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  • Mark OLESEN's avatar
    ENH: blockMesh enhancements · d31f351c
    Mark OLESEN authored
    - support non-uniform scaling, prescaling and cartesian coordinate
      Eg, stretch in one direction and then rotate
      prescale  (1.5 1 1);
          origin   (0 0 0);
              type  axisAngle;
              axis  (0 0 1);
              angle 45;
    - support "transformed" versions of blockMesh vertices, topology.
      With the additional of transformations etc, a simplistic application
      of a single scale parameter is no longer sufficient.
        new:  blMesh.vertices(true);
        old:  blMesh.vertices() * blMesh.scaleFactor();
        new:  blMesh.topology(true);
        old:  N/A
    - add individual edge access for blockDescriptor.
      Saves copying and duplicate calculations.
    - handle '(block face)' specification for curved faces,
      which is ok for external block faces, but likely somewhat
      questionable if used for internal block faces.