#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OpenFOAM is a programming toolbox, but uses dynamic code compilation # for user-coded boundary conditions and function objects. # Source files may therefore also be in the main OpenFOAM package # or even in tutorials addFilter("openfoam.* devel-file-in-non-devel-package") # OpenFOAM has zero-length files to prevent automatic cleanup addFilter("zero-length") # OpenFOAM has .gitignore files to prevent automatic cleanup addFilter("version-control-internal-file") # Tutorials use .orig for restart files - these are not editor files addFilter("openfoam.* backup-file-in-package") # Many tutorials have similar setups (content), but content is # adjusted/overwritten when running. # Also have makefile options etc. addFilter("openfoam.* files-duplicate") addFilter("openfoam.* suse-filelist-forbidden") # The filelist-forbidden for .orig files (without 'suse-' prefix) addFilter("openfoam.*tutorials.* filelist-forbidden") # These are not normally acceptable, but required # --------------- # The RPM resolution of libptscotch0-{MPI_TYPE} is flakey at best # - usually resolves to the incorrect one addFilter("explicit-lib-dependency") # The 'default' meta-package includes develop, tutorials etc. addFilter("devel-dependency") # The spec is tagged as 'openfoam' but the real payload is openfoamAPI. # This is intentional. # - The spec name provides the entry point for the repo. # - The package name is the API-specific payload addFilter("invalid-spec-name") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------