#----------------------------*- makefile-gmake -*------------------------------
# =========                 |
# \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
#  \\    /   O peration     |
#   \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2016 OpenFOAM Foundation
#    \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) 2018 OpenCFD Ltd.
# License
#     This file is part of OpenFOAM, licensed under GNU General Public License
#     <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# File
#     wmake/makefiles/files
# Description
#     A Makefile for the 'options' and 'files' files, used by wmake

GENERAL_RULES   = $(WM_DIR)/rules/General
include $(GENERAL_RULES)/general

# Declare names of make system control files derived from file 'files'

OPTIONS         = $(OBJECTS_DIR)/options
FILES           = $(OBJECTS_DIR)/files
VARS            = $(OBJECTS_DIR)/variables
SFILES          = $(OBJECTS_DIR)/sourceFiles

sinclude $(OPTIONS)

# Declare dependency of all make system files on FILES
# Causes all derived files to be remade if any are changed or missing

all : $(OPTIONS) $(SFILES) $(VARS)

$(OPTIONS) : $(MAKE_DIR)/options
	@$(CPP) $(GFLAGS) $(MAKE_DIR)/options | sed -e 's@   *@ @g' > $(OPTIONS)

$(SFILES): $(MAKE_DIR)/files
	@$(CPP) $(GFLAGS) $(MAKE_DIR)/files | sed -e 's@   *@ @g' > $(FILES)
	# Extracted macro definitions.
	@sed -n -e '/=/p' $(FILES) > $(VARS)
	@echo "SOURCE = \\" > $(SFILES)
	# Remove macros, comments, blank lines, trailing space. Add backslash continuation
	@sed -e '/=/d; /^#/d; /^[ \t]*$$/d' -e 's@[ \t]*$$@ \\@' $(FILES) >> $(SFILES)
	@rm -f $(FILES)
	# Ensure final line is followed by newline. Extra comment for safety.
	@echo "" >> $(SFILES)
	@echo "# sources" >> $(SFILES)

