include "GUIDEFS.h"
+#include "GUI.h"
+#define READTEC                TecUtilReadBinaryData
+#define SHOWINFO(S)            TecGUITextAppendString(Output_T_D1,S);
+#define ERRMSG(S)              TecUtilDialogErrMsg(S)
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(N,Type,S)  (Type *)TecUtilStringAlloc((N)*sizeof(Type),"debug info")
+#define FREE_ARRAY(N,S)           TecUtilStringDealloc((char **)&N)
+#define STRINGLISTGETSTRING(S,N)  TecUtilStringListGetString(S,N)
+#define STRINGLISTGETCOUNT(S)     TecUtilStringListGetCount(S)
+#define STRINGLISTDEALLOC(S)      TecUtilStringListDealloc(S)
+#include "MASTER.h"
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(N,Type,S)     (Type *)TecAlloc((N)*sizeof(Type))
+#define FREE_ARRAY(N,S)           TecFree((void *)N)
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "DATAUTIL.h"
+#include "TECADDON.h"
+#include "TECXXX.h"
+#include "DATAUTIL.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#define READTEC                   ReadTec
+#define SHOWINFO(S)               printf("%s",S);
+#define ERRMSG(S)                 printf("Err: %s\n",S);
+#define STRINGLISTGETSTRING(S,N)  StringListGetString(S,(N)-1)
+#define STRINGLISTGETCOUNT(S)     StringListCount(S)
+#define STRINGLISTDEALLOC(S)      StringListDealloc(S)
+#define MaxCharsUserRec 500
+static int GetNumPtsPerCell(ZoneType_e ZoneType)
+    int NumPts = 0;
+    switch (ZoneType)
+    {
+        case ZoneType_FETriangle : NumPts = 3; break;
+        case ZoneType_FEQuad     : NumPts = 4; break;
+        case ZoneType_FETetra    : NumPts = 4; break;
+        case ZoneType_FEBrick    : NumPts = 8; break;
+        default : NumPts = 0;
+    }
+    return (NumPts);
+static int GetNumPts(ZoneType_e ZoneType,
+                     LgIndex_t  NumPtsI,
+                     LgIndex_t  NumPtsJ,
+                     LgIndex_t  NumPtsK)
+    int NumPts = 0;
+    switch (ZoneType)
+    {
+        case ZoneType_FETriangle  :
+        case ZoneType_FEQuad      :
+        case ZoneType_FETetra     :
+        case ZoneType_FEBrick     :
+        case ZoneType_FEPolygon   :
+        case ZoneType_FEPolyhedron: NumPts = NumPtsI; break;
+        default : NumPts = NumPtsI*NumPtsJ*NumPtsK;
+    }
+    return (NumPts);
+static void DeallocHeaderInfo(char         **DataSetTitle,
+                              StringList_pa *VarNames,
+                              StringList_pa *ZoneNames,
+                              LgIndex_t    **NumPtsI,
+                              LgIndex_t    **NumPtsJ,
+                              LgIndex_t    **NumPtsK,
+                              ZoneType_e   **ZoneType,
+                              StringList_pa *UserRec)
+    if (*DataSetTitle)
+        FREE_ARRAY(*DataSetTitle, "data set title");
+    if (*VarNames)
+    if (*ZoneNames)
+        STRINGLISTDEALLOC(ZoneNames);
+    if (*NumPtsI)
+        FREE_ARRAY(*NumPtsI, "NumPtsI Array");
+    if (*NumPtsJ)
+        FREE_ARRAY(*NumPtsJ, "NumPtsJ Array");
+    if (*NumPtsK)
+        FREE_ARRAY(*NumPtsK, "NumPtsK Array");
+    if (*ZoneType)
+        FREE_ARRAY(*ZoneType, "ZoneType Array");
+    if (*UserRec)
+    *DataSetTitle  = NULL;
+    *VarNames      = NULL;
+    *ZoneNames     = NULL;
+    *NumPtsI       = NULL;
+    *NumPtsJ       = NULL;
+    *NumPtsK       = NULL;
+    *ZoneType      = NULL;
+    *UserRec       = NULL;
+void ReportFileInfo(char     *FName,
+                    Boolean_t LoadRawData,
+                    Boolean_t AllocateRawDataSpaceLocally)
+    short          IVersion;
+    EntIndex_t     NumZones;
+    EntIndex_t     NumVars;
+    char          *DataSetTitle = NULL;
+    StringList_pa  VarNames     = NULL;
+    StringList_pa  ZoneNames    = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t     *NumPtsI      = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t     *NumPtsJ      = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t     *NumPtsK      = NULL;
+    ZoneType_e    *ZoneType     = NULL;
+    StringList_pa  UserRec      = NULL;
+    int            CZ, CV;
+    char           InfoLine[MAXCHARSINFOLINE+1];
+    double       **VDataBase    = NULL;
+    NodeMap_t    **NodeMap      = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Load in the header information only.
+     */
+    if (!READTEC(TRUE,
+                 FName,
+                 &IVersion,
+                 &DataSetTitle,
+                 &NumZones,
+                 &NumVars,
+                 &VarNames,
+                 &ZoneNames,
+                 &NumPtsI,
+                 &NumPtsJ,
+                 &NumPtsK,
+                 &ZoneType,
+                 &UserRec,
+                 FALSE,
+                 (NodeMap_t ***)NULL,
+                 (double ***)NULL))
+    {
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "Cannot read file \"%s\"\nor file is not a Tecplot binary data file.\n", FName);
+        ERRMSG(InfoLine);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Boolean_t  IsOk = TRUE;
+        if (LoadRawData)
+        {
+            if (AllocateRawDataSpaceLocally)
+            {
+                int NumPts;
+                VDataBase = ALLOC_ARRAY(NumZones * NumVars, double *, "vdatabase array");
+                for (CZ = 0; CZ < NumZones; CZ++)
+                    for (CV = 0; CV < NumVars; CV++)
+                    {
+                        NumPts = GetNumPts(ZoneType[CZ], NumPtsI[CZ], NumPtsJ[CZ], NumPtsK[CZ]);
+                        if (NumPts >= 1)
+                            VDataBase[CZ*NumVars+CV] = ALLOC_ARRAY(NumPts, double, "vdatabase array");
+                        else
+                            VDataBase[CZ*NumVars+CV] = NULL;
+                    }
+                NodeMap = ALLOC_ARRAY(NumZones, NodeMap_t *, "nodemap array");
+                for (CZ = 0; CZ < NumZones; CZ++)
+                {
+                    if (ZoneType[CZ] == ZoneType_Ordered)
+                        NodeMap[CZ] = NULL;
+                    else
+                    {
+                        int PtsPerCell = GetNumPtsPerCell(ZoneType[CZ]);
+                        NodeMap[CZ] = ALLOC_ARRAY(PtsPerCell * NumPtsJ[CZ],
+                                                  NodeMap_t, "zone nodemap");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                VDataBase = NULL;
+                NodeMap   = NULL;
+            }
+            /*
+             * NOTE: If any of the above alloc's failed then no big deal.  ReadTec
+             *       itself "skips" vars if memory was not allocated for it.
+             */
+            DeallocHeaderInfo(&DataSetTitle,
+                              &VarNames,
+                              &ZoneNames,
+                              &NumPtsI,
+                              &NumPtsJ,
+                              &NumPtsK,
+                              &ZoneType,
+                              &UserRec);
+            /*
+             * Reread the datafile.  This time load in the header AND the raw data
+             * Note that VDataBase may be preallocated or may be left up to ReadTec
+             * to allocate (See AllocateRawDataSpaceLocally above).
+             */
+            if (!READTEC(FALSE,
+                         FName,
+                         &IVersion,
+                         &DataSetTitle,
+                         &NumZones,
+                         &NumVars,
+                         &VarNames,
+                         &ZoneNames,
+                         &NumPtsI,
+                         &NumPtsJ,
+                         &NumPtsK,
+                         &ZoneType,
+                         &UserRec,
+                         AllocateRawDataSpaceLocally,
+                         &NodeMap,
+                         &VDataBase))
+            {
+                if (IVersion > 99)
+                {
+                    sprintf(InfoLine,
+                            "Error: ***\n"
+                            "    This add-on can only display raw nodal data\n"
+                            "    and it appears to contain cell centered data.\n");
+                    SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sprintf(InfoLine,
+                            "Cannot Read File, %s.\n"
+                            "File may not be a tecplot binary data file.",
+                            FName);
+                    ERRMSG(InfoLine);
+                }
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        SHOWINFO("\n");
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "FileName    : %s\n", FName);
+        SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "File Version: %3.1f\n", IVersion / 10.0);
+        SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        /* if the file contains filetype, then retrieve that separately since ReadTec should not be changed */
+        if (IVersion >= 109)
+        {
+            DataFileType_e FileType = DataFileType_Full;
+            char           FileTypeStr[32];
+            FILE          *F = NULL;
+            /* open the file and get the filetype */
+            F = fopen(FName, "rb");
+            if (F)
+            {
+                char    Buffer[8];
+                Int32_t One;
+                Int32_t FileTypeInt;
+                /* 8 bytes for magic# and version and 4 bytes for Int32 */
+                fread(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer[0]), 8, F);
+                fread(&One, sizeof(One), 1, F);
+                fread(&FileTypeInt, sizeof(FileTypeInt), 1, F);
+                FileType = (DataFileType_e)FileTypeInt;
+                fclose(F);
+                F = NULL;
+            }
+            /* map the filetype */
+            switch (FileType)
+            {
+                case DataFileType_Full:
+                    strcpy(FileTypeStr, "Full");
+                    break;
+                case DataFileType_Grid:
+                    strcpy(FileTypeStr, "Grid");
+                    break;
+                case DataFileType_Solution:
+                    strcpy(FileTypeStr, "Solution");
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    IsOk = FALSE;
+                    CHECK(FALSE);
+                    break;
+            }
+            sprintf(InfoLine, "File Type   : %s\n", FileTypeStr);
+            SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        }
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "DataSetTitle: %s\n", DataSetTitle ? DataSetTitle : " ");
+        SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "NumZones    : %d\n", (int)NumZones);
+        SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        sprintf(InfoLine, "NumVars     : %d\n", (int)NumVars);
+        SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+        if (IsOk && (NumZones > 0))
+        {
+            SHOWINFO("Var Names   : ");
+            for (CZ = 0; CZ < NumVars; CZ++)
+            {
+                char *VarName = STRINGLISTGETSTRING(VarNames, CZ + 1);
+                sprintf(InfoLine, "%s", VarName ? VarName : "NULL");
+                if (CZ < NumVars - 1)
+                    strcat(InfoLine, ",");
+                else
+                    strcat(InfoLine, "\n\n");
+                SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                if (VarName)
+                    FREE_ARRAY(VarName, "VarName array");
+            }
+            SHOWINFO("ZoneName            IMax    JMax    KMax    Node     Face     Elmt     EType\n");
+            SHOWINFO("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+            for (CZ = 0; CZ < NumZones; CZ++)
+            {
+                char *ZoneName = STRINGLISTGETSTRING(ZoneNames, CZ + 1);
+                if (ZoneType[CZ] != ZoneType_Ordered)
+                {
+                    if (ZoneType[CZ] == ZoneType_FEPolygon ||
+                        ZoneType[CZ] == ZoneType_FEPolyhedron)
+                        sprintf(InfoLine, "%-20s ---     ---     ---     %-8ld %-8ld %-8ld ",
+                                (ZoneName ? ZoneName : "NULL"),
+                                (long)NumPtsI[CZ],
+                                (long)NumPtsK[CZ],
+                                (long)NumPtsJ[CZ]);
+                    else
+                        sprintf(InfoLine, "%-20s ---     ---     ---     %-8ld ---      %-8ld ",
+                                (ZoneName ? ZoneName : "NULL"),
+                                (long)NumPtsI[CZ],
+                                (long)NumPtsJ[CZ]);
+                    SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                    switch (ZoneType[CZ])
+                    {
+                        case ZoneType_FETriangle  : SHOWINFO("Tri\n");    break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEQuad      : SHOWINFO("Quad\n");   break;
+                        case ZoneType_FETetra     : SHOWINFO("Tetra\n");  break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEBrick     : SHOWINFO("Brick\n");  break;
+                        case ZoneType_FELineSeg   : SHOWINFO("LineSeg\n"); break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEPolygon   : SHOWINFO("Polygon\n"); break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEPolyhedron: SHOWINFO("Polyhed\n"); break;
+                        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    sprintf(InfoLine, "%-20s %-7ld %-7ld %-7ld ---      ---      ---      ---\n",
+                            (ZoneName ? ZoneName : "NULL"),
+                            (long)NumPtsI[CZ],
+                            (long)NumPtsJ[CZ],
+                            (long)NumPtsK[CZ]);
+                    SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                }
+                if (ZoneName)
+                    FREE_ARRAY(ZoneName, "ZoneName Array");
+            }
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            for (CZ = 1; CZ <= STRINGLISTGETCOUNT(UserRec); CZ++)
+            {
+                char *S = STRINGLISTGETSTRING(UserRec, CZ);
+                if (S)
+                {
+                    int L;
+                    strcpy(InfoLine, "UserRec: ");
+                    L = (int)strlen(InfoLine);
+                    strncat(&InfoLine[L], S, MAXCHARSINFOLINE - L - 2);
+                    strcat(&InfoLine[strlen(InfoLine)], "\n");
+                    SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                    FREE_ARRAY(S, "temp string");
+                }
+            }
+            if (LoadRawData)
+            {
+                for (CZ = 0; CZ < NumZones; CZ++)
+                {
+                    int CV;
+                    for (CV = 0; CV < NumVars; CV++)
+                        if (VDataBase[CZ*NumVars+CV])
+                        {
+                            int I;
+                            int NumPts = GetNumPts(ZoneType[CZ], NumPtsI[CZ], NumPtsJ[CZ], NumPtsK[CZ]);
+                            int  SLen = 0;
+                            sprintf(InfoLine, "\n\nVariable data for zone %d, Var %d\n", CZ + 1, CV + 1);
+                            SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                            InfoLine[0] = '\0';
+                            for (I = 0; I < NumPts; I++)
+                            {
+                                char PString[50];
+                                if (SLen + 50 > MAXCHARSINFOLINE)
+                                {
+                                    SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                                    InfoLine[0] = '\0';
+                                    SLen = 0;
+                                }
+                                sprintf(PString, "%lG ", VDataBase[CZ*NumVars+CV][I]);
+                                strcat(InfoLine, PString);
+                                SLen += (int)strlen(PString);
+                                if ((I % 5) == 4)
+                                {
+                                    strcat(InfoLine, "\n");
+                                    SLen++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (*InfoLine)
+                                SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                            FREE_ARRAY(VDataBase[CZ*NumVars+CV], "vdatabase double");
+                        }
+                    if (NodeMap[CZ])
+                    {
+                        int I, J;
+                        int PtsPerCell = GetNumPtsPerCell(ZoneType[CZ]);
+                        int SLen = 0;
+                        SHOWINFO("\nConnectivity list:\n");
+                        InfoLine[0] = '\0';
+                        for (J = 0; J < NumPtsJ[CZ]; J++)
+                        {
+                            if (SLen + 200 > MAXCHARSINFOLINE)
+                            {
+                                SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                                InfoLine[0] = '\0';
+                                SLen = 0;
+                            }
+                            for (I = 0; I < PtsPerCell; I++)
+                            {
+                                char NString[20];
+                                sprintf(NString, "%u ", (unsigned int)NodeMap[CZ][J*PtsPerCell+I] + 1);
+                                strcat(InfoLine, NString);
+                                SLen += (int)strlen(NString);
+                            }
+                            strcat(InfoLine, "\n");
+                            SLen++;
+                        }
+                        if (*InfoLine)
+                            SHOWINFO(InfoLine);
+                        FREE_ARRAY(NodeMap[CZ], "nodemap");
+                    }
+                }
+                FREE_ARRAY(NodeMap, "Nodemap base array");
+                FREE_ARRAY(VDataBase, "vdatabase base array");
+            }
+        }
+        SHOWINFO("\n\n");
+        DeallocHeaderInfo(&DataSetTitle,
+                          &VarNames,
+                          &ZoneNames,
+                          &NumPtsI,
+                          &NumPtsJ,
+                          &NumPtsK,
+                          &ZoneType,
+                          &UserRec);
+    }
+#if !defined ADDON
+int main(int argc, char *(argv[]))
+    short CurFile;
+    if (argc == 1)
+    {
+        printf("Err: Need:  pltview file1 [file2] ...\n");
+        exit(-1);
+    }
+    for (CurFile = 1; CurFile < argc; CurFile++)
+        ReportFileInfo(argv[CurFile], FALSE, FALSE);
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/readme.txt b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b47bdb4eae7d52f588aec0629402c9d3b187361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+**                   README                  **
+To build the TecIO library and/or the pltview utility 
+simply run the Runmake script in this directory.
+If customization is needed it will most likely be done
+in GLOBAL.h (to identify machine as 64 bit) and/or in
+dataio4.c.  Just look for CRAY in dataio4.c and you
+will find most of the critical areas.  Note that the
+existing code defined by CRAY is quite old and has
+not been in use for some time.
+Each example has its own Makefile. You may have to adjust
+the variables at the top of the Makefile for your platform.
+The ReadTec() is included in the tecio library but is
+not supported by Tecplot, Inc.  ReadTec is used 
+to read Tecplot binary data files (all versions at or 
+older than the Tecplot version providing the tecio 
+library). See tecsrc/DATAUTIL.h for more information.
+The pltview example app gives an example of  using ReadTec
+to read just the header from a file as well as loading all
+field data from a file./*
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ALLOC.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ALLOC.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f07fc07f905a3873d2002b5d3133fab453a28d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ALLOC.h
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#ifndef ALLOC_H
+#define ALLOC_H
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#if defined __cplusplus
+#include <new>
+#if !defined __cplusplus
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(N,Type,str) (Type *)malloc((N)*sizeof(Type))
+#define ALLOC_ITEM(Type,str)    (Type *)malloc(sizeof(Type))
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+/* NOTE: the pointer is set to 0xFFFF after the free for debug   */
+/*       versions in the hopes of catching invalid pointer usage */
+#define FREE_ARRAY(X,str)  do { free((void *)(X)); *((void **)&(X)) = (void *)0xFFFF; } while (0)
+#define FREE_ITEM(X,str)   do { free((void *)(X)); *((void **)&(X)) = (void *)0xFFFF; } while (0)
+#define FREE_ARRAY(X,str)  free((void *)(X))
+#define FREE_ITEM(X,str)   free((void *)(X))
+extern void initMemoryUsageTracking(void);
+extern void cleanUpMemoryUsageTracking(void);
+extern void trackMemoryAlloc(size_t size);
+extern void trackMemoryFree(size_t size);
+extern void trackMemoryClearHighMark(void);
+extern void trackMemorySaveHighMark(void);
+extern void getMemoryUsage(size_t* memoryInUse,
+                           size_t* memoryCurrentHighMark,
+                           size_t* memorySavedHighMark,
+                           size_t* memoryTotalHighMark);
+* Create a version of new that returns NULL instead
+* of throwing std::bad_alloc.  A lot of code is written using
+* ALLOC_ITEM and ALLOC_ARRAY that expect a return value of
+* NULL on failure instead of the exception. 2008-05-08 CAM
+#if defined MSWIN && defined _DEBUG
+template <typename T>
+inline T *nonExceptionNew(size_t      numItems,
+                          const char* fileName,
+                          int         lineNumber)
+    REQUIRE(numItems > 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(fileName));
+    REQUIRE(lineNumber > 0);
+    T* result;
+    try
+    {
+#ifdef DEBUG_NEW
+#ifdef new
+#undef new
+        result = new(fileName, lineNumber) T[numItems];
+#define new DEBUG_NEW
+        result = new T[numItems];
+    }
+    catch (std::bad_alloc&)
+    {
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    if (result != NULL)
+    {
+#ifdef MSWIN
+        trackMemoryAlloc(_msize(result));
+        trackMemoryAlloc(malloc_usable_size(result));
+    }
+    return result;
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(N,Type,str) nonExceptionNew<Type>((N),__FILE__,__LINE__)
+template <typename T>
+inline T *nonExceptionNew(size_t numItems)
+    REQUIRE(numItems > 0);
+    T *result;
+    try
+    {
+        result = new T[numItems];
+    }
+    catch (std::bad_alloc&)
+    {
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    if (result != NULL)
+    {
+#ifdef MSWIN
+        trackMemoryAlloc(_msize(result));
+        trackMemoryAlloc(malloc_usable_size(result));
+    }
+    return result;
+#define ALLOC_ARRAY(N,Type,str) nonExceptionNew<Type>((N))
+#define ALLOC_ITEM(Type,str)    ALLOC_ARRAY(1,Type,str)
+* Although delete doesn't throw exceptions, this function matches
+* nonExceptionNew, and also reports the size of the block if we
+* are tracking memory.
+template <typename T>
+inline void nonExceptionDelete(T* &ptr)
+#if defined MSWIN && !defined NO_ASSERTS
+    CHECK(!IsBadReadPtr((void*)ptr, 1));
+    if (ptr != NULL)
+    {
+#ifdef MSWIN
+        trackMemoryFree(_msize(ptr));
+        trackMemoryFree(malloc_usable_size(ptr));
+    }
+    delete [] ptr;
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+    /*
+    * NOTE: the pointer is set to 0xFFFF after the free for asserted
+    * builds in the hopes of catching invalid pointer usage
+    */
+    ptr = (T*)(void*)0xFFFF;
+#define FREE_ARRAY(ptr,str)  nonExceptionDelete((ptr))
+#define FREE_ITEM(ptr,str)   FREE_ARRAY(ptr,str)
+* The following functor can be used to easily deallocate memory from containers
+* that hold pointers to allocated objects. For example:
+* vector<MyObject*> container;
+* for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++
+*  container.push_back(new MyObject);
+* ... do something with the objects ...
+* ... now we need to clean up ...
+* for_each(container.begin(),
+*          container.end(),
+*          DeleteItem());
+struct DeleteItem
+    template<typename T>
+    void operator()(T*& object)
+    {
+        delete object;
+        object = NULL;
+    }
+#endif /* ALLOC_H */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ARRLIST.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ARRLIST.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0203dae29b7cf02a2f228d7dfd561c1c899f83b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/ARRLIST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if !defined ARRLIST_h
+#define ARRLIST_h
+#if defined EXTERN
+#  undef EXTERN
+#if defined ARRLISTMODULE
+#  define EXTERN
+#  define EXTERN extern
+typedef enum
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedChar,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedShort,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedInt,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedLong,
+    ArrayListType_Int64,
+    ArrayListType_Char,
+    ArrayListType_Short,
+    ArrayListType_Int,
+    ArrayListType_Long,
+    ArrayListType_Float,
+    ArrayListType_Double,
+    ArrayListType_LgIndex,
+    ArrayListType_EntIndex,
+    ArrayListType_SmInteger,
+    ArrayListType_Boolean,
+    ArrayListType_ArbParam,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedCharPtr,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedShortPtr,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedIntPtr,
+    ArrayListType_UnsignedLongPtr,
+    ArrayListType_Int64Ptr,
+    ArrayListType_CharPtr,
+    ArrayListType_ShortPtr,
+    ArrayListType_IntPtr,
+    ArrayListType_LongPtr,
+    ArrayListType_FloatPtr,
+    ArrayListType_DoublePtr,
+    ArrayListType_LgIndexPtr,
+    ArrayListType_EntIndexPtr,
+    ArrayListType_SmIntegerPtr,
+    ArrayListType_BooleanPtr,
+    ArrayListType_ArbParamPtr,
+    ArrayListType_VoidPtr,
+    ArrayListType_FunctionPtr,
+    ArrayListType_Any,
+    END_ArrayListType_e,
+    ArrayListType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ArrayListType_e;
+typedef union
+    unsigned char  UnsignedChar;
+    unsigned short UnsignedShort;
+    unsigned int   UnsignedInt;
+    unsigned long  UnsignedLong;
+    Int64_t        Int64;
+    char           Char;
+    short          Short;
+    int            Int;
+    long           Long;
+    float          Float;
+    double         Double;
+    LgIndex_t      LgIndex;
+    EntIndex_t     EntIndex;
+    SmInteger_t    SmInteger;
+    Boolean_t      BBoolean;  /* X-Windows uses Boolean */
+    ArbParam_t     ArbParam;
+    unsigned char  *UnsignedCharPtr;
+    unsigned short *UnsignedShortPtr;
+    unsigned int   *UnsignedIntPtr;
+    unsigned long  *UnsignedLongPtr;
+    Int64_t        *Int64Ptr;
+    char           *CharPtr;
+    short          *ShortPtr;
+    int            *IntPtr;
+    long           *LongPtr;
+    float          *FloatPtr;
+    double         *DoublePtr;
+    LgIndex_t      *LgIndexPtr;
+    EntIndex_t     *EntIndexPtr;
+    SmInteger_t    *SmIntegerPtr;
+    Boolean_t      *BooleanPtr;
+    ArbParam_t     *ArbParamPtr;
+    void           *VoidPtr;
+    void (*FunctionPtr)(void);
+} ArrayListItem_u;
+ * NULL array list item for added convenience of inserting a NULL item without
+ * having to declare and assign one. Can be used as follows:
+ *
+ *     IsOk = ArrayListInsertItem(SomeArrayList, SomeIndex, ArrayListNumItem);
+ *
+ * NOTE: This value must be set to zero before Tecplot uses array lists.
+ *           memset(&ArrayListNullItem, 0, sizeof(ArrayListType_Any));
+ */
+EXTERN ArrayListItem_u ArrayListNullItem;
+ * Visitor for traversing an array list. An iterator may not perform any
+ * operation that will adjust the size of the list.  In other words it may not
+ * insert or delete items from the list. However an iterator may perform a get
+ * operation or a set operation that do not expand the list size.
+ *
+ * param ItemRef
+ *     Reference to the array list item visited.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data required for the visitor.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE to continue visiting items, otherwise
+ *     FALSE to discontinue visiting
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (*ArrayListItemVisitor_pf)(void       *ItemRef,
+                                             ArbParam_t ClientData);
+#if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*TypeRef) || *TypeRef == NULL);
+    Boolean_t DoContinue = TRUE;
+    <type> *TypeRef = (<type> *)ItemRef;
+    return DoContinue;
+ * Destructor for cleaning up one or more array list items. If a destructor is
+ * not supplied then the array items are simply discarded.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The only change to ArrayListItemVisitor_pf is the policy which
+ *       requires that the return value is TRUE.
+ *
+ * param ItemRef
+ *     Reference to the array list item to cleanup.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data required for cleanup.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE is a requirement
+ */
+typedef ArrayListItemVisitor_pf ArrayListItemDestructor_pf;
+ * Duplicator for copying one or more array list items. If a duplicator is not
+ * supplied then the array items are simply copied. For pointer types this
+ * means by reference. Note that if a duplicator is used the rules for
+ * duplication and subsequent cleanup are defined by the client.
+ *
+ * param TargetItemRef
+ *     Reference to the array list to receive the duplicate.
+ * param SourceItemRef
+ *     Reference to the array list item to duplicate.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data required for duplication.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the duplication was a success
+ *     FALSE otherwise. If the duplication failed it
+ *     is the client's responsibility to cleanup any
+ *     partial duplication
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (*ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf)(void       *TargetItemRef,
+                                                void       *SourceItemRef,
+                                                ArbParam_t ClientData);
+#if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetTypeRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceTypeRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*SourceTypeRef) || *SourceTypeRef == NULL);
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    <type> *TargetTypeRef = (<type> *)TargetItemRef;
+    <type> *SourceTypeRef = (<type> *)SourceItemRef;
+    return IsOk;
+ * Adjusts the capacity request as necessary to minimize memory reallocations
+ * for large lists. Unless the request exceeds the maximum the adjusted
+ * capacity will be at least as big as requested however it may be larger if it
+ * is determined that the space requirement is growing faster. If the maximum
+ * is exceeded zero should be returned.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list requesting the change in capacity.
+ * param CurrentCapacity
+ *     Current capacity of the array list.
+ * param RequestedCapacity
+ *     Capacity request or zero for default size.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the adjustment.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Adjusted capacity that is at least as large as the request or zero if
+ *     unable to satisfy the requested capacity.
+ */
+typedef LgIndex_t (*ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf)(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                                         LgIndex_t    CurrentCapacity,
+                                                         LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity,
+                                                         ArbParam_t   ClientData);
+#if 0 /* use this stub as a starting place */
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE((RequestedCapacity == 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0) ||
+            RequestedCapacity > ArrayList->Capacity);
+    LgIndex_t Result;
+    ENSURE(Result == 0 || Result >= RequestedCapacity);
+    return Result;
+/* private ArrayList structure: only exposed so STRUTIL can use it */
+typedef struct _ArrayList_s
+    char            *Array;           /* byte array for holding the items */
+    ArrayListType_e  Type;            /* type of array items */
+    SmInteger_t      ItemSize;        /* byte size of an individual item */
+    LgIndex_t        Count;           /* number of items in the array */
+    LgIndex_t        Capacity;        /* maximum holding capacity of the array */
+    Boolean_t        IsVisitingItems; /* indicates if an iteration is in progress */
+    ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf CapacityRequestAdjuster;
+    ArbParam_t                          CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData;
+} ArrayList_s;
+ * Compares two array list elements. Note that either string may be
+ * NULL as array lists allow for NULL elements.
+ *
+ * @param Item1
+ *     Element to compare against Item2.
+ * @param Item2
+ *     Element to compare against Item1.
+ * @param ClientData
+ *     Contextual information that was passed to the 'ArrayListQSort' function.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     - A value less than zero if Item1 is less than Item2.
+ *     - A value of zero if Item1 is equal to Item2.
+ *     - A value greater than zero if Item1 is greater than Item2.
+ */
+typedef int (STDCALL *ArrayListItemComparator_pf)(ArrayListItem_u Item1,
+                                                  ArrayListItem_u Item2,
+                                                  ArbParam_t      ClientData);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
+EXTERN ArrayListType_e ArrayListGetType(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                          LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity);
+EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListAlloc(LgIndex_t                           EstimatedCapacity,
+                                   ArrayListType_e                     Type,
+                                   ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf CapacityRequestAdjuster,
+                                   ArbParam_t                          CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData);
+EXTERN void ArrayListDealloc(ArrayList_pa               *ArrayList,
+                             ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                             ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteAllItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                                    ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                                    ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                                 LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                                 LgIndex_t                  Count,
+                                 ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                                 ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN void ArrayListDeleteItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                                LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                                ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                                ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListRemoveItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                         LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                                         LgIndex_t    Count);
+EXTERN ArrayListItem_u ArrayListRemoveItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                           LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListInsertItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
+                                     LgIndex_t       ItemOffset,
+                                     ArrayListItem_u Item);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListInsert(ArrayList_pa Target,
+                                 LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                                 ArrayList_pa Source);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListVisitItems(ArrayList_pa            ArrayList,
+                                     LgIndex_t               ItemOffset,
+                                     LgIndex_t               Count,
+                                     ArrayListItemVisitor_pf ItemVisitor,
+                                     ArbParam_t              ClientData);
+EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListGetItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                      LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                                      LgIndex_t    Count);
+EXTERN ArrayListItem_u ArrayListGetItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                        LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListSetItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                                  LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                                  ArrayListItem_u            Item,
+                                  ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                                  ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListAppendItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
+                                     ArrayListItem_u Item);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListAppend(ArrayList_pa Target,
+                                 ArrayList_pa Source);
+EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListCopy(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                                  ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
+                                  ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN void *ArrayListToArray(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                              ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
+                              ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN ArrayList_pa ArrayListFromArray(void                       *Source,
+                                       LgIndex_t                  Count,
+                                       ArrayListType_e            Type,
+                                       ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
+                                       ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+EXTERN void ArrayListQSort(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                           ArrayListItemComparator_pf Comparator,
+                           ArbParam_t                 ClientData);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ArrayListBSearch(ArrayList_pa                ArrayList,
+                                  ArrayListItem_u             Item,
+                                  ArrayListItemComparator_pf  Comparator,
+                                  ArbParam_t                  ClientData,
+                                  LgIndex_t                  *ItemIndex);
+ * Gets the array list's internal buffer representation.
+ * Use ArrayListGetXxx accessors whenever possible as their
+ * implementation in the release build is as fast as using
+ * the array directly anyway.
+ *
+ *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
+ *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
+ *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
+ *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
+ *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
+ *     responsible for the cleanup.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list for which a reference to the internal
+ *     buffer is desired.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Reference to the array list's internal buffer.
+ */
+#  define ArrayListGetInternalRef     ArrayListGetInternalRef_MACRO
+ * Gets the item's internal reference at the specified offset in the list.
+ *
+ *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
+ *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
+ *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
+ *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
+ *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
+ *     responsible for the cleanup.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the desired item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the item in the list.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     The internal reference to the requested item.
+ */
+#  define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_MACRO
+#  define ArrayListGetCount           ArrayListGetCount_MACRO
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned char)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)    ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned short)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned int)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned long)
+#  define ArrayListGetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Int64_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, char)
+#  define ArrayListGetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, short)
+#  define ArrayListGetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)              ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, int)
+#  define ArrayListGetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, long)
+#  define ArrayListGetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, float)
+#  define ArrayListGetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset)           ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, double)
+#  define ArrayListGetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, LgIndex_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, EntIndex_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, SmInteger_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Boolean_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArbParam_t)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)  ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned char *)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned short *)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned int *)
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)  ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, unsigned long *)
+#  define ArrayListGetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Int64_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, char *)
+#  define ArrayListGetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, short *)
+#  define ArrayListGetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)           ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, int *)
+#  define ArrayListGetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, long *)
+#  define ArrayListGetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)         ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, float *)
+#  define ArrayListGetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, double *)
+#  define ArrayListGetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, LgIndex_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, EntIndex_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, SmInteger_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)       ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Boolean_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArbParam_t *)
+#  define ArrayListGetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, void *)
+#  define ArrayListGetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, (**)(void))
+#  define ArrayListGetInternalRef     ArrayListGetInternalRef_FUNC
+#  define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC
+#  define ArrayListGetCount           ArrayListGetCount_FUNC
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        (*((unsigned char *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)      (*((unsigned short *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          (*((unsigned int *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        (*((unsigned long *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                     (*((Int64_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                         (*((char *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                       (*((short *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                           (*((int *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                         (*((long *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                       (*((float *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                     (*((double *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                 (*((LgIndex_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset)               (*((EntIndex_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset)             (*((SmInteger_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                 (*((Boolean_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset)               (*((ArbParam_t *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   (*((unsigned char * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset) (*((unsigned short * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)     (*((unsigned int * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)   (*((unsigned long * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*((Int64_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*((char * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                  (*((short * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                      (*((int * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*((long * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                  (*((float * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                (*((double * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*((LgIndex_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          (*((EntIndex_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)        (*((SmInteger_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*((Boolean_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)          (*((ArbParam_t * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)                    (*((void * *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+#  define ArrayListGetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset)            (*(((**)(void) *)ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList, ItemOffset)))
+EXTERN const void *ArrayListGetInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
+EXTERN const void *ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                                    LgIndex_t    ItemOffset);
+EXTERN LgIndex_t ArrayListGetCount_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList);
+#define ArrayListGetInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList)                 ((const void *)((ArrayList)->Array))
+#define ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ((const void *)&((ArrayList)->Array[(ItemOffset)*(ArrayList)->ItemSize]))
+#define ArrayListGetCount_MACRO(ArrayList)                       ((ArrayList)->Count)
+#define ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef(ArrayList, NativeType)         ((NativeType *)((ArrayList)->Array))
+#define ArrayListGetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, NativeType) (ArrayListGetTypedArrayRef(ArrayList,NativeType)[ItemOffset])
+ * Simple macro to determine if the item offset is within the array list
+ * capacity. In the debug or checked builds we also perform a lower bound
+ * assertion check.
+ */
+#if defined NO_ASSERTS
+# define ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ((ItemOffset) < (ArrayList)->Capacity)
+ * Using 'assert' rather than 'REQUIRE' because under Windows, REQUIRE (and ASSERT) trickles down to being a
+ * do-while loop, which doesn't jive well with the comma operator.
+ */
+# define ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity(ArrayList, ItemOffset) ((assert((ItemOffset) >= 0),TRUE) && ((ItemOffset) < (ArrayList)->Capacity))
+ * Places the item at the specified offset. If the offset is beyond the
+ * end of the list it is sized accordingly and the intervening items
+ * between the last item of the original state and the last item of the
+ * new state are guaranteed to be 0.
+ *
+ * This is the workhorse of the set and append convenience macros that follow.
+ * Please note that unlike ArrayListSetItem no destructor facility is provided
+ * therefore if an item previously occupied 'ItemOffset' it will be replaced.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list target in which to set the item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset of the item.
+ * param Item
+ *     Item to set at the specified offset. Its native type must
+ *     match 'NativeType'
+ * param NativeType
+ *     Native type of 'Item'.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+#define ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, NativeType) \
+    ((ArrayListOffsetWithinCapacity((ArrayList), (ItemOffset)) || \
+      ArrayListEnlargeCapacity((ArrayList), (ItemOffset)+1)) \
+          ? (((((NativeType *)((ArrayList)->Array))[(ItemOffset)]) = (Item)), \
+             (((ItemOffset)+1 > (ArrayList)->Count) \
+                  ? (((ArrayList)->Count = (ItemOffset)+1), TRUE) \
+                  : (TRUE))) \
+          : (FALSE))
+ * This section provides macros for high speed setting and appending to an
+ * array list of a known type. The only additional overhead incurred versus just
+ * using a simple array is the cost of testing the array list capacity.
+ */
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned char)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)    ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned short)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned int)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned long)
+#define ArrayListSetInt64(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, Int64_t)
+#define ArrayListSetChar(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, char)
+#define ArrayListSetShort(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, short)
+#define ArrayListSetInt(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)              ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, int)
+#define ArrayListSetLong(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, long)
+#define ArrayListSetFloat(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, float)
+#define ArrayListSetDouble(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, double)
+#define ArrayListSetLgIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, LgIndex_t)
+#define ArrayListSetEntIndex(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, EntIndex_t)
+#define ArrayListSetSmInteger(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, SmInteger_t)
+#define ArrayListSetBoolean(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, Boolean_t)
+#define ArrayListSetArbParam(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, ArbParam_t)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned char *)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item) ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned short *)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)   ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned int *)
+#define ArrayListSetUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, unsigned long *)
+#define ArrayListSetInt64Ptr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, Int64_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetCharPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, char *)
+#define ArrayListSetShortPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, short *)
+#define ArrayListSetIntPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, int *)
+#define ArrayListSetLongPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, long *)
+#define ArrayListSetFloatPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, float *)
+#define ArrayListSetDoublePtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, double *)
+#define ArrayListSetLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, LgIndex_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, EntIndex_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, SmInteger_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetBooleanPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, Boolean_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetArbParamPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, ArbParam_t *)
+#define ArrayListSetVoidPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, void *)
+#define ArrayListSetFunctionPtr(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Item, (**)(void))
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedChar(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned char)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedShort(ArrayList, Item)    ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned short)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedInt(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned int)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedLong(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned long)
+#define ArrayListAppendInt64(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, Int64_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendChar(ArrayList, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, char)
+#define ArrayListAppendShort(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, short)
+#define ArrayListAppendInt(ArrayList, Item)              ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, int)
+#define ArrayListAppendLong(ArrayList, Item)             ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, long)
+#define ArrayListAppendFloat(ArrayList, Item)            ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, float)
+#define ArrayListAppendDouble(ArrayList, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, double)
+#define ArrayListAppendLgIndex(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, LgIndex_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendEntIndex(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, EntIndex_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendSmInteger(ArrayList, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, SmInteger_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendBoolean(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, Boolean_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendArbParam(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, ArbParam_t)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedCharPtr(ArrayList, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned char *)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedShortPtr(ArrayList, Item) ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned short *)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedIntPtr(ArrayList, Item)   ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned int *)
+#define ArrayListAppendUnsignedLongPtr(ArrayList, Item)  ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, unsigned long *)
+#define ArrayListAppendInt64Ptr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, Int64_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendCharPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, char *)
+#define ArrayListAppendShortPtr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, short *)
+#define ArrayListAppendIntPtr(ArrayList, Item)           ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, int *)
+#define ArrayListAppendLongPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, long *)
+#define ArrayListAppendFloatPtr(ArrayList, Item)         ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, float *)
+#define ArrayListAppendDoublePtr(ArrayList, Item)        ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, double *)
+#define ArrayListAppendLgIndexPtr(ArrayList, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, LgIndex_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendEntIndexPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, EntIndex_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendSmIntegerPtr(ArrayList, Item)     ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, SmInteger_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendBooleanPtr(ArrayList, Item)       ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, Boolean_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendArbParamPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, ArbParam_t *)
+#define ArrayListAppendVoidPtr(ArrayList, Item)          ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, void *)
+#define ArrayListAppendFunctionPtr(ArrayList, Item)      ArrayListSetTypedItem(ArrayList, (ArrayList)->Count, Item, (**)(void))
+#endif /* ARRLIST_h */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/AUXDATA.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/AUXDATA.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..27c4747a3d2867dce50e248e3b06d0acc407943a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/AUXDATA.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ */
+#if !defined AUXDATA_h
+#define AUXDATA_h
+#if defined EXTERN
+#  undef EXTERN
+#if defined AUXDATAMODULE
+#  define EXTERN
+#  define EXTERN extern
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidNameChar(char      Char,
+                                        Boolean_t IsLeadChar);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidName(const char *Name);
+ */
+EXTERN AuxData_pa AuxDataAlloc(void);
+ */
+EXTERN void AuxDataDealloc(AuxData_pa *AuxData);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                       ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+ */
+EXTERN AuxData_pa AuxDataCopy(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                              Boolean_t  ConsiderRetain);
+ */
+EXTERN LgIndex_t AuxDataGetNumItems(AuxData_pa AuxData);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataGetItemIndex(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                                     const char *Name,
+                                     LgIndex_t  *ItemIndex);
+ */
+EXTERN void AuxDataGetItemByIndex(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                                  LgIndex_t     Index,
+                                  const char    **Name,
+                                  ArbParam_t    *Value,
+                                  AuxDataType_e *Type,
+                                  Boolean_t     *Retain);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataGetItemByName(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                                      const char    *Name,
+                                      ArbParam_t    *Value,
+                                      AuxDataType_e *Type,
+                                      Boolean_t     *Retain);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataGetBooleanItemByName(AuxData_pa     AuxData,
+                                             const char    *Name,
+                                             Boolean_t     *Value,
+                                             AuxDataType_e *Type,
+                                             Boolean_t     *Retain);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataSetItem(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                                const char    *Name,
+                                ArbParam_t    Value,
+                                AuxDataType_e Type,
+                                Boolean_t     Retain);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataDeleteItemByName(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                                         const char *Name);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AuxDataAppendItems(AuxData_pa TargetAuxData,
+                                    AuxData_pa SourceAuxData);
+ */
+EXTERN void AuxDataDeleteItemByIndex(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                                     LgIndex_t  Index);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#endif /* !defined AUXDATA_h */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c57df19edd93eadabe8fa3138f110ab9411121a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined DATAIOMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+EXTERN Boolean_t OpenBinaryFileAndCheckMagicNumber(FileStream_s **FileStream,
+                                                   char          *FName,
+                                                   FileOffset_t   StartOffset,
+                                                   short         *IVersion);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadDataFileHeader(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                    short            IVersion,
+                                    Boolean_t        ShowDataIOStatus,
+                                    EntIndex_t      *NumZones,
+                                    EntIndex_t      *NumVars,
+                                    SmInteger_t     *NumCustomLabelSets,
+                                    char           **DataSetTitle,
+                                    Text_s         **BaseText,
+                                    Geom_s         **BaseGeom,
+                                    StringList_pa  **CustomLabelBase,
+                                    StringList_pa   *UserRec,
+                                    AuxData_pa      *DataSetAuxData,
+                                    Set_pa         **IsVarCellCentered,
+                                    Boolean_t       *HasText,
+                                    Boolean_t       *HasGeoms,
+                                    ArrayList_pa    *ZoneSpecList,
+                                    StringList_pa   *VarNames,
+                                    ArrayList_pa    *VarAuxDataList, /*<AuxData_pa>[NumVars]*/
+                                    Set_pa          *IsRawFNAvailable, /* classic data only */
+                                    LgIndex_t      **FNNumBndryConns,  /* classic data only */
+                                    DataFileType_e  *FileType);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO4.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e97dc98f646954e43808fccab76f31488ee2db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAIO4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef DATAIO4_H
+#define DATAIO4_H
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include <set>
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined DATAIO4MODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+EXTERN double GetNextValue(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                           FieldDataType_e  FieldDataType,
+                           double           Min,
+                           double           Max,
+                           Boolean_t       *IsOk);
+EXTERN LgIndex_t GetNextI(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                          Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN LgIndex_t GetIoFileInt(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                              short         Version,
+                              LgIndex_t     Min,
+                              LgIndex_t     Max,
+                              Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInString(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                              short          IVersion,
+                              int            MaxCharacters,
+                              char         **S,
+                              Boolean_t      ProcessData);
+EXTERN void ReadByteBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                          Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                          Byte_t       *Buffer,
+                          HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                          HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                          Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadInt16Block(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                           Int16_t      *Buffer,
+                           HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                           HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                           Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadInt16BlockToInt32(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                  Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                                  Int32_t      *Buffer,
+                                  HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                                  HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                                  Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadInt32Block(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                           Int32_t      *Buffer,
+                           HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                           HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                           Boolean_t    *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadPureBlock(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                          Boolean_t       DoRead,
+                          void           *Buffer,
+                          FieldDataType_e FieldDataType,
+                          HgIndex_t       StartIndex,
+                          HgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                          Boolean_t      *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadBlock(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                      FieldData_pa    FieldData,
+                      Boolean_t       DoRead,
+                      FieldDataType_e FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                      HgIndex_t       StartIndex,
+                      HgIndex_t       EndIndex,
+                      Boolean_t      *IsOk);
+EXTERN void ReadClassicOrderedCCBlock(FileStream_s    *DataFileStream,
+                                      FieldData_pa     FieldData,
+                                      FieldDataType_e  FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                                      LgIndex_t        NumIPtsInFile,
+                                      LgIndex_t        NumJPtsInFile,
+                                      LgIndex_t        NumKPtsInFile,
+                                      Boolean_t       *IsOk);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInDataFileTypeTitleAndVarNames(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                                                    short           IVersion,
+                                                    char          **DataSetTitle,
+                                                    DataFileType_e *FileType,
+                                                    int            *NumVars,
+                                                    StringList_pa  *VarNames);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInZoneHeader(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                  short         IVersion,
+                                  ZoneSpec_s   *ZoneSpec,
+                                  Set_pa        IsVarCellCentered,
+                                  EntIndex_t    NumVars,
+                                  Boolean_t    *IsRawFNAvailable,
+                                  LgIndex_t    *FNNumBndryConns);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInCustomLabels(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                                    short          IVersion,
+                                    Boolean_t      OkToLoad,
+                                    StringList_pa *CustomLabelBase);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInUserRec(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                               short          IVersion,
+                               int            MaxCharactersAllowed,
+                               char         **UserRec);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInAuxData(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                               short         IVersion,
+                               AuxData_pa    AuxData);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInGeometry(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                short         IVersion,
+                                Boolean_t     OkToLoad,
+                                Geom_s       *G,
+                                LgIndex_t     MaxDataPts);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReadInText(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                            short         IVersion,
+                            Boolean_t     OkToLoad,
+                            Text_s       *T,
+                            LgIndex_t     MaxTextLen);
+ * STDCALL since PreplotAsciiDatafile is sent to RegisterDataSetReader
+ * which can also be used by addons.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t STDCALL PreplotAsciiDatafile(char  *CurFName,
+                                              char  *BinaryFName,
+                                              char **MessageString);
+EXTERN short GetInputVersion(FileStream_s *FileStream);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt16BlockUnaligned(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                                Byte_t       *Int16Values,
+                                                HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                                                Boolean_t     ValuesInNativeOrdering);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt32BlockUnaligned(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                                Byte_t       *Int32Values,
+                                                HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                                                Boolean_t     ValuesInNativeOrdering);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryByteBlock(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                      const Byte_t    *ByteValues,
+                                      const HgIndex_t  NumValues);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt16(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                  Int16_t       Value);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                  Int32_t       Value);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryReal(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                 double           RR,
+                                 FieldDataType_e  FieldDataType);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteFieldDataType(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                    FieldDataType_e  FDT,
+                                    Boolean_t        WriteBinary);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                           FieldData_pa  D,
+                                           LgIndex_t     StartI,
+                                           LgIndex_t     NumValues);
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteCCFieldDataBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                       FieldData_pa  FieldData,
+                                       Boolean_t     IsOrderedData,
+                                       LgIndex_t     NumIPts,
+                                       LgIndex_t     NumJPts,
+                                       LgIndex_t     NumKPts,
+                                       Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+                                       SmInteger_t   AsciiPrecision);
+EXTERN Boolean_t DumpDatafileString(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                    const char   *S,
+                                    Boolean_t     WriteBinary);
+bool DumpGeometry(FileStream_s* FileStream,
+                  Geom_s const* Geom,
+                  Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+                  Boolean_t     WriteGridDataAsPolar);
+bool DumpText(FileStream_s* FileStream,
+              Text_s const* Text,
+              Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+              Boolean_t     WriteGridDataAsPolar);
+EXTERN Boolean_t DumpCustomAxisLabels(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                                      Boolean_t      WriteBinary,
+                                      StringList_pa  LabelBase);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+EXTERN Boolean_t WriteBinaryMagic(FileStream_s *FileStream);
+bool writeBinaryVersionNumber(FileStream_s& fileStream,
+                              int           versionNumber);
+#endif //DATAIO4_H
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89cc27ff9c313daa8c6d0dd960afed66a09e91e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef DATASET_h__
+#define DATASET_h__
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+ * DataSet functions involving zones, vars and the
+ * DataSet_s structure.  See dataset0.c for low level
+ * dataset functions and dataset2 for higher level
+ * functions.
+ */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+Boolean_t FieldDataItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                  ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+Boolean_t ZoneSpecItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                 ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+LgIndex_t ZoneOrVarListAdjustCapacityRequest(ArrayList_pa ZoneOrVarArrayList,
+                                             LgIndex_t    CurrentCapacity,
+                                             LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity,
+                                             ArbParam_t   ClientData);
+void CleanoutZoneSpec(ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec);
+void ZoneSpecExcludeBndryConnsFromMetrics(ZoneSpec_s* ZoneSpec);
+ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpecAlloc(void);
+void ZoneSpecDealloc(ZoneSpec_s **ZoneSpec);
+void SetZoneSpecDefaults(ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#define GetZoneSpec(ZoneSpecList,Zone) ((ZoneSpec_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(ZoneSpecList,Zone))
+#define GetZoneAuxData(DataSet, Zone) (GetZoneSpec((DataSet)->ZoneSpecList, (Zone))->AuxData)
+#define GetVarSpec(VarSpecList,Var) ((VarSpec_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(VarSpecList,Var))
+#define GetVarAuxData(DataSet, Var) (GetVarSpec((DataSet)->VarSpecList, (Var))->AuxData)
+#define GetStrandInfo(StrandInfoList, StrandID) ((StrandInfo_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(StrandInfoList,StrandID))
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* defined TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#endif // DATASET_h__
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET0.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET0.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee33773f304c8480d263c751482bf130359e58f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASET0.h
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined DATASET0MODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+namespace tecplot
+namespace io
+class File;
+EXTERN void OutOfMemoryMsg(void);
+ * Turn on DEBUG_FIELDVALUES by default in any build with assertions on
+ * (including checked builds), but allow turning this off with
+ */
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS && !defined NO_DEBUG_FIELDVALUES && !defined DEBUG_FIELDVALUES
+/* FieldData_a is intentionally not defined to further
+ * deter usage of this private structure */
+struct _FieldData_a
+    void               *Data; /* ...placed first in the structure for fastest access */
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# else
+    void *GetValueCallback[1]; /* ...this field is for TecIO only */
+    void *SetValueCallback[1]; /* ...this field is for TecIO only */
+# endif
+    /* PRIVATE */
+    FieldDataType_e     Type;
+    ValueLocation_e     ValueLocation;
+    LgIndex_t           RefCount;
+    LgIndex_t           VarShareRefCount;
+    LgIndex_t           NumValues;
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL /* TecIO doesn't require these features yet. */
+# endif
+/* *
+ * * NOTE: "FieldData_pa" here is an "abstract type".
+ * * Any routines dealing with the internals workings
+ * * of FieldData_pa must be in the same file as these
+ * * routines
+ * */
+ * These are low-level (private) FD manipulation functions.  In
+ * most cases, you should use some higher-level function.  These
+ * macros are supplied for the dataset functions to use.
+ */
+#define GetFieldDataType               GetFieldDataType_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataGetFunction        GetFieldDataGetFunction_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataSetFunction        GetFieldDataSetFunction_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataNumValues          GetFieldDataNumValues_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataValueLocation      GetFieldDataValueLocation_MACRO
+#define IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataType               GetFieldDataType_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataGetFunction        GetFieldDataGetFunction_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataSetFunction        GetFieldDataSetFunction_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataNumValues          GetFieldDataNumValues_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataValueLocation      GetFieldDataValueLocation_FUNC
+#define IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataType_MACRO(FieldData)          ((FieldData)->Type)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#else /* ...for TecIO only */
+#define GetFieldDataGetFunction_MACRO(FieldData)   ((FieldValueGetFunction_pf)(FieldData)->GetValueCallback[0])
+#define GetFieldDataSetFunction_MACRO(FieldData)   ((FieldValueSetFunction_pf)(FieldData)->SetValueCallback[0])
+#define GetFieldDataNumValues_MACRO(FieldData)     ((FieldData)->NumValues)
+#define GetFieldDataValueLocation_MACRO(FieldData) ((FieldData)->ValueLocation)
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForFloat(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForDouble(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForInt32(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForInt16(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForByte(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+EXTERN double STDCALL GetFieldValueForBit(const FieldData_pa fd, LgIndex_t pt);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#define IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_MACRO(FieldData) ((FieldData)->Data != NULL)
+EXTERN FieldDataType_e GetFieldDataType_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+EXTERN FieldValueGetFunction_pf GetFieldDataGetFunction_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+EXTERN FieldValueSetFunction_pf GetFieldDataSetFunction_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+EXTERN LgIndex_t GetFieldDataNumValues_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+EXTERN ValueLocation_e GetFieldDataValueLocation_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+ * Use separate types for reversed byte data than unreversed data so we
+ * have better compiler checking.
+ */
+typedef UInt32_t FloatRev_t;
+typedef UInt64_t DoubleRev_t;
+typedef UInt16_t Int16Rev_t;
+typedef UInt32_t Int32Rev_t;
+typedef UInt64_t Int64Rev_t;
+ * Note: there are so many GetFieldData*Ptr functions because we
+ * want a bunch of error checking.  The Type and TypeRev check
+ * for that type.  The Byte, 2Byte, etc. just make sure it is
+ * that type.
+ * GetFieldDataVoidPtr checks nothing, and thus should only be
+ * used with extreme caution (that is, checking the alignment
+ * and byte order by hand).
+ */
+#define GetFieldDataFloatPtr      GetFieldDataFloatPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr   GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataDoublePtr     GetFieldDataDoublePtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr  GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt64Ptr      GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt32Ptr      GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt16Ptr      GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataBytePtr       GetFieldDataBytePtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldData2BytePtr      GetFieldData2BytePtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldData4BytePtr      GetFieldData4BytePtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldData8BytePtr      GetFieldData8BytePtr_MACRO
+#define GetFieldDataVoidPtr       GetFieldDataVoidPtr_MACRO /*danger:see above*/
+#define GetFieldDataFloatPtr      GetFieldDataFloatPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr   GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataDoublePtr     GetFieldDataDoublePtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr  GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt64Ptr      GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt32Ptr      GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt16Ptr      GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr   GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataBytePtr       GetFieldDataBytePtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldData2BytePtr      GetFieldData2BytePtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldData4BytePtr      GetFieldData4BytePtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldData8BytePtr      GetFieldData8BytePtr_FUNC
+#define GetFieldDataVoidPtr       GetFieldDataVoidPtr_FUNC /*danger:see above*/
+#define GetFieldDataFloatPtr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((float *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr_MACRO(FieldData)  ((FloatRev_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataDoublePtr_MACRO(FieldData)    ((double *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr_MACRO(FieldData) ((DoubleRev_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((Int64_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr_MACRO(FieldData)  ((Int64Rev_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((Int32_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr_MACRO(FieldData)  ((Int32Rev_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((Int16_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr_MACRO(FieldData)  ((Int16Rev_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataBytePtr_MACRO(FieldData)      ((Byte_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldData2BytePtr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((UInt16_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldData4BytePtr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((UInt32_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldData8BytePtr_MACRO(FieldData)     ((UInt64_t *)((FieldData)->Data))
+#define GetFieldDataVoidPtr_MACRO(FieldData)      ((void *)((FieldData)->Data)) /*danger:see above*/
+EXTERN float *GetFieldDataFloatPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN FloatRev_t *GetFieldDataFloatRevPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN double *GetFieldDataDoublePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN DoubleRev_t *GetFieldDataDoubleRevPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int64_t *GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int64Rev_t *GetFieldDataInt64RevPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int32_t *GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int32Rev_t *GetFieldDataInt32RevPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int16_t *GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Int16Rev_t *GetFieldDataInt16RevPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN Byte_t *GetFieldDataBytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN UInt16_t *GetFieldData2BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN UInt32_t *GetFieldData4BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN UInt64_t *GetFieldData8BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd);
+EXTERN void *GetFieldDataVoidPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd); /*danger:see above*/
+ */
+EXTERN FieldData_pa AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(LgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                                                  FieldDataType_e Type,
+                                                  Boolean_t       ShowErrMsg);
+ */
+EXTERN void DeallocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(FieldData_pa *ScratchFieldData);
+ * Assume that indexrange has already been converted to the actual indices.
+ */
+EXTERN void CalcFieldDataMinMaxUsingRange(FieldData_pa  field_data,
+                                          double       *min_ptr,
+                                          double       *max_ptr,
+                                          LgIndex_t     startindex,
+                                          IndexRange_s *indexrange);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+EXTERN void CopyTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                                void            *DstArray,
+                                LgIndex_t        DstStart,
+                                void            *SrcArray,
+                                LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                                LgIndex_t        SrcEnd);
+EXTERN void SwapBytesInTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                                       void            *SrcArray,
+                                       LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                                       LgIndex_t        SrcEnd,
+                                       LgIndex_t        SrcSkip);
+EXTERN void SwapBytesInUnalignedTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                                                void            *SrcArray,
+                                                LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                                                LgIndex_t        SrcEnd,
+                                                LgIndex_t        SrcSkip);
+ * Copies values from "src" to "dst".  "src" or "dst" may
+ * be differing types.  Either or both may be V3D data pointers.
+ */
+EXTERN void CopyFieldDataRange(FieldData_pa dst,
+                               LgIndex_t    dst_start,
+                               FieldData_pa src,
+                               LgIndex_t    src_start,
+                               LgIndex_t    src_end); /* -1 means last point */
+ * Copy all values in field data
+ */
+EXTERN void CopyFieldData(FieldData_pa dst,
+                          FieldData_pa src);
+ * Like CopyFieldData except for single value.
+ */
+EXTERN void CopyFieldValue(FieldData_pa dst,
+                           LgIndex_t    dstindex,
+                           FieldData_pa src,
+                           LgIndex_t    srcindex);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Sets all values in the field data pointer "field_data"
+ * to zero.
+ */
+EXTERN void SetFieldDataPtrToAllZeros(FieldData_pa field_data);
+ * GetFieldValue macro
+ */
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS || defined DEBUG_FIELDVALUES
+#define GetFieldValue(fd,pt) ((GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd))((fd),(pt)))
+#define GetFieldValue(fd,pt) (GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd)==GetFieldValueForFloat \
+                                ?GetFieldDataFloatPtr(fd)[(pt)] \
+                                :(GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd))((fd),(pt)))
+#define GetFieldValue(fd,pt) (GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd)==GetFieldValueForDouble \
+                                ?GetFieldDataDoublePtr(fd)[(pt)] \
+                                :(GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd))((fd),(pt)))
+#define GetFieldValue(fd,pt) (GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd)==GetFieldValueForFloat \
+                                ?GetFieldDataFloatPtr(fd)[(pt)] \
+                                :GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd)==GetFieldValueForDouble \
+                                ?GetFieldDataDoublePtr(fd)[(pt)] \
+                                :(GetFieldDataGetFunction(fd))((fd),(pt)))
+#error "Need to define one of FIELD_VALUE_MACRO constants"
+ * SetFieldValue macro
+ */
+#define SetFieldValue(fd,pt,val) ((GetFieldDataSetFunction(fd))((fd),(pt),(val)))
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined _DEBUG
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASHR.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASHR.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea8b1d26d20f7f8df627e654f5248d48fac18c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATASHR.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined DATASHRMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * General set of macros for reference count mananagement.
+ */
+#define IncStructureReference(V)  ((V)->RefCount++)
+#define DecStructureReference(V)  ((V)->RefCount--)
+#define IsStructureShared(V)      ((V)->RefCount > 1)
+#define IsStructureReferenced(V)  ((V)->RefCount > 0)
+ * Special set of macros for field data that is having variable sharing between
+ * zones tracked. Field data maintains two reference counts: The first,
+ * RefCount, is used to keep track of when the field data needs to be
+ * deallocated; the second, VarShareRefCount, is used to track variable sharing
+ * between zones.
+ */
+#define IncVarStructureReference(V)  ((V)->VarShareRefCount++)
+#define DecVarStructureReference(V)  ((V)->VarShareRefCount--)
+#define IsVarStructureShared(V)      ((V)->VarShareRefCount > 1)
+#define IsVarStructureReferenced(V)  ((V)->VarShareRefCount > 0)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAUTIL.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAUTIL.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf0195fffc2381dfea21df155b1e7f558d163335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/DATAUTIL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+ * DATAUTIL.h : COPYRIGHT (C)1987-2002 Tecplot, Inc.
+ *                 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef DATAUTIL_H
+#define DATAUTIL_H
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+extern void InitInputSpecs(void);
+ *
+ * Read a binary tecplot datafile.
+ *
+ * @param GetHeaderInfoOnly
+ *   Return only the header info from the datafile.
+ *
+ * @param FName
+ *  Name of the file to read.
+ *
+ * @param IVersion
+ *  Returns version of the input file.
+ *
+ * @param DataSetTitle
+ *  Allocates space for and returns dataset title.
+ *
+ * @param NumZones
+ *  Returns the number of zones.
+ *
+ * @param NumVars
+ *  Returns the number of variables.
+ *
+ * @param VarNames
+ *  Allocates space for and returns the var names.
+ *
+ * @param ZoneNames
+ *  Allocates space for and returns the zone names.
+ *
+ * @param NumPtsI, NumPtsJ, NumPtsK
+ *  Zone dimensions loaded into LgIndex_t arrays.
+ *
+ * @param ZoneNames
+ *  Zone types loaded into ZoneType_e array.
+ *
+ * @param UserRec
+ *  Allocates space for and returns the user records.
+ *
+ * @param RawDataspaceAllocated
+ *  Only used if GetHeaderInfoOnly is FALSE. TRUE = calling program has alloced space for
+ *  the raw data. FALSE= let ReadTec allocate space for the raw data.
+ *
+ * @param NodeMap
+ *  Finite Element connectivity information. ReadTec
+ *  will allocate the space for you if RawDataspaceAllocated is FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param VDataBase
+ *  Raw field data loaded into double arrays.  ReadTec
+ *  will allocate the space for you if RawDataspaceAllocated is
+ *  FALSE.  If RawDataspaceAllocated is TRUE then ReadTec will
+ *  only load the arrays that have non NULL addresses.
+ *
+ */
+LIBFUNCTION Boolean_t STDCALL ReadTec(Boolean_t       GetHeaderInfoOnly,
+                                      char           *FName,
+                                      short          *IVersion,
+                                      char          **DataSetTitle,
+                                      EntIndex_t     *NumZones,
+                                      EntIndex_t     *NumVars,
+                                      StringList_pa  *VarNames,
+                                      StringList_pa  *ZoneNames,
+                                      LgIndex_t     **NumPtsI,
+                                      LgIndex_t     **NumPtsJ,
+                                      LgIndex_t     **NumPtsK,
+                                      ZoneType_e    **ZoneType,
+                                      StringList_pa  *UserRec,
+                                      Boolean_t       RawDataspaceAllocated,
+                                      NodeMap_t    ***NodeMap,
+                                      double       ***VDataBase);
+LIBFUNCTION void * STDCALL TecAlloc(size_t size);
+LIBFUNCTION void STDCALL TecFree(void *ptr);
+#endif /* !DATAUTIL_H */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FACE.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FACE.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c0c89a9b432872f32760eb47191dc162c18af7df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FACE.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#ifndef _FACE_H_
+#define _FACE_H_
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined FACEMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+namespace tecplot
+namespace kernel
+class SubElemValueProducerInterface;
+ */
+inline Boolean_t IsCellFaceLogicallyCollapsed(LgIndex_t I1,
+                                              LgIndex_t I2,
+                                              LgIndex_t I3,
+                                              LgIndex_t I4)
+    return ((I1 == I2 && I3 == I4) ||
+            (I1 == I4 && I2 == I3) ||
+            (I1 == I3)             ||
+            (I2 == I4));
+ *   A face obscuration of FaceObscuration_LogicallyObscured means that the
+ *   face is entirely obscured by either an implicit neighbor for inside faces
+ *   of ordered data or an auto generated neighbor for finite element data. In
+ *   either case, logical obscuration is not considered if user defined
+ *   neighbors have been specified for the face. Therefore, interior faces of
+ *   ordered data can have an indication of FaceObscuration_PartiallyObscured.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    FaceObscuration_NotObscured,
+    FaceObscuration_PartiallyObscured,
+    FaceObscuration_EntirelyObscured,
+    FaceObscuration_LogicallyObscured,
+    END_FaceObscuration_e,
+    FaceObscuration_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FaceObscuration_e;
+ */
+EXTERN LgIndex_t GetLogicalOrderedNeighbor(LgIndex_t NumIPts,
+                                           LgIndex_t NumJPts,
+                                           LgIndex_t NumKPts,
+                                           LgIndex_t Element,
+                                           LgIndex_t Face);
+ * Function to determine a cell's neighbor.  It calls FaceNeighborGetSurfaceCellNeighbor()
+ * for classic zones.
+ */
+EXTERN void GetSurfaceCellNeighbor(CZInfo_s const*                                 CZInfo,
+                                   CZData_s const*                                 CZData,
+                                   LgIndex_t                                       SurfaceCellIndex,
+                                   tecplot::kernel::SubElemValueProducerInterface* NodeValueProducer,
+                                   ElemFaceOffset_t                                PlaneOrFaceOffset,
+                                   ElemFaceOffset_t                                Edge,
+                                   LgIndex_t*                                      NeighborSurfaceCellElem,
+                                   EntIndex_t*                                     NeighborSurfaceCellZone);
+ */
+EXTERN FaceObscuration_e GetFaceObscuration(CZInfo_s const* CZInfo,
+                                            CZData_s const* CZData,
+                                            Set_pa          ActiveRelevantZones,
+                                            LgIndex_t       Element,
+                                            LgIndex_t       FOffset,
+                                            Boolean_t       ConsiderValueBlanking,
+                                            Boolean_t       ConsiderIJKBlanking,
+                                            Boolean_t       ConsiderDepthBlanking);
+EXTERN EntIndex_t GetNodesPerElementFace(ZoneType_e ZoneType);
+EXTERN EntIndex_t GetFacesPerElement(ZoneType_e ZoneType,
+                                     LgIndex_t  IMax,
+                                     LgIndex_t  JMax,
+                                     LgIndex_t  KMax);
+EXTERN CollapsedStatus_e GetSurfaceCellCollapsedStatus(CZInfo_s const*                                 CZInfo,
+                                                       CZData_s const*                                 CZData,
+                                                       tecplot::kernel::SubElemValueProducerInterface* SubElemValueProducer);
+EXTERN CollapsedStatus_e GetSurfaceCellCollapsedStatus(CZInfo_s const* CZInfo,
+                                                       CZData_s const* CZData,
+                                                       LgIndex_t       I1,
+                                                       LgIndex_t       I2,
+                                                       LgIndex_t       I3,
+                                                       LgIndex_t       I4);
+EXTERN CollapsedStatus_e GetSurfaceCellLogicalCollapsedStatus(ZoneType_e ZoneType,
+                                                              LgIndex_t  I1,
+                                                              LgIndex_t  I2,
+                                                              LgIndex_t  I3,
+                                                              LgIndex_t  I4);
+EXTERN CollapsedStatus_e GetSurfEdgeOrVolFaceLogicalCollapsedStatus(NodeMap_pa NodeMap,
+                                                                    LgIndex_t  Element,
+                                                                    EntIndex_t Face);
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsUserDefFaceNeighborBoundary(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor,
+                                               LgIndex_t       Element,
+                                               LgIndex_t       Face);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FILESTREAM.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FILESTREAM.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edb10ce253204c3b8b8390df395b058ff5300246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/FILESTREAM.h
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ******     Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.          *******
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+#if !defined FILESTREAM_h
+#define FILESTREAM_h
+#if defined EXTERN
+#  undef EXTERN
+#  define EXTERN
+#  define EXTERN extern
+typedef struct
+    FILE      *File;
+    Boolean_t  IsByteOrderNative;
+} FileStream_s;
+ * Creates a structure for associating an open file stream with its byte
+ * order. The byte order can changed at any time.
+ *
+ * @param File
+ *     Handle to a file which can be NULL.
+ * @param IsByteOrderNative
+ *     TRUE if the file's byte order is native, FALSE if foreign.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     An allocated structure associating an open file to its byte order.
+ */
+EXTERN FileStream_s *FileStreamAlloc(FILE      *File,
+                                     Boolean_t  IsByteOrderNative);
+ * Deallocates the structure associating the file stream with the byte order.
+ * This function does NOT close the file.
+ *
+ * @param FileStream
+ *     Pointer to an open file stream or a pointer to NULL.
+ */
+EXTERN void FileStreamDealloc(FileStream_s **FileStream);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..092b92dfd2d993fffc0f100936de22bf87651182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined GEOMMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+/* * macros for checking CoordSys_e * */
+          (((sys)==CoordSys_Frame) || \
+           ((sys)==CoordSys_Grid))
+          (((sys)==CoordSys_Frame) || \
+           ((sys)==CoordSys_Grid)  || \
+           ((sys)==CoordSys_Grid3D))
+#define VALID_GEOM_COORDSYS(sys) \
+          (((sys)==CoordSys_Frame) || \
+           ((sys)==CoordSys_Grid)  || \
+           ((sys)==CoordSys_Grid3D))
+#define VALID_GEOM_TYPE(geomtype) \
+          ( VALID_ENUM((geomtype),GeomType_e) && \
+            (geomtype)!=GeomType_LineSegs3D )
+#define VALID_GEOM_FIELD_DATA_TYPE(datatype) \
+          ( ( (datatype) == FieldDataType_Float ) || \
+            ( (datatype) == FieldDataType_Double ) )
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM2.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9dcd68acbacfbd647566fd1e41837b73f698294f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GEOM2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined GEOM2MODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+EXTERN FieldDataType_e GetGeomFieldDataType(Geom_s const* Geom);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GLOBAL.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GLOBAL.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21e35a947c20131cee3a77b1294ad7fdd9d39c7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/GLOBAL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7271 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+/* NOTE: All code contained between comments that look like
+ * are pulled out to create the GLOBAL.h file used in addons.
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#ifndef _GLOBAL_H
+#define _GLOBAL_H
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined Q_MAINMODULE && defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#define EXTERN extern
+ * The reason for wrapping this test with "begin and end remove from addon" key
+ * words is so that the ADK users doesn't have to see this mess.
+ */
+#if !defined COREAPI && \
+    !defined TECUTILMMODULE && \
+    !defined TECUTILOMODULE && \
+    !defined TECUTILQMODULE && \
+    !defined TECUTILSMODULE
+/* we don't want Tecplot internals using deprecated interfaces */
+ *                                                              *
+ *                          MACROS                              *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+#if defined TRUE
+#undef TRUE
+#if defined FALSE
+#undef FALSE
+#if defined MIN
+#undef MIN
+#if defined MAX
+#undef MAX
+#if defined ROUND
+#undef ROUND
+#if defined ROUND2
+#undef ROUND2
+#if defined TRUNC
+#undef TRUNC
+#define TRUE                  ((Boolean_t)1)
+#define FALSE                 ((Boolean_t)0)
+ *                                                              *
+ *                           MACROS                             *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+#define ABS(X)                ((X) >= 0 ? (X) : -(X) )
+#define MAX(X,Y)              ((X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y) )
+#define MIN(X,Y)              ((X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y) )
+#define BESTSHOWCOLOR(X)      ((X) == White_C ? Black_C : White_C)
+#define ROUND_TO_BYTE(X)      ((BYTE)((X)+0.499))
+#define ROUNDS(X)             ((short)((X)+0.499))
+#define ROUNDL(X)             ((LgIndex_t)((X)+0.499))
+#define ROUND2(X)             ((X) >= 0 ? ((int)((X)+0.499)) : ((int)((X)-0.499)))
+#define TRUNC(X)              ((short) (X))
+#define RAD_TO_DEG(rad)       (180.*(rad)/PI)
+#define DEG_TO_RAD(deg)       (PI*(deg)/180.)
+# define CAPITAL(C) ( ('a'<=(C)&&(C)<='z') ? ((C)+('A'-'a')) : (C) ) /* okay for UNICODE */
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL && defined MSWIN
+#define ISEMPTYSTRING(S)      ( ((const char*)(S))[0] == '\0' )
+#define ISWHITESPACE(C)       ((C == ' ') || (C == '\t') || (C == '\n'))
+#define ISSEPARATOR(C)        ((C == ' ') || (C == '\t') || (C == ','))
+/* clamp the input to the specified range */
+#define CLAMP(value,low,high) ((value)<(low) ? (low) : (value) > (high) ? (high) : (value))
+/* integer division rounds any fraction up (for example n=16,d=3 results in 6) */
+#define INTEGER_DIVIDE_AND_ROUND_UP(n, d) (((int)(n)+(int)(d)-1)/(int)(d))
+ * Calcualtes the cell's primary corner or cell centered index from the I, J,
+ * and K indices.
+ *
+ * Consider this IJ zone dimensioned 4 by 3:
+ * @verbatim
+    +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |  <8>  |  <9>  |  <10> |  <11> |  <--- ghost cells
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |8      |9      |10     |11     |
+    +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |  <4>  |  <5>  |  <6>  |  <7>  |
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |4      |5      |6      |7      |
+    +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |  <0>  |  <1>  |  <2>  |  <3>  |
+    |       |       |       |       |
+    |0      |1      |2      |3      |
+    +-------+-------+-------+-------+
+                                 .
+                                /|\
+                                 |
+                                 |
+                            ghost cells
+ */
+#define IJKINDEX(CZData,I,J,K) ((I) + \
+                                ((J)*(CZData)->NumIPts) + \
+                                ((K)*(CZData)->NumIJPts))
+ * Calculates the I indice from the cell's primary corner or cell centered
+ * index. See IJKINDEX() for a picture.
+ */
+#define IINDEX(CZData,N) ((N) % (CZData)->NumIPts)
+ * Calculates the J indice from the cell's primary corner or cell centered
+ * index. See IJKINDEX() for a picture.
+ */
+#define JINDEX(CZData,N) (((N) % (CZData)->NumIJPts)/(CZData)->NumIPts)
+ * Calculates the K indice from the cell's primary corner or cell centered
+ * index. See IJKINDEX() for a picture.
+ */
+#define KINDEX(CZData,N) ((N)/(CZData)->NumIJPts)
+/* */
+#define SWITCH(Type,A,B)      do {Type T = (A); (A) = (B); (B) = T;} while (FALSE)
+#define SWITCH_DOUBLES(A,B)   SWITCH(double, (A), (B))
+#define FPRINTFOK(x)          (Boolean_t)((x) > 0)
+#define GRAPHICSARE3D(F)      ((F->PlotType == PlotType_Cartesian3D))
+/* convenience macros for implication, P -> Q, and equivalence, P <-> Q. */
+#define IMPLICATION(P,Q) (!(P) || (Q))
+#define EQUIVALENCE(P,Q) ((P) == (Q))
+/* suppress compiler warnings about unused parameters */
+#if defined UNUSED
+#undef UNUSED
+#define UNUSED(param) (void)param
+ * Converts a double into a float value
+ *
+ * param val
+ *     double value to be converted
+ */
+  ( (val) >= SMALLFLOAT \
+    ? ( (val) < LARGEFLOAT \
+        ? (float)(val) \
+        : (float)LARGEFLOAT \
+      ) \
+    : ( (val) <= -SMALLFLOAT  \
+        ? ( (val) > -LARGEFLOAT \
+            ? (float)(val) \
+            : (float)-LARGEFLOAT \
+          ) \
+        : (float)0.0 \
+      ) \
+  )
+ * Clamps a double at the limits of Tecplot's precision
+ *
+ * param val
+ *     double value to be clamped
+ */
+#define CLAMP_DOUBLE(val) \
+  ( (val) >= SMALLDOUBLE \
+    ? ( (val) < LARGEDOUBLE \
+        ? (double)(val) \
+        : (double)LARGEDOUBLE \
+      ) \
+    : ( (val) <= -SMALLDOUBLE  \
+        ? ( (val) > -LARGEDOUBLE \
+            ? (double)(val) \
+            : (double)-LARGEDOUBLE \
+          ) \
+        : (double)0.0 \
+      ) \
+  )
+ * Converts a double into a 4-byte (signed) integer value
+ *
+ * param val
+ *     double value to be converted
+ */
+#define CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_INT32(val) \
+  ( (val) >= 1.0 \
+    ? ( (val) < MAXINT32 \
+        ? (Int32_t)(val) \
+        : (Int32_t)MAXINT32 \
+      ) \
+    : ( (val) <= -1.0  \
+        ? ( (val) > (Int32_t)-MAXINT32 \
+            ? (Int32_t)(val) \
+            : (Int32_t)-MAXINT32 \
+          ) \
+        : (Int32_t)0.0 \
+      ) \
+  )
+ * Converts a double into a 2-byte (signed) integer value
+ *
+ * param val
+ *     double value to be converted
+ */
+#define CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_INT16(val) \
+  ( (val) >= 1.0 \
+    ? ( (val) < MAXINT16 \
+        ? (Int16_t)(val) \
+        : (Int16_t)MAXINT16 \
+      ) \
+    : ( (val) <= -1.0  \
+        ? ( (val) > (Int16_t)-MAXINT16 \
+            ? (Int16_t)(val) \
+            : (Int16_t)-MAXINT16 \
+          ) \
+        : (Int16_t)0.0 \
+      ) \
+  )
+ * Copies two bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer without causing a page
+ * fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the two bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the two bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_2_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Copies two bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer swapping the bytes
+ * as it copies.  Will not cause a page fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the two bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the two bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_AND_REVERSE_2_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Copies four bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer without causing a page
+ * fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the four bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the four bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_4_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[2] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[2]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[3] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[3]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Copies four bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer swapping the bytes
+ * as it copies.  Will not cause a page fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the four bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the four bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_AND_REVERSE_4_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[3]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[2]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[2] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[3] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Copies four bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer without causing a page
+ * fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the four bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the four bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_8_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[2] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[2]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[3] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[3]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[4] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[4]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[5] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[5]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[6] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[6]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[7] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[7]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Copies eight bytes from SrcBuffer to DstBuffer swapping the bytes
+ * as it copies.  Will not cause a page fault due to misaligned words.
+ *
+ * param DstBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to send the four bytes to
+ * param SrcBuffer
+ *     Pointer the buffer to get the four bytes from
+ */
+#define COPY_AND_REVERSE_8_UNALIGNED_BYTES(DstBuffer, SrcBuffer) \
+        do { \
+          /* cannot check sizeof(SrcBuffer) or sizeof(DstBuffer) because they are */ \
+          /* most likely single byte pointers into unaligned blocks of data */ \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[7]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[6]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[2] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[5]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[3] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[4]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[4] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[3]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[5] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[2]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[6] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[1]; \
+          ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[7] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[0]; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+ * Reverses the byte order of the specified 2 byte buffer.
+ *
+ * param Buffer
+ *     Pointer to the 2 bytes needing byte order reversal.
+ */
+#define REVERSE_2_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+          do { \
+            Byte_t Byte0 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+            CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==2); \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1] = Byte0; \
+          } while (FALSE)
+#define REVERSE_2_BYTES_2_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+          do { \
+            UInt16_t data_bits = ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+            CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==2); \
+            ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[0] = (((data_bits)<<8) | \
+                                         ((data_bits&0xff))); \
+          } while (FALSE)
+/* REVERSE_2_BYTES_2_AT_A_TIME may actually be slower, needs testing. */
+ * Reverses the byte order of the specified 4 byte buffer.
+ *
+ * param Buffer
+ *     Pointer to the 4 bytes needing byte order reversal.
+ *
+ * How this works:
+ *
+ *   ABCD
+ *   D--- <<24  (1)
+ *
+ *   ABCD
+ *   --C- &0x0000ff00
+ *   -C-- <<8   (2)
+ *
+ *   ABCD
+ *   -B-- &0x00ff0000
+ *   --B- >>8   (3)
+ *
+ *   ABCD
+ *   ---A >>24  (4)
+ *
+ * (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) = DCBA.
+ *
+ */
+#define REVERSE_4_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+          do { \
+            Byte_t Byte0 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+            Byte_t Byte1 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1]; \
+            CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==4); \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[3]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[2]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[2] = Byte1; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[3] = Byte0; \
+          } while (FALSE)
+#define REVERSE_4_BYTES_4_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+          do { \
+            UInt32_t data_bits = *((UInt32_t *)(Buffer)); \
+            CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==4); \
+            *((UInt32_t *)(Buffer)) = (((data_bits)<<24)            | \
+                                       ((data_bits&0x0000ff00)<<8)  | \
+                                       ((data_bits&0x00ff0000)>>8)  | \
+                                       ((data_bits)>>24)); \
+          } while (FALSE)
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * The DevStuido compiler seems to be the only one that can truly handle this
+ * when optimization is turned on.
+ */
+ * Reverses the byte order of the specified 8 byte buffer.
+ *
+ * param Buffer
+ *     Pointer to the 8 bytes needing byte order reversal.
+ */
+#define REVERSE_8_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+        do { \
+            Byte_t Byte0 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+            Byte_t Byte1 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1]; \
+            Byte_t Byte2 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[2]; \
+            Byte_t Byte3 = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[3]; \
+            CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==8); \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[0] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[7]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[1] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[6]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[2] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[5]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[3] = ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[4]; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[4] = Byte3; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[5] = Byte2; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[6] = Byte1; \
+            ((Byte_t *)(Buffer))[7] = Byte0; \
+        } while (FALSE)
+#define REVERSE_8_BYTES_2_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+        do { \
+          UInt16_t data_bits_0 = ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+          UInt16_t data_bits_1 = ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[1]; \
+          UInt16_t data_bits_2 = ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[2]; \
+          UInt16_t data_bits_3 = ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[3]; \
+          CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==8); \
+          ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[0] = (((data_bits_3)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_3&0xff))); \
+          ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[1] = (((data_bits_2)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_2&0xff))); \
+          ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[2] = (((data_bits_1)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_1&0xff))); \
+          ((UInt16_t *)(Buffer))[3] = (((data_bits_0)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_0&0xff))); \
+        } while (FALSE)
+#define REVERSE_8_BYTES_4_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+        do { \
+          UInt32_t data_bits_0 = ((UInt32_t *)(Buffer))[0]; \
+          UInt32_t data_bits_1 = ((UInt32_t *)(Buffer))[1]; \
+          CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==8); \
+          ((UInt32_t *)(Buffer))[0] = (((data_bits_1)<<24)           | \
+                                       ((data_bits_1&0x0000ff00)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_1&0x00ff0000)>>8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_1)>>24)); \
+          ((UInt32_t *)(Buffer))[1] = (((data_bits_0)<<24)           | \
+                                       ((data_bits_0&0x0000ff00)<<8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_0&0x00ff0000)>>8) | \
+                                       ((data_bits_0)>>24)); \
+        } while (FALSE)
+#define REVERSE_8_BYTES_8_AT_A_TIME(Buffer) \
+        do { \
+          UInt64_t data_bits = *((UInt64_t *)(Buffer)); \
+          CHECK(sizeof(*(Buffer))==1 || sizeof(*(Buffer))==8); \
+          *((UInt64_t *)(Buffer)) = (((data_bits)<<56) | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x000000000000ff00)<<40) | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x0000000000ff0000)<<24) | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x00000000ff000000)<<8)  | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x000000ff00000000)>>8)  | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x0000ff0000000000)>>24) | \
+                                     ((data_bits&0x00ff000000000000)>>40) | \
+                                     ((data_bits)>>56)); \
+        } while (FALSE)
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * The DevStuido compiler seems to be the only one that can truly handle this
+ * when optimization is turned on.
+ */
+ *                                                              *
+ *             ADD-ON MSWIN IMPORT/EXPORT DEFINITIONS            *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+#if defined MSWIN
+#  define STDCALL __stdcall
+#  define STDCALL
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if defined (__cplusplus)
+# define EXTERNC extern "C"
+# define EXTERNC
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#if defined MSWIN
+#  else
+#    define TECPLOT_DLLAPI _declspec ( dllimport )
+#  endif
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ * EXPORTFROMADDON void STDCALL InitTecAddOn(void) { ... }
+ *
+ */
+#if defined MSWIN
+# define EXPORTFROMADDON EXTERNC _declspec ( dllexport )
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#define InitTecAddOn           InitTecAddOn113
+#define TEC_INIT_FUNCTION_NAME "InitTecAddOn113"
+/* Use INLINE for static functions that could be optimized as inline. */
+#if defined (__cplusplus) && !defined _DEBUG
+# define INLINE inline
+# define INLINE static
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#if defined (MSWIN) ||\
+    defined (INTERX) ||\
+    defined (LINUX) ||\
+    defined (SUNSOLARIS86X) ||\
+    defined (COMPAQALPHA) ||\
+    defined (DEC) ||\
+    defined (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
+# define SwapBytes(IntelOrder) (!(IntelOrder))
+# define SwapBytes(IntelOrder) (IntelOrder)
+#if defined DECALPHA   || \
+    defined LINUXALPHA || \
+    defined LINUXI64   || \
+    defined LINUX64    || \
+    defined MAC64      || \
+    defined COMPAQALPHA
+#define LONGIS64
+ *                                                              *
+ *                       HARD CONSTANTS                         *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+#define LARGEMEMORY              ((size_t)-1)
+/* Tclinterp add-on barfs on these huge integer constants */
+/* Note: Tecplot is conservative by one on LARGEINTs max */
+#define LARGEINT64               9223372036854775806LL
+#define LARGEINT32               2147483646
+#define LARGEINT16               32766
+#define LARGEINT8                126
+#define LARGEUINT64              18446744073709551614ULL
+#define LARGEUINT32              4294967294
+#define LARGEUINT16              65534
+#define LARGEUINT8               254
+#ifdef INDEX_16_BIT
+#define MAXINDEX               ((LgIndex_t)LARGEINT16)
+#define MAXINDEX               ((LgIndex_t)LARGEINT32)
+#define MAXZONEMAP               MAXINDEX
+#define LARGEDOUBLE              1.0e+150
+#define SMALLDOUBLE              1.0e-150
+#define LARGESTEXPONENT          150
+#define SMALLESTEXPONENT         -150
+#define LARGESTDOUBLE            1.0e+308
+#define LARGEFLOAT               3.40282347E+38
+#define SMALLFLOAT               1.17549435E-38
+#define SMALLSTDOUBLE            1.0e-307
+/* Visual Studio 2008 defines MAXINT32, MAXINT16 which collide with ours */
+#if defined MAXINT32
+#undef MAXINT32
+#if defined MAXINT16
+#undef MAXINT16
+#define MAXINT32                 LARGEINT32
+#define MAXINT16                 LARGEINT16
+#define ETX                      3
+#define LN2                      0.69314718055994530942
+#define LN10                     2.30258509299404568402
+#define PIOVER2                  1.57079632679489661923
+#define TWOPI                    6.28318530717958647692
+#if defined PI
+#undef PI
+#define PI                       3.14159265358979323846
+#define ANGLEEPSILON             1.0e-10
+#define LARGESTANGLE             (4*PI+ANGLEEPSILON)
+#define DEGPERRADIANS            57.295779513082323
+#define CMPERINCH                2.54
+#define POINTSPERINCH            72.0
+#define FONTMOVEMARK             192
+#define FONTDECISIONMARK         128
+#define FONTLINEMARK             64
+#define BAD_SET_VALUE            ((SetIndex_t)-1)
+#define MENU_POSITION_FIRST      (0)
+#define MENU_POSITION_LAST       (-1)
+#define INVALID_UNIQUE_ID        0
+#define BADSETVALUE              BAD_SET_VALUE
+#define SOLID_TRANSLUCENCY       0
+#define BAD_DISTANCE             (-1.0)
+/* MIN_CIRCUMFERENTIAL_INDEX is the min J dimension for circular zones */
+#define VALID_STRAND_ID(StrandID) (0 <= (StrandID) && (StrandID) < MAXZONEMAP)
+#define STRAND_ID_STATIC          (-1)
+#define STRAND_ID_PENDING         (-2)
+ * Need 3 passes for "Rest of pie" method but can only use 3 clip planes
+ * Need only 1 pass for "Piece of pie" method and can use 6 clip planes
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined _DEBUG
+#if 0 /* NOTUSED */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * NOTE: If you change TecplotBinaryFileVersion, you MUST also:
+ *
+ * 1. Update preplot:
+ *    - Change this define symbol in preplot.cpp
+ *    - Change version number in the data file format in the comments in preplot.cpp
+ *    - Change the version number of Preplot itself in preplot.cpp
+ * 2. Maintain the ability to write the old plt file format:
+ *    - Add a new entry to BinaryFileVersion_e
+ *    - Add a concrete class of the VersionWriterInterface, and update
+ *      VersionWriterAbstractFactory to return the correct instance for the previous and
+ *      new BinaryFileVersion_e
+ *    - Abstract away the difference in the two versions behind an interface (if one does
+ *      not yet exist) and create concrete implementations that can write the old and the
+ *      new versions. For a trivial example of this, see FileTypeWriterInterface and its
+ *      associated factory and concrete classes.
+ */
+#define TecplotBinaryFileVersion    112
+#define TecplotInterfaceVersion     120
+#define TecplotInterfaceVersionStr  "120" /* stay in lockstep with TecplotInterfaceVersion */
+#if defined FLEXLM
+#define TecplotLicenseVersion       119   /* may vary from TecplotInterfaceVersion */
+#define TecplotLicenseVersionStr   "11.9"  /* stay in lockstep with TecplotLicenseVersion */
+#else /* FLEXLM */
+#define TecplotLicenseVersion       120   /* may vary from TecplotInterfaceVersion */
+#define TecplotLicenseVersionStr   "12.0"  /* stay in lockstep with TecplotLicenseVersion */
+#endif /* FLEXLM */
+/* Also change the macro version number in COMMAND.MASTER.h */
+#define    MaxNumZonesOrVars         MAXZONEMAP
+#define    MaxXAxes                  5
+#define    MaxYAxes                  5
+#define    MaxGeoSegments            50
+#define    MaxPtsCircleOrEllipse     720
+#define    MaxFrames                 2048
+#define    MaxCustomLabelSets        10
+#define    MaxFontMoves              20000
+#define    MaxColorMapOverrides      16
+#define    MaxValueBlankConstraints  8
+#define    MaxContourGroups          8
+#define    MaxIsoSurfaceGroups       8
+#define    MaxSliceGroups            8
+#define    MaxColorMapGroups         8
+#define    DefaultNumContLevels      15
+#define    DefaultColorMapGroup      ((SmInteger_t)0)
+#define    BADGROUPNUMBER            ((SmInteger_t)-1)
+#define    UNUSEDGROUPNUMBER         ((SmInteger_t)0)
+#define VALID_ISOSURFACE_GROUP(Group) (((((SmInteger_t)Group) >= 0) && (((SmInteger_t)Group) < MaxIsoSurfaceGroups)))
+#define VALID_SLICE_GROUP(Group)      (((((SmInteger_t)Group) >= 0) && (((SmInteger_t)Group) < MaxSliceGroups)))
+#define VALID_COLORMAP_GROUP(Group)   (((((SmInteger_t)Group) >= 0) && (((SmInteger_t)Group) < MaxColorMapGroups)))
+ * If any of these values changes its corresponding value in preplot.c must
+ * change to match it so that files created by preplot and Tecplot are
+ * consistent.
+ */
+#define    MaxChrsDatasetTitle       256
+#define    MaxChrsZnTitle            128
+#define    MaxChrsVarName            128
+#define    MaxChrsZnOrVarName        128
+/* currently limited to MaxLineIndex in preplot.c */
+#define    MaxChrsAuxValueString     32000
+#define    MaxNumViews               16
+#define    MaxBasicSizes             5
+#define    MaxColorMapControlPoints  50
+#define    MaxRawColorMapEntries     800
+#define    MaxDataSetReaders         100
+#define    MaxExtendedCurveFits      100
+#define    MaxColorMapCycles         20
+/* Dimension Limits */
+#define    MinPaperDimInWorkArea     0.5
+#define    MinFrameWidth             0.25
+#define    MinFrameHeight            0.25
+#define    MinAxisLength             0.1
+#define    BadEnumValue              255
+/* define class element limits */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Floating point values are written to layouts with a certain precision.
+ * A high precision is necessary in some cases (like streamtrace starting locations)
+ * This used to be set to 12 which was not high enough.   It is now set to 16 which
+ * appears to be sufficient.   This also seems to jive with the number of digits of
+ * precision that are found in "ieee double precision" values which is 53 bits or
+ * equivalent to approximately 16 digits. -bdp
+ *
+ */
+ * Auxiliary data common names.
