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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: additional filtering for distance surface (#1950) · 4c3a95c8
    Mark OLESEN authored and Andrew Heather's avatar Andrew Heather committed
    - adds topology-based segmentation of the surfaces generated with
      distance surfaces. This can occur when the surface terminates
      close to a thin wall gap in the mesh; resulting in a cuts that
      extend into the next region.
      The cutting algorithm does not normally distinguish between these
      types of "ragged" cuts, and legitimate ones (eg, cutting multiple
      pipes). The additional segmentation controls provide for two common
      largestRegion (pre-filter):
      - The cut cells are checked for topological connectivity and the
        region with the most number of cut cells is retained.
        This handles the "ragged" edge problem.
      nearestPoints (pre-filter):
      - The cut cells split into regions, the regions closest to the
        user-defined points are retained.
        Uses maxDistance for additional control.
      proximity (post-filter):
      - Checks the resulting faces against the original search surface
        and rejects faces with a distance greater than absProximity.
    ENH: restructure distance surface geometric filtering
    - prefilter cells, which can be used to adjust the distance
      calculation in the far field to the real distance
      (not the normal distance).
      This can also be used to artificially sharpen the transition
      between near/far regions, if required in the future.