# -*- mode: org; -*- # #+TITLE: OpenFOAM release notes for version dev #+AUTHOR: OpenCFD Ltd. #+DATE: TBA #+LINK: http://www.openfoam.com #+OPTIONS: author:nil ^:{} # Copyright (c) 2011 OpenCFD Ltd. * Overview OpenFOAM-dev is the latest major release of OpenFOAM including many new developments a number of bug-fixes. This release passes our standard tests and the tutorials have been broadly checked. Please report any bugs by following the link: http://www.openfoam.com/bugs. * GNU/Linux version This release of OpenFOAM is distributed primarily in 2 ways: (1) as a Debian pack containing binaries and source; (2) from the SourceForge source code repository (see [[./README.org][README]]). The Ubuntu/Debian pack is available for 32 and 64 bit versions of the 10.04 LTS operating system using the system compiler and libraries that will be installed automatically from standard Debian packs. To use the source version from the SourceForge repository, we provide a source pack of third-party packages that can be compiled on the user's system. This does not include =gcc=, since the system installed version is typically sufficient, but includes =paraview-3.8.0=, =openmpi-1.4.1=, =scotch_5.1=, =metis-5.0pre2=, =ParMetis-3.1= and =ParMGridGen-1.0=. * Library developments There have been a number of developments to the libraries to support the extension of functionality in solver and utility applications. *** Core library + Large number of code refinements and consistency improvements to support other developments. + Parallel : using non-blocking communications wherever possible. This will lead to lower requirements for MPI_BUFFER_SIZE and possibly better start-up performance on larger numbers of processors. *** Turbulence modelling *** *Updated* thermophysical libraries + Now use the more descriptive dictionary input format, e.g. for a single component mixture: #+BEGIN_SRC c++ thermoType hPsiThermo<pureMixture<sutherlandTransport<specieThermo<hConstThermo<perfectGas>>>>>; mixture { nMoles 1; molWeight 28.9; Cp 1007; Hf 0; As 1.4792e-06; Ts 116; } #+END_SRC *** Lagrangian intermediate library + Extensively updated + *Updated* input format + Extended to include steady cloud tracking + *New* collision modelling + *Coupled* to new surface film modelling library + *New* sub-models + NonSphereDrag: drag model to account for non-spherical particles + ParticleTracks: post-processing model to generate track data, typically during steady calculations + *Updated* sub-models + Devolatilisation models: now act on a per-specie basis *** DSMC *** Dynamic Mesh *** Numerics *** *Updated* command line help, e.g. `snappyHexMesh -help' now gives: #+BEGIN_SRC c++ Usage: snappyHexMesh [OPTIONS] options: -case <dir> specify alternate case directory, default is the cwd -overwrite overwrite existing mesh/results files -parallel run in parallel -srcDoc display source code in browser -doc display application documentation in browser -help print the usage #+END_SRC *** *New* basicSolidThermo solids thermophysical library + Used in all conjugate heat transfer solvers + constant properties + temperature dependent properties + temperature and direction (in local coordinate system) dependent properties *** *New* Surface film library + Creation of films by particle addition, or initial film distribution + Coupled with the lagrangian/intermediate cloud hierarchy library + Hierarchical design, consisting of + kinematic film: mass, momentum + constant thermodynamic properties + thermodynamic film: mass, momentum and enthalpy + constant, or temperature dependant thermodynamic properties + Sub-models: + detachment/dripping whereby particles (re)enter the originating cloud + particle sizes set according to PDF + other properties set to ensure mass, momentum and energy conservation + heat transfer to/from walls and film surface + film evaporation and boiling + Additional wall functions for primary region momentum and temperature taking film into account + Parallel aware *** *New* ptscotch decomposition method. *** *New* multiLevel decomposition method. Decomposes in levels, e.g. first decompose onto number of nodes and then onto number of cores per node. This will minimise off-node communication. Each level can use any of the other decomposition methods *** *New* structured decomposition method. Does a 2D decomposition of a mesh. Valid only