+ *
+ *      Define Name                                 Data Name                               Data Type    Data Location
+ *      ------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------    ---------    -------------
+ */
+#define AuxData_Common_Incompressible               "Common.Incompressible"              /* Boolean_t    Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_Density                      "Common.Density"                     /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_SpecificHeat                 "Common.SpecificHeat"                /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_SpecificHeatVar              "Common.SpecificHeatVar"             /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_GasConstant                  "Common.GasConstant"                 /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_GasConstantVar               "Common.GasConstantVar"              /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_Gamma                        "Common.Gamma"                       /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_GammaVar                     "Common.GammaVar"                    /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_Viscosity                    "Common.Viscosity"                   /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ViscosityVar                 "Common.ViscosityVar"                /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_Conductivity                 "Common.Conductivity"                /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ConductivityVar              "Common.ConductivityVar"             /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_AngleOfAttack                "Common.AngleOfAttack"               /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_SpeedOfSound                 "Common.SpeedOfSound"                /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ReferenceU                   "Common.ReferenceU"                  /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ReferenceV                   "Common.ReferenceV"                  /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_XVar                         "Common.XVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_YVar                         "Common.YVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ZVar                         "Common.ZVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_CVar                         "Common.CVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_UVar                         "Common.UVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_VVar                         "Common.VVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_WVar                         "Common.WVar"                        /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_VectorVarsAreVelocity        "Common.VectorVarsAreVelocity"       /* Boolean_t    Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_PressureVar                  "Common.PressureVar"                 /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_TemperatureVar               "Common.TemperatureVar"              /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_DensityVar                   "Common.DensityVar"                  /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_StagnationEnergyVar          "Common.StagnationEnergyVar"         /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_MachNumberVar                "Common.MachNumberVar"               /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ReferenceMachNumber          "Common.ReferenceMachNumber"         /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_ReferenceW                   "Common.ReferenceW"                  /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_PrandtlNumber                "Common.PrandtlNumber"               /* double       DataSet */
+#define AuxData_Common_Axisymmetric                 "Common.Axisymmetric"                /* Boolean_t    Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_AxisOfSymmetryVarAssignment  "Common.AxisOfSymmetryVarAssignment" /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_AxisValue                    "Common.AxisValue"                   /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_SteadyState                  "Common.SteadyState"                 /* Boolean_t    Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_TurbulentKineticEnergyVar    "Common.TurbulentKineticEnergyVar"   /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_TurbulentDissipationRateVar  "Common.TurbulentDissipationRateVar" /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_TurbulentViscosityVar        "Common.TurbulentViscosityVar"       /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_TurbulentFrequencyVar        "Common.TurbulentFrequencyVar"       /* int          Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_Gravity                      "Common.Gravity"                     /* double       Dataset */
+#define AuxData_Common_IsBoundaryZone               "Common.IsBoundaryZone"              /* Boolean_t    Zone */
+#define AuxData_Common_BoundaryCondition            "Common.BoundaryCondition"           /* BCondition   Zone */
+#define AuxData_Common_Time                         "Common.Time"                        /* double       Zone */
+#define AuxData_Common_Mean                         "Common.Mean"                        /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_Median                       "Common.Median"                      /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_Variance                     "Common.Variance"                    /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_StdDev                       "Common.StdDev"                      /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_AvgDev                       "Common.AvgDev"                      /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_GeoMean                      "Common.GeoMean"                     /* double       Variable */
+#define AuxData_Common_ChiSqre                      "Common.ChiSqre"                     /* double       Variable */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined THREED
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+/* Tecplot Add-on Custom Products */
+/* In activeX, the color constants are an enum type,
+   so the activeX source code parser handles these as
+   a special case, and the types do not need to be
+   indicated as with the other hard #define constants */
+#define    Black_C           ((ColorIndex_t)0)
+#define    Red_C             ((ColorIndex_t)1)
+#define    Green_C           ((ColorIndex_t)2)
+#define    Blue_C            ((ColorIndex_t)3)
+#define    Cyan_C            ((ColorIndex_t)4)
+#define    Yellow_C          ((ColorIndex_t)5)
+#define    Purple_C          ((ColorIndex_t)6)
+#define    White_C           ((ColorIndex_t)7)
+#define    Custom1_C         ((ColorIndex_t)8)
+#define    Custom2_C         ((ColorIndex_t)9)
+#define    Custom3_C         ((ColorIndex_t)10)
+#define    Custom4_C         ((ColorIndex_t)11)
+#define    Custom5_C         ((ColorIndex_t)12)
+#define    Custom6_C         ((ColorIndex_t)13)
+#define    Custom7_C         ((ColorIndex_t)14)
+#define    Custom8_C         ((ColorIndex_t)15)
+#define    Custom9_C         ((ColorIndex_t)16)
+#define    Custom10_C         ((ColorIndex_t)17)
+#define    Custom11_C         ((ColorIndex_t)18)
+#define    Custom12_C         ((ColorIndex_t)19)
+#define    Custom13_C         ((ColorIndex_t)20)
+#define    Custom14_C         ((ColorIndex_t)21)
+#define    Custom15_C         ((ColorIndex_t)22)
+#define    Custom16_C         ((ColorIndex_t)23)
+#define    Custom17_C         ((ColorIndex_t)24)
+#define    Custom18_C         ((ColorIndex_t)25)
+#define    Custom19_C         ((ColorIndex_t)26)
+#define    Custom20_C         ((ColorIndex_t)27)
+#define    Custom21_C         ((ColorIndex_t)28)
+#define    Custom22_C         ((ColorIndex_t)29)
+#define    Custom23_C         ((ColorIndex_t)30)
+#define    Custom24_C         ((ColorIndex_t)31)
+#define    Custom25_C         ((ColorIndex_t)32)
+#define    Custom26_C         ((ColorIndex_t)33)
+#define    Custom27_C         ((ColorIndex_t)34)
+#define    Custom28_C         ((ColorIndex_t)35)
+#define    Custom29_C         ((ColorIndex_t)36)
+#define    Custom30_C         ((ColorIndex_t)37)
+#define    Custom31_C         ((ColorIndex_t)38)
+#define    Custom32_C         ((ColorIndex_t)39)
+#define    Custom33_C         ((ColorIndex_t)40)
+#define    Custom34_C         ((ColorIndex_t)41)
+#define    Custom35_C         ((ColorIndex_t)42)
+#define    Custom36_C         ((ColorIndex_t)43)
+#define    Custom37_C         ((ColorIndex_t)44)
+#define    Custom38_C         ((ColorIndex_t)45)
+#define    Custom39_C         ((ColorIndex_t)46)
+#define    Custom40_C         ((ColorIndex_t)47)
+#define    Custom41_C         ((ColorIndex_t)48)
+#define    Custom42_C         ((ColorIndex_t)49)
+#define    Custom43_C         ((ColorIndex_t)50)
+#define    Custom44_C         ((ColorIndex_t)51)
+#define    Custom45_C         ((ColorIndex_t)52)
+#define    Custom46_C         ((ColorIndex_t)53)
+#define    Custom47_C         ((ColorIndex_t)54)
+#define    Custom48_C         ((ColorIndex_t)55)
+#define    Custom49_C         ((ColorIndex_t)56)
+#define    Custom50_C         ((ColorIndex_t)57)
+#define    Custom51_C         ((ColorIndex_t)58)
+#define    Custom52_C         ((ColorIndex_t)59)
+#define    Custom53_C         ((ColorIndex_t)60)
+#define    Custom54_C         ((ColorIndex_t)61)
+#define    Custom55_C         ((ColorIndex_t)62)
+#define    Custom56_C         ((ColorIndex_t)63)
+#define    MultiColor_C      ((ColorIndex_t)(-1))
+#define    NoColor_C         ((ColorIndex_t)(-2))
+#define    MultiColor2_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-3))
+#define    MultiColor3_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-4))
+#define    MultiColor4_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-5))
+#define    RGBColor_C        ((ColorIndex_t)(-6))
+#define    MultiColor5_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-7))
+#define    MultiColor6_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-8))
+#define    MultiColor7_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-9))
+#define    MultiColor8_C     ((ColorIndex_t)(-10))
+#define    InvalidColor_C    ((ColorIndex_t)(-255))
+#define    FirstCustomColor  Custom1_C
+#define    LastCustomColor   Custom56_C
+#define    NumCustomColors   (LastCustomColor-FirstCustomColor+1)
+#define    FirstBasicColor   Black_C
+#define    LastBasicColor    LastCustomColor
+#define    NumBasicColors    (LastBasicColor-FirstBasicColor+1)
+ * V8 and earlier used this for MultiColor_C.  We adjust this
+ * to the new value in the SetValue layer so old addons work.
+ */
+#define    OldMultiColor_C   ((ColorIndex_t)255)
+ * Gray is only used in the interface for workspace background and
+ * for insensitive buttons in Motif.
+ * True Black and True White are also interface only.  They draw
+ * true black or true white - regardless of what the user has set
+ * the RGB values for the black and white basic colors.
+ * XOrColor_C is also for interface only.
+ */
+#define    Gray_C                 (LastBasicColor+1)
+#define    DarkGray_C             (LastBasicColor+2) /* Used for inactive frame border color */
+#define    XOrColor_C             (LastBasicColor+3)
+#define    FirstInterfaceColor    Gray_C
+#define    LastInterfaceColor     XOrColor_C
+#define    NumInterfaceColors    (LastInterfaceColor-FirstInterfaceColor+1)
+#define    NumContourShades      (GeneralBase.Limits.MaxNumContourLevels+1)
+#define    NumColorsInColorTable (NumBasicColors+NumInterfaceColors+NumContourShades)
+#define    BasicColorOffset      (0)
+#define    InterfaceColorOffset  (NumBasicColors)
+#define    ContourColorOffset    (NumBasicColors+NumInterfaceColors)
+#define    BadKey           (short)31
+#define    Plus             (short)43
+#define    Minus            (short)45
+#define    RetKey           (short)13
+#define    DeleteKey        (short)127
+#define    ShiftDelete      (short)128
+#define    BackSpace        (short)8
+#define    LeftArrow        (short)29
+#define    RightArrow       (short)30
+#define    UpArrow          (short)11
+#define    DownArrow        (short)10
+#define    Toggle           (short)19
+#define    Esc              (short)27
+#define    RegFrame         (short)18
+#define    DoBitDump        (short)2
+/* File Markers */
+#define ZoneMarker        299.0
+#define GeomMarker        399.0
+#define TextMarker        499.0
+#define CustomLabelMarker 599.0
+#define UserRecMarker     699.0
+#define DataSetAuxMarker  799.0
+#define VarAuxMarker      899.0
+#define EndHeaderMarker   357.0
+ * Additional objects that have plotter
+ * pens assigned to them.
+ */
+#define    AxisPen          Custom8_C+1
+#define    MajGridPen       Custom8_C+2
+#define    MinGridPen       Custom8_C+3
+#define    StreamlinePen    Custom8_C+4
+#define    ColoredLinePen   Custom8_C+5
+#define    BoundaryPen      Custom8_C+6
+#define    LabelPen         Custom8_C+7
+#define    NumPlotterPens   Custom8_C+8
+/* AutoSelectPen will select the correct pen from Black_C thru Custom8_C or ColoredLinePen */
+#define    AutoSelectPen    Custom8_C+9
+#define    InvalidPen       Custom8_C+99
+#define    FirstObjectPen   AxisPen
+#define    LastObjectPen    LabelPen
+#define    DelZFactor           0.0001
+#define    BadBaseValue         NULL
+ *
+ *   TYPEDEF TYPE          Suffix
+ *   ------------          ------
+ *   simple                _t
+ *   enumerated            _e
+ *   structure             _s
+ *   union                 _u
+ *   abstract              _a
+ *   pointer to simple     _pt
+ *   pointer to enumerated _pe
+ *   pointer to structure  _ps
+ *   pointer to union      _pu
+ *   pointer to abstract   _pa
+ *   pointer to function   _pf
+ *
+ *
+ *   The only execption is char * typedef's these use _t
+ *
+ *   Abstract types are intentionally made to be
+ *   obscure.  The programmer should not have to know
+ *   what the underlying structure really is for abstract
+ *   types.
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef MSWIN
+# define DIR_SEPARATOR "\\"
+# define DIR_SEPARATOR "/"
+#if defined MSWIN
+#define TP_FWRITE   fwrite
+#define TP_FFLUSH   fflush
+#define TP_FCLOSE   fclose
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#define TP_UNLINK   remove
+#define TP_RMDIR    _rmdir
+#define TP_FREAD    ::fread
+#define TP_FOPEN    ::fopen
+#define TP_FREOPEN  ::freopen
+#define TP_STAT     ::_stat
+#define TP_GETENV   ::getenv
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined _WIN64
+#define TP_FSEEK(stream,offset,whence) _fseeki64((stream),(__int64)(offset),(whence))
+#define TP_FTELL                       _ftelli64
+#define TP_FSEEK(stream, offset, whence) fseek((stream), (long)(offset), (whence))
+#define TP_FTELL                         ftell
+#define TP_RMDIR    rmdir
+#define TP_UNLINK   unlink
+#define TP_FOPEN    fopen
+#define TP_FREOPEN  freopen
+#define TP_FCLOSE   fclose
+#define TP_FREAD    fread
+#define TP_FWRITE   fwrite
+#define TP_FFLUSH   fflush
+#define TP_FSEEK    fseeko
+#define TP_FTELL    ftello
+#define TP_STAT     stat
+#define _stat       stat // ...make the UNIXX and MSWIN platforms have the same syntax to use "struct _stat"
+#define TP_GETENV   getenv
+ *                                                              *
+ *                          SIMPLE TYPEDEFS                     *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+/* How to define UInt64_t/Int64_t is platform specific, but they are always 8-bytes */
+#if defined MSWIN
+typedef    unsigned __int64     UInt64_t;
+typedef    __int64              Int64_t;
+#if defined CRAY
+typedef    unsigned int       UInt64_t;
+typedef    int                Int64_t;
+#if defined LONGIS64
+typedef unsigned long      UInt64_t;
+typedef long               Int64_t;
+typedef unsigned long long UInt64_t;
+typedef long long          Int64_t;
+#if defined LONGIS64
+typedef    unsigned int    UInt32_t;
+typedef    int             Int32_t;
+typedef    int             LgInteger_t;
+typedef    unsigned int    UInt32_t;
+typedef    int             Int32_t;
+typedef    int             LgInteger_t;
+typedef    short           Int16_t;
+typedef    unsigned short  UInt16_t;
+typedef    signed char     Int8_t;
+typedef    unsigned char   UInt8_t;
+#ifdef INDEX_16_BIT
+typedef  Int16_t         LgIndex_t;
+typedef  Int32_t         LgIndex_t;
+typedef    LgIndex_t       NodeMap_t;
+typedef    LgIndex_t       ScreenDim_t;
+ * ArbParam_t type is used for passing arbitrary integers or pointers in
+ * parameters. HgIndex_t is used for counting node maps and other things that
+ * may individually be LgIndex_t, but in total exceed 32-bit.
+ * The general rule is that these are 4 bytes on "32-bit" machines
+ * and 8 bytes on "64-bit" machines.
+ */
+#if defined CRAY
+typedef char *ArbParam_t;
+typedef long HgIndex_t;
+#elif defined LONGIS64
+typedef long ArbParam_t;
+typedef long HgIndex_t;
+#elif defined MSWIN && (defined _M_IA64 || defined _M_AMD64)
+typedef INT_PTR ArbParam_t;
+typedef INT_PTR HgIndex_t;
+typedef int ArbParam_t;
+typedef int HgIndex_t;
+typedef    ArbParam_t      UniqueID_t;
+/* 64 bit offset used to hold file offset and size values. */
+typedef Int64_t FileOffset_t;
+ * 64 bit offset for memory mapped I/O.
+ */
+typedef UInt64_t MemMapOffset_t;
+ *  SmInteger must be at least a short....
+ */
+typedef    unsigned char    Byte_t;
+typedef    short            SmInteger_t;
+typedef    SmInteger_t      ColorIndex_t;
+#ifdef INDEX_16_BIT
+typedef  Int16_t          EntIndex_t;
+typedef  Int32_t          EntIndex_t;
+typedef    Int16_t          SubZoneIndex_t;
+typedef    char             Boolean_t;
+typedef    char            *ZoneName_t;
+typedef    char            *VarName_t;
+typedef    char            *LString_t;
+typedef    LgIndex_t        Strand_t;
+typedef    LgIndex_t        HeapLength_t;
+typedef    LgIndex_t        SegPtsArray_t[MaxGeoSegments];
+typedef    double           BasicSize_t[MaxBasicSizes];
+typedef    double          *VarList_t;
+typedef    long             SetIndex_t;
+typedef    unsigned long    SetData_t;
+typedef    SetData_t       *SetData_pt;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+/* The following list identifies items that can be inhibited. */
+#define FEATURE_3D                       (1L << 0)
+#define FEATURE_3DVOLUME                 (1L << 1)
+#define FEATURE_2D                       (1L << 2)
+#define FEATURE_XY                       (1L << 3)
+#define FEATURE_DATAALTER                (1L << 4)
+#define FEATURE_UNSTRUCTUREDDATA         (1L << 5)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES1          (1L << 6)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES1           (1L << 7)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES5          (1L << 8)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES5           (1L << 9)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES10         (1L << 10)
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES10          (1L << 11)
+#define FEATURE_READNONOEMDATA           (1L << 12) /* Added 07/22/2000 */
+#define FEATURE_DATALOADERS              (1L << 13) /* Added 07/22/2000 */
+#define FEATURE_DATALOADERS_EXCEPTONE    (1L << 14) /* Added 11/26/2001 */
+#define FEATURE_LOADONDEMAND             (1L << 15) /* Added 09/13/2007 */
+#define FEATURE_MULTIPLEWORKERTHREADS    (1L << 16) /* Added 09/13/2007 */
+#define FEATURE_ISOSURFACEGROUPS         (1L << 17) /* Added 09/21/2007 */
+#define FEATURE_SLICEGROUPS              (1L << 18) /* Added 09/21/2007 */
+#define FEATURE_STREAMTRACEGROUPS        (1L << 19) /* Added 09/25/2007 not used yet */
+#define FEATURE_FEPOLYHEDRON             (1L << 20) /* Added 09/25/2007 */
+#define FEATURE_FEPOLYGON                (1L << 21) /* Added 09/25/2007 */
+ * KnowFeaturesToInhibit must be updated whenever a new
+ * item is added above.
+ */
+#define KnownFeaturesToInhibit (FEATURE_3D                       |\
+                                  FEATURE_3DVOLUME                 |\
+                                  FEATURE_2D                       |\
+                                  FEATURE_XY                       |\
+                                  FEATURE_DATAALTER                |\
+                                  FEATURE_UNSTRUCTUREDDATA         |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES1          |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES1           |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES5          |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES5           |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEFRAMES10         |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEZONES10          |\
+                                  FEATURE_READNONOEMDATA           |\
+                                  FEATURE_DATALOADERS              |\
+                                  FEATURE_DATALOADERS_EXCEPTONE    |\
+                                  FEATURE_LOADONDEMAND             |\
+                                  FEATURE_MULTIPLEWORKERTHREADS    |\
+                                  FEATURE_ISOSURFACEGROUPS         |\
+                                  FEATURE_SLICEGROUPS              |\
+                                  FEATURE_STREAMTRACEGROUPS        |\
+                                  FEATURE_FEPOLYHEDRON             |\
+                                  FEATURE_FEPOLYGON)
+#define VALID_FEATURE_INHIBIT_FLAG(feature) (((feature) & KnownFeaturesToInhibit) != 0)
+#define VALID_FEATURE_INHIBIT_MASK(mask) (((mask) & ~KnownFeaturesToInhibit)==0)
+/* The following are used by the OEM libs, so they need
+   to be outside of TECPLOTKERNEL */
+typedef    unsigned long  FeatureFlag_t;
+typedef    unsigned long  FeatureMask_t;
+typedef    char             SymbolChar_t[3];
+ * Face node offset used for identifying which node of a polytope face is
+ * desired.
+ */
+typedef LgIndex_t FaceNodeOffset_t;
+ * Element face offset used for identifying which face of a polytope element is
+ * desired.
+ */
+typedef LgIndex_t ElemFaceOffset_t;
+ * Face boundary item offset used for identifying which boundary item of a
+ * polytope face is desired.
+ */
+typedef LgIndex_t FaceBndryItemOffset_t;
+ *                                                              *
+ *                     ENUMERATED TYPEDEFS                      *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+typedef enum
+    PlacementPlaneOrientation_X,
+    PlacementPlaneOrientation_Y,
+    PlacementPlaneOrientation_Z,
+    END_PlacementPlaneOrientation_e,
+    PlacementPlaneOrientation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PlacementPlaneOrientation_e;
+typedef enum
+    StringMode_ASCII,
+    StringMode_UTF8,
+    StringMode_Blend,
+    END_StringMode_e,
+    StringMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StringMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    SidebarSizing_MaxOfAll,
+    SidebarSizing_Dynamic,
+    END_SidebarSizing_e,
+    SidebarSizing_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SidebarSizing_e;
+typedef enum
+    SidebarLocation_Left,
+    SidebarLocation_Right,  /* Not allowed at this time */
+    SidebarLocation_Top,    /* Not allowed at this time */
+    SidebarLocation_Bottom, /* Not allowed at this time */
+    END_SidebarLocation_e,
+    SidebarLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SidebarLocation_e;
+typedef enum
+    MenuItem_Option,
+    MenuItem_Toggle,
+    MenuItem_Separator,
+    MenuItem_SubMenu,
+    END_MenuItem_e,
+    MenuItem_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MenuItem_e;
+typedef enum
+    StandardMenu_File,
+    StandardMenu_Edit,
+    StandardMenu_View,
+    StandardMenu_Plot,
+    StandardMenu_Insert,
+    StandardMenu_Data,
+    StandardMenu_Frame,
+    StandardMenu_Workspace, /* deprecated: use Options instead */
+    StandardMenu_Tools,
+    StandardMenu_Help,
+    StandardMenu_Animate,
+    StandardMenu_Options,
+    StandardMenu_Scripting,
+    END_StandardMenu_e,
+    StandardMenu_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StandardMenu_e;
+typedef enum
+    FieldProbeDialogPage_NodalValues,
+    FieldProbeDialogPage_CellCenteredValues,
+    FieldProbeDialogPage_ZoneCellInfo,
+    FieldProbeDialogPage_FaceNeighbors,
+    END_FieldProbeDialogPage_e,
+    FieldProbeDialogPage_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FieldProbeDialogPage_e;
+/* used for caches of boolean type */
+typedef enum
+    BooleanCache_False, /* Value is cached and is FALSE */
+    BooleanCache_True,  /* Value is cached and is TRUE */
+    BooleanCache_Uncached, /* Value is not cached.  Value is unknown. */
+    END_BooleanCache_e,
+    BooleanCache_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BooleanCache_e;
+ * For determining pick location along a line
+ */
+typedef enum
+    LinePickLocation_None,
+    LinePickLocation_StartHandle,
+    LinePickLocation_MidLineOnHandle,
+    LinePickLocation_MidLineOffHandles,
+    LinePickLocation_EndHandle,
+    END_LinePickLocation_e,
+    LinePickLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LinePickLocation_e;
+ * Defines destination for setting up views: hardware (ie, OpenGL) or
+ * software (ie, internal transformation matrices).
+ */
+typedef enum
+    ViewDest_Hardware,
+    ViewDest_Software,
+    END_ViewDest_e,
+    ViewDest_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ViewDest_e;
+/* used for identifying the origin of the dataset reader */
+typedef enum
+    DataSetReaderOrigin_Native,  /* created by Tecplot   */
+    DataSetReaderOrigin_Foreign, /* created by an add-on */
+    END_DataSetReaderOrigin_e,
+    DataSetReaderOrigin_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataSetReaderOrigin_e;
+/* used for identifying the origin of the extended curve fit */
+typedef enum
+    ExtendedCurveFitOrigin_Native,  /* created by Tecplot   */
+    ExtendedCurveFitOrigin_Foreign, /* created by an add-on */
+    END_ExtendedCurveFitOrigin_e,
+    ExtendedCurveFitOrigin_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ExtendedCurveFitOrigin_e;
+typedef enum
+    CollapsedStatus_NotCollapsed,
+    CollapsedStatus_CollapsedToPoint,
+    CollapsedStatus_CollapsedToLine,
+    CollapsedStatus_CollapsedToSegmentedLine,
+    CollapsedStatus_CollapsedToTriangle,
+    END_CollapsedStatus_e,
+    CollapsedStatus_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CollapsedStatus_e;
+ */
+typedef enum
+    UndoStateCategory_Frame,
+    UndoStateCategory_Picked,            /* picked changes, not the pick itself */
+    UndoStateCategory_Text,
+    UndoStateCategory_Geom,
+    UndoStateCategory_View,
+    UndoStateCategory_WorkspaceView,
+    UndoStateCategory_Style,            /* style less text and geometries */
+    UndoStateCategory_SpecificStyle,    /* meaning that specific undo style will be added by the caller */
+    UndoStateCategory_Data,
+    UndoStateCategory_DataAndStyle,
+    UndoStateCategory_StyleIncTextGeom, /* style including text and geometires */
+    UndoStateCategory_GlobalStyle,      /* style less field, map, text and geometries */
+    UndoStateCategory_PageAction,
+    END_UndoStateCategory_e,
+    UndoStateCategory_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} UndoStateCategory_e;
+ * Used only for Action_PropagateLinking
+ */
+typedef enum
+    LinkType_WithinFrame,
+    LinkType_BetweenFrames,
+    END_LinkType_e,
+    LinkType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LinkType_e;
+typedef enum
+    FrameCollection_All,
+    FrameCollection_Picked,
+    END_FrameCollection_e,
+    FrameCollection_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FrameCollection_e;
+typedef enum
+    LegendProcess_DrawLegend,
+    LegendProcess_EraseLegend,
+    LegendProcess_GetExtents,
+    END_LegendProcess_e,
+    LegendProcess_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LegendProcess_e;
+typedef enum
+    RGBLegendOrientation_RGB,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_GBR,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_BRG,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_RBG,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_GRB,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_BGR,
+    END_RGBLegendOrientation_e,
+    RGBLegendOrientation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RGBLegendOrientation_e;
+/* Used by some of the image exporters/animators */
+typedef struct
+    Byte_t  R;
+    Byte_t  G;
+    Byte_t  B;
+} RGBTriple_s;
+typedef RGBTriple_s RGBPalette_t[256];
+/* The tag on the following line is so that the Windows
+   build script can parse all of the current state changes
+   out of this file, and compare them to the state changes
+   found in the main.c template file.
+   Do not change or delete the line below.*/
+typedef enum
+    StateChange_VarsAltered,
+    StateChange_VarsAdded,
+    StateChange_ZonesDeleted,
+    StateChange_ZonesAdded,
+    StateChange_NodeMapsAltered,
+    StateChange_FrameDeleted,
+    StateChange_NewTopFrame,               /* deprecated: use NewActiveFrame and/or FrameOrderChange */
+    StateChange_Style,
+    StateChange_DataSetReset,
+    StateChange_NewLayout,
+    StateChange_CompleteReset,             /* deprecated: no longer broadcast */
+    StateChange_LineMapAssignment,         /* was StateChange_XYMapAssignment */
+    StateChange_ContourLevels,
+    StateChange_ModalDialogLaunch,
+    StateChange_ModalDialogDismiss,
+    StateChange_QuitTecplot,
+    StateChange_ZoneName,
+    StateChange_VarName,
+    StateChange_LineMapName,               /* was StateChange_XYMapName */
+    StateChange_LineMapAddDeleteOrReorder, /* was StateChange_XYMapAddDeleteOrReorder */
+    StateChange_View,
+    StateChange_ColorMap,
+    StateChange_ContourVar,
+    StateChange_Streamtrace,
+    StateChange_NewAxisVariables,
+    StateChange_MouseModeUpdate,
+    StateChange_PickListCleared,
+    StateChange_PickListGroupSelect,
+    StateChange_PickListSingleSelect,
+    StateChange_PickListStyle,
+    StateChange_DataSetFileName,
+    StateChange_UnsuspendInterface,        /* was StateChange_DrawGraphicsOn */
+    StateChange_SuspendInterface,          /* was StateChange_DrawGraphicsOff */
+    StateChange_DataSetLockOn,
+    StateChange_DataSetLockOff,
+    StateChange_Text,
+    StateChange_Geom,
+    StateChange_DataSetTitle,
+    StateChange_DrawingInterrupted,
+    StateChange_PrintPreviewLaunch,
+    StateChange_PrintPreviewDismiss,
+    StateChange_AuxDataAdded,
+    StateChange_AuxDataDeleted,
+    StateChange_AuxDataAltered,
+    StateChange_VarsDeleted,
+    StateChange_TecplotIsInitialized,
+    StateChange_ImageExported,
+    StateChange_VariableLockOn,
+    StateChange_VariableLockOff,
+    StateChange_PageDeleted,
+    StateChange_NewTopPage,
+    StateChange_NewActiveFrame,
+    StateChange_FrameOrderChanged,
+    END_StateChange_e,
+    StateChange_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    StateChange_DrawGraphicsOn          = StateChange_UnsuspendInterface,
+    StateChange_DrawGraphicsOff         = StateChange_SuspendInterface,
+    StateChange_XYMapAssignment         = StateChange_LineMapAssignment,
+    StateChange_XYMapName               = StateChange_LineMapName,
+    StateChange_XYMapAddDeleteOrReorder = StateChange_LineMapAddDeleteOrReorder
+} StateChange_e;
+typedef enum
+    StateChangeMode_v75,
+    StateChangeMode_v80,
+    StateChangeMode_v100,
+    StateChangeMode_v113,
+    END_StateChangeMode_e,
+    StateChangeMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StateChangeMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    StateChangeCallbackAPI_Classic,
+    StateChangeCallbackAPI_ChangeOnly,
+    StateChangeCallbackAPI_ChangePlusClient,
+    END_StateChangeCallbackAPI_e,
+    StateChangeCallbackAPI_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StateChangeCallbackAPI_e;
+typedef enum
+    AppMode_Normal,
+    AppMode_Demo,
+    AppMode_OEM,
+    END_AppMode_e,
+    AppMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AppMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ProductFlavor_TecplotFocus,
+    ProductFlavor_Tecplot360,
+    ProductFlavor_TecplotRS,
+    ProductFlavor_TecplotSDK,
+    END_ProductFlavor_e,
+    ProductFlavor_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    ProductFlavor_Focus = ProductFlavor_TecplotFocus, /* deprecated */
+    ProductFlavor_360   = ProductFlavor_Tecplot360,   /* deprecated */
+    ProductFlavor_RS    = ProductFlavor_TecplotRS,    /* deprecated */
+    ProductFlavor_SDK   = ProductFlavor_TecplotSDK    /* deprecated */
+} ProductFlavor_e;
+typedef enum
+    LayoutPackageObject_Image,
+    LayoutPackageObject_Layout,
+    LayoutPackageObject_Data,
+    END_LayoutPackageObject_e,
+    LayoutPackageObject_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LayoutPackageObject_e;
+typedef enum
+    VarLoadMode_ByName,
+    VarLoadMode_ByPosition,
+    END_VarLoadMode_e,
+    VarLoadMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VarLoadMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ImageSelection_OnePerFrame,
+    ImageSelection_WorkspaceOnly,
+    END_ImageSelection_e,
+    ImageSelection_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ImageSelection_e;
+typedef enum
+    LibraryType_Foreign,
+    LibraryType_V7Standard,
+    LibraryType_V7ActiveX,
+    END_LibraryType_e,
+    LibraryType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LibraryType_e; /* <help> "Add-on types" */
+typedef enum
+    AssignOp_Equals,
+    AssignOp_PlusEquals,
+    AssignOp_MinusEquals,
+    AssignOp_TimesEquals,
+    AssignOp_DivideEquals,
+    AssignOp_ConvertFromCm,
+    AssignOp_ConvertFromIn,
+    AssignOp_ConvertFromPt,
+    AssignOp_ConvertFromPix,
+    END_AssignOp_e,
+    AssignOp_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AssignOp_e;
+typedef enum
+    Dialog_ColorMap,
+    Dialog_Equation,
+    Dialog_MacroViewer,
+    Dialog_ZoneMapStyle, /* was Dialog_PlotAttributes*/
+    Dialog_QuickEdit,
+    Dialog_QuickMacroPanel,
+    Dialog_ValueBlanking,
+    Dialog_Probe,          /* used for dialog positioning only */
+    Dialog_ProbeAt,
+    Dialog_NewLayout,
+    Dialog_OpenLayout,
+    Dialog_Save,
+    Dialog_SaveAs,
+    Dialog_LoadData,
+    Dialog_WriteData,
+    Dialog_Print,
+    Dialog_Import,
+    Dialog_Export,
+    Dialog_MacroPlay,
+    Dialog_MacroRecord,
+    Dialog_AxisEdit,
+    Dialog_SpatialVars,
+    Dialog_Reset3DAxes,
+    Dialog_ThreeDAxisLimits,
+    Dialog_ThreeDOrientationAxis,
+    Dialog_Streamtraces,
+    Dialog_IsoSurfaces,
+    Dialog_Slices,
+    Dialog_Contour,
+    Dialog_VectorLength,
+    Dialog_VectorVars,
+    Dialog_VectorArrowheads,
+    Dialog_VectorReferenceVector,
+    Dialog_ScatterSizeAndFont,
+    Dialog_ScatterLegend,
+    Dialog_ScatterReferenceSymbol,
+    Dialog_RGBColorVarsAndRange,
+    Dialog_RGBColorLegend,
+    Dialog_LineMapLegend,
+    Dialog_IJKBlanking,
+    Dialog_DepthBlanking,
+    Dialog_LightSource,
+    Dialog_Advanced3DControl,
+    Dialog_TwoDDrawOrder,
+    Dialog_PolarDrawingOptions,
+    Dialog_DataLabels,
+    Dialog_StyleLinking,
+    Dialog_Smooth,
+    Dialog_TransformCoordinates,
+    Dialog_Rotate2DData,
+    Dialog_Create1DLine,
+    Dialog_CreateRectangularZone,
+    Dialog_CreateCircularZone,
+    Dialog_DuplicateZone,
+    Dialog_MirrorZone,
+    Dialog_CreateZoneFromPolylines,
+    Dialog_CreateZoneFromValues,
+    Dialog_DeleteVariables,
+    Dialog_DeleteZones,
+    Dialog_ExtractContourLines,
+    Dialog_ExtractFEBoundary,
+    Dialog_ExtractIsoSurfaces,
+    Dialog_ExtractSlices,
+    Dialog_ExtractSliceFromPlane,
+    Dialog_ExtractStreamtraces,
+    Dialog_ExtractSubZone,
+    Dialog_ExtractDiscretePoints,
+    Dialog_ExtractPointsFromPolyline,
+    Dialog_ExtractPointsFromGeometry,
+    Dialog_LinearInterpolation,
+    Dialog_InverseDistanceInterpolation,
+    Dialog_KrigingInterpolation,
+    Dialog_Triangulate,
+    Dialog_DataInfo,
+    Dialog_CurveInfo,
+    Dialog_DataSpreadsheet,
+    Dialog_PaperSetup,
+    Dialog_OrderFrames,
+    Dialog_RulerGrid,
+    Dialog_ThreeDViewRotate,
+    Dialog_ThreeDViewDetails,
+    Dialog_TranslateMagnify,
+    Dialog_PrintPreview,
+    Dialog_ColorPreferences,
+    Dialog_MiscPreferences,
+    Dialog_SizePreferences,
+    Dialog_SaveConfiguration,
+    Dialog_SaveColorMap,
+    Dialog_LoadColorMap,
+    Dialog_HelpAboutTecplot,
+    Dialog_HelpAboutAddOns,
+    Dialog_Publish,
+    Dialog_EditFrame,
+    Dialog_CopyToClipboard,
+    Dialog_ThreeDEdge,
+    Dialog_TimeDetails,
+    Dialog_Performance,
+    END_Dialog_e,
+    Dialog_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Dialog_PlotAttributes = Dialog_ZoneMapStyle
+} Dialog_e; /* <help> "Tecplot dialog types" */
+typedef enum
+    AnchorAlignment_TopLeft,
+    AnchorAlignment_TopCenter,
+    AnchorAlignment_TopRight,
+    AnchorAlignment_MiddleLeft,
+    AnchorAlignment_MiddleCenter,
+    AnchorAlignment_MiddleRight,
+    AnchorAlignment_BottomLeft,
+    AnchorAlignment_BottomCenter,
+    AnchorAlignment_BottomRight,
+    END_AnchorAlignment_e,
+    AnchorAlignment_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AnchorAlignment_e;
+typedef enum
+    PositionAtAnchor_Never,
+    PositionAtAnchor_Once,
+    PositionAtAnchor_Always,
+    END_PositionAtAnchor_e,
+    PositionAtAnchor_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PositionAtAnchor_e;
+typedef struct
+    AnchorAlignment_e  AnchorAlignment;
+    Boolean_t          AnchorHorizontalInside;
+    Boolean_t          AnchorVerticalInside;
+    SmInteger_t        MinVisibilityPercentage;
+    LgIndex_t          IOffset;
+    LgIndex_t          JOffset;
+    PositionAtAnchor_e PositionAtAnchor;
+    Boolean_t          HasBeenPositioned; /* not persistent */
+} DialogPosition_s;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref CurveInfoMode_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed1,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed2,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed3,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed4,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed5,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed6,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed7,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed8,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_NotUsed9,         /* deprecated: do not use                     */
+    ProcessXYMode_WriteCurveCoef,   /* deprecated: use CurveInfoMode_Coefficients */
+    ProcessXYMode_WriteCurvePoints, /* deprecated: use CurveInfoMode_RawData      */
+    END_ProcessXYMode_e,
+    ProcessXYMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ProcessXYMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    CurveInfoMode_Coefficients, /* ProcessXYMode_WriteCurveCoef   */
+    CurveInfoMode_RawData,      /* ProcessXYMode_WriteCurvePoints */
+    CurveInfoMode_Macro,        /* ProcessXYMode_WriteCurveCoefMacro */
+    END_CurveInfoMode_e,
+    CurveInfoMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CurveInfoMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ProcessLineMapMode_Draw,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetXYMinMax,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetDataMinMax,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetSinglePick,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_CheckOnlyForGroupPick,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetGroupPick,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetFirstValidDataPoint,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetNearestPoint,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetDependentValue,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetRSquaredGoodness,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_DisplayCurveCoef,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_WriteCurveCoef,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_WriteCurvePoints,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_InsertLabels,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_GetIndependentValue,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_WriteCurveCoefMacro,
+    END_ProcessLineMapMode_e,
+    ProcessLineMapMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ProcessLineMapMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    StyleBase_Factory,
+    StyleBase_Config,
+    END_StyleBase_e,
+    StyleBase_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StyleBase_e;
+typedef enum
+    ReadDataOption_NewData,
+    ReadDataOption_AppendData,
+    ReadDataOption_ReplaceData,
+    END_ReadDataOption_e,
+    ReadDataOption_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ReadDataOption_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref LabelType_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    NodeLabel_Index,         /* deprecated: use LabelType_Index         */
+    NodeLabel_VarValue,      /* deprecated: use LabelType_VarValue      */
+    NodeLabel_XAndYVarValue, /* deprecated: use LabelType_XAndYVarValue */
+    END_NodeLabel_e,
+    NodeLabel_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} NodeLabel_e;
+typedef enum
+    LabelType_Index,         /* NodeLabel_Index         */
+    LabelType_VarValue,      /* NodeLabel_VarValue      */
+    LabelType_XAndYVarValue, /* NodeLabel_XAndYVarValue */
+    END_LabelType_e,
+    LabelType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LabelType_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref BorderAction_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    SubBoundaryEditOption_All,      /* deprecated: use BorderAction_AddAll  */
+    SubBoundaryEditOption_Add,      /* deprecated: use BorderAction_Add     */
+    SubBoundaryEditOption_Remove,   /* deprecated: use BorderAction_Remove  */
+    SubBoundaryEditOption_AddOnly,  /* deprecated: use BorderAction_AddOnly */
+    END_SubBoundaryEditOption_e,
+    SubBoundaryEditOption_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SubBoundaryEditOption_e;
+typedef enum
+    BorderAction_AddAll,   /* SubBoundaryEditOption_All     */
+    BorderAction_Add,      /* SubBoundaryEditOption_Add     */
+    BorderAction_Remove,   /* SubBoundaryEditOption_Remove  */
+    BorderAction_AddOnly,  /* SubBoundaryEditOption_AddOnly */
+    END_BorderAction_e,
+    BorderAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BorderAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed1,
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed2,
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed3,
+    PointerStyle_AllDirections,
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed4,
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed5,
+    PointerStyle_NotUsed6,
+    PointerStyle_UpperLeftBracket,
+    PointerStyle_UpperRightBracket,
+    PointerStyle_LeftBracket,
+    PointerStyle_LowerLeftBracket,
+    PointerStyle_LowerRightBracket,
+    PointerStyle_RightBracket,
+    PointerStyle_BottomBracket,
+    PointerStyle_TopBracket,
+    PointerStyle_UpDown,
+    PointerStyle_LeftRight,
+    END_PointerStyle_e,
+    PointerStyle_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PointerStyle_e;
+typedef enum
+    CursorStyle_Undefined,
+    CursorStyle_StandardArrow,
+    CursorStyle_AdjusterArrow,
+    CursorStyle_AllDirections,
+    CursorStyle_Rotate,
+    CursorStyle_Zoom,
+    CursorStyle_Locate,
+    CursorStyle_UpperLeftBracket,
+    CursorStyle_UpperRightBracket,
+    CursorStyle_LeftBracket,
+    CursorStyle_LowerLeftBracket,
+    CursorStyle_LowerRightBracket,
+    CursorStyle_RightBracket,
+    CursorStyle_BottomBracket,
+    CursorStyle_TopBracket,
+    CursorStyle_UpDown,
+    CursorStyle_LeftRight,
+    CursorStyle_Waiting,
+    END_CursorStyle_e,
+    CursorStyle_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CursorStyle_e;
+typedef enum
+    PickSubPosition_All,
+    PickSubPosition_Top,
+    PickSubPosition_Bottom,
+    PickSubPosition_Left,
+    PickSubPosition_Right,
+    PickSubPosition_TopLeft,
+    PickSubPosition_TopRight,
+    PickSubPosition_BottomLeft,
+    PickSubPosition_BottomRight,
+    PickSubPosition_BottomAndTop,
+    PickSubPosition_LeftAndRight,
+    END_PickSubPosition_e,
+    PickSubPosition_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PickSubPosition_e;
+typedef enum
+    TecEngInitReturnCode_Ok,
+    TecEngInitReturnCode_LicenseIsInvalid,
+    TecEngInitReturnCode_LicenseExpired,
+    TecEngInitReturnCode_InternalInitializationError,
+    END_TecEngInitReturnCode_e,
+    TecEngInitReturnCode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TecEngInitReturnCode_e;
+typedef enum
+    GetValueReturnCode_Ok,
+    GetValueReturnCode_ResultTypeError,
+    GetValueReturnCode_SyntaxError,
+    GetValueReturnCode_ContextError,
+    GetValueReturnCode_DeprecatedError,
+    END_GetValueReturnCode_e,
+    GetValueReturnCode_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    GetValue_Ok              = GetValueReturnCode_Ok,              /* deprecated */
+    GetValue_ResultTypeError = GetValueReturnCode_ResultTypeError, /* deprecated */
+    GetValue_SyntaxError     = GetValueReturnCode_SyntaxError,     /* deprecated */
+    GetValue_ContextError    = GetValueReturnCode_ContextError,    /* deprecated */
+    GetValue_DeprecatedError = GetValueReturnCode_DeprecatedError, /* deprecated */
+    GetValue_Invalid         = GetValueReturnCode_Invalid          /* deprecated */
+} GetValueReturnCode_e;
+typedef enum
+    SetValueReturnCode_Ok,
+    SetValueReturnCode_DuplicateValue,
+    SetValueReturnCode_InvalidCommandOption,
+    SetValueReturnCode_NoAttachedDatasetError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_NoAttachedFrameError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_NotAllowedInConfigError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_ValueRangeError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_ValueSyntaxError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_AssignOpError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_InvalidVarOrZone,
+    SetValueReturnCode_InternalMemoryError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_ContextError1,
+    SetValueReturnCode_ContextError2,
+    SetValueReturnCode_OnlyAllowedInConfigError,
+    SetValueReturnCode_FeatureNotAvailable,
+    END_SetValueReturnCode_e,
+    /* For now this value is only used in Tecplot code.
+     * the value is here as an option for the future. */
+    SetValueReturnCode_Ignored = SetValueReturnCode_DuplicateValue,
+    SetValueReturnCode_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    SetValue_Ok                       = SetValueReturnCode_Ok,                       /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_DuplicateValue           = SetValueReturnCode_DuplicateValue,           /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_InvalidCommandOption     = SetValueReturnCode_InvalidCommandOption,     /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_NoAttachedDatasetError   = SetValueReturnCode_NoAttachedDatasetError,   /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_NoAttachedFrameError     = SetValueReturnCode_NoAttachedFrameError,     /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_NotAllowedInConfigError  = SetValueReturnCode_NotAllowedInConfigError,  /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_ValueRangeError          = SetValueReturnCode_ValueRangeError,          /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_ValueSyntaxError         = SetValueReturnCode_ValueSyntaxError,         /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_AssignOpError            = SetValueReturnCode_AssignOpError,            /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_InvalidVarOrZone         = SetValueReturnCode_InvalidVarOrZone,         /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_InternalMemoryError      = SetValueReturnCode_InternalMemoryError,      /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_ContextError1            = SetValueReturnCode_ContextError1,            /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_ContextError2            = SetValueReturnCode_ContextError2,            /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_OnlyAllowedInConfigError = SetValueReturnCode_OnlyAllowedInConfigError, /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_FeatureNotAvailable      = SetValueReturnCode_FeatureNotAvailable,      /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_Ignored                  = SetValueReturnCode_Ignored,                  /* deprecated */
+    SetValue_Invalid                  = SetValueReturnCode_Invalid                   /* deprecated */
+} SetValueReturnCode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ObjectAlign_LeftJustify,
+    ObjectAlign_RightJustify,
+    ObjectAlign_Center,
+    ObjectAlign_Top,
+    ObjectAlign_Bottom,
+    END_ObjectAlign_e,
+    ObjectAlign_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ObjectAlign_e;
+ * For 3D axis labels only.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    LabelAlignment_ByAngle,
+    LabelAlignment_AlongAxis,
+    LabelAlignment_PerpendicularToAxis,
+    END_LabelAlignment_e,
+    LabelAlignment_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LabelAlignment_e; /* <help> Label alignment for 3D axis labels only" */
+ * View_SetMagnification added 02/24/03 so all plot types
+ * can behave the same way "do a 'centered' magnifacation change".
+ * Line plots will still accept View_Scale option and zoom towards
+ * the corner so old macros/addons still work.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    View_Fit,
+    View_DataFit,
+    View_AxisFit,
+    View_Scale,   /* deprecated, Use SetMagnification */
+    View_Center,
+    View_Translate,
+    View_Zoom,
+    View_Last,
+    View_Copy,
+    View_Paste,
+    View_Push,  /* End of V9 enums */
+    View_SetMagnification,
+    View_NiceFit,
+    View_AxisNiceFit,
+    View_MakeCurrentViewNice,
+    View_AxisMakeCurrentValuesNice,
+    View_AxisResetToEntireCircle,
+    View_FitSurfaces,
+    END_View_e,
+    View_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} View_e;
+typedef enum
+    WorkspaceView_FitSelectedFrames,
+    WorkspaceView_FitAllFrames,
+    WorkspaceView_FitPaper,
+    WorkspaceView_Maximize,
+    WorkspaceView_LastView,
+    WorkspaceView_Zoom,
+    WorkspaceView_Translate,
+    WorkspaceView_UnMaximize,
+    END_WorkspaceView_e,
+    WorkspaceView_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} WorkspaceView_e;
+typedef enum
+    ArrowheadStyle_Plain,
+    ArrowheadStyle_Filled,
+    ArrowheadStyle_Hollow,
+    END_ArrowheadStyle_e,
+    ArrowheadStyle_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Arrowhead_Plain   = ArrowheadStyle_Plain,  /* deprecated */
+    Arrowhead_Filled  = ArrowheadStyle_Filled, /* deprecated */
+    Arrowhead_Hollow  = ArrowheadStyle_Hollow, /* deprecated */
+    Arrowhead_Invalid = ArrowheadStyle_Invalid /* deprecated */
+} ArrowheadStyle_e;
+typedef enum
+    ArrowheadAttachment_None,
+    ArrowheadAttachment_AtBeginning,
+    ArrowheadAttachment_AtEnd,
+    ArrowheadAttachment_AtBothEnds,
+    END_ArrowheadAttachment_e,
+    ArrowheadAttachment_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    ArrowheadAttach_None        = ArrowheadAttachment_None,        /* deprecated */
+    ArrowheadAttach_AtBeginning = ArrowheadAttachment_AtBeginning, /* deprecated */
+    ArrowheadAttach_AtEnd       = ArrowheadAttachment_AtEnd,       /* deprecated */
+    ArrowheadAttach_AtBothEnds  = ArrowheadAttachment_AtBothEnds,  /* deprecated */
+    ArrowheadAttach_Invalid     = ArrowheadAttachment_Invalid      /* deprecated */
+} ArrowheadAttachment_e;
+typedef enum
+    Clipping_ClipToViewport,
+    Clipping_ClipToFrame,
+    END_Clipping_e,
+    Clipping_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Clipping_e;
+typedef enum
+    StatusInfo_Hover,
+    StatusInfo_Identify,
+    StatusInfo_Instruction,
+    StatusInfo_Working,
+    StatusInfo_PercentDone,
+    END_StatusInfo_e,
+    StatusInfo_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StatusInfo_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref PlotType_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    FrameMode_Empty,    /* deprecated: use PlotType_Automatic   */
+    FrameMode_ThreeD,   /* deprecated: use PlotType_Cartesian3D */
+    FrameMode_TwoD,     /* deprecated: use PlotType_Cartesian2D */
+    FrameMode_XY,       /* deprecated: use PlotType_XYLine      */
+    FrameMode_Sketch,   /* deprecated: use PlotType_Sketch      */
+    END_FrameMode_e,
+    FrameMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Frame_Empty   = FrameMode_Empty,    /* deprecated */
+    Frame_ThreeD  = FrameMode_ThreeD,   /* deprecated */
+    Frame_TwoD    = FrameMode_TwoD,     /* deprecated */
+    Frame_XY      = FrameMode_XY,       /* deprecated */
+    Frame_Sketch  = FrameMode_Sketch,   /* deprecated */
+    Frame_Invalid = FrameMode_Invalid   /* deprecated */
+} FrameMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    PlotType_Automatic,   /* Frame_Empty  */
+    PlotType_Cartesian3D, /* Frame_ThreeD */
+    PlotType_Cartesian2D, /* Frame_TwoD   */
+    PlotType_XYLine,      /* Frame_XY     */
+    PlotType_Sketch,      /* Frame_Sketch */
+    PlotType_PolarLine,
+    END_PlotType_e,
+    PlotType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PlotType_e;
+#define VALID_PLOTTYPE(PlotType) ( VALID_ENUM((PlotType), PlotType_e) && \
+                                   ((PlotType) != PlotType_Automatic) )
+#define VALID_LINEPLOT_PLOTTYPE(PlotType) ( (PlotType) == PlotType_XYLine || \
+                                            (PlotType) == PlotType_PolarLine )
+#define VALID_FIELDPLOT_PLOTTYPE(PlotType) ( (PlotType) == PlotType_Cartesian2D || \
+                                             (PlotType) == PlotType_Cartesian3D )
+#define VALID_V9_PLOTTYPE(PlotType) ( (PlotType) == PlotType_Sketch || \
+                                      (PlotType) == PlotType_XYLine || \
+                                      (PlotType) == PlotType_Cartesian2D || \
+                                      (PlotType) == PlotType_Cartesian3D )
+typedef enum
+    ContLineCreateMode_OneZonePerContourLevel,
+    ContLineCreateMode_OneZonePerIndependentPolyline,
+    END_ContLineCreateMode_e,
+    ContLineCreateMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContLineCreateMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    PickObjects_None,
+    PickObjects_Frame,
+    PickObjects_Axis,
+    PickObjects_ThreeDOrientationAxis,
+    PickObjects_Geom,
+    PickObjects_Text,
+    PickObjects_ContourLegend,
+    PickObjects_ContourLabel,
+    PickObjects_ScatterLegend,
+    PickObjects_LineLegend,
+    PickObjects_ReferenceVector,
+    PickObjects_ReferenceScatterSymbol,
+    PickObjects_StreamtracePosition,
+    PickObjects_StreamtraceTermLine,
+    PickObjects_Paper,
+    PickObjects_Zone,
+    PickObjects_XYMapping, /* deprecated: use PickObject_LineMapping */
+    PickObjects_StreamtraceCOB,
+    PickObjects_SliceCOB,
+    PickObjects_IsoSurfaceCOB,
+    PickObjects_RGBLegend,
+    PickObjects_LineMapping,
+    END_PickObjects_e,
+    PickObjects_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    PickObject_None                   = PickObjects_None,                   /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Frame                  = PickObjects_Frame,                  /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Axis                   = PickObjects_Axis,                   /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_3DOrientationAxis      = PickObjects_ThreeDOrientationAxis,  /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Geom                   = PickObjects_Geom,                   /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Text                   = PickObjects_Text,                   /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_ContourLegend          = PickObjects_ContourLegend,          /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_ContourLabel           = PickObjects_ContourLabel,           /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_ScatterLegend          = PickObjects_ScatterLegend,          /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_LineLegend             = PickObjects_LineLegend,             /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_XYLegend               = PickObjects_LineLegend,             /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_ReferenceVector        = PickObjects_ReferenceVector,        /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_ReferenceScatterSymbol = PickObjects_ReferenceScatterSymbol, /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_StreamtracePosition    = PickObjects_StreamtracePosition,    /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_StreamtraceTermLine    = PickObjects_StreamtraceTermLine,    /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Paper                  = PickObjects_Paper,                  /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Zone                   = PickObjects_Zone,                   /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_XYMapping              = PickObjects_XYMapping,              /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_StreamtraceCOB         = PickObjects_StreamtraceCOB,         /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_SliceCOB               = PickObjects_SliceCOB,               /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_IsoSurfaceCOB          = PickObjects_IsoSurfaceCOB,          /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_RGBLegend              = PickObjects_RGBLegend,              /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_LineMapping            = PickObjects_LineMapping,            /* deprecated */
+    PickObject_Invalid                = PickObjects_Invalid                 /* deprecated */
+} PickObjects_e;
+typedef enum
+    SingleEditState_NotEditing,
+    SingleEditState_ActivelyEditing,
+    SingleEditState_WasEditing,
+    END_SingleEditState_e,
+    EditingInvalid = BadEnumValue
+} SingleEditState_e;
+typedef enum
+    AxisSubObject_GridArea,
+    AxisSubObject_AxisLine,
+    AxisSubObject_Title,
+    END_AxisSubObject_e,
+    AxisSubObject_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisSubObject_e;
+typedef enum
+    AxisSubPosition_GridMinBorder,
+    AxisSubPosition_GridMaxBorder,
+    AxisSubPosition_MainAxisLine,
+    AxisSubPosition_BackAxisLine,
+    AxisSubPosition_PerpAxisLine,
+    AxisSubPosition_PerpBackAxisLine,
+    END_AxisSubPosition_e,
+    AxisSubPosition_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    AxisSubPosition_2DStart = AxisSubPosition_GridMinBorder,
+    AxisSubPosition_2DEnd = AxisSubPosition_MainAxisLine,
+    AxisSubPosition_PolarStart = AxisSubPosition_GridMinBorder,
+    AxisSubPosition_PolarEnd = AxisSubPosition_PerpBackAxisLine
+} AxisSubPosition_e;
+ * NOTE: The _NoOp value is not at the top so this
+ *       enumeration aligns with the old AltMouseButtonMode_e
+ *       enumeration.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    MouseButtonClick_Redraw,
+    MouseButtonClick_RevertToSelect,
+    MouseButtonClick_NoOp,
+    END_MouseButtonClick_e,
+    MouseButtonClick_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MouseButtonClick_e;
+typedef enum
+    MouseButtonDrag_NoOp,
+    MouseButtonDrag_ZoomPaper,
+    MouseButtonDrag_TranslatePaper,
+    MouseButtonDrag_ZoomData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_TranslateData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_RlrBallRtatData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_SpherRtatData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_XRotateData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_YRotateData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_ZRotateData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_TwistRotateData,
+    MouseButtonDrag_ZoomViewer,
+    MouseButtonDrag_TranslateViewer,
+    MouseButtonDrag_RlrBallRtatVwr,
+    MouseButtonDrag_SpherRotateVwr,
+    MouseButtonDrag_XRotateViewer,
+    MouseButtonDrag_YRotateViewer,
+    MouseButtonDrag_ZRotateViewer,
+    MouseButtonDrag_TwistRotateViewer,
+    END_MouseButtonDrag_e,
+    MouseButtonDrag_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MouseButtonDrag_e;
+typedef struct
+    MouseButtonClick_e ButtonClick;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  SimpleDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  ControlledDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  AltedDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  ShiftedDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  ControlAltedDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  ControlShiftedDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  AltShiftedDrag;
+    MouseButtonDrag_e  ControlAltShiftedDrag;
+} MouseButtonAction_s;
+typedef struct
+    MouseButtonAction_s MiddleButton;
+    MouseButtonAction_s RightButton;
+} MouseActions_s;
+typedef enum  /* deprecated */
+    AltMouseButtonMode_Regen,
+    AltMouseButtonMode_RevertToSelect,
+    END_AltMouseButtonMode_e,
+    AltMouseButtonMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AltMouseButtonMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    MouseButtonMode_NoMode,
+    MouseButtonMode_Select,
+    MouseButtonMode_Adjust,
+    MouseButtonMode_Zoom,
+    MouseButtonMode_Translate,
+    MouseButtonMode_Probe,
+    MouseButtonMode_Text,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomPolyline,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomSquare,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomCircle,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomRectangle,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomEllipse,
+    MouseButtonMode_GeomSpline,
+    MouseButtonMode_CreateFrame,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateSpherical,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateRollerBall,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateTwist,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateXAxis,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateYAxis,
+    MouseButtonMode_RotateZAxis,
+    MouseButtonMode_ContourLabel,
+    MouseButtonMode_ContourAdd,
+    MouseButtonMode_ContourDelete,
+    MouseButtonMode_StreamPoints,
+    MouseButtonMode_StreamEndLine,
+    MouseButtonMode_ExtractPoints,
+    MouseButtonMode_ExtractLine,
+    MouseButtonMode_CreateRectangularZone,
+    MouseButtonMode_CreateCircularZone,
+    MouseButtonMode_Slice,
+    MouseButtonMode_LightSource,
+    MouseButtonMode_User1,
+    MouseButtonMode_User2,
+    MouseButtonMode_User3,
+    MouseButtonMode_User4,
+    END_MouseButtonMode_e,
+    MouseButtonMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Mouse_NoMode                = MouseButtonMode_NoMode,                /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Select                = MouseButtonMode_Select,                /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Adjust                = MouseButtonMode_Adjust,                /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Zoom                  = MouseButtonMode_Zoom,                  /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Translate             = MouseButtonMode_Translate,             /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Probe                 = MouseButtonMode_Probe,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Text                  = MouseButtonMode_Text,                  /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomPolyline          = MouseButtonMode_GeomPolyline,          /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomSquare            = MouseButtonMode_GeomSquare,            /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomCircle            = MouseButtonMode_GeomCircle,            /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomRectangle         = MouseButtonMode_GeomRectangle,         /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomEllipse           = MouseButtonMode_GeomEllipse,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_GeomSpline            = MouseButtonMode_GeomSpline,            /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_CreateFrame           = MouseButtonMode_CreateFrame,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateSpherical       = MouseButtonMode_RotateSpherical,       /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateRollerBall      = MouseButtonMode_RotateRollerBall,      /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateTwist           = MouseButtonMode_RotateTwist,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateXAxis           = MouseButtonMode_RotateXAxis,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateYAxis           = MouseButtonMode_RotateYAxis,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_RotateZAxis           = MouseButtonMode_RotateZAxis,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_ContourLabel          = MouseButtonMode_ContourLabel,          /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_ContourAdd            = MouseButtonMode_ContourAdd,            /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_ContourDelete         = MouseButtonMode_ContourDelete,         /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_StreamPoints          = MouseButtonMode_StreamPoints,          /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_StreamEndLine         = MouseButtonMode_StreamEndLine,         /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_ExtractPoints         = MouseButtonMode_ExtractPoints,         /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_ExtractLine           = MouseButtonMode_ExtractLine,           /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_CreateRectangularZone = MouseButtonMode_CreateRectangularZone, /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_CreateCircularZone    = MouseButtonMode_CreateCircularZone,    /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Slice                 = MouseButtonMode_Slice,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_User1                 = MouseButtonMode_User1,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_User2                 = MouseButtonMode_User2,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_User3                 = MouseButtonMode_User3,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_User4                 = MouseButtonMode_User4,                 /* deprecated */
+    Mouse_Invalid               = MouseButtonMode_Invalid                /* deprecated */
+} MouseButtonMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    DetailsButtonState_QuickEdit,
+    DetailsButtonState_ObjectDetails,
+    DetailsButtonState_ToolDetails,
+    END_DetailsButtonState_e,
+    DetailsButtonState_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DetailsButtonState_e;
+typedef enum
+    Event_ButtonPress,
+    Event_ButtonRelease,
+    Event_ButtonDoublePress,
+    Event_Motion,
+    Event_Drag,
+    Event_KeyPress,
+    END_Event_e,
+    Event_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Event_e;
+typedef enum
+    ObjectDrawMode_DrawFirst,
+    ObjectDrawMode_Move,
+    ObjectDrawMode_Remove,
+    ObjectDrawMode_Place,
+    END_ObjectDrawMode_e,
+    ObjectDrawMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ObjectDrawMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel_Full,
+    ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel_Trace,
+    END_ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel_e,
+    ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel_e; /* <help> "ThreeDViewChangeDrawLevel is deprecated. Use PlotApproximateMode.\n"*/
+typedef enum
+    NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel_Full,
+    NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel_Trace,
+    END_NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel_e,
+    NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel_e; /* <help> "NonCurrentFrameRedrawLevel is deprecated. Use PlotApproximateMode.\n"*/
+ * Enumerates the redraw reasons and is passed as an argument to registered
+ * draw event callbacks.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawActiveFrame:\n
+ *     The full draw event is in response to the "redraw" action function.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_UserReqTraceActiveFrame:\n
+ *     The approximate draw event is in response to the "redraw" action function.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawAllFrames:\n
+ *     The full draw event is in response to the "redraw all" action function.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_UserReqTraceAllFrames:\n
+ *     The approximate draw event is in response to the "redraw all" action function.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_InteractiveDataViewChange:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to an interactive data view change such as
+ *     rotate, translate, zoom, etc.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_InteractivePaperViewChange:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to an interactive paper translate view or
+ *     paper zoom view change.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_InteractiveStyleChange:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to an interactive style changes such as
+ *     dragging a contour level or a slice.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_Animation:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to an animation.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_AutoRedraw:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to an auto redraw.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_RedrawForcedViewUpdate:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to forced view update when auto redraw is
+ *     off such as a view fit or movement of the frame.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_RedrawForcedStyleUpdate:\n
+ *     The draw event is in response to forced view update when auto redraw is
+ *     off such as deleting a contour level.
+ *
+ *   - RedrawReason_PreFullRedrawTraceOfAllFrames:\n
+ *     The draw event is an approximate redraw done prior to a full redraw.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilEventAddPreDrawCallback(), TecUtilEventAddPostDrawCallback()
+ */
+typedef enum
+    RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawActiveFrame,
+    RedrawReason_UserReqTraceActiveFrame,
+    RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawAllFrames,
+    RedrawReason_UserReqTraceAllFrames,
+    RedrawReason_InteractiveDataViewChange,
+    RedrawReason_InteractivePaperViewChange,
+    RedrawReason_InteractiveStyleChange,
+    RedrawReason_Animation,
+    RedrawReason_AutoRedraw,
+    RedrawReason_RedrawForcedViewUpdate,
+    RedrawReason_RedrawForcedStyleUpdate,
+    RedrawReason_PreFullRedrawTraceOfAllFrames,
+    END_RedrawReason_e,
+    RedrawReason_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawCurrentFrame = RedrawReason_UserReqRedrawActiveFrame,
+    RedrawReason_UserReqTraceCurrentFrame = RedrawReason_UserReqTraceActiveFrame
+} RedrawReason_e;
+typedef enum
+    RotationMode_XYZAxis,
+    RotationMode_Spherical,
+    RotationMode_RollerBall,
+    END_RotationMode_e,
+    RotationMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RotationMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    RotateAxis_X,
+    RotateAxis_Y,
+    RotateAxis_Z,
+    RotateAxis_Psi,
+    RotateAxis_Theta,
+    RotateAxis_Alpha,
+    RotateAxis_Twist,
+    RotateAxis_VertRollerBall,
+    RotateAxis_HorzRollerBall,
+    RotateAxis_AboutVector,
+    RotateAxis_DontCare, /* internal use only */
+    END_RotateAxis_e,
+    RotateAxis_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RotateAxis_e;
+typedef enum
+    RotateOriginLocation_DefinedOrigin,
+    RotateOriginLocation_Viewer,
+    END_RotateOriginLocation_e,
+    RotateOriginLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RotateOriginLocation_e;
+ * NOTE: This is only used with the $!Reset3DOrigin command.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    OriginResetLocation_DataCenter,
+    OriginResetLocation_ViewCenter,
+    END_OriginResetLocation_e,
+    OriginResetLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} OriginResetLocation_e;
+ * NOTE: This is only used with the $!CreateSliceZoneFromPlane command.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    SliceSource_SurfaceZones,
+    SliceSource_VolumeZones,
+    SliceSource_SurfacesOfVolumeZones,
+    SliceSource_LinearZones,
+    END_SliceSource_e,
+    SliceSource_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SliceSource_e;
+typedef enum
+    Input_SmInteger,
+    Input_Short,
+    Input_Integer,
+    Input_Float,
+    Input_Double,
+    Input_Radians,
+    Input_TimeDateDouble,
+    Input_ElapsedTimeDouble,
+    END_Input_e,
+    Input_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Input_e;
+typedef enum
+    PtSelection_All,
+    PtSelection_NearestN,
+    PtSelection_OctantN,
+    END_PtSelection_e,
+    PtSelection_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PtSelection_e;
+typedef enum
+    Drift_None,
+    Drift_Linear,
+    Drift_Quad,
+    END_Drift_e,
+    Drift_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Drift_e;
+/* atpoint is simple boundary condition.
+   atpointb2 is better boundary condition.
+typedef enum
+    DerivPos_atpoint,
+    DerivPos_atpointb2,
+    DerivPos_kphalf,
+    DerivPos_jphalf,
+    DerivPos_iphalf,
+    END_DerivPos_e,
+    DerivPos_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DerivPos_e; /*<help>"atpoint is the simple boundary condition\n"*/
+/*<help>"atpointb2 is a better boundary condition"*/
+typedef enum
+    LinearInterpMode_DontChange,
+    LinearInterpMode_SetToConst,
+    END_LinearInterpMode_e,
+    LinearInterpMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LinearInterpMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    VolumeCellInterpolationMode_PiecewiseLinear,
+    VolumeCellInterpolationMode_TriLinear,
+    END_VolumeCellInterpolationMode_e,
+    VolumeCellInterpolationMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VolumeCellInterpolationMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    PolyCellInterpolationMode_UseCCValue,
+    PolyCellInterpolationMode_AverageNodes,
+    END_PolyCellInterpolationMode_e,
+    PolyCellInterpolationMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PolyCellInterpolationMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ConstraintOp2Mode_UseVar,
+    ConstraintOp2Mode_UseConstant,
+    END_ConstraintOp2Mode_e,
+    ConstraintOp2Mode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ConstraintOp2Mode_e;
+ * Controls how data is loaded for interactive probe events.
+ * DataProbeVarLoadMode_IncrementallyLoadAll will load as much data as possible within
+ * load-on-demand time/space thresholds. DataProbeVarLoadMode_LoadRequiredVarsOnly will
+ * load only the data necessary to complete the probe request.
+ * DataProbeVarLoadMode_IncrementallyLoadAll is the default.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    DataProbeVarLoadMode_IncrementallyLoadAll,
+    DataProbeVarLoadMode_LoadRequiredVarsOnly,
+    END_DataProbeVarLoadMode_e,
+    DataProbeVarLoadMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataProbeVarLoadMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    ValueBlankCellMode_AllCorners,
+    ValueBlankCellMode_AnyCorner,
+    ValueBlankCellMode_PrimaryValue,
+    END_ValueBlankCellMode_e,
+    ValueBlankCellMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    ValueBlankCellMode_PrimaryCorner = ValueBlankCellMode_PrimaryValue
+} ValueBlankCellMode_e;
+ * deprecated: ValueBlankMode_e enumeration will not be supported after
+ *             version 8. This API was retained for add-on developers
+ *             using the TecUtilStyleSetLowLevel API.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    ValueBlankMode_AndRule,
+    ValueBlankMode_OrRule,
+    ValueBlankMode_CornerRule,
+    END_ValueBlankMode_e,
+    ValueBlankMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ValueBlankMode_e; /*<help>"DEPRECATED: ValueBlankMode_e will not be supported after version 8"*/
+typedef enum
+    CellBlankedCond_NotBlanked,
+    CellBlankedCond_PartiallyBlanked,
+    CellBlankedCond_EntirelyBlanked,
+    CellBlankedCond_Uncertain,
+    END_CellBlankedCond_e,
+    CellBlankedCond_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CellBlankedCond_e;
+typedef enum
+    RelOp_LessThanOrEqual,
+    RelOp_GreaterThanOrEqual,
+    RelOp_LessThan,
+    RelOp_GreaterThan,
+    RelOp_EqualTo,
+    RelOp_NotEqualTo,
+    END_RelOp_e,
+    RelOp_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RelOp_e;
+typedef enum
+    IJKBlankMode_BlankInterior,
+    IJKBlankMode_BlankExterior,
+    END_IJKBlankMode_e,
+    IJKBlankMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} IJKBlankMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    PlotApproximationMode_Automatic,
+    PlotApproximationMode_NonCurrentAlwaysApproximated,
+    PlotApproximationMode_AllFramesAlwaysApproximated,
+    END_PlotApproximationMode_e,
+    PlotApproximationMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PlotApproximationMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    SphereScatterRenderQuality_Low,
+    SphereScatterRenderQuality_Medium,
+    SphereScatterRenderQuality_High,
+    END_SphereScatterRenderQuality_e,
+    SphereScatterRenderQuality_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SphereScatterRenderQuality_e;
+ * NOTE: FillPat_e is deprecated.  It must be retained to maintain
+ *       backward compatibility with the TecUtil layer however.
+ *       This has been replaced by Translucency_e.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Pattern_Solid,
+    Pattern_LowTranslucent,
+    Pattern_MedTranslucent,
+    Pattern_HighTranslucent,
+    END_FillPat_e,
+    Pattern_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FillPat_e; /*<help>"DEPRECATED: Replaced by Translucency_e"*/
+typedef enum
+    Translucency_Solid,
+    Translucency_Low,
+    Translucency_Medium,
+    Translucency_High,
+    END_Translucency_e,
+    Translucency_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Translucency_e;
+typedef enum
+    SunRaster_OldFormat,
+    SunRaster_Standard,
+    SunRaster_ByteEncoded,
+    END_SunRaster_e,
+    SunRaster_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SunRaster_e;
+typedef enum
+    BoundaryCondition_Fixed,
+    BoundaryCondition_ZeroGradient,
+    BoundaryCondition_Zero2nd,
+    END_BoundaryCondition_e,
+    BoundaryCondition_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BoundaryCondition_e;
+/* Note:
+ *   In 2D: AxisMode_Independent and AxisMode_XYDependent are used;
+ *   in 3D: AxisMode_Independent, AxisMode_XYZDependent, and AxisMode_XYDependent are used.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    AxisMode_Independent,
+    AxisMode_XYZDependent,
+    AxisMode_XYDependent,
+    END_AxisMode_e,
+    AxisMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisMode_e;/*<help>"In 2D AxisMode_Independent and AxisMode_XYDependent are used\n"*/
+/*<help>"In 3D AxisMode_Independent, "*/
+/*<help>"AxisMode_XYZDependent, and AxisMode_XYDependent are used."*/
+typedef enum
+    Quick_LineColor,
+    Quick_FillColor,
+    Quick_TextColor,
+    END_QuickColorMode_e,
+    Quick_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} QuickColorMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    FillMode_None,
+    FillMode_UseSpecificColor,
+    FillMode_UseLineColor,
+    FillMode_UseBackgroundColor,
+    END_FillMode_e,
+    FillMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FillMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    LinePattern_Solid,
+    LinePattern_Dashed,
+    LinePattern_DashDot,
+    LinePattern_Dotted,
+    LinePattern_LongDash,
+    LinePattern_DashDotDot,
+    END_LinePattern_e,
+    LinePattern_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LinePattern_e;
+typedef enum
+    Join_Miter,
+    Join_Round,
+    Join_Bevel,
+    END_LineJoin_e,
+    Join_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LineJoin_e;
+typedef enum
+    Cap_Flat,
+    Cap_Round,
+    Cap_Square,
+    END_LineCap_e,
+    Cap_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LineCap_e;
+typedef enum
+    GeomForm_LineSegs,
+    GeomForm_Rectangle,
+    GeomForm_Square,
+    GeomForm_Circle,
+    GeomForm_Ellipse,
+    GeomForm_LineSegs3D, /* deprecated: use GeomForm_LineSegs with CoordSys_Grid3D */
+    GeomForm_Image,
+    END_GeomForm_e,
+    GeomForm_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* new value names */
+    GeomType_LineSegs = GeomForm_LineSegs,
+    GeomType_Rectangle = GeomForm_Rectangle,
+    GeomType_Square = GeomForm_Square,
+    GeomType_Circle = GeomForm_Circle,
+    GeomType_Ellipse = GeomForm_Ellipse,
+    GeomType_LineSegs3D = GeomForm_LineSegs3D, /* deprecated: use GeomType_LineSegs with CoordSys_Grid3D */
+    GeomType_Image = GeomForm_Image,
+    END_GeomType_e = END_GeomForm_e,
+    GeomType_Invalid = GeomForm_Invalid
+} GeomForm_e;
+typedef GeomForm_e GeomType_e;
+typedef enum
+    VariableDerivationMethod_Fast,
+    VariableDerivationMethod_Accurate,
+    END_VariableDerivationMethod_e,
+    VariableDerivationMethod_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VariableDerivationMethod_e;
+ */
+typedef enum
+    AuxDataType_String,
+    END_AuxDataType_e,
+    AuxDataType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AuxDataType_e;
+ */
+typedef enum
+    AuxDataLocation_Zone,
+    AuxDataLocation_DataSet,
+    AuxDataLocation_Frame,
+    AuxDataLocation_Var,
+    AuxDataLocation_LineMap,
+    AuxDataLocation_Page,
+    END_AuxDataLocation_e,
+    AuxDataLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AuxDataLocation_e;
+/* Note: This replaces Element_e */
+typedef enum
+    ZoneType_Ordered,
+    ZoneType_FETriangle,
+    ZoneType_FEQuad,
+    ZoneType_FETetra,
+    ZoneType_FEBrick,
+    ZoneType_FELineSeg,
+    ZoneType_FEPolygon,
+    ZoneType_FEPolyhedron,
+    END_ZoneType_e,
+    ZoneType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ZoneType_e;
+typedef enum
+    ZoneOrder_I,
+    ZoneOrder_J,
+    ZoneOrder_K,
+    ZoneOrder_IJ,
+    ZoneOrder_IK,
+    ZoneOrder_JK,
+    ZoneOrder_IJK,
+    END_ZoneOrder_e,
+    ZoneOrder_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ZoneOrder_e;
+/* deprecated: replaced by ZoneType_e DataPacking_e */
+typedef enum
+    DataFormat_IJKBlock,
+    DataFormat_IJKPoint,
+    DataFormat_FEBlock,
+    DataFormat_FEPoint,
+    END_DataFormat_e,
+    DataFormat_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataFormat_e;
+typedef enum
+    DataPacking_Block,
+    DataPacking_Point,
+    END_DataPacking_e,
+    DataPacking_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataPacking_e;
+typedef enum
+    PD_HPGL,
+    PD_HPGL2,
+    PD_PS,
+    PD_LASERG, /* deprecated */
+    PD_EPS,
+    PD_WINDOWS, /* Windows Print Driver */
+    PD_WMF, /* Windows MetaFile (used from Export only) */
+    PD_X3D,
+    END_PrinterDriver_e,
+    PD_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PrinterDriver_e;
+typedef enum
+    Image_None,
+    Image_TIFF,
+    Image_EPSI2,
+    Image_FRAME,
+    END_EPSPreviewImage_e,
+    Image_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} EPSPreviewImage_e;
+typedef enum
+    TIFFByteOrder_Intel,
+    TIFFByteOrder_Motorola,
+    END_TIFFByteOrder_e,
+    TIFFByteOrder_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TIFFByteOrder_e;
+typedef enum
+    JPEGEncoding_Standard,
+    JPEGEncoding_Progressive,
+    END_JPEGEncoding_e,
+    JPEGEncoding_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} JPEGEncoding_e;
+typedef enum
+    FlashImageType_Lossless,
+    FlashImageType_JPEG,
+    FlashImageType_Color256,
+    END_FlashImageType_e,
+    FlashImageType_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    FlashImageType_256Color = FlashImageType_Color256
+} FlashImageType_e;
+typedef enum
+    FlashCompressionType_BestSpeed,
+    FlashCompressionType_SmallestSize,
+    END_FlashCompressionType_e,
+    FlashCompressionType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FlashCompressionType_e;
+typedef enum
+    ExportFormat_RasterMetafile,
+    ExportFormat_TIFF,
+    ExportFormat_SGI,
+    ExportFormat_SunRaster,
+    ExportFormat_XWindows,
+    ExportFormat_PSImage,       /* deprecated */
+    ExportFormat_HPGL,
+    ExportFormat_HPGL2,
+    ExportFormat_PS,
+    ExportFormat_EPS,
+    ExportFormat_LaserGraphics, /* deprecated */
+    ExportFormat_WindowsMetafile,
+    ExportFormat_BMP,
+    ExportFormat_PNG,
+    ExportFormat_AVI,
+    ExportFormat_Custom,  /* May be used in a future version */
+    ExportFormat_JPEG,
+    ExportFormat_Flash,
+    ExportFormat_X3D,
+    ExportFormat_TecplotViewer,
+    END_ExportFormat_e,
+    ExportFormat_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ExportFormat_e;
+typedef enum
+    AVICompression_ColorPreserving,
+    AVICompression_LinePreserving,
+    AVICompression_LosslessUncompressed,
+    END_AVICompression_e,
+    AVICompression_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AVICompression_e;
+typedef enum
+    AnimationDest_Screen,
+    AnimationDest_AVI,
+    AnimationDest_RM,
+    AnimationDest_Flash,
+    END_AnimationDest_e,
+    AnimationDest_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AnimationDest_e;
+typedef enum
+    AnimationOperation_Forward,
+    AnimationOperation_Backward,
+    AnimationOperation_Loop,
+    AnimationOperation_Bounce,
+    END_AnimationOperation_e,
+    AnimationOperation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AnimationOperation_e;
+typedef enum
+    AnimationStep_First,
+    AnimationStep_Second,
+    AnimationStep_Current,
+    AnimationStep_SecondToLast,
+    AnimationStep_Last,
+    AnimationStep_Previous,
+    AnimationStep_Next,
+    END_AnimationStep_e,
+    AnimationStep_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AnimationStep_e;
+typedef enum
+    ZoneAnimationMode_StepByNumber,
+    ZoneAnimationMode_GroupStepByNumber,
+    ZoneAnimationMode_StepByTime,
+    END_ZoneAnimationMode_e,
+    ZoneAnimationMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ZoneAnimationMode_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref ExportRegion_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    BitDumpRegion_CurrentFrame,
+    BitDumpRegion_AllFrames,
+    BitDumpRegion_WorkArea,
+    END_BitDumpRegion_e,
+    BitDumpRegion_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BitDumpRegion_e;
+typedef enum
+    ExportRegion_CurrentFrame,
+    ExportRegion_AllFrames,
+    ExportRegion_WorkArea,
+    END_ExportRegion_e,
+    ExportRegion_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ExportRegion_e;
+typedef enum
+    Paper_Letter,
+    Paper_Double,
+    Paper_A4,
+    Paper_A3,
+    Paper_Custom1,
+    Paper_Custom2,
+    END_PaperSize_e,
+    Paper_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PaperSize_e;
+typedef enum
+    PaperUnitSpacing_HalfCentimeter,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_OneCentimeter,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_TwoCentimeters,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_QuarterInch,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_HalfInch,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_OneInch,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_TenPoints,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_TwentyFourPoints,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_ThirtySixPoints,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_FiftyPoints,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_SeventyTwoPoints,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_OneTenthInch,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_OneTenthCentimeter,
+    END_PaperUnitSpacing_e,
+    PaperUnitSpacing_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PaperUnitSpacing_e;
+typedef enum
+    Palette_Monochrome,
+    Palette_PenPlotter,
+    Palette_Color,
+    END_Palette_e,
+    Palette_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Palette_e;
+typedef enum
+    PrintRenderType_Vector,
+    PrintRenderType_Image,
+    END_PrintRenderType_e,
+    PrintRenderType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PrintRenderType_e;
+typedef enum
+    Units_Grid,
+    Units_Frame,
+    Units_Point,
+    Units_Screen,
+    Units_AxisPercentage,
+    END_Units_e,
+    Units_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Units_e;
+typedef enum
+    CoordScale_Linear,
+    CoordScale_Log,
+    END_CoordScale_e,
+    CoordScale_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* old names for the same values */
+    Scale_Linear = CoordScale_Linear,
+    Scale_Log = CoordScale_Log,
+    Scale_Invalid = CoordScale_Invalid
+} CoordScale_e;
+#define GetLog10(R) ( ((R) < SMALLDOUBLE) ? SMALLESTEXPONENT : ( ((R) > LARGEDOUBLE) ? LARGESTEXPONENT : log10((R)) ) )
+typedef enum
+    CoordSys_Grid,
+    CoordSys_Frame,
+    CoordSys_FrameOffset,
+    CoordSys_Paper,
+    CoordSys_Screen,
+    CoordSys_Hardcopy,
+    CoordSys_Grid3D,
+    END_CoordSys_e,
+    CoordSys_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CoordSys_e;
+ *  NOTE:  CoordSys_FrameOffset always is stored in inches internally.
+ *         in stylesheet this may be written in other units if
+ *         appropriate suffix is added.
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Scope_Global,
+    Scope_Local,
+    END_Scope_e,
+    Scope_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Scope_e;
+typedef enum
+    TextAnchor_Left,
+    TextAnchor_Center,
+    TextAnchor_Right,
+    TextAnchor_MidLeft,
+    TextAnchor_MidCenter,
+    TextAnchor_MidRight,
+    TextAnchor_HeadLeft,
+    TextAnchor_HeadCenter,
+    TextAnchor_HeadRight,
+    TextAnchor_OnSide,
+    END_TextAnchor_e,
+    TextAnchor_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TextAnchor_e;
+typedef enum
+    TextBox_None,
+    TextBox_Filled,
+    TextBox_Hollow,
+    END_TextBox_e,
+    TextBox_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TextBox_e;
+typedef enum
+    GeomShape_Square,
+    GeomShape_Del,
+    GeomShape_Grad,
+    GeomShape_RTri,
+    GeomShape_LTri,
+    GeomShape_Diamond,
+    GeomShape_Circle,
+    GeomShape_Cube,
+    GeomShape_Sphere,
+    GeomShape_Octahedron,
+    GeomShape_Point,
+    END_GeomShape_e,
+    GeomShape_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} GeomShape_e;
+typedef enum
+    BasicSize_Tiny,
+    BasicSize_Small,
+    BasicSize_Medium,
+    BasicSize_Large,
+    BasicSize_Huge,
+    END_BasicSize_e,
+    BasicSize_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BasicSize_e;
+ * NOTE: LineForm_e is deprecated.  It must be retained to maintain
+ *       backward compatibility with the TecUtil layer however.
+ *       This has been replaced by CurveType_e.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    LineForm_LineSeg,
+    LineForm_CurvFit,
+    LineForm_EToRFit,
+    LineForm_PowerFit,
+    LineForm_Spline,
+    LineForm_ParaSpline,
+    END_LineForm_e,
+    LineForm_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LineForm_e;
+typedef enum
+    CurveType_LineSeg,
+    CurveType_PolynomialFit,
+    CurveType_EToRFit,
+    CurveType_PowerFit,
+    CurveType_Spline,
+    CurveType_ParaSpline,
+    CurveType_Extended,
+    END_CurveType_e,
+    CurveType_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    CurveType_CurvFit = CurveType_PolynomialFit
+} CurveType_e;
+typedef enum
+    Script_None,
+    Script_Super,
+    Script_Sub,
+    END_Script_e,
+    Script_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Script_e;
+typedef enum
+    Font_Helvetica,
+    Font_HelveticaBold,
+    Font_Greek,
+    Font_Math,
+    Font_UserDefined,
+    Font_Times,
+    Font_TimesItalic,
+    Font_TimesBold,
+    Font_TimesItalicBold,
+    Font_Courier,
+    Font_CourierBold,
+    END_Font_e,
+    Font_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Font_e;
+typedef enum
+    TwoDDrawOrder_ByZone,
+    TwoDDrawOrder_ByLayer,
+    END_TwoDDrawOrder_e,
+    TwoDDrawOrder_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TwoDDrawOrder_e;
+typedef enum
+    DrawOrder_AfterData,
+    DrawOrder_BeforeData,
+    END_DrawOrder_e,
+    DrawOrder_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DrawOrder_e;
+ *
+ * NOTE: Streamtrace_TwoDLine is new.  All 2D
+ *       streamtraces are assigned this value.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Streamtrace_SurfaceLine,
+    Streamtrace_SurfaceRibbon,
+    Streamtrace_VolumeLine,
+    Streamtrace_VolumeRibbon,
+    Streamtrace_VolumeRod,
+    Streamtrace_TwoDLine,
+    END_Streamtrace_e,
+    Streamtrace_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Streamtrace_e;
+typedef enum
+    StreamDir_Forward,
+    StreamDir_Reverse,
+    StreamDir_Both,
+    END_StreamDir_e,
+    StreamDir_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StreamDir_e;
+typedef enum
+    IsoSurfaceSelection_AllContourLevels,
+    IsoSurfaceSelection_OneSpecificValue,
+    IsoSurfaceSelection_TwoSpecificValues,
+    IsoSurfaceSelection_ThreeSpecificValues,
+    END_IsoSurfaceSelection_e,
+    IsoSurfaceSelection_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} IsoSurfaceSelection_e;
+typedef enum
+    ValueLocation_CellCentered,
+    ValueLocation_Nodal,
+    END_ValueLocation_e,
+    ValueLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ValueLocation_e;
+typedef enum
+    FieldDataType_Reserved, /* never use */
+    FieldDataType_Float,
+    FieldDataType_Double,
+    FieldDataType_Int32,
+    FieldDataType_Int16,
+    FieldDataType_Byte,
+    FieldDataType_Bit,
+    END_FieldDataType_e,
+    FieldDataType_IJKFunction,   /* Not used yet */
+    FieldDataType_Int64, /* Not used yet */
+    FieldDataType_LongInt = FieldDataType_Int32,
+    FieldDataType_ShortInt = FieldDataType_Int16,
+    FieldDataType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FieldDataType_e;
+#define VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPE(FieldDataType) (VALID_ENUM((FieldDataType),FieldDataType_e) && \
+                                              (FieldDataType)!=FieldDataType_Reserved)
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref MeshType_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Mesh_Wireframe,  /* deprecated: use MeshType_Wireframe  */
+    Mesh_Overlay,    /* deprecated: use MeshType_Overlay    */
+    Mesh_HiddenLine, /* deprecated: use MeshType_HiddenLine */
+    END_MeshPlotType_e,
+    Mesh_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MeshPlotType_e;
+typedef enum
+    MeshType_Wireframe,  /* Mesh_Wireframe  */
+    MeshType_Overlay,    /* Mesh_Overlay    */
+    MeshType_HiddenLine, /* Mesh_HiddenLine */
+    END_MeshType_e,
+    MeshType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MeshType_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref ContourType_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Contour_Lines,       /* deprecated: use ContourType_Lines        */
+    Contour_Flood,       /* deprecated: use ContourType_Flood        */
+    Contour_Overlay,     /* deprecated: use ContourType_Overlay      */
+    Contour_AverageCell, /* deprecated: use ContourType_AverageCell  */
+    Contour_CornerCell,  /* deprecated: use ContourType_PrimaryValue */
+    END_ContourPlotType_e,
+    Contour_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourPlotType_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourType_Lines,         /* Contour_Lines       */
+    ContourType_Flood,         /* Contour_Flood       */
+    ContourType_Overlay,       /* Contour_Overlay     */
+    ContourType_AverageCell,   /* Contour_AverageCell */
+    ContourType_PrimaryValue,  /* Contour_CornerCell  */
+    END_ContourType_e,
+    ContourType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourType_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourColoring_RGB,
+    ContourColoring_Group1,
+    ContourColoring_Group2,
+    ContourColoring_Group3,
+    ContourColoring_Group4,
+    ContourColoring_Group5,
+    ContourColoring_Group6,
+    ContourColoring_Group7,
+    ContourColoring_Group8,
+    END_ContourColoring_e,
+    ContourColoring_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourColoring_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref VectorType_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Vector_TailAtPoint, /* deprecated: use VectorType_TailAtPoint */
+    Vector_HeadAtPoint, /* deprecated: use VectorType_HeadAtPoint */
+    Vector_MidAtPoint,  /* deprecated: use VectorType_MidAtPoint  */
+    Vector_HeadOnly,    /* deprecated: use VectorType_HeadOnly    */
+    END_VectorPlotType_e,
+    Vector_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VectorPlotType_e;
+typedef enum
+    VectorType_TailAtPoint, /* Vector_TailAtPoint */
+    VectorType_HeadAtPoint, /* Vector_HeadAtPoint */
+    VectorType_MidAtPoint,  /* Vector_MidAtPoint  */
+    VectorType_HeadOnly,    /* Vector_HeadOnly    */
+    END_VectorType_e,
+    VectorType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VectorType_e;
+ * NOTE: ShadePlotType_e is deprecated.  It must be retained to maintain
+ *       backward compatibility with the TecUtil layer however.
+ *       This has been replaced by LightingEffect_e.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Shade_SolidColor,
+    Shade_Paneled,
+    Shade_Gouraud,
+    Shade_ColoredPaneled,
+    Shade_ColoredGouraud,
+    END_ShadePlotType_e,
+    Shade_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ShadePlotType_e;
+ * NOTE: LightingEffect_None is deprecated.  It must remain
+ *       in the list to allow macro processing of older
+ *       (i.e. early v9) macros.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    LightingEffect_Paneled,
+    LightingEffect_Gouraud,
+    LightingEffect_None,
+    END_LightingEffect_e,
+    LightingEffect_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LightingEffect_e;
+typedef enum
+    IJKLines_I,
+    IJKLines_J,
+    IJKLines_K,
+    END_IJKLines_e,
+    IJKLines_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Lines_I       = IJKLines_I,       /* deprecated */
+    Lines_J       = IJKLines_J,       /* deprecated */
+    Lines_K       = IJKLines_K,       /* deprecated */
+    Lines_Invalid = IJKLines_Invalid  /* deprecated */
+} IJKLines_e;
+typedef enum
+    IJKCellType_Planes,
+    IJKCellType_FacePlanes,
+    IJKCellType_Volume,
+    END_IJKCellType_e,
+    IJKCellType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} IJKCellType_e;
+ *  Ver 6 used PlaneSet.  Ver 7 uses CellType and Planes variables.
+ *
+ *   "PlaneSet" in version 6    vs.  IJKPlanes in v7:
+ *
+ *   'A' = AllPlanes                 CellType = IJKCellType_Volume
+ *   'd','e','f','C' = ComboPlanes   CellType = IJKCellType_Planes, IJKPlanes = depends on defC
+ *   'F' = Faces Planes Only         CellType = IJKCellType_FacePlanes
+ *   'I' = I-Planes                  CellType = IJKCellType_Planes, IJKPlanes = IJKPlanes_I
+ *   'J' = J-Planes                  CellType = IJKCellType_Planes, IJKPlanes = IJKPlanes_J
+ *   'K' = K-Planes                  CellType = IJKCellType_Planes, IJKPlanes = IJKPlanes_K
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE: IJKPlanes_e is still used internally in tecplot (and in the TecUtil layer).
+ *       it has been relagated to communicating which planes of an IJK zone are in
+ *       use.
