<!-- --- title: Precompiled Packages -->
## Precompiled packages
To make OpenFOAM more readily available to a larger range of users,
OpenCFD works actively together with the community surrounding
respective Linux distributions to provide precompiled binary
installations as system packages. The distributions currently include
the following:
|System |
| [Debian/Ubuntu](/precompiled/debian) |
| [openSUSE](/precompiled/suse) |
| [CentOS/RedHat/Fedora](/precompiled/redhat) |
Of these, Debian/Ubuntu and openSUSE generally receive first attention:
1. Debian/Ubuntu is a very popular distribution with OpenFOAM users.
2. OpenSUSE is historically our internal development platform. Since
it is an RPM-based system, it is generally possible to use a
well-crafted spec file to subsequently address RedHat-based
### Installation Locations
<a name="locations"></a>
The packages have been designed to allow simultaneous installation of
different OpenFOAM versions without file or package-name collisions.
This lets users experiment with different OpenFOAM versions, perform
back-to-back comparisons, or simply continue with an older version
until completion of a particular project.
The system installation prefix `/usr/lib/openfoam` is used, below
which individual versions are located.
For example,
- `/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam1912/`
- `/usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2006/`
- ...
The OpenFOAM bash session wrapper will be created under `/usr/bin`.
For example,
- `/usr/bin/openfoam1912`
- `/usr/bin/openfoam2006`
- ...
### Sub-packages
<a name="sub-packages"></a>
Satisfying the wishes and requirements of all users is a difficult
task. One user (or sysadmin) wants the _"only install what I really
need"_ approach [more control, less diskspace]. Another group of users
prefers the _"just install everything"_ approach [less control, more
We have attempted to strike a reasonable balance between both. For
any given *base* package (eg, `openfoam1912` etc), there are a variant
of sub-packages (_"only-what-I-need"_), but also a `default` package for
the _"install-everything"_ folks.
Here are some common selections:
|User Group | What to install | Runtime | Compilation | Tutorials |
| minimalist | *base* | yes | no | no |
| traditional | *base*-dev (devel) | yes | yes | no |
| everything | *base*-default | yes | yes | yes |
The longer descriptions:
|Sub-Package | Description | Includes |
| *base* | OpenFOAM runtime (solver, utils, libraries). Double precision, int32 compilation. | *base*-common |
| *base*-dev (devel) | Development package. Source code headers and wmake build chain. Needed for developing with OpenFOAM, but also if dynamic code compilation is required. | *base*, *base*-tools |
| *base*-tutorials | Tutorials | *base*-common |
| *base*-default | Meta-package for everything potentially needed | *base*-dev (devel), *base*-tutorials |
| *base*-tools | Binaries for OpenFOAM-specific build tools for *base*-dev (devel) | *base*-common |
| *base*-common | Version information and share files | |
Note the package names for Debian and RPM packages are intentionally
kept very similar, except `dev` (Debian) vs. `develop` (RPM) names
that follow the respective system conventions.
### After installation - using the OpenFOAM environment
<a name="environment"></a>
The [OpenFOAM bash session wrapper](#openfoam-session) provide the
simplest means of starting OpenFOAM immediately. For example,
$ openfoam1912
This can be used for an interactive bash session, or to run a single
OpenFOAM command within the OpenFOAM environment.
For a persistent OpenFOAM environment, the OpenFOAM bashrc file can be
sourced from your ~/.bashrc file by adding a line resembling the
following to that file:
source /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam1912/etc/bashrc
The exact path used will change depending on the OpenFOAM version.
Never attempt to embed the shell session wrapper as part of your
`~/.bashrc` - this may cause an infinite loop!
#### Package structure (RPM)
To allow smooth installation and use of multiple OpenFOAM versions on
the same system, some installations use a meta-package structure:
| Package | Comments |
| openfoam | The top-level meta package that provides links and requirements for the most recent openfoam release
| openfoam-selector | Similar to mpi-selector, used to switch active openfoam versions
| openfoam1906 | The maintenance version for 1906 |
| openfoam1812 | The maintenance version for 1812 |
The version-specific packages (eg, `openfoam1906`, `openfoam1812`)
install into distinct directories so that it is possible to have
multiple versions available on your systems.
