From f68ec9f82b13f8fe98fb1014852810f4f30f67ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Henry <Henry>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 12:27:57 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] paraFoam: Updated to automatically select the appropriate
 reader version

 bin/paraFoam    |  15 ++-
 bin/paraFoam398 | 271 ------------------------------------------------
 bin/paraFoam4   | 271 ------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 550 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 bin/paraFoam398
 delete mode 100755 bin/paraFoam4

diff --git a/bin/paraFoam b/bin/paraFoam
index d288e3fb909..96330c341a6 100755
--- a/bin/paraFoam
+++ b/bin/paraFoam
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # =========                 |
 # \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
 #  \\    /   O peration     |
-#   \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2012 OpenFOAM Foundation
+#   \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenFOAM Foundation
 #    \\/     M anipulation  |
 # License
@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ do
+# Get the ParaView major version to select the appropriate readers
+version=`echo $ParaView_VERSION | sed -e 's/^\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
 # check that reader module has been built
-if [ $requirePV -eq 1 -a ! -f $PV_PLUGIN_PATH/ ]
+if [ $requirePV -eq 1 -a ! -f $PV_PLUGIN_PATH/libPV${version} ]
     cat<< BUILDREADER
 FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist
 Please build the reader module before continuing:
-cd \$FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV3Readers
+cd \$FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV${version}Readers
@@ -140,9 +140,7 @@ BUILDREADER
     exit 1
 # check for --data=... argument
@@ -264,7 +262,8 @@ else
     # For now filter out any errors. Caused by non-system compiler?
-    paraview --data="$caseFile" "$@" 2>&1 | fgrep -v 'Inconsistency detected by'
+    paraview --data="$caseFile" "$@" 2>&1 \
+        | fgrep -v 'Inconsistency detected by'
diff --git a/bin/paraFoam398 b/bin/paraFoam398
deleted file mode 100755
index 95cf1cc88db..00000000000
--- a/bin/paraFoam398
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-# =========                 |
-# \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-#  \\    /   O peration     |
-#   \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenFOAM Foundation
-#    \\/     M anipulation  |
-# License
-#     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-#     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-#     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#     (at your option) any later version.
-#     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-#     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-#     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-#     for more details.
-#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
-# Script
-#     paraFoam
-# Description
-#     start paraview with the OpenFOAM libraries
-# Note
-#     combining -block or -builtin options with the -region option yields
-#     undefined behaviour
-usage() {
-    exec 1>&2
-    while [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; do echo "$1"; shift; done
-    cat<<USAGE
-Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION] [PARAVIEW_OPTION]
-  -block            use blockMesh reader  (uses .blockMesh extension)
-  -builtin          use VTK builtin OpenFOAM reader  (uses .foam extension)
-  -case <dir>       specify alternative case directory, default is the cwd
-  -region <name>    specify alternative mesh region
-  -touch            only create the file  (eg, .blockMesh, .OpenFOAM, etc)
-  -touchAll         create .blockMesh, .OpenFOAM files (and for all regions)
-  -help             print the usage
-paraview options start with a double dashes
-* start paraview $ParaView_VERSION with the OpenFOAM libraries
-    exit 1
-# We want to do nice exit when running paraview to give paraview opportunity
-# to clean up
-unset regionName optTouch
-# Hack: change all locale to 'C' i.e. using '.' for decimal point. This is
-# only needed temporarily until paraview is locale aware. (git version is
-# already 2010-07)
-export LC_ALL=C
-# reader extension
-# parse options
-while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
-    case "$1" in
-    -h | -help)
-        usage
-        ;;
-    -block | -blockMesh)
-        extension=blockMesh
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -builtin)
-        extension=foam
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -case)
-        [ "$#" -ge 2 ] || usage "'$1' option requires an argument"
-        cd "$2" 2>/dev/null || usage "directory does not exist:  '$2'"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    -region)
