# -*- mode: org; -*- # #+TITLE: OpenFOAM release notes for version 1.6 #+AUTHOR: OpenCFD Ltd. #+DATE: July 2009 #+LINK: http://www.opencfd.co.uk #+OPTIONS: author:nil ^:{} * Overview OpenFOAM-1.6 is a significant upgrade to version 1.5 in ways that are outlined below. This release passes all our standard tests and the tutorials have been broadly checked. If there are any bugs, please report them using the instructions set out here: http://www.OpenFOAM.org/bugs.html. * GNU/Linux version The 32bit and 64bit binary packs of the OpenFOAM release were compiled on a machine running openSUSE GNU/Linux version 11.1 and also tested on Ubuntu 9. We recommend that users run OpenFOAM on one of these, or on a similarly recent version of GNU/Linux. This release has also been successfully compiled and tested on older GNU/Linux releases, but this requires the installation of Qt 4.3.? (the sources for which are supplied with OpenFOAM-1.6, see README) for ParaView-3 to run. * C++ Compiler version + Release compiled with GCC 4.3.3. + Built-in support for the Intel C++ 10.? compiler (untested). + The choice of the compiler is controlled by the setting of the ~$WM_COMPILER~ and ~$WM_COMPILER_ARCH~ environment variables in the /OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/bashrc/ (or /cshrc/) file. + The location of the compiler installation is controlled by the ~$compilerInstall~ environment variable in the /OpenFOAM-1.6/etc/settings.sh/ (or /settings.csh/) file. * Library developments *** Core library ***** Dictionary improvements/changes + Dictionaries can use words (unquoted) or regular expressions (quoted) for their keywords. When searching, an exact match has priority over a regular expression match. Multiple regular expressions are matched in reverse order. + The *new* =#includeIfPresent= directive is similar to the =#include= directive, but does not generate an error if the file does not exist. + The default =#inputMode= is now '=merge=', which corresponds to the most general usage. The =#inputMode warn= corresponds to the previous default behaviour. + The *new* =#inputMode protect= can be used to conditionally merge default values into existing dictionaries. + *New* =digest()= method to calculate and return the SHA1 message digest. ***** Regular Expressions The addition of regular expressions marks a major improvement in usability. + *New* =regExp= class provides support for accessing POSIX extended regular expresssions from within OpenFOAM. + *New* =wordRe= class can contain a =word= or a =regExp= . + *New* =stringListOps= to search string lists based on regular expressions, =wordRe= or =wordReList=. + =Istream= and =Ostream= now retain backslashes when reading/writing strings. ***** Convenience changes + =IOobject= has a *new* constructor for creating an =IOobject= from a single-path specification (eg, see =blockMesh -dict= option). + =argList= has *new* convenience methods for accessing options more directly: =option()=, =optionFound()=, =optionLookup()=, =optionRead()=, =optionReadIfPresent()=. + The *new* =readList(Istream&)= can read a bracket-delimited list or handle a single value as a list of size 1. This can be a useful convenience when processing command-line options. + Export *new* environment variable =FOAM_CASENAME= that contains the name part of the =FOAM_CASE= environment variable. *** Turbulence modelling + Major development of turbulence model libraries to give extra flexibility at the solver level. For solvers that can support either RAS/LES computations, the selection is made in the /constant/turbulenceProperties/, by setting the =simulationType= keyword to: - =laminar=, - =RASModel=, - =LESModel=. + Depending on the selection, the model is the instantiated from /constant// - /RASProperties/, - /LESProperties/. ***** RAS wall functions Wall functions are now run-time selectable per patch for RAS. + Velocity: - Apply to turbulent viscosities =nut= or =mut=, - Apply to =k=, =Q=, =R=, - Apply to =epsilon=, =omega=. + Temperature: - Apply to turbulent thermal diffusivity, =alphat= (compressible only). + To apply wall functions: - To recapture the functionality of previous OpenFOAM versions (v1.5 and earlier) assign: - for