# Source tutorial run functions
. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions
cp -rf 0
# create the underlying block mesh
runApplication blockMesh
# create the set for the obstacles
runApplication topoSet
# create the obstacles - add obstacle patches to wallFilm patch
runApplication subsetMesh c0 -patch wallFilm -overwrite
# split the obstacle patches into cube[1-6]_patch[1-6]
echo "running patchifyObstacles"
./patchifyObstacles > log.patchifyObstacles 2>&1
# Create the wall film region via extrusion
runApplication extrudeToRegionMesh -overwrite
# Fine tuning of U and T boundary conditions
runApplication changeDictionary
# Copy the system settings over to the wall film region
rm -rf system/wallFilmRegion
cp -r system/ system/wallFilmRegion
find ./0 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec \
sed -i -e "s/wallFilm/\"(region0_to.*)\"/g" {} \;
paraFoam -touch
paraFoam -touch -region wallFilmRegion