- Jul 25, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
- Remove paraFoam/Allwmake leftover junk - Always attempt make of libccmio to ensure lnInclude/ exists
Mark Olesen authored
- avoid code duplication in vtkPV3Foam.C and checkTimeOption.H - can also be used in Time::findClosestTime(), but didn't touch that
Mark Olesen authored
- On the first call, select 'internalMesh' and the 'p', 'U' fields. This corresponds to a fairly common default case without loading all possible fields etc. - Include zones should now work without issuing a FatalError when the corresponding files are missing. I must have tried too many things at once and didn't notice this before. - Use ZoneMesh for zone names if the fvMesh is already cached (skips re-reading the same files). - Change reader description to "OpenFOAM Reader" to distinguish it a bit from the vtkOpenFOAMReader built into paraview/vtk - Misc. file and method names reorganized - Remaining problem: mixing internalMesh and cellZones is clunky since there aren't yet interpolated point values for cellSets/cellZones. Paraview complains about the mismatch, but extracting a block is still okay. TODO: - multi-port output for Lagrangian - hold all the vtk mesh parts (including multiblock) and just pass the reference. With this, the pipeline might notice that the geometry is actually identical and skip the PVGeometryFilter that takes so long.
- Jul 24, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- Jul 23, 2008
henry authored
Andrew Heather authored
henry authored
henry authored
Andrew Heather authored
This reverts commit 7446cee7.
Andrew Heather authored
This reverts commit 3ae1a491.
Andrew Heather authored
Mark Olesen authored
- retain failsafe check (constant/blockMeshDict)
Mark Olesen authored
Andrew Heather authored
Mark Olesen authored
- Jul 22, 2008
henry authored
Mark Olesen authored
previous disabling of the TimeSelection arrays [commit c52b20b1..] resulted in the mesh caching being disabled :( Simplified code is enabled/disabled by PV3FOAM_TIMESELECTION define. Might be removed in the future.
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
Added doc/Doxygen/tools/find-debugNames to help but the problem requires more attention (Henry/Andy/Mattijs?) Caveat: - names defined with nested defines will be missed. - names defined via typename will be missed. Cleanup example: #!/bin/sh ( cd $WM_PROJECT_DIR doc/Doxygen/tools/find-debugNames|tee debugs.orig|sed -e 's@ *//.*$@@'>debugs diff -uw etc/controlDict debugs > debugs.diff echo "hand-resolve the conflicts - see debugs.diff" )
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
- it also found things like size_t instead of size_type in fileName class
- Jul 21, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
- allows post-processing functions with an optional dictionary (eg, the developer can hard-wire some defaults)
henry authored
henry authored
henry authored
henry authored
Not by me, Chris/Mattijs?
- Jul 20, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
- removed legacy foamDiffSourceList, foamPackChanged - added foamPackDoxygen for separate distribution of docs handles -prefix option - misc. cosmetic changes
Mark Olesen authored
We can now add the same member function with different lookups e.g. 'stl' and 'stlb' By using leading/trailing underscores around the lookup name, we get a unique name and avoid possible collision with other classes.
Mark Olesen authored
Mark Olesen authored
henry authored
- Jul 18, 2008
Mark Olesen authored
- match comments to names of scripts - remove comments about using C-shell (not true anymore) - use 'assert' style syntax in places instead of if/then/fi - wcleanMachine supports multiple arguments
Mattijs Janssens authored
Mattijs Janssens authored