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum
+    IJKPlanes_I,
+    IJKPlanes_J,
+    IJKPlanes_K,
+    IJKPlanes_Face,  /* used on the panel heap */
+    IJKPlanes_IJ,    /* deprecated */
+    IJKPlanes_JK,    /* deprecated */
+    IJKPlanes_IK,    /* deprecated */
+    IJKPlanes_IJK,   /* deprecated */
+    IJKPlanes_Volume,
+    IJKPlanes_Unused,
+    END_IJKPlanes_e,
+    IJKPlanes_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    Planes_I       = IJKPlanes_I,      /* deprecated */
+    Planes_J       = IJKPlanes_J,      /* deprecated */
+    Planes_K       = IJKPlanes_K,      /* deprecated */
+    Planes_IJ      = IJKPlanes_IJ,     /* deprecated */
+    Planes_JK      = IJKPlanes_JK,     /* deprecated */
+    Planes_IK      = IJKPlanes_IK,     /* deprecated */
+    Planes_IJK     = IJKPlanes_IJK,    /* deprecated */
+    Planes_Face    = IJKPlanes_Face,   /* deprecated */
+    Planes_Volume  = IJKPlanes_Volume, /* deprecated */
+    Planes_Unused  = IJKPlanes_Unused, /* deprecated */
+    Planes_Invalid = IJKPlanes_Invalid /* deprecated */
+} IJKPlanes_e;
+typedef enum
+    SurfacesToPlot_BoundaryFaces,
+    SurfacesToPlot_ExposedCellFaces,
+    SurfacesToPlot_IPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_JPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_KPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_IJPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_JKPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_IKPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_IJKPlanes,
+    SurfacesToPlot_All,
+    SurfacesToPlot_None,
+    END_SurfacesToPlot_e,
+    SurfacesToPlot_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SurfacesToPlot_e;
+typedef enum
+    PointsToPlot_SurfaceNodes,  /* was _SurfacesOnly */
+    PointsToPlot_AllNodes,      /* was _All          */
+    PointsToPlot_SurfaceCellCenters,
+    PointsToPlot_AllCellCenters,
+    PointsToPlot_AllConnected,
+    END_PointsToPlot_e,
+    PointsToPlot_SurfacesOnly = PointsToPlot_SurfaceNodes, /* deprecated */
+    PointsToPlot_All          = PointsToPlot_AllNodes,     /* deprecated */
+    PointsToPlot_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PointsToPlot_e;
+typedef enum
+    SliceSurface_XPlanes,
+    SliceSurface_YPlanes,
+    SliceSurface_ZPlanes,
+    SliceSurface_IPlanes,
+    SliceSurface_JPlanes,
+    SliceSurface_KPlanes,
+    END_SliceSurface_e,
+    SliceSurface_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SliceSurface_e;
+typedef enum
+    ClipPlane_None,
+    ClipPlane_BelowPrimarySlice,
+    ClipPlane_AbovePrimarySlice,
+    END_ClipPlane_e,
+    ClipPlane_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ClipPlane_e;
+typedef enum
+    Skip_ByIndex,
+    Skip_ByFrameUnits,
+    END_SkipMode_e,
+    Skip_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SkipMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    EdgeType_Borders,
+    EdgeType_Creases,
+    EdgeType_BordersAndCreases,
+    END_EdgeType_e,
+    EdgeType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} EdgeType_e;
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref BorderLocation_e instead.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    Boundary_None, /* deprecated: use BoundaryType_None */
+    Boundary_Min,  /* deprecated: use BoundaryType_Min  */
+    Boundary_Max,  /* deprecated: use BoundaryType_Max  */
+    Boundary_Both, /* deprecated: use BoundaryType_Both */
+    END_BoundPlotType_e,
+    Boundary_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BoundPlotType_e;
+typedef enum
+    BoundaryType_None, /* Boundary_None */
+    BoundaryType_Min,  /* Boundary_Min  */
+    BoundaryType_Max,  /* Boundary_Max  */
+    BoundaryType_Both, /* Boundary_Both */
+    END_BoundaryType_e,
+    BoundaryType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BoundaryType_e;  /* deprecated */
+typedef enum
+    BorderLocation_None, /* Boundary_None */
+    BorderLocation_Min,  /* Boundary_Min  */
+    BorderLocation_Max,  /* Boundary_Max  */
+    BorderLocation_Both, /* Boundary_Both */
+    END_BorderLocation_e,
+    BorderLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BorderLocation_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourColorMap_SmRainbow,
+    ContourColorMap_LgRainbow,
+    ContourColorMap_Modern,
+    ContourColorMap_GrayScale,
+    ContourColorMap_Wild,
+    ContourColorMap_UserDef,
+    ContourColorMap_TwoColor,
+    ContourColorMap_RawUserDef,
+    END_ContourColorMap_e,
+    ContourColorMap_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    ColorMap_SmRainbow  = ContourColorMap_SmRainbow,  /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_LgRainbow  = ContourColorMap_LgRainbow,  /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_Modern     = ContourColorMap_Modern,     /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_GrayScale  = ContourColorMap_GrayScale,  /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_Wild       = ContourColorMap_Wild,       /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_UserDef    = ContourColorMap_UserDef,    /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_TwoColor   = ContourColorMap_TwoColor,   /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_RawUserDef = ContourColorMap_RawUserDef, /* deprecated */
+    ColorMap_Invalid    = ContourColorMap_Invalid     /* deprecated */
+} ContourColorMap_e;
+typedef enum
+    ErrorBar_Up,
+    ErrorBar_Down,
+    ErrorBar_Left,
+    ErrorBar_Right,
+    ErrorBar_Horz,
+    ErrorBar_Vert,
+    ErrorBar_Cross,
+    END_ErrorBar_e,
+    ErrorBar_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ErrorBar_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourLineMode_UseZoneLineType,
+    ContourLineMode_SkipToSolid,
+    ContourLineMode_DashNegative,
+    END_ContourLineMode_e,
+    ContourLineMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourLineMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    Panel_Bad,
+    Panel_Cell,                 /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_Vector,               /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_Scatter,              /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_IJKBorderLine,        /* FieldZone IJK border lines */
+    Panel_CellEdge,             /* FieldZone border lines and creases */
+    Panel_FEBoundaryCell,       /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_NodeLabel,            /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_CellLabel,            /* FieldZone */
+    Panel_StreamtraceCell,      /* Streamtrace COB          */
+    Panel_StreamtraceMarker,    /* StreamtraceMarker COB (Scatter Symbol) */
+    Panel_StreamtraceArrowhead, /* StreamtraceArrowhead COB (Vector) */
+    Panel_IsoSurfaceCell,       /* IsoSurface COB */
+    Panel_IsoSurfaceCellEdge,   /* IsoSurface COB border lines and creases (border lines and creases not currently used) */
+    Panel_SliceCell,            /* Slice COB */
+    Panel_SliceVector,          /* Slice COB */
+    Panel_SliceIJKBorderLine,   /* Slice COB IJK border lines */
+    Panel_SliceCellEdge,        /* Slice COB border lines and creases (creases not currently used) */
+    Panel_Geom,                 /* Misc */
+    Panel_Text,                 /* Misc */
+    END_Panel_e,
+    Panel_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Panel_e;
+typedef enum
+    MessageBoxType_Error,
+    MessageBoxType_Warning,
+    MessageBoxType_Information,
+    MessageBoxType_Question,   /* Ok, Cancel buttons */
+    MessageBoxType_YesNo,
+    MessageBoxType_YesNoCancel,
+    MessageBoxType_WarningOkCancel,
+    END_MessageBoxType_e,
+    MessageBoxType_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /* deprecated values */
+    MessageBox_Error           = MessageBoxType_Error,           /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_Warning         = MessageBoxType_Warning,         /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_Information     = MessageBoxType_Information,     /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_Question        = MessageBoxType_Question,        /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_YesNo           = MessageBoxType_YesNo,           /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_YesNoCancel     = MessageBoxType_YesNoCancel,     /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_WarningOkCancel = MessageBoxType_WarningOkCancel, /* deprecated */
+    MessageBox_Invalid         = MessageBoxType_Invalid          /* deprecated */
+} MessageBoxType_e;
+typedef enum
+    MessageBoxReply_Yes,
+    MessageBoxReply_No,
+    MessageBoxReply_Cancel,
+    MessageBoxReply_Ok,
+    END_MessageBoxReply_e,
+    MessageBoxReply_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} MessageBoxReply_e;
+typedef enum
+    NumberFormat_Integer,
+    NumberFormat_FixedFloat,
+    NumberFormat_Exponential,
+    NumberFormat_BestFloat,
+    NumberFormat_SuperScript,
+    NumberFormat_CustomLabel,
+    NumberFormat_LogSuperScript,
+    NumberFormat_RangeBestFloat,
+    NumberFormat_DynamicLabel,
+    NumberFormat_TimeDate,
+    END_NumberFormat_e,
+    NumberFormat_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} NumberFormat_e;
+/* For backward compatibility with v9- */
+typedef NumberFormat_e ValueFormat_e;
+typedef enum
+    BackingStoreMode_QuickAndDirty,
+    BackingStoreMode_RealTimeUpdate,
+    BackingStoreMode_PeriodicUpdate,
+    END_BackingStoreMode_e,
+    BackingStoreMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BackingStoreMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    TickDirection_In,
+    TickDirection_Out,
+    TickDirection_Centered,
+    END_TickDirection_e,
+    TickDirection_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TickDirection_e;
+/* This enumerated type is no longer used as of Tecplot V10. */
+typedef enum
+    AxisTitlePosition_Left,
+    AxisTitlePosition_Center,
+    AxisTitlePosition_Right,
+    END_AxisTitlePosition_e,
+    AxisTitlePosition_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisTitlePosition_e;
+typedef enum
+    AxisTitleMode_NoTitle,
+    AxisTitleMode_UseVarName,
+    AxisTitleMode_UseText,
+    END_AxisTitleMode_e,
+    AxisTitleMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisTitleMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    AxisAlignment_WithViewport,
+    AxisAlignment_WithOpposingAxisValue,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridMin,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridMax,
+    AxisAlignment_WithSpecificAngle,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridAreaTop,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridAreaBottom,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridAreaLeft,
+    AxisAlignment_WithGridAreaRight,
+    END_AxisAlignment_e,
+    AxisAlignment_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisAlignment_e;
+typedef enum
+    FunctionDependency_XIndependent,
+    FunctionDependency_YIndependent,
+    END_FunctionDependency_e,
+    FunctionDependency_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    FunctionDependency_ThetaIndependent = FunctionDependency_XIndependent,
+    FunctionDependency_RIndependent = FunctionDependency_YIndependent
+} FunctionDependency_e;
+typedef enum
+    LegendShow_Yes,
+    LegendShow_No,
+    LegendShow_Auto,
+    END_LegendShow_e,
+    LegendShow_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LegendShow_e;
+typedef enum
+    LineMapSort_None,
+    LineMapSort_IndependentVar,
+    LineMapSort_DependentVar,
+    LineMapSort_SpecificVar,
+    END_LineMapSort_e,
+    LineMapSort_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LineMapSort_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContLegendLabelLocation_ContourLevels,
+    ContLegendLabelLocation_Increment,
+    ContLegendLabelLocation_ColorMapDivisions,
+    END_ContLegendLabelLocation_e,
+    ContLegendLabelLocation_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContLegendLabelLocation_e;
+typedef enum
+    ThetaMode_Degrees,
+    ThetaMode_Radians,
+    ThetaMode_Arbitrary,
+    END_ThetaMode_e,
+    ThetaMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ThetaMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    Transform_PolarToRect,
+    Transform_SphericalToRect,
+    Transform_RectToPolar,
+    Transform_RectToSpherical,
+    END_Transform_e,
+    Transform_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Transform_e;
+typedef enum
+    LaunchDialogMode_ModalSync,
+    LaunchDialogMode_Modeless,
+    LaunchDialogMode_ModalAsync,
+    END_LaunchDialogMode_e,
+    LaunchDialogMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} LaunchDialogMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    SelectFileOption_ReadSingleFile,
+    SelectFileOption_ReadMultiFile,
+    SelectFileOption_AllowMultiFileRead,
+    SelectFileOption_WriteFile,
+    SelectFileOption_SelectDirectory,
+    END_SelectFileOption_e,
+    SelectFileOption_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} SelectFileOption_e;
+typedef enum
+    BinaryFileVersion_Tecplot2006,
+    BinaryFileVersion_Tecplot2008,
+    BinaryFileVersion_Tecplot2009,
+    BinaryFileVersion_Current,
+    END_BinaryFileVersion_e,
+    BinaryFileVersion_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} BinaryFileVersion_e;
+/*   CURRENTLY NOT USED .... */
+typedef enum
+    ViewActionDrawMode_NoDraw,
+    ViewActionDrawMode_DrawTrace,
+    ViewActionDrawMode_DrawFull,
+    END_ViewActionDrawMode_e,
+    ViewActionDrawMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ViewActionDrawMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    PageAction_Create,
+    PageAction_Delete,
+    PageAction_Clear,
+    PageAction_SetCurrentToNext,
+    PageAction_SetCurrentToPrev,
+    PageAction_SetCurrentByName,
+    PageAction_SetCurrentByUniqueID,
+    END_PageAction_e,
+    PageAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PageAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    FrameAction_PushTop,
+    FrameAction_PopByNumber,
+    FrameAction_PopAtPosition,
+    FrameAction_DeleteActive,
+    FrameAction_FitAllToPaper,
+    FrameAction_PushByName,
+    FrameAction_PopByName,
+    FrameAction_PushByNumber,
+    FrameAction_ActivateTop,
+    FrameAction_ActivateNext,
+    FrameAction_ActivatePrevious,
+    FrameAction_ActivateAtPosition,
+    FrameAction_ActivateByName,
+    FrameAction_ActivateByNumber,
+    FrameAction_MoveToTopActive,
+    FrameAction_MoveToTopByName,
+    FrameAction_MoveToTopByNumber,
+    FrameAction_MoveToBottomActive,
+    FrameAction_MoveToBottomByName,
+    FrameAction_MoveToBottomByNumber,
+    END_FrameAction_e,
+    FrameAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    FrameAction_Pop = FrameAction_PopByNumber,
+    FrameAction_Push = FrameAction_PushByNumber,
+    FrameAction_DeleteTop = FrameAction_DeleteActive
+} FrameAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    DoubleBufferAction_On,
+    DoubleBufferAction_Off,
+    DoubleBufferAction_Swap,
+    END_DoubleBufferAction_e,
+    DoubleBufferAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DoubleBufferAction_e;
+ * PickAction_CheckToAdd had the side effects of popping a frame that was selected
+ * only if not collecting.  Pick_AddAtPosition avoids this.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    PickAction_CheckToAdd, /* deprecated: use Pick_AddAtPosition */
+    PickAction_AddAll,
+    PickAction_AddAllInRegion,
+    PickAction_Edit,
+    PickAction_Cut,
+    PickAction_Copy,
+    PickAction_Clear,
+    PickAction_Paste,
+    PickAction_PasteAtPosition,
+    PickAction_Shift,
+    PickAction_Magnify,
+    PickAction_Push,
+    PickAction_Pop,
+    PickAction_SetMouseMode,
+    PickAction_DeselectAll,
+    PickAction_AddZones,
+    PickAction_AddXYMaps, /* deprecated: use PickAction_AddLineMaps */
+    PickAction_AddLineMaps,
+    PickAction_AddAtPosition,
+    END_PickAction_e,
+    PickAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PickAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourLevelAction_Add,
+    ContourLevelAction_New,
+    ContourLevelAction_DeleteRange,
+    ContourLevelAction_Reset,
+    ContourLevelAction_ResetToNice,
+    ContourLevelAction_DeleteNearest,
+    END_ContourLevelAction_e,
+    ContourLevelAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourLevelAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    ContourLabelAction_Add,
+    ContourLabelAction_DeleteAll,
+    END_ContourLabelAction_e,
+    ContourLabelAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ContourLabelAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    StreamtraceAction_Add,
+    StreamtraceAction_DeleteAll,
+    StreamtraceAction_DeleteRange,
+    StreamtraceAction_SetTerminationLine,
+    StreamtraceAction_ResetDeltaTime,
+    END_StreamtraceAction_e,
+    StreamtraceAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} StreamtraceAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    ColorMapControlAction_RedistributeControlPoints,
+    ColorMapControlAction_CopyCannedColorMap,
+    ColorMapControlAction_ResetToFactoryDefaults,
+    END_ColorMapControlAction_e,
+    ColorMapControlAction_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ColorMapControlAction_e;
+typedef enum
+    ColorMapDistribution_Continuous,
+    ColorMapDistribution_Banded,
+    END_ColorMapDistribution_e,
+    ColorMapDistribution_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ColorMapDistribution_e;
+typedef enum
+    RGBMode_SpecifyRGB,
+    RGBMode_SpecifyRG,
+    RGBMode_SpecifyRB,
+    RGBMode_SpecifyGB,
+    END_RGBMode_e,
+    RGBMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RGBMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    TecUtilErr_None,
+    TecUtilErr_Undetermined,
+    END_TecUtilErr_e,
+    TecUtilErr_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} TecUtilErr_e;
+/* deprecated type from alpha/beta v10 */
+typedef enum
+    AxisShape_Ray,
+    AxisShape_LineTwoDirections,
+    AxisShape_LShape,
+    AxisShape_CrossOrBox,
+    END_AxisShape_e,
+    AxisShape_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} AxisShape_e;
+/* licensing enums : keep hidden */
+typedef enum
+    RunMode_Demo,
+    RunMode_Eval,
+    RunMode_Full,
+    /**/
+    END_RunMode_e,
+    /**/
+    RunMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} RunMode_e;
+typedef enum /* Custom exporter error message */
+    ExportCustReturnCode_Ok,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_Failed,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_TecplotLocked,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_ExporterNotLoaded,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_ExportCallbackFailed,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_NotAnImageExporter,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_NotAFieldDataExporter,
+    END_ExportCustReturnCode_e,
+    ExportCustReturnCode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ExportCustReturnCode_e;
+ * COB/Zone types.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    CZType_FieldDataZone,
+    CZType_FEBoundaryCOB,
+    CZType_IsoSurfaceCOB,
+    CZType_SliceCOB,
+    CZType_StreamtraceCOB,
+    CZType_StreamtraceMarkerCOB,
+    CZType_StreamtraceArrowheadCOB,
+    END_CZType_e,
+    CZType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} CZType_e;
+ */
+typedef enum
+    FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne,
+    FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany,
+    FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne,
+    FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany,
+    END_FaceNeighborMode_e,
+    FaceNeighborMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FaceNeighborMode_e;
+ * Page render destinations.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    PageRenderDest_None,
+    PageRenderDest_OnScreen,
+    PageRenderDest_OffScreen,
+    END_PageRenderDest_e,
+    PageRenderDest_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} PageRenderDest_e;
+ * Destination for all internal rendering (VDI/Gr) functions. For external
+ * linkage we translate RenderDest_WorkArea to PageRenderDest_OnScreen,
+ * RenderDest_OffscreenBitmap to PageRenderDest_OffScreen and
+ * RenderDest_Invalid to PageRenderDest_None.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    RenderDest_WorkArea, /* Do not move from start of screen entries */
+    RenderDest_ExampleText,
+    RenderDest_ExampleLightSourcePosition,
+    RenderDest_ExampleColorMap,
+    RenderDest_ExampleBasicColor, /* Do not move from end of screen entries */
+    RenderDest_OffscreenBitmap,
+    RenderDest_Hardcopy,
+    END_RenderDest_e,
+    RenderDest_Invalid = BadEnumValue,
+    /*
+     * These next two are optimizations to make the
+     * RDT_IsScreen() macro as efficient as possible.
+     */
+    RenderDest_FirstScreenEntry = RenderDest_WorkArea,
+    RenderDest_LastScreenEntry = RenderDest_ExampleBasicColor
+} RenderDest_e;
+typedef enum
+    Stipple_All,
+    Stipple_Critical,
+    Stipple_None,
+    END_Stipple_e,
+    Stipple_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} Stipple_e;
+typedef enum
+    DataFileType_Full,
+    DataFileType_Grid,
+    DataFileType_Solution,
+    END_DataFileType_e,
+    DataFileType_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataFileType_e;
+typedef enum
+    ConditionAwakeReason_Signaled,
+    ConditionAwakeReason_TimedOut,
+    END_ConditionAwakeReason_e,
+    ConditionAwakeReason_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ConditionAwakeReason_e;
+ *                                                              *
+ *                     STRUCTURE TYPEDEFS                       *
+ *                                                              *
+ ****************************************************************/
+ * These are defined to work with pthreads, more work for WINAPI needed
+ */
+typedef struct _Mutex_a* Mutex_pa;
+typedef void*(STDCALL *ThreadFunction_pf)(ArbParam_t ThreadData);
+typedef struct _Condition_a* Condition_pa;
+typedef struct _JobControl_s* JobControl_pa;
+typedef void (STDCALL *ThreadPoolJob_pf)(ArbParam_t JobData);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined USE_OOSTYLE
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+typedef struct _StringList_s *StringList_pa;
+typedef struct _Menu_s       *Menu_pa;
+typedef struct _ArrayList_s  *ArrayList_pa;
+typedef enum
+    ImageResizeFilter_Texture,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Box,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Lanczos2,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Lanczos3,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Triangle,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Bell,
+    ImageResizeFilter_BSpline,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Cubic,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Mitchell,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Gaussian,
+    END_ImageResizeFilter_e,
+    ImageResizeFilter_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ImageResizeFilter_e;
+typedef enum
+    VarStatus_Passive,
+    VarStatus_Custom,
+    VarStatus_Map,
+    VarStatus_Heap,
+    VarStatus_NotLoaded,
+    END_VarStatus_e,
+    VarStatus_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VarStatus_e;
+/* here until GR and GRHW layer can be rearranged. */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#   if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#   endif
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+typedef struct _Set_a *Set_pa;
+typedef struct
+    double X;
+    double Y;
+    double Z;
+} XYZ_s;
+typedef struct _Generic3Var_s
+    double V1;
+    double V2;
+    double V3;
+} Generic3Var_s;
+typedef struct _ThetaR_s
+    double Theta;
+    double R;
+} ThetaR_s;
+ * This union is designed to allow different plottypes
+ * to access the same values by different names.  In
+ * C++ we could use member access functions, or we
+ * could have used macros, but instead we use this
+ * union.  NOTE: This only works if all the structures
+ * have the same alignment.
+ */
+typedef union _AnchorPos_u
+    Generic3Var_s Generic;
+    XYZ_s         XYZ;
+    ThetaR_s      ThetaR;
+} AnchorPos_u;
+typedef struct _DataFileInfo_s
+    char          *PrimaryFName;
+    char          *TempBinaryFName;
+    DataFileType_e FileType;
+    FileOffset_t   DataFileOffset;
+    StringList_pa  VarName;
+    EntIndex_t     NumZones;
+    EntIndex_t     NumVars;
+    double         SolutionFileTime;
+    struct _DataFileInfo_s *NextFile;
+} DataFileInfo_s;
+typedef struct _StylesheetIOFlags_s
+    Boolean_t IncludePlotStyle;
+    Boolean_t IncludeFieldAndMapStyle;     /* Only used for undo */
+    Boolean_t IncludeUniqueIDs;            /* Only used for undo */
+    Boolean_t IncludeText;
+    Boolean_t IncludeGeom;
+    Boolean_t IncludeGeomImageData;
+    Boolean_t IncludeAuxData;
+    Boolean_t IncludeStreamPositions;
+    Boolean_t IncludeContourLevels;
+    Boolean_t IncludeFactoryDefaults;      /* Only used when writing */
+    Boolean_t CompressStyleCommands;       /* Only used when writing */
+    Boolean_t MergeStyle;                  /* Only used when reading */
+    Boolean_t IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition; /* Only used when reading */
+    Boolean_t UseRelativePaths;
+} StylesheetIOFlags_s;
+ */
+typedef struct
+    Boolean_t Show; /* power switch */
+    Boolean_t ShowMesh;
+    Boolean_t ShowContour;
+    Boolean_t ShowShade;
+    Boolean_t UseLightingEffect;
+    Boolean_t UseTranslucency;
+} IsoSurfaceLayers_s;
+ */
+typedef struct
+    Boolean_t Show; /* power switch */
+    Boolean_t ShowMesh;
+    Boolean_t ShowContour;
+    Boolean_t ShowVector;
+    Boolean_t ShowShade;
+    Boolean_t ShowEdge;
+    Boolean_t UseLightingEffect;
+    Boolean_t UseTranslucency;
+} SliceLayers_s;
+ */
+typedef struct
+    Boolean_t Show; /* power switch */
+    Boolean_t ShowPaths;
+    Boolean_t ShowDashes;
+    Boolean_t ShowArrowheads;
+    Boolean_t ShowMesh;
+    Boolean_t ShowContour;
+    Boolean_t ShowShade;
+    Boolean_t ShowMarkers;
+    Boolean_t UseLightingEffect;
+    Boolean_t UseTranslucency;
+} StreamtraceLayers_s;
+ */
+typedef struct
+#if 0 /* in the future we may add a main power switch */
+    Boolean_t       Show; /* power switch */
+    TwoDDrawOrder_e TwoDDrawOrder;
+    Boolean_t       ShowMesh;
+    Boolean_t       ShowContour;
+    Boolean_t       ShowVector;
+    Boolean_t       ShowScatter;
+    Boolean_t       ShowShade;
+    Boolean_t       ShowEdge;
+    Boolean_t       UseLightingEffect;
+    Boolean_t       UseTranslucency;
+} FieldLayers_s;
+ * General purpose field layers structure used for low level drawing code only.
+ * SetupXxxx is responsible for populating this general field layers structure
+ * from the specific layer structures above for CZInfo.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    Boolean_t ShowMesh;
+    Boolean_t ShowContour;
+    Boolean_t ShowVector;
+    Boolean_t ShowScatter;
+    Boolean_t ShowShade;
+    Boolean_t ShowEdge;
+    Boolean_t UseLightingEffect;
+    Boolean_t UseTranslucency;
+} CZFieldLayers_s;
+ */
+typedef struct _LinePlotLayers_s
+#if 0 /* in the future we may add a main power switch */
+    Boolean_t       Show; /* power switch */
+    Boolean_t ShowLines;
+    Boolean_t ShowSymbols;
+    Boolean_t ShowBarCharts;
+    Boolean_t ShowErrorBars;
+} LinePlotLayers_s;
+typedef union _InterfaceAdjust_u
+    double    ScaleFact;
+    LgIndex_t Shift;
+} InterfaceAdjust_u;
+typedef Boolean_t (*SuffixModifier_pf)(TP_IN_OUT double* Value,
+                                       const char*       Suffix);
+typedef struct _InputSpecs_s
+    Input_e           Type;
+    double            Min;
+    double            Max;
+    InterfaceAdjust_u InterfaceAdjust;
+    SuffixModifier_pf SuffixModifier;
+} InputSpec_s;
+typedef struct _RGB_s
+    ColorIndex_t R;
+    ColorIndex_t G;
+    ColorIndex_t B;
+} RGB_s;
+typedef struct _ControlPoint_s
+    double ColorMapFraction;
+    RGB_s  LeadRGB;
+    RGB_s  TrailRGB;
+} ControlPoint_s;
+typedef struct _ColorMapBand_s
+    short          NumControlPoints;
+    ControlPoint_s ControlPoint[MaxColorMapControlPoints];
+} ColorMapBand_s;
+typedef struct _EventAction_s
+    int       I;
+    int       J;
+    int       LastI;
+    int       LastJ;
+    int       BaseI;
+    int       BaseJ;
+    int       ButtonOrKey;
+    Event_e   Event;
+    Boolean_t IsShifted;
+    Boolean_t IsAlted;
+    Boolean_t IsControlled;
+    Boolean_t WasShiftedOnButtonPress;
+    Boolean_t WasAltedOnButtonPress;
+    Boolean_t WasControlledOnButtonPress;
+} EventAction_s;
+typedef struct _MacroCmd_s
+    LString_t           MacroLine;
+    struct _MacroCmd_s *NextCmd;
+} MacroCmd_s;
+typedef struct _IntegerRect_s
+    LgIndex_t X1;
+    LgIndex_t Y1;
+    LgIndex_t X2;
+    LgIndex_t Y2;
+} IntegerRect_s;
+typedef struct _Rect_s
+    double X1;
+    double Y1;
+    double X2;
+    double Y2;
+} Rect_s;
+typedef struct _XY_s
+    double X;
+    double Y;
+} XY_s;
+typedef struct _IJKSkip_s
+    LgIndex_t  I;
+    LgIndex_t  J;
+    LgIndex_t  K;
+} IJKSkip_s;
+ *
+ *  NOTE ON RANGES (Ent and Index)
+ *
+ *  Min, Max and Skip all use the following assignment logic:
+ *
+ *              0 = First element
+ *             -1 = mxindex value,  (X[mxindex-1] in c)
+ *             -n = mxindex-n+1  value (X[mxindex+n] in c)
+ *              n = n+1 value (X[n] in c)
+ *
+ */
+ *  2/28/95:  NOTE:  EntRange_s is no longer used but may be
+ *                   needed later.
+ */
+typedef struct _EntRange_s
+    EntIndex_t Min;
+    EntIndex_t Max;
+    EntIndex_t Skip;
+} EntRange_s;
+typedef struct _IndexRange_s
+    LgIndex_t Min;
+    LgIndex_t Max;
+    LgIndex_t Skip;
+} IndexRange_s;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined (THREED)
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+typedef struct _TextShape_s
+    Font_e       Font;
+    double       Height;
+    Units_e      SizeUnits;
+} TextShape_s;
+#define AsciiShapeFontIsGreek(S)       (((S)->UseBaseFont == FALSE) && ((S)->FontOverride == Font_Greek))
+#define AsciiShapeFontIsMath(S)        (((S)->UseBaseFont == FALSE) && ((S)->FontOverride == Font_Math))
+#define AsciiShapeFontIsUserDefined(S) (((S)->UseBaseFont == FALSE) && ((S)->FontOverride == Font_UserDefined))
+typedef struct
+    Boolean_t    UseBaseFont; /*     (Default = TRUE)     */
+    Font_e       FontOverride;/*     (Default = Font_Math)*/
+    SymbolChar_t Char;
+} AsciiShape_s;
+typedef struct _SymbolShape_s
+    GeomShape_e  GeomShape;
+    Boolean_t    IsAscii;
+    AsciiShape_s AsciiShape;
+} SymbolShape_s;
+#ifdef NOT_USED
+struct _AddOnList_a
+    /* added temporarily so Windows makelibtec works */
+    int dummy;
+typedef struct _AddOnList_a *AddOn_pa;
+typedef struct _NodeMap_a *NodeMap_pa;
+typedef struct _StylePointState_a   *StylePointState_pa;
+typedef struct _DataElementState_a  *DataElementState_pa;
+typedef struct _StyleElementState_a *StyleElementState_pa;
+typedef struct _NormalCache_a       *NormalCache_pa;
+#define INVALID_INDEX (-1)
+/* used to indicate that no neighboring element or zone exists */
+#define NO_NEIGHBORING_ZONE    (-1)
+typedef struct _FaceNeighbor_a *FaceNeighbor_pa;
+ */
+typedef struct _FaceMap_a *FaceMap_pa;
+ */
+typedef struct _ElemToFaceMap_a *ElemToFaceMap_pa;
+ */
+typedef struct _NodeToElemMap_a *NodeToElemMap_pa;
+ * Enumerates the face neighbor array members to make indexed members
+ * identifiable.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_CellFaceNbrs,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_BndryConnectNbrsCompObscure,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_BndryConnectFaceToCellsMap,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_BndryConnectIsPerfectNbr,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_BndryConnectCellList,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_BndryConnectZoneList,
+    END_FaceNeighborMemberArray_e,
+    FaceNeighborMemberArray_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FaceNeighborMemberArray_e;
+int const FaceNeighborNumMemberArrays = (int)END_FaceNeighborMemberArray_e;
+ * Enumerates the face map's array members to make indexed members
+ * identifiable.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceNodeOffsets,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceNodes,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceLeftElems,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceRightElems,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceBndryItemOffsets,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceBndryItemElems,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_FaceBndryItemElemZones,
+    END_FaceMapMemberArray_e,
+    FaceMapMemberArray_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FaceMapMemberArray_e;
+const int FaceMapNumMemberArrays = (int)END_FaceMapMemberArray_e;
+ * Enumerates the element to face map's array members to make indexed members
+ * identifiable.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_ElemFaceOffsets,
+    ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_ElemFaces,
+    END_ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_e,
+    ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_e;
+const int ElemToFaceMapNumMemberArrays = (int)END_ElemToFaceMapMemberArray_e;
+ * Enumerates the element map's array members to make indexed members
+ * identifiable.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    NodeToElemMapMemberArray_NodeElemOffsets,
+    NodeToElemMapMemberArray_NodeElems,
+    END_NodeToElemMapMemberArray_e,
+    NodeToElemMapMemberArray_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} NodeToElemMapMemberArray_e;
+const int NodeToElemMapNumMemberArrays = (int)END_NodeToElemMapMemberArray_e;
+typedef struct _FieldData_a *FieldData_pa;
+ */
+typedef struct _AuxData_s  *AuxData_pa;
+ * Enumerates the data value structure of a variable in a data file.
+ * For all but ordered cell centered data the classic, classic padded and
+ * classic plus formats are identical. All values are laid out contiguously
+ * in the file. The number of values written depends upon the value location:
+ *
+ *   - FE nodal:\n
+ *     The number of values equals the number of data points.
+ *   - FE cell centered:\n
+ *     The number of values equals the number of elements.
+ *   - Ordered nodal:\n
+ *     The number of values equals the number of data points.
+ *   - Ordered cell centered:\n
+ *     There are three formats:
+ *     -# Classic (binary version < 103):\n
+ *          Classic is a compressed format of ordered cell centered data in
+ *          that it does not include ghost cells. The cell index of each cell
+ *          does not correspond to the lowest corner point index of each cell
+ *          as it does internally in Tecplot.\n
+ *          The number of values in the data file is calculated as follows:
+ *          @code
+ *            NumValues = MAX(IMax-1,1) * MAX(JMax-1,1) * MAX(KMax-1,1);
+ *          @endcode
+ *          Where IMax, JMax, and KMax are the maximum point dimensions of the
+ *          zone.
+ *     -# Classic padded (binary version < 104):\n
+ *          Classic padded is an intermediary format that was available only
+ *          within Tecplot, Inc. The cell centered data includes the ghost cells
+ *          and each cell index corresponds to the lowest corner point index of
+ *          each cell.\n
+ *          The number of values in the data file (including ghost cells) is
+ *          calculated as follows:
+ *          @code
+ *            NumValues = IMax * JMax * KMax;
+ *          @endcode
+ *          Where IMax, JMax, and KMax are the maximum point dimensions of the
+ *          zone. The contents of the ghost cells is undefined and should not
+ *          be used.
+ *     -# Classic plus (binary version >= 104):\n
+ *          Classic plus is similar to classic padded except that it does not
+ *          include the ghost cells of the slowest moving index greater than
+ *          one.\n
+ *          The number of values in the data file (including ghost cells) is
+ *          calculated as follows:
+ *          @code
+ *            FinalIMax = IMax;
+ *            FinalJMax = JMax;
+ *            FinalKMax = KMax;
+ *
+ *            // decrement the max index of the slowest moving index greater than 1
+ *            if (KMax > 1)
+ *              FinalKMax--;
+ *            else if (JMax > 1)
+ *              FinalJMax--;
+ *            else if (IMax > 1)
+ *              FinalIMax--;
+ *
+ *            NumValues = FinalIMax * FinalJMax * FinalKMax;
+ *          @endcode
+ *          Where IMax, JMax, and KMax are the maximum point dimensions of the
+ *          zone. The contents of the ghost cells is undefined and should not
+ *          be used.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    DataValueStructure_Classic,
+    DataValueStructure_ClassicPadded,
+    DataValueStructure_ClassicPlus,
+    END_DataValueStructure_e,
+    DataValueStructure_Latest = (END_DataValueStructure_e - 1),
+    DataValueStructure_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataValueStructure_e;
+ * Enumerates the data node structure of a node map in a data file. The classic
+ * format uses 1 based nodes while the classic plus format uses zero based
+ * node.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    DataNodeStructure_Classic,     /* ones based node maps */
+    DataNodeStructure_ClassicPlus, /* zero based node maps */
+    END_DataNodeStructure_e,
+    DataNodeStructure_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} DataNodeStructure_e;
+ * Enumerates the variable locking modes. The \ref VarLockMode_ValueChange mode
+ * prevents modification of the values in a variable but permits deletion, and
+ * the \ref VarLockMode_Delete mode prevents deletion of a varaible but permits
+ * modification.
+ */
+typedef enum
+    VarLockMode_ValueChange,
+    VarLockMode_Delete,
+    END_VarLockMode_e,
+    VarLockMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} VarLockMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    FieldMapMode_UseStrandID,
+    FieldMapMode_UseZoneSet,
+    END_FieldMapMode_e,
+    FieldMapMode_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} FieldMapMode_e;
+typedef enum
+    UnloadStrategy_Auto,
+    UnloadStrategy_NeverUnload,
+    UnloadStrategy_MinimizeMemoryUse,
+    END_UnloadStrategy_e,
+    UnloadStrategy_Invalid = BadEnumValue
+} UnloadStrategy_e;
+typedef struct
+    ColorIndex_t       PresetZoneColor;
+    Boolean_t          IsInBlockFormat;
+} ZoneLoadInfo_s;
+ * Note: For FE Data, NumPtsI = Number of data points.
+ *                    NumPtsJ = Number of elements.
+ *                    NumPtsK = Number of points per element.
+ */
+typedef struct _ZoneSpec_s
+    UniqueID_t         UniqueID;
+    ZoneName_t         Name;
+    EntIndex_t         ParentZone;
+    Strand_t           StrandID;
+    double             SolutionTime;
+    LgIndex_t          NumPtsI;  // ...NumDataPts
+    LgIndex_t          NumPtsJ;  // ...NumElements
+    LgIndex_t          NumPtsK;  // ...NumPtsPerElem or NumFaces
+    LgIndex_t          ICellDim; // ...currently not used
+    LgIndex_t          JCellDim; // ...currently not used
+    LgIndex_t          KCellDim; // ...currently not used
+    ZoneType_e         Type;
+    ZoneLoadInfo_s     ZoneLoadInfo;
+    AuxData_pa         AuxData;
+    Boolean_t          BuildZoneOptInfo;
+    /* classic data only */
+    FaceNeighborMode_e FNMode;
+    Boolean_t          FNAreCellFaceNbrsSupplied; // ...meaning we don't need to update them
+    /* polytope data only */
+    LgIndex_t          NumFaceNodes;
+    LgIndex_t          NumFaceBndryFaces;
+    LgIndex_t          NumFaceBndryItems;
+} ZoneSpec_s;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+typedef struct _GenericImage_a *GenericImage_pa;
+typedef struct _TextBox_s
+    TextBox_e        BoxType;       /* Used to be textbox */
+    double           Margin;        /* Used to be textboxmargin */
+    double           LineThickness; /* Used to be textboxmargin */
+    ColorIndex_t     BColor;        /* Used to be textboxcolor */
+    ColorIndex_t     FillBColor;    /* Used to be textboxfillcolor */
+} TextBox_s;
+typedef struct _Text_s
+    UniqueID_t       UniqueID; /* Not used yet */
+    AnchorPos_u      AnchorPos;
+    CoordSys_e       PositionCoordSys;
+    EntIndex_t       Zone;
+    Boolean_t        AttachToZone; /* New */
+    ColorIndex_t     BColor;       /* Used to be TextColor */
+    TextShape_s      TextShape;
+    TextBox_s        Box;          /* Box items used to be here*/
+    double           Angle;        /* NOTE: short in v6, now in rad */
+    TextAnchor_e     Anchor;       /* New */
+    double           LineSpacing;  /* New */
+    Scope_e          Scope;
+    char            *MacroFunctionCommand;
+    Clipping_e       Clipping;
+    char            *Text;
+    struct _Text_s  *NextText;
+    struct _Text_s  *PrevText;
+} Text_s;
+typedef struct _GenericGeomData_s
+    FieldData_pa  V1Base;
+    FieldData_pa  V2Base;
+    FieldData_pa  V3Base;
+} GenericGeomData_s;
+typedef struct _PolarGeomData_s
+    FieldData_pa  ThetaBase;
+    FieldData_pa  RBase;
+} PolarGeomData_s;
+typedef struct _CartesianGeomData_s
+    FieldData_pa  XBase;
+    FieldData_pa  YBase;
+    FieldData_pa  ZBase;
+} CartesianGeomData_s;
+ * This union is designed to allow different plottypes
+ * to access the same values by different names.  In
+ * C++ we could use member access functions, or we
+ * could have used macros, but instead we use this
+ * union.  NOTE: This only works if all the structures
+ * have the same alignment.
+ */
+typedef union _GeomData_u
+    GenericGeomData_s   Generic;
+    CartesianGeomData_s XYZ;
+    PolarGeomData_s     ThetaR;
+} GeomData_u;
+typedef struct _Geom_s
+    UniqueID_t              UniqueID;
+    GeomType_e              GeomType;
+    CoordSys_e              PositionCoordSys;
+    AnchorPos_u             AnchorPos;
+    Boolean_t               AttachToZone;
+    EntIndex_t              Zone;
+    ColorIndex_t            BColor;
+    Boolean_t               IsFilled;
+    ColorIndex_t            FillBColor;
+    LinePattern_e           LinePattern;
+    double                  PatternLength;
+    double                  LineThickness;
+    Scope_e                 Scope;
+    DrawOrder_e             DrawOrder;
+    Clipping_e              Clipping;
+    FieldDataType_e         DataType;
+    char                   *MacroFunctionCommand;
+    ArrowheadStyle_e        ArrowheadStyle;
+    ArrowheadAttachment_e   ArrowheadAttachment;
+    double                  ArrowheadSize;
+    double                  ArrowheadAngle;
+    SmInteger_t             NumEllipsePts;
+    char                   *ImageFileName;
+    LgIndex_t               ImageNumber; /* used only to locate images within .lpk files */
+    Boolean_t               MaintainAspectRatio;
+    double                  PixelAspectRatio; /* VerticalPixelsPerHorizontalPixel */
+    SmInteger_t             NumSegments;
+    SegPtsArray_t           NumSegPts;
+    GeomData_u              GeomData;
+    ImageResizeFilter_e     ImageResizeFilter;
+    /* Internal Scratch */
+    GenericImage_pa         _ImageData;
+    struct _Geom_s         *_NextGeom;
+    struct _Geom_s         *_PrevGeom;
+} Geom_s;
+typedef struct _Text_s  *Text_pa;
+typedef struct _Geom_s  *Geom_pa;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined USE_OOSTYLE
+#if defined USE_OOSTYLE
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * Page creation callback is responsible for creating a RenderHandler for the page and
+ * calling @ref TecEngPageCreateNew(ArbParam_t RenderHandle)
+ *
+ * The RenderHandler type can be anything, for example,a pointer to a class instance that will
+ * be responsible for handling requests from the engine to perform operations on
+ * a page.
+ *
+ * @param PageConstructionHints a string list of construction hints that can be used for deciding
+ * how the page should be displayed in an application's UI. The construction hints could have been
+ * restored from a saved layout file or passed to @ref TecUtilPageCreateNew function.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if page create request was handled and TecEngPageCreateNew() returned TRUE.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngPageCreateRegisterCallback, TecEngPageCreateNew
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-5-014
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *PageCreateCallback_pf)(StringList_pa PageConstructionHints,
+                                                   ArbParam_t    RegistrationClientData);
+ * Page destruction callback responsible for destroying a page.
+ *
+ * @param PageClientData
+ *   Data associated with a page that was returned from the PageCreateCallback_pf
+ *   callback function.   You will get a different value for each page.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngPageDestroyRegisterCallback, PageCreateCallback_pf
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-5-014
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *PageDestroyCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t PageClientData,
+                                               ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for informing the parent application of a new current page.
+ * Note that this could be done via a state change monitor but a more secure method
+ * is needed as state changes may be shut down from time to time.
+ *
+ * @param PageClientData
+ *   Data associated with a page that was returned from the PageCreateCallback_pf
+ *   callback function.   You will get a different value for each page.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-5-017
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *PageNewCurrentCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t PageClientData,
+                                                  ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for creation of an offscreen image.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @param ImageHandle handle to a newly created image. This is an output parameter.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if an offscreen image was created successfully.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-054
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *OffscreenImageCreateCallback_pf)(ScreenDim_t        Width,
+                                                             ScreenDim_t        Height,
+                                                             ArbParam_t         RegistrationClientData,
+                                                             TP_OUT ArbParam_t* ImageHandle);
+ * Callback responsible for destruction of an offscreen image.
+ *
+ * @param ImageHandle handle to an offscreen image to be destroyed.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-054
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *OffscreenImageDestroyCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t ImageHandle,
+                                                         ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for returning RGB values for a row.
+ *
+ * @param ImageHandle
+ *     Handle to an off-screen image from which RGB values to be retrieved.
+ *
+ * @param Row
+ *     Row for which RGB values to be retrieved.
+ *
+ * @param RedArray
+ *     Array to receive the red byte values for the specified Row. The number of values in
+ *     the array must equal the width of the image. The array address is maintained by the
+ *     Tecplot Engine until the image is destroyed however it is reused for each invocation
+ *     of this callback.
+ *
+ * @param GreenArray
+ *     Array to receive the green byte values for the specified Row. The number of values in
+ *     the array must equal the width of the image. The array address is maintained by the
+ *     Tecplot Engine until the image is destroyed however it is reused for each invocation
+ *     of this callback.
+ *
+ * @param BlueArray
+ *     Array to receive the blue byte values for the specified Row. The number of values in
+ *     the array must equal the width of the image. The array address is maintained by the
+ *     Tecplot Engine until the image is destroyed however it is reused for each invocation
+ *     of this callback.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *     Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *     the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *     11.2-0-054
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *OffscreenImageGetRGBRowCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t           ImageHandle,
+                                                                ScreenDim_t          Row,
+                                                                ArbParam_t           RegistrationClientData,
+                                                                TP_ARRAY_OUT Byte_t* RedArray,
+                                                                TP_ARRAY_OUT Byte_t* GreenArray,
+                                                                TP_ARRAY_OUT Byte_t* BlueArray);
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * Callback responsible for printing an image on the specified printer DC
+ *
+ * @param PrintDC a device context of a printer on which the printing should be performed.
+ *
+ * @param ImageHandle handle to an image to print.
+ *
+ * @param Palette specifies if an image should be printed as a color or monochrome image.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @return TRUE if the printing operation was successfull.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-463
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *WinPrintImageCallback_pf)(HDC        PrintDC,
+                                                      ArbParam_t ImageHandle,
+                                                      Palette_e  Palette,
+                                                      ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * Callback responsible for providing a printer context.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function.   This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @return HDC context of the destination printer.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-468
+ */
+typedef HDC(STDCALL *WinPrinterGetContextCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+ * Render destination callback responsible for switching the render destination
+ * of the OpenGL drawing state when requested by the Tecplot engine.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-397
+ *
+ * @param PageRenderDest
+ *   Enumeration of page render destination of interest.
+ *
+ * @param RenderDestClientData
+ *   Data associated with a render destination, such as returned from the PageCreateCallback_pf or
+ *   OffscreenImageCreate_pf callback functions.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function. This will always return
+ *   the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   TRUE if render destination was set successfully. FALSE, otherwise.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngRenderDestRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *RenderDestCallback_pf)(PageRenderDest_e PageRenderDest,
+                                                   ArbParam_t       RenderDestClientData,
+                                                   ArbParam_t       RegistrationClientData);
+ * Render query callback responsible for informing Tecplot if the page
+ * associated with the PageClientData should be rendered into.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-5-018
+ *
+ * @param PageClientData
+ *   Data associated with a page that was returned from the
+ *   PageCreateCallback_pf callback function.
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Data associated with the registration of this function. This will always
+ *   return the value supplied in the original registration of this function.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   TRUE if Tecplot should render to the page identified by the
+ *   PageClientData, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngRenderQueryRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *RenderQueryCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t PageClientData,
+                                                    ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Render destination size callback responsible for returning the size of the
+ * specified render destination when requested by the Tecplot engine.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-397
+ *
+ * @param PageClientData
+ *   Data associated with a page that was returned from the
+ *   PageCreateCallback_pf callback function.
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ * @param Width
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the width of the current render
+ *   destination.
+ * @param Height
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the height of the current render
+ *   destination.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngRenderDestSizeRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *RenderDestSizeCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t        PageClientData,
+                                                  ArbParam_t        RegistrationClientData,
+                                                  TP_OUT LgIndex_t* Width,
+                                                  TP_OUT LgIndex_t* Height);
+ * Callback responsible for swapping the front and back buffers for the current
+ * OpenGL drawing state's render destination when requested by the Tecplot
+ * engine.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-397
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilpBuffersRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *SwapBuffersCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for querying of key states.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-399
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ * @param IsShiftKeyDown
+ *   Boolean pointer. If non-NULL, set the boolean to TRUE if the Shift key is
+ *   down or FALSE if it is up.
+ * @param IsAltKeyDown
+ *   Boolean pointer. If non-NULL, set the boolean to TRUE if the Alt key is
+ *   down or FALSE if it is up.
+ * @param IsCntrlKeyDown
+ *   Boolean pointer. If non-NULL, set the boolean to TRUE if the Cntrl key is
+ *   down or FALSE if it is up.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngKeyStateRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *KeyStateCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t        RegistrationClientData,
+                                            TP_OUT Boolean_t* IsShiftKeyDown,
+                                            TP_OUT Boolean_t* IsAltKeyDown,
+                                            TP_OUT Boolean_t* IsCntrlKeyDown);
+ * Callback responsible for querying of a mouse button state.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-424
+ *
+ * @param Button
+ *   Mouse button number to query. Button numbers start at one.
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   TRUE if the specified mouse button is down, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngMouseButtonStateRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *MouseButtonStateCallback_pf)(int        Button,
+                                                         ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for setting wait cursor when requested by the kernel
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-302
+ *
+ * @param Activate
+ *   TRUE if the kernel is requesting that the wait cursor be activated.
+ *   FALSE if the kernel is requesting that the wait cursor be deactivated.
+ * @param RegistractionClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngWaitCursorStateRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *WaitCursorStateCallback_pf)(Boolean_t  Activate,
+                                                   ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for setting cursor style when requested by the kernel
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-302
+ *
+ * @param CursorStyle
+ *   The cursor style which the kernel is requesting.
+ * @param RenderHandle
+ *   Handle to page where new cursor shape is being set.
+ * @param RegistractionClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngBaseCursorStyleRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *BaseCursorStyleCallback_pf)(CursorStyle_e CursorStyle,
+                                                   ArbParam_t    RenderHandle,
+                                                   ArbParam_t    RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for processing events when the Tecplot engine is busy
+ * peforming a requested operation. This callback will be called at regular
+ * intervals to repair the interface and if required check for interrupts. Very
+ * little work should be done by this function.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-415
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngProcessBusyEventsRegisterCallback, TecUtilInterrupt
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProcessBusyEventsCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for launching a dialog.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-415
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with this launch dialog callback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   TRUE if the dialog was launched, FALSE if it could not be launched
+ *   programmatically.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDialogLaunch, TecUtilDialogDrop
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DialogLaunchCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for dropping a dialog.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-407
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with this drop dialog callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDialogLaunch, TecUtilDialogDrop
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *DialogDropCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for querying of the physical display's horizontal and
+ * vertical dot pitch.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-407
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ * @param IDotsPerCm
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the physical display's horizontal
+ *   dot pitch in terms of the number of dots per centimeter.
+ * @param JDotsPerCm
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the physical display's vertical
+ *   dot pitch in terms of the number of dots per centimeter.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngDotPitchRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *DotPitchCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t     RegistrationClientData,
+                                            TP_OUT double* IDotsPerCm,
+                                            TP_OUT double* JDotsPerCm);
+ * Callback responsible for querying of the physical display's width and
+ * height in pixels.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-471
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ * @param WidthInPixels
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the physical display's width
+ *   in pixels. NULL may be passed.
+ * @param HeightInPixels
+ *   Pointer who's contents should receive the physical display's height
+ *   in pixels. NULL may be passed.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngScreenSizeRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ScreenSizeCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t  RegistrationClientData,
+                                              TP_OUT int* WidthInPixels,
+                                              TP_OUT int* HeightInPixels);
+ * Callback responsible for displaying a message box dialog and returning the
+ * user's response.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-415
+ *
+ * @param MessageString
+ *   Message string to display in the dialog.
+ * @param MessageBoxType
+ *   Type of message box to display.
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Result of user's response to the dialog.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngDialogMessageBoxRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef MessageBoxReply_e(STDCALL *DialogMessageBoxCallback_pf)(const char*      MessageString,
+                                                                MessageBoxType_e MessageBoxType,
+                                                                ArbParam_t       RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for displaying a status line
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-0-085
+ *
+ * @param StatusString
+ *   Message string to display in the dialog.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngStatusLineRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *StatusLineCallback_pf)(const char* StatusString,
+                                              ArbParam_t  RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback that will be called with the updated progress status.
+ *
+ * @since 11.2-0-098
+ *
+ *
+ * @param ProgressStatus
+ *   Percentage of the progress.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngProgressMonitorRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProgressMonitorCallback_pf)(int        ProgressStatus,
+                                                   ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback that will be called with Tecplot Engine is about to perform a lengthy operation.
+ * The client that registers such the callback may present a user with a progress bar,
+ * if the ShowProgressBar argument is TRUE, and a stop button that would interrupt the operation by
+ * calling TecUtilInterrupt().
+ *
+ * @since 11.2-0-098
+ *
+ * @param ShowProgressBar
+ *   Boolean indicating if the progress steps can be monitored for an operation. If TRUE, Tecplot Engine will be calling
+ *   the registered ProgressMonitorCallback_pf function with the updated progress status.
+ *
+ * @param IsInterruptible
+ *   Boolean indicating if the operation can be interrupted before completion.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngProgressMonitorRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProgressMonitorStartCallback_pf)(Boolean_t  ShowProgressBar,
+                                                        Boolean_t  IsInterruptible,
+                                                        ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Callback tht will be called with Tecplot Engine has finished performing a lengthy operation.
+ * At this point, client may hide progress bar that was shown during handling of ProgressMonitorStartCallback callback and
+ * disable or hide the stop button.
+ *
+ * @since 11.2-0-098
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @sa TecEngProgressMonitorRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProgressMonitorFinishCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * Add-on Timers
+ *********************************************************/
+ * This is called when a registered timer fires.
+ *
+ * @par Limitation:
+ *   Unix and Linux versions of Tecplot currently do not fire timer events when
+ *   Tecplot is running in batch mode (with the -b flag). This behavior
+ *   limitation is subject to change.
+ *
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the timer should be reinstated.   Return FALSE
+ *   to stop subsequent callbacks.
+ *
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyAddOnTimerCallback(
+ *   &                     ClientDataPtr)
+ *    POINTER (ClientDataPtr,DummyClientData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *AddOnTimerCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t ClientData);
+ * Callback that will be called when Tecplot Engine has requested an event timer to be created.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   ClientData that should be sent in the callback.
+ *
+ * @param TimerCallback
+ *   Callback to fire when the timer interval has expired.
+ *
+ * @param Interval
+ *   The time (in milliseconds) after which the timer callback should be called.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered via TecEngTimerRegisterCallback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the timer was successfully created, FALSE if not.
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *TimerCallback_pf)(AddOnTimerCallback_pf  TimerCallback,
+                                              ArbParam_t             ClientData,
+                                              UInt32_t               Interval,
+                                              ArbParam_t             RegistrationClientData);
+ * This function is called when the user activates a menu item
+ * added via TecUtilMenuInsertOption or TecUtilMenuInsertToggle.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *MenuActivateCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * This function is called when the a menu is deleted.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *MenuDeleteCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * This function is called to determine the sensitivity for a menu item (option,
+ * toggle or submenu).
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the menu item should be sensitive to user input,
+ *   or FALSE if it should be insensitive to user input (gray).
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *MenuGetSensitivityCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * This function is called to determine the checked state for a toggle menu item.
+ *
+ * @param RegistrationClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the toggle should be checked,
+ *   or FALSE if it should be unchecked.
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *MenuGetToggleStateCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t RegistrationClientData);
+ * This function is called when the user performs a probe event.
+ *
+ * @param IsNearestPoint
+ *   This is TRUE if the previous probe event was a nearest point probe.
+ *   This is FALSE if it was an interpolated probe.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   SUBROUTINE MyProbeDestinationCallback(
+ *              IsNearestPoint)
+ *   INTEGER*4 IsNearestPoint
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProbeDestination_pf)(Boolean_t IsNearestPoint);
+ * This function type called when a probe callback is installed via
+ * TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX.
+ *
+ * @param WasSuccessful
+ *   This is TRUE if the previous probe event was successful.
+ *   This is FALSE if it was the probe failed. Probe events may fail if the
+ *   user probes in a region of the plot that contains no data.
+ *
+ * @param IsNearestPoint
+ *   This is TRUE if the previous probe event was a nearest point probe.
+ *   This is FALSE if it was an interpolated probe.
+ *
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ProbeDestinationX_pf)(Boolean_t  WasSuccessful,
+                                             Boolean_t  IsNearestPoint,
+                                             ArbParam_t ClientData);
+ * DynamicMenu Functions are called upon a user selecting
+ * a menu item added via TecUtilMenuAddOption.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   SUBROUTINE MyDynamicMenuCallback()
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *DynamicMenuCallback_pf)(void);
+ * This callback signature is used to perform redraw events.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-363
+ *
+ * @param RedrawReason
+ *   An enumerated value describing the reason for the re-draw event.
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   Client data that was registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION DrawEventCallback(
+ *   &                     RedrawReason,
+ *   &                     ClientDataPtr)
+ *    INTEGER*4 RedrawReason
+ *    POINTER   (ClientDataPtr,ClientData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilEventAddPreDrawCallback(), TecUtilEventAddPostDrawCallback()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DrawEventCallback_pf)(RedrawReason_e RedrawReason,
+                                                  ArbParam_t     ClientData);
+ * Compares two strings from a list string. Note that either string may be NULL
+ * as StringLists allow for NULL elements.
+ *
+ * @param String1
+ *   String to compare against String2.
+ * @param String2
+ *   String to compare against String1.
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   Contextual information that was passed to the 'StringListSort' function.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   - A value less than zero if String1 is less than String2.
+ *   - A value of zero if String1 is equal to String2.
+ *   - A value greater than zero if String1 is greater than String2.
+ */
+typedef int (STDCALL *StringListStringComparator_pf)(const char* String1,
+                                                     const char* String2,
+                                                     ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+ * Gets a value at the specified point index using, if necessary, the private
+ * client data retrieved from the field data handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. This callback should NOT
+ *   lock/unlock Tecplot.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   10.0-3-128
+ *
+ * @param FD
+ *   Field data handle for which to set the value.  This
+ *   FieldValueGetFunction_pf must have been retrieved from this field data
+ *   handle via TecUtilDataValueRefGetGetFunc.
+ *
+ * @param pt
+ *   Zero-based index into the field data.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Value for that index, always passed as a double precision floating-point
+ *   value regardless of the data type of the field data handle.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataValueGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef double(STDCALL *FieldValueGetFunction_pf)(const FieldData_pa FD,
+                                                  LgIndex_t          pt);
+ * Sets a value at the specified index using the private client data retrieved
+ * from the field data handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. This callback should NOT
+ *   lock/unlock Tecplot.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   10.0-3-128
+ *
+ * @param FD
+ *   Field data handle for which to set the value.  This
+ *   FieldValueSetFunction_pf must have been retrieved from this field data
+ *   handle via TecUtilDataValueRefGetSetFunc.
+ *
+ * @param pt
+ *   Zero-based index into the field data.
+ *
+ * @param val
+ *   New value for that index, always passed as a double precision
+ *   floating-point value regardless of the data type of the field data handle.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataValueGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *FieldValueSetFunction_pf)(FieldData_pa FD,
+                                                 LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                                 double       val);
+ * Callback responsible for loading the specified variable for Tecplot using
+ * the private client data retrieved from the field data handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. With the exception of calls to
+ *   modify the field data all calls back to Tecplot through the TecUtil layer
+ *   should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-001
+ *
+ * @param FieldData
+ *   Field data handle of the variable load.
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the variable was loaded, FALSE if unable to do so.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       LgIndex_t  NumValues;
+ *       ... other information needed to load variable data
+ *     } MyVariableClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyVariableLoader(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+ *
+ *     MyVariableClientData_s *MyClientData = (MyVariableClientData_s *)TecUtilDataValueGetClientData(FieldData);
+ *
+ *     // open the data file
+ *     FILE *MyDataFile = fopen(MyClientData->DataFileName, "rb");
+ *     Boolean_t IsOk = (MyDataFile != NULL);
+ *
+ *     // seek to the place in the file where the variable data is located
+ *     IsOk = IsOk && (fseek(MyDataFile, MyClientData->SeekOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ *     if (IsOk)
+ *       {
+ *         // load the data into the variable's field data
+ *         IsOk = ReadMyDataInfoVariable(MyDataFile, MyClientData, FieldData);
+ *       }
+ *
+ *     // cleanup
+ *     if (MyDataFile != NULL)
+ *       fclose(MyDataFile);
+ *
+ *     return IsOk;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataValueGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandVarLoad_pf)(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * variable being unloaded using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * field data handle. Whenever possible the callback should honor Tecplot's
+ * request to unload the variable by returning TRUE. This callback is
+ * responsible for performing private actions associated with a variable being
+ * unloaded.
+ *
+ * Most add-ons should simply supply NULL for this callback thereby instructing
+ * Tecplot to handle the unloading (and subsequent reloading) of the variable
+ * without the intervention of the add-on.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-001
+ *
+ * @param FieldData
+ *   Field data handle of the variable Tecplot wants to unload.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       LgIndex_t  NumValues;
+ *       ... other information needed to load variable data
+ *     } MyVariableClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyVariableUnload(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+ *
+ *     // We don't have any private data to cleanup (i.e in addition to the
+ *     // private client data which we don't cleanup here) so all we have to do
+ *     // is return TRUE or FALSE letting Tecplot know that it can or can not
+ *     // unload the variable.
+ *     Boolean_t Result = TRUE; // ...tell Tecplot to go ahead and unload the variable
+ *
+ *     ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(Result));
+ *     return Result;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the variable can be unloaded, FALSE otherwise. The add-on should
+ *   if at all possible honor the request to unload the variable. Most add-ons
+ *   should return TRUE.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataValueGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandVarUnload_pf)(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * variable being cleaned up using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * field data handle. Most add-ons will need to register this callback in order
+ * to cleanup privately allocated client data.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.0-0-001
+ *
+ * @param FieldData
+ *   Field data handle of the variable being cleaned up.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       LgIndex_t  NumValues;
+ *       ... other information needed to load variable data
+ *     } MyVariableClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   void STDCALL MyVariableCleanup(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+ *
+ *     MyVariableClientData_s *MyClientData = (MyVariableClientData_s *)TecUtilDataValueGetClientData(FieldData);
+ *
+ *     // cleanup privately allocated resources
+ *     free(MyClientData->DataFileName);
+ *     free(MyClientData);
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataValueGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandVarCleanup_pf)(FieldData_pa FieldData);
+ * Callback responsible for loading the specified node mapping for Tecplot
+ * using the private client data retrieved from the node mapping handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. With the exception of calls to
+ *   modify the node mapping, all calls back to Tecplot through the TecUtil
+ *   layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param NodeMap
+ *   Handle of the node mapping.
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the node mapping was loaded, FALSE if unable to do so.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ... other information needed to load node map data
+ *     } MyNodeMapClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyNodeMapLoader(NodeMap_pa NodeMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NodeMap));
+ *
+ *     MyNodeMapClientData_s *MyClientData =
+ *             (MyNodeMapClientData_s *)TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData(NodeMap);
+ *
+ *     // open the data file
+ *     FILE *MyDataFile = fopen(MyClientData->DataFileName, "rb");
+ *     Boolean_t IsOk = (MyDataFile != NULL);
+ *
+ *     // seek to the place in the file where the node map data is located
+ *     IsOk = IsOk && (fseek(MyDataFile, MyClientData->SeekOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ *     if (IsOk)
+ *       {
+ *         // load the data into the zone's node map
+ *         IsOk = ReadMyNodeMapDataIntoZone(MyDataFile, MyClientData, NodeMap);
+ *       }
+ *
+ *     // cleanup
+ *     if (MyDataFile != NULL)
+ *       fclose(MyDataFile);
+ *
+ *     return IsOk;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataNodeCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandNodeMapLoad_pf)(NodeMap_pa NodeMap);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * node mapping being unloaded using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * node mapping handle. Whenever possible the callback should honor Tecplot's
+ * request to unload the node mapping by returning TRUE.
+ *
+ * Most add-ons should simply supply NULL for this callback thereby instructing
+ * Tecplot to handle the unloading (and subsequent reloading) of the node mapping
+ * without the intervention of the add-on.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param NodeMap
+ *   Node mapping handle of the node mapping Tecplot wants to unload.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyNodeMapUnload(NodeMap_pa NodeMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NodeMap));
+ *
+ *     // We don't have any private data to cleanup (i.e in addition to the
+ *     // private client data which we don't cleanup here) so all we have to do
+ *     // is return TRUE or FALSE letting Tecplot know that it can or can not
+ *     // unload the variable.
+ *     Boolean_t Result = TRUE; // ...tell Tecplot to go ahead and unload the node mapping
+ *
+ *     ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(Result));
+ *     return Result;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the node mapping can be unloaded, FALSE otherwise. The add-on should
+ *   if at all possible honor the request to unload the node mapping. Most add-ons
+ *   should return TRUE.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataNodeCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandNodeMapUnload_pf)(NodeMap_pa NodeMap);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * node mapping being cleaned up using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * node mapping handle. Most add-ons will need to register this callback in order
+ * to cleanup privately allocated client data.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param NodeMap
+ *   Node Mapping data handle of the node mapping being cleaned up.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ... other information needed to load node map data
+ *     } MyNodeMapClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   void STDCALL MyNodeMapCleanup(NodeMap_pa NodeMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NodeMap));
+ *
+ *     MyNodeMapClientData_s *MyClientData = (MyNodeMapClientData_s *)TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData(NodeMap);
+ *
+ *     // cleanup privately allocated resources
+ *     free(MyClientData->DataFileName);
+ *     free(MyClientData);
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataNodeCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandNodeMapCleanup_pf)(NodeMap_pa NodeMap);
+ * Callback responsible for loading the specified face neighbor for Tecplot
+ * using the private client data retrieved from the face neighbor handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. With the exception of calls to
+ *   modify the face neighbors, all calls back to Tecplot through the TecUtil
+ *   layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param FaceNeighbor
+ *   Handle of the face neighbors.
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the face neighbors was loaded, FALSE if unable to do so.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ...other information needed to load face neighbor data
+ *     } MyFaceNeighborClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyFaceNeighborLoader(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceNeighbor));
+ *
+ *     MyFaceNeighborClientData_s *MyClientData =
+ *             (MyFaceNeighborClientData_s*)TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData(FaceNeighbor);
+ *
+ *     // open the data file
+ *     FILE *MyDataFile = fopen(MyClientData->DataFileName, "rb");
+ *     Boolean_t IsOk = (MyDataFile != NULL);
+ *
+ *     // seek to the place in the file where the face neighbor data is located
+ *     IsOk = IsOk && (fseek(MyDataFile, MyClientData->SeekOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ *     if (IsOk)
+ *       {
+ *         // load the data into the zone's face neighbor
+ *         IsOk = ReadMyFaceNeighborDataIntoZone(MyDataFile, MyClientData, FaceNeighbor);
+ *       }
+ *
+ *     // cleanup
+ *     if (MyDataFile != NULL)
+ *       fclose(MyDataFile);
+ *
+ *     return IsOk;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceNbrCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborLoad_pf)(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * face neighbors being unloaded using the private client data retrieved from
+ * the face neighbor handle. Whenever possible the callback should honor
+ * Tecplot's request to unload the face neighbors by returning TRUE.
+ *
+ * Most add-ons should simply supply NULL for this callback thereby instructing
+ * Tecplot to handle the unloading (and subsequent reloading) of the face
+ * neighbors without the intervention of the add-on.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param FaceNeighbor
+ *   Face neighbor handle of the face neighbors Tecplot wants to unload.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyFaceNeighborUnload(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceNeighbor));
+ *
+ *     // We don't have any private data to cleanup (i.e in addition to the
+ *     // private client data which we don't cleanup here) so all we have to do
+ *     // is return TRUE or FALSE letting Tecplot know that it can or can not
+ *     // unload the variable.
+ *     Boolean_t Result = TRUE; // ...tell Tecplot to go ahead and unload the face neighbors
+ *
+ *     ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(Result));
+ *     return Result;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the face neighbors can be unloaded, FALSE otherwise. The add-on
+ *   should if at all possible honor the request to unload the face neighbors.
+ *   Most add-ons should return TRUE.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceNbrCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborUnload_pf)(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a face
+ * neighbors being cleaned up using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * face neighbor handle. Most add-ons will need to register this callback in
+ * order to cleanup privately allocated client data.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.3-0-010
+ *
+ * @param FaceNeighbor
+ *   Face neighbor data handle of the Face neighbors being cleaned up.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ... other information needed to load face neighbor data
+ *     } MyFaceNeighborClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   void STDCALL MyFaceNeighborCleanup(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceNeighbor));
+ *
+ *     MyFaceNeighborClientData_s *MyClientData = (MyFaceNeighborClientData_s *)TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData(FaceNeighbor);
+ *
+ *     // cleanup privately allocated resources
+ *     free(MyClientData->DataFileName);
+ *     free(MyClientData);
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceNbrCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborCleanup_pf)(FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor);
+ * Callback responsible for loading the specified face mapping for Tecplot
+ * using the private client data retrieved from the face mapping handle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. With the exception of calls to
+ *   modify the face mapping, all calls back to Tecplot through the TecUtil
+ *   layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-1-0
+ *
+ * @param FaceMap
+ *   Handle of the face mapping.
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the face mapping was loaded, FALSE if unable to do so.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ... other information needed to load face map data
+ *     } MyFaceMapClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyFaceMapLoader(FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceMap));
+ *
+ *     MyFaceMapClientData_s *MyClientData =
+ *             (MyFaceMapClientData_s *)TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData(FaceMap);
+ *
+ *     // open the data file
+ *     FILE *MyDataFile = fopen(MyClientData->DataFileName, "rb");
+ *     Boolean_t IsOk = (MyDataFile != NULL);
+ *
+ *     // seek to the place in the file where the face map data is located
+ *     IsOk = IsOk && (fseek(MyDataFile, MyClientData->SeekOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+ *     if (IsOk)
+ *       {
+ *         // load the data into the zone's face map
+ *         IsOk = ReadMyFaceMapDataIntoZone(MyDataFile, MyClientData, FaceMap);
+ *       }
+ *
+ *     // cleanup
+ *     if (MyDataFile != NULL)
+ *       fclose(MyDataFile);
+ *
+ *     return IsOk;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceMapCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceMapLoad_pf)(FaceMap_pa FaceMap);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * face mapping being unloaded using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * face mapping handle. Whenever possible the callback should honor Tecplot's
+ * request to unload the face mapping by returning TRUE.
+ *
+ * Most add-ons should simply supply NULL for this callback thereby instructing
+ * Tecplot to handle the unloading (and subsequent reloading) of the face mapping
+ * without the intervention of the add-on.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-1-0
+ *
+ * @param FaceMap
+ *   Face mapping handle of the face mapping Tecplot wants to unload.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   Boolean_t STDCALL MyFaceMapUnload(FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceMap));
+ *
+ *     // We don't have any private data to cleanup (i.e in addition to the
+ *     // private client data which we don't cleanup here) so all we have to do
+ *     // is return TRUE or FALSE letting Tecplot know that it can or can not
+ *     // unload the variable.
+ *     Boolean_t Result = TRUE; // ...tell Tecplot to go ahead and unload the face mapping
+ *
+ *     ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(Result));
+ *     return Result;
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @result
+ *   TRUE if the face mapping can be unloaded, FALSE otherwise. The add-on should
+ *   if at all possible honor the request to unload the face mapping. Most add-ons
+ *   should return TRUE.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceMapCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceMapUnload_pf)(FaceMap_pa FaceMap);
+ * Callback responsible for performing private actions associated with a
+ * face mapping being cleaned up using the private client data retrieved from the
+ * face mapping handle. Most add-ons will need to register this callback in order
+ * to cleanup privately allocated client data.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   This callback is called asynchronously. All calls back to Tecplot through
+ *   the TecUtil layer should be limited to queries.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *   11.2-1-0
+ *
+ * @param FaceMap
+ *   Face Mapping data handle of the face mapping being cleaned up.
+ *
+ * @code
+ *   typedef struct
+ *     {
+ *       char      *DataFileName;
+ *       long       SeekOffset;
+ *       ... other information needed to load face map data
+ *     } MyFaceMapClientData_s;
+ *
+ *   void STDCALL MyFaceMapCleanup(FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
+ *   {
+ *     REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FaceMap));
+ *
+ *     MyFaceMapClientData_s *MyClientData = (MyFaceMapClientData_s *)TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData(FaceMap);
+ *
+ *     // cleanup privately allocated resources
+ *     free(MyClientData->DataFileName);
+ *     free(MyClientData);
+ *   }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilDataFaceMapCustomLOD(), TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData()
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *LoadOnDemandFaceMapCleanup_pf)(FaceMap_pa FaceMap);
+ * ExtractDestination functions are called upon successful completion of an
+ * extract polyline or extract discrete points operation.
+ *
+ * @param NumPts
+ *   Number of points extracted.
+ *
+ * @param XValues
+ *   Double precision array of X-Coordinates of the extracted polyline.
+ *
+ * @param YValues
+ *   Double precision array of Y-Coordinates of the extracted polyline.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyExtractDestinationCallback(
+ *  &                   NumPts,
+ *  &                   XValues,
+ *  &                   YValues)
+ *   INTEGER*4 NumPts
+ *   REAL*8    XValues
+ *   REAL*8    YValues
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ExtractDestination_pf)(LgIndex_t NumPts,
+                                              double*   XValues,
+                                              double*   YValues);
+ * SelectFileOptionsCallback Functions are called when the
+ * "Options" button is pressed in the modal file selection
+ * dialog.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   SUBROUTINE MySelectFileOptionsCallback()
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *SelectFileOptionsCallback_pf)(void);
+ * Post data load instruction callback for "Converter-Plus" addons.
+ *
+ * @param PreviousInstructions
+ *   The previous set of instructions used by the converter.
+ *
+ * @param PreviousRawData
+ *   The previous raw data associated with the instructions.
+ *
+ * @param PreviousZones
+ *   Set of zones loaded with the previous instructions.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    SUBROUTINE MyConverterPostReadCallback(
+ *   &                   PreviousInstructions,
+ *   &                   PreviousRawData,
+ *   &                   PreviousZones)
+ *    CHARACTER*(*)   CommandString
+ *    CHARACTER*(*)   ErrMsgString
+ *    POINTER         (PreviousZones,DummyPreviousZonesData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *ConverterPostReadCallback_pf)(const char*  PreviousInstructions,
+                                                     const char*  PreviousRawData,
+                                                     const Set_pa PreviousZones);
+ * Callback registered by your addon to convert a foreign datafile into a
+ * Tecplot Binary datafile format.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the conversion is successful. Otherwise return FALSE.
+ *   If FALSE is returned then *MessageString is assumed to contain an error
+ *   message.
+ *
+ * @param DataFName
+ *   Name of the original foreign data file to be converted.
+ *
+ * @param TempBinFName
+ *   Name of the temporary binary datafile that is created (by your converter).
+ *
+ * @param MessageString
+ *   Reference to a string. If an error occurs during conversion allocate space
+ *   for an error message and copy the message string into that allocated
+ *   space otherwise be sure to assign *MessageString to NULL. If
+ *   *MessageString is non NULL Tecplot will release the allocated memory when
+ *   finished.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyDataSetConverterCallback(
+ *   &                   DataFName,
+ *   &                   TempBinFName,
+ *   &                   MessageString)
+ *    CHARACTER*(*)   DataFName
+ *    CHARACTER*(*)   TempBinFName
+ *    CHARACTER*(*)   MessageString
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DataSetConverter_pf)(char*           DataFName,
+                                                 char*           TempBinFName,
+                                                 TP_GIVES char** MessageString);
+ * Callback registered by your addon to process foreign loader instructions.
+ * When called, it must parse the supplied instructions and load the data into Tecplot.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the data is loaded successfully. Otherwise, FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param Instructions
+ *   This contains all of the instructions needed to load the data.
+ *
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyDataSetLoaderCallback(
+ *   &                   Instructions)
+ *    POINTER        (Instructions,DummyInstructionsData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DataSetLoader_pf)(StringList_pa Instructions);
+ * Callback used to provide the ability to override data loader instructions
+ * while processing a layout.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the instructions are successfully replaced or left alone.
+ *   Return FALSE if the user cancels the operation.
+ *
+ * @param Instructions
+ *   The original instructions needed to load the data.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyDataSetLoaderInstOverCallback(
+ *   &                   Instructions)
+ *    POINTER        (Instructions,DummyInstructionsData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DataSetLoaderInstructionOverride_pf)(StringList_pa  Instructions);
+ *  Callback used to assign extended curve settings.
+ *  This is called when the user presses the "Curve Settings"
+ *  button in the mapping style dialog.
+ *
+ *  @param LineMapSet
+ *    Set of line maps currently selected.
+ *  @param SelectedLineMapSettings
+ *    A string list of the curve settings for the Line-maps that are selected in the
+ *    Line mappings dialog.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   SUBROUTINE MyGetCurveSettingsCallback(
+ *  &                LineMapSet,
+ *  &                SelectedLineMapSettings)
+ *    POINTER    (LineMapSet,DummyLineMapData)
+ *    POINTER    (SelectedLineMapSettings,DummyLineMapSettings)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *GetCurveSettingsCallback_pf)(Set_pa        LineMapSet,
+                                                    StringList_pa SelectedLineMapSettings);
+ * Callback function that returns an abbreviated version of the curve settings
+ * for a particular Line Map for display in the Line Mappings dialog.
+ *
+ * @param LineMap
+ *   The map number that is currently being operated on.
+ * @param CurveSettings
+ *   The string that Tecplot maintains which contains the extended curve fit
+ *   settings for the current Line-map. This argument may be NULL indicating
+ *   that defaults should be used.
+ * @param AbbreviatedSettings
+ *   The short form of the CurveSettings that is allocated and returned from
+ *   your function and used by Tecplot. This must be allocated by the addon
+ *   using TecUtilStringAlloc().
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *   SUBROUTINE MyGetAbrevSettingsStringCallback(
+ *  &                LineMap,
+ *  &                CurveSettings,
+ *  &                AbbreviatedSettings),
+ *    INTEGER*4  LineMap
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) CurveSettings
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) AbbreviatedSettings
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback_pf)(EntIndex_t      LineMap,
+                                                                char*           CurveSettings,
+                                                                TP_GIVES char** AbbreviatedSettings);
+ * This function returns a string (CurveInfoString) for Tecplot to display
+ * information about a particular curve in the curve info dialog.
+ *
+ * @param RawIndV
+ *   The handle to the raw field data of the independent variable.
+ * @param RawDepV
+ *   The handle to the raw field data of the dependent variable.
+ * @param IndVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the independent variable
+ *   axis has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param DepVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the dependent variable axis
+ *   has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param NumRawPts
+ *   number of raw field data values.
+ * @param LineMap
+ *   The map number that is currently being operated on.
+ * @param CurveSettings
+ *   The curve settings string for the current Line-map. This argument may be
+ *   NULL indicating that defaults should be used.
+ * @param CurveInfoString
+ *   The string that is allocated and returned by your function and be
+ *   presented in the Data/XY-Plot Curve Info dialog. The CurveInfoString must
+ *   be allocated by the addon using TecUtilStringAlloc().
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the curve info string can be generated, otherwise FALSE.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyGetCurveInfoStringCallback(
+ *   &                   RawIndV,
+ *   &                   RawDepV,
+ *   &                   IndVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   DepVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   NumRawPts,
+ *   &                   LineMap,
+ *   &                   CurveSettings,
+ *   &                   CurveInfoString)
+ *    POINTER       (RawIndV,DummyRawIndVData)
+ *    POINTER       (RawDepV,DummyRawDepVData)
+ *    INTEGER*4     IndVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     DepVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     NumRawPts
+ *    INTEGER*4     LineMap
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) CurveSettings
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) CurveInfoString
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *GetCurveInfoStringCallback_pf)(FieldData_pa    RawIndV,
+                                                           FieldData_pa    RawDepV,
+                                                           CoordScale_e    IndVCoordScale,
+                                                           CoordScale_e    DepVCoordScale,
+                                                           LgIndex_t       NumRawPts,
+                                                           EntIndex_t      LineMap,
+                                                           char*           CurveSettings,
+                                                           TP_GIVES char** CurveInfoString);
+ * Callback function used to calculate data points for an extended curve fit.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if the curve can be calculated, otherwise FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param RawIndV
+ *   The handle to the raw field data of the independent variable.
+ * @param RawDepV
+ *   The handle to the raw field data of the dependent variable.
+ * @param IndVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the independent variable
+ *   axis has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param DepVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the dependent variable axis
+ *   has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param NumRawPts
+ *   number of raw field data values.
+ * @param NumCurvePts
+ *   The number of points that will construct the curve fit.
+ * @param LineMap
+ *   The line map to operated on.
+ * @param CurveSettings
+ *   The curve settings string for the current Line-map. This argument may be
+ *   NULL indicating that defaults should be used.
+ * @param IndCurveValues
+ *   A pre-allocated array of size NumCurvePts which the addon will populate with
+ *   the independent values for the curve fit
+ * @param DepCurveValues.
+ *   A pre-allocated array of size NumCurvePts which the add-on will populate
+ *   with the dependent values for the curve fit.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyGetLinePlotDataPointsCallback(
+ *   &                   RawIndV,
+ *   &                   RawDepV,
+ *   &                   IndVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   DepVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   NumRawPts,
+ *   &                   NumCurvePts,
+ *   &                   LineMap,
+ *   &                   CurveSettings,
+ *   &                   IndCurveValues,
+ *   &                   DepCurveValues)
+ *    POINTER       (RawIndV,DummyRawIndVData)
+ *    POINTER       (RawDepV,DummyRawDepVData)
+ *    INTEGER*4     IndVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     DepVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     NumRawPts
+ *    INTEGER*4     NumCurvePts
+ *    INTEGER*4     LineMap
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) CurveSettings
+ *    REAL*8        IndCurveValues()
+ *    REAL*8        DepCurveValues()
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf)(FieldData_pa   RawIndV,
+                                                              FieldData_pa   RawDepV,
+                                                              CoordScale_e   IndVCoordScale,
+                                                              CoordScale_e   DepVCoordScale,
+                                                              LgIndex_t      NumRawPts,
+                                                              LgIndex_t      NumCurvePts,
+                                                              EntIndex_t     LineMap,
+                                                              char*          CurveSettings,
+                                                              TP_OUT double* IndCurveValues,
+                                                              TP_OUT double* DepCurveValues);
+ * @deprecated
+ *     Please use \ref GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf instead.
+ */
+typedef GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf GetXYDataPointsCallback_pf;
+ * A Callback function used to obtain an interpolated dependent value for an
+ * extended curve fit given an independent value.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Return TRUE if it is possible to obtain the interpolated value, otherwise FALSE.
+ *
+ * @param RawIndV
+ *   handle to the raw field data of the independent variable.
+ * @param RawDepV
+ *   The handle to the raw field data of the dependent variable.
+ * @param IndVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the independent variable
+ *   axis has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param DepVCoordScale
+ *   An enumerated variable whose values are Scale_linear when the dependent variable axis
+ *   has a linear scale and Scale_log when it has a log scale.
+ * @param NumRawPts
+ *   The number of field data values.
+ * @param NumCurvePts
+ *   The number of points used to construct the curve fit.
+ * @param LineMapNum
+ *   The line map number currently being operated on.
+ * @param CurveSettings
+ *   The curve settings string for the current Line-map. This argument may be
+ *   NULL indicating that defaults should be used.
+ * @param ProbeIndValue
+ *   The independent value location of the probe (supplied).
+ * @param ProbeDepValue
+ *   Reference to the calculated dependent value location of the probe.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyGetProbeValueCallback(
+ *   &                   RawIndV,
+ *   &                   RawDepV,
+ *   &                   IndVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   DepVCoordScale,
+ *   &                   NumRawPts,
+ *   &                   NumCurvePts,
+ *   &                   LineMapNum,
+ *   &                   CurveSettings,
+ *   &                   CurveInfoString,
+ *   &                   ProbeIndValue,
+ *   &                   ProbeDepValue)
+ *    POINTER       (RawIndV,DummyRawIndVData)
+ *    POINTER       (RawDepV,DummyRawDepVData)
+ *    INTEGER*4     IndVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     DepVCoordScale
+ *    INTEGER*4     NumRawPts
+ *    INTEGER*4     NumCurvePts
+ *    INTEGER*4     LineMapNum
+ *    CHARACTER*(*) CurveSettings
+ *    REAL*8        ProbeIndValue
+ *    REAL*8        ProbeDepValue
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *GetProbeValueCallback_pf)(FieldData_pa   RawIndV,
+                                                      FieldData_pa   RawDepV,
+                                                      CoordScale_e   IndVCoordScale,
+                                                      CoordScale_e   DepVCoordScale,
+                                                      LgIndex_t      NumRawPts,
+                                                      LgIndex_t      NumCurvePts,
+                                                      EntIndex_t     LineMapNum,
+                                                      char*          CurveSettings,
+                                                      double         ProbeIndValue,
+                                                      TP_OUT double* ProbeDepValue);
+#if defined MSWIN
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *PreTranslateMessage_pf)(MSG *pMsg);
+ * Callback function pointer for providing a Dynamic Axis labels.
+ * @since
+ *    10.0-6-015
+ * @param Value
+ *     Value that corresponds to a tick label that will be drwan.
+ *
+ * @param ClientData
+ *     Convenience storage of user client data.
+ *
+ * @param LabelString
+ *    Output label for the tick mark.
+ *    This must be allocated by the addon using TecUtilStringAlloc().
+ *
+ * @return
+ *    Returns TRUE if the LabelString has been successfully allocated.
+ *    Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *DynamicLabelCallback_pf)(double          Value,
+                                                     ArbParam_t      ClientData,
+                                                     TP_GIVES char** LabelString);
+ * This is called when Tecplot is idle.
+ *
+ * @par Note:
+ *   Tecplot is never idle when running in batch mode (with the -b flag).
+ *
+ * @param ClientData
+ *   Arbitrary client data.
+ *
+ * <FortranSyntax>
+ *    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION MyOnIdleCallback(
+ *   &                     ClientDataPtr)
+ *    POINTER (ClientDataPtr,DummyClientData)
+ * </FortranSyntax>
+ *
+ */
+typedef void (STDCALL *OnIdleCallback_pf)(ArbParam_t ClientData);
+ * Callback responsible for executing the specified script file.
+ *
+ * @since
+ *     11.0-2-005
+ *
+ * @param ScriptFileName
+ *     Relative or absolute file name of the script to execute. If the path
+ *     is relative it is relative to the current working directory.
+ * @param ClientData
+ *     Client data registered with the callback.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     TRUE if the script executed successfully, FALSE otherwise.
+ *
+ * @sa TecUtilScriptExecRegisterCallback
+ */
+typedef Boolean_t (STDCALL *ScriptExecCallback_pf)(const char *ScriptFileName,
+                                                   ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if 0 /* NOTUSED */
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#if defined MSWIN
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if !defined (MSWIN)
+#if defined Q_MAINMODULE
+#if 0 /* NOTUSED */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+struct _ViewState_a;
+typedef struct _ViewState_a *SavedView_pa, *ViewState_pa;
+#endif /* _GLOBAL_H */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/INPUT.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/INPUT.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d778ee598460e9f56cc51b2fbcc81fbcc91db49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/INPUT.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined INITMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+/* Input Specification limits */
+/* General */
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  GridCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  GridCoordFloatInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XFrameCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YFrameCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XFrameCoordFloatInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YFrameCoordFloatInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XFrameCoordDeltaInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YFrameCoordDeltaInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XFrameCoordFloatDeltaInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YFrameCoordFloatDeltaInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  FrameOffsetCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XPaperCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YPaperCoordInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisPercentageInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AngleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AngleToApproxInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  FieldOfViewInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZeroAndAboveLgIndexInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZeroAndAboveSmIntegerInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZeroAndAboveDoubleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroLgIndexInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroDoubleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  DoubleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  EntIndexInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  EntRangeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  IndexRangeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroIndexRangeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZeroToOneInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PercentageInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroPercentageInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SignedPercentageInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  RadiansInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroRadiansInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TimeDateDoubleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroTimeDateDoubleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AboveZeroElapsedTimeInputSpec;
+/* Specific */
+#define MIN_VIEWPORT_SIZE 0.05
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SurfaceTranslucencyInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxDepthBufferSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxMultiSamplesInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MinBitsPerRGBPlaneInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AnimationSpeedInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AnimationNumStepsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxCustomColorsInInterfaceInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxReducedPointsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxStripLengthInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxPrimativesPerBlockInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxTextureSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SuperSampleFactorInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TickLengthInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  BorrowLicenseInputSpec;
+/* I/O Related */
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  HardcopyPaperSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  HardcopyNumCopiesInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  HardcopyPrecisionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  HardcopyPenSpeedInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PenPlotterPenNumberInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  BitDumpDepthInputSpec;
+/* Widths, physical lengths, etc. */
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  XFrameDimensionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  YFrameDimensionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  LineThicknessInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PatternLengthInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisPercentageTextSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  FrameTextSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  GridTextSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PointTextSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TextBoxMarginInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TextLineSpacingInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ArrowheadSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisLabelOffsetInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  LegendLineSpacingInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  StreamStepSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  StreamMaxStepsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ArrowheadSpacingInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  RulerPaddingInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  RulerThicknessInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PickHandleWidthInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ImageDimensionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZoomScalePerFrameUnitInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  RGBLegendHeightInputSpec;
+/* Limit the number of objects or limit which object can be selected*/
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ColorMapGroupInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SliceGroupInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  IsoSurfaceGroupInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ContourGroupInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ColorIndexInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumLightSourceShadesInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfControlPointsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  CustomLabelNumberInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumMinorTicksInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisEdgeNumberInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  LineMapWhichXAxisInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  LineMapWhichYAxisInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfCurvePointsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfContourLevelsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ColorMapOverrideLevelInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ColorMapOverrideNumberInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfColorMapCyclesInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfRodPointsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfStreamtracesInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  NumberOfEllipsePointsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxPtsInALineInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxChrsTextLabelsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxContourLevelsInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MaxLinkGroupsInputSpec;
+/* Ratios */
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  DataAspectRatioLimitInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  DataAspectRatioResetInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisBoxAspectRatioLimitInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisBoxAspectRatioResetInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisRatioInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisBoxPaddingInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ScreenDistanceRatioInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  LiftFractionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ZClipInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  VectorHeadSizeFractionInputSpec;
+/* Misc */
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ValuePrecisionInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PolynomialOrderInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SplineSlopeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  RotationStepSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SmoothRotationDegPerFrameUnitInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TranslationStepSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ScaleStepSizeInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SortLevelInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  AxisLabelSkipInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TextAngleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ArrowheadAngleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  MinCreaseAngleInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ExponentInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  SmoothWeightInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  TriangleKeepFactorInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  PlotAttrColumnWidthInputSpec;
+EXTERN InputSpec_s          /*X*/  ImageQualityInputSpec;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/MASTER.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/MASTER.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..38c495dcf8cd913fd00f81a73a488ea01b521a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/MASTER.h
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************/
+/* NOTE: All code contained between comments that look like
+ * are pulled out to create the MASTER.h file used in addons.
+ */
+#ifndef _MASTER_H_
+#define _MASTER_H_
+ * Annotations that specify the life cycle of objects returned from functions
+ * and input and output parameters sent as function parameters. The following
+ * table specifies the meaning in their context. The annotations provide code
+ * generation tools with information for building language bindings to various
+ * Tecplot 360 and Tecplot SDK related libraries.
+ *
+ * For purposes of this table the client is one making the call and the service
+ * is the recipient.
+ *
+ * +==================+=========================+=================================================================+
+ * | Function Context | Annotation              | Meaning                                                         |
+ * |   Result or      |                         |                                                                 |
+ * |   Parameter      |                         |                                                                 |
+ * |==================+=========================+=================================================================|
+ * | Result           | TP_OUT                  | Default for a function return value that does not transfer      |
+ * |                  |                         | ownership. Because this is the most common scenario this        |
+ * |                  |                         | annotation is implied and never explicitly used in this         |
+ * |                  |                         | context.                                                        |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Result    | TP_GIVES                | Annotates a function scalar return value as one who's ownership |
+ * |                  |                         | is transfered to the client. The client is responsible for      |
+ * |                  |                         | properly disposing the value.                                   |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Result     | TP_ARRAY_GIVES          | Annotates a function array return value as one who's ownership  |
+ * |                  |                         | is transfered to the client. The client is responsible for      |
+ * |                  |                         | properly disposing the value.                                   |
+ * |==================+=========================+=================================================================|
+ * | Parameter        | TP_IN                   | Default for a function input parameter value sent to the        |
+ * |                  |                         | service. Because this is the most common scenario this          |
+ * |                  |                         | annotation is implied and never explicitly used.                |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Parameter        | TP_ACQUIRES             | Annotates a function parameter as one that sends a value to     |
+ * |                  |                         | the service through the parameter and acquires shared           |
+ * |                  |                         | ownership of the input value with the client. The service is    |
+ * |                  |                         | not responsible for disposing the value however it is           |
+ * |                  |                         | expected that a symmetric API exists that "releases" the        |
+ * |                  |                         | library of this shared ownership. For example:                  |
+ * |                  |                         |   void addListener(TP_ACQUIRES Listener& listener);             |
+ * |                  |                         |   void removeListener(TP_RELEASES Listener& listener);          |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Parameter        | TP_RELEASES             | Annotates a function parameter as one that sends a value to     |
+ * |                  |                         | the service through the parameter and releases previously       |
+ * |                  |                         | shared ownership of the                                         |
+ * |                  |                         | input value with the client. The service is not responsible     |
+ * |                  |                         | for disposing the value however it is expected that a           |
+ * |                  |                         | symmetric API exists that "releases" the library of this        |
+ * |                  |                         | shared ownership. For example:                                  |
+ * |                  |                         |   void addListener(TP_ACQUIRES Listener& listener);             |
+ * |                  |                         |   void removeListener(TP_RELEASES Listener& listener);          |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Parameter | TP_OUT                  | Annotates a function scalar parameter as one that returns a     |
+ * |                  |                         | value to the client through the parameter but does not          |
+ * |                  |                         | transfer ownership of the output value to the client.           |
+ * |                  |                         | The client is not responsible for disposing the value.          |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Parameter | TP_IN_OUT               | Annotates a function scalar parameter as one that both sends    |
+ * |                  |                         | a value to the service and returns a value to the client        |
+ * |                  |                         | through the parameter. Ownership of the input value is not      |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the service nor is ownership of the output value  |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the client. The service is not responsible for    |
+ * |                  |                         | disposing  the input value and the client is not responsible    |
+ * |                  |                         | for disposing the output value.                                 |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Parameter  | TP_ARRAY_OUT            | Annotates a function array parameter as one that returns a      |
+ * |                  |                         | value to the client through the parameter but does not          |
+ * |                  |                         | transfer ownership of the output value to the client.           |
+ * |                  |                         | The client is not responsible for disposing the value.          |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Parameter  | TP_ARRAY_IN_OUT         | Annotates a function array parameter as one that both sends     |
+ * |                  |                         | a value to the service and returns a value to the client        |
+ * |                  |                         | through the parameter. Ownership of the input value is not      |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the service nor is ownership of the output value  |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the client. The service is not responsible for    |
+ * |                  |                         | disposing  the input value and the client is not responsible    |
+ * |                  |                         | for disposing the output value.                                 |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Parameter | TP_GIVES                | Annotates a function scalar parameter as one that returns a     |
+ * |                  |                         | value to the client through the parameter and transfers         |
+ * |                  |                         | ownership of the output value to the client. The client is      |
+ * |                  |                         | responsible for properly disposing the value.                   |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Parameter | TP_RECEIVES             | Annotates a function scalar parameter as one that sends a value |
+ * |                  |                         | to the service through the parameter and transfers ownership    |
+ * |                  |                         | of the input value to the service. The service is responsible   |
+ * |                  |                         | for properly disposing the value.                               |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Scalar Parameter | TP_RECEIVES_GIVES       | Annotates a function scalar parameter as one that both sends    |
+ * |                  |                         | a value to the service and returns a value to the client        |
+ * |                  |                         | through the  parameter. Ownership of the input value is         |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the service and ownership of the output value is  |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the client. The service is responsible for        |
+ * |                  |                         | properly disposing the input value and the client is            |
+ * |                  |                         | responsible for properly disposing the output value.            |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Parameter  | TP_ARRAY_GIVES          | Annotates a function array parameter as one that returns a      |
+ * |                  |                         | value to the client through the parameter and transfers         |
+ * |                  |                         | ownership of the output value to the client. The client is      |
+ * |                  |                         | responsible for properly disposing the value.                   |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Parameter  | TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES       | Annotates a function array parameter as one that sends a value  |
+ * |                  |                         | to the service through the parameter and transfers ownership    |
+ * |                  |                         | of the input value to the service. The service is responsible   |
+ * |                  |                         | for properly disposing the value.                               |
+ * |------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------|
+ * | Array Parameter  | TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES_GIVES | Annotates a function array parameter as one that both sends     |
+ * |                  |                         | a value to the service and returns a value to the client        |
+ * |                  |                         | through the  parameter. Ownership of the input value is         |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the service and ownership of the output value is  |
+ * |                  |                         | transfered to the client. The service is responsible for        |
+ * |                  |                         | properly disposing the input value and the client is            |
+ * |                  |                         | responsible for properly disposing the output value.            |
+ * |==================+===================+=======================================================================|
+ */
+ * First check to make sure that our life-cycle keywords are not in conflict with any system defines.
+ */
+#if defined TP_ACQUIRES             || \
+    defined TP_RELEASES             || \
+    defined TP_OUT                  || \
+    defined TP_IN_OUT               || \
+    defined TP_ARRAY_OUT            || \
+    defined TP_ARRAY_IN_OUT         || \
+    defined TP_GIVES                || \
+    defined TP_RECEIVES             || \
+    defined TP_RECEIVES_GIVES       || \
+    defined TP_ARRAY_GIVES          || \
+    defined TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES       || \
+        #error "Tecplot's parameter life-cycle keywords are in direct conflict with other meanings."
+    #define TP_ACQUIRES             __attribute((gccxml("acquires","in")))
+    #define TP_RELEASES             __attribute((gccxml("releases","in")))
+    #define TP_OUT                  __attribute((gccxml("out")))
+    #define TP_IN_OUT               __attribute((gccxml("in","out")))
+    #define TP_ARRAY_OUT            __attribute((gccxml("array","out")))
+    #define TP_ARRAY_IN_OUT         __attribute((gccxml("array","in","out")))
+    #define TP_GIVES                __attribute((gccxml("gives","out")))
+    #define TP_RECEIVES             __attribute((gccxml("receives","in")))
+    #define TP_RECEIVES_GIVES       __attribute((gccxml("receives","in","gives","out")))
+    #define TP_ARRAY_GIVES          __attribute((gccxml("array","gives","out")))
+    #define TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES       __attribute((gccxml("array","receives","in")))
+    #define TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES_GIVES __attribute((gccxml("array","receives","in","gives","out")))
+    #define TP_ACQUIRES
+    #define TP_RELEASES
+    #define TP_OUT
+    #define TP_IN_OUT
+    #define TP_ARRAY_OUT
+    #define TP_ARRAY_IN_OUT
+    #define TP_GIVES
+    #define TP_RECEIVES
+    #define TP_RECEIVES_GIVES
+    #define TP_ARRAY_GIVES         
+    #define TP_ARRAY_RECEIVES      
+#ifdef NO_ASSERTS /* obfuscate names */
+#define ShutDownLicensing FreeAllExtraMapData
+#define ProcessYMapInXDirection
+#endif /* NO_ASSERTS */
+ **************************************/
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL && !defined ENGINE
+#if defined FLEXLM && defined RLM
+#if !defined FLEXLM && !defined RLM
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#if defined MSWIN
+#include "W__BASE.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include <queue>
+#include "TranslatedString.h"
+ * The following is a temporary fix for figuring out which product is
+ * running.  In the future when Focus and 360 use the same code base,
+ * we will have to do this dynamically (either with flags on the compiler
+ * or variables within Tecplot).
