... | ... | @@ -76,6 +76,30 @@ this will cause issues. To avoid such problems, there are two possible solutions |
or clone the repositories within this folder. Build OpenFOAM.
#### Graphical applications (X11) within WSL
To enable graphical applications such as ParaView, Gedit,
GNUPlot etc. to be launched directly from WSL2, the
following steps may be followed:
1. Download and install [VcXsrv](https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/files/latest/download).
Make sure to disable "active access control" (set checkmark)
as well as "native OpenGL" (unset checkmark)
under "Extra Settings" in the installation wizard.
2. Define a display variable in your file. For example, by adding the line
export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver /{ print $2; exit }' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0
to your `~/.bashrc` file
3. Run VcXsrv via XLaunch (installed with VcXsrv) or make sure an
instance of VcXsrv is running (check for icon in taskbar).
4. Launch graphical applications from the WSL terminal. For example,
gedit &
### Native-windows
<a name="native"></a>
... | ... | |