velocity: - =nut=: =nutWallFunction=, - =mut=: =muWallFunction=, - =epsilon=: =epsilonWallFunction=, - =omega=: =omegaWallFunction=, - =k=, =q=, =R=: =kqRWallFunction=. - for temperature: - =alphat=: =alphatWallFunction=. - New =alphaSgsJayatillekeWallFunction= thermal wall function for compressible LES. ***** *New* LES turbulence models + Spalart-Allmaras DDES. + Spalart-Allmaras IDDES. ***** Upgrading: + *New* utility - =applyWallFunctionBoundaryConditions=. + Solvers will automatically update existing cases. - New fields created based on the presence of the =nut/mut= field. - Boundary conditions include scoping, i.e compressibility:: for compressible solvers. - Modified fields will be backed-up to /<field>.old/. + NOTE: - Fields are only updated for those fields associated with the current turbulence model selection, i.e. if fields exist for use with other models, they will not be updated. - The new specification is not backwards compatible. *** Thermo-physical Models + Old compressibility-based thermo package renamed =basicThermo= \rightarrow =basicPsiThermo=. + *New* =basicRhoThermo= thermo package. - Additional density field stored. - General form - can be used for other types of media, e.g. liquids. - Additional polynomial-based thermodynamics: - Equation of state: =icoPolynomial=, - Transport: =polynomialTransport=, - Thermo: =hPolynomialThermo=. + Removed earlier hard-coding of gas thermophysics for chemistry modelling: - =reactingMixture= now templated on thermo package, - =chemistryModel= now templated on thermo package, - =chemistrySolver= now templated on thermo package. + *New* =fvDOM= radition model - finite volume, discrete ordinates method. + *New* (reinstated) =eThermo= thermodynamics package - internal energy-based thermodynamics. *** Lagrangian ***** Intermediate + Overhaul of the underlying framework. + Reacting now split into reacting and reacting multiphase. + New structure for variable composition. + Many new sub-models, including: - Injection - =PatchInjection= - injection local to patch face cells, - =FieldActivatedInjection= - injection based on satisfying external criterion, - LookupTableInjection - explicity define injection locations and all parcel properties. - Post-processing - patch post-processing - collect data for parcels impacting user, defined patches. - Patch interaction - generalised behaviour for parcel interaction with patch. - Phase change - liquid evaporation. ***** Coal combustion + *New* library - extension of reacting-multiphase functionality. - Surface reaction/combustion models. *** Discrete methods + *New* library offering DSMC simulation functionality - see =dsmcFoam= below. + Significant development of the libraries offering molecular dynamics simulation functionality - see =mdFoam= and =mdEquilibrationFoam= below. *** Numerics + *new* polynomial-fit higher-order interpolation schemes: - =biLinearFit= - =linearFit= - =quadraticLinearFit= - =quadraticFit= - =linearPureUpwindFit= - =quadraticLinearPureUpwindFit= - =quadraticLinearUpwindFit= - =quadraticUpwindFit= - =cubicUpwindFit= + *new* polynomial-fit higher-order Sn-Grad: =quadraticFitSnGrad=. *** *New* surfMesh library Provides a more efficient storage mechanism than possible with =triSurface= without restrictions on the shape of the face (templated parameter). + =MeshedSurface= class - with zero or more contiguous =surfZones= . + =UnsortedMeshedSurface= class - unordered surface zones (as per =triSurface=). + =surfMesh= class - for reading/writing in native OpenFOAM format. * Solvers *** Solver restructuring The upgrade to the turbulence models means that the simulation type, i.e. laminar, RAS or LES can be selected at run time. This has allowed a reduction in the number of solvers, simplifying the overall code structure + Solvers which support laminar, RAS and LES: - =turbFoam=, =oodles= \rightarrow =pisoFoam=. - =turbDyMFoam= \rightarrow =pimpleDyMFoam=. - =rhoTurbFoam=, =coodles= \rightarrow =rhoPisoFoam=. - =xoodles= \rightarrow absorbed into =XiFoam=. - =buoyantFoam=, =lesBuoyantFoam= \rightarrow =buoyantPisoFoam=. - =interFoam=, =rasInterFoam=, =lesInterFoam= \rightarrow =interFoam=. - =lesCavitatingFoam=, =rasCavitatingFoam= \rightarrow =cavitatingFoam=. + Solvers which support LES only: - =channelOodles= \rightarrow =channelFoam= (LES). + =pd= replaced by static pressure =p=. All solvers in which buoyancy affects might be strong have been converted from using =pd= to =p= with improved numerics to give equally good accuracy and stability. This change is prompted by the need to remove the confusion surrounding the meaning and purpose of =pd=. + =g= (acceleration due to gravity) is now a *new* =uniformDimensionedVectorField= which has the behaviour of a field, is registered to an =objectRegistry=, but stores only a single value. Thus =g= and other =UniformDimensionedFields= can be created and looked-up elsewhere in the code, /e.g./ in =fvPatchFields=. *** Solver control improvements Now uses consistent dictionary entries for the solver controls. + This Allows dictionary substitutions and regular expressions in /system/fvSolution/. + The old solver control syntax is still supported (warning emitted), but the *new* =foamUpgradeFvSolution= utility can be used to convert /system/fvSolution/ to the new format. *** *New* Solvers + =buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam= Steady state heat transfer solver using a Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy, with laminar, RAS or LES turbulence modelling. + =buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam= Transient heat transfer solver using a Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy, with laminar, RAS or LES turbulence modelling. + =coalChemistryFoam= Transient, reacting lagrangian solver, employing a coal cloud and a thermo cloud, with chemistry, and laminar, RAS or LES turbulence modelling. + =porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam= Transient, reacting lagrangian solver, employing a single phase reacting cloud, with porous media, explicit mass sources, and laminar, RAS or LES turbulence modelling. + =rhoReactingFoam= Density-based thermodynamics variant of the reactingFoam solver, i.e. now applicable to liquid systems. + =dsmcFoam= DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo) solver for rarefied gas dynamics simulations, able to simulate mixtures of an arbitrary number of gas species. The variable hard sphere collision model with Larsen-Borgnakke internal energy redistribution (see "Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows" G.A. Bird, 1994) is available; other run-time selectable collision models can be easily added. *** Updated solvers + =mdFoam= Molecular Dynamics (MD) solver able to simulate a mixture of an arbitrary number of mono-atomic and small, rigid polyatomic (i.e. H2O, N2) molecular species, with 6 degree of freedom motion, in complex geometries. A molecule of any species can be built by specifying its sites of mass and charge. All molecules interact with short-range dispersion forces and pairwise electrostatic interactions using methods described in: Fennell and Gezelter, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 234104 (2006). + =mdEquilibrationFoam= Similar to mdFoam, but employs velocity scaling to adjust the simulation temperature to a target value. Useful to equilibrate a case before simulation. + =chtMultiRegionFoam= New boundary condition allows independent decomposition of coupled regions without any constraint on the decomposition. * Boundary conditions + Improved set of direct mapped boundary conditions. + =buoyantPressureFvPatchScalarField=, the *new* buoyancy pressure boundary condition now supports =p= and =pd= for backward compatibility. + =uniformDensityHydrostaticPressure= is an additional pressure boundary condition to aid the transition from =pd= to =p= as it behaves similarly to specifying a uniform =pd= at an outlet for example. + =activeBaffleVelocity= dynamically combines cyclic and wall patches so that the flow through the patch can be controlled /e.g./ by pressure drop. + =rotatingWallVelocity= specifies a rotating velocity, given the rotational speed, origin and axis. * Utilities *** Improvements + =blockMesh= has a *new* =-dict= option for specifying an alternative dictionary for the block mesh description. The '=convertToMeters=' entry is now optional, and the