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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 13, 2017
  2. Jun 12, 2017
  3. May 09, 2017
  4. Jun 12, 2017
  5. Jun 09, 2017
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      TUT: Added min/max(p) function object · 132c0e71
      Andrew Heather authored
    • Andrew Heather's avatar
      ENH: Added new Joule Heating fvOption and test case · 2af8d388
      Andrew Heather authored
          Evolves an electrical potential equation
              \grad \left( \sigma \grad V \right)
          where \f$ V \f$ is electrical potential and \f$\sigma\f$ is the
          electrical current
          To provide a Joule heating contribution according to:
          Differential form of Joule heating - power per unit volume:
              \frac{d(P)}{d(V)} = J \cdot E
          where \f$ J \f$ is the current density and \f$ E \f$ the electric
          If no magnetic field is present:
              J = \sigma E
          The electric field given by
              E = \grad V
              \frac{d(P)}{d(V)} = J \cdot E
                                = (sigma E) \cdot E
                                = (sigma \grad V) \cdot \grad V
          Isotropic (scalar) electrical conductivity
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity no;
              // Optionally specify the conductivity as a function of
              // temperature
              // Note: if not supplied, this will be read from the time
              // directory
              sigma           table
                  (273        1e5)
                  (1000       1e5)
          Anisotropic (vectorial) electrical conductivity
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity yes;
                  type        cartesian;
                  origin      (0 0 0);
                      type        axesRotation;
                      e1          (1 0 0);
                      e3          (0 0 1);
              // Optionally specify sigma as a function of temperature
              //sigma           (31900 63800 127600);
              //sigma           table
              //    (0      (0 0 0))
              //    (1000   (127600 127600 127600))
              Property     | Description               | Required  | Default
              T            | Name of temperature field | no        | T
              sigma        | Electrical conductivity as a function of
      temperature |no|
              anisotropicElectricalConductivity | Anisotropic flag | yes |
          The electrical conductivity can be specified using either:
          - If the \c sigma entry is present the electrical conductivity is
            as a function of temperature using a Function1 type
          - If not present the sigma field will be read from file
          - If the anisotropicElectricalConductivity flag is set to 'true',
            should be specified as a vector quantity
  6. Jun 08, 2017
  7. Jun 07, 2017
  8. Jun 05, 2017
  9. Jun 02, 2017
  10. Jun 01, 2017
    • sergio's avatar
      Modification on rhoPimpleFoam pEq's for handling rho thermo and incompressible... · d1b65153
      sergio authored
      Modification on rhoPimpleFoam pEq's for handling rho thermo and incompressible EoS. Adding rho limiters if p is limited.
      This is important when LTS stepping or large Co number is used.
      Updating rhoBuoyantPimpleFoam to handle closed domain for rho thermo and incompressible Eos.
      Consolidating chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam and chtMultiRegionFoam pEqs to use the same formulation as rhoBuoyantPimpleFoam and