The top-level `openfoam` package registers which of the
version-specific packages corresponds to the current release.
<a name="openfoam-selector"></a>
Finally, the `openfoam-selector` package is used to register which
openfoam packages are installed on the system and allows the use to
select one of them.
To display which versions are installed:
$ openfoam-selector --list
To set a particular version
$ openfoam-selector --set openfoam1906
To query the current selection:
$ openfoam-selector --query
Most people will find the `openfoam-selector-menu` more convenient to
WARNING: Changes made to the openfoam-selector defaults
will not be visible until you start a new shell!
***NOTE*** Similar to the behaviour of the mpi-selector, the values
registered via the `openfoam-selector` will not be activated until the
next full login. This is to avoid a possible clash of environments
when a parallel job still being launched. Of course, you can still
simply source the corresponding `bashrc` file directly. For example,
$ source /opt/openfoam1906/etc/bashrc
#### OpenFOAM session
<a name="openfoam-session"></a>
Depending on how your packaging system has done things, an `openfoam`
session command may be available as an alternative to the
`openfoam-selector` mechanism.
On the openSUSE installation, for example:
/usr/bin/openfoam -> openfoam1912
Using `openfoam -help` displays some useful information.
Calling it without any arguments opens an interactive *bash* session
with an OpenFOAM environment and your usual `~/.bashrc` environment.
$ openfoam
Using: OpenFOAM-1912 - see www.openfoam.com
Arch: linux64GccDPInt32Opt (mpi=openmpi-system)
OpenFOAM shell session - use exit to quit
If called with arguments, it will setup an OpenFOAM environment before
executing a single command. For example,
$ blockMesh -help
blockMesh: Command not found.
$ openfoam blockMesh -help
Usage: blockMesh [OPTIONS]
Although the OpenFOAM environment is sourced *after* your home
`~/.bashrc`, it is advisable to ensure that there are no circular
references from within your `~/.bashrc` file.
### Package Links
<a name="packaging"></a>
|System | Links | Status | Notes |
| [Debian/Ubuntu](https://sourceforge.net/projects/openfoam/files/repos/deb/) | [dl.openfoam.com/repos/deb/](https://dl.openfoam.com/repos/deb/) | Actively maintained by OpenCFD | [notes](/precompiled/debian) |
| [openSUSE science](https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/science) | package [openfoam](https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/science/openfoam), [download](https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=science&package=openfoam) | Actively maintained by OpenCFD | [notes](/precompiled/suse) |
| [Fedora/CentOS/RedHat copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/openfoam/) | package [openfoam](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/openfoam/openfoam/) | In development by OpenCFD | [notes](/precompiled/redhat) |
### Resources
For precompiled packaging, the following content is provided for
reference purposes, and to help when scripting:
|System | Files | Scripts |
| common | [openfoamVERSION.spec](/packaging/common/openfoamVERSION.spec) [rpmlintrc](/packaging/common/openfoam-rpmlintrc) | [create-tar](/packaging/common/create-tar.sh) |
| openSUSE | | |
| CentOS/RedHat | [openfoam-selector.spec](/packaging/redhat/openfoam-selector.spec) | [copr fetch](/packaging/redhat/copr-fetch.sh) |
| debian/ubuntu | | [add repo](/packaging/debian/add-debian-repo.sh) |
[foam-readme]: https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/blob/develop/README.md
[latest-build]: https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/blob/develop/doc/Build.md
[latest-cross]: https://develop.openfoam.com/Development/openfoam/blob/develop/doc/Cross-Compile-mingw.md
[v1906-notes]: https://www.openfoam.com/releases/openfoam-v1906/
[llvm9-opensuse]: https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=devel%3Atools%3Acompiler&package=llvm9 |