for an 'extruded' mesh, i.e. columns of cells originating from a patch. Bases decomposition on this patch and assigns the cells according to the patch decomposition. *** *Updated* scotch decomposition method to run in parallel by doing decomposition on the master. Unfortunately scotch and ptscotch cannot be linked in to the same executable. *** *Updated* simple decomposition method to run in parallel by doing decomposition on the master. *** *Updated* decomposePar maps polyPatches instead of recreating them so polyPatches holding data can map the data. *** *Updated* particle tracking algorithm + uses non-blocking parallel transfers + does 'minimum-tet' decomposition of face to work with warped faces (snappyHexMesh!) + reuses tracking state in interpolation - improves consistency and speed *** *Updated* split cyclics into two separate patches. See [[./doc/changes/splitCyclic.txt]] * *New* cyclics (and all coupled patches) have optional matchTolerance entry to allow looser area matching tolerance. * *Updated* interpolation (volPointInterpolation) now works without the globalPointPatch. Moving mesh cases can now be run non-parallel and continued in parallel and reconstructed without any limitation. *** *New* compact binary I/O for faces and cells. This speeds up reading/writing meshes in binary. Binary mesh reading is backwards (but not forwards) compatible. Use ascii mesh format or foamFormatConvert. *** *Updated* runTimeModifiable + user selectable model to use for checking run-time modifiable dictionaries (see also doc/changes/inotify.txt): + timeStamp : use time stamp as before + inotify : use inotify instead of time stamp + timeStampMaster : only master checks and reads file. Slaves get file contents from master. + inotifyMaster : only master checks and reads file. Slaves get file contents from master. + on linux optionally uses inotify instead of time stamps - more efficient for large numbers of monitored files. No more fileModificationSkew needed. + single integer reduction instead of one reduction per monitored file. + only files that can be re-read are being checked by specifying in the IOobject constructor MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED instead of MUST_READ. Drastic reduction of number of files to check. *** *New* #codeStream dictionary entry Uses dynamic compilation of OpenFOAM C++ code to construct dictionary. E.g. in blockMeshDict: #+BEGIN_SRC c++ convertToMeters 0.001; vertices #codeStream { code #{ label nVerts = readLabel(dict.lookup("nx")) *readLabel(dict.lookup("ny")) *readLabel(dict.lookup("nz")); pointField verts(nVerts); // Now fill verts here // .. os << verts; #}; } #+END_SRC See also ./[[doc/changes/dynamicCode.org]] * Solvers A number of new solvers have been developed for a range of engineering applications. There has been a set of improvements to certain classes of solver that are introduced in this release. *** *New* Solvers + =reactingParcelFilmFoam=: Lagrangian cloud and film transport in a reacting gas phase system + =steadyReactingParcelFoam=: Steady solution of cloud and reacting systems using local time stepping methods *** Modifications to multiphase and buoyant solvers + ... *** Modifications to solvers for sensible enthalpy + ... *** Modifications to steady-state compressible solvers + ... *** Other modifications + ... * Boundary conditions New boundary conditions have been introduced to support new applications in OpenFOAM. + *New* wall functions: + kappatJayatillekeWallFunction: incompressible RAS thermal wall function + directMappedFixedValue: + takes interpolationScheme so can interpolate instead of always getting cell value + takes optional fieldName to sample + directMapped patch added 'normal' method to calculate sample points to e.g. sample fields just above wall (e.g. for streaklines) + *New* codedFixedValue: Uses the dynamic code compilation from #codeStream to provide an in-line fixedValueFvPatchScalarField. E.g. #+BEGIN_SRC c++ outlet { type codedFixedValue; value uniform 0; redirectType ramped; code #{ operator==(min(10, 0.1*this->db().time().value())); #}; } #+END_SRC See also [[./doc/changes/dynamicCode.org]] + cyclicSlip: cyclic with point motion constrained to tangential plane. Can be used with any mesh movement, e.g. snapping in snappyHexMesh. * Utilities There have been some utilities added and updated