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  =========                 |
  \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
   \\    /   O peration     |
    \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2014 OpenFOAM Foundation
     \\/     M anipulation  | Copyright (C) 2015 OpenCFD Ltd.
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    This file is part of OpenFOAM.

    OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
    ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
    for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.


#include "localPointRegion.H"
#include "syncTools.H"
#include "polyMesh.H"
#include "mapPolyMesh.H"
#include "globalIndex.H"
#include "indirectPrimitivePatch.H"
#include "dummyTransform.H"

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

namespace Foam

defineTypeNameAndDebug(localPointRegion, 0);

// Reduction class to get minimum value over face.
class minEqOpFace

    void operator()(face& x, const face& y) const
        if (x.size())
            label j = 0;
            forAll(x, i)
                x[i] = min(x[i], y[j]);

                j = y.rcIndex(j);


// * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //

// Are two lists identical either in forward or in reverse order.
bool Foam::localPointRegion::isDuplicate
    const face& f0,
    const face& f1,
    const bool forward
    if (f0.size() != f1.size())
        return false;

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    label fp1 = findIndex(f1, f0[0]);

    if (fp1 == -1)
        return false;

    forAll(f0, fp0)
        if (f0[fp0] != f1[fp1])
            return false;

        if (forward)
            fp1 = f1.fcIndex(fp1);
            fp1 = f1.rcIndex(fp1);
    return true;

// Count regions per point
void Foam::localPointRegion::countPointRegions
    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const boolList& candidatePoint,
    const Map<label>& candidateFace,
    faceList& minRegion
    // Almost all will have only one so only
    // populate Map if more than one.
    labelList minPointRegion(mesh.nPoints(), -1);
    // From global point to local (multi-region) point numbering
    // From local (multi-region) point to regions
    DynamicList<labelList> pointRegions(meshPointMap_.size());

    // From faces with any duplicated point on it to local face

    forAllConstIter(Map<label>, candidateFace, iter)
        label faceI = iter.key();

        if (!mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
            const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

            if (minRegion[faceI].empty())
                    << "Face from candidateFace without minRegion set." << endl
                    << "Face:" << faceI << " fc:" << mesh.faceCentres()[faceI]
                    << " verts:" << f << abort(FatalError);

            forAll(f, fp)
                label pointI = f[fp];

                // Even points which were not candidates for splitting might
                // be on multiple baffles that are being split so check.

                if (candidatePoint[pointI])
                    label region = minRegion[faceI][fp];

                    if (minPointRegion[pointI] == -1)
                        minPointRegion[pointI] = region;
                    else if (minPointRegion[pointI] != region)
                        // Multiple regions for this point. Add.
                        Map<label>::iterator iter = meshPointMap_.find(pointI);
                        if (iter != meshPointMap_.end())
                            labelList& regions = pointRegions[iter()];
                            if (findIndex(regions, region) == -1)
                                label sz = regions.size();
                                regions[sz] = region;
                            label localPointI = meshPointMap_.size();
                            meshPointMap_.insert(pointI, localPointI);
                            labelList regions(2);
                            regions[0] = minPointRegion[pointI];
                            regions[1] = region;

                        label meshFaceMapI = meshFaceMap_.size();
                        meshFaceMap_.insert(faceI, meshFaceMapI);

    // Add internal faces that use any duplicated point. Can only have one
    // region!
    forAllConstIter(Map<label>, candidateFace, iter)
        label faceI = iter.key();

        if (mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
            const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

            forAll(f, fp)
                // Note: candidatePoint test not really necessary but
                // speeds up rejection.
                if (candidatePoint[f[fp]] && meshPointMap_.found(f[fp]))
                    label meshFaceMapI = meshFaceMap_.size();
                    meshFaceMap_.insert(faceI, meshFaceMapI);

    // Transfer to member data
    forAll(pointRegions, i)

    // Compact minRegion
    forAllConstIter(Map<label>, meshFaceMap_, iter)

        //// Print a bit
        //    label faceI = iter.key();
        //    const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];
        //    Pout<< "Face:" << faceI << " fc:" << mesh.faceCentres()[faceI]
        //        << " verts:" << f << endl;
        //    forAll(f, fp)
        //    {
        //        Pout<< "    " << f[fp] << " min:" << faceRegions_[iter()][fp]
        //            << endl;
        //    }
        //    Pout<< endl;

    // Compact region numbering
    // ? TBD.

void Foam::localPointRegion::calcPointRegions
    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const labelPairList& baffles,
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    boolList& candidatePoint
    label nBnd = mesh.nFaces()-mesh.nInternalFaces();
    const labelList& faceOwner = mesh.faceOwner();
    const labelList& faceNeighbour = mesh.faceNeighbour();

        false               // nullValue

    // Mark any face/boundaryFace/cell with a point on a candidate point.
    // - candidateFace does not necessary have to be a baffle!
    // - candidateFace is synchronised (since candidatePoint is)
    Map<label> candidateFace(2*nBnd);
    label candidateFaceI = 0;