+ */
+#if defined _WIN32
+#if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined MSWIN
+#define MSWIN
+#endif /* !MSWIN */
+/* For the sake of some older add-ons,
+   defined _WINDOWS, WINDOWS, and WIN32
+   New code should always use MSWIN */
+#if !defined WINDOWS
+#define WINDOWS
+#endif /* WINDOWS */
+#if !defined _WINDOWS
+#define _WINDOWS
+#endif /* !_WINDOWS */
+#if !defined WIN32
+#define WIN32
+#endif /* !WIN32 */
+#if defined _DEBUG
+#if !defined DEBUG
+#define DEBUG
+#elif defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#if defined NO_ASSERTS
+#undef NO_ASSERTS
+#if defined NDEBUG
+#undef NDEBUG
+#else /* RELEASE */
+#if !defined NDEBUG
+#define NDEBUG
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#define NO_ASSERTS
+#endif /* _DEBUG */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
+#define VS_2005 /* Using VS2005 Compiler */
+#if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL && defined VS_2005
+/* Suppress the warnings about the
+     deprecated c runtime functions. */
+#endif /* !TECPLOTKERNEL && VS_2005 */
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#ifdef NDEBUG
+# ifdef _DEBUG
+#   error "Both NDEBUG and _DEBUG defined"
+# endif
+#elif defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# ifndef _DEBUG
+#   define _DEBUG
+# endif
+/* Now a requirement */
+#define USE_3D_HARDWARE
+#ifndef THREED
+#  define THREED
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#if defined QUICKDEMO
+#define DEMO
+#if defined MicrosoftC
+#define DOS
+#if defined CRAYX
+#define CRAY
+#if defined IRISX
+#define IRIS
+#if defined HPX
+#define HPUX
+#define HP
+#if defined IBMRS6000X
+#define IBMRS6000
+#if defined COMPAQALPHAX
+#define COMPAQX
+#define COMPAQ
+#if defined DECALPHAX
+#define DECALPHA
+#define DECX
+#if defined DECX
+#define DEC
+#if defined SUNSOLARISX || defined SUNSOLARIS86X
+#define SUNX
+#if defined SUNX
+#define SUN
+#if defined IRISX || defined CRAYX || defined HPX || defined SUNX || defined CONVEXX
+#define UNIXX
+#define SYSV
+#if defined DECX || defined LINUX || defined IBMRS6000X || defined COMPAQX || defined DARWIN
+#define UNIXX
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* A bit of OEM stuff */
+#define OEM_INVALID_CHECKSUM (LgIndex_t) -1
+/* Hide the name of the checksum function */
+#if defined NDEBUG
+# define DECRYPTTIMEDCODE          FixupPlot
+# define CHECKHASHEDCODE           ExpandPlot
+# define UPDATECLASSICOEMEHCKSUM   ToggleQuadrants
+# define UPDATEOEMCHECKSUM         ComputeAngleFromQuatrant
+# define InitOemSettings           InitAngleQuatrantSettings
+#if defined MSWIN
+#ifdef __cplusplus // STL
+#ifdef MSWIN
+#pragma warning(push, 1) /* warning disabling bellow doesn't actually have any effect on compiler warning.
+* It appears that Microsft STL enables all the warning right back on.
+* Therefore, the only way to hide them is to push existing warning level,
+* lower the level for the time while STL headers are included and then restore
+    * previous warning level with a "pragma warning(pop)"
+    */
+#pragma warning(disable: 4018)  // signed/unsigned mismatch
+#pragma warning(disable: 4100)  // unreferenced formal parameter
+#pragma warning(disable: 4146)  // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, 
+    // result still unsigned
+#pragma warning(disable: 4244)  // 'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', 
+    // possible loss of data
+#pragma warning(disable: 4245)  // conversion from 'type1' to 'type2', signed/unsigned 
+    // mismatch
+#pragma warning(disable: 4511)  // 'class' : copy constructor could not be generated
+#pragma warning(disable: 4512)  // 'class' : assignment operator could not be generated
+#pragma warning(disable: 4663)  // C++ language change: to explicitly specialize class 
+    // template 'vector'
+#pragma warning(disable: 4710)  // 'function' : function not inlined
+#pragma warning(disable: 4786)  // identifier was truncated to 'number' characters 
+    // in the debug information
+#ifdef MSWIN
+#pragma warning(pop) //Restore old warning state.
+#endif //MSWIN
+#endif //__cplusplus
+#ifdef MSWIN
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined VS_2005
+#define Widget LONG_PTR /* correct for 32 & 64 bit builds */
+#define Widget long
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if defined UNIXX && defined ENGINE
+    typedef void *Widget;
+#include <string.h>
+#if !defined SYSV && !defined MSWIN
+#include <strings.h>
+#if defined (MicrosoftC)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define EXECOS
+#ifndef FAR
+#define FAR
+#define VOID       void
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#if defined UNIXX
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#define X11
+#define MOTIF
+#define FAR
+#define NEAR
+#include <unistd.h>
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+/* OPENGL currently a must have */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#  if !defined ENGINE
+#    if defined UNIXX
+#    endif
+#  endif
+ * If not building the tecplot kernel then at least
+ * include the X Instrinsics.  This will make most
+ * development for addons etc work.
+ */
+/* NOTE: MOTIF not defined if ENGINE is defined */
+#if defined MOTIF
+#  if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#    if XmVERSION == 1 && XmREVISION == 0
+#    endif
+#  else
+#    include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
+#  endif
+#if defined MOTIF
+typedef Widget ComboBoxWidget_t;
+typedef Widget DropDownListWidget_t;
+typedef Widget FileDialogWidget_t;
+typedef Widget LabelWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ListWidget_t;
+typedef Widget OptionMenuWidget_t;
+typedef Widget PullDownMenuWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ScaleWidget_t;
+typedef Widget TextFieldWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ToggleWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ButtonWidget_t;
+typedef Widget GridWidget_t;
+#if defined MSWIN
+#include <windows.h>
+#define CREATE_DIALOG_PARAMS     CWnd *, LaunchDialogMode_e
+typedef Widget ComboBoxWidget_t;
+typedef Widget DropDownListWidget_t;
+typedef Widget FileDialogWidget_t;
+typedef Widget LabelWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ListWidget_t;
+typedef Widget OptionMenuWidget_t;
+typedef Widget PullDownMenuWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ScaleWidget_t;
+typedef Widget TextFieldWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ToggleWidget_t;
+typedef Widget ButtonWidget_t;
+typedef Widget GridWidget_t;
+#if defined MSWIN && defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TRACE
+#if defined TRACE0
+#if defined TRACE1
+#if defined TRACE2
+#if defined TRACE3
+#if defined NDEBUG
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+/* Assume that if TRACE is not defined, then none of the TRACE macros are */
+#if !defined (TRACE)
+/* TRACE is not used by non-debug builds */
+#if defined NDEBUG
+#if defined MSWIN
+#define TRACE              __noop
+#define TRACE0(s)          __noop
+#define TRACE1(S,a1)       __noop
+#define TRACE2(s,a1,a2)    __noop
+#define TRACE3(s,a1,a2,a3) __noop
+#define TRACE(str)           ((void)0)
+#define TRACE0(str)          ((void)0)
+#define TRACE1(str,a1)       ((void)0)
+#define TRACE2(str,a1,a2)    ((void)0)
+#define TRACE3(str,a1,a2,a3) ((void)0)
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#else /* DEBUG */
+#if defined MSWIN
+/* If the add-on is running in debug mode but does not
+ * use MFC, then no TRACE macro is available. Thus, to make tracing available,
+ * map TRACE to the win32 OutpuDebugString() function.
+ */
+# define TRACE(str)           do { OutputDebugStringA(str); } while (0)
+# define TRACE1(str,a1)       do { char s[5000]; sprintf(s,str,a1);       OutputDebugStringA(s); } while (0)
+# define TRACE2(str,a1,a2)    do { char s[5000]; sprintf(s,str,a1,a2);    OutputDebugStringA(s); } while (0)
+# define TRACE3(str,a1,a2,a3) do { char s[5000]; sprintf(s,str,a1,a2,a3); OutputDebugStringA(s); } while (0)
+# define TRACE0(str) TRACE(str)
+#define TRACE  printf
+#define TRACE0 printf
+#define TRACE1 printf
+#define TRACE2 printf
+#define TRACE3 printf
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* NDEBUG */
+#endif /* !defined (TRACE) */
+  Platform independent way for add-ons to know how much space
+  to allocate for a filename.
+#if !defined MAX_SIZEOFUTF8CHAR
+#if !defined (MaxCharsFilePath)
+# if defined (MSWIN)
+#   define MaxCharsFilePath (_MAX_PATH*MAX_SIZEOFUTF8CHAR+1) /* Includes traling '\0' */
+# else
+#   define MaxCharsFilePath 2047 /* ...not really a hard limit for Linux/Unix */
+# endif /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* !MaxCharsFilePath */
+ * Under Windows, if we are doing a release build (NDEBUG) that is not a CHECKED_BUILD
+ * then NO_ASSERTS should be defined
+ */
+#if defined MSWIN && defined NDEBUG && !defined NO_ASSERTS && !defined CHECKED_BUILD
+/* intentionally break the compile */
+#  error "define NO_ASSERTS for release builds"
+ * Under Windows, if we are doing a CHECKED_BUILD then it should
+ * also be a release build (NDEBUG)
+ */
+#if defined MSWIN && defined CHECKED_BUILD && !defined NDEBUG
+#  error "CHECKED_BUILDS must also be release builds"
+#if defined NO_ASSERTS
+ * Under Linux the definition of NULL has a cast that conflicts with our own
+ * casting causing warnings that make it tough to find real problems.
+ */
+#if defined LINUX && defined NULL
+# undef NULL
+# define NULL 0
+ */
+#if !defined MSWIN && !defined ENGINE && !defined ISMESA
+#endif /* _MASTER_H_ */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/files b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/files
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..084478a07adbccaba833762d6eb736781b56cd17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/files
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+LIB = $(FOAM_LIBBIN)/libtecio
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/options b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/options
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a355d90c5eee1f81e6784e993cc2b70acca5b431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/options
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#include "tecioOptions"
+EXE_INC = \
+    $(TECIO_LIBS)
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/tecioOptions b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/tecioOptions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f8dcf487594354360c5c7fb4094565f145b7c992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Make/tecioOptions
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#if defined(linux64)
+#elif defined(linuxIA64)
+#elif defined(linux)
+#   error architecture not supported for compiling tecio.
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_MSG.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_MSG.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84f1d1af76ed05ab6e794f8dcd6210dd7cea0d60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_MSG.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef Q_MSG_H
+#define Q_MSG_H
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined Q_MSGMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#include "TranslatedString.h"
+EXTERN Boolean_t WrapString(const char  *OldString,
+                            char       **NewString);
+EXTERN void Warning(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString Format,
+                    ...); /* zero or more arguments */
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+EXTERN void ErrMsg(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString Format,
+                   ...); /* zero or more arguments */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MOTIF
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined Q_MSGMODULE
+#endif // Q_MSG_H
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_UNICODE.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_UNICODE.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b91c2ca65ec21b810fc7022572b391f0f974ecab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/Q_UNICODE.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#if !defined Q_UNICODE_H_
+# define Q_UNICODE_H_
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined Q_UNICODEMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+namespace tecplot
+namespace strutil
+// functions
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8LeadByte(Byte_t ch);
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8ContinuingByte(Byte_t ch);
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8Byte(Byte_t ch);
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8String(const char *str);
+Boolean_t ShouldConvertWideStringToUtf8String(const wchar_t *str);
+void InitTranslatedStrings();
+void CleanUpTranslatedStrings();
+Boolean_t IsNullOrZeroLengthString(const char *S);
+Boolean_t IsNullOrZeroLengthString(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString TS);
+Boolean_t IsEmptyString(const char *S);
+Boolean_t IsEmptyString(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString S);
+Boolean_t IsEmptyString(const wchar_t* S);
+#if defined MSWIN
+std::string  LookUpTranslation(std::string& strEnglish);
+void MsWinInitTranslatedStrings();
+std::string    WStringToString(std::wstring str);
+std::wstring   StringToWString(std::string str);
+std::wstring   MultiByteToWideChar(const char *Utf8Str,
+                                   unsigned int    CodePage);
+std::string    WideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t *WideStr,
+                                   unsigned int    CodePage);
+// Conversion
+std::string    WideCharToUtf8(const wchar_t* str);
+std::wstring   Utf8ToWideChar(const char *str);
+char *getenv(const char *str);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SET.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SET.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ab99f64a03cf46447996b42e62fd29224c15c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SET.h
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined SETMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#ifndef _SET_H_INCLUDED
+#define _SET_H_INCLUDED
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#define PadOut(X,Y)           ((int)(((X)-1)/(Y)+1)*(Y))
+#define SetBitSize            (8*sizeof(SetData_t))
+#define SetLastBit            (((unsigned long)1)<<(SetBitSize-1))
+#if defined _DEBUG
+/* *
+ * * NOTE: "Set_pa" is a pointer to an "abstract type",
+ * * hence the "_pa". Pointer here is akin to "handle".
+ * * Any routines dealing with the internals of Set_pa
+ * * or Set_a must be in the same file as these routines
+ * */
+/* Set_a is intentionally not defined to further
+ * deter usage of this private structure */
+struct _Set_a
+    /* * PRIVATE * */
+    SetIndex_t size;
+    SetData_pt data;
+ * Checks set for NULL.
+ */
+#define IsSetNull(Set) ((Set)==NULL)
+ * Indicates how many bytes are required to store the set data.
+ */
+inline size_t SetDataSizeInBytes(Set_pa Set)
+    return Set->size / SetBitSize * sizeof(SetData_t);
+ * Allocates a new empty set.  Returns NULL if not enough memory.
+ */
+EXTERN Set_pa AllocSet(Boolean_t show_error_msg);
+ * Frees all memory associated with set "*set", and
+ * sets "*set" to NULL.
+ */
+EXTERN void DeallocSet(Set_pa *Set);
+ * This function adapts the DeallocSet function to work with the
+ * ArrayList's deallocation callback.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t SetItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                   ArbParam_t  ClientData);
+ * Makes sure set "set" can hold at least "max_val" elements.
+ * Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.  A successful
+ * call to ExpandSet() guarentees that any calls to AddToSet()
+ * will be successful as long as the elements added are less
+ * than "max_val".
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t ExpandSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                           SetIndex_t max_val,
+                           Boolean_t  show_error_msg);
+ * Copies set "src" to set "dst".  Returns TRUE if successful,
+ * FALSE if "src" contains elements it is unable to add to "dst".
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t CopySet(Set_pa    dst,
+                         Set_pa    src,
+                         Boolean_t show_error_msg);
+ * Appends set "src" to set "dst".  Returns TRUE if successful,
+ * FALSE if "src" contains elements it is unable to add to "dst".
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AppendSet(Set_pa dst,
+                           Set_pa src,
+                           Boolean_t show_error_msg);
+ * Empties the set "set".
+ */
+EXTERN void ClearSet(Set_pa Set);
+ * Adds "member" to set "set".  Returns TRUE if successful,
+ * FALSE otherwise.  AddToSet() can only return FALSE if
+ * "member" is greater than any previous member of "set" and
+ * also greater that any "max_val" set with ExpandSet().
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t AddToSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                          SetIndex_t member,
+                          Boolean_t  show_error_msg);
+#  if defined __cplusplus
+inline Boolean_t AddToSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                          SetIndex_t member,
+                          Boolean_t  show_error_msg)
+    if (Set &&
+        (member + 1 <= Set->size ||
+         ExpandSet(Set, member + 1, show_error_msg)))
+    {
+        SetIndex_t word = member / SetBitSize;
+        SetData_t  bit = (SetData_t)1 << (member % SetBitSize);
+        Set->data[word] |= bit;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* AddToSet() */
+#  else
+#    define AddToSet(Set,member,show_error_msg) \
+       (((Set) && \
+         ((member)+1 <= (Set)->size || \
+         ExpandSet((Set), (member)+1, (show_error_msg)))) \
+           ? (((Set)->data[(member) / SetBitSize] |= (SetData_t)1 << ((member) % SetBitSize)), TRUE) \
+           : FALSE)
+#  endif
+ * Removes "member" from set "set".
+ */
+EXTERN void RemoveFromSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                          SetIndex_t member);
+EXTERN void DeleteSetMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                            SetIndex_t Member);
+EXTERN Boolean_t InsertSetMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                                 SetIndex_t Member,
+                                 Boolean_t  ShowErrMsg);
+ * Test for membership of "member" in set "set".  This is the only
+ * function worth making into a macro or inline function.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t InSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                       SetIndex_t member);
+#  if defined __cplusplus
+inline Boolean_t InSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                       SetIndex_t member)
+    if (Set && (0 <= member && member < Set->size))
+    {
+        SetIndex_t word = member / SetBitSize;
+        SetData_t  bit = (SetData_t)1 << (member % SetBitSize);
+        return (Set->data[word]&bit) != 0;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* InSet() */
+#  else
+#    define InSet(Set,member)  ((Set && (0<=(member) && (member)<(Set)->size)) \
+                                ? ((Set)->data[(member)/SetBitSize]&((SetData_t)1<<((member)%SetBitSize)))!=0 \
+                                : FALSE)
+#  endif
+ * Returns TRUE if set "set" is empty.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsEmpty(Set_pa Set);
+ * Returns TRUE if Set has voids.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t HasVoids(Set_pa Set);
+ * Returns number of members in Set "Set".
+ */
+EXTERN SetIndex_t MemberCount(Set_pa Set);
+ * Returns the next member in set "set" after member "start_at".
+ * Use "start_at" of BAD_ZV_VALUE to find first member.
+ */
+EXTERN SetIndex_t GetNextMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                                SetIndex_t start_at);
+ * Returns the previous member in set "set" before member
+ * "start_at".  Use "start_at" of BAD_ZV_VALUE to find last member.
+ */
+EXTERN SetIndex_t GetPrevMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                                SetIndex_t start_at);
+ * Returns TRUE if sets are equal (have same members).  FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t EqualSets(Set_pa  set1,
+                           Set_pa  set2);
+ * Returns TRUE if all members of childset are contained in parentset.
+ */
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsSubSet(Set_pa childset,
+                          Set_pa parentset);
+EXTERN SetIndex_t MemberOffset(Set_pa Set,
+                               SetIndex_t    Member);
+EXTERN SetIndex_t OffsetMember(Set_pa Set,
+                               SetIndex_t    Offset);
+EXTERN Boolean_t CopySetMember(Set_pa     DstSet,
+                               SetIndex_t DstOffset,
+                               Set_pa     SrcSet,
+                               SetIndex_t SrcOffset);
+EXTERN void ShiftSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                     SetIndex_t ShiftPos1,
+                     SetIndex_t ShiftPos2,
+                     SetIndex_t ShiftAmount);
+ *  Handy macros
+ */
+#define GetFirstSetMember(Set) (GetNextMember((Set), BAD_SET_VALUE))
+#define GetLastSetMember(Set)  (GetPrevMember((Set), BAD_SET_VALUE))
+#define ForAllMembersInSet(Member, Set) \
+            for (Member = GetFirstSetMember((Set)); \
+                 Member != BAD_SET_VALUE; \
+                 Member = GetNextMember((Set), (Member)))
+#define ForAllMembersInReversedSet(Member, Set) \
+            for (Member = GetLastSetMember((Set)); \
+                 Member != BAD_SET_VALUE; \
+                 Member = GetPrevMember((Set), (Member)))
+#endif // _SET_H_INCLUDED
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRLIST.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRLIST.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04d1673b11806d7588f483bb446d384fc4056232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRLIST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#  undef EXTERN
+#if defined STRLISTMODULE
+#  define EXTERN
+#  define EXTERN extern
+#if !defined ARRLIST_h
+#  error "Include ARRLIST.h before including STRLIST.h"
+ *
+ * For building pltview.exe under Windows, we use
+ * tecio.dll (which is linked to pltview).
+ * Since pltview.exe uses a few of the
+ * functions here, they need to be exported into
+ * the tecio.dll, thus "TECXXX.h" is included for the
+ * LIBFUNCTION & LIBCALL keywords. They are not
+ * documented with the other TECXXX() functions,
+ * however.
+ *
+ * If pltview requires other string functions
+ * in the future, they can be added to the dll
+ * by adding LIBFUNCTION & LIBCALL as in
+ * StringListDealloc(), etc. below.
+ *
+ * When building the tecplot kernal, LIBFUNCTION
+ * and LIBCALL are nop's.
+ *
+ */
+#include "TECXXX.h"
+EXTERN Boolean_t     StringListValid(StringList_pa StringList);
+EXTERN void          StringListClear(StringList_pa StringList);
+EXTERN void          StringListRemoveStrings(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                             LgIndex_t     StringOffset,
+                                             LgIndex_t     Count);
+EXTERN void          StringListRemoveString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                            LgIndex_t     StringOffset);
+LIBFUNCTION void LIBCALL StringListDealloc(StringList_pa *StringList);
+EXTERN StringList_pa StringListAlloc(void);
+EXTERN Boolean_t     StringListAppendString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                            const char   *String);
+LIBFUNCTION LgIndex_t LIBCALL StringListCount(StringList_pa StringList);
+LIBFUNCTION char * LIBCALL StringListGetString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                               LgIndex_t     StringOffset);
+#  define StringListGetStringRef StringListGetStringRef_MACRO
+#  define StringListGetStringRef StringListGetStringRef_FUNC
+EXTERN const char * StringListGetStringRef_FUNC(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                                LgIndex_t     StringOffset);
+ * To maintain the string list's integrity the result is cast to a
+ * (const char *) to minimize the risk of users passing the result
+ * to FREE_ARRAY.
+ */
+#define StringListGetStringRef_MACRO(StringList, StringOffset) \
+   ((const char *)ArrayListGetCharPtr((ArrayList_pa)(StringList), StringOffset))
+EXTERN Boolean_t     StringListSetString(StringList_pa  StringList,
+                                         LgIndex_t      StringOffset,
+                                         const char    *String);
+EXTERN Boolean_t     StringListInsertString(StringList_pa  StringList,
+                                            LgIndex_t      StringOffset,
+                                            const char    *String);
+EXTERN StringList_pa StringListCopy(StringList_pa StringList);
+EXTERN Boolean_t     StringListAppend(StringList_pa Target,
+                                      StringList_pa Source);
+EXTERN char          *StringListToNLString(StringList_pa StringList);
+EXTERN StringList_pa StringListFromNLString(const char *String);
+EXTERN char          **StringListToArray(StringList_pa StringList);
+EXTERN StringList_pa StringListFromArray(const char **StringArray,
+                                         LgIndex_t    Count);
+EXTERN StringList_pa StringListFromCompound(const char *String);
+EXTERN char          *StringListToCompound(StringList_pa  StringList,
+                                           char           GroupJoinCharacter,
+                                           const char    *CharsToEscape);
+EXTERN void          StringListSort(StringList_pa                 StringList,
+                                    StringListStringComparator_pf Comparator,
+                                    ArbParam_t                    ClientData);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRUTIL.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRUTIL.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c8e0c2b5a33d75aaba1b3e58fc629424808b570b
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+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/STRUTIL.h
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined STRUTILMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#include <string>
+namespace tecplot
+namespace strutil
+class Scanner;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+EXTERN void FormatStringBufferCleanup(void);
+ * This is a helper function for FormatString or any other functions that want
+ * to format a string based on a format string followed by a set of arguments.
+ * See FormatString or ErrMsg functions for example usage.
+ *
+ * @param Format
+ *   C format string.
+ * @param Arguments
+ *   Variable argument list already fetched using va_start().
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Allocated string with the formatted string or NULL if it failed.
+ */
+EXTERN char *vFormatString(const char *Format,
+                           va_list     Arguments);
+ * Formats a string using the specified C format string.
+ *
+ * @param Format
+ *   C format string.
+ * @param ...
+ *   Any arguments needed by the C format string.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Allocated string with the formatted string or NULL if it failed. The
+ *   client is responsible for deallocating the resource.
+ */
+EXTERN char *FormatString(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString Format,
+                          ...); /* 0 or more variable arguments */
+ * Formats a string using the specified C format string and places the result
+ * in the string buffer.
+ *
+ * @param Buffer
+ *   String buffer to receive the formatted string.
+ * @param Format
+ *   C format string.
+ * @param ...
+ *   Any arguments needed by the C format string.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *   Upon successful return, these functions return the number of characters
+ *   printed, not including the trailing '\0' used to end output to strings. If
+ *   unsuccessful -1 is returned.
+ */
+EXTERN int FormatString(std::string&                       Buffer,
+                        tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString Format
+                        ...); /* 0 or more variable arguments */
+EXTERN char *DupString(tecplot::strutil::TranslatedString String);
+EXTERN void CopySubString(char       *Target,
+                          const char *Source,
+                          int         Index,
+                          int         Count);
+#if !defined MSWIN
+EXTERN void ReplaceCharInString(char *S,
+                                short OldChar,
+                                short NewChar);
+EXTERN void MakeStringLowerCase(char *str);
+EXTERN void MakeStringUpperCase(char *str);
+EXTERN char *TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(char *String);
+EXTERN char *StringFlushLeft(char *String);
+EXTERN char *StringTruncate(char      *String,
+                            LgIndex_t MaxLength);
+EXTERN char *StringTrimAndTruncate(char      *String,
+                                   LgIndex_t MaxLength);
+#ifndef MSWIN
+EXTERN StringList_pa LineBreakString(const char *String,
+                                     UInt32_t    WrapMargin);
+EXTERN Boolean_t MatchKey(char *StringToMatch,
+                          char *Key);
+EXTERN void RemoveSeparator(const char **CPtr);
+EXTERN void SkipWhiteSpace(const char **CPtr);
+EXTERN void SkipNonWhiteSpace(char **CPtr);
+EXTERN const char *ustrstr(const char *s1,
+                           const char *s2);
+EXTERN int  ustrncmp(const char *s1,
+                     const char *s2,
+                     size_t      Len);
+EXTERN int  ustrcmp(const char *s1,
+                    const char *s2);
+/* public access */
+/* InternalResetString should not be used directly (use ResetString macro) */
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+EXTERN Boolean_t InternalResetString(char       **SBase,
+                                     const char  *NewString,
+                                     Boolean_t    IssueErrMsg,
+                                     const char  *FileName,
+                                     int          LineNumber);
+#  define ResetString(SBase, NewString, IssueErrMsg) InternalResetString( \
+                                                       SBase, \
+                                                       NewString, \
+                                                       IssueErrMsg, \
+                                                       __FILE__, __LINE__)
+EXTERN Boolean_t InternalResetString(char       **SBase,
+                                     const char  *NewString,
+                                     Boolean_t    IssueErrMsg);
+#  define ResetString(SBase, NewString, IssueErrMsg) InternalResetString( \
+                                                       SBase, \
+                                                       NewString, \
+                                                       IssueErrMsg)
+EXTERN Boolean_t ScanForString(tecplot::strutil::Scanner &scanner,
+                               std::string               &DestString,
+                               Boolean_t                  GrabEntireStringIncludingDelimiters);
+EXTERN Boolean_t TackOnString(char      **SBase,
+                              const char *StringToAdd,
+                              Boolean_t   DeleteStringToAdd,
+                              Boolean_t   ConvertNewlineToAscii);
+EXTERN Boolean_t TackOnConstString(char      **SBase,
+                                   const char *StringToAdd,
+                                   Boolean_t   ConvertNewlineToAscii);
+EXTERN Boolean_t TackOnChar(char     **SBase,
+                            char       CharToAdd);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReplaceNewlineWithBackslashN(char **String);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ReplaceBackslashNWithNewline(char **S);
+EXTERN Boolean_t EscapeOutDelimitersInString(char **S,
+                                             char Delimiter);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ScanForSymbol(tecplot::strutil::Scanner  &scanner,
+                               char                        Symbol,
+                               Boolean_t                   OnlySkipWhiteSpace);
+/* Newline Delimited Strings */
+EXTERN char *ConvertStringToNewlineDelimitedString(const char *OriginalString);
+EXTERN char *ConvertNewlineDelimitedStringToQuotedString(const char *NewlineDelimitedString,
+                                                         Boolean_t   SeparateInstructionsWithPlus);
+EXTERN char *InsertNameAtPlaceHolder(char *BaseString,
+                                     char *NameToInsert);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#endif /* !NO_ASSERTS */
+inline char* EndOfString(char* str)
+    return str + strlen(str);
+inline char const* EndOfString(char const* str)
+    return str + strlen(str);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SYSTEM.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SYSTEM.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e510359a5b7038510c775bd99c26fffc818665f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/SYSTEM.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined SYSTEMMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+EXTERN int       OpenFileListGetCount(void);
+EXTERN char     *GetLongFileName(const char *FileName);
+EXTERN Boolean_t VerifyToOverwriteFile(const char *FName);
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsValidDirectory(const char *FName);
+EXTERN Boolean_t FileExists(const char *F,
+                            Boolean_t   ShowErr);
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsOkFNameChar(unsigned char ch);
+EXTERN void ErrFName(const char *FName);
+EXTERN Boolean_t IsValidFileName(const char *FileName,
+                                 Boolean_t   IsReading,
+                                 Boolean_t   ShowError);
+EXTERN Boolean_t ResizeFile(FILE   *File,
+                            Int64_t Length);
+EXTERN Boolean_t Close_File(FILE     **F,
+                            Boolean_t  ShowErr);
+EXTERN Boolean_t Open_File(FILE       **F,
+                           const char *FName,
+                           Boolean_t  IsReading,
+                           Boolean_t  IsAppending,
+                           Boolean_t  ForceOpen,
+                           Boolean_t  ShowErr,
+                           Boolean_t  IsAscii);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TASSERT.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TASSERT.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78252294d340e4f149e2b4513f4915fdb70bfda3
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+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TASSERT.h
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+ * Provide four levels of assertion control. Assertions provide a mechanism
+ * to enforce a contract between a client and service provider. The assertions
+ * are listed in order of highest to lowest priority. Assertions can be turned
+ * off individually by defining the appropriate name (see preprossessor
+ * definitions below), however, lower priority assertions should be turned
+ * off prior to higher ones. As confidence in the code increases all assertions
+ * can be turned off by defining NO_ASSERTS.
+ *
+ * The assertions defined below have the following meanings:
+ *
+ *     INVARIANT - Asserts that a property's state is invariant throughout the
+ *                 life of the property's scope. Stating invariant properties
+ *                 of an application provides a deeper understanding of the
+ *                 application's state.  These statements are usually
+ *                 positioned just ahead of the preconditions and just after
+ *                 the postconditions.
+ *
+ *     REQUIRE   - Asserts that a method's preconditions are within their
+ *                 valid domains. Preconditions are conditions placed upon
+ *                 any state information relied upon for the call. These
+ *                 statements should be as close to the top of the method
+ *                 as possible (except for assertions on invariant properties).
+ *
+ *     ENSURE    - Asserts that a method's postconditions are within their
+ *                 valid ranges. Postconditions are conditions placed upon
+ *                 any state information modified by the call. These
+ *                 statements should be as close to the bottom of the method
+ *                 (presumably there is only one exit point) as possible
+ *                 (except for assertions on invariant properties).
+ *
+ *     CHECK     - Any other assertion not covered by the above assertions.
+ *                 These are often added within a method body to specify
+ *                 something that may not be immediately obvious to the reader
+ *                 or to validate your assumptions about a call to a 3rd party
+ *                 method that does not use runtime assertions for its
+ *                 preconditions or postconditions. Obviously if the 3rd party
+ *                 method uses assertions then there is no need for the CHECK.
+ *
+ * Additionally a convenience macro is available to place in code that is
+ * pending implementation.
+ *
+ *     NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Assertion that always fails during runtime for debug
+ *                       builds and always fails at compile time for release
+ *                       builds.
+ */
+#if !defined TASSERT_H
+#define TASSERT_H
+#if defined (MSWIN)
+# include <assert.h>
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL && !defined STD_ASSERTS
+#define STD_ASSERTS
+#if !defined (MSWIN)
+#  include <assert.h>
+#  if !defined ASSERT
+#    define ASSERT assert
+#  endif
+#if defined MSWIN
+/* MFC .NET defines ENSURE, so we undefine it here */
+#if defined ENSURE
+#undef ENSURE
+#endif /* ENSURE */
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+#define INVALID_REF       ((void *)0x0000FFFF)
+ * Chances are low the address 0x11111111 will be used, so we'll risk asserting
+ * against it (see unitialized assignment in newmalloc).
+ */
+#define UNINITIALIZED_REF ((void *)0x11111111)
+#define INVALID_FN_REF    ((void *)NULL)
+#ifdef UNIXX
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#  if defined NO_ASSERTS
+#  else
+#  endif
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNAL */
+#if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+/* For add-ons, there is a problem with VALID_REF, so just test for non-NULL */
+#  define VALID_REF(p)      ( (p)  != NULL )
+#  define VALID_FN_REF(fp)  ( (fp) != NULL )
+#endif /* !defined TECPLOTKERNAL */
+/* Widgets are pointers under Motif */
+# define VALID_WIDGET(widget)       VALID_REF((widget))
+/* Menu widgets are pointers too */
+# define VALID_MENU_WIDGET(widget)   VALID_REF((widget))
+#endif /* UNIXX */
+#ifdef MSWIN
+/* Don't use AfxIsValidAddress()! See Bug <7245>.
+   1/4/08, dto. */
+#if defined NO_ASSERTS
+/* release build in TecUtil layer uses these for TUASSERT */
+#  define VALID_REF(p)      ((p)  != NULL)
+#  define VALID_FN_REF(pf)  ((pf) != NULL)
+#  define VALID_REF(p)      ((p)  != NULL && !IsBadReadPtr((const void *)(p), 1))
+#  define VALID_FN_REF(pf)  ((pf) != NULL && !IsBadReadPtr((const void *)(pf),(UINT_PTR)sizeof(const void*)))
+/* Widgets are numbers under Windows, so we decode it with GetWindowFromWidget */
+# if defined ENGINE
+#   define VALID_WIDGET(widget)       ((widget) != NULL)
+# else
+#   define VALID_WIDGET(widget)       ((widget) != NULL && GetWindowFromWidget((widget))!=NULL)
+# endif // ENGINE
+/* Menu widgets are numbers too, so we just check against zero */
+# define VALID_MENU_WIDGET(widget)  ((widget)!=NULL)
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+/* handles are not pointers to memory, so the only test we can */
+/* perform is to check for 0 */
+#define VALID_HANDLE(handle)       ((handle)!=0)
+#if defined FLEXLM
+#define VALID_FLEX_JOB_HANDLE(handle) ((handle) != NULL)
+#define VALID_FLEX_ERROR_CODE(ErrorCode)(ErrorCode <= 0)
+#endif /* FLEXLM */
+/* other useful validity checks */
+#define VALID_BOOLEAN(b)           ((b) == TRUE || (b) == FALSE)
+#define VALID_ENUM(value, type)    (0 <= (value) && \
+                                         (value) < END_##type)
+/* Test a parameter than can be NULL or a valid pointer */
+#define VALID_REF_OR_NULL(ptr) IMPLICATION((ptr) != NULL, VALID_REF(ptr))
+#define VALID_TRANSLATED_STRING(ts) (!(ts).isNull())
+ * These macros are a little complicated but it allows one to
+ * write a simple assertion regardless of the zone type or
+ * selected plane:
+ *
+ *   REQUIRE(VALID_CELL_INDEX(CZData, CellIndex, Plane)));
+ *
+ * Prior to using the macros a call to SetupXxx,
+ * or at a minimum SetupCZData, must be called to setup
+ * the globals defining the dataset structure.
+ */
+#define VALID_FE_CELL_INDEX(CZData, CellIndex) \
+            (/* CellIndex range test */ \
+             0 <= (CellIndex) && \
+                  (CellIndex) < (CZData)->NumElements)
+#define VALID_IPLANE_CELL_INDEX(CZData,CellIndex) \
+            (/* CellIndex range test */ \
+             (CellIndex) >= 0 && \
+             IINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <= MAX((CZData)->NumIPtsM1,1) && \
+             JINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumJPtsM1,1) && \
+             KINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumKPtsM1,1))
+#define VALID_JPLANE_CELL_INDEX(CZData,CellIndex) \
+            (/* CellIndex range test */ \
+             (CellIndex) >= 0 && \
+             IINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumIPtsM1,1) && \
+             JINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <= MAX((CZData)->NumJPtsM1,1) && \
+             KINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumKPtsM1,1))
+#define VALID_KPLANE_CELL_INDEX(CZData,CellIndex) \
+            (/* CellIndex range test */ \
+             (CellIndex) >= 0 && \
+             IINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumIPtsM1,1) && \
+             JINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <  MAX((CZData)->NumJPtsM1,1) && \
+             KINDEX((CZData),CellIndex) <= MAX((CZData)->NumKPtsM1,1))
+#define VALID_ORDERED_CELL_INDEX(CZData, CellIndex, Plane) \
+            (/* macro preconditions */ \
+             ((IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_I || \
+              (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_J || \
+              (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_K || \
+              (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_Volume) && \
+             /* CellIndex range test */ \
+             (IMPLICATION(((IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_I || \
+                           (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_Volume), \
+                          VALID_IPLANE_CELL_INDEX((CZData),CellIndex)) && \
+              IMPLICATION(((IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_J || \
+                           (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_Volume), \
+                          VALID_JPLANE_CELL_INDEX((CZData),CellIndex)) && \
+              IMPLICATION(((IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_K || \
+                           (IJKPlanes_e)(Plane) == IJKPlanes_Volume), \
+                          VALID_KPLANE_CELL_INDEX((CZData),CellIndex))))
+#define VALID_CELL_INDEX(CZData, CellIndex, Plane) \
+           (((CZData)->NM != NULL || (CZData)->FM != NULL) ? \
+              VALID_FE_CELL_INDEX((CZData), (CellIndex)) : \
+              VALID_ORDERED_CELL_INDEX((CZData), (CellIndex), (Plane)))
+#define VALID_DATASET(dataSet,checkNumZones) (((dataSet) != NULL) && \
+                                              IMPLICATION((checkNumZones),(dataSet)->NumZones >= 1))
+#ifdef MSWIN
+/* Here is a more specific check in Windows for a valid
+   pointer to an MFC Window object.
+   Note that GetSafeHwnd() works even if pWnd is NULL, because
+   it checks the 'this' pointer first */
+# define VALID_WND(pWnd) (::IsWindow((pWnd)->GetSafeHwnd()))
+#else /* !MSWIN */
+# define VALID_WND(pWnd) /* Should not be used in Motif */
+#endif /* MSWIN */
+/* Check for a non-zero length string */
+#if defined MSWIN
+#  if defined NO_ASSERTS
+#    define VALID_NON_ZERO_LEN_STR(str) (VALID_REF(str) && !ISEMPTYSTRING(str))
+#  else
+#    define VALID_NON_ZERO_LEN_STR(str) \
+         (VALID_REF(str)                                                            && \
+         !IsBadReadPtr((const void*)(str),(UINT_PTR)(1+strlen((const char*)(str)))) && \
+         !ISEMPTYSTRING(str))
+#  endif
+#  define VALID_NON_ZERO_LEN_STR(str) (VALID_REF(str) && !ISEMPTYSTRING(str))
+#define VALID_SET_INDEX(setIndex) (((SetIndex_t)setIndex)>=(SetIndex_t)1)
+/* Check for valid stdio file handle */
+#define VALID_FILE_HANDLE(stream) ((stream) != NULL)
+/* To check colors and pen numbers */
+#define VALID_BASIC_COLOR(BColor) \
+          (FirstBasicColor<=(BColor) && (BColor)<=LastBasicColor)
+#define VALID_CONTOUR_COLOR(Color) \
+          (ContourColorOffset<=(Color) && \
+           (Color)<ContourColorOffset+GeneralBase.Limits.MaxNumContourLevels+1)
+#define VALID_PLOTTING_COLOR(Color) \
+          (FirstInterfaceColor<=(BColor) && (BColor)<=LastInterfaceColor)
+          (((Color) == MultiColor_C) || ((Color) == MultiColor2_C) || \
+           ((Color) == MultiColor3_C) || ((Color) == MultiColor4_C) || \
+           ((Color) == MultiColor5_C) || ((Color) == MultiColor6_C) || \
+           ((Color) == MultiColor7_C) || ((Color) == MultiColor8_C))
+#define VALID_RGB_COLOR(Color) \
+          ((Color) == RGBColor_C)
+        (VALID_BASIC_COLOR(C)      || \
+         VALID_RGB_COLOR(C))
+#define VALID_PEN_OFFSET(PenOffset) \
+          (Black_C<=(PenOffset) && (PenOffset)<=NumPlotterPens)
+          (FirstObjectPen<=(PenOffset) && (PenOffset)<=LastObjectPen)
+/* to check FE cells */
+#define VALID_ELEMENT_TYPE(element_type) \
+          ((element_type) == ZoneType_FETriangle || \
+           (element_type) == ZoneType_FEQuad     || \
+           (element_type) == ZoneType_FETetra    || \
+           (element_type) == ZoneType_FEBrick    || \
+           (element_type) == ZoneType_FELineSeg)
+ * Test validity of zone and variable names. A valid name is one that has a
+ * valid reference, is not padded with spaces and is within the maximum
+ * specified length.
+ */
+#define VALID_NAME(Name, MaxLength) \
+          (VALID_REF(Name) && \
+           (ISEMPTYSTRING(Name) || \
+            (!isspace((Name)[0]) && !isspace((Name)[strlen(Name)-1]))) && \
+           strlen(Name) <= (MaxLength))
+#define VALID_ZONE_NAME(Name) VALID_NAME((Name), MaxChrsZnTitle)
+#define VALID_VAR_NAME(Name)  VALID_NAME((Name), MaxChrsVarName)
+/* Special test for lighting effect (don't allow "none" in some cases) */
+          (((L) == LightingEffect_Paneled) || ((L) == LightingEffect_Gouraud))
+/* type definition for assert failure notification function */
+typedef void (*TAssertFailureNotifyFunc)(
+    const char *expression, /* text representation of the assertion */
+    const char *file_name,  /* name of the file containing the assertion */
+    int        line);       /* line number in the file of the assertion */
+#if !defined STD_ASSERTS
+/* external function prototypes */
+extern void TAssert(
+    const char *expression, /* text representation of the assertion */
+    const char *file_name,  /* name of the file containing the assertion */
+    int        line);       /* line number in the file of the assertion */
+extern TAssertFailureNotifyFunc InstallTAssertFailureNotify(
+    TAssertFailureNotifyFunc new_function); /* new notification function */
+#endif /* !STD_ASSERTS */
+#if defined NO_ASSERTS
+#   define TASSERT(EXPR)
+#   define INVARIANT(EXPR)
+#   define REQUIRE(EXPR)
+#   define ENSURE(EXPR)
+#   define CHECK(EXPR)
+#   ifdef VERIFY
+#     undef VERIFY
+#   endif
+#   define VERIFY(EXPR)    ((void)(EXPR))
+ * Only define IGNORENOTIMPLEMENTED if building a "test" release build
+ * that you are fully aware may contain unimplemented features.
+ */
+#   else
+#     if defined MSWIN
+ * NOT_IMPLEMENTED is defined using a parameter, but should be called with none,
+ * this will then throw a warning and not break the compile. Unix doesn't pick
+ * up this warning, so break the compile under Unix
+ */
+#       define NOT_IMPLEMENTED(x)  TAssert("Not Implemented", __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#     endif
+#     if defined UNIXX
+#       define NOT_IMPLEMENTED()  not implemented /* intentionally break the compile */
+#     endif
+#   endif
+#elif defined STD_ASSERTS
+#   define TASSERT(EXPR)         assert(EXPR)
+#   define INVARIANT(EXPR)       assert(EXPR)
+#   define REQUIRE(EXPR)         assert(EXPR)
+#   define ENSURE(EXPR)          assert(EXPR)
+#   define CHECK(EXPR)           assert(EXPR)
+#   ifdef VERIFY
+#     undef VERIFY
+#   endif
+#   ifndef VERIFY
+#     if defined NDEBUG
+#       define VERIFY(EXPR) ((void)(EXPR))
+#     else
+#       define VERIFY(EXPR) assert(EXPR)
+#     endif
+#   endif /* VERIFY */
+#   define NOT_IMPLEMENTED()     assert(!("Not Implemented"))
+#if defined (MSWIN)
+#if defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+class AssertionLog
+    static void initializeAssertLog(const std::string &fileName);
+    static bool isLoggingAssertions();
+    static void addAssertion(const std::string &message);
+    static void writeOutAssertion(const std::string &message);
+    static bool                     logAssertions;
+    static std::string              logFileName;
+    static std::vector<std::string> assertList;
+extern void TWinCheckedFailedLine(const char *Expr,
+                                  const char *FileName,
+                                  int LineNum);
+#define TASSERT(EXPR)\
+        do { if (!(EXPR)) { TWinCheckedFailedLine(#EXPR,__FILE__,__LINE__); } } while (0)
+#define TASSERT(EXPR) ASSERT(EXPR) /* MFC assert. 
+Works in both release & debug builds */
+#endif /* CHECKED_BUILD */
+#define TASSERT(EXPR) (void)((EXPR) || (TAssert(#EXPR, __FILE__, __LINE__), 0))
+#   if defined NO_INVARIANTS
+#     define INVARIANT(EXPR)
+#   else
+#   endif
+#   if defined NO_PRECONDITIONS
+#     define REQUIRE(EXPR)
+#   else
+#   endif
+#   if defined NO_POSTCONDITIONS
+#     define ENSURE(EXPR)
+#   else
+#   endif
+#   if defined VERIFY
+#     undef VERIFY
+#   endif
+#   if defined NO_CHECKS
+#     define CHECK(EXPR)
+#     define VERIFY(EXPR)  ((void)(EXPR))
+#   else
+#     define CHECK(EXPR)  TASSERT(EXPR)
+#     if defined NDEBUG
+#       define VERIFY(EXPR) ((void)(EXPR))
+#     else
+#       define VERIFY(EXPR) TASSERT(EXPR)
+#     endif
+#   endif
+#   if defined NICE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
+#     define NOT_IMPLEMENTED() NiceNotImplemented()
+#   else
+#     define NOT_IMPLEMENTED() TASSERT(!("Not Implemented"))
+#   endif
+#if !defined STD_ASSERTS
+extern void TecplotMopupOnAssert(void);
+#endif /* !STD_ASSERTS */
+extern void NiceNotImplemented(void);
+/* convenience macros for implication, P -> Q, and equivalence, P <-> Q. */
+#define IMPLICATION(P,Q) (!(P) || (Q))
+#define EQUIVALENCE(P,Q) ((P) == (Q))
+#if defined RLM
+#define VALID_RLM_HANDLE(h) ((h) != NULL)
+#endif /* RLM */
+#endif /* TASSERT_H */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECIO.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECIO.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fabb1344b0b0d0e3d348b30c5c1c14d52ce29b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECIO.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "TECXXX.h"
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECXXX.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECXXX.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a61539e90bcd1c8a1650cc281f7962b290a0cbb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TECXXX.h
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+ * TECXXX.h: Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.
+ */
+#if !defined TECXXX_H_
+#define TECXXX_H_
+#if !defined CRAY
+#  define TECFOREIGN112 tecforeign112
+#  define TECINI112     tecini112
+#  define TECZNE112     teczne112
+#  define TECDAT112     tecdat112
+#  define TECNOD112     tecnod112
+#  define TECGEO112     tecgeo112
+#  define TECTXT112     tectxt112
+#  define TECLAB112     teclab112
+#  define TECFIL112     tecfil112
+#  define TECEND112     tecend112
+#  define TECUSR112     tecusr112
+#  define TECAUXSTR112  tecauxstr112
+#  define TECZAUXSTR112 teczauxstr112
+#  define TECVAUXSTR112 tecvauxstr112
+#  define TECFACE112    tecface112
+#  define TECPOLY112    tecpoly112
+#  define TECFOREIGN111 tecforeign111
+#  define TECINI111     tecini111
+#  define TECZNE111     teczne111
+#  define TECDAT111     tecdat111
+#  define TECNOD111     tecnod111
+#  define TECGEO111     tecgeo111
+#  define TECTXT111     tectxt111
+#  define TECLAB111     teclab111
+#  define TECFIL111     tecfil111
+#  define TECEND111     tecend111
+#  define TECUSR111     tecusr111
+#  define TECAUXSTR111  tecauxstr111
+#  define TECZAUXSTR111 teczauxstr111
+#  define TECVAUXSTR111 tecvauxstr111
+#  define TECFACE111    tecface111
+#  define TECPOLY111    tecpoly111
+#  define TECFOREIGN110 tecforeign110
+#  define TECINI110     tecini110
+#  define TECZNE110     teczne110
+#  define TECDAT110     tecdat110
+#  define TECNOD110     tecnod110
+#  define TECGEO110     tecgeo110
+#  define TECTXT110     tectxt110
+#  define TECLAB110     teclab110
+#  define TECFIL110     tecfil110
+#  define TECEND110     tecend110
+#  define TECUSR110     tecusr110
+#  define TECAUXSTR110  tecauxstr110
+#  define TECZAUXSTR110 teczauxstr110
+#  define TECVAUXSTR110 tecvauxstr110
+#  define TECFACE110    tecface110
+#  define TECFOREIGN100 tecforeign100
+#  define TECINI100     tecini100
+#  define TECZNE100     teczne100
+#  define TECDAT100     tecdat100
+#  define TECNOD100     tecnod100
+#  define TECGEO100     tecgeo100
+#  define TECTXT100     tectxt100
+#  define TECLAB100     teclab100
+#  define TECFIL100     tecfil100
+#  define TECEND100     tecend100
+#  define TECUSR100     tecusr100
+#  define TECAUXSTR100  tecauxstr100
+#  define TECZAUXSTR100 teczauxstr100
+#  define TECVAUXSTR100 tecvauxstr100
+#  define TECFACE100    tecface100
+#  define TECINI  tecini
+#  define TECZNE  teczne
+#  define TECDAT  tecdat
+#  define TECNOD  tecnod
+#  define TECGEO  tecgeo
+#  define TECTXT  tectxt
+#  define TECLAB  teclab
+#  define TECFIL  tecfil
+#  define TECEND  tecend
+#  define TECUSR  tecusr
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#define INTEGER4  int
+#define INTEGER2  short
+#if defined _WIN32
+#if !defined MSWIN
+#define MSWIN /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+#if !defined (EXTERNC)
+# if defined (__cplusplus)
+#  define EXTERNC extern "C"
+# else
+#  define EXTERNC
+# endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* EXTERN_C */
+#if !defined (STDCALL)
+# if defined MSWIN
+#  define STDCALL __stdcall
+# else /* !MSWIN */
+#  define STDCALL
+# endif /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* STDCALL */
+#if !defined (DLLEXPORT)
+# if defined (MSWIN)
+#  define DLLEXPORT _declspec (dllexport)
+# else
+#  define DLLEXPORT
+# endif /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* DLLEXPORT */
+#if !defined (DLLIMPORT)
+# if defined (MSWIN)
+#  define DLLIMPORT _declspec (dllimport)
+# else
+#  define DLLIMPORT
+# endif /* MSWIN */
+#endif /* DLLIMPORT */
+#if defined (TECPLOTKERNEL)
+ *  V11.3 tecio functions
+ */
+                                       char     *Variables,
+                                       char     *FName,
+                                       char     *ScratchDir,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                       INTEGER4 *VIsDouble);
+                                       INTEGER4 *ZoneType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                       double   *SolutionTime,
+                                       INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IsBlock,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumFaceConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FaceNeighborMode,
+                                       INTEGER4 *TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumConnectedBoundaryFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *TotalNumBoundaryConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+                                       void      *FieldData,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsDouble);
+                                       double    *YPos,
+                                       double    *ZPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                       INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                       INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                       double    *PatternLength,
+                                       double    *LineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                       float     *XGeomData,
+                                       float     *YGeomData,
+                                       float     *ZGeomData,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                       double    *YOrRPos,
+                                       double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                       double    *FontHeight,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                       double    *BoxMargin,
+                                       double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                       double    *Angle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                       double    *LineSpacing,
+                                       INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       char      *String,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                          char *Value);
+                                           char *Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value);
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionCounts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionZones);
+ *  V11.1 tecio functions   TODO (JN): Tecplot's version is still in flux so the .1 may change
+ */
+                                       char     *Variables,
+                                       char     *FName,
+                                       char     *ScratchDir,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                       INTEGER4 *VIsDouble);
+                                       INTEGER4 *ZoneType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                       double   *SolutionTime,
+                                       INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IsBlock,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumFaceConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FaceNeighborMode,
+                                       INTEGER4 *TotalNumFaceNodes,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumConnectedBoundaryFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *TotalNumBoundaryConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+                                       void      *FieldData,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsDouble);
+                                       double    *YPos,
+                                       double    *ZPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                       INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                       INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                       double    *PatternLength,
+                                       double    *LineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                       float     *XGeomData,
+                                       float     *YGeomData,
+                                       float     *ZGeomData,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                       double    *YOrRPos,
+                                       double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                       double    *FontHeight,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                       double    *BoxMargin,
+                                       double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                       double    *Angle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                       double    *LineSpacing,
+                                       INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       char      *String,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                          char *Value);
+                                           char *Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value);
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionCounts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                        INTEGER2 *FaceBndryConnectionZones);
+ * V11 tecio functions
+ */
+                                       char     *Variables,
+                                       char     *FName,
+                                       char     *ScratchDir,
+                                       INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                       INTEGER4 *VIsDouble);
+                                       INTEGER4 *ZoneType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                       double   *SolutionTime,
+                                       INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IsBlock,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumFaceConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FaceNeighborMode,
+                                       INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+                                       void      *FieldData,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsDouble);
+                                       double    *YPos,
+                                       double    *ZPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                       INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                       INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                       double    *PatternLength,
+                                       double    *LineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                       float     *XGeomData,
+                                       float     *YGeomData,
+                                       float     *ZGeomData,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                       double    *YOrRPos,
+                                       double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                       double    *FontHeight,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                       double    *BoxMargin,
+                                       double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                       double    *Angle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                       double    *LineSpacing,
+                                       INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       char      *String,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                          char *Value);
+                                           char *Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value);
+ * V10 tecio functions kept for backward compatability.
+ */
+                                       char     *Variables,
+                                       char     *FName,
+                                       char     *ScratchDir,
+                                       INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                       INTEGER4 *VIsDouble);
+                                       INTEGER4 *ZoneType,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                       INTEGER4 *IsBlock,
+                                       INTEGER4 *NumFaceConnections,
+                                       INTEGER4 *FaceNeighborMode,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                       INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+                                       void      *FieldData,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsDouble);
+                                       double    *YPos,
+                                       double    *ZPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                       INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                       INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                       double    *PatternLength,
+                                       double    *LineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                       double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                       INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                       float     *XGeomData,
+                                       float     *YGeomData,
+                                       float     *ZGeomData,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                       double    *YOrRPos,
+                                       double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                       INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                       INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                       INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                       double    *FontHeight,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                       double    *BoxMargin,
+                                       double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                       double    *Angle,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                       double    *LineSpacing,
+                                       INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                       INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                       char      *String,
+                                       char      *mfc);
+                                          char *Value);
+                                           char *Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value);
+/* Old V9 functions retained for backward compatibility */
+                                    char     *Variables,
+                                    char     *FName,
+                                    char     *ScratchDir,
+                                    INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                    INTEGER4 *VIsDouble);
+                                    INTEGER4 *IMx,
+                                    INTEGER4 *JMx,
+                                    INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                    char     *ZFormat,
+                                    char     *DupList);
+                                    void      *FieldData,
+                                    INTEGER4  *IsDouble);
+                                    double    *YPos,
+                                    double    *ZPos,
+                                    INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                    INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                    INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                    INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                    INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                    INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                    double    *PatternLength,
+                                    double    *LineThickness,
+                                    INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                    INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                    INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                    double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                    double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                    INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                    INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                    float     *XGeomData,
+                                    float     *YGeomData,
+                                    float     *ZGeomData,
+                                    char      *mfc);
+                                    double    *YPos,
+                                    INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                    INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                    INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                    INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                    double    *FontHeight,
+                                    INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                    double    *BoxMargin,
+                                    double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                    INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                    INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                    double    *Angle,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                    double    *LineSpacing,
+                                    INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                    INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                    char      *Text,
+                                    char      *mfc);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECXXX_H_ */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TEXT.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TEXT.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06887c923bf30059daaf4204e5d76698166c1cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TEXT.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#if defined EXTERN
+#undef EXTERN
+#if defined TEXTMODULE
+#define EXTERN
+#define EXTERN extern
+/* These macros for checking CoordSys_e and Units of text objects (i.e., those associated with the text tool). */
+#define VALID_TEXT_COORDSYS(sys)  (((sys)==CoordSys_Frame)||((sys)==CoordSys_Grid)||((sys)==CoordSys_Grid3D))
+#define VALID_TEXT_UNITS(units)  (((units)==Units_Grid)||((units)==Units_Frame)||((units)==Units_Point))
+#define VALID_TEXT_COORDSYS_AND_UNITS(pos_sys, size_units) \
+           ( VALID_TEXT_COORDSYS((pos_sys)) && \
+             VALID_TEXT_UNITS((size_units)) && \
+             ! ((pos_sys) == CoordSys_Frame && (size_units) == Units_Grid) )
+/* This is for any type of font in Tecplot. */
+#define VALID_FONT_SIZEUNITS(units)  (((units)==Units_Grid)||((units)==Units_Frame)||((units)==Units_Point)||(units)==Units_AxisPercentage)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if 0 /* contract template */
+#if 0 /* contract template */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5ae0cb73a0aec49e7b36ac4b709c08d4e1202f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace tecplot
+namespace strutil
+#if defined MSWIN && !defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Stub function for non-TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+string LookUpTranslation(string& str)
+    return string(str);
+ * Convenience function for creating Utf8 string translations.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ *     String to translate.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     A new Utf8 translated string.
+ */
+static inline string* createUtf8StringTranslation(string& str)
+#if defined MSWIN
+    string *result = new string(LookUpTranslation(str));
+    string *result = new string(str);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(result));
+    return result;
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * Convenience function for creating wide string translations.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ *     String to translate.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     A new wide translated string.
+ */
+static inline wstring* createWideStringTranslation(string& str)
+    wstring *result = new wstring;
+    *result = StringToWString(LookUpTranslation(str));
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(result));
+    return result;
+#if defined MSWIN
+ * Convenience function for creating wide string with the given mode.
+ *
+ * @param mode
+ *     Indicates if this string is to be translated or not.
+ * @param str
+ *     String to translate.
+ *
+ * @return
+ *     A new wide translated string.
+ */
+static inline wstring* createWideString(TranslatedString::Mode mode,
+                                        string&                str)
+    REQUIRE(mode == TranslatedString::DoTranslate || mode == TranslatedString::DontTranslate);
+    wstring* result;
+    if (mode == TranslatedString::DoTranslate)
+        result = createWideStringTranslation(str);
+    else
+        result = new wstring(StringToWString(str));
+    return result;
+ */
+void TranslatedString::init(TranslatedString::Mode mode,
+                            const char*            str,
+                            const char*            translatorNotes)
+    REQUIRE(mode == DoTranslate || mode == DontTranslate);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(translatorNotes));
+    m_mode   = mode;
+    m_isNull = (str == NULL);
+    if (!m_isNull)
+        m_string = str;
+    m_utf8String = NULL; // ...on demand resource
+#if defined MSWIN
+    m_wideString = NULL; // ...on demand resource
+ */
+    init(DontTranslate, (const char*)NULL, (const char*)NULL);
+    ENSURE(this->isValid());
+ */
+TranslatedString TranslatedString::null()
+    return dontTranslate(NULL);
+ */
+TranslatedString::TranslatedString(TranslatedString::Mode mode,
+                                   const char*            str,
+                                   const char*            translatorNotes)
+    REQUIRE(mode == DoTranslate || mode == DontTranslate);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(translatorNotes));
+    init(mode, str, translatorNotes);
+    ENSURE(this->isValid());
+ */
+    delete m_utf8String;
+#if defined MSWIN
+    delete m_wideString;
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+ */
+bool TranslatedString::isValid() const
+    CHECK(IMPLICATION(m_isNull, m_string.length() == 0));
+#if 0
+    /* TODO(DTO/RMS/CAM): 11/2/2007
+    *   Code currently exists in Tecplot where we call translate() on a
+    *   variable. This seems wrong and at times (PleaseWait() in
+                                                 *   particular) the variable passed is a NULL pointer which causes
+    *   this assertion to fail. There is not enough time before v11.2
+    *   release to remove all translate() calls to non-literal strings so
+    *   we'll have to do this as a post release cleanup. For now just
+    *   deactivate this assertion.
+    */
+    CHECK(IMPLICATION(m_isNull, m_mode == DontTranslate));
+    return true;
+ */
+bool TranslatedString::isNull() const
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    return m_isNull;
+ */
+bool TranslatedString::isNullOrZeroLength() const
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    return m_isNull || m_string.length() == 0;
+ */
+const char* TranslatedString::c_str()
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    const char* result = NULL;
+    if (!isNull())
+    {
+        if (m_mode == DoTranslate)
+        {
+            if (m_utf8String == NULL)
+                m_utf8String = createUtf8StringTranslation(m_string);
+            result = m_utf8String->c_str();
+        }
+        else // ...if we aren't translating don't bother creating another Utf8 copy just use m_string
+            result = m_string.c_str();
+    }
+    ENSURE(result == NULL || VALID_REF(result));
+    return result;
+#if defined MSWIN
+ */
+const wchar_t *TranslatedString::c_wstr()
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    const wchar_t *result = NULL;
+    if (!isNull())
+    {
+        if (m_wideString == NULL)
+            m_wideString = createWideString(m_mode, m_string);
+        result = m_wideString->c_str();
+    }
+    ENSURE(result == NULL || VALID_REF(result));
+    return result;
+ */
+TranslatedString::operator string()
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    REQUIRE(!isNull());
+    string* result;
+    if (m_mode == DoTranslate)
+    {
+        if (m_utf8String == NULL)
+            m_utf8String = createUtf8StringTranslation(m_string);
+        result = m_utf8String;
+    }
+    else // ...if we aren't translating don't bother creating another Utf8 copy just use m_string
+        result = &m_string;
+    return *result;
+#if defined MSWIN
+ */
+TranslatedString::operator wstring()
+    INVARIANT(this->isValid());
+    REQUIRE(!isNull());
+    if (m_wideString == NULL)
+        m_wideString = createWideString(m_mode, m_string);
+    return *m_wideString;
+ */
+TranslatedString& TranslatedString::operator =(const TranslatedString& other)
+    REQUIRE(other.isValid());
+    if (this != &other) // ...only perform if not self assignment
+    {
+        m_mode       = other.m_mode;
+        m_isNull     = other.m_isNull;
+        m_string     = other.m_string;
+        m_utf8String = (other.m_utf8String != NULL ? new string(*other.m_utf8String) : NULL);
+#if defined MSWIN
+        m_wideString = (other.m_wideString != NULL ? new wstring(*other.m_wideString) : NULL);
+    }
+    ENSURE(this->isValid());
+    return *this;
+ */
+TranslatedString::TranslatedString(const TranslatedString& other)
+    REQUIRE(other.isValid());
+    m_mode       = other.m_mode;
+    m_isNull     = other.m_isNull;
+    m_string     = other.m_string;
+    m_utf8String = (other.m_utf8String != NULL ? new string(*other.m_utf8String) : NULL);
+#if defined MSWIN
+    m_wideString = (other.m_wideString != NULL ? new wstring(*other.m_wideString) : NULL);
+    ENSURE(this->isValid());
+ */
+TranslatedString TranslatedString::translate(const char* str,
+                                             const char* translatorNotes)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(translatorNotes));
+    return TranslatedString(DoTranslate, str, translatorNotes);
+ */
+TranslatedString TranslatedString::dontTranslate(const char* str)
+    return TranslatedString(DontTranslate, str, NULL);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e3311a2e365cd8b42754d72421fde5775e8dfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/TranslatedString.h
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#if defined MSWIN
+#pragma warning(disable : 4181)
+namespace tecplot
+namespace strutil
+ * Class responsible for translating strings for internationalization. This
+ * class is used both to perform the translation and to identify which strings
+ * are/aren't in need of translation.
+ *
+ * With the exception of the empty constructor all translated strings are
+ * created via static methods or inline helper functions named translate() and
+ * dontTranslate(). Translated strings created with a call to translate() are
+ * flagged as needing human translation and return the translated value at
+ * runtime. Translated strings created with a call to dontTranslate() are
+ * flagged as not needing human translation and return the non-translated value
+ * at runtime. Examples:
+ *
+ *   ErrMsg(translate("Can I have %d cookies?", numCookies);
+ *   ErrMsg(dontTranslate("%s"), errMsgString);
+ *
+ * Conversion methods exists for std::string so that they operate well
+ * together. Therefore you can pass translated strings to methods or functions
+ * that receive std::string or std::string references. Additionally you can
+ * perform std::string operations by casting the translated string to a
+ * std::string. For example:
+ *
+ *   if (string(dialogTitle).size() != 0)
+ *     ...do something useful
+ *
+ * We have intentionally not provided conversion methods for "const char*" (an
+ * internal representation of the object's string) because of the risk of the
+ * client using the pointer after the translated string object goes out of
+ * scope.
+ *
+ * @author David Ossorio
+ */
+class TranslatedString
+    /**
+     * Enumeration describing available translation modes.
+     */
+    typedef enum { DontTranslate, DoTranslate } Mode;
+    /**
+     * Constructs an empty translated string. It is equivalent to calling
+     * TranslatedString::null().
+     */
+    TranslatedString();
+    /**
+     * Convenience function for creating a NULL translated string.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     NULL translated string.
+     */
+    static TranslatedString null();
+    /**
+     * Creates a translated string object and marks it as a string needing
+     * translation.
+     *
+     * @param str
+     *     Character string to translate.
+     * @param translatorNotes
+     *     Optional notes for the human translator describing the meaning
+     *     of the string.
+     */
+    static TranslatedString translate(const char* str,
+                                      const char* translatorNotes = NULL);
+    /**
+     * Creates a translated string object and marks it as a string not needing
+     * translation.
+     *
+     * @param str
+     *     Character string to translate. The str parameter can be a NULL
+     *     pointer.
+     */
+    static TranslatedString dontTranslate(const char* str);
+    /**
+     * Destructor.
+     */
+    virtual ~TranslatedString();
+    /**
+     * Indicates if the object's string is NULL.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     true if the object's string is NULL, false otherwise.
+     */
+    virtual bool isNull() const;
+    /**
+     * Indicates if the object's string is NULL or zero length.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     true if the object's string is NULL or zero length, false otherwise.
+     */
+    virtual bool isNullOrZeroLength() const;
+    /**
+     * Returns the internal representation of the object's string. Use this
+     * result carefully. When this object goes out of scope so does this
+     * references.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     Pointer to the internal representation of the object's string.
+     */
+    virtual const char* c_str();
+#if defined MSWIN
+    /**
+     * Returns the internal representation of the wide character version of the
+     * object's string. Use this result carefully. When this object goes out of
+     * scope so does this references.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     Pointer to the internal representation of the object's string.
+     */
+    virtual const wchar_t* c_wstr();
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of the object's string by this object. The result is
+     * translated or not depending on the platform and how it was created.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     Copy of the object's string.
+     */
+    virtual operator std::string();
+#if defined MSWIN
+    /**
+     * Returns a copy of the wide character version of the object's string.
+     * The result is translated or not depending on the platform and how it was
+     * created.
+     *
+     * @return
+     *     Copy of the wide character version of the object's string.
+     */
+    virtual operator std::wstring();
+    /**
+     * Assignment operator.
+     */
+    virtual TranslatedString& operator =(const TranslatedString& other);
+    /**
+     * Copy constructor.
+     */
+    TranslatedString(const TranslatedString& other);
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+    /**
+     * Used only for assertions.
+     */
+    virtual bool isValid() const;
+#endif /* !NO_ASSERTS */
+    /**
+     * Constructs a translated string. This is declared private to make sure
+     * clients use translate() or dontTranslate() so that Tecplot's translation
+     * parser can easily extract strings from the source code.
+     *
+     * @param mode
+     *     Indicates if this string is to be translated or not at runtime.
+     * @param str
+     *     Character string to translate.
+     * @param translatorNotes
+     *     Optional notes for the human translator describing the meaning
+     *     of the string.
+     */
+    TranslatedString(TranslatedString::Mode mode,
+                     const char*            str,
+                     const char*            translatorNotes);
+    /**
+     * Convenience method for initialize a translated string.
+     *
+     * @param mode
+     *     Indicates if this string is to be translated or not at runtime.
+     * @param str
+     *     Character string to translate.
+     * @param translatorNotes
+     *     Optional notes for the human translator describing the meaning
+     *     of the string.
+     */
+    void init(TranslatedString::Mode mode,
+              const char*            str,
+              const char*            translatorNotes);
+    /**
+     * Private instance data.
+     */
+    TranslatedString::Mode  m_mode;
+    bool                    m_isNull;
+    std::string             m_string;
+    std::string            *m_utf8String;
+#if defined MSWIN
+    std::wstring           *m_wideString;
+ * Convenience function for creating a translated string object and marking it
+ * as a string needing translation.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ *     Character string to translate.
+ * @param translatorNotes
+ *     Optional notes for the human translator describing the meaning
+ *     of the string.
+ */
+inline TranslatedString translate(const char* str,
+                                  const char* translatorNotes = NULL)
+    return TranslatedString::translate(str, translatorNotes);
+ * Convenience function for creating a translated string object and marking it
+ * as a string not needing translation.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ *     Character string to translate. The str parameter can be a NULL
+ *     pointer.
+ */
+inline TranslatedString dontTranslate(const char* str)
+    return TranslatedString::dontTranslate(str);
+ * Convenience function for creating a translated string object and marks it as
+ * a string not needing translation.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ *     String to translate.
+ */
+inline TranslatedString dontTranslate(const std::string& str)
+    return TranslatedString::dontTranslate(str.c_str());
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/VERSION.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/VERSION.h
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6528cf9deaee92e075984c0c4e59dc1e37fd158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/VERSION.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/alloc.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/alloc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be5a0b0127ac9b40cc17dc25b3ebd71ba4420315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/alloc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+static size_t memInUse = 0;
+static size_t memTotalHighMark = 0;
+static size_t memCurrentHighMark = 0;
+static size_t memSavedHighMark = 0;
+Mutex_pa memMutex;
+void initMemoryUsageTracking(void)
+    REQUIRE(!Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized());
+    Thread_InitMutex(&memMutex);
+void cleanUpMemoryUsageTracking(void)
+    REQUIRE(!Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized());
+    Thread_FreeMutex(&memMutex);
+void trackMemoryClearHighMark(void)
+    memCurrentHighMark = memInUse;
+void trackMemorySaveHighMark(void)
+    memSavedHighMark = memCurrentHighMark;
+void trackMemoryAlloc(size_t size)
+    REQUIRE(memInUse >= 0);
+    if (Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized())
+        Thread_LockMutex(memMutex);
+    memInUse += size;
+    if (memInUse > memTotalHighMark)
+        memTotalHighMark = memInUse;
+    if (memInUse > memCurrentHighMark)
+        memCurrentHighMark = memInUse;
+    if (Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized())
+        Thread_UnlockMutex(memMutex);
+void trackMemoryFree(size_t size)
+    if (Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized())
+        Thread_LockMutex(memMutex);
+    memInUse -= size;
+    if (Thread_ThreadingIsInitialized())
+        Thread_UnlockMutex(memMutex);
+    ENSURE(memInUse >= 0);
+void getMemoryUsage(size_t* memoryInUse,
+                    size_t* memoryCurrentHighMark,
+                    size_t* memorySavedHighMark,
+                    size_t* memoryTotalHighMark)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(memoryCurrentHighMark));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(memorySavedHighMark));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF_OR_NULL(memoryTotalHighMark));
+    if (memoryInUse != NULL)
+        *memoryInUse = memInUse;
+    if (memoryCurrentHighMark != NULL)
+        *memoryCurrentHighMark = memCurrentHighMark;
+    if (memorySavedHighMark != NULL)
+        *memorySavedHighMark = memSavedHighMark;
+    if (memoryTotalHighMark != NULL)
+        *memoryTotalHighMark = memTotalHighMark;
+#if defined MSWIN && defined ALLOC_HEAP
+#define HEAPMIN 512
+#if defined MSWIN && defined ALLOC_HEAP
+ */
+void *MSWinAlloc(DWORD nSize)
+    long *pMem = NULL;
+    if (nSize < HEAPMIN)
+        pMem = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long) + nSize);
+    else
+        pMem = (long *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, sizeof(long) + nSize);
+    if (pMem)
+        pMem[0] = nSize;
+    return (void *)&(pMem[1]);
+#if defined MSWIN && defined ALLOC_HEAP
+ */
+void MSWinFree(void *pMem)
+    if (pMem)
+    {
+        long *pMemLong = &(((long *)pMem)[-1]);
+        if (pMemLong[0] < HEAPMIN)
+            free((void *)pMemLong);
+        else
+            HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, (void *)pMemLong);
+    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/arrlist.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/arrlist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4955817eeda7aa202f00045874afd301ccaf495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/arrlist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1671 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.               ********
+ *******       All Rights Reserved.                       ********
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ */
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ *
+ * This general purpose list uses an array implementation. The high use member
+ * functions have macro covers to make the implementation both efficient with
+ * respect to speed without compromising the internal representation. The
+ * internal array is allocated to fit the requested type's item size. Most
+ * intrinsic 'C' and Tecplot types are available.
+ */
+ * Copies the private array items from the specified source to the target
+ * location. The buffers may overlap.
+ *
+ * note
+ *     Originally this function was a macro that called memmove
+ *     directly:
+ *
+ *         #define CopyArrayItems(TargetArray, TargetOffset, \
+ *                                SourceArray, SourceOffset, \
+ *                                Count, ItemSize) \
+ *                     (memmove(&((TargetArray)[(TargetOffset)*ItemSize]), \
+ *                              &((SourceArray)[(SourceOffset)*ItemSize]), \
+ *                              Count*ItemSize))
+ *
+ * This however proved troublesome as some machines replaced the memmove
+ * with a call to memcpy in the linker. The memcpy function does not support
+ * overlapping moves so I could not use it. This function should be just
+ * about as fast however so it is no big deal.
+ *
+ * param TargetArray
+ *     Base address of the target array to receive the items.
+ * param TargetOffset
+ *     Target offset of the first item.
+ * param SourceArray
+ *     Base address of the source array supplying the items.
+ * param SourceOffset
+ *     Source offset of the first item.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to copy.
+ * param ItemSize
+ *     Item size in bytes.
+ */
+static void CopyArrayItems(char        *TargetArray,
+                           LgIndex_t    TargetOffset,
+                           char        *SourceArray,
+                           LgIndex_t    SourceOffset,
+                           LgIndex_t    Count,
+                           SmInteger_t  ItemSize)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetArray));
+    REQUIRE(TargetOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceArray));
+    REQUIRE(SourceOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(&TargetArray[TargetOffset] != &SourceArray[SourceOffset]);
+    REQUIRE(Count >= 1);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= ItemSize && ItemSize <= (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArrayListItem_u));
+    void* TargetPtr = &TargetArray[TargetOffset * ItemSize];
+    void* SourcePtr = &SourceArray[SourceOffset * ItemSize];
+    memmove(TargetPtr, SourcePtr, ((size_t)Count) * ItemSize);
+ * Adjusts the capacity request as necessary to minimize memory reallocations
+ * for large lists. Unless the request exceeds the maximum the adjusted
+ * capacity will be at least as big as requested however it may be larger if it
+ * is determined that the space requirement is growing faster. If the maximum
+ * is exceeded zero should be returned.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list requesting the change in capacity.
+ * param CurrentCapacity
+ *     Current capacity of the array list.
+ * param RequestedCapacity
+ *     Capacity request or zero for default size.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the adjustment.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Adjusted capacity that is at least as large as the request or zero if
+ *     unable to satisfy the requested capacity.
+ */
+static LgIndex_t AdjustCapacityRequest(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                       LgIndex_t    CurrentCapacity,
+                                       LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity,
+                                       ArbParam_t   ClientData)
+    LgIndex_t Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE((RequestedCapacity == 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0) ||
+            RequestedCapacity > CurrentCapacity);
+    if (RequestedCapacity != 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0)
+    {
+        /* first allocation; assume the request is the desired capacityy */
+        Result = RequestedCapacity;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        const LgIndex_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 32;
+        LgIndex_t       BlockSize = MAX(DEFAULT_CAPACITY, CurrentCapacity / 2);
+        if (RequestedCapacity == 0)
+            Result = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
+        else
+            Result = ((RequestedCapacity - 1) / BlockSize + 1) * BlockSize;
+    }
+    ENSURE(Result == 0 || Result >= RequestedCapacity);
+    return Result;
+ * Gets the size of an individual element.
+ *
+ * param Type
+ *     Array list element type.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Element size corresponding to the type.
+ */
+static SmInteger_t GetElementSize(ArrayListType_e Type)
+    SmInteger_t Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Type, ArrayListType_e));
+    switch (Type)
+    {
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedChar:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned char);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedShort:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned short);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedInt:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned int);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedLong:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned long);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Int64:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(Int64_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Char:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(char);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Short:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(short);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Int:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(int);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Long:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(long);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Float:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(float);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Double:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(double);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_LgIndex:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(LgIndex_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_EntIndex:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(EntIndex_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_SmInteger:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(SmInteger_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Boolean:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(Boolean_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_ArbParam:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArbParam_t);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedCharPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned char *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedShortPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned short *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedIntPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned int *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_UnsignedLongPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(unsigned long *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Int64Ptr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(Int64_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_CharPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(char *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_ShortPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(short *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_IntPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(int *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_LongPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(long *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_FloatPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(float *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_DoublePtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(double *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_LgIndexPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(LgIndex_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_EntIndexPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(EntIndex_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_SmIntegerPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(SmInteger_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_BooleanPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(Boolean_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_ArbParamPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArbParam_t *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_VoidPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(void *);
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_FunctionPtr:
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(void (*)());
+            break;
+        case ArrayListType_Any: /* allows a mixed bag of items */
+            Result = (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArrayListItem_u);
+            break;
+        default:
+            Result = 0; /* make some compilers happy. */
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+            break;
+    }
+    ENSURE(1 <= Result && Result <= (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArrayListItem_u));
+    return Result;
+ * Calls the item destructor for each item specified.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list needing its items destroyed.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the first item to destroy in the list.
+ * param ItemSize
+ *     Size of each array list item.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to destroy.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Function called for each array list item.
+ * param CientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the destructor.
+ */
+static void DestroyItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                         LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                         SmInteger_t                ItemSize,
+                         LgIndex_t                  Count,
+                         ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                         ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    LgIndex_t Index;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= Count && ItemOffset + Count <= ArrayList->Count);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor));
+    for (Index = 0;
+         Index < Count;
+         Index++)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t ItemIndex = (Index + ItemOffset) * ItemSize;
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+        Boolean_t DoContinue = ItemDestructor((void *) & ArrayList->Array[ItemIndex], ClientData);
+        CHECK(DoContinue); /* this is a requirement of ArrayListItemDestructor_pf */
+        ItemDestructor((void *)&ArrayList->Array[ItemIndex], ClientData);
+    }
+ * Calls the item duplicator for each item specified.
+ *
+ * param TargetArray
+ *     Target array needing its items duplicated.
+ * param TargetItemOffset
+ *     Target offset to the first duplicated item.
+ * param SourceArray
+ *     Source array needing its items duplicated.
+ * param SourceItemOffset
+ *     Source offset to the first item to duplicate in the list.
+ * param ItemSize
+ *     Size of each array list item.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to duplicate.
+ * param ItemDuplicator
+ *     Function called for each array list item.
+ * param CientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the destructor.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the duplication was a success
+ *     FALSE otherwise
+ */
+static Boolean_t DuplicateItems(char                       *TargetArray,
+                                LgIndex_t                   TargetItemOffset,
+                                char                       *SourceArray,
+                                LgIndex_t                   SourceItemOffset,
+                                SmInteger_t                 ItemSize,
+                                LgIndex_t                   Count,
+                                ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf  ItemDuplicator,
+                                ArbParam_t                  ClientData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t Index;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetArray));
+    REQUIRE(TargetItemOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceArray));
+    REQUIRE(SourceItemOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= ItemSize &&
+            ItemSize <= (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArrayListItem_u));
+    REQUIRE(Count >= 1);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDuplicator));
+    for (Index = 0;
+         Index < Count && IsOk;
+         Index++)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t TargetItemIndex = (Index + TargetItemOffset) * ItemSize;
+        LgIndex_t SourceItemIndex = (Index + SourceItemOffset) * ItemSize;
+        IsOk = ItemDuplicator((void *) & TargetArray[TargetItemIndex],
+                              (void *) & SourceArray[SourceItemIndex],
+                              ClientData);
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ * Determine if the list handle is sane.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list in question.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the array list is valid, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList_pa ArrayList)
+    Boolean_t IsValid;
+    /* this just makes sure that the NULL item global was initialized */
+    INVARIANT(ArrayListNullItem.Double == 0.0);
+    IsValid = (VALID_REF(ArrayList) &&
+               VALID_ENUM(ArrayList->Type, ArrayListType_e) &&
+               (1 <= ArrayList->ItemSize &&
+                ArrayList->ItemSize <= (SmInteger_t)sizeof(ArrayListItem_u)) &&
+               (0 <= ArrayList->Count &&
+                ArrayList->Count <= ArrayList->Capacity));
+    return IsValid;
+ * Gets the specified array list's type.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list of which the type is desired.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Array list type.
+ */
+ArrayListType_e ArrayListGetType(ArrayList_pa ArrayList)
+    ArrayListType_e Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    Result = ArrayList->Type;
+    ENSURE(VALID_ENUM(Result, ArrayListType_e));
+    return Result;
+ * Enlarge the list capacity to accommodate, at a minimum, the requested
+ * capacity (number of items). The enlarged section is initialized with zeros.
+ * This function can be called by clients who want to ensure that calls to
+ * the ArrayListSetXxx class of functions will never fail for offsets within
+ * the RequestedCapacity.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Current capacity used as a helpful hint for the adjustment algorythm.
+ * param RequestedCapacity
+ *     Capacity (number ot items) request or zero for default size.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the list could be enlarged (or was large enough),
+ *     otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                   LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    LgIndex_t AdjustedCapacity;
+    char      *EnlargedArray;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(RequestedCapacity == 0, ArrayList->Capacity == 0));
+    if (RequestedCapacity == 0 ||
+        RequestedCapacity > ArrayList->Capacity)
+    {
+        AdjustedCapacity =
+            ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjuster(ArrayList,
+                                               ArrayList->Capacity,
+                                               RequestedCapacity,
+                                               ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData);
+        CHECK(AdjustedCapacity == 0 ||
+              AdjustedCapacity >= RequestedCapacity);
+        IsOk = (AdjustedCapacity != 0); /* ...were we able to meet the request? */
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            EnlargedArray = ALLOC_ARRAY(AdjustedCapacity * ArrayList->ItemSize,
+                                        char, "array list");
+            if (EnlargedArray == NULL)
+            {
+                /* try again with minimum capacity request */
+                if (RequestedCapacity != 0)
+                    AdjustedCapacity = RequestedCapacity;
+                else
+                    AdjustedCapacity = 1; /* can't get smaller than this */
+                EnlargedArray = ALLOC_ARRAY(AdjustedCapacity * ArrayList->ItemSize,
+                                            char, "array list");
+            }
+            IsOk = (EnlargedArray != NULL);
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            /*
+             * Initialize the expanded section of the array with zeros. This default
+             * value of zero is necessary for many other array list operations.
+             */
+            memset(&EnlargedArray[ArrayList->Count*ArrayList->ItemSize], 0,
+                   (AdjustedCapacity - ArrayList->Count)*ArrayList->ItemSize);
+            if (ArrayList->Array != NULL)
+            {
+                if (ArrayList->Count != 0)
+                    CopyArrayItems(EnlargedArray, 0,
+                                   ArrayList->Array, 0,
+                                   ArrayList->Count,
+                                   ArrayList->ItemSize);
+                FREE_ARRAY(ArrayList->Array, "array list");
+            }
+            ArrayList->Array    = EnlargedArray;
+            ArrayList->Capacity = AdjustedCapacity;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        IsOk = TRUE;
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Allocates an array list handle with the estimated capacity
+ * or a suitable default if an estimate is unavailable.
+ *
+ * param EstimatedCapacity
+ *     Clients best guess at the estimated capacity (number of items) needed.
+ *     If an estimate is not available zero the zero should be used to get the
+ *     default capacity.
+ * param Type
+ *     Type of array list being allocated.
+ * param CapacityRequestAdjuster
+ *     Function to use to adjust any capacity change requests or
+ *     NULL if the default adjuster is good enough.
+ * param CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the capacity adjustment.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Array list handle if sufficient memory was available,
+ *     otherwise a handle to NULL.
+ */
+ArrayList_pa ArrayListAlloc(LgIndex_t                           EstimatedCapacity,
+                            ArrayListType_e                     Type,
+                            ArrayListCapacityRequestAdjuster_pf CapacityRequestAdjuster,
+                            ArbParam_t                          CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData)
+    ArrayList_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(EstimatedCapacity >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Type, ArrayListType_e));
+    Result = ALLOC_ITEM(ArrayList_s, "ArrayList structure");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Result->Array           = NULL;
+        Result->Type            = Type;
+        Result->ItemSize        = GetElementSize(Type);
+        Result->Count           = 0;
+        Result->Capacity        = 0;
+        Result->IsVisitingItems = FALSE;
+        if (CapacityRequestAdjuster != NULL)
+        {
+            /* install the client's capacity request adjuster */
+            Result->CapacityRequestAdjuster           = CapacityRequestAdjuster;
+            Result->CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData = CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* install the default capacity request adjuster */
+            Result->CapacityRequestAdjuster           = AdjustCapacityRequest;
+            Result->CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData = 0;
+        }
+        /* enalarge the list to the estimated capacity */
+        if (!ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(Result, EstimatedCapacity))
+            ArrayListDealloc(&Result, NULL, 0);
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    ENSURE(IMPLICATION(Result != NULL, Result->Capacity >= EstimatedCapacity));
+    return Result;
+ * Deallocates the list handle and set the handle to NULL.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Reference to an array list handle.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Destructor responsible for array list item cleanup or
+ *     NULL if no item cleanup is desired.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for cleanup.
+ */
+void ArrayListDealloc(ArrayList_pa               *ArrayList,
+                      ArrayListItemDestructor_pf  ItemDestructor,
+                      ArbParam_t                  ClientData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(*ArrayList) || *ArrayList == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor) || ItemDestructor == NULL);
+    if (*ArrayList != NULL)
+    {
+        /* request item cleanup if a destructor was supplied */
+        if (ItemDestructor != NULL && (*ArrayList)->Count != 0)
+            DestroyItems(*ArrayList, 0, (*ArrayList)->ItemSize, (*ArrayList)->Count,
+                         ItemDestructor, ClientData);
+        /* release the list */
+        if ((*ArrayList)->Capacity != 0)
+            FREE_ARRAY((*ArrayList)->Array, "array list");
+        /* release the list structure itself */
+        FREE_ITEM(*ArrayList, "ArrayList structure");
+        *ArrayList = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*ArrayList == NULL);
+ * Gets the number of items currently maintained by the list.
+ *
+ * param
+ *     Array list in question.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Number of items maintained by the list.
+ */
+LgIndex_t ArrayListGetCount_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList)
+    LgIndex_t Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    Result = ArrayListGetCount_MACRO(ArrayList);
+    ENSURE(Result >= 0);
+    return Result;
+ * Empties the array list of all items.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list from which to delete all items.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Destructor responsible for array list item cleanup or
+ *     NULL if no item cleanup is desired.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for cleanup.
+ */
+void ArrayListDeleteAllItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                             ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                             ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor) || ItemDestructor == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    /* request item cleanup if a destructor was supplied */
+    if (ItemDestructor != NULL && ArrayList->Count != 0)
+        DestroyItems(ArrayList, 0, ArrayList->ItemSize, ArrayList->Count,
+                     ItemDestructor, ClientData);
+    /*
+     * Fill the vacated items with zeros. This default value of zero is necessary
+     * for many other array list operations.
+     */
+    if (ArrayList->Count != 0)
+        memset(&ArrayList->Array[0], 0, ArrayList->Count*ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    ArrayList->Count = 0;
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList) && ArrayList->Count == 0);
+ * Deletes 'Count' items from the array list. The members following the
+ * items deleted are shifted down accordingly to fill the vacated space.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the items to delete.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the first item to delete in the list.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to delete.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Destructor responsible for array list item cleanup or
+ *     NULL if no item cleanup is desired.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for cleanup.
+ */
+void ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                          LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                          LgIndex_t                  Count,
+                          ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                          ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= Count && ItemOffset + Count <= ArrayList->Count);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor) || ItemDestructor == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    /* release the items if a destructor is installed */
+    if (ItemDestructor != NULL)
+        DestroyItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArrayList->ItemSize, Count,
+                     ItemDestructor, ClientData);
+    /* if we deleted the items from the middle of the array then     */
+    /* shift the end items down by 'Count' to fill the vacated space */
+    if (ItemOffset + Count < ArrayList->Count)
+        CopyArrayItems(ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                       ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset + Count,
+                       ArrayList->Count - (ItemOffset + Count),
+                       ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    /*
+     * Fill the vacated items with zeros. This default value of zero is necessary
+     * for many other array list operations.
+     */
+    memset(&ArrayList->Array[(ArrayList->Count - Count)*ArrayList->ItemSize],
+           0, Count*ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    /* update the count but leave the capacity alone */
+    ArrayList->Count -= Count;
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+ * Deletes an item from the array list. The members following the item
+ * deleted are shifted down accordingly to fill the vacated space.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the item to delete.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the item in the list.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Destructor responsible for array list item cleanup or
+ *     NULL if no item cleanup is desired.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for cleanup.
+ */
+void ArrayListDeleteItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                         LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                         ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                         ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor) || ItemDestructor == NULL);
+    ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, 1, ItemDestructor, ClientData);
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+ * Removes 'Count' items from the array list beginning at the specified
+ * item offset. The members following the items removed are shifted down
+ * accordingly to fill the vacated space.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the items to remove.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the first item to remove in the list.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to remove.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Array list handle referring to the removed items if sufficient
+ *     memory was available, otherwise a handle to NULL.
+ */
+ArrayList_pa ArrayListRemoveItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                  LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                                  LgIndex_t    Count)
+    ArrayList_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= Count && ItemOffset + Count <= ArrayList->Count);
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    /* get a copy of the items and delete them from the source */
+    Result = ArrayListGetItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Count);
+    if (Result != NULL)
+        ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, Count, NULL, 0);
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Removes an item from the array list. The members following the item
+ * removed are shifted down accordingly to fill the vacated space.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the item to remove.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the item in the list.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Item removed from the array list.
+ */
+ArrayListItem_u ArrayListRemoveItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                    LgIndex_t    ItemOffset)
+    ArrayListItem_u Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    /* record the original item */
+    CopyArrayItems((char *)&Result, 0,
+                   ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                   1, ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    /* delete the item from the array */
+    ArrayListDeleteItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, 1, NULL, 0);
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    return Result;
+ * Inserts copies of the items from the source list to the target list at
+ * the specified offset. The target list will expand to accommodate the
+ * additional items. The source list remains unchanged.
+ *
+ * param Target
+ *     Array list receiving the source items.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset at which to insert the source list items.
+ * param Source
+ *     Array list supplying the source items.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListInsert(ArrayList_pa Target,
+                          LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                          ArrayList_pa Source)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(Target));
+    REQUIRE(ItemOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(Source));
+    REQUIRE(Target != Source);
+    REQUIRE(Target->Type == Source->Type);
+    REQUIRE(!Target->IsVisitingItems);
+    if (Source->Count != 0)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t NeededCapacity;
+        /* if necessary enlarge the target list to accommodate the request */
+        if (ItemOffset > Target->Count)
+            NeededCapacity = ItemOffset + Source->Count;
+        else
+            NeededCapacity = Target->Count + Source->Count;
+        if (NeededCapacity > Target->Capacity)
+            IsOk = ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(Target, NeededCapacity);
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            if (ItemOffset < Target->Count)
+            {
+                /* shift all items in the target list ahead of the  */
+                /* insert position up by the number of items in the */
+                /* source list to make room for the new items       */
+                CopyArrayItems(Target->Array, ItemOffset + Source->Count,
+                               Target->Array, ItemOffset,
+                               Target->Count - ItemOffset,
+                               Target->ItemSize);
+                Target->Count += Source->Count;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* no shifting to do, just update the count */
+                if (ItemOffset > Target->Count)
+                    Target->Count = ItemOffset + Source->Count;
+                else
+                    Target->Count += Source->Count;
+            }
+            /* insert the items and update the count */
+            CopyArrayItems(Target->Array, ItemOffset,
+                           Source->Array, 0,
+                           Source->Count, Source->ItemSize);
+        }
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Target));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Inserts the item into the array list at the specified offset. The list will
+ * be expanded to accommodate the additional item. If the offset is beyond the
+ * end of the list it is sized accordingly and the intervening items between
+ * the last item of the original state and the last item of the new state are
+ * guaranteed to be 0.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list target in which to insert the item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset at which to insert the item.
+ * param Item
+ *     Item to insert at the specified offset.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListInsertItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
+                              LgIndex_t       ItemOffset,
+                              ArrayListItem_u Item)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t NeededCapacity;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(ItemOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    /* if necessary enlarge the list to accommodate the request */
+    if (ItemOffset > ArrayList->Count)
+        NeededCapacity = ItemOffset + 1;
+    else
+        NeededCapacity = ArrayList->Count + 1;
+    if (NeededCapacity > ArrayList->Capacity)
+        IsOk = ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(ArrayList, NeededCapacity);
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        if (ItemOffset < ArrayList->Count)
+        {
+            /* shift all items in the target list ahead of the insert */
+            /* position up by one to make room for the new item       */
+            CopyArrayItems(ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset + 1,
+                           ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                           ArrayList->Count - ItemOffset,
+                           ArrayList->ItemSize);
+            ArrayList->Count++;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* no shifting to do, just update the count */
+            if (ItemOffset > ArrayList->Count)
+                ArrayList->Count = ItemOffset + 1;
+            else
+                ArrayList->Count++;
+        }
+        /* insert the item */
+        CopyArrayItems(ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                       (char *)&Item, 0,
+                       1, ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Visits array list items calling the item visitor for each item.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list needing its items destroyed.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the first item to visit from the list.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to visit.
+ * param ItemVisitor
+ *     Function called for each array list item.
+ * param CientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the visitor.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the all element were visited, otherwise
+ *     FALSE if the visitation was terminated early
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListVisitItems(ArrayList_pa            ArrayList,
+                              LgIndex_t               ItemOffset,
+                              LgIndex_t               Count,
+                              ArrayListItemVisitor_pf ItemVisitor,
+                              ArbParam_t              ClientData)
+    Boolean_t   DoContinue = TRUE;
+    Boolean_t   IsVisitingItems;
+    SmInteger_t ItemSize;
+    LgIndex_t   Index;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemVisitor));
+    IsVisitingItems = ArrayList->IsVisitingItems;
+    ArrayList->IsVisitingItems = TRUE; /* guards against structure changes */
+    for (Index = 0, ItemSize = ArrayList->ItemSize;
+         Index < Count && DoContinue;
+         Index++)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t ItemIndex = (Index + ItemOffset) * ItemSize;
+        DoContinue = ItemVisitor((void *) & ArrayList->Array[ItemIndex], ClientData);
+    }
+    ArrayList->IsVisitingItems = IsVisitingItems;
+    ENSURE(ArrayList->IsVisitingItems == IsVisitingItems);
+    return DoContinue;
+ * Gets copies of 'Count' items from the array list beginning at the
+ * specified item offset. Note that if the items are pointer types
+ * the copies are of the pointers and not the pointees.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the items to copy.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the first item to copy from the list.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items to copy.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Array list handle referring to the copied items if sufficient
+ *     memory was available, otherwise a handle to NULL.