in this release. *** *New* utilities + =extrudeToRegionMesh=: Extrude faceZones into separate mesh (as a different region) + used to e.g. extrude baffles (extrude internal faces) or create liquid film regions + if extruding internal faces: + create baffles in original mesh with directMappedWall patches + if extruding boundary faces: + convert boundary faces to directMappedWall patches + extrude edges of faceZone as a <zone>_sidePatch + extrude edges inbetween different faceZones as a (nonuniformTransform)cyclic <zoneA>_<zoneB> + extrudes into master direction (i.e. away from the owner cell if flipMap is false) + =topoSet=: replacement of cellSet,faceSet,pointSet utilities. Multiple commands operating on different sets. Comparable to a dictionary driven =setSet= utility. *** Updated utilities + =setFields=: optionally use faceSets to set patch values (see e.g. =hotRoom= tutorial). + =blockMesh=: specify patches via dictionary instead of type only. This makes rereading the boundary file superfluous. see e.g. pitzDailyDirectMapped tutorial. + =setSet=: allows time range (e.g. 0:100) in combination with -batch argument to execute the commands for multiple times. + =extrudeMesh=: - option to add extrusion to existing mesh. - works in parallel + =snappyHexMesh=: + extrude across multi-processor boundaries + specify type of patches created during meshing + handle cyclics in initial mesh (non parallel meshing only) + preserve faceZones shape during layering + combining coincident patch faces is now default after snapping + *Warning*: - snapControls::tolerance setting fixed w.r.t. 17x. Is the multiplication to calculate the local search distance for nearest. - minMedianAxisAngle angle fixed w.r.t. 17x. Set to 90 to get same behaviour as 130 in 17x. - nGrow did not work in 17x. Set to 0 to get same behaviour as 130 in 17x. - nSolveIter reinstated to smooth internal mesh. Set to 0 to get same behaviour at 17x. - new minTetQuality setting (see tracking). Disable for 17x compatibility. * Post-processing + =paraFoam=, =foamToVTK=: full support for polyhedral cell type in recent Paraview versions. + =foamToEnsight=: parallel continuous data. new =-nodeValues= option to generate and output nodal field data. + =singleCellMesh=: new utility to convert mesh and fields to a single cell mesh. Great for postprocessing. + =steadyParticleTracks=: Generates VTK tracks from the output of the cloud =ParticleTracks= post-processing sub-model + Sampling: + =patchInternalField=: new sampledSurface - like 'patch' but samples internal field instead of boundary field. + =ensight=: new output format for all sampledSurfaces. + Function objects: + =abortCalculation=: watches for presence of the named file in the $FOAM_CASE directory and aborts the calculation if it is present + =timeActivatedFileUpdate=: performs a file copy/replacement once a specified time has been reached, e.g. to automagically change fvSchemes and fvSolution during a calculation + =streamLine=: generate streamlines; ouputs both trajectory and field data + =surfaceInterpolateFields=: constructs face interpolate of registered volFields for any future functionObjects that need surfaceFields. + =readFields=: reads field if not yet registered. Makes functionObjects useable through standalone execFlowFunctionObjects. + =faceSource=: can now calculate on a sampledSurface (e.g. flow through a triSurfaceMesh). + =nearWallFields=: constructs field with on selected patches interpolated internal field for further postprocessing. + =coded=: uses the dynamic code compilation from =#codeStream= to provide an in-line functionObject. E.g. #+BEGIN_SRC c++ functions { pAverage { functionObjectLibs ("libutilityFunctionObjects.so"); type coded; redirectType average; code #{ const volScalarField& p = mesh().lookupObject<volScalarField>("p"); Info<<"p avg:" << average(p) << endl; #}; } } #+END_SRC See also [[./doc/changes/dynamicCode.org]] * New tutorials There is a large number of new tutorials for existing and new solvers in the release. + =reactingParcelFilmFoam= tutorials: + multipleBoxes, hotBoxes, panel, evaporationTest + =interDyMFoam= tutorials: + testTubeMixer: showcases =solidBodyMotionFunction= + =snappyHexMesh= tutorials: + flange: demonstration of feature lines in snappyHexMesh * Other + compilable with =clang= In your prefs.sh set the WM_COMPILER to Clang