    Map<label> candidateCell(nBnd);
    label candidateCellI = 0;

    forAll(mesh.faces(), faceI)
        const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

        forAll(f, fp)
            if (candidatePoint[f[fp]])
                // Mark face
                if (candidateFace.insert(faceI, candidateFaceI))

                // Mark cells
                if (candidateCell.insert(faceOwner[faceI], candidateCellI))

                if (mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
                    label nei = faceNeighbour[faceI];
                    if (candidateCell.insert(nei, candidateCellI))


    // Get global indices for cells
    globalIndex globalCells(mesh.nCells());

    // Determine for every candidate face per point the minimum region
    // (global cell) it is connected to. (candidateFaces are the
    // only ones using a
    // candidate point so the only ones that can be affected)
    faceList minRegion(mesh.nFaces());
    forAllConstIter(Map<label>, candidateFace, iter)
        label faceI = iter.key();
        const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

        if (mesh.isInternalFace(faceI))
            label globOwn = globalCells.toGlobal(faceOwner[faceI]);
            label globNei = globalCells.toGlobal(faceNeighbour[faceI]);
            minRegion[faceI].setSize(f.size(), min(globOwn, globNei));
            label globOwn = globalCells.toGlobal(faceOwner[faceI]);
            minRegion[faceI].setSize(f.size(), globOwn);

    // Now minimize over all faces that are connected through internal
    // faces or through cells. This loop iterates over the max number of
    // cells connected to a point (=8 for hex mesh)

    while (true)
        // Transport minimum from face across cell
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        Map<label> minPointValue(100);
        label nChanged = 0;
        forAllConstIter(Map<label>, candidateCell, iter)

            label cellI = iter.key();
            const cell& cFaces = mesh.cells()[cellI];

            // Determine minimum per point
            forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
                label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI];

                if (minRegion[faceI].size())
                    const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

                    forAll(f, fp)
                        label pointI = f[fp];
                        Map<label>::iterator iter = minPointValue.find(pointI);

                        if (iter == minPointValue.end())
                            minPointValue.insert(pointI, minRegion[faceI][fp]);
                            label currentMin = iter();
                            iter() = min(currentMin, minRegion[faceI][fp]);

            // Set face minimum from point minimum
            forAll(cFaces, cFaceI)
                label faceI = cFaces[cFaceI];

                if (minRegion[faceI].size())
                    const face& f = mesh.faces()[faceI];

                    forAll(f, fp)
                        label minVal = minPointValue[f[fp]];

                        if (minVal != minRegion[faceI][fp])
                            minRegion[faceI][fp] = minVal;

        //Pout<< "nChanged:" << nChanged << endl;

        if (returnReduce(nChanged, sumOp<label>()) == 0)

        // Transport minimum across coupled faces
        // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        SubList<face> l
            Foam::dummyTransform()  // dummy transformation
        forAll(baffles, i)
            label f0 = baffles[i].first();
            label f1 = baffles[i].second();
            minEqOpFace()(minRegion[f0], minRegion[f1]);
            minRegion[f1] = minRegion[f0];
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    // Count regions per point
    countPointRegions(mesh, candidatePoint, candidateFace, minRegion);

    //// Print points with multiple regions. These points need to be duplicated.
    //forAllConstIter(Map<label>, meshPointMap_, iter)
    //    Pout<< "point:" << iter.key()
    //        << " coord:" << mesh.points()[iter.key()]
    //        << " regions:" << pointRegions_[iter()] << endl;

// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

Foam::localPointRegion::localPointRegion(const polyMesh& mesh)
    const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();

    // Get any point on the outside which is on a non-coupled boundary
    boolList candidatePoint(mesh.nPoints(), false);

    forAll(patches, patchI)
        if (!patches[patchI].coupled())
            const polyPatch& pp = patches[patchI];

            forAll(pp.meshPoints(), i)
                candidatePoint[pp.meshPoints()[i]] = true;

    calcPointRegions(mesh, labelPairList(0), candidatePoint);
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    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const labelList& candidatePoints
    boolList candidatePoint(mesh.nPoints(), false);

    forAll(candidatePoints, i)
        candidatePoint[candidatePoints[i]] = true;

    calcPointRegions(mesh, labelPairList(0), candidatePoint);

    const polyMesh& mesh,
    const labelPairList& baffles,
    const labelList& candidatePoints
    boolList candidatePoint(mesh.nPoints(), false);

    forAll(candidatePoints, i)
        candidatePoint[candidatePoints[i]] = true;

    calcPointRegions(mesh, baffles, candidatePoint);
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// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //

// Return a list (in allPatch indices) with either -1 or the face label
// of the face that uses the same vertices.
Foam::labelList Foam::localPointRegion::findDuplicateFaces
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const labelList& boundaryFaces
    // Addressing engine for all boundary faces.
    indirectPrimitivePatch allPatch
        IndirectList<face>(mesh.faces(), boundaryFaces),

    labelList duplicateFace(allPatch.size(), -1);
    label nDuplicateFaces = 0;

    // Find all duplicate faces.
    forAll(allPatch, bFaceI)
        const face& f = allPatch.localFaces()[bFaceI];

        // Get faces connected to f[0].
        // Check whether share all points with f.
        const labelList& pFaces = allPatch.pointFaces()[f[0]];

        forAll(pFaces, i)
            label otherFaceI = pFaces[i];

            if (otherFaceI > bFaceI)
                const face& otherF = allPatch.localFaces()[otherFaceI];

                if (isDuplicate(f, otherF, true))
                        "findDuplicateFaces(const primitiveMesh&"
                        ", const labelList&)"
                    )   << "Face:" << bFaceI + mesh.nInternalFaces()
                        << " has local points:" << f
                        << " which are in same order as face:"
                        << otherFaceI + mesh.nInternalFaces()
                        << " with local points:" << otherF
                        << abort(FatalError);
                else if (isDuplicate(f, otherF, false))
                    label meshFace0 = bFaceI + mesh.nInternalFaces();
                    label meshFace1 = otherFaceI + mesh.nInternalFaces();

                        duplicateFace[bFaceI] != -1
                     || duplicateFace[otherFaceI] != -1
                            "findDuplicateFaces(const primitiveMesh&"
                            ", const labelList&)"
                        )   << "One of two duplicate faces already marked"
                            << " as duplicate." << nl
                            << "This means that three or more faces share"
                            << " the same points and this is illegal." << nl
                            << "Face:" << meshFace0
                            << " with local points:" << f
                            << " which are in same order as face:"
                            << meshFace1
                            << " with local points:" << otherF
                            << abort(FatalError);

                    duplicateFace[bFaceI] = otherFaceI;
                    duplicateFace[otherFaceI] = bFaceI;

    return duplicateFace;

Foam::List<Foam::labelPair> Foam::localPointRegion::findDuplicateFacePairs
    const polyMesh& mesh
    const polyBoundaryMesh& patches = mesh.boundaryMesh();

    // Faces to test: all boundary faces
    labelList testFaces
      + mesh.nInternalFaces()

    // Find correspondencing baffle face (or -1)
    const labelList duplicateFace(findDuplicateFaces(mesh, testFaces));

    // Convert into list of coupled face pairs (mesh face labels).
    DynamicList<labelPair> baffles(testFaces.size());

    forAll(duplicateFace, i)
        label otherFaceI = duplicateFace[i];

        if (otherFaceI != -1 && i < otherFaceI)
            label meshFace0 = testFaces[i];
            label patch0 = patches.whichPatch(meshFace0);
            label meshFace1 = testFaces[otherFaceI];
            label patch1 = patches.whichPatch(meshFace1);

            // Check for illegal topology. Should normally not happen!
                (patch0 != -1 && isA<processorPolyPatch>(patches[patch0]))
             || (patch1 != -1 && isA<processorPolyPatch>(patches[patch1]))
                    "localPointRegion::findDuplicateFacePairs(const polyMesh&)"
                )   << "One of two duplicate faces is on"
                    << " processorPolyPatch."
                    << "This is not allowed." << nl
                    << "Face:" << meshFace0
                    << " fc:" << mesh.faceCentres()[meshFace0]
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                    << " is on patch:" << patches[patch0].name()
                    << nl
                    << "Face:" << meshFace1
                    << " fc:" << mesh.faceCentres()[meshFace1]
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                    << " is on patch:" << patches[patch1].name()
                    << abort(FatalError);
                baffles.append(labelPair(meshFace0, meshFace1));
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    return baffles.shrink();

void Foam::localPointRegion::updateMesh(const mapPolyMesh& map)
        Map<label> newMap(meshFaceMap_.size());

        forAllConstIter(Map<label>, meshFaceMap_, iter)
            label newFaceI = map.reverseFaceMap()[iter.key()];

            if (newFaceI >= 0)
                newMap.insert(newFaceI, iter());
        Map<label> newMap(meshPointMap_.size());

        forAllConstIter(Map<label>, meshPointMap_, iter)
            label newPointI = map.reversePointMap()[iter.key()];

            if (newPointI >= 0)
                newMap.insert(newPointI, iter());


// ************************************************************************* //