alternative '=scale=' entry can be used for less typing. + =foamToEnsight= has a *new* =-noPatches= option to suppress generation of patches. + =foamToEnsightParts= has *new* =-noMesh= and =-index= options that can be useful when post-processing results incrementally. + =snappyHexMesh= has lower memory footprint. New distributed triangulated surface type for meshing surfaces with extremely large triangle count. Now supports multi-region meshing of arbitrarily complex regions. *** *New* utilities + =particleTracks= - generate particle tracks for lagrangian calculations. + =dsmcInitialise= - preprocessing utility to create initial configurations of DSMC particles in a geometry. + =surfaceRedistributePar= - preprocessing utility to create distributed triangulated surface. *** *New* foamCalc functions + =interpolate= performs fvc::interpolate(<field>). + =randomise= randomises a <field> by a given perturbation. + =addSubtract= provides simple add/subtract field functionality. *** Usage + =timeSelector= can now combine =-time ranges= and =-latestTime= options. For example, -time '0.01:0.09' -latestTime vs. -time '0.01:'. More reliable behaviour for cases missing /constant// or /0// directories. When the =-noZero= option is enabled, =-latestTime= will not select the =0/= directory unless the =-zeroTime= option is given. This helps avoid ill effects caused by accidentally using the /0// directory in certain utilities (eg, =reconstructPar=). + =-region= option added to more utilities. *** Improvements to Paraview reader module + =PV3FoamReader= added mesh region handling. The region name is parsed from the filename. Eg, /case{region}.OpenFOAM/. + =paraFoam= with a *new* =-region= option for specifying an alternative region. A *new* =-touch= option to generate the /.OpenFOAM/ file only. Only creates (and removes) /.OpenFOAM/ files if they didn't already exist, which is useful in connection with the =-touch= option. * Post-processing + Sampling on iso-surfaces, interpolated or non-interpolated. + Sampling on surface defined by distance to surface (=distanceSurface=). + Cutting planes for arbitrary meshes. + Output to any surface geometry format supported by the =surfMesh= library. *** Function objects ***** Improvements for function objects and time-looping + The =functionObjectList= retains the order of the =functionObject= order, which allows a chaining of operations. It is thus internally more efficient when /system/controlDict/ uses =functions {..}= instead of =functions (..)=, but both forms are supported. + The =functionObject= now has an additional =end()= method that is called when =Time::loop()= or =Time::run()= determine that the time-loop exits. Accordingly, one of these two idioms should be used in solver code: 1. =while (runTime.loop() { ... }=, 2. =while (runTime.run()) { runTime++; ... }=. + *New* =functionObjectList= now tracks the SHA1 message digest of the sub-directories. This avoids reloading a =functionObject= when something unrelated in /system/controlDict/ changed. ***** *New* function objects: + =systemCall= - executes a list of system instructions. + =fieldMinMax= - computes the min/max of a <field>. + =staticPressure= - converts kinematic pressure to static pressure. + =dsmcFields= - calculates intensive fields (velocity and temperature) from averaged extensive fields (i.e. momentum and energy). ***** Usage + Improved output control: =timeStep= or =outputTime=. * Tutorial restructuring to reflect solver application structure. * Third-party Software + =gcc= upgraded to version 4.3.3. + =OpenMPI= upgraded to version 1.3.3. + =ParaView= upgraded to version 3.6.1. + =Scotch= *new* decomposition method: \\ Scotch (http://gforge.inria.fr/projects/scotch/) is a general multi-level decomposition method originating from the ScAlApplix project (Inria). It is a framework for general recursive partitioning methods and a such comparable to Metis but with a permissive licence. The corresponding decomposition method (in =decomposeParDict=) is =scotch=. An optional =strategy= string can be supplied to change the decomposition methods; initial testing shows the default strategy producing decompositions comparable in quality to Metis.