-        [ "$#" -ge 2 ] || usage "'$1' option requires an argument"
-        regionName=$2
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    -touch)
-        optTouch=true
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -touchAll)
-        optTouch=all
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    --)
-        shift
-        break    # stop here, treat balance as paraview options
-        ;;
-    --*)
-        break    # stop here, treat this and balance as paraview options
-        ;;
-    *)
-        usage "unknown option/argument: '$*'"
-        ;;
-    esac
-# check that reader module has been built
-if [ $requirePV -eq 1 -a ! -f $PV_PLUGIN_PATH/ ]
-    cat<< BUILDREADER
-FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist
-Please build the reader module before continuing:
-cd \$FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV398Readers
-    exit 1
-# check for --data=... argument
-    hasData=false
-    while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
-    do
-        case "$1" in
-        (--data=*)
-            hasData=true
-            break
-            ;;
-        esac
-        shift
-    done
-hasDataArg $@
-# get a sensible caseName from the directory name
-if [ -n "$regionName" ]
-    if [ ! -d constant/$regionName ]
-    then
-        echo "FATAL ERROR: Region $regionName does not exist"
-        exit 1
-    else
-        caseFile="$caseName{$regionName}.$extension"
-        fvControls="$fvControls/$regionName"
-    fi
-case "${optTouch:-false}" in
-    extension=OpenFOAM
-    if [ -f constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict ]
-    then
-        touch "$caseName.blockMesh"
-        echo "created '$caseName.blockMesh'"
-    fi
-    touch "$caseName.$extension"
-    echo "created '$caseName.$extension'"
-    # discover probable regions
-    for region in constant/*
-    do
-        if [ -d $region -a -d $region/polyMesh ]
-        then
-            regionName=${region##*/}
-            touch "$caseName{$regionName}.$extension"
-            echo "created '$caseName{$regionName}.$extension'"
-        fi
-    done
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-    touch "$caseFile"
-    echo "created '$caseFile'"
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-# parent directory for normal or parallel results
-case "$caseName" in
-    processor*) parentDir=".." ;;
-    *)          parentDir="."  ;;
-if [ "${hasData:-false}" = true ]
-    # has --data=.., send directly to paraview
-    exec paraview "$@"
-    # check existence of essential files
-    warn="WARN file does not exist:"
-    case $extension in
-    blockMesh)
-        for check in \
-            system/controlDict \
-            constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict \
-            ;
-        do
-            [ -s "$parentDir/$check" ] || {
-                [ -n "$warn" ] && echo "$warn" 1>&2
-                echo "    $parentDir/$check" 1>&2
-                unset warn
-            }
-        done
-        ;;
-    builtin | OpenFOAM)
-        for check in \
-            system/controlDict \
-            $fvControls/fvSchemes \
-            $fvControls/fvSolution \
-            ;
-        do
-            [ -s "$parentDir/$check" ] || {
-                [ -n "$warn" ] && echo "$warn" 1>&2
-                echo "    $parentDir/$check" 1>&2
-                unset warn
-            }
-        done
-        ;;
-    esac
-    # only create/remove caseFile if it didn't already exist
-    [ -e $caseFile ] || {
-        trap "rm -f $caseFile 2>/dev/null; exit 0" EXIT TERM INT
-        touch "$caseFile"
-        echo "created temporary '$caseFile'"
-    }
-    # For now filter out any errors. Caused by non-system compiler?
-    paraview --data="$caseFile" "$@" 2>&1 | fgrep -v 'Inconsistency detected by'
diff --git a/bin/paraFoam4 b/bin/paraFoam4
deleted file mode 100755
index 56faaa913b7..00000000000
--- a/bin/paraFoam4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-# =========                 |
-# \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
-#  \\    /   O peration     |
-#   \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenFOAM Foundation
-#    \\/     M anipulation  |
-# License
-#     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
-#     OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-#     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-#     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-#     (at your option) any later version.
-#     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-#     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-#     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
-#     for more details.
-#     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-#     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.