+ */
+ArrayList_pa ArrayListGetItems(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                               LgIndex_t    ItemOffset,
+                               LgIndex_t    Count)
+    ArrayList_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    REQUIRE(1 <= Count && ItemOffset + Count <= ArrayList->Count);
+    Result = ArrayListAlloc(Count, ArrayList->Type,
+                            ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjuster,
+                            ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData);
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        /* copy the original items into the result */
+        CopyArrayItems(Result->Array, 0,
+                       ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                       Count, ArrayList->ItemSize);
+        Result->Count = Count;
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Gets the item at the specified offset in the list.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the desired item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the item in the list.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     The requested item.
+ */
+ArrayListItem_u ArrayListGetItem(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                 LgIndex_t    ItemOffset)
+    ArrayListItem_u Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    CopyArrayItems((char *)&Result, 0,
+                   ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                   1, ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    return Result;
+ * Gets the item's internal reference at the specified offset in the list.
+ *
+ *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
+ *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
+ *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
+ *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
+ *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
+ *     responsible for the cleanup.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list containing the desired item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset to the item in the list.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     The internal reference to the requested item.
+ */
+const void *ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList,
+                                             LgIndex_t    ItemOffset)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= ItemOffset && ItemOffset <= ArrayList->Count - 1);
+    const void *Result = ArrayListGetItemInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList, ItemOffset);
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * Places the item at the specified offset. If the offset is beyond the
+ * end of the list it is sized accordingly and the intervening items
+ * between the last item of the original state and the last item of the
+ * new state are guaranteed to be 0.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list target in which to set the item.
+ * param ItemOffset
+ *     Offset of the item.
+ * param Item
+ *     Item to set at the specified offset.
+ * param ItemDestructor
+ *     Destructor responsible for array list item cleanup or
+ *     NULL if no item cleanup is desired.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for cleanup.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListSetItem(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                           LgIndex_t                  ItemOffset,
+                           ArrayListItem_u            Item,
+                           ArrayListItemDestructor_pf ItemDestructor,
+                           ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(ItemOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDestructor) || ItemDestructor == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(ItemOffset + 1 > ArrayList->Count,
+                        !ArrayList->IsVisitingItems));
+    /* release the item if a destructor is installed */
+    if (ItemDestructor != NULL && ItemOffset < ArrayList->Count)
+        DestroyItems(ArrayList, ItemOffset, ArrayList->ItemSize, 1,
+                     ItemDestructor, ClientData);
+    /* if necessary enlarge the list to accommodate the request */
+    if (ItemOffset + 1 > ArrayList->Capacity)
+        IsOk = ArrayListEnlargeCapacity(ArrayList, ItemOffset + 1);
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        if (ItemOffset + 1 > ArrayList->Count)
+            ArrayList->Count = ItemOffset + 1;
+        CopyArrayItems(ArrayList->Array, ItemOffset,
+                       (char *)&Item, 0,
+                       1, ArrayList->ItemSize);
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Appends the item to the list. The list will be expanded
+ * to accommodate the additional item.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list target to which the item is to be appended.
+ * param Item
+ *     Item to append to the array list.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListAppendItem(ArrayList_pa    ArrayList,
+                              ArrayListItem_u Item)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(!ArrayList->IsVisitingItems);
+    IsOk = ArrayListInsertItem(ArrayList, ArrayList->Count, Item);
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Appends copies of the items from the source list to the target list.
+ * The source list remains unchanged.
+ *
+ * param Target
+ *     Array list receiving the source items.
+ * param Source
+ *     Array list supplying the source items.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if sufficient memory permitted the operation, otherwise FALSE.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListAppend(ArrayList_pa Target,
+                          ArrayList_pa Source)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(Target));
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(Source));
+    REQUIRE(Target != Source);
+    REQUIRE(Target->Type == Source->Type);
+    REQUIRE(!Target->IsVisitingItems);
+    IsOk = ArrayListInsert(Target, Target->Count, Source);
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Target));
+    return IsOk;
+ * Copies the items of the array list.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list to copy.
+ * param ItemDuplicator
+ *     Duplicator responsible for array list item duplication or
+ *     NULL if an exact item copy is desired. In other words for
+ *     pointer types the effect is copy by reference.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for duplication.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Handle to a duplicate of the specified array list if sufficient
+ *     memory permitted the operation, otherwise NULL.
+ */
+ArrayList_pa ArrayListCopy(ArrayList_pa               ArrayList,
+                           ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
+                           ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    ArrayList_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDuplicator) || ItemDuplicator == NULL);
+    Result = ArrayListAlloc(ArrayList->Count, ArrayList->Type,
+                            ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjuster,
+                            ArrayList->CapacityRequestAdjusterClientData);
+    if (Result != NULL && ArrayList->Count != 0)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+        if (ItemDuplicator != NULL)
+            /* client defines how the item duplication is performed */
+            IsOk = DuplicateItems(Result->Array, 0,
+                                  ArrayList->Array, 0,
+                                  ArrayList->ItemSize, ArrayList->Count,
+                                  ItemDuplicator, ClientData);
+        else
+            /* copy the original items into the result */
+            CopyArrayItems(Result->Array, 0,
+                           ArrayList->Array, 0,
+                           ArrayList->Count,
+                           ArrayList->ItemSize);
+        if (IsOk)
+            Result->Count = ArrayList->Count;
+        else
+            ArrayListDealloc(&Result, NULL, 0);
+    }
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL ||
+           (ArrayListIsValid(Result) && Result->Count == ArrayList->Count));
+    return Result;
+ * Creates a native 'C' array containing copies of the items held in the
+ * source array list.
+ *
+ * param Source
+ *     Array list containing the items of interest.
+ * param ItemDuplicator
+ *     Duplicator responsible for array list item duplication or
+ *     NULL if an exact item copy is desired. In other words for
+ *     pointer types the effect is copy by reference.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for duplication.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Allocated array populated with copies of the members of the array list
+ *     or NULL if there are no items in the list or if the allocation was
+ *     not successful. The caller is responsible for deallocation of the
+ *     array (but not the individual members unless a item duplication function
+ *     was supplied) when it is no longer needed.
+ */
+void *ArrayListToArray(ArrayList_pa               Source,
+                       ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf ItemDuplicator,
+                       ArbParam_t                 ClientData)
+    void *Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(Source));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDuplicator) || ItemDuplicator == NULL);
+    if (Source->Count != 0)
+        Result = (void *)ALLOC_ARRAY(Source->Count * Source->ItemSize,
+                                     char, "native array");
+    else
+        Result = NULL;
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+        if (ItemDuplicator != NULL)
+            /* client defines how the item duplication is performed */
+            IsOk = DuplicateItems((char*)Result, 0,
+                                  Source->Array, 0,
+                                  Source->ItemSize, Source->Count,
+                                  ItemDuplicator, ClientData);
+        else
+            /* copy the original items into the result */
+            CopyArrayItems((char *)Result, 0,
+                           Source->Array, 0,
+                           Source->Count,
+                           Source->ItemSize);
+        if (!IsOk)
+        {
+            /* Hack to remove delete warning... */
+            char *Tmp = (char *)Result;
+            FREE_ARRAY(Tmp, "native array");
+        }
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Creates an array list containing copies of the items held in the
+ * native 'C' array.
+ *
+ * param Source
+ *     Native 'C' array containing the items of interest.
+ * param Count
+ *     Number of items contained in the native 'C' array.
+ * param Type
+ *     Type of items contained in the native 'C' array.
+ * param ItemDuplicator
+ *     Duplicator responsible for array list item duplication or
+ *     NULL if an exact item copy is desired. In other words for
+ *     pointer types the effect is copy by reference.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for duplication.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Array list handle containing copies of the items held in the
+ *     native 'C' array if sufficient memory was available, otherwise
+ *     a handle to NULL.
+ */
+ArrayList_pa ArrayListFromArray(void                       *Source,
+                                LgIndex_t                   Count,
+                                ArrayListType_e             Type,
+                                ArrayListItemDuplicator_pf  ItemDuplicator,
+                                ArbParam_t                  ClientData)
+    ArrayList_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Source));
+    REQUIRE(Count >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Type, ArrayListType_e));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(ItemDuplicator) || ItemDuplicator == NULL);
+    Result = ArrayListAlloc(Count, Type, NULL, 0);
+    if (Result != NULL && Count != 0)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+        if (ItemDuplicator != NULL)
+            /* client defines how the item duplication is performed */
+            IsOk = DuplicateItems(Result->Array, 0,
+                                  (char*)Source, 0,
+                                  Result->ItemSize, Count,
+                                  ItemDuplicator, ClientData);
+        else
+            /* copy the original items into the result */
+            CopyArrayItems(Result->Array, 0,
+                           (char *)Source, 0,
+                           Count, Result->ItemSize);
+        if (IsOk)
+            Result->Count = Count;
+        else
+            ArrayListDealloc(&Result, NULL, 0);
+    }
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Holds the comparator function pointer for sorting.
+ */
+static ArrayListItemComparator_pf ComparatorFunction = NULL;
+ * Holds the context for comparisons. This information is forwarded to
+ * the item comparator function for sorting.
+ */
+static ArbParam_t ComparatorClientData = 0;
+ * Holds the item size of the individual array components for sorting.
+ */
+static SmInteger_t ComparatorItemSize = 0;
+ * Forwards the comparison test to the 'Comparator' supplied to the
+ * 'ArrayListQSort' function.
+ *
+ * param Item1Ref
+ *     Reference to base address of Item1.
+ * param Item2Ref
+ *     Reference to base address of Item2.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     - A value less than zero if Item1 is less than Item2.
+ *     - A value of zero if Item1 is equal to Item2.
+ *     - A value greater than zero if Item1 is greater than Item2.
+ */
+static int QSortCompareItemsAdapter(const void *Item1Ref,
+                                    const void *Item2Ref)
+    int Result;
+    ArrayListItem_u Item1;
+    ArrayListItem_u Item2;
+    REQUIRE(Item1Ref != NULL);
+    REQUIRE(Item2Ref != NULL);
+    /* collect up the items */
+    CopyArrayItems((char *)&Item1, 0,
+                   (char *)Item1Ref, 0,
+                   1, ComparatorItemSize);
+    CopyArrayItems((char *)&Item2, 0,
+                   (char *)Item2Ref, 0,
+                   1, ComparatorItemSize);
+    /* forward the call */
+    Result = ComparatorFunction(Item1, Item2, ComparatorClientData);
+    ENSURE(Result == -1 || Result == 0 || Result == 1);
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Sorts the array list using the qsort algorithm.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list to sort.
+ * param Comparator
+ *     Function called to compare two array list elements.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Contextual information that is passed along to the comparator function.
+ */
+void ArrayListQSort(ArrayList_pa                ArrayList,
+                    ArrayListItemComparator_pf  Comparator,
+                    ArbParam_t                  ClientData)
+    ArrayListItemComparator_pf CurComparatorFunction;
+    ArbParam_t                 CurComparatorClientData;
+    SmInteger_t                CurComparatorItemSize;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(Comparator));
+    /* to support sort recursion we need to save off the current values */
+    CurComparatorFunction   = ComparatorFunction;
+    CurComparatorClientData = ComparatorClientData;
+    CurComparatorItemSize   = ComparatorItemSize;
+    /* set up for comparison proxy */
+    ComparatorFunction   = Comparator;
+    ComparatorClientData = ClientData;
+    ComparatorItemSize   = ArrayList->ItemSize;
+    /* sort the array */
+    qsort(ArrayList->Array, ArrayList->Count,
+          ArrayList->ItemSize, QSortCompareItemsAdapter);
+    /* cleanup */
+    ComparatorFunction   = CurComparatorFunction;
+    ComparatorClientData = CurComparatorClientData;
+    ComparatorItemSize   = CurComparatorItemSize;
+    ENSURE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+ * Binary searches a sorted array looking for a match using the supplied
+ * comparator function. If a match is found the resulting item index refers to
+ * the location otherwise it refers to the location where the item could be
+ * inserted in sorted order.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list to sort.
+ * param Item
+ *     The item for which to search.
+ * param Comparator
+ *     Function called to compare the Item to the array list elements.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Contextual information that is passed along to the comparator function.
+ * param ItemIndex
+ *     Pointer to the resulting position where the item was found or where the
+ *     item could be inserted in sorted order. If the pointer is NULL the
+ *     result position is not returned.
+ *
+ * result
+ *     TRUE if the item was found in the list, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+Boolean_t ArrayListBSearch(ArrayList_pa                ArrayList,
+                           ArrayListItem_u             Item,
+                           ArrayListItemComparator_pf  Comparator,
+                           ArbParam_t                  ClientData,
+                           LgIndex_t                  *ItemIndex)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(Comparator));
+    REQUIRE(ItemIndex == NULL || VALID_REF(ItemIndex));
+    LgIndex_t MiddleItemIndex = 0;
+    LgIndex_t FirstItemIndex  = 0;
+    LgIndex_t NumItems        = ArrayListGetCount(ArrayList);
+    LgIndex_t LastItemIndex   = NumItems - 1;
+    Boolean_t Found = FALSE;
+    while (FirstItemIndex <= LastItemIndex && !Found)
+    {
+        /* calculate the middle item index for current sub-range */
+        MiddleItemIndex = (FirstItemIndex + LastItemIndex) / 2;
+        int CompareResult = Comparator(ArrayListGetItem(ArrayList, MiddleItemIndex), Item, ClientData);
+        if (CompareResult > 0)
+            LastItemIndex = MiddleItemIndex - 1;
+        else if (CompareResult < 0)
+            FirstItemIndex = MiddleItemIndex + 1;
+        else
+            Found = TRUE;
+    }
+    if (ItemIndex != NULL)
+    {
+        if (Found || NumItems == 0 || FirstItemIndex < NumItems)
+            *ItemIndex = MiddleItemIndex;
+        else
+            *ItemIndex = NumItems; /* ...in other words it goes on the end */
+    }
+                       0 <= *ItemIndex && *ItemIndex <= ArrayListGetCount(ArrayList)));
+    return Found;
+ * Gets the array list's internal buffer representation.
+ *
+ *     Some array list functions modify the internal buffer.
+ *     This will invalidate this reference however it is
+ *     the client's responsibility not to make further use
+ *     of it. In addition, this reference should never be
+ *     deallocated directly as the array list assumes the
+ *     responsible for the cleanup.
+ *
+ * param ArrayList
+ *     Array list for which a reference to the internal
+ *     buffer is desired.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Reference to the array list's internal buffer.
+ */
+const void *ArrayListGetInternalRef_FUNC(ArrayList_pa ArrayList)
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ArrayList));
+    const void *Result = ArrayListGetInternalRef_MACRO(ArrayList);
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/auxdata.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/auxdata.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c42b2220461b2fea7dc6c5d7aa44ae16be239684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/auxdata.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.             ********
+ *******       All Rights Reserved.                       ********
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ */
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "AUXDATA.h"
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+ * Private auxiliary data item structure.
+ */
+typedef struct
+    const char    *Name;
+    ArbParam_t    Value;
+    AuxDataType_e Type;
+    Boolean_t     Retain;
+} AuxDataItem_s;
+ * Private auxiliary data item container structure.
+ */
+typedef struct _AuxData_s
+    /* invariant: ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name */
+    ArrayList_pa ItemList; /* <AuxDataItem_s *>[dynamic] */
+} AuxData_s;
+static Mutex_pa AuxDataMutex = NULL;
+ * A valid auxiliary data name character must begin with a '_' or alpha
+ * character and may be followed by one or more '_', '.', alpha or digit
+ * characters.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidNameChar(char      Char,
+                                 Boolean_t IsLeadChar)
+    Boolean_t IsValidNameChar;
+    REQUIRE("Char can be any value");
+    IsValidNameChar = (Char == '_' ||
+                       isalpha(Char));
+    if (!IsLeadChar)
+        IsValidNameChar = (IsValidNameChar ||
+                           Char == '.'     ||
+                           isdigit(Char));
+    ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(IsValidNameChar));
+    return IsValidNameChar;
+ * Indicates if the auxiliary data name is valid. A valid auxiliary data name
+ * must begin with a '_' or alpha character and may be followed by one or
+ * more '_', '.', alpha or digit characters.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidName(const char *Name)
+    Boolean_t  IsValidName;
+    const char *NPtr;
+    for (NPtr = Name, IsValidName = AuxDataIsValidNameChar(*NPtr, TRUE);
+         IsValidName && *NPtr != '\0';
+         NPtr++)
+    {
+        IsValidName = AuxDataIsValidNameChar(*NPtr, FALSE);
+    }
+    return IsValidName;
+ * Deallocates an auxiliary data item and its contents and sets the target to
+ * NULL.
+ *
+ * param AuxDataItem
+ *     Reference to an auxiliary data item.
+ */
+static void AuxDataItemDealloc(AuxDataItem_s **AuxDataItem)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(AuxDataItem));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*AuxDataItem) || *AuxDataItem == NULL);
+    if (*AuxDataItem != NULL)
+    {
+        char *Name = (char *)(*AuxDataItem)->Name;
+        if (Name != NULL)
+            FREE_ARRAY(Name, "auxiliary name");
+        if ((*AuxDataItem)->Type == AuxDataType_String)
+        {
+            char *Value = (char *)(*AuxDataItem)->Value;
+            if (Value != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(Value, "auxiliary value");
+        }
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        FREE_ITEM(*AuxDataItem, "auxiliary data item");
+        *AuxDataItem = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*AuxDataItem == NULL);
+ * Allocates an auxiliary data item.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Copies are made of the name and value.
+ *
+ * param Name
+ *     Auxiliary data item's name (case insenstive).
+ * param Value
+ *     Auxiliary data item's value.
+ * param Type
+ *     Auxiliary data item's value type.
+ * param Retain
+ *     Indicates if the auxiliary data item should persist. In other words
+ *     copied, saved, etc.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     A new auxiliary data item or NULL if sufficient memory was not
+ *     available.
+ */
+static AuxDataItem_s *AuxDataItemAlloc(const char   *Name,
+                                       ArbParam_t    Value,
+                                       AuxDataType_e Type,
+                                       Boolean_t     Retain)
+    AuxDataItem_s *Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(Type == AuxDataType_String,
+                        (VALID_REF((char *)Value) ||
+                         (char *)Value == NULL)));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Type, AuxDataType_e));
+    Result = ALLOC_ITEM(AuxDataItem_s, "auxiliary data item");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk;
+        Result->Type   = Type;
+        Result->Retain = Retain;
+        Result->Name   = DupString(dontTranslate(Name));
+        IsOk = (Result->Name != NULL);
+        Result->Value = 0; /* to satisfy some compilers' uninitialized warnings */
+        if (IsOk && Type == AuxDataType_String)
+        {
+            char *strValue = (char *)Value;
+            if (strValue != NULL)
+            {
+                char *strCopy = DupString(dontTranslate(strValue));
+                Result->Value = (ArbParam_t)strCopy;
+                IsOk = (strCopy != NULL);
+            }
+            else
+                Result->Value = (ArbParam_t)NULL;
+        }
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        if (!IsOk)
+            AuxDataItemDealloc(&Result);
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Destroys an auxiliary data item list item. This is an item destructor
+ * callback for ArrayList's private data.
+ *
+ * param ItemRef
+ *     Reference to the auxiliary data item to cleanup.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Not used.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE is a requirement
+ */
+static Boolean_t AuxDataItemListItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                               ArbParam_t  ClientData)
+    AuxDataItem_s **AuxDataItemRef = (AuxDataItem_s **)ItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(AuxDataItemRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*AuxDataItemRef) || *AuxDataItemRef == NULL);
+    if (*AuxDataItemRef != NULL)
+        AuxDataItemDealloc(AuxDataItemRef);
+    ENSURE(*AuxDataItemRef == NULL);
+    return TRUE;
+ * Destroys an auxiliary data item. This is an item destructor
+ * callback for ArrayList's private data.
+ *
+ * param ItemRef
+ *     Reference to the auxiliary data to cleanup.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Not used.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE is a requirement
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                ArbParam_t  ClientData)
+    AuxData_pa *AuxDataRef = (AuxData_pa *)ItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(AuxDataRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*AuxDataRef) || *AuxDataRef == NULL);
+    if (*AuxDataRef != NULL)
+        AuxDataDealloc(AuxDataRef);
+    ENSURE(*AuxDataRef == NULL);
+    return TRUE;
+ * Duplicates an auxiliary data item if its Retain flag is TRUE or if directed
+ * by the callback data. This is an item duplicator callback for ArrayList.
+ *
+ * param TargetItemRef
+ *     Reference to the auxiliary data item to receive duplicate.
+ * param SourceItemRef
+ *     Reference to the auxiliary data item to duplicate.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Boolean indicating if the Retain flag should be considered.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the duplication was a success
+ *     FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+static Boolean_t AuxDataItemDuplicator(void       *TargetItemRef,
+                                       void       *SourceItemRef,
+                                       ArbParam_t ClientData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    AuxDataItem_s **TargetAuxDataItemRef = (AuxDataItem_s **)TargetItemRef;
+    AuxDataItem_s **SourceAuxDataItemRef = (AuxDataItem_s **)SourceItemRef;
+    Boolean_t       ConsiderRetain;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetAuxDataItemRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceAuxDataItemRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*SourceAuxDataItemRef) || *SourceAuxDataItemRef == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN((Boolean_t)ClientData));
+    ConsiderRetain = (Boolean_t)ClientData;
+    /* duplicate the item */
+    if (*SourceAuxDataItemRef != NULL &&
+        (!ConsiderRetain || (*SourceAuxDataItemRef)->Retain))
+    {
+        *TargetAuxDataItemRef = AuxDataItemAlloc((*SourceAuxDataItemRef)->Name,
+                                                 (*SourceAuxDataItemRef)->Value,
+                                                 (*SourceAuxDataItemRef)->Type,
+                                                 (*SourceAuxDataItemRef)->Retain);
+        IsOk = (*TargetAuxDataItemRef != NULL);
+    }
+    else
+        *TargetAuxDataItemRef = NULL;
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(*TargetAuxDataItemRef) || *TargetAuxDataItemRef == NULL);
+    return IsOk;
+ * Deallocates an auxiliary data handle and sets the handle to NULL.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Reference to an auxiliary data handle or reference to NULL.
+ */
+void AuxDataDealloc(AuxData_pa *AuxData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*AuxData) || *AuxData == NULL);
+    if (*AuxData != NULL)
+    {
+        ArrayListDealloc(&(*AuxData)->ItemList, AuxDataItemListItemDestructor, 0);
+        FREE_ITEM(*AuxData, "auxiliary data container");
+        *AuxData = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*AuxData == NULL);
+ * Allocates an auxiliary data handle.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Auxiliary data handle or NULL if sufficient memory was not available.
+ */
+AuxData_pa AuxDataAlloc(void)
+    AuxData_pa Result = ALLOC_ITEM(AuxData_s, "auxiliary data container");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Result->ItemList = ArrayListAlloc(0, ArrayListType_VoidPtr, NULL, 0);
+        if (Result->ItemList == NULL)
+            AuxDataDealloc(&Result);
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Copies the auxiliary data and all its members who's Retain flag is TRUE
+ * if the ConsiderRetain flag is TRUE otherwise it copies everything.
+ */
+AuxData_pa AuxDataCopy(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                       Boolean_t  ConsiderRetain)
+    AuxData_pa Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ConsiderRetain));
+    Result = ALLOC_ITEM(AuxData_s, "auxiliary data container");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Result->ItemList = ArrayListCopy(AuxData->ItemList,
+                                         AuxDataItemDuplicator,
+                                         ConsiderRetain);
+        if (Result->ItemList != NULL)
+        {
+            if (ConsiderRetain)
+            {
+                /*
+                 * Now pass through the array cleaning up the holes left by those
+                 * auxiliary data item member who's Retain flag was FALSE and
+                 * therefore left a VOID pointer because it was not copied.
+                 */
+                LgIndex_t ItemOffset = 0;
+                LgIndex_t ItemCount = ArrayListGetCount(Result->ItemList);
+                while (ItemOffset < ItemCount)
+                {
+                    /* if there is more than one in a row remove them all at once */
+                    if (ArrayListGetVoidPtr(Result->ItemList, ItemOffset) == NULL)
+                    {
+                        LgIndex_t BaseOffsetToRemove = ItemOffset;
+                        LgIndex_t NumItemsToRemove   = 1;
+                        while (BaseOffsetToRemove + NumItemsToRemove < ItemCount &&
+                               ArrayListGetVoidPtr(Result->ItemList,
+                                                   BaseOffsetToRemove + NumItemsToRemove) == NULL)
+                            NumItemsToRemove++;
+                        /* delete the NULL items */
+                        ArrayListDeleteItems(Result->ItemList,
+                                             BaseOffsetToRemove,
+                                             NumItemsToRemove,
+                                             NULL, 0);
+                        /*
+                         * Update ItemCount but leave ItemOffset alone as it is now
+                         * indexing the next item to examine.
+                         */
+                        ItemCount = ArrayListGetCount(Result->ItemList);
+                    }
+                    else
+                        ItemOffset++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            AuxDataDealloc(&Result);
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Gets the current number of auxiliary data items maintained by the auxiliary.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Handle to auxiliary data.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Number of items maintained by the auxiliary data.
+ */
+LgIndex_t AuxDataGetNumItems(AuxData_pa AuxData)
+    LgIndex_t NumItems;
+    NumItems = ArrayListGetCount(AuxData->ItemList);
+    ENSURE(NumItems >= 0);
+    return NumItems;
+ * Gets the item index of the name if found or if not found the index where an
+ * auxiliary data item could be inserted.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Handle to auxiliary data.
+ * param Name
+ *     Name used for the search (case insensitive).
+ * param ItemIndex
+ *     Address to hold the index of the found item or the index where an
+ *     auxiliary data item could be inserted.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the named item was found,
+ *     FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataGetItemIndex(AuxData_pa  AuxData,
+                              const char *Name,
+                              LgIndex_t  *ItemIndex)
+    Boolean_t FoundItem = FALSE;
+    LgIndex_t Index;
+    LgIndex_t NumItems;
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ItemIndex));
+    /*
+     * Note that the current implementation just does a linear search
+     * though the array looking for the index of the item or if not
+     * found the index of the insertion point. This should be replaced
+     * with a binary search.
+     */
+    NumItems = AuxDataGetNumItems(AuxData);
+# if defined DO_LINEAR_SEARCH
+    {
+        for (Index = 0; Index < NumItems; Index++)
+        {
+            AuxDataItem_s *AuxDataItem =
+                (AuxDataItem_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(AuxData->ItemList, Index);
+            int CompareResult = ustrcmp(AuxDataItem->Name, Name);
+            if (CompareResult >= 0)
+            {
+                FoundItem = (CompareResult == 0);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# else
+    {
+        int low, high;
+        low = 0;
+        high = NumItems - 1;
+        Index = 0;
+        while (low <= high)
+        {
+            AuxDataItem_s *AuxDataItem;
+            int CompareResult;
+            Index = (low + high) / 2;
+            AuxDataItem = (AuxDataItem_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(AuxData->ItemList, Index);
+            CompareResult = ustrcmp(Name, AuxDataItem->Name);
+            if (CompareResult < 0)
+                high = Index - 1; /* If the new name is "less" than the one we're comparing to,
+                                 don't change Index since Index is already in the right spot */
+            else if (CompareResult > 0)
+                low = ++Index; /* If the new name it "greater" than the one we're comparing
+                              against, we want to make sure its Index is greater than
+                              the current name's index as well, that's why we increment Index here. */
+            else
+            {
+                FoundItem = TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+# endif
+    *ItemIndex = Index;
+    ENSURE(0 <= *ItemIndex &&
+           ((FoundItem  && *ItemIndex <  NumItems) ||
+            (!FoundItem && *ItemIndex <= NumItems)));
+    return FoundItem;
+ * Gets the auxiliary data item at the specified index.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The name and value are a references, NOT copies.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Handle to auxiliary data.
+ * param Index
+ *     Index of the auxiliary data item of interest.
+ * param Name
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item name.
+ * param Value
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item value.
+ * param Type
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item type.
+ * param Retain
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item retain flag.
+ */
+void AuxDataGetItemByIndex(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                           LgIndex_t     Index,
+                           const char    **Name,
+                           ArbParam_t    *Value,
+                           AuxDataType_e *Type,
+                           Boolean_t     *Retain)
+    AuxDataItem_s *AuxDataItem;
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    REQUIRE(0 <= Index && Index < ArrayListGetCount(AuxData->ItemList));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Retain));
+    AuxDataItem = (AuxDataItem_s *)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(AuxData->ItemList, Index);
+    *Name       = AuxDataItem->Name;
+    *Value      = AuxDataItem->Value;
+    *Type       = AuxDataItem->Type;
+    *Retain     = AuxDataItem->Retain;
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(*Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(*Name));
+    ENSURE(IMPLICATION(*Type == AuxDataType_String,
+                       (VALID_REF((char *)(*Value)) ||
+                        (char *)(*Value) == NULL)));
+    ENSURE(VALID_ENUM(*Type, AuxDataType_e));
+ * Gets the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The name and value are a references, NOT copies.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Handle to auxiliary data.
+ * param Name
+ *     Name used for the search (case insensitive).
+ * param Value
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item value.
+ * param Type
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item type.
+ * param Retain
+ *     Address to hold the auxiliary data item retain flag.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the an auxilary data item by the specified name was found,
+ *     FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataGetItemByName(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                               const char    *Name,
+                               ArbParam_t    *Value,
+                               AuxDataType_e *Type,
+                               Boolean_t     *Retain)
+    Boolean_t FoundItem;
+    LgIndex_t ItemIndex;
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Retain));
+    FoundItem = AuxDataGetItemIndex(AuxData, Name, &ItemIndex);
+    if (FoundItem)
+    {
+        const char *SameName;
+        AuxDataGetItemByIndex(AuxData, ItemIndex, &SameName,
+                              Value, Type, Retain);
+        CHECK(ustrcmp(Name, SameName) == 0);
+    }
+                       IMPLICATION(*Type == AuxDataType_String,
+                                   (VALID_REF((char *)(*Value)) ||
+                                    (char *)(*Value) == NULL))));
+                       VALID_ENUM(*Type, AuxDataType_e)));
+                       VALID_BOOLEAN(*Retain)));
+    return FoundItem;
+ * Get a string value from AuxData and convert it to a boolean.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataGetBooleanItemByName(AuxData_pa     AuxData, /* IN */
+                                      const char    *Name,    /* IN */
+                                      Boolean_t     *Value,   /* OUT */
+                                      AuxDataType_e *Type,    /* OUT */
+                                      Boolean_t     *Retain)  /* OUT */
+    Boolean_t FoundItem;
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Retain));
+    ArbParam_t strValue;
+    FoundItem = AuxDataGetItemByName(AuxData,
+                                     Name,
+                                     &strValue,
+                                     Type,
+                                     Retain);
+    if (FoundItem &&
+        (ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "YES")  == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "YEP")  == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "Y")    == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "TRUE") == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "T")    == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "ON")   == 0 ||
+         ustrcmp((char *)strValue, "1")    == 0))
+    {
+        *Value = TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        *Value = FALSE;
+    }
+    return FoundItem;
+ * Adds the auxiliary data item to the auxiliary data or replaces it if one
+ * already exists by the same name.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The auxiliary data makes copies of the name and value.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Auxiliary data handle.
+ * param Name
+ *     Auxiliary data item's name (case insenstive).
+ * param Value
+ *     Auxiliary data item's value.
+ * param Type
+ *     Auxiliary data item's value type.
+ * param Retain
+ *     Indicates if the auxiliary data item should persist.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the item was added to the auxiliary data.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataSetItem(AuxData_pa    AuxData,
+                         const char    *Name,
+                         ArbParam_t    Value,
+                         AuxDataType_e Type,
+                         Boolean_t     Retain)
+    Boolean_t     IsOk;
+    AuxDataItem_s *AuxDataItem;
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(Type == AuxDataType_String,
+                        (VALID_REF((char *)Value) ||
+                         (char *)Value == NULL)));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Type, AuxDataType_e));
+    AuxDataItem = AuxDataItemAlloc(Name, Value, Type, Retain);
+    IsOk = (AuxDataItem != NULL);
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t       ItemIndex;
+        ArrayListItem_u ListItem;
+        /* add or replace the item to the list */
+        ListItem.VoidPtr = (void *)AuxDataItem;
+        if (!AuxDataGetItemIndex(AuxData, Name, &ItemIndex))
+            IsOk = ArrayListInsertItem(AuxData->ItemList, ItemIndex, ListItem);
+        else
+            IsOk = ArrayListSetItem(AuxData->ItemList, ItemIndex, ListItem,
+                                    AuxDataItemListItemDestructor, 0);
+        if (!IsOk)
+            AuxDataItemDealloc(&AuxDataItem);
+    }
+    INVARIANT("AuxData->ItemList is case-insensitive sorted by AuxDataItem->Name");
+    return IsOk;
+ * Deletes the auxiliary data item at the specified index.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Auxiliary data handle.
+ * param Index
+ *     Index of the auxiliary data item of interest.
+ */
+void AuxDataDeleteItemByIndex(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                              LgIndex_t  Index)
+    REQUIRE(0 <= Index && Index < ArrayListGetCount(AuxData->ItemList));
+    ArrayListDeleteItem(AuxData->ItemList, Index, AuxDataItemListItemDestructor, 0);
+ * Deletes the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists.
+ *
+ * param AuxData
+ *     Auxiliary data handle.
+ * param Name
+ *     Name used for the search (case insensitive).
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the an auxilary data item by the specified name was found,
+ *     FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+Boolean_t AuxDataDeleteItemByName(AuxData_pa AuxData,
+                                  const char *Name)
+    Boolean_t FoundItem;
+    LgIndex_t ItemIndex;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Name) && AuxDataIsValidName(Name));
+    FoundItem = AuxDataGetItemIndex(AuxData, Name, &ItemIndex);
+    if (FoundItem)
+        AuxDataDeleteItemByIndex(AuxData, ItemIndex);
+    return FoundItem;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a88c7c1f43206df6cf82964f035df35a9bf611ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "TranslatedString.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#ifdef MSWIN
+/* Disable warning about conversion from long to short.
+   Even if we have disabled it in stdafx.h,
+   we still need to disable here also for
+   tecio, which includes this cpp file. */
+#pragma warning (disable : 4244)
+ * Temp text and geom buffers.
+ */
+static Geom_s TempGeom;
+static Text_s TempText;
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#include "DATAIO.h"
+#include "DATAIO4.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "AUXDATA.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "SYSTEM.h"
+#include "Q_MSG.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * Multi-Purpose datafile header reader.  This is designed so that
+ * not all parts of the header is loaded and so that the task of loading
+ * the header information is separated out from installing of that
+ * information into a dataset.
+ *
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadDataFileHeader(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                             short            IVersion,
+                             Boolean_t        ShowDataIOStatus,
+                             EntIndex_t      *NumZones,
+                             EntIndex_t      *NumVars,
+                             SmInteger_t     *NumCustomLabelSets,
+                             char           **DataSetTitle,
+                             Text_s         **BaseText,
+                             Geom_s         **BaseGeom,
+                             StringList_pa  **CustomLabelBase,
+                             StringList_pa   *UserRec,
+                             AuxData_pa      *DataSetAuxData,
+                             Set_pa         **IsVarCellCentered,  /* Create an Array dim by zones */
+                             Boolean_t       *HasText,
+                             Boolean_t       *HasGeoms,
+                             ArrayList_pa    *ZoneSpecList,
+                             StringList_pa   *VarNames,
+                             ArrayList_pa    *VarAuxDataList, /*<AuxData_pa>[NumVars]*/
+                             Set_pa          *IsRawFNAvailable, /* classic data only */
+                             LgIndex_t      **FNNumBndryConns,  /* classic data only */
+                             DataFileType_e  *FileType)
+    Boolean_t    IsOk = TRUE;
+    Boolean_t    SentError = FALSE;
+    double       X1;
+    int          Pass;
+    FileOffset_t InitialFilePosition;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(IVersion > 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NumZones));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DataSetTitle)       || (DataSetTitle == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(BaseText)           || (BaseText == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(BaseGeom)           || (BaseGeom == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(HasText)            || (HasText == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(HasGeoms)           || (HasGeoms == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpecList)       || (ZoneSpecList == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(VarNames)           || (VarNames == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NumCustomLabelSets) || (NumCustomLabelSets == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(UserRec)            || (UserRec == NULL));
+    REQUIRE((VALID_REF(DataSetAuxData) &&
+             (VALID_REF(*DataSetAuxData) || *DataSetAuxData == NULL)) ||
+            DataSetAuxData == NULL);
+    REQUIRE((VALID_REF(VarAuxDataList) &&
+             (VALID_REF(*VarAuxDataList) || *VarAuxDataList == NULL)) ||
+            VarAuxDataList == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IsVarCellCentered)  || (IsVarCellCentered == NULL));
+    REQUIRE((VALID_REF(CustomLabelBase) && VALID_REF(NumCustomLabelSets)) || (CustomLabelBase == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IsRawFNAvailable) || (IsRawFNAvailable == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FNNumBndryConns)  || (FNNumBndryConns == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileType)         || (FileType == NULL));
+    if (DataSetTitle)
+        *DataSetTitle = NULL;
+    if (BaseText)
+        *BaseText = NULL;
+    if (BaseGeom)
+        *BaseGeom = NULL;
+    if (HasText)
+        *HasText = FALSE;
+    if (HasGeoms)
+        *HasGeoms = FALSE;
+    if (ZoneSpecList)
+        *ZoneSpecList = NULL;
+    if (VarNames)
+        *VarNames = NULL;
+    if (NumCustomLabelSets)
+        *NumCustomLabelSets = 0;
+    if (CustomLabelBase)
+        *CustomLabelBase = NULL;
+    if (DataSetAuxData != NULL)
+    {
+        /*
+         * Note unlike most of the other output only parameters that we nullify,
+         * DataSetAuxData is both an input and output parameter therefore we do
+         * not nullify it. The CHECK is here for clarity.
+         */
+        CHECK(VALID_REF(*DataSetAuxData) || *DataSetAuxData == NULL);
+    }
+    if (VarAuxDataList != NULL)
+    {
+        /*
+         * Note unlike most of the other output only parameters that we nullify,
+         * VarAuxDataList is both an input and output parameter therefore we do
+         * not nullify it. The CHECK is here for clarity.
+         */
+        CHECK(VALID_REF(*VarAuxDataList) || *VarAuxDataList == NULL);
+    }
+    if (UserRec)
+        *UserRec = NULL;
+    if (IsVarCellCentered)
+        *IsVarCellCentered = NULL;
+    if (IsRawFNAvailable)
+        *IsRawFNAvailable = NULL;
+    if (FNNumBndryConns)
+        *FNNumBndryConns = NULL;
+    if (FileType)
+        *FileType = DataFileType_Full;
+    /*
+     * Pass 1 is used only to count up the number of zones and custom label sets,
+     * Also determine if there are any preset zone colors.
+     */
+    InitialFilePosition = TP_FTELL(FileStream->File);
+    for (Pass = 1; IsOk && (Pass <= 2); Pass++)
+    {
+        if (Pass == 2)
+        {
+            if (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, InitialFilePosition, SEEK_SET) != 0)
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            if (IsOk && (*NumZones > 0 && ZoneSpecList != NULL && *ZoneSpecList == NULL))
+            {
+                *ZoneSpecList = ArrayListAlloc(*NumZones, ArrayListType_VoidPtr,
+                                               ZoneOrVarListAdjustCapacityRequest, 0);
+                IsOk = (*ZoneSpecList != NULL);
+            }
+            if (IsOk && (CustomLabelBase != NULL    &&
+                         *CustomLabelBase == NULL &&
+                         *NumCustomLabelSets > 0))
+            {
+                *CustomLabelBase = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumCustomLabelSets, StringList_pa, "CustomLabel Sets");
+                IsOk = (*CustomLabelBase != NULL);
+                if (IsOk)
+                {
+                    SmInteger_t N;
+                    for (N = 0; N < *NumCustomLabelSets; N++)
+                        (*CustomLabelBase)[N] = NULL;
+                }
+            }
+            if (IsOk && (UserRec != NULL && *UserRec == NULL))
+            {
+                *UserRec = StringListAlloc();
+                IsOk = (Boolean_t)(*UserRec != NULL);
+            }
+            if (IsOk && (DataSetAuxData != NULL && *DataSetAuxData == NULL))
+            {
+                *DataSetAuxData = AuxDataAlloc();
+                IsOk = (Boolean_t)(*DataSetAuxData != NULL);
+            }
+            if (IsOk && (VarAuxDataList != NULL && *VarAuxDataList == NULL) && *NumVars > 0)
+            {
+                *VarAuxDataList = ArrayListAlloc(0, ArrayListType_VoidPtr,
+                                                 ZoneOrVarListAdjustCapacityRequest, 0);
+                IsOk = (*VarAuxDataList != NULL &&
+                        ArrayListSetVoidPtr(*VarAuxDataList, *NumVars - 1, NULL));
+            }
+            if (IsOk            &&
+                (*NumZones > 0) &&
+                (IsVarCellCentered != NULL) &&
+                (*IsVarCellCentered == NULL))
+            {
+                /*
+                 * First construct the array of sets...
+                 */
+                *IsVarCellCentered = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, Set_pa, "Array of IsVarCellCentered sets");
+                if (*IsVarCellCentered)
+                {
+                    EntIndex_t Z;
+                    for (Z = 0; IsOk && (Z < *NumZones); Z++)
+                    {
+                        /*
+                         * Now allocate a set for each zone
+                         */
+                        (*IsVarCellCentered)[Z] = AllocSet(FALSE);
+                        IsOk = (Boolean_t)((*IsVarCellCentered)[Z] != NULL);
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                    IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            if (IsOk && *NumZones > 0 && IsRawFNAvailable != NULL)
+            {
+                *IsRawFNAvailable = AllocSet(FALSE);
+                IsOk = (*IsRawFNAvailable != NULL);
+            }
+            if (IsOk && *NumZones > 0 && FNNumBndryConns != NULL)
+            {
+                *FNNumBndryConns = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, LgIndex_t, "Array of FNNumBndryConns");
+                IsOk = (*FNNumBndryConns != NULL);
+                if (IsOk)
+                    for (LgIndex_t i = 0; i < *NumZones; i++)
+                        (*FNNumBndryConns)[i] = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if (NumCustomLabelSets != NULL)
+            *NumCustomLabelSets = 0;
+        EntIndex_t TotalNumZones = *NumZones; /* ...only meaningful for pass 2 */
+        *NumZones = 0;
+        *NumVars  = 0;
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            char *S = NULL;
+            int  INumVars;
+            IsOk = ReadInDataFileTypeTitleAndVarNames(FileStream,
+                                                      IVersion,
+                                                      ((Pass == 2) ? &S : (char **)NULL),
+                                                      ((Pass == 2) ? FileType : (DataFileType_e *)NULL),
+                                                      &INumVars,
+                                                      ((Pass == 2) ? VarNames : (StringList_pa *)NULL));
+            if (IsOk)
+                *NumVars = (EntIndex_t)INumVars;
+            if ((Pass == 2) && S && IsOk && DataSetTitle)
+                *DataSetTitle = S;
+            else if (S != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(S, "data set title");
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no dialog feedback */
+            LgIndex_t NumGeoms = 0;
+            LgIndex_t NumTexts = 0;
+            if (IsOk)
+                X1 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, 0.0, 1000.0, &IsOk);
+            while (IsOk && (X1 != EndHeaderMarker))
+            {
+                if (X1 == ZoneMarker)
+                {
+                    ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec = ZoneSpecAlloc();
+                    Boolean_t OkToLoad = (Pass == 2 &&
+                                          IsVarCellCentered != NULL);
+                    IsOk = (ZoneSpec != NULL);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                    {
+                        Boolean_t LocalIsRawFNAvailable;
+                        LgIndex_t LocalFNNumBndryConns;
+                        IsOk = ReadInZoneHeader(FileStream, IVersion, ZoneSpec,
+                                                OkToLoad ? (*IsVarCellCentered)[*NumZones] : NULL,
+                                                *NumVars, &LocalIsRawFNAvailable,
+                                                &LocalFNNumBndryConns);
+                        if (IsOk && OkToLoad && IsRawFNAvailable != NULL)
+                        {
+                            if (LocalIsRawFNAvailable)
+                                IsOk = AddToSet(*IsRawFNAvailable, *NumZones, FALSE);
+                        }
+                        if (IsOk && OkToLoad && FNNumBndryConns != NULL)
+                            (*FNNumBndryConns)[*NumZones] = LocalFNNumBndryConns;
+                    }
+                    if (IsOk                 &&
+                        ZoneSpecList != NULL &&
+                        Pass == 2)
+                    {
+                        IsOk = (ZoneSpec->ParentZone == BAD_SET_VALUE ||
+                                (ZoneSpec->ParentZone != *NumZones &&
+                                 (0 <= ZoneSpec->ParentZone && ZoneSpec->ParentZone < TotalNumZones)));
+                        if (IsOk)
+                        {
+                            ArrayListItem_u CurZoneSpecItem;
+                            CurZoneSpecItem.VoidPtr = (void *)ZoneSpec;
+                            ArrayListSetItem(*ZoneSpecList, *NumZones,
+                                             CurZoneSpecItem,
+                                             ZoneSpecItemDestructor, 0);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            if (ZoneSpec->ParentZone == *NumZones)
+                                ErrMsg(translate("Parent zone assignment for zone %d "
+                                                 "may not be self referencing."),
+                                       *NumZones + 1);
+                            else
+                                ErrMsg(translate("Parent zone assignment for zone %d "
+                                                 "must be to an existing zone within the datafile."),
+                                       *NumZones + 1);
+                            ZoneSpecDealloc(&ZoneSpec);
+                            SentError = TRUE;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                        ZoneSpecDealloc(&ZoneSpec);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                        (*NumZones)++;
+                    if (*NumZones > MaxNumZonesOrVars)
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Exceeding Tecplot's current zone limit of %d. "
+                                         "Reduce the number of zones being loaded."), MaxNumZonesOrVars);
+                        IsOk = FALSE;
+                        SentError = TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (X1 == GeomMarker)
+                {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+                    IsOk = ReadInGeometry(FileStream,
+                                          IVersion,
+                                          FALSE,
+                                          &TempGeom,
+                                          5000);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                    {
+                        if (Pass == 1)
+                        {
+                            if (HasGeoms)
+                                *HasGeoms = TRUE;
+                        }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+                    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+                }
+                else if (X1 == TextMarker)
+                {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+                    IsOk = ReadInText(FileStream,
+                                      IVersion,
+                                      FALSE,
+                                      &TempText,
+                                      200);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                    {
+                        if (Pass == 1)
+                        {
+                            if (HasText)
+                                *HasText = TRUE;
+                        }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+                    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+                }
+                else if (X1 == CustomLabelMarker)
+                {
+                    Boolean_t OkToLoad;
+                    OkToLoad = (Pass == 2)                                &&
+                               NumCustomLabelSets                         &&
+                               (*NumCustomLabelSets < MaxCustomLabelSets) &&
+                               CustomLabelBase;
+                    IsOk = ReadInCustomLabels(FileStream,
+                                              IVersion,
+                                              OkToLoad,
+                                              (OkToLoad ? &(*CustomLabelBase)[*NumCustomLabelSets] : NULL));
+                    if (IsOk && NumCustomLabelSets)
+                        (*NumCustomLabelSets)++;
+                }
+                else if (X1 == UserRecMarker)
+                {
+                    Boolean_t OkToLoad;
+                    char     *CurUserRec = NULL;
+                    OkToLoad = (Boolean_t)((Pass == 2) && UserRec);
+                    IsOk = ReadInUserRec(FileStream,
+                                         IVersion,
+                                         500,
+                                         OkToLoad ? &CurUserRec : (char **)NULL);
+                    if (IsOk && OkToLoad)
+                        IsOk = StringListAppendString(*UserRec, CurUserRec);
+                    if (CurUserRec)
+                        FREE_ARRAY(CurUserRec, "temp user rec");
+                    CurUserRec = NULL;
+                }
+                else if (X1 == DataSetAuxMarker)
+                {
+                    Boolean_t OkToLoad;
+                    CHECK(IVersion >= 101);
+                    OkToLoad = (Pass == 2 &&
+                                DataSetAuxData != NULL);
+                    IsOk = ReadInAuxData(FileStream, IVersion,
+                                         OkToLoad ? *DataSetAuxData : NULL);
+                    if (!IsOk)
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid DATASETAUXDATA record in binary datafile"));
+                        SentError = TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (X1 == VarAuxMarker)
+                {
+                    Boolean_t OkToLoad;
+                    LgIndex_t VarNum;
+                    CHECK(IVersion >= 102);
+                    OkToLoad = (Pass == 2 &&
+                                VarAuxDataList != NULL);
+                    VarNum = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, *NumVars - 1, &IsOk);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                    {
+                        AuxData_pa VarAuxData;
+                        if (OkToLoad)
+                        {
+                            VarAuxData = (AuxData_pa)ArrayListGetVoidPtr(*VarAuxDataList, VarNum);
+                            if (VarAuxData == NULL)
+                            {
+                                VarAuxData = AuxDataAlloc();
+                                IsOk = (VarAuxData != NULL &&
+                                        ArrayListSetVoidPtr(*VarAuxDataList, VarNum, VarAuxData));
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                            VarAuxData = NULL;
+                        IsOk = IsOk && ReadInAuxData(FileStream, IVersion, VarAuxData);
+                        if (!IsOk)
+                        {
+                            ErrMsg(translate("Invalid VARAUXDATA record in binary datafile"));
+                            SentError = TRUE;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid VARAUXDATA variable number association"));
+                        SentError = TRUE;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                    IsOk = FALSE;
+                if (IsOk)
+                    X1 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, 0.0, 1000.0, &IsOk);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Old plt files that did not contain data still contained variable name
+     * definitions in the header.  This is no longer necessary and in fact can
+     * cause confusion in the data read options dialog.  If the number of zones
+     * in the datafile is zero set the number of variables to 0 and dealloc the
+     * variable name list.
+     */
+    if (IsOk && (*NumZones == 0) && (*NumVars > 0))
+    {
+        *NumVars = 0;
+        if (VarNames && *VarNames)
+        {
+            StringListDealloc(VarNames);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!IsOk)
+    {
+        if (ZoneSpecList && *ZoneSpecList)
+            ArrayListDealloc(ZoneSpecList, ZoneSpecItemDestructor, 0);
+        if (DataSetTitle && *DataSetTitle)
+        {
+            FREE_ARRAY(*DataSetTitle, "DataSetTitle");
+            *DataSetTitle = NULL;
+        }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        if (VarNames && *VarNames)
+        {
+            StringListDealloc(VarNames);
+        }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        if (UserRec && *UserRec)
+            StringListDealloc(UserRec);
+    }
+    /* If there was an error, get rid of the auxiliary data list. */
+    if ((DataSetAuxData != NULL && *DataSetAuxData != NULL) &&
+        (!IsOk))
+        AuxDataDealloc(DataSetAuxData);
+    if (!IsOk && !SentError)
+        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid header in binary datafile"));
+    /*
+     * NOTE: Do not close the file.  Some calling functions will continue
+     *       to read from this point on.
+     */
+    ENSURE((VarNames == NULL) || (*VarNames == NULL) || StringListValid(*VarNames));
+                       (*UserRec == NULL ||
+                        StringListValid(*UserRec))));
+                       (*DataSetAuxData == NULL ||
+                        VALID_REF(*DataSetAuxData))));
+    return (IsOk);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+Boolean_t OpenBinaryFileAndCheckMagicNumber(FileStream_s **FileStream,
+                                            char          *FName,
+                                            FileOffset_t   StartOffset,
+                                            short         *IVersion)
+    Boolean_t Result = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    REQUIRE(*FileStream == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(StartOffset >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IVersion));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    FILE *File = TP_FOPEN(FName, "rb");
+    if (File == NULL)
+        Result = FALSE;
+    if (Result)
+    {
+        *FileStream = FileStreamAlloc(File, TRUE);
+        Result = (*FileStream != NULL);
+    }
+    Result = Result && (TP_FSEEK((*FileStream)->File, StartOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+    if (Result)
+    {
+        *IVersion = GetInputVersion(*FileStream);
+        /*
+         * After version 71 we started listing individual valid
+         * versions. Before that time we just listed ranges. Also,
+         * note that versions 72, 73, and 74 were invalid.
+         */
+        Result = (/* past valid plt file version ranges follow: */
+                     (40 <= *IVersion && *IVersion <=  71) ||
+                     (*IVersion ==  75)                    ||
+                     (100 <= *IVersion && *IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion));
+        /*
+         * This check is put here to make sure that the above code gets visited
+         * when the TecplotBinaryFileVersion number changes. When the version
+         * changes the "past valid plt file version ranges" above and the number
+         * compared to the TecplotBinaryFileVersion below may need to be
+         * adjusted such as when we skip a consecutive number as we did between
+         * version 71 and 75, and between 75 and 100.
+         */
+        CHECK(TecplotBinaryFileVersion == 112);
+    }
+    return (Result);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+            #if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+            #endif
+                #if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+                #endif
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-M 12/13/2005: ENGINE-P2 - no status feedback */
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-H 12/12/2005: ENGINE: refactor to use just the Interrupted flag as-is */
+#if 0 /* we changed this behavior... not sure when */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio4.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18374dfe7b0392a91053711db2b247180e453772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataio4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3357 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "AUXDATA.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "GEOM2.h"
+#include "GEOM.h"
+#include "INPUT.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "TEXT.h"
+#include "DATAIO4.h"
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "Q_MSG.h"
+#if defined IRIS
+#include <ieeefp.h>
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#if !defined(TECPLOTKERNEL) && defined(MSWIN)
+# pragma warning(disable : 4244)
+ * This module contains mostly low level i/o functions.
+ */
+#if defined DECALPHA || defined COMPAQALPHA
+#define _IEEE_FP
+#if defined SUN41
+#define SEEK_SET 0
+#define SEEK_CUR 1
+#define SEEK_END 2
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************        INPUT         **************************
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************************************************************/
+static char FilterFloatChar(float X)
+    char C;
+    if (((X >= 32.0) && (X <= 127.0)) ||
+        ((X >= 160.0) && (X <= 255.0)) ||
+        (X == 0.0))
+        C = (char)X;
+    else
+        C = '?';
+    return (C);
+double GetNextValue(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                    FieldDataType_e FieldDataType,
+                    double          VMin,
+                    double          VMax,
+                    Boolean_t      *IsOk)
+    double X = 0.0;
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPE(FieldDataType));
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    if (*IsOk)
+    {
+        switch (FieldDataType)
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Float :
+            {
+                float XX;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&XX, 4, 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+                    REVERSE_4_BYTES(&XX);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = XX;
+                else
+                    X = 0.0;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Double :
+            {
+                double XX;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&XX, sizeof(double), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+                    REVERSE_8_BYTES(&XX);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = XX;
+                else
+                    X = 0.0;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int32  :
+            {
+                Int32_t L;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&L, sizeof(Int32_t), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+                    REVERSE_4_BYTES(&L);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = (double)L;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16  :
+            {
+                Int16_t S;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&S, sizeof(Int16_t), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+                    REVERSE_2_BYTES(&S);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = (double)S;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte  :
+            {
+                Byte_t B;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&B, sizeof(Byte_t), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = (double)B;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit :
+            {
+                /*
+                 * Important note:
+                 *   Reading bit data a value at a time is only valid for a
+                 *   single bit value. If the file contains a block of more than
+                 *   one bit value and you attempt to read it a bit at a time it
+                 *   will not work as Tecplot does not buffer the read. In order
+                 *   to read a block of bits you must perform a block read.
+                 */
+                Byte_t B;
+                *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&B, sizeof(Byte_t), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+                if (*IsOk)
+                    X = (double)(B & (Byte_t)01);
+            } break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+        }
+        if (*IsOk)
+        {
+            if ((X < VMin) || (X > VMax))
+            {
+                *IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return X;
+LgIndex_t GetNextI(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                   Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    LgIndex_t I = 0;
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || (VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File)));
+    if (*IsOk)
+    {
+        Int32_t Int32Val;
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD((void *) & Int32Val, 4, 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+        if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+            REVERSE_4_BYTES(&Int32Val);
+        I = Int32Val;
+    }
+    return I;
+LgIndex_t GetIoFileInt(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                       short         Version,
+                       LgIndex_t     IMin,
+                       LgIndex_t     IMax,
+                       Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    LgIndex_t I = 0;
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || (0 < Version && Version <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion));
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || (VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File)));
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || IMin <= IMax);
+    if (!(*IsOk))
+        return (0);
+    if (Version <= 63)
+    {
+        float  X;
+        if (*IsOk)
+        {
+            X = (float)GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float,
+                                    (double)IMin - 1.0e-10,
+                                    (double)IMax + 1.0e-10, IsOk);
+            if (*IsOk)
+            {
+                if (ABS(X) < (float)MAXINDEX)
+                    I = (LgIndex_t)X;
+                else
+                    *IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+                *IsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        I = GetNextI(FileStream, IsOk);
+    }
+    if ((I < IMin) || (I > IMax))
+        *IsOk = FALSE;
+    return (I);
+ * Basically this is "realloc" but apparently "realloc" doesn't behave reliably
+ * on all platforms.
+ */
+static Boolean_t ReallocString(char      **String,
+                               LgIndex_t NewLength)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    char *NewString;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    REQUIRE(*String == NULL || VALID_REF(*String));
+    REQUIRE((*String != NULL && NewLength >= (LgIndex_t)strlen(*String)) ||
+            (*String == NULL && NewLength >= 0));
+    NewString = ALLOC_ARRAY(NewLength + 1, char, "reallocated string");
+    IsOk = (NewString != NULL);
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        if (*String == NULL)
+        {
+            NewString[0] = '\0';
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            strcpy(NewString, *String);
+            FREE_ARRAY(*String, "old string");
+        }
+        *String = NewString;
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ * Reads a string from all versions of a binary plt file.
+ *
+ * param FileStream
+ *     Open file stream positioned at the string to read.
+ * param IVersion
+ *     Binary file version number.
+ * param MaxCharacters
+ *     IVersion < 63
+ *       This value is exactly the number of characters (actually floats, each
+ *       one representing a character's ordinal value) to read from the file.
+ *     IVersion >= 63 and ProcessData == TRUE
+ *       If non-zero, this value represents the largest string to be returned.
+ *       In other words, larger strings are read from the file but an allocated
+ *       string of up to MaxCharacters is returned. A zero value indicates that
+ *       the string size is unlimited and determined only by the actual length
+ *       of the string in the file.
+ * param TargetStr
+ *     Pointer to hold the allocated string if ProcessData == TRUE.
+ * param ProcessData
+ *     Indicates if the read string should be retrieved.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the read was successful with an allocated string *TargetStr
+ *     containing the string read (no larger than requested or necessary),
+ *     FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInString(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                       short          IVersion,
+                       int            MaxCharacters,
+                       char         **TargetStr,
+                       Boolean_t      ProcessData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(IVersion < 63 || ProcessData, MaxCharacters >= 0));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(ProcessData, VALID_REF(TargetStr)));
+    if (IVersion < 63)
+    {
+        /*
+         *  One word per character.  Read Exactly "MaxCharacters" number of words.
+         */
+        float X;
+        if (ProcessData)
+        {
+            *TargetStr = ALLOC_ARRAY(MaxCharacters + 1, char, "target string");
+            IsOk = (*TargetStr != NULL);
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t I;
+            for (I = 0; IsOk && I < MaxCharacters; I++)
+            {
+                X = (float)GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, 0.0, 127.0, &IsOk);
+                if (!IsOk)
+                    break;
+                if (ProcessData)
+                    (*TargetStr)[I] = FilterFloatChar(X);
+            }
+            if (ProcessData)
+                (*TargetStr)[I] = '\0';
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate memory for string during read",
+                             "'string' meaning the computer science data type"));
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#define      MAX_STRBUFFER_LEN 4095
+        static char StrBuffer[MAX_STRBUFFER_LEN+1];
+        LgIndex_t   StrBufferLen = 0;
+        LgIndex_t   TargetStrLen = 0;
+        LgIndex_t   I = 0;
+        LgIndex_t   CharValue = 0;
+        if (ProcessData)
+            *TargetStr = NULL;
+        do
+        {
+            CharValue = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+            if (IsOk && ProcessData)
+            {
+                /* massage the character if necessary */
+                if ((CharValue < 32 && CharValue != '\0' && CharValue != '\n') ||
+                    (CharValue >= 128 && CharValue < 160))
+                    CharValue = ' ';
+                /*
+                 * if the limit is not exceded, stuff the
+                 * character into the buffer
+                 */
+                if (CharValue != '\0' &&
+                    (I < MaxCharacters || MaxCharacters == 0))
+                {
+                    StrBuffer[StrBufferLen] = (char)CharValue;
+                    StrBufferLen++;
+                }
+                if (CharValue == '\0' ||
+                    StrBufferLen == MAX_STRBUFFER_LEN)
+                {
+                    if (StrBufferLen != 0 || *TargetStr == NULL)
+                    {
+                        StrBuffer[StrBufferLen] = '\0';
+                        TargetStrLen += StrBufferLen;
+                        IsOk = ReallocString(TargetStr, TargetStrLen);
+                        if (IsOk)
+                            strcat(*TargetStr, StrBuffer);
+                        StrBufferLen = 0; /* reset the string buffer */
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            I++;
+        }
+        while (IsOk && (char)CharValue != '\0');
+        /* if we failed cleanup if necessary */
+        if (!IsOk       &&
+            ProcessData &&
+            *TargetStr != NULL)
+        {
+            FREE_ARRAY(*TargetStr, "failed read string");
+            *TargetStr = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+                       (VALID_REF(*TargetStr) || *TargetStr == NULL)));
+    return (IsOk);
+ */
+static void ReadDoubleBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                            Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                            double       *Buffer,
+                            LgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                            LgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                            Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        double *DPtr = Buffer + StartIndex;
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(DPtr, sizeof(double), NumValues, FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues);
+        if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative && *IsOk)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; N < NumValues; N++)
+                REVERSE_8_BYTES(&DPtr[N]);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(double), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+static void ReadFloatBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                           float        *Buffer,
+                           LgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                           LgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                           Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        float *FPtr = Buffer + StartIndex;
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(FPtr, sizeof(float), NumValues, FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues);
+        if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative && *IsOk)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; N < NumValues; N++)
+                REVERSE_4_BYTES(&FPtr[N]);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(float), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+static void ReadBitBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                         Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                         Byte_t       *Buffer,
+                         LgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                         Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    /*
+     * Do not allow reading of bit values if startindex is not 0.
+     * (This means geometries cannot use bit data.
+     */
+    LgIndex_t NumBytes = (NumValues + 7) / 8;
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(Buffer,
+                          sizeof(Byte_t),
+                          NumBytes,
+                          FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumBytes);
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumBytes * sizeof(Byte_t), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+void ReadByteBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                   Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                   Byte_t       *Buffer,
+                   HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                   HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                   Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(Buffer + StartIndex,
+                          sizeof(Byte_t),
+                          NumValues,
+                          FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues);
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(Byte_t), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+void ReadInt16Block(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                    Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                    Int16_t      *Buffer,
+                    HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                    HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                    Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        Int16_t *IntPtr = Buffer + StartIndex;
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(IntPtr,
+                          sizeof(Int16_t),
+                          NumValues,
+                          FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues);
+        if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative && *IsOk)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; N < NumValues; N++)
+                REVERSE_2_BYTES(&IntPtr[N]);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(Int16_t), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+void ReadInt16BlockToInt32(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                           Int32_t      *Buffer,
+                           HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                           HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                           Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Buffer));
+    REQUIRE(StartIndex >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        HgIndex_t EndIndex = StartIndex + NumValues;
+        for (HgIndex_t ValueIndex = StartIndex; *IsOk && ValueIndex < EndIndex; ValueIndex++)
+        {
+            Int16_t Value;
+            *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(&Value, sizeof(Int16_t), 1, FileStream->File) == 1);
+            if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative && *IsOk)
+                REVERSE_2_BYTES(&Value);
+            Buffer[ValueIndex] = (Int32_t)Value;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(Int16_t), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+void ReadInt32Block(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                    Boolean_t     DoRead,
+                    Int32_t      *Buffer,
+                    HgIndex_t     StartIndex,
+                    HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                    Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    if (DoRead)
+    {
+        Int32_t *IntPtr = Buffer + StartIndex;
+        *IsOk = (TP_FREAD(IntPtr,
+                          sizeof(Int32_t),
+                          NumValues,
+                          FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues);
+        if (!FileStream->IsByteOrderNative && *IsOk)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; N < NumValues; N++)
+                REVERSE_4_BYTES(&IntPtr[N]);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        *IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, NumValues * sizeof(Int32_t), SEEK_CUR) == 0);
+ */
+void ReadPureBlock(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                   Boolean_t       DoRead,
+                   void           *Buffer,
+                   FieldDataType_e FieldDataType,
+                   HgIndex_t       StartIndex,
+                   HgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                   Boolean_t      *IsOk)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(!DoRead || VALID_REF(Buffer));
+    REQUIRE(StartIndex >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    switch (FieldDataType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Float :
+        {
+            ReadFloatBlock(FileStream,
+                           DoRead,
+                           (float *)Buffer,
+                           StartIndex,
+                           NumValues,
+                           IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Double :
+        {
+            ReadDoubleBlock(FileStream,
+                            DoRead,
+                            (double *)Buffer,
+                            StartIndex,
+                            NumValues,
+                            IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Bit :
+        {
+            if (StartIndex != 0)
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Internal Error: Attempt to read bit data at non-zero offset",
+                                 "see Tecplot User's manual for a definition of 'bit' data"));
+                *IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+                ReadBitBlock(FileStream,
+                             DoRead,
+                             (Byte_t *)Buffer,
+                             NumValues,
+                             IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte :
+        {
+            ReadByteBlock(FileStream,
+                          DoRead,
+                          (Byte_t *)Buffer,
+                          StartIndex,
+                          NumValues,
+                          IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+        {
+            ReadInt16Block(FileStream,
+                           DoRead,
+                           (Int16_t *)Buffer,
+                           StartIndex,
+                           NumValues,
+                           IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+        {
+            ReadInt32Block(FileStream,
+                           DoRead,
+                           (Int32_t *)Buffer,
+                           StartIndex,
+                           NumValues,
+                           IsOk);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_IJKFunction : /* Not used yet */
+        case FieldDataType_Int64 :       /* Not used yet */
+        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+    }
+ */
+void ReadBlock(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+               FieldData_pa    FieldData,
+               Boolean_t       DoRead,
+               FieldDataType_e FieldDataTypeInFile,
+               HgIndex_t       StartIndex,
+               HgIndex_t       EndIndex,
+               Boolean_t      *IsOk)
+    /*
+     * Bit data is packed into bytes. Since Tecplot doesn't buffer reads it can
+     * not perform bit by bit value reads and therefore must only perform block
+     * reads of bit data.
+     */
+    Boolean_t ReadByBlock = IMPLICATION(DoRead, GetFieldDataType(FieldData) == FieldDataTypeInFile);
+    REQUIRE(ReadByBlock || (FieldDataTypeInFile != FieldDataType_Bit));
+    if (*IsOk)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t NumValues = EndIndex - StartIndex + 1;
+        if (ReadByBlock)
+        {
+            void *data_array;
+            if (DoRead)
+                data_array = GetFieldDataVoidPtr(FieldData);
+            else
+                data_array = NULL;
+            ReadPureBlock(FileStream,
+                          DoRead,
+                          data_array,
+                          FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                          StartIndex,
+                          NumValues,
+                          IsOk);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; *IsOk && (N < NumValues); N++)
+            {
+                double D = GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataTypeInFile, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, IsOk);
+                if (DoRead)
+                    SetFieldValue(FieldData, N + StartIndex, D);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ */
+void ReadClassicOrderedCCBlock(FileStream_s         *DataFileStream,
+                               FieldData_pa          FieldData,
+                               FieldDataType_e       FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                               LgIndex_t             NumIPtsInFile,
+                               LgIndex_t             NumJPtsInFile,
+                               LgIndex_t             NumKPtsInFile,
+                               Boolean_t            *IsOk)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    REQUIRE(NumIPtsInFile >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumJPtsInFile >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumKPtsInFile >= 0);
+    if (*IsOk)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t J, K;
+        LgIndex_t NumIJPts  = NumIPtsInFile * NumJPtsInFile;
+        LgIndex_t IEnd      = MAX(NumIPtsInFile - 1, 1);
+        LgIndex_t JEnd      = MAX(NumJPtsInFile - 1, 1);
+        LgIndex_t KEnd      = MAX(NumKPtsInFile - 1, 1);
+        LgIndex_t NumValues = (IEnd * JEnd * KEnd);
+        Boolean_t IsLinear  = ((NumJPtsInFile == 1 && NumKPtsInFile == 1) ||
+                               (NumIPtsInFile == 1 && NumKPtsInFile == 1) ||
+                               (NumIPtsInFile == 1 && NumJPtsInFile == 1));
+        if (IsLinear)
+            ReadBlock(DataFileStream, FieldData, TRUE, FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                      0, NumValues - 1, IsOk);
+        else
+            for (K = 0; K < KEnd && IsOk; K++)
+                for (J = 0; J < JEnd && IsOk; J++)
+                {
+                    LgIndex_t CellIndex = 0 + (J * NumIPtsInFile) + (K * NumIJPts);
+                    ReadBlock(DataFileStream, FieldData, TRUE, FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                              CellIndex, CellIndex + IEnd - 1, IsOk);
+                }
+    }
+ */
+static void AdjustCustomColor(short         IVersion,
+                              ColorIndex_t *BColor)
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    if ((IVersion < 70) && (*BColor >= 15) && (*BColor <= 22))
+        *BColor -= 7;
+ * ReadInDataFileTypeTitleAndVarNames replaces ReadInDataFileTitleAndVarNames
+ * and reads in the filetype as well in files with version >= 109.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInDataFileTypeTitleAndVarNames(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                                             short           IVersion,
+                                             char          **DataSetTitle,
+                                             DataFileType_e *FileType,
+                                             int            *NumVars,
+                                             StringList_pa  *VarNames)
+    EntIndex_t   CurVar;
+    Boolean_t    IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DataSetTitle) || (DataSetTitle == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileType) || (FileType == NULL));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(VarNames) || (VarNames == NULL));
+    *NumVars      = 0;
+    if (DataSetTitle)
+        *DataSetTitle = NULL;
+    if (IVersion >= 109)
+    {
+        if (FileType)
+            *FileType = (DataFileType_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream,
+                                                     IVersion,
+                                                     0,
+                                                     DataFileType_Solution,
+                                                     &IsOk);
+        else
+            GetIoFileInt(FileStream,
+                         IVersion,
+                         0,
+                         DataFileType_Solution,
+                         &IsOk);
+    }
+    if (ReadInString(FileStream,
+                     IVersion,
+                     ((IVersion < 63) ? 80 : MaxChrsDatasetTitle),
+                     DataSetTitle,
+                     (Boolean_t)(DataSetTitle != NULL)))
+    {
+        if (DataSetTitle)
+            TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(*DataSetTitle);
+        *NumVars = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXZONEMAP, &IsOk);
+    }
+    else
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    if (IsOk && (*NumVars > MaxNumZonesOrVars))
+    {
+        ErrMsg(translate("Too many variables"));
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (IsOk && VarNames)
+    {
+        if (*NumVars > 0)
+        {
+            /* allocate a string list filled with NULL's */
+            *VarNames = StringListAlloc();
+            IsOk = (*VarNames != NULL);
+            if (IsOk)
+                IsOk = StringListSetString(*VarNames, *NumVars - 1, NULL);
+            if (!IsOk)
+            {
+                if (*VarNames != NULL)
+                    StringListDealloc(VarNames);
+                ErrMsg(translate("Out of space while allocating var names"));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    for (CurVar = 0; IsOk && (CurVar < *NumVars); CurVar++)
+    {
+        char *VName = NULL;
+        IsOk = ReadInString(FileStream,
+                            IVersion,
+                            ((IVersion < 63) ? 5 : MaxChrsVarName),
+                            VarNames ? &VName : NULL,
+                            (Boolean_t)(VarNames != NULL));
+        if (IsOk && VarNames)
+        {
+            if (VName == NULL)
+            {
+                /* NULL variable names are converted to empty names */
+                VName = ALLOC_ARRAY(1, char, "empty variable name");
+                strcpy(VName, "");
+            }
+            TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(VName);
+            /*
+             * variables are not allowed to have litteral new line characters
+             * within them but they can sneek in from ASCII data files so
+             * convert any to their appropriate two character representation
+             */
+            IsOk = ReplaceNewlineWithBackslashN(&VName);
+            IsOk = IsOk && StringListSetString(*VarNames, CurVar, VName);
+            if (VName != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(VName, "variable name");
+        }
+        if (!IsOk)
+        {
+            if (VarNames && *VarNames)
+                StringListDealloc(VarNames);
+            ErrMsg(translate("Out of space while allocating variable names"));
+        }
+    }
+    return (IsOk);
+ */
+static Boolean_t ReadInPresetZoneColor(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                       short         IVersion,
+                                       ZoneSpec_s   *ZoneSpec)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t ZoneColor;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    ZoneColor = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, -1, LastBasicColor, &IsOk);
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        if (VALID_BASIC_COLOR(ZoneColor))
+        {
+            ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.PresetZoneColor = (EntIndex_t)ZoneColor;
+            AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.PresetZoneColor);
+        }
+        else if (ZoneColor != -1)
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+static void ConvertCommonTimeToSolutionTime(ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    REQUIRE(ZoneSpec->AuxData == NULL || VALID_REF(ZoneSpec->AuxData));
+    LgIndex_t ItemIndex;
+    if (ZoneSpec->AuxData != NULL &&
+        AuxDataGetItemIndex(ZoneSpec->AuxData, AuxData_Common_Time, &ItemIndex))
+    {
+        const char    *SameName;
+        ArbParam_t     Value;
+        AuxDataType_e  Type;
+        Boolean_t      Retain;
+        AuxDataGetItemByIndex(ZoneSpec->AuxData, ItemIndex,
+                              &SameName, &Value, &Type, &Retain);
+        CHECK(ustrcmp(AuxData_Common_Time, SameName) == 0);
+        CHECK(Type == AuxDataType_String);
+        char *EndPtr = NULL;
+        double SolutionTime = strtod((const char *)Value, &EndPtr);
+        if (EndPtr != (char *)Value)
+        {
+            /* we only allow white space to trail a value */
+            while (isspace(*EndPtr))
+                EndPtr++;
+        }
+        if (EndPtr != (char *)Value && *EndPtr == '\0')
+        {
+            ZoneSpec->SolutionTime = SolutionTime;
+            ZoneSpec->StrandID     = STRAND_ID_PENDING;
+            AuxDataDeleteItemByIndex(ZoneSpec->AuxData, ItemIndex);
+        }
+    }
+ * Pass1 for a zone reads in and initializes the zone structures.
+ * These structures are released later if the user elects to not read them
+ * in.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInZoneHeader(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           short         IVersion,
+                           ZoneSpec_s   *ZoneSpec,
+                           Set_pa        IsVarCellCentered,
+                           EntIndex_t    NumVars,
+                           Boolean_t    *IsRawFNAvailable,
+                           LgIndex_t    *FNNumBndryConns)
+    EntIndex_t Var;
+    Boolean_t  IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t  I1;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    REQUIRE(IsVarCellCentered == NULL || VALID_REF(IsVarCellCentered));
+    REQUIRE(NumVars >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IsRawFNAvailable));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FNNumBndryConns));
+    SetZoneSpecDefaults(ZoneSpec);
+    if (IsVarCellCentered != NULL)
+    {
+        /* assign default variable value location: nodal */
+        ClearSet(IsVarCellCentered);
+        IsOk = ExpandSet(IsVarCellCentered, NumVars, FALSE);
+    }
+    if (IsOk)
+        IsOk = ReadInString(FileStream, IVersion,
+                            ((IVersion < 63) ? 10 : MaxChrsZnTitle),
+                            &ZoneSpec->Name,
+                            TRUE);
+    if (IsOk && ZoneSpec->Name == NULL)
+    {
+        /* NULL zone names are converted to empty names */
+        ZoneSpec->Name = ALLOC_ARRAY(1, char, "empty zone name");
+        IsOk = (ZoneSpec->Name != NULL);
+        if (IsOk)
+            strcpy(ZoneSpec->Name, "");
+    }
+    if (IsOk)
+        TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(ZoneSpec->Name);
+    if (IVersion < 101)
+    {
+        Boolean_t    IsZoneFinite;
+        DataFormat_e ZoneDataFormat;
+        I1 = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 3, &IsOk);
+        if ((I1 < 0) || (I1 > 3))
+        {
+            return (FALSE);
+        }
+        ZoneDataFormat = (DataFormat_e)I1;
+        IsZoneFinite = (ZoneDataFormat == DataFormat_FEPoint ||
+                        ZoneDataFormat == DataFormat_FEBlock);
+        ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat = (ZoneDataFormat == DataFormat_IJKBlock ||
+                                                  ZoneDataFormat == DataFormat_FEBlock);
+        if (IVersion > 62)
+            IsOk = ReadInPresetZoneColor(FileStream, IVersion, ZoneSpec);
+        if (IVersion < 60)
+            GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);  /* Old ZPlane Value */
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsI = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            if (IVersion >= 60)
+                ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            else
+                ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 1;
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            /* If IMax,JMax, & KMax are all zero then this zone was "zombied" by
+               a partial read to make layout files align. */
+            if (!((ZoneSpec->NumPtsI == 0) &&
+                  (ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ == 0) &&
+                  (ZoneSpec->NumPtsK == 0)) &&
+                ((ZoneSpec->NumPtsI <= 0) ||
+                 (ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ <= 0) ||
+                 (ZoneSpec->NumPtsK < 0)  ||
+                 ((!IsZoneFinite && (ZoneSpec->NumPtsK == 0)))))
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Datafile is corrupted"));
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            if (IsZoneFinite)
+            {
+                if (IVersion >= 61)
+                {
+                    ZoneSpec->Type = (ZoneType_e)(ZoneSpec->NumPtsK + 1);
+                    switch (ZoneSpec->Type)
+                    {
+                        case ZoneType_FETriangle: ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 3; break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEQuad:     ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 4; break;
+                        case ZoneType_FETetra:    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 4; break;
+                        case ZoneType_FEBrick:    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 8; break;
+                        case ZoneType_FELineSeg:  ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 2; break;
+                        default:
+                        {
+                            ErrMsg(translate("Datafile corrupted: Invalid element type for FE DataSet"));
+                            IsOk = FALSE;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FEQuad;
+                    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 4;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_Ordered;
+                ZoneSpec->ICellDim = ZoneSpec->NumPtsI - 1;
+                ZoneSpec->JCellDim = ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ - 1;
+                ZoneSpec->KCellDim = ZoneSpec->NumPtsK - 1;
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+         * Raw and user defined boundary face neighbors connections were not in
+         * this or previous versions of the binary data files.
+         */
+        *IsRawFNAvailable = FALSE;
+        *FNNumBndryConns  = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (IsOk && (IVersion >= 107))
+        {
+            ZoneSpec->ParentZone = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, -1, MAXZONEMAP - 1, &IsOk);
+            if (!IsOk)
+                ErrMsg(translate("Invalid datafile: parent zone assignment must be to an existing zone within the same datafile."));
+        }
+        if (IsOk && (IVersion >= 106))
+        {
+            /* Strand ID and solution time. Strand ID's of STRAND_ID_PENDING, -2, instruct Tecplot to generate strand ID's */
+            ZoneSpec->StrandID     = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, -2, MAXZONEMAP - 1, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->SolutionTime = GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Double, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+            if (!IsOk)
+                ErrMsg(translate("Invalid datafile: bad StrandID or SolutionTime"));
+        }
+        /* preset zone color */
+        IsOk = IsOk && ReadInPresetZoneColor(FileStream, IVersion, ZoneSpec);
+        /* ZoneType */
+        I1 = (ZoneType_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 7, &IsOk);
+        switch (I1)
+        {
+            case 0: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_Ordered;      break;
+            case 1: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FELineSeg;    break;
+            case 2: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FETriangle;   break;
+            case 3: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FEQuad;       break;
+            case 4: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FETetra;      break;
+            case 5: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FEBrick;      break;
+            case 6: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FEPolygon;    break;
+            case 7: ZoneSpec->Type = ZoneType_FEPolyhedron; break;
+            default:
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Invalid datafile: unknown zone type."));
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            } break;
+        }
+        /* DataPacking (Always BLOCK starting with file version 112 so removed from binary format) */
+        if (IVersion < 112)
+            ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat =
+                ((DataPacking_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk) == DataPacking_Block);
+        else
+            ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat = TRUE;
+        /* is the variable value location specified? */
+        if ((Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk) && IsOk)
+        {
+            /* Variable Value Location foreach Var */
+            for (Var = 0; Var < NumVars && IsOk; Var++)
+            {
+                if ((Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk) && IsOk &&
+                    IsVarCellCentered != NULL)
+                {
+                    IsOk = (ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat);
+                    if (IsOk)
+                        IsOk = AddToSet(IsVarCellCentered, Var, FALSE);
+                    else
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid datafile: cell centered "
+                                         "variable must be in block format.",
+                                         "See the Tecplot User's Manual for a definition of 'block format'"));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /* are raw face neighbors supplied in the data section? */
+        if (IVersion >= 108 && IsOk)
+        {
+            *IsRawFNAvailable = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+            if (*IsRawFNAvailable &&
+                (ZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_Ordered ||
+                 ZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FELineSeg))
+            {
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+                ErrMsg(translate("Invalid datafile: raw face neighbors may not be "
+                                 "supplied for ordered or FE line segment zones."));
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            *IsRawFNAvailable = FALSE;
+        /*
+         * If raw face neighbors are available in the datafile then Tecplot
+         * should not auto-assign the neighbors after the load.
+         */
+        ZoneSpec->FNAreCellFaceNbrsSupplied = *IsRawFNAvailable;
+        /* miscellaneous face neighbor info */
+        *FNNumBndryConns = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+        if (*FNNumBndryConns != 0)
+            ZoneSpec->FNMode = (FaceNeighborMode_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 3, &IsOk);
+        if (IVersion >= 108 && IsOk)
+        {
+            Boolean_t FaceNeighborsComplete = FALSE;
+            if (*FNNumBndryConns != 0 &&
+                ZoneSpec->Type != ZoneType_Ordered)
+                FaceNeighborsComplete = (Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+            /*
+             * If the user defined face neighbors completely specify all the
+             * face neighbors then we don't want to auto-assign the cell face
+             * neighbors after loading. If they are not complete then leave the
+             * setting (as set above) dependent on the availability of the raw
+             * face neighbors.
+             *
+             * NOTE:
+             *   This is a rather inefficient way to specify face neighbors.
+             */
+            if (FaceNeighborsComplete)
+                ZoneSpec->FNAreCellFaceNbrsSupplied = TRUE;
+        }
+        if (ZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_Ordered)
+        {
+            /* IMax, JMax, KMax */
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsI = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            /*
+             * if not a zombie zone (zombie zone: points in all dimensions are
+             * zero) then points in each direction must be specified
+             */
+            if (IsOk &&
+                !(ZoneSpec->NumPtsI == 0 &&
+                  ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ == 0 &&
+                  ZoneSpec->NumPtsK == 0)  &&
+                (ZoneSpec->NumPtsI == 0 ||
+                 ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ == 0 ||
+                 ZoneSpec->NumPtsK == 0))
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Invalid data file: incorrect specification of "
+                                 "I, J, or K points for ordered data set."));
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsI = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            if (ZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FEPolygon || ZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FEPolyhedron)
+            {
+                ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk); // ...NumFaces
+                if (IVersion >= 111)
+                {
+                    ZoneSpec->NumFaceNodes      = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+                    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryFaces = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+                    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryItems = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                switch (ZoneSpec->Type)
+                {
+                    case ZoneType_FETriangle: ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 3; break;
+                    case ZoneType_FEQuad:     ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 4; break;
+                    case ZoneType_FETetra:    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 4; break;
+                    case ZoneType_FEBrick:    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 8; break;
+                    case ZoneType_FELineSeg:  ZoneSpec->NumPtsK = 2; break;
+                    default :
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid data file: invalid element type for FE data set."));
+                        IsOk = FALSE;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->ICellDim = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->JCellDim = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            ZoneSpec->KCellDim = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+        }
+        /* Zone Auxiliary Data indicator followed by Zone Auxiliary Data */
+        for (I1 = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+             IsOk && I1 != 0;
+             I1 = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk))
+        {
+            if (ZoneSpec->AuxData == NULL)
+                ZoneSpec->AuxData = AuxDataAlloc();
+            IsOk = (ZoneSpec->AuxData != NULL);
+            if (IsOk)
+                IsOk = ReadInAuxData(FileStream, IVersion, ZoneSpec->AuxData);
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Convert AuxZone's Common.Time from non-time aware data files to zone
+     * solution time if it exists.
+     */
+    if (IVersion < 106 && IsOk)
+        ConvertCommonTimeToSolutionTime(ZoneSpec);
+    return (IsOk);
+ *  Pass1 for Custom labels simply acknowledges that a custom label was
+ *  parsed and skips over the labels.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInCustomLabels(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                             short          IVersion,
+                             Boolean_t      OkToLoad,
+                             StringList_pa *CustomLabelBase)
+    LgIndex_t NumLabels;
+    short     I;
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(IVersion > 0);
+    REQUIRE(!(OkToLoad) || VALID_REF(CustomLabelBase));
+    NumLabels = (short)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 1, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+    if (IsOk && NumLabels != 0 && OkToLoad)
+    {
+        *CustomLabelBase = StringListAlloc();
+        IsOk = (*CustomLabelBase != NULL);
+        if (!IsOk)
+            ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate memory for Custom Labels."));
+    }
+    for (I = 0; IsOk && (I < NumLabels); I++)
+    {
+        char *TLabel = NULL;
+        IsOk = ReadInString(FileStream, IVersion,
+                            1024,
+                            &TLabel,
+                            OkToLoad);
+        TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(TLabel);
+        if (IsOk && OkToLoad)
+        {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+            IsOk = StringListAppendString(*CustomLabelBase, TLabel);
+            if (TLabel != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(TLabel, "custom label");
+            if (!IsOk)
+                ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate memory for Custom Label."));
+        }
+    }
+    if (!IsOk)
+        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid custom axis label record in binary datafile"));
+    ENSURE(!(IsOk && NumLabels != 0 && OkToLoad) ||
+           StringListValid(*CustomLabelBase));
+    return IsOk;
+Boolean_t ReadInUserRec(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                        short          IVersion,
+                        int            MaxCharactersAllowed,
+                        char         **UserRec) /* NULL if to ignore */
+    if (!ReadInString(FileStream, IVersion,
+                      MaxCharactersAllowed,
+                      UserRec,
+                      (Boolean_t)(UserRec != NULL)))
+    {
+        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid USERREC record in binary datafile"));
+        return (FALSE);
+    }
+    return (TRUE);
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInAuxData(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                        short         IVersion,
+                        AuxData_pa    AuxData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    Boolean_t DoCollectData;
+    char      *AuxName  = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t AuxValueType;
+    char      *AuxValue = NULL;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(0 < IVersion && IVersion <= TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    REQUIRE(AuxData == NULL || VALID_REF(AuxData));
+    DoCollectData = (AuxData != NULL);
+    IsOk = ReadInString(FileStream,
+                        IVersion,
+                        MaxChrsVarName, /* ... seems reasonable */
+                        &AuxName,
+                        DoCollectData);
+    if (IsOk && DoCollectData && !AuxDataIsValidName(AuxName))
+    {
+        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid auxiliary data name."));
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    /*
+     * currently only one value type is supported
+     *   0: AuxiliaryValueFormat_String
+     */
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        AuxValueType = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 0, &IsOk);
+        if (IsOk && (AuxValueType != (LgIndex_t)AuxDataType_String))
+        {
+            ErrMsg(translate("Unsupported auxiliary data type"));
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    if (IsOk)
+        IsOk = ReadInString(FileStream,
+                            IVersion,
+                            MaxChrsAuxValueString,
+                            &AuxValue,
+                            DoCollectData);
+    if (IsOk && DoCollectData)
+        IsOk = AuxDataSetItem(AuxData,
+                              AuxName, (ArbParam_t)AuxValue,
+                              AuxDataType_String,
+                              TRUE); /* Retain */
+    /* cleanup: auxiliary data made a copy of the name and value */
+    if (AuxName != NULL)
+        FREE_ARRAY(AuxName, "data set auxiliary data item name");
+    if (AuxValue != NULL)
+        FREE_ARRAY(AuxValue, "data set auxiliary data item value");
+    return IsOk;
+static void GetZoneAttachment(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                              short         IVersion,
+                              EntIndex_t   *Z,
+                              Boolean_t    *IsAttached,
+                              Boolean_t    *IsOk)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IsAttached));
+    if (IVersion >= 47)
+        *Z = (EntIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, -1, MAXZONEMAP, IsOk);
+    else
+        *Z = 0;
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        (*Z)--;
+    if (*Z == -1)
+    {
+        *Z          = 0;
+        *IsAttached = FALSE;
+    }
+    else
+        *IsAttached = TRUE;
+    ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(*IsAttached));
+    ENSURE(*Z >= 0);
+static Boolean_t ReadMacroFunctionCommand(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                                          short          IVersion,
+                                          Boolean_t      OkToLoad,
+                                          char         **MacroFunctionCommand)
+    Boolean_t Result = FALSE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(IVersion > 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(MacroFunctionCommand));
+    Result = ReadInString(FileStream, IVersion, 0, MacroFunctionCommand, OkToLoad);
+    return (Result);
+ *  Pass1 for Geometries simply acknowledges that a geometry was
+ *  parsed and skips over the geometry.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInGeometry(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                         short         IVersion,
+                         Boolean_t     OkToLoad,
+                         Geom_s       *Geom,
+                         LgIndex_t     MaxDataPts)
+    LgIndex_t        I;
+    LgIndex_t        S;
+    FieldDataType_e  FFT;
+    Boolean_t        IsOk = TRUE;
+    TranslatedString ErrMsgString = translate("Invalid geometry record");
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        FFT = FieldDataType_Float;
+    else
+        FFT = FieldDataType_Double;
+    if (IVersion < 101)
+        I = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+    else
+        I = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 4, &IsOk);
+    if (I == 0)
+        Geom->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid;
+    else if (I == 1)
+        Geom->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Frame;
+    /*
+     * I == 2 is for CoordSys_FrameOffset and is not used currently
+     *
+     * I == 3 is for the old window coordinate system
+     */
+    else if (I == 4)
+        Geom->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid3D;
+    else
+    {
+        ErrMsgString = translate("Invalid geometry coordinate system");
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    Geom->Scope = (Scope_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+    if (IVersion >= 102)
+        Geom->DrawOrder = (DrawOrder_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+    Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V1 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V2 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    if (IVersion >= 45)
+        Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    else
+        Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = 0.0;
+    GetZoneAttachment(FileStream, IVersion, &Geom->Zone, &Geom->AttachToZone, &IsOk);
+    Geom->BColor = (SmInteger_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+    AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &Geom->BColor);
+    if (IVersion > 47)
+    {
+        Geom->FillBColor = (SmInteger_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+        Geom->IsFilled  = (Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+        AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &Geom->FillBColor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Geom->FillBColor = Geom->BColor;
+        Geom->IsFilled  = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (IVersion < 101)
+    {
+        Geom->GeomType = (GeomType_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 5, &IsOk);
+        if (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_LineSegs3D)
+        {
+            /*
+             * GeomType_LineSegs3D is deprecated, converter to GeomType_LineSegs
+             * with CoordSys_Grid3D instead
+             */
+            Geom->GeomType         = GeomType_LineSegs;
+            Geom->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid3D; /*...should have been anyway */
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Geom->GeomType = (GeomType_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 4, &IsOk);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Check geom coord sys versus geom type
+     */
+    if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D &&
+        Geom->GeomType != GeomType_LineSegs)
+    {
+        ErrMsgString = translate("Mismatch between geometry coordinate system and geometry type");
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (IVersion > 41)
+    {
+        Geom->LinePattern  = (LinePattern_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)LinePattern_DashDotDot, &IsOk);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Geom->LinePattern  = (LinePattern_e)((int)Geom->GeomType % 2);
+        Geom->GeomType     = (GeomType_e)((int)Geom->GeomType / 10);
+    }
+    if ((IVersion < 49) && ((short)(Geom->GeomType) == 2))
+    {
+        Geom->GeomType = GeomType_Rectangle;
+        Geom->IsFilled = TRUE;
+    }
+    if ((IVersion < 70) && ((short)(Geom->GeomType) > 1))
+        Geom->GeomType = (GeomType_e)((short)Geom->GeomType + 1);
+    ResetString(&Geom->MacroFunctionCommand, NULL, TRUE);
+    Geom->ImageResizeFilter = ImageResizeFilter_Texture;
+    if (IVersion >= 70)
+    {
+        Geom->PatternLength       = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                                 PatternLengthInputSpec.Min,
+                                                 PatternLengthInputSpec.Max,
+                                                 &IsOk);
+        Geom->LineThickness       = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                                 LineThicknessInputSpec.Min,
+                                                 LineThicknessInputSpec.Max,
+                                                 &IsOk);
+        Geom->NumEllipsePts       = (SmInteger_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 2, MaxPtsCircleOrEllipse, &IsOk);
+        Geom->ArrowheadStyle      = (ArrowheadStyle_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)ArrowheadStyle_Hollow, &IsOk);
+        Geom->ArrowheadAttachment = (ArrowheadAttachment_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion,
+                                                                        0,
+                                                                        (LgIndex_t)ArrowheadAttachment_AtBothEnds,
+                                                                        &IsOk);
+        Geom->ArrowheadSize  = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                            ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.Min,
+                                            ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.Max,
+                                            &IsOk);
+        Geom->ArrowheadAngle = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                            ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.Min,
+                                            ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.Max,
+                                            &IsOk);
+        if (IVersion >= 75)
+        {
+            IsOk = ReadMacroFunctionCommand(FileStream,
+                                            IVersion,
+                                            OkToLoad,
+                                            &Geom->MacroFunctionCommand);
+        } /* version >= 75 */
+    } /* version >= 70 */
+    else
+    {
+        Geom->LineThickness        = 0.001;
+        Geom->PatternLength        = 0.02;
+        Geom->ArrowheadStyle       = ArrowheadStyle_Plain;
+        Geom->ArrowheadAttachment  = ArrowheadAttachment_None;
+        Geom->ArrowheadSize        = 0.05;
+        Geom->ArrowheadAngle       = 12.0 / DEGPERRADIANS;
+    }
+    if (IVersion < 41)
+    {
+        GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+        GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+        GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataType_Float, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    }
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        Geom->DataType = FieldDataType_Float;
+    else
+        Geom->DataType = (FieldDataType_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 1, 2, &IsOk);
+    Geom->Clipping = Clipping_ClipToViewport; /* default value for pre 101 versions */
+    if (IVersion >= 101)
+    {
+        Geom->Clipping = (Clipping_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 2, &IsOk);
+        /*
+         * The second clipping value was deprecated during v10 development and thus removed.
+         * This moved Clipping_ClipToFrame to the 2nd position from the 3rd, so we convert
+         * value 2 to ClipToFrame to support files made during v10 developement.
