#----------------------------------*-sh-*-------------------------------------- # ========= | # \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox # \\ / O peration | # \\ / A nd | Copyright (C) 2016-2019 OpenCFD Ltd. # \\/ M anipulation | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # | Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # License # This file is part of OpenFOAM, licensed under GNU General Public License # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # File # etc/cshrc # # Description # The OpenFOAM environment for C-shell (csh, tcsh). # Source manually or from the ~/.cshrc or ~/.login files. # # Most settings can be overridden with a <prefs.csh> file: # # - Base values (eg, from system admin): # - $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/prefs.csh # # - User or group values (first file found): # - ~/.OpenFOAM/$FOAM_API/prefs.csh # - ~/.OpenFOAM/prefs.csh # - $WM_PROJECT_SITE/$FOAM_API/etc/prefs.csh # - $WM_PROJECT_SITE/prefs.csh # # Environment # FOAM_VERBOSE (set/unset) # - add extra verbosity when sourcing files # FOAM_CONFIG_NOUSER (set/unset) # - suppress use of user/group configuration files # WM_PROJECT_SITE (optional directory) # - local site-specific directory, uses WM_PROJECT_DIR/site if unset # # Note # Changes made to this cshrc file may be lost with the next upgrade. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ setenv WM_PROJECT OpenFOAM setenv WM_PROJECT_VERSION com #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configuration environment variables. # Override with <prefs.csh> instead of editing here. # [WM_COMPILER_TYPE] - Compiler location: # = system | ThirdParty setenv WM_COMPILER_TYPE system # [WM_COMPILER] - Compiler: # = Gcc | Gcc4[8-9] | Gcc5[1-5] | Gcc6[1-5] | Gcc7[1-4] | Gcc8[12] | # Clang | Clang3[7-9] | Clang[4-6]0 | Icc | Cray | Arm | Pgi setenv WM_COMPILER Gcc # [WM_PRECISION_OPTION] - Floating-point precision: # = DP | SP | SPDP setenv WM_PRECISION_OPTION DP # [WM_LABEL_SIZE] - Label size in bits: # = 32 | 64 setenv WM_LABEL_SIZE 32 # [WM_COMPILE_OPTION] - Optimised, debug, profiling, other: # = Opt | Debug | Prof # Other is processor or packaging specific (eg, OptKNL) setenv WM_COMPILE_OPTION Opt # [WM_MPLIB] - MPI implementation: # = SYSTEMOPENMPI | OPENMPI | SYSTEMMPI | MPI | MPICH | MPICH-GM | # HPMPI | CRAY-MPICH | FJMPI | QSMPI | SGIMPI | INTELMPI | USERMPI # Also possible to use INTELMPI-xyz etc and define your own wmake rule setenv WM_MPLIB SYSTEMOPENMPI #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (advanced / legacy) # [projectDir] - directory containing this OpenFOAM version. # \- When this file is located as $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/cshrc, the next lines # should work when sourced by CSH or TCSH shells. If this however fails, # set one of the fallback values to an appropriate path. # # This can be removed if an absolute path is provided for WM_PROJECT_DIR # later on in this file. # -- # If the directory naming does not match WM_PROJECT, need to change here set projectName="$WM_PROJECT" set projectDir=`lsof +p $$ |& \ sed -ne 's@^[^/]*@@;\@/'"$projectName"'[^/]*/etc/cshrc@{s@/etc/cshrc.*@@p; q}'` # set projectDir="$HOME/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION" # set projectDir="/opt/openfoam/OpenFOAM-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION" # set projectDir="/usr/local/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION" ################################################################################ # Or optionally hard-coded (eg, with autoconfig) # set projectDir="@PROJECT_DIR@" # [FOAM_SIGFPE] - Trap floating-point exceptions. # - overrides the 'trapFpe' controlDict entry # = true | false #setenv FOAM_SIGFPE true # [FOAM_SETNAN] - Initialize memory with NaN # - overrides the 'setNaN' controlDict entry # = true | false #setenv FOAM_SETNAN false # [FOAM_CODE_TEMPLATES] - dynamicCode templates # - unset: uses 'foamEtcFile -list codeTemplates/dynamicCode' ##setenv FOAM_CODE_TEMPLATES "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/codeTemplates/dynamicCode" # [FOAM_JOB_DIR] - location of jobControl # - unset: equivalent to ~/.OpenFOAM/jobControl #setenv FOAM_JOB_DIR "$HOME/.OpenFOAM/jobControl" # [WM_OSTYPE] - Operating System Type (set automatically) # = POSIX | MSwindows #setenv WM_OSTYPE POSIX # [WM_ARCH_OPTION] - compiling with -m32 option on 64-bit system # = 32 | 64 # * on a 64-bit OS this can be 32 or 64 # * on a 32-bit OS this option is ignored (always 32-bit) #setenv WM_ARCH_OPTION 64 ################################################################################ # NO (NORMAL) USER EDITING BELOW HERE # Capture values of old directories to be cleaned from PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH set foamOldDirs= if ( $?WM_PROJECT_DIR ) then set foamOldDirs="$foamOldDirs $WM_PROJECT_DIR" endif if ( $?WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR ) then set foamOldDirs="$foamOldDirs $WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR" endif if ( $?WM_PROJECT ) then set foamOldDirs="$foamOldDirs $HOME/$WM_PROJECT/$LOGNAME" endif if ( $?FOAM_SITE_APPBIN ) then set foamOldDirs="$foamOldDirs $FOAM_SITE_APPBIN" endif if ( $?FOAM_SITE_LIBBIN ) then set foamOldDirs="$foamOldDirs $FOAM_SITE_LIBBIN" endif # [WM_PROJECT_DIR] - Location of this OpenFOAM version setenv WM_PROJECT_DIR "$projectDir" # [WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR] - Location of user files setenv WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR "$HOME/$WM_PROJECT/$LOGNAME-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION" # [WM_PROJECT_SITE] - Location of site-specific (group) files # Default (unset) implies WM_PROJECT_DIR/site # Normally defined in calling environment if ( $?WM_PROJECT_SITE ) then set foamOldDirs="$WM_PROJECT_SITE $foamOldDirs" if ( ! -d "$WM_PROJECT_SITE" ) unsetenv WM_PROJECT_SITE else unsetenv WM_PROJECT_SITE endif # Finalize setup of OpenFOAM environment if ( -d "$WM_PROJECT_DIR" ) then if ($?FOAM_VERBOSE && $?prompt) echo "source $WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/config.csh/setup" source "$WM_PROJECT_DIR/etc/config.csh/setup" "${*}" else echo "Error: did not locate installation path for $WM_PROJECT-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION" echo "No directory: $WM_PROJECT_DIR" endif # Cleanup variables (done as final statement for a clean exit code) unset foamOldDirs projectDir projectName #------------------------------------------------------------------------------