-# Script
-#     paraFoam
-# Description
-#     start paraview with the OpenFOAM libraries
-# Note
-#     combining -block or -builtin options with the -region option yields
-#     undefined behaviour
-usage() {
-    exec 1>&2
-    while [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; do echo "$1"; shift; done
-    cat<<USAGE
-Usage: ${0##*/} [OPTION] [PARAVIEW_OPTION]
-  -block            use blockMesh reader  (uses .blockMesh extension)
-  -builtin          use VTK builtin OpenFOAM reader  (uses .foam extension)
-  -case <dir>       specify alternative case directory, default is the cwd
-  -region <name>    specify alternative mesh region
-  -touch            only create the file  (eg, .blockMesh, .OpenFOAM, etc)
-  -touchAll         create .blockMesh, .OpenFOAM files (and for all regions)
-  -help             print the usage
-paraview options start with a double dashes
-* start paraview $ParaView_VERSION with the OpenFOAM libraries
-    exit 1
-# We want to do nice exit when running paraview to give paraview opportunity
-# to clean up
-unset regionName optTouch
-# Hack: change all locale to 'C' i.e. using '.' for decimal point. This is
-# only needed temporarily until paraview is locale aware. (git version is
-# already 2010-07)
-export LC_ALL=C
-# reader extension
-# parse options
-while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
-    case "$1" in
-    -h | -help)
-        usage
-        ;;
-    -block | -blockMesh)
-        extension=blockMesh
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -builtin)
-        extension=foam
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -case)
-        [ "$#" -ge 2 ] || usage "'$1' option requires an argument"
-        cd "$2" 2>/dev/null || usage "directory does not exist:  '$2'"
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    -region)
-        [ "$#" -ge 2 ] || usage "'$1' option requires an argument"
-        regionName=$2
-        shift 2
-        ;;
-    -touch)
-        optTouch=true
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    -touchAll)
-        optTouch=all
-        requirePV=0
-        shift
-        ;;
-    --)
-        shift
-        break    # stop here, treat balance as paraview options
-        ;;
-    --*)
-        break    # stop here, treat this and balance as paraview options
-        ;;
-    *)
-        usage "unknown option/argument: '$*'"
-        ;;
-    esac
-# check that reader module has been built
-if [ $requirePV -eq 1 -a ! -f $PV_PLUGIN_PATH/ ]
-    cat<< BUILDREADER
-FATAL ERROR: ParaView reader module libraries do not exist
-Please build the reader module before continuing:
-cd \$FOAM_UTILITIES/postProcessing/graphics/PV4Readers
-    exit 1
-# check for --data=... argument
-    hasData=false
-    while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]
-    do
-        case "$1" in
-        (--data=*)
-            hasData=true
-            break
-            ;;
-        esac
-        shift
-    done
-hasDataArg $@
-# get a sensible caseName from the directory name
-if [ -n "$regionName" ]
-    if [ ! -d constant/$regionName ]
-    then
-        echo "FATAL ERROR: Region $regionName does not exist"
-        exit 1
-    else
-        caseFile="$caseName{$regionName}.$extension"
-        fvControls="$fvControls/$regionName"
-    fi
-case "${optTouch:-false}" in
-    extension=OpenFOAM
-    if [ -f constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict ]
-    then
-        touch "$caseName.blockMesh"
-        echo "created '$caseName.blockMesh'"
-    fi
-    touch "$caseName.$extension"
-    echo "created '$caseName.$extension'"
-    # discover probable regions
-    for region in constant/*
-    do
-        if [ -d $region -a -d $region/polyMesh ]
-        then
-            regionName=${region##*/}
-            touch "$caseName{$regionName}.$extension"
-            echo "created '$caseName{$regionName}.$extension'"
-        fi
-    done
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-    touch "$caseFile"
-    echo "created '$caseFile'"
-    exit 0
-    ;;
-# parent directory for normal or parallel results
-case "$caseName" in
-    processor*) parentDir=".." ;;
-    *)          parentDir="."  ;;
-if [ "${hasData:-false}" = true ]
-    # has --data=.., send directly to paraview
-    exec paraview "$@"
-    # check existence of essential files
-    warn="WARN file does not exist:"
-    case $extension in
-    blockMesh)
-        for check in \
-            system/controlDict \
-            constant/polyMesh/blockMeshDict \
-            ;
-        do
-            [ -s "$parentDir/$check" ] || {
-                [ -n "$warn" ] && echo "$warn" 1>&2
-                echo "    $parentDir/$check" 1>&2
-                unset warn
-            }
-        done
-        ;;
-    builtin | OpenFOAM)
-        for check in \
-            system/controlDict \
-            $fvControls/fvSchemes \
-            $fvControls/fvSolution \
-            ;
-        do
-            [ -s "$parentDir/$check" ] || {
-                [ -n "$warn" ] && echo "$warn" 1>&2
-                echo "    $parentDir/$check" 1>&2
-                unset warn
-            }
-        done
-        ;;
-    esac
-    # only create/remove caseFile if it didn't already exist
-    [ -e $caseFile ] || {
-        trap "rm -f $caseFile 2>/dev/null; exit 0" EXIT TERM INT
-        touch "$caseFile"
-        echo "created temporary '$caseFile'"
-    }
-    # For now filter out any errors. Caused by non-system compiler?
-    paraview --data="$caseFile" "$@" 2>&1 | fgrep -v 'Inconsistency detected by'