+         */
+        if (Geom->Clipping == (Clipping_e)2)
+            Geom->Clipping = Clipping_ClipToFrame;
+    }
+    if (IVersion < 50 ||
+        Geom->GeomType == GeomType_LineSegs)
+    {
+        Geom->NumSegments = (SmInteger_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 1, MaxGeoSegments, &IsOk);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        S = -1;
+        I = 0;
+        while ((S + 1 < Geom->NumSegments) &&
+               !feof(FileStream->File) && IsOk)
+        {
+            S++;
+            Geom->NumSegPts[S] = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 1, MAXINDEX, &IsOk);
+            if ((I + Geom->NumSegPts[S] > MaxDataPts) && OkToLoad)
+            {
+                ErrMsgString = translate("Geometry is too big");
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ReadBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base, OkToLoad, Geom->DataType, I, I + Geom->NumSegPts[S] - 1, &IsOk);
+                ReadBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base, OkToLoad, Geom->DataType, I, I + Geom->NumSegPts[S] - 1, &IsOk);
+                if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+                    ReadBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V3Base, OkToLoad, Geom->DataType, I, I + Geom->NumSegPts[S] - 1, &IsOk);
+                I += Geom->NumSegPts[S];
+            }
+        }
+        if (IsOk && (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Rectangle))     /* IVersion < 50 */
+        {
+            if (OkToLoad)
+            {
+                CopyFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base, 0, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base, 2);
+                CopyFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base, 0, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base, 2);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Rectangle ||
+             Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Ellipse)
+    {
+        double XX, YY;
+        XX = GetNextValue(FileStream, Geom->DataType, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+        YY = GetNextValue(FileStream, Geom->DataType, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+        if (OkToLoad)
+        {
+            SetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0, XX);
+            SetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.YBase, 0, YY);
+        }
+        Geom->NumSegments = 1;
+        Geom->NumSegPts[0]   = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        double XX;
+        CHECK((Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Square) ||
+              (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Circle));
+        XX = GetNextValue(FileStream, Geom->DataType, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+        if (OkToLoad)
+        {
+            SetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0, XX);
+        }
+        Geom->NumSegments  = 1;
+        Geom->NumSegPts[0] = 1;
+    }
+    if (!IsOk)
+        ErrMsg(ErrMsgString);
+    return (IsOk);
+ *  Pass1 for text simply acknowledges that a text was
+ *  parsed and skips over the text.
+ */
+Boolean_t ReadInText(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                     short         IVersion,
+                     Boolean_t     OkToLoad,
+                     Text_s       *Text,
+                     LgIndex_t     MaxTextLen)
+    LgIndex_t        I;
+    FieldDataType_e  FFT;
+    SmInteger_t      TextLength = 0;
+    Boolean_t        IsOk = TRUE;
+    TranslatedString ErrMsgString = translate("Invalid text record");
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        FFT = FieldDataType_Float;
+    else
+        FFT = FieldDataType_Double;
+    if (IVersion < 101)
+        I = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+    else
+        I = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 4, &IsOk);
+    if (I == 0)
+        Text->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid;
+    else if (I == 1)
+        Text->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Frame;
+    /*
+     * I == 2 is for CoordSys_FrameOffset and is not used currently
+     *
+     * I == 3 is for the old window coordinate system
+     */
+    else if (I == 4)
+        Text->PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid3D;
+    else
+    {
+        ErrMsgString = translate("Invalid text coordinate system.");
+        IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    Text->Scope   = (Scope_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1, &IsOk);
+    Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V1 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V2 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    if (IVersion >= 101)
+        Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    else
+        Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = 0.0; /* default value for pre 101 versions */
+    if (IVersion > 40)
+        Text->TextShape.Font = (Font_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)Font_CourierBold, &IsOk);
+    else
+        Text->TextShape.Font = Font_Helvetica;
+    if (IVersion < 43)
+        GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+    {
+        if (Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid)
+            Text->TextShape.SizeUnits = Units_Grid;
+        else
+            Text->TextShape.SizeUnits = Units_Frame;
+    }
+    else
+        Text->TextShape.SizeUnits = (Units_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)Units_Point, &IsOk);
+    Text->TextShape.Height = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, &IsOk);
+    if (IVersion > 47)
+    {
+        Text->Box.BoxType = (TextBox_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)TextBox_Hollow, &IsOk);
+        if (IVersion < 70)
+        {
+            if (Text->Box.BoxType == TextBox_Hollow)
+                Text->Box.BoxType = TextBox_Filled;
+            else if (Text->Box.BoxType == TextBox_Filled)
+                Text->Box.BoxType = TextBox_Hollow;
+        }
+        Text->Box.Margin     = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                            TextBoxMarginInputSpec.Min,
+                                            TextBoxMarginInputSpec.Max,
+                                            &IsOk);
+        if (IVersion >= 70)
+            Text->Box.LineThickness = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                                   LineThicknessInputSpec.Min,
+                                                   LineThicknessInputSpec.Max,
+                                                   &IsOk);
+        else
+            Text->Box.LineThickness = 0.01;
+        Text->Box.BColor     = (ColorIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+        Text->Box.FillBColor = (ColorIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+        AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &Text->Box.BColor);
+        AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &Text->Box.FillBColor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Text->Box.BoxType    = TextBox_None;
+        Text->Box.Margin     = 0.0;
+        Text->Box.BColor     = White_C;
+        Text->Box.FillBColor = Black_C;
+    }
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+    {
+        Text->Angle       = GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, -720, 720, &IsOk) / DEGPERRADIANS;
+        Text->LineSpacing = 1;
+        Text->Anchor      = TextAnchor_Left;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Text->Angle       = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                         TextAngleInputSpec.Min,
+                                         TextAngleInputSpec.Max,
+                                         &IsOk);
+        Text->LineSpacing = GetNextValue(FileStream, FFT,
+                                         TextLineSpacingInputSpec.Min,
+                                         TextLineSpacingInputSpec.Max,
+                                         &IsOk);
+        Text->Anchor      = (TextAnchor_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t)TextAnchor_HeadRight, &IsOk);
+    }
+    GetZoneAttachment(FileStream, IVersion, &Text->Zone, &Text->AttachToZone, &IsOk);
+    Text->BColor   = (ColorIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 255, &IsOk);
+    AdjustCustomColor(IVersion, &Text->BColor);
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        TextLength = (short)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 5000, &IsOk);
+    ResetString(&Text->MacroFunctionCommand, NULL, TRUE);
+    Text->Clipping = Clipping_ClipToViewport; /* default value for pre 101 versions */
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+    {
+        short I, S;
+        for (I = 0; I < TextLength; I++)
+        {
+            S = (short)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 1000, &IsOk);
+            if (OkToLoad && (I <= MaxTextLen))
+                Text->Text[I] = (char)S;
+        }
+        if (OkToLoad)
+            Text->Text[MIN(TextLength, MaxTextLen)] = '\0';
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        char *S = NULL;
+        if (IVersion >= 75)
+        {
+            IsOk = ReadMacroFunctionCommand(FileStream,
+                                            IVersion,
+                                            OkToLoad,
+                                            &Text->MacroFunctionCommand);
+        } /* IVersion >= 75 */
+        if (IVersion >= 101)
+        {
+            /*
+             * The second clipping value was deprecated during v10 development and thus removed.
+             * This moved Clipping_ClipToFrame to the 2nd position from the 3rd, so we convert
+             * value 2 to ClipToFrame to support files made during v10 developement.
+             */
+            Text->Clipping = (Clipping_e)GetIoFileInt(FileStream, IVersion, 0, 2, &IsOk);
+            if (Text->Clipping == (Clipping_e)2)
+                Text->Clipping = Clipping_ClipToFrame;
+        }
+        if (ReadInString(FileStream,
+                         IVersion,
+                         MaxTextLen,
+                         &S,
+                         OkToLoad))
+        {
+            REQUIRE(!(S || OkToLoad) || VALID_REF(Text->Text));
+            if (S)
+            {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+                if (IsOk)
+                {
+                    strcpy(Text->Text, S);
+                }
+                FREE_ARRAY(S, "Release temp string for new text label");
+            }
+            else if (OkToLoad)
+                Text->Text[0] = '\0';
+        }
+        else
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+    }
+    if (!IsOk)
+        ErrMsg(ErrMsgString);
+    return (IsOk);
+static Boolean_t CompareVersion(float      Version,
+                                char      *VersionString,
+                                Boolean_t  IsByteOrderNative)
+    char *VersionBuf = (char *) & Version;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(VersionString));
+    if (IsByteOrderNative)
+        return ((VersionString[0] == VersionBuf[0]) &&
+                (VersionString[1] == VersionBuf[1]) &&
+                (VersionString[2] == VersionBuf[2]) &&
+                (VersionString[3] == VersionBuf[3]));
+    else
+        return ((VersionString[3] == VersionBuf[0]) &&
+                (VersionString[2] == VersionBuf[1]) &&
+                (VersionString[1] == VersionBuf[2]) &&
+                (VersionString[0] == VersionBuf[3]));
+static float ValidVersions[] = {7.0F,
+                                6.3F, 6.2F, 6.1F, 6.0F,
+                                5.0F,
+                                4.7F, 4.6F, 4.5F, 4.4F, 4.3F, 4.2F, 4.1F, 4.0F
+                               };
+#define NUMVALIDVERSIONS ((int)(sizeof(ValidVersions)/sizeof(ValidVersions[0])))
+ * Extra caution taken here in case value read is invalid float
+ */
+static Boolean_t GetDoubleVersion(char      *VersionString,
+                                  float     *FInputVersion,
+                                  Boolean_t  IsByteOrderNative)
+    int  I;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FInputVersion));
+    for (I = 0; I < NUMVALIDVERSIONS; I++)
+        if (CompareVersion(ValidVersions[I], VersionString, IsByteOrderNative))
+        {
+            *FInputVersion = ValidVersions[I];
+            return (TRUE);
+        }
+    return (FALSE);
+static short GetNewInputVersion(FileStream_s *FileStream)
+    /*
+     *
+     */
+    char       Buf[4];
+    short      IVersion = 0;
+    short      I;
+    LgIndex_t  OneValue;
+    Boolean_t  IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(FileStream->IsByteOrderNative);
+    if (TP_FREAD(Buf, 4, 1, FileStream->File) != 1)
+        return (0);
+    if (strncmp(Buf, "#!TD", 4))
+        return (0);
+    if (TP_FREAD(Buf, 4, 1, FileStream->File) != 1)
+        return (0);
+    if (Buf[0] != 'V')
+        return (0);
+    I = 1;
+    while ((I < 4) && isdigit(Buf[I]))
+        IVersion = IVersion * 10 + Buf[I++] - '0';
+    if (IVersion < 70)
+        return (0);
+    else if (IVersion > TecplotBinaryFileVersion)
+    {
+        ErrMsg(translate("Binary file version newer than Tecplot version. "
+                         "Upgrade Tecplot or use an older Preplot to produce "
+                         "the datafile."));
+        return (IVersion);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Determine Byte Order.
+     */
+    OneValue = GetIoFileInt(FileStream,
+                            IVersion,
+                            -MAXINDEX,
+                            MAXINDEX,
+                            &IsOk);
+    if (!IsOk)
+        return (0);
+    FileStream->IsByteOrderNative = (OneValue == 1);
+    return (IVersion);
+ * Return value of zero is to be considered as an invalid
+ * tecplot binary datafile header.  Actually binary files
+ * older than version 4.0 (return value of 40) are not supported
+ * (See notes in preplot.c).
+ */
+short GetInputVersion(FileStream_s *FileStream)
+    Boolean_t    IsOk = TRUE;
+    float        FInputVersion;
+    short        IVersion;
+    char         VersionString[4];
+    FileOffset_t StartOffset = 0;
+    /*
+     * First check to see if file uses new
+     * input version format.
+     */
+    /* keep track of our start offset */
+    StartOffset = TP_FTELL(FileStream->File);
+    IVersion = GetNewInputVersion(FileStream);
+    if (IVersion > TecplotBinaryFileVersion)
+        return IVersion; /* unsupported version */
+    else if (IVersion == 0)
+    {
+        /* rewind to clear any errors and seek to the start offset */
+        rewind(FileStream->File);
+        IsOk = (TP_FSEEK(FileStream->File, StartOffset, SEEK_SET) == 0);
+        if (IsOk && TP_FREAD(VersionString, 4, 1, FileStream->File) == 1)
+        {
+            /* try both native and foreign versions numbers */
+            if (!GetDoubleVersion(VersionString, &FInputVersion, FileStream->IsByteOrderNative))
+            {
+                FileStream->IsByteOrderNative = !FileStream->IsByteOrderNative; /* ...reverse the byte order */
+                IsOk = GetDoubleVersion(VersionString, &FInputVersion, FileStream->IsByteOrderNative);
+            }
+            if (IsOk)
+                IVersion = ROUNDS(FInputVersion * 10);
+        }
+    }
+    if (IsOk)
+        return (IVersion);
+    else
+        return ((short)0);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-H 12/12/2005: ENGINE: refactor to use just the Interrupted flag as-is */
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************        OUTPUT        **************************
+ **********************************************************************
+ **********************************************************************/
+ * Byte blocks cannot be unaligned or reversed in bytes
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryByteBlock(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                               const Byte_t    *ByteValues,
+                               const HgIndex_t  NumValues)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ByteValues));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TP_FWRITE(ByteValues,
+                               sizeof(Byte_t),
+                               (size_t)NumValues,
+                               FileStream->File) == (size_t)NumValues;
+    return IsOk;
+ * Type Byte_t cannot be unaligned or reversed in byte order
+ */
+static inline Boolean_t WriteBinaryByte(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                        Byte_t        ByteValue)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    Boolean_t IsOk = WriteBinaryByteBlock(FileStream, &ByteValue, 1);
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+template <typename T>
+void CopyAndReverseUnalignedBytes(T            *DstBuffer,
+                                  const Byte_t *SrcBuffer)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DstBuffer));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SrcBuffer));
+    size_t typeSize = sizeof(T);
+    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < typeSize; ii++)
+        ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[ii] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[typeSize-1-ii];
+ */
+template <typename T>
+void CopyUnalignedBytes(T            *DstBuffer,
+                        const Byte_t *SrcBuffer)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DstBuffer));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SrcBuffer));
+    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < sizeof(T); ii++)
+        ((Byte_t *)(DstBuffer))[ii] = ((Byte_t *)(SrcBuffer))[ii];
+ */
+template <typename T>
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryDataUnaligned(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                   const Byte_t    *ValueBuffer,
+                                   const Boolean_t  ValueInNativeOrder)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_FILE_HANDLE(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ValueBuffer));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ValueInNativeOrder));
+    T DataValue;
+    if (ValueInNativeOrder != FileStream->IsByteOrderNative)
+        CopyAndReverseUnalignedBytes<T>(&DataValue, ValueBuffer);
+    else
+        CopyUnalignedBytes<T>(&DataValue, ValueBuffer);
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TP_FWRITE(&DataValue, sizeof(T), 1, FileStream->File) == 1;
+    return IsOk;
+ * This is used in many places and requires the value be in proper order.
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt16(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Int16_t       Value)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE("Value can be any Int16_t");
+    IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<Int16_t>(FileStream, (Byte_t *) & Value, TRUE/*ValueInNativeOrder*/);
+    return IsOk;
+ * This is used in many places and requires the value be in proper order.
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                           Int32_t       Value)
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE("Value can be any Int32_t");
+    IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<Int32_t>(FileStream, (Byte_t *) & Value, TRUE/*ValueInNativeOrder*/);
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+template <typename T>
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryBlockUnaligned(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                                    const Byte_t    *Values,
+                                    const HgIndex_t  NumValues,
+                                    const Boolean_t  ValuesInNativeOrdering)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    Boolean_t WriteEachValueSeparately;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Values));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ValuesInNativeOrdering));
+    WriteEachValueSeparately = (ValuesInNativeOrdering != FileStream->IsByteOrderNative);
+    if (WriteEachValueSeparately)
+    {
+        for (HgIndex_t NIndex = 0; IsOk && NIndex < NumValues; NIndex++)
+        {
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<T>(FileStream, Values + NIndex * sizeof(T), ValuesInNativeOrdering);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if 1
+        size_t NumBytesToWrite = NumValues * sizeof(T);
+        size_t NumBytesWritten = TP_FWRITE(Values, sizeof(Byte_t), NumBytesToWrite, FileStream->File);
+        IsOk = NumBytesToWrite == NumBytesWritten;
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryByteBlock(FileStream, Values, NumValues * sizeof(T));
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ * Use Byte_t instead of Int16_t to support unaligned values
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt16BlockUnaligned(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                         Byte_t       *Int16Values,
+                                         HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                                         Boolean_t     ValuesInNativeOrdering)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Int16Values));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ValuesInNativeOrdering));
+    Boolean_t IsOk = WriteBinaryBlockUnaligned<Int16_t>(FileStream,
+                                                        Int16Values,
+                                                        NumValues,
+                                                        ValuesInNativeOrdering);
+    return IsOk;
+ * Use Byte_t instead of Int32_t to support unaligned values
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryInt32BlockUnaligned(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                         Byte_t       *Int32Values,
+                                         HgIndex_t     NumValues,
+                                         Boolean_t     ValuesInNativeOrdering)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Int32Values));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ValuesInNativeOrdering));
+    Boolean_t IsOk = WriteBinaryBlockUnaligned<Int32_t>(FileStream,
+                                                        Int32Values,
+                                                        NumValues,
+                                                        ValuesInNativeOrdering);
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryReal(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                          double           RR,
+                          FieldDataType_e  FieldDataType)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = FALSE; /* ...quite compiler */
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE((FieldDataType == FieldDataType_Float)  ||
+            (FieldDataType == FieldDataType_Double) ||
+            (FieldDataType == FieldDataType_Byte));
+    switch (FieldDataType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Float :
+        {
+            float FloatVal = CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT(RR);
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<float>(FileStream, (Byte_t *) & FloatVal, TRUE/*NativeOrdering*/);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Double :
+        {
+            double DoubleVal = CLAMP_DOUBLE(RR);
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<double>(FileStream, (Byte_t *) & DoubleVal, TRUE/*NativeOrdering*/);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte :
+        {
+            /* Note: type Byte cannot be unaligned or reversed in bytes */
+            Byte_t B;
+            if (RR > 255)
+                B = 255;
+            else if (RR < 0)
+                B = 0;
+            else
+                B = (Byte_t)RR;
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryByte(FileStream, B);
+        } break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+Boolean_t WriteFieldDataType(FileStream_s    *FileStream,
+                             FieldDataType_e  FDT,
+                             Boolean_t        WriteBinary)
+    if (WriteBinary)
+        return (WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)FDT));
+    else
+    {
+        short S = 0;
+        switch (FDT)
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Float :  S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "SINGLE "); break;
+            case FieldDataType_Double : S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "DOUBLE "); break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int32 :  S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "LONGINT "); break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16 :  S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "SHORTINT "); break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte :   S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "BYTE "); break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit :    S = fprintf(FileStream->File, "BIT "); break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE);
+        }
+        return (FPRINTFOK(S));
+    }
+ */
+template <typename T>
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryChecksumByteValues(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                                        const Byte_t   *ByteValues,
+                                        const HgIndex_t NumValues)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_FILE_HANDLE(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ByteValues));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 1);
+    Boolean_t IsOk;
+    if (NumValues == 1)
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryDataUnaligned<T>(FileStream, ByteValues, TRUE);
+    else
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryBlockUnaligned<T>(FileStream, ByteValues, NumValues, TRUE);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    return IsOk;
+ * For FieldData of Type Bit, use WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfTypeBit instead.
+ */
+template <typename T>
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType(FileStream_s      *FileStream,
+                                          const FieldData_pa FieldData,
+                                          const LgIndex_t    StartOffset,
+                                          const LgIndex_t    NumValues)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    Boolean_t IsOk = FALSE;
+    if (IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed(FieldData))
+    {
+        Byte_t *ByteArray = GetFieldDataBytePtr(FieldData) + StartOffset * sizeof(T);
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryChecksumByteValues<T>(FileStream, ByteArray, (HgIndex_t)NumValues);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (LgIndex_t Offset = StartOffset; Offset < NumValues; Offset++)
+        {
+            T         ValueBuffer = (T)GetFieldValue(FieldData, Offset);
+            Byte_t   *ByteValue = (Byte_t *) & ValueBuffer;
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryChecksumByteValues<T>(FileStream, ByteValue, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+static Boolean_t WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfTypeBit(FileStream_s      *FileStream,
+                                                    const FieldData_pa FieldData,
+                                                    const LgIndex_t    StartOffset, /* Not used */
+                                                    const LgIndex_t    NumValues)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    Boolean_t IsOk = FALSE;
+    size_t NumBytes = 1 + (NumValues - 1) / 8;
+    if (IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed(FieldData))
+    {
+        Byte_t *ByteArray = GetFieldDataBytePtr(FieldData);
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryChecksumByteValues<Byte_t>(FileStream, ByteArray, (HgIndex_t)NumBytes);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // Bits are written out a Byte at a time and since we only come in here every 8th
+        // bit, make sure to assemble a Byte value from the next 8 bits.
+        for (LgIndex_t Offset = 0; Offset < NumValues; Offset += 8)
+        {
+            Byte_t ValueBuffer = 0;
+            for (int ii = 0; ii < 8; ii++)
+            {
+                Byte_t CurBit = (Byte_t)GetFieldValue(FieldData, Offset + ii);
+                ValueBuffer |= (CurBit << ii);
+            }
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryChecksumByteValues<Byte_t>(FileStream, &ValueBuffer, 1);
+        }
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                    FieldData_pa  FieldData,
+                                    LgIndex_t     StartOffset,
+                                    LgIndex_t     NumValues)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    Boolean_t IsOk = FALSE;
+    switch (GetFieldDataType(FieldData))
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Float  : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType<float>(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        case FieldDataType_Double : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType<double>(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int32  : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType<Int32_t>(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16  : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType<Int16_t>(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte   : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfType<Byte_t>(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        case FieldDataType_Bit    : IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlockOfTypeBit(FileStream, FieldData, StartOffset, NumValues); break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+static Boolean_t WriteASCIIFieldDataValue(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                          FieldData_pa  FieldData,
+                                          LgIndex_t     Offset,
+                                          SmInteger_t   AsciiPrecision)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = FALSE; /* ...quiet compiler */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    double V = 0.0;
+    char buffer[100*MAX_SIZEOFUTF8CHAR];
+    char *AsciiValue = buffer;
+    V = GetFieldValue(FieldData, Offset);
+    switch (GetFieldDataType(FieldData))
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Float :
+        case FieldDataType_Double :
+            /*IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File," %.*E",(int)AsciiPrecision,V)); */
+            sprintf(buffer, " %.*E", (int)AsciiPrecision, V);
+            break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+            /* IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File," %*d",(int)AsciiPrecision,ROUNDL(V))); */
+            sprintf(buffer, " %*d", (int)AsciiPrecision, ROUNDL(V));
+            break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+            /* IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File," %6d",ROUND2(V))); */
+            sprintf(buffer, " %6d", ROUND2(V));
+            break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte :
+            /* IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File," %3d",ROUNDS(V))); */
+            sprintf(buffer, " %3d", ROUNDS(V));
+            break;
+        case FieldDataType_Bit :
+            /* IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File," %c",((V == 0) ? '0' : '1'))); */
+            sprintf(buffer, " %c", ((V == 0) ? '0' : '1'));
+            break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+    }
+    IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File, buffer));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    return (IsOk);
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteCCFieldDataBlock(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                                FieldData_pa  FieldData,
+                                Boolean_t     IsOrderedData,
+                                LgIndex_t     NumIPts,
+                                LgIndex_t     NumJPts,
+                                LgIndex_t     NumKPts,
+                                Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+                                SmInteger_t   AsciiPrecision)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t NumValues;
+    LgIndex_t I, J, K;
+    LgIndex_t NumIJPts = -1;
+    LgIndex_t IEnd     = -1;
+    LgIndex_t JEnd     = -1;
+    LgIndex_t KEnd     = -1;
+    Boolean_t IsLinear = -1;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    REQUIRE(NumIPts >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumJPts >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(NumKPts >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(!WriteBinary, AsciiPrecision >= 0));
+    /*
+     * As of version 103 Tecplot writes binary data files so that ordered cell
+     * centered field data includes the ghost cells. This makes it much easier
+     * for Tecplot to map the data when reading by simply writing out
+     * FieldData->NumValues. As of version 104 the ghost cells of the slowest
+     * moving index are not included but that does effect the output as it is
+     * still FieldData->NumValues.
+     */
+    if (IsOrderedData && !WriteBinary)
+    {
+        /*
+         * Ordered ASCII output is always layed out using
+         * DataValueStructure_Classic format.
+         */
+        NumIJPts  = NumIPts * NumJPts;
+        IEnd      = MAX(NumIPts - 1, 1);
+        JEnd      = MAX(NumJPts - 1, 1);
+        KEnd      = MAX(NumKPts - 1, 1);
+        NumValues = (IEnd * JEnd * KEnd);
+        IsLinear  = ((NumJPts == 1 && NumKPts == 1) ||
+                     (NumIPts == 1 && NumKPts == 1) ||
+                     (NumIPts == 1 && NumJPts == 1));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        NumValues = GetFieldDataNumValues(FieldData);
+    }
+    if (WriteBinary)
+    {
+        IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream, FieldData, 0, NumValues);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LgIndex_t NumValuesPerLine = 80 / (AsciiPrecision + 5);
+        if (IsOrderedData && !IsLinear)
+        {
+            LgIndex_t ValueIndex = 0;
+            for (K = 0; K < KEnd && IsOk; K++)
+                for (J = 0; J < JEnd && IsOk; J++)
+                    for (I = 0; I < IEnd && IsOk; I++)
+                    {
+                        LgIndex_t CellIndex = I + (J * NumIPts) + (K * NumIJPts);
+                        IsOk = WriteASCIIFieldDataValue(FileStream,
+                                                        FieldData,
+                                                        CellIndex,
+                                                        AsciiPrecision);
+                        if ((ValueIndex + 1) % NumValuesPerLine == 0 || ValueIndex == NumValues - 1)
+                            IsOk = (fputc('\n', FileStream->File) != EOF);
+                        ValueIndex++;
+                    }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            for (I = 0; I < NumValues && IsOk; I++)
+            {
+                IsOk = WriteASCIIFieldDataValue(FileStream,
+                                                FieldData,
+                                                I,
+                                                AsciiPrecision);
+                if ((I + 1) % NumValuesPerLine == 0 || I == NumValues - 1)
+                    IsOk = (fputc('\n', FileStream->File) != EOF);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+Boolean_t DumpDatafileString(FileStream_s *FileStream,
+                             const char   *S,
+                             Boolean_t     WriteBinary)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    const char *CPtr = S;
+    if (WriteBinary)
+    {
+        const char *CPtr = S;
+        while (IsOk && CPtr && *CPtr)
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)(unsigned char) * CPtr++);
+        if (IsOk)
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fputc('"', FileStream->File);
+        while (CPtr && *CPtr)
+        {
+            if (*CPtr == '\n')
+            {
+                CPtr++;
+                fputc('\\', FileStream->File);
+                fputc('\\', FileStream->File);
+                fputc('n', FileStream->File);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if ((*CPtr == '"') || (*CPtr == '\\'))
+                    fputc('\\', FileStream->File);
+                fputc(*CPtr++, FileStream->File);
+            }
+        }
+        fputc('"', FileStream->File);
+        IsOk = (fputc('\n', FileStream->File) != EOF);
+    }
+    return (IsOk);
+static void WriteAsciiColor(FILE        *File,
+                            ColorIndex_t Color)
+    if (Color >= FirstCustomColor && Color <= LastCustomColor)
+        fprintf(File, "CUST%1d ", Color - FirstCustomColor + 1);
+    else
+    {
+        switch (Color)
+        {
+            case Black_C  : fprintf(File, "BLACK "); break;
+            case Red_C    : fprintf(File, "RED "); break;
+            case Green_C  : fprintf(File, "GREEN "); break;
+            case Blue_C   : fprintf(File, "BLUE "); break;
+            case Cyan_C   : fprintf(File, "CYAN "); break;
+            case Yellow_C : fprintf(File, "YELLOW "); break;
+            case Purple_C : fprintf(File, "PURPLE "); break;
+            case White_C  : fprintf(File, "WHITE "); break;
+        }
+    }
+static void WriteAsciiTextGeomBasics(FILE*              File,
+                                     CoordSys_e         CoordSys,
+                                     Boolean_t          AttachToZone,
+                                     EntIndex_t         Zone,
+                                     ColorIndex_t       Color,
+                                     Scope_e            Scope,
+                                     Boolean_t          IncludeZ,
+                                     Boolean_t          WriteGridDataAsPolar,
+                                     AnchorPos_u const* AnchorPos,
+                                     double             ScaleFact)
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(AttachToZone, Zone >= 0));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(Scope, Scope_e));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(WriteGridDataAsPolar));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(AnchorPos));
+    fprintf(File, "CS=");
+    if (CoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+        fprintf(File, "FRAME");
+    else if (CoordSys == CoordSys_Grid)
+        fprintf(File, "GRID");
+    /*
+     * Not currently used
+     *
+    else if (CoordSys == CoordSys_FrameOffset)
+      fprintf(File,"FRAMEOFFSET");
+     */
+    else if (CoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+        fprintf(File, "GRID3D");
+    else
+        CHECK(FALSE);
+    if (CoordSys == CoordSys_Grid && !IncludeZ && WriteGridDataAsPolar)
+    {
+        fprintf(File, "\nTHETA=%.12G,R=%.12G",
+                ScaleFact*AnchorPos->ThetaR.Theta,
+                ScaleFact*AnchorPos->ThetaR.R);
+        CHECK(!IncludeZ);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fprintf(File, "\nX=%.12G,Y=%.12G",
+                ScaleFact*AnchorPos->XYZ.X,
+                ScaleFact*AnchorPos->XYZ.Y);
+        if (IncludeZ)
+            fprintf(File, ",Z=%.12G", ScaleFact*AnchorPos->XYZ.Z);
+    }
+    if (AttachToZone)
+        fprintf(File, "\nZN=%d", Zone + 1);
+    fprintf(File, "\nC=");
+    WriteAsciiColor(File, Color);
+    fprintf(File, "\nS=");
+    if (Scope == Scope_Global)
+        fprintf(File, "GLOBAL");
+    else if (Scope == Scope_Local)
+        fprintf(File, "LOCAL");
+    else
+        CHECK(FALSE);
+    fputc('\n', File);
+bool DumpGeometry(FileStream_s* FileStream,
+                  Geom_s const* Geom,
+                  Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+                  Boolean_t     WriteGridDataAsPolar)
+    LgIndex_t       I, Index;
+    LgIndex_t       SegIndex;
+    bool            IsOk = TRUE;
+    FieldDataType_e FDT;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(Geom->GeomType != GeomType_Image);
+    if (WriteBinary)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, GeomMarker, FieldDataType_Float);
+        if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 0);
+        else if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 1);
+#if 0 /*
+        * Not currently used
+        */
+        else if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_FrameOffset)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 2);
+        /*
+         * PositionCoordSys == 3 is for old window coordinate system
+         */
+        else if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 4);
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->Scope);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->DrawOrder);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V1, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V2, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->AnchorPos.Generic.V3, FieldDataType_Double);
+        if (Geom->AttachToZone)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->Zone);
+        else
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t) - 1);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->BColor);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->FillBColor);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->IsFilled);
+        CHECK(Geom->GeomType != GeomType_LineSegs3D); /* deprecated */
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->GeomType);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->LinePattern);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->PatternLength, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->LineThickness, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->NumEllipsePts);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->ArrowheadStyle);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->ArrowheadAttachment);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->ArrowheadSize, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Geom->ArrowheadAngle, FieldDataType_Double);
+        DumpDatafileString(FileStream, Geom->MacroFunctionCommand, TRUE);
+        /*
+         *  Assume geometry has X,Y (and Z) all using same field
+         *  data type.
+         */
+        FDT = GetGeomFieldDataType(Geom);
+        WriteFieldDataType(FileStream, FDT, TRUE);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Geom->Clipping);
+        if (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_LineSegs)
+        {
+            short S;
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, Geom->NumSegments);
+            I = 0;
+            for (S = 0; IsOk && (S < Geom->NumSegments); S++)
+            {
+                WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, Geom->NumSegPts[S]);
+                WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base, I, Geom->NumSegPts[S]);
+                IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base, I, Geom->NumSegPts[S]) == TRUE;
+                if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+                    IsOk = WriteBinaryFieldDataBlock(FileStream, Geom->GeomData.Generic.V3Base, I, Geom->NumSegPts[S]) == TRUE;
+                I += Geom->NumSegPts[S];
+            }
+        }
+        else if (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Rectangle ||
+                 Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Ellipse)
+        {
+            WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0), FDT);
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.YBase, 0), FDT) == TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            CHECK((Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Square) ||
+                  (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Circle));
+            IsOk = WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0), FDT) == TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        double ScaleFact;
+        if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+            ScaleFact = 100.0;
+        else
+            ScaleFact = 1.0;
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "GEOMETRY\nF=POINT\n");
+        WriteAsciiTextGeomBasics(FileStream->File,
+                                 Geom->PositionCoordSys,
+                                 Geom->AttachToZone,
+                                 Geom->Zone,
+                                 Geom->BColor,
+                                 Geom->Scope,
+                                 TRUE,
+                                 WriteGridDataAsPolar,
+                                 &Geom->AnchorPos,
+                                 ScaleFact);
+        switch (Geom->LinePattern)
+        {
+            case LinePattern_Solid      : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=SOLID\n"); break;
+            case LinePattern_Dashed     : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=DASHED\n"); break;
+            case LinePattern_DashDot    : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=DASHDOT\n"); break;
+            case LinePattern_Dotted     : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=DOTTED\n"); break;
+            case LinePattern_LongDash   : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=LONGDASH\n"); break;
+            case LinePattern_DashDotDot : fprintf(FileStream->File, "L=DASHDOTDOT\n"); break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+        }
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "PL=%.12G\n",
+                Geom->PatternLength*PatternLengthInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "LT=%.12G\n",
+                Geom->LineThickness*LineThicknessInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact);
+        if (Geom->IsFilled)
+        {
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "FC=");
+            WriteAsciiColor(FileStream->File, Geom->FillBColor);
+        }
+        if (Geom->Clipping == Clipping_ClipToViewport)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "CLIPPING=CLIPTOVIEWPORT\n");
+        else if (Geom->Clipping == Clipping_ClipToFrame)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "CLIPPING=CLIPTOFRAME\n");
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        if (Geom->DrawOrder == DrawOrder_AfterData)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "DRAWORDER=AFTERDATA\n");
+        else if (Geom->DrawOrder == DrawOrder_BeforeData)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "DRAWORDER=BEFOREDATA\n");
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        /* Macro function command */
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "MFC=");
+        DumpDatafileString(FileStream, Geom->MacroFunctionCommand, FALSE);
+        if ((Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Circle) || (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_Ellipse))
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "EP=%ld\n", (long)Geom->NumEllipsePts);
+        if (Geom->GeomType == GeomType_LineSegs && Geom->PositionCoordSys != CoordSys_Grid3D)
+        {
+            switch (Geom->ArrowheadStyle)
+            {
+                case ArrowheadStyle_Plain  : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AST=PLAIN\n"); break;
+                case ArrowheadStyle_Filled : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AST=FILLED\n"); break;
+                case ArrowheadStyle_Hollow : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AST=HOLLOW\n"); break;
+                default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+            }
+            switch (Geom->ArrowheadAttachment)
+            {
+                case ArrowheadAttachment_None        : break;
+                case ArrowheadAttachment_AtBeginning : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AAT=BEGINNING\n"); break;
+                case ArrowheadAttachment_AtEnd       : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AAT=END\n"); break;
+                case ArrowheadAttachment_AtBothEnds  : fprintf(FileStream->File, "AAT=BOTH\n"); break;
+                default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+            }
+            if (Geom->ArrowheadAttachment != ArrowheadAttachment_None)
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "ASZ=%.12G\n",
+                        Geom->ArrowheadSize*ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact);
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "AAN=%.12G\n",
+                        Geom->ArrowheadAngle*ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact);
+            }
+        }
+        switch (Geom->GeomType)
+        {
+            case GeomType_LineSegs :
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=LINE\n");
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "DT=");
+                WriteFieldDataType(FileStream, GetFieldDataType(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base), FALSE);
+                fputc('\n', FileStream->File);
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "%d\n", (int)Geom->NumSegments);
+                SegIndex = 0;
+                for (I = 0; IsOk && (I < Geom->NumSegments); I++)
+                {
+                    fprintf(FileStream->File, "%ld\n", (long)Geom->NumSegPts[I]);
+                    for (Index = 0; Index < Geom->NumSegPts[I]; Index++)
+                    {
+                        fprintf(FileStream->File, "%.12G ", GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base, SegIndex + Index)*ScaleFact);
+                        fprintf(FileStream->File, "%.12G", GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base, SegIndex + Index)*ScaleFact);
+                        if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+                            IsOk = FPRINTFOK(fprintf(FileStream->File, " %.12G\n", GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V3Base, SegIndex + Index)));
+                        else
+                            IsOk = (Boolean_t)(fputc('\n', FileStream->File) != EOF);
+                    }
+                    SegIndex += Geom->NumSegPts[I];
+                }
+            } break;
+            case GeomType_Rectangle :
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=RECTANGLE %.12G %.12G\n",
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0)*ScaleFact,
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.YBase, 0)*ScaleFact);
+            } break;
+            case GeomType_Square :
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=SQUARE %.12G\n",
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0)*ScaleFact);
+            } break;
+            case GeomType_Circle :
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=CIRCLE %.12G\n",
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0)*ScaleFact);
+            } break;
+            case GeomType_Ellipse :
+            {
+                fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=ELLIPSE %.12G %.12G\n",
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.XBase, 0)*ScaleFact,
+                        GetFieldValue(Geom->GeomData.XYZ.YBase, 0)*ScaleFact);
+            } break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+bool DumpText(FileStream_s* FileStream,
+              Text_s const* Text,
+              Boolean_t     WriteBinary,
+              Boolean_t     WriteGridDataAsPolar)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(WriteGridDataAsPolar));
+    if (WriteBinary)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, TextMarker, FieldDataType_Float);
+        if (Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 0);
+        else if (Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 1);
+#if 0 /*
+        * Not currently used
+        */
+        else if (Geom->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_FrameOffset)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 2);
+        /*
+         * 3 is used for old window coordinate system
+         */
+        else if (Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 4);
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Scope);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V1, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V2, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->AnchorPos.Generic.V3, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->TextShape.Font);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->TextShape.SizeUnits);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->TextShape.Height, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Box.BoxType);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->Box.Margin, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->Box.LineThickness, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Box.BColor);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Box.FillBColor);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->Angle, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, Text->LineSpacing, FieldDataType_Double);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Anchor);
+        if (Text->AttachToZone)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Zone);
+        else
+            WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t) - 1);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->BColor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        double ScaleFact;
+        Boolean_t IncludeZ = Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Grid3D;
+        if (Text->PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+            ScaleFact = 100.0;
+        else
+            ScaleFact = 1.0;
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "TEXT\n");
+        WriteAsciiTextGeomBasics(FileStream->File,
+                                 Text->PositionCoordSys,
+                                 Text->AttachToZone,
+                                 Text->Zone,
+                                 Text->BColor,
+                                 Text->Scope,
+                                 IncludeZ,
+                                 WriteGridDataAsPolar,
+                                 &Text->AnchorPos,
+                                 ScaleFact);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "HU=");
+        switch (Text->TextShape.SizeUnits)
+        {
+            case Units_Grid  : fprintf(FileStream->File, "GRID\n"); break;
+            case Units_Frame : fprintf(FileStream->File, "FRAME\n"); break;
+            case Units_Point : fprintf(FileStream->File, "POINT\n"); break;
+            case Units_AxisPercentage : /* Not allowed */
+            default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+        }
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "LS=%.4G ", Text->LineSpacing);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "AN=");
+        switch (Text->Anchor)
+        {
+            case TextAnchor_Left       : fprintf(FileStream->File, "LEFT\n");        break;
+            case TextAnchor_Center     : fprintf(FileStream->File, "CENTER\n");      break;
+            case TextAnchor_Right      : fprintf(FileStream->File, "RIGHT\n");       break;
+            case TextAnchor_MidLeft    : fprintf(FileStream->File, "MIDLEFT\n");     break;
+            case TextAnchor_MidCenter  : fprintf(FileStream->File, "MIDCENTER\n");   break;
+            case TextAnchor_MidRight   : fprintf(FileStream->File, "MIDRIGHT\n");    break;
+            case TextAnchor_HeadLeft   : fprintf(FileStream->File, "HEADLEFT\n");    break;
+            case TextAnchor_HeadCenter : fprintf(FileStream->File, "HEADCENTER\n");  break;
+            case TextAnchor_HeadRight  : fprintf(FileStream->File, "HEADRIGHT\n");   break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+        }
+        switch (Text->Box.BoxType)
+        {
+            case TextBox_Hollow : fprintf(FileStream->File, "BX=Hollow "); break;
+            case TextBox_Filled : fprintf(FileStream->File, "BX=Filled "); break;
+            default :;
+        }
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "BXM=%.4G ", Text->Box.Margin*100);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "LT=%.4G ", Text->Box.LineThickness*100.0);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "BXO="); WriteAsciiColor(FileStream->File, Text->Box.BColor);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "BXF="); WriteAsciiColor(FileStream->File, Text->Box.FillBColor);
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "\nF=");
+        switch (Text->TextShape.Font)
+        {
+            case Font_Helvetica     :   fprintf(FileStream->File, "HELV");         break;
+            case Font_HelveticaBold :   fprintf(FileStream->File, "HELV-BOLD");    break;
+            case Font_Times    :        fprintf(FileStream->File, "TIMES");        break;
+            case Font_TimesBold:        fprintf(FileStream->File, "TIMES-BOLD");   break;
+            case Font_TimesItalic :     fprintf(FileStream->File, "TIMES-ITALIC"); break;
+            case Font_TimesItalicBold : fprintf(FileStream->File, "TIMES-ITALIC-BOLD"); break;
+            case Font_Courier  :        fprintf(FileStream->File, "COURIER");      break;
+            case Font_CourierBold  :    fprintf(FileStream->File, "COURIER-BOLD"); break;
+            case Font_Greek    :        fprintf(FileStream->File, "GREEK");        break;
+            case Font_Math     :        fprintf(FileStream->File, "MATH");         break;
+            case Font_UserDefined  :    fprintf(FileStream->File, "USER-DEF");     break;
+            default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+        }
+        if (Text->TextShape.SizeUnits == Units_Frame)
+            ScaleFact = 100.0;
+        else
+            ScaleFact = 1.0;
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "\nH=%.12G A=%.12G",
+                Text->TextShape.Height*ScaleFact,
+                Text->Angle*DEGPERRADIANS);
+    }
+    if (!WriteBinary)
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "\nMFC=");
+    DumpDatafileString(FileStream, Text->MacroFunctionCommand, WriteBinary);
+    if (!WriteBinary)
+    {
+        if (Text->Clipping == Clipping_ClipToViewport)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "CLIPPING=CLIPTOVIEWPORT\n");
+        else if (Text->Clipping == Clipping_ClipToFrame)
+            fprintf(FileStream->File, "CLIPPING=CLIPTOFRAME\n");
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, (LgIndex_t)Text->Clipping);
+    }
+    if (!WriteBinary)
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, "T=");
+    return DumpDatafileString(FileStream, Text->Text, WriteBinary) == TRUE;
+Boolean_t DumpCustomAxisLabels(FileStream_s  *FileStream,
+                               Boolean_t      WriteBinary,
+                               StringList_pa  LabelBase)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    LgIndex_t Index = 0;
+    LgIndex_t Count = 0;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream) && VALID_REF(FileStream->File));
+    REQUIRE(StringListValid(LabelBase));
+    Count = StringListCount(LabelBase);
+    if (WriteBinary)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryReal(FileStream, CustomLabelMarker, FieldDataType_Float);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, Count);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        fprintf(FileStream->File, " CUSTOMLABELS = \n");
+    }
+    for (Index = 0, IsOk = TRUE; Index < Count && IsOk; Index++)
+    {
+        const char *CurLabel = StringListGetStringRef(LabelBase, Index);
+        IsOk = DumpDatafileString(FileStream, CurLabel, WriteBinary);
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+Boolean_t WriteBinaryMagic(FileStream_s *FileStream)
+    /*
+     * Write an integer value of 1 to the file.  This is used
+     * by the reader to determine byte order of the file.
+     */
+    return (WriteBinaryInt32(FileStream, 1));
+ */
+bool writeBinaryVersionNumber(FileStream_s& fileStream,
+                              int           versionNumber)
+    char buffer[5];
+    sprintf(buffer,
+            "V%-3d",
+            versionNumber);
+    CHECK(strlen(buffer) == 4);
+    return fprintf(fileStream.File,
+                   "#!TD%s",
+                   buffer) > 0;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined SUN
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#if 0 /* not used yet */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fd35a87dcf20358649b4e6d518e28bdefa70c401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "AUXDATA.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+#include <float.h>
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE /* TODO(RMS)-H 12/12/2005: ENGINE: refactor to use just the Interrupted flag as-is */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * Cleanout the contents of the zone spec item but leaves the zone spec item.
+ * This effectively leaves the zone spec structure in the same state as calling
+ * ZoneSpecAlloc initially.
+ *
+ * param ZoneSpec
+ *     Zone spec item to cleanup.
+ */
+void CleanoutZoneSpec(ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    if (ZoneSpec->Name != NULL)
+        FREE_ARRAY(ZoneSpec->Name, "ZoneSpec name");
+    if (ZoneSpec->AuxData != NULL)
+        AuxDataDealloc(&ZoneSpec->AuxData);
+    SetZoneSpecDefaults(ZoneSpec);
+ */
+void ZoneSpecDealloc(ZoneSpec_s **ZoneSpec)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*ZoneSpec) || *ZoneSpec == NULL);
+    if (*ZoneSpec != NULL)
+    {
+        CleanoutZoneSpec(*ZoneSpec);
+        FREE_ITEM(*ZoneSpec, "ZoneSpec structure");
+        *ZoneSpec = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*ZoneSpec == NULL);
+ */
+Boolean_t ZoneSpecItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                 ArbParam_t ClientData)
+    ZoneSpec_s **ZoneSpecRef = (ZoneSpec_s **)ItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpecRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*ZoneSpecRef) || *ZoneSpecRef == NULL);
+    if (*ZoneSpecRef != NULL)
+        ZoneSpecDealloc(ZoneSpecRef);
+    ENSURE(*ZoneSpecRef == NULL);
+    return TRUE;
+ */
+void SetZoneSpecDefaults(ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    ZoneSpec->Name                         = NULL;
+    ZoneSpec->UniqueID                     = INVALID_UNIQUE_ID;
+    ZoneSpec->ParentZone                   = BAD_SET_VALUE;
+    ZoneSpec->StrandID                     = STRAND_ID_STATIC;
+    ZoneSpec->SolutionTime                 = 0.0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumPtsI                      = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ                      = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumPtsK                      = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->ICellDim                     = 0; // ...currently not used
+    ZoneSpec->JCellDim                     = 0; // ...currently not used
+    ZoneSpec->KCellDim                     = 0; // ...currently not used
+    ZoneSpec->Type                         = ZoneType_Ordered;
+    ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.PresetZoneColor = NoColor_C;
+    ZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat = TRUE;
+    ZoneSpec->AuxData                      = NULL;
+    ZoneSpec->BuildZoneOptInfo             = TRUE;
+    /* classic data only */
+    ZoneSpec->FNMode                    = FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne;
+    ZoneSpec->FNAreCellFaceNbrsSupplied = FALSE;
+    /* polytope data only */
+    ZoneSpec->NumFaceNodes      = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryItems = 0;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ */
+void ZoneSpecExcludeBndryConnsFromMetrics(ZoneSpec_s* ZoneSpec)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ZoneSpec));
+    /* classic data face connectivity fixup (leave FNMode as-is) */
+    ZoneSpec->FNAreCellFaceNbrsSupplied = FALSE; // ...if we invalidate boundary connections CellFaceNbrs must now be auto-generated
+    /* polytope data face connectivity fixup */
+    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+    ZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryItems = 0;
+ */
+ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpecAlloc(void)
+    ZoneSpec_s *Result;
+    Result = (ZoneSpec_s *)ALLOC_ITEM(ZoneSpec_s, "ZoneSpec structure");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+        SetZoneSpecDefaults(Result);
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Adjusts the capacity request as necessary to minimize memory reallocations
+ * for large lists. The adjusted capacity will be at least as big as requested
+ * however it may be larger if it is determined that the space requirement is
+ * growing faster.
+ *
+ * param ZoneOrVarArrayList
+ *     Array list requesting the change in capacity.
+ * param CurrentCapacity
+ *     Current capacity of the array list.
+ * param RequestedCapacity
+ *     Capacity request or zero for default size.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for the adjustment.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     Adjusted capacity that is at least as large as the request or zero if
+ *     unable to satisfy the requested capacity.
+ */
+LgIndex_t ZoneOrVarListAdjustCapacityRequest(ArrayList_pa ZoneOrVarArrayList,
+                                             LgIndex_t    CurrentCapacity,
+                                             LgIndex_t    RequestedCapacity,
+                                             ArbParam_t   ClientData)
+    LgIndex_t Result;
+    REQUIRE(ArrayListIsValid(ZoneOrVarArrayList));
+    REQUIRE((RequestedCapacity == 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0) ||
+            RequestedCapacity > CurrentCapacity);
+    REQUIRE(CurrentCapacity <= MaxNumZonesOrVars);
+    if (RequestedCapacity <= MaxNumZonesOrVars)
+    {
+        if (RequestedCapacity != 0 && CurrentCapacity == 0)
+        {
+            /* first allocation; assume the request is the desired capacityy */
+            Result = RequestedCapacity;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            const LgIndex_t DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 32;
+            LgIndex_t       BlockSize = MAX(DEFAULT_CAPACITY, CurrentCapacity / 2);
+            if (RequestedCapacity == 0)
+                Result = DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
+            else
+                Result = ((RequestedCapacity - 1) / BlockSize + 1) * BlockSize;
+            /* put a cap on the maximum */
+            if (Result > MaxNumZonesOrVars)
+                Result = MaxNumZonesOrVars;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        Result = 0; /* request exceeded maximum; unable to satisfy request */
+    ENSURE(Result == 0 || Result >= RequestedCapacity);
+    ENSURE(Result <= MaxNumZonesOrVars);
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#         if defined DEBUGUNIQUE
+#         endif
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset0.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset0.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c18ca539d9f0c3afefa45dff7f33543eb968f83c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/dataset0.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "DATASHR.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "Q_MSG.h"
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Low level dataset functions.  No references to zones, vars or
+ * the DataSet_s master structure here.
+ */
+ */
+void OutOfMemoryMsg(void)
+    ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate enough memory for this operation."));
+} /* OutOfMemoryMsg() */
+ */
+FieldData_pa FieldDataAlloc(void)
+    FieldData_pa Result;
+    Result = (FieldData_pa)ALLOC_ITEM(struct _FieldData_a, "FieldDataPtr");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Result->Data = NULL;
+#     if defined TECPLOTKERNEL /* TecIO doesn't require these features yet */
+#     else /* ...for TecIO only */
+        Result->GetValueCallback[0] = NULL;
+        Result->SetValueCallback[0] = NULL;
+#     endif
+#     if defined TECPLOTKERNEL /* TecIO doesn't require these features yet */
+#     endif
+        Result->Type             = FieldDataType_Invalid;
+        Result->ValueLocation    = ValueLocation_Invalid;
+        Result->RefCount         = 1; /* self */
+        Result->VarShareRefCount = 1; /* self */
+        Result->NumValues        = 0;
+#     if defined TECPLOTKERNEL /* TecIO doesn't require these features yet */
+#     endif
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ * Most clients should not call this function but FieldDataCleanup() instead.
+ * An exception to this would be Tecplot's own storable load-on-demand
+ * functions.
+ */
+void FieldDataDeallocData(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        if (FieldData->Data != NULL)
+        {
+            /* Hack to remove 'deleting void* is undefined' warning... */
+            char *Tmp = (char *)FieldData->Data;
+            FREE_ARRAY(Tmp, "FieldData _Data");
+            FieldData->Data = NULL;
+        }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    ENSURE(FieldData->Data == NULL);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+void FieldDataCleanup(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# else
+    FieldDataDeallocData(FieldData);
+# endif
+ */
+void FieldDataDealloc(FieldData_pa *FieldData,
+                      Boolean_t     DoTrackVarSharing)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*FieldData) || *FieldData == NULL);
+                        IsStructureReferenced(*FieldData)));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(*FieldData != NULL && DoTrackVarSharing,
+                        IsVarStructureReferenced(*FieldData)));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(DoTrackVarSharing));
+                        (*FieldData)->RefCount >= (*FieldData)->VarShareRefCount));
+    if (*FieldData != NULL)
+    {
+        if (DoTrackVarSharing)
+            DecVarStructureReference(*FieldData);
+        DecStructureReference(*FieldData);
+        if (!IsStructureReferenced(*FieldData))
+        {
+            FieldDataCleanup(*FieldData);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+            FREE_ITEM(*FieldData, "field data");
+        }
+        *FieldData = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*FieldData == NULL);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NDEBUG || defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NDEBUG || defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+template <typename T>
+static void copyTypedValueArray(void*     DstArray,
+                                LgIndex_t DstStart,
+                                void*     SrcArray,
+                                LgIndex_t SrcStart,
+                                LgIndex_t SrcEnd)
+    T* SrcPtr    = ((T*)SrcArray) + SrcStart;
+    T* DstPtr    = ((T*)DstArray) + DstStart;
+    size_t numBytes = sizeof(T) * (SrcEnd - SrcStart + 1);
+    memcpy(DstPtr, SrcPtr, numBytes);
+ * DstArray and SrcArray are aligned on proper word boundaries.
+ */
+void CopyTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                         void            *DstArray,
+                         LgIndex_t        DstStart,
+                         void            *SrcArray,
+                         LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                         LgIndex_t        SrcEnd)
+            ValueType != FieldDataType_Bit);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DstArray));
+    REQUIRE(DstStart >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SrcArray));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= SrcStart && SrcStart <= SrcEnd);
+    REQUIRE(DstArray != SrcArray);
+    switch (ValueType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Int64 : CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: remove check */
+        case FieldDataType_Double :
+        {
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt64_t) == 8 && sizeof(double) == 8);
+            copyTypedValueArray<UInt64_t>(DstArray,
+                                          DstStart,
+                                          SrcArray,
+                                          SrcStart,
+                                          SrcEnd);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Float :
+        case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+        {
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt32_t) == 4 && sizeof(float) == 4);
+            copyTypedValueArray<UInt32_t>(DstArray,
+                                          DstStart,
+                                          SrcArray,
+                                          SrcStart,
+                                          SrcEnd);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+        {
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt16_t) == 2);
+            copyTypedValueArray<UInt16_t>(DstArray,
+                                          DstStart,
+                                          SrcArray,
+                                          SrcStart,
+                                          SrcEnd);
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte :
+        {
+            copyTypedValueArray<Byte_t>(DstArray,
+                                        DstStart,
+                                        SrcArray,
+                                        SrcStart,
+                                        SrcEnd);
+        } break;
+        default : CHECK(FALSE);
+    }
+ * SrcArray is aligned on proper word boundaries.
+ */
+void SwapBytesInTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                                void            *SrcArray,
+                                LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                                LgIndex_t        SrcEnd,
+                                LgIndex_t        SrcSkip)
+            ValueType != FieldDataType_Bit);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SrcArray));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= SrcStart && SrcStart <= SrcEnd);
+    REQUIRE(SrcSkip > 0);
+    switch (ValueType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Int64: CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: remove CHECK */
+        case FieldDataType_Double:
+        {
+            /* swap 8 bytes blocks */
+            UInt64_t *SrcPtr = ((UInt64_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart;
+            UInt64_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((UInt64_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd;
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt64_t) == 8 && sizeof(double) == 8);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_8_BYTES(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += SrcSkip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Float:
+        case FieldDataType_Int32:
+        {
+            /* swap 4 bytes blocks */
+            UInt32_t *SrcPtr = ((UInt32_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart;
+            UInt32_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((UInt32_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd;
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt32_t) == 4 && sizeof(float) == 4);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_4_BYTES(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += SrcSkip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16:
+        {
+            /* swap 4 bytes blocks */
+            UInt16_t *SrcPtr = ((UInt16_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart;
+            UInt16_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((UInt16_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd;
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt16_t) == 2);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_2_BYTES(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += SrcSkip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte:
+        case FieldDataType_Bit:
+        {
+            /* nothing to do */
+        } break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE);
+    }
+ * Same as SwapBytesInTypedValueArray, but does extra work.  Doesn't assume
+ * DstArray and SrcArray are aligned on proper word boundaries.
+ */
+void SwapBytesInUnalignedTypedValueArray(FieldDataType_e  ValueType,
+                                         void            *SrcArray,
+                                         LgIndex_t        SrcStart,
+                                         LgIndex_t        SrcEnd,
+                                         LgIndex_t        SrcSkip)
+            ValueType != FieldDataType_Bit);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SrcArray));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= SrcStart && SrcStart <= SrcEnd);
+    REQUIRE(SrcSkip > 0);
+    switch (ValueType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Int64: CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: remove CHECK */
+        case FieldDataType_Double:
+        {
+            /* swap 8-byte blocks */
+            Byte_t *SrcPtr = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart * sizeof(UInt64_t);
+            Byte_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd * sizeof(UInt64_t);
+            size_t byte_skip = SrcSkip * sizeof(UInt64_t);
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt64_t) == 8 && sizeof(double) == 8);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_8_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += byte_skip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Float:
+        case FieldDataType_Int32:
+        {
+            /* swap 4-byte blocks */
+            Byte_t *SrcPtr = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart * sizeof(UInt32_t);
+            Byte_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd * sizeof(UInt32_t);
+            size_t byte_skip = SrcSkip * sizeof(UInt32_t);
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt32_t) == 4 && sizeof(float) == 4);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_4_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += byte_skip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16:
+        {
+            /* swap 2-byte blocks */
+            Byte_t *SrcPtr = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcStart * sizeof(UInt16_t);
+            Byte_t *SrcPtrEnd = ((Byte_t *)SrcArray) + SrcEnd * sizeof(UInt16_t);
+            size_t byte_skip = SrcSkip * sizeof(UInt16_t);
+            CHECK(sizeof(UInt16_t) == 2);
+            while (SrcPtr <= SrcPtrEnd)
+            {
+                REVERSE_2_BYTES_1_AT_A_TIME(SrcPtr);
+                SrcPtr += byte_skip;
+            }
+        } break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte:
+        case FieldDataType_Bit:
+        {
+            /* No swapping required. */
+        } break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE);
+    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+static unsigned char BadValueStr[] =
+ * If Tecplot is responsible for managing (allocating and deallocating) the
+ * raw data then
+ */
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# else
+#   define FIELD_DATA_VALUE_IS_INITIALIZED(fd, pt, type) \
+                   ((sizeof(type) < 4) /* cannot make reliably test with less than four bytes */ || \
+                    memcmp(BadValueStr,((char *)((fd)->Data))+sizeof(type)*(pt), sizeof(type)) != 0)
+# endif
+ * Used in macros, thus not static
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForFloat(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                     LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    double Result = (double)GetFieldDataFloatPtr(fd)[pt];
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Used in macros, thus not static
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForDouble(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                      LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    double Result = GetFieldDataDoublePtr(fd)[pt];
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForInt32(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                     LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    double Result = (double)GetFieldDataInt32Ptr(fd)[pt];
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForInt16(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                     LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    double Result = (double)GetFieldDataInt16Ptr(fd)[pt];
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForByte(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                    LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Byte);
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    double Result = (double)GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[pt];
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+double STDCALL GetFieldValueForBit(const FieldData_pa fd,
+                                   LgIndex_t          pt)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Bit);
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    LgIndex_t ByteOffset = pt / 8;
+    Byte_t    BitMask    = (01 << (pt % 8));
+    Byte_t *byte_array = GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd);
+    double Result = (byte_array[ByteOffset] & BitMask) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+FieldValueGetFunction_pf DetermineFieldDataGetFunction(FieldDataType_e DataType,
+                                                       Boolean_t       IsFragmented)
+    FieldValueGetFunction_pf Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(IsFragmented));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    {
+        switch (DataType)
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Float :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForFloat;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Double :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForDouble;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForInt32;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForInt16;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForByte;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit :
+            {
+                Result = GetFieldValueForBit;
+            } break;
+            default :
+            {
+                CHECK(FALSE);
+                Result = NULL; /* satisfy compiler */
+            } break;
+        }
+    }
+    return (Result);
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForFloat(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                          LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                          double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    GetFieldDataFloatPtr(fd)[pt] = CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_FLOAT(val);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForDouble(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                           LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                           double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    GetFieldDataDoublePtr(fd)[pt] = CLAMP_DOUBLE(val);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForInt32(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                          LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                          double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    GetFieldDataInt32Ptr(fd)[pt] = CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_INT32(val);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForInt16(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                          LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                          double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    GetFieldDataInt16Ptr(fd)[pt] = CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_INT16(val);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForByte(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                         LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                         double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Byte);
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    if (val < 1.0)
+        GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[pt] = 0;
+    else if (val > 255.0)
+        GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[pt] = 255;
+    else
+        GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[pt] = (Byte_t)val;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+static void STDCALL SetFieldValueForBit(FieldData_pa fd,
+                                        LgIndex_t    pt,
+                                        double       val)
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Bit);
+    REQUIRE(0 <= pt && pt < GetFieldDataNumValues(fd));
+    REQUIRE("val can have any value");
+    LgIndex_t ByteOffset = pt / 8;
+    Byte_t    BitMask    = (01 << (pt % 8));
+    if (val < 1.0)
+        GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[ByteOffset] &= ~BitMask;
+    else
+        GetFieldDataBytePtr(fd)[ByteOffset] |= BitMask;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+FieldValueSetFunction_pf DetermineFieldDataSetFunction(FieldDataType_e DataType,
+                                                       Boolean_t       IsFragmented)
+    FieldValueSetFunction_pf Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(IsFragmented));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    {
+        switch (DataType)
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Float :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForFloat;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Double :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForDouble;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForInt32;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForInt16;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForByte;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit :
+            {
+                Result = SetFieldValueForBit;
+            } break;
+            default :
+            {
+                CHECK(FALSE);
+                Result = NULL; /* satisfy compiler */
+            } break;
+        }
+    }
+    return (Result);
+ */
+Int64_t FieldDataGetBytesNeeded(LgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                                FieldDataType_e DataType)
+    Int64_t Result = 0; /* ...quite compiler */
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    switch (DataType)
+    {
+        case FieldDataType_Float:  Result = ((Int64_t)NumValues)*sizeof(float);        break;
+        case FieldDataType_Double: Result = ((Int64_t)NumValues)*sizeof(double);       break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int32:  Result = ((Int64_t)NumValues)*sizeof(LgIndex_t);    break;
+        case FieldDataType_Int16:  Result = ((Int64_t)NumValues)*sizeof(SmInteger_t);  break;
+        case FieldDataType_Byte:   Result = ((Int64_t)NumValues)*sizeof(Byte_t);       break;
+        case FieldDataType_Bit:    Result = ((Int64_t)(NumValues+7)/8)*sizeof(Byte_t); break;
+        default: CHECK(FALSE); break;
+    }
+    ENSURE(Result >= 0);
+    return Result;
+ * On the SGI, HP, and Sun machines 64 bit objects such as doubles must be 8
+ * byte aligned while on all other machines 32 bit alignment suffices. Some
+ * allow 1 byte alignment but we won't bother with that.
+ */
+#if defined IRISX || defined HPUX || defined SUNX
+# define SIZEOF_LARGEST_OBJECT_TO_ALIGN sizeof(Int64_t)
+# define SIZEOF_LARGEST_OBJECT_TO_ALIGN sizeof(Int32_t)
+ */
+Boolean_t IsOffsetAlignedForFieldDataType(FieldDataType_e FieldDataType,
+                                          Int64_t         Offset)
+    REQUIRE(Offset >= 0);
+    Int64_t SizeOfType = FieldDataGetBytesNeeded(1, FieldDataType);
+    if (SizeOfType > (Int64_t)SIZEOF_LARGEST_OBJECT_TO_ALIGN)
+    Boolean_t HasValidAlignment = (Offset % SizeOfType == 0);
+    ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(HasValidAlignment));
+    return HasValidAlignment;
+ */
+Int64_t GetAlignedOffsetForFieldDataType(FieldDataType_e FieldDataType,
+                                         Int64_t         Offset)
+    REQUIRE(Offset >= 0);
+    Int64_t SizeOfType = FieldDataGetBytesNeeded(1, FieldDataType);
+    if (SizeOfType > (Int64_t)SIZEOF_LARGEST_OBJECT_TO_ALIGN)
+    Int64_t NumBytesPastAlignment = (Offset % SizeOfType);
+    Int64_t Result = Offset - NumBytesPastAlignment;
+    ENSURE(0 <= Result && Result <= Offset);
+    ENSURE(IsOffsetAlignedForFieldDataType(FieldDataType, Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+void FieldDataDefineData(FieldData_pa    FieldData,
+                         LgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                         FieldDataType_e DataType,
+                         ValueLocation_e ValueLocation)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_ENUM(ValueLocation, ValueLocation_e));
+    /*
+     * Remove any old data (transformed UVW is one example that calls this
+     * function with a non-null data pointer when switching the value location
+     * when style changes the value location and therefore the amount of data
+     * allocated.)
+     */
+    FieldDataCleanup(FieldData);
+    /*
+     * The reference count is not modified here. This function only allocates the
+     * structure and makes adjustments to the some of the members. The reference
+     * count was initialized when the structure was initially created and the
+     * structure may be shared before the data portion is even allocated.
+     */
+    FieldData->NumValues                = NumValues;
+    FieldData->Type                     = DataType;
+    FieldData->ValueLocation            = ValueLocation;
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# else /* ...for TecIO only */
+    FieldData->GetValueCallback[0] = (void *)DetermineFieldDataGetFunction(DataType, FALSE);
+    FieldData->SetValueCallback[0] = (void *)DetermineFieldDataSetFunction(DataType, FALSE);
+    ENSURE(FieldData->Data == NULL);
+ */
+Boolean_t FieldDataAllocData(FieldData_pa FieldData,
+                             Boolean_t    ShowErrMsg)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    REQUIRE(FieldData->Type != FieldDataType_Invalid); /* ...must call FieldDataDefineData first */
+    REQUIRE(FieldData->Data == NULL);
+    /*
+     * The size of size_t may be smaller than our unsigned 64 bit integer value
+     * so we might have to squeeze it down possibly loosing precision.
+     */
+    Int64_t ActualBytesNeeded = FieldDataGetBytesNeeded(FieldData->NumValues, FieldData->Type);
+    size_t  BytesToAllocate   = (size_t)ActualBytesNeeded;
+    /*
+     * 64 bit architectures are effectively unlimited in their allocation size
+     * while 32 architectures are limited to 4GB (some may limit further to 2GB
+     * which will be borne out by the call to malloc).
+     */
+    CHECK(sizeof(size_t) == 4 || sizeof(size_t) == 8);
+    Boolean_t IsOk = (FieldData->NumValues <= MAXINDEX &&
+                      IMPLICATION(sizeof(size_t) == 4,
+                                  ActualBytesNeeded <= (Int64_t)0xffffffff));
+    if (IsOk)
+    {
+        if (FieldData->NumValues > 0)
+        {
+            FieldData->Data = (void *)ALLOC_ARRAY(BytesToAllocate, char, "FieldData's Data");
+            #if defined DEBUG_FIELDVALUES
+            {
+                if (FieldData->Data != NULL)
+                    memset(FieldData->Data, DEBUG_FIELDVALUES_BAD_VALUE, BytesToAllocate);
+            }
+            #endif
+            /*
+             * For bit type data zero the last byte in the data array. We do
+             * this because NumValues is probably not a multiple of 8 bits and
+             * thus the valid bit values will not occupy all bits of the last
+             * byte. By zeroing the unused bits at the end of the array we
+             * produce consistent data files when written to disk.
+             */
+            if (FieldData->Type == FieldDataType_Bit)
+                ((char*)FieldData->Data)[BytesToAllocate-1] = '\0';
+        }
+        IsOk = (FieldData->NumValues == 0 ||
+                FieldData->Data != NULL);
+        if (!IsOk && ShowErrMsg)
+            OutOfMemoryMsg();
+    }
+    else if (ShowErrMsg)
+        ErrMsg(translate("Storage limit (%ld) exceeded for a single variable."), (long)MAXINDEX);
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(FieldData->Data) || FieldData->Data == NULL);
+    return IsOk;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Allocates a field data pointer with space for "num_pts" of field data type
+ * "field_data_type" nodal values.
+ *
+ *   This field data may NOT be used for zones but only for things like
+ *   geometries or other temporary field data that will never be placed
+ *   into a COB or zone.
+ */
+FieldData_pa AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(LgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                                           FieldDataType_e Type,
+                                           Boolean_t       ShowErrMsg)
+    REQUIRE(NumValues >= 0);
+    FieldData_pa Result = FieldDataAlloc();
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        FieldDataDefineData(Result, NumValues, Type, ValueLocation_Nodal);
+        if (!FieldDataAllocData(Result, ShowErrMsg))
+            FieldDataDealloc(&Result, FALSE);
+    }
+    else if (ShowErrMsg)
+        OutOfMemoryMsg();
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# endif
+                       (Result->NumValues >= 0                &&
+                        IMPLICATION(Result->NumValues != 0,
+                                    VALID_REF(Result->Data))  &&
+                        VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPE(Result->Type))));
+    return Result;
+ * Frees memory allocated with AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr().
+ *
+ * @param ScratchFieldData
+ *   Scratch field data pointer to deallocate. This should NEVER be a field
+ *   data from a zone or COB. See note in AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr().
+ */
+void DeallocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(FieldData_pa *FieldDataRef)
+    FieldDataDealloc(FieldDataRef,
+                     FALSE); /* DoTrackVarSharing */
+ */
+FieldDataType_e GetFieldDataType_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    FieldDataType_e Result = GetFieldDataType_MACRO(FieldData);
+    return Result;
+ */
+FieldValueGetFunction_pf GetFieldDataGetFunction_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    FieldValueGetFunction_pf Result = GetFieldDataGetFunction_MACRO(FieldData);
+    ENSURE(VALID_FN_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+FieldValueSetFunction_pf GetFieldDataSetFunction_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    FieldValueSetFunction_pf Result = GetFieldDataSetFunction_MACRO(FieldData);
+    ENSURE(VALID_FN_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+LgIndex_t GetFieldDataNumValues_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    LgIndex_t Result = GetFieldDataNumValues_MACRO(FieldData);
+    ENSURE(Result >= 0);
+    return Result;
+ */
+ValueLocation_e GetFieldDataValueLocation_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    ValueLocation_e Result = GetFieldDataValueLocation_MACRO(FieldData);
+    ENSURE(Result == ValueLocation_Invalid || /* i.e. pending assignment */
+           VALID_ENUM(Result, ValueLocation_e));
+    return Result;
+ */
+Boolean_t IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_FUNC(FieldData_pa FieldData)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FieldData));
+    Boolean_t Result = IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed_MACRO(FieldData);
+    return Result;
+ */
+float *GetFieldDataFloatPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    float *Result = GetFieldDataFloatPtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+double *GetFieldDataDoublePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    double *Result = GetFieldDataDoublePtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+Int64_t *GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    Int64_t *Result = GetFieldDataInt64Ptr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+Int32_t *GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    Int32_t *Result = GetFieldDataInt32Ptr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ */
+Int16_t *GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    Int16_t *Result = GetFieldDataInt16Ptr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * No byte ordering or alignment issues with single bytes (which are also used with the "Bit" type)
+ */
+Byte_t *GetFieldDataBytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    /*
+     * This function gets called for Byte and Bit types, but we cannot REQUIRE
+     * those types because it is also used for non-aligned values.  We can't
+     * check for non-aligned because we might be copying aligned bytes to a
+     * non-aligned location.
+     */
+    Byte_t *Result = GetFieldDataBytePtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * Gets a ptr to 2-byte blocks regardless of byte ordering, but still has to
+ * worry about byte alignment
+ */
+UInt16_t *GetFieldData2BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Int16);
+    UInt16_t *Result = GetFieldData2BytePtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * Gets a ptr to 4-byte blocks regardless of byte ordering, but still has to
+ * worry about byte alignment
+ */
+UInt32_t *GetFieldData4BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Int32 || fd->Type == FieldDataType_Float);
+    UInt32_t *Result = GetFieldData4BytePtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * Gets a ptr to 8-byte blocks regardless of byte ordering, but still has to
+ * worry about byte alignment
+ */
+UInt64_t *GetFieldData8BytePtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    REQUIRE(fd->Type == FieldDataType_Int64 || fd->Type == FieldDataType_Double);
+    UInt64_t *Result = GetFieldData8BytePtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+ * WARNING: GetFieldDataVoidPtr checks nothing, and thus should only be
+ * used with extreme caution (that is, checking the alignment
+ * and byte order by hand).
+ */
+void *GetFieldDataVoidPtr_FUNC(FieldData_pa fd)
+    void *Result = GetFieldDataVoidPtr_MACRO(fd);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ */
+void CopyFieldValue(FieldData_pa  dst,
+                    LgIndex_t     dstindex,
+                    FieldData_pa  src,
+                    LgIndex_t     srcindex)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+    REQUIRE(dstindex >= 0 && dstindex < GetFieldDataNumValues(dst) &&
+            srcindex >= 0 && srcindex < GetFieldDataNumValues(src));
+    Boolean_t DoBruteForceCopy = TRUE;
+    if (IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed(src) &&
+        IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed(dst) &&
+        GetFieldDataType(src) == GetFieldDataType(dst))
+    {
+        switch (GetFieldDataType(src))
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Int64 : CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: remove and let fall through */
+            case FieldDataType_Double :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt64_t) == 8 && sizeof(double) == 8);
+                UInt64_t *dst_ptr = GetFieldData8BytePtr(dst) + dstindex;
+                UInt64_t *src_ptr = GetFieldData8BytePtr(src) + srcindex;
+                *dst_ptr = *src_ptr;
+                DoBruteForceCopy = FALSE;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Float :
+            case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt32_t) == 4 && sizeof(float) == 4);
+                UInt32_t *dst_ptr = GetFieldData4BytePtr(dst) + dstindex;
+                UInt32_t *src_ptr = GetFieldData4BytePtr(src) + srcindex;
+                *dst_ptr = *src_ptr;
+                DoBruteForceCopy = FALSE;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt16_t) == 2);
+                UInt16_t *dst_ptr = GetFieldData2BytePtr(dst) + dstindex;
+                UInt16_t *src_ptr = GetFieldData2BytePtr(src) + srcindex;
+                *dst_ptr = *src_ptr;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte :
+            {
+                GetFieldDataBytePtr(dst)[dstindex] = GetFieldDataBytePtr(src)[srcindex];
+                DoBruteForceCopy = FALSE;
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit : break; /* handle below */
+            default : CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: when more complex types are added, remove this CHECK */
+        }
+    }
+    if (DoBruteForceCopy)
+    {
+        double val = GetFieldValue(src, srcindex);
+        SetFieldValue(dst, dstindex, val);
+    }
+} /* CopyFieldValue() */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ */
+void SetFieldDataPtrToAllZeros(FieldData_pa fd)
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+    LgIndex_t NumValues = GetFieldDataNumValues(fd);
+    /*
+     * memset each byte to 0 works for floats and doubles and works regardless
+     * of byte ordering or alignment.
+     */
+    size_t NumBytesToMemSet = 0;
+    if (IsFieldDataDirectAccessAllowed(fd))
+    {
+        switch (GetFieldDataType(fd))
+        {
+            case FieldDataType_Int64 : CHECK(FALSE); /* Future work: remove CHECK */
+            case FieldDataType_Double :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt64_t) == 8 && sizeof(double) == 8);
+                NumBytesToMemSet = NumValues * sizeof(Int64_t);
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int32 :
+            case FieldDataType_Float :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt32_t) == 4 && sizeof(float) == 4);
+                NumBytesToMemSet = NumValues * sizeof(Int32_t);
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Int16 :
+            {
+                CHECK(sizeof(UInt16_t) == 2);
+                NumBytesToMemSet = NumValues * sizeof(Int16_t);
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Byte :
+            {
+                NumBytesToMemSet = NumValues * sizeof(Byte_t);
+            } break;
+            case FieldDataType_Bit :
+            {
+                NumBytesToMemSet = ((NumValues + 7) / 8) * sizeof(Byte_t);
+            } break;
+            default :
+            {
+                CHECK(FALSE);
+            } break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (NumBytesToMemSet > 0)
+    {
+        void *fd_data = GetFieldDataVoidPtr(fd);
+        memset(fd_data, 0, NumBytesToMemSet);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        int ii;
+        for (ii = 0; ii < NumValues; ii++)
+            SetFieldValue(fd, ii, 0.0);
+    }
+} /* SetFieldDataPtrToAllZeros() */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/datautil.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/datautil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..783abec0c404116d4c98ccb122d20f3746769306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/datautil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,941 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+ * datautil.c:
+ *
+ * version 1.00 : 12/10/91 (cm) changes made for manual
+ * version 1.01 : 12/30/91 Get and ReturnHugeBlock are now ptr to function
+ * version 6.00 : 04/21/92 updated to match version 6 of tecplot.
+ * version 6.30 : 10/15/92 updated to match binary file version 6.3
+ * version 6.30a: 05/04/93 (cm) minor changes to prototypes
+ * version      : 11/01/93 (cm) put in D4GW stuff
+ * version 6.30b: 12/27/93 (cm) fixed missing NumKPts in DumpZone
+ * version 6.30c: 12/27/93 (cm) put back in D4GW stuff
+C 03/06/96 (BDP)
+C   Update to V7
+C 03/14/97 (BDP)
+C   Added code to main tecplot source.  Now can
+C   be built stand alone or added so TecUtil_ functions
+C   can access.
+C 06/02/98 (bdp)
+C   v75 coding.  Also removed Array of ZoneSpec_s
+C   structs in favor of zonenames, i,j,and k dimensions
+C   and zonetype array.
+ */
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "SYSTEM.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "TECXXX.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+#include "DATASET.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "DATAIO.h"
+#include "DATAIO4.h"
+#include "DATAUTIL.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "Q_MSG.h"
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+#include "INPUT.h"
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+#define ANGLEEPSILON 1.0e-10
+void InitInputSpecs(void)
+    LineThicknessInputSpec.Type                                = Input_Double;
+    LineThicknessInputSpec.Min                                 = 0.000001;
+    LineThicknessInputSpec.Max                                 = 1.0;
+    LineThicknessInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact           = 100.0;
+    LineThicknessInputSpec.SuffixModifier                      = NULL;
+    PatternLengthInputSpec.Type                                = Input_Double;
+    PatternLengthInputSpec.Min                                 = 0.0001;
+    PatternLengthInputSpec.Max                                 = 1.0;
+    PatternLengthInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact           = 100.0;
+    PatternLengthInputSpec.SuffixModifier                      = NULL;
+    TextBoxMarginInputSpec.Type                                = Input_Double;
+    TextBoxMarginInputSpec.Min                                 = 0.0;
+    TextBoxMarginInputSpec.Max                                 = 20.0;
+    TextBoxMarginInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact           = 100.0;
+    TextBoxMarginInputSpec.SuffixModifier                      = NULL;
+    TextLineSpacingInputSpec.Type                              = Input_Double;
+    TextLineSpacingInputSpec.Min                               = 0.0;
+    TextLineSpacingInputSpec.Max                               = 5.0;
+    TextLineSpacingInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact         = 1.0;
+    TextLineSpacingInputSpec.SuffixModifier                    = NULL;
+    ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.Type                                = Input_Double;
+    ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.Min                                 = 0.0;
+    ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.Max                                 = 0.5;
+    ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact           = 100.0;
+    ArrowheadSizeInputSpec.SuffixModifier                      = NULL;
+    TextAngleInputSpec.Type                                    = Input_Double;
+    TextAngleInputSpec.Min                                     = -PI - ANGLEEPSILON;
+    TextAngleInputSpec.Max                                     =  PI + ANGLEEPSILON;
+    TextAngleInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact               = DEGPERRADIANS;
+    TextAngleInputSpec.SuffixModifier                          = NULL;
+    ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.Type                               = Input_Double;
+    ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.Min                                = 1.0 / DEGPERRADIANS - ANGLEEPSILON;
+    ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.Max                                = PIOVER2 + ANGLEEPSILON;
+    ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.InterfaceAdjust.ScaleFact          = DEGPERRADIANS;
+    ArrowheadAngleInputSpec.SuffixModifier                     = NULL;
+void LocalReadBlock(FileStream_s   *FileStream,
+                    double         *CurVPtr,
+                    FieldDataType_e FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                    HgIndex_t       NumValues,
+                    Boolean_t      *IsOk)
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    REQUIRE(!(*IsOk) || VALID_FIELD_DATA_TYPE(FieldDataTypeInFile));
+    if (*IsOk)
+    {
+        Boolean_t DoRead = (CurVPtr != NULL);
+        Boolean_t ReadByBlock = (FieldDataType_Double == FieldDataTypeInFile) || !DoRead;
+        if (ReadByBlock)
+        {
+            ReadPureBlock(FileStream,
+                          DoRead,
+                          (void *)CurVPtr,
+                          FieldDataTypeInFile,
+                          0,
+                          NumValues,
+                          IsOk);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LgIndex_t N;
+            for (N = 0; *IsOk && (N < NumValues); N++)
+            {
+                double D = GetNextValue(FileStream, FieldDataTypeInFile, -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE, IsOk);
+                if (DoRead)
+                    CurVPtr[N] = D;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ *
+ * NOTE: ReadTec only allocates space for NodeMap and VDataBase
+ *       if RawDataSpaceAllocated == FALSE and GetHeaderInfoOnly
+ *       is FALSE.
+ *
+ *       Also note that all data read in by ReadTec is currently
+ *       limited to be in double precision.
+ *
+ */
+Boolean_t STDCALL ReadTec(Boolean_t       GetHeaderInfoOnly,
+                          char           *FName,
+                          short          *IVersion,
+                          char          **DataSetTitle,
+                          EntIndex_t     *NumZones,
+                          EntIndex_t     *NumVars,
+                          StringList_pa  *VarNames,
+                          StringList_pa  *ZoneNames,
+                          LgIndex_t     **NumPtsI,
+                          LgIndex_t     **NumPtsJ,
+                          LgIndex_t     **NumPtsK,
+                          ZoneType_e    **ZoneType,
+                          StringList_pa  *UserRec,
+                          Boolean_t       RawDataSpaceAllocated,
+                          NodeMap_t    ***NodeMap,
+                          double       ***VDataBase)
+    Boolean_t     InputIsOk         = FALSE;
+    ArrayList_pa  ZoneSpecList      = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t    *FNNumBndryConns   = NULL; /* [NumZones] */
+    FileStream_s *ReadTecFileStream = NULL;
+    Set_pa       *IsVarCellCentered = NULL; /* [NumZones] */
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(GetHeaderInfoOnly));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(IVersion));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(DataSetTitle) || DataSetTitle == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NumZones));
+    REQUIRE(VarNames  == NULL || VALID_REF(VarNames));
+    REQUIRE(ZoneNames == NULL || VALID_REF(ZoneNames));
+    REQUIRE(NumPtsI   == NULL || VALID_REF(NumPtsI));
+    REQUIRE(NumPtsJ   == NULL || VALID_REF(NumPtsJ));
+    REQUIRE(NumPtsK   == NULL || VALID_REF(NumPtsK));
+    REQUIRE(ZoneType  == NULL || VALID_REF(ZoneType));
+    REQUIRE(UserRec   == NULL || VALID_REF(UserRec));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(RawDataSpaceAllocated));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(!GetHeaderInfoOnly && RawDataSpaceAllocated,
+                        VALID_REF(NodeMap) && VALID_REF(VDataBase)));
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    InitInputSpecs();
+    InputIsOk  = OpenBinaryFileAndCheckMagicNumber(&ReadTecFileStream,
+                                                   FName,
+                                                   0,
+                                                   IVersion);
+    if (InputIsOk)
+        InputIsOk = ReadDataFileHeader(ReadTecFileStream,
+                                       *IVersion,
+                                       FALSE,
+                                       NumZones,
+                                       NumVars,
+                                       (SmInteger_t *)NULL,
+                                       DataSetTitle,
+                                       (Text_s **)NULL,
+                                       (Geom_s **)NULL,
+                                       (StringList_pa  **)NULL,
+                                       UserRec,
+                                       (AuxData_pa *)NULL,
+                                       &IsVarCellCentered,
+                                       (Boolean_t *)NULL,
+                                       (Boolean_t *)NULL,
+                                       &ZoneSpecList,
+                                       VarNames,
+                                       (ArrayList_pa *)NULL,
+                                       (Set_pa *)NULL,
+                                       &FNNumBndryConns,
+                                       (DataFileType_e *)NULL);
+    if (InputIsOk)
+    {
+        if (*NumZones == 0)
+            *NumVars = 0;
+        else if (*IVersion > 112)
+        {
+            /*
+             * This may not be true but we put it hear to remind us to make
+             * updates to this code when we change the version number.
+             */
+            ErrMsg(translate("ReadTec does not yet support version %d "
+                             "Tecplot binary data files."), *IVersion);
+            InputIsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+        else if (!GetHeaderInfoOnly)
+        {
+            EntIndex_t Z;
+            for (Z = 0; Z < *NumZones && InputIsOk; Z++)
+            {
+                InputIsOk = (MemberCount(IsVarCellCentered[Z]) == 0);
+                if (!InputIsOk)
+                    ErrMsg(translate("Cell centered data not supported by ReadTec."));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (IsVarCellCentered != NULL)
+    {
+        EntIndex_t Z;
+        for (Z = 0; Z < *NumZones; Z++)
+            DeallocSet(&IsVarCellCentered[Z]);
+        FREE_ARRAY(IsVarCellCentered, "Array of IsVarCellCentered sets");
+    }
+    if (InputIsOk)
+    {
+        EntIndex_t Z;
+        /*
+         *  Allocate space for the zone info pieces.
+         */
+        if (ZoneNames)
+            *ZoneNames = StringListAlloc();
+        if (NumPtsI)
+            *NumPtsI  = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, LgIndex_t, "numptsi");
+        if (NumPtsJ)
+            *NumPtsJ  = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, LgIndex_t, "numptsj");
+        if (NumPtsK)
+            *NumPtsK  = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, LgIndex_t, "numptsk");
+        if (ZoneType)
+            *ZoneType = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, ZoneType_e, "zonetype");
+        for (Z = 0; Z < *NumZones; Z++)
+        {
+            ZoneSpec_s *ZoneSpec = GetZoneSpec(ZoneSpecList, Z);
+            if (ZoneSpec != NULL)
+            {
+                if (ZoneNames && *ZoneNames)
+                    StringListAppendString(*ZoneNames, ZoneSpec->Name);
+                if (NumPtsI && *NumPtsI)
+                    (*NumPtsI)[Z] = ZoneSpec->NumPtsI;
+                if (NumPtsJ && *NumPtsJ)
+                    (*NumPtsJ)[Z] = ZoneSpec->NumPtsJ;
+                if (NumPtsK && *NumPtsK)
+                    (*NumPtsK)[Z] = ZoneSpec->NumPtsK;
+                if (ZoneType && *ZoneType)
+                    (*ZoneType)[Z] = ZoneSpec->Type;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (ZoneNames && *ZoneNames)
+                    StringListAppendString(*ZoneNames, NULL);
+                if (NumPtsI && *NumPtsI)
+                    (*NumPtsI)[Z] = 0;
+                if (NumPtsJ && *NumPtsJ)
+                    (*NumPtsJ)[Z] = 0;
+                if (NumPtsK && *NumPtsK)
+                    (*NumPtsK)[Z] = 0;
+                if (ZoneType && *ZoneType)
+                    (*ZoneType)[Z] = ZoneType_Invalid;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!GetHeaderInfoOnly && InputIsOk && (*NumZones > 0))
+    {
+        EntIndex_t      *VarSharesFromZone          = NULL; /* [NumVars] */
+        Boolean_t       *IsVarPassive               = NULL; /* [NumVars] */
+        EntIndex_t      *ConnectivitySharesFromZone = NULL; /* [NumZones] */
+        FieldDataType_e *VarType = NULL;
+        int              CurZone;
+        int              CurVar;
+        LgIndex_t        NumIPts = 0;
+        LgIndex_t        NumJPts = 0;
+        LgIndex_t        NumKPts = 0;
+        LgIndex_t        TotalNumPts;
+        LgIndex_t        I, J;
+        if ((*NumZones > 0) && !RawDataSpaceAllocated)
+        {
+            *VDataBase   = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones * (*NumVars), double *, "vdatabase array");
+            if (*VDataBase == NULL)
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate space for field data"));
+                InputIsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                int I;
+                for (I = 0; I < *NumZones*(*NumVars); I++)
+                    (*VDataBase)[I] = NULL;
+            }
+            if (InputIsOk)
+            {
+                *NodeMap = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, NodeMap_t *, "nodemap array");
+                if (*NodeMap == NULL)
+                {
+                    ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate space for nodemap"));
+                    InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    int I;
+                    for (I = 0; I < *NumZones; I++)
+                        (*NodeMap)[I] = NULL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (InputIsOk)
+        {
+            VarType           = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumVars + 1, FieldDataType_e, "Var Type");
+            VarSharesFromZone = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumVars + 1, EntIndex_t, "VarSharesFromZone");
+            IsVarPassive      = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumVars + 1, Boolean_t, "IsVarPassive");
+            ConnectivitySharesFromZone = ALLOC_ARRAY(*NumZones, EntIndex_t, "ConnectivitySharesFromZone");
+            InputIsOk = (VarType                    != NULL &&
+                         VarSharesFromZone          != NULL &&
+                         IsVarPassive               != NULL &&
+                         ConnectivitySharesFromZone != NULL);
+        }
+        /* for each zone */
+        for (CurZone = 0; CurZone < *NumZones && InputIsOk; CurZone++)
+        {
+            double X1 = GetNextValue(ReadTecFileStream, FieldDataType_Float, 0.0, 1000.0, &InputIsOk);
+            if (InputIsOk && (X1 == ZoneMarker))
+            {
+                ZoneSpec_s *CurZoneSpec   = GetZoneSpec(ZoneSpecList, CurZone);
+                Boolean_t   ZoneIsFinite  = (CurZoneSpec->Type != ZoneType_Ordered);
+                Boolean_t   ZoneIsFEPoly  = (CurZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FEPolygon ||
+                                             CurZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FEPolyhedron);
+                Boolean_t   InBlockFormat = CurZoneSpec->ZoneLoadInfo.IsInBlockFormat;
+                for (J = 0; J < *NumVars; J++)
+                {
+                    VarSharesFromZone[J] = -1; /* eumulate DupVar: no DupVar */
+                    VarType[J]           = FieldDataType_Float;
+                    IsVarPassive[J]      = FALSE;
+                }
+                /* dupvars */
+                if (*IVersion > 45 && *IVersion < 101 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    EntIndex_t NumDupVars, ZZ;
+                    NumDupVars = (EntIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion, 0, (LgIndex_t) * NumVars, &InputIsOk);
+                    for (J = 0; J < NumDupVars; J++)
+                    {
+                        ZZ = (EntIndex_t)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion, 0, *NumVars, &InputIsOk) - 1;
+                        VarSharesFromZone[ZZ] = CurZone - 1; /* emulate DupVar: share from previous zone */
+                    }
+                    /* Can't duplicate from the first zone */
+                    if ((NumDupVars > 0) && (CurZone == 0))
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Cannot duplicate variables from the first zone since there are "
+                                         "no previous zones to duplicate from."));
+                        InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                    }
+                }
+                /* get the data type for each variable */
+                if (*IVersion >= 70 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    for (J = 0; J < *NumVars; J++)
+                    {
+                        VarType[J] = (FieldDataType_e)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion,
+                                                                   0,
+                                                                   (LgIndex_t)FieldDataType_Bit,
+                                                                   &InputIsOk);
+                        if (!InputIsOk)
+                        {
+                            ErrMsg(translate("Invalid data type - binary input file corrupted"));
+                            InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    NumIPts = CurZoneSpec->NumPtsI;
+                    NumJPts = CurZoneSpec->NumPtsJ;
+                    NumKPts = CurZoneSpec->NumPtsK;
+                }
+                if (ZoneIsFinite)
+                    TotalNumPts = NumIPts;
+                else
+                    TotalNumPts = (NumIPts * NumJPts * NumKPts);
+                for (CurVar = 0; CurVar < *NumVars && InputIsOk; CurVar++)
+                {
+                    if (!RawDataSpaceAllocated && TotalNumPts >= 1)
+                    {
+                        /*
+                         * The calling program did not allocate space for the
+                         * data so do it here.
+                         */
+                        (*VDataBase)[CurVar+CurZone*(*NumVars)] =
+                            ALLOC_ARRAY(TotalNumPts, double, "raw data");
+                    }
+                }
+                if (*IVersion >= 105 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    /* passive variables */
+                    if ((Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion, 0, 1, &InputIsOk) && InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        for (CurVar = 0; CurVar < *NumVars && InputIsOk; CurVar++)
+                        {
+                            IsVarPassive[CurVar] = (Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream,
+                                                                           *IVersion,
+                                                                           0, 1, &InputIsOk);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (*IVersion >= 101 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    /* variable sharing: equivalent to DupVar for ReadTec */
+                    if ((Boolean_t)GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion, 0, 1, &InputIsOk) && InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        for (CurVar = 0; CurVar < *NumVars && InputIsOk; CurVar++)
+                        {
+                            EntIndex_t SharedZone = GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion,
+                                                                 -1, MaxNumZonesOrVars - 1,
+                                                                 &InputIsOk);
+                            if (SharedZone != -1 && InputIsOk)
+                                VarSharesFromZone[CurVar] = SharedZone;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    /* face neighbor or FE node connectivity sharing */
+                    if (InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        EntIndex_t SharedZone = GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion,
+                                                             -1, MaxNumZonesOrVars - 1,
+                                                             &InputIsOk);
+                        if (InputIsOk)
+                            ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] = SharedZone;
+                    }
+                }
+                /*
+                 * Non-shared variable min/max (but not for Zombie zones).
+                 */
+                if (*IVersion >= 103 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    for (CurVar = 0; CurVar < *NumVars && InputIsOk; CurVar++)
+                    {
+                        if (VarSharesFromZone[CurVar] == -1 && !IsVarPassive[CurVar])
+                        {
+                            /*
+                             * Currently ReadTec doesn't do anything with the
+                             * min/max values.
+                             */
+                            GetNextValue(ReadTecFileStream, FieldDataType_Double,
+                                         -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE,
+                                         &InputIsOk);
+                            GetNextValue(ReadTecFileStream, FieldDataType_Double,
+                                         -LARGEDOUBLE, LARGEDOUBLE,
+                                         &InputIsOk);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (InBlockFormat)
+                {
+                    CurVar = -1;
+                    while (InputIsOk && ((CurVar + 1) < *NumVars))
+                    {
+                        CurVar++;
+                        if ((CurVar < *NumVars) && (TotalNumPts > 0))
+                        {
+                            double *CurVPtr  = (*VDataBase)[CurVar+CurZone*(*NumVars)];
+                            J = 0;
+                            if (VarSharesFromZone[CurVar] != -1)
+                            {
+                                LgIndex_t M;
+                                EntIndex_t SourceZone = VarSharesFromZone[CurVar];
+                                double *SourceVPtr = (*VDataBase)[CurVar+SourceZone*(*NumVars)];
+                                for (M = 0; M < TotalNumPts; M++)
+                                    CurVPtr[M] = SourceVPtr[M];
+                            }
+                            else if (!IsVarPassive[CurVar])
+                            {
+                                LocalReadBlock(ReadTecFileStream,
+                                               CurVPtr,
+                                               VarType[CurVar],
+                                               TotalNumPts,
+                                               &InputIsOk);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!InputIsOk)
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Invalid raw data section of binary file"));
+                }
+                else if (TotalNumPts > 0)
+                {
+                    /*
+                     * Zone is not empty and is in POINT format
+                     */
+                    J = -1;
+                    if (InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        LgIndex_t N;
+                        N = 0;
+                        while (InputIsOk && (N < TotalNumPts))
+                        {
+                            EntIndex_t CurVar;
+                            for (CurVar = 0; InputIsOk && (CurVar < *NumVars); CurVar++)
+                            {
+                                double *CurVPtr  = (*VDataBase)[CurVar+CurZone*(*NumVars)];
+                                if (VarSharesFromZone[CurVar] != -1)
+                                {
+                                    EntIndex_t SourceZone = VarSharesFromZone[CurVar];
+                                    double *SourceVPtr = (*VDataBase)[CurVar+SourceZone*(*NumVars)];
+                                    CurVPtr[N] = SourceVPtr[N];
+                                }
+                                else if (!IsVarPassive[CurVar])
+                                {
+                                    double D = GetNextValue(ReadTecFileStream,
+                                                            VarType[CurVar],
+                                                            -LARGEDOUBLE,
+                                                            LARGEDOUBLE,
+                                                            &InputIsOk);
+                                    if (InputIsOk && CurVPtr)
+                                        CurVPtr[N] = D;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if (!InputIsOk)
+                                ErrMsg(translate("Binary datafile corrupted!"));
+                            N++;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (InputIsOk && *IVersion < 101)
+                {
+                    if (ZoneIsFinite)
+                    {
+                        /*
+                         * Pre-version 101 had FE connectivity sharing,
+                         * FECONNECT, information here.
+                         */
+                        Boolean_t DupConnectivity;
+                        if (*IVersion > 61)
+                            DupConnectivity = GetIoFileInt(ReadTecFileStream, *IVersion, 0, 1, &InputIsOk);
+                        else
+                            DupConnectivity = FALSE;
+                        if (DupConnectivity)
+                            ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] = CurZone - 1; /* previous zone */
+                        else
+                            ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] = -1;
+                    }
+                    else
+                        ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] = -1;
+                }
+                if (InputIsOk && ZoneIsFinite && !ZoneIsFEPoly)
+                {
+                    Boolean_t   SkipNodemap;
+                    NodeMap_t  *NM = NULL;
+                    NodeMap_t  *ONM = NULL;
+                    /*
+                     *  Allocate the nodemap ptr if necessary Note that if
+                     *  RawDataSpaceAllocated is TRUE then (*NodeMap)[CurZone]
+                     *  can either contain a valid address (read the connectivity
+                     *  list) or be NULL (skip the list).
+                     */
+                    if (!RawDataSpaceAllocated && NumKPts*NumJPts >= 1)
+                    {
+                        (*NodeMap)[CurZone] = ALLOC_ARRAY(NumKPts * NumJPts, NodeMap_t, "node map");
+                        if ((*NodeMap)[CurZone] == NULL)
+                            ErrMsg(translate("Cannot allocate space for connectivity list",
+                                             "See the Tecplot User's Manual for a definition of 'connectivity list'"));
+                    }
+                    if (InputIsOk)
+                        NM = (*NodeMap)[CurZone];
+                    SkipNodemap = (NM == NULL);
+                    if (InputIsOk && ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] != -1)
+                    {
+                        EntIndex_t SourceZone = ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone];
+                        if (SourceZone >= CurZone)
+                        {
+                            ErrMsg(translate("Zone %d is attempting to share connectivity "
+                                             "with a zone that has not yet been loaded."),
+                                   CurZone + 1);
+                            InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            ONM = (*NodeMap)[SourceZone];
+                            if (ONM == NULL)
+                            {
+                                ErrMsg(translate("Zone %d is attempting to share connectivity "
+                                                 "with a zone that is not finite element."),
+                                       CurZone + 1);
+                                InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        /* load the FE node connectivity */
+                        for (J = 0; J < NumJPts; J++)
+                            for (I = 0; I < NumKPts; I++)
+                            {
+                                LgIndex_t M;
+                                LgIndex_t L = J * NumKPts + I;
+                                if (ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] != -1)
+                                    M = ONM[L];
+                                else
+                                    M = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk) - 1;
+                                if (!SkipNodemap)
+                                    NM[L] = M;
+                            }
+                    }
+                }
+                /* skip over the face neighbor connectivity */
+                if (*IVersion >= 101 && InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    EntIndex_t SharedZone = ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone];
+                    if (SharedZone == -1 && FNNumBndryConns[CurZone] != 0)
+                    {
+                        LgIndex_t Connection = 0;
+                        while (Connection < FNNumBndryConns[CurZone] && InputIsOk)
+                        {
+                            /*
+                             * Face neighbor connection have the following format for both
+                             * ASCII and binary:
+                             *
+                             *   FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne     3         cz,fz,cz
+                             *   FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany    nz+4      cz,fz,oz,nz,cz1,cz2,...,czn
+                             *   FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne    4         cz,fz,ZZ,CZ
+                             *   FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany   2*nz+4    cz,fz,oz,nz,ZZ1,CZ1,ZZ2,CZ2,...,ZZn,CZn
+                             *
+                             *   Where:
+                             *       cz = cell in current zone
+                             *       fz = face of cell in current zone
+                             *       oz = face obsuration flag (only applies to one-to-many):
+                             *              0 = face partially obscured
+                             *              1 = face entirely obscured
+                             *       nz = number of cell or zone/cell associations (only applies to one-to-many)
+                             *       ZZ = remote Zone
+                             *       CZ = cell in remote zone
+                             */
+                            (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk); /* read cz */
+                            if (!InputIsOk)
+                                ErrMsg(translate("Unexpected end-of-file while reading face neighbor data."));
+                            (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk); /* read fz */
+                            if (InputIsOk)
+                            {
+                                /*
+                                 * read FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne:   cz ||
+                                 *      FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany:  oz ||
+                                 *      FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne:  ZZ ||
+                                 *      FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany: oz
+                                 */
+                                if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne)
+                                    (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany)
+                                    (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne)
+                                    (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany)
+                                    (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                else
+                                    CHECK(FALSE);
+                                if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode != FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne && InputIsOk)
+                                {
+                                    LgIndex_t NumAssociations = 0;
+                                    /*
+                                     * read FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany:  nz ||
+                                     *      FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne:  CZ ||
+                                     *      FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany: nz
+                                     */
+                                    if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany)
+                                        NumAssociations = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                    else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne)
+                                        (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                    else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany)
+                                        NumAssociations = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                                    else
+                                        CHECK(FALSE);
+                                    if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode != FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne && InputIsOk)
+                                    {
+                                        LgIndex_t Assoc;
+                                        if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany)
+                                            for (Assoc = 0; Assoc < NumAssociations && InputIsOk; Assoc++)
+                                                (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk); /* read czn */
+                                        else if (CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany)
+                                            for (Assoc = 0; Assoc < NumAssociations && InputIsOk; Assoc++)
+                                            {
+                                                (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk); /* read ZZn */
+                                                (void)GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk); /* read CZn */
+                                            }
+                                        else
+                                            CHECK(FALSE);
+                                        if (InputIsOk)
+                                            Connection += NumAssociations;
+                                    }
+                                    else if (InputIsOk) /* CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne */
+                                        Connection += 1;
+                                }
+                                else if (InputIsOk) /* CurZoneSpec->FNMode == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne */
+                                    Connection += 1;
+                                if (!InputIsOk)
+                                    ErrMsg(translate("Corrupt input file: invalid face neighbors."));
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }/* face neighbor connectivity */
+                /* skip over face map section */
+                if (ZoneIsFEPoly                              &&
+                    *IVersion >= 110                          &&
+                    ConnectivitySharesFromZone[CurZone] != -1 &&
+                    InputIsOk)
+                {
+                    if (!InBlockFormat)
+                    {
+                        ErrMsg(translate("Poly zones must be in block format"));
+                        InputIsOk = FALSE;
+                    }
+                    if (InputIsOk)
+                    {
+                        HgIndex_t NumFaces = CurZoneSpec->NumPtsK;
+                        if (*IVersion == 110) // ...version 111 moved these to the zone header
+                        {
+                            CurZoneSpec->NumFaceNodes  = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                            CurZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryFaces = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                            CurZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryItems = GetNextI(ReadTecFileStream, &InputIsOk);
+                        }
+                        HgIndex_t TotalNumFaceNodes  = CurZoneSpec->NumFaceNodes;
+                        HgIndex_t TotalNumBndryFaces = CurZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryFaces;
+                        HgIndex_t TotalNumBndryItems = CurZoneSpec->NumFaceBndryItems;
+                        if (CurZoneSpec->Type == ZoneType_FEPolyhedron)
+                            ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, NumFaces + 1, &InputIsOk);
+                        if (InputIsOk)
+                            ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, TotalNumFaceNodes, &InputIsOk);
+                        if (InputIsOk)
+                            ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, NumFaces, &InputIsOk);
+                        if (InputIsOk)
+                            ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, NumFaces, &InputIsOk);
+                        if (TotalNumBndryFaces > 0)
+                        {
+                            if (InputIsOk)
+                                ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, TotalNumBndryFaces + 1, &InputIsOk);
+                            if (InputIsOk)
+                                ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, TotalNumBndryItems, &InputIsOk);
+                            if (InputIsOk)
+                            {
+                                if (*IVersion >= 112)
+                                    ReadInt32Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, TotalNumBndryItems, &InputIsOk);
+                                else
+                                    ReadInt16Block(ReadTecFileStream, FALSE, NULL, 0, TotalNumBndryItems, &InputIsOk);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }/* face map section */
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ErrMsg(translate("Corrupt input file"));
+                InputIsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        if (VarSharesFromZone)
+            FREE_ARRAY(VarSharesFromZone, "VarSharesFromZone");
+        if (IsVarPassive)
+            FREE_ARRAY(IsVarPassive, "IsVarPassive");
+        if (ConnectivitySharesFromZone)
+            FREE_ARRAY(ConnectivitySharesFromZone, "ConnectivitySharesFromZone");
+        if (VarType)
+            FREE_ARRAY(VarType, "VarType");
+        if (!InputIsOk && !RawDataSpaceAllocated)
+        {
+            int I;
+            if (*VDataBase)
+            {
+                for (I = 0; I < *NumZones*(*NumVars); I++)
+                {
+                    if ((*VDataBase)[I])
+                        FREE_ARRAY((*VDataBase)[I], "vdatabase array");
+                }
+                FREE_ARRAY(*VDataBase, "vdatabase pointer array");
+            }
+            if (*NodeMap)
+            {
+                for (I = 0; I < *NumZones; I++)
+                {
+                    if ((*NodeMap)[I])
+                        FREE_ARRAY((*NodeMap)[I], "connectivity list");
+                }
+                FREE_ARRAY(*NodeMap, "connectivity pointer array");
+            }
+        }
+    } /*Reading Raw Data*/
+    if (FNNumBndryConns != NULL)
+        FREE_ARRAY(FNNumBndryConns, "FNNumBndryConns");
+    if (ZoneSpecList)
+        ArrayListDealloc(&ZoneSpecList, ZoneSpecItemDestructor, 0);
+    if (ReadTecFileStream)
+    {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        TP_FCLOSE(ReadTecFileStream->File);
+        free(ReadTecFileStream);
+    }
+    return (InputIsOk);
+void * STDCALL TecAlloc(size_t size)
+    return (void *)ALLOC_ARRAY(size, char, "TecAlloc");
+void STDCALL TecFree(void *ptr)
+    /* Hack to remove delete warning... */
+    char *Tmp = (char *)ptr;
+    FREE_ARRAY(Tmp, "TecAlloc");
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/filestream.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/filestream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..049f99ed74791f968339faff51af265fb9a231f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/filestream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+ *******                                                  ********
+ ******     Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.          *******
+ *******                                                  ********
+ *****************************************************************
+ *****************************************************************
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "SYSTEM.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+ */
+FileStream_s *FileStreamAlloc(FILE      *File,
+                              Boolean_t  IsByteOrderNative)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(File) || File == NULL);
+    FileStream_s *Result = ALLOC_ITEM(FileStream_s, "FileStream");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Result->File              = File;
+        Result->IsByteOrderNative = IsByteOrderNative;
+    }
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ */
+void FileStreamDealloc(FileStream_s **FileStream)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*FileStream) || *FileStream == NULL);
+    if (*FileStream != NULL)
+    {
+        FREE_ITEM(*FileStream, "FileStream");
+        *FileStream = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*FileStream == NULL);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/geom2.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/geom2.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..198f096fd9efe20dfaabd2d99fb4c4902a848f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/geom2.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#define GEOM2MODULE
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "GEOM.h"
+#include "TEXT.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "GEOM2.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# if 0 /* 3D geometry arrowheads are not drawn at this time. */
+# if 0 /* 3D geometry arrowheads are not drawn at this time. */
+# endif
+#if 0
+#             ifndef NO_ASSERTS
+#             endif
+#             ifndef NO_ASSERTS
+#             endif
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+FieldDataType_e GetGeomFieldDataType(Geom_s const* Geom)
+    FieldDataType_e Result;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base));
+    Result = Geom->DataType;
+    /*
+     * Check that the geom's field data arrays (if they exist)
+     * have the same type as the geometry.
+     */
+    ENSURE(IMPLICATION(VALID_REF(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base), Result == GetFieldDataType(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V1Base)));
+    ENSURE(IMPLICATION(VALID_REF(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base), Result == GetFieldDataType(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V2Base)));
+    ENSURE(IMPLICATION(VALID_REF(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V3Base), Result == GetFieldDataType(Geom->GeomData.Generic.V3Base)));
+    return Result;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_msg.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_msg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a20cf56041abe9cb11696a33ab6c81d00de9729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_msg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#define Q_MSGMODULE
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MOTIF
+#if defined MSWIN
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+using std::string;
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Wrap a string so it contains at most CharactersPerLine
+ * characters. Embedded newlines are left alone. Spaces
+ * following newlines are also left alone.
+ */
+Boolean_t WrapString(const char  *OldString,
+                     char       **NewString)
+    size_t L;
+    if (OldString == NULL)
+        return (FALSE);
+    /*
+     *  Assume Old string has ample spaces.  Will only be
+     *  replacing some spaces with newlines and removing
+     *  other spaces.  New string can be allocated to be
+     *  same length as old string.
+     */
+    L = strlen(OldString);
+    *NewString = ALLOC_ARRAY(L + 1, char, "new error message string");
+    if (*NewString == NULL)
+        return (FALSE);
+    strcpy(*NewString, OldString);
+    {
+        char *LineStart = *NewString;
+        char *LastWord  = *NewString;
+        char *WPtr      = *NewString;
+        while (WPtr && (*WPtr != '\0'))
+        {
+            size_t CurLen;
+            /*
+             * Find next hard newline.  If there is one befor the
+             * line should be chopped then reset the Last Word to
+             * be at the first word after the newline.
+             */
+            WPtr = strchr(LineStart, '\n');
+            if (WPtr && ((WPtr - LineStart) < MAXCHARACTERSPERLINE))
+            {
+                WPtr++;
+                while (*WPtr == '\n')
+                    WPtr++;
+                LineStart = WPtr;
+                /*
+                 * Skip over trailing spaces.  Special handling to
+                 * allow indent after hard newline.
+                 */
+                while (*WPtr == ' ')
+                    WPtr++;
+                LastWord  = WPtr;
+                continue;
+            }
+            /*
+             *  Find next "word"
+             */
+            WPtr = strchr(LastWord, ' ');
+            if (WPtr != NULL)
+            {
+                while (*WPtr == ' ')
+                    WPtr++;
+            }
+            if (WPtr == NULL)
+            {
+                CurLen = strlen(LineStart);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                CurLen = WPtr - LineStart;
+            }
+            if (CurLen > MAXCHARACTERSPERLINE)
+            {
+                /*
+                 * Line is too long.  Back up to previous
+                 * word and replace preceeding space with
+                 * a newline.
+                 */
+                if (LastWord == LineStart)
+                {
+                    /*
+                     * Bad news, line has very long word.
+                     */
+                    if (WPtr && (*WPtr != '\0'))
+                    {
+                        *(WPtr - 1) = '\n';
+                        LastWord = WPtr;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    *(LastWord - 1) = '\n';
+                }
+                LineStart = LastWord;
+            }
+            else
+                LastWord = WPtr;
+        }
+    }
+    return (TRUE);
+static void SendWarningToFile(FILE *F,
+                              const char *S)
+    char *S2;
+    if (WrapString(S, &S2))
+    {
+        fprintf(F, "Warning: %s\n", S2);
+        FREE_ARRAY(S2, "temp warning string");
+    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Show the warning message. Note that the Format string can be the only
+ * argument, in which case it is essentially the warning message itself.
+ *
+ * param Format
+ *     C Format string or a simple message.
+ * param ...
+ *     Zero or more variable arguments. The number of arguments must correspond
+ *     to the placeholders in the format string.
+ */
+void Warning(TranslatedString Format,
+             ...) /* zero or more arguments */
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    static Boolean_t InWarning = FALSE; /* ...used to prevent recursive deadlock */
+    if (!InWarning)
+    {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        InWarning = TRUE;
+        {
+            /*
+             * Attempt to format the string. Failing that simply use the original format
+             * string argument which, if we ran out of memory while formatting, is
+             * probably just an warning message saying that we ran out of memory in some
+             * previous operation anyway.
+             */
+            Boolean_t cleanUp = TRUE;
+            va_list  Arguments;
+            va_start(Arguments, Format);
+            char* message = vFormatString(Format.c_str(), Arguments);
+            va_end(Arguments);
+            if (message == NULL)
+            {
+                cleanUp = FALSE; // ...this boolean allows us to "carefully" cast away the const'ness
+                message = (char*)Format.c_str();
+            }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#ifdef MSWIN
+#if defined UNIXX
+#if defined MSWIN
+#else /* !TECPLOTKERNEL */
+            {
+                SendWarningToFile(stderr, message);
+            }
+            if (cleanUp)
+                FREE_ARRAY(message, "message");
+        }
+        InWarning = FALSE;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    }
+static void SendErrToFile(FILE       *File,
+                          const char *Msg)
+    char *FormattedMsg;
+    if (WrapString(Msg, &FormattedMsg))
+    {
+        fprintf(File, "Err: %s\n", FormattedMsg);
+        FREE_ARRAY(FormattedMsg, "temp error string");
+    }
+    else
+        fprintf(File, "Err: %s\n", Msg);
+/* Fall-back ErrMsg procedure when nothing else works */
+static void DefaultErrMsg(const char *Msg)
+#ifdef MSWIN
+    MessageBox(NULL, Msg, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
+    SendErrToFile(stderr, Msg);
+static void PostErrorMessage(TranslatedString Format,
+                             va_list          Arguments)
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    /*
+     * Attempt to format the string. Failing that simply use the original format
+     * string argument which, if we ran out of memory while formatting, is
+     * probably just an error message saying that we ran out of memory in some
+     * previous operation anyway.
+     */
+    Boolean_t cleanUp = TRUE;
+    char* messageString = vFormatString(Format.c_str(), Arguments);
+    if (messageString == NULL)
+    {
+        cleanUp = FALSE; // ...this boolean allows us to "carefully" cast away the const'ness
+        messageString = (char*)Format.c_str();
+    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#ifdef MSWIN
+#if defined UNIXX
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#else /* !TECPLOTKERNEL */
+    {
+        DefaultErrMsg(messageString);
+    }
+    /* cleanup if we allocated the string */
+    if (cleanUp)
+        FREE_ARRAY(messageString, "messageString");
+ * NOTES:
+ *   This function is thread safe in that it may be safely called by multiple
+ *   threads however when running interactively only the first error message is
+ *   queued for display on idle. In batch mode all messages are sent to the
+ *   batch log file.
+ */
+void vErrMsg(TranslatedString Format,
+             va_list          Arguments)
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    static Boolean_t InErrMsg = FALSE; /* ...used to prevent recursive deadlock */
+    if (!InErrMsg)
+    {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        InErrMsg = TRUE;
+        {
+            PostErrorMessage(Format, Arguments);
+        }
+        InErrMsg = FALSE;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    }
+ * Show the error message. Note that the Format string can be the only
+ * argument, in which case it is essentially the error message itself.
+ *
+ * @param Format
+ *   C Format string or a simple message.
+ * @param ...
+ *   Zero or more variable arguments. The number of arguments must correspond
+ *   to the placeholders in the format string.
+ */
+void ErrMsg(TranslatedString Format,
+            ...) /* zero or more arguments */
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    va_list Arguments;
+    va_start(Arguments, Format);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    PostErrorMessage(Format, Arguments);
+    va_end(Arguments);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MOTIF
+#if defined MSWIN
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MOTIF
+#if defined MSWIN
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MOTIF
+#endif /* MOTIF */
+#if defined MSWIN
+#if defined MOTIF
+#endif /* MOTIF */
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_unicode.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_unicode.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d4db61e1ddb9fd3fec146882ef268a9b4973ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/q_unicode.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#if !defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "TranslatedString.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace tecplot
+namespace strutil
+typedef std::map<std::string, char *>      EnvStringPoolMap_t;
+static EnvStringPoolMap_t       mapEnvStringPool;
+#if defined MSWIN
+string WStringToString(wstring str)
+    REQUIRE("str is any wide string");
+    string Result = WideCharToUtf8(str.c_str());
+    ENSURE("Result is any string");
+    return Result;
+wstring StringToWString(string str)
+    REQUIRE("str is any string");
+    wstring Result = Utf8ToWideChar(str.c_str());
+    ENSURE("Result is any string");
+    return Result;
+ * Utf8Api
+ ************************************************/
+#define VALID_CODE_PAGE(cp) \
+  ( (cp) == 932 || (cp) == CP_UTF8 || (cp) == CP_ACP || (cp) == CP_OEMCP || (cp) == CP_THREAD_ACP )
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined MSWIN && !defined ENGINE
+#if defined MSWIN
+#if defined MSWIN
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+std::string  WideCharToMultiByte(const wchar_t* WideString,
+                                 unsigned int       CodePage)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(WideString));
+    string  strResult;
+    wstring wString(WideString);
+    if (wString.length() > 0)
+    {
+        size_t nLen =
+            (size_t) ::WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage,
+                                           0,
+                                           wString.c_str(),
+                                           -1,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           0,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           NULL);
+        if (nLen > 0)
+        {
+            char *pBuffer = ALLOC_ARRAY(nLen, char, "pBuffer");
+            VERIFY(::WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage,
+                                         0,
+                                         WideString,
+                                         (int)(wString.length() + 1),
+                                         pBuffer,
+                                         (int)nLen,
+                                         NULL,
+                                         NULL) != 0);
+            strResult = pBuffer;
+            FREE_ARRAY(pBuffer, "pBuffer");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // this should never be an error
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // output 'str' remains empty
+    }
+    ENSURE("strResult is a valid STL string");
+    return strResult;
+wstring MultiByteToWideChar(const char     *UTF8String,
+                            unsigned int    CodePage)
+    wstring strResult;
+    string  UTF8str(UTF8String);
+    size_t wLen;
+    if (UTF8str.length() > 0)
+    {
+        wLen =
+            (size_t) ::MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage,
+                                           0,
+                                           UTF8str.c_str(),
+                                           -1,
+                                           NULL,
+                                           0);
+        if (wLen > 0)
+        {
+            wchar_t *wBuffer = ALLOC_ARRAY(wLen + 1, wchar_t, "wBuffer");
+            VERIFY(::MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage,
+                                         0,
+                                         UTF8str.c_str(),
+                                         (int)(UTF8str.length() + 1),
+                                         wBuffer,
+                                         (int)wLen) != 0);
+            strResult = wBuffer;
+            FREE_ARRAY(wBuffer, "wBuffer");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            CHECK(FALSE); // We should never get an error here
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // strResult is left empty
+    }
+    ENSURE("strResult is a valid CString");
+    wstring strRet(strResult);
+    return strRet;
+#if defined MSWIN
+std::string WideCharToUtf8(const wchar_t *str)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(str)); /* really cannot be NULL - 2007-10-22 CAM/DTO */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    UINT CodePage = CP_ACP;
+    string Result = "";
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    Result = WideCharToMultiByte(str, CodePage);
+    ENSURE("Result is any string");
+    return Result;
+wstring Utf8ToWideChar(const char *str)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(str)); /* really cannot be NULL - 2007-10-22 CAM/DTO */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    UINT CodePage = CP_ACP;
+    wstring Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    Result = MultiByteToWideChar(str, CodePage);
+    ENSURE("Result is any string");
+    return Result;
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8LeadByte(Byte_t uch)
+    REQUIRE("uch is any byte");
+    Boolean_t Result =
+        uch <= 0x7F                   ||
+        (uch >= 0xC0 && uch <= 0xDF) ||
+        (uch >= 0xE0 && uch <= 0xEF) ||
+        (uch >= 0xF0 && uch <= 0xF4);
+    return Result;
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8ContinuingByte(Byte_t uch)
+    REQUIRE("uch is any char");
+    Boolean_t Result =
+        (uch >= 0x80 && uch <= 0xBF);
+    return Result;
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8Byte(Byte_t uch)
+    REQUIRE("uch is any char");
+    Boolean_t Result =
+        IsValidUtf8LeadByte(uch)        ||
+        IsValidUtf8ContinuingByte(uch);
+    return Result;
+Boolean_t ShouldConvertWideStringToUtf8String(const wchar_t *str)
+    Boolean_t Result = FALSE;
+#if defined MSWIN && defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* MSWIN and TECPLOTKERNEL */
+    return Result;
+Boolean_t IsValidUtf8String(const char *str)
+    Boolean_t IsValid = TRUE;
+#if defined MSWIN
+    size_t len                      = strlen(str);
+    Boolean_t InUtf8Sequence        = FALSE;
+    int       Utf8SequenceCount     = 0;
+    int       MaxUtf8SequenceCount  = 0;
+    /* we want to process the final \0, so go to <= len */
+    for (size_t ii = 0; IsValid && ii <= len; ii++)
+    {
+        Byte_t uch = (Byte_t)str[ii];
+        if (uch <= 0x7F)
+        {
+            /* This must be the end of a sequence,
+               so the sequence count must match
+               the max sequence count */
+            InUtf8Sequence        = FALSE;
+            IsValid               = (Utf8SequenceCount == MaxUtf8SequenceCount);
+            Utf8SequenceCount     = 0;
+            MaxUtf8SequenceCount  = 0;
+        }
+        else if (uch >= 0x80 && uch <= 0xBF)
+        {
+            /* Continuing byte in a multi byte sequence */
+            if (InUtf8Sequence)
+            {
+                Utf8SequenceCount++;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                IsValid = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        else if (uch >= 0xC0 && uch <= 0xDF)
+        {
+            /* Lead byte of 000080-0007FF */
+            IsValid               = (Utf8SequenceCount == MaxUtf8SequenceCount);
+            InUtf8Sequence        = TRUE;
+            Utf8SequenceCount     = 0;
+            MaxUtf8SequenceCount  = 1;
+        }
+        else if (uch >= 0xE0 && uch <= 0xEF)
+        {
+            /* Lead byte of 000800-00FFFF */
+            IsValid               = (Utf8SequenceCount == MaxUtf8SequenceCount);
+            InUtf8Sequence        = TRUE;
+            Utf8SequenceCount     = 0;
+            MaxUtf8SequenceCount  = 2;
+        }
+        else if (uch >= 0xF0 && uch <= 0xF4)
+        {
+            /* Lead byte of 010000-10FFFF */
+            IsValid               = (Utf8SequenceCount == MaxUtf8SequenceCount);
+            Utf8SequenceCount     = 0;
+            InUtf8Sequence        = TRUE;
+            MaxUtf8SequenceCount  = 3;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Invalid Utf 8 */
+            IsValid = FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    return IsValid;
+ */
+Boolean_t IsNullOrZeroLengthString(const char *str)
+    Boolean_t Result = (str == NULL || strlen(str) == 0);
+    return Result;
+ */
+Boolean_t IsNullOrZeroLengthString(TranslatedString TS)
+    REQUIRE(TS.isValid());
+    return TS.isNullOrZeroLength();
+#if defined MSWIN && TECPLOTKERNEL && (!defined NO_ASSERTS || defined CHECKED_BUILD)
+/* Keeping Trace out of the release builds
+   will verify for us that it has been optimized away.
+   See the definition of TRACE in MASTER.h for
+   more information... */
+void MSWinTrace(const char *Format, ...)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Format));
+    const int BufferSize = 512; /* Only print the first 512 characers */
+    va_list Arguments;
+    /* Don't use ALLOC_ARRAY here */
+    char *buffer = new char[BufferSize];
+    memset(buffer, 0, BufferSize);
+    va_start(Arguments, Format);
+    _vsnprintf(buffer, BufferSize - 1, Format, Arguments);
+    va_end(Arguments);
+    ::OutputDebugStringA(buffer);
+    delete [] buffer;
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/set.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/set.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f6252a4c9893a028d15cc535c20572e53ee46ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/set.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#define SETMODULE
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "SET.h"
+/* * SET FUNCTIONS * */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if InitNumZones > InitNumVars
+#if ZoneExpansionFactor > VarExpansionFactor
+#define SetInitSize          (PadOut(1,SetBitSize))
+#define SetExpansionFactor   2
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+ */
+Set_pa AllocSet(Boolean_t show_error_msg)
+    Set_pa Set = ALLOC_ITEM(struct _Set_a, "Set header");
+    if (Set)
+    {
+        Set->size = SetInitSize;
+        Set->data = ALLOC_ARRAY(SetInitSize / SetBitSize, SetData_t, "Set data");
+        if (Set->data == NULL)
+            DeallocSet(&Set);
+        else
+            ClearSet(Set);
+    }
+    if ((Set == NULL) && show_error_msg)
+    {
+#     if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#     else
+        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory for sets");
+#     endif
+    }
+    return Set;
+} /* AllocSet() */
+ */
+void DeallocSet(Set_pa *Set)
+    if (Set && *Set)
+    {
+        if ((*Set)->data)
+            FREE_ARRAY((*Set)->data, "Set data");
+        FREE_ITEM(*Set, "Set header");
+        *Set = NULL;
+    }
+} /* DeallocSet() */
+ * This function adapts the DeallocSet function to work with the
+ * ArrayList's deallocation callback.
+ */
+Boolean_t SetItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                            ArbParam_t  ClientData)
+    Set_pa *SetRef = (Set_pa *)ItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*SetRef) || *SetRef == NULL);
+    if (*SetRef != NULL)
+        DeallocSet(SetRef);
+    ENSURE(*SetRef == NULL);
+    return TRUE;
+ */
+Boolean_t ExpandSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                    SetIndex_t max_val,
+                    Boolean_t  show_error_msg)
+    SetData_t  *data;
+    long        new_size;
+    REQUIRE(max_val >= 0);
+    if (!Set)
+    {
+        if (show_error_msg)
+        {
+#         if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#         else
+            fprintf(stderr, "Null Set expand");
+#         endif
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    if (max_val <= Set->size)
+        return TRUE;
+    new_size = Set->size;
+    while (new_size < max_val)
+        new_size *= SetExpansionFactor;
+    new_size = PadOut(new_size, SetBitSize);
+    data = ALLOC_ARRAY(new_size / SetBitSize, SetData_t, "new Set data");
+    if (!data)
+    {
+        if (show_error_msg)
+        {
+#         if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#         else
+            fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory for sets");
+#         endif
+        }
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    size_t old_set_size_in_bytes = sizeof(data[0]) * (Set->size / SetBitSize);
+    memcpy(data, Set->data, old_set_size_in_bytes);
+    size_t new_set_size_in_bytes = sizeof(data[0]) * (new_size / SetBitSize);
+    size_t numBytesToReset = new_set_size_in_bytes - old_set_size_in_bytes;
+    memset(((char*)data) + old_set_size_in_bytes, 0, numBytesToReset);
+    FREE_ARRAY(Set->data, "old Set data");
+    Set->data = data;
+    Set->size = new_size;
+    return TRUE;
+} /* ExpandSet() */
+ */
+Boolean_t CopySet(Set_pa    dst,
+                  Set_pa    src,
+                  Boolean_t show_error_msg)
+    if (dst && dst->data &&
+        src && src->data &&
+        ExpandSet(dst, src->size, show_error_msg))
+    {
+        SetIndex_t src_size_in_words = src->size / SetBitSize;
+        size_t numBytesToCopy = sizeof(dst->data[0]) * src_size_in_words;
+        memcpy(dst->data, src->data, numBytesToCopy);
+        SetIndex_t dst_size_in_words = dst->size / SetBitSize;
+        CHECK(dst_size_in_words>=src_size_in_words); // ...guaranteed by above ExpandSet() call
+        size_t numBytesToReset = sizeof(dst->data[0]) * (dst_size_in_words - src_size_in_words);
+        memset((char*)(dst->data + src_size_in_words), 0, numBytesToReset);
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* CopySet() */
+ */
+Boolean_t AppendSet(Set_pa dst,
+                    Set_pa src,
+                    Boolean_t show_error_msg)
+    if (dst && dst->data &&
+        src && src->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t member;
+        ForAllMembersInSet(member, src)
+        {
+            if (!AddToSet(dst, member, TRUE))
+                return FALSE;
+        }
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* AppendSet() */
+ */
+void ClearSet(Set_pa Set)
+    if (Set && Set->data)
+        memset(Set->data, 0, Set->size / SetBitSize * sizeof(Set->data[0]));
+} /* ClearSet() */
+ */
+Boolean_t AddToSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                   SetIndex_t member,
+                   Boolean_t  show_error_msg)
+    REQUIRE(member >= 0);
+    if (Set &&
+        Set->data &&
+        ((member + 1 <= Set->size) || ExpandSet(Set, member + 1, show_error_msg)))
+    {
+        SetIndex_t word = member / SetBitSize;
+        SetData_t  bit = (SetData_t)1 << (member % SetBitSize);
+        Set->data[word] |= bit;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* AddToSet() */
+ */
+void RemoveFromSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                   SetIndex_t member)
+    REQUIRE(member >= 0);
+    if (Set && (member < Set->size) && Set->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t word = member / SetBitSize;
+        SetData_t  bit = (SetData_t)1 << (member % SetBitSize);
+        Set->data[word] &= (((SetData_t) - 1) ^ bit);
+    }
+} /* RemoveFromSet() */
+ * Similar to RemoveFromSet except it shifts the Set.
+ */
+void DeleteSetMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                     SetIndex_t Member)
+    SetIndex_t LastMember;
+    REQUIRE(Member >= 0);
+    LastMember = GetPrevMember(Set, BAD_SET_VALUE);
+    if (Member <= LastMember)
+    {
+        ShiftSet(Set, Member + 1, LastMember, -1);
+        RemoveFromSet(Set, LastMember);
+    }
+ * Similar to AddToSet except that if the new member is within the currently
+ * defined set the members are shifted accordingly.
+ */
+Boolean_t InsertSetMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                          SetIndex_t Member,
+                          Boolean_t  ShowErrMsg)
+    Boolean_t  IsOk = TRUE;
+    SetIndex_t OrigLastMember;
+    /* first, determine if we need to shift the set */
+    OrigLastMember = GetPrevMember(Set, BAD_SET_VALUE);
+    if (Member <= OrigLastMember)
+    {
+        IsOk = ExpandSet(Set, (OrigLastMember + 1) + 1, ShowErrMsg);
+        ShiftSet(Set, Member, OrigLastMember, 1);
+    }
+    if (IsOk)
+        IsOk = AddToSet(Set, Member, ShowErrMsg);
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+Boolean_t InSet(Set_pa     Set,
+                SetIndex_t member)
+    /*
+     * Sometimes InSet is called with negative numbers.  This is not correct, but
+     * its what we have to work with.  Maybe some day, we can make this assertion.
+    REQUIRE(member>=0);
+     */
+    if (Set && (0 <= member && member < Set->size))
+    {
+        SetIndex_t word = member / SetBitSize;
+        SetData_t  bit = (SetData_t)1 << (member % SetBitSize);
+        return (Set->data[word]&bit) != 0;
+    }
+    else
+        return FALSE;
+} /* InSet() */
+ */
+Boolean_t IsEmpty(Set_pa Set)
+    if (Set && Set->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t set_size_in_words = Set->size / SetBitSize;
+        SetIndex_t word;
+        for (word = 0; word < set_size_in_words; word++)
+            if (Set->data[word] != 0)
+                return FALSE;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+} /* IsEmpty() */
+ */
+Boolean_t HasVoids(Set_pa Set)
+    Boolean_t  Result = FALSE;
+    SetIndex_t ContiguousMember = 0;
+    SetIndex_t Member = 0;
+    /* look for voids in the set */
+    ForAllMembersInSet(Member, Set)
+    {
+        if (Member == ContiguousMember)
+        {
+            ContiguousMember++;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            Result = TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return Result;
+ */
+SetIndex_t MemberCount(Set_pa Set)
+    SetIndex_t count = 0;
+    if (Set && Set->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t set_size_in_words = Set->size / SetBitSize;
+        SetIndex_t word;
+        for (word = 0; word < set_size_in_words; word++)
+        {
+            SetData_t word_val = Set->data[word];
+            while (word_val)
+            {
+                if (word_val&1)
+                    count++;
+                word_val = word_val >> 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return count;
+} /* MemberCount() */
+ */
+SetIndex_t GetNextMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                         SetIndex_t start_at)
+    SetIndex_t next_member = BAD_SET_VALUE;
+    if (Set && Set->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t set_size_in_words = Set->size / SetBitSize;
+        SetIndex_t word;
+        SetData_t  word_val = 0;
+        int bit;
+        if (start_at == BAD_SET_VALUE)
+        {
+            word = 0;
+            bit = 0;
+            if (word < set_size_in_words)
+                word_val = Set->data[0];
+        }
+        else if (start_at + 1 < Set->size)
+        {
+            word = (start_at + 1) / SetBitSize;
+            bit = (start_at + 1) % SetBitSize;
+            if (word < set_size_in_words)
+                word_val = Set->data[word] >> bit;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return BAD_SET_VALUE;
+        }
+        while ((word < set_size_in_words) && (word_val == 0))
+        {
+            word++;
+            bit = 0;
+            if (word < set_size_in_words)
+                word_val = Set->data[word];
+        }
+        if (word < set_size_in_words)
+        {
+            while (!(word_val&1))
+            {
+                word_val >>= 1;
+                bit++;
+            }
+            next_member = word * SetBitSize + bit;
+        }
+    }
+    return next_member;
+} /* GetNextMember() */
+ */
+SetIndex_t GetPrevMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                         SetIndex_t start_at)
+    SetIndex_t next_member = BAD_SET_VALUE;
+    if (Set && Set->data)
+    {
+        SetIndex_t set_size_in_words = Set->size / SetBitSize;
+        SetIndex_t word;
+        SetData_t  word_val = 0;
+        int bit;
+        if (start_at == BAD_SET_VALUE)
+        {
+            word = set_size_in_words - 1;
+            bit = SetBitSize - 1;
+            if (word >= 0)
+                word_val = Set->data[word];
+        }
+        else if (start_at > 0)
+        {
+            word = (start_at - 1) / SetBitSize;
+            bit = (start_at - 1) % SetBitSize;
+            if (word >= 0)
+                word_val = Set->data[word] << (SetBitSize - bit - 1);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            return BAD_SET_VALUE;
+        }
+        while ((word >= 0) && (word_val == 0))
+        {
+            word--;
+            bit = SetBitSize - 1;
+            if (word >= 0)
+                word_val = Set->data[word] << (SetBitSize - bit - 1);
+        }
+        if (word >= 0)
+        {
+            while (!(word_val&SetLastBit))
+            {
+                word_val <<= 1;
+                bit--;
+            }
+            next_member = word * SetBitSize + bit;
+        }
+    }
+    return next_member;
+} /* GetPrevMember() */
+ */
+Boolean_t EqualSets(Set_pa set1,
+                    Set_pa set2)
+    SetIndex_t set1_size_in_words,
+    set2_size_in_words,
+    min_set_size_in_words,
+    ii;
+    if (!set1 || !set2)
+        return FALSE;
+    set1_size_in_words = set1->size / SetBitSize;
+    set2_size_in_words = set2->size / SetBitSize;
+    min_set_size_in_words = MIN(set1_size_in_words, set2_size_in_words);
+    for (ii = 0; ii < min_set_size_in_words; ii++)
+        if (set1->data[ii] != set2->data[ii])
+            return FALSE;
+    for (ii = min_set_size_in_words; ii < set1_size_in_words; ii++)
+        if (set1->data[ii] != 0)
+            return FALSE;
+    for (ii = min_set_size_in_words; ii < set2_size_in_words; ii++)
+        if (set2->data[ii] != 0)
+            return FALSE;
+    return TRUE;
+} /* EqualSets() */
+Boolean_t IsSubSet(Set_pa childset,
+                   Set_pa parentset)
+    SetIndex_t s;
+    ForAllMembersInSet(s, childset)
+    {
+        if (!InSet(parentset, s))
+            return (FALSE);
+    }
+    return (TRUE);
+} /* IsSubSet() */
+ *   functions added 11/7 by byron.  These are roughed in for now and could
+ *   stand to be optimized later.....
+ */
+ *  Return the number of members in a set that preceed a given member.
+ */
+SetIndex_t MemberOffset(Set_pa     Set,
+                        SetIndex_t Member)
+    SetIndex_t I;
+    SetIndex_t Offset = -1;
+    if (InSet(Set, Member))
+    {
+        for (I = 0; I <= Member; I++)
+        {
+            if (InSet(Set, I))
+                Offset++;
+        }
+    }
+    return (Offset);
+ *  Return the position in the set of the nth member of a set.
+ */
+SetIndex_t OffsetMember(Set_pa     Set,
+                        SetIndex_t Offset)
+    SetIndex_t I;
+    SetIndex_t Member = BAD_SET_VALUE;
+    for (I = 0; I <= Offset; I++)
+    {
+        Member = GetNextMember(Set, Member);
+        if (Member == BAD_SET_VALUE)
+            break;
+    }
+    return (Member);
+Boolean_t CopySetMember(Set_pa     DstSet,
+                        SetIndex_t DstOffset,
+                        Set_pa     SrcSet,
+                        SetIndex_t SrcOffset)
+    if (InSet(SrcSet, SrcOffset))
+        return (AddToSet(DstSet, DstOffset, TRUE));
+    else
+        RemoveFromSet(DstSet, DstOffset);
+    return (TRUE);
+ *  Initial:
+ *                v---ShiftPos1   v--ShiftPos2
+ * +-------------------------------------+
+ * | | | | | | | |x| | | | | | | |x| | | |
+ * +-------------------------------------+
+ *
+ * Shift +2
+ *                    v---ShiftPos1   v--ShiftPos2
+ * +-------------------------------------+
+ * | | | | | | | | | |x| | | | | | | |x| |
+ * +-------------------------------------+
+ *
+ *
+ * Shift all bits between ShiftPos1 and ShiftPos2
+ * by ShiftAmount.  The bits that the shift
+ * replaces fill in the hole left by the shift
+ *
+ *
+ */
+void ShiftSet(Set_pa     Set,
+              SetIndex_t ShiftPos1,
+              SetIndex_t ShiftPos2,
+              SetIndex_t ShiftAmount)
+    Set_pa     NewSet;
+    SetIndex_t DPos;
+    SetIndex_t SPos;
+    if ((Set == NULL) || (IsEmpty(Set)))
+        return;
+    NewSet = AllocSet(TRUE);
+    if (NewSet == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (!CopySet(NewSet, Set, TRUE))
+        return;
+    if (ShiftAmount < 0)
+    {
+        DPos = ShiftPos2;
+        SPos = ShiftPos1 - 1;
+        while (DPos > ShiftPos2 + ShiftAmount)
+            CopySetMember(NewSet, DPos--, Set, SPos--);
+        SPos = ShiftPos2;
+        while (SPos >= ShiftPos1)
+            CopySetMember(NewSet, DPos--, Set, SPos--);
+    }
+    else if (ShiftAmount > 0)
+    {
+        DPos       = ShiftPos1;
+        SPos       = ShiftPos2 + 1;
+        while (DPos < ShiftPos1 + ShiftAmount)
+            CopySetMember(NewSet, DPos++, Set, SPos++);
+        SPos = ShiftPos1;
+        while (SPos <= ShiftPos2)
+            CopySetMember(NewSet, DPos++, Set, SPos++);
+    }
+    CopySet(Set, NewSet, TRUE);
+    DeallocSet(&NewSet);
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/stdafx.h b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/stdafx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..066d102e7c732daf416bdf937ab64b3c5ea05500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/stdafx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#if !defined STDAFX_H_
+# define STDAFX_H_
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+ * stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files,
+ *  or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
+ *      are changed infrequently
+ * Used for Windows only
+ */
+#if defined _WIN32
+ * Set NDEBUG before including "custafx.h" since that file may
+ * use NDEBUG.  (In fact, for SmartHeap builds this is the case.)
+ * CAM 2007-04-11
+ *
+ * Previous comment: "Note that _DEBUG is defined by the Windows compiler
+ * if any of the multi-threaded DLL runtime libraries are used."
+ */
+#if !defined _DEBUG
+#if !defined NDEBUG
+#define NDEBUG
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#if !defined MSWIN
+#define MSWIN
+#define ENGLISH_ONLY // remove to support non-english dll's
+#if !defined WINVER
+#define WINVER 0x0500
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined CHECKED_BUILD || defined _DEBUG && !defined COREAPI
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+/*  Windows builds are UNICODE */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4786) /* truncated identifiers in debug symbol table. */
+#pragma warning(disable : 4996) /* deprecated functions */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined UNICODE
+#if !defined _AFXDLL
+#if defined _M_IX86
+#if defined _WIN64
+#if !defined _M_IA64 && !defined _M_AMD64
+#if !defined MSWIN
+#if !defined THREED
+#endif /* _AFX_NO_AFXCMN_SUPPORT */
+#ifndef _AFX
+#else /* !TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#define AfxIsValidAddress(ptr,bb) ((ptr)!=NULL)
+/* 64-bit adjustments */
+#if defined _M_IA64 || defined _M_AMD64
+#define WININT  INT_PTR
+#define WININT  int
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined (NDEBUG)
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+#endif /* STDAFX_H_ */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strlist.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strlist.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ab34a5274c9eac16224facd1c66456348a718c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strlist.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+ * This set of functions provide a wrapper around the array list utilities
+ * thereby making it aware of item allocation and deallocation. All strings
+ * given to the string list and returned to the client are copies. Therefore
+ * it is the client's responsibility to deallocate string results when no
+ * longer needed.
+ */
+ * Destructor for cleaning up string allocations.
+ *
+ * param ItemRef
+ *     Reference to the string item to destroy.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data needed for destroying the string.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE is a requirement
+ */
+static Boolean_t StringListItemDestructor(void       *ItemRef,
+                                          ArbParam_t ClientData)
+    char **StringRef = (char **)ItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(StringRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*StringRef) || *StringRef == NULL);
+    if (*StringRef != NULL)
+    {
+        FREE_ARRAY(*StringRef, "string");
+        *StringRef = NULL;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*StringRef == NULL);
+    return TRUE;
+ * String item duplicator.
+ *
+ * param TargetItemRef
+ *     Reference to the string list item to receive the duplicate.
+ * param SourceItemRef
+ *     Reference to the string list item to duplicate.
+ * param ClientData
+ *     Any client data required for duplication.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the duplication was a success
+ *     FALSE otherwise. If the duplication failed it
+ *     is the client's responsibility to cleanup any
+ *     partial duplication
+ */
+static Boolean_t StringListItemDuplicator(void       *TargetItemRef,
+                                          void       *SourceItemRef,
+                                          ArbParam_t ClientData)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    char **TargetStringRef = (char **)TargetItemRef;
+    char **SourceStringRef = (char **)SourceItemRef;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(TargetStringRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(SourceStringRef));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*SourceStringRef) || *SourceStringRef == NULL);
+    if (*SourceStringRef != NULL)
+        IsOk = ((*TargetStringRef = DupString(dontTranslate(*SourceStringRef))) != NULL);
+    else
+        *TargetStringRef = NULL;
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(*TargetStringRef) || *TargetStringRef == NULL);
+    return IsOk;
+ * Determine if the string list handle and its members are sane.
+ */
+Boolean_t StringListValid(StringList_pa stringList)
+    Boolean_t isValid = ArrayListIsValid((ArrayList_pa)stringList);
+    if (isValid)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t stringCount = ArrayListGetCount((ArrayList_pa)stringList);
+        {
+            for (LgIndex_t index = 0; index < stringCount; index++)
+            {
+                char *string = ArrayListGetCharPtr((ArrayList_pa)stringList, index);
+                if (string != NULL && !VALID_REF(string))
+                {
+                    isValid = FALSE;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        {
+            /* Check first and last only */
+            if (stringCount > 0)
+            {
+                char *string = ArrayListGetCharPtr((ArrayList_pa)stringList, 0);
+                if (string != NULL && !VALID_REF(string))
+                {
+                    isValid = FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+            if (isValid && stringCount > 1)
+            {
+                char *string = ArrayListGetCharPtr((ArrayList_pa)stringList, stringCount - 1);
+                if (string != NULL && !VALID_REF(string))
+                {
+                    isValid = FALSE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        }
+        ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(isValid));
+        return isValid;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Remove all members of the string list.
+     */
+    void StringListClear(StringList_pa StringList)
+    {
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        ArrayListDeleteAllItems((ArrayList_pa)StringList, StringListItemDestructor, 0);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList) && StringListCount(StringList) == 0);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Remove 'Count' strings from the list beginning at the specified offset.
+     * The members following the items removed are shifted down accordingly to
+     * fill the vacated space.
+     */
+    void StringListRemoveStrings(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                 LgIndex_t     StringOffset,
+                                 LgIndex_t     Count)
+    {
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(0 <= StringOffset && StringOffset <= StringListCount(StringList) - 1);
+        REQUIRE(1 <= Count && StringOffset + Count <= StringListCount(StringList));
+        ArrayListDeleteItems((ArrayList_pa)StringList, StringOffset, Count,
+                             StringListItemDestructor, 0);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Remove the string from the list at the specified offset. The members
+     * following the item removed are shifted down accordingly to fill the
+     * vacated space.
+     */
+    void StringListRemoveString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                LgIndex_t     StringOffset)
+    {
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(0 <= StringOffset && StringOffset <= StringListCount(StringList) - 1);
+        ArrayListDeleteItems((ArrayList_pa)StringList, StringOffset, 1,
+                             StringListItemDestructor, 0);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Deallocate the string list members and handle and set the handle to NULL.
+     */
+    void LIBCALL StringListDealloc(StringList_pa *StringList)
+    {
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(*StringList == NULL || StringListValid(*StringList));
+        if (*StringList != NULL)
+            ArrayListDealloc((ArrayList_pa *)StringList, StringListItemDestructor, 0);
+        ENSURE(*StringList == NULL);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Allocate a string list handle. A handle of NULL is
+     * returned if sufficient memory is not available.
+     */
+    StringList_pa StringListAlloc(void)
+    {
+        StringList_pa Result;
+        Result = (StringList_pa)ArrayListAlloc(0, ArrayListType_CharPtr, NULL, 0);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || StringListValid(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Append a copy of the string to the string list. The string list will be
+     * expanded to accommodate the additional item. A return value of TRUE
+     * indicates the operation was successful otherwise FALSE is returned
+     * indicating that sufficient memory was not available for the additional
+     * item.
+     */
+    Boolean_t StringListAppendString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                     const char   *String)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(String == NULL || VALID_REF(String));
+        IsOk = StringListSetString(StringList, StringListCount(StringList), String);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        return IsOk;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return the number of strings currently in the string list.
+     */
+    LgIndex_t LIBCALL StringListCount(StringList_pa StringList)
+    {
+        LgIndex_t Result;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        Result = ArrayListGetCount((ArrayList_pa)StringList);
+        ENSURE(Result >= 0);
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a copy of the string at the specified offset in the string list.
+     */
+    char * LIBCALL StringListGetString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                       LgIndex_t     StringOffset)
+    {
+        char *Result;
+        const char *StringRef;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(0 <= StringOffset && StringOffset <= StringListCount(StringList) - 1);
+        StringRef = StringListGetStringRef(StringList, StringOffset);
+        if (StringRef == NULL)
+            Result = NULL;
+        else
+            Result = DupString(dontTranslate(StringRef));
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Returns actual string at the specified offset in the string list.  Do not
+     * attempt to free this string.  Changing this string should be done with
+     * utmost caution.
+     */
+    const char *StringListGetStringRef_FUNC(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                            LgIndex_t     StringOffset)
+    {
+        const char *Result;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(0 <= StringOffset && StringOffset <= StringListCount(StringList) - 1);
+        Result = StringListGetStringRef_MACRO(StringList, StringOffset);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Place a copy of the specified string at the specified offset. If the offset
+     * is beyond the end of the string list it is sized accordingly and the
+     * intervening string references between the last item of the original
+     * state and the last item of the new state are assigned NULL. If a string
+     * already exists at the specified location its resources are released.
+     * A return value of TRUE indicates the operation was successful otherwise
+     * FALSE is returned indicating that sufficient memory was not available
+     * for the additional item at the specified offset.
+     */
+    Boolean_t StringListSetString(StringList_pa StringList,
+                                  LgIndex_t     StringOffset,
+                                  const char   *String)
+    {
+        Boolean_t       IsOk;
+        ArrayListItem_u ItemCopy;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(StringOffset >= 0);
+        REQUIRE(String == NULL || VALID_REF(String));
+        if (String != NULL)
+        {
+            ItemCopy.CharPtr = DupString(dontTranslate(String));
+            IsOk = (ItemCopy.CharPtr != NULL);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ItemCopy.CharPtr = NULL;
+            IsOk = TRUE;
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+            IsOk = ArrayListSetItem((ArrayList_pa)StringList, StringOffset, ItemCopy,
+                                    StringListItemDestructor, 0);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        return IsOk;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Insert a copy of the string into the string list at the specified offset.
+     * The string list will be expanded to accommodate the additional item.
+     * A return value of TRUE indicates the operation was successful otherwise
+     * FALSE is returned indicating that sufficient memory was not available
+     * for the additional item.
+     */
+    Boolean_t StringListInsertString(StringList_pa  StringList,
+                                     LgIndex_t      StringOffset,
+                                     const char    *String)
+    {
+        Boolean_t       IsOk;
+        ArrayListItem_u ItemCopy;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(StringOffset >= 0);
+        REQUIRE(String == NULL || VALID_REF(String));
+        if (String != NULL)
+        {
+            ItemCopy.CharPtr = DupString(dontTranslate(String));
+            IsOk = (ItemCopy.CharPtr != NULL);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ItemCopy.CharPtr = NULL;
+            IsOk = TRUE;
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+            IsOk = ArrayListInsertItem(
+                       (ArrayList_pa)StringList, StringOffset, ItemCopy);
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        return IsOk;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a handle to a duplicate of the specified string list and its contents.
+     * A handle of NULL is returned if sufficient memory is not available.
+     */
+    StringList_pa StringListCopy(StringList_pa StringList)
+    {
+        StringList_pa Result;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        Result = (StringList_pa)ArrayListCopy((ArrayList_pa)StringList,
+                                              StringListItemDuplicator, 0);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL ||
+               (StringListValid(Result) &&
+                StringListCount(Result) == StringListCount(StringList)));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Append a copy of the contents of the source list to the target list.
+     * A return value of TRUE indicates the operation was successful otherwise
+     * FALSE is returned indicating that sufficient memory was not available
+     * for the request.
+     */
+    Boolean_t StringListAppend(StringList_pa Target,
+                               StringList_pa Source)
+    {
+        Boolean_t     IsOk;
+        StringList_pa SourceCopy;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(Target));
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(Source));
+        SourceCopy = StringListCopy(Source);
+        IsOk = (SourceCopy != NULL);
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            ArrayListAppend((ArrayList_pa)Target, (ArrayList_pa)SourceCopy);
+            /* deallocate the list but not the string items since Target now owns them */
+            ArrayListDealloc((ArrayList_pa *)(void *)&SourceCopy, NULL, 0);
+        }
+        ENSURE(StringListValid(Target));
+        return IsOk;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a new line, '\n', separated string representation of the string list.
+     * Caller is responsible for de-allocating the result.
+     */
+    char *StringListToNLString(StringList_pa StringList)
+    {
+        char  *Result;
+        int Count;
+        size_t Length = 0;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        /* determine the resulting new line, '\n', separated string length */
+        Count = StringListCount(StringList);
+        if (Count >= 1)
+        {
+            int Index;
+            for (Index = 0, Length = strlen("\n") * (Count - 1);
+                 Index < Count;
+                 Index++)
+            {
+                char *String = ArrayListGetCharPtr((ArrayList_pa)StringList, Index);
+                if (String != NULL)
+                    Length += strlen(String);
+            }
+        }
+        /* create a new line, '\n', separated string */
+        Result = ALLOC_ARRAY(Length + 1, char, "new line separated string");
+        if (Result != NULL)
+        {
+            int Index;
+            for (Index = 0, strcpy(Result, "");
+                 Index < Count;
+                 Index++)
+            {
+                char *String = ArrayListGetCharPtr(
+                                   (ArrayList_pa)StringList, Index);
+                if (Index != 0)
+                    strcat(Result, "\n");
+                if (String != NULL)
+                    strcat(Result, String);
+            }
+        }
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Create a string list from the new line, '\n', separated string. The string
+     * is copied and therefore owned and managed by the caller.
+     */
+    StringList_pa StringListFromNLString(const char *String)
+    {
+        StringList_pa Result;
+        LgIndex_t     StartIndex;
+        LgIndex_t     EndIndex;
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+        /* create the string list and scan the entire string */
+        Result = StringListAlloc();
+        for (StartIndex = EndIndex = 0; Result != NULL; EndIndex++)
+        {
+            /* end of sub-string ? */
+            if (String[EndIndex] == '\n' || String[EndIndex] == '\0')
+            {
+                /* extract the sub-string and append it to the string list */
+                LgIndex_t Length = EndIndex - StartIndex;
+                char     *SubString = ALLOC_ARRAY(Length + 1, char, "sub string");
+                if (SubString != NULL)
+                {
+                    CopySubString(SubString, String, StartIndex, Length);
+                    StringListAppendString(Result, SubString);
+                    FREE_ARRAY(SubString, "sub string");
+                    if (String[EndIndex] != '\0')
+                        StartIndex = EndIndex + 1;
+                    else
+                        break; /* nothing left to scan */
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /* memory allocation failure: bail out */
+                    StringListDealloc(&Result);
+                    Result = NULL;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || StringListValid(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a 'C' string array representation of the string list.
+     * Caller is responsible for de-allocating the result.
+     */
+    char **StringListToArray(StringList_pa StringList)
+    {
+        char    **Result;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        Result = (char **)ArrayListToArray((ArrayList_pa)StringList,
+                                           StringListItemDuplicator, 0);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Create a string list from the 'C' string array. The string array
+     * is copied and therefore owned and managed by the caller.
+     */
+    StringList_pa StringListFromArray(const char **StringArray,
+                                      LgIndex_t    Count)
+    {
+        StringList_pa Result;
+        REQUIRE((Count == 0 && StringArray == NULL) ||
+                (Count >= 1 && VALID_REF(StringArray)));
+        Result = (StringList_pa)ArrayListFromArray((void *)StringArray,
+                                                   Count, ArrayListType_CharPtr,
+                                                   StringListItemDuplicator, 0);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || StringListValid(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+#define ISJOINCHAR(c) ((c == ';') || (c == '+'))
+    static void SkipWhiteSpaceOrComma(const char **CPtr)
+    {
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(CPtr) && VALID_REF(*CPtr));
+        while (ISWHITESPACE(**CPtr) || (**CPtr == ','))
+            (*CPtr)++;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Obtain the next sub-string.  This can be of the form:
+     *
+     *  [del]any-character-sequence[del]
+     *
+     *            or
+     *
+     *   limited-character-sequence
+     *
+     *  where a limited-character-sequence cannot contain
+     * any of the following characters:  +;,<space>
+     *
+     */
+    static Boolean_t GetNextSubString(const char **OriginalCPtr,
+                                      char       **NextSubString)
+    {
+        Boolean_t   IsOk = TRUE;
+        const char *CStart;
+        const char *CPtr;
+        char        InsideDelimiter = '\0';
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(OriginalCPtr) && (VALID_REF(*OriginalCPtr)));
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(NextSubString));
+        *NextSubString = NULL;
+        CPtr = *OriginalCPtr;
+        SkipWhiteSpaceOrComma(&CPtr);
+        if (*CPtr == '"' || *CPtr == '\'')
+        {
+            InsideDelimiter = *CPtr;
+            CPtr++;
+        }
+        CStart = CPtr;
+        while (*CPtr &&
+               ((InsideDelimiter && (*CPtr != InsideDelimiter)) ||
+                (!InsideDelimiter && (*CPtr != ',')       &&
+                 !ISJOINCHAR(*CPtr)  &&
+                 !ISWHITESPACE(*CPtr))))
+        {
+            if (InsideDelimiter  &&
+                (*CPtr == '\\')  &&
+                (*(CPtr + 1) == InsideDelimiter))
+                CPtr += 2;
+            else
+                CPtr++;
+        }
+        if (InsideDelimiter && (*CPtr != InsideDelimiter))
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+        if (IsOk && CStart < CPtr)
+        {
+            size_t StrLen = (size_t)(CPtr - CStart);
+            *NextSubString = ALLOC_ARRAY(StrLen + 1, char, "GetNextSubString: NextSubString");
+            if (*NextSubString)
+            {
+                char *NPtr = *NextSubString;
+                /*
+                 * Don't just copy the string because escaped delimiters need to have
+                 * the escape removed...
+                 */
+                while (CStart < CPtr)
+                {
+                    if ((*CStart == '\\') && (*(CStart + 1) == InsideDelimiter))
+                        CStart++;
+                    *NPtr++ = *CStart++;
+                }
+                *NPtr = '\0';
+            }
+            else
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+        if (IsOk)
+        {
+            if (InsideDelimiter)
+                CPtr++;
+            SkipWhiteSpaceOrComma(&CPtr);
+            *OriginalCPtr = CPtr;
+        }
+        return IsOk;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a string list representation of a compound string.
+     *
+     * The compound String parameter has the following form:
+     *
+     * [del]<character-sequence>[del] [GroupJoinCharacter] [del]<character-sequence>[del] [GroupJoinCharacter] .....
+     *                       or
+     * <nospace-character-sequence> <nospace-character-sequence> ...
+     *
+     * where:
+     *   [del] is an optional single quote or a double quote.  [del] must be used
+     *   if <character-sequence> contains spaces, commas, or the plus symbol.
+     *
+     *   GroupJoinCharacter can be either a "+" or a ";"
+     *
+     * The GroupJoinCharacter symbol is used to separate character sequences that
+     * are to be grouped together. If the GroupJoinCharacter symbol is omitted then
+     * a new group is started.
+     *
+     * Internally, the original string is converted to a list of strings where
+     * each string uses newlines to separate one sub-string from the next.
+     */
+    StringList_pa StringListFromCompound(const char *String)
+    {
+        const char   *CPtr;
+        StringList_pa Result;
+        Boolean_t     IsOk = TRUE;
+        char         *CurString = NULL;
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+        SkipWhiteSpaceOrComma(&String);
+        REQUIRE(!ISJOINCHAR(*String));
+        /* extract character sequences */
+        Result = StringListAlloc();
+        CPtr   = String;
+        while (IsOk && *CPtr != '\0')
+        {
+            char     *NextSubString = NULL;
+            Boolean_t WantsToJoin   = FALSE;
+            if (ISJOINCHAR(*CPtr))
+            {
+                WantsToJoin = TRUE;
+                CPtr++;
+                SkipWhiteSpaceOrComma(&CPtr);
+            }
+            IsOk = GetNextSubString(&CPtr,
+                                    &NextSubString);
+            if (IsOk)
+            {
+                /*
+                 * Tack on the sub-string to the running string.
+                 */
+                if (WantsToJoin)
+                    TackOnChar(&CurString, '\n');
+                if (NextSubString != NULL && strlen(NextSubString) != 0)
+                    IsOk = TackOnString(&CurString, NextSubString, FALSE, FALSE);
+                else if (CurString == NULL)
+                    CurString = DupString(dontTranslate(""));
+            }
+            if (NextSubString != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(NextSubString, "StringListFromCompound: NextSubString");
+            /*
+             * If this is the end of processing or if the next character is
+             * not a join character then add the current string to the stringlist.
+             */
+            if (IsOk && !ISJOINCHAR(*CPtr))
+            {
+                StringListAppendString(Result, CurString);
+                if (CurString != NULL)
+                    FREE_ARRAY(CurString, "current string");
+                CurString = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        if (CurString != NULL)
+            FREE_ARRAY(CurString, "current string");
+        if (!IsOk)
+            StringListDealloc(&Result);
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || StringListValid(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a compound string representation of a string list.
+     *
+     * One common usage in Tecplot:
+     *   The $!OpenLayout command in tecplot has the sub-option
+     *   ALTDATALOADINSTRUCTIONS that has the form:
+     *     '"instr-string1" [GroupJoinCharacter] "instr-string2" [+] ...'
+     */
+    char *StringListToCompound(StringList_pa  StringList,
+                               char           GroupJoinCharacter,
+                               const char    *CharsToEscape)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+        LgIndex_t Index;
+        LgIndex_t Count;
+        char      *Result = NULL;
+        REQUIRE(StringListValid(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(StringListCount(StringList) >= 1);
+        REQUIRE(ISJOINCHAR(GroupJoinCharacter));
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(CharsToEscape));
+        for (Index = 0, Count = StringListCount(StringList), IsOk = TRUE;
+             Index < Count && IsOk;
+             Index++)
+        {
+            char *String = StringListGetString(StringList, Index);
+            if (String != NULL && strlen(String) != 0)
+            {
+                char       *CStart = NULL;
+                char       *CEnd = NULL;
+                char       *EscapedString = NULL;
+                const char *EscChar = NULL;
+                char       *StrChar = NULL;
+                /* First scan the string and escape any specified characters.  */
+                /* Note that the Escape sequence is a double backslash because */
+                /* it the first escape escapes the escape for variable usage.  */
+                for (StrChar = String; *StrChar != '\0'; StrChar++)
+                {
+                    for (EscChar = CharsToEscape; *EscChar != '\0'; EscChar++)
+                        if (*StrChar == *EscChar)
+                        {
+                            IsOk = TackOnChar(&EscapedString, '\\');
+                            IsOk = TackOnChar(&EscapedString, '\\');
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    IsOk = TackOnChar(&EscapedString, *StrChar);
+                }
+                CEnd = EscapedString;
+                while (IsOk && *CEnd != '\0')
+                {
+                    int  Len = 0;
+                    char *TString;
+                    CStart = CEnd;
+                    while (*CEnd != '\0' && *CEnd != '\n')
+                    {
+                        Len++;
+                        if (*CEnd == '"')
+                            Len++;
+                        CEnd++;
+                    }
+                    TString = ALLOC_ARRAY(Len + 4, char, "temp compound sub-string");
+                    if (TString != NULL)
+                    {
+                        char *TStr;
+                        /* prepend the new string with either   */
+                        /* a space character or the plus symbol */
+                        if (CStart == EscapedString)
+                        {
+                            if (Index != 0)
+                                IsOk = TackOnChar(&Result, ' ');
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            IsOk = TackOnChar(&Result, GroupJoinCharacter);
+                        }
+                        /* stuff TString and append the new string */
+                        TStr = TString;
+                        *TStr++ = '"';
+                        while (CStart != CEnd)
+                        {
+                            if (*CStart == '"')
+                                *TStr++ = '\\';
+                            *TStr++ = *CStart++;
+                        }
+                        *TStr++ = '"';
+                        *TStr = '\0';
+                        TackOnString(&Result, TString, FALSE, FALSE);
+                        FREE_ARRAY(TString, "StringListToCompound");
+                        TString = NULL;
+                        if (*CEnd)
+                            CEnd++;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        IsOk = FALSE;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (EscapedString != NULL)
+                    FREE_ARRAY(EscapedString, "escaped string");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* a null pointer or length of zero indicates an empty sub-string */
+                if (Index == 0)
+                    TackOnString(&Result, "\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+                else
+                    TackOnString(&Result, " \"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+            }
+            if (String != NULL)
+                FREE_ARRAY(String, "string list item");
+        }
+        if (!IsOk)
+        {
+            if (Result != NULL)
+            {
+                FREE_ARRAY(Result, "StringListToCompound");
+                Result = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Holds the comparator function pointer.
+     */
+    static StringListStringComparator_pf ComparatorFunction = NULL;
+    /**
+     * Forwards the comparison test to the 'Comparator' supplied to the
+     * 'StringListSort' function.
+     *
+     * param Item1
+     *     Item to compare against Item2.
+     * param Item2
+     *     Item to compare against Item1.
+     * param ClientData
+     *     Contextual information that was passed to the 'ArrayListQSort' function.
+     *
+     * return
+     *     -1: if Item1 is less than Item2
+     *      0: if Item1 is equal to Item2
+     *      1: if Item1 is greater than Item2
+     */
+    static int STDCALL ComparatorProxy(ArrayListItem_u Item1,
+                                       ArrayListItem_u Item2,
+                                       ArbParam_t      ClientData)
+    {
+        /* forward the request */
+        return ComparatorFunction(Item1.CharPtr, Item2.CharPtr, ClientData);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compares two strings from a list string. Note that either string may be
+     * NULL as StringLists allow for NULL elements.
+     *
+     * param String1
+     *     String to compare against String2.
+     * param String2
+     *     String to compare against String1.
+     * param ClientData
+     *     Contextual information that was passed to the 'StringListSort' function.
+     *
+     * return
+     *      - A value less than zero if String1 is less than String2.
+     *      - A value of zero if String1 is equal to String2.
+     *      - A value greater than zero if String1 is greater than String2.
+     */
+    static int STDCALL DefaultStrcmpComparator(const char *String1,
+                                               const char *String2,
+                                               ArbParam_t  ClientData)
+    {
+        int Result = 0; /* ...quite compiler */
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String1) || String1 == NULL);
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String2) || String2 == NULL);
+        if (String1 != NULL && String2 != NULL)
+        {
+            Result = strcmp(String1, String2);
+            if (Result < 0)
+                Result = -1;
+            else if (Result > 0)
+                Result = 1;
+        }
+        else if (String1 == NULL && String2 == NULL)
+            Result = 0;
+        else if (String1 == NULL)
+            Result = -1;
+        else if (String2 == NULL)
+            Result = 1;
+        else
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        ENSURE((Result == -1) || (Result == 0) || (Result == 1));
+        return Result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sorts the string list by repeatedly calling the 'Comparator' function until
+     * the list is in order.
+     *
+     * param StringList
+     *     String list to sort.
+     * param Comparator
+     *     Function called to compare two string list strings or NULL for the
+     *     default sort. The default sorting handles NULL elements and uses the
+     *     system's strcmp utility for comparing valid strings elements.
+     * param ClientData
+     *     Contextual information that is passed along to the comparator function.
+     */
+    void StringListSort(StringList_pa                 StringList,
+                        StringListStringComparator_pf Comparator,
+                        ArbParam_t                    ClientData)
+    {
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        REQUIRE(VALID_REF(StringList));
+        REQUIRE(VALID_FN_REF(Comparator) || Comparator == NULL);
+        /* set up for comparator proxy */
+        if (Comparator != NULL)
+            ComparatorFunction = Comparator;
+        else
+            ComparatorFunction = DefaultStrcmpComparator;
+        /* sort the array using the comparator proxy to forward */
+        /* the comparison request to the supplied comparator    */
+        ArrayListQSort((ArrayList_pa)StringList, ComparatorProxy, ClientData);
+        /* cleanup */
+        ComparatorFunction = NULL;
+    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strutil.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strutil.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9611722224db84ca7d0600cb9c52b007f35a2897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/strutil.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "ARRLIST.h"
+#include "STRLIST.h"
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include "Q_MSG.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype> // ...needed to find std::tolower and std::toupper
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "TranslatedString.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+using namespace std;
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+#ifdef MSWIN
+# pragma warning (disable : 4786) /* STL warning about trucated identifiers */
+ */
+#define           INITIAL_FORMAT_BUFFER_SIZE 16384*3
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+static char      *FormatStringBuffer = NULL;
+static int        FormatStringBufferSize = INITIAL_FORMAT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined MSWIN
+#endif /* !MSWIN */
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * This should be one of the last functions called by Tecplot while mopping up.
+ */
+void FormatStringBufferCleanup(void)
+    /*
+     * NOTE: We use free instead of FREE_ARRAY for the scratch buffer because in
+     *       debug mode FREE_ARRAY uses ErrMsg which uses vFormatString causing
+     *       infinite recursion.
+     */
+    if (FormatStringBuffer != NULL)
+        free(FormatStringBuffer);
+    FormatStringBuffer = NULL;
+ */
+char *vFormatString(const char *Format,
+                    va_list     Arguments)
+    char *Result = NULL;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Format));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    /*
+     * NOTE: We use malloc instead of ALLOC_ARRAY for the scratch buffer because
+     *       in debug mode ALLOC_ARRAY uses ErrMsg which uses vFormatString
+     *       causing infinite recursion.
+     */
+    if (FormatStringBuffer == NULL)
+        FormatStringBuffer = (char *)malloc(FormatStringBufferSize);
+    if (FormatStringBuffer != NULL)
+    {
+        Boolean_t TryAgain = FALSE;
+        do
+        {
+            /*
+             * Assign a value other than '\0' to the end of the buffer so that we
+             * can determine if the buffer needs to be expanded. If after we call
+             * vsnprintf the end of the buffer has a '\0' we need to expand it.
+             */
+            FormatStringBuffer[FormatStringBufferSize - 1] = (char)!'\0';
+#         if defined MSWIN
+            memset(FormatStringBuffer, 0, FormatStringBufferSize - 1);
+            TryAgain =
+                _vsnprintf(FormatStringBuffer,
+                           FormatStringBufferSize,
+                           Format,
+                           Arguments) == -1;
+#         elif defined IRIX62
+            vsprintf(FormatStringBuffer,
+                     Format,
+                     Arguments);
+            CHECK(strlen(FormatStringBuffer) < FormatStringBufferSize);
+#         else
+            vsnprintf(FormatStringBuffer,
+                      FormatStringBufferSize,
+                      Format,
+                      Arguments);
+#         endif
+#ifndef MSWIN
+            TryAgain = (FormatStringBuffer[FormatStringBufferSize - 1] == '\0');
+            if (TryAgain)
+            {
+                /*
+                 * Reallocate the buffer and try again.
+                 *
+                 * NOTE: We use malloc/free instead of ALLOC/FREE_ARRAY for the
+                 *       scratch buffer because in debug mode ALLOC/FREE_ARRAY
+                 *       uses ErrMsg which uses vFormatString causing infinite
+                 *       recursion.
+                 */
+                free(FormatStringBuffer);
+                FormatStringBufferSize += MAX(1, FormatStringBufferSize / 2);
+                FormatStringBuffer = (char *)malloc(FormatStringBufferSize);
+                TryAgain = (FormatStringBuffer != NULL);
+                if (!TryAgain)
+                    FormatStringBufferSize = INITIAL_FORMAT_BUFFER_SIZE;
+            }
+        }
+        while (TryAgain);
+        if (FormatStringBuffer != NULL)
+            Result = DupString(dontTranslate(FormatStringBuffer));
+    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ */
+char *FormatString(TranslatedString Format,
+                   ...) /* 0 or more variable arguments */
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    va_list Arguments;
+    va_start(Arguments, Format);
+    char *Result = vFormatString(Format.c_str(), Arguments);
+    va_end(Arguments);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ */
+int FormatString(string&           Buffer,
+                 TranslatedString  Format
+                 ...) /* 0 or more variable arguments */
+    REQUIRE(!Format.isNull());
+    va_list Arguments;
+    va_start(Arguments, Format);
+    char *FormattedString = vFormatString(Format.c_str(), Arguments);
+    va_end(Arguments);
+    int Result;
+    if (FormattedString != NULL)
+    {
+        Buffer.assign(FormattedString);
+        Result = (int)Buffer.size();
+        FREE_ARRAY(FormattedString, "FormattedString");
+    }
+    else
+        Result = -1;
+    ENSURE(Result == -1 || Result >= 0);
+    return Result;
+ * Returns a duplicate of the string or NULL if sufficient memory is not
+ * available.
+ *
+ * NOTE: This function was created because ResetString(...) does not
+ *       duplicate zero length strings but returns NULL instead.
+ */
+char *DupString(TranslatedString String)
+    char *Result = ALLOC_ARRAY(strlen(String.c_str()) + 1, char, "duplicate string");
+    if (Result != NULL)
+        strcpy(Result, String.c_str());
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL || (VALID_REF(Result) && strcmp(Result, String.c_str()) == 0));
+    return Result;
+ * Copy up to 'Count' characters from the 'Source' string beginning at
+ * position 'Index' to the 'Target' string. The actual number of characters
+ * copied may be less than 'Count' if a '\0' was encountered in the
+ * 'Source' string before 'Count' characters were copied.
+ *
+ * NOTE: The 'Target' and 'Source' strings may overlap.
+ */
+void CopySubString(char       *Target,
+                   const char *Source,
+                   int         Index,
+                   int         Count)
+    LgIndex_t Length = 0;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Target));
+    REQUIRE("Target string is sized to accommodate a string who's length "
+            "is at least MIN(strlen(&Source[Index]), Count) characters.");
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(Source));
+    REQUIRE(0 <= Index && Index <= (LgIndex_t)strlen(Source));
+    REQUIRE(Count >= 0);
+    Length = MIN((LgIndex_t)strlen(&Source[Index]), Count);
+    memmove(Target, &Source[Index], Length);
+    Target[Length] = '\0';
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Target) && (LgIndex_t)strlen(Target) == Length);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * Remove any leading white space from the string and return
+ * a reference to it. NOTE: The input string is modified.
+ */
+char *StringFlushLeft(char *String)
+    char *Result = String;
+    char *Start = String;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    /* move the substring beginning at the first non-whitespace */
+    /* character to the head of the string                      */
+    while (isspace(*Start))
+        Start++;
+    if (Start != String)
+        memmove(String, Start, strlen(Start) + 1);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) && Result == String);
+    return Result;
+ * Remove any trailing white space from the string and return
+ * a reference to it. NOTE: The input string is modified.
+ */
+static char *StringFlushRight(char *String)
+    char *Result = String;
+    char *End = NULL;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    for (End = EndOfString(String); End != String && isspace(End[-1]); End--)
+        End[-1] = '\0';
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(Result) && Result == String);
+    return Result;
+ * Remove any leading and trailing white space from the string
+ * and return a reference to it.  The return value is not
+ * absolutely necessary since the input string is modified
+ * but it is convenient sometimes.
+ * NOTE: The input string is modified but no memory is
+ * allocated nor deallocated.
+ */
+char *TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(char *String)
+    REQUIRE((String == NULL) || VALID_REF(String));
+    if (String)
+        return (StringFlushLeft(StringFlushRight(String)));
+    else
+        return String;
+ * If the specified string is longer than the maximum specified length
+ * truncate it and return a reference to it.
+ *
+ * String
+ *   String to truncate if necessary.
+ * MaxLength
+ *   Length at which to truncate the specified string if exceeded.
+ *
+ * Return
+ *   Reference to the input string.
+ */
+// Okay for UTF-8
+char *StringTruncate(char      *String,
+                     LgIndex_t MaxLength)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    REQUIRE(MaxLength >= 0);
+    if ((LgIndex_t)strlen(String) > MaxLength)
+        String[MaxLength] = '\0';/* UTF8_SetAt(String,'\0',MaxLength); */
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(String));
+    ENSURE((LgIndex_t)strlen(String) <= MaxLength);
+    return String;
+ * Trim and truncate the specified string such that its trimmed length
+ * does not exceed the specified length and return a reference to it.
+ *
+ * String
+ *   String to trim and truncate if necessary.
+ * MaxLength
+ *   Length at which to truncate the trimmed string if exceeded.
+ *
+ * Return
+ *   Reference to the input string.
+ */
+char *StringTrimAndTruncate(char      *String,
+                            LgIndex_t MaxLength)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    REQUIRE(MaxLength >= 0);
+    TrimLeadAndTrailSpaces(String);
+    StringTruncate(String, MaxLength);
+    ENSURE(VALID_REF(String));
+    ENSURE((LgIndex_t)strlen(String) <= MaxLength);
+    return String;
+ */
+#ifndef MSWIN
+StringList_pa LineBreakString(const char *String,
+                              UInt32_t    WrapMargin)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    StringList_pa Result = StringListAlloc();
+    if (Result != NULL)
+    {
+        Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+        if (strlen(String) > WrapMargin)
+        {
+            char *StringCopy = DupString(dontTranslate(String));
+            IsOk = (StringCopy != NULL);
+            if (IsOk)
+            {
+                char *CPtr = StringCopy;
+                char *SubString = StringCopy;
+                UInt32_t SubStringLen = 0;
+                while (*CPtr != '\0' && IsOk)
+                {
+                    while (*CPtr != '\0' && SubStringLen < WrapMargin)
+                    {
+                        /* look for a hard break */
+                        if (*CPtr == '\n')
+                        {
+                            *CPtr = '\0'; /* replace the newline */
+                            CPtr++;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        CPtr++;
+                        SubStringLen++;
+                    }
+                    /*
+                     * If we didn't find a hard break or the end of the string
+                     * then we need to back up and find the closest space.
+                     */
+                    if (*CPtr != '\0' && SubStringLen == WrapMargin)
+                    {
+                        /* find the closes space from the right */
+                        if (*CPtr != ' ')
+                        {
+                            while (CPtr != SubString && *CPtr != ' ')
+                                CPtr--;
+                            if (*CPtr != ' ')
+                            {
+                                /*
+                                 * Bummer, this line will exceed the wrap margin.
+                                 * Search forward for the next space or newline.
+                                 */
+                                while (*CPtr != '\0' && *CPtr != ' ' && *CPtr != '\n')
+                                    CPtr++;
+                                while (*CPtr != '\0' && *CPtr == ' ')
+                                    CPtr++; /* skip over the white space */
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (*CPtr != '\0')
+                        {
+                            *CPtr = '\0';
+                            CPtr++;
+                        }
+                        StringFlushRight(SubString);
+                    }
+                    IsOk = StringListAppendString(Result, SubString);
+                    SubString = CPtr;
+                    SubStringLen = 0;
+                }
+                FREE_ARRAY(StringCopy, "StringCopy");
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            IsOk = StringListAppendString(Result, String);
+        if (!IsOk)
+            StringListDealloc(&Result);
+    }
+    ENSURE(Result == NULL || VALID_REF(Result));
+    return Result;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * Lexicographically compares, at most, the first 'Len' characters of
+ * s1 and s2.
+ *
+ * param s1
+ *     First string or NULL.
+ * param s2
+ *     Second string or NULL.
+ * param Len
+ *     Maximum number of characters to compare.
+ * return
+ *     Integer value greater than, equal to, or less than zero according
+ *     to whether the first 'Len' characters of 's1' are greater than,
+ *     equal to, or less than 's2'.
+ */
+// Okay for UTF-8
+int ustrncmp(const  char *s1,
+             const  char *s2,
+             size_t Len)
+    REQUIRE((s1 == NULL) || VALID_REF(s1));
+    REQUIRE((s2 == NULL) || VALID_REF(s2));
+    REQUIRE(Len >= 0);
+    char *t1;
+    char *t2;
+    char ct1;
+    char ct2;
+    size_t I = 0;
+    if ((s1 == NULL) && (s2 == NULL))
+        return 0;
+    if (s1 == NULL)
+        return -1;
+    else if (s2 == NULL)
+        return 1;
+    t1 = (char*)s1;
+    t2 = (char*)s2;
+    while (*t1 && *t2 && (I < Len))
+    {
+        ct1 = CAPITAL(*t1);
+        ct2 = CAPITAL(*t2);
+        if (ct1 != ct2)
+            return (ct1 - ct2);
+        t1++;
+        t2++;
+        I++;
+    }
+    if ((I == Len) ||
+        ((*t1 == '\0') && (*t2 == '\0')))
+        return 0;
+    else
+        return CAPITAL(*t1) - CAPITAL(*t2);
+ * Lexicographically compares the characters of s1 and s2.
+ *
+ * param s1
+ *     First string or NULL.
+ * param s2
+ *     Second string or NULL.
+ * return
+ *     Integer value greater than, equal to, or less than zero according to
+ *     whether the characters of 's1' are greater than, equal to, or less
+ *     than 's2'.
+ */
+int ustrcmp(const char *s1,
+            const char *s2)
+    REQUIRE((s1 == NULL) || VALID_REF(s1));
+    REQUIRE((s2 == NULL) || VALID_REF(s2));
+    return (ustrncmp(s1, s2, INT_MAX));
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS && defined DEBUG_ALLOC
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+ * The problem with passing file names for release builds is that
+ * the full path name is used (i.e., c:\user\craig\v7.5\tecplot\alloc.c)
+ */
+// Okay for UTF-8
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+Boolean_t InternalResetString(char       **SBase,
+                              const char  *NewString,
+                              Boolean_t    IssueErrMsg,
+                              const char  *FileName,
+                              int          LineNumber)
+Boolean_t InternalResetString(char       **SBase,
+                              const char  *NewString,
+                              Boolean_t    IssueErrMsg)
+    REQUIRE(*SBase == NULL || VALID_REF(*SBase));
+    REQUIRE(NewString == NULL || VALID_REF(NewString));
+    REQUIRE(IMPLICATION(VALID_REF(*SBase), *SBase != NewString)); /* Prevent calling with same string. */
+    REQUIRE(LineNumber >= 1);
+    if (*SBase)
+    {
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS && defined DEBUG_ALLOC
+        char S[80+1];
+        MakeDebugRecord(FileName, LineNumber, "releasing", *SBase, S, 80);
+        FREE_ARRAY(*SBase, S);
+        FREE_ARRAY(*SBase, "");
+    }
+    if (NewString == NULL)
+    {
+        *SBase = NULL;
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS && defined DEBUG_ALLOC
+        char S[80+1];
+        MakeDebugRecord(FileName, LineNumber, "duplicating", NewString, S, 80);
+        *SBase = ALLOC_ARRAY(strlen(NewString) + 1, char, S);
+#  if defined MSWIN && defined _DEBUG && !defined(MAKEARCHIVE) && !defined(NO_ASSERTS)
+        /* Allow the MFC memory leak detection to report the leak at the
+         * calling programs location, and not here (which is fairly useless).
+         * But first, we have to turn off the preprocessor definition of new
+         * and get to the original. */
+#     undef new
+        *SBase = new(FileName, LineNumber) char[strlen(NewString)+1];
+#     define new DEBUG_NEW
+#  else
+        *SBase = ALLOC_ARRAY(strlen(NewString) + 1, char, "");
+#  endif
+        if (*SBase)
+        {
+            strcpy(*SBase, NewString);
+            return (TRUE);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (IssueErrMsg)
+                ErrMsg(translate("Out of memory"));
+            return (FALSE);
+        }
+    }
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+ * Unfortunately, this routine uses the interface of DeleteStringToAdd
+ * forcing StringToAdd to be non-const.  Another copy of this routine
+ * for const char *'s is below.  Eventually we should get rid of
+ * the two routines and DeleteStringToAdd, always using the const version
+ * and deleting the string if necessary in the code that calls TackOnString.
+ */
+Boolean_t TackOnString(char       **SBase,
+                       const char  *StringToAdd,
+                       Boolean_t    DeleteStringToAdd,
+                       Boolean_t    ConvertNewlinesToAscii)
+    size_t      CurLen;
+    size_t      NewLen;
+    int         NumNewlines = 0;
+    char       *NewString;
+    const char *CPtr = StringToAdd;
+    Boolean_t   IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE((StringToAdd == NULL) || VALID_REF(StringToAdd));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(DeleteStringToAdd));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ConvertNewlinesToAscii));
+    if ((StringToAdd  == NULL) ||
+        (*StringToAdd == '\0'))
+    {
+        if (StringToAdd            &&
+            (*StringToAdd == '\0') &&
+            DeleteStringToAdd)
+        {
+            char *TMP = (char *)StringToAdd;
+            FREE_ARRAY(TMP, "empty string to add");
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (*SBase == NULL)
+            CurLen = 0;
+        else
+            CurLen = strlen(*SBase);
+        while (*CPtr)
+            if (*CPtr++ == '\n')
+                NumNewlines++;
+        NewLen = CurLen + strlen(StringToAdd) + 1 + NumNewlines;
+        NewString = ALLOC_ARRAY(NewLen, char, StringToAdd);
+        if (NewString == NULL)
+        {
+            if (DeleteStringToAdd)
+            {
+                char *TMP = (char *)StringToAdd;
+                FREE_ARRAY(TMP, StringToAdd);
+            }
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (*SBase)
+            {
+                strcpy(NewString, *SBase);
+                FREE_ARRAY(*SBase, (CurLen > 0 ? *SBase : "previous text"));
+            }
+            else
+                *NewString = '\0';
+            {
+                char *NPtr = EndOfString(NewString);
+                const char *APtr = StringToAdd;
+                while (*APtr)
+                {
+                    if ((*APtr == '\n') && ConvertNewlinesToAscii)
+                    {
+                        *NPtr++ = '\\';
+                        *NPtr++ = 'n';
+                    }
+                    else
+                        *NPtr++ = *APtr; //UTF8_AssignAndIncrement(&NPtr,(char**)&APtr,TRUE,FALSE); //*NPtr++ = *APtr;
+                    APtr++;
+                }
+                *NPtr = '\0';
+            }
+            if (DeleteStringToAdd)
+            {
+                char *TMP = (char *)StringToAdd;
+                FREE_ARRAY(TMP, StringToAdd);
+            }
+            *SBase = NewString;
+        }
+    }
+    return (IsOk);
+ * See TackOnString for discussion.
+ */
+// Okay for UTF-8
+Boolean_t TackOnConstString(char      **SBase,
+                            const char *StringToAdd,
+                            Boolean_t   ConvertNewlinesToAscii)
+    size_t      CurLen;
+    size_t      NewLen;
+    int         NumNewlines = 0;
+    char       *NewString;
+    const char *CPtr = StringToAdd;
+    Boolean_t   IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE((StringToAdd == NULL) || VALID_REF(StringToAdd));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_BOOLEAN(ConvertNewlinesToAscii));
+    if ((StringToAdd  != NULL) &&
+        (*StringToAdd != '\0'))
+    {
+        if (*SBase == NULL)
+            CurLen = 0;
+        else
+            CurLen = strlen(*SBase);
+        while (*CPtr)
+            if (*CPtr++ == '\n')
+                NumNewlines++;
+        NewLen = CurLen + strlen(StringToAdd) + 1 + NumNewlines;
+        NewString = ALLOC_ARRAY(NewLen, char, StringToAdd);
+        if (NewString == NULL)
+        {
+            IsOk = FALSE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (*SBase)
+            {
+                strcpy(NewString, *SBase);
+                FREE_ARRAY(*SBase, (CurLen > 0 ? *SBase : "previous text"));
+            }
+            else
+                *NewString = '\0';
+            {
+                char *NPtr = EndOfString(NewString);
+                const char *APtr = StringToAdd;
+                while (*APtr)
+                {
+                    if ((*APtr == '\n') && ConvertNewlinesToAscii)
+                    {
+                        *NPtr++ = '\\';
+                        *NPtr++ = 'n';
+                    }
+                    else
+                        *NPtr++ = *APtr; // UTF8_AssignAndIncrement(&NPtr,(char**)&APtr,TRUE,FALSE);
+                    APtr++;
+                }
+                *NPtr = '\0';
+            }
+            *SBase = NewString;
+        }
+    }
+    return (IsOk);
+// Okay for UTF-8
+Boolean_t TackOnChar(char  **SBase,
+                     char    CharToAdd)
+    char S[2];
+    S[0] = CharToAdd;
+    S[1] = '\0';
+    return (TackOnString(SBase, S, FALSE, FALSE));
+ * Converts all one character new line characters in the allocated string
+ * to a two character "\n" sequence.
+ *
+ * param String
+ *     String to scan and convert if necessary. Note that the string will
+ *     be reallocated if any new line characters are discovered.
+ *
+ * return
+ *     TRUE if the request was successfull, FALSE otherwise.
+ */
+// Okay for UTF-8
+Boolean_t ReplaceNewlineWithBackslashN(char **String)
+    size_t    I;
+    LgIndex_t NewlineCount;
+    size_t    Length;
+    char     *Replacement;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(String));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*String));
+    /* count how many new line character are present */
+    NewlineCount = 0;
+    Length = strlen(*String);
+    for (I = 0; I < Length; I++)
+        if ((*String)[I] == '\n')
+            NewlineCount++;
+    if (NewlineCount != 0)
+    {
+        /* allocate a new string and convert */
+        Replacement = ALLOC_ARRAY(Length + NewlineCount + 1, char,
+                                  "replacement string");
+        if (Replacement != NULL)
+        {
+            size_t J;
+            for (I = J = 0; I < Length + 1; I++, J++)
+            {
+                if ((*String)[I] == '\n')
+                {
+                    Replacement[J] = '\\';
+                    J++;
+                    Replacement[J] = 'n';
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    Replacement[J] = (*String)[I];
+                }
+            }
+            /* sanity check */
+            CHECK(I == Length + 1);
+            CHECK(J == Length + NewlineCount + 1);
+        }
+        /* release the old string and record the new one */
+        FREE_ARRAY(*String, "original string");
+        *String = Replacement;
+    }
+    ENSURE(*String == NULL || VALID_REF(*String));
+    return (*String != NULL);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#endif /* !NO_ASSERTS */
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tassert.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tassert.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..75b3586225ced6efc6213a1bc82de9fba0043e04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tassert.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                  ********
+****** Copyright (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.              *******
+*******                                                  ********
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined (MSWIN)
+#include "STRUTIL.h"
+using namespace tecplot::strutil;
+using namespace std;
+#define MAX_ERRMSG_LENGTH 2096
+/* the mopup from assert and the writing out of crash.lay are */
+/* used by TUASSERT and thus are needed even if NO_ASSERTS */
+/* is set */
+#if !defined NO_TU_ASSERTS || !defined NO_ASSERTS
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined MSWIN /* ...Unix/Linux calls this via signal handlers */
+#endif /* TECPLOTKERNEL */
+#endif /* Mopup function needed ... */
+#if !defined STD_ASSERTS
+ * Define the final assertion notification function.
+ */
+#if defined UNIXX && !defined NO_ASSERTS
+ *                                                                 *
+ *                          UNIX                                   *
+ *                                                                 *
+ *******************************************************************/
+#  if defined NDEBUG
+ * if NDEBUG is defined __assert is NOT defined so we must supply
+ * our own assertion notification function.....
+ */
+# define ASSERT assert
+static void UnixAssert(const char *expression,
+                       const char *file_name,
+                       int        line)
+    fprintf(stderr, "Assertion: %s\n"
+            "Tecplot version: %s\n"
+            "File Name: %s\n"
+            "Line Number: %d\n",
+            expression, TecVersionId, file_name, line);
+    exit(ExitCode_AssertionFailure);
+static TAssertFailureNotifyFunc assert_failure_notify = UnixAssert;
+#  else
+ * NDEBUG is not defined so __assert is available....
+ */
+#    if defined LINUX
+#      define LOWLEVELASSERTFUNCTION __linuxassertproxy
+ * In linux, __assert does not exist but rather
+ * __assert_fail which has a differnt API.  Thus
+ * a proxy is provided
+ */
+static void __linuxassertproxy(const char *__assertion,
+                               const char *__file,
+                               int         __line)
+    __assert_fail(__assertion, __file, __line, __ASSERT_FUNCTION);
+#    elif defined DARWIN
+#      define LOWLEVELASSERTFUNCTION __darwinassertproxy
+ * In Darwin (Mac OS X), __assert is #defined to a call to __eprintf,
+ * which also has a different API. Another proxy...
+ */
+static void __darwinassertproxy(const char *__assertion,
+                                const char *__file,
+                                int         __line)
+    __eprintf("Assertion: %s\n"
+              "Tecplot version: %s\n"
+              "File Name: %s\n"
+              "Line Number: %d\n",
+              __assertion, TecVersionId, __file, (unsigned)__line);
+#   else
+#     define LOWLEVELASSERTFUNCTION __assert
+#   endif
+static TAssertFailureNotifyFunc assert_failure_notify = (TAssertFailureNotifyFunc) LOWLEVELASSERTFUNCTION;
+#  endif
+#endif /* UNIXX */
+#if defined UNIXX && !defined NO_ASSERTS
+ * Replace the current assert failure notification function and
+ * return the current one.
+ *
+ * Assumptions:
+ *     new function points to valid function (not null) that
+ *     conforms to the specified prototype
+ *
+ * Guarantees:
+ *     result is a pointer to the previously installed
+ *     function (not null)
+ */
+TAssertFailureNotifyFunc InstallTAssertFailureNotify(
+    TAssertFailureNotifyFunc new_function) /* new notification function */
+    TAssertFailureNotifyFunc result = 0; /* old function address */
+    ASSERT(new_function != 0);
+    result = assert_failure_notify;
+    assert_failure_notify = new_function;
+    ASSERT(result != 0);
+    return result;
+ * Perform the installed assert failure notification action.
+ */
+void TAssert(const char *expression, /* text representation of the assertion */
+             const char *file_name,  /* name of the file containing the assertion */
+             int        line)        /* line number in the file of the assertion */
+    static Boolean_t InTAssert = FALSE;
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    char Message[MAX_ERRMSG_LENGTH+1];
+    ASSERT(expression != 0 && strlen(expression) != 0);
+    ASSERT(file_name != 0 && strlen(file_name) != 0);
+    ASSERT(line >= 1);
+    /* check for recursion */
+    if (InTAssert)
+    {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Already in assert!\n");
+        fprintf(stderr, "Assertion: %s\n"
+                "Tecplot version: %s\n"
+                "File Name: %s\n"
+                "Line Number: %d\n",
+                expression, TecVersionId, file_name, line);
+        PrintCurBacktrace(stderr, 100);
+        ASSERT(FALSE); /*... really exit */
+    }
+    InTAssert = TRUE;
+    sprintf(Message, "Assertion: %s\n"
+            "Tecplot version: %s\n"
+            "File Name: %s\n"
+            "Line Number: %d\n",
+            expression, TecVersionId, file_name, line);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+# else
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s", Message);
+# endif
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+        (*assert_failure_notify)(expression, file_name, line);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    InTAssert = FALSE; /* just in case assert_failure_notify has an ignore */
+#endif /* defined UNIXX && !defined NO_ASSERTS */
+#endif /* STD_ASSERTS */
+#if defined MSWIN && defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#if defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#if !defined ENGINE
+#  if defined CHECKED_BUILD
+#  endif // CHECKED_BUILD
+#endif //!ENGINE
+#endif /* MSWIN  */
+static Boolean_t NotImplementedCalled = FALSE;
+void NiceNotImplemented(void)
+    if (!NotImplementedCalled)
+    {
+        Warning("Not Implemented!");
+        NotImplementedCalled = TRUE;
+    }
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tecxxx.cpp b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tecxxx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbace9f91fbff4104c08251de4f8659d521cd8d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio/tecsrc/tecxxx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4812 @@
+ * NOTICE and LICENSE for Tecplot Input/Output Library (TecIO) - OpenFOAM
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-2009 Tecplot, Inc.  All rights reserved worldwide.
+ *
+ * Tecplot hereby grants OpenCFD limited authority to distribute without
+ * alteration the source code to the Tecplot Input/Output library, known 
+ * as TecIO, as part of its distribution of OpenFOAM and the 
+ * OpenFOAM_to_Tecplot converter.  Users of this converter are also hereby
+ * granted access to the TecIO source code, and may redistribute it for the
+ * purpose of maintaining the converter.  However, no authority is granted
+ * to alter the TecIO source code in any form or manner.
+ *
+ * This limited grant of distribution does not supersede Tecplot, Inc.'s 
+ * copyright in TecIO.  Contact Tecplot, Inc. for further information.
+ * 
+ * Tecplot, Inc.
+ * 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550
+ * Bellevue, WA 98006, USA
+ * Phone: +1 425 653 1200
+ * http://www.tecplot.com/
+ *
+ */
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "MASTER.h"
+*******                                                   ********
+******  (C) 1988-2008 Tecplot, Inc.                        *******
+*******                                                   ********
+/* Source file revision $Revision: 7627 $ */
+#include "GLOBAL.h"
+#include "TASSERT.h"
+#include "Q_UNICODE.h"
+#include "SYSTEM.h"
+#include "FILESTREAM.h"
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+#include "DATAIO4.h"
+#include "DATASET0.h"
+#include "TECXXX.h"
+#include "DATAUTIL.h"
+#include "ALLOC.h"
+#include <vector>
+#if !defined MAKEARCHIVE
+#include "AUXDATA.h"
+#endif /* MAKEARCHIVE */
+#if defined MSWIN
+#include <io.h>
+#if defined UNIXX
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+using namespace std;
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    #if defined MSWIN && defined _DEBUG
+/* For debug .dll builds, send debug info to debug window. */
+        #define PRINT0(s) do { OutputDebugString(s); } while (0)
+        #define PRINT1(s,a1) do { char buffer[512]; sprintf(buffer,s,a1); OutputDebugString(buffer); } while (0)
+        #define PRINT2(s,a1,a2) do { char buffer[512]; sprintf(buffer,s,a1,a2); OutputDebugString(buffer); } while (0)
+    #else
+/* For all other builds (including release .dll), send debug info to stdout. */
+        #define PRINT0(s) printf(s)
+        #define PRINT1(s,a1) printf(s,a1)
+        #define PRINT2(s,a1,a2) printf(s,a1,a2)
+    #if defined MSWIN
+/* For nonarchive, Windows, don't send debug info. */
+        #define PRINT0(s) ((void)0)
+        #define PRINT1(s,a1) ((void)0)
+        #define PRINT2(s,a1,a2) ((void)0)
+    #else
+/* For nonarchive, nonwindows, send debug info to stdout. */
+        #define PRINT0(s) printf(s)
+        #define PRINT1(s,a1) printf(s,a1)
+        #define PRINT2(s,a1,a2) printf(s,a1,a2)
+    #endif
+typedef char     *FNameType;
+typedef FILE     *FilePtr;
+#define MaxNumFiles    10
+#define MAX_DUPLIST_VARS  50 /* maybe crank up in the future */
+#define BYTES_PER_CHUNK 4096
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+static LgIndex_t            DebugLevel[MaxNumFiles] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static INTEGER4             IsOpen[MaxNumFiles]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static INTEGER4             NumErrs[MaxNumFiles] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static INTEGER4             NumVars[MaxNumFiles];
+static FNameType            DestFName[MaxNumFiles] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
+                                                     };
+static FNameType            BlckFName[MaxNumFiles] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                                                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
+                                                     };
+static FileStream_s*        BlckFile[MaxNumFiles];
+static FileStream_s*        HeadFile[MaxNumFiles];
+static vector<FileOffset_t> MinMaxOffset[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+static vector<double>       VarMinValue[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static vector<double>       VarMaxValue[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static INTEGER4             DoWriteForeign = FALSE; /* ...default is to write native */
+static INTEGER4             IsWritingNative[MaxNumFiles];
+static INTEGER4             IsBlock[MaxNumFiles];
+static INTEGER4             ZoneType[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            IMax[MaxNumFiles]; /* ones based indices */
+static LgIndex_t            JMax[MaxNumFiles]; /* ones based indices */
+static LgIndex_t            KMax[MaxNumFiles]; /* ones based indices */
+static vector<LgIndex_t>    TotalNumFaceNodes[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+static LgIndex_t            TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            TotalNumFaceBndryConns[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            ICellMax[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            JCellMax[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            KCellMax[MaxNumFiles];
+static vector<INTEGER4>     NumFaceConnections[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+static INTEGER4             FaceNeighborMode[MaxNumFiles];
+static vector<INTEGER4>     FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+static INTEGER4             NumIndices[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            NumDataValuesWritten[MaxNumFiles];
+static LgIndex_t            NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[MaxNumFiles]; /* CC data only */
+static LgIndex_t            NumDataValuesToWrite[MaxNumFiles];
+static vector<LgIndex_t>    NumRunningVarValues[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static vector<Boolean_t>    IsSharedVar[MaxNumFiles];  /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static vector<Boolean_t>    IsPassiveVar[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static INTEGER4             CurZone[MaxNumFiles]; /* zero based zone numbers */
+static INTEGER4             CurVar[MaxNumFiles];  /* zero based var numbers */
+static INTEGER4             FieldDataType;
+static INTEGER4             CurFile = -1;
+static vector<Boolean_t>    IsCellCentered[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num vars */
+static Boolean_t            HasFECONNECT[MaxNumFiles];
+static INTEGER4             FileTypes[MaxNumFiles];
+static vector<INTEGER4>     NumConnectivityNodes[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+static vector<Boolean_t>    ConnectivityWritten[MaxNumFiles]; /* vector dimensioned by num zones */
+ * From preplot.cpp:
+ *
+ */
+#define ORDERED 0
+#define FELINESEG 1
+#define FETRIANGLE 2
+#define FEBRICK 5
+#define FEPOLYGON 6
+ */
+#define FULLFILE 0
+#define GRIDFILE 1
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+static char const* ZoneTypes[] =
+    "ORDERED",
+    "FEBRICK",
+#endif /* MAKEARCHIVE */
+static void WriteErr(const char *routine_name)
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    PRINT2("Err: (%s) Write failure on file %d.\n", routine_name, CurFile + 1);
+    #endif
+    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+static LgIndex_t TecXXXZoneNum = 0;
+Boolean_t ParseDupList(LgIndex_t **ShareVarFromZone,
+                       LgIndex_t  *ShareConnectivityFromZone,
+                       const char *DupList)
+    Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ShareVarFromZone) && *ShareVarFromZone == NULL);
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(ShareConnectivityFromZone));
+    while (IsOk && *DupList)
+    {
+        /* skip leading spaces */
+        while (*DupList && *DupList == ' ')
+            DupList++;
+        /* is this the FECONNECT keyword? */
+        if (*DupList && !strncmp(DupList, "FECONNECT", 9))
+            *ShareConnectivityFromZone = TecXXXZoneNum;
+        else if (*DupList && !isdigit(*DupList))
+            IsOk = FALSE; /* syntax error */
+        else if (*DupList)
+        {
+            char *NotUsed = NULL;
+            EntIndex_t WhichVar = strtol(DupList, &NotUsed, 10);
+            EntIndex_t numVarsForFile = NumVars[CurFile];
+            if (0 < WhichVar && WhichVar < numVarsForFile)
+            {
+                if (!(*ShareVarFromZone))
+                {
+                    *ShareVarFromZone = ALLOC_ARRAY(numVarsForFile, LgIndex_t, "Variable sharing list");
+                    if (*ShareVarFromZone)
+                        memset(*ShareVarFromZone, (char)0, numVarsForFile * sizeof(LgIndex_t));
+                }
+                if (*ShareVarFromZone)
+                    (*ShareVarFromZone)[WhichVar - 1] = TecXXXZoneNum;
+                else
+                    IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* Invalid var num */
+                IsOk = FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+         * Skip to the comma. This
+         * will also allow the syntax error
+         * of more than one consecutive comma
+         */
+        while (*DupList && *DupList != ',')
+            DupList++;
+        /* skip past the comma (can handle the syntax error of more than 1 comma) */
+        while (*DupList && *DupList == ',')
+            DupList++;
+    }
+    return IsOk;
+ */
+static FileStream_s *OpenFileStream(const char *FilePath,
+                                    const char *AccessMode,
+                                    Boolean_t   IsByteOrderNative)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FilePath));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(AccessMode));
+    FileStream_s *Result = NULL;
+    FILE         *File   = TP_FOPEN(FilePath, AccessMode);
+    if (File != NULL)
+    {
+        Result = FileStreamAlloc(File, IsByteOrderNative);
+        if (Result == NULL)
+            TP_FCLOSE(File);
+    }
+    ENSURE((VALID_REF(Result) && VALID_REF(Result->File)) || Result == NULL);
+    return Result;
+ */
+static void CloseFileStream(FileStream_s **FileStream)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(FileStream));
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(*FileStream) || *FileStream == NULL);
+    if (*FileStream != NULL)
+    {
+        TP_FCLOSE((*FileStream)->File);
+        FileStreamDealloc(FileStream);
+    }
+    ENSURE(*FileStream == NULL);
+ * Get the best terminator (separator) character to use for the string. First
+ * precedence goes to the new line then the command and finally by default the
+ * space. NOTE: We use a do loop to allow it to be used as a single statement.
+ */
+#define GET_BEST_TERMINATOR_CHAR(CompoundStr, TerminatorChar) \
+          do \
+            { \
+              if (strchr((CompoundStr), '\n') != NULL) \
+                (TerminatorChar) = '\n'; \
+              else if (strchr((CompoundStr), ',') != NULL) \
+                (TerminatorChar) = ','; \
+              else \
+                (TerminatorChar) = ' '; \
+            } while (0)
+ */
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECINI112(char     *Title,
+                           char     *Variables,
+                           char     *FName,
+                           char     *ScratchDir,
+                           INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                           INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                           INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    size_t L;
+    int    I;
+    char   RName[80];
+    char  *CPtr;
+    int    NewFile = -1;
+    /*
+     * Note that users should not mix TECXXX, TEC100XXX, and TEC110XXX calls, but
+     * just in case, initialize the TecXXXZoneNum variable.  It may not help, but
+     * it doesn't hurt...
+     */
+    TecXXXZoneNum = 0;
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    InitInputSpecs();
+    #endif
+    for (I = 0; (I < MaxNumFiles) && (NewFile == -1); I++)
+    {
+        if (!IsOpen[I])
+            NewFile = I;
+    }
+    if (NewFile == -1)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECINI112) Too many files (%d) opened for printing.\n", NewFile);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (CurFile == -1)
+        CurFile = 0;
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    DebugLevel[NewFile] = *Debug;
+    #endif
+    /* check sizes for array sized by number of variables */
+    CHECK(VarMinValue[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(VarMaxValue[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(NumRunningVarValues[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(IsSharedVar[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(IsPassiveVar[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(IsCellCentered[NewFile].empty());
+    /* check sizes for array sized by number of zones */
+    CHECK(MinMaxOffset[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(TotalNumFaceNodes[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(NumFaceConnections[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(NumConnectivityNodes[NewFile].empty());
+    CHECK(ConnectivityWritten[NewFile].empty());
+    CurZone[NewFile] = -1;
+    L = 0;
+    if (FName != NULL)
+        L = strlen(FName);
+    if (L == 0)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECINI112) Bad file name for file %d.\n", NewFile);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    DestFName[NewFile] = ALLOC_ARRAY(L + 1, char, "data set fname");
+    strcpy(DestFName[NewFile], FName);
+    #if defined (DOS)
+    {
+        sprintf(RName, "BLCKFILE.%03d", (int)(NewFile + 1));
+    }
+    #else
+    {
+        sprintf(RName, "tp%1dXXXXXX", NewFile + 1);
+    }
+    #endif
+    L = strlen(RName);
+    if (ScratchDir != NULL)
+        L += strlen(ScratchDir) + 1; /* +1 for the slash delimeter */
+    BlckFName[NewFile] = ALLOC_ARRAY(L + 1, char, "data set fname");
+    if (ScratchDir != NULL)
+    {
+        strcpy(BlckFName[NewFile], ScratchDir);
+        #if defined DOS || defined MSWIN
+        {
+            strcat(BlckFName[NewFile], "\\");
+        }
+        #else
+        {
+            strcat(BlckFName[NewFile], "/");
+        }
+        #endif
+    }
+    else
+        BlckFName[NewFile][0] = '\0';
+    strcat(BlckFName[NewFile], RName);
+    CHECK(strlen(BlckFName[NewFile]) <= L);
+    #if defined MSWIN
+    {
+        _mktemp(BlckFName[NewFile]);
+    }
+    #elif defined UNIXX
+    {
+        /*
+         * POSIX compiant behavior is to make
+         * sure umask is set correctly first.
+         */
+        mode_t OrigUmask = umask(0022); /* ...should produce rw------- */
+        int FileDesc = mkstemp(BlckFName[NewFile]);
+        if (FileDesc != -1)
+            close(FileDesc);
+        umask(OrigUmask);
+    }
+    #endif
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[NewFile])
+    {
+        PRINT2("Scratch File #%d: %s\n", NewFile + 1, BlckFName[NewFile]);
+        PRINT2("Dest    File #%d: %s\n", NewFile + 1, DestFName[NewFile]);
+    }
+    #endif
+    IsWritingNative[NewFile] = !DoWriteForeign;
+    #if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
+    #endif
+    HeadFile[NewFile] = OpenFileStream(DestFName[NewFile], "wb", IsWritingNative[NewFile]);
+    BlckFile[NewFile] = OpenFileStream(BlckFName[NewFile], "wb", IsWritingNative[NewFile]);
+    if (BlckFile[NewFile] == NULL)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECINI112) Cannot open scratch file for output.\n");
+        PRINT0("     Check permissions in scratch directory.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[NewFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (HeadFile[NewFile] == NULL)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECINI112) Cannot open plot file.  Check permissions.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[NewFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    writeBinaryVersionNumber(*HeadFile[NewFile],
+                             TecplotBinaryFileVersion);
+    WriteBinaryMagic(HeadFile[NewFile]);
+    /* Write file type */
+    if (*FileType >= FULLFILE && *FileType <= SOLUTIONFILE)
+        FileTypes[NewFile] = *FileType;
+    else
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECINI112) Bad filetype argument.  Check documentation.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[NewFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    CHECK(TecplotBinaryFileVersion == 112);
+    if (!WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[NewFile], (LgIndex_t)FileTypes[NewFile]))
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECINI112");
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (!DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[NewFile],
+                            Title,
+                            TRUE))
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECINI112");
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    NumVars[NewFile] = 0;
+    CPtr    = Variables;
+    /*
+     * Three possible variable name separators are accepted with the following
+     * precidence: newline, comma, and space.
+     */
+    {
+        char terminator;
+        GET_BEST_TERMINATOR_CHAR(CPtr, terminator);
+        while (*CPtr)
+        {
+            /* strip leading spaces */
+            while (*CPtr && *CPtr == ' ')
+                CPtr++;
+            if (*CPtr)
+            {
+                NumVars[NewFile]++;
+                /* skip to terminating character */
+                while (*CPtr && *CPtr != terminator)
+                    CPtr++;
+                /* skip past terminating character */
+                if (*CPtr)
+                    CPtr++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#if 0
+    /* A grid file can have no variables in it as long as there is a connectivity list */
+    if (NumVars[NewFile] == 0 && FileTypes[NewFile] != GRIDFILE)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECINI110) No variable names were defined.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[NewFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[NewFile])
+        PRINT1("NumVars=%d\n", NumVars[NewFile]);
+    #endif
+    /* make sure var-sized arrays are big enough for all vars */
+    try
+    {
+        VarMinValue[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+        VarMaxValue[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+        NumRunningVarValues[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+        IsSharedVar[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+        IsPassiveVar[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+        IsCellCentered[NewFile].resize(NumVars[NewFile]);
+    }
+    catch (std::bad_alloc const&)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECINI112) Memory allocation error.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[NewFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (!WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[NewFile], (LgIndex_t)NumVars[NewFile]))
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECINI110");
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    CPtr = Variables;
+    {
+        char terminator;
+        char TString[MaxChrsVarName+1];
+        int I;
+        GET_BEST_TERMINATOR_CHAR(CPtr, terminator);
+        while (*CPtr)
+        {
+            /* skip leading space characters */
+            while (*CPtr && *CPtr == ' ')
+                CPtr++;
+            if (*CPtr)
+            {
+                I = 0;
+                /* skip to terminator */
+                while (*CPtr && *CPtr != terminator)
+                {
+                    TString[I++] = *CPtr++;
+                }
+                /* skip past terminator */
+                if (*CPtr)
+                    CPtr++;
+                /* strip trailing spaces */
+                I--;
+                while (I >= 0 && TString[I] == ' ')
+                    I--;
+                TString[I+1] = '\0';
+                if (!DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[NewFile], TString, TRUE))
+                {
+                    WriteErr("TECINI110");
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    IsOpen[NewFile] = 1;
+    if (*VIsDouble)
+        FieldDataType = FieldDataType_Double;
+    else
+        FieldDataType = FieldDataType_Float;
+    return (0);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECINI111(char     *Title,
+                           char     *Variables,
+                           char     *FName,
+                           char     *ScratchDir,
+                           INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                           INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                           INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title,
+                     Variables,
+                     FName,
+                     ScratchDir,
+                     FileType,
+                     Debug,
+                     VIsDouble);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECINI110(char     *Title,
+                           char     *Variables,
+                           char     *FName,
+                           char     *ScratchDir,
+                           INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                           INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    TecXXXZoneNum = 0;
+    return TECINI112(Title,
+                     Variables,
+                     FName,
+                     ScratchDir,
+                     &FType,
+                     Debug,
+                     VIsDouble);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECINI100(char     *Title,
+                           char     *Variables,
+                           char     *FName,
+                           char     *ScratchDir,
+                           INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                           INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    TecXXXZoneNum = 0;
+    return TECINI112(Title,
+                     Variables,
+                     FName,
+                     ScratchDir,
+                     &FType,
+                     Debug,
+                     VIsDouble);
+                        char     *Variables,
+                        char     *FName,
+                        char     *ScratchDir,
+                        INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                        INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    TecXXXZoneNum = 0;
+    return TECINI112(Title,
+                     Variables,
+                     FName,
+                     ScratchDir,
+                     &FType,
+                     Debug,
+                     VIsDouble);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecini112_(char     *Title,
+                                        char     *Variables,
+                                        char     *FName,
+                                        char     *ScratchDir,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                        INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title, Variables, FName, ScratchDir, FileType, Debug, VIsDouble);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecini111_(char     *Title,
+                                        char     *Variables,
+                                        char     *FName,
+                                        char     *ScratchDir,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FileType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                        INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title, Variables, FName, ScratchDir, FileType, Debug, VIsDouble);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecini110_(char     *Title,
+                                        char     *Variables,
+                                        char     *FName,
+                                        char     *ScratchDir,
+                                        INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                        INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title, Variables, FName, ScratchDir, &FType, Debug, VIsDouble);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecini100_(char     *Title,
+                                        char     *Variables,
+                                        char     *FName,
+                                        char     *ScratchDir,
+                                        INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                        INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title, Variables, FName, ScratchDir, &FType, Debug, VIsDouble);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecini_(char     *Title,
+                                     char     *Variables,
+                                     char     *FName,
+                                     char     *ScratchDir,
+                                     INTEGER4 *Debug,
+                                     INTEGER4 *VIsDouble)
+    return TECINI112(Title,
+                     Variables,
+                     FName,
+                     ScratchDir,
+                     &FType,
+                     Debug,
+                     VIsDouble);
+static int CheckData(const char *routine_name)
+    if (NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile] != NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile])
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (%s) Wrong number of data values in file %d:\n", routine_name, CurFile + 1);
+        PRINT2("     %d data values for Zone %d were processed,\n", NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile], CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        PRINT1("     %d data values were expected.\n", NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile]);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+static int CheckFile(const char *routine_name)
+    if ((CurFile == -1) || (!IsOpen[CurFile]))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (%s) Attempt to use invalid file (%d).\n",
+               routine_name, CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+ * Advances CurVar[CurFile] to the next non-shared active variable. TECDATXXX
+ * clients should not supply values for shared or passive variables.
+ */
+static void AdvanceToNextVarWithValues(void)
+    /* search for the next variable with values */
+    do
+    {
+        CurVar[CurFile]++;
+    }
+    while (CurVar[CurFile] < NumVars[CurFile] &&
+           (IsSharedVar[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] ||
+            IsPassiveVar[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]]));
+ */
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECZNE112(char     *ZnTitle,
+                           INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                           INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                           INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                           INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                           INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                           double   *SolutionTime,
+                           INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                           INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                           INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceNodes,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryConns,
+                           INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                           INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    int        I;
+    int        IsOk = 1;
+    if (CheckFile("TECZNE112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    if (CurZone[CurFile] > -1)
+    {
+        if (CheckData("TECZNE112") < 0)
+            return (-1);
+    }
+    if (NumVars[CurFile] == 0)
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECZNE112");
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECZNE112) Cannot write out zones if numvars is equal to zero (file %d).\n",
+               CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (CurZone[CurFile] > MaxNumZonesOrVars - 2)   /* -1 based */
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECZNE112");
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (TECZNE112) Exceeded max number of zones (%d) in file %d.\n",
+               MaxNumZonesOrVars, CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (*StrandID < -1)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (TECZNE112) Invalid StrandID supplied for file %d, zone %d.\n",
+               CurFile + 1, CurZone[CurFile] + 1 + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (*ParentZone < 0)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (TECZNE112) Invalid ParentZone supplied for file %d, zone %d.\n",
+               CurFile + 1, CurZone[CurFile] + 1 + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * This is a temporary error.  Point format should no longer be written to the file
+     * and should instead be converted to block format before being written.  Since the
+     * conversion has not yet been implemented, it is an error to use point data.
+     * TODO (JN): Remove this error when point to block conversion has been implemented.
+     */
+    if (*IsBlk != 1)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT2("Err: (TECZNE112) Point data is not currently allowed. "
+               " Please use block format for file %d, zone %d.\n",
+               CurFile + 1, CurZone[CurFile] + 1 + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile]          = 0;
+    NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile] = 0;
+    CurZone[CurFile]++;
+    /* Resize zone-dimensioned arrays (CurZone[] is 0-based) */
+    try
+    {
+        MinMaxOffset[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        NumFaceConnections[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        ConnectivityWritten[CurFile].resize(CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+    }
+    catch (std::bad_alloc const&)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECZNE112) Memory allocation error.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    ZoneType[CurFile] = *ZnType;
+    IMax[CurFile] = *IMxOrNumPts;
+    JMax[CurFile] = *JMxOrNumElements;
+    KMax[CurFile] = *KMxOrNumFaces;
+    ICellMax[CurFile] = *ICellMx;
+    JCellMax[CurFile] = *JCellMx;
+    KCellMax[CurFile] = *KCellMx;
+    /* Set the flags that connectivity, face neighbors or face map hasn't been written for the zone yet. */
+    FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = FALSE;
+    ConnectivityWritten[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = FALSE;
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ZoneType_FEPolygon ||
+        ZoneType[CurFile] == ZoneType_FEPolyhedron)
+    {
+        NumFaceConnections[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = 0; /* ...not used for polytope data */
+        FaceNeighborMode[CurFile]   = 0; /* ...not used for polytope data */
+        NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = 0; /* ...not used for polytope data */
+        IsBlock[CurFile]                             = TRUE; /* ...polytope data is always block */
+        TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = *NumFaceNodes;
+        TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]              = *NumFaceBndryFaces;
+        TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]              = *NumFaceBndryConns;
+    }
+    else /* ...classic data */
+    {
+        IsBlock[CurFile]                              = *IsBlk;
+        NumFaceConnections[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = *NumFaceConn;
+        FaceNeighborMode[CurFile]                     = *FNMode;
+        TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = 0; /* ...not used for classic data */
+        TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]              = 0; /* ...not used for classic data */
+        TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]              = 0; /* ...not used for classic data */
+    }
+    WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile],
+                    (double)ZoneMarker,
+                    FieldDataType_Float);
+    if (!DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile],
+                            ZnTitle,
+                            TRUE))
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECZNE112");
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if ((ShareVarFromZone && *ShareConnectivityFromZone) &&
+        CurZone[CurFile] == 0)
+    {
+        /* can't have a duplist if there's nothing to duplicate */
+        IsOk = 0;
+    }
+    if (IsOk == 0)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECZNE112) Bad zone format for file %d.\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    switch (ZoneType[CurFile])
+    {
+        case ORDERED:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 0;
+            break;
+        case FELINESEG:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 2;
+            break;
+        case FETRIANGLE:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 3;
+            break;
+        case FEQUADRILATERAL:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 4;
+            break;
+        case FETETRAHEDRON:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 4;
+            break;
+        case FEBRICK:
+            NumIndices[CurFile] = 8;
+            break;
+    }
+    /* ...not used for poly or ordered data and don't count sharing or solution files. */
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] != ZoneType_FEPolygon    &&
+        ZoneType[CurFile] != ZoneType_FEPolyhedron &&
+        *ShareConnectivityFromZone == 0            &&
+        FileTypes[CurFile] != SOLUTIONFILE)
+        NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = NumIndices[CurFile] * JMax[CurFile];
+    /*
+     * We do not check any return values until the end. If these calls fail,
+     * WriteFieldDataType below should fail as well.
+     */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)(*ParentZone) - 1); /* ...ParentZone is zero based for binary file */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)(*StrandID) - 1);   /* ...StrandID is zero based for binary file */
+    WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], *SolutionTime, FieldDataType_Double);
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t) - 1); /* No Zone Color Assignment */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], ZoneType[CurFile]);
+    NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile] = 0;
+    for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+    {
+        IsSharedVar[CurFile][I]  = (ShareVarFromZone != NULL && ShareVarFromZone[I] != 0); /* ...shared? */
+        IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I] = (PassiveVarList   != NULL && PassiveVarList[I]   == 1); /* ...passive? */
+    }
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)(ValueLocation != NULL ? 1 : 0)); /* ...are var locations specified? */
+    if (ValueLocation)
+    {
+        for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+        {
+            int        VIndex;
+            LgIndex_t  NumNodes;
+            LgIndex_t  NumCells;
+            if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+            {
+                NumNodes = IMax[CurFile] * JMax[CurFile] * KMax[CurFile];
+                NumCells = (MAX(IMax[CurFile] - 1, 1) *
+                            MAX(JMax[CurFile] - 1, 1) *
+                            MAX(KMax[CurFile] - 1, 1));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                NumNodes = IMax[CurFile];
+                NumCells = JMax[CurFile];
+            }
+            if (IsSharedVar[CurFile][I])
+                VIndex = ShareVarFromZone[I] - 1;
+            else
+                VIndex = I;
+            if (VIndex == 0)
+                NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][I] = 0;
+            else
+                NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex] = NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex-1];
+            IsCellCentered[CurFile][VIndex] = (ValueLocation[I] == ValueLocation_CellCentered);
+            if (ValueLocation[I] == ValueLocation_CellCentered)
+            {
+                WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)1);
+                if (!IsSharedVar[CurFile][I] && !IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I])
+                {
+                    NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile]        += NumCells;
+                    NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex] += NumCells;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (ValueLocation[I] == ValueLocation_Nodal)
+            {
+                WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)0);
+                if (!IsSharedVar[CurFile][I] && !IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I])
+                {
+                    NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile]        += NumNodes;
+                    NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex] += NumNodes;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT2("Err: (TECZNE112) Bad zone value location for file %d, variable %d.\n", CurFile + 1, I + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                return(-1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LgIndex_t NumNodes;
+        if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+        {
+            NumNodes = IMax[CurFile] * JMax[CurFile] * KMax[CurFile];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            NumNodes = IMax[CurFile];
+        }
+        for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+        {
+            int VIndex;
+            if (IsSharedVar[CurFile][I])
+                VIndex = ShareVarFromZone[I] - 1;
+            else
+                VIndex = I;
+            if (VIndex == 0)
+                NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][I] = 0;
+            else
+                NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex] = NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex-1];
+            IsCellCentered[CurFile][VIndex] = FALSE;
+            if (!IsSharedVar[CurFile][I] && !IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I])
+            {
+                NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile]        += NumNodes;
+                NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][VIndex] += NumNodes;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * As of binary version 108 Tecplot introduced
+     * the ability to output its auto-generated face
+     * neighbor array in its raw form. For now
+     * TecIO will always decline to perform this
+     * step and instead fall back to the delivering
+     * one neighbor at a time.
+     */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)0); /* IsRawFNAvailable */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)NumFaceConnections[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]]);
+    if (NumFaceConnections[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] > 0)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)FaceNeighborMode[CurFile]);
+        if (ZoneType[CurFile] != ORDERED)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)0); /* FEFaceNeighborsComplete */
+    }
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)IMax[CurFile]);
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYGON ||
+        ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYHEDRON)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)KMax[CurFile]);
+        /*
+         * As of binary version 111 these items moved from the data section to
+         * the header.
+         */
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]]);
+        if (TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] > 0)
+        {
+            /* Each boundary face must have >= 1 boundary connection. */
+            if (TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile] < TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile])
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECZNE112) There must be at least 1 boundary connection for each boundary face in zone %d.\n",
+                       CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+                PRINT2("     %d boundary faces and %d boundary connections were specified.\n",
+                       TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile], TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                return(-1);
+            }
+            /*
+             * As a convenience for the ASCII format, TecUtil, and TECIO layers if any
+             * boundary connections exists we automatically add a no-neighboring
+             * connection as the first item so that they can user 0 for no-neighboring
+             * element in the element list regardless if they have boundary connections
+             * or not.
+             */
+            WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] + 1); /* ...add a boundary face for no neighboring element as a convenience */
+        }
+        else
+            WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]);
+    }
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)JMax[CurFile]);
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)KMax[CurFile]);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)ICellMax[CurFile]);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)JCellMax[CurFile]);
+        WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)KCellMax[CurFile]);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Aux data. This has to be over-written by the aux data writing routine.
+     * Because it currently at the end of the header section we don't need to
+     * keep track of the position for seeking back to it.
+     */
+    WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)0);
+    WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile],
+                    (double)ZoneMarker,
+                    FieldDataType_Float);
+    for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+    {
+        if (!WriteFieldDataType(BlckFile[CurFile],
+                                (FieldDataType_e)FieldDataType,
+                                TRUE))
+        {
+            WriteErr("TECZNE112");
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Passive variable identification */
+    if (PassiveVarList)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 1);
+        for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], PassiveVarList[I]);
+    }
+    else
+        WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 0);
+    /* get the CurVar[CurFile] on the first active variable */
+    CurVar[CurFile] = -1;
+    AdvanceToNextVarWithValues();
+    /* Variable & Connectivity Sharing */
+    if (ShareVarFromZone)
+    {
+        WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 1);
+        for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+            WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], ShareVarFromZone[I] - 1);
+    }
+    else
+        WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 0);
+    WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], *ShareConnectivityFromZone - 1);
+    /*
+     * Create place holders or the variable min/max value. We will come back
+     * later after writing the data portion with the real min/max values. In the
+     * mean time, keep track of the starting point so we can seek back to this
+     * place.
+     */
+    MinMaxOffset[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = (FileOffset_t)TP_FTELL(BlckFile[CurFile]->File);
+    for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+    {
+        /* initialize to unset values */
+        VarMinValue[CurFile][I] = LARGEDOUBLE;
+        VarMaxValue[CurFile][I] = -LARGEDOUBLE;
+        if (!IsSharedVar[CurFile][I] && !IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I])
+        {
+            WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], 0.0, FieldDataType_Double);
+            WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], 0.0, FieldDataType_Double);
+        }
+    }
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+    {
+        PRINT1("Writing Zone %d:\n", CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+        PRINT1("      Title = %s\n", ZnTitle);
+        PRINT1("      Type  = %s\n", ZoneTypes[ZoneType[CurFile]]);
+        PRINT1("      IMax  = %d\n", IMax[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("      JMax  = %d\n", JMax[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("      KMax  = %d\n", KMax[CurFile]);
+        if (ShareVarFromZone)
+        {
+            char DupList[1024] = "";
+            for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+            {
+                if (I > 0)
+                    strcat(DupList, ",");
+                sprintf(&DupList[strlen(DupList)], "%d", ShareVarFromZone[I]);
+            }
+            PRINT1("      DupList = %s\n", DupList);
+        }
+    }
+    #endif
+    return (0);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECZNE111(char     *ZnTitle,
+                           INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                           INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                           INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                           INTEGER4 *KMxOrNumFaces,
+                           INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                           double   *SolutionTime,
+                           INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                           INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                           INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceNodes,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryConns,
+                           INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                           INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    return TECZNE112(ZnTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMxOrNumFaces,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     SolutionTime,
+                     StrandID,
+                     ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     NumFaceNodes,
+                     NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     PassiveVarList,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECZNE110(char     *ZnTitle,
+                           INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                           INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                           INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                           INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                           double   *SolutionTime,
+                           INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                           INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                           INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                           INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                           INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceNodes      = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryConns = 0;
+    return TECZNE112(ZnTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     SolutionTime,
+                     StrandID,
+                     ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     &NumFaceNodes,
+                     &NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     &NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     PassiveVarList,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECZNE100(char     *ZnTitle,
+                           INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                           INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                           INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                           INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                           INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                           INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                           INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                           INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    double   SolutionTime = 0.0;
+    INTEGER4 StrandID   = STRAND_ID_STATIC + 1; /* TECXXX is ones based for StrandID */
+    INTEGER4 ParentZone = BAD_SET_VALUE + 1;  /* TECXXX is ones based for ParentZone */
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceNodes      = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryConns = 0;
+    return TECZNE112(ZnTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     &SolutionTime,
+                     &StrandID,
+                     &ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     &NumFaceNodes,
+                     &NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     &NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     NULL, /* PassiveVarList */
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+#if !defined INDEX_16_BIT // not supported in this test-only mode
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECZNE(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                        INTEGER4 *IMx,
+                        INTEGER4 *JMx,
+                        INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                        char     *ZFormat,
+                        char     *DupList)
+    LgIndex_t  ZoneType;
+    LgIndex_t  IsBlock;
+    LgIndex_t *ShareVarFromZone = NULL;
+    LgIndex_t  ShareConnectivityFromZone;
+    LgIndex_t  Result = 0;
+    if (ZFormat == NULL)
+        Result = -1;
+    else if (!strcmp(ZFormat, "BLOCK"))
+    {
+        IsBlock = 1;
+        ZoneType = ZoneType_Ordered;
+    }
+    else if (!strcmp(ZFormat, "FEBLOCK"))
+    {
+        IsBlock = 1;
+        switch (*KMx)
+        {
+                /*
+                 * From preplot.c:
+                 *
+                 * ZoneType 0=ORDERED,1=FELINESEG,2=FETRIANGLE,
+                 */
+            case 0: /* Triangular. */
+                ZoneType = 2;
+                break;
+            case 1: /* Quadrilateral */
+                ZoneType = 3;
+                break;
+            case 2: /* Tetrahedral */
+                ZoneType = 4;
+                break;
+            case 3: /* Brick. */
+                ZoneType = 5;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (!strcmp(ZFormat, "POINT"))
+    {
+        IsBlock = 0;
+        ZoneType = ZoneType_Ordered;
+    }
+    else if (!strcmp(ZFormat, "FEPOINT"))
+    {
+        IsBlock = 0;
+        switch (*KMx)
+        {
+            case 0: /* Triangular. */
+                ZoneType = 2;
+                break;
+            case 1: /* Quadrilateral */
+                ZoneType = 3;
+                break;
+            case 2: /* Tetrahedral */
+                ZoneType = 4;
+                break;
+            case 3: /* Brick. */
+                ZoneType = 5;
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        Result = -1;
+    ShareConnectivityFromZone = 0;
+    if (Result == 0 &&
+        DupList &&
+        !ParseDupList(&ShareVarFromZone, &ShareConnectivityFromZone, DupList))
+    {
+        Result = -1;
+    }
+    /*Result = TECZNE((char *)ZoneTitle, IMx, JMx, KMx, (char *)ZFormat,(char*)DupList);*/
+    if (Result == 0)
+    {
+        INTEGER4 ICellMx = 0;
+        INTEGER4 JCellMx = 0;
+        INTEGER4 KCellMx = 0;
+        INTEGER4 NumFaceConnections = 0;
+        INTEGER4 FaceNeighborMode   = FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne;
+        double   SolutionTime = 0.0;
+        INTEGER4 StrandID   = STRAND_ID_STATIC + 1; /* TECXXX is ones based for StrandID */
+        INTEGER4 ParentZone = BAD_SET_VALUE + 1;  /* TECXXX is ones based for ParentZone */
+        INTEGER4 NumFaceNodes      = 0;
+        INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+        INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryConns = 0;
+        Result = TECZNE112((char *)ZoneTitle,
+                           &ZoneType,
+                           IMx,
+                           JMx,
+                           KMx,
+                           &ICellMx,
+                           &JCellMx,
+                           &KCellMx,
+                           &SolutionTime,
+                           &StrandID,
+                           &ParentZone,
+                           &IsBlock,
+                           &NumFaceConnections,
+                           &FaceNeighborMode,
+                           &NumFaceNodes,
+                           &NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                           &NumFaceBndryConns,
+                           NULL, /* PassiveVarList */
+                           NULL, /* ValueLocation */
+                           DupList ? ShareVarFromZone : NULL,
+                           &ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+        TecXXXZoneNum++;
+    }
+    if (ShareVarFromZone)
+        FREE_ARRAY(ShareVarFromZone, "Variable sharing list");
+    return (INTEGER4) Result;
+#endif // INDEX_16_BIT -- not supported in this test-only mode
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczne112_(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                        double   *SolutionTime,
+                                        INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryConns,
+                                        INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    return TECZNE112(ZoneTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     SolutionTime,
+                     StrandID,
+                     ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     NumFaceNodes,
+                     NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     PassiveVarList,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczne111_(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                        double   *SolutionTime,
+                                        INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceBndryConns,
+                                        INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    return TECZNE112(ZoneTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     SolutionTime,
+                     StrandID,
+                     ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     NumFaceNodes,
+                     NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     PassiveVarList,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczne110_(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                        double   *SolutionTime,
+                                        INTEGER4 *StrandID,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ParentZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                                        INTEGER4 *PassiveVarList,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceNodes      = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryFaces = 0;
+    INTEGER4 NumFaceBndryConns = 0;
+    return TECZNE112(ZoneTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     SolutionTime,
+                     StrandID,
+                     ParentZone,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     &NumFaceNodes,
+                     &NumFaceBndryFaces,
+                     &NumFaceBndryConns,
+                     PassiveVarList,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczne100_(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ZnType,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IMxOrNumPts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JMxOrNumElements,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ICellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *JCellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *KCellMx,
+                                        INTEGER4 *IsBlk,
+                                        INTEGER4 *NumFaceConn,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FNMode,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ValueLocation,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareVarFromZone,
+                                        INTEGER4 *ShareConnectivityFromZone)
+    return TECZNE100(ZoneTitle,
+                     ZnType,
+                     IMxOrNumPts,
+                     JMxOrNumElements,
+                     KMx,
+                     ICellMx,
+                     JCellMx,
+                     KCellMx,
+                     IsBlk,
+                     NumFaceConn,
+                     FNMode,
+                     ValueLocation,
+                     ShareVarFromZone,
+                     ShareConnectivityFromZone);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczne_(char     *ZoneTitle,
+                                     INTEGER4 *IMx,
+                                     INTEGER4 *JMx,
+                                     INTEGER4 *KMx,
+                                     char     *ZFormat,
+                                     char     *DupList)
+    return TECZNE(ZoneTitle,
+                  IMx,
+                  JMx,
+                  KMx,
+                  ZFormat,
+                  DupList);
+ * Rewrite the var min/max place holders which currently have zero in them.
+ */
+static void RewritePendingMinMaxValues(void)
+    FileOffset_t CurrentOffset = (FileOffset_t)TP_FTELL(BlckFile[CurFile]->File);
+    TP_FSEEK(BlckFile[CurFile]->File, MinMaxOffset[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]], SEEK_SET);
+    int I;
+    for (I = 0; I < NumVars[CurFile]; I++)
+    {
+        if (!IsSharedVar[CurFile][I] && !IsPassiveVar[CurFile][I])
+        {
+            WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], VarMinValue[CurFile][I], FieldDataType_Double);
+            WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], VarMaxValue[CurFile][I], FieldDataType_Double);
+        }
+    }
+    /* return the original position */
+    TP_FSEEK(BlckFile[CurFile]->File, CurrentOffset, SEEK_SET);
+ */
+                           void     *Data,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsDouble)
+    LgIndex_t  I;
+    double    *dptr = (double *)Data;
+    float     *fptr = (float *)Data;
+    if (CheckFile("TECDAT112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile] && (*N > 1))
+        PRINT2("Writing %d values to file %d.\n", *N, CurFile + 1);
+    #endif
+    for (I = 0; I < *N; I++)
+    {
+        double Value = (*IsDouble == 1 ? dptr[I] : fptr[I]);
+        /* keep track of var min/max */
+        if (Value < VarMinValue[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]])
+            VarMinValue[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] = Value;
+        if (Value > VarMaxValue[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]])
+            VarMaxValue[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] = Value;
+        if (!WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], Value, (FieldDataType_e)FieldDataType))
+        {
+            WriteErr("TECDAT112");
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        /*
+         * As of version 103 Tecplot writes binary data files so that the ordered
+         * cell centered field data includes the ghost cells. This makes it much
+         * easier for Tecplot to map the data when reading by simply writing out
+         * field data's as a block. As of version 104 the ghost cells of the
+         * slowest moving index are not included.
+         */
+        if (IsCellCentered[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] && ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+        {
+            CHECK(IsBlock[CurFile]); /* ...ordered CC data must be block format */
+            LgIndex_t PIndex = (NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile]);
+            LgIndex_t FinalIMax = MAX(IMax[CurFile] - 1, 1);
+            LgIndex_t FinalJMax = MAX(JMax[CurFile] - 1, 1);
+            LgIndex_t FinalKMax = MAX(KMax[CurFile] - 1, 1);
+            LgIndex_t IIndex = (PIndex % IMax[CurFile]);
+            LgIndex_t JIndex = ((PIndex % (IMax[CurFile] * JMax[CurFile])) / IMax[CurFile]);
+            LgIndex_t KIndex = (PIndex / (IMax[CurFile] * JMax[CurFile]));
+            LgIndex_t IMaxAdjust = 0;
+            LgIndex_t JMaxAdjust = 0;
+            LgIndex_t KMaxAdjust = 0;
+            if (KMax[CurFile] > 1)
+                KMaxAdjust = 1; /* ...K is slowest */
+            else if (JMax[CurFile] > 1)
+                JMaxAdjust = 1; /* ...J is slowest */
+            else if (IMax[CurFile] > 1)
+                IMaxAdjust = 1; /* ...I is slowest */
+            if (IIndex + 1 == FinalIMax && FinalIMax < IMax[CurFile] - IMaxAdjust)
+            {
+                NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile]++;
+                if (!WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], 0.0, (FieldDataType_e)FieldDataType))
+                {
+                    WriteErr("TECDAT112");
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+            }
+            if (IIndex + 1 == FinalIMax &&
+                (JIndex + 1 == FinalJMax && FinalJMax < JMax[CurFile] - JMaxAdjust))
+            {
+                LgIndex_t II;
+                for (II = 1; II <= IMax[CurFile] - IMaxAdjust; II++)
+                {
+                    NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile]++;
+                    if (!WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], 0.0, (FieldDataType_e)FieldDataType))
+                    {
+                        WriteErr("TECDAT112");
+                        return (-1);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (IIndex + 1 == FinalIMax &&
+                JIndex + 1 == FinalJMax &&
+                (KIndex + 1 == FinalKMax && FinalKMax < KMax[CurFile] - KMaxAdjust))
+            {
+                LgIndex_t JJ, II;
+                for (JJ = 1; JJ <= JMax[CurFile] - JMaxAdjust; JJ++)
+                    for (II = 1; II <= IMax[CurFile] - IMaxAdjust; II++)
+                    {
+                        NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile]++;
+                        if (!WriteBinaryReal(BlckFile[CurFile], 0.0, (FieldDataType_e)FieldDataType))
+                        {
+                            WriteErr("TECDAT112");
+                            return (-1);
+                        }
+                    }
+            }
+            /* increment for the original cell value */
+            NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile]++;
+        }
+        /* update the number of data points written */
+        NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile]++;
+        if (IsBlock[CurFile])
+        {
+            /* for block format update the variable when all values have been given */
+            if (NumRunningVarValues[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] == NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile])
+            {
+                AdvanceToNextVarWithValues(); /* ...move on to the next variable */
+                if (CurVar[CurFile] < NumVars[CurFile]       &&
+                    IsCellCentered[CurFile][CurVar[CurFile]] &&
+                    ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+                    NumOrderedCCDataValuesWritten[CurFile] = 0; /* reset for next CC variable */
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* for point format update the variable after each value */
+            AdvanceToNextVarWithValues();
+            if (CurVar[CurFile] >= NumVars[CurFile])
+            {
+                /* reset to the first active variable */
+                CurVar[CurFile] = -1;
+                AdvanceToNextVarWithValues();
+            }
+        }
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile] > 1)
+            PRINT2("%d %G\n", NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile] + I + 1, Value);
+        #endif
+    }
+    /*
+     * If this is the last call to TECDAT112,
+     * then we may have to set the 'repeat adjacency list'
+     * flag in the file.
+     */
+    if (HasFECONNECT[CurFile] &&
+        /* (essentialy this is CheckData() but we don't want to print
+           an error message) */
+        (NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile] == NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile]))
+    {
+        if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)1))
+        {
+            WriteErr("TECDAT112");
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* re-write min/max values when all data has been delivered */
+    if (NumDataValuesToWrite[CurFile] == NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile])
+        RewritePendingMinMaxValues();
+    return (0);
+                           void     *Data,
+                           INTEGER4 *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N,
+                     Data,
+                     IsDouble);
+                           void      *FieldData,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N,
+                     FieldData,
+                     IsDouble);
+                           void      *FieldData,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N,
+                     FieldData,
+                     IsDouble);
+                        void      *FieldData,
+                        INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N,
+                     FieldData,
+                     IsDouble);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+                                        void      *Data,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N, Data, IsDouble);
+                                        void      *Data,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N, Data, IsDouble);
+                                        void      *Data,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N, Data, IsDouble);
+                                        void      *Data,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N, Data, IsDouble);
+                                     void      *FieldData,
+                                     INTEGER4  *IsDouble)
+    return TECDAT112(N,
+                     FieldData,
+                     IsDouble);
+ */
+    LgIndex_t L = NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]];
+    LgIndex_t I;
+    ConnectivityWritten[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = TRUE;
+    if (CheckFile("TECNOD112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYGON ||
+        ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYHEDRON)
+    {
+        /* Wrong way to specify connectivity for polygons and polyhedrons */
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECNOD112) Cannot call TECNOD112 for polygonal or polyhedral zones.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (HasFECONNECT[CurFile])
+    {
+        /*
+         * The connectivity list is duplicated,
+         * so we shouldn't be calling TECNOD112()
+         */
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (FileTypes[CurFile] == SOLUTIONFILE)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECNOD112) Cannot call TECNOD112 if file type is SOLUTIONFILE.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECNOD112) Cannot call TECNOD110 if zone type is ORDERED.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (CheckData("TECNOD112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    for (I = 0; I < L; I++)
+    {
+        if ((NData[I] > IMax[CurFile]) ||
+            (NData[I] < 1))
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT1("Err: (TECNOD112) Invalid node map value at position %d:\n", I);
+            PRINT2("     node map value = %d, max value = %d.\n", NData[I], IMax[CurFile]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        /*
+         * As of version 103 Tecplot assumes that node maps are zero based
+         * instead of ones based. Since we have to maintain the contract we
+         * subtract 1 for the caller.
+         */
+        if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], NData[I] - 1)) /* zero based */
+        {
+            WriteErr("TECNOD112");
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    return (0);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+    return TECNOD112(NData);
+ */
+    int RetVal = 0;
+    /**
+     * Validate that all zone data was given for the file since there are no
+     * more chances to give it. Note that solution files don't define the
+     * connectivity again.
+     */
+    if (FileTypes[CurFile] != SOLUTIONFILE)
+    {
+        for (int ZoneIndex = 0; (RetVal == 0) && (ZoneIndex <= CurZone[CurFile]); ZoneIndex++)
+        {
+            if (((NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile][ZoneIndex] > 0) &&
+                 (ConnectivityWritten[CurFile][ZoneIndex] == FALSE)))
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECEND112) File %d is being closed without writing connectivity data.\n", CurFile + 1);
+                PRINT1("     Zone %d was defined with a Classic FE zone type but TECNOD112() was not called.\n", ZoneIndex + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                RetVal = -1;
+            }
+            if (((NumFaceConnections[CurFile][ZoneIndex] > 0) &&
+                 (FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile][ZoneIndex] == FALSE)))
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECEND112) File %d is being closed without writing face neighbor data.\n", CurFile + 1);
+                PRINT2("     %d connections were specified for zone %d but TECFACE112() was not called.\n",
+                       NumFaceConnections[CurFile][ZoneIndex], ZoneIndex + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                RetVal = -1;
+            }
+            else if (((TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][ZoneIndex] > 0) &&
+                      (FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile][ZoneIndex] == FALSE)))
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECEND112) File %d is being closed without writing face map data.\n", CurFile + 1);
+                PRINT2("     %d face nodes were specified for zone %d but TECPOLY112() was not called.\n",
+                       TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][ZoneIndex], ZoneIndex + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                RetVal = -1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (RetVal == 0)
+    {
+        if (CheckFile("TECEND112") < 0)
+            RetVal = -1;
+    }
+    if (RetVal == 0)
+    {
+        if (CheckData("TECEND112") < 0)
+            RetVal = -1;
+    }
+    if (RetVal == 0)
+        if (!WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], EndHeaderMarker, FieldDataType_Float))
+        {
+            WriteErr("TECEND112");
+            RetVal = -1;
+        }
+    CloseFileStream(&BlckFile[CurFile]);
+    if (RetVal == 0)
+    {
+        BlckFile[CurFile] = OpenFileStream(BlckFName[CurFile], "rb", IsWritingNative[CurFile]);
+        /* Append data from BlckFile to HeadFile... */
+        char buffer[BYTES_PER_CHUNK];
+        size_t bytesRead = 0;
+        while ((RetVal == 0) &&
+               (feof(BlckFile[CurFile]->File) == 0))
+        {
+            bytesRead = fread((void*)buffer, 1, BYTES_PER_CHUNK, BlckFile[CurFile]->File);
+            if (ferror(BlckFile[CurFile]->File) == 0)
+            {
+                if (bytesRead != fwrite((void*)buffer, 1, bytesRead, HeadFile[CurFile]->File))
+                {
+                    /* do not call WriteErr, use custom message instead */
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECEND112) Write failure during repack on file %d.\n", CurFile + 1);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    RetVal = -1;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /* do not call WriteErr, use custom message instead */
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECEND112) Write failure during repack on file %d.\n", CurFile + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                RetVal = -1;
+            }
+        }
+        CloseFileStream(&BlckFile[CurFile]);
+    }
+    TP_UNLINK(BlckFName[CurFile]);
+    CloseFileStream(&HeadFile[CurFile]);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+    {
+        PRINT1("File %d closed.\n", CurFile + 1);
+        if (NumErrs[CurFile])
+        {
+            PRINT0("********************************************\n");
+            PRINT1("      %d Errors occurred on this file\n", NumErrs[CurFile]);
+            PRINT0("********************************************\n");
+        }
+    }
+    #endif
+    NumErrs[CurFile] = 0;
+    IsOpen[CurFile] = 0;
+    if (DestFName[CurFile])
+        FREE_ARRAY(DestFName[CurFile], "data set fname");
+    if (BlckFName[CurFile])
+        FREE_ARRAY(BlckFName[CurFile], "data set fname");
+    BlckFName[CurFile] = NULL;
+    DestFName[CurFile] = NULL;
+    /* reset arrays sized by number of variables */
+    VarMinValue[CurFile].clear();
+    VarMaxValue[CurFile].clear();
+    NumRunningVarValues[CurFile].clear();
+    IsSharedVar[CurFile].clear();
+    IsPassiveVar[CurFile].clear();
+    IsCellCentered[CurFile].clear();
+    /* reset arrays sized by number of zones */
+    MinMaxOffset[CurFile].clear();
+    TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile].clear();
+    NumFaceConnections[CurFile].clear();
+    FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile].clear();
+    NumConnectivityNodes[CurFile].clear();
+    ConnectivityWritten[CurFile].clear();
+    CurFile = 0;
+    while ((CurFile < MaxNumFiles) && !IsOpen[CurFile])
+        CurFile++;
+    if (CurFile == MaxNumFiles)
+        CurFile = -1;
+    return RetVal;
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+    return TECEND112();
+static void GetNextLabel(const char **CPtr,
+                         char        *NextLabel)
+    int N = 0;
+    char *NPtr = NextLabel;
+    *NPtr = '\0';
+    /* Find label start */
+    while ((**CPtr) && (**CPtr != '"'))
+        (*CPtr)++;
+    if (**CPtr)
+        (*CPtr)++;
+    while ((N < 60) && (**CPtr) && (**CPtr != '"'))
+    {
+        if (**CPtr == '\\')
+        {
+            (*CPtr)++;
+        }
+        *NPtr++ = **CPtr;
+        N++;
+        (*CPtr)++;
+    }
+    if (**CPtr)
+        (*CPtr)++;
+    *NPtr = '\0';
+ */
+    const char *CPtr = (const char *)S;
+    LgIndex_t   N = 0;
+    char        Label[60];
+    if (CheckFile("TECLAB112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT0("\nInserting Custom Labels:\n");
+    #endif
+    do
+    {
+        GetNextLabel(&CPtr, Label);
+        if (*Label)
+            N++;
+    }
+    while (*Label);
+    if (N == 0)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECLAB112) Invalid custom label string: %s\n",
+               (S ? S : " "));
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], CustomLabelMarker, FieldDataType_Float);
+    if (!WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)N))
+    {
+        WriteErr("TECLAB112");
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    CPtr = (const char *)S;
+    do
+    {
+        GetNextLabel(&CPtr, Label);
+        if (*Label)
+        {
+            if (!DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], Label, TRUE))
+            {
+                WriteErr("TECLAB112");
+                return (-1);
+            }
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+                printf("          %s\n", Label);
+            #endif
+        }
+    }
+    while (*Label);
+    return (0);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+    return TECLAB112(S);
+ */
+    if (CheckFile("TECUSR112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT1("\nInserting UserRec: %s\n", S);
+    #endif
+    if ((S == NULL) || (*S == '\0'))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECUSR112) Invalid TECUSR110 string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], UserRecMarker, FieldDataType_Float);
+    if (!DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], S, TRUE))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            printf("Err: (TECUSR112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+    return TECUSR112(S);
+static int WriteGeomDataBlock(float    *Data,
+                              LgIndex_t NumPts)
+    LgIndex_t I;
+    for (I = 0; I < NumPts; I++)
+    {
+        if (!WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], Data[I], FieldDataType_Float))
+        {
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    return (0);
+static void ShowDebugColor(LgIndex_t Color)
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    switch (Color)
+    {
+        case 0 : PRINT0("BLACK\n"); break;
+        case 1 : PRINT0("RED\n"); break;
+        case 2 : PRINT0("GREEN\n"); break;
+        case 3 : PRINT0("BLUE\n"); break;
+        case 4 : PRINT0("CYAN\n"); break;
+        case 5 : PRINT0("YELLOW\n"); break;
+        case 6 : PRINT0("PURPLE\n"); break;
+        case 7 : PRINT0("WHITE\n"); break;
+        case 8 :
+        case 9 :
+        case 10:
+        case 11:
+        case 12:
+        case 13:
+        case 14:
+        case 15: PRINT1("CUSTOM%1d\n", Color-7); break;
+        default : PRINT0("INVALID\n");
+    }
+    #endif
+#endif /* NOT_CURRENTLY_USED */
+ */
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECGEO112(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode, /* 0=Grid, 1=Frame, 3=Grid3D */
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Color,
+                           INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                           INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                           INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                           double    *PatternLength,
+                           double    *LineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                           double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                           double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                           float     *XOrThetaGeomData,
+                           float     *YOrRGeomData,
+                           float     *ZGeomData,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    int    I, RetVal;
+    int    RawDataSize = 0;
+    double Fract;
+    Geom_s Geom;
+    if (CheckFile("TECGEO112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    Geom.PositionCoordSys = (CoordSys_e) * PosCoordMode;
+    if (Geom.PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+        Fract = 0.01;
+    else
+        Fract = 1.0;
+    Geom.AnchorPos.Generic.V1 = (*XOrThetaPos) * Fract;
+    Geom.AnchorPos.Generic.V2 = (*YOrRPos) * Fract;
+    Geom.AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = (*ZPos) * Fract;
+    Geom.AttachToZone         = *AttachToZone != 0;
+    Geom.Zone                 = *Zone - 1;
+    Geom.BColor               = (ColorIndex_t) * Color;
+    Geom.FillBColor           = (ColorIndex_t) * FillColor;
+    Geom.IsFilled             = *IsFilled;
+    Geom.GeomType             = (GeomType_e) * GeomType;
+    Geom.LinePattern          = (LinePattern_e) * LinePattern;
+    Geom.PatternLength        = *PatternLength / 100.0;
+    Geom.LineThickness        = *LineThickness / 100.0;
+    Geom.NumEllipsePts        = *NumEllipsePts;
+    Geom.ArrowheadStyle       = (ArrowheadStyle_e) * ArrowheadStyle;
+    Geom.ArrowheadAttachment  = (ArrowheadAttachment_e) * ArrowheadAttachment;
+    Geom.ArrowheadSize        = *ArrowheadSize / 100.0;
+    Geom.ArrowheadAngle       = *ArrowheadAngle / DEGPERRADIANS;
+    Geom.Scope                = (Scope_e) * Scope;
+    Geom.DrawOrder            = DrawOrder_AfterData;
+    Geom.Clipping             = (Clipping_e) * Clipping;
+    Geom.NumSegments          = *NumSegments;
+    Geom.MacroFunctionCommand = mfc;
+    Geom.ImageFileName        = NULL;
+    Geom.ImageNumber          = 0;
+    Geom.MaintainAspectRatio  = TRUE;
+    Geom.PixelAspectRatio     = 1.0;
+    Geom.ImageResizeFilter    = ImageResizeFilter_Texture;
+    if (Geom.GeomType == GeomType_LineSegs3D)
+    {
+        Geom.GeomType         = GeomType_LineSegs;
+        Geom.PositionCoordSys = CoordSys_Grid3D;
+    }
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT0("\nInserting Geometry\n");
+    #endif
+    switch (Geom.GeomType)
+    {
+        case GeomType_LineSegs :
+        {
+            int I;
+            RawDataSize = 0;
+            for (I = 0; I < *NumSegments; I++)
+            {
+                Geom.NumSegPts[I] = NumSegPts[I];
+                RawDataSize += NumSegPts[I];
+            }
+        } break;
+        case GeomType_Rectangle :
+        case GeomType_Square :
+        case GeomType_Circle :
+        case GeomType_Ellipse :
+        {
+            RawDataSize = 1;
+        } break;
+        case GeomType_Image :
+        {
+            CHECK(FALSE); /* Images not allowed in data files. */
+        } break;
+        default :
+        {
+            CHECK(FALSE);
+        } break;
+    }
+    Geom.DataType                = FieldDataType_Float;
+    Geom.GeomData.Generic.V1Base = AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(RawDataSize, FieldDataType_Float, TRUE);
+    Geom.GeomData.Generic.V2Base = AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(RawDataSize, FieldDataType_Float, TRUE);
+    Geom.GeomData.Generic.V3Base = AllocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(RawDataSize, FieldDataType_Float, TRUE);
+    for (I = 0; I < RawDataSize; I++)
+    {
+        SetFieldValue(Geom.GeomData.Generic.V1Base, I, (double)XOrThetaGeomData[I]*Fract);
+        SetFieldValue(Geom.GeomData.Generic.V2Base, I, (double)YOrRGeomData[I]*Fract);
+        SetFieldValue(Geom.GeomData.Generic.V3Base, I, (double)ZGeomData[I]*Fract);
+    }
+    if (DumpGeometry(HeadFile[CurFile], &Geom, TRUE, FALSE))
+        RetVal = 0;
+    else
+        RetVal = -1;
+    DeallocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(&Geom.GeomData.Generic.V1Base);
+    DeallocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(&Geom.GeomData.Generic.V2Base);
+    DeallocScratchNodalFieldDataPtr(&Geom.GeomData.Generic.V3Base);
+    return RetVal;
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECGEO111(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode, /* 0=Grid, 1=Frame, 3=Grid3D */
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Color,
+                           INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                           INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                           INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                           double    *PatternLength,
+                           double    *LineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                           double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                           double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                           float     *XOrThetaGeomData,
+                           float     *YOrRGeomData,
+                           float     *ZGeomData,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XOrThetaGeomData,
+                     YOrRGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECGEO110(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode, /* 0=Grid, 1=Frame, 3=Grid3D */
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Color,
+                           INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                           INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                           INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                           double    *PatternLength,
+                           double    *LineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                           double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                           double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                           float     *XOrThetaGeomData,
+                           float     *YOrRGeomData,
+                           float     *ZGeomData,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XOrThetaGeomData,
+                     YOrRGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECGEO100(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode, /* 0=Grid, 1=Frame, 3=Grid3D */
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Color,
+                           INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                           INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                           INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                           double    *PatternLength,
+                           double    *LineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                           INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                           double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                           double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                           INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                           float     *XOrThetaGeomData,
+                           float     *YOrRGeomData,
+                           float     *ZGeomData,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XOrThetaGeomData,
+                     YOrRGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+                        double    *YPos,
+                        double    *ZPos,
+                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                        INTEGER4  *Color,
+                        INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                        INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                        INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                        INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                        double    *PatternLength,
+                        double    *LineThickness,
+                        INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                        double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                        double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                        INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                        INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                        float     *XGeomData,
+                        float     *YGeomData,
+                        float     *ZGeomData,
+                        char      *mfc)
+    int Clipping = (int)Clipping_ClipToViewport;
+    return TECGEO112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     &Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XGeomData,
+                     YGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecgeo112_(double    *XPos,
+                                        double    *YPos,
+                                        double    *ZPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                        INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                        INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                        double    *PatternLength,
+                                        double    *LineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                        float     *XGeomData,
+                                        float     *YGeomData,
+                                        float     *ZGeomData,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XGeomData,
+                     YGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecgeo111_(double    *XPos,
+                                        double    *YPos,
+                                        double    *ZPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                        INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                        INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                        double    *PatternLength,
+                                        double    *LineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                        float     *XGeomData,
+                                        float     *YGeomData,
+                                        float     *ZGeomData,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XGeomData,
+                     YGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecgeo110_(double    *XPos,
+                                        double    *YPos,
+                                        double    *ZPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                        INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                        INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                        double    *PatternLength,
+                                        double    *LineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                        float     *XGeomData,
+                                        float     *YGeomData,
+                                        float     *ZGeomData,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XGeomData,
+                     YGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecgeo100_(double    *XPos,
+                                        double    *YPos,
+                                        double    *ZPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                        INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                        INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                        double    *PatternLength,
+                                        double    *LineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                        double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                        INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                        float     *XGeomData,
+                                        float     *YGeomData,
+                                        float     *ZGeomData,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     Color,
+                     FillColor,
+                     IsFilled,
+                     GeomType,
+                     LinePattern,
+                     PatternLength,
+                     LineThickness,
+                     NumEllipsePts,
+                     ArrowheadStyle,
+                     ArrowheadAttachment,
+                     ArrowheadSize,
+                     ArrowheadAngle,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     NumSegments,
+                     NumSegPts,
+                     XGeomData,
+                     YGeomData,
+                     ZGeomData,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecgeo_(double    *XPos,
+                                     double    *YPos,
+                                     double    *ZPos,
+                                     INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                     INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Color,
+                                     INTEGER4  *FillColor,
+                                     INTEGER4  *IsFilled,
+                                     INTEGER4  *GeomType,
+                                     INTEGER4  *LinePattern,
+                                     double    *PatternLength,
+                                     double    *LineThickness,
+                                     INTEGER4  *NumEllipsePts,
+                                     INTEGER4  *ArrowheadStyle,
+                                     INTEGER4  *ArrowheadAttachment,
+                                     double    *ArrowheadSize,
+                                     double    *ArrowheadAngle,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                     INTEGER4  *NumSegments,
+                                     INTEGER4  *NumSegPts,
+                                     float     *XGeomData,
+                                     float     *YGeomData,
+                                     float     *ZGeomData,
+                                     char      *mfc)
+    return TECGEO(XPos,
+                  YPos,
+                  ZPos,
+                  PosCoordMode,
+                  AttachToZone,
+                  Zone,
+                  Color,
+                  FillColor,
+                  IsFilled,
+                  GeomType,
+                  LinePattern,
+                  PatternLength,
+                  LineThickness,
+                  NumEllipsePts,
+                  ArrowheadStyle,
+                  ArrowheadAttachment,
+                  ArrowheadSize,
+                  ArrowheadAngle,
+                  Scope,
+                  NumSegments,
+                  NumSegPts,
+                  XGeomData,
+                  YGeomData,
+                  ZGeomData,
+                  mfc);
+ */
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECTXT112(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                           INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                           double    *FontHeight,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                           double    *BoxMargin,
+                           double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                           double    *Angle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                           double    *LineSpacing,
+                           INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           char      *String,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    int    RetVal;
+    Text_s Text;
+    double Fract;
+    if (CheckFile("TECTXT112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    Text.PositionCoordSys    = (CoordSys_e) * PosCoordMode;
+    if (Text.PositionCoordSys == CoordSys_Frame)
+        Fract = 0.01;
+    else
+        Fract = 1.0;
+    Text.AnchorPos.Generic.V1 = (*XOrThetaPos) * Fract;
+    Text.AnchorPos.Generic.V2 = (*YOrRPos) * Fract;
+    Text.AnchorPos.Generic.V3 = (*ZOrUnusedPos) * Fract;
+    Text.AttachToZone         = *AttachToZone != 0;
+    Text.Zone                 = *Zone - 1;
+    Text.BColor               = (ColorIndex_t) * TextColor;
+    Text.TextShape.Font       = (Font_e) * BFont;
+    Text.TextShape.SizeUnits  = (Units_e) * FontHeightUnits;
+    if (Text.TextShape.SizeUnits == Units_Frame)
+        Text.TextShape.Height   = (*FontHeight) / 100.0;
+    else
+        Text.TextShape.Height   = *FontHeight;
+    Text.Box.BoxType          = (TextBox_e) * BoxType;
+    Text.Box.Margin           = *BoxMargin / 100.0;
+    Text.Box.LineThickness    = *BoxLineThickness / 100.0;
+    Text.Box.BColor           = (ColorIndex_t) * BoxColor;
+    Text.Box.FillBColor       = (ColorIndex_t) * BoxFillColor;
+    Text.Anchor               = (TextAnchor_e) * Anchor;
+    Text.LineSpacing          = *LineSpacing;
+    Text.Angle                = *Angle / DEGPERRADIANS;
+    Text.Scope                = (Scope_e) * Scope;
+    Text.Text                 = String;
+    Text.MacroFunctionCommand = mfc;
+    Text.Clipping             = (Clipping_e) * Clipping;
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT1("\nInserting Text: %s\n", String);
+    #endif
+    if (DumpText(HeadFile[CurFile], &Text, TRUE, FALSE))
+        RetVal = 0;
+    else
+        RetVal = -1;
+    return RetVal;
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECTXT111(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                           INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                           double    *FontHeight,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                           double    *BoxMargin,
+                           double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                           double    *Angle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                           double    *LineSpacing,
+                           INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           char      *String,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECTXT110(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                           INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                           double    *FontHeight,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                           double    *BoxMargin,
+                           double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                           double    *Angle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                           double    *LineSpacing,
+                           INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           char      *String,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+INTEGER4 LIBCALL TECTXT100(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                           double    *YOrRPos,
+                           double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                           INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                           INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                           INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                           INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                           INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                           double    *FontHeight,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                           double    *BoxMargin,
+                           double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                           double    *Angle,
+                           INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                           double    *LineSpacing,
+                           INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                           INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                           INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                           char      *String,
+                           char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+                        double    *YPos,
+                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                        INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                        INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                        double    *FontHeight,
+                        INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                        double    *BoxMargin,
+                        double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                        INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                        INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                        double    *Angle,
+                        INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                        double    *LineSpacing,
+                        INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                        char      *Text,
+                        char      *mfc)
+    double    ZPos     = 0.0;
+    int       Clipping = (int)Clipping_ClipToViewport;
+    return TECTXT112(XPos,
+                     YPos,
+                     &ZPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     &Clipping,
+                     Text,
+                     mfc);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tectxt112_(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                                        double    *YOrRPos,
+                                        double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                        double    *FontHeight,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                        double    *BoxMargin,
+                                        double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                        double    *Angle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                        double    *LineSpacing,
+                                        INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        char      *String,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tectxt111_(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                                        double    *YOrRPos,
+                                        double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                        double    *FontHeight,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                        double    *BoxMargin,
+                                        double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                        double    *Angle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                        double    *LineSpacing,
+                                        INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        char      *String,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tectxt110_(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                                        double    *YOrRPos,
+                                        double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                        double    *FontHeight,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                        double    *BoxMargin,
+                                        double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                        double    *Angle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                        double    *LineSpacing,
+                                        INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        char      *String,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tectxt100_(double    *XOrThetaPos,
+                                        double    *YOrRPos,
+                                        double    *ZOrUnusedPos,
+                                        INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                        INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                        INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                        double    *FontHeight,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                        double    *BoxMargin,
+                                        double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                        double    *Angle,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                        double    *LineSpacing,
+                                        INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                        INTEGER4  *Clipping,
+                                        char      *String,
+                                        char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT112(XOrThetaPos,
+                     YOrRPos,
+                     ZOrUnusedPos,
+                     PosCoordMode,
+                     AttachToZone,
+                     Zone,
+                     BFont,
+                     FontHeightUnits,
+                     FontHeight,
+                     BoxType,
+                     BoxMargin,
+                     BoxLineThickness,
+                     BoxColor,
+                     BoxFillColor,
+                     Angle,
+                     Anchor,
+                     LineSpacing,
+                     TextColor,
+                     Scope,
+                     Clipping,
+                     String,
+                     mfc);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tectxt_(double    *XPos,
+                                     double    *YPos,
+                                     INTEGER4  *PosCoordMode,
+                                     INTEGER4  *AttachToZone,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Zone,
+                                     INTEGER4  *BFont,
+                                     INTEGER4  *FontHeightUnits,
+                                     double    *FontHeight,
+                                     INTEGER4  *BoxType,
+                                     double    *BoxMargin,
+                                     double    *BoxLineThickness,
+                                     INTEGER4  *BoxColor,
+                                     INTEGER4  *BoxFillColor,
+                                     double    *Angle,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Anchor,
+                                     double    *LineSpacing,
+                                     INTEGER4  *TextColor,
+                                     INTEGER4  *Scope,
+                                     char      *Text,
+                                     char      *mfc)
+    return TECTXT(XPos,
+                  YPos,
+                  PosCoordMode,
+                  AttachToZone,
+                  Zone,
+                  BFont,
+                  FontHeightUnits,
+                  FontHeight,
+                  BoxType,
+                  BoxMargin,
+                  BoxLineThickness,
+                  BoxColor,
+                  BoxFillColor,
+                  Angle,
+                  Anchor,
+                  LineSpacing,
+                  TextColor,
+                  Scope,
+                  Text,
+                  mfc);
+ */
+    if ((*F < 1) || (*F > MaxNumFiles))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECFIL112) Invalid file number requested (%d).  File not changed.\n", *F);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (!IsOpen[*F-1])
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        int I;
+        PRINT1("Err: (TECFIL112) file %d is not open.  File not changed.\n", *F);
+        PRINT0("\n\nFile states are:\n");
+        for (I = 0; I < MaxNumFiles; I++)
+            PRINT2("file %d, IsOpen=%d\n", I + 1, IsOpen[I]);
+        PRINT1("Current File is: %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    CurFile = *F - 1;
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+    {
+        PRINT1("Switching to file #%d\n\n", CurFile + 1);
+        PRINT0("Current State is:\n");
+        PRINT1("  Debug     = %d\n", DebugLevel[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("  NumVars   = %d\n", NumVars[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("  DestFName = %s\n", DestFName[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("  BlckFName = %s\n", BlckFName[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("  ZoneType = %s\n", ZoneTypes[ZoneType[CurFile]]);
+        if (ZoneType[CurFile] == ORDERED)
+        {
+            PRINT1("  IMax      = %d\n", IMax[CurFile]);
+            PRINT1("  JMax      = %d\n", JMax[CurFile]);
+            PRINT1("  KMax      = %d\n", KMax[CurFile]);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            PRINT1("  NumPoints = %d\n", IMax[CurFile]);
+            PRINT1("  NumElmnts = %d\n", JMax[CurFile]);
+        }
+        PRINT1("  NumDataValuesWritten = %d\n", NumDataValuesWritten[CurFile]);
+        PRINT1("  CurZone              = %d\n", CurZone[CurFile] + 1);
+    }
+    #endif /* MAKEARCHIVE */
+    return (0);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+    return TECFIL112(F);
+ */
+void LIBCALL TECFOREIGN112(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    REQUIRE(VALID_REF(OutputForeignByteOrder));
+    DoWriteForeign = (*OutputForeignByteOrder != 0);
+void LIBCALL TECFOREIGN111(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+void LIBCALL TECFOREIGN110(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+void LIBCALL TECFOREIGN100(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION void LIBCALL tecforeign112_(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+LIBFUNCTION void LIBCALL tecforeign111_(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+LIBFUNCTION void LIBCALL tecforeign110_(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+LIBFUNCTION void LIBCALL tecforeign100_(INTEGER4 *OutputForeignByteOrder)
+    TECFOREIGN112(OutputForeignByteOrder);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+ * A valid auxiliary data name character must begin with a '_' or alpha
+ * character and may be followed by one or more '_', '.', alpha or digit
+ * characters.
+ */
+static Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidNameChar(char      Char,
+                                        Boolean_t IsLeadChar)
+    Boolean_t IsValidNameChar;
+    REQUIRE(0 <= Char && "Char <= 127");
+    IsValidNameChar = (Char == '_' ||
+                       isalpha(Char));
+    if (!IsLeadChar)
+        IsValidNameChar = (IsValidNameChar ||
+                           Char == '.'     ||
+                           isdigit(Char));
+    ENSURE(VALID_BOOLEAN(IsValidNameChar));
+    return IsValidNameChar;
+ * Indicates if the auxiliary data name is valid. A valid auxiliary data name
+ * must begin with a '_' or alpha character and may be followed by one or
+ * more '_', '.', alpha or digit characters.
+ */
+static Boolean_t AuxDataIsValidName(const char *Name)
+    Boolean_t  IsValidName;
+    const char *NPtr;
+    for (NPtr = Name, IsValidName = AuxDataIsValidNameChar(*NPtr, TRUE);
+         IsValidName && *NPtr != '\0';
+         NPtr++)
+    {
+        IsValidName = AuxDataIsValidNameChar(*NPtr, FALSE);
+    }
+    return IsValidName;
+#endif /* MAKEARCHIVE */
+ */
+                                          char *Value)
+    if (CheckFile("TECAUXSTR112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT2("\nInserting data set aux data: '%s' = '%s'\n", Name, Value);
+    #endif
+    if ((Name == NULL) || !AuxDataIsValidName(Name))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECAUXSTR112) Invalid Name string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if ((Value == NULL) || (*Value == '\0'))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECAUXSTR112) Invalid Value string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Because the auxiliary data is at the end of the header section we don't
+     * need to seek back to it.
+     */
+    if (!WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], DataSetAuxMarker, FieldDataType_Float)  ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], Name, TRUE /* WriteBinary */) ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)AuxDataType_String) ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], (const char *)Value, TRUE /* WriteBinary */))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            printf("Err: (TECAUXSTR112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+                                          char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+                                          char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+                                          char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecauxstr112_(char *Name,
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecauxstr111_(char *Name,
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecauxstr110_(char *Name,
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecauxstr100_(char *Name,
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+ */
+                                           char *Value)
+    if (CheckFile("TECZAUXSTR112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    if (CurZone[CurFile] == -1)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECZAUXSTR112) Must call TECZNE112 prior to TECZAUXSTR112\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT2("\nInserting zone aux data: '%s' = '%s'\n", Name, Value);
+    #endif
+    if ((Name == NULL) || !AuxDataIsValidName(Name))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECZAUXSTR112) Invalid Name string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if ((Value == NULL) || (*Value == '\0'))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECZAUXSTR112) Invalid Value string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Have to back over the 0 already written, then write another one afterward.
+     */
+    if (TP_FSEEK(HeadFile[CurFile]->File, -4, SEEK_CUR) ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], 1)  ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], Name, TRUE /* WriteBinary */) ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)AuxDataType_String) ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], (const char *)Value, TRUE /* WriteBinary */) ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], 0))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            printf("Err: (TECZAUXSTR112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+                                           char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczauxstr112_(char *Name,
+                                            char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczauxstr111_(char *Name,
+                                            char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczauxstr110_(char *Name,
+                                            char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL teczauxstr100_(char *Name,
+                                            char *Value)
+    return TECZAUXSTR112(Name, Value);
+ */
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value)
+    if (CheckFile("TECVAUXSTR112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT2("\nInserting variable aux data: '%s' = '%s'\n", Name, Value);
+    #endif
+    if ((Name == NULL) || !AuxDataIsValidName(Name))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECVAUXSTR112) Invalid Name string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if ((Value == NULL) || (*Value == '\0'))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECVAUXSTR112) Invalid Value string\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (!WriteBinaryReal(HeadFile[CurFile], VarAuxMarker, FieldDataType_Float)  ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], *Var - 1) ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], Name, TRUE /* WriteBinary */) ||
+        !WriteBinaryInt32(HeadFile[CurFile], (LgIndex_t)AuxDataType_String) ||
+        !DumpDatafileString(HeadFile[CurFile], (const char *)Value, TRUE /* WriteBinary */))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+            printf("Err: (TECVAUXSTR112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    return (0);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+                                           char     *Name,
+                                           char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+                                            char     *Name,
+                                            char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+                                            char     *Name,
+                                            char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+                                            char     *Name,
+                                            char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+                                            char     *Name,
+                                            char     *Value)
+    return TECVAUXSTR112(Var, Name, Value);
+ */
+    INTEGER4 i, *Ptr;
+    /* Mark that the face neighbors have been written for the zone even if it fails so as not to add extra error messages. */
+    FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = TRUE;
+    if (CheckFile("TECFACE112") < 0)
+        return (-1);
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYGON ||
+        ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYHEDRON)
+    {
+        /* Wrong way to specify face neighbors for polygons and polyhedrons */
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECFACE112) Cannot call TECFACE112 for polygonal or polyhedral zones.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (FileTypes[CurFile] == SOLUTIONFILE)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECFACE112) Cannot call TECFACE112 if the file type is SOLUTIONFILE.\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+    if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+        PRINT0("\nInserting face neighbor data\n");
+    #endif
+    if (FaceConnections == NULL)
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECFACE112) Invalid array\n");
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Face neighbor connection have the following format for both
+     * binary:
+     *
+     *   LOCALONETOONE     3         cz,fz,cz
+     *   LOCALONETOMANY    nz+4      cz,fz,oz,nz,cz1,cz2,...,czn
+     *   GLOBALONETOONE    4         cz,fz,ZZ,CZ
+     *   GLOBALONETOMANY   2*nz+4    cz,fz,oz,nz,ZZ1,CZ1,ZZ2,CZ2,...,ZZn,CZn
+     *
+     *   Where:
+     *       cz = cell in current zone
+     *       fz = face of cell in current zone
+     *       oz = face obsuration flag (only applies to one-to-many):
+     *              0 = face partially obscured
+     *              1 = face entirely obscured
+     *       nz = number of cell or zone/cell associations (only applies to one-to-many)
+     *       ZZ = remote Zone
+     *       CZ = cell in remote zone
+     *
+     * NOTE:
+     *   As of version 103 Tecplot assumes that face neighbors are zero based
+     *   instead of ones based. Since we have to maintain the contract we
+     *   subtract 1 for the caller.
+     */
+    Ptr = FaceConnections;
+    i = 0;
+    while (i < NumFaceConnections[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]])
+    {
+        INTEGER4 n;
+        INTEGER4 NumNum = 0;
+        switch (FaceNeighborMode[CurFile])
+        {
+            case FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToOne:
+                NumNum = 3;
+                i++;
+                break;
+            case FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany:
+                NumNum = 4 + Ptr[3];
+                i += Ptr[3];
+                break;
+            case FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToOne:
+                NumNum = 4;
+                i++;
+                break;
+            case FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany:
+                NumNum = 4 + 2 * Ptr[3];
+                i += Ptr[3];
+                break;
+            default:
+                CHECK(FALSE);
+                break;
+        }
+        n = 0;
+        if (FaceNeighborMode[CurFile] == FaceNeighborMode_LocalOneToMany ||
+            FaceNeighborMode[CurFile] == FaceNeighborMode_GlobalOneToMany)
+        {
+            /*
+             * Write cz,fz,oz,nz: we do this by hand because the oz and nz values
+             * are not zero based values.
+             */
+            if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], Ptr[n++] - 1) || /* zero based as of version 103 */
+                !WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], Ptr[n++] - 1) || /* zero based as of version 103 */
+                !WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], Ptr[n++])   || /* ones based */
+                !WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], Ptr[n++]))     /* ones based */
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+                    printf("Err: (TECFACE112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                return (-1);
+            }
+        }
+        /* starting from where we left off, output the remaining values */
+        for (; n < NumNum; n++)
+            if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], Ptr[n] - 1)) /* zero based as of version 103 */
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                if (DebugLevel[CurFile])
+                    printf("Err: (TECFACE112) Write failure for file %d\n", CurFile + 1);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                return (-1);
+            }
+        Ptr += NumNum;
+    }
+    return (0);
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecface112_(INTEGER4 *FaceConnections)
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecface111_(INTEGER4 *FaceConnections)
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecface110_(INTEGER4 *FaceConnections)
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+LIBFUNCTION INTEGER4 LIBCALL tecface100_(INTEGER4 *FaceConnections)
+    return TECFACE112(FaceConnections);
+ */
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionCounts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionZones)
+    INTEGER4 NumFaces = KMax[CurFile];
+    INTEGER4 Result = 0;
+    LgIndex_t Index;
+    LgIndex_t MinNeighborValue = TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM;
+    /* Mark that the face map has been written for the zone even if it fails so as not to add extra error messages. */
+    FaceNeighborsOrMapWritten[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] = TRUE;
+    if (NumFaces == 0 ||
+        (ZoneType[CurFile] != FEPOLYGON &&
+         ZoneType[CurFile] != FEPOLYHEDRON))
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY112) The zone type must be FEPOLYGON or FEPOLYHEDRON and have NumFaces (KMax) > 0.\n");
+        PRINT1("     NumFaces = %d\n", NumFaces);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    if (ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYHEDRON) /* FEPOLYGON doesn't need TotalNumFaceNodes since this is 2*NumFaces */
+    {
+        if (TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] <= 0)
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY112) TotalNumFaceNodes MUST be specified for polyhedral zones.\n");
+            PRINT1("     TotalNumFaceNodes = %d\n", TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]] != (2 * NumFaces))
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY112) TotalNumFaceNodes is specified for the polygonal zone but is not equal to 2 * NumFaces.\n");
+            PRINT2("     TotalNumFaceNodes = %d.  If specified, it must be 2 * %d.", TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]], NumFaces);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    if ((TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] > 0  &&
+         TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile] > 0) ||
+        (TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] == 0 &&
+         TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile] == 0))
+    {
+        if (TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] > 0)
+            MinNeighborValue = -TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+        PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY112) TotalNumFaceBndryFaces and TotalNumFaceBndryConns must both be 0 or both be > 0.\n");
+        PRINT2("     TotalNumFaceBndryFaces = %d, TotalNumFaceBndryConns = %d\n", TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile], TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]);
+        #endif
+        NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+        return (-1);
+    }
+    /* Write the facenodesoffsets array from the facenodecounts array. */
+    if (Result == 0)
+    {
+        if (ZoneType[CurFile] == FEPOLYHEDRON) /* FEPOLYGON doesn't need to specify facenodesoffsets */
+        {
+            Int32_t FaceNodeSum = 0;
+            if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 0))
+                Result = -1;
+            for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < NumFaces); Index++)
+            {
+                FaceNodeSum += FaceNodeCounts[Index];
+                if (FaceNodeCounts[Index] < 3)
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid face node count value at face %d.  There must be at least 3 nodes in a face.\n", Index + 1);
+                    PRINT1("     Face node count value = %d.\n", FaceNodeCounts[Index]);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                else if (FaceNodeSum > TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]])
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) The running face node count exceeds the TotalNumFaceNodes (%d) specified.\n", TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]]);
+                    PRINT1("     Face node count value = %d.\n", FaceNodeCounts[Index]);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceNodeSum))
+                    Result = -1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /* Write the facenodes array but convert 1-based to 0-based. */
+    for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < TotalNumFaceNodes[CurFile][CurZone[CurFile]]); Index++)
+    {
+        if (FaceNodes[Index] < 1 ||
+            FaceNodes[Index] > IMax[CurFile])
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid face node value at node %d:\n", Index + 1);
+            PRINT2("     face node value = %d, valid values are are 1 to %d (inclusive).\n", FaceNodes[Index], IMax[CurFile]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceNodes[Index] - 1))
+            Result = -1;
+    }
+    /* Write the left elements array but convert 1-based to 0-based. */
+    for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < NumFaces); Index++)
+    {
+        if (FaceLeftElems[Index] < MinNeighborValue ||
+            FaceLeftElems[Index] > JMax[CurFile])
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid left neighbor value at face %d:\n", Index);
+            PRINT2("     left neighbor value = %d, min value = %d,", FaceLeftElems[Index], MinNeighborValue);
+            PRINT1(" max value = %d.\n", JMax[CurFile]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceLeftElems[Index] - 1))
+            Result = -1;
+    }
+    /* Write the right elements array but convert 1-based to 0-based. */
+    for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < NumFaces); Index++)
+    {
+        if (FaceRightElems[Index] < MinNeighborValue ||
+            FaceRightElems[Index] > JMax[CurFile])
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid right neighbor value at face %d:\n", Index);
+            PRINT2("     right neighbor value = %d, min value = %d,", FaceRightElems[Index], MinNeighborValue);
+            PRINT1(" max value = %d.\n", JMax[CurFile]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceRightElems[Index] - 1))
+            Result = -1;
+        if (Result == 0 &&
+            (FaceLeftElems[Index] == TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM &&
+             FaceRightElems[Index] == TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM))
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Both left and right neighbors are set to no neighboring element at face %d.\n", Index);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Write the boundary arrays. */
+    if (Result == 0 && TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile] > 0)
+    {
+        /* Write the boundaryconnectionoffsets array from the boundaryconnectioncounts array. */
+        /*
+         * As a convenience for the ASCII format, TecUtil, and TECIO layers if any
+         * boundary connections exists we automatically add a no-neighboring
+         * connection as the first item so that they can user 0 for no-neighboring
+         * element in the element list regardless if they have boundary connections
+         * or not.
+         *
+         * The first 2 offsets are always 0 so that -1 in the left/right element
+         * arrays always indicates "no neighboring element".
+         */
+        if (!(WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 0) &&
+              WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], 0)))
+            Result = -1;
+        Int32_t BndryConnCount = 0;
+        for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]); Index++)
+        {
+            BndryConnCount += FaceBndryConnectionCounts[Index];
+            if (FaceBndryConnectionCounts[Index] < 0 ||
+                BndryConnCount > TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile])
+            {
+                #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid boundary connection count at boundary face %d:\n", Index + 1);
+                PRINT1("     boundary connection count = %d.\n", FaceBndryConnectionCounts[Index]);
+                #endif
+                NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                return (-1);
+            }
+            else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], BndryConnCount))
+                Result = -1;
+        }
+        if (BndryConnCount != TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile])
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid number of boundary connections:\n");
+            PRINT2("     number of boundary connections written = %d, total number of boundary connections = %d.",
+                   BndryConnCount, TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile]);
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+        /* Write the boundary connection elements but convert 1-based to 0-based. */
+        BndryConnCount = 0;
+        for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]); Index++)
+        {
+            for (LgIndex_t BIndex = 0; (Result == 0) && (BIndex < FaceBndryConnectionCounts[Index]); BIndex++)
+            {
+                if (BIndex > 0 &&
+                    FaceBndryConnectionElems[BndryConnCount] == TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM)
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Partially obscured faces must specify no neighboring element first. See boundary connections for face %d.\n", Index + 1);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                if (FaceBndryConnectionElems[BndryConnCount] < TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM)
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid boundary element value at boundary connections for face %d:\n", Index + 1);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                if (FaceBndryConnectionElems[BndryConnCount] == TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ELEM &&
+                    FaceBndryConnectionZones[BndryConnCount] != TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ZONE)
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid boundary element/zone pair at boundary connections for face %d:\n", Index + 1);
+                    PRINT0("     Boundary elements specified as no neighboring element must also specify no neighboring zone.\n");
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceBndryConnectionElems[BndryConnCount] - 1))
+                    Result = -1;
+                BndryConnCount++;
+            }
+        }
+        /* Write the boundary connection zones but convert 1-based to 0-based. */
+        BndryConnCount = 0;
+        for (Index = 0; (Result == 0) && (Index < TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]); Index++)
+        {
+            for (LgIndex_t BIndex = 0; (Result == 0) && (BIndex < FaceBndryConnectionCounts[Index]); BIndex++)
+            {
+                if (FaceBndryConnectionZones[BndryConnCount] < TECIO_NO_NEIGHBORING_ZONE)
+                {
+                    #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+                    PRINT1("Err: (TECPOLY112) Invalid boundary zone value at boundary connections for face %d:\n", Index + 1);
+                    #endif
+                    NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+                    return (-1);
+                }
+                else if (!WriteBinaryInt32(BlckFile[CurFile], FaceBndryConnectionZones[BndryConnCount] - 1))
+                    Result = -1;
+                BndryConnCount++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (Result != 0)
+    {
+        Result = -1;
+        WriteErr("TECPOLY112");
+    }
+    return Result;
+#if !defined INDEX_16_BIT // not supported in this test-only mode
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionCounts,
+                                        INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                        INTEGER2 *FaceBndryConnectionZones)
+    INTEGER4    Result = 0;
+    EntIndex_t *FBCZones = NULL;
+    if (TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile] > 0)
+    {
+        ALLOC_ARRAY(TotalNumFaceBndryConns[CurFile], EntIndex_t, "32-bit FaceBndryConnectionZones");
+        if (FBCZones != NULL)
+        {
+            for (LgIndex_t ZoneI = 0; ZoneI < TotalNumFaceBndryFaces[CurFile]; ZoneI++)
+                FBCZones[ZoneI] = (EntIndex_t)FaceBndryConnectionZones[ZoneI];
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            #if defined MAKEARCHIVE
+            PRINT0("Err: (TECPOLY111) Out of memory allocating temporary data.\n");
+            #endif
+            NumErrs[CurFile]++;
+            return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    Result = TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts,
+                        FaceNodes,
+                        FaceLeftElems,
+                        FaceRightElems,
+                        FaceBndryConnectionCounts,
+                        FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                        FBCZones);
+    if (FBCZones != NULL)
+        FREE_ARRAY(FBCZones, "32-bit FaceBndryConnectionZones");
+    return Result;
+#endif // INDEX_16_BIT -- not supported in this test-only mode
+#if defined MAKEARCHIVE && !defined _WIN32 /* every platform but Windows Intel */
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionOffsets,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionZones)
+    return TECPOLY112(FaceNodeCounts,
+                      FaceNodes,
+                      FaceLeftElems,
+                      FaceRightElems,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionOffsets,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionZones);
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceNodes,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceLeftElems,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceRightElems,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionOffsets,
+                                         INTEGER4 *FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                                         INTEGER2 *FaceBndryConnectionZones)
+    return TECPOLY111(FaceNodeCounts,
+                      FaceNodes,
+                      FaceLeftElems,
+                      FaceRightElems,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionOffsets,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionElems,
+                      FaceBndryConnectionZones);
+#if defined TECPLOTKERNEL
diff --git a/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio2009.zip b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio2009.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf5c035ce90eb3b71fd8fdc94d874a6cf1b5abbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/applications/utilities/postProcessing/dataConversion/foamToTecplot360/